#in the meantime I'll just wonder what's wrong with me and figure out how to hide it
insignificantfailure · 6 months
I wonder if people notice. If doctors, restaurant servers, pharmacists, uber drivers, delivery guys, receptionists, and other strangers I interact with notice how awkward I am. How childish, how shy, how scared, how anxious, like I'm barely a human being. When doctors see my age, and then they proceed to have a conversation with me for like 30 minutes, do they see how something's wrong with me? How I'm on the verge of having a breakdown from simply having to exist in society? I must look so pathetic in their eyes. I must seem like a child in an adult's body. It feels like I'm cosplaying someone of my age, and it's embarrassing. I try to hard to act normal, but the raw, unfiltered side of me... it shows.
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saey707 · 7 months
OMG A LEAGUE WRITING BLOG.. Honestly you’ve partially inspired me to make one!!! I love your works so far :)
But! In the meantime, the S/H comfort you wrote for Kayn was so beautiful! So I wanted something similar with Aphelios with a touch that’s a little more personal to me! if possible i’d like to request heartsteel Aphelios with his s/o (who May or May not be chubby, depending on your preference) struggling with an eating disorder? thank you in advance!
✿ Prompt: Aphelios worships you ✿
♡ champion focus: aphelios ♡ tw: reader w/ low self esteem + ed ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author's Note: Hi, anon! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ This was a bit of a difficult subject for me to write, but I still wanted to get something small out nonetheless! I didn't touch too much into the ed, because it is a bit of a touchy subject to me. But I still hope you like what I have in store! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
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Aphelios knows how to read people like the back of his hand. It's one of his own personal superpowers... Or, more so a catalyst of being unable to speak.
Because of this, he is able to effortlessly observe those around him and know exactly how someone is feeling. He knows how to manipulate people to get what he wants. And worst of all, he knows when someone is lying to him or not. Including you.
That was one of the things you grew to hate about Aphelios. You hated that you could never lie to him.
It took a couple of weeks for Aphelios to realize something was wrong. It was just a matter of figuring out what it was...
You were always so confident and bright. You never cared about how anyone felt about you and never did anything to appease anyone. You did what you wanted when you wanted, which was something that Aphelios loved about you!
Aphelios couldn't help but wonder: Was it him? Did he do something wrong? He thought the two of you had a good relationship, you never had any problems before... It can't possibly be him... Maybe it's the fans? You both did recently come out as a couple! Maybe they were just jealous? Aphelios couldn't see a reason why anyone wouldn't like you right off the bat! But... Could that be the reason??
He had to investigate...
"Did you eat today?" Aphelios typed hastily before holding his phone up. You hummed in response. But he knew you were lying.
"Do you want the other half of my mooncake?" "I'm not hungry right now, Phel. but thank you!" He knew you were lying.
"We're all going to grab dinner, I'll bring you something back!" "You really don't have to! I'll find something here!" Still, he would always bring you something back.
While he was out, Aphelios took the opportunity to turn to his friends for help, which was extremely unlike him. Aphelios usually kept to himself, so it came as a surprise to everyone in the group when he asked for them to look around and see if they could find anything.
And when they did, Aphelios couldn't help but feel a wave of regret wash over him. He felt like it was his fault. He felt responsible for the way you felt. Aphelios pushed for you to have a more public relationship with him after all... In a way, he felt like was responsible for destroying your self-confidence.
But that feeling was quick to fade with Yone's reassurance. Instead, Aphelios felt angry. Not at you or himself... But at the entire world for expecting you to change.
You didn't need to change a single thing about yourself. You were nothing short of perfection to Aphelios. And he intended to remind you of it every day from there on out.
As soon as Aphelios got home, he burst through the doors, carrying 5 bags of food and a half-eaten box of chocolates he somehow swiped from the back of Ezreal's car.
"Phel..?" You were caught off guard by your boyfriend unexpectedly engulfing you in a big hug. His shoulders were shaking, giving you the surefire indicator that he was only beginning to cry.
You tried to pull away from him, but he only held on tighter.
Tears poked at the corners of your eyes. You knew.
Aphelios didn't need to speak to convey his love for you. His actions alone did that. That was one of the things you grew to love about Aphelios. You loved how he always knew the precise way to show you how much he loved you.
And you didn't realize how much you needed for him to see the issue at hand until now.
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elinoracia · 1 year
🐍 Your voice // Ominis Gaunt x F!Reader fanfic🐍
Warnings: Jealousy, pure fluff, a kiss, not proofread. Total of words: 1.9k
Important informations: - All characters are aged up to 18 y.o. or more; 7th year. - Y/N = your name - My first language isn't english, sorry in advance.
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Context: After 5th year, your friendship with Sebastian was not the same. You reconciled your relationship at the end of 6th year but, in the meantime, you got closer to Ominis who never gave up on you. He was always there for you when you needed to talk about anything. It seems like Ominis has a soft spot for you. Even during 5th year, he always seemed to be on your side and you could convince him pretty easily. Now that you and Ominis are finally friends again with Sebastian, his demeanor has changed around you.
You were walking with Ominis to your first class of the day. As you were walking, you were asking yourself many things about Ominis. You never truly realized it before but... how could he know if you were attractive or not? Would it bother him if you were ugly? It seemed silly to ask him those kind of things but you felt a wave of curiosity taking over your brain.
Y/N: Ominis? Can I ask you something? *you look at him, curious to know his answer to your questions* Ominis: *He turns to face her, his expression curious* What is the question, Y/N? You know I'll always listen. Y/N: Well...how would you know...a girl is attractive? *you frown* Would you like...try to feel her face or something? *you chuckle at your silly idea* Ominis: *He chuckles* I'm surprised you are able to ask yourself such silly questions this early in the morning. Usually, you don't say much thoughtful things until our second class. *he seemed amused by your thoughts* Y/N: Now you're just being rude. *you giggle at his teasing* But really, how? *you stare at him intensely, waiting for his answer* Ominis: Well, that isn't how blindness works. When you take away someone's eyesight, their other senses strengthen and allow them to navigate the world in new ways. So... I might not have the benefit of your sight, but I have better hearing, a keener sense of touch... and a better sense of smell than most. I find beauty in a woman's perfume, but also in the way she talks, in the sound of a laugh when she's happy, or her smile when she's amused. Y/N: *you look at him, lost in your own thoughts* I think I understand… *the question to ask him if he finds you attractive burns your lips* it's…it's really romantic in a way, don't you think? Ominis: I'm guessing it can be considered romantic, indeed.
You both arrive in your first class of the day and, as the class begins, you can't seem to focus on anything else. Ominis seemed to have become aware of your unusual lack of concentration. After you first class, he came to you to figure out what was wrong.
Ominis: You looked unfocused during our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It's unusual for you to not pay any attention. Is everything alright? *he looked rather worried* Y/N: Oh, really? *you look away to avoid his gaze, even if he can't see you* Well...I was wondering something. I know it might sound really silly but... *you take a deep breath before blurting out the question that was troubling you* Do you...find me attractive? *you could hear the shakiness in your voice* Ominis: Is that the reason why your mind seemed elsewhere? *he chuckles at your question* Well... *he pauses to think for a moment* I would be lying if I said I didn't find the way you speak adorable. You have a unique cadence, a certain kindness and warmth about you, when you talk. I find the prospect of touching your face, your hair, your hands, a rather tempting one. *he said with a teasing tone to his voice* Y/N: *for once, you were glad Ominis couldn't see you because you felt your cheeks burning up* I-I see... *you didn't know what to answer, you just sighed and smiled* Ominis: Is that not the answer you were hoping for? Y/N: What? Oh don't worry, you answered perfectly! *you looked away, embarrassed and blushing* My next class is with Sebastian, I should go join him for herbology! I'll see you later.
You didn't let Ominis respond and you hurried to the Greenhouses. Sebastian was waiting for you next to the classroom. He greeted you and you tried this time to focus on the class Professor Garlick was teaching. But you kept wondering why Ominis seemed so distant when you were trying to hint your feelings for him. Does he just not like you that way?
After class, you tried to talk to Sebastian about it. You both had an hour before your next class started so you took the opportunity to talk to him about Ominis. Sebastian was already aware of your feelings towards Ominis but you made him swear to never talk about it to anyone else.
As you're talking about it to your best friend, he doesn't seem to give you the answers you were hoping for.
Y/N: Sebby come on! You must know something! *you beg him to tell you how Ominis really feels about you* Sebastian: Sorry but I really don't know. He doesn't talk much about his feelings to me. *he puts his hand on your shoulder to comfort you* Don't worry sweetheart, you just have to be yourself and be more obvious about it. He's a man and he's also blind so, you didn't pick the easiest person to fall in love with. *he laughs* Y/N: *you laugh* How could I be more obvious? Should I just say- *you take Sebastian's hands in yours to pretend you're talking to Ominis* Oh how I love you, please love me back! *you say dramatically, imagining in a theatrical and exaggerated way how you should announce your feelings to Ominis* Sebastian: Now you're just being a dork. *he laughs at your theatrics, his hands still in yours*
Suddenly, you feel a presence next to you. When Sebastian noticed, he let go of your hands quickly and cleared his throat. You also looked who was interrupting your conversation.
Ominis: I apologize, am I interrupting something? *he asked with a emotionless face* Y/N: *you panick at the idea of what the situation with Sebastian might have looked like* N-No! Not at all! We were...We were just talking about something that happened during herbology! Right Sebastian? Sebastian: Y-Yes! *he follows your idea without hesitation* Ominis: Anyway, I was here to talk to you Y/N. I realized that I might have been too forward when you asked me if I found you attractive. A compliment is one thing, but I realize now that I may have overstepped. Y/N: *you look at him, you feel your heart shatters in your chest. Why couldn't he just understand how you felt?* Oh...Don't worry, you weren't too forward. Thank you for your concerns though. Sebastian: *he looks at you with a worried look on his face. He knows exactly how this made you feel. He then turns to Ominis* Maybe she was just flustered by your compliment! *he chuckles, trying to make you feel better* It's not everyday a pretty lady asks you to tell her what you think about her. *he smirks and looks back at you with a comforting look on his face* Ominis: *he frowned at Sebastian's comment, he looked a little mad* Maybe you should give your "pretty lady" more compliments yourself. *he then looked away, almost shocked by what he just said* Anyway, I have to attend my next class. Have a good day.
You and Sebastian looked at eachother as you were standing there, in disbelief. As Ominis left, you almost felt guilty. Maybe you said something wrong. Why was he suddenly so angry?
You spent the rest of the day thinking about what happened with Ominis and Sebastian earlier. You haven't seen him at lunch, where you usually eat with him.
You then spotted him in a hallway. He was alone. You hurried to try and talk to him. You had to apologize.
Y/N: Hi Ominis... *you said with hesitation* Can we talk? I really don't like when you're mad at me... *you could hear the pain in your voice* Ominis: Y/N... *he seems hesitant to speak* I am not mad at you. Please don't think you did something wrong. Y/N: Then why did you ignore me all day? Why are you acting like that? Why did you get mad at Sebastian? *you looked at him, confused* Ominis: *he pauses to think* I just needed time to think. I needed to be alone for a short while. I don't...I don't feel like myself those last few days. *he takes a deep breath* But don't worry, I'm happy for you and Sebastian.
You froze. You couldn't even breathe for a moment. You made him think you were in love with Sebastian. And when he interrupted your conversation with him, he thought you were probably confessing to him.
Y/N: Me and Sebastian? *you asked, shocked* We are just friends! He's...he's just my best friend. What you might have heard was a complete misunderstanding! *you couldn't believe he was thinking you liked Sebastian that way. This just made your situation worse* You have to believe me! Ominis: *he frowns, not understanding the situation* I don't think I understand. Are you not in love with him? Y/N: With Sebastian? Not at all! He's really just my best friend, nothing more! *you look at him, hoping he would understand* Ominis: Then I just misinterpreted your intentions about him. I'm sorry Y/N. *he said calmly* Y/N: So, why are you so distant with me? *you asked, worried* Ominis: *he hears your shaky voice and then puts his hand on the top of your head in a comforting way* I'm terribly sorry if I made you upset. I was simply trying to not come between you and Sebastian. I did not want to say or do something inapropriate because- *he pauses, questionning if he should continue talking* Y/N: Because what? *you look at him, your heart is racing. You should tell him how you feel about him right now* I...I don't like Sebastian. I like you. I was just asking him about you. Ominis: *he froze, not knowing what to say* Y/N...You really made my heart race when you asked me if I found you attractive. I tried my best to not...let my heart speak for me. But I was afraid your heart was already taken. *he takes your hand and pulls you closer* I could follow your voice for the rest of my life. Sometimes I need more than your voice... You have to most angelic presence I've ever felt. Knowing you were probably in love with Sebastian hurt too much, that's why I was being distant. But I like you too. I love you. I always have. Y/N: *you look at him, blushing with a huge smile on your face* I can give you more... *you cups his cheeks with your hands and kiss him. He returns your kiss passionately, like he was hungry for more* Ominis: *he gently pulls away from the kiss* I've never wanted to see you more than I do now... Y/N: Well, my offer still stands. *you chuckles* You can feel my face if you want! *you say proudly* Ominis: Now you're being silly again. *he chuckles*
The End
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multiverse-imagines · 9 months
Vashtember (A Writer's Hijacking) Day 2: Knives
Okay, so I cheated a tiny bit. Its technically about @aidakhar 's dad!Knives au. But how can I resist Knives being a doting father?
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"Azrael, that's the third Toothbrush this month." Knives frowned as he looked at the small disgruntled boy who presented him with yet another mangled toothbrush.
"My teeth are just too sharp, Papa." Azrael moped.
"I see that. I'll have to talk to Dr. Conrad about this…" Knives mused to himself, as he comforted his son, "For now, why don't we just keep doing our best until we can figure something out, okay? It's not very efficient as far as the lifespans of toothbrushes go, but it'll keep your teeth clean in the meantime."
"Fine." Azrael huffed as he stalked off, going to his room. Knives was frustrated as well. It was important to maintain oral cleanliness. How was his child supposed to do so when his teeth were ripping through each toothbrush at such a rapid pace? He pondered these things as he too stalked down the hall towards Dr. Conrad's lab.
"Ah, Master Knives. What brings you around this time?" Conrad asked, sitting at his desk, a beaker of coffee still steaming close by.
"Azrael just gave me his third decimated toothbrush this month. I need something different than this archaic stick." Knives complained to Conrad.
"Well, the evolution of the toothbrush hasn't really changed since the Earth's 1800's… they even used them in the ancient Egyptian era. It's one of those "If it's not broke, don't fix it" kinds of things." Conrad explained.
"Then we have to make something those stupid humans couldn't." Knives snidely replied.
"Of course, Sir. When I was a child back on Earth, they did have these chewable toothbrushes, but I fear the boy will just chew through them."
"What were they made of? Could we improve upon whatever material they used? Make them reusable, or recyclable?"
"They were just silicone, but, again, I fear he would just rip through Silicone like a shark eating a seal." Conrad lamented, taking a sip from his beaker of coffee, "I could improve it to withstand the psi of his bite strength strength. I can probably project 170 psi at the most, so I can make a silicone that withstands up to 200… Can you bring The Boy in to run some tests? He might enjoy it, since he'll get to bite stuff." Conrad began to write calculations and equations down on a piece of paper before asking the question.
"Yeah, I can bring him around, but… in the morning. He needs his sleep." Knives said, noting the time. Conrad chuckled, realizing what a doting father his fearsome boss had become. It made Conrad miss the daughter he'd wronged so long ago as he sipped his coffee once more.
"Of course, Sir. That will give me time to experiment with the silicone before I can run my tests for the prototype. This is a welcome distraction. I was beginning to feel burnt out on my previous experiments." Conrad shrugged.
"Wonderful. I know you won't disappoint us, Doctor. I shall return with Azrael in the morning." Knives nodded before leaving Conrad to his work.
When Knives and Azrael returned the next morning, Conrad was still hard at work.
"What is your progress, Doctor?" Knives asked as He reminded Azrael to be mindful of his surroundings, as not to collide with anything within the lab.
"Ah, Master Knives. You're just in time. I just finished with the silicone that can withstand 200 psi. I still want an average bite test from him. I may be able to adjust the longevity of the silicone, and we'll be able to recycle them, combine them together to make new ones. Silicone is surprisingly easy to make on this planet, since silicone is made from sillica particles in sand. We live on a planet covered in the stuff!" Conrad said triumphantly, pulling a lever for dramatic affect as a compression machine squished a rubbery piece of silicone. A little machine attached to it beeped, calculating the integrity of the small marble, and the he lifted the lever, to show the marble still intact. Conrad took the marble to a nearby sink, washing it thoroughly, before handing it to Azrael.
"Here, chew on this for me. Please do not swallow it." Conrad instructed. Azrael paused before taking the little marble from Conrad's hand, and popping it into his mouth. He munched on it, his eyes brightening a little at the bouncy resistance the marble gave.
"Should I try to rip it apart with my teeth?" Azrael asked as he chewed.
"Give it your best shot, kid." Conrad nodded, giving Azrael permission to destroy his prototype in the name of science. After a minute or two, Azrael spit the ball back into Conrad's gloved hand. Conrad gave the silicone ball study under the microscope, investigating the small tears made by Azrael's teeth.
"Was it hard to chew on, Azrael?" Conrad asked as he gazed into the microscope.
"Not really. It was like… chewing gum." Azrael explained. Conrad nodded, standing from the microscope.
"Okay. I figured Independants had a harder bite force than humans, but I didn't expect harder than 200 psi, damn. Good thing Silicone can go up to 1,500 psi when using the right formula." Conrad sighed. "My goal is to create a silicone that won't tear under his bite force, but is still easy to chew on." Conrad explained. He picked up a small device that had a rubber mouthpiece attached. After sterilizing the piece, he asked Azrael to place it in his mouth, and bite down as hard as he could. Conrad frowned at the results.
"Hm, 220. Yep, gotta make a stronger silicone. Alright, I should have the prototype ready by tomorrow morning." Conrad concluded, writing some notes. Knives and Azrael went about their day as normal.
"Okay, I think I've got it this time. Try this one." Conrad handed Azrael a small ball with little silicone bristles, sterilized of course. The middle was hollow for toothpaste to fit inside. Azrael chewed on the ball, purposefully trying to mangle it with his teeth. After a few minutes, he spit the ball out as before, and after a study by Conrad, the item was complete.
"Yeah, this new chewable toothbrush should last you two months, or about sixty teeth cleanings. I'll have more made, and ready to go within the week. They're easy to recycle, so I'll be able to make a sustainable stock of them." Conrad was nearly giddy at his success, "I recommend using this with supervision due to the potential choking hazard, but that's just a precaution." He noted to Knives, from one father to another.
"I'll be sure to do so. We can brush our teeth together, then." Knives nodded, internally excited to have a new style of cleaning for his son.
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anyalovesu · 13 days
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we're not saints at all.
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ four ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚
necessary reminders
this chapter contains 🔞 , if u are a minor or uncomfortable with reading these kinds of content , click away ( or u can just skip it )
the smut is pw authenticated , pw is very easy to guess tho ( it's just so those who r uncomfortable w reading this can have the option to skip it + i'm still not very confident w my writing to i'm still trying to save face lol )
extra pw clue : 🐝
if you want to talk to me you can do that here ( ask me anything hehe ) ( i would also appreciate feedback hehe , let me know you think i'm doing right or wrong i'll make sure to keep it in mind ! )
i did not have much time to proofread this, i'll make sure to correct mistakes when i find the time to ! <3
also , mdni ! <3
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Jas was on the brink of yet another panic attack, but she figured that ignoring it would do the job for the meantime. After all, she wouldn’t know how to explain to Ally how all of  sudden she was so anxious of where she stands in Tobi’s life because she knew exactly where she was. Maybe after the multiple meet-ups that can disguise itself as a date at first instead of a direct plea to be satisfied really blurred those lines. She didn’t even know which side she was toeing. 
She could go on and on about how justifiable that she is dead worried about how Tobi is right now—they are friends after all. It’s normal to worry about your friends, right? Completely nothing wrong with it. She can gaslight herself time and time again that they are friends and it’s normal to wonder why your friends don’t tell you how they are or what they are doing—because you’re friends, right? 
But it doesn’t change that fact that maybe, or a bit more possible than maybe, she’s just one of the girls he brought to bed. Another one of his casual things.
And she hates the thought of that. The thought of it made her mad at herself for letting it drag for that long. Years of trying to be someone people couldn’t lose and here she is right now being at someone’s disposal. She saw nothing of herself but a biggest hypocrite that she knew of.
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How long was she going to do this? How long was she going to keep it inside of her? Sweet candy rots teeth faster after all. It’s only a matter of time until her sweet distraction begins to rot her from the inside out and it is beginning to worry her. 
Sure the unconventional love story worked out well for Eli, but it’s not always the same way. Who knows? Maybe it’s written in prophecy that she’s meant to pay for her cheating father’s doings. That’s what they say right? The first daughters might always inherit their father’s karma—in that alone, there already is so much to unpack. 
“Kanina ka pa tahimik, akala ko ba magsusulat ka rin ngayon?” buntong hininga ni Ally sa tabi niya. 
They were seated in the corner of Jas’ cafe just a few streets away from their apartment, as Ally mentioned, supposedly to write, but Jas has only been sitting there for hours already while Ally typed away on her laptop, writing what seemed to be her next best selling book. Jas, on the other hand, sat next to her with her notebook, still waiting for ink. 
Everything with Leon and Eli went by quickly and it’s not that different for her and Tobi, except for the fact that they have been pining for each other for years already—emotionally constipated for that matter. And it’s not like that for her and the other Park. 
Tobi did not do relationships. He made that clear from the get go and she was painfully aware of that. Love really does hit you when it hits you, no? She had no chance of avoiding it. Not when he just casually invites her to formal dinners with his family. Not when Bianca is rooting for them. Not when even his mom openly bothers him about wanting to meet her. Not when he kisses her like it means something, because she knows damn well that it doesn't mean anything at all. 
“Hatdog, Jacynthe,” Ally replied sarcastically. “Alam ko ‘yang ganyang mukha mo. Ano ‘yan? Ginugulo ka nanaman ba ng tatay mo?”
Jas shrugged. Even though her dad has in fact been trying to get in touch again, somehow, having Tobi to distract her every time her dad messaged, it made her feel less miserable about it. Her dad was the least of her worries right now. 
“I have tickets sa laro sa Araneta bukas, sama ka?”
Althea Kim looked at her curiously, as if trying to decode what her actions meant. Jas was an open book after all. She moves so animatedly, it’s almost always a dead giveaway on how she was feeling. But this time, she just looked like she was just trying to get her mind off things. Ally knew Jas the longest among everyone in the house, they’ve been friends since highschool after all—it was safe to say Jas has never looked more glum than ever. The fact that she couldn’t write anything at all, was very telling that she hasn’t been feeling her best.
“Ang tagal mo nang hindi nanonood ng laro,” Ally tried life up the energy, trying not to feed her sullen mood. 
“Busy lang,” Jas replied. 
Well she has been. For the past few months, she has been working with Tobi, Amir and Kyle for their upcoming album after Leon’s wedding. On top of all of that, the past few weeks before Tobi and Leon were asked to go to Cebu,  they have been secretly cooking up an EP as their wedding gift for Eli and Leon. That and… well… Tobi has been keeping her occupied on the days that they were not working. Hindi naman na sikreto yon sa lahat at this point. Everyone just deals with it dahil hindi naman sila nakakaabala ng ibang tao. Plus, it keeps the both of them away from causing trouble whenever they end up sleeping with someone with a hidden agenda.
Al could not argue with it. She’s seen her work very hard on and off the studio. Other than that, she has also been trying to keep up with her cafe business. She’s a busy woman after all, even before Tobias came along.
“Sumama ka na kasi,” Jas scoffed, playfully hitting her elbow to stop her from typing. “Mabubulok ka na dito kakatype mo d’yan. Baka doon ka na makahanap ng inspiration mo—”
“Ang ingay ingay doon!”
“Ayaw mo no’n?” She laughed. “Admist of the noise, the world paused and there was peace in his eyes.” Althea could not help but laugh at the way she dramatically delivered it like a Shakespearean play. It was classic Jacynthe to burst out with poetic lines and deliver them in the most ridiculous ways. It’s what made her such an efficient song writer. She’s just full of Shakespearean punchlines that a normal person would not have hanging around her head on a random Tuesday. 
Which brings her back to the thought of why she hasn’t written anything for the past hours. 
Truth is, she had words in her head already. In her mind, is already a staff, filled with intricate and endearing melodies and harmonies, along with words that quite described what she felt. She just didn’t have the guts to write it down, because it would mean that she has, indeed, fallen in love with Tobias. 
Someone who’s she’s only supposed to have sex with and not fall in love with. 
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ continue here ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚
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rose-lizzzy · 1 year
They let Shrub have free roam of the room while they, or rather Gem, worked on more potions. Katherine watched and provided an ingredient or two in the meantime.
When they returned with a new try at healing her, they found her in the corner of the room, curled up and facing away from them.
"Shrub?" Katherine asks gently, going over to her.
The gnome turns to glare at her. "..I wanna kill all of you.." she growls, turning back to the corner.
".......I don't know why." She whispers as an add on, and Katherine bends down next to her.
"Aww... Shrub..." She puts a hand on her shoulder, but the gnome turns sharply and shoves her away.
However it was a weak shove. It barely even moved the fairies body.
"Don't touch me." Shrub hisses, and then turns to curl back.
"Shrub..." Gem approaches the two. "We have this potion we need you to try. Will you drink it? Because if not we can force you."
Shrub turns back to glare at the wizard. "I'll kill you before you can give me that nasty stuff."
"Alright. Hard way it is." Gem shrugs and nods to Katherine, who wraps her arms around the gnome, who instantly starts squirming and shouting.
Mid shout, Gem pours the stuff into her mouth, and Shrub coughs, swallowing the stuff before trying to cough it back up to no avail.
It didn't work the same this time though. It got rid of some of the mess Xornoth had left on her, but it got rid of the wrong bit.
Shrub felt the heavy weakness that the demon had put on her slowly disappear.
She didn't feel any of the power he'd given her before, but she didn't expect to. At least now she wasn't feeling constantly crushed and barely able to move.
The feeling made her grin, and she smirks at the wizard.
"You know, that actually was helpful!" She stands easily for the first time in the few days she'd been suffering, and shakes her limbs out.
"Huh...well I guess...we undid some of the damage..." Gem scribbles notes in her book with a frown, before hearing some commotion outside.
"Gem?" Fwhip calls, and the wizard gasps.
"I'll be back.'" she tells the two and hurries out.
Katherine turns her attention back to the gnome, wondering if she could pull out the old Shrub.
"So...what was your home like?" She asks, and the gnome rolls her eyes, but then pauses.
"It...there were a lot of big mushrooms. We...used mushrooms a lot. And then the corruption...it all fell. But it fell so quick... obviously it was.....it was a stupid ..place." she shrugs, staring at the floor, refusing to meet the fairies gaze.
"What about your family?" She pushes further, frowning after Shrub winces a bit.
"They...were farmers. Stupid little farmers. But they were caring. My mom...taught me.. to make mushroom stew..she...always made the best stew when I was sick...my dad...he taught me how to grow crops, especially mushrooms. They...were good people..." Tears start to form in her eyes, and Katherine wraps an arm around her.
"What...happened to them?" She asks delicately.
Shrub stares into space, her mind obviously in another place.
"That day..that.. I woke up and... everything was just...red...the crops...the mushrooms....they...I came outside to find them....just like the others...red tendrils snaking around them....their...kind eyes...turned red...they managed to tell me to run....before it took them...." She sniffles, and Katherine pulls out a tissue and the gnome blows her nose before continuing.
"I'd....seen him there....dark...shadowy figure...controlling the corruption. He followed me. And then....." She flinches and shields her head, like she was remembering him taking over her mind.
"Oh....oh my ..Shrub ...I ..I don't know what to say .....I'm so sorry...." She wraps the gnome in a hug, while she starts to sob.
"I fell to him .....just like they did ....they wanted me to...to get away ..." She cries, and Katherine comforts her.
"Shrub...hey..it's okay! You're safe now...away from him..."
She looks up at the fairy, teary eyed, clearly lost on what to do.
"..I don't feel..away from him..he still ..feels here.,controlling me.....always ...trying to control me..." She mutters, and then admits. "...it...I wanna.....kill you...."
Katherine hesitates at those words, but then pulls her in for another hug. "Well... we're working to get rid of all of that!"
Shrub just whimpers, making herself small. "Promise?"
"I promise." Katherine smiles
And for a moment, Shrub smiles back
For that small moment, everything felt... Okay.
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vierandancer · 1 year
Meiko had been all riled up, ready to scream and cry and fight, when her brother informed her that Minfilia would speak with her. Now, without any argument or resistance. Right. Now.
Who in their right bloody mind would allow a child of barely nineteen summers to put his life at risk against an eikon (something she didn't know of until he explained it)? What was more, A'kihiko had insisted theirs was a secret society -- it sounded more like a cult to her! Speaking of crystals and voices in his head and mysterious robed figures. Fuck! They should have never left Wadewick!
And when the time came to actually meet with this Minfilia, she...
She did nothing. Of course she did nothing. The Hyur before her was barely older than Meiko herself, eloquent and polite and accomodating. Sympathetic, even, asking that they speak peacefully.
Had Hiko said how mad she was? She shouldn’t have been surprised, and yet suddenly she wished he hadn’t. The fight in Mei went out like a sputtering candle in the rain, and suddenly she felt a bit embarrassed, and even more in over her head…
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"If you really need him among you, then let me join as well," She had folded without a fight. "If only t'keep an eye on him. Whatever you need of me, whatever messages t'carry or beasts or men t'kill. I'll do it, no question. Just...please."
Fortunately, Minfilia had taken pity on her and agreed. She was introduced to the other Scions, who welcomed her politely enough -- but it was hard to feel like anything more than an outsider. Their cause, no matter the rights or wrongs of it, was a noble one. Hers was selfish. Perhaps even overprotective or controlling. She couldn't imagine any of them held her in any high regard for that.
But that didn't matter -- not really. What mattered was that she could keep an eye on her brother, who was surprised but otherwise welcomed her joining the group. He even apologized for ditching her earlier in their journey ("I really thought the boat was going to Limsa, Mei!"). She accepted his explanations with little more than a huff.
Her mind was occupied with other matters. Now they were both tied up in something far larger than she had ever imagined, far away from the familiarity of La Noscea, and still not quite sure what the fuck half of the others were talking about half the bloody time. Especially not the goggle-eyed Elezen.
She had just been growing warm to the idea of staying with Troupe Falsiam, too. She might have been happy, then, if dancing for a crowd 'til her legs gave way was all that was asked of her.
Not anymore, it seemed.
A few weeks had passed. No terrible missions had stolen A'kihiko's attention, although the Grand Companies had come to court his allegiance once or twice as word spread of his deeds. Meiko, in the meantime, did her best to melt into the background and accomplish what she could. She managed to scrape her way through letters to home, to her friend whom she had stayed with in Limsa, to Nashmeira and the troupe. Letting them know they'd be away without honestly saying why, and such.
It was exhausting in so many ways, but it needed to be done. Straightening up, she looked over the letters and rubbed at her wrists. It was a quiet day in the Waking Sands, so she had seized the opportunity to write while no one was around to catch wind of her struggles with spelling and such. Everyone in this bloody organization was a scholar -- even the bubbly, punchy blonde -- and they didn't need more proof of her ignorance.
She picked herself up from the solitary table and folded the pages in half before heading for the door, wondering where the nearest Delivery Moogle was in Vesper Bay. Or would she have to walk all the way out to Horizon...? What a fucking pain in the arse.
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bosskie · 1 year
Explaining myself
I wanna explain myself and talk a bit:
I prefer to keep a low profile, be basically invisible, when it comes to my art too. Therefore I'm quite asocial here but I'm still observing what others are doing and talking about. I still suffer from an awful self-hatred and it affects me a lot... I'm gonna have a short therapy next fall but in the meantime, I just have to try to figure out by myself what could help me. I'm still not alone with this but this is my responsibility and my mind just does its best to deny everything positive about me... I don't even wanna think about how many times I have just wanted to be gone... No matter what I have achieved in life, my mind keeps telling me that I'm nothing... It's heavy to deal with this and I know that I can be heavy person to follow... I feel sorry for everything my disorder/illness causes, even it's not my fault that my mind is not okay...
I still wanted to doodle something for this post since I really appreciate people who can stand me and wish to support me, even I cannot understand why:
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A rough, quick-ish Molluck sketch. This took under two hours. I might continue this one day but I'll see... My refined pieces take about ten times more time than this. Frankly, I still feel like I cannot draw Molluck properly... He is challeging to draw and I'm still studying how to draw him.
But I'm still trying to fight, even it can be difficult... Sometimes, I think that even Molluck deserves someone better than me, that I should 'leave him alone', stop doing anything related to him... It's basically just my self-hatred since Molluck is such a big part of my daily life...
It's difficult to be a content creator when I also tend to feel that I'm just ruining everything... Sometimes, I feel that I'm ruining the Oddworld feed here too... My self-hatred is just this bad... I know that I have no reasons to hate myself but I still hate myself... I still try to post my art here, even it can be difficult for me... When I think this stuff, it keeps reminding me of my Soulstorm tattoo design submission; I was about to delete my submission after I had submitted it.
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I thought that this was nothing like they wanted but I was so wrong... I won. Right now, I feel that I would change this a bit but I'm not sure if it would look any better... And if someone wonders why I thought that this was nothing like they wanted, well, I just thought that my drawing looks crappy and not tattoo-like enough, being just a some kind of portrait. But the reason why I'm talking about this is that it's just such a good example of how severe my self-hatred is... Oh, and OWI hasn't contacted me yet, still, but right now, I have no will to contact them either. I'll see that later on. I have felt so depressed recently, again... I have felt better too but now, this mood hit me.
I just wanna be honest with you. I'm not perfect but neither is anyone else. This is my fight and the others have their own too. I wish that my story could have a happy ending but it's not a sure thing... I still don't know if it's even worth it... I feel too often worth of nothing, for no reason...
I feel so sorry, even this is not my fault... Mind can get sick like body too. I appreciate that you stand me, even wanna support me... It's making me cry... I feel quite often like someone to be forgotten, someone not to love, to be erased... But like my winner piece was titled, 'Don't give up!'. It's not easy but I keep trying my best.
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Not to be dramatic but I'd KILL to see your Sunny/Moondrop writings
You have no fucking idea how fast I hopped on this ask-
*warning, may contain big titty milf
"Mom! Mom! Look!"
You looked up from your phone at your son, who was holding up a rather adorable piece of art. It was him, and you, holding hands, COVERED in glitter glue. You chuckled, looking it over in your hands.
"Wow, when did I suddenly get a little Picasso in the family? Take it you're having fun, huh kiddo?"
"Loads! I'm gonna make another piece with my new friend!"
"Well good! But don't take too long, you know your grandma is coming over to watch you for tonight, and she should be here any minute."
"Oh! I'll go get started! Think I can make something good enough for her fridge?"
You patted his little head, getting a big ol' smile from him.
"I bet it will be. Hop to it!"
With that, he ran off, joining the other kids in the art area of the daycare. You loved your kid to tears, you really did. It's why you hated that he was the only man in your life. You didn't put too much responsibility on him, he was only five, but you knew he tried harder than most kids to impress you and care for you. You separated from your ex husband not long after he was born, and by now, you were over it.
Unfortunately, you weren't over men in general. In fact, you were pretty much on the prowl. He needed a new father figure, and you needed a proper lover for once. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on your side. Tinder dates stood you up, and all the dads here were unfortunately, very happily married. LOTS of dads here at Freddy's today, all sporting rings, and it made you pissed off like you wouldn't believe. 
"You better not skimp out on me tonight, asshole."
You muttered at your phone screen. You had a date set up tonight, and you hoped, prayed even, for someone normal, yet as needy as you were. You weren't asking for Hercules here, just. Someone who cared enough to give you something you needed, just for tonight. You sat there, fiddling on your phone, until your mom finally showed up. After a brief exchange, a few goodbyes, they were off. You were now (at least for tonight) a mother with no responsibilities. You were about to head off, when you got a text.
'He said he's missing his watch, and forgot it in the ballpit. Can you go check? He looks upset'
Of course. You thought about just buying another one, they were available at the front desk. But you knew he could tell. You sighed, before responding.
'Sure, I'll look. Tell him to just have fun in the meantime.'
You got up from your seat by the ballpit, before walking over to some employee, who was picking up trash.
"Hey excuse me? My son lost his watch, I think it's in the ballpit, I was wondering-"
"Ma'am, imma be frank with you. You can either go and buy a new watch, or go look yourself. I don't get paid enough for this."
You thought about saying something about such a rude attitude, but from the side eyes you were getting, you were one wrong word away from being another 'Karen' online. You sighed.
"Thank you."
Was all you could say. You looked at the entire play area, before groaning. Better get started.
You woke up with a start. You jumped up a bit, realizing you were in the ballpit. You looked around, and realized the seats were empty. What time was it? You checked your phone, and your mouth went agape. Well into midnight, and your date was at eight o'clock. You checked your dating app, and sure enough, he sent you message after message, even tried calling you. You tried to call back, only for your phone to die right before you could manage.
"Oh no. Oh no oh no."
Dead phone, the place looked empty. The last you remember, you were looking for your son's watch. Somehow you were so tired, you just passed out in the ballpit. And that was just the last straw for you. You didn't even bother getting out of the pit, before starting to just cry into your hands. It was one thing after another lately, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. It wasn't fair. You just wanted some well deserved attention and kindness and-
"Oh ho ho! Someone is up late! I-oh no! Are those tears? Friend, what's…"
You looked up, and screamed as you jumped back. In front of you was a tall, skinny figure, with a big, smiling face. He held his hands in front of you, crouching down a bit in an attempt to look smaller.
"Woah! Easy there! It's alright! I didn't mean to scare you! I heard you making noises, and I THOUGHT I heard someone crying! What's wrong?"
You took a second to inspect him further. Ridiculous striped pants, bells for his shoes, and a sunny disposition. Literally, given his actual sun face. He stood there, waving his arms side to side in a silly little dance. You sniffed, rubbing at your now probably ruined makeup.
"I was...trying to find something my kid dropped. And I guess I got tired and just. Fell asleep here. And t-then I missed my date and-"
"Hey hey hey! One thing at a time, sweetheart! Look,"
He held your hands in his, jumping a bit in place, as if he was trying to have fun still.
"Why don't you tell me what you lost first? Maybe I can help you find it?"
There was something...comforting, being reassured. The hand holding, the 'sweetheart'. It was nice.
"Uhm...my son dropped his watch. He put a sticker with his name on it, couple of stars I think?"
"Was it by any chance a freddy fazbear brand watch? The free ones you get at the entrance?"
He let go of your hands, before patting himself down, then digging into his clothes. He then pulled out EXACTLY what you were looking for, name and all. You gasped as you took it from him, amazed.
"You found it!! How?"
He shrugged.
"I find ALL kinds of stuff that kids drop. Candy, watches, socks, toys- and I bring it to the lost and found! Because lost toys make for sad boys and girls, and I will NOT have any frowns in my daycare!"
He clapped, still doing his little dance. It was such a small thing, a brief act of kindness. You jumped on him, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He laughed, patting your back softly. It was an honest, happy cackle. He was HAPPY to get a hug from you.
"Oh! A hug! We LOVE hugs here! This is my first hug from an ADULT! It's weird. I like it!!!"
He returned the hug, spinning you around with surprising strength, before putting you on the floor, and letting go. He kept doing his little dance, chipper as ever.
"So, what else did you say was making you sad?"
You wished he didn't bring it up. It reminded you of your dead phone and your missed chance for drinks. Your frown returned.
"Oh I missed my date tonight, and I was looking forward to it. It's...been a while."
"Oh! Like a play date?"
You rolled your hands a bit as you thought of how to explain this.
"No. It's uh, a grown up date. You know, when adults get...lonely. So they uh-"
"Oooh! Grown up time! I see, I see!"
He cackled, wiggling his finger at you as if you said a naughty joke. He moved and flailed, as if he'd die if he didn't keep moving, and he was making the best of it.
"You...know about that?"
"Uh huh! I know ALL about kids! Including HOW they're made! It's in my programming! What's also in my programming, is turning frowns upside down!"
He did a handstand, before standing upright, and placing his hands at your waist. He then lifted you up as If you were nothing, before bringing you to the end of the room, and placing you down on a table. You looked around where he just put you, and realized it was sort of like the control center of the place, full of odds and ends, all sorts of buttons and levers. He closed the distance between you two, wagging a finger in your face. 
"Now, I know I can't exactly get you right to your date, but I CAN play some games with you to cheer you up! It'll be like one big slumber party! Then, come morning, you can go home! Whatever game you wanna play!"
"I'm...not sure there's any games that'll cheer me up-"
You turned, maybe hoping to find some kind of phone, before he grabbed your hand, holding it tenderly in between his.
"Oh please! One game! Please! If you don't have fun, I can just take you out of here! But I have to TRY to make you smile!"
Maybe it was the way he held your hand. Maybe it was the fact that your heart was yearning. Maybe it was just the begging and pleading that sounded so honest and yearning. But regardless, you knew exactly what kind of game you wanted him to play.
"Okay. We'll play a game. How about Simon says?"
"Ohh!! I LOVE Simon says! Okay okay, let's play!"
He jumped on the spot, giddy to play this game with you.
"Okay. Simon says, stand right here."
You opened your legs, and pointed right in front of you. He obeyed, standing in between your legs. He was a tall, lanky fellow, so he fit there rather nicely. He was sort of...warm too.
"Simon says, put your hands on my thighs."
He nodded eagerly, his hands planted on your thighs. Oh that felt better than you thought it would.
"Simon says...squeeze them."
He looked puzzled, before he obeyed. His hands squeezed at your flesh, and even through your classic mom jeans, you could feel his warm, firm hands. Oh it was perfect.
"Simon says...put your fingers right in here."
You tugged at your own pants, and he seemed confused again, before his fingers undid those pesky buttons, and slipped past the cloth, even past the panties. Oh he was right at your clit, he could make you cum in an instant, it'd be so easy. You looked away from his face, to where his hand was. You could feel your heart race in your chest, and it almost made you feel faint.
"R-rub it."
He didn't. You snapped up to him, seeing what was the problem, when he gave a mad cackle.
"You didn't say Simon says! Ha! Now it's MY turn!"
Oh. Right. You were playing a game. You sighed, before relenting.
"Okay, Simon says, gimme a kiss!"
You surprisingly had no problem with it. You grabbed onto his face, and gave it a kiss. And another. And another. You didn't know how many you gave him, you just knew when you finally pulled away, his face was just DECORATED in your red lipstick. It suited him. He giggled, possibly shy about the adoration on his metallic face.
"Woo! You were excited about that one! Simon says, gimme a hug!"
You didn't hesitate again, grabbing his head, and pulling his face right into your bust. You didn't mean to brag, but you were pretty damn lucky in terms of the chest area, so sunny boy had quite the resting place for his head. He looked up at you from your bosom, clearly feeling your affection.
"What a nice hug! Okay, gimme another kiss!"
You didn't give him one. He looked almost sad, before you chuckled, poking his forehead with your nail.
"You didn't say Simon says."
"Oh! Ha! You're GOOD at this game! Okay, your turn!"
You loved that smile he gave you. He was eager to do as you said, and something told you it wasn't just because it was a game.
"Simon says, rub it."
His hand hadn't pulled out of your pants, so there was no wait. You felt his finger tips rub at your folds, slowly, softly. Oh you could feel him smear your pussy juices against his fingers.
"Hey, it's a little hard to do with your pants in the way, can I take these off?"
You nodded so quickly, you swore you'd get a headache. He pulled down your pants, then your panties, until they hung around your ankles. He continued, running you in much larger circles. You held his head with one hand, keeping his face in your breasts, while the other held onto the hand that was giving you so much pleasure.
"Oh...shit that's it…"
"You're giving me such a weird smile. I've never seen this kind before. I like it!! You have a super duper smile!!"
You shrunk a bit as he not only kept pleasing you, but kept his face buried in your soft, voluptuous chest. His face didn't exactly scream emotions other than smiling, but you could tell he was BEAMING.
"You...don't mean that. You're just being nice."
"No I mean it! You have a super super pretty smile! I like this one MUCH better than your sad face!"
Oh no. That was so terribly sweet. You knew your face exploded in blush, and it was so embarrassing. He was talking so sweetly, he was being so gentle. He was the softest, yet weirdest lover you've ever had.
"I wanna make you smile everyday! In fact I think I know how I can make you smile more! You wanna see?"
"Please. Yes. Please show me."
He hummed a bit, two fingers threatening to push inside of you. Long, slender, warm. You knew they'd feel so good, curled up inside of you.
"On one condition. You gotta say I'M the winner!"
God that was weirdly cute of him. You nodded quickly, swallowing.
"You're the winner! You totally win! Just. S-show me how you can make me smile, please."
He gave a little victory dance upon hearing you say this, and lifted his face up to bump against your face, in some odd attempt to kiss you. His fingers, slowly, teasingly, pushed inside of you. Two, long digits pushed inside of your wet pussy, carefully stroking you, exploring you. You melted over his touch, head tossed back as they slid in and out.
"You're the sweetest thing I've ever smelled. Like, better than ANY scratch n' sniff sticker!"
Oh it was so stupid, how special that made you feel. He nuzzled into you (much as his large head would allow), and you swore you heard him take in your scent. You didn't mind, not when he was going knuckle deep into you now. He was playing you like a fiddle, forcing you to make all sorts of sounds as his fingers toyed with you. Your wetness was so loud, only your moans compared. You felt his other hand under your shirt, slowly up your back, before hooking a finger against your bra. With one fell swoop, he pulled it right out of your shirt, catching you by surprise. 
"H-how did you do that?"
"Magic tricks! I'm VERY good with my hands!"
You felt his fingertips brush against that sweet spot, and you felt electricity shoot up your spine. You nodded quickly, blood rushing and head spinning.
"Y-yeah, you are, I believe it. You should uh, really keep showing me-!"
It was as if he read your mind. He was barely picking up the speed, but him massaging that spot was getting you there. You leaned back, having a death grip on his wrist as he kept, ever so slowly, pushing you further and further to that edge.
"Oh my god oh my GOD, keep going, I'm a-almost there, please please I NEED this!!"
You really did. It had been so long. Self satisfaction never gave you that same feeling. You needed another's hand. Another's body on yours. So close so close so CLOSE!
Then you pushed the button. It was an accident, you swore it was. But your hand pushed a button, and suddenly the lights went out, leaving only the big star nightlights above shining down on you both.. You were about to laugh it off, maybe comment about how it was romantic, when he pulled away from you, grabbing a hold of his face.
"Oh no. Oh no oh no!! Y-you turned the lights off!! You can't turn them off!!!"
He kept pulling at his face, screaming as if he was in pain. He kept backing away from you, and it was freaking you out. You were about to try to calm him down, when he suddenly walked so far back, he fell over the desk, and onto the floor. There was a grunt of agony, and you were honestly concerned. You were about to put your pants back on and rush to him, before you saw his face pop back up past the counter. Only, it wasn't him. His eyes were red, predatory. They scanned over the counter, before finding you. His voice wasn't soft or cheerful anymore. It was...sleazy, like a predator going after a younger, weaker member of a herd.
"Naughty, naughty girl...it's past your bedtime."
He jumped onto the counter. His pants were now littered with stars, looking like night lights. His movements were still giddy, but in a slower, more calculated way.
"Naughty girls get punished."
He leapt up from the counter, out of view. You looked around for a moment, trying to see if you could find him, before you suddenly felt yourself grabbed by him. One hand held your breast, the other went right between your legs. He snarled into your ear, and dear God did it make you wet.
"I've never punished such a pretty girl before. I wonder what sounds you make. I wonder how you scream."
His hand groped and grabbed at your chest, roughly kneading and teasing at your nipple through your sort of thin shirt. And his three fingers? Oh it was heaven. They were far from gentle, pumping in and out of you quickly, making such a loud sound as he stuffed your pussy with his fingers. And the sounds against your ear. The cackling, the snarling, the comments of you being a bad little girl.
"Oh someone wants to cum. You want to cum over these fingers, girlie? While I play with these, big, fat titties of yours?"
Oh he was so rough with you. Holding you like you didn't have a choice. He growled against your skin so hungrily, you bit your bottom lip, oh so ready to be finger blasted into an orgasm. 
"Then say it. Say you've been bad, so I know you deserve your punishment."
When you didn't do it immediately, he pulled his fingers out, and smacked your sensitive clit, making you yelp far louder than you'd like to admit. He dipped four fingers into you now, stretching you as he went knuckles deep, completely stuffing your pussy with his demanding, punishing fingers.
"I've been bad! I've been such a bad little girl! I need to be punished! I need you to make me c-cum for you!"
"Then cum for me. Scream for me. Take me and your punishment."
Then finally. FINALLY. You came. You clenched down on his fingers as you spilled over the controls you were sitting on. He was relentless, fucking you through it. No matter how much you thrashed, no matter how much you screamed, he kept fucking you with his oh so talented hand the entire way through, and his other fingers dug deep into your tits. It wasn't until you were whimpering, that he stopped. He pulled out of you slowly, peering over your sopping wet, gaping pussy. Your head spun, your body laced with sweat.
"Open your mouth, take your medicine."
You opened your mouth, and allowed him to force his smooth, slender fingers into your ever eager mouth.
Best. Slumber party. Ever.
You came here every weekend. Have been for about a few months now. You thought it was a one off, but it just. Never stopped. He listened to you, he complimented you, he gave you attention. Him being an animatronic was just uh...complication. A quirk if anything. But you weren't complaining. You were happy, and so was your little man. 
"Mom, do you think he'll like it?"
"Course he will, honey. He always likes your work."
You walked with your son into the daycare, and there he was. Doing a handstand, holding someone's toddler by his feet, clearly entertaining the kiddos. Then, he saw you. He immediately put them down, and walked over to you, clearly not thinking of getting back on his feet.
"I've been WAITING for you two! Running kinda late today!"
"A little artist just HAD to finish his drawing for you. Go on, show him."
He eagerly ran up to Sunny, who looked at the drawing. He whistled loudly, nodding, clearly impressed.
"For ME? oh you shouldn't have! I love it so much! You know what'd really make this POP though? Glitter glue! I just got some new colors today! Why don't you go check them out, champ?"
He patted his head with one of his feet, making him laugh. He looked at you with permission, before you nodded, letting your little rugrat run off to get his new shirt all dirty with crafts. Meanwhile, your little jester climbed up the bench where you sat, not ONCE letting his feet touch the ground.
"Hey! I missed you!"
"I was here last week, Sunny."
"Feels too long! I miss my favorite Simon says player!"
Making sure no one saw, you held his face, and kissed it.
"Don't worry. We get to play the game tonight. And I got a whole new bag of toys for you to play with~"
"I like toys. But I definitely like you more!"
So your boyfriend/not boyfriend was a robot. No biggie. You just knew that with that strap on in your extra duffel bag, you were ABSOLUTELY ready for your day to get a bit more...Sunny. 
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lick-me-lennon22 · 3 years
George caring for a sick Dhani 💜
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(thank you to @pmak2002 for this request!! it was supposed to be just a blurb but I did a little research beforehand and it ended up pretty much becoming a whole fic 😅 oops... either way, I hope you enjoy this one! 💕)
When Dhani wakes up for school on Monday morning, he immediately knows something his wrong. His throat is sore, his nose is runny, and his muscles ache like nothing he's felt before. He painstakingly drags himself out of bed, clutching the sheet around him, and heads straight to his parents' bedroom where he finds his mum Olivia still in bed. Dhani notices that the bathroom door is cracked open and cautiously steps inside to find his father, George, brushing his teeth. "Dad..?" he says quietly, voice hoarse. George startles, turning around to see Dhani in his unfortunate state and spits his mouthful of toothpaste into the sink, letting the water wash it down the drain before turning the tap off. "What is it, my boy? You sound bloody awful..," he gently presses the back of his hand to Dhani's forehead to assess his temperature. "You seem to be running quite the fever, son- let's get you to the doctor, all right? Just let me finish up in here and I'll be right out to take ye" George says. Dhani nods weakly, coughing into his elbow, and shuffles out of the room. George jumps into action- he swishes and spits some mouthwash, changes out of his sleepwear into a button-up and jeans, and sprints to the car, his son following close behind him and hopping into the passenger's seat.
"This is ridiculous.." George mutters under his breath as he walks his son out of the clinic and gets into the driver's seat of his car. They had been able to see the doctor almost instantly upon arriving; he had taken some swabs, run a few tests, and determined that Dhani had contracted the flu: "He probably picked it up from school," the doc had said. When George had requested a prescription of some kind to alleviate his son's symptoms, the doctor simply shook his head: "I'm afraid there isn't much we can do for him. The flu's been going around at many schools, I've seen a lot of children this past week with the same complaints. As it stands, all I can tell you is to give him some over-the-counter medicine, bring him some saltwater to gargle for that sore throat, and be sure he gets plenty of fluids and bedrest." George tried to argue, stating that there must be something he can do to cure Dhani of his illness sooner- but as the doc's hands were tied and George didn't want to subject his son to more stress, he took Dhani by the hand and led him out of the office, through the lobby, and back to the car. "Alright, my boy," George sighs- "seeing that the doctor was no help whatsoever, we're headed straight to the drugstore for anything that'll help you feel better. Sound good?"
"Yeah Dad, sounds good" Dhani croaks out and smiles weakly, glad just to spend some time with his father. Being a famous musician and all, George isnt able to spend as much time with his son as he'd like to, a lot of it consumed by work and media-related endeavors. Dhani admired his Dad more than anyone else in his life and though they rarely got the chance to hang out nowadays, they were practically best friends and had formed a close bond throughout his childhood. George was always a fun parent, bringing his son along to festivals and such ("Don't tell yer mum," he'd say with a grin), and sticking up for Dhani to authority figures and even other kids at his school- he was fiercely protective of his boy. However, he was also a gentle parent who allowed Dhani the chance to explore and express himself, and had fostered a mutual respect between the two of them since his son was but a toddler.
"I'm pulling you from school for the whole week" "But what if I'm- *cough*- all better before then?" "Just in case, Dhani- it's not like you really need them and their indoctrination, anyway.." George grumbles, never having been a fan of traditional schools or their teachings. Dhani however has always cared about his grades and paid close attention to the lessons he's been taught, in spite of what his father thinks. "...Okay, Dad" he says meekly, wanting to protest but unwilling to sacrifice more quality time with his famous father. George pulls into the parking lot of the nearest drugstore and marches in, intent on gathering all the supplies his sick boy could need: tissues, lozenges, cough syrup, pain medication, ice packs, and even more tissues- 'just in case.' He makes his way to the checkout, queuing up, paying for the items and hauling his bags back to the car. He drives Dhani home as quickly as possible, carrying him to bed and tucking him in before calling and cancelling any studio time, interviews, or collaborations he'd previously planned. There's only one committment he can't cancel- dinner with Paul tonight for the first time in ages. George sets his son up with all of the remedies he'd bought and tells his wife Olivia everything about the situation, including the "unhelpful and useless" doctor they had gone to see. She of course agrees to care for Dhani, sending her husband on his way to dinner with one of his long-time best friends.
The following day George rises just before noon, having stayed up late to pal around with Macca. He runs the few errands on his agenda, including grabbing his family some lunch, and pulls into his driveway back home where he spots the vehicle of none other than Richard Starkey parked outside. He makes his way to his son's room to discover that Uncle Ringo had come to visit the sick young lad (having found out from Paul that Dhani had come down with a bad case of the flu), joking and cheering him up to distract him from his poor state. The two close friends chat for some time in the living room before Ritchie departs, Olivia checking up on Dhani in the meantime. George thanks his wife and dismisses her from her nurse duties, taking on the responsibility himself. He tiptoes to his son's bedroom cautiously and enterd to see that he's been tucked in, the ice pack George had picked up from the store the previous day resting on his forehead, half-lidded eyes trained onto the telly. "Dhani..?" "Oh- *cough*- hey, Dad"
George approaches the bed and sits down carefully, holding a paper bag out to Dhani. "I brought you a burrito- your favorite," he grins down at his son, who takes the bag: "Really? *cough*- Thanks Dad, you're the best!" he says, hands emerging from the blankets to tear into the treat. George stays sat on the bed, determined to spend time with his sick boy and make sure he knows how loved he is. Glancing around the room at the piano and guitars he's bought and played with Dhani, then back to the young man, Ringo's words from earlier echo in his mind: "He's growing up into such a wonderful lad. He's just like you, ye know- good looks and all."
Olivia had always said they were very alike, but he'd usually dismissed the observation... until now. George couldn't help but realize that they were right- though he was but eleven years old Dhani was already becoming a very talented and creative musician, having learned much about music from his dad. He'd certainly taken after his Beatle father in that regard, and they were in fact very similar- not to mention their near identical looks. Sharing his Dad with the world had been difficult and a bit isolating for Dhani despite his many school mates. He admired and looked up to George from a very young age, always striving to be just like him. As Dhani grew up before George's eyes, he became more and more like his father by the day and George was immensely proud.
His train of thought was broken suddenly when Dhani finished the burrito, crumpling the paper bag and tossing it into the bin. He landed the throw, earning a hearty laugh and a high five from his father. He closed his eyes and laid back, George stroking his hair gently, the two of them cherishing this moment of father-son love. "Are you gettin' sleepy, Dhani?" he asked tenderly- his son nodded in response, already drowsy despite the brightness of the late afternoon sun. "Tell you what- I'll play you a lullaby, that way you can rest easier and know that I'm here beside you." "Dad," Dhani chuckled, "aren't I a little too old for that?" he lied, secretly longing for the affectionate gesture. George grabbed his son's acoustic guitar from its stand and begin to tune it: "You're never too old for yer old man's love and attention, eh? Now you just relax, close your eyes, and rest." Dhani didn't protest any further, heeding his father's instructions with a soft smile on his face. With that, George began to play- he chose "Here Comes The Sun," fingers strumming the strings gently and with care, dedicating the sweet words to his beloved son. By the time he was finished Dhani was fast asleep- grin faltering as he drifted off, but still visible on his lips. George placed the guitar back on the stand gently, taking care not to wake the sleeping lad. He smiled to himself, tears welling in his eyes as he turned to admire his son's peaceful face. "I love you, my boy," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Dhani's forehead before tip-toeing out of the room and shutting the door cautiously. Back pressed against the wooden door, George let his eyelids fall shut and sighed: "Sweet dreams, Dhani." ♡
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artsyxloner · 3 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, cussing
6: The vote
I stared at the boy Crouching down next to his limp body feeling his pulse, to check and see if he was still alive or not. He most likely was but I felt a smooth regular beat.
I stared at him strangely knowing that fall should have killed him. Getting ready to pick him up and drag the boy out of here I was stopped by two people coming down the stairs.
It was a man and a young girl, he had a sword with a shield and the girl with pink Streaks in her hair was holding a bat and a guitar case.
" was he with you guys?" I asked not sure. They both nodded, it seemed they were out of breath telling by how they were huffing and puffing.
They gathered around him, " is he dead the girl that had screamed asked. I shook my head. " No he's still alive, I checked." She Gave me a confused stare. " how?"
I was getting ready to answer until the Man with the samurai sword beat me to it. " he's infected, he won't die." He told her short and simple.
He's infected his words Kept repeating in my head he won't die. He was like me I thought as we all picked him up and dragged him in the front room and was met by the guy in round glasses.
He kept looking at someone I noticed it was the girl that screamed. " Eun-yoo, are you okay?" He asked her, they must know one another. But she Ignored him walking away with her bag in hand.
They must be brother and sister, " what's wrong with him?" He asked staring at the unconscious teenage boy. " Fell," I informed leaving the infected part out because if everyone knew they would just throw him out.
I didn't care but at the same time it's not right. " he dead?" I shook my head. " but infected." The girl spoke up with the pink hair.
" take him into one of those rooms and we'll figure out what to do with him. You are the survivors right?"
" Yeah, there's more up at one of the apartments still. You're the man guy from the speaker right?" The boy with round glasses nodded.
" yes, I'm Eun-Hyuk." After our introductions, we placed the boy in one of the rooms that looked like a hang-out space. Laying him on one of the mattresses they had stored in here everyone left except me.
Eun-hyuk put me In charge of watching over him. In the meantime, I had put up his Electrically Charged Speer that looked like it was made from an end of a broomstick and a Kitchen knife and wires wrapped around it with duck tape.
The boy I didn't know the name of was still passed out, he had blood coming put from the back of his head I could tell because it was making his longish dark hair all wet and stuck together plus it was dripping on the mattress.
Taking out my duffle bag I had someone bring me. I think her name was Ji-Soo I grabbed my medical supplies that consist of antibiotics, Ointment cream and bandages, and antiBacterial wipes.
I had stolen from someone's car since his back was facing me laying on his side I took out my wipes cleaning the back of his head adding a little pressure to stop the bleeding it soon did after a minute or two. Then putting a huge thick pad and Securing it with medical tape.
I checked for more wounds and found some right near the edge of his neck and collarbone were too long Gashes. I repeated what I did with the wipes making sure it was all clean and put two huge bandaids on them.
I didn't know why I did know he was going to heal it just I don't like seeing opening wounds. Throwing the plastic paper and blood-stained wipes away.
The boy moved in his sleep like he was having a bad dream. His head kept turning, he was probably going to wake up going over to him he, shot up which I jump back a bit.
He was breathing hard as he looked around to see where he was. " those were some nasty wounds you got there." I pointed, he Ignored my statement.
" where am I?" He asked, his voice hoarse. " beats me I just got here not long ago, I think it a place where people like to hang?" I shrugged.
" and the other two?" He asked worry was in his voice. I smiled down at him. " they're okay, they were worried for you though." I informed him, he signed in relief. " you know you should worry about yourself," I pointed again to his wounds he seemed to notice and felt his neck.
" I bandaged you up but I shouldn't of bothered because you would heal soon. it's whatever." I then searched in my duffel bag for something, finding it I gave it to the boy.
It was a bottle of water, he looked at me then the water as if I did something to it. " don't worry I didn't poison it." I Insisted screwing the cap off taking a sip. " there if I die You'll know." I laughed.
He just nodded taking it, chugging it down. He must have been real thirsty? " you shouldn't be around me I'm infected." He blurted out, setting the empty bottle of water down.
" so? We'll all get infected one way or another." I sat down next to him, " plus, if I did have it there no use in fussing right it's not contagious." He was quiet but gave a Single nod.
" so how long?" I asked wanting to know how long he's been holding out. But got stopped by Eun-Hyuk. "Soo-Nico, we need you in the day-care-center." He notified, I nodded wondering what they need me for?
" where is that?" I asked, just follow the group they will know." Getting up from the Mattress I said my byes to the boy, that I still didn't know the name of.
I followed some girls going into the day-care-center. Everyone was talking Among themselves but then saw me and got quiet. The grumpy old man kept eyeing me sending me death glares.
He got up from his seat as I leaned back on the door frame folding my arms. I wonder what this was all about? " it's her and that boy there both monsters!" The old man said out of the blue, but the Woman with the Pomeranian spoke up.
" How can you be so sure she's one? She didn't give off any signs?!" She fussed, backing me up when she didn't even know me. I was going to give the Wrinkly old bat an earful.
" shut up Hye-in!" he yelled at her then turned the two people that walked into the room it was Eun-Hyuk and the teenage boy. "You're all out of your minds you brought monsters in here!"
"Monsters?" Eun-Hyuk Emphasizes the word as if meaning more than one. " you know him and that bitch!" The old man turned towards me.
He brought out a yellow box cutter knife and pushed the blade up near my neck and to the boys. " don't you guys dare turn!" If he thought I was scared of his short ass he was Gladly mistaken.
" got it you crazy monsters!" I rolled my eyes, this seemed to anger him. " I'll cut your throat myself you fat cow!" He stood there pointing it more at me in Particular.
Hence the name-calling was that Necessary, wonder what I did to piss off the shorty? " leave her alone." A voice broke out it was Eun-Hyuk
This made the man turn to him, " pardon?" Eun-Hyuk stood his ground, " there was no indication of her being a monster, Suk-Hyun." So that's what his name was.
" but she came in from the back, and was covered all in blood and ash, she must have come from the outside?!"Suk-Hyun protested. " that could have been anything she could have fought the monsters and got blood all over her?" Eun-Hyuk Suggested, he was partly right.
" I'm not going to throw her out bast on Opinion." That was the last thing he said before he left. Taking Suk-Hyun with him. I was glad to take a seat in a chair.
Playing with my torn-up sweater, " you okay?" The teenage Boy asked I nodded. " are you from outside?" I stopped at what I was doing. And looked up at him.
" if I was is that okay?" I said with a question, his eyes peered down at the floor. " tell me will it make a difference? As I said anyone could get infected inside or out you just have to wait your turn." I Snickered, at this bullshit.
" name?"
" huh?"
" what's your name? so I don't have to keep referring you to a teenage boy," I stated. He must have been shy because it took a few for him to answer. He seemed Awkward.
" Hyun-Su,"
I made sure to remember his name, but it was like nothing special to me at the given moment. " what do you think they're doing in there?"
Hyun-Su shrugged, " we'll I'm going to go check, they said they needed me, you coming?" Hyun-Su shook his head, " Okay, suit yourself." I walked into the other room.
To see what the Commotion was about probably about me and Hyun-Su because Suk-Hyun was standing in the middle running his mouth as usual.
Everyone was all gathered up, while Eun-Hyuk was standing in front of a Chalkboard, writing on it. Turning around he declared " eight of us voted yes, seven of us voted no...if one of the two last votes are in favor he'll be kicked out."
I frowned so they were voting if he got to stay or not? if they found out about me I would be judged if I wasn't already. " seven people Opposed? Are you all crazy?" Suk-Hyun scowled.
" opposed, eight to eight." Eun-Hyuk Announced, " damn it!" The old man cursed under his breath then noticed me. " you aren't supposed to be in here?!"
I Scoffed, eyeing him up and down.
" why still think I'm a monster?" I raised an eyebrow and passed him bumping his shoulder for the second time. " Fuck Bastards like you." I smiled This Earned a snicker from Eun-Yoo.
" anyways does my vote count? Because I should get a say so? I mean he should at least get a chance right? he's still human." I went up to the table to cast my ballot.
Seeing the others X meant to stay and O meant go casting my vote I put it in the Slot. You can pretty sure guess what I picked. " I bet you picked opposed didn't you little bitch!"
Suk-Hyun Cursed me, for the second time today. " don't get to worked yet, up the last vote will determine the results?"
Eun-Hyuk stuck his hand in the slot and picked out a yellow Piece of Sticky note. I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried for the last vote because if it's would be like taking in murder if he got expelled.
Pulling it out he stared at it then flip-it over, " Opposed," I let out a breath and smirked seeing the look on Suk-Hyun face. He Snatched the piece of sticky note from Eun-Hyuk not believing it.
" No way!" He grumbled Turing to a guy in the back. " hey? Hey! Bring that bastard here!" The guy in white pointed to himself. " you mean me?"
" yeah! We have to get rid of him!" Suk-Hyun demanded as the guy seemed hesitant at first in going. " voting my ass!" Suk-Hyun sneered and threw the papers my way.
" I bet it was your vote? Huh did you forget someone just died!?" He got I'm my face. " are you against the result?" I questioned this seemed to make him blow up like I hit a fuse.
"What did you say? Your just a kid you don't know squat! Murder is killing a human being not killing a giant fucking monster!" Suk-Hyun snapped.
And pushed me down to the floor, everyone gasped backing away, I clenched my teeth together ready to attack the son of a bitch for putting his hands on me when I hearing a dripping sound.
I saw it was Suk-Hyun his nose was now pouring blood. I was glad this happened he Deserves it from being so selfish and greedy from what I've noticed. The tables have turned and they better stay that way.
His wife began to cry I don't know why she is though he's mean to her. He began to make his way over to the group of people but they backed away saying stuff like don't come near.
But his excuse was he was just tired, you don't get a nosebleed from being tired. He held his nose as his shirt was getting covered in his blood.
He tried to walk out of the room but was stopped by Hyun-Su, he took a glance at me then back at Suk-Hyun. " you better Brace yourself."
" what?" Suk-Hyun eyes went wide with fear. " The monsters are coming for you." Hyun-Su warned. " you son of a bitch!"
But he just passed him and bent down picking up the sticky note that had an o on it. " can I cast my vote?" He was about to throw it in but stopped. " if I put this in, he'll be thrown out too, right?"
I saw Hyun-Su's eyes go black, " Am I right?" Suk-Hyun didn't say anything but whimper staring at the boy before him as blood continued to run down his nose. But he eventually passed out.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Fifteen
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Submitted by jwrites_
Five Favourite Fics:
1. What's It Gonna Be by @lemonoclefox
Why I love this fic: I'm a sucker for Pride & Prejudice. San was able to take that dynamic and put it all in a modern day telling of it. I can't count how many times I've read this. Sometimes I read it all the way through, other times I go and find my favorite parts just to get that rush of emotions it never fails to give. The enemies to lovers is done perfectly, the dialogue is great and flows seamlessly, the way she tied in the storyline between Simon, Isabelle, Valentine, and Alec together was genius. I truly love every word of this story.
Favorite scene: Awkward - love - confession - in -  the -  rain
Favorite quote(s):
(Yes. Love confessions are great but have you ever overheard someone say something rude about you and then have the opportunity later that same night to be able to casually call that person out for their comment?)
"Her friend is..." He trails off, as though searching for the word, and Magnus can imagine him gesturing in the meantime. "Interesting," Jace eventually settles on, pointedly.
"Who, that Bane guy?" Alec says, and as he does, Magnus is hit with a wave of intrigued surprise. Does Alec like men? Interesting. The assumption could be wrong, of course, but Jace's tone implies that that's why he's mentioning it. "He's a bit over the top, don't you think?"
He sounds almost disdainful as he says it, as though Jace's mere suggestion is laughable, and Magnus's intrigue immediately shifts to offended annoyance. He straightens a little where he stands, reluctantly affected by it.
"I mean, love songs are great," Magnus admits lightly. "But stringing a few pretty words together does seem a bit unoriginal when everyone does it."
Simon shoves him lightly in offense, and Magnus can't help but laugh.
"Then what do you suggest?" Magnus is taken completely by surprise when he realizes that it's Alec who's speaking, and he turns to him. The guy's expression is neutral, but seems genuinely curious.
"Oh, I don't know," Magnus says, swirling his drink around in his glass. He shrugs. "I suppose I'm more a fan of showing and not telling. I'd much prefer someone showing interest in what I like and who I am, than comparing my eyes to the night sky, and whatnot." He gestures airily, then hesitates. He suddenly can't seem to stop himself, the memory of the Lightwoods' overheard conversation bubbling to the surface. "I think most people can appreciate that. Even if some of us are a bit over the top."
--Okay...I'm gonna go ahead and throw in a love confession~
"Look, I don't expect anything from you," he says, as though the words are hard to say. "You've made your feelings pretty clear, and I respect that. But I heard you talked to my mom, and with the stuff you said to her... I guess it just kind of made me a bit hopeful, or something. A bit." He clears his throat, while Magnus just listens. He turns to watch Alec's profile as the young man struggles to find the words, eyes on the view in front of him. "Either way, I'll admit that how I feel hasn't really changed. Maybe it should have, but..."
Alec shakes his head, and Magnus feels his throat go dry. He wants to interrupt Alec, wants to say and show everything that's bursting out of his chest, but he waits. Alec takes a deep breath then, turns to him. He looks determined.
"If you want me to," he says steadily, "I'll go. I'll leave you alone, I promise. You won't hear from me again." He pauses, licks his lips. "But if you don't want me to, if something has changed since last time, somehow... I'd really like to know. Because that would be pretty great."
2. 42 North 71 West by @lecrit​
Why I love this fic: I was blessed with the opportunity to witness Lu working on this fic from its conception to its end. I was there and still I am blown away at the way she was able to work the time jumps. I remember thinking with every chapter I read, 'Wow. The way she is telling this story is amazing. She is amazing.' Lu has a way of presenting so much honesty in her characters. She writes them in a way that feels so real, that you can't help but understand their fears and hesitations even though it hurts. The story is a back and forth told through scenes set in the past and present. You get to see what they were and where they are. The story is beautifully heartbreaking. And she was able to make me enjoy a story that dealt with politics? What? Sorcery, I tell you. -- also, the bench.
Favorite scene: This was almost impossible to choose and I took way too long trying to pinpoint just one. But I'm going to go with one that I hold very dear. When Magnus goes to visit Alec on his birthday and he finds Alec playing the song he only plays when he's sad. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil~
Favorite quote(s):
“Magnus,” Alec breathes out.
The name feels almost foreign, as if he hadn’t uttered it in too long and now his mind is troubling to catch up with his mouth. Still, it manages to make Alec’s heart stutter.
“We should’ve stayed on that bench in Boston,” he murmurs.
The good thing is, he knows where to go to find his way back. It is inked on his body, engraved into his soul, sealed into his heart.
3. Lead The Way by Clockworkswan
Why I love this fic: Because it takes the wonderful adventure of Doctor Who and packs it in with Malec. This is the ultimate fun and feel good but you will also cry at one point fic. I always go back to it if I want a wonderfully written Doctor Magnus and his adorable companion Alec. Seriously, even if you're not into Doctor Who, give this fic a shot. It's written in a way that you will get so caught up in the adventure that you won't even realize it's based on something else. And if you're a Doctor Who fan, you're in luck with all the little Easter Eggs Heather left throughout.
Favorite scene: I really don't want to spoil anything. The planet of Ablorix. This will mean nothing if you don't read the fic (so you should ;])
Favorite quote(s):
Magnus extends a hand. It’s just like before, when they were in the hallway a couple of weeks ago. It’s just as inviting as it was the first time.
“How about it, pretty boy? Name a star. Any one will do. Or a date,” Magnus says. The double meaning is evident when he winks. He pauses then, and his expression shifts, growing solemn.
A clear shift in his demeanour happens. Magnus turns from playful to sincere in the blink of an eye. Although, there was also a serious tone to it. Magnus looks at him, and understanding eyes meet Alec’s hesitant ones. “Alexander, you seem like a man in need of a break, and I am very much a man in need of a friend. Adventures are always a quick way in figuring out what you want. What do you say?”
What does he say?
He says yes.
Of course Alec does.
Before Magnus can think of a good retort, he tries to ignore the clenching ache his stomach gives at the sight of a confident, smirking Alec Lightwood watching him so openly. He settles for pointing in a random direction. “I have to go and see a dog about a man. Meet back here in five?”
“Uh, isn’t the expression, ‘see a man about a dog’?”
“Not when the dog ran off with the man’s wife. A rather big scandal, it seems. The president wants me to try and step in. Smooth things over, so to speak.”
At that, Alec just stares blankly.
Magnus holds up a finger. “Yes, this is normal for me. No, you may not come along. Go.”
4. Love & Other Drugs prequel of Our Love Is A Harsh Chord in the Semi-charmed Kind Life series by @la-muerta​
Why I love this fic: I'm kind of cheating here by listing two fics but they're a package deal. Love & Other Drugs was a smutty one-shot that left me wanting
backstory. Let me tell you the pining and 'unrequited' love between those two demanded a story to be written. Which is why when la_muerta ran a poll on whether or not she should start it or another series first, I campaigned for this one like it was my job (I lost but I still got the series eventually so did I really lose?) The writing in this and with all of la_muerta's fics will hook you. The sadness over the back and forth between them is done so well. It's angst that will grip you and hold onto you until you eventually finish. Just go on the twitter hashtag of #OLIAHCfic and see my screaming.
Favorite scene: Probably the LSD scene.
Favorite quote(s):
Alec was still here, in bed with him.
How many times had Magnus wished that he could wake up with Alec in his arms? He didn't dare to move, wanting the dream to last a little longer, but Alec was already stirring.
he'll wonder if life would be a little easier if he wasn't hopelessly in love with Magnus, but it is a fact of who he is now: Alec Lightwood is 6'3, has dark hair, is gay, and is in love with Magnus Bane.
They are lying next to each other now, turned on their sides and face to face. The world is no longer warped and weird, but glowing and perfect. Magnus is tracing a path of lightning down Alec's body with his fingertips, and in a moment of clarity Alec understands that in Magnus' eyes he is as beautiful as he thinks Magnus is (it is the first thing Alec forgets when he wakes up sober later).
Words aren't enough to express how he feels, but they've always understood each other better when clumsy words don't get in the way.
5. The Lonely Hearts Hotline by @unrestrainedlyexcessive​
Why I love this fic: It's funny, it's endearing, it's heart wrenching, it's sexy, etc. The way Alec is written in this fic is one of my favorite characterizations. The way his situation can resonate with so many young adults today. That feeling when you're an adult and you feel like you should know what to do with your life and who you should be but the truth is, you're still just as lost as always. Being an adult sucks tbh and even when you're an adult, sometimes life doesn't quite feel like it. Alec's character and growth in this fic is beautiful. (I also really loved Jace in this fic)
Favorite scene: A tough choice. Probably the office party and follow up scene in Magnus' office.
Favorite quote(s):
The problem with being a new grad, in general, is that the world and job force demands you have experience, but you have to live a certain number of productive years on the planet to gain that experience.
Early adulthood is no man's land. You don’t have the experience to matter and no one wants to pay you to gain it, hence how he ended up in the precarious situation he’s in: dodgy sex work by night, an even dodgier roommate, and desperately hoping an internship eventually turns into an actual paying job.
Magnus runs his tongue down the knobs of Alec's spine. "You're so beautiful," he says, pausing.
"I'm really not," Alec insists, eyes fluttering closed.
"Why are you so kind to everyone except yourself?"
"I'm a work in progress."
"Aren't we all?"
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ribbonshades · 4 years
☾  identity
It was much harder than any other game Charles had played, and he didn’t think he would win. It was days of willing his frail body to keep running away from Noise and Reapers, hiding in the alleyways of London and ducking into store fronts to survive. No matter where he went, though, he knew that the Composer had her eyes on him the whole time and that she decided arbitrarily who wouldn't move on at the end of each day, anyway. Luckily for him, she seemed to have a soft spot for the shy, defenseless ones. Soft to the point of being rotten, probably. 
"It's Charles," he'd mumble every time she got his name wrong. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Your name is written [REDACTED] in your soul, you see. It's nothing personal, love." Eliza waved her continuous mistake off, making his heart sink to his stomach. But he was too timid to say anything more. 
"You're so precious, [REDACTED]," she'd say, insistently reaching forward and brushing her thumb over his cheek. He flinched away from the touch, only ending up with her repeating the process, more roughly this time. "I love mixed Asian girls, I can't wait to doll you up," she went on. Charles felt numb, ice seeping in his bones. She'd smile serenely and bid him well on the day's mission. Day after day, he wondered if he should have joined Mom and Dad if it meant sparing him this. 
In the end, she and her preferential treatment were the only reasons he survived the Game. Someone he didn't recognize stood next to her when the end of it came. They looked otherworldly, high strung, sympathetic, tired. They reminded him of the only teacher he had that referred to him as a boy. He felt like he could trust them.
"Charles, correct?" the newcomer said. His face brightened and he nodded. "Ah, good. Well, congratulations on winning the Game. It has been quite a week, mm?" 
Eliza was nearly bubbling over with excitement, already her basket was full of 5 pairs of new, lamp shaped wings and Charles could feel that she wanted him to be her sixth. He swallowed and tried to keep his eyes up on the stranger in front of him. 
"You may come back to life, or you may live the rest of your existence in the London UG, as a Reaper. What would you like to do?" the figure said. 
"Uhm… I… have a question…" Charles mumbled. 
"Yes, dear?"
"My parents… they're gone, right…?" he said, swallowing back heavy tears in his throat. The stranger gave a small, weary sigh. 
"Yes, I'm afraid so. Do you have other family that would take you in?" they asked, their brow knit with the slight worry they allowed themself to show. 
"... No," Charles exhaled. He truly didn't know what would be the better option. If he went back to the RG, he would be forced to live as someone he wasn't, without his medications that served as his lifeline. He may even be strong enough to end it all, if it came to that point. But if he stayed in the UG, while he would still struggle to live as Charles, his body would stay the same. He could escape, one day. And, well, if it didn't go favourably, he supposed he had the option of ending it all then, too. 
Charles shivered. Eliza was watching him with wide, glassy blue eyes, her silver hair in curls framing her face. 
"I'll… become a Reaper," he said, looking up at the angelic figure with tears welling in his eyes. 
"... Alright. If that is what you wish, Charles." 
He was whisked into a whirlwind of a first few days as a Reaper. He was given a dormitory to live in, a small one bedroom with a communal bathroom, the wings separated by gender. His closet was full of tartan skirts and blazers that he resented, the desk piled high with books on the UG, Reaper powers, and the history of London. As soon as he was settled and dressed appropriately in the wrong gender’s uniform, he was subjected to various tests that drew out his Reaper power and tested his Noise Form. 
"Shadow powers? Oh, that is lovely, [REDACTED], I've been needing a new Reaper in the Espionage department," Eliza gushed. The pile on his desk grew higher with texts on spying and assassination techniques. He was assigned a number, used in place of his old name when necessary. He almost liked the number better.
His only respite was Allen, the only person who seemed to be able to keep Eliza in check. Charles couldn't quite tell what gender they were either, though Eliza referred to them as a woman, as Alexandra. He wondered if that was the reason why they were the only one to call him Charles. He decided he liked them, and he looked forward to spending time with them, whenever he could, and upon seeing the amount of work they did for the city, he gained a great respect for them. 
"Say, have you ever wanted to alter your appearance or anything?" they had asked one day while they were eating crumpets for afternoon tea time. 
"Ah– Uhm, sometimes…" he responded, nearly dropping the butter knife into his cup. They knew very well that he did, why were they bringing this up? 
"You've always seemed a tad uncomfortable in your skin, Charles. What would you change?" They smiled knowingly. 
"Well… I guess I want to look cooler… like an albino bunny?" he said, tilting his head. 
"Aha, bunnies are cute though!" Allen smiled, leaning back. He felt his lips move on their own, cracking a small smile himself. 
Other than those rare, fleeting moments, Charles endured his day to day, undergoing harsh training to optimize his powers and to sharpen his skills as an assassin. He was showered with praise and unwanted affection from Eliza, with comparisons to various female, Asian assassins in media. 
"Oh, but you wouldn't turn against me like some of them do, will you, love?" Eliza smiled, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the forehead. 
The thought never occurred to him, but after he mulled over the possibility, he couldn't stop thinking about it. 
Once it was all done, Charles left a note on his pillow addressed to Allen and fled the city. He sunk into his shadow the instant the rest of Eliza's body dissipated into static, only narrowly catching the salute of gratitude from the newly crowned Composer. Truly, there was no real threat to staying in London, but he didn't want to wait around to be employed by the new monarch and to spend eternity repeating the last two years. He appeared somewhere outside the bounds of the city, where he wasn't sure if his powers would be as reliable anymore. With nowhere else to go, he did what any respectable Brit on the run would do and boarded a train to Paris. RG or UG, he knew any Parisian would help him in his escape if they knew he was trying to get away from London.
With some luck and a shaky conversation in half English and half French, he ran into a winged man who he knew would be able to help him. Charles briefly explained an embellished version of the truth, though the man connected his story of "I was wrapped up in a political scandal" with the news of Queen Eliza meeting her demise and was delighted to help him. 
"Please, do stay 'ere!" the man offered, "I can only 'ope to assist ze one who ‘az liberated London!" 
"Uhm… Do you know who could change my appearance, maybe…?" Charles asked, tugging on his hair nervously.
Somehow, Paris was a vain enough district that there were powerful Reapers who's sole purpose was cosmetic alterations. He was face to face with yet another Reaper whose gender he couldn't determine at first glance. 
"Ah… S'il vous plaît, uhm… Cheveux… court? Courts? Et blanc? Blanche? E-et, les yeux… rouge," he stuttered, holding up a picture of the haircut he wanted. The Reaper clicked their tongue and nodded. 
"Rouge vif ou foncé?" they responded, and jesus christ Charles would have to learn French fast if he wanted to stay here. 
"Vif… ah… comme ça, ici–" Charles pointed at a bright red fabric scrap hanging from the Reaper's belt. They gave a thumbs up and gestured for him to get onto the table and lay down. The procedure itself was quick and painless, and he couldn't help but smile when a mirror was brought to show him his new reflection. 
"C'est tout pour vous aujourd'hui?" the Reaper asked, tilting their head. Charles took a breath. He had blindly trusted Allen and gotten favourable results there, so… 
"Ah, euh… Aussi… Ici…?" Shakily, Charles pointed his hand downwards to the bottom of his torso. The Reaper watched him and waited for him to continue. 
"... Efface-là, s'il vous plaît." 
He spent almost two years district hopping across Europe, learning several languages along the way. It was wonderful, having freedom. He relished being able to dress how he wanted, being able to use his powers for something less ugly for once, focusing on learning how to configure his stealth powers into various cute animal forms. His tour ended in France again, this time in the southern city of Marseille as a bunny hopping around the gardens flanking the mansions. The day was just beginning, and Charles was just basking in the sun for a spell when–
"Papa! Un lapin!" 
He peeked his eyes open to see a young boy run out of the terrace area towards him. A girl stood at the door warily, watching her brother move with such little restraint over a grey lop in the grass. Charles was picked up into the boy's arms and brought inside, placed on a cushion and fought for in frantic, accented French that he couldn't quite understand fully. It seemed that the mother was trying to argue that they couldn't take care of a bunny, and the boy fired back that they should at least take care of him until they find the owner. It was one phrase in specific that had him, though. 
"Nous pouvons être sa famille!" 
At that, he burrowed closer to the boy. The mother conceded and instructed a butler to purchase supplies to temporarily house a bunny. In the meantime, the boy hugged him, victorious. 
"Je m'appelle Jean, Monsieur Lapin! Et vous?" the boy grinned. His sister sighed and came over to pet him on the head, too. Charles wondered if he could imprint an RGer from this form, seeing that he asked his name– so he tried it, suggesting his own name in Jean's head. 
"Hm… il ressemble à… Charles!" Jean grinned and squeezed Charles more, the latter utterly confused at how it worked, despite the French accent making his name something quite different. Moreover, considering how Charles was very much not a French name in the least, it will be interesting to see how he justifies this to his parents. 
Nobody minded, though, and the missing bunny posters went largely ignored. Once two months had passed, the father patted his head and announced that the rabbit was now part of the Duvert family. 
Charles' nose wiggled happily at having one again. 
After years of obsessively consuming anime and video games, Charles could barely believe that he was now living in Japan. As a bunny, of course– he couldn't get away with running off for a week quite as often as he did before, but he knew Carel's schedule and he knew how to teleport out of his cage, so he spent many a day loitering around Shibuya until it was time to head back home.
It was a lovely routine, though it lasted only months. That December, Jean died in an accident that Charles knew resulted in him playing a game. He wanted to go to where he died and work the game and ensure his survival, but Carel's grief was too much for her to bear by herself. Charles steeled himself, hoping that he could come back and waiting for the day Carel's memories of his death were wiped, to no avail. 
Wanting answers, Charles waited for a time where Carel would be out of the house for longer periods of time and took a train to Kawasaki, where Jean died. 
"Haha, you're gonna get erased if you don't keep up, newbie!" Jean laughed horridly, blood from his last erasure still speckled on his glasses. 
"I'm… keeping up…" Charles gritted his teeth, keeping an eye out for the partner of the Player he had erased earlier that day. 
"Sure you are. You couldn't keep up with me, I bet," Jean retorted, licking his lips. Charles squeaked as Jean moved closer into his space, his arm resting on the wall behind him. "Maybe you can keep up in other ways, though. What do you say?" he asked, his voice lowered. 
"N-no thank you," Charles huffed, quickly slipping into his shadow to safety. The district had done awful things to Jean, and Charles couldn't bear to see more. He made an effort to avoid Jean for the rest of the game and slipped away from Kawasaki as soon as he was able. 
"Charles! I missed you!" Jean said, holding his arms out to hug the bunny. "It's been so long, huh?" 
Not as long as you think, but I'm glad that Carel knows you exist now, Charles thought, snuffling in Jean's arms. 
"You, ah. Knew I was a Reaper even before I came to Shibuya?" 
"Uhm… yeah. I worked a week in Kawasaki while you were there, and…" Charles trailed off, looking to the floor to avoid seeing Jean's reaction. 
"Ah," Jean responded, "I remember now. I, uh… I'm sorry." 
"Be sorry to yourself, you tried to get your pet bunny in bed with you," Charles scoffed. 
"H-hey, I was just like that back then, it was a phase–!" Jean squawked indignantly, failing to save face. 
"A phase is something that ends, Jean…" Charles tsked, turning back to his newly decorated room. He heard Jean sputtering more behind him as he closed the door. 
A few months after becoming Conductor, Charles sat down with Jean and told him how he became a Reaper. It went exactly as he thought, Jean crying on behalf of him and wallowing in pity that wasn't even for him. 
"Sorry," Jean breathed, wiping his glasses, "I just can't believe everyone has gone through hell. Please tell me you're happier now, where you are." 
Charles reached forward and swiped his thumb over Jean's teary eyes, wicking away more moisture, his palm resting on his cheek. Jean's eyes widened at the gesture, having never seen Charles be that physically intimate with him before. 
"I'm much happier now that I can finally be who I am. So, thank you, Jean." Another rare smile surfaced on Charles' face, and the combination seemed to be too much, as Jean burst into fresh tears right after. 
With approved leave, Charles arrived back in London, almost 15 years after he last left. He was dressed smartly, a dark grey suit with a red tie, and a pair of rabbit shaped cuff links that Jean had lent him for good luck. He still remembered well the way towards the entrance of the God's Palace, and his feet led him there without much thought. Once just inside, he approached the reception. 
"Hello, I'm the Conductor of Shibuya, here to meet with the Producer of London," he said. The receptionist looked over the schedule and gestured for him to sit down. It was a short wait before Allen appeared at the door, looking a little confused at having a meeting with a foreign Conductor, though the answer was clear as day as soon as they laid eyes on the man sitting in front of him. 
"You're alive," Allen remarked once they had gone outside for privacy. 
"I am." 
"You're also taller than me now," they laughed, looking up. With the slight heel of his shoe, Charles was indeed 5 inches taller than he was before. He chuckled and took a seat on a bench nearby, Allen following suit. 
"What made you reach out? I thought you'd never come back with the letter you left me," they said, their hands folded in their lap. 
"I was telling my friend… the Composer, about how I became a Reaper, and I realized that I never got to thank you." Allen tilted their head, a brow raised.
"For not intervening in Eliza's assassination? I mean, I'm not supposed to get involved in that, but–" 
"For seeing me as Charles. Honestly, I don't think I would have held onto that if nobody saw me as who I am for two years," Charles explained, a serene smile on his face. Allen smiled widely. 
"Of course I would have. You saw me as Allen, too." They smoothed out their skirt, their smile widening into a grin. "Might I say, you're looking quite sharp. Almost made me swoon when I saw you."
Charles' cheeks pinkened slightly, though he was a large contrast to the flustered mess he would have been even a few years ago. "I did some growing up," he replied nonchalantly, bravado enough to keep an air of confidence up. 
They talked for hours, catching up from over the years, walking around the city Charles had called home for half his life. He felt reacquainted enough with the city by the time that he had to go.
"Thank you for meeting with me, Allen." Charles held his hand out to theirs; confused, they placed it in his. As was his nightly routine so many years ago, he knelt down to a knee and kissed the back of their hand, eliciting a startled noise from them. 
"H-hey, you don't need to do this again–" they sputtered. Charles looked up from his position and smiled. 
"It's the ultimate sign of respect here, isn't it? I'm doing it because I want to, not because I have to," he responded, getting back up afterwards. "Either way… keep in touch. I'd love to come visit again when I can, I didn't realize how much I missed London." 
"London's a home for you, Charles. Come back anytime, okay?" Allen grinned again, taking a step back to let them part ways. 
"Thank you, Allen. Take care," Charles said, letting go of their hand. He waved as he slid into his shadow to make the journey back home, feeling light and fulfilled. 
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angelofdiamond · 5 years
Togheter again for the eternity (DTMG story-fanfic)
https://uzuluna.tumblr.com/post/62408515996 . This is my story-fanfic about this post , all credits and rights going to @uzuluna (WARNING TAKE NAPKINS AND BUCKETS FOR TEARS AND HEARTS)
P.S. Soleana belong to me also the extra part , because do part of an my story , I have would added the extra for give more soft brother-relationship and a little spoiler..
Billy was so sad he has been disconsolate since his best friend... his brother Spencer at the age of 50 died of old age... so the media wanted to get through it but... BJC knew how things really went .Spencer had aged yes, but he kept fit, eating healthy, training body and mind and above all doing good works .. many times BJC has seen his brother go into hospitals to encourage children and others with his fame to not to give up their dreams, to share them, not to lose sight of the fact that there are more important things than the dreams themselves, he saw how he protected the kids from bullies..in short..he had become a wonderful adult..but now all this .. zero..*flashback *.
One day Billy, at Spencer's request, went over there to check if the technicians were doing a good job with lights and everything else. He suddenly noticed, however, two figures he had never seen come into one of the dressing rooms, he thought: "ok come on, they will be the usual interns who came late" but the curiosity was too much for him and he walked away following the two figures .. .the dressing room they entered was that of ... Spencer!
BJC: "ok ok calm Cobra, they will be two fan interns and they took the opportunity to see the inside of a dressing room of one of the most famous horror filmmakers that Hollywood has ever been able to see" Billy saw them stealthily escaping and saw only a blond tuft and another light brown color, he went in and saw everything as if no one had been there except ... for a strange glass next to Spencer's water bottle, Billy sniffed him but felt nothing strange but strangely had a bad impression, took the glass in fact, and threw it away.
SW: "Billy! What are you doing here !? Didn't I ask you to check if the technicians were doing a good job?" Spencer had returned from lunch with his mother, after all the fame on him, he could always find time for the others dear to him, including playing video games with Billy as he was when he was 14 and a half ..
BJC: "yes ... oh yes! Excuse me Bro-meo but suddenly I saw two people come in here and then I followed them, anyway it's quiet, the technicians are doing a good job"
SW: "Thank goodness, wait ... did you say two people? Who were they? Interns?"
BJC: "I don't know ... I thought about it but they left in a hurry and left a glass I had never seen before and then threw it, you'll thank me after * posing as a star *"
SW: * facepalm * "Billy tool-box I left that glass for medicine! Do you remember? medicine for the cold? But were you listening this morning? "
BJC: "probably ... I remember you mentioned something but I was too busy with the jar of PB"
SW: "as always ... uff ... feel today was a long and tiring day, could you please tell Shanila that after they finish closing everything? Let's continue tomorrow"
BJC: "Ok ... hey bro '... everything okay? You know I'm always there if you want to talk"
SW: "yes, I know ... it's just that ... I don't know, I have the clear feeling that not everyone appreciates what I do ... and today I had the confirmation ..."
BJC: "wait wait wait for what you mean !? Who doesn't appreciate what you do !? Make scary horror movies! Modestly thanks also to the man! To the legend! The Cobra!" Spencer could not laugh a bit at that exclamation. .ehh yes..your brother hadn't changed at all and that was fine with him he reassured, he was happy when his best friend in absolute was close to him to comfort him ... Spencer would not have gone by ANYWHERE without him ..
SW: "guess who I met at Wi-Fri?"
BJC: "Rajeev?"
SW: "maybe, but try again"
BJC: "Mallory?"
SW: "I doubt you leave your husband for me, try again"
BJC: "You won't tell me ... yet !? But he wasn't retired !?"
SW: "pension over bud', as far as I heard from Buch, Ponzi works there after his collapse at school and inside the boarding house..just saw me he told me about all the colors and hurt me sincerely .."
BJC: "that head of cheese expired! What did he tell you !?"
SW: "trust me and better ..."
BJC: "WHAT ?!"
SW: "that the world without me and mine movies , it would be a better place, which is my fault since I entered there in that school, that he is now like that, and that everything I do and what I will do will be useless and never remembered, that I will be alone forever ... "hearing those words Billy was shocked ... how could a person be so cruel, Billy is the first to keep the image of a "bad boy" he was a bit rude but never cruel, put him first, and he knew he was alone a cover, so much so that he apologized every time ... he knew that in the world most of the managers were slimy, cruel and profiteers, he had a couple of them close to his misfortune, but never so cruel, for what he remembers ..
SW: "whoa! Calm friend! I understand but don't scream!"
BJC: "tell me you understand!"
SW: "I understand! I understand! Geez ... you're worse than my mother when she scolded us because the cookies were gone * laughs * remember?"
BJC: "* laughs in turn * pffft how could I not remember? That time in addition to the stomach ache we got a good scolding"
SW: "which theoretically I only caught it because you didn't see it" * they laugh together *
SW: "Billy..thank you..I appreciate it very much that you are close to me..I also really appreciate the fact that Shanila and Rajeev are with their work, thank you .. please go tell her?"
BJC: "ok!" Billy went to tell a Shanila from the change of plans, while Spencer, intrigued by the story of the two people, looked at the security cameras and noticed that the two figures looked a lot like .. Lolo and Ponzi! Spencer chilled but did he force himself and check if they had moved something, noticed that they had put something in the glass and in the bottle? The same glass that Billy threw away! Most likely they had put in some powerful laxative and Billy had saved him! Cabbage! Upon his return Spencer would surely have embraced him very much and thanked him over and over again. He took the bottle and checked it, he noticed nothing suspicious ... until ... he heard footsteps. I thought it was Shanila but it wasn't. Two people entered the cabin with force, blocking Spencer by the arms and holding him still. Fortunately, the training sessions with Jessica and Billy were useful because he immediately got free and threw a bottle over him.hitting the man, he grabbed his video camera and turned it on so he had some proof, fortunately it was well hidden.
SW: "why do you do this? Go away or call security!"
Both: "you have ruined the image since you came to that school! You a loser, become famous! You deserve to suffer!" Spencer tried to escape but the woman stopped the door, the man took it from behind and the woman took the bottle. Billy, who in the meantime had warned Shanila, felt that something was wrong and immediately flew to Spencer. He heard a loud noise and a strangled rattle .. it was Spencer! He was lying on the floor coughing, he was pale ..
SW: * coughs * bo..bo..bottle..inside there was some cyanide..the video camera..there are the tests..Billy..I have cold..so...stay with me .. * coughs * "
BJC: "cyanide ...? What is it? Hey buddy stay awake! I'm here with you! SPENCER! * Shakes him * Spencer was becoming paler ..
SW: "it is a poison * coughs * very deadly..is almost immediate effect .." Spencer started crying knowing that now there was nothing more to do..he was dying ..
SW: * crying * "hey .. friend .. apparently I won't be able to finish this movie this time eh?"
BJC * starts to cry * "don't ... don't even say it as a joke..you..you.you have to finish it you are the only one who can..hold on now take off to call for help and you will heal..start well"
SW: "against cyanide if you do not act immediately there is no way to save me .. * puts his hand on the transparent cheek of Billy * we had..we had planned to stay together until the end and beyond it? * Cries * you would have done by uncle to my children if I married.. real brother? "
BJC: "Uncle Billy ... does not sound bad" * he is not theremakes her not cry loudly * "please .. don't go .. stay with me..it's my fault. .I had to stay here..who I stuck not to go..and only my fault .."
SW: "hey .. hey..shh shh it's not your fault, if I hadn't thrown the glass I'd be so long and I wouldn't have had time to tell you things .."
BJC: "don't talk ... save your breath, surely Shanila will have seen that we are not back and now she is coming to us"
SW: "there is nothing to do .. but I want to tell you the same .. thanks .."
BJC: "for what?"
SW: "to be my brother..my best friend, to be our relative and to be back after what happened to you..thanks for having me * he cries * .. for giving me a wonderful life full of joy, fun and adventures .. please go ahead .. "
BJC: "how do you go on ... what does it mean? Spencer! Hold on!"
SW: "you .. * the voice starts to get lighter * you ..i love ya brother..i'll come to take..yo-- "Spencer could not finish the two sentences that his body went out under the eyes of Billy.. his little brother..his best friend in absolute... gone...turn off. Billy cried so loudly that he caught Shanila's attention, that when he saw Spencer's body he screamed, cried, and asked what had happened. Billy, in pain, picked up the video camera to give it to Shanila who would give it to the police..but what would it do? * fine flashback *
Billy woke up from that painful memory, remembering how at the funeral there were all the people that Spencer had done them good ... after his funeral Billy was crying for 9 months on his grave .. day and night, his mother (Billy's mother) approached him at the end of the last day of the ninth month and told him ...
Soleana: "my son ... stop just torture yourself like this you are not at fault ... be at peace, so you can be with him ... "
BJC: "I don't deserve it .."
SC: "?"
BJC: "I didn't deserve to have a brother like that! I don't deserve joy or eternal happiness! He...he has always taken care of me ... giving me a chance to have a "normal" life. To be my best friend and now ... now they took it away from me and I didn't do anything to stop it! I don't deserve anything! I deserve to suffer ... I ... I want him to come back! That we come back like we used to spend time together school to defend us from Ponzi! May he stay alive in prison! .. I ... may stay that way forever ... and only my fault ... "
SC: "it is not true! You do not deserve all this! My beloved son you have to let go of this pain ... it is not easy and I know it..but let it help you..It will be much easier for all of us"
BJC: "I ... I don't deserve to be your son ... to have a family like that ... I destroyed it ... I destroyed everything ... as always"
SC: "it's not true! I couldn't have asked for a better son than you * hugs hard *! You..you .. you have no fault..but if you want to stay a little alone I understand you, just .. please remember that you I will visit every 2 days ok? "Billy nodded, took the camera and the pendant and went home.
From that moment on, Billy spent all his time keeping the house tidy, at least trying to comfort, even as a ghost, Spencer's parents and then one day they decided to leave for some time ... the paper said 3 months on vacation ... who could blame them? Leaving him alone for 3 months. His mother often came to visit him, to compliment his work ... but nothing moved him ... it was destroyed. His mother noticed that he was holding Ponzi's spare wig, the one they had both taken for a little revenge, but they would have returned it if it wasn't already he had another, and a bright feather ..
SC: "is that it?"
BJC: "I found it next to me when I was well ... I think it's some pigeon ..."
SC: "she's so bright and light. I doubt she's from some pigeon ... can I see her?" Billy nodded. The mother took the feather and inspected it better ... there was no doubt it was an angel's feather. He picked up the feather and felt pervaded by a warm force, that strength allowed him to see ... Spencer! He was trying to get close to him but his pain was so strong that it formed a barrier. Seen this, he put down the feather and said aloud ..
SC: "you did a great job, I advise you to go to REST and to DREAM a few things, maybe you could do things you couldn't do before!"
BJC: * strums the wrong rope * "ouch mum! I understand there is no need to scream! I go! ... night .."
SC: "night my love..I hope that in your dreams you will find a bit of serenity and awareness .."
BJC: "?"
SC: "nothing my love .. now rests" Ghosts generally do not normally dream like before but "dream" their memories of when they were alive .. and for sure Billy did not dream of good things for a while or at least yes but...they all turned into nightmares because of the pain. Soleana went into the kitchen and heard a sweet voice that said "thank you". Billy closed his eyes, clutching the feather so soft and the wig ... he began to dream. He dreamed of the moments he spent with Spencer, when he was small and when he was a teenager .. but those dreams were distorted with a thousand voices around him that always repeated to him: "it's your fault! You left him alone! You don't deserve anything!You deserve to suffer forever like a ghost and not to be with him in the light! You don't deserve it! You won't stay with him ... NEVER! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FOREVER ! "Billy moved frantically, suffering in his own memories, blaming himself for something he had no blame for ... blocking him there ... until the feather in his hands lit up, opening a gash in Billy's nightmares and bringing him with himself in a brighter spot. "Billy looked around and noticed that his" colors "came back to him when he was alive. He felt strangely good but still aching ... and then he saw a figure on the horizon. very familiar and could not believe it .. that figure noticed it very quickly, smiled at him, held out his arms forward to say "run to hug me tool-box!", and it was wrapped in that same light .. it was .. Spencer! His little brother ... his best friend returned to being 14 again, he was there with open arms just for him. Billy was about to take off from him ... but he remembered that he didn't deserve it, and everything started to do new darkness but this time, Spencer ran to him holding him close, and the shadows disappeared. Billy burst into a loud cry ...
BJC: "little brother .. are you ... really you? I'm not dreaming?"
SW: "shhh yes big brother I am, in your dreams but I am really I * hugs him more and more strongly *"
BJC: "leave me please! I don't deserve anything .. it's just my fault .. it's my fault!"
SW: "tool box is not your fault for anything ... don't you remember? I told you no?"
BJC: "It's not true! It's just my fault. I have to stay close to you! I deserve to suffer!" Spencer heard them saying, he squeezed Billy more and stroked his back and told him it wasn't like that. Billy calmed down a little but still wept bitterly until he asked him in tears ..
BJC: "Why are you here? Why aren't you in Heaven? What is this place?"
SW: "I'm here for you, to come I asked the angels if it was possible for me to come and get you, they said yes, it would have taken a while, and I had to pass the barrier you created, but I could ... if I could. This is a sort of room where the light of your dearest dreams is not reached by the shadows, so they explained it to me "
BJC: "What do you mean to me? Are you an angel now.. little brother?"
SW: * hugs him even more * I told you, or at least I tried, that I would come and pick you up and wait for you and say that I'm not yet "
BJC: "I ... I ... I don't deserve it! I'm a bad person! I've hurt everyone! I deserve to suffer not being with you and being happy forever!" Spencer denied all the statements he had said and he explained that up there they knew what Billy really was like, they had seen his pain, which is why they immediately allowed him to go and get him and explained to him also why he had become a ghost ... not for eternal punishment, no ghost, unless he wants it, he remains on earth forever, sooner or later when they have learned their lesson and carried out the mission, they go beyond ... Billy had learned the first two lessons: to say to love another person besides himself; being able to learn to live normally and recognize their mistakes by trying to remedy them; being close to the people you love and ... letting go of the pain inflicted not on his own account but on other people. Billy hadn't even learned this last thing until Spencer said ...
SW: "I would never have gone without you..from anywhere paradisiacal and beautiful it could be..I missed you more than my life big brother..I now take you with me..in Heaven .. you won't be alone anymore .. we'll always be together and .. "
BJC: "will we still play like we used to?"
SW: "yes"
BJC: "and will we be inseparable as it used to be?"
SW: * laughs * "yes silly *
BJC: "and...and .."
SW: "yes, you can hug me as many times as you want, as long as you don't hold me too tight, * laughs *"
BJC: "aside * laughs with tears in the eyes *, will I be able to play my music? Will we also play like when we were little? Will I really be with you * crying *?" This time Spencer was crying
SW: "yes ... yes ... one hundred times yes and we will wait up there for the other people dear to us"
Having said these words, Billy got up and all the pain he had ... let him go, aware that they were right ... it wasn't his fault. Waking up, Billy stared at his mother, who came up to greet him, stroked him and said to him ...
SC: "you're ready .. let's go ... we'll see again" she kissed him on the warm forehead because now Billy was ready to go beyond ... but not alone ... he would never have gone alone in both cases in reverse... but with his brother. Spencer could finally appear, in addition to going into dreams, ahead of Billy and they both ran to hug hard. Billy and Spencer hugged their aunt / mother hard with the oath to see each other again when the time comes ... Billy and Spencer were enveloped in a warm light and lifted slightly into the air, slowly disappearing ... the two remained embraced by that light, laughing softly ...
SW: "Hey Billy you put me down * laughs *"
BJC: "no you forget it! * Laughs *" Billy had taken it and thrown it slightly like when they were little and started tickling his tummy and Spencer laughed .. he laughed so heartily that Billy laughed too and had no intention to stop ... they were happy..finally after so much pain suffered by the bullies, by crazy fans, by slimy principals..now they were finally together for eternity. They had kept the oath of a long time ago ... stay together forever in life and beyond. Spencer asked him if he wanted to bring things and see the rest of his family and friends and say hello to them before he left, Billy nodded. They took seeds from the flowers of the garden of their aunt / mother that were the most beautiful to plant them in Heaven, Billy's guitar and pendant, Spencer's photo album and video camera. They all greeted each other hugging them gently.
BJC: "Do you have any regrets?"
SW: 'just not having finished the film "
BJC: * laughs *
SW: "hey why are you laughing friend * rubs his head *?"
BJC "because your BFFE has finished the film"
SW: "whaaaaat !? How?"
BJC: "I directed, with the help of Shanila, the rest and .. violá!"
SW: "Billy you are the best! * He jumps on him hugging him and giving him the punch *"
BJC: "I know! * Bulb in the head *"
SW: "because you have that look..oh no ...no..do not allow yourself "
BJC: * tickles his belly *
SW: "no..pfft..hahahaha stop * laughs * as they ascended to Heaven, Billy started playing with Spencer as when they were little, tickling each other and a sort of" war "started. Spencer broke free and he began to do it himself, only he didn't stop easily ...
BJC: "ppfft..hahahaha Spencer! Stop! I suffer it! * bent in two and began to laugh like when Spencer made him laugh with that application that simulated the mouth of the zombie * "their laughs were so pure and so full of joy that children of they heard and said ..
Children: "Mom! Mom! The sky laughs!"
MB: "you know, it is said that when the sky laughs, it is because two pure souls who want an infinity of good, have gone up to Heaven "
B: "so this means that two souls are in Heaven?"
MB: "yes, but I think that for how the sky shines, they are two souls who have suffered in life and are now finally together .."
SC: "together again for eternity..so how was it supposed to be..you, after all, you swore it when you were little.two brothers, best friends, that even if distant relatives..you wanted an infinity of good .. sharing that good with everyone ... now only an eternity of joy and happiness awaits you ... my angels ". In Heaven, Spencer and Billy played with all the joy they had inside ... not ceasing to laugh, hug and fly together with each other, and with all the other angels, in the clouds ... in a place where no one would ever do them of the hurt, wounded or other ... where they would have waited for their family ... the two brothers had finally gone to Heaven together, remaining together again for eternity ... from then on,every time they played laughing, the sky released a shining powder on their loved ones, making them feel the same happiness they had given them and continue to give.
Extra :
BJC :" hey Spence' how end the story? "
SW : " ? "
BJC : " the story about the little angel and of the his little child friend..how end? "
SW : " tecnically never end..has a first ending for the main story part one "
BJC : " ook I don't know what mean , but for the moment?how end? I'm curious *puppy eyes *
SW : " never change BJC eh ?*giggle *"
BJC : " nope never *leans on Spencer's right shoulder with half-closed eyes ready to listen to the story* "
SW : " do you remember where we can stop? "
BJC : " at the sad part "
SW : " well..the story end that..." under their cherry tree in Heaven, which shook the flowering branches in the wind, Spencer told the end of the story he was telling Billy when they were on Earth, but in reality that story really has no end .. because even though they are now up there, the adventures and stories with them will not cease to exist and be created, starting from there too with them there will still be many adventures, who knows ... maybe even back on Earth ... no? everything is possible with two brothers-best friends like them...
The stories never end...
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Okay, so um, this is gonna have a couple parts. I don't have a title for this, but it is a Jotaro/Female Reader fic. This first part is SFW but it will get into N*SF*W in later chapters.
*UPDATE: Title is now called "Whirlpool"*
You were starting to lose hope.
Interview after interview and still no call backs.
You had put your resume out at almost anything since moving to the city. Having a few meetings, you thought the interviews were going well. Nope. It always ended with a handshake and a 'We'll call you if you get the job.'
But those calls never came. Your savings were dwindling fast.
Sitting in your apartment, you wondered if you should just take a job at a fast food restaurant in the meantime. Or better, maybe move back home where everything was familiar and comforting.
You had no friends here. Not yet anyways. You had been so wrapped up in finding a job that you didnt feel like going out to bars or clubs; the rejections making you depressed.
One Wednesday afternoon, you got a call from an unknown number.
Usually, you dont answer numbers you didnt know, but you picked it up anyway. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, is this Y/N?"
The voice was so deep; definatly a male. It sent a chill down your spine. "Y-Yes..." You said cautiously.
"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I am a marine biologist. I saw your resume at one of the places I had visited recently. You are looking for work, yes?"
Your eyes darted around the living room. This was extremely unexpected. "H-How did you see my resume?"
"I had a meeting with one of the places you applied to. Your resume was sitting on top of a stack of papers, I ended up taking it."
"Isn't that wrong?"
"Probably. But I am looking for help and thought maybe to call you. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
You had been on many interviews, but for some reason, this was different. This Jotaro guy swiped your resume from someone else desk and called you. He claimed to be a marine biologist, which intrigue you. You didn't have any background in that field but you knew enough to get by.
When you didn't say anything for a moment, Jotaro asked if you were still there.
Coming back to reality, you agreed to the interview. What else did you have to lose?
"Great. Are you available tomorrow at 4pm?"
Jotaro gave you the address to his office which was down at the local college. You guessed he taught a couple classes there. "See you then." He hung up.
Letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you bounced with excitement.
"I need to find something to wear!"
You shook with nerves as you held onto the door handle. This was the place, since on the door his name was written.
Opening it slowly, you crept inside.
The room looked bare save for the large desk in the corner. There where a couple of bookshelves, but even they were empty. Are you sure this was the place? You looked at the door you came through again.
"You must be Y/N."
That deep voice again.
You turned your head to see a very tall, broad shouldered man in a black, long sleeved turtleneck. He also wore white pants; a white hat sitting atop his head. He came into the room from the other door that you noticed that was off on the side. That must be his real office.
"Y-Yes." You extended your hand in greeting. "Thank you for inquiring about me."
Jotaro seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking your hand. Maybe he wasn't comfortable touching strangers.
His turquoise eyes looked at you, as if studying you what kind of person you could be. But that only made you blush, making you a little more nervous than you actually were. Finally, he shook your hand.
"Right this way."
He grunted, showing you to his office that was through the door he came.
You thought as you looked around the room. The walls were full of his accomplishments and pictures he had to have taken of sea creatures. The office seemed a little cramped as his large desk took up a lot of space. There was more room in the first room they were in, why choose this as a work space?
"Please, sit." Jotaro waved a hand to the empty chair opposite of him on the other side of his desk.
You did as instructed, taking in his features as you did. He couldn't have been any older than twenty-nine. Your eyes went back to the plaques on his walls. He's done so much at such a young age.
"Tell me about yourself."
Jotaro's voice brought your attention back to him.
"Oh, um. Well, I moved here from my hometown in hope of starting something new. I like to follow though and get my tasks done. I graduated top of my classes in high school and college. I'm very organized with projects, making sure that it exceeds to one's expectations."
Jotaro nodded his head a little and wrote on a piece of paper. He noticed you wringing your hands. "No need to be nervous."
Embarrassed, you tucked your hands under your legs. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've been on a lot of interviews and they all fell through."
Jotaro was silent for a few minutes, shuffling through some papers he had on his left until he found what he was looking for. Your resume.
"You don't have a lot of references here. But I see you took classes in zoology."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've only really done side jobs while I was in college just to get by and save up for when I moved. I want to work with animals; I loved going to the zoo as a child and since then, I knew I wanted to work with them."
"So you know about marine life, too?"
You shrugged. "Enough to not sound dumb." You chuckled nervously.
Jotaro moved his hand over his mouth, hiding the smirk you had given him with your answer; he didn't want you too see his expression.
Composing himself, he rose from his chair, motioning for you to follow him.
Coming back to the first room, he stopped next to the empty desk.
"I'll give you a chance. This will be your space, you can do with it what you want."
Wait, what?
He just said he was giving you a chance? He was hiring you?
You looked at the desk. Seeing that you were the first thing people would see when they come in, you realized you were being hired as a secretary.
It wasn't something you were thrilled about. But you decided to take it anyways; Jotaro was the first person to offer you a job let alone hire you right on the spot. You accepted, gratefully.
"Thank you, Mr. Kujo! I promise I would do my best!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning."
He shook your hand again and you parted ways.
Back at home, you cried tears of happiness. You finally found a job.
Though you had no idea how to be a secretary, you figured you could just wing it. It would be a learning experience, but just like everything else you've done, you would do your job with dedication.
"Good afternoon, Y/N! Is Professor Kujo in?"
You smiled at one of the other teachers that worked at the facility. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Westin, let me see if he's ready to see you." You buzzed Jotaro's phone. "Mr. Kujo, Mr. Westin is here to see you."
There was no answer, but Jotaro's door opened and he emerged, waving him to come in. Mr. Westin followed, shutting the door behind him. "Did you get that report from the lab back?"
Jotaro handed him a folder.
Mr. Westin nodded. "Great work, Jotaro. Are you ready for the field work coming up?"
"I will be." Jotaro grunted. "Y/N has set up hotel and anything else I needed."
"She's a helpful little angel, huh? Since she came around, your work has been flourishing."
Jotaro flicked his eyes toward the door. Just on the other side, you sat at your desk. His work load had gotten lighter in the last six months, thanks to you. He had been able to work and focus on what was important while you took care of the minor things.
Sometimes you had brought him lunch when you knew he was too wrapped up in his work to even stop to eat.
He was to be leaving in a couple days to do field research on ocean life on the coast of California for over two weeks. But something about you not being there nagged at him.
Remembering the other teacher was talking to him, he said, "Yeah. She's been a real big help."
Mr. Westin nodded and said his goodbye to you, leaving the office.
Looking up, you noticed Jotaro leaning against the door frame to his own office with his arms crossed. He was looking at you but not saying anything. That didn't surprise you, he was a quiet man. But his stare made you a little uneasy. "I-Is there something wrong, Mr. Kujo?"
The way you addressed him made his stomach do flips. It was an interesting feeling. One he hadn't felt before. "Did you make the preparations for my trip?"
"Yes, sir. Its all right here, I finished it this morning. Your flight leaves at 7 am Friday morning and your hotel is booked. Food is all taken care of and there was even some money left over if you wanted to do any shopping." You looked back at him. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
Jotaro strode to your desk in just three steps; those long legs taking him anywhere in a flash.
"There is. Call and change the itineraries to two people."
"Two, sir?"
"You heard me. Call the airline and add another person. Call the hotel and add another room. Make sure everything accommodates for two."
"S-Sure. May I have the name of the second person so I can make sure they get everything they need?"
Jotaro turned back towards his office, saying your own name.
"Wait, what?" Your head shot up at him. "Me? You want me to go? What does a secretary like me have anything to do with this trip?"
Jotaro kept his door open as he sat back down behind his desk. You stood and followed him in. Before you could say anything, Jotaro spoke first.
"You have grown from the nervous girl that walked through here six months ago. During your interview, you said that you strive to get your tasks done and do it with dedication. I've seen that you've proved that."
You blushed. You never really got that kind of praise from your other bosses.
"You wanted to work with animals, correct?"
You nodded.
"Well, then, come with me on the trip. Learn more about marine life."
What an amazing offer! But you couldn't help but think he was really just bringing you along so you can do his minor tasks. "Thank you, Mr. Kujo, but again, why do you want to bring a secretary?"
He interlocked his fingers and brought his hands up to his face; his eyes staring at you intently. "The word 'secretary' for you leaves a bad taste in my mouth. From now on, you are my assistant. You will still have your duties as you've had, but I'm taking you on this trip to help you learn more about marine mammals."
You couldn't find the words. You were thankful for his kindness, truly. But you weren't sure about going. You started wringing your hands again.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro muttered. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
"Huh? No, I mean. Um..." You decided to go for it. What harm could it do? You developed a decent friendship with your boss, and he was offering this paid trip to you. "I-I'll go."
Jotaro did his best to hide his excitement; keeping his expression neutral. "Then get to work on getting yourself on the itineraries and take the day off tomorrow to pack and get some rest. I will see you at the airport."
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lightsorigins · 3 years
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 A good two hours had passed after Sara had left. On his laptop, Kieran had chosen to change the music. A calmer atmosphere spread through the room. A mixture of melancholy and bitterness. It was "Way to Go" by the band "Empire of the Sun". He was in bed, on his back, with a red pillow over his face. It had been several weeks since Sara had been cracking down on his behavior. Already that he supported badly this natural authority, in this recent period, that became for him too smothering. "Seriously, what does she care if I miss my life? " He asked himself in various ways, since he had locked himself in his room.
Enervé, he then seized his pillow and threw it on the door of his room with all his strength while letting escape a light growl. A message arrived on his cell phone, which he opened immediately.
 "Still ok for tonight at home? :) »
 It was Malden, one of his best friends. They were putting together a band, accompanied by another friend, Teano. On a good day, Sara would come and watch them play with the rest of the band. The two boys had met a few years earlier when they joined the athletics club for the youth of Lausya.
 "Yeah, that's good. See you soon."
 "No smiley face? Are you sure you're ok? :o ! »
 "I tell you when we meet"
 "Okay! »
 Just as he was about to leave his bed, his mother knocked loudly on the door.
- What? Kieran shouted, not without making his annoyance heard.
- Kié, Amaëlle has arrived for your class. She's waiting for you in the living room, come.
 Kieran took his head in his hands and took a deep breath. Then, holding his breath, he rushed to the pillow he had just thrown and started screaming into it with all his might. After that, he grabbed it and slammed it to the ground several times until he was out of breath. Kieran had completely forgotten that Amaëlle had to come. He was no longer willing. It was wearing him down, especially with the altercation he had just had.
      Five minutes were enough for Amaëlle's presence to leave his mind. Kieran had turned on the music and was strolling in the room. Calmly, she knocked and opened the door.
- Can I come in? she asked very gently.
      Without stopping his activities, Kieran nodded. Amaëlle took off the long fir-colored coat she was wearing, as well as her beret of the same color, to put them on her bed. Her long ebony hair was styled in a lovely bun, while her azure eyes always seemed to shine. Without saying a word, she sat down on her student's computer chair and crossed her legs, swinging her green pumps to the music. Aware that something was wrong, Amaëlle took care to close the door behind her.
      She was a holoron with syor skin, very lightly made up. While she was also bobbing her head from left to right as she played the notes, Kieran watched the reflection of the light come and go on her face, which was like a vase of earthenware. This detail amused him. He addressed a very weak smile to her, then rose to turn off the music before returning to his bed.
- You don't look so good. Your mother told me about you and Sara. I passed her on the way over.
- Yeah, I'm sick of her. I can't get any peace... she's a pain in the ass.
- Don't you understand that she is worried about you?
      He hesitated before answering, looking away to stare at the window before continuing.
- Yes, but it's been a few days... She's abusing me now. It's like she wants me to do what she does. I don't want to do that.
- You don't have to be like your sister Kieran, since you are not your sister. She just wants you to work on your speaking and writing skills and develop your concentration. You remember that you were the one who asked her to find someone to come and help you in the first place, right?
- I wanted her to help me, not order me around and embarrass me in front of the guys outside.
      Amaëlle gave him a pinched smile.
- I know the context of the situation. You didn't honor your agreement so that made her angry. Why don't you try explaining yourself next time? You are capable of having fun when everything is going well. Don't ruin it. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a big sister who takes care of you you know?
- I know. Kieran replied, very quietly.
- I have to help you tonight. It would be a shame if your sister paid me to just come and look you in the eye. But since you probably need some quiet time, I suggest we take less time than we planned. How about it?
      He nodded slowly and stood up. Together they went into the dining room and sat down facing each other. Kieran had dyslexia, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). During part of his schooling, the manifestation of this disability put him in many difficult situations. His clumsy diction and impulsive attitudes were often the cause of mockery from his peers, and therefore a lack of confidence. It didn't take long for these challenges to lead him into bad company, and for him to participate in acts of vandalism in the city.
      Amaëlle - who was contacted by Sara almost three years earlier - committed to training Kieran through diction exercises, concentration exercises, as well as giving him vocabulary to learn from time to time, essays and other types of activities. She was a Nerial (Water) Aphorist and Atmologist, who was perfecting her teaching skills. She was 25 years old and was like a caring and always available big sister to them. Over time, Amaëlle gradually became a support to the Farrian family, rather than just a private teacher.
      That evening, she simply had him read out some gap-fill texts and comment on them, choosing his words carefully. Despite his bad mood, Kieran had been persistent and calm. He had cut in less often and only got up from his chair once.
      - You were exemplary tonight, even with that pig-headedness you pulled throughout the exercises. I am proud of you!
      Kieran did not answer for all that. Amaëlle always reserved him a small surprise after the exercises. This made him smile a little before she left.
      - I have something to show you. Call your mother too! She said, cheerfully, taking her wand out of her bag.
      - Mommy! I believe that Amaëlle will make a stylish turn!
      Fond of these little improvised shows, Naska rushed to come and see. As always, it was more pleasant to admire her performances with the lights off. Kieran then pressed the switch and sat down on the leather sofa of the living room, stamping with impatience. His good mood had returned, at least until he saw this.
    Amaëlle's tall, slender figure now stood before them, wand in hand, against the light of the hallway. In silence, she seemed to start writing in the air. The ystic symbols - the language of the mystic - gradually took shape, like threads of smoke of a dreamy turquoise blue. The colors were reflected in the eyes of Kieran and Naska, revealing their fascination. They could read "I am extremely proud of you". Amaëlle waited a few seconds, then drew a circle around the letters of Menha that she had formed. Little by little, she formed signs with her fingers, which stretched the circle into a thick bubble of water. She then took a deep breath before blowing very gently on it. The bubble with the magic letters went towards Kieran. When it reached the tip of his nose, it burst.
    Suddenly, a festival of positive and deep
emotions invaded him. He felt an intense and yet discreet joy, a certain fullness and a lot of admiration. Amazed, Naska turned the light back on and gave a big smile to Amaëlle.
      - How did you do that? Kieran asked, impressed.
      - I learned it a short time ago, I'm perfecting it. An Aphorist's art. I tried to share with you how you made me feel tonight.
      - Wow! This is really classy! How did you get to be an Aphorist? Now I definitely want to do this.
      - I had to practice a lot! She answered with a laugh that brought her back to her student memories. You'll have plenty of time to find out if you want to become an Aphorist. It's not that I don't like your company, but I'm going to have to get out of here fast.
      - Me too," said Kieran. I'm going to Malden's tonight.
      - The building is on my way there, I think, do you want a lift? I'll go back to Welliyo afterwards, what do you say?
      - Is that right? So cool!
      - I've got your stuff ready, Kie. I put everything in the bathroom, in your backpack.
      - Go get it all quickly Kieran, or I'll change my mind and leave without you! In the meantime, I still have some stuff in your room.
      Before they left, Naska had prepared a small box with part of the dish for Amaëlle. Knowing that Sara hated boiled food and that Kieran often ate out, she preferred to offer her some of it.
      Once in Amaëlle's car, it was not long before Kieran's good mood faded again, which was not lost on the young woman. The snow had given way to a driving rain, which the windshield wipers struggled to clear from the window. Kieran remained silent, waiting patiently to arrive at Malden's house. -
    I have rarely seen you so worried and upset, Amaëlle admitted to him. It's not the first time you and Sara have had a fight.
      - This year, it's worse. She doesn't care how I feel. All she does is yell at me whenever she sees that I can. It's as if she's shooting me in the face every time I appear.
      Amaëlle paused to think of an appropriate answer. She herself had noticed that Sara was much more emotional when she had met
her before arriving at the Farrian home.
      - You know, your sister is growing up and starting to have other responsibilities. She's studying for exams and may have other concerns that we don't know about.
      - If she would just talk about it calmly instead of using me as a punching bag, things would be better. But as soon as I talk, I can see that she thinks I'm a jerk. You know, sometimes I wonder if she's just paying you because she's ashamed of me as a brother. I'm not sure she's really interested in my condition. But the idea of Kieran, the town jerk, being her little brother... that's got to be getting to her, so I've got to make some headway for her shitty little reputation.
-      Kieran...
    - I'm sure that's it.
      There were two minutes left in the journey, during which Kieran continued to express what he was feeling and thinking about the situation. Nothing would change his mind at the moment, not even the best of wills, and Amaëlle understood that. She stopped in front of a damaged sidewalk, littered with scrap metal and chewing gum. A few meters further on was a neighborhood where middle-class Lausans and Malden's family lived. Kieran opened the door to get out.
      - Thank you for dropping me off, Amaëlle.
      - Instead of thanking me, promise me something.
      Since he sensed that this would have something to do with Sara and him, he sighed quietly before answering her.
      - Well, okay. But it depends on what.
      - If there is any problem between you and your sister, or even if there is something else you don't feel you can handle, promise to tell me about it. I don't want you to carry this around by yourself. Is that okay? Even if it's not mine, at least talk to one of your friends. Even Renyu for example.
      - Oh no, not him. He's the first one to make fun of me for every mistake I make.
      - I forgot, that's true... well, is that okay?
      - Yes, I'll try to do my best. See you later, Ama.
      - See you later, Kiki!
      - Not that nickname!
      Amaelle laughed out loud. She stuck her tongue out at him, closed the car door and went on her way. These little light attitudes she could have reassured Kieran a lot, even if he didn't always say so. During the short walk to Malden's house, he lost himself in imagining what he could achieve if he ever became an Aphorist. The idea of making up for his lack of expression, of one day being able to show others that he could handle himself and that they should never have laughed at him, was a very pleasant prospect. Since he was young, he had dreamed of studying Fothîol, the Fire Atmology, to become a great adventurer. In various broadcasts, he had heard about the fighting contests between atmologists and martial artists, the squads of adventurers going to the famous Domains, where incredible creatures, treasures and the legendary Incarnations were hiding. Just imagining all that energy flowing through his body and intoxicating him, Kieran was ecstatic. This was the life he wanted to live, not just hang out in Lausya, go to college and argue with his sister.
    His phone rang as he approached the Cly
      - Where are you? Malden asked
    - I'm on my way, I'm almost downstairs.
      - Okay, well, I'll be right down. Don't ring the bell, my father is taking a nap and it might wake him up. Then, my mother will bother me again.
      - A nap at 7pm?
      - Not always easy to be a gardener, I guess," said Malden, laughing. Well, I'm coming, see you soon!
    Kieran reached the big gate: a copper
fence several meters high, impossible to cross without having the right pass, or without ringing the bell at one of the numerous apartments that were piled up behind, in the big park. He saw the light of a distant hall, and someone opening the door coming in his direction. It was Malden. He had taken a worn red raincoat and an umbrella. When he opened the door, Kieran walked in without looking at him.
      - Hi," he said quietly.
      - It's a good thing Ama dropped you off. Why didn't you take something to cover yourself ?
      - I don't know.
      Without a word, Malden handed him his umbrella. The two boys continued down the hall without talking, and once they were in the elevator, the conversation started again.
      - Did something happen outside? Malden asked.
      - Nah, it's Sara.
      - Again? But that's all the time?
      - I guess so.
      Kieran still wasn't much of a talker. When they arrived at the apartment, they went silently to Malden's room. When Malden opened the door, he was surprised to see his brother emptying one of his closets.
      - Isaac, what the hell are you doing in my room?
      The young boy was startled and stood up like a post in front of his brother and Kieran. -
    Oh oh...
    - What did you come for now? I already told you that I didn't want to see you here! -
    I needed a pen to write something and...
    - Don't fuck with me, there are plenty of pens everywhere! Just ask Sawako or Hayate!
    Akane, Malden's mother, arrived with a heavy step. She had long black hair, some of which fell over her face, and a dark, piercing, often angry look. When he saw her, Malden put his hands over his face and blew out a loud breath. -
    Damn, here we go...
    - How do you address your brother Malden? I've told you to talk different!
      - How many times have I told him to stay out of here?
      - You don't set the rules in this house! You don't pay rent, you don't do the shopping! If your brother has something to look for he does it, whether you like it or not! This is my home!
      - No, but he can at least ask me!
      - You weren't there!
      - Then he should have waited! -
    Do you have something to hide in your room to put yourself in such a state just because Isaac entered? Just because Kieran's here doesn't mean you can start messing with me, Malden, you hear me?
      Isaac hadn't moved an inch, watching the whole conversation carefully. A sardonic laugh escaped from between his lips, then he took a notebook out of his pocket before writing down a few sentences in a table named "Malden", and ran off. The argument continued for a few more minutes.
      - If you keep yelling like that you're going to wake up Dad! Malden said.
      - By now it's about time he got up.
      Still with the same energy, she closed the door and went to wake up Richard Cly, the father of the family. Kieran sat down on Malden's bed and laughed nervously.
      - It seems to be a good vibe in here too. - I don't know what's wrong with her right now, it seems like Isaac gets to do everything. And me, no privacy.
      - Why are you so upset about him coming into your room?
      - Because he lies and acts so weird. He writes things about me in a notebook and talks about them with Suzanne without telling me what they are. They think I'm a freak, and I don't even know why.
      Kieran frowned as he imagined the situation.
      - Okay, yeah. It's pretty weird.
      - Anyway, that's how it is. What about you and Sara?
      Once again, Kieran explained his altercation with his sister, and how he felt about it. The simple fact of being so little considered, and especially of being locked in by precepts he did not share, made him hateful. -
    Sara and I used to have a lot of fun, but I have a feeling it will never be the same. All he cares about now is getting rich and doing biology.
      - There will always be Teano and me just in case!
      - I know, but this is different. -
    I understand that, and I'm sorry. I feel like that sometimes with Melva. I feel like it's never going to get better. If you want, I'll talk to Sara if I get a chance. -
    You know what, we weren't supposed to meet for this tonight. We should put on "Alvist War"! We have a fight to watch. I'm tired of being pissed off from earlier, I want to think about something else!
      A big smile appeared on Malden's face. Without a word, he went to get his laptop and put it on the bed. "The Alvist War was a television program that was shown every evening, but was also broadcast on various platforms on the Internet. Atmologists of varying levels took part in clashes every venckelbuth, broadcast live, and this throughout the year! They judged the quality of the atmos used, their choice, and not necessarily the damage caused. On this night, a Heroine (Fire and Sun atmology) was to face a Cantator (Lightning and Lightning atmology)! Malden checked the website to be sure of the time of the confrontation.
      - There's plenty of time. I know they were planning to move the time exceptionally because of the problems with the GCA, but we still have thirty minutes.
      - Do you think your mom will let us watch this in the bedroom?
      - Either she'll let us, or we'll watch it in the living room with everyone else, or we'll watch the replay. - Oh, the replay sucks. I want to live the thrill of the moment, when you see them doing crazy things!
      - Yeah, I agree, but thanks to Isaac, my mom's all fired up tonight. I'm not sure she'll choose to be nice and leave us alone.
      A thought crossed Kieran's mind. He squinted his eyes and gave her a big smile without saying a word. - I don't like it when you make that face, Kié. What are you thinking about?
- I don't know, your mom seems pretty busy, your siblings too, your dad's in the coltard after a nap at the worst time of the day...
    - Yeah... so?
      He checked that Malden still had his shoes on his feet.
      - And so I'm going to use my superpowers.
      Without warning, Kieran leapt onto the bed, shut Malden's laptop and put it in his bag. He grabbed his arm and pulled with all his might. Malden slipped off the bed and rolled a few inches.
      - What the hell are you doing?
      - Let's go! I've got some more nanthilia at home.
      - You know how to talk to me.
      - You got your clip? Quick, grab it and let's go.
      Malden was still putting on his raincoat in the middle of the hallway. He pulled up his slightly baggy pants and almost tripped twice as he caught his feet in his shoelaces. Kieran opened the front door, when Akane's voice rang out from the other end of the house.
      - Who's going out at this time of the night? she shouted.
      - It's Malden! said Isaac, who was not far away.
      Already on the landing, Kieran signaled to Malden to hurry up. Seeing that his friend hesitated, he grabbed him again and pulled him with all his strength before closing the door behind him. They made their way down the three flights of stairs, nearly falling again several times. They ran through the park, opened the door and started running through Lausya. -
    This is what track and field is for! Kieran exclaimed with a laugh.
      - When I come back tomorrow, they're all going to kill me.
      - Just come home!
      - I can't spend my life at your place, how am I going to paint and do my sports? I have to see Sylva too!
      - We'll find a way!
      That evening, Akane made several phone calls to her son, but Malden never picked up. They had arrived home soaking wet. Naska was happy to know that her son would spend the evening at home, and especially that his boiled Yone would finally be consumed. When she asked why the boys had returned, a simple, poorly crafted lie had been enough to convince her.
      As Malden began to eat the yone with his pakato puree with pavarus and echex, Kieran pulled out the nanthilia he had hidden under his desk. For a moment, he remembered the discussion with Amaëlle, who told him that Sara was worried about him. He hesitated. But the memories of his screams and his persuasion about Sara's true motives came back to him. The wound that had been growing inside him reopened immediately, and anger rose. He got up to lock his bedroom door and rolled two joints. He gave one to Malden before lighting both.
      - It's going to start in a few minutes," Malden said after thanking him. Who do you think will win? -
    My money is on Syzia, the Heroine. Already, she's using Hanoma atmos that no one has ever seen. When she introduced herself, she said she had done a lot of research in Nelthis, with the Grimoire of Balance, and had spent a lot of time learning old Hanoma. - It's not dumb, but in a way, we've already seen Albert come through a few times and win his matches. He sings great and people love it. And don't forget that he also uses Hanoma, some of which he developed himself!
      - Yeah... It's tight though. But he's old Albert, I think he's over 60 years old. Syzia, I think she's even younger than Amaëlle!
      - So what?
      - People prefer to give their chance to the younger ones. -
    I hope they won't vote like that, it's not very fair. Or maybe they should make a "War of the Alvists - Senior Edition". That would probably be better. The older ones have so much experience in general...
    - Yeah, but they're usually doing the same things, so you don't learn much from them, I think.
      - Well, it's starting!
    The Alvist War took place in Susalia, in Sei-Galtar. A big kingdom often considered as the mysticillian capital. The credits were presented with a dynamic and very rhythmic music, and a short presentation of the candidates. Malden and Kieran were never able to sit still each time they found themselves in front of the show. For a few minutes, the show's host spoke about the situation that had caused the show to be moved. A group of arcanists called "Black-Wings", a branch of the infamous "Guild of Antis", had stirred up trouble for reasons still unclear.
      - Yes, yes, we know about that! Kieran persisted. I want the fight!
      The introductions went on and on, even though the challengers were known to the public. The two boys knew that this process was supposed to make the viewers reconsider their preferences and make their judgment more difficult. But with them, it didn't work!
    After long minutes, Syzia and Albert arrived at the big field where they would compete. They were given five minutes, after which the other challengers came to replace them for their own fight. At the end of the show, the votes would be revealed to everyone, as well as the decisions of the jury.
      - He's pretty good-looking for his age, Albert," says Malden. Well dressed, little jacket and shiny shoes, the little groomed haircut and all. The well-trimmed beard and the winner's smile.  -
    He is a nogdarr at the same time, they are always stylish! And Syzia is a class act too !
    It was a young anekionne dressed with an armor of Almandol and Helyor, where were engraved runes in hathôm language. The alloys with which she was covered shone with a red and orange glow. Her face was thin, her skin black, and her eyes a piercing yellow. There was nothing but cold determination, and nothing else.
      - Her chelicerae give me the creeps. Look, it looks like she cut them to kill the people she kisses. I can imagine her leaning over to kiss Albert and then bang: she pierces his cheek.
      - You're disgusting, man! You know that with our animal barriers, these things can't happen.
      - Yeah, but imagine: there, she puts him on the ground, he has no more Anima, and she comes to kiss him.
      While they were talking, the fight began. Without a word, Syzia rushed towards Albert while executing a series of signs with her fingers. When everyone expected her to deliver the kick she had enchanted with pink flames, a wall of pale green light blocked her path. Albert was standing in front of her, unperturbed, still smiling. He began to sing a short sentence with his tenor voice. Small emerald sparks began to converge in the sky. Sizya looked around, worried.
      - What a handsome kid Albert is! Malden exclaimed again. He masters, you see, he doesn't even have to move!
      - It's true, he's super stylish.
    As the lightning was about to strike Sizya, the young anekonia jumped at the last moment to avoid the blast. Several times, she tried to come back to the charge but Albert's protection was very strong. However, everyone could see that as time went by, her shine was fading. Soon, she would have broken this damn protection and could reach the old man!
      - She's going to make it," said Kieran. Everyone knows her, she won't let go.
    Rather than strike again, Sizya took some distance. Closing her eyes, she crossed her legs and sat on the floor, then began to levitate. The audience began to raise their voices. Kieran's eyes widened.
      - No? Is she really going to do that now?
      - It's a very good idea. If she invokes an afterglow, things could be totally different for Albert.
    Lest she cause too much damage, Albert readjusted his defenses by erecting variable shapes around him. Diamonds of emerald light, spheres, circles and a whole bunch of random creations weaving together and resulting in a magical and brilliant tapestry. The whole thing was nimbed with sparks and shimmering of all greens, which greatly impressed the spectators.
      - She better do something worthwhile," Malden commented. People want to be wowed, and Albert understood that. Look what he did.
      - Hell, yeah! He's really good, I'm starting to think he has a chance.
      - He's always had a chance!
    The art of the Heroines was to invoke afterglow from other times or dimensions, where various deities were believed to exist. The Heroines manage to channel the essence of the faith of these individuals across space and time, and invoke the crystallization of what they believe in. Thus, behind Sizya, the silhouette of a huge colossus was outlined by dots of pink Menha. A man of thick musculature, with a full beard and long hair flowing down behind his bare back. His face seemed marked by an unspeakable fatigue. He carried a forge hammer in his right hand and an anvil in his left.
      - I think I know this invocation," said Malden.
      - Which one is it?
      - Hephaestus. Renyu told me about it once, they had come across images and treatises from the Heroines' classes while researching the dragons of the Mystician. The downside is that it's not Hanoma! It's classy, but not as bold as Albert's creations.
      Hephaestus' remanence, once fully drawn, put his foot heavily on the ground. As he did so, a powerful, fiery shockwave crossed the battlefield. When it met the shapes created by Albert, more than half of them went up in smoke. Hephaestus raised his hammer and threw it straight at Albert. Opening his arms wide, he let out a mighty howl, ready to act again. Kieran and Malden looked at each other in amazement.
I'm not sure if summonses normally do that," Kieran remarked. Are you sure she's not doing a Hanoma?
      - I don't know, but it's really shocking. It could be.the remaining time, Albert and Sizya continued to battle, bringing to life phenomena as surprising as each other. The summoned Hephaestus remained on the field until the announcer announced the end of the battle. It was rare for the audience to make so much noise in the stands. The two challengers shook hands before leaving. Regardless of the outcome of the votes, they seemed to be mutually satisfied with the experience, and to have impressed each other so much. Kieran and Malden spent the rest of the evening watching the other matches, which were all equally interesting. 
      When the show was over, they decided to go to sleep, but it was impossible for them not to discuss everything they had seen. They spent most of the night talking about these incredible shows, and then they went into their most incredible daydreams. Every time they found themselves in complete darkness, they had this urge to remake the world.
      - So you want to be an Aphorist now?
      - I don't know. Now that I've seen all the fights I still want to do something else, I can't decide.
      - It was atmology, that doesn't prevent you from being an Aphorist on the side. It's a martial art. -
    And you, are you still in the idea of being an Inleier?
      - Yeah, I think it's going to stay. I like the idea of using my emotions to do something with them. I know that at the Inleier house, I'll get what I need. - Doesn't it scare you to know that you have to dip into your animal reserves to fight?
      - No, since I want to do lightning atmology as part of the healing. If I have a problem, I can fix it.
      - Or Sylvania can heal you! Kieran exclaimed in a burst of laughter.
    Malden laughed in his turn with an embarrassed air before kicking him.
      - You're an idiot! Anyway, she has a much better future ahead of her.
- Aren't you supposed to meet tomorrow?
      - Yes, she's got a few things to teach me on the piano. And then apparently she composed another song. Maybe she can join the band with Teano and us. It would be great if she could come with us, but she's still got some crazy restrictions with her mom...
    - You'd be happy if she was there, right, Kieran said.
      - Yeah, I'd be happy if she joined us.
      For the past few weeks, Kieran had suspected that Malden had feelings for their friend. Although he denied it, the young man was still very attracted to Sylvania, but the nature of this attraction was still very unclear to him. Only one thing was clear: something in Sylvania reminded him a little Mélva, his twin sister. He missed her a lot. Because of Kieran's teasing and this unsettled feeling, Malden fell asleep dreaming about them.
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