#it’s all platonic guys
gildy-locks · 3 months
Pandora wearing Barty’s tie around her head.
Barty wearing Pandora’s tie around his waist.
Evan wearing Edgar’s tie casually (pushing the rosebones agenda)
Edgar writing Evan’s name inside his ties
James wearing Regulus’ ties.
Regulus letting Pandora cut James’ ties and make it into clips and jewelry and little things he could wear.
Sirius writing “PROPERTY OF MOONY” on his ties. But big and visible.
Remus writing “PROPERY OF PADFOOT” on his ties. But like small and on the edge.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Laios's three Boy Best Friends. And yes, they hate him.
#dungeon meshi#laios touden#toshiro nakamoto#chilchuck tims#kabru#BF in this context could be boyfriend or best friend. The line is so blurry.#Chilchuck less so but whatever is going on between Shuro and Laios & Kabru and Laios is giving strong:#“dude if you were a girl I'd date the hell out of you”. And from the genderswap extra's that sentiment is canon for BOTH.#This was made prior to the translation of the Laios & Kabru & Shuro restaurant date comic and honestly I am just feeling vindicated.#I don't even know what to call this dynamic other than a situationship. There is so much going on between all of them.#Even on a purely platonic reading - the miscommunication and male yearning for friendship hurt so bad.#When we got the Big Hug scene in the epilogue arc I was whooping and hollering! Pure catharsis moment!#I also don't like hugs very much so I really felt it went Shuro ('hates being touched') went in for the bear hug.#Do not get me started on the agony of 'always lying' Kabru telling the truth (I just wanted to be friends)#and 'always believes' Laios thinking it's another lie and brushing him off.#I am once again supporting dungeon meshi day by posting art. Please watch dungeon meshi.#obligatory edit because I’m tired: YES. Chilchuck cares for Laios and him admitting it was a huge part of his arc#YES he is more just fed up with him that actually hating him.#I needed a third guy to be canonically done with his ass for the THREE WEED SMOKING GIRLFRIENDS reference
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omaano · 5 months
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Winter fun with the 212th and adjacent headaches :3
Happy Holidays and New Years @wanderingjedihistorian I hope you'll like this❤️ (how does it feel to be the recipient of all my codywan-related drawings XD?) Jedi are horrible disasters when you put them on ice and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Thank you @starwarsfandomfests for organizing this exchange! ❤️
Close ups under the
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Could I have detailed out any one of these on its own and be done with it? Most likely. Did I get overwelmed with all the cool reference pictures I had found once I decided what I will draw, and then couldn't pick? Absolutely. Will I still draw Cody and Obi-Wan the first time I'll have time for a personal project next year even though I don't want to see them ever again? You know me and can recognize patterns, of course that is what I will do XD
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mochiiniko · 1 year
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i am so normal about this movie
edit: this has been getting more attention for some reason and im REALLY confused but im not complaining because this movie means so much to me and im so glad people do too! im looking forward to making more castle in the sky art, as well as ghibli art in general, so in the meantime heres some silly doodles i made of sheeta and pazu :>
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eluminium · 4 months
Impulse: talking about how cool it was to reach 1 mil subs Someone in chat: Skizz is gonna overtake you soon
Impulse, no hesitation, with his entire impussy:
G O O D.
I can't wait. I can't wait! Honestly I would LOVE- I would ABSOLUTELY love to see Skizz pass me in everything. Subs, views, everything. Dude deserves it. I've been dreaming about that since I started. Him coming along and making his way up and overtaking me and me riding- I'll ride his coattails for a while, you know!
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kevinsdsy · 15 days
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bonus (kevin day retweeting jeremy’s tweet 🙂‍↕️):
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the trojans social media au (pt. 7): i wanted to make a silly part and then i found that pic of 90s damon albarn and it looked like it could be from a podcast so i really wanted to include it and suddenly i was writing the most heartwarming team moment???
also a few weeks ago i saw @problemduetest4life introduce 90s damon albarn as a jeremy knox fancast and it’s truly been living in my mind rent free. like it’s literally how i always imagined him to look like and the only fancast i will accept now 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he’s made it to the pinterest board so thank u so much for your service <33333
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paperultra · 7 months
eye to eye.
Pairing: OPLA!Monkey D. Luffy x Reader Word Count: 781 words Warnings: None
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He’s been staring for five minutes now.
Five minutes and thirty-three seconds, to be exact. Twenty-seven more seconds and it’ll be six minutes, and you don’t know if you can handle six minutes of him looking at you; everyone on this ship has fallen prey to those big brown eyes, and you are certainly no exception – how many times have you scraped off the last portion of your meal onto his plate, or let him trail after you and chatter away while you did inventory, or sat on the figurehead with him despite your fear of heights because of those eyes? The answer is more than once, and you know you’d do it again in a heartbeat as you finally look up from your newspaper.
“You need anything, Luffy?”
“Nope,” he says.
He continues to stare at you, that achingly wide, sunny grin on his face. You blink. He does too.
“Are you sure?”
“... Well,” you say slowly, more befuddled as the seconds tick by – surely, it’s now been over six minutes – “do you want something?”
(There is always a ninety-two percent chance that Luffy wants something, concrete or not. Seventy percent of the time it is concrete, and the thing he wants is food.)
Luffy shakes his head. He props his elbows onto his knees and rests his chin in his hands, and you swear you see his eyes sparkle underneath the tattered brim of his straw hat.
“I just like looking at your face,” he chirps.
The force of those few words is enough to stop your heart in your chest. It stutters in place, then starts again, jumping with glee.
“I like looking at your face,” he repeats as if you didn’t hear it the first time.
You lick your lips, grappling for something to say in response to such a strange answer. “It’s … it’s not much to look at,” you finally say, curling up out of habit. “There’re better faces out there.”
“But I want to look at yours.” Luffy jabs a finger towards you. You shrink back a bit, cheeks beginning to warm. “And there’s lots to look at, like your nose and eyes and stuff.”
You wonder if you should take that as a compliment. But Luffy doesn't do compliments; he only does the truth, and maybe that makes what he’s said infinitely more valuable.
"Thanks for noticing," you reply, awkward but fond. He nods happily, and you find yourself adding, "I like looking at your face too."
It's not a lie, nor an attempt to return the favor. You do like looking at Luffy's face. You like the wild, coal-black curls framing it, the perpetually goofy smile, the scar, the eyes that turn into dark honey in the sunlight. The eyes that look back at you and promise freedom and joy and everything good the world has to offer.
"You do?" He sounds very pleased and scoots closer. "That's great! We can look at each other."
"Won't that get boring after a while?"
"If it does, we can go and eat something."
You snort, face now very hot as you move to sit cross-legged. "You're funny, Luffy."
And so you look at Luffy, and Luffy looks at you, knees touching and the room still with a few rare seconds of contemplative silence. A few seconds, because that is all you can take before you dissolve into giggles, half flustered and half entertained. (This is how you often are around him nowadays.)
It isn't long before Luffy joins you, and the two of you end up lying on the floor, cackling until you're out of breath.
"Ahhh! That was fun," Luffy gasps once he can speak coherently again. "Now let's get something to eat!"
"You're bored already?" you ask in between gulps of air.
"No, but I'm hungry." With a grunt, he rolls back and catapults himself onto his feet, then picks you up and sets you down to stand before tugging on your arm. "Let's ask Sanji to make us a snack."
You nod, and soon enough, the floor of the Going Merry thrums with the sound of two scruffy pairs of shoes running over it, laughter bouncing off the walls as Luffy's hand grips yours. It's the same way he holds your heart, tightly but kindly. You squeeze back.
Three words balance on the tip of your tongue. You swallow them.
One day, you think. One day, he will look at you like he did today, and you will tell him how much a person like him means to a person like you.
But right now, you're going to ask Sanji to make you and Luffy something to eat.
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antiadvil · 2 months
PHAN PROOF omg everyone I have a photo of them holding hands I can't believe phan is real
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theposhperyton · 3 months
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I'm almost finished with Enies Lobby, manifesting this energy for the end of the arc 🙏
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cowboy-caboodles · 3 months
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Cuddle Buddies 💕
They’re so important to me!! 😫🫂
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lunee-bat · 2 months
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Guess what I had art block and made a kid for my notp and now the art block’s fixed and I got a free au out of it
(there’s more weird art under the cut)
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Common whizbang w
She’s a cervitaur bc I’m embracing the cringe and thought Lucifer’s wack genetics would meet up with Alastor’s and remember Charlie’s and say “let’s square the hooves on this one!!” so here we are
Anyway,,,enemies to coparents shenanigans,,
They’re trying their best
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I promise,,
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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I have never seen this man in my life.
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archgabrielangel · 4 months
"Piper should be dating Jason!" "Jason and Leo are dating!" "Piper and Leo are a couple!" shut up they're in a qpr with each other next question.
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hold on. i just wanted to see their height difference and. and hold on-
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ill probably clean this up & do the other neighbors but ohhhhh my god. hes SMALL!!!!!! TWELVE! APPLES! (bg Home included to see if Barnaby would be able to fit through the front door. nope<3)
#im imagining barnaby leaning against home's roof while home repeatedly hits him with the side window#(it does nothing)#ANYWAY SO YEAH WALLY TINY. SMALL MAN#since the only info we have on heights is that wally is 3ft (twelve apples) and julie/sally are just a smidge taller than him#then frank/eddie are 4 ft#and then howdy/barnaby/poppy are all 7-8 ft#since theyre a bit vaguer im currently hc-ing that barnaby is the shortest at 7'9 while poppy is a solid 8 ft and howdy is between them#that still leaves barnaby as an absolute BEHEMOTH#scribble salad#welcome home#welcome home puppet show#welcome home fanart#okay. okay okay okay im so anormal about this#because i fucking Love height differences ok#whether its platonic or romantic or WHATEVER I AM WEAK TO IT. ITS MY FAVORITE THING#just a big person and their little guy. a little person and their big guy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#barnaby can hold wally like a ferret. wally can probably hide under barnaby's fluffy ears. im losing it#also the character heights are probably different than the physical puppet heights#since in the official art they all seem to have consistent size/height differences that slightly contradict their heights#which makes sense!! the big guys have walkarounds And live hands to keep em in frame with the smaller guys after all#(unless that info is a lie and there Are no different puppets bc theyre all alive and autonomous maybe but also hmmm Thinking)#still. wally is. so small#also its gonna amuse me when humans come into play#bc its like oh no!!! the puppets are all 3-4 ft tall! so tiny and vulnerable!#and then barnaby & howdy & poppy show up-#they could absolutely wreck humans. like fuck dude. theyre Huge.#id shit. just saying. if a near-8-ft-tall four armed four legged caterpillar man showed up id Pass Away On the Spot#i would say No Thanks and then Die Instantly#great now im picturing julie screeching THEY CANT STOP US ALL and then the smaller puppets swarm a person#so true queen <3 they Cant stop you all <3 especially when you have a huge fuckoff dog backing yall up
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dustykneed · 5 months
one moment theyre arguing on the bridge the next theyre necking in a turbolift (bickering is their foreplay.) also mckirk is peak "i married my best friend" energy
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also i LOVE the idea of bones being inexplicably more flustered than spock over kissing the vulcan way,, theyre both terrible terrible tsunderes but jim thinks its so funny that they play it up sometimes when hes feeling down just to see him laugh
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Guys, the new year hasn’t started for me yet, I still got a few hours to go but I’ll mine-as-well make this post since I’ll probably go to bed anyways- 😂
First, I’d like to say
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HELL YEAH! -I mean it’s just the characters but- HELL YEAH‼️‼️‼️‼️
SECOND. I want to show you something AMAZING and that something I’d never expect??
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It really makes me think how all of you guys really like and appreciate my art, and the fact that so many people encourage me to keep doing it, it brings me to tears! 🥹
Every one of you are the best thing in my life!! The first time I got Tumblr I started in:
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March 30?? That’s insane- 💀
And the fact that I’ve improved SO MUCH is just INCREDIBLE!
You wanna see the FIRST drawings of Peppino??
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And you’re telling me that this was in what- THE START OF MARCH?? (Or February I don’t remember-) But this is just the PINNACLE of how much I’ve changed in terms in art style and experience.
I bring this up because I think Tumblr is the REASON why I improved so much! I experimented with brushes (digitally) and I found my brushes!! I learned how to EXAGGERATE AND ACTUALLY DRAW CARTOONY LIKE I’VE WANTED TO FOR SO LONG!!
(And NEVER took an art class. That’s fucking what- 💀 I need to take one I actually need to at this point-)
Also also also- I’ve learned a lot of things! Anatomy, exaggerative expression, stretchy cartooniness, ALL OF THESE ARE JUST- I can’t believe I’ve learned all this because one day I decided: “Maybe I should ACTUALLY get a social media for my art? 🤔” AND I DID IT AND CHANGED MY LIFE‼️‼️‼️
My followers!- My mutuals/friends- I NEED TO SAY HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE ALL MY MUTUALS, ALL OF YOU 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
Everything about Tumblr has changed me in SUCH a positive way in not only terms of art but with how many people (TALENTED PEOPLE) I’ve made FRIENDS with AND ACTUALLY got to know!!!
I already said it but you guys are absolutely AMAZING and I just CAN’T FATHAM how much this year has just been a BLAST.
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My mutuals:
@noodletime @moon9931 @marclef @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker @lucia-the-mii @lovestryke @lord-yiikes @ijusthavefun @linhfoxmoive @kate-bot @nomlioart @boogiestronic80s @zedortoo @jarroyave4637 @atlaslovesedm @alaskacoolkid1 @remaking-machine @average-amount-of-chaos @cherryxsapphic @dingle-dee @eyeballdrawer @tailsdollsnewlife @radaverse @gongustheawsome01 @fluffygiraffe @qwertykeyboard045 @w00den-h3ad @the-little-knight @oddpizza @misdreavusplush
(OKAY- I may have added some people on here that I think ARE REALLY COOL, I may not talk to you much but I’ve seen you guys like my art and I think ya’ll deserve to be on here 🫶💖✨)
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