#is kind of a lethal combination
chloeseyeliner · 9 months
no one:
my traitorous brain: hey, girl, remember when a few months ago you were at the university "green space" sitting with the only two people who can endure you with these two girls from class and you just started a fifteen-minute long rant (with kind of well-grounded arguments supporting it) about how edvin ryding is one of the best actors of our generation and how his portrayal of anxiety and panic attacks in young royals specifically is so to the point and realistic, and how he really cares about his characters because, for example, he really got to know wilhelm before every season to understand where he is right now and all, and how you are so glad you got to meet him through this show back in july 2021 and you are looking forward to seeing what the future holds as regards his career because he is just that admirable? oh, me too. by the way, that means you suck. have a good night, girlie!
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
We're going to talk about our cool vampire guy headcanons again. We like to set Monsieur Scarlet as a member of Solenopsis invicta, albeit a very unconventional example of the species. As a fire ant, technically, he is venomous - however, he's not actually had venom production online for decades, and at this point the cost for Making That Bite Work Again far outweighs the perceived benefit.
Would it be directly useful for his survival to be capable of injecting people with venom that causes intense burning sensations? Yes, probably, especially since he's at a scale where the swelling induced would probably take out an arm for hours at a time. He's just not going to fix it, because that takes life force that he could be using for other purposes, like breathing, or keeping his heart running, or having an emergency teleportation stock so that he can fling himself a metre or two in any direction when need be.
#we speak#bug fables#he's brazilian#if you are familiar with this species then it may be because they are INCREDIBLY invasive in like. everywhere theyve been ported#it is partially a joke on how incredibly broadly our version of scarlet travels#hes probably run into a good few other colonies of his species but with how our hc awakening Works he might not have recognized them#and he doesnt precisely hang around long enough to learn about these things#generally members of the species would be a lot more pigmented but wizard biology is weird and scarlet is weirder#which is to say that he's spent a very very long time healing back damage with investments in life force#and cutting down the body running fund enough that he can try to exist in areas that dip below 20 degrees celsius#and these things in combination as it turns out kind of fuck up pigment production in a major way#magic changes your colors much in the same way that mutations usually work#which is to say “it doesn't necessarily change That Specifically but color is one of the least lethal things that can be altered here”#it takes relatively little to change pigment production and Being A Different Color is relatively unlikely to kill you#not that it doesnt affect your life at all but it will not kill you outright and thats really all that needs to be done#he started out a sort of red-brown color and then his carapace just sort of didnt darken like it should normally#and then he wound up on the run and he slowly color shifted to pink over the course of several decades#depending on which canon we're operating in he may have also just totally lost all pigment on one occasion#when he took an unplanned nap and then wound up horror movie-ing some random researchers after losing his higher brain functions#and also a lot of other general functions. like bodily ones. like producing pigment at all.#dont need that underground but he walked out into the light and got flashbanged and immediately decided to not do that again#as it turns out. pigment production is important for some things. like sun protection. you want to be capable of being in the sun.
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racke7 · 1 year
There’s an old and entirely truthful argument about how readers don’t really care about “this fic is the same as other fic”.
Now, I agree wholeheartedly that people should be writing more fic, regardless of if someone else has written something similar before, because fics are conversations and all authors bring slightly new ideas to the setting.
Having said that, I recently saw a time-travel (fun trope) Naruto-fic (enjoyable fandom) sending Sakura (enjoyable character) back in time for some undisclosed “fix things” idea, and... just the plain summary of it made me go “yuck”.
And some of that is definitely over-exposure to this particular set of fic-cliches, but it also made me question why I enjoy time-travel fics so much. And the best answer I could think of was:
“The time-traveler needs to be some level of unhinged“
But as I think about that, the truth of the matter is that most good fics include a main-character who is some level of unhinged.
Like, the idea of having a “noble hero” go back to “fix what went wrong”? Blegh.
The idea of a “deranged lunatic with access to explosives” going back because “oops, they accidentally’d themselves into a time-space pretzel with their explosives”? Delightful.
Does every main-character need to be the same sort of crazy? Of course not! In fact, there really should be variety in these things, to keep things spicy!
(There’s a reason why everyone loves the crazies of the Akatsuki so much, and it’s because they’re all completely ridiculous people, and yet they all kind of make sense as fully fleshed-out characters.)
Again, even a crazy person might be trying to “make things better”, but either their approach to this is hilariously insane (”if I randomly assassinate these people then everyone will live in peace for forever”), or their goal is insane (”the world is ending, so this time I definitely need to get laid before that happens”).
And this is the true beauty of time-travel I think, because it lets the fic-author create someone that unhinged from fragments of the original character (by aging them up past canon, or by having their past life divert from canon) without coming across as that character suddenly being massively OOC.
“Oh, but this is just for comedy-”
Whilst sounding comedic in its own right, unhinged characters are by their very nature not so easily defined as “comedy”. Perhaps they get to see their loved ones again, perhaps they have to awkwardly and hesitantly relearn what it means to be “human”, perhaps they will finally have an opportunity for revenge, perhaps they’re sick and tired of it all and just wants to sleep for forever.
Unhinged characters time-traveling with no way of knowing how to time-travel again (aka, no “I was sent back”, and a lot more “what the fuck is this”), so as to make sure that the perfectionist weirdo doesn’t keep resetting the time-line until they do “everything perfectly”? Fucking perfection.
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stvolanis · 4 months
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Now i know you better
PAIRINGS: Alastor x Fem!Sinner!Reader
WARNINGS: ANGSTTTT, mean!Alastor, cheating w/ Lucifer, probably inaccurate time line idk, foul language,this is honestly kind of poorly written I’m sorry, manipulation, abuse, Alastor owns Readers soul, toxic relationship, possessive!Alastor, pet names, brief mention of suicide
NSFW WARNINGS: dubcon, slapping, hair pulling, choking, forced cream-pie, degradation, dacryphilia, p in v sex, knotting, humiliation, blood if you squint
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It wasn’t your fault that your grave was dug the moment you stepped foot into the fiery pits of hell.
It wasn’t your fault that it was dug by Mimzy when she introduced you to her dear friend, the Radio Demon who, oh so casually, casted peoples screams for hell to hear.
Mimzy, known to drag people into her messes when shit hits the fan, had deeply embedded you into an on-going war with one of the various overlords, simply by seeking a place to lay low for a few days. You didn’t expect Alastor to show up, that damned smile engraved onto his face.
And it most definitely wasn’t your fault that you laid in said grave.
He was charming, and charismatic. A lethal combination when a sense of confidence and dad-humor was thrown into the mix. The way you met wasn’t the most ideal, especially when he basically bombarded through you, inviting himself into your wrecked home to find Mimzy himself without a word.
His smile, then, seemed aggravated. He did little to hide the annoyance she had somehow caused him, and the way his voice grew in static when he spoke showed that. He was scary when you had watched his figure enlarge, his once normal, slim body now turning into a tall, beastly, and lanky figure with protruding antlers and dilated pupils.
Dread set into your core that day when he directed his wrath towards you. His tall frame stalking over you, a hand quickly shot to your throat. Your back hit against the wall as you were lifted from the ground, gasping for breaths of any air you could possibly get.
His breath was drug out and uneven as his chest moved up and down at a surprisingly slow pace. Even though he seemed to be filled of fury and unease—he had a sense of control over his calmness to an extent. Eerily, he had glided his mouth along your neck, inhaling your scent.
A harsh groan, almost as if he were in pain had slipped past his lips. It rumbled deep in his chest, and your eyes watered as your vision began to fade. Only then, did he release you and let your body fall to the floor. You held your throat gently as you finally got what you were begging for.
“Maybe you’ll listen, since sweet Mimzy won’t.” He began, his voice deep and contorted with static and brute. “You will fix the mess she created, and restore what was mine to begin with. Your soul will be mine until you have fulfilled your duty as said.” He finished.
Your mouth gaped. He had presented it to you like you had a choice in the devastating matter, but you knew better. You sobbed as your curled into a ball, and watched as he raised a hand towards your frame that wracked with sobs. “Hush now, girl. You will be under my care so long as I’ll have you.” He ushered with a grimace as he watched you wipe your nose with your wrist.
You longed to object. To scream and yell out that never in a million and one light years would you ever agree to such a thing. Your freedom was yours alone, and you liked to keep it that way. He’d have to drag you through hell and back for you to allow that to happen, yet as you took his sharp hand into yours, it was all said and done.
A bright light consumed you, and just for a moment, you thought maybe it was the light shower everyone talked about up in heaven. The bright beacon of a light so blinding that cleansed you of all your wrong-doings, took away all your pain and replaced the emptiness with a euphoric feeling of content.
Warmth spread throughout your body, and that moment of hope ended when you felt thick, heavy metal of chains cling around your throat and wrists. Alastors smile haunted you. It crept up on you in your dreams, and ate away at the only good things you had left to hold onto.
The life you once cherished, even in hell, soon faded away till it was nothing but a faint distant memory of someone you once knew that was yourself. It was replaced by an evil demon, in the form of a gentleman who disguised plots and alterier motives with wide smiles and laughs.
but again, you knew better.
The person you once were was stripped from you, and you were bare before him to bend and mold how he saw fit. And so, he did. You became his his underboss of sorts, a quiet and submissive being who did as told. They always said behind every powerful man, there was a woman. And it was you. Everyone got the good side of Alastor, yet it was you he took his frustrations out on when the day was said and done.
It was you who endured his aggressiveness when everyone was fast asleep in their bedrooms, dreaming of a better life you knew you’d never receive.
You were his lap dog, and his favorite toy to play with whenever and however he wanted to. It was unofficial, and confusing to others, but you somehow managed to find yourself in some sort of situationship with Alastor. You were his. body, mind, and soul.
You tried your best to please Alastor, constantly seeking his approval that he so generously bestowed upon others. You chased your tail around, and ran in laps, jumping through hoops just to earn a small nod in approval for him.
He wasn’t always bad. He cared for you, in his own fucked up way. He cared in way that he would never let something bad happen to you, and would protect you at all costs. You were his delicate little flower, how could he ever allow anyone who isn’t him to inflict any kind of harm onto you? He’s a bitch, but to an extent.
He loved you, yes, but only when he was in the mood to love you. When he loved you, he’d hold you close to him when you were perched on his lap in the hotel lounge. He’d whisper sweet nothings to you as he kissed along your neck, making giggles vibrate through your chest. He’d run his fingers through your hair till you fell asleep against him at night after a particularly hard day.
And on days when he knew he went to far, his classic water works he only had in store for you would come into play. He couldn’t bare his favorite toy hating him. He didn’t know how to deal with the colder shoulder and short-answer responses from you. It aggravated him that only you could get under his skin without doing much, so when you were heavily upset, only then would he drop down to his knees and kiss the inside of your thighs lovingly.
Tears would align his eyes, but his smile never once wavering, and beg for your forgiveness. He’d tell you how much he loved you as he rubbed your sensitive bud, and wash away your worries with so many orgasms, you forgot why you were mad at him in the first place.
Yes, he owned your soul and tended to be abusive, but he wasn’t heartless.
He’d tell you he’s sorry, and that he’d never hurt you again. It’s always a lie, and each time you allowed yourself to stupidly believe it.
But the truth was, you didn’t know what else to do. You hated to admit it, but you were nothing without him. You spent so long shaping yourself into the person he wanted and needed you to be, that you forgot how to be yourself. You forgot what your previous hobbies were, or what else made you happy besides him. Your world revolves around him, and without him, it felt like your world was coming to an exaggerated end.
So, you put up with it. Each and every time.
It wasn’t till today, the day of Charlie’s fathers arrival to the grand hotel Alastor managed to put together and run, that you’d ever seen him so genuinely with any sort of nerves.
The moment Lucifer walked in, in all his glory, Alastors personality took a flip. He went toe to toe with the ruler of Hell himself, all because he was afraid of someone who he knew had more power than him. But Alastor wasn’t a weak man, not at all, and that’s why he made it his mission to piss off Lucifer as much as he could.
You’d never seen him this way before. With you? Yes, but with other people? Never. He was cunning and every word he spat at Lucifer dripped with malice and confidence. Alastor knew he couldn’t beat him with power, so he hit him where he knew it would hurt. His family. Specifically, the only one he had left.
What Alastor didn’t expect, was for Lucifer to become completely and utterly smitten with you. From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he’s been all smiles and giggles with you.
He listened when you talked, even the little small words or sentences no one cared to listen to. His lips against the top part of your hand when you first met was the only thing that circled your mind for days. His lips were plush and warm, soft and tender. It was a contrast to the kisses Alastor left you of pity and forgiveness.
He was sweet, and undeniably handsome. He made you feel ways you’d never felt before. He made you feel like you had a choice. A voice that wouldn’t be spoken over and genuinely listened to. He was charismatic, in a way like Alastor, but it was real. His smiles were real, as were the sweet nothings he said to you.
For weeks, you snuck around with Lucifer. At night, when Alastor was fast asleep, you’d sneak out from under his watchful arm and find your way to Lucifers room. His arms were more welcoming, and warm. His kisses sweeter than honey and his love as gold and bright as they come.
His voice was soft, and vibrant as he hummed against your ear. The fingers that raked through your hair were gentle and soothing, calmed you to your slumbers that comforted you through the night. His smell was intoxicating; cider and musk, like an orchid full of ripe apples. The two rosey spots on his cheek shined in hue when you’d enter the room.
I didn’t take long for Alastor to notice. He want a dumb and oblivious man. He was a ruthless overlord who couldn’t afford to look past the little things. He noticed the stares that the two of you sent when in a room full of people. The lingering touches no one else noticed when you brushed passed each other.
And most of all, they way you’d slip from his grasp in the dark of the night like he was stupid.
He knew, of course. He knew the whole time. And he let you let yourself believe that there was any other choice besides him. He allowed you, from the goodness of his heart, to feel a speck of the freedom you longed for. He let you grasp it and cradle it with all your might, just to draw you back in by the chains that shackled you to him for eternity.
He liked knowing that he controlled you. It fueled the god complex he had, knowing that no matter what you tried to do, you’d always be his. His to love, his to fuck, his to torment.
He mocked you for it, too. Rubbing it in your face that you were chained to him for as long as you’d live in hell. Suicide crossed your mind a few times, the only way you saw yourself out of it—yet, you knew that no matter what life you had next, you’d still always belong to him in some way, shape, or form.
You should’ve known better. Should’ve known that you could never be happy. Should’ve known that Alastor knew the whole time. Yet you were naive enough to think you were smart enough to go behind his back with a person he detested the most. The one person who could easily kill him with a blink of an eye.
Alastor would never say it out loud, because he knew deep down that he would never win against Lucifer. So, he did what he does best, and he took it out on you.
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Tonight wasn’t supposed to be any different from any of the other nights you left Alastors bedroom.
You lay in another man’s arms, his chest rising and falling beneath you as soft breaths slipped past his pale lips. Lucifer looked especially beautiful like this. His white skin glistening in the dull lighting of the room, and his streaky blonde hair ran through messily against the plush pillow.
You wished you could stay in this very moment forever. You’d rather spend an eternity admiring Lucifer for all his greatness, than suffering in Alastors darkness miserably.
You never told Lucifer about the way Alastor treated you behind closed doors. You knew that if you did, Alastor would be dead without a second thought. It crossed your mind a few times, obviously. How could it not? It was your only way out. The only thing that stopped you was the fact that Alastor wasn’t always like this.
He wasn’t always a bad person towards you. In the beginning, he tried to make you as comfortable as possible. He made you happy, and lively. His presence didn’t make you want to cower away in a corner, and his stare made you flush red, as bright as the color of his hair.
After all he’s put you through, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt shoot through you each time you looked back at Alastor asleep in your shared bed. He never cheated on you. The one of many things he’s never done, yet here you were, every so happily cheating on him. You felt like a two-timing snake, and you knew if he found out that he’d feel betrayed.
With that thought, you slipped from under Lucifer’s heavy arm, watching with soft eyes as he muttered under his breath at the loss of your warmth against him. You kissed his cheek and whispered a goodbye as you exited his room, softly shutting the door behind you. Your finger glided along the walls of the hallway, all the way till you found yourself outside of Alastors room.
You inhaled deeply, reaching for the doorknob, twisting it ever so slowly. Your entered the dark abyss of the room, shutting the door softly behind you with a wince as it creaked lightly. Damned this old ass building.
What you didn’t expect, was for Alastor to press against you from behind.
His breathing was uneven, and sharp as his chest still moved up and down slowly. You froze. You felt your dead heart stop as if you were alive. It seemed like oxygen didn’t exist anymore as you gaped, jaw slightly fallen slack as your eyes lined with tears. Your body shook as his hand traveled to the bed of your throat, craning your neck back to meet his eyes painfully.
“A-Alastor—” you gaped. He clicked his tongue. “Hm, silly girl. You really thought I was unaware of your whore-ish activities?” He chuckled out, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. “Wait, please—” you began, but you didn’t get a chance to think of what to say next as he slammed your back onto the bed.
You tried desperately to crawl away from him, but within a second, chains tied you down to the bed frame. You wracked with sobs and please of despair. He stood silently for a moment, watching the way you crumbled so easily without him even having to really do anything.
“How dare you.” He hissed out after a moment. Climbing on top of your tense frame, he pinched your cheeks together and watched as tears ran down your cheeks pathetically. “I give you everything you could possibly need. I make sure you’re alive with a roof over your head and out of the clutches of hells streets, and this is how you repay me? By sleeping around with men?” He growled through his sharp teeth.
His smile was formed still, but more into a scowl of displeasure. His antlers were grown and prominent as he began to shift to his demon form that you hadn’t seen since the first time youd met him that fateful day. He was like a rabid animal, drool slipping through the cracks of his jagged teeth as his body became large and monstrous.
This was it. This how your soul would finally be put to rest. By the claws and bared teeth of a monster with the facade of a charming, hotel manager. Not the way you’d want to go out, but hey, at least your were gonna get out of it, right?
Or so you thought.
His claws, sharp as knives tore through your shirt, ripping it off of your figure and discarded onto the floor. Your white lace bra on display in front of him. Your pajama pants adorned with cheesy pandas torn to shreds alongside your favorite sleeping shirt. But all you could think about was the abnormally large bulge hard and prominent against your inner thigh.
God, you hated yourself. You danced along the line of lust, fear, and hatred. Hatred for him, mostly. You hated that you loved Lucifer—yet your body yearned to be used and played with at the hands of Alastor.
The sweet sex, praises and butterfly kisses Lucifer showered you was amazing, but this—this was different. The way Alastor fucked you was different. Yes, he was rough and fucked hard—but this was his way of showing you that he loved you. It was peculiar, to say the least. A man so easily able to use his words to fluster anyone couldn’t look you in the eye to tell you that he loved you.
So he fucked you like he hated you. But you knew what he meant.
His finger hooked under the middle of your bra, effectively slicing upwards to cut it in half. Your breasts sprang free, and your nipples hardened under the tense, cold air. You squirmed as his breath fanned against them, his long tongue shooting out to lick against them tenderly.
He played tricks on you. It was his favorite game. Giving you false hope. Dangling things he knew you longed for in front of you, only to yank it right back. Killing every last good thing you had left till you had absolutely nothing but him.
So you should’ve known better than to trust his soft tongue kitten licking your nipple. His sharp teeth bit down—hard enough to draw specks of blood around it. You yelped out in pain as your eyes lined with fresh tears waiting to be spilled over. The pain was dreadful, but god, did it feel good.
Alastors thumb trailed to lower, tracing down to your stomach till he reached your cotton panties, dampened with your arousal. “What a slut. Getting off on this. You should be ashamed of yourself, darling.” He mocked out with a cunning smile. He didn’t think twice before ripping your panties off.
He fumbled for second with his pants, unzipping them before letting them reach low enough just to pull his cock out. “Now, I’m gonna fuck this cunt till I’ve had enough, and after that, you’re going to go into the small-dicked-duck fanatics room with my cum dripping down your thighs and tell him just how good I fucked you.” He growled out, his hand finding it’s way back to your throat, squeezing tightly as he lined himself to your entrance.
“Alastor, please just listen—i” his cock bullied is way into you. Long, and thick. 9 inches of pure, heavy meat sat snugly inside of you, playing with your insides. He was perfectly trimmed, and his balls heavy balls slapped against the underside of your pussy with each agonizingly perfect thrust he delivered into you.
“Oh, oh fuck!” You moaned out, head thrown back as your hand clenched onto the chains that bound you to your bed post. “Tight little pussy. Tell me, does he fuck you like this, baby?” He panted out as he watched the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He always thought you were the prettiest like this. Underneath him, writhing in pleasure, cock drunk and hungry for him. The only time you didn’t resent him. The only time you wanted him. He cherished this, not that he would ever say it out loud.
“I asked you a fucking question.” He said, slapping the side of your face harshly, leaving a painful sting behind. You whimpered at the familiar impact. “No, Alastor!” You all but screamed out as his cock kissed your cervix.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed loudly, and the smell of hot sex was in the air. A distinctive, vile smell. Your body was lined with sweat, as was his, and your breasts bounced each time his hips met flush against your ass. All you could think about was him.
He consumed your thoughts, plaguing your mind. You couldn’t escape him. And as of right now, you weren’t sure you even really wanted to all along.
Some sick part of you enjoyed this relationship you were in. The part that liked to be put in your place, and told what to do in return for praises of affirmations. A relationship that never got boring, and always kept you on your toes no matter what. Traumatic? Definitely. Toxic? 100%. But, this is what you had to endure. The least you could to was learn to like and deal with it.
You clenched down tightly onto him as his hips slammed into yours repeatedly, his dick hitting every right spot, including the little nerve of your g-spot inside of you. The angle he had your hips positioned in hit it better, and he could tell you were close when your cunt began to pulse around him.
“Please, please, I’m gonna cum!” You babbled on and on, drunk on the feeling of him inside of you. He chuckled as he pulled your head up by the root of your hair, just enough to have your lips crashing down onto his. “Fucked you stupid, honey, i know.” He cooed out against your lips.
He tasted bitter. Like whiskey and old cigars, mixed with a strange tea refreshment. It was an odd combination, but one that suited him indefinitely. His tongue swirled and glided against yours as they fought for dominance in a sloppy, and surprisingly passionate kiss. One that said what he didn’t have to out loud. ‘You’re mine’. He won the fight for dominance, and he sloppily suckled your tongue into his mouth.
The kiss was nasty, sloppy with saliva dripping down your chin and a few cuts on your lip from his sharp teeth clashing against them, but it was the least of your concerns as he rested his forehead against yours, nearing his end.
“I’m gonna fill this pussy up. Nice and full so everyone will know in dues time just who the fuck you belong to.” He growled out through clenched teeth. You shook your head back and forth, your eyes widening with fear. “No, don’t! Please don’t!” You begged, on and on, but to no avail.
His thrusts became harsher, and more demanding. Chasing his high aimlessly as you begged and moaned out his name underneath him. It was then that you felt it. His cock balls deep when you felt it began to swell up inside of you.
You gasped in shock as you were stretched painfully to your limit, the bulge in your lower stomach large and prominent as he pressed against it, triggering your orgasm. Your juices flushed out of you and all over his lower abdomen, and he groaned at the sight. You clenched down onto him impossibly tighter and he felt like he was gonna lose his mind.
“Pull out. Please pull out.” You desperately tried to reason with him, but he didn’t care as he sat snug inside of you, his knot finally emptying inside of you. It was warm, and you could feel it drip down your ass when his cock finally fell flaccid and limp, slowly pulling out of you.
“Maybe now, you’ll learn your lesson. You must be a fool to think that anyone could ever love you like i do.” He said, shaking his head. He bit his lip with a satisfied smile as he watched his mounds of cum pour out of you. “Milked my cock so well.” Was the only praise that slipped past his lips the rest of the night.
He didn’t allow you to clean yourself, only letting you thrown on a pair of panties from the drawer in his bedroom. Your inner thighs were slick and sticky with his warm, salty cum. “Run along now, dear. Come back when you’re finished.” He said in a singing tone, knowingly.
A flame rose in your core of embarrassment as you waddled out of the room, the uncomfortable feeling between your thighs growing by the second. It was humiliating, doing the walk of shame down the hallway, all the way to your now past lovers room.
A soft knock was laid on his door, and after a silent, dreaded minute of standing there, his door fell open. There you stood, in nothing but panties. Bite marks around your nipples and your neck prominent with a lingering bruise from the grip he held on your neck. His eyes trailed down to the cum slick between your plush thighs.
His eyes widened.
“The fuck happened to you?”
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writers-potion · 20 days
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Writing Weapons (7): Unarmed Combat (Hand-to-Hand Fighting)
In a fight situation with no weapons, characters will stick with the kind of fighting they're familiar with: grappling or striking.
Martial arts: judo, wrestling aikido, jiu jitsu, sambo, lucha libre, glima
Suitable for: entertaining fight scenes
Aim in lethal fight: chock or strangle
Words to use: grapple, wrestle, twist, pull, pin, roll, throw, toss, squeeze, press, chock, strangle
Holding the opponents down to the floor is called a "pin"
Martial arts: boxing, kick-boxing, karate, muay thai, capoeira, taekwondo
Suitable for: entertaining or gritty fights
Aim in lethal fight: blow to head
Words to use: strike, hit, box, kick, punch, chop, slap, kick, chop, hammer, pound
Mixing Martial Arts
Some martial arts combine grappling and striking techniques.
A skilled martial artist is probably an expert in eiher striking or grappling, but also has basic skills in the other.
Easier to stick with one group for one character - the hero's friends can complement each other if they have different martial art backgronds!
Investing a Fantasy Martial Art
Spiritual Elements connected to the general magic/religious system of your story world.
Mental Focus that allows the martial artist to amplify the effectiveness of attacks.
Small rituals, like bowing to the guru before and after every fight to obtain some kind of "blessing"
Restricted admission to pretigious martial arts academies
Specialist techniques that require combining physical action with spells, or a symbolic act that activates magic.
Exams: students must prove themselves through a series of tough (life threatening) tests to obtain access to the most important lessens of the practice.
Special garmetns
Secret codes between members
Winning Factors
Skill - the most important. A skilled fighter can take on someone who is much larger than them, but unskilled.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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moonheecore · 6 months
Lover Boy — lhs (m)
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Heeseung X Afab! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞 (Minors DNI), college AU, established relationship.
Warnings: Soft Dom! Heeseung, protected sex, consumption of alcohol lots of praising (fem receiving), multiple orgasm, oral (male & female receiving), love making because Heeseung is whipped for you, teasing, cowgirl, dirty talking, Heeseung is both a frat boy and a basketball player which is lethal to the heart, overuse of the word pretty and baby, feat other 01 boy group members, hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else. 
Summary: Lee Heeseung, your sweet boyfriend that you have wrapped around your finger. His favoritism towards you didn't escape the notice of his close friends, leading to a well-known moniker they often used when the girlfriend privilege was evident— Lover boy.
Main masterlist
Word count: 5.1k
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The atmosphere, combined with the chilly night air, provided a comforting feel. Amid the ongoing frat party, you and a bunch of your circle of friends sought solace on the mansion's back patio, where a warm bonfire painted the scene orange.
You registered the soft sound of your boyfriend’s laughter in the air, watching him and Jeongin joked around with a very drunken Beomgyu across from you. The said male was playing the acoustic guitar carelessly until a visibly annoyed Jaehyuk took the instrument away from the semi-conscious guy.
Lee Heeseung.
The fraternity president, the star and ace player of the school's basketball team, the heartthrob of every girl on campus— and your incredibly attractive boyfriend.
When you said he was effortlessly hot, you meant every word.
He sat there, clad in his usual outfit of a simple black t-shirt and a pair of ripped dark blue jeans, his soft faded purple hair tucked under one of his many collection of beanies. You observed how his dangling earring swayed with each flash of his pearly white teeth, a response to the antics his friends were pulling.
Your eyes trailed to the item hung around his neck, a delicate necklace that he never forgot to pull out of his shirt—your initials carved in silver, proudly displayed for everyone to see.
You felt a bit embarrassed when you gifted him the accessory at first, but you had never seen Heeseung’s doe eyes filled with mellow tenderness as he kept fidgeting the letter with a small smile.
Since then, you’ve never seen him take it off.
A sense of endearment bloomed every time you saw it around his neck. He wore it to his basketball practice, in the shower, to bed— everywhere.
Even in those intimate moments, it dangled above you, the delicate chain brushing against your lips as he thrust into your sopping wet core, fucking you wholeheartedly against the bed sheets; or when you would entangle your fingers between the cold chains, the grip providing the perfect leverage as you ride his cock, the symphony of his encouraging moans blending with the creaking of the bed frame.
You felt almost comical at how shaken you were by a piece of jewelry.
"Hey, are you even listening?" Yunjin's voice cut through your distracted thoughts.
You turned your head to face her, obviously startled. "What?"
Yunjin scoffed, taking a sip from her red cup. "If you don't stop eye-fucking your boyfriend, I might puke on you."
“I was not!”
Yunjin raised an eyebrow at your answer, clearly unimpressed. You closed your mouth in silent embarrassment, hugging Heeseung's jacket around your body tighter. The waft of his cologne gave you a piece of mind.
You sighed in defeat, "—okay, fine, maybe I was, alright. Is that a crime now?” Yunjin's expression softened, and she nudged you playfully, finding your annoyed yet adorable expression to be one that lit amusement.
“Well, I guess you're in some kind of luck, girl. He is looking right back at you."
You blinked, surprised, and turned to see Heeseung gazing back at you with a fond smile across the bonfire. The orange hue from the flame seemed to accentuate the way his eyes lowered down before locking onto yours again, as if he was drinking in the sight of you. He raised his eyebrows enticingly, patting his lap like a signal for you to join him.
A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"You're having too much fun with this," you remarked, getting up from your seat as Yunjin's playful laughter filled the air as you left.
God, you hate it when she has then upper hand. But you hate it even more when you feel like a giddy middle schooler while heading towards your boyfriend.
His gaze stayed fixed on you throughout, leaning back on his seat to create a comfortable space for you to settle on his lap, both legs elegantly positioned on one side. You feel his hands immediately on your body— one securing your back, while the other gently on your bare knee.
Heeseung was so warm that you instantly melt in his embrace, resting the side of your head against his shoulder. You fought against every instinct, refraining from burying your face in his neck. It was as if the lingering scent of his sweet cologne on the jacket he gave you at the party's start wasn't sufficient to satisfy the yearning within you.
"Are you cold?" He asked, already taking a blanket to drape over your exposed legs. You stared at his side profile, letting out a soft hum at his attentiveness. He glanced down at you, only to find you already staring back.
Gosh, you could drown yourself in his eyes.
"Hi," He whispered, as if having you in his arms was the most casual thing.
"Hi," You breathed out shyly, wrapping your arms around his neck to shorten the distance between your faces.
The both of you struggled to contain your laughter at the exchange. The noise of your friends and the crackling bonfire seemed to fade away as you locked eyes with each other.
“You look really cute tonight.” You blurt out, feeling his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your knee under the covers.
He raised his eyebrow in feigned offence. “Cute?”
There was a mischievous glint in his expression, and it was impossible to ignore as he leaned down to boldly fix his gaze on your lips.
"Not hot?" he questioned, your breath hitching as his fingers traced up your legs, ghosting over the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. It made your heart race, especially considering he was doing it discreetly with people still around.
"Or sexy?”
You bit down on your lower lip, trying to contain the small moan coming out when he cups your clothed cunt. Heeseung observed every scrunch of your face, feeling your fingers tugging at the hairs on his nape and the way you pressed your thighs together, curling inwards towards his body.
Heeseung wished he could tease you even more, relishing in your adorable reactions. However, he could feel himself getting worked up too, forcing him to whisper against your ear.
“Let’s go to my room, yeah?”
You nodded quietly against his shoulder. He shifted to grab the blanket and laid it on the empty chair, prompting you to stand up and fix your skirt, which had ridden up during his little ministration.
"Hey," Heeseung called out to Jeongin, intertwining his big hands with yours. "We're heading inside."
"What! Already?" Beomgyu's slurred words cut through the conversation, loud enough for others to hear. "Come on! The party's just about to get started!"
Heeseung looked visibly annoyed as his friend draped an arm around his shoulder. Clearly under the influence of alcohol, he glanced over Heeseung’s shoulder, catching sight of your connected hands and the noticeable flush on your cheeks.
"Ohhh, I see why you're leaving early," Beomgyu said with a massive grin on his face and wiggling his eyebrows.
"Heeseung, you fucking dog! Lover boy getting his dick nice and wet tonight—“
Before Beomgyu could continue, Jeongin smacked his palm over his mouth from behind to stifle the rest of his sentence, holding him in a headlock. He signaled to Heeseung to go and shot you an apologetic look as well.
But the damage was done, and you shyly lowered your head as Heeseung pulled you away where people were whistling and howling in your direction as you past by.
"God, I was about to sacrifice him in the fire if he didn't stop yapping."
You giggled as he grumbled under his breath, reaching the steps of the patio. He opened the back door, ushering you inside the house where the party showed no signs of slowing down even in the wee hours of the night.
The thumping bass of the music reached your ears as you walked down the hallway, navigating through drunken students flowing between the dancefloor in the living room and the kitchen stocked with an abundance of alcohol.
The tight space between the sweaty figures made you feel claustrophobic, but the reassuring touch of Heeseung's fingers laced with yours and your other hand holding onto the belt loops of his pants kept you from getting lost in the sea of crowds.
Heeseung has always made his strong presence felt by you.
He always ensured you walked on the side away from the road, poured and guarded your red cup when you were away, stayed sober to drive you home, rested his hands at the back pocket of your pants when you walk together or when he would wait for you patiently outside of the restroom when you felt unwell.
His favoritism towards you didn't escape the notice of his close friends, leading to a well-known moniker they often used when the girlfriend privilege was evident—
Lover boy.
Your lover boy, the man who was pinning you against the door of his bedroom, one hand on your waist and the other cupping your jawline, kissing your lips deeply the moment he locked the doors.
You opened your mouth slightly, allowing his hot tongue to explore the cavern of your mouth. The intensity made you tangle your fingers in his soft hair, eliciting light moans and groans from both of you that he gladly swallowed down.
You weren't sure if you were tipsy from the alcohol or his taste because you started to feel fuzzy in the head.
“Is my hair in the way?” He questioned, sounding a little out of breath once he broke the kiss.
He rest his forehead against yours, the bridge of your noses grazing each other at the proximity. You chuckled softly, pushing back the lone strands of his hair that escaped when you pulled his beanie off.
“Yeah, a little bit.”
You licked his bottom lip sensually, mesmerized by the way it glistened with saliva. Heeseung bent down to capture your lips again swiftly, his heart going wild with what you did, circling your waist to pull you flush against his body.
You weren't going to lie; you felt out of breath, getting lost in the rhythm of his mouth moving hungrily. But you didn't want to stop, going insane with the way his hands were slowly smoothing down your body.
"You look beautiful in this skirt," he murmured, pressing a kiss at the corner of your lips before switching to your jawline and down your neck.
“I wore it just for you…” You admitted, sighing softly when he nib and suck at the sensitive spot of your neck, holding his hair tighter when he moved to knead the back of your thighs.
"Is that why it's so short?"
You felt him smirk against your neck, letting out a sudden gasp when his hands moved under your skirt to grope an ample amount of your bare ass.
"Hmm? Planning to seduce me with your slutty ass out for everyone to see.”
Now your cheeks were on fire.
It was rendering you speechless, with only the ability to weakly shake your head. You couldn't bring yourself to make eye contact with Heeseung as he looked back to gauge your reaction. Doing so would likely leave you feeling weak in the knees.
Heeseung could only smile at your cute reaction, especially when you tried your best to hold back your moans but failed.
“Naughty girl, but I guess it work, right?" Heeseung drove his point home when he took one of your hands, gently guiding you to palm his semi-hard cock through his pants.
He let out a shaky sigh when you knead firmly along his thick length. "Feel how hard I am for you, baby. Only you can make me feel like this."
Heeseung let out small whiny moans as his head fell to rest on your shoulder, bucking his hips shamelessly in your hand as his cock grew heavy, a tight dent forming at the front of his pants.
You felt the familiar pooling of wetness gathering, both at the base of your tongue and between your thighs.
“Seungie,” You call out, pulling on the bands of his pants shyly with half lidded eyes and swollen lips courtesy of him. “Can I suck you off, please?”
Holy shit, he could get a cardiac arrest with the way you said it with so much lust.
"I’d love that," he grinned, leading you to his bed as he sat at the edge, pulling his shirt off to exposed his ripped body.
You promptly went on your knees between his legs, causing him to caress his thumb over your cheek as you fiddled with his buttons and zipper before pulling his pants and boxers down, swiftly releasing him from the tight confinement.
Your mouth watered at the sight of his beautiful cock lying hard against his abs, the head already aching and red with pre-cum leaking at the tip. The sight of his tight balls entice you even more, leading you to kiss them first before sucking gently on the flesh.
"So eager, baby." He cooed, using one hand to lean back on the mattress while the other rest on the crown of your head. "Just like that pretty girl, fuck—"
He rasped out a loud moan when you licked a long stripe up along his length before swiftly engulfing his head in your mouth. Heeseung felt absolutely winded at the sight of you stuffing your cheeks full of his cock, gathering your hair in a makeshift ponytail so it doesn't get in the way of the sight.
You started to bob your head, smoothly pumping his length in and out past your lips. You jerk his remaining length expertly while your other hand fondle with his balls.
"So pretty like this, taking me so well. Bet you've been thinking about fucking your mouth in my big cock the whole night, right, baby?" He smiled down at you.
You were so drunk with his taste that you could only hum in response, swirling your tongue around his tip before dipping it into his slit. Heeseung instinctively tug your hair, pulling your face closer until your nose was touching his pelvis as you tried to accommodate him beyond your usual capacity.
You knew his most sensitive spot— slurping on his bulbous head while you slid your tongue along the prominent vein on the underside of his cock as much as possible.
"Ah god, fuck, baby, that's it." He whines, thrusting into your mouth, pushing his cock until it hits the back of your throat repeatedly. Your jaws were aching, but you fight the urge to gag by hollowing your cheeks, letting him use your mouth free to his will.
You didn't care that drool was spilling at the corner of your mouth or that the corners of your eyes were starting to sting with tears. Heeseung was at the mere edge of his release and your clit was throbbing to even think about him spilling his seed into your mouth.
"Y/N, fuck—“ You could hear the rawness of desperation in his voice, chest heaving. The hand gripping on the back of your head turned rough as he sloppily pistons his hips forward that almost make you choke.
"Gonna cum in your mouth, baby girl. Gonna fill you up nice and good down your throat until all you taste is me."
And you’ll gladly let him, feeling his head twitch a few times against the roof of your mouth before he release the tension in his shoulder, lurching forward and swearing loudly as ropes of his white cum coat your entire oral region.
Despite feeling light-headed, you continue riding him of his orgasm as you swallow down his hot load and lick him clean. In fact, it made Heeseung shudder in pure pleasure, wiping down your smudge eye linear with a gleeful expression.
"Sorry, are you okay? I seriously couldn’t hold back…”
He sheepishly apologized, smoothing down your tousled hair as you rested your head against his thigh.
"...and I came a lot." He mumbled, and you giggled at the way he turned bashful when just a second ago, he was rolling his eyes while shoving his shaft down your throat.
“It’s fine.” You reassured him. Heeseung wanted to plunge himself into your mouth again when your wipe the excess cum at the corner of your lips, licking it without a second thought.
"You taste absolutely delicious."
You began to kiss the dips of his v-line, holding onto his thighs as you move to tongue at his navel. You could feel his stomach tense up as you lick the valley of his abs, trailing up and standing on your feet to reach his neck and jaw before settling on kissing his lips.
You circled your hands around his neck firmly, thumb pressing on the prominent swell of his Adam’s apple.
“Don’t you think a good girl like me deserves to be rewarded?” You look at him with those dreamy eyes he can’t refuse, or maybe that was just the afterglow of sucking his cock that makes you look irresistible under the bedroom lights.
Heeseung's hands slipped under your shirt, gently tracing your waist, sending shivers down your spine.
“Maybe if she strips down for me I’ll consider.” He purred, doe eyes darken with lust. "Get naked for me, baby, and I promise to make you feel incredible."
If the arousal trickling down your thighs wasn't a clear sign of your longing, the fact that you promptly followed his command under his hungry gaze certainly speaks volumes.
"Fucking beautiful," he whispered as you peeled off your bra, licking his bottom lip as he watched your breasts bounce free. Now, you were left in only your skimpy panties.
"The most prettiest girl in the world." He lament, pulling you closer and situating you between his legs, your exposed breasts now right in front of his face. Your tits were hardening as he firmly grasped one of them.
"—and I get to have you all to myself."
You instantly crumbled when he captures a nipple between his pouty lips, suckling on the hard nub until you feel the pressure on your skin. His other hand toyed with the other perky breast, kneading it and ensuring it received the same attention as he pinched it between his fingers.
"Feels so good, seungie..." You moaned out, your fingers found purchase in his hair again as you arch your back when he switch to engulf the other nipple with moist kisses.
"Fuck...love it when you use your tongue on me." You were shaking your head, body trembling when he kept nibbling and lapping at your sensitive nipples, coating them with his thick saliva.
"I know, baby." He gazes up at you with a knowing expression, leaving bite marks on the swell of your breast. "Think you can handle it if I eat your pretty little pussy?"
Fuck, no, you don’t think so.
To many people on the outside, he has the sweetest pair of lips, always complementing and giving you lovey-dovey kisses in public. But behind the scenes, his dirty mouth never stops moving on your body, and you know for a fact that his tongue is the spawn of the devil. It won't end until every drop of your arousal coated his taste buds, and you crying for him to stop.
But you fear you might go insane if the ache between your legs isn't relieved soon, succumbing everything you have to him.
"Yes, please, I need you now." You urged.
Heeseung laugh softly, a big smile plastered on his face.
"C'mere, baby. Get on the bed and lay down for me."
He instructs, standing up and turning you both around so that you're pressed against the bed.
He took a pillow to gently tuck it beneath your head, making sure you were laying down in a comfortable position. You were observing every move he made impatiently, and he took obvious notice of that.
“You look like I’ve already made you cum,” He teased.
Blushing at his words, you watched as he settled to spread your legs open. The sight made his cock twitch, the damp patch of fabric clinging to your folds, outlining the curves of your lips. He could already imagining how swollen and soak you were, and he haven't even properly touch you yet.
"You're so wet, baby," He praised, peeling your panties from your pussy. "Are you sure you haven't cum yet?"
You shake your head, spreading your knees wider for him to tug off your panties from your ankle. "No, I wanted to wait for you."
"Such a good girl."
Heeseung seemed satisfied with your response, especially when he could confirm that you weren't lying. Your pussy was slick with arousal, and your clit looked engorged to the touch. He was sure it was courtesy of you humping the carpet floor when you were on your knees for him.
Heeseung laid on his stomach, hooking his arms behind your thighs. It was like a wet dream, having his head between you legs and feeling the heat radiating from his breath as he drew closer to your bare cunt. You fingers entangled itself in his soft locks when he blew on your sensitive clit.
"Heeseung, please don't tease— ngahhh.”
The words died in your mouth the moment he licked a stripe of your core, as if to test the waters before fully lapping on your wet folds. You lifted your hips, hearing the slurping sounds of his lips smacking around your cunt. His button nose pressed on your clit so deliciously that you hoped the loud noise from the party was drowning the even louder cries of pleasure escaping from your throat.
"yes, yes, fuck, faster." There was the familiar knot blooming in your stomach, the one that was growing the more Heeseung prob the tip of his tongue in and out of your lose slit.
A soft groan emits from him, driven by the way you would roughly scrape your nails on his scalp as you start grinding on his face feverishly. His chin is dripping with drool and your arousal, your sweet scent and taste overwhelming his mind, causing him to quicken his pace and latch his lips onto your clit.
He flattened his tongue on the pearl, flicking it back and forth, face pressed deeply between your thighs until you were a convulsing mess on his bed.
Your abdomen was pulsing erratically, your walls clenching over nothing as you released the torment you had kept. An orgasm washed over you like cold icy water, throwing your head back as Heeseung's tongue continued to coax every bit of your climax until he was satisfied. He was going down on you, making sure to clean every crevice that he might have missed, even when you were weakly whining that it was too much.
He was fucking pussy drunk. There was no other explanation for him literally drinking you up right now.
"You're such a cute mess.” He was peppering your inner thighs with kisses, watching you squirm from the sensitivity every touch on your skin brings. "Always so ready for me to taste."
His sun-kissed skin glowed with sweat, his hair attractively disheveled, while his lips were swollen with a sweet pink hue. He gingerly moved and leaned down to kiss you square on the lips. It was light-hearted, simmering down the intensity of everything that happened before.
He was gentle, holding your jaw tenderly as you both basked in the warmth of your proximity.
"You did so well for me, baby." He bumps his nose against yours. "Think you can keep going?"
It was sweet of him to take note on the exhaustion reigning on your features, but you honestly don’t think the night could be completely over until he fucks your pussy with his cock.
"God, yes,” You nodded, gnawing on your lower lip. "Lemme ride you.”
He wasted no time in positioning himself to sit up, leaning his back on the headboard. You took this as an invitation to sit on his lap as he rummage on his side drawer for a condom.
“Wild berry or bubblegum, what do you think?”
“Heeseung, please just hurry up.”
You snapped, snatching one of the wrappers from his hand.
Heeseung's boyish laughter filled the air, his beautiful smile and his eyes turning a beautiful crescent shape. His silly jokes could never be separated, to the point where you swore he was secretly a masochist for finding joy in seeing you suffer in the most unconventional moments.
You rip the package open with your teeth before rolling it onto his already hard cock that twitches with every friction from your contact. Now, you thought you were the one being needy when he was literally manhandling you to hover over him.
You rest your hand on his broad shoulders. With one hand on your waist and the other wrapped around the base of his cock, he guides the tip to your entrance as you slowly sink down simultaneously.
He rasped out words to encourage you to lower your hips, the loud sounds of both of you moaning in rapture together when he fully bottoms out filled the room.
"Holy shit." Heeseung's head fell to knock on the headboard, his chest going up and down erratically. "You're so fucking tight."
Heeseung's large cock was throbbing inside of you, filling you completely as if he was made for you. The initial discomfort of the stretch slowly fizzled out, and pleasure took over as you craved more of him. You guide his hand to wrap around your waist, moving your hips up and down on his length.
You were absolutely enamored, lifting yourself before sinking back down with a heavy weight, feeling his mushroom tip pressing on the deepest part of your cervix. Your inside were spasming insanely at the hot contact, leaving you to spill a mantras of moans.
You lean back to rest your palms on his thighs, grinding and rolling your hips, hearing the soft creak of the bed as you begin to bounce on his cock sloppily. Heeseung's moaning and panting under his breath, pulling your waist impossibly close when he feels you clench around his girth deliciously.
"You look so hot. What the fuck." Heeseung gasped out, watching your through half lidded eyes.
His view of you was just amazing— your perfect tits bouncing when you slam your hips down at an angle, your wet pussy squeezing him tightly that he could see a white ring of precum collecting at the base of his shaft. Pieces of your hair were stuck to your forehead, your face so fucked out that he could easily cum from this image of you.
"Fuck, Heeseung, touch me."
You alluring voice was like a spell, coaxing him to fondle your breast while his thumb played with your puffy nipples. You continue to overwhelmed him as you move faster, both of his hands slowly glide down to grab your ass cheeks, aiding you to move back and forth on his cock sensually when he notice you slowing down.
"Keep going baby, I love it when you spread your pussy and ride my cock."
You shake your head in desperation, your thighs trembling in exhaustion. "Can't— I can't go on anymore."
You didn't need to say twice, and he was already pulling you to rest on his chest.
"It's okay, baby, I got you." Heeseung holds you by your love handles before he started thrusting up roughly.
It became apparent that both of you were on edge, becoming overly sensitive to each other. Every drag of his cock against your walls throwing both of you into overdrive. While you were holding onto your dear life to stay afloat, Heeseung was becoming addicted to the pleasure, pounding into you until the loud sound of clapping filled the room.
You're not sure anymore whether it was the sound of his thighs or his balls slapping against your ass.
You couldn't focus anymore, not when you were struggling to stay upright as he was balls deep into you. He was so big, so hard that he was practically throbbing against your walls. Not even a second did he slip out, despite the brute speed and strength he was using to rail you repeatedly at your sweet spot.
The burning knot in your stomach was coming back, getting tighter and tighter as he makes a mess in your insides.
"Heeseung." You're voice crack at the end, nails digging at his back. "I— I'm about to fucking cum."
Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you hide your face in his neck, the feeling of his fingers rubbing and pinching on your clit made you clamp harder around him. You chanting his name over and over again only deepen his desire to absolutely ruined you in the best way possible.
"That's it, baby, cum for me." Heeseung nibbled the lobe of your ear, the movement of his hips faltering gradually as he was near his high as well. "I want to see you cum all over my cock like a good girl."
There was a second of pin-drop silence before you slump on his chest, crying and moaning as you feel your second orgasm shaking your body and soul. Heeseung was not far behind you, stuffing your sore slit with one last crash before you could feel his chest vibrate with loud groans, releasing strings of hot semen into the rubber.
The knot in your stomach was untied, losing its overwhelming pressure, and it mixed wonderfully when Heeseung's face morphed into a satisfying glint, his head falling to rest on the headboard.
It feels like a symphony of wonders, the heat of everything blending in from the heavy breathing and the slick dripping down your thighs as Heeseung pull out of you to tie the soiled condom. You close your eyes, ears pressed against his chest as you follow the lullaby of his heartbeat to calm your mind down.
Your hands mindlessly twirl the chains of his necklace, and Heeseung embraces you tighter in his arms. He leans down to place a sweet kiss on your cheeks, pushing back some stray hairs behind your ears. He let out a tender sigh when you snuggle closer, prompting him to trace your back gently with his fingers.
Your legs was sore but you regained your bearings to kiss him, gently humming when you feel him smiling against your lips.
"I love you, Heeseung." You said softly.
He peered down at you, his eyes saying everything without a word as he gave that lovesick expression, admitting that he will forever be—
"I love you too. Always."
—Your lover boy.
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@moonheecore All rights reserved. Do not translate or post my works anywhere without permission.
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paradiseprincesss · 1 month
Hey lovely!!! I absolutely love all your fics
How about Jackson who slowly falls in love with reader and wants to marry her (shocking to him cuz he’s kind of a fuckboy) but then he learns that she’s been using him for information
Dark ending maybe?
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double fantasy - jackson rippner x assassin!reader
hey queen, i have one word for you: YES. i wasn't sure if you wanted a dark ending for jackson himself or for the reader - so i just kind of went of a whim. also thank you for the support i love u endlessly you are so so so kind! kisses
summary: you had one job. seduce and kill your target; jackson rippner. you thought you had him wrapped around your finger but really - he had you wrapped around his.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: dark themes, (brief) smut 18+ mdni!!, daddy kink, praise kink, p in v, choking, mentions of murder, forced captivity, being held hostage, misogyny, mentions of breeding kink/forced breeding, housewife kink/fetish, mentions of forced pregnancy.
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jackson thought he was pretty good at his job. i mean, being the leader of an assassination organization - he felt as if could read people like the back of his hand. he was a talented hitman - that much was obvious. he'd never failed a mission; if he did he'd be dead or in jail, perhaps he'd meet the fate of both tragic endings if he did ever fuck up.
as agile and manipulative as he was - he was no match to you. he couldn't even compare to you.
you weren't just some killer for hire , nor were you the leader of some assassination organization. you - you were lethal. you only worked along side a few other people, but mostly alone. you didn't work for some organization.
jackson considered himself to be a busy man, certainly too busy with work to date long-term. he only ever got with women casually, usually for a quick fuck or a one night stand, never bothering to follow up with any calls or god forbid - a date.
a heartbreaker, some may say. but as good as jackson was at that - you were even better. you seemed to be quite good at that; being better than him in pretty much everything he attempted to do. but jackson learned how you worked faster than you could keep up.
the repetitive music played loudly in the crowded bar, the dim lights barely giving any light source in the packed building, various neon signs hanging off the wall.
you came dressed to kill - literally.
with your hair and makeup done flawlessly, you stepped into the crowded bar in your highest louboutin red bottoms, in the classic black colour they were so well known for. your tight, black, mini dress hugged the shape of your body in all the rights ways; the see through lace on the bustier of it giving a little peak as to what was hiding underneath. the jewels on your earrings, necklace, and dainty but iced out bracelet probably costed more than what every single person in the bars salary was combined. you knew you were priceless.
"martini, dirty." you tell the bartender, reaching into your favourite designer clutch but he'd cut you off before you could even get a hold of your card. "ah, don't worry about that - it's on the house."
you smile sweetly, pretending to be shocked at the bartenders words with a little gasp just for dramatic effects, "really? you're so sweet." you tell him, biting your lip.
he places your martini, dirty, just the way you like it in front of you with a little smile - you knew you had this man wrapped around your finger within seconds of meeting him.
why were you here tonight, though?
well, a few hours ago you got a hefty deposit into your bank account of a few hundred thousand dollars - for a job well done, of course. earlier on in the quiet morning of that same day, you had murdered a man on the floor of his apartment without leaving a single trace as per requested by a few...not so good people.
this was just another day on the job. nothing new, nothing special. but still, you wanted to celebrate - getting paid is getting paid! however - your celebration plans were cut short when a certain contact reached out to you. grabbing your phone after hearing it buzz, you read the message and sigh.
hey gorgeous. need a favour. i'm in some serious shit. it's roman by the way. sent 4:58 pm.
roman was a man who you had worked with a few times - a pretty well known guy in the mafia, not that you had any business with them but hey, sometimes it didn't hurt to work together. especially when it brought in twice the payout.
hey. hm, what u need? sent 5:01 pm.
you quickly sent off your response, and within a few minutes roman had texted you back.
some fucking guy got some info about the drugs i was bringing in. dunno anything bout him but he works for that organization i was telling u bout last week. sent 5:09 pm.
oh that kill for hire bullshit one or wtvr? lol. ok. send me info. when u need him gone by? sent 5:15 pm.
i dont really need him dead...i just need him to disappear. if shit gets fucked up, then yeah kill him but for now i need you to find out what he knows and who his contacts are. then we can take em all out. i'll pay u 5 mil if u do this right. sent 5:31 pm.
with a sigh, you quickly hit him back with an "okay," and he wasted no time sending you the information on the guy he was after. you learned the name of your target, and where he'd be tonight.
"let me guess, you didn't actually plan on taking your card out to pay?" a smooth voice says to you, causing you to glance over to see a man matching the description that roman had sent to you earlier on in the day.
you scoff, playfully of course, and roll your eyes. "i was hoping the handsome stranger across the bar would be the one to offer up his card - but i guess the bartender will have to do."
he smirks at you, his crystal blue eyes still striking in the dimly lit bar, and he sticks his hand out to shake yours.
"jackson." he tells you, and you shake his hand softly, "jackson...?" you trail off, eluding that you wanted a last name, not that he knew you needed this information for conformation. "rippner. i guess my parents hated me. but i killed them," he pauses, "- kidding." and with that, he laughs softly, his dimples evident.
"well, jackson. it's nice to meet you." you say to him, and then you give him of your name, to which he asks you another question. "just curious - what do you do for a living? modelling or something like that, surely?"
the question makes you take in a breath, and you answer promptly. "ah, flattering - but no. i work in finance. i'm an accountant."
"an accountant? god, you could be a model, hon." he laughs, leaning closer to you - hand now resting on your thigh. god, he's sleazy, you think to yourself.
"mm, thank you. you're not so bad yourself mr. rippner." you force yourself to say, phoney smile and all, chugging down the rest of your martini to ease the discomfort.
"what do you say we get you another one? on me this time, of course." he says lowly, close to your ear, which made you shiver. "i'll take you up on that offer." you tell him.
the night flew by, the two of you talked endlessly - with him constantly touching you in some way. he kept you topped up on martinis while he got his preferred drink; whiskey on the rocks.
"you know, i think you should come home with me tonight, hon." he whispers against your lips, your back pushed up against the brick wall in the cramped hallway of the dark bar. the two of you ended up like this because...well he was hot, and you were willing to do anything to get the information you needed. if it took a little kissing to get there, so be it.
"i think so too." you whisper back breathessly.
however, you'd come to somewhat regret those words by the next morning as you woke up in this strangers (debatable) bed - naked and tangled up in the sheets with him arm around you and a killer headache.
i'm hungover as fuck, you thought to yourself, eyes adjusting to the morning light drifting through the curtains.
"mornin." his raspy voice said, as he softly opened his eyes, taking you in.
gotta go gotta go gotta go!
get out!
the little voice in your head plagued you - but you knew it was the right thing to do. "hey," was all you managed to say, before trying to get up out of his grip and out of his bed, frantically searching for your dress, expensive shoes, clutch and jewelry.
quickly sliding the garment back on, you grab your belonging and shove them into your clutch, stumbling to get your high heels on as he watched you.
"...uh, so nice...meeting you, i guess." he says to you - a little awkwardly. usually, could not care less if a woman was in a rush to leave his place, in fact, he was usually the one rushing them out the door. but for some reason, he couldn't seem to do that to you because you'd beat him to it.
"yeah, nice." you tell him, your head clouded with thoughts. you fucked up.
you slept with the one person you shouldn't have slept with - and you left with no information for roman. maybe today would be the day you got killed.
"wait." jackson says suddenly, "do...i have your number? can i text you later?" jackson didn't know why he said this, he sounded like some desperate loser who'd never felt the touch of a woman before.
as you were about to say "no, and i don't want to give it to you," an idea popped into your head. maybe you didn't fuck up, after all.
"no, but..." you smile softly with a pause, "i'm sorry. i'm just in a rush because i don't usually do this and it's kind of embarrassing. but um-"
"don't go." he says, almost in a begging manner, getting up out of the bed with just his plaid pyjama pants hanging loosely off his waist. "i mean, you can if you want. but i'd like to see you again."
you didn't realize this so called "dangerous assassin leader" was that...easy? lonely? desperate? all of the above?
"take me out sometime, then." you tell him, to which he smiles and says; "yeah, you're not working tonight, right?"
"tonight?" you said, a little surprised, "i'm not working, no..."
"then i'll pick you up at 8." he tells you plainly, his gaze never leaving yours.
"...erm- okay." you say with a breathless laugh, and soon enough, you were doing your walk of shame home. well, barely a walk of shame - he got you an uber to your place, so you didn't have to walk very much at all.
you would honestly rather die than walk down the street to flag down a cab in thousand dollar shoes and last nights dress.
that afternoon, whilst getting ready for your date with jackson, you gave roman a call and gave him a run down of your plan.
"what, like you're going to seduce the guy?" he asks over the phone. "yeah, cause think about it. if i get him to trust me - give his all to me, i think i'd get more information than if i were to just threaten him or hold him hostage." you inform roman, to which he surprisingly agrees with you.
"yeah- yeah, alright. that's actually not a bad idea at all. maybe we can get info on all the people he has working for him. take them out." he tells you, and you spend the next couple minutes on the phone going back and forth about it.
soon enough, it was nearly 8 o'clock. you'd texted jackson your address prior to your date, and he said he'd be there to pick you up. you stepped out the door looking like a million dollars - hair done in your signature style, makeup just how you liked it, saint laurent heels on, and a sexy outfit to match.
when jackson stepped out of his vehicle to open the passenger door for you, his heart stopped.
"you look incredible." he says in awe, opening the door for you, and you politely smile at him, "you're gonna make me blush."
the date went surprisingly well, the two of you definitely hit it off - well, he was under that impression anyway...but so were you.
jackson was notorious for his "fuckboy" personality; he never cared to have a girlfriend or any sort of commitment as casual sex just seemed so much...better. no strings attached, he could see whoever else he wanted, he could focus on his job without distractions.
but- there was something about you. you didn't chase after him, in fact, you were the one who tried to leave as soon as you woke up in his bed. jackson wasn't used to that, he wasn't used to a woman who was just like him.
"i'd love to see you again sometime." jackson says softly, hand on your thigh as he drove you back to your place post-date. he kept his gaze locked on the dark road ahead of him. glancing over at him from the passenger seat, you take a deep breathe. as wrong as it was - you thought he was so sexy. he was gorgeous, no doubt about it.
"yeah, i'd like that." you say back to him in a flirtatious voice, to which he hums in agreement.
you really had your work cut out for you - but that's okay. you were willing to play the long game here.
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"oh my god, jackson-" his name fell from your lips as you laid under him, a moaning, begging mess.
"tell me how good it feels, honey." he coos to you as he keeps himself deep inside - the tip of his cock bruising your cervix. you could feel yourself getting close already.
"feels so good, daddy." you pant as his cock rearranges your insides. the way he was splitting you open was delicious.
but you had to remind yourself - this wasn't real. this was your job. this was purely...work.
"so good for me, honey. fuck- you're so tight." he hisses, feeling your cunt tighten up around his cock, indicating you were close. "cum for me, baby. show daddy who you belong to."
"please please please - fuck!" you were screaming now, not caring who heard you as he took you in his bed, fucking you in an animalistic way.
his words - mixed with the way he was rearranging your insides, caused you to make a mess all over his cock. as jackson felt you cream his cock, he felt himself unable to hold in his own release.
"good girl, honey. gonna fill this tight little pussy up with my cum. god, i love you." he moans, after giving you a few more harsh thrusts. you felt spurts of his warm cum fill you up, cock twitching as he kept stuffing your cunt.
after he came down from his high, he pulled out and pulled you close to him, the both of you laying naked in the king-sized bed. the post-sex clarity hit you suddenly - and you were trying your hardest to fight it off.
you didn't love him - god, no. never. you didn't even know how to love. you murdered people for a living; love didn't exist in your world. however, the man who held you in his arms was feeling quite the opposite, or so he had gotten you to think
he was falling in love with you. fuck that - he already fell in love with you. yes, the two of you had similar if not the same line of work, but that didn't mean that jackson was immune to you. that didn't mean he was safe from the way you made him feel. you had him right where you wanted.
or so you thought.
maybe the line between love - and sick, twisted obsession was closer than you thought.
you were making secret calls to roman every second that jackson was away at work. jackson lied (partially), and told you that he worked as a ceo for a company that distributed pharmaceuticals. he was technically a ceo of a company - just not that one he had told you.
he let you think that he was still under the impression you were an accountant - and most days, you would "work from home" while he went out to work his "ceo" job.
you slammed the laptop shut as soon as you heard the keys in the door, and jackson stepped into his apartment dressed in his usual dress shirt, blazer, and slacks.
"miss me?" he teased, shutting the door behind him, coming over to kiss you softly on the couch. "missed you, baby." you assure him, even though you just spent the whole day sending roman pictures of all the contacts listed in jacksons laptop - along with some other useful information.
"sweetheart," he softly says to you, "i love you." your breath hitches in your throat, but you collect yourself quickly. "i love you too, jackson."
he smiles at you lovingly, and takes your hand in his. "i can't believe were going to be married in 3 months." he whispers, kissing your neck softly. you swallow, looking at the huge diamond that shone brightly on your ring finger. "i can't wait to spend forever with you." you lie, letting him place sloppy kisses all over your neck.
but...there was more truth to those words than you realized.
you'd spent the last year and a half seducing this man and getting him to fall for you - fall for you so hard that he ended up proposing to you - in which you didn't really have any choice but to say yes. play the part, you always told yourself.
"i knew i wasn't ever going to let you go when i first met you." he whispers, hand creeping up to grab a hold of your neck. you let yourself fall into his touch; jackson often liked to choke you leading up to and during sex, it was something the both of you were into.
"yeah, me too, baby." you whisper, feeling him give your neck a little squeeze. he let out a breathy chuckle, and squeezed a little harder.
"mmm, when roman sent me your picture saying he needed you gone, i knew i couldn't kill you. look at that pretty face," he coos, looking directly at you, "and that body - my god, i knew i was gonna keep you here as mine when i fucking saw you."
your heart stopped the second you heard him - and you stammer, feeling like you were actually suffocating now. "w-what?"
"i know who you really are, sweetheart." he grows, putting more pressure onto your neck.
"roman works for me."
your blood ran cold.
how could you not have known? you thought you could trust roman - how naive were you?
you should've known better not to trust people in the same seedy business you were involved in.
"silly girl," he coos mockingly, "you should thank me, you know. he wanted to kill you; have you go missing so that he could cash in. you know how many people have put out hits on you, right?"
you knew this was true. working in a business like the one you did, you make a lot of enemies - especially when you were one of the best in the game.
"i-i can e-explain-" you try and get the words out, but before you get to it, he chokes you harshly cutting off your air supply momentarily.
"you're good at what you do, you know that? but if you think you're actually better than me at this - you're fucking delusional." he spat, finally letting his grip go slightly around your neck, but still choking you softly. "but that's okay - i know. you're just a girl, after all."
"i-i thought you l-loved m-me." you say, stammering with broken words as you tried to breathe properly through his deathly grip.
"of course i love you, honey. that hasn't changed. if i didn't love you, i wouldn't have convinced roman to let you live." he informs you, "you really thought you were going to get me? hm? you've spent the last fucking year and a half sending my men so called 'blackmail' and 'information' about me."
suddenly, you felt a cold piece of metal pressed up against the side of your head, making you whimper. a gun. "it was my idea, to keep you distracted so that we could take you and whoever your working with down." he brags, "now that they're all out of the way," he whispers coldly, "it's just you that's left - and you're of no use to me dead. do you understand, baby?"
you nod your head, tears starting to roll down your face to which he coos at you. "oh, honey - there's no need to cry. you'll be happier like this." he pushes the gun harder against your temple. "everyone thinks your dead, so don't bother trying to escape. but, i have to say, what a payout that was. you really are priceless, sweetheart. i had all those people that had hits out on you send me millions. they must've really wanted you gone." he laughs lowly.
you sat there, gun pressed up against your head, and tears rolling down your face. "just pull the fucking trigger - i choose death." you whisper, and he shakes his head.
"i'd never do that to you, honey." he tells you, "unless you step out of line, of course. but you're a good girl. i doubt you ever would, especially not to your husband-to-be." the words made you sob harder than before, and before you knew it, he was slowly putting the gun down, and holding you with a tight grip - as he tried strip you down, painfully slow.
"now, here's how your new life will be, honey." he says, slipping your clothes off, leaving you in just your bra and panties. "oh- you naughty girl. you know how much i like this set." he ran his hands over the matching red lace set, and continued talking. "as i was saying - you'll love it like this, living the way a woman should. you'll be my little housewife, cooking and taking care the home for me while i'm out at work. i'll get us a bigger place - don't worry. i'm well aware we'll need more space for our kids."
you felt your heart sink at his words, "j-jackson, w-why are you doing this? just kill me, it's easier.."
he grabbed your face harshly, making you look directly at him. "shut the fuck up. i'm not done." he spat. "and say goodbye to those contraceptives - you're not going to need those when were married. how am i supposed to breed you, hm? stuff you with my kids? god, you really are fucking stupid. you're going to die by my side, i hope you know that. you'll make a cute little housewife, i can tell. you make a cute hostage, too." he pauses again, looking at you with faux sympathy, biting his lip as he saw the tears streaming down your face.
"no need fight it, honey. you don't need to hide how much you like this. you knew who i was when you first met me, you knew what i was capable of, but you stayed..."
you just sobbed harder at his words as his hands pawed at your tits. it was shameful how wet this whole situation was actually making you - but that was besides the point. as he watched you slowly lose your sanity, he whispered one last thing to you.
"you're going to die trapped in my arms, honey. don't you forget it."
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reality-detective · 2 months
Was the Baltimore Bridge attacked? 👇
The Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure - most likely cyber - & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.
Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years - which is how long they say it will take to recover. The bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material - fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels - that supply chain now crippled.
Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.
The two critical components on that bridge are the two load-bearing pylons on each end, closest to the shore. They are bigger, thicker and deeper than anything else. These are the anchor points and they knew that hitting either one one of them would be a fatal wound to the integrity of the bridge.
Half a mile of bridge went in the river - likely you will have to build a new one. Also caused so much damage to the structural integrity of the bottom concrete part that you cannot see & won’t know until they take the wreckage apart. Structural destruction is likely absolutely.
Attack perfectly targeted.
“They have figured out how to bring us down. As long as you stay away from the teeth of the US military, you can pick the US apart. We are an arrogant and ignorantly - lethal combination. Obama said they would fundamentally change America and they did. We are in a free-fall ride on a roller coaster right now - no brakes - just picking up speed.”
The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: They chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself - once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.
Should have had a harbor pilot to pilot the boat. You are not supposed to traverse any obstacles without the harbor pilot.
They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift - rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace.
Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway - which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water.
All these factors when you look at it  - this is how you teach people how to do this type of attack and there are so few people left in the system who know this. We have a Junior varsity team on the field.
Tremendous navigational obstruction. Huge logistical nightmare to clean this up. The number of dead is tragic but not the whole measure of the attack.
That kind of bridge is constantly under repair - always at night because there is so much traffic and they cannot obstruct that during the day. So concern is for repair guys who were on foot (out of their vehicles) working who may now be in the water - 48 degrees at most at this time of year.
When you choke off Baltimore you have cut the main north-south hazardous corridor (I-95) in half. Now everyone has to go around the city - or go somewhere else.
To move some of that cargo through the tunnel you may be able to get a permit but those are slow to get and require an escort system that is expensive and has to be done at night.
For every $100 dollars that goes into the city, $12 comes from shipping. Believe this will cripple the city of Baltimore at a time when they do not have the resources to recover.
- Lara Logan
The traffic issue was mentioned in this 👇 post
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Maybe we have to dig deeper into this Bridge collapse further. Could it be a deeper issue? What's in those shipping containers? Who owns the ship?
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Is it for this 👆
It has been 3 years and 3 days since the Evergreen blocked the Suez Canal. Does the number 33 mean anything?
Was this a "Black Swan Event?"
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I'm just asking questions? 🤔
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spoiledblogif · 3 months
This is the development blog for the interactive fiction called "The Second Sight", which you can find on itch.io at the link above!
This is my first IF project, although I've been writing original stories and fanfiction for years.
I've included the story description and character profiles from the itch page below the cut.
This blog will be a combination of development info, images and music that I associate with the story, and other musings.
Fair warning, there might be spoilers from the latest chapters here, so I recommend catching up before reading too far.
Asks and submissions are always open.
You’re an urban legend in a county full of them.  When you were thirteen, you were found passed out in the road by one of the local cops. No missing persons report. No fingerprints on file. No memories. Just a name.
Oh, and some bizarre psychic powers.  You're content with simplicity. You like your isolated cabin and helping Carter track down missing persons.  You know that in theory there are more people like you out there, but you've never wanted to look behind the curtain to find out.
However, with the disappearance of a local teen named Casey Powell and a recent attempt on your foster father's life, your serene, isolated life comes abruptly to its end and a new chapter begins.
The Second Sight is an urban fantasy story, where you step into the role of a psychic whose strange powers have always separated them from others. Those same powers will drag you down the rabbit hole and into a world that is both the familiar and foreign to everything you know. A world filled with magic, witches, fae, demons, and the unknown.
You can immerse yourself in the story by customizing your protagonist's general appearance, choosing how they interact with others, and whether you lean on logic or intuition to problem solve. There are three love interests planned (more may be added depending on player reception and feedback), the genders of which will be selected by the player upon meeting them.
Jacob Carter
Age: Late forties
Race: Human. Definitely.
Gender: Male
Temperament: Carter radiates grizzled, old bastard energy and despite being the least paternal person in the world, he is your adoptive father. While harsh and aloof on the surface, he is also fiercely protective of you and has bent over backwards to give a decent life to a kid that isn't even his. He doesn't talk about his life before coming to Herman County and you haven't asked him, though that might change soon enough...
Age: Late twenties.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Umber brown skin, black locs, grey eyes
Temperament: Gentle and resolute, Z isn't what you imagine when you think of an agent of the mysterious Magic and Anomalies Bureau. Kind, soft-spoken, and exceedingly polite, Z is Carter's former apprentice and something about them puts the old man on edge.
✤✤✤ Renard/Rowan
Age: Appears to be in their late twenties or early thirties
Race: Human. Maybe.
Appearance: Tall and slender, white-blonde hair, and gold eyes.
Temperament: Playful and flirtatious, talking to R always feels like a game of cat and mouse and you can never be sure which role is yours. Part sad clown, part trickster, and always maddening to work with, the only things you can be certain of with R is that they probably know what they're doing. Everything else is up in the air.
Unknown aka "The Kestrel"
Age: ???
Race: Definitely not human.
Appearance: Tall, beautiful, elegant, with black hair and black eyes.
Temperament: The Kestrel is a complete unknown. It's impossible to say whether they are a lethal ally or deadly enemy, but either way they are a powerful dreamwalker. You don't know how long they've been watching you, but you're willing to bet that it's been longer than you're comfortable with.
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purelyfiction · 4 months
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stars in a line - robert 'bob' floyd x f!reader
Word Count: 1,207 words
Summary: Chicken's in the skillet, ice in the drink, head's in the clouds, diamond's in the rough, he's in a Chevy and I'm in love // Tips in the apron, hair's in a braid, Mercury's all in retrograde // He's in a T-shirt all cleaned up, Good lord almighty, mama don't wait up // Chills down my spine, hearts on the line, He's all mine and I'm in love
Content Warning: fluff!! also note of animal abandonment
Author Note: another round for @ohtobeleah 's galentines writings :))))))
the familiar rumble of the older engine makes your features split with a smile. when bob had told you he was gonna drive his truck from montana to california you thought he was losing his mind.
then he'd explained why he was so insistent.
that he'd taken you out in that '87 Chevy all those years ago. after weeks of coming into the diner you worked in after school, dozens and dozens of milkshake and fry basket combos (and subsequent heartburn) just so he could hang out with you. he'd gotten up the nerve to finally ask you out. that truck had been your front row seats at the drive in watching a rerun of some old army movie his dad had recommended.
he'd taken the two of you to prom in that truck. to high school graduation, your college graduation. when the engine died on you while he was stationed in atlanta he'd taught you how to fix the thing via facetime.
beverly the chevy had been there for so many of your big moments. she'd been the reason why bob ended up buying the house that you stood contently in.
'bev is gonna need a place out of the elements if she's gonna stay top notch.'
this house had been the only one with a two car garage. one side for bev and one side for your car.
now when the engine rumbles echoed in the garage and made the older house vibrate, you couldn't help but grin. the sizzling of chicken in a skillet on the stove greets bob when he steps into the kitchen. he's greeted with the smell and a bottle of wine in a pile of ice in the sink. the door to the garage shuts, and you glance over your shoulder. when you do, you're witnessing the brown paper bouquet in his hands, white t-shirt on his shoulders, levis hugging his waist, trucker cap right where it belongs. he knows what this does to you. it's a simple look, nothing more than the basics but that's what does it. it highlights him. the man you love, bare bones and all.
the same man you fell for in that truck bed all those years ago.
he slides his boots off and wraps his arms around you from behind you, showing off the flowers he carried in. "happy flowers to you," he's humming now, making you giggle as his arms tight around you start bouncing you back and forth as he sings to the tune of 'happy birthday', "happy flowers to you, happy flowers, happy flowers, to my valentine youuuuuu" he punctuates the end of the song with a sloppy kiss to your cheek as you ease the weight of the florals from his hand.
"these are stunning, bo." you grin as he lets go, letting you turn to face him fully as he smiles.
"i know, i picked 'em cause they remind me of you." bob grins before pressing a quick kiss to your lips, barely pulling back when he speaks again, "happy valentines, sweet girl." you repeat the sentiment before he takes the arrangement and starts to get them into water.
you can't help but stare as he begins trimming the ends of each stem, easing them into the vase. you can smell the freshness of his body wash, having showered on base before he came home to you. couldn't waste time on your night together - and he knew it. the combination on him is near lethal to you. if you weren't actively cooking dinner, the counter would have been supplying a different kind of heat to the kitchen.
"i bought you something!" you nearly startle him with your sudden announcement, the reminder of your gift hitting you as you watch him. running down the hall causes the pup in the living room to chase after you, causing you and bob to both laugh.
shadow had been an unplanned addition to your lives because the poor pup appeared on your back deck one night. the collar on his neck held your current address. the previous owners had barely been involved with the process of the sale, so you didn't have their contact information to tell them hey assholes, you left your dog.
so, you and bob joked that the house came with a guardian, a black lab and german shepherd mix (bob got his dna tested out of infuriating curiosity). he quickly clung to the two of you - thus 'shadow'.
you lug the box into the kitchen, where bob has kept an eye on the meal you had recklessly abandoned. looking at you he huffs a gasp. "sweet girl, this is unnecessary." he laughs, taking the wrapped gift from your arms and sliding it onto the counter. still, he tears into it and reveals the milkshake maker, making him laugh, looking over at you with a grin. "that why you got your hair all done like this?" he grins, his fingers moving over the braid you'd plaited this morning.
"maybe." you hum, kissing his cheek as he looks over the box holding the machine. that diner the two of you met in had closed not long after you moved to san diego. you'd spent hours there and he'd once complimented the ribbon in your hair when it was woven into the braid on your head. recently, bob had mentioned how he'd missed those milkshakes they'd always made him.
he grins, before tucking his hand into his pocket. "hold out your hand." you hold it out as he asks, palm up. what he sets into your palm catches you off guard.
you'd been expecting something small, likely a jewelry box or something, like the years before.
instead a little metal circle is dropped into your palm. shining and glimmering. diamonds along it like stars in a line. your spine is electrified with chills, as your jaw drops as you look at him in awe. "bob, what-you-"
"i can get on my knee if you want, i'm just- i'm so in love with you. i'm truly in awe of you and how valid you make me feel. how valued and cherished i feel - how you listen," his head nods to the machine on the counter, "and you care and you never fail to be the best. just simply the best. i hope that i am for you-"
cutting him off you speak, "and you are," he laughs.
"then i wanna continue being that for you. for forever." you're sliding the new piece of jewelry onto your ring finger before he can get the words out, your arms slinking around his shoulders and linking your lips with his.
when you pull back, you grin.
"you're mine. i'm all yours and i'm in love. i'm so in love with you. with our life and the path we're on." you whisper. his hand takes a hold of your arm before the two of you jump at the sound of a smoke detector, both of you scrambling to clear the kitchen of smoke.
when the alarm is off and the burnt chicken is tossed, you smirk as you pull ice cream from the fridge.
"ice cream for dinner?" you try. bob grins.
"how about milkshakes instead?"
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tokoyamisstuff · 6 months
Mark Hoffman x GN! Reader
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A/N: Wtf, I had this basically finished work in my drafts all this time?? Anyways, enjoy.
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Summary: After Mark Hoffman's true identity has been revealed, his personal apprentice has to step in.
Warnings: Angst, Blood
Notes: Hurt/Comfort, Takes place in between SAW 6 and 7
Words: 1800
"Almost done..."
You were in the very same warehouse as the participants of the current game, tinkering on some of your mentor's latest inventions.
Mark would never openly admit, but while he was the mastermind behind most traps, it was your finishing touch that made them possible.
Not bad for a basically self-taught engineer, right?
As your eyes wanderes to the timer on the top corner of the livestream, you realized that this test was almost over. To not get distracted you had muted the old TV. However due to the proximity, most of the dampened screams would still dring to your ear.
Gladly, the more you get used to all of this, the more selective your hearing becomes - so you had already fallen deaf to them.
You huffed while trying to lift the heavy tool onto the workbench again, not bothering to wait for Mark to help you. Taking a sip of water, you watched the subject reaching the final part of his test.
Unbelievable that it’s already been one year since you’ve become the next generations Jigsaw’s apprentice, assisting Mark with every game ever since John and Amanda had passed away...
...and in your eyes, the sacrifices you had to make were all worth it.
Grabbing a towel to pat off the sweat from your face and chest, your mind wandered back to the day you had revealed yourself to him. Being a mere admirer of Jigsaw's work and philosophy, having found out Detective Hoffman's double life on your own.
But he was different than John Kramer and Amanda Young. Played by his own rules, which you oddly sympathized with.
Why giving those dangers to society - like Seth Baxter - a second chance? They shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. No, all they deserved was to be put down for good, after experiencing what their victims had.
You remembered Mark's hands on your throat the second you confessed to him. Couldn't blame him, though - last time someone told him "I know who you are", there was a shotgun draped to his neck shortly after.
The mere fact that you had survived this encounter, let alone having been declared his secret accomplice, made your chest swell with pride.
After all, you had gained somewhat trust and respect of basically the most misanthropic person on earth.
After a while of negotiation Mark had been impressed by your skill, both physical and mental. Having figured out his identity when not even the police or FBI couldn't...
...furthermore, your almost obsessively worship of his every action was exactly the kind of ego stroke he just couldn't reject.
And so you ended up his loyal subordinate, working for him from the shadows and taking every wish as your command.
Over time, the two of you had become a lethal combination - complimenting each talents and evening out the other's flaws.
It was pretty obvious that he was a sociopath, unable to sharw any personal bond with anyone. You may have shared a heated fling or a passionate night occasionally, but that was it.
This man was just using you, and you have been equally deranged enough to enjoy this. Addicted to the thrill of adrenaline that came to being associated with him.
You’d follow him blindly - even if it meant your own death.
Speaking of...
You jumped at the sound of a heavy steel door opening, immediately cocking your gun towards the entrance - force of habit...
...yet instead of a threat, something even worse came inside.
This was certainly not the first time you had seen him covered in that much blood, but this time was different - it was his own, and much to your surprise made you freak out.
The man mutely limped towards your workshop, only a dirty cloth covering his torn cheek. "Shit, you're going to get an infection..."
Rushing to get the first aid kid while he threw the reverse bear trap onto the table, you figured this was not the time to ask about what exactly happened.
Not that he'd be able to answer anyway even if he wanted to, given his current state.
You couldn't help but laugh as he tried to snatch the medical supplies out of your hand. "You know you're allowed to need help sometimes, right?"
He furrowed his brows at you, and while most normal people would be intimidated by his demeanour, you found him almost adoringly stubborn.
"Now come here, would you..." you ordered as he finally let go off of the kit, worry present in your tone.
The man grunted approvingly, making you laugh. “You know, Amanda was right: You really are one of the last cavemen.”
Good thing he wasn’t able to talk right not - otherwise he’d advise you to never take that filthy name into your mouth ever again if you wanted to keep on living.
When he was finally sat, you carefully evaluated the wound - even though on the inside, it was hard to keep it together seeing him that way.
You were amazed at his composure up until now - the pain must be agonizing...
There was no time to lose either, a major blood vessel was torn and he was still actively losing a lot of blood.
Much to his luck, you were prepared for every eventuality. Glad you took those anatomy and first aid lessons back in the day, you just knew with your kind of profession that would pay off someday.
You quickly cleaned both hands from the motor oil, before pouring a whole bottle of your mentor's booze over them and the wound.
Deeply concentrated, you stuck out your tongue as you started patching him up. Hoffman warily eyed your every move, every stitch you so carefully placed to reconstruct his facial features.
This whole time, Mark had one hand firmly placed on your knee, squeezing ever so slightly. You were almost done, admiring his strenght to not even flinch as you patched him back together.
“Too bad for that handsome face, though...” you mumbled to yourself, speaking faster than your mind could catch up on. Not that he’d care about appearance or something like that anyway. “But men with scars are pretty handsome, you know?”
You handed him a mirror, scolding him to not touch the wound as he evaluating your handiwork. "The gentleman is allowed to thank me now” you chuckled as you noticed he wasn’t sure if he could talk again now.
"That bitch is gonna pay for this" he finally spoke, still a little slurred since he'd need to get used to the feeling.
"You're welcome" you rolled your eyes, still cheerful before busying yourself with bandaging his hand as well. “There's not much I can do with a fracture like this, but it'll probably heal itself. Just try not using it too much. Punch with the other hand, maybe? Haha..."
“We need to go” he stated with that gravely voice of his, face contorting in pain as he tried to clench his fist. "Jill tried to kill me. She got away, the police is most likely on their way."
"Ten steps ahead of you." There was enough time to understand the mess Hoffman had gotten himself into later. So for now you quickly threw both your identification papers in the fire barrel that had kept you warm until now, before turning to him.
You softly pushed him down onto the chair again, no words needed to tell him he should rest and let you handle this for a change. Just packing a bag with all the necessities, covering the workshop in gasoline and you were good to go.
“How sad...” you thought, turning around to watch your work go up in flames “I was just done with the tool.”
As if Mark knew what you were thinking, he rubbed some circles on your back before pushing you to walk faster. "We can always make a new one. Let's go."
The future might be uncertain, but one thing you was sure of: Soon, Detective Mark Hoffman would officially be a wanted criminal...
...but as long as you had each other, there was still hope for a good ending to this story.
"It's not over, but I need to stay incognito from now on" he uttered a little out of breath, your old car shaking a little as the heavy man entered the backseat. "You'll need to make the preparations and anything else I can entrust to you."
"Of course" you acknowledged, rummaging in your bag until you found what you were looking for. "Everything you want."
Just when you were getting the srynge into his field of view, Mark would panic, painfully grabbing your wrist to stop you.
"No..." he was so utterly exhausted, yet terrified of the possibility to be forcefully put to sleep like his victims and himself once.
“Mark...calm down” you cooed understandingly, your palm rubbing his cheek. “C’mon, it’s me after all. There's just morphine in there, it's not enough to knock you out. I promise."
Being such a control freak, it was hard for him to be at the mercy of another. Yet he nodded mutely and rolled up his sleeve to inject the pain medication directly into his bloodstream.
After all the fucked up things happening, sometimes he’d forget that there was actually one person he could trust.
"You know" he sighed, sinking deeper into the car seat as the drug showed it's effect, making him slowly but steadily relax. "You're everything I have."
“That’s the morphine speaking” you giggled, trying to keep your eyes on the road and he couldn't think but wonder if you always had such a soothing voice.
...and with you humming so sweetly, the sunset light illuminating your skin like this...have you always been this beautiful, or was he really just high?
“Maybe" he ultimately spoke, deciding he'd have to figure it out after everything was over. "Or it just makes me talk about things I usually keep to myself.”
You cracked a smile at this half-assed answer. Typical - but you admittedly liked even this part about him.
“Only this last game...” he continued stammering, and it was actually cute to see this softer side of this brute of a man. “John Kramer’s work is almost done.”
“And what are you going to do afterwards? Any plans, boss?”
With him being on the backseat, your eyes would only briefly meet through the rearview mirror...
...and what you saw may be the same man you knew for so long already, and yet so different.
Happy, somehow.
Smiling for a change. Genuinely and wholeheartedly, not this fake one he'd put up to fit in with society.
And you knew this one was just for you.
“When this is all over, I want it to be you and me.”
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hollyhomburg · 6 months
(Tw: talking about military stuff, death, pregnancy, implied abuse) I have a super angsty au in mind that is both an idol au and and omegaverse, where alpha! Jin’s second in command sacrifices himself for him, or maybe it’s a training accident gone wrong. It takes place just after everyone in jinnies pack has gone in for service, even the beta’s 🥺
and he comes to know that the man’s omega is with pup and takes on the task of raising them and supporting the omega, going from the tense and sad first meeting where jin can barely see the baby bump under her long fluffy coat and then the devistation when he realizes /oh/ sweet little omega is going to be alone, and his alpha- still mourning and licking his wounds from the trauma of almost war- because it was just mandatory military service right? the only reason why he’s waking up afraid at night isn’t trauma or? Maybe it is? Can you have trauma if you never saw real war?
Maybe she’s got a bit of a secret too- although Jin talks about her mate like he was god gifts to mankind…maybe in secret shes a little glad that he’s dead, because he wasn’t so kind behind closed doors.
I’m just picturing him calling with his packmates, and all of them agreeing that yeah- they should help- because their pack alpha is here and hers isn’t, and they owe it to him for saving their hyung. At least until the pup is old enough for her to work- they can both live in the packs house- a house paid for by their music not just their military salary of course.
I’m just imaging the start of it, jin alone in the big pack house with her that he’s used to being filled with loud and soft love. I bet they’re both very needy behind closed doors, jins out but it feels like he never left and he need- needs someone to look after to make the loneliness not so bad. Imagine the slow lingering touches, at night when he wakes from his night terrors and she’s there smelling sweet and pupped and safe. Pregnant omegas always have a soothing affect on alphas.
Imagine those soft protective looks go hungry eventually, because she looks and smells so sweet as she starts to show more and more, the rest of the pack coming home one by one and realizing /oh/ having a pregnant omega around when they’re all healing and still a little riled up and protective because the military has done a good job of cultivating their protective sides into something lethal is really nice, it’s really nice to have an omega around- because none of them had ever presented as omegas, just 2 betas and 5 alphas.
Of course the love would Combined with a little bit of guilt because if her alpha wasn’t gone- then they wouldn’t have her would they? And she feels too guilty to really let them touch her even though she want it, until… the youngests come home and within 3 hours half of the pack is in rut and she has a pregnancy heat 😩 maybe a touch of fated mates with her and kookie, someone she’d never met before only seen over face time, maybe when she first came there she snuck in to jks room and made a nest with his clothes and didn’t really understand why, but it’s because her omega knew and she didn’t.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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What kind of jellyfish is sun?
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I got some requests about getting a lil layout of what jellyfish types I combined to get him the way I did for moon in this post. It’s not as fun and detailed as moons because, let’s face it: jellyfish are pretty straight forward but!! Here
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Phacellophora Camtschatica
aka The Fried Egg Jellyfish.
This is the biggest and most obvious part of Sunny’s design, he‘s an egg boy and I love him for it. But also there’s an interesting bit about the relationship between fried egg jellyfish and larval crabs. See these lil baby crabs?
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Yeah so they climb inside fried egg jellyfish and just. RIDE AROUND IN THEIR BELL? Consequences be damned lil dudes chillin in there getting a ride. Which makes this the second time I’ve seen other animals use jellyfish as transportation. Baby octopus, baby crabs, with sun’s size it’s safe to say reader could probably do the same.
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Though maybe reader wouldn’t want to do that because the whole reason larval crabs are chilling in their bell is also because jellyfish, while not capable of being infected by parasites cause they… they don’t have the bits that help parasites do the meat suit piloting… are carriers of parasites! They just walk around with em chilling in there. Larval crabs love monchin on em.
Next up is!!
Chrysaora Fuscesscens
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Honestly pacific sea nettles don't have many interesting facts about them. What can I say? they are very very long - talking 15 feet long. Other than that there isn't much else to say, I wish I could list something insane off like, OH THEY’VE GOT LAZER EYES. Nope. These guys float around looking like beautiful undersea mushrooms and they need no special skills to do that.
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Uh. Yeah it’s not a jellyfish. This specially has to do with Sunny’s electric ability. Maybe you were thinking, oh so he’s like electric eels? (Which actually aren’t eels! They are a type of knife fish) no no, I am a perfectionist! I aim for accuracy and I also aim for the fun of science. While jellyfish cannot actually 🎵 shock you like a electric eel 🎶, jellyfish can SORT OF generate electricity.
Via a green gooey substance in the bells of jellyfish, scientists have discovered that by exposing it to ultraviolet light it produces electrons. Layman's terms? SOLAR POWERED GOO. While jellyfish have not harnessed the solar goo, scientists have actually found a way of using it to make a new form of green electricity!
So while Sun isn't electric the way an electric eel is, he still has a way of using electricity to make him a pretty powerful lil taser. Enough to put something smaller than him in a cardiac arrest, and give something his size or bigger a good reason to scamper off.
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Which leads to my finishing notes.
While sun uses his zapper stuff quite a bit, he does have a regular sting too. While relatively less lethal than his zapping for bigger creatures, it does function as a paralytic! For smaller creatures it’s Uh…. Its a lil more dangerous. Good thing neoprene is sting proof haha.
And I had something else…
I recently posted a magma with Sunny sleeping.
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This is based around the jellyfish that scientist found out sleep, Cassiopeia.
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They are usually just chilling like that, bell down. Looking at them like this it really makes you think about how closely related they are to sea anemones huh? Lil freaks.
Sometime soon I’ll post a eclipse version of this, which I’m excited about because I love sharks SO MUCH.
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Riz has always been one of my favourite characters of all time. I love an investigator character who stays up into the night making mystery boards with red string and tries to put all the clues together. Then combine that with like being nerdy and kind of an outcast and finding a group of friends he loves but also sometimes feeling out of place with them too (the stuff about everyone else getting into romance in sophomore year and then making sure he’s not being taken advantage of in junior year). Absolutely perfect. But this season especially makes me want to just crawl into his brain. Every time he’s in a scene I am hanging on every word. The way Murph portrays the stress of being a teen trying to keep up with all the demands of school on top of everything else happening outside of it? Phenomenal. All his gadgets? His owlbears arc? The one scene where he literally doesn’t even know what month it is and Sklonda pulls over just so he can take a nap? I am desperate for him to get more time with Jawbone and see their dynamic and dig into his character more. Also he’s got a gun. He has tattoos. He ate the guy who killed his dad. He has a fun nickname. His best friend’s grandfather (Telemaine) seems to have unexplained beef with him. There’s another dimension in his briefcase where the fake roëmænce partnær he made up lives. He’s smol but absolutely lethal. Kipperlily sees him as an arch nemesis and he didn’t even know she existed. He loves his friends so much that he takes on their stress to help them succeed.
Character of all time.
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Pairing: Sub!Ghost x f!oc
p in v/masturbation/sex toys/smut (MDNI)
This is a self indulgent thing, if you don't like it keep scrolling
"I always keep my end of the bargain" Eden began to walk around Ghost, sitting in that chair and handcuffed. It had all started with a game, the kind that looks like a joke from some comedy show.
"Y'know I'd like to try one of those sexy toys you showed me, what's it called?"
"Fleshlight, my god you millennials are so backward."
It had gone from joke to action when together they had decided to go to one of the many sex shops, very fancy among other things, very nice clerks etc.
They had come out with there with various toys including the famous fleshlight, Simon's object of desire.
Who now watched Eden sitting on his thigh giving him a few encouraging pats, a few tender kisses and dressed in that green latex outfit. A lethal combination
"Shh it will all be over soon."
"Just a taste" he looked at her with his longing amber eyes, observing her cleavage dangerously close to his lips.
"What have we decided?"
"Only if you want to" he was grabbed by the chin, emitting a soft moan, forcing his head back. Such a big man under the control of a woman? They would have teased him but he didn't care, that woman was all he wanted. All of this was worth it
He saw her kneeling down, taking from the velvet bag the fleshlight, which he waved smilingly.
"I can't believe I'm really doing this shit" a thunderous, raucous laugh from the blond broke the serious atmosphere for a moment.
"Considering we saw together" Eden positioned the object over his cock that was screaming with need "it was you who wanted it, and part that you like to be dominated by me" with her tongue she touched his lips, moving the tip on top.
Ghost tried to reciprocate, sucking her into that kiss. A teasing glint from the brunette caused her to lower herself, massaging his full balls.
Ghost hissed, moving his hips slightly. It was torture not to be able to have her pussy wrapped in his cock.
"Jesus Eden don't stop" he inhaled deeply, whimpering. His manhood was being manipulated by that 'object that Eden was pumping without stopping.
"How do you like uh? Like the poor needy, desperate man you are for some of my pussy" Eden's hand moved frantically, bringing him almost to the limit, then slowing down.
It was a constant bringing him to the edge and then calming down, by now his body was a temple of sweat and desperation.
"Shit, oh shit. I need to cum."
"What do you say?Like a good big boy"
"Please "
Please was enough for her to please him, turning her back, having removed her 'underwear and sitting on him. She tapped the flushed head, enjoying the wet contact in pre cum, positioning her between the warm sponge walls.
"I take you so well" Eden swirled her fingertips over her labia, arching her head against him, who greedily sank his lips onto the snow-like skin.
Eden's vision blurred but she always had that crooked smile as she bounced up and down, trapping him.
"Bunny I need to come, can I come?"
The female nodded biting her lips, moved her pelvis firmly and ruthlessly. Ghost emitted a guttural, needy grunt that led him to spraying his semen between Eden's swollen, glistening labia.
"Fuck I need-" he interjected, trying to return to regular breathing. He stood there grinning like an idiot with still her positioned that way recovering from the experience.
"A movie? How about" she stood up releasing him from the handcuffs "we try watching your favorite movie? You've been a good boy."
Simon's face lit up like a child looking out the window at his favorite toy, getting up from there and taking her in his arms, laughing happily and carefree. Like her loverboy.
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Because Gwen is a teenager who was betrayed by her father and taken in by adults who constantly filled her head with the idea that people, including her dad, had to die for millions to be saved. Because despite said adults knowing the bad situation she was in chose to treat her completely like an agent, a warrior, a soldier instead of a child that needed love and compassion. Because despite living in fear of Miguel sending her back home, she still chose to disobey him to see Miles when she had the chance because she loves him that much. Because she was in a lose/lose situation where telling Miles about his dad needing to die would inflict a pain she was experiencing and didn't want him to bear, but not telling him would run the risk of him finding out from someone else and making her look like she was being malicious. Because she was used as a scapegoat by Miguel when he was the main reason Miles was able to escape, and punished by him for it. Because she recognized the hurt she caused and took accountability, unlike any of the adults in her life including PETER B. PARKER. Because she is actively trying to make up for the mistakes she made while she was still under Miguel's influence.
None of you media illiterate dweebs who treat her like she's Judas Iscariot and the Whore of Babylon combined because she made some very understandable mistakes should continue to watch these children's movies because I'm afraid the writing for Gwen is too complicated for you to grasp. Gwen has actual, meaningful flaws than cause actual, meaningful conflict and lead her her having actual, meaningful character development. Even more pertinent, her failings aren't a result of any kind of malice, but rather a desire to not see the people she loves hurt, an understandable character trait that stems from the trauma of her accidentally killing someone close to her OH MY GOD DO YOU NOT WATCH THESE MOVIES?
Honestly Peter B is way more infuriating in this movie since he's an adult who doesn't view Miguel as an authority figure (if their comic relationship is the same in this movie then they're friends and Miguel has a lot of respect for Peter) and has nothing for Miguel to hold over his head like Gwen did. He should have known better, he should have been the one most defending Miles, he should have defended Gwen when Miguel was blaming her for something Peter knew wasn't her fault. He was RIGHT THERE next to Gwen on the train and saw Miguel fail to subdue Miles (despite the fact that he could have, you know, injected him with a powerful, non lethal paralytic that would have made it exceedingly easy to take Miles into custody and instead decided to monologue like a dipshit). Give me a reason other than abject misogyny why you think Gwen deserves to be hated in a way Peter doesn't, I dare you.
Rant over. TL:DR, Gwen doesn't deserve the hate she gets from idiots in the fandom who can't see past "Muh poor Miles got his feelings hurt."
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