#ffxiv writing
foamofthe-sea · 8 months
Found some questions rummaging through the xiv tags while I wait for this social event to start so send a number and I'll answer it? Feel free to reblog and do the same.
1. Where were they during the Calamity? 
2. How did they acquire their Echo? 
3. Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it? 
4. Do they have a canon mount or minion? What's its name(s)? 
5. Where are they from? What was their childhood like?
6. How did they deal with the massacre on the Waking Sands?  
7. How did they deal with Haurchefant's death? 
8. How did they feel about the liberation of Ala Mhigo? Do they feel it could have been handled differently? Where they at all bothered by how they were involved? 
9. How do they feel about Zenos? 
10. How do they feel about their relationship with Hydaelyn? Midgarsormr?
11. Were they more sympathetic to the dragons, Ishgardians, neither or both? 
12. How has their job affected whatever headcanon version is of the MSQ if any? 
13. Are they close with any of the other Scions? Who do they get along with the best? 
14. Of the Scions, who are they most worried for? 
15. Is your WoL promiscuous? Celibate? Or just waiting for the right person? 
16. What does your WoL do to relax? What sorts of distractions do they seek? Do they foster any bad habits as a result?
17. Who is their favorite Alliance leader? Who do they get along with the best out of them? 
18. Does your WoL fully embrace their role as the WoL or do they try to remain humble? 
19. What do they think of the Heaven's Ward? 
20. Of all the places they've been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there? 
21. Are there any raid storylines (Ivalice, Coil of Bahamut, Werlyt, etc.) you consider to be canon for your WoL? Which ones don't you consider canon? 
22. Do you  have a unique tale for their job class or is it pretty much like what it is in the game?
23. Are there any side quest storylines that you're particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL's experiences? 
24. Does your WoL have any phobias? 
25. Do they have any habits or rituals that they do to soothe themselves? I.e. Playing with their hair, chewing their lip, fidgeting, etc. 
26. Do they suffer any traumas from any of their adventures? How do you foresee this affecting them going forward? 
27. How did the events of Shadowbringers impact them? 
28. Were they suspicious or open to Emet-Selch's presence when he first appeared? 
29. Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
30. What was their highest point in Shadowbringers? Their lowest? What caused it? 
31. What were their first impressions of Hien? 
32. Did they trust Asahi right away? Why or why not? 
33. How did they feel about what happened with Yotsuyu? Did they feel like she was justified in her actions?
34. Would you say your WoL is fundamentally a good person? Or are they a bad person that's been persuaded to do the right things? 
35. How do they feel about the fact that they've killed a lot of people and/or things?
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shroudkeeper · 20 days
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Not the warmth of the sun, nor the perfumed spring air, could quell the ache that began budding in my chest, taking bloom, the longer I stared at them. I did not recognize the armor of this warrior being one that belonged to her clan, nor had I spied him before in Kugane during business with her father. Broad. Tall. Armored. ..and handsome considering how her lady reacts to just glancing in his direction. Such things wouldn't cause much stir within me, except there was his hand pressed upon the fabric on the hakama, ever so gently. A part of me wanted to approach, to casually spark conversation, to probe, yet I could not bring myself to take another step forward as I felt my stomach twist with doubts.
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ungrateful-cyborg · 24 days
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You're busy? Don't have a Viera or a Lala or a Miqo'te but want to participate in a challenge anyway? We've got the perfect one for you over Etheirys: a chill challenge with 7 prompts to fill over 2 months, and a few spare ones in case you're not inspired by the full list!
And if you come on the forum directly to participate, you'll even get comments on your art. Isn't that nice?
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Prompt #1: Envoy
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/ixGUFKnYqKLz64Cw5
#FFxivWrite2023 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number! Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access. Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th at 12:00 pm PDT. More about single word prompts here Check you entries here in the Public Spreadsheet
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2023 || kofi
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
Humble Haikus.
She's been applying,
Her mysterious scrying,
To stop folk dying.
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Humble continues to practice putting words next to other words (with some Sharlayan help). This time in honour of Hali Aloke of @starrysnowdrop and her powerful astromancy.
I have to say that haikus are hard work, especially if you're silly enough to try to make them rhyme as well!
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umbralaether · 2 months
😳 : A confessing headcanon
Everyone thinks you’re fucking Emet Selch.
She’s heard the rumors, seen the stares, and in the hazy euphoria rarely afforded to her by the Light she only laughs at Alisaie’s accusation.
“Well? Tell me it isn’t true.” The elezen’s arms were crossed, gaze unreadable.
“Why does it matter? Have I not sacrificed enough?” There’s venom in the last sentence, unintended but unmistakable. A courtesy of the white hot aether looking to hurt.
“It’s… deplorable! He’s using you, you know. Trying to get into your head and change you.”
Aren’t I already changed? Aren’t I already… doomed? A monster in waiting?
“And if I am? You would think less of me?”
Alisaie only frowns, “I worry for you. We all do. Emet Selch is only cloaked in the past and—”
“He is the only who has offered me comfort. You don’t know the pain I’ve endured, and if he can take that away if only for a minute? I will accept whatever shame it brings.”
A few blinks and she realizes Alisaie has backed away, staring at claws bared. It’s another moment before she realize her fur is bristling, more anger brimming under the surface.
Eisha steps back, “Don’t worry about me. I’m as fine as I can be, all things considered.”
She turns to leave, and doesn’t see the pained look that haunts Alisaie’s face.
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paintedscales · 2 months
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Prompt: Covering someone's mouth to muffle any cries/screams they make because they're trying to hide from something/someone.
For the FFXIV Swap Discord. I wasn't initially going to do this prompt, but this scenario wouldn't leave my head.
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"Fascinating... Fascinating!" Alphinaud muttered to himself, reading the print of the books that had long since been abandoned and left to their fate in the Great Gubal Library. Though they had their mission before them, what other opportunity would have the young prodigy had after this to find some of these tomes in the future?
"We haven't all day..." Nomin sighed, a frown upon her lips.
"Indeed," Y'shtola chimed in. Her ears were pert as she forced herself not to show her own disappointment. Her thirst for knowledge was just as unable to have been slaked, if not more so, than Alphinaud's.
Alphinaud, however, was lost in his own world for the time being. There was a particular tome that caught his interest, The Bitter Movement of Garlemald. Nomin was not quite interested herself. Being surrounded by so many books was fascinating, but not enough to stop herself from thinking of why they were even allowed within in the first place.
The feeling of being alert flit through Nomin, making the scales and hairs at the back of her neck flare slightly before settling back. She pulled out her bow, her other hand bringing an arrow so that it was nocked. She maneuvered so that her back was against the pillar nearby.
This was not missed by Y'shtola, whose clouded eyes flicked in Nomin's direction. Her brow furrowed, and her lips were set into a hardened purse. Like Nomin, Y'shtola armed herself with her staff, staying close should they be ambushed or be the ones who did the ambushing.
Pero Roggo hopped up, his feet finding purchase upon the muttering Alphinaud's shoulders. The sudden shift in weight and arrival of the poroggo nearly made Alphinaud yelp with surprise, though Pero Roggo had been quick about touching his staff to the young elezen's lips. Where a yelp would have sounded, nothing came about.
Thankfully Pero Roggo acted when he did. As silence settled around the party, they heard it.
Shhclack. Shhclack. Shhclack.
Talons scraped across the floors in a rhythm. Something was on its way. Judging by all that they had encountered thus far, it was not like to be anything friendly.
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the-littlest-kojin · 6 months
"So I thought... If the Scions are disbanded now, they'll stop asking me to go places and do things for them. So since that means I'm not going to be asked to babysit them or fight things at their behest anymore... I thought I might try to work on myself a bit more. Grow my hair out, maybe try out new make-up or face paint. Maybe mess about with Fantasia again - I want to like what I look like. But the first step I'm trying is longer hair. What do you think?"
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aethernoise · 8 months
1. Envoy
Alyx fidgeted with the sash on her robes as she watched the dense, emerald waves of the Twelveswood roll beneath. When the airship finally dipped beneath the surface of the canopy and into the lush, cool depths of the forest, she watched Gridania appear like an unexpectedly colorful rendition of a dark, faded dream.
It had been nearly five years since she left.
The yellow banners depicting the Order of the Twin Adder made her stomach drop. She was going to have to talk to them, at least one of them. She wondered if they would recognize her now.
No, she thought, that's stupid. It was years ago. Those same soldiers might not even be here anymore. If they were, they likely wouldn't see her - the esteemed adventurer envoy from Ul'dah! - as the half-hysterical girl in braids who had to be physically removed from the Adder's Nest.
"Your brother's dead, kid," the officer was exhausted, and trying to speak kindly, for all it was worth, "He served bravely, and he fell. I'm sorry."
"Then where is he?" She demanded. "I don't believe you. He's still out there. Did you even look? Did you even try?" she was loud enough to have attracted the attention of other yellow-clad soldiers. Her throat felt dry to remember her voice breaking as they dragged her away.
"If he's dead, then show me the body!"
They had nothing to show her.
Alyx's fingers closed into a fist, crumpling layers of linen in her lap.
There was nothing they could show her now. Nothing even the Elder Seedeer herself could show her.
When the airship docked, she hesitated. How could she walk back into the home she abandoned, the home she had spent years trying to burn from her memory?
She wasn't sure how, but she stepped out onto the landing regardless.
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elf-simp · 28 days
The name - OC ramble
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[Click here to read on Cohost!]
Please note that you do NOT need to have a Cohost account to read!
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redwayfarers · 2 months
survivor - for the random word generator prompt!
hello! sorry for the wait, real life got the better of me and i didn't write, but i was reading gide and this came to me like an angel, so i had to write it! if it reads like les faux monnayeurs, i'm so sorry lmao, this is why they tell you not to write immediately after reading (affectionate)
a flickering light, or a tale of two survivors
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Cassander/Stephanivien (implied), Nika/Minfilia Characters: Cassander Inteus (aka a Cass AU), Nika Perseis (WoL), Stephanivien de Haillenarte Rating: Gen Words: 1759 Spoilers: ARR patches, if you squint. dividers by @saradika
Set during early Heavensward.
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The Skysteel Manufactory gets stupidly creepy at night. It’s not lit by torches or something, like some parts of the city - Stephanivien saw to that, he’s too avant-garde for torches, how dare the world not use every technological advancement ever! - and there’s a few of the lamps that go on and off, like a broken clock. Stephanivien is too busy to see that of all things, and we’re all far too enthralled by the creepiness to tell him. 
Some of us have weird tastes. 
The workshops on higher levels are a mess of metal parts, wires, cogs, magical devices and whatever the fuck machinists need. There’s a beauty in that too, in a way. It feels lived in, like a childhood bedroom you can’t yet leave even though you’re getting married tomorrow. Except that I was an adult when I first saw this room, and that I’d have no idea what a beloved childhood room would look, let alone feel like. My childhood bedroom - or the room where I spent a large part of what people call a childhood, anyways - is pristine, devoid of personality, rich, opulent. It’s a stage more than anything. Only thing remotely lived in in that whole fucking room - no, the whole shitty house - is the bright, orange pillow with Dzemael sigil sewn on it. 
It was embarrassing, packing your childhood pillow, the first time I left to spend the night in the Manufactory. But maybe I am embarrassing, deep down, so I get to keep my little pillow with me and go freeze in the messy, lived in workshops overnight. The more I got used to that, the less embarrassing it felt. 
One day, I might even go take it to Coerthas and drown in a river there. I’m sure my mother would be happier for it. She found the pillow rather tacky anyways. 
“It was very.. Kind of you to let me in,” I told Stephanivien one night, seated beside him to watch him work. His eyeshadow bore the signs of wearing, a little messy at the edges. His forehead gleamed with sweat. The lamp was dying, but he was too engrossed in his work to notice and I was too engrossed in him to tell him. 
“Kind? Cassander, your mother is an absolute bitch. Even if you weren’t as pretty as you are, I would have taken you in regardless. Between us, darling, you’re wasted in that house.” He smiled, widely. “You look much better with a gun in your hand, I will say.” 
“You will,” I laugh, looking at my hands. My cheeks were burning. “I think I like guns. Long ones in particular. Elegant. You may think I’m referring to something else, but no, I am referring to metal objects you use to shoot things with.”
“You’re funny,” Stephanivien shakes his head. “I can make you one, if you’d like. Golden, to match the pillow.” 
“My future gun has a bed now, who would’ve thought.” I reached out and grasped his gloved hand, dirty from the work. Stephanivien smiled, and it seemed brighter than the dying lamp above our heads. 
Maybe I’m also a little fond of that struggling, dying thing. I go up sometimes, when it’s cold, or rainy, or everyone’s simply too busy for me and my jobless ass, sit beneath it and look at the gun Stephanivien gave me. A nameday gift, engraved with a little dagger. It’s in pristine condition, but I clean it anyway, with all the care you afford a priceless, porcelain vase; the light flickers, on and off, but I don’t need it to see the little dagger engraving, the nooks and the crannies and the long barrel that feels like something my mother would hate. 
That, too, brings me joy. Theokleia de Dzemael hates machinists, on principle. The fact that I not only own a gun, but can shoot with it, is a kind of pleasure I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of some 5 years ago. 
This particular evening, I climb up the stairs to the workshop, coffee in hand, ready to clean it from the last practice from earlier. A curl that the goggles aren’t holding up tickles my temple, but I’ll be damned if I let my coffee spill just because of one stray piece of hair that refuses to sit still. I kick the door open. 
“I like your gun,” someone says before I can fully register them. A pair of mismatched eyes moves from the weapon to me and my coffee. “Did you also drink the last of the coffee?” 
“I’m not a coffee maniac,” I grumble, frowning. “I can’t drink all of it. What kind of question is that, for fuck’s everloving sake?” 
Nika looks at me with an equal furrow. However, that’s his MO, and mine is decidedly not. I have been known to grin maniacally once or twice. “One that needs answering.” 
The light flickers above our heads. It casts a sudden light onto his face, and shines a weak light onto the hazel eye and the scar on his nose and cheek. Ouch. His lips are pulled in a tight line, his short, black hair in disarray, a stark contrast to the finery of the clothes he’s wearing - courtesy of his hosts here in Ishgard. 
For a Warrior of Light, he is very gloomy and dark. An asshole, too. You’d think the Warrior of Light, of all people, would be a hero, but no, we’re stuck with a perpetually frowning asshole. What a joy. 
“What do you want? Move, I need that desk.” I place the overfilled cup down as roughly as I can. “There’s no fucking coffee here except the one on the table, and that’s mine.”
“I paid you a compliment,” he says, unmoving. “You could at least say thank you. You nobles should have manners.” 
“Je suis plein de gratitude. I know you paid me a compliment, but the question later made no sense so that had to be addressed first.” 
Nika looks at the gun again. He taps his fingers against the wood in a rhythm, three taps forward, one tap backward, three strong, one a glide, then in reverse. He then looks at his feet and takes a deep breath. “Minfilia is better at this sort of thing. She knows how to talk to you higher classes.” 
“Minfilia?” Who the fuck is this Minfilia woman? I readjust my goggles, and push the tickling curl away from my skin. Is she his lover, his sister? His friend? I can’t imagine him caring about anyone, including himself. From what little he’s been here in the Manufactory, a stray taken in by Stephanivien’s brightness much like me, all he did is make nonsense sentences and antagonize everyone. 
“Someone very dear to me. But she isn’t here, and neither is Alphinaud, so you’re stuck with me.” 
Alphinaud? Oh yeah, one of the other wards. The elezen kid. Whoever did his braid deserves to be fired because it’s needlessly messy and terrible. “Which would be fine, if you stopped speaking in riddles. Now can I sit, Warrior of Light, or will you clean my likeable gun for me? I’m not making you coffee.”
“In riddles? I’m not–” Nika frowns yet again. “Have your gun, whats-your-face.” 
“Cassander. Cassander de Dzemael.” 
“Cassander,” he says, like he’s testing the name. I look down at him. 
The light flickers. Something crosses his face, and his eyes look painfully vulnerable for a moment, and he’s tapping his fingers in the same rhythm again. 
“Why are you here, Nika?” I ask. I don’t know why my voice becomes so gentle. Maybe because I’m towering over him, and if I kept the hard edge, it would scare him off, not that I care about that. Maybe if I spoke gentler, he’d buck less under every question. Maybe he’d even start making sense. 
Or maybe the images of my mother’s hard voice echo in my head, like a hammer to the anvil. Now it is my turn to grip the table until my nail beds go a little pale. Her shouts and her yells, her derisive comments, her hard eyes and her pointed anger, and her looming, Halone’s ass, the looming! Do I sound like that? Do I sound as rough as she does? 
Nika’s quiet for a while. He keeps looking at his hands, rough and harsh. “That’s none of your business,” he rasps, but moves so that I could sit. “If someone needs me, they don’t know where to look.” 
I sit and take a long sip of my coffee. “Just mind the pillow, then. And try not to interrupt. This is something of a sacred ritual, you see. Halone-ordained. When you go to church, they tell you you must clean your gun or else she will smite you, or something.” 
He huffs. 
“Or so I hear,” I add with a shrug. “I’m not frequently in church.” 
The light flickers. 
“Minfilia would also laugh at that,” Nika says. I still have no idea who this Minfilia is, but she’s welcome to laugh at my jokes, wherever she is. “Will they fix the fucking thing?”
I take a sip of coffee. “Don’t think so. It’s rather cute. On and off. We all like weird things, I think, and my particular weird thing is this broken little lamp. Besides, I’m sure Stephanivien will notice at some point or another. When it dies, probably.”
“He’s the one making these guns, I’d rather he didn’t make me a faulty one,” Nika shrugs. “But if he sees, it’s whatever. It’s just annoying. You asked me earlier why I’m here. I was drawn to the gun. I think it has a nice shot.” He pauses. “I’m sure that the Fortemps family can pay for one of these.”
“Pretty sure they can, yeah. This one’s mine, though.” 
“I’m not in the habit of stealing people’s weapons.” 
I lift a brow. “Never said you were.” 
Nika shakes his head and heads for the door. The light flickers and he looks up. “Someone should really fix the damn thing,” he says, a little less angry than before. He’s then gone, tucking his waistcoat tighter for warmth, and I watch him go before he’s part of the shadows and I can take out my tools. 
We all like weird things. Some of us like long-barreled guns. Some of us like women named Minfilia, and speaking in riddles. And who knows? Maybe this broken little lamp refuses to die because it likes us, too. 
Halone works in weird fucking ways. 
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shroudkeeper · 4 months
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Dear Mister Fitzgerald: I granted your desire to stand at the side of my daughter, but in turn, I wish for you to grant mine, and that is giving her the chance to see the beauty of the world beyond these shores. She, whose eyes have long been accustomed to loss and darkness, has yet to experience the vast palette of lucid colors that make up life upon this mortal plane. Show the places she has yet to see; introduce her to sunsets and sunrises from one end of the sea to the other. ..one who is burdened with such a duty should have means of respite, and I will ask of you to grant that to her; give her the life that a cage would not allow.
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yzeltia · 5 months
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Hello Everyone! It's a week until the 2nd Happiest Starlight Ever! 12 prompts will be presented for your creative whims! This year is extra special as the night before the prompts will be presented in a very special fashion at 8PM EST!
Tag this year #happieststarlightever2023 and by all means feel to tag me too!!
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Prompt #2: Bark
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/ixGUFKnYqKLz64Cw5
#FFxivWrite2023 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number! Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access. Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th at 12:00 pm PDT. More about single word prompts here Check you entries here in the Public Spreadsheet
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2023 || kofi
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buoyfriend · 1 year
The WoL Catches A Cold *a-choo* - feat. The Ishgard Elf Husbands, G'raha Tia, Ardbert, Hien & Zenos
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@eidechsejaspis asked:
Hello again:)
As new season of coughs ans sneezes approaches I have a question of how would Scions (choose any you like), Aymeric and Zenos (where would we go without him?) react on WoL catching serious cold? Time period is at your liking from Heavenward to adventures in Garlemald:)
Thank you in advance:)
It is sniffles season again! Thank you for asking, this was a really fun one to get back into HC writing with!
In moments you think he's not watching, he is. He adores the way you wince when reading an unpleasant part of a book, how you fidget in Alliance meetings, even the little whistle of your snore. Aymeric notices your first sneeze. It's hard to get allergies in Coerthas, and he recognizes the hacking from your lungs a few days later. This comes for everyone sooner or later, and politely asks you to quarantine yourself for a few days.
He isn't one to miss work to care for a sick partner or spouse but has a very attentive nurse stationed nearby
He has given his full itinerary for the next several days so he can be alerted as soon as you wake up from a much needed, multi-day sleep
Aymeric wouldn't argue that he knows cooking well, but he does make a point to assist in the kitchen after work to make sure that you have soup recommended by the best chirugeon available
He will dodge kisses from you for days to avoid becoming sick himself, but it's too late anyways
When Aymeric finds himself bedridden for a few days, he decides that it was worthwhile to give you that forehead kiss as you slept
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Estinien is familiar with sickness. Long campaigns through the newly snowy Coerthas as a young knight taught him much of seasonal illnesses. He's seen many a friend drink their weight in bitter root soups, gnaw on wild herbs, and the like to push through it until they can get home. He's seen you sick before. Still, he has some lingering anxiety. You looked far worse than a little aetheryte sickness. He's lost much and more, the thought nags at him that more concern might be warranted.
Estinien has his hands full with travel these days and assures you that he will indeed make it to tea with Vritra tomorrow afternoon
He does not make it to tea with Vritra
Estinien deftly slips into the bedroom but there was no need, you had been out cold for hours by then
He would like to keep his friend from waiting, but not until he's sure that your breathing is steady and your temperature not too high
What a sight to see! Had you been awake, you might have heard Estinien's dress shoes pacing along the floor, his hand nearly to his linkpearl while paralyzed by indecision on whether to cancel or not
He cautiously leaves a glass of water and your linkpearl on the bedside table, just in case, though he may never admit that it was he who placed both there
When he does return home, perhaps an hour earlier than expected, he denies all concern as he settles into bed beside you
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While he's not a sadist, Haurchefant absolutely loves the sight of you ill. You're always off somewhere, but for this small bubble of time, you're here. You're sipping hot chocolate and letting him read poetry to you rather than mailing it off to some distant locale. He can watch your tired face grin and sigh rather than imagining it alone from Camp Dragonhead.
His favorite thing to make for you, of course. Hot chocolate, every day you're sick. No matter how hard it is to get chocolate in Coerthas, no matter how many tall tales he must tell to provision it, you wake up to hot chocolate beside your bed every morning.
"You don't need caffeine, anyways, you need something calming and a smile."
He knows he'll get sick if he sleeps next to you every night, but he's forewarned Camp Dragonhead. Emmanellain can hold his seat for a fortnight, it could be good practice for him.
Haurchefant watches you sleep, sliding his hand under the covers to grasp yours. For once, the cuts and bruises all over you are starting to heal. Days off the road, finally given rest. He wishes you both had more days like this.
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G'raha Tia
Just as your new adventures together have begun, you fail to keep up. You run a little slower, stopping after a few paces to lean into a cough, heavy sneezes punctuating the blows you attempt to land on monsters. G'raha is quick to notice but slow to bring it up.
He frets, wringing his hands beside you as you ready yourself for the day, struggling to put on your clothes. As you sigh in failure, dropping yourself onto the bed, G'raha can't help himself.
"You can admit you're sick. I know you've been on the road for a long time. Even with the help of your friends, the path you walk is a lonely one. But you're not alone this time. Let yourself rest and let me take care of the other things that come along?"
G'raha fields the many requests sent your way, trying his best to fulfill them, wondering how you do it all at full health.
In quieter moments, he finds his way to The Last Stand to get your favorite dinner, absolutely purring as he watches your sleepy smile. Alas, your sense of smell is back! You knew exactly what he'd brought you as soon as he opened the bag!
He can't help but laugh to himself as you find yourself exhausted from the walk from your bed to the dining table, cracking jokes about his hero losing the greatest battle thus far.
G'raha's excitement knows no bounds when you announce that you're well enough to continue your travels together. The ruddy cheeks, the soft ear wiggle. No sickness can stop his hero for long.
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(Assuming Ardbert is no longer a ghost!)
Ardbert is restless. He hasn't seen an open field, a forest, an ocean in days. He wonders if it's unsupportive to ask if you'd mind if he pops out for a fishing trip tomorrow. Perhaps if you're a little better in the morning?
He's not heartless, he left some hot tea beside your bed and made sure your medicines were in reach.
Though he did have some guilt by the third hour of his fishing adventure. The pangs of guilt grew until an idea sprouted from them.
He racked his mind as he navigated the markets. He had enough fish, but the right peppers...which peppers were correct. Tomatoes. Cream. Potatoes. Something was missing, some spice.
Ardbert has made a mess of things. He has put out the kitchen fire, somehow there are no more clean pots and pans. Yet, the soup is complete! It was his mother's recipe, it always had him right as rain after a day or so.
Though you tried your best to hold a straight face, the soup was...I don't know if it's fair to call it a soup. He looks absolutely crushed.
You fall asleep while he strokes your hair, his head pressed against yours as he told you stories. About Kholusia, fishing for cod with his father, his mother's miracle soup. He asks what they made where you're from, but it's too late. You've already drifted off, dreaming about magic fish.
Oddly enough, from a couple of sips of Ardbert's attempted soup, you feel some measure better. He, on the other hand, has the same horrible wheezing cough you had a day before.
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Hien is not the biggest believer in staying bedridden in a sealed room while sick. He frowns, hating to see you suffer, but a thought springs to mind as he twirls your lank, sweaty hair between his fingers.
The clean air of the Azim Steppe is just as promised. During the day, he haggles in the markets for the best Dzo to make stews, the best leaves to make tea. All while you watch the clouds pass from the hammock outside of your yurt.
It's hard to leave the hammock, not only for the comfort. Where else could you see so many stars? Hien points to his favorites, the brightest, the funniest shapes some constellations make.
There wasn't much for entertainment, but watching Hien in the distance sparring with friends was a welcome sight.
After a few days, he encourages you to come with him. On a little walk, at least. Another day, just a little spar. How do you know you're well if you don't test your skills?
The break from all the noise, the responsibilities, becomes intoxicating to you after some time. Hien never has to rush to some meeting, you never need to leave to be flung at a new problem.
You've been better for a week now, finding yourself testing your sharpness with Hien and his friends every morning. Though you may have been hesitant to travel while sick, the time spent together was precious. Perhaps next time you won't have to be sick to convince yourself to take a break.
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He's seen you weakened before, brought to your knees by your own frailty. It disappoints him and yet, he's fascinated by it in a way he doesn't quite understand. How could someone so pitiful occupy every hour of his day?
Zenos doesn't agree with the chirugeon, you could power through this with sheer force of will and merely shrugs as the medicines are set on the table.
This could not be what ends the object of his obsession, his first friend. He regularly checks that you're still breathing. He leans in too close to hear that your heart is still beating, only to be rewarded by a wheezing cough into his hair.
His size is quite the advantage, it's not a challenge for him to carry you from place to place. He leans low to the ground, scooping you up as the sight of you exhausted from standing up only leaves him with disgust.
Still, when you fall asleep each night, he leans his head to your chest. Your heart still beats, your skin glittering with sweat. He knew he would see you like this on another day, performing the great feats that brought him to you in the first place. Though he never understood your reasons, he knew you'd be back to fighting the mesmerizing fights that led the two of you here. To share a bed, a home, a life.
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
How to Curse Like an Ishgardian
I was coming up with ways to make my ishgardian characters swear and exclaim for my upcoming story and decided to share it =)
Some of these are my own, some are from the game itself and others are from others relevant media.
I read somewhere that when thinking of how to make curses and prayers think of what each culture values most and values the least. Whatever they value the most will be their prayer and the thing they least value will be their curses.
In Ishgard family name, religion and valor is valued the most. So, instantly, nameless people, bastard, orphans, heretics, rebels and cowardly people are looked down upon. This logic should help you make your own curses. You can also add some racist slurs against non-elezen and sometimes non-hyurian people. They also hate dragons, so pre-dragonsong war, a lot of dragon cursing would be common.
Small warning, some really foul language follows ahead. I will keep updating this list whenever I find new curses or come up with them.
1. Prayers, Exclamations and Blessings:
Halone, have mercy
Fury, save me
Halone, grant me strength
Halone's blessings be upon you
Halone/Fury, preserve me
Fury, guide me
Halone, shield me
Spear me, Halone!
Halone be praised!
By the Fury's fire!
By Her Lance!
By the Fury!
2. Insults:
Use these as an insult or add injury to another insult. For example, 'frostbitten whore,' or combine two insults like, 'nameless brume runt.'
frostbitten [insult]
'Greystone' in general can be used as an insult as bastards are really looked down upon. Haurchefant was very lucky to have a father like Edmont.
spoon ears; used against hyurs
Insults used against AuRi as superstitious Ishgardians believe them to be related to dragons:
wyrm fucker
scaled [insult]
Mixed race couples are looked down upon in Ishgard so, their children face racism and bullying:
half-breed; all can be used to describe mixed blood.
knife ears; (stolen from Dragon Age) used against elezen
brume runt
street rat
highling; can be used to insult a highborn by a lowborn.
-your grandiosity; can be used to insult a highborn by a lowborn. You can be creative with these!
nameless [insult]; this is to imply that they do not belong to any house, not even a small one.
[ruling house name] leech; for example, a person sworn to house Durendaire to misuse their power, they can be called a 'Durendaire leech.')
[any house name] bootlicker; anyone who flatters and sucks up to nobles and those in power for their own benefit.
3. Exclamations and curses:
Shiva be damned!
Halone's tits!
Thordan's balls!
Fury strike you!
Holy Crozier!
wolves take you!
dragons take you!
Twelve curses upon you!
Fury's curses upon you!
Nophica be damned! ; Nophica and Halone didn't get along according to myth.
Halone's cunt!
Please feel free to use them in your works! Happy writing! =D
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