#it's all about the flustered desperate YEARNING babes
httpsdana · 1 year
omg, can you please do 137 on your prompt list with rashford 🫶🏽🫶🏽 ?
My Own~Marcus Rashford
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*GIF is not mine. credits to the owner*
Finally got requests for someone other than Pedri and Gavi. Keep sending in your requests
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
137-"Did you just lick me?"
"babyy are you done?" Marcus whined flopping on the bed next to y/n
It was exam season and she was studying her ass off because she really wanted to get good grades
"mhm what?" she mumbled not looking up from the papers and books that were scattered in front of her
"I need cuddles" he whined again, leaning to put his face in her neck
she ignored him and tried focusing back on her studies
"babe" he said sternly, while she hummed in response
He rolled his eyes and grabbed her chin forcefully, turning her head towards him, causing her eyes to snap to his.
"princess. I came from practice worn out. All I have been thinking about is you. I've been craving you all day. Yearning for your touch. And when I come home, I find you drowning in your studies, when you already reviewed then like a million times already. so you better drop everything and come spend some time with me or else I'm not responsible for my actions afterwards" he said
His eyes were dark, full of lust and desperation. They didn't leave hers making her swallow the lump that has formed in her throat
"okay" she managed to breath out, nodding her head making Marcus' lips curve upwards into a smirk
"brilliant. I'll be waiting in the room while you finish organizing your stuff" he got up and walked up the stairs, leaving his girlfriend flushed and flustered in the living room
She huffed and quickly put her books above each other before she ran upwards to their shared room.
The door was closed, so she knocked softly before opening it and slowly peaking her head inside.
Marcus was sat shirtless on the edge on the bed, with his phone in his hand. When he heard her coming, he looked up.
He smiled and dropped his phone on the bed. He patted his lap and mumbled a low 'come here darling'
She walked slowly, small steps before she reached him. He pulled her down on his lap, her hand subconsciously wrapping around his neck while, he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other was placed on her thigh
"how was your day sweetheart?" he asked, rubbing her thigh with his thumb, making her shiver under his touch
"it was good. just studying all day" she mumbled playing with her fingers, feeling so vulnerable under his intense stare
He grabbed her chin softly, making her look at him. He rubbed her chin with his thumb, a small smile on his face
"I missed you so much today. you have no idea" he murmured, his eyes fixed on her lips, that curled into a smile
"me too" she mumbled back, her gaze dropping to his lips too
He leaned in and placed his lips on her softly. Passionate and desperate was the kiss. His hand finding its way to the back of her neck, while her hand was on the side of his face, rubbing his jaw.
Marcus deepened the kiss, pressing his chest so it was nearly touching hers. His hand that was on her back pulling her closer to him. Her lips parted slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth.
Soon enough they were both out breath causing them to pull away. But before y/n got the chance to open her eyes, she felt something wet across her bee-stung lips
She opened her eyes and saw Marcus looking at her with smirk
"did you just lick me?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, with an amused look on her face
"mhm I just marked you as my own" he said, leaning backwards and putting his weight on one of his hands
She laughed at him while shaking her head, making his smile widen.
"you're unbelievable" she said through laughs
"but you love me" he said shrugging his shoulders making her nod
"unfortunately I do. so much" she said
"and I love you more sweetheart"
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livesincerely · 4 years
dress you up, dress you down ch. 2 - the clothes make the man
aka the Tie Fic. Chapter one here.
Also on Ao3
It’s early Monday morning. Davey is working on coaxing Les into his school uniform when there’s a knock on the bedroom window.
“Jack!” Les greets, the untucked tails of his shirt flapping behind him as he rushes over to open it.
“Hey, bud,” Jack says, climbing in from the building’s fire escape with easy grace. “How’s it hangin’?”
“What are you doin’ here?”
“I’m workin’ on some cartoons for Joe today, but I hadta come pick up some stuff from Dave before I head over.”
Les’ expression brightens. “Oh, you mean your new suits and stuff?”
“Got it in one,” Jack confirms, ruffling Les’ hair. “Your brother and Kathy ganged up on me yesterday and made me buy a buncha fancy geddups. They was real serious about it—said it was important for my ‘tential growth as an employee.’”
Jack leans closer, then continues in a conspiratorial whisper, “I think it’s all a waste of dollars, but if it’s important to them I guess it’s important to me.”
“Well it’s real important to David!” Les chirps. “He brought your stuff home but he wouldn’t even let me look at it. He hung it all up in the back of our closet and told me if I touched anything he’d murder me!”
“Well, they did cost a fair chunk of change,” Jack says slowly, blinking several times in rapid succession. “And I’m pretty sure if they got ruined before I hadda chance to wear ‘em out, Kath would kill us all.”
“Go brush your teeth,” Davey tells Les. “Jack needs to get ready.”
“But I wanna see the fancy geddup,” Les whines.
“You can see it when he’s dressed,” Davey says. “Brush your teeth.”
Les lets out a huff but finally does as he’s told. Davey turns to Jack.
“The garment bag’s all the way in the back on the left,” Davey informs him, waving a hand towards the closet.
He goes to follow Les out of the room to give Jack some privacy but he only gets as far as grabbing the door handle before Jack’s voice pipes up behind him with, “Wait, where are ya goin’?”
Davey’s brow furrows. “I’m letting you get dressed.”
“But you gotta get dressed too,” Jack says with a frown, gesturing at the pajamas that Davey’s still wearing. “Distribution opens in a hour.”
“Oh, well, I was gonna wait for you to finish,” Davey explains.
“Don’t be stupid,” Jack says, shaking his head. “I don’t wanna make you late. Just go ahead and change, don’t mind me.”
Davey hesitates. “If you’re sure it’s okay...”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Dave, you’ve seen the Lodging House—it ain’t exactly private quarters. If it don’t bother you it don’t bother me.”
Well, actually, it bothers Davey quite a lot, though probably not for the reasons Jack thinks. But he’s not sure how to excuse himself without seeming suspicious so he swallows down his reservations and steps more fully back into the room.
Jack unearths the garment bag and works the clasps open. Davey catches a glimpse of soft cottons and sturdy wools and feels his cheeks getting warm—just the thought of what’s to come is enough to send his heart racing. He takes a steadying breath, then throws open the trunk at the foot of his bed and starts looking through it for a clean set of clothes.
His only plan is to get changed as quickly and quietly as possible. So naturally Jack choses this moment to strike up a conversation. 
“So how’d your meetin’ go?” Jack asks. Davey instinctively turns towards the sound of his voice and is treated to the long expanse of Jack’s bare back as he wriggles out of his shirt.
“...What?” Davey says. His voice sounds distant to his own ears.
“Your meetin’?” Jack repeats. He lets his shirt fall to the floor at his feet, his hands dropping down to start undoing his belt buckle. “Didn’t you and Albie have a thing last week? Down by the water?”
It takes Davey a moment to shake off his stupor. Flushed and flustered, he quickly whirls back around but it feels like the sight’s been seared into the space behind his eyes. Good god.
“Oh, right, of course,” Davey stammers out, keeping his gaze fixed carefully on the wall in front of him as he fumbles through unbuttoning his pajama top. “Yeah, it went well. Better than I thought it would, anyway. We still need to figure a few things out but we’re off to a good start.”
“And Brooklyn didn’t give you no trouble?” Jack questions. “Spottie was nice and hospitable?”
“It was fine Jack,” Davey says, and the familiar banter is working wonders on calming his frazzled nerves. “Spot and Hotshot stopped by and checked in with us, just to make sure we were being honest and keeping to the agreement and all that, but they mostly left us alone.” Davey folds up his pajamas and leaves them in a neat stack on his bed, slips on a clean pair of underwear, then steps into his selling pants and fastens them up. “Honestly, I think they were... not happy, exactly, but proud? Honored? It’s a respect thing, right?”
“Well, ya only get asked to be neutral territory if everyone else trusts ya to play fair,” Jack explains. “So, yeah, it’s a sign of respect. But Brooklyn’s always been real particular ‘bout who’s all allowed to cross the bridge, so they don’t usually do it—I still can’t believe Spot agreed to play host for ya.”
“It helps that I can get through a conversation with him without picking a fight,” Davey comments lightly as he works his arms into his shirt sleeves. “Unlike certain others I could name.”
“I still say he started it,” Jack responds, and Davey doesn’t have to look at him to know he’s pouting.
“Uh huh,” Davey says. “Sure he did.”
“Hey, now,” Jack says, grabbing at the hem of Davey’s shirt and tugging him around to face him. In the time since Davey’s last looked he’s put on his pants and suspenders, his shirt done up but only partially tucked in. He should be easier to deal with now that he’s covered up, but the disheveled, partially dressed look is somehow just as enticing as the bare skin. It’s honestly not fair. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I’m always on your side,” Davey says, perhaps a little too sincerely, feeling a touch lightheaded. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t call you out. And you definitely started it last time.”
“He’s been mackin’ on Racetrack!” Jack says, and he’s adorably grumpy about it. “I can’t just let that go!”
“They’re dating, Jack,” Davey reminds him for the thousandth time. “Obviously they’re gonna be holding hands and kissing and whatever else—you might as well get used to it. And regardless,” Davey pokes Jack in the chest, a gentle scolding, “you shouldn’t be letting your personal feelings about Spot affect your dealings with Brooklyn. You’re supposed to be professional, mister Union President.”
“It’s Racetrack,” Jack insists. “It’s my god-given right to give his boyfriend,” Jack makes a face as he says the word because he’s ridiculous, “a hard time. It ain’t my fault Spottie’s got such a short fuse.”
“And that’s why you’re not allowed to handle business with Brooklyn anymore,” Davey says, and he’s trying for disapproving but he can feel the start of a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.
“Worth it,” Jack says, utterly unapologetic. Davey just shakes his head. Jack’s bad enough now when it’s just Racer—he can only imagine how overprotective Jack’ll be if Crutchie decides he’s interested in dating too.
Davey finishes buttoning his shirt, then leans down and starts digging around in his trunk for a pair of socks and a set of suspenders.
“Hey, but back to your meetin’,” Jack starts after a moment, picking up the previous conversation where they left off. “You know who you really needta talk to? There’s a kid over in Flushing—I don’t think you’ve met him yet, name’s Paulie—but he’s got crazy connections with somma the dock workers. One time he managed ta—” 
Jack stops mid word, a sudden, sharp inhale interrupted by a series of coughs.
“You alright?” Davey calls over his shoulder, still searching.
“Uh, yeah,” Jack says, an odd note in his voice. “Just, uh, swallowed wrong, but I’m fine.”
“Oh, okay,” Davey says, absently. He straightens up, then frowns when he realizes he’s grabbed a pair of Les’ socks instead of his own. He throws them aside, then bends back over his trunk, rifling even more vigorously through the assortment of clothes. 
Jack mutters something under his breath, too quietly for Davey to make out the words.
“What was that?” Davey asks, finally coming up with the right items. 
“Nothin’,” Jack says, head ducked low as he buttons up his vest. It’s a little hard to tell, but it looks like he’s gone a bit pink in the face. “I just⁠— it was nothin’.”
Davey watches him for a moment longer, brow furrowed. But when Jack doesn’t say anything else, he goes back to his task, pulling on his socks and carefully tucking his shirt into his pants. 
“How’s that?” he asks Jack, turning slowly in place. “Did I miss any spots?”
“Lookin’ good Dave,” Jack says with a smile. “Here, hold still,” he continues, patting at Davey’s hip with one hand and picking up the end of his suspenders with the other. “I’ll fix you up.”
“Oh, thanks,” Davey says tentatively. 
Jack steps in close, his knuckles brushing against the small of Davey’s back as he clips his suspenders into place. Davey swallows heavily around a suddenly dry throat, trying his hardest not to think about how he can feel Jack’s body heat like a tangible weight along his spine, how there’s the barest whisper of Jack’s breath tickling at the nape of his neck. 
He hopes Jack can’t hear the hitch in his voice as he asks, “So what are you working on today?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothin’ much,” Jack says. “Just some line work, and maybe sketching out some ideas for the Friday edition.”
“Is your, uh, desk mate still stealing your drafting pencils?” Davey asks. 
“He sure is, the prick,” Jack answers. “Which is so damn annoying⁠—it ain’t like they don’t give us plenty.” His hands slide up over Davey’s waist: “Turn around for me.”
Davey obediently turns. “Maybe you should call him out,” he offers.
“Maybe I should stab him in the neck with his stupid compass,” Jack says with a snort. He follows the line of Davey’s suspender straps up over his shoulders and down to the front of his pants, clipping the other pair of buckles into place. “There, you’re all set.”
“Great,” Davey says, his eyes flitting across Jack’s face. He’s very handsome. He’s very close. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Jack says, his voice a little husky. His fingers are still curled around the straps of Davey’s suspenders. “Happy to help.”
“Right,” Davey breathes out. 
“Right,” Jack echoes.
They stare at each other.
“I should, uh, grab my vest,” Davey says, clearing his throat. His pulse is pounding in his ears. 
“Yeah, of course,” Jack says as he shuffles back a couple of steps, running a hand through his hair. “Of course. I’ll just⁠, I’ll finish doing… over here.” 
Davey spends a long while shaking the wrinkles out of his vest, then pulls it on with clumsy limbs. He smooths his hands nervously down the front of it, then pretends to pick away a few pieces of lint, just to give himself another minute to calm his fluttering heart. Oh god, oh god, oh god.
For a brief moment there’s no noise except the rustling of fabric and the sounds of the city drifting in from the open window. Then Jack calls, his voice tinged with a hint of alarm, “Uh… Dave? Help.”
Davey glances over. Jack’s made an attempt at putting on his tie and it’s ended in absolute disaster, the collar of his shirt crumpled beneath a too tight and incredibly tangled knot.
“What on earth did you do?” Davey asks, his lingering embarrassment burnt away by sheer bafflement. 
“I thought I had it handled!” Jack says. He tries to pick the knot loose, but only manages to make things worse. “Christ, these things are death traps.”
“Stop, or you’re gonna strangle yourself,” Davey says, smacking Jack’s hands out of the way. “Just let me⁠—”
Davey reaches up, undoing the mess of a knot with deft fingers, then expertly re-ties the strip of red silk into a perfect four-in-hand.
“There,” Davey says, carefully tucking the tails under Jack’s suit vest, then folding the sides of his shirt collar back down into place. “How’s that?”
“‘S good,” Jack says.
“Not too tight?” Davey checks just to be sure, noting the raspiness of Jack’s voice. He adjusts the knot one more time, then presses a neat little dimple right in the center of it. “I can do it again if it doesn’t feel right⁠—”
“No, it’s great, Dave,” Jack says lowly, and his hand closes around Davey’s own so that their hands are clasped together over Jack’s sternum. Startled, Davey’s eyes dart up to meet Jack’s and their gazes catch and linger⁠ again with that same soft, simmering intensity from earlier. “It’s perfect.”
“Good,” Davey says hoarsely⁠, held captive by Jack’s stare. He almost can’t breathe around the pressure building somewhere deep in his chest; Jack somehow feels even closer than he had before, all dark eyed and broad shouldered and just far too much for Davey to handle. “Good, that’s…” Davey swallows, licks his lips, and tries to think of something to say that isn’t absolutely asinine. “I’m glad.”
An expression flickers across Jack’s face, too quickly for Davey to identify. Then his hand curls more firmly around Davey’s, and Davey can feel the warmth of his skin, the callouses on his palms. Jack takes a breath, opens his mouth to speak⁠—
“David!” Les shouts as he bursts back into the bedroom. Davey jolts away from Jack like he’s been burned, his hands dropping back to his sides. Jack’s mouth clicks shut⁠⁠—whatever he might’ve been about to say is lost. “Davey, stop hogging Jack! You already saw the fancy geddup, I wanna see too⁠⁠—”
He skids to a sudden halt, his eyes going wide. “Wow, Jack, you look swell! Like a real, pr’fessional artist.”
“Hey, I’m already an artist,” Jack counters playfully, though there’s a hint of tightness around his mouth. “All this stuff is just window dressing, ya hear?”
“Yeah, but now you look all serious and business-y and confident,” Les stresses. “Like you actually know what you’re doing.”
Jack laughs. “That’s just the clothes talkin’, bud,” he says. “Believe me, I ain’t gotta clue what I’m doin’ most the time. ‘S what I keep Davey around for⁠, to make sure at least somebody knows what the hell is going on.”
“Well, I think you look nice,” Les declares, like that’s the final word on the matter. He looks at Davey and says, “Mama says we gotta leave soon or we’ll be late.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there,” Davey answers. Les nods, then skips away to put on his shoes and hat.
“I guess I should head on out,” Jack says, wandering towards the still-open window. “I’ll see you in a few hours⁠—”
“Jack Kelly, you are not going down the fire escape in your brand new suit,” Davey says, exasperated. “You can walk out the front door with us like a normal human being.”
“Oh, but where’s the fun in that?” Jack says with a grin, but he slides the window shut and dutifully comes back over. Once he’s close enough, Davey elbows him in the ribs. “Ow, what was that for⁠—?”
“Stop talking down on yourself,” Davey huffs. “You don’t give yourself enough credit⁠.”
“Or maybe I give myself exactly enough credit,” Jack counters. 
“Oh, please,” Davey says, rolling his eyes. “I know you’ve got a functioning brain in that head of yours⁠, you don’t need me to be successful⁠—you’ll get by on your own merits.”
“My own merits, huh?” Jack says with a rueful smile. “You make it sound so easy, Dave.”
“I know it’s not easy,” Davey says. “But I also know that if you really wanted something, you’d figure out a way to get it.”
“But, see, there’s a lotta things I want,” Jack says, and he’s gone a bit quiet in his contemplation. “Probably too many things. I ain’t figured out how to get hardly any of ‘em, and especially not the most important things.”
“But you will,” Davey says. “I’m sure you will.”
Jack stares at him, and for a split-second Davey can see the raw yearning in his eyes for... whatever his latest dream is. Davey hopes he finds it, even as his heart lurches at the thought of some new, Santa Fe-esque fantasy stealing Jack away, maybe permanently this time. 
“God, I hope so,” Jack breathes.
Chapter three here
Tag List: @yahfancyclamwiththepurlinside
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
The Vessel
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Summary: You realize you've made a mistake of selling a part of your body to a certain Witcher and his Mage, Yennefer, in return for a lumpsum of coins.
And now, you cannot back out. Instead, you're drowning knee deep into your developing feelings for Geralt of Rivia who belongs to her.
Warnings: Will have 18+ content, and will not follow the storyline, I know that Witchers are sterile but forced pregnancy.
[My Masterlist]
A/N- You can also find this fic on my AO3 by the same name, my account name is @slutforcavill.
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Pt. 1
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You stared at the happy couple, jealousy brewing in the pit of your stomach. You felt deflated, hurt and angry, but this was how it was. You were just a vessel, for the Witcher, and his lover, the Mage, Yennefer of Vengerberg. You kept watching them, from the corner of your eye, yet you kept a safe distance, lest either of them saw the tears spurting down your cheeks at the sight of them, laughing together— though technically she laughed, and he just grunted, but you could see the not so hidden amusement in his eyes.
It hurt, nonetheless—
If a month back, you knew this is what you would be feeling; one month down the line; you wouldn't have landed yourself into this mess of a situation, just for a pouch full of coin. You would have steered clear from a certain white haired man, eyes bright and somber like the shining sun, perhaps even brighter, and his woman, one of the most powerful mages you had come across.
If only, someone had warned you before—
It didn't help; the fact that you were already struggling to feed yourself, have three meals a day worth grain at your shack, that you called a home [back at Redania].
It all started when one day, Yennefer of Vengerberg, as she introduced herself, ended up at your doorstep, asking for your help, in return for a massive pouch full of coin.
Coin enough to last you for almost two years—
You found yourself lost in thoughts— when a month back, you were tending to your sheep, rearing enough wool so you could knit yourself a blanket warm enough to last the Winters. You didn't know where she came from; it was only later you found out that she was a mage, and she could use portals to go anywhere in the world. What you didn't understand then, and could not understand till date was why they chose you.
Maybe the Mage could feed on your desperation— knowing how badly you were looking for a steady job so the coin could keep flowing. And then, there was a fact that you were a virgin— not yet ruined by any man, and this was exactly what she was looking for.
"Can I help you?" You asked the woman, eyeing her from the corner of your eyes, your eyesight trailing over her richly clothed form. She looked divine and exotic, draped in rich princely colours, red and gold.
She looked right at you, her lips curling into a devious smile. She nodded to herself, although satisfied, and took her own sweet time to finally respond, "You can help me. And I can help you. I heard from the villagers that you are looking for work. Isn't that right?"
You nodded, placing the wool into a basket.
"Well then, I'm here to offer you a job."
A job she did offer, only you didn't know what to think of it. She sat there by a chair next to your fireplace [ that so obviously needed more wood ] , her left leg elegantly draped over her right leg, her posture poised and regal, her eyes scanning your face as it contorted into a series of emotions— shock, numbness, anger, hope.
The job that she so generously offered to you was the job of a vessel. What she wanted of you was your womb, a vessel that she could use to grow her child.
Hers and Geralt of Rivia's child—a spawn that was to be created of her magic.
Neither Geralt, nor Yennefer were fertile. They couldn't conceive, biologically, but magically, this was possible. Yennefer told you everything— how she could finally become a mother, a yearning she had buried into the pit of her heart ever since she had buried the little princess, Queen Kalis' daughter, into the sand that day.
It wasn't until she met the white haired man, and an attraction flared, did her desperation for a babe began strumming into her heart. And she passed on this desire of hers to her lover, like a contagious disease until the two of them wanted nothing more than to bring a babbling young half Witcher half Mage into the world.
Her spell, although, could fertilize the Witcher's seed, turning him potent for this once, however, it wasn't enough to turn her own barren womb into a vessel that could carry their child. They needed a woman, a human— untouched— so Geralt could ruin her, and she could give them what they desired.
Yennefer also knew that no woman would agree to this, unless she offered something of value.
It was easy for you to agree.
Neither did you have a family, nor a lover. Besides, an opportunity had walked up to your door yourself, and you couldn't push it away.
But now, a month later, you regretted it.
When you saw them together, and it felt like your heart was being sliced through, slowly— torturing and burning you from the inside.
“Behold, what a fine view you have here, don’t they look beautiful together?” Jaskier was the first one to have decided to intrude into your private space, so suddenly, you were forced to pull your gaze away from the two of them, and crane your neck to your side so you could subtly wipe your tears away.
“Define beauty, Jaskier.” You grumbled under your breath your words barely audible, and you felt the Bard sit down next to you, his arm now brushing against yours as he swallowed a mouthful of ale before turning his head towards you.
“Like.. my songs? Although, they’re much beautiful than those two over there,” he almost began, but you cut him off abruptly, pushing yourself up to your feet, looking down at him.
“Can we not talk about this, Jas’? I’ve got better things to do.”
“Like what, [Y/N]? Sit in a corner and cry a river like you were doing a few seconds back? Don’t think the bard a dumb brute, I see things.”
Your lips parted in surprise. He had caught you. You sheepishly blinked, running your hand absentmindedly through your hair, shaking your head as you denied it, “What is that supposed to mean?”
He sighed, but didn't make an attempt to stand up. Instead, you watched him sit back, trying to get more comfortable as a smile broke out against his lips, "If I were you, I'd tell him how I really feel. Now I know you've got competition, a pretty fierce one, might I add, but what's the fun if you get everything handed to you in a silver platter, and you don't have to work for it?"
You had barely begun speaking when a fight broke out in the tavern, between two men that you didn't know, right across from where you were seated, and Jaskier's attention was flung away. You watched, in exasperation, as he began cheering all of a sudden, and Geralt, a few tables away, clenched his fists and pursed his lips in annoyance, leaning and whispering something into her ears.
You watched as the beautiful mage slowly rose from her place, and fixed her gaze on you until she was on her way to where you were.
"How are you feeling, little pet?" She raised an eyebrow, and you bit your lip, almost too hard, the taste of metal strong against your taste buds. Oh, how you fought the urge to bark at her and send her back to her beloved, who had his eyes, unmoving, on the two of you.
"Fine." You muttered, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at her.
You didn't understand why you hated this woman.
No, you did— but you didn't want to acknowledge it— it was because of a certain white haired man, who still had his gaze stilled on you, and you couldn't help but feel like your insides were on fire aching for his touch. You wondered how one look from him was enough to weaken your resolve, what would you do if the man ever brushed his hand against you, or even breathed in a close proximity as the Mage was now in?
Stop thinking about this, [Y/N]. He isn't yours to think of.
"Come on, it's time we keep moving, can't afford to waste two hours as the Sun's already up."
You blinked, cursing yourself for feeling so flustered but what could you do? This was the first time you had heard the Witcher say more words than the occasional hums and grunts directed towards you.
You and Yennefer began walking out of the tavern, Jaskier following the two of you, while Geralt was ahead of the two of you, as you began continuing your journey to the Great Mount in Aedirn, a journey you had been on with them now for over thirty days.
For once, you couldn't stop your racing heart from thinking of what was going to happen between you and the White haired man once you reached this Mount.
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daisys-gard3n · 3 years
hhhhh i’m yearning for joseph to torture me with a dildo, fucking me hard and fast, slapping/sliding it across my clit until i’m desperate hddjxjznzzjz
— Jay
hmmmmmm, interesting:
Joseph smirked mischievously, the dildo in his hand sliding teasingly on your soaked folds and gently rubbed it at your clit as you squirmed at the feeling.
"J-Joseph, I-"
You couldn't finish your sentence, Joseph landed a medium-strength slap at your clit with the dildo. It made your jolt and let out a whine as he went back to sliding it teasingly across your folds once more as the sting sent surges through your body and only made your cunt weep with arousal.
"Hm? Something wrong, babe?"
"S-Sorry...I'm sorry...!"
"F-For...For...Um, fuck..." You couldn't concentrate, the silicone toy had popping veins for texture that rubbed against your clit so nicely. It throbbed and swelled up with arousal as Joseph continued to rub at it with the dildo, you trailed off as pleasure hazed over your mind. The next slap against your clit with the dildo made you jolt and let out another moan, your legs shaking as you panted at the lovely sting lighting your loins aflame. Joseph pursed his lips and flicked his wrist, landing another slap at your cunt with the dildo and earned another beautiful whine from your lips.
"What are you sorry for, babe?"
"F-For...Caesar....Um, ah fuck...Caesar...Sorry! I'm sorry!"
"What about Caesar? I can't understand you if you don't use your words." The brunette teased you with a grin, his free hand on one of your thighs to keep it pushed open so he could have full access to your throbbing pussy, getting a full view of how it glistened with want for him the more he teased you with the dildo in his hand. Joseph felt his cock twitch in his pants the more he watches your flustered expression trying to come up with words and how your cunt fluttered and pulsed with want for him. God, he wanted to press his face into it and eat you out. But he had more important matters to deal with .
"S-Sorry...F-For...F-Flirting with...With Caesar! I-In front of...You!"
"Mm, you understand how much it hurt my feelings? I give you all this love and I play with this pussy to your heart's content, and you feel up Caesar right in front me? Have you gotten bored with me? Do you want to stick your cunt at Caesar's face now?"
"N-No! No...I-" The dildo slid down from your clit and suddenly dove inside of you, stretching you deliciously. You let out another moan, your hips bucking into Joseph's hand as he made you bottom out on the toy for him seconds later to start pumping it in and out of you at a brutal pace. Your walls clenched around the toy and your juices coated it, the feeling of it hitting your g-spot and the texture sliding in and out of you at a fast pace had your eyes going crossed. The bottom of the dildo slapped against you as Joseph plunged it in and out at his brutal pace, his green eyes watching you intently.
"J-Joseph! Ah, fuck, please! T-Too fast! G-Gonna make me...Cum! Hng, ahh~!"
"Are you sorry?"
"Y-Yes, I-I'm so sorry Joseph! Please! Please forgive me! Fuck! God, please!"
"Who does this pussy belong to, babe?"
"Y-You! I-It belongs to you-Hahh! Fuck!"
"That's right, this is my pussy. Only I'm allowed to play with it and make you cum." Joseph pulled the dildo out of you and landed a hard smack at your folds, right onto your clit and made you throw your head back in pleasure. Joseph slipped the dildo back inside of your cunt and continued his brutal pace.
"Tell me this pussy is mine and that I'm the only one who makes you cum. Then I'll let you cum."
"G-God, you're killing me!"
"I can stop and leave you right here like this, babe." Joseph paused his stroking for a moment. You shook your head and your hips bucked into the dildo to make yourself bottom out on it again. "N-No, please!"
"Then let's hear it." It was hard to conjure up the words, especially when the dildo hit you so good in your sweet spot and how Joseph was eyeing your cunt like a predator to its prey. You gulped, trying to push your moans down to let Joseph hear what he wanted to hear: "T-This pussy...I-Is yours, and...And- Hnng, fuck! Only you're allowed to make me cum! God, please let me cum, Jojo!"
"As you wish, pretty girl." Joseph smirked, pumping the dildo into you at the angle that massaged your g-spot and pulled out after a while to land one last hard smack at your clit. You saw white and threw your head back, your orgasm erupting through your body and made your walls clench around nothing as it spilled its juice out of you. The sting of the slap made you so sensitive, drool dripping from your mouth as Joseph pressed a kiss on your lips.
"Ready for round two?"
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kinsurou · 4 years
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Your Safe Heaven
Word Count: 2.1K
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Smut (18+), Comfort Sex, Praise, Unprotected Sex, No beta we die like bisexuals.
First attempt at a Haikyuu fic with our beloved Iwa-chan. Also a small gift for my beloved angel @iwaasfairy, thank you for being such an amazing friend, fairy. I hope you enjoy it!
All Characters are aged up.
He watches the night sky through a closed window, admiring an endless curtain of darkness filled with stars, glimmering elegantly in the middle of the night. He’s already lost count over the years of how many times he’s spent admiring their beautiful, mesmerizing glow….and yet, none of that compared to the endless feeling of pure affection that he felt for you.
His attention is drawn away from that breath-taking scenario by a couple of whimpers barely able to be perceived. His attention goes towards the king-sized bed at the other side of the room, where you’re laying down in a deep slumber, wearing nothing but one of his shirts and a pair of panties that are barely covered by the thin, cotton blanket draped over your legs, if he remembers correctly said blanket had been covering your waist less than a few hours ago, so you probably moved it lower with each time you moved in the mattress.
But as much as he’d love to stay in place, stroking your face affectionately and watch this peaceful state of yours, he finally noticed the tears in your face, and once again you began whimpering in your sleep, curling into yourself with each sob crawling its way out of your throat. He knows about those dark thoughts that haunt you and make you feel worthless…
There’s nothing in this world that fueled his anger as badly as watching you suffer at the hands of your own head, he always hated -no, he despised it- when those thoughts come back, haunting you and clawing their way into your heart to fill it with doubts and despair, and although he knew it’s not something that could be fixed in the span of a day, but it didn’t mean he’d just be sitting there and watch that darkness grow, feeding off your pain until it became unbearable.
Hajime’s determined to distract you, even if it’s for a small moment. With that goal in mind he begins crawling in bed, pulling the blankets over the both of you, his arms wrap themselves around your waist to pull your sleeping self back against his chest. Being this close makes it easier to see how much you’re hurting: your whole body is trembling from head to toe, the whimpers become louder, and as he rest his head into your shoulder, he can see the tears making their way out from the corners of your eyes, soaking the fabric of the pillow with every sob.
He hums into the skin of your neck before starting to kiss your cheek tenderly but also flustered, physical affection was always hard from him, and he’s never been one to take the initiative before, but this time he was determined to prove to you just how much you actually mean to him. One of his hands began gliding along your curves, playing with the hem of your -his- shirt and making its way up to caress your chest, the tips of his fingers tracing the outline of your breasts.
Between his delicious touches that lit your body on fire and his soft locks of hair tickling the side of your face, it didn’t take long for you to begin whimpering for a whole different reason and begin squirming in sync with his touch, much to his enjoyment. Is this everything he had been missing? It hasn’t been that long since you both started being intimate, let alone spend the night together.
But then again, that could always change...right?
With that in mind, Hajime buries his face further into your neck and continues kissing all over the skin, feeling himself throbbing in his boxers with every whimper coming out of your lips because of the constant nipping on your shoulder, pleasing him to no end once you finally began to stir awake.
“...Haji?” the grogginess in your voice brings a smile to his face that grows bigger when your eyes meet, he can see your pupils are already dilated from the way he keeps touching you.
“Hey princess.” The peck he leaves at the side of your head is just as affectionate as the feather-like touch he leaves on your sides. There’s goosebumps all over your skin when his hand finally sneaks its way inside your panties, a soft gasp leaves your mouth which Hajime doesn’t miss.
“Wha...What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” He gives your neck another kiss “I’m distracting you. So just lay back and let me take care of you, yeah?”
“But, you have work in the--”
He doesn’t let you finish that sentence, capturing your lips both firmly and wavering, suddenly feeling unsure of how to proceed, but the little noises you make when he brushes against your folds with a single finger urges him to continue.
“You know I love you, right?” His eyes are warm and soft, with slight traces of concern deep inside that tell you everything...he knows. The thought alone is almost enough to make you cry all over again. When your body starts trembling again he stiffens momentarily, but he doesn’t allow his doubts to take over and pulls you tighter against his body, almost hard enough to be suffocating if he used just a little more strength.
“Hey, I’m here with you...alright?” He whispers tenderly against your ear. After a few minutes you start calming down and with a small snivel, you give him a small nod after soothing your thoughts, and turn back to look at Hajime with a soft smile. “Now, let me take care of you, babe.”
The room falls silent when he captures your lips for a second time, swallowing your moans once his fingers begin grazing your clit.
“Is this okay?” He’s watching the way your body reacts to his touch with a keen eye. It’s funny, you’ve been intimate with each other in the past and yet he never gets tired of this, of watching you tremble whenever he starts pleasing your body. Is it his hands? his mouth? his cock? it doesn’t matter to him, every single reaction sends him into a frenzy.
But tonight he’s holding back, tonight is all about you.
“I can’t hear you, princess. Does it feel good?”
“Yes, Haji. I...I love it when you touch me like that.” You’re already panting hard, bucking your hips slightly against his fingers in hopes of getting that sweet release. “Can you...please touch me some more?”
“Of course.” He kisses your temple one more time, humming in contempt when his fingers slide into your wet pussy, feeling proud of himself once you begin gasping and arching against his hold from the arousal. When your legs begin clenching together, Hajime slid his own leg in between, hitching them open for better access to your sweet core.
“H-Haji!” Your hands are clutching the blankets with force, trembling harder against his unwavering hold, but even with all the trashing in place desperate for release, he refuses to weaken his hold on your body. “I’m close, I’m really close!”
“Mmmmm, you’re close, babe?” You nod desperately. Accidentally brushing against his erection that starts poking your backside, the friction makes him growl and rut against your body, which makes him just as desperate to be inside your soft walls.
It’s in that moment that he pulls his fingers away despite your desperate cries. When you turn back to beg for him to let you cum, the rustle of clothes can be heard clearly, along with his own desperate groans when he manages to free himself from his boxers. 
“Can you fetch the lube?”
Once he releases you from his grasp, you’re immediately crawling over the mattress to pull open the nightsand’s drawer, where you keep the small bottle he asked for, all while he’s too busy pulling down your soaked panties. With the little bottle in hand, you turn back to him with a desperate look in your eyes, one that yearns for him to make you feel so deliciously good.
As he starts preparing himself, you sit up to try and pull the shirt over your head, just to be interrupted by a strong pair of arms wrapping around you, trapping both of your arms by your sides before pulling your body back on the mattress and tighter than ever against his body.
“Don’t take it off, I love the way my shirts look on you.”
His hands tilt your face back just enough to look back at him, and when you see the soothing warmth in those dark eyes, it fills you with a sense of security, like nothing could go wrong when you’re together, bringing a small sense of relief that only Hajime can provide.
“Can I?” He asks quietly, and yet it’s obvious that he’s just as eager and desperate to bury himself between your legs, but the fact that he always had the need to ask for permission before going any further always tugs at your heartstrings.
“Mhmm.” You hum in response, rapidly burrying your face in the pillow from the cold feeling of his fingers lathered with lube, once again burried inside your inner walls, stretching and prepping them nicely, two fingers began curling up inside to caress that sweet spot that made you squirm under Hajime’s hold, who continues with the sweet torture for a bit longer until finally, he just can’t hold it any longer, he needed your body...and he needed it now.
For the second time that night, he pulls his fingers from your dripping cunt, ignoring the protests and your nails digging on his bicep with desperation. And finally, he grabs at the base of his cock and slowly pushes himself inside you.
You both gasp in sync at the sensation, your insides clenching around him so well that Hajime could nearly come undone in that moment, consumed by the exquisite warmth enveloping him in waves, it makes him cling to your body as he gives a single, deep thrust which draws the prettiest moans meant only for his ears.
And in return he growls deeply against your ear, all while he keeps hugging your body firmly against him, driving his cock inside you over and over into the deepest corners of your walls at a delectably enjoyable rhythm.
He tucks your hair away from your flushed face, taking in every expression you make. From the way your eyes close tightly whenever his cock brushes against your cervix, to the way you bite down on your lower lip to hold back a moan, and the little hitch in your breathing when he starts pinching one of your nipples.
But nothing beats the way your body reacts whenever he starts whispering the sweetest things. His endless chanting and praising that sends waves of pleasure feel utterly heavenly, and Hajime could tell how much you enjoyed it from the way your walls keep clenching with every thrust, almost like your body refuses to let go of him out of desperation and bliss.
“Haji…! I’m- ah! I’m close, I’m so close…!” Your body starts convulsing in his arms, the coil inside your stomach threatening to come undone when Hajime starts to pick up speed, but then he takes a hold of your inner thigh and positions it higher, which gives him the chance to ram his cock even deeper inside, the loud squelching that resounds across the bedroom are the final push you need to climax.
With a loud cry, your hand shoots up to tangle on Hajime’s dark locks and pull harshly with every spasm of your walls. After ramming his cock a few more times, he pulls out as fast as possible and just as quickly, his cock releases hot spurts of cum over your folds.
You stay in that same position for some time. Your legs fall limp on the mattress, feeling all warm, numb and sicky. And Hajime’s arms maintain their place around your waist, refusing to let go like his life depended on it.
“I love you, Haji.” He nuzzles your cheek one more time before flipping you over to face him. Out of instinct you snuggle closer into his embrace with pure bliss. There’s no other place in the world where you could always feel as secure as in Hajime’s arms.
“I love you too…” He replies, suddenly rising from bed to hover above your figure with his arms around each side of your flushed face and his thighs trapping your legs in between. “But you didn’t really believe we were done...do you?”
With a smirk on his face, he spreads your legs one more time before pushing himself back inside your sensitive entrance, the push of his pelvis is enough to make you gasp and wrap your arms around his neck. You can hear the ruffle of the sheets where his hands cling to the fabric desperately. 
“Oh we’re far from done. I’m not gonna let you leave this bed until the only thing you can think about is how much I love you.”
Tag list: @hawks-senseis @honeytama @savagetrickster @unbreakableeiji @wakaoujisenhime @fanfic-me-up @sailor-manga @shoutogepi @gr0vndz3ro @divinewhimsy @xplosiveboy @shinsotired
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jenoismydad · 4 years
First Time’s a Charm
pairing: Renjun x Reader
genre: smut, virgin!reader, receiving (fem), corruption kink (mild however because the reader’s a virgin), multiple orgasms, protected sex
summary: when you tell Renjun that you’re finally ready to have sex for the first time, he cant wait to have his fun with you
requested by anon 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Renjun I think I’m ready.” 
As soon as the words left your mouth, Renjun pulled his lips away from your neck and stared at you with an excited look. He beamed at you and pushed you off of his lap, onto the bed, setting a pillow underneath your head. 
“Babe you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that.”, he said, cupping your cheek in his palm. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, catching your bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away. Renjun began peppering small kisses to your neck and collar bone, his mind racing with thoughts of all the things he wanted to do to you. 
He started off by undressing you, hands moving quick to rid you of all the clothing you had on until you were sprawled out naked underneath him. The way his eyes ran over your body did make you feel a bit conscious, but you knew it was only because he was seeing you naked for the first time. 
“My baby is so beautiful.”, Renjun spoke, his hand gently caressing your thigh. “You don’t mind if I touch you right?”
His eyes were full of lust, but his tone, it was so soft and caring. It truly amazed you. His hand was now on your inner thigh, inching closer and closer to the place it wanted to touch most. His eyes met yours, lighting up at the curt nod you sent his way.
Renjun spread your legs apart properly, his fingers ghosting over your bare heat. The pads of his fingers brushed against your clit, making you squirm slightly. Rubbing a small circle on your clit, his eyes darted to your face, studying your reaction. 
You didn’t feel anything at first, just his hand on your vagina. But after a few more circulations of his middle finger, you felt a warm feeling run through your body. It started from your core, branching to your arms and legs, all the way to your fingertips. It made your toes curl and a quiet whimper fell past your lips.
“Look how wet you’ve gotten.”, Renjun purred, his fingers collecting your arousal. You shuddered when his moist fingers rubbed your clit, this sensation feeling stronger than the last. Your back arched off the bed involuntarily as your moans became louder than before. 
Renjun length strained in his boxers. You sounded so fucking good. With the way your face was contorted in pleasure, eyes shut tight, brows furrowed, no one would believe you were as innocent as you appeared to be. Renjun experimentally pressed his fingers harder down on your clit.
“Fuck!”, you cursed, grinding your hips down into the mattress. 
“Does my baby like that?” Renjun held your hips in place, keeping them from moving around too much. He watched as you struggled to speak, so lost in your own pleasure. 
“Fuck yes! Yes I do.” 
Renjun chuckled darkly, moving his fingers faster. “Look at you talking like that.”, he chided, “You must really like what I’m doing to you.”
You couldn’t say anything, but you agreed with Renjun You fucking loved what he was doing to you, the way he was making you feel. You mentally slapped yourself for holding yourself back for so long. If only you had known that it was going to feel this good. 
You began to sense a nice scratchy, tickling, feeling in the pit of your stomach. It seemed like someone was tying a knot in your stomach. Soon, all your focus fell on it and the only thing you wanted was to undo it. 
You wanted to alert Renjun that you were going to cum, but the building pleasure was just too overwhelming for you to do anything except moan. Speaking of your moans, they got more pitchy and whiny. Your hands laid at your sides, desperately clutching the bedsheet beneath you. 
It only took a few seconds and before you knew it a strong wave of pleasure washed over you. You felt your walls clench tightly as wetness gushed through your pussy. The intensity of your orgasm had your thighs shaking uncontrollably. Your back fell onto the mattress once again, while you regained your breath. Your eyes were still shut, but they tore open eventually to meet Renjun’s gaze.
“Shit I wish you could have seen how hot you looked just now.”
Your cheeks heated up at his comment and you broke into a smile. Renjun climbed on top of you catching your lips with his. He soothingly ran his hands over your thighs, kissing you passionately. He ground his hips down onto your still sensitive core, his boner sending shivers through your body. You gasped and pushed him away. Renjun gave you a puzzled look. 
“Don’t you want to do something about that?”
“Do something about what?”
“Your boner.”
Renjun raised his brow at you and sat back. “Do you want to do something about it for me?”
You gulped nervously, flustered by his question. Yes you wanted to do something about it. You wanted to make Renjun feel just as good as he had made you feel. But you didn’t know how and you certainly didn’t want to try it now. 
“Tell me princess. Don’t be shy.”
You stared at your hands and then at your boyfriend. He had a teasing glint to his eyes, almost as if he was thriving off of getting you to say these not so PG 13 things. And trust me, he was. 
“I do want to do something about it.”, you spoke, “But later.”
Renjun pouted. “Why later?”
“Because I want you to fuck me now.”
You noticed the way Renjun’s eyes widened just for a split second, your words taking him aback. But a daring smirk was quick to cover his face in a matter of seconds. 
“Well since you asked me so nicely, I will. Give me a second.” Renjun jumped off the bed and bolted out of the room. It only took a while for him to return to your bedroom, a small silver packed held triumphantly between his fingers. He had also stripped himself of his clothes, appearing now only in his boxers.
“Where did you get the condom from?” 
“Believe it or not I’ve been carrying it around ever since Valentine’s Day this year.”
You felt bad for Renjun. It had been four months since Valentine’s Day, almost a year and a half since you two had started dating. It seemed that he had been waiting for this moment longer than you, longer than you had expected even.
While you were lost in thought of your adoration for your sweet, respectful and extremely hot boyfriend, he had already slid the condom over his throbbing length and was now hovering over you. 
“You are 100% sure about doing this right?” 
You nodded, still Renjun searched your eyes for any signs that you didn’t want to. He didn’t want you to do something you didn’t want to just so that he’d feel better. 
“Trust me Renjun, I really want this, and I know that no one can give it to me better than you can. I want you Renjun. I need you.”
Renjun was just a hot mess. Everything, you laying beneath him, saying that you wanted him to fuck you. The way your eyes begged him for more. The look on your face when he made you cum. And the way you moaned so sweetly when he touched you. Renjun still couldn’t believe that this was happening.
It took all the power in him to not slam himself into you. His tip prodded at your entrance, pushing into your walls ever so slowly. Your eyes were snapped shut, every form of discomfort evident on your face. It hurt, really bad that too. But you knew that you could get through it and you patiently willed yourself to wait for the pleasure that you wanted to feel most bad. 
“Are you okay?”, Renjun whispered into your ear. He brushed your hair out of your face and pressed a kiss to your cheek, then to your forehead. 
“This fucking sucks.”, you muttered. You felt hot and uncomfortable, slightly annoyed too. Who knew you could face so many emotions while losing your virginity.
Renjun laughed against your neck. “I’m so sorry love, but trust me it’ll be over soon.”
Holding your hips down, Renjun pushed himself into you completely. You let out a pained moan, your insides burning at the stretch. Renjun nipped at your neck, sucking small marks into your skin to distract you from the pain. 
He grinded his hips slowly into yours, mouth working on your neck as you hugged him to your chest. Soon, there was a rush of arousal in your core as you began to feel a warm buzz. Your grasp on Renjun’s shoulders loosened a bit and you felt slightly dizzy in the head.
Renjun hoisted himself up on one arm, slowly beginning to buck his hips into you. “Oh my god,” Renjun moaned out as he felt you clench around his length. “Baby, you’re taking me so well. Such a good baby.” he grunted, eyes almost rolling back due to the pleasure. You mewled underneath him, pushing your hips downs to take more of his length. 
“Renjun you can go faster.” Now that your core wasn’t burning, your yearned to feel how good Renjun could make you feel. 
Renjun daringly heightened his pace, steadily thrusting into you, not too hard but not too slow. Your walls were suffocating his cock, pulsing on him with every jut of his hips. You gripped at his shoulders, holding on for dear life as Renjun fucked you. His lip was caught between his teeth, a slick of sweat on his brow. Your moans were desperate and pleading, telling him how badly you wanted to cum again. 
“Renjun please.”, you moaned out, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
Renjun grunted as you pushed him down on you, his cock pushing deeper into your pussy. “Tell me what you want.”, he encouraged, burying his face in your neck. 
“Fuck me harder please.”, you begged, clawing desperately at his back. 
Renjun couldn’t say no to your request. His hips slammed down into yours, the bed creaking at the force. You screamed out, your walls stretching wider than before. Biting down on your lobe, Renjun thrusted into you hard and fast. Your moans poured out of your mouth, loud and melodious. They were music to Renjun’s ears. 
 You were on cloud nine. You could feel nothing except for Renjun’s cock pounding into your pussy. Renjun was breathing raggedly, his heart beating rapidly, body on fire. Your pussy felt so go. So good that it seemed like it was made just for him. He didn’t know if it was because he hadn’t fucked in ages or if it was just because you were so damn sexy, but this was by far the best sex Renjun had ever had according to him.
 “Babe I’m close!”, you blurted out. Your fingers tugged at the ends of Renjun’s hair, the knot in your stomach tightening with each thrust. 
 “Just a little longer.”, Renjun breathed, moving faster to chase his high. He gripped your hips and pushed your leg up, fucking into you with deep thrusts. 
 The new angle had him hitting all the right spots inside you. Your hands ran up your body, squeezing and grabbing at your tits as pleasure coursed through you. You were just seconds away from cumming.
 “Babe please let me cum.”, you whined, so impatient for your orgasm. 
 Renjun didn’t answer you, instead, rutting his hips into yours so relentlessly people would have a hard time believing this was your first time. 
 “Cum for me now.” With one final thrust, Renjun’s cock twitched inside you, his hot cum filling up the condom as you came on his length. Renjun rode your high out, softly grinding into you until he pulled out and plopped down next to you. 
 Both of you were out of breath, heaving from having used up all of your energy. Renjun brushed your hair out of your face, wiping away the sheen of sweat on your forehead. You shot him a tired smile, pulling a blanket over your naked body. 
 “What do you think you’re doing love?”
 “I’m going to sleep. Sex is tiring.”
 Renjun let out a hearty chuckle and stopped you from turning over on your side. “Who told you that we’re finished? I’m still not done with you yet baby.” 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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gureishi · 3 years
12 with Seven and a female MC, NSFW please ^^
Thank you for the wonderful request! And oh boy do I apologize if this wasn’t what you wanted. O_O My imagination was positively THRILLED by this prompt and this...is where it went.
I sincerely hope you DO enjoy this, because god knows I enjoyed writing about it. But seriously if you want a...tamer...NSFW Saeyoung story for this prompt, tell me and I’ll write that one too?? For real??
twelve: born to be together
Saeyoung X Reader; E (M/F sex, roleplaying, light dom/sub, assplay), words: 2941
If it wasn’t already abundantly clear (lol): smut warning, proceed with caution~ <3
You stand in the walk-in closet, in a forest of brightly-colored and bedazzled fabrics. They’re not organized by any discernible method, but they’re all hung neatly, some in plastic dry-cleaning bags and others draped multiple times over their hangers so they don’t touch the floor. You run a hand down the line of costumes, feeling lace and fur and taffeta. There are some here that are familiar: a maid outfit you’ve seen numerous times and a fuzzy full-body cat suit you find particularly charming. There are others that you’re sure you’ve never seen before.
“Saeyoung?” you call, and he hums in response: he’s sprawled across the bed, playing a game on his phone. “Why haven’t I ever seen you wear most of these?”
He laughs. “There are literally hundreds of outfits in there, babe. You’ve lived here for what, three months? When was I gonna wear them all? You want me to do a fashion show for you?”
You perk up, lifting a sequined tutu to the light so you can see it shimmer. “Yes, please!”
“Just say the word, baaaby,” he sings, drawing out the syllables. He’s teasing, but you’re serious: there is not one thing in this huge, chaotic closet that wouldn’t suit him. You comb through the racks, pushing past a denim mini dress, a full-on space suit, and what looks like a…sexy penguin costume? Okay, maybe not that one.
Toward the back of the closet, in a corner (you’ve got to help him organize all this stuff, you think), there’s a floor-length zip-up bag garment bag. You squish it—there’s something very fluffy in there.
“Hey, what’s in the fancy bag?” you call over your shoulder. You hear a soft flop as he tosses his game aside and the ruffling of the covers as he leaps off the bed. He appears behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Ohhh, this one?” He sounds pleased; he nuzzles the back of your neck with his nose and you squirm, ticklish. “Unzip it and see,” he offers.
You do, and your mouth falls open: in the bag is what you can only describe as a literal princess gown. It’s ballet slipper pink, with layers and layers of chiffon trailing all the way to the ground. The bodice is fitted and embellished with thousands of tiny gemstones.
“What mission was this for?” you gasp, fingering the gauzy, frothy top layer of the skirt.
“Not a mission,” he murmurs into your neck. “Just wanted it.”
Saeyoung skims his hands down your sides, sliding them into both of the front pockets of your jeans.
“I don’t want to know what this cost, do I?” you ask. He cackles.
“You probably don’t.”
Hands in your pockets, he pulls you flush against his body. Maybe it’s the luxurious feeling of the skirt on your fingertips and maybe it’s the insistent way he’s pressing against you, but you have an idea—a revelation.
“I want you to wear it for me,” you say. You slip out of his grasp, spinning to face him—you watch his eyes widen and his cheeks flush as he takes in your serious expression.
“Ohhhh?” he lilts, cocking his head to the side. “So when you say you want me to wear it, you mean…?” He’s teasing you, his hands on your skin again, dancing over your hips, up your sides.
“I mean exactly what you think I mean,” you tell him, and you reach out and stroke his cheek with your fingertips, delighted to feel that, in spite of his posturing, his skin is so warm—he’s flustered, and he melts a little under your intense gaze, his eyes roaming over your body.
He pauses, and for a split second, in spite of his apparent eagerness, you think he might say no. But then he springs into action, grabbing the hanger off the rack, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, and sprinting out of the closet.
“Gimme twenty minutes—no, ten!” he calls to you, already disappearing around the corner, through the bedroom, into the en suite bathroom. You grin, patting your own flushed cheeks with both hands. This, you think, will be worth waiting for.
In spite of his promises, it’s actually closer to thirty minutes before he emerges again. You lay on your stomach on the unmade bed, half-heartedly scrolling on your phone. The anticipation coils in your stomach. In spite of yourself, you keep glancing up at the closed bathroom door—picturing him there, half-dressed, penciling in his eyebrows with those nimble fingers of his. Knowing that he’s doing this for you—it makes you clench your thighs together, squirming against the bunched-up comforter. Come on, you think.
And just then, as if he’s heard your silent plea, he pushes the door open a crack—just enough for you to catch the tiniest glimpse of an ankle peeking out under perfectly-arranged layers of pink gauze.
“Baby,” he calls, his voice soft, and you sit up straight. “Are you ready for me?”
You’ve never been readier for anything.
“I’m waiting,” you tell him.
So he flings open the bathroom door, and for a moment even you—you, the one who looks at him all day and sleeps beside him every night—are floored. There is a stunningly, jaw-droopingly beautiful woman in your bedroom, long red hair trailing effortlessly over her bare shoulders, thin waist accented delightfully by the tight bodice, toned legs just barely visible through the layers and layers of translucent fabric. Her features are soft, her golden eyes gaze just slightly downward, and one hand rests on her chest, thin fingers hovering just above the dress’s glittering neckline.
“Hi,” Saeyoung murmurs coyly. You feel like your head is going to explode.
“Come here, princess,” you call, and it takes all your willpower to keep your voice level. He obliges you, stepping delicately over the rug, holding up his billowing skirt with one dainty hand. He perches on the edge of the bed, flips a lock of hair over his shoulder. The wig matches his natural hair color and cascades voluminously down his back. He’s perfectly in character: he keeps his eyes lowered and his cheeks are flushed a dusty pink.
“Like this?” he asks, and he leans back the tiniest bit, letting the light catch his semi-translucent skirt, highlighting the silhouette of his thighs through the glistening fabric.
“Just like that,” you whisper. It’s not the first time you’ve taken the lead, but it’s not the norm, either—being in charge feels frightening and exhilarating. “May I touch you, princess?”
He nods, and the flush on the tips of his ears is real, not makeup—and even through the countless layers of fabric that make up his skirt, it’s evident that he’s already starting to get excited.
You sit up on your knees behind him and run a hand over his bare shoulders, part the soft hair that covers his back, wrap them around the back of his neck. He shudders.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby?” you whisper in his ear, and you feel the way his shoulders quiver eagerly. You grip his neck just a little tighter.
“I’ll be good,” he murmurs sweetly, and it’s already almost too much for you. You squeeze your legs together, impatient to touch him, eager to see his perfect demeanor shattered.
One hand still on his neck, you snake your other arm around his waist, which is dramatically cinched by the tight bodice. You stroke up his torso, curious, and feel the curve of what are quiet obviously breasts straining against the ruched fabric, peeking out over the tauntingly low neckline.
“I like these,” you whisper, and he arches his back, leaning into your touch. He laughs a soft, bubbling laugh—and it’s an act, a character, but there is some of Saeyoung’s delightful giggle in it too. Your hand roams across his chest and you slip one finger into the impeccable cleavage he’s created (you’ll have to ask him how, later).
Then you slip your other hand from his throat and explore lower, lower, across his hip, his thigh. You dip your head and take the soft skin of his shoulder between your teeth, biting hard enough to leave a small, half-moon-shaped mark. He whimpers, and you move your hand down his thigh, pointedly avoiding the erection that you can now see very clearly through the layers of chiffon. You taunt him, nipping his neck again, sliding the skirt up so you can drag your fingernails across his leg. He’s trying so hard to stay still, but his hips give him away, rocking forward the tiniest bit, seeking relief against the silky fabric.
“Are you going to let me fuck you, princess?” you hiss against his skin—and it’s a tease, but it’s a genuine question, too. 
A moan tears from his throat, quiet yet desperate. He keeps his hands neatly folded in his lap but his eyes flutter shut and his hips wriggle as you pinch the skin of his thigh.
“P-please,” he whines, and he leans his head back, eyelids fluttering shut. “Please, I want you to…”
“Don’t move,” you tell him, and he obeys, sits perfectly still on the edge of the bed, his skirt splayed out artfully around him. He makes a perfect picture, you think—head reclined, yearning evident in every tense muscle of his body.
You go to the bedside cabinet and pull out the things you need: the little pink bottle of lube and a toy—a thin, smooth dildo, light-colored and fairly unobtrusive. You slip it out of its harness, deciding to use it in your hand today—and you return to him, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. He’s opened his eyes and he’s taking you in, standing over him, the toy in your hand—his beautiful eyes are huge and desperate.
“On your hands and knees, honey,” you purr, and he complies eagerly, climbing gracefully onto the bed and arching his back for you. “Don’t tease me,” you say, and he trembles. The skirt billows out around him and you set down the toy so you can slip a hand under his dress, over his silky-smooth thighs (did he shave his legs?). You’re delighted to find that he’s not wearing anything under the gown.
You run your hand up his thigh; he’s sticking his ass in the air, practically begging for you, and you slap it, face breaking into a smile as he whimpers.
“How bad do you want me right now, beautiful?” you ask him, and he moans softly, his legs shaking.
“I need you,” he hisses, and he sounds a little less like a princess and a little more like Saeyoung. You suck your index finger, wetting it, and then you slip it up and under his skirt and inside him. He reacts immediately, thighs shaking as he struggles to hold himself up, gasping for air. You slide your finger a little bit deeper inside him and you can’t help but grind your hips against the edge of the bed as you do, hopelessly turned on by the noises he’s making. He adjusts, widening his hips for you, and you curl your finger inside him, gently increasing the pressure and watching him come apart before your eyes.
“I’m r-ready,” he pants, “please,” and you pull your finger out of him, warming the toy with both hands as you liberally smear it with lube.
“I’m going to fuck you now,” you tell him, and you can barely keep your voice from shaking. “I don’t want you to make a sound till I say so, princess.”
He quivers in anticipation but doesn’t say a word. Almost without thinking, you unbutton and unzip your jeans, slip one hand down, down, over your underwear. The need you feel is overwhelming.
With one finger pressed against your clit, over your underwear, you take the dildo in your other hand and slide it over his ass, down, and finally inside him. His legs shake uncontrollably and for a moment you think he’ll fall—but he doesn’t, he stays on his hands and knees, back bent for you, and though his pleasure is evident in the way he throws his head back, hair falling everywhere, he’s quiet—just like you asked him to be.
You gasp, impossibly aroused by the sight of him like this, the delicate skirt falling every which way. You wish you could see his face, the ruined look in his eyes, but you settle for the sight of his ass and thighs shaking, framed seductively by layers of pink gauze. You slide the dildo deeper inside him and he twitches, gasping. At the same time, you move your finger over your swollen clit, moaning softly as you give yourself the stimulation you’ve been craving.
He’s so good, so obedient, so quiet, trembling as you fuck him with the toy and fuck yourself with your finger. He pushes back against you and his arms give out; he bends forward, face pressed into the bed. Your own legs are shaking like they don’t want to hold you up anymore but both your hands are occupied, so you lean harder against the bed, hissing as you move your finger in tight circles against yourself and angle the toy upward, questing for his p spot.
You’re going to come, you think—you’re going to come so fast, from your own hand, as you watch your boyfriend clad in this extravagant gown falling to pieces before you.
“I want you to come with me,” you hiss, moving your finger quicker and more frantically against yourself, “and I want to hear you.”
He moans immediately as if he’s been fighting to hold it back all this time, rocking his hips back into the toy. You can tell he’s close and you are too, driven half-mad by the sight of him. You rub your faster, faster, and you slide the toy in and up, penetrating him deeper. He groans, and there is still some of the pretty, modest princess in his voice, because god this boy knows how to stay in character, but the unbidden desperation is there too. He’s on the edge, you can tell, and you feel the telltale sensation of your toes curling, your thighs clenching…
And you throw your head back, continuing the pressure with your finger as the pleasure crests, thrusting into him more roughly, begging him to come with you…
And he does come, from the toy alone, his cock untouched—yelping as he rocks forward, his face buried deep in the pile of blankets on the bed and his whole body shaking…
And you feel tears in your eyes as you let yourself be taken over by the sensations, overwhelmed by the pleasure gripping you…
And he’s moaning, high-pitched and beautiful, crying for you to keep going…
And stars burst beneath your eyelids and you can’t see, thrusting into him one more time, knowing you’re hitting just the right spot as he sobs out your name.
And it slows, slows, and he’s panting, and you catch your breath and slip your hand out of your pants, pulling out of him with a trembling hand. He’s still shaking too, a quivering, beautiful mess gauze and tulle.
“You okay, babe?” you gasp, crawling up onto the bed beside him. He turns his head and you catch your first glimpse of his face—deliciously wrecked, mascara under his eyes and bright pink spots on his cheeks. 
“I…I…wow,” he manages, finally sitting back on his heels. He’s in disarray, his hair in his eyes, his skirt sticking to his legs. “That was new,” he says quietly, his eyes shining as he tucks the long, fake hair behind his ears. “I never came like that before, just from…”
“I know.”
“The dress…” He laughs, pulling apart the unkempt layers of gaze.
“I guarantee I can figure it out,” you say, giggling, collapsing onto the pile of pillows. “I’ll just google ‘how to get cum out of ball gown.’”
“Oh god.” He grimaces, twisting and falling onto his back beside you. The skirt still manages to billow out splendidly around his legs. “Maybe…don’t google that.”
You turn and kiss him on the lips, sighing contentedly as he responds with enthusiasm, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Thanks for doing that for me,” you say. “That was…a fantasy I didn’t know I had, till today."
He grins against your lips.
“Oh, I knew I had that fantasy,” he says, skating his hand up your leg, around your waist. “But you…you…”
“Hmmmm?” You curl into him, finding that the fake breasts make a surprisingly comfortable pillow.
“I never thought I’d be loved the way you love me,” he says, kissing your cheek, your eyebrow, your forehead. “I didn’t think a person like you existed.”
“Course I do,” you tell him, flipping the skirt over his hip so you can rest your hand against his thigh. His skin really is amazingly soft. “We were always going to find each other.”
“Next time,” he says, melting into your touch, kissing your earlobe. “Dress up as a sexy prince for me, babe?”
You tuck his wig behind his ear and kiss his beautiful, smudged, wrecked, perfect face. “Anything for you, princess.” 
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini @cro0kedme @otomefoxystar @dawn-skies06​ @nad-zeta @hunterelys
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Focus ⊰
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader 
Summary: Frustrated after sharing a teasing bath with Keanu, you decide to distract him from his zoom meeting with a blowjob under the table.
Words: 2.1k
Warning: blowjob ofc 😎
A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoy :-)) 
Requested by Anon ♡
Keanu was such a tease, and he damn well knew it.
To say that you were frustrated would be a complete understatement. Just moments ago, you thought your shared bath time with Keanu would lead to sex, only for it to be cut short after he was reminded of a scheduled zoom call he had to take. It would seem that his work was more important than attending the needs of his wife, and it pissed you off when he padded out of the bathroom to get ready for his meeting, leaving you wet in more ways than one.
Drying your hair and body with a warm fluffy towel, you could hear the deep baritone of his velvety voice coming from his office right next door. The sly smirk Keanu shot at you earlier flashed into your mind, fueling both lust and irritation as you began figuring out ways to get back at him. You wanted to show him that there were consequences for his actions. You wanted him to regret working you up; make him understand that you weren’t a toy he could use to entertain himself with until something else came along.
You surely were not letting him off the hook that easily.
His light-hearted chuckle pierced the silence, and at the same time, an idea popped inside your head. With merely a thin silk robe wrapped around your body, offering the least bit of modesty, you sauntered out of the bedroom and padded down the hall. The door was slightly cracked open, and peering through the slit, you watched as Keanu listened intently to the man on his computer screen.
Oh, how you wished his attention was entirely on you instead…
Briefly, Keanu’s dark chocolate-hued orbs swiftly flickered up from the monitor, his gaze unassuming as you lingered in the doorway. You only offer him a small, innocent smile before quietly crossing the threshold, thankful that the webcam was facing away from where you stood.
Keanu acted somewhat natural, his eyes returning to the screen as if he’s ignoring your sudden presence in the room. You could tell he had no idea what you were up to, which made it all the more thrilling for you.
“Hang on, give me a sec, Dave,” Keanu casually excused after a brief minute, putting himself on mute and then glancing up at you. “What’s going on, babe? Everything okay?”
Licking your dry lips, you chuckled softly at his question. “Everything’s fine, darling. Don’t worry, just go back to your meeting.”
His eyes narrowed then shifted downwards, seeing your fingers fiddling with the loose knot of your robe. Brows knitting together, his tone was low as he warned, “You better not be up to something.”
“Of course not,” you smiled coyly, taking a seat on the couch across Keanu’s desk. Crossing your legs, you knew he wasn’t buying your response, but there was not much that he could do since he was in the middle of a call.
Resuming his virtual chat, Keanu did his best to pretend that all else was normal, despite knowing that you were only here to cause mischief. As he discussed an upcoming project, you slowly rose to your feet, your hands untying the robe before slipping it off, revealing your bare body to Keanu. Without him even glancing your way, you were certain that he could see you from the corner of his eyes, undoubtedly fighting the urge to fully drink in your enticing figure.
You immediately noticed him acting flustered, stumbling over his words several times and quickly losing his train of thought. Keanu often had incredible self-control, you recalled. Yet, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, you wondered if you could actually break him tonight. The challenge was tempting, and you were determined to give it everything you got.
You took three steps forward, closing the distance between you and the dark oak of Keanu’s table. Grazing your fingers along the edge of the wooden surface, you heard his sharp intake of breath as his eyes finally met your silky skin, his cheeks flushing warm red at the glorious sight. He swallowed thickly, his lust-filled gaze traveling upwards, devouring every inch of you before reaching the tantalizing smirk plastered on your face.
For a moment, Keanu glared at you, his piercing stare demanding you to stop this devious game you were playing, though the gleam of fiery desire erupting behind his pools of whiskey said otherwise.
It wasn’t until a voice from the computer speakers speaking his name out loud did Keanu managed to tear his gaze away, putting on an act to appear composed, though he wasn’t fooling you, however. As quietly as you could, you lowered yourself down onto the floor and crawled underneath the table, stopping once you got to Keanu’s feet. You felt him jump when your hand landed on his thigh, and he rolled his chair backwards, allowing you enough room to accomplish what you came here for.
While Keanu struggled to carry on with the conversation, you knelt between his legs, palming his growing erection through his sweatpants. He had been in such a rush to be on time for his zoom meeting that he didn’t bother throwing on underwear, making the work you planned on doing much easier. Nimble fingers dipping into the waistband of his bottoms, you glanced up to catch Keanu looking down at you, pausing mid-sentence to give you a nod of his head, his eyes silently begging for you to keep going.
“Focus,” you spoke in a hushed whisper, shooting him a seductive wink. “And remember to stay quiet.”
Pulling down his sweats with a bit of his help, you took a second to admire his throbbing cock as it bobbed freely in front of you, the rosy tip glistening with pre-cum already. His voice came out strained when your fingers gingerly wrapped around him, his sizable girth barely fitting in the palm of your hand. With your thumb, you spread the pearly beads leaking out of his sensitive slit, coating his entire member of his own slick juices as you began to stroke him slowly yet firmly.
“Are you okay there, Keanu?”
The question in the background made you snicker, but your rhythm remained steady as Keanu stammered out a lame response. “Y-Yeah, I’m good. G-Go on…”
His concentration waning with every jerk and twist of his swollen length, Keanu nearly exposed himself when he let out a strangled gasp as you suddenly leaned forward, taking his cock into your hot mouth. He attempted to mask the sounds escaping his throat with a cough as your tongue swirled around the tip, savoring the divine taste that was specially his. Hips snapping slightly of their own accord, he did everything in his power to not rouse any more suspicions, but being that he was under your utter mercy, it was proving to be more difficult than he could handle.
One of his hands coming down to hold you by the back of your head, Keanu’s fingers tangled themselves in your tresses, forcing you to take him in even deeper. You shut your eyes as you hollowed out your cheeks, imagining the sinful look on his face at this very moment. The thought of him biting back his whimpers and moans sent an electrifying jolt through your aching pussy, and you clenched your thighs together, seeking relief. Your ministrations grew faster at the image, sucking him more feverishly as you fondled his balls, feeling them tighten in your touch—a tell-tale sign that he was on the verge of his sweet, sweet release.
But just before that could happen, you pulled back, releasing his cock from your mouth with a loud pop that was likely heard in the call. Still on your knees, you listened to Keanu’s quiet pants, a fine sheen of sweat covering his forehead as his quivering skin flushed with pure arousal.
This was what you wanted all along—revenge. By distracting your husband and leaving him an absolute, unsatisfied mess at the end, you had given him a little taste of his own medicine.
Staring at the weeping head of his cock as it twitched restlessly, yearning to be touched again, you failed to realize that Keanu was already ending his meeting with Dave. “Yeah, I’m feeling under the weather right now. Let’s continue this tomorrow?” He quickly explained, the words barely registering in your head until he drops the call, snapping you out of your daze.
Kicking his chair back, Keanu’s hands then reach down to grip you by the sides of your arms, pulling you up from underneath the desk and placing you on his lap. His lips crashed against yours in a kiss that was hot, rough, and desperate. Moaning helplessly into his mouth, he abruptly breaks away, releasing a low chuckle as a new wave of heat spreads throughout your body.
“What the hell was that all about?” Keanu gruffly asked, his hungry lips trailing down the delicate column of your neck. “I told you I needed to take this call. I guess you couldn’t wait an hour, huh?”
“You know I can hardly wait when it comes to you,” you reasoned, letting out a moan as he palms your breast, giving it a slight squeeze. “Besides, you brought this all on yourself after what you did earlier.”
“So, I deserved this?” Keanu laughed, amused. “Very well, I guess you’re right. So now that you’ve proven your point, care to finish what you started?”
Shaking your head with a teasing grin, you got up from his lap and stepped back. You considered walking out of Keanu’s office to keep up with this little game you were playing. But when his hand reaches down to grasp himself, conveying a silent plea with a mere look, you hesitated. Dark eyes glazing over with need, the sight before you was simply too delicious to turn your back away from, and you became overwhelmed with the urge to suck him to completion.
It surely has been a while since you made him come with only your mouth.
You caught the smile warming Keanu’s lips as you got on your knees once again, tenderly kissing his inner thigh. This time, he doesn’t hold back his grunts when you engulf him in your mouth, dragging your tongue along the underside of his veiny length. 
Leaning back into his chair, his eyes lock with yours as he grabs a fistful of your hair, setting the pace he wants, and you happily complied. His cock slides further down your throat when he bucks his hips, his breathing becoming ragged as you push him closer to the edge.
“That’s it, baby. You feel so good,” he purrs, his voice husky, thick with desire. “You look gorgeous sucking me like that—fuck…”
Keanu’s praises encourage you to go faster, deeper. You moan around his cock as your misty gaze meets his, your unoccupied hand delving down to rub your clit. He began to writhe under you, his hips thrusting wildly as his groans grew louder and louder, the lewd noises filling the entire room.
“B-Baby, I’m coming…”
Head tilting back and eyes fluttering close, your name slips out from Keanu’s parted lips as his body finally tenses rigidly, shooting long, thick ropes of his creamy cum into your readied mouth. You swallowed all of what he offers, making sure not to miss a single drop. Sated, his stocky chest heaved as you cleaned up his softening cock, giving the tip a gentle kiss before pushing yourself up from the floor.
The look of pure bliss on Keanu’s face was something you could never get enough of. It made you smile warmly when you realized you were the reason for it; that you were the one who gave him immense pleasure. After another minute or two, Keanu gets up from his seat and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a slow, loving kiss.
“Hey Ke,” you murmured against his lips. “You still owe me one.”
Keanu chuckled, knowing exactly what you meant by that. “Of course, babe. I’m already on it.”
You let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly lifts you in his strong arms and proceeds to carry you out of his office. “I think for what happened tonight, you owe me two.”
Entering the bedroom, Keanu lays you gently on the mattress before climbing on top of you. “Don’t worry,” he states, his hand sneaking in between your thighs, feeling the wetness pooling there as he slides a finger into your slick heat. “I have plans to give you three, maybe even more.”
Permanent tags: @penwieldingdreamer​ @keandrews​ @feminine-machinegun​ @fanficsrusz​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @rdjloverxxx @flaminasteroid​ @lussdew​ @unaspiringwritings​ @planetkt​
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hubbytaeil · 4 years
Hello! Could I request a Jaehyun X virgin reader smut? ❤️❤️
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Genre: smut, fluff
Characters: Jaehyun x virgin reader
Word count: 2052
Warnings: none, it's just me gushing over Jaehyun lmao
a/n: the quotes are from the "Song of Solomon".
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
The crashing of waves accompanies your troubled mind; the wind is blowing softly against your skin, carrying a salty scent along the way. The sun has set long ago, but you’re still standing there, in complete awe at the stars revealing themselves one by one in the immense night sky. Only this morning you were half asleep in your bed when your boyfriend Jaehyun had knocked at your door. You were pleased to see him but more than that, you were surprised at the baggage sitting in front of him. A surprise trip, out of nowhere, just out of pure spontaneity and kindness. Could he be any more perfect? He organised all the details neatly since this was going to be your first trip together ever since you started dating. To say you were excited would have been an understatement. But as you were getting your bags ready, you opened your wardrobe and a pack of condoms had fallen out. You had completely forgotten about the purchase you had made weeks ago. You were quickly to put it in your backpack, making sure Jaehyun hadn’t noticed. You weren’t sure how you had managed to buy them in first place, considering how embarrassed you looked in front of the cashier. But you were sure of one thing: you were ready to have sex for the first time, and you wanted it to be with Jaehyun. No guy you’ve ever dated had ever treated you so well, your friends and family adored him, you both loved and respected each other beyond words. He knew you were no expertise in the sex-department, but he had never pressured into doing anything you didn’t want to do. You had planned on having a conversation with him to tell him that you were ready, that you wanted to give all of you to him, and only him. Due to Jae’s unexpected surprise, of course you had rethink about your timing.
A pair of muscular arms tighten around you, saving you from further overthinking. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” whispers Jaehyun before placing a loving kiss just beneath your ear. You put your hands on his wrists while shifting your head towards to hide in his embrace. “it is. Thank you.” “For what?” he sounds clueless and you feel like melting when you take a look at his innocent expression. “For bringing me here, silly.” A soft chuckle escapes his soft lips. “It’s the least I could do, we’ve earned it.” It’s true, it felt like an eternity had passed since you’d been with each other in this way. In the past few months your schedules were always incompatible and you two could only spend some time together if either one of you could leave at least ten minutes earlier from work and pray to catch the last train. But in this moment, in his safe embrace, the race against time is finally over. You’re where you’re supposed to be, by Jaehyun’s side. His hand ghosts against your jawline, bringing your mouth closer to his like he always does: tenderly and affectionately. You deepen the kiss almost immediately, having been deprived of his presence for so long. He smiles in between kisses at your reaction. You throw your arms around his shoulders to get him as close as you can, so close that you could mistake his heartbeat for yours. He holds you firmly, with your back on the French window of the balcony. After a few minutes he interrupts your passionate exchange, leaving you with a complaining expression. “What is it, babe?” you ask, impatient to have his sweet lips on your neck once again. “You taste like apricot.” He points out completely out of the blue which causes you to laugh softly. “Yeah, I ate one earlier.” You reply with a bright smile, amused by your boyfriend’s umpteenth remark, he did that from time to time. A moment later he starts admiring you with his dreamy eyes as he caresses a side of your face. “Delicious.” He says before connecting your lips once again, this time with even more passionately than before, if it was even possible. That's the effect you have on Jaehyun; you inebriate his senses in every way one man could comprehend. The more your apricot-lips work against his neck, the more he yearns to take you right there on the spot. But he’s too selfless and kind to do such a thing. You sense his hesitance, like many times before on occasions like this. You make up your mind once and for all. “Jaehyun, I’m ready.” Your words are so sudden that he needs a few seconds to process what you just said. He’s speechless and you worry you might’ve ruined your moment. Then he cups your cheeks with gentleness, as if you were made of fragile glass in his eyes. “You know you don’t have to-" “But I want to, Jae. I really do.” You interrupt him before he can repeat himself once again. “I want my first time to be with you. I want you to take all of me.” You say while stroking his ruffled hair, trying to assure him that you were okay with it. He’s hesitant at first, but then he holds closely once again. “I’d be honoured.”
Now Jaehyun’s on top of you, lips nibbling around your chest as he makes his way down on your body. Both of your shirts and pants had long been tossed somewhere across the room. When he reaches where you need him the most all you can do is sigh. He takes in your sounds like sweet sparkling wine, getting drunker by the minute. You melt into his touch, your body reacting at every single movement of his skilled hand on your clothed core. When he eases his index finger in, he fixes his eyes on you, worried about the inevitable pain. But much to his surprise, your expression is quick to show an approaching smile. “It’s okay.” You utter in between pants. As he starts moving, your body follows his rhythm and the pain is replaced by sweet pleasure, taking over you like the restless waves outside of the window. You grab his arm when he touches your sensitive spot, resulting in a louder moan forming on your lips that, Jaehyun swears, could make him come right there, with you beneath him, revealing the unspoken secrets of your body to him, as if your legs held the key to heaven between them. He is but a poor sailor at your mercy, brave enough to keep that bit of paradise safe with him. Jaehyun puts another finger in and you let out a muffled whine which you try so desperately to hold in. He almost stops himself, but you beg him not to. “It feels so good, Jaehyun.” His name on your lips is enough to make him twitch inside his pants. The way he’s looking at you is something indescribable, for a moment you think you see all the constellations reflected in his eyes. “Can I touch you too?” you ask gently, wanting to reciprocate all the attention that you were receiving. “Of course you can, princess.” You grab his clothed member reluctantly and start stroking it, matching your pace with Jaehyun’s fingers. Soon after, you are both a moaning mess for each other, your sighs like symphonies echoing in the small hotel room, as you crave each other more, as you keep on pleasing each other whilst never breaking eye contact. It’s all so extremely sensual that your vision starts to get blurry. “Are you ready, princess?” questions Jaehyun while he removes a few locks of hair from your face. You nod in response, then you watch him get his fingers out of you and head to your backpack placed in a corner of the room. Oh, no. You hold in your breath as he takes one condom out of the box. “Don’t look at me like that, baby. You’re not exactly the best at hiding things.” He chuckles softly as placed himself in front of you once again. “I guess you saw me this morning.” “I did, but I didn’t say anything knowing how easily you get flustered” Jaehyun replies while pulling his pants down, “Plus, I’d already put a pack in my bag.” Your eyes widen. So he had thought about it too. All you can do is smile. “I guess you beat me with the timing.” He chuckles as he adjusts the condom on the tip of his member. You ask if you could do it and he gladly agrees. He guides your every movement, while showering you with praises. “You look so sexy when you’re concentrated”, you leave a sweet kiss on his firm abdomen in response. His hand is now gently placed on the small of your back as he lays you down on the mattress. “Stop me if it hurts.” His concerned tone makes you shift your palm on his right cheek, thumb caressing his bottom lip. “I know you’re not possibly capable of hurting me.” And maybe it’s the unconditional sincerity in your voice, maybe it’s the music coming from the room next to yours or maybe it’s the wind playing with the white curtains, but Jaehyun swears that time has stopped. The pale blue walls have transformed into soft clouds, the ceiling has disappeared, disguising itself with the night sky. All because of the angel laying underneath him. “I love you.” The confession is pure, no hesitation in his voice because he means it. “I love you too.”
Now Jaehyun’s pushing himself inside of you, even if it hurts a little in the beginning, you endure it. As you’re getting more and more stretched, the pain dissolves once again. You look at him in the eyes as you welcome him. You beg for a kiss and he lowers himself to fulfil your request, causing him to hit deeper inside you. It’s the spark that lights up the fire. Jaehyun accelerates his pace when he hears your melodious sighs “Oh, God!” you exclaim holding on to his broad shoulders. “The things you do to me, you have no idea.” He whispers softly in the crook of you neck but you’re unable to respond; you manage to place a quick kiss on his cheek, a gesture that makes him chuckle. You wish for it to never stop; feeling Jaehyun so deep inside of you is a bliss you never thought you could experience. It’s more than sex, it’s more than making love. It’s you and him, entangled in a divine embrace, as you become one.
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine, your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is perfume poured out; therefore the maidens love you.
Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers”
He holds you lovingly as your breaths quicken, and his with them. Your arms keep him close, refusing to ever let go. You both keep on going, lost in your beatitude. You’re feeling close to your release as your moans get louder by the second. You feel a warm hand against your cheek. “Come for me, princess.” Jaehyun's forehead pressed to yours, fingernails scratching his shoulders, the moonlight reflecting on your naked bodies. You come undone in the arms of your saviour and he follows you soon after. The mattress has transcended into a field, where you and your lover have come to rest. You need a moment to realise that the guests next door have changed the song and that Jaehyun is lazily kissing your left shoulder. When you come back to your senses he invites you to rest on his chest. You stay like that for a few minutes before finally speaking up. He asks you if you’re okay. “Never been better, my love.” These words come out so easily. He laughs softly at the name you just called him. “I like that, I could get used to it.”
“I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.
He tells me: Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame.”
355 notes · View notes
rexsjaigeyes · 4 years
Pushing Your Luck - Pt 1
Javier Peña x gender neutral reader | NSFW, 18+
[Part 2]
Words: 2,330
Warnings: a semi-public blowjob and cum eating
A/N: Just bear with me and imagine that Javi has a more private office to himself in The Embassy in Bogotá lmao
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It was hard enough for Javi to sneak you into his office at The Embassy, but now you were crammed under his desk, hoping you wouldn’t get caught by whoever had just walked in. A slow day at the DEA like this was rare, so Javi took a risk and invited you into The Embassy after taking you out for lunch. You knew he had plans to fuck you in his office or maybe one of the restrooms, but before things could get heated, he was ushering you under his desk to hide.
From what you could hear, it wasn’t a very important conversation that Javier was having with the guy who walked in. He had handed Javier a file but stayed to talk about some personal matters. You smiled to yourself, recognizing the bored tone in Javi’s voice as he responded to the man. He was probably trying to get him to leave quickly so that he could go back to fooling around with you while he still had the time.
Getting comfortable between his legs, you decided you might as well make use of your time stuck under your lover’s desk. A lazy smile grew on your face as you thought about the risky idea that entered your head. Flattening your palms on his thighs, you pushed his legs apart further so that you had more room for what you had planned. Javier tensed as the warmth of your hands radiated through his tight jeans, and his voice sounded strained as he responded to something the man had said. You had him just where you wanted; he couldn’t move away without drawing too much suspicion to himself or exposing you beneath the desk.
You ran your hands up and down his thighs before making a path to the bulge in his pants. Gently, you palmed him through his jeans, reveling in how he jolted slightly before apologizing to the man he was talking to. You tried not to snicker too loudly, enjoying the way Javier was helpless to your touch. Making another pass over his crotch, you pressed the heel of your hand against him a bit harder.
Before you could repeat the motion, one of his hands slid under the desk and grabbed your wrist, holding you still while he asked the man to leave. He used some excuse about needing to finish paperwork– something you knew was a lie. The door clicked closed once the man was gone and you let out a breathless laugh.
Javi let go of your wrist and looked down at you with a raised brow. “Having fun down there?” He asked as he smirked at you.
“Yes I am,” you responded and pulled on his legs to bring him closer to you under the desk. You played with his belt loops as you said, “I know you brought me here for a quickie, and I’m starting to think this is the best place to do that.” Slowly, you worked on unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down as you spoke. “You can make it look like you’re doing work at your desk while I… have some fun without anyone seeing me.”
You could hear Javier’s breath hitch as you pulled his hardening cock out of his pants. You let go of him to lick your palm before returning to stroke his length languidly. He sighed when your thumb brushed against the tip, smearing his arousal around before sliding down the underside of his cock.
You loved the sounds Javi made for you, even if they were stifled so that no one would hear what was happening in his office. He was always so vocal when fucking you, but whenever you were on your knees in front of him, his sounds were less primal and more desperate. His needy whimpers and groans put you in more of a teasing mood, and you grinned as you had a naughty thought.
“Maybe if Carrillo walks in next, we could ask him to join us,” you joked, pumping him at a steadier pace. You knew that Javier despised the way you mentioned how attractive Carrillo was the one time that you had met him. Your words caused the desired effect as Javi bucked his hips harsher into the palm of your hand.
He grunted in response and grabbed the back of your head to pull you closer to his cock. “Why don’t you put that smart mouth of yours to better use instead, hm?”
You chuckled and stopped your hand at the base of his cock. Looking up at him for a second, you pulled him a bit closer and tried to ignore the awkward angle the desk put you in. You parted your lips and licked a stripe up his length, careful not to bump your head against the desk. You wanted to take your time teasing him with light licks, but you knew you only had a limited amount of time in his office before someone would come looking for him. Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked on the head and moaned as he shuddered from your touch.
Javier chuckled before shushing you softly. “Babe, not too loud–”
He choked on his words, letting out a groan of pleasure as you started bobbing slightly. You were only able to take a few inches due to the uncomfortable position you were in, so you wrapped your hands around the base to cover whatever your mouth couldn’t reach. You couldn’t see his face from below the desk, but you just knew that he had his eyes screwed shut as you sucked his cock.
You pulled off him for a moment to remind him, “Don’t forget to watch for anyone coming…”
Javier shoved his hand under the desk to pull your mouth back to his cock, grunting, “I know, I know.” He stroked your hair as you continued sucking him off. “I’m the only one who’s gonna be coming soon if you fucking keep that up,” he grunted as he bucked his hips towards you.
You could tell that he was carefully watching the door to his office now because of the way he was tensing up every time someone walked by. At first, you thought he was uncomfortable, and you were about to pull off, but then his grip on your hair tightened. From the way he was guiding your head and groaning with each pass, you realized he was getting more turned on from the thought of fucking your mouth in such a public place.
He muttered your name softly, and you knew he was about to tell you how close he was, but then he quickly shut up and gently tugged on your hair. You heard the sound of someone entering the room, so you released his cock from your mouth to hide your head further under the desk. He pushed his chair so far into the desk that you were starting to feel claustrophobic, but you knew it was the only way he could properly hide his exposed cock in such a short time. Your heart was pounding, and you could only imagine how flustered Javier looked as he tried to compose himself. Holding your breath, you prayed that whoever just walked in didn’t notice that something was off.
From beneath the desk, you heard an unfamiliar voice say, “Peña, we’ve got a problem.”
For a second, you thought the two of you were caught in the act, but you exhaled in relief as soon as the other man started talking about some sicario they were tracking. You felt Javier relax slightly, and you rubbed his legs reassuringly as he talked with the man. A part of you felt bad for Javi as you heard how wrecked his voice sounded when he spoke before clearing his throat. You looked up at his lap and licked your lips at the sight of his cock swollen and leaking precum from the tip. He was practically throbbing and you yearned to taste him again.
With the way Javi had pushed his seat in, there was no way for you to wrap your mouth around his length again, so you settled for gingerly swiping your thumb across the head, trying not to scare Javi with the sudden touch. He twitched slightly from your touch, but the man must not have noticed because he didn’t say anything.
Their conversation continued as you played with Javi, your hand speeding up and gaining a rhythm. You knew you were courting disaster with someone else in the room now, but that’s what was turning you on, and you had no shame. Javier let out a strange sound that he covered with a fake cough, and it took every ounce of your strength not to laugh out loud at the sound. You could tell he was close again, his cock probably aching from how you inadvertently denied his release moments ago.
“Uh, you know, I’m actually not feeling too well,” Javi explained to his coworker. It sounded like he was gritting his teeth, and you watched his nails dig into his jeans on each thigh. Taking pity on him, you slowed down a little bit, not wanting him to cum just yet. His hands relaxed and you swore you heard him sigh softly in relief. “I think I’m gonna head home for a quick nap and I’ll meet you guys here tonight before the raid,” Javier said in a tone that left no room for the man to argue.
The man left, albeit sounding a little confused, but you could almost imagine the convincing smile that Javi must have given him as he exited the room. As soon as the door shut behind him, Javi pushed his chair out to give you enough room and looked down at you with a murderous glare.
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that?” You recognized the dark look in his eyes, and you knew you were gonna pay for your actions once you got home. Not wasting anymore time, you wrapped your hand around his cock, desperate to work him towards his orgasm again. “No, don't just use your hand,” he said in a tone that made you shiver. “You’re gonna use your mouth to make me cum,” he stated in a low whisper, “and you’re going to swallow it all for me.”
You moaned before moving forward to take him into your mouth, his demanding words causing your stomach to flutter. He muttered praises as you sucked his cock. You took inch by inch until the tip hit the back of your throat, tears pricking your eyes as you struggled not to gag. Your name fell from his lips in a low moan, a sign that he was seconds away from coming undone. Pulling off of him, you kept your mouth open in front of his cock as you pumped him faster.
“Please cum for me, Javi,” you begged, “I wanna taste you…” You knew he loved hearing you beg for his cum, and within seconds he was cursing and spilling his load on your tongue.
You took every last drop, taking pride in how he chanted your name softly as he came down from his high. Swallowing the bitter liquid, you panted and tapped on Javi’s knee so that he could let you leave the cramped space.
“Fuck, baby come here,” he murmured, moving his chair back before pulling you out from under his desk. He peppered kisses on your face and brushed your hair away lovingly. He whispered sweet praises against your skin, making sure your body didn’t ache from being cramped under the desk. Brushing his lips against yours, he muttered, “I’m pretty sure I would have killed the next person to walk in here.”
You kissed him with a small smile, moaning when he gave your ass a light squeeze before dragging his mouth away from yours. “Come on,” he chuckled, “let’s get out of here before someone sees us.”
Javier pulled his pants up properly and turned to grab his coat from the back of his chair. With your back already turned to the door, neither of you noticed it opening as someone else entered the room.
“Shit, are they allowing us to bring in visitors now?” You jumped at the sound of a familiar Southern drawl and turned to meet Steve’s smirking face.
Your cheeks turned hot as Steve winked at you in greeting. Suddenly you felt hyper-aware of how suspicious the situation looked with your swollen lips and messy hair. Javier didn’t look embarrassed at all; instead, he just gave Steve a very pissed off look and grabbed your hand to lead you out of the room.
As he pulled you towards the door, Javi groaned at the amused look on Steve’s face. “Don’t say a word about this to anyone, Murphy,” he threatened.
“Sure thing,” Steve said with a grin. “Oh and Javi,” he called out, causing Javier to pause angrily in the doorway. Steve cracked a smile before stating, “Your fly’s undone.”
Javi tensed, and you desperately tried not to laugh as he looked down before zipping his pants up with a heavy sigh. He hastily pulled you out the door and down the hallway, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
“You know,” you said in a playful tone, “I forgot how attractive Steve was too…”
“Unless you want me to go back to my office and fuck you on that desk in front of Steve, I suggest you stop right there,” Javi said with a deadpan expression.
You raised your hands in surrender and continued following him out of the building. You knew you would pay for those comments about Carrillo and Steve once you got home, but that’s exactly why you said them in the first place. Javi knew you always liked pushing your luck with him, and it was no secret that he enjoyed punishing you for it.
Javier tag list: @sirianfromsixties​
Lemme know if you want to be added to my Javi tag list!
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max-is-tired · 4 years
It’s Fine By Me (If You Never Leave)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Characters: Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders
Words: 2.062
Warnings: Sympathetic Remus, swearing, crying, kissing
Notes: I... might be starting to grow lowkey in love with Dark Sides ships sdkjvnsjkfvn 
Anyway!! here is a new fic, not even a week after the last one I posted -miracles exist apparently. A big thank you to my boyfriend @afulldeckofaces for catching the mistakes that slipped past 3am me skvnsfjv you’re the best babe <3
I hope you guys like it!!
Commission me!!  Buy me a coffee!!  Join my Discord server!!
If you had told 15 years old Virgil that one day he would’ve fallen in love with none other than Remus Grimm, he would’ve probably ended up cracking a rib or two by laughing too much.
And yet, look at him now -19 years old ad head over hills for his best friend, who just happened to have had to move two towns over because of college.
God, feelings sucked.
Virgil groaned in frustration, letting his forehead hit the textbook lying open in front of him with a muffled thump.
He was tired. He was so. Fucking. Tired. Tired of college, tired of this stupid crush that kept stubbornly refusing to go away, tired of his stupid anxiety and tired of having to deal with all of this without his best friend by his side.
Yes, he was grumpy because he hadn’t seen Remus in more than a month, sue him.
As if sensing his worsening mood, his phone buzzed, breaking Virgil out of his thoughts. Letting out a series of annoyed grumbles and half-assed curses, Virgil snatched his phone from where it was lying on the desk, Remus’ wild grin staring back at him from the screen.
It was a photo they had taken that summer, just before Remus had had to leave for college. Roman had been the one taking it, the day Patton had decided to drag -for some more literally than others- their entire group out for some ice cream.
Remus had thrown his arm around Virgil’s shoulder, proudly showing off his chocolate mustache as the other fumbled with his cone to keep it from falling to the ground.
Virgil remembered glaring daggers at him for a total of two seconds before Remus’ waggling eyebrows did him in and sent him in a snickering fit.
Virgil remembered the weight of Remus’ arm around his shoulder, his warmth seeping through his shirt in a way that somehow, didn’t make him uncomfortable -he had never felt uncomfortable with Remus, not once, not even under the hot summer Florida weather in the middle of July.
He only saw that photo for the first time later that night, staring at Remus’ wide grin and sparkling green eyes as his heart hammered in his chest.
The realization had crashed over him like a tsunami, every thought in his head screeching to a halt as he slowly became more and more aware of the fact that he was very much in love with his best friend.
”Of course,” Virgil remembered thinking, staring at his phone with wide eyes, ”who else could it be?”
And boy if that thought alone hadn’t scared the living shit out of him.
For a moment, Virgil let his mind linger on the memory of that sunny afternoon, a soft smile stretching on his face.
Then, he swiped up and clicked on the notification.
”You up for a little chat?” read Remus’ message, followed by a string of random emojis Virgil didn’t even try to decipher -he knew it would probably be useless since they rarely made sense in the first place.
Virgil frowned, threw a considering glance at his textbook and the various papers still scattered on the desk and shrugged -it was not like he was getting anything done anyway.
“sure, why not”
Not even ten seconds later Virgil’s phone lit up with an incoming call, the first notes of My Immortal filling the room.
“Hey there Spider boy!” came Remus’ voice from the other side of the line.
Immediately, Virgil felt some of the tension leave his shoulders, relaxing back on his chair as he pushed himself away from the cluttered desk.
“Sup, Trashman,” he answered, not even bothering to fight down the tired grin tugging at his lips -Remus was not there to tease him about it anyway, so.
“Wow, don’t sound too excited to hear from me.”
Virgil snorted, his smile turning more and more genuine as the seconds passed.
“Fuck you.”
“Maybe later. But really, you sound like shit -everything alright? Are there some bones that I need to break?”
Virgil groaned, leaning back as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Now that he wasn’t panicking over his homework exhaustion was slamming down on him full-force, making it very hard for him to string together a coherent thought let alone think about filtering whatever shit was coming out of his mouth.
“It’s just… fucking everything, man. College is kicking my ass, my anxiety is kicking my ass and I’m just- I’m just tired, you know?”
From the other side of the line, Virgil heard Remus hiss in sympathy at his words.
“Yeah, shit, that sounds rough as hell.”
A beat of silence, and then-
“I can drive over and burn down your campus if you want. No college, no classes. Boom, airtight.”
Virgil couldn’t have stopped the amused snickers leaving his mouth even if he’d tried, shoulders shaking with his laughter as he fought to stifle it down.
“Thanks for the very tempting offer, but I think I’ll give it a pass for now.”
Then, he sighed, feeling his smile slip away as he stared at the ceiling, his sadness starting to creep up on him again. “... I miss you,” he whispered -he hadn’t exactly meant to say that out loud, but he had and now just couldn’t stop.
“I just- I miss our daily escapades and you sneaking into my room at the oddest hours of the day because you decided for some reason that simply using the front door was too mainstream.”
Virgil took in a ragged breath, distantly feeling his eyes start to sting with unshed tears.
“I miss being able to just call you when everything gets too much with the knowledge you’ll be knocking at my window in five minutes max. I miss having you physically by my side every day, I miss my best friend and I feel so fucking bad about it because you’re following your dreams and I’m proud of you, I really am but I also want you right here by my side and-”
Virgil audibly snapped his mouth shut, pressing a hand over his lips to stifle his sobs as tears streamed down his face out of his control.
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, moving the phone away from his ear.
“Virgil-” Remu voice called, sounding worried and maybe a little desperate. but before he could say anything more, Virgil hung up, letting his room fall back into silence before throwing the phone somewhere on his bed.
Virgil bit down hard on his lip, but he could do nothing against the sobs that kept bubbling in his throat. One escaped, then another and soon Virgil could do nothing but curl up with his head hidden between his knees, yearning for the one person that could not help him the way he wanted him to.
Virgil didn’t exactly remember when he fell asleep, his memory being somewhat hazy in-between the tears that seemed to never end and the way he kept feeling like something was trying to squeeze him to death from the inside-out.
What he did remember, however, was waking up to a very familiar sound -one he’d thought he wouldn’t get to hear again in quite some time.
Initially, during those few moments floating between dreams and awakening, when reality hasn’t quite set in yet and sleep still hangs heavily from your eyelids, Virgil had almost believed he was still dreaming, his own vain hopes playing cruel tricks to his brain.
But the seconds kept ticking and Virgil kept hearing the goddamn sound, so there were only two possible explanations -either someone was trying to break into his room, or-
Virgil bolted up, almost tumbling off the chair he had fallen asleep on -which, ouch- in his haste to get to the window.
And sure enough, there Remus was, with his signature manic grin as he waved at Virgil from the tree branch he was perched on.
Virgil stared, hands moving almost on their own as they went through the familiar motions of unlocking the window to let his best friend in.
“Thanks, it was starting to get chilly out!” Remus chirped, climbing in with practiced ease and plopping himself down on the bed.
“What the fuck,” Virgil answered, still trying to process what was going on.
“I- you- what???” Virgil felt like his brain was about to implode, his gaze flickering from Remus to the window and then back to Remus again.
“Dude, what the hell are you doing here? It’s fucking two am or something like that and you live like, three hours away!”
Remus shrugged, shuffling around so he could sit cross-legged in the middle of the bed.
“My best friend is hurting, why would I not come?”
“It’s the middle of the week, you have classes tomorrow,” Virgil weakly pointed out, starting to feel a little choked up with all the emotions coursing through him at once.
“It’s Thursday, or Friday morning is you wanna be accurate,” Remus easily countered. “I know for a fact that neither you nor I have anything important going on tomorrow and the weekend is class free, so I’m going to crash here until Monday morning since we both have afternoon classes. And no, this is not up to debate. It’s happening, Spider Boy.”
Virgil blinked, staring at him with wide eyes as his heart hammered in his chest.
There was a tingling sensation running through all of his body, electrifying in the best of ways. It felt like fire and ice and water altogether, filling him up and up until-
“I love you,” Virgil blurted out, unable to stop the words from tumbling out any longer.
Remus stared for a second before a dazzling grin took over his face.
“I love you too!” he chirped, grinning so wide Virgil distantly worried if it didn’t hurt to pull at the muscles that much.
“No, uh-” Virgil stuttered, all too aware of how flustered he probably looked at that moment.
He bit his lip, pondering his next course of action. He could still salvage this, just let it go and make Remus believe he meant it in a platonic way and nothing more, burying his feelings in the deepest and darkest corner of his heart. But on the other hand… did he really want to do that?
“I meant in a romantic way, Remus,” he finally admitted, looking everywhere but at his best friend, “I love you as in I want to be your boyfriend and kiss you and stuff.”
Silence fell, filling the room as Virgil kept carefully avoiding Remus’ eyes.
God, he’d ruined everything, didn’t he?
Then he saw a familiar hand reach out and grab a fistful of his hoodie, firmly tugging him forward before he could express his confusion.
Virgil let out a startled yelp, stumbling towards the bed until he found himself face-to-face with his best friend. Still grinning, Remus winked before leaning in, erasing the last few inches separating them as he kissed him square on the lips.
Virgil froze, eyes as wide as saucers as he tried to comprehend whatever the fuck was going on. But before he could do that, Remus pulled back, slowly letting his eyes slide open again as a small, soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips -it was such a strange expression to see on Remus’ face, but Virgil found that he didn’t mind it at all, as long as it was directed at him.
“I know what you meant,” Remus chuckled, pecking Virgil on the lips again for good measure, “and I love you too. Now, are you gonna actually get on the bed and cuddle or do I need to drag you under the covers myself?”
Virgil let out a startled snort, feeling like he was reeling from the last five minutes alone. Still, he dutifully climbed on the bed and flopped down, feeling his exhaustion start to creep back on him again.
Remus grinned, laying down beside Virgil and immediately cuddling as close as humanly possible.
“Comfy?” Virgil teased, moving his hand to gently card it through the other’s hair.
“Hush boyfriend, pillows don’t talk,” Remus grumbled, already halfway gone as he somehow snuggled even closer.
Virgil hummed, leaning down to leave a kiss in Remus’ hair.
Boyfriend, uh? Well, it did have a nice ring to it.
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Male Drow (Dark Elf Vevmis) x Human! Female Reader Part 4 [Slight NSFW]
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This was supposed to of been posted ages ago, but here we are! - Stay safe guys! -
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5
The Underestimated Part 4
Vevmis had been the first to awaken after a long rest, found buddled up next to you in the coldness of the barn. Still, in contrast to how the temperature had dropped within the night, he had managed to sleep shirtless, the feel of hot against cold helped him get a decent sleep.
You were still sleeping, he noted, and he didn't mind one bit you were using him as a pillow, cradled like a babe as if trying to shield yourself away from the world. Yes, oddly, he would do so for you, the human who had snuck their way into his heart.
He kissed at your hairline carefully before standing to gather his clothes. It would be now to wake you up and get a move on, but seeing the sight of you sleeping wanted him to enjoy seeing this for a little bit longer whilst he prepared.
Swift and quick as a deer, he moved with the agility that was needed when he used to be part of a group, raiding through the twilight of the countryside, on the side of the Woods Where No Men Lurk. He had it engrained in his mind like farmers controlling cattle, something he would never truly forget.
He was nimble in buttoning up his clothes and tuck them into his pants, carefully and quietly watching you whilst you slept. It was peaceful, more so better compared to life in the Underdark; everything was chaos in the darkness.
He could actually for once appreciate the beauty of silence, the charm of being allowed peace, and thoughts to himself. He had wanted the freedom ever since he could pray to Lolth; the matron Mother of all. He had waited in the shadows, waiting for his turn to finally come to experience a thing called contentment.
You stirred in your sleep groggily, trying to grab at where he had been laying, your closed eyes scrunching as if having a bad dream. The very sight of you was forcing Vevmis not to go back to join you again.
Yet, my life has been given another reason, a reason to feel content. He thought the way your hair splayed out like a halo around your head, giving you the radiant look that he didn't think he would ever see.
He had been taught to hate the creatures and races above, that the only true beauty was that of his race and female drow: of drow women with obsidian midnight skin that burnt as fierce as their tempers. With hair white as milk.
But when, he had met you, and now that he could see the likeness in this true light, he had never seen anything more beautiful.
He set to leaving you for a moment, catching you briefly before he headed out the door, carefully shutting it to keep the cold out, and heading his way to be useful.
Hot breath, heated kisses within batted beats. The thrum of beating hearts yearning for one another. You could feel him there, lying upon you and feasting over you like a starved man, naked the two of you as if had been reborn.
Begging, gasps, whimpers and moans, Vevmis laid upon the banquet as he nipped, sucked and licked at your flesh, bringing you to succumb to the wanted and growing heat growing between your legs.
You tried whispering out his name, it comes to you in a rasp, stuck in between your teeth and wanting to leave but not being able to. His spun-silver hair shone like falling silk, fraying around his head and hanging like a halo. All you could see were the darkened eyes, lustful eyes staring upon you with wanton that it made you truly believe you had lost your mind.
You bucked your hips desperately towards his, trying to get friction the closer his body and fingers moved lower down, and the rumble of a chuckle from his lips brought the chill of a winter's cold down your spine.
Long, slender fingers came to touch tenderly at your jawline, tracing as he stared down upon you.
"Be a good girl, and I'll reward you for your obedience."
You begged and gasped, wanting nothing more than to be good and get what you wanted, and the drow above you was more than pleased by your skill in staying still and obeying his words.
Like a pup learning to obey their master, you were loyal to him, and he had rewarded you when his fingers begun to crawl underneath the band of your trousers and underwear, crawling towards the heat between your legs as you waited for contact.
It never came.
You had truly opened your eyes and found yourself flustered and thankfully alone, your hair messed as you had tossed and turned in the hay, clothes unkempt as you fumbled to button them quickly.
Whether Vevmis had gone, you were glad he hadn't witnessed the rather realistic dream you had of him, and you were very sure that it was indeed real; it had been a while since you had touched yourself down there to remember how real and amazing it felt, but his touch and from previous times he had been above you, it had been melted and nestled into the depths of your mind.
Once dressed, you were smoothing your hair when the barn door swung open, a worn and tired Vevmis came running back inside, shortly shutting the door behind him when he entered.
His eyes landed and fell upon you, imagine you had been still asleep and he would've had to wake you, and you had found that you were staring back for the first time into amethyst eyes of fear.
And you had never seen Vevmis look so worried.
"Vevmis." You called to him, but he didn't reply, moving before you with such need, like a man given a task and mission; he was silently and roughly picking up his and your's scattered weapons, throwing them into bags of all sorts.
He came to you, grabbing your hands rougher than he had intended, hoisting you to your feet as he looked to your expression of confusion. "What in the name of the Seven happened?"
"We must leave. Now." His tone was clipped and abrupt as if trying to distract himself whilst he collected everything. "What? Why? What did you do?"
Vevmis looked at you, one that you had thought must've resembled a glare, but he had no time to look angry. "They're here. The ones hunting us, the rest of the drow. They've come to hunt for me, and most likely you. There was blood, human blood."
Your mind went to the siblings: were they aware of a possible attack? Were they alive? You didn't think you would ever be so worried for two strangers, but these strangers had given you a stay in their home and fed you. In your head, you had neglected from care for so long, you had almost forgotten what it had felt like to reciprocate it to another.
Vevmis had said human blood, and oh Gods, the image of two humans being innocently killed in cold blood made your blood run cold through your skin; leaving the afterbite bitter.
You were being grabbed at and dragged towards the entrance, Vevmis' words telling you something but you were now not paying attention. All you could think about now was how on earth you two were going to get out of there alive.
"The horses are in the stable through the back. They're 5 of them, roaming. We'll have to be quick, and quiet. Do you think you can do that?" He called for you, and your name, soothing your hair down as you found yourself nodding before you could understand what was happening.
"You have to say it, tell me you understand." Breathily he spoke to you.
"I understand." You swallowed numbly, taking a sword in your hand, and he took hold of the same dirk from his group, moving stealthily and quickly to open the door, you close behind him.
The ground was soft beneath your leather boots, the crunching of leaves brought your human ears to stay observant to your surroundings; quiet as a deer, prepared as you had to be in face of danger,
"Keep going, keep your eyes trained on anything." Vevmis' voice was a mere whisper in front of you, squat as he pursued in front. You looked to his slender back, the waterfall of silver locks pulled back into a ponytail; every picture of a drow you had once feared and hated, but now you had nothing but contradictory feelings for him.
The air was thick with fog and something thicker: mingled it melted in the air as your eyes lingered back to the barn you had been staying in, with a long trail of something connecting to the path around the back, where you had been introduced to the siblings; your heart dropping in knowing what could've happened to them; defenceless and unguarded in the dead of night.
The worst way to go really, in your bed asleep and the feeling of being protected. Gods, what world we live in? Your eyes looked away, the feeling of wanting to get back to your village was growing fonder in your heart, setting you to want to save them from the fate of the winter winds.
A snap came from somewhere to the far right behind you two, Vevmis quick to hear it first before you: dirk in hand he pivoted backwards startling you, whirling back and throwing the weapon in hand in what could've been with some negligence, but when it connected with something, the metal thunking and digging itself into the tissue of something, you knew it was intentionally.
"Run, now! Forget the horses! Go!" Vevmis grabbed at your hand, running with speed out of the opening as you two pushed yourself until your lungs burnt and legs ached with the need to stop. But this was your life that was on the lines.
A hooded man jumped into your view and path of freedom, arrow locked and knocked in place, pointing at the both of you as you came to a halt, more came into view.
They were all dressed in dark umber to deep purple leather, dressed in hoods with their faces obscure, with weapons of all sort on them, pointed and snarling they trapped the two of you.
"I need you to get out of here. For everything that we've seen and done, I need to know you get out more than I." Vevmis had his back towards you, glaring down the group with no intention of losing.
You, on the other hand, didn't believe he would go in risk his life for you. "You won't. Vevmis, don't do this."
"Lower your weapons, give yourselves up before things get bloody." A female voice spoke above the air, though it played with bitterness and way of hurting you, and you didn't want to risk defying her.
The dagger you held - Vevmis' dagger he let you borrow - felt loose in your grip, and as much as you wanted to keep going and defend yourself from them, five against two was still risky.
You sighed in a long exhale, the knife dropping to the ground by your feet with a clunky thud.
That was how you found yourself in a sticky situation, where an order was barked to the group, Vevmis stepping in knowing what they had said, but he was quickly hauled and pulled away from you by two, another grabbing at you and dragging you away from him, fighting to get out of their grip.
You were pulled to the floor, the mud pouring into your trousers as you stared up to the one coming closer towards you.
Before you, a woman emerged from the four of them that had grabbed at you, and you caught instantly their distinctions from most other races, their skin similar to Vevmis.
Her skin was obsidian black like the rest of them, large bloodstone eyes staring down into your very soul like a starved hound as she glared down upon you with disgust. Her long white hair was yellowed with age, braided long past her back. A curved dagger swung on the side of her hip, with a garnet ruby stone in the hilt.
From this light and angle, she could've been Vevmis' sister in the flesh reborn; ready for her revenge on you and the so-called runt of her family.
"That's the one," Her voice was a soft timbre, like melting honey pouring from the pot, but there was a deeper sinister tone to her tone that twisted her words, "the one who killed our priestess."
You felt their many eyes on you: all deep red and grisly eyes full of malice, burning into the back of your head. From the side, you could hear Vevmis struggling to get out of their grip, cursing them in their language with might that you might've considered as otherworldly.
Your name was blindly shouted over his, the thought that he could save you seemed to grow thinner and thinner with each second.
"If I must die, you promise me one thing, that these lands aren't scarred once over with your pillaging, nor will blood be spilt of the innocence."
The female drow above you smirked, bending down to your level, that same sinister look burning in her dark eyes. "I'm not going to promise you anything."
"Then it felt good knowing this. To know that bitch I killed died with fear in her eyes. It felt good killing her, to see her life leave her eyes when I sliced her throat-" There was a ferocity to the drow's punch she had thrown to you, landing you square across the face.
When you pulled back and recoiled, you could see drops fall to the heavy ground, painting the dirt red with your blood from your bleeding nose.
You could hear your name from Vevmis once more, beginning you to stop, being silenced and beaten into submission as you looked back to your captor. "Silence! I will smile happily over your rotting corpse once I'm done with you-- And you," her eyes landed back on Vevmis, "a drow who sided for this kind, the ill kind you seek with fondness. How pathetic - I will teach you the lesson myself- that whatever you shall love will die out of your grasp."
A rough hand came to the back of your neck, throwing your head into the land in the mud below, your body contorting as it crumpled to lay stiff, your arms pulled to the back of you as you were left holding.
"I will kill you if you dare even harm her!" Vevmis' voice dragged through the air behind you, but you were not able to see his facial expression. From his tone, you imagined it to be the fury that could burn this forest down.
"Truly I can see why your sister never had a warm spot for you in her heart." The drow female mocked, a boot came into the air and kicked you hard in the side of the ribs, and your voice fell high in the air as you screeched, wanting to curl up but found it merely impossible to do so.
This continued until the kicking grew so frequent that your skin and bones grew numb and dull, your skin burning as it felt flamed. The need to pass out was making you want to shut your eyes, to get away from it all, but you needed to stay awake; to know that Vevmis kept safe.
"Please," You hadn't heard Vevmis beg once since you had met him, his voice so low it sounded as if he was almost crying, begging beyond now just your survival but to see you alive through this ordeal, "I'm begging you."
Your eyes fluttered in and out of consciousness, listening so closely that you could almost hear the faint river close by; the thunderous movement of its path it took that sounded to be drawing closer and closer to you.
Everything hushed around you, those silencing as they too, listened in. It grew and grew, louder and louder its voice grew in anger, until finally -
The sound was deafening, the sound of colliding of metal against metal; a piercing roar of a wave that rose over everything, the crash that washed and swept everything away, and following the silence that came after, as your eyes fluttered shut before you could face the aftermath.
Part 5 will be the final part, so be sure to keep an eye out for that!
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rirah1writes · 4 years
A/N: I was feeling some type of way idk, hope you enjoy! 
warnings: Smut. A lot of it. 
 Your laugh echoed through the room as you chuckled at Haz’ s drunken banter. Your hand fell on Tom’s thigh, sliding up slowly. He grabbed your wrist quickly and shot you a warning glare. Not that you cared at all, none of this was accidental. You beamed up at him with an innocent smile on your lips but your hand was working slowly, palming him through his sweats. 
   This wasn't the first time tonight you had gotten him flustered. Like when you leaned against the counter, slightly bending over to grab your beer. You knew he had seen the way your shorts rode up revealing just above your thighs, the soft curve of your ass, you had thrown him a sly look, watching his cheeks grow red. It was the subtle notions that got him blushing, stretching so your comfy tee slid up your frame when you knew Tom was watching, kissing his neck when no one else noticed, but now, as you sat here hand under his waistband, under the blanket as the lot of you played cards against humanity, stroking him with slow purpose, that you knew he was absolutely losing it internally, growing frustrated. And you loved it. 
   Tom shifted to stand up, forcing you to remove your hand from his pants as you gave him a small pout only he saw. “We’ll, we better be going now.” he announced. “Already?” Tuwaine questioned. Haz looked down as he drew new cards from the pile and burst out laughing. You grinned along with him, staring up at Tom. “Why love, were just starting the game?” You batted your eyes at him, and though your question seemed innocent enough, Tom knew you were being a conniving brat. “I’m tired, Darling. And you’re forgetting we still have things we have to do when we get home.” He stared down at you and you realized just how mad you had made him. Goosebumps formed over your legs, your stomach knotted up as you realized “things” most likely meant Tom burring himself between your legs and pounding until you begged him to stop. A smile grew over your cheeks. 
   “Okay.” you simply stated, standing up and stumbling slightly, maybe drinking while sitting down hadn't been the best idea. Now that the blood was flowing back through your body you felt a warm heat. You were tipsy for sure. Tom helped steady you as you put his hoodie back on and said your good-byes, then headed out onto the street towards the car. Tom opened the door for you and made sure you were buckled in, but the rest of the ride home he was distant and quiet. You leaned over, slowly kissing his neck as your hand traveled back down where it had been teasing all night. Tom shocked you when he harshly grabbed you by the wrist and met your eyes for a brief moment. “Don't piss me off more than I already am, y/n. You’re already in for it when we get back to the house.” You sat back, flushed, wondering what “in for it” entailed. 
   Upon arriving at home you barely made it into the house before Tom was capturing your lips with his, and hastily removing your clothes, leaving you stark naked in the foyer, panting for him. He swiftly drove your back into the wall, his erection pushing into you through his sweats, driving you wild. “You've been such a fucking brat love...Teasing me in front of everyone, makin’ me so fuckin’ hard...is this what you want?” he turned you around, your arms were against the wall now, and you couldn't see him but could feel his cock at your entrance, realizing he wasn't down for waiting any longer, he was about to fuck you right there. 
   “I think it is...gagging for me to fuck you like a little slut..That’s no problem princess, Ill give you exactly what you want.” With that he slammed into you all the way, giving you no time to adjust as he set a fast, hard pace. A loud moan escaped your lips and you muffled it into your arm. But Tom wasn't having it, grabbing you by the neck, he pulled your head back towards him and planted a soft kiss on your jaw. “Oh no baby..you want to be fucked so bad, and I wanna hear those pretty noises, don't cover them up.” He continued to work you rigorously, your orgasm taking you by surprise. “Oh baby, you gonna cum for me like that already? That desperate for me, huh? And you’re SO fuckin’ wet for me..” Tom continued in your ear as you rode out your high, your legs started to give out from underneath you.. “Tom I cant..” you pleaded. “Can’t what, princess? You were so confident earlier tonight, not so tough now are you?” he picked you up and walked you over to the arm of the sofa in the living room, being you over it and entering you again. You felt as if you might scream. “Don't give up now darling, were not done until I say so.” His thrusts were fast and unforgiving. You yelled his name loudly now, barely caring about the neighbors anymore. Tom leaned down grasping your jaw and turning your head to capture you in a deep kiss, slowing his hips. He broke away from you, mouth agape and his breathing was ragged, hair looking fucked out. The sight of him was enough to make you melt. “Tom..Please…Fuck I was gonna cum!” A sly smirk played across his face, you felt yourself losing the orgasm you had been yearning for. “Oh yea? Gonna cum again already..Should I let you? You’ve been so bad..” This caused a whine to escape your throat. “Please baby..I’m sorry..” Tom smiled, he loved to hear you beg him. “Please what? What do you want?” Now he was toying with you, knowing how close you were he could feel you tightening around him, and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't going to last much longer either. 
   “Please make me cum! I wanna cum so bad for you..babe..please!” Tom captured your lips again, silencing your desperate moans. “Whatever you want babygirl…” He thrust into you deep and hard, until you both unraveled with each other, tom spilling inside of you and falling back onto the carpet, capturing you in his arms. Tom looked down at you, taking in your the beauty of your wild hair falling around your shoulders, and your rosy cheeks, the way your chest rose and fall as you attempted to control your breathing again. He smiled and placed the softest kisses along your forehead and cheeks. You beamed back up at him laughing. “You know, I think I’m going to have to tease you more often.” 
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bnhaclaimedmysoul · 5 years
how would todoroki shouto be as a boyfriend?
shouto-chaan asked: Can you make how boyfriend todoroki would be? Please??
Genre: fluff
Character: Todoroki shouto
Note I missed writing and my fangirling over shouto so I had to do this lmao
 In general
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­-if you had touch starved cat who is just constantly bothering you by rubbing himself all over you, but in a human form?
-that’d be a pretty accurate way to put it
-he loves holding your face in his palms???
-he’d have no specific reason to do that
-but it’s just something he does impulsively
-getting distracted while studying together and you think he’s gonna try to get your attention by randomly pecking you?
-cuz he ain’t the cliched, suave guy you all hope this gentleman to be
-this boi will dead ass snap you from your reverie by holding your face in his palms
-until his intense stare just bores deep into your soul
-he’ll unknowingly pucker his lips while staring right into your eyes
-it’s so precious
-his irises just don’t bother to move since he’s just so enchanted by you and your presence
-he has a habit of laying on his chest, while on the bed,
-so his face is squashed right into the pillow (weirdly enough, he doesn’t suffocate)
-and there are times where you just walk into his room and see him in such a cozy sate
-that you don’t want to bother him
-but you also know that he may not be having enough of ventilation so you do try to go to him
-and sneak your palm beneath his cheek and try to tilt his head, so that he could get a breath of fresh air
-and when your fingers meet his damp skin, you realize that he probably just collapsed onto the bed after a hard day and didn’t bother to do anything
-including changing out of his uniform
-and after great difficulty of trying not to startle him awake, you do manage to get him change his position
-and then you try to fix his bangs, which were clinging onto his forehead due to the sweat
-he sighs at the feeling of cold air hitting his face and nuzzles into your touch
-and when you’re about to leave, you contemplate whether you want to kiss him
-but he beats you too it, by tugging onto your sweatshirt
-sleepily and incoherently mumbling under his breath
-chuckling at his cute antics of subconsciously not wanting to let you go, you tuck him with a soft blanket over his curled up body and place a small eskimo kiss
Cuddles/ Hugs
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-you know that statement I made about a cat who got turned into a human?
-it’s truly tested over here
-he won’t voice his opinion out on cuddles
-and at the beginning he truly had no idea
-why would people even be bothered to hold each other and feel good about it?
-but the one time you hugged him for too long from the addictive comfort of a warmth of his left side
-he’d get flustered and ask you why you haven’t let go of him
-and when you realize that you may have taken it a tad bit too far
-and try to let loosen the grip on his waist
-the grip around your neck only tightens, pulling you closer into his chest
-and he may or may not have increased the temperature a bit too much that both of you started sweating and had to pull apart
-and when he realized that he yearned for your body within his arms, he’d internally sigh for not activating his right side and cool your bodies down
-I mean anything for the longer cuddles??? right???
-I’m not even trying to hide it, but he’s such a mf sucker for long cuddles
-there are times where his eyebrows would be furrowed in intense contemplation
-with an endearing scowl on his face
-and when you see that face of his
-you can’t help your self but shower this baby in a ton of cuddles and hugs
-so you unexpectedly hug him from the back
-and the moment he feels a warmth enclosing upon his back
-curious, he’ll turn around to see what is going on and when you see him confused
-you tell a “shou-kun you could’ve just asked for more y’know instead of scowling at everyone?”
-and from this point
-this baby was just lost
-did he like back hugs/cuddles, where he little spoons 
-or front hugs/cuddles where he big spoons??
-he just didn’t know
-oh and about the nickname
-the time when you’re in each other arms and just trying to feel each other’s presence calms you down from within
-it’s also the time where you have nickname wars
-it’s just a cuddling shenanigan, but the both of you indulge in it to the point you end up trying to shout over each other’s voice even after the 20-minute-long cuddling session
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-idk where to start
-he’s a messy kisser
-his emotions just get so darn overwhelming when he feels the pair of your lips even hovering over his
-it drives him crazy
-normally he’s good at hiding his love for you
-but his bold proclamations of love all boils down to one and only thing
-his hands embedded in your hair
-or his fingers just desperately trying to get a grip on your shoulder blades
-in a frenzy, he’ll even push you against a wall and trap you within his arms and torso
-likes to explore every inch of your face with his lips
-and draws out patterns with the quirk activated tips of your fingers to stimulate your senses
-and when you start to whine under his touch
-he loses control
-he goes wild and slams his lips against yours in a searing kiss and you’d literally have to push his face from yours when you start running out of breath
-more than unleashing his control, it’s just a result of not being able to freely express his emotions into words
-the emotions become more and more evident when he takes his time press firm, comforting kisses, it’s quite rare
-so treasure all those precious moments in the depths of your memory
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-he is weirdly affectionate in terms that he craves for your touch but will never admit to it
-trying to get to know him is a process because there is just so much depth to him
-and excavating all those hidden surprises, like his inability to figure out what kind of hugs he likes better, is a god sent gift
-and throughout the relationship, you’ll find tiny predicaments of his
-in all honesty, he’s just a babe with genuine feelings but he doesn’t know what to do with it
-so please take care of him
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terracottaalchemist · 4 years
i love a lot of those prompts but what if you did 44 with Davekat 🥺🥺👉👈
Your wish is my command!
You're So Annoying
Pairing: Davekat
Prompt: 44: "I see you smiling...come on, laugh!"
Your name is DAVE STRIDER, and you can't believe that this is happening to you. Twice. Not only did you already spend three of your adolescent years on a meteor, hurling towards the boss fight of a lifetime, but here you are, a grown man, traveling through space again. And you have to admit, it is just as boring as you remember it being.
You look over your shoulder to see your beloved Karkat reading one of his raunchy romance novels. He gets so into them, you can't help but chuckle. And like the good matesprit/kismesis/ boyfriend you are, you decide to go fuck with him.
Fuck. You pause at the word. No, you mean bother him, not fuck him. Fuck with him. fuck.
You regain focus. His ears flick to pick up the sound of your socked feet padding across the bedroom, right to where he lays comfortably in his pile.
"Mind if I join you," you ask sweetly.
"Mmrrg, just don't move too much," he says without looking up.
You take that as the warm welcome it is and flop down, making sure to knock the book with your elbow a bit.
"Watch it!"
"Sorry dude." You bite down a grin, wiggle up to him, and toss your arm over his shoulders. Damn, you miss being taller than him, but not really. It's just a bit of a stretch, that's all. Karkat glances at you. You smile as big and obnoxiously as you can. He just chuckles and goes back to his book.
After a few minutes of you trying to read along, he jerks upright. Without a word, he grabs your wrist, pulls it down, and leans back. Your arm curls softly around his side now, and you tug him closer so it's more like a half-spoon. Hell yeah, you could get down with this.
Or not. Despite the affection, he's still ignoring you. Oh well, you try to keep yourself busy.
"Dave, stop trying to hum your shitty slam poetry. You're doing it directly into my ear, which, may I remind you, is hundreds of times more sensitive than yours."
"Dave, for fucks sake, beatboxing is just as bad!"
"Oh my- Dave I will make you sleep on the floor! I'm trying to read, just shut the bulge scraping fuck up!"
"Alright alright," you say. "I'm sorry." You wrap both arms around him, tucking your nose into his hair. He huffs, but he leans back into you. Hm...this is no good. Sure, you want to annoy him, but not if he's just going to not annoy you back! You feel his core tense under your hands as his eyebrows pinch, nearing the end of his chapter. He's so cute when he's reading.
And the clouds part to make way for your genius mind. Your brilliance is astounding. Why didn't you think of it earlier? You have a plan.
You slowly tuck your hands under the hem of his sweater and slide up to place them on his cute stomach. So cute. Karkat hums in shy approval. You wait patiently, rubbing small circles into his purring chest, until you can't wait any longer.
With an evil grin, you dig your fingers into his ribs, right below his sensitive grubscars.
"Da-AHA!" He yelps. His back arches forward, stretching his ribs out for you even more, before slamming back into your chest. He curls his limbs in like an armadillo, but his head stays thrown back, choking down laughter. You tease his soft sides, poking and fluttering your fingers across every inch. Karkat nearly bites his lip off, refusing to give you the satisfaction of getting his reaction.
"I see you smiling...come on, laugh!" You wrap around him even tighter, ticking up and down his stomach like you were born to do it.
"F- Fuuaahahaha! Fuck y-ouuhuhuhhmhmhm!" He tries to turn around and smack you, but he's trapped in your lap. Or, at least you think so. He's too ticklish to escape, plus you know he likes it.
"Dahahave, I'm waA- I'm waaharning yOUHU!" So loud. He squirms left, right, forward and back, trying to escape your grasp without loosing his page. He still won't pay attention to you? Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. With all the courage you can muster, you slam your hands into Karkat's armpits.
Or, at least you try.
See, before you could even switch tickle spots, Karkat throws his book to the floor, drags you out of his pile, and pins you to the floor by the wrists of your shirt. The troll strength in his gorgeous hands and arms holds you down, combined with his flustered, red face, makes your heart bounce. God, he's so beautiful when he's mad.
"Dave...fucking...Strider...." You wait for him to say more, but it doesn't look like he's going to, for once. With a deep, sexy growl, he tears the sleeves clean off your arms and carves his claws down the centre of your shirt. Karkat yanks the fabric from underneath you and throws it away.
"Aw man, I loved that one! You owe me a new shirt, babe."
"Don't you fucking babe me! I'll kill you!"
"Kinky," you say, as if you can't dig your own grave any faster. "Wanna let me up now? I won't tickle you anymore, let's just cuddle." You smile.
Karkat doesn't smile. He sneers. Suddenly, you feel very nervous about being under your very strong, very angry matesprit/kismesis/human boyfriend, in nothing but your pajama pants. With anime-villian red eyes and anime-villian shark teeth, you begin to realize the gravity of your situation.
"W..wait, Karkat. Um, I didn't- I," you stutter uselessly. Your hands shoot down to stop the claws raking up your sides, but he's just so strong. There's no stopping him, and you both know it. You whine, urging yourself to stay still. If you don't move, he won't see you. Right?
"You didn't what, Dave? Didn't think this through?" You close your eyes, but it just makes the sensations worse!
"Ah, haha- no! No no babe come on please I was just messing I didn't really mean it plus you like it I don't-"
"I sure as hell don't like it when I'm trying to read!" With that, he digs his fingers into your ribs the same way you did to his. Only this time, you howl. You twist and flail your arms, unsure how to fight back or escape. God it tickles so bad, it's torture.
"Nohoohohoo! No- naaaaahaha!" You squeal as he runs his terrifying teeth across your stomach, occasionally peeking his tongue out too join in. Suddenly, your entire body jolts as his hands drift down to squeeze at your sides. Your own hands are free to push weakly at his assault, as you gasp and squeal with every touch. A hot blush creeps up your neck.
"Who's laughing now, fucker? You are," Karkat teases, still nibbling your soft middle. Your laugh jumps up in pitch at his cruel words.
"Plehe- Hahahaha! P-plehehease!" You grab his wrists with all your strength, and he outright growls at you. His hands slide down to your worst spot, digging his thumbs in your hips with expert accuracy.
"AAAAHAHAHA! KAA- KAHARKAHA!" Screaming with laughter, you can't even beg for mercy. You nerves burst like fireworks as your body squirms further into Karkat's touch without your permission. You want to curl up, run away, but your body quivers uselessly at every touch.
"Shhh, don't attract any of the others," Karkat warns. Fortunately, Karkat is much to considerate to let that happen: his cute ears twist towards the door every few seconds, checking for footsteps. Unfortunately, that also means no one is coming to save you. He switches to scribbles and scratches all over your hips and waistline.
"What's wrong, Dave?
"Aaaahahaha, I give I give i giAH! HAhaha-"
"You begging already?"
"Yes! Yes yehehehahahahh..ahaha..." You gasp for air. Karkat slowly stops. Giggles still pour out from the sensations, and your flinch from the touch of your own hands as you sooth them over your skin.
Karkat admires you with dreamy eyes. He moves his legs back so he can lay on top of you, lips inches from your own. You lean up to kiss him. His lips are soft, fitting perfectly with yours, making everything ok. Tucking your hands under his sweater again, you reach around to hold his lower back.
Another idea pops into your impulsive head. You would only have one chance to get it right, otherwise Karkat would just take the upperhand back again. And if you were to fail....
You grin. Against your better judgement, you pick a fight with your lovely kismesis. You wrap your legs around Karkat's waist as tight as you can, hold him with one arm, and tickle all over his ribs.
He barks, curling aways to protect his side. You fail to get past his arm once, twice, and it's too late. Your hands are glued to your sides between handsome thighs. God, you're so gay.
"Really, Dave? You must really want me to wreck you, huh."
"Aaaaa," you whine. Your face burns. "Don't...don't just, say it!"
"Say what?"
"You know..."
"I don't. Tell me."
You shiver. "No!"
"Say. It. Right now, or I won't tickle you. I'll go right back to my book-"
"No no nonono ok fine you win!" You glance at your shades perched on the nightstand, yearning for their protection under Karkat's gaze.
"Still not what I want to hear," he smirks, running his tongue over his teeth.
"One," he says.
"What?" You're confused.
One, two...Oh god. He's counting!
"Wait!! Wait wait wait! Ok. Um, so, I-" Your throat dries up, chest heavy. Karkat just watches you patiently, soaking up every detail of your face. "I like it when you, um. when you... when you tickle me..and I want..um, you, to.. I want you t- to...tickle, me. more," you babble. Karkat does not look very impressed. "Um. please?"
He taps his chin, tightening his legs around you again. You wiggle, hot with embarrassment. "I think you can do a little better than that."
"Nooooo!" This isn't fair. You open your mouth to protest, but you're distracted by his sudden hands on your chest. You can feel the edges of his claws, careful not to dig into your delicate, human skin.
"I'm waiting," Karkat says, pretending to be bored. He still may leave though.
"Sorry, ok. Um, please, Karkles." You take a deep breath. "P-please tickle me, babe. I need it."
His eyes widen, so you urge yourself to keep going: "I want you to..to tickle me until I can't breathe. I- I love it. Come on, Karkat. Please, please, please..."
You feel his body tense. His ears tilt down, turning a brighter shade of red to match both your faces. He just stares.
"Sorr-" His hand covers your mouth, cutting you off. He looks at you through his bangs, that look in his eyes that you didn't even know you had been craving.
"Just remember, you brought this on yourself."
You don't even have time to nod. His hands are all over you, making you scream loud enough for everyone onboard the damn ship to hear. As boring as space travel may be, you're glad that this time you have Karkat to keep you busy.
"I lohohove youuuu!"
"Oh I love too, Dave."
I hope this meets your expectations @edgy-and-extra !!
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jisung-mp3 · 4 years
𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
✎ pairing: hirai momo x reader
✎ warnings: none
✎ description: just some plain old fluff jghjghjx
✎ vibe check! [checking....loading....loading....loading results.....] [vibe check passed! :) ]
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you opened the door to your apartment and stepped inside, letting your bag slide off your shoulders immediately. it landed on the floor with a light thunk, however it didn’t catch the attention of the other person in the room.
you peeked inside and saw momo staring intently at the screen, the only source of light in the apartment coming from the tv in front of her. she was leaning forward on the couch, she seemed so focused that you didn’t want to ever disturb her.
you quickly took off your coat and hung it on the clothing hanger in the corner, and slipped out of your shoes. you started heading towards the living room, towards the person your heart had been yearning for the past hours. it was the end of a long day, and you wanted nothing more than to slip into momo’s embrace and just stay there forever.
“momo”, her name slipped gently out of your lips, immediately yanking her out of her focused state. Her eyes landed on you, and her focused gaze turned into a loving one, her face breaking into a big smile that made your heart jump in ways you never managed to get used to.
“babe, you’re home!” she opened up her arms widely for you, welcoming you into her embrace, the very same embrace you dreamed of being in whilst you were walking home.
you slipped next to her, locking your arms around her waist, your head finding its home in the crook of her neck. you breathed in her scent and closed your eyes, hugging her tighter. her arms went around your shoulders, bringing you closer to her, if that was even possible. she softly leaned her head on top of yours, and even though her gaze returned to the tv, she was still focused on you.
“how was your day?”, she asked softly, running her hands through your hair, and making the patterns she knew you adored, and a content sigh left your lips.
to be honest, you had a horrible day. you left your home in the morning completely happy, still drowsy from the morning cuddles with momo, but you were happy nonetheless, but then everything went downhill. you had forgotten your umbrella, so you were soaked to the bone when you arrived at school. you had forgotten your card, so you couldn’t take the bus. you had brought the wrong schoolbag with you, you were supposed to bring your tuesday bag filled with only your course books for tuesday and your hand written assignments, but you had accidentally brought the wednesday bag. and on top that, you had an exam that day, which normally wouldn’t be a problem since you had studied. But you didn’t bring your allowed cheat sheet paper with you with all the formulas that were needed if you wanted to answer the questions. and just like that, you had failed your exam miserably.
you wanted to confess everything to momo, but you didn’t want to burden her, since she had a long day too. “my day was good. it was okay, yeah I guess it was okay. how was your day? you had a lot of practice right?”
momo reached for the remote controller and turned the volume down, and then she looked at you. placing two fingers under your chin, she lifted your head up so you would meet her eyes. you continued looking at her, at her eyes, her lips, her nose, her cute eyelashes and her red cheeks, probably red from the heat. you felt yourself heat up, in awe of how much she affected you even after getting so used to her. then again, could you ever get used to momo? no matter how often or little you saw her, or if you had a petty fight with her or if you had stayed in bed all day with her, you still felt nothing but pure adoration and love for her. sometimes your love threatened to pour out of you, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to stop once it did.
lost in thought, you didn’t notice momo leaning down towards you until her lips had softly met yours. she placed a quick peck on your upper lip and then leaned back to her original position, but you didn’t let her. you gently tugged her towards you again, asking her for another kiss, but this time a little longer. momo complied, and you felt her smiling against you once she had connected your lips with hers again.
after a few moments you pulled away, “getting soft, are we?” you teased, and earned a small giggle from her.
“you have no idea how much i missed you. it was really dreadful to get out of bed after you had abandoned me.”
“i didn’t abandon you!” you softly nudged her to the side, “god, i wish i had stayed in bed all day with you.”
“you forgot both your card and your bag today, and i saw how much it rained, so i can also assume that you forgot to take an umbrella with you.” her tone was soft but with a hint of worry.
you were taken back by how much she had noticed, “wait, how did you know that i forgot all that?”
“i mean your card is literally laying on the kitchen table, it’s kind of hard to not notice. and once i noticed that you forgot your pastel bag it was too late for me to tell you, i’m sorry that i didn’t tell you sooner.”
your eyes widened in surprise, “you shouldn’t be sorry! you literally have nothing to be sorry for, it was me who forgot to bring the correct one with me.” you softly kissed her jaw, desperately wanting to show her that she had done nothing wrong. “it was unfortunate though, i forgot my formula sheet and i totally failed the exam.” at hearing your change of tone she looked down at you, shocked to see that your eyes had become glossy from tears.
“wait you’re crying? no don’t- don’t cry, why are you crying?” she was flustered, she wasnät completely used to seeing you cry.
you sniffled quickly, trying to not spill too much, “i don’t know, i just studied a lot for this and in the end i didn’t even succeed. and the worst thing is that this wasn’t even an exam, it was more like a test, yet i hate the fact that i failed. i really don’t like this feelings.”
momo placed soft kisses on your cheeks, and at that moment, some tears managed to slip and fall, but momo was there to catch every single one of them.
“it’s completely fine to feel like that. i don’t think it’s even going to go into the grade, and even if it does, it won’t drag your grade down at all. you’ve been absolutely perfect with all your exams and assignments, and you’ve spent so much time studying. please do’t let thing bring you down.” she continued kissing your cheeks until they were flaming red, then she moved down to peck your neck, making you jolt in surprise.
she kissed you in all the places she knew you were sensitive, and you couldn’t help but start laughing. you were gently pushing her away, she was tickling you and you felt yourself squirm under her. if it had been someone else, you would have already pushed them away, but this time, you were laughing so hard that you could barely form a sentence.
a while later, you had both calmed down. momo had put her hands on both sides of your face, making you unable to avoid her gaze. when she spoke, she spoke with such softness that you were afraid that even your breathing would break her voice.
“one bad day cannot define you. it’s fine to feel down, but in my eyes, you’ve done nothing wrong.”
you sighed, leaning your head against her chest, “then cuddle me forever.”
she let out a laugh, making your heart speed up yet again. she leaned back against the couch, pulling you with her. suddenly you were squished between her legs and your head on her chest, in the perfect position to hear her heartbeat clearly.
momo kissed the top of your head, before turning her gaze to the tv once again. she began playing softly with your hair, telling you softly about her day and the food she ate.
her gentle voice and her quiet heartbeats were suddenly like a lullaby to you, singing you softly to sleep. just like that, with your hands intertwined with hers, you fell asleep in the comfort of her embrace
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