#it really characterizes like. just being a teenager idk
litany-writes · 11 months
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
protip for leaving kind comments on a story that isn't well written: find something they're doing better than everything else. are they putting more effort into descriptions? comment on that. say, "wow, you really made things so vivid!" that's step one. step two—AND THIS IS THE BIG ONE—say, "i can't wait to see where you go from here!" i can't speak for everyone, of course, but i speak from experience: when i was still a teenager, i found fic for a SUPER rarepair of mine (jak/daxter from jak and daxter/the jak series) and went insane. i commented on every fic the author wrote. i adored them.
they whined in the notes about not being able to find other fic for the ship and how much they always loved what they found. naturally, being a young fic writer and full of self-confidence, i started writing fic for the ship. it is not good fic, objectively, and was a clear ripoff of the artist's biggest AU.
they commented on every single jak/daxter thing i wrote. they pointed out things they liked (notably, characterization! which is My Thing, now that i'm almost 30). i wrote so, so much after that, because that author was so incredibly kind. and i HAVE improved.
POINT IS, it wasn't just that they commented. it's that they always said they were excited for more. to this day, i want to write fic they'll like! (working on it, lol. have been tinkering with a plot bunny for something like five years, because i want it to be Accurate.) IDK, i just really think the "can't wait to see more" comments made me push myself so hard to be better. cranking out easy fic is one thing; pushing yourself to be better is another, and it's addicting.
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renaroo · 1 year
Maybe I’m just a notoriously cranky gay lady or something, but there’s something really weirdly funky about how an officially published reference book like today’s DC Book of Pride comes out and without much fanfare has some curiously sanitized edits of many important character’s histories.
These histories are often messy and difficult, but being honest with them serves two purposes. For one, the characterization and history in-universe of the character are built off of those things, you don’t understand things like Hartley Rathaway’s decisions and quirks without knowing how being gay and negative reactions to him being gay shaped him.
On the other hand it’s also vital many times to real life queer history -- these stories become little parables of the struggle of this community over time. We become attached to these characters and stories because through the mess and the pain, we see our own struggles and capacity for triumph. Kate Kane being kicked out of West Point for living her truth, Renee Montoya going through the harassment and terror of being forcefully outed -- those aren’t just the character’s stories, those are our stories. We get comfort and encouragement out of them.
But maybe even more importantly and downplayed right now because it’s all but hidden inside the text of the reference book itself is the fact that they have, out of nowhere, seemingly completely retconned the family history of Alan Scott, Todd Rice, and Jennie-Lynn Hayden. 
Alan was not aware he had children. Their mother, without Alan’s knowledge, put Todd and Jennie both up for adoption. They both endured a lot of trauma and pain as a result that completely altered the course of their lives and, especially for Todd, is VITAL to understanding his character and behavior once the narrative picks back up with them in their teenage years, when Alan finally meets them. 
It’s also, by the way, why they all have different surnames. 
But apparently, out of the blue, this reference book has decided to inform us that this history no longer exists? This is DEVASTATING for Todd’s history in particular. I’m not sure how to reconcile this?
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idk man. If you’re going to be a reference book, maybe make sure you’re clear about what the continuity of everything is first?
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This one is so long I'm putting most of it under a readmore to save your dash
Anonymous asked:
AITA for stabbing a kid?
(this is less Am I The Asshole and more Was I The Asshole, bc it's really just a story from high school that I - as an adult in my mid-20s - was remembering recently and thought could be fun to toss to The People in as objective of a form as I can. anyways, all names are 100% made up to replace actual names, and everybody involved ends the story safe and alive)
I (16ish F then, 20s NB now) was trying to prep for an upcoming speech and debate tournament (yes, I was insufferable as a teen) with a group of other students in our debate coach's classroom. specifically, I was working with a younger student, Tammy (14ish F then), on understanding this specific type of debate (LD for my fellow insufferable teens out there) and brainstorming with her on some of the main components of her own case. as we were trying to work, another student, Tony (15ish M then), kept butting in to pester Tammy, making it impossible for Tammy or me to focus. in hindsight, I'm like 74% sure Tony had a bit of a crush on Tammy in that moment and expressed that feeling by being an annoying little shit towards her (as teens often do). that was at least how I would characterize the general vibe of Tony's actions and how he seemed to really need Tammy to be paying total attention to him. from my perspective and based on my basically decade-long memory at this point, Tammy (maybe?) asked him to leave her alone. she at least seemed frustrated and annoyed with him, or just generally flustered in a way I read uncomfortable. (take all this with a grain of salt here bc, regardless of how Tammy really felt, I was for sure super annoyed and that fact would almost certainly impact my interpretation and memory of the situation.)
idk if any teen girls out there (former, current, or future) have tried to teach or learn while a teen boy is flirt-bugging you or the person you're with, but it got old real fast for me. so, almost immediately, I asked Tony to knock it off so me and Tammy could work. he refused and kept bugging her. I continued to tell him to quit and he continued to ignore me, and this went on for a while. so, as one does, I figured it was time to threaten him with physical violence. I told him that if he didn't back off and let Tammy work, that I would stab him.
now, to give a bit of context for what the fuck I was thinking in that moment, I had learned a particular lesson earlier in my time as a supposed teenage girl dealing with supposed teenage boys in the 2000s-2010s: don't make threats you aren't willing to follow through on. so when I threatened to stab him, I 100% meant it. to provide a tad more context, I did also have a bit of a casually violent streak in high school for this reason (but maybe those stories are for a different AITA submission at another time, but they were all in a similar vein as this one in terms of cause and severity). also, does it help or hurt to add this was in a rural public high school in Texas? either way. to be fair to Tony, that's still undoubtedly a deeply unhinged and disproportionate thing to actually do, but would be a semi-common hyperbolic empty threat to make as a teen to another teen.
as you can assume based on the title here, Tony did not quit despite these threats. so, true to my word, after us arguing back and forth for a bit more, I stabbed him in the arm with the pen I was holding. he was obviously upset (to be clear, it did hurt him but did not injure him to the best of my knowledge beyond leaving a light mark for a bit of time that afternoon*) and he complained about having been stabbed. I said I warned him repeatedly that I would stab him before I actually did, to which he replied that that was an insane thing to actually do (fair enough, ya know?). the teacher was in the room, but if she saw any of this she ignored it. tbh, I don't see how she could have not noticed a kid loudly complaining about having been stabbed by another kid. so, I assume she chose to ignore it, possibly bc I was a bit of a teacher's pet (ie. president of the speech and debate team she was the coach of (I told you I was insufferable)). actually, now that I think about it, that was not the only time I stabbed another kid in her classroom in almost identical circumstances... maybe we are both TA....
anyways, in conclusion:
reasons I think I'm NTA: he was being an annoying dick to the friend I was mentoring at the time, and I did warn him that I'd stab him if he didn't quit being an annoying dick several times before actually following through (and it was only with pen and did no serious harm, but I think it does still count as assault regardless (?) and also I love the classic AITA storytelling technique of Being Dramatic, so feel free to ignore this point and *any other times I brought up that he was ultimately okay when considering how you wanna vote).
reasons I think I'm TA: I mean... I fuckin' stabbed a kid just bc he was being annoying and I fully got away with it bc the teacher liked me, plus I was a repeat offender of doing lowkey violence like this in response to other kids being Kinda Annoying and Shitty™. pestering other people on purpose bc you possibly have a crush on them is a very normal thing for a teen to do. stabbing another teen with a writing utensil just bc they did so though?... perhaps not.
(also, as an endnote: just to be clear, I do not stab teens at all in any context whatsoever since growing up. out of AITA-writing-character here, I think I was a kid who was just sick of guys around me crossing boundaries and dealt with that in a myriad of very unhealthy ways that were also informed by my general redneck upbringing that - understandably or not - sometimes saw some violence as a valid way to assert personal boundaries if it seemed they weren't being respected. that doesn't make it okay and is not at all a defense against being TA in this story, just trying to assure folks that regardless of whether you think I was TA I am now also a somewhat well adjusted adult who at least channels their overwhelming fury into organizing/activism stuff and mutual aid rather than stabbing annoying teenagers. while this isn't some stressful conflict that I feel torn up about or anything even close to that, I am interested to see what folks think, so thanks for reading if the mod(s) found all this worthy of posting for y'all!)
What are these acronyms?
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 month
Kims characterization in Technicality is becoming very interesting. At first I didn’t have anything really in mind for this fic outside of the camboy thing, but now it’s like. He did it to act out against his father, sure. But he’s also still a virgin despite that bc he can’t stand to be touched. Reason for that as yet undecided. He’s not exactly reclusive like Tankhun is, but he’s definitely very cut off/isolated. Part of that is the nature of his work; he’s famous enough that he’s been stalked, so he’s naturally very suspicious of anyone he meets, especially anyone that’s too friendly. Which means he’s not set up to be very receptive to people flirting with him.
Then there’s a whole thing with Tawan that happened when he was a teenager. Nothing between them ever happened, but Kim did get weird vibes; it’s not until present time of the fic that Kim finds out the reason reason Kinn broke up with him.
So overall, Kim is very suspicious and standoffish. His approach to his only fans is very business oriented and analytical; he does it less because he wanted to be a porn star and more because he knew there was a niche he could fill, giving himself a disappointing (to his father) but successful career. Not exactly the manic pixie dream girl type. He’s honestly so cold about it that Tankhun thinks he might be asexual.
Then he meets Chay. Who is less starstruck and more just struck, absolutely terrified. He recognizes Kim on sight and he’s weird about it, but he’s weird in a way that makes Kim a little crazy for it, bc it comes from a place of being surprised and intimidated rather then stalker ish and entitled. So obvs Kim has to mess with him a little bit, right?
And Chay proves himself worthy; he’s always very polite and respectful, even when Kim is bullying him (with porn). Never treats him like an object even when he’s talking about the filthy things he wants to do to Kim.
And all of this is why suddenly this fic is a looot longer. Given Kim’s intimacy issues, I want to really drag out their relationship. Kim can be very forward about sex stuff; given it’s his day job, he’s desensitized to it. But most of that happens behind the safety of a phone or computer. Kim can sex chay up all night long, but the second Chay starts wanting to get to know him, suddenly he’s awkward and shy and doesn’t know what he’s doing. (Chay’s a little crazy for it. He wants to bundle Kim up in a pile of blankets and lovingly hold him while fucking him through the mattress.)
Idk, just some rambling thoughts
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slexenskee · 9 months
JJK Recs
Got a comment on this and figured I'd turn it into a post. Here are some of my favorite Gojo-centric JJK recs that basically live rent-free in my head and also very much so helped me form my own characterization for Gojo. Most of these are GoYuu bc I'm a shameless fan.
I keep the warmest truth - dehawny: Gojo/Yuuji | just adore this ace!Gojo headcanon. lowkey so torn on Gojo's sexuality bc I absolutely can see him being asexual and maybe even a bit touch-averse with the whole Infinity thing, but I also can see him being a total slut lol. This is one of my favorites and the only ace!Gojo I've found I think? The tags are just perfect and very much so aligned with my own personal Gojo heacanon 😂 "Gojou is confident about everything and that includes his sexuality", "he's also good at everything except maybe communicating"
A Duty and Responsibility - googlehome: Gojo/Sukuna this fic definitely pushed my 'bottom Gojo agenda' idk I can see this man with any sexuality I swear. Another great characterization of Gojo, and also Sukuna. I adore very serious fics with a splash of humor in the narrative. I can't imagine Gojo as a person who takes himself entirely seriously, no matter how much responsibility he accepts, or how many burdens he carries for others, or what kind of nonsense gay crisis he ends up in, so I just love his voice in this.
Countdown - Rizna: Gojo/Yuuji a fandom classic as far as I'm concerned. This is such an excellent role reversal AU - if you're into S2 teenage brat Gojo, this delivers. I love all versions of Gojo, including mouthy teenage twink Gojo deeply obsessed with his adult sensei who's Trying His Best™ to be the adult in the relationship.
Enough (A Cinderalla Story) - athena_crikey: Gojo/Yuuji in an absolutely fucking hilarious twist of irony, I actually didn't read this story for a long time because it was a rockstar AU and when I first got into this fandom I was desperate for canon stuff. Meanwhile I then go on to bust out 400k+ words of my own rockstar!Gojo AU, so I guess I'm just a fucking clown.
Heart Laid Bare - athena_crikey: Gojo/Namami incredible introspection on how Gojo handles (or rather, doesn't handle) the burden of being invincible and the strongest told in Nanami's POV. I could wax poetic about this fic and the way Gojo comes across so multi-faceted as both a man who can do everything and also a man who can't even remember to adequately feed himself. I drew a lot of the inspiration for Gojo's cursed technique in my fic from this, how Infinity is both his blessing and his curse and the parallels to his overuse of RCT being a kind of toxic spiral.
Shared Infinity - athena_crikey: Gojo & Yuuji - read the tags on this one it deals with some heavy stuff (not with Gojo) I love the way this fic showcases Gojo as a mature adult deeply protective over his students while still maintaining his kind of flippant/uncaring outer persona we see in the show. Just completely love fics that really naile the dichotomy of Gojo being both caring and yet rather unkind.
Take Two - athena_crikey: Gojo/Yuuji - specifically love how this AU fic deals with the idea of Gojo's own fame being his shield between himself in the world around him where his Infinity technique doesn't exist. I love how Gojo is handled in this one, so jagged around the edges, and just his own worst enemy when it comes to his own feelings. Also love me a Gojo who can own up to his own mistakes, look at our baby go, showing emotional maturity and everything!!
Still, More Firsts - hngr4fngr: Gojo/Yuuji man do I adore this whole series. Great porn with ridiculously excellent plot/characterizations lol like I came here for the bottom!Gojo and left with way too many feelings about how Gojo deals with his trauma and how that would effect his sex life. Also has a super interesting take on how Infinity works!
little lamb to the slaughter - voxofthevoid: Gojo/Yuuji still obsessed with the astoundingly incredible smut, just absolutely shook by how god-tier this writing is, it is so hard to write good smut, just pacing, flow, word choice... this could be a masterclass on how to write really great smut that can actually pull a visceral reaction out of a reader. I think a great deal of that ability comes from a mastery of the tone of voice of the characters, too. Gojo is just incredible in this Yuuji POV, the way he describes Gojo is just utter perfection. On a related note, in general Yuuji's voice is so fucking funny in a way that doesn't detract at all from the mood of the story. In fact I think this would be too heavy without his hilarious occasional inputs.
there is no try (but it's still going to take a while) - juurensha: Gojo/Geto I love me a star wars AU jfc. I'm not even a fan of SatoSugu but this is just *chefs kiss* Jedi Master Gojo is such a mood.
anchor - valleykey: Gojo/Geto I love this one mainly for the Suguru characterization, which I truly never thought I'd say bc I'm just not normally a fan of his character/relationship with Gojo. He's just perfect in this fic though - it just makes so much more sense for his characterization, and idk, pulls it altogether in a way I think it falls flat in canon. That isn't to say Gojo's not great in this, he's just really not the main character at all. But it deals well with Gojo's loyalty to those he deems worthy of it (even if the recipient isn't considered 'proper' by jujutsu society) and just offers a good take on supportive (and smitten) Gojo
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mgs3dickeater · 3 months
Would you say people infantilise otacon? Idk, that’s the general vibe I’ve gotten from lurking around bits of the fandom
no hte fandom is always right about otacon all of the time i do not have a gun to my head right now i am not reading a scritp
anyways yes absolutely. i think a lot of the fanbase genuinely dont understand the point of his character, ie breaking the cycle and Doing It Scared. of course, everyone gets their own thing from every character, but it seems they just focus on his characterization from the first game and really zone in on the anime fan aspect of it. show him as some kind of scared asocial teenage weeb. his inability to be outgoing and connect with people is an important part of him, it also happens to be the main thing he works on in the first game, and has made a huge step of progress by the end.
combine that with the general headcanoning of him as a trans man (nothing inherently wrong with that, just a group of people that are treated like actual babies) and pairing him with the characterization of snake being a genuinely sooo cool action hero who takes what he wants (damsel in distress) and youve got a cesspool of bad takes and horrible writing on ao3.
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garlimcbread · 21 days
Their taste in music!!
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I feel like Ponyboy would like Deftones
He'd also like Radiohead 💀
TV Girl maybe??
He'd definitely listen to regular Will Wood with Johnny
Mitski for sure
Iron Maiden
Wheatus maybe??
I see Teenage Dirtbag as him and Steve and that is my only reasoning for these two 💀
Maybe the Front Bottoms
I don't care WHAT you say this man is 20!! HE'S NOT SOME OLD MAN!!
That being said he definitely listens to mainly the radio sooo
He probably likes country 💀 (I HATE country...)
He probably listens to some kind of alt radio too because I said so :3
As I've said he'd listen to regular Will Wood
He'd definitely listen to TV Girl with Ponyboy
Idk I feel like he'd listen to anything as long as the vibe is good 💀 (he's me fr!!)
Would listen to Will Wood and the Tapeworms with Dally
that goes without saying
Will Wood and the Tapeworms (obvi)
Probably listens to Odetari 💀
I feel like maybe he tried listening to 6arelyhuman bc of all of the collabs they do?? He didn't like the vibe too much though
Listens to regular Will Wood with Johnny sometimes but its too boring for him
Literally anything.
He probably plays his liked songs on shuffle (hes just like me frfr!!)
He would go from country to some kind of heavy metal to like Mitski 💀
He's a very complex person
Iron Maiden and Wheatus like Sodapop fr
Listens to the radio a lot too
Probably likes a few SOAD songs (I'm projecting again)
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That really bad rap
Not like Yuno Miles level (that's Curly) but like the really vulgar kind 💀
BLASTS it out of his car
Low-key makes him look like a loser but he's Tim so nobody says anything
Yuno Miles........
Probably listens to a little bit of TV Girl with Ponyboy (I'm a Purly shipper 💪)
Tried listening to Tim's music like how Tim does it but got bullied instead 💀
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fav ship / character and least fav ship / character? 🙏🙏🙏
favorite ship:
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who couldve seen this coming?/j
read more as it's just me taking any excuse to yap BDJD
honestly, how talk abt them to friends sometimes arent my actual characterizations of their dynamic/relationship. But really they're spinning in my head like a microwave everyday, so my interpretation of them of them generally change depending on settings, aus, or just my mood.
The thing that draws me to them is the fact that Fanny seems like a loyal solider(quite literally), but to where she'd definitely throw herself off a cliff for her leader/command(for rachel only really.) Meanwhile Rachel is pretty oblivious to the length Fanny would go for her – and visa versa. They're devoted to each other, yet are scared to repair their fractured friendship at the same time(mostly on fanny's side).
Honestly idk how to explain it xjsb
also the fact Fanny was Rachel's runner up for her GOT fuels me everyday, cause besides this moment, we don't really get too many moments where rachel isn't pissed at fanny for reasons.
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could just be her being harsh as it comes with a leader, cause welp, fanny does fuck up a lot. But with these interactions you'd think Rachel wouldve considered ANYBODY else – besides nigel – for her second choice. so 1000000000% rachel had to have ALOT of trust in Fanny to place her as a second in command of an entire global organization, despite her trackrecord of botched missions(which, honestly i believe is why Nigel had been Rachel's first choice, because while nigel had seen mostly sucess in his teams' mission, fanny had gotten the short end of the stick and just faces failure after failure from what we've seen.)
uhhh anyways!! Fanny fell first(unknowingly) amd by the time they become teenagers, Rachel ends up falling harder and depressingly misses her GOT while she's suffering in TND orientation.
TLDR: a shitty anaylsis(barely) on how loyal moonbabes are to one another and they have trust!! I'm not normal about them
If ur curious abt my ranking for ships than here ya go:
1. Moonbabes
2. Lizzie/10
3. Wally/Kuki
4. Kuki/Fanny(or alternatively; Fanny/Kuki/Rachel)
Favorite character?
It's technically split down the middle between Rachel and Fanny, but my focus usually flipflops. So this week we got:
1. Rachel
2. Fanny
3. Chad
4. Cree
5. Negative 362 and Negative 86
Rachel: for reasons, honestly, I loved her since i was a kid. There's a lot to disect about her, and i love that, love her position, her personality, the kind of the role she plays, etc etc idk how to explain any of jt, or the specfics so you get this short ass summary instead
-also headcanon: her relationship with Harvey is rather strained, so Rachel tries to make it up to him by favoring him when it comes to mission assignments when he joined the KND, he also struggles to get her approval by completing them
Fanny: ashamed to admit, i cannot sit through a fanny episode withoht needing to pause and pace around – but like rachel, i like pretty much everything about her, she's interesing to disect as so much of her background is left up for interpretation. Like why did ahe join ths decommissioning squad? Why is she the way she is? Because of the decom squad or her time as a nurse, or just life in general bxns?
-headcanon: Her real name is Francine, and Fanny's a nickname because she thought it sounded less mature and didnt put too much thought in it's meaning in Ireland cuz she didnt live there that long (also her mother didnt have the heart to sit her down and explain it to her at her young age)
other global ops dont bat an eye to it, unfortunately Irish operatives cringe everytime they hear her name.
3. Chad is a loser. A failure. And i love him for that/j but actually, his entire character is interesting, and so much is left in the air for me to dig my teeth into and make up shit for him. One major headcanon i've convinced myself of for him is that he's related to rachel/harvey (cousins???)
-another hc: he's on the aromatic spectrum(shout to friend Amber for the idea cmdb)
4. Cree love her. I can forgive a woman of her crimes always xmsn one reason she's high up on the my list this week is she's interesting(duh), but like all the others she has so much character/info on her but little bits not filled to where i can just make up shit- canonically, i love her role, hsr character, she's an amazing villian/antagonist steals the show everytime - i'd pay warburton with my own money to write what she was like as a KND operative, she is quite skilled from the bits we've witnessed in flashbacks and in the present. One thing that runs through my mind is that Warburton in a Q&A, hinted that Cree probably wouldnt have scouted by the TND, that she was already trekking on a dark path while in the KND. BSJDB
-Headcanon: her and chad and steve have nights where they just hangs out and they watch stuff on Adult Swim. She probably likes South park
5. -362 and -86, got nothing to abt thene beyond they're silly(and possibly evil)
Least favorite Character/Ship
To be honest, i got no hate towards any of the characters in KND, they're all really interesting in their own way.
If i had make a tier list tho-
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He'd be at the bottom. Only because he'd definitely call me a slur/j
And for ships, i'm not a multi shipper but i'm neutral to most.
tho fanny x a man will kill me, Cuz man, idk how you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me she's not lesbian,
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Thank you for the ask!!
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angelshizuka · 9 months
honestly… i LOVED movie!adrien. he just feels so much more /real/ than show!adrien (which i guess is the point if you weigh in senti stuff) and like… idk. he’s just a silly 14 year old boy who’s still got some residual trauma from losing his mom! maybe i’m partly projecting show!adrien onto him, but even the way he turns marinette down seemed like he genuinely felt bad for doing so.
part of me feels like show!adrien’s entire characterization is created around the basis of being a love interest for marinette, and instead in the movie we got to see him be more… realistic than that. he fights with his dad! he opens up to marinette about his mom! he has PAIN and he’s affected by it (unlike the show where it seems his mother’s disappearance has barely affected his day-to-day life even though in that universe he lost her way more recently than in the movie) and he has a hard time letting people in because of that pain (illustrated beautifully by the headphones) but he still takes the chance on his new friend group! ladybug inspires him to give the world a chance again! and when she rejects him he shuts back down, and puts the headphones back on, which again, is a very realistic response.
i think this movie would have been a solid 10/10 for me if they had cut maybe 1-2 of the songs and instead explored their lives/relationship at school a little more, so we got to see these themes a little more clearly, but i really don’t get the movie!adrien bashing like at all lol. it kinda makes me uncomfy that people are calling movie!adrien like a fuckboy incel when he’s just… a more realistic version of himself instead of this fantasy perfect boy that can do no wrong idk…
(i still love show!adrien btw i just wanted to dump this somewhere LMFAO)
Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly what I've been talking about!
I genuinely love show!Adrien, but the writing keeps fucking him over. His mother died recently (either 100 days or weeks before the 100th episode, I can't remember which one it was, but even 100 weeks is barely 2 years), yet he acts like it barely affects him at all, not even in private (because I totally understand acting fine around other people, that's how a lot of people grief).
Meanwhile with movie!Adrien we actually SEE the affects of his grief and it's a major part of his arc and the way he behaves throughout the movie. But godforbid a teenage boy griefing his dead mother and dealing with a neglectful father isn't a "perfect sunshine boy" who isn't allowed to grief (by the narrative).
And yeah, I genuinely love the movie, but even I can acknowledge Adrien needed 1 or 2 more scenes for his arc to wrap up better (but even with that it's miles better than the show and THAT is the problem, that even a movie with problems still did it better by a landslide).
Though I love both Adriens, the core difference is how I genuinely love the actual on screen movie!Adrien, while with show!Adrien I love the potential and the few good moments that shine through the bullshit, but they become rarer with every season.
Like, the whole reason I love show!Adrien is BECAUSE he can be a little shit just as much as movie!Adrien, and one of the reasons I hate his writing in recent seasons is BECAUSE they've been forcing him into the "perfect sunshine boy" role that people have been blindly buying into.
Movie!Adrien is imperfect, makes mistakes, acts irrational, is allowed to have his own emotions,, isn't always the "oh, so perfect husband material", he's his own person first and love interest second, and THAT is why I love him.
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
1 for the ask game
from: choose violence ask game
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Err... all of them? I'm not even kidding. More on this here.
Bellatrix: fortunately there's been progress in the fandom, but for years everyone loved to describe her as an overly sexualized, crazy, shrieking mindless slave, when she's actually quite the opposite. She is sadistic, but not insane, she's passionate but not irrational (she is the only one who knew Snape was a traitor; to me, it's because of a peculiar mix of rationality and intuition that shows her to be actually quite intelligent). Nothing suggests her being promiscuous in the text and I would actually argue the opposite of her (why would she ever lower herself to sleep with someone who she deems her inferior - so basically everyone -, even just to satisfy mere physical desires? This post, to me, is Bella at her core).
Narcissa: this is canon Narcissa, all of you are perfectly entitled to your soft babygirl headcanons, of course, but then again you are perfectly entitled to be wrong <3 [also, shameless self-promo: x]
The blorboification continues for every single member of the Black family and I hate it so much you have no idea:
Andromeda: somehow described as a soft little girl who loved her mean, mean sisters so much and had to run away? Bitch stood up to seven centuries of tradition, and abandoned her sisters and parents, to marry a boy she had fallen in love with maybe two years prior (we know this based on Tonks' age). Good for her, but as I have said previously, both Narcissa and Andromeda (and Sirius, really) strike me as a bit selfish. The one with the romantic attachment to the idea of her family, the child most like Walburga, is Bellatrix.
But this is nothing, NOTHING, compared to what this fandom does to Regulus and Sirius.
Regulus: canonically a Voldemort fanboy, with newspaper clippings of him everywhere, and a blood supremacist. Sirius says it better than anyone: Reggie is soft. But not in the way the fandom believes, nope. He's just a coward who, much like Draco years later, was super excited to be like Bellatrix (Lucius) until he realized what killing really meant, what fighting a war really was, and most importantly because Voldemort touched him personally (Kreacher, whom he loved). Voldemort was probably a little more deranged than he had been at the beginning of the First War, and someone that had inherited the Black pride/haughtiness probably didn't like being branded like cattle and treated like a slave, on top of everything else.
Sirius: fanon Sirius is basically another character. Canon!Sirius is: tall, canonically incredibly handsome, quite masculine (in an explicit and toxic way, especially as a teenager in the fucking 1970s - the skirt-wearing, feminist one-liners spouting version of Sirius is something I just cannot get behind), a dick, a bit classist ((don't come @ me with your "oh, but what about Moony?!" because a) we don't know Remus' wealth when Lyall and Hope were still alive, we only know he can't get a job as an adult because of his condition and b) Remus is Sirius' exception, in the same way Lily is Snape's when he calls her a Mudblood - everyone else is in his eyes)), brave to the point of recklessness, quite cruel, funny, witty, magically talented, loyal to a fault, extremely charismatic and everything else outlined here. For the same reasons, I'll say Remus too.
Don't even get me started on Severus Snape. Other people have spoken on this better than I could ever. At least here on Tumblr, though, it seems to me that things are getting a little better after years of absolutely bizarre takes. Or maybe I've blocked all of the idiots idk.
Dumbledore. More on this here and maybe I'll outline my ideas better in a future post.
Also: I do not accept any characterization of Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch jr, Reggie, and Rabastan Lestrange as anything less than violent blood supremacists. Yes, they can be nuanced and gay (and only for each other might I add), but these people are the KKK (metaphorically, of course, because I hate comparing real-world tragedies to completely fictional ones, but still).
Lucius: a complete dick, but definitely not abusive. The man couldn't raise a hand to Draco if the Dark Lord threatened to kill him over it.
Speaking of which: my darling Lord Voldemort. Not much to say about him really because I know that some people do write him in a very interesting way (and I am open to interpretations of his character even if they are different from how I see him - and I have a very fucking specific vision of him). The problem is that perhaps three (3) of these people write him with Bellatrix and that saddens me.
Now, I mostly read First Wizarding War stuff or Death Eater stuff so I can't really speak to many other characters, especially in Harry's generation, but anything other than cowardly Draco is not a good Draco characterization to me. Ron is hands-down the best one in the Golden Trio and Ron Weasley bashing is pathetic. Hermione has faults but is ultimately a strong, take-no-bullshit girl and I'll take that over basically any and all female YA protagonists. And Harry is sassiness personified, but with a heart of gold, and oh-so-caring. Which is also why I can't read dark!Harry for the life of me. It just makes me giggle.
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So I'm writing this fucking fic, and so I'm rotating Ed and Izzy in my mind like a microwave right? So I want to talk about this thing I've known about but I haven't seen anyone, at least in my corner of the fandom, really address.
Because in OFMD we see something that I might characterize as self harm twice, it's the same method both times, and both times it's just like a casual thing that one of the characters does while having a one on one conversation with another character.
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Like Ed and Izzy are both having a very normal one here. They both just touch the flame on a burning candle with their bare hands for no discernible reason. Neither of them make a face about it (Ed cries but in a way that seems much more like an emotional response to the conversation than a pain response), in both of these scenes the cut is very intentionally so that they can pull off the move without the actor getting hurt.
Idk like what do we think? Is it a coincidence? Did Ed watch Izzy burn himself on candles to punish himself for having emotions enough times that he decided to give it a go during pique sad boy hours? Is messing with a candle the least offensive way to have a character self harm on screen so they just went with it twice? Am I just reading into it because I have a history with self harm and self harm isn't actually what they were going for here? Is it the gothest possible version of "when you live on the same ship for years sometimes you pick up mannerisms from each other"? Did Izzy see Ed's sensation seeking ass playing with a candle once and like a teenager in the 90s seeing a rock star do it, decide to give it a go because he wanted to be hard core? Is it about establishing self destructive tendencies and I shouldn't read it as literal self harm but rather as a narrative tool like the moon being too big or the curtains being blue? Is Izzy punishing himself for having gay thoughts? Should I write a dead dove do not eat fanfiction? I many questions and none of them are good.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
SO TRUE Im trying to enjoy my Miguel fanfics but most of them are so out of character I just can’t 😭😭
I dunno if I would exactly say out of character (partially because I don't want to imply I'm some characterization expert or whatever when I haven't published Jack shit) since I feel like, there can be different themes or emotions or vibes the story is going for that may call for some tweaking, or like certain fics focusing on specific parts of a characters personality, like "I just wanted to write him being angry and how he mighr respond whils under stress" which is valid, but like
One thing I will say that I immediately noticed when I started combing through Miguel fics is, a lot of people make him WAY too verbose and eloquent. Yeah he's a genius, yeah he gets very serious in scenes, but my god the vocabulary some people give him, the way some people have him structuring his sentences. He's not as overly detailed and formal as some people like to write. Like this is a man who says shit like "well, I guess you're just going to have to shut up and trust me" to people he's trying to rescue and, again, even when he's chasing down Miles, he's huffing, "UGH you're so FRUSTRATING", like idk if you consider it canon but his after credits scene in Into the spiderverse literally has him meeting Spiderman 1967 who, MAKES HIM SO MAD HE DOES LIKE LITTLE HOPPY HOPS, like. This man is a DWEEB. He has a temper and threw a trashcan at a teenager! Mf literally loses it and says "¡ay coño!" over a Spider Society wide broadcast, my man livestreamed himself saying "for fucks sake" across the entire community because they didn't immediately understand which specific Spiderman he was asking them to chase the moment he asked them to "stop spiderman" and not specifying any further until, "for fucks sake, MILES MORALES 😤 he's entering sector 4!!" and also when Miles is hiding on that dude's back he's just sprinting up "he's over- on your-- TURN AROUND!!" and waving his arms around
like, he's an emotional person! He's not some like anime supervillain, he's not some demon lord sounding "it is unfortunate that you decided to behave in this manner" dialogue ass-- like I mean, I know there's only so many clips circulating online so maybe people are just. Gleaming the wrong context? Like I've seen a few "all Miguel scenes" videos on YouTube and none of them ever really capture the full context of any of the scenes, there's cuts for copyright, some people cut different parts, some clips are higher quality, but like, it really is different when you see the full movie cause I feel like a lot of people are just focusing ONLY on the parts where he's being, you know, scary as fuck. Like don't think i didn't immediately notice "oh holy shit Miguel actually put CLAW MARKS in Miles' shoulder", this man was literally chasing and diving for this kid, they were bailing out windows, there was a cat, and a t Rex, and idk, maybe I'm looking too far into it but you don't have to make him Ultra Serious to make him intimidating and scary. There's gotta be a balance I guess? I see too much of him being lowkey an edge lord and not enough of him being Just A Real Stressed Out Dude. Idk. I just keep finding written dialogue for him a little cut and dry sometimes, there's only a few things I've read where it stood out to me (like in "no more dry bites" where he's just stopping midsentence to huff "why are you being so-- ok you know what, fine--" *immediately changes tactics lowkey like a tantrum*
Like have you seen some of the concept art of him, they were originally debating giving him glasses and a 5 o clock shadow and have him looking more dorky and casual, like, the man has personality, he has depth, I want the third movie to peel his layers like an onion, I just KNOW there's gonna be a good ending for everyone 😤
I'm just sitting here and thinking like, yeah he's serious but he speaks in a very human way? Like, one thing he says to Miles is something like "you can't save them all, kid. Believe me, I've tried, and the harder I tried, the worse things got" or something along those lines, too lazy to pull up the clip, but like. Idk. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing and maybe it's just people wanting to go for certain moods but i just feel like way too many fics have him acting way too, not even serious, just kind of edgy. He's a serious guy but he still doesn't talk like he's some emotionless robot. He's gonna cross his arms. He's gonna put his hands on his hips. He's gonna roll his eyes at you. He may just even rage quit the conversation "ok, you know what, I gave you enough chances--" and just bites you because this is the quickest easiest option and better to put you out now rather than drag this out and get both of you worked up because He Is So Fucking Tired Dude
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altschmerzes · 6 months
If Roy and Ted start sharing a bed when Roy stays over, is there an instance where Jamie ends up in the middle after like a bad dream or something? Or maybe that’s weird for like a 16 year old… idk now I’m just thinking out loud
first off i dont think that’s weird at all! we never really grow out of needing to be supported and comforted by the people who are important to us, and i know people who’ve done this sort of thing seeking comfort from their parents during times of extreme stress and trauma into their twenties. it’s one of the things that’s been interesting about writing this fic and characterizing jamie particularly once he’s gotten close to this new support system in his life - how to balance that he’s 15, 16, 17 years old and seeks independence and self sufficiency and also has a lot of reasons to be ashamed of a desire to seek comfort or a rejection of anything he sees as making him weak or childish and at the same time he’s a kid who’s been chronically starved of care and affection and that’s. a vital need for kids, even teenagers. sometimes especially teenagers. (i may or may not have spent quite a bit of time online reading psych and sociology and like. Parenting And Family Resources to get a handle on some stuff and verify if my hunches are accurate or not XD)
which is to say yes absolutely that’s on the horizon. not often, but sometimes, when things are bad and his need to be a kid taken care of and protected by his parents overrides his fear of being seen as a baby or bothering them. he remembers one of his friends getting broken up with via text while he was over for a sleepover and going and watching them leave the kidgang to go to their parents room bc they’re upset and want their parents. and if that’s okay, maybe this is okay for him to do too.
(ted and roy thoroughly encourage it any time jamie will admit to needing or wanting something. moments where he comes to them when he’s scared or upset, voluntarily seems out comfort are absolutely everything to both of them, especially given how hard it is for him to do)
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couldoneimagine · 1 year
i NEED to post about yellowjackets and I need to be understood and I need mutuals so let me talk about it
you know what character I think is underappreciated? (at least from what I've seen so far, I've been in the fandom for like a day)
Laura Lee.
I have to preface this by saying I'm not a fan of organized religion and I do think it is flawed, but I also am not a fan of flat one-dimensional characterization. a lot of devout christian characters in media are portrayed as like, just that. just christian. just devout. but Laura Lee is a person! she's a real teenage girl! she dances with everyone, she sings along to Salt-n-Peppa, we don't get a scene where she's like "oh I know them, i burned their CD at one of our gatherings recently" or whatever, she can just enjoy them! she doesn't turn her nose up at Nat who is like, the picture of what christians regularly regard as a sinner. she is able to be compassionate and kind and she has a purpose in this series. i think that's really great.
idk why that stuck out so much to me. i guess I can't think at the top of my head about devout christian characters in media who are allowed to be like, people. and I have a lot of criticisms of Christianity, hey, I was technically raised orthodox christian and I can't say it's given me much except for chronic anxiety but. I think it's not a hot take to say that christians are three-dimensional human beings too, basically
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slexenskee · 9 months
hi! if you dont mind me asking, what was satoru's relationship with suguru? bcuz, any of the jjk characters are barely mentioned in the book, ive always wondered satoru's relationship with all of them, like is it more canon based or more fanon, like was sugusato ever a thing? or, is hawks the first real relationship gojo's ever had? were nanami and gojo closer? idk, i just have always wondered lol. sorry for any inconveniences.
So I'm going with canon for most relationships bc they're just too hard to guess. JJK spoilers below!
So I tried to stick with canon for Suguru although I do play up the ambiguity in their canon relationship. For example we have that scene in JJK0 where Satoru says something to Suguru but we don't know what it is, but fans sort of assume it's some kind of explicit acknowledgment of their feelings for each other. In my verse idk I imagine he says something like 'you were always the best part of me' or something that's still vague and hints at romantic feelings but could still be intimate and just platonic.
I characterize their relationship as deeply intimate but not ever explicitly romantic. They definitely had romantic tension but it remained unspoken between them as teenagers, and then after the SPV arc Suguru went off the rails and kinda pulled away from Satoru and ultimately they never had the chance to start any kind of romantic relationship.
So they were never in love but they absolutely could have been/should have been, fate just got in the way.
Were they close??? It really doesn't seem like it outside of the OP/ED credits of S2. And in the recent manga chapters I feel like Satoru didn't mourn him much at all (or he could just be so shocked by all the deaths he hasn't managed to acknowledge them) In fact I kind of assumed canon Nanami lowkey hated Satoru, and only begrudgingly considered him a sorcerer worthy of respect after many years of knowing him?
BOY do I have some thoughts on this. In canon they give off the 'old acquaintances that have grown close by virtue of the fact they're the only two left but still aren't actually that close'. Like they obviously have a rapport/history in S1, but we don't see Shouko being particularly friendly to him in canon. She's friendlier than Utahime and Mei Mei for sure, but she doesn't seem like a confidant or a close friend. We don't get much of her in the SPV arc - could go either way that she was closer to him as kids or they were just classmates who spent a lot of time together and became close because they just lived in each other's pockets but otherwise wouldn't have been friends. The OP/ED for S2 would imply they were all good friends, but I don't consider that canon. That's just Mappa twisting the knife 😭
Tbh I hope they were never really close, bc otherwise I'd really dislike her. Suguru just snapped and became a serial killer and turned traitor, and Satoru was sent to assassinate him, and you as someone who was close to both of them just what... roll with it? There's that scene in ch 78 where she sees Suguru in Shinjuku and she's just like "oh hey Suguru, bff I've spent the past 3 years of my life hanging out with, what's up? Yeah I'll have a light. Oh so you really did mass-murder that whole village AND murder your parents? Cool. Yeah I don't feel like dying today so I'm gonna call Gojo to deal with you, peace out" and she just doesn't seem to give much of a fuck about Suguru or Satoru. In a way I think would be impossible if she genuinely cared about them. Or idk, maybe everyone in JJK was fucked up.
This is another canon relationship that makes me go ??? It's not specified whether Gojo actually takes Megumi in or just has legal guardianship of him and leaves him to his own devices. It seems more the latter, bc in all the Tsumiki flashbacks, Gojo is never there or even ever really mentioned.
And as of current manga he doesn't seem particularly torn up about Megumi's situation, and seems (although he could be bluffing) totally accepting of the fact he might have to kill Megumi to stop Sukuna. If you raised a kid with love and care for years - the way I see him doing with Eri - I cannot fathom how you'd compartmentalize like that.
idk these are just my personal headcanons for this fic. I've seen fanon versions of all these relationships that are really fleshed out and impressive and go either way sooo 🤷‍♀️
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