#it all depends on how well the multiple povs are done
lassify · 7 months
Is Twilight a good therapist?
[Spoilers for SxF Ch.77 if you haven't already read it!!]
I am a huge fan of seeing representation of what it's like to be in the therapy room, but there are always soooo many things that the media get wrong, and I really wanted to draw attention to Twilight's portrayal as a therapist. (This is coming from the POV of someone who works in a clinical setting in the UK/Scotland).
Before I get stuck in, I also want to make it clear that Psychiatrists and Psychologists are VERY different, and in this scene Twilight is very much acting as a Psychologist.
("What's the difference?" you may ask.
It's easy. A Psychiatrist is trained as a medical doctor, specialising in mental disorders largely from a biology perspective, and they are qualified to prescribe drugs and medication.
A Psychologist on the other hand delivers talking therapies, and is trained to see mental health from multiple perspectives. Basically, exactly what we see Twilight doing in this scene!)
So, we have a spy who has received next to zero medical training and, as far as I can tell, has whizzed through textbooks in his spare time - no placements, no clinical training, no assessments or exams, no clinical supervisor to assist in reflection or case management.
So, how does he do?
Normalising responses to traumatic events ✅
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Mr Austin has done the brave thing and turned up looking for help, and Twilight/Dr Forger responds by putting his problems into context, and normalising the experience for him. We love to see it. This is SO important to trauma-informed working.
2. Providing reassurance and expectations for recovery ✅
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I love this even more because what Twilight is saying is true. Only 10% of people who experience a potentially traumatic event actually develop PTSD symptoms, and of those, 70% will recover within the year. Twilight is reiterating the message that acute trauma is absolutely recoverable.
3. Teaching and demonstrating coping skills ✅
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It's not enough for clinicians to simply tell their patients about coping skills, it is essential to demonstrate them too. Bringing the practice of coping skills into the therapy room is so important for helping the patient to build their skills, and to build the therapeutic alliance as well.
Here, Twilight is teaching a simple breathing technique, but I would also commend him for teaching other coping skills: grounding, distraction, progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation, and more - although all/most of these rely on breath control as a foundation.
4. Encouraging guided self-help and making medical reccommendations ✅✅
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Just trying a breathing exercise once does not make recovery easy. Twilight knows it's important to encourage patients to do this in their own time.
And, finally, we see him acting as a psychiatrist, and reccommending medication. (Although, let's temporarily ignore that as a spy he has NO TRAINING in psychopharmaceuticals).
5. Breaching confidentiality ❌ Confrontational approach ❌
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Oh, Twilight... You have fucked up. Big time. This is the biggest fuck up of the entire session.
It's his SECOND session with this patient, and not only does he take a confrontational approach (putting Mr Austin on the defensive, definitely not conducive to a good therapeutic relationship), but he has BREACHED CONFIDENTIALITY. Depending on severity this is A FIREABLE OFFENCE (even in the UK!).
6. Positioning oneself as the 'expert' ❌ Telling the patient to confront their abuser❌ Not taking into account patient's readiness for change ❌
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Oh HELL no. Absolutely not. Confronting fear is a delicate and lengthy process requiring many steps, and always checking in with the patient at every step of the way. It cannot go too fast.
The therapeutic relationship is an alliance, and it's important to empower the patient to make their own choices in therapy, especially if it's something that is a source of fear.
Not only that, but telling anyone to confront their abuser is straight up the worst advice ever. It's not safe.
6.5 Providing rationale and reassurance✅
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Okay, I'll concede on this point. Twilight's rationale is sound: in the 'Cycle of Anxiety', Avoidance is a key factor in maintaining one's fear of something, and it is a core criterion in PTSD. Learning how to face a fear is really important to PTSD recovery.
And it's good that Twilight attempts to reassure Mr Austin's concerns.
7. Giving unsolicited relationship advice ❌
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This is NOT your role, Twilight. You are outside the bounds of your job description. It's an admirable effort to connect with the patient, but, alas, not appropriate at this time.
8. Not taking risk into account ❌❌❌
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This is a BIG one. It is not normal for a person to be so afraid of their spouse to be showing all the typical symptoms of a fight-or-flight fear response (sweating, shaking, racing thoughts, muscle tension, pupil dilation, etc.), and Twilight is missing some pretty obvious cues to indicate that Mr Austin is in a clearly unsafe situation.
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AND if its bad enough that Mr Austin can't even speak, that means his fear is bad enough to completely shut off his pre-frontal cortex (the centre of executive function, rational thought and decision making), which means that his fear is THAT bad. Add this up with the insomnia, chronic fatigue, frequent dissociation, irritability and mood swings, and suddenly it is bad enough to be considered a trauma response - and Twilight still doesn't question the source of this trauma.
Also, Twilight, you can afford to put the judgement aside. Please.
9. Facilitating an unsafe exercise ❌ Risking psychological safety ❌
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Here Twilight is attempting a basic exercise inspired by exposure therapy (which Twilight is NOT trained in because he is a spy). While it is a therapy that has a decent evidence base, you don't to therapy to a patient, you do it with them, i.e. it's a process that needs to have a clear goal with informed consent.
In this instance, Twilight didn't prepare Mr Austin for the exercise, and he ended up in an actual flashback with very high levels of emotional distress. Unsafe.
And, again, psychiatrists do not typically deliver talk therapy - that is the job of psychologists.
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Why did I make this thread?
I'm really happy that Endo put in the effort to illustrate a really interesting therapy session, bringing psychology and trauma into the forefront. These are sensitive topics and I applaud Endo for giving a really complex topic airtime, and doing the research into what a proper therapy session looks like - because, for all my criticisms here, it is a pretty decent represention of what therapy can look like. [Especially the good bits!]
I also think this scene/chapter alone does a great job of reducing the stigma of seeking help for mental illness. It's great to see in mainstream media, especially something as popular as Spy x Family, since Japan does have a high suicide rate and intense stigma for those suffering from mental illness.
However, I still felt the criticisms of Twilight's therapy session were important to voice.
We cannot forget that he is not a trained clinician. He is there to gather information on his patients and their families and connect him to the upper classes, which explains his confrontational approach and disregard to psychological safety.
As much as Twilight has truly absorbed the psychiatry textbooks and committed their content to memory, the effects of the lack of training is obvious, showing up as major errors in his clinical practice - some of which could get him fired in today's system.
TL;DR Twilight is a GREAT spy. But a therapist? Not your calling, my friend.
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qsmp-lore-dump · 3 months
Long time no see :) Here is a Tubbo Lore reflection and appreciation thread
The parallels with Creation and Arin are too much for me to ignore and contain my excitement about. I don’t think it was done on purpose either and that's what makes its soooo exciting to me. That separate creative minds made stories that deepen, mirror, and contrast the other. But not even that, Tubbos Creation lore adds so much depth to other pieces of overarching lore to the Island.
Like i said, i dont know if it was done intentionally or completely by chance, either way it's so perfectly done. 
“Woke up” the day the train arrived with the first members. His existence is dependant on Luzu for now and the Codes were hunting him because he didnt belong in this dimension. Arin says that if Luzu were to know of his existence, Arin wouldnt be able to come here (the island) anymore and that if the Code catches him, he ceases to exist in this world. 
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Arins purpose was to learn and make the world a safe environment. 
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When he departs from BBH and Foolish on Day 24, he says he will search for answers, a way to bring Tilin back, because in his world it is possible to bring someone back. 
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(3 above images from Day 24)
*sorry i dont really have screenshots along with this since Creation communicates verbally*
When Creation first appears, we learn that his purpose is to protect the “Shells”, what he calls the Eggs. He warns that Tubbo cannot know that he has been activated. Creation repeats this warning to the Residents on Day 327, his 2nd appearance. 
Day 327 is when Tubbo “dies”, triggering Creation to give protection to Sunny aswell as find a way to rebuild/restore Tubbo “Primary Protector”. 
Arin, linked to Luzu from another Dimension, whose existence must not be exposed to Luzu. 
Creation, linked to Tubbo, created by him, who’s activation must not be exposed to Tubbo. 
After Bobby’s death, Jaiden commits herself to aiding the Federation with the promise of protection over the remaining Eggs. 
Day 71, Jaiden is tasked with gathering resources from various residents that she will need to deliver on Day 109. That same day, Pomme is attacked 3x by a Code which causes Jaiden to question Cucuruchos ability to protect the eggs or not. She is told this is not the real mission yet. 
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Day 109, Jaiden delivers the resources to an abandoned facility, presumed to be Federation. When she deposits the items Cucurucho asked her to gather, it activates the system. The system attached to the Ice Chamber where Tubbo and the others were kept. 
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Intentionally or not, this deepens the history of the island and Creation so much. The implication of Jaidens tasks not being the real mission to protect the eggs while ending in her activating the system to inturn activates Creation, whose purpose is to protect the Shells, validates and solidifies Federation lore and the history of the Frozen residents as well as Jaidens character who has an unknown connect to the Federation.
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(Day 136 Jaiden)
The abandoned facility is very likely an old BioLab. In Cellbits POV you can see there are multiple water tubes, all with a chair or seating area facing it, along with a shelf and books. A place for taking notes, recording data. It highly resembles the BioLab Etoiles and Bagi were sent to investigate, where the captured code was found. 
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(Day 109 Cellbit)
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(Day 249 Etoiles)
When Bagi interviews Elena, we learn Elena works in genetics, the BioLabs. Refer back to the books found in the abandoned facility, many are noted by “E”. I believe the “E” stands  for Elena. 
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I know there are many theories floating around regarding Tubbos' relation to the Federation and Elena in particular, so take this last bit as you wish :) Perhaps Tubbo was one of her experiments.
BASICALLLLLY, I have no idea how much or if any of this was done intentionally by Tubbo, if the storywriters had any bit of guiding hand when he was working on his lore, or if it entirely by chance but no matter which, I am VERY excited to see how it develops. To learn about qTubbos history, more about the history and purpose of the Ice Chambers as a whole. 
I REALLLLLY hope everyone sees this the way i’m intending it, as an applause to Tubbo and his character building because it isnt my intention at all to detract from his lore by attributing or linking it to someone elses but rather appreciating the depth Creation adds to the overarching lore of the story as a whole. 
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rollerskatinglizard · 14 days
20 questions for fan creators
Thanks for tagging me, @rhea314!
How many works do you have on ao3? 112 fics!
What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,360,000, holy smokes.
What fandoms do you create for? Motorcity and Homestuck!
Top 5 Works by Kudos: Top fic is Diamonds for Princes, then comes Heredity and Blackmail (even though I didn't finish it), What it takes to satisfy a Turk, shadows spreading where you stand, and Chilton 2.0.
Do you respond to comments? All except for cowritten fics sometimes! All the rest, I may answer two years late but I WILL RESPOND!!
What is the work you’ve made with the angstiest ending? Probably the first of my whump shortfics! Here's to major character death, babyyyy
What’s the work you’ve made with the happiest ending? I try to write most of my fics with happy endings, but honestly I have no idea which one is the happy-EST. Maybe Shadows spreading where you stand? Or In the Lost Age Where the Jewels Hide!
Do you get hate on your works? Nope!
Do you create smut? Hell yes I do! Happy pornographer here.
Craziest crossover? I'm pretty sure the only crossover that might be termed "crazy" is Taking the Helm, with Motorcity characters in a Homestuck setting (as trolls).
Have you ever had a work stolen? Not that I'm aware of, fortunately.
Have you ever had a work inspired by your works? Yes!! A number of awesome people have drawn art from my fics or made podfics of them, and there've been one or two inspired fics. <3
Have you co-recorded/co-written/co-vidded before? I have three wonderful cowriters who I click very well with! Cowriting is a very different process from writing alone, and I enjoy it a lot.
All time favorite ship? Right now, Mike Chilton/Chuck.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Honestly I'm beset with doubt about many of my wips at all times... ToT Maybe my (non)soulmates fic.
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding strengths? I'm getting better at humor! My action scenes are fairly gripping, when I bother to write one, and my porn is hot or cute or both.
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding weaknesses? I almost never describe settings, I don't vary my sentence structure or paragraph beginnings enough, my fics tend to be light on plot, and my writing is neither lyrical nor vivid and visceral. It's, like... workmanlike. It gets the job done, that's it.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Depends! If it's just a brief bit in a fic, totally, go for it, but if there are long chunks written in a different language (one I undoubtedly don't speak), that irritates me for multiple reasons. (I found Lolita's narrator incredibly irritating and full of himself for his habit of constantly dropping in long quotes in other languages.) If you're doing it because that's the language they'd be speaking, but your POV character doesn't understand, you can convey the annoyance of that just as well with skillful writing, and if the POV does understand... just translate.
First fandom you podficced/wrote in/vidded? Oh man, an age ago I started and didn't finish a number of Slayers fics, and then Gundam Wing.
Favorite work you’ve made? I... I can't pick just one! I still adore my naga fic hold you down until you're amazed, and Ace Up the Sleeve, and my (second) werewolf gangbang fic A Gregarious Species, and then there's my king/knight fic All Manner of Indignities...
No, wait. My fav fic of all is the short one where the Burners end up messing with the Duke: Spite, that great motivator. XD Even now, it makes me giggle.
Uhhh I tag @aishitara and @aspenonthecoast, and anyone else if you're around and feel like it!
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anonymouse1312437 · 21 days
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Hey everyone. This is a fanfiction with a lot of details and a backstory. If it is not your thing then I am sorry. This is more than just a smut. It will have fluff, angst, heartache, heartbreak, mentions of mental health.  
The character is going to struggle with things such as: 
Abuse, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorder, Self harm, Suicidal thoughts and attempts, as well as Degradation.  
The highlights: 
Smut, heavy rough and fluffy smut, age-gap relationships, choking, biting, marking, hair pulling, Degradation from a love interest (Or many), humiliation (kink), breathe play, unprotected sex (Of any and all kinds), multiple people moments, creampies, and more.  
  This is not for anyone under 18. Minors DNI.  
There is multiple POVs. If that is not your thing I understand. Smut wont start until chapter 4. I have written up until then. I will post a chapter every other day if I can. Maybe everyday depending on how if I can keep up with the writing.  
I want to keep some of the character relationships to a surprise but, if you look at the tags you will see who will be mentioned throughout the books.  
Thanks for reading if you do. I will also be posting this story on Wattpad and AO3 once I have an active account on AO3 that is.  
All characters were made by J.K. Rowling and I am not taking credit for the development of the characters.  
The timeline will be messed up in this writing. I am trying to mend it in a way that this could work with the storyline.  
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Chapter One:
“Jess I can’t wait to get back to school. What about you?” I asked.  
“I don’t know why you would think that I was excited about this. I suck at the school here.” Jess said. I can’t believe that she would say that she doesn’t do well at the school here. Everyone envied the grades she would receive. I mean an A in most of her classes and some of which were B’s.  
“Remember the word for the store front is DragonAly.” My aunt said. Yeah, yeah whatever. We have done this a few times. Nothing that she says is going to be important. It’s not like there is another wizarding school in the world. Right? I mean we haven’t heard of another one.  
“We will see you on the other side.” My aunt said and cast her wand up and was no longer in the room with us. My friend Jess was next to go and then when I cast my wand up, I ended up getting tongue tied. I am not even sure how it sounded when it came out. I felt like I had been punched in the gut and then I was standing inside of a fireplace. What the hell? Where am I?  
“Hello? Did I hear someone in here?” I heard someone. Wait. This person didn’t sound like me. I couldn’t stop coughing.  
“Oh dear. Are you okay? What are you doing in here?” A nice red hair woman asked. She is British though.  
“I- I think I am okay. Where am I?” I asked her. The shock on her face probably mirrored the shock on mine when I heard her voice.  
“My, my dear. Are you American? How did you get all the way over here?” She asked. Oh no.  
“Wait, am I?” I started to ask.  
“Honey you are not in America. Where were you trying to go? Good heavens get out of the fireplace dear. Here let me help you.” She said and held her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and started to pull myself out of the fireplace.  
“Ron dear come help me.” She hollered out. I saw a red-haired boy come around the corner and run up to his mom. I assume it is his mother at least.  
“Who is this mom?” He asked. Also, British. I can’t believe I am not at home anymore.  
She looked at me like she was waiting for me to fill that information in for her because I had not said what my name is yet.  
“I am y/n) I am from Oregon. I have no idea how I got here. I was just trying to get to school. I think when I said my destination my words became jumbled, and I must have said the wrong thing. I must have said something similar. Might I ask where I am exactly?” I asked, stumbling the words out as I said them because I was speaking too fast.  
“You are at Diagon Alley. Where were you supposed to go?” The woman asked me. “Does it sound similar to where you were supposed to go?” 
“Yes, I was supposed to go to DragonAly. I don’t feel so good.” I said and looked down.  
“Oh dear. Why don’t you come with me. I am Molly Weasley. This is one of my son’s Ron. Why don’t we get you to a phone and you can call your family. Let them know that you are okay.” She said. I smiled at her kindness.  
“I really hope I am not putting you out of your way. I am sorry for intruding.” I said.  
“Oh, hush darling. I am sure your family is worried sick.” Mrs. Weasley said. She escorted me back out to a building with her son behind us and she just kept talking.  
“Hold on dear. Stay right here. Arthur! Arthur! Darling something has happened!” She hollered. She walked off towards a taller gentleman. Another red-haired person. Wow they must be more common here than where I am from back home.  
“Well, hello there, I am Arthur Weasley. I see that you have met my wife. Did you just get here when my wife found you?” He asked. I nodded. I felt my stomach squeeze. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and then I blacked out. I felt my body go limp and then after that I don’t know what happened.  
Sometime must have passed because I woke up in bed. This is not my room, and my head hurts horribly.  
“Hello?” I mumbled.  
“Mom! She is awake!” Ron yelled out. I swear I thought that I was dreaming but, no I am not in my country anymore.  
“Oh, Ron hush your mouth. Poor thing probably has a headache. You go on now hun. I am going to see if she can tell me her phone number.” I saw Mrs. Weasley pull out a wand and walk over to me. She is like me. Probably why she did not freak out when she saw me in a fireplace.  
“Sweetheart, are you able to tell me your family's number?” She asked.  
“901-444-8231 it’s my school. You can reach them by wand.” I said and it came out quietly.  
“I will give them a call. They might be able to tell your loved ones for me.” She said and smiled. She stepped out of the room again dialing the number and almost immediately someone answered the phone. She looked a little distraught, which told me that whoever she was speaking to was not good. This can’t be good. Nothing of this can be good.  
“Darling, would you take her some of the tea I just made.” She said to Ron.  
“Yes mom.” He said and grabbed a cup of tea and walked towards me. He set it down on the table that was next to me. I sat up and still felt the pain in my stomach so I attempted to move slowly.  
“You are kidding me!” Mrs. Weasley yelled into the phone. My guess is she just found out that I didn’t have a mother and father. That my aunt was taking care of me and she didn’t care much for me either. Me ending up here wasn’t going to be much different from being over there. I was going to be unwanted anywhere I end up.  
“Well then, she can stay put. We have a school she can attend here. It’s the best school there is so that will be that.” Mrs. Weasley said and then ended the call on the wand. She walked off towards Mr. Weasley and I assume she was telling him about the phone call. What does she mean that I will just stay put? I mean I don’t want to impose them. She doesn’t even know much about me other than my age.  
“Dear?” I didn’t realize that she had come back already and with Mr. Weasley in tow.  
“I spoke to your school. It appears your aunt has given up guardianship of you. They want to take you out of your school because of that. Now I don’t want you to miss out on your education and Mr. Weasley and I, well, we would like to help enroll you in the Wizarding program here. That is if you're okay with that?” she asked with some tears in her eyes. 
 I couldn’t help but cry. She did what? Even if she did only keep me because she was getting money from the state because of my parents death and the fact that I was also her maid and chef. My cousin isn’t even anything like me but, is loved so much. I can’t believe that this happened. I mean come on. Why couldn’t this have happened when I was not trapped in a different country. Oh god it hurts. I always felt unwanted but, that didn’t make it true. Yet now it was true. There was no denying it. There was no denying that I am an orphan. I hate myself. This is crap.  
“Oh sweetheart. It will be okay. Come here.” Mrs. Weasley said and pulled me close to her. She hugged onto me tightly and I just continued to sob into her. I haven’t had this. I haven’t had someone hug me before little own hold me. It was nice and soothing, but the tears did not stop. Thankfully I learned how to be quiet when crying ages ago when people would tease me about my parents' death at my school.  
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to impose. You don’t have to take care of me. I can leave.” I said, trying not to meet her eyes.  
“Oh, honey it really is no problem. Let me call the school and see what I can do. It is about to start so it might be a bit difficult but, I am sure I can figure something out.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“Thank you. Thank you for helping me.” I said. She was being so kind.  
“Absolutely. Drink the tea darling. It will help with your stomach and chest pains.” She said.  
I took the cup from the table and sipped some of it. This did not taste good but, I guess if it is to help me get better I am going to have to deal with it. I mean I need this feeling to go away.  
“Mr. Weasley is already on the phone with the school so if you don’t want that please let me know.” She said and I smiled.  
“I think I would really like it here.” I said. She smiled big at my words.  
“Harry!” Ron yelled out. Who is Harry?  
“Come now, Ron has a friend that stays with us a just before school starts and I think it would be good for you to make another friend before going into that school.” She said and grabbed my hand. She pulled me towards the center of the place, and I looked at the boys in the room and one other female.  
“Alright these are the twins, Fred and George, Bill and Charlie are not here they are in Russia and Percy is in Romania and Ginny my sweet girl. This is y/n. Please be nice to her.” Mrs. Weasley said and then joined her husband who was still on the phone.  
“Is it true? Are you an American?” Fred and George said.  
“Yes-I am.” I said. This is a lot of people.  
“That’s amazing what are the states like?” They asked.  
“I only really saw the one I lived in. It was gloomy most days. Some were bright and sunny but I didn’t get to enjoy it the way other people did.” I said and looked down towards my feet.  
“Uhm, who is Harry?” I asked.  
I heard the gasp within the room and all the eyes turned to me.  
“American’s haven’t heard of the great Harry Potter. The baby that survived Voldemort? Nothing?” Ron said.  
“No, I am sorry. I honestly haven’t heard anything. Back in my school we didn’t even have a similar situation. Wait did you say as a baby he survived? Did someone try to kill you?” I asked.  
“Yeah Voldemort. Did you even know there were other wizarding schools?” Harry asked.  
“No we were told that we were the only one in the world. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me because no one had even a slight accent but, I guess we all just kind of believed what we were told.” I said.  
“Well, that’s actually a bit refreshing. What were your points like at your school?” Harry asked. 
“Points? What do you mean?” I asked.  
“Like your house points.” Harry added.  
“House points?” I asked.  
“Yeah like for Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. We are all Gryffindors. Everytime we do something good the house is awarded points. All our tests are mainly physically done and the written ones yes there may be a grade on it per say but, they award the class with the highest grades amongst them all.” Harry said.  
“Oh we don’t have any of that. We are all one entire unit there. We get grades. Mine were mostly C’s so like 70s but no house points. Nothing like that.” I said and they all just looked at me a bit shocked.  
“What kind of school events or sports do you have?” Ginny asked.  
“I mean the normal school dances but, that is really it. We had football, baseball, and soccer. Is that not what you have here?” I asked.  
“No we have Quidditch.” Ron said.  
“Oh and what is that?” I asked.  
“Wait is it a wizarding school then? I mean it sounds really boring at your school. Did you live there at least?” The twins questioned.  
“Yes we lived there.” I said 
“They fed you didn’t they?” I looked down again.  
“No, our families had to give us money or we had to get jobs in order to buy our own food. Very rarely did they provide anything.” I said.  
“What about the nurse?” Ginny asked.  
“They would give us Band-Aids but anything else we would have to go to the hospital. No one wanted to go there because then it would cause us to receive a bill and it could have been a couple hundred of dollars to a couple grand. No one has the ability to pay for that on minimum wage.” I said.  
“They bill you for getting sick? What about a broken arm? Well I suppose you already answered that. Fascinating. Everyone says the United States is amazing but, it does not sound like it really is.” Ron said.  
“Well, yeah. It really is not that great.” I said and smiled towards them.  
“Well that’s alright. Why don’t we go out and get you some books. You will need them for classes surely.” Harry said.  
“I don’t even know if Mrs Weasley-” I started to say but then she and Mr. Weasley walked in.  
“Dear you will be starting tomorrow with them. They made some room. I will have to warn you though. The dormitory was filled in every house, so they decided to put you in a private room. They will show it to you when you get there.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“Oh and dear, they are looking forward to meeting you. They are pleased to have someone from a different country here. They are very welcoming there.” She said and Ron scoffed.  
“Oh hush Ron. Don’t worry the poor thing. Take her to get some books from the second hand stores. Here I will give you some money.” Mrs. Weasley said. I didn’t want to accept it but, Ron was quick to get up and take it from his mother.  
“Thanks mom we will be back soon.” Ron said and the lot of us walked out of the place we were staying in. 
“So Ron is this your house that we are currently in?” I asked and he shook his head no.  
“No we don’t live there. This is just where we stay when it is this close to school starting. The train station is just around the corner from here.” Ron said and smiled.  
“You take a train to school?” I asked.  
“Oh this will be fun. If anything, I hope we can get you through the platform without any accidents like harry and I had a while ago.” Ron said. That sounds horrifying.  
“I don’t suppose you can tell me what you mean.” I said.  
“You don’t want to know. It will be easier just to show you.” Harry said and smiled at me. He had a handsome face but the scar on his head was a bit strange.  
“How old are you?” Ron asked.  
“I am eighteen. I just turned a few days ago.” I said.  
“Oh. Okay you are a bit older. Are you supposed to be in your last year?” They asked.  
“Yes, this was my fourth and final year.” I said.  
“Wait, only four years? We are here for six. What age did they start you?” They asked.  
“I was fourteen when I started.” I said and smiled. 
“Well you were about the same age as us so thats a bit intense. How can they teach you as much as you need to know in such a short time?” Harry said.  
“I would say we probably are not learning the same things.” I said.  
“That is probably true.” The twins said. The boys linked their arms through mine and then in a blink of an eye we were standing in a store.  
“What just happened?” I held my head. That hurts.  
“Oh, have you not learned how to apparate?” The twins asked? 
“No. I missed that day and they always said it takes a special kind of magic they didn’t want to teach.” I said rubbing my head.  
“Well then I sure hope you are able to keep up with our school.” He said.  
“Professor Snape is going to hate you.” Ron chuckled.  
“He hates everyone so don’t take it personally.” He added.  
“Why does he hate everyone?” I asked.  
“He just does. He lets off that he is annoyed with everyone. Except himself that is. Just keep your head down in his class and try not to mess up.” Ron said.  
We made our way through multiple stores with the boys gathering the books I needed. How many classes were there? There was a lot of books they were grabbing.  
“Let’s go to the wand store.” Harry said. The what? We had to make our wands. What is wrong with mine? 
“What is wrong with my wand?” I asked.  
“It looks a bit crafted. You will need something that will be able to handle any spell that could be thrown at you.” Harry said.  
“But we aren’t allowed to use magic on anyone.” I said fairly confused.  
“Wow, the ways of the americans are truly different.” Ron said.  
“Don’t say that in potions class.” Ron said. I loved potions class back home. I wonder how far they have gotten.  
“Just pick a wand or let the wand decide if it also wants to pick you.” Harry said.  
“I will say something seems very loud and trying to draw my attention towards the back wall.” I said.  
“What do you mean?” Harry asked. I shushed him and then looked at the man behind the desk.  
“Why miss you look fairly familiar. Have you been here before?” The man asked.  
“No, I am not from this country.” I said. I smiled at him.  
“Ah but of course. An american. What a nice surprise. What can I do for you today?” He said.  
“I feel like the wand I want is in the back but, it is behind your desk. It’s practically screaming at me.” I said and he looked me in the eyes.  
“Can you show me this one.” I said and snapped my fingers and the box pulled out a little bit. 
“Yes of course. However, I can’t give this one to you. It wouldn’t be in your best interest miss.” He said.  
“Alright. At least let me see it.” I said. He pulled the box down and opened it. Inside lie a wooden wand that was carved into with leaves imprinted into it. Gold flakes throughout the wand and a green emerald at the bottom. Except it was missing something. Like a key. Funny enough I stole something from my aunt. It belonged to my mother. I picked up the wand and immediately the man looked upset. 
“Miss I don’t think you should touch it.” He said.  
“Oh I just want to see something.” I said and looked at him. I pulled my ring off and in the bottom a little green emerald was on tucked on the underside of it. I pulled it out and lined it up with the chipped piece. It fit perfectly and with it tucked into place the wand was attached to my hand. I looked at the person behind the counter and he looked at me with his mouth gaped open.  
“Miss where did you find the chipped piece?” He asked.  
“It was my mothers. I don’t even know who she is but,  I took it from my aunt who tried to keep it from me. How do you have her wand?” I asked.  
“The wand appeared out of thin air one day. It was always beautiful to me but, you are the only one who has ever asked to see it. How strange. Are you sure it was your mothers?” He asked. 
“Yes, I just don’t understand as to why it would be here and not in the united states.” I said and he nodded.  
“Wow, that is crazy. Anyway what is the total?” Ron asked.  
“Well, this is rightfully hers. If it were her mother’s I can’t make her pay for it. Take it miss. I mean it. Please take what is rightfully yours.” He insisted.  
“Well, thank you sir. I greatly appreciate your generosity.” I said and his face paled.  
“Thank you miss. Just be careful.” He said turning away from us.  
“One more store. Then we should get back to the house.” Ron said. They walked me over to the broom store.  
“Wait. I don’t think I can go in there.” I said.  
“Why not?” Ron asked.  
“It’s just something in my gut is telling me not to.” I said.  
“Oh you will be fine come on now.” Ron said and smiled. He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the building. I felt a weirdness in my stomach but right away something came flying towards me. What the hell.  
“Miss are you alright?” Someone asked.  
“Yes, but it is strange that this flew at me like that.” I said.  
“Well maybe it wanted you. Sometimes that happens. It’s not often. Rather it is rare that it happens with brooms. Maybe that one wants you.” He said again. I looked at the price and thought it was a bit much. I mean it looked like it was not worth that much.  
“You can haggle with me if you would like dear.” He said.  
“You don’t want that one. That one is a bit wild.” Ron and Harry said.  
“Oh hush boys. Let the lady decide what she wants.” The man said.  
“No, just hold on a moment.” I said. I looked at the broom fairly carefully. It has the same carvings as the wand.  
“Look the carvings are the same.” I said and the boys looked at the wand and the broom.  
“Wow. Maybe this was also her mothers.” Ron whispered. Again this is weird that her stuff is here and not over there. I don’t know anything about my mother or father. Maybe she was originally from here. It would return to where she was born I think. I am not too sure though. I mean come on why else would it be here. There is no way it would be here unless she was from here. It wouldn’t matter where or how she died it would return to where it came from.  
“Are you alright?” Ron asked.  
“Yes I am alright. Just curious is all. Sir how did you get the broom?” I asked.  
“It kind of just came to me one day. I don’t remember to much because it hit me in the head.” He said and looked down.  
“Look I would be willing to take twenty quid for it.” He said. That is a major discount from the ticketed price.  
“Okay that is fine.” I said. I went to grab what money I had of my own in my pocket but it wasn’t quid.  
“Do you take any other form of money?” I asked.  
“What do you have?” He asked.  
“I have dollar bills.” I said and pulled out my wallet and showed him. They weren’t just any dollar either. They were one of a kind misprints. Surely here they would still mean something.  
“No dear. Those just aren’t any dollars. One is more than enough.” He said his eyes appearing bigger. Okay so I was right they did mean something here as well.  
“What is with the money you have?” Ron asked. 
“Ron look at it.” Harry said and that’s when I noticed it myself. The people on it were moving. How strange. They didn’t do that back home.  
“That’s weird they were just misprints back home. They didn’t move but, now they are moving.” I said.  
“Incredible. We should show my dad. Maybe he has more information on it.” Ron said.  
“Okay I suppose.” I said.  
“Maybe he could find out who your mother is.” He offered. That would be nice. I smiled a bit at the words.  
“That would be nice.” I said.  
Ron and Harry grabbed onto my arms and then apparated us back to the place we were staying. Again that hurt my head more than it should have.  
“Someone here should know something about her if her stuff is here.” Harry said. We all walked into the house and within the corridor Mr. And Mrs. Weasley came out.  
“It’s true. You have her stuff.” She said and held her hand to cover her mouth.  
“Wait you know who my mother is?” I asked.  
“Your mother?” She asked and tears sprang to her eyes.  
“Oh darling. I knew you had a familiarity to you.” She said and walked towards me. Her hand now cupping my face.  
“I am confused.” I said and she nodded. 
“So am I sweetheart. How did you end up in the United States?” She asked.  
“I was born there what do you mean?” I asked.  
“No sweetheart. Your mother well, she had you here just before.” She stopped and started to cry a little. Mr. Weasley held onto her.  
“Y/N, your mother and her were very close. Something happened to your mother just after you were born. We only saw a glimpse of you just after you were born before you disappeared. We could never find you. We are your godparents. We were supposed to take you in and then after a couple years of searching and being unable to find you well it became obvious that something unfortunate could have happened to you. Anyway your mother well she was kind hearted. She didn’t want to tell anyone where you or your father went and paid a price for it. She died ages ago. We saw her wand and broom in the shops and well we tried to get them but, when things dont want you then they make it obvious. Anywho her name was Vergho. Funny enough I am pretty sure you were born in the early days of September making you a Virgo.” He said and looked down. Mrs. Weasleys hands dropped from my face and pulled me into a tight embrace.  
“Mrs. Weasley, surely she would have understood why no one found me. Maybe she had a good reason to keep me hidden. Is she really dead?” I asked.  
“Yes, I am sorry. We can't tell you just how happy we are that you are here. Maybe it was not a mistake you ending up here.” Mrs. Weasley said. Yet I know and I am assuming she knows that this was mearly a coincidence. There was no other way I was going to end up here unless I meant it. The only coincidence was the name of the place sounding fairly similar. I mean there couldn’t be. I don’t believe in “signs” of any kind.  
“Oh dear. Don’t let anyone see your wand if you can avoid it.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“May I ask why?” I asked quietly.  
“Your mother’s stuff was known by a lot of the professors. I don’t want any of them to get the wrong idea of you. Your mom was kind of a one of a kind deal. Wait Arthur do you think she is like her mother to?” Mrs. Weasleys eyes shot up and looked at him.  
“We will have to wait and see darling.” Mr. Weasley said. He looked at me with kind eyes.  
“What exactly are you referring to?” I asked and they looked at one another.  
“We can’t tell you. That is something you will have to find out on your own. If anyone were to tell you it could be problamatic dear. I am sorry.” She said.  
“I think this has been a long day for all of us. I think you all should go to bed. We will have quite the day tomorrow getting you to the train.” Mr. Weasley said.  
“Wait I thought we had a couple of days left.” Ron said.  
“Ron you always have the days wrong. The load of you go back tomorrow.” Mr. Weasley said. They were truly very kind. Harry motioned for me to follow them and they showed me to another cot in the loft area. No real rooms. That was until Mr. Weasley waved his wand and it became very spacious separating me and Ginny away from the boys. Oh good. Honestly I haven’t had a roommate that was nice before so this was pleasant.  
“Goodnight y/n.” Ginny said and smiled at me.  
“Goodnight Ginny.” I said and smiled back.  
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter One: Initially (Jason Todd's POV)
Terrence McGinnis. Case number two-sixty-seven. Breaking and entering, vandalism, petty theft, and armed robbery. I don't know what I expected. Maybe I thought he'd be taller. He was small, almond-eyed, rosy-cheeked. He looked painfully familiar. "Terrence—. No one calls you Terrence, huh? You gave me a look," I whispered as I reached to shake his hand.
"Terry... And I don't shake hands," Terry replied. I nodded.
"Terry, did anyone tell you who I was?" I questioned.
"You're supposed to fix me, right?" Terry asked. I raised an eyebrow.
"Depends on whether or not you think you're broken, Terry. Is that what you think of yourself?" I asked. Terry shrugged.
"Does it matter what I think? I've heard what everybody's been saying," Terry replied, "They talk about me like I can't understand what they're saying."
"I'm not here for them... I'm here for you, and I'm here to listen to you. Speaking of your wants and needs, do you want a soda or something? I missed breakfast," I replied. Terry fidgeted with a number sticker on the table, nodding. "What do you want?"
"If you press ginger ale on the Hansen's machine, you get two sodas free. Press ginger ale, and then press the pictures for whatever sodas you want," Terry explained. I grinned.
"Good looking out, Terry. What flavor do you want?" I asked as we stood up and walked toward the vending machines. I pressed the ginger ale button and got a soda for myself and one for Terry. "You've got me for two hours, so feel free to get snacks while we're here."
"Why?" Terry asked.
"Because it's four o'clock, and you're a fourteen-year-old kid. I know you've gotta want a bag of chips or popcorn or something," I replied, "And when I was in your place, the man that took me in got me something to eat. That's something that stuck with me."
"You were in my place?" Terry asked.
"I was well on my way," I replied, "I was boosting tires, B-and-E, lifting from stores and stuff... Do you want something to eat?"
He picked out a bag of chips. I let him eat while I pulled my thoughts together. "Thanks," Terry whispered. I nodded. "What'd you want to talk about?"
"When you need advice, who do you talk to?" I asked.
"Like an adult?" Terry asked.
"Or a friend," I replied, "Do you not have an adult that you feel understands you? And before you answer, that doesn't mean the adults in your life are bad. It just means that they don't relate to you."
"They don't get it. I know they're busy with the divorce and my brother and everything, but they—. You know about that stuff already," Terry mumbled.
"Yeah, but on paper, they're just facts. My job is to find out how you feel about the facts and how we can navigate your struggles together to make your life better. My job is to help you make your life better," I explained.
Terry took a sip of his soda. "Until I get out of here, right?" Terry asked.
"Nuh-uh. As long as you want me around. I'll give you my card before I leave today, and you can call me anytime you need me," I replied, "Now, let's get into what you want moving forward."
Terry liked to talk. I think that's what surprised me the most. He told me about everything he'd ever done and how he didn't know what to do once his parents finalized their divorce. And I listened. That's all he wanted. He talked so long that I almost forgot we only had two hours. Terry was an interesting kid. Insightful. By the end of the two hours, we were both hesitant to leave. I gave him my card and told him I'd be back in the weeks his parents couldn't visit.
"Jason Todd... Mr. Todd, are you gonna come back for real?" Terry asked.
"Two weeks. After your Mom and Dad visit you, I'll be there. First Sunday and last Sunday," I replied, "I promise, Terry... And call me Jason. Mr. Todd was my father."
I left our visit feeling recharged, but I didn't expect anything to come from it because kids forget so fast. So, I went home, wrote notes on everything he told me, and cross-referenced them with his case file. Terry's mother worked for AstroTech, and his father worked for Wayne-Powers. He came from an average family, but I couldn't help but feel strange about him. It felt like he didn't fit into his own puzzle. I had an appointment to meet his father in the morning but couldn't sleep.
I hadn't felt this way about a case in years. I stopped killing a while back because the criminal element in Gotham shifted. It used to be adults. It used to be simple. I stopped killing because the criminals got younger, more impressionable, and more cult-like. These kids weren't thinking for themselves. They were picking up where the criminal element of my time left off, and I had to change my angle. I couldn't go around killing children, so I tried my hand at rehabilitation. Terry was supposed to be my last case. He was my semi-retirement. The kid looked like a simple case on paper, but meeting him changed everything. Terry wasn't meant to be a criminal, and I think he knew that deep down. Still, Terry would require time, attention, and something I couldn't quite see yet. I wanted to help him, and I wanted to know him. I couldn't bear to take cases like his. The attachment was unbearable because the kid and I could do everything right, but Gotham could still swallow him up. It could still take him out because that's how the city was. Good kids and easy cases worried me because the kids with angles and sharp edges were built to make it. Gotham hated good kids. It chewed them up and spat them out with no remorse, and goddammit Terry was a good kid.
So much for semi-retirement. I put a sticky note on Terry's file for books I thought he'd like. Then I put another sticky with questions for Terry's father. I couldn't close my eyes. Every time I wanted to sleep, I thought of something else I could do. There was always something more for me to do. I think it was my way of paying penance for the sins of my youth.
Not that I regret killing the degenerates I snuffed out in my day. No. I felt guilty for the victims that I eventually forgot. Killing villains was alright, but it stopped making sense when I lost sight of the people I did it for.
My alarm went off while I was sitting at my desk, and I turned it off, made breakfast, and took it to my office. My assistant offered me a coffee, and I asked her to wait until Mr. McGinnis came. Terry's father, Warren, was a serious man. Over-stressed. He came in holding hands with a little boy I suspected was Terry's brother, Matthew. I hadn't met him before, but he looked exactly like Terry. Just younger. "Sorry, it was spring break, and there was no use in Mary and me taking the day off," Mr. McGinnis apologized. I nodded.
"It's alright, Mr. McGinnis... There's a playroom in the building if you don't mind separating for a little—."
My assistant stood up, and Mr. McGinnis nodded, allowing her to escort Matthew to the other room. "I spoke with Terry yesterday, and we had a lengthy conversation," I stated.
Mr. McGinnis looked sick to his stomach. "You can call me Warren... Um... Terry hasn't always been like—."
"Oh no, I might've misled you with my tone. Terry was great. He opened right up," I interrupted, "Personally... I think he'll be fine, but we both know he needs extra attention and support moving forward to keep him on the straight and narrow."
Warren nodded. "Has he said anything about the divorce?" Warren questioned.
Poor guy. I could tell he loved Terry to death but was missing something. He didn't understand Terry, but not for lack of trying. The man was exhausted. "He doesn't want to choose... This leaves you and Mary in a difficult situation," I replied. Warren frowned.
"We've already decided... But we weren't sure how to break it to him. We think it's best that I take him on full-time," Warren announced.
"You look worried," I noted, "This is your time to voice your concerns. If we can address them, we can help Terry."
Warren nodded before setting his glasses on my desk and hiding his face in his hands. "I'm never gonna be what he needs me to be," Warren choked on his words as he gave way to tears.
I pulled a box of tissues from my desk drawer and offered him one. "Mr.— Warren? You're trying... You raised an amazing kid—. Amazing kids... And some kids need more support than others. It doesn't make you a bad parent. You're only a bad parent if you give up on your child or demean them when they don't turn out how you imagined... You haven't done that," I reassured him.
I reached out to touch his shoulder and heard Bruce's voice in the back of my mind. You did everything you could, Jason. Then bile. I could still taste it. I shook the thought from my mind. "It's so hard... I didn't think it'd be so difficult with him," Warren cried softly.
I started to cry tears of my own. I wept for things I longed to feel again. "Warren, I'm here for your family. I'm here," I promised through my tears. I couldn't look up. I couldn't face Warren. He was everything that I wasn't. I wished I was in his place. But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
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kure-kirika · 1 year
I'm gonna write about my hcs for Homura as a system bc she has a Lot going on from that angle. I was going to wait until I finished a chart I had been drawing and sorted out each part's 'role' to my satisfaction, but I Really want to share it it's my favorite puella magi hc.
Ok so Akemi Homura. Firstly she has been through a LOT of trauma and bullshit so it's not even remotely a stretch to consider (esp given she has a history of frequent medical issues even before the main story).
Secondly she has some dissociative instances that happen as pretty plot-relevant things - the entire plot of Rebellion, for one. And, depending on how 'canon' you view it, Wraith Arc is another example of dissociative coding wrt memory issues/barriers, and carries a lot of plural coding on its own. Not to mention her incredibly detached approach in everything is a form of dissociation, as a response to being in an ongoing traumatic situation (being a magical girl and constantly having her friends taken from her or turning on her)
And honestly I'm just citing base examples off the top of my head and could most likely go into more in depth analysis for any of these points.
So she gives me strong system vibes. But furthermore, she'd be a rare case in media of a character with Multiple alters beyond just the 'good vs evil' trope, had this been done intentionally. And so I've picked out multiple alters that would compose her system, between the anime storylines and Wraith Arc, so I'm gonna list those out. As I said I haven't sorted out everyone's function/origin Thoroughly but I have pretty clear ideas for each.
Glasses Homura or 'Moemura' - the closest to the undissociated Homura, chronologically speaking and potentially in terms of function/personality. Might just have been the host for her daily life prior to her contract. Represented of course by wearing glasses, but her hair being braided (as seen in Rebellion) is another shorthand indication of her presence in the scene.
Akemi Homura, as we see her in the main series - most likely the second oldest alter seen by us. Formed directly to function as the main face of the system, as well as the system protector most likely. she's a sort of shield for the system by detaching all of her trauma and past timeline experiences from the present moment, acting as coldly and shut off as possible to further their collective goal (saving Madoka) and prevent emotional overwhelm. This also doubles to protect her more vulnerable alters and emotions, because as seen in flashbacks of earlier loops letting those show more often backfires than helps.
Wraith Madoka [Wraith Arc] - an introject alter modeled after Madoka. Unfortunately I haven't reread much of her part and my notes on her are elsewhere but I think she exists as a sort of... maybe soother for the system in a way, helping Madoka feel real in a reality where she is not.
Rapunzel Witch/Wraith Witch [Wraith Arc] - I'd probably classify this witch as a persecutor or other aggressive alter. She is born from the old memories and trauma, which is rejected by Homura in this story via memory manipulation (dissociation). This is done because this witch threatens Everything Homura has fought for and is initially represented in the story as Madoka's witch self, Kriemhild Gretchen, which further pushes that divide. The Rapunzel Witch is then fused with a Wraith and grows out of control, fueled by the power of Another antagonist to Madoka's world order (according to Homura's pov). The Wraith Witch then begins killing everything instantly, including Mami and Kyouko, and sets about destroying what Homura holds dear and/or has sworn to protect and keep safe.
Ai [Wraith Arc] - not entirely sure if I should count her separately from Wraith Madoka or not? Narratively she's essentially The Same Individual but everything about her is different functionally, so it might be a subystem deal or a case where Wraith!Mado split off of her. Ai was born narratively to manage Homura's memories, a representation of the 'miracle' that lets Homura retain her memories of the old reality. But she functions independently of Homura at points, as 'a part of Homura's soul that was eaten by a wraith'. She is the essence behind the creation of Wraith!Madoka as well as the individual behind its independent movements, all unbeknownst to Homura herself during this storyline.
Clara dolls [Rebellion] - these are already pretty clearly defined for us by the text, I think primarily as emotional holders and/or maybe fragments. I'm likewise unsure if I'd count Wraith Arc's Ai as part of their number, she has the same name as the unseen doll Ai but her function is somewhat different in practice. This might be chalked up to her being more consistently active than the others though, given how much "Ai (love)" drives Homura forward
Homulilly (black dress) [Rebellion] - I think I'd break her into two alters, given we have the black dress homura and then the fully-formed witch. In terms of black dress.... She's hard to gauge since I think her behavior blurs a lot with Homura's? But her motivation is different. She might also be a protector, but designed specifically for her Witch counterpart.
Homulilly (witch) [Rebellion] - This witch is most likely a trauma holder, which I think is pretty self-explanatory given what we see of her on-screen. I would probably count any portrayals of Homura during her scenes as Also her, especially the scene with Madoka's arm reaching through the window to her.
Homucifer [Rebellion] - whoo boy ok. Not sure what I'd classify her as. With her whole spiel and self-assignment of "The Devil of this world" she leans into persecutor territory in a way? But, her true motivation has nothing to do with painting herself as evil or punishing herself. Nor is her true motivation being Selfish and taking what she wants without thought. Her true focus is that Madoka becoming a God, separated from her friends and family, was Wrong, and so Homucifer exists to forcibly reunite Madoka with the life she gave up, no matter the cost. Selfishness is a factor, as is self-deprecation, but really her aim isn't anything straightforward beyond furthering the collective system's united goal of Saving Madoka, so idk what her Function is beyond filling that niche in a way the others can't.
So that's what I've got on her! Hopefully it all makes sense, if anyone has anything to add feel free!
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scarletsaphire · 9 months
7, 22, 32, 36, 39, 40, 55, 56, 63, 64, 65
7. How do you choose which POV to write in?
Uhhhh that’s a great question honestly. Most of the time when I have an idea it comes with the POV built in; for multi chapter fics/things from multiple POV’s it boils down to “Who is close enough to the plot to make sense, emotionally charged, and not going to reveal everything immediately/throw everything out of wack.”
Putting the rest under a read more because it’ll be long.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do?
I don’t like mind control, its an ick for me, so unless it’s 1000% necessary for the story I want to tell I won’t write it. I also tend to avoid first person, whether reading or writing. If its original fiction I’m more likely to be malleable with that, but for fanfiction, first person POV is an immediate turn off for me.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
I’m going to make the decision not to include people from the pham, because otherwise it’ll just be people from the pham so >:p.
(Also to the author’s I’m tagging, sorry about the notification!)
@jackdaw-sprite is currently my favorite fanfic author. Their stuff is just creatively incredible, their writing style and prose is so, so, so well done. I can think of at least 5 of their fics by name that I am thinking about almost constantly. It’s all so absolutely incredible and I cannot recommend it enough.
@clockways has a lot of really good fics they are currently working on and every single one of them is absolutely incredible. The plots are well thought out and well executed, the characters all feel unique to their own stories while not feeling OOC, and they also do really good art.
@five-rivers is also on the list, which I’m sure surprises absolutely nobody. Obviously you have the Mortifiedverse which, as you know Hannah, I’m constantly freaking out over. It’s so so so well done, but also they have such a ridiculous quantity of other stuff and all of it is Top Tier.
36. How do you write kiss scenes?
Really quickly one after another in a weekend. Obviously.
The actual answer depends on the kiss scene itself. In general, I think my approach to kiss scenes is actually close to my approach to fight scenes? Unless there is something specific about the kiss that needs to be described, focus on the emotions its causing in the character instead. Even if you’ve never kissed someone you know what it’s going to look like, so spending time describing the physical appearance of the kiss is more often than not a waste of time. The emotions driving the kiss, or being caused by it, are much more important and interesting
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
(From the gray ghost coffee shop story ;) (also tagging kad so she can get some gray ghost soup. @kadziduo
Laying in the rafters was Phantom. His ghostly tail was wrapped under the beam and back into his lap, so that the wispy end of it wrapped around one of his hands. The other hand dangled over the side, hovering in the air a good foot over the tallest patron. His head was leaned back against the post, and tilted to the side so that Valerie could clearly see his face, could clearly see that he was deep in sleep.
“He crashed here one night,” Mama Rose said from behind her. Valerie didn’t take her eyes of Phantom. There was something wrong about the whole situation, and she knew it had something to do with that ghost. You can never trust a ghost. “Literally, from the broken window. Found him asleep, just like that, so I made him a chocolate shake. He helped me clean up the mess, and he came back the next day.”
“I can chase the freeloader off for you,” Valerie said, her blaster whirring to life at her wrist.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
That’s a tough one. Daytime Stargazing, as much as that fic fought me, has a scene at the end with Sam capturing a picture pf Danny in the middle of an eclipse, phantom (ha) stars visible only around him, creating an aura. That one would be really cool to see.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has the choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers reactions to certain ones?
Its going to come as a surprise to absolutely nobody yet again that it’s Danny. He’s. So easy to put in situations man how could I not love him. Valerie’s a close second, but Danny is just so versatile. Something cute and silly? Danny. Crack dissection fic? Danny. Slightly angsty magic adventure? Danny. It’s like one size fits all and that size is a half dead child.
56. What’s something about your written that you pride yourself on?
I’m very proud of a lot of parts of my writing tbh and I’ve never heard of humility in my life so you’re getting multiple B)
I have a knack for coming up with and fleshing out ideas. I write incredibly quickly and do it well on the first try, which means I don’t have to spend a lot of time editing if I don’t feel like it. (Will editing make it better? Yes. But I don’t feel like it.) I also am good at emotionally charged lines me thinks.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
I’ve spent a good long while thinking and frankly its the same things I hate in most writing: Poor characterization and bad spelling/grammar. Most smut specific things I can sit through if the rest of it is good, but I can’t deal with those unless Specific Circumstances are met.
64. Something you love to see in smut
Possessiveness. It’s fun in fiction.
65. Tell us about what you’re looking forward to writing in your current project, or a future project.
The ice skating scene. You remember the ice skating scene I told you about don’t you? I want to write it but I have SO MUCH ELSE TO WRITE BEFORE HAND. >:(
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mcyt-nonpovs · 4 days
note: as the IC (Interest Check) is still ongoing and event type hasn't been solidified yet, most things below are subject to change!! I will reblog and note the changes whenever that happens, but this is the current standings for the event.
What Counts as NSFW / Won't be Allowed?
For the purpose of this event NSFW includes any sexual/smut work AND explicit/18+ rated gore/violence/horror/ext. Other then that the event will run with KINKTOMATO / DL:DR rules and can include anything else!!
Are Pets / Non!CC / "Fandomless"¹ Characters Allowed?
All of those will be allowed!! As long as the character your thinking of follows the definition of "any characters who the ccs' videos/series DON'T follow" they you can use them for this event.
¹ To give examples from the IC by "fandomless" I mean characters like the Watchers, NPC Grian, or Wormman that either come from a solo work or "follow" their cc/actor in multiple series!!
Do Our Piece(s) Have to Follow Canon?
Nope!! Any type of fanwork is allowed whether it's canon complacent, adjacent, divergent, or a completely separate au and everything inbetween :)
Will there be an Ao3 collection?
Most likely yes, as I currently have plans on making one!
How Will I Tag my Piece(s)?
You will be asked to use a tag we'll create for the event and highly encouraged to also mention/@ the blog as well!! Outside of that this will depend on future planing, but they'll definitely be some type of event tag regardless :)
My Question Wasn’t Answered Here
If this is the case then feel free to shoot an ask either through Tumblr or the IC (if you haven't already done it) and we'll try to get to it when we have an answer!!
Until I get other mods though i might forget so feel free to poke me if it's been a bit.
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
6, 12, 13, 26 and 31
from the fanfic writer questions
6. do you prefer writing shorter, standalone fics or longer, multi-chapter stories?
i've done a decent amount of both, and i enjoy both for different reasons. usually writing shorter standalones are easier to finish for me just because of the length, but i really do love writing multichapter stuff as well! i just have a terrible habit of not finishing multichapters so the stuff i do publish is usually something i'm convinced i will be able to finish
12. are there any cliches or tropes you actively avoid in your fics?
off the top of my head there isn't anything major that i try and avoid, maybe cheating? i'm not a fan of that. i do also hate writing characters who are just pure evil/bad for no reason. i try and write all my characters to be dynamic and multifaceted, so even if they did something wrong in the past there's at least a REASON for it
13. what's the most challenging aspect of writing fanfiction for you?
finishing it.
okay, kidding. sort of. i do struggle with finishing stuff a lot of the times because i'm a very busy person with adhd which is not a super great combo for writing. but if there's like an actual part of the 'writing' that i struggle with, i feel like it's action scenes. i'm a dialogue and scenery lover, so writing fast-paced action scenes can be a challenge for me
26. how do you approach plot twists or surprises in your fics?
okay i LOVE adding twists and surprises haha. most of the time they're planned out ahead of time and i'll lay out little hints throughout the story about the twist. i think the best twists are the ones that take you by surprise in the moment, but looking back you're able to fit the pieces together. like just little side comments or mentions of something that seems unimportant, but after the twist you can be like THATS WHAT THAT WAS ABOUT. i feel so smart laying down my plot twists lol
31. do you prefer writing from a single character's perspective or switching between different viewpoints?
depends on the story, i suppose. if the story is focused especially around one character, then i'll leave it single pov. but when i'm able to i enjoy writing from multiple perspectives. it can be a fun break from a character, and can give more insight to things because of that character's experiences and stuff! i think a lot of my multichapter fics tend to be multiple pov
thank you so much for the asks!! i had a lot of fun answering them <3
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rjasmin2021 · 6 months
Hello every-nyan! This is just the intro of the one-shot or not that I promised every single one of you that I'd post once it's finished... Currently, I'm at the very beginning of this fic (yes, let's call it that for now) that I will be dividing into parts...
I'll start writing the other parts soon, don't worry- Golly, I have to read those one-shots and series again to remember why I'm writing this Since it's been a year since I last wrote this it'll take me some time to remember what past me had originally planned for this fic so please be patient with me... Yes, I'm an idiot for not writing it down somewhere
All of this aside, I hope you all enjoy this angst fic that will probably be from Satoru's perspective or point of view. The POVs might change every once in a while without a warning so have fun trying to decipher who is who :) Well, I guess I'm done with this and will add more of... Whatever this is in the other parts of this fic... See you all next time! RJay out- § Just a head's-up: angst, heavy angst, hurt, I don't know when there will be any fluff and comfort, pain, emotional pain thanks to a certain white-haired man § § ATTENTION!!! This fic was or is an inspiration that I have read from three authors here on Tumblr! This fic has NOTHING to do with their fics! Thank you for reading this! Enjoy! §
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + How do I start this... Hmm... Well, why don't we start things off plainly and simply? We all know that there is always a beginning to everyone's lives whether it is something memorable, life-changing, life-inspiring, jaw-dropping moment or all of it at the same time. Everyone has their own way of remembering, recollecting things, handling and/or coping with those moments in their life. Sometimes they would try to force themselves to forget or shove them in the very depths of their minds since they don't want anything to do about it or they just simply forgot about it as if it was a passing thought...
As the saying goes...
"If you forgot then it wasn't that important". Pain also plays a role in all of this, either emotionally, physically, mentally or all three. Pain makes someone's mind go spiralling into the abyss and forces make them do questionable things while some use methods to heal themselves or ask for help from close friends and families for them to get back on their own feet and face the world again. But how do these happen? Where do they start?
Well. it's very simple...
It all starts with a "Choice" Choices... Choices... Choices... Everyone has them... They can bring out good or bad results, depending on the situation the person is in but, sometimes, when they are given multiple choices while being in a hard situation or are being cornered, their minds go blank as they weigh the options that are right in front of them and hope they'll get a good result or... They choose to make another choice. You see when one is not convinced or satisfied with what is given to them, they often look at the person or at nothing at all and say "Really?" as if this person can do better. Satisfaction is also a factor here... It plays a huge role because if one is satisfied with the outcome then they made the "right" choice, well, at least for them it was the right choice... But... What if their supposed "right" choice brought out an unwanted result for someone and they weren't aware of it until it played out right in front of their very own eyes just so they can believe it?
There was never a "right" or "wrong" to begin with... We, as a society, are the ones who made these up just to label, give or make excuses for the choice that was made...
Was it right or wrong to execute a person who robbed a rich person? What if this person was just trying to get some money to be able to pay for the food they needed to survive? What if they needed the money to pay for the medicine that their friend, lover or family needed but were too poor to buy it? "What if..." Every action and choice has consequences that can be good or bad whether we like it or not... There will always be another result after the first one. A choice always causes a chain of reactions... Like, for this one, would have multiple ones that will surge sooner or later.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
@watyousayin @hornyanimegirl @tojikai
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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scorchedhearth · 9 months
3, 7, 24, and 43 :] <3 <3
thank <3
3 Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
it always starts with getting an idea that'll motivate the writing, can be the whole concept as in 'i wanna bring up those themes with this specific plot with this ending' or vague ideas like a scene, a gesture or an exchange i wanna write around
then i'll quickly draft a plot/timeline, depending on how long, how much goes on, etc, which is me writing lines and paragraphs describing the whole piece in broad strokes so i know where i'm going. if i know it's gonna be a more complex piece then i'll go into the details, but usually i just make sure to pin down important things for the overall message or feelings i wanna get across, like specific words, gestures, descriptions, etc to make sure i write them in the appropriate places and the right order to get the effect across. for example in the other side of the coin i tracked all the mentions of kyle being tired in one way or another, as well as the repetitions and literary devices i wanted to use
i work in bits and patches, from this point on it's not writing from start to finish, i usually write what i can until it's complete, so often it'll be big scenes, the first idea, what i've got in mind already first and then at the very end finding the small bits to connect the pieces already done (or, as i call it, the fun first and the struggle for the end). for fanfic i usually don't bother doing multiple drafts unless i think the piece is worth it, so then it's editing over a period of days to weeks depending on how long and how much i struggled writing it and then posting
7 How do you choose which POV to write from?
im boring and will stick to the limited third-person pov in my work, i like how it forces u into a character's spot, unless i specifically wanna try something else. i don't usually like alternating pov, so i pick the most interesting one, as in the one i can do the most with. so the pov that'll provide the most interesting insight, or the one that'll be the most fun to play around given the tone and goal of the piece. that's why i usually pick kyle in my jk fic, unless jason's unreliable narrator vibe is what i want. it also often coincides with who the piece is about, i usually give the narration to the character i'm focusing on
24 Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
i don't think i was ever given a bad advice. i wasn't given a lot of advice in the first place, most of what i do when writing comes from fucking around and finding out so. that being said i think the idea that u have to know everything about ur character is stupid, u just need to know what u need for ur plot, and sometimes it can basic favorite food but often times it is not and it's not worth pondering over it for hours
43 Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
oh the first one absolutely >:] from the words of the great @captaincrais 'u gotta crack them open to get to the good stuff' and i absolutely stand by that. ur characters will crumble under pressure and that's when u can open them up and dig ur hands in the meaty parts and pull it all apart and study it. if ur character is happy then it's boring to write and boring to read and boring is good in real life not in fiction. also im an enjoyer of gore and violence so there's an extra kick for me in it. that's why unhappy and bittersweet endings do it for me, why doomed relationships and stories are my things, why i like situations with no good solution for anyone involved
fic writer asks
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
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Before I begin, let me request everyone censor b*rchie in any and all future asks, because I will always be negative on it, and I am not a fan of having to screenshot the ask to 100% avoid my inevitably negative post showing up in the search.
When it comes to considering different povs on ship interactions, I like to keep this quote from Sawyer7Mage (which I’m also going to post separately, actually) in mind:
If you're driving a car on the road, and I'm sitting in the passenger seat and I look up ahead in the distance and I see a moose--which, in this case, the moose represents [ship 1]--if I see a moose, I have the obligation to tell you, "Hey, if we keep going, we're gonna hit a moose." But [ship 2] fans think they see a cat in the distance, okay, so they keep saying, "No, no, it's a cat, don't worry about it, it'll be fine." Okay, sooner or later that thing is going to be either a moose or a cat. So when the time comes, okay, and we finally hit whatever we're supposed to hit, I just don't want people telling me, "Why the fuck did we hit a moose, that makes no fucking sense." I've been telling you we were gonna hit a moose since, I don't know, fuckin' two years ago.
Which is to say, every ship has its evidence and its arguments, and we often won’t know for sure until everything is said and done; we won’t know if it’s a moose or a cat until we get there, at which point we can complain about how hitting a moose or a cat being in the road was fucking stupid as hell and we hate it.
Anyway, as for the bh kiss and potential jabitha ilu....
The bh kiss can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on the viewer's pov because that's just how media works a lot: we understand it through the lenses and biases we bring with us.  Our assumptions about the direction a work will take color our interpretation of how a story is currently playing out, so if the viewer's assumption is that we will return to bh in the end, the kiss reads differently than it does to someone who assumes we will never return to bh.
We can try and piece the direction together, yes, but the Riverdale writers are extremely unreliable, and significant changes sometimes are signaled and followed through on in only one or two episodes back-to-back (e.g. choni being kicked out of the Serpents, Jughead giving a shit about school in s4, ba cheating, Toni and Fangs getting together, choni breaking up, ba getting together at the end of s5, va breaking up in 5x18, choni getting together, kangs getting together, I'll even include bh getting together in s1 because--while a significant amount of time is spent on it and I think it's done well--most of that time is shoved into two episodes, are you seeing a pattern here).
Also, how the kiss happened, why, and what it did or did not achieve are not relevant to its looming nature; it's looming simply because it happened, and, since 6b is paralleling Rivervale, the question is "Will it happen again as a parallel, and, if so, when and why and what would it mean?"
(Also, don't bullshit me and try to tell me that what Betty and Archie have is love, especially in 5x19, after they previously mutually decided not to date each other because they didn't work, then didn't speak to each other for ten episodes, and then, only after Veronica and Archie broke up, randomly started dating (except they didn't agree they were dating, so I guess it was hooking up again?). That's not love, that's convenience.)
I will say, after 6x16 and 6x14, I don't think we'll be getting a parallel bh kiss; I think Jughead will hear or see the 6x05 kiss or whatever, and that will compound whatever the fuck they were doing with the end of 6x14 and Jughead's surge of bh kiss memories.  And I do think that that might lead into jabitha ilu as a Rivervale parallel, although that might pay off by Jughead hearing/seeing it instead of it also happening in a similar way.  Considering the "Love, Jughead", I do think we'll get one, and it's just a matter of how: will it involve a Rivervale parallel or will it connect to Jughead's certain death?  Because it’s going to be at least one of those, assuming it happens. After that though, who knows what’ll happen considering that “Dead End” foreshadowing.
But I think it’s still possible for bh to return; after all, the show spent four seasons--over half of the final length of the show--on it (including proposal and wedding imagery and foreshadowing), and that’s a lot to discard. But they’ve also put a number of eggs into the jabitha basket this past 1.5 seasons, so it’s gone from “likely bh” to “jfc, idk, man, idk”.
TL;DR The Riverdale writers change courses too quickly for us to be able to say, definitively, what direction the show will take when it comes to ships, so I will not completely discount the possibility of a bh return or bh-positive interpretations of events, even though I, personally, think we’re getting jabitha ilu, although god knows where things go from there.
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jreynoldsward · 9 months
Writing Accountability Post #32--and thoughts about similarities in horse show success and writing success
This has actually been a reasonably successful week, accountability-wise. I broke through the block I've had with outlining the Goddess's Vision series by giving in to the desires of two of my characters and foregrounding them for the first book, at least. Again, like The Cost of Power series, this is going to be a trilogy. However, I think Goddess's Vision is going to focus on specific characters while advancing the trilogy/series arc. So this first book will feature Heinmyets and Betsona, and how their relationship impacts the growing crisis in the lands of Daran and Varen. The second book probably will be about Witmara's mother Katerin, dealing with the threat from the Divine Confederation, with perhaps some POV from Witmara. And book three...sigh, it will probably be all four--Heinmyets, Betsona, Katerin, Witmara--as they deal with the crisis of empire and the threat of the Divine Confederation. I don't know why, but now that structure seems to make more sense than running with so many different POVs scattered around two continents. By book three, we'll have enough going on that the multiple viewpoints will go quickly. But there's enough of a foundation needing to be constructed before the third book that this structure makes sense.
Federation Cowboy is ready to launch. All that is left now is promotion.
I've also decided that I'm not going to put much effort into getting the remaining Netwalk Sequence books into paperback, at least not right away. There's not a lot of interest, and with the Goddess's Vision series becoming a reality, the Goddess's Honor series takes priority over Netwalk. I need to revise the versions in Ingram before my Alli membership runs out for the freebie uploads. Once I get Goddess's Honor done, then I can deal with what's left of Netwalk.
Actually, my biggest hurdle right now is promotion. I'm part of the Narratress sale with The Heritage of Michael Martiniere and Justine Fixes Everything and so far, it's been a bust, in spite of this being the best pricing yet on these books. They are both available for $1.99 until August 30th, at all the usual suspects. Which leads into the other part of this particular essay.
Last night, in a funk about how poorly I'm doing in a sale where people are openly bragging about buying 50+ books but none of them include mine, I had a big glass of absinthe and thought about things. Because I'm spending a bit of time these days meditating on the Marker boy and where his training might go once he's conditioned, I started thinking about big horse shows, and had this revelation--big success in writing is very much like big success in high-end horse shows. You can't do it alone. Oh, it's possible to do well at smaller open shows and local shows without a trainer presence and supervision, but success at a big regional or national show (much less the rarefied air of the international circuit) requires networking and the knowledgeable trainer or guide.
It's not about the training in horse show world. Many of us are sufficiently competent that we could train ourselves to compete with the big names when performance is the only criteria. But the high-level success depends on presentation for horse and handler/rider, and the insider knowledge of little tricks in the show pen that get passed around by word of mouth, as well as knowledge about particular subjective fads that could make a difference. The color and fit of the handler/rider's clothing, for example. Specific grooming and trimming tweaks for the horse. Placement of rider hands. Style of horse tack. Helmet or hat styling. Heads up from the trainer about what needs to be done in competition, including such things as "don't get caught up in the middle of a big group but stand out in a good way." And so on.
In writing world, the equivalent is connections with groups, mentors, workshops, writing programs, and associations. In traditional publishing, a connection with someone who is known and sells well can open a lot of doors. Introductions to editors and agents. Recommendations that ensure a manuscript gets a second look. Credentials that boost someone above others. But--there's a caveat there. Just because someone says "yes, you're almost there" doesn't mean squat unless they're willing to commit to providing references and recommendations for a work that the person thinks meets the target. Talk is cheap, and you'll hear a lot of that. Someone with clout who is willing to promote you and actually does that is something else, and relatively rare.
Oh, I know, I know. There are lots of people who will splutter and fuss at the above, citing circumstances where an amazing unsolicited manuscript manages to scale all of the publishing walls. And if you believe that, welp, I have a bridge or two for sale.
But the same thing happens in independent/self-publishing circles as well. I've been around enough to recognize that the folx who are selling well in these specific sales have a connection to specific indie publishing circles and contests. They're part of a particular in-group, and being sufficiently present to recognize the linkages makes that awareness really stand out, especially this time around. It doesn't hurt that I see the same thing happening over on Substack, where certain groups and affiliations lead to more subscriptions and greater notice. I've read enough of those journals to be aware that it's not necessarily writing quality that is winning the game, it's who you know and what they do to help you. You can be a superb writer but if you don't have the connections, you aren't going to stand out from the crowd in a positive manner (I refuse to go the edgelord route).
Which...throws me back onto the horse show analogy, because that's very true for high-level competitive success. You can have the best-bred, best-trained horse in the world, but you ain't necessarily winning at the Worlds or Congress if you don't have the dialed-in connections that help you look credible.
Yes, it's very subtle and subjective, but...isn't that true for promoting writing as well?
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boxfullaturtles · 10 months
7 and 21 for the Fic Writering Ask Game
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
It kind of depends on how I need the story to be told and what kind of emotions I want scenes to convey, I guess. I have a habit of wanting to explore a scenario for different viewpoints so I kinda...jump POVs in some of my longer works.
"Mortal Shell" was originally going to be strictly from Mikey's POV. I really wanted it to be about Mikey, for the focus to be only on him because this incredibly stressful and scary scenario was happening to him. But some of the scenes I was trying to write just weren't working from only Mikey's perspective. And when I wrote the scene where the other three find Mikey's body, I realized I had to change POVs to get things to work. I still tried to keep it mostly centered on Mikey though.
But with something like "Adagio in Green", I went into it with the full intention of writing from multiple POVs. There's a lot going on in AiG and one character can't be around for all of the stuff that needs to be conveyed. Besides, it's not a story about one character, but about a lot of them. It's a healing journey for not just the turtles but for others as well.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
I've done this before, actually!
Once upon a time, in ye olden land of deviant art, my college friend and I co-wrote a Hanna is Not a Boy's Name fan fiction called "Lightwaves". It was our pride and joy and we still both very much love it to this day, even if parts of it haven't aged particularly well.
And I wouldn't say no if someone wanted to work together on something! I dunno if I have time for that now, but I had fun with it back then so I'm sure it would be fun to work with the right person!
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Chapter 10: Stinky
Chapter 9 | Masterlist | Chapter 11 | Words: 1,992
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Nat's POV
I woke up feeling heavier than normal, then I looked down to see the beautiful y/h/c girl laying on my chest. Her lips were slightly parted, hair messily splayed out, and her nose would occasionally scrunch—cute. She was tangled up in me and I felt all the stress in my body melting away. Then last night came back and I felt embarrassed, she tried to leave and I held her hostage all because I wanted to cuddle.
"Good morning Natty." She rasps out with her surprisingly hot morning voice which had the ability to pull me out of my paranoia.
"You're soft, much better than my pillows."
Y/N abruptly says, cutting my greeting off.
"Thank you... You're warm, maybe I'll keep you as my new blanket." I reply.
"Can I tell you something else...?" She asks me nervously.
"Depends.." I reply with a quirked brow.
"Well, you snore, but it's actually quite adorable." She giggles while trying to
"Not so fast detka." I growl playfully before straddling her and tickling her until she's almost blue in the face.
"Take it back."
"Fine. It's not adorable..." She pants out.
"Thank —."
"It's cute." She interrupts with a deep laugh and a boop to my nose.
"I'm not cute." I whine.
"Yeah, I guess not. You are beautiful though." She proclaims while looking up at me with sincere eyes and the most beautiful smile.
I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks, and I was doing my best to fight off a grin.
"Well you're stinky. " I laugh out.
What the hell Natasha...
She slaps my arm and pushes me off trying to play mad.
"That's not very nice." She faux whines.
The room went silent for a second, we were just laying side by side.
"Well, I'm going to shower, I'll see you later." She abruptly says, and goes to escape.
I grip her wrist trying to pull her back down.
"No wait... I didn't say I was done with my blanket." I whine.
"Well apparently your blanket is stinky so I have to go." She says as she walks out my door.
Well, maybe I misread and she's not just fake mad...
That was hilarious, she was a flustered mess, which made me realize this is not necessarily all one sided. She also had no idea how to react, so she playfully insulted me, and now she thinks I'm offended.
I really did feel like taking a shower so I hopped in. I turned on the playlist of "essential" hits Nat made for me so I could, as she says, catch up with the world. As I was rinsing my body off I kept hearing the music cut out, but I'm not too tech savvy so I just accepted the remix.
I got out wrapping myself in my towel and decided I'd try this skincare stuff that Nat and Wanda insisted I use. I recently found out I hate makeup, as Wanda applied it to me last week and it felt too heavy... I already forgot what these things are so I guess this phone can help me find a routine.
Wanda's POV
*Knock* *Knock*
It's only 5AM...
"Whoever it is you have three seconds to run before I throw you..." I growl towards the door.
"Wanda... It's me." Nat quietly announces.
I roll my eyes, but based on her somber tone, I flick my wrist, thus opening the door. She immediately runs in and locks my door, then jumps in bed next to me.
"Oh Nat, what's wrong?"
"I'm an idiot." She mumbles
"Well yeah, but what happened?" I say trying to lighten the mood.
"Look." She grumbles and points to her brain.
After about five minutes of uncontrollable laughter, and multiple jabs to my ribs I finally calm down.
"I was right, you are an idiot! She gave you googly eyes and called you beautiful, then you repay her with an insult." I laugh out
"Then there's the fact that you're a spy who can't even tell if she's actually mad or not. You got it bad Romanoff." I continue.
"You're not being very helpful." She whines.
"She's not mad Nat, but I'm sure she's a little sad you didn't say at least one nice thing back. You're such a good flirt, a natural even on missions, but you're clearly hopeless when it counts."
"Well yeah, those people are meaningless, it's just a game of cat and mouse. She's different, not fragile like glass per se, but delicate like a flower. I don't want to be the pesticide that destroys her."
"Wow, you're just as bad at analogies and speeches. Remind me to write your vows when you eventually find a way to convince her to marry you. Please don't say anything like that to her, it just sounds wrong. I understand your sentiment though, and trust me Nat when I say I don't think you'd hurt her. For now, go to her and just be your normal flirty self. Go take her breakfast or something you know she likes. Just get out so I can sleep."
"You're right, thank you Wands. See you and Rogers at 9AM for the mission overview." Nat rushes out with a kiss to my cheek.
"I'm always right." I mumble while shutting the door as she ran out nearly knocking her over.
I finally finished with these products, I think being all wrinkly might just be better. I walked into my room in my towel, preparing to get dressed.
"Jesus. Fuck. Nat, what are you doing here?"
I shriek as my towel started to fall, but I caught it just in time.
Nat's POV
"Well it appears I arrived just in time for the show." I rasp out giving her an obvious up and down, and ending it with an intense bout of eye contact.
She tries to remain stone faced, but her resolve began to crumble, and she looked down to avoid me seeing her blush.
"Oh no, no! If you don't want me at my stinky, you don't get me at my -um- smell good!" She asserts with a finger pointed at the door. The smile slowly creeping onto her face was contradicting her words.
"It's okay detka, I'll just cover my eyes." I say, covering my eyes, but purposefully opening my fingers so my right eyes is visible and giving her a shit eating grin.
"No, you little perv. Stand out there and wait. I'll let you back in when I'm ready." She laughs out trying to contain her blushing cheeks while shoving me out, then locking the door.
"Oh, you're no fun! A locked door?" I jokingly whine.
*I said flirt, not try to jump into bed with her. Dial it back*
*Go back to bed sleeping beauty, and mind your business. This was not the intention, but at least I got my mojo back*
Nosy little witch!
*I heard that.*
*Get out*
I realize now that the remixed music was actually missed texts.
*Are you mad?*
*I didn't mean to offend you 🥺*
*I thought I was being funny*
*I have a solution ... Pancakes!*
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*I'll meet you in your room detka!*
Well nearly seeing me naked seems to have calmed her nerves, and has now done the opposite for me.
"I'm starving, let me in!" Nat whines through the door.
"It's been 60 seconds! Give me at least a few minutes."
"Two! You get two minutes before I break in." She 'asserts'
"Unreasonable but fine." I laugh.
I decide I need to get the upper hand here, as she's still in her PJ's—which means nothing because she's still gorgeous— so now I have to pick out a stunning outfit.
*Look in the closet. Pick one of the dresses I got you from the mall*
*Wanda, what the hell?!*
*She woke me up freaking out, so now I'm invested.*
*Glad to know I'm not the only one freaking out.*
*You two are hopeless idiots and now I'm intrigued. Now pick!*
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*Fine, a dress is on. Goodbye now Wands.*
*Good choice. Bye bye bestie. Don't mess this up.*
I take a deep breath, then I shout out
"Come in little perv!!"
She rushes in, and then stops dead in her tracks to get a good look at me. I do my best to stand tall, and to not crumble under her gaze.
"The dress, wow, you look gorgeous detka. I still think the towel was better.." She smoothly gets out, while sending me her signature smirk.
"Now, the nickname, it's got to go." She asserts
"Well you literally just told me the towel was better, so the nickname..." I start but stop as her gaze intensifies, and she slowly approaches me.
"Listen, it's a compliment detka... You literally made a towel look good." She breathes out, and reaches her hands out to grip my shoulders.
I chuckle in response, reach up to grab her hand and pull her over to my bed.
"Let's eat!" I shout.
She grabs the singular plate of pancakes and cuts a few pieces up. Then she lifts a fork up and waits for me to open my mouth. While keeping our eyes locked, I do as she wishes. Then I reach up and slowly transfer the fork from her hand to mine.
"Mm.. Thank you Natty." I squeal, and then shove my fork down and get another bite.
The room falls silent while we just enjoy the pancakes and strawberries.
Nat's POV
"I'm sorry I called you stinky..." I suddenly state while looking down , breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen around us.
"It's fine, I promise. I was never actually mad.
I just let you think I was, a bit of reverse psychology, and now I have a beautiful woman in my bed and pancakes." She nonchalantly states, like she didn't send me into a full blown panic spiral.
"Well now who's the rude one." I grumble with a scowl and a pout etched onto my face.
"Yeah, well at least I'm no longer the stinky one." She laughs out, while insinuating that I'm now the stinky one.
"Take it back." I growl as I tackle her
"Natty, you need a shower. Don't transfer your filth onto me." She whines
I just smile down at her, then suddenly drop my body onto hers, essentially trapping her.
"You're quite comfy." I say while wrapping my arms around her, and placing my face into the crook of her neck.
"Yeah, and you're warm..." She chuckles, then tightly wraps her arms around me to secure me into a hug.
"Now get off, this dress is too nice to be wrinkled and we have a meeting in two hours, so go shower." She demands, placing a kiss to the side of my forehead, and going to release me.
"One more minute." I whine, making her put her arms back around me.
Then I find that I actually stay there for another ten minutes, with no actual plans on moving. Then I feel myself being abruptly lifted .. Super strength is definitely intact as she just sat us up and carried me out of her room and all the way to the bathroom.
"Shower. I'll drop off your suit. I'll see you for the mission at 9AM Nat. " she states, and walks off towards my room.
She turns around and sends me back a reassuring smile, making me feel calm, and like I actually didn't mess this all up.
*Good job, you did it. So proud! I'm actually on the verge of tears here*
*Bite me little witch!*
*I'd bet you'd like that little perv.*
I roll my eyes at the nickname, now regretting ever bringing Wanda into this. I then jump into the shower and find myself in a state of bliss, and am now genuinely excited for the rest of today.
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koolfrogz · 3 years
Misconceptions Regarding MCC14
Recently there have been a load of misconceptions regarding many of the controversies that happened this MCC, especially on Twitter and Tiktok, so I thought I would make a giant post detailing these and why they are wrong so I can scroll through my dash in peace.
1. Hbomb purposely abused a glitch in HITW that got Illumina and Mefs banned from MCC on the practice server. 
This one can easily be broken down into three components: 1. Misinformation about the glitch itself 2. Misinformation about the Mefs and Illumina incident 3. When does abusing a glitch count as cheating?
Firstly, the glitch Hbomb used is actually very common in HITW and has been around since the game was first introduced. The devs know about it and have not made any complaints about it because the usage of the glitch itself is heavily luck based (depending on the ping of the player) and does not guarantee a win to any player who does get it. Take for example PearlescentMoon who has used the glitch repeatedly throughout many competitions (i.e MCC 11), yet has not gained any significant advantage through it because, again, there is still an element of skill required to use it. This glitch is not only known by the devs, but has been used before in HITW. It is not something new that Hbomb exploited as a means of getting ahead.
Secondly, the Illumina and Mefs situation is not at all comparable to the Hbomb one. Illumina and Mefs were using a completely different glitch which did guarantee a win to the player because it allowed the player to afk on the platform and allow the blocks to pass through them. They were not banned for exploiting this glitch, but rather reprimanded by Scott and the devs for not reporting it to them sooner. Mefs and Illumina are still allowed in MCC and only didn’t compete this time because the teams had already been formed.
Finally, in regards to the idea of cheating itself when using such a glitch, the idea that what Hbomb did counts as cheating is absurd considering past MCCs and the various glitches which have been abused as well. I’ve seen a lot of people mention the infamous Wilbur Glitch and I think its a perfect example. The Wilbur Glitch is from the game Rocket Spleef which was not played this MCC but certainly will be in the future. The glitch involves the player becoming stuck in a block and seemingly floating in the air allowing them to basically secure a win without admin intervention. This glitch is much more OP than the glitch Hbomb used, and we have even seen admins purposefully try to kill players for using it (i.e Philza MCC11). However, even when players have purposefully attempted to get it (Wilbur, Phil, Quackity, etc.), I have never seen the fandom react so negatively as to accuse them of cheating. It is not fair to accuse Hbomb of cheating when he abuses a glitch which has been in the game for ages and not do the same with your favourite creators who do a much more busted glitch as well. Personally, I don’t consider either of these cheating, but that’s my opinion.
2. They removed Parkour Warrior because Dream was too good. That’s not fair.
Okay, this one is very simple as its just not true. This falls under the assumption that Dream was the only player to finish Parkour Warrior which is not true (PeteZahHutt completed the course twice and was the first to ever complete it in MCC 6). While the reason the Parkour Warrior map was destroyed in MCC 11 is said to be that EpicLandlord destroyed it because “he was annoyed at how good Dream was at it”, this is mainly a joke (think of the Ranboo being banned from MCC situation, while Ranboo isn’t in MCC there’s no actual beef and he’s not actually banned.) Secondly, if you weren’t around for Parkour Warrior when it was still in MCC, or have only ever seen Dream or Pete’s POV, you might not know, but Parkour Warrior was a miserable game mode (think Build Mart/Bingo but ten times worse because there was no chance to improve your placement other than just being good at Parkour). The game was 10 minutes of pure rage and frustration from competitors, which while entertaining at times, wasn’t the best for content when only two POVs in the entire competition were deemed watchable. This also wasn’t good for a competition because it meant that only two teams at most were progressing (and by a large amount) due to one player while the rest lagged behind. It gave the teams which had Pete and Dream a huge advantage and made the game unfun and unfair to everyone else, so they revamped the game (to Parkour Tag) to make it an even playing field where everyone had a chance to win (in the spirit of MCC). 
3. Scott had an unfair advantage in the competition and should be removed from the Dev Team or the Participants List.
This one is slightly more nuanced and may not have a definitive answer. Yes, Scott does have a slight advantage due to being a part of the dev team in every MCC. However, this MCC was definitely an outlier in that fact. Scott has been known to share info and tips with his teammates in past MCCs, but it has not truly impacted their performance on a significant level because the players knew a majority of the information anyways (the game rules, maps, etc). This MCC was unfair because Scott had a bigger advantage than originally assumed (it doesn’t mean he did it with malicious intent, it just means there was a severe oversight when designing the maps and explaining the rules to players). Also, the idea that Scott was guaranteed a win because he was part of the Dev Team is ridiculous and untrue. 
Scott has always been treated on the same level as any other player and has not been giving special privileges because he helped work on the tournament. Take for example MCC 8. Scott was teamed with Tommy, Philza, and Wilbur, and they were doing very well! Then came (wait for it), Ace Race. Scott experienced a glitch which allowed him to remain with his Elytra activated for half the course and allowed him to skip over multiple checkpoints and placed him in first. However, by skipping over these checkpoints the game corrected his placement and put him in last. This was seen as not fair at the time and the Red Rabbits did complain, to which Noxite responded that there was nothing they could do and Scott would just have to finish the round as normal. This glitch severely impacted the Red Rabbits standings and possibly led to them not being able to compete in Dodgebolt that MCC. Yet, Scott was never treated differently than any other player throughout the glitch despite being a part of the Dev Team.
For the next MCC, I certainly think that Scott should be allowed to play as normal. I truly believe this MCC was a fluke, and although I too felt a little salty seeing my favourite go from 2nd to 30th, I believe that it is not worth getting up in arms about it because at the end of the day there is a whole season of competitions where any team has a chance to win. 
4. They should have restarted the round and allowed the participants to retry the map.
While I too would have loved to see a rematch for Ace Rae, I would like to say that I, and probably many of the people playing, knew that it wasn’t going to happen. Noxcrew is very strict about the way MCC is run, it’s why I think it works so well. However, this means that they will not budge on these rules even in the face of something such as this competition’s Ace Race debacle. In the entire time of MCC, Noxcrew have only once ever restarted a round. This was in MCC 7 during Battle Box after there were server issues causing extreme lag for everyone (and Wilbur and Magistrex blew up their own teammates). It was unlikely that they were going to restart the round due to the mistake, and honestly, it might’ve caused more trouble than good to reset the points and the entire round of Ace Race. 
5. The Spirit of MCC
This last one is more of a general statement than a misconception, but I would like to say that I have seen a lot of newer fans confused and upset about this MCC’s outcome. However, I would like to remind everyone that at the end of the day MCC is a for-fun tournament which brings MCYTs of every background to compete and have fun. Yes, there is an element of competitiveness as it is a competition, but it goes against the very spirit of the competitions to be toxic and rude in spite of not winning or placing lower than you expected. At the end of the day, it is a MC tournament that has no monetary prize other than a golden coin. It is immature to slander, spread misinformation, or send death threats and harassment over such a tournament and I wish shame upon anyone who’s first reaction to not winning or their team not winning was to do such a thing. MCC is a brilliant tournament that has changed the game for how MC Competitions have been done, and it is disheartening to see the hard work Noxcrew and Scott have done be disrespected as such. I hope next MCC the fandom can come together and make this the lovely fandom event it once was. 
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