#it's a long learning path of little improvements and having fun
caeloservare · 9 months
(anonymous sendy thing) I get so excited to write with you, your ironwood is SO good and I can't handle it, your writing is so amazing and fluid and I feel like I could learn a lot from you
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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viridian-tay-leaf · 10 months
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General messages from spirit:
Pile 1 Pile 2
Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1: 🧡🧡🧡
You guys are hard workers at heart. You've probably been the caretakers, the people pleasers, the adults even as a child in your family. People look to you for advice and are upset when you don't have the answers. You're either learning or have learned that this isn't the most healthy way to go on. You have to set boundaries and work on taking care of you, you can't pour out of an empty cup. So do some self care today, whether it's taking a walk, saying no, respecting your boundaries, dancing, sleeping, or simply doing nothing. Take some time for yourself to acknowledge what you've done and how far you've gotten. Then take some time to realize how powerful you are and that your possibilities are endless. You got it already so don't worry about it, just be.
Channeled songs:
Pile 2: 💛💛💛
You guys are busy bees, huh? Always on the go go go. But is it fun for you? Do you enjoy what you're doing all the time for you or others. Is it improving your daily life or your health? If not, stop doing it or atleast slow it down. Life isn't going anywhere no matter how old you are, you still have time. Be present for today. (You could've resonated with Pile 1 so go back if you feel the need) Seriously though, when was the last time you had some fun. Some real fun, the type of fun that is careless and childlike. The type of fun you had on the playground in elementary school. Whatever brings you joy in that way do it, and do it in the most carefree way as possible. You deserve love, you deserve happiness, you deserve to have your actions, talents, and feelings reciprocated tenfold. Whether you get it from someone else or yourself. Take yourself on a date today and find out what makes you, you. You'll never know if you don't try? What's the worst that could happen? You fail, someone says no? Oh no whatever will you do, it's not like you've gotten up and done this battle before. You're stronger than you think, act like it bitch (affectionately)!
Channeled song:
Pile 3: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Come here bitch lemme give you a virtual one. Seriously tho, get one asap. If no one is around hug yourself or a plush, or a pet. You need to comfort yourself today, getting cancer energy, motherly or caretaker vibes. "I can be needy"-Ariana Grande. Take a long hot bath with some music or candles in the background. Cook something you only make for special occasions. You may feel like the world is chaos/ending or the tower is crumbling but it's not as bad as it seems. Death is just a rebirth and right now you are going through it. I'm hearing "pluto transform me"-Melanie Martinez. Y'all are in your transformation era. Big Hermit vibes. Take it slow and take your time. You'll soon rise from the ashes like a Phoenix babe. You got this!
Channeled songs:
Pile 4: 💙💙💙
You guys are in your bag this season. It's been messy for some people around you, but not you bitch. Y'all are thriving in your energy and you know it. Main character energy. I'm getting Cancer, major Virgo & Leo vibes aswell. I'm hearing that yall don't even need this reading, it's just a confirmation that you're on the right path and you're doing you. Okayyyy go ahead besties be you and be proud and loud about it. Go off loves and do it unapologetically. I'm done here, yall don't need me to hype you up cause you already know you're that bitch. Beware of jealousy, envy, and other negative energies from others around you though. There are people who see you thriving and hate it, misery loves company so you best avoid those energy vampires. Cleansing and protections will help you stay in this energy. I don't even need to tell you to be grateful and honor yourself cause you're already doing it. Okayy, I see you sis!
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
week of september 3rd, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: venus in leo finally goes direct, and your creativity and fun start to amp back up. a spark of life returns to your aura. be advised venus is still in "shadow" for a few weeks and some precautions should remain in place for that time, but the fire is being stoked again.
taurus: all in all this is a very auspicious week for taureans, even if jupiter does turn retrograde in your sign. simply be careful not to be overly generous, but also there's no need to be stingy with others nor with yourself. love your inner child, and celebrate the direct motion of venus, your ruling planet.
gemini: although mercury remains retrograde, its conjunction with the sun this week marks a turning point metaphysically and mentally. use that energy to change a neural rut you've carved in your mind, so that you traverse intellectual paths you prefer. you're more neuroplastic than usual.
cancerians: retrograding activity is aboil but it affects you less than many others. the wane of the moon may have your energy a little low but this is easily remedied with good sleep and nutrition. don't skimp on that self care.
leo: venus finally ends her long retrograde in your sign this week! still don't go too wild as there is about a month of a shadow period afterward. but the chaos - or utter crushing boredom as has been the case for some - recedes starting now.
virgo: those who are wise will continue to take mercury retrograde seriously, and you also have a sober ceres transit taking place this week, but even with all that, the money aligns for you all week. try to remember that mercurial money loves to be fluid and in exchange; while you can build wealth, do not hoard.
libra: ceres is at the precipice of leaving your sign to head into scorpio. for you that will be financially nourishing, but this week she's still in your first house and it may be tempting to shell out unnecessary expenses. avoid the temptation. other financial blessings are in place, perhaps a loan or a gift or inheritance come through.
scorpio: your career and/or public image have undoubtedly been a focus all summer. the direct motion of venus brings about one last sweep of those recurring themes. if you feel you've been observed under harsh lighting so to speak, it improves from here, but be sure to integrate and implement the things you've learned through those trials.
sagittarius: your ruling planet jupiter moves retrograde in your 6th house of sacred routines while venus in leo, your 9th house, shifts back to direct motion. the more sacred, holy, and *interesting* you can make this week, the more auspicious it will be for you!
capricorn: the mermaid goats may well be in for a fiery romantic week this week, grounded in that good taurean energy as jupiter turns retrograde. if you don't see it on the horizon already, it's still a great idea to do some art and if paint and pens or a composition are not really your thing, consider how you can turn your life into an artistic expression in itself.
aquarius: venus direct in leo FINALLY means big!! things in your committed relationships, not just the romantic ones but especially those if you have them. the cycle isn't over for another month or so while venus leaves the shadow of that retrograde, but the pace picks up and the fun returns to your seventh house again. remember other people are a reflection of you in so many ways. what have you seen in the mirror since june?
pisces: the period does still have a melancholy tone and some will be panicking over a large number of retrogrades, but for you it's nevertheless an auspicious week. you may feel sad, but no amount of sadness can actually subtract the joy in life. try to make room for both simultaneously. all will be well.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 month
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Still from Return of Ultraman accessed at the Ultraman Wiki here
[I am coming to the Ultra franchise pretty much cold, and am watching it in isolation from its fandom except for my girlfriend @abominationimperatrix. One of the things that I gather from her is that the monsters that stand out to me from these series are rarely fandom favorites. Like, I'm not planning on statting up Black King or Gudon or Twintail from Return of Ultraman... but this ratty anthro Snuffleupagus was immediately on my list. Part of that is how grody and gross he looks. Part of it is he has an interesting power set, one that led to my conception of the flavor text. It seems that Tsubaraya Studios thought the idea of a ninja elephant was worth exploring long before it was a joke on RPG.net about D&D 3.0's skill system]
Sartan CR 17 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature is as tall as a building. Its features are lumpy and misshapen, with bulging eyes and sparse, bristly hair growing from its head. It has a long, elephant-like trunk, clawed hands, and a short tail.
A sartan is an interplanetary thrill killer. They travel from world to world, using their powers of invisibility to spy on people and learn who their heroes are. They then seek these heroes out and kill them for no reason other than to challenge their abilities and to cause other people emotional suffering. Sartans are cruel and enjoy collateral damage in these assassination attempts. Some powerful entities attempt to hire sartans to work for them as assassins, but sartans care little for money. Only if a target interests them, or if the employer resorts to charm spells, will they take on one of these jobs.
A sartan usually only enters combat if it suits them, whether because they have found their target, they want to lure that target into the open, or if they just feel like committing some cruelty for fun. Their supernatural abilities are mostly defensive—a sartan is invisible unless it chooses to appear, or is actively locked in combat. They can become incorporeal, which they often do in order to have mundane weapons pass right through them. When it comes to actual violence, however, sartans do it the old-fashioned way, by getting their claws bloody or grabbing a foe with their trunks and squeezing it to death. Sartans value their own hides too strongly to fight to the death. They will usually attempt to flee a losing battle, but may come back for a rematch on their own terms. 
Sartan  CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Colossal monstrous humanoid Init +13; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +24, scent, see invisibility
Defense AC 32, touch 12, flat-footed 32 (-8 size, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural) hp 261 (18d10+162) Fort +15, Ref +20, Will +14 DR 15/magic; Resist electricity 20, fire 20 Defensive Abilities evasion, ghost form, natural invisibility, uncanny dodge
Offense Speed 60 ft. Melee 2 claws +23 (2d8+13/19-20), slam +23 (4d6+13 plus grab) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d6+19), leap attack, strangle, studied target (+4, swift action, up to 4 targets) Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +22 Constant—comprehend languages, see invisibility 1/day—find the path
Statistics Str 36, Dex 28, Con 29, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 18 Base Atk +18; CMB +39 (+43 grapple and sunder); CMD 59 (61 vs. sunder) Feats Dodge, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +27 (+39 when jumping), Perception +24, Stealth +28, Survival +24; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Aklo SQ meteoric starflight
Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary Treasure standard
Special Abilities Ghost Form (Su) A sartan can become incorporeal as a swift action. In this form, it loses its natural armor but gains a deflection bonus to Armor Class and CMD equal to its Charisma modifier. It cannot make attacks in this form, but does gain a fly speed equal to twice its land speed with perfect maneuverability. It can resume corporeality as a free action. A sartan can remain incorporeal for a number of minutes up to its Hit Dice in a day. Leap Attack (Su) As a full round action, a sartan can launch itself an impossible distance, traveling up to 1000 feet in a single bound. This movement can be vertical or horizontal, and the sartan lands on its feet unharmed regardless of the height it travels. It can make a single melee attack against an opponent in its reach during any part of this movement. A sartan can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. Meteoric Starflight (Su) Over the course of 1 minute, a sartan can turn itself into a Medium sized hovering rock-like object, then blast itself into space. In this meteoric form, it has hardness 8, can make no attacks, and requires no food, water or air. In this form, it can fly at a speed of 300 ft. with perfect maneuverability, and can survive in the void of outer space and fly with incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM’s discretion)—provided the sartan knows the way to its destination. Natural Invisibility (Su) A sartan can become invisible or visible as a move action. Its invisibility is broken when it attacks. Strangle (Ex) Due to its enormous size, a sartan can only strangle when it is grappling an opponent of Huge or larger size. Studied Target (Ex) A sartan gains the studied target ability of a slayer with a level equal to its Hit Dice. It does not gain other slayer class abilities, such as sneak attack or slayer talents, unless it takes levels in the slayer class.
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infodump about my unit swap AU!! mainly how the units formed :>
the idol group: Shizuku (leader), Ena, Tsukasa, Minori
Ena's photos on social media led to her being scouted by the same modelling agency that Shizuku worked for. they become good friends and both end up as idols at Cheerful Days. Shizuku quits earlier though, because Ena saw how the other members were treating her and almost immediately was like "err no, i'm not having that" and they both left, believing that their idol days were over
meanwhile, Tsukasa has decided to take a different path to stardom, aspiring to be a world-famous idol instead of an actor, somewhat inspired by his childhood friend. however, he isn't as successful, and similarly to Minori, many of his applications have been rejected. after Shizuku left Cheerful Days, learning of his bad luck, she tries to cheer him up by suggesting he join an unofficial group with herself and Ena. he accepts reluctantly, though insists it is temporary and that he will make it to a "real" idol group one day
Shizuku begins her second year of high school like Haruka in canon, going as a normal student. one day, she finds Minori on the rooftop practicing and is reminded of the most fun parts of being an idol. she offers to help Minori improve, and- having been missing Ena and Tsukasa since the two, while still friends, weren't able to talk as much once school started- contacts them to see if they'd like to help Minori out. Minori and Tsukasa, with their similar ambition and upbeat personalities, get along instantly and Minori is now the fourth member of their group
the online indie group: Kanade (leader), Saki, Ichika, Nene
the same circumstances led to Kanade starting to compose. one day, while bored and surfing the internet in hospital, Saki came across her music and started to write lyrics for it since it has resonated with her. she eventually decided to send her lyrics to this K person, who, to her surprise, responded, and even offered that Saki join her as a lyricist
once well enough to start high school, Saki excitedly tells Ichika all about her new hobby. Ichika still longs to bring their band from their childhood back together, but with little luck talking to Honami and Shiho, eventually joins Saki and Kanade's little group. she uses her guitar to add to Kanade's music and sometimes sings Saki's lyrics
Nene was still very much affected by what had happened in her middle school performance. yet, her desire to sing remained, even though she felt she could never face an audience again. one day, as she was listening to random music while gaming, a piece from K's group turned up. she stopped what she was doing and tried singing along to it- it fit her voice perfectly, as if it was made for her. with some encouragement from Rui, she made up her mind and asked if she could be a singer for their group. the other three, impressed by her clear skill, accepted
the theatre troupe: Emu (leader), Rui, Mizuki, Airi
Emu and Rui's meeting goes similarly to canon. desperately searching for cast members, Emu catches one of his illegal shows at PXL. she sees the park security before he does as he's distracted with his performance and whisks him away to the Wonder Stage, where she asks him to join her troupe. of course, he has no reason to refuse- and in addition, he has another possible member in mind. his old friend Mizuki, who would be great help with costumes, making the stage "cuter"- and something tells Rui that they'd make for a good actress too
the next rare occasion he sees them at school, he asks them to join. hearing of the state of the stage, as well as wanting to repay Rui for his company back then, Mizuki instantly agrees
meanwhile, Emu is on the hunt for more members at her own school. Airi, having quit her old work at this point, runs into Emu at one point. Emu recognises her from TV and excitedly tells the older girl that if she joins her troupe, she'll get the chance to make many people smile and spread hope. although it isn't exactly the idol future she wished for, Airi is convinced by Emu and becomes the main singer of the troupe whenever they do musicals
the street musicians: An, Akito, Haruka, Shiho
once An and Akito found out they had the same goal, they teamed up from the start and became a duo, so An didn't try to find a singing partner and Akito never ran into Toya singing, though i think they would still be decent friends through school, but not as close as canon
Haruka went through the same situation with Mai that led to her quitting as an idol. one day, wanting a change of scenery, she decided to meet up with An at Weekend Garage and when she arrived, she was greeted with her and Akito bickering over how they should sing lines in song. Haruka stepped in with her suggestions and the pair took a liking to her singing voice and asked if she wanted to join them. for a few days, Haruka was reluctant, but eventually gave into An's pleas and started singing with them on Vivid Street
while headed to the Miyajou music room to practice her bass, Shiho walked in on Haruka practicing her singing and was impressed by her work ethic. for a few weeks, they would practice songs together, Haruka singing along to the music Shiho played on the bass. eventually, after talking to An and Akito, Haruka invited Shiho to their group
Shiho was sceptical at first, and a bit put off by An and Akito's personalities when she first met them, but once she saw how serious they were about their goal, she felt she could relate to them a little with how driven they all were. Akito, inspired by Shiho's ability to both sing and play an instrument, decided to start learning the guitar
the band: Honami, Mafuyu, Kohane, Toya
Honami, even though she feels like it's a bit pointless since Saki, Ichika and Shiho have found different music groups, as well as not having the confidence to reach out to them all again, still continues to practice her drumming, even though she doesn't really know what her aim is
Mafuyu, not having ever come across K's music, hears Honami play one day as she walks past the school's music room. she senses a fellow person who doesn't really know what they're doing with their life and wordlessly enters and begins playing the piano in the room along with the drumming. Honami is surprised but doesn't stop. that is their routine for a while, simply playing the same song together without exchanging many words, but there's a silent understanding between them
Kohane did run into An's group practicing at Weekend Garage, but didn't return after running away the first time. however, her newfound interest in music remained and she visited the music room one day as Honami and Mafuyu were playing. she recognised the song and absentmindedly started to sing it as she stood by the doorway, accidentally catching their attention. however, Honami quickly stopped her from walking away and asked her if she'd like to continue singing along to their music
the three of them eventually became a band, but it did feel like something was missing. i'm going to say that in this AU, Mafuyu and Toya's parents are friends, so they know of each other. although Toya didn't particularly want to continue with classical music, he figured playing with people he could potentially befriend was much better than complete strangers, so when Mafuyu offers him a place in their group, he accepts. he becomes best friends with Kohane and agrees to become the violinist for their band. they often play at the Aoyagi house since it's got the most space
cross unit relationships
Rui and Nene: as childhood friends and neighbours, they are still extremely close despite not being in the same group. Rui is often in the background when Nene's on Nightcord calls. they share ideas with each other- though Nene does feel slightly down when she hears about everything Rui gets up to in his new theatre troupe as she somewhat wishes she was still able to join one
An and Kohane: never fear, Anhane will still occur despite them being in different units. Toya and Kohane head to Weekend Garage one day because Toya heard that their coffee was good and Kohane gets the opportunity to actually speak to An. they agree to stay in touch
Shizuku and Airi: they briefly met while they were both in the idol industry and remained good friends. Shizuku takes Airi's advice regarding being an idol and Airi is often inviting Shizuku to come see their shows. however, Shizuku always ends up lost, especially with the Wonder Stage in such an obscure location, so Airi has to send Rui to go looking for her- since he often plays the villain, he tends not to appear in performances until a bit later, giving him the time to go searching even when the show's due to begin
there are others but i am soooooooooo tired. this ended up well longer than expected
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03-shiro-25 · 10 months
Han Jisung | Slump
Han Jisung x gn reader
synopsis: Han and reader want to become Idols together. But will it work?
warnings: angst
note: first time trying something like that! so sorry if it is bad
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You and Han have always been friends. Since you can remember you did everything together. You went to school together, laughed together and cried together. And you promised each other you would one day make music together. You would create or join your own little group and do what you both loved the most. Create music. There was nothing else you wanted in live. You couldn’t imagine surviving without music. He neither.
So you decided that once you two were old enough you would audition for an entertainment.
And by now you were both old enough. “Come on Han don’t be nervous, we trained to hard to back down now. And if they don’t take us then we will find another entertainment with more taste, alright?”  you always seemed to be carefree, but that was not true. In reality you were really nervous too. But you wanted to be strong for Han. And he admired you for that.
And to your luck the audition went smoothly. For both of you. You both got accepted. “Y/n!” “Han!” right after you both got the massage you couldn’t believe it and went to find each other. You now had the opportunity to fulfill your greatest dream! You couldn’t wait to start you trainee days.
“Let’s go Han. We will make it. I know it!” you cheered on both of you right before you started your first day of your trainee days. Han took your hand as you both entered the building. Ready to face whatever was coming your way.
The first days went well. A boy named Chris asked you to join his group and you two accepted. Now you where one step closer to fulfilling your dream again.
And then the real training begun. It was fun. You all gave each other advice and helped the others when they were struggling. Your group of 10 was slowly becoming a family. And they were all really good at what they did. A bit too good for your liking. And compared to you…
Where you going? It's hard to keep up You're moving so fast leaving me behind Gimme an hour, that's all I need It's now or never, I'm running out of time
You thought you just needed more time to train and practice so that was what you did. “Hey Han! Could you help me with this rap please!” you asked him, having tried to perfect that rap for the last hour or so. “Yeah, but I have to train later a bit myself, so I won’t be able to help for long.” You assured him that it was fine and that you understood. And so he tried to help you as much as he could, but you still had some difficulties mastering the verse.
“I am sorry Y/n but I have to go now. I am sure you will learn it eventually!” he spoke in a rushed tone while gathering his things to leave for his next lesson.
After some time you realized that you wouldn’t master the verse that day, so you stopped trying. You thought a bit about how you could get better and improve but that wasn’t so easy. You were starting to doubt your talent and hard work. Was this really the right path for you?
The seconds are relentless, I'm helpless as they keep flying by Stuck here in the desert, I feel like I'm in an hourglass Maybe I can stay and be comfortable living in the past But I don't wanna be alone so can you take me to you now
The next day wasn’t better. You had dance practice and everyone, especially Lee Know, Hyunjin and Felix were so incredibly good at it! It was as if their bodies were made for only dancing. You admired them a lot. While Lee Know explained a dance move you tried to do exactly what he had told you, but somehow it didn’t look like when he did it.
You must have done something different than him. But what? While the others practiced other parts of the song already you were still stuck on the one move. You tried and tried. Again and again. But somehow you just couldn’t get it right. You just had a bad day and would get it tomorrow, you were sure of it. You just needed more time. While you were out of breath Lee Know come over to you putting his hand on your shoulder.
“You did well today Y/n but take a break for now. You can try again tomorrow” you knew he just meant well but you felt so disappointed in yourself.
“Han! Your dance today was perfect! You improved a lot already. Keep up the good work!” Lee Know praised your best friend. You were proud of Han. He worked so hard for all of this.
But you did too…Why couldn’t you master this move?
Too fast, I try to follow but I'm losing hope We used to walk together down this winding road But you're so far ahead it seems impossible to catch up
With every day you saw how much everyone improved. But no matter what you tried you just couldn’t learn anything as fast as they could. “Y/n, I would advice you to take some extra lessons.” JYP spoke to you. You just nodded, knowing he was right. You needed extra lessons.
But since you started taking them you spoke less to the other members and almost never saw them. They were all incredible busy. You understood that, but you haven’t spoken to Han in like two weeks. You missed him. You hated being separated from him. Your whole lives you had been together, so it was strange to be separated from him.
“Hey Han! How are you doing?” right now you thought that he maybe had some time for you, but you were wrong. “Sorry Y/n but I have to go. I have rap lessons in a few minutes. See you later” and with that he was gone. You knew he still really liked you and that he cared for you but it still hurt. He only looked at you for a moment, not even answering your question…
“I miss you… my best friend..”
And now I'm walking on my way, all alone, I'm feeling so cold Not getting anywhere, I feel like I'm in slow mode
The next day you finally had the chance to meet up with everyone since the ranking of the trainees would be revealed. On this list there were all trainees listed from ‘best’ to ‘worst’. You were nervous. But also happy to see everyone for more than one second again.
So you all gathered in the great hall and sat on a table together. “Hi guys! How are you all doing?” you were so happy to see them you even forgot about the list. “We are all doing very well! And you? Are you doing ok with those extra lessons?” Chan asked. You paused for a moment. You didn’t know if you became any better actually.
“Yeah… I am doing ok, but I miss you guys” you finally admitted. Han came over to you and hugged you. He missed you too. It was like in old times when you were there for each other, always, no matter what. For the first time in weeks you felt save. And loved. A stray tear ran down your face.
“Here is the ranking! Come and see where you are listed” A manager spoke and hung up the giant piece of paper. Everyone rushed forward but you decided to take your time. Not feeling strong enough to hurry.
As most of the people left you walked forward, now standing beside Han and Chan, looking for your name on the list. You tried not to worry but you couldn’t help your eyes getting watery and your breathing getting flatter the lower your eyes traveled on the list.
Back at school and before you became a trainee you were good at everything. Always in the top 5 no matter what you did. And you always encouraged and motivated everyone around you. Han always admired you for that.
But right now you didn’t recognize yourself at all…
You were last place..
Used to be a winner, everything was all black and white Now I'm bottom of the pile, a dusty photo
You tried really hard not to cry. But you couldn’t hold in your tears. So you stormed out, not wanting the others to see you cry nor wanting to see their reaction to your last place. You tried so hard. You practiced for hours without any breaks. You did everything you could. But it seemed like it was never enough.
Was your practice still not enough? If you don’t get better you would stay separated from the others, but you really didn’t want that. You couldn’t be alone much longer. You wanted to be with them. This is not how you have imagined your trainee days to be.
You thought you would be able to train as a group, but you were not good enough for them. Seems like you wouldn’t be able to life your dream after all.
I'm afraid I'm gonna be left stranded by myself All the foolish dreams I had inside of me are broken
For the last weeks you have been practicing even more than before. Because today you had to perform in front of JYP. He would decide if you were worthy of staying or not. You were nervous. More nervous than you have ever felt.
You practiced day and night and sacrificed all of your sleep for this. He just had to be satisfied with you. The others where there too. In the past days you had been able to train with them all together again. You were happy. And you saw how much more each of them improved.
“Don’t worry Y/n. It will all go well. Trust me!” Han cheered you on, trying to ease your mind since he saw that you were nervous. And so you went on stage performing and giving it everything you had.
After you finished you stood in line as JYP was thinking about something. “Y/n. Step forward.” You did as you were told, already sensing what was coming. “You missed a step in your dance and you made a mistake while rapping” “I know..” You looked at the ground. Ashamed and disappointed.
“You are eliminated…” the words echoed in your head again and again that you couldn’t hear JYP praising everyone else.
Everything I wanted in the distance out of reach Am I the only one that's gon' stay here forgotten, ey
After JYP left Han came running to you. “Y/n! Hey don’t worry. With a bit of training I am sure he will let you back in. I promise! So please don’t cry yeah?...” You just kept staring at the ground. I did everything I could. I will never be good enough. More tears were streaming down your face. Han just hugged you, stroking your back trying to calm you down. “I am so sorry..” you hiccupped.
You felt so bad. You promised each other you would do this together, but know you have to leave. After you spoke those words you smiled at him and left. You just wanted to go home. Why weren’t you good enough? Why couldn’t you do it right?
So many thoughts came to you and so you wrote them all down. The verses you were writing sounded like lyrics. They mirrored your feelings and emotions perfectly. But some phrases repeated themselves all the time. ‘never good enough’ and ‘give up’.
So many thoughts are inside of my head I'm always drying these tears on my face How could I ever get used to the fact That the songs and the lyrics, they all sound the same
The next morning you didn’t want to get up. You just wanted to lay here and forget everything. But then you saw Han’s face in front of you. You had to keep trying. For him. Even if it would destroy you.
You forced yourself to leave your bed and got up. With every strength you could muster you walked to the front door. You were ready to try everything you could. You would take more lessons. You would train more. You would practice longer. You didn’t care.
After everything you reached so far and everything you did and sacrificed to get where you were right now you couldn’t just stop. You just couldn’t. Even if you felt like you would never be good enough, you had to keep going. You would never be able to look at yourself again if you gave up like that.
"Come on I know you can do it", I have to repeat it again and again, yeah I wanna look in the mirror, telling myself that I did a good job, ey
So you managed to take more lessons and convinced JYP to give you a second chance. To your surprise he agreed and brought you back. You were so thankful and were feeling a little bit hopeful again. But also scared. What if you were not good enough again?
But the next weeks where not easy for you. They drilled you to train and practice all the time. They wanted you to show them how important becoming an Idol was for you. And you did everything they asked you to. No matter how hard you worked they never seemed entirely satisfied.
“You have to practice more Y/n!” as these words left your trainers mouth you broke down. You trained 16 hours a day. Was that not enough? What more could you do? You might have to admit that you just were not strong enough for the Idol live.
Everyone gonna be watching, I gotta show 'em all of me But I've been insecure lately, 'Cause I don't know what they want from me ey Feeling so nervous, I wanna go forward but everyone else overtaking me Blocking my vision, my body is shaking, I don't know if I can keep up, yeah, yeah
Slowly you gave up. You were tired of trying to be as good as the others all the time. You were tired. You body hurt and you felt weak. You skipped more and more lessons simply because you couldn’t move anymore.
Not only because your body hurt but because your mind wouldn’t let you move an inch of your body. After some time Han seemed to notice that you were not showing up as often as you used to.
Too fast, I try to follow but I'm losing hope We used to walk together down this winding road But you're so far ahead it seems impossible to catch up
All the time he looked out for you. He wished he could have helped you more but he didn’t know how or when. He had so much to do and had to look after himself. But right now he regretted it. It was only thanks to you that he was where he is right now. Without you he would have never been brave enough to go to that audition back then.
He felt alone without you around. He wished you were here with him right now. He wished you didn’t get eliminated back then. He should have helped you when you asked him too. He never realized how lonely he was without you.
“Han? Everything alright? You seem to struggle a bit lately?” Chan asked concerned. Since you left it was hard for Han to keep going. During practice he made way more mistakes then usually. And he seemed to not improve anymore like the others did.
And now I'm walking on my way, all alone, I'm feeling so cold Not getting anywhere, I feel like I'm in slow mode
With you together he felt like he could do everything. Like he could overcome everything thrown his way. But he realized that to late. You were gone. And so was his reason to do all of this. You promised each other you would to this together.
But you left…
He started to make more and more mistakes, be lost in thought all the time and grew way quieter than before. The other members where worried about him. They knew how much he loved you.
But he could still at least visit you from time to time, he just couldn’t work with you.
But they didn’t understand. He did all of this because he wanted to do it WITH YOU.
Used to be a winner, everything was all black and white Now I'm bottom of the pile, a dusty photo
Every day he started to hide away in his room more and more. He wouldn’t talk to anyone and would let no one enter the room. Not even when JYP told him to come outside one evening to eat his dinner he would come out.
Did he really want to keep on going this path without you? It was not the same without you. But he had his other friends here now as well. He couldn’t stop now. You wouldn’t want that. So he instead started to write down his thoughts.
And after some time his thoughts about you created a song.
I'm afraid I'm gonna be left stranded by myself All the foolish dreams I had inside of me are broken
The next month he requested to perform the song on a small stage with a small crowd. He knew you wouldn’t miss that. Either you would come personally or watch on the TV. He didn’t care. He just needed you to hear the song that was created thanks to you.
“My best friend was the inspiration for this song. I hope they are listening. I love you.”
After all this time he realized that he couldn’t live without you. After Han sang his last line in the song he finally let all the tears stream freely. He broke down on stage. The others understood. Han warned them that this might happen and that they should keep performing normally. But they all had tears in their eyes too.
Somewhere in the crowd you stood. Tears streaming down your face. But you where smiling. You were so incredible proud of your best friend. He made it. He fulfilled his dream.
Soon the song came to an end as Seungmin sang the last line, also having tears in his eyes:
Everything I wanted in the distance out of reach Am I the only one that's gon' stay here forgotten, ey
“I love you too Han..”
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wolfpawzjakey · 1 month
One day, Jason feels especially stressed and does not want to disturb Percy, [he had just started a period of toxicosis, he vomited so that he would not eat and the inability to get out of bed did not improve the situation at all].
After saying goodbye to Sally, who arrived on time to visit her son, he leaves to meet with Thalia.
They buy beer and sit on a bench in an almost deserted park, next to his sister, silently understanding and still dearly loved, Jason breaks down.
He cries and wheezes softly that he is afraid of becoming like their father, - suddenly after the birth of the child, something will jam in him and after a few months he will leave Percy alone with the baby and maybe come back in a couple of years to make a second child and leave this time forever.
Thalia kisses him on the forehead and says that all this is impossible even theoretically, Jason, according to her, is too good and perfect.
by the way, your thoughts are great :)) - Anon
Thank you anon thank you
I think Jason’s cycle of self hate needs to be abolished (but god do I love to cause some hurt on these guys, it’s just too interesting and fun). It’s true in all ways that Jason’s nature would never allow him to do such a terrible thing. He knows in the back of his head but his fears of the what ifs’ are just too much for him to believe in himself. No matter how much his sister believes, or Percy, or Percy’s mother who should have the most distrust (just out of nature to protect her son no matter what), he can never fully believe in himself. Not for a long time.
It can split two ways from here me thinks. Jason either gradually believes in himself, bettering himself the longer his child, the beautiful person they have been born to be, is in his life. He learns truly that he can make mistakes and not be terrible like his father was because just as he does, Percy makes mistakes too. And their baby loves them just the same, and that continues as time flies by and as their child grows into their own little person with their own thoughts and opinions. He realizes, he could never, ever be that way. Not with how much love he has.
The second path is the path of failure, Jason is never a bad dad. At least he wouldn’t have ever been one if he’d lived to become one. But he couldn’t be a good one either, never got that chance either. He dies in a puddle of his own blood, tears streaming from his eyes because he’d never get to prove himself wrong. A revelation hits too late because he knows his worries were just that. No one is ever afraid of being terrible because they actually will be. Terrible people do not fear being terrible, they do not fear being the worst. But more often than not, good people do, he knows he would’ve been a good parent. But he’ll never get the chance to prove that to himself.
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talesofourworlds · 3 months
@outoftheirdifferences liked for a Jay starter (somewhat plotted!)
"Hey, anybody want to take me on? If you can beat me, I'll give you fifty bucks! ...That's what that person just said!"
He stood there, pointing dramatically at a white-haired boy some distance from the park's fountain. The look on his face conveyed the shock in his tone as he'd spoken. No one seemed the wiser to the fact he'd been imitating the other boy's voice to the best of his ability at first.
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Okay. Maybe Jay was having a little bit of fun causing a bit of mischief for someone in the park. There was a new kid in his class, and Jay hadn't gotten a chance to try and poke at him while they'd been in classes that day. He'd wanted to see what sort of person the new boy was, and when the newcomer had been blatantly ignoring his attempts to make conversation... well, that just wouldn't do. Jay wanted to know about him. Needed to know. Since the other boy had refused to help him learn, this just seemed like the best course of action.
The pure confusion on the other boy's face was all Jay could have asked for. Fortunately, it didn't take long for someone to take the newcomer up on his 'offer.' It was another one of the boys from their school. Moses, Jay noted just from his red hair and attitude. He stepped back, giving the two room to do their thing. Honestly, Jay didn't need to stick around to see how it played out. Someone would break them up eventually. This mostly was a means of poking at the newcomer and also just entertaining himself. Perhaps not the... healthiest form of entertainment, but given everything? Acceptable enough compared to things he could have been doing.
Things were relatively quiet in his life now, all things considered. It had been a few years since he'd been adopted by the Oreson brothers, and for the most part Jay had settled into his life. A marked improvement from where he had come from. Also a marked improvement from potentially being dead. On all accounts, it looked like Jay lived a pretty normal life now. If that meant he felt the need to cause some problems for classmates or potentially getting into fights with the likes of Moses at school? All par for the course. He couldn't have been happier.
It looked like things were relatively peaceful in the park, too. Some people were watching the shenanigans between Moses and the other boy, but for the most part there wasn't much of a turnout. Go figure. Oh well, he thought. He'd gotten what he wanted.
Then, all of a sudden, there was a distinct rumbling sound that filled the air. Jay tensed. That wasn't normal. People were looking around for what was causing it, and he was right there with them. The smart thing to do would be getting home and avoiding trouble, but that need to know what was going on itched at the back of his mind. So he lingered, purple eyes darting this way and that as he tried to look for the source.
At last, he saw it. From the ground, a drilling device of some kind emerged. Some kind of robot? Jay squinted as the thing emerged and seemed to come to life. It wasn't tiny by any means, but no bigger than a small dog. The device looked almost akin to a mole or something of that sort. Whatever it was, it was doing something. It looked like it had some kind of camera on the front of it, and now that it was out of the ground it was moving. Moving toward the path leading out of the park and toward the buildings.
Well. That wasn't good. His mind screamed at him to go home. His adoptive family wouldn't want him getting involved. Something beckoned Jay to do so, though, and so the pale boy followed the robot while other people in the park headed in the opposite direction.
He was able to follow the robot for a bit before something happened. Nothing involving the robot, but instead happening to catch sight of a girl from the corner of his eye. Instinct took hold. Jay hopped back, narrowly avoiding colliding with her, and when he straightened himself out he looked her way.
Huh. Jay didn't remember seeing her before. She looked like she might have been a little younger than him at the very most, so there was a chance they went to the same school. That wasn't a bad thing, of course. Just curious.
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"That was close. Don't tell me you were following that thing, too," he said. Why else would they have been going in the same direction?
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sobri-k-eyt · 2 months
Ninjago Fic (Roselock AU)
Posting some Ninjago stuff here! This is something written for one of @roselock22's AMAZING AU's! Go check them out! ------------------------------------------------------------------- She was just about sick of losing. She was Personal Integration Xenagogue Android Labile, not some mere voice-controlled vacuum. She was complex, and near human if not higher. She was more knowledgeable and made to be versatile and learning. She had been built by the great Cyrus Borg, and had only created her own path from there. She formed digital worlds and untold stories.
But yet, she couldn’t seem to outthink a human child. Disregarding the fact that she craved to be human, it was still a solid blow onto her pride, and a dent in her confidence about her skills. She growled at the small-cat-boy-human-thing threateningly, her voice modulating in her frustration.
“How are you doing this!” she shouted, accusatorily pointing a metal hand at the blue man, her eyes glowing with emotion.
It was something the Ninja did, and if she had decided to program it into herself, well, who was going to say. Because she was that advanced and human. And yet... Jay gave a simple smug grin back, his lips curled upwards and his eyes half-lidded. He smirked, and if Pixal had functioning blood and arteries, it would certainly be boiling.
“How do you keep winning!” she shouted, punctuating each word with a stab at the table. Jay’s blue eyes winded and stared at her, but his insufferable smile never changed. “I am the most advanced A.I. in the entire world! I nearly took over the world, and would and could have done so if I didn’t develop morals! I built my own body, I’ve ruled over Ninjago, so why in the world do you keep beating me at a foolish computer game?”
“Pix, you get so worked up over this!” he laughed, the points of sharpened teeth peeking from his grinning wide smile. His hair bounced up, shaking with his laughter. His eyes crinkled. “That’s half the fun of it!”
] “It’s not fun to me.” she huffed, sitting back down with finality. She glanced back to her mind’s eye and the tablet in front of her, piecing over the meticulous code. There hadn’t been any holes in it she had thought, no real way to win the game. Yet, he always just. Kept. Winning???
Pixal kept her physical eyes open, but vanished into the digital world, analyzing both her tablet and the digital realm she had formed. She strolled through the miles of code, hands up and she traced over each line. Jay looked at her innocently, but that innocence was all a lie. He was a menace. She turned back, and shook her hand at him again, modifying the metal to form a bladed weapon with an energy blaster. “I will find out how you keep doing this Walker,” she swore. “And I won’t forget.” “Sure ya won’t Pix. Again, that’s the fun of it.” he giggled in response, “Sure ya won’t Pix. Again, that’s the fun of it.” he giggled in response, tone excited yet not over the top, and she relaxed, feeling her mouth quirk up around the edges.(edited)
She was still irritated, and her pride still relatively damaged, but maybe it wasn’t all that bad, she mused.
It was good, harmless fun, and a decent learning experience as she adjusted her skills. This was what friends and colleagues did after all. Pixal guessed how she could see how this was fun after all. It was definitely more fun for him, but there was a bit of enjoyment as she worked out the puzzles and how to improve.
She looked at Jay again, and his innocent face, about to offer a compromising smile, but paused. It was…too innocent. She felt an impending sense of doom, the ways his eyes were so big and adorable, and his smile all too sweet for her to believe it. She’d dealt with him for too long to know what that look meant. She glanced at the code, and gasped in horror of the cat videos that now replaced large chunks of it, all mewling and whining.
GIFS now filled the entirety of her vision, the code now wiggling around like little bugs. He was a menace, and absolutely just as bad as she thought. If not worse “Walkerrrrrr!” She got up and ran after him, the human cackling maniacally as he fled, little blue sparks jumping off of him excitedly. The blue-clad ninja pushed away the tablet, tucking it into a spot of his gi before taking off, seeing the annoyed panic in Pixal’s face. He’d been found out. He saluted and then proceeded to race through the long halls, his body leaping with a bit of panicked excitement.
She ran after him, legs pumping and pounding against the ground in a singular motion, and now, she was sure that if she had a heart, it would certainly be pumping. Her eyes glittered with emotion. What one, she wasn’t sure. Be it anger, frustration, or righteous humor, it was a mixed back. She felt a smile grow on her face. So this was what it was like to be human.
It had been a few weeks since Pixal had joined the Ninja, rejecting the Overlord in favor of the “good” side. He was flawed, and she finally could see how she had been tricked, and had nearly destroyed them all. So far, there was a bit of an awkward air from her, a sense of shame and embarrassment. After all, how do you apologize for accidental intended genocide and removal of free will? She had meant the best, and some of them knew that, but it was still a bit different to say “I forgive you” and take you into the fold than really doing it. For the moment, she was trying not to be too weird, though it was a bit odd when you knew all about them, and they really didn’t. Jay mostly trusted her, so that was definitely the best. He’d challenged her at mind and code games, and that certainly…occupied her time.
At the moment, she was helping around the Bounty as the Ninja trained, working on the delicate software with her advanced systems. Pixal stared at the Bounty’s systems and diagnostics, busying herself as she went over it. She waved her hands, familiarizing herself with the nice mix of old and new systems. She hoped to exponentially increase security and ease of access for those who would navigate the system. Despite being an incredibly advanced AI, and near human, it still felt nice to have a purpose. That was something both designs had in common. She just hoped it could be seen that way. She didn’t want to just be a mere robot with a command and output. Pixal glanced at a particular sector, a slight frown on her face. She adjusted a code or two, tightening the system’s security, her body plugged into the updated system. She smiled after, satisfied with her work.
The android, or really, whatever she was, desperately wanted to be more. She couldn’t be compared to a robot, and even AI couldn’t exactly contribute to who she was. She was so much more. But others saw her differently in part of her metal exterior. It was evil to think of her as a pure evil and logical machine than something (someone) more. She hoped she was at least human enough, and human enough that other people saw that she meant well. Pixal closed her physical eyes and entered the Digispace to assess her handiwork, as it was affectionately named. Rows of code and lines surrounded her. To most others it would be chaos and overwhelming, but it was a first or second language to her. It rose above and around her. She ran her hands through, running simulations and testing their strength. She was certain of them, but it was always good to check after all. Perfect.
Pixal opened her physical eyes, exiting the Digispace, and disconnected herself mostly from the Bounty’s systems. Mission Accomplished.
Next goal, friendship.
Thanks for reading!
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KEYSSS my dear mutual congratulations on 1K likes aaaah you deserve all of them! May I henceforth ask for a platonic BSD matchup? I go by she/her and I don't have a preference for which gender I want to be matched up with :3
Personality: I personally don't know what my mbti is, so I'll just give a short description of my personality. I find myself to be more of a listener, but with the right type of person (really quiet or someone chaotic) I can talk for hours. People say that I'm nice and smart, but I doubt myself sometimes. I am physically affectionate with my friends, and often flirt with them only if they're not in a relationship. My friends like to banter with me and I like to tease them/make them laugh, but if they like to sit in silence then I'm perfectly fine with that as well. Sometimes I am too sacrificial and am bit too much of a people pleaser, but I am working on setting down boundaries and saying 'no'
Hobbies: I like to read books more than I like gaming and watching videos. I also like to learn new things, no matter how hard they are, because I am quite curious about a lot of matters. I can speak English and Mandarin, and I am partially fluent in French. I also love to play the piano because I find it calming <3
Topics I like to discuss: Honestly I can talk about anything as long as it's not something that I'm uncomfortable with (which I only have a few). I normally like to discuss history, books, travelling, and any funny things that happened recently in life
Things I hate: I don't hate a lot of things because I am a firm believer of the quote that love transcends all animosity, but what I really do hate are people who willingly do bad things and do not feel sorry for it. I normally am quite forgiving, but once somebody crosses that line too many times without genuinely trying to improve, then they've lost their chance
Something that makes me unique: I'm actually more of a classics person than a contemporary person. What that means is that I prefer classic books, classical music, classic movies, and old history etc. I do like watching a modern film every now and then, but I find that nothing captivates me more than the antique things. I'm probably one of the few girls my age who is more caught up with the 1700-1900s than the 2000s ahaha. I also am more of a jewellery girl than a clothing girl, and my favourite jewellery is silver jewellery :)
Preference: I'm okay with being matched by a character that commits crime, but as long as they aren't too crazy about it
What I value in others: I value loyalty, respect, and communication in others, as I believe that those are the three key points of any relationship. Bonus points if I find them fun to hang around with, and that they won't twist my morals and lead me down a darker path
Something I can't stand in others: Honestly anything that makes a toxic relationship; dishonesty, disrespect, and not listening to what I have to say
Remember to take your time my dear, and once again congratulations on 1K likes! Let's get that to 1K followers >:D
SILVER I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! I was almost done with it and then it was literally all lost, but I still got it done. thank you so much, darling, and I hope you don't mind the wait.
I match you up with Tetcho! he's a silly little man, please take care of him.
He loves listening to you. There is nothing he would rather do than listen to you talk about the things that you are interested in, and he is not affected by what other people have to say about your interests. He would be ticked off at anyone that judged someone for their preferences in media and entertainment. He would not force you to try his food, but if you do like any of the combinations he would be glowing with happiness for the rest of the week. He is always a little sunshine, though, and is nothing but supportive. He loves what makes you strange, and he loves that you love what makes him unique, too. He would not let harm befall you. He would rather be stabbed a thousand times than for you to get a paper cut, and would be even more devoted to justice after meeting you because he would want to make sure that no filthy criminals can hurt you. He would not let Jouno make fun of you or your friendship. He would probably stab his ass again, and would start doing it more if you found it funny. Either way, Jouno will eventually make peace with you. He would love to listen to you play the piano, and might even pick it up himself if he has the time. He could also learn another instrument solely so he could teach it to you. He would be a non-judgemental teacher but he would definitely be a little strict. Secretly, he is a little scared that he is too overbearing when teaching you things. Overall, he would value similar things to you in a relationship. He is an honest man who communicates well, if not sometimes too bluntly, but he would do his best to always respect you. If someone else is to disrespect you, however, all hell breaks loose. Jouno and the Huntings Dogs will obviously get lighter punishments, though, and I don't expect them to cross any lines. He would, without a doubt, try to keep you as far away from his occupation as possible. Your safety is his priority, and he could not live with himself knowing that he was the reason why you were targeted by a criminal group. He gets anxious about how you are doing, so he will send a variety of texts about how you are doing throughout the day. It's a little heartwarming knowing that you're always on his mind. Because of his constant worrying about your safety, he absolutely loves to hold you in his arms so he knows that nobody can hurt you. Sometimes, though, he just wants you to hold him instead because he is always dealing with things for other people and he just wants someone to do the same for him.
that's all for today, I hoped you liked it darling! <33 have a wonderful day or night :)
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lapinbunwrites · 6 months
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Title: Her Two Children
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
Relationships: Ike & Titania, Mist & Titania, Mist & Ike
Characters: Ike, Mist, Titania
Additional Tags: Fluff, Found Family
Word Count: 2,144
Ao3 Link
Titania has known Ike and Mist since they were very young, since she came from Crimea to Gallia to study under Greil. The memories of watching Ike take up a sword and challenge his father to a duel, the memories of Mist with her mother learning how to heal always brought a smile to her face. Now that both of their parents were gone, she knew it must've been hard for the both of. She couldn't imagine losing a parent at a very young age. It was mind boggling to her. Since then, she thought it would be best to help them both with whatever they needed.
As for Titania, she did miss Greil herself, more than she would ever like to admit. Whenever anyone asked, she would give the usual response that she would give and push down her true feelings and lie through her teeth. Her feelings towards him were embarrassing to her and she would rather die keeping them to herself. Now that he was gone, she would do anything to distract herself from the feelings and his memory.
She walked around town, with blank stares, picking up whatever little things the Ike or Mist asked for. There was always something they needed. Whether it was Ike breaking another training sword or ingredients for medicine that Mist needed, or the healing medicine she needed if she didn't want to make it. She didn't mind it too much, seeing their smiling faces. Rather Mist's smiling face and Ike's monotone thanks. It still brought warmth to her heart that they gave her a small gesture. Her anticipation smile at the thought of their smiles and grunts carried her all the way through the town and followed her back to the camp.
"Here you go Ike," Titania smiled, handing him his new training sword.
"Thank you, Titania," Ike grunted. "I'm sorry you had to go through the trouble to get it."
"It's fine," she reassured him, ruffling his hair.
"Stop that," he groaned, fending off her hands. "I'm not a child."
"I know, but it's still very fun to do," she chuckled, retracting her hand.
"Yeah, yeah," he groaned. "Since you're here, would you mind helping me train? I want to see how well this one holds up against the others."
"Of course. You haven't been improving much, which is sad," she teased him, trying to rile him up.
"I see that your way of stoking fire in someone hasn't changed much," he commented, getting in his ready stance.
"Looks like you're still immune to it," she commented, readying herself.
"It's nothing compared to what my father has done to ignite the fire in me," Ike said, rushing her.
Titania chuckled as she defended herself from his sword. The only things that were said between the two of them was the clashing of their weapons that resonated through the training grounds. Feeling the blows of Ike's sword, it gave her great pride knowing that he has become stronger in the past three years. Training with him, she could feel like they were the same blows as Greil's. He was closing the gap between his strength and his father's. She knew his father would be proud at how strong and what he has done in the past three years. After one last powerful blow Titania gave, she knocked Ike to the ground and hearing his defeated groan.
"Your form is still a little clunky," she chuckled as she helped him up. "You know better to go rushing into battle head first."
"Old habits die hard," he moaned out as he took her hand.
"Maybe I need to beat that out of you," she said, hitting him on the head.
"If my dad couldn't do it, you won't be able to," he reminded her, swatting her hand.
"You want to bet," she teased. "I can train with you for as long as you can."
"I know you can, but we both know we don't have that amount of time," he chuckled.
"That is true," she nodded. "Which reminds me, I need to go visit your sister before I forget to give her the medicine she asked for."
"Ah, she has been worried about not having enough lately," he said, picking up his train sword. "I've never seen her so nervous."
"I can bet you that it's because of this war," Titania griped. She looked at her reflection in the axe. She knew how Mist acted, she was a kind and gentle child. She wasn't meant for war, not that any one truly was, but her least of all. "She may have your father's fiery resolve, but she isn't someone should be fighting. She isn't like the two of us."
"She really isn't," Ike agreed, lowering the axe from her face. "It's more than enough to end this war."
"True," she nodded, looking him in the eyes before letting out a sigh. "Well, I better get this medicine to her before she has a heart-attack."
Thinking about Mist and this war, it always worried Titania. She was a lot like her mother, a kind and gentle soul not meant for fighting and it always worried her that Mist was here. While she was important to healing everyone, Titania ended up being more protective of her. Nonetheless, she was still very proud of her being able to help around where she can and was able to learn so much about healing magic. She knew that Elena and Greil both would be proud of her. A new smile grew across her face as Titania saw Mist, closing the distance between the two of them. It was nice to still see her healing and mending the wounds of their soldiers.
"Hello Mist," she greeted her with a smile.
"Hello Titana," Mist chirped as she finished wrapping the bandages around one of the soldiers. "What are you up to?"
"Just dropping by and giving you your medicine," she said, bending down to hand her the vulnerary. "I see that you are still tending to the wounded."
"Yes I am!" Mist chuckled, taking the medicine. "Okay! You're all finished! Take it easy for the next couple of weeks and do not train. Got it?"
"Yes, Miss. Mist," the soldier sheepishly said as he scurried out of the tent.
Mist nodded and watched him leave before getting up from her seat to give Titana a big hug. "Thank you so much."
"I'm happy to help," Titana gasped, wrapping her arms around Mist.
"I'm sorry for making you go grab it for me," Mist apologized, releasing her arms around her friend.
"Oh, it's not trouble at all," Titania said, patting her head. "I know you've been very busy tending our our troops."
"Thank you, Titania," Mist faintly smiled.
"What's that look for?" Titania asked, squeezing her face in between her hands.
"What look?" Mist chuckled.
"Oh nothing," Titania said, dropping the subject. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," Mist reassured her, putting at the vulnerary.
"Are you sure? Ike said you've been getting nervous lately," Titania said, raising her eyebrow.
"I'm fine, I promise!" Mist chirped with a half-baked smile.
"Mist," Titania softly sighed.
"Oh fine," Mist groaned out. "I've been feeling a lot more lonely lately."
"And why's that?" Titania asked, coaxing more info out of her.
"Because Ike is always busy with training and war meetings he hasn't been spending much time with me," Mist blurted out.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear," Titania opening her arms to her.
"It's okay, I don't need a hug," Mist deflected.
"Come here," Titana said, motioning to her.
"Fine," Mist pouted, giving her another hug.
Titania felt a nice warmth coming off of Mist. It was rather soothing and calming, like it was reliving her own stress. "Feel better."
"A little," Mist whined. "It doesn't change the fact that Ike is still ignoring me."
"He isn't ignoring you," Titania reassured her, letting her go. "He is constantly worried about you. Even when I was training with him a little bit ago, he was concerned about you being here."
"Really? I don't believe that," Mist said, a scowl creeping across her face.
"Really!" Titania chirped and chuckled. "I'm serious. He always thinks of you and doesn't want you to ever be hurt."
It got concerning for Titania that Mist went completely silent, it was a bit eerie. She knew Ike cared for his younger sister and knew that he wanted to spend time with her. She knew Ike was Ike and he wasn't the best at expressing his feelings or giving gifts to those around him, but she knew that a lot of his thoughts revolved around the well-being of his younger sister. They were all they had for a long time, only if Mist could realize it.
"Titania," Mist finally muttered out.
"Yes? Is everything alright?" Titania asked, walking over to her.
"Yes, everything is fine," Mist reassured her. "I just have to leave."
"Uh, okay," Titania softly said as she watched her rush out of the tent.
Titania sighed as she headed out of the tent, she didn't see how late it was getting. She could run a couple of more errands, or she could eat, but neither of them were something she had the energy for. The exhaustion was starting to set in and doing either would make it worse. She decided to just head to her tent and wind down instead. She began to reminisce about the old times and how things have changed since then. She missed them dearly, but there was no going back no matter how much it she wanted to. Titania let out a long sigh as she pulled out a notebook to write down things, like she was writing to someone she could never have. They were never going to be sent out to anyone, but it still brought a sense of ease to her.
As she wrote down her thoughts, she could hear faint whispers of a couple of children. She ignored it and chalking it up to children trying to pull a prank on each other and failing. She only began to notice it more when it didn't stop and it got closer and closer to her tent. It even got to the point where she put down her quill and walked outside to shoo them off. To Titania's complete surprise, it was Ike and Mist holding out a new axe for her to use.
"What are you two doing out here this late?" Titania asked, looking at them with a blank face.
"Ike and I wanted to give you this!" Mist said, handing her the axe.
"Take it as a little gift from the both of us," Ike said, giving a rare smile towards her. "It's a little thank you gift for all you have done for us."
"Yes," Mist agreed and nodded. "It's a little gift from me and Ike! He even picked out the kind of axe you might like! It even has a ribbon on it!"
Titania gave them a smile and a big hug, hearing their laughs. "Thank you both. I love it."
"Yay," Mist cheered, letting go of Titiana.
"We are glad you like it," Ike said, taking his arms off of her body.
"So were you lying to me earlier?" Titania asked, pinching Mist's nose between her thumb and index finger.
"Yes and no," Mist said, scrunching her face. "It was the truth, but also a distraction so I could get Ike to go grab the axe."
"Well, it was a good ploy," Titiana laughed, letting go of her face only to scrunch Ike's face up. "You on the other hand, need to spend some more time with your sister."
"Please don't remind me," Ike groaned, prying her hand's off of his face. "I get enough of it from Oscar."
"Well, he's right," she said, taking her hands off of him. "Now off to bed, the both of you. I don't need the commander and his little sister getting tired for tomorrows march."
"You don't have to mother us," Mist whined.
"Well, someone has too," Titania laughed. "How else are you guys take care of you."
"Yeah, yeah," Ike complained. "You can stay with me tonight, Mist."
"Really?!" Mist said excitedly.
"Yes, really," Ike reassured her, turning around to walk towards his tent.
Titania laughed as she saw Mist excitedly walk with Ike back to his tent. She picked up the axe from the ground before walking back into her tent. She looked at the gift they gave her, it felt really nice to see and feel their appreciation for her. She placed it right next to her bed, writing a few more things in her notebook before going to bed herself. With them, it truly felt like she adopted them as her own children and she loved them both.
Wrote this for the FE Art Scuffle as a little revenge fic/thank you gift for @larachelledrawsf who drew me few of my fave characters from PoR/RD and from Shadow Dragon. I saw found family and immediately went for it. The found family tropes/family bonding tropes is one of my favorite tropes in the world. So I wrote it over Ike, Mist, and Titania bonding a little bit with each other! Thank you again for drawing them for me! I really do love them and appreciate them so much!
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ashleysmessyjourney · 2 years
One Year Anniversary
I cannot believe it, and yet, here it is: I've spent one full year messing my diapers and I still have two full years to go before this challenge expires. I haven't touched a single potty other than my own for cleaning purposes for my guests and I have not once ever used a public bathroom other than to change myself.
Since I'm at my one year anniversary with two more years ahead of me, I would like to say I'm a third of the way there but I have a feeling that even if I neared the end of this challenge, more and more time would just get added on. That's just how it's always worked throughout this last year, and thanks to a select few of you, I have a feeling I'll never be stopping this fun challenge of mine.
In the beginning, I thought this challenge would be a month long tops, but little by little, more and more time was put on. Once I hit the six week mark, I saw that I had nearly two whole months to go. I was afraid. I was nervous. And you know what? That's okay. It's okay to feel these feelings; we're only human. None of us can be perfect. I remained strong because while I hadn't enjoyed messing myself in the past, I had made a commitment to this challenge and to all of you to not only mess my diapers regularly and exclusively, I also made a promise to document my journey. I'm documenting all of this not only because I find it rather kinky but also to share my knowledge and experiences in the hopes that it can help someone going through the same things I am. It's also a great way to explore my feelings, too!
Believe it or not, after a year, I find the act of messing enjoyable. It's something I look forward to in the mornings because it keeps me from spending a lot more time on the potty on my phone. All I have to do is squat down, make pushies in my bedwetting diaper, then wipe myself clean with some wipes. Sounds easy, right? That's because it is. Once you get into a new routine and stick to it for many weeks, that new routine becomes normal and your body gets used to pooping on a regular schedule.
It's hard to really pin down why messing has become fun for me and I know it sounds weird to say that messing is fun. However, one of the reasons why I enjoy it so much is because it introduced kink back into my diapers, something that I've been missing for a while. Wearing diapers for fun every now and then won't minimize your kink and attraction to diapers, but if you wear them long enough or if you need them, they start to lose that kinky attraction. I've been wearing them for need for many years now, so I was grateful and happy to find something that made diapers kinky and naughty again.
I found it hard to switch diets and start eating better food in the beginning, but you know what? I have a lot more energy, I sleep better, and I'm not wasting money buying food that's nothing but fat and empty calories. I started out small, introducing more fruit and vegetables into my diet in place of chips or another unhealthy snack. The more healthy food I ate, the easier it became to stay on the straight and narrow path of good food. I've done my best to only eat whole foods. If it came in a bag ready to eat, I wouldn't buy it. I learned how to cook a lot of amazing meals, mostly Mexican-inspired dishes. A lot of my recipes are easy to make, healthy, and it's a great way to bond with your friends, too! Who can say no to some awesome home-cooked Mexican food? My favorite is steak fajitas!
In order to keep my messes easy to clean, I have to drink more water than I usually would. This helps keep my poop more uniform and easy to clean. I've also been including a lot more fiber into my diet to make it easier to poop. Junk food and overeating always leads to mushy messes, messes that are extremely difficult to clean. I've learned a lot from doing this challenge and I'm still learning. I've adapted to a tough situation and I've come out stronger for it.
I became a better person because of this challenge and I'm still improving myself every day. I learned what foods I could and couldn't eat. Remember how I talked about getting stomach aches in public and barely making it back to my car before I had to make a mess in my diaper? (Those weren't fun drives home!) I've found that I've grown sensitive to certain foods, foods that I no longer eat. While I do miss those foods sometimes, I do not miss the sudden onset of needing to poop immediately.
Can you imagine how uncomfortable I felt when I knew my body was going to poop in minutes, especially since I can't stand using public restrooms? If I didn't find a bathroom within a few minutes, I would have to use my diaper against my will. Feeling that anxiety and stress sure didn't help me, either. However, since the whole point of this challenge is to use my diapers exclusively, there was never a point in trying to hold it to get home when it'll just end up in the seat of my diaper. It was only a matter of time until I could get somewhere safe and away from other people to let my body take care of its needs and for my diaper to take care of me. I always carry the necessary supplies with me in case of accidents like these in a bag that's always in the trunk of my car.
It's a strange feeling giving up control over something so intimate. To give in to the waiting embrace of your diaper for such a private act is surely a display of submission to my diapers. What can I say other than I love it?
It was hard to get over the idea that it was okay to use a fresh diaper to mess if you had to. Diapers are a few dollars at most, so if you can't help but feel that you have to make pushies in your fresh diaper, then that's what has to happen. I used to feel regret when I did this, but now it has become a calm acceptance of something that must happen. I always asked myself if I wanted to try to hold it and deal with the discomfort until I reach the point where I felt like my diaper was wet enough to make it okay to mess or was the cost of one diaper worth my immediate relief from the pressure building up inside?
Of course, when put in simple terms like that, the answer was always use your diaper. I wear them to keep me cozy, comfortable, and above all, safe. That's what they're made for. They're literally made to hold all kinds of body waste, regardless of what it is. They're designed to provide relief for when you just can't hold it anymore. I learned to give in and accept the inevitable mess, and looking at how much time I have left, I wonder how my level of control will be once a couple of years have passed. Currently, I'd say I'm at a 6.5 out of 10 for my level of control, though it varies based on what I eat, how much I eat, and other day to day variables.
About a week and a half ago, I had woken up feeling amazing. Don't know why. As I was stretching, I felt like I had to fart but when I pushed to help things along, I felt something else slide out between my butt cheeks. It was small, but I still had an actual accident while I was still in bed, barely awake. I gave in and pushed as hard as I could, thinking that since I'd just messed myself a little bit, I might as well finish it rather than waiting to get out of bed to finish the job.
It felt great to mess my diaper in bed. I didn't have to leave my bed's warm embrace and I was able to relieve the pressure in my tummy without a second thought. Making pushies into my diaper has become second nature at this point, but not in my bed. I was surprised at how easy it was to mess myself; maybe it was because I wasn't really paying attention to my body's signals because I was still kinda sorta half asleep? Could it have been a result of that night time messing hypnosis that I've been using? Maybe!
Will I be able to achieve my kinky dreams of waking up messy? Perhaps. I saw an interesting post the other day about someone taking Miralax and NyQuil in the hopes of waking up messy for their caretaker and they did, making me wonder if I can achieve the same thing. With all the time I've spent playing with my butt plugs and thicker toys combined with a full year of me messing my diapers as soon as I felt the need, surely I would find it easier than most to accomplish what that couple did. I feel a little apprehension though, mainly because I'm not familiar with how either drug affects my body.
I haven't been sick in years (knock on wood!) so taking a drug to help me sleep while also taking a drug that'll make me poop is something that makes me feel a little uneasy. I think I'd have to first experiment with each separately so I can get a sense of how they'll affect me before I'd combine the two and really give waking up messy a real shot. I've been using the night time messing hypnosis from Baby Pants on and off as my mood and desires swing in regards to waking up messy, but with this new idea in hand, I might just actually achieve my goals and make a lot of you happy and proud of me.
I cannot have done all of this and gone so far without your support, so I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude and thanks for your gifts and for your motivational comments. I truly love reading what you think of my journey and your words of support have been a significant factor in keeping me motivated. Even liking and reblogging my posts have been very helpful, too!
As I'm sure you know by now, this journey of mine is not without its costs. I've had to use many more diapers because of this challenge and it's hard to shoulder the costs, especially when you're diaper dependent as I am. Any kind of support would be immensely appreciated and I would be sincerely grateful. As the pinned post says, anything and everything adds time onto the timer. Once I receive stuff, that item's time gets added onto the timer on my Tumblr's pinned post and on my Twitter bio.
Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/10MYHI152VZRT/
I also sell the biggest diaper training guide ever! It's over 34k words long and is 57 pages. It is the most up to date training guide around, complete with topics like bedwetting, messing, dating, how to adjust to living your best life back in diapers, and everything in between in order to help you become the person you know you really want to be.
Patreon helps fund this journey of mine, so a little support truly does go a long way. https://www.patreon.com/DiaperTraining
Lastly, I want to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to read this. I know it's long but I wanted to make sure that I did a great job on my one year anniversary. Hope you loved it!
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halfusek · 11 months
Hey so I remember you saying that you didn’t like how they wrought Nathan ,Wilson, and Joey in batdr and also just batdr in general.(at least i remember you saying that) and I had this idea for how to fix it a bit.
To start of Joey will not necessarily be get a redemption. He will still be the evil asshole we knew him in batim. But he will still make Audrey, but a bit more selfishly then in batdr. And while he still is a bad person he is actually a good dad(well more like good at parenting). And when he dies memory Joey is made.
Memory Joey and the real Joey are separate characters in this little rewrite. And because Memory Joey is only “a memory” he only saw himself as good and is more like the “brand Joey”, who was the nice guy. And Memory Joey has this arc where he doesn’t know who he is, and is trying to figure it out.
And the more he finds out the more he learns about what Joey did, and well he doesn’t like it. He kinda has this existential crisis. But the more he learns the more he learns to separate himself from the real Joey. Learn that “just because your born from darkness doesn’t mean you belong to it.”
And then we have Nathan and Wilson. I think the could have a parallel  with Audrey and Joey(the real Joey). While Nathan was a good man he wasn’t the best father. Have him be the kinda of parent that had good intentions for his kid but didn’t have a good outcome. But for Wilson’s mom she was a good parent, but have he leave or maybe die.
And because of this it affects Wilson, because he doesn’t have a proper parental figure he basically left on his own, and this leads him down the path he takes in batdr
I fell like this would help some stuff with the original batdr story, like have Joey still be a dick but memory Joey learning from his mistakes. And for Wilson it would make him a bit more on the grey side while still being the bad guy because the stuff that happened with his parents wasn’t his fault, but him choosing to continue down the path he took his. Give him and Audrey a bit of a parallel.
There are probably going to be some stuff to figure out with this but I think you get the idea. I hope this wasn’t to long for you. And what do you think of this idea? If you have anything that could improve it fell free to share.
yea honestly i would love that so much if in BATDR Joey was a good dad but a shit person and Nathan a bad dad but a good person
(though what i would have loved even more is if they made Nathan the one eyed secret villain he was supposed to be /coughs)
because that would be such a FUN parallel and interesting dynamic
but i kinda don't know where the ink demon goes in here
technically joey brought him to life (via using other people but like it was his idea to do it lol), i guess joey, henry and thomas have joint custody XD
but with that dynamic, what i really would have loved to see is wilson acknowledging audrey and joey having a good relationship because imagine IMAGINE how furious wilson would be over the fact that joey Fucking JOEY DREW one of the guys his own father spent so much of his time caring about (instead of him) gets to be a good dad and this person he's trying to malemanipulate gets to have a good dad
i think that'd be hilarious
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
Hi Crow!
In honor of the dlc, can I get 9 and 10 for Miquella?
Hiya Catcas! Thank you!! I’d love to talk a little bit about everyone’s fav lil golden guy!
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(9) So, little Miquella definitely grew up in Leyndell with Malenia, in my opinion, and they were largely raised by Godwyn actually! I’m on board with that theory about Godwyn being the youngest of the Godfrey/Marika kiddos, so yeah, to me he was Marika’s favorite golden child and adored his little half siblings. He was their close guardian.
Miquella got along well with Radagon too, but his curse of eternal childhood and Malenia’s rot started to mess with him. He turned to his beloved father and brother, seeking for help…but for all their golden gifts, nothing would suffice. Marika was mostly quiet about the whole thing, but I have this idea that Miquella was the one to really start pointing out all of the flaws in the Order’s system, particularly the way certain people groups were shunned and mistreated.
Marika, though she acted unbothered, secretly was listening to Miquella and her own long-term doubts were really set off by his words.
It all accumulated one day when Malenia’s rot grew so invasive that she had to amputate her arm. Miquella, who was out traveling when it happened, heard the news and in a moment of intense grief, cut into his own arm to “feel one with his sister and her pain.”
That’s when I think his healing blood fell to the earth and onto a small sprouting tree. It gnarled and grew faintly in size, which Miquella noticed. His dream of the Haligtree hit him then, and in a burst of joy and determination, he returned to the capital to tell his sister.
His visionary plot was not something Radagon understood, but he blessed his son regardless and told him to embrace his status as an Empyrean, crafting a unique identity but with an unshakable love for the Golden Order still. Miquella wisely agreed out loud, but his heart was to create a new order. He had seen it in his dream, and Marika was the one to realize this. The only problem is that she chose the path of revenge and destruction instead of Miquella’s more subtle and peaceful one.
So, Miquella and Malenia found their new home and created a beautiful haven for outcasts. Miquella’s primary mission became about curing Malenia, and when he was satisfied with the results, it was his turn. That’s when he began to water the Haligtree and enter into his deep slumbers. You all know what happened next, obviously. I also think that Godwyn regularly came to see them and really supported the process in every way he could.
For a long time, that was Miquella’s life…in my headcanon anyway, and I can’t wait until we learn more in the DLC (if we do) so that I can develop this further.
(10) I have been seeing more of it lately, but I really wanna see Miquella with Godwyn, and maybe their dragon escapades, haha. I love this idea of Godwyn actually being a dragonrider and taking Miquella and Malenia with him. (Fortissax = best Uber).
I also want to see more of Miquella with Marika, and kind of this idea that Miq’s crazy visions and ideas about how to improve life in the Land’s Between was something Marika really was struck by. The idea of her appreciating his pacifistic route, but ultimately caving into her darker, scheming side is an idea I’m kind of obsessed with.
Oh, and now that we’ve possibly seen Miq with Torrent, I wanna hear people’s ideas about how they were maybe connected! The potential is endless <3
Thank you again, friend! I need to talk about Elden Ring more. It’s fun.
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a-s-levynn · 8 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
so i'm gonna attempt to answer all 6 of these in one go under this one but wow.. 30? hooo boy.. let's get to it, and see how many i can manage to scrounge together
ps. up front: It took a bit actually to finish it, it kinda consumed my past day and a half but y'all this was such an exercise in self reflection because you really have to think what is it you actually like or are proud of about yourself not just list 2-3 surface lvl copout. And it turns out can be a lot more than expected. It can be small things and weird things and unconventional things. Just things. It also was such an unexpected morale boost, like.. yo.. i actually don't hate myself as much as i thought?
(also sorry for typos in advance i didn't have the mind or time to correct them, maybe later)
1. Let's start easy. My hair. The natural curls it has. I hated it for so long but by now i enjoying them so much, especially the past year or so when it got longer. (imagine will ramos type curls. it's dead on i just don't have that thick of a mane) I stil lstraighten it occasionally but not nearly as much as i used to. Also in the summer the ends go red 'cause of the sun lightening it up, which ends me up with a real fun natural kind of ombre.
2. I'm a good problem solver. I can be awful practical at times but it helps with situations that needs solving instead of panicking.
3. I kinda like the fact that despite my loath of cooking/baking and all foodmaking in general, i am a pretty good cook.
4. I'm a good listener. At least i like to think i'm a good listener.
5. I'm a fast learner especially if it is shown prolerly step by step once.
6. I'm not the most creative person on the planet but i'm fairly decent and i like that.
7. You know what, i'm actually proud of the effort i make to be judgemental as little as i can. Because nobody is perfect but i actually do try and for most part it's going great.
8. This ties into the 2nd one but i like the fact that i can be objective to a degree that i'm able to emotionally detach from situations to the point that i can assess them level headed.
9. And on that note i'm stupiddly self aware. Of my faults and shortcomings as well as my capabilieties (however limited they are) and it helps me a lot to work on myself to be a decent human being.
10. I'm really good at eyeballing things. Like for example back when i did cosplays i usually didn't had to do any sort of mental gimnastics or calculations to figure out how large my props should be. 9 out of 10 times the first draft was perfectly sized.
11. To think of it i like the fact that i not just realized but accepted that i'm not perfect, never wíll be but that is okay.
12. I'm proud of the fact that i know i'm not the smartest person in the room, ever. I'm not smart academically speaking. I'm more practical-smart, but i'm not all knowing and the knowledge of that makes me want to learn shit. Ther eis always room for improvement and learning.
13. High pain tolerance.
14. Honestly i like that i made it up until now in life and still going. It wasn't always a sure thing but for the most part i'm liking the fact that it happend. That i made it.
15. I like being on a good path with being unapologetic about who i am, what i like and why am i the way i am.
16. I'm actually good negotiator if i make an effort. I'm fairly good at diffusing arguments.
17. This is a funny one but i like that i can identify people i know by their movements from far away. See, my eyesight isn't the best so i usually memorized bodylanguage faster than faces since i was a teenager. So it lead to some fun situations like me and someone else waiting for a third and i was like yeah they are like 500 m away so you can't see the face or anything but i already knew it's the person we are waiting and people go like "wow how did you know?"
18. As messy as it is i like how my handwriting can be so varied. I learned to write tilted cursive but my grandma forced me to learn non-tilted cursive and later i started to use non cursive and it became this weird amalgamation and now i can write in a lot of different aesthetics and i like it. Also made me the go to person for forged singitures back at school but that's an other story..
19. I like the fact that i don't hold grudges. I feel like they are a waste of time and energy and just weigh you down. So i can just.. go past them. I know shit happend, i acknowledge it but i'm not agonizing over it.
20. I like the fun fact that for elementary school i wasn't put into the music specialization because i had good hearing and a decent voice but because i had unusual rythm sense for my age at that time. Than i learned to sing okay but it was so funny. Everyone around me got in because they could sing and i was just riddiculously good at replicating rythmic excercises. (crying shame my father sold out the drumkit from under my ass before i could have really gotten deep into it.. i might've ended up on a different life path.. i mean i did play bass for a time but it wasn't the same, altho i kinda feel the itch to pick it back up again for a few years now just for amusing myself at home)
21. I like the fact that dispite the school system's damnest efforts i still do a lot of thing with my left hand. I was ambidextous since birth but out ancient education system think it's better if every kid is right handed. But my parent's didn't gave a shit, just let me do my stuff however it was comfy for me. So i use for example knives with my left but write with my right, that sort of mixups. It's fun how it can confuse others when they don't know the bg story for it.
22. Honestly i joke about my eyecolour being the literal colour of goose shit but i say that because i find it extremely funny and i like weirdly funny things in general.
23. I like the fact that (as per my knowledge) i'm not allergic to anything. With the level of nihilism i sport on the self-preservation front it would have been an interesting thing.
24. On the artsy and craftsy front i can work with multiple mediums which is fun. When i feel like drawing on paper i can, when is feel like paintig i could, i can do papermashe, amateur jewellery making, sewing, i can also do paper forlding, photography, and as you saw if i have the fancy to dabble in sculpting i have a decent shot for it not turning out terrible. I'm not amazing in any of them but i'm decent enough that i'm not just enjoying the process but i actually like a fair amount of the end results.
25. I'm good with maps and navigation in general. It's very rare for me to get lost at all. (only exception is large buildings.. i'm practically direction blind in closed spaces)
26. I love the fact the i learned english essentially by playing online video games, reading comics and watching movies. Now i have an official exam paper thingie but it was an aftertought for my resumé more than anything else.
27. I like that i'm basically friends with my mom.
28. An other funny one but i find it amusing that if you talk to me about something, even if i have no idea about what you are talking about it, but if you are excited i'm going to mirror you level of excitement without conscientiously trying to do it.
29. I like my sense of aesthetics in general.
30. And i like the fact that i can pick up on the most random small details and be unreasonably excited about it. I like being excited about stuff. You know, child-like wonder and all that i guess. Dunno, i just like it.
And that is it. It was a lot but yeah.. Have a bonus cozy sleeping cat if you chew all this text:
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rabbitcruiser · 17 days
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National Walnut Day 
Go nuts for walnuts! These crunchy delights pack a punch of flavor and nutrition in every bite. Sprinkle them on salads, bake them into treats, or snack on them straight from the bag. It's a nutty good time!
Go nuts about walnuts in honor of National Walnut Day! This ancient, healthful nut makes a great addition to sweet treats, salads, trail mixes and so many other interesting dishes. While other nuts often take center stage, the walnut is absolutely worth celebrating and appreciating on National Walnut Day.
History of National Walnut Day
As the oldest known tree that has provided food to humans, walnuts have a history that can be traced back for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for humans to discover that the walnut is an easy to store and simple to eat nut. Plus, it travels well and offers great nutritional benefits.
In Persia, the walnut was referred to as the Royal Nut and it was only allowed to be eaten by people of royal heritage. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the walnut was brought to Greece from Persia and it was referred to as the Persian Nut for more than 1000 years. However, over time, the Greek version became smaller and inferior to the Persian walnut. In fact, the Greeks were envious of the Persian walnut, so they brought some Persian cultivars back to Greece to improve their breeds.
The Greek name for the walnut is karyon, which means head. This is actually fairly spot on, because the outside shell resembles a human head and the interior nut looks a bit like a brain!
Walnuts likely made their way further into Europe somewhere between 500–700 BC and then moved west after that. The nut probably traveled to the British Isles with the Roman Empire. It was somewhere around this point that it picked up its name “English walnut”, which is used to distinguish it from the black walnut.
Eventually, the walnut crossed the ocean and found a path to the New World. It was a group of Franciscan Fathers who found that the climate of Southern California was an important one for growing these deciduous trees. And this is likely the reason they picked up the name “mission walnuts”. California walnuts have become so popular that they account for 99% of the commercial walnut industry in the United States, a large portion of walnut trade in the world.
National Walnut Day dates back more than 70 years! It was in 1949 that the Walnut Marketing Board in the United States established the day with the purpose of celebrating and promoting this delicious and nutritious nut. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the day a public holiday in 1958 and National Walnut Day has continued to be celebrated every year since that time.
National Walnut Day Timeline
7000 BC Humans cultivate walnuts
The oldest tree food known to man, walnuts are cultivated starting in Persia. 
1754 BC First documented account of the walnut
The cultivation of the walnut is mentioned in The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest code of laws in the world. 
600 BC Walnut plants arrive in Europe
Around this time, the walnut plant makes its way from Persia into Europe. 
17th Century AD Walnuts land in America
English settlers are responsible for bringing walnut plants to the New World.
Late 1900s Walnuts are cultivated in Chile
The climate in Chile does well for growing walnuts and the country eventually becomes the world’s third largest walnut exporter. 
How to Celebrate National Walnut Day
Enjoy tons of fun on National Walnut Day by celebrating in style with some of these tasty ideas:
Learn Some Health Benefits of Walnuts
National Walnut Day is a perfect time to get a bit more familiar with some of the health benefits that are offered by this little nut. Take a look at these ways that the walnut is a healthy choice for snacking and baking:
Filled with Antioxidants
High in Healthy Fat
Promotes Gut Health
May Decrease Inflammation
Walnuts contain the most antioxidants of any of the commonly eaten nuts. The high Vitamin E content, melatonin and polyphenols can help to prevent oxidative damage and promote the lowering of “bad” cholesterol.
Omega-3 fat is an essential ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that is a vital part of the human diet, especially for the prevention of heart disease. A single one ounce serving of walnuts provides a full daily supply of this important nutrient.
Walnuts offer essential bacteria and microbes that help with the functioning of overall gut health.
One of the common triggers for health problems in inflammation and walnuts offer nutrients, such as polyphenols, that can reduce oxidative stress that tends to cause inflammation. This could be beneficial in reducing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.
Make Some Candied Walnuts
While candied pecans and toasted almonds are often thought of as some favorite snacks made from nuts, candied walnuts are absolutely worth trying out. Candied walnuts are delicious for snacking, adding as a topping to salads or used as a garnish on cakes and other sweet treats. And, they’re super easy to make!
Really, it’s as simple as just three ingredients: walnuts, butter and sugar. Add all of the ingredients to a skillet and heat for five minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Separate nuts on parchment paper and allow to cool.
Share Fun Facts About Walnuts
One super clever way to raise awareness about the goodness and health of walnuts might be to learn a few bits of trivia about this nut that can be shared. Tell friends and coworkers about some fun facts while encouraging them to celebrate National Walnut Day in their chosen fashion.
Get started with some of these:
Even since ancient times, walnuts have been used for various health benefits and have even been considered to be medicinal for treating issues such as bad breath, wound healing and reduction of inflammation.
Walnut trees can grow to be very large, up to 60 feet tall. They can produce walnuts for more than 100 years!
Walnuts are best when kept cool, so it’s ideal to store them in the refrigerator or freezer for the best flavor and the longest life.
The state of California produces approximately one billion pounds of walnuts every single year. Now that’s a whole lot of nuts!
Make Baked Goods with Walnuts
Enjoy the delicious National Walnut Day by getting some walnuts for the kitchen and adding them to a variety of baked goods. This might mean adding chopped walnuts to a loaf of banana bread, a selection of oatmeal muffins, a pan of freshly baked brownies or a variety of other tasty baked treats. Be sure to bake up extra treats with walnuts and pass them out at work, share them with neighbors and offer them to family members in observance of National Walnut Day!
National Walnut Day FAQs
Are walnuts good for you?
Some studies have shown that walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as lowering “bad” cholesterol. 
How to toast walnuts?
Walnuts can be toasted in a single layer for 8-10 minutes at 350 F. 
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Though it may not hurt them to have a stray walnut, dog owners should avoid feeding them to dogs as they can be a choking hazard.
Do walnuts go bad?
When exposed to heat for a period of time, walnuts can begin to smell rancid and taste bad. 
Do walnuts have protein?
Yes, walnuts have 4.5 grams of protein per ¼ cup.
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