#it may as well get onto paper :D
mewkwota · 7 months
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Jing-jing, some random scibbly-dib-doodles that I found during today's folder cleanup (which I will post individually). I don't think I ever shared this (I can't find it tagged here)?? I remember these were supposed to be brainstorms for a series of outfits based on characters Tsux is derived from conceptually-- what a mouthful.
This is excluding vocal-synth-based characters, since Tsux's default design is already intended to be like that. So they're outfits based on Zero, KOS-MOS, MegaMan.EXE (moreso a NetNavi design without a helmet), and Algol.
Of course they're very rough, so if I would ever finalize them, they could be different. But I may as well save them here.
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kyluff · 5 months
— ↺ Baby Daddies
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✎ gojo + geto + nanami + toji + choso x reader !
✦ summary ➠ some jjk men finding out they are going to be a daddy.
✦ warnings ➠ pregnancy (duh), swearing, mentions of sex
✦ note ➠ Also ps the gojo one is kinda cringe ngl but whatever kinda cute, my fave is the Nanami one I think.
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✪ Satoru Gojo
— Gojo had been lounging around on your shared bed the whole day. It was one of his odd days off, so he chose to spend it being lazy.
As he was living carefree and innocently, you had just found out you were pregnant. Not that this should be a surprise.
Sure, your period being very late and the puking in the morning should’ve been enough of a sign that you were pregnant. But you didn’t actually think you were pregnant, pregnant.
But that was the reality you faced now in the bathroom of your master bedroom. You knew you couldn’t hide anything from your frost haired boyfriend for too long, so mays well fess up about it quickly.
You took the positive stick with you as you made your way to the room that was connected and that held Gojo. You weren’t too scared to tell him, because he always made it annoyingly obvious to you that he wanted a baby with you. Every minute he got he would make a comment about how nice it would be to have a child running around, how cute you’d look with your stomach swollen, how tiny baby clothes were and he told you how he envisioned his future child in them.
So no, you didn’t feel much fear. As for you thoughts on the predicament, you also had wanted a kid. Though you didn’t make your opinion as aware as he did, you still wanted to have one some day, and that day was this one it seemed.
You waltzed up to him, throwing the stick onto his exposed chest. “Looks like you got what you wanted.”
He threw a confused look your way. “Huh?” He let out the sound, but it died out as he held the object thrown at him and saw what it actually was. “You’re pregnant?!”
You only nodded, readying yourself for whatever celebration that was going to happen soon. Just as you expected, he sprung up and attached onto you to bring you down onto the bed with him.
“Yes! Yes! This is perfect. Thank you,” He planted so many quick kissed onto you face that they interrupted his sentence formation. “Thank you, thank you.”
“You should thank yourself for this, you are the one who always chooses to come inside.” You remarked jokingly, also wrapping your arms around him.
✪ Suguru Geto
— You sat nervously on the bed that was wrapped in white, thin paper to ensure it was clean for any patient that had to use it. And that patient was you. You gripped your husbands hand harder, looking to find comfort in his eyes.
“Hey, it’s going to be alright.” He smiled and brought your hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. “We get so see her this time, isn’t that exciting?”
He used ‘her’ to refer to the growing babe in your stomach, but you didn’t truly know the sex of them just yet. He just hoped for a baby girl, hence the use of the pronoun.
Today was your first official appointment at the doctors that you would actually see your baby. You were both feeling so many emotions right now. You were both excited as well as frightened at the same time. You would be able to see your bundle of joy, but there was also a possibility of the fetus having something wrong with them, like a illness.
The door opened and your doctor entered. “Hello, I’ll be helping you for today. My name is D/n, pleasure to meet you.” She thrusted her hand towards your husband, then you as well.
“To begin, we’re just going to start with you Miss mommy. We will perform some basic health checks, your levels and such. How does that sound?” She was very sweet, always making sure to ask if you were ok to proceed.
“Sounds perfect.” Your husband responded for you politely. You added in a nod too.
“Now, let’s move on to what you’ve both been waiting for.” After your procedure was done, it was time for your baby’s turn. “I’m going to perform a ultrasound, you’ll be able to literally see your baby through this! All parents are overjoyed about their first ultrasound.”
“I’d say I’m more anxious, actually.” You muttered, you didn’t want to be a killjoy but how could you not? There was a big step between knowing you’re pregnant and watching your belly grow and actually seeing your baby.
“And that is completely normal! Many say the same too, if you are worried then that is just a sign you are going to be a caring mother.” She had a perfect response for everything. She must’ve been use to all of this already. “Now, I will warn you that the gel is quite cold, but that’s the worst that’s going to happen for this step.”
“Before I start, I ask all my patients if they would like to know the gender.” You both would definitely like to know, since Geto was so keen on it being a little girl.
“Yes please, my husband wants it to be a girl you see.” You informed D/n.
“And as for you? What would you like the gender to be?” She asked you this time.
“My wife doesn’t care much either way. She almost always corrects me when I say our baby is a girl.” Geto sent a look of admiration your way. Everyone took a moment to chuckle, once the moment was over you decided it was time to get it over with.
“Let’s do this, then.” You let it out as a breath. “You ready, Suguru?”
“Not really, are you?” He was joking, half joking at least.
“Not at all.” You responded, letting the man kiss your hand again.
The professional spread the gel all over the surface of your rounded stomach. Once it was to her liking, she turned on the machine and grabbed the device that had the sensor on the end of it. “Let’s see your baby!”
Except it wasn’t just a ‘baby’ the correct term would be ‘babies’ because there’s was two. “Oh, how lovely, you will be having twins it seems.”
Twins? You thought, what would Suguru think about this. So you tilted your head to your husband that was eagerly sitting beside you on his chair. He was in his own world, not noticing you were even looking at him. He eyes were stuck on the screen that showcased the little white and grey blurbs that were your babies.
“And it seems your husband was right about the gender, they’re both healthy, baby girls!” She cheered, continuously moving the wand around your stomach to get new angles.
“You see, I was right!” He pointed out, shimmying closer to your body that was laying down still.
“How do you feel about finding out it’s twins?” You couldn’t help but ask him, anticipating his response.
“I feel that whatever those results would have shown, I would still love you just the same.” He hummed, bringing his hand to your face and brushing your hair out of your face to lay a kiss on your forehead. “I might even love you more.”
✪ Kento Nanami
— Nanami had been at the grocery store, he had to purchase a long list of things. The list contained many things like milk, batteries, lettuce, a pregnancy test or two. Normal things.
Except, this was not normal of course. Nanami especially did not feel normal as of right now, he felt on edge ever since he received the text from you to add a pregnancy test to the grocery list. His phone almost fell right out of his hands at the store when he read it.
And now he was home finally.
You heard his car pull up earlier, so you were already there to meet him at the door once he came through. There was a awkward pause when he laid eyes on you. You didn’t know what to do, you just texted him out of the blue that you needed a pregnancy test. That could only mean one thing, that you were pregnant, or at least there was a possibility of it.
He dropped the bags that he held at the door way of your house where he stood. He quickly sped walk towards you, slightly leaning down to match your height. He brought his hands up to cup your face, he didn’t do anything now, just stare into your eyes. You looked into each others soul, relishing in this intimate moment together.
“You think you’re pregnant?” He asked in a soft voice as not to ruin the moment. You sighed but nodded still.
At this, he closed the gap between your lips and left a intense kiss on them. He pulled back but not too far, wanting to stay as close as he could to you right now.
“Alright.” Is what he said before he left you to return to the previously held bags. He searched through them to find the box that held the stick you needed.
He came back to where you still stood, placing the said box in one of your hands and taking the other in his to hold. “Let’s go the washroom, together.”
You nodded again, following the man that held your hand now. Together, you thought. That single word made you feel warm, it made you feel not so alone in this whole situation.
He opened the door that lead to your bathroom, stilling and letting you in so you could pee on the test in privacy. But you didn’t want that. “Can you stay?” You waited a moment. “Please?”
“Of course.” He kissed you cheek. You sat on the toilet, taking time to just stare at the unopened test before you. Nanami picked up on this, gently taking the box out of your hands and opening the package himself. He gave it back to you now, he hoped that this would send a message to you, that he was there for you no matter what.
You did your thing, peeing on the stick finally. You pulled it back up from underneath you, looking up at Nanami again. “Now we just wait, I guess.”
And wait you did, anxiously to say the least. You had now changed positions. You sat on the counter of the sink, in between your boyfriends legs while he stood. He had been spitting encouraging and comforting words while also rubbing soothing circles on your legs and back. Anything to pass the time and bring you consolation.
The amount of time that was needed had passed. Now it was time to look at the results.
You went to grab the stick but before you could, Nanami grabbed your hand to halt you. “I want you to know that now matter what it says, I’ll still love and support you, ok?”
“Ok.” You smiled up at the blonde, he always knew how to calm you down. He then let go of you so that you could continue with your pursuit of finding out the results.
You flipped the stick over and there it was, two lines that meant you were pregnant. You let a shaky breath out, not sure how to react to this. You looked at Nanami to see how he was handling this, fairly well it seemed. He had a small smile on his face and his eyes looked almost watery.
He took the test away from you, tracing the two lines that went downwards on the tiny screen. He dropped the stick back onto the surface, wrapping his hands around the back of your neck to bring you in for a big, celebratory kiss.
“I am honoured to be able to have a child with you, Y/n.”
✪ Toji Fushiguro
— The black haired man let out a yawn as he rested his feet on the row of benches in front of him. He had his arms stretched across the seats on either side of him too, completely relaxed in his current state. He was watching the boat race today.
This was his favourite hobby by far, he could just laze around the stadium all day and possibly win some money, though he seemed to have bad luck and lose most of it. He didn’t care though, because gambling put him in a good mood, nothing could bring him down. Then his annoying phone ringer went off, signalling someone was calling you. Now that, that could bring him down.
The race was set to start soon, any minute now even. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, your contact lit up the screen. He sighed, there was two minutes left until the boats started racing, he could spare one call with you.
“What, woman?” He drawled out with annoyance evident in his voice. Could you have called at a worse time? He thought internally.
“Get home, now.” Is all he heard on his side of the line before the call was ended by you. Who does she think she is, hanging up on me like that? And only saying three words! Even though he protested in his mind, he got up none the less and made his way to your shared apartment.
After you had ended that call, you immediately felt a wave of anxiety wash through your body. You were in the bathroom on the toilet, positive pregnancy test in hand.
You shouldn’t be surprised really, ever since the two of you started this relationship Toji insisted on having sex without a condom. Now you were forced to face the consequences to your actions, well Toji’s actions really.
You stood up, deciding you should get ready for your boyfriends arrival.
Once Toji arrived, he was met with your figure sitting at the kitchen table. You had your elbows rested on the surface and your hands covering your head. You looked distressed.
He walked up to you, kicking the chair leg you sat on. “What’s up with you? The race was just about to start too and then you had to go and call me all the way over here.”
You didn’t respond verbally, only pulling out a little stick and slamming it on the table in front of him.
He raised an eyebrow, picking the unknown object up and inspecting it. Oh shit, he thought. And that’s what he said out loud too. “Oh shit.”
“Oh shit? That’s all you have to say, really?!” You were starting to get angry now, what kind of response is that to such important news.
“What do you want me to say?” He asked, this was a genuine question. He wanted to know what you wished for as a response, did you want to keep it? Or didn’t you? He needed to know.
“I want you to say,” You breathed in. “I want you to say you’re happy, to say you’re happy to have a baby with me.” You whispered.
He wasn’t the best with sharing his emotions, you know this, but he showed it now in his own way. He dropped down to his knees in front of your chair, grabbing each of your hands and bringing them to his lips.
“I wanna have a baby with you.” He mumbled against your hands and kissed them.
✪ Choso Kamo
— Choso sat on the couch while watching the tv play in the living room. The two of you had cooked up some breakfast, it was early in the morning, but it was the weekend so you both could just relax and spend time doing what you want.
You were doing your morning routine in the bathroom, or at least that’s what Choso was told you were up to. Instead, you were nervously awaiting for the results of the second pregnancy test you had used. The first one was positive, so if this one was too, then it had to mean you were pregnant for sure.
You knew Choso had wanted a child ever since you met, he had told you almost every time you fucked. But for some reason, you still felt scared for his reaction once you told him.
Choso, finished his breakfast by now, had begun to feel worried. You have been in there for quite some time now, too long for your usual routine, and he knew how long you usually took. He had witnessed it almost every morning for the past two years. Plus he had to use the bathroom anyway, so he decided to go to you.
He placed his bowl in the sink, wiped his hands and went to go see what was taking you so long. Once he reached the door, he knocked on it. “Hey, Y/n. Everything alright in there?”
Your heart stopped, the white sticks almost dropping from your hands. “Uhm, ya! Almost done!”
“Can I come in, I have to pee really bad.” He giggled, gripping the doorframe in an attempt to hold his piss in.
You let a breath out, trying to ground yourself. This is Chose we’re talking about, he’s wanted a baby forever, and he loves you. He’ll be ok with it, you told your self. You threw one of the tests in the garbage and kept the other, holding it behind your back.
“Sorry, I lost track of time.” You said as you opened the door, allowing your boyfriend to come in.
“It’s fine.” He rushed past you, not without laying a kiss on your cheek though. He placed himself in front of the toilet, ready to unzip his pants, but stopped as he looked your way. You looked suspicious, you were standing by the sink and staring at him. The most interesting fact was that you had your hands behind your back, like you were hiding something.
He stopped in his tracks and came closer to you. “What you got back there?”
“This.” You said when you shoved the test into his chest. You had a smile on even though you were afraid, but you knew Choso would be excited. “You’re going to be a daddy, Choso.”
He brought the stick to his face, he was surprised to say the least, but a good kind of surprise. He had wanted this with you for a long time.
He grabbed you, picking you up and flinging you around in celebration. “I’m going to be a dad!” He laughed out.
“And I’m going to be a mom!” You laughed along with him. Placing kisses all over each other’s faces.
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nonotnolan · 1 month
Jock Cock, Part 1
"You wanted to see me, sir?" Adam Johnson, next year's star quarterback and this year's bane of my existence, looked up at me with his baby blue eyes. If he was trying to look small and unintimidating, it would have worked better without carrying 200+ pounds of muscle on a six foot frame.
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Well, if he wanted to be melodramatic, two could play that game. "You know full well why I called you here, Adam." I thumped the stack of papers on my desk for emphasis. "You've been failing ECON 105 all semester, but suddenly you can score an 83% on the final exam? It's enough to get you D- in this class. It's not a perfect score, but it's still enough for you to avoid academic probation."
His face flashed with a brief moment of irritation before setting back into his normal, casual stupor. "Well, I wasn't studying before, and now I did. It's not like I scored all that great... sir."
"We both know that you don't know what 'sustainability' means, Adam. You tried to fly under the radar, you didn't cheat your way into a 100%... but it's still cheating. We both know that academic misconduct is a serious crime." I tried my best to sound stern and disappointed, but it was hard to be angry at a face this sexy.
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Adam just laughed at me. "And if you could prove it, you wouldn't be calling me into a private meeting, would you?" He leaned back into a shit-eating grin, displaying his dazzling white teeth. This asshole had the upper hand, and he knew it.
"I checked every single essay!" I said, pounding the stack of papers once again. "Every essay, in every single TA's session of this class. You didn't plagiarize... but we both know this isn't your style of writing. And we watched you like a hawk during the exam itself, so you didn't cheat that way, either."
Adam leaned close into my face. "Professor Michaels has no idea that you called me in here, does he? You're just a Teaching Assistant on a power trip, and it's all because you can't stand knowing how I did it." He was right, and I hated him for it. Worse, when he stood this close to me, I could smell the musk of his body.
"Tell you what," he added, pulling off his tank top to reveal a set of firm abs. "You let me get away with this... sign off on my scores, whatever you need to do... and I'll let you live out one of your deepest, darkest fantasies." He struck a pose, showing off both his rippling muscles and his hairy pits. "We both know that you'll never get jock cock any other way. Come on, Teach. You want this."
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Was I really that easy to read? "I-- I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Look, if you're going to stick to your lie about studying, then you can just leave. I don't... there's no need to insult my moral character. You're a student, Adam."
He responded by leaning in close to me, and placing his hand on top of my bulge. "Your body betrays you," he whispered, letting his fingers massage my inner thigh. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not your student. Adam and I swapped bodies so that I could take all of his final exams."
"I... yes, well..." That was the last thing I expected him to say, but it would explain a lot if it were true, somehow. It seemed much more likely than a desirable athlete like Adam coming onto me, at the very least.
"Be that as it may," I said, grabbing his hand and moving it away before my cock started leaking though my slacks, "that body still belongs to one of my students. And I still have meetings to attend today, so if we're done here..."
Adam, or the stranger in Adam's body, just laughed at me. "You're the one who wanted to have this meeting, remember? But that's fine, I know when I'm not wanted. But here's the thing-- once you submit grades at end of day, Adam's not your student anymore." He started typing something on his phone. "And honestly, I expected this from you. You're so uptight. Good thing you gave everyone your cell phone number on the syllabus at the start of the year. So if you change your mind... now you can have Adam's number, and a bonus pic from me."
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"I know you don't know the real me, but trust me Kevin-- I've wanted to plow that uptight hole of your for months. And in this body, I've actually got a shot at it." The stranger slapped my ass before I could react, and swaggered out of the room. Whoever was inside of Adam's body, they knew my first name.
I looked at the retreating wall of shoulder muscles, and down at the teasing bathroom selfie the stranger sent to me. God help me, I was only human. And he was right-- how else was I going to get jock cock? He wasn't a student, not really, and that's what mattered. "You win. Tonight at 8pm, my place. Bring lube."
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Closed Position: Week 1 (Introductions)
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist Dieter Bravo x OFC (Katarina)
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
Chapter Word Count: 7.1K
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence, past alcohol abuse, and past drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
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Week 1 Quote: "Fuck. I might be in trouble."
Dieter’s POV
“Lenny, have you seen this fucking schedule? It’s seven days a week for twelve weeks. When do I get a break?” 
Lenny, my agent, sighed through the speaker phone, “D, I told you this was going to be a lot of work before you agreed to do it. You shouldn’t be surprised…and besides, that’s only if you make it to the finals.”
I scoffed, “Thanks for the vote of confidence…asshole.” Lenny chuckled on the other end of the line. We both went quiet for a moment as I continued to flip through the packet of paper that Lenny had sent over for review, “I don’t even get to have any say on the wardrobe or music. Such bullshit…sucking all the fun out of it. Did you at least drop a bug in their ear about who I’ll be partnered with? If I get stuck with someone I don’t want, I’m gonna be fucking miserable.” 
“I did, but the producers said they always do the partner matching themselves. They have a formula…or something. Maybe bring it up again at this morning's meeting and explain why. They may listen to you on it.” 
I huffed as my eyes continued skimming over the weekly schedule, “I have to get a fucking spray tan every week? You have GOT to be kidding me…Lenny, you know I don’t like using carcinogenic chemicals on my body.” 
“Uhhh, no comment on that…Look, I’ll put in a call and see if they can use something natural for that.” 
I relaxed some, “I would appreciate that. Thank you. Tell them I have an allergy or something…just make it happen.” 
I tossed the packet onto the table and picked up my phone, taking it off speaker and putting it to my ear - now pacing as I spoke, “Well, it looks like I’m gonna be pretty busy for a bit. That’ll be a nice distraction. It beats being locked inside the house at least.”  
Lenny hesitated, but still asked, “How are you doing with everything? Still managing ok?” 
I sighed, “Yeah, I mean I’m going to therapy and all the meetings still. I’ve been doing ok…just trying to keep the stress levels down. That’s what gets to me the most.” 
“How long has it been?”
I looked at the date on my watch, “Eight months today…actually. It’s the longest I’ve ever been clean, and I plan to stick to it this time. I’m feeling good and I want to keep it that way.” 
“Everyone is really proud of you, D. You know that, right? Keep at it and we'll have you back on top in no time.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing that it was an uphill battle, “I appreciate that, but good luck getting people to change their opinion of me. I’m not sure if my reputation is salvageable at this point. Everyone seems to think my sobriety is some sort of joke. No one is taking it seriously.”
I could hear Lenny inhale deeply on the other end of the phone, “It’s just going to take time, D. Don’t give up yet.” 
I pursed my lips in thought, “Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I need to get ready for this meeting. We’ll talk later, yeah?”
“Yeah, definitely let me know how it goes.”  
Once I hung up the phone with Lenny, I took a quick shower, then spent longer than I should have staring at the clothes hanging in my closet - trying to pick something that says I have my shit together. My therapist kept reminding me that if I dressed like a slob, people were going to treat me like one. So, I was putting more effort into making myself presentable before I left the house these days. Since it was a work meeting, I went for a business casual look, figuring I couldn’t go wrong with that. After styling my hair and getting dressed, I grabbed my keys, phone, wallet, and sunglasses and headed out the front door.
As I approached my car, which was parked in the driveway, I noticed there was a dead bird on the hood. The fluffy gray, brown, and white stray cat that had been hanging around my house was sitting next to it, looking rather proud of himself. I sighed, “Come on dude, really?” And this is why I need to get the garage cleaned out. I hit the clicker to open the garage door so I could get a broom to knock the bird off the hood. As I waded through the mountain of empty boxes from my move six months ago, I cursed myself for taking my sweet time getting that stuff out of the house. Finally finding the broom, I quickly moved to get the dead bird off of the car and shooed the cat away. He didn’t look happy about it as he moved to sit on the pathway in front of the house, watching me until I was finally on my way to Television City Studios to meet with the producers of Dancing with the Stars. 
When I arrived at the studio, I was met by the two executive producers, Stacia and Joe and led into a conference room. I let them do their spiel about what’s expected and the schedule. Nodding along in all the right places, being as polite as possible even though I hated how little say I had over anything. Once they moved on to the topic of how they choose partners, I spoke up for the first time, “I would really like to have input on my partner.” They both moved to speak before I held up my hand to signal that I wasn’t finished talking. 
“Look, I know you all have your formula or whatever, but I have a legitimate reason for asking. As I’m sure you’re aware, I’ve been trying to clean up my image. I’ve been sober for eight months and I would really like to be placed with someone that doesn’t have a reputation for partying…someone who isn’t gonna be a negative influence on me. It’s actually really important to me because I’m actively avoiding being around anyone who is into that kind of lifestyle.” Which is why I spend most of my time alone.  
Stacia and Joe looked at each other, obviously surprised at my reasoning for the request. They were actually stunned into silence. Since neither of them said anything, I continued, “I had my team check into the dancers, and based on their recommendation…I’m requesting that Katarina Stamos be my partner. She has a good reputation and I’m also told she’s very professional and isn’t judgmental…because that’s been an issue here lately that I’d really like to not have to deal with.”
Stacia’s brow furrowed, “Are you looking to actually win? Because Kat hasn’t won a single season that she’s been with us.”
I narrowed my eyes on her. What an asshole thing to say about someone. “Well, maybe that’s because you keep giving her shitty partners.” 
I gave Stacia a sarcastic smile. She had the audacity to look offended by that statement. I had watched the show and seen the people Katarina was partnered with. It was always the older guys that could hardly move. Stacia’s attitude made me more determined to have Katarina as a partner just to prove a fucking point on her behalf. 
Joe interrupted the silent standoff that Stacia and I now seemed to be having, “Alright, let’s think about this…” He turned to Stacia, “Physically, they work together. Their height and proportions are a good match…and Kat is very patient. She would work well with him. Also, if he wishes to be with someone who isn’t into partying, Anika is not the person he needs to be with.”
Stacia looked frustrated and unwilling to give in as she glared at her counterpart. Joe smirked, “If you're worried about the change in narrative, it’s possible there may be other options we haven’t considered.” 
What the fuck does that mean? I leaned forward on my elbows, “What narrative?” 
They both turned to look at me, Stacia now had a sly smile on her face. It was Joe who answered, “We always consider the possible narratives that could come up between partners. How they’ll interact and get along personality wise. It’s an important factor for the show.”
I felt a crease form between my brows, “So basically, you try to manufacture drama for TV.”  
Joe shook his head, “Not exactly, I mean ultimately, yes. We just take personalities and such into account when we pair the dancers with their celebrities. I mean, we do want everyone to get along with their partner, obviously.”   
So, you’re fucking meddlers. Got it. I arched my brows, giving them a tight smile as I nodded, going along with what they were telling me. I now realized I would have to keep an eye on these two. I didn’t feel like they had my best interest in mind. Especially if they were initially planning to put me with the known party girl. 
I cleared my throat before speaking again, “So what does that mean…do I get to work with Katarina or not?” 
Stacia looked at me, now smiling, “I think that may actually be a good match now that I think about it. So yeah, we’ll let you work with Kat. Hopefully you’ll both make it through to finals.” 
What is this woman’s deal? Geez Louise. I eyed them both suspiciously for a moment, “Ok, good. Now I’m finally a little excited about this.”   
They went over a few more details about the schedule before taking me out to meet with a production assistant, who was tasked with giving me a tour of the building and showing me where my dressing room would be. This part of my day couldn’t end soon enough… 
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Katarina’s POV
As I was pulling into the Television City Studios parking lot for the first day of my last season on Dancing with the Stars, my phone pinged with a text from Alec, my fiancée.
Alec: I finished up my meeting with production. Are you here? Have you had yours yet?
I leaned my head back against the seat. What the hell has he been doing? I know his meeting was over an hour ago.
Me: Just parked, I have mine in 10 minutes. I’m on my way in…Meet you in the lobby. 
A few minutes later, I found Alec in the lobby. He seemed more excited than he normally was on the first day as he greeted me with a quick kiss on the cheek. 
I leaned away from him, “What’s got you so smiley this morning?” I could tell he was trying to temper it down and have a more neutral expression on his face as he shrugged, “I didn’t realize I was. Guess I’m just excited to see you.” 
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. What are you hiding now you asshole. He didn’t know how well I could read him at this point. 
I arched a brow instead of returning his smile, “So, I assume you found out who your partner is gonna be?”
He continued his attempts at a neutral expression, “Yeah, Lana Thompson…she’s an actress, I think. There was apparently a last minute change to the lineup this morning. You know her?” 
I gave him a tight smile, “Yeah…I know her. She has a bit of a reputation…”  
He feigned ignorance, “Oh? I don’t know anything about her. I’m sure she’ll turn out to be one of those stuck up, bitchy types like the rest of ‘em. Ya know, you’re lucky it’s your last season so you don’t have to deal with these people anymore.” 
And there it is. He doth protest too much. He was excited to be paired with her, I could tell. He saw it as an opportunity. As far as I knew, he hadn’t strayed to another woman in some time, but that didn’t mean he had changed. He still hadn’t earned my trust back and his current excitement only made me more suspicious of his commitment. 
Alec could sense the tension taking hold of my body as he rubbed at my lower back, “Everything ok, baby?”
I gave him a half-hearted smile, “Yeah, just peachy. I’ve gotta go or I’m gonna be late. I’ll catch up with you after.” 
As I was walking down the hallway toward the conference room, I saw Lana Thompson exiting the bathroom. I suspected Alec had already met his partner and liked her more than he let on. Which probably explains why it took him as long as it did to text me. 
When I entered the conference room, Stacia and Joe sat huddled together. They seemed to be engrossed in whatever they were whispering about, but abruptly stopped talking once they realized I was lingering in the entryway. They both smiled, almost over enthusiastically as they welcomed me and motioned for me to have a seat. They studied me for a moment before Stacia finally spoke, “How are things going with you?” 
That’s an odd question and an odd tone. I wasn’t sure what kind of answer she was looking for, “It’s going good, why?” 
She gave me a small smile, “I know it’s your last season because you have things going on…but do you think you’re feeling up to the possibility of making it to finals?” 
I gave her a confused look, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
Joe leaned forward, “What Stacia is trying to say is…the person we have you partnered with this time is going to be a little more physically able than your usual partners. So, you may be in it for the full twelve weeks…if you can pull it off. Are you physically able to handle it?” 
Should I be offended by that? It’s not like I can’t function. It was just painful some days, especially when there were a lot of rehearsals. My joints couldn’t handle the Latin dances like they used to - the jerky movements exacerbating the inflammation and discomfort. That didn’t mean they had to treat me like a fragile porcelain doll though. 
I narrowed my eyes at them, “Of course I can handle it. I could handle it this entire time…which is why I’ve been asking for more capable partners.” 
Joe smiled, “Well, good. Maybe you can go out with a bang this season.” 
What the fuck was this about? I dug my teeth into my bottom lip as I tried to figure out their angle. There was always an angle with them, “Why do I feel like you’re trying to sell this to me?” 
Joe grimaced slightly. “We’re not trying to sell it, but we do worry you won’t be happy about it.” 
I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the seat, “Who is it?” 
Stacia smirked, “It’s Dieter Bravo.”
I looked between the two of them, “You’re joking?” 
They shook their heads in unison. This didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t he be better suited with one of the girls that enjoyed a lifestyle similar to his? 
“What makes you think he and I will work well together? I know I have a lot of patience, but it does have its limits.” 
Joe chuckled, “His people requested you specifically. He’s actually eight months sober and they want him with someone who isn’t going to get him into trouble. He’s trying to clean up his image.” 
I scoffed, “I thought you didn’t let the celebrities have any say in who they’re partnered with?”
Joe leaned forward onto the table, “We don’t normally, but given his request and the reasons for it, we felt we should make an exception. We were thinking of putting him with you anyway.”
I shook my head, “You are aware of his reputation, right? Alec is gonna lose his shit over this.” 
Stacia smiled, “It’s not your or Alec’s choice. We run the show.”
It dawned on me then. Alec had said there was a last minute lineup change this morning and that’s why he was put with Lana. I had somehow managed to fly under the radar when it came to the producers' manufactured bullshit, but now I was right in the middle of it. They were making moves to create an underlying narrative for the show. 
“Who was he partnered with originally? I know it wasn’t me.” 
Stacia looked surprised by my question, “He was never partnered with anyone else before you.”
Stacia was lying. She couldn’t look at me directly when she answered my question - it was her tell. I knew how their minds worked. Dieter Bravo had a reputation for causing trouble and they were looking to exploit it. I’m sure his request caused a hiccup in their plans, so now they were making adjustments to cause drama surrounding him any way they could. 
My eyes shifted between the two of them, “I don’t know what your endgame is here, but I have no intention of playing, just so you know.”
Stacia and Joe sat expressionless, not giving anything away. I assumed they expected this sort of response from me. My tendency to push back at their plans was one of the reasons I wasn’t a favorite of theirs and most likely part of the reason they always worked to get me off the show as soon as possible, every season. Which sucked for my bank account. To add to their reasoning, I wasn’t interesting enough since I never had issues with my partners or whirlwind romances that made for good TV. However, this season they were taking a chance, throwing two bombs in the form of Lana and Dieter into my already tumultuous relationship with Alec. Hoping for an exciting outcome that would play out behind the scenes to stir up tabloid fodder and result in free promotion for the show.  
Joe sighed, finally speaking to break the tension in the room, “For what it’s worth, we met with Dieter earlier this morning…he was actually very pleasant and agreeable. I don’t think he’ll be an issue for you, so long as he continues to stay sober.”
My brows furrowed, “It sounds like you have a lot of faith in him. Good to know.” I moved to stand, “Well, if there isn’t anything else you need from me…”
Joe smiled weakly in my direction, “No, I think that’s it for now…just make sure you review the schedule and let us know if you have questions.” 
I gave them a sarcastic smile before moving to leave the conference room. As I rounded the corner in the hallway, looking down at the floor lost in my thoughts and frustration, I ran into someone. I started mumbling my apologies as I looked up at the stranger. I was met with a mess of curls, piercing dark eyes, and a dimpled lop-sided grin. It was Dieter fucking Bravo looking like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine. 
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said through a chuckle with his hands on my shoulders to catch me from running head first into him. We stared at each other in silence for a moment. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he can’t call me that.  
He had a slight smirk on his face now, “Katarina, right? Looks like we’re gonna be dance partners.” 
I shook my head, my lips set in a tight line, “Don’t call me that.” 
His brow furrowed, “What? Katarina?” 
I scoffed, “No, sweetheart. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. It’s inappropriate. You can call me Kat like everyone else.” 
He was obviously taken off guard by my cold demeanor as he gave me a confused look, “I didn’t…mean anything by it, I-I call everyone sweetheart.” 
I nodded, “Well, you're not gonna call me that.”
He chewed on the inside of his cheek for a beat, “I guess I’ve earned that. Sorry, I won’t do it again.” 
I inhaled deeply, biting my bottom lip as I did so. It didn’t go unnoticed that his eyes shifted down to my mouth. “Look, this is my last season and I just wanna get through it without any drama, ok?”
A crease formed between his brows as his jaw ticked to the side, “What makes you think I’m gonna cause drama?”
I shook my head, now realizing how big of a jerk I was being, “Umm…I…”
He continued to stare at me with a burning intensity, “Just so you know, I’m sober…have been for eight months. Drama is not my thing these days…”
I gave him a tight smile, “Good…hopefully you can stick to it.”  Fuck. That did not come out how I meant for it to.
I could see his jaw muscles flex before he let out a small laugh. His eyes finally shifted downward. He almost looked hurt by that comment. 
I sighed, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” 
His brows arched as he peered at me through his lashes, “You know, I requested to be partnered with you because I was told that you're professional and wouldn’t be judgmental about my past…I guess I heard wrong. I suppose I should just expect it at this point, right? Maybe I shouldn’t have such high expectations of others.” 
My mouth fell open as I shook my head. I’m such a fucking asshole. He didn’t give me a chance to say anything before he spoke again, “I guess I’ll see you at rehearsals tomorrow. Have a good afternoon.” He gave me a sad smile as he brushed past me. I stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot watching him as he walked toward the exit. That was a great first impression. Good job, Kat. 
“Who was that?” Alec asked from behind me. 
I turned, running my fingers through the top of my hair out of frustration, “That was my new dance partner.” 
Alec squinted toward the figure standing near the exit, now stopping to look at his phone, “Is that Dieter Bravo?” 
I could feel my jaw tighten as I took in Alec’s expression, “Yes, it is.” Alec’s head snapped toward me, “I don’t want you working with him.” 
I smiled sarcastically, “Really? And you think I have a choice in that? They made it clear, there is no other option. I asked.”
Alec shook his head, “You could just not do this season. You're quitting anyway. Why not go ahead and drop out?” 
My eyes widened at his suggestion, “Because I need the fucking money, you know that.” 
He chuckled, “Right, for the dance studio.” 
I scoffed, “Yeah, for the dance studio. I don’t understand why you can’t support me on that.” 
Alec didn’t acknowledge my question, “This guy is a known womanizer. I’m not comfortable with this.” 
My head tilted to the side, “So you don’t trust me. That’s rich coming from you. You know…I’m not excited about your partner either, but I didn’t tell you to drop out. If anyone has a right to be concerned, it’s me.” 
Alec moved in closer, causing me to back up against the wall as he got in my face. His eyes were blazing with anger, “You’re never gonna let that shit go, are you? That was ten months ago, and I have been loyal to you ever since. Yet here you are…still throwing it in my fucking face.” 
I had a sudden defiant streak hit me, “You’re the one who brought it up by insinuating that you couldn’t trust me. I’m just reminding you who the problem is in this relationship.” 
Alec moved to put his hand on the wall next to my head as he leaned in further - his nose nearly touching mine as I turned my stoney face away from him, “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again,” he spat out.   
I could feel his eyes drift over my face for a moment before he pulled away and walked off. 
I huffed out a quiet “Fuck” as I exhaled a shaky breath and watched him walk toward the dressing rooms. When I glanced back toward the exit, Dieter was still standing there, frozen in place with his phone halfway to his ear. Once he realized I was looking his way, his head dropped downward, and he slowly turned to exit the building.   
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 Dieter’s POV 
As I walked out into the scorching afternoon sun, I ended the call to check my voicemail, deciding I wasn’t in the mood to hear it. I was frustrated by my first interaction with Katarina. It didn’t go how I expected, and honestly, she had hurt my feelings. Based on everything I had heard about her, I didn’t think she would throw my past up in my face like that. At least not immediately, if at all. She did seem a little flustered, maybe she was just having a bad day? 
What followed after our exchange was even more bizarre. It looked like she was having a tense conversation with the man that I assumed was the one she was dating. Lenny had mentioned she was engaged to one of the other dancers. When the man first leaned in, I initially thought they were just having a private moment, but then I noticed the look on Kat’s face as she turned away from him. Something about it was unsettling and for a brief moment, I considered interrupting them. Luckily, I didn’t have to. However, I was left feeling that I had witnessed something I wasn’t supposed to.
Even though our conversation didn’t go as well as I hoped, I was still struck with how beautiful Katarina was in person. Pictures and TV didn’t do her justice. It was probably a good thing she was seeing someone, otherwise I would be in danger of making a fool of myself. Then again, I probably would anyway. My sober self didn’t seem to know how to act around a pretty lady. My confidence and self-assurance definitely weren’t on the same level these days. 
When I got home, I spent more time than I would like to admit staring at my reflection in the mirror - trying to remind myself that I was no longer the piece of shit that everyone still saw me as. It was still hard for me to accept that the old me and the new me were two very different people. Some days it really did seem like it was easier being the old Dieter Bravo, because he didn’t care about how he was perceived by others. I often longed for him to come back, just to quiet the thoughts of self-hate and inadequacy. Those thoughts really could be suffocating and hard to overcome. It was near impossible living with myself on those days.
The anticipation of how our first rehearsal would go was starting to get to me. So, I decided to spend the rest of the evening trying to relax and take my mind off things. With classical music blaring from the sound system, I moved through the house to check in on my plants - watering, misting leaves, and pruning. It was a new hobby I had picked up since rehab. It started with one succulent plant that had seen better days. My neighbor had left it sitting next to the trash bin on garbage collection day. For some reason, I had an urge to attempt to save the shriveled mass. After a few weeks, it was showing new life as the deep purple hues started to form on the leaves. My plant obsession bloomed from there. Now I wasn’t even sure how many I had. I was fairly certain my housekeeper was going to quit if I brought any more home. 
After I was finished with the plants, I spent some time painting until I couldn’t hold my eyes open any longer. It was nearing midnight by the time I had showered and crawled into bed. Even though I was completely exhausted, I couldn’t shut my mind off. The anxiety was now building to problematic levels. It was always at this point that I thought about using the most. By now, the old Dieter would be a couple lines in and a few drinks deep to block out the thoughts. The new Dieter suffers through it as he lay in bed alone, staring into the darkness. I drug both hands down my face and huffed loudly before moving to switch on the lamp beside the bed. I reached for my latest self-help book and began reading.  
I was startled awake by my 7 AM alarm. I groaned as I felt around next to me on the bed for the shrilling phone to shut it off. I sat up, still half out of it, causing the book that had been lying on my chest to fall to the floor with a loud thump. I got up from bed, wiping the sleep from my eyes as I walked toward the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I stood staring at my reflection again, “You look like shit, Bravo.” It was clear I hadn’t gotten much sleep from my dark circles and puffy eyelids. I threw a warm rag over my eyes for a few minutes in hopes that would help.
Standing in my closet staring at the pile of gym clothes my stylist had picked up, I selected a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then pulled the tags off. We weren’t allowed to wear anything with brands or logos on filming days, so I had to break down and buy more clothes. It was probably for the best, my old gym clothes were looking a little ratty anyway.    
Once I was dressed, I grabbed my backpack that had a few essentials in it and headed toward the front door. As I stepped out onto the porch and pulled the door shut behind me, I was greeted by my furry squatter who had left another gift near the steps - a dead mouse. I sighed, “Well, at least it’s not on top of the car this time…” The fluffy menace meowed at me as he rubbed against my legs, as if to say, “Look what I did!” 
I was determined to not give in to the furry intruder, so I disregarded his attempts for pets. “Don’t you have a family somewhere to annoy?” I muttered to him as I continued toward the car. He followed me halfway down the pathway before sitting down and flicking his tail around as he watched me get into the driver's side and shut the door. He didn’t look happy about being ignored. 
I gave myself a quick glance in the rearview mirror, reaching to comb down my hair with my fingers. I hadn’t bothered to fix it, knowing it was going to turn into a mess no matter what I did to it. Then, I started the car and drove in silence to the dance studio, not even really sure how I got there as I pulled into the parking lot. I found myself wondering if I had run any redlights as I walked through the main entrance. I felt like I was in a haze as the camera team talked to me in the lobby to fill me in on the plans for filming. 
They wanted to do a brief interview with me before I went into the studio with Katarina. They wanted me to give the whole spiel about how excited I was to be here and working with my dance partner. Truth is, I wasn’t excited. I was nervous as hell, and I was supposed to act like this was the first time I was meeting her. I was unsure of how to act toward her, so when the time came for me to walk through the door to greet her and act excited, I turned on the Dieter Bravo charm the best I could and pretended like yesterday’s conversation never happened.
I was surprised to find how well Katarina did the same thing as she came over to greet me with a smile and a hug and gushed about how excited she was to work with me. However, we were both avoiding looking at the other directly. Clearly there was still some lingering awkwardness between us. After they filmed the introduction, they wanted to get some quick shots of us rehearsing. 
These first few days of rehearsal were meant for learning the basics. We were not actually getting into the first routine yet. We started with some simple stretches and moved into learning the proper frame, the different types of positions, and spacing for the different types of dances. It was all very high level and fast, but Katarina had promised that we would go over it in more detail once the film crew left for the day. The quick pace was mostly for the benefit of the film crew so they could get what they needed and move on to the next couple. 
Once filming was done for the day, we took a seat on the floor for a water break as the crew gathered up all of their gear to leave. We mostly sat in awkward silence until we were finally alone. I could feel Katarina’s eyes on me as I stared at the water bottle in my hand. She spoke first. 
“I feel like I should apologize about yesterday…I was having a shit day and kind of took it out on you. I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean what I said.” 
I pursed my lips and shrugged, “It’s fine. I’m used to it at this point.” 
She reached out and grasped my wrist with her left hand, the heat of her touch raced through me as I looked at the glittering ring on that finger for a moment before meeting her eyes, “It doesn’t mean that it should keep happening though. It’s not right and it’s not fair to you. Everyone deserves a second chance.” 
I huffed out a small laugh, “Yeah, except I’m on like my tenth chance. I understand why no one takes me seriously. Really, it’s not that big of a deal.” 
Her face softened as she stared at me for a beat, like she was trying to decide what she wanted to say next. Then she shifted her body to face me as she crossed her legs, “It is a big deal. It’s a big deal to me because I know better. You know…” 
She paused, appearing to gather her thoughts. I moved to lean back on my hand and face her more fully with my legs stretched out to the side. My teeth bit into my bottom lip as I watched her face shift to a somewhat pained expression. It was brief, but I still caught it before she gained her composure. 
“My uhh…my dad was sober for about 14 years before he passed. I know how hard it was for him in the beginning…with everyone doubting him and not giving him a chance. It’s one of the reasons he relapsed the first few times. It can be hard when you don’t have any support from the people around you. I know that…and I don’t wanna be one of those people. You haven’t given me any reason to doubt you, so I wanna make sure I’m giving you a fair shot and support you as long as you’re actively trying to better yourself. I know first-hand that people do change.”
Is she fucking serious? I couldn’t move or speak. She had stunned me again for the second day in a row. I never would have guessed she would share something so personal, especially on our first day together. She seemed sincere in her apology.   
I finally managed a curt nod before I reached to rub at the crease between my brows, “Thanks…I uhh…I appreciate that.”  I let out a small laugh, “I appreciate it more than you probably realize, actually.” 
She gave me a tentative smile, “Does that mean I’m forgiven for being an asshole then?” 
I chuckled, “Of course…and I didn’t think you were an asshole. Not really. I had a feeling you were having a bad day.”
“Whew…ok. Good. I was worried I had already fucked this whole thing up before it started.” 
Ok, it’s kind of hot when she says fuck. I smirked, “Does this mean I get to call you sweetheart now?” 
She narrowed her eyes on me and shook her head, “No. No sweetheart.” She laughed quietly, “But, I might consider a different nickname if you come up with a good one.” 
My lips spread into a cheeky smile, “I think I can come up with something.” She laughed into the top of her water bottle as she took a sip with a slight flush creeping up her neck. Am I flirting right now? I don’t even know what I’m doing. Geez. I looked away in an attempt to reign myself in. I can’t be doing that.  
We were soon back at it, now with a more relaxed atmosphere. We again started with getting my frame right. I stood in place as she moved my arms to the proper position, pushing in between my shoulder blades to straighten my posture. After several minutes in the position, I couldn’t help the groan that slipped out, “This is gonna do a number on my back muscles, isn’t it?” 
She snickered, “You will definitely have better posture by the time I’m done with you. Now, elbows up, you should have a horizontal line from elbow to elbow…and hold it there.” 
She then stood in front of me, taking in my form for a moment before manipulating my hands into the proper position. 
Smiling, she nodded in satisfaction as she stepped closer, “Ok, now let’s go over the hold. The hold is important because it’s how we connect…how our bodies communicate movement to lead and follow.” 
As she spoke, she moved closer, placing her arm along the top of my right one and clasping my left hand in hers. She was very matter of fact with her words as her eyes bore into mine. It was almost distracting. 
“I need you to make sure there’s no space between our arms…here, so keep your elbow flush against mine.” She bounced her arm against the top of my right one to emphasize what she meant. “This is an important connection point because I can feel the pressure from your arm, which will tell me how to follow. As for your left hand, keep it at my eye level. We apply pressure here as well for another connection point.”    
All I could do was nod along with her words, completely mesmerized by her intensity. Once she felt we had the hold down, she began to explain the differences in spacing for standard ballroom versus Latin dances. 
“So…in Latin style dances, we’ll have more space between us…like we are now. It gives us more room to move. We’re gonna be slightly offset from each other while maintaining this closed position. Got it?”
I nodded again as I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I wanted to look at her directly, but I couldn’t. Between her eyes burning into me and the tingling from her touch, I felt like my skin was on fire. I didn’t know what to make of it and it was sort of fucking with my head.
Then she stepped even closer, the front of our bodies nearly flush as she slightly adjusted the position of our arms. I swallowed hard over her proximity and the tangy citrus scent that was now invading my senses. Fuck. I might be in trouble. 
“For standard dances, like the Waltz and Foxtrot, we’re gonna be closer…like this. Our frame will be a little wider and our arms will be positioned slightly lower. We’ll both be looking off to our left instead of directly at each other.”   
I cleared my throat, stepping back slightly, “Sooo…umm…do we look off to the left for Latin dances?” 
Her brows arched as her eyes widened, “Good question. I should have mentioned that. There’s typically more direct eye contact in the Latin dances. It’s actually another form of connection…another way for us to communicate without words.”
She moved back into the Latin dance hold, now making direct eye contact with me. I couldn’t help how my eyes roamed over her face, taking in the minor changes in her expression as she spoke. I wasn’t sure if the close proximity of the standard hold or direct eye contact with the Latin hold was worse. They were both a little overwhelming. 
“Alright, let’s try some steps. We can start with the Rumba.” 
She broke away for a moment to show me the foot movement, then had me give it a try. After a successful attempt, she positioned us back into the Latin hold and we began moving together. Once it seemed we had the footwork down, she backed away with a smirk on her face. 
“You’re actually really good at this, you know. We do need to work on eye contact though.”
I smiled nervously as I looked down at my feet and rubbed the back of my neck, “I’m sorry…I know. Direct eye contact is a little weird for me.” I glanced up at her through my lashes, slightly embarrassed by the admission. 
She smiled and arched a brow in my direction, “Really? I never would have guessed that based on your love scenes.”
My eyes widened. I do not need to think about her watching me dick someone down on screen. Focus, Bravo. I chuckled nervously, “Yeah, I’m not usually looking directly into their eyes during those. I tend to stare between their eyebrows.” 
She gave me a sly smile now, snickering, “Oh, is that why you usually look cross eyed then?” 
My brow furrowed as I gave her a mock look of offense, “I don’t look cross eyed. That’s rude.”
She cackled over my response, “I’m joking. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one of your love scenes to know how your face looks.” 
I scrunched up my nose, “Ouch, ok…so you don’t watch my movies. Got it.” 
Her laugh had simmered to a quiet chuckle now as she lightly smacked my shoulder, “I’ve seen some…just not any with a love scene. So don’t be so offended. I’ve seen those TikTok videos though…they gave me a good idea of what I’m working with.”
I rolled my eyes, “Ugh…those fucking TikTok videos. They’re so bad.”  
I had to admit, it was nice to be joking around with her after all the tension that had built up from yesterday. I took it as a good sign that this might actually go ok. What I didn’t expect was the attraction that I was starting to feel as our day went on. However, the obnoxiously sized engagement ring she wore on her finger helped keep that in check every time I saw it sparkling in the light when she moved. As long as that shiny reminder was there, I would be ok... 
Next: Week 2
✨FUN FACTS: All cast members on Dancing with the Stars are in fact required to get a weekly spray tan. They also do not get to choose their partners, costumes, music, or themes. They can make recommendations obviously, but the producers do not have to honor the requests. When it comes to pairing partners, the producers do have a "formula".
A/N: I wanted to take a quick minute to welcome all of my new and old readers! So happy to have you all with me for my next adventure with Dieter Bravo. For the new folks, I'm a sucker for predictions and theories. If you have them, drop them in the comments so we can discuss. Now on to my normal nonsense...how are you guys feeling about the first chapter? How do you feel about Dieter and Kat's first couple of interactions? What about all the characters that were introduced? I'm curious to know who you want to throat punch more, Alec or Stacia? I'm already in love with these two and I can't wait to share more of them. This Dieter is...something else. I love sharing things from his point of view. He is going to be a good time, as expected. Kat is...kind of a mess, but also not? It's been interesting being in her head. How do you see things progressing with these two? Lastly, a quick thank you to @maggiemayhemnj for giving this first chapter a quick read through to make sure all these plot points were introduced in a way that made sense...because seriously, there is a lot going on here. She also found the perfect disco ball looking dividers for this...and I fucking love them. 😘 👉 I did a fun post about Dieter's plant hobby and his furry visitor. Check it out HERE. 👉 In case you missed it, I also did a character introduction post, which you can find HERE. Until next time, 💜 Mysty
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Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @linzels-blog @morallyinept @survivingandenduring  @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime  @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter @burntheedges @stevie75 @pedrostories
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments or shoot me a DM.
Credits: Support/MDNI Dividers: @cafekitsune Disco Divider: @deadbranch
144 notes · View notes
leossmoonn · 6 months
hi! can I please request a fluff piece of Mike giving the reader a mixtape of songs he likes and thinks about them as a cute thoughtful gift? established relationship would be great :) thanks for writing, love reading your work!
thank you so much :D i feel like this is short but I hope you enjoy! (ps i curated a playlist for mike that i’ll list at the end of the fic! the songs are from the 70s, 80s and 90s based on his dad’s music taste but also the era he grew up in!!)
includes - switching between between memories and the present, mentions of verbal harassment. lowk kinda angsty but you’ll see why
“mike, just give it!” you groan. he sits next to you, fidgeting with the present in his hand. he twists the coils of the ribbon between his fingers.
“what if you don’t like it?” he asks. you give him a look. “i love it when you get me taco bell. of course i’ll love this. now give it to me, otherwise my assumption of you stalling because you forgot our anniversary will be become a fact.”
his eyes widen and he shakes his head furiously. “i would never forget an anniversary.”
you smile and pat his knee. “i know, which is also why i know this gift is going to be awesome!”
he sighs and slowly hands it to you. “happy one year.”
you smile in excitement, tearing the blue wrapping paper off. you gasp as you see a CD with a picture of you as the cover titled ‘how i feel about you.”
“oh, my god. mike.” you turn to him, pouncing on him and giving him a big hug. he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in. you can feel his heartbeat raging against his ribcage. you can feel how warm he is from anxiety.
“do you like it?” mike asks as you pull away. “i love it!” you grin from ear-to-ear. “no guy has ever done this for me. this… this must’ve taken a lot of work.”
he shrugs, “i’ve been thinking of these songs for a while. it was just a matter of burning them onto the CD.”
you sigh dreamily, attaching your lips to his in a slow and sweet kiss. “this is why you’re the guy of my dreams.”
he blushes heavily. “are you gonna see what’s on it? there’s a little list inside.”
you nod and open it, carefully taking the paper out. the first song on the list is “black star” by radiohead.
“that song is the song that was playing when i met you at the bar,” mike says.
you start to remember, your smile getting impossibly wider. you were a bartender around the time you met mike. it was a little bit past dinner time and mike had shown up with a woman, who you now know as vanessa. apparently, she was trying to get mike to flirt — or at least get himself out there. she had pointed out many women in the bar, but you caught his eye.
“can i get you two something to drink?” you asked. “i’ll have a martini,” vanessa said. she glanced at mike, awaiting his answer.
“uh, i’ll just take a beer,” mike said. honestly, you thought he had a staring problem at first. but turns out, he was just falling deeply in love with you.
“i can’t believe you remember that,” you awe. “of course i did. i love radiohead and you. it’s like the perfect combination,” he says.
“i’m not sure i like being associated with radiohead,” you giggle. you take a look at the other songs. one that sticks out to you is “baby can i hold you” by tracy chapman. you remember this song as the song you and mike danced to at your friend’s wedding, the one where he told you he loved you.
“may i have this dance?” mike stood up and held his hand out to you. you were taken aback. this was surely out of mike’s comfort zone. you’d been dating for six months then and you knew mike pretty well. you had just celebrated your six month anniversary where mike took you to this big fancy restaurant. you had insisted you didn’t need go to anyplace, but he also insisted that you deserved something special and he wanted to provide it to you. the whole time at the restaurant you knew he thought he was out of place and not good enough for it. so for him have asked you to dance was a surprise — good one, though.
“yes, you may, kind sir,” you smiled. you slipped your hand into his and he led you to the dance school. he put both hands on your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“you look beautiful tonight,” he said, gazing into your eyes. you smiled shyly. you were pretty outspoken, witty, charming, but also sometimes crude, person. but mike brought out a side of you that other people, and even you, experienced rarely. he made you feel bashful and special. you honestly loved it.
“you look handsome,” you said. “you make me look good,” he remarked. you rolled your eyes. “oh, whatever. i’ve seen two girls practically drool over you since we got here.”
he shrugged, “and every male here wants to take you home.” “well, i only want one man to take me home,” you smiled coyly.
mike smiled with you. you both swayed to the song as it ended. you were excited when the next song started to play.
“ugh, i love tracy chapman,” you gushed. “i love you,” mike said, not really thinking. you stoped dancing, jaw dropping at his words. it finally registered in his brain.
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t mean that. well, i did. but, i don’t have to. or, i guess you don’t have to say it back. you definitely don’t,” he rambled.
you stopped him with a kiss, smiling as you pull away. “i love you, too, mike.”
“i am so glad abby was gone that night,” you snicker. mike chuckles, “i’m sure we could’ve asked your friend if we could use her hotel room for a little bit.”
“and get it all messy before they mess it up? that would’ve been a good idea,” you say. you skim the list once more, surprised to see “songbird” by fleetwood mac.
“isn’t this the song we drove home to after we fought?” you ask. “yep,” mike nods.
that night, you and mike had your first bad fight. it wasn’t your very first one, but it was the worst by far.
mike was picking you up from work and when he walked in, he saw a guy harassing you at the bar. you were obviously handling it: ignoring the guy and having your co-workers stand up for you. but something in mike just snapped. you two were a pretty new couple. you’d only been going out for two months at that point. while you had already stayed countless nights at his place, were practically bffs with abby, and shared your deepest darkest secrets, there were other aspects of the relationship that you two were still navigating. so it didn’t help that when mike heard the guy call you a bitch, he punched the guy.
in the moment, you thought it was a justified act. in fact, you still thought so. but you were mad that mike didn’t let you handle it. you were mad that mike seemed to always lose his temper. you were mad that mike didn’t see you as independent.
you both were outside in the parking when the fight started.
“you need to go to an anger management class or something,” you muttered.
“that guy needs to go to how-to-not-be-a-creepy-asshole class,” mike said.
you sighed loudly and crossed your arms. mike scoffed and glanced at you. “do you not agree with me?”
“of course i do, mike! but you can’t just walk into my place of work and assault someone.”
“he was harassing you and probably was going to hurt you!”
“no, he wasn’t.”
“and how do you know that?”
“because niki had just called security and there were other customers in the bar helping me out.”
mike huffed, “i didn’t know she had called security.”
“if you had just minded your own business then you would have.”
mike balled his hands into a fist and then relaxed them. “you don’t need to act so tough, you know?”
you turned your head slowly at him. “excuse me?”
“i know you’re independent and you take care of yourself. i like that about you a lot. it’s one of my favorite qualities about you. but you have to learn how to accept help from other people, especially in situations like that. you have no idea how those situations can just flip within seconds.”
“that’s really rich coming from you.”
“what the hell does that mean?”
“you never accept help.”
“yes, i do.”
“no, no you don’t. you don’t accept help from the baggers at the grocery store. you don’t accept help from abby or me when cleaning or cooking. you didn’t even accept help when my friend’s husband offered to fix your sink, you said no. and he was offering it to you for free, might i add.”
“i can do all those things myself.”
“i know you can, but it’s also okay to have an extra set of hands.”
“if i’m so bad at accepting help, why can’t you accept my help?”
“you think breaking someone’s nose is helping me?” you scoffed. “you are such an idiot mike.” you grabbed the car keys out of his hand, unlocking the car and sliding into the passengers seat. mike groaned and sighed, joining you for what he thought was going to be the worst car ride of his life. the drive was expected to be pretty short, but with just your luck, traffic was terrible. while it was only 9 pm, there was an accident on the highway, making both sitting ducks.
mike sighed and glanced at you. you had a permanent glare on your face it seemed. your arms were still crossed and you looked out the window to avoid any and all eye contact with him.
guilt seeped into him. he knew what he did was wrong. well, he still didn’t think he was wrong, he just knew it wasn’t the right choice. he should have asked the guy to leave and to just take you home. he should have waited for security to grab him, to make sure the guy wouldn’t follow you home. all he wanted it to protect you. he did the same with abby. maybe not in a violent way, but he thought he was his life mission to protect the ones he loved. he wanted to do better than with you two than he did with garrett.
and you knew that. you knew all about garret and freddy’s. the animatronic business seemed crazy to you and you didn’t quite understand that part, but you tried to be as supportive, understanding, and sympathetic as you could as you’ve never experienced what he has. you just wish it didn’t get the best of him sometime.
mike turned on the radio. you scoffed, not believing that he’s turned on music. he turned on a classic hits radio. “keeping on loving you” by reo speedwagon was about to end, “songbird” trailing right after it.
“this is a good song,” mike remarked. you hummed in reply with something that sounded like a “yes”. mike stayed silent for a couple of seconds. he knew if you were to talk again, he would have to apologize first.
“i’m sorry i got out of control. i was just trying to protect you. that guy was being an asshole and you’ve hurt you. i guess i just wanted to hurt him before he could get to you,” he said. “but i know it’s not right and i know you have support at the bar. i just get scared with you working there with all those weirdos. i know you’re a grown adult adult, though, and you can handle yourself.”
you slowly turned to him, eyes softening upon seeing him. “it’s…” you sighed quietly, straightening up in your seat to face him completely. “it’s okay, mike. i know you were trying to protect me. i really appreciate it, i do. i love when you’re there for me. i just… he could’ve hurt you, too. and you could’ve gone to jail, too, if he decided to press charges. honestly, i just don’t want to be the reason that happens.”
mike shook his head. “you could never be. i would’ve happily gone to jail if it meant i helped you and made sure you were safe.”
you grinned teasingly. “you would happily go to jail?” he smiled with you. “anything for you.”
you laughed and shook your head, placing a hand on his thigh. “i forgive you. and i’m sorry about all the things i said about you not accepting help.”
“it’s true. i’m sorry about everything i said and did.”
“it’s alright,” you said. traffic began to move just then. both of you pumped your fists in the air and cheered. “god, finally!” you exclaimed.
“your place or mine?” mike asked. “what do you think?” you smiled.
“this is a great song, but why’d you choose it? it has to bring up some bad memories, right?” you ask.
“it did at first,” mike admits. “but, we made up. and we were able to settle arguments faster and better after that. also, the song lyrics are just how i feel about you. ‘to you, i’ll give the world. to you, i’ll never be cold. cause i feel that when i’m with you, it’s alright. i know it’s right’,” he cites.
you feel like your heart will explode from love. you hug him once more, holding him too you so tight he’s afraid he won’t be able to breathe. but he doesn’t mind. you pull away slightly, looking into his eyes.
“i love you so much, mike. you are hands down the best person that’s ever walked into my life.”
he smiles and leans in and kisses you softly. he pulls away to catch his breath, taking your free hand into his. “i love you more.”
mike’s mixtape for you
black star - radiohead
girl from mars - ash
sunday morning - maroon 5
your song - elton john
baby can I hold you - tracy chapman
something - the beatles
faithfully - journey
songbird - fleetwood mac
iris - goo goo dolls
everlong - foo fighters
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rae-writes · 1 year
your writing is really amazing damnn
If it's okay with you may I request a risky sex with Mephistopheles? Like imagine doing it next to Lucifer room, MC try so hard not get caught and moan while Mephisto purposely do it rough just to piss off MC
AND also imagine if Lucifer knock on MC door to asking about the noise while they are doing it and Mephisto tell MC to reply to Lucifer while still pounding on them so MC struggling to not making anything suspicious at all HAHA
hope you never lost your bottle cap thankss
nsfw // gn!reader // lowercase intended
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"Shh, Mc. You're too loud- you don't wanna get caught, do you? Though you seem to like that idea."
papers and books littered the floor half haphazardly, having been swiped off the table in mephisto's desperation to have you then and there.
your chest was flush against the wooden table in your room, hands white-knuckling the sides for stability as he pounded into you roughly.
his own hands had a bruising grip on your hips, teeth bared with his fangs on show, growling right next to your ear, "fuck, you feel so fucking good-"
"m-mephisto!" gasping, your let your head fall against the table, "slow d-OWN!"
a knock at your door had your blood icing over, but it didn't stop the fire licking at your insides the faster mephisto went— the bastard was doing it on purpose.
"mc? are you alright?" lucifer. he must've been next door in the common room.
the rich toned chuckle from the demon behind you made it hard to think, "y-yes, 'm fine, just stubbed my t-toe." one of your hands stretched to splay over mephisto's abdomen, sending a silent plea to slow down.
he intertwined his fingers with yours and slammed the hand right back down onto the table, "no!" he hissed, "cum- now. fucking cum all over my cock even though lucifer's right outside the door. come on, give it to me, cum for me- now!"
you bit down on your lip harshly, tasting a copper tang. it flooded your mouth just as your walls began convulsing, cumming despite your wishes at mephisto's command.
"are you sure? I smell blood."
mephsito's free hand came around to pry your jaw open, turning your head so his tongue could invade your mouth and lap at all the blood that had pooled, "fuck, fuck, fuck, yes- just like that, keep tightening around me-"
desperate to get lucifer to leave, you bit at the male's fingers, shaking your head free of his grip to quickly exclaim, "yes! just hit it really hard, 'm fine, I promise!"
a noise of affirmation left the demon behind the door, footsteps fading just in time for mephisto to push you down harder with a low 'thud' and growl loudly-
"cumming!" he gave a few more frantic thrusts before stilling, panting hotly against your neck, "f-fuck...my human...mine."
"Hush, Mephisto. S'too loud- gonna get us caught...sounds kinda fun though, right?"
harsh panting filled the bedroom, mixed with moans and the occasional whine. mephistopheles sat practically boneless in his own chair- in his own bedroom- while you rode him desperately.
“missed you s’much, ‘phisto— wanted you so. fucking. badly.” nipping at his neck, you tugged on his hair until you were face to face, “you wanted me too, right? left me right at the edge before leaving for two weeks- s’mean to me. g’na make up for it.”
“i-i’m sorry, I can make up for it later, I p-promise!” mephisto let out another, louder, whine when you shifted your hips, “lord diavolo is going to be here any minute-!”
it was clear by the way you sped up that you didn’t care in the slightest; you knew what you wanted and you were taking it.
muffling his noises with his hand, he hoped that diavolo would just wait in the foyer until he made an appearance because honestly,
“o-oh fuck, mc, yeah like that-“
mephisto didn’t want you to stop. the way you were bouncing on his cock like it was your own personal toy had him keening— you just felt too fucking good wrapped around him. his legs were like jello from how well you were fucking him and mephisto wasn’t stopping for anybody.
even if they were knocking at the door. “mephistopheles? lord diavolo and I have arrived. your parents said you haven’t been out of your room for a while—“
“—are you feeling well, mephisto?” diavolo sounded so concerned, it would’ve made you laugh if you weren’t so focused on the demon in question.
gritting his teeth, mephisto rushed out a “i’m perfectly fine, my lord!” before he was crashing his lips on yours to muffle his whimpering. his eyes widened when you stopped bouncing, mouth threatening to let out a cry.
you hushed him, rolling your hips to grind instead. “you’re close, yeah, ‘phisto? i want it- give it to me. wanna feel it, please, please, please!”
he shook his head in defiance- like he had any choice when you worked his cock just right - and grabbed at your hips in an attempt to stop you, “not— shit, baby— not right now, by the devils, not right now-“
“are you certain? you sound a bit strained.”
slapping his hands away, you used one to grip his hair and the other to push him flush against the chair, “want. it. give it to me, mephisto, need it, pretty please? cum. for. me!”
mephisto gasped, voice louder than it should’ve been, “yesmylordi’mcertain!” before tapering down into a whisper, “fuck, mc, m'cumming! don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!”
your teeth found their way back to his neck, biting down over his pulse point, "good fucking boy."
"if you insist. barbatos and I shall wait downstairs for you."
he didn't have any time to reply before you were tugging him out of the chair and shoving him onto his bed.
"wanna sit on your face first. make me cum, too, 'phisto."
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Silver Lining 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You yawn as you look into the barren depths of your cup. Bucky sits up and rolls his shoulders, a dimple in his cheek. He looks you over as you furrow your brow curiously; do you have something on your face?
“W-what?” You bat your lashes.
“Should've got ya something with caffeine,” he says.
“Oh… little l-late,” you look over as the baristas wipe the counters. It's almost closing time, “s-s-speaking of-f.”
“Mm, yeah, I suppose,” he slides over his stapled papers, “you got all my notes. When I get back, we'll figure out the final draft and get the mic going.”
“S-sounds g-good,” you stutter and swallow another yawn. When you're tired, you can barely speak straight. “I sh-should head ou-out.”
You chomp down as yet another yawn rolls up your throat and your eyes nearly roll back. You smile as best you can and stand, grabbing your bag to pack up. He gets to his feet and pulls on his jacket.
“I'll give you a ride,” he offers.
“No, n-no, it's o-okay–”
“You shouldn't walk,” he looks outside as the night contrasts the white ground, snow still piling high.
“J-just as bad d-driving,” you comment.
“I got snow tires,” he insists, “really, I'd… I'd feel bad if you walked.”
“Y-you would?” You snort.
He gives you a look. That look. The one that warns caution. You put your hands up defenselessly.
“Fine, I-I'll let y-you drive m-me,” you surrender. “B-b-but you should know, I'm n-not that h-ho-hopeless.”
“Never said you were,” he pulls a beanie over his gray hair, “not a big fan of the cold myself.”
“Yeah, i-it probably m-makes your b-bones hurt,” you slide your arms into your coat.
“You making fun of me?” He scowls.
“No-o, I just… my st-stepdad always says–”
“It's fine. It does,” he sniffs, “cracked a few ribs playing ball in college. They never heal right.”
“Ouch,” you hook your bag on your shoulder.
“You got a curfew?” He checks his watch.
“Wh-what? I-I'm thirty,” you exclaim.
He chuckles. That takes you off guard.
“I know, I'm not too old to make jokes too.”
“Y-yeah, I w-wasn't–”
“Relax, it's fine. Better go before we're snowed in,” he leads you to the door, thanking the staff as he opens the door and waits for you to go ahead of him.
Well, there might blizzard brewing outside but he seems to be thawing.
You get home to a quiet house. Your sister, Kira, hushes you as you come upstairs, her children already asleep. She has a clay mask on as she hogs the bathroom going through her nightly routine. You dip into your room and hide.
You didn't expect them to wait up for you. That's ridiculous, but no one even asked about the job. It must be the excitement of a full house. Your sister does everything right so of course they'd want to focus on her. Maybe tomorrow.
You get in your pajamas and settle into bed. It’s hard to still your mind and the jittery energy still swirling inside of you. You put on a lofi video and let it play as you close your eyes. You have the weekend to make the last tweaks and you’ll finally be onto the next step. You hope.
You spend Saturday penned up in your room, hunched over at your desk as you go through the notes from your meeting. As the clock ticks close to noon, your phone vibes, drawing you back to the land of the living. You rub your eye sockets and groan. You need to eat.
You check your phone; you have a message. You flick your thumb up and blink at the text. It’s Bucky. You still haven’t saved him as a contact, recognising him only by the last four digits of his number.
‘Quick pitstop. Forgot to ask last night. How can I pay you?’
You chew your thumb as you think. That’s the awkward part. Even though you’re doing work, it’s still a bit strange. It isn’t like a company where the money just pops into your account on schedule. 
‘I can give details when you get back. Hate to add stress to your trip.’
You hit send and sit back, stretching your neck. Your phone buzzes again. You don’t expect a quick response.
‘Asking now. Will be heading into no reception. Wanted to pay you for scriptwork. Will pay rest after recording.’
Your stomach knots. You’re trying to be polite but you can’t deny that you could use the money. With Christmas tiptoeing closer, you should really get on gift shopping.
‘Right. I have Venmo.’
You tap the arrow and wait. He doesn’t answer right away. When he answers, it’s just the thinking emoji, followed by another text.
‘I’ll figure that out. Do I need your email or something?’
You sweep away the chat and tap into your app. You copy your payment code and paste it into the chat. You follow it with a quick message; ‘should prompt you how. If you need to wait, it’s fine.’
Thumbs up. That’s it. You accept that. To be fair, from him, it’s an improvement. It seems you’ve found a tenuous truce with him. You’ll take that if it means you’re not scooping into your savings.
You can hear your sister and mother gabbing as you leave your room. You stop at the top of the stairs and brace yourself. Things didn’t exactly leave off on the best terms.
You descend and sneak past the dining room where they sit and sort through your mother’s vast Christmas card collection. You’re careful not to draw any attention as you enter the kitchen and quietly pop a pod into the keurig and set your mug on the tray.
Your coffee brews with a grind, giving away your endeavour. You don’t look back as you hear the scuff of slippers. Kira enters and clinks her empty cup down on the counter not far from you. She couldn’t wait until you finished.
“So, how was your job? A bit late to be rushing off to work.”
“It’s f=freelance,” you say. “It’s g-g-good.”
She scoffs, “ah, well, that’s great. You can get out of mom and dad’s hair soon enough.”
“Y-yeah,” you agree, cheeks scalding with embarrassment, “w-working on i-it.”
“Oh, I’m sure. You know, Catherine called me the other day…” she mentions your previous coworker, her friend from college, “guess she got a promotion.”
You nod. She’s goading you. What does she expect you to say? Does she expect you to apologise for leaving a bad situation?
You take your cup of coffee and sidle away. She chuckles, the way she always does when you don’t feed into her drama. Her mug hits the tray heavily.
“I’ll tell her you say hi,” she preens.
You keep going without an answer. You yawn as you come upstairs and hear whispers ahead of you. You rush forward, sloshing hot coffee onto your hand as you approach your open door. Why didn’t you close it?”
As you get to the threshold, there’s a sudden clatter and you gasp. Jamie sits in your desk chair as your laptop lays face down on the floor. Casey is underneath the desk tugging on the power cord. You shriek and sloppily slam the mug onto the shelf mounted just beside the door.
“W-w-w-what are you d-d-doing?” Your emotion overwhelms your voice, “how–”
You hear footsteps rush up the stairs and Kira hisses as she marches down the hall, “shhh, my kids are sleeping.”
“No, th-they aren’t,” you hurry forward and take Jamie out of the chair. As you shoo Casey, your sister enters your room.
“Don’t hurt him,” she demands.
“Wh-what? I w-wouldnt–”
“Don’t touch my kids,” she comes forward and scoops up Casey then takes Jamie’s hand, “they’re just curious.”
You bend down to pick up your laptop. You turn it over and find lines streaked up in a spectrum. Smashed. Broken. Demolished.
“They b-broke it,” you whimper.
“Ugh, whatever,” she hauls her kids back to the door, “it’s just a computer.”
You stare at the ruins and shake your head at her back. What are you going to do?
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azrakaban · 20 days
Mr Corrigan - Lorenzo Berkshire
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a/n: finished it ends with us at 2:30 am last night and was inspired to make this so enjoy this randomly put together one shot :) 
Edit: I started writing this months ago, but I just couldn't get it to a standard I liked. So finally, I have it to the point where I'm satisfied with it, and can present to you: Mr Corrigan <3
"and then he said 'in the future... if by some miracle you find yourself in the position to fall in love again... fall in love with me.' And I SCREAMED Enzo! I screamed! I woke up everyone in my dorm and read it to them and they screamed too!" you said, flopping back onto your pillow.
"Atlas Corrigan has well and truly stolen my heart! I'm in LOVE!" you said, sighing and laughing at Enzo's raised eyebrow.
"I hope you're sparing some of that love for me then darling. I'm not sure how I feel about sharing your heart with your Mr Corrigan. I'd rather have it all to myself, you know? I'm kinda selfish like that." He said, smiling down at you.
"When you write lines like that for me Enzo, I'll kick him out and you can be the full time resident." you said, laughing and hitting him with a pillow gently.
"challenge accepted y/n. challenge accepted." he said, grabbing a pillow and hitting you back. "And I mean to the pillow war, don't get your hopes up, I'm no genius when it comes to writing." he said, shielding him from the cascading blows of your pillow on his head.
You dropped your bag onto the floor of your room, pulling your notes from your bag and sorting through them.
Throughout the various notes about Grindylows you found five scraps of paper, each with a tiny note from Enzo that he'd passed you earlier.
your eyes roved over each word, taking them in once again and smiling.
"I promise to plant kisses like seeds on your body, so in time you can grow to love yourself as much as I do."
"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings"
"thanks for being mine darling"
"not once have I looked at you and not had to blink to check that you're real."
"I'll take any portion of your heart you'll give me."
you laughed at the last one a bit, remembering his reluctance to share your heart with Atlas. But hey, what could he do? It was Atlas who was fictional, not him. (dear readers... I'm sorry)
you moved to lie back on your bed, sliding the notes into the draw beside your bed. you looked at the books beside your bed, reading the titles over and over again.
You were no Juliet, but you had your love story with Enzo. He completed you. your other half.
you noticed something poking at your neck and sat up, looking at your pillow. A slightly crinkled note sat on it.
you checked it was to you, before unfolding it. A magnet fell out, small and rectangular. You turned it over quickly to read what it said. "Boston: Where Everything Is Better." 
So he'd read it ends with us for you. That's it, you were sold, he was the one, you would marry him.
you smiled and decided to keep the magnet in your hand, waiting till you had finished the letter to put it somewhere. you unfolded his letter, and started to decipher his handwriting.
"dear y/n. I don't really know how to explain the effect you have on me. I don't even really know how to begin this letter to be honest. I'm no fictional character, and naturally I am not going to be incredible with words, so please bear with me while I try to get this onto paper. I might not be a certain Atlas Corrigan, Rhys Larsen or Edward Cullen (although he bears a striking resemblance to a certain Cedric Diggory), but I can at least try to get this onto paper.
People say "I would go to the ends of the earth for you. I would walk on fire for you. I would die for you. But I can't say that. I can't genuinely say that I would walk on fire to save you from something. Because, for starters, i wouldn't let you get into the position where you have to be saved. I want to be your protector, the focus of your mind, the only person you think about. 
It's not about having you as mine, it's about making you sure that you know I belong to you. Ask me to jump, I'd say how high. Ask me to give up my friends, I would (reluctantly though, so please don't)"
You paused to sniffle at that. Wait. Hang on. Sniffle? Oh merlin, there were tears in your eyes. What on earth? Must be hayfever. Your eyes slid back to the lettter, which was still going somehow. 
"Anyway, besides that y/n, I want to be the person who gets to memorise everything about you. The way your nose crinkles when you're confused, the look you get in your eyes when you're explaining your latest book to me, the un-natural ability you have to be able to guess what I'm thinking...
Other than when you're overthinking and you trick yourself into worrying that I don't love you anymore. In those instances when I have to remind you that I love you, I'll just pull out this letter for you to read. And if that's not enough of a reminder, then I'll hold you until the obsessive thoughts stop and you fall asleep in my arms, where you belong.  
Because that's one of the simple things I love. Just sitting, holding you. We don't have to be talking, holding you is enough. I just need to know that I still have you. And honestly, you consume all my thoughts. I won't say every minute of every hour, because lets be honest, I would not pass a single exam if you were on my brain 24/7. Sorry darling. 
I'm not going to ask you for another letter like this in return, because honestly, you didn't ask me to write this, and to be honest, I like that I'm the source of the love letters in this relationship.
 So y/n, once you've read this, you can ignore it, you can sleep with it under your pillow (little obssessive but I can excuse most things you do - this does not include murder, but does extend to Arson, Organised Theft and Kidnapping and Fights), or you can just keep it and treasure it.
Do whatever you want with it. It's yours. I'm yours.
Your own personal Mr Corrigan." 
The tears were freeflowing by this point, streaming down your cheeks. You flopped back onto your pillows, trying to act like the girls in movies when they lie back on their beds holding a photograph, book or diary. Unfortunately, you failed miserably with this attempt. 
You promptly banged your head on the headboard and cursed. So much for movie girl.You re-read the letter, and fresh tears sprang into your eyes, trickling down your cheeks. 
Enzo. He'd written this for you. Oh my merlin. All you wanted was to do something for him. But only one thing came to mind. Something he had mentioned in his letter. Big gestures could wait for later. All you needed to do right then was get to him. Find him. 
You sprung up off your bed, tears still falling, and grabbed one of his hoodies from your bedpost. Pulling it over your head, you ran to the Slytherin boys dorm. You quickly knocked on the door and the door opened. It was Blaise. He quickly looked back into the dorm and yelled: "BOYS! OUT!" 
They came quickly, Mattheo, Draco, Theodore and Blaise, filing out like a fire drill. It seemed almost practiced. Actually, knowing them, it probably was. You walked in tentatively, looking around the door. 
You could see him, sat on his bed, fiddling around with a scarf you left in his dorm once. "And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house" (ALL TOO WELL REFERENCE I'M SORRY I KNOW ITS THE WRONG CONTEXT BUT MOOOOOVING ON) 
He looked up and gave you a nervous smile, mouthing a quick 'hey.' That did it. You ran across the room to him, into his opening arms and he held you tight to him. His arms closed around you as you cried into his shoulder, the letter still held in your hand. 
"Merlin y/n, if I'd known the letter would have made you like this I might not have written it. I hate seeing you sad." He said, smiling sadly at you. You half laughed at that, choking back a sob, pulling back to look into his eyes. "Happy tears" you said, looking into his eyes.
 There was some confusion in them, but overall, just love. Overwhelming, brain shaking love. And what he did next rendered you unable to speak. 
Leaning forward, he kissed away your tears, fingers dusting your cheeks. Once he was happy there were no tears left, he leaned back and mouthed to you, "I love you." 
Unable to speak, you leaned forwards and pressed your lips to his, trying to put a lot of unsaid words into the kiss. His lips pushed back against yours, knowing what you were trying to say. 
You pulled back after a while, trying to speak.
 "Enzo- I-"
 A finger touched to your lips, silencing you. 
His eyes locked with yours. 
"It's okay. I know." 
You nodded, still slightly breathless, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him, returning his hold. Your lips neared his ear and a few words escaped your lips. 
"I guess I'm yours too, my Mr Corrigan."
I'm lazy but I have decided to dedicate this part to @lavenderorlilac for being easily my favourite reader and follower both on TikTok and over here. Thank you love ❤️
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recreationalfanfics · 10 months
An Unstable Atmosphere
Part 1
Summary: You attempt to escape when you wake up in the captain's quarters of the Morrigan.
Note: Yandere themes, somewhat unserious banter at the end, this is a strictly platonic yandere x reader story
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When you wake up, your eyelids still feel heavy and you feel like a stranger in your body as you feel all sorts of pains and aches. Your stinging eyes have a harder time adjusting to the light, your muscles ache and creak as if they will give out from under you as you pull yourself up, and you touch your lip which feels puffy and bruised. When the dull pain makes you flinch, everything comes back to you. The mass murder of everyone you knew, the way you were beaten around by Templar footmen and…
  And Shay. 
Now in a panic, you throw the blanket off of your form and inspect the area around you. The first thing you realize is that you were below deck on a ship, and the second thing you realize is that it was specifically the Captain’s quarters judging from the desk of a scattered yet neat pile of paperwork and the giant portrait of the dreaded traitor himself. If you recalled the rumors and stories to be true, Shay was about only two or three years older than yourself when he became an official Assassin, but seeing the portrait and remembering his face honestly made it hard to picture. You had to give credit to the artist where it was due, they captured his imposing and austere eyes rather well that it sent shivers down your spine, but it only made it harder for you to picture that his aged and hardened face was ever an assassin. He truly looked like a Templar, hateful and evil. 
You hesitantly step your feet onto the ground as you sit on the edge of the bed, taking in more details of the area. You still bore your robes and your hood seemed to be sitting on the back of the chair. Your paranoid eyes look at the door and then towards the window; as if a Templar was randomly going to jump out and attack you, but once you gain the piece of mind; you stand up and walk towards the chair to grab your robes and make your outfit whole once more. Despite the pounding in your chest and the overall awfulness of the situation, there is a small amount you gain as you pull your hood over your head and it gives you motivation.
You’re alive…for now. May as well keep testing Lady Fate.
You briefly glance over the papers but find nothing of use, you also realize that your wrist piece with your hidden blade was not attached to your robe and was nowhere to be found, but you weren’t really surprised by that realization. It wouldn’t have done you much good anyways, seeing as you were never really handy with weapons, but your mentors often told you that you had a gift for stealth and having the element of surprise on your side. The very least you can do for those mentors is believe in their words and in yourself as you get your boots on and walk towards the door, pressing your ear against it. The chatter is rather low and soft and you don’t hear the sound of many scuffling feet, not to mention that you still hear the sound of seagulls which is a very good sign that you’re still nearby land but the ship is definitely still moving.
They’re in the middle of casting off.
With a closing time gap, your thoughts come together to come up with a very poorly thought out plan but one you felt would be your best bet. You would certainly be outnumbered but if you were quick enough, you’d be able to escape the remaining guards below deck and everyone else above deck would be too busy readying the ship to notice you escaping right away, and that once you managed to get to shore; you’d either buy yourself enough time to get a headstart before they turned their ship around or they’d simply deem you unimportant and continue their sailing to do whatever high ranking templars as Shay did. Grabbing your pillows and blankets, you take a deep breath before slamming the door open and throwing them at the first two templars you see guarding your door. You don’t catch their panicked yelling and you knock over everything in your path until you find the stairs. 
A little earlier, Shay was steering the boat; pondering over his own morals and choices. It was clear that while his crew didn’t voice it, they were all very confused why he of all people allowed the little assassin who was currently asleep in his quarters to live. Now that Shay thought about it, he couldn’t really understand it himself; obviously, it was unfortunate that someone that young became an assassin but you weren’t exactly the first novice assassin he had to face. Although, there was a huge difference between you and your unfortunate peers; while they foolishly overestimated their abilities and underestimated his experience because they equated their youth to superiority, you were just…helpless. Like a baby bird with a broken wing, at the mercy of the wolves around you, Shay just couldn’t help but want to take you under his wing and keep you safe. Unlike the others who were too arrogant and humbled in their last moments, there was something inside of him screaming at him to not let you die, and that in such a short amount of time; you’ve endeared yourself to him. 
It was wrong, he thought to himself. The very thought of you being killed despite being a part of the organization that betrayed him long ago felt…wrong. As he tucked you in the bed of his quarters, his hand gently caressed the side of your face, and for a brief moment; he felt a sense of familial connection. One that he hadn’t felt in a long time since his dear friend Liam and he realized he could not lose it. He could not lose you. There was no doubt in Shay’s mind that you needed him, especially as his eyes glazed over the injuries on your face with disgust, but he also knew that he needed you in his life just as much. He needed to protect and watch over you. He needed to teach you the ways of the world and softly introduce you to harsh truths. He needed you to look up at him and see him as not a disgraced assassin or as an untrustworthy Templar but as an idol, a mentor, and maybe even a father. There was an oddly warm feeling in his heart at that thought but he is pulled out of that daze the moment he hears loud clattering coming from the hatch that led below deck and that soon enough, your hooded figure pops out from it and immediately darts towards the side of the ship.
“STOP THEM!” Shay roars, he feels his body instantly become hysterical.
Side-eyeing the dock, it was far away that you couldn’t jump on it and make your escape back to land but it was close enough that it would take just a few strokes and a climb up and you’d be gone. By yourself, all alone, in the big cruel world. While some part of Shay expected you to pull something like this, a large part of him was slightly impressed but mostly worried. After all, once you got off his ship; where would you run to? All nearby guilds were already killed and the ones who managed to flee had escaped and erased all tracks for you to follow. You weren’t even armed with a weapon and you had no money. 
As he questioned your poorly thought-out idea after ordering his men to stop you, he also instantly turned his wheel to steer his ship further from the dock and more into the ocean. He yells out another order to go full sail and that immediately heightens the sense of urgency you had already. One of his men tries to tackle you but you duck out of the way and slide between the legs of another who tried to grab you in his arms. You reacted quicker than you did yesterday and it definitely impressed him and even reminded him of himself when he was younger. 
“I’ve got ‘em, Captain!” The navigator beside him shouted, Shay heard the sound of him withdrawing his pistol and he immediately turned around to grab his arm and quickly aim it anywhere else that wasn’t you.
As the two men scuffled, you yelped when you heard the gunshot. Failing to realize that it was nowhere near you but also not really caring, you dodge the last of his men near the edge and you reach the edge and perch yourself on it. Shay catches a glimpse of you as you try not to think about the water below and that the distance isn’t getting any shorter the longer you wait. 
“FULL SAIL!” Someone yells.
It doesn’t take long before the wind fills the sails and the change of speed is drastic. Much so that you stumble from your spot and yell as you fall over, your hand managing to grab the side.
“NO!” Shay cries, immediately bolting towards you.
The sea spray kisses your boots and you look back at the dock, amazed and upset by how quickly the ship got away but if you let go right now, maybe you could still make it. You pinch your nose and close your eyes to ready yourself for the water but as you let go of the side of the ship, two large hands grab your wrist. You’re nothing more than a rag doll as you’re roughly hoisted away from the side and onto the ship’s floor. You stare up and your heart drops in your chest as Shay kneels in front of you, much like he did yesterday, but this time he put a hand on your shoulder. It was a tight grip, one that despite his gloves and your robes, you could feel his nails digging into you like a predator desperately clutching onto its prey. His face looks worried but you don’t know why, maybe because his prisoner or hostage or whatever he saw you as nearly escaped. 
“Do you know how reckless that was!?” He hisses at you, his eyes now narrowing.
Still coming down from the adrenaline rush, your throat runs dry and you can’t seem to find a response. However, it didn’t really matter if you could or not because Shay quickly pulls you up to your feet and leads you back down below deck. He takes in the turned-over tables, chairs, and other miscellaneous things. His door swung a little most likely from the event that just occurred above deck. Then he finds his anger calming down and he briefly feels amused when he sees the blanket and pillow from his quarters haphazardly strewn on the ground outside, quickly gathering that you most likely threw them at the guards. Meanwhile, you struggle against his grasp and demand he let you go, knowing that it’d fall on deaf ears. Regardless of how you try to squirm out of it, it is all in vain.
He soon sits you on the bed as he slams the door shut, his other hand now grips your free shoulder and now it’s just you and him.
“What were you thinking?” He demands, trying not to be threatening but the frustration in his voice was clear. After a night of rest, you’re able to fake a brave face as you mimic his expression, furrowing your brows and trying to form your lips into a scowl as equally severe looking as his.
“Where are you taking me?” You shot back.
His expression changes, seeing you doing your best to look threatening, and he fights the urge to pinch your cheek fondly and tease you for it. Already, he feels an old part of himself reawaken, a more softer and tender side that he had thought years of being a Templar had washed away. When he pulls his hands away from you and crosses them over his chest, he becomes noticeably less angry but he still keeps his somber appearance.
“Do you really think you’re in the position to ask questions?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. You simply respond with a, “Don’t care. Where are you taking me?” 
The silence is loud, uncomfortably so. However, your apprehension soon turns into frustration. This man had murdered your found family, this man was a selfish self-righteous traitor, and not to mention that for some sick reason; he kept you alive. The very least he could do is give you some answers. You open your mouth to once again demand answers but he beats you to it.
“Here’s how this is gunna’ work now.” He begins finally, “I ask a question, you answer. Then you ask me, and I’ll answer.” 
“How do I know you’ll be honest?”
The corners of his mouth upturned into a little smile, one that only increased the rage and fear brewing deeply within you.
“I’ll be as honest as you are. And trust me, I’ll know when you tell me a lie.” He answers, sounding somewhat genuine but your mind remains ever skeptical. Leaning on the side of his desk, arms still crossed, he gives a look that almost reminds you of a parent staring down their child, “Do you understand?”
You stay silent out of malice and spite for a while but then your eyes look to the side in defeat, “Yes…”
“Good. First question: What’s your name?”
“Hezekiah Needleman.” 
His head lops to the side a little and he gives you a long stare, clearly not amused by your false answer, and you couldn’t help but feel a teensy bit smug at his reaction before you say: “Alright, fine…It’s (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n).”
“See how easy that was? Now, (Y/n), it’s your turn to ask a question-”
“Where are you taking me?” You demand once again.
It was a simple one-worded answer in any other situation, but in this context, it was like a baffling riddle. Raising more questions than answers, your expression becomes bewildered, “What do you mea-”
“Ah-ah, (Y/n). S’my turn,” He chides as unfolds his arms, his hands gripping the edge of the desk as he leans further onto it. You glare at him but stay silent so he can get his question over with, “Why did you join the assassins?” 
This question takes you off guard and your hand reaches to your other arm and grips it, a visible sign of discomfort, and your eyes quickly sadden in such a way that Shay almost wants to take back his question, unsure of what wounds he might’ve just opened.
“They raised me, why wouldn’t I?” You say, hatred once again growing for the man who stood across from you.
“What happened to your parents?” He asked, his intrigue growing.
“Isn’t it my turn to ask a question?” You snapped. He wants to say something, to have the last word, but even he admits to himself he walked into that one. So he silently nods, a quiet gesture that lets you know it’s your turn to ask a question.
“What do you mean you’re taking me ‘home’? Where is this ship going?” 
Shay tries to figure out what he’s going to say, how he can explain it to you even though he struggles to really explain it himself. 
“Back to my estate. Where I will train you and show you what the Brotherhood really is.”
You open your mouth, again frustrated with how vague and confusing his answers are but then you close your mouth, not wanting to set yourself up for another pointless tease from him. Shay, quite pleased with your lack of rebuttal, then asks you: “Now, what of your family?”
“Dead. Because of you,” Your tone is bitter and your eyes harden again, “but if you’re talking about my real family, I don’t know. I was told the Templars were responsible for my becoming an orphan.”
“Did the Brotherhood tell you that?”
“Yes. And if you think the words of an old traitor are gonna change my mind, then I wish you the best of luck.” You snarl at him. 
Something about you calling him a “traitor” enrages him, definitely not towards you but that bitterness towards the Brotherhood grows at your words and you can see that your words stung him.
“You’ll find out very quickly, (Y/n), that I don’t need luck. I make my own.” He then straightens his back and goes towards the door of his quarters, “Question time is over.”
You stand up indignantly, demanding that he returns, but you’re only answer is the sound of the door closing; this time you hear it locking and you stand in silence before you growl and kick the leg of his bed.
Putting the keys to his quarters back into his pocket, Shay now understands just how tangled you are in the Brotherhood’s webs and how it’ll be hard work to get you to see the truth, but he is now more than certain that it’ll be for your own good. When he returns to the top of the deck, he feels raindrops and immediately looks up at the sky above.
The sky is grey and the clouds begin to darken. He knows that it'll just be a day or two of rain but he still thinks to himself that it'd be better to sail with caution. After all, he had precious cargo on board.
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tommydarlings · 2 years
don’t leave me professor | c.s
pairing: prof!carlos x student!reader
warnings: smut, dacryphilia, chocking
w/c: 4.7k
summary: you got a bad grade on your Spanish exam, that's the reason why professor sainz called you in his office, right? (also based off of this audio)
masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3
“Hola clase!” Professor Sainz entered the class before he put his brown leather bag with a thud onto the wooden table. After putting his phone back into the pocket of his dark blue slacks, professor sainz looked around the class and caught your eyes for a quick second.
You would be lying if you would say that you wouldn’t found your Spanish professor attractive but you also knew that he was your teacher, not another student you could just easily fall in love with.
But you were also never really that much of a rule follower.
So you batted your lashes a bit there and there everytime he caught your gaze. And you knew that he knew what you were doing when you saw him shaking his head as if he would be telling himself a quick and unspeakable 'no'. It only made you grin a bit.
You may loved the Spanish teacher your class got but one thing that you absolutely hated about it was…well, Spanish.
You were a straight A student but Spanish was fucking you up a bit, you weren’t the worst in it but you could have been way better.
“Te voy a devolver tus exámenes ahora, ¡si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en preguntarme!” I’m gonna give you your exams now back, if you have any questions feel free to ask me! He stated loudly as he grabbed the sheets and started to hand them out to the impatient students which where already whispering among themselves about what grade they possibly got.
“I swear I fucked that shit up so bad, I barely knew anything I mainly guessed and hoped it made some fucking sense.” your friend, Louis, muttered quietly in your direction as professor sainz came closer to your table. You chuckled and looked at your friend before you glanced back to the teacher with a tiny smile, obviously agreeing with him because you for sure weren’t any better.
“Something funny mrs y/l/n?” Professor sainz asked you with a raised brow before he sorted your exam out of the other sheets.
You quickly shook your head before you looked up at him and answered,
“No sir.”
“Good, because there’s nothing to laugh about when I look at your grade.” He told you before he handed you your exam.
Ugh, can’t he just burn it right away.
That was the only thing in your mind as you saw the big fat C- on top of the sheet, the worst grade you got so far in Professor sainz's class.
You knew that it sounds absolutely ridiculous but you felt how your eyes slowly filled up with tears. After you quickly wiped you eyes, Louis tried to comfort you a bit with a squeeze on your shoulder and a tiny smile that was basically saying, 'hey, it’s okay'.
“Hands off.”
Professor sainz who was still standing infront of you ordered you with a deep and demanding voice before he sorted Louis's sheet out of the other ones and slammed it down onto the table with a loud slam. You quickly flinched a bit before he left and handed the other ones out, after that he went back to his table and set himself down onto his leather chair after he threw a quick glance at you.
You heard your friend sigh while you looked over at his sheet and saw the D on top of his exam. “Knew it.” He muttered before you grabbed your sheet and put it into your shoolbag.
Or that’s at least what you wanted to do.
Because only then you noticed that the questions, the grade and your answers weren’t the only thing written on your paper.
'Meet me in my office after class.'
was written messily in professor sainz's handwriting on the back of your exam. You swallowed and looked in his direction, noticing how he was already looking at you before he stood up again and grabbed a piece of chalk and went up to the board.
“Vale, empecemos con el español!” Okay, let’s get started with Spanish!
The professor clapped his hands loudly together as he looked quickly through the class and then started with writing down some grammar.
— — —
Your feet were carrying you quicker into the direction of Professor sainz's office than you hoped to be honest. You knocked on the brown wooden door as soon as you arrived and sighed quietly before you adjusted your skirt a bit. “Come in!” Was the only thing said by professor sainz before you opened the old door and entered his big office with an unsure facial expression, not entirely sure what he wants from you. You didn’t had any questions about your exam so you had no idea why he ordered you to meet him kn his office. But who were do to disobey a teacher.
“Professor sainz? Why did you wanna see me? Is it about my exam, I know that I fucked it-”
“No, no, no y/n, your exam wasn’t bad, I know that you can do way better than that but it wasn’t as bad as you maybe-”
“Why did you wanna see-”
“Would you let me finish my sentence.” Your professor groaned loudly while he was sitting with spreading legs in his chair, veiny hands gently placed onto his thighs.
You bit your lip and quick swallowed before you muttered a quick 'sorry'.
“What was that?” He asked you, pointing provokingly with his pointer finger towards his ear. “Speak up y/n, c'mon.”
“I'm sorry, sir.”
Your teacher nodded with his head before he wigged his pointer and middle finger in his direction. “Come here.”
You glanced at him as if you haven’t heard him right but you did, so you slowly made your way over to him, now standing infront of his still sitting figure while you were leaning against his desk. He was looking up at you with sprawled legs and a serious but also thinking kind of expression written on his perfectly sculptured face.
Professor sainz starred at your face which was hanging a bit so you could avoid eye contact with him, to embarrassed what he might have to say about your grade. He angled his head a bit forward and lower his chin a tiny bit so he could perfectly catch your eyes.
“Are you worried that I called you hear in my office because of your grade y/n?” He looked at you with raised brows as he put both of his palms on his thighs and slowly slide them down towards his knees, fingers only creeping immensely closer to your naked thighs in the process. You think that you were even able to see to catch him looking at his fingertips being all so close to your legs before he looked at you again.
You shyly nodded with your head as you slowly slid your hands down your own thighs until your and his fingertips were nearly touching each other, you were so close and you knew that he also knew it.
“Why else would you call me in your office sir?” You asked him innocently, completely seriously after you’ve noticed his finger stretching out a bit while yours were still laying flat on your thighs. He glanced down to his and than your hand before licked his lips and looked at you again, immediately searching eye contact.
“Punto justo.” Fair point
The Spaniard slowly nodded with his head while saying those words before he dragged his eyes down your figure. The skirt hugging your curves perfectly, the top putting your boobs in all the right places while the matching red lingerie was making it all perfect.
You slowly and with just a bit of confidence stretched your fingers out, inching like a snake very slowly towards his big hands which were still placed on top of his thick thighs, fingers also reaching out for yours, like you knew that if you would do it, your both dead, but you also knew that if you wouldn’t do it, you would regret it like hell.
Your hands were both getting gently swallowed by Professor sainz’s hands, fingers intertwined with each other like you were meant to be, your visibly smaller hand fitting perfectly into his visibly bigger hand.
He rose from his chair, slowly taking one step closer towards your tiny frame so you were basically squeezed between him and the wooden table. He leaned his body forward, your hands still being together intertwined while his thumb was rubbing slow circles on the back of your hands. Your hand now pressed against the table while his hands were pressing into your yours, also placed on his table, his nose gently touching your forehead as he bowed down a bit so he could look at your standing figure.
“Is everything-”
“Per favore.” please
You muttered, only then did your teacher notice the way you looked so unbelievably pleading up at him, starring with hope and something else in your eyes.
It was like you were pleading him to do whatever he wants to you but also like you were asking him for something else. Something that he wasn’t sure of.
He carefully removed his palms from your intertwined ones and positioned them gently on your cheeks, thumb caressing them.
Professor sainz leaned his body forward once again and placed a lovingly long lasting kiss on your forehead with closed eyes while you put your palms on top of his.
“gracias.” You quickly whispered as you took a deep breath and wrapped both of your hands around his one thumb so your were only holding onto his thumb before he retreated his hands and you also let go of his thumb, instead now wrapping your palms around his pointer finger, Carlos quickly glancing down to see were the two of you were connected before you also glanced down, actually being taken by suprise as you saw how big his hands were, especially compared to yours.
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head as professor sainz asked you the question while his hands wandered down to your hips, fingers gently squeezing them before he turned your body around, your back now touching his chest very delicately. He hummed before he brushed your hair away from your shoulders and placed his chin on the right shoulder.
“How can I help you hermosa?”
“Just, take my mind off of things.”
You felt like professor sainz was speechless for a second, maybe confused or even overwhelmed with your information but he also felt like he’s the only one who could help you.
He gently turned his head to the side, his beard scratching against your neck, hair brushing your forehead while his lips gently ran over your throat, closer than never to kissing you until your melting. “Professor, p-per favor.” You begged him as you threw your head slightly back, slowly laying your head down onto his broad shoulder covered in the white dress shirt.
The Spanish teacher grazed his lips ever so gently on your ear before he whispered in his Spanish accent,
“Don’t worry cariño, Voy a cuidarte bien.” I’m gonna take good care of you
That was the last thing he said before he started kissing his way down your neck, fingertips delicately running down the sides of your shivering body, goosebumps rising on your arms as his fingers opened the zipper on the side of your skirt. You whined loudly as he changed the side of your neck and kissed the left side of it, hands now pulling down your skirt, letting it fall down onto the floor.
You quickly raised your hands and opened the buttons of your white blouse before discarding it somewhere in his office.
“Gosh, your so beautiful.” Were the first words that left Professor sainz’s mouth which was still sliding along your neck, slowly kissing and biting and even licking there and there the left side of your neck. Moaning and groaning into your skin before he placed his veiny hands on your hips again and turned your body around, now facing him.
You looked down, seeing how his bulge was very visible through his dark blue slacks but also seeing how hard his fingers were gripping the flesh of your hips, almost like he was scared that your gonna let go and run away.
You still had your eyes gazing down as his hands made their way around your hips, to your back and in end up to your bra clasps, two fingers already going around the tiny clasp.
You had the feeling that he was almost to shy to ask you if you were okay with it, so raised his other hand and tilted your head up in his direction with his pointer finger on your chin. Your head now being angled up higher so you were able to look into his now almost black eyes. You could be lying but you were pretty sure that his eyes were full of desire and maybe also something but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
He raised his brows a bit while the fingers of his hand on your back were gently caressing your skin, slowly moving up and down your spine while he waited for your approval. You nodded and the Spaniard immediately raised his fingers and opened your bra with two of his fingers.
Your own hands made their way to his button up shirt and quickly started opening it, pulling it down and letting it drop down next to your skirt. Right after that, mr. sainz opened the zipper of his slacks and also pulled them down a bit to free his rock hard member. You had to bite your lip to hold the loud moan back from escaping your mouth.
After pumping his dick for a couple of times and admiring your body like you were a fallen angel, he positing his hands on the back of your naked thighs and hosted you up on his desk, quickly removing all the things placed on his work table by wiping them off of it with one of his hands. You gasped as all the different kind of pencils and books dropped with a pretty loud thud on the hard floor but you also immediately closed your mouth as professor sainz went down on his knees infront of your sitting figure. His hands gently going up and down your thighs before his mouth got closer and closer to the string of your thong.
And let me tell you that you could have started screaming (and creaming-) when his teeth closed around your string and pulled it slowly down your legs, the feeling of his black beard scratching against your thighs being almost to much. He even held eye contact with you while he did it, his fluffy dark hair briefly brushing over your abdomen and now bare pussy. He entirely removed the thong now and stuffed him in his back pocket of his slacks before he spoke up again,
“Abre las piernas para mí.” Open your legs for me. And that was the moment you realised why exactly you got the C- on your exam, because you couldn’t understand a single thing that he just asked you.
Professor sainz looked at you with raised brows and it didn’t needed somebody hella smart to understand that he was a tiny bit angry at you for not understanding him. “Abre. las. piernas. para. mí.” He repeated slowly with a more demanding kind of tone in his voice.
You licked your lips before you looked down in embarrassment, seriously not understanding a single thing apart from 'for me'. “C'mon princessa, we’ve already learnt that.” Your professor muttered as he looked at your face, leaning his head down towards yours once again. “Lo siento professor.” I’m sorry professor you whispered in disappointment before you noticed how mr. sainz was putting his hands between your legs, slowly gliding up and down your almost closed thighs before he looked at you again and waited for an answer, hopefully the right one now.
“para mí means for me.”
“Perfect, that's right, now what will the other part of the sentence mean when my hands are so close to your legs baby.” He looked at you with his big dark eyes.
You didn’t even say anything, you just took a wild guess and opened your legs so he had the perfect access to your wet pussy begging for his finger, mouth, tongue, anything. And you had to bite back a tiny smile when he nodded with his head and smiled before he held your thighs back with his hands and quickly closed his mouth around your throbbing clit.
He flicked his tongue a couple of times up and down and shook his head from side to side with a groan before he looked up at your moaning and whining figure, begging him to never stop.
The Spanish teacher groaned and moaned into your cunt, your clit throbbing in the process like crazy. One of your hands suddenly had the urge to let go of the wooden table that was now empty and grab his soft hair, tugging on it every time his tongue grazed your clit so gently but so quickly.
“Sabe tan jodidamente bien, princesa.” Tastes so fucking good he mumbled briefly right before he went back to eating you out like you’ve only dreamed so far. You quickly whined and cried his name out while your hand was still tangled in his hair, slowly brushing it back so he wouldn’t have them in his way while pleasing you.
“I'm gonna cum professor!” You moaned pretty loud as your legs began to shake around his moving head. He quickly removed his head and spoke up,
“Cum for me cariño.” before he detached his mouth back to your pleading pussy and brought you to the edge. You screamed before your shaking hand came up and covered your own mouth, desperately trying to muffle your moans.
But your professor wasn’t so fond of that, mr. sainz looked up as he noticed how your noises got suddenly quieter and immediately ripped your hand away from your mouth. He held it strongly down onto the table so you couldn’t move it anywhere anymore.
“Don’t, I want the whole school to hear you screaming my name.”
You really tried to hold every single moan and pleading back but you just couldn’t, especially not after the Spaniard man stood up and wrapped one of his hands around your throat, his other one slowly making its way down from your chest to your abdomen and in the end to your drenched pussy. You didn’t even realise that his fingers were nearing your pussy because you were still pretty much busy trying to catch your breath after him eating you out like a hungry lion.
But you definitely realised it as soon as his fingers entered you, slowly entering you but quickly getting to work then and stretching you out.
“No, p-please.” You shrieked as soon as his fingers starting thrusting in and out of you at such a torturous pace, fingertips brushing over that specific spot now and then so perfectly. You shook your head before you looked up at mr. sainz and noticed how he was completely focused on the way how his big fingers were gliding in and out of your drenched pussy, probably not even listening to your begging.
But then his hand around your throat gave you a squeeze and after that, professor sainz looked up at your blurry eyes.
“Shh, just take it cariño, just take it.” He whispered before he leaned in and kissed your cheek, lips brushing gently over your skin right after that before he spoke up again,
“Your gonna cum? I can feel it cariño.” He muttered as he looked in your eyes, fingers now leaving your desperate pussy and going straight up to your clit, moving it in the perfect circles making your legs and hands shake even stronger than before.
You were only able to nod with your head as your eyes closed and the feeling of letting go took over your entire body.
Professor sainz let go of your throat and grabbed the back of your neck with his hand before he pulled your head in the crock of his neck, fingers still not leaving your pussy.
You moaned and whined his name into his shoulder, shaking hands trying desperately to grab his shoulders before your moaning got so loud that you had to bite on his shoulder, leaving a pretty visible mark afterwards but he didn’t care one bit about it, he wanted to properly fuck you now.
So that’s how you ended up calming down a bit, with his hands brushing your hair out of your face and gently kissing the tears from your cheeks away before he pushed your shoulders back so you were now laying on the table. His hand going down towards his member, slowly pumping it with a pleasuring moan before he slid his dick along your dripping pussy. He harshly grabbed your thighs and pulled them backwards so that your knees were nearly touching your ears.
You gazed up at him, completely teary-eyed and desperate while he grabbed your right leg and quickly gave your ankle a tiny kiss before he finally entered you. You immediately threw your head back and moaned as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, tears already escaping your eyes again before you squeezed them shut.
“Look at me hermosa.” He whispered after he threw his head back in pleasure, a loud groan leaving his lips as his hip movements increased and got faster second per second. “M-mierda.” shit you whispered while Professor sainz wiped one tear away from your cheeks before you felt your orgasm coming.
“Joder, me vas a volver loco, te lo juro.” Fucking hell, your gonna make me go crazy, i swear you do
The Spaniard groaned loudly with a moan before his head jerked a bit forward, also feeling his high approaching like a tsunami. “Y-your gonna make m-me cum cariño.” he stuttered heavily with an uneven breathing pattern. His hand suddenly sliding down from your thighs and being shakily placed onto the table, fingers scratching against the wood as he squeezed his eyes shut. His hips were ramming into your poor cunt with a very quick pace, a bit unsteady but still not slow.
“Don’t l-leave me.” You whispered in pure desperation with tears staining your eyes and cheeks, it was like you were sobbing but because of the best reason possible. Professor sainz quickly spared you a glance, he looked at you in a bit of confusion with a raised brow, trying to figure out what you mean by that. He wasn’t sure if you just said it because of the emotions you are currently feeling or because you wanna tell him something specific. Was that the reason why you looked at him earlier with sadness in your eyes? You didn’t only wanted to get fucked by him, you also want something else.
Your legs started to shake next to your head while his one hand was still gripping your thigh like he was holding onto it for dear life. You both moaned and whined at the same time as your orgasm washed over your bodies, another pair of tears running down your already wet cheeks as mr. sainz calmed himself down and removed himself from you. He quickly buttoned his pants back up and grabbed his dress shirt from the floor before he threw it on while you were slowly sitting up, gently balancing your still shaking figure on the table with a tiny groan as you looked around the room for your panties.
“Here.” Mr. sainz said quietly as he pulled your panties from his back pocket and handed them to you, you really tried to put them down but you felt like you could pass out any second and he noticed that, so he helped you.
“Wait, let me-” he didn’t even finish his sentence before he grabbed your panties from your shaking hands and kneeled down to slid them over your legs, gently adjusting them so your weren’t feeling any kind of discomfort. “thank you.” You quietly mumbled as he picked your skirt up and also helped you putting it on, after that he grabbed your blouse and helped you putting your arms through it before he buttoned it up, giving you a peck on your forehead afterwards.
Shortly after that, the Spanish teacher retreated himself from you, or at least wanted to.
“N-no.” You whined quietly as you fingers harshly clawed themselves onto his white button up shirt before you put your head on his hard chest, holding him tightly as fresh tears started to form in your eyes, but this time not from pleasure.
“What’s wrong princesa?” He asked you with confusion but also sadness written in his eyes, not quite being able to understand where this is suddenly coming from. Professor sainz brushed a few pieces of hair out of your face before he pulled your arms away from his arms. “N-no, please don’t-” “shh, it’s okay, I’m here cariño.” He told you quietly before he wrapped his arms around your body which was still sitting on his desk into his embrace and hugged you tightly, carefully putting his chin on top of your head.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked you as he placed his hand gently on the back of your head, his entire hand perfectly holding your head, fingers intertwining them automatically into the roots of your hair, not tugging on them, just gently placing them there. You shrugged and balanced your chin on his chest so you could perfectly look up at him, quickly trying to squeeze the tears away but he already noticed them anyway.
“Only if you want to of course.” He added as he rode up the sleeves of his clean white button up and wiped some of them away.
You muttered a quick 'gracias' before you started to explain it to him,
“I j-just never really had a male p-person in my life before that cared about me, let alone genuinely l-loved me, my own father left us as soon as he found out t-that he would get a daughter and not a son, he always w-wanted a son who would end up as a football player or some shit l-like that, he never believed in me, always told m-my mother that she shouldn’t b-be happy for giving birth to a women, somebody who’s g-gonna end up as a cheap street w-whore anyway, a useless slut or some stuff like that.” You quickly took a deep breath while he slowly started caressing your head before you continued,
“I never really had a boyfriend, at least not one that also loved me for my personality and not only my body, like okay thank you that I look pretty and that I’m hot but what about my smile? Or my laugh? Or my Humor? I actually really like my Humor but apparently boys don’t even know what Humor is nowadays.” This time you didn’t felt sadness saying all of that, you felt anger towards the entire male world except towards…him.
“And it’s just sad and a little bit depressing sometimes because all of my friends got a father who loves and cares about them and a boyfriend who would do anything for them and then there’s me, somebody who is even unable to get loved by her own father let alone from another man in general.” You stated angrily as you wiped the tears off of your cheeks, face now buried again deep in his chest while your arms hugged him tightly. Professor sainz didn’t say anything, he just held you just like you needed to be held at the moment.
“¿No soy suficiente?” Am I not enough? You asked him as you moved your head away and looked straight ahead into his beautiful eyes.
“Oh believe me cariño, Eres mucho más que suficiente.” You are so much more than enough. He ended the conversation with this sentence and a long lasting kiss on your lips, gently connecting your lips for the first time today before he picked you up and pressed you against the wall, not stopping kissing you until you would both run out of breath.
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bellsbear · 2 years
she’s an angel
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eddie munson x female sinclair reader
synopsis: you’re a cheerleader and he’s the school freak who’s had a crush on you forever. little does he know, you got a thing for him too.
contents: fluff, some angst, eddie being a corny mess, cussing, mutual pining word count: 1.2k
a/n: THIS IS GONNA BE A SERIES. idk what I'm doing and this might suck but I gotta write some eddie ff 😤 additionally i am a black woman, so i wrote this for myself and everyone else who wants the representation! THE TEXT MAY BE GLITCHED. if that’s the case im so sorry, i don’t know how to fix it😭
also let’s pretend that none of the vecna stuff is happening cause this is totally not following the canon story. sorry, not sorry 😮‍💨
chapter song (updated because this fits better in my opinion):
series masterlist
It was the night of the championship game and Eddie's final campaign. Normally you would have gone straight home with Chrissy to hang out, but Lucas had found you during the game to spoil your plans.
“So, kind of a long story, but basically Erica’s here playing D&D in my place, and you gotta take her home.”
“And why exactly is this on me? That sounds like a Lucas problem.”
“Well now it’s a Y/n problem cause she biked here, it’s pitch black out and you know mom and dad will-“
“Completely freak if I don’t bring her back. Yeah yeah, I got it.”
You turn to Chrissy and apologize saying you’ll give her a call when you're home.
She smiles at you, “Y/n it’s okay. Sisterly duties call, plus this gives me an excuse to go to the after-party we were so desperately looking forward to avoiding. Jason’s going to be thrilled.” You both laugh and go back to watching the game while you're not cheering.
You knock again, louder this time, hoping they might actually hear it but you end up waiting a full minute before deciding to just go in. You begin to turn the handle but find the door is jammed. Placing all your weight against it, you keep pushing until-
“What the hell is going on! Oh-” You were now on the floor looking up to see the one and only Eddie Munson looking down at you with his big brown eyes.
“What the hell is going on! Oh-” You were now on the floor looking up to see the one and only Eddie Munson looking down at you with his big brown eyes.
“Oh shit, Y/n. Are you okay?” He asks, concern laced in his voice.
Eddie had always been sweet to you.
He sat behind you in Ms. O'Donall's class and never failed to make you laugh with his random outbursts. Whenever you took tests you’d always move your paper to the far right of your desk knowing he was peeking behind you.
However, it wasn’t enough to help him get a passing grade, but you always tried helping him out because you knew he was smart, he just didn’t care to study. It had caused you to develop a bit of a crush on him if you were being honest.
You look at him in the eyes and just burst out in laughter, Eddie had never heard you laugh before, well, really laugh. You’d always giggle at his jokes or laugh with your friends, but it was never like this. You were clutching your stomach and holding back tears, he thought you looked so beautiful. So real.
“I’m so sorry, I must’ve scared the shit outta you. with all that banging.” Eddie reaches his hand out for you, which you gladly take and stand up. “So why have you graced me with your presence m’lady?”
You blush, “Oh I’m just looking for Erica, I gotta take her home since it so dark out. Um, where is she by the way?”
“Ah the littlest Sinclair, I just met her today. She's very... pleasant." You look at him with wide eyes, "Are you sure we're talking about the same Erica?" He laughs at your comment.
"She just walked out with the others, I’m sure they haven’t gone too far. I could maybe… um.” Eddie stops talking when he realized you were still holding onto his hand, tightly, your thumb grazing his rings.
Eddie has had a crush on you since middle school. You caught his eye during the talent show when you sang 'I Will Survive'. You were nervous at first but ended up having so much fun on that stage and your voice was angelic, he fell in love instantly. And now you were standing in front of him and holding his hand.
You wave your free hand in front of his face, “Earth to Eddie, are you alright?” He snaps out of his trance and looks up at you.
“Oh yeah, um I was just going to say I could help you out, i- if you wanted me to of course!” He was bright pink, and you were still holding his hand.
“That’d be nice. Could probably use some help finding that little brat anyway.” You laugh before letting go of his hand and picking up your bag which had fallen down with you earlier.
As you release your hold on him, he quickly turns around to gather his stuff, face red as a tomato.
“By the way, I heard you earlier. Nice vocals, you should be in a band or something.” You joked, but soon saw Eddie’s face as he looked at you with a sad look.
“You don’t remember. Shit you don’t remember.”
“What are you talking about Munson?”
Eddie looks you dead in the face then suddenly jumps up onto the table and starts shredding an air guitar along to the music. After his performance, he jumps down and looks at you with hope in his eyes. “Nothin’? You’re killing me here Sinclair!” He holds his hands out and dramatically brings them to his chest as if he were holding a knife.
“Eddie what the hell are you- OH MY GOD WAIT. In middle school, you were totally in a band!” He claps his hands together triumphantly.
“I’m actually still in a band, but I’ll take it. Yeah, we’re uh-“ You quickly cut him off, “Corroded Coffin. How could I forget, your hair was all buzzed, I used to think it was so cute.”
Eddie was breathless. You thought he was cute. Not only that but you had remembered the stupid haircut he sported in his younger years. “Yeah well, your sister thinks I’m a ‘long-haired freak’ so maybe I should’ve kept it short.” You laugh, the real laugh that he was falling in love with.
“Well if it makes you feel better, I’m glad you grew it out. It’s very…” You stop and think about the best word to use, “metal. That and those tattoos you got."
Eddie’s heart stopped. There’s no way that you were right here in front of him complimenting his appearance that most of your friends had made fun of throughout the years. Oh so beautiful you, standing there and getting closer to him… getting very close to him. So close he thinks he might pass out right now. “Truthfully, I think you’re very handsome Eddie, no matter what stupid haircut you might have.”
Before he can respond, you plant a kiss on his pink cheek then run to the door, “I’ll see you outside Eds.”
Eddie gripped the table behind him to balance himself, trying wrap his head around what just happened. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by none other than Dustin.
“Eddie, what's the hold-up? You’ve been in here for a while are you okay?”
“I must’ve died and gone to heaven because an angel just kissed me”
“What the hell are you talking abou-“ Dustin stopped before smiling at Eddie putting 2 and 2 together after seeing you smiling like a lunatic in the hallway, “OH MY GOD YOU AND Y/N KISSED?! I gotta tell Lucas, he's gonna lose his shit.”
Before Dustin could run from the room, Eddie grabbed his collar to hold him back.
“Not a word to anyone Henderson. Not a fucking word.” Dustin nodded aggressively so he'd let him go.
“Now," Eddie puts on his jacket and composes himself, "let’s go outside, she’s waiting for me.”
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a/n: that’s all 🧍🏽‍♀️ i hope this wasn’t terrible, i really tried my best! hoping to write a few more parts soon but i got work and stuff lol ☺️
im gonna make a taglist too, pls fill out this form if you wanna be on it!
taglist form
chapter 2
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xkaidaxxxx · 6 months
Megumi x Chubby Reader
Sorry for any errors
Mentions: body shaming, bullying, self harm, suicidal thoughts
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As stupid as it may seem you weren’t all that happy on being transferred to Kyoto’s sisters school : Jujutsu High. You were grateful but not happy.
Grateful you didn’t have to be stuck with those assholes who always had something to say when it came to your body. Especially Mai. There’s always something so far up her ass she has to take it out on people.
The other students loved telling you things just to bring you down.
Example 1.
At school almost every 2 months the students get ranked. You always make it to the top and always end up second. “ Maybe if you didn’t have to run so much from me you would have won. Try to lose a few pounds maybe then you won’t be running out of breath during the fight. You look like you’re about to pass out fat ass.” Mai said laughing along with the rest of the students. Even Kasumi. When you met her she was so sweet and kind. You obviously fell for that crap.
Example 2.
After a long day of training it was time to get back to your sleeping quarters. You stood in front of the door seeing pieces of papers. Foul words written on them. Pinned by Noritoshi’s stupid arrows. You knew they were true at least that’s what you thought. You thought “ I am fat. I do look like a pig. They’re right.” You took off the arrows and papers tossing them away. The night went as followed skipped dinner, showered, dressed and slept. Just to get ready for another shitty day.
Example 3
You were having lunch outside on a bench just underneath a beautiful tree. The weather was great. The wind was blowing softly. There were birds chirping happily and everything was calm. You took out your bento box from your bag and opened it up. Suddenly Todo just came out of nowhere causing you to drop your food. “ Awe that sucks and I just came over to let you know we want you to have lunch with us.” He said with a smirk on his face. “ its fine. Accidents happen.” You replied. You knew he planned that shit. They love making your life miserable. “ you can always eat it off the ground. A fatty like you loves food. I mean…a pig like you would eat anything even if its on the ground right? Well sorry about your food.” He said and left. You cried. That’s all you could do.
As time passed by you were mentally and physically scared. Not just from the missions you’ve gone on.
You sat in the bathtub. The water turning red from the open wounds on your thighs. You didn’t have to worry about people caring or finding out. You always wore the basic male uniform.
You let the water drain and took a regular shower afterwards cleaning up the cuts you wounded yourself with. You cried while doing it.
Days went on and there was one cut after another. Your thighs were full so you went onto your left wrist then to your right. There was a night that they crossed the line. They circled you and pushed you around. You were getting dizzy from the shoving and the wounds were opening up a bit. They all noticed and went silent. Mai laughed hard. “ Wow so pathetic. You’re slowly killing yourself isn’t that torturing. You should hurry up the process fatty. I’d gladly do it for you if you ask nicely.” Everyone’s eyes widened. They couldn’t believe what she said. Yes they bullied you everyday making you cry and make you do self harm but they’d never go far like Mai did. They’d never say to kill yourself and have you ask them to kill you. Make the process faster. “ Mai what the hell are you saying” todo asked. She looked over at him with a confused look on her face. “ she’s wounded. We have to help her” Noritoshi said. “ I d-don’t need help.” You said getting up carefully and in pain. You cried all the way to your room. Mai’s words repeated over and over again in your mind. Then you snapped. You grabbed one of your tools and slit your wrists. You bled out.
Gojo was on roaming the halls pretending like he didn’t know the way to the principals office. He was there on a ridiculous meeting like he doesn’t already know what shady shit is happening. He noticed red stains from the door. He decided to walk in. Seeing you on the ground he quickly took care of your situation.
You woke up at the hospital 2 days later. He was sitting besides you on the left with his students behind him. Your parents on the right. “How are you feeling kid? I’m Gojo. Your new teacher. Things are sorted out with the school and your parents.” He said bring his students up to you. “This is my son Megumi and students Nobara and Yuji.” He introduced them. They all waved hi and Megumi didn’t react rudely to what Gojo called him. “ oh sweetie we’re so glad you’re okay. My love.” Your mother said. Crying along with your father. You didn’t respond to anything. You just sat there in pain.
A month passed. You finally settled into your new dorm at your new school.
Your room was neat and beautifully decorated. Clean cut purple bedding. Perfect white furniture. Posters of Taylor Swift hung on the wall. Your bookshelf was decorated with all the merch you had of her. Along with books you actually need. “Nice set up.” Gojo said looking around. “Thank you sir.” You replied turning to face him. “ here’s your uniform. I put in a request to have it customized.” He said handing to you. “ you grabbed it looking at it. This is basically almost a mini skirt if I wear it.” You said feeling uncomfortable. “It covers a bit of your scars. The thigh high socks will perfectly hug you. The white spaghetti strap goes well with the navy long sleeves over it. I think it makes you look pretty.” He comments honestly. You were shocked he called you pretty but also doubt it. He probably said it because he feels sorry for you. “Change. Class starts in 2 hours. Don’t be late y/n” he said walking out closing the door behind him. You locked the door and started changing into your uniform. You stared at yourself in your body mirror. He was right the thigh high socks did hug you perfectly and the skirt was actually a skort. He probably knew your bottom would show during combat. The shirt was alright along with the navy sleeved added over it. It’s going to take a long time for you to get use to it. You felt so exposed and you hated that. Your hair was clipped back with two small strands let go at the front. You never wore make up. You thought it was pointless for some god apparent reason. As you put on your shoes you saw the clock. 15 minutes til class. You quickly grabbed your backpack and quickly got to class. You stood at the entrance taking a deep breath. This is it you thought. You walked in minding your own business.
Nobara smiled at you. “ Hi! Welcome to jujutsu high! I’m Nobara and these are the idiots Megumi and Itadori.”she said excited to finally have a girl on her team. From past experience you chose to not believe her. “I’m y/n l/n. Nice meeting you guys.” You replied. The boys waved hi. Megumi looked you up and down. At your previous school that meant bad news. Megumi was practically drooling because of you. He liked the puffy that showed from the socks and how the skirt was hugging your sides. The shirt showed a bit of cleavage. You made him choke. “Megumi sit down class starting.” He was called back to reality and quickly sat down. “Y/n introduce yourself and say a fun fact about yourself.” Gojo said. “ I’m y/n…a fun fact about me…I um..” you thought hard. “ I love Taylor Swift.” You said. “Really!? Holy shit finally I don’t have to hide my obsession. Twins!” Nobara said. “What’s your favorite album. 3 2 1” she counted down. You answered with Folklore and she responded with 1989. “Sit next to me.” She said. You smiled. Moving your things next to her. “ Ladies settle down. Finish the work we started yesterday.” He said. Yuji and Megumi went over to you girls making the desks into a circle. Megumi sat next to you. Everyone took their books out. “ um we’re on chapter 16. You have to read pages 150 to 165 then answer questions on pages 166 to 170.” He said. Helping you. Nobara and Yuji were surprised. Megumi is a quiet guy. Cares but doesn’t show it as much. “We can reread it.” Nobara said.
Mid way into class you guys worked on the questions together. “Question 10, which situation is best when there’s a people in the surrounding area during a fight?
A. Build a barrier around them causing protection.
B. Leading the curse into a unpopulated area
C. Leave a member behind to evacuate the area
D. None of the above” Yuji said. It was a crazy question for you. During missions your teammates didn’t care to help you. You were always on your own so you don’t know how to respond.
“Y/n go.” Nobara said putting you on the spot. “ well um..it’s messed up leaving a member behind..it wouldn’t help the situation. The curse could aim directly at them. Kill them and then who will protect the people. The barrier would help but only for a while due to the distance if the soccers leaves. Leading the curse to an unpopulated area is the best bet. There will be destruction of property but the people would be safe so B?” You explained. You had a headache just from answering that. “Alrighty we trust you.” Yuji said. They all answered B.
Gojo was looking over. Teamwork is always building. Quite quickly.
Days passed you were eating on the roof. Megumi showed up. “Why are you up here eating alone” he asked sitting down. “I always eat alone.” You responded feeling pathetic. “Not anymore. You’re doing great by the way. We’re all impressed.” He praised you. He never thought there was a day he’d praise someone. “ thank you for being nice.” You replied eating. “ I can’t imagine…what you’ve been through..I mean..your thighs..and your sleeves rose..we all like you here.” He said eating his food. You were taken a back. “L-Leave me alone that’s none of your business!” You yelled tears threatening to slip. “I don’t mean to offend you. I’m just saying you’re strong..you overcame all of it..and we do love having you here. We’re a team. Remember. Teammates care for each other.” He said rubbing your back. You calmed down and ate in silence.
At a distance Yuji, Nobara and Gojo saw Megumi rubbing your back. “She’s been here for 3 weeks and he’s hitting on her. I must be dreaming.” Nobara said. Yuji agreeing with him. “ He was drooling the first day of class.” Gojo commented. They all walked to the cafeteria.
Megumi burped loudly feeling embarrassed afterwards. You noticed his flushed cheeks and giggled “someone loved his lunch.” He turned his face away. “ Megumi..everyone burps.” You spoke sitting up.
You’re on your second month at jujutsu high. Stupid visitors decided to show up. Outside forced to see the assholes who hurt you. “Wow you look the same. Brave of you to wear that uniform. It shows your stomach fat.” Mai said. You just held your tears back. “Yeah I.. I’m planning to change it.” You said remembering all the events from the past. “ She looks so pretty. You’re just a skinny rude as bitch with no ass. I’d advise you to workout on your ass.” Nobara defended you. Maki showed up. “ see you’ve all met my sister.” She said annoyed. Mai looked offended and suddenly got angry. “ you’re defending someone like her?” Todo commented. “watch how you talk about her.” Megumi said getting very upset. “ Who are you? Her pathetic boyfriend?” Kasumi said. “ so what if I am?” He said throwing her against the wall. He lifted her from her neck. No one has seen Megumi this upset. Kasumi choked gripping onto his hand. She was kicking trying to release from his hold. She was about to be out of air until he tossed her away. Kasumi was coughing hard. “Watch how you talk to her and how you talk about her.” He said. As Mai was about to attack Maki blocked her. “Leave my people alone. Otherwise things won’t end nicely. I’m sure you wouldn’t want any of your friends dead.” You couldn’t believe what just happened. Megumi was choking someone and the sisters are treating each other like shit. “You okay?” Megumi asked. Nobara rubbed your back. “We’re with you. Don’t let them get to you. Plus there’s a lot more to love.” Yuji said hugging you. Megumi face screamed jealousy. “Thank you guys.” You said pulling away softly.
Two days went by they were hell. The games were so different and difficult this year. “I hope I didn’t scare you..I know I lost my mind. I don’t know where that came from.” Megumi said handing you tissues. You were crying to Taylor Swift. He knew she sang all of your feelings. You blew your nose. “It’s fine I’m happy you all defended me.” You kept crying. It’s what you needed. Let your emotions flow out. You guys laid down. He pointed at the stars. Random topics were talk about. As morning came you woke up. You were surprised you made it through the night.“I didn’t want to interrupt your sleep. Was I too loud?” he said. “ no no I woke up good ” You said embarrassed. Camping was fun. You couldn’t help but feel alive and calm . It was the weekend. You decided to camp out with Megumi. Nature helps emotions. He said that.
He was right. It showed you that you’re falling for Megumi. Hard. “Come on!” He yelled just over the river. As you caught some fish you headed back. Best meal made during a camping trip. “Mhm fuck this is good.” Meg said eating like he’s never eaten fish before. You finished your food rather quickly. “After this we’re going swimming. Did you bring a bathing suit? We do have a shower to clean up. I brought some shampoo and body wash.” He said. Megumi was very excited to see you in a bathing suit. He would be so lucky to see you in one. You could say he’s being perverted. “Yeah I did actually. A purple one. My favorite color.” You replied. He mentally noted your favorite color is purple. “Alright!” Yuji said scaring you both. “ guys the water is crystal clear. I took some photos.” Nobara said sitting down.
About an hour passed. The water was cold as fuck. “ Love the bathing suit by the way.” Yuji said giving you a thumbs up. “ Nobara chose it out. I was kind of doubtful about it.” You replied. “ you look great.” Nobara said giving you a hug. You love your friends. You saw Yuji’s displeased face looking on ground. You turned. “Great.” You commented. Nobara was also pissed off. “ shouldn’t you guys be training? Instead of being lazy?” Kasumi asked standing next to mai.You wanted the stupid games to end already. They need to get their shit and leave. “ Shouldn’t you go fuck yourself.” Yuji said. You guys laughed. This was just awesome to witness. “Hm? Mai shouldn’t you be worried about your life? Todo shouldn’t you be finding a girlfriend or are you too much of a pussy to be rejected?” Megumi was flabbergasted. “What about you momo? Shouldn’t be at hogwarts playing quidditch? Mechamaru shouldn’t you be worried about having a fucking plug pulled. Noritoshi shouldn’t you be impressing the right people? Playing your part.” Yuji said. They all just left. “ Yeah that’s what I thought!” He said. They were too defeated to even turn back and say something. You guys laughed. “ M-my stomach hurts” nobara said and kept laughing. “H-holy shit Itadori” you said.
The camping finally ended and you all went back to your dorms. You saw your ex classmates right at your door. Great those assholes don’t know how to let things go. “ What a nice surprise. You guys missed me?” You said setting your things down. Grabbing the keys out of your pocket. You heard the door open. “ No need for the key darling.” Mai said. “ You know that bathing suit…was something. It’s crazy how you think they’re your friends. I mean we’re honest about how you look. They straight up lie to your face. You’ll always look like a fat cow. You will never amount to anything. You will always be the last resort. The last person to be chosen or might not be chosen at all. You will never the best at anything. You know we all see how you look at Megumi. You should forget about finding love. No guy will ever love you. No guy will ever think you’re beautiful. You’ll never be fit for love. Literally. We decorated your room. Hope you like it.” Mai said. You cried. “ Cry baby.” Momo said leaving with them. You walked into your room. Your special bedsheets were torn. The albums you bought were broken. The posters were crumbled up on the floor. You saw your clothes on the ground with ink splattered on them. Your sketch book burned and this one crossed the line. The quilt your grandmother made for you, torn. You cried of sadness and of anger. “ Hey…” Megumi said. He looked at the decorated room they left behind. “M-egumi I- I can’t take this anymore.” You cried. He held you. He let you cry it out. 3 hours. It took 3 hours. You remember a line from Taylor’s recent album. Midnights. Vigilant shit. “ Don’t get sad, get even.” You whispered letting go of Megumi. “ huh?” He looked at you. He saw an expression on your face he’s never seen before. “ They’re going to pay. I have to get even. I am sick and tired of all their shit. I’ve had enough.” You said grabbing your bow and arrows. “ Don’t stoop so slow.” He said blocking the door. “ Megumi shut up and move.” Nobara said tossing him aside. “I’m all in. I have your back. Always.” You nodded and smirked. “ Gojo is going to lose his shit if you guys act up.” Megumi said looking at you worried. “Woah they’re so getting their ass beat.” Yuji said looking at your trashed room. “ We need a plan.” Megumi said.
After your amazing plan of stealing their clothes and burning them, putting nair in their shampoo, leaving them without toilet paper and breaking their tools. The next day the 4 of you sat in the principals office with Gojo. “You guys clearly don’t know how to behave. You’re out there acting like hooligans. Acting like you guys have no fucking home training. How dare you make such a scandal.” Principal Masamichi yelled and went on for about 25 minutes. “ well Gojo have anything to add. “Your punishment starts now. Get up clean our classroom. I want it spotless. All the tools in the school are to be cleaned as well. I don’t care how long it takes.”he said sternly. You all left the room and started cleaning like Cinderella. “ so…whose idea was it?” Gojo asked. “ the clothes was Nobara. The nair was y/n and Yuji. I did the toilet paper and tools.” Megumi replied. Gojo had a smirk on his face. “ Good job kids. You should’ve added food coloring into their body wash and lotions.” He replied. You guys smiled. “ Next time. For sure.” Yuji said. “ I’m in on it next time but you all are taking the blame if we get caught.” He said helping you guys clean.
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sugarmouchie · 7 months
hello valentine! how are you? i hope life is being kind to you! i heard that your request is open, so i try to send something :D hopefully this isn't too much!
may i request haitham with inazuman fem!reader? let's say they met because she's pursuing education in akademiya. once she graduates, she spends some times working in sumeru. but of course, one day she need to go back to inazuma again. how are their long distant relationship look like? do he visit her sometimes? bonus point if she's the opposite of him, like emotional and sunshine type person (but not as loud as kaveh! no shade to him tho, i lobe him xD). of course you can adjust this request as much as you want~ no pressure at all xD
i think that's it! i'm sorry if i make grammarical mistakes or anything, english is not my mother tounge. but still, thanks in advance, dear valentine! 💖
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a/n. so sorry this took a while to get to :') im trying my best to catch up with my inbox i promise, other than that,, thank you for the request anon! <3 i’m sick but i’m getting better !! :)
cw. fem!reader, reader is from inazuma, a bit of angst in the beginning (?), mentions of scara (my beloved), cyno, tighnari, kaveh and other characters, i got sorta lazy at the end LOL this was just supposed to be a little time after time fic ig? if that makes any sense like something happens then another thing happens i guess? idk LMAO
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"you realize i won't be able to stay for long, right?" your weary voice catches onto his ears when you begin to speak.
with a facepalm, alhaitham replies, "of course, kaveh’s coming home soon so you’d have to go," alhaitham replies, to which you chuckled about.
"well," you pause, "that's not what i meant."
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"haitham! stop rummaging through my papers!" you squeak when he attempts to help you, mentally face palming yourself.
"[name]," he looks at you, "people like to help each other, everyone's gotta help someone else some day."
ah, here he goes again.
you giggle.
"okay, okay," you roll your eyes in a playful manner, "well, go check up on kaveh, he's practically screaming your name at this point."
"i'd rather stay here with you," he interrupts.
does he know what will happen?
those words sent shivers down your spine.
yes, you two were in a healthy, established relationship, but what he does not know is that you took his words a completely different way.
all of a sudden, you hear someone walking over to the two of you, alhaitham right beside you instantly assuming it was kaveh.
"hey, you kids gotta go, the bell rang already."
...apparently not.
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"stop thinking so hard about it [name]," alhaitham interrupts your train of thought.
"nothing's gonna happen either way, you do realize that if you don't get into [desired career], then there's multiple other options you have in here. we went here for a reason, right?"
...ah, his smart self always seemed to cheer you up, always enough to get rid of every thought in your brain possible, just like when he comforted you when you were panicking about what seemed like fifty different school assignments back in high school.
"let me help you," alhaitham spoke, instantly swiping the papers out of your hands.
"but-!?" you insist, but not quick enough since alhaitham was already looking for his glasses, the ones that kaveh gave him since he changed careers in high school.
"no 'but's," he interrupted you once more, your insists practically flying out of the already freezing cold window that was still going because of how hot it was inside your apartment.
back in the present time, he was tapping on the side of your head like it was a solid rock, but trying his best to be careful with you.
"you always zone out," alhaitham starts once more, interrupting your train of thought once more.
"and you always interrupt me," you roll your eyes, scoffing at him.
"you didn't even say anything though."
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after you and alhaitham’s graduation, you’d decided that you would work in sumeru, with the special occasions of helping out alhaitham too.
"cyno! stop kicking sand onto me!" you laughed, trying not to get sand in your eyes as you were cleaning up the eremites' base.
“where’s tighnari?” you suddenly ask.
"he's on his way, he was dehydrated not too long ago until scaramouche gave him water," he replied, thinking back to the time he had to hand over the water that scaramouche gave him to tighnari who could barely even stand, breathing heavier than usual.
after that, he knew tighnari would take longer than expected to come visit both of you.
scaramouche, having just obtained the crown and lost it, he was more unmotivated than usual so you all knew that he wasn't going to come, considering how stubborn he was and how he refused requests almost all the time.
...and of course, kaveh was stressed out again.
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after months and months, here you were, wking on the streets of inazuma with none other than kaveh, alhaitham’s stubborn roommate.
“do you know when you’ll be able to go back to sumeru?” kaveh suddenly asks you, to which you whipped your head to the left to look at him.
“erm… well, i did tell him that i’d have to leave one day but,” you paused, “he didn’t… understand.”
“what do you mean?” kaveh questioned with a gasp to which you let out a small laugh about.
“well, i told him a year ago that one day i’d have to leave and he instantly thought it was about you coming over so i would have to leave,” you replied, trying your best to explain to alhaitham’s blonde friend.
“well i guess that’s just how life works,” kaveh sighed, trying to attempt an emotional facade.
you laughed again.
ever since that day, you’ve met some people along the way of your journey back in your hometown, inazuma.
the summer shade of inazuma under certain sakura trees caught your attention when you were walking with ayaka.
the sight reminded you of how things would go downhill but alhaitham was always there with you.
the shade representing your emotions, and the petals representing alhaitham being by your side.
you thought it was cheesy, letting out a small giggle from it to which ayaka questioned you about.
she was the girl who had always thought you were different from any other person in inazuma, since you’ve never told her that you were previously in sumeru for a long period of time.
you looked over to her, your view meeting her confused face.
“…ayaka, i’m fine,” your weary tone of voice spoke.
and ever since that day, you and alhaitham always called over any devices that ayaka and thoma made for you.
thoma, having always practiced forging with ayato, has taken a very long time trying to make certain souvenirs for you and other trinkets.
you could never thank him enough for the device that he made for you in order to call alhaitham.
however, you never told thoma that you were in a relationship with a man from sumeru.
so when you told him, he was shocked.
to say the least.
“AND YOU NEVER TOLD US THAT PART!?” he practically screamed.
“i knew you would act like this,” ayato came up from behind.
and well, so in conclusion, you and alhaitham’s relationship was… pretty much perfect!
the only downside was that you could never find ways to convince ayato to drive you back to sumeru, but you had your ways to convince him.
“alhaitham, hi!” thoma yelled, seeing his camera on screen from a few meters away behind you.
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms please and thank uu 🤍
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
Okay so this has been on my mind for a few days and when I saw your requests were open I just KNEW I had to ask!
(Also I adore your fics and hope you're doing well. Remember to take care of yourself :D)
Onto the request!
Can I get a fic/drabble about what L would do if Light started slightly harrassing/bullying L's partner? Like even if Light was being mean about stupid stuff like where they put papers or how they always sit really close to L, for example (Light might be a lil jealous if you wanna add that?)
Anyways thank you for your time and I totally understand if this makes you uncomfortable in any way (^v^)
🕯~ hello, my dear, im so sorry for the wait :((( thanks so much for being patient, i love u @multi-write
🕰~ watched death note today so im newly inspired 😁 im gonna set this in the yotsuba arc, when they are finding out Kira’s killings are related to yotsuba:) also, nothing here is directly quotes from the manga, i just made up the dialogue
⋇⊶⊰📺⊱⊷⋇ gender neutral reader
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“So, Light- you’re entirely sure that the Kira that has appeared recently is someone affiliated with the Yotsuba Group?”
It was just you, L, and Light in the dimly lit room, illuminated only by the screens of a dozen monitors in front of your group. You and Light stood at one computer, observing the long list of the usual criminals Kira had been killing along with a good mix of business executives- an out of character move for the Kira the task force was familiar with.
Light sighed, a dubious expression on his face. “I can’t be one hundred percent certain- but that’s what it looks like. The names that don’t belong to criminals on this list belong to officials of almost every surrounding business in the area- but there are no names belonging to any of the higher-ups from Yotsuba.”
“That’s true,” you added, moving over to L and leaning over his body to point at the monitor right next to him. “And if you look at this live line graph containing the revenue that each of these businesses is gaining, it’s obvious the Yotsuba’s group is way up while the other corporations are clearly suffering.”
“Yeah, Y/N, we can see that.” Light joined you and L in front of the monitor, handcuffs clanking; you on one side of the detective’s swivel chair and him on the other and L in between you both. “There’s no need for you to bend over Ryuzaki like that.”
You looked over at Light, brow furrowed, and L glanced in his direction as well before both of you decided to brush it off. L ‘s arm wrapped around your hips as he opened his mouth to talk, drawing a noticeable scoff from Light, which again he chose to ignore. “The both of you are quite sharp- and judging by the rest of this data, Light’s conclusion is a safe one. We seem to have pinpointed Kira again- and this time, we cannot afford to lose him.” He let out a deep breath, eyes narrowing in thought. “So I suppose our next course of action would be to gain material evidence of this- perhaps an infiltration may be necessary. But that is something that would require the help of everyone here.” L turned to look up at you. “Y/N, would you mind calling the rest of the task force upstairs? No sense in both Light and I going down there cuffed together like this.”
“Alright. I’ll be right back.” You let a hand brush L’s shoulder passing him, but when you walked by Light, his shoulder suddenly blocked your path and made you bump into him, causing you to stumble backward.
You shot Light an beseeching look, clutching your upper arm while Light kept his eyes averted to one side, his expression stony. Finally, L turned around, a questioning expression on his face as he looked from you to Light and then back to you.
“Light- is there an issue?”
Light seemed surprised as he turned his gaze down to meet L’s eyes. “Not at all. Why do you ask?”
“Then I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t purposely knock into Y/N.” The curious expression L had before was gone, replaced by a more serious one. “And don’t think I failed to notice your attitude towards them earlier. I’m not sure if there’s something going on that I’m unaware of, but let’s keep it out of the Kira investigation, shall we?” His tone was deadpan and monotone, his gray eyes burning into Light’s, finally forcing the other man to look away. “Sure,” Light replied gruffly, his eyes flicking in your direction. You avoided meeting his gaze as you simply stepped away from Light and made your way downstairs.
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𝒾 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓊, 𝒾 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓊 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹 <𝟥
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bisexualhomelander · 1 month
An homage to my favourite Homelander meme.
Domestic May Prompt: Crossword puzzle. Characters: Billy, Homelander
"I can't-"
Billy is laughing so hard he feels he might throw up.
"Stop laughing, look what they did!"
"Well, it's fairly easy, innit? American superhero, date of birth 1981. Easy one. Easy, mate." He breaks, laughter bubbling up his throat.
"How did they spell it like that?"
Billy is squinting through his tears. He gets a one-second reprieve before he remembers and breaks into laughter again.
"How did they get it this wrong?"
"I ain't gonna call you by your name ever again, mate. This is who you'll be forever now. Let me take a pic. I'll show Ryan."
Homelander picks up the newspaper. He holds it in his hands, far away from him like it might burn him otherwise. His look is one of contempt. Before Billy can tell him to knock it off and not let it bother him in-between his bouts of laughter, Homelander's eyes light up, and the paper goes up in flames. He keeps holding onto it, even as little pieces of it break off and float to the floor, smouldering on the hardwood. They are about to leave holes, and Billy contemplates putting them out with his foot, but decides against such drastic actions. The holes in the floor will be a good conversation topic.
The crossword puzzle asked for an American superhero *1981. They already got the D, the E, and the R. Except the number of missing letters wouldn't add up, which prompted Billy to look at the solution in confusion.
In proud, all-capital letters it proclaimed the name of America's greatest superhero, born in 1981:
H O M A N D E R.
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soraviie · 1 year
spending holidays together.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ masterlist
━ about: fluff, some angst if you squint  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: I tried to make this as vague as possible but obviously coming from a country and a family that celebrate Christmas, I was a little bit biased, either way however you celebrate this time or if you're just chilling, I hope you can enjoy this little reaction regardless. Also, there might be a little continuity from previous reactions for some boys
━ previously posted on soraviii
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NAMJOON: “Monie! Come here, boy! Monie!” 
Seeing only the rushing colours of the uncaring crowd, you waddled to the side and began to weep uncontrollably. Monie will get lost and die, and Namjoon will hate you forever. This was your first holiday together and you couldn’t even do this one simple thing.
And perhaps, yes, it was the three cups of Svarak talking which you’d drunk while wandering the Christmas market in Prague and perhaps yes, it was the horrid jetlag clouding your emotional state to the point where light inebriation was the least of your worries. Oh, why did you pressure Namjoon into bringing Monie abroad? Who brings a dog to a romantic getaway abroad anyway?
“He’ll get lonely,” you whined, placing your palms against Namjoon’s chest as you adjusted yourself in his lap. 
“He doesn’t understand that emotion,” Namjoon had snided, hands reaching up to grab your hips. “Or any emotion for that matter.”
“Dogs can feel emotions!” you pouted in the poor thing’s defence whilst Namjoon brushed his thumb over your lower lip. 
“I know, baby,” he affirmed. “I’m just saying he specifically doesn’t have them.”
“You’re so mean.”
Well, this idiot of course. Maybe you should have been meaner too, maybe then Monie wouldn’t think it as funny to rip away from his leash and go running off in between vendors selling gingerbread cookies and hot wine. And now be lost forever. 
Seeing Namjoon, trying to hold onto the thousands of gift bags to send home, running towards you, only made you weep all the harder, snot falling onto your jacket. 
Tossing the paper bag into the slushed snow, Namjoon took a hold of your face and fretted, like he always did, a million miles per second. 
“Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Did someone hurt you? Are your bones broken?!”
“You’re going to hate me!” you cried, earning nothing but a confused frown and prolonged worrying. 
“Why would I hate my baby?” he cooed but you fervently shook your head, evading his kiss. 
“I lost Monie! I-I lost him and they’re gonna sell him, Namjoon! Oh god, they’re gonna sell him to some mean kids as a holiday present who are going to pull on his tail and ears! Oh, God, what have I d-done?!”
“You mean this Monie?” Namjoon asked with a smile as he stepped aside and lo' and behold without the slightest hint of shame in the eye stood a white dog, his leash stretching to tie around Namjoon’s wrist. 
“Oh my God, you bastard!”
The little dog was rather displeased by the callous and unrefined way of your hugging but you paid it no attention. 
“I found him some five minutes ago,” Namjoon explained, more than a little bewildered at your outburst. “Trying to steal some poor guy’s chicken kebab.”
“And all the trip you fondled him more than me. I was but a decoration.”
“Okay, I get it.
“I mean, I bring my wonderful partner halfway across the world to the top 1 spot to celebrate winter holidays in Europe and what do I get? Nothing. They spend the entire time not admiring the splendour of a city with more than a thousand years under the belt, no, they spend that time buying dog treats.”
“Would you shut up?” you pressed a palm against Namjoon’s mouth, feeling the vibrations of his laughter against your skin. “It was our first holiday together, sorry for being emotional about failing you.”
“You could never fail me baby,” he muttered softly, taking your hand away. “Happy holidays. May we spent fifty more together.”
With a kiss against your temples, Namjoon tucked your legs closer into his lap. His apartment might not be a city with a thousand years under its belt and perhaps it did not smell of hot wine, but it was warm and comfortable, standing strong against the harsh weather of this year's winter and you were perfectly content on spending the holidays quietly in your lonesome. Either way just like he did in Prague, Monie slept the night away, only waking when needing to beg for some food.
YOONGI: “So which one is yours?”
And because it made sense, your mother removed her glasses, squinting at the TV. 
“The second one on the left.”
“What, broad shoulders with a nice smile?”
“No, mom, that’s Jin! I’m with Yoongi.”
“Is it the little one?”
After a partially amused albeit exhausted sigh, you affirmed. 
“Yes, it’s the little one.”
“He looks…nice.”
“He is nice,” you smiled softly to yourself. The broadcast ended and Yoongi’s face was replaced by a soft strumming of generic winter music. Looking out the window with a tangerine twirling between your fingers, you hoped he was at least warm somewhere in Seoul, warm and resting. As it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow, there was a sunken pang that came when thinking of Yoongi. In times like these you wished nothing more for him to be normal, or at least a little less remarkable, for it to be ordinary enough to sit here with you, awkwardly nodding to whatever your mother said, holding your hand in his and gorging on these tangerines that you subconsciously bought for him. 
But well…life was what it was and you had to accept him. All of him. 
A ring at the door. 
“Oh!” your mother jumped, startled by the jarring sound perturbing the otherwise mellow evening. “It’s probably those damn singers!” she cursed, rolling up the newspaper as if a bunch of mitten-cladded carolers could be thwacked on the nose like a misbehaving dog. 
“I’ll get it,” you sprang to your feet, rushing to the door. “Hey, listen,” you yelled at the ringing stranger, battling with the rusty lock. “This is not a festive house so don’t expect any - oh.”
“Oh,” Yoongi echoed softly. His might be freezing red, along with his nose and his hat was perhaps so big it seemed to envelop his head as a whole, and he just might be covered in snow from head to toe as though he’d tripped and dove face down into a big pile, but to you, he was nothing but a vision. 
“Happy holidays,” he whispered and stretched out a small parcel towards you which you clutched, head pounding away thoroughly dazed. 
“You don’t even celebrate,” you muttered but Yoongi only shrugged. 
“I’m here to celebrate you, nothing mo - wow!”
Wrapping your arms tightly around his neck you began to truly ponder if wishes could indeed come true in this harsh and unfair world as someone liked to say. 
“You’re choking me here, lil’ heater,” Yoongi gasped for air but you didn’t listen, smelling in his faint cologne and breathing a heavy exhale of relief. 
“Deal with it.”
He hummed lowly, with one palm reaching to pat your back. It might have been freezing but you didn’t even notice. Unbeknownst to you neither did he. 
JIN: “It’s fine, Jin.”
Nervously, he exhaled, still twiddling with the reindeer print of his singing tie in the front seat of the car.
“I need to be perfect,” he muttered, peering through the dark at your childhood home standing in the distance like a menacing shadow of an oppressive rock face. One he had chosen to smash his head against this night. 
“You don’t need to be,” softly, you denied, kissing his cheek. Even with the ring on both of your fingers, he blushed. “But you still are. Don’t worry. As heinous as you are, you're an angel compared to my relatives.”
Because of the panic-filled tremor running up his spine it took a whole two minutes for Jin to truly register your words, during which you’d already climbed out the car, taken the largest bulk of presents in your arm and knocked on the door, fully awaiting to be greeted warmly back home for the holidays. 
“Heinous?” Jin muttered absent-mindedly before shaking himself out whatever terrible spell besieged him. It wasn’t your mother he was so afraid of - 
“Oh, Seokjinnie! How’s my favourite son-in-law doing?!”
No, it definitely wasn’t your mother, though he would appreciate she’d pinch his cheeks just a tad less. 
“So, you’re the fiance that they divorced once already.”
It was your judgmental aunts that had him sweating in consecutive nightmares for many months now. 
“Auntie A, please, let’s be civil,” you pushed yourself in front of the slowly brewing conflict. “Not on the holidays.”
“So, Seokjin, we wanted for you to be more included so we…tried to make some of your home foods.”
Jin didn’t know much of this nice woman who spoke kindly to him. She might be your second cousin twice removed on your father’s side, or your aunt thrice removed on your mother’s side… Either way, the spread on the table indeed looked far more eccentric than he was used to. And ever since you’d entered his life, it had been nothing but eccentric.
With bated breaths, the nice lady and your mom waited for his approval and cringing inside, he gave a hollow, polite smile. 
“I like it,” he vomited a bit in his mouth. 
As soft music travelled from downstairs, muffled multicolour of lights glimmered from the small window of your bedroom behind which stretched vast slopes of snow covered by dark. 
“What are they talking about?” Jin whispered, stroking your hair as you laid on top of him. Usually, he’d never liked it but you’d been more of his firsts than he’d ever thought. He could hear just the end of the conversation but the drunken drawl made the words nearly incoherent. 
“About how much they love you,” you muttered in reply, tracing absent-minded patterns on his chest. 
“Liar, liar, ugly pants on fire.”
“Hey, these pants are not ugly,” you whined and Jin hummed. “And I wouldn’t lie. Not on this season of goodwill.”
“Good will, my ass, are you not grinding against my crotch?”
HOSEOK: “Would you sit still?” 
“Sorry, my nose was just itching.”
“Well, do you want it green?” 
“No, ma’am.”
You smirked slightly before focusing back on the work at hand. Or should you say on the hand. 
Hoseok really shouldn’t be looking this good in nail polish. Especially how immediately much you wanted these fingers up in your…Well, either way the polish would be destroyed then. 
With the lights twinkling in the background and the fireplace burning, the night was swimming away into the late night with gracious, almost lulling ease. And while you drew the golden stars one by one, there might still be that treacherous minuscule pang of discontent in the lower pits of your heart, but you pushed it away. Ironically, the first night you painted matching nails it was a time much like this - winter holidays, here in snow-dusted Seoul. 
“Just say you’re disappointed,” he had sighed. 
“And what would that change?” you mumbled grimly, focusing on dragging the brush with near perfection, coating the nail slowly in all black. 
Hoseok didn’t say anything, only drew yet another heavy sigh, before laying his head in your lap. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. You knew this would happen - no couple shirts, no photos, nothing shared in public, nothing to ever prove that this, whatever that even entailed, was real. You knew all that but if only knowing would hurt the hollow ache taking root. You felt the weight of his stare but rather than confronting it you decided to be a coward and focus solely on painting your nails. Because that’s what mattered when the love of your life had to tuck you away in his home like a dirty sock otherwise you’ll be harassed until mental breakdown. You knew he carried that ceaseless guilt all around, so much so, that even his ever-present smile was cracking at the seams like vinyl in a cold room. 
“Maybe you can paint my nails?”
That at last had you glancing sparsely towards his side.
“You mean…like matching designs?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, the tone sounding completely casual. Almost too casual. “I don’t mind painting my nails and…
“And I’ve never stopped wanting to have a little bit of you with me everywhere.”
“As cute as it is, I think Baloo just farted.”
Hoseok threw a heavy glare towards your old, over-fattened Grinch of a Birman only to have it returned back tenfold. 
“He hates me.”
“Just a bit. All done.”
Blowing on his nails, Hoseok glimpsed outside and you watched as his stare turned wistful, seeing the many rows of families, friends and couples all enjoying outside, trading easy laughter and intoxicated cheer. 
“You don’t regret it, do you?” he muttered, almost incoherently. “Being with me?”
You brushed a hand over his knuckles with a sad smile. 
“Our family might be small and our home might be a little quiet but it’s a good one. I don’t need anything else.”
For a second, Hoseok almost appeared stunned before his eyes softened in the glimmering lights and he brushed his forehead against yours. 
“Happy holidays, baby.”
JIMIN: As the years began to pile up, more and more you began to understand the unceasing back pain all adults seemed to complain about and even more so the sentiment behind Grinch standing on a hilltop and yelling down upon the entire city “I HATE YOU!” The hatred for you came shockingly easy, hey, maybe you were just a bad person but what was not easy was to remember that you’d lost your best friend and the man of your dreams all in one well-coordinated swoop.
Forever didn’t seem so stable when it could be killed by a few petty, anger-driven words. The only forever would be the ceaseless taunting.
If only you would have spoken more; if only he would have listened more. If only you had been brave enough to finally tell your best friend you loved him. If only you were just bold enough to believe that his jealousy was out of fear and not some chauvinistic sign of unspoken ownership. If only you’d have the guts to crawl back and apologise. If only…
If only you’d crashed into him harder and cracked your own skull in the process. Then you wouldn’t have to be standing here, in the middle of a snowing open-air ice rink, with children skating amok, evading the pleads of their exhausted parents; you wouldn’t have to be standing here looking at the stupid face of stupidly endearing Park Jimin, of his stupid red eyes that hinted at not so long before finished crying session, of his stupid mismatched hair, growing dark in the roots and still blond at the tips and most of all you wouldn’t have to be feeling the unmistakable sensation of sheer joy as you were faced with someone whom in anger you swore to hate forever. 
Guess that forever didn’t last either. 
His hands, red and roughened from the cold, shuttered to a halt, previously occupied with dusting off your coat as he’d bumped into you on the ice, hurtling you painfully through the air.
He wet his dry lips and gently ghosted those dry-ass hands of his over your elbows, wanting to trap you? Hug you?
Either way, you were pissed and the crowd as it turned could be extremely lonely. Snowflakes fell in large clumps from the blackened sky, behind which sprawled the infinite Cosmos. Infinite Cosmos! With planets and galaxies and universes beyond your comprehension so why? Why, oh why, did this man hold so much power over you?! 
“Don’t come near me,” you growled. “I don’t want to forgive you!”
Jimin being an obnoxious, catty bastard of an angel leaned into your face, so close you could feel the warmth of his breath on your nose, his own expression marred with sheer spite. 
“So I’m forgiven now?”
There were many things to hate about Jimin. How he made your heart quicken and how well he was aware of that fact. The cocky smile he wore as your face hued in unflattering shades of red. You hated how sad he looked when he was down and how it made you want to ruin the entire world for ever daring to upset him. You were supposed to be unflappable, unapproachable and yet slyly like a creeping cat he had pushed past all those finely built walls to make a home in your heart. 
“I’m angry at you!” you curled up your fists only to receive a harsh scowl in return. 
“I’m angry at you as well!” Then he smirked because, despite all your talk when his arm wrapped around your waist, you made no effort to remove it. 
“Stop doing that!”
“Oh, I’m sorry that my face makes expressions,” he rolled his eyes, pushing you closer.
Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that winter lights were pretty but they were cold, much like the sun at certain longitudes of the Earth, but currently, you couldn’t possibly get any warmer. Your back was positively sweltering acutely aware of his stable touch and the fine line you so inappropriately were skating on. Friends. Not lovers. Friends. Just friends. Not even friends now, ex-friends! Strangers! But the way he was holding you was of no strangers. Of no friends. 
Standing here in this stupid, overpriced ice rink with its stupid golden lights, you felt yourself falter, succumbing to weakness. It was all his fault! So why could you not stop the smile blossoming upon your lips?!
“Park Jimin,” you shoved an accusing finger into his chest that definitely hadn’t been getting more toned as of late. “Will you hold yourself responsible when I experience emotional malfunction?”
“Do you mean feelings?” he clarified, eyebrows wrinkling in confusion. “Because if you do, I've been experiencing emotional malfunction for a long time already. I’m the victim here!”
“And what do you want me to do about it?” 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, but you knew that glint in the eye that had nothing to do with the glimmer of the decorations.  “Kiss it better why don’t you.’Tis the season of kisses.”
“It’s not.”
“It is now,” he growled and pushed his lips upon yours.
TAEHYUNG: Honestly, of all the crazy moments within the last year, it was this one that made you fully grasp just how wild one’s life could get. Here you were on this shaking metal box, after much snivelling and snarling to get a little piece of paper, cramped in between two sweaty dudes and travelling hundreds of miles per hour just to see someone’s son. Embarrassing. And yet you were trembling inside.
Catching a taxi, you tried not to get overwhelmed by the bustling of this foreign city and instead focused on perfecting the tied ribbon, praising the heavens that it didn’t get too smushed in your carry-on luggage. Your family were more than a little concerned and more than greatly disheartened by you skipping away across the world on winter holidays of all time but anyone with eyes could see - your heart was already long gone to that stranger in your phone.
Naturally, you didn’t enjoy seeing Taehyung so glum but the miserable reply of “Doubt so” to your misleading little “Happy Holidays, dear!” did grant you a bit of selfish cheer. He was missing you.
As the decorated trees and many overrun shops breezed past the car windows, you smiled to yourself, nuzzling into the red scarf he’d gifted you. Though when the time came to rap at his door, after getting through the apartment security, you found a sudden knot forming in your throat. What if he didn’t want you to see you? The plans after all had been seemingly set in stone - you return back home and spend the time there. What if he’d been preparing to go out with friends? What if he wasn’t even home? You’d look even more foolish after going through all this trouble. 
Shaking off the nerves, you gathered yourself and knocked before the sliver of cowardice could nestle once again. You could hear Tannie bark on the other side which was a rather good indication he was home and just a second after were elatedly greeted by the sound of slippers shuffling across the floor. You threw a wink at the camera showing his doorstep, barely having the time to jump out of the way when light speed they were thrust into your face. 
“You might get stuck that way,” you teased as Taehyung stood in the doorway, floundering for air like fish out of the water. 
“I thought you were going home for holidays.”
“Well, I couldn’t leave you all alone,” you shrugged. “Don’t say that you’re not - oof!” 
With the gentleness of a raging rhinoceros, Taehyung yanked you into his arms, swaying around as though he was hearing his favourite song. 
“You didn’t even look at your present,” laying on the bed next to him, you pointed at the still-wrapped gift perched on the nearby bedside table. With an elbow braced against his head, he didn’t even glimpse at the gift or attempted to deny the accusations. 
“I will tomorrow,” he promised quietly and you hummed, twirling the button of his loose cardigan that truthfully sat too low on his chest for your mental well being. 
“I’m sorry this probably wasn’t the best winter holiday -”
“It is,” he interrupted without blinking, tone gaining such a lilt of fierceness, you raised your head in astoundment. 
“Did your wish come true or something?”
“Yes, it did,” he answered simply. 
JUNGKOOK: Perching the laundry basket on your hip, you tilted your head to the side, curiously inspecting the green thing attached to the ceiling. You knew Jungkook had his fair share of quirks but putting herbs in the doorway… Shaking your head, you gave a resigned sigh and decided to leave your boyfriend be. But the green thing seemed to haunt you like the world’s shittiest ghost. It wasn’t enough for it to be shoved in a random corner of Jungkook’s own home but soon it invaded yours as well. Waking up, with one cheek pressed against his chest, you shook Jungkook awake, pointing concernedly at the vegetable hovering on the lamp above your head. 
“What is that for?” you inquired, confused but he merely smirked, wagging his eyebrows in nothing but the most annoying fashion.
“Why don’t you tell me?” 
“How would I know?” you grumbled, kicking a leg out of the covers, missing the affronted look Jungkook threw your way, when you missed his puckered up lips. 
As the month dragged on, you grew increasingly perplexed at how Jungkook’s green celery seemed to simply appear wherever your eyes strayed to. You were growing half convinced he had these things half a dozen shoved down his pants. 
“Yes, mom, I got the correct size,” you defended, trying to spot Jungkook’s car in the underground car park of the hellsite that was a shopping centre during the holiday rush. A black car…in a shopping parking lot...like looking for a needle in a stack of needles. Finally, seeing the correct licence plate, you drew a heavy sigh of relief.
“I’ve got to go, talk to you later!”
Upon getting in, you threw the many bags in the backseat, ready to yap Jungkook’s ears off with some overdue complaining only to fall promptly silent when seeing that piece of kale hanging from the car mirror. 
“Ehm…I don’t think it’s an air freshener, Koo,” you gently informed him and he scoffed, lips jutting out in a deeply offended pout. 
“What did I do?” you whined, receiving a dirty glare as an answer. 
“Do you hate me or something?” he glowered after turning his head to the other side and laying his chin on the steering wheel. 
“Why would you say that?”
“You’ve not given me any kisses,” he pointed glumly at his spinach.
“Why would…why would a bundle of herbs equal kisses?” you frowned, failing to see his logic. It wasn’t like it was rare but you’ve never been this confused, especially given how resentful he appeared. 
“Herbs-?” then all of a sudden he broke out in roaring laughter, startling you immediately. Clutching at his stomach, Jungkook threw his head against the seat. “Oh my god, I’m in love with a dummy.”
“Don’t call me a dummy!” you insisted. “Explain why artichoke equals kisses?”
Whatever you said set him off even further and loudly clapping, it would seem Jungkook would commit suicide by choking himself with laughter. 
“ᵃʳᵗᶦᶜʰᵒᵏᵉ,” he gasped, tears streaming down his cheeks and blissfully ignoring your budding irritation. 
“Fucking Elmo laughing ass,” you groused, turning up your nose and hissing when Jungkook pressed a wet kiss against your cheek.  
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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