#Murph just plays him so well but also with such consistency
Riz has always been one of my favourite characters of all time. I love an investigator character who stays up into the night making mystery boards with red string and tries to put all the clues together. Then combine that with like being nerdy and kind of an outcast and finding a group of friends he loves but also sometimes feeling out of place with them too (the stuff about everyone else getting into romance in sophomore year and then making sure he’s not being taken advantage of in junior year). Absolutely perfect. But this season especially makes me want to just crawl into his brain. Every time he’s in a scene I am hanging on every word. The way Murph portrays the stress of being a teen trying to keep up with all the demands of school on top of everything else happening outside of it? Phenomenal. All his gadgets? His owlbears arc? The one scene where he literally doesn’t even know what month it is and Sklonda pulls over just so he can take a nap? I am desperate for him to get more time with Jawbone and see their dynamic and dig into his character more. Also he’s got a gun. He has tattoos. He ate the guy who killed his dad. He has a fun nickname. His best friend’s grandfather (Telemaine) seems to have unexplained beef with him. There’s another dimension in his briefcase where the fake roëmænce partnær he made up lives. He’s smol but absolutely lethal. Kipperlily sees him as an arch nemesis and he didn’t even know she existed. He loves his friends so much that he takes on their stress to help them succeed.
Character of all time.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Hi hi! This actually isn’t a critical role specific question from me, but you said you’ve been a DM, and I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks for beginners at running a table?
Thank you!
So, DM-ing is a lot of things and it's hard to give a succinct summary so feel free to narrow it down, but here's a few things I have found useful that I haven't found easily elsewhere, or are particularly good notes from things I've watched/read. (For fans of actual play - Matt did some DM tips for G&S back in the day and obviously the GMs of Exandria Roundtable with him, Brennan, and Aabria is good; Brennan's Adventuring Academy is also good and can be listened to as a podcast if that's easier, as can Dungeon Court on NADDPod. The last one isn't explicitly GM tips but Murph is probably the GM whose style I try to emulate most and there's a lot amidst the wacky questions that is worth keeping in mind about how to approach problems as a DM). Also, I failed to keep up with Three Black Halflings but they also had good DM-ing tips.
Don't be scared to say no. Don't be too rigid, but sometimes you are going to have to give a flat no. A lot of people won't do this because they're nonconfrontational or have absorbed too much of the "D&D is fun! Do whatever you want!" philosophy and haven't actually considered that a lot of people do want structure, that one player constantly trying to break the game isn't fun for anyone else at the table, and because the only things the players know about the world and how it works is what comes out of your mouth, you need to provide a consistency within said world. Also sometimes people will be like "can I be this broken-ass build I found on Reddit that deals 700 damage per round but requires a deliberately unintuitive misread of the rules" and you can just be like "nope!" and save everyone a lot of annoyance.
Have a session zero; make sure the party makes sense for each other and for the world and story. Also make sure whatever other tools you use work for everyone. I've said this before but: I play over Discord and I'm often looking at my notes. I'm not going to see someone throw a red card if they're uncomfortable, so I tell my players at the beginning that they will need to speak up if they're uncomfortable, and it's worked out well. Some meta advice on what other DM-ing advice to take: do not listen to the wack jobs who say there is only one way to run a table and that it is coincidentally theirs. Find something that genuinely works for your entire group, what you want, and how you play.
Things to set in the session zero: basic world/party comp including if there's any classes/races/subclasses that don't make sense for said world; absolute no-gos for players (ie, the trigger/this isn't fun for me list) and how you will handle discomfort that arises in the game; house rules. I don't believe in doing most house rules early on - play things generally as written or at least intended until you find something that your group needs that isn't in the standard rules - but I do usually play with Matt's resurrection rules rather than the standard D&D ones but I check with the players first about this.
I think Aabria said she usually plans around the length of the session for each session, and this is pretty reasonable. When I've done significantly less planning than that it's been rough, and usually I don't find that I need significantly more.
Everyone always says "if it's your first time DM-ing, use a module" and like, no one ever does, but consider doing so. It is way easier.
Mistakes happen and don't be too hard on yourself! But also if things are going super off the rails or your players seem very confused, or if the players make a wild but valid choice, it is ok to take a break. You're human; you can say "hey, I'm worried we're not on the same page" or "hey, you did something cool but also I did not prep for that, give me 10 minutes."
CR ratings are really more vague suggestions. I've used kobold fight club to try to build encounters but also I think it's helpful to just accept your first few encounters might be kind of weak, and scale things from there once you get a better feel.
The best part of the GM Roundtable was all of them but notably Brennan talking about how the goal of a DM is to guide the players towards the most interesting resolution because solving things too quickly isn't a story.
It's ok to be on rails. Don't force people outright into choices, but you can guide people towards something specific; a full sandbox-y world is really hard to do. This is also why modules are good because that expectation is set.
Reward good RP. It doesn't need to be mechanical rewards (though someone who's been making consistently interesting and dedicated choices deserves an occasional treat, imo) but if you have players who aren't just running through the basic rules but are actively making creative choices or doing excellent character work and engaging with your world, at the very least make sure they get rewarded with good story.
You are a player too; this is what D&D Court from NADDPod is very good at hammering home. You want to make it a good time for the players! You're also doing TONS more work and if a voice is wrecking your throat, if a topic makes you uncomfortable, or if the party is refusing to follow plot hooks, have a conversation. I think a lot of advice skews either really heavily towards "everything is for the players and you should sacrifice yourself for them and anything less is selfish and mean" or else "the DM is god and if the players don't make the right choice then that's their fault" and neither is correct. You're a player; you're also doing more work. If your plot doesn't interest anyone, then no one's going to have fun, so revisit (and perhaps run a longer/more extensive session zero and do a post mortem, because you are allowed to want to run a specific type of story but you might have needed to be clearer with the players); if an NPC is hard to play you can come up with a reason to change them a bit to make it easier; and if a topic makes you uncomfortable, you're also allowed to throw the metaphorical red card.
Really, I think the biggest theme for all of the above is "don't be afraid to stop and talk if things are in any way not working; do not let a fear of confrontation or breaking immersion set you down a path where no one is having fun."
This was all more on the order of general philosophy so again if you have specifics on like, how to pick monsters or whatever, feel free to ask those, but I find there's often a lot of advice on those specifics and much less on the above. Good luck!
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jq37 · 5 years
so...... thoughts on the first ep?
**spoilers for start spreading the news**
What is UP you guys? The new season of Dimension 20 is out and your girl is back (implies I left, which is false) with only the hottest of takes.
Usually I vomit up my opinions with little rhyme or reason and, don't worry, I'm not changing that format any time soon. But, because of the structure of the episode, I think it'll be easier to use headings and go through each character/element of this. So let's do this y'all!
The Setting
I think the best thing you can do as a writer or a creative person in general is the make something that only you could make, you know? Like, make the thing that only someone with your specific life experiences and weird brain could have come up with. And I really think that this is that for Brennan. I already talked about this in other posts, but the version of NYC that Brennan created for this game is that to me. Like, magical NY has been done, but the specific details? Who else could have written, "The annual SantaCon is actually Santa dumping all of his defective clones into NYC where the magic barrier that keeps normals from seeing magic will disguise them and the protectors of the city will be able to deal with them"? That's so specific and so wild and so New York and so Brennan.
And I haven't lived in NY for so long but I've had one winter here and the way he describes what it's like to walk down the street during winter in the city is so real. Like smelling garbage then laundry detergent then sugared nuts from those corner stands and you're freezing and then baking in the subway in your coat. That was so so real. (I will be saying this phrase a lot so get used to it now)
And I like that he didn't make the obvious choices, you know? Like we've had three, like, magical figureheads across D20 and those are usually classic old, white, possibly British roles, you know? Like a Gandalf or a Dumbledore. But he had Aguefort in FH and now Esther and Alejandro in TUS. I just think it's cool that we're getting some different archetypes to fill these roles instead of the same dude c.p'd in again, you know?
Also, the fantasy NYC map is so dope. I wanna go back and try to read everything on it when I have the chance. 
Ally is a DRUG DEALER. I thought Pete was gonna be a stripper but he's a DRUG DEALER. Honestly, I could have figured this out sooner if I'd just checked Urban Dictionary like I did just now and found out that "plug" means "someone who is a resource for obtaining something valuable that would otherwise be difficult to obtain" or, more simply, "drug dealer". But I'm glad I didn't because it was much more fun to find out in real time.
Ally makes some character choices sometimes that are too specific to not be rooted in life experience and that whole microwave cheese monologue was one of them.
Pete's official diagnosis is that he has "a lot going on."
Ally almost won MVP line of the episode with, "Shot my tits off." Murph losing it in the background killed me almost more than the actual line.
I really, really want Pete's doctor to be a recurring character because he is wild in how wild he isn't. He has so much wild stuff happening around him and he is in a wild line of work but he seems like a relatively stable guy. I love him. Also, the completely wrong cadence he used to say, "lgbt ally" was gold.
Is Ally ever gonna have a character with a good relationship with their parents? One time? Ever?
I literally don't even know how to begin to address the wild magic trip Pete went on. Like, I don't think Ally knew what they were doing when they decided to be a wild magic sorcerer. I don't think they knew what kind of challenge they were issuing to Brennan. And after seeing the wild nonsense Brennan consistently came up with for Jer'ih'meh in Bloodkeep, I can't want to see the insanity he spits out for Pete.
"You're the one who they they wanted to play a wild magic sorcerer."
Also, Brennan just using lyrics from "New York, New York" for whatever dream demon or whatever was going on in that trip was, like, equal parts clever and hilarious. Sidenote, do you think all the ep titles are gonna be from songs about NY? I mean, there are enough songs I bet.
Pete has this thing where he constantly lands on the exact wrong part of the situation to focus on. Like later when he gets stuffed in the magic closet at the hospital and he's like, "Hospitals are so advanced, also go much is this gonna cost?" Ally's comic timing on that is always perfect.
WILD that that was the first intro. Like, way to kick off the new season with a bang.  I really wonder what this episode would have felt like if this was the last intro or if the intro for the two normal people hadn’t been right at the top. Actually now that I’m editing, I feel like we almost got the intros from least experienced w/ this stuff to most experienced. Because Pete is a total noob. Sophia is also a noob but she has met Kugrash at least once. Then you have Ricky who’s only been in this for about a year. Then Kingston who probably has more experience than Kug by years but Kug has been a rat man his whole life (presumably). Finally Misty who is probably like a BS amount of years old and steeped in this stuff. Honestly,  if I was DM’ing, I might have fudged the die rolls to look exactly like how it turned out. 
Emily describing her character and slipping into her character voice gradually as she went on was so pro.
"Like if Fran Dresher went on an Amy Winehouse bender." I love her.
"Did you not want baby bangs?"
"She's a WHOO-OAR."
I'm gonna die if Brennan make than woman an actual succubus because of an offhanded comment.
My favorite thing is when Emily is saying some nonsense and she can barely even get through it without breaking. Also, Murph is so visibly amused by Emily's entire intro. It's great.
I love that both of the "normal" characters spent most of this episode intoxicated in one way or another.
So Emily absolutely won the episode in my eyes for coming up with one of the sickest burns I've heard and in real time. A dude tells her to read his dick and she, after only a momentary pause, says, "No I'm not gonna read your dick (beat) because I don't read short stories!" Brennan doesn't even make her roll. He just narrates her success. The table goes wild. The bar she's at goes wild. Zac specifically is cracking up. Like, I feel like this is gonna be a little bit of a deep cut reference but did any of you ever play the Monkey Island games and do the insult swordfighting? That's what that scene was. Amazing.
Murph's, like, entire posture and expression (@ 1:24ish) when Emily is saying Sophia thinks she saw a giant rat man who gave her an egg sandwich and Gatorade is total gold.
"Gotta kill some brain cells to kill the ones with the memory of Dale in them."
OK so funny story (funny to me at least) at the Fantasy High live show, I was talking to some other girls who were there and we ended up talking about how the small of a woman's back is basically the worst place you can casually touch them outside of the really bad places and how viscerally terrible it is so when Brennan said one of the trolls touched one of the girls there and Sophie/Emily was like BIG NOPE, I had a That's So Raven flashback to that conversation immediately.
Emily leaps into action...and rolls a nat 1 to fight a bunch of trolls. She actually does really well in the rest of the fight though so that's good.  
Oh, also Siobhan made everyone dope themed dice boxes!
I hope Dimension 20 runs for the next 10 years and I hope Zac plays a good, big, doofus in every single season.
"He's basically like Superman if Superman were Japanese." Love.
Also, I love the distinction that he's 5' 8" but buff.
Ricky surrounded by a raging fire: First of all, that's a cool bear.
I like the way that Brennan skinned the cleric and paladin powers for this game so they're more about values than deities. I was wondering how it was gonna work in this setting and I think this was such a cool way to handle it.  
I really think Brennan has a great handle of presenting certain things in such a way that it's interesting for the players as well as the audience. Like, when Ricky is trying to escape the burning apartment, he puts an obstacle in his way that forces him to use his Paladin powers (to create water specifically). It's not really a hard "puzzle" or something he has to roll for, but it introduces to the audiences that he's not just a firefighter. I just think it's really cool that he's able to pull off narrative things like that without actually controlling the characters. (And, props to the players too, of course, for being so consistently entertaining).
"Mr. March."
Ricky in the middle of the winter: I'm not as tan as I used to be.
Ricky rooftop runs like a freaking superhero.
OK, this is barely related to what I'm talking about right now but it's important to me that you all know this. I commented in an earlier post that Ricky clearly had circus music playing in his head at all times and then I was like, "Hmm, I wonder what that one circus song is called." You know, the song that you think about immediately when you hear the phrase "circus music" so I looked it up and APPARENTLY it is a CZECH MILITARY MARCH known alternately as (brace yourselves) ENTRY OF THE GLADIATORS and THUNDER AND BLAZES. I kid you not. That's actually what that song is called. I called my brother and told him immediately. OK, back on topic.
Is a questing blade a thing? I feel like it's a Thing from legend or fairy tales or something but, when I Google it, I come up with basically nothing.
Does Ricky have a thing for Esther or is he just a super awkward texter and nice guy who does not want to be set up by his sister for a different reason?
I need Brennan to explain how the Santa Question works in this world. The question being, "Why don't parents freak about the gifts they're not buying?" and, side question, "Why don't poor kids get presents?" My go-to answers are always, "He Jedi Mind Tricks into thinking they bought them," and, "He has to work within each family's socio-economic means in order to not be obvious." So there are def plausible answers. But, like, this is something I like to see addressed when we're doing the "Santa is real," thing.  
"I grew up with twins and one of them was worse than the others so that makes sense."
"Is Santa good?"/"The ethics of it are alarming, I won't lie."
So, my paranoid thought for this episode is I'm a little Concerned that someone down the line (maybe Esther, but hopefully not) is going to take advantage of Ricky's Big Dumb energy and his "It's the right thing to do," mentality and manipulate him into doing something Not Great. Like, it's not based on anything besides mainlining a ton of media over the past 24 years but I'm just gonna keep an eye out.
Re the Santa/Peppermint Zombification: Hey Brennan, turn your location on. I just wanna talk.
I have to say, from the bottom of my heart, what the hell?
That creeped me out in the same way that episode of Adventure time where Princess Bubblegum (infused with the primal elemental candy energy or whatever) turned everyone into Candy people and everyone started singing Let Me Call You Sweetheart. What a weirdly specific body horror thing for me to encounter more than once. That one peppermint tooth thing is gonna haunt me. 
I gotta say, props to Lou for pulling a complete 180 on the kind of character he picked this time around. He went from playing this super extra rich pretty boy to this salt of the Earth quasi patriarch and he's just as comfortable with it. Kingston is so real. I went to church with like 50 guys like him back home.
Why are you fighting so hard about free food Kingston? Take the free homecooked food Kingston!
The intensity of his, "I will be here until I die," was hysterical.
Mentioned this before but I love the flavoring of the cleric class where instead of being attuned to a deity Kingston is basically attuned to the entire city. Also, the perks are excellent. Bus service anywhere for free. Sign me up.
I like that Ricky's sister works at the hospital. It's a really cool potential connection for later.
"We're gonna take the thing outchyo butt. We're not gonna deny you medical services."
"Aint nothing wrong with being a freak." --Kingston Brown
Fantasy creatures having to deal with updated tech (like the Toll bridge trolls talking about EZ-passes) is one of my fave urban fantasy tropes.
"I've got a really sweet smelling man here!"
"Yeah, my tooth fell out and now it's a candy. Hey, how much is this gonna cost?" This is what I’m talking about. Priorities my dude.
I love that Kingston knows Pete's weird mob doctor. It seems like part of his deal is that he just knows everything about everyone in the city (within whatever parameters).
Pete says, in quick succession about Ricky, "I feel like he would bully me," and, "He seems like a golden retriever," which I feel are almost mutually exclusive statements.
Well, I asked what kind of druid nonsense was happening in Central Park and the answer is Murph apparently.
I really wish I could have been there when Murph announced he wanted to play a literal rat.
"I am the shit that feeds the flies. A dumpster druid."
"Wherever you are rat Jesus, I love you." You're killing me Brennan.
Aww Kugrash goes around feeding the homeless and stuff. He's like this grumpy ass rat man who really cares about the community.
"Santa you fucking bum." --Kugrash
"I'm sorry are you a rat?"
The idea of a roach with a hobo sack pisses me off because it's adorable but roaches are the worst.
"Is Santa dead?"/"I don't know. I'm not religious."
"Santa Claus is real and he's DEAD."
Brennan loves to use the modifiers "full" and "fully" and I have picked it up irl and in my writing.
"Let's get a little fucked up and go see if Santa's dead!"
Just that whole squirrel interaction.
The sixth borough huh? Interesting. I see you Brennan.
Also, the detail that Kug's clothes are made from old MTA vests is great.
Siobahn is playing basically exactly the character I thought she'd be playing but she's doing it so much better and more extra than I could have imagined.
"A lady would never say her age, so I won't."
Is her pianist magic or something too? I have my suspicions.
So Misty gets some kind of bard and/or fairy high from praise and adoration which is interesting.
What kind of weird, morally dubious and/or unpleasant fae thing is Misty gonna have to do soonish? It's not gonna be good. Fae stuff never is.
"I don't study magic. I just *am* magic."
So many of these intro vignettes end with, "You don't know that...but you do know who does." Like I said before, I really love the weaving together of all the story threads to get everyone in the same place at the same time in an organic feeling way.
Also he makes all these transitions sound cinematic, like he's writing the description parts of a movie script and not narrating in person.
Public Library! I knew we'd end up here eventually but I didn't know it'd be pretty much immediately. Like, if you're going w/ the "NY is magic" premise, the library has to figure in, you know?
Emily immediately having Sophia recognize Ricky as Mr. March was such a funny and on point character decision. I love how one-off, spur of the moment lines end up being running jokes because other players pick on them and drop them an hour later.
"Are you a rat?"/"Yeah, I'm a rat man!"/"I'm sorry if that was rude."
Brennan: The lions are alive and they're boyfriends.
Misty and Siobhan both are genre savvy enough to want to nip a knights/knave door puzzle situation in the bud.
Ricky on escape rooms: I'm not very good at them but I can definitely try my hardest. (Guys, I love him so much.)
Love me some MC Escher steps.
Underrated Misty line: It's all infernal to me.
Misty's little, "Ugh" at learning they have to go to Times Square is the real NY experience.
Is this Alejandro dude gonna die? What's the over under on this dude eating it very soon?
Misty encouraging Pete to shoot Alejandro is so needlessly chaotic which is a common fae trait and I really hope this escalates.
I dunno what Murph rolled for initiative but he looks like he just shamed his entire family line.
And we’re fighting an army of crazed Santa clones next week! We have literally just started and we are already fully off the rails.  I cannot *wait* to see where we go from here if this is the *starting point*. 
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spn-rewrites · 5 years
01x07 (part 1)
Season One Episode Seven: Hook Man
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: after searching for days for John Winchester, the group has no luck. upon stumbling across an article about a mysterious, death they go check it out. luckily for Dean, they’re surrounded by hot sorority girls. 
part 2 part 3
A/N: hey guys! i’m trying out a new format of breaking the episodes into parts because they’re so long so hope you like it! my main blog is still cracked-kingshawn but i made a side blog specifically for my SPN rewrites so that you guys can follow this and my shawn stuff isn’t clogging your dash! i tagged everyone that’s been being tagged in the previous parts, so if you’re confused that could be why!! haha feel free to message me if you have any questions or want to be tagged in future part
Tumblr media
“Your half-calf vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis,” Dean said as Sam headed back to the cafe table that the three of you were sat at. Dean was hunched over the laptop while you were tapping your nails against the plastic table impatiently. There has yet to be a case pop up, so in the meantime, it’s been quiet conversations and fast food diners across the country. There has yet to be a conversation about anything the shapeshifter had said.
“Shut up,” Sam mumbled as he sat down on the chair.
“So, anything?” Dean asked, his eyes still not moving from the laptop screen in front of him.
“I had them check the FBI missing person database and no “John Does” fitting that description,” Sam groaned. He sounded frustrated and he had every right to be. The three of you had been searching for John for months now and there hasn’t been a single clue to where he could be. “I even ran his plates for traffic violations.”
“I’m telling you, I don’t think dad wants to be found,” Dean said the last thing Sam wanted to hear. “Check this out,” he said, shoving he computer over to Sam to show him an article that you barely caught a glance at before the screen turned away from you. Dean motioned his head for you to sit closer to Sam. You hesitated, but did anyway to read the article. “News item out of Plains Courier, Ankeny, Iowa. Only about 100 miles from here,” Dean said.
“Mutilated body was found near the victim’s car parked on 9-mile road.” Sam stopped reading but Dean egged him to keep going. “Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted saying the attacker was invisible.” Sam stopped now, looking up at Dean. Your eyes kept scanning the article but there was nothing else of value.
“It could be interesting,” Dean suggested. Since it was so close, it would make sense to just pop in and see what was going on. It wasn’t like you had anything better going on, anyway.
“It could be nothing,” Sam pushed back. “One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything. Doesn’t mean it’s the invisible man,” Sam shook his head and pushed the laptop back in front of Dean. You sat back in your chair and listened as the two went back and forth about it.
“What if it is? Dad would check it out,” Dean replied. The only answer that would make Sam do almost anything as if it meant finding John Winchester. Dean paid the bill for the two coffees that were ordered and one water before packing up all of your belongings and getting back into the Impala for the next 100 miles.
Ankeny, Iowa was a small town with seemingly nothing going on besides this invisible murder. Dean didn’t give any clues as to where you three were headed in this town but the smoke would have been coming out of Sam’s ears if this were a cartoon when he saw the frat house that you pulled up to. “Oh my god, why are we here?” Sam whispered to Dean as you stepped around garbage littered in the street.
There were a few boys working on a beaten up car and dirty furniture in the grass. “The victim lived here,” Dean explained. “Nice wheels,” Dean complimented as a boy rolled out from under the car. None of the boys answered him, so Dean continued on. “We’re your fraternity brothers from Ohio,” he said and glanced back at you. “And this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” The frat boys looked Sam and Dean up and down, trying to determine if they were telling the truth or not before looking at you. Their eyes lingered a little longer on your chest than you were comfortable with.
“We’re new in town, transfers. We’re looking for a place to stay,” Sam continued after the boys still remained silent. After a beat, they were more than welcoming and invited you three into the frat house. You always wondered what it looked like inside one of these. If it was as messy as some of the movies show or as preppy and stuck up like the others. This one was right in the middle.
Dean knocked on one of the doors labeled Purple Man and a man, who was painting himself purple, turned around and looked at the three of you. “Who are you?” He asked, stopping midpoint.
“We’re your new roommates,” Dean announced, throwing his hands up. The Purple Man seemed to be fairly accepting of this and shrugged his shoulders as he handed Dean the paint brush.
“Do me a favor? Get my back?” He asked as he turned around and looked at himself in the mirror. “Big game today,” he explained. You pursed out your lips as you looked around the room. It wasn’t clean but it also wasn’t horribly dirty. It was definitely not a place you wanted to sleep, though. At least motel rooms get cleaned.
“He’s the artist,” Dean pointed to Sam, handing him the paintbrush. “The things he can do with a brush,” he said. The Purple Man seemed content and was waiting for Sam to paint. Sam took a deep breath, sending his brother a glare and began to paint.
“So, who’s the girl?” The Purple Man asked, eyeing you up in the mirror. Sam cleared his throat and stepped in front of you, blocking his view from you in the reflection.
“Y/N, my girl,” Dean replied quickly, keeping the story consistent. The Purple Man held up his hands in defense. Like an apology for eyeing up his ‘girl’. Dean sat down on the chair in front of the window and keeping consistent, you sat down next to him. He picked up a magazine that had the guy’s name written on the top. Murphey. “So, Murph, is it true?” Dean asked.
“Is what true?” Murphey asked, glancing at Dean but his main focus was making sure that Sam wasn’t messing up his important game day body paint.
“We heard one of the guys here got killed last week,” he said nonchalantly. Almost as if it were no big deal that a young adult boy got murdered.
Murphey’s face fell and his expression made it clear that it was, in fact, a big deal. “Yeah.”
“What happened?” Sam asked, looking at Murphey in the mirror as he painted.
“They’re saying some psycho with a knife, maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy,” Murphey said, his pain evident in his voice.
“Rich was with somebody?” Sam asked, digging for more details.
“Not just somebody - Lori Sorenson,” Murphey said it and looked at Sam as if we were supposed to automatically know who Lori Sorenson was. Sam shook his head as Dean flipped through the magazine he was holding.
“Who’s Lori Sorenson?” Dean asked as he looked up from his reading. “Oh, you missed a spot. On his back,” he said as he pointed to a bare spot on Murphey’s back. Sam sent Dean another glare and you smacked his bicep gently.
“Lori’s a freshman. She’s a local and super hot. Get this - she’s a reverend’s daughter,” Murphey explained like he was in awe of this girl. Dean nodded and closed the magazine, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
“You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would you?” Dean asked, hopeful to find this girl and ask her exactly what she saw and why she thinks he was invisible.
Murphey thankfully pointed you in the right direction and upon entering the church, there was a sermon going on. The pews were filled and you entered as quietly as possible, Dean following you. “Our hearts go out to the family of the young man who perished, and my personal prayers and thanks go out, as well, because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter. And now as time heals all our wounds, we should reflect on what this tragedy means to us as a church….” The reverend stopped as Sam slammed the door shut behind him. You sent him daggers and he shrugged his shoulders as if it were an accident. “As a community, and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic,” the reverend went on as the three of you sat down. A young woman in green, her hair tied up, had her head cranked to watch you the entire time. “A life unlived in the saddest of passings. So please, let us pray for peace, for guidance and for the power to protect our children.”
You and Sam both tilted your head down in prayer, to respect the church you were being welcomed into. You noticed Dean wasn’t praying so you elbowed him in the side. He nodded and tilted his head down as the reference read aloud a prayer.
When the sermon got released, the three of you lost the girl in green in the crowd. You decided to just wander around until you found her and when you spotted her, Sam took the opportunity to talk to her. “Are you Lori?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she said as she turned around to face the three of you.
“My name is Sam, this is my brother Dean and this is our friend, Y/N. We just transferred to the university,” Sam explained. Lori smiled at him and nodded.
“I saw you inside,” she said, keeping polite conversation although you were sure that you three looked very weird.
“We don’t want to bother you but we heard about what happened,” Sam said, a small smile played on his lap. The charming card, once again.
“We just wanted to say how sorry we were,” you added. She looked at you and then back at Sam and nodded as if she couldn’t find the words, or didn’t want to.
“I kind of know what you’re going through,” Sam admitted. “I-I saw someone…..get hurt once. Its something you don’t forget,” he stuttered on his words, choosing them carefully. Dean looked up at his younger brother but you avoided eye contact, once again the mention of Jess making your skin crawl. Before she could respond, the Reverend himself came up.
“Dad, this is Sam, Dean and Y/N.” Lori put her hand out to grab her father’s arm as she introduced us. “They’re new students,” she explained.
“Pleasure to meet you, sir,” Dean said as he stuck his hand out to shake the Reverends. “I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.”
“Thank you very much, it’s very nice to meet young people who are open to the Lord’s message,” the Reverend said.
“Listen, we’re new in town, actually,” Dean started as he put his hand on the Reverend’s back and walked him away from the situation so you and Sam could dig deeper into Lori’s side of the story. As soon as Dean left, you felt oddly uncomfortable. Ever since the shapeshifter, and lack of discussing what was said, you’ve felt weird around Sam. Like he knows you have feelings but they’re not reciprocated so he’s just ignoring them.
“Tell me, Lori, what are the police saying?” Sam asked, jumping right into the heart of it.
“Well, they don’t have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that,” she said as the three of you began to walk around.
“What do you mean?” You asked, inserting yourself into the conversation. Lori glanced over at you.
“My story, I guess I was so scared I guess I was seeing things,” she said and stopped walking. She looked up at Sam, worry in her eyes. It looked like she was reliving the moment over and over as she talked.
“The doesn’t mean it wasn’t real,” Sam whispered, shaking his head. After all these years of hunting things, that was the one thing you knew for certain. Lori hesitated for a moment and then smiled at him. You watched as Sam smiled back at her and it felt almost like you were invisible.
“So you believe her?” Dean asked as you walked down the aisle of the library hoping to find any books or records to help you out with this case. You excused yourself from Sam and Lori’s conversation without saying a word to go find Dean, who was now sitting alone by the Impala. It was only a few short moments before Sam joined you and you were off.
“I do,” Sam said.
“I think she’s hot, too,” Dean joked, raising his eyebrows and smirking at his brother. You hit Dean’s arm from next to him and he coughed, clearing his throat from the comment.
“No, man. There’s something in her eyes,” Sam explained, ignoring his brother’s comments. “And, listen to this. She heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car,” Sam told you the details of the night that you were too uncomfortable to stick around and hear for yourself. Dean stopped and held his hand out to stop Sam, too.
“Bloody body suspended? That sounds like -”
“Yeah, I know. The Hookman legend,” Sam cut Dean off and nodded his head as
if this was obvious.
“What’s the Hookman legend?” You asked, once again feeling left out but Dean looked over to you and smiled.
“It’s one of the most famous urban legends, you’ve never heard of it?” He asked and you shook your head in response. “You don’t think we’re dealing with the Hookman?” He directed his question towards Sam and he just shrugged his shoulders.
“Every urban legend has a source, a place where it all began,” Sam said, seemingly confident in his early diagnosis of the case.
“What about the scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?” Dean asked, listing off things that you were assuming were inconsistent with the legend of the Hookman.
“Well, maybe the Hookman isn’t a man at all. What if it’s some kind of spirit?” Sam asked, making Dean furrow his eyebrows and scrunch up his face in thought.  He tilted his head and that’s when you knew he had an idea.
What you didn’t know, however, was that this idea was going to cost you the next few hours of your life. The librarian slammed down two cardboard boxes covered in ancient dust. She groaned as she lifted them onto the table and wiped off her skirt. “Here you go, arrest records going back to 1851,” she said.
The boys nodded and thanked her for your help and you wiped off the dust that was caked on the lids of the boxes. As she walked away, you noticed Dean staring at her butt. You coughed, gaining his attention back and he cleared his throat, opening one of the boxes. “This is how you spend four good years of your life, huh?” Dean asked, referring to Sam’s college life.
“Welcome to higher education,” Sam joked as he tackled into his own box of records. After hours of digging and finding nothing, you had nearly fallen asleep in the chair next to Dean while Sam paced around the library and trying out every single reading position there was to stay awake. “Hey, check this out,” he said, getting your attention. “1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. He was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes.” You got up out of your chair and walked around the shelf that Sam was standing over. “Some of the deceased were found in their beds, sheets soaked with blood. Another suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.”
Dean picked up a piece of paper from the record that Sam was looking at. “Get this - the murder weapon? Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident, had it replaced with a silver hook.” You were reading over Sam’s shoulder at the rest of the report and spotted the location of the murders.
“Look where all of this happened,” you said, pointing to the words printed on paper.
“9-mile road,” Dean read. You nodded and Sam scoffed, shaking his head as if this was all just a wild coincidence.
“Same place where the frat boy was killed.” Dean smiled and nodded, content with the information and most likely relieved that the search for information was finally over.
“Nice job, Dr. Venkman,” Dean said, smirking at his brother. “Let’s check it out.” Sam smiled and closed up the files as you began to clean up the ones you and Dean had sprawled across the table. You had to remind both the boys multiple times to make sure they were going in order for any future users, but they swatted you away and threw them in a mess anyway.
Tagged:  @matchamendes @stuckupstucky @sillydecoy @jessewa26 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @liztorr1212 @icanreadbookstoo
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jim-reid · 6 years
Rollercoaster - Tour De Force
The Stud Brothers / Melody Maker 04.04.1992
The Mary Chain, Blur, the Valentines and Dinosaur all touring together proved too much of a temptation for the Stud Brothers who tagged along for the ride, blagged their way backstage and drank all the booze they could get their hands on. Here's what they can remember. It's true that "Rollercoaster" is the best show you'll see this year. The evidence is there onstage - the Valentines' dream-quest into ambient heavy metal, Blur's bold, knowing nihilism, Dinosaur's compulsive, self-destructive cacophony and the Mary Chain's indefatigable cool. As Blur's Damon Albarn remarks with a grin, "It's the four faces of teenage alienation". And all for 12 quid or, as one spectacularly shabby William Reid lookalike puts it, "a mere one-third of your unemployment benefit". Rollercoaster is undoubtedly cause of celebration. Nonetheless, there's little or no evidence of the confident, self-congratulatory camaraderie that apparently characterised Rollercoaster's American forebear, Lollapalooza. Still, this is only the second night. Dinosaur and the Valentines excepted (te two recently toured the States together), the groups don't actually know one another. Backstage in Glasgow, the atmosphere's one of awkward but inviolable politeness. When members of different bands meet, they exchange sheepish nods and single syllable greetings, reminding us of house-guests bumping into each other on the way to the bathroom. When we finally catch up with the Mary Chain, William's casually reclined on a sofa and a tired-looking Jim is sitting upright in a chair, both inadvertently mimicking the pose they struck for the sleeve of "PsychoCandy". Jim is unusually quiet, partly due to a monstrous hangover and partly because the Glasgow gig is to be played before the admiring but unnerving eyes of the Reids' extended family (which, by the way, seems to consist almost entirely of 14-year-old girls and some fairly fierce-looking matriarchs. Plus there's Jim and William's delightfully gregarious mother who gives us the distinct impression she'd give a pretty good interview herself). We ask about the muted atmosphere backstage. "Well, for a start it's only the second date of the tour," says William, "so there's no buddy-buddy, hanging around in the bar. We just say, 'Hi', and get on with it. Maybe by the end of it we'll all be good mates, maybe we'll all be breaking bottles over each other's heads, saying, 'I never wanna see you again in my life, ya bastard!'. Who knows?" Two weeks before Rollercoaster began, the Maker ran an article in which Murph, Dinosaur's drummer, suggested that the whole tour had been conceived specifically to promote the Mary Chain's new album, "Honey's Dead". Jim and William were reported to have been incensed by the remark when it first appeared in print, but have since discussed the matter with Dinosaur. "That was said in a conversation, not in an interview," says Jim, "and it should never have been written down. When we approached the others with the idea for this tour, any one of them could have said no. Tours are always to promote thingsg, everyone here is promoting their stuff. You can have a good time and put on a great show, but the idea is promotion. It always is." Dinosaur's J Mascis and their extraordinary-looking bassist, Mike Johnson (he appears to have dyed his hair grey), now seem only slightly embarrassed by the gaffe. "That wasn't either of us," says Mascis, cheerfully passing the buck. "That was Murph". Mascis is one hell of a lot more forthcoming than we'd expected. In fact, he might almost be described as garrulous. Maybe he finds it easier to talk in the dark. Dinosaur's dressing-room is lit by a single sorry candle and the steady orange glow of a couple of jossticks. "We heard that people might have been upset by what Murph said," says Mike. "Well, not upset, but they might have thought we were..." He searches for a word. "Dicks," suggests Mascis, helpfully. "Yeah, right. Assholes," Mike continues. "But it was just an off-the-cuff remark." "The weird thing was," says Mascis "that 20 minutes before Murph said that, we'd been explaining to him that all tours are about promoting things. He didn't seem to grasp the concept. When he said that, we looked at him like, 'What are you saying?' because, at the time, touring and promoting was exactly what we were doing." Mike is later kind enough to introduce us to the Valentines' Kevin Shields and Bilinda Butcher who've just finished the first set of the evening. Kevin seems quietly bemused by "Rollercoaster". Either that or he's been lobotomised by the extraordinary volume his group employ. "It's gonna be really odd tomorrow night," he whispers, "when Dinosaur go on first. It'll be like they're supporting us, and we've just toured America supporting them." "It'll be great," says Mike, magnanimously. "I think it's so cool supporting you guys. Soon we'll be supporting you in the States, too." Do you think any of you have anything in common? "I think," says Kevin, "the only thing the four of us do have in common is that we're all pretty much the Establishment." This notion is one shared by everyone here except the Mary Chain. Damon, unprompted, later repeats almost word-for-word what Kevin has said. It is a peculiar idea because, while it's certain that all four bands are deserving of music paper front covers, they're hardly bosom buddies with Simon Bates. Dinosaur are often a wilful shambles who take a perverse pleasure in lacerating their best pop songs with vicious feedback. My Bloody Valentine are arguably one of the weirdest bands on the planet and currently without a recording deal. Blur, carelessly indulging their present obsession with Syd Barrett, are getting stranger by the minute. And the Mary Chain, in our opinion the most immediate and accessible of all four groups, couldn't get "Reverence", a Top 10 single, on "Top Of The Pops". "Someone the other day in Germany was saying that we were part of the Establishment," says William, "so I asked him to name a band that were more extreme than us. He couldn't do it." The Mary Chain, now embracing Ben Lurie (guitar) and the two former Starlings, Matthew Parkin (bass) and Barry Backler (Barry once auditioned to play drums with Nick Cave's Boys Next Door), are now an immensely powerful live band. The four of them, lined up at the edge of the stage, three armed with guitars and Jim draped spectrally over the mikestand, look and sound like the classic rock assault. William's also become a very great guitarist, able to give a new force and aggressive dimension to the Mary Chain's gorgeously insidious melodies. This new confidence, striking in itself, is accentuated by a simple but spectacular lightshow of sensuous crimsons and velvet purples. It's the Mary Chain's most extravagent lightshow to date, so much so that when it was initially proposed Bennie, their longtime tour-manager and friend, expressed reservations. "I thought it might be too much, too big. I thought it might undermine them." In fact, it does quite the reverse. After the show, a jubilant Mrs Reid tells us that tonight was one of the highlights of her life. "My boys," she says, sounding touchingly awestruck. "I'm so proud of them." We leave for the hotel so that the Reid brothers and their family can be proud of one another in peace. In the bar, much of what we'd hoped would happen backstage is taking promising shape. This is in large part due to Blur who've basically been rocking since four o'clock this afternoon when bassist Alex James decided Guinness was best savoured through a straw. Blur's dressing-room was teeming with people of indeterminate but doubtless dubious intent and, when earlier we invited Damon to have a drink with us in the auditorium's bar, he was mobbed within six feet of the backstage area. Now the boys are heroically drunk. First evidence of this is when Dave Rowntree, their lanky, ginger-headed drummer, starts playing a dangerously competitive game of knuckles with Lampy, Blur's lighting technician. The game rapidly deteriorates into a continuous rerun of the banned Tango advert, and ends when Dave cracks Lampy with a devastating right hook to the jaw and, as if in sympathy, passes into unconsciousness. Across the room, Alex, who reminds us a little of Rupert Everett in "Another Country", is being apologised to by a man who was once uncharitable enough to devote a whole feature on Blur to how much he disliked Alex. Alex in turn is uncharitable enough to refer to the man as "an enormous homosexual". Since the man is neither tall nor particularly heavy we can only assume Alex was referring to the enormity of his homosexuality. A good deal of handshakes are exchanged but nothing is resolved. Damon decides to help Dave up to his room and Alex, having abandoned his penitent adversary, decides he needs another drink. Since the bar has long since shut, Alex clambers over it and tries to operate the pumps. When this fails, he starts picking at the lock of the metal shutter that mercifully separates him from the optics. When that fails, he attempts to vault the bar, fails again and crashes arse-first to the floor, much to the astonishment of J Mascis and the Valentines' Deborah Goodge, who have hitherto been locked in conversation nearby. Alex, who appears to have the remarkable ability to sober up at will, then wisely decides the carnival is over, bids us a fond adieu and retires for some well-earned kip. Jim Reid, probably present for some time (we're actually in no better state than Alex), wanders over and asks is we enjoyed the show. We tell him it was great. It was great. The best show you'll see this year.
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kuciradio · 7 years
Dinosaur Jr. at the Observatory, 10/18/17
Dinosaur Jr., one of the most influential bands in the alternative rock scene and arguably one of the best rock bands left alive, made Hump Day the best day of the week as they shook the packed Observatory to its core. They reached their peak of fame in the ‘90s, inspiring other iconic musicians such as Kurt Cobain, and have put out consistently high-quality albums ever since their 1985 debut Dinosaur. Members of OC band The Lovely Bad Things Camron Ward and Wesley Baxter, huge admirers of the group who also opened for them a few years ago, were in attendance, ready to be mesmerized by their idols. From youths in frayed jeans and flannels to older, bearded rocker guys who resembled life-sized metalhead garden gnomes, the all-ages group that Dino Jr. attracted is a testament to the lasting impact of their music which resonates across generations, from their formation in 1984 until now.
In addition to being one of the best rock bands alive, Dinosaur Jr. is also one of the loudest. Right off the bat, they blew everyone away with the sheer force of their sound with opening song “Thumb.” Bassist and founder of other classic ‘90s alt bands like Sebadoh and Folk Implosion (the latter of Kids notoriety) Lou Barlow advised the audience to stand further back from the stage so they could hear the vocals “because we play really fucking loud.” A rock aficionado in the crowd even claimed that this band plays even louder than a lot of metal bands he has seen. Legendary frontman J. Mascis’s three Marshall stacks were towers of distorted sound blasting from behind him as he nonchalantly slayed killer solo after killer solo. Over the course of the night, he alternated between several gorgeous guitars: a glittery purple Telecaster, a blue Jazzmaster with colorful psychedelic flowers painted on it, and a scuffed-up ’65 Sunburst Jazzmaster (as you may have noticed, the man really loves his Jazzmasters). Witnessing the unfazed guitar virtuoso (trademark pearly-white locks and all) in action makes it clear why Rolling Stone and various other publications have included him in numerous “Best Guitarists of All Times” lists.
As a unit, the band is a force of excellent musicianship to be reckoned with. There is something entrancing about how in-sync each skilled member is with each other, and the grace behind their wonderfully abrasive sound. Mascis takes his time with his famously drawling vocals while simultaneously shredding away, his fingers flying up and down the neck of his guitar with lightning speed and effortless precision. Enshrouded in a floppy mass of wavy hair and beard, Barlow jerked and thrashed around, his playing fueled by unbridled energy as he masterfully alternated between spastically slapping the strings of his bass and nimbly plucking them with a loving grace, like an impassioned mad genius. Murph, who spent some time in the ‘90s drumming for The Lemonheads, tied everything together as he drummed as tightly and powerfully as ever on his pink, sparkling kit, complete with a bass drum graced by the squinting face in the sun on the cover of their debut album.
The setlist was perfect both for veteran Dino Jr. fans as well as for newer listeners. Over the course of the night, they took the audience on a journey exploring each album in their discography. Everyone grooved along to “Watch the Corners” and swayed to the mellow-yet-driving “Feel the Pain.” Falsetto voices sprung up from the drove of fans during “Start Choppin’” and “The Wagon,” which turned the room into a sea of bobbing, banging heads. Of course, everyone gleefully sang along to “Freak Scene” at the top of their lungs. Rather than their beloved weirdo cover of The Cure’s “Just Like Heaven” (which the audience clamored for), they ended the night with a fuzz-heavy rendition of The Stooges’ “T.V. Eye” with Easy Action frontman John Brannon screaming the lyrics with extreme angst as Murph and Easy Action drummer Jon LeMay playing in eardrum-bursting unison. Their combined raw power had grown men jumping up and down, shouting along in euphoria. The stellar Dinosaur Jr. and their ‘90s alt sensibilities bring together a carefree strangeness and technical mastery into distortion-laden gems that continue to stand the test of time and feed hungry ears; a balance of infectious dissonance and beauty. Indeed, Dinosaur Jr. appears to be the last of a dying breed of rockstars, but at the same time they stand as a hopeful beacon of light for the next generation of musicians to follow as they realize what the genre can be.
- Sophie Prettyman-Beauchamp, DJ Owen Chillson of Beach Daze (Sundays 10am-12pm PST)
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weliveourdream · 6 years
Hola everyone.
Okay, let me just tell you about my current situation: right now I’m sat in my bed, it’s eleven minutes past 3 am. Yes, I should be asleep. But am I tired? No, of course not. Why am I not tired? Because I just got home from an amazing concert and I need to share it with you guys.
Right now I’m close to being deaf, my legs are killing me, I surely sound like the most extreme chainsmoker ever, so my voice is nearly gone, and I’m just overall so exhausted that I can already tell that it was an amazing night. I’m literally drunk on happiness and excitement. This was my second concert in a matter of the four past days and I couldn’t be happier, no joke. It may sound like I’m completely done, but trust me, this is like the peak of feeling perfect for me. There’s nothing better than concert exhaustion, I love it. And speaking of concerts, I’m of course here to tell you everything about those two past nights, that again showed me how deeply in love I am with live music and that there literally isn’t anything better than that. Okay, let’s get right to it.
Monday night – The Academic
Some of you may know these Irish boys, most of you probably don’t. And that’s a problem, a really really big problem, because these guys deserve far more attention than they are getting right now. I’m serious. I personally have to thank my go-to concert ticket platform for recommending this band to me, I would have never known that they were having a concert here without seeing it on my page. The funny thing was, I just saw their name and picture and immediately knew that they had to be an indie band – and of course they are. I even recognized them, so they are one of those bands, where I’m in love with one or two songs, but never really take notice of their names and so on. But oh god, that was a mistake. Because these guys are literally amazing and I’m so so lucky that I got to see them live, especially at such a small venue. I mean, I was literally about two meters away from the stage or even less, it was so cool.
Apart from that, the concert was really fantastic. You could really see that they enjoyed being there and that they were thankful for the sold out show and that so many fans and other people came to check them out. I mean, they are all pretty much at my age and right at the start of their career and you could see that. I seriously can’t wait to see them get more and more attention and become one of those big indie bands that sell out huge venues and headline festivals. I know that these boys got it in them, there’s no doubt. Especially after experiencing them live. Craig, their lead singer, really has an amazing voice and overall they were just so great.
Oh and speaking of the lead singer, here comes the crazy part of this night. So, I stood there in the crowd with my friend and the show had just begun. And suddenly she tapped me on the shoulder and was like “hey, doesn’t the singer look a little bit like Martijn?”. And I starred at her and was like “whaaat? No, of course not. No.”. And then I turned around and looked at him and then it hit me. This guy seriously – and I’m not joking – could have been Martijn, if his face was just a bit slimmer. Guys, I nearly went crazy. I mean, my brain didn’t know what to do. What do you do when there’s a guy in front of you who looks exactly like someone else, but you know it’s not him and still can’t handle it properly? I just starred at him, to be honest. My friend said that she actually watched the shock spread across my face. I’m sure it was a weird and funny sight. But hey, it was actually the biggest bonus ever, because now I know what Martijn would look like if he was the singer in a band – and holy moly, he would look good. I’m just curious whether anyone has ever told Craig that… Oh well.
Thursday night – The Wombats and Co.
And here we are again. A show that just ended four and a half hours ago and a show I still have to process. God, it was so so amazing. I don’t even know where to begin. Okay, I’ll just start at the Co.-part, their two support acts. Number one: The Night Café. And number two: The Magic Gang. Both were more than fantastic and I’m so happy that I got to see them both, as I adore their music. I gladly got to the venue pretty early and ended up in the fourth row, where I stayed throughout the whole show. It’s so cool, when you get a perfect spot at a concert without having to push past people and fighting for it. But I have to say, those two support acts couldn’t have been any more different. I mean, yes, they both played indie pop/rock music and they both were incredible, but besides that they were so different. The Night Café literally consists of four young guys, probably all younger than me, that looked so chilled up on that stage, that if I hadn’t known we were standing in a concert venue, I would have thought that they were playing at home in their garage. It was seriously that chilled. And they were all wearing lounge/sportswear, which just added up to that. But I absolutely love their music and their set was pretty cool too, so it was all good.
The Magic Gang were just as fantastic, but like I said, also different. Older, wiser, more put together and maybe a little more awake, I would say. Oh, and they are from Brighton, which just made it even better. Once again you could really see that they had fun playing on that stage for us and that made me happy too. I also have to mention that their music is even better live, it gives it another touch of coolness. And that pretty much sums up their whole set – it was just so cool. Really really awesome.
And now we’ve reached the main act – The Wombats. I actually have a little story with these guys, as it was my second time seeing them live, if the first time actually counts, which I’m not so sure of. It was at Reading festival in 2016, but my mum and I were far too late for their set, so we only got to hear like three songs or something like that. Does that count? I hope it does, but of course I had to see them live again, to experience the whole thing. And god, was it worth the wait. They were so so so damn good. It was like a huge party, one that I never wanted to end. I absolutely love that they had a great mix of old and new songs and that they could really show how talented they are. They truly deserved the show to be sold out.
There were also some funny parts during the show. The first when Murph’s, the lead singer’s guitar suddenly died and they had to stop in the middle of their song “Emoticons”. But instead of just standing there, we decided to finish the song ourselves and just sang the chorus for about two minutes until the problem was solved. What a great crowd, am I right? Oh, and the second funny incident happened closer to the end of the show during “Let’s Dance to Joy Division”, when suddenly two guys came up on stage, dressed in these huge wombat costumes, and started to dance and jump around. I’m still not quite sure whether it was a prank by their team or if it’s a usual part of the show. I hope it was a prank, that would make it even better.
But besides that, the whole show was truly incredible. Like I already mentioned, it was a huge party and just happy vibes all around. I loved the dynamic of the crowd and the overall atmosphere. And I’m so so happy that I got to see these English guys again, the full set this time. Oh and I also have to mention that their bassist Tord was literally the cutest ever. He was jumping around the stage the whole time with the biggest grin ever on his face. His happiness was so contagious, so thanks for that.
So yeah guys, there you go. Another two nights, another two mind-blowing concerts. I’m so so thankful that I got to experience these and that I’m able to see so many bands live. It’s literally my kryptonite. I also have to thank tonight for reminding me of why I am here and doing all this. Live music is literally the best thing ever and I know that I’m doing the right thing by moving to Brighton to lay the foundation for a career in that sector. As always, I hope you enjoyed this post and please don’t hesitate to leave your comments down below. Oh and I hope you’re all doing good and wish you an awesome weekend. And, of course, thanks for reading. x
It’s never enough Hola everyone. Okay, let me just tell you about my current situation: right now I'm sat in my bed, it's eleven minutes past 3 am.
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jq37 · 5 years
Ok last one. What's the tea on Prompocalypse?
So...that was something, huh?
This is gonna be quick and dirty (relatively speaking, it’s still too long already as I come back and make this edit) because I have work tomorrow and there are def stuff I want to talk about more and I will (esp if I get asks) but I have work in the morning so let’s just get some words onto the screen aight.
The episode titles have had a pretty consistent naming scheme up until this point so the one word, non alliterative title had me at a 7 on the foreboding scale before we even started.
Everyone was in prom wear! And lol, Siobhan is the only one in a dress. That's almost exactly what I pictured Adaine wearing to prom. That exact shade of blue-green. And Emily looks like a waiter. 
I wonder what Bren's plan was for if they'd thwarted the crowning entirely. Got baller initiative, some nat 20's on crown keepaway and smashing, and killed Penelope/Dayne before the bad guys could finish them. Would he just try to crown someone else or would the curb stompage have stood? Not that Goldenhoard would have been a pushover I imagine but jeez. He couldn't have been as strong as his true form.
Sidenote: One of my favorite little character things is Zac and Siobhan helping each other do math.
Fig dimension dooring Gorgug to the stage and then skateboarding away. Amazing.
"I'm going for her crown vs. his crown."/"In this climate?"
OK, shoutout to Zac fo asking for those bombs because they are OP as hell. 
I love how they just charged in and started trying to kill people, no questions asked, no explaining themselves to the other students, just bombs out immediately. 
My man Riz just couldn't catch a break. I understand the out of story reason the police haven't shown up is that Murph was rolling garbage, but what's taking them so long in story? Where? Is? Sklonda?
"I'm going to jump on the back of the Hangman."/”Presumptuous."
But also, by the end of the fight he's just like, "Do anything any party member tells you to!"
Lou losing it over Riz claiming best friend status. But damn, they kinda are the closest to each other in the party. Wild. 
"You know what baby girl? Why don't you ready an action until I get there," said Siobahn to Ally, hilariously for a number of reasons. 
They keep saying Teen Wolf and I have no idea what part of the movie they're referring to. This is the second ep in a row.
Lou trying to recruit a super sad Ragh.
They started off this fight really strong. Doing double digit damage and rolling over 20s. I was like, "Damn, they've leveled up. They're doing great!" Of course, we were still in the first third of the ep so I didn't know where we were going. But Lou was right. "Wild first turn."
"And then I shoot him."
I'm half convinced Riz jinxed everyone by saying, "Remember the corn fight?"
The students running to get food on the way out. Mood.
They messed Dayne *up*. This was the high point of the battle, objective-wise.
Sidenote, why would Dayne have needed to be at the Seacaster Manor raid? It feels dumb to ris him when he was such an important part of things. Was it literally just because he didn't like Fabian? And he disliked him enough to try and kill his parents? Yeesh.
Kirsten @ Ragh flipping out over Dayne: I see what's going on here.
Ragh really made this fight harder than it had to be. If Gorgug hadn't been grappled before Penelope got the crown they might have had a fighting chance.
So Penelope just straight up let what's her face (Sam I think) get palimpsested? Major yikes. Like I know it's a good thing they killed her but I kinda wish they hadn't so we could learn exactly what the insane thought process was there. She comes off as crazier than Biz because Biz was trapping girls he didn't respect, not his actual friends, you know? Like, did Goldenhoard say he was gonna make her an actual queen or something? Because all this isn't worth just being prom queen.
"Sometimes you make a villain and they die in the first two rounds," said Brennan, as if he didn't know what he was about to unleash on the party. Geez, I don't know how long they would have survived if Penelope and Dayne had been in play for a large chunk of the fight.
Murph's idea to blind him was a good one.
I almost was like, "Thank God Gorthalax got kidnapped," because that was the only good explanation for him seemingly ditching Fig.
Ally: Was that his best friend? (Emily: What./Siobahn: NO.)
"I'm like an advertisement for chicken."/"What chicken adverts are you watching?"/"It's like if you went to prom and there was a dangling chicken leg."/"What prom did you go to?"
Fabian full on clocking Penelope in the face like he's playing Punch Out.
"I killed my father today. Yes."
"This is against the rules but I don't care." In hindsight, this feels like foreshadowing.
"Well, that's the risk you take when you go to Aguefort Adventuring Academy."
"Get on the fucking right team!"
Lou (a la Gimli): And *my* D6.
Brennan pulling out that GIANT final form Goldenhoard figure.
For some reason, it didn't occur to me that he'd be just a legit dragon in his true form. I was picturing like the lich from Adventure Time or something.
Also, I was kinda expecting him to "Drop the act," and majorly change in personality but he was basically the same. Just a dick.
Gorgug rolls a 4. Brennan pauses for a second. The entire party: No.
Zac goes all in every time no matter how dumb it is. I love him.
"Father, stop this."/"What?"
"Not clever enough for the library and not brave enough for the world." Oww, I felt that one. Did Brennan have that waiting to use or did he come up with it on the spot because that was brutal.
Goldenhoard goes through the whole party, trying to hit their weakest point and he gets what might have been a great hit on Fig (You're so unloveable your father would rather go to hell than stay with you.) but she just says, "You have got to stop flirting with me," and completely diffuses the moment. As unflappable as Brennan is, he had to take a sec to jump back into the insult parade after that.
"I'm going to eat you."/"OH MY GOD."/"I'm not making it sexual!"
"*The* ball, bitch."
OK, I was wondering what the deal was with Riz's dad. Because giving him that gun implies a chance to kill his dad's killer but I didn't think it could be Goldenhoard directly because of the binding. That's another point towards Riz being the one to finish him off.
Wild that they weren't able to get any of the kids (save Ragh eventually) to help them with the fight. You go to adventuring school! Cowards! You would never make it at Sunnydale and that school was mostly normals!
The one dude still just getting food while Goldenhoard has turned into a full on dragon.
When an 18 wasn't a high enough roll for Fig to make her fear check, that's when I realized my earlier apprehension wasn't misplaced. I mean, maybe it should have been when he turned into a dragon but it is what it is.
But Fig skating away and then going, "Just kidding bitch," because she got it on the very next turn was hilarious.
Kristen still not being 100% on whether Ragh is gay or not.
Who was gonna kick Ragh off the team for being gay? Maybe Daybreak would have but Gorthalax def wouldn't have. Maybe he means he would have been bullied off?
Siobahn to Kristen/Ally: Stop outing students.
I can't believe Gorgug had to kiss Ragh in the middle of this fight to get his head in the game.
Also, I didn't get into it before because I knew this scene was coming but poor Ragh. Like, I could have told him things were gonna go this way and he's a big dummy for thinking otherwise, but poor dude. And then he finally gets it together and he gets wrecked.
Siobhan doing the D&D equivalent of reminding the teacher they had homework.
The amount of dice that Brennan rolled for Goldenhoard was truly horrifying. That's permadeath damage.
AND HE GOT THE HEALER DOWN FIRST. This was the next moment I started sensing a TPK.
"HOMOPHOBE!"/"You hit both of the gay ones!"
Kristen taking damage from Goldenhoard's libertarian speech.
I find it such a Fig move to be like, "Can I use charm person to snap Adaine out of it," instead of the spell actually made for that purpose. 
Rolling low perception and getting no information is the worst because then it's like...OK I know something's out there but what dammit?
When Brennan said Fig would have to do opposed athletics against Adaine, that was the first time I was like, "Oh thank God she's so weak."
Murph forgetting to uncanny dodge until midway through the ep was uncharacteristic. Really shows how wild the fight was. 
"This kid likes to get his ass beat to a soundtrack."
Fabian refusing to just use the stairs like a normal person. 
Penelope going, "What's your deal?" like she's not helping an evil dragon who wants to rule the world. 
My man Jawbone shot way up on the list of cool adults today.
For real, the scene with Jawbone and Adaine was my second favorite moment of the episode and it would have been my favorite if not for a bit of divine intervention later. 
I already made a post about this but Jawbone notices Adaine flipping the hell out and he asks her if she has panic attacks and if her parents gave her any meds for it. She responds in, like, the smallest, most broken and defeated voice with a tiny head shake, "My parents just left and I don't know where they are." Gah, my heart. She was half crying. I was half awake and being kicked in the face with the full force of human emotion. It was a lot. I felt like I was a kid watching that one scene from Fresh Prince again but British-er. She gets that her parents suck and she hates them but she's 14. Everyone wants their parents to love them. It's like in our DNA.
And then Jawbone launches into the wildest motivational speech ever (including all of Kristen's, which is saying a lot) which starts with him sucking off a border patrol agent. (You understand me?/No!)
Ally, MVP of Terrible Speeches: *That* was the point?
Siobhan trying not to crack up and break character throughout that whole scene was great.
I love that Brennan was clearly trying to not encourage people to mess with their med dosage irl because he was very specific about that but also he was like, "A dragon is about to end the world so please shotgun this bottle of magic Xanax and hop on that bike."
I love that Adaine has all the magic stuff in her inventory and then also Xanax.
Aww, Jawbone offered to let her live with him because her house burned down. (I guess that info was on the news?)
And then Adaine rolls a 20 with the help from her meds (and buffs) right away! It's great when the dice cooperate.
"I came here to FUCK SHIT UP. And help children."
"Jawbone rules. I'm so glad we helped him get his life together."
Jawbone is such a sketch person but such a good counselor.
Siobhan calling Goldenhoard and absolute fucking unit sayed be at 5 in the morning when I watched this.
"Then why is your dick out?" Adaine joining in Fig w/ the taunting Goldenhoard via accusations of flirting. 
"Why are you guys partially singed?"/"Because he's been attacking us Dad! Also Dad, he kind of used to come on to me all the time."
"Play the drums more and we'll have a full band on stage!"/"...Instead."
"You ruined prom!"/"I RUINED PROM?"
At this point I was thinking, "Geez, there's not a lot of episode left and Penelope isn't even dead yet. How could they possibly defeat Goldenhoard AND have time for tying up loose ends?" TPK vibes increase.
Adaine getting a nat 20 on Arcana, "Yeah it is what it is. You're screwed."
Hell yeah for Adaine giving Goldenhoard her low divination roll to ensure her lightning bolt hit. Not that it ended up mattering that much but still. Sick.
"Well you could have told me before this very moment!"/"I was dead!"
I just checked on the stats of an an adult red dragon in 5E and it's got 256 HP. 256! And look at the other stats! They're wild.
"This is the number of dice?"/"Yeah."/"God."
Fig goes down. Their secondary healer. So, not good. Very not good.
Brennan letting Emily burn Goldenhoard's tie as she passes out because Emily refuses to do nothing.
And Riz goes down too! The one with the med kit! At this point I was like, there is no way this can end well.
"How far away is the hospital?" I love it when they try just normal solutions in this magic game like calling their parents and going to the hospital.
It is an hour and 47 minutes into the episode before Adaine remembers she's wearing a magic coat that can make her anything (within reason). Which, to be fair, it took me a little bit too but, in my defense, I'm not staring at her character sheet.
Real talk, I didn't think she was gonna get anything from the jacket from that ask. Something to beat Kalvaxis is such a big ask.
When Brennan started going into the jacket stuff I was like, this is a really weird deus ex machina if that's what this is. But also, the kids have been hilariously chill with just having Adaine walk around in a jacket filled with people.
There was a lot to unpack there and I'll got to it in another post but I can't do another 4k epic this week y'all. I have work in the morning.
Adaine yelling for Basrar to get them their ice cream before they freaking die.
Aww Gorthalax tried to heal Fig instead of attacking.
"Daddy that was a waste of a turn."
Gorgug who has a million hit points went down and all the healers are down. There are less than ten minutes left in the episode. TPK for sure, I'm thinking.
Adaine flipping people off with a vengeance today.
Also the fact that she totally forgot that she could ask for a healing potion which is totally a thing that she almost def would have been able to get is hilarious. I mean it wouldn't have been as funny if the episode ended differently but, as it stands, hilarious.
"Does the Hangman know medicine?"
"What about this student? Is he studying to be a cleric?"
Adaine is down. That's everyone down but Fabian. Three and a half minutes left. And that's when I realize. There's not enough time for a good ending, but there's not enough time for a bad ending either. But there's no S2. This is an anthology series. What's going on here my sleepy 6am brain is saying.
Fig giving her dad bardic inspiration while passed out because Emily is Emily.
Everyone (exceptt Riz) was making their saves. I'm thinking, "Is next season different characters, same setting. Maybe a bunch of years in the future? Legacy characters?" I'm trying to put together the fact that this is the finale with 2 minutes left with the fact that they're playing different characters next season. The pieces aren't fitting. 
And that's because I couldn't have predicted what was about to happen.
Ally, clearly joking says, "Can I roll for a nat 20 and just be alive?"
Brennan, barely thinking, says, "Sure, go for it," as casually as if he was okaying a perception check.
Murph and Lou are cracking up at the absurdity of the ask. 
Ally says, "This is to the corn god," half solem, half smiling.
Siobhan holds her hand over the dice like she's blessing them.
"I know I left for a while," Ally starts as the dice are cast and...
Everyone goes WILD.
Ally punches air.
Brennan looks like someone slapped him.
Emily: You have to rip up your comparative world religions book.
And what did we learn today? A 5 percent chance is small, but not insignificant. 
OK, there’s one thing I want to address before I tap out for the night (and it’s not spell checking. I’ll do that in the morning).
I saw some people discussing the possibility that they faked the ending. Like, they just edited it like that to give them another chance because they were all about to die. Beyond the fact that I just trust them to not have done that, the other big reason I don’t think that’s likely is because there was a much more seamless way of stacking the deck in their favor. Brennan could have had Adaine pull literally anything out of her jacket. And I truly mean anything because this is a finale. Even if he gave her something game breaking, it wouldn’t have set a precedent because it’s the last ep. And that’s beyond all the NPCs that could plausibly have come in because they know something is up and teleportation is a thing in this world. Nah, I think that was just good, old fashioned, luck of the roll and thank Helio because they needed it.
OK, that’s it for now! Join me at some point between now and next ep to unpack this because it’s a lot and apparently we have another episode to get through. Hoot growl baby!
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jq37 · 5 years
oh my GOD the new ep!!!! like!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH happened but then also the preview for the next ep looks SO GOOD
**spoilers for first kisses and last words**
Hoo boy this was, as I predicted, a BIG one. Not that I needed to be an oracle to figure that out since there’s only a few eps left but man did it deliver.
I still think that Cool Kids, Cold Case had the most off the wall nonsense happening in the shortest period of time but this ep I think was overall the most consistently wild ep.
So let’s take it from the top.
I think I forgot to mention it before but Adaine’s, “I go into a rage,” hardcore cracked me up.
“I have hold person.”/”I stuff a sock in her mouth.” Insult to injury Adaine. 
The entire group dunking on Aelwen, forgetting that Riz is literally bleeding out, half dead.
“sausage festival” 
Adaine really was dead serious about her snitching threat huh?
Ally miming a boom mic.
I love how everyone including Siobhan mess up Aelwen’s name or mix it up with Adaine’s half the time.
And speaking of, wow. What a rise and fall for her in 3 eps (and about an hour in game time). She’s queen of the nerds. She’s not even cool at her own school. And terrified of whoever she made whatever shady deal with. I know she literally tried to kill the whole party last ep and that she’s the worst but I almost feel for her.
“This is not on you. This is on the world within which you inhabit.”
I love Adaine’s semi-indigent, “We’re not going to kill you,” because Alwen was 100% ready to murder them which, side note, imagine how much on an international incident that would have been.
Lol at the group tag team bullying Aelwen about going to Mumple and Adaine using her magic jacket for super petty BS.
“Hey mom!”/”GodDAMMIT honey.”
The parent/kid relationships are so good in this show.
Everyone but Kristen parkouring off the roof when Sklonda specifically set up a ladder. 
“The put a girl in a palimpsest,” followed immediately by, “She went to a party,” as if those are on the same level.
Sklonda Gukgak DUNKING Aelwen into the squad car with a technical assist from Adaine. I knew she was gonna be my fave parent from her intro scene and I love her even more than I thought.
“With all due respect, (A/N: Which is none), suck my dick, fuck you.”
“She tried to murder me.”/”BE THAT AS IT IS.”
“Eh, you carry a gun.”
“No one who’s detecting maidens is a maiden.”
I feel like I’m quoting a lot today but there were so many money lines this episode. 
Everyone always loses it when Brennan starts doing the Identify spell voice and I love it. 
Adaine’s dad is T R A S H
Adaine’s mom on the other hand…I’ve been wondering about her for a little while because usually the outright emotional abuse has been from her dad while her mom is either not there or not saying anything. So I’ve been wondering was her deal is and we finally got the start of an answer. I know we only have a few eps left but I hope we go a little deeper into what exactly is going on there. It seems like Adaine’s parents are gonna be a big factor in whatever endgame is planned so fingers crossed,
Everyone cracking up as Emily backs Fig into a corner talking to Penelope. 
I love Gorgug so freaking much. Just his good natured, lumbering self. EVery time Zac opens his mouth gold falls out. 
Emily MAXED out her deception huh?
I think Siobhan must have forgotten that she took the crystal with Ostentasia away from Aelwen at the end of last ep. Either that or they willingly gave it to the cops and I forgot (but I think it’s the former because she said in this ep that it was in Aelwen’s pocket when at the end of the last ep she def took it).
My autocorrect keeps wanting me to type Ellen for Aelwen. I WISH.
I knew it! He’s a PIRATE. Suck it Fabian. (lol at Adaine stirring the pot. That was like Adaine being sincerely polite and Siobhan trying to cause problems and I love mixed motive player/character decisions). 
I wonder if the banker is named after John Hughes. 
I can’t believe the dumb bank is actually a huge plot point.
Yikes, re: Bill and Fabian. That got tense. Though I’ve kinda been waiting for some kind of blowout for a while. His dad runs very hot and cold and I figured it would only be a matter of time before we saw some of the cold.
Also, Lou breaking character in the middle of that very intense moment to clarify a plot point. 
Sidenote: For a hot sec after reading the title of the ep and remembering how Sklonda is competent to the point of (probably) breaking the original plot, I was so concerned she was gonna eat it this ep. So glad she didn’t.
Anyway, the idea of swinging sadly on a rope is so freaking funny.
Fig: Can I offer you a sad song in this trying time?
Huge portrait of Bill Seacaster in Fabian’s room. 
Adaine is gonna bring up him kissing her sister very time she needs to get out of something w/ Fabian for the rest of her immortal life. 
Another sidenote: This is a little thing but I always think it’s interesting when fantasy worlds have the same months and days as us when they’re named after like Norse Gods and Roman statesmen that wouldn’t exist in their world. Same with Roman numerals and Irish coffee. 
“Am I allowed to smoke in here?”/”Of course.”
I really like the character detail that Adaine is always really polite to everyone, including/especially people like Fabian’s maid and Basrar. People that she wouldn’t necessarily “have to” be polite to, you know? It’s like she’s trying to make up for the fact that her family is a bag of dicks. 
“Fantasy Google”
The whole bit with Fabian’s porn stash was so good. This group is so good w/ yes-adning each other.
“Privateer me a new one.” Emily is so good.
“Special investment” Suspicious  
I was thinking “I can’t believe looking at a bank’s FAQs is part of this game,” right as Brennan said it.
So I went back and watched Siobhan’s face from when Emily first mentioned Kal Vaxis to when she got the connection to KVX and it took her 22 seconds. I also missed the quick cut to Brennan when Gorgug asks, “What is Kal Vaxis,” and you can tell he knows they’re so close to breaking it with the little grin on his face. I wish we had gotten a reaction shot right after she got it. Anyway, great team solve w/ the MVP trophy to Siobhan/Adaine. 
I loved when Zac, Emily, and Siobhan all whipped out their laminated maps in tandem to figure out what was happening. 
The hard mood change from Adaine dropping the bomb about Riz’s dad and to forming a committee to help Gorgug flirt with Zelda was wild.
Kristen telling anyone to be suave is hysterical. 
What a DISASTER of a committee Gorgug’s friends are. Well meaning but so trash
Fig: Tell her you got a SICK tattoo
Adaine: Bring her to see art in the middle of the night
Fabian: You cannot date this person (Kristen: You absolutely have to)
Kristen: Actually not garbage advice but she is in no position to be giving dating advice to anyone 
Riz: Having a literal existential crisis 
“Who else is he gonna date?” WOW, savage Adaine.
I meant to say this before but I love how Adaine’s go-to is immediately ice cream and she’s always on board to go to Basrar’s. Like how when she texted everyone 2 eps ago she was like, “Let’s get ice cream now.”
Mmm, don’t love that Gorthalax isn’t answering his phone. I have been waiting for a significant adult to die for a while now.
OK, look, the whole thing about Penelope and Dayne being eternal prom king/queen. Is it wild? Yes. Is it implausible? No. No it’s not. Even Murph, most veteran player, was kind of like, “Wait, does that make sense?” Because, in this setting, it kind of would? I’m not sure it fits within the story so far and I’d have to go back and listen to the more lore-y stuff again but the conceit itself is like the exact right amount of crazy to fit in this setting? And they never cut to Brennan like I wanted so I could judge his face for any kind of tell. But anyway, you guys know I’ve been predicting a prom finale and this would fit right into a prom finale. 
The girls giving Gorgug a pep talk before his date was ADORABLE. 
Gorgug having to check his phone to remember three words, “You look nice.”
“Your friends are popular and loud” True
I know they mean ecstasy like intense emotion but I kept thinking, like, molly.
Hmm, so Penelope wanted to know if Zelda had hooked up w/ Gorgug, ie: if she was a maiden. Can they only palimpsest maidens? Or (as we will get to later) does nice guy Biz only want virginal maidens for his creepy reverse Weird Science arcade setup?
Zelda listing off every type of metal and then Gorgug’s, “Same stuff,” was perfect comic timing on Zac’s part.
Imagine the Hangman screaming down the road on fire, Zelda completely terrified. 
I love the Hangman so freaking much.
I can’t believe everyone is living at the freaking crappy apartments. I knew they were all gonna end up hanging at one persons’ house but I kinda figured it would be Fabian’s house or Gorgug’s house. 
I”m also concerned about Bill. I feel like we keep getting reminded that he’s mortal a LOT.
Did Gorgug’s parents have indoor fireworks on tap for Gorgug’s first date?
Oh my God the whole docking conversation. Never play chicken with Brennan because the dude will not blink.
“We didn’t do that.” That’s his other best comic timing moment of the ep.
“Polishing my axe”
Kristen this episode 
I really wish they’d made the roll to find Ragh later in the ep. Fig is so ride or die for Gilear now and I love it.
“I fall asleep.”
Adaine almost making her parents dunk on Gilear but then pulling back.
But also, Adaine and Gilear going off the the oracle together.
“Fig pack it in.”
Affirmations with Fig and Gilear.
Fig, do you really think platonically cuddling with Kristen is the move?
Riz setting himself up for a dramatic entrance is so fantastic.
Hmm, so Biz and Zayne were attacked at the same time. That’s why that cold pill detail was in there way back. I’ve been trying to figure out what was always planned and what was quick re-working but Brennan is so good I can never really tell.
Are multiple unrelated groups just getting into palimpsests at the same time? Or mostly unrelated groups tied to one person?
“We are not gonna get our security deposit back.”
RIZ’S DAD IS JAMES BOND! YES! I didn’t know I wanted that to be the case until it happened and now that’s the only acceptable option. 
Riz didn’t get the 20′s he needed when fighting Aelwen but man he got it at the best story moment this week.
Oh man that home movie
The pearl is grey. Interesting. 
“Mom our family is so awesome Mom we’re all so badass, I thought it was just us but Dad is awesome too, why didn’t you tell me Mom?”
Sklonda: Internally screaming. 
Man he went full Inigo Montoya.
“I’ve got nimble escape so…”
“I guess we have a two bedroom,” I think was a really underrated funny line.
Did Riz ever tell his mom about the time of death thing.
Everyone inundating Gilear with overlapping chatter.
lol the Hangman likes Zelda’s family
Ally’s panicked, “FUCK” is always hilarious. 
Why are all the adults in Gorgug’s life trying to get him laid?
OK so the elementals were conjured by Aelwn’s magic Brennan said. He said by Aelwen’s magic, not by Aelwen. I wonder if that turn of phrase was specific or arbitrary. Like, we were told where Aelwen is but we don’t know. Was she forced to do it (either by threat or by magic)? Clearly someone (Biz?) is pulling her strings to at least some degree. 
“It’s probably about marriage.” “WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED.”
That happened fast
Fun fact from my International Law class: When a government kidnaps someone, it’s called rendition. 
“There’s a war, fuck school.”
Yeah it is wild that Adaine’s parents didn’t call her.
OK so did the Elves get Aelwen back but also go, “But you still need to go to jail.” Because they cut Brennan off before the end of that sentence which might have had more clues in it.
“I text my mom k”
I also wanna know who gave Kristen a slushy marg (It’s war times. I bet things are looser now)
Murph’s face when Brennan said, “Lucky Stones” was so good. That was so Riz.
S/O to Ally for pre-casting Guardian of Faith. Good instinct. 
As I said in an earlier conversation s/o to Adaine for DUNKING on him at every opportunity because he DESERVED IT. Also, her instincts for who sucks in this game have been spot on.
Another s/o to Riz for having the presence of mind to not pull a Star Lord and to pretend to be on the bad dude’s side for long enough to gain some kind of upper hand.
OK, wow was not expecting that twist. I feel like I need to go back and rewatch some stuff to get a better handle of the timeline and stuff. Like, when exactly did the girls start going missing again? And what year is Biz? Has he been masterminding this whole thing? I feel like no but I feel like he’s masterminding his own thing which happens to a puzzle piece in something bigger? BUT IT’S A PRETTY DAMN BIG PIECE. Who opened the new arcade? Is it connected to the bank?  How did Biz get involved? Who’s his supplier? Did someone hook up Biz, Daybreak, Penelope, and Aelwen with Palimpsests to do their own separate things, hoping that at least one of them would succeed which would somehow be good for the mystery person? I am so excited to find out and I really hope Brennan and the cast do a Q+A sesh after S1 is over to hash some stuff out.
Siobhan’s face when Biz said he was going after Adaine.
ALSO, you’re just gonna TELL RIZ and you wanna PUT ONE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS into a MAGIC CRYSTAL???? AND YOU THOUGHT HE’D BE ON BOARD? Like, even if he was, what about the 4 other people who are there?????
(sidenote, wild Gorgug’s parents just left them alone, no questions asked)
Theme-wise, this is the fight ep I’m most excited for. It seems rad as hell.
All that yelling in the promo for next week. Either the raddest thing possible happened or there was a TPK. There is no other option.
Wow, that was a stellar ep and this is a really long post. I really can’t wait for next week’s!
Edit: I meant to say before, is Penelope’s FB album like…a hit list? Like does whoever’s doing the actual dirty work (Biz? S/o else?) know that whoever she takes a picture with is who they should target?
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