#joe mazzellos headcanons
what about a fic with Joe mazzello where your like...."huh babe yknow this other actor named joseph quinn in st4 sort of looks like your portrayal of John" and teasing him about it
Yes! You can bet I can take advantage of our new Tumblr Sexy man Joseph Quinn and his physical similarities to Joe!!!
(I swear, they need to play brothers someday!!!)
So first, let's make this a headcanon. And secondly, let's make the reader gender neutral.
TW: Swearing, but pretty fluffy and that's about it.
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So Joseph was upstairs playing video games while you were downstairs.
One plus about your relationship is that you recognized the need for space and appreciation for different interests :)
As he was pressing a button to make Mario jump for a coin he heard the distinct sound of a riffing guitar with some thunder downstairs. But today was a hot summer's day with the crickets lazily chirping as the bright sun faded. Not one dark cloud in the sky.
Hearing more, it was Master of Puppets by Metallica. He shrugged it off and kept playing.
He cursed when he lost his last life, unable to hear your footsteps up.
"Babe! Babe! You got to see this!" You said with urgency. Your eyes were wide with excitement more than panic.
"Y/N, what is it?" he asked, turning to look at you. His red hair messy from a whole day inside.
"Come downstairs...there's a guy on the new season of Stranger Things who looks like you!" you explained.
He follows down in curiosity. You pause and rewind the episode, muttering "blah blah blah skip skip skip show us Eddie!"
You then paused right on a frame of the Eddie in question.
"His hair is too long, sweetie!" Joe objected.
You whipped out your phone and pulled out a picture of your Joe as Deaky.
He blinked and his eyes darted from the phone to the tv to the phone and back again.
"H...Holy shit..." he mumbled.
"And wait until you see him without the wig!" you added on. You reached down on your phone and searched up a photo.
"The guy who plays him, get this, he's named Joe too!"
"Yes," you pulled up a photo of the other Joe in the phone and shoved it to the present Joe's face.
"And he looks like this!" you cried.
Joseph Mazzello's eyes went big at the sight and he began nodding in appreciation. Similar reddish hair. Similar face structure. Similar foreheads.
"Huh...his eyes are darker, and the bulb of his nose is rounder, I think," you said, you took Joe's face in your hands and "examined" it, much to his amusement.
"Maybe my mom doesn't have a secret about John Deacon but his father!" he joked. Both of you giggled.
"I'll let you know, he's everywhere on the internet. Buzzfeed, Tumblr, Twitter, Insta, and Facebook even. They're mad about him and his character in Stranger Things." you explained
Joe put his hands on his hips
"They could have cast me!"
"But what about your new movie?" you asked with a laugh.
"That's not the point!"
Both of you giggled and he placed his hands around your waist.
"Then, I better watch out if he gets near you." he teased. "I know you got a type now! He better not steal you away from me!"
"Not in a million years!" you insisted.
You gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "But he's not my Joe. My Joe is funny and multi-talented, and smart, and adorable, and not to mention pretty dark sexy..."
"Sexy, eh?" he returned with a kiss on the lips.
Taglist: @queenlover05@yourlocalmusicalprostitute @0x0spunky-monkey0x0
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deanscroissant · 1 year
y’all it’s my birthdayyyy and guess who’s about to turn up in the bed finishing up requests? 🤪😂
i think i’m ready to write for TG (only rooster, mav, and ice at the moment 💀)
send in requests if you like! 🥰
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myficreccs · 8 months
Bo Rhap Boys (and some of their other characters) fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Bo Rhap Boys
BohRap Boys as Elementary Teachers! by @likesomekindofcheese
Ben Hardy 
And they were roommates by @fallingprincess
Save You by @fallingprincess
One shots
bookends by @almightygwil
Falling by @demo-wise
Glitter Blood by @fallingprincess
guessing games by @angrylizardjacket
Just Say You Won’t Let Go by @backstage-journal 
Movie Night by @pxroxide-prinxcesss
Nicotine Buzz by @redspecialty
Pain and other magical kinks by @fallingprincess
the proposal by @seven-seas-of-taylor
temporary fix by @seven-seas-of-taylor
Timing by @fallingprincess
[Unnamed request] by @illfoandillfie
Gwilym Lee
One shots
A Nice Surprise with Gwilym by @deacyblues
carolina by @almightyellie
classy girls by @almightyellie
from the shadows by @deacyblues
i lived by @almightyellie
like the movies by @brianmays-hair
meet on the ledge by @archaicmusings
patience by @almightyellie
p.s. i love you by @almightyellie
Joe Mazzello
Agape by @joemazzmatazz
One shots
born losers by @archaicmusings
Date Night by @just-my-sickly-pride
Drowning by @joe-mazzello
Home. by @halfofwhatisayismeaningless
i’ll be in the front row by @angrylizardjacket
just give me a call by @mazzell-ro
Like a River Runs by @joemazzmatazz
linger a little longer by @rhapsodyrecs
love calls you by your name by @archaicmusings
Meant to go this way by @fallingprincess
Niece To Meet You by @moodysunflowergirl
Party For One by @joemazzmatazz
Request 1 by @assembledherethevolunteers
stars, cake, and kisses by @mazzell-ro
Stood Up, Make Love by @illfoandillfie
You Make Me Feel Like Dancin’ by @deacyblues
[700 follower celebration blurb] by @joemazzmatazz
Pat Murray
One shots
Collisions and Confessions by @assembledherethevolunteers
Love With Its Back Turned by @gardnerlangway
Napkin Numbers by @quinoaisrethinkinglife
Tim Murphy
One shots
Absolutely Smitten by @officially-multi-fandom
neighbor by @patmvrray
John Deacon
One shots
a dying art by @ineloqueent
A Permanent Deal by @adrenaline-roulette
crayons & caresses by @brianmays-hair
don’t go by @patmvrray
my wife by @ineloqueent
The Fire and the Flames by @deacyblues
Being a bassist and dating John Deacon by @stardust-killer-queen
Roger Taylor
You’re a Legend, Freddie by @rogertayloriskindacool
One shots
Dining at The Ritz we’ll meet at 9 by @adrenaline-roulette 
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Why do you think Joe can’t act? What’re your headcanons?
Evidence is all around us dear one ✨ he can’t land a job 💕 rumour has it he was dropped by his agent 💕 his last project Unexpected was … so painfully bad 💕
when you watch stuff he’s in he does the same stuff/ is basically the same character so it’s impressive he was able to pull off sledge! He has like 7 minutes of screen time I’m borhap and he’s just being himself but with a British accent and funny faces - these are my opinions so don’t get cry cry upset time
My head canons at this time are private as they are MEAN and for HATERS only this is how I cure myself of the Mazzello grip I’m un-crushing on him okay pls respect my process
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Halloween & Christmas Writing Challenge
I’ve decided that I want to do another writing challenge for both Halloween and Christmas but I wanna involve you lovely lot. 
Halloween will be one fic per day for 15 days [up until 31st October].
Since I’ve had no requests for this one I’ve changed the challenge
Fics will be song fics & outstanding requests will be done as and when I can get around to them
One headcanon/imagine per day for 25 days.
Most likely a dating would include or NSFW Alphabet 
If you have someone you want either of those for REQUEST!!
I love writing for yall so if you do have something you want me to write please feel free to request for this challenge 
Big love
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As always I will take on any request as best I can but I can obviously write a lot better when I know the material a bit better 
Stuff I’ve written for before
Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Aaron Johnson, Austin Butler, Elvis Presley, Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes, Ben Hardy, Robert Pattinson, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Andy Samberg, Dylan O’Brien, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, John Krasinski, Jamie Parker, Jesse Williams, Taron Egerton, Richard Madden, Harry Styles, Bradley Cooper, Freddie Flintoff, Gwilym Lee, Joe Mazzello, Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas Disney ColIn Jost, Bo Burnham, John Mulaney, Adam Hills, Greg Davies, Alex Horne, Ed Gamble, Russell Howard, James Acaster, 
Marvel, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight, City of Bones, Gone, Doctor Who, 
Supernatural, Sherlock, Friends, Desperate Housewives, How To Get Away With Murder, That 70s Show,  New Girl, Gilmore Girls, Once Upon A Time,  Glee, Jane The Virgin, Teen Wolf, B99, Parks and Rec, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Ratched, Defending Jacob, Downton Abbey, Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI NY,  Saved By The Bell, Greys Anatomy, Ghosts, Derry Girls, Friday Night Dinner, Sex Education, The Crown, Nashville,
Mamma Mia, Grease, The Outsiders, The History Boys, IT, Bohemian Rhapsody, Elvis, Goodfellas, 
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Gonna tryn get some stuff done for here so I can have new things to post soon. If anyone has any Moodboard or fic or headcanon ideas or wants please reply to this post or send it to my inbox!
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Nine Months | 1 | Ben Hardy
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Warnings: None! Pure tooth rotting fluff!
Word Count: 3,199
Summary: Ben has everything in life he could ever ask for. An adorable beagle, a thriving acting career, and most importantly - (Y/N), his beautiful wife. Nothing could make life better, until (Y/N) finds out she’s due to give Ben the greatest gift she can give in nine months time.
A/N: I guess the Prologue never made it into the tags or something but you need to read it for this first chapter here to make sense so give that a read first find the link above. Also please reblog as it helps more people to see my work! Thanks!
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Permanent Tag List: @sparkleslightlyy​​​
Nine Months Tag List: @mamaskillerqueen​​​ @eggs-whiskey-snipes​​​ @killerqueenfan​
Add yourself to my Tag Lists by filling out this survey here!
Ben had been gone for about a month now, off in America filming a project that just so happened to involve one of his friends, Joe Mazzello. He seemed happy enough in their nightly FaceTime chats - well nightly for Ben, morningly for (Y/N) - but just speaking to each other on the phone wasn’t enough. This time in particular had been harder on them than all the other times in the past he had to leave in order to earn a living, and they could only chalk it up to being newlyweds. Ben missed his best girl, and would send her texts throughout the London evening, LA morning saying how much he missed her and how he couldn’t wait to be home again. And of course the instagram content that came with Joe and Ben’s reuniting was enough to keep the female laughing throughout the day when her lover was asleep.
(Y/N) and Frankie had been getting by well as they always did when Ben was gone. Long walks together in the morning after calls with Ben and another in the evening when (Y/N) returned home from work. While Frankie wasn’t the blond actor the (H/C) woman had fallen in love with, her cuddles were enough to get her through the night. The little dog seemed to know exactly when she needed comfort and would lay completely still pressed up against her body allowing her to pet her to her heart’s desire. And although when Ben was home they had the beagle sleep in her own bed, (Y/N) missed the feeling of having someone next to her. So naturally Frankie had begun to take up residence on Ben's side of the bed, ever close for when (Y/N) needed her.
The warm golden beams of sunlight streamed into the bedroom through the curtains, gently pulling the (h/c) female from her peaceful slumber a few minutes before her alarm was to go off. She stretched with a squeak before rolling over to face Ben’s empty side of the bed seeing Frankie was still passed out. (Y/N) smiled softly at her steady breathing before opting to cuddle with Ben’s pillow instead so as not to wake her. She pulled the soft cushion into her chest breathing in its scent. Even after a month of him being gone it still smelled of his shampoo and cologne with a hint of cigarette smoke. It set her heart alight with emotions of contentment and love for the actor while breaking it all the same. She missed him terribly and longed for him to be home in her arms once again. Even as the weather was starting to get a bit warmer as winter was trudging to its slow bitter end, it did little to lift her spirits. Some days were better than others, those were typically the sunny days like today, where she could wake up to the melodic sounds of birds singing in the tree right outside their window. Others she barely wanted to get out of bed, but she would know deep in her heart it’s what he would want her to do. Her alarm sounded after a few minutes waking the beagle from her slumber, but like (Y/N), this morning even Frankie was feeling rather lethargic. She stood shaking herself out before joining the female in resting her head on Ben’s pillows. (Y/N) giggled softly as she reached over to gently stroke her tricoloured fur. “I know Franks, I miss him too…” She breathed out with a smile as Frankie licked at her fingers before burying her nose into his other pillow. (Y/N) sighed peacefully as she breathed in the scent from the eygptian cotton closing her eyes again, just wanting the comfort of Ben’s embrace. She wasn’t sure how long she had drifted off for but on cue and on time as always, her phone began to buzz on the side table behind her with her morning phone call from Ben. She lazily reached over to unlock her phone, smiling tirely, the clouds of sleep still hanging heavily over her as she greeted her husband. “Hi.” She breathed.
Ben chuckled softly, seeing how drunk on sleep she still was. “I didn’t wake you did I? You’re usually in the kitchen by now.”
“Nah, we girls just decided to have a bit of a lay in this morning rather than the longer W-A-L-K.” She laughed having to spell it out so the beagle didn’t suddenly become a bolt of energy as she moved the camera so he could see both his girls at the same time.
He laughed softly, his celadon irises lighting up at the sight of the two of them. “Are you both cuddling with my pillows?”
“Well I was at least before she woke up. I miss you.” (Y/N) mumbled softly resting the phone against a section of the comforter she had piled up. Although she said it every day, each day it made his heart ache a little bit more, he was often busy on set, during the day so hearing her say that made his nights feel all the more lonely. “Franks must miss you too, she crawled over and did the exact same thing the moment she woke up.”
“Awe, well if it’s any consolation I miss my best girls more than anything.” He sighed, a slight furrow of sadness to his brow. “Not long now, though, only a few more weeks until we’ll be together again for a long while. The next few projects I’ve got stacked up don’t require leaving the UK for more than a week or two.”
“I know...but I still wish I just...had a piece of you here with me still.” She sighed with the slightest of grimaces. They chatted as they normally did for another ten minutes or so before he was yawning, worn out from his day on set. “I best be letting you get off to bed. You look quite knackered.”
“I think ‘exhausted’ is more like it.” He yawned again. He went quiet as he simply stared at the screen for a few moments. “God...how did a guy like me get so lucky to have someone as beautiful as you for a wife.” He mumbled making her blush like he always did near the end of their calls.
“Could say the same for you with those rippling pectorals of yours.” She winked cheekily making Ben chuckle softly. “I love you Ben...so much.”
“I love you more.” He smiled. “See you soon.”
“Bye….” She whispered, and with the press of a button he was gone again, just like always. (Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she clutched his pillow to her chest once again, a wave of longing for him and sadness washing over her for a few moments before she rolled over to gently pet the beagle a bit. “What do you say we have our breakfast and go for a walk, Franks?” She giggled as Frankie’s ears perked up at the mention of food and one of her favourite activities, her tail thumping heavily against the comforter. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
It was a beautiful day, a comfortable but still chilly seven celsius at half seven in the morning as the woman and her four legged friend made their way around Regent’s Park. The sun shone down basking the park in its golden glow, warming the air a bit more by the hour. The thing (Y/N) rather loved about the London Parks was how they made you feel as though you weren’t in the centre of a bustling metropolis. They existed as their own little world for the pair to get lost in and forget about their missing companion for however brief a time as he was never far from the forefront of her mind. As they made their way back toward Primrose Hill, (Y/N) found a sudden wave of uncontrollable nausea plaguing her. She did her best to combat the rising discomfort of the sudden sickness but as it only got steadily worse, she tugged gently on Frankie’s lead. “Come on Franks…” She breathed before pulling her in the direction of a bin before spilling her breakfast into it. (Y/N) groaned as she looked down at Frankie who was looking expectantly up at her with perked ears as if silently asking if she was okay. Her (E/C) irises shone brightly in the London morning as she stooped down to gently pat the beagle’s head. “I’m alright, come on, let’s go home.”
However the strange sickness didn’t stop with one and done. (Y/N) was quite ill all the time she was at work, experiencing another chunder soon after lunch, then in the late afternoon, and a few times in the evening as well. She turned in early for the night figuring it to be a stomach bug of sorts, but when this bug persisted for the next few days, it was plain to see that something wasn’t right. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She mumbled as she ran a hand over her face as she sat on the couch with a cup of peppermint tea to settle the gurgling pit that was her raging stomach with Ben on Facetime. “Think I should go to the GP?”
“I’d feel a lot better if you did.” He reasoned as he bit the inside of his lip. “It always makes me feel so gutted when I can’t be there to take care of you when you’re ill. You deserve to have someone there for you.”
“I know love, but this isn’t the first time one of us has been ill when we’ve been apart, and I highly doubt it’ll be the last.” She smiled reassuringly at her blond. “I’m sure it’s nothing but just for some peace of mind for both of us I’ll get looked at. Sound?”
Ben nodded with a sigh. “Please text me as soon as you know something, even if I’m asleep, I’ll at least have it for when I wake up. Okay?”
She giggled softly at his conscientious attitude toward her. “I swear you’re going to make such a brilliant father one day with that overprotectiveness of yours.”
This spawned the largest grin she had seen on his features in the longest time. They of course had discussed the idea of having kids at some point after they were married. They agreed that they would let nature take its course and when it happened it would happen, all the same they were going to be careful. “Maybe one day, but for now I’ve got you to fuss over.” Regardless of when a child blessed their lives, he would never stop fussing over (Y/N). Nothing but the best was good enough for his beloved in his eyes. “I should be getting off to bed now, early call tomorrow.”
“Alright, I’ll let you know what happens when I know. I love you Benny.” She smiled using the name she knew he hated but would allow her to use while he was gone filming or when she was sick.
He rolled his eyes at the nickname as a smirk spread across his features. “I love you more (Y/N/N).” He winked before they hung up.
True to her word, (Y/N) called in sick to work that day and found herself in the waiting room at her GP. When it was her turn the doctor ran through the usual questions: what’s wrong? How long have you been experiencing symptoms? When was the date of your last period? Is there a chance that you’re pregnant? While (Y/N) didn’t believe that she was pregnant, they still opted to run a blood test anyway before looking her over further. After about ten minutes the results came back as the doctor strolled into the room. (Y/N) looked at her with a calculating stare, as if silently asking what the results were. The doctor smiled before speaking two words (Y/N) thought she and Ben wouldn’t have been hearing for quite some time yet. “You’re pregnant.” The doctor waited to gage the woman’s reaction before letting out a silent sigh of relief at the sight of a smile of someone who was on cloud nine spread across (Y/N)’s features. “Congratulations Mrs Jones.”
(Y/N) practically floated out of the GP’s office later after the appointment, unable to wipe the grin off her face. Absolutely nothing could hamper the intense feeling of dopamine coursing through her veins at this moment. She and Ben were expecting their first child. While they hadn’t been planning to have a child just yet, she knew that given his expression this morning when she told him that he was going to be a great father, he would soon be right there on cloud nine with her at the news. Now it just became a matter of how to tell her husband. She had always imagined how she would tell him that she was pregnant for the first time, of course in all of her fantasies Ben hadn’t been halfway around the world. This was going to take some creative planning on her part.
Later that evening as she was reaching for her phone to FaceTime Ben, her screen lit up with his contact photo. She smiled brightly, this was it. She quickly calmed herself before looking down at the Beagle sitting on the couch next to her, happily panting away. She unlocked the phone to see not Ben’s face but Joe’s. “Ugh, what do you want?” She playfully scoffed at her husband’s friend.
“Really (Y/N), after all this time, that’s how you greet me? I thought that we had a connection, you and I.” Joe sighed before running a hand over his face. “No matter I’ll just steal your man then.”
“You wouldn’t.” She glared playfully at the American.
“Oh wouldn’t I?” He said turning the camera so she could see Ben sitting in the car next to him who was rolling his eyes. Joe had stolen the phone from his hand the moment he pulled up her contact on FaceTime. “He’s going to be trapped in a car with me for the next hour, but I’m sure he’ll be mine in less than twenty minutes if I play my cards right.”
“Ben, is this your way of telling me you’re leaving me for Joe?” She laughed.
“No he had his chance.” He rolled his eyes, turning to look at his friend. “But you chose the fucking cardboard cutout instead.”  
“How dare you disrespect Cardie B like that.” Joe laughed before handing back the Brit his phone. “I’ll let you two talk now.”
“Thank you.” Ben chuckled looking at his phone. “You alright?” He asked.
“Alright. You?” She smiled at him, her eyes glinting with that ‘I have a secret look’.
“Alright.” He smirked.
“Really feeling the love between you two.” Joe laughed prompting a two finger salute from Ben.
“You go to the GP then?” He asked (Y/N) to which she nodded. “What’d they say then?”
“Don’t you want to say hi to Frankie first? She’s been waiting here patiently. She needs a bit of love from her daddy.” She giggled putting the phone in front of Frankie prompting her to sniff at the screen. “Say hi to Ben, Franks.”
Ben rolled his eyes playfully, he just wanted to know if everything with his wife was sound, but he missed his little girl too. “Hi Franks!” He spoke making the Beagle’s ears perk up at the sound of his voice. “Daddy misses you.” He chuckled making a kissy sound. “What’s that you’ve got around her neck? Has she got on a bandana or something?”
“Oh do you like it? She picked it out when we went to the store after the GP to pick up some more food.” She giggled. “Here read what’s written on it.” She said moving the camera so Ben could see what was written on the bandana, holding her breath as he did so.
“‘Guess what? Mum’s….’” He read aloud, voice trailing off before he could speak the last word on the bandana, his celadon eyes going wide as he dropped the phone.  
“Jesus Ben.” She heard Joe’s voice as he picked up Ben’s phone from the floor of the car. “Let’s see this bandana then.” Joe’s eyes scanned over the writing. “Oh my god! Congratulations you two!! I’m so happy for you!” Joe smiled, patting Ben on the back snapping him out of his trance. “Congrats man! This is fantastic!”
The blond snatched the phone back from his friend, staring intently at the screen trying to make sure (Y/N) wasn’t punking him. “Are you serious?!” A look of pure joy was covering his features. “You’re really pregnant?!”
(Y/N) smiled brightly, nodding furiously as her voice caught in her throat. She moved the phone above her so Ben could see her tummy as she placed a hand on her lower abdomen. “Looks like you left a part of you here after all.” Her smile warmed his heart more than the morning sun that shone through the car window. His wife, his best friend, his (Y/N)...was pregnant with his child. He couldn’t believe it, it was like some incredible dream and if it was, he absolutely never wanted to wake up. His only regret was that he wasn’t there to hold her right then in this moment.
“I can’t believe it...we’re going to be parents.” He was floating up out of his body, riding out the shot of ecstasy that she had given him. “My god...why can’t I be there with you right now.”
“Soon love.” She winked at him. “The three of us…” She trailed off a moment, getting Frankie in the shot. “We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be right here for you when you get back.”
“I can’t wait to be back.” Ben mumbled with a smile. They talked, along with Joe, for a bit before (Y/N) had to hang up to make supper for herself and Frankie. “Thank you (Y/N)....” He smiled referring to the child she was baring. “I love you...I love you both so, so much.”
(Y/N) thought the smile that had been permanently etched into her features all day couldn’t grow any wider, until he went and said something like that. “We love you too Ben...safe travels.” Ben’s heart fluttered against his chest at those words. He was going to be a father.
Later that night as (Y/N) was about to head to bed, she received a text from Joe on WhatsApp. You’ve certainly got yourself a committed man, made the driver pull over so he could pick up this to read during our down time. With the text came a picture he took of Ben sitting in his chair offset reading a book titled ‘The Expectant Dad's Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know’. The sight made (Y/N)’s heart sing, loud enough that she was sure that he heard it around the world in The States. Aweeeeee bless him 🥰🥰 she responded before locking her phone. She placed a hand on her belly as she laid on her back staring at the ceiling. “You’re going to have the world’s best dad, love.”
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televisionboy · 3 years
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southern boys flirting • the pacific
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radiogagaga · 4 years
Some Freddie mercury headcanons for y'all:
He would have loved the wap x bohemian rhapsody mashup. (And he definitely would have known the dance)
He also would have loved the fact that one of queen's songs is used for a trend on tiktok.
Tbh, I can see him duetting video's of people coming out/showing off their partner/ just gay stuff in general. And he would LOVE IT.
And, he would have gone to protests regarding Black Lives Matter. He would also put donate links in his instagram bio, twitter, tiktok.
Fred would also be so supportive of male artists who are breaking the toxic masculinity. (he definitely knows all the lyrics of the entire fine line album by Harry Styles!)
Last, but not least, he would have an instagram account for all of his cats. Showing off Romeo twice a day? Not enough, make it three times.
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Maeve's Mini Event
Howdy all, I'm going in a trip that involves an eight (8) hour bus ride. I'm gonna need something to do so please send in ask/request/ ships for me to do while I listen to music on the bus!!!! I'll put some more info under the cut reblogs are appreciated :)
Here's some stuff we can do:
MASH: Queen/Borhap Edition
Blurb request
Asks games (I'll make some up to reblog on this post)
Playlist/song request
I'm open to any and all ideas! I haven't really thought through much, I just wanna chill with y'all while I'm on the bus. I have an anime sideblog @cpnspiegal that I'll be doing the same thing on. List of characters I write for are on that list as well :)
Got any questions? Just send me an ask or a message ily 💕 gonna be some extensive tagging btw!
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may I request something where joe mazzello is married to a lead singer of a band and has been for a while and she's brought up in an interview and he talks about how they met💞
Sure thing!
A/N: sorry these have been coming out slow. It's just lately I have been losing motivation to write for Queen and BohRap Cast members and I got distracted by other fanfic writing projects. Anyways, here ya go!
No warnings minus an accident where a dog is almost harmed but ends up safe (inspired by The Gilded Age)- just fluff!
Reader here is female, per the person's request.
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"Good Morning, Y/N! Tell us- isn't today your anniversary with Joe Mazzello?"
You nodded in the chair of the morning show. Your eyes adjusted t the glare of the bright lights. From behind one camera, leaning against the wall was your beloved husband. His hands were in his pockets and he was grinning, beaming as he watched you.
You looked at the lady with heavy pink lipstick and pearls for eight in the morning and nodded your head.
"Yes, I am! It's our third anniversary!" you answered.
She tilted her head, but you could tell that her pink, made-up smile was genuine. Although she was more accustomed to being glamorous and dressed nicely in the morning than you were, there was a real curiosity in her- like talking to a new friend, not a news show host.
"Congratulations!" she cried.
"Thank you!" you said.
"Is it hard with Little and Fierce touring so much?"
"Yes, I will admit, it does get hard. Sometimes I get so hoarse the next day I can't call him- all the singing you know. But he understands that even just texting is fine. Joe loves me and he supports me- this was always a dream of mine to be a singer in a band and he wants that for me..."
"Awww, how sweet!" she cooed.
You noticed Joe himself turned a little pink and folded his arms. You threw a look at him and he gave you a wink.
"How did you two meet?" she asked.
You let out a little laugh. Your eyes went up to dig the memory from your mind and then you began.
"You see...you know my dog Bean?"
"Oh yes- the corgi, right?"
"Right! He's still my baby! Well, I had just gotten him. He was just a little puppy and the apple of my eye- still is! And I was out in the city, walking him. Suddenly, I tripped over something on the sidewalk- something on the pavement, I, uh, think. And uhm...it surprised me so much I let go of the leash and Bean ran away- right into the street!"
"What! No!" she gasped.
"I had a heart attack- there were cars coming and they couldn't see the little guy! Then I saw a flash of red hair and...uh, Joe ran in."
"Into traffic?"
"Yup! He managed to dodge around the cars, scoop Bean into his arms, and get him to safety! Then he met me and Joe gave this...this smile. And...I, uh, I don't believe in love at first sight but...when he looked at me..."
Joe's own hazel eyes shot up. His face softened.
"I just knew he would change my life the moment I met him and he handed Bean to me. We then went out together. And the rest is history..." you finished.
And what a happy, blissful history you two had and had yet to create!
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Borhap Boys As Sugar Daddies
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(reposted bc it was disappearing from the tags😭)
hey guys!! I wanna apolgoize for the disappearance, school is ✨madness✨ luv. so I've decided to try something new. But I promise I'm working on requests (and a bunch of new ideas). I love all of the borhap boys (bc they are babies🥺) so this might become a little series of head canons! no major warnings, just lots of fluff and some suggestive material. also reader is gender neutral (boy, girl, whatever you what it my dudes!) why not mix my fav trope and boys all in...one fic😳😳 anyways hope you guys enjoy!! I would love some feedback for future reference
Masterlist (requests are welcomed!)
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Rami Malek-
Number one that gif of him...need I say more? 🥰
I’m sick of how ya’ll sleep on Rami!! I’m gonna give him tons of love
He would be one of the most affectionate sugar daddy’s tbh
Certainly would spoil the HECK out of you
Whether it be paying off your bills or lavish trips to Greece, Rami always has your back
You never had to pay a SINGLE PENNY when you were around him
Being with Rami, you were a changed person
Your fashion game went UPPPP
Like chanel perfume, all designer clothes, nice handbags, you NAME IT
”Rami, I’m not buying a five hundred dollar shirt from Theory.” ”What do you mean? It would look so good on you, sweetheart.”
Yes, Rami bought you the shirt
You two were at a vinyl place and you saw a limited edition queen vinyl
He buys it (and basically 10+ vinyls you love)
This man is omfg i loveee him❣️
Little sneak kisses to your forehead
Seeing you smile as you shop and blush at his complaints makes him so freaking happy HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
He would take you shopping at the best stores
“I would be fine at a target, y’know” as you look around a Gucci store
Rami would snake an arm around your waist as he cooed into your ear, “My baby deserves the best, and nothing but the best
What started out as an arrangement turned into a genuine relationship
When looking for a sugarbaby, Rami was simply looking for company (and someone to spoil the heck out of)
In all truth, he was simply a lonely guy who simply wanted someone to make happy, and made himself happy in the process
Wherever you guys would go, he would always wanna hold your hand and be close to you bc he’s scared of loosing someone he’s made a connection with
And i’m totally not crying as I write this
Both of you were in dark places when you first met
Rami showed how much he truly cared about you
If you called him all upset, he would SPEED over with whatever you needed whether it be pizza or emotional support
Sitting on your couch, his arm wrapped around yours as you vented about your problems
Rami had convinced you to drop your job and come live with him because he’s a KING!!
”Angel, you’re not gonna have to worry about anymore.” ”What do you mean?”
You ended up quitting your job and moving in with him
What turned into an arrangement became an intimate relationship
The sex between you to was AMAZING
it was VERY intimate
It started off slow but would get increasingly rougher god I hate what I said
Rami would always check up and you and NEVER go past your limits
It would end with the two of you cuddling in bed
Let’s just say you never had to worry about your bills ever again😎😎
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Gwilym Lee-
my love for this man? ENDLESS
Seriosuly gwilym lee HAVE MY CHILDERN
anyways to the pLOT
Gwilym is the sexiest and cutest man alive
The sugar daddy that will bring you EVERYWHERE HE GOES
He’s such a gentlemen
Like all relationships start, it was more of an arrangement then a relationship
Your job was to escort Gwilym at all these events as “company”
Gwilym would send a bunch of nice items and a driver to bring you to the location
”Hope you like this ❤️ xxx”   “Treat yourself! 😘xxx”
Like mister I-😳😳
Gwilym is literally such a sweet person
Whenever you were spotted with him, you would get thousands of compliemnts/questions
”You’re with Gwilym! So lucky!”
”That necklace is to kill for! Did Gwilym give it to you?”
”Teach my your ways!”
Whenever you’re at these events all these people give you evil stares
Your like👁👄👁 “is Gwilym a playboy??”
Gwilym is all like “what do you mean?? 🥺Of course not! Your the only one that matters to me right now”
He’s such a king we LOVE HIM
Spontaneous trips to France and Italy
Gwilym and you grow super close
Also your dates would range from fancy galas for Gwilym’s works or peaceful book/poetry readings
He LOVES books and always takes you to bookstores and gives his best recommendations
He literally turns into an english teacher while overanalyzing books
”The greenlight in Green Gatbsy is such a crucial symbol”
”Jane Austen is one of the best feminist writers, she was so ahead of her time!”
You wanna be annoyed but can’t
The two of you would lie in bed together
You would be slouched against his body as he stroked your hair, reading to you in that accent
As much as you love your gentlemen, you get him into the wacky world of ninety day fiance
”This looks like trash...I’m going to watch every minute of it!”
You guys order chinese food and watch this obsessviely for six hours
I know this is meant to be fluffy but why not add some 🌶
Sex with you and Gwil is like ✨fireworks✨
He would make sure you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day let’s just say😉
He would have to carry you around and kiss your head, saying “You're so adorable, poppet” or “Don’t strain your legs, Cariad!”
”My anwylyd” (Welsh for dearest)
Would 100% write you romantic poems (over text and in paper)
And yes he WOULD dramatically read them to you😤😤✌🏽
He would always greet you with the most over the top nicknames like “Good morning cariad!” or “Sit there and act pretty, my beloved”
hi mr lee please make me your sugar baby
Gwilym is your sugar daddy but also your sweet, book loving man
He loves seeing you happy so in return, you make him happy💓💓
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Joe Mazzello-
This one is a wildcard ladies and gays!! 😌😌
Joe definitely does not strike you as a sugar daddy
He seems more like your boyfriend than anything else
The two of you were inseparable
After dinner Joe would take you to a karaoke bar or for ice cream
After the first date you started calling him Joey
Drunken duets to cheesy 80’s romance songs
The two of you would sing your hearts out before vomiting from the copious ammouts of ice cream and vodka
With Joe it’s eithier mcdonalds or Nobu in TriBeCa
Mr.Mazello has range😌✨
This dude is the ceo of cheesy nicknames
”Yes my little lover muffin!”
”What is it cutie patootie?”
”You look amazing buttercup!”
“What’s up, hot stuff?”
In public he calls you “baby” or “lover” dw he saves you from public embarrassment 
You know that meme of will smith and his wife? That is basically you and Joe
My love for his man is infinite
Joe is super clingy
Hand holding and lots of PDA
He wants people to know that your his sugar baby😤😤💓
he will always send texts like
”miss you baby💓💗💓💗!”
”can you grab milk from the store pls??”
”Joe, it’s been a day.”
He has so many photos of you in his camera roll
You are his lockscreen😔💓
The ceo’s of amazing instagram photos, whether it be you wearing a burger king crown at Burger King or You guys kissing on a boat with the Italian sunset on a private boat
Captions would be could “my favorite fairytale is our love story” or “yasss queen slay it!”
It’s cringey but god Joe is so adorable
A combination of a child and gentleman ALL IN ONE
All of his friends are like “you guys HAVE to be dating!’
It’s suppose to be nothing more than an arrangement right?
I mean the two of you were living with eachother and he dropped all of this other sugar babies for you
The two of you are master chefs minus the one time Joe burned mac and cheese and set the stove on fire
Also not to get smutty but the sex between you two? Like
Straight up RAMMING to sweet pillowtalk
Anyways Joe being your sugar daddy would definitely not be a bad thing at all😘
Always exchange those “I love you’s” 💕✨
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Ben Hardy-
When first seeing Ben on your sugar daddy app, you were 100% intimidated
But upon meeting him, this tough dude was a PUPPY🥺❣️
On the first date he bought you flowers and gave you a hug
“Y/n, right?”
“That’s me!”
“I just wanted to say you look stunning, love.”
You were wearing jeans and literally smiled so much
You know this date was going to go VERY WELL NOW😩✌🏽✨
Instead of a fancy restaurant, Ben took you to a stroll around London
Whatever clothes you wanted? He got it
Whatever cafe you wanted to stop at? Buy all the tea/coffee and pastries you want
Hotel? Trivago
The two of you walked around the city, hand and hand as you got to know eachother
You ended up walking around the city for five hours up until midnight
You laughed and talked about thousands of things
In confusion, you had to see Ben again
As Ben walked you back to your place, you smiled at him,
”I’d like to do that again.”
”Call me when you want, y/n.”
So your “dates” became more frequent
Ben had the best ideas for dates
Dinners at small Italian places, walking around a museum, or just sitting in his place and watching mindless television
He made sure to spoil you
With gifts, literally and figurreitly
Sex was a large piece in your arrangeemnt
But it was not the only thing in your relationship
And it was!! Amazing!!
”You’re so fucking beautiful” as he would kiss your forehead and dive straight into it 🥺😳
Not only could that man be A BEAST but an absolute sweetheart
Everyday you looked forward to not only getting paid by him, but just talking to him for hours on end
He would stay up for hours just to talk to you, whether it be about your lives or anything
and that ladies and gays is a dedicated MAN
No matter what, Ben always found a way to touch you
He always had his hand on the chair behind you or your thigh
You guys would have pillowforts and nerf fun battles together
It would always end with a cuddle session
Frankie would be skeptcial but love you!!
You guys got so close that he took you on a trip to the greek islands AND PROPOSED!! LIKE!! YES!!😌😌😌
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benismyqueen · 3 years
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A/N: Es mi primera historia, así que espero que os guste, tendrá varias partes.
Podéis imaginarla con ambas versiones, tanto con Roger como con Ben (ambos son unos bebés)
¡Espero que lo disfrutéis!
Advertencias: Ninguna.
Enemies to lovers
2.4k (más o menos)
Los acordes de here comes the sun resuenan en el pequeño local, pero todo lo que Alina puede escuchar son las voces de armonizadas de Paul Simon y George Harrison.
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Desde que vió a sus padres una mañana de domingo, cuando pensaban que sus tres hijas estaban aún dormidas, bailando en silencio en el centro del salón, casi levitando, mientras su padre cantaba esa canción en el oido de su mujer. Ambos abrazados, balanceándose de un lado al otro, con los ojos cerrados.
Alina en todo lo que podía pensar era en el amor.
Si tenía que describir el amor, ella describiría esa imagen.
El amor, 25 años de casados, tres hijas después, en una mañana de verano, abrazados, ojos cerrados, balanceos sobre la vieja moqueta que solo levanta polvo. Susurros en el oído y manos firmes sobre los brazos.
Here comes the sun
It's all right
Alina siempre guardará ese momento en el fondo de su mente.
Resopla con aire soñador, con la cabeza apoyada sobre su mano en el mostrador, mientras da leves golpes con su lápiz en el cuaderno aún vacío. Incapaz de escribir.
"¿Aún estás aquí?" Su padre aparece por la puerta que da al almacén, con una caja llena de vinilos.
Hace años, desde que era una niña, su padre arregló el viejo local del abuelo, y lo convirtió en una tienda de música.
No da mucho dinero, pero gracias a esa tienda , y el trabajo de su madre como niñera por las tardes, consiguieron salir adelante. Incluso ella y su hermana mayor Debby pudieron asistir a la universidad.
"Meddows llega tarde, otra vez."
"Bueno." Deja la pesada caja sobre el mostrador. "Algún día llegará en el momento indicado"
Padre e hija se miran a los ojos, pero antes de que pueda preguntar si esa frase va con segundas, el claxon de un coche les saca de su conversación.
"Ahí está." Alina recoge sus cosas, justo cuando toma la chaqueta y abre la puerta para salir, su padre le llama.
"Oye, di a Freddie que tengo música nueva. Están todos invitados a cenar el sábado."
La vieja furgoneta de los chicos está frente al local, le cuesta abrir la pesada puerta, pero cuando lo consigue, lo primero que ve es el perfil de Roger, con un cigarro medio consumido en sus labios. Un segundo después gira la cabeza y tira de las comisuras de sus labios en una media sonrisa.
Lleva una camisa azul a medio atar, con medio pecho al descubierto y varios collares adornando su clavícula. Incluso con las gafas de sol puede imaginar las arrugas en sus ojos al sonreír, y esa melena rubia completamente desordenada, reprime el deseo de pasar sus dedos por su pelo, y simplemente aprieta las manos, notándolas sudorosas.
Justo en ese momento suenan en su mente unos acordes.
Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do.
Here comes the sun, and i say
It's all right
"Hola Miss Londres" Su voz disipa la melodía de su mente.
Para él resulta divertido innovar su nombre. Si están en el club, su nombre es Miss Marquee, si viajan a un pequeño pueblo al sur, es Miss Nottingham.
Y todo fue por el día que se conocieron
Cuatro años antes, Alina estaba en la misma posición. En la vieja tienda de su padre, dando pequeños toques con su dedo sobre el mostrador lleno de folios con escritos y posteriores lineas tachando todo.
Está mirando como las manecillas del reloj se mueven lentamente, mientras de fondo suena alguna canción de rock que su padre puso de ambiente.
"¿Irás a ese club?" Pregunta su padre.
"He quedado con Mary"
Desde hacía varios meses frecuentaba ese club. Lo descubrió con su mejor amiga Amy. Y allí conoció a la banda Smile. La música era horrible, nunca le gustó el rock, pese a tener un padre que siempre soñó tener una banda, y vivir una vida llena de giras, conciertos y mucha música.
Siempre decía que nunca consiguió ese sueño, porque pudo cumplir otro. Casarse con la mujer de su vida, y tener tres hermosas hijas.
Debby siempre pensó que si hubiese tenido la oportunidad, hubiese elegido el rock a su familia, pero Alina no estaba tan segura. Su padre era un hombre enamorado que vivía por y para su familia, aunque ese sueño fuese una espina en su alma.
Alina era demasiado romántica para el rock. Pero un chico le llamó la atención. Una cabellera rubia que sobresalía por la batería.
Incluso cuando no era el momento de tocar, se le podía ver inquieto, incapaz de quedarse quieto. Sintiendo la música.
Con su camisa a medio atar y un cigarrillo entre sus labios. El ceño fruncido por la concentración, y las luces llamativas reflejándose en el sudor de su piel. El pelo rubio, largo, a medio camino de ser rizado o ser liso, y ese medio flequillo que molestaba sobre su frente, haciendo que cada poco tiempo tuviese que apartarlo con soplidos o con movimientos de cabeza.
Apenas era capaz de respirar correctamente si lo miraba, pero era algo hipnótico.
La manera en la que movía las baquetas entre sus dedos, o como golpeaba con fuerza la batería, haciendo que se le marquen las venas de los brazos.
Bajo las luces de aquel local pensó que era el chico más guapo que había visto nunca, y con ese pensamiento el corazón le dió un vuelco.
Obligó a su amiga durante semanas a ir al local solo para verlo. A ninguna les gustaba esa música.
Pero a las pocas semanas se negó a volver a pisar ese local, y como una adolescente de diecisiete años bien educada y madura, decidió asistir sola.
Allí conoció a los pocos días a Mary. Una chica encantadora que trabajaba en una tienda de ropa.
Mary se acercó a ella una noche que la vió completamente sola, tan joven, mientras unos chicos con mala pinta desde una esquina del local, cuchicheaban con una sonrisa asquerosa en sus labios mientras le miraban de arriba abajo todo el cuerpo.
No les costó mantener una buena conversación sobre sus vidas, y como acabaron ahí.
"Me gusta la música" mintió Alina mientras volvía la mirada al muchacho rubio.
"mmm..." Si Mary se dió cuenta de como lo miraba, no mencionó nada.
Pero pronto su corazón se hundió en su pecho cuando vió como guiñaba el ojo a unas chicas que cuchicheaban cerca del escenario. Pero Mary tampoco dijo nada.
Alguna vez, y casi sin querer, hizo contacto visual con el guitarrista. La mayoría de las veces, avergonzada apartaba la mirada, pero alguna vez llegó a ver el atisbo de una sonrisa simpática en su rostro.
"Han cambiado de vocalista" mencionó Mary unos meses después.
"¿Ah si?" Se sorprendió. Después de meses viéndolos, que no notase ese detalle. Alina ni se inmutó.
"Conozco a un chico, es Freddie. Es muy..." Intentó buscar las palabras para definirlo. "simpático"
En ese punto, Alina ya estaba mirando otra vez al chico.
"Mañana tengo que trabajar pronto, pero el próximo día podría presentártelos."
Así una semana después está perfectamente vestida y peinada esperando a su amiga.
"Estás muy guapa."
Después de que Mary insistiera tanto en que debía conocer a los chicos, aceptó la propuesta. Y no solo eso, quería impresionar.
Quería conocer al chico rubio que tantas veces le quitaba el aliento, y quería que le viese. No podía hacerlo si iba vestida como todas las demás.
Podía ver la clase de chicas a las que presta atención, y por muy divertida y buena que ella fuese, si no llamaba la atención con su físico, jamás se fijaría en ella.
Se puso su vestido azul, con unos zapatos blancos, y por primera vez, se rizó el pelo, dejando solo los mechones delantero sueltos, y el resto recogido en una coleta alta.
Por primera vez se atrevió a maquillar su rostro. Quizá de forma no tan notoria, pero si que aplicó un poco de lápiz negro sobre sus ojos, marcando la línea de agua, y un poco el párpado, y puso un color rosado claro sobre sus labios.
"Volveré pronto"
"Alina eres casi una universitaria, sal, diviértete, y conoce gente." Su padre se acerca a la caja y comienza a contar el dinero.
"Tengo que escribir un artículo. Me gustaría presentarlo en el periódico"
"¿Y qué ganarás con ello? ¿5 dólares?"
"Por algo hay que empezar. Quiero ser escritora, y no lo lograré si no me esfuerzo"
"Bueno, te perderás las mejores partes de la vida si no te diviertes" Rich intenta razonar con su hija. "Escribe sobre ese grupo, quizá te paguen la publicidad con una copa."
Alina rueda los ojos al tiempo que Mary entra en la tienda.
"Estás muy guapa"
"Querida, convencela de que no venga antes de las 10pm te lo suplico"
Después de una pequeña charla donde Rich aseguró querer escuchar a esa banda de rock algún día, pensando de que manera puede hacer para que su hija menor de tan solo 13 años se haga cargo de la tienda durante unas horas, para poder revivir viejas glorias de su juventud en un pub lleno de adolescentes, alcohol y buena música, solo siendo consciente de lo inverosímil de la situación cuando su hija mediana menciona que su madre le pediría el divorcio solo de pensarlo, ambas salen del local.
"Freddie está como loco por conocerte, puede que sea muy amoroso, así que no te asustes."
Eso no hizo más que ponerla nerviosa.
Mery no dejaba de mirarla, cosa que le ponía demasiado nerviosa. Sin duda su vestimenta le llamaba la atención, pero fue lo suficientemente buena y prudente para no mencionarlo.
El concierto fue como siempre, seguían sin ser capaces de llenar el local, de hecho, no debía de haber más de cien personas, lo que siempre había era un grupo de unas diez chicas que gritaban por y para el chico rubio. Su chico rubio. Cosa que le molestaba muchísimo. Ella tenía que conformarse con ponerse a una distancia prudente del escenario.
Cuando terminó, los chicos recogieron el escenario con tranquilidad. El local ya estaba medio vacío, salvo por algún borracho que no era capaz de moverse del sitio, todo estaba tranquilo. Intentó no mirarlos mientras recogían, y así controlar su ansiedad.
"Mi amor" El cantante del grupo, un chico bastante escéptico, con un lenguaje corporal muy llamativo, apareció por detrás de Mary, abrazándola. "Hola querida, tú debes de ser Alina. He obligado a Mary a que me hablase mucho de ti."
Antes incluso de que pueda asimilarlo, tiene los brazos de Freddie sobre su cuerpo, apretándola tan fuerte, que tiene su cara incustrada en su pecho, impidiéndola respirar.
"Eh tio, la estás asfixiando." Esa voz tranquila y profunda hace que Freddie la suelte. Un chico demasiado alto, con el pelo negro lleno de rizos aparece en su campo de visión. Aún está recuperando su respiración cuando tiene que soportar la mirada algo incrédula al ver su ropa. Definitivamente no era para un concierto de Rock. "Me llamo Brian."
"Alina" alcanzó a decir mientras ambos sacudían sus manos en un saludo.
"¿Sueles venir a nuestros conciertos verdad? Me suena tu cara muchísimo"
En ese momento Mary actuó como una buena amiga saliendo a su rescate.
"Hemos venido muy a menudo, nos conocimos hace unos meses en este local, ¿verdad Alina?"
Freddie rápidamente pidió unas cervezas en la barra, relajando el ambiente, que para Alina estaba muy tenso. Ahora la conversación no se dirigía sobre ella, lo que calmó mucho su ansiedad.
Unos minutos después, los dos muchachos de la banda que seguían recogiendo todos los instrumentos en su furgoneta, aparecieron por la puerta del local.
"¡Eh Roger, John!" Freddie gritó a sus amigos "Mirad, esta es Alina, amiga de Mary."
Antes de girarse a ver a los chicos, Freddie siguió gritando, lo que hizo que muriese de verguenza.
"¡Es fan de la banda!, ha venido a muchos conciertos"
Quiso decir que eso era mentira, pero sus ojos se cruzaron con los azules del chico rubio, y no fue capaz de decir palabra.
Tenía una sonrisa encantadora, que cuando conectó sus ojos azules con los de ella, se ensanchó, dejando caer de la punta de la lengua las palabras que sentenciarían su relación.
"¡Pero si es Miss Inglaterra!" Soltó una risa encantadora al verse atraído por su atuendo. Pero más bien sonó como una burla demasiado baja.
A Freddie le pareció bastante gracioso, pero tanto Brian como Mary se dieron cuenta de que el comentario estaba muy fuera de lugar, y más después de lo incómoda que se quedó Alina.
"Soy John" El chico más callado y prudente del grupo dio un paso y abrazó a la chica brevemente. "Creo que te he visto en el público, es agradable tener una fan."
"Algún día tendremos millones" Freddie pidió más cervezas
"Bueno, de momento tenemos solo una."
"Mary también es nuestra fan"
"Lo es porque es tú novia."
Estuvo a punto de decir que ella no era fan de la banda, que odiaba el rock, y que nunca más pisaría ese local, pero entonces su mirada volvió a cruzarse con la sonrisa del chico y sabía que no sería cierto.
En ese momento, casi por inercia, sin ser consciente, en su mente sonaron unos acordes y volvió a estar sentada en las escaleras de su casa, viendo a sus padres bailar una mañana calurosa de verano.
The smiles returning to the faces
"Oh, ¡Cállate Roger!" la voz de Freddie saliendo de la pequeña radio llama su atención "Llevar tu propia música en la radio, ¡qué poco ególatra!" Ironiza.
Guaranteed to blow your mind
"ANYTIME" Canta Roger en agudo poniendo en marcha la furgoneta, haciendo que Alina sonría un poco, escondiendo su cara con su pelo.
Nunca dejaría que Roger supiera que a veces le hacía reír, que se sonrojaba... Nunca demostraría la mínima muestra de agrado o simpatía hacia él.
Aprovechó que la canción estaba terminando, y sacó de su bolso una cinta.
"¡No toques mi radio!" Grita Roger mientras intenta tapar con su mano la vieja radio.
"¡Conduce con cuidado!"
Roger gruñendo pone ambas manos en el volante, sabiendo que Alina era muy capaz de hacerle parar la furgoneta y bajarse. Y él sería incapaz de dejarla sola, así que tendría que gastar mínimo diez minutos disculpándose y rogando que suba a la furgoneta, y para ser sinceros, ya llegaban demasiado tarde.
Alina consigue sacar la cinta del nuevo disco de Queen, y mete su disco favorito. Busca la canción y mientras se acomoda en el asiento con los ojos cerrados, se deja llevar por la melodía.
Here comes the sun
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borhap-au · 3 years
Joe Mazzello - the fluffy chronicles.
Only an assistant. 
It was really weird for you, how often Joe came around you when you were on set. You were working together for a few weeks. He was the star of the movie, while you were an assistant of an assistant, with your basic work requirements being “Hey, Y/N, bring me…” So you could never understand why he would even want to hang out with someone like you, since you were sure that to him, you must be nobody.
“Hey, will you join us for lunch?” he smiled at you one day and you looked at him confused.
“Me? Why?” you were used to sitting away from people, all alone, until somebody asked you to do something.
“Well, because we would all appreciate your company,” you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his smile was.
“We, meaning who exactly?” he mentioned a few names, most of them actors in this movie. “Why, so you can make fun of me?” he looked at you surprised, not believing what he’s just heard. “Cause that’s why you’re doing it, right? You have like a bet, who brings the biggest loser to the table? Why did you single me out? I was always nice to you, was that not enough?” He looked at you almost in shock.
“You really think I would ask you to sit with us to make fun of you? No, I wanted you to join us, maybe meet some new people. I’ve noticed you’re usually alone, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to meet someone new,” he explained, and you, of course, got offensive.
“Oh, so I’m a loser after all, huh? Someone you need to help because I’m not capable of doing basic human things, like finding myself a friend? Don’t worry, I refuse to be your charity case so you can go on without worrying about me now.”
“What did I do to you? Why are you mad at me? If I offended you, I’m sorry. I never meant to do that. All I wanted was to be nice and friendly,” he explained. “I promise.”
You didn’t look at him, you were visibly mad. He sighed.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it to sound bad. I just wanted you to join us, well, join me, because I like you and I enjoy your company. But I didn’t really know how to be straight-forward with it, so I asked to join our table instead. Sorry, I really didn’t want to make a fool out of myself.”
“You wanted me to join you?” you looked at him, not quite sure what he meant. What someone so amazing could’ve wanted to do with you, you wondered.
“I wanted to ask you out,” he knew he had to finally be open about it, because otherwise it would just lead to more misunderstandings. “But at first I wanted to test if you even enjoy my company enough to say yes, that’s why I wanted you to join me at lunch. So we could have a real conversation.”
“So ask me out. Don’t force me to spend time with people that don’t want me there. Let’s go out, together, and try things out on our own,” you suggested. He liked the idea, so he nodded, smiling.
“Yeah, I’d like that. So, are you free on Saturday? We’d go to a restaurant. That is, if you want to, of course,” he smiled, still a little shy and unsure.
“And you really want this? Like… not to just make fun of some random nobody?” you asked, disbelieving. You thought there were hidden cameras around you and he will soon tell you it was all just a prank.
“You’re not a nobody,” he said immediately, defending you from yourself. “You’re smart and funny.”
“And I work as an errand girl. Such a prestigious position…,” you said ironically.
“So what? Your job doesn’t define you. Everyone started somewhere. Neither I nor anyone I respect judges people based on their job. Everybody has to earn a living somehow. And I’m sure that thanks to your job, you met more fun people than I did,” he gave you a big smile.
“Well, yeah… You,” you smiled shyly. “I would like to go out with you, if you really want us to. I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
And it was fun. He took you to a very fancy restaurant in that part of the city you didn’t even go to. Of course he told you beforehand that it will be one of those restaurants that expects elegant clothes, so you came prepared. You both, without consulting each other, ordered the same thing, so food was your first topic. It turned out, you had a lot in common. From then on, your conversation went smoothly, and he was able to make you laugh easily.
“You really thought I wanted to make fun of you?” he asked finally, looking at you. You looked down.
“I didn’t want to believe it myself, because you were always nice and I didn’t think you were really an asshole, but… A lot of people make fun of me because of how insignificant my job is. I guess it came out of my insecurities and frustrations. I’m sorry you had to be the innocent victim,” you muttered and looked at him. He was smiling comfortingly.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not mad or anything. I just wanted to know whether I gave you a reason to think of me this way.”
“No, never,” you shook your head. “I was just hurt too many times I guess. It’s hard for me to trust people.” You smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry to hear that you were hurt. But you don’t have to worry around me. I have no intention to hurt you. I really like you. And about those people who make fun of you because of your job – it’s the lowest of the low. Like literally, a job is a job and nobody should be judged for how they make money, unless they sell drugs or do other illegal business. And you actually have a cool job. You get to meet many interesting people and travel all around the world. Many people dream of a job like that. I mean it.”
“I don’t think anyone dreams of it, honestly…”
“I disagree. There are people who are introverts, who don’t want to be in the spotlight, but at the same time, they would like to have a chance to meet their favorite actor. So it’s a perfect job for many. Trust me, many people look at you and think you’re lucky. Even the people who said nasty things to you. The reason is always jealousy and their own insecurity. Happy people don’t put other people down,” he smiled at you and you actually believed him this time. You had to admit, he was right. “I know it’s easy to say, ‘don’t worry about those people.’ I know it’s not easy to actually stop caring. But the sooner you accept that they are in fact unhappy with their lives, so in turn, they want to bring other people down, the sooner you be much happier. You’re not the reason why they spread hate, they are. There’s nothing wrong with you and there’s a lot wrong with them.”
“That’s sweet of you to say. Thank you,” you smiled and he smiled back at you. “That’s how you deal with hate? Remember that it’s not your fault, but theirs?”
“Yeah. I know that many people wish to be in the position I’m in, to work with the people I worked with. So if they send me hate, I simply pity them for they have no life apart from jealousy. But if they hate on my fans, I have to react. It’s a different story. I can handle hate. But I won’t accept someone bringing my base down because they like me. It’s a really shitty thing to do. So I have to assure them they’re amazing and the haters are too sad and lonely to find actual friends so they only connect with other haters. Plain and simple.”
“Oh, yeah, I absolutely despise people who make fun of others because they like something else and they’re passionate about it. Like, there is no ‘superior music taste’ that makes you better than people listening to other genres. Or liking different movies. They are all made for the audiences to enjoy it, so if you enjoyed it, good for you. I could never understand how people say others are uneducated or uncultured because they liked something that the person didn’t like. Can we just all enjoy artists’ work in peace? We should only connect over what we like, not how much we hate others who like something we hate. It doesn’t even make sense.”
“I agree. So you understand it yourself, hate doesn’t make any sense,” he smiled and you nodded. “Imagine having nothing better to do than to spread hate. How sad is that?”
“Extremely sad…” you looked at him. “Thanks, Joe. You made me feel better.”
“That’s why I’m here,” he reassured you. “So, dessert?” he smiled and you took a menu.
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mistymazzello · 4 years
Illicit Affairs | chapter 4
Joe Mazzello x Reader
summary-Y/N, a failing actress in New York City, is offered an internship as Joe Mazzello’s assistant on the set of a movie. Her seemingly small crush on her boss could get her into trouble, but what does she have to lose?
word count- 6.1k (i got a little carried away)
warnings- smut, unprotected sex, all that stuff. (by reading on you’re confirming that you’re 18+😳)
a/n- i promise this last week and i’m just now posting it and i’m SO SORRY. pls let me know what you think!
based on illicit affairs by taylor swift
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September turned over to October, bringing cold weather and days that slowly became shorter. You were done trying to stop your feelings for Joe, there was no stopping how you tirelessly obsessed over him. It made it worse that it almost, almost felt like he was reciprocating. But still, not quite. 
Joe finally started lightening up on scheduling, giving everyone a few days off every now and then and not having extremely early call times. This meant you weren’t leaving the apartment at 6 in the morning and coming back at 8 anymore, leaving time for you to be around your roommates. Now, did you want that time? Not exactly.
Cameron had hardly spoken two words to you since everything that happened the previous month, leaving an awkward tension always hanging around the apartment. One morning, the sky completely gray, leaving the city shakingly cold, Cameron walked into the kitchen while you stood on the phone as you poured coffee.
You were talking to Julia, who had called you to ask if you had any time to do some of her busy work for her, which you weren’t necessarily sure if you did, but you agreed to anyway. The phone call ended with her making some Fleetwood Mac reference that you didn’t understand, but you laughed either way. You hung up and set your phone down as you slowly stirred your coffee, Cameron sitting on a stool on the other side of the counter.
“Was that the director?” She asked softly.
You looked up, slightly stunned. “Um, no. Producer.” You answered.
She furrowed her eyebrows. “What does he want?”
“She just has some things that she needs me to do today.” You said. It was weird that she all of the sudden was trying to talk to you.
“So you like working on the movie then?” She asked.
You blinked. Was she trying to actually talk to you? “Yeah, I love it. I think it’s great.”
She nodded. “You think the movie’s gonna be good?”
You could’ve smiled. This was the first conversation the two of you had in weeks. You had to admit, you missed your best friend. “Yeah, actually it looks really good. I’m excited for it.” 
You pulled another mug from the cupboard and poured the rest of the coffee you had made into it, sliding it across the counter to her. She accepted it, picking it up to wrap her hands around it.
“I’m sorry that I got so mad.” She said, looking into her mug. It was a little late for an apology, but still, you accepted.
“It’s okay. You were upset.” You shrugged. 
She nodded and took a long sip from her coffee, still never looking up to meet your eyes.
“So can we stop being weird now? I miss how things were.” You said, setting your own mug on the counter.
She laughed slightly. “Yes. I was hoping we could stop doing this.” She smiled.
You sighed in relief and finally, things were normal. How they were supposed to be. Things felt more in place than ever as you went to set that day. Today was supposedly going to be very easy, but you had a sneaking suspicion that you were going to be there rather late.
Just as you had suspected, before you knew it, the sky was turning dark. Joe finally called it a day at 8, much to everyone’s relief.
“Go get some sleep, kid.” He hit the back of your head with his clipboard playfully.
“First off, ow.” You laughed, holding your hand to the back of your head.
“Have a good night, Mr. Mazzello.” Beck spoke as he pulled his jacket on.
“You too, Mr. Beck.” He saluted him.
A loud sigh escaped your lips as you wistfully watched him walk away. Why did he have to be so nice to you?
Something you had noticed was how close this cast and crew was. You weren’t as involved in that closeness as you would have liked to be, but you figured it was because you were much younger than all of them, and you were just about at the bottom of the food chain in terms of power.
You saw a few cast members congregating near Joe, so you decided that you weren't going to interrupt to tell Joe goodbye, you figured you could just text him something about heading out instead.
A little ways away from you, Joe saw you waving bye to a few people and his heart sunk. Before thinking, he cut off one of the actors who was talking. “Hey, do you care if I invite Y/N?”
A few people turned around to look in your direction, luckily you had your back turned to them.
“The intern?” One of them asked.
Joe quickly realized how desperate he must have sounded asking like that. “Yeah,” He said, shrugging, “She’s nice, I think you guys would like her.”
He wasn’t lying about that. He knew everyone would like you, and you were nice. But he wanted to invite you because he desperately wanted to spend more time around you, specifically outside of work.
They all agreed, and the conversation moved forward about the bar that they were going to that night. Joe excused himself and jogged over to you, right as you were about to leave. 
You saw him coming out of the corner of your eye and you turned in his direction, smiling. “Hey, I was just about to go.”
Disregarding what you said, he asked, “Me and a few people from the cast are going out for drinks, do you wanna come?”
“Tonight?” You responded, a bit taken back. You were a little too excited to be receiving this offer, but you tried your hardest to conceal the smile that was already on your face.
“Yeah.” He said, “I think we’re just gonna uber there in like 20 minutes.”
You weren’t used to receiving invitations like this, especially since you left college. “Oh.” You said, trying not to sound like a complete spaz. 
“So if you wanna stick around, I can tell you when we’re leaving?” He said, his hands in his pockets as he rocked onto his toes.
“Yeah, sure.” You smiled, wringing your hands together. 
He nodded and looked at the ground. He could hardly believe the way he was acting right now, it reminded him of high school. He was acting like a complete idiot, all because of you. All because of that stupid smile on your face.
“Oh,” he remembered, “and don’t tell Beck. He’s not invited.” He winked before walking away. He really shouldn’t be picking favorites like this, but how could he help it when one of you was a stuck up asshole and the other one was as sweet as you were?
Regardless, you were glad he liked you. It gave you some sort of validation for your feelings, even though deep down, you knew that your crush on him was hopeless.
When you showed up to the bar, it was freezing outside, yet incredibly warm inside. By the time you were shedding your jacket, which was only seconds after sitting down, Joe had ordered shots for everyone, saying that you had to take them in honor of the 12 hour day you had just worked. There were about 11 or 12 of you, spread out between a few booths. The bar wasn’t terribly busy, taken that it was a Wednesday night, but still, this was New York City, so places were always bustling. You were sat by Julia and a few of the other girls, subconsciously clinging to Julias presence like she was your mom. You got talking with a few of them, all of them remarkably talkative. The girl across from you, Charlotte, who was probably the closest to your age out of everyone, began talking to you about the internship.
After you explained the whole situation about how you got the internship, conveniently leaving out the part about Cameron, you were about to ask her about how she had got casted, but she spoke first. “You know, everyone loves you. No offense if he’s your friend, but I think I speak for everyone when I say we prefer you over Beck.”
“Oh, god, he’s not my friend.” You laughed. “He hates me.”
“Oh my god,” Her eyes lit up “He hates me too! I’m always like, dude, you need to calm the fuck down.” She said, picking up her drink to take a sip.
“Me too! He always says I’m unprofessional.” You frowned.
“I think he has some personal issues he needs to sort out.” She said.
“Mommy issues.” Julia piped up before finishing off her glass.
The three of you laughed, the attention shifting swiftly over to the girl sitting next to Charlotte, Lola, who was whispering something in her ear. 
“Oh, god, Lola, don’t be gross.” She groaned.
Lola pulled away and grabbed her drink off the table then looked back at Charlotte. “Wish me luck.” She smiled.
You tilted your head slightly as she stood up from the table, walking slowly over to the bar. Wondering what she needed luck for, you tried not to stare as she approached the bar. You didn’t pay any mind to Joe, who was standing next to her, until she began to talk to him.
Your face flushed as you realized what she was doing. She was trying to flirt with Joe. It wasn’t until you looked back at the table until you realized that Charlotte and Julia were both looking at her, too.
Julia looked back and you exchanged a glance. “Is she...?”
“Trying to sleep with Joe? Yes.” Charlotte said, looking slightly disgusted.
You didn’t say anything as you looked into your drink, swirling the glass around as you contemplated your defeat. She was at least 7 or 8 years older than you, much closer to Joe’s age, an established actress, and much more in his league. All at once, you began to realize how stupid you were for ever thinking you and Joe had something between you. 
“She could get into big trouble for that.” Julia chided. “It’s in the contract that all of you signed. No relationships.”
“Does fucking count as a relationship?” Charlotte set her chin in her palm.
Julia chuckled. “No, I guess not, if it’s not ongoing.”
“Ah, then she has a chance.” Charlotte said, all three of you turning your attention back to the two of them.
Over at the bar, Joe's mind was scrambling. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what Lola was doing. He’d seen it a million times. He wanted to be nice, but he wanted to cut this off before it went any further and he had to reject her. He had been waiting for the right moment to approach you without making it seem like he was hitting on you. He genuinely just wanted to talk to you.
But, as the minutes passed, Lola was not taking any hints. She continued to talk, continued to touch his arm playfully, even though Joe was reciprocating none of it.
Julia ended up leaving within the next 30 minutes, saying something about how her partying days were far behind her. You and Charlotte stayed at the table, ordering drink after drink, giggling as you talked about your past relationships, it almost made you forget about what was going on across the room.
“I have you beat on the worst breakup.” She laughed. “A guy once broke up with me after I flew across the country to see him. On my birthday.”
You gasped dramatically. “No.”
“Yes.” She laughed. “Arguably the worst day of my life.”
The two of you sat, giggly and tipsy, for a few quiet moments. “Why didn’t I know you were so fun?” She asked “I feel like we’ve hardly ever talked before and we’re around each other everyday.”
You sighed. “I don’t know. I just feel like a bit of an outsider because I’m so much younger than everyone.” You opened up. If you didn’t have any alcohol in your system, you would have never said this to her.
“Aw,” She frowned “Like I said, Y/N, we all love you. Everyone always mentions how sweet you are.” 
“Really?” You smiled.
‘Yes, really. Especially Joe. He never shuts up about you.” She said. 
You looked into her dark eyes and tilted your head. “What? Really?” Your heart could’ve jumped out of your chest.
“Yeah, he’s always like ‘Oh, I’m gonna wait up for Y/N. Have you seen Y/N yet today? Y/N this, Y/N that” She imitated him, her hands waving around as she did a horrible impression of his voice.
You laughed a little, your smile never faltered. Was she telling the truth? Did he talk about you so much that she had noticed it?
You finally remembered the whole Lola thing, your eyes glancing over the bar. Now they were sitting down, she was leaning over to him, talking, as he took a drink. You sighed and looked back at Charlotte, who was downing the rest of her third or fourth drink.
“I should probably go pull her off of him.” She sighed, her eyes following yours over to the bar. “She’s drunk as fuck, she needs to go home and maybe try again when she’s not wasted.”
She gave you a pat on the head, making you smile, as she stood up. “I’ll see you on Saturday.” She said, giving your head one last pat before walking over to the bar. You watched as she came up behind Lola, resting her hand on her back and giving her a soft smile as she spoke to her. It was obvious that Lola was resisting, but Charlotte was persistent, and she eventually hopped off of her chair and followed her. The two of them waved to you as they walked out of the bar, you gave them a quick grin and waved back. You almost sighed in relief. You had finally made some friends.
Joe was now sitting by himself at the bar, and you alone at the table. As long as you didn’t try anything like Lola did, you didn’t think it would be weird if you went and sat by him. Maybe that was the alcohol talking, but you still got up and walked over to him, pulling the stool out to sit down next to him.
When he had originally heard the stool next to him move, he thought it was just another girl trying to talk to him, and he almost let out an exasperated sigh. But it wasn’t just another girl. It was you. Instead, he sighed in relief.
“Hey, kid.” He said, taking a drink from his beer.
“Hi.” You said, scooting the chair in.
“You have fun?” He asked, setting his beer down to turn to you.
“Mhm.” You nodded. “Charlotte’s so nice.”
“Good.” He gave you a closed mouth smile. “I’m glad.”
You realized that you had left your drink back at the table when you all of the sudden had nothing to do with your hands. Joe must have noticed at the same time, because just as you were about to order something, he beat you to it.
“Can we get two shots of fireball?” He asked.
“Oh god.” You set your face in your palm. 
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to drink it.” He said.
“What, you’re going to take both to try and impress me?” You giggled, setting your forearms on the counter.
He shook his head with a small laugh as the bartender handed them over. He set one in front of you and one in front of him.
“Okay.” He started. “Truth or drink.”
“Oh,” You smiled “I can do that.”
“Ladies first.” He smirked, crossing his arms as he looked at you. It almost felt like he was taunting you, his arms almost making you drool as they stretched out his shirt.
You smirked back. Only thinking for a quick moment, you knew what you wanted to ask. “When’s the last time you slept with someone?” You asked, a cocky look on your face. Even if you were crossing a line by asking that, you could hardly care. It felt hotter than it did when you had first gotten there, but that could be coming from the warm feeling in your cheeks from the alcohol. Or because you were blushing. He wasn’t going to answer something like that to you.
He tilted his head slightly, looking at the shot. “Last month?” He estimated. You were a little bit shocked that he answered, and that he didn’t hesitate to do so.
Your eyebrows must have been raised or your eyes must have been wide, because he asked, “What? Did you think I was gonna say 3 years ago?” 
“What? No,” You laughed “I just… who?” You asked, almost out of instinct. Almost out of jealousy.
“Nope. Not your turn.” He shook his head. He leaned closer to you, prompting you to lean closer to him. “If you had to have sex with one guy in this bar, right now, who would it be?” He said, his voice low, even though no one around would be able to hear anyways over the buzz of the crowd. 
You hummed in thought, turning away from him to look around you. “I think…” You started, turning back to lean forward into him “the bartender down at the other end is cute enough?” You lied.
Joe’s jaw clenched. He didn’t know what he expected, but he couldn’t help but be disappointed. Before he could respond, you cleared your throat, unbeknownst to him that you had noticed his reaction. 
“My turn.” You smiled. You went back and forth for a little while longer, desperately trying to ask a question to get the other person to drink, but nothing worked. The bar was loud, there were lots of people around, but still, you could only see each other. You could only feel the way his shoulder was rubbing against yours, you could only smell the whiskey on his breath and you could only think about how much you wanted him right now.
A few rounds later, it was Joe’s turn. He could feel the heat radiating from your face, and he thought your top was ridiculously low cut. Especially when you leaned over the bar. The way your knee would bump his was driving him crazy. It prompted him to come up with this question.
“What’s the oldest you’d be willing to sleep with?” He said, his expression straight and serious.
You reached to rub the back of your neck under your hair as you thought. Your heart began to quicken as you thought of all of the possible responses, until you finally settled on what happened to be one of the most risky answers. “Well,” You began, subconsciously leaning in so you were closer to his face, “How old are you?”
His jaw clenched again, but this time, not out of anger or jealousy. Out of lust and pent up desire.  “Oh,” He said, his hand which was already brushing your knee moved from his leg to ghost over the top of yours. “Is that how it is?” His hand came to rest on your thigh, and he slid it so it was just slightly underneath your skirt on the inside of your thigh. 
“Joe,” You breathed, closing your eyes as you clenched your thighs, trapping his fingertips. 
“Yes?” He spoke softly into your ear, his voice low and sharp.
“Please.” You pouted, still not opening your eyes. His hand was warm on your inner thigh, but not as hot as the heat radiating from under your panties, which you thought Joe could for sure feel.
Just like that, he ripped his hand away from you, earning a whine from your lips as you leaned your head back. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, your eyes watched his hands intently. He pulled out a 50 and tossed it onto the bar, then stood up. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off your chair. “Let’s go.” He grumbled, lightening his grip on your wrist to let his hand slide into yours. He practically pulled you out of the bar, and even though it was a cool fall night outside, you were still burning up.
He hailed a cab quickly as your head spun by how quickly things had turned. Even though both of you were as horny as you had ever been before, he still opened the taxi door for you. You climbed in, settling in the seat on the opposite side of the door before Joe climbed in, telling the driver his address quickly before moving to the middle seat to immediately grab your inner thigh roughly. Your hand wrapped around his bicep, you squeezed his arm to try and distract yourself from the wetness pooling in your underwear. His grip was deathly and his breathing was harsh as the two of you sat in heated silence. You had to physically try to stop yourself from making any further moves on him, opting to rest your forehead on his shoulder. In a moment of sweetness rather than lust, Joe kissed the top of your head lighty. Although the moment did make your heart melt, you still couldn’t focus on anything other than how badly you needed him.
“How far are we from your apartment?” You lifted your head up to whisper.
“Like 2 minutes.” He said. You let out a low, short groan. 
“I know, baby.” He whispered.
You had decided that this had been the longest two minutes of your life. Between the way Joe’s legs kept twitching, to how his hand was slowly moving up your thigh, riding your skirt up, you were almost on the verge of tears by the time you pulled up to Joe’s apartment. He handed the driver some money, mumbling something about keeping the change as the two of you climbed out.
He grabbed your hand and you both tried not to sprint into the apartment building. The elevator ride was almost as excruciating as the taxi. You couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, his hand moving from the small of your back to squeeze your ass, earning a sharp breath in from you.
He fumbled with the key as he tried to unlock his door as quickly as possible. As if you could get anymore impatient, you were 2 seconds away from ripping the key out of his hands and doing it yourself when he finally opened the door, grabbing you by the fabric of your shirt and pulling you inside. It was pitch black, the only light coming from the city lights outside the windows. Using the grip he had on your shirt to turn you towards him, he pulled you into him. He kissed you messily, slowly backing you up until your back hit the door. It was a mess of clashing teeth and tongue as you desperately kissed each other, all of the pent up desire coming out all at once. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you stood on your toes to kiss him, his hands moving from your hips to your ass. He slid one of his hands down to the underside of your thigh, lifting your leg up so your knee was at his side. He growled into your mouth and you could only manage a whimper, your mind scrambling for a single coherent thought. He lifted his leg slightly to rub against your core, his jeans creating a rough texture. Instinctually, you grinded against his thigh, but your movements were limited as he had you pinned against the door.
He broke away, moving his lips to bite your earlobe. You let out an exhausted moan, dipping your head back to hit the wooden door behind you. He lifted his leg higher at this, almost lifting you off your feet by your core. 
“Joe” You sobbed, your fingers pulling at his hair. You felt him smile against your neck.
He moved his head back up to kiss you again, this time his hands on both sides of your face. This kiss was slower, but just as passionate. He pulled you to the bedroom, not bothering to turn on any lights on his way there, opting to find his way in the dark. You already noticed that he had a habit of pulling you by the fabric of your shirt. Something you could definitely get used to.
Once you did make it to the bedroom, he wasted no time pushing you backwards onto the bed. Your back bounced against the mattress and you sat up on your elbows as he crawled on top of you, meeting your lips again. He grabbed both of your hands and held them for a second, then slowly moved them so they were pinned above your head. His grip wasn’t tight, but it was enough to keep you in place. 
He pulled away to hover inches above your face, both of you panting. “I’m gonna ask you this, and I’m only going to ask you this once.” He said darkly, his voice overcome by lust. 
You nodded eagerly, yet still staying silent.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He asked deeply.
You nearly moaned at the tone of his voice. 
“Need to hear you say it, baby.” He growled.
“Yes” You cried, begging him to do something.
That must have been a tipping point for him, because he let go of your wrists and tugged at the hem of your skirt, pulling it along with your underwear down and off of your legs. He tossed them to the ground and grabbed you by both of your thighs, lowering himself so his head was in between them. 
He groaned as he looked at you, his grip slightly lightening as he admired how wet you already were. He placed a kiss to your lower thigh, looking back up at you. You were splayed out on his bed, your hair hanging in your face, your chest heaving. A sight he could get used to.
From there, he wasted no time diving in between your legs, licking your clit as he wrapped his arms tightly around your thighs, moving your legs so they were over his shoulders.
Your head was spinning as you slammed it back against a pillow on the unmade bed. You were hardly processing what was going on, your vision was blurry and your thoughts all bled together, the only thing you could feel was Joe.
You writhed underneath his touch, bucking your hips. His large hands laid over your stomach, holding you down. “Sit still.” He mumbled against you, the rumble of his voice pulsing through your entire body. You tried to still your hips, unable to stop them from twitching from pleasure. 
His fingertips dug into your thighs as he began holding you tighter and tighter. He only ever touched your clit, only using his tongue, but it was more than enough for you. One of your hands was tangled in his hair, and the other was holding onto the pillow under your head. In the distance, but still at an embarrassingly fast rate, you could feel your orgasm coming on. 
He must have sensed that you were close, or took a hint from the way you swirled your hips and pulled at his hair, because he smirked against you, then immediately pulled his head away.
“Joe” You whined, your grip on his hair loosening quickly.
He shook his head lightly, climbing back on top of you. He put his hands on either side of your head, and admired you under him for a second, even though you looked slightly disappointed. He leaned down to kiss you slowly, taking the feeling in.
As much as he would love to bask in that feeling and kiss you for the rest of eternity, he didn’t know how much longer he could take not fucking you. He pulled your shirt over your head without warning, leaving you in nothing but your bra.
Deciding that the ratio of clothes-taken-off was uneven, you reached for his belt buckle, grabbing him by the back of the neck with your other hand to pull him back down to kiss you. You fumbled with his belt buckle, trying to figure it out how to get it undone with your eyes closed.
Joe sighed into your mouth, pushing your hands away from his belt to do it himself. You giggled slightly, causing him to try and suppress a grin as you kissed. He took his belt off and you heard it hit the hardwood floor, followed by the sound of his pants unzipping. The thought of what you were about to get nearly made your eyes roll back in your head, the wetness spread across your inner thighs only growing.
You pulled the hem of his shirt up, breaking away from the kiss for only a second to allow him to pull it over his head, disregarding it with the rest of your clothes on the floor. Your fingers danced along the waist of his pants for a moment, then you slipped your hand inside. Joe was an extremely smooth kisser, but his rhythm was interrupted when you cupped him over his underwear, making him stifle his movements. You smirked and held him slightly tighter, making his arms nearly buckle as he groaned into you. 
He let your little power trip last for a few more seconds before he grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand away from him. He grabbed your other wrist with the same hand and then held your hands over your head. He let go, but you held your hands where they were as he pulled his pants and boxers off.
Normally, in a situation like this, one you had been in times and times before, you would feel vulnerable. Laying naked on someone else’s bed while they undress, completely and utterly at their demand. But, for some reason, you felt safe and taken care of. You felt so secure in his touches as he set his hand on your thigh, moving himself to settle in between your legs. 
He looked at you, your hands above your head as you looked back at him expectantly. He couldn’t help but pump himself a few times before finally lining himself up to your entrance. He reached up and set a hand by your head, the other holding his shaft. He stalled for a moment, taking time to look down at your pussy, sliding his tip up and down your slit. 
You lifted your hips expecting him to push himself inside of you. “Please.” You whispered. 
He looked back up at you, then leaned over you further, so his face was inches from yours. “Please what, baby?”
You reached up to set a hand on his broad shoulder which was flexed from holding himself up. “Please fuck me.” You begged. 
He chuckled lightly. “Aw, sweetheart, all you had to do was ask.” He smiled. He pushed himself into you, and months of tension suddenly came undone. 
He bottomed out, and your grip on his shoulder moved down to dig your nails into his shoulder blade. You shut your eyes and pushed your head further back into his pillow. “Oh my fucking god.” You staggered. 
Joe couldn’t find it in himself to move right away, basking in the feeling of filling you up. He had thought about this exact moment too many times to take it for granted. 
You took the liberty to move your own hips in a circle, causing him to grunt into your ear. He pulled out nearly all the way, then moved back in slowly. 
As much as he wanted to take his time with you, the girl he had been obsessed with for the last 3 months finally underneath him, he began to feel himself losing control. His pace quickened at an insane rate, making you want to cover your mouth to try and stifle the ungodly moans coming out of you. 
He lowered his head into your neck as he moved his hips against yours, making you lean your head back to expose your whole neck to him. 
You felt him bite you softly, making you yelp in surprise. Heart fluttering, your cheeks flushed as he kissed your neck harshly. He began to slam into you harder, moving your whole body with every thrust. Red marks began to form on his back where you had dug all of your nails into his lower back. 
His pace only got rougher and rougher as time went on, only making things more and more passionate. 
“Joe, oh my god, please don’t stop, please please please please.” You rambled out of bliss. The feeling of build-up from earlier made a return as he lifted himself up, his hands on either side of your head. 
He grabbed your thigh and held it up close to his hip, trying to find a better angle for you, he could tell you were close. He realized he had gotten that angle when you yelled out his name, arching your back into him, your voice broken and raspy. 
“You close baby?” He asked his tone unrecognizable from the one you normally knew. 
“Yes” You cried, grabbing into his hair unintentionally. 
He lifted your leg over his shoulder with a grunt, hitting an unimaginable spot. He grabbed your throat to force you to look at him and leaned over you, his nose nearly touching yours. “Come on, give it to me, Y/N.” He growled. 
Your vision went white as your orgasm hit you. Your jaw dropped open as he watched you come undone around him. Your whole body pulsed as you gasped for air. He let you come down from your high, riding it out roughly until your eyes fluttered open again. 
All at once, he pulled out of you and grabbed your ankle, yanking your leg off of his shoulder. He grabbed your hips and flipped you over onto your knees, then grabbed you by a fistful of your hair and pushed your head down into the mattress. He began slamming into you again, the aftershock of your orgasm not even close to being over yet. You couldn’t do anything but let the tears welling in your eyes spillover as you cried his name over and over. 
He pounded into you, his teeth gritted as he pushed your head further down into the bed. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, especially not with you like this. He yanked your hair up and pulled you close to him so he could talk into your ear. 
“Do you know,” He spat with gritted teeth “how long I’ve waited to fuck you like this?” He wrapped an arm around your body to rub circles on your clit, his other hand moving you grab you by the throat again. “Having to see you, every. Fucking. Day. And not being able to have you? I thought I was crazy, Y/N, crazy for wanting to do the things I wanted to do to you. Things like this. But now I can see,” He began losing control of his body, his rhythm slowing as he could feel himself about to come “the feeling was mutual.” 
He came inside of you as your second orgasm hit you out of nowhere, causing you to topple over as his movements slowed, your cum mixing with his. You moaned breathing in and out as he slowly came to a stop. “I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you.” He sighed. 
“Fuck.” He breathed. You sniffed and let out one last sob before he pulled out, causing you to wince. The rest of your body collapsed onto the bed as you panted, trying to catch your breath. He fell onto the bed next to you, the only movement you were able to manage was moving your hands up to wipe the tears off of your face. 
Joe reached over and held you by the hip, pulling you to face him. He wrapped an arm around you to splay a hand in between your shoulder blades and moved the other to cup your cheek. His eyes moved from your eyes to your cheek. He stroked his thumb across your face to wipe the tears from your cheeks, your eyes fluttered shut under his touch. “Are you okay?” He spoke softly. 
“Mhm.” You hummed lightly. You pressed a hand against his chest and moved to set your forehead on his shoulder. He rolled onto his back and you laid your head against his chest as he wrapped his arms completely around you. 
Neither of you said anything, the room silent as your breathing slowly synced together. Joe couldn’t wipe his stupid, blissful smile off of his face as he rubbed your back lightly. 
You couldn’t think about anything other than his heartbeat under your ear. Not the contract you signed, not Lola or Beck, not how much money you had and not how Joe was your boss. You only thought about the heartbeat you heard and the boy who owned it. 
taglist- @im-an-adult-ish @almightygwil @draconiiian @roveyrove @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band @lizgarxo @queenmylovely @lelifesaver @ghosttofcalum @freakibanana @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @pomjompish @sadhwstudent @pomjompish @darlingyourebeingabore
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deakydeaky · 3 years
HC of you meeting of of the boys(preferably Ben or Joe) before COVID and when it hit you stayed with them because you were far from home. Is this too much? Btw I love your posts and just want you to post more again 💀
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How it started:
You were traveling around a lot before it was finally after the holidays
You were in New York, staying in a hotel when the news about COVID was getting big
In your final days you were going to a shop everyday, just to grab what you needed for the day
That’s when you ran into Joe. You knew you knew him from somewhere but didn’t say anything until you saw him there the next day
“Are you stalking me?” You would ask as you grabbed a bag of chips. He would let out a loud laugh as he looked at you
“Yeah actually, what gave it away?” People sworned around them.” This is crazy huh?”
“Yeah, I gotta get home soon if this keeps up.”
“Or stay in New York? Maybe run into each other before we turn into zombies?” He joked. “Totally.” You would agree and leave it at that
You two saw each other a few more times and gave flirty smiles through out the week and some small talk. He told him about his place and you talked about where you lived
A few days later when you realized that things weren’t going to get better you packed your bags. You first stopped at the shop to grab a few things because you didn’t know what the airport could be like
When you walked in, you saw Joe with a big shopping cart
“Oh my god, I totally started the zombie apocalypse.” Joe said when he saw you
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” You told him as you walked down the isle
“Are you going to be comfortable staying in a hotel?” You would give him a weird look. “I’m heading to the airport.” You told him with a laugh. “All of the airports shut down. No flights anywhere right now.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” You would start to call every hotel as Joe was checking out. Everything seemed to be booked or they were taking anyone new. How caught you outside as you stood by the cab, calling places
“You okay?”
“Everything is booked, Damnit!” Joe would hate to see it. “S-stay with me.” You gave him a look. “You could be a murderer.” You told him before he laughed. “I’m not and I’m serious. You can’t be on the streets right now and I have another room. And I think I have more reason to be worried, get in the cab crazy.”
You stayed in the guest bedroom, and even alone you felt awkward. You thought you should just try to call someone willing to drive all of the way to get you but you couldn’t ask anyone to do that and you didn’t think they would
The next morning you woke up to him pouring coffee. As he gave it to you and started small talk you stopped him.
“Stop. This is super nice but weird. I will call someone and leave. I- I think I should leave but this is great. If you start a bed and breakfast I will def give a good Yelp review.” He would laugh at you.
“Please don’t. Just stay until something opens up and you can safely be on a flight or a hotel. It could be fun. You could tel you kids about it one day or something. I swear I’m not a creep and I really would feel bad if I left you ok your own.”
You called your family and told them you were staying with a friend and to not worry
It was awkward at first because either of you knew how to be comfortable with the other but it got better
Making breakfast for each other, being a good house guest, watching a few movies together a week, all around stuff
After two weeks of being in a house together, you thought it time to know each other and started to cook dinner. But horriblely messed up and Joe called his mom for cooking tips
“Mom I’m not joking, no she didn’t add water.” You blushed heavily as he talked to her. He ended up cooking for you which made you feel even worse
“Why were you cooking anyways?” He questioned. “I wanted to be something nice. We’ve been in the same house now for two weeks straight and I don’t know you. You could still be a murderer.”
“I’m an actor actually, pretty sure you knew that. I’m a Virgo, I play bass-“
“And you like long walks on the beach? Real stuff Joe! Also, I guessed Virgo, your earth sign energy is crazy, what’s your moon?”
“I- I don’t know. Ask me something then, anything.”
“Do you like coffee?”
“You crossed the line.” He told you, making you both laugh
Through out quarantine:
Going through 2020 together was the most chaotic thing that happens to you
Watching just about every show on Netflix
Everyday something worse happens you two take a shot and then put a tally on a peice of paper
Having 2020 bingo cards, literally
Ordering a lot of games to pass time
Making bets about what next month will hold
Getting to know Joe in weird ways
Having to explain to where you work that you’re now working from New York
Joe being the most chill person, even with the things that are happening
Him trying to make the days better
Joking about separation anxiety with each other but lowkey if one of you goes to the store for too long the other ones is worried
“What day is it?”
“Thursday.” Joe would question everything he’s done all week but can’t remember a single thing
Becoming rather close and very chaotic
“This is everything we need to do after it’s over.” You would tell him
“An aquarium?”
“Well it’s that or we could get high and watch Jaws, your choice.”
“I’m glad we aren’t those people that go on walks and zoom with their families, that’d make us seem way to normal.”
Trying your best to pass the time, April and May being the worse
Getting a lot of little arguments
“You called me a child when I bought them, and then you took HALF!” You would yell
“You’re fighting with me about this?”
“Yes because you made fun of me. You either get more or we fist fight.”
Neither of you know how to shop for food in the beginning because everything was being taken from the shelves
“You bought two packs of energy drinks?”
“Everyone was taking the water and soda, I had to act fast.”
Catching yourself falling for him
How could you not? He took you in, cooks dinner, helps ease your pandemic anxiety
Him being the biggest goof
“Joe, it’s 1am, I’m not making a fort with you.”
“Why not?”
When the summer came you two held out hope for better things to come but they just seemed worse
Meeting the boys over zoom
“Sorry, we’ve all been really surprised when we heard the story. It’s very Joe but we were scared some weird things would happen.”
“Yeah, I don’t watch him sleep or anything like that.”
“Really? I’m a beautiful sleeper.”
Making him tea
Hearing him over sing in the shower
After the summer with numbers rising again, going home seemed like a dream
You didn’t want to risk your family getting sick but staying with Joe more seemed too much
Wishing you had met at another time because it seemed too weird to make a move. You were getting almost a middle school feeling crush. This ended up in a debate with yourself, talking about pros and cons and leaving and all of the things you have wanted to say since March
“You can do this. You are a strong woman, you are to the point and the worst thing he could say is no and that’s okay, you’re still that bitch.”
“Who’s saying no?” Joe asked you as he came in
“No one, maybe you, I don’t know, wanna watch a movie?” Joe would look at you as you stood awkwardly.” Don’t look at me like that.”
“What’s happening right now.”
“I’m sorry, it’s not you. It is but it’s like your fault but I also have some blaming but you did it.” Joe would nod his head, trying to make sense of anything that was happening.” I have developed, a sorry of, very tiny and minor, crush. That I’m sure it just because another man hasn’t looked at me since March but at the same time I think it’s because you’re a really great person and now I’ve made this awkward and we won’t talk about it ever again.”
“A crush?” “I just said we won’t talk about it.”
It worked out because he ended up liking you back but it was definitely weird for a little
You two felt more in the way or each other than living together
But after a few weeks you two realized how weird you were being and figured out it was nothing
“Trump got COVID.” “Shots?” “Yep!”
As you two were drinking you looked at each other and laughed, spitting the drinks everywhere.
“Wanna order in? Act like this week didn’t happen?”
Felt like you were living out a literal movie
Making the best of 2020 although it was weird
The same as before but now it’s this new part of Joe
He’s more romantic but still funny and himself
Having “date nights” once a week. That just meant he would light candles and turn the lights out and pretend it was a fancy restaurant
Finding out a lot about each other
Him telling his family about you and how it’s been with you. Making you freak out a lot on the inside
The boys all telling him they were calling it
“You can’t just threaten to lock yourself in the bathroom just because I said I didn’t want pasta tonight.”
“Watch me!”
Still tiny agruments but nothing serious, ever
“It doesn’t matter why! He just did!”
“Then where did the hammer go when he left! He took it with him but when he came back old all he had was the shield!”
Planning out where you two would travel next
You two having the weirdest comfort level with each other
Talking about what would have happened between you two of the pandemic didn’t happen
Game nights becoming twice as better now that you’re both more comfortable with each other
Making both of your guys friends join a zoom to play with
Flipping coins to see who makes dinner
Whenever you don’t eat what he makes he always threatens to never cook again
“Have peanut butter and jelly everyday, I don’t care. You’re missing a real Italian man right now!” He said, coping an accent
Coping each other all of the time just to see what the other one will do
Having the most fun you’ve ever had with him, even with you two stuck in a house
Realizing the a pandemic made you find the love of your life
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