anonymouse1312437 ¡ 4 days
American Amongst The Brits (Chapter 2)
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Chapter two  
I couldn’t help but toss and turn all night. This was a new place for me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how they said I was going to have to figure it out on my own before I was going to know what they meant. What else could my mother have been that had to be found out by my own self. Why does everyone know what my mother's wand and broom look like? Surely, she could not have been that kind to everyone. Maybe she did something memorable. Also why did she have to hide me? I have so many questions that I don’t think they are going to have answers for. Such as why did they mention she sent us away. My dad did not come with me. I was sent to my aunt's and for some reason and she was in America and not here. None the less the state of Oregon. Who fucking chooses to live there? I mean it's depressing for one thing. I mean it does kind of fit the woman of my nightmares. 
I don’t think anything could truly scare me but, I am unsure.  
“Y/n it’s time to get up darling.” Mrs. Weasley said touching my shoulder. I immediately jumped up and looked at her with terror in my eyes.  
“Oh dear. Are you alright? I didn’t mean to startle you.” She said.  
“I am sorry. Yes, let’s go.” I pointed my new wand at me and refreshed my clothes with a tidy spell. She smiled at me.  
“You truly are a dear. No need to apologize, it was my mistake. Come along now deary.” She said. We walked out close together and she stopped at the table and took the apple from the center of it and handed it to me.  
“Here you need to eat something before you get onto the train.” Mrs. Weasley said watching me as I took a bite. This didn’t sit well in my stomach. It has been a while since I have had anything to eat. I didn’t want to tell her that though. I know she was just trying to be kind. She is a mother after all. I think that is supposed to be in their nature.
I didn’t realize I was on autopilot while in my own thoughts and we were already at the train station.  
“Alright Harry and Ron you make sure she gets through in between the two of you.” She said and waved goodbye to us. She walked away and the boys were pushing their carts of all their stuff. I didn’t have enough for a real suitcase, so I just had a backpack filled with some clothes and my bathroom necessities. I am sure I can do some shopping in town over there if I need something else. Harry had my books in his suitcase. He said he had some spare room, and he didn’t mind helping. It was very kind of him. He seems nice. I hope it stays that way.  
“Alright, you are going to count to three and then run directly into the pillar and that will take us to our platform.” Harry said. Ron just ran so I counted to three and then ran. I didn’t even bother to question what I was doing. I saw all of the Weasley’s cross through so it’s not like I was the first one. Once I made it through, I moved because if I only had to the count of three Harry would surely push me down on accident. I was right because right after I stepped aside Harry came barreling through the wall. He set his stuff down next to the rest of the luggage being loaded on it and escorted me with him onto the train. Right away I felt all the eyes jump to me. I must look like a deer in headlights.  
“Maybe I could give you all some time to talk. I know me coming might have disrupted your group so I will go and find somewhere hopefully private to sit.” I said. Before Harry had a chance to say anything I moved away from him towards the back of the train. I saw two trolleys left, both had someone in them but at least it was one person in either.  
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door to the left side of the train. Whoever was in there motioned for me to enter.  
“Sorry to bother you. I was just hoping to find somewhere away from everyone to sit. Is it okay to join you?” I asked and was met by the intense glare of very blue eyes. They were a bit captivating.  
“I beg your pardon?” He asked.  
“Oh, I am sorry I don’t want to trouble you.” I said.  
“No just you are American, yes? Why are you here if you are American?” He asked.  
“May I sit?” I asked again.  
“Yes, for now.” He said looking me over. “Where is your uniform girl?” He asked.  
“Alright I ended up here by accident and ended up finding out I have godparents. They called the school yesterday and I guess they made room for me to join at the last minute. I no longer have a home in America. I am not sure if I ever really had one there to begin with. Apparently, my mother kind of just made me disappear after I was born. I have no clue where to obtain the uniform so I guess I will have to find out whenever we get to this wizarding school.” I said. It came out a little longer than I expected it to, but he seemed rather amused by my answer.  
“Did you just tell me that you were essentially abandoned by your family?” he said with a wicked grin across his face.  
“Something tells me I should have kept that to myself.” I mumbled and looked down. I sat my bag next to me and tried to settle in, but he continued to stare at me.  
“I am Lucius Malfoy. I am Draco’s father.” He said.  
“Cool never heard of either of you. I am y/n.” I said and he scoffed.  
“You have never heard of us?” He said now appearing annoyed with a wrinkle in between his forehead.  
“If you continue to stare at me like that you will force your body to age and poorly, I might add.” I said. He lightened up and looked slightly amused by what I said.  
“Well, you seem about as friendly as I do.” He said and looked away from me. He was rather entertaining.  
“How old might you be y/n” He asked.  
“I am eighteen. You?” I asked and he again smiled.  
“Don’t worry about my age Darling.” He said laughing a little.  
“What is with everyone calling anybody they want darling here. I can tell you must be at the ripe age of forty with the damn word.” I said  
“Well, well, careful. You have gotten awfully close.” He laughed. “Do you know what house you have been sorted into?” He asked.  
“I just got here yesterday. No I don’t. I am sorry for being short but, I am tired I did not sleep well last night at all.” I said.  
“Sorry, get some rest. Do you want me to wake you when they bring the food cart around?” He asked.  
“Don’t bother. I have nothing to me right at this moment. I am still questioning if any of my cards are going to work here.” I said and leaned against the trolley’s wall.  
“Alright then. Have a nice rest.” He said and went back to reading his book.  
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The train was nice and steady so I was able to rest a bit. That was until the temperature dropped intensely. I was shivering and opened my eyes to see Mr. Malfoy cuddled up into his cape and asleep as well. He really doesn’t look that bad. He is rather dreamy. I looked over to the window towards the door of the trolley and everything felt freezing. I saw something floating around and looking at each trolley. Something opened mine and I looked down. I felt something on the side of my face and I looked up at it and it started to feel like it was inhaling my soul. No. I can’t die. I won’t. However, before I managed to grab out my wand Mr. Malfoy had already startled away and yelled out “Expecto Patronum!” It disappeared before my eyes. I looked over at him and he held his arms out and came to my side of the trolley.  
“Darling are you alright?” He asked.  
“What the fuck was that?” I asked.  
“Watch your tongue young lady. That was a dementor. They are probably looking for that Potter kid again. He is nothing but trouble. Stay clear of him if you want to survive Hogwarts dear.” He said now his arms wrapped around me.  
“Please remove yourself from me Mr. Malfoy.” I said. He cleared his throat and backed off of me and put himself back at the opposite side.  
“Very well. You just looked frightened. I just wanted to maybe calm you.” He said.  
“Thank you but, that is unneccesary. Thank you for sending that thing away from me though.” I said. He gave me a weird look and then his lips twitched into a small smile.  
“Father, can you believe Potter is telling people that a dementor came onto the train and tried to take his soul again?” A blonde haired boy came into the trolley. He kind of resembled a darker toe head from america but, snoppy.  
“Who is this father?” He asked.  
“Y/n, this is my son Draco. Draco you will see to it that she gets to the dining hall without getting lost. If she is to need help at all you will assist her.” Mr. Malfoy said while staring at me.  
“That is kind of you but it is unneccessary.” I said.  
“Nonsense. The school is massive. You will get lost surely. Draco can help. He wouldn’t mind would you Draco?” He looked to his son.  
“I suppose not. Nice to meet you y/n.” He said scanning his eye over me. Draco sat next to his father and started to stare at my chest.  
“Would you like a picture Draco? I mean you are staring aweful hard.” I said taunting him. He was not my type but, it wouldn’t be hard to befriend him right? 
“I would love one.” He appeared to get excited. I scoffed and crossed my arms. Pig. His father smiled and tried to hide the laughter creeping out of his throat. Only moments later the train came back to a stop and the two stood up.  
“Do you have any bags dear?” Mr. Malfoy asked.  
“Just the backpack.” I said. He pursed his lips and nodded.  
“Ladies first.” He said and motioned for me to exit the trolley. I stood up and made my way out of the trolley and off the train. I was going to run over to Harry and them but, they were already pretty far away so I slowed down. I at this point felt like I had no choice but to wait for Draco if I was going to get anywhere. Sure enough he walked up to me and in tandem we made our way to the Dining Hall.  
“Draco Malfoy. Please bring y/n up here to us please.” The person in the middle of the table said.  
“This is Dumbledore. He is our headmaster here. Professor McGonagall is next to him and will probably be who you turn to if you need anything.” Draco said as he walked me up and past everyone in the dining hall and they all turned to look at Draco and I. Dumbledore stood up and had a hat in his possession. It looked weird.  
“What is that?” I asked.  
“It’s the sorting hat.” Draco said as we made our final steps up to the table.  
“Hello Ms. y/n y/l/n, it has come to my understanding that you have very different customs over in America so I would like you to put on the hat and let it tell you what house you should be put in.” I looked at him confused but he put the hat over my head and the hat made some grumbling noises.  
“I- I have only seen this one other time in my life. I can’t put you there. You don’t belong in Ravenclaw. No not Gryffindor. Hm, Slytherin? No.” It said still riffling through.  
“I have got it. No where. You do not belong. You are different.” It said and Dumbledore looked at me. His eyes widened a bit.  
“It has to be somewhere.” Professor McGonagall said.  
“Where do you want to be?” It asked me.  
“Anywhere. I want to belong.” I thought to myself.  
“You wont belong anywhere. You will always be different.” It said.  
“Surely, that is not true.” Professor McGonagall said.  
“Green I see so much green, you must be a Slytherin.” The hat said.  
“Very well that is where you shall go then. Slytherin.” The hat made the statement and Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall and she nodded to him as if they had their own conversation in their heads.  
“Come now, have a seat at the table. Sit next to Malfoy for now and then I will have someone show you to the room.” She said. I followed her order and went and sat down next to Draco. He tried to talk to me but, I pushed around the food that was on the plate in front of me. It looked good and smelled good but, I don’t think I can eat it. The apple I ate for Mrs. Weasley was still making my stomach hurt.  
“One thing you should know is Snape is the worst.” Draco said.  
“Who?” I asked and then he pointed behind him to the long black haired stoic man at the table of professors. Oh my. He is gorgeous to look at. The crooked nose. The snarl on his face was even handsome. The deepset anger presented on his face appeared permanent. He looked at me and gave me a look that made me turn my head away from him and redirect my attention to the food.  
“He looks like he hates life.” I mumbled.  
“He makes the rest of us feel that way.” Draco said.  
“Your dad is something else Draco. I mean he has kind of a big head.” I said.  
“Yes, that he does.”  
He started to eat his food and every so often would look at me as I pushed the food around the plate.  
“Ms. Y/l/n please follow me. Your sleeping quarters are in the dungeon.” Excuse me. They are where? Draco’s eyes widened and he gripped onto my wrist as I stood up. He pulled me down to where my ear was next to his mouth.  
“Do not wander at night. That place scares the life out of everyone at night.” He said and then released me.  
I stood up and readjusted my shirt and followed him out of the room. The dark haired tall professor made strides towards the stairs.  
“Alright Professor. No offense but, your legs are about as long as my body. I am short and 5’2 that means I do not walk nearly as fast as you. Will you please slow down?” I asked.  
“Learn to walk faster.” He said not turning around. Alright he was indeed an asshole. But, he was a good looking one and he sure looked good walking away from me.  
“I suggest you figure out how to keep the pace or you will get lost and I will not try and find you.” He said and with that I started to run up to him.  
“No running inside.” He said and I mentally picturing throwing a book at his head. Shit my books. Harry has them. I hope I run into him before any classes tomorrow.  
“Move.” I heard Snapes voice become louder as I turned a corner I saw him go down. He stopped in front of the stair case.  
“Fine I will slow down this once. Do not get lost in this area. Most students only come down here for the Dark Arts and potions classes but, that won’t be until the afternoons now.” He said and before I started to descend the stairs he put his arm in front of me.  
“Wait.” He said and then the stairs began to move. Oh hell. This is going to make me sick. I felt dizzy so I sat on the stairs and he peered down at me.  
“Are you alright Ms. Y/l/n?” He asked. It didn’t sound like he genuinely wanted to know.  
“I’m just dizzy. This school is a lot. It is very different from mine. Our stairs, well, they did not move sir.” I said and he looked at me and scoffed.  
“All you american’s are outdated.” He said and drew his eyes forward off of me.   “You all seem to have a pattern here to.” I said.  
“Excuse me?” He said. The stairs came to a halt and he grabbed my arm and helped me off the stairs.  
“You all have no problem expressing your opinions. Whether its over the accent or what you think America is like.” I said and looked down. I wouldn’t be American if my mother hadn’t made me disappear. He walked us to a very dark hallway. Nothing was lighting the hallway and at this point I was nervous.  
“Right this way.” He said ignoring everything i just said. He slowed down significantly but kept his distance from me. He showed me to a room that had my name on it.  
“It appears you have your own room. No one to share with. I-” He said and then peered down and noticed there was a light on in the room.  
“Stand back please.” He said and then guarded himself with his wand as he opened the door to the room and saw a blonde almost silver haired tall man in my room.  
“Lucius Malfoy?” Professor Snape asked a bit stunned.
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“Hello Severus. I met ms. Y/l/n on the train ride here. Draco already informed me she was a slytherin so I thought she would need some uniforms. I brought her some as well as the required books. No need for her to fall behind.” He said and peered out into the hallway and made eye contact with me. I smiled at him a little. When did Draco have time to tell his dad that? It just happened only moments ago.  
“Well you should go.” Snape said.  
“Nonsense. I would like to talk to her for a moment before leaving. I will come see you in a minute Severus. I know you are just across the hall.” He said. Now I am a bit intimidated. The dark haired hot professor was across the hall from me. Does he live here? Why would anyone choose to live in a school?  
“Very well, I will see you in a minute Lucius.” He said and walked out of the room and I stepped inside and closed the door.  
“How can I help you Mr. Malfoy?” I asked.  
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 7 days
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Hey everyone. This is a fanfiction with a lot of details and a backstory. If it is not your thing then I am sorry. This is more than just a smut. It will have fluff, angst, heartache, heartbreak, mentions of mental health.  
The character is going to struggle with things such as: 
Abuse, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorder, Self harm, Suicidal thoughts and attempts, as well as Degradation.  
The highlights: 
Smut, heavy rough and fluffy smut, age-gap relationships, choking, biting, marking, hair pulling, Degradation from a love interest (Or many), humiliation (kink), breathe play, unprotected sex (Of any and all kinds), multiple people moments, creampies, and more.  
  This is not for anyone under 18. Minors DNI.  
There is multiple POVs. If that is not your thing I understand. Smut wont start until chapter 4. I have written up until then. I will post a chapter every other day if I can. Maybe everyday depending on how if I can keep up with the writing.  
I want to keep some of the character relationships to a surprise but, if you look at the tags you will see who will be mentioned throughout the books.  
Thanks for reading if you do. I will also be posting this story on Wattpad and AO3 once I have an active account on AO3 that is.  
All characters were made by J.K. Rowling and I am not taking credit for the development of the characters.  
The timeline will be messed up in this writing. I am trying to mend it in a way that this could work with the storyline.  
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Chapter One:
“Jess I can’t wait to get back to school. What about you?” I asked.  
“I don’t know why you would think that I was excited about this. I suck at the school here.” Jess said. I can’t believe that she would say that she doesn’t do well at the school here. Everyone envied the grades she would receive. I mean an A in most of her classes and some of which were B’s.  
“Remember the word for the store front is DragonAly.” My aunt said. Yeah, yeah whatever. We have done this a few times. Nothing that she says is going to be important. It’s not like there is another wizarding school in the world. Right? I mean we haven’t heard of another one.  
“We will see you on the other side.” My aunt said and cast her wand up and was no longer in the room with us. My friend Jess was next to go and then when I cast my wand up, I ended up getting tongue tied. I am not even sure how it sounded when it came out. I felt like I had been punched in the gut and then I was standing inside of a fireplace. What the hell? Where am I?  
“Hello? Did I hear someone in here?” I heard someone. Wait. This person didn’t sound like me. I couldn’t stop coughing.  
“Oh dear. Are you okay? What are you doing in here?” A nice red hair woman asked. She is British though.  
“I- I think I am okay. Where am I?” I asked her. The shock on her face probably mirrored the shock on mine when I heard her voice.  
“My, my dear. Are you American? How did you get all the way over here?” She asked. Oh no.  
“Wait, am I?” I started to ask.  
“Honey you are not in America. Where were you trying to go? Good heavens get out of the fireplace dear. Here let me help you.” She said and held her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and started to pull myself out of the fireplace.  
“Ron dear come help me.” She hollered out. I saw a red-haired boy come around the corner and run up to his mom. I assume it is his mother at least.  
“Who is this mom?” He asked. Also, British. I can’t believe I am not at home anymore.  
She looked at me like she was waiting for me to fill that information in for her because I had not said what my name is yet.  
“I am y/n) I am from Oregon. I have no idea how I got here. I was just trying to get to school. I think when I said my destination my words became jumbled, and I must have said the wrong thing. I must have said something similar. Might I ask where I am exactly?” I asked, stumbling the words out as I said them because I was speaking too fast.  
“You are at Diagon Alley. Where were you supposed to go?” The woman asked me. “Does it sound similar to where you were supposed to go?” 
“Yes, I was supposed to go to DragonAly. I don’t feel so good.” I said and looked down.  
“Oh dear. Why don’t you come with me. I am Molly Weasley. This is one of my son’s Ron. Why don’t we get you to a phone and you can call your family. Let them know that you are okay.” She said. I smiled at her kindness.  
“I really hope I am not putting you out of your way. I am sorry for intruding.” I said.  
“Oh, hush darling. I am sure your family is worried sick.” Mrs. Weasley said. She escorted me back out to a building with her son behind us and she just kept talking.  
“Hold on dear. Stay right here. Arthur! Arthur! Darling something has happened!” She hollered. She walked off towards a taller gentleman. Another red-haired person. Wow they must be more common here than where I am from back home.  
“Well, hello there, I am Arthur Weasley. I see that you have met my wife. Did you just get here when my wife found you?” He asked. I nodded. I felt my stomach squeeze. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and then I blacked out. I felt my body go limp and then after that I don’t know what happened.  
Sometime must have passed because I woke up in bed. This is not my room, and my head hurts horribly.  
“Hello?” I mumbled.  
“Mom! She is awake!” Ron yelled out. I swear I thought that I was dreaming but, no I am not in my country anymore.  
“Oh, Ron hush your mouth. Poor thing probably has a headache. You go on now hun. I am going to see if she can tell me her phone number.” I saw Mrs. Weasley pull out a wand and walk over to me. She is like me. Probably why she did not freak out when she saw me in a fireplace.  
“Sweetheart, are you able to tell me your family's number?” She asked.  
“901-444-8231 it’s my school. You can reach them by wand.” I said and it came out quietly.  
“I will give them a call. They might be able to tell your loved ones for me.” She said and smiled. She stepped out of the room again dialing the number and almost immediately someone answered the phone. She looked a little distraught, which told me that whoever she was speaking to was not good. This can’t be good. Nothing of this can be good.  
“Darling, would you take her some of the tea I just made.” She said to Ron.  
“Yes mom.” He said and grabbed a cup of tea and walked towards me. He set it down on the table that was next to me. I sat up and still felt the pain in my stomach so I attempted to move slowly.  
“You are kidding me!” Mrs. Weasley yelled into the phone. My guess is she just found out that I didn’t have a mother and father. That my aunt was taking care of me and she didn’t care much for me either. Me ending up here wasn’t going to be much different from being over there. I was going to be unwanted anywhere I end up.  
“Well then, she can stay put. We have a school she can attend here. It’s the best school there is so that will be that.” Mrs. Weasley said and then ended the call on the wand. She walked off towards Mr. Weasley and I assume she was telling him about the phone call. What does she mean that I will just stay put? I mean I don’t want to impose them. She doesn’t even know much about me other than my age.  
“Dear?” I didn’t realize that she had come back already and with Mr. Weasley in tow.  
“I spoke to your school. It appears your aunt has given up guardianship of you. They want to take you out of your school because of that. Now I don’t want you to miss out on your education and Mr. Weasley and I, well, we would like to help enroll you in the Wizarding program here. That is if you're okay with that?” she asked with some tears in her eyes. 
 I couldn’t help but cry. She did what? Even if she did only keep me because she was getting money from the state because of my parents death and the fact that I was also her maid and chef. My cousin isn’t even anything like me but, is loved so much. I can’t believe that this happened. I mean come on. Why couldn’t this have happened when I was not trapped in a different country. Oh god it hurts. I always felt unwanted but, that didn’t make it true. Yet now it was true. There was no denying it. There was no denying that I am an orphan. I hate myself. This is crap.  
“Oh sweetheart. It will be okay. Come here.” Mrs. Weasley said and pulled me close to her. She hugged onto me tightly and I just continued to sob into her. I haven’t had this. I haven’t had someone hug me before little own hold me. It was nice and soothing, but the tears did not stop. Thankfully I learned how to be quiet when crying ages ago when people would tease me about my parents' death at my school.  
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to impose. You don’t have to take care of me. I can leave.” I said, trying not to meet her eyes.  
“Oh, honey it really is no problem. Let me call the school and see what I can do. It is about to start so it might be a bit difficult but, I am sure I can figure something out.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“Thank you. Thank you for helping me.” I said. She was being so kind.  
“Absolutely. Drink the tea darling. It will help with your stomach and chest pains.” She said.  
I took the cup from the table and sipped some of it. This did not taste good but, I guess if it is to help me get better I am going to have to deal with it. I mean I need this feeling to go away.  
“Mr. Weasley is already on the phone with the school so if you don’t want that please let me know.” She said and I smiled.  
“I think I would really like it here.” I said. She smiled big at my words.  
“Harry!” Ron yelled out. Who is Harry?  
“Come now, Ron has a friend that stays with us a just before school starts and I think it would be good for you to make another friend before going into that school.” She said and grabbed my hand. She pulled me towards the center of the place, and I looked at the boys in the room and one other female.  
“Alright these are the twins, Fred and George, Bill and Charlie are not here they are in Russia and Percy is in Romania and Ginny my sweet girl. This is y/n. Please be nice to her.” Mrs. Weasley said and then joined her husband who was still on the phone.  
“Is it true? Are you an American?” Fred and George said.  
“Yes-I am.” I said. This is a lot of people.  
“That’s amazing what are the states like?” They asked.  
“I only really saw the one I lived in. It was gloomy most days. Some were bright and sunny but I didn’t get to enjoy it the way other people did.” I said and looked down towards my feet.  
“Uhm, who is Harry?” I asked.  
I heard the gasp within the room and all the eyes turned to me.  
“American’s haven’t heard of the great Harry Potter. The baby that survived Voldemort? Nothing?” Ron said.  
“No, I am sorry. I honestly haven’t heard anything. Back in my school we didn’t even have a similar situation. Wait did you say as a baby he survived? Did someone try to kill you?” I asked.  
“Yeah Voldemort. Did you even know there were other wizarding schools?” Harry asked.  
“No we were told that we were the only one in the world. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me because no one had even a slight accent but, I guess we all just kind of believed what we were told.” I said.  
“Well, that’s actually a bit refreshing. What were your points like at your school?” Harry asked. 
“Points? What do you mean?” I asked.  
“Like your house points.” Harry added.  
“House points?” I asked.  
“Yeah like for Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. We are all Gryffindors. Everytime we do something good the house is awarded points. All our tests are mainly physically done and the written ones yes there may be a grade on it per say but, they award the class with the highest grades amongst them all.” Harry said.  
“Oh we don’t have any of that. We are all one entire unit there. We get grades. Mine were mostly C’s so like 70s but no house points. Nothing like that.” I said and they all just looked at me a bit shocked.  
“What kind of school events or sports do you have?” Ginny asked.  
“I mean the normal school dances but, that is really it. We had football, baseball, and soccer. Is that not what you have here?” I asked.  
“No we have Quidditch.” Ron said.  
“Oh and what is that?” I asked.  
“Wait is it a wizarding school then? I mean it sounds really boring at your school. Did you live there at least?” The twins questioned.  
“Yes we lived there.” I said 
“They fed you didn’t they?” I looked down again.  
“No, our families had to give us money or we had to get jobs in order to buy our own food. Very rarely did they provide anything.” I said.  
“What about the nurse?” Ginny asked.  
“They would give us Band-Aids but anything else we would have to go to the hospital. No one wanted to go there because then it would cause us to receive a bill and it could have been a couple hundred of dollars to a couple grand. No one has the ability to pay for that on minimum wage.” I said.  
“They bill you for getting sick? What about a broken arm? Well I suppose you already answered that. Fascinating. Everyone says the United States is amazing but, it does not sound like it really is.” Ron said.  
“Well, yeah. It really is not that great.” I said and smiled towards them.  
“Well that’s alright. Why don’t we go out and get you some books. You will need them for classes surely.” Harry said.  
“I don’t even know if Mrs Weasley-” I started to say but then she and Mr. Weasley walked in.  
“Dear you will be starting tomorrow with them. They made some room. I will have to warn you though. The dormitory was filled in every house, so they decided to put you in a private room. They will show it to you when you get there.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“Oh and dear, they are looking forward to meeting you. They are pleased to have someone from a different country here. They are very welcoming there.” She said and Ron scoffed.  
“Oh hush Ron. Don’t worry the poor thing. Take her to get some books from the second hand stores. Here I will give you some money.” Mrs. Weasley said. I didn’t want to accept it but, Ron was quick to get up and take it from his mother.  
“Thanks mom we will be back soon.” Ron said and the lot of us walked out of the place we were staying in. 
“So Ron is this your house that we are currently in?” I asked and he shook his head no.  
“No we don’t live there. This is just where we stay when it is this close to school starting. The train station is just around the corner from here.” Ron said and smiled.  
“You take a train to school?” I asked.  
“Oh this will be fun. If anything, I hope we can get you through the platform without any accidents like harry and I had a while ago.” Ron said. That sounds horrifying.  
“I don’t suppose you can tell me what you mean.” I said.  
“You don’t want to know. It will be easier just to show you.” Harry said and smiled at me. He had a handsome face but the scar on his head was a bit strange.  
“How old are you?” Ron asked.  
“I am eighteen. I just turned a few days ago.” I said.  
“Oh. Okay you are a bit older. Are you supposed to be in your last year?” They asked.  
“Yes, this was my fourth and final year.” I said.  
“Wait, only four years? We are here for six. What age did they start you?” They asked.  
“I was fourteen when I started.” I said and smiled. 
“Well you were about the same age as us so thats a bit intense. How can they teach you as much as you need to know in such a short time?” Harry said.  
“I would say we probably are not learning the same things.” I said.  
“That is probably true.” The twins said. The boys linked their arms through mine and then in a blink of an eye we were standing in a store.  
“What just happened?” I held my head. That hurts.  
“Oh, have you not learned how to apparate?” The twins asked? 
“No. I missed that day and they always said it takes a special kind of magic they didn’t want to teach.” I said rubbing my head.  
“Well then I sure hope you are able to keep up with our school.” He said.  
“Professor Snape is going to hate you.” Ron chuckled.  
“He hates everyone so don’t take it personally.” He added.  
“Why does he hate everyone?” I asked.  
“He just does. He lets off that he is annoyed with everyone. Except himself that is. Just keep your head down in his class and try not to mess up.” Ron said.  
We made our way through multiple stores with the boys gathering the books I needed. How many classes were there? There was a lot of books they were grabbing.  
“Let’s go to the wand store.” Harry said. The what? We had to make our wands. What is wrong with mine? 
“What is wrong with my wand?” I asked.  
“It looks a bit crafted. You will need something that will be able to handle any spell that could be thrown at you.” Harry said.  
“But we aren’t allowed to use magic on anyone.” I said fairly confused.  
“Wow, the ways of the americans are truly different.” Ron said.  
“Don’t say that in potions class.” Ron said. I loved potions class back home. I wonder how far they have gotten.  
“Just pick a wand or let the wand decide if it also wants to pick you.” Harry said.  
“I will say something seems very loud and trying to draw my attention towards the back wall.” I said.  
“What do you mean?” Harry asked. I shushed him and then looked at the man behind the desk.  
“Why miss you look fairly familiar. Have you been here before?” The man asked.  
“No, I am not from this country.” I said. I smiled at him.  
“Ah but of course. An american. What a nice surprise. What can I do for you today?” He said.  
“I feel like the wand I want is in the back but, it is behind your desk. It’s practically screaming at me.” I said and he looked me in the eyes.  
“Can you show me this one.” I said and snapped my fingers and the box pulled out a little bit. 
“Yes of course. However, I can’t give this one to you. It wouldn’t be in your best interest miss.” He said.  
“Alright. At least let me see it.” I said. He pulled the box down and opened it. Inside lie a wooden wand that was carved into with leaves imprinted into it. Gold flakes throughout the wand and a green emerald at the bottom. Except it was missing something. Like a key. Funny enough I stole something from my aunt. It belonged to my mother. I picked up the wand and immediately the man looked upset. 
“Miss I don’t think you should touch it.” He said.  
“Oh I just want to see something.” I said and looked at him. I pulled my ring off and in the bottom a little green emerald was on tucked on the underside of it. I pulled it out and lined it up with the chipped piece. It fit perfectly and with it tucked into place the wand was attached to my hand. I looked at the person behind the counter and he looked at me with his mouth gaped open.  
“Miss where did you find the chipped piece?” He asked.  
“It was my mothers. I don’t even know who she is but,  I took it from my aunt who tried to keep it from me. How do you have her wand?” I asked.  
“The wand appeared out of thin air one day. It was always beautiful to me but, you are the only one who has ever asked to see it. How strange. Are you sure it was your mothers?” He asked. 
“Yes, I just don’t understand as to why it would be here and not in the united states.” I said and he nodded.  
“Wow, that is crazy. Anyway what is the total?” Ron asked.  
“Well, this is rightfully hers. If it were her mother’s I can’t make her pay for it. Take it miss. I mean it. Please take what is rightfully yours.” He insisted.  
“Well, thank you sir. I greatly appreciate your generosity.” I said and his face paled.  
“Thank you miss. Just be careful.” He said turning away from us.  
“One more store. Then we should get back to the house.” Ron said. They walked me over to the broom store.  
“Wait. I don’t think I can go in there.” I said.  
“Why not?” Ron asked.  
“It’s just something in my gut is telling me not to.” I said.  
“Oh you will be fine come on now.” Ron said and smiled. He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the building. I felt a weirdness in my stomach but right away something came flying towards me. What the hell.  
“Miss are you alright?” Someone asked.  
“Yes, but it is strange that this flew at me like that.” I said.  
“Well maybe it wanted you. Sometimes that happens. It’s not often. Rather it is rare that it happens with brooms. Maybe that one wants you.” He said again. I looked at the price and thought it was a bit much. I mean it looked like it was not worth that much.  
“You can haggle with me if you would like dear.” He said.  
“You don’t want that one. That one is a bit wild.” Ron and Harry said.  
“Oh hush boys. Let the lady decide what she wants.” The man said.  
“No, just hold on a moment.” I said. I looked at the broom fairly carefully. It has the same carvings as the wand.  
“Look the carvings are the same.” I said and the boys looked at the wand and the broom.  
“Wow. Maybe this was also her mothers.” Ron whispered. Again this is weird that her stuff is here and not over there. I don’t know anything about my mother or father. Maybe she was originally from here. It would return to where she was born I think. I am not too sure though. I mean come on why else would it be here. There is no way it would be here unless she was from here. It wouldn’t matter where or how she died it would return to where it came from.  
“Are you alright?” Ron asked.  
“Yes I am alright. Just curious is all. Sir how did you get the broom?” I asked.  
“It kind of just came to me one day. I don’t remember to much because it hit me in the head.” He said and looked down.  
“Look I would be willing to take twenty quid for it.” He said. That is a major discount from the ticketed price.  
“Okay that is fine.” I said. I went to grab what money I had of my own in my pocket but it wasn’t quid.  
“Do you take any other form of money?” I asked.  
“What do you have?” He asked.  
“I have dollar bills.” I said and pulled out my wallet and showed him. They weren’t just any dollar either. They were one of a kind misprints. Surely here they would still mean something.  
“No dear. Those just aren’t any dollars. One is more than enough.” He said his eyes appearing bigger. Okay so I was right they did mean something here as well.  
“What is with the money you have?” Ron asked. 
“Ron look at it.” Harry said and that’s when I noticed it myself. The people on it were moving. How strange. They didn’t do that back home.  
“That’s weird they were just misprints back home. They didn’t move but, now they are moving.” I said.  
“Incredible. We should show my dad. Maybe he has more information on it.” Ron said.  
“Okay I suppose.” I said.  
“Maybe he could find out who your mother is.” He offered. That would be nice. I smiled a bit at the words.  
“That would be nice.” I said.  
Ron and Harry grabbed onto my arms and then apparated us back to the place we were staying. Again that hurt my head more than it should have.  
“Someone here should know something about her if her stuff is here.” Harry said. We all walked into the house and within the corridor Mr. And Mrs. Weasley came out.  
“It’s true. You have her stuff.” She said and held her hand to cover her mouth.  
“Wait you know who my mother is?” I asked.  
“Your mother?” She asked and tears sprang to her eyes.  
“Oh darling. I knew you had a familiarity to you.” She said and walked towards me. Her hand now cupping my face.  
“I am confused.” I said and she nodded. 
��So am I sweetheart. How did you end up in the United States?” She asked.  
“I was born there what do you mean?” I asked.  
“No sweetheart. Your mother well, she had you here just before.” She stopped and started to cry a little. Mr. Weasley held onto her.  
“Y/N, your mother and her were very close. Something happened to your mother just after you were born. We only saw a glimpse of you just after you were born before you disappeared. We could never find you. We are your godparents. We were supposed to take you in and then after a couple years of searching and being unable to find you well it became obvious that something unfortunate could have happened to you. Anyway your mother well she was kind hearted. She didn’t want to tell anyone where you or your father went and paid a price for it. She died ages ago. We saw her wand and broom in the shops and well we tried to get them but, when things dont want you then they make it obvious. Anywho her name was Vergho. Funny enough I am pretty sure you were born in the early days of September making you a Virgo.” He said and looked down. Mrs. Weasleys hands dropped from my face and pulled me into a tight embrace.  
“Mrs. Weasley, surely she would have understood why no one found me. Maybe she had a good reason to keep me hidden. Is she really dead?” I asked.  
“Yes, I am sorry. We can't tell you just how happy we are that you are here. Maybe it was not a mistake you ending up here.” Mrs. Weasley said. Yet I know and I am assuming she knows that this was mearly a coincidence. There was no other way I was going to end up here unless I meant it. The only coincidence was the name of the place sounding fairly similar. I mean there couldn’t be. I don’t believe in “signs” of any kind.  
“Oh dear. Don’t let anyone see your wand if you can avoid it.” Mrs. Weasley said.  
“May I ask why?” I asked quietly.  
“Your mother’s stuff was known by a lot of the professors. I don’t want any of them to get the wrong idea of you. Your mom was kind of a one of a kind deal. Wait Arthur do you think she is like her mother to?” Mrs. Weasleys eyes shot up and looked at him.  
“We will have to wait and see darling.” Mr. Weasley said. He looked at me with kind eyes.  
“What exactly are you referring to?” I asked and they looked at one another.  
“We can’t tell you. That is something you will have to find out on your own. If anyone were to tell you it could be problamatic dear. I am sorry.” She said.  
“I think this has been a long day for all of us. I think you all should go to bed. We will have quite the day tomorrow getting you to the train.” Mr. Weasley said.  
“Wait I thought we had a couple of days left.” Ron said.  
“Ron you always have the days wrong. The load of you go back tomorrow.” Mr. Weasley said. They were truly very kind. Harry motioned for me to follow them and they showed me to another cot in the loft area. No real rooms. That was until Mr. Weasley waved his wand and it became very spacious separating me and Ginny away from the boys. Oh good. Honestly I haven’t had a roommate that was nice before so this was pleasant.  
“Goodnight y/n.” Ginny said and smiled at me.  
“Goodnight Ginny.” I said and smiled back.  
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 11 days
I am curious as to how many people would want like a real storyline for smut. Is anyone interested in that? It doesn't matter the person or character but, I would be happy to put something together.
Also how would you feel about a song directed fanfiction story?
Like for example:
Scene: Garden restraunt
Song: Those Eyes by New West
Person/Character: (Whoever is decided on)
Like is that something anyone would be interested in. Maybe even small playlist?
Could be anything. Smut, Angst, Breakup, First meet, Love at first sight, The end of a friendship/relationship.
I am also not limiting the people or characters. You could ask for some mythical creature from harry potter for all I care. I just want something to write that would interest more people.
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 2 months
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E is not for everyone. Minor DNI!  
The Panel  
Warning List:  Age-gap, Breath play, Choking, P in V, Unwrapped play (raw), rough play. If I missed anything please let me know.  
WC: 6980 
It's too much, I can't take it anymore. I need something to take the edge off.  
I am all buzzed out. Nothing I do to myself is enough anymore. This is getting too frustrating. I remember how it feels to have a penis inside me. Just the thought of the one made me have chills and has me clenching around nothing.  
I want to feel a penis inside me again. I want someone to turn me into a freaking creampie. No fuck that I want to be turned into a fucking Gughurt. Just enough to leak out of me that makes me crave so much more. How the fuck do I even approach someone and basically beg for them to take their pants off. Fuck I am even craving to force something down my throat. I want the sting of it to make tears fall from my eyes. I want someone's balls to rest on my chin. Someone who is willing to hold my head so I can't pull them out. I want to choke on someone so bad. 
 "Earth to y/n. What's going on are you okay?" Tara asked.  
"Yeah, I am fine. I just uhm, I think maybe I should get my own hotel room tonight instead of sharing with you and your boyfriend." I said, trying not to stare at her.  
"Oh, is everything okay? Did we make you uncomfortable?" Tara asked. 
 "No, it's not you two. Maybe you two could benefit from having the room to yourselves tonight. Maybe you two want to get nasty together. I don't want to get in the way of that," I said and smiled at her.  
"Oh, well you know if we wanted to do that, I would just ask you to join in on the fun. I know it's been a while for you. I am sure he wouldn't mind." Tara said and laughed a little,  
"I know you are just teasing me but, I am so uncomfortably horny right now I would have jumped in without hesitation." I said laughing.  
"Well, the offer is there. Hell, maybe you will meet someone here at the panel. Maybe someone good looking. Hell, maybe one of the panelists wants to join you." Tara said and nudged me.  
"Yeah, maybe in my fucking dreams." I said now laughing a little too loud. 
 "You would be surprised you are very beautiful. I know a couple of us who would rush at the chance to take someone like you out." Someone said from behind me. The screen in front of us now pointed to the person behind us that responded to our conversation. shit. It's Skeet. 
 "I mean Shit. Anyone up there want to take this one out?" He said and pointed at me. Fuck this is embarrassing. I have now turned beat red. 
 "Depends. Does the night stop after drinks or dinner?" David Arquette asked. I am getting an even brighter red.  
"She is so cute look at how red she is getting. I'd take her out if I was into women." Neve Campbell said.  
"Hell yeah! Let's go. I'll take you out." Matthew said. Before I could really think about it, I smiled a little bit.  
"Sold." I laughed a little at the word that escaped me. Laughter filled the room and even though I was sure he was joking he ended up coming down from the stage and walking over to me. Oh Hell. I glanced at my friend really quick but, back over to now a fast-approaching Matthew Lillard. 
"Let me get your number gorgeous and I will send you a message when we are done here." He said and handed me his phone.  
" Jesus your so much hotter in person." I said and was smacked at how loud my voice came back to me. I looked down and noticed the microphone in front of me and now a laughing Skeet and Matthew." I typed my number really quick as well as my name and handed him his phone back. 
"Thank you for your number. I will message you in a little bit." Matthew said and then winked at me. Oh my god. I doubt this is actually going to happen for one but, it would sure be fun if it did.  There is only half an hour left of the scheduled panel time. I wonder how likely it is that they will stay on schedule. The audience is asking questions, and everyone is answering but I'm not paying attention to a word anyone has been saying. I'm too focused on the possibility of this actually happening. I mean if it does then I might be able to get my shot at scratching this itch. It was the end time on the dot when everyone started to get booted from their seats and told to leave.  
They are not playing around when it comes to it being time to leave. I looked at my friend and she smiled at me as we stayed in our seats until the row of people left that was in the way. We didn't want to rush anyone when it came to leaving. I sure as hell didn't want to leave but, all the panelists had left, and it didn't look like anyone had lingered behind at all. 
 "He did say after. It could still happen." Tara said trying to reassure me. Man, it is probably very easy to read me.  
"Come on. Your boyfriend is probably already waiting for us outside." I said and smiled at her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the building and sure enough I was right. He is pulled up right in front of the door waiting for us. I opened the back door and slid into the backseat, and she got into the front.  
"Hey babe. How was the panel? Did you girls have fun? Did you still want to go to the steakhouse over here?" He boyfriend Daniel asked, 
"It was a lot of fun. They teased us of course. They did it after overhearing some of our conversation. When they were going around letting some people ask questions. Matthew asked for her number, and everyone got to see her turn beat red. He said he was going to message her after the event. Yes, I do. I am starving." Tara said and he started to pull out of the parking lot.  
"I hate to do this, but would you be okay dropping me off at the hotel first and you two can go on like a date without me?" I asked. 
"Yeah of course. Are you sure you don't want to join us? I don't mind treating my girls." Daniel said and squeezed Tara's thigh. 
" Yeah, I am sure. I think I just want to get something quick anyway." I said and smiled at him. 
"Alright well I will drop you off then." Daniel said. The ride was pretty short to the hotel. I think it was less than ten minutes away and there is a pizza place across the street from it. I got out of his car and as soon as the door closed, he sped off. Let me see if they have any open rooms available and then I will go get a bite to eat across the street. I walked into the fancy hotel and was immediately greeted by the hotel staff. I walked over to the desk. 
"Hey is there any way you have any rooms available for tonight?" I asked the front desk person.  
"Actually, we surprisingly have two rooms left but they are both suites and they start at $600.00 would you like one?" Holy cow that is a lot of money. Maybe watching them go at it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.  
"Excuse me are you checking in?" someone behind me asked. I am still a little sticker shocked at the price, so I didn't respond. 
"Alright. Do you have any rooms available?" The man asked. 
" Yes, but as I was telling her there are only two suites left and it starts at six hundred a night. Would you like one?" She asked. 
" Yeah, I will actually take both." He said which then snapped me out of shock. 
"Now wait just a minute I want one of those. I was here first." I turned around and saw Skeet Ulrich smiling.  
" Well, you didn't say that a minute ago." Skeet said still smiling.  
" Well now I am." I said and turned around and faced the woman again.  
" I will take that suite. Here." I smiled and reached for my wallet in my back pocket and grabbed my credit card and ID out. She smiled at me and put my information in. She handed me back my card and ID and also slid me the key. 
"Here you go ma'am." Excuse me? The fuck did she call me? Do I look old? I am probably the same age as her.  
"I will take the other one." Skeet said. He handed his information over and got his room key. He smiled and followed me to the elevator. I pushed the button for the fourth floor.  
"That's not the right floor. The suites are on the 10th floor." he said and pushed the button for the tenth floor.  
"I have to get my stuff out of my friends' room."  
"Oh, wait a minute. You're the girl that gave Matthew their number, right?" He said. I felt the heat rush to my face.  
"Yes I am." I said and looked toward my hands. 
"He tried to call you but, I guess you lost your phone at the venue. He has it. I will have to tell him to just head here then." Skeet said. 
"Wait what?" I felt my Pockets and he was right my phone was not in it. 
"I can just get another one. I am sure he wants to relax in his hotel room." I said biting the inside of my cheek. 
"Well that just got a bit harder for him seeing as how he is going to have to partner up with me now since you took the other suite." He said taking his phone out of his pocket. The door of the elevator finally opened to the fourth floor, and I practically ran out of it and into my friend's room. 
I set the hotel key down next to the TV and grabbed my bag. It was still put together since we got here just before it was supposed to start so I didn't have time to go through it. I walked out of the room and closed the door and made my way back over to the elevator and pressed the button to go up. It only took a couple of minutes for the elevator to open and for the man himself to be in it. What the hell? I didn't think I took that long. No way that took more than ten minutes or even fifteen minutes to grab my shit.  
"Hey there gorgeous. It looks like you lost this." He said and handed over my phone. I grabbed it in my hand and noticed haIf a dozen notifications on it. Shit. 
"I think your friend has been trying to reach you. She called and I answered and let her know I found your phone. She told me what hotel to go to in order to find you and a room number a few minutes ago. Then funny enough Skeet just rang me and told me we were sharing a room here. What are the odds?" He said. 
"Thank you. I really appreciate you returning this. You didn't have too." I said.  
"I will say you made it hard to reach you to hang out tonight with you not having your phone on you." he said. His smile never fell. 
"What can I say. I guess I found a new way of playing hard to get." I laughed a bit. I pressed the burton for the tenth floor finally, so the elevator doors closed again and started moving. 
"What room are you in?" He asked  
" I think I might be either next to yours or right across. it's 1002 "  
" yup right next door to our room." He sighed and then yawned. 
" Looks like maybe it's time for you to turn in." I said mainly kidding. 
"Well, I am an old man, and it is pretty late for me." He said with a quiet laugh. 
" Oh please. Not old enough." I said now grinning ear to ear. 
"What do you mean?" He asked.  
"You are still younger than my ex-husband." I laughed.  
"Please. There is no way." He said. 
"Absolutely. My ex-husband was fifty-eight years old." I said. 
"And how old are you?" He asked. 
"I am 26 as of last week."  
"Wow so you like your men older?"  
"Yes, I do. It's less work that way.”  I said. 
" In what sense?"  
" I don't have to teach an older man how to find a clit or a g-spot. They almost always know how to find it on their own."  
" Oh." He said. 
"Yeah. That is if they don't find something else where entertaining," I said. The doors to the elevator opened and I stepped out of the elevator and made my way over to my room. 
" Have a good night, Matthew. It was nice meeting you." I said and then stepped into my room and closed the door behind me. I walked further into the room and took in everything. Holy shit. This is beautiful. I unlocked my phone and opened my text messages.  
" I am glad you got your own room because it's about to get messy in mine. Some shit just went down. I will tell you in the morning. Love you." Oh Shit. I hope everything is okay.  
" Hope everything is okay. I just got my phone back. I am going to go across the street and grab a quick bite to eat and then I am going to turn in for the night. Love you too." I sent her a reply. I unpacked the bag quickly and double checked that my wallet and now phone were in my back pocket and slid my room key into my bra. Maybe I should see if the two of them are hungry and invite them to join. You know what, I better not. They probably had a long day. I walked past their room and over to the elevator and quickly made my way over to the pizza place. As I step inside a hostess greets me and ask if I wanted to sit at the bar. You know what, why not? I have nothing to lose. I shouldn't take a table away from anyone else.  
"Sure" I said, and she walked me over to the bar and handed me a menu and then walked away.  
"Hey what can I get you to drink?" the bartender asked. It's a full bar so why don't I get something nice.  
"Can I get a vodka soda and a shot of tequila?"  
"Let me see your ID please." Much better. This person did not call me ma'am. I grabbed my wallet out of my back pocket and showed them my ID.  
"Thank you. Coming right up." The bartender said and started making my drink and shot. I put my wallet away and dug out my phone. I opened my picture gallery and started to look at old photos of me from a couple of years ago back from when I was married just before my divorce. I was always in the middle of him and Aly. His best friend. He promised she was nothing to worry about. The second she became available he divorced me and ran right into her arms. The fucked-up part is I don't blame him. He always talked about the one that got away. I just never clued into it being her that he was talking about. The bartender set the drinks down in front of me and I tossed both back quickly and ordered one more shot of tequila and a water to chase it down. 
" What can I get you to eat?"  
"Can I just get a burger or something with fries?" I asked. 
"Sure thing. It's just a standard cheeseburger is that okay?"  
"Yes, I just need something greasy and fattening." I smiled at them, and they stepped away. 
"Something on your mind doll?" An elderly man that was sitting nearby me asked. What the hell why not? I won't see this man ever again.  
"Yeah, actually a lot." 
"Well spill it Sweet pea." He said. He has a southern accent. I like it. 
"Well, I got divorced two years ago and haven't fooled around with anyone since. It kind of has me down. Especially since I knew that he got into someone else's bed immediately." I threw back the last shot of tequila I had just ordered, and he just shook his head. 
"I am sure that man must be a fool. You are a beautiful young woman. You remind me a bit of my great granddaughter before she passed. She was my world. want me to kill him?" he asked and chuckled. I just laughed along with him. 
"I am sorry to hear about your great granddaughter. Can I buy your meal tonight?" I asked him. 
"That is sure kind of you kiddo but, you don't have to. I own the place. Matter of fact it's on me tonight. That is as long as you're not driving yourself home." He looked at me. 
"Nope I am in the hotel across the street. I am walking to my bed tonight." I said and he smiled. 
"Smart girl. If only my great grandbaby was that smart. Then maybe she would still be here with us today. Have a good night doll and I just want to say don't just settle for anyone. I know it may have been a while for you but, that next one is going to be a million times better. It always is." He said and walked away. He stopped the bartender first and pointed at me. They nodded their heads and smiled. "You must have made quite an impression on Mr. Lenny. Everything is on the house tonight. there is your burger and fries." They sat the food in front of me and I smiled. I took a big bite out of the cheeseburger and a handful of fries. Fuck this is a good burger. I just sat there and ate the burger until I had half of it gone. "All done?" The bartender asked as I sat back and rested my hand on my stomach. 
"Yes, thank you." I said. I grabbed my wallet out and grabbed a twenty-dollar bill and sat it on the counter. "Thank you again. The twenty is for you to keep. tell Mr. Lenny next time you see him I appreciate his kindness." I smiled and waved goodbye putting my wallet back into my pocket. I made my way out of the restaurant and headed back into the hotel. I got into the elevator and made it up to the tenth floor and into my room. Fuck I am still kind of horny. Let me just jump into the shower and see if it can get some of the edge off.  
I made sure the door was locked and made my way into the bathroom. Jesus even this is beautiful. I walked over to the shower and turned it on.  I stripped all my clothes off and jumped in. I was expecting it to be at least a little cold, but it wasn't. It was nice and hot already. I stood there for ten minutes before actually washing my hair and my body. By the time I was done I was all wrinkled up. I wrapped the towel around me and then grabbed my phone from my pant pocket. I unlocked it and sat on the sofa in front of the bed. I opened Tumblr and went to the search section. I clicked on it and saw the last search was Matthew Lillard smut, so I clicked on it. I am still horny but nothing a little reading can't fix. The first one that came up was the William Afton one where he is a professor. Okay that is hot. The more I read the more turned on I get. Fuck this. I am alone in a hotel room. The door is locked. Fuck it. I undo the towel and sit there exposed on the little couch. I grabbed my phone and continued to read smut after smut. I moved my right hand between my thighs and slowly slid my middle finger between my pussy lips. I started to rub my clit with light pressure and slow movements. Fuck. Get in the mindset. I am not the one massaging my throbbing clit right now. Let's pretend Professor Afton is. Fuck that. I want Matthew. His hands were so big. I am sure something else is probably just as big. Jesus his fingers alone are long and thick. I bet he knows how to use his hands. I added more pressure on my clit and set my phone down. I grabbed my left nipple with my left finger and thumb and twisted it. Fuck. His beard would feel so good on my thighs. I sped up the pace and bit my lip now moaning a little at the pleasure. Fuck his tongue. it would feel so good rolling across my clit and his mouth devouring me. Fuck that's it. He is on his knees in front of me eating my pussy. Gathering my juices on his finger before pushing them into me. Oh god. Oh fuck, I. I need something there. My pussy is clenching and it's trying to find something. I'm empty though. Nothing is stretching one open. Please. I need the release. please. I threw my head back onto the back of the sofa.  
I got interrupted by knocking on the door. 
"Go away." I hollered out. 
"It's Skeet come to the door please." I sighed and put the towel on and made my way to the door. I opened it in just my towel and was not just met by Skeet but also Matthew. 
" Hey. Not to pry but What are you begging for?" Skeet asked. My face went red. Was I loud? No Fucking way I was loud.  
" You butt dialed me. We just wanted to make sure you were okay." Matthew said now holding up his phone still showing the connected call.  
"Oh uhm. Thats awkward." I said. 
" Hey, Sweetpea forget what I said. Let one of these two at it. Mr. Lenny said as he walked behind the two men.  
" What are you doing here Mr. Lenny?" I asked. 
"Just like you Sweetpea it's been a while for me. I am here to meet an old girlfriend up. Gentlemen, it's been a two-year drought for this young one. She is probably going to get really loud. Don't worry I will turn my ears off and have the miss turn her ears off too. Be as crazy as you want." Mr. Lenny said and winked at me. I am pretty sure all the color drained from my face.  
"Two years? It's been two years?" Matthew and Skeet said. 
" Well that explains the moaning. Do you have someone in there?" 
"What no!" I said 
"Oh okay. Masturbating got it. I am going back to the room. Goodnight. Come on Matthew." Skeet Said. Matthew just looked at the and I looked towards Skeet, so I didn't know I was going to be pushed back into the room. Matthew stepped into my room and closed the door behind him without ever turning around. He kept his eyes glued to mine. God he is so handsome to look at. " It's been two years since you had anyone touch you?" He said in a hushed tone. I nodded and looked toward the ground. This is embarrassing.  
He closed the distance between us by stepping in front of me. His fingers were now brushing against my chin, and he gently pushed it up to look at him. 
"Let's change that then. " He said now holding eye contact with me again. Oh, dear god. "Let me get up to speed." He backed away and lifted his shirt above his head. He took off his shoes and pushed his pants over his ass and down his long legs. He stepped out of his pants and approached me again.  
"What were you watching?" He asked.  
"I don't watch anything. I was reading smut and then fantasizing" I said. 
"Tell me." 
" Fantasizing about you." I said and I heard a small groan come from him.  
"Keep going." 
 "About how your fingers would feel against me. How they would feel so good inside of me." I took a breath and saw him reach out to touch me.  
"How your facial hair would feel good against my thighs." I said honestly. His hand made contact with the towel and with a little tug it fell to the ground completely exposing myself to him. I have never felt so vulnerable and exposed. I tried to hide myself by using my arms to cover my breast and a hand to cover my vagina. "Don't be shy." He said stepping closer to me. That doesn't help me relax. He reached out to the hand covering my vagina and pulled it towards his waist.  
"It may have been two years since you last did anything, but you know how to do this." he said. I relaxed my hand on his waist. Fuck me he is just so perfect. I looked up towards him and he peered down at me. His left hand brushed my hair behind my ear, and he lowered his face to mine. His lips lightly ghosted against mine and I felt my body finally respond to the touch. The arm that was still covering my breast fell to my side and I closed the small gap left between our lips and kissed him. His lips are so soft. That's not necessarily what I expected but they are really soft. I moved my hand from resting on his waist and moved it to the waistband of his briefs. Fuck, l just want a taste of him. I want to know every part of his body by the end of the night. He moaned a little into my mouth. Such an amazing sound. l broke away from the kiss and attached my lips to his neck and kissed it. I ran my tongue across it and bit down. 
 "Do I need to be soft? or can I be rough?" He asked. 
 "Please be rough. I will do whatever you want," I said eagerly. 
"Good girl." He said and moved one of his hands into my hair and forced my head to look at him.  
"Get on your knees for me." He hummed out. I didn't hesitate to get on my knees. The second my knees touched the ground he kicked his briefs off the rest of the way and pulled my hair again to make me look up at him. He looks like a god from this angle. One I am so ready to worship. 
He grabbed his cock in his free hand, and I finally looked at it. Fuck me. It's bigger than I expected it to be. There is no way that fits anywhere in me.  
"Open wide for me." he said. I opened my mouth for him but before he had a chance to guide my head to him instead of opening and waiting for him, I opened and started leaving kisses on his thighs and moving my left hand to cup his balls and started lightly massaging them. 
"Oh fuck." he moaned, closing his eyes. I lightly slid my tongue against the shaft of his cock and felt his grip on my hair tighten. I lightly ran my tongue across the tip of his cock and blew a little air onto it making his cock twitch. I wrapped my lips around the tip finally and circled the head of his cock slowly with my tongue before finally taking him as far down my throat as I could and started gagging a little. Fuck I can feel some saliva come out of my mouth around him. 
"Oh fuck. That's it. Take all of my cock in that small mouth of yours." He moaned out. I pulled back a little. Enough to leave just the tip in before trying to get closer to the base of his cock. 
His grip on my hair tightened again and his thighs tightened a little before I felt him push his cock further down my throat making me gag more and drenching his cock in saliva. I was so close to the base before he let go and I freed my mouth from his cock choking on air.  
"God. That felt amazing. " He said stepping back from me. Nope, not going to happen. I was almost there. "Come back here please." I said looking up at him. 
"Fuck me." He said before stepping back in front of me. I reached for his cock and put him back in my mouth and adjusting my hands to the back of his ass. I felt him tighten and thrust himself forward forcing his cock down my throat again. I started to gag and when I felt him shift and try to pull himself out of my mouth I dug my nails into his ass, and it forced him to thrust himself even further down my throat. Oh god. My lips are touching the base of his cock, and my chin is now touching his balls. I can feel drool dropping onto my chest, 
"Oh god. Oh fuck." He moaned out loudly now holding my head against his body with his thighs tightening. He released my head and I pulled myself off him and immediately choked out trying to catch my breath. Fuck me he is so fucking long and thick. "Sit on the couch and spread your legs." I got up from my knees and walked over to the couch and sat down. I didn't open my legs right away, but I rested my head against the back of it trying to catch my breath still. I closed my eyes trying to wrap my head over what was happening. Before I could really grasp anything, I felt his big hands rest on my knees and spread them open. I felt his hands hook onto the back of my knees and pull me forward towards him. Fuck it feels like I'm about to fall off the couch. I opened my eyes and looked at this handsome man kneeling on the ground putting my legs on his shoulders and looking up at me. 
"Fuck." is all I managed to moan out before I felt his facial hair graze the inside of my thighs before I felt his tongue slide against my pussy lips.  
" Oh god please." I said. 
" Please what?" he asked, smiling up at me.  
" Please. I just" I didn't even get to finish talking before I felt his tongue between my pussy lips and felt him sucking my labia into his mouth. Oh god. He tugged on it lightly before releasing it looking back up at me with a shit eating grin on his face. 
" What were you saying?" He asked. 
"Please more oh god please more!” I cried out in broken moans. He guided his left hand between my thighs and lightly ran his thick fingers over my pussy lips making sure to lightly graze my clit. What a fucking tease. I felt his finger’s part my pussy and his head once again lowered and this time his tongue met directly with my clit. He started to flatten his tongue on my clit and moved it in a circular motion,  
" Fuck yes." I moaned out.  
His fingers holding my pussy open for him faded and I felt a slight pressure at my opening and noticed he was trying to push a finger in. His thick finger ran up the slit of my pussy gathering some of the moisture and then I felt the pressure again. This time more successful. A wave of pleasure overcame me, and my back arched and one of my hands involuntarily found his head and pulled on his hair. 
"Fuck on fuck. That feels so good." No this didn't just happen. I did not just have an orgasm purely because he is fingering me and sucking on my clit. How fucking embarrassing. I have never had an orgasm so fast. I released his hair and removed my hand before I felt him bite down on my clit and add a second finger.  
"Oh my god." I grabbed into his head again. I am becoming a moaning mess. I felt some pressure build up inside of me as he buried his fingers deep inside of me. He started to tap them against my g-spot. Oh god. He released his bite from my clit and started to soothe and massage it with his tongue again. This time in faster motions. 
" Oh god. I am going to squirt if you keep it up." I panted out between moans. I heard and felt the growl that came from him and felt the pace of his fingers inside me quicken.  
" Oh god Matthew." I moaned out again. 
He released my clit from his mouth and looked up at me. My eyes closed tightly now practically humping his face. 
" Please. Oh god please. I am-so close." I moaned out. I felt his other hand between my legs, and he sat up a little. He started to rub my clit with his free hand matching the pace with the fingers deep inside me. 
"Fuck Matthew." I moaned out before I squeezed my eyes tighter. Now seeing nothing but the black behind my eyes and the little star pattern it created. I felt the pressure release and I felt Matthew's mouth back on me lapping up every bit of my squirt. "Fuck you taste so damn good." I felt him pull away from me and his fingers slide out of me. No. God no I want more.  
"Bed now." He said and I got off the couch quickly and laid on the bed.  
"Fuck I am so hard. That was fucking sexy. Can you do it again for me?" he asked crawling on top of me. I nodded my head and slammed my lips onto his. He deepened the kiss and slid his tongue into my mouth and across mine. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him and slid my hands down his back digging my nails into him. He groaned into my mouth and pulled away. He kissed my neck and lightly kissed his way down my chest until his mouth met my left nipple. He wrapped his lips around it and sucked lightly and then bit down on it. His hand squeezing my other breast and pulling onto my nipple and pinching it hard. He let go of my breast and sat up. He propped his knees under my ass and lined the tip of his cock up with the opening of my pussy. He pushed the tip of his cock in, and it felt like he has splitting me open. He put my right leg onto his left shoulder and started pushing himself forward onto me. My leg is now next to my head. Fuck the stretch from my leg hurts but the stretch of my pussy hurts more. 
"God you're so fucking tight." He moaned out. He pushed himself halfway inside me before letting my leg go. I let my leg drop down back to my side and I looked at Matthew. His eyes were closed, and his mouth was parted open. 
"I am sorry. I can't help myself." He lowered his head and whispered into my ear. I didn't have any time to respond before he sat up and pulled his hips back and slammed himself as deep as he could between my legs.  
"Oh god!" I yelled and moaned out. I squeezed my eyes shut as I didn't have any time to adjust to him before he pulled his hips back again and thrusted, so deep l felt his balls slap against my ass. I tried to reach out to him, but my attempt had failed. Oh god. He kept slamming into me with every thrust.  
"Matthew. Please. I need.." I didn't finish. He leaned forward resting his body weight on top of me. He went to try and kiss me, but I moved my head and pried my eyes open to look at him.  
"Nuh-Oh. I need." I pulled at one of his hands and he gave it to me without losing momentum. I put his hand on my neck and looked at him. 
"Please." I moaned out. 
"Fuck.." he moaned out and squeezed my neck. He rested his weight between his arm holding him up and, on my body, and he started to squeeze my throat harder. Enough to stop my breathing. Fuck. Me. Everything in my body feels like it's on fire right now. The pressure is coming back. He buried his face next to my neck.  
" So, fucking wet for me baby," He moaned into my ear. His voice sending shocks through me. He continued his rough pace but found my g-spot and started to hit it repeatedly. My pussy started to clench around his cock which caused him to moan loudly into my ear and loosen his grip on my throat. Just enough time for me to catch my breath and then he squeezed it again and took my breath away. Waves after waves of pressure started to take over as I grabbed onto his arm and started to shake under him. He kept his grip tight but finally looked at me. I am not sure what it is he saw but I know what I felt. I felt a gush of liquid escape me and his grip fell loose and then he sat up and looked down at his cock soaked in squirt. 
'Fuck I'm gonna cum." He moaned out. I felt him try to pull out of me. I quickly wrapped my legs around his ass and tightened them around him. 
He let out a loud groan and moaned out my name. It has never sounded so pretty before. I felt his balls tighten against my ass. Then I felt a lot of warm and thick liquid fill my pussy. 
"Oh god that feels amazing." I moaned out. 
"Yeah? You like how it feels to be filled up by my cum?" he asked. 
" Fuck yes. I want every last drop in me. God, it feels so good." I moaned out slowly grinding my hips against him.  
"Oh fuck. careful. It's sensitive now." He groaned and hissed a little.  
“Shit sorry. It's just fuck. Being filled up sends me on the edge of another orgasm. Sorry." I said. He looked down and with his right hand squeezed the inside of my thigh and then he put his finger on my cIit massaging it making me buck my hips on him and moaning at the touch. He hissed a little again before he sped his pace up on my clit. 
"Fuck, Matthew. Yes. Oh god yes. Don't stop please don't stop. Oh god." My moans becoming louder and louder as he continued to play with my sensitive clit. I kept grinding and bucking against him until I my pussy clenched around his cock sending me through another orgasm. He hissed out and moaned again, slowly thrusting into me again and lightly pulled himself out. The cold air not helping him as he hissed at it and then collapsed onto his back on the bed now cupping his cock in his hand.  
"Fuck that was by far the best sex I have ever had in my life. Thank you." I said. I can still feel the shock of every orgasm going through my body. I probably looked like an exorcist at some point with how much I was shaking while squirting. This bed is fucking soaked in squirt. Great, now I'm going to have to sleep in this. 
"You don't have to say that. I'm sure you have had better." Matthew said. I sat up and looked at him.  
"No, I mean it. That is by far the best sex I have had in my life. I would do it over and over again if you let me." I said smiling down again.  
"We are not done. We are taking a break." Matthew said.  
"Oh, are we now?" I asked, teasing him.  
"Let's go get you cleaned up. We can call the front desk and have them bring up some fresh sheets and we can get some rest. That is if it's okay I stay in here with you." He said looking at me.  
"Well, I'm not kicking you out or asking you to leave. If you want to leave you go on your own, but I would love it if you stayed." I said smiling at him.  
"Then I'm staying." He said and he pulled me off the bed and walked me over to the shower. 
3 notes ¡ View notes
anonymouse1312437 ¡ 2 months
Hey I got an idea maybe you could try to write if you want. I know it’s looks EXTREMELY long. Sorry im just really detailed and awful at using words to describe it shortly. Javi Gutierrez and fem reader (or whatever you prefer) are already in a relationship. Reader knows how big of a fan Javi is about Nicolas Cage so she’s used to it. But this time Nicolas has some new film and Javi is so hyper focused about it. Like he’s watching all the interviews, rewatching the film, and looking at all the pictures. Like every fan girl would do with their beloved actor ( literally me). The reader eventually gets sad cuz he hasn’t been as affectionate as he usually would and is basically ignoring her since he’s been glued to the tv. He’s not trying to do it on purpose in a mean way btw. So as a distraction reader goes to binge watch a show (on a different tv) she hasn’t watched yet. That show being Narcos 👀. As she’s watching it she becomes obsessed with a character named Javier Pena the more she watches. Now she’s a little fan girl of her own and the Javi G situation isn’t as big of a deal as of right now. Some time has past as in however long it took reader to get to the middle of season 3 of Narcos. Javi’s infatuation has finally died down (as if it was like a sugar high) and now he’s yearning for reader. Looking for her and finds her giggling at the screen. Asking her what the cute giggles were about. She now spews her new infatuation. About Javier Peña’s personality, looks, storyline, and his mannerisms. Maybe she even starts calling Javier, Javi for short since she’s repeating his name constantly. As Javi G now watches with her (but not really paying attention). He tries to give affection and talks to her but just gives quick responses, absently ignoring him (what he was doing to her before but not realizing it). Now Javi gets jealous (the cute kind cuz that Javier Pena based on the show is obviously not real). He doesn’t understand why she likes Javier more than her own boyfriend/husband (ofc she actually loves Javi G way more but that’s what he thinks as of right now). I mean they basically got the same name, he almost looks like him, and he speaks Spanish as well. Javi just does not get it. Hours later when reader finishes the show she finds Javi acting odd and dressed…. differently. ( he’s now dressed like Pena and trying to act “cool”. Reader is hysterically laughing after realizing what Javi is trying to do. And he’s just standing like: 🥺. To cut things short cuz i realized this is already really long (sorry). She just light heartedly explained (still laughing and not being serious at all) how she felt when he was ignoring her after he tried to make an argument about her pushing him away. They make up and Javi gives her all the affection she could ever have in a lifetime (maybe manhandling her a bit 👀). But the whole situation was never really that serious like they weren’t gonna break up or anything. It’s just Javi being a drama queen. The whole story is just fluffy and goofy but i think it’s sweet.
I absolutely love this. I will start writing it today and will try to have something posted tomorrow. Thank you for the very cute and fluffy idea.
Here is goes:
Again. It is happening again. Javi is stuck in front of the TV watching every movie with that Nicholas Cage person. His obsession is going a little far.  
‘Javi, can you come help me with something?” I asked him. I am dressed in his favorite lingerie set and I am hoping that I can pull his attention back to me.  
“I am sorry. I am busy watching this. Come watch this with me.” He said patting the spot on the couch next to him without his eyes leaving the screen in front of him.  
“Javi, can you pause it please.” I tried again, now standing a little closer to the TV again attempting to get his attention.  
“I will help you later, okay? I promise.” He said now turning the volume on the TV up.  
This is ridiculous. If Nicholas Cage appeared in front of him right now in his favorite lingerie set, I am pretty sure that would have him jumping up and down and ready to get after it.  
“Whatever Javi.” I said and walked away. Well fine if he wants to focus on this man again then I guess I will have to humor myself with something else. Maybe I can find something to watch too. But first, I need to put some real clothes on. I thought for sure offering him myself would have worked.  
I made my way upstairs and into my room. I walked over to my closet and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt. I took off the lingerie set and threw it into the hamper to be cleaned and put on the outfit I pulled out. Maybe I can find something on Netflix or Hulu to watch.  
I jumped onto the bed and pulled myself to the middle and sat up. I reached for the remote control from the end table on my side and turned the TV on. I opened Hulu first and started to go through the movies and TV shows that were on it. Blah I feel like I have already watched everything on this. Maybe Netflix then. 
I opened Netflix and started to go through the movies. I have seen most of the romance movies on here. Jeeze Javi has messed up my likes on here. I have all these documentaries and action movies on here. Let’s look at shows. I can’t believe he just flat out refuses to switch to his profile. Come on. More action shows, documentaries and then well, wait, hold on, what is that?  
It looks interesting. It says it's about drug cartels. Maybe this won’t be too bad after all. I wonder if he has watched it yet. I selected the show and the annoying ding that happens when the Netflix logo appears came on. Right away it starts with the screen that lets everyone know that this is based on real events but, names have been changed and I felt myself getting a little excited.  
Only a few minutes into the show I spotted a character that strangely looked like Javi. They have a lot of similarities. His Spanish is impeccable. The cigarette he is holding looks odd. Almost like he hasn’t smoked before the show. Who knows. Maybe he is a chain smoker behind the scenes, but he is just holding it weird.  
I surprisingly made it to the end of the episode without changing it. The white guy seems kind of crazy. Almost like maybe he shouldn’t be allowed to have a weapon. I don’t know. He did call that one guy what’s his name? I think it was Javier Pena, an asshole.  
I managed to get into the middle of the second episode where one of the women is getting fucked and I started to hear some shuffling outside of the bedroom.  
“Javi?” I called out.  
“Yes?” He called back in response.  
“What are you doing?” I asked.  
“I just went and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet. I got a little cold.” Javi called back. I didn’t bother responding. I thought maybe he was going to come in here. I guess I was wrong.  
I focused my attention back on the show. Of course, when I looked back over, I saw Javier Pena nailing someone on the couch. Well don’t mind if I do. He is very attractive. She is beautiful. Wow they would make a great couple. That scene did not last long enough in my opinion. Granted if the whole show was just that then I don’t think it would be ono Netflix. It would be on a different website.  
I just sat in the bed devouring the show episode after episode. I felt my stomach rumble and realized I have been in this room for six hours. It’s the middle of the night and Javi still has not come up to go to bed. What the hell. Nor did he come and tell me if he was hungry. I paused the show and got off the bed and made my way downstairs into the living room. He was still propped up on the couch now watching interviews of Nicolas Cage.  
“Javi.” I said.  
“Shh he is talking.” He said. Did he really shush me for this? I walked closer to him and noticed he had a take-out container in front of him and a drink.  
“Did you get food delivered?” I asked.  
“Yes.” He said quickly and took another bite of his food. Unbelievable.  
“I am starving what did you get?” I asked.  
“Oh, I am sorry, I thought you went to bed. I just got something for me.” He said keeping his attention on the TV.  
“You know what fine. You can sleep out here then until this fixation is done with.” I said rolling my eyes and dismissing myself and walking into the kitchen. I think I still have some leftover meat for some burritos in here. I opened the fridge and grabbed out the leftovers and grabbed some tortillas and cheese. I made myself some food and took it up to the room and sat back down on the bed. Since he wants to suck right now, I am eating on his side of the bed. If anything spills then it’s on him. I grabbed the remote and hit play. I sat in silence watching a couple more episodes and finishing my food. I grabbed my water bottle from the nightstand that I leave there so I can have it if I get thirsty in the middle of the night and take a sip of water. I put it back and started to yawn. I turned the TV off and put the plate beside me on the nightstand and got under the blankets. I looked to the empty side where Javi normally is and went to sleep irritated with him.  
I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the living room. It better be the morning. No, I take that back. It better have only been half an hour and he is on his way into this room. Nope. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sun. Damn it, Javi.  
I got off the bed and grabbed my now empty water bottle and plate. I made my way to the kitchen and set it down on the counter and headed to the bathroom. I peed and washed my hands and made my way out with my freshly cleaned hands that were still wet and walked to the living room.  
I reached out and wiped my hands on Javi’s face expecting him to laugh or be playful too, but he shrugged me off and pointed to the TV.   “He is just so funny. I love this man.” Javi said.  
“Why are you still watching this? Can we go out and do something today? Anything? Did you even sleep?” I asked.  
“Of course I slept. I am busy sweetie. If you want to go out, you can go without me. I want to catch up on the stuff I missed.” Javi said.  
“Javi, you haven’t even looked at me and this is now day two.” I said. He waved me off and again as I became even more annoyed, I looked at Javi one last time before going back to the kitchen. I grabbed my plate and set it in the sink and filled my water bottle up with water and went back upstairs to the room. This sucks. I just want him to hug me and give me kisses again. This has been going on for too long. I wanted to feel his arms around me last night, but he didn’t come to bed. I miss his affection.  
I turned the TV back on and started to watch Narcos again. I was somewhere in season two when Javi came up the stairs and into the room.  
“Hey baby.” He said. He sat behind me and moved my hair to one side of my head and planted a small kiss on my shoulder. I shrugged him off as I was watching Javier rough someone up. The muscles on him were amazing.  
“Baby, I finished getting caught up. Did you still want to do something?” He said, leaving more kisses on my shoulder.  
“Baby shh. I am watching something right now.” I said. I felt him get off the bed and he sighed.  
“Okay then. I am going to jump in the shower.” He said looking at me. I waved my hand dismissively and he went to the bathroom and closed the door. A few minutes went by when Javi reappeared, and I was giggling at one of the scenes where Javier was being funny. 
“What’s funny?” He asked sitting on the bed in his towel.  
“This man Javi is just the best. He cracks me up. He is this bad ass who beats people up and kills them. He is so attractive too. The way he walks. His style. Everything is so cool.” I said.  
“Oh really?” He said. I never stopped to look at his face but, had I then I would have noticed he looked a bit mad. He sat there and watched a couple of episodes with me before getting up and getting dressed.  
“I am going into town do you want to come?” Javi asked.  
“No, I am good.” I said and brushed him off. I heard him sigh a bit too loud but ignored it. He did it to me with Nicolas Cage. I can watch the show if I want.  
He was gone for a long time. I managed to get halfway into the third season before I stepped out of the room. I am hungry. I made my way to my phone that I left in the kitchen and called Javi.  
“Hey.” He said on the phone.  
“Hey Javi, can you bring home some food? I am starving.” I asked  
“Oh, the new Javi can’t get some food for you?” he asked and laughed a little.  
“You are being silly. Please I am really hungry.” I said again.  
“Of course, beautiful. I will grab something and bring it to you. I will be home shortly.” He said. I hung the phone up and ran back up the stairs. I put the show back on and after another episode passed and the finale played. I was officially out of a show to watch again.  
“Javi?” I called out from the room. He didn’t answer. 
“Javi? Are you here?” He was supposed to bring me food. I heard the door open, and I got off the bed and made my way down the stairs. I bumped into him and the first thing I noticed were the brown leather looking pants that were tight on Javi. Oh my gosh. This is too good.  
“Javi, what are you wearing?” I asked and he turned around and that’s when I noticed the fresh haircut and the sunglasses. The pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket.  
“Oh Javi. What are you doing?” I asked with a big smile on my face.  
“What? You said you liked Javi’s style. You think he is so cool. I just want to keep up with the look you like.” He said.  
“Don’t you like it Princesa?” He asked his eyes were getting soft. 
“Oh Javi, I liked how you looked before. You are incredibly handsome on your own. You don’t need to look like Javier Pena.” I said and smiled up at him.  
“Are you sure? Because you basically had drool coming out of your mouth.” He said.  
“Baby, I am sure. I love you for who you are.” I said.  
He smiled at me and set the food on the table. He walked over to me.  
“Can I kiss you now Princesa or are you going to brush me away again?” He asked. I smiled at him and before I responded to him, he pushed me against the door and grabbed my throat and kissed me. Oh wow. That is exactly what I have been missing. He pulled away from me and let his hand slowly fall down the front of me.  
“Let’s get some food in you Princesa. I know I kept you waiting and for that I am sorry. I am back. I will pay attention to you beautiful. I missed cuddling you last night.” He said planting a kiss on my forehead.  
“I can’t stand it when you fixate on him. It takes you away from me Javi. I missed you over the last couple of days. You let it completely take you away from me. I had to go off and find something for me to fixate on just so I didn’t get too mad at you.” I said looking at him.  
‘I know I am sorry love. I will try and be better about it next time, okay?” He said and smiled grabbing my hand and helped me into the chair at the table.  
“That’s what you said last time Javi.” I smiled at him and giggled. I grabbed the food and drink he got me and started to eat. We both ate in silence and continued to hold hands. I’m glad to have him back.  
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 2 months
FanFic Ideas
Hey everyone, I have been a bit out of it for a minute. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas they wanted for the following people:
Pedro Pascal (Himself not characters)
Matthew Lillard (Himself not characters)
Oberyn Martell
The Mandalorian
Juan Badillo
Marcus Moreno
Dieter Bravo
Comandante Veracruz
Javi Gutierrez (A favorite of mine)
Agent Marcus Pike
Javier Pena
Nathan Landry
Francisco Morales
Shaggy Rogers (live action not animated)
Jerry Conlaine (A favorite)
Dean Boland (Another fave)
Stu Macher
Brock Hudson
Principal Bosch
Tim LaFlour
Dennis Rafkin
William Afton
Please either leave suggestions here in the comments and whether you want them smutty/fluffy.
If there is a specific trait or fetish/fantasy you would like but, don't want to comment it please feel free to send me a message Privately.
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 3 months
House Party (Pedro Pascal)
House Party 
Fluff and Smut Warning 
*Minors DNI* 
>>Trigger Warnings: (let me know if I missed any)  
Use of y/n, mentions of anxiety as well as anxiety attacks, mentions of PTSD as well as PTSD episode, mention of abuse, mention of childhood trauma, mentions of working, name calling, down talking, bad parental relationship, antisocial personality, introvert, mentions of songs (if you don’t like that), fluff is heavily implied, smut, oral f receiving, fingering, raw, unprotected sex, use of pronouns (he,she,they,them)(respecting a person's pronouns is something I believe in), multiple characters, adult living at home, rough family life, age-gap, loss of a parent, alcohol, drinking, flashbacks, spanking (abuse), choking (abuse), time jumps (hours not days), dry humping in the form of grinding 
How to read (if you need this): 
If you want to enjoy the whole thing. Thank you very much.  
If you need guidance on what to skip here it goes: 
Flashback is what includes the details of the abuse. This is labeled at *flashback* you can skip this part it is not completely necessary to like the story.  
If you came here purely for the smut/fluff then I got you. It is at the very bottom labeled Smut. Thank you in advance.  
If you have suggestions please dm me or leave me a comment with your requests.  
WC: 8,678 
y/n's Pov: 
It's been too long of a day. I am looking forward to going home and just relaxing. It's about to clock out and go home and relax. I can't stand having to work in an office anymore. I miss working from home. Ever since this company required us to come back into the office half of the staff quit and that includes the only friend I had here so it's even more dreadful than before.  
*Buzz Buzz Buzz *  
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out and unlocked it and looked at the message that popped up on the screen.  
“Hey, I met up with some old friends today and they had some people with them. I’m giving you a heads up that people will be over at the house. When you get home you don’t have to entertain anyone if you want to just hide in your room like you normally do. Or if you don’t want to come home that’s fine too. I’m just trying to let you know.” I read the message from my dad, and I sighed. It sucked being 26 and still living with my dad. Another message flashed across the screen. 
“Also, your cousins are here too. I know you guys don’t get along all the time so please just try and be nice if you decide to come home and socialize. I know how unlikely that us but please again just try and be nice.” The message from my dad said.  
Son of a bitch. I know what he is getting at. I know he would rather I attempt to socialize but, all I want to do is take a shower and go into my room and get my coursework done and go to bed. Hell, I would even just love to be able to write a couple chapters in my book before I go to bed but, I don’t think that is going to happen. This fucking sucks.  
I locked my phone and put it back into my pocket and clocked out on my computer and took my headset off. I shut my computer down and made sure it was locked before opening my desk drawer and grabbing my keys and wallet. I don’t like purses they are too bulky, and they stop you at security to search through it. I don’t want to wait fifteen minutes for them to look through it and discover if I am on my period or not. I closed the drawer and stood up and stretched trying to pop my back.  
“You heading out?” My boss asked.  
“Yes, I was on my way out. Anything you need?” I asked.  
“I was wondering if you wanted tomorrow off? Make it a three-day weekend for you.” He asked. I really need the money, but I know him. This really isn’t an option.  
“Yeah, I guess that’s fine. I would rather work but, if labor is high, I guess I don’t mind.” I said and he smiled.  
“Thanks for understanding and being a team player. I really appreciate you not giving me a hard time. You have any plans for the weekend?” He asked.  
“No, I don’t think so. Just about to go home and be bombarded by family and their friends. I’m trying to avoid that but, I don’t know how I am going to manage that.” I said and smiled.  
“Oh well I do hope you have a good night and a wonderful weekend.” He said and I smiled.  
“Thank you and you as well.” I said and watched him walk away. I made my way out of the building and to my 2018 Honda civic. It was a nice car, but I really had my eye on an old-style car. I have been trying to save up not just a house but a 1947 Chevrolet fleet master. It has been my dream car since I was six. I took my phone out of my pocket and connected my phone to Bluetooth. I opened Spotify and started to play beautiful crazy by Luke combs and started to sing along. I put my phone in the cup holder and started making my way home.  
I’m trying to kill as much time as possible before going home and trying to wait out the people there, so I decided to swing by the drive thru at Filiberto's and grab something to eat. I made my way there and it was a forty-minute drive before I got to the one by my house. By the time I made it to the speaker u was jamming out to I’m not a vampire by falling in reverse and had to turn it down.  
“Thank you for choosing Filiberto's what can I get for you today?” the person on the other end of the speaker asked.  
“I would like the spicy Pollo fries and a large drinks pepper please.” I said.  
“Anything else today?” they asked.  
“No that’s it thank you.” 
“I will have your total for you at the window.” They said.  
“Thank you.” I said and pulled forward. It was weird that the drive thru was completely empty. They normally have a pretty decent line, but I guess it’s just not that time tonight. I pulled forward up to the window and pulled my wallet out of the Center console. I pulled my debit card out and waited for the worker to open the drive-thru window.  
" Hello, the total is $ 18.98 " The worker said. I handed them my card and smiled. They closed the window and swiped my card and opened the window back up. They handed me my card and the receipt. They then handed me my drink and then the food.  They closed the window without saying another word and I drove away.  
I made the rest of the drive home using the backroads because it even though was going to take a shorter amount of time was ultimately the better choice if I wanted to eat it while it was hot. Twenty minutes later while jamming out to Fuck her gently by Tenacious D while it's blaring, I pulled into the driveway of the house. I looked around and noticed the number of cars that were here, and it was a lot. Not just that but a couple of them were ridiculously overpriced cars. One being an Audi and the other being a Mercedes. I knew who the Tahoe belonged to but, there was also a 2004 Volvo here. There were two ford trucks and a chevy. There are far too many people here for me to get in unnoticed. I wonder if I left my window open. 
I left my car and the door open and made my way over to my window. I pushed on it slightly and it opened up. Fuck yeah! I will just crawl through my window. Thankfully my sister leaves chairs in her barn so I went and grabbed one and set it next to my window. I walked back to my car and turned it off and grabbed my wallet and phone. I walked back over to my window and threw them onto my bed. I went back to my car and grabbed my drink and food. I closed my car door and made it to the chair in front of my window when I heard my front door open and saw someone and before I was able to get through the window, they made eye contact with me. Well, this is awkward.  
“I swear I live here but, based on the amount if vehicles there are way too many people here for my comfort level.” I said breaking the weird eye contact.  
“Okay. I guess I understand that.” They said.  
Wait, they look a bit familiar. Where do I know them from? I set my drink and food down on the end table just beside my bed and started crawling through before their head popped up just outside my window when I turned to close it.  
“Can I join you in a minute? It is a bit over stimulating in there and I just need somewhere to calm down. I promise I won’t bother you nor will I rat you out for sneaking past everyone.” They laughed.  
Wait, is that Bella Ramsey? That’s why they look familiar. I watched the last of us a couple of months ago. What the hell were they doing here?  
“Uh yeah I guess that’s fine.” I said and made my way off the bed and made room for them to get inside. Bella crawled through and immediately took notice of the style of my room. There was greenery everywhere. My curtains were green, bed sheets were green, comforter was white and so was my rug. The dresser was white, books were everywhere and my accent chair facing the bed was green as well. I had gold picture frames hanging up and a wax burner on, but it was a gold skeleton or appeared gold when it was on.  
“Wow. You really like the color green. It actually looks really nice in here.” They said.  
“Thank you.” I said. They got off the bed and stood next to me on the floor. I reached behind my bed and closed the window.   
“Where does your bedroom door lead out to exactly?” Bella asked.  
“Directly into the hallway. I am pretty close to the bathroom if you needed to go to the bathroom but, it’s also directly next to the living room where the front door is.” I said.  
“Okay awesome. I just want to make sure in case I need someone.” They said.  
“Okay. May I ask what you are doing here? Also, hi my name is y/n.” I asked.  
“Oh, yeah well nice to meet you y/n. I am here because my coworker and best friend is a mutual friend of Dani and I guess his girlfriend is your cousin Taylor. We were visiting him, and your cousin mentioned having to come out here to let everyone meet her new baby and well since we were here, she had us tag along. Then Dani invited your other cousin Seth since he was in town who also invited his friend Tommy who then invited Joseph and I guess more of your family’s friends showed up and somehow this turned into a party and then your dad’s best friend came over with a ton of beer and your next-door neighbor came over. He kind of looks like a gnome. Sorry I babble when I get anxious or nervous.” Bella said.  
“Now when you say my dad’s friends are here and the neighbor that looks like a gnome, I imagine they ordered pizza then or got tacos from jack in the box?” I asked.  
“Actually, they got both. I heard your dad say that he was going to call, and have you pick them up, but Pedro offered to go and get them with Sarah and since I was in the bathroom, they left without me, which is what led me to bumping into you. They took Sarah’s car and haven’t come back yet.” Oh my gosh. This is insane. How is this even possible?  
“Sarah?” I asked.  
“Yeah, his best friend Sarah Paulson.” Bella said.  
“Oh my god. I love her. She is amazing. Sorry I’m going to try and calm myself down a bit. I am a fan of yours as well, but I have been a fan of hers since I was a kid.” I said.  
Bella’s phone went off and they unlocked it and answered the phone.  
“Yeah, well y/n came home, and I went outside to get a breath of fresh air. I caught her sneaking into her room through the window and well I just kind of invited myself into her room and thankfully she welcomed me. It’s actually quite nice in here.  
Yeah well, it’s the door with the code lock on it at the end of the hallway. Don’t tell her family she is home. She mentioned there are too many people here for her as well. Plus, she is eating.  
Yeah, well hold on let me ask first.” Bella said and turned to face me.  
“Would it be alright if Pedro came in here too? Sarah had to leave pretty much right after dropping the food off and now he is feeling a bit alone.”  
“Yeah of course as long as no one has noticed he is coming to my room. I don’t expect him to come through the window.” I laughed. Oh god this is happening. This is how I am meeting my celebrity crush.  
“Actually, can he wait a moment? I would really like to get changed out of my work clothes before running into anyone else or having anyone else in my room.” I asked.  
“Yeah of course. Here let me give you some privacy.” Bella mentioned.  
“It's fine you can stay if you want, I’m not really uncomfortable with it but if it would make you uncomfortable then okay.” I said and Bella smiled.  
“Alright well I promise I won’t look then.” Bella mentioned. They turned around to make sure they weren’t pointed towards the closet, which made me smile. I opened my closet door and pulled my shirt off and pulled my bra off. I put on a black T-shirt and then took my pants off and put on my Rick and Morty shorts. I put my dirty clothes into the hamper and kicked off my shoes and put them on the shoe rack. I closed the closet and sprayed on some perfume before opening the door after hearing a small knock. I almost melted as soon as I saw his brown eyes. I stepped aside to let him in and closed the door before anyone noticed I opened it. He had brought himself and Bella food from Jack in the box and handed them a drink.  
“Is it alright to eat on your bed?” Bella asked as I sat my food on my lap and opened it up.  
“No not at all.” I smiled. I know they aren’t used to my sarcasm, but it was quickly picked up on laughed at. I took a bite of my food and grabbed my remote off the floor. I turned my TV on and looked over at them.  
“Do either of you have a preference on what you want to watch?” I asked really hoping neither of them suggested anything.  
“No, no preference we are open to whatever.” They both said.  
“Alright cool.” I said and put on Hell's Kitchen. This has quickly become my favorite thing to watch while eating. I try not to eat in my room too often but for the moment it’s for the best.  
“Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I’m y/n welcome to my room. I don’t let everyone in but Bella caught me at the right moment and well I get the same feelings they do when becoming overwhelmed so I couldn’t just brush them away. Sorry if this isn’t your favorite show, I’m just used to watching this while I eat.” I said and never averted my eyes from the TV. He was much better looking in person. He looked amazing in the pictures but still he was a dream boat in person.  
"Nice to officially meet you. Your dad has mentioned a lot about you." Pedro said while not looking towards me. He already didn't seem very fond of me but if he is telling the truth and my dad has talked about me then I have a pretty good idea Why. My dad never has anything good or nice to say about me. He tells everyone with ears that I do nothing and mooch off him. That I don't clean or cook or pay rent and that I am a bitch towards him so of course he wouldn't like me if that's all he has heard. 
I couldn't help how in my head I was, so I put my fork down and pushed my food away. Bella noticed right away and tried not to bring it up. 
“Are you done? was it not good?" Bella asked. 
"Yeah, I am done, it's fine. I am just full. If you want, you can have it. I know Jack in the box is sometimes unsatisfying. " I said and that made them smile.  
"Thank You.” Bella said and put the sandwich in the bag and pulled my food in front of them and started eating it. 
"Oh my gosh you aren't joking these are pretty good. Thank you again." Bella said. 
"Do you know your father speaks ill of you to people?" They asked. 
"Yes, I do. None of its true. I am the only One that does any of the cleaning and cooking. I am also the only one providing groceries for the house. As well as I do pay rent. Quite honestly I pay an unfair amount." I said. I wrapped my right arm in front of my stomach because it started to hurt. 
"If that is true, why does he tell people that? I mean do you have proof he is lying to everyone?" Pedro asked. 
I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I pulled up my bank account and opened up the statements. I put my phone in front of him and he could see most of my transactions went to a different account and those transactions were called rent. He handed the phone back to me and I switched over to the Walmart app and pulled up the purchase history and showed him the history where once and sometimes two times a week I do the grocery shopping and go and pick it up. Then when he handed it back, I opened up the text messages between my dad and I where he is thanking me for cleaning and cooking. That he appreciates that I have taken the responsibility of picking up after everyone even though I shouldn’t have to. He handed my phone back to me with a hint of disgust on his face.  
“Why don’t you stand up to him?” Pedro asked.  
“Because I have tried, and he has threatened to throw me out. I can’t afford to be thrown out right now. I’m waiting to have enough for a down-payment on a house and once that has been made then I can leave. I won’t have to look back at that point. I am on track financially that I should be able to put a down payment in about a month on a modular home that I just love.” I said with a smile. 
“Oh well that’s good. When you say not look back are you implying you won’t be coming to his house anymore or?” He asked.  
“That’s exactly what I’m implying. I don’t deserve that he is lying to people about me. I don’t need the fake apologies that he offers. I also have known for a long time that him and my sister actually don’t like me, and my mom is dead and can’t stick up for me so that’s what I will be doing. They don’t treat me like family so then I won’t be their family anymore.” I said smiling but, internally that hurt. Emotionally I am pretty numb but, the kid that always wanted to be loved never felt that love from anyone. I was alone. I am always alone. I don’t have friends and I don’t have family. It sucks but it is what it is.  
“Well, I am sorry that you have gone well I guess are going through that. No one deserves that.” Pedro said and his demeanor shifted towards me. He didn’t seem angry or that he didn’t like me so much anymore. I locked my phone and put it back on the side table.  
“Just curious what’s up with that lock on your door?” He asked.  
“I don’t like them getting into my room when I’m not here so now they have to have a password to get in or my fingerprint. They also try to come in when I’m asleep to take stuff that is mine so again the lock is there, so I feel secure.” I said. I took my eyes off the TV and looked at him, noticing he was looking at me and so was Bella.  
We all stopped when we heard knocking on the door.  
“Hey, is anyone in here?” My dad’s voice came from the other side of the door.  
“Yeah, Bella and I are in here. I hope that’s okay.” Pedro stood up and opened the door while I put myself off to the far side of the room so my dad couldn’t see me.  
“Yeah, that’s fine. So, y/n’s cousin’s boyfriend mentioned that you didn’t have a place to stay. I don’t think she is coming home tonight she is probably out being a tramp. Anyway, you both can stay here if you want. The room next to this one is a guest room you just would have to put the bed together as well that way you don’t have to share.” My dad slurred out. Fuck he has been drinking.  
“Oh, uhm thanks yeah that would be great.” Pedro said. My dad walked away, and Pedro closed the door. With him drunk like that I went into an anxiety attack. The last time he was drunk he lunged at me and punched me in the stomach and face. Fuck. I don’t want to be here. I started to hyperventilate and sat on the ground. I folded into myself holding onto my legs and pushed myself up against the wall. I put my head on my knees and just started to cry. I never made sound when I cried anymore but it was just sudden, and they didn’t realize I was having an anxiety attack for a moment. After a minute Pedro was quick to realize what was happening and walked over to me and sat down next to me.  
“I’m going to hug you, okay?” He said and with no objection he embraced me and squeezed a little. 
“It’s going to be okay. He is gone. He has walked away. Your door is closed, and it has locked again. He is gone and he can’t come in on his own. It’s okay. You are going to be okay.” He squeezed me a little more. The pressure was reassuring but, the words are what brought me to stop the tears. I opened my eyes again and realized I was against the wall. I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath.  
~flashback~ (trigger warning heavy abuse mentioned)  
“You should have just washed the fucking dish I put in the sink. Such a stupid bitch!” my dad yelled at me. He started to lunge for me.  
“No please I’m sorry I will wash it. Please dad, I am sorry. Please I will wash it. Please don’t hit me.” I pleaded with him, but it fell on deaf ears.  
“Too fucking late. You had your chance.” He continued to lunge for me until I was backed into a corner, and he slapped me across the face. I started to cry loudly because of the pain that stung my face from his slap. I felt a sharp pain on my head, and he grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him.  
“Next time just do what I fucking asked. I shouldn’t have to ask twice!” He screamed into my face and dragged me by my hair to my room. He threw me onto the trundle bed and walked out of my room. He shut the door and locked it behind him. I know he isn’t done. He never is. I heard cabinets open, and slam shut. A few minutes later I heard his footsteps come towards my room. I just need to hide. That’s all. If I can hide, I will escape the wrath. I quietly got off my bed and quietly opened my closet door and hid under my desk behind a box I had in front of it and the boxes next to it should have hidden me pretty well. The clothes that fall on top and over it should aid my escape. I closed my mouth and clamped my hand over it attempting to silence my cries completely as I heard my bedroom door open.  
“I know you are in here I locked the door.” He said.  
“You can come out and get it over with or if I have to find you and drag you out it is going to be worse.” I heard him crack his belt. No please. I don’t want to be hit anymore.  
“You have until the count of three!” I don’t think he would look for me. I think he is trying to purposely make me come out.  
“ONE!” He started to shout. I made no movement.  
“TWO!” He shouted again. Oh god. Am I making a mistake?  
“THREE! You are going to wish you had just come out!” He immediately walked over to my bed and pulled out the second mattress expecting me to have hidden there. He walked over to the closet ripping the door I wasn’t at and punching the clothes hard. He slammed that door shut and opened the door almost directly in front of me making the same motions of hitting all the clothes. He started to pull at the box in front of me. No please no. Don’t. He is going to see me. Please.  
“I found you!” He said. He grabbed my ankle and dragged me out of the Closet.  
“Dad please stop! Dad please. I’m sorry. I will go wash it. I swear I’m sorry please.” I cried with snot now bubbling out of my nose.  
He dragged me over to my bed and sat down with his belt still firm in his hand. I kept moving. I didn’t want to stay still for him to spank me with the belt.  
“Stop moving or I am just going to swing and where it lands is where you will get spanked!” He screamed at me. I didn’t listen and kept moving until I felt a hard crack on my back that halted my movements. I felt another crack against my back and then another one. He laid five cracks of the belt on my back and when I fell onto the ground and cried it annoyed him more. He lifted me back up by my hair and threw me onto the bed and wrapped his hands around my neck. He started to squeeze it and I wasn’t able to catch my breath or breathe. I felt all hope escape me before I blacked out on my bed. I felt him finally release my neck before completely losing consciousness.  
~End of Flashback~ 
The tears were persistent. They were back and strong. I sniffled to try to quiet myself again and the squeezing was no longer effective. I was in full blown panic.  
“Please no. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I’ll do it. Please don’t hit me again. Please!” I said never looking at who was hugging me. My PTSD was happening strongly. I wasn’t going to get better at my dad’s house. I just need two more paychecks and then they will accept my work history for the down payment. I have practically enough, and my credit isn’t shit so I should be fine.  
“It is okay. Nothing like that is going to happen with people in the house, okay? Come back. Whatever you are seeing is not happening right now, okay? Come back.” He said, whispering it against my ear as he hugged tighter. I felt the pressure and it began to release. Bella and Pedro heard a scratching at the door and Bella stood up and let the animal scratching at it in. It was a dachshund dog. He had dark brown and light brown spots, and he was mine. I named him Cow and if you Moo'd at him he barked and jumped on you. Little cow ran over to me and muzzled his nose against me until I put my legs down and he jumped into my lap. I started to pet him and between the hug and him I was able to snap out of the flashback. I opened my eyes and I no longer felt like I was stuck in my old purple room. I was back in my room with white walls and a bunch of green and gold decorations. I had someone’s strong muscular arms around me and I looked up and saw Bella staring down at me with watery eyes.  
“What happened to you?” They asked.  
“Let’s not get into that right now. Right now, y/n needs to think of anything else. Obviously, something bad happened and he did it because she was fine up until that point. For right now though let’s put a movie on, meet the puppy and help y/n calm down, okay?” Pedro said before I could say anything.  
“Thank you.” That was all I was able to say. I felt him release his arms from around me and I just wanted to cry again but I stopped myself. I didn’t need them to see me cry anymore. He stood up and lent me his hand to assist me in getting up. He pushed me towards the middle of the bed and with Bella on the other side he grabbed the remote and pushed Netflix.  
“We are going to watch whatever is in your continue watching section. Outside of this I don’t know what you like so I’m going to not guess.” He said. He ended up putting Grey’s anatomy on because it was the only thing on the list thankfully. I just finished Narcos, so I knew it wasn’t going to be on it. Thank the lord that none of his movies were on that list. Talk about embarrassing. Granted having an anxiety attack that shifted into a ptsd episode and crying was definitely embarrassing. He wrapped his arms around me again and Bella followed suit. Cow was on top of my lap and with all the pressure on me plus my best fur friend I ended up falling asleep in about ten minutes.  
❤️Two hours later❤️ 
I woke up in a sweat. Why is it so hot? I felt an arm around me, and I froze. Who was in my bed?  
I looked at the person who was wrapped around me and it was Pedro. Oh, that’s right but where is Bella? Fuck I need to pee. I slowly and quietly slipped out from under his arm and got up. I made my way to the bathroom and did my business. I walked to the guest room peeking in and seeing Bella asleep in there. Okay cool. They stayed too. I really am thankful they were here to help me through it. I walked into my room and quickly realized none of my fans were on. That’s why it is so hot. I turned on my ceiling fan and then the two fans pointed towards my bed. I walked back over to the opposite side of where I usually sleep since Pedro was on it and laid back down. I felt his arm snake around me again and I smiled, and a blush crept on my face.  
“Are you okay?” He mumbled. Maybe he is sleep talking.  
“Y/n are you okay?” He asked again. Definitely not sleep talking then.  
“Yes, I am fine go back to sleep.” I said. He pulled himself closer to me and pulled me to face him.  
“Are you sure? Did something happen?” He asked this time looking at me with worried eyes.  
“Nothing happened I woke up because I felt hot but then needed to go to the restroom. I promise I am fine thank you.” I said. He nodded and again pulled me closer to where my head was on his chest. I noticed he was sweating, and I pulled myself away from him.  
“Are you warm?” I asked sitting up.  
“Yeah but, it’s okay. I don’t have anything else to wear with me right now.” He said.  
“Hold on.” I stood up and walked to my closet and opened it. I pulled out a pair of men’s medium shorts and another pair of men’s shorts but in a large. It kind of makes me smile that his choices with these are either Scooby-doo or Rick and Morty as well.  
“One is a medium and the other is a large. Which ones do you want? I promise they are men’s basketball shorts.” I said and smiled.  
“Either works honestly. Are you sure? Are these your boyfriends or something?” He asked. I laughed a bit.  
“No boyfriend. They are mine. They are comfy for when I feel bloated or have some body dysmorphia. It happens more so now after the weight loss.” I said. I handed him the large ones and hung the medium ones back up. While I was turned around, he pulled his pants off and quickly put the shorts on.  
“Would it be okay if I slept with my shirt off? I won’t if it makes you uncomfortable.” He asked.  
“Yeah, that’s fine.” I said trying not to think of him sexually at the moment but it’s not working. I turned back to face the bed and saw him take his shirt off and I noticed his muscles were defined but not entirely. I could sort of see an outline of his abs, but he still had enough cushion that it was hot. I mean muscle is too but oh my god he was hot. I laid back down peeling my eyes off him and faced towards my closet. I need to calm down. No way was he thinking of me like that.  
“Like what you see?” He asked laughing.  
“I’m sorry. I really am sorry.” I said feeling heat run to my face. I am happy I am facing my closet because I know I was beat red right now.  
“It’s okay.  Don’t worry about it. Get some rest okay?” Pedro said.  
“You too.” I said before trying to settle my thoughts down. I felt him slowly and gently put his arm back around me. I scooted back to put my back against his chest. This is probably the best sleep of my life. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. I felt his hot breath on my neck, and I felt goosebumps crawl onto my skin slowly. Fuck maybe if I faced him, I would be better off. I slowly turned to face him and nuzzled my head into his chest and took a deep breath. He smells so good. I can’t help but wonder what other parts of him felt like. Fuck go to sleep. Quit being a perv. It’s not okay. He is just being nice. He isn't going to be into me like that especially if he witnessed my anxiety attack with the tears. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and started to close my eyes. I am really tired. 
❤️6 hours later❤️ (slight smut/fluff)
I kept feeling something poke me. It has officially woken me up but, I have refused to open my eyes. There is a chance I imagined everything last night and the person wrapped around me was a booty call.  
I started to hear light moans in my ear. Fuck that's hot. I tightened my thighs as I started to feel my clit throb as I was getting turned on.  
"Mhm fuck." I heard him whisper. I felt the grip he had on me tighten and then felt him grind on me.  
"Fuck you feel so good." he moaned out.  
Fuck I am getting so wet. Whoever he is dreaming about is lucky. He grinded against me again and feeling his bulge poke against me made me gasp and open my eyes. I lifted up the blanket and looked down at a very hard cock covered in the shorts I had let Pedro borrow. Fuck he is not small and now I know what woke me up. I let the blanket go, letting it cover the both of us and quickly turned to where my back was facing him again. I felt another ache between my legs. God, I want to feel what it's like to have him inside me. I felt his arm snake around me again and he pulled me into him. He grinded into me again and a soft moan escaped my lips. Fuck I want him so bad. What time is it? I want to reach for my phone but it's not within arm's reach and if I reach for it then I am pretty sure I would grind against him, and I am not trying to torture myself. I am already wet for him. Maybe I should sneak off to the bathroom and masturbate to take the edge off. Nah fuck that my hand is not going to be enough for me and it would be weird if I got caught going to the bathroom with my vibrator. 
I felt him grind against me again before he jerked himself awake. I felt him pull his hand off me and whisper to himself. "Fuck I hope I didn't wake her up. I hope she didn’t get bothered by that. What is wrong with me?" He was being hard on himself. 
"I am awake. That woke me up. It's okay don't be so hard on yourself." I chuckled a little at the pun I threw in there. "If anything by grinding on me the way you have, I am incredibly turned on." I said now chewing on my cheek. 
"Wait, I grinded on you?" He asked. I laid on my back. 
" Yes, a few times. The first time I was facing you. I pulled away and faced with my back towards you and you pulled me back into you and grinded into me a couple more times until you woke up." I said now blushing and I turned my head to look at him and he had his hands on his face.  
"I am so sorry.” He said. 
"It's okay really. It's been a hot minute since anyone has poked me awake. " I laughed a bit more. 
"Thank you for not being mad." He said now, pulling his hands off his face and looking at me. He looked at my lips and back towards the door. 
"So no one else knows the code to the door other than you?" He asked.  
"No one else but me. Why?" I asked. He pulled himself closer to me. 
⭐️Smut Ahead warning! Minors DNI!!⭐️ 
He pulled me against him as close as he could get before brushing his lips against mine. Oh fuck. 
"Can I?" He asked. I just nodded and he leaned the rest of the way in and started to kiss me. His lips felt so soft. He ran his tongue against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth enough for him to slip his tongue into my mouth and I felt him run his tongue along mine. I felt his right hand glide up my body. He rested his right hand on the left side of my neck. I felt a little pressure on the back of my neck from his fingers. I moaned a little at the pressure release it had given to me. He slowly let his hand fall back down my body. He brushed his fingertips on my left breast letting his hand slow when his fingers grazed my nipple making it harden. Fuck I think my whole body is sensitive right now. His fingers continued to fall until it met the edge of my shirt and he pushed up on it a little. I pulled away from his kiss despite not wanting to. I sat up and took my shirt off throwing it across the room. I don't need it any time soon. I quickly stood up off the bed and took my sleep shorts off kicking them to the side before getting back onto the bed. It's been a long time since I have been touched by someone. I repositioned myself next to him and pulled his hand back to where he had it a moment ago.  
"please." is all I said before he leaned back in giving me a quick peck on the lips before getting off of the bed and pulling the shorts I loaned him off. He got back on the bed but he didn't take the same position as before. No he sat on the end of the bed and was now pulling my left leg to position me on my back with my legs spread open. He crawled between my legs and stopped when his face was in front of my very wet pussy. 
He looked up at me and then positioned his arms under both of my legs. He did his best to hold his eye contact with me when he lightly licked my slit. I lightly moaned and my eyes closed at the feeling just the small contact brought me. He pulled his right arm free from Under my le9 and started to massage my inner thigh before looking down at my pussy bringing his hand to it and using his pointer finger and middle finger to hold my pussy lips open as he licked me from my hole up to my clit. His tongue went flush against my clit and began massaging it in circular motions growling against it. His facial hair scratching the skin surrounding my clit bringing another sensation that instead Of hurting felt really good to me. 
" Oh fuck" I moaned out. “please, more." I managed to moan out. 
He pulled his mouth and tongue off my clit and before I managed to whine out, I felt his hand move and I felt his fingers slide through the slick mess my pussy had become. Oh god. I need more. He ran his fingers over my opening before pushing them in making me groan.  
"Fuck you are tight." He said before licking my clit again running his teeth over it every other lap he did before pulling his fingers back out and plunging them back into me. He twisted them around a little before I felt him tapping something on the inside of me that made my mouth fall open, my head fall back, and my eyes squeeze shut, and a shiver raked down my body.  
"There it is." He mumbled against my clit. He continued the same tapping movement on the inside of my pussy while licking and sucking onto my clit. I started to feel a strong urge to cross my legs like something was going to come out. He pulled his mouth off of me but started to jerk his wrist in an upwards motion while his fingers kept at a bruising pace.  
"Fuck me. Relax. Let go. It's okay. Trust me." He said in a hushed and soothing tone. He ran his thumb over my clit a couple of times before my legs started to shake. I let go. I felt a gush of liquid escape me and heard a growl escape him before I felt his tongue on me again as I continuously moaned loudly through my orgasm.  
"Fuck you taste so damn good." He moaned out before removing his fingers from inside of me and slipped them into his mouth to suck off the remaining juices that were on them from me. I put my hands in my hair and pulled on it a little still feeling the effect that orgasm had on me. He started to kiss my stomach and continued to kiss his way up to my mouth. He was still positioned between my legs. He brushed his lips against mine again. 
"Is this still what you want?" He asked before brushing the tip of his cock between my pussy lips and ran it down from my clit and lining himself up with my entrance. 
"Yes. I so badly want to feel you." I said and this time I closed the gap and kissed him. He pushed the tip of his cook in stretching me out. He was girthy so he was not even remotely prepping me with his fingers for that. He moaned into the kiss and bucked his hips forward slamming his cock into we completely. I squeezed my eyes shut. It hurt to be stretched like this, but it was worth the pain. he had to have been nine inches. Eight inches is when it starts hurting for me but, he definitely passed that point about an inch ago. He continued to bury his cock into me until I felt his balls against my ass. 
"Fuck Fuck Fuck!" I moaned back.  
"God you are so fucking tight." He said before pulling his hips back until he left just the tip of his cock inside of me before thrusting himself back into me until his balls slapped my ass again.  Fuck. Oh god. This is going to ruin me. He sat up still buried inside of me. He pulled my hips back into him before he moved again. His knees now under my ass. He put my legs onto his shoulder and leaned forward as much as my body would let him before finding the angle that allowed him to pull out and slam right back into the spot he found in my pussy. I groaned really loud at every thrust he sent into that spot. The pressure was building up again inside me. I felt myself starting to shake again. He let my legs down when he felt my body shake against him. He got back on top of me and began kissing me again while managing to slam his cock into the same spot.  
“Fuck fuck oh god oh fuck Pedro please." I moaned out. 
"Squirt for me again. Cum all over my cock. Please. I want to feel it all over me.” He said mumbling against my lips. I can’t take it oh my god. It’s too much. Fuck. I let everything loose and felt another gush leave me. Fuck I squirt. Oh god that’s what that is. Oh my god I didn’t know I did that. I haven’t done that before. Oh god.  
“Oh fuck. Yes, oh god y/n fuck that feel so good. I’m gonna cum.” He put his head against my neck and started moaning. He continued to slam into me, but his pace quickened and became sloppy. Oh god please. I want every drop.  
“Where can I?” He started to ask.  
“Please cum in me. Please.” I said looking into his eyes making eye contact. Without breaking eye contact he started to groan, and his hips bucked forward harshly a couple times one quickly after another with his mouth parted open.  
“Oh fuck.  
 Hot.” He moaned out and put his head on my shoulder. His head now dripping in sweat. His cock throbbed inside of me as he started to cum. I felt every bit of his release fill me up and I couldn’t stop myself from tightening my pussy around it trying to ride out the fresh orgasm that quickly started to happen at feeling all his cum release from his cock and deep inside of me. Fuck it felt so good. I grinded against him a little to get some friction on my clit. I didn’t want this to end. I never wanted this to end. I am not going to have these kinds of orgasms with anyone else. He made me squirt. I didn’t know I could do that. How am I just supposed to walk away from this.  
He finally pulled himself out of me and quickly the feeling of being empty was saddening me. However, I still felt happy when I noticed the dripping between my leg was his cum. He rolled onto his side getting off me and laid on his back. He took a deep breath and then he brushed his hands down his face.  
“Fuck I don’t know about you but, that felt so good.” He said.  
“I think you ruined me.” I said with a big smile on my face.  
“What do you mean?” He asked now rolling onto his side looking at me and running his fingers over my stomach.  
“I didn’t know I could squirt. I haven’t done that with anyone yet so yes, I think you just ruined me. Now I am always going to crave that kind of orgasm.” I said laughing a little at the end and then turning to face him.  
“Okay here is a question. What do we need to do to prevent something growing inside of you that isn’t me?” Pedro asked and I couldn’t hold back the laughter from the little comment he made.  
“Don’t stress about it. I have an IUD and on top of that I still take a birth control pill. The chances of anything growing inside of me that are not you are extremely unlikely. The way my doctor explained it to me was that whatever the IUD doesn’t keep out the pill will. As well as I have no STD’s and I am hoping that is the same for you.” I said and then looked at him a little worried.   
“Don’t worry I am clean, and I wouldn’t have done anything like that if I wasn’t. I promise.” He said and I honestly believe him. I don’t think he would lie about something so serious.  
I turned my head towards the door when I heard someone knocking on it. Oh shit. We were loud. Some people knew that we were both in here.  
“Guys it’s just me Bella open up after you get dressed.” They said through the door. Pedro ran his hands over his face and tried to hold back some laughter. I smacked his arm playfully and laughed myself attempting to get out of bed before feeling his hand on my arm pulling me back into him.  
“Not so fast. They can wait for a bit. I just want to lay down and cuddle right now if that’s alright.” He said and I smiled and laid back down on the bed and cuddled into his chest. He started to lightly stroke my hair and I was not going to lie. It felt so good that I had quickly fallen asleep against him. 
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 5 months
Scream VII: The Aftermath
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18+ Only 
Minors DNI! 
This contains some backstory and ends with smut. If you came here purely for the smut scroll towards the bottom. J  
Word Count: 3,186 
After my roommate left my room, I just pushed myself further into him. I just need to feel him wrapped around me a little longer before I get up. I started to get the sensation of needing to go pee, so I forced myself to move his arm carefully off me and slowly got off the bed. I made my way over to my bathroom that was by my closet and opened the door as quietly as I could. I managed to get inside of the bathroom and close the door behind me without making too much noise and walked to the toilet. I sat down and went pee and wiped myself and it felt thick. I forgot that he came inside of me last night, so the discharge was normal. I smiled at the memory even though wiping was a bit hard since I was a tad sore. I got up and flushed the toilet and made my way to the vanity. My hair was tossed a bit from the night of sex, and I just smiled at myself as I peered down and put soap on my hands and washed them.  
Last night was a good night for me after all. Even though I didn’t get to be there when they finished the movie up, I was excited I was in it at all. I grabbed my brush from the first drawer in my vanity and ran it through my hair to fix the mess it was in and smiled when I managed to get my brush through it without feeling like I was going to cry because of the tangles in it. I put it back in the drawer and opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth quickly and put it away. I made my way back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom as quietly as I could and got back into bed next to him and put his arm back around me and scooted my butt back to his waistline, so he was now hard and against me. His hand made his way back to my left breast and squeezed it hard and thrusted against me again. His cock managed to slide between my legs when he made the motion and he moaned against the back of my head.  
“Fuck that feels good Y/N.” He moaned a bit closer to my ear and started to lightly snore again. Fuck he is still asleep. I felt myself getting wet between my legs and I just wanted to grind against him. What is it going to hurt if I do? I grinded a bit against him and I managed to get his cock between my pussy lips as I grinded against him a couple of times. Now I was moaning at what I was doing to myself.  
“Fuck. Goodmorning to you too.” He said putting his mouth directly next to my ear and then nibbled at it.  
“Goodmorning to you too.” I said to him moving my head towards his direction to try and face him.  
“No, don’t move. I like this position we are in right now.” He said against my ear. Fuck me. The vibrations of his voice are sending a wave of pleasure through me right now.  
“Have you been gliding against my cock?” He says with a smile. “I think you have. Why else would my cock be so wet right now?” He says now kissing behind my ear and down to my neck. He bucked his hips a little forward letting the tip of his penis rub against my swollen clit.  
“Tell me.” He mumbled against my neck. “Have you? Is that why I am so hard right now?” He said again lightly biting my shoulder. I moaned and put my head against him.  
“Yes, but you started it.” I said trying to my move hips a little so his cock would put a little more pressure against my clit.  
“What do you need right now?” He asked.  
“I need you.” I said as he bucked his hips again and then pulled himself out from between my legs and pussy lips. Fuck. No. Please. He grabbed my left leg by my thigh and lifted it up.  
“Hold it there and don’t let it fall yet.” He said. What is he doing? I felt something brush between the folds of my pussy and some pressure being added. Oh fuck. My head fell back against him as he started to stretch me again with his cock. Just the tip was inside, and I felt like the room was spinning. I was a horny mess and him teasing me was painful. I want so much more. He thrusted his hips into me burying his cock deep inside and he grabbed my left thigh again and pulled it to rest on his left leg while his left hand started to massage my clit. He was spot on rubbing the right places. I just need a little more. It’s like he heard what I was thinking. His right arm that was between my head and shoulder moved and I felt his hand on my throat. His large hand wrapped around and fit like a glove on my throat. He started to squeeze my throat and started to pull his cock out of me.  
“Fuck you are just so wet. You feel so good.” He said and started to moan as he thrusted into my pussy again.  
“I can’t get enough of your tight pussy.” He said. It’s only the second time we are fucking but, hell I don’t care. I can and will give him all the pussy he wants from me. I don’t care. This doesn’t have to mean anything. Not yet at least. Just the best sex of my life.  
“Fuck don’t do that. Don’t get quiet on me pretty girl.” He said as he let some of his grip on my neck loosen. Fuck me. Please keep calling me that.  
“Be a good girl and get loud for me.” He said. He started to moan again as his thrust began to get sloppier. He started to go slower and that pulled a moan out of me.  
“Please don’t stop. It’s too good.” I moaned out. I was whining. I wanted every drop of him I could get. He pulled out of me and I just wanted to cry. It was so good.  
“Can I do something?” He asks panting a little.  
“Yes.” It’s all I could say. I just wanted him back inside of me.  
“Do you have a vibrator?” He asked sheepishly. I nodded and pointed to my end table. He walked over to it and opened the drawer. He pulled out my cordless mini magic wand and handed it to me.  
“Come here and bend over the bed.” He said, motioning me to move in front of him. Fuck me, doggy but bent over the bed so my belly was on the mattress. I moved in front of him and bent over how he wanted me. He positioned my right hand that had the mini magic wand to hold it against my clit.  
“Keep it there as best as you can. Don’t let it go.” Fuck what’s he going to do? Oh god. He got on his knees behind me and immediately started to lick my pussy. He buried his tongue deep inside of my opening and then pulled it out and swiped it against my ass. I moaned at the new feeling of his tongue against my ass. Oh god what is he doing? I haven’t done that before. He buried his face between my cheeks as he spread them apart and continued to lick my asshole. It was a weird but pleasurable feeling. I didn’t hate the feeling matter of fact it was turning me on more than I already was. I felt myself get wetter and when he pulled away from me he stood up. He aligned his cock with my vagina and thrusted himself in. He thrusted into me and dragged his hip back a little bit and when he slammed his hips back into me I felt a bit of pressure on my ass. I felt his thumb enter my asshole and it hurt a little bit. I hissed at the new feeling of his thumb in my ass but he dragged his cock back out of me and thrusted back into me with more pressure. He slammed into me and buried his thumb completely in my ass and continued to repeat the same action.   “Oh fuck. I haven’t done anything there.” I said. I was moaning at the sensation it was bringing me but, I didn’t know if I was quite ready for that.  
“So fucking tight no matter what hole it is.” He said as he pulled his thumb out of me and with the sensation of it leaving me I moaned. I missed the feeling of being full there.  
“Can I?” He asked.  
“Yes please.” I moaned out a response. I just shocked myself. I never thought I was going to want to do that. Fuck it. This is the only person that could ask me to do it and I would do it.  
I felt him pull himself out of my pussy and my pussy clenched missing what was keeping it open. I felt so empty until I felt some pressure on my asshole. Fuck.  
“Oh god.” I moaned out and bit my lip and put my head down. It hurts. I felt more pressure as the tip of his penis entered me.   “Fuck your so damn tight.” He moaned and my body responding to his moan by relaxing more but my pussy got wetter than it was before.  
“Fuck.” It’s all I could say as he pushed himself as far as he could into me and his balls rested against my pussy. He stopped buried completely inside of me and moaned out tightening his grip on my hips.  
“Fuck me. So fucking nice and tight around me.” He said. I felt is right hand loosen up on me. I felt it start to massage my ass as he started to pull his hips back and pulling his cock out. He pulled almost completely out of me just leaving the tip inside and then slowly rocking his hips back into my ass and filling me up again. My head is spinning. The sensation was too much. It was so much pressure.  
“God I could just cum right now.” He said before pulling his hips back and then slamming back into me with a newfound pace. He started to move faster, and he got rougher with every thrust. Oh my god it felt so good. I could cum just from him fucking my ass. He pulled himself out and then grabbed both of my ass cheeks and spread them far apart.  
“Such a beautiful gape. Oh fuck.” He moaned out and grabbed my waist and pulled me up so my back was now against him. He pulled me around to face them and then pushed me back on the bed. He pulled my legs up one at a time and rested them against his shoulders and pushed them back against me as far as my body could let him. He realigned himself with my asshole and thrusted back into me. His face now watching as mine contorted at the feeling. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to keep from getting loud.  
“Let me hear you.” He moaned out the words. I let my bottom lip go and let myself get loud. I know my roommate is here, but I don’t give a fuck. He continued to rough with his thrust, and I felt some pressure build up inside of me. Oh my god. He pulled himself out and then slammed back into me this time my pussy and not my ass. Oh fuck. I slammed my head back against the pillow closing my eyes hard. He angled his hips to slam against my g-spot and grabbed onto the vibrator with one of his hands. He set it on my clit and slammed back into me. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, but the sloshing sound came back.  
“Fuck yeah. Cum for me. Squirt all over my cock.” He said and let my legs fall off his shoulders and moved the vibrator off my clit and closed the gap between my lips and his. He started to kiss me as every thrust got sloppier and I let go. My pussy clenching around his cock draining every drop of cum from him as he drained all the squirt out of me. I grabbed onto his hips and held onto him, so he didn’t pull out right away as I grinded against him. My clit was so sensitive right now. I just wanted some friction. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled, resting his forehead against mine. It felt so good.  
“That felt so good. Thank you.” I said. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss and then pulled himself off me and then pulled his cock out of me. I felt so empty without him inside of me. 
“It really did.” He said and smiled. He rolled onto his side and looked at me.  
“What did you have going on today?” He asked me.  
“Honestly, I have nothing going on today. I was going to go out and try to find a job but, now I am going to have to wait a couple of days to make sure I can walk without falling on my wobbly ass legs.” I said laughing which made him laugh.  
“Oh, stop, you are going to be just fine.” He said with a laugh.  
“I know I will be I just have never done that last part before. That was new to me and even though it felt amazing like you wouldn’t believe it is going to take some getting used to. It’s an odd feeling. A good one but, a weird one.” I said looking up at him smiling.  
“Let’s get you cleaned up and maybe I can steal you away for a little while yeah? That is unless you are sick of me.” He said with a smile.  
“I don’t think I could ever be sick of you. Let me go take a quick shower.” I said.  
“Can I join you?” He said. Oh boy if he thinks I can do anymore I am going to have to tap out. I am sore. I am so fucking sore. 
“Yeah, as long as you don’t mind wearing a girly robe around so I can wash your clothes so at least the morning after walk isn’t too bad.” I said.  
“That’s fine. I have worn worse.” He laughed a little bit.  
“Okay, my bathroom is right there next to the closet and I am going to grab your clothes and go start a load. I will be in there in just a moment.” I said and watched him walk away from me and into the bathroom watching his but dimple a little bit as he walked. I got up from the bed and grabbed my robe and put it on really quick and grabbed his clothes and walked out of my room and into the laundry room. I put his clothes in the washing machine on the gentle cycle and put some laundry soap in as I felt someone tap on my shoulder.  
“Oh my god! Tell me all about it? I mean whenever you have a moment? I heard everything not to be creepy or anything but, it sounded so fucking hot. Wait is he still here? Also is that who I think it was? Oh, I want every deta-” We both heard someone clearing their throat and we looked over to Matthew who was standing in the doorway holding a picture in front of his penis.  
“I didn’t know anyone was here. I am sorry.” He said.  
“Oh, don’t mind me I just came back to grab my lunch for work. I forgot it last night because I was running late. I am going to grab that and head out. Try not to break my best friend.” My roommate laughed and hurried off to the kitchen. Matthew quickly walked backwards into my room and closed the door to where there was just a crack left in it.  
I quickly pushed start on the washing machine and walked back into my room flipping my roommate off blushing and closed the door behind me and dropping my robe to the floor. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower with him. I walked into my bathroom and tried to reach for the light switch but, noticed the few candles I had in there were lit up and the shower was on and already steaming up. This was cute. Not what I expected but cute. I felt his hand wrap around my arm and pull me into the shower with him and he turned me around so my back was facing him and the water was hitting it. He lightly rubbed my shoulders and moved my hair to one side of my head and gently planted kisses on my shoulder.  
“I had an amazing time last night. I had an even more amazing start to my morning. Thank you for that.” He said as he let his hands fall and massage my back a little. This was so sweet. He turned me around to face him and pulled me against his body and gave me a hug. I felt his left hand trace up my arm lightly and he pushed my head up by my chin to look at him lightly and kissed me one more time before he pulled away and let me shower. I didn’t want that very sweet moment to end but it did, and he got washed up as well. By the time we both stepped out of the shower and used the towels hanging up I didn’t know what to say. The quiet didn’t feel awkward with him. I went to my closet and found some shorts and a T-shirt to wear, and I put them on quickly and saw he sat himself on my bed wearing my robe. He held his arms out to me, and I joined him on the bed, and he pulled me to his side, and we stayed like that for a while until I fell asleep against him. Breathing in his smell and hearing his slow steady breathing. It was going to be a good day today.  
~Sorry, this is a bit shorter than my other one’s but, I wanted to give everyone a chance to ignore the backstory behind this one.~ 
28 notes ¡ View notes
anonymouse1312437 ¡ 5 months
A little heartbreak
This is not going to be everyone's cup of tea.  
Pairing: Pedro Pascal & Plus-sized fem Reader  
Minor use of y/n other than once. 
From the moment you met he couldn't stop thinking about you and how beautiful you were to him.  
Some fluff, bullying, name calling, fat shaming, age gap, heartbreak, just overall sadness, insecurities, vulgar language.  
The day we met was nothing special.  At least it wasn't supposed to be. I was just trying to make myself feel better. My best friend cancelled our girl's day again and I am starting to feel like she is avoiding me. I guess whatever.  
I can still do what she and I were going to do. Right? I mean I could use a pick me up. Work has sucked here lately. I left my apartment in a pair of dark blue jeans and an oversized Lakers shirt. I normally wear a 3x to at least feel comfortable in my skin, but this shirt is in a 5xI, and it just makes me feel smaller. It also covers my apron belly, so I feel a tad less embarrassed in my skin. I didn't need my car yet, so I left it in my parking garage. I don't want someone using my parking space if I am just going to come right back. It doesn't matter that it's labeled for my apartment people still help themselves and I am not the person who will complain and then get their car towed. You never know what kind of day someone had and if it was a bad day, I don't want to make it worse.  
I walked down to the little diner across the road where my bestie and I here supposed to meet and walked in and was greeted by an older woman named Maria. She was the sweetest person in this part of California. 
"Hey kiddo, are you supposed to be joining Sammy and Kathy?" Maria asked. What does she mean? I looked around and spotted my best friend with one of our coworkers who constantly told me to lose weight because I took up too much space at the office. She has made me cry too many times.  
"Oh no, you know what Maria, I think I came here at the wrong time. Sorry. I hope you have a good day." I said and smiled at her. 
"Good, that means there will be food for the rest of us since she is leaving. Better hold on to something. You know the ground shakes when she walks." Kathy said loudly to Sammy. I guess she isn't really my best friend, is she? She laughed at what Kathy said. Maybe they have always been friends and I was just naive. 
I left the little diner quickly. Maybe just a coffee then. I just want to go home. I should just do that and hide from the embarrassment that I am. Someone was walking in my direction, but I didn’t really think much of it. I tried getting over to one side of the sidewalk, but it didn’t really make much of a difference. I felt their shoulder ram into me, and it almost knocked me over.  
“Watch it fatass.” I heard the man say. I felt the tears almost escape from my eyes. I just looked down as more people passed me with their own conversations with other people. I tried to keep my head down as I made my way over to Starbucks and stepped inside. As I entered the door someone was exiting and stepping into me spilling their very cold coffee all over me and themselves.  
“Oh shit, I am so sorry.” He said.  
“No that was all my fault. I didn’t see you coming out. Can I buy you a new one and make up for that?” I asked.  
“No really it was all my fault I was playing on my phone when I was headed out the door. It’s really okay but, are you okay?” He asked, peering down at me. He was taller than me, but I tried to focus my eyes on the ground. I still had tears brimming in my eyes and I was ready to bawl my eyes out. I should have just gone home.  
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said quickly, trying to keep my voice from sounding like it was cracking.  
“Are you sure? You don’t really look fine?” He tried asking again.  
“I said I’m fine, okay?” I said snapping a little. “You know what I’m sorry for snapping a little bit. I really have had a rough morning and that’s not your fault.” I said.  
“Please let me replace your coffee. That would make me feel better and maybe even pace for your dry cleaning.” I have yet to see this person.  
“Alright I’ll let you get me a coffee. But I don’t need any dry cleaning. It looks like we shop at the same store.” He chuckled. I finally scanned my eyes upwards and saw he had on a purple Lakers shirt. Oh nice. I continued to straighten my posture and looked at him and made eye contact. Oh, my goodness. It’s Pedro Pascal. I motioned for him to get in line behind the crowd and he smiled at me.  
“So, what do you normally get?” He asked me. “And also, what’s your name?” He added. 
“My name is Y/N and I normally just get an iced coffee with like six to eight shots of espresso. Depends on if I got any sleep in the past day or so.” I said smiling.  
“It's about the same thing I get.’ He said.  
“So, what’s got your day going the way it is?” He asked me.  
“Oh, you don’t want to hear about my day it will bore you.” I said, trying to avoid talking about anything. Crying is embarrassing all on its own. I would rather not cry in front of people on top of it.  
“Oh, I have a little time. I do have to wait for them to make the coffee again after we order.” He said. He was nice in person. Everything I read about him was true. He was nice. Then again, I didn’t really read much about him he just came up on my TikTok a bunch.  
“I mean alright, I guess. My best friend cancelled on me for what seems like the billionth time on our girl's day. I figured since I haven’t had the best work week that I would still go about the day like we had planned, and it normally starts at the diner across the way. Well, when I walked in, she was already there sitting with someone who constantly picks on me at work. That girl decided to make some comments that hurt my feelings and well I left and came here. Someone bumped into me and through an insult my way and that also hurt my feelings but, I think it’s because I am already having a rough day.” I said. The tears started to brim my eyes again and I started to blink to try and keep it from being noticeable and I proceeded to look down towards my feet. God why am I really talking about this right now? He doesn’t want to hear about my problems.  
“She doesn’t seem like much of a friend then if I am being honest with you. Maybe you cared more about your friendship than she did. If that’s the case, then you don’t want someone like her in your life. Also, the ones that are the loudest with their harsh words are the ones that have a lot of insecurities they can’t talk about with anyone. People who bully others have nothing better to do with their time and have no one to tell them to be nicer.” Pedro said to me.  
We proceeded to walk up to the barista who looked at the spill on both of our shirts and his empty cup and smiled.  
“Did you need a remake Mr. Pascal?” She said. She was a pretty woman. Black hair on half of her head and neon green on the other. Black winged eyeliner and shimmery black lipstick. She was so thin. She was almost perfect.  
“Yes please. It spilled on the two of us.” He smiled at her and handed her his cup. She threw the cup away and smiled at him.  
“Absolutely. What can I get for you ma’am?” She asked me. She made me feel so old calling me ma’am and we are probably close in age if not the same age as one another.  
“I want the same thing as him just a little less ice than normal please?” I said and offered her a smile. I don’t look like her. Just brown hair. It falls just past my shoulders. There was a slight red hue to it due to how I die it. I mix my natural pigment with a red violet so it can give my hair some depth. It also brings my curl pattern to life if I choose to leave my curls intact as normal and not curl it with my straightener. I have fair skin that in the summer tans nicely if I let it. I normally don’t like to show my skin if I can avoid it. I really don’t like going out of the house if I can avoid that too. I had curves in the right places. Like my boobs were bigger than the average size. I wear an F cup bra and I have a round butt and my waist is small, but my stomach is large. It is like an apron draped partially over my crotch and my thighs are large and in charge. I have cellulite all over my thighs and ass. My calves are large too and I am short and sometimes that makes things worse. I hate shopping for clothes in the stores because I can never find my size. The more I think about it the more I want to run home and ditch the coffee I just ordered.  
“Alright your total is $14.98. Will this be cash or card?” The barista asked.  
“Cash.” I said and handed her a twenty-dollar bill and walked away.  
“Oh, ma’am your change.” She hollered in the direction I walked in.  
“Oh, it’s okay you can keep the change for your tip jar or the next person I will leave that up to you.” I responded. She smiled and mouthed thank you towards me and moved onto the next person in line.  
“That was nice of you. For someone who has had a bad day you sure try to avoid making someone else’s day bad.” Pedro pointed out.  
“You never know what the start of a good day for someone can be. You also don’t know what the person could be thinking or if they already had a bad day. Even if it’s just the beginning, why add to it by making it worse with a bad attitude. It can be a bad day or a bad moment. It’s what you make of it. I don’t want to be someone’s reason for snapping if I can avoid it.” I said. I smiled at the fact that it was something a close friend taught me before they ended their life. I have lived by their words since they left. I don’t want to be the reason someone cries or screams or has a breaking moment.  
“That’s beautiful. You seem wise beyond your years.” He said. “How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?” He asked.  
“I am twenty-five but, I have been told I am an old soul by everyone in my life. Anyone I have ever encountered that has taken a moment to speak to me points it out.” I smile at all the memories it brings up. I was so proud every time someone said that to me.   “Mr. Pascal and friend. Your gasoline is ready.” The barista said and started to laugh. Pedro laughed a bit at her comment. He started moving towards the coffee and because there were a lot of people already waiting at the to-go counter I didn’t move. I was trying to wait to be able to go up there by myself but, I saw he grabbed both drinks. He made his way back towards me and handed me my cup with a smile.  
“Here. I will save you the trip over there. The people around here are like vultures when it comes to their coffee.” He smiled. He has such a beautiful smile.  
“I do have to go I am a bit late for something but, any chance you would be willing to chat later?” He said to me. I must have looked shocked because he laughed a little.  
“Only if that’s okay. I don’t want to disturb you if you have more stuff going on.” He said.  
“Yeah, sorry just processing, I guess. Here I can give you, my number if you want.” I said and he smiled and unlocked his phone that never left his hand. He opened his contacts and added a contact with my name to it. I told him his number and he called my phone, and it rang and had the Scooby Doo theme song playing. He smiled at the song playing and when I took my phone out of my pocket he hung up.  
“That way you know which one is my number. Also don’t hate me for this but, I don’t really enjoy texting so I will probably be calling you versus texting.” He said with a smile and then left. I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye.  
◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇ Before the incident:   
We have been hanging out every chance we get since we met that day at Starbucks. He has meant the world to me since that day. He was the main reason I didn’t go home and cry the rest of that day. He is also the only reason I don’t talk to Sammy anymore. He was right when he said if she was willing to hang out with that person that was willing to hurt my feelings that it is not a friendship I should be keeping.  He became a stand in best friend since my friendship with her ended.  I heard my phone ringing, and I ran to my phone to answer it. He got his own personal ringtone thanks to The Kingsman Circle movie and how it’s trending right now, and it drives him crazy. I know better than to let him go to voicemail because he leaves the longest most drawn-out messages just to make sure I know he has not forgotten about me. It’s honestly the sweetest thing ever.  
“Hey.” I said. Short and to the point smooth. Nothing like having the biggest crush on him but never saying anything because it would be a mistake to do so.  
“Hey beautiful. How is your day so far?” He asked. He started that a couple months after we started talking and I never bothered to tell him not to. Truth be told I love it when he does it. It doesn’t creep me out like it does other people if it were to happen.  
“It’s going good so far. I am just having another free day today. Nothing special. Just watching movies.” I said. I lost my job a week ago but, haven’t told him. I tried to stand up for myself since Kathy kept making jokes about my weight and when I did, Kathy and Sammy spun out a story saying I was threatening to hurt them by sitting on them. They are assholes. I don’t mind not working for that company anymore. They suck. They lie to all of their consumers. It has been a few months of talking to Pedro and I knew he would be hurt by me not telling him when it happened. I also know he would have tried to help me in whatever way he could and I didn’t want that either. I didn’t want him to think I needed him despite how stupid that sounds.  
“I am back at home if you wanted to hang out together. I mean we don’t have to but you know I get bored alone.” He said. How was it even possible that he was alone? I just don’t understand it.  
“Yeah I could hang out for a little bit. I have nothing else to do.” I said.  
“Great! I’ll come get you. I want to get a coffee anyway.” He said. I could almost hear his smile through the phone.  
“Sounds good. I will see you soon.” I said. As soon as I heard the phone call drop I decided to get dressed. I mean I could stay how I am dressed right now. I normally get as dolled up as I can for him without doing a whole bunch so it’s not obvious. Yet, I bet if I showed up like this he might think I’m more comfortable with him which is true because I am but I worry I will never look good enough. Who the hell am I kidding I will never be enough for anyone especially him. The only boyfriend I had dumped me because he said I just kept getting bigger. Everyone else just used me and from time to time that was okay cause I needed to scratch an itch but realistically I want more than that. Fuck it. I’m just going like this. Grey sweatpants and a black oversized t-shirt. My hair was in a messy bun and it looked okay with the natural texture still in it. I didn’t have any makeup on and I didn’t look horrible but it wasn’t my best look. I had my black ankle socks on already so I grabbed my converse out of the shoe rack in the hallway and put them on. I made sure to grab my wallet and phone and headed down to the coffee shop. He still hasn’t really seen my apartment so when he said he wanted coffee anyway its because that’s where he has picked me up anytime we have been able to hang out which was only a handful of times since he was busy..  
Right as I entered into the coffee shop I saw a group of people around Pedro all taking pictures with him. It was really sweet of him that he didn’t want to say no to anyone. Yet, I bet it gets tiring.  
“Alright, you have a good one.” He said to the last person you took a photo with and walked over to me. He held out his hand with a large coffee that was made the same way he had his made. He remembered I drink the same thing as him. It’s been a little bit since I have even ordered coffee.  
“Hello beautiful, you look great. You finally took after me and decided to be more relaxed. It looks good on you.” He smiled and laughed a little. I grabbed the coffee from him and smiled.  
“Yeah I didn’t want to get all dolled up today. Thank you for the coffee. How much do I owe you?” I asked.  
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He said. We started to walk out of the coffee shop together and I followed him over to the parking lot. I spotted his Audi and I just was dumbfounded by how amazing this car was. I could never own anything this expensive. Especially now with no job. He walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. Once I was sitting in the car he closed the door and I buckled up while he got into the driver’s side.  
“What’s the plan today?” I asked. Normally we find things to do outside of our personal places. We don’t ask to go to each other’s place. It’s about privacy for him and for me it saves me from having to explain why I barely have anything.  
“I figured we could hang out at my place today. Finally show you around. If your okay with that.” He said. I was really glad I wasn’t drinking the coffee right now because I am pretty sure I would have choked. There is no way I’m really about to see the inside of his place.  
“Yeah that’s fine.” I said and smiled towards him. He had his phone connected to his car and I saw the amount of notifications he had and how many unopened text messages he had as well.   
“You really should open your texts and respond to them you know. Someone out there is probably worried about you.” I said and giggled.  
"I do answer my messages but, I don't text. I really hate texting. I would rather call and talk on the phone." He said.  
"I can see that. I am mentally noting if I ever need help to not send you a text because it will go unnoticed." I laughed and so did he. He was only about twenty minutes away from the coffee shop before he pulled into a rather large house. Oh my god. This was amazing.  
He pulled into the garage and got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side door and helped me out. He walked to the garage door with me close behind him. When we stepped inside I was stunned at how pretty it was. 
"Did you decorate your place or did someone else do it?" I asked.  
"I did it but my sisters and best friend Sarah helped. Why do you like it or hate it?” He asked. 
"You can't be seriously asking me that. It's so beautiful in here." I said as i continued to move around and look at all the space. His phone started to ring while I was in awe of his place. 
"Give me one minute this might be important." He said. He walked into a room and closed the door. I couldn't help myself I started to walk around and found myself in the kitchen. It was huge. The counter space alone was as big as my apartment.  
"Hey, I see you found the kitchen." He said from behind me. I immediately felt awful Of course the fat girl found the kitchen.  
“Yeah sorry. I just can't get over how beautiful it is." I said. 
"Thank you. So, small problem. Well not really a problem for me but, I don't know if it will be a problem for you." He started to say. I just waited for him to spit it out. 
"Like I said this is not a problem for me. However, some paparazzi saw us hang out a few times and decided to take a few pictures and I guess someone took one today when you were getting into my car and they made some article or post or whatever where it speculates that you and I are dating.  That you are some mystery girlfriend. This does not bother me but, if it bothers you I can find a way to get whatever it is taken down." He said.  
I am not really sure what to say. I don't really know how to feel about it either. 
"I guess if it doesn't bother you then it doesn't bother me." I said even though that's not entirely true. I don't want it to just be someone speculating. I want it to be true but that would never happen. the wouldn't want someone like me. Especially not with him being famous. I would just bring him down. He needs someone fit and in shape and I will never be that.  
"Are you okay?" He asked. 
“Yeah I am fine. Like I said as long as it doesn’t bother you then it doesn’t bother me.” I smiled at him.  
“Alright good. Let’s go watch a movie or something.” He said and also smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the living room with him with our coffee’s in our hands. He put on some random movie to fill the background with that way when we talked or took a break from talking we could try and guess what part of the movie we were on. I want to say this is some kind of comedy.  
“Tell me something about you that I don’t know please. You like to hide yourself away and not open up. I have opened up a lot to you.” He said.  
“Well, I’m not an exciting person in the slightest. I mainly read and crochet. I like to watch the same TV show over and over again because it brings me comfort when I know what’s going to happen next. I’m sure that’s weird bur, I don’t like surprises and I rarely like things that are new happening.” I said. Now would also be the right time to throw out that I don’t have a job anymore. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was a call from an unrecognized phone number. I have yet to mention to him that I wrote up a script and pitched it to a director to see if they would want anything to do with it. I have been waiting on a call from them to see if they wanted to move forward with it.  
“Hey hold in Pedro. I have to take this.” I said. I felt awful but I can’t miss the phone call. I clicked answer on the phone and brought it up to me ear. 
♤♤phone call♤♤ 
“Hello.” I said 
“HI, yes is this y/n?’ I heard a male voice say.  
“Yes it is may I ask who is calling?” I asked.  
“Yes, my name is Toddy the director you met. I just wanted to let you know after discussing over with some peers that we would like to move forward with what you wrote. We do have some creative input of that’s okay but, we would like to send over a contract for you to view and that will also have your compensation details included in it and once you have a look over it we can go further in discussing any potential changes. Okay?” He said.  
Oh my god. This just really happened. Oh my god this is amazing!  
“Absolutely. If you can send it through my email that would be awesome or I can pick up the contract. What ever works best for you.” I said.  
“I will send it over via email and will look forward to your call in a couple of days. I just need to hear something back within forty-eight hours. Have a good day.” He said and then the phone call ended.  
I took the phone away from my ear and I had the biggest smile on my face but tears were in my eyes. I never thought this would happen. I am a writer. I never thought in a million years I could write something that would actually be turned into something.  
“Oh no, are you okay?” Pedro asked and moved closer to me. He put his hand on my knee and patiently waited for a response.  
“Yeah I am better than okay. I just, uhm I guess here’s a fun detail. I got fired a week ago from my job. Kathy and Sammy made up a lie saying I threatened to squish them by sitting on them when I tried to stand up for myself since they kept making fat jokes about me. I was having a rough week.” I said but he cut me off.  
“Oh no. You can’t let them fire you over them being bullies. You need to take this above whoever fired you.” He said. His face was getting a little red.  
“No, wait. That was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I have been writing something over some time and I finally had a chance to finish it. I just met with a director and offered him what I wrote. That was the call I just had. They liked it. They really liked it and are sending me a contract for it. I just wrote a movie. Toddy is going to direct it. He is part of the horror movie franchise. I’m so happy. These are happy tears and I mean I’m just really happy.” I said wiping the tears from my eyes.  
“Oh my god that’s amazing. I still think you should go down to the company and raise some hell but wow that’s amazing. Really.” He said. He pulled me into a hug. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I really loved his hugs.  
“Then we should celebrate! Let’s go to dinner and have a night out!” He said.  
“Oh we don’t have to do that.” I said. I didn’t want to spur on anymore media for him. I am sure being seen with me was only hurting him. I am not the best looking and I am big and I think he should spend more time with someone thinner and prettier. As well as someone who is around his age. He wouldn’t want me.  
“I want to take you out. This is a big deal. At least I think it is.” He said smiling.  
“Come on let’s go. It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy. Lets just grab a bite to eat and afterwards we can go from there. Okay?” He said. I can’t say no to his handsome face.  
“Fine but, nothing fancy and I buy my own food.” I said.  
“No, it’s my treat. Don’t fight with me on that.” He said and stood up and reached out for my hand. I grabbed his hand and stood up. We weren’t even here for very long.  
The beginning of the end:   
We made it back into his garage and into his Audi. I didn’t want to ask where we were going but I also wasn’t the hungriest either. I didn’t think about anything other than I wanted him to not be affected by me or how I looked. I didn’t want to hurt his image. I took my phone out of my pocket and started to open Instagram. I wonder what people were even saying to the photos that were supposedly out there. I searched up Pedro’s Instagram name and looked at all the recent stuff scrolling down until I found the picture with me in it. I clicked on the image and all of the comments were coming up.  
Comments:  “He can’t be into her. Look at her.”  “He wouldn’t actually be into someone that size.”  “She must have something against him and is blackmailing him to be around.”  “He wouldn’t date someone fat. That’s not his type.”  “Too young and too ugly. He can and will find someone better.”  
“I used to work with her, he will get bored.”  “She must have something great between her legs because she is hard to look at.”  “Why is this happening?!? Pedro you can do better!”  
“He went from good looking women to this. What is she even wearing? Walmart branded clothes?”  
“She looks like she can’t find the right size.”   
I felt the tears brim my eyes. I knew it. I wasn’t great for his image. There was nasty comment after nasty comment. I can’t do this. I can’t be the person that brings down his image. I won’t be that person.  
“You know what Pedro, I am not feeling all the great do you mind just dropping me off at my apartment?” I asked.   “Oh, yeah that’s fine.” He said but, sounded a bit defeated.   “Where exactly am I going? I normally pick you up from the coffee shop.” He asked.  
“You can drop me off there its not a far walk.” I said hoping he wouldn’t press to much.  
“If you are not feeling good then you shouldn’t be walking. I really don’t mind.” He said.  
“Okay, uhm just park in the same parking garage. I live in the apartment that connects to it. I normally park my car on the third floor because there is a door on the third floor that takes me right to my apartment.” I said.  
“Okay.” He said. He followed my instructions. I tried to open my door to escape when we were next to the elevator, but he grabbed my arm.  
“Which car is yours?” He asked. I pointed over to the PT Cruiser that most of the paint had faded away. There was an open parking spot that was next to my car that belonged to me. He ended up parking next to me and turned his car off. This wasn’t going to go well for me.  
“Can I walk you to your apartment?” He asked.  
“I suppose. It’s nothing to exciting.” I said hoping that he was not going to want an invite in. It wasn’t a mess but, again, I have no real furniture.  
We both got out of the car, and he walked next to me and waited for me to guide him inside. I felt his hand brush against mine and I felt a sense of chills creep through me. Then I felt his hand grab mine and I just wanted to burst into tears then. I didn’t want to just walk away from this friendship. I know I have too though.  
I walked him over to my door and unlocked it. He walked right into my place and looked around.    
“This is a nice place.” He said. I know he is full of crap because this place is crap. However, it’s cheap and it’s a place of my own.  
“Can I tell you something?” He asked. I nodded and waited for his response.  
“I might have a thing for you.” He said. I just looked at him confused.  
“A thing for me?” I repeated back to him.  
“Yeah, I am enjoying my time with you.” He said and stepped closer to me removing the gap we had from between us. He put his left hand on my right cheek and brushed some of the loose hair away from my face.  
“I mean I really enjoy my time with you. I want to spend more time with you if that’s okay.” He said and leaned down towards me and closed his eyes. I wanted him to kiss me. He shouldn’t though. I felt his lips brush against mine and I leaned forward and into him. He kissed me and I in return kissed him back. His lips were so soft. I could kiss him forever. No, I can’t do this. He can’t really want me, can he? I need to pull away. I can’t pull away though. I want this. I want to be selfish and let this happen. I felt his left hand slide down my right arm and rest on the right side of my waist and he began to pull me closer to him. Oh my god I just want to melt into him. His right hand came up to the left side of my neck and pulled me closer to him. I was already as close as I could get. He slid his tongue against the bottom of my lip, and I felt my knees start to buckle. Cave. Just cave and give in to the want. Give into the desire right now. It’s going to be okay. You can walk away afterwards. It’s just going to hurt more and that’s okay.  
The kiss continued to get deeper, and I fed into the cave. I gave into the desire of what I wanted. It’s going to be okay. I started to back up without pulling away from him and managed to walk us into my bedroom. He started to play with the bottom of my shirt, and I realized what I was forgetting. He can’t take off my clothes. I can’t cave. I don’t want him to see. I don’t want him to notice what's going on. Fuck I hate this. I wanted this so bad. I pulled away from the kiss and sat on my bed with my hands covering my face.  
“I am sorry. I can’t do this. I want this don’t get me wrong but, I can’t do this.” I said. I started to feel the depression sink in.  
“I am sorry I didn’t mean to pressure you or make you feel pressured. I am so sorry.” He said rushing the words out. He reached for my arm and squeezed it. I felt his hand tighten slightly more. I felt the jolt of pain reach the top of my arm. It was an old scar but, it still hurt.  
“What’s this?” He asked and looked at my arm. I wasn’t wearing long sleeves but, unless you know what to look for you can barely see the scar. He pulled my arm towards him and noticed all the scars on my arm. All the slashes on them. All the deep cuts that once existed there on the surface of my skin.  
“Are there fresh one’s?” He asked. Lie. Lie to him.  
“No, there are not.” I said. I lied. I just lied to the person I haven’t needed to lie to.  
“I don’t believe you. Why are you lying to me? Why do you do it?” He asked and I could see the tears in his eyes.  
“I don’t have a good answer for you. Nothing is fresh as of this week but, some days the depression just gets too bad to deal with and I look for an out. I just want away from the depressing thoughts so I give myself I reason to cry. A feeling outside of sadness to focus on. The pain makes the sadness go away for a moment.” I said. I had tears in my eyes.   “I can’t do this Pedro. I can’t do this with you. I so badly want to be your friend and hang out but, I can’t anymore. I don’t want to be the person that hurts your image and I am already starting to be that person. Please leave.” I said. I dropped my eyes to the floor I couldn’t look at him.  
“No, I want to be your friend and you want to be mine. You are not hurting my image what makes you think that?” He asked.  
“I looked on Instagram and found a photo of us and I just see hundreds of comments pointing out the obvious. You shouldn’t be seen with me. You are going to hurt your image hanging out with the fat and ugly girl. I am far to insecure for any of that.” I said still refusing to look at him.  
“Stop it. You are not fat and you sure as hell are not ugly. People are going to be mean. It’s just unfortunate nature that they are mean but, you are not mean. You are so kind and beautiful. You are sweet and I thought you were just overall happy but, I want to be there for you the way you are for me.” He said.   “Pedro please go.” I said. It’s the only thing I can say as the tears fall from my eyes.  
“This is ridiculous. Just think about this, okay?” He said. He got up from my bed and walked himself out of my place. I followed him and locked the door. I am not going anywhere right now. I probably won't leave my house at all next week.  
The problem: 
After he left, he started to send me text messages telling me how important our friendship was to him. That he didn’t want to lose me as a friend, and it broke me. I just fell back into my bed and cried my eyes out until I was too tired to cry anymore, and I fell asleep. I ignored my phone when I woke up and got onto my email and saw the contract the producer sent me and just signed it and sent it back over to him. He wanted to start a month from now, so I had enough to survive financially for a little while thankfully. I was in no rush to get a job. I heard my phone go off all day switching between phone calls and text messages from Pedro. I didn’t answer any of them. I let the week go by without responding to him before I opened Instagram again and saw the trending image of him and I were going around popped up.  
“She could stand to skip a few meals.” 
“She needs to quit eating her weight in food.”  “Pedro deserves better.”  “He would never.”  
“He deserves better.”  
“Too ugly and too fat.”  “If he wanted a pet elephant, he should have just said that.” 
I closed Instagram quickly. I can’t do this. Everyone is so mean. I don’t have anyone. The one person I do have deserves better. I walked over to my frfridge and pulled put the bottle of wine and uncorked it. I started to drink it from the bottle and walked back over to my bed. I sat on the bed and cried nonstop. I started to reach for my blade in my nightstand when I heard a loud knock on my door.  
“Hey, you weren’t answering me so I had to come see that you were alright.” Pedro yelled through the door.  
“I just need to see that you are physically okay. You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to but, I have to know your alright. Please.” He said. I pulled my hand away from my end table and started to cry more. I am not okay. I want him in my life but, I don’t want to hurt him. I walked over to the door and opened it. He pushed my door all the way open and stepped inside and shut the door behind him. I continued to just cry and show him I was hurting.  
He reached out to me and pulled me in for a hug.  
“Its alright. Everything is going to be alright. Shh. Its going to be alright.” He pulled away and started to look all over my front and back of my body. He looked all over my arms and then pulled me against him for another hug. He squeezed me a little harder.  
“You didn’t hurt yourself.” He said. He squeezed a little more. “Oh thank you. Thank you for not hurting yourself. It’s all going to be okay.” He said. He kissed the top of my head.  
“No its not. I haven’t seen one half decent comment in that photo that’s trending. Everyone’s right it doesn’t matter how it comes off. They are all right. You deserve better. It doesn’t matter what you think. All your fans think you deserve better and I agree.” I said attempting to dry off some of my face where the tears had already started to stain.  
He pulled away from me and started to help dry the tears off.  
“It doesn’t matter what they think of you. It just matters what you know. You know that I think your beautiful. You know I love spending time with you. You know how amazing you are. You know how big your heart is. I love that about you.” He said. He knows how to say the right things.  
“Pedro, you can’t say all the right things like that. This would never work. I’m too insecure to do any of this. I could never be okay with the hate this would bring me. I would never survive the amount of comments being thrown at me. I don’t like the attention on me whether it’s good or bad. I just can’t do it. I’m sorry.” I said. The tears kept falling.  
“I’m so sorry. I want to be everything that you want me to be but I can’t. I’m disgusting. I can’t do that to you. I can’t be the person that drags your image down. Not a chance in hell. Please go Pedro. Please go and don’t come back. Please can you do that for me? Because I can’t do this. I know I will eventually fall hard for you. Harder than I already have and I can’t do that to you.” I said. The tears won’t stop. I feel like I’m drowning. He let me go and stepped away from me shaking his head. He slowly turned around and headed for the door. He left. He walked out of the door like I asked and he left. Fuck this just broke me. It hurt more than I thought it would.  
The aftermath: (a year and a half later)  
“So Pedro we haven’t seen you with your girlfriend in over a year. How is that going?” The interviewer asked.  
“Actually she and I never dated. I never got to be so lucky to date her.” He said as the picture of the two of us together popped up on the screen.  
“Oh why do you say that? You two look lovely together.” The interviewer said.  
“Life gets to complicated when someone is in the spotlight. We don’t actually talk anymore either but, I know she is doing well. I’m very proud of her.” Pedro said.  
He's proud of me?  
“Oh really? What for?” The interviewer asked.  
“Well when we mutually stopped talking and walked away she ended up pitching an idea to a director and they took it and produced a movie she wrote. Since then she has written three movies and released a book. I have watched every single movie that came out with her name attached and read her book and she seems to be doing an amazing job.” Pedro said.  
“It sounds like it. It sounds like she was special to you Pedro.’ The interviewer said.  
“She was, she still is.” Pedro said with his eyes getting glossy.  
“Almost seems like you loved her.” The interviewer chuckled a little.  
“I did. I fell in love with her hard. All it took was the first time we met and we bumped into each other and my iced coffee poured out on the both of us. She insisted to buy my coffee and she ended up ordering the same thing as me. It took a while for me to admit to myself that I loved her but once I did I just wanted to be around her all the time.” Pedro said looking a bit sad.  
“I’m sorry. That’s awful. It almost seems like maybe it wasn’t so mutual of you two separating at all.” The interviewer continued.  
“No it was. I mean it was for her. Everyone was picking at her online. She was already insecure about some stuff but with all the negative comments about her looks well with what you would think would make her tear herself down she wasn’t thinking about that. She was thinking her being around me was going to somehow ruin or affect my image. I told her that wasn’t going to happen but she kept pointing out the comments and how rude people were being and she didn’t so much care what they said about her but she cared that it was going to affect me or how it would affect me. In a way she wanted to walk away as a way to protect me in her eyes.” Pedro said.  
“Anyway enough about that. Can we get on a happier subject please.” Pedro said and started to rub his legs and then crossed his left leg over his right.  
Oh my god. No please. Can I just message him. I wonder if his number is the same. This is an interview from a week ago. I’m going to see if he still has the same phone number. I open up my contacts and scroll down to his name. I hit the call button and hold the phone to my ear. I hear the dial tone and someone answered the phone.  
“Hey this is Tiffany on Pedro’s phone. Who is this?” It was a female. She sounded amazing. Who was she?  
“Hello?” She said into the phone again.  
“Hey baby who is it?” I heard Pedro say in the background. He found someone. He is with someone else. I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up with tears in my eyes. I waited too long. I should have just called a year ago.  
Pedro’s POV:  
“Hey should was that?” I asked Tiffany.  
“I don’t know they didn’t say anything.” Tiffany said. I grabbed my phone from her and looked at the call log. It was Y/N. She called me. She really called me. I clicked on her name and hit call.  
“I’m sorry the phone you are trying to reach does not have a voicemail set up yet. Goodbye.” The phone message played and hung up. It didn’t even ring. It just went right to voicemail. Either her phone is off or she ignored the call. I want to see her.  
“Tiffany I hate to do this but, that girl I was talking about on that interview just called and I want to go see her. Can we reschedule?” I asked.  
“Yeah, that’s fine. Go get your girl.” Tiffany said. She has become a good friend of mine since y/n left. I walked out of Tiffany’s place and got into my car. I made the familiar drive to her apartment. I think she still lives here at least I hope she still lives here. I pulled into the parking garage and went up to the third floor and saw her car parked in the spot it was the last time I was here. I parked next to her car and ran towards her apartment. I knocked on the door and waited. I heard some shuffling around in the apartment and waited a few moments before knocking again.  
“y/n are you here?” I asked through the door. I heard shuffling again but, no one came to the door.  
“y/n are you okay?” I asked again. I heard another round of shuffling before the door clicked open and I was met with her beautiful eyes. They were red and puffy and looked like she had been crying. She looked so different from the last time I had seen her. She lost a lot of weight. Her hair has thinned.  
“Pedro?” She said and her voice sounded hoarse.  
“What’s wrong?” I asked. She looked exhausted and weak.  
“I think I need help.” She said. No. Please no. Not this.  
“What happened?” I asked.  
“I got sick awhile ago and the doctors had me taking some medication and I am not feeling so good.” She said. Oh okay. That’s not where I thought this was going.  
“Okay come on. Let’s get you to the hospital.” I said and pulled her towards me. I closed her door and walked her over towards my car and helped her get in. It took forty five minutes because of the traffic but I took her straight to emergency and because of how critical she looked they took her back right away. I was told I had to wait until testing was done before I could go back with her. It was two hours before a nurse confronted me.  
“Pedro pascal?” the nurse said.  
“Yes that’s me.” I said waiting for her to take me to y/n.  
“I am so sorry for your loss Mr. Pascal.” The nurse said and I almost fell to the ground. What?  
“Your friend. She was pretty sick. She had surgery about a year ago to assist with losing weight and even though it went well something ruptured inside moments ago and she fell septic. She past away. I’m so sorry for your loss.” She did what? Why would she do something like that? On top if that she did it alone.  
“Would you like to see her?” the nurse asked.  
“Yes, please.” I said. I followed the nurse to the room. She was in. I walked over to the side of the bed and leaned over and kissed the top of your head.  
“Y/n, I’m so sorry you went through all of that on your own. I’m sorry that you passed by yourself. I love you. I wish I was the one that answered the phone. I love you so much. I wish you were still here with me. I should have fought harder to stay in your life. I shouldn’t have left and I should have came rushing back. I’m sorry.” I choked on the words as the tears came out. She is gone. I’ll never get to see her again. I know her moms number. I think I should call her.  
I picked up my phone and opened my contacts and scrolled to her moms name. I clicked on make call and I heard the phone ring.   
“Hello?” A woman’s voice came on the phone.  
“Hello ma’am, my name is Pedro and I am a friend of y/n’s. I know you two weren’t on the best of terms but, I wanted to let you that she past away today. She became septic after a surgery she had and she is no longer with us. I’m sorry for your loss.” I said hoping to sound like I was okay.  
“Thank you for letting me know. I guess I will see her in hell. I told her to make better decisions and quit acting gay or being bisexual or what ever the hell she was.” The woman said. I was too stunned to say anything so I just hung up. What the hell was the matter with her? I don’t understand.  
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 5 months
Matthew Lillard Smut Story
Scream VII: The Extras
18+ Only 
Minors DNI! 
This contains some backstory and ends with a smut. If you came here purely for the smut scroll towards the bottom.
Word count: 11,321
(Sorry this is a long one.)
Today is the day I get to audition for a new movie that's happening in this area. All I know right now is that it's a horror film and they really only need extra’s right now. Which is fine I am just starting and shouldn't expect anything more yet. All I have done is commercials and well I have been stuck doing that since those come around more frequent then movies do. 
They made it very clear to show up with a clear face and no makeup. No lines were going to be given they just wanted a very specific look and would go off of our everyday appearances. They also made sure to add that it was to be only casual clothing. Which was fine. I didn't exactly own anything fancy anyway.  
I looked through my closet trying to find something that didn't have name brands or any writing on them as that could be against some kind of unspoken rule. After flipping through fifteen shirts I found a black shirt with bleach stains on it. It came off looking like it was distressed in some spots. I pulled out my black skinny jeans that had a hole in the knee. I grabbed my black combat boots out of the closet and started to get dressed. 
This was a normal everyday appearance for me. I didn't need to brush my hair. I curled it last night so I could have more of a loose lived in beach wave curl. I just dyed my hair black last week so it looks even better than normal. I think I look alright. I hope they are looking for my style. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my Scooby-Doo themed wallet that I got from hot topic when I was a teenager. It's intended to be a man's wallet but I don't like the bulky women’s wallets. They are inconvenient. I put it in my back left pocket  and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and opened up my browser since the address was on the ad I found. I copied the address and opened up the GPS. I pasted the address and pressed on go so it would route me to the place where the auditions and casting were going to be held. I am really excited. I made my way to my parking garage and walked over to my 2008 jeep wrangler. It was an army green color and is a four door. My pride and joy.  
Once I was in my jeep I hooked my phone up to my bluetooth and opened my Spotify. I put my 2023 jams playlist on and Because boobs by Pyschosticks came on. I turned up my car radio so it was blaring and started to drive to the auditions. 
Thirty minutes of zoning out and jamming out to music passed and I was pulling into  a building in Santa Rosa. It took an additional fifteen minutes to find parking. I am glad I gave myself the extra thirty minutes. I turned my music down and sat in my car for a couple of minutes. It's going to be okay. The worst they can say is go home. Rejection happens all the time.  
I finally turn my car off and grab my phone out of the cup holder. I turned it on silent and slid it into my back right pocket. Remember everything is going to be fine. 
After five minutes of walking I found the building with a sign that said auditions being held here. I opened the front door and met the other fifty people that wanted to be cast. I heard a different door open and most of everyone fell silent except for a few who still were chatting amongst themselves.  
"Alright, everyone thank you for coming. We are going to quickly look at everyone and the one's that fit our style will get a name tag and will need to stay. If you are not chosen then you are free to leave thank you." The person said. I couldn't see who was talking so this just became more intimidating. I heard the door open again and the sound of shuffling feet. I started to hear some tears spill from a couple of people who were headed in my direction. They walked past me and left out of the door. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This is going to be okay. 
"Remember to stay put.” A mans voice said and I opened my eyes and three people were in front of me and one of their hands was extended towards me with a name tag. Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I got  a name tag! I grabbed the name tag from the man and smiled at the three of them as they continued to walk through the room and more tears were shed and heard.  The sound of the door opening and closing became harder to hear.  
"Alright everyone. We are going to have tou come up one by one. When you get to the desk in the next room we are going to have you write your names down on the name tags and we will also be taking your pictures for passes for the film. As well as you will be signing a contract saying you will not disclose any information about the movie to anyone until after the movie is released. Once that is done we will group up again and we will discuss what the movie actually is and your roles in it. Okay. Let's get Started." The man that handed me the name tag said. 
Everyone formed a line and because I was standing closer to the door it meant I was the middle of the line. It wasn't as long as it was waiting for the name tag. It took twenty minutes and then I was going through the second door and making my way to the table. I bent forward picking up the pen and writing my name on the name tag and then signing the contract. I put the name tag on and was guided by one of the people to the camera set up when the next person came in and started the process. They took the picture of me and told me to find a chair and sit down. I followed their directions and found a seat in the back and waited. Another twenty minutes passed and the chairs were filled and the three main people moved to the center of the room. 
“As you can see a total of thirty- five people were selected. We will be using everyone of you in this upcoming film. Each of you will have specific things to do. None of you will have speaking roles. This is a horror movie as stated on the ad we posted. This isn't just any horror movie. It's the most loved horror film series. This is going to be Scream VII. You will be working along side some of the best actors and actresses. This does not mean this is your chance to befriend them. You are not allowed to be around them unless you are used in the same scene as them. Do not go out of your way to get their attention. If you do you will be removed from this project. Every day on set you will get new directions on where you are supposed to be. We will be starting in two weeks on Monday. We will start at 8 a.m on the dot do not be late." The man said. 
Hell yeah! I am excited! They had us jot down our phone numbers when signing all the paperwork so I assume that's how they will be contacting us if they need anything.  
"Can Josh, April, Samuel, and y/n stay behind a little longer please." The same man said. 
The four of us stayed seated while the rest of the extras left.  
"We happened to think your overall style fit in great but, we have decided we would like to use you as side characters and not extras. You will have speaking roles. You won't have a lot of lines but these were preplanned characters that the actors decided against being in the movie last minute. We will be using your real names for these roles. It will make it easier on your cast mates. Here are the scripts we are going to have you highlight your lines. All of you will die in this movie. Two of you will die at the end. Making it to the very last minute.” I smiled and tried to hide the excitement I was getting from this announcement. They passed out the scripts and we got to work highlighting all of our lines. They were right when they said we weren’t getting many lines. I’m okay with that. I mean honestly it’s not a bad thing.  
We were flipping through the script highlighting lines still but we got to a page and my eyes nearly bulged from my eyes. They had me saying a couple of lines with Stu Macher. I KNEW IT! HE DIDN’T DIE! Oh my gosh I’m going to be in the presence or Matthew Lillard. Oh my God I have lines with him. He is the one that kills me sort of. I don’t mind my death at all. I die after a sex scene. I mean you don’t see anything it’s just heavily implied until they pan the camera over and see Billy stab me to death as revenge. I would also like to note that I make it to the very end. I am so freaking happy.  
“Alright you guys thank you for coming. We look forward to working with you and will see you in two weeks.” The three of them said and all of them stood up and shook our hands. This is truly a dream come true. I walked myself out of the building and back to my jeep. I unlocked it got in and immediately locked it again. I put my keys into the ignition and started it up. I put my bluetooth on and grabbed my phone out of my back right pocket , unlocked it, and put Spotify on to the same playlist I had on earlier. I turned it up so it was mildly loud and then screamed with joy. The smile on my face was huge and I wanted to celebrate but I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone which made that hard to do. I can’t believe it. I’m really getting to do this. I finally put my jeep into reverse and started my thirty minute drive home.  
Once I got home I was antsy. I didn’t have to work today and since this is supposed to be a paying job I will have to take a small break from work when this starts so I will have to get it sorted out. I’m a waitress and they make it very clear I’m replaceable but I don’t really care. If they fire me yes that would suck but there are other places I could get a job too. I decided to celebrate with some wine and a movie marathon of all the screams. That would be awesome.  
The next two weeks felt like they took forever. My job told me if I took a couple of weeks off then I was going to lose my job so I let them put my two weeks in. Every shift they made it a nightmare for me. Every massive table and multiple big parties at once. It wasn’t easy but I stayed on top of it and I made enough tips that I was a couple of months ahead on bills and would still have playing around money. I wasn’t going to be hurting right at this moment so that was nice. I have always been relatively smart with my money. Tomorrow is the day I get to go to this acting job and start the project with everyone. I’m truly so excited. I got a phone call earlier this morning letting me know to come not made up tomorrow and that they would be doing hair and makeup for me on the set. The other three and I get to share a space together as far as trailers while the bigger stars got their own space. Totally fine I’ll just have to remember to not bring a lot of stuff.  
I woke up before my alarm went off. I was up two hours before my alarm. Great, I was too excited to stay asleep. Alright if I’m up I mine as well as stay up so I don’t sleep through my alarm later.  
I got out of bed, made my way to my closet and through on some black skinny jeans and a frumpy grey t-shirt. I put on some black no show socks and then made my way to the kitchen. I started to brew myself a pot of coffee and made my way to the fridge. When I opened it I smiled at what I saw. My roommate left me a cinnamon roll. It had a note on it saying congratulations on the new job I hope you have a good day. I smiled and pulled it out of the fridge along with the eggs and milk. I grabbed a pan off the drying rack and fried myself two eggs and grabbed a paper plate from the cabinet. I put the cinnamon roll on the plate and put it in the microwave for a minute so it would heat up. They always taste better heated up. I poured myself a cup of coffee and when everything finished I sat down and ate breakfast. This is the first time I have ate breakfast in forever. It was so good. I found the remote on the table and turned the TV on and opened up Netflix and decided to watch a couple of episodes of good girl.  
Every episode with Matthew Lillard was the best. The one tacky blonde he cheated on Beth with was lucky. To have been “sleeping” with him was lucky. Beth was also lucky. She had proof that she was screwing Dean. She had kids with him. Granted he was lucky too she had massive boobs. Not to mention Dean’s ass was so round in some scenes. It’s just something you want to sink your teeth into and hear him groan in pain. I got chills up my back just thinking about it.  
I heard my phone go off and saw it was my original alarm. I had thirty minutes before I needed to leave the house. I got up and threw my plate away and washed my dishes really quick. I turned off the TV and went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and slid my combat boots back on making sure to tie them tight. I grabbed my wallet and phone and slid them into my back pockets and grabbed my keys and made my way back out to my jeep. 
As directed by the three members of staff that hired me I drove down to Woodsboro. Once I got to the town I followed the directions they texted me and found myself at the entrance. When I pulled up a guard asked for my name and ID and when I gave it to him he verified I was part of the cast. He told me where to park and told me to wait by my jeep. Someone was going to be by with a cart to get me. I waved goodbye to the guard and smiled. 
As soon as I parked I got out of the jeep and waited behind it. I saw a golf cart headed my way with two of the others that were with me. April and Samuel. They stopped in front of me with the worker driving and he greeted me and told me to hop on in. He spun us around in the golf cart and took us to our trailer where a makeup artist waited for us.  
“Hello. My name is Mykie and I will be doing your makeup and hair today. It’s going to be pretty light for two of the four of you for now and I know they dropped off a couple of outfits for the ones they asked sizes for.” She motioned to the clothes. It wasn’t me so I assume what I am wearing is fine. She started with April and made her way through those three before I sat in front of her. She took like twenty minutes on me makeup wise but when I looked at myself I was in awe. I looked like a true goth. Eyes all black, a droopy but sharp wing. Big false eyelashes. My eyebrows were shaped to perfection and then she curled my hair. She handed me a small amount of accessories. A couple of rings and a thick chunky black bracelet that looked like a belt. I am digging this look.  
We all stopped moving and chatting with each other when we heard a knock on the trailer door. All of us looked pretty awesome. April looked like a cheerleader which is fitting. She looked frail and cheerful.  
“Hey everyone I hope you are all ready. I want you to make your way out to where we are shooting some clips.” One of the casting members said. We all smiled and ran out of the trailers following behind them. They hushed us and had us follow in behind them. We started to hear some voices saying lines and I heard the very familiar voices.  
“Come on Stu. We can do this together again. We are best friends Stu. We can do this.” Skeet/Billy said. I cannot fan girl right now it will cost me this job. I’m not willing to lose this job.  
“You left me behind you dick. A TV fucking fell on me and you never even looked back or tried to help me. You threw a god damn phone at my head. I don’t want to help you!” Stu/Matthew said.  
“I’m sorry Stu. We can get past this can’t we. We have something to finish here. We have kids who continue this on for us. They can get back at everyone who bullied them. Let’s get back together in this.” Billy said to stu trying to convince him. 
“look who’s here. Your exs daughter April. The ex who also ditched your sorry ass. Just do it stu. Get back at her and hurt her the worst way possible. Like the good times.” Billy said. April made her way to the edge of the scene and Skeet dragged her into frame. I just noticed that they had put some wounds on April.  
“No man I’m not doing this.” Stu said  
“This is crazy man.” Stu added.  
Billy forced April to fall in front of him and put a knife in Stu’s hand.  
“April tell him how old you are.” Billy said.  
“Why does that matter?” Stu asked looking confused.  
“I’m seventeen.” She said whimpering starting to cry.  
Stu looked at her with confusion.  
“You can’t be seventeen. Your not my kid.” He said. The hurt becoming more visual.  
“Did she cheat on me man?” Stu asked Billy.  
“She had David’s kid. He had a blast knowing she did it behind your back.” Billy said now laughing and making Stu more upset. 
“DAMN IT!” Stu yelled. His hands running to the side of his head. Grabbing the knife with a firmer grip.  
“Stupid fucking bitch!” He yelled again. Within moments he started to stab April. It looked so real. April looked like she was actually terrified.  
“CUT!” The director yelled.  
“That was awesome everyone. I’m just going to have Stu feel bad for what he has done and then drag April off scene okay?” The director made the note. They yelled action and Matthew did as he was directed to do. Once April was off screen Skeet walked towards the camera where it cut off when the screen went black. It was a way to transition to a new part of the movie without having to clip it. Matthew and Skeet made there way over to April who was standing next to me.  
“Hey are you alright? Sorry if we actually scared you.” Matthew said putting a hand on her arm. She wiped a couple of tears away and smiled.  
“Being yelled at is never fun whether it’s for real or acting. It did scare me a little bit but, nothing I can’t get over.” She said smiling at them. They gave her a hug and walked off. Now that she was dead I am pretty sure she doesn’t get to come back.  
“Does that mean you don’t get to come back now that your character is dead?” I asked her.  
“Yeah they gave me a one day pass. They said I won’t actually be on screen anymore. They would just use a snippet of my death later if they needed it.” She said smiling.  
“Oh well that sucks I’m sorry.” I said. I really felt bad for that. I mean I know we all have to die during this but that really sucks. To only get to be here for a day.  
We continued this routine of arriving and getting brought to the trailer by a golf cart to get ready. Then walking to set. It was really nice. Today is the day I died. I didn’t get to see Skeet or Matthew in a while since I wasn’t going to be in the background or much of anything today.  
“Y/N get ready.” Someone on the sidelines said.  
I walked to the side of the set scene and waited for my que.  
“Y/N! Where are you?” Stu dragged out every word.  
“I’m gonna find you.” Stu dragged out the words again.  
I followed the que and started to crawl under the bed on the set. I started to hear the footsteps next to the foot of the bed and it made me shiver with anticipation. I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and pull me out from under the bed.  
“You can’t hide from me baby.” Stu said. He pulled me up so I was standing next to him and he wrapped me in a hug.  
“I will always find you and be right at your side.” He added. He pulled away from the hug and puts his hands on my cheeks. He pulled my head up to look at him.  
“Let’s do this before Billy spots us okay?” He smiled and leaned towards me. They warned me there was a kiss and that I would be led to the bed but I didn’t know if that was going to actually happen or not. He continued to lean forward and closed the gap between us and kissed me. He pushed me back against the bed and then the director yelled cut as that was the end of the scene.  
“Let’s set it up for the next scene. We changed your death a little bit Y/N.” I heard the director say. Fuck. Does that mean this is really it. I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and now I have to die? Can’t we kiss for at least another half hour and give me time to memorize the feeling? Please?  
They started setting up the next scene. They didn’t tell me how my death was going to happen just that it was happening in the next scene. My guess is they want a genuine reaction for this. Which is fine I just hope this isn’t too bad.  
“Are you okay if we put you in a nude colored tube top? It’s just we want to make it seem like your bare and have nothing on for the next scene. We know this is a bit of a change but if your not okay with it we can find another way.” One of the makeup and wardrobe people asked.  
“Yeah that’s fine.” I said more than happy to be adapting to the change. They tucked me away behind a curtain and gave me the nude colored tube top that perfectly matched my skin tone. There was a small bit of padding to keep it so my nipples didn’t poke through it. I assume for some sort of protection from the other person. I stepped out from behind the curtain with the new top on and they smiled. They fixed my hair and makeup a little and gave me a couple of capsules to put on the side of my gums inside of my mouth.  
“Alright when the time comes and you will know we want you to bite down on the capsules and the fake blood from it will pour out. It’s edible but doesn’t taste very good as a warning.” The makeup artist said. I grabbed the capsules and tucked them next to my gums.  
“Sounds good.” I said  
“You better get over there I think they are ready to start.” They both said to me. I smiled and walked back over to set.  
“Hey I know this is a little more intimate then you were prepared for so if your uncomfortable just tap my arm okay?” Matthew who was now shirtless and in front of me said. Uhm is he hoping for a response because I can’t find any words. I just stared at his bare chest.  
“Did you hear me?” He said.  
“Oh yeah of course. It’s going to be hard to make me feel uncomfortable though.” I said and smiled.  
“Okay good. Just remember it’s just a scene I’m not sure if this is the only thing you have done but, it’s just acting.” He said to me. I smiled at him.  
“Alright everyone places.” The director yelled out. Matthew lifted up the sheet on the bed and I crawled in and he crawled on top of me.  
“And Action!” The director yelled.  
Matthew or should I say Stu leaned down and started to kiss me. His lips were soft. They were slightly small but I didn’t mind. He started to slightly grind against me which was a bit shocking but I tried my best to not have a reaction to it. He moaned a little into my mouth and it turned me on a little too much. I heard a door creak open.  
“You fucking bitch. You stupid fucking bitch!” Billy yelled at us. Or rather me. Stu pulled away and looked at Billy and laughed at him.  
“What can I say she has good taste.” Stu said.  
“Not any fucking more!” Billy yelled and stomped over to me. He pushed Stu off of me and started the motion to stab my stomach repeatedly. I move the capsules in my mouth to between my teeth and bit down on them. I let the fake blood run down the back of my throat so it could trigger a gag response so it started to spill out of my mouth giving me a convulsing reaction. I heard them finish off the scene after it was panned off of me and waiting for them to yell cut so I could be removed from the set. After another five minutes with me in the background the director yelled cut and it was the end for me. My death was kind of lame but it’s fine. At least I can say I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and he dry humped me. Not everyone can say that. They handed me back my shirt and told me good job. They thanked me for being a part of the movie and I made my way off of the set and to my car. Once I got to the car I felt some tears near the brim of my eyes. I haven’t turned my jeep on yet so I was just sitting there in shock from the past couple of weeks on set. I heard a knocking on my window and I looked over my shoulder and saw Matthew standing next to my car door. I turned my jeep on and rolled down the window.  
“Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee or something later. Make sure your okay. I did it with the rest of the extras. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or that you have to. I know it can be scary sometimes or in this case sad when your released from a project “ He said to me with a shy smile.  
“I would love that actually yeah.” I said.  
“Mind if I get your number and I will let you know what day and time?” He asked me.  
“Sure do you have your phone on you?” I asked him and he dug his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.  
“Don’t you have to put your password in?” I asked him.  
“I don’t use them. No need for one.” He said with a smile. Damn he is a trusting man. I nodded and opened up his contacts and put my phone number in his phone and texted myself so I had his. That way I knew not to ignore the texts or calls.  
“I hope you don’t mind but I texted myself so I also had your number. I normally ignore numbers I don’t recognize and I don’t want to miss your call or text.” I smiled at him.  
“Not a problem. Then I will see you soon.” He smiled back at me and I handed him his phone and he waved goodbye to me. Once he wasn’t near my jeep anymore I rolled up my window and started to drive away. I memorized the pathway to get home at this point so I didn’t bother with my GPS and I was so lost in thought that I didn’t bother with the music.  
My phone started to ring ten minutes into the ride and I reached forward on my stereo and answered the phone through my bluetooth set up.  
“Hey it worked you didn’t ignore my call.” I heard Matthew say with a bit of a laugh following his words.  
“Nope I sure didn’t.” I said also laughing with the words.  
“Anyway Skeet and I are going to dinner tonight with a couple other members of the cast. If you haven’t gone far would you like to join us?” He asked.  
“Yeah I would love that. Where at?” I asked him.  
“We are going to head over to BJs meet us there in like fifteen to twenty minutes?” He said. Okay that’s doable. It won’t be too expensive I don’t think.  
“Sounds good.” I said and hung up the phone. Okay this is perfectly normal. This is totally normal. I’m just going to a casual dinner with coworkers. Cast members. It’s going to be okay. I know I haven’t passed BJs yet it’s another block away so I was going to be early. That’s fine. I have a couple of shirts in the back I can change into and I can brush my hair really quick and get more of the curls out and loosened.  
I found a parking spot near the back of the parking lot and smiled. I put my jeep in park and reached behind me digging through some of the clothes in the back seat. I grabbed my Metallica black, grey and white shirt and took off the shirt I had on. I was wearing a tank top under my original shirt since I had to give back the tube top they had me wear for the scene. I wasn’t going to be flashing anyone today. I grabbed my hairbrush from my glove box and started brushing the curls out some more. I opened up my sun visor and looked at myself in the mirror and I looked decent. I checked my teeth in the mirror to make sure there was nothing in it anymore. I was able to get all the fake blood out of my mouth by swishing water all around it and spitting it out. When I put my hairbrush back in my glove box I pulled out a tin of mints and put two in my mouth and closed the glove box back up. Alright I looked decent. I smelled decent I’m pretty sure I have perfume in here some where. I bent back over and reached back into the back seat and started to dig around. I found it under the passenger seat finally and brought it up in front of me and started to spray a crazy amount onto me. It was the Japanese cherry blossom scent from bath and body works. It smelled so good. I put the perfume back into the backseat and looked in front of me. I saw Matthew getting out of his car and walking to the front door so I decided to get out of my car and walk over to meet up with him. I didn’t see anyone else yet. Maybe I should hang back so I am not going to make things awkward. Whatever I got this. It won’t be awkward unless I make it awkward right.  
“Hey.” I said from behind him. He turned around and greeted me with a smile.  
“Hey, so a little bit of a change it’s just going to be Skeet, you, and me. Is that okay?” He asked me.  
“Yeah of course. If I get in the way I can leave. If you would rather hang out with your friend.” I offered.  
“Oh don’t worry it’s fine. I’m glad he invited you to hang out with us. We wanted to get to know you a little better miss Colgate commercial.” I heard Skeet say. He walked in front of me and smiled down towards me. Wow they sure did make me feel short.  
A hostess walked over to us with her jaw hanging open.  
“Hello. Two for a table?” She asked. I assume she must think I don’t know them which isn’t her fault.  
“Three.” Both of them said and she blushed feeling a tad embarrassed and grabbed a third menu.  
“Do you prefer a booth or a table?” She asked.  
“A booth somewhere in the back is fine. A little less public if you don’t mind.” Skeet asked.  
“Of course follow me.” She said and guided us to the back of the restraunt and sat us at the booth that wasn’t directly next to a window and was a bit out of sight. No one would come back here that wasn’t supposed to be back here so that was nice.  
Our waitress came out pretty quick and she was a really pretty petite blonde. I noticed she was eyeing both the men. I don’t blame her I have been too. I know both of them are married so that’s a bummer but awe well.  
“So Matthew how is everything going you know since that thing happened?” Skeet asked.  
“It’s been fine. I’d rather not talk about it too much right now.” He said peering at me a little. What does that mean? 
“I can go. It really won’t hurt my feelings any if you both want to catch up.” I said again.  
“No don’t go. It’s perfectly fine and we trapped you on the inside of the booth so we can learn about you more.” Matthew said.  
“Uhm okay I guess. What would you like to know?” I asked confusingly and slightly worried.”  
“All we know is your name so how old are you? Do you have family around here? Are you from California? Do you have someone that makes you happy?” Matthew was throwing a few questions out there.  
“What about your favorite color? Is that your natural style? What’s your favorite kind of music?” Skeet mentioned a few questions himself.  
I think I might need a drink for this. The waitress was still here. “You know what can I get a margarita on the rocks please?” I asked her and she jotted that down.  
“Can I see your ID?” She asked and I dug my wallet out of my back pocket and handed her my ID after digging it out.  
“Okay awesome I will get that started for you and what about you two?” She asked bringing her attention back to them while handing me back my ID.  
“We will both take the beer on tap.” Skeet said. With our drink orders in she made her way behind the bar and started getting our drinks.  
“Alright to start answering some of your questions I am 27 years old, I don’t really associate with my family anymore. They aren’t really accepting of me which is fine. I am not from California I am from Arizona. If your question is more related to happiness then yes I do have someone and that someone is my roommate. They have been my best friend since I was little. If it's more towards romantically then no I am single. My favorite color is an earthy green more so the color of the trees in fall. This is more of my everyday style except I really don’t like to wear makeup. I think I’m pretty on my own and don’t need it. I am all over the place with my music style. I like the 70’s- 2000’s style of music more than the current music in 2023 but I still listen to a few here and there.” I finished up the line of questions they threw at me and smiled with a bit of relief when she made her way back over with the drinks. She handed me my margarita first and I chugged it.  
“Can you just bring me like two more for now?” I asked her and she just smiled.  
“Sure thing. Are you all ready to order?” She asked.  
“Yeah I think we are ready.” The boys ordered burgers and were looking at me for my order.  
“I also will get a burger and your fries and do you mind adding on the sample platter you have and just add your favorites onto it? I haven’t been here before so I kind of want to try something new. Oh and here. Can I pay for it right now?” I asked her handing her my card.  
“Are you going to be drinking more?” She asked.  
“Yeah probably I’m not sure. If I decide to drink more I can pay again later if that’s okay.” I said.  
“Sure thing. Is this for everyone or just yourself?” She asked.  
“Everyone.” I said and smiled back at her. She smiled towards me and took my card.  
“Hey wait a minute.” Skeet and Matthew tried to grab her attention but, she didn’t hear them.  
“What are you doing? You didn’t have to do that. We could have paid for ourselves or even better we could have treated you.” Skeet said and Matthew agreed.  
“Oh no, let me treat. I don’t want you guys paying for me. You barely know me.” I said with a grin.  
“Well that’s not exactly fair you don’t really know us either.” They said almost in unison.  
They had a point. I didn’t care about the point but that’s my problem.  
“Well I am also a secret fan. I admire both of your work a lot.” I said with a lot if honesty coming from me. The alcohol will help me a lot. This might be a better night than I thought. A couple of minutes later the waitress brought my two other margaritas and came back a moment later with our appetizers and my card. She handed my card back to me with a smile.  
“Alright your food should be out in a moment does anyone else need another drink?” She asked smiling. I had finished another margarita by the time she went and grabbed our food. I should slow down but I felt like I needed a buzz to keep me going.  
“You know can we get a couple of waters for the table? “ Skeet asked her.  
“And another margarita if you don’t mind?” I added.  
“Sure thing I will be back in another moment.” She added.  
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Matthew asked and Skeet was waiting for my answer too.  
“Yeah I’m fine I will just be starting another job search tomorrow. My waitress job fired me when I told them I needed some time off for this project. I can always get another one no big deal.” I said smiling. The booze was starting to catch up with me as I slowly drank on my third margarita. My vision went a little blurry.  
“Alright hand me your keys. Your not driving home if your going to drink like that. I can see it in your eyes already.” Matthew said.  
“I’m not going to fight you on that.” I handed him my keys that were in my back pocket and smiled.  
“I can make sure you get home safely. Don’t worry. Drink away of you want to.” He added.  
“Thank you.” I said and continued to drink my third margarita and I started to slow down. The one she is bringing needs to be my last one. I have one more on the table so that means it will be my fifth one. The waitress rounded the corner with food in her hand. She handed us our food and walked away.  
Oh my gosh it looks so good. It’s been a hot minute since I have had a burger that doesn’t come out of a brown paper bag. I picked it up and took a big bite from it and practically moaned as I swallowed. I would normally be embarrassed but right now I couldn’t be because of all the booze. I washed down everything I ate with the other two margaritas and pushed the plate away from me. I’m going to be sick tomorrow. No doubt.  
“Oh here.” I said through the small talk we were having and handed them my wallet with all my stuff in it.  
“That way I can pay the rest of the tab.” I said. Skeet and Matthew both looked at each other and Matthew pulled out his wallet and went and found the waitress leaving my wallet on the table. I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to that though. Matthew was gone for a good twenty minutes before he came back to the table.  
“Alright he came and picked up my car ill just drive her jeep to her place. I’ll let you know if you need to come by. If her roommate isn’t there to keep her safe I might stay until she sobers.” Matthew said.  
“Sounds good. The bill has been taken care of right?” Skeet asked to double check.  
“Yeah of course.” Matthew answered his question.  
“Alright come on y/n let’s get you to your jeep and home okay?” Skeet said pulling me out of the booth. Both of them put their arms around me to keep me stable in a standing position and we started to walk to the jeep. We managed to make it there without having to stop to correct my balance which was really nice. They both got me sitting down on the passenger side seat and Matthew buckled me in.  
The two men hugged goodbye and Matthew attempted to get into the driver’s seat.  
“Holy cow are you crazy? I’m going to be smooshed to the steering wheel and my knees will be to my chest if I don’t move your seat.” He started to laugh which made me laugh.  
He fixed the seat so he was able to get in and comfortably sit down.  
“Alright how do I get to your apartment?” He asked.  
“Uhm here.” I pulled out my phone and opened up GPS and clicked on the shortcut labeled home and started the route. Oh my gosh my wallet.  
“Wait I forgot my wallet on the table.” I said looking panicked.  
“Don’t worry I grabbed it. It’s in the cup holder. Why don’t you try and nap a little bit and when we get there I will let you know.” He said. I just nodded and set the phone in the cup holder next to my wallet. I rested my head on the door and dozed off quickly.  
Thirty minutes later he was lightly shaking me awake.  
“Hey we are here. Which one is your apartment?” He said. He parked in the guest parking spot which is fine.  
“It’s 122C.” I said.  
“Okay so let’s go to the C building and get you to your actual apartment.” He said and started to pull out of the parking space. He drove around to the C building and parked in one of the parking spaces that said 122. He noticed the second spot was empty and he assumed my roommate wasn’t there.  
“Alright wait for me.”  He said quickly grabbing my phone and wallet from the cup holders and then exiting my jeep. I felt the passenger side door open and I unbuckled myself and tried to get out by myself. I went to try and walk but I was a little wobbly.  
“Don’t bite off more than you can chew too fast. Let’s go. Here.” He said and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was still being so respectful when I was trashed. He was so sweet. We made the journey to apartment 122 which thankfully was on the first floor. We came up to the room 122 and all the lights were off. 
“Don’t judge me. I don’t know what state my apartment is in. My roommate works night shifts so sometimes her messes are all over the place by the time she goes to work.” I said as he was going through the keys trying to find the right one. He managed to find it pretty quick and he opened up the door. He helped me inside and sat me on the couch that was right by the door and closed and locked it.  
“What time does your roommate get home?” He asked. She was a nurse so she might not really even be home tomorrow.  
“I’m not entirely sure. She is a nurse and she might not come home for a couple of days.” I said yawning. I’m so tired.  
“Okay, I’m going to hang out for a little bit until you sober up which one is your room so I can get you to it.” He said.  
“Oh forward I like it. It’s this one.” I stood up and angled for the master bedroom.  
“No I don’t do that with people who are drunk. You would have to be able to spell your name forwards and backwards twice before I would be willing to.” He laughed a little bit. Damn this booze is kicking my ass with confidence. He walked me to the bedroom and watched as I laid down.  
“Okay I’m going to be out here if you need me in your living room.” He said. I couldn’t even reply. I was fast asleep.  
A couple hours went by before I woke up sweating my ass off. Oh my God what happened? Why am I sleeping with clothes on. I got off my bed with a pounding headache and got butt naked. I walked to the living room and turned the thermostat down to 67 degrees and went to the cabinet above the sink and grabbed the aspirin. I grabbed a cup off the drying rack and set it on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed our filtered water pitcher and poured my cup with half a cup of water and put it away and drank a sip and downed two aspirin. I really hoped waking up and taking this in the middle of the night killed whatever hangover I was going to have in the morning. I walked back towards my room but noticed someone in my living room staring at me. Fuck he didn’t leave. Oh my God I’m fucking naked. I ran to my room and closed the door.  
“I’m so fucking sorry. I figured you had left. I grabbed my robe that was on the floor and put it on around me. I walked back out to the living room and he just looked at me with a blush on his face.  
“You have a tattoo.” Matthew started to say.  
“Yes I do.” I have a few which one is he referring to? 
“You have a shaggy and scooby-doo tramp stamp.” He said. I’m not surprised that’s the one he is hooked on.  
“just above that one is tinkerbell smoking pot and holding a beer and on your butt you have bite marks tattooed into your skin. Who bit you for that?” He asked.  
I blushed.  
“My best friend. My roommate. We are close. My teethmarks are also on her ass cheeks. I bit both sides on her.” I smiled at the memory of the tattoo artist getting hot and bothered by the action. I remember after hers was finished he railed her in the bathroom. They have been together ever since. He follows her around like a puppy. It’s actually very cute.  
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have looked but it’s hard not to when it’s all right there. How are you feeling?” He asked.  
“I mean beside the headache I’m fine. I’m sober enough that I can make decent decisions and not accidently kill myself.” I said laughing.  
“Oh good. I should get out of your hair then. We had a really fun night tonight and were happy spending time with you. It was fun getting to know you a bit more.” He said.  
“I really appreciate being invited. I really am a fan of yours and his. It made my night. I’m sorry I got drunk. It wasn’t my intention going into that dinner but, I started to get nervous and the only way for me to get rid of my nerves is to drink through them and I don’t do that often.” I said.  
“Well that’s good. That stuff can get addicting so maybe you should look for another way to cope with your nerves.” He said.  
“Yeah did you by chance go in my room?” I asked now terrified of the answer. 
“Yeah but I didn’t really walk into the room I just watched you go over to your bed and get into it. I didn’t really pay attention to all the scream posters you have up with the hearts around my face or anything like that.” He said.  
“Oh gosh I’m so embarrassed.” I said holding my face in my hands.  
“It’s okay but, your robe is falling open a bit.” He said looking away for a moment. I looked down and noticed he had a full glimpse of my breast. They are practically completely out. I closed my robe again and held it closed. I mean I don’t mind him staring at me. I hope I look okay right now.  
“Are you sure you are good to go?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course. But, hey its like two or three a.m. no one’s going to be out at this hour you mine as well stay here until morning.” I said.  
“I think you might be right. Are you sure it’s okay?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course come on.” I said and motioned for him to follow me to my room.  
“I’ll find some pajamas to wear so I don’t make you feel uncomfortable. Come stay in here. I have a king sized bed and it’s super comfy compared to that couch.” I said and he stood up and followed me.  When he walked into the room he started to kick off his shoes and socks and waited for me by the door. I walked into my closet and because it doesn’t have a door I tried to keep my robe on while I looked. I found some shorts hanging up that were some what comfy and a tank top. I took the robe off letting it fall to the floor and as I was reaching for the shorts I felt a his right hand on my right upper arm. I’m naked and he is touching me.  
“You won’t make me feel uncomfortable. Sleep how you normally would. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” He said as he pressed himself to my back and brought his mouth down to my ear. Feeling him was something else. Hearing him so close made what hair I had on my body standing. He lightly dragged his right hand down my right arm and it gave me the chills.  
“Are you sure you are sober?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. I’m sure.” I said.  
“Turn around.” He said and I did as he told me. I turned towards him now looking up at him. His left hand now under my chin keeping me in that position. He leaned down and gently ran his lips over mine.  
“Did you really forget that I was out there? Or was that intentionally done?” Matthew asked me.  
“I actually forgot you were out there but it’s turning out to be a good surprise.” I said in a hushed tone against his lips. He brushed his lips against mine one more time before gently kissing my lips. He pulled away and walked over to my bed leaving me standing there in my closet butt naked and now completely wet and turned on. Fuck I want him. I want him very badly.  
It takes a moment for me to process but I walk into my room next to my bed and noticed he took his shirt and pants off and got under the covers. He was on my side of the bed. Where I lay every night and sometimes master bate to the thought of him. In the end table directly next to him is my vibrator and dildo. I walk over to the other side of the bed that is now very cold since I adjusted the air and slipped under the blankets. I didn’t reach for him right away. Instead I just sat there and waited for him to make a move but he didn’t. Maybe I have to make the next move.  
I scooted closer to him and that’s all I could pull myself to do. I’m to nervous to do anything else.  
“Are you scared to make the move on me y/n?” He asked and started to look at me. He turned his whole body on his side and looked down at me again.  
“Yeah, just a little bit. I don’t want to do something you don’t want to do.” I said very honestly. He leaned down and kissed  me slowly. He kept his lips feeling gentle like they were barely there but then he slid his tongue into my mouth and brushed it against my tongue. Something about it made me even wetter. My pussy felt like a dam and he has barely touched me. His right hand kept his head propped up while he kissed me and his left hand was lightly running down my body from my neck, to the middle of my breast, down my stomach, and stopped right above my clit. He is just barely gliding his finger over my clit and I felt my pussy clench around nothing. I wanted to feel him so bad. He pulled away from the kiss but stayed very close to my lips.  
“When’s the last time you were fucked?” He asked me.  
“It’s been a year. Probably almost two.” I said. All I have done is masterbate. I didn’t want anyone. No one was physically attractive to me.  
“Fuck me. You are going to be tight aren’t you?” He said now lightly kissing my cheek and down to my neck. He bit down a little on my neck where my collarbone is and it sent another set of shivers down my spine. He started to add more pressure against my clit and started to rub circles against it. I moaned at the touch and immediately  felt an orgasm filling my senses. Oh fuck this is going to be embarrassing. I pushed my head back into the pillows more and moaned again as he slid his fingers past my clit and lightly traced my entrance. Oh fuck please. Please I need it. I need him.  
“Do you think you could handle me?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. Please.” I said moaning out the Please. I need him so bad. He traced my entrance one more time before slipping his middle finger into me slowly. His first knuckle going in as his kissed the spot on my collarbone going in. The second knuckle going in deeper as he kissed down to my chest and finally feeling his third knuckle on the inside of me while the rest of them rested against my ass and he wrapped his lips around my left nipple. Fuck. He is driving me crazy.  
He started to pump his finger in and out of my trying to drive it deeper and deeper while he massaged my nipple with his tongue and nibbled on it with his teeth lightly. As he pulled his middle finger out and I lost the feeling of him inside of me he started to lick down my stomach and without warning other than him shifting between my legs. I felt him lick right between my pussy lips sucking my labia’s into his mouth and moaning against my pussy.  
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh fucking God.  
“Oh fuck.” I said moaning. My head can’t be pressed harder into the pillows as it already was against them as far as it could go. He started lapping his tongue against my clit gliding his teeth against it as he slipped a second finger in with his middle finger. This time I can feel his fingers stretching me open and moving in an up and down motion against the soft spot of my vagina at the very top. He moaned against my clit flicking his fingers very fast against my g-spot. It was making my toes curl and without thinking I let my left hand run through his hair and grab on hard.  
“Oh fuck. Please. Oh my God that feels so fucking good. Please.” I kept saying it over and over again and he continued to repeat the same motions over and over again.  
He pulled his lips and tongue away from my clit and started to forcefully flick his fingers against my g-spot and got rougher in the motion with his wrist. I started to hear what sounded like a sloshing sound from within my pussy and a gush of fluid left my body and I was shaking and grabbed onto the bed sheet beside me tightly. I felt like the wind was sucked out of me and my abs tightened.  
“Oh fuck!” I moaned out loud as he dove right back between my legs licking every drop that was between my legs. Oh fuck it’s so sensitive. He pulled his lips away from my pussy lips again and pulled his fingers out of my pussy. Oh god no. Please. I want more.  
He moved his left hand to my clit and started massaging it again. Oh god the orgasm was coming back quickly.  
“Fuck please I need you I need to feel you.” I said whining out a bit.  
“You can’t I wasn’t planning on having sex so I didn’t pack a condom on me.” He said.  
“I’m allergic to latex. I had my tubes tide two years ago and they checked and made sure it stuck. I’m not going to get-“ He cut me off my kissing me quickly and then pulled me to a seated position and he laid on his back. Oh fuck he wants me on top? I hate being on top. Fuck it.  
I got up and straddled him as he positioned his cock right at my entrance I slowly forced myself down on him. I managed to get half way before it started to hurt a little. He was bigger than anyone I have ever been with. He was also thicker than everyone I have been with. I tried to get further down but it was too painful to do all at once so I started to pull him out a little and forced myself down again. Hissing as he slid deeper but not much farther. He sat up a little and wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up enough with him still tucked inside me and put me on my back. I think I might have been going to slow for him.  
Fuck me. He rolled his hips in towards me and he managed to get further inside. He started to pull out and rolled his hips back into me and managed to bottom out inside of me. I felt his balls slap against my ass as a moan escaped his throat. Oh god that was so sexy. He pulled my legs up towards his shoulders and rested them against his shoulders and started to lean against my chest. My knees now touching my shoulders as he rolled his hips into me thrusting further into me. As his arms stayed by my head keeping himself up. He kept us like that for a couple of minutes before releasing one of my legs and driving his cock deeper into me closing the gap between my mouth and his and kissing me. He put all of his weight on his right hand and moved his left hand to my throat. Oh god. He started to put some pressure against my throat and it proceeded to get me wetter and closer to another orgasm. It started to sound like a gush of water again.  
“Open your mouth.” He said. Oh fuck what’s about to happen? I opened my mouth as much as I could with his hand pressed against my throat. He spit in my mouth and I immediately closed my mouth and swallowed it. That wasn’t what I was normally into but right now this man was making everything hot and a turn on.  
“Oh fuck me. You are fucking tight and I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?” He asked and moaned out every word. I know where I want it. I want it buried inside of me. I have no reason to be worried about it.  
“Please. Oh god please inside of me.” I moaned out.  
“Only if you squirt for me again. I know your ready too.” The sloshing sound got louder. He gripped my neck tighter and another gush of liquid came out of me. Soaking his cock with my squirt and he returned the favor slamming his cock balls deep inside of me. Moaning and groaning as he released his cum deep inside of my pussy. I felt his thighs tighten as he was Cumming inside of me. Oh my God that was so fucking hot.  
After a moment of him leaving his cock inside me he started to pull out. He started to soften up again and he laid down next to me. Fuck I’m tired for real now. Oh god I don’t want to move but it’s a mess down there. I need to clean it up.  
“Where is your bathroom and rags or wipes or whatever you use?” He asked me. “My bathroom is right there and” I pointed towards the door next to my closet, “the rags are under the sink along with wipes. You just have to pick your poison.” I said.  
He got off of the bed and made his way to my bathroom. It was so quiet in the apartment now that even with the door closed I could still hear him peeing. My eyes started to close and when I thought I was on the brink of sleep I felt something very cold between my legs.  
“Oh my god.” I said as I looked down. He was using the wipes to clean up the cum he left inside of me that was now dripping out of me.  
“Such a pretty sight to see too bad.” He said as he continued to wipe everything out and then dried my pussy with the rag in his hand. He walked back into my bathroom and put the rag in my hamper and the dirty wipes into the trash can.  
“I thought you said your tubes were tied?” He asked but it sounded more like a statement as he walked put of the bathroom holding my birth control tablets. “I am I just don’t take chances. I take that as a secondary. I don’t want kids of my own. If I did that whole thing I’d rather adopt or join someone’s family. I don’t want to do the baby thing. I worked to hard to lose weight I don’t want to gain it back during a pregnancy.” I said very honestly. He walked over to the end table and sat the birth control on it. He crawled back into bed next to me and pulled me back into him so my back was to his chest.  
“Goodnight beautiful. I’m really glad you decided to stay around at dinner. Thank you for dessert.” He said putting a kiss to the side of my head.  
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as a blush formed and I dozed off pretty quick laying next to him.  
*The aftermath*  
8 hours later is was close to noon I heard some banging on my door.  
“Hey y/n are you alive in there?” my roommate screamed through my door.  
I started to rub my eyes to get some of the fogginess out of them. I felt an arm around my waist and I turned my head towards the back of me to see Matthew still asleep. I felt something poking me between my legs and moaned against him trying to move my pussy closer but immediately regretted it because it was sore from a few hours ago.  
“y/n if you don’t open or at least answer me then I’m going to be forced to come in.” without missing a beat or giving me a chance to respond she walked right into my room and her mouth fell open. I shushed her and motioned for her to leave the room. My boobs on full display not under the covers and his hand was grabbing my left boob. He squeezed it gently and got closer to my ear and moaned into it thrusting against me. I closed my eyes and moaned at the motion and my friend slowly backed out of the room closing the door. Oh my God. I could stand to have a few more orgasms. Fuck I’m going to need a couple of gallons of water first though.  
~sorry for the very drawn out fanfiction. If I had just gotten straight to the point I wouldn’t have been able to picture the full story. I have read through this twice so if there are errors in this I am really sorry. This took me a couple of days to write and I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more please let me know in the comments and give me some ideas. I’m open to requests.~ 
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anonymouse1312437 ¡ 5 months
Meet & Greet
~ Explicit! E is not for everyone! 18+ Only! 
 Minors DNI  
This contains fluff and Smut  
Please be nice I am just getting back into writing fanfics. I hope you enjoy! ~ 
Word count: 8,398 words  
Random Matthew Lillard Smut/fluff 
Today is the day I am going to meet my favorite celebrity. | can't wait to see this grown man. All of his work is impeccable. My favorite is when he played a secret serial killer. Ghostface. Scream is my favorite horror film. Stu Matcher. One of the best Ghostface in the series. He made a great William Afton. Matthew Lillard is by far my favorite male actor. The people in line before me waiting to meet the wonderful person started to quiet down. He must have arrived. 
"Hey everyone, I want the ones who are disabled or somehow on the spectrum to make their way to the front of the line" 
Matthew himself hollered. I saw a few people shift and move to the front of the line with nervous jitters. 
He truly is amazing. What a kind thing to do. I was in two other lines before, and they did not do that. The line moved somewhat quickly but, he tried his best to spend time with each person but, the staff continued to rush him. The closer I got to him I could tell he was getting increasingly frustrated. It was not with his fans but with the convention workers.  
"Next in line please.” A blonde angry looking woman said. 
I was almost at the front of the line. There were two people in front of me still. I was almost able to get an autograph and picture with him. So very close. 
"You know what, I need a break right now. I am getting very upset." I heard him say to a different staff member. 
"Alright everyone, Mr. Lillard is going to take a break. He will resume in an hour. sorry for the inconvenience." A parade of fans sighed. some of them got angry and stormed off. I, however, stayed put. The two people in front of me also stepped out of line. Making me the first person for when he returns. I did not want to wait another hour in line again if I could avoid it. I sat on the floor and took out my phone to play on it while I waited. I opened Tumblr and decided to read some of the fanfic others have written about him. 
Twenty minutes passed by and as I moved on to the next little story about him, I noticed it was a more explicit writing. I loved reading the smut about him. I managed to get through most of it and had gotten to the words, 
"And he growled and moaned into my ear as he thrusted into me harder as he filled me with his cum.” As someone cleared their throat behind me. Great, this is slightly awkward. I locked my phone and set it on my lap. 
I looked behind me and followed the tall figure up to the head of the person behind me and my jaw dropped open. It was him. Matthew Lillard. Shit. How long was he standing there? I started to feel my cheeks get warm. I am so embarrassed.  
"That looked like an interesting read." He said and smiled down at me. I don't think I can even form words right now. 
"I especially liked the ending." He chuckled. I smiled a little. I stood up and put my phone in my back pocket.  
"I couldn't be more embarrassed. Hey, my name is y/n." I smiled at him still blushing like a mad person. 
"Nice to meet you. Why don't you come sit over here at the table with me." He said. 
I followed him over to the table. 
"Is this allowed I don't want to get you into any trouble. I also don't want to impose or ruin your break." I said. I really do not want to take up his time to relax or embarrass myself more than I already have. 
"Don't worry. It’s fine. I have another forty minutes of free time and if I want to spend it with a friend I will." He said. Damn it! I was able to get my blushing under control finally and now I am blushing again. For being in my twenties my reactions don't act like it.  
"So, what is your favorite movie? " He asked.  
"Overall? Or something you were in?" I questioned. He gave me a big smile. 
"Overall." He kept the same smile on his face. 
"Okay I would say my favorite is a rom-com. 50 first dates. I think Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore make the best on screen couple even if the movie over all is incredibly cheesy. Now, my favorite horror movie would be Scream." I said proud of my answer.  
"That is a pretty good movie. Now, you don't have to throw the scream movie out there to boost my ego." He laughed a little.  
"Oh, I mean it. It's a good movie." I smiled at him. “I am sure you know that though. You happen to be my favorite actor.” I said sheepishly. He blushed a little.  
“Now you really are trying to boost my ego, aren’t you? No need to do that. I mean it’s nice but, you don’t have to.” He said with a smile.  
“I mean it’s the main reason I came to comic con this year. I was not going to if I did not think it was going to be worth it. Meeting you definitely made it worth it. I bought the tickets so last minute that I didn’t think I would get a chance to buy the photos with you. Sorry. I will try to calm down the super fan thing.” I said, trying to calm down the excitement. He just laughed lightly and tried to hide his blush, but it crept onto his cheeks.  
“Mr. Lillard, is this fan bothering you? Also, it’s only about five minutes until the signings and photos start back up.” The blonde angry looking lady said.  
“No, they are fine. They are not bothering me. That is quite all right thank you for the five-minute warning.” he said, smiling at her and she walked off. “It’s really all right. It happens by the way. I’m kind of used to it. Eventually the shock of it will wear off. I’m just like you in many ways, I’m sure. Just a different job is all.” He said. I’m sure he is trying to ease my comfort but, that doesn’t help at all.  
“I don’t mean to pry but, are you feeling all right? It almost seemed like you were a bit frustrated which kind of sprang on the need for a break.” I said almost mumbling the last part.  
“Definitely a little frustrated. I don’t like to be rushed when meeting fans. You all paid a lot to do the autographs and photos and rushing it really is wrong. I don’t like it when the staff pushes people to rush. It’s also how people get hurt and I really don’t want that.” He said. “Time flies though when you have someone nice to talk to. Even if they are fanning over you. Mind if I ask how old you are?” He questioned me.  
“I am twenty-five. I guess I'm still technically in my prime but, you know how life goes. I don’t exactly act like it.” I smiled. “Maybe I should get out of your hair. You are going to get busy again. I am feeling a little selfish right now because I definitely got more time than I should have with you.” I smiled.  
“Well, wait. You also were in line for everything what did you want me to sign?” 
“Oh, I was going to have you sign on my arm if that’s okay?” I don’t want to creep him out but, I want to get it tattooed.  
“Are you planning to tattoo it?” He asked. Damn I know I am not the only one to think of it, but I don’t want him to say no. I also don’t want to lie to him either. I nodded my head and he smiled at me again.  
“Alright. That’s definitely some pressure then. I cannot mess it up.” He laughed louder. I held out my left arm and he started to look at the other tattoos on it.  
“Where did you want it?” He asked.  
“Right next to the semi-colon.” I smiled at him. He grabbed my arm and started to sign his name, so it was facing me. Once he finished signing his name, he stepped away from me.  
“And your picture?” He said. I pulled my phone out and pulled my camera up.  
‘Here let me see if you don’t mind.” He said holding out his hand to grab my phone. I let him have my phone and he started to take photos of us. He took like ten photos of the two of us and handed my phone back. I put my phone into my back pocket to make sure I didn’t lose it.  
“It was really nice talking to you today. Thank you for keeping me company. I appreciate it.” He said and pulled me in for a hug. I gave him a hug and pulled away.  
Oh, my goodness it was that amazing. Best day ever. I waved goodbye and walked off as I saw a bunch of people start lining up again for autographs and photos.  
I spent the next two hours going through the convention and buying some stuff from the vendors. After that I felt pretty tired and I had paid to stay in the hotel across the street. The Hyatt was a pretty nice hotel and subway was next to it but, there was also a bar within walking distance. I started to make my way to the hotel and went to check in at the front desk.  
I handed my card over to the receptionist and she verified that it was me and handed over my key card. I went up to my room 304 and opened the door. I stepped inside to the first hotel room I rented by myself. It was beautiful. It had a king bed. A beautiful white plush duvet and fluffy pillows on the bed. A nice flat screen TV on a dresser and lamps that hung off the wall. It was beautiful. I walked over to the bed and plopped down on it. I know my house is only 30 miles away but, this was a great idea. I love a stay cation. I just laid on the bed ignoring the world for twenty minutes before finally taking my phone out of my pocket and opening up the gallery. I started to flip through the pictures from today and after a few minutes got to the ones Matthew took of the two of us. He was so tall. So very handsome. He still looked similar to when he was working on five nights at Freddy’s. The black hair, his salt and pepper beard. The mustache. It was all there. He looked like he was muscular. The hug only confirmed how he has the perfect amount of muscle but wasn’t ridiculous. He didn’t have abs but he doesn’t need them. He is perfect the way he is. Fuck me. I push myself off of the mattress and stand back up. I open my backpack and pull out a couple of outfits. What do I want to wear tonight?  
My options are a black skinny Jeans and a crop top. Or shorts and a t-shirt. Both go great with my tennis shoes. I have two extra pairs of socks and some boots in my bag as well. That was fun taking this through the security check. I’ll decide later. I am just going to shower really quick and rinse off and then I’ll get ready to go grab something to eat.  
I pull my hair tie off my wrist and put my hair up. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I made sure to put it on hot water and grabbed the wash rag the hotel provided and the body wash. I got undressed and stepped inside of the shower. I started to wash myself and then I remembered about his autograph on my arm. Shit. Shit. Shit. No. God damn it. No!  
I looked next to my semi colon and half of it was already washed off. Fuck me. That really sucks. I meant to not get that part wet and I messed it up. How fucking dumb of me. I finished up the shower with tears rolling down my cheeks. That fucking sucks. I mean I still have the memory of today but, that won’t last forever. The tattoo was going to last forever.  
I guess it will be fine. I got put of the shower and dried off. I went back over to the bed and reached for the t-shirt and shorts. I put on a new pair of socks and put my shoes on. I took the hair tie out of my hair and shook it out. My curls came back to life. I hated makeup so I opted to not wear any tonight. I think I look better without it anyway. I grabbed my phone off of the bed and slid it into my back pocket and grabbed my wallet and slid that into my other back pocket. Alright time to go to the bar. I need a drink after washing off the autograph like an idiot. 
I made my way out of the hotel and walked a block away to the bar. Once I walked in I heard the music faintly in the background. It was I want to rock and roll all night by kiss. I could karaoke to this song if I was drunk enough. I made my way over to the bar and sat down on a stool. I waited for the bartender to make their way over to me.  
“Is this seat taken?” Someone poked me on my right shoulder and gestured to the right of me.  
“Not at all.” I said. He was handsome. He was pale and slender. Had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He looked like he was around my age.  
“My name is Daniel. Can I buy you a drink?” He said.  
“Hey I’m y/n and I don’t see why not.” I said with a smile. He gestured to have the bartender come over.  
“I would like a vodka soda and she would like-“ He motioned to me.  
“I would like a whiskey please.” I said and Daniel looked at me with a smile. The bartender nodded and walked off to make us our drinks.  
“Wow a strong drink and not a mixed drink. That’s pretty hot. I’m not going to lie to you.” I smiled at his comment.  
“Thank you. I like my drinks strong. Helps get rid of any mistakes I might make or have made.” I said as my drink was handed to me by the bartender. Daniel handed the bartender his card and quickly paid for the drinks.  
“Hey do you mind if I sit next to you?” I heard someone say. There is a familiarity  to this person’s voice.  
“Yeah sure.” I said again refocusing my attention to Daniel.  
“You here by yourself tonight?” He asked me. I don’t want to say yes. He seems nice but, I don’t get a great feeling from him.  
“No my friend is just in the bathroom. She should be here any moment with her boyfriend and his friend.” I said.  
“Oh so like a double date?” He asked.  
“Yeah I guess you could say that.  
“Oh okay, well I will get out of your hair then. Sorry.” He said. I smiled as he made his way away from me.  
I drank the rest of the whiskey and was getting ready to flag the bartender over but the person on my left flagged them down and ordered a bourbon.  
"Do you mind topping off this young woman's drink.” He added and pointed to me. 
"Oh thank you for doing that I could have done that. " I said and finally looked at who sat next to me. It took a minute for my brain to register that it was Matthew Lillard. 
"Decided against getting it tattooed huh?" He said with a slight smile. 
"No, believe me I was upset when I realized I forgot that it was there and half of it was gone already. I was going to try and go back to your panel tomorrow to see if you could autograph it again." I said and looked down at my wrist. 
"Well here." He grabbed my wrist and pulled a marker out of his pocket and signed next to my semi colon again. He added a small heart next to it and that made me smile big. My cheeks got red as I started to blush. 
"I knew that was gonna make you blush!" He laughed and I grabbed my face in an attempt to hide my cheeks.  
"Stop it. I never blush and today I just can’t stop. I only ever blush if I think someone is extremely attractive.” I threw that in there to see if he would also blush and it worked. He was blushing and it was really cute to see. I pulled my hands away from my face. 
"Now we are even!" I smiled at him. The bartender came back and handed us our drinks. I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket and pulled out my card. I started to hand it to the bartender but Matthew pushed my hand down and offered the bartender his card.  
"Absolutely not. Let me pay. Including your drink." I said. 
"No way. I don't mind buying. You have managed to make what was going to be a rather frustrating day to a good day. This is my way of thanking you.” He smiled saying every word. 
"Well, thank you. Have you eaten dinner yet?" I asked. I really hope he says no. I would like to eat up my time with him, 
"I have not. I don't know what's around here outside of the subway next to my hotel." He said and I couldn't hide my blush or smile. "Well that and it's hard to enjoy a night out without people stopping and asking to take a picture with me." He added. 
"Well it might be a little forward of me but, if your open to it maybe we could order something and hang out at my hotel." I immediately felt like a creep. "I'm sorry I just thought that it would be private so you wouldn't have to deal with everyone else. I understand how creepy I must sound. I am really sorry.” I said and started to drink my whiskey again. 
"I actually would like that. That is if it's still an option." He said downing the rest of his drink. I sat therein shock. He said yes. Did I leave anything embarrassing out? I don't think I did. 
“Yeah let's go then. But, I get to pay for dinner." I said and saw him smile. I stood up and put my wallet in my pocket and double checked that my phone was still in my pocket. I made my way out of the bar with him following me. He stepped to the side of me and walked in tandem with me.  
"What did you want to eat?" He asked me. 
"I am up for anything what would you like to eat?" I asked. 
"I could also go for anything. Subway is right there we can go order really quick and take it there.” He offered. 
"Sure." I said and walked with him into subway. As we heard the chimes from he door one of the workers looked up from their phone. It was an hour until closing so it makes sense that they are not busy and have been on there phones. 
"Hello what can I get started for you today?" The worker asked. He motioned for me to go first.  
"I would like a six inch sub on italian herbs and cheese with pepper jack cheese toasted please." I said and she started to make the sandwich and put it in the toaster. 
"And for you Sir?" She asked Matthew. 
"I will just get the same thing she is getting to make it simple.” he said and she nodded. 
"Are you sure? I am about to get a really bland sandwich." I mentioned. 
"Yeah it will be fine." He said. 
Once the toaster was done I added ham and turkey, mayonnaise and mustard and that was it. She made sure both sandwiches were made the same way and walked us down to the checkout.  
"Alright did you want to add chips and a drink to your order today?" she asked. 
"Yes two large drinks and two chips." I said and walked over to the chip shelves they have and grabbed some of the cool ranch doritos and looked back at him to see what he wanted and he motioned for the same chips. I turned back around to grab the chips when I heard her ask him if it was going to be cash or card and he responded with card. When I turned around I quickly moved to his side and bumped him out of the way lightly. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed my card and used the tap to pay and put my card away. Matthew sighed and put his card back in his wallet. He grabbed the sandwich bag with our chips and I grabbed the cups. 
"What would you like to drink?" I asked him. He looked over his options for a moment. 
"A sprite is fine.” He said.  
I filled up both of our cups with ice and sprite and we headed out of the store. I walked him to the hotel next door and walked over to the elevator. He followed behind me. 
"This is your hotel?" he asked while looking at me. 
"yes it is why?” I asked. 
"This is also my hotel for the next couple of nights." He said. 
"That is pretty cool. At least when you get sick of hanging out with me it won't be a long walk to your hotel." I smiled. 
"I am sure I won't get sick of you.” He added. 
Well shit. That made me blush again. I hope he doesn't ditch me too soon. If I am Iucky he won't ditch me at all tonight. Once the elevator doors open up on the third floor I walk us over to my door. He grabbed one of the drinks from my hand in order to help me free up my hands to get my key card. I got my wallet out of my back pocket and opened it up and grabbed my key card. I tapped it on the door and it unlocked. I stepped into the room holding the door open for him.   
“Wow. It’s nice in your room. I mean it's nice in mine too but, I guess I just expect it to be different some how and it's not." He said. I giggled at his observation and sat on the bed and sat the drink on the end table. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. I flipped through the channels on the TV until I found a movie. It was Blended. Another good Adam Sandler movie.  
“Is this okay?” I asked him.  
“Yeah that’s a good movie. I have seem it many times and it makes me laugh every time.” He said still standing up. I pat the bed next to me as an indication to come sit down and he moved to that side of the bed and set his drink down on that end table. He sat the bag of food next to me and sat on the bed. He bent over and undid his shoes and then moved to lean against the headboard and propped his feet up on the bed. I grabbed the bag and handed him a sandwich. I pulled out my sandwich and opened it up. I took a bite and realized that maybe eating subway was a bad idea. I wrapped the sandwich up and put it on the end table. I took a drink and moved the chips to the end table too. A few minutes into the movie he was rolling his sandwich paper into a ball and threw it towards the garbage. He managed to make it in but, left the chips on the end table. He took a drink of his soda and put it back on the end table. He moved a little closer to the middle of the bed which meant he was closer to me. I took another drink myself and set it back down. I readjusted myself closer to the middle of the bed without trying to touch him.  
“Was your day good at least?” He asked me.  
“Yeah it was actually pretty good. It’s actually been my first relaxing day in a while.” I said.  
“Well that’s good. If this was your relaxing day what is a normal day for you?” He asked looking at me.  
“Well I’m a accounting major so I am mainly in the books as a full time job and on my free time I’m an author. I switch between writing romance books and fanfiction if I’m truly bored or need something to get rid of the writers block.” I said and smiled.  
“Well your day job sounds a bit boring and hard and if you write for fun in your free time does that mean you have something published? Even if fanfiction is your answer that technically counts.” He said chuckling towards the tail end of that.  
“I just published my first book a month ago. I haven’t advertised it the way I should. I am supposed to start advertising it this week during one of my days off. But, I am a bit nervous because I used a lot of real life inspiration behind it. Which means it can go one of two ways with the public. My day job is not boring it’s just not for everyone I suppose. I’m a numbers person. I enjoy doing mathematical stuff all day. It’s actually a bit relaxing for me.” I said.  
“Wow, a nerd at heart then. You don’t find that a lot these days.” He said with a big smile on his face.  
“I love being a nerd. It’s my favorite. I mean don’t get me wrong if I’m not working or writing, I’m reading or playing games. I prefer board games and card games over video games but, some times I play those too. Or I crochet. Which has become another favorite past time. I’m sorry I babble a lot.” I say now looking towards my hands.  
“It’s really okay. It’s nice to hear that you not entirely crazy. You know liking math is something that makes you crazy. Everything else makes you human. Well I mean the fanfiction is questionable. Depends on what you write about.” He laughed a little bit.  
“I mean I write it all. I have no shame about writing inappropriate things. My romance book is a dark romance. It’s full of erotic scenes. Which is why fanfiction sometimes helps me get past my writers block.” I add a little more honestly.  
“So does that mean you have written about me? Or any of the characters I have played?” He asked and looked at me with a big grin. I couldn’t look at him. A smile crept onto my face and I tried to cover my face quickly but he saw me blush right away.  
“You have written about me.” He started to laugh a little harder. “Okay, now was it me or a character or yes like all of the above?” He asked and I felt my cheeks get even more red. “Oh its been all of them. Can I read one? Or even two? Please? I just want to see what your writing style is like.” He said and my jaw dropped and I let my hands fall from my face.  
“Oh absolutely not. I may enjoy writing it but, I could never imagine you reading something I wrote. I knew there was always a chance you might see it one day but, having you read it directly next to me? I think I will pass. Absolutely not.” I said laughing through it nervously.  
“Maybe you could read it to me then? Skip the parts you don’t want me to know?” He asked again this time batting his eyes.  
“That would be the entire thing. No way. I would rather you read them by yourself. I couldn’t read that out loud to you.” I noted.  
“Are you shy about what you wrote or is it that filthy?” He smiled a bit at me. “What character of mine do you write the most about?” I know who I have written about more than enough times to tell him but, what does that say about me? Yes Stu might be my favorite but when writing scenes it’s always William afton. Something about the depiction is the best. Do I say it? Do I not? Oh my God. I think I’m going to say it.  
“If it’s not you as yourself then I guess it would be William Afton. Stu Matcher may be my favorite but writing wise it’s gotta be William Afton.” He laughed a bit at my response. 
“I am already embarrassed as is. You don’t have to laugh too.” I started to laugh myself to try and hide my blush but, it fails. I shrink back into the bed and hide my face with my hands and rest my head on the pillow.  
“Don’t be embarrassed everyone has their preference. But what is it about that character? Or me? Like what vibe do you get that you write about? I want to know if it’s accurate to what actually happens with me.” He asked.  
“I would say with you if your talking about the dynamic and style I would say your adaptive to your person. What ever they want you want to give them. So if the person your with wants a rough ride you give it to them or if they want soft or a mix that’s what you do. Now William I see him being more of a dominating person. The man that says get on your knees and take it or I’m going to make you take it kind of person. I don’t know I guess that’s what kind of vibe I get.” I say. I stand up and take my wallet and phone out of my back pocket and set it inside the drawer of the end table. I don’t need it right now anyway. I bent down and took off my shoes while I was at it and sat back on the bed next to him. My leg brushing against his leg.  
“You are so fucking tall. Your legs alone are a half a foot to a foot longer than mine.” I giggled.  
“Or you are just incredibly short. What are you 5’5?” He laughed and started to focus on the TV a bit more.  
“I wish I am 5’3 that two inches is much necessary for my height. It would make a difference to have an additional two inches somewhere.” I laughed and quickly realized how that must have sounded.  
“Oh god that sounded awful.” I started to laugh a bit too hard at my own wording. He started to crack up and patted my leg when he started to calm down. If only he had hit my thigh a little further up. The skin contact is much wanted.  
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get physical with you.” He said as he pulled his hand from my leg.  
“I didn’t mind one bit.” I said with a little grin on my face.  
“Alright missy. Calm down now. If I don’t get to read one then I’m not trying to create one.” He said and I immediately turned red. What did he just say? If he doesn’t get to read one then he isn’t trying to create one? Uhm yes please. I don’t know if he is teasing me but, maybe I can do it back and see how far it goes. 
“Oh don’t tempt me like that. I know when to stop being embarrassed and show off my writing when I’m threatened with a good time.” I smiled and looked towards the TV.  
“Then let me read one if you think you can do that.” He said and smiled towards the TV. I turned towards the end table and pulled my phone out. I unlocked it and opened up my tumblr and went to my latest fanfic about him and handed him my phone. It was a William Afton based one so this should be interesting. He grabbed my phone and started to read it. He is kind of like me in the sense of how ling it takes to read something. It took a minute before I saw him scrolling down. The ending is more or less the filthy part of it. The choking, gagging, ass smacking and grabbing. The bruising every aspect of it was utter filth. I enjoyed writing it. He started to shift a little as he was reading parts of it and I am trying my best to not stare at him while he reads. I kept trying to focus on the scene on front of me when Drew Barrymores character is putting makeup on the little blonde girl. He cleared his throat next to me so I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw he was towards the bottom already. He shifted again pulling at a pant leg. Almost like a readjustment but I didn’t want to assume. I started to get antsy because I knew he was done with the one at this point but he clicked off of that and started to read a second one. This one I knew was Stu Matchers. That one was a bit darker and more sadistic in nature. That one was bound to be more of a red flag about me if anything. A few more minutes pass before I look over and this time I notice him reading one about himself that I wrote. No character needed or necessary. It was just him. Being a rough person from behind and getting more adventures. He cleared his throat again before handing me back my phone.  
“I would say you definitely have a way with words. They are pretty good. I would also say you have the characters nearly spot on with what I think they would like. It’s interesting to know that I can convey it that way without having to I guess show it in that way.” He said again shifting and letting one of his legs off of the best and sitting himself further up.  
“Are you okay? You seem a bit restless?” I asked him.  
“Yeah I am fine. It’s just those were very detailed.” He said hiding a blush.  
“Oh so are you? I mean never mind.” I started to laugh. Uh oh. I did warn him I write that sort of material so this is his own fault. I looked over and his eyes were closed and he looked like he was trying his best to subside this new feeling in the room. I looked back at the TV and thankfully it was at another funny part so I started to laugh and put my hand on his thigh. I have seen this movie plenty of times to know even though it is funny I wouldn’t actually be laughing anymore. I felt the muscle in his thigh tighten and I gave it a light squeeze and just lightly pulled my hand off of his thigh.  
Once my hand left his leg he stood up. I pressed my luck to far. I knew it. Shit. He is going to bail. I should have left it as is. We were having a good time.   
“Please don’t start this. Don’t actually start this. It’s been awhile for me and I’m an incredibly lonely man in that sense. I am eating up all the attention you are giving me right now and you are half of my age. I have been alone for awhile now. All of my stuff is public so I am sure you know that I am completely alone and this attention. Yeah I’m loving every part of it but, of you start and I lean into it please don’t take it back.” He said looking at me talking with his hands. I saw the veins in his neck tighten a little and he was shifting his weight between his feet almost like he was rocking himself. I stood up and got close to him. I was only an arm distance away from where he was standing and I closed the gap.  
“I didn’t mean to start it but, I would really like to continue if you let me. I’m sure as hell not going to want to stop either.” I said reaching out for him. He was in a standard  black t-shirt and washed our blue jeans. I started to play with the hem of his shirt while looking at the bottom of it. I wanted to try and take his shirt off of him but, before I could I felt his right hand touch my neck. He added a little force to the back of my neck and pulled me the rest of the way toward him and looked down towards me and forced my head to look up towards him. He closed the gap and leaned down and kissed me. It wasn’t something cheesy. It wasn’t magical it was full of lust and desire. Right in this moment he wanted this as badly as I did.  
He let his tongue slowly glide against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a little more for him. He deepened the kiss a little more and his left hand started to rest on my waist. I felt a little pressure coming from his left hand and realized the was trying to push me backwards towards the bed. I kept my footing and again made an attempt to take his shirt off again. This time I was more successful. He pulled away from me and pulled his shirt over his head. He reached for my shirt and pulled it off of me. He closed the gap between us again and started kissing me again pulling at the button on my shorts. He managed to get the button undone and he attempted to push them down around my hips but I stopped him. I pushed him away from me slightly and pulled my shorts off myself. while I was down there I also took off my socks. In a swift movement I fell down onto my knees and undid his pants and pulled them down to his ankles and he kicked them off along with his socks. 
| pulled him closer to me and slowly ran my fingers up his thigh and stopped both my hands when they got to his hips. I moved my right hand to his penis and gripped it at the base.  
"You don't have to- " He started to say but. I cut him off by lightly licking the tip of his cock and circling my tongue around the head of his penis. Wrapping my lips around the head once I was done enjoying the moan it pulled from him.  
"Fuck me.” He mumbled in a low moan. 
That's what is egging me on right now. What an amazing sound. I wonder what sound I will get from him when I do this. I slowly move my head in a back and forth motion and finally thrust my head forward and bury his cock down my throat making me gag a little as I get to the base of his cock. I ran my tongue out past my bottom lip and lick his balls as best as I can. A growl escapes the back of his throat and a moan follows as his hands rush to the back of my head holding it there. He is by no means a small or average sized man. I just buried at least eight to nine inches down my throat. 
“Fuck, fuck, okay" He said with a moan following each word. He finally released the grip from my head and reached for my arm and pulled me up towards him. He leaned down and started to kiss me again this time pushing me back into the bed. 
"My turn. Crawl up to the middle of the bed.” He said in a hushed tone. I immediately shifted my weight onto my arms and pulled myself to the middle of the bed and watched him follow.  
“Hand me a pillow.” He motioned for a pillow beside my head and I gave him one. He crawled between my legs and pulled my waist up and plopped the pillow under it and my ass. He got back off of the bed and laid directly in front of me on his stomach with his head between my legs. I didn’t prepare for this. I had stubble on my vagina. I was not prepared for it to have a conversation with anyone.  
 “Fuck you look so good.” He said. I thought I was going to swoon harder. Before I could give an honest attempt to try and stop him from dining in on my pussy he dove right in. He glided his tongue up against my labias and wrapped his lips around them biting them lightly. He repeated the motion a couple of times before running his tongue flat against my clit. I threw my head back at the feeling and a deep moan escaped from me. One I have never made before. He continued the three motions before humming against my clit and drawing circles and the alphabet on it. He bit down on my clit which felt so good I reached down and slid my fingers into his hair and held him at that spot to have him do it again.  
“Oh fuck. That feels really good." I said. Talking isn’t my strong suit during sex. He hummed against my clit again and I felt his left hand leave my right thigh. He nibbled on my clit again and started to push a finger in from his left hand. Fuck. I can tell how he has barely gotten to his first knuckle. He started licking and massaging my clit more as he got to his second knuckle and another bite when he got to his third knuckle. He thrusted that finger in and out of me until I could no longer feel every detail of his finger and then he added a second and went again. I felt dangerously close to an orgasm already. He started to move the two fingers inside of me in an up and down motion against the softer part of the top of my pussy. It felt like it was on the other side of my clit. That's a new feeling. 
"Fuck. Oh fuck." I said panting and moaning between each word. There is a lot of pressure building up against me right now. 
"Oh god. Fuck me." I can't stop whats about to happen. It feels like waves are crashing down. I get louder with the moans and I start to fell like I soaked my bed all of a sudden. What the fuck was that?  
"Fuck me that was so fucking hot.” Matthew said and crawled up so he was now hovering over me. He leaned down and started to kiss me again. 
" Damn it." He said. "I don't think I have a condom." He mentioned.  
"I don't have one but, I am clean and l have an IUD as birth control. I am not going to get pregnant. I'm good with this if you are.” I said and he looked at me. I can't read his expression right now. 
" If not I can go back to su- " I was in the middle of my sentence when he cut me off by kissing me again. He rested his weight on his left arm and lined himself up with my vagina. He slowly started to thrust into me and the thickness of his cock started to stretch me open. 
"Oh fuck." My eyes closed and my head fell further back onto the pillow. 
"Fuck you are so tight around me” He moaned out.  
I could feel the tip just barely get past the opening. As he thrusted further I could feel the veins on his cock. He kept going slow until I felt his balls against my ass and his head dropped down to my neck. He started to pull his cock out and when the tip felt the breeze from inside the room he thrusted himself inside the deeper and faster. He continued to be rough with me on my back.  
"Wait – Please wait." I panted out. 
"Can I get into a better position for this Please?" I asked. He crawled off of me and readjusted myself on all fours in front of him. I fucking love doggy style. I felt his hand lightly trace my ass before taking it off. I felt it come back down with force across it and a deep moan came out of me. He positioned himself back into me. Now resting his hands on my hips. He started to thrust forward into me but pulling my hips into him forcing his cock even deeper inside of me. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out.  
"Fuck you feel so damn good!" He said between thrusts. He moved his right hand to the small of my back and put his left hand into my hair and pulled me to sit up against him. 
“Who am I right now in your mind darling ?" He asked holding me against him.  
" You are you. Matthew." I said not really sure what he means. 
"Try again" He thrusted harder into me. Moving his left hand from my hair to my throat squeezing it. 
"Who are you fucking right now darling? Tell me." He said repeatedly slamming into me. His grip on my throat getting stronger. As he slams back into me his right hand snakes around the front of me and starts massaging my clit. Oh fuck he is hitting that spot again.  
"Tell me." He moans into my ear nibbling it. 
"William Afton." I say moaning it out. The last scene I wrote on the fanfic. I get it now. 
"It got me so hard." He thrusted into me again. The feeling coming back of a wave crashing was just a thrust away. 
"Lay on your back. I want to see what you look like when you squirt around my cock." 
He pulled out of me and I immediately laid on my back opening my legs for him. He quickly repositioned himself again and thrusted into me and found the right spot, He started thrusting against it hard and fast and within seconds I felt my toes curl.  Oh fuck. Oh god. I started to shake a little under him. 
"That's it. Squirt all over my cock." He moaned into my ear and bit down on my neck.  
"Oh fuck." I felt every gush leave my body. 
"Oh fuck yes. I am going to cum." He moaned into my ear his pace picking up. He moaned really loud and I started to feel every drop fill me up. I had a smaller orgasm at the feeling. I grinded a little against him to get the last bit of friction I so desperately wanted. 
"Oh god. That was amazing. Thank you."  He said and slowly pulled himself out of me hissing as it finally felt the cold air again. I can't believe that just happened. He rolled off of me and onto his back.  
I went to sit up but immediately felt sore. Fuck the button half of me hurts. 
"Let me help you." He said and got up. He walked into the bathroom and grabbed a new wash cloth and wet it. He brought it back into the room and wiped up the mess he made between my legs.  
"Fuck, that was cold." I said and laughed. He smiled and put the ray back in the bathroom but on the floor of the bathtub so it didn't make another mess. He walked back over to the bed and got under the covers next to me. 
“Would it upset you if I stayed a little longer?" He asked.  
"Not at all. Sleep here if you want. I am sleeping right here. I think you broke me so I am not moving." 
"So was that what you expected?" He asked rolling on his side to face me. 
"Oh it was a million times better. Best sex I have ever had. I didn't even know I was a squirter." I said and he smiled. He snaked his arm around me and pulled me up so my head was now on a pillow but even better I was cuddled up against his chest. 
"Get some sleep. I am going to wake you up to get coffee in the morning and you can hang with me for the day if you want." He said. 
“Sounds like its going to be another painful but wonderful day." I gave him a cheeky grin and he smiled back at me. 
"Goodnight" He said 
"Goodnight see you in the morning handsome." I said and saw him blush again before I fell asleep in his arms. 
~Hella Cheesy I know I am Just getting back into fanfic writing give me a break Please.~ 
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