#its simple and it looks rushed and it looks plain but i needed that done BEFORE mw3 drops so yeah
mini-uzzy · 7 months
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mattodore · 11 months
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100 questions with Matthias | playlist, pinterest | ←
1. What common traits do you share with your oc? What about them is the least like you?
Hm… I think Matthias and I are similar in that we’re both all-in when it comes to love, but I think just about every other aspect of Matthias’s personality and life are different from mine. Or, I hope so... lmao.
2. Do you think you would get along with your oc if you could meet them? What things would you talk about?
Absolutely not. I would be calling for this man’s beheading online. He wouldn’t like me either (let it be clear that he doesn’t like much of anyone, though). If we had to have a conversation I’d maybe listen to his thoughts on literature or history. I like listening to people much more intelligent than myself talking about the things that interest them. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with him, though.
3. How competent would your oc be in a survival situation? Would they be better off on their own or in a group?
Incredibly competent. Matthias is a savant with huge swaths of knowledge touching on a countless number of subjects, has analytical prowess, is strong and sturdy, manipulative, charming, and a natural born leader. He has all the makings of a solid survivor and could wind up on the other side of any survival scenario as the head of some fucked up cult, honestly, but…. If the situation in question is dire or inconvenient enough he’s simply not going to bother. He’d let someone else kill him off without putting up a fight. And I’d say he’s better in a group just because he needs people to make him feel real.
4. Is your oc a daredevil, or more of a scaredy cat? What is the most daring thing they’ve done in their life?
Daredevil. Matthias has little value for his own life and often winds up doing some rather outrageous things in order to feel anything other than the numbness he's used to. I think the most daring thing he’s ever done has to be blackmailing the headmaster of his boarding school just because of the sheer gall of it.
5. What is your oc’s patience like? When waiting for something, are they able to sit still or do they fidget? How do they fidget?
Matthias is never in any kind of rush. He leans and lounges and sprawls. He doesn’t move much, but I think he does have a certain lofty demeanor about himself when he’s waiting that’s reminiscent of a big cat swishing its tail and flicking its ear; if he’s crossing his legs you’ll see his foot sort of dip and swish while he’s waiting… he taps his forefinger on his temple… and he stares very intensely.
6. How much thought does your oc put into what they wear/look like? Any reason why?
Matthias pretty much figured out what worked best for him when he was a teenager and has stuck with it since then. He has a simple skin care routine and only uses a few hair care products, so it’s not something he has to put much thought into anymore as it’s all just rote memory now. 
In terms of his clothing, he’s not very adventurous and knows what already works versus what doesn’t. He gravitates toward pieces that flatter his physique while also remaining in a color palette more suitable to his tastes (he likes plain clothing without logos or lettering and wears blacks, grays, whites, and darker shades). 
But Matthias also has a dermatologist, a stylist, and a personal trainer on retainer… he could always get them on the line if he needed to. 
7. Does your oc collect anything? What about knowledge or facts? How big is their collection?
No material possessions, but he does seek out knowledge, if that counts? He also owns a lot of books, but not because he’s collecting them on purpose… he just reads a lot.
8. What kind of flavors does your oc like? How much spice can they handle?
I think he likes both sweet and bitter flavors the most. He’s used to eating a wide array of foods, so I don’t think there’s any flavor he doesn’t like exactly. Matthias can’t handle spice at all, though, which is a shame because he does actually like the flavor. Theo finds this to be very funny, by the way… he thinks Matthias is cute when he’s trying to play off how badly the food is getting to him while drinking water in these precise, measured gulps that’re meant to be subtle but just make it all the more obvious that he’s kind of dying. His ears and the back of his neck go all red while eating spicy food.
9. How easily does your oc trust others? Any particular reason why? How trustworthy are they themselves?
Matthias doesn’t trust easily at all. I think it’s partly because he never had anyone to trust in those development years of his childhood, but also partly because of the way in which his mother shipped him off to a reformation school to be abused and tortured and then essentially abandoned him there. Even despite never being close with his mother or even particularly loving her… he still knew that there was something meant to be there between a mother and their child that was… betrayed. So he finds it nearly impossible to give his trust over to another person, especially because he hides so much of his real desires, impulses, and personality from the world. Imani is the first person to ever gain that trust and the only person after to get it from Matthias is Theo. 
As for himself… it depends on who you are. If it’s Imani or Theo that are putting their trust in him, then they can be assured that they will never have to doubt him. If it’s someone else, however… he’s only trustworthy when it suits him and his little games. He lies a lot just for the hell of it, cheats often, and amuses himself with the power of holding secrets. Do not trust this man.
10. What are some of your oc’s pet peeves? How do they handle it when the annoyance doesn’t stop?
Matthias was trained in etiquette for years, and despite frequent participation in debauchery as an adult, and a strong distaste for rules, some of his training has stuck with him regardless. That is to say that poor table manners make him feel homicidal. Open mouthed chewing and talking with your mouth full has to be what he finds the most atrocious, especially as it nearly makes him nauseous. His way of handling these annoyances is to simply leave without another word, no matter how important the conversation or the person having it with him is.
11. Does your oc have a good sense of direction? Do they get lost easily?
Matthias has a very good memory (a detriment, really, considering how much there is in his life that he’d really like to forget) and a good sense of direction follows that naturally. He hardly ever gets lost.
12. How well would your oc handle being placed in a leadership position?
Like a fish to water. Matthias has lived his whole life placed at the top of the food chain and leading the pack already. He takes up that space with grace. But does he actually want it? Well… no, he’s rather bored of it now. He wants someone to follow instead but so few people are deserving of his devotion… 
13. What is your oc’s confidence like? Are they self-confident to the point of being arrogant? Are they terribly self-deprecating?
Matthias has the confidence of a man who has never found himself to be intellectually inferior to anyone and has only ever stood above everyone else. He’s arrogant and disdainful. Comes with the turf that he also likes himself a great deal… he’s prideful to an irritatingly high degree unless you’re into that sort of thing.
14. What is your oc’s speech like? How loud are they usually? Do they have an accent or a stutter?
Matthias is silver-tongued. He enunciates every word carefully and speaks very precisely. He speaks confidently and never mumbles or stutters. However, if he lets his mind wander or slip (whether aided by intoxication or just simple distraction) his Polish accent—which was trained away when very young—slips through the cracks. You can hear his accent most notably over the letter “a” in words (Bambi becomes Bahmbi, for instance… which I mentioned months ago but now there’s the added context that this is his nickname for Theo… grins a little). 
15. What is your oc’s memory like? Do they remember certain things better than others? Do they have any strategies to better remember things?
Perhaps it’s because of how regularly he exercised his mind from a very young age, but Matthias’s memory is astounding. More than anything, though, what his memory latches onto most is violence. The traumas of his teenage years have followed him like a second shadow. His dreadful nightmares are fueled by just how much he remembers of his time at the reformation school he was sent to from ages 15-18.
16. How affectionate is your oc? How do they convey their affection? By being touchy, or through more subtle ways?
Platonically? He’s very warm with Imani. He often holds out his arm to her so she can place her hand on his bicep as they take walks in the morning. I don’t think they verbally affirm to one another how much they love and care for each other, but that’s mostly just because they already know they do from over a decade of friendship. Plus, Imani kind of has a hard time accepting love from others, so that’s also why Matthias doesn’t speak to his love for her as his dearest friend.
Romantically? Matthias is always showing his affection and love for Theo openly and without shame. He meets Theo’s needs exactly where they are, seeing in Theo just how badly he needs to be reassured and pursued, even when Theo is still trying to deny himself what he desires. Matthias conveys his affection most through words of affirmation and acts of service. He’s always in Theo’s ear whispering about how his heart beats through Theo’s or how nice he’ll be to and for Theo, how good… how he’d crawl for him… he’s incredibly devoted and Theo is very aware of that fact. Make no mistake, though, Matthias is also affectionate in other ways as well. He’s incredibly tactile with Theo, because Theo’s most comforted by the physical reassurance that Matthias is there to catch him, you know? If Theo falls, he’s got him. Matthias also isn’t shy about voicing how badly he wants Theo either. Time and place don’t matter to him at all when faced with Theo’s presence (or, even, the absence of his presence; Matthias wants him all the time). Matthias would let Theo do anything to him. He could ask anything of him.
17. How polite is your oc? Do they know how to act in a formal situation? How would they *actually* act in a formal situation?
Matthias is… hm. Generally speaking, he’s polite, but it’s not exactly… sincere. He’s all charm and pretense, I mean… he’s just following the social contract to get what he wants. In formal situations, he’s the picture perfect gentleman. He has a lot of experience from etiquette lessons to cotillions and has undergone rigorous training in boarding school to ensure infallible success in the upper echelons of society.
18. How physically strong is your oc? Is their agility or endurance better?
Matthias is very strong. You can tell just by looking at him that he’s strapping. His muscles aren’t the kind that are just for show… he’s thick all over and isn’t concerned about having a movie star six pack. He wants real, animalistic strength. He wants to ensure he’s never put in a situation where he can’t protect himself ever again. And I’d say his endurance is better than his agility by nature of having previously undergone a lot of forced labor. Plus, he’s had to adapt and has a high pain tolerance now that he’s in his twenties, so aside from, like, pretty high stamina, his actual ability to endure pain itself is high.
19. What is your oc’s creative skillset? Music, drawing, writing, dancing, etc.? Or are they lacking creativity entirely?
Hm. I think he’s not very… imaginative? Creatively, I think Matthias is very much someone who just sees what’s there… he doesn’t draw from it and add on, you know what I mean? He does some art, but it’s observational realism. He sketches landscapes almost exclusively (in fact, it’s one of the things he does in the mornings). He has a lot of free time not only because of the nature of his lifestyle but also because of how little he sleeps… so he’s had a lot of time to practice and is good at it. He’s trained in ballroom dancing but he’s not explored any other kinds of dance and doesn’t try letting loose any other way. He can play the viola and the piano (as he’s legally required to do as a fictional rich love interest™), but doesn’t compose his own pieces. He’s not a writer, surprisingly, despite reading obsessively… I don’t believe he’s ever even tried writing himself. Well, he does journal, on occasion, but that’s just drawing from his real life… his imagination is stilted. One could draw the conclusion that this is perhaps because of the childhood he had or a result of trauma… hm. Take your pick.
20. Does your oc have any favorite games to pass the time? What other hobbies do they have?
Well… he plays mind games, if you count those. He likes messing with people. Other hobbies… well, what I just mentioned in the previous question, for starters. Hm… I think he treats sex as a hobby. He reads a lot and always has. Birdwatching. Going on walks. I think he’s pretty boring, honestly. Sorry, Matthias. No, um… I really think he just… appreciates the world. It sounds weird to say, considering he’s rather nihilistic… but I feel as though his nihilism actually plays a part in why he just… sits back and appreciates what’s there, because what else is there? The birds in the trees, the rising and setting of the sun, the movement of his body while dancing, the base pleasures of his sexual appetite… yeah. That’s what life is. Experiencing it is his hobby, I suppose.
21. Is your oc expressive, or would they rather conceal their emotions? What are their typical expressions like?
Matthias isn’t very expressive. Sure, he smirks and offers an inscrutable smile, but… he’s hardly ever actually expressing his true emotions or thoughts. I’d say he normally has an intense, persistent stare no matter which mask he’s wearing for the evening. If he smiles, it doesn’t meet his eyes. He’ll raise a brow if he’s amused, and his mouth will quirk, but he never fully laughs—not easily, at least. You’d have to work very hard to earn a laugh from him.
22. How easily does your oc fare in the sun? Do they tan or burn easily? Are they completely unaffected?
Matthias wears sunscreen every day and is meticulous about reapplying it. If he tans, it’s very light. Mostly he just burns. Trust that he complains about this all the time to Imani as she’s often the one with him while poolside. She thinks it’s hilarious, because even when they were kids he’d burn along the bridge of his nose just from being out for a handful of hours in the courtyard of their boarding school.
23. How graceful is your oc? Are they elegant in their movements, or more clumsy?
Matthias is poised and confident in his movements and commands attention through them. He glides gracefully around the room when he’s entertaining guests and mingling. His tread is light, despite his size, and he has a tendency to creep up on people when they’re not looking. The way he moves is unsettling to some who’re watching on the outskirts, because it often appears as if he’s prowling. 
24. Is your oc a romantic, or are they grossed out by the simple mention of anything romantic?
Oh, Matthias is a true romantic when he finds someone worthy of his affection. Or, rather than just his affection, should I say his absolute devotion? He worships at Theo’s feet. He’d debase himself just for a rare glimpse of Theo’s smile. He’s at Theo’s beck and call.
Additionally, Matthias would never be disgusted by any of his desires or urges as he doesn’t let society dictate how he feels about anything; rather, the more his desires deviate from what society at large deems acceptable, the more he’d delight in them. So the love he feels is something he exalts, even when it skews off in jagged directions.
25. How stubborn is your oc? Are they open to considering different options or opinions, or are they more closed off?
Matthias is pretty stubborn, I think. He values his own opinions above all others. He’ll move only if he’s been proved wrong or outsmarted… which is something that always gives him a delicious little thrill. He loves meeting people who can get the better of him.
26. How does your oc sleep? Do they move around a lot? What position does your oc normally sleep in? What are their typical bedding arrangements like?
Matthias is an insomniac and gets very little sleep. When he does sleep… hm… I think he doesn’t move around much unless it’s to accommodate someone else in the bed with him (Theo…). Matthias sleeps on his back using one pillow under his head. He doesn’t like feeling constricted, so he sleeps naked with only a sheet covering his body, his comforter put away in the storage bench at the foot of his bed and only brought back out to make the bed in the morning.
27. What is your oc’s sleep schedule like? Are they a night owl, an early morning riser, or do they get any sleep at all?
Matthias likes the mornings best. I think he normally manages to get some sleep in at around 11AM-1PM in the day. Theo actually helps him fall asleep… Matthias will lay his head in Theo’s lap while Theo’s studying and the motion of Theo’s fingers carding through his hair will put him to sleep like a child with warm milk. His nightmares ease around Theo.
28. How organized is your oc? How important is organization to your oc?
Matthias is very efficient and organized. It’s personally very important to him to keep his area clean as it was a habit he developed in boarding school.
29. If a perfume was to be made to represent your oc, what sorts of smells would be included in it?
I think Matthias’s signature fragrance is already a good enough representation of who he is. He wears Francis Kurkdjian’s Oud Extrait de parfum. A strong scent that’s spicy and rich with saffron notes that’re soft and leathery. He smells warm and masculine without being ostentatious.
30. How caring/empathetic is your oc? Are they the type to immediately adopt and protect others, or are they a true sadist?
Matthias has very little empathy for people who aren’t of his concern. I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a true sadist… but he does have violent urges and enjoys toying with people. He’s protective of children and teenagers, though… it’s not something often seen, as he has no reason to be around younger people, but… Imani’s seen it first hand with her younger brother.
31. What inspired the creation of your oc? Any specific things, a general aesthetic or idea, or something completely random?
Theo. I’ve talked about this over here, but Matthias as a character exists because of Theo. His actual appearance is meant to contrast Theo’s. His life is meant to mirror Theo’s. His personality is both a mix of hard differences and similarities to Theo’s.
32. How judgemental is your oc? Do they keep an open mind about people, or are they the type to judge a book by its cover?
Matthias isn’t actually all that judgy. I mean, he definitely looks down his nose at people, but that’s hardly their fault. I’d say he’s open minded, but he’s also a lofty asshole.
33. What five objects or things could be expected to be found on your oc’s person at any time? Why?
Matthias doesn’t have material possessions that he feels he has to carry around at all times. 
But… I suppose he’d have his phone on him, a watch on his wrist, and his driving gloves tucked away in his back pocket. He doesn’t have a wallet, but he does have a card he’ll carry in one of his pockets. He doesn’t carry keys, as he has people who’ll let him inside his home when he needs to be let in. 
When he’s dating Theo, though, he often makes sure he has a hair tie or two on his wrist as well (which does in fact make me feel insane, thanks for asking). 
34. Does your oc have a pet? If they could have another one or if they were to get one, what would it be? How well could they care for it?
Surprisingly, yes. Matthias has a cat named Odious. By nature of Matthias being rich, Odious is spoiled, but not exactly by Matthias himself. He’s not very affectionate, but he does like her. She just wandered onto one of the estates and didn’t leave.
35. Does your oc have any distinguishing markings? Scars, tattoos, birthmarks, freckles, etc?
Matthias has a very noticeable scar on his chin from a decanter his mother threw at his face when he was fifteen years-old. I do think he’d have more scars on his body from the three years he spent at a reformation boarding school, but I haven’t yet decided where or to what extent the scarring goes. He has no birthmarks, freckles, moles, or tattoos otherwise. 
36. What is your oc’s fight or flight response like? What sorts of things provoke it the most?
Matthias is the fight response without question, but it takes a lot to get him to break and resort to it. Matthias has an impeccable amount of control over his own impulses and can hold off on reacting for a long time. But when his control snaps and he turns violent, it’s most likely a response to Theo getting hurt in some way. He has very little control when it comes to Theo.
37. How does your oc handle heavy stress? Do they have any specific coping mechanisms? Are they healthy or not?
Matthias gives the impression of being impenetrable, but I do think stress is something he feels. If he’s stressed, it’s most likely because of mental challenges he’s facing. As for coping mechanisms for it… he probably doesn’t have any, just by nature of stress being something he chooses to ignore most of the time. Hm… I can’t imagine he’d handle it any differently than how he normally handles his other challenges: with wine, sex, and a crowd of murmuring bodies.
38. What does your oc do to relax? Any specific activities? Why?
By all means, Matthias definitely seems as if he’d be pretty relaxed, but he’s actually on edge a fair amount. His insomnia gets pretty awful at times and he has audible hallucinations. The best way he’s found to deal with it is to relax outside, listening to the sound of the birds and letting the breeze ease the fevered rush of noise his mind tries tricking him with. He doesn’t live close to people at all, so he knows the hallucinations aren’t real (mostly, he hears screaming)… still, it’s not like he enjoys them. He views it as a weakness of his.
39. Does your oc have any nicknames? What are the origins of them? If they don’t, can you come up with some possible ones?
Matthias doesn’t like when his name is shortened, so he doesn’t have any nicknames based on his actual name. Hm... Imani calls him baby whenever she’s making fun of him, if that counts? It’s not really a nickname, though, but whatever. Theo doesn’t use nicknames with Matthias, I don’t think, but Matthias would go crazy for it if Theo ever did. He’d do anything to hear Theo call him his pet… I’d bet he fantasizes about it all the time. I’m sure he’s probably coaxed Theo into calling him a few nicknames during sex, though, so there's that.
40. What languages does your oc know? Are there any they want to learn but haven’t had the chance to? How good are they at picking up new ones?
Matthias is a polyglot. He can speak and write in Polish (and can generally understand a handful of other Slavic languages), English, Spanish, and French. He also knows ASL.
Matthias wants to be able to read as many languages as he can. Right now he’s learning Mandarin but is in the early stages of memorization. He’ll probably start working toward learning either Arabic or Hindi next… I’m not sure. He likes Arabic poetry (the translated forms he’s read) a lot, so that’s probably what he’ll gravitate toward.
41. What was the worst injury your oc ever suffered? Has it had any long lasting impact on them?
His worst injury has to be the broken ribs and punctured lung he got while he was at the reformation school. It’s the source of one of his most frequent nightmares.
42. Is your oc an optimist or a pessimist? Any particular reason why?
I’m honestly not sure that Matthias goes either which way. Everything is so… nothing to him that not even I can say how he feels in concrete terms. I don’t think he feels like there’s going to be better days ahead! or that everything is awful and will be awful forever. He’s just… apathetic.
43. How important are the rules to your oc? Do they follow them to a t, or do they enjoy breaking them?
Matthias has never seriously cared about rules and in actuality spurns them. The only time he observes them is when he can use them to his advantage or because he’s had to in order to ensure his safety.
44. How violent is your oc? Or are they more of a pacifist? To what lengths will they go to start/avoid a conflict?
Well… he’s had violent urges since he was very young. He doesn’t act on them hardly ever (now, at least), but they are there in his mind. And Matthias doesn’t avoid conflict per se, but there’s very little that he views as worthy of his attention in that way. He gets mad for a time, sure, but then he lets it go. When he does act on his urges, it’s… well. It gets bloody fast. He kind of lets it all out at once. 
45. How is your oc around animals? What about children?
Matthias is stilted with animals, including his pet cat. He talks to her like she’s a fully grown human person… he pets her a few times on the head and then pats her bum and tells her to go on her way. It’s a little funny, in my opinion. 
Matthias doesn’t really hang out in circles where children are present hardly ever, but when he is around them I think Matthias is surprisingly soft. He’s gentle with them and talks to them like they’re his equal; he doesn’t use baby talk or dismiss them. Kids really like him because of that. Matthias treats children and teenagers better than any of the adults in his life ever treated him.
46. Does your oc lie a lot, or is the truth very important to them? What is their reaction to other people lying to them?
Matthias thinks lying is fun, lmao. He only considers the truth to be important when he’s talking to people that he views as respectable. If he cares about you, he’s probably not going to lie to you. Perhaps it’s because of how good of a liar Matthias is, but he can see through lies eerily well. So when other people lie to him… hm. I think he enjoys it, because you can learn so much about people based on what they chose to lie about. He finds that fascinating.
He doesn’t like when Theo lies to him, though. Not about the important things at least, like Theo’s safety. It’s what Theo lies about the most to him.
47. How much of a prankster is your oc? Are their pranks truly evil, or more harmless, positive ones?
He doesn’t pull pranks. He thinks they’re simpleminded and uninspired. He can think of much more exciting ways to mess with people.
48. What are your oc’s nervous tics? Are they aware of them? Do they attempt to hide them?
When Matthias is nervous he’ll thumb at the scar on his chin. He catches himself doing it occasionally, but I don’t think he’s ever been aware of why exactly he does it. He stops himself when he realizes he’s going through the motions, though. He thinks the impulsivity of it is inelegant.
49. What would be the perfect gift for your oc? What would be their reaction to receiving it?
I’m honestly not sure. Matthias doesn’t necessarily care about material possessions, so you couldn’t really buy him something and expect much of a reaction from him for it. But I’m also not sure if there’s anything sentimental that would move him either. So not something made for him or something bought… but maybe something personal that belonged to you at some point. Hm. I think he’d let the mask slip and he’d offer a smile… a genuine thank you. He’d be fascinated by the choice of gift… it’d be different from what he’d expect someone to give him and it’d thrill him in that way.
50. How attentive is your oc? How perceptive are they? How easily do they get distracted?
Matthias models his behaviors off of others, so he’s attentive and watches closely. I think he’s perceptive, but not as much as his gaze might lead you to believe. Matthias can get caught up in his own orbit. His haughtiness gets in the way sometimes, so he slips when he’s having his ego stroked… it’s the best time to get one past him. Theo uses this to his advantage when he’s prevaricating and trying to avoid being caught lying.
51. If your oc was to receive an award for something, what would it most likely be for? Have they received any awards in the past?
Matthias has received numerous kinds of academic awards while in school. He’s also won awards for his manners and dancing in his etiquette lessons. No specific award I’d give him… not seriously, at least.
52. In what ways does your oc cope with anger? How easily angered are they? Do they lash out?
Matthias used to be a lot more aggressive when he was younger and was stubbornly argumentative, but he learned to control his… not anger, exactly, but his derision, as a natural consequence of physical violence at the reformation school he went to in his late teens. Matthias does get angry, but… he lets it go if it’s not actually worth his time. If you’ve pissed him off, he’ll give this tight, inscrutable smile and his eyes will glint once in warning before his features will smooth back over. He’ll keep staring until you get uncomfortable and look away first, change the subject, or leave. But if he’s actually furious over something that he can’t just ignore… he lashes out like a viper. You’ll get dizzy from how severely he dresses you down. Or he’ll hurt you, if your offense is grievous enough. I don’t think he’d be quick about that, though. He really does enjoy playing with people.
53. If your oc was to host a podcast or TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc actually be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Oh God… Matthias absolutely cannot be given an audience. It would be detrimental to world order or something. Um… but I think he’d do great talking about history or literature… or manipulation tactics. I don’t think he’d have any guests on, though. He’s a one man show.
54. How would you describe your oc’s voice to sound like? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Matthias’s voice is low, cold, and seductive. There’s a gravitas to his voice and an arrogance you can just hear. If you close your eyes while Matthias is speaking, you’ll get the impression that you might need to crane your neck up to look at him… the force of his presence just spills over into every part of him, including his voice. He enunciates the letters in words precisely and has a measured way of speaking that adds a layer of… command to his words. 
I don’t have an exact voice claim… but I think his voice would sound like a harsher, deeper version of Michelle Gurevich's in Temptation (especially when Michelle’s voice starts to growl/rasp at the end of her words).
55. How sensitive to loud sound is your oc? Do they prefer constant high background noise, low background noise, or complete silence?
Hm… it depends on what the noise is coming from. He’s used to all kinds of distressing noises. In general, I’d say he prefers low background noise or silence.
56. What is your oc’s favorite color? If you had to choose one color to represent your oc, what would it be and why?
Matthias doesn’t have a favorite color… like, at all. And I’d say silver reflects him well… I can’t say why exactly, it’s just the first color that comes to me when I think of him. Maybe pale blue as well… he’s icy.
57. How good is your oc’s sight? Do they wear glasses? Do they need glasses? Do they have some form of night vision?
Matthias has perfect eyesight. The fucker.
58. How would you describe your oc’s appearance to someone who’s looking for them? What features would be most identifiable?
I think Matthias is actually incredibly easy to spot. I’d tell them to look for the tallest guy in the room who’s pale all over and broad shouldered. I honestly think that would be enough to spot him. I think his pale blond hair is the most identifiable feature he has, especially when light hits it.
59. How good at cooking is your oc? What can they cook/what is their favorite thing to cook?
While Matthias does have staff who’re paid specifically to cook for him, he actually waves them away a lot of the time to do it for himself instead. He’s a good cook. Not, like, Le Cinq level cooking, but he’s good regardless. I think Matthias spends a lot of time practicing things like cooking specifically to impress. He gives off the impression that he’s just innately talented at many things, but that’s by design. He’s actually worked very hard to develop the skills he has. It’s a fun aspect of his character, in my opinion. He seems like he wouldn’t care, but he actually cares a great deal.
(Additionally, being on Matthias’s payroll is pretty cozy, because oftentimes he just ends up doing what the staff are hired to do for himself and the staff still get paid regardless. Putting up with his uncomfortable staring and odd waking hours is worth it in the end.) 
60. How good is your oc at keeping track of time? Are they always late, always early, or always right on time?
Time slips away from Matthias frequently. He’s normally late to things, but because of his personality, a lot of people think he’s just being fashionable… he’s not. He genuinely just gets so wrapped up in whatever it is he’s doing that appointments on his schedule slip his mind and he winds up ten minutes late to everything.
61. Is your oc more quick-thinking, or do they take longer to figure things out?
He’s quick-thinking. His mind is agile and connects dots faster than most. But he’s not even half as perceptive as Theo despite having a similarly quick mind.
62. How quick is your oc? Do they have faster or slower reflexes? What things are they quickest at?
He’s both mentally and physically quick. He exercises regularly and boxes, which is something he would hardly be able to do well if he couldn’t react fast. The way he carries himself, his grace and poise, has also aided his reflexes. I think he reacts fastest when catching things… you should see how adeptly he can catch and maneuver Theo’s legs around him when Theo jumps on him.
63. How self-disciplined is your oc? Do they often think before they act, or the other way around?
Matthias is incredibly self-disciplined due to how he grew up and the experiences he had in his teens. He thinks first before acting, without a doubt. The times in which he does act first are always the moments in which his control snaps and he lashes out. He tries to avoid that happening as best as he can.
64. Which of the seven deadly sins does your oc fall under most? What about the seven heavenly virtues?
He’s lust, easily, but pride and wrath speak to him as well. 
As for the seven heavenly virtues, the only one I can even entertain for him is patience.
65. If you were to give your oc a new superpower, what would you choose and why? If *they* were to be able to choose, what would it be and why?
I was going to be funny here, but actually… I think I’d give him the ability to sleep whenever he wants. Is that really even a superpower? Probably not. But it’s all just made up anyway, so, sure. He’d have sleeping powers.
On the other hand, I think Matthias would be interested in something that could give him either greater knowledge or a deeper insight into the way people think. Telepathy, maybe? Not, like, mind control, or anything. That’s not very fun for him… he’d want to have to work for it more.
66. What sort of advice would people go to your oc for? What sort of advice is your oc actually good at giving?
I don’t think Matthias has the interest or sensitivity necessary to give people advice. I don’t know… he doesn’t really have many opportunities to try, anyway. I doubt Imani goes to him for advice when she’d rather handle things on her own, and Theo would never ask anyone for anything, especially for help. But I think Matthias would be the kind of person you would go to when you want to indulge. He’d stoke the flames of your passions and persuade you to reach for them rather than staying still.
67. How many people does your oc prefer to be around? A crowd, a few friends, or all on their own?
Matthias prefers to be in crowds of people. He has to feel alive somehow. He lives both because of others and through them. 
It’s only when he feels seen and understood through Theo that he begins to reassess and prefer the company of just a few friends and his lover.
68. What sorts of things would cheer your oc up when they’re down? Is your oc sad often, or is it more rare?
Rather than feeling sad exactly, Matthias is more unresponsive. I’d say he has a very childlike sadness buried deep down that he’s carried with him his whole life to the point that he’s now numb to it. Nothing cheers Matthias up, not really. Maybe Theo.
69. How energetic is your oc? Are they constantly tired, or constantly bouncing off the walls?
Matthias is an insomniac, so by nature he’s sort of always tired; however, Matthias has had nearly a decade to adjust and is a master of performance—you would never notice how exhausted he truly is. It’s not that he’s dull or low energy… but he’s languorous. All of his movements are languid and unhurried. Even the way he talks is measured… he draws things out. His actions only pick up if he’s excited by something. 
70. What about your oc’s lifestyle would they change if they had the ability? Why?
71. What is your oc’s go-to for offense? What weapon, what style of fighting? Or are words more their weapon of choice?
The personal trainer Matthias has had since he entered his twenties is an ex-boxer, so that’s how Matthias has learned to fight in a more refined, professional capacity. Before that, though, he learned how to fight from hands-on experience at the reformation school… meaning, he fought dirty and there was absolutely nothing off limits. He had to defend himself any way he could. Because of this, Matthias is rather crafty in what he’ll reach for to use in a fight, but he prefers to do it with his bare hands if it’s… a more personal attack. 
Matthias actually spars with Sehyuk at times to blow off steam. They’re never fighting to really hurt each other, which is good… Sehyuk could put Matthias out of commission for quite some time if they ever wound up actually fighting. Well, if they were playing clean. If they fought dirty it’d be a toss-up on who’d win. They’re both rather brutal.
72. What is your oc’s ideal environment like? Urban or natural? Fancy or rustic? What’s the weather like?
Matthias enjoys warm weather. He enjoys nature and likes tropical locations or locations that’re at a great distance away from other people. He likes being separate from everyone else at home… it gives him the space to drop the act and be who he really, truly is underneath it all. Space also allows him the clarity of knowing he’s just hearing things when he’s hallucinating. (Though, later this becomes unnecessary when Theo finds out about Matthias’s hallucinations and shows Matthias to record the things he thinks he’s hearing. If they don’t come through the recordings, then he knows they’re not real.)
73. If your oc were to be arrested, what would it most likely be for? Is it justified? Have they actually been arrested before?
Matthias has never actually been arrested, but if he were to be arrested for anything it’d be for public indecency, without question. Justified, obviously, because he’s fucking and sucking everywhere. 
74. How would your oc act when drunk? What about when really, really tired?
Matthias is very intense when he’s actually drunk. He’ll stare without talking for a long, unsettling amount of time. He forgets to mind his strength and leaves marks behind if he grabs an arm or a shoulder. He doesn’t shy away from voicing his thoughts, of which he doesn’t filter… meaning he says things that are weird and also deeply disturbing if he’s feeling angry (again, violent thoughts… he’s always had them). Matthias is also direct in a very blunt, unrefined way when he’s drunk—he’s always direct about what he wants, mind you, but normally he’s charming about it. The charm’s gone when he’s intoxicated. He’s incredibly meticulous about never drinking too much because of all of this.
When he hasn’t slept for days, I think he becomes… very quiet. He doesn’t even talk to himself, which is a thing he does frequently when alone (a habit from childhood). I think the softest he ever is is when he’s tired. Theo’s seen him like this a lot. He’ll lay his head down on Theo’s lap and just stare into space. If he speaks, it’s a few words at a time and that’s it. He becomes pliable… he’ll press into Theo’s touch and sigh… he’ll make quiet sounds of discomfort and hurt if Theo tries to shift away or leave. He’s clingy. The hallucinations are incessant if he hasn’t slept for a long time, so… I think that’s why he gets quiet. There’s already too much noise.
75. What would your oc’s dream home be like? How big would it be? What sorts of rooms would be in it? Where would it be located?
He doesn’t really have a dream home. To be clear, Matthias did actually buy himself a large home to his taste shortly after getting his inheritance… but it’s not like he’s attached to it. He doesn’t have that… desire for material things, including for where he lives. He dreams about locations, sure, but the actual house he lives in doesn’t factor into it. He just wants to live somewhere warm and in the heart of nature… he wants to always hear birds outside.
76. What is/was your oc’s relationship with their family like? Was it happy, tense, or abusive? What living family does your oc currently have, if any?
Matthias’s father died when he was fifteen and since then he’s been completely estranged from his mother as well. His relationships with both parents have always been nonexistent. His mother has resented him since birth and his father only saw him as a means to continue his legacy as well as a way to entrap his mother. Physical abuse came with his parents’ marriage, but Matthias is completely unaware of that fact as he was neglected and left on his own for nearly his entire childhood. I’d say he can hardly even recall a handful of instances where he interacted with his parents when he was young. Rather than being under the care of his parents as a child, Matthias was taken care of by the staff of the estate (who had orders not to interact with him more than necessary). He received no love, no praise, and no physical affection. He grew up on silence, literature, and the sounds of the birds in the gardens of his home. After his father promised him the entirety of his wealth in his will, his mother assaulted him physically and then sent him away to a reformation school that psychologically tortured and physically abused him until Imani got him out of there the day he turned eighteen.
77. Does your oc like to wear any particular accessories? Hats, jewelry, scarves, etc.?
The most Matthias wears are his driving gloves and one of his watches.
78. How socially skilled is your oc? Are they good at understanding social cues? How charismatic are they?
Matthias’s social skills are award winning. He’s exceptionally charismatic and well-mannered. Of course, that’s just for show. His grasp on social cues is stilted, but a smile can get him very, very far with that face and all that money.
79. For what reason would your oc turn into a villain? And if they’re already a villain, vice-versa?
Well… I think either way you view this question in relation to Matthias’s character, the answer is going to be because of Theo.
80. What is your oc’s handwriting like? How easy is it to read? Can they write/read cursive?
Matthias’s handwriting is clean and romantic. Huge swooping curves and artistic strokes. You can tell his handwriting has been something he’s worked very hard on perfecting. He writes in cursive most of the time, but not always. His print is sharp and clean, but not as extravagant.
81. How good is your oc at drawing? What is their preferred art medium, and what is their artstyle like?
Matthias is good at drawing. He draws in sketchbooks and prefers simple graphite pencils. His art style is observational realism. (Refer back to #19 for more on this.)
82. What would be your oc’s ultimate dream vacation? Where would they go? Who would they take with them? What would they do?
Whisking Theo away to wherever Theo will allow him to would be Matthias’s dream. Theo has many different responsibilities that he’s bound to… and, really, Matthias just wants to take him away from it all and keep him in bed for days. He wants Theo to rest and act on his own wants and desires for once. He wants Theo to be somewhere safe.
83. What is your oc’s favorite trait about themselves? What about their least liked? What would others like and dislike the most about your oc?
There’s nothing Matthias doesn’t like about himself, honestly. He favors his own intelligence the most.
I think he’s valued by others for his money the most, followed closely by his looks. Most people who haven’t been privy to Matthias with his mask off probably would say they feel uncomfortable when he goes silent and just… stares. If they’ve seen him without the pretense, then his derision is what they dislike most.
84. Is your oc more masculine, feminine, androgynous, or something else entirely?
I think he’s more masculine.
85. What would history remember your oc for? How would they become famous? Or are they the sort that would really only be appreciated long after their death?
In the Echthroi universe? Hm… he doesn’t covet fame in any way, so I can’t imagine it’d be because of anything he himself has willed. Maybe someone snaps a photo of him and posts it online and it blows up? I don’t know… he doesn’t even have any social media himself, so… yeah. I got nothing.
86. What would someone assume about your oc based on their appearance? Would those assumptions be correct?
Matthias has been carefully crafted to look exactly as haughty and duplicitous as he is.
87. What are some of your oc’s physical weak spots? What about emotional/moral ones?
He’s weak to being kissed behind his ears, touched along his spine, and having his head pet or his hair pulled. He’s weak to Theo and Imani… and there’s this small, trembling thing inside him that’s weak to his mother.
88. Does your oc hold grudges? For how long? Does your oc have any rivals?
Hm… I have a hard time imagining him carrying anger with him long enough to foster a grudge (outside of the grudges he has with his mother and the people at the reformation school he went to). I think if he had an issue with someone he’d do something about it rather than stew in it. And by “do something about it” I don’t mean by talking things out.
89. What does your oc’s laugh sound like? How often do they laugh? Are they easily amused?
Sexy. What? Who said that? 
No, but Matthias doesn’t genuinely laugh very often. Instead he has this rehearsed laugh that he uses to charm and manipulate in social settings. It sounds nice… breezy and light… a trustworthy kind of laugh.
His real laugh is actually pretty startling. Matthias’s voice is cold and seductive… dripping… but his laughter, when it’s honest and real, is rumbling and comes out at a much lower register. He laughs with his entire diaphragm. You can press your hand to the center of his chest and feel it rumble through your fingers. Theo actually jumped the first time he heard Matthias laugh. Matthias’s laugh is inviting and warm and always makes Theo all flustered. Even if you're immune to Matthias's looks and charm, his real laugh will draw you in.
90. Does your oc have any objects they could never give up? Why is it so important to them? Do they have any family heirlooms?
Matthias doesn’t form attachments to material objects and has nothing he holds on to. He also sees zero value in family heirlooms and his lineage as a whole. I suppose he does still have his family home (and other Evanoff homes) in his possession but he defiles it regularly.
91. What is your oc’s typical posture like? Do they slouch, or stand straight? How much space do they usually take up, both physically and figuratively?
Matthias (like Imani) was forced through years of etiquette lessons and has a very precise bearing with an easy upright posture, standing tall and elegant in the center of any room. He’s both physically large (he’s 6’3” and would potentially have been taller had it not been for his experiences at the reformation school while still growing) as well as figuratively; Matthias has a very… imposing presence and is at ease with himself no matter where he is.
92. What trait does your oc appreciate or admire the most in others? Why?
I believe it’s a three-way tie between intelligence, wit, and viciousness. Matthias doesn’t want to be bored by conversation and he seeks out stimulation and amusement to prevent that.
93. What is your oc’s preferred learning style? Observation, hands-on, instruction? Do they take notes or memorize?
He prefers to learn by himself through reading and observation. Obviously, though, there are some things he can't learn through simple observation and does actually seek those who're better educated to learn from—like his personal trainer and language tutors. He has a very good memory, but he takes notes regardless. He likes the activeness of pen and paper while learning.
94. Does your oc rely more on a logical or emotional mindset? What situations would this be the opposite?
Logical, definitely. Matthias experienced very little emotional output for most of his life and it was only once he truly bonded with Imani that he started to develop more sentimental feelings. When it comes to Theo, however, he becomes almost entirely ruled by emotion… nearly too much of it for him to bear.
95. How is your oc about keeping someone else’s secret? Are they the gossiping type, or do they hold true on their promise to keep things quiet?
He keeps secrets very well. It’s not that he feels especially beholden to keeping his word, but rather that he enjoys knowing that he’s the keeper of a hidden kind of knowledge. That said, when the secrets he’s keeping are on Imani and Theo’s behalf, it becomes much more about a sense of loyalty and love than about… mastery and power, I suppose.
96. Describe your oc in three words. What three words would they use to describe themselves?
I would describe Matthias best as a man who is intimidating, imposing, and impossible.
Matthias would describe himself as detestable, irresistible, and… a mouthful.
97. How old is your oc physically? How old are they in mental maturity? When are they most mature, and when are they the least?
Matthias is in his mid-twenties physically (I think 26-27 is a more solid answer, but nothing’s set in stone). Mentally… it’s complicated. When he was young he had a sort of agelessness about him… it was only when he first entered his teens (and the public) that I believe he began to act more like a real child and then more rapidly like a teenager. Abuse did a number on him, though, late in his teens… He’s both stuck at the ages he was during the worst of the abuse while also seeming older than he actually is. His maturity is best exemplified in crisis situations or when he’s taking care of someone (Theo…). Conversely, his maturity goes down the drain when he’s being stingy or possessive.
98. Is your oc the type to have a lot of fairly good friends, have a small group of close friends, have one or two best friends, or have no friends at all? Who are they closest to?
Matthias only has one best friend and that’s Imani, who is also the first friend he ever made (they've been friends since they were eleven and twelve, respectively). He’s also friends with Sehyuk but they aren’t particularly close. His relationship with Sehyuk is... one of convenience, I'd say, but they do have an interesting bond... Matthias is able to fully be himself around Sehyuk, which is rare for him.
99. What is your oc’s morning routine usually like? What do they eat for breakfast (if they have breakfast)? What time do they usually get up in the morning?
Matthias is an insomniac so most mornings he’s not actually waking up but rather was already there waiting for the sun to rise. Matthias will sit outside with coffee and a book in the morning and listen to the birds. If he’s having breakfast it’s most likely something light that compliments his coffee.
100. Does your character ever swear? How often? How vulgar is their swearing?
In casual conversation I’d say he doesn’t often swear since he’s more imaginative than just saying “fuck you” or similar phrases, but if he does swear in conversation he’s most likely doing it in Polish (pierdol się is easily what he says most). When he’s in someone’s ear talking dirty, however, he’s vulgar to the point of pearl clutching on his partner’s part.
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jusvibbbin · 1 year
Graduation Frustrations
Kenickie x Reader: Epilogue 1
1 | 2 | 3
//my original trilogy is near and dear to my heart, and since its been popping off recently i’ve decided to write a few epilogue chapters for it :) i hope you enjoy and feel free to send me more grease requests <3
“I’m sorry kiddo, but it looks like you’re going to have to repeat senior year.”
Kenickie stared back at Mrs. Murdock, mouth slightly agape. The shop teacher awkwardly looked around the classroom as the rest of the class had started to pack up. Graduation was one month away and she knew that boy’s only chance was finals.
“REPEAT WHAT?!” Kenickie had finally processed what she had said.
“Come on, Kenickie. Are you really surprised? You’re passing my class but only because you actually showed up. How many times did you go to history? English?” She threw her hands up, exasperated, and walked over to her desk. Kenickie paused for a beat before following after her.
“What the hell do I do now?” He chewed his bottom lip, a nervous habit he developed years ago.
Mrs. Murdock looked at him and sighed, sitting in her chair.
“Study, kid. Study til you drop.”
At that, Kenickie rushed out the door.
Your head slipped off your hand and smacked against your desk with a loud thud. You groaned lightly as you sat back up. Looking out the window, it was much darker outside than you thought it should be.
A short knock at your door scared you out of your thoughts as you quickly tucked the ring on your necklace under your shirt.
“Come in!”
Your dad’s head poked around the door, an eyebrow raised behind his glasses.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed? I thought you had a big test tomorrow.” His eyes scanned the room carefully as he spoke and you rolled your eyes tiredly.
“Kenickie isn’t here, Dad. I’m studying calculus.” You stretched your arms and stood up from your chair. Glancing at the clock you realized he was right. Two a.m. was way too late.
“I know that.” He huffed lightly.
“I know you do.” You crossed the room to give him a hug before pushing him out of your room. You turned off your light and sat by your window. Hearing your dad shuffle back down the hall, you pulled the ring out. 
The engagement ring sparkled in the moonlight making you smile softly. It was beautiful, plain and simple. But would that be enough to ease your parents' worries? You still hadn’t found the right way to tell them Kenickie had proposed. You knew they liked him, but would they approve of him? He was your first relationship, a high school sweetheart. You sighed as you twirled the ring around your finger.
You decided you’d figure it out once finals were done. Right now all you needed to do was sleep.
The T-Birds were utterly gobsmacked as Kenickie smirked proudly. Unlike yourself, he had told anybody who would listen that he had put a ring on your finger. His mom was overjoyed and started ringing all her friends to tell them the good news. 
“Kenickie freakin’ Murdoch is getting tied down?”
“A married man?”
“Never to be seen again?”
There was a cacophony of mock groans and weeping as Kenickie rolled his eyes. The only one of them who was quiet was Danny, who simply gave his old friend a genuine smile. He had already asked him to be his best man, the only guy around for the job, and Danny accepted wholeheartedly. Kenickie had waited to tell the rest of them because of this exact reaction.
“Don’t be so dramatic. You know (Y/N) doesn’t mind havin’ you idiots around.” The guys all whooped and high fived.
“Me on the other hand… I don’t know.” Kenickie chuckled as they shot skeptical looks his way. His face turned serious as he remembered why he was telling them all this in the first place.
“Look, we can talk about weddings all day long, but it’s not gonna happen if I don’t graduate. How the hell am I gonna pass five classes before the end of the year?”
The T-Birds grimaced then looked thoughtful as they tried to brainstorm any possible way for Kenickie Murdoch, the king of skipping class, to get passing grades.
“You could threaten all the teachers so they raise your grade,” Doody suggested.
“Yeah,” Sonny chimed in. “Just tell em that they’ll have to have you again next year!” He laughed loudly as the other boys just shook their heads.
“Why don’t you ask (Y/N) to help you cheat? You’ve got a couple classes together,” Putzie said. The T-Birds agreed with shrugs and ‘yeahs’, but Kenickie frowned. He wasn’t sure about getting you involved in his mess, especially if that put your reputation on the line.
“Why don’t you just pay some nerd to tell you what you need to know?” Danny piped up.
Kenickie grinned and slung his arm around his buddy’s shoulder.
“And that’s why you’re my best friggin’ man!”
The gang cheered and walked across campus to find just the right nerd.
As the bell rang on your calculus final, you breathed a sigh of relief. It was out of your hands now and that meant there was no point worrying. You picked up your things then headed back to your locker to find Kenickie waiting for you.
“Hey you,” you said with a smile as he opened your locker for you.
He sent a sheepish smile your way and you instantly narrowed your eyes.
“What is it, Nickie?”
“Do you think you could uh, introduce me to one of your smart friends?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he said this, and looked anywhere but at you. To no one’s surprise but the T-Birds, they didn’t exactly have the best track record with the ‘nerd community’ so finding help had been damn near impossible. You quirked your eyebrow and nudged his foot with yours. His eyes finally met yours and he turned a bit red. 
“Do you need help with something?” You made a slight face, a bit hurt he didn’t want your help. He scoffed and waved your comment away.
“No, no, no. Uh, Putzie needs some assistance with a history project.”
You gave him a suspicious look as Kenickie stood there starting to sweat.
“I think Alyssa Monroe has the extra time to help him out.”
Kenickie smiled and quickly kissed your cheek.
“Thanks, babe. He owes you one.”
You waved him off and he headed back down the hallway as you looked after him.
You walked up to your house, wondering about Kenickie the whole way. As you walked past the dining room, you noticed something glittering on the table. You took a couple steps backward to look again and to your horror, it was your engagement ring. Before you could snatch it, your parents came in from the kitchen.
“Hi sweetie, how were your tests?” Your mother sat down next to your father and motioned you to sit as well.
“Good,” you replied as you nervously took a seat.
“I found that on the bathroom counter this morning,” your dad remarked, picking it up. “It's a sparkler that's for sure. Where’d ya steal it from?”
“I’m only kidding!”
Your mother rolled her eyes at his antics as she took the ring from him and handed it to you.
“You know you can tell us anything, sweetie.”
“Yeah honey. Most of the time we know already.” Your mother elbowed your father in the ribs as you squinted your eyes at them.
“Wait… you already knew? How?” You were utterly confused.
“Kenickie came by two months ago, asking if we’d accept him proposing to you. We said ‘of course’, you know we love that boy.” Your father beamed at you.
“We’ve been waiting for you to tell us,” your mother said, looking at you expectantly.
You hadn’t realized you were crying until you felt the first tear roll down your cheek.
“I was scared you wouldn’t approve. Not of Kenickie exactly, but the fact that we’re so inexperienced. He was my first boyfriend and now we’re getting married.” You let out a shaky breath as you processed what you had said. You two were really going to be together for the rest of your lives.
“Sweetheart, we just want you to be happy. If that boy makes you happy then who are we to say anything? No one is ever really ready.” Your mother grabbed your hand from across the table and your father reached to cover both.
“Thank you,” you said softly, feeling the stress from finals and the engagement finally fading away.
“No, the war of 1812 has nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition. Are you even listening?” Alyssa Monroe had her head in her hands as Kenickie looked over his notes again.
“Shit, I wrote that on the wrong line,” he groaned as he erased and rewrote.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell (Y/N) that you needed help,” she started. Kenickie shot her a look and she simply huffed before looking around the local library. It was getting dark and people were beginning to gather their things.
“Look, it’s getting late. How bad can your grades really be?”
“Really fucking bad, okay? Bad enough to get dumped. Okay, I’ll work on the history later, let’s go to geometry.” Kenickie pulled out another piece of paper. Alyssa stared at the greaser, wondering if anybody had ever seen him care about school before. She opened the textbook and started going over what he needed to know for the final.
After studying for days on end, Kenickie was ready to blow his teachers away. He had prepped as much as he could and thanked Alyssa tremendously. He tried to pay her but she declined, stating she’d rather consider it ‘volunteer hours.’
One by one, he blazed through his tests, even finishing early in history. All he had left was geometry. He was about to walk in when you grabbed his hand and tugged him around. 
“What’s up, hun?”
You pulled him down to plant a kiss on his lips then pulled away with a smile.
“Good luck, handsome.”
Kenickie flushed as a grin spread across his face. He squeezed your hand then headed into his final, confident as ever.
“A D-?! What the hell?”
You bit your lip, listening outside to Kenickie as his teacher graded his test on the spot. Mr. Roberts simply shrugged, and swiveled his chair away from him to do something else. Kenickie stood there, heartbroken as he looked at his test. He had been so close to just barely skating by. Now it was a wash and he would have to do it all again next year.
“Excuse me,” you piped up. Kenickie snapped his head up to look at you in the doorway. Mr. Roberts smiled as you walked in.
“(Y/N), one of my favorite students! You could learn a lot from this one, Murdoch.” He gushed over you as you looked over Kenickie’s final. Several moments went by until you set the test back on the mathematician’s desk.
“I don’t think you graded this right.”
The two men looked at you and then the test as Mr. Roberts picked it up again. He looked over it briefly before shaking his head.
“You must be mistaken. He missed several.”
You glared at the teacher, walking over to the board and writing all the problems he had marked incorrect. You began solving them and as Kenickie looked on, he realized his test looked like what you were writing.
You turned back to Mr. Roberts as he looked on shamefully.
“You don’t have to like him, but you have to treat and grade him fairly. Kenickie, you got a B-.”
Kenickie was sure he had stopped breathing. Here you were, his shy, sweet, brilliant fiance, telling off a teacher in your own nerdy way. And he was in awe of you.
Mr. Roberts changed his grade as the two of you walked out and headed to his car.
“Once again, a round of applause for our valedictorian, Patty Simcox. And now to introduce our honors students, our salutatorian, (Y/N) (L/N),” Principal McGee announced as you took to the stage. 
Kenickie cheered obnoxiously loud for you, as you stepped up to the mic. You were glowing with pride and all he could do was thank his lucky stars that he was yours. He thought about your year together and all its ups and downs. He thought about how you had changed him for the better in so many ways. And he thought about what you might look like on your wedding day. He hollered for you again as you got your diploma and you sent him an overjoyed smile. He had never been prouder. As the honors students left the stage, he made eye contact with Mr. Roberts and gave him the finger.
With graduation over and done with, the seniors had one last day of celebration at Rydell. The school had shelled out for a carnival on the field and everywhere you looked people were having a good time. You walked with Jan as she stuffed her face with cotton candy. 
“Isn’t this great?” She said with her mouth full. You laughed, nodding as you tore some of her cotton candy off the stick. The two of you walked over to where the T-Birds and the rest of the pink ladies were watching Danny and Kenickie compete at the shooting gallery. Kenickie grumbled as he lost by a few points until you slipped your hand in his. He smiled in that way that he saved just for you and let you drag him away when no one was looking.
“We’ve been so busy I feel like I’ve barely seen you.” Kenickie nodded in agreement as you stopped at a ring toss game. You pulled out a quarter to play while he stood by and watched you.
“Gonna win me somethin’?” He pointed at a long stuffed snake and you knew you just had to get it. A few quarters later, Kenickie had a brightly colored ‘scarf’ around his shoulders. The two of you walked, chatting about everyone else’s plans for after school, when you walked into the line for the ‘Tunnel of Love.’ You sent him a look but he just wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. As you got up to the operator, Kenickie slipped him a few bucks before you got in one of the cars shaped like a swan.
“What was that about?”
“I just wanna get some extra time for us,” he said as he pulled the bar over you both.
The ride started up and you cuddled into his side. You entered a dark tunnel that suddenly lit up with all sorts of colors and shapes. You looked around at everything, but all Kenickie looked at was you. Your eyes met him and you leaned forward to kiss him. He held you to him as you made out in the middle of the tunnel of love.
Around the corner you could hear the groans of the people in line as the operator lied that it was down for maintenance. You giggled into your kiss and Kenickie pulled away to chuckle too.
“We’re getting married.”
You opened your eyes to find him studying your face.
“I know. How do you feel about it?”
Kenickie thought for a moment as he played with the hair at the nape of your neck.
“I’m the most excited I’ve ever been. I’m happy that you said yes. And I’m hopin’ that I’ll be enough for you, forever.” His eyes flicked away as he finished and you put a hand on his cheek to guide them back to yours.
“I’m a little nervous too. But I know we’ll be okay, because I love you. And we make a great team.” Kenickie kissed your forehead before traveling down to leave hickies on your neck. You moaned softly which only spurred him on as he groped at your hips.
With a jolt the ride started up again, Kenickie letting out a frustrated noise which made you laugh. Blinking at the sudden sunlight, you exited the ride and walked around until the sun started to set. Everyone was standing around Kenickie’s car as the day ended, discussing where to go after.
“You guys have fun, I think I’m gonna head home,” you said with a smile as the other T-Birds begged you not to go. You waved to them and, as you turned to walk home you heard footsteps come up quickly behind you.
“Let me drive you, it’s getting dark,” Kenickie grabbed your hand to twirl you around. 
“It’s not that far.” But he had already started leading you back to the car, ranting and raving about how dangerous the neighborhood could be.
Parking in front of your house, Kenickie kissed your hand sweetly. You kissed his cheek and moved to get out, before he tugged you back gently. 
“Can I take you to lunch tomorrow?” You pulled an amused face as you nodded. Kenickie smiled and let you go, only driving off once he was sure you were safe inside.
Lunch had been simple, just a date at Frosty’s. But as he started to drive back to your house, you noticed Kenickie was going a very roundabout way to get there.
“Nickie, what’s up?”
“Huh? What do you mean? Ain’t nothing’s up.” Kenickie was not a very good liar, but there wasn’t much else you could do as he drove you in circles for another twenty minutes. Finally, he pulled into your driveway, getting out quickly to get the door for you. You punched his arm lightly at the gesture, starting to walk up the porch. You looked back to see him peering intently through a window before snapping his attention back to you, an awkward smile on his face. You narrowed your eyes and pushed open the door…
The lights were thrown on, a bottle of champagne was uncorked and a confetti cannon popped. You gazed around, startled, until you saw your family, friends, and a large banner that read ‘Happy Engagement!’ You started to tear up when the T-Birds brought a cake out of the kitchen.
“Ah shit, did we miss it?” Sonny exclaimed as everyone else just laughed.
You turned to Kenickie, who was standing by your parents, and it all clicked.
“How long have you been planning this?”
“Since he asked if he could propose to you! Isn’t that right, son?”
Kenickie looked at your father, mild shock written all over his face before he quickly nodded. You wrapped your arms around his neck, whispering how much you loved him in his ear. Kenickie grinned as he held your waist, appropriately in front of your parents of course.
As you pulled back to look at him, he looked slightly worried.
“What’s wrong?” You reached up to put a hand on his cheek.
“We still got a whole wedding to plan!”
You chuckled and planted a kiss on his lips.
“Well then, we better get started.”
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goldenempyrean · 10 months
From Super to Sniffly
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〚Notes - Miss Somber threw some random prompts at me last night so I stayed up WAY too late writing this :P Im gonna try and get some marvel done soon…maybe :,) 〛
〚 Pairing - Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - Lena is more than willing to look after her girlfriend when she solar flares. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 3140 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Just try to take it easy this time, okay?” Alex had sighed after she’d finished taking her sister’s vitals, “Maybe we should get you under the solar lamps for a bit, help you recharge a little?” 
Kara shook her head, wincing a little at the cut on her arm where Alex had patched up earlier, “I can’t I need to get home and finish my report, Snapper will have my head if I don’t.” 
Typical. Of course, Kara was worrying about her work instead of the fact she’d once again became powerless. It wasn’t really her fault this time, not entirely. The alien she’d been fighting an hour or so early had entirely drained her cells of their solar energy, in turn, taking away her powers - leaving her just vulnerable as any other human. 
“Fine, well I’ll tell J’onn you’ll be out of commission for a few days. Just until we get those powers back.” Alex said, hurrying round the med bay before turning her attention back to the Kryptonian, “I’ll arrange transport to take you home.” 
“No, no,” She interrupted, pulling herself off of the bed and stretching her legs, “I think I’m gonna walk myself home, I could do with some fresh air.”  
“Alright, just take care, okay?” Alex agreed, there was no point in arguing. Kara could look after herself, even if it made her worry, “No crime fighting or gallivanting into danger, I expect you to go straight home.” She added as she began to escort her to the door, watching as the blonde headed to the exit. 
As she stepped out into street the cool evening breeze brushed against her skin, causing goosebumps to run up her arms and Kara pulled her jacket just a little tighter around herself.  
She continued down the street, not in a hurry by any means. She was taking her time, enjoying just how human she felt in that moment.  
But suddenly something snatched her attention, the approaching crackle of thunder overhead - she’d forgotten about the storms that had been forecasted… maybe she would’ve been better taking the transport after all. Soon enough, the first droplets of rain started to fall, lightly spattering the pavement around her. She glanced up at the darkening clouds and decidedly quickened her pace. 
Not that it helped much, before long the rain intensified, turning from a light drizzle into a steady downpour. They plastered her hair to her forehead and soaked through her jacket.  
Kara hunched her shoulders, shivering as the cold rain seeped into her clothes. She groaned, crossing her arms as she walked, just trying to keep a little bit of heat in. 
 Not that it really worked, on second thought maybe being Kryptonian had its benefits aside the whole superhero thing - her usually heightened body temperature normally would’ve been enough to stave off the chill settling into her. But she made her bed, so she’d have to lie in it - she’d wanted to enjoy being human and after all what was more human than this? 
She knew that, eventually, her powers would return, and the weight of her responsibilities would come crashing back. But for now, she finally allowed herself to be just plain and simple Kara Danvers. 
That could’ve been relaxing, only if Kara Danvers hadn’t completely overslept the following day and had to run around her apartment in a rush to get ready on time. 
After she’d finally got home that previous night, she’d was shivering and soaked to the bone. All Kara wanted to do was to sink under the hold of a hot shower before changing herself into some soft pyjamas and crawling into bed, but much to her annoyance she had that report to finish, and well, work came first.  
Maybe she could’ve gone to bed a little earlier, but if a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well. That was what she had told herself as she stared mindlessly at the screen, the small time in the corner had way past midnight by now. On the bright side she did manage to steal a little sleep in the end though, a couple of hours at least – that wasn’t by choice, she had simply just fallen asleep as she worked. 
Still, it wasn’t enough to recharge her, not by a long run so here she was, rushing around, wasting the little energy she had left as she hurriedly grabbed her laptop and files before hurrying out the door. This time however she’d decided against walking, instead choosing the bus as a safer option.  
But as Kara boarded the bus, she couldn't shake off the feeling of exhaustion that seemed to have settled deep within her bones. Maybe she shouldn’t have skipped that warm shower after all. As the city passed by, her skin began to feel clammy - something she hadn’t felt before, it was felt strange - and that wasn’t mentioning the of a headache beginning to throb at her temples.  
Finally, her stop was approaching. She buzzed the bell and stood up, making her way to the front as the bus began to slow. It was just as she was about to take her step that she suddenly sneezed twice, barely able to cover with her elbow.  
That should’ve been the first sign something was up. But the blonde was too busy focussing on getting to work on time, instead she muttered a quiet apology to no-one in particular before rushing off towards CatCo. 
In the end she didn’t end up being that late after all. Only by about 10 minutes or so. Of course, no-one noticed. No-one except for Lena that is. The two may have only started dating recently but the two had been friends long before that and as a Luthor, Lena had learnt to become observant of people and their behaviour. So, when Kara wasn’t sat behind her desk, or waiting happily in her office with coffee she instantly knew something was off. 
“Kara! There you are, finally.” Lena sighed with relief as the blonde came into the office, “You okay? I tried calling you last night did you didn’t answer, I heard about your powers.” 
“I’m fine.” Her tone came out a little snappier than intended, as she kept walking over to her desk, planting her stuff down on the table, Lena following swiftly behind. 
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning, someone feeling a little grumpy today?” The CEO teased lightly, keeping her voice down as Kara rubbed at her temples as she sat down. 
“I'm not grumpy.” Kara sniffled discreetly as she pouted, “I just didn’t sleep too well, I had to finish this article.” 
Lena couldn’t help but sigh, she knew how hard Kara worked. Most of the time it the other way round and the reporter was often scolding her for overworking but it didn’t mean she didn’t notice how far Kara could push herself sometimes. 
“Maybe you could use some more sleep then.” She suggested lightly, taking on the files from her desk and pretending to read over it, not wanting to seem too bossy, not when her girlfriend was clearly exhausted, “I think an early night is in store for you tonight.” 
The reporter nodded, that aching in her head felt like it was worsening under the bright white LEDs above, “Yeah, maybe.” She mumbled, opening up her laptop beforehand absently tapping away, “I’m really sorry Lena, I really need to edit this article.”  She excused, not wanting to seem rude. 
Lena gave her a small kiss at the top of her forehead, just a gentle sign of affection before leaving her too it - she did have her own work to attend to after all. But she still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off so made a mental note to keep an eye on her. 
Unfortunately, as time passed Kara didn’t seem to be doing much better. She was keeping her head up by propping her hand beneath it, occasionally ducking down to muffle terribly stifled sneezes which had clearly been heard by the entire office. At one point the whole office had quietened at the sound of a rather chesty sound coming from her desk, earning a sigh of sympathy from her girlfriend. 
Her head was swimming was worry as she abandoned her own work and instead headed over to a supply cupboard before swiftly yet discreetly taking an unopened tissue box and placing it on the blonde reporters desk. 
“You sound like you need these.” Lena whispered, her voice filled with worry, “Baby, you don’t sound too well, did Alex give you the all-clear from the DEO yesterday?” 
Kara nodded before reaching out to open the box, “She did, I just hH-“ The Kyrptonian’s breath hitched off as she hastily pulled out a handful of tissues before ducking into them with a pitiful sounding sneeze, “Hh’itshhu! Ugh, excuse me.” 
“Awh love your nose is all red.” The CEO murmured, as she came to stand behind the reporter’s chair, her loving hand rubbing her back, “You sound like you’re coming down with something.” 
“Maybe, my head feels funny.” Kara admitted with a sniffle, too tired to lie to her girlfriend. She’d find out eventually anyway and as the throbbing ache in her temple increased, she was feeling too crappy to deny it. 
The Luthor’s caring hand came to cup her cheek, a small sigh leaving her lips as she moved upwards, letting her palm rest against Kara’s unusually pale skin, “Make that definitely, you’re quite warm dear.” 
“That’s dumb because I’m freezing.” Kara failed to bite back the hint of a whine seeping into her voice as she sniffled into her tissues. 
“Let me check your temperature, stay here.” Her girlfriend soothed. Kara must’ve been really out of it because Lena seemed to return just as quick as she left and before she knew it, the CEO was holding a small device to her lips, “Open please.” 
She did as told, allowed her girlfriend to slide the thermometer beneath her tongue. It was rather uncomfortable, especially considering the fact it had become very hard to breathe through her stuffed up nose. Lena’s comforting hand on her shoulder made it better though and before long, a small beep rang out. 
“There we are, good girl, let’s have a look,” It was hard to miss the concerned expression sank across her face as she read the numbers, “Oh Kara, 38.8, poor girl. That temperature can’t feel very good. What do you say to letting me take you home?” 
Lena's concerned gaze never left Kara's face as she waited for a response. The reporter's skin felt clammy under her touch, and the combination of fever and exhaustion was clearly taking its toll. Kara's head was pounding, and every movement seemed to require a monumental effort. She swallowed, wincing at the soreness in her throat, before finally nodding weakly. 
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Kara managed to rasp out, her voice sounding strained and raspy. She gave a pitiful sniffle as she clutched the tissue in her hand, “Stupid immune system.”  
Lena offered a gentle smile, relief washing over her features. "Alright, love. Let's get you out of here and back home." She offered her hand out but didn’t object when the blonde moved straight past it and instead cuddled into her side, her arm coming to sit on her waist. 
“What! Why’s she getting an early leave?” Came the annoyed grumble from a distant cubicle as the pair passed through the office, “Fucking favouritism.” 
Lena had to bite her lip to keep herself from yelling as Kara's cheeks flushed, partly from her fever and partly from embarrassment. "'m not feeling well.” She managed to mumble in response before breaking off and muffling a desperate sounding set of sneezes against her girlfriend’s sigh. 
“Ignore him baby, I’ll see that he’s reprimanded later, right now let’s just focus on getting you home.” Lena whispered, “Bless you.” She managed to bite back the anger from her voice - there was no way she was going to accept that behaviour towards her girlfriend - but the discipline could wait till later, Kara was what mattered right now. 
She kept the Kyrptonian carefully tucked into her side. Kara had forgotten her jacket that morning, so Lena made sure to pull her coat around the both of them, honestly, she looked like a little koala cuddled against her.  
As the doors to the elevator closed behind them, the pair finally relaxed under the shield of the metal box. Lena kept her arm securely wrapped around Kara's waist. The reporter leaned heavily against her, her once vibrant eyes dulled and glassy with fever.  
The journey down was quiet, only Kara’s small sniffles punctuating the silence before the bell dinged and they stepped out into the lobby, heading straight to the waiting car outside. 
Once they were outside, Lena led Kara towards her car, making sure she was steady on her feet. She opened the passenger door and helped her girlfriend get settled before closing the door gently. As Lena got into the driver's seat, she glanced over at Kara, who was bundled up in her coat, looking miserable yet somehow adorable. 
"You just focus on getting some rest love, you’ll be okay." Lena said softly, starting the car and quickly driving off towards her apartment, “We’ll get you home soon.” 
Only a short drive later and the two had pulled up to Kara’s apartment. But the blonde had long since fallen asleep and her girlfriend honestly didn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead, Lena gently slipped her arms Kara's legs and carried her inside the building. 
In her arms she could Kara's fever seem to be intensify, evident from her flushed cheeks. Despite her attempts at keeping her still, just as they approached her door, Kara began to stir. She sniffled again and let out a weak, congested sigh as she rubbed her eyes. 
“Darling, we’re home now, baby. Can you just stand up for a second for me.” Lena asked, quickly unlocked the door before carefully guided her inside and towards the bedroom. Kara's steps were slow and unsteady, and she seemed to be fading in and out of awareness, so she was quickly prompted to take a seat down on the bed. 
"Alright, love, let's get you ready for bed," Lena murmured soothingly. She moved to help Kara out of her coat, taking extra care as she noticed how chilly and feverish Kara felt against her touch. Lena set the coat aside and then knelt down to unlace Kara's shoes, carefully slipping them off her feet. 
She let Kara take off her own skirt whilst she went aside to take some of her blue silk pyjamas before gently helping her pull them on.  
It was no surprise that the exhausted fell asleep quickly, Lena had barely pulled up the covers around her before the small, congested snores could be heard coming from her. With Kara asleep it gave her some time to prepare her food. 
Rest, fluids and food. Those were the key things someone needed. Soup should be easy enough, something light but hearty. Just enough to soothe the soul. 
She wasn’t the best cook by any means, 
Alex was the go-to chef in the group. But how hard could soup be? Very hard, Lena came to discover not even an hour later. Somehow, she’d managed to burn a liquid, the stock had turned an unappealing brown colour - definitely not the light liquid displayed on the packaging. Just great, she wouldn’t be surprised if she’d managed to burn the pan too in the process. 
Lena had just finished discarding the remnants of failed attempt number 2 when she heard the soft shuffling of slow footsteps approaching behind her. 
“Oh baby, you’re supposed to be in bed.” She sighed softly as Kara’s arms came to wrap around the front her waist. 
"I couldn't sleep," Kara admitted with a soft sniffle, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand, “And I needed more tissues.” 
“I tried making you some soup, but it didn’t really work, if you go and clamber back into bed, I can fetch some tissues for you.” Lena smiled turning around to coo at the cute sight of her sniffly girlfriend. 
Kara's lips curled into a tired smile under Lena’s gaze, she moved forwards a little, her warm forehead pressing gently against Lena's shoulder. "You're sweet for trying, Lena. I appreciate it. Thank you for trying.” 
Lena sighed, her arms sliding around Kara's waist to pull her close. "You're welcome. But I think we might need to order some takeout soup instead, maybe from that place that does the potsickers you like.” 
The Kyrptonian nodded, “That sounds nice.” She tried to sound enthusiastic, but fatigue was quickly creeping back into her voice. 
Before she knew it, Kara felt Lena’s arms come to pick her up again, taking the blonde into her arms, “I’ll get that ordered for us then, but first let’s get you back into bed sniffles.” 
Kara rested her head on Lena's shoulder as she was carried back to bed, her arms loosely wrapped around Lena's neck. She let out a soft sigh, feeling grateful for Lena's care and comfort. As she was gently lowered onto the bed, Kara snuggled into the covers, already feeling warmer and more comfortable. 
"Thank you," Kara mumbled sleepily, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion. 
“It's okay my love. Don’t worry about it.” Lena smiled, gently running her hair through her blonde hair, “Do you need anything else?” 
“Just you” Maybe the statement would’ve kept its cheesiness if the Kyrptonian hadn’t had to duck into her blankets with a particularly loud sneeze only seconds later, “...and tissues.” 
Lena chuckled softly at Kara's sneeze, shaking her head in amusement. "Alright, love. Tissues it is." She walked over to the bedside table and grabbed a box of tissues, placing it within Kara's reach. Then she climbed into bed beside Kara, pulling the covers over both of them. Kara immediately cuddled up to Lena, seeking her warmth and comfort. 
"I must ask though; how did you even manage to get sick this fast?" Lena asked with a small, teasing smile, her tone light as her girlfriend nuzzled into her, “I mean I know your non-super immune system is downright awful but I recon this has to be a record.” 
Kara managed a small sleepy, chuckle, “I don’t think getting soaked last night did me any good.” 
“I don’t think so either,” Lena smiled sympathetically, placing a gentle kiss on Kara's forehead. "Well, next time, let's try to avoid getting caught in the rain next time."  
Kara nodded, a little sniffle escaping her. "Yeah. I’ll try.” 
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sombrashe · 4 months
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relationship kyle "gaz" garrick x reader
content afab gender neutral reader, chubby reader, no plot, toxic undertones, nipple play, cunnilingus, non-safe sex, kinda breeding kink
note(s) y/n and gaz have just a terrible toxic relationship but it's okay because you're both so good in bed | I originally wrote this for Troy Otto from FTWD, but feel like it works with Gaz too so here we are
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I'm so sorry. I was a complete dick, and I know a stupid text won't fix what I said. I just need to say this to you because you deserve better. I would love to be able to come over and talk about this. Apologize for real, to your face.
He had been ignoring your texts for days now, a direction you're not used to. You sigh as you stare at your message, the green bubble causing your stomach to turn. Throwing down your phone, you're annoyed. If you two were really broken up this time how were you supposed to get your stuff?
I'm at war with the wo-
You snatched the phone from its sunken position within a discarded blanket. The text was short, a simple let's talk and you grin giddy as you run through the routine. Making up always started with you dolled up and ended with bruises on your knees. Hair done, lip gloss shining against your plump lips, and a loose pair of jeans for easy access and you're ready to go.
Tugging on a plain color hoodie you rush out the door and obsessively check yourself at every red light. Staring at yourself with sad eyes you consider some lines before settling on the I'll leave... since you don't want me here option.
Clicking the metallic button you hear the faint ring of the small apartment's doorbell. The heat makes you tug on the collar of your hoodie but you can't remove it just yet. Looking nonchalant you give the vertically privileged man a friendly smile.
"I won't take too much of your time. I was wondering if I could also pick up my things while I'm here?"
You made sure to sound gentle, giving him the illusion of choice.
"Whatever you need." He tilts his head scanning you before taking a step off to the side.
"May I?"
You gesture towards the coat rack which was tucked snugly between the wall and the front door. He nods and holds his hand out ready to take the article of clothing from you. You peel off the hoodie making sure to catch your shirt with your pinkie so the mossy green bra you choose specifically for this moment would be shown off.
The smile plastered to his face doesn't leave even as he gathers your hoodie into his arms and tosses it onto one of the arms of the rack. He rests his hand on the small of your back and leads you towards the sandy couch which sits immaculately matching the rest of the living room set. You take a seat furthest from him, your knees pressed together as you smooth out your thighs.
He waits a beat before turning on his heel and confidently walking through the few rooms the apartment provides. He returns about ten minutes later with a moderately sized basket filled with miscellaneous items all of which belonged to you. Taking the basket you rest it on your thighs feeling the pinch of wicker through the denim.
A beat and the softest voice you can muster. "Did you want to talk?"
He never did, and neither did you if you were being honest. This cat-and-mouse game was so much more fun.
"Not really." He shrugs and stares at you with storms brewing within his irises.
You sigh loud enough to sound sad, "I should go. I don't want to be a bother." You love this part.
On cue, he reaches out and wraps his ring- fingers around your elbow. Keeping his fingers pressed into your skin he takes a seat. Your knees are so close to touching. God, he was too far.
"Stay a minute. I can order pizza?"
He scoots closer and you turn your knees towards him feeling the way your bare knees brush against the baggy jeans he wears low on his hips.
"Pizza sounds nice."
He hums in agreement. His lips turn up in a small smile and you get a moment to admire the way his cheeks dimple. Leaning closer you place your hand daintily against his thigh.
"I've missed you."
He mumbles ever so sweetly against your glossed lips. System of a Down serenades you as you both close the atom of a space between you. His lips move in sync with yours, years of this off-again-on-again bullshit has given you two plenty of time to know just what makes the other tick. His rings press into the bone of your jaw as he angles your head up.
Breaking the kiss he licks a stripe up the tendon of your neck. Pausing he bites down on the opposite tendon and watches as you hiss. Wasting no time you rest your fingers against the back of his head and shove him against your delicate flesh. His nose presses painfully against your skin and you can feel the heat of his breath.
"If you're going to bite, then fucking bite, Kyle."
He's halfway on your lap, your basket knocked over and scattered across the milk spill of a carpet. He presses his knee against you as he hums against your skin. Pressing kisses against your neck and jaw he replaces specific kisses with bloody marks. Your fingers never leave the base of his skull. Lapping at your wounds he only pulls away once the blood has stopped staining your skin. His breathing is collected, his demeanor calm compared to your heated skin and soft gasping breaths.
"C’m on, Bug."
He towers over you as he stands with his hand out to help you up. Finally, Placing your palm against his he drags you to his bedroom and down onto the mattress. You each spend a moment taking turns planting kisses and removing articles of clothing. First your shirt then his, his pants then yours until you're the only one left in nothing but your underwear.
You lean back ignoring the ever-present complaints from your frazzled brain. Cupping one of your breasts you rub your thumb over your perk nipple and let out a whine. He was only a step away and closes the gap between you within a blink. Cupping the back of your hand with his palm he forces you to squeeze your hand tightly down before letting go at your digression.
He lets out an airy breath as he bumps his forehead against yours. His eyes jump from yours to gaze hungrily at your chest. Pressing hot kisses down the skin of your neck and ends up exactly where he wants to be. Moving forward he forces you onto your back, his face eye level with your chest the entire way down. Once you're settled he takes his time pressing open-mouthed kisses to the very tops of your breasts, following each and every mark. Each one gets its moment with Kyle, his eagerness only evident with the way his hands twitch against the soft expanse of your stomach. Moving in a clear pattern he spends a few moments tracing his lips and the tip of his nose across your areola licking softly at the pigmented skin. Once he feels satisfied with the teasing he's subjected you to he takes the longest on your gorgeous perky nipples. He can't help the low groan that ripples across your sensitive flesh. He laps at those tiny buds for what feels like hours. Your moans and whines for him only spur him on to take more and more time with you.
Pulling away from your white hot flesh he admires the way your arm is thrown over your face only exposing your bruised and puffy lips. Running his thumb over your bottom lip he gently removes your arm from its relaxed spot and presses a small kiss to your temple.
"Need your eyes on me while I make you cum."
His words send a sharp shiver down your spine which settles restlessly against your lumbar. You watch with pent-up energy as he moves from your chest down your stomach leaving wet kisses in his wake. You absentmindedly spread your legs and fight back the urge to immediately snap them closed as he lets out a guffaw. His teeth are on wide display as he marvels at the growing wet spot sticking to your underwear.
He brushes his thumb across the mark and sucks a breath in through his teeth. Dragging the digit across your matching set you avert your eyes to ease the growing heat resting within the hollows of your cheeks. You grow impatient at his teasing, no words spoken, only the brush of his thumb and the hollow pleasure that never goes anywhere.
Finally, finally, finally, he gets to the point and slips that same thumb under the edge of your underwear feeling the slickness as he brushes his calloused thumb against your sensitive bud. You shutter and let out a soft mewl spurring him on further. He hooks his other thumb under the elastic and tracing your skin with his nails he hooks his knuckles under and over to pull the last remaining article of fabric keeping you two apart over your plush thighs.
The chill from the fan above sends goosebumps over the expanse of your exposed skin. Kyle traces over a few of them and tilts his head watching his finger. He always spent moments pressing and pinching the fat that spills around your frame. He enjoyed the way you rolled so perfectly around his fingers, his rings leaving marks in the soft flesh. Sometimes he would sink his teeth into the fat around your thighs, but luck was on your side today and you wouldn't have to worry about the feeling of raw flesh being pinched by your jeans.
Breathing softly making sure to exhale directly onto your labia making you shift trying to grow more comfortable with the heat searing between your legs. Reaching down you loosely grab at his curls, his hair had grown out a bit since the last time you saw him. Using the blunt ends of your nails you gently rake them down and across his scalp hoping to encourage him. He picks up the pace and with a sigh an emotion you don’t get to see often crosses his face. He spreads your lips apart using his thumbs and bares his teeth in a wide smile.
He takes a moment to just admire you, his excitement evident by the way he shifts on his knees. Using the tip of his tongue he gently ghosts in across your clit. With a small breath, you relax further into his grip and give yourself over to the pleasure bursting through your limbs. His shadow of a beard brushes against your hairless thighs. The burn that would come with him between your legs was something future you could deal with. Right now you only have one thing on your mind. Pressing the flat part of his tongue fully down on your clit now has your eyes fluttering as a lopsided grin ghosts over your face with every lick. He spends most of his time working your clit. Using the smooth part of his teeth he gently scrapes it against your darkening clit causing your kees to snap together disorienting him for a moment. With a quick flex of his arms, your knees are pinned beneath his arms and his finger starts to replace his tongue.
At every switch, he moves his way down until his tongue is pushing between your walls. He draws shapes against your insides as you wiggle beneath him. Your breathing is uneven as your walls flutter around his erratic tongue. His unoccupied hand keeps a bruising grip over the flesh of your thigh making your movement sluggish in comparison. Soon you feel that familiar coil of heat building up in your abdomen. He grins against your cunt and looks up at you through long eyelashes. With a huff and a, “Fuck, Kyle!”, you're cumming against his tongue as he lets out a soft whine lapping you up like a starved man. Once he pulled away, only at your insistence, he ran his thumb across his bottom lip and licked your very essence off. He looked absolutely gorgeous, eyes dark and lips shiny. You worked your way onto your elbow and shifted him closer to you. He walked his arms up to position beside yours and you pulled him in for a gentle kiss. One that lasted only a few seconds, time spent gently pressing your matte lips against his before darting your tongue out and helping clean him up a little.
He grips your plush hip and leaves bruises in his wake. You gently scratch your nails down his shoulder blades. Feeling every inch of his back before ghosting the backs of your nails back over his skin leaving goosebumps behind. Leaning back he rolls his shoulders and gives you an eager smile, his eyes gleaming as he tilts his head.
“You ready?”
You smile and shift alongside him. Letting him use his militant muscles to pull and twist you further down the bed until your legs are awkwardly hanging off the side. You try lifting your legs and resting your feet on the side of the wooden box spring. Instead, you're left slipping and huffing as Kyle watches with small laughs before he swoops in and saves the day. Keeping his fingers wrapped around your ankles he bends you at the knee and shifts your ankles up and over his shoulders. Giving your butt a little wiggle he gives you a sharp smile in contrast to your warm one. He was so so so close, but you needed him closer. Reaching down between the two of you, you take the opportunity to brush your fingers over his swollen tip. Moving your hand further he watches with interest as your stomach folds to allow more leeway. Smearing droplets of pre cum around your fingertips you slide them down further until your palm is like a platform for his cock. Guiding it downwards, you pull it away from his abdomen until his tip is nudging your hole.
You bite your bottom lip for a second before wetting it and give him soft eyes, eyes so unlike others that he sees daily. Eyes full of adoration and shiny now with lust. His heart picks up speed and he has to force himself to look away. You were so much for him, but he couldn't think even for a moment he could live without you.
“I know, I know.”
He went through the motions. Freeing your hand, he wrapped his own fingers around his length. Guiding it past your lips and up across your swollen clit a few times. Listening to your huffs as you keep from snapping at him. His smile faint as he finally gives you what you've been wanting… no needing this entire time. He pushes past your walls and settles comfortably, a kiss away from your cervix. Giving you time and allowing himself a moment to stare at you; The way your hands covered your heated cheeks, the feeling of you trying and failing to not squeeze the life out of him, the feeling of your heartbeat beneath his fingers as he presses against your ankles pulsepoint. Finally, those hands fall away and they're instead directed towards him. One hand held out in a silent attempt to meet his while the other snaked its way down between your thighs and pressed ever so softly against your clit. You suck in a breath and he chuckles, he hasn't even moved yet, and look at how worked up you were.
Shifting your ankles to a higher point of elevation, he reaches forwards linking your non-dominant hands together. Slowly he slips out of your suctioning pussy watching until he can see the very beginning of his swollen tip before snapping his hips against the swell of your ass. He does this over and over again forming a pattern that has your teeth clenched and eyebrows furrowed. Squeezing your fingers he slowly starts to build up speed as the lewd sounds of your soaked pussy fill the small space of his room.
“God, fuck. Bug. ‘re you g’nna cum for me? Love, lovey, fuck! I’m close.”
His accent felt like nails scratching at your scalp the way you tingled. The way it dripped off his tongue and fell against the shell of your ear has you weakly wiggling against him.
You managed to choke out his name. Two fingers working tirelessly against your clit. He loosens his grip against your ankles and lets your knees fall to the side and over top of his chelidons. His hips stutter and snap against your thighs as he slowly untangles in front of your eyes. His hair sticks to his forehead as his chin lowers. Your eyes snap closed as the coil in your stomach snaps as you cum against his cock. You're so lost in your own feelings of euphoria you don't realize he came until after your high finally cools enough for you to open your eyes. He's staring at you with lidded eyes, his hands absentmindedly petting the lower part of your stomach. You push at him with the bottom of your foot feeling exhaustion start to settle in your limbs.
“Can I spend the night?”
He gives you a short snort as he pulls away from you completely. The soft wet sounds of him pulling out of you has your cheeks heating up despite the tiredness. Yanking you up you let out a grunt as your feet hit the ground. Your knees jiggle for a second as you struggle to make it out of his room and into the cold tiled bathroom. Going to the bathroom you spend a moment fixing yourself in the mirror. Cold water to help the puffiness and a little borrowed face wash to remove the lip gloss that stuck to your chin and mouth. After drying your skin you stretch and make your way back into his small bedroom. Not even bothering with any clothes you simply crawl into his bed and under the plush covers. His giant cushy bed was your favorite part of his house, his military lifestyle allowing him to deck his small apartment out to the nines. Yawning you relax against the oversized blanket overlapping the both of you.
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banners made by cafekitsune
header made by me :3
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cptg00s3 · 11 months
Tale of tragic love
Here I am again, finally done with school, so I decided to treat you with a fanfic again. Same things go for everyone of my fanfics
she/her, she/they any female aligning person dni. My blog is strictly for male and gn readers. I've already had to block way to many of you.
Now, for the trigger warnings: cannon typical violence, death of reader, heavy angst and obviously my writing skills. If I missed any just comment and I'll add it.
Nowww go and enjoy
The sun casts a warm, golden glow over the vast plains of New Hanover as Arthur Morgan and I ride side by side, our horses gracefully navigating the rugged terrain. The weight of our journey rests heavily on my shoulders, for I carry a secret that threatens to shatter our fragile existence.
Arthur's face, etched with lines of worry and exhaustion, mirrors the toll our tumultuous lives have taken. The world we inhabit is filled with danger and uncertainty, but in each other's arms, we've found solace and love. Little does he know that my time is running out, that the illness ravaging my body will soon claim my life.
We press on, driven by a desperate hope for redemption and freedom. Every step closer to our destination fills me with a mix of determination and dread. Coughs wrack my weakened frame, each one a painful reminder of the inevitable fate that looms over us.
Arthur's presence is both a comfort and a source of torment. He fights relentlessly to protect me, unaware that it is I who am slipping away. I long to share my burden with him, to spare him the pain of my impending departure, but the fear of breaking his heart keeps my secret locked deep within.
As we navigate the trials and tribulations of our journey, Arthur's loyalty shines through, his unwavering dedication evident in his every action. He stands up against injustice, offering aid to the downtrodden and fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. I watch him, filled with love and admiration, knowing that my time with him grows shorter with each passing day.
The climactic battle against the malevolent Micah Bell draws near, our lives intertwined with the fate of countless others. Arthur's strength and resilience shine through, his gun blazing with purpose. I fight by his side, my actions driven by the desire to protect him, to cherish every moment we have left.
As the battle reaches its crescendo, the disease within me tightens its grip. Each breath becomes a struggle, and I stumble, collapsing to the ground. Arthur rushes to my side, his voice filled with concern and fear. He cradles me in his arms, his touch a bittersweet reminder of the love we share.
Gasping for breath, I must find the courage to tell him the truth, to release the burden that has weighed me down. Tears fill my eyes as I gaze into his worried gaze, his love and devotion etched deeply into every line on his face.
"Arthur," I manage to whisper, my voice weak but filled with determination. "There's something... something I need to tell you."
His eyes widen with concern, his grip on me tightening. "What is it, [M/n]? You can tell me anything."
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I reach for his hand, intertwining our fingers. "I... I have an illness, Arthur. It's eating away at me, consuming my body from within. My time... our time together is limited."
Arthur's breath catches in his throat, his eyes filling with disbelief and anguish. "No, [M/n], you can't be serious. We'll find a way, we'll fight it together."
I squeeze his hand, my heart aching at his hopeful words. "I wish it were that simple, Arthur. But the truth is, I don't have much time left. I wanted... I needed to tell you, so you could prepare for what's to come."
Tears stream down his weathered face as he shakes his head in denial. "I won't accept it, [M/n]. We'll find a cure, we'll do whatever it takes."
I cup his face in my trembling hands, forcing him to look into my eyes. "Arthur, my love, you must understand. There is no cure. I've made peace with my fate, and you must too. Promise me, promise that you'll keep fighting, that you'll keep living."
His voice breaks as he clings to me desperately. "I can't lose you, [M/n]. You're everything to me."
I press my forehead against his, feeling the warmth of his tears against my skin. "You won't lose me, Arthur. I'll be with you, even when I'm gone. Our love will endure."
As the weight of our impending separation sinks in, we hold each other tightly, our bodies trembling with grief. Time slows, the chaos of battle fading into the background, leaving only our shared love and the pain of what is to come.
In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the embrace of our love, I close my eyes, savoring the feel of Arthur's arms around me. I whisper words of love and reassurance, my voice barely audible amidst the sounds of battle. We remain locked in each other's embrace, cherishing our final moments together, the world around us fading into darkness.
And in the quiet stillness that follows, I let go, surrendering to the unknown. Arthur's anguished cries echo in my ears, his grief a testament to the depth of our connection.
In the years that follow, I exist as a whisper in the wind, watching over him from beyond the realm of the living. I witness his continued fight for justice, his unwavering devotion to our shared ideals. I see him carry the weight of our love, his actions driven by the memory of what we had.
For Arthur Morgan, I am but a memory, a love that defies the boundaries of time and space. And as the sun sets on the plains of New Hanover, I watch over him, my ethereal presence a guiding light in his darkest hours, a reminder of the love we shared and the sacrifices we made.
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pinkrose787 · 1 year
A Tail of Two Cats Ch. 1
Summary: For Narinder, life as a Bishop was dull. Until he met a priestess named Forneus.
AO3 Link in the replies!
Leshy’s temple is filled with all different ranks in the Old Faith. There are priests, deacons, and even regular followers. The festival of the flowers is going on. A yearly festival that Leshy holds each year that is celebrated throughout Darkwood.
Narinder isn’t a fan of these festivals. There’s far too much noise and so many people. This whole place is chaos. Which makes sense, this is Leshy’s temple and his domain is chaos.
If Narinder didn’t care so much about Leshy he wouldn’t be here, but Leshy insisted that he come. He pleaded saying that the others were going to be there, so he should be too. It seemed like there wasn’t going to be any way out, so he relented. The things he does for his little brother.
When he enters the temple everyone stops and stares at him. He’s used to it. For one he’s towers above the crowd. Out of his four siblings he’s the tallest, which on its own is intimidating. It doesn’t help that his domain is death. All are afraid of him.
Ignoring the hundreds of stares he is getting, he makes his way through the temple. The crowd parts to let him through, half out of respect and half out of fear. He hears whispers from the crowd. “What’s he doing here? I thought that this was a festival for celebrating life,” One whisperer says.
Narinder isn’t sure who specifically said that, but he glares in the direction that it came from. Instant silence.
He holds his head up high as he continues through the temple.
“Narinder!” He hears a voice call out. He looks over and its Leshy.
Leshy rushes over to Narinder and gives him a hug. “You came!”
“Of course, I did,” Narinder says. He gives Leshy a reassuring smile.
His other three siblings follow in shortly after. Heket crosses her arms. “You’re late,” Heket says.
“Be nice, Heket. At least he came,” Shamura says. “Narinder, I’m glad you’re here.” They smile at him.
“Thanks. I’m glad you’re here too,” Narinder replies.
“Hello, Narinder,” Kallamar says. He is standing the furthest away from Narinder. He’s not happy to see Narinder right now, not that he ever is.
“Hello, Kallamar.” Narinder says. The feeling is mutual.
“Now that we are all here we can begin!” Leshy says.
Narinder groans. There’s a harvest ritual that occurs before the festival can officially begin. Him and his other three siblings follow behind as Leshy leads the way.
They get to a platform that has five chairs for each of them. Kallamar sits on the farthest left, and Heket sits next to him. Shamura sits on the farthest right chair and Narinder sits next to them. The middle Chair is left open for Leshy, who is leading the ritual.
Narinder barely pays attention to the ritual. He’s seen it done hundreds of times over the past few centuries. Leshy gives a speech, there’s a couple of sacrifices, and then flowers sprout everywhere. It’s nothing special.
He looks around trying to see if there’s anything interesting. A priestess involved with the ritual catches his eye. She’s a black cat like him. Either she’s new or he didn’t notice her last year. Narinder feels like he would have noticed her last year though.
The ritual ends and flowers that had been planted all throughout the temple sprout. There is no rhyme and reason for where they were planted. Its chaos plain and simple.
He looks over at that cat priestess again and sees that her eyes are lit up at the sight of all these flowers. For some reason, his heart starts to race when he sees that look in her eyes. He looks away from her and at all the flowers that have bloomed. They are quite beautiful.
The rest that followed is a bit of a blur. All Narinder can think about is that cat priestess and how she looked when she saw the flowers fill the temple. He wonders if any of the flowers were planted by her.
Narinder’s mind is plagued by thoughts about her and he can’t stand it. He needs to know more about her. Perhaps meeting her will put his mind at rest. He finds that his liking of people often goes away after a short conversation.
He thinks about where she might be. The main celebration is occurring out in Leshy’s garden, plus there’s even more flowers. If she’s going to be anywhere she’s going to be there.
When he arrives at the garden he sees that his other siblings are already there. None of them really mingle with the followers. It’s seen as beneath them. The expectation is that a follower will approach them, and many followers do.
Narinder goes over and joins his siblings. Kallamar moves away from him by a few feet. Leshy isn’t with them as he other responsibilities with this festival. The four of them don’t really talk to each other. They don’t really get the chance. Followers come up to them. The vast majority of them ask for blessings. The protocol is to simply smile and assure them about whatever their concern is will be taken care of. Rarely, do they remember the blessing that was requested.
None come up to talk to Narinder. No one wants to think about death or talk about it. Least of all, talk to the god of death. So, Narinder stands there watching the crowd hoping to see the cat priestess.
After about an hour of standing he finally sees her. She’s with some other priests and she looks so happy. Her eyes light up the in the same way they did when flowers bloom when she looks around at the flowers that fill the garden. One of the priests says something that Narinder can’t hear and she laughs. That laugh carries throughout the garden. It’s so warm and filled with life.
The group disperses shortly after. Narinder is about to go up and talk to her when she approaches him first. She bows. “Greetings Bishop Narinder. I am Forneus.”
He reciprocates her greeting. For the first time in centuries he isn’t sure what to say. Thankfully, Forneus does. “This festival is beautiful,” She says.
“It certainly is.” He tries to look around, but his gaze is fixed to her. “I’ve been coming to them since Leshy first started them almost four hundred years ago.”
Her eyes light up again. “Wow, you must have gazed upon so many beautiful flowers!”  
“I have, but I must say that this is the most beautiful festival of flowers that I have seen,” Narinder says.
“Really? Why is that?” Forneus asks.
“Well for one, you’re here,” Narinder says.
Forneus blushes. “That’s quite nice of you to say. I must admit that I was quite nervous as this is my first festival as a priestess.”
Narinder smiles. “You did quite well. Did you plant any of these flowers yourself?” He asks.
“Not any in this garden, but around the rest of the temple I planted many,” Forneus says.  
“I must say you did a wonderful job,” Narinder says.
“Thank you,” Forneus says. “I’ve heard that you have quite the garden at your temple.”
“I do. While it isn’t as grand as the one here, but it is still incredibly beautiful,” Narinder says.
“I hope that one day, I get to say it,” Forneus says.
“If you’re ever there I wouldn’t mind giving a tour of the place,” Narinder says.
“That would be nice,” Forneus says. “I must go, but before I do I have something to give you.” She pulls out a bouquet of Camellias. There’s not many about 10 of them, but they’re all spectacular.
Narinder takes hold of the bouquet. “These are… spectacular. Thank you.” He holds it gently in his hands.
“You’re welcome.” Forneus bows again. “Thank you for talking to me Bishop Narinder.” She leaves.
Narinder stands there holding the bouquet, running his hands over the petals. He imagines that Forneus’s fur is as soft as them. His mind replaying the conversation he just had with her. Could it be possible that she likes him too? After all, she didn’t gave him flowers and didn’t ask for anything in return.
“Are you all right, Narinder? You have been staring at those flowers for a while,” Shamura asks.
Narinder looks up from the bouquet. He wasn’t aware of how long he had been staring at it. “Oh, yes, I am quite fine.” He puts the bouquet away in his robes.  
The festival reaches its conclusion. Before it ends, Narinder sees Forneus a couple of times, but they never get the chance to talk. Each time Forneus smiles at him and Narinder gives her a wave. Waving at Forneus would be various noticeable could be considered a scandal, so he simply smiles when he sees her.
When Narinder gets back to his temple he takes the flower bouquet and plants it in his garden. The vibrant red stands out against his white flowers, but it’s a welcome pop of color.
For a while, he tries to go about his day, but finds that he’s distracted by thoughts of Forneus. There’s only one way to quiet these thoughts, and that is to go and see her. Hopefully, she’s at Leshy’s temple and not in some random village.
When he goes back to Leshy’s temple, Leshy immediately greets him. Narinder hasn’t given much thought about what excuse he would give Leshy if he asks him why he is there, but thankfully Leshy doesn’t ask.
They talk for a while. Narinder is anxious to see Forneus again, but he’s happy to spend time with his brother. Every now and then he looks around to see if he can find her, but he doesn’t have such luck.
It isn’t until he is just about to leave that he finds her or more precisely she finds him. She bows. “Bishop Narinder, it is so nice to see you again.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Forneus. I want to thank you again for the flowers, I planted them in my garden. They add a much need pop of color,” Narinder says.
“That’s really nice. Have they grown at all?” She asks.
“They have in fact,” Narinder reaches into his coat and pulls out a Camilla, “This is one of the new flowers that grew from the ones you gave me.” He gives it to her.
Her eyes light up and she gently takes it from him. “Wow. This is gorgeous.”
“I figured that I give you one of them as thanks,” Narinder says.
“When I heard you were here at the temple, I went in search of you. I wanted to see you again,” Forneus says.
Hearing that his heart starts pounding. “What a coincidence. I was visiting, because I hoped to see you again.”
Forneus blushes. “That’s very sweet for you to say. I really like it when you visit the temple.”
“Well, now that you’re here, I think that I will be visiting more often,” Narinder says.
“That would be lovely,” Forneus says. She smiles and Narinder feels as though the room is lighter now.
“I must go, but I’ll see you again. I promise.” With that Narinder leaves Leshy’s temple.
Within a few days he returns, and he once again sees Forneus. This time they sneak away to a more remote part of the temple where few people tread.
They sit in a room that overlooks the garden. Forneus gazes out the window, but Narinder can’t stop looking at her. “It really is quite lovely isn’t it?” She says.
“Indeed it is.” Narinder says. “I brought something for you.” He pulls out a bouquet made out of white lilies and white hydrangeas.
Forneus’s eyes lit up. She gleefully takes the bouquet. “Oh, Narinder! It’s so marvelous!”
“I was hoping you’d like it. I grew all these flowers myself in my garden,” He says.
“They’re so beautiful! I love them! Thank you!” Forneus exclaims. She pulls Narinder down and kisses him.
Narinder freezes. If there is one thing he wasn’t expecting it was a kiss. Once again, he can feel his heart beat as he sits next to her. All he can muster is a quick “You’re welcome.”
Even after he and Forneus have said their goodbyes, Narinder can still feel the kiss.
He wants to grow more flowers for Forneus, but he doesn’t have a clue as to what kind he should grow. There is only one flower expert he can think of that could help, Leshy, but that would mean explaining why he’s so interested in flowers, which is the last thing he wants to do.
It’s for Forneus, he tells himself, so he sucks up his pride and goes to look for his brother.
He finds Leshy in the main sanctuary talking to some followers. When Leshy sees Narinder he smiles and dismisses the followers. “Hey, Leshy. I have been thinking about adding more color to my garden. What flowers would you recommend?” Narinder asks.
“Looking for flowers for Forneus?” He asks with a smirk.
Narinder crosses his arms. “What makes you think something so ridiculous? I don’t even know who that is.”
Leshy laughs. “Oh, come on. I know that you’re not visiting for me. I’ve seen you sneaking off with her.” He nudges Narinder with his elbow.
“All right. Maybe, I do want to grow some flowers for her. So what?” Narinder says.
“I think it’s cute, and I know the right flowers if you really want to wow her.” He turns around digs through a box.
After a few seconds he’s holding a bunch of seeds. “Here’s some seeds. There are lilacs, roses, and daisies.”
Leshy drops the seeds in Narinder’s hand. “Are you sure these are the right seeds?” He asks.
“Of course, they are. I can recognize seeds by just looking at them.”
Narinder isn’t too convinced, but even if they aren’t the flowers Leshy says they are, they’re still flowers. Probably. “Thank you, Leshy,” Narinder says.  
He turns to leave, but before he does, he looks back at Leshy, “Hey Leshy, you aren’t going to tell the others about this? You know how they can be, and I really don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.”
“I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Leshy smiles reassuringly.
With that Narinder leaves.
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catboyelimgarak · 1 year
Tagged by @rayne-the-neutrois-nerd​ It’s been a hot second since I did one of these, thanks for the tag!
1. Are you named after anyone?
After needing to rush and name, my mom settled on the name of a character from a soap opera she used to watch. She does not watch it anymore though.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Fuck, I think like Sunday night, then a bit Monday morning when I woke up too early and was trying to fall back asleep. All in the safety of my bed
3. Do you have kids?
Maybe adopting in the far future.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m a little clown bitch, of course I do!
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Besides the poorly done P.E. sports where no one wanted to do anything. Nothing. I’ve always been physically weak sports-wise.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Their whole vibe, how they look. Many times I have been able to clock the vibes and save myself.
7. What's your eye color?
Hazel, its from my maternal grandmother, she has them (now a bit gray with age), my mother does, and my uncle does too.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary Movies with happy endings, like Scream.
9. Any special talents?
I dont think so. I’m pretty damn plain.
10. Where were you born?
They Bay arreeeaaaaaa bbbyyyy
11. What are your hobbies?
Art, Writing, reading, video games, playing DnD with friends....uhhh...thats it I guess. Plain and Simple I suppose.
12. Do you have pets?
I can barely take care of myself, how the fuck am I supposed to take care of a cute pet ;;n;; My friends’ pets are my pets.
13. How tall are you?
5ft 4in maybe with half a inch too.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, I was in English AP and my other AP was English & Composition (I passed the AP test for that). History was cool, and I can’t say art because the teacher was terrible.
15. Dream job?
Artist. I went to fucken art college for it, but it’ll be awhile before I can really get my ass into the industry. Author too! I would like to take a class for it tbh, but funs are low, and unless the Republicans can go fuck off and let me get my tuition paid off, it’ll be a long time before I can take any further classes.
You know, for once I’ll tag people for funsies, but there is no need to do this!  @bijoumikhawal @wanderingwriter87 @section-69 @ettaberrytea @enbylesbie
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tschvx · 4 months
Year Unknown - Kugane - Tsch & Kory - Day 0 - The Rising - Hook
With gratitude for the journeys thus far, we look to the journeys still to come. A time to reflect. A time to think of the things to come, and a time to move on. However, for Tsch, The Rising is a bit different. Its more of a hollow feeling than a reflective feeling. She understands everyone else's feelings around her, but it is never the other way around. Maybe this Rising will be different... 11 AM.11 AM! She was late. Very late. Rushing out of bed, and going to open the window. The sun was a little too bright this morning. "......." Covering her eyes a bit before moving into her bathroom and getting herself ready for the day. There were lots of prep work to be done before the event that she needed to do. Once fully dressed, she grabbed her tools and left her comfy, soft, humble abode of her Shirogane residence. Looking down at her tomestone, she sent a message to the event coordinator, [Sorry, running a bit late. Traffic. You know how it is] before she walked towards the ferryman. He waved to her and spoke up, "Someone seems to be late. To Kugane?" Without words, she nodded, and boarded the ferry and took off towards the city. Zoning out as the fog gently rolled onto the water. Sun kissing her skin, her eyes glazed over with slight melancholy as the ship sailed..."damn...."
In the city of Kugane the atmosphere was different. You could feel it in the air. The salty air that could normally be smelt when stepping off the boat was replaced with a pleasant scent of flowers and sweet perfumes strung up from lamp post to lamp post. The docks were filled with traffic from big ships to small boats. On almost every single one of them were workers, traders, adventurers, or even a mix of all three returning home to their families to attend The Rising. It was rumored this year it was supposed to be the biggest yet. You could see it in the streets. Volunteers and craftsmen were spread high and low throughout the city hanging decorations. Vendors were preparing their shops for tomorrow and sampling their wares to the citizens enticing them to come back tomorrow.
"Damn..." Among those assisting in the preparation was Kory, catching his breath. The sun was beading on the back of his neck. He wore an plain white undershirt, a sarouel, and sandals, dressing light today because he knew he would be working today. Although it had been an hour since, he felt like a chocobo being. He was hauling large crates and other supplies around town. From the storehouse to the markets. Back to the storehouse then to pier. Another trip to the storehouse all the way to the inn. Back to the storehouse... Lifting himself up from his bent over position, he grabbed his next heavy box and set off for one of the piers. Slowly trudging along with yet another heavy crate.
the boat made its way to the pier in a slow-ish fashion. She thought they'd be there by now but alas, she can't control this man's paddling abilities. Once arrived, she stepped off of the boat, onto the pier. A simple green silk shirt with a lizard on the front, paired with spring bottoms. Finishing off the look with some nice sandals since it was kind of hot for today. Adorned on her fingers were green nails glittered with gold and a few rings on her fingers. Green of course. Her hair was down, flowing with that seafoam green with a highlight of a few shades lighter. Eyes, like gems glistening in the sun. Like stars, shining in the sky. Biting her lip as she grabbed her many crafting tools, and began trekking off towards the plaza. Phone in the other hand, paying no mind to the things around her, she sent a message to the coordinator again, [I'm here, got to make a stop at the tea shop. Do you want anything?]
yawning without covering her mouth, she continued to walk until she passed under the Shiokaze Hostelry, smelling all the delicious food, "man...I could eat something right now" but alas, she couldn't because she. was. LATE! And that lateness was extended as she felt a very hard wooden surface smack her head. Falling to the ground and her tools scattered everywhere. Tomestone laid out a bit aways, "Bro what the actual fuck-" she caught herself before finally looking up at what knocked into her.
Distracted by the sights of the people loitering about, Kory did his best to listen to the sounds of Kugane. Enamored by the crowd and people so much so that he wasn't paying attention to whatever was in front of him, until he felt a bump. The man immediately looked forward. "Oh, sorr-" Just as he was ready to bow, he stopped in cofusion. What did he run into? Maybe he almost tripped? He looked down towards to where he could clearly see his mistake. A small aura with bright green hair and green eyes. He set his crate to the side and kneeled before her extending out his hand. "I'm sorry miss, this is one me. You okay?"
angry emerald starred eyes looked at the sudden hand that was placed in front of her and scanned up to see a man, speaking. His casual clothes sticking out in the Kugane aesthetic. She had no say because she was wearing the same thing. Casual. The box also looked very heavy as well. After a few seconds passed, she finally spoke up, “…it’s fine. I also wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. So I took apologize.” Grabbing the man’s hand, she used the momentum and pulled herself up. Dusting off her clothes, she reached to grab her tomestone. Luckily it wasn’t cracked. Her tools however were scattered about, “tch. I really need to wake up and pay attention,” rubbing the back of her neck, she finally looked towards the man in full.
He felt a bit of relief knowing she was being just as careless as him. "Seems like everyone is in their own world. Especially with The Rising about to start tomorrow and all." He noticed the tools sprawled about over the floor and raised a brow. "By any chance are you one of the crafters helping out with the event?" He questioned, walking towards them and picking them up one by one. For each one he picked up, he examined the quality of the tools and the condition they were in. By no means was she a novice to crafting. "You must have more than one specialty."
she had to stop her body from jerking to rush to pick up her tools. One of her many prized items. Handcrafted by herself. Something she took pride in. Instead, she walked over and picked up two of the tools. Her needle and her goldsmith hammer. Twisting it and turning, inspecting the tool to make sure there wre no scratches or any markings, "I am actually. I'm helping with some final construction projects which ended up coming last minute. As well as some trinkets that will be given out during the event." She gave a big sigh of relief once the two tools were checked. Making her way to the man, she gently took the tools from the mans hand and examined each one herself, "I'm whats known as an Omnicrafter. So I have mastered each craft. However, I do have three distinct specializations." Smirking to herself as to not get cocky, she instead asked a question while looking at the man, "What is it you'll be doing here? I see you carrying this giant crate. Are you helping with prep work as well?"
Kory folded his arms. He leaned to the side and smiled at her proud exclamation. To see someone proud of the honest work they do was a warming sight. "Well Ms. Omnicrafter, I'm asking myself the same thing." He stated. "I was originally here for a job I've since completed. Since that was over I decided with all my good will to help deliver things to and from this morning." He squatted down to pick up the crate once more, picking it up with bad posture and grunting as he did so. "If I knew these crates were carrying Breygot's Hammer in every one of them I would have never attempted to even pick them up. I could be at the inn and get ready for the event like a normal person."
For some reason, {Ms. Omnicrafter} had a ring to it. Along with his joke about Byergot’s hammer. There was a slight giggle that escaped her. Easing any tension that was there. “A delivery boy huh. You don’t seem nor look like the type. But I will say that your additional work has helped. Well, before running into me.” There was this gentle smile that flew on her face as she extended her hand, “Tsch, the name is Tsch. And yours”. Something about this person seemed interesting…
She had a very cute giggle that he couldn't just help but admire. "Kory, delivery boy for the day at least. I'm actually a hunter-scholar." He flashes his bright smile and bowed, being extra careful about how he shifted his weight. A bit too forward and he and the crate would surely take a terrible fall, something he knew all too well. "I would shake your hand but it would be such a hassle to pick this up again." The woman was interesting in both looks and profession. Someone so young being a jack of all trades and master of not one but three? It sounded too good to be true. "So I'm guessing these decorations require a master artisan's touch? I can't imagine them using your skills for no less than something extraordinary. After all there are rumors this event is going to be the biggest."
"Kory the delivery boy, for the day at least. Nice to meet you." She did some weird hand motion where she shook her own hand since he could not shake her own. He had this bright aura about him with that extremely bright smile of his. "Yeah that box does seem pretty damn heavy. Wouldn't want you to have to pick that up all again. Some minor tweaks on a few things, tweaks on a stage, and finally some needle work for small toys that we plan on giving out before the fireworks." Hearing his statement about the event being the biggest, her demeanor shifted a bit and the bright smile slowly faded into a minute straight face, "Yeah the biggest. Lots of folks will be out and about. A day of reflection, if you will." A beat passed and she turned towards the tea shop that she was supposed to stop by. Before fully walking off, she turned and asked, "Its only fair I buy you some tea before you get back to work, if thats ok?"
The offering of free drink or food was one he could rarely pass on. However in the corner of his eye he could see a burly red roegadyn accompanied by an hyur. Those were the people he was supposed to drop off the box too. He sucked his teeth looking back to the pier and then to Tsch. Sadly this would be one of those rare occasions. “Sorry Tsch, but I cant right now. This crate isn’t going to move itself. Perhaps another time? When are you free? We could reconvene here.”
Understanding that work comes first sadly, she nodded her head and spoke up, "I'll be free once prep work is done so....end of day? Maybe 7:00 PM? Depending on how long they keep me. Does that work for you?" Giving him a reassuring smile, and a thumbs up before getting a call on her tomestone, "Oh shit, I better take this." Answering her phone while still looking to the man, her face contorted to annoyance before she spoke up, explaining what happened, "See you this evening Kory! Oh, please make sure you don't run into any more people" giggling to herself, she turned around and began walking to one of the guilds
He nodded and turned away to begin walking down the stairs of the Hostelry. The men he was supposed to meet with waved his way as he took the heavy crate step by step, now realizing there was a possibility that someone just below his could be hurt. He sighed, thinking about what to do next. After all he had to return back to the storerooms for another crate probably just as taxing as the last. "Today was about to be a long day..."
The two both went their separate ways and to their respective assignments. It was nearly 12 PM when they had departed. The sun was reaching its apex. Its rays beamed brilliantly on to the people of Kugane. There were only seven hours until they would see each other.
For four hours Kory would be worked to the bone. Crates, upon crates, and even more crates were thrown his way asking to being delivered by left, right, up, and down. Everytime he would return to the storeroom his boss complained that “was going too slow” and “not good at simple things.” These remarks were so often that he had reached his boiling point and so he stopped working.
Instead, he would spend next few hours trying to be positive. From indulging in the relaxing hotsprings of followed by a nap at the inn and what he to expect from drinks with a new friend.
Noon. What a time for the sun to show its bright face on Kugane and beam down its sunny lasers of heat. Tsch was already in full force with adding additional beams to the stage while getting questioned about her delay. She ignored it as she knew her worth and how they specifically called on her. However, she too understood the time dependency of things and felt guilty. Hours passed and it finally ended with the meticulous needlework. These small toys that would be handed out to children and adults alike were similar in a sense, but had individuality to them. Giving a small look to one of the toys that had a partial eye, reminded her of the man she met at the pier. She placed that one to the side once finishing the rest of the work. What a day it has been, and what days are to come
The day went on as normal, and the sun soon retired to allow the moon and stars to rise high in the and illuminate its light onto the people below. Despite its presence signaling most to return home it did not do much to deter them. The night was just as lively as the day even at- “6:30PM…” Kory repeated to himself looking at the clock on the wall. He had awoken from his nap a few minutes earlier to prepare for his meeting with the aura with piquant green hair. Tsch, he recalled her name was. He went to his window to retrieve the clothes he labored in from earlier. After a brief inspection of them they were indeed dried from the sweat that stained it and so he put it back on with the addition of a drab green cloak that hung over his left shoulder. Then took a quick look in the mirror. He tilted his head… turned his body… struck a pose… he looked fine. All he forgot was his eyepatch that he swiftly picked up from the nightstand before heading out the door, ready to meet the intriguing woman.
meticulous needlework was good…but when it involved multiple items on repeat. One after another? Then it’s a problem. She thinks this while her head rests on the table and her arms dangle below her. Sighing loudly. While also thinking this, she realizes that repeated meticulous items combined made her crafting needle that she worked very hard on. Turning her head to the side and raising it up, it glowed. Very brightly indeed. Only the best of the best could make these tools. She was then reminded she has to do the same thing for her other tools and let out an exasperated sigh, “…….”
a few hours passed and the day was finally ending. She didn’t forget about the little food and drink with Mr Kory. Mr? Or just Kory? She’ll ask. Back at her residence, she had autonomous plushies pulling out random clothes while she was in the bathroom getting ready, “mmm, that’s not gonna work, find something else little one”, “I don’t like this color either….nah” “Steve, get down from there!” After a couple more random outfits, she finally found something she liked. Since it was a hot day, she wore some leggings, matched with sandals and a short sleeved top. Dawning very light makeup instead of a face, matched with green and gold nails, she was ready. That one doll that she set aside was perched near her door with her tools. An idea sprung to her head before walking out, “heh, I think he’d appreciate it”
He made his way back outside to see the streets decorated with beautiful things. Next to the inn was a giant phoenix statue made out of wood. Paper lanterns with the meteor symbol were hung on strings attached to bridges roofs, and even placed upon the water.
Kory weaved through the crowd of gossiping citizens, exotic traders, and courtesans in the Rakuza district. Despite all the temptations going around he maintained his focus and crossed the bridge to the plaza. His senses were met with even more stimuli. With the same lights and distracting decorations also came unsanctioned street performers and musicians along with families, friends, and lovers alike to spend time here. Once again moving through the sea of people he eventually made it back to Shiokaze Hostelry, hoping he wasn’t beat there.
it was a quiet boat ride back to Kugane. Looking at her phone, she realizes that she has about 10 minutes to be there. Once arrived, the evening atmosphere of The Rising. Lanterns, lights, people chatting away. Drunk old men, quirky individuals, and the likes all about at the docks. The boat came to a halt and she disembarked. Giving a gentle wave to the ferryman and begins to walk. The wind blowing her seafoam green hair as makes her way to the Shiokaze Hostelry.
bright lights donned the area and shined against her skin. Looking around, she see's the man she was looking for. Wearing the same outfit as earlier, along with a green cloak that caught her eyes. Anything that was in green made her happy. The way the atmosphere, and the lighting reflected upon the man, set a tone of......something. Snapping back to reality, she walked up to the man and spoke up, "Good evening Kory. Or is it Mr. Kory? I figured i'd ask." Extending out her hand once more, "there isn't a box to hold you down from shaking my hand now is there?" she chuckled at her comedic statement.
He perked up at the familiar voice calling her name and turned his head. He turned to see Tsch once again and addressing him with formality? “Kory is just fine.” He chortled.
He reached for her hand with an image in his head on what to expect; a scene of a his hand making contact with a rough, coarse palm with with a firm grip that indicated the blood, sweat, and tears that poured into her work. His hand grasped onto her tightly, ready to meet her with the same firmness. However, it met with a soft one. A hand so warm and gentle like a neighbor who would invite you in on a snowy day. He immediately loosened his grip and looked away. “Your hand is surprisingly delicate. You’ll have to tell me what lotion you use once we sit down.” He complimented, “So, what tea do you recommend?”
"delicate isn’t the word I’d use.” Rolling her eyes a bit as she tightens her grip on the man’s hand, shaking it firmly. Feeling the roughness of his hand. The stories that he could tell, that these hands could tell. “They’re only soft because I used a mint lotion that I made myself. Other than that, it’s pretty coarse.” She then let go of the man’s hand and walked over to the front counter, speaking to the host. He pointed upwards and smiled before she turned to Kory, “I’ll tell you all about the recommended tea once we have a seat. Follow me”.
leading him up the stairs, to the third floor, there was seating up here. Right next to the railing was an empty spot with 2 cups already waiting, along with a pitcher, “I called in early for us to have a spot available. Along with a pitcher of Doman Tea. I don’t know if you drink, but I ordered some Crimson Cider as well.” Taking a seat on the side with the railing, she placed her phone down before gesturing to sit across from her. “So tell me Kory, the delivery boy, what else do you do besides deliver?” With this question asked, she took her cup into her hand and drank a bit of the doman tea.
From the third floor anyone could look below and see how packed the hostelry truly was. Most times the Hostelry was bordering capacity. When the finest wines in Hingashi was only a few yalms away what traveler could resist the allure? However, on events like this travelers were rare to receive a seat even with the extra seating. Instead, it was full of people who missed a taste of home.
He took the stool opposite of her and sat leaning forward, back slouched, eyeing the pitcher. Crimson Cider was a stranger to him only in taste. He had been across Yanxia and Hingashi on multiple occassions and saw drinks of the same name but never actually tried any himself. He began to pour himself a cup while speaking. "What I do? Well, I'm adventurer essentially. I travel like them, take on jobs to hunt monsters across the realm. Sometimes poachers, or the last that remains of the dragon cult in Ishgard."
listening to what Kory does intrigued her a bit. Poachers, monster hunts, and traveling interested her for many reasons, all pertaining to her own gain in trying to remember herself. A wave of melancholy washed over here before she snapped out of it and put down the cup of tea, and instead opted for the cider. Drinking it heavily before placing the cup down. "Thats very interesting. I'm assuming your travels have taken you to many places of the likes. Any interesting individuals?" She would love to divulge about herself to the man, but he needed to earn that type of trust, and information from her...
Unlike her, he sipped at his cup. He would wet his tongue properly and get acquainted with the taste before being brave enough to drink it all in one swoop. His eyes wandered as he pondered who to tell her about. “Well, there is a man I met who is originally not from this star if you believe it or not. Great fighter, not a good conversationalist. He was eerie, you could never look in his eyes for too long or else you’ll feel creeped out. His companion was a Doman man who was traveling doctor.” He took another sip of his cider.
that heavy drink, she shouldn't have done that. While listening, she called over a waiter and ordered some things for the table, before sending them off. Grabbing the tea once more, she drank slowly this time while nodding along, "Otherworldly beings huh? Funny you mentioned that. This may sound far fetched, but I assisted in gathering ingredients crafting food and drink items to be sold on a...how do I say this, and intergalactic coffee shop on a dead star." Saying that out loud made her laugh because it sounds so far fetched. "You are a very interesting individual. Oh! Before I forget, I took the liberty of ordering a few dishes to be served. I probably should've asked what you wanted but I got ahead of myself. You don't have to worry about a price tag, ill be covering this."
He raised a brow and leaned forward even more. “An intergalactic coffee shop?” He repeated. “That does sound far-fetched, but then again the people Etheryis has seen things a plenty so it’s not too out there.” He took another sip, now halfway done with his first cup. He could feel the spice of the drink travel down his throat. “Although I thank you for the compliment you’re far more interesting than me i’d say. Serving a dead star? I haven’t even left the planet. Plus, you’re treating me to food and drink? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re be trying to warm me up for something. That or maybe you’re beginning to growing fond of this cyclops.”
tilting her head at his response, "Cyclops? I don’t see that in you." However, his other statemeant was half true, "Warming you up for something possibly, but at the same time, I felt that this would be an appropriate apology for bumping into you. Or, overly ambitious apology. I'm still working on this whole.....being nice thing." tapping the rim of her cup with her finger. As awkwardness set in, the food finally arrived. Looking up, "ah its here!" The waiter placed down 4 large dishes before bowing and walking off, "Please, help yourself. I ordered Dzo Steak, Sauteed Green Leeks, Tako-yaki and Pork Stew"
His eye widened at the sight of the food. He looked to her and back to the food with confusion. Four dishes?! Although he just made a jest about it the thought of what she could possibly propose to him came to mind. He gulped and prayed it wasn’t another heavy crate. He cautiously began to make his plate and brushed his cider to the side for now. His shoulders tensed and his eye focused on her demeanor. He attempted to mask his worry behind the same friendly smile he’s had all night, all the while steeling himself for a request.
taking some already cut pieces of steak and grabbing a bowl of Pork Stew, she slowly began to eat. Eyes steeled downward into the food. Chewing, swallowing, then speaking, “hmm, it’s like I resorted back to old methods.” Looking up to Kory, “can I ask you something? Have you ever heard of the Cloud Serpent Clan?” That was the only thing she asked as she continued to eat, reverting her eyes back downward. Her face was…….dark. It was very noticeable.
He figured a question would be asked, but this was not the type of question he expected. However, an interesting question nonetheless, especially with how it caused her face to change. "Cloud Serpent Clan? The name doesn't ring a bell." He took his utensils and cut up his steak, taking it in manageable bites. "What are they, some ninjas in Kugane?"
she could tell that it was farfetched to ask. Giving a big sigh, she continues to eat a bit before speaking up, "Ninjas in Kugane sounds like a group. But no, they are not. It was a clan based in the Azim Steppe's for a millennium...that was 99.98% wiped out. Except for 2 people." Looking up to Kory, she smiles, but this smile was bittersweet, "One of them being me"
He paused his eating. His fork already traveled halfway from the plate to his mouth. "Who's the other?" He inquired. Lowering his hand back on the table and raising a brow. It was the first he heard of a clan in the steepe just dying out. His eyes stayed locked on her ready to receive even more information.
that smile never faded as she spoke up, “My butler. Who insisted on being my butler, even when I declined many times over. He was my clan leader at the time. I didn’t know about this until a few weeks ago.” She let go of her utensils and poked at her head, “they call it long term memory loss. I’ve been trying to remember my past and how I got to Eorzea for….3 years. And there’s this 5 year gap before being here that is still so foggy.” Shaking her head “I won’t trauma dump on you. It’s rude.”
“No, worries. This really is quite the story! Do you know how the tribe was wiped out? I assume you’ve already tried visiting a doctor about your memory loss but what about someone that has master over aether? Perhaps they can help retrieve those lost memories? Why did your clan leader want to become your butler? Another thing…” He bombarded her with question after question. Although she was being courteous not to overshare it was too late for that. Like a scholar to a book, Kory was eager to learn more.
”Thats a lot of questions….to be answered another time. And some of them, I don’t have the answer, nor remember it to give said answer.” She finished up her steak and soup. Then finished up her drink as well. Very heavily one might say. “…..maybe another time” she said quietly. Loud enough only for the man and her to hear as she rested her chin on the table and looked up. It was like day and night with her emotions. One minute full of life, the next, quiet….
Kory nodded. “Sorry if I surfaced some unpleasant memories.” He leaned back in his seat fixing his posture to be upright, and started on his plate once more. The mood change was noticeable and he couldn’t help think he was to blame. The interesting conversation died and there was no segue to transition to another. Albeit it was only a moment of awkwardness the silence between the two felt like minutes. He eventually finished his plate and look back at the dejected artisan with empathy. Not wanting to see her like this, he tried to spark up conversation once more. “So… how was the steak and soup?”
after a few beats, she sat up with a soft smile and poured another bowl of soup, with just the broth this time. taking slow sips before speaking up, "it was very good. sorry for the sudden change in atmosphere." finishing her soup, she called a waiter over and paid for the tab before collecting her things and standing up, "truly sorry. maybe i'll see you tomorrow at the festival?" after everything was collected, she stood up and adjusted her outfit before wiping something from her eye, "i hope you have a good night Kory"
“Uh yea, hopefully I’ll see you again tomorrow. Goodnight.” He said in a dejected tone. That was all Kory could utter. He watched her leave the building and sat there in silence. He was left in a daze still processing all that happened. Where did it go wrong? Was she feeling alright? Perhaps he shouldn’t have asked questions and just listened. Questions, thoughts, and regrets swirled in his mind. However, it was nothing he could fix the moment has passed. He stared at the remaining food on the table and reached for the Tako-yaki. He popped the bite-sized balls into his mouth and chewed thoroughly, but he couldnt just bring himself to swallow it. He forced himself and despite its delicious flavor he accepted the fact he had lost his appetite and left Shiokaze Hostelry.
Upon returning to the Inn he got undressed and hung up his clothes. He made his way to the cot where he would lay on his side, looking out the window. Today felt like he was a character in a soap opera. Making an acquaintance, sharing a meal, and parting with confusion and melancholy. Despite the awkwardness of the last few moments he thought optimistically about the future. He closed his eyes, thinking of what he would do if he saw her tomorrow. How could he make it up to her? Hopefully the atmosphere wouldn’t be uncomfortable. The Rising was just a sleep away, and given the chance he would preferably want to reconcile with one of the only people he knew in Kugane.
the ferryman watched her board the private ship that headed to the housing district. he didn't speak, but he understood her mannerisms enough to not ask questions. it was shown on her face how the evening had affected her. her exasperated sigh left her as the skipper pushed off. the fog had rolled in for the evening, moon hiding behind the clouds, small sprinkles of rain here and there. before she knew it, she was back in Shirogane. not even saying goodnight to the ferryman, she made her way to her house. cutting across the beach and making it into her front yard. unlocking the door and walking inside, ".....what the fuck was that Tsch?" she asked herself as she stripped off all her clothes before walking downstairs to her room. leaving clothes behind for Elorz to grab, which he didn't mind. grabbing one of her plushies in hand and crawling into bed before letting out a sigh, ".........." can tomorrow be a better day? will she end up seeing Kory again? only time will tell....
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the-daiz · 3 years
Double edged sword | Diluc
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Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, sibling au
Pairing: Diluc x sibling!reader
Warning(s): Diluc backstory spoilers, general arguing, yelling, both are in the wrong tbh, mention of Kaeya, happy ending
Side note: 1 ITS MY BIRTHDAY 2I keep writing diluc and sibling reader fanfics ehhehehehe I love Diluc, ps this is very rushed I had to finish my studying
Posted on: 27/ November/ 2021
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You figdeted with the hem of your shirt, sweat running down your face. You stared at the wooden door before you, one that lead to Diluc's office... His usual, plain, familiar office... Why were you so damn nervous?
You were his younger sibling, it's not like he's going to yell at you or anything. Well... He could but the possibilities are slim.
You sucked in a deep breath as you shut your eyes tight, trying to keep your composure. With a final exhale, you lifted your hand up and hesitantly knocked on his door.
"come in" His muffled voice answered. You gulped down your worries and slowly opened the door, revealing your older brother on his desk, reading some documents as he always did. Diluc looked up at you, his emotionless features brightening up once he met your eyes.
"(y/n)" He gently spoke, a small smile on his lips. He placed his work papers down on his desk, gesturing for you to enter the room. Oh now you felt guilty, you knew what you were going to ask was going to spoil his mood. Ruin it. Demolish it. whether he answered or not.
"Hey, diluc..." You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly as you made your way closer to him.
"Do you need anything? You seem tense."
"uhh... Well, I just wanted to ask you a question. if you don't mind, that is." He smiled at you and let out a short chuckle.
"is that what you're worried about? Asking me a question?" He teased. You bit the inside of your cheek hoping to get this done and over with already. "Go ahead, I'm all ears.", He waved his hand towards you.
"I... I was was wondering- um If- uhh..." You shook your head to get your mind functioning properly again. "Why did you kick Keaya out... That night?"
His smile quickly faded, replaced by an unreadable expression. Your eyes were downcast, so you didn't see the look on your brother's face, but by the feel of the atmosphere, you could tell that he hadn't taken your question lightly.
"...(y/n), you don't need to know about that." He said, nonchalantly. His fist clenched, nails digging into his skin. Something ticked you about his answer. He acted like you were some child needing of protection from this dangerous world. Your anxiousness instantly disappeared, switching to an unmanageable feeling of anger.
"What!?" You snapped your head upwards. "Why not?! I'm not a little kid anymore, Diluc!" You teeth gritted in frustration, why does he always do this? Why??
"It's not a matter of age, (y/n)." His features turned bitter.
"But still! I deserve to know! You can't keep me in the dark forever!" You countered.
"the situation isn't as simple as you think it is!" He retorted, his scowl growing deeper by the second.
"then what is it? It can't be that bad!"
"YES IT IS!" Diluc stood up from his seat "STOP INSISTING, IM NOT TELLING YOU WHAT HAPPENED.. it's for your own good."
"(Y/n), that's enough! You have no idea what Kaeya is truly like!"
"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH! HE IS NOT MY BOTHER, HE IS NOT YOUR BROTHER, HE WAS NEVER APART OF THIS FAMILY! HE NEVER WAS AND HE NEVER WILL BE!" His hands slammed on the table with a loud thud, causing you to jolt back. "STOP ACTING LIKE A WHINEY CHILD, (Y/N). BEFORE I FORBID YOU FROM LEAVING THIS HOUSE EVER AGAIN." It fell silent, all that could be heard was Diluc's heavy panting. You slowly stepped back. Your irises trembled, you weren't sure if it was from fear, frustration or regret. You could feel the lump in your throat grow while you attempted desperately to swollow it down. However, you knew that soon you wouldn't be able to hold back your emotions, and you felt way too pathetic to let your tears spill right before your angered older brother.
"I'm sorry." You let out a hushed murmur before bolting out of the room, tears clouding your vision. You rushed out the dawn winery, receiving confused and concerned looks from the workers there.
You ran straight for the forest surrounding your house, your feet guiding you hastily through the thick mush of lushes trees. You acknowledged the dangers of wondering in the forest at night, you could be easily attacked by monster or even captured by pesky treature hoarders and used for ransom but you were much too engulfed in your emotions to care.
Once you reached the lake south of dawn winery, you slumped down on the sand and pulled your knees up to your chest. You sat there for a few moments, watching the reflection of the moon on the water. You tried to forgot about the argument you two had, but once Diluc's irritated face crossed your mind you buried your face into your knees and burst out into tears.
"(Y/N)!?" A masculine voice called from within the forest. You blinked in confusion and slightly turning your head behind you, where the forest lied. You opened your mouth to call back but quickly shut it. You knew who it was, and you were a bit embarrassed to face him in this state. You turned your head back and waited for him to go away or ultimately find you.
All those feelings you kept cramped in one small box, all those thoughts, all those burdens, have now broken loose, spilling next to the glossy lake. It wasn't long until your sobs died down, you still felt upset, but a lot better than before now that you had an opportunity to let everything out.
"(Y/n)? (Y/N)!" You mentally cursed. You could hear the frantic footsteps getting closer from behind you. Diluc kneeled down next to you and cupped your cheek in his hand.
"oh barbatos, are you alright?" His face was filled with concern, causing the guilt to bubble up inside you once again. Diluc rubbed his thumb across your damp cheeks. They were crying, he thought, his lips pursed together in deep regret.
Without warning, he pulled you into his embrace, his arms practically crushing you due to how tight his arms wrapped around you.
"I'm sorry, Diluc... I didn't mean to-"
"No. Don't apologize." He cut you off "I should be the one begging for your forgiveness. I've done so many terrible things and yet you still put up with it. With me. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I understand how hard it must be to always be in-between me and Kaeya. Trust me, I really do want to tell you what happened that night, but I don't want to hurt you. I just want to protect you, (y/n)." He pulled away to look at your face, and placed a gentle kiss on your temple. "Please believe me, everything I do is to protect you, I'd never want to hurt you."
"Diluc" your voice cracked. The two of you embraced once more. You pushed your face into his shoulder, your bitter sweet tears seeping into his clothes.
"I love you, Diluc"
"I love you too"
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yanderechuu · 3 years
Shower Thoughts
yandere!Class 1A x fem!reader
Summary: Momo wasn’t as trustable as you had presumed.
Warning: Larceny, nonconsensual touching, masturbation
You used to spend roughly ten minutes in the shower, only ever needing to soak your body in the water, apply shampoo and body wash before rinsing all the foam of products from your skin and scalp. Shower thoughts simply consisted of the day’s agenda or any special occurrence that had happened the past week, never really drifting off to existential questions and dark notions that would keep you from leaving the bathroom later than usual. You neither necessarily liked taking a shower nor did you dread it, as to you it was only ever a mandatory routine of the day which you handled with a neutral mind.
But now, ten minutes were already a slow thirty, and majority of the time you bothered not to move your arms to make work of your hair, or lather your skin with soap as you normally would do had it not been for the questions plaguing your mind like how your classmates would terrorize your time and space.
Right, your classmates - who would spend every hour of the day with you as if they didn’t have anything better to do. As if you were an important subject of matter next to hero training. You never appreciated it, because from the start, you did not want to have anything do to with them. They smothered and coddled you as if air wasn’t that important to you, disregarding the way you felt about personal space, how it was very significant to you. Rare were the moments of peace as a few of them were always by your side, ‘ensuring your safety’ as they would like to quote it. Why ensure your safety? You had not been a prominent figure in the sports festival, neither did you have a quirk that could be of great utility for the villains unlike Bakugou or Tokoyami. You weren’t a problem child, either. Their justification of following you around like you were some sort of high-maintenance prisoner made no sturdy sense to you.
“There’s this new package of green tea my mother had sent me this week! Would you like to try it, (y/n)?”
But if you had to choose among your classmates one whom you would tolerate for the following years you’d be in U.A., that would be Yaoyorozu Momo. She was kind and considerate, often determining your feelings before you could voice it out (not that you really had the courage to, most of the time). She was organized and pristine and never had you met someone more befitting for the definition of ‘mom friend’ than her. She was perfect in nearly every way, and even though you’d have the occasional pang of jealousy at some times her perfectionism was displayed (gender envy, isn’t it, (y/n)?), she never seemed to bear mal intent, so you would let the emotions slide. You’d see the galaxy in her eyes if you would stare long enough. Her tea was best substitute for coffee, too.
You never considered her more than a very great friend, though, and to her, that was a problem.
As you sauntered your way over to your dorm with her, you shuffled your bag to take your room key buried in the side pockets. “I’ll go down in a while, but you better make sure you’re in the common room before me.”
You wouldn’t allow your classmates to take advantage of your lone self simply because Momo wasn’t there to fend them off.
“Mhm! Lemon green tea as usual, correct?”
“Yeah. Thanks again, YaoMomo.”
Your use of sotto voce tone on her nickname gave a pleasant shiver down her spine; her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head had she not restrained herself. Having been always kept to yourself, you never felt the need to adjust your volume for others to hear properly, so oftentimes your voice came out in a whisper - not that she minded, of course. You sounded more sensual that way.
“Are you going to take a while or will I have to brew tea right away?”
“Training was more strenuous than usual, and my muscles can’t seem to relax,” you explained, “so I’m going to take a quick shower.”
From your peripheral vision as you were focused on your bag to fish out the key, you saw Momo’s jaw slack upon hearing your plan to take a bath. It was odd, but you didn’t give particular attention to it when you finally took out your desired item. You failed to notice the way she abruptly settled her gaze on the key, inspecting it as if she was deliberating its shape, form, and material, and installing it to memory.
“Oh- oh!” She exclaimed. “I do remember having some body wash that help soothe muscle strains and body aches. I can hand them to you if you want.”
You shook your head, smiling lightly. “You’re too kind, YaoMomo. But I think just hot water will do for me.”
She watched as you opened the door to your room, giving her one more smile before disappearing inside and locking the door with a distinct click. As soon as you did so, she pulled the sleeve of her wrist up, developing with her body lipids a key the exact copy of the one you had held.
You certainly lied when you had said you were going to take a ‘quick’ shower. Already ten minutes into it did you only decide to sleek yourself with liquid body soap, initially absentmindedly rubbing it on your body, before you gradually got rougher with your movements and soon you found yourself scuffing your own flesh with vehement motion.
They were excessively touchy again, your classmates. Denki got too close to your face while delivering a pick-up line that made you wish you didn’t exist in order to hear it, and upon nearing you did Bakugou pull you away from him, cursing at him to buzz off. He took his time feeling up your waist - the part he used to grab you - while at it. During lunch, as you were once again coerced into joining his group to the cafeteria, Izuku refused to let go of your hand as you walked, and Uraraka as adamant with hugging you by the hips with one arm. It was what girlfriends did, she said, and you were not entirely sure whether or not she referred to that word romantically.
And if not, then did girlfriends also normally touch the parts of which you did not want to be touched on? You felt, clear as day, a bare hand resting on your thigh when you sat on your usual spot, dangerously close to lifting your skirt for everyone to see, and when you gave Hagakure’s faceless face a questioning look, she asked you what was wrong. Her uniform sleeve was literally floating on top of your lap, and still she had the gall to pretend as if she was not touching you with lacking consent. 
 You were not safe from Shoto, either, when he offered to readjust your uniform tie and you were in no place to decline (you had the right to, but they just stripped you off of it), his breath hitching in ecstasy as his fingers brushed your chest; he was, audaciously enough, not hiding his bliss. Then he rubbed your shoulders to ‘warm you up,’ when all he really intended to do was motivate his own fantasy that you were his and he was simply scenting you like some fucking alpha to his omega.
You turned no blind eye to their gesticulations. You never once found it endearing, and wished they would stop with whatever the hell this was called, because you were quite sure this was past the border of molestation and could already be rendered a form of bullying.
But not once did you consider the possibility of having a class obsessed with your quaint self.
So you supposed that until you’d find a way to deduce their idiosyncratic actions and tendencies then you would have to make do with your own bathroom as your safe space. Momo was the only classmate you could confide to, so at least she was there.
Unfortunately, you had yet to see the other side of her coin.
Because as she was just right outside your bathroom door, obsessively taking in every bit of item you owned inside your dorm room like a madman, you were left with the impression that she was all you could ever ask for in a friend. You didn’t know how she was not any better than the rest of your classmates, adoring your very existence to the extent of insanity; how she’d crave for you so often and so terribly that she’d feel herself clench when you do so much as merely spare her a glance. And you had done that a lot today - she would have to relieve herself for it.
She spotted the heap of clothes right by your bed; it became apparent that you had stripped yourself off of it before entering the bathroom and taking a shower. Walking towards it, a portion of your seamless underwear came to view, and she resisted the urge to render into a mound of horniness in order to pick it up and inspect it closely.
It was a lighter color of (s/c). A plain, simple, modest undergarment item, still it evoked a particular feeling on the bottom center of Momo’s hips. The heat came rushing along her midriff and instigated the muscle of her legs to falter, and as soon as she felt it, a hand of hers drifted past her skirt, feeling up the slick accumulated on the fabric of her own panties only with the knowledge that your panties were currently in her possession. She needed release, but you were nearly finished with your bath, and she was still inside your room.
You walked out of the shower the moment she shut the door of your bedroom. You saw it closed, but you didn’t catch the culprit.
This unnerved you to no end. Undoubtedly, you thought, this had to be one of your classmates. Who else was it supposed to be? Aizawa-sensei (...)? You had yet to know their ultimatum, but you were sure this occurrence was another one of their schemes. You had assumed that all their weird, unappreciated antics were just to get you to socialize with them, but now you didn’t understand why it had gotten to the point of entering your room without permission.
You couldn’t keep this to yourself.
So you planned to bring it up to Momo, a representative of your class and someone whom you deemed trustable enough to share it with. Quickly, you dressed into your casual indoor attire, and rushed outside your room to head to the kitchen, where you presumed she’d be in the process of making your tea. But she wasn’t there.
Instead, she was in her own room, your panties muzzled right into her face and her own fingers buried deeply inside her cunt.
“Oh- oh, god- Ah! (Y/n)!”
Oh god, your panties. Oh god, your panties. The object most intimate to your parts of intimacy, soaking every bit of womanly secretion from your genitalia. Of all the masturbation sessions she had done to the thought of you, this was the hottest. She wasn’t quite sure whether to imagine your cunt on her lips in a position of mutual cunnilingus or your fingers thrusting into her in place of hers. She wanted both.
A whine slipped past her lips. To think that moments ago, she was in the same space as you were nude. Oh, to join you in the bathroom, doing inenarrable things to each other with the use of the showerhead. To touch your skin selfishly rather than only watch as she would do during class hours.
She came with a squeal, falling face-down to bite the duvet of her large bed. Gone in her hazy mind was her promise to you of lemon green tea, and as she still basked in the pathological euphoria of getting off, you were in the common room, anxiously waiting for her return.
But just as you had expected, someone was bound to spot you alone and take this as an opportunity to be with you, and they just so happened to be-
Oh. Aoyama.
He offered you a slice of cheese with his usual grin before settling down a few feet beside you, enough to leave you be in your personal bubble. You gave him occasional glances, unwrapping the cheese from its casing and he just sat there, eating his. He was alright, you guessed - another tolerable classmate of yours next to Momo. Perhaps it was because you used to always be alone in the classroom with him during break time that you were at ease with his presence. Or maybe he just seemed so gay and that, for some reason, comforted you. One gay presence could comfort another lol.
“It’s delicious.” Your comment came out inadvertently.
“Oui. Only the best quality for the best person.” He flaunted.
You weren’t exactly sure whether he was referring to you or to himself, but you paid little attention to that as the cheese was certainly delicious; you were not lying.
“It’s odd how your chose to take a bath at this time of the day.” He spoke.
You stopped chewing.
He meant to refer to your damp hair, but having just suspected your class of breaking and entering your room, you thought otherwise.
“I-” You choked on the cheese, ending up needing to gulp it like liquid content instead of breaking it down to fit your throat. 
Immediately, he sprang up in concern, stepping over to you to gently thump you on the back. “Are you alright?”
“No- I mean- I just-!” You wheezed, occasionally having to clear your throat. You swatted his hand away from you; you hadn’t meant to appear rude, but you did. You stood up in a rush. “L-look, I have to go.”
“Don’t you want to drink water?”
“I’m- fine,”
With your words, you took off from the common room area and headed back to your room. There were two sets of emotions that mixed to form the bile in your throat. One was wrath and humiliation upon the discovery of Aoyama’s actions. The other was betrayal and confusion from Momo’s absence when she had said she’d be brewing tea for you, and it wasn’t the tea that disheartened you. She knew of your issue with the class, and if she were busy, couldn’t she have texted you a heads-up?
She shouldn’t be surprised when at the next time she saw you, you interacted with her less. Your intention to distance yourself from her was most prominent, and it didn’t help that your classmates took notice of this, because now they were taking advantage of the situation, tagging you along with them in spite of your futile attempts to decline now that Momo was nowhere to tell them off. When she’d talk to you, you would answer, though your voice was back to speaking to her like she was a stranger. 
Resentment was stronger than ruing the lack of intimacy between you two. It was as if she had received your panties in exchange for the time she’d be spending with you, oddly enough. After much deliberation, she came to realize that this was your little ‘tantrum’ after not being able to meet with her the other day. 
It was pretty cute, she thought, that you’d try and make her acknowledge the fault on her part by ignoring her.
You didn’t walk with her back to dorms as per usual that dismissal. Instead, just like what you had used to do before finding consolation in her, you walked alone, accomplishing being able to avoid your classmates as you did. By the time she reached the dorms, you were in the kitchen, fetching a glass of water to satiate your throat. She took a hold of your wrist before you went back to your room.
“(Y/n),” she pleaded, “tell me what’s wrong.”
You looked at her with a reluctant expression. Perhaps you should. After the short while that you had been hanging out with her, her presence turned into something you came to miss. You wanted her back, but not in the way she wanted you.
“I-it’s just,” you stammered out, “y-you know how I feel being alone in the common room without you. I... I’m not comfortable with our classmates when you’re not around.” She took pride in this. “I don’t take it lightly how you left me alone the other day...”
Your voice faltered out the longer you spoke.
So she was correct; you were certainly having your little ‘tantrum.’ With a guilty smile, she left your wrist to hold your hand tenderly, and suddenly it dawned upon you the feeling of whenever Bakugou held your waist, Shoto nuzzled his face on your neck or Izuku invaded your personal space.
Fear and apprehension.
Before you could preach your objection to whatever she had planned ahead for you, she dragged you along with her and you both reached her dorm room before you could comprehend where she was taking you. 
“I’ll make it up to you.” She said, making you sit on her large bed.
Then she proceeded to make you tea, boiling water with an electric kettle situated on top of her study desk; there also laid a tea set next to her three books, which you assumed were those of which would aid her in the utility of her quirk, like encyclopedias. Beside those was a piece of cloth, unfolded, unkept - a (s/c)-colored silk fabric.
Your face drained of color.
She pushed the books towards the cloth, completely obscuring it from your view and leaving the table disorganized. You knew Momo, neat and orderly as much as possible; she wouldn’t do that without reason.
Now that you thought about it, the same day someone had barged in your room, your underwear had been missing from your set of laundry garments. You spent the next whole day actively avoiding Aoyama, thinking he was the culprit to this felony. At the present moment you were reconsidering your allegation.
“U-um, Momo, I need to go-”
She yelled it so giddily, so uncharacteristically, as she pushed the cup of tea towards your way. How she did so was very quick that you had not the time to take it properly, and steaming liquid fell to your décolletage, past the cotton of your uniform and streaming down the valley of your breasts. It was a moist mess. She loved every bit of it.
“Oh! Oh, my bad. I’ll- I’ll clean you up!” She exclaimed, all flushed and excited.
You didn’t find it in you to push her back when she began to do exactly what she had said, taking your blazer off, loosening your school tie and unbuttoning the dress shirt underneath, only ever being able to stare at her with eyes that evinced betrayal, because it slowly occurred to you that she was satiating her own selfish obsession with you all under the ruse of maintaining a decent friendship. 
“(Y/n),” She breathed out, “I adore you.”
She was no different than the rest of your classmates, and you were a fool to think otherwise.
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (i)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader)
Warnings: cursing, nonsense writing
Word count: 1.5k 
A/N: listen i just needed something to keep my mind busy and a perry the platypus!bucky and dr. doofenshmirtz!reader was the only thing i could think of. dont have any high expectations from this series, you will be sorely disappointed.
If you have any ideas for this series, lemme know!! it’d be cute to write!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Series Masterlist
Bucky Barnes, for all intents and purposes, is edgy. 
His SHIELD salary is definitely enough to afford him a simple beanie, gloves even if he’s that eager. His long hair, though a spectacle in itself, isn’t as good at keeping away the cold as he claims it to be. 
It’s a personal choice, a fashion statement even, to be roaming the streets in a long flimsy t-shirt that does nothing to accentuate his broad shoulders, and tactical pants that look a little too comfortable. 
It’s cold. He says he likes it, to appease his blond haired best friend who insisted that he wear a cardigan at least. He won’t like it in a while, but he would never admit it.
The bike ride to the other side of town for a minor mission takes longer than he expected. The wind rushing by gets his adrenaline racing. 
Official missions are long and gruelling, and oftentimes not fun. But it gives him a purpose.
It’s easy, therefore, to find him brooding when he’s not on one. 
No one wants their room to be on the receiving end of Bucky’s stress-cleaning sessions. His baking is more appreciated.
So when there’s news of a small time villain creating havoc again, it made sense that he volunteered to go sort it out. No one else wanted the job. They’d all been at it before. 
SHIELD didn’t seem particularly bothered either. 
“It’s not that serious, Barnes.”
“I’m going.”
“Just stop her from doing whatever dumb plan she has today. She seems to have a new one every week.”
“Can I-”
“This is not an assassination mission.”
“Fine. Can I-”
He didn’t know what to expect. He had an idea of how they should be. Smaller villains tended to be more aggressive, vicious to prove their point. They were here to stay.
He wears his regular gear. Enough knives to make a butcher look away in shame, and guns including, but not limited to, his biceps.
He finally pulls the bike to a stop a few metres away, leaving it out of reach in case things got too out of hand. He didn’t want to have to walk back to the Tower, and his friends, as much as they loved him, would never go out of their way to pick him up. Little shits. 
The address is a dingy, plain concrete house near an old construction site. It was flat and felt more like an afterthought than an actual building. It looked more like an abandoned Walmart than an actual villain lair. 
The only entrance is the door in the front. He counts to three, lifting his leg to kick it down.
It falls down ungracefully, loud and creaky like it was bound to the doorframe by rust. 
The only light source inside is a green light. All the way at the other end on an elevated platform is a desk and a chair facing away from him. He can’t see much other than that.
Someone’s laughter comes back loud and booming. He raises his gun, feet apart in a defensive stance. 
“I’ve been expecti-” the voice pauses mid-sentence- “Did you just kick down my door?”
He looks behind him to where the wooden piece is on the floor. He certainly did.
He can finally see you as you stand up, green light illuminating your face. You reach over to the side, pressing a few switches. 
He squints when all the lights turn on, pulling the both of you from darkness. 
“Dude!” you cry out, face twisting into what only could be described as a mix of horror and disdain. “What’d you do that for?”
He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t lower his gun either.
“You’re an Avenger, just fuckin’ pick the lock or something. This is expensive!” 
He only watches as you whine, looking beyond him at your now demolished entrance. You take a few steps closer, jumping down from the elevated platform.
“Insurance isn’t going to cover this.” You drag your palm across your fist before extending it towards him. “Pay up.”
He wasn’t sure if he heard you right.
“What?” he finally asked, voice gruff.
“All you superheroes go around, destroying walls and cars in the name of world peace like you own the damn thing. Not today, bitch boy. Pay up.”
He doesn’t have his wallet with him. He didn’t expect to need it.
“I’m supposed to be stopping you.” 
“You can do that once you pay for my door.” 
You sound resolute, unshaken. A little annoyed. There’s what appears to be a gun in your hand, although it’s unlike any weapon he’s seen before.
“What’s your plan?” Bucky looks at your hand. Your stare follows his. You lift the thing up and he tenses.
“I was going to freeze some jerk but now my plan is to get you cancelled on Twitter.” 
“Why?” his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Local superhero destroys property of tax paying citizen for no good reason.”
“I mean-” he shakes his head, discarding what you’re saying, “-why were you going to freeze someone?”
“Because I wanted to. But you’ve ruined the mood now, so that won’t happen.”
He blinks, lowering his weapon when he realises you weren’t making any attempt to move. “What’s your ulterior motive?”
“Nothing! I just wanted to mildly inconvenience that stupid fuck for being such a prick.”
He doesn’t know what to say. 
“Is that the freeze ray?” Bucky asks instead, raising his gun when he realises there’s a very real chance he could end up like his best friend. 
“You got a problem with it?” You hold it up carelessly. 
“I can’t let you use that.”
“That’s all you’re going to do?” you huff, “Is this what you call an intervention? This is so boring.”
“Give me the freeze ray and no one has to get hurt.” 
“No one was going to get hurt in the first place, genius. All this does is slow him down for 5 minutes so he misses the subway.”
There’s nothing technically that evil about what you’re doing. He doesn’t even know how you ended up on SHIELD’s radar. He gets why no one was particularly driven to take this seriously.
“And for fuck’s sake put that gun away. You’re not scaring me.” 
He doesn’t oblige, even though something tugs at him, telling him that you’re speaking the truth. 
“Here, take the stupid thing.” You don’t bother waiting for his response, bending over and sliding the gun towards his feet. “I’ll find another way to get back at that dickhead.”
It hits his boot with a small thud. He looks down. Its design is ridiculously comical, like you ripped it straight out of a kid’s TV show. 
“Next time, bring some drama. Wear a cape or something.” You wave him off. “Now get out of my lair. I need to fix the door.”
“You don’t have another one of these lying around, do you?”
“Why, do your friends want one too?” The glare you give him is dangerous. He doesn’t react to it. “No, it’s limited edition. I don’t build the same thing twice.”
“You have others?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” A smile grows on your face, dropping as quickly as it arrives. “SHIELD will tell you if I do. Now leave.”
Bucky looks at the freeze ray in his hand. He supposes his job is done. He was told to stop you, but you didn’t seem to have any inclination to go on with your plan.
“You can ask them if you want, they know about me.” You roll your eyes. “Go ahead, call them.”
He doesn’t want to take a chance. As odd as the situation is, it’s still novel and he isn’t quite sure how to deal with it.
He tucks your weapon under his arm, pressing his phone to his ear.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?” Maria’s voice is crisp as ever.
“I confiscated a... freeze ray.” He feels ridiculous even saying it. “But I’m going to bring her in to SHIELD headquarter-”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“But we can’t trust-”
“We’ve been keeping tabs on her for a while. She’s more or less harmless. You can take the rest of the night off, Sergeant.”
He cuts the call, not entirely at ease with the smug, expectant look on your face. 
Still, he couldn’t disobey direct orders.
“I’m gonna... go.” He mentions towards the gaping hole in the wall.
“That would be ideal, yes.” You nod, crossing your arm over your chest.
“Okay.” He hesitates, but finally takes a step backwards. He peeks over his shoulder as he leaves, but finds you swivelled away from him again. 
He steps back outside. The cold greets him again like an old friend. The weight of his weapons feels stupidly embarrassing now. 
It’s a long drive back to the Tower. He keeps replaying the entire story in his mind. He’s unsure of whether he made the right call, but no one else really seemed to care. 
He had seen weirder things. It came with the gig.
He leaves it at that.
“How’d it go?” Steve asks him when he walks into the living room.
“T’was fine,” he answers, toying with the stupid device he took from you. Maybe he would test it on Clint. He had been getting annoying lately. Breathing too much in Bucky’s general direction.
A part of him feels guilty for his carelessness towards your building. The other part is just bewildered. 
That night he looks up the cost it takes to replace a door, making a mental note to draw some money from the ATM soon.
Next part
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Demons Within
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Request: Angst fic where Elijah accidentally kills reader bc he’s lost control? (Red door Elijah?) -Anon
Word count: 2K
Warnings: Chatacter death, angst, canon typical blood and gore.
Author’s Note: Welcome to day two of may madness! I hope after yesterday’s fic that you guys are still looking forward to the next month’s worth! Here’s an angsty fic that I know you guys have been waiting for! Day two and going strong! 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
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Y/N was running for her life. Not the on the run from Mikael, running for life. This time, it was different. Y/N was running from the one person she never thought she ever would run from. 
Fear wasn’t supposed to be coursing through her, but in that moment it had. She shouldn’t have been afraid of the person that was after her. She should have been able to stand her ground and fight, just as she always had. She should have been able to break through to the man that was after her. But after several failed attempts, there was nothing else she could do. 
It didn’t matter how fast she ran or how far she went, she knew there was no getting away. She could hear the way his own feet met the ground. The crunching of the leaves under the weight of his shoes loud in her ears as she ran. She didn’t dare a glance back. She knew he was right there, almost within reach. She should know, this was her husband she was running from. 
There were many things that Y/N had known in her existence. She watched as the world changed around her and her loved ones as they went on with their lives. People they had once known long gone, either by their own hands or the passage of time. Being a vampire, an original at that, meant the lives of the people you knew were gone in the blink of an eye. 
As the years passed like simple hours, there were things they survived. Things that they faced, enemies they fought and bested. And even those that are immortal are faced with darkness that even they don’t know the depths of the darkness that lay within them. It was that darkness that was deeply rooted in her husband’s subconscious that caused her to run for her life. 
Esther’s magic had done as intended. The facade that Elijah hid behind throughout the majority of his existence, had been destroyed. The red door left wide open with slightest of triggers that enabled the darker side of himself to breach the surface. 
Y/N should have been able to break through to him. She should have been able to reach the man that she knew was currently buried underneath the darkness. For the few times she had almost lost him to that darkness, she had been able to pull him back. She had watched as her words of love and care had caused the coldness in his eyes to disappear and return to the warm, inviting brown that she had grown to love. But it hadn’t worked this time around. 
The soft touch of her fingers running along his face as the veins under his eyes played should have made him recognize who was in front of him. The way they trembled slightly as they moved down to his neck, should have recognized that she would still be there for him while he fought it. But it was the way his hand had grabbed a hold of her arm and twisted it in a way that a sickening snap could be heard before she cried out in pain that told her, he was deeper in the abyss than he had ever been. 
Her few simple steps back caused him to take a step towards her with each one. The darkness within his eyes every indication that he had no recognition of her. That the woman he loved was currently a stranger, a threat that needed to be dealt with. 
It was the reason she ran. The only reason that she decided to turn and run from him. She needed to give him time. Time to hopefully get through the darkness that was surrounding him. To hopefully come to his senses before he could get a hold of her. Y/N knew that he could and that he would.
Y/N may have been Elijah’s wife, but she had turned a handful of years after he had turned. She was strong, but not as strong as he could be. She had to at least out smart him for the time being. To keep herself alive for as long as she could, because even she knew that in a fight against her husband, she would lose. 
It was when Elijah’s footsteps went quiet that she stopped running. The woods that surrounded them thick enough for her to hide in plain sight. She turned quickly in search of him. But her eyes couldn’t spot him. Her mind screamed that he must have come to his senses, that he wasn’t going to hurt her. 
Her ears trying to pick up anything. The slightest movements of anything that would indicate where he was. But she couldn’t hear anything. Even her breathing had been silenced knowing that Elijah would be able to hear it in some form or another. She knew he was out there, she just didn’t know where. 
As her eyes moved along the trees in her eyesight, her head tilted as she took in a tree not too far off. There was something familiar about. It was the way some of the branches had been broken to one side. The leaves barely hung on as the slight breeze made its way through. 
It was then that realization had hit her. Elijah had been steering her in the direction that he wanted. She was supposed to be the one in control of this situation. But the tree proved that she had currently been going in circles. A game of chase that she knew Elijah was all too familiar with. 
That was when she felt his hand grab a hold of her arm and spun her around before pinning her to the tree beside her. A startled yelp passed her lips as he had done so. Not by the action itself but the way Elijah had now looked as he stood before her. 
The clean suit he had on some time ago had now been covered in blood. Blood had covered his lips and trickled down his neck. The blood pooled at his collar of his white button up. His eyes still filled with murder.  She lifted her hand up to cover her mouth as she looked him over. She knew that for the few moments she had lost him, he had found someone else to prey on before he returned for her. 
“‘Lijah.” She said with a slight shake of her head as she dropped her hand. Y/N knew she needed to get through to him. “It’s me. You know me. You’ve known me for centuries.”
Their eyes never left the others. Even as Elijah kept her pinned against the tree, he never looked away from her eyes. Deep down within Elijah he knew her eyes were familiar. That they were something that had always brought comfort to him. But all he could see was a threat that needed to be taken care of. 
She was to be another body that he had kept locked away behind the red door. For as his mother had once said to him, the women he loved were butterflies. Ones that he loved to tear the wings off of them. And in his darkened thoughts, Y/N was a butterfly ready to be dewinged. 
Her voice, while familiar, hadn’t brought any recognition to his mind once more. Even when he heard her words earlier that day, they hadn’t meant anything to him now. Not even as she explained who she was before he brought his hand up to her throat. 
Y/N placed her hand on top of his trying to pull his hand away from her. But the harder she fought to get his hand away from her neck, the tighter his grip became. Y/N gasped as she tried to at least break any of the bones in his hand to get some reaction out of him. Just before she expected to hear the sickening crack of a bone breaking, he had pulled her away from the tree by her neck, before slamming her back against it. 
Her hands fell to her sides as she looked Elijah in the eyes. Her mind racing for something, anything that could be done. “You know me, Elijah.” Her voice strangled against his hold. “I can show you.”
She lifted her hand once more, bringing it up slowly to his face. If she couldn’t get through to him with words or touch, she was going to try through memories. He watched as she raised her hand up to his face slowly. His eyes going back and forth between the two before her fingers brushed along his face. 
It was enough to begin a small connection. One that Y/N had barely been able to show how they met before a loud cry of pain left her lips, causing her hand to fall from his face and the connection lost. Her eyes looked down to see Elijah remove his hand from her neck, only to see the other shoved into her chest. 
The way his hand gripped on her heart told her he could feel every beat of it. Every chance it tried to pump the blood through her veins, he could feel it. He was literally holding her life source in his hand. 
Tears of pain and sadness began to flow out of her eyes as she watched him. He was studying her for a moment. It was strange to both of them. It was if there was a part of him that was fighting to save her, or even kill her. It was the way his head tilted as his hold on her tightened. 
Another scream passed her lips. She was afraid to move. Afraid to try anything. The pain that radiates through her overpowering anything else she was trying to get through her mind. She knew if she tried anything else, all Elijah had to do was pull and that’d be the end of it. 
It was then that her mind had made a decision. The thought itself had caused the tears to rush down her face a little more before she nodded her head. Her eyes took in his face one last time. She wanted to see it. She wanted him to see that it was going to be okay. 
“I-it’s okay.” She found it becoming harder to speak. Even as she spoke she felt the way his hand moved even the slightest bit, causing her to groan. “I’m not scared. I promise. It’s n-not your fault if you do this. It’s going to be okay. Just know that I love you.”
It was as she went to place her hand on top of his arm, as a comforting touch, she felt the tug of her heart. With one last cry of pain, Y/N went slack against the tree. Her heart in Elijah’s hand as he took a step back, watching as Y/N’s body fell to the ground a moment later. 
The cold unrecognizable eyes were still dark as he dropped her heart by her body. For the threat he acknowledged earlier had been subdued. The threat to his family and even to himself had been taken care of. His actions are no longer hidden behind the red door that haunted him for centuries. It became easy to walk away from the body that was now ashen gray. 
But deep down, the part of him that was drowning in the darkness knew that he had just lost the woman he loved to the very monster his parents created. Where she was the light in his life, the darkness that surrounded him smothered her and he was once again left with nothing.
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
Soulmate fic- Do you wanna...
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x reader
Soulmate AU: You have the first words your soulmate says to you somewhere on your body (vise versa.)
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: language
Cause I can’t wait long enough to read a soulmate au about him, so here’s a quick, little drabble. Also have an idea for another soulmate with this man... I really don’t understand why I'm so interested in him.
It was embarrassing really. Ever since you were a teenager when the tattoo first appeared, your parents had you wear a wrap around your arm to hide the words. Tank tops and short sleeve shirts where only allowed if you covered the words imprinted on your arm. Your closet ended up becoming full of long sleeves shirts and hoodies. It wasn’t that you were ashamed by the words, although your parents probably were, but it was just out of the ordinary for these words to be the first thing someone would say to another person. Society wasn’t ready for that plain and simple straightforwardness, and you were pretty sure, when the moment would come, you wouldn’t be ready for it either.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?”
You didn’t know how you would react when the day would come. You wondered what type of person your soulmate was because of these practical words. Would they be looking for a quick fuck? Maybe it was a joke? Your mind wondered in several different directions; what type of situation would you be in at the moment? Maybe you were the one looking for a quick fuck. But as months and years went by, day after day you hid your soulmate’s words from view. Now well into adulthood, you honestly forgot about it all and were just trying to pass the days by the ease.
Your days were busy though, starting a new job at hotel in the countryside sounded like a nice break from the rush of the city life you had wanted to get away from. And really it was easier, as a member of the hotel’s service, you had opportunity to breathe in the fresh country air. The service industry had its low points as well though, there was always plenty of shitty guest to please, late hours, and disgusting messes to clean. But you seemed to always be able to actually relax at the end of the day, or at least tried to relax when you had time to relax. Recently the hotel staff were all in a panic as stars from the newest Cliff Beast instalment were set to stay at the hotel.
Soon enough you were taking meals to the rooms of celebrities, washing their perfume or cologne-soaked sheets, and listening to their crazy stories from their touch starved minds. Their two weeks of quarantine were finally done, and it was all ready looking to be a long stay for the performers. You and the rest of the staff had already had your fill of crazy for the year. And from all the absurdity of the last two weeks, and last couple of years, you had grown into a rather sarcastic attitude towards people. It didn’t give you the most customer friendly bedside manner.
So, you never dealt with many of the celebrities’ face to face. You were stuck with night shift duty most days. Which really never bothered you much. You stood at your post night after night, behind the front desk, with your long sleeved uniformed pressed, ready for any roaming body looking for directions or stray phone call needing extra pillows. You watched as cast and crew went back and forth between the bar and their rooms, mindlessly walking pass as you rearranged papers and mail. No extra guests were staying at the hotel as it was closed to the public for the time of filming.
This night was working out to be like every other night, quiet with exception of the occasional late night snack call. You decided to hunker yourself down and get back to reading your book when one late night wonderer came slowly sulking in. You didn’t look up from your book as you heard the padding of feet come to your desk and stop. An exhausted sigh came from the man as he flopped down onto the desk, hanging his arms in all sorts of angles. He nearly toppled over some pamphlets that were stacked on the desk, which you promptly straightened out and went back to your book. You didn’t even bother looking at the guest to know fully well it was one of the celebrities. A groan came from the man that made you roll your eyes, too much drama for this late at night and this was after your long day of cleaning up their messes from the TikTok dance. Really, you were in no mood to be bothered even if it was your job. So, you waited still for the man to make the first move. If he wanted something, he would have to speak up.
The man twitched and huffed as he continued to lay on the desk. He rubbed his face on the wooden surface and lifted his head to then scrub his face with his hands. You sat quietly concentrating on your book. After waiting a few seconds, and upon not hearing a word from you, he lifted his hands from his face and stared you down. Taking your indifference completely in, a determined yet cautious look formed on his face. He stared intently at you while slapping his hands in the desk like a drum.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?”
You snorted and shook your head.
“Each one of these pages of this book is dedicate to helping me reach a slow building yet maximum satisfying orgasm that would leave every person in the hotel in a primal, debauched, and blissful blackout.”
Silence was returned to you as you kept on reading until a large gentle, ring clad, hand came into your view and lowered your book. You stiffened and looked away from your book to a familiar face. You recognized the head of wild shaggy hair and the rough grey beard instantly from the night he won his Oscar. Dieter Bravo stood before you. A-list celebrity Dieter Bravo was actually here, leaning over the reception desk and into your space. His large concerned yet hopeful brown eyes met yours as he tenderly took the book out of your hands and placed it down.
“This might be a bit weird, but I was wondering if I could see your arm?”
Your face scrunched up in concern as you took off your uniform jacket and unbutton the bottom of your sleeves. You were half concerned that there might be a rash or pox marks that had developed from some new virus running through the hotel, but nothing appeared on your arm as you showed him. Yet he didn’t seem satisfied.
“The other.”
You winced at this, you hadn’t wrapped your soulmate’s words this morning when you had dressed for the day, thinking the long sleeves and jacket would suffice. Reluctantly, you unbutton the bottom of the sleeve but stalled from rolling them up as your breath stopped. Your eyes widened and you looked at Dieter with your mouth hanging open.
“Yeah. Exactly. The arm please?”
You bunched your sleeve up in a messy fashion, showcasing Dieter’s own words to him. He nodded and pushed the sleeve of his own green robe up, your words littering his arms. Both of you stared at each other for a minute. You took in his disheveled appearance: the ugly forest green robe, the worn tan shirt, the hoop earring. If this was any other person, you would have turned around and made a run from them. But this frumpy hobo man in socks and crocs was yours. And damn did he look cozy enough to snuggle up to.
Dieter was raking over you as he finally settled back to your eyes with a smirk that twitched onto his face.
“Do you know how many people have made fun of me because of these words?”
“Try me,” you raised your arm in defiance to him with a smile that matched his.
Dieter laughed as he reached out to rub your arm with one hand as his other came and gently held your chin. His thumb moved over your chin as he studied your face; his own face releasing any stress he was holding from past days. He looked at you in pure simple happiness that you had never seen on his face in any interviews or movies before. Dieter Bravo was simply just peacefully happy. And with all his newly boyish charm, Dieter held one more question for you this late at night.
“So…now do you wanna have sex with me?”
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Jjba characters switching bodies with their s/o
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Summary: Body swap with their s/o! Some freaky friday shit! :D, It’s basically a work of a stand! ;), yeah all my inspiration is from the movie ‘Your name’ I rlly love that movie sm made me cry huhu, if u haven’t watched it srsly watch it its gud Disclaimer: Body swapping, possible pervertness from characters lmao, all characters are aged up! gn! reader, and mentions of killing from Dio's headcanon Header photo:  Namaikizakari
Part 3 Characters body swapping with their s/o + DIO
Joseph Joestar ❀ “AAAAAAAH!” Joseph would screen and look at the mirror to see that he was in your body? What’s happening! Was it a stand user that did this? Eitherway he even tries summoning your stand but instead he ends up getting his same stand, hermit purple? Weird. ❀ He’ll probably blush at the fact he’s temptedt o look at your body but he has no time for that! He rushed out of his hotel room and quickly find you to see if you got in his body and his deductions were correct, you were also freaking out since you were in his body and Avdol was trying to calm you down. ❀ Once he steps in Avdol immediately widens his eyes and questions if he was Joseph and he managed to confirm that he was joseph and Avdol conclucded that both of you swap bodies because of a possible stand user. ❀ You two have to deal with it the whole day and Polnareff always reassured you two that it’s going to be fine, not a big deal though he does laugh and tease at the both of you sometimes. ❀ Since you’re in Joseph’s body you wear pretty fashionable clothes because ur cool and hot. ( ;) i love u reader -author) While Joseph wears more of your plain clothes just a shirt and pants, but he still wears his hat. ❀ You two eventually got separated from the group and found the stand user and managed to attack ther user and returned back to your bodies. Jotaro Kujo ❀ He’ll be staring at the mirror and let out a “tch”, he already knows this is a work of a stand user, he just stares at the mirror for a long time and then walks out of his hotel room, calmly but still wearing your pjs. ❀ Once he enters to the room he was in his hands would be in his pockets, Kakyoin would be helping you think on how this happened but looks at Jotaro who was in your body and his eyes widened and kakyoin was right you two did switch bodies. ❀ When you where in a hunt from the stand user who did this to you and Jotaro you wore his turtle neck only and with no jacket and no hat, he decided to wear his hat with your body and he wore one of your leather jackets since it fits him compared to his original jacket. ❀ Girls would circle around you and you would flirt with them back because it’s funny to see Jotaro annoyed that you’re having way too much fun being him, “It’s not that bad being you” You would say and he would just scoff and tell you to not enjoy it too much. ❀ He was having a hard time being you as well since you look like an approachable person compared to him so a lot of people advertised products to you or if not foreigners asking for him and other things like that and honestly you would answer it for him. ❀ You two eventually got attacked from the back from the same stand user that switch both of you, and good thing that it doesnt switch your stands so you two managed to beat the stand user and Jotaro had to change back to his uniform. Kakyoin Noriaki ❀ Honestly he wouldn’t notice it for a bit and then when he does he quickly looks at the mirror and then starts processing it all and quickly rushes to his shared room with Jotaro.  ❀ He wakes you up before you even freak out and you’d be freaking out back in your own room. You two start thinking what made you two switch your bodies and you both agreed and concluded that it was probably a stand user they met the night before, but who? They met so many people the night before. ❀ It was honestly fun that you two were trying to figure out the puzzles of this mystery, but after a few hours pass by you two went to the others to inform them a stand user switched both of your bodies, it was only 9 AM at this time so you all got breakfast and tried thinking of ways to find the stand user. ❀ You wore different clothes for Kakyoin, his uniform was too hot and you couldn’t handle the heat of the sun already so you wore more comfortable and thin clothing, just a long sleeves polo shirt but you folded the sleeves, he honestly didn’t have much different clothes, only his pajamas and his uniform then extra polos. ❀ He in the other hand actually dressed up pretty nice with your body, he had good taste in clothing. ❀ This whole experience got you two closer together honestly, before you two wouldn’t really talk that much so the fact that this whole freaky friday thing is the one that made you two close is kinda funny but it was alright since you two knew a lot of things from each other just by talking the whole time you two looked for the stand user who did this. ❀ When you two encountered the stand user everyone else in the group was behind so they help you two defeat the stand user and got swapped back to your bodies, and unlike Jotaro he wouldn’t really change out of the clothes you wore for him since he wanted to be polite and it actually suited him. Muhammad Avdol  ❀ he sweats and gulps as he looks at the mirror, he started thinking about how this happened? ❀He came to your room to see you in his body and talking to Joseph that you were you, and he confimed that the both of you seemed like you two switched bodies. ❀ Joseph went to call the others and everyone had a meeting in Joseph and Avdol’s room and you all tried recalling what happened yesterday or yesterday night and who you all encountered and spoke to. ❀ Polnareff would be teasing that Avdol is a lucky guy and jokes about weird things and Avdol would just defend you and say that this is serious even though Avdol is a bit flustered that he switched with you. He just doesn’t experess it my guy. ❀ You and Avdol got separated a lot from the group but you two manage to talk a lot, and just like Kakyoing you two learn a lot of things about each other. He wore simple clothes of yours and you wore clothes that were also simple because it was hot again and you still can’t handle too much heat since you might faint or something. ❀ You two struggled but managed to defeat the stand user which made you two switch back to your original bodies, you two would probably prank the others that you’ll be stuck with each other’s bodies forever and pretend to act like each other just to get a reaction from the rest. ❀ You and Avdol had fun picking on everyone making them think you’ll be switched forever, Polnareff kept comforting you two thinking that it’s actually real but you two are so good at acting that Polnareff got fooled. Jean-Pierre Polnareff ❀ This guy is a pervert honestly and would just be flustered if u are are girl he’d probably just stare at your boobs. ❀ Yeah but he’s a pervert, but he still doesn’t peak unless he obviously needs to change his clothes in your body. ❀ You would always remind him to have no funny business and Joseph would also wack him to not do anything weird and he’ll just say “Ow! I haven’t done anything!” or some other comments. ❀ You honestly just wore his clothes because it’s good enough for the heat, but he in another hand wore a tank top for you and shorts or if not shorts with jeans and there was nothing wrong with it just seems like you were going to go swimming or something but you shrugged it off. ❀ He would continue the constant teasing and how he actually likes being swapped with you and that you two are fated to be since out fo all the members you two were the chosen ones and you’d chuckle at his comments like this. ❀ He would flirt with other people even when he’s in your body which makes you wack his head sometimes and remind him that he was still in your body just in case he was forgetting. But despite this he’s been kind and polite to you and made you laugh a lot during the time you two switched bodies, this is where you two got closer than ever. Sure you knew him before but you two never had an actual conversation, usually you two would exchange just a few comments from and that’s all you two ever did, including the flirt. ❀ Once he finds the stand user he quickly chases them until he corners them and you do the finishing touch. You and Polnareff change back and he jokes about being upset that he isn’t you anymore and how he enjoyed the experience. You two would still talk about it in the future since you two found it funny. DIO ❀ This man is a tsundere for you, a good one though. Despite that he’ll still charge to his room where you were in, and you were in his body. He yells at you for doing this and you yell back that your stand doesn’t even have this specific ability. ❀ He tries to command Vanilla Ice to look for the one responsible for doing this to the both of you, but since Vanilla Ice just saw you and he didn’t notice that it was Dio in your body, thus he didn’t follow him and just looked at you instead and asked what you wanted to do to Dio. ❀ You have fun being him because you are in high power but he still had the world stand so he technically still has power to control you and you would scoff at this and Tell Vanilla Ice the whole story that the two of you switched bodies and even revealed that you two switched stands and Vanilla Ice was frustrated to hear that one of Dio’s followers did this to the two of you so he immediately got to work. ❀ This meant you two were stuck to wait with each other, he also forced you to tell every follower of his to not step into the room yet since he didn’t want to look like that in front of everyone it makes him look weak and you would roll your eyes. ❀ This man was still cocky though and comments that even though he is in your body he still has the power of the world, and that he can quickly just destroy all the Joestars and their team by pretending to be you and acting like a innocent person. Though he also stated he wanted to defeat the Joestars with HIS body because he kinda wanted the credit of killing the Joestars even though for some reason he sent his followers to kill them for him but you didn’t think too much of it. ❀ You secretly would walk out of his room and ask his own followers for a lot of things, like to get luxurious food or prepare a nice bath and they would find this weird since Dio was technically a vampire and this was out of character of him but you were so good at being Dio that you found so many excuses to their questions. ❀ You would actually put on some clothes while Dio just wears the same thing you wear earlier. ❀ After bantering each other for a long time Vanilla Ice finally defeated the stand user and you two switched back and Dio complained how being you is pathetic and you seriously cant take his comments seriously so you just insult him back, ilke I said this man was a tsundere but he kinda he enjoys being your body he found it really hot, he just doesn’t want to admit it, and he really thought this was an advantage to kill the Joestars immediately but sadly he already told you to request Vanilla ice to find the one responsible of all of this so  he couldn’t do much. ❀ You two continue your lives as a person who assist Dio because Dio forced you to, and with him bossing you around which makes you wanna kick his face but you still continue your duties  
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Thanks for reading hope you have a good day! -𝓣.
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sombrashe · 4 months
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relationship troy x reader content afab gender neutral reader, chubby reader, no plot, toxic undertones, nipple play, cunnilingus, non-safe sex, kinda breeding kink note(s) y/n and troy have just a terrible toxic relationship but it's okay because you're both so good in bed
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I'm so sorry. I was a complete dick, and I know a stupid text won't fix what I said. I just need to say this to you because you deserve better. I would love to be able to come over and talk about this. Apologize for real, to your face.
He had been ignoring your texts for days now, a direction you're not used to. You sigh as you stare at your message, the green bubble causing your stomach to turn. Throwing down your phone, you're annoyed. If you two were really broken up this time how were you supposed to get your stuff?
I'm at war with the wo-
You snatched the phone from its sunken position within a discarded blanket. The text was short, a simple let's talk and you grin giddy as you run through the routine. Making up always started with you dolled up and ended with bruises on your knees. Hair done, lip gloss shining against your plump lips, and a loose pair of jeans for easy access and you're ready to go.
Tugging on a plain color hoodie you rush out the door and obsessively check yourself at every red light. Staring at yourself with sad eyes you consider some lines before settling on the I'll leave... since you don't want me here option.
Clicking the metallic button you hear the faint ring of the small apartment's doorbell. The Arizona heat makes you tug on the collar of your hoodie but you can't remove it just yet. Looking nonchalant you give the vertically privileged man a friendly smile.
"I won't take too much of your time. I was wondering if I could also pick up my things while I'm here?"
You made sure to sound gentle, giving him the illusion of choice.
"Whatever you need." He tilts his head scanning you before taking a step off to the side.
"May I?"
You gesture towards the coat rack which was tucked snugly between the wall and the front door. He nods and holds his hand out ready to take the article of clothing from you. You peel off the hoodie making sure to catch your shirt with your pinkie so the mossy green bra you choose specifically for this moment would be shown off.
The smile plastered to his face doesn't leave even as he gathers your hoodie into his arms and tosses it onto one of the arms of the rack. He rests his hand on the small of your back and leads you towards the sandy couch which sits immaculately matching the rest of the living room set. You take a seat furthest from him, your knees pressed together as you smooth out your thighs.
He waits a beat before turning on his heel and confidently walking through the few rooms the apartment provides. He returns about ten minutes later with a moderately sized basket filled with miscellaneous items all of which belonged to you. Taking the basket you rest it on your thighs feeling the pinch of wicker through the denim.
A beat and the softest voice you can muster. "Did you want to talk?"
He never did, and neither did you if you were being honest. This cat-and-mouse game was so much more fun.
"Not really." He shrugs and stares at you with storms brewing within his irises.
You sigh loud enough to sound sad, "I should go. I don't want to be a bother." You love this part.
On cue, he reaches out and wraps his ring-cladded fingers around your elbow. Keeping his fingers pressed into your skin he takes a seat. Your knees are so close to touching. God, he was too far.
"Stay a minute. I can order pizza?"
He scoots closer and you turn your knees towards him feeling the way your bare knees brush against the baggy jeans he wears low on his hips.
"Pizza sounds nice."
He hums in agreement. His lips turn up in a small smile and you get a moment to admire the way his cheeks dimple. Leaning closer you place your hand daintily against his thigh.
"I've missed you."
He mumbles ever so sweetly against your glossed lips. System of a Down serenades you as you both close the atom of a space between you. His lips move in sync with yours, years of this off-again-on-again bullshit has given you two plenty of time to know just what makes the other tick. His rings press into the bone of your jaw as he angles your head up.
Breaking the kiss he licks a stripe up the tendon of your neck. Pausing he bites down on the opposite tendon and watches with barely concealed glee as you hiss. Wasting no time you thread your fingers through his hair and shove him against your delicate flesh. His nose presses painfully against your skin and you can feel the heat of his breath.
"If you're going to bite, then fucking bite, Troy."
He's halfway on your lap, your basket knocked over and scattered across the milk spill of a carpet. He presses his knee against you as he whimpers against your skin. Pressing kisses against your neck and jaw he replaces specific kisses with bloody marks. Your fingers never leave the soft bits of hair at the base of his skull. Lapping at your wounds he only pulls away once the blood has stopped staining your skin. His breathing is collected, his hair only slightly displaced compared to your heated skin and soft gasping breaths.
"Fuck it, come on."
He towers over you as he stands with his hand out to help you up. Finally, Placing your palm against his he drags you to his bedroom and down onto the mattress. You each spend a moment taking turns planting kisses and removing articles of clothing. First your shirt then his, his pants then yours until you're the only one left in nothing but your underwear.
You lean back ignoring the ever-present complaints from your frazzled brain. Cupping one of your breasts you rub your thumb over your perk nipple and let out a whine. He was only a step away and closes the gap between you within a blink. Cupping the back of your hand with his palm he forces you to squeeze your hand tightly down before letting go at your digression.
He lets out an airy breath as he bumps his forehead against yours. His eyes jump from yours to gaze hungrily at your chest. Pressing hot kisses down the skin of your neck and ends up exactly where he wants to be. Moving forward he forces you onto your back, his face eye level with your chest the entire way down. Once you're settled he takes his time pressing open-mouthed kisses to the very tops of your breasts, following each and every mark. Each one gets its moment with Troy, his eagerness only evident with the way his hands twitch against the soft expanse of your stomach. Moving in a clear pattern he spends a few moments tracing his lips and the tip of his nose across your areola licking softly at the pigmented skin. Once he feels satisfied with the teasing he's subjected you to he takes the longest on your gorgeous perky nipples. He can't help the low groan that ripples across your sensitive flesh. He laps at those tiny buds for what feels like hours. Your moans and whines for him only spur him on to take more and more time with you.
Pulling away from your white hot flesh he admires the way your arm is thrown over your face only exposing your bruised and puffy lips. Running his thumb over your bottom lip he gently removes your arm from its relaxed spot and presses a small kiss to your temple.
"Need your eyes on me while I make you cum."
His words send a sharp shiver down your spine which settles restlessly against your lumbar. You watch with pent-up energy as he moves from your chest down your stomach leaving wet kisses in his wake. You absentmindedly spread your legs and fight back the urge to immediately snap them closed as he lets out a guffaw. His teeth are on wide display as he marvels at the growing wet spot sticking to your underwear.
He brushes his thumb across the mark and sucks a breath in through his teeth. Dragging the digit across your matching set you avert your eyes to ease the growing heat resting within the hollows of your cheeks. You grow impatient at his teasing, no words spoken, only the brush of his thumb and the hollow pleasure that never goes anywhere.
Finally, finally, finally, he gets to the point and slips that same thumb under the edge of your underwear feeling the slickness as he brushes his calloused thumb against your sensitive bud. You shutter and let out a soft mewl spurring him on further. He hooks his other thumb under the elastic and tracing your skin with his nails he hooks his knuckles under and over to pull the last remaining article of fabric keeping you two apart over your plush thighs.
The chill from the fan above sends goosebumps over the expanse of your exposed skin. Troy traces over a few of them and tilts his head watching his finger. He always spent moments pressing and pinching the fat that spills around your frame. He enjoyed the way you rolled so perfectly around his fingers, his rings leaving marks in the soft flesh. Sometimes he would sink his teeth into the fat around your thighs, but luck was on your side today and you wouldn't have to worry about the feeling of raw flesh being pinched by your jeans.
Breathing softly making sure to exhale directly onto your labia making you shift trying to grow more comfortable with the heat searing between your legs. Reaching down you tangle your fingers in his shaggy waves. Using the blunt ends of your nails you gently rake them down and across his scalp hoping to encourage him. He picks up the pace and with a sigh an emotion you don’t get to see often crosses his face. He spreads your lips apart using his thumbs and bares his teeth in a wide smile.
He takes a moment to just admire you, his excitement evident by the way he shifts on his knees. Using the tip of his tongue he gently ghosts in across your clit. With a small breath, you relax further into his grip and give yourself over to the pleasure bursting through your limbs. His beard brushes against your hairless thighs. The burn that would come with him between your legs was something future you could deal with. Right now you only have one thing on your mind. Pressing the flat part of his tongue fully down on your clit now has your eyes fluttering as a lopsided grin ghosts over your face with every lick. He spends most of his time working your clit. Using the smooth part of his teeth he gently scrapes it against your darkening clit causing your knees to snap together disorienting him for a moment. With a quick flex of his arms, your knees are pinned beneath his arms and his finger starts to replace his tongue.
At every switch, he moves his way down until his tongue is pushing between your walls. He draws shapes against your insides as you wiggle beneath him. Your breathing is uneven as your walls flutter around his erratic tongue. His unoccupied hand keeps a bruising grip over the flesh of your thigh making your movement sluggish in comparison. Soon you feel that familiar coil of heat building up in your abdomen. He grins against your cunt and looks up at you through long eyelashes. With a huff and a, “Fuck, Troy!”, you're cumming against his tongue as he lets out a soft whine lapping you up like a starved man. Once he pulled away, only at your insistence, he ran his thumb across his bottom lip and licked your very essence off. He looked absolutely gorgeous, eyes bright and lips shiny. You worked your way onto your elbow and shifted him closer to you. He walked his arms up to position beside yours and you pulled him in for a gentle kiss. One that lasted only a few seconds, time spent gently pressing your matte lips against his before darting your tongue out and helping clean him up a little.
He grips your plush hip and leaves bruises in his wake. You gently scratch your nails down his shoulder blades. Feeling every inch of his back before ghosting the backs of your nails back over his skin leaving goosebumps behind. Leaning back he rolls his shoulders and gives you an eager smile, his eyes darkening as he tilts his head.
“You ready?”
You smile and shift alongside him. Letting him use his farmer-boy muscles to pull and twist you further down the bed until your legs are awkwardly hanging off the side. You try lifting your legs and resting your feet on the side of the wooden box spring. Instead, you're left slipping and huffing as Troy watches with small laughs before he swoops in and saves the day. Keeping his fingers wrapped around your ankles he bends you at the knee and shifts your ankles up and over his shoulders. Giving your butt a little wiggle he gives you a sharp smile in contrast to your warm one. He was so so so close, but you needed him closer. Reaching down between the two of you, you take the opportunity to brush your fingers over his swollen tip. Moving your hand further he watches with interest as your stomach folds to allow more leeway. Smearing droplets of pre cum around your fingertips you slide them down further until your palm is like a platform for his cock. Guiding it downwards, you pull it away from his abdomen until his tip is nudging your hole.
You bite your bottom lip for a second before wetting it and give him soft eyes, eyes so unlike others that he sees daily. Eyes full of adoration and shiny now with lust. His heart picks up speed and he has to force himself to look away. You were so much for him, but he couldn't think even for a moment he could live without you.
“I know, I know.”
He went through the motions. Freeing your hand, he wrapped his own fingers around his length. Guiding it past your lips and up across your swollen clit a few times. Listening to your huffs as you keep from snapping at him. His smile faint as he finally gives you what you've been wanting… no needing this entire time. He pushes past your walls and settles comfortably, a kiss away from your cervix. Giving you time and allowing himself a moment to stare at you; The way your hands covered your heated cheeks, the feeling of you trying and failing to not squeeze the life out of him, the feeling of your heartbeat beneath his fingers as he presses against your ankles pulsepoint. Finally, those hands fall away and they're instead directed towards him. One hand held out in a silent attempt to meet his while the other snaked its way down between your thighs and pressed ever so softly against your clit. You suck in a breath and he chuckles, he hasn't even moved yet, and look at how worked up you were.
Shifting your ankles to a higher point of elevation, he reaches forwards linking your non-dominant hands together. Slowly he slips out of your suctioning pussy watching until he can see the very beginning of his swollen tip before snapping his hips against the swell of your ass. He does this over and over again forming a pattern that has your teeth clenched and eyebrows furrowed. Squeezing your fingers he slowly starts to build up speed as the lewd sounds of your soaked pussy fill the small space of his room.
“God, fuck. Darlin'. ‘re you g’nna cum for me? Sugar, Sugar, fuck! I’m close.”
His accent felt like nails scratching at your scalp the way you tingled. The way it dripped off his tongue and fell against the shell of your ear has you weakly wiggling against him.
You managed to choke out his name. Two fingers working tirelessly against your clit. He loosens his grip against your ankles and lets your knees fall to the side and over top of his chelidons. His hips stutter and snap against your thighs as he slowly untangles in front of your eyes. His hair sticks to his forehead as his chin lowers. Your eyes snap closed as the coil in your stomach snaps as you cum against his cock. You're so lost in your own feelings of euphoria you don't realize he came until after your high finally cools enough for you to open your eyes. He's staring at you with lidded eyes, his hands absentmindedly petting the lower part of your stomach. You push at him with the bottom of your foot feeling exhaustion start to settle in your limbs.
“Can I spend the night?”
He gives you a short snort as he pulls away from you completely. The soft wet sounds of him pulling out of you has your cheeks heating up despite the tiredness. Yanking you up you let out a grunt as your feet hit the ground. Your knees jiggle for a second as you struggle to make it out of his room and into the cold tiled bathroom. Going to the bathroom you spend a moment fixing yourself in the mirror. Cold water to help the puffiness and a little borrowed face wash to remove the lip gloss that stuck to your chin and mouth. After drying your skin you stretch and make your way back into his small bedroom. Not even bothering with any clothes you simply crawl into his bed and under the plush covers. His giant cushy bed was your favorite part of his insufferable family, their wealth decking his small apartment out to the nines. Yawning you relax against the oversized blanket overlapping the both of you. The soft scrapes of pencil lull you quickly to sleep.
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