#it must be the new glasses 👀👀👀
We thought we got one glasses pic. But nope. It's not one. Not two. Not three. Not four.
It's five glasses pics.
And one is better than the other! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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skzstannie · 5 months
Hii it’s okay if you can’t but I was wondering if you could do a skz x 9th member reader where she was in a car crash as well as the others? But she was badly injured as well and had to be looked after by chan because she wasn’t in good condition? Totally okay if you can’t thanks❤️
"You're awake!"
SKZ-> ot8 x 9th member!reader (Chan-centric)
genre: angst, hurt/comfort wc: ~3,200 cw: some cussing, car accident, reader and skz get hurt
summary: ^^ see request
A/N: Hello! Not super happy with how this came out, but I hope you still like it anon! Started a new semester, so updates will be less frequent, but I'll still be lurking in everyone's feed through likes and reblogs 👀
Masterlist | Happy Scrolling!
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"I'm just saying, if penguin's could fly, I think they'd take over the world."
"Felix, literally what are you talking about?" you give him a strange look from where you're seated diagonal from him in the car.
"If penguins ever learned to fly, I think they'd try to overthrow the government in a vengeful fury."
You all sit in silence for a moment, trying to preserve the last of your braincells from deteriorating.
"Okay..." Seungmin responds, quirking his eyebrow at him.
"I am so excited for tonight!" you break the silence that settles, practically vibrating in your seat from the excitement.
"We know, you haven't stopped talking about it," Minho boredly comments, his phone lighting up his face from the shadowy back seat.
Jeongin throws an elbow in his side from where he's seated beside him, earning himself a nasty glare from the man. "Don't be mean to Ynnie, she's just excited to perform."
"I'm so sorry. Let me rephrase that," he clears his throat, setting his phone down in his lap, "Oh my gosh, I know! It's all you've talked about since this morning!" he squeaks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," you mumble, rolling your eyes at your grumpy member.
Before Minho has the chance to respond, your entire world is shaken when another car T-bones you from the right.
Time seems to slow down as the car is flipped, sending you out of your seat towards the ceiling of the car. Your seatbelt manages to control some of the damage to your head, but it slices into your neck from the pressure. Blood starts to drip out of your wound, but you don't even feel it as your hazy gaze travels over to your members.
Your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes land on Felix's still body in the back seat, his eyelids draped shut. He doesn't appear to have any other injuries, but you're immediately ripped away from the sight of Felix when you hear Minho groan in pain. You Jeongin a quick once over, and upon seeing no visible injuries, keep your eyes moving. You don't miss the way Jeongin's hands are firmly grasped around Felix's forearm as he shakes the older man, trying to wake him.
It's painful to twist in your seat, but you do so anyway. Catching a glimpse of Minho, you see a jagged piece of glass protruding out of his forearm. It appears small, but you know it must still hurt like a bitch. Other than that he looks okay, so you continue to look over your remaining members. His eyes are panicked as he frantically looks over the four of you. "You guys ok?" his voice shakes with fear, and his teeth are clenched from the pain radiating from the glass in his arm.
The ringing in your ears starts to subside a bit, and the grunts coming from your right get louder. Seungmin's arm is twisted at an unnatural angle, and there's blood dripping from his left eyebrow. You can't bring yourself to answer Minho, the shock still clouding your mind.
As the rest of your senses start to come back to you, your focus remains on Seungmin as he huffs in pain. You feel a stinging sensation in your thigh, but as you slowly start to drop your head to look, you feel a shaky finger reach under your chin.
Seungmin's reached his hand out, gently pulling your chin until your eyes meet his again.
"Just keep looking at me, Yn," he whispers. You do as you're told, but the pain is worsening by the second, and your breathing starts to quicken.
All else is tuned out as your eyes remain on Seungmin's unwavering gaze.
Seconds feel like hours as you sit there in the car. Your eyelids start to become heavy, and you fuzzily catch Seungmin's eyes turn frantic as your blinks become slower and more frequent.
"Just keep your eyes open, don't fall asleep," he repeats. His word are gentle at first, but as your mind turns to mud, his voice becomes louder and urgent, almost screaming at you. You feel a rough hand grab your shoulder from behind, shaking you. Their attempts to keep you awake are futile, though, as everything becomes too much for you to handle.
"No, don't close your eyes! Stay with me!" and that's the last thing you hear before you drift off into the darkness.
~ ~ ~
You're awoken to the sound of quiet repetitive beeping.
Opening your eyes is a task all in itself, your eyelids feeling impossibly heavy.
After a moment of struggle, you're met with the bright light from a window to your right. You slowly turn your head to the side, and you see Hyunjin, Chan, and Changbin all perched on the couch. It looks uncomfortable, the way all three of them are scrunched up on the little loveseat.
You let your gaze linger on them for a moment, their presence providing a calming sensation for your jumbled mind.
Suddenly, your surroundings overwhelm you. You become terribly aware of all the wires connected to you. The ECG stickers become your biggest enemy, and the IV sticking out of your hand makes you angry.
Really angry.
You groan when you try to lift your arm, a sharp, shooting pain radiating down from your shoulder. You push through the pain though, urgent to remove all these wires from your body. The bandages littering your body feel as if they're burning your skin, and you've never needed to get something off of you faster.
You begin to peel the bandages from your arms, the pain from the adhesive no match for the pain you had been feeling previous to their removal.
Your agonistic groans manage to wake Changbin, and he panics when he sees you frantically tearing at your ECG stickers.
He jumps up from the couch, earning a yelp from Hyunjin as he was using Changbin as a pillow.
You're too overwhelmed to care about their actions as you continue to tear at your skin, even the blankets covering your body feeling like burning coals on your skin.
"Woah, what are you doing? You can't take those off yet," Changbin tells you, rushing to your side to try and restrain your arms.
"They're hurting me," you mumble, wretching your arms out of Changbin's grip to continue to pull at everything that touches you.
"Yn," Hyunjin gasps, quickly standing to his feet, running over to help Changbin.
Chan awakens from the commotion, alarm bells immediately sounding in his head when he sees your panicked movements.
You become more frantic when Hyunjin grabs one of your arms from Changbin, rendering you immobile.
"Get off!" you screech, yanking on your arms as hard as you can. Chan quickly runs out of the room in search of any healthcare professional he can find.
"You're gonna hurt yourself," Hyunjin struggles against you, holding tightly onto your hand.
"Let me go!" you continue to scream like a banshee, "You're hurting me!"
Neither do as you say, fearing for what you'll do to yourself if they listen.
"You're ok," Changbin pleads, bringing one of his hands away from your arm to rest it gently on your forehead. "Please calm down, everything will be ok."
You're too panicked to notice Chan re-enter the room, a nurse trailing in behind him.
She has a shot in her hand, and she hurriedly comes up beside Changbin to administer the drug. She hastily inserts the needle into your upper arm, and it only takes seconds for your demeanor to soften. Your thrashing becomes weaker, and your shouts become quieter, turning into soft mumbles.
The guys let out a sigh upon seeing your eyes close, your stature finally relaxing into the hospital bed once again.
"What the hell was that?" Hyunjin huffs, slightly out of breath from the physical altercation.
"Sometimes patients can be violent when they wake up out of a coma. It can happen to anyone," the nurse explains, taking the chart off the wall beside the bed. "We'll get some soft restraints to put on her arms before she wakes up again. It's unlikely for her to panic again, but it's just a precaution."
The guys nod, all three of them staring at your now peaceful face.
~ ~ ~
The next time you wake up, you feel as if you're experiencing deja vu. Your eyes open slowly, and you wince at the feeling of them being crusted over from sleep.
You also become strikingly aware of the aching pain radiating from your thigh. Your leg remains immobile, and you feel the constricting cast running from your mid thigh down to your ankle.
You go to bring your hand up to rub your face, but your movements are restricted. Your attention is brought to your hands, now laying limply by your side. There are restraints covering your wrists. Your face contorts into an expression of confusion, and you glance at the couch to your right.
Seated there are Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin. Your deja vu hits you harder when you see them resting against one another, sleeping soundly.
"Chan," you call out to him, your voice surprisingly hoarse, your throat scratchy and raw.
He immediately jolts up, waking the other two in the process.
"Hey, you're awake," he says, getting up from the couch.
He's cautious as he walks over to you, taking slow steps to get to your bed. Changbin and Hyunjin watch from the couch, keeping their distance. Their expressions rival Chan's, somehow looking even more timid.
"Hi," you suddenly feel shy under their gazes, "Why are you looking at me like that? I can't even move; can we get these things off of me."
"Yea, sorry, the nurse said it was just precautionary. I'll go get someone to take them off of you," Hyunjin gets up from the couch, hurrying out into the hallway.
Realization dawns on you, and you bring your eyes to meet Chan's again. "Did I hurt someone? What happened?"
"You were trying to hurt yourself," a nurse enters the room, answering the question for Chan. "You were in a coma for a couple days. Sometimes, when patients wake, they can turn aggressive. Which you did, but nobody was hurt, the boys stopped you before you could do any damage."
You just nod, not entirely sure how to respond. She explains in more detail what had happened as she takes the restraints off your wrists.
"We had to sedate you, so you were out for an additional day. On the bright side, your coma allowed for your body to do some of the tough healing while you were unconscious. You had a surgery on your thigh the night you were brought in due to a compound fracture in your femur. The surgery was successful. It seems to be doing well for now, of course we'll have to bring you back in for some check-ups, but you should be good to go for now."
Your eyes widen as she goes on and on. Chan sits beside you, rubbing a hand up and down your back to help comfort you. The nurse continues about the paperwork, and leaves to gather it so you can leave.
"How are you feeling?" Changbin asks from the end of your bed.
"Overwhelmed," you answer curtly. The thought of not being able to perform for a while hurts your heart. Not only that, but you can't even walk!
Your suddenly hit with a wave of memories from the night of the accident, and your eyes water at the thought of the rest of your members who were in the car with you.
"Are the other guys alright? Where are they?" your voice is panicked as you ramble off questions.
"They're ok, we promise," Chan reassures you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "They went home a couple days ago to rest. None of them got hurt as badly as you did. They all got some stitches, Seungmin's got a broken arm, and Felix has a pretty nasty concussion, but they're ok."
You sigh in relief, allowing your head to rest on Chan's shoulder.
The nurse comes back in, a folder filled with paperwork in hand. "As soon as you fill these out, you'll be good to go! Your medications and dosages are in this little baggy. You had some lacerations on your side, but we just covered them with butterfly bandages. The stitches on your neck can be taken out at your next appointment. Just be weary of them as you go about your day, try not to turn your head too quickly," she instructs, handing over the paperwork.
Within a few minutes, everything is filled out and you've been put in a wheelchair. Chan stands behind you, wheeling you out towards the van. Hyunjin carries your crutches from beside you, and Changbin holds your medicine and the paperwork.
Getting in the car was a hassle all in itself, as your leg felt like a million pounds with the cast on it. Your hip was so sore from laying in bed for so long, so you opted to have Chan lift you into the car.
Once finally settled, you lean back against the seat and close your eyes. You don't want to admit it, but you know these next few months are going to be difficult.
~ ~ ~
It's been a few weeks now, and things have started to go back to how they were before the accident. This is the first regularly scheduled week since then, and you're grateful for the normalcy.
Your managers had put everything on hold for a while, allowing you and the rest of your members to recover some. They knew it was a difficult time for all of you, and you were thankful for their leniency.
You have been spending most of your time on the downstairs couch, lounging around in front of the T.V. Various members would join you throughout the day, helping you with whatever you needed. Chan has certainly been the most doting, running at your every beck and call.
Today was no different; Chan decided to stay home with you while the rest of the members went to dance practice. He knew it'd probably put him behind, but they weren't set to perform for a good while, so he'll just catch up a different day. Plus, he knows Minho can handle them all just fine without him there.
The two of you are lounging on the couch, watching one of your favorite T.V shows, when Chan gets up to use the bathroom.
You hear the door close, and realize now's your chance. Your stomach's been growling for the past hour, but you didn't want to make Chan make you something.
However, you are done being the world's longest lounging couch potato, so you rise to your feet, grabbing your crutches from beside you, and make your way into the kitchen.
You know you don't have long before Chan finds you, so you ravage through the fridge quickly to try and find something to eat. You see your leftovers from the other night neatly packed away, so you grab those.
You carefully set your crutches down, leaning them on the counter next to you before hopping, leftovers in hand, to the microwave.
Unfortunately, the rug in front of the sink slips beneath you, and you fall onto the ground, your leftovers opening and spilling out onto you.
"Oh for fuck's sake," you sigh. Thankfully, you're not hurt, your butt just a little sore, but some of the sauce now decorates your cast.
You hear the door fling open from down the hall, and a frantic Chan bursts into the kitchen a mere second later. "What are you doing?" he's panicked as he rushes over to you, his arms looping under yours to pull you up.
"I was just going to heat these up because I was hungry, but then I slipped. I'm fine," you lightly push Chan away from you, knowing fully well that you can stand on your own.
He looks slightly taken back by your attitude, but nevertheless moves towards you again. He wraps his arms around you in an attempt to pick you up, no doubt to carry you back into your permanent spot on the living room couch, but you give him a firmer shove this time. "Did I hurt you?" he worries, his eyebrows scrunching.
"No, I just want to walk to the bathroom myself and get cleaned up," you explain, doing your best to keep your composure.
"I can help, let me grab you a wash rag for your cast," he bends down next to you, rummaging through the cupboard.
"Chan, please," you sigh. As much as you loved being babied at first, enough is enough. "I need some time by myself. I love you guys, but I'm not sure I've had a moment alone since the accident." Your arms are crossed as he stands, a pout forming on his face.
"But we just want to help you," he says, puppy-dog eyes on full display.
"And I thank you for all you guys have done the past month, but I really need to start doing things for myself again," you reach past him, grabbing your crutches and head down the hall to your bathroom. "Now to get this sauce off me," you mumble as you push the door open with the end of your crutch.
~ ~ ~
You're laying on your bed later in the day, knee propped up on a plump pillow to help alleviate some of the pain from your aching leg, when you hear a knock on door.
You tell them to come in, and the door opens to reveal Chan. "Hi," he's timid as he walks in. He takes a seat on the edge of your bed, a guilty look on his face.
"What's up?" you ask, sliding your bookmark into the crease of your novel.
"I wanted to apologize on behalf of all of us. We've been really clingy since the accident, and we didn't realize we were overstepping."
"Chan," you sigh, adjusting yourself to sit next to him. "Please don't beat yourself up about this. Honestly, I was just a little frustrated earlier and took it out on you. You guys have helped me more than you know these last few weeks. I really don't mind all the doting."
His eyes light up at that. "Really?" his voice is giddy, and you regret that you were the cause of his sadness before.
While the overprotectiveness really did get on your nerves a bit, if it brings them that much happiness to take care of you, you suppose you can get past your grumpiness and let them do it.
"Guys, she changed her mind!" he yells, and not even a second later, your door swings open, seven smiling faces staring back at you.
They hurry into your room, clumsily fighting each other to sit on your bed. They're still cautious of your leg, but they all manage to fit, even if a little squished.
"Don't make me regret this," you joke, ruffling Seungmin's hair from where he's laid out on your lap.
"You know you love us," Chan comments, smirking at you.
"I certainly do."
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Take Care of You [10]
Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 5.7k
Mood board and borders by @saradika
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[A/N: 🤡. I came back to life to immediately die off again i'm so sorry. here take this next part and all my love. speaking of my love, i already closed beta readers on tiktok but for anyone on here, if you wanna see why i've been so MIA, shoot me a message with your email if you wanna beta read my original work (i do ask that you do a questionnaire afterwards but that's just to help me out). But, imagine a scifi/fantasy where the book 'Six of Crows' meets 'The Last of Us', and I have good sources that y'all like TLOU👀]
[A/N pt.2: I did not edit this to the degree I should have and there is no tag list at the bottom i am so so so so sorry].
The ceiling wasn’t right. 
That was your first, foggy thought when your eyes opened. Rather than the bumpy, plaster speckles collecting dust it was smooth and off white. You slowly sat up with a groan, head spinning and mouth dry, and you blinked three times before your situation dawned on you. This was not your bed, not your house. Fuck. You set your hands on the bed to lean back then winced. With a hiss, you pulled your hand up and saw the bandaged injury from last night.
You cradled the hand with your other and turned to hang your legs over the edge of the bed. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a note on the nightstand. You leaned over. There was a full water bottle and a bottle of tylenol resting on top of a piece of paper. On the paper, in scratchy, nearly illegible, writing was, ‘Come downstairs when you’re ready. Feel free to use the shower and change if you want. ⏤Joel’. You dragged your fingers to trace the words. 
With a shaky breath, you grabbed the water bottle and took a couple pills in hopes to nurse the aches and pains you felt. You stared at the words again. Last night, Joel admitted to being married to Sarah’s mom and you had responded by passing the fuck out. You had tried to argue, demand more information, but your body fought against your curiosity. All the drinks you had prior and the fading adrenaline from the fight probably hadn’t helped. 
You rose from the bed with a groan and crossed to use the bathroom adjoined to Joel’s bedroom. When you flicked the lights on, you took the first movement to glance around the space. The walls were beige with white tile floors. On one side was a large jacuzzi style tub next to an expansive walk in shower. On the other was ample counter space and drawers with matching him and her sinks. In the back was the small room where the toilet sat and beyond that a walk in closet. The space was lived in. A dirty clothes basket off to the side half full, toiletries on the counter and on the shelves in the shower, you spotted a pair of glasses you had never seen Joel wear resting by the sink on the right side of the counter. That must be the one Joel used most. A toothbrush sat by it and you noticed water by the rim like he hadn’t wiped up when finished.
Also on the counter were a stack of clothes, you stepped toward it and saw it was a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants that must have belonged to him. On top of it was a brand new toothbrush. Your gaze lifted to look at yourself in the mirror and you flinched. You looked a mess⏤ your hair, your clothes, everything. You rubbed at your face with a sigh and slipped into a morning time routine despite the unfamiliar setting. 
The name rang in your head over and over and over again. It didn’t matter that you had been only half with it last night. You remembered that clearly. As you cleaned up, your headache began to improve and by time you left the bathroom you at least felt human again. A new anger bubbled just under your skin. You couldn’t quite yet put your anger into words, but you knew it was there. After washing up, you traded the clothes you wore to the bar for the ones Joel left you. The shirt was worn out, like it was aged, and navy in color. It read ‘Miller’s Contracting’ with a number on it for contact. It reminded you of the kind of shirt a small company would make and not a multi-million dollar one. You tightened the waistband of Joel’s sweatpants. They were at least joggers so you didn’t have to worry about tripping over yourself.
You crossed the upstairs, open space to the stairs. Faintly, you heard the sound of someone moving around downstairs. A brief wave of nervousness had you hesitating at the top of the stairs, but it slipped away back to anger. It seemed that was where your heart was making camp this morning.
Slowly, you descended the stairs. The wooden floors under your feet didn’t creak or make noise as you padded into the living room first. A few couches were situated in front of a wall that held a large flat screen TV and a fireplace. The back wall was made of glass, a window and door all in one that revealed the back patio where a small pool and deck were, and the space beside it was the kitchen. Just as open as the rest of Joel’s house. The cabinets were made of dark wood with matching countertops and at the center was a large island with chairs. 
On the island counter looked like to-go boxes of food. You stared at them a moment longer, but a door hidden just out of view on the wall in the kitchen opened. Joel stepped into the kitchen nonchalantly until he spotted you and did a double take. He froze and stared. The two of you were actually similarly dressed. He had on a t-shirt that looked tight on his broad shoulders and a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Joel looked exhausted.
“Hey.” He said softly. “Mornin’, sug⏤” Joel stopped himself, it looked like he choked on his words, but he locked his jaw and changed direction. “Mornin’. How did you sleep?” You gave a small shrug and a tight lipped smile. “Right. How’s your…” Joel lifted his own hand. “Your hand?”
You lifted it up to stare down at it. The bandages had been pulled away when you washed up this morning. It didn’t look so bad. “It’s fine. Thanks for the⏤ the tylenol. And the toothbrush. And the,” You motioned to the clothes hanging off your frame, “You know.”
“Can I?” Joel nodded toward you.
“I said, it’s fine, Joel.”
“I…” He sighed and the look in his eyes was agonizing. “I know you’re pissed at me. Understandably so. But, please let me…”
You walked over to sit down at one of the tall chairs at the island counter and set your hand on the marble top. Joel mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’ and disappeared for a quick second. He was back with a small first aid kit again. You twisted your lips when you felt his warm hand cautiously take yours. It was quiet as he reapplied a bit of medicine to the hand before wrapping it up again. 
“You don’t…” Joel started then cleared his throat. You never would have used the word anxious to describe the Joel you had gotten to know thus far, but nervous energy seemed to radiate off him. The tension in his shoulders looked painful to keep hold of. “I had breakfast delivered. Some stuff I know you like.” Joel pulled his hand away from yours. “But you don’t have to stay if you don’t wanna.”
“No. I want to.” You replied. Joel looked briefly hopeful. “I want to talk about this. I want⏤ to know. I want answers.”
“Right. Of course.” Joel nodded quickly. “I owe you at least that.” You nodded in agreement. Joel straightened from where he stood and ran a hand over his chest and shoulder with a quiet cough. “Can I make you something to drink? Coffee, tea, juice?”
You gave a small nod, mumbling a response, and watched as Joel put it all together. He poured himself a cup of coffee after serving you. Rather than take the seat beside you, he stood on the other side of the island counter across from you.
“You mentioned the girl from Vegas last night briefly, but how did you know…”
“Yo-yo told me you had a sugar baby before me. That you married her.”
“I did have a sugar baby before you, yes.” Joel sighed.
“Why did you lie to me?” You demanded.
Joel shook his head, “I never lied to you. I just⏤ I never told you, and you never asked.”
“Really?” You scoffed. “That’s what you wanna hang your hat on here? Semantics?” Joel hung his head then shook it a bit. “I didn’t want to believe her, but yesterday Nima texted someone she knows. A private investigator⏤”
Joel’s eyes widened, “You hired a private investigator??”
“I didn’t hire anybody! Nima just texted them and they confirmed⏤”
“You went to a PI before just asking me?” Joel replied sharply. You leaned back in your seat⏤ in shock at his audacity. He must have noticed how you felt because he held up a hand. “I just mean, that’s a huge invasion of privacy and all you had to do was call me⏤”
You pushed out of your seat and turned to leave. Joel called out after you before following. He grabbed your hand to tug you to a stop and you glared at him over your shoulder. You snapped, “If you’re just going to stand there and be defensive then there’s no reason for me to be here, Joel.” You pulled your hand out of his grip and spun to face him. “I understand that getting in contact with a fucking PI was a crazy move, but yesterday I felt a little crazy.” You scoffed. “I felt like an idiot. I felt like a naive, desperate idiot who got played. So, yeah, I let Nima text her cousin’s cousin’s cousin to find an answer because the thought of standing in front of you and asking⏤”
The rest of your words got caught in your throat. You didn’t want to get emotional in front of Joel. More than anything you wanted to keep your cool and be collected. Just in case he did break your heart, you could walk away with at least some of your dignity intact. Joel took a step closer. Thankfully, he didn’t try to touch you, but he did lift his hands slightly in surrender.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m sorry.” He said. “I’m being defensive. Hell, I'm being an ass.” You locked your jaw and let your eyes focus on something over his shoulder. Unable to stare into those deep, dark eyes. “This is… This isn’t an easy subject for me to talk about and I⏤ I panicked. I want you to hear me out. I want you to know the truth.” He shifted in his stance so your gaze was forced to meet his. The longing there made you suck in a sharp breath. “Please. Give me another chance to explain this. I’ll do better.”
You rubbed the back of your neck with your non-injured hand and gave a small nod.
“Thank you. Thank you.” Joel repeated himself. He took a step back but kept his shoulders facing you as if he thought you were a flight risk. Joel motioned to his couch. “Do you wanna sit? I’ll grab our drinks.” You sighed and meandered over to sit down on one end of his leather couch. Joel didn’t move back into the kitchen until after you were seated. He came back with both of your drinks and handed you your own before sitting on the other side of the couch. One cushion of space between the two of you. 
You took a sip, trying to gather your thoughts, before nodding once. “I want to know about your wife first. Celina, you said? I want to know about her.”
“Yeah.” Joel swallowed thickly. “Do you remember anything I mentioned about Sarah’s mom before?”
“I didn’t know her name.” You replied. “You said the two of you had dated for, like, three months?” Joel nodded. “She got pregnant, and you worked it out. Things were fine, but two weeks after Sarah was born she left. You never said the two of you got married though.”
“Because we didn’t.” Joel replied softly. “I asked. Proposed to her when we found out she was pregnant with Sarah, and she said no.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he wasn’t meeting your gaze anymore. Joel stared down at the coffee mug in his hands. “I loved her. She was my first real love, actually. I knew our situation wasn’t ideal, but… I wanted it to work. I saw a future with her.” Joel ran his thumb back and forth on the edge of his mug’s rim where it reached. He chuckled, “When Sarah was born… Those two weeks? It was⏤ It was good. But, uh, then she left.” Joel shrugged in a way that attempted nonchalance but did not meet the mark. “Her leaving hurt for a lot of reasons. For one, in no way was I prepared to take care of a newborn.”
You set your drink on the coffee table before leaning back. Joel stayed silent, his jaw clenching and unclenching, and you recognized the look of someone getting stuck in their own memories. You spoke up, “What happened then? When did you get married?”
“Celina is…” Joel began. He rubbed his jawline. “I spent a lot of time being furious with her⏤ hating her. Not just for leaving me behind, but for leaving Sarah. Sarah deserved better.” He shook his head. “But she… she came to me, needing help, and I⏤ I couldn’t say no. Not to her. And not because I still had any sort of feelings for her, but because no matter how angry I was at her she gave me Sarah.” A vulnerable softness filled his features and he finally lifted his head to meet your gaze fully. “Without Celina, I wouldn’t have Sarah.”
You could understand that. You knew that his daughters meant absolutely everything to Joel. More so, despite all the shit going on between the two of you right now, despite Joel arguing otherwise, you knew he was a good man. You had a very hard time picturing him saying no to anyone who came to him for help. 
“When did she come to you? And why? What problem is solved with marriage?”
“Three years ago. Just about.” Joel mumbled. “It’s… She was sick. Cancer. The only feasible treatment was going to bankrupt her because her insurance refused to cover the cost. Celina came back wanting to see Sarah. Get to know her before she died.” Your eyes widened in surprise at both the news and the confusion that came with trying to connect the dots. “I told her that was up to Sarah⏤ she was old enough to make that decision for herself and I was gonna support her with whatever she chose.”
You nodded slowly, “Okay…”
“Sarah decided she did want to meet her mom. And I…” Joel paused. He set his coffee mug down on the coffee table as well and laced his fingers together. He was fidgeting. Another nervous tick of his. Joel could never seem to keep his hands still when he was caught in his own mind. It was like his hands so desperately wanted to fix what stressed him out⏤ even if it wasn’t a physical problem they could fix. “I⏤ I couldn’t stop thinking… remembering…”
Joel squeezed his eyes shut, and the palpable pain had you shifting closer. It dawned on you. Words clicking in your mind. You set a hand on his forearm and gave it a small squeeze, “Your mom.” Joel had told you, ages ago, that he had lost his own mother to cancer. “You lost her. I remember you telling me.”
“Yes.” Joel unlaced his own fingers so he could settle one hand on top of yours⏤ still resting on his forearm. The tip of his thumb dragged back and forth against the knuckle of your index finger. Tracing the shape of it. “It wasn’t… It wasn’t the exact same, I know that, but… Sarah technically had already lost her once.”
“I offered to pay. Pay for the treatment in full.” Joel’s thumb stilled to squeeze your hand once. “I’d cover all the costs, but⏤ but Celina refused. Said she didn’t want,” Joel scoffed with a humorless laugh, “Didn’t want to be a ‘charity case’. Said she didn’t come back for my money, or for me to fix the problem, she came back for Sarah.” Joel shook his head. “We argued in circles for God knows how long. We finally settled on this. If we got married, she’d have my insurance instead of her own. My insurance would cover most of the treatments and she’d pay what it didn’t.”
You understood that. It matched up with what you knew about Joel. “How is she? Now?”
“In remission. Since seven months ago, she’s been in remission.” A small smile flickered on his features. “She lives in Waco. Wanted to be closer to Sarah. One of the only reasons I could stomach all of us coming to LA while Sarah stayed in Texas for college. I knew she’d at least have her there in case of emergencies.”
Your face scrunched in question, “Then why… Why are you still married?”
“I don’t have a reason. Not a real one. Not beyond me just being lazy.” Joel said firmly. He held your hand tight, keeping it pinned to his arm, like it was a lifeline. “Up until now, it didn’t matter to me. It made no difference. That’s it. I swear to you, sugar.” The nickname fell out of his mouth like second nature. “And I’m working on changing that already. You can ask Tommy or⏤ or hell I’ll give you Celina’s number or our lawyer’s number. We started the official divorce paperwork the day you and I got back from Vegas. It was the first call I made after dropping you off at your place.”
You did believe him. As Joel held your gaze, all you could see in those soulful eyes was a deep desperation. An ache seeking the comfort that would come with reassurance. “I believe you.” You said softly and his eyes closed in relief. His entire body sagged as the tension seeped out of it. You really did believe him, and of all the ways this could’ve gone wrong technically you supposed this was the best case scenario. However, learning this made you realize what aspect of this bothered you more than most. You slid your hand out from under his. “Why… Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I was… I was going to. After.”
“Why though? Why after?” You shook your head. “Why didn’t you trust me with this?” Joel’s face fell again. “I know we haven’t known one another for long, but…” You bit back your words before you admitted to the naive truth that you felt some sort of connection to him. That being with him was as easy as breathing and you foolishly let yourself get carried away. “I don’t…”
Joel quickly scooted closer, a hand held up in surrender, “Had nothing to do with⏤ with me not… I do trust you. I do.” Joel shook his head. “Me not mentioning this had nothing to do with you. It was me.” His words reminded you of Vegas. This excuse was sounding familiar and the more you heard it the harder it was to believe. He hung his head and winced. “I need to tell you about⏤ about Erina.”
“That’s…” You began. “Is that your sugar baby?
“Yeah.” Joel nodded. “But it was more complicated than that.”
“So, I’m gathering.” You mumbled. The words of frustration left your lips before you could filter them. In this situation, you felt you had every right to be upset and bitter, but the look of pained guilt that filled Joel’s features made every cell in your body vibrate with regret. It felt like you had just kicked a puppy, and those sad, brown eyes were heart wrenching. “Sorry.”
Joel shook his head quickly. “No. Don’t. You don’t need to be sorry. I do.”
“You’re talking to me⏤ answering my questions.” You replied with a small shrug. “The least I can do is not be petty.” You twisted your lips. “So? Tell me about her.”
“She wasn’t my sugar baby to begin with.” Joel started softly. He turned his head to keep his gaze on the mug sitting on the coffee table, and you found the story easier to stomach without those powerful eyes focused on you. “My company got hired for a job. It was a big one, which is why it came across my desk. Some summer project. A finance guy wanted his vacation house completely renovated in Malibu. I decided to take a more hands on position for the entire thing. Stayed on site to work.” It wasn’t a shock to hear. You were plenty aware that Joel spent most of his work time on site if he could. Joel only donned a tie for the board room when Tess wrestled him into it. “The guy who hired us wasn’t there, but his wife was. At least, I thought it was his wife.”
“But it wasn’t.”
Joel gave out a sad chuckle, “No. She wasn’t. Erina was… lively and energetic. She was fun, and I… It had been a long time since I experienced that kind of light hearted fun. Plus, the client, when he did come around, was such an asshole to her and I⏤” Joel sighed. “She left him midway through the project, but we didn’t get involved with one another until after it was over. When it started, it was great. The honeymoon phase was…” His voice trailed off as a small, sad smile crossed his face. You found your stomach churn in jealousy at him talking about this other woman. It was damn near nonsensical, but the emotion rose up regardless. “The issues started a while in. I realized that we saw the relationship differently. I thought… I thought what we had was real, and she only saw me as her new sugar daddy.”
For a while, we just went on. I didn’t think the difference in how we viewed things would matter. Stupid, I know, but… I thought I was happy.” Joel mumbled the last bit. He lifted a hand to rub at his jawline. “As you’ve probably figured out, I’m not⏤ I’m not good at this. Relationships and…” He tensed. “Some people are just better off alone, but I’ve been too hard headed to accept that.”
“Joel.” You interrupted the flow of his story at his claim. You didn’t believe that and you especially refused to believe it about Joel. “That’s not⏤”
“Things were still working until I…” Joel shook his head. “I told her about Celina. Tried to explain the situation to her, but when she told me to get divorced and I couldn’t⏤ that’s when it all started to crumble. I didn’t actually end the relationship until after I found out she was seeing a few other guys.” You opened your mouth the speak, the beginnings of a sentence you didn’t know how to end slipping from your tongue, but Joel suddenly turned in his seat to face you and the look in his eyes silenced any attempt at speech. He hesitantly reached out and let his hand settle on top of yours. When you didn’t pull away, he squeezed his grip tighter. “You and Erina are not the same. It wasn’t until after we stopped seeing one another that I realized how terrible our relationship had been. So please, please, don’t think I’m comparing you to her because I’m not. I know how she reacted is not some⏤ some default and you wouldn’t necessarily react the same, but… but every time I considered telling you about Celina, all I could imagine was you leaving. And I, selfishly, stopped myself from admitting the truth to you because I didn’t want to ruin this the way I ruin everything else.”
You murmured his name. Early on, you recognized Joel had trust issues, but you had never realized it stretched this far. Joel didn’t trust even himself. It broke your heart that he thought so poorly of himself. No matter how upset you were at the man you knew deep down he was a good. His mistake had hurt you, but it hadn’t been born of malice. You saw that now. Fear and self doubt had brought the two of you to this crossroads. 
“Joel, that isn’t true.” You said softly. “You don’t ruin everything.”
“The evidence is pretty damning.” Joel chuckled sadly. You opened your mouth to argue, but he shook his head quickly and held out a hand to stop you. “That’s not the point of… I should’ve told you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I should’ve told you, been up front about it all, and I’m sorry.” Joel sighed. “I’m sorry, sugar.”
He had answered a number of your questions and with the truth came the relief of knowing.  Plus, the answer technically hadn’t been your worst case scenario. God knew your brain was plenty capable of thinking up some nightmare-ish situations. So in comparison, it would be worse. Still, there was an itch that hadn’t quite yet been scratched.
“Why… Why seek out a new sugar baby?” You asked. His experience with Erina had obviously been less than ideal so why try again? You shook your head, “Why me?”
“Those are two very different questions.”
“How do you figure that?”
“I …” Joel began hesitantly. You could see his thoughts jumbling in his mind as he struggled to string one along. Conversations like this were hardly considered Joel’s comfort zone so you did appreciate that he was trying. That went a long way as well. “Erina came back into my life not so long ago.” You felt your stomach drop and your heart clench painfully. The emotional response was so physical that it nearly made you sick. Joel must have noticed because he quickly reached out and settled a hand on your shoulder. “No. Not like that. She means nothing to me. She came to me wanting to get back together, harassing me about it, but I’ve made it crystal clear to her and everyone around us that I have no interest in restarting something with her. Especially now.”
“The idea was…” Joel winced sheepishly. “The idea was to hire a sugar baby as a way to show her that I was serious. We were done and I was moving on.” It was ridiculous enough that from anyone’s else mouth you wouldn’t have believed them, but they had been said in Joel’s sincerity. “I know how that sounds.”
“Not good. It sounds not good.”
“I know. Everyone told me it was a bad idea. Tess, Sarah, Ellie.” You found it interesting that his daughters knew about their father’s love life to that degree. It spoke to how close they were and his stance on honesty. Joel chuckled. “Actually, the only person who agreed with me on the plan was Tommy, but I suppose that should’ve been a sign to give it up.” Your lips twitched up mildly in amusement. “But, deep down I knew it would hurt Erina, and I… I wanted to be petty.”
You shrugged, “And I’m apart of this… how? To annoy Erina?”
“No.” Joel said firmly, almost roughly. “Absolutely not. Remember the day you bought me that coffee? I said I had been meeting with some other, um, women?” You nodded and let him continue. “By time I made it to the that coffee shop, I had already half decided to give up the idea. It was obviously going poorly. I was literally just looking for someone I wouldn’t mind spending time with and I couldn’t even do that. But you were… God, meeting you felt like a breath of fresh air.” He messily ran a hand through his hair while his other continued to fidget. “You stayed on my mind and when I spotted you again…”
“I…” You tried to find the right words. The ones he would want to hear. It felt odd to give forgiveness for a misunderstanding, but you knew that’s what he was seeking. Validation. “I forgive you.” 
The relief on Joel’s face was staggering and when he held a hand out to you, you knew exactly what he was asking for. You closed the space and let him pull you into a hug. His warm, large hands enveloped you as he craddled the back of your head to hold you as closely to him as you could. You wrapped your own arms around him and lazily dragged your thumb up and down where it rested. 
You did forgive him for this. That was the truth and you meant it with your whole heart, but this entire experience was eye opening. You had fallen for Joel so dangerously fast. It made you realize that if this had been a different scenario, one of the nightmare-ish ones you imagined, it would’ve destroyed you. With the speed you were moving in, you would’ve hit the ground at a million miles per hour and shattered. You forgave Joel, but you needed to figure out a way to better guard your heart.
“I’m sorry for reaching out to a PI.”
“No. Don’t be.” Joel pulled back and the hand at the back of your head dragged forward to cup the side of your face. He sighed, “You were right. I should’ve handled this better, but I… I do appreciate you saying so.” The two of you sat in a moment of silence and for the first time since you met him that silence felt awkward. Joel must have felt it as well based on the clearing of his throat and fidgeting. “So… Are we— Are we okay?”
You nodded, “I think so.” The tension left Joel’s shoulders and you quickly stood. “I should… I should go.”
“You’re off today though, aren’t you?” Joel stood as well.
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Stay. Please.” Joel motioned back to the kitchen. “Have breakfast. I called Tommy and he’s gonna bring over your stuff.” Your eyes widened in surprise and he shrugged. “Tommy is gonna bring over your friend who has your stuff I should say.”
You hesitated, nervous after this heart to heart, but Joel held out a hand to you. Equally a peace offering and lifeline. You just weren’t sure if it was a lifeline for you or him. You set your hand in his and he gave it a small squeeze. The smile on his face was soft and open. Two words you knew not many people were able to claim as a description with him. 
Joel led you back toward the kitchen and when you turned to try and go back for your mug he stopped you. He settled you on one of the bar stools, hands lingering on your hips briefly, before going back to the living room for both your mugs. 
“You know, when I pictured you spending the night here this wasn’t quite how I thought it’d go.” Joel chuckled and grabbed a plate. You leaned on the counter and waited since you knew that plate he was making was meant for you. It took a second for his words to dawn on you. Joel pictures you spending the night in his home with him? Your face and neck warmed at the thought. It wasn’t like you hadn’t had those kinds of ideas, but hearing it from him still made your heart flutter. Even with the disaster miscommunication still lingering in your rear view mirror. “Here. Lemme know if you want anything else.” Joel set the plate in front of you and handed you a fork. After making his own plate, he pulled the barstool beside you closer and sat down. He sat sideways to face you and his knee pressed against your stool. “We could, uh, we could have a day in.”
“Hm?” You took a bite of your food.
“We’re both in pajamas and neither of us have work.”
“You don’t have work?” You asked in surprise.
Joel shook his head. “I already called Tess and told her I wasn’t coming in today. Told her I was feeling sick.”
“Did she actually believe you?” You smirked.
“No.” Joel chuckled. “She didn’t. But she also didn’t call me out on my shit, so…”
He gave you a charming smile, obviously trying to lighten the mood, and you found you appreciated it. Things weren't perfect, but for the sake of what had been you were willing to try.
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Hello! Considering how you now write for Chiori, and that I highly appreciate your Genshin headcanons... I think it's about time I grant you the honor of my first ever tumblr ask 👀
How would Chiori act with a S/O who is more on the sensitive side, the kind to not appreciate harsh words, or having people raise their voices at them? (totally not me checking my own hypothetical compatibility with her)
We know she can basically use her sass to roast people on the spot (not to mention her skills in graceful arcs making) in public, though during her SQ, we also get to see a somewhat softer side from her, when in a more private environment/with friends... But she also went "ugh eww ugh" when Xavier cried in joy during the 4.3 movie event.
So... that got me genuinely wondering. Feel free to add more characters if you feel inspired/like doing that (how their behavior with S/O would change depending of the setting being in public or in private?), and have a nice day 😊
(Genshin Impact) Chiori with a softer S/O
I am honored that I am your first blog you ask! Hopefully you enjoy!
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Chiori honestly does not act that differently, even in private or when she has a S/O.
She has never apologized for being herself, and that would not change no matter what.
And if someone got with her, they would know that when they decided she was the person they loved.
Even if the person she spoke to was an absolute sweetheart, Chiori doesn't mince words in the slightest.
(Chiori) "...S/O, you are not going out in those rags. Here, let me pick something out for you."
She doesn't really hold anything back because she loves her S/O, and the fact they love her means she can unapologetically be herself.
That being said, she isn't heartless.
Chiori tries to phrase things slightly more gently. Such as:
(Chiori) "What I want for my birthday? Hm, I would like new tools...Keep it a surprise? Why would I do that when you can just get me something I like?"
Key word being: tries
She's at least tactful enough to not make them cry from her usual harsh words.
In private, she can get a little more handsy than usual.
She just sits on the bed and lays her head on their shoulders, taking a deep sigh.
(Chiori) "...You must be tired too. Go ahead and rest your head on me."
Her love language is definitely acts of service than words, which goes both ways.
She'd rather show why she loves her gentle S/O, than just tell them.
And that comes across in the clothes she tailors for them, never ever skipping on any expense.
(Chiori) "This kimono will match that perfectly with that pretty smile of yours, now quit squirming. I gotta take the measurements..."
Since they don't like anyone raising their voices at them, Chiori is the first one to step in to apply verbal or physical violence upon anyone doing so.
It doesn't matter who they are, if someone tries to pick on her sweetheart, than they're going to be picking glass out of their clothes.
189 notes · View notes
delulu-with-wandanat · 5 months
Hello my fave moot. 😘
Can i request a fic (the one we talked about) where Nat and Wanda had an intense make out shesh and something more 👀👀 . Then Wanda came out of the room with red lipstick all over her face, neck, chest, and thighs.. courtesy of Nat and Nat looked so smug. 🤭🤭🤭
Money, must be funny. In a rich girl's world.
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A/n: Helloo my dearest moot! Of course you can, I put my own little twist and mixed your request with the prompt I made a little while ago. I hope you like it boo!
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings 18+: Smut, semi-public sex, fingering, cunnilingus, praise kink??, (Wanda receiving), (Natasha giving).
Summary: Natasha works at a beach club, and Wanda is the daughter of the owner. Let's just say, summer wasn't the only thing that's hot that day.
"Do you even know who my father is?!"
Fucking rich people...
So this is where she is now, working at some beach club serving entitled people who think they own the world just because they have money. And most of the time it's not even their money, it's their parents.
"I sincerely apologize, sir. However, I don't see your name on this list." Natasha responded calmly. These damn kids...
The young man scoffed, "You must be new here. I am Vision Stark, STARK. That name means NOTHING to you?!"
Natasha desperately wanted to say, 'Yes, the same way you meant nothing to your dad-'
But of course her job requires her to say, "I understand you're upset. Perhaps you may have written it under a different name?"
He laughs cockily and pulled out his phone, "You better start applying for another job."
Oh for fuck sake- As much as Natasha hated rich people, she knew how powerful money could be.
"No- Wait, please that won't be necessary-"
"Ugh, what now Vis?" A girl wearing a sun glasses appeared beside him with a bored look.
"I'm calling my father and getting this piss rat fired." Vision spatted while scrolling through his phone to find his father's number. Shit, he wasn't joking around-
The girl then took his phone rather hastily, "Will you stop being such a daddy's boy?" She sighed and turned to face Natasha. "What's the problem?"
"I uh- I don't see the name Vision Stark under the guest list."
The girl then turns face Vision, she's wearing a sunglasses but Natasha knew she was glaring at him. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's registered under MY name?" She then turned to face Natasha and took off her sunglasses in frustration.
Holyshit her eyes...
"I'm so sorry about him." Natasha almost didn't hear her, she was too entranced in those green orbs.
Her face is carved by the goddess Aphrodite herself...
"Try looking for the name, Wanda Maximoff." That was when Natasha snapped out of her thoughts. She quickly scanned the guest list for her name. Natasha had to skim through a few names as there were a lot of people on the guest list.
"Hello? She said Maximoff, are you fucking deaf??" I swear if this boy don't shut his mouth right now I-
"Will you shut up?! She's just doing her job." Wanda scolded him. Vision, like the little boy that he is, groans and crossed his arms.
Natasha speed up her process, not wanting to deal with this man child anymore. And finally, "Ah, yes. Wanda Maximoff. I'm so sorry for the hold up ma'am."
When Natasha looked up, Wanda was looking at her with a look that she couldn't quite pin. Her head was tilted a little bit and she was biting the inner parts of her cheeks slightly. "No worries." Wanda said with a faint smirk.
Natasha couldn't help but gazed at her a little bit more, it was only for a split second but she got pretty much everything. Wanda is absolutely fucking breathtaking-
But again the man child had to ruin it for her as he quickly dragged Wanda by the arm to enter the beach club, "Come on, Wands."
"Have a good time." Natasha said as she internally sighed in relief. She glanced back once more and caught Wanda's eyes who was also looking back at her. Wanda gave her an adorable little wave before turning her head back.
Natasha smiled to herself, summer was going to be good after all...
She often wonders, how the fuck does one able to own such a huge beach club? While simultanieously have a resort on the other side too.
Quicksilver Beach Club was one of the most famous beach clubs in the world. They'd held numerous events and had millions of people around the world fighting for a spot. In the same area, lies a very luxurious resort called, Scarlet's Resort.
Which if Natasha was being honest, sounded like some kinky luxurious hotel.
It didn't matter though, at least the pay is good. Well, she says that now after having her eyes set on a very gorgeous guest. Wanda Maximoff. God, what a beauty-
Natasha wasn't the type to normally fancy a rich girl. Number 1, they're way too high maintenance for her who practically lives off cup noodles. And 2, they're very VERY entitled. Just for those two reasons alone, Natasha tried to stay clear of those girls unless it was for a one night type of thing. But perhaps for Wanda she could make an exception.
Which is why she would often asked to switch stations with her sister, Yelena, so she could serve Wanda's table more often. Purposely standing somewhere near Wanda's line of sight, the moment they locked eyes Natasha would give her signature smirk. One that she knows would get girls to fold for her.
Though Wanda seems to be a hard egg to crack. Sure, she notices Natasha, but it never really went as far as small talks. Which to be honest, only made the red hair wanted her more. Perhaps Natasha was full of herself, but she knows Wanda wants her too.
Wanda just needs a little push off the edge. As Yelena would describe it, 'She looks at you like she wants to eat you.'
Wanda was bored, bored out of her fucking mind. To many this beach club is something impressive, something luxurious, but considering her father owned it she has been here countless times. Then again, pretty much nothing else impressed her, many would say money can't buy you happiness, which to some extent might be true. However, it does allow you to experience anything and everything.
So her question is, what's a girl that pretty much has everything gotta do to have some fun here?
Her friends are boring, the guy she's seeing is dull as fuck, at this point she's just floating in empty space... Albeit, a luxurious one, but empty nonetheless.
Thankfully she has this cute, breathtaking, sexy waitress to keep her company this time around...
"One Piña Colada." Wanda snapped her head to the source, fuck this girl and her sexy smirk.
"Oh, thank you, Natasha." Natasha tilted her head slightly.
"How did you know?" Wanda merely pointed to her name tag, Natasha realizes and let out a soft chuckle. "Right."
Wanda laid on her back once again while taking a sip of her drink. She was laying on one of the VIP sun bed with a standing umbrella shielding her from the hot sun. Most people just wanted to sit by the beach and enjoy the waves, the rest who were out in the suns were mostly surfers.
"So are you here everyday?" Wanda asked, trying to make small talks with an arguably bullshit question. She knows Natasha's schedule, being the daughter of the owner she obviously had access to it. Which is why she is always conveniently there during Natasha's work hours.
"No, I only work day shifts and will be having a day off tomorrow." Natasha responded. "Is this your first visit?"
Wanda thought for a second, the answer was, of course it isn't. But she liked the fact that Natasha didn't know who she is, who her father was. Perhaps that's why she was attracted to Natasha, well apart from her attractive look. "You could say that."
"Let me know if you need anything else." Natasha said before going back to her area, which conveniently is on Wanda's line of sight. She can't help but admire the curves of Natasha's body. The way her muscles flexed under light of the sun, the way her hips swayed when she walked. God it was as if Natasha was putting on a show on purpose.
Being one of the most lavish beach clubs in the world, they were highly selective of their staff. Even as a waitress, other than the fact you had to be good at your job, you also had to be attractive and fit. It wasn't written in the job description, obviously. However, simply by observing their staff, you can definitely tell there's on going theme.
It was no wonder they hired Natasha, I mean look at that woman. Honestly, she could be a model. Wanda questions why Natasha even bothers to continue to work here with that kind of face and body.
Wanda continues to enjoy the view, which was without a doubt, not the beach. Her eyes secretly follows the red haired waitress wherever she goes. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't the only one. Other guests had their eyes on this sexy waitress too, Wanda couldn't exactly blame them. But she wanted Natasha, and whatever Wanda Maximoff wanted, she would get it.
She had to be quick though, she knew it wasn't uncommon for a guest to hook up with a service worker. Especially if they're hot. So she did what she knew best.
Natasha's ear perked up the moment she heard a yelp from one of the guest, it was Wanda. She had accidently spilled her drink all over herself. Natasha rushed over to her with a napkin. "Sorry, I'm very clumsy."
"It's alright, ma'am." Wanda stood up from the sun bed, her white, VERY thin see-through material shirt drenched in cocktail. Natasha's eyes subtly glanced to her chest seeing the red bikini Wanda had underneath, before averting it to wiped the remaining substance on the bed. "Let me get you another drink."
"Oh that's not necessary. However, could you please escort me to the bathroom?" Wanda asked rather seductively.
Natasha straighten herself up and internally smirked. "Of course, let me get this drink to the bar and I will escort you."
Once she was done, they both walked to the bathroom with Natasha leading the way. If all went according to plan, it should be empty. It was 2 pm, Wanda knew not many people would be present as sunsets were the prime time. That and the fact that no one actually uses the changing room/bathroom. Perhaps that was a rich people thing? I mean why not just change in your hotel room-
"It's just right through here, Ms. Maximoff."
"Please, call me Wanda." She said while walking to their destination.
"Alright, Wanda." Eventually the hallway lead them to their destination, Natasha, like the excellent service worker she is. Opened the door for Wanda. "If you need any assistance let me know."
Wanda eyed her up and down, now that they were alone, she would make her move. "I might be in need of an assistance in... other terms."
"What would that entail?" Natasha asked teasingly with one eyebrow raised. Wanda bit her lip and took a step closer towards Natasha.
"Don't play dumb with me."
With one swift movement Wanda pulled Natasha in with her. They shut the door behind them and Wanda had Natasha pushed up against the wall.
"I've seen the way your eyes lingers at me."
"Don't think I haven't noticed yours either."
Wanda's eyes wandered down to Natasha plump lips, god she wanted to taste it since the first time she arrived here. Natasha noticed her gaze and leaned closer to Wanda. Her hand reached up to Wanda's chin, catching her attention. Natasha had a rather mischievous taunting smile on her face. And fuck she looks so sexy.
"You want a little taste, darling?"
Wanda let out the breath she was holding, she leaned down and kissed Natasha roughly on the lips. Earning a soft hum from the redhaired woman.
Their kiss was messy, lustful, the kind of kiss where you wasted no time and started having tongues involved already. Natasha gained dominance in their make out session, taking over by flipping their position and have Wanda pinned instead. Wanda had her arms wrapped around Natasha's neck pulling her even closer.
Natasha's hand that was initially on her waist moved down to grip Wanda's ass firmly, causing the taller one to groan. Natasha captured Wanda's bottom lip, their eyes locking onto one another, both slightly hazy from the heavy session. Natasha's releases her lips before husking out, "You're such a needy girl, causing some incident just to get my attention."
A small whine escaped Wanda's lips.
"Was this your plan all along?" Natasha taunted. Her hand reached up to tuck Wanda's hair behind her ear while simultaneously pushing her body closer to Wanda. "To get fucked in some public space?"
While Natasha says all of this, she left a trail of kisses on Wanda's jaw. She trailed further down to her neck, earning a loud gasp from Wanda. Once she found a sweet spot, Natasha bit on it, causing the brunette inhale sharply before letting out a sound that was music to her ear.
Natasha moved her thigh to press it firmly against Wanda's aching core. Considering she was only wearing a bikini, it was easy for Wanda to feel the friction. "O-oh god..." Wanda moaned out.
Natasha continues to bite and suck harshly against Wanda's neck, not caring if it'll bruise. Not when it caused Wanda to squirm against her, to roll her hips subconsciously just to pleasure herself further. Her hand reached up to Wanda's breast, palming it against her stained shirt. Wanda couldn't help but to dig her nails on Natasha's back.
"Fu-fuck, please. I need more..." Wanda voice's echoed through the empty room.
"Good to know a person such as yourself has manners. I love well mannered girls..." Natasha husked out the last part in her ears, causing Wanda to shiver. She was sure if Natasha wasn't holding her up right now she would've fall to the floor.
Wanda continues to grind against Natasha's thigh, and whined the moment she felt Natasha pulling it away. "No-" Yet her words died in her throat as Natasha switched her legs with her fingers instead. Letting those long slim fingers drag across her panties. Natasha smirked when her finger dragged over the wet spot.
"All that for me, baby?"
Wanda nodded frantically, her mind too clouded to form a coherent words. Natasha pushed on her clit slightly against her panties.
"Words, baby. Words."
“Yes!” Wanda moaned out loud.
“Good girl.” Her fingers then moved her panties out of the way to run her fingers over Wanda’s dripping slit.
“A- ah… Natasha-“
“God I love the way my name sounds coming out of those pretty lips.”
Natasha trailed her kisses down to the exposed skin on Wanda’s chest. Her finger still teasing on the lips of Wanda’s opening, caressing it ever so slowly, yet not making any move to put it in. This caused the taller one to whine in frustration.
“Tell me, what do you want me to do?” Natasha asked against her skin. Using her free hand to slowly unbutton her shirt.
“I- I need you inside me, please…”
Natasha hummed, hearing Wanda beg did numbers on Natasha. Her left hand then pulled down Wanda's bikini top, freeing the sensitive bud. Natasha captured it in her mouth, rolling her tongue and sucking her nipple gently. Her right hand still teasing Wanda's entrance, she could feel the way Wanda was getting wetter by the minute.
Judging from the way Wanda grips her hair, nails scratching her back, back arching to push Natasha further into her. And fuck, the way she begged.
"Please... Ngh- Please, stop teasing me."
Natasha smirked against her, she releases Wanda's nipple with a 'pop'. Trailing her mouth up to Wanda's ear to nibble her earlobe. "You sound so good, begging me like that."
All of the sudden, Natasha entered two finger inside Wanda. The taller woman gasped, eyes closed and mouth wide open in the shape of an 'O'. She wrapped her arms around Natasha for support, her right leg naturally did the same, giving Natasha more room to fuck her.
Natasha curled her fingers expertly, causing Wanda to roll her eyes to the back of her head. Natasha moved her lips to leave open mouthed kisses on her neck, noticing how much the brunette loved it. "Oh god, just like that-"
God Natasha loved how vocal Wanda is. The way her voice was dripping with lust, how desperate she is to be fucked. Natasha picked up the pace, and Wanda couldn't help but to move her hips in rhythm with her. Her loud moans echoing through the marble bathroom accompanied by the gushing sound of Natasha's finger going in and out of her wet cunt-
"SHH-" Natasha quickly shut Wanda's mouth with her free hand.
Wanda, still hazy from pleasure could only stare at her and whine against her hand. Natasha focused her mind.
She quickly pulled out her finger, dragged Wanda into one of the empty toilet stalls and locked it. Well, stalls were probably not the right word, one thing for sure it provided them more privacy as there were no gaps for anyone to peek.
"You better keep quite for me pretty girl." Natasha said with a smirk.
"W- what?"
The door outside opened, and a few set of footsteps could be heard entering the lady's room. They were busy talking to one another, Wanda's mind was still too hazy to pick up any word they said. Not that she cared anyway, she just hope they would leave soon so-
Her thoughts were interrupted by Natasha who was now kneeling on the floor, tongue sticking out to lick her already dripping pussy. She didn't even realize Natasha had already pulled down her underwear. Natasha wasted no time in lapping up her folds, devouring her like a starved animal.
Wanda's hand flew up to cover her own mouth, her other hand gripped Natasha hair firmly. She couldn't decided whether she wanted to push Natasha's head away, or pull it even closer. Natasha fucked her with her tongue, her nose rubbing against Wanda's most sensitive nerve.
Fuck she was getting close-
Wanda was biting her own hand so much that it hurts. Her legs were giving up on her, the only thing holding her up was Natasha toned arms and the wall she was leaning against. She started to grind against Natasha's face, fuck she doesn't know how long she could hold it.
Natasha then pulled out her tongue out of her entrance, trailed it up to swirl around her sensitive nerve before eventually encircling her mouth on it giving it a gentle suck. A slight sound escaped her throat, but thankfully their audience was too pre occupied with the latest gossip to notice.
Natasha continued to suck on her clit like it was a lollipop. Wanda could come then and there, but she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to keep her voice down.
For fuck sake can't these girls just leave!
Her stomach was tensing trying to hold the knot that was threatening to snap any second. It seems like her prayers has been answered as they heard the group taking their leave. Once Wanda was sure they were alone again, she moved the hand that was once covering her mouth and let out the sounds she had been holding.
"OH FUCK-" She moaned out breathlessly, "I- I'm so close. Fuck, Natasha, please let me come."
The way Wanda said her name, the way she gripped her hair, the way Wanda used her other hand to play her own nipple to chase the height she desires caused Natasha to moan against her clit.
The knot inside Wanda finally snapped the moment she felt the vibration against her pussy. Her back arches, body trembling, head thrown back so suddenly that she might've hit her head against the wall and hurt herself. But fuck was it worth it....
Natasha made sure to lap her up thoroughly, body spasming occasionally as Wanda was very much still sensitive from her orgasm. Seems like Natasha was enjoying that reactions from her that Wanda had to whine and pushed Natasha's head away. The redhaired only let out a small chuckle before finally standing up on her feet.
Wanda wasted no time in pulling her into a kiss, she moaned savoring the taste of herself. After some time they pulled away, Wanda rested her forehead against Natasha's.
"That was..." Her words died in her throat as she still needed to recover.
"You did so well." Natasha said, giving Wanda a tiny kiss on her nose. Wanda laughs softly at that.
"I should keep you around more often."
"Well, you know where I work."
They pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes. Wanda could get lost in them, Natasha felt the same as well. Natasha gave her a loopsided smile. Damn, Wanda really wanted to keep her around.
"Let me take you out tonight?" Wanda asked shyly.
"Unfortunately I have plans, how about tomorrow?" Natasha said, tucking a hair behind Wanda's ear the moment she saw the brunette's adorable pout. "Beside, the big event is tonight."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "I was trying to find an excuse to escape that." Natasha laughs at that. Wanda was... something else. "Alright then, tomorrow."
"I should get back to my shift, I'll see you around." Natasha smirked, she quickly left the stall and out of the lady's room before Wanda could even ask for her number.
Wanda chased her out of the bathroom, but Natasha was already out of her sight. She cursed under her breath. For someone that size Natasha was sure as hell quick. Wanda walked back to her table to find it was now occupied by her friend, Agatha. She was sipping her drink when she noticed Wanda.
"Hey girl! I was wondering where you were-" Agatha suddenly stop her sentence, her eyes scanned Wanda up and down. Wanda tilted her head in confusion.
"What? What's wrong?"
Her friend then suddenly smirked. "No need for explanation."
"What are you talking about?"
Agatha then pulled out her phone and opened the camera app so Wanda could take a look of herself. Wanda eyes widens the moment she saw the state of herself. Lipstick marks were all over her jaw, neck and chest. To top it off there were hickeys on her neck too.
"Oh my god..."
"I assume it's that hot waitress standing right there?" Agatha pointed with her finger.
"How did you-"
"She gave me this complimentary drink because you 'spilled' yours." Agatha said while doing an air quote. "Other than that she left her phone number on this piece of paper underneath the drink."
Wanda groaned and quickly wiped off the marks and closed herself further with her shirt. Glaring at Natasha who had a smirk on her face, and gave her a subtle wink.
"I swear I'm going to make her pay."
I'm not very good with smut but I tried my best. Hope you like it!!!
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writingmuses · 1 year
Love Potion 
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Request: Based on a request for an IC x Reader, either a sex pollen fic or a magic potion fic (I may or may not do a sex pollen fic in the future 👀)
Elain x Reader, Nessian X Reader, Azriel x Reader, some mentions of Lucien X Reader (maybe I’ll do a prequel?) → a little bit for everyone. 
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, minors do not engage. Self-pleasure, fingering, grinding, breast play, p in v, biting, mentions of being under the influence. 100% consensual. ANGST.
Use of she/her for the reader. The reader is Rhy’s sister. 
Literal Porn with plot for the sake of porn but there is a lot of potential angst to turn this into an actual fic if anyone's interested by the end (so much drama to unpack). 
Synopsis: Reader accidentally drinks a love potion.  As desire courses through Y/Ns veins, and her inhibitions lower, she encounters the different members of the Inner Court.
Word count: 15.7K (WHOOPS)
“What is it?” Mor asks, gently tapping on the side of the glass pitcher. She brings her hands to her knees and lowers herself down to eye level with the fluid inside. She watches the plum-coloured liquid swirl within the glass, glimmering with tiny flecks of gold, dancing around one another to music that does not exist, suspended in infinite motion. 
She must admit that it is beautiful. That, however,  just makes her all the more suspicious. Mor blows an annoying stray curl out of her face and swivels to meet her cousin’s eyes. Rhysand’s violet gaze is clouded and dark, full of irritation. That means, Mor notes, that her dearest cousin is already aware of what’s inside the pitcher that has been gifted to her High Lady. 
“Yes, Lucien, do indulge my cousin and tell everyone about the swill you have brought into my home," Rhys voice clips. Lucien had arrived at the River House mere minutes ago, holding a large oak tray. On that tray sat the pitcher containing the mystery liquid, one ridiculously bejewelled challis, a single red rose, and, a note addressed to the High Lady:
Dearest Feyre,
I hope you are well and safe.
I apologize for my dismissal of your title as High Lady earlier this year. You are more worthy than any other female I have come across in my many centuries. 
I understand now that you would make a wondrous High Lady in any court. 
I am sending this note with Lucien along with my finest tea as a token of peace and as a toast to you in your new role. I would love for you to sample the wine and write me back letting me know how it made you feel. 
Please do not tell Rhysand of my gift to you, for I fear he would not understand this gesture between friends. 
I count the seconds to your reply.
All my love, 
Lucien is quite pale. His normally bronzed skin looks ashy and his eyes are sullen. “Rhys… I-I know what you must be thinking.” The male clears his throat, worrying his bottom lip,“I’m sure he just wasn’t in his right mind - or maybe he didn’t know the properties of the liquid. Tam-” 
Darkness begins to creep out from behind Rhys, his face stony.“Do not mention that name in my house right now, Lucien. I have half a mind to winnow over to Spring and gut the coward where he stands.” Rhys holds the note in his hands and quickly crumples it into a tight ball. “Do not make excuses for that vile creature.” His eyes burn with fury as he sends the balled up note careening through the air, and right into the roaring fireplace.
Almost all of the inner court was gathered around the two males, standing tense and mystified at this interaction. Everyone is dressed in fine clothes and gathered at the River house for family dinner. “I’m confused,” Mor queries again, “Rhys, please tell us what is happening?” 
Feyre approaches her mate, resting a gentle hand on his bicep. He turns to look at her. Their eyes locked in a way only a pair of mates could. The two converse internally, and after a moment, Feyre gasps aloud. “A love potion? Rhys, truly?” 
“What the fuck?” Cassian chimes in, brows furrowed, attention turning to the ginger male. “Why the fuck would you bring this to us,” Cassian takes a lumbering step towards Lucien. Mor takes a step forward as well, gripping the General's arm, not in the mood to have dinner ruined just yet.  “Were you in on it?” Cassian barks to the son of Autumn.
“Cauldron no!” Lucien slinks back a step, eyes glued to his worn leather boots, trying to dissipate some of the tension in the room. “I brought it here to show you that Tamlin is desperate - and not above resorting to such vile means.” He clears his throat and looks up to Feyre, a small, apologetic smile on his lips. “I brought this here to warn you that Tamlin will likely try again and that you need to be on your guard.” 
It is Mor now, who takes another step forward, rage simmering beneath her skin. “Likely story you prick. I’ll-” she starts, but she is cut off by a hand on her shoulder. The High Lady had made her way over to Mor, now gripping her shoulder with a delicate hand. 
“He’s telling the truth,” Feyre concludes. She eyes Rhys, another one of their private discussions taking place within the confines of their own minds. “Lucien showed us.” 
“Feyre darling is correct," Rhys sighs, "Our dear friend Lucien here, while foolish - meant well.” the anger in his eyes disperses as Rhys nods a brief thanks to the ginger fae. “Besides,” he ponders, “ this love potion would have no ill effect on our dear High Lady.” 
“Now how’d you figure that Rhys?” Mor raises a brow at her cousin. 
“Because the High Dunce of Spring still believes I have Feyre under my evil spell.” Rhys wiggles his fingers at his mate, dry humour dancing in his eyes. “You see, the particular love potion good ol Tam picked out is called Affectus Revelare, also known as Feelings Revealed." Rhys gestures at the pitcher. "The potion itself is quite rare and rather ancient even by fae standards, which is why I'm not surprised none of you recognized it. Even you Az.” Rhys nods to the shadow singer in the corner. Azriel, who prides himself on his diverse knowledge of poisons, spells and potions, nods in thanks, upset with himself for not having been able to place the potion immediately. 
“I think I've heard of it,” Mor muses, all eyes on her now. “It works to remove inhibition. To allow those who drink it to reveal their true feelings? It is strong, and able to cut through most other potions or spells. Which is probably why Tamlin selected it." Her cousin nods in agreement. She continues, "However, to my knowledge, it went out of favour a long time ago because of the side effects.” She turns back to her cousin and he nods in agreement. 
“What side effects?” Cassian asks. 
“Think of it as a magic truth serum. However, this truth serum removes  any suppression of morals and makes its drinker uncontrollably horny.” Rhys says in a strained voice. “Unstoppably so. The only way to get the urges to dissipate is to have a way with the object of the drinker’s strongest affections.”
The jaws around the room hang low. Cassian lets out a startled cough. Azriel is the first to recover from the uncomfortable silence, his shadows flying around his head as he quickly mutters to them. Some of his shadows disappear into thin air, Mor assumes they are presumably off to keep further tabs on the High Lord of Spring.
“So Tamlin thought what? That I would drink this so-called love potion, break the “evil curse” you’ve trapped me under, again, and then come running back into his arms?” Feyre was full-on laughing now and it was contagious. She wiped her eyes as tears formed as she fought to control her deep belly laugh. 
“And right into his bed.” 
Rhys slings an arm around Feyre’s shoulder and starts to turn her away from Tamlin’s ‘gift’. He kissed the top of her head, a signature smirk returning to his face. His eyes were clear and bright once again. “All that potion would have done is make you find me even more irresistible than I already am," he coos. 
“I don’t know how that could be possible.” 
“Oh Feyre darling, please, we have company.” Rhys groans and nuzzles deeply into his High Lady’s neck, laying kiss after kiss along her pulse point. He pulls his lips from her neck with great effort, and only after poor innocent Elain clears her throat uncomfortably. “Let’s bring this up to the House of Wind for now, we can further investigate the source of this potion tomorrow. I would be very interested to find out where Tamlin was able to source such a thing.” He nods to Cassian who scoops up the tray and heads towards the door. “Everyone meet back here for dinner in 10.” 
“I’ll drop this off, I need to pick up Nes anyways. I’ll be right back.” Cassian walks out the door and spreads his wings wide. With powerful strokes, he is up and into the air. In a few short minutes, he touches down on the stone balcony of the House of Wind. Not a single drop of the potion has spilled, and he smiles triumphantly. Nesta sits at the table, a smutty romance novel gripped in her hands. She looks up at him with a smile but worry quickly crosses her face and her eyes drift to the tray in his hands. 
“Don’t worry Nes,” he reassures her. “I didn’t get you anything. This was a gift for your sister, I wouldn’t dream of such a sweeping gesture. I know that you much prefers other methods of celebration,” Cassian says with a wink.
“Who’s it from?” Nesta closes her book, and rises from the table. 
“From Tamlin, of all males.” He sets the tray down on the tabletop, the bejewelled challis rattling against the pitcher at the sudden movements.
“A gift? From Tamlin?” 
“It’s a long story. Let’s head down to dinner, I’ll tell you on the way.” With that, Cassian scoops his beautiful mate into his arms. Her arms lock around his neck as he shoots off into the sky and back towards the River House. The love potion left on the table to be dealt with tomorrow. 
You winnow out of the sky a number of feet above the House of Wind and begin to make the unceremonious crash down to the balcony. You quickly generate a tiny cloud of sparkling night with a single thought to slow your descent.
I am so running late. 
You had been away in the Summer Court for three weeks visiting your dear friend, Tarquin. The High Lord of Summer and you had bonded over your shared love of the ocean, gossip and fruity drinks many decades ago. He now invited you every couple of months for a visit to his vacation villa, where you would swim, eat and share the juiciest, most jaw-dropping tidbits from your respective courts. You are the only one of the inner circle ever to be invited. This, of course, made Cassian infinitely jealous. 
You loved your visits with the High Lord of Summer. The weight on your shoulders would slip away, even if it was just for a few days and you would both be free of responsibilities. However, this visit had been mostly diplomatic and unfortunately, you had found yourself roped into weeks of dinners and meetings. Working on updating trade agreements between the courts, while important, had been dreadfully boring. So much so that as you had left, Tarquin made the promise that this trip didn’t count and that you would meet up again in two months' time for a redo.
You feel dead tired. What you truly need is a hot bath and good long sleep. But tonight is family dinner and you are excited to see everyone. No work talk, that would wait until tomorrow, but it was rare to have a moment where we were all together, wine flowing and laughs ringing through the River House. You wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
You pass into the dining room and drop your large satchel on the table beside one of Nesta's books. Beside her book, sat a pitcher of tea you assumed Nesta had made for herself during her afternoon reading session. You giggle at the rose laid out next to it. Nesta truly was a romantic at heart. You scoop it up and admired the luscious red of the petals. It was just like Nes to indulge herself in the finer things, especially amidst one of her reading frenzies. 
You twirled the delicate blossom in your hand and inhale the scent deeply, when suddenly you hiccup in pain. Looking down at your hand you realize one of the thorns had sliced your finger. You quickly drop the flower and bring your finger to your mouth, sucking the coppery drops of blood. The cut is shallow and heals instantly, the tiny pink scar disappearing right under your gaze. With the flower now forgotten, you turn your attention to the tea. 
You quickly scan the room, as if Nesta would appear out of thin air at any moment and berate you for taking what wasn’t yours. The thought made you let out a nervous chuckle. If Nes is putting out fancy flowers with her drink, then the tea she selected must be simply divine. 
Don’t mind if I do!
You grasp the gaudy bejewelled challis in one hand and picked up the crystal pitcher with the other. You pour yourself a large cup. As the liquid pours from one vessel to another, you can’t help but admire the way it sparkles and shimmers, almost like stardust suspended in liquid - not unlike your own magic. 
With a little cheers in the air, you take your first taste.
A low moan erupts from the back of your throat. Never have you tasted anything so divine. Hints of rose and lavender, honeysuckle and almond, rose and hibiscus. But also something deeper, and tangier, a musk of dark earth and fresh rain. It tasted of desire and warmth, of friction and longing. The flavour overwhelms your senses, and becomes all-encompassing. 
You take a second small sip. Another groan involuntarily passes your lips. 
Then a third and fourth sip, both larger, more eager.
You take a fifth, and down the rest of your cup.
Now, in a frenzy, you refill the challis and drain it all in one gulp. 
Again. And again. And again. It is as if you are in a trance, unable to stop yourself, needing to feel the sweet nectar pass your lips, and slide down your throat. The mesmerising liquid burns deliciously as you drink and drink and drink until the pitcher is empty. 
As quickly as it had begun, it was over. With the pitcher empty, your desire to consume was gone. Your hands shake as you place the challis and pitcher back onto the tray. Your memories of what has just transpired are hazy. In one breath all memory of drinking the tea was gone. In the next breath, you remember it is family dinner. You quickly grab your bag and shuffle up to your room. Throwing the bag into the corner, you turn to the mirror to address your appearance. The dress you don is a light sea foam green, a slit running all the way up to your hip bone, and a low V neckline descending down almost to your navel. As it was currently winter in Velaris, you would need to change into some warmer clothes. As you reach around to unclasp your dress, you are suddenly hit with an intense feeling of warmth. Your face flushes and in the mirror you see sweat form at your temples. It lasts only for a second before your temperature begins to regulates, but it was enough to convince you to stay in the cooler summer garment. I must just be tired. 
You head back out to the balcony ready to go meet your family. You leap off the ledge and as you enter a free fall, you sigh in relief, letting the chilled air cool you down as you let out a blissful sigh. You catch yourself on a cloud of starlight, pulling out of your free fall and making your way towards the River House. 
You land just outside the border of the River House. As you pass through the boundary and up the front steps you are hit again with another wave of heat. This time it is stronger. You brace yourself on the handrail. Did I spend too much time in the sun? you pondered, thinking back on your time in the Summer Court. You had not spent more time than usual. 
I must just be overtired from my long trip. Right as you reach this conclusion, the heat rapidly dissipates, returning your body to normal once again.
 There was no further time for contemplation as the front door swung open and Cassian comes into view. "Oh, mighty adventurer,” he mocks with a salute, “welcome home!” He bellows loudly. You jump up the last two steps and he immediately pulls you in for a deep hug. Your face buries into the side of his neck. You had missed him dearly while you were away, but of course, you would never tell him that. 
But, what starts as a friendly welcome home, quickly changes course. 
Suddenly, the smell of sandalwood and crackling embers surrounds you, invading all of your senses. This was Cassian’s scent, something you smelt daily for 400 years, and have never thought twice about. But now all of a sudden, he is the only thing you want to smell. You huff in his scent and feel your body warm and tingle.  What the hell? you cry internally. You know you should pull away. But instead, you have the irresistible urge to lick the thick, long column of his neck, and you nearly do. That’s not the only thing that’s long and thick I want to be licking, you muse, and your core throbs. You have no idea what is happening. Cassian, Cassian, Cassian your mind repeats over and over. Lick him, bite him, claim him. You bite your lips, teeth surely drawing blood. Anything to keep your mouth from latching onto him. You need him. You take a shuddering breath, his scent dancing in your lungs as you- 
You’re pulled out of your twisted mind as Cassian adds, “Now, get the fuck inside before you catch your death.”
 You quickly pull away from the General and look down. You had forgotten that you were still in your summer attire. An outfit that while gorgeous was not equipped to handle the Velaris winter you were currently experiencing. You risk a glance back up to Cassian, he smiles gesturing inside the house. Luckily he didn’t seem to notice the massive loss of judgement you had just experienced. You do not have feelings for Cassian. That much you know to be true, at least not anymore. Right? You reassure yourself once again that you must just be tired, that your brain was playing tricks. 
You shake your head to clear your thoughts as you step through the door. You failed to notice how Cassian’s nose flared as you passed him.
Everyone greats you as you enter the dining room. Luckily, your head seems to remain on straight, as no further desire of Cassian clouds your brain. Your brother and his wife offer you both a quick hug, with the promise to debrief tomorrow, you all take your seat at the dinner table. You have strategically placed yourself as far from Cassian as possible, sandwiched in between Feyre and Mor. You hear the chair across from you slide out and you look up to meet the shadowsinger’s eyes as he slips into the chair. You had not seen him when you arrived. But now you see him - more clearly than ever before. 
He offers you a small smile. “How was your visit to Summer, Y/N?”
You don’t hear his question. You are too busy staring at his mouth. Plump lips, tinged slightly red from the cup of wine he’s been sipping out of. His tongue darts out, coating his lips in a glossy sheen. You wonder how those lips would feel against yours… against your breasts… against your core. You blink slowly, noticing his lips are still moving. Oh, the things those lips could do. Suddenly, you feel a hand squeeze your elbow. You yelp and turn to see Feyre grasping your arm. 
“Are you alright Y/N?” She frowns softly, concern dancing in her eyes. 
“P-perfectly” You mutter, blinking rapidly, looking anywhere but towards the shadowsinger. 
“Are you sure? Azriel’s been trying to talk to you for a good minute.” 
“J-just tired.” You assure them. “Think I spent too much time in the sun.” You raise your shoulders in a shrug, mumbling. 
“I’m relieved to hear you’re not intentionally ignoring me,” Azriel quips trying to meet your eye once again. 
“Never.” You say, still not meeting his eye, picking up your wine glass and drinking deeply. “Never.”
And it’s true. Normally, you would never ignore the shadowsinger. You had known him for over 400 years and loved him for 200. Being 80 years younger than your brother Rhys meant that you had grown up with the three of them as your primary moral figures. Rhys was your brother who acted like a father, Cassian your best friend, and Azriel your fiercest protector. And you loved them all for 200 years until something began to change. You had developed a crush on Cassian from an early age. With his broad and muscular chest, and his lushes locks, he sure knew how to make a female swoon. But he was your best friend, and that came first. Your bond with Azriel, now that was even more complicated. He had an uncanny way of being able to see you, to truly see all of you. You loved him as something more, something different than the infatuation you felt with Cass. You yearned for Azriel, and for a time you thought that maybe he desired you too. 
But nothing ever came of it. Maybe it was because he had watched you grow up? Or perhaps it was because you were Rhy’s little sister? You didn’t know. But you’ve been a grown female for four mortal life cycles, and both of those excuses didn’t hold any water as far as you were concerned. 
After 150 years of you pining away while he pined away for your cousin, you finally thought he was seeing you as you are, the female who could obliterate enemies with a thought, the female who held the court together while Rhys was under the mountain, the female who was not just her brother’s little sister, but an equal. 
Then the Archerons arrived. 
And you loved them all dearly. Feyre making your brother’s heart sing, Nesta having Cassian wrapped around her little finger, and Elain. Elain, who was a gentle breeze on a warm night. A breath of fresh air amidst the fog. Elain. Who was gorgeous and talented and funny. And while you may have thought those things, so did Azriel. You could only assume as he never did confide in you, but his glances lingered. Yours lingered as well, but more so in appreciation, in lust. Not in love as you suspected the shadowsinger’s did.
And there she was now, sitting beside Azriel, looking perfect as always. Hair smooth and glossy. Eyes big and bright, the richest, most delicious shade of brown you had ever seen. A long slender neck and cleavage that heaved tight against her bodice with each breath, as if her milky flesh was a moment away from bursting- 
The sound of breaking glass yanked you out of your lustful thoughts. You looked around for the source of the noise before you realize that it was you. Your wine glass once, in your hand was now in 100 pieces on the floor beside you, a small puddle of red wine at your feet. 
“Y/N/N are you alright?” Rhys had made his way towards you in the blink of an eye. He snapped his fingers and the glass, and the puddle of red disappeared. He leaned down to your height, pressing his palm to your forehead. “I think you might have a slight fever.” 
“I’m so sorry about the mess, I don’t know where my mind went!” Yes, you do. “ I think I must just be overtired.” You offer a tight smile.  “Too much sun.” you offer as an excuse. Yes, too much sun and now you’re a delirious fool. 
Rhys only nods fondly, “Maybe you should head to bed kiddo.” You’re so eager to get out of there that you don’t even snark back about him calling you a kid. 
“Good idea.” You raise from your chair, and you feel the arousal that had been unknowingly collecting at your core, begin to coat your thighs. You had to get out of there before you were scented. Family dinner nights meant everyone was staying at the River House. Luckily for you, that meant you didn’t have far to go. You turn and hightail it out of there, not noticing how the shadowsinger across from you holds his breath as you scurry away. 
Once you are up the stairs and out of sight, you kick off your shoes and run. You run down the hallway and around the corner to your chambers. You swing open the door and slam it shut behind you. Leaning against the wooden door, you take a shuddering breath. What is wrong with me? 
You were no stranger to love and lust. But you had never had quite such a visceral reaction. For so many different fae. At the same time. You are hot all over now and it is as if there is fire in your veins. Your breath is shaky. You need to get a grip. Blinking hard, you make your way to the washroom, and fill the tub with icy cold water. 
Your fingers grapple with the claps on the dress, fighting to release yourself. You give up, snapping your fingers, the dress disappearing, leaving you bare, and still burning. You sit at the edge of the tub before quickly sliding your feet below the surface. The shock of the cold hits your brain and for a moment you stop thinking. But it is not enough as you feel another wave of arousal dripping from your core. You know you are going to regret this, but you also don’t know what will happen next if you don’t. You take a deep breath and fully submerge your body. All you feel is cold. Alll you feel is ice. The fire under your skin tames. The lustful thoughts vanish. It is just you and the cold. Relief floods your bones as your face breaks the surface. 
You lean your head against the rim of the tub, happy to be rid of your dirtiest thoughts. You lay in the cold water until the warmth of your body has rendered it tepid. You finally feel in control of yourself again. You heave your relaxed body out of the tub and wrap yourself in a fluffy white towel. Tucking the ends under your armpit, you move back into your bed chamber. The towel drops to the floor as you walk up to your wardrobe and pull on a simple silk nightgown, as dark as the night sky, dressing cool to avoid any future heat spells, hopefully. 
You hastily scramble into bed and slide under your silk sheets. Exhaustion hitting you. You lay on your back, eyes closed as you slowly drift off to sleep. With not a single thought, your mind is finally quiet.
And then it’s back. 
Heart hammering, your eyes fly open. Searing heat spreads through your entire body. Heat radiates from your core all the way to your fingertips. Your desire is bruning you from the inside. The heat wants to be fed, wants to consume. 
Wants to be consumed. 
Is it that simple? you ask yourself. Would self-pleasure finally rid you of this torment? It had been a few weeks since you had last found release, the time spent in Summer Court kept you too busy for simple pleasure. But it was not like you had not gone this long before, in fact, you had gone much longer and never with any issue. You craved the touch of another, but you suppose your body will hardly care where the pleasure comes from. Your nipples harden at the very thought. Decision made. 
 Arousal is now weeping from your core as your thighs clench together. As if with minds of their own, your hands pull the sheets off your body, exposing your skin to the night air. Your nipples pebble even harder, straining deliciously against the silk of your nightgown. You palm one of your breasts, the action causing shockwaves of pleasure to roll through your body. 
Your other hand comes up and palms the other, a strangled moan leaving your lips. Your fingers dance along your left breast and encircle your nipple over the glossy material of your nightgown.  You were still too hot. You quickly pull the straps down your arms. As your nipples meet the cold air, you could weep with joy. Your hands, finally able to touch your bare skin ghost over the sensitive flesh before your fingers are quickly clamping around your left nipple in a tight pinch. Your thighs clench again, as your core pulses, as if with a heartbeat of its own. You give your nipple another delicious twirl. 
Your other hand travels down and down and down until it reaches the hem of your nightgown. Without a moment's hesitation, you pull the material up to your waist. Your arousal coats your thighs, as your hand move closer to your core, fingers disappearing between your legs. 
The moment your fingers touch your clit, your hips buck wildly, back straining off the bed. Your fingers swirl around it again and again and again, the friction causing strangled moans to escape your throat, hips thrusting up wildly. 
Your skin gleams in the moonlight, the heat building inside of you. Your eyes screw shut in pleasure. This time as your hand swirls around your clit, your other hand, still clinging to your breast, gives your nipple a sharp torturous twist. Pleasure and pain unite and suddenly you’re shaking as release barrels through you, your orgasm so intense your whole body shakes as you ride wave after wave of pleasure. 
As you come down from your high, your body trembles with exertion. 
But it is not enough.
Breathing deeply, your hand, now coated in your juices slides back down between your legs, and this time, you slide two fingers inside. You thrust in and out sharply. Setting a torturous pace and your fingers sink deep into your cunt, curling expertly inside you. In a matter of moments, you are overcome with another orgasm. Again and again and again, you work your body to climax.
It is never enough.
Your body gives out sometime between the eighth and tenth orgasm, releasing you into a dreamless sleep. 
You awaken groggy, and unsure of your surroundings. The fog clears with a couple of blinks of your eyes and you realize you are in your bed at the River House. Looking down you see you are laid out, your nightgown askew and your thighs sticky.
And then it all comes flooding back. 
How you pleasured yourself over and over again, the pace never relenting, just like the hunger for release did not relent. You had fucked yourself into oblivion. 
But, it appears to have worked. Laying still you realise that your mind has returned to blissful silence once again. Finally free. No thoughts of lust or desire, just calm and slight confusion. Now more awake, you glance out the window and see that the moon is still high in the sky. It was late, but still a long way off until morning. 
Confusion still runs through your bones. The intense need you felt earlier had come on so fast and strong, a hurricane of arousal. But it appears that the skies have now cleared, feeling content and more like yourself you huff and slowly sit up. Your stomach growls painfully, starved from the exertion and the lack of dinner. You could also do with a wash. Food first, you decide. 
No one should be out and about the house at this hour, but just in case, you slip the nightgown over your head. The material is coated in your slick. Already ruined, you use the dress to clean up the arousal on your thighs. You refuse to think about how good the silken material feels against your inner thighs. You make your way to your dresser, and this time you pull out a pair of plain grey underwear and a long black t-shirt. The t-shirt fell down to your mid-thigh. 
You make your way to the door and pry it open slowly, so as not to wake anyone else. Elain also has a room in this wing, and she was a notoriously light sleeper. You begin to pad down the hallway lightly, the marble cold against your bare feet. You feel a cold breeze wafting down the hall. Someone must have forgotten to close the balcony doors, you think. But then again, who would have opened the windows in the middle of winter? Snow had yet to fall, but the cool winter air had definitely arrived. More alert, you slowly make your way towards the open balcony doors, arms close to your sides, fists clenched. 
Your arms lower immediately when you see who stands out on the balcony. You would recognize her shapely figure anywhere. 
Elain stands with her back to you. She is wearing a blush-coloured pair of wide-legged pyjama pants,a shawl embroidered with flowers covers her shoulders. Her hair is unbound and glows like individual strands of gold. You feel your stomach tighten. She looks beautiful. You shake your head, trying to rid it of any other thought beyond concern. You gently rap your knuckles on the doorframe. Elain, still not fully tuned in to her new fae senses, jumps and spins around quickly. Her hand comes up to clutch onto her heaving chest. You could see her breath slow when she sees who it is, hand falling back down to her side. 
You make eye contact with her, deep chestnut eyes meeting your own. And then her chest starts heaving again, and it takes all your strength to keep your eyes from wandering. You look up at the night sky instead.
“Elain, honey what are you doing out here, you’ll catch your death.” She looks at you nervously as you approach. Your feet tingle in protest at the cold stone beneath you. 
“Erm- nothing. I just needed some fresh air,” you reach for her hand. She laces her hand in yours, eyes squeezing shut, “and some quiet.” 
“But it is-” oh. Oh no. She had heard you. Your cheeks flush scarlett as you try to pull away. “Elain, I am so, so sorry. I didn’t realize I was so…” You trail off. Her hand tightens around yours, rooting you into place. Her fingers are frigid from being out here on the balcony for Cauldron knows how long. 
“Loud.” She finishes your sentence. “The walls are quite thin.”
“I am sorry Elain for disturbing your sleep. I’m not sure what has come over me. It won’t happen again, I promise.” Are you happy with yourself? Poor, delicate Elain was awoken by the sounds of you touching yourself. Poor, gorgeous Elain had to escape outside in order to avoid hearing the sounds you made. Poor, delicious Elain- and oh did she look delicious. She wore a thin white camisole underneath her shawl. She wore no bra underneath, her nipples rock hard from the biting winter air. Oh how much you wanted to devour her.
You freeze again and fight against your mind. Not again. Not now. But it is Elain’s next words that have your lustful thoughts winning once again. 
“I wasn’t sleeping.” Elain’s eyes met yours again, darker, more intense. “You, pleasured yourself for over 2 hours, did you know that?” Her sentence tumbled out. “Two hours without stop. Two hours of sheer pleasure.”
“Again, Elain I am so sorry but we should discuss this inside, we’ll catch our deaths out here”. You go to pull her along with you, back into the warmth of the hallway. She releases your hand.
“I never have, you know.” Her voice sounded far away now, mind far away.
“Never what Elain?”
“Never-” She trails off again. You finally catch on, and the fire within your belly reignites. 
“Never touched yourself?” She lets out a slight giggle at your question and looks down at her slipper-clad feet. 
“No, I’ve definitely tried to self-pleasure.” She shakes her head. “In fact I tried just tonight, listening to you.” It is your cheeks that burn red hot now. You swallow deeply at her confession. Did she touch herself to the sound of you? “But,” she continues, “I’ve never been able to make myself…reach completion. Never. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me. I want to, gods do I want to. But, it just never happens.” Her voice shakes, and as she looks away again, you can see her eyes shining with tears. “I have been getting a lot closer with Lucien. I do think he is an honourable man.. Male, I mean. But I do not wish to saddle him with a mate who does not know what she is doing. He has lived centuries, and I do not even know how to please myself, never mind him.” 
“You do not owe him anything, you know? There is nothing wrong with you, and if he is truly a good male, then he will not be bothered by any experience you do or do not have. There is so much more to a relationship than sex.” She is one of the most perfect creatures in existence. That male should be so very lucky for dirt under her shoes never mind anything else. 
“I do know that. I do. But, I think this is something I have to do for myself first. Before I look towards a future with Lucien.” 
“What is it you need to do?” You lick your lips. 
“I want to feel good like you made yourself feel.” 
“Do you want me to make you feel good, Elain?” 
“I want you to make me feel alive.” 
And then she is vaulting towards you, hands grasping your shoulders, and then her lips are on yours. 
She tastes of jasmine and honey. A taste you never thought you would experience. But here she is, this perfect female, and Cauldron she was kissing you. Her plump, rosy lips are soft and firm. Her nails dig gently into your shoulders, and you can now smell her arousal, sharp and heady. Your core clenches in response. Your arms come around and encircle her waist, pulling her body tight against yours. You can feel her nipples against your own chest. She is freezing, and burning all at once. 
The kiss ends and she pulls her lips away. Foreheads pressed together she looks at you through her brows. Your eyes meet and understanding passes through you. Your heads give a little nod, and she nods her own in response. Your hand finds hers and you gently pull her over to the corner of the balcony, to a long chaise lounge, the cold forgotten. She sits gently, legs swinging up onto the chaise, head tilting back, exposing the pale tender flesh of her neck. Her shawl falls off her shoulders. You now stand at the edge of the chaise, eying her up and down. You can feel the desire within you trying to surge, to consume. But you reign it in. This is not about you. 
It is all about Elain.  ”Let me bring you back to life,” you say as you gently spread her legs, and crawl up in between them. You align yourself perfectly, foreheads touching once again. “If anything is too much El, you let me know.” She nods again and tilts her head until her lips meet yours. The second kiss is slower, and more passionate. Her lips part and your tongue slides in, dancing upon hers. 
After an eternity you separate, a thin trail of saliva connecting you. You pepper kisses to her cheek, her nose, and her chin, working your way down her throat until you arrive at the place just above her collarbone. Your lips clamp onto the sensitive flesh, and you hear Elain moan in response. It is music to your ears. As you lap at her neck, your fingers begin to trace down the length of her torso, eliciting sighs and pleasure. You run your fingertips gently down the valley between her breasts, down past her navel and along her hip bone, stopping at the hem of her camisole. Your mouth comes away and you make eye contact once again. Elain is in control, and you pause, waiting for her consent to continue. 
“Please.” Her breath is coming in quick pants as she begs. Your fingers grab the hem and Elain leans forward and lifts her arms. You make quick work of pulling it over her head, tossing it to the side. Her skin glows like the stars in the sky. Her large breasts are firm and aching to be touched.
Elain’s teeth clench at the exposure to the cold, but the moan that follows is enough to spur you on. Your mouth trails more kisses along her collarbone and down between her breasts. Elain’s hands wind into your hair, holding you close. You look up at her and wink, and then your lips enclose around one of her perfect, pert nipples. Elain lets out a breathy gasp at the sensation of your hot mouth upon her breast. Your tongue swirls around her peak, a chorus of gasps and moans spilling from Elain’s lips.
Your lips detach with a pop, and the cold air blows against the wet bud. Elain lets out another sharp gasp and she cries out “More. Cauldron please, more!” Her chest is heaving. One of your hands comes up and cups her other breast, and you slowly slink down the chaise. Your tongue trails against her skin as it follows the same path your fingers had made, down between her breasts, all the way down to her navel. Your tongue swirls around it, the thin trail of saliva igniting Elain’s skin despite the cold. You continue your path down until your lips reach the hem of her pants. You breathe deeply. “You smell so gods damned good El.” Her hands untangle from your hair and go to grab the hem of your shirt, you quickly stop her. “This isn’t for me El, this is all for you. Let me make you feel good.” Elain nods, briefly and her hands relent, moving up to cup her own breasts instead. You pull the tie on her pants gently and hook your thumbs into the waist. You see a patch of wetness on the crotch of her pants and your question is answered as you gently pull them down her legs. No panties. 
Her pants and slippers are now discarded and you take a moment to drink her in. She is exquisite. Her hair lays around her like a halo of gold. Her skin shines as bright as a star. Her hands work her supple breasts and her eyes are lidded and dark with desire. Your eyes skim lower, to her round hips, thick and shapely. And then your eyes fall to the patch of dark curls above her core, and then further still to the glistening arousal coating her thighs as she squeezes them together. 
You move up to capture her lips in yours once more before you drift lower again. Your hands grasp her thighs and you gently spread her legs. She is so beautiful. You bend her knees and they part, on either side of your head as your mouth approaches her sex. You blow a gentle breath across her clit, and you see her cunt pulse in response. “Gods, Y/N, please. Please!” 
Your hands wrap tighter around her thighs and you taste her. The salty taste of arousal pulls a groan out of your own throat. Your tongue circles her clit, and one of her hands finds your hair again, and her hips buck in response. Her thighs clamp around your head, as you suck her clit hard. You pull her even closer, your tongue travels lower, and traces around her opening, before diving in. Thrusting your tongue in and out of her core, she is moaning your name like a prayer, hips gyrating against your face, fucking your tongue deeper inside of her. She rides your tongue hard, in a state of euphoria. 
Breathless, you pull your mouth away and you move back up to her lips. “You taste divine.” You say simply and then your lips are on hers again, and she is moaning from the taste of her own slick upon your tongue. One of your hands smooths gentle circles against her cheek. “Still with me?” you ask. She nods and catches your lips again. Your hand trails down her side, giving her hips a gentle squeeze before drifting through the thick soft curls guarding her core. Your hand slips between her legs as your fingers circle her clit. A new wave of arousal drips from her cunt as your hand moves further down. You hold her gaze as your finger slowly enters her. Her teeth clamp onto her bottom lip and she groans. 
You start slow and quickly gain speed as her hips rock against your wrist. Meeting you thrust for thrust. You add a second finger and spread her deliciously. Fingers curl inside her, meeting the spongey flesh that makes Elain scream. 
“Oh, oh, gods, yes, yes,” you hear Elain gasp over and over again. You lower yourself back down as your other hand grips her pubic hair tight, your thumb goes to her clit, rubbing at a relentless pace and you watch her come undone. 
She screams in such pleasure, again and again, her core clenches around your soaked fingers. Her juices squirt and coat your t-shirt-covered chest. You continue to circle her clit, extending her orgasm as long as possible. She comes down from her high, her pants slowing, and you withdraw your hands. You lean up and capture her lips with yours once more. 
“Are you ok?” You ask. Looking into her eyes, you see they are alight with pleasure and joy. 
“What does this mean?” Elain worries her bottom lip. 
“It doesn’t have to mean anything El. This was about you finding yourself through pleasure.”
“Gods, Y/N that was- that was perfect”. A smile now shines brightly upon her lips. “Thank you-” You cut off her thanks with another quick peck on her lips. 
“Do not thank me Elain Archeron. Thank yourself for deciding to put your body and your pleasure first. If anything I should be thanking you for allowing me to come along on this journey with you.” Her smile is mirrored on your own face. “Lucien is going to be a very lucky male, El. You are perfect in every way.” 
Sitting up now, she throws her arms around you, squeezing you tight. She pulls away and looks down at the dampness coating your shirt. “I was not aware women- I mean females could do such things.” She traces the dark stain slowly, running her fingers along the slopes of your breast. 
“Some do,” you confirm, “if encouraged enough. Everyone is different, and I know that if you decide to, Lucien will worship everything about you.” She smiles again and pulls you in for another hug. You knew that this was not the start of a fling or romance with Elain. But instead, it had been a self-awakening, and she had allowed you to lead her through it. You were beyond honoured to help. 
“But how do you know that he- Lucien will like it. Like me.” 
“I have a confession of my own El.” You clear your throat, praying to the cauldron you weren’t about to say the wrong thing. “Lucien and I are about the same age. When we were growing up, we met on occasion at different events, and quickly developed a rapport.”  Elain quirked a brow. “We, well, we fucked. A lot.” Elain’s jaw drops. Your core clenches at the memories. Lucien’s mouth on yours, on your cunt. His member thrusting in and out of you, sloppiness and uncertainty turned to precision and strength as the years went on. You fight to tamper the flames of arousal within yourself. This is not the time or place. “We were each other's firsts and we experimented over the years. But that was well over three and a half centuries before you were born. It was so long ago that I don’t want you to think anything of it! We are friends now, have been for the last 300 years, nothing more, I promise.” And it was true.. The memories you had made together, were definitely special, cherished, and enough to turn your crank some days, but the actual male, was your friend and was now mated to another. “What I am trying to say, is that I can guarantee that you are everything he will ever desire.”
“Me and Lucien both lost our virginity to the same female?” she questions finally. You nod, eying Elain again. Hoping beyond hope that she does not take the news badly. To your surprise, she begins to chuckle, which turns into a cackle, which turns into a full-body fit of laughter, and you find yourself joining in. You both laugh and laugh while holding each other close. Eventually the fit winds down and with a few last giggles, Elain sighs, “I’m not sure why, but it seems very fitting.” You hum in agreement.
Elain’s eyes drooped in relaxation and exhaustion and she lays her head on your shoulder. 
The next moments happen in a blur. You help her to her feet, gather her clothes and you both make the quick, and risky walk back into the hall and into her chambers. Luckily the hallway is empty. 
You sit her on the bed and start a fire. Heading to her bathing chamber, you wet a cloth with warm water. Returning to find Elain still perched on the edge of her bed, you gesture for her to lean back. She obliges and you begin to cleanse her skin gently. Nothing save for respect and adoration floats between you now. You tuck her naked body gently under the covers and kiss her forehead.  Swiping your thumb against her cheek you whisper softly, “Good night El. Sweet dreams.”
Her eyes crack open and you hear her mumble, “Are you sure you don’t want me to try-” 
 You shush her. “This was a big moment for you El. I expect nothing in return.” She smiles again deeply. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for helping me find myself.” With that, Elain drifts off to sleep and you head out the door and back to your own chambers. 
Back behind the closed door of your room, you stand frozen. The last few hours of your night running through your head. From the moment you arrived at the River House, something was different. You were different. Less… restricted. You’d felt no such feelings while away in the Summer Court. Your mind races, searching for an answer but coming up short. 
It was then that your stomach let out a loud growl. You missed dinner. You had been on your way to the kitchen when you encountered Elain. You scoff at yourself and your forgetfulness. You pull the shirt stained with Elain’s juices over your head, letting it join your previously discarded nightgown on the floor. Your panties were damp, but with the way the evening was progressing, you figured you’d end up just soaking another pair later, and opted to keep them on. Strolling over to your wardrobe for the third time tonight, not bothering with another shirt or nightdress, you pull on a simple grey robe. The material is thin but warm, enough to reheat your body after your outdoor escapade. 
Feet still bare, you head back out into the hallway and slowly pad down the empty corridor. You make it halfway down the stairs before you hear it. 
“Are you going to be a good boy, for me?” a female’s voice floats from the kitchen. You grip the railing and take a fractured breath. 
“Yes, my Lady. I promise I’ll be such a good boy.” Your core clenches as you recognize the low gravelly voice. For Cauldon’s sake. You should turn away, head back upstairs and forget the words you had just heard coming from the kitchen. But some unknown force, the same force that had emboldened you all night, urges you forward. Each step has your stomach clenching in anticipation. 
Eventually, you arrive at the threshold to the kitchen and your jaw drops. 
In the centre of the room sits Cassian, arms tied behind him to the back of his chair. His wings flare lightly to the sides. He is dressed in nothing but a pair of black undershorts. His bare back is to you, muscles rippling as he squirms, testing the limits of his bindings. 
On the counter is Nesta. You take in her figure and decide that they do indeed call her the Lady Death for a reason. Nesta lays atop the counter, body barely covered by a tight blood-red nightgown, garters on her thighs and red stilettos on her feet. Her hair is twisted into a crown of braids. She lays on her side, head propped up on her hand. In from of her sits a bowl of strawberries. Her hand dances above the bowl before plucking a strawberry from the pile. She brings it to her lips, tongue darting out to taste the berry. Staring into Cassian’s eyes she takes a bite. You and Cassian gasp in unison. 
Nesta’s head jerks in your direction and her steely eyes lock on yours. Caught in your act of voyeurism, you want to look away, look anywhere but at the female, shame should be bubbling through your veins. But it isn’t. You feel no shame. Only desire. Desire spreads through your body, a familiar feeling over the last few hours. Your cunt pulses with every second you stand there, rooted in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of you.
“Who is it Nes?” Cassian questions, trying to gauge his mate’s response to their intruder. You know he could break his binds easily if necessary. Something glimmers in the eldest Archeron’s eyes. Her nostrils flair and her lips quirk in a smirk.
“I’m surprised you can’t smell her yet.” Nesta answers, pushing herself up and into a seated position. You can see Cassian’s back shift as he takes in a deep breath. 
Fuck. They can smell your arousal. 
“I’m sorry for the intrusion,” you have no idea where the sudden confidence has come from and you surprise yourself as you continue, “I seem to have interrupted a late-night snack.” 
The two mates lock eyes again, a whole conversation happening without words. Nesta eventually breaks the stare and returns her eyes to yours. “You’re looking a bit peckish yourself Y/N. You’re welcome to join us.” Mother above. “Come,” Nesta holds her half-eaten strawberry out towards you, “come have a bite.” Your gut tightens.
Your feet move before your brain can fully process what you are doing. It takes you 10 steps to pass Cassian, still tied to the chair, and another 3 to reach Nesta’s outstretched fingers. She parts her thighs so that your body can slide in between them. You gasp as her hand comes up to grasp your chin. Your legs tremble as Nesta leans in and whispers, “you are hungry, aren’t you?”
“Starved.” You manage to choke out. 
The tension is palpable as Nesta brings her strawberry up to your mouth. She traces the bow of your lips with the strawberries dripping flesh. “Open.” She commands. You do as you’re told and you take a bite of the tender fruit, its juice dancing on your tongue. It is Cassian now who lets out a low groan. In a moment you are flooded with sandalwood and lust as Cassian’s arousal hits your nose, and surges throughout the room, mixing with your own. You finally look over to the Illyrian, and what you see makes you hold your breath. A male who normally exudes strength, the General and Commander of your brother’s armies, Lord of Bloodshed, reduced to a squirming mess. Lust glows in his eyes and he looks from Nesta to you. 
“What do you think General?” Cassian squirms again at the use of his title. “I think she is still hungry, don’t you agree?” He lets out a low whine and his hazel eyes lock back on yours, both a reflection of lust and desire. 
“What do you say, Y/N?” he asks, voice low. The innuendos vanish as he probes you for further confirmation. He is making sure you are truly consenting to join in on whatever this was. You lied to yourself when you were shocked by your lust for Cassian earlier this evening, as you did in fact find him incredibly attractive, only more so now that he was entirely whipped by the bewitching Lady Death. It took you less than a second to answer him, the desire you had walked hand in hand with all evening flaring within you.
 “Yes,” you say. 
Nesta’s hand curls more firmly against your chin, turning your head back to hers. “Delectable,” she says. And then her lips are ghosting yours, breath mingling as your eyes flutter shut. You feel her tongue trace the same path of the strawberry, up and around the bow of your lips, and sweeping across the small gape of your mouth. 
Your hands instinctively come up to encircle her waist. 
Nesta’s lips leave you immediately, and you feel her arm reach down and give you a sharp smack on your ass. The sounds reverberate through the kitchen. You let out a hiss and your eyes fly open. “Unh unh kitten, no touching,” Nesta says, as she pulls your arms back down to your sides “don’t make me punish you.” 
You’re pretty sure your eyes roll into the back of your head at her words, and your thighs clench as wave after wave of desire crashes in you. “Yes, my Lady,” you murmur back. You hear Cassian let out another low groan as he shifts in his chair. 
“There’s a good kitten,” Nesta smiles, “now why don’t we give the General a little treat.” You hum in response. Nesta spins you around so that your back now falls against her. Your head falls into the crook of her neck as you eye Cassian once again. He looks up at the two of you through hooded eyes. You tilt your head slightly to the side and inhale Nesta’s scent of steel and pomegranate. “I want you to ride his thigh,” she says and the world stops for a moment. You stop breathing and you’re sure that Cassian does the same. Are you really about to do this with your best friend? The step forward you take is answer enough. You’re only another foot away from the Illyrian when Nesta’s voice rings out from behind you again, “Oh, and kitten,” you can hear the smirk in her voice, “drop your panties.” 
“Yes, Lady.” You reach under your robe and slowly slide your panties down your legs. You can see the dark patch made by the arousal now coating your thighs. Panties on the floor, the room is awash with a new wave of your potent arousal. Another low growl tears through Cassian’s lips. 
Cassian sits with his legs spread. His thighs are thick and muscular, the tanned skin shifting as you approach. Now standing in front of him, you quickly shift so that one of your legs is on either side of his left leg. Using his shoulders for leverage, you slowly lower yourself down onto the General’s thigh. The heat of his leg causes your breath to hitch. Cassian whimpers as the juices from your bare cunt weep onto his leg. You begin to move then, slow torturous gyrations as you get a feel for the large corded muscle beneath you. As your core soaks the General’s leg, you begin to pick up speed, rocking back and forth as the pleasure builds. 
“Good girl.” Nesta approaches you from behind. “Isn’t she being such a good Kitten, General?” 
“Mhm,” Cassian grunts, “so good.” His breath is coming out in pants, just as forceful as your own. 
“And Kitten, isn’t the General being such a good boy?” 
“Such a good boy,” you squeak out, your clit rubbing against his muscle. 
“I think he deserves a little treat.” From behind you, Nesta reaches between you and Cassian and palms his engorged member, straining painfully in his underwear. Cassian bellows in relief at the touch. Nesta’s fingers dip below the hem of his shorts and pull them down. Cassian’s cock springs free, slapping his stomach. His cock is massive and rock-hard. Long, and girthy with thick veins running along his shaft, his tip a dusky pink. It pulses in time with your ruts against his leg. Your nails dig into the soft flesh of his shoulders as your pupils blow wide with lust. Nesta pumps his shaft once, then again in rapid succession before her hand releases her mate's member. The General whines at the loss of contact, rutting up into the air, desperate for friction, precum gathering at his tip. You don’t dare indulge him without permission from your Lady Death, but your cunt throbs at the thought of punishment.
Nesta’s hands now travel to your body. Her nails graze up your thighs, against your curved hips, and up to your shoulders. She squeezes them gently before her hands travel further, up your neck and into your hair, brushing it all to one side. Her mouth lowers to your neck and she licks a long strip up your sweat-soaked flesh. She hums in delight at the taste, nuzzling the crook of your neck as she whispers into your ear. “Do you like looking at your best friend’s cock, kitten?” 
You let out a breathy moan, not able to form any words as you ride the General’s thigh into oblivion.  Nesta tuts and her hands grip your hips painfully, stopping the delicious friction. It was your turn to whine in protest, core aching at the loss. “Use your words kitten.” 
“Yes.” you whine, as you try to regain momentum. Nesta squeezes your hips harder.
“Yes, what.” Her tone is sharp. 
“Yes, Lady.” And then you are free again, hips moving wildly as you chant Yes, Yes, Yes. 
“Good kitten.” Lady Death places a kiss at the corner of your mouth. “You’ve seen his. Now it’s your turn to show us yours.” With that, her hands descend between you and the General once again, travelling to the tie at your waist. With a sharp tug, the rope comes loose, and your robe opens. Your nipples harden at the exposure. 
Cassian groans and the tip of his cock weeps at the sight. Your breasts rock back and forth in time with your thrusts. Cassian pulls on his restraints, desperate to touch them, to touch you. “Please.” He moans. The General bucks into the air again and again, “Please, Please Lady, Please”. 
Your hips gyrate faster, and you feel your release approaching. Nesta, still behind you, leans down and bites the lobe of your ear. “Come for me, kitten.” 
And then you are toppling over the edge. Your orgasm rips through you and you scream in delight. The General is right behind you, wings flaring and release thundering as he cums all over your chest. Your hips do not slow as you ride out every wave of pleasure. The three of you were so lost in the moment you had not heard the approaching footsteps.
“What the Fuck is this?” 
Your hips still, and from your position on Cassian’s lap, you open your eyes gaze dragging over the tips of his wings and to the doorway. 
And there stands Azriel, shadows swarming around him in a frenzy. 
“Az.” you croak, voice horse from screaming. The look of astonishment and anger in his eyes have you trying to stand up, to go to him and try to explain, but Nesta keeps a firm pressure on your shoulders, keeping you astride her mate. Confusion runs through you as you look up to meet her eyes, and youquickly understand her actions.
Cassian’s wings currently shielded your naked body, now dripping in his cum from Azriel’s view. As if in understanding, Cassian’s wings flare a little wider, ensuring full coverage of his mate and yourself.
“Brother,” Cassian replies, trying to keep the fucked out tone from his voice, “I do believe you’ve caught us at a bad time.” 
“Y/N? What sort of sick-, Why would you-, You know I-, Y/N, really Cass?” Azriel tries to form a coherent sentence. 
It’s Nesta that responds. “She is not your property, shadowsinger. You do not own her.”
“You took advantage of h-” Azriel roars. 
You roar right back. 
“I wanted this Azriel! I wanted this with every fibre of my being. All three of us chose to be here. Nesta is right, you do not own me. We are three consenting adults. The only one who has no right to be here right now is you.”  Your gaze pierces his, and you can see the hurt on his face. “Now, get out,” you spit, and he disappears into his shadows without another word. 
With the shadowsinger gone, Cassian’s wings lower, and your head falls to rest on his sweaty chest. "Well, fuck me." Cassian grunts, his nose burying into your hair. You feel his chest rise and fall, the powerful thumps of his heart slowing with your own. 
“I believe she just did, my dear mate.” Nesta muses, she slinks around the pair of you, coming up behind Cassian, and resting her head on his other shoulder. Your mixed arousal hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of the dalliance that had played out in the kitchen of the River House. 
You want more. You want to feel Cass’s lips upon your own. You want to lick the sweat down his pectorals and taste the cum that was now pooling between your breasts. You wanted to feast upon Lady Death herself, and to have her feast upon you, to feel her sharp tongue against your cunt. This new development in your relationship felt natural. It felt right.  You wanted to spend hours exploring the line between pleasure and pain, exhilaration and humiliation, domination and submission. You want more, and you can see in their eyes that they want more too. 
But the tone has shifted, and you have Azriel to thank for that. 
You sit up straight and push your wobbly legs up into a standing position. Cassian hisses as the air blows across the cooling slick left behind on his thigh. “Y/N,” he mumbles, “that was-”
“Incredible,” you finish for him, “that was pretty damn incredible.” You pull your robe closed and retie the stay at your waist. Nesta leans down and unties the bindings on her mate's wrists, he too rises to a standing position, retucking his spent cock into his underwear. Nesta slides her arm through his and the mates regard you appreciatively. 
“I hope you don’t-”, Nesta trails off, words like glue in her mouth, “have any regrets?” 
“Never,” you confirm. “My only regret is that we were interrupted.” You stare at the small smile that replaces the concern on Nesta’s features. You lean up and give them both a kiss on the cheek. “Good night my Lady. Good night General”. You stand back and give them a wink, “Let’s do this again soon, yeah?” 
Come daylight, there would likely be some serious conversations to be had. But that could wait. For now, you turn on your heels and make your way back to the stairs. 
“We’ll see you soon, kitten.” 
Azriel winnows himself out into the estate gardens. His mind races and his shadows swarm, blocking out the light of the moon. His scarred hands are shaking, and with horror, rage or sadness he is unsure. 
Cassian and Nesta… and Y/N? 
He is baffled by what he saw transpiring in the kitchen. 
He had been out on an after-dinner patrol and had arrived late into the night. He was used to the carnal activities of his brother and his mate and was keen on ignoring their sounds of pleasure when an unfamiliar cry of indulgence had piqued his interest. A third? he had wondered. But as his morbid curiosity had propelled him forward, he had realized that the new voice was not unfamiliar in the slightest. It was the voice of all his desire. The voice that had lived in his mind and in his dreams for the last 250 years. He reached the threshold to the kitchen and his worst nightmare was confirmed. 
There had sat Cassian with his back to him, hands tied to the chair behind him. Nesta stood in front of him, a devilish grin on her face as she watched the events unfold. And there, saddled between the two, was Y/N. Her eyes closed, she violently rocked back and forth atop Cassian. He could not see what was happening in its entirety from behind his brother’s wings, but he could smell the heady scent of arousal oozing from every pore of the trios' bodies. 
Azriel had watched Nesta lean over and whisper something in Y/N’s ear. 
And then Y/N and Cassian were coming undone. Azriel stood, unable to move as he watched the female he loved, cum atop his brother. He couldn’t take it.
“What the Fuck is this?” The question tore out of his throat before he could stop it. 
And then you had opened your eyes and whispered his name, and for a moment he allowed himself to imagine what it would have been like to be in Cassian’s place. To have felt you come undone for him…on him…with him. 
But she hadn’t been with him. Y/N had chosen his brother and his brother’s mate of all the Fae in the Gods damned Court. He could not recollect the words he had spoken after that, anger and despair had blinded him. He was going to be sick. 
He shoots up into the sky and heads to the House of Wind. He needs to be away from them all so that he doesn’t do anything else he would regret. His wings flap hard and fast, the cold air slicing against their membranes painfully. Good, he thinks to himself. He lands on the balcony at the House of Wind too soon, and he drops hard onto the marble floor. He needs to hit something so that he doesn’t hit his brother in the face. 
Azriel stalks his way through the dining room with the intent of heading up to the sparring ring, when a shadow curls around his ear. Stop, it whispers, not right. The table. Azriel whirls back around and surveys his surroundings. His eyes narrow in on the table. On the table sits a book, likely left by Nesta, and the tray Lucien brought. The tray that holds the love potion. Correction, the tray that held the love potion. Azriel seizes the pitcher off of the tray. Empty. His mind races once again. Who would have taken it? Why not take the whole tray, the pitcher at the very least? Maybe, Cerrdiwen or Nuala dumped it out? No, they haven’t been up here today. Azriel has no idea what is going on.
His nose twitches as it perceives a faint scent. He turns back to the tray inspecting it closely. The jug and challis were bone dry, with not a drop of the elixir left. The note was long gone, burned to ash by his brother upon Lucien’s arrival earlier this evening. He turns his eyes then to the rose. The rose, which upon further inspection housed thorns coated in a thin layer of dried blood. 
Y/N’s blood. 
Y/N who was been at the Summer Court until right before dinner, 
Y/N who had missed the discussion about the contents of the pitcher, 
Y/N who had likely stopped by the House of Wind to drop off her bags before joining the family at dinner. 
Y/N, who he had just been riding Cassian into oblivion. 
You once again find yourself leaning against your bedroom door. 
“What the glorious fuck was that?” you ask aloud, letting out a nervous chuckle. You had just participated in a three-sum with your best friend and his mate. Your best friend and his mate. Cassian and Nesta. The General and his Lady Death. 
The names alone make you shiver. 
The memory of your core ground against Cassian’s well-muscled thigh, Nesta whispering sin in your ear makes you clench your teeth, and your thighs. You let out a frustrated moan. This lustful hunger just won’t LEAVE, and the chance of further ministrations was halted by that winged fuck, Azriel. Azriel, whose eyes you had held as you road out your climax. Azriel, who had looked devastated as he saw you astride his brother. Had he been devastated? You wondered, or disappointed. 
He has no right to be disappointed in anything that you do. He held no claim to your body, or to your heart. Well, he held no claim to your body and if he had known about the space he occupied in your heart, after all this time, and still had not acted upon it, well then he did not deserve even a sliver of the adoration you felt. Let him be disappointed, it was none of your concern. 
He was none of your concern. Not his thoughts of your activities, nor his distaste for your actions. His glowing eyes did not deserve to behold you. His plush lips did not deserve to taste you. His rough fingers did not deserve to slip below the waistline of your panties, and- 
Another frustrated groan tears through your throat as your knees quake, thighs snapping together, desperate for friction. You push off the door with a huff, walking towards your bathroom. You need to wash Cassian’s seed off of your body. You undo the tie at your waist and allow the now cum stained garment to join the others on the floor. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you remember that you had had panties on when you entered the kitchen. You can only hope that Nes and Cass had grabbed them during clean-up. 
You draw yourself another ice-cold bath and submerge yourself fully. The cold water distracts your mind as you scrub your body and hair. Once you are thoroughly cleansed, you step out of the tub, wrap yourself in a fresh towel and you make your way back to your damn wardrobe. You pray to the Cauldron that this is your last outfit change of the night. You pull out a blue pyjama set with tight but pliant shorts and a cropped camisole. Not bothering with undergarments you quickly pull your clothes on and flop onto the bed. 
You pull the covers up to your chin, mind blissfully blank from the cold bath… Until those glowing hazel eyes and sensuous lips hurtle around the walls of your mind. You think of his toned chest, glistening with sweat in the sparring ring, the curve of his wings as he holds himself with deadly precision. His intoxicating scent of night-chilled mist and cedar is almost upon your tongue as you imagine what it would be like for the shadowsinger to interrogate you like one of his prisoners. Cauldron boil me. Your hand travels to the hem of your shorts, and then lower still to your already slick slit. Your fingers easily find your swollen clit, and begin to swirl around it delectably. Your other hand comes up to palm your breast, when suddenly you hear a knock at your door. 
Your fingers still.
You don’t answer, hoping that the nuisance will get the hint. You hear another sharp knock at the door, followed by a muffled voice. “Y/N, please let me in. It’s important.” The slight rise in his tone, has you muttering a quick ‘enter’. The door swings open and the shadowsinger slinks in, a fae light bobbing behind him.
His nose is immediately overwhelmed with scent. The heady scent of your arousal was emanating from every surface in the room. It was intoxicating the spymaster, your scent driving him to the edge of his wits.
An edge he is quickly pulled back from as he smells his brother’s scent intermingling, as well as the scent of another, Elain. He eyes the pile of soiled clothing on the floor, the evidence that confirms his suspicions. “Gods, Y/N.” He clears his throat. “I know you were not feeling yourself tonight, but-” he starts. Your eyes widen in surprise. 
“Incorrect shadowsinger,” you stare at him, “I feel more myself than I ever have. Just more-”
“Free of inhibition?” he supplies. 
“Suppose I was. What concern is it of yours?” Your lips purse.
“I figured you deserve to know what was happening.” Azriel moves to your bed, sitting on the edge. He reaches into the pocket of his leathers and produces a single crumpled red rose. All of a sudden forgotten memory floods your mind. A pitcher full of plum-coloured starlight. The burn of it on your lips, down your throat. You remember drinking and drinking until there was nothing left. The urge you felt to drink, warped and resurged as the desire for Elain, for Cassian and Nesta, and for Azriel. Your hand twitches at the thought, fingers still primed over your clit. 
“So what was that mystery beverage, you all so lovingly forgot to label?” 
Azriel snorts before replying, “Affectus Revelare.”
“No shit?” Bewilderment shines in your eyes.
“It’s a love potion of sorts-” 
“I’m well aware of its side effects.” And you were, having heard stories of its potency from your brother. “I had just never seen it in person.” 
Azriel huffs, trying hard to keep his face void of emotion. “I’d assume then that you know that any intense feelings of pleasure you acted upon while under its influence, were no fault of your own.” 
“Let me make one thing absolutely clear, Azriel.” Your voice cut like glass, eyes as sharp as steel. “Anything I did tonight, I did because I wanted to. The bullshit spell does nothing but bring to the surface feelings I already have. I have no regrets about what I have done or will do tonight.” Azriel looks as though he is swallowing a mouthful of marbles. 
“Right,” he hastily stands, “I suppose now that you are feeling…better, I should probably let you get some sleep.” He treads to the door, head low, shadows tight against his silhouette. 
You should let him go, let you both stew overnight, and then try talking again. It is the smart thing to do. In spite of that, you curse your horny mouth as it opens and words fly out, “Who says I’m feeling better?” 
He freezes two paces from the door. Whipping around to face you again, his eyes are alight with panic. You pull your stilled hand out of your shorts and sit up. The blanket pools at your waist, your puckered nipples on full display from underneath your shirt. Your hand, still coated in your slick shines under the fae light. He looks from your face to your chest, to your sex-slicked hand and back again. He blinks and his nostrils flare, likely scenting the new wave of arousal that was coursing through your veins. 
In a flash he is back at your bedside, the back of his hand coming up and resting on your forehead. He is mumbling to himself. Cauldron, he’s having more mood swings than I am. “Care to share what the Hell you’re doing Azriel?” 
“It must have been laced with something else,” he grimaces, “another tonic or elixir maybe. Something to increase potency,” he swallows. “Did you… finish when you were in the kitchen?”
“You were there, Az… You saw me… You know I did.”
“Well, it’s not a matter of your partner reaching completion. If Elain and Cassian both-”
You were unnerved that he knew about Elain as well. “Az, what are you trying to tell me?”
“Maybe you need to, erm, try again? Or perhaps, it is Nesta and not Cassian you truly desire? Perhaps if you-” 
“Azriel. Stop with your nonsense ramblings.”
“No, Y/N. You don’t understand! Something must be wrong. Your desires should be satiated by now. Once you bedded the true object of your affection, the potion was supposed to wear off.” His eyes met yours, and you could see that his mind was running a mile a minute. He was still upset, but now concern sat at the front of his mind. 
“I assume you tried with Elain first, and when that didn’t relieve your symptoms, you finally gave in to your basal instincts and realized it was Cassian, not Elain you truly desired.” Anger clouded your vision as he continues to spew utter garbage. “But you should be feeling better after your session in the kitchen. I should wake Rhys, perhaps he-”
You vault up to a kneeling position, shoving him with both hands. He staggers back a step.
“The hell you will! Do. Not. Wake my brother. What would be your plan for that anyways? ‘Oh Rhys, wake up! Your sister can’t stop fucking the other members of your Court! Oh please Rhys, come and get your little sister under control before she gets her horny over us all’ Ya, great plan Az.” Your eyes are burning with rage now, and your cunt  pulses with a heartbeat of its own. You were yelling and you couldn’t make yourself stop. “Even so, everything I did tonight was something everyone involved consented to. There was no primal urge forcing me to finger fuck myself for hours, to fuck Elain, to ride Cassian. It was me. I wanted those things, and they wanted them too. And it was beautiful and passionate, and intense. I desired them all, hell I still do.” You take a deep breath. “But, did you, even for one second use your tiny brain to think that maybe Elain or Cassian or Nesta aren’t the dominant object of my affection? You stupid Illyrian brute.” 
“Who’s left Y/N? Who? Who could it possibly be? Amren? Lucien?” Azriel’s hands fist into the blankets on your bed, his shadows flying, his words disjointed as his mind can’t stop racing. He doesn't notice that he too is now yelling. “Oh, it’s Lucien, isn’t it? I know you used to fuck but come on-”
Time stops as you watch the shadowsinger’s mask crack. You see a hundred different emotions ripple across his face, joy, wonder, thrill and love? But then you also see, confusion, anger, jealousy, betrayal, sorrow, and disgust. “Y/N,” he whispers, voice horse and cracked, “Y/N, you don’t want me- you can’t want me.” 
“For Cauldron’s sake Azriel, I have loved you for the last two centuries! I wept and pined for you as you obsessed over Mor, and then I agonized over you as your affection turned to Elain. Not that I can blame you-”
“I have no interest in Elain.” He declares, eyes locked on yours. “I never did.”
“Bullshit.” You snort, “I’ve seen the way you stare at her, the way you follow her around-” 
“I stared because you stared, Y/N. I followed because you followed. Elain is lovely, but it was you, not I, who obviously fell for her charms.”  
You are at a loss for words now. Your jaw twitches. What does this mean? He wasn’t watching Elain. He doesn’t love Elain. Your entire body felt aflame. Sweat was gathering at the base of your neck leaving your hair damp. You wanted to combust, thigh trembling at this admission. Your nipples are taut, pressing tightly against your top. Your breath is shaky, “What are you telling me Azriel?” 
“I-I, okay look,” Azriel grinds his teeth, “It doesn’t matter. What I’m telling you is that you are mistaken. It is not me you want.” He takes a step closer to you, his knees grazing the edge of your bed.
“Oh, I’m mistaken?” You lift yourself higher on your knees, edging closer to the Illyrian in front of you.
You can feel his breath on your face. 
“Then prove it.” 
His lips crash down onto yours. The kiss is hard and rough, but his lips are as soft as velvet. His hands are at your waist, and he is pulling you up until you are flush with his chest. You gasp, and Azriel’s tongue surges forward into your open mouth, dominating your tongue with his own. Your hands snake up to his hair and pull hard at his black curls, bringing his body even closer to yours.
You pull both of your bodies back towards the bed, lips never separating. You work to unfasten his leathers, as you do. Agile fingers make quick work, and soon his chest is bare and heaving, his tattoos stark against his skin under the fae light. Tiny scars dance across his torso as his muscles ripple, and he pulls you to the head of the bed. He kneels above you now, one knee between your legs, hands resting on either side of your head as he braces himself. He begins to pull away from the kiss, so you nip his lip, a shrill whine leaving your throat. A bead of bright red blood wells on his lip. His eyes open, and you see that his pupils are blown wide. He watches your tongue dart out to lick the crimson ichor. His mouth clashes with yours once again, his body pinning you to the bed, as the coppery tang of blood mixes in your mouths. The elixir in your veins sings at the taste of his blood. Him. The very taste you craved. 
You roll your hips against him and you can feel the bulge in his pants. Azriel growls, and he brings a hand down to your hips to halt your movements. His hand then travels up your body, leaving a burning trail up to the edge of your shirt. His hand stills for but a moment and you lift your back off of the bed in answer. Your lips separate once more as his hands pull the thin material up and over your head. He beholds your naked flesh as if he were a male damned to the gallows. As if you would be the last sight he sees. You hear him mutter under his breath, a plea or a prayer, but you can’t quite make it out. 
He unleashes himself on you. 
His lips devour yours, a battle of teeth and tongues. His mouth moves down your neck, leaving hard wet kisses in his wake. He reaches the crook of your neck, mouth suckling your skin. His teeth brush the bruise that is forming there. And then he is clamping his teeth into your flesh. The force of the bite makes your body tremble. The sharp pain causes a scream to rip through your lungs, your hands fly up to grasp his shoulder blades, your nails shredding against his skin. The pain fades to a deep throb, pulsing in time with your needy cunt. 
Your neck stings as his mouth pulls away. He offers you a smirk and you can see your blood in his mouth. He’s on you again, lips trailing down your collarbone to the valley between your breasts. His tongue trails lazy strokes against your dewy flesh before his lips clamp around one of your pert nipples. He groans at the taste of your flesh, his tongue flicking against it. You let out a shriek of ecstasy, your hips bucking up against his groin. You thrust against him, desperate for friction. His hand gives your other breast a rough squeeze in response. 
“Please Az. I need you.” You were gasping the words, stuttering with every hard suck, “I need you inside me. Now.” 
 His lips leave your breast with a diabolical pop. “Patience, little one.” A small smile graces his lips, “Not until I’ve tasted your sweet cunt.” 
The weight of his body leaves you, but before you can question him, you feel two strong hands clamp around your ankles, pulling you to the edge of the bed. Azriel’s thumbs hook into the waistband of your shorts, and they quickly join the pile of discarded clothes on the floor. 
You lay completely bare before him. He spreads your legs, and he falls to his knees, eyes in line with your dripping cunt. Your arousal has seeped down your thighs and to the bedsheets below. He utters your name in worship as he lowers his mouth to your core. 
He feasts like a man starved, drowning in your arousal as your thighs clamp around his head, your core pulsing with the need to be filled. His tongue flicks against your clit, sending shockwave after shockwave of pleasure through you. His scarred hands clamp around your thighs as he pulls you impossibly closer. His tongue thrusts into your hole and you see white. You are so close to the edge, so close to climax.
“Az-. Az! Please, Please Cauldron, please. I’m close.” You’re moaning, pulling at his hair to make him look up at you.  “Please, I want to cum with your inside me.” 
His fingers lessen their grip, and his mouth leave your sex. His lips are glistening with your juices, as his hands travel to the buckles at his thigh, removing the sheath containing Truth-Teller, next he works the ties of his boots and pants, both are quickly discarded. With a tug of his undershorts, the Spymaster of the Night Court stands before you in all of his glory, and he is magnificent. 
His cock throbs against his stomach as he watches you watch him. He fists his rock-hard length and he looks at you with a question burning in his eyes, giving you a chance to turn him away. But you need him, you burn for him. 
“I need you inside of me Azriel.” You can feel the head of his cock brush against your folds, your head falling back and you whine at the contact, “Fuck me. Gods fuck me.” His cock rubs against your sex a few more times, your slick lubricating his length, and then he is slowly pushing inside of you. 
Your cunt stretches, and you’re not sure if you’re moaning in pain or in rapturous pleasure. He stills for a moment, halfway inside you, letting your body acclimate to his thick member. He leans down and leaves a chaste kiss against your lips. 
“Ready?” he asks, voice low, strained with the effort to remain still. 
He pulls his cock out all the way out, and with a buck of his hips, completely sheaths himself inside of you. Again and again, his hips slam against yours, cock pistoning in and out of you. His cock fills you completely, your cunt stretched as far as it can, and each vein along his shaft rubs deliciously against you. The tip of his cock brushes against your spongey tissue and you whail in bliss. 
He complies, his hips fracturing against your pelvis, driving him further inside of you. Your hands reach around and grab his ass, driving him even deeper. The fae lights are flickering in and out, the bed is shaking, cracking against the wall, and you are screaming, and screaming, insane from the pleasure.
You plummet over the edge, wailing his name as your orgasm cleaves you in two. 
Azriel follows you over the cliff, his wings flare wide, and he lets out a roar as his thick cum paints your insides. His pace begins to slow as he continues to thrust in and out, prolonging your pleasure. He stills inside of you but doesn’t pull out immediately, taking his time to fully unsheath himself, savouring the feeling of you around him. 
“Y/N…” his voice is hoarse. He starts to pull away, but you just lean in and capture his lips with another kiss. 
“Let’s talk about what this means later Az. For now,” your eyes shine bright in the moonlight and it takes his breath away, “for now, can you just hold me?” He nods and swallows hard. Shimming up to the head of the bed, you both slide under your covers, he tucks you into his side, arm draped around your waist. Your head rests on his chest, and you breathe in the scent of his sweat and musk. 
You can feel his come slowly trickle down your leg. 
You feel complete and satiated. The roar in your veins from the potion has gone, left in its place was love. Your eyes feel heavy and you begin to drift off to sleep. “Told you so,” you mumble. You’re fast asleep now, and miss the look of regret that crosses the Shadowsingers face.
Hours later you awaken to an empty bed. 
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
Drop all your Charlie HC's✨️
(Thank ya for the ask❤️💋)
Charlie HC’s💋🍕🐀
(cause I wanna talk about my husband)
- Charlie secretly LOVES when Casper is wearing his clothes. Like wearing nothing but his sweet Pete’s shirt and underwear when they make breakfast…hits different👀
-he CAN cook but insists he can’t
-👏THIS👏MAN👏 loves to squish Casper (on the thighs, Ass, cheeks, tummy) all of it just ✨squish✨ 
- he can sing but he doesn’t think he’s very good
-When Casper gets protective over him he can’t help but get this dopey grin on his face and gets all fuzzy inside 🥰
-Casper sends him photos and videos of them and our new little buddy when he’s at work
-he needs glasses but doesn’t wear them unless he’s reading for the Boss
-lets Casper Do his hair (man looks damn fine in a messy Bun🤭)
-Charlie used to smoke cigarettes when they were teens because he thought Cas would think he was cool until Cas smacked it out of his hand and said “THOSE THINGS CAN KILL YOU BLONDE FOR BRAINS! Believe it or not, I ACTUALLY LIKE Having you around!” Then he stopped completely
-when Pete tells him to throw away the pizza that’s been under the heat lamps for too long he instead gives it to people who actually need the food instead of wasting it 
-he knows Spanish. Enough to conversation but he’s not fluent.
-he was a dealer. so he knows a lot of people and gave a lot of people the honorary “Charlie discount” so anytime he needs a favor or two  and it’s not big enough to go to the big boss man…he’s got people
-does not like the taste of alcohol.
-The amount of times that this boy has gotten his ass beat. His pain tolerance must be extremely high. You can’t convince me otherwise
-he doesn’t know how to control his facial expression…do with that information what you will 👀
-he likes to bite and mark up Casper like not even sexually most of the time boy needs to occupy his teeth with something it just so happens that that something most of the time is his partner's flesh and we can’t fault him for that
-sleep. When these too sleep they are tangled into each others embrace the warmest kind of snuggles 
I would love to add more, but I don’t want this post to get too long 
Maybe if y’all want I’ll make a part two
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sugar-omi · 3 months
good lord I was trying to study but out of nowhere I know where🩸this came into my mind:
having a night in at ur grown up house w cove derek and baxter (only dating cove) and everyone gets wasted asf so they sleep over and late at night the other two can hear u and cove in ur bedroom 👀 ykwim?
the smut and angst potential of them getting off to listening to u two from their respective guest rooms and the irony of both ur guests doing it omggggggg 🫣
in the morning neither of them can properly look at u two out of shame and u and cove r just embarrassed cause u think it’s just cause they heard u (and ofc ur only half right)
these ideas fr come to me at the worst time lol
I AM SCREAMING. YOU'RE SO BRILLIANT I CAN'T.... derek would really try not to, but i feel like it'd end up seeping into his dreams and he just can't resist. and baxterrrr omg... he'd be so embarrassed n ashamed, i dont think he'd be able to sleep the rest of the night at all, even once you n cove are done... pls you sent this at the perfect time bc i was about to start writing n i cannot focus until i write this now, i must have this in a fic.. n ik it isn't what you're talking about, but this is also so good n i instantly thought abt this scenario. i will take ANY chance for derek n baxter to fall in love or into bed LOL
tags : NSFW, baxter x derek, one night stand (UNLESS), you and cove drink, auralism*, oral (derek receiving), top/dom baxter, bottom derek, derek has a crush on you/MC, baxter has a thing for both of you or maybe he's just a kinky bastard
*to be aroused by sound. (can be compared with voyeurism)
synopsis : baxter and derek are staying with you for an extended vacation (much needed for both of them.) and while you two have been considerate and lovely hosts, you're a bit loud... not that it's a problem. quite the opposite actually..
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imagine baxter is pouring himself a glass of wine, unable to get your and cove's muffled moans out of his head.
he's generous with his pouring, since everyone already had a lot to drink during dinner, being reserved is unnecessary.
baxter tips back his cup, licking his lips, savoring the sweet taste of this wine, humming at the taste. not bad..
he's checking the label, wanting to remember the brand so he can add it to his shelves at home.
baxter looks up, tired eyes wide at the sudden guest. he's met with derek's wide eyes, equally tired..
baxter gives a lopsided smile, trying to be friendly with his new friend. he gestures to the barstools across from him, "care to join me?"
derek rubs his neck shyly, "ah, i wouldn't want to impose. i just came for some water.."
baxter shakes his head, leaning back on the island, taking a sip of his wine. if he knew he'd have company, he wouldn't have poured so much at once.
he licks his lips, trying not to eye his glass to see if it looks like an reasonable amount of wine. trying to preserve his put together image is fruitless anyway, baxter is a hot mess walking and you could probably smell his issues all the way from france.
"nonsense, i wouldn't mind company. the best conversations are best shared under the stars, i'd say. although, i won't blame if you're going bak to bed." baxter laughs to himself humorlessly. "probably a better idea than getting drunk again."
derek laughs, "well, if you don't mind the company then.." and goes about grabbing some water before sitting across from baxter, trying to be quiet when he drags out the barstool.
there's a stretch of silence between them, the two of them sipping their drinks and baxter plays off his awkwardness by admiring the photo collage in the hallway, visible through the wide doorway.
baxter turns back to derek, who's holding his water with both hands, dozily looking into the glass. he looks up and is surprised to meet baxter's sharp gaze, but plays it off with a smile.
baxter speaks lazily, his movements languished and his bones heavy. he's feeling warm from the wine, and a bit chatty. "couldn't sleep either, huh?"
derek laughs, "that obvious?"
baxter shrugs, speaking around the lip of his wineglass. "i figured we're in the same boat."
derek stills, his cheeks slowly filling red, and he looks up, trying to figure out if he's trying to say he also heard you and cove doing... it. the other night.
baxter bounces his eyebrows, and that makes derek flush brightly, looking down. "y-yeah, i guess we are.."
he laughs, covering his mouth to muffle the noise.
derek seems to relax a bit at his amusement, and eventually they relax a bit more, and baxter goes on to tell derek more of his wedding horror stories when he asks.
they're laughing, trying to muffle the sound with their hands when they get too loud, and baxter is leaned over the counter, rambling to derek as softly as possible.
baxter signs and shakes his head, a smile still on his lips as he takes another sip. he's definitely getting buzzed again.
and at some point baxter even sits next to him and derek seems to greatly enjoy baxter's open laughter and his wide gestures as he narrates his stories, even throwing up his own chaotic stories about what it was like growing up with his brothers.
"hey.." derek calls, and baxter hums curiously in response. "does that taste good?"
baxter raises his brow but tips his glass towards derek. "it is. it has notes of peach and honey... wanna try?"
derek glances between baxter's eyes and the wine, nodding, taking the glass from his hands and taking a long sip...
baxter's eyes are stuck on derek's lips, his eyes following how his throat bobs when he swallows and his tongue dashes out to lick the wine running down the corner of his lips..
baxter snaps his eyes back towards derek's, who's already looking back at him.
the silence seems long, and the distance between derek and baxter's lips seems even longer, and he feels antsy even though they're both leaning in, their lips meeting in the middle in a soft kiss.
derek deepens the kiss, leaning into baxter, and humming into the kiss when baxter starts rubbing his thigh, his fingers sliding down th fabric of his sweatpants until he's touching his inner thigh, dangerously close to his bulge..
a moan echoes, and baxter and derek break apart, panting and their lips wet and swollen. then they hear it again, and some muffled talking.
they look into each others eyes, unable to move. they're both wide awake now, both because of that hot kiss and the sounds of cove's deep, and futile muffled moans.
their chests rise and fall, tension in the air, mingling with something else...
derek speaks first, taking baxter's hand before he can pull away. "do you... should we go to your room?"
baxter blinks owlishly, shocked and flustered. but really fucking turned on.
"yes, yeah, yeah okay.." he stumbles his words, totally knocked off his feet by the way derek looks at him, his green eyes deep with lust, and the whole turn of events.
derek leads him down the hall, and baxter is grateful he didn't somehow knock over the barstool or the flower vase in the hall.
they walk past your shared bedroom, baxter's designated room for his stay, at the end of the hall.
baxter tries to ignore the way his cock throb when he hears cove curse and growl, "fuck, you're so warm..." he tries not to think about it, but the idea of what you two are getting up to, how you both look and sound, what you're doing to each other...
he's trying not to let his mind run away with him but he's admittedly, a weak man. and so is derek, if the way he clutches his hand tighter and all but shoves baxter through the door and closes the door a bit louder than he should.
you and cove always drown out all other forms of life when you're together, and baxter doubts it's much different in the bedroom, if not "worse."
derek pushes baxter to sit on the bed, standing over him, his legs on either side of baxter's lap and he pulls off his shirt, throwing it on the floor.
baxter licks his lips, his hands sliding up derek's waist and stomach, his body thick and toned with muscles... "goddamn..." baxter exhales, all but drooling at the sight.
derek laughs shyly, lifting his arm to rub his neck (a nervous tick baxter has come to realize) and the muscles in his arm stretches and flex. baxter has a distant thought about derek being able to manhandle him...
"is this okay?" derek asks, suddenly shy now.
baxter nods, leaning in to kiss along derek's bronze stomach, his lips trailing down his happy trail to his bulge. "more than okay.."
baxter tugs on derek's sweatpants, looking up at him. "let me know if you want to stop..."
he tugs down derek's pants and underwear, letting his cock spring free. baxter strokes his cock to full mast, and derek holds onto baxter's hand for support, his other hand coming up to muffle his moan.
baxter wraps his lips around derek's flushed tip, sucking and circling his tongue over the head.
"b-baxter..." derek gasps, his thighs shaking.
baxter takes him deeper down his throat, keeping eye contact as he swallows around his cock, reaching down to palm his own bulge through his satin pajamas.
he groans, the vibrations sending shivers up derek's spine and derek mumbles, his fingers finding their way to baxter's hair, clinging onto the already messy locks.
baxter tears his hand away from his hard-on, to undo the buttons on his pajama shirt, the buttons slipping through his fingers until his shirt is wide open.
"mhm-!" baxter startles, gripping onto derek's thighs, his hips bucking up into his warm mouth.
derek moans shakily, "oh f- i'm sorry. sorry.." he babbles, pushing back baxter's fringe, his thighs twitching and his muscles clenching under baxter's hands.
baxter hums around derek's length, patting his thigh. his tongue drags along the underside of his cock, baxter's lips pulling off him with a pop, his lips wet and puffy.
baxter's sharp, lustful eyes meeting derek's equally horny gaze. derek's flushed cheeks are a feast for baxter's eyes, he can't wait to have him in bed..
"do you.. wanna go further?" baxter asks, his hand making obscene wet noises from all the pre-cum and spit, as he strokes derek's cock in his fist.
derek nods, his throat bobbing as he tries not to fall to his knees or cry out and alert you and cove to what they're doing in here.. "yes, please.."
baxter pulls away, standing up to tug off the rest of his clothes while derek tugs off his pants, almost tripping when the leg gets stuck on his ankle but baxter ignores it since he's not very elegant either, the wine still buzzing through him.
he throws his clothes on the floor, all but throwing himself into the bed with derek, straddling his lap as he captures his lips in a kiss, his tongue slipping past derek's lips, guiding his tongue to move with his own.
derek grips baxter's waist, his hands pulling him down to grind him into his lap, their cocks sliding together.
baxter breaks the kiss, his lips falling to derek's neck...
"cove- cove- cove!" your cry is heard through the wall, followed by muffled moans and whimpers.
"ah!" derek moans, his fingrs digging into the plush of baxter's hips when he bites down on his neck.
"oh- sorry. did i hurt you?" he worries, kissing the area soothingly. he didn't expect you to.. cry out so loudly. not that you aren't allowed to be loud in your own home, or anything like that. he just didn't think you'd sound so hot.
he's trying not to think about if he wishes it was his name on your lips, or what cove is doing to make you call his name so loudly and lewdly...
derek shakes his head, or tries too with baxter under his chin. "i mean, it hurt but.. it wasn't bad..." derek admits shyly.
baxter smiles, pulling off his neck to kiss his lips again, smiling too much to kiss properly but they have all night for that anyway...
he leans over the edge of the bed for his bag, fumbling through the open inner pocket for a condom and lube.
it's not that baxter planned to get laid on this trip, it's just bad to be unprepared.
"do you want to be on top?" baxter inquires, pointing the condom at derek.
he flushes, licking his lips and glancing off to the side. "um.. if you don't mind, you can be on top..."
baxter raises his brows, a blush high on his cheeks.
ohh derek really is interesting.
"not at all." baxter purrs, fixing their position so one of derek's legs is on his shoulder, and the other over his thigh.
he slowly sinks one, then two, then three digits into derek's hole, scissoring his fingers and rubbing derek's thigh soothingly. he's such a mess just from his fingers alone, derek's face half buried in the pillow and his hips bucking up and his thighs shaking.
"that's-" derek pants, swallowing thickly. "that's enough... put it in.. please..." he gasps, peeking at baxter through his lashes.
"fuck..." baxter curses, his stomach dipping with lust.
he fumbles, trying to open the condom but his fingers are covered in lube and he ends up ripping it with his teeth impatiently. baxter rolls it over his length, leaning over to pull derek into a kiss as he sinks into him.
"hmmn!" derek mewls into the kiss, his arms coming to lock around baxter's neck.
baxter slams his hips into derek, a loud slap sounding through the room from baxter's hips meeting his ass. baxter breaks the kiss, hissing.
that was definitely too loud, but it's also been so long since he's been with someone, and derek is so charming, that he's not sure he cares..
derek moans, trying to stifle it by biting his lips.
they pant, letting derek adjust to his length and for them to catch their breath, baxter feels like the air has been knocked out of him with how derek's hot walls are wrapped around him, his hole clenching and flutter around him, trying to take him deeper.
"mn, y/n-" cove voice is muffled, keeping them from hearing the rest of his sentence. although it was probably cut short, if the deep groan they hear through the wall is anything to go by.
baxter pants, "i'm.. i'mma start moving..." he gasps, moving so he's sitting up again, his hand pushing derek's knee up towards his chest.
derek covers his mouth with his hand, baxter's cock dragging so slowly against his walls, his eyes rolling and fluttering shut when his tip bumps against a sensitive spot in his walls, dangerously close to his prostate..
"harder!- ha- oh fuck!" you curse and moan unabashedly loud, followed by your bed frame thumping against the wall.
it quiets down to some creaking, with dull thumps every now and then.
baxter picks up the pace of his thrusts, spurred on by all your sounds from the other room and derek's lewd expressions.
derek whimpers, his moans and cries barely muffled by his hand and when baxter's hips slam into his repeatedly, he can't hold onto his barrage of moans and whines, babbling nonsense.
baxter leans over him, forcing his legs against his chest so he can whisper in derek's ear, stuffing his fingers down derek's throat, his middle and ring fingers pressing on his tongue.
"shh, darling. they'll hear us..." baxter purrs, although he laughs and nods his head to the side, "although, i think being quiet is a bit useless for all of us at this point."
derek whimpers around baxter's fingers, drool pooling in his mouth. he closes his lips around the digits and sucks, swallowing, dragging his tongue along baxter's fingers seductively..
"god." baxter grunts, his face scrunching up in pleasure.
his hips thrust up into derek's g-spot, his thrusts shallow as they both get closer and closer to finishing.
baxter pulls his fingers from derek's lips, a string of spit connecting derek's lips to the digits before it breaks, his hand slipping between their bodies to stroke derek's weeping cock, pre-cum pooling along the valley of his abs...
baxter captures derek in a sloppy kiss, neither of them really trying to hold back their sounds anymore. and from the sounds of it, you and cove aren't worried about being quiet either, your moans more frequent and totally unrestrained.
"i'm gonna-" derek pants, his nails dragging down baxter's shoulder.
"go ahead. cum. cum for me." baxter growls, his hand abusing derek's sensitive tip, making short strokes.
derek's legs shake on either side of him, his eyes rolling as he cums into baxter's hand. baxter groans, his hips stuttering as derek clenched around him, filling the condom.
they melt into each other, their chests rising and falling, and their heavy breathing match.
baxter turns his head to the side, seeing the sky turn from night to early morning..
"i'll.." he pants, pushing himself off derek's chest. "i'll run a bath... wanna join me?"
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jjuwuni · 3 months
caught in his web ; choi yeonjun ch. 4 | UNWANTED GUESTS
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pairings — yeonjun x afab reader
genre — smut (lots of it so minors dni please), fluff, angst, college!au, friends to lovers, drama
word count (for this chapter) — ~2.3k
summary —  You thought you’d be immune to Choi Yeonjun's charms, turns out you were completely, utterly, shamefully wrong. 
And what’s worse? He’s your new best friend's boyfriend.
Wanna hear something even worse than that? His dad and your mom are dating.
MOA University: An educational institution created for the 1%. The elite of the elites. Those who are to inherit large multinational companies, take oath in office, and represent Korea's future in business and politics. This is where it begins.
warnings — almost-stepbro!yeonjun but not really since your parents are in the early stages of dating, kinda slow burn yes, black haired!yeonjun, bad boy yeonjun, all of you are trust fund babies, all the tubatu's make a cameo and are in the same friend group, might reference some other 4th gen idols, alcohol, drinking, drunken mishaps, lots of sex, profanity - lots of it, yeonjun is a menace but he's so cute wtf i'm screaming, jealousy, making out etc. minors dni istg! i'm watching y'all..
A/N: i'll keep my personal update short and sweet: one thing's for sure, this part do be kinda spicy so 👀 do let me know your thoughts !
current taglist : @soobadooba , @flowerbe0m , @lix-stray , @beomtese , @yxnjvnnie , @healingpage , @hihello-pinky , @kazscara , @bibibun , @txtistheloml , @jungwonismybias, @boba-beom, @jwnghyuns, @a-l-i-y-a, @nurihihi, @staaaarykids, @seonghwa10ve
The following morning, you were expecting the day to be quite eventful. Not only is your mom home from her stint in Italy, but Yeonjun's father came home along with her.
You basically have a full house that day - with both your parents and Yeonjun himself present.
The smell of fresh croissants greeted you that early morning, as you wrapped your baby pink silk robe around your frame while walking to the kitchen. 
"Good morning!" You greeted everyone in the kitchen upon your arrival. It was bustling, with helpers and chefs scattered all around - some of those who have served in your family for decades.
Lo and behold though, you happen to catch a glimpse of Chaewon in the kitchen, making you inhale a surprised gasp. 
"Chaewon-ah.. You're here too huh?" You inquired, staring at the other female who was busy in the middle of the kitchen.
Come to think of it, with the amount of times you've visited and stayed in her home, you've never seen her come even close to the vicinity of her kitchen.
"Oh! Hi y/n!" She chirped, pulling out a tray of croissants from the oven after flashing a smile your way. "I heard Jjunie's dad is in town and I just thought, why not welcome him back by cooking him breakfast, hm? I am his future daughter-in-law after all." 
You swallowed a little, not too sure why you were feeling a little invaded by this sudden visit. She was your best friend after all, right?
And she was Yeonjun’s future spouse, that much was a given, so she was only stating facts.
"Oh okay, well, I'm looking forward to what you have whipped up for us. See you in there." Your words come out apathetic in nature, making you question why for a moment before exiting the kitchen. You then waddled over to the dining area where all three of the people you were expecting to see were seated. 
Yeonjun shot you a cautious look when I entered, you think it was because he wasn't also expecting Chaewon to show up at this point in time. 
You ignored it and ignored him as well.
"Ah, we must send our regards to the Kim family for raising a daughter like this. They really did a marvelous job." Your Uncle Minjun noted as soon as you sat down, with Chaewon trailing behind you with her "freshly baked" croissants. 
"Oh of course- I'll tell them you send your warmest ones, appa. I can call you that now, right?" Chaewon bravely said, causing Yeonjun to almost choke on his glass of water. 
Your mom and yourself however, decided you'd take a seat back and enjoy watching Chaewon dote on Yeonjun while he awkwardly accepted the gesture.
You watched on, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the whole situation, but also wanting to be entertained at the same time. It was quite funny to see him act as behaved as possible around your parents. 
As you are about to finish eating, your phone starts ringing - effectively catching everyone's attention. Yeonjun, who was sitting across from you happened to catch a glimpse of who was calling. 
"Excuse me, I'm going to take this call quick." You remarked before standing up and moving to the corner of the room, even though it was far from everyone else, you made it a point that people could still hear you. "Ah Soobin ssi, what is it? Oh-... You want to go out? Today? Ah alright, pick me up in a few, okay? See you then!" 
When you got back to your seat, it was a lot quieter than usual, but you were determined to get yourself out of the house as soon as possible- there was no way you'd stay there any longer.
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“Nice to see you Soobin-ah~” You said as Soobin picked you up that early afternoon, getting in the seat and strapping yourself in with the seatbelt.
“I’m glad you agreed to let me see you today.” He replied and began to drive away from your house. 
In the rearview mirror of his car, you could see a tall figure in the distance, standing by the far side of the driveway, watching the car drive off.
You shake the feeling off, Yeonjun was probably just wanting to see one of his best friends.
“Chaewon’s in our house today, I think she’s out on a mission to try and impress Yeonjun’s dad. It’s pretty cute, to be honest. I don't think I've ever seen her do any housework whatsoever.” You began the conversation, laughing a little in the process. “Has she always been like this?” 
“I guess you could say that.” The male with the dark-colored hair nodded, and you watched him on as he drove, settling on the passenger side. “Chaewon’s always been a shy kid when we were young, she didn't even like to speak to anyone. But I think Jun helped her get out of her shell. I guess you could say, the reason why she’s as confident as she is now is because of him." He starts explaining, giving you more insight as to how their dynamic was when you were all young.
No wonder Chaewon and him are practically attached by the hip.
"They were friends for a while, as we all were, but as soon as Chaewon approached her last year of High School, their parents started communicating about the possibility of a potential marriage arrangement.”
You blew air into your cheeks, inflating them, it seemed as if they had their whole lives ahead of them planned out. “Oh, I understand.” You nodded a few times, “Um, Soobin?” You paused, looking up at him with a careful expression on your face, “You know, don’t you? About… How Yeonjun sees other women.” 
He pursed his lips in a tight line and nodded albeit cautiously, “How did you know?” 
“His dad mentioned in one of our dinners that the guards catch him sneaking people in.” You replied, “But… but why does he do that? Is he not... happy with her?” You asked him, hoping to make sense of the situation. 
“Well.. Like I said before, he’s making up for all the shortcomings in his life by acting up. That’s just how it is. I guess when you get robbed of your childhood like Yeonjun hyung did, that’s how you cope.”
Soobin paused, running his hands through his soft locks of hair. “As messed up as it may sound, Chaewon knows though, she knows every single one of his faults and secrets. She even knows that he sleeps around. But she lets him… That’s how patient she is with him, you know?” 
Wow. Props to her. “Woah, I didn’t know that, indeed, Chaewon does love him a lot.” 
“She does. She’s very patient with him, hoping that one day he’ll come to his senses and get it together. I think we're all just hoping for the same. In any case, Chaewon knows that Yeonjun’s formally to be with her, so maybe that’s what gives her assurance.” 
Yeonjun is hers. You thought to yourself to serve as a reminder. You stayed there quiet as can be all throughout the car ride going to the mall where you were going to hang out, trying to process everything.
You didn’t know Chaewon had any inclination that Yeonjun fooled around like that, and it was very admirable that she stuck beside him even through it all. 
It almost made you jealous.
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The day went by faster than you expected. You and Soobin just watched a movie and had some pizza and ice cream afterward, as per your request.
It was a wholesome kind of "date", as he had always been the exemplary gentleman. He was different from the guys your age who just cared about hook-ups, and you realized the more time you spent with him that you shared a lot of commonalities- and for that you were thankful. 
Thinking about it now, he was one of the first few who welcomed you into the group with open arms during your first days at MOA U.
You got home at around a little after midnight, you even fell asleep in his car on the ride home.
You decided to end the night by placing a quick kiss on his lips though, it was more of a thank you gesture on your part- for being so patient with you as always and also saving you from your day. 
He blushed as red as a beet, and it was the cutest thing ever.
As you were heading up the long flight of stairs and up to the third floor of the house, you couldn't help but notice that Yeonjun's door was still slightly open. 
You had to admit that curiosity started eating at you.
After all, you haven't seen him the whole day. Maybe he was still awake? You did notice that he was the type to sleep late playing games with the boys or listening to music.
Maybe you can catch up on his day? You were genuinely interested to hear about how the day with Chaewon being in the house went after you left.
And though at first, you decided to ignore the open door and go on your merry way, after changing into your satin pajama set, you slowly but surely made your way to his room. 
You took very light steps across the carpeted hallway, not wanting to disturb him in any way in case he left his room open when he fell asleep. Quiet as a mouse, you moved through the long hallway adorned with expensive paintings.  
It was when you were a few inches away from his door that you heard a muffled sound.
And then another, and then, another. 
Your eyes grew big when you realized what kind of sound it was.
Your eyes peered into the small crack in his door into the dimly lit bedroom, his king-sized bed in view, and the sight that took place before your eyes was enough to cause you to kneel on the floor. 
“Noona..” Yeonjun moaned as the unknown female began to ride him. She was nestled atop him, with her legs on either side of his waist. 
You watched on as Yeonjun’s firm grip took hold of her waist, making indents on her skin, while she moved over him with much vigor and enthusiasm. 
Now's probably a good time to divulge your secret.
You were a virgin. With no prior experience with sex, whatsoever.
And this would be the first time you’d be witnessing something like this firsthand. 
Even so, you couldn’t pry your eyes away from the lewd sight. It wasn't like you've ever gone out of your way to watch anything R-rated, so this was basically your first brush with that type of content.
No matter what you did, there was something in you that wanted to watch on.
You felt your innocence getting tainted by the second so quickly. But you just couldn’t look away. 
You bit your tongue as your eyes scanned over him: from his prominent features exhibiting a pleasured expression, down to his defined collarbones that adorned his broad shoulders, and to his firm, chiseled torso. 
You barely gave the unknown woman the time of day, your focus was all on him. 
You then felt something in between your legs, some type of heat. At the back of your mind, you knew what that meant, but you just couldn't bring yourself to accept it in the moment.
The older girl grasped Yeonjun’s shoulders as she sped up her bouncing, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his length every now and then, and boy, were they really supposed to come in that big of a size? 
You couldn’t handle it anymore as they both wrestled to hit their climaxes, and you were finally able to gather enough strength to back away from the scene of the crime.
You ran like a chicken without its head towards the kitchen, grabbing a cold glass of water and chugging it down in the hopes that it would extinguish whatever kind of feeling was igniting in you. 
“Jesus… What the hell.” You couldn’t help but groan into your hands as you buried your face in them, half of your body collapsing onto the marbled countertop.
You stood there frozen in the middle of the kitchen for what seemed like an eternity, wanting to burn that vision of Yeonjun getting it on with some other girl and eradicate it from your memory bank as soon as you possibly could. 
You were ready to go back to your room and call it a night after you got yourself together (which honestly took about five more minutes).
But as soon as you turned around, there he was, standing by the doorway of the kitchen. He had his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face, thick brows furrowed together in the center of his face.
“O-oh, hey…” You tried to act nonchalant, but the cracking in your voice and the heat pooling underneath your cheeks were betraying you. In short, it felt like your whole face was on fire. "W-when did you get here? Ah, I didn't even notice you. I'm just so tired from my day." You tried to salvage the situation, even faking a yawn.
“Hey yourself.” Yeonjun replied in a raspy voice, lowering his gaze to you. 
You walked up towards the entrance of the kitchen and came face to face with the devil himself. “I was just getting a glass of water.” You tried to explain, stopping about an inch away from him when you realized he wasn’t going to budge. He wasn't moving a muscle.
“Enjoyed the show I hope?” 
Your jaw dropped ever so slightly, “E-excuse me?” 
“You’re not going to tell Chaewon.. Right?” He asked with a grin as your eyes locked.
“I - I really don’t know what you’re talking about, Yeonjun-ah,” You said, trying your very hardest to feign innocence still.
All at the same time, you were trying to ignore the fact that he was literally just in his boxers, with that… that thing.. as defined as it was behind the cloth of the underwear.
Yeonjun laughed: it sounded like a giggle, almost. Clearly finding this situation entertaining.
Soon, he reached out, pushing your hair back and over your shoulder, effectively exposing the flesh.
He then leaned in and began to ghost his lips across your shoulder and to your own collarbone, tracing it with his plump, rosy pair. “Mm, okay if you say so, princess…” He said, his hot breath trickling against your skin as you heard him inhale, as if he was taking in your scent, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
With that, he pulled away, leaving you weak in the knees that you had to support yourself and hold onto the doorway to catch the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
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callsign-relic · 9 months
Hi! How are you? Sorry for my rudeness early, but I was so excited when you open your request that I kind of forgot saying at least hi. Anyways, can I request the continuation of your story about Optimus Primer/humanF reader First Contact ?👀 It was a very interesting plot. And I certainly want to know more about it.
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Wow, two people asking for a sequel of the same fic!!! You guys must have really enjoyed it HAHAH. I’m more than happy to write it for you both :) for those who haven’t seen it, here’s part one! Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: SFW, Fem!Human!Reader, Yandere, First Contact AU
When you next awoke, you didn’t recognize any of your surroundings.
As you laid flat on your back, eyes slowly opening as they adjusted to the light, you saw the expanse of the room’s ceiling stretch out high above you— farther than you could ever reach, and much higher than the ceiling to your bedroom. Head pounding, you sit up, and even as that little motion gives you vertigo you try and push through the pain to try and figure out where you were.
Your vision finally clears up, and you grimace at the sight of the drab brown walls that surrounded you. The place was huge, yet from where you were standing, it all seemed relatively eye-level… Just what was this place? How did you get here?
Then, you hear the sound of metal. Clanging rhythmically behind you, slowly becoming louder and louder until it’s heavy echoes are all you can hear.
You turn around and, suddenly, all of the memories come flooding back to you.
Two giant robots, one falling dead at the other’s feet.
Your life flashing before your eyes as you thought it would all come to an end under the pede of an oblivious mech.
Only for that mech to notice you and whisk you away to lands unknown, as you passed out before you could see how far he had taken you.
And the mech whose name you would soon learn is Optimus Prime.
“Ah, you’re awake, little one.”
The gigantic mech leans down before the platform you quickly realized was a table, leveling his face before you. The blue glow of his optics reflect in front of you, and that also makes you realize that glass surrounded you at all sides. You were trapped in a giant cage.
Now, some morbid part of you almost wishes you were crushed that day.
The glass ceiling slides open with a smooth click, and a black servo suddenly encompasses your vision. Instincts kick in and you stumble backwards, landing on your bottom, kicking yourself further and further back until you bump roughly against the wall.
Optimus’ warm smile fades the tiniest bit. His optical ridges furrow as he huffs a little sigh. “I understand. You’ve certainly been through a lot these past few hours. But I can help you.”
Without regard for your panicked state, Optimus’ servo approaches you anyway— long, thick digits wrapping all around your form. You can only let out a breathy scream as the world shrinks around you, the mech pulling you out from your containment into the big new world that surrounds you. The pressure around you then releases all at once, and you’re left sitting smack in the middle of his palm. Despite your better judgment, your fear of heights suddenly takes over, and you scramble over to cling to Optimus’ thumb.
“It is alright, little one, there’s no need to be afraid,” the mech assures you, running the tip of his free digit on the top of your head all the way down your hair in slow, methodical motions. His whispered comforts escape you, however, as the alien language he speaks only instills a deeper fear within you. No matter how much you try to pull away from his touch, the mech’s finger always finds its place on your head again.
Eventually, you lurch forwards once again as Optimus carries you forward across the base. You want to shut your eyes, pretend none of this is real, hoping that in the next moment you wake up and this was all some messed up dream— but you can’t. There’s too much adrenaline running through you to do so. Not to mention, the constant reminder that Optimus was there, taking such gentle care in your tiny human body.
“Ah, I see it finally woke up,” a different voice calls out. Your head perks up at the sound, but your stomach drops at the sight. Another one of these giant aliens— thankfully slightly less menacing in appearance. Boxy in its frame and painted in white and reddish-orange.
“Indeed, Ratchet. My little human seems to be doing much better now, thanks to your expertise.” Optimus’ digit finally pulls away from you, if only to gesture as he spoke with Ratchet.
The medic huffs out a scoff. “Well, it was certainly a challenge. Figuring out an entirely new alien anatomy is not something someone can typically cram within the span of a few hours.”
“All the more reason I could only trust you with such an important task, old friend.”
Ratchet resets his vocalizer, disregarding the compliment for the sake of continuing his report. “Besides its sudden power down when you brought it in through the ground bridge, all of its other vital stats seem relatively normal,” he explains, turning fully away from the computer module to face his companion. “If all goes well, you’ll be able to return it to its natural habitat in no time.”
While the movement was imperceptible to Ratchet, from your view, you could notice Optimus’ fingers twitch at the news. Curling inwards ever so slightly, hiding you away from the world the slightest bit. Pulling you closer to him, and him alone.
“That may not be necessary, Ratchet,” he decrees in that all-knowing voice of his. Though Ratchet blinks in surprise, Optimus continues. “I first encountered the human during a battle with the Decepticons. Though I emerged victorious, the Decepticons may now be searching for the human as a result. In order to secure her safety, I find the best course of action to be that she stays by my side until the threat level decreases enough for her to be safe on her own.”
The older bot sputters for a moment. While Optimus wasn’t exactly wrong— any life lost by the hands of the Decepticons was bad, and if they could intervene in any way, they should— but, still. Something about the Prime’s insistence felt… off. Ratchet almost wanted to argue further against it, see how he would react— but he knew he didn’t have much standing ground for a decent argument. At least, not yet.
“…alright,” the medic finally conceded, and a soft smile spreads across Optimus’ faceplate. “Only until the threat level dies down. Then, we’re returning it home.”
“Thank you, old friend.” The blue and red mech reaches out a servo, landing it softly upon Ratchet’s shoulder playing and staring kindly into his optics.
All the while, Optimus’ servo shifts around you. No longer did it serve as a platform hanging above the air, but it pulled in closer towards his frame— pressing you right up against his spark. The powerful energy throbbed and hummed beneath you, the deep reverberations filling your ears entirely. You couldn’t pull back from it if you tried, as his curled digits surrounded you like a brick wall.
“I will ensure she doesn’t leave my sights.”
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milaisreading · 10 months
Hii i've been loving your works recently and I'm fairly new to your blog!
I don't see a rules list anywhere so I don't know if what I'm requesting might be against your comfort so forgive me!!
But may I request a pt.2 to toddler manager where as the reader (the manager) is taking care of u20 toddlers and recently the bastard munchen is also experiencing this same problem in their facility!
Please take your time, do not force yourself and do not overstress or overwork anything, all your works are amazing and makes me smile like an idiot <33
And I'm sorry for requesting if requests are closed :(
I don't see the requests closed thingy anywhere on your blog. But feel free to deny this, and have a nice day <3
Also, can I be 🥢 anon 👀👀
Author: Sure thing 🥢! I hope u are ok with this approach I had to your idea! Thank u for the request, and thank u for supporting me! Have a great day🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"No, Otoya! Don't climbe up there!!" (Y/n) yelled in panic, picking the now 3 years old boy up, making sure to put him far away from the chair.
"(Y/n)! I am hungry!" Karasu, who was now 4 years old, yelled as he kept on pulling Yukimiya's glasses. The 3 years old Isagi and Bachira were sleeping peacefully in a corner.
"I will make you something in a minute, Karasu- Barou, stop scaring Niko!" (Y/n) scolded the 4 years old. Niko who was now 1, was crying as Barou was glaring in his direction.
"Tell Aryu to stop flaunting his hair around!" Barou yelled back, pointing at the 4 years old, who had a sparkly aura around him.
"Not my fault your haircare routine sucks!" He yelled back as (Y/n) sighed and picked Niko up, try to calm him down.
"It's ok, Niko. Barou didn't mean to scare you." She said softly, trying to calm him down. Niko clutched on her shirt and hid his face face in her shoulder blade. The 2 years old Rin was glaring in Niko's direction, while Kurona and Hiori slept soundly next to him.
She sighed in tiredness, then looked down at Gagamaru, who was pulling on her pants.
"Is everything alright, Gagamaru?" She asked, slowly getting down on his eyelevel to not wake Niko up.
'He must be tired from all the crying.' She thought. Gagamaru looked at her nervously for a moment, his lips quivering and eyes watering up as he tried to speak up. She grew a little worried and looked over at Kunigami, who was watching over Chigiri and the rest of team Z sleeping.
"Kunigami, can you please take Niko?" She asked the boy, who quickly nodded his head and ran to take him. Once the sleeping boy was out of her arms, she looked at the sobbing goalkeeper.
"What happened? Did you hurt yourself somewhere?" She asked, looking over his form.
"N-no! B...but... you will probably hate me for this..." He started crying loudly, causing the boys to look at him in confusion.
"What? Why would I hate you? What happened?" (Y/n) asked, picking him up in a hug. The rest sent Gagamaru harsh glares, causing the boy to cry more. The cries caused Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi, Kurona and Hiori to wake up. Kunigami was trying his hardest to isolate Niko from the noises.
"What happened?" Chigiri yawned.
"Whatever happened, please tell me. There is no way I will hate you." She told Gagamaru softly, who looked up at her for a moment.
"Promise." She nodded. Gagamaru sighed and pointed at the door.
"R-Reo and Nagi ran out and I couldn't stop them. I don't know where they went."
(Y/n) felt her soul leave her body at that. Now two of their players went missing?!
'What's worse is that Reo is a billionaire heir! His parents will kill me for this!'
"It's not your fault... Gagamaru.... but I will need to go and look for them." She said, letting go of the boy. Karasu's eyes lit up at that and he grinned.
"Alright! You guys stay here then." Karasu announced, causing the rest to look at him in confusion, while he walked towards (Y/n), grabbing her pants.
"And (Y/n) and I will look for them. Come on."
"What? Karasu, no-"
"No way will you go!" Barou yelled as Otoya sent him a thumbs down. Yukimiya fixed his glasses and glared at Karasu as well.
"You forget where you put your socks. How will you help?"
"(Y/n) needs someone glamorous to help her." Aryu added in, grabbing her other leg.
"Hey!" Karasu yelled back.
"Stop arguing." Kunigami groaned.
"I am the captain, I should go." Rin pouted as Hiori and Kurona tried to calm him down.
"Stop! Stop! None of you are leaving this room!" (Y/n) yelled, growing a little frustrated, then looked at the team.
"But I can't leave you guys unsupervised."
She groaned, finding only one solution to her problem.
"So, the princess needed her loyal prince to save her?" Oliver hummed in amusement as he hear (Y/n)'s explanation. The girl groaned at Oliver's words, trying to get Isagi and Hiori to let her go.
"Loyal? Since when?" Chigiri raised an eyebrow as Barou stuck his tongue out at Oliver.
"Please, please help me here. Can you watch them while I look for Reo and Nagi?" She asked. Oliver raised an eyebrow and looked at the team, who was sending him death stares. It looked adorable to him.
"Well, I don't know~ I am a captain and have sooo much work to do-" Oliver spoke again.
"Please! I will do anything, just help me out!" She begged, finally freeing her legs from Hiori and Isagi. Oliver stayed quiet, then sent her a smirk, and (Y/n) knew she screwed up now.
"Anything? You will do anything?" Oliver wondered, smirking as he loved closer. The boys felt their alarm bells ring, but decided to keep quiet now.
"Yes." She said, now a little bit unsure about this idea. Oliver chuckled and nodded his head, moving closer to whisper something in her ear. The team watched in worry as her eyes widened and face turned a dark shade of red.
"What?! I am not doing that!" She protested.
"Stop being a creep, you loser." Yukimiya said, earning a nod from Karasu.
"He is so lame." Otoya rolled his eyes, just as mad as the rest. Rin, who appeared behind Oliver, kicked his leg.
"Ouch! Well, then you don't need my help-" He started to leave, but was stopped by (Y/n).
"No no no! I do need it! Please, Oliver!" She said, grabbing his arm.
"We don't need this loser." Bachira grumbled as Kunigami nodded his head. Isagi and Hiori walked over to Kurona, whispering something in his ear.
"Alright, alright." The pinkette told them. Gagamaru was pouting as he watched over Niko's sleeping form. Aryu was holding Barou back as Karasu was looking for some Lego bricks.
"So, will you agree on my request?" Oliver asked. Sighing in defeat, she nodded her head.
"Yes, I will do that after I find Reo and Nagi."
Oliver grinned at her words.
"Alright, then you don't have to worry about anything-"
"Thanks!" She yelled, running out of the room.
Oliver sighed as he watched (Y/n) leave, then yelped in pain and looked down at his leg.
"What the?! Did you just bite me?!" Oliver yelled in disbelief as he looked at Kurona, who was blinking up at him in boredom.
Oliver then felt a lego brick hit him and he looked over at Karasu, who was smirking at him.
"We will make your stay here unbearable." He declared.
"Whatever you say, shorty." Oliver rolled his eyes.
After an hour of looking through the Blue Lock building, (Y/n) had lost hope in finding them. She looked everywhere! The practice rooms, their bedrooms, the gyms, the lunch hall, she even went to the shower rooms to see if they were there.
"Thank God nobody was using them." (Y/n) cringed to herself, walking into the building designated for the Manshine team. She prayed that none of the coaches were there, otherwise she will have a lot of explaining to do once Ego or Anri find out.
'Please, please, please....' She prayed looking through the facility.
Back with Oliver, he was having a stare off with Barou.
"You know, you guys look adorable like this. We should keep you tiny sized." Oliver commented.
"Shut up, you hair nightmare!" Aryu yelled.
"What did you ask of (Y/n) to do?" Isagi demanded for the 10th time.
"Because whatever it is, we will not let it happen!" Kunigami added in, earning a nod from Hiori.
"You are smelly." Kurona commented nonchalantly.
"And you are old." Yukimiya said.
"And probably don't know how to act normally." Otoya yawned.
"And you look old. Ever heard of a skincare routine?" Chigiri snickered.
Oliver rolled his eyes.
'These brats!'
'Ahhh! I will get fired and then sued by the Mikage family!' She thought, sitting down in the cafeteria after finishing her search at the Manshine building.
"I might as well say goodbye to everyone-"
"Hey, (Y/n). Is the Ubers building a daycare now?" Came Lorenzo's voice as he walked up to her. The girl still had her face on top of the desk, so she didn't see him yet.
"No....no you guys are not." She groaned, tired of all the kids talk.
"Then what were the Mikage and Nagi boy doing there? I found them sound asleep in my bedroom."
"What?!" She looked up at Lorenzo, only to find the two boys sound asleep in his arms.
'THEY ARE ALIVE!' She thought, getting up up from her seat and running to where Lorenzo was.
"You found them?!"
"They were lost?" He asked, handing over the two.
"Ahh~ nevermind that! I need to bring them back to Ego-san! You are a job saver, Lorenzo!" (Y/n) exclaimed, impulsively kissing his cheek and she ran out, leaving the boy bewildered for a moment.
"Uh... w-welcome..."
"Ah? You found them?" Oliver sighed in relief as she ran into the room. The tension between him and the others disappeared.
"(Y/n)!!!" They exclaimed as Bachira and Chigiri ran to her side.
"We missed you!" They yelled, causing the girl to chuckle a little.
"I was only gone for an hour." She raised her eyebrow as she put Reo and Nagi down, who were still sound asleep.
"Too long!" Karasu and Barou yelled. Oliver rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, causing (Y/n) and the rest to look at him.
"Hm?" She raised her eyebrow.
"So, where is my reward kiss?" Oliver asked.
"K-kiss?!" Hiori yelled in disgust.
"Why would she kiss you?!" Isagi yelled, pointing his finger at Oliver.
"You probably smell like fish." Aryu cringed as Rin, Karasu and Kunigami stood in front of (Y/n), all three glaring at Oliver.
"Your beloved manager promised it to me, didn't you?" He teased, causing the girl to blush.
"I... I did." He said, already regretting everything.
"(Y/n), you can't kiss him! His breath smells!" Yukimiya protested the idea. Just as (Y/n) was about to speak up again, the door opened. To her horror, she found Noel holding 2 children by their collars, while 2 hid behind him.
"Oh no..." Oliver muttered, massaging his temple.
"We have an issue with the Bastard München team." The coach said. The kid versions of Kaiser and Gesner stopped glaring at each other and looked at Oliver and (Y/n). Ness and Grim peeked at them from behind Noa's legs.
"Can you watch over them while I talk to Ego?"
"I...I...ehm..." (Y/n)'s eye started to twitch as Oliver sighed.
"Leave them here. I will call over Sendou, Niou and Miroku for help." The captain said.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Hey I’m the anon who requested jjxreader! Maybe like the reader works for bau. Her and jj haye each other can’t work together etc but turns out that’s all just tension👀
Hi lovely anon, sorry for the delay, hope it's as you expected and enjoy ^^
Why do you hate me? - Jennifer Jareau/Female Reader
Jennifer Jareau/Female Reader
Classification: +18, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, bratty reader, top!JJ, rough sex, hate sex (?), fingering, oral, enemies to lovers, light punishment
Word count: +3300
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Agent Jareau walks down the aisle of the jet, snacks and a cup of coffee in hand, this would be her breakfast on a Sunday early morning, when the entire BAU team had been called out on a case in Alaska. Frustration eating her up inside, not only that but also fatigue, the last case was closed two days before, exhaustingly long and difficult, so she barely had time to spend some quality time with the kids on what should be a few days off but criminals don't take time off and she had to call Will, her now-ex-husband, in the middle of the night so he can stay with the boys. When JJ arrives at her usual seat her tired expression turns to indignation, there, sitting exactly in her favorite spot, the new addition to the team is settled, hair slightly disheveled, wearing reading glasses and concentrating on the file folder in hand. She feels a wave of irritation as if Y/N is sitting there purposely to provoke her, it's not as if this hasn't happened before, like when Y/N openly disagreed with her in a meeting, ignored a point of view of JJ, also interrupted her, what irritated her the most was actually offering help in one of the cases even though she hadn't asked for help. But this time, she went too far by sitting in her favorite seat, strategically chosen years ago. The blonde frowns and waits for the other woman to notice her presence, which she doesn't, even as she coughs falsely and stares at her. Any remnants of calm and serenity she might have had are totally gone as she continues to stare at her. Defeated, Jennifer just sits down on the seat in front of Y/N, sighing audibly in sheer frustration at being ignored again. Then she throws the snack packets on the table, finally catching the other agent's attention.
- Hey - Y/N smiles and puts a hand between hair, taking out a wireless earphone - Bad mood, Aurora?!
Of course, JJ saw this coming, she started to be called Aurora because of her shiny blond hair and for an occasion weeks before when she slept on her shoulder during a meeting. At every opportunity Y/N uses the nickname, knowing full well how much it annoys her, she loves the "I'm going to kill you" expression she makes every time she is called that. Like the one she makes now, staring at her with a red face and dilated nostrils.
- No, I'm not in a bad mood. - JJ rolls her eyes, crossing the arms and throwing herself against the chair. - I was just trying to sit in my seat, but it seems that someone else is taking the place.
- Oh, I didn't see any names on the seat, it must have been my mistake. - the woman makes an exaggerated gesture of surprise, with a mischievous smile on her lips, then pats the seat next to her - If you like, I can reserve this place for you.
- I know you're trying to piss me off, but I'm sorry to say it won't work. - Jennifer replies sarcastically. - How can you be so annoying?
- Emily, they're fighting again! - they hear Luke shout at the brunette as he approaches, taking a seat in the chairs behind them.
- I'm just being nice. Maybe she's just not used to it. - Y/N defends herself, raising the hands in surrender.
- I don't need your niceness, thank you.
- You two are like cats and dogs, you know? - Emily comments, sitting down next to her friend, laughing as she looks at the two of them curiously - I never know what to expect when you two are together.
- True, but I guess that's the fun of it. - the newbie agent answers with a sarcastic smile, looking at JJ - It certainly adds a little excitement to the day. - and then puts the earphone back on, returning to reading the files.
- You know, it sounds like... sexual tension. - the chief whispers, pulling her face closer to the blonde's, then smiles broadly when she realizes how flushed she has become.
- Stop talking nonsense and let's concentrate on the case.
She swallows dryly trying to ignore the woman's comment, thinking how absurd it is that Emily thinks she could see Y/N this way. They hate each other and can barely stand each other's presence, Jennifer feels uncomfortable around her, a frustration with her presence, because she knows she won't come to an understanding with her and doesn't even know how to do that. In the end she attributes these feelings to Y/N's teasing attempts, her annoying personality, and how it makes her feel confused. It's a simply absurd thought. She turns to Y/N concentrating on reading, listening to something random in her earphones and biting the cap of the pen she uses to take notes. Jennifer feels something strange, a small twinge in her belly and an unfamiliar sensation running down her spine, it's something she can't control. Y/N looks, slightly, vaguely, almost attractive. She had never seen her like this, messy, so concentrated, and wearing a nice pair of glasses that bring out her best facial features. She wonders how someone so annoying can look so attractive, so she tries to dispel these thoughts when she realizes where they are going. JJ looks away and decides to turn her mind back to what really matters now, the case, so she picks up her own copy and tries to concentrate, sweeping any thoughts about under the rug.
- What the hell were you thinking? - Jareau growls opening the hotel room door for Y/N to enter, then slams the door behind them as the woman walks over to the second bed - You put yourself at unnecessary risk there, you could have hurt yourself seriously.
And is ignored by her, who just shrugs the shoulders as if she doesn't care and starts to take off the shoes, the blonde walks to an armchair in front of her, throwing herself against the furniture and sighs staring at her. Y/N rolls the eyes and finally gives her some attention, disdain in expression, she knows that throwing herself against an assassin armed with a knife was not the best idea but he was arrested, she left with just a scratch on the eyebrow, she didn't even need a medical suture, just some alcohol, pain medicine, band-aid and an appointment for tetanus vaccines.
- What are you complaining about? - she crosses the arms - I may have chosen the worst approach, but it worked, I came out practically unharmed. And you can't deny that it was a nice arrest.
- You are so childish!
- And you're very boring.
- Inconsequent!
- Shrewd!
- Petty!
- Bad-tempered. Why do you get so upset with me? Why do you hate me?
At this point the two are face to face, both exalted, inches apart, anger in their eyes dissipating in JJ's blue ones when she hears the question. She doesn't know the answer, simply doesn't have one for it, when Y/N walked through the BAU doors months ago, she picked on her from the first moment without knowing exactly why, maybe it was the annoying personality, the random conversations on the jet like Shakira's divorce, the constant bad jokes, the sarcastic replies to any comment, the mania for humming in the middle of a meeting, or even the habit of jumping to conclusions. Just like what happened in the case they just closed. Only then does she realize she is practically on top of Y/N, half leaning over the bed, staring at her expectantly for an answer to the question she has been holding in the back of her throat for weeks, and then Jareau does something she didn't expect, pushes her against the bed, and then something even more unexpected. She kisses her.
It's a shock to both of them, they're still elated and red from the little argument, mixing bitterness with gentleness, it's a bittersweet act. JJ just felt herself letting go, losing control of her own mind, as she always is around the other woman, and her body as well. All the barriers between them slowly falling down. She thinks of pulling away but before she could do that Y/N responds to the touch, hands reaching for the blonde hair deepening the kiss, merging in ardency and intensity. Tongues touch and roll, sliding inside each other as ragged breaths mingled, along with involuntary moans and intense touching. Jennifer pushes her further against the bed separating herself from her, in seconds both are naked except for the part under Y/N and JJ's fingers reach for the waistband of her pants in a hurry, ripping the piece from the woman's body along with her panties roughly, hands slide down the back of her legs and stop at the knee, opening legs further, leaving her completely exposed to her while the blonde keeps it open, squeezing her knees, staring at her pussy with thirst and desire. Excitement takes over both of them.
- I'm going to fucking ruin you. - Jennifer whispers with a serious expression on face and moves her hands to the inner part of the thighs, squeezing mercilessly - Hands above her head. Move an inch and you won't be coming tonight.
Y/N sighs in surprise at the blonde's attitude, at the same time excited, a wave of heat running through her body, wetness building up in her intimacy as she stares at her before obeying. She raises both hands above the head as she had been ordered and keeps her legs open, trying to move minimally, but it becomes an impossible task when JJ runs her mouth down the entire length of her thighs, scraping teeth, kissing and sucking the velvety skin, admiring every redness or patch of marked skin she leaves behind until she reaches Y/N's intimacy, taking her mouth to the honey pot, enjoying the taste of her excitement against the tongue. She caresses the sensitive bundle with circular strokes, which draws loud moans from the agent, she tries to keep obeying the woman but her body trembles in Jennifer's experienced hands and mouth. She hits the right places, with timing and a lusty hard-on that neither of them have ever felt before, sliding with speed and precision into the sweet spots. Not like some ex, high school sweetheart, not even with Will. It's intense, it's different, it's raw and carnal, along with months of frustration and hidden feelings.
She lets a scream die when she feels the tongue penetrate her, alternating between licking, sucking and invading her with vigor, JJ's strong hands grip her hips to keep her still, nails clenching close and leaving scratches in place, which are sure to leave marks the next day. Their eyes meet, it's a sight of the gods to have Jennifer Jareau between the legs, pleasuring her, fucking her roughly minutes after a fight over the case. After all the disdain they have shown for each other. The blonde blinks taking her mouth off Y/N's intimacy, licking her own licked lips and then biting the lower one, teasing her. This draws a moan from her, then another as JJ sucks her again, followed by many more. Y/N arches the back, the hoarse moans of her gasping breath almost muffled between the deafening beats of the heart, she knows she is close, her hands grip the sheets, she simply wants more, more and more, and when the tongue penetrates her again while the other woman sucks her greedily she finally finds freedom. With eyes closed, her breathing fast, and hands almost ripping the sheets, Y/N reaches the peak of pleasure. She moans loudly, enjoying every touch Jennifer gives her as she overcomes the orgasm she had just had.
There is a smug smile on Jennifer's lips, she faces the other sweated and ruined agent underneath her, shaking weakly, trying to pull herself together. But she feels it's not enough, not for the annoying person who made her last months a living hell, so her hands snake up to Y/N's clit, pressing and stroking slowly, making her breathe heavily again, she tries to control her moans but it's almost impossible with the merciless pace of JJ, who spares no energy in making her cum again, in less than a minute she reaches her goal. A second orgasm makes the agent's body tremble, involuntarily she closes her legs trying to regain control of her own body flooded with pleasure, she moans loudly and feels burning, watery eyes. Her body is increasingly hot and sweaty, muscles tense as she surrenders and enjoys all the pleasure that is being offered.
- So what makes you think I'm going to fuck you properly? - Jennifer whispers crawling over Y/N, brushing against her lips softly. She teases the woman as she takes her lower lip between the teeth, nibbling before leaving them, another smile forming as she stares at her with desire - You disobeyed me, but I'm going to relieve... for now.
- And if I like to be punished? - she lifts the head to face JJ, a defiant look on her face and a provocative smile on lips as she stares at her.
Jareau rolls the eyes and presses her body against her, bringing their lips together again in a hurried, sloppy kiss, then holds her by the hips tightly, lifting her onto the mattress and turns her so that she is on knees. A palm in the middle of the back positioning her correctly, JJ wants Y/N to have the legs apart and the ass lifted so that she is exposed and submissive to her. In this position she looks sexier, her curves perfectly outlined, the sight is beautiful and tempting to the woman, her gaze is full of desire admiring her beauty and submission. Just like this to get the brat under her control. Y/N is completely at her mercy and this excites her to hell.
- Ouch! - Y/N gasps as she feels the first slap being given, it hurts and she shudders, taking a deep breath without expecting the next after this one, it's stronger and the skin burns when the same hand strokes the sensitive spot, it's a mixture of pain and pleasure that makes the excitement flow between legs moistening the sheets - I think I like being punished by you - she says, voice hoarse and provocative - I'm hornier than ever, I want you inside me now. - she hums softly, looking back with eyes pulled wide with lust, her body moves with the movements of the blonde's hand, she wants more, she wants to feel inside her as soon as possible - Please, Jennifer.
- You have no right to call me that, it's Jareau, you brat. Are we clear? - JJ grabs a lock of the woman's hair, pulling back the head, bringing them closer together. Her mouth near her ear, she bites the earlobe and pulls, sending shivers down her spine - If I had a strap here, you wouldn't even be able to walk the next day. - she whispers last, not expecting to be answered.
- Yes, Jareau.
JJ pushes Y/N's head against the mattress still holding her hair, making her more prone and vulnerable with hips fully raised up. She penetrates her with ease, without pity or care she enters two fingers inside her, without giving time to get used to the stretching or the sensation she starts to move, in a fast and strong rhythm. Y/N groans loudly between sighs and strangled cries, feeling the pleasure invading her body, a twinge of pain that makes it even more interesting. JJ's hand leaves the woman's locks and finds itself on her hip again, holding her steady so she can maintain a favorable position and finds it. Her fingers slip deeper, disappearing into Y/N's desperate hole, she pulls them out completely and put them inside again in a brutal rhythm, this is maintained until the agent's body is convulsing under Jareau. Y/N's eyes widen letting out a scream as she feels the third and most intense orgasm of the night, it's pleasurable, painful and almost infamous the way it makes her feel, an explosion that brings her to tears. She spasms violently and collapses against the mattress, pulling and dragging JJ with her. The blonde lies down next to Y/N, arms pulling her to nestle there and holds her tenderly until her body relaxes overcoming this another orgasm, it was all so intense and JJ knows the woman needs this. She runs fingers through Y/N's hair, stroking the sides placing a lock behind her ear, kissing down the exposed neck. Then their lips meet in a gentle and calm kiss, slowly both their breathing calms, the newbie's skin becoming warm and relaxed, the tears drying, no longer burning. She lets out a soft sigh as their lips part slowly, as if they don't want to part. Jennifer puts her hand on Y/N's face, wiping away the trail of tears and leaves a kiss where that once belonged. Suddenly it's as if everything that had happened before has dissipated and the only thing that matters is the tight embrace they share. They let themselves go, finally surrendering to the moment.
- Aurora, so you don't hate me? - Y/N whispers, staring into the blue eyes in front of her.
- I think not, maybe Emily was right.
- About? - she raises an eyebrow, curious about what the chief could say about them besides the daily jokes.
- She said that between us there was sexual tension - JJ whispers, bringing her lips close to Y/N's again, feeling her breath - and I have to agree.
Y/N laughs softly, feeling embarrassed and blushing, hiding face behind hands, JJ also laughs and stops her from continuing to hide by holding wrists.
- Okay, I think I agree with her too, kind of, but maybe sexual tension isn't so bad. - she smiles and leaves a lingering kiss on the blonde's lips - So, does this mean we'll stop fighting? - and asks hopefully, her heart squeezing at the sight of Jennifer's smile.
- Probably, I think I'd prefer to kiss you than argue with you. Your brat mouth is of better use that way. - they nod positively in silent agreement - But as long as you stop calling me Aurora, otherwise I'll treat you like the brat you are.
- If the treatment is like the one you're giving me now, you can bet I'll keep calling you. - Y/N jokes trying to dissipate any tension that still existed between them, but it was all gone the moment their lips touched for the first time - But I promise, if you give me a kiss, I'll behave.
The blonde moves even closer to Y/N, placing a hand on her face and caressing gently. She gives her a tender kiss on the lips, wrapping her arms around the naked body pulling her to lie on her naked chest, then strokes the agent's back and head, just feeling her breath against her, then the little sighs and a soft snore. Y/N is relaxed in her arms, a feeling of security after all that has happened, neither of them imagined that the teasing and tension in the workplace was nothing more than repressed desire. JJ admires the sleeping woman, running a finger over the small cut on her eyebrow gently, mentally noting that she would have to give her another " lecture" for this unnecessary carelessness, when the serial killer pulled the knife close to her face and the whole team saw red she could swear she was seriously injured. It had been an intense day anyway, her body feels tired, as does Y/N's, this one mainly because she is on pain medication, so Jareau is not surprised that she practically faints. She is about to do the same when feels the phone vibrate in her pants thrown on the corner of the bed, carefully she takes it and is surprised that it's Emily.
"Hi you! Looks like you had a good time with Y/N, your room is next door to mine, in case you forgot. If you guys would like company next time, feel free to call me ;)"
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gasolineghuleh · 2 months
A dirty-ass prompt: getting down and dirty with Mary Goore in a cemetery 👀
okay so this is what i was trying-- second person, past tense, and timed.
disclaimer; i don't like this one. it didn't turn out how i liked but i'm getting itchy trying to fix it. i feel like i fucked up tenses somewhere, but i'm trying to force myself to try a new tense for me.
creampie mary, weehaw
It was the coldest night of the year when you walked into that shithole dive bar down the road from the Abbey, practically looking for trouble. You were still covered in snow from a freak early-November storm that had caught you on your way out to meet up with your best friend, and you distinctly remember the snow flakes drifting from your shoulders and head to land on the floor of the bar, already melting away. The bartenders eyes met yours in a moment that would have heated the snow off of the sidewalk if you were outside.
It seemed you'd met Trouble.
He was a little taller than you and about thirty shades heavier handed with his eye makeup. His pale arm waved you forward to the bar, gesturing at a seat until you hopped up into it and settled down, giving him a simple drink order. The small talk that he made was comfortable; practiced. He asked what you did and you vaguely mentioned the Abbey, and then asked the same of him, and he replied with the name of the dive bar. The bar's name was stupid, like a joke you'd forgotten the punchline of, or one that the author couldn't bother coming up with, and you found yourself wondering if his name was any better. You almost smiled when he introduced himself as "Mary Goore", your brain already looking for the pun.
Your drink appeared in front of you and he raised his own to meet your glass with a gentle clink. "To Lucifer."
"To Lucifer," you replied, eyebrows shooting up into your brow line. He had some prior knowledge of the Abbey, it seemed... or he was just a tool. You were willing to jump his bones, either way. The two of you sipped your drinks and talked more about the Abbey and how he had been to shows before, that you just must not have noticed him in the crowds of people that congregated in the big cathedral. That, or he had a great knack for making himself invisible.
Eventually he changed the subject, asking you how long you've been a member of the Abbey and how you were liking it, if you felt it was for you or not, what it was like to live on the premises, and before you knew it, the glass you'd been sipping was empty, and he was asking you if you wanted to go for a ride with him. You swirled the dregs of your glass as you thought it over, wrestling with yourself about the safety of the choice-- it was dark and snowing, you were most certainly at least buzzed, and Mary is a new person to you.
Your eyes met his again, a cool green, and he broke into a toothy grin. The laughter lines around his face were prominent, and something behind his eyes was enough for you to agree.
It was Mary.
A small duffle bag was retrieved from somewhere in the back room and the lights were flicked off as Mary yelled at the remaining people at the bar to fuck off out the door; he's locking up for the night. Judging by the way that the patrons move, this wasn't a new experience for them. A few people lightly protested but a death glare from Mary had them hurrying their pace as he slammed the door closed behind them. He took off his black apron, draping it over a stool as he turned to you and clapped his hands together sharply.
"So," he grinned, "you want a ride or what?"
His car was a simple vehicle-- a low sitting two-doored thing, with fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror and several bumper stickers. One of the stickers that had caught your eye said "Hella kids up in this bitch". When you made a comment about it, he had laughed and shrugged with one shoulder, motioning towards his balls.
The Abbey was on the other side of town from the dive bar, but somehow you and Mary arrived at the back doors before you could really process that you'd left. The ride over was filled with quiet ambient music from his stereo, and a rambling introduction from him that left you even more sure of your decision. He parked his car by the back door of the Abbey and turned to face you, slinging one arm over the back of his seat. The graveyard of Emeritus family lineage and the Siblings was visible over his shoulder, the snow on the graves melted from the heat of the nearby greenhouse.
"What?" you asked, your cheeks growing warmer with every second that passes.
"Nothin'," he countered with a shrug, "you're just hot." The smile that spread over his lips was wicked as he waited for your reaction.
"Are you hitting on me, Mary?"
He licked his lower lip with a nod before popping them together loudly, grinning. "Yup."
He didn't say anything more as you exited his vehicle, drumming your fingers along the hood of his car until you made it to his side. Mary's eyes were wide, watching you carefully until you leaned down and opened his car door, extending a hand to him.
"Enough small talk. Come rail me against a gravestone." Mary exhaled a bark of laughter, taking your hand with his left and turning off his car with the right.
You led him through the garden and around a hedge that opened up to reveal the more expensive crypts that dotted the square acreage of the Abbey. This was the most up-front and ridiculously blatant thing you'd ever done... but it was a thrill, wasn't it? His hand was still clasped in yours as you continued through the maze-like layout of the graveyard, passing stones and statues of Papa I and II and a few others you recognized until you arrived at an ornately carved stone angel. It was kneeling at a cross, hands clasped in prayer and face buried in the crook of their arm. You stopped and spun to face Mary, one hand already hiking up your dress.
Mary was grinning again as he pulled you closer to his body, pressing you up against the cool stone of the grave, his hands finally skating along your goose bumped skin. Your arm slid neatly around his shoulders, pulling him closer until his hips were slotted against yours perfectly. When your lips met it was electric, and Mary's shaky moan was enough to melt any remaining nerves you had. The sound of his jeans unzipping and boxers rustling was almost a relief. Your own dress was lifted up to your waist and pushed over your hips with ease.
"How are you gonna--?" He didn't bother answering you. Instead he lifted one of your legs around his hip, taking you by surprise as he hooked it behind him, allowing your foot to rest on his lower back. With his help you wrapped your legs around him as tightly as you could, leaning heavily on the statue behind you as his cock rubbed against the slickness between your lips. Your hand snaked down to grab him and hold him still as he lined up, teasing you for only a moment more before sinking deep into your heat.
"I catch on quick," he growled directly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
It wasn't the most comfortable position you'd ever been fucked in, but as Mary picked up a faster pace it felt less and less like the stone of the grave behind you was cutting into your skin and more like the heady mixture of pleasure and adrenaline you craved. His thrusts were rough but even and precise, the slapping sound of his hips against the back of your thighs almost drowned out by your shared heavy breathing. Mary's mouth was hot against your throat as he moaned, teeth sinking in lightly until he stopped at the juncture between your shoulder and neck to suck and bite at your flesh, making you cry out for him. Your body arched as he slammed into you, trying your best to move your hips in time with his to take him in even deeper, desperate for more of that feeling of being filled up.
"You going to cum for me?" he growled, his hands tightening on you where he held you aloft. You gasped in response, your cunt tightening around his cock as a sudden heat washed over you, spreading from your clit and up to the tips of your toes, the only response you could manage as he hit just the right spot over and over. Mary huffed out a breath of pleasure at the way that you tightened up around his dick, your orgasm causing you to involuntarily hold on tighter, nails digging into his skin through his thin shirt. "Cum all over my cock for me, babe. Fuuuck, you feel so fuckin' good."
"Mary--" Your voice was breathy as you felt another wave of your climax crash through you. The cool November night air around you did little to dampen the heat that Mary's body radiated or your own body heat, but it felt good, your sweat covered skin prickling with goosebumps. You managed to lift your head slightly, looking down to where you and Mary were joined. His jeans were open, cock sticking through the hole in the front of his boxers-- in fact, it seemed as though he wasn't even using the full length of his cock, pants bunched as they were.
"Fuckin- cunt, I'm gonna-" Mary cut himself off, mashing his lips against yours with a long and drawn out moan, hips kicking forward in time with the waves of his own climax. His teeth sank into your bottom lip and tugged, his breath coming in ragged pants and growls against you. When you were both sure you were finished, you carefully extricated your legs from their spot on Mary's hips, the two of you watching as he slowly slid out of you, leaving behind a warm trickle that ran down the insides of your thighs-- a hot reminder of your impulse decision. The sight made your face hot, but the look of pleasure on Mary's face when you made eye contact was worth it.
"Thanks for the ride," you said with a laugh, rubbing your hands along your thighs to warm up the muscle again. Mary snorted and dragged his hands across his face before looking at you. He waited for a beat before speaking.
"I haven't done something like that in years."
"I never have." You shrugged noncommittally, but Mary balked. "What? You were hot."
"So I'm your first, then? First one-night?" he corrected himself quickly. When you nodded he laughed again. "Look at you, making moves! But uh... I'm sorry to burst your bubble." Your eyes snapped to his, convincingly apologetic.
"I uh.. Wouldn't mind if this wasn't a one night thing." Mary's hand went to the back of his head as he laughed shyly.
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tracingpatternswrites · 5 months
Tuesday Treat
Hey ho, I'm writing again, and here's a little snippet from the current oneshot I'm working on 👀
This is the Sirius from Remus’ reveries. The one that visits him at night, the one who now only lives in Remus’ memories, the only one who remembers him just like this. He looks every bit as perfect as Remus remembers him, as if he stepped right out of one of Remus’ dreams. He’s in his school uniform, but without the robe, just his black trousers and write shirt, the top buttons undone, a loose tie around his neck. His hair is not in a ponytail but in a bun, a few strands of them having escaped to fall loosely around his face. His skin is smooth, pale, his cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass. His gaze is narrowed as he watches Remus, and he’s pulled his own wand, his body tensed as if he’s waiting to attack.  “Who are you?” His voice is melodic, strong, unwavering, and it awakes something in Remus, tugs at memories buried so deep he never thought they’d see the light of day again. There’s an arrogant tilt to his jaw, his chin raised in the way that signals royalty, power, belief. It’s not the crackling, broken voice that Remus had grown used to in the past couple of years. “Sirius?” he breathes, even though he knows who he is, he can’t possibly be anyone else. He sees the boy flinch, his back straightening even more, his shoulders squaring as his silvery gaze drags over Remus. There is no flicker of recognition over Sirius’ face though, instead his eyes narrow further, a little twitch at his jaw, and Remus feels a twinge in his chest. “Who are you?” he demands again, his voice louder now. “How do you know who I am? How did you get into the castle?” Remus realises then, what he must look like in Sirius’ eyes. He’s only 36, but he feels so much older, and he knows he looks it too. The full moon without his pack took their toll, and he moves like an old man now. He still has all of his hair, but his previously tawny curls are streaked with grey now.  He has lived through two wars, survived by the scrape of his nails, somehow clinging to life when everyone else perished. He knows he doesn’t look like much, clothed in his threadbare robes, the dark circles under his eyes, the new scar that cuts into his lip and over his jaw and disappears beneath his collar.  He doesn’t know who I am, Remus thinks numbly, something cold settling across his chest. 
Passing a tag along to @heartofspells, @soloorganaas, @mundrakan, @theresthesnitch and @squintclover in case someone has something to share.
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liiilyevans · 1 year
6 + Hinny 👀
Kiss Meme
Tipsy kiss
Harry never thought he'd see the day that Mrs. Weasley allowed them to drink alcohol in front of her. Of course, she knew her children drank. They certainly weren't kids anymore. However, Molly Weasley was the type of mum that pretended her kids didn't get drunk or pursed her lips in disapproval when they did. What surprised Harry even more was the fact that the Weasley siblings weren't in the least bit concerned that their mother was sitting on the porch chatting with Andromeda.
Percy, ever the introspective drunk, was sitting at a table in the backyard with his new girlfriend Audrey, who was talking to Angelina. Percy was quietly listening to them talk and sipping at his whiskey. Harry suspected if he tried to get up and walk, he'd stumble across the lawn. George was much farther gone than him, on his fourth glass of gin. He was sitting next to Angelina, his arm slung across the back of her chair, and trying to brush his beard against her neck, though she kept pushing him away. Ron was loudly talking to Fleur and Hermione, waving his beer in the air and letting it slosh down the sides of his glass. Bill was the only one of the siblings who wasn't drinking, probably due to the fact he and Fleur had to go home to a baby.
Then there was Ginny. His beautiful girlfriend.
He'd never tire of hearing that.
She was slightly tipsy, only on her second glass of whiskey, and she was beaming as she talked to her father. Harry couldn't help, but be mesmerized by her. She was wearing a dress today, a yellow one with daisies on it, paired with a pair of black ankle boots. The outfit screamed Ginny. She'd tied her long hair back in a ponytail that Harry was dying to get his fingers wrapped in.
A smile blossomed across his face as she bounced over to him. When she reached him, she hooked her fingers into his belt loops.
"Hi," she said, grinning up at him.
Harry brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hi."
"Why are you all alone?" she asked.
He shrugged. "I was just watching you."
"Weirdo," she said.
"Your weirdo," Harry muttered as he dropped his face into her neck and pressed a soft kiss there.
Ginny giggled and it was magical.
"Do you want to shag me?" she whispered conspiratorially.
"Ginny," Harry hissed, pulling back so he could look at her. Quickly, he glanced around to make sure no one had heard her.
She tugged his belt loops. "Well, do you?"
"I'm not talking about this with you in your mother's backyard," he mumbled, the back of his neck heating up.
Ginny rolled her eyes, then glanced over her shoulder. Whatever she saw must have satisfied her because when she spun back around, she kissed him.
The great thing about kissing Ginny was that he could forget everything else and focus completely on her. She tasted like whiskey and something spicy. Harry's hands fisted in her dress, the fabric soft against his callouses.
"Oi! Go make out with my sister somewhere else!"
Harry abruptly yanked away from her to see Ron rolling his eyes and George leaning back on the two legs of his chair. Bill had his eyebrows raised and Percy looked disgusted.
"All of you can mind your own business," Ginny said, then grabbed his hand and yanked him around the corner of the house, hopefully to do some more snogging.
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limeysims · 4 months
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Meeting new coworkers — Who’s that redhead 👀
Previous ♡ Next ♡ Beginning
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It’s Eliza! She must have left her glasses
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