#in the ending credits she is dressed like a rose bride when in the arms of dios
the-best-bagel · 1 year
back on my utena bullshit and getting annoyed by ppl reducing her to just a herbo jock like. please remove your horny hat for a sec and think more about the themes of the show outside of lesbianism
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j-graysonlibrary · 8 months
The Xiang Chronicles: Book Two Chapter 30
Title: The Xiang Chronicles: Book Two
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 98k
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, drama, LGBT+
Available on: my website
Synopsis: With another Xiang in the mix, for the first time in history, Pangu decides to reevaluate his methods and his place in the world. Along with taking his little sister Heidi as his last disciple, he also chooses to take the more political path in his efforts to end the discord throughout the land—particularly within Terra. (And gaining favor from the handsome Lord of Ultimos does not hurt.)
Heidi butts heads with everyone in the group, save Raine, and tensions are higher than ever. There are failed love confessions, in-group fighting, and demons from Kira’s past but that all comes to a head when they meet a servant of Shakti who is more than what she seems.
Could it be that the Mistresses of Shadow are more nuanced than previously believed? Or that the strict dichotomy between light and dark are, perhaps, a touch exaggerated? That and more begin to plague Pangu’s mind and his faith wavers…
Full chapter 30 under the cut
Chapter XXX:
The worship hall was filled with bodies, more than the building had probably ever seen. Even though other weddings had been held in the very same room, Pangu doubted it had ever been this full. Witnesses sat, shoulder to shoulder, each wearing almost matching, eager grins.
He could not linger on any one person and, instead, glanced to his right side at the majestic statue there. Already, Pangu stood upon a platform, lifting him higher than the crowd but the statue of Tiandi rose higher still, cementing in the status difference between them. An arch swooped over his head and was decorated with bright, vibrant vines and inset with jewels.
Everything was white or gold with some pale yellow to blend the two. Pangu feared he actually camouflaged into the background too well and only his makeup, bright red eye liner and lipstick, could distinguish him from the decorations all around him.
When the bells began to chime, Pangu’s heart started to beat even louder, pounding into his eardrums. The witnesses all stood, clapping and cheering as if they were watching the most important event of their lives.
And, to their credit, it was an unprecedented display. 
From one of the side halls, behind the seats of the witnesses, came the bride’s entourage. Pangu had been left alone on his platform as the disciples had run back to join Merra and, now, they were escorting her to him. Gongji and Kubja each had one of her arms looped with theirs and, in front of them, Bofu and Ashoka threw white petals into the air to line the Xiang’s path.
Once they were at the platform, they split off and Pangu was able to, finally, get a good look at Merra. If he had been dressed as the King of the world, she was the Queen of the cosmos. Pangu did not think it possible but he felt plain in her presence.
Her dress, white as snow with thick, gold trimming, was clearly cut and sewn just for her. Gems lined her belt and her fingers were crowded with rings, each probably symbolizing something different. The train of her dress must have been half the length of the room and most of it stayed in the aisle even when she was up on the platform with Pangu.
The headdress expertly weaved into her hair was a head taller than she was and the golden rods fanned out, away from her head, creating a halo like sunrays. Similar to Pangu’s head piece, there were many hanging chains and jewels but, of course, Merra’s was far more endowed.
Her makeup, as well, was more dramatic and it gave her the appearance of a goddess, come to the mortal realm to bless the humans.
She took a deep breath and caught Pangu’s gaze before smiling wide. Her eyes were less enthused than she let on and, within them, Pangu found a warning.
Smile, they told him, smile as if this is the happiest day of your life.
Pangu’s stomach twisted but he did as he was silently asked. He pulled his lips back and smiled as he looked at her and he hoped it was convincing enough.
It seemed as though the streets were empty and everyone was at the temple. That worked out well for the escapees, for the time being but, ultimately, their goal was the temple itself.
Still, they kept low as they ran through the streets and alleyways leading to their destination. Occasionally, a rogue civilian or even a patrolling soldier came into view but one of them would take care of it and they would move on as a group.
The closer they got, the louder the bells rang and the more voices could be heard cheering. The disciples, Viren, and Oli exchanged glances once they hit a crossroads.
“We will need a quick escape,” Baiya stated what was on everyone’s mind.
“I can try to make a miasma portal,” Kira suggested though he did not sound sure of himself which made everyone else’s faith waver as well.
“It is a bit dangerous to just try,” Raine replied with a frown. He tried to focus on the present situation but he could not get the image of Kira kissing the guard out of his mind.
Luckily, Baiya took over his thought for him. “You have only done it once, on accident, and none of us went through it. I think we should try a more tried and true approach.”
“Horses?” Heidi offered with a shrug.
“There are some large carriages,” Viren spoke up and pointed west, “A few should be in a stable further in town. We should all be able to fit into one but it will be cramped.”
“That works,” Kira said and nodded, “You and Oli can fetch one and meet us outside of the temple.”
Heidi stepped to Viren’s side. “I will go with them to protect them.” She glanced between the other three disciples and swallowed. “You guys get my brother.”
They nodded, refocused and reinvigorated. There could be no mistakes—their lives and Pangu’s freedom was on the line.
“This world is on a tipping point, between a glorious reverence for Tiandi and a descent into faithlessness,” Merra spoke as she held onto Pangu’s hands. Although she was, technically, addressing the crowd, she was staring at him as she said, “One simple selfish act is all it takes to push the scale into the wrong direction.”
Of course, Pangu said nothing. He was not to speak until he swore himself to her. All of the fluff around the ceremony and the set up for the vows were all to be spoken by Merra herself.
One of the disciples surely could have done it but the new Xiang insisted.
“We stand here today as a reminder of all that is good and just in this great world,” she smiled as she continued, “Our very existence—two Xiangs at the same junction in history—was previously unheard of but Tiandi answered the call and need of His people. And now, in this room, with Him as our witness, we give to the world what they need just as He does. What the people need is hope and joy and what is more hopeful, more joyous, than the beginning of a lifelong commitment in marriage?
Men and women come together in this sacred bond to pledge themselves not just to each other but to Tiandi as His creations. We honor Him with our bonds and revere Him with our adherence to His laws. As Xiangs, we normally would be forbidden from wedding but this ceremony is not out of a selfish need for personal love. This binding is to shout to the world—We are Xiang! We are joined! We are stronger than ever before!”
Pangu did not blink but his hands gave him away. His fingers twitched and Merra gripped him harder, as if to hold him in place.
She slowly shook her head as she said, “Shakti may try but she will fail to break us. Our union, blessed by Tiandi, is stronger than any darkness in the cosmos. So, let us now pledge ourselves to one another, with His divine approval, and shine our light unto the world.”
That was his cue. Pangu gulped and steeled himself as much as he could. “Merra, the Xiang gifted to me by Tiandi…I will follow your lead.”
Merra nodded with her lips upturned. “Very well. Do you swear to take me as your bride? To care for me as a husband would for his wife? To protect our love of both each other and Tiandi, until your dying breath?”
Pangu opened his mouth but shut it again, earning a nasty glare. He tried again and only managed to make a croaked sound come out of his throat before the doors to the temple were thrown open.
Both he and Merra snapped their heads to the side while the crowd stared and whispered—a mixture of shock and confusion. And, while Pangu was shocked, he was not at all confused.
“Stop the wedding!” Kira shouted as he, Raine, and Baiya ran down the aisle.
Baiya stretched his hand out. “Pangu!”
He lurched toward him but Merra’s arm held him in place. Her disciples hurried forward, all ready to fight but she did not command them. She kept her arm out but walked to the edge of the platform to look down at the trio.
“You will not ruin this glorious ceremony…” her words were spoken slowly and quietly, keeping the witnesses from hearing.
“Too late,” Kira replied with a smirk.
“Then you leave me no choice.” Merra backed away and the air beside her shimmered. Pangu immediately tensed, recalling the last time he saw such a phenomenon. His disciples had all been drugged when it happened so they witnessed the summoning of the dragon for the first time.
Raine’s brow rose—he had always wanted to see a dragon but now it seemed far less exciting. His heart beat wildly and he planted his feet firmly on the ground.
“You will really attack us? With all of these people in the room?” Kira raised a solid point and even stepped backward, putting more of the guests in the crossfire. “They could be hurt…this is not very Xiang-like if you ask me.”
Merra snarled but did, in fact, dismiss the dragon. Her disciples, however, were not ready to stand down. Ashoka sparked a fire in her hand and the rest took a fighting stance.
Kira let out a breathy laugh before using his trump card.
The corners of the hall were the first to go dark but, soon, the entire room was under nightfall, or so it looked. Black mist lipped up around Kira’s feet and slowly began to whip up around his sides. His skin paled as the miasma poured out of him, threatening to engulf them all.
“Stay back,” he barked, “Or I will unleash every bit of miasma I have in me.”
The fire died in the disciples and they all looked to Merra for guidance. She clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fists. Meanwhile, the crowd screamed and attempted to flee, running for the door only to find it blocked by thick, black tendrils that none of them were willing to touch. Most ended up cowering under their seats, getting as low to the ground as possible.
Pangu frowned and took opportunity in the chaos to climb up on the arch over the statue of Tiandi’s head. It gave him the highest vantage point and the best place to project his voice out into the room.
“Calm down!” he yelled, “Kira will not hurt you!”
There was still crying and murmuring but it died down some. A few faces, pale with fear, looked up at him.
Once he was sure he had their attention, he continued, “This marriage is a sham! I was forced into appearing before you today by Xiang Merra! She threatened me with the lives of my disciples and I had no choice! She is not the great unifier she pretends to be—you know this is true—she led the takeover of the city!”
Her eyes blazed with hate as she glared up at him. Yet she and her disciples were helpless to stop him since Kira’s miasma was inches from latching onto them. If they made even a small movement, he would surely end them.
Pangu took a deep breath. Really, he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs but he kept a calmer tone as he explained, “I am deemed to be against Tiandi because I wish for peace; because I want to see the people of this world live and be happy. Truth be told, some of the rules of Tiandi…I believe they are designed to suppress man—to keep him submissive and blind! If I…” his voice faltered and he had to clear his throat to try again, “If I am to be completely honest with you all, if I was able to, I would not be marrying Merra on this day. I would be marrying a person of my choice…a man…who holds my heart.”
His gaze shifted down, toward Baiya.
It was a short look but he hoped he understood what he meant. He concluded, “Love is not a sin and neither is peace.”
The crowd gave no reaction, not even a whisper was shared between witnesses. Pangu worried his words were lost on them but he would not take back what he said. Even if they fell on deaf ears, he needed to announce them. He needed the world to know.
With a leap into the air, the crowd finally responded with a collective gasp. Pangu slowed his descent some, with the wind, but he fell into Raine’s open arms. As soon as he settled in his hold, Raine and Baiya turned to leave and Kira sucked back all of the miasma, clearing their path to the exit.
Baiya threw back one fireball toward Merra, for good measure, as they escaped from the temple. The adrenaline was still pumping but excitement started to take precedence.
Pangu grinned as he looked between them. “I cannot believe you crashed the wedding!”
Kira shot him a grin. “I have always wanted to do that!”
“Great speech, by the way,” Raine added as he smiled down at him and gave him a squeeze.
He could not help but chuckle. “Thanks.”
“The carriage should be ahead,” Baiya stated, leading the group. He kept checking backward, making sure they were not being followed while also looking ahead to search for Viren.
Down the next street, a carriage drawn by two horses came nearly crashing to a stop. Viren and Oli held the reins and sat atop the cart. The door on the side was flung open to reveal Heidi.
“Hurry!” she shouted and waved them all inside.
Baiya slid in beside her and Raine brought Pangu in, followed by Kira. There was only space for four people, facing each other, so Pangu rested on Raine’s lap as Viren and Oli whipped the reins and bolted down the road.
“Where are we going?” Pangu asked, attempting to get comfortable. Raine’s armor was not the most pleasant thing to sit on so Kira pulled him over to sit with him instead.
His Terran disciple also answered him as he secured his arms around his waist. “Just running until we are sure we have not been followed. Then we’ll discuss plans.”
Even just leaving the city was a relief despite the stress of the bumpy and erratic ride. Viren and Oli both shouted, urging the horses to run with everything they had. Heidi and Baiya peered through the curtain at the back of the carriage to scout for any pursuing soldiers but, so far, they saw none.
The carriage slowed down a little but kept at a brisk pace. Heidi turned around and sighed, finally relaxing and really looking at her brother.
She snorted out a laugh. “You look ridiculous.”
Pangu laughed as well. “What, you do not like it?”
“Terrible situation aside, I think it suits you,” Kira argued and gave him a light squeeze.
“You smell interesting,” Raine commented as he helped Pangu stretch his legs across, onto his lap.
“Oh, it is these,” Pangu responded and pulled out one of the bags of herbs, tossing it to the carriage floor. “I am full of them.”
He fished out a few more as he got more comfortable—or as comfortable as he could get—and he finally looked across from him, at Baiya. He met his eyes but could hardly hold his gaze for longer than a second.
“You do look nice,” Baiya said, quietly.
Pangu knew his face flushed but he was happy.
0 notes
casuallivi · 2 years
The Things You Like, The Ones You Don’t
Set: post ACOSF, during Nessian’s Wedding. 
Words: 2305
Sneak a peak
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Part 1: The Things You Like
The wedding ceremony was intimate per Nesta’s request.
Her family, her Valkyrie friends, some of Cassian’s closest friends, the inner circle, Varian. And that’s about it.
The reception was a different story.
The first time she saw the ballroom in the river house, Elain thought Rhys had gone mad. There was no occasion to require such large space, no party that could possible receive so many guests. Elain was wrong. The place was crowed, barely any space left with all the guests and servants circulating. Apparently, the whole Velaris decided to pay respect and wish good fortune to their favorite cheerful General and his not so jolly bride.
Rhys promised Nesta the greatest party of the century, and Elain did not doubt he was holding up his end of the bargain.
The ballroom had been decorated with shades of silver and red. Big chandeliers with diamonds cascading down. Lavish centerpieces filled with red roses sitting on top of dozens of tables, a mix of round and square ones. All scattered around the perimeter creating an inviting dance floor in the center. On the back, a temporary platform was built, big enough to fit a full-scale orchestra.
Nesta cried when she first saw them.
It was his especial gift for her. A hundred musicians, dressed in elegant black, that played everything. From intricated waltz to bawdy ballads, from drinking songs to romantic hymn, making the dance floor permanently occupied, like a happy void trapping drunk dancer. Not even Elain could escape from it.
The second Mor spotted her chatting with Mr. Thomas, she cried her name with joy, smacking Elain on both cheeks and smearing her with dark lipstick. Mor had forgone her usual red for an off-shoulder blue dress, the bodice peppered with small sapphires, the sheer fabric hugging her body like a second skin, her golden hair styled with two braids morphing in a low ponytail.
“All my partners had two left feet. Come dance with me.”
She glanced the dancers diving in groups of six as a new song began to play.
“I don’t know this one.” Elain admitted sipping her wine.
“I can teach you!
She slipped her arm under Elain's and hauled her forward.
They joined in the second chorus, the melody cheerful and rhythmic. The dance consisting in a pattern of handclaps, twirls and steps strong enough to shake the wooden floor. Mor helped her to find the right pace before spinning her to the male beside her. She changed partners four times and returned Mor, who dipped her in a cheesy maneuver. Elain laughed so hard her ribs hurt.
Once on the dance floor it was hard to leave. Not only Mor was feeling extra energetic, but dance requests never stop coming. Every time she tried to take a break, another fae appeared from thin air. She danced with all the males and females she recognized, mostly neighborhood friends, politely declining some eager young males.
By the time she succeed in returning to the safety of her table, Elain's legs felt like jelly. She massaged her aching calves searching for Nesta on the crowd. She would dance one more time with her sister and be done for the night. Elain located the happy couple on the other side of the parlor. Dozens of guests surrounding them.
She munched on a juicy lamb dish, watching the exchanges, Cassian grinning and howling, Nesta joined in conversation from time to time. To her sister credit, she didn’t roll her eyes once, well, except at Cassian. She even smiled here and there receiving hugs from elderly that showered Cassian with love. But even Nesta’s good sense appeared to have a limit. After an hour of cozy greetings, she spotted Elain. Nesta waved at her frenetically, her eyes glowing with a new hope as mouthed; “Save me.”
Oblivious to his wife’s wishes to run away, Cassian turned around, grabbing a passing Azriel by the sleeve, dragging him to his side, before returning to chat with a male she didn’t know. Azriel was deadly handsome in a tux.
Elain spied him in a trance.
He wore a white boutonniere on his navy jacket. The buttons undone to reveal a grey waistcoat and white shirt, the attire completed by a merlot tie and merlot pocket square. Your lips taste like merlot too? She mused with interest. Probably not. So far, he had drunk bourbon, cognac, whiskey, more bourbon. All neat. No wine.
His aloof mask did little to hide mood. He had that I-am-bored-to-death look on. She would have laugh if he didn't look so sexy with his hair swept back. Azriel cracked his neck, his patience worning out. Whoever that male was, he was clearly absurd, because Azriel forehead creased, his mouth curled in distaste, shadows fidgeting from his torso to his wings. His eyes darted around, calculating the right time to slip into the night.
The most boring man alive slapped Cassian’s shoulder, and Azriel almost scoffed. Almost. This time she did laugh. The whole thing was just too funny to hold back. Cassian in his own world while his wife and brother died on the inside. She was impressed they lasted so long. Her laugh was cut short when churning hazel eyes found their way to her.
The rest of the room blurred.
There was only him
His steady heartbeat.
His unwavering attention.
And that look.
She stopped breathing because she knew that look too. The same one that made her think he wanted to kiss her on solstice. His gaze so intense, the hairs in her arms stood up. Teeth sinking into her lip. Azriel scanned her unhurried, quietly drowning the rest of the amber liquid in his glass. Eyes lingering on her exposed collarbone. Her neck. Her lips.
She saw the image clear as day. His precise fingers unlacing the straps in her shoulder, his tongue tracing the path beneath, wet lip closing over her heated skin, rough finger pads sliding against her jaw, releasing her trapped lip, his teeth replacing hers.
Elain crossed her legs. Her throat dry. She couldn't remember the last time he looked at her like that. Completely unabashed. Her Azriel did it all the time, shameless. Teasing her to acknowledge it, daring her to say something about it. The new Azriel didn’t share his passions. He had only one agenda when it came to Elain, and that was Avoiding her.
Her heart galloped.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
This was not the new, distant, Azriel. No. This was his old self slipping to the surface. Shattering the cold façade he had put on for months. He placed the empty glass in a passing servant' tray, running his thumb across his lips. Inviting. A shiver ran down her spine.
Elain tried to remember that he rejected her, that he wanted nothing to do with her. She really did. But that was a hard thing to do with him burning a hole in her face. His desire bleeding all over her. Had he changed his mind? Was she pathetic for hoping the answer was “yes”? A movement caught her attention.
Elain peeked down, watching the table-cloth shadow move. The skittish thing snaking over her heel, unnoticeable on the black sandal. Sliding under the straps, caressing the arch of her foot, curling around her ankle amorously. Tugging. Calling.
Come with me.
Her skin prickled.  
She fidgeted.
Maybe she should go. Maybe she should go over there and help her poor sister. Not because Azriel was there. Because Nesta needed her. Yes. She would go there and help Nesta. After that she might linger around. In case someone else wanted to escape with her. Someone who was beguiling her for several minutes now. Begging her to come closer.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Elain smoothed the fabric of her dress, fixing some loose curls back in place.
His eyes following her every move.
Encouraging her.
His mouth shaped into the tinniest smile of world.
Her insides quivered with expectation.
She pushed her chair back. Soundless. Confidence.
The world unblurred.
Everything came rushing back.
Hundreds of people buzzing, thousands of sounds returning in a crushing wave. Voices, laughter, cheers, music, choices. So many people. So many fates. Live and death and rebirth. Lovers, enemies, warriors, cowards. Overwhelming. The tides tried to pulled her in. Images flashing like a thunderstorm, too fast to follow. 
She gripped her chair. The skittish anklet a comfortable anchor to the present. Breath. Oh, this is a strong one. Elain breathed in and out, shutting the sounds, blinking the unwanted visions away, naming the things around, tying herself in the present.
Not a beach. Not a prison. Not a battlefield. Simple Nesta’s wedding. Breath, breath, breath. Think of the ballroom. And Az. The hard chair. And Az. The crystal chandeliers. And Az. The red roses and silver table cloth. And Az. Az is here. It’s fine. I’m fine.
Elain looked at her brother-in-law, having forgot he was there. Sitting beside her. Honestly, she had forgot he existed all together, forgot where she was. Ease prey to her power. Her mistake. The visions weren’t so unruled as long as she anchored herself in the present, as long as she let them pass by without dwelling. If her mind dispersed for too long, others fates flooded her endlessly.
Rhys intrusive insistent inner voice had startled her, almost tossing her in a loop. Almost.
‘Can you watch Nyx for a minute? I want to dance your sister.’
‘Actually, I was going–’
‘I’ll be quick! One dance and I come back for him. This song is her favorite.’
Rhys pleaded, cradling a fully awake Nyx with one arm, his free hand holding Feyre’s feet on his lap. She looked back at Nesta. Her sister now alone with her husband. No guests. No Azriel. Her cue, gone. She offered Rhys a yellow smile.
‘Take as long as you need.’
Elain bent, Nyx squealing, more than happy to jump into his aunt’s open arms. Beside him, Feyre eyed the interaction with suspicion.
“Where are you going?”
He placed the flats back on her feet, setting them on the floor.
“We are going to dance,” he corrected.
Rhys throw his jacket on the back of the chair, rolling his sleeves, her sister practically drooling in her sit. Elain covered Nyx eyes. Disgusting. He bowed dramatically, waiting for Feyre to accept his hand.
Elain smiled. Feyre rolled her eyes. Nyx sucked his finger watching his dad.
“I’m tired Rhys. I’ll end up stepping on your feet.”
“Then it will not be different from all of our previous dances, will it Feyre darling.” He said with a smug.
Feyre punched his gut, cursing as he lifted her from the chair, caring her away. Elain waited for him to set her down. He didn’t. Rhys danced with Feyre in his arms, not caring for decorum or etiquette, their foreheads resting together, equal smiles plastered on their faces. She swallowed her jealousy, turning to her nephew.
“This close, Nyx,” she joined her index and thumb, “this close”
“Just you and me now,” she cooed, “I would ask you for a dance but I need to get out for a bit. Care to join me in a stroll, my little lord?
Elain secured the baby in her arms, sneaking between the mass of bodies to the safety of the empty hallway leading to the west wing. The one with big glass windows pointing to the backyard. The voices died down, replaced by the gentle sound of nature, her mind calming. She hugged Nyx tighter, admiring the starlight sky, searching for the moon.
“It’s a new moon night, Nyx. Intended for reflection and new beginnings. This is the perfect time to plant good seed for the future, a good omen for aunt Nest and her married life, but” she smiled down at Nyx, “I think Nesta would rather shove the seed down Cassian’s throat than plant them.”
Nyx giggled, flapping his arms with gusto as Elain kept talking. She talked about nothing in particular, her soothing tone being interrupted by his blabbers and hair tugs from time to time, his only form of participating in conversation.
“…ten months. I was shocked too. Mother only carried me for seven…Ouch, don’t put your hand in my mouth. I do know so, aunt Nesta told me…Yes, it is why aunt Nesta worries for me so much. You are so clever, that’s why you are my favorite nephew…What? You’re the only one? Hmmm, knowing you parents I don’t think that will stand true for much longer.”
Elain’s poor ears were testimony for their attempt to bridge the only child gap. Although, she doubted that a child was the only intuit of their favorite recreational activity. Her cheeks heated. She had chosen the farther room possible, in the opposite wing of the master’s, and some days the distance still wasn’t enough. Are married couples all like this? She missed the quietude of the town house. Lately she thought about the same thing over and over. Moving out. Nyx was bigger now, almost 8 full months, and Feyre was nursed back to health for good, no more sudden weaknesses and bedridden days.
Nyx whimpered grabbing her face, little mouth quaking, a cry ready to burst.
“No, no, no. Don’t cry my handsome boy.” She kissed his head, “I’ll come visit.”
She lifted her head and her body froze. Nyx fist curling around her hair, tugging hard. Elain didn’t move. Taking in his wrinkled cloths, red hair spilled over his shoulder, hands in his pockets, his attention on his muddied boot tapping on the marble floor. The last person she expected to see in a party for Nesta.
Her stare lured him to turn around, his shoulders tensing.
Lucien’s eyes widened at the sight of her.
Rated: 🐥blocking
your girl love to chat, so you can beam me up anytime😺😸👻👻
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msjokesgf · 2 years
Love Match-Part 10 (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)
Summary: You were hopelessly single. Between working full time and caring for your aging parents, romance was never much of a priority. That is, until your mother suggests seeing a nakodo, a traditional Japanese matchmaker. Curious, you agree, and are matched with none other than Shoto Todoroki, the famous Pro Hero. At first, you think it's a joke, but as you grow closer, you begin to wonder if a marriage between two strangers could really work.
Were you making a mistake? Or had you found your perfect match?
Word Count: 4,000
Ao3 Link | Masterlist
The days passed quickly and soon it was summer. Everything seemed to be falling perfectly into place. Only a few details remained, namely your dress and any alterations you would want done. You’d shopped around at several dress shops but nothing had caught your eye. Until Rei suggested going to some high end bridal boutique downtown. It was the kind of place where they served fancy snacks and champagne while you tried on dresses with price tags that looked like phone numbers. Your mother almost fainted when she saw one by accident but Rei just smiled and flashed Enji’s credit card.
From inside the dressing room, you could hear your mother and Fuyumi intently discussing a character from their favorite soap opera while the attendant finished buttoning up one of the many dresses selected. There was a tightness in your chest as you listened to them laugh and when the attendant instructed you to face the mirror, all you could manage was a small, sad smile. This should’ve been your fairy tale moment, but all you felt was emptiness. The dress fit perfectly and you could tell by the glint in her eyes, the attendant thought so too.
She clasped her hands together. “Ah, it’s beautiful! Surely, this is the one. You look like the perfect bride.”
Yes, but you didn’t feel like one.
You managed a quiet “thank you” and tried to force a bigger smile onto your face before you stepped out of the fitting room.
Fuyumi saw you first. Her jaw practically dropped and her gray eyes lit up the same way the attendant’s had.
“Oh, wow!” she exclaimed. “You look amazing. I think this one is my favorite. Don’t you agree, mom?”
Rei nodded. “I do. And I bet it’ll look even better on your wedding day.”
She smiled at you and all you could think about was how much she looked like Shoto. The knot in the pit of your stomach seemed to tighten. Everything reminded you of him lately. He’d been the only thing on your mind, for all the wrong reasons. Just thinking about him made tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You were barely able to keep it together until your mother rose from her chair and approached you.
“I can’t believe this is really happening,” she said, her voice cracking. “My beautiful daughter is getting married to such a fine, handsome young man. A Hero, no less! Shoto will be the perfect husband, I’m sure of it.” She took your hands in hers. “And when you marry him, you will become part of such a big, supportive family. I know you’ll be taken care of well after your father and I are gone. This is all I ever wanted for you. We’re so proud.”
By now, the tears were freely streaming down your face and your dam broke. You started sobbing. Kaasan hugged you tightly while Rei and Fuyumi looked on. They didn’t know these weren’t tears of joy. You let her hold you for a few more moments, taking in the warmth and comfort of her arms. When she stepped back, your mother smiled and quietly wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“I’ll take it,” you said, looking back at the attendant. “I’ll take the dress.”
“Wonderful! Let me help you undo–”
“No, wait, I-I need a few minutes alone,” you sniffled, already heading back into the fitting room.
“Oh, of course. Take as much time as you need.”
As soon as the door clicked shut, you crumpled to the floor, the fabric of the skirt pooling out around you. You slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs as they racked your body. What were you going to do? You couldn’t back out now, no matter how much you wanted to. Not after all the time and money spent arranging this whole extravagant affair. The invitations had already been sent out and most of the people coming were extremely important or highly influential. Anybody knew calling off a wedding at this point was social suicide, especially to someone like Shoto. Not only would it mean losing him, it also meant losing his family and the relationships you built with them. Rei, Fuyumi, even Enji, they’d never speak to you again.
And your parents. They would be devastated.
You lifted your head and saw your reflection in the full length mirror. Puffy eyes, red, tear stained cheeks, and a thousand yard stare you swore could see into the future. Is this how you would spend most nights, crying alone on the floor of your bathroom because Shoto hadn’t come home or you’d gotten into another pointless fight? After a time, would the home you’d come to share become more like a prison? A gilded cage you couldn’t leave because, deep down, some part of you truly cared about him and believed you could be happy together if he just tried …
You sniffed pitifully and took a few deep breaths to collect yourself, rubbing at your eyes with the back of your hand. No, you were spiraling again. If you didn’t focus on something else, your mind would conjure all sorts of worse case scenarios for you to fret about, on top of everything else. Still, these fears were not entirely unfounded. Shoto had always been cool and practical, very in control of himself and his emotions. However, it seemed like he grew more distant as the date of your wedding approached. Most of your texts went unanswered, you rarely saw him, and when you did, the conversations were stilted and awkward. You tried to talk about it, but he always brushed you off, giving some excuse about being busy with work. Instead of getting closer, he pushed you away.
It all took a toll on your self-confidence, slowly eroding it as you began to doubt the marriage entirely. But the final straw had been a particularly nasty fight at your apartment. Just thinking about it brought fresh tears to your eyes. The day had started off well, with the two of you going to some house showings. You didn’t get your hopes up, even when you found one you loved, because you knew Shoto would find something wrong with it. However, he was strangely quiet as you toured the house, making no comments or observations like he had before. You’d been so enthralled you didn’t catch him staring at you with a pleased expression until the end, when the realtor asked for your opinion.
“I love it! Definitely my favorite so far,” you replied. Then, shyly, you looked up at Shoto. “What do you think?”
You braced yourself for some scathing comment about the roof or something else completely inconsequential. Instead, Shoto took your hand and gazed at you fondly.
“I think we’ll take it,” he replied. “I can see it makes you happy and since you’ll be spending so much time here, I want you to be comfortable. It fits most of my criteria and I suppose renovations can be made if need be.”
Your eyes lit up and you squeezed his hand. “Oh, Shoto! That’s so thoughtful of you.”
He turned to the realtor. “I’ll take it at the asking price. How soon can we settle?”
“W-well, Todoroki-san, surely you must consult a bank or financial consultant–”
“No, that won’t be necessary,” he coolly replied, and you had to resist the urge to kiss him right then and there.
You walked hand in hand with Shoto back to your apartment, absolutely giddy with excitement. At the time, he seemed happy too, so when you entered your apartment and realized your parents were out for the night, you thought maybe the two of you could cuddle on the couch for a bit. The bedroom incident had been pushed completely out of your mind and undeterred, you sat on the couch and smiled at him.
“Shoto, come sit with me,” you said, patting the cushion next to you.
He blinked. “Okay.”
Shoto settled beside you and, without prompting, put his arm around you. It made you feel warm inside. Emboldened, you kissed him, and when you pulled back your faces remained close. You caressed his face, your fingers lingering on his scar.
That had been your first mistake.
Shoto tensed and suddenly pulled away. “Do you think it’s ugly?” he asked, not meeting your eyes.
The question had caught you off guard. “Of course not,” you answered quietly, brushing strands of red hair away from his face to see it better. “I don’t think anything about you is ugly.”
Another mistake. His face flickered through a myriad of emotions as he processed what you just told him. You remembered the wild beating of your heart. Even at the time, something about his reaction seemed wrong.  
“That’s a stupid thing to say,” he told you. “You don’t know all the ugly parts of me.”
“Because you won’t tell me anything,” you shot back bitterly, clenching your fists. No more vague answers. You were going to get to the bottom of all this. “So, let’s start with your scar. What’s the big secret about it, huh? What happened?”
He didn’t even bother to look at you. “Why do you need to know?”
“Because I’m marrying you,” you replied firmly, “and I know it’s not some simple accident because you would’ve told me by now if it were. But you don’t tell me anything and I’m not even allowed to ask.” Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you continued. “Nothing about your past, nothing about your family, I’ve never even met your friends. I’m not stupid! I can see there’s things you don’t want me to know. Why?”
“Because the past shouldn’t matter,” he snapped, turning to face you. “All that should matter is our future together. What’s the point in talking about the past? You can’t change it. Talking about this scar isn’t going to take it away or any of the pain that goes with it. So why bother?”
Surprised by his confession, you reached out for him. “Shoto, that’s why I’m asking. If you’re in pain, I want to help. Please, let me in.”
He stood up abruptly. “What could you do? You wouldn’t understand. You wouldn’t understand any of it. You’re an only child who’s spent your whole life being fawned over and doted on. Not everyone has parents like that. When my father wasn’t at work, he was a nightmare to be around, and my mother was absent from my life for ten years.”
“What? Why?”
“Because my parents were…separated and my dad held all the power. He kept me away, not just from her but my siblings too. For so long, I had no control of my own life. Everything was decided for me. But now, this is my chance to be free of it all. When I marry you and move out, it’ll finally be clear to everyone I’m my own person and my decisions are my own,” he ranted.
You just sat there, staring at him with wide eyes and trying to process everything he was saying. “Shoto, I-I didn’t know.”
“That’s right, you don’t know. So stop asking and stay out of it. We have an arrangement, you’re getting everything you want. So why don’t you give me what I want? Space.”
With that said, he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him. You flinched at the memory. He was so mad he froze your doorknob and you had to use your Quirk to thaw it out. You hadn’t heard from him since and if you weren’t his fiancee, you would’ve taken that outburst as a break up.
A part of you wished he had broken up with you.
There was a knock at the door and the attendant called your name. “Are you ready?”
You rose and put on a brave face. It was all you could do now. Grin and bear it, live with the consequences of your decision to marry a man you’d known for less than a year. At least you could make everyone else happy, even if you weren’t.
After the fitting, you and your mother went back to the Todoroki estate with Rei and Fuyumi to celebrate and talk about potential floral arrangements. Rei loved flowers and offered to show you her wedding album for inspiration. The four of you were sitting in the garden, soaking up the sunlight and enjoying the summer weather when all of a sudden, a winged shadow descended on you. The air swirled around and next thing you knew, there was a man standing in front of you, his large, red wings spread out behind him.
“Keigo!” Fuyumi cried, throwing her arms around him. “You’re here!”
“Hey, babe,” he casually greeted before planting a kiss on her lips. “How’s my favorite girl?”
She beamed at him. “Even better now you’re here. We all got back from wedding dress shopping,” she said, separating from his embrace.
“Wedding dress shopping, huh? Is there something I need to know?” he teased.
“If only,” muttered Rei, “but all in good time, right Keigo?”
Keigo sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. “C’mon, I’m basically family already.”
Then, he turned to you. “So, this is the blushing bride, right? Shoto’s fiancée? Yeah, Fuyumi’s told me all about you. Can’t wait for the big party. Got my invitation pinned right on the fridge. I’m Keigo, by the way, Fuyumi’s–” He paused for a moment. “Partner? Boyfriend? Eh, we don’t really label it.”
Your mother was absolutely dazzled by him. “Oh, so handsome! He is worth the wait, I’m sure.”
Keigo flashed her a smile. “You know it.”
“What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming,” Fuyumi asked.
“I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m helping out one of the local agencies on a case and figured I’d drop by on my break. Can’t stay long though,” he replied.
Rei rose from her seat. “Well, let me get you something before you fly off again, Keigo. I think I still have some of those iced coffee cans you like in the fridge.”
His face lit up. “Ah, that’d be great. Thanks!”
She started for the house before stopping and calling back over her shoulder. “I’ll grab some ice water for the rest of us. It’s hot out today.”
You sat quietly as your mother interrogated Fuyumi and Keigo about the future of their relationship when it occurred to you that Rei might need help so you got up to go inside when you heard her voice.
“Shoto? What are you doing, skulking around out here? Come say hi to your fiancée and her mother.”
Your heartbeat quickened. Shoto was here? You thought he’d be working today. After everything that happened, you doubted you could face him in front of everyone like this without breaking down. What were you supposed to do? Make an excuse to leave? You just got here and there was still business to discuss for your wedding. Maybe he wouldn’t come out at all. Even he had to know how out of line he’d been.
Shoto mumbled something incoherent before Rei continued. “You can shower and change after you greet our guests. Keigo is here too. It’s the least you can do after being so rude the last time. Honestly, not showing her to the door or getting her a snack. If I raised you, that behavior would be unthinkable. Now, go out there and take these with you.”
A few seconds later, the panel slid open and Rei stepped out, followed by Shoto holding a few drinks. You locked eyes immediately and swallowed. Certainly, you weren’t expecting to see him in such a state. Judging by his sweaty and disheveled appearance, he must’ve just finished an intense workout. His gray tank top clung to his impressively toned physique, showing off the well-defined muscles of his arms and chest. You’d never seen this much of Shoto before and there was a lot to admire. For a moment, you could only stare until you were brought back to Earth by the sound of Keigo’s voice.
“Hey, there’s the groom now. I was just talking to your lady, Shoto. You excited for the wedding?” he asked with a wink.
“Yes, I am,” Shoto answered, stoic as ever. He handed your mother one of the drinks. “But it feels so soon. Will everything get done in time?”
“Oh, Shoto-kun, don’t worry about that,” kaasan reassured him. “Everything is going according to plan. Rei and I are making sure this wedding is perfect. After all, I only get to celebrate my daughter getting married once in this life.”  
A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. “Thank you, I’m glad to hear that.”
He turned and offered you a drink as well. For appearances sake, you smiled and took it.
“Hi, Shoto,” you said softly, looking down at the ice in your water. “How have you been?”
“Aren’t you always?”
You hadn’t realized how dry your throat was until you gulped down most of the icy water at once.
“Shoto, wait ‘til you see her dress. It’s gorgeous,” Fuyumi interjected.
“I’m sure it is.” He faced you. “Will you tell me about it?”
Shoto nodded towards the house and it clicked. Oh, he wanted to make nice now. That’s why he was lurking near the door. He must’ve heard you and figured this was his chance to apologize. You were tempted to decline, but the pleading look in his mismatched eyes made you think twice. Regardless of what happened, you were still getting married in September and he was still going to be your husband. It would be easier if you made up now before the wedding so you could start things off on the right foot. No point holding a grudge.
“Okay,” you sighed, setting down your empty glass.
He surprised you by taking your hand. “Excuse us, we need to have a talk in private.”
As Shoto led you towards the house, Keigo called out after you. “Alright, lovebirds, have a nice ‘talk.’”
You could practically hear the air quotes around that last word. Fuyumi chided him while you stared down at the ground, trying not to blush at his insinuation. That was probably the furthest thing from your mind right now, even if he did look like some kind of fitness model. Besides, the last time you thought Shoto was dragging you along to make out, you ended up reading manga in silence on his futon.
When you were inside and a fair distance away from prying ears, Shoto dropped your hand and bowed low, immediately launching into an apology.
“I’m so sorry. The way I spoke to you was completely inappropriate and I’m deeply ashamed of my behavior the other night. It was wrong of me to lash out at you like that. I don’t know why I did it. Something just came over me. I didn’t mean those things I said. Can you forgive me?”
“Shoto,” you started, taking his face in your hands, “yes, I forgive you, but you need to understand what you said hurt me very deeply. I won’t push about the past if it makes you that upset. But I do wish you’d be more open with me, especially about the things that hurt you. I want to know you. We’re getting married soon and you still feel like a stranger to me. I know our relationship isn’t the most conventional and that’s fine since it works for us. But I want to be closer to you and it feels like you aren’t even trying.”
He straightened and gazed at you softly. “I want to try. But I don’t know how.”
And that melted your heart. You pulled him into a hug. “Oh, Shoto, that’s okay. I don’t really know either. This is new for both of us. We just have to learn together.”
It took him a moment but then his strong arms wrapped around you and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You were suddenly very aware of how close you were and what he was wearing. This was the closest you’d ever been to him. You couldn’t help yourself. Your hand stroked his bicep, feeling the corded muscle underneath.
He pulled back a bit. “Sorry, I know I’m sweaty and very underdressed. I was doing a workout in the training room when I heard you guys come in.”
Your hand trailed down his arm. “Oh, I don’t mind.” You unconsciously bit your lip. “I don’t mind at all.”
He tensed beneath your touch. “Y-yeah?” he whispered and backed you against the wall.
You squeezed his arm. With these muscles, he could hold you effortlessly. His hands came to rest on your waist, fingers digging into your soft skin and the fabric of your light sundress. He swallowed and stared down at his hands caressing your waist, almost in disbelief. The faintest blush appeared on his cheeks as he let out a shaky breath. Your other hand came up and touched his firm chest, tracing along his collarbones and the tops of his pecs.      
“How could I ever think you were ugly?” you breathed.
Shoto pressed even closer. “Maybe if you knew all the ugly things I think about you,” he replied, licking his parted lips.
Before you could respond, he was on you, pressing fervent kisses to your lips. It took you a second to overcome your shock, but when you did, your eyes fluttered shut and you melted into his touch. He was so warm, almost hot, but that didn’t stop you from moving closer to him. You couldn’t get close enough. Every inch of his body was perfection. He was perfection. This man was going to be your husband? How had you gotten so lucky? Your lips moved against his with such ease, completely disregarding his surprisingly inexperienced technique.
Your tongue brushed against his mouth tentatively, to try and gauge his reception. He faltered for just a moment and then practically devoured you, catching you completely off guard. The wall pressed harder into your back as you let him take control, exploring every part of you. Was this just a preview of what your wedding night would be like? You fisted his top, wishing you could just rip it off. It already left so little to the imagination. Couldn’t you get married any sooner? Your heart beat wildly in your chest as your leg slotted in between his, earning you a low groan from the back of his throat.
“Shoto? Keigo is leaving, come say–oh!”
Your blood ran cold. You both stopped and turned to see Rei standing there, looking very shocked at the scene before her. While you were rooted to the spot, Shoto practically jumped off you, scrambling to try and put himself back in order.
“Um, mom, we were just, uh, she was–” he stammered, wiping the excess spit from his mouth.
Meanwhile, you tried to make yourself as small as possible, folding your arms over your chest and pressing closer to the wall. You wished you could disappear. Your future mother-in-law, one of the sweetest women on Earth, just caught you making out with her son in the middle of her house, like two horny teenagers. Not only that, but your own mother was outside and this gathering was in your honor.
Instead of saying anything, Rei simply smiled and hurried away, back in the direction she came from. You sighed and looked at Shoto.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get carried away like that,” you said sheepishly.
He didn’t reply, just turned away from you with an unreadable expression. You went to reach for him but he started to walk away. Everything about his posture screamed “don’t speak to me” and that cold, empty feeling returned. Only one single word came to mind.
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thewritewolf · 3 years
Night to Remember
Summary: Adrien wakes up to three videos from his soon-to-be wife, one for each day she'd been gone for her bachelorette party.
Hello and welcome! It’s been a hot second since I updated this series last, but I got here eventually! This time we’ve got a one shot on our hands and like usual, this story stands on its own pretty well. I’ll link to the other stories in case this one catches your attention
Part 1: Five Times (and the Lucky One)
Part 2: Just Between Us
Part 3: Eating Habits
Part 4: Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal
Read on Ao3
The soft rays of morning landed gently on Adrien’s face, the warm glow slowly rousing him from sleep. He rolled over, putting an arm over the opposite side of the bed to pull Marinette closer to him. 
When his hand simply hit empty blankets and pillow, his face scrunched up in irritation. He propped himself up on his elbows and squinted, eyes yet to adjust to the light of dawn, at the space beside him. Just as he feared, it was empty.
Sluggishly, the gears in his head began to turn. Why wasn’t she here? Did she go to make breakfast? No, she’d never get up early by herself. 
Was there an akuma? A cold spear of panic went through his heart before he remembered that Hawkmoth - his father - was in prison. It had been years since they’d had an akuma attack, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still sometimes wake up in a cold sweat. 
Now that he was wide awake, Adrien started to remember. He and Marinette were getting married. It wouldn’t be too much longer before the big day finally came, which meant that he’d finally talked her into having her bachelorette party. Her plans were a quiet weekend out in Bordeaux. Just her, a few friends, and some wine in a rural village. He rolled out of bed and started to get dressed.
That had been a theme in most of the wedding planning - Adrien wanting to give her the world, and Marinette going instead for simple elegance. Well, she’d talked him down in most other parts of this wedding, but if there was one part before the honeymoon he intended to spoil her, then the bachelorette party was it. 
Adrien grinned as he remembered slipping Alya his credit card with only one instruction - go all out. How she would pull it off would be a mystery, but if her grin was anything to go by, then Adrien knew he had nothing to worry about.
As he brushed his teeth, he pulled out his phone to check his email. There at the very top of the inbox were three messages, two from his bride to be and one from Alya. Marinette’s were dated Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, with Alya’s from early this morning. He’d already seen the first two, but decided to watch them again to get the whole experience.
After finishing up in the bathroom, he started the first video.
The video started, although Adrien only knew this because Marinette’s voice came through clear. The screen itself was completely black. 
“Hey, sweetie! We just dropped our luggage off at the hotel and we’re heading to the winery right now!”
“Um, Marinette?” It took Adrien a moment to place Alix’s voice. He’d only seen her a couple times in the past year. “Your thumb is on the camera.”
“Wha- Oh!” The screen lit up, showing Marinette’s radiant smile and slightly flushed cheeks. Her hair had been tied back in a ponytail, with a pair of big, fashionable sunglasses resting just above her face. “Sorry about that, Adrien!” 
Some giggling drew both his and Marinette’s attention to the others in the car. The camera shakily panned over to them. 
“Say hi, girls!”
Alix, caught with one arm wrapped around the head rest, finger gunned at him. “Hi girls.”
“Hello Adrien!” Rose frantically waved and beamed at the camera. “I can’t wait to see you two walk down the aisle! Its going to be so romantic!” She wiggled in place, too full of excitement to stay still.
Finally the camera landed on Alya, who was driving.
“Hey, centerfold. Don’t worry, I’m taking care of M.” She glanced at the camera and winked. “We’ll have to talk to you later since we’re about there.”
The scene shook again as Marinette fumbled the camera. She managed to catch it and soon enough the camera was back on her face again.
“It’s been less than a day, but I’m missing you already!” The screen was engulfed by her lips when she gave it a quick kiss. “Bye!”
Adrien smiled to himself and kissed the now black screen. 
Friday night must have gone as Marinette had planned then, but from the looks of it, Alya definitely hadn’t forgotten his request. She was more devious than the rest of them, if only because she was much more patient. First she would lull Marinette into a false sense of security… and only then would she spring the trap. 
Fully dressed and ready to meet the day, Adrien stretched out on the couch and opened the second video. This one was dated Sunday afternoon, the second day of their party. He sipped his coffee and pressed play. 
“Heyyy, sweetheart,” Marinette began, the words just barely slurred. A faint, constant blush tinted her cheek a pleasant rosy color. It was a little hard to hear her over the song playing on the radio and, more importantly, Alix and Rose loudly singing off key to it behind Marinette. 
Marinette either didn’t notice or was ignoring them, smiling into the camera all the while. “We just left the… winery. They had some great stuff there!” The view turned dark when she held something up a little too close to the camera. “I got a couple bottles to take home too!”
Someone said something, Adrien couldn’t hear what, and Marinette’s head whipped over to the side as she listened carefully. She nodded to herself before turning her attention back to the camera. 
“Alya says hi! Oh, and we’re going a little off the schedule here… We heard about a town nearby. They’ve got a few bars and one has a live band! This is basically just a girls’ night out, so it won’t be too wild… Right?”
The last question was directed more toward the other occupants of the car than Adrien himself. As far as he could tell, she didn’t get an answer. 
Marinette flashed him a sheepish smile and a slight shrug. “Well, anyway. I’ll send you another video when we get back to the hotel. Bye!”
Which just left the final video. The only one that he hadn’t watched through already. He’d been a little worried when Marinette hadn’t sent her video when she said she would, but he had bitten back that fear as best he could. After all, she always struggled with deadlines and who knew what they ended up doing that night.
Even so it was weird that Alya was the one to end it. What had kept Marinette from sending the video?
Only one way to find out - Adrien opened the message and played the recording.
A wall of noise slammed into Adrien, which stunned him for a second before he could figure out what was going on. There was the babble of a drunk crowd that formed the undercurrent for the rock band playing on stage. 
Adrien only had a second to wonder who was recording when he heard Alya’s voice close to the microphone.
“Watch this, blondie.”
It was at that moment that he found her - even between the low light and the jostle of the crowd, he could spot her anywhere. Then again, it wouldn’t be too hard to spot anyone if they were climbing up onto the stage with the band. Adrien watching with shock as she stepped up to the empty mic stand, swayed ever so slightly, and leaned in close. 
“I’m getting MARRIED!”
The crowd went wild, applause and shouting drowning out the music for a moment. 
“To the best man, the greatest partner in the whole world!”
Another round of cheers, combined with some ‘aw’s thrown in. 
One of the band members stepped up and gently took the mic from her. Thankfully, he seemed more amused than angry - Adrien could just barely make out an amused smirk from his perspective. 
“Then this one’s for you-”
“Marinette!” Alya shouted.
“-Marinette, and to your lucky man. Hit it, boys!”
Adrien wasn’t sure what the difference was between this song and the last, especially since he couldn’t hear it too well thanks to Alya being in the middle of a wild crowd, but Marinette definitely seemed to like it since she started dancing on the stage. 
The scene went black for a second before turning back on to Alya’s grinning face. She gave him a thumbs up. 
“Mission accomplished, centerfold!” She leaned in conspiratorially. “Better be careful when M gets home, though!”
She winked and the video ended. 
In the silence, the sound of the door opening immediately caught his attention. Before he could get up off the couch, Marinette stepped into the room. She glared daggers at him, but he relaxed when he saw the corners of her mouth twitch, as if she was fighting down a smile. 
“So,” he said. “How was your quiet weekend out?”
Marinette sat down on him hard enough to knock some of the wind out of him. She crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Did you know that Alya was the one who hired that band, or were you just bankrolling it?”
“Whaaat? I would never-” He put his hand on his chest in mock outrage. “I mean, what about the budget?!”
“You’re an awful liar, chaton. Three margaritas in and she spilled the beans. I may have been drunk too, but I don’t forget easily.” She tapped her chin and looked up at the ceiling in thought. “Hm... where will I have to pull the money from to balance it out… Maybe the cake?”
“Hey now, our guests have to have cake!”
“You’re right.” She crossed her arms. “The flowers then.”
“You booked Francois a month ago, my love. No way you’re going to be getting the deposit back on that one.”
“Good point.” Her eyes widened and she clapped her hands together. “Oh, I know! I haven’t gone lingerie shopping for the honeymoon yet!”
“...Wait, let’s not be hasty.”
“Well, it can’t be helped.” She sighed melodramatically and pulled out her phone. “I was going to go to this really upscale shop and spend quite a bit but since we blew so much of the budget, I'll just call Alya and cancel but- hey!"
Adrien had snatched her phone and turtled up as best he could. As they wrestled for it, they devolved into a mess of giggles. Somehow, they ended up on the floor, Adrien propped up on his elbows above her.
Marinette crossed her arms, her hair a halo behind her head. She shrugged and rolled her eyes with a smirk.
“I suppose I can let you spoil me just this once.” She tapped his nose. “But don’t get used to it.”
“We’ll see about that,” he replied with a kiss on her forehead. 
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anyways I was absolutely obligated by law to make a sequel to this at some point! I was wondering what kind of ballgown fem!Jack would wear to a fancy party or some other special event, and then this happened. Rapunzel wears lavendar/lilac when she dresses up nicely, of course!
“Come on, Jaina! You can come out now.”
“No!” An annoyed voice drifted out from behind the floral-painted changing board. “I just look so...so glitzy. I can’t deal with this.”
Rapunzel sighed deeply, leaning against the wall and running her fingers through the lavender chiffron of her skirt. “This whole thing was your idea. Don’t back out on me now.”
Jaina must have thought Rapunzel was blind if she didn’t think Rapunzel noticed the way the white-haired girl had always paused at the door to the closet, staring longingly at Rapunzel’s collection of dresses. They weren’t anything particularly special--mostly just casual wear, with a few nicer gowns that she had gotten as past birthday gifts. Nonetheless, Jaina looked at the bright, rippling waves of pink, green, purple, and blue like they were an especially tantalizing chocolate cake.
Rapunzel supposed it made sense that Jaina was drawn to them, since her normal look was not exactly the most colorful. Every time Rapunzel saw her, she had on the same plain brown dress, wrapped around the middle and the bottom of the skirt with dark red bands. She had a cape that she wore with it--one that she never failed to wave wildly about when she was being excessively dramatic, but was nonetheless equally brown. The most color she ever added to it was a dark blue sweatshirt she wore over her dress from time to time, although even that was fairly modest.
Still, it had come as a surprise when they’d been lying on Rapunzel’s bed, deciding on a lunch recipe, and Jaina had made her suggestion apropros to nothing.
“We should play dress-up with your nice clothes sometime. You know, just for the hell of it. It’s not like you’ll actually be needing any of that stuff for castle balls, so we might as well.”
And here Jaina was now, inexplicably nervous about Rapunzel seeing her in the fancy outfit she had requested to wear.
“Come on, Jai,” Rapunzel said, her voice softening. “I’m sure you look wonderful.”
“No, I’m--it’s weird! I don’t know!” Jaina’s voice cracked slightly, showing the first trace of fear. “I’m not supposed to look glamorous. I’m a little shit.”
Rapunzel shook her head. “You are not a little shit. No matter how much you try to be.”
“Hey! Take that back!”
Rapunzel giggled. “Well, the Jaina Frost I know would never be so much of a coward that she can’t handle her best friend seeing her in a different outfit.”
“Okay, okay! I’m coming out.”
As soon as Jaina stepped into the light, Rapunzel had to remember how to breathe.
Her skirt, billowing around her like the stream of a fountain, was a deep blue--like the very last glimmer of twilight before giving way to inky black. Silver-white glitter was dusted across the dark folds, glinting like stars. It trailed up to wrap the bodice completely, making Jaina look like she’d been dipped in moonlight.
Her hair was no surprise--Rapunzel had helped her to do it earlier. Rapunzel had weaved the braid crown now trailing over the tops of Jaina’s ears, and curled it into a rippling bun hanging from the back of her head. The braids were secured in place by a delicate line of silvery ice leaves--a little adornment Jaina had added for flare.
Nevertheless, seeing it together with the dress...
Jaina was gleaming, brighter than any of the lanterns Rapunzel had ever seen on her birthday. Brighter than the moon itself.
For a long moment, Rapunzel couldn’t speak.
“Do I look that stupid?” Rapunzel snapped out of her stupor at the sound of Jaina’s mumble. Her friend was looking anywhere but at her, cheeks slowly deepening to a bright pink.
“No, no!” Rapunzel shook her head rapidly, lifting her hands to try and reassure her friend. “You look--I just--I wasn’t ready for it. You look really beautiful, Jaina.”
“You think so?” Jaina’s voice slipped into uncharacteristic timidness--a timidness Rapunzel hasn’t heard since she kissed Jaina for the first time.
They had exchanged a few kisses since. They'd both been certain they liked it, and they hadn’t seen any reason not to try again. Every time, Rapunzel’s stomach felt like it was zipping around at great speeds, and she often wondered if she’d find herself floating up into the air like Jaina could.
Still, they had never talked about what it actually meant. Jaina had never brought up the topic, and Rapunzel had never asked.
She supposed some part of her was terrified to find out. Some part of her was terrified delving too deep into this would drive a stake into the only (human) friendship she’d ever had.
Rapunzel’s smile widened. “I know so.”
“It’s just...” Jaina bit her lip. “When I rose out of the ice, I wasn’t wearing--well, I wasn’t wearing anything like this. I don’t really know who I was before I was Jaina Frost--or if I was ever even technically human--but if I was, I sure as hell don’t think I was one of the fancy, well-off ones. I guess it just feels...wrong to wear stuff like this. Like I don’t belong in it.”
“I can’t see how,” Rapunzel argued. “You pull it off spectacularly. If anyone was made for that dress, it’s you.”
“I don’t know.” Jaina’s eyes darted around uncertainly. “It just feels like I don’t deserve to wear something this nice. Like I’m breaking some unspoken elegant clothing rule.”
“Well, you’ve never been above a little mischief.” Rapunzel smirked. “Seems like that would be right up your alley.”
“Yeah. Actually.” Jaina broke into a smirk of her own. “Maybe you’re right.”
She whooped and spun around, skirt fanning out like waves of night sky. Rapunzel felt her chest start to rise up like a drifting bubble.
Jaina really was far cuter than she had any right to be, and it frustrated Rapunzel to no end. It set all manner of emotions loose in her, many of them unbearably confusing.
“Yeah!” Jaina crowed, pumping her fist in the air. “The world is not ready for how fancy I am!”
Rapunzel couldn’t help but laugh. “No, no they aren’t!”
“For the record, though...” Jaina turned back to her, smile growing a little more shy. “I still think you look better.”
Rapunzel’s hand strayed to her hair, sprigs of wildflowers Jaina had picked sticking out of the loose braid. “Thank you. Although credit where credit is due--the flowers were your idea.”
Jaina giggled. Evening sunlight streamed in through the open window, washing the little circular room in extravagant gold. Lit from the back, Jaina’s hair glowed softly, making her look like some kind of ethereal princess.
Struck with a sudden idea, Rapunzel smiled and strode forward, extending a hand.
“Excuse me, beautiful lady. May I have this dance?”
Jaina spluttered, suddenly unable to form a complete sentence. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink to rival some of Rapunzel’s best dresses. “Huh, wh--wha--”
“Wait, wait! I know how to make it even better!”
Without waiting for Jaina to collect herself, Rapunzel rushed over to her dresser. She grabbed the enormous flower vase in the center (Mother had picked her an especially extravagant collection and brought them as a gift the other day) and quickly sifted through it, grabbing out several and gathering them into a bunch.
She sauntered over to Jaina, holding out the bundle. Petals drifted to the floor behind her, snowy white and deep blue rimmed with cyan.
“For you, fair maiden.”
Jaina blinked. “You matched my dress,” she said stupidly. “And my hair.”
Rapunzel smiled. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to match mine. Mother didn’t bring me as many daffodils as she usually does.”
Jaina stared at the flowers, expression unreadable. Something inside Rapunzel wilted.
“Do you--do you not want them? I mean, you don’t have to--”
Without warning, Jaina snatched the bouquet away, glowering at her. Apparently, she had been very concerned Rapunzel was about to change her mind.
Jaina leaned down, slowly inhaling and taking a long whiff of the faint floral scent. Suddenly she flung her arms into the air, sending the flowers careening up the the ceiling and floating down in a lazy, drifting rain.
Rapunzel glanced up at the scattering bouquet, and then back at Jaina. “What--”
“I was just setting the mood.” Jaina smirked. “Of course I’ll dance with you, idiot.”
Beaming, Rapunzel held out a hand again. Jaina slid her own on top of it, and they sauntered to the top of the stairwell with petals fluttering down all around them.
As they reached the small landing, Rapunzel felt her eyes dart to Jaina’s. Her friend’s eyes had slipped shut, lips curled up in a soft, tranquil smile.
Another idea seizing her, Rapunzel let her hand drift off of Jaina’s. She reached down, slipping one hand onto Jaina’s thigh and the other onto her lower back and scooping her up like a bride.
“Wh--RAE!” Jaina spluttered, legs dangling helplessly over Rapunzel’s arm and cheeks turning redder than some of Mother’s best gowns. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sweeping you off your feet!” Rapunzel beamed proudly. “You know, like the knights do in the stories?”
“Put me down!” Jaina huffed. “I’m not a damsel in distress!”
“Very well, if you don’t want to get a free ride down the stairs.”
As Rapunzel started to lower Jaina to the ground, she felt a hand swat her stomach.
“No, don’t actually! I’m just not used to being pampered. I usually have to take care of myself.”
Rapunzel looked down at the girl resting in her arms, and her heart suddenly broke.
Maybe this was the first time someone had been this soft with Jaina in over a century. Or three.
“I could take card of you, you know,” Rapunzel said softly. “If you let me.”
In response, Jaina rested her head against Rapunzel’s side and laid a timid hand on Rapunzel’s chest. “How are you even able to do this, anyways?” she grumbled.
Rapunzel giggled. “Pulling your mother up the side of an 80-foot tower every day for over 10 years doesn’t exactly leave you with weak arms.”
Jaina smiled weakly up at her. “Good point.”
“Can I--can I carry you down the stairwell?” It was almost embarrassing, how much eagerness Rapunzel felt creeping into her voice. “Like I see the princes do with the princesses in the pictures in my books?”
“Ew!” Jaina snorted. “Like I’d want some snobby king-to-be anywhere near me.”
“I know, but I don’t think you have to be a prince to do it,” Rapunzel retorted, voice rising into a slight whine. “Come on! They always look so happy in the pictures. I thought maybe we could be happy like that, too.”
Jaina pressed the back of a hand to her forehead and let out a dramatic sigh. “Very well. If you must.”
Jaina Frost wasn’t heavy--she was as light as winter wind, even with Rapunzel having to balance her way down the stairs. From the way she was nestled into Rapunzel’s chest when they reached the bottom, the blonde concluded that Jaina couldn’t have minded too much to be carried like a delicate princess--even if Jaina’s cheeks were now more scarlet-tinted than Rapunzel had ever seen them.
“Now, I know it’s tempting, but don’t fall asleep here,” Rapunzel teased. “We still need to dance.”
Jaina grinned. “Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for anything. As much as I am enjoying these big, strong arms of yours.”
“Don’t worry, you haven’t seen the last of them.”
“Wait, hold on, Rae. Let me add a finishing touch.”
Jaina lifted a hand and a blue-white beam shot out, zipping toward the tower roof. It hit the ceiling with a small crack, and a gleaming white chandelier sprung from the boards. Rapunzel watched in wonder as thin rings of ice grew down in concentric circles, rimmed in dangling white bulbs and curved icicles.
“Wow,” she breathed. “It’s…it’s beautiful.”
Jaina beamed proudly. “No castle ball’s complete without an over-the-top ceiling light, right? Now we’re ready to go.”
Rapunzel started to lower her arms, and Jaina leaped out of them like a spring hare. Her dress swirled around her as she turned to face Rapunzel, this time being the one to extend her hand.
“May I have this dance, Princess Rapunzel?”
Rapunzel laughed, and took Jaina Frost’s hand. “You flatter me too much. But yes.”
They took the floor, and they moved like liquid. Jaina took the lead, surprisingly confident for someone who had been blushing up a storm mere minutes ago. For anyone watching, it would have been impossible to tell that for countless decades, Jaina’s only dance partner had undoubtedly been herself. She spun and twirled and twisted and leaped, and at first Rapunzel felt herself breathing hard as she tried to keep up. At one point, Jaina even grabbed a rose from a vase on the windowsill, frosting it over before tossing it up to hold in her teeth. (Rapunzel seriously doubted the move was meant for anything other than showing off, but she didn’t mind.) It didn’t last long--during one particularly long twirl a few minutes later, Jaina snatched the rose from her mouth and flung it out the window in only the most overdramatic sweep of her arm.
It didn’t take long for Rapunzel to get the hang of the movements, though. In barely any time she was spinning around as fast as Jaina, weaving about the room with similar grace. They joined hands and let go again, pulling together and apart only in rhythm to a soft tune Rapunzel hummed. From time to time, Jaina stopped to twirl Rapunzel under her arm. Rapunzel, in a few moments of daring, dipped Jaina steeply toward the ground before pulling her up again at the last second.
For a long while, the dance was bouncy and energetic, rippling across the floor lit by nothing but the gleam of dying sunlight off of Jaina’s chandelier and the soft glow of summer fireflies drifting through the window. It could only be so long before the girls’ feet grew tired, though, and the tempo slowed down until they were just holding each other and gradually swaying from side to side.
There was moonlight in Jaina’s smile, and her eyes were softer than Rapunzel had ever seen them. When she spoke, Rapunzel was entirely unprepared for it.
“I’m in love with you.”
Rapunzel didn’t stop dancing. She couldn’t, too caught up in the rhythm of their movements. Still, she was sure her eyes flew open wide enough to rival those of her bulging-eyed chameleon companion.
It was a strange thing to suddenly (and dramatically) declare. Rapunzel wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“Well, of course we love each other,” Rapunzel said. “We’re friends.”
“No, I mean...” Jaina sighed. “I’m in love with you like the fairy tales. Like the princes who carry the princesses down the stairs. Like the big, elaborate royal weddings with 16-layer cakes. I’m in love with you like...I’d marry you, if I could. If you wanted to.”
The words enveloped Rapunzel like a snowstorm.
She was silent for several moments, trying to sort out her racing thoughts. Jaina loved her. Jaina loved her.
So that’s what all the kisses meant.
“Mother says girls don’t marry girls,” was all Rapunzel managed to get out. “I asked her about it when I was 10.”
“I know they don’t.” Jaina’s voice hardened. “I don’t care.”
“But will it--” Rapunzel’s voice broke, sudden anxiety gripping her. “Will things have to change? Will we not be able to be friends like we used to be?”
Jaina smiled, seeming to relax a little. “Nothing’s going to change, except that I’m giving you the opportunity to kiss me more frequently, if you’re interested. And we don’t have to be weird about it when we do.”
Rapunzel looked over Jaina. The snowy hair. The crystalline dress. The sparkling, mischievous eyes. The skip in her step and the lightness of her laugh. The energy that followed her when she zipped around Rapunzel’s room and painted tapestries of snowflakes in her wake. The way she stumbled through Rapunzel’s bedroom window with her arms overloaded with books, all on Rapunzel’s favorite topics. The way she’d practically shout “You’ll never be bored again!” while chucking the entire pile at Rapunzel.
The way she made Rapunzel feel like she had everything she could possibly want without even setting one foot out of her tower.
Rapunzel smiled, because now that she thought of it, there was no other possible way she could have imagined this going. It was clear as the stars on Jaina’s skirt, and everything clicked into place at once.
“I’m in love with you too,” she murmured.
Rapunzel pulled Jaina in, and kissed her slowly in the blinking shimmer of fireflies.
They sat on the windowsill well into the night--legs brushing, hands interlaced, Rapunzel’s head coming to rest on Jaina’s shoulder. The fireflies, still flitting about the summer evening, were backlit only by the faint light of a rising moon. Rapunzel gazed off into the dark treetops, sighing.
“They’re so beautiful,” she murmured. “I wish I could see them closer up. The fireflies, the trees, the lanterns...everything.”
“You know I’d take you if you wanted,” Jaina reminded her. “I’m always up for a little jaunt. And honestly, the whole world’s out there waiting for you. Seems like kind of a waste to hide from it in here, especially when I’m sure you’d love it.”
“I know. But Mother--”
“--doesn’t have to know,” Jaina finished. “Didn’t she go to some neighboring kingdom for that one special kind of perfume, anyways? You told me she won’t be back for a couple days.”
“Right. But...” Rapunzel bit her lip. “It’s dangerous outside.”
“Anyone gives you trouble, I can just fly us away. Remember?”
Jaina pulled away, leaving Rapunzel looking after her with a pout. She stood up, delicately stepping off of the windowsill and into the open air. Smirking, she turned and offered Rapunzel a hand.
“Ruffians and thus are very unlikely to have means of following us into the sky, you know. Care for an adventure?”
Rapunzel looked away. “I don’t know. I love so many things here. I mean, this is my home, I can’t just--”
Jaina snorted. “Come on, you don’t seriously think we can roam around in these fancy clothes forever, do you? We’re going to have to come back at some point to change. I’m not kidnapping you.”
Rapunzel stood up, eyeing Jaina’s outstretched fingers. “I guess not.”
She had to admit, she was tempted.
“Home will still be there when you want to come back to it,” Jaina said. “But there’s a whole world out there to see, too. And I want to show you everything.”
Rapunzel smiled, and finally took Jaina’s hand. “You have me back by noon tomorrow, or I’m never letting you wear my dresses again.”
They were lost to the night, and the tower was left empty.
Since Jack/Jaina was clearly on the poorer side as a human, I HC Jaina (and by extension Jack too lol) as being a bit (initially) uncomfortable with putting on formalwear, if only because her subconscious is kinda going “Is this allowed??? IS THIS ALLOWED???”
It was actually kinda hard thinking of a fancy dress with icy/winterey vibes that hasn’t already been claimed by Elsa’s outfit lineup D: GOD DAMN IT ELSA YOU DON’T GET A COPYRIGHT ON ICE DRESSES
Rapunzel and any iteration of Jack Frost bonding over how much they love to dance is just something that can be so personal ;____; I mean, Jack spent the intro to his movie spinning and leaping all over the place, and Rapunzel started a huge-ass dance in a town square, so like...am I wrong??? THESE FUCKERS LIKE DANCING
I feel like since Rapunzel grew up so sheltered, she’d be pretty naive when it came to differentiating between different types of love. Like someone tells her they love her romantically and she’s like “well of course we love each other!! We’re friends!!!” and...it takes a bit for her to realize that romantic love is a whole different Vibe sometimes XD The fact that girls romantically loving other girls is most likely not commonplace in 18wheneverthefuckTangledtakesplace definitely doES NOT HELP lol
Pic credits available upon request!
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Slit Reflection
This is my entry for @jtargaryen18​​’s Haunted House 2020 Challenge. Mine was Sam Wilson. Credit for dividers goes to @firefly-graphics​. Check them out!
Summary: You’ve always loved Halloween, especially the haunted house at the edge of the woods. So happens when the ‘Star Spangled Trio’ enters the mix?
Pairing: Demon King!Sam Wilson x  Black!Reader (Fem)
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 3,054
Warning: Kidnapping, Forced Marriage, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Stalking, Breeding Kink, Mentions of Torture, and Non-Con/Dub-Con Smut. You have been warned.
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You’ve always loved Halloween. It was your birthday and the haunted house at the edge of the woods gave the best spooks and thrills. It was your first Halloween after undergrad and this year was different.
The Star Spangled Trio were celebrity guests and they were bringing two of the old rooms back!
It took you six days to get a ticket. You tried getting one online, every shop in town, but got nothing.
Finally, a new face at the library took pity on you and gave you the last ticket along with a book on demon folklore. You thanked the new librarian and rushed out of the building. Had you looked back you would’ve noticed a smirk on their face and their sclera and pupils turning black and gold respectively.
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Halloween—the day of your birth—was here, and it was shit. Your toothbrush broke, your car refused to start, the job that you desperately wanted was dashed by yet another rejection email, and both your student loan and rent checks bounced. You just need to get through today.
You missed the cutoff, but got in because the person working the line was a family friend. Anxiously, you wait in line wondering how the haunted house in your small ass town managed to nab the Star Spangled Trio when you noticed the excited expressions of the people leaving. Now you’re super anxious.
By the time you entered the haunted house, you’re doing the breathing exercises to calm yourself. This was it! You were finally going to meet your all time heroes (and possible spank bank entries)!
The first few rooms were your typical haunted house fare which you loved, but were secondary to your excitement in seeing your heroes. Maybe you could get an autograph and hug from them!
You were about to follow the person in front of you into the haunted house’s hospital room when you noticed a light flickering to your left. It revealed a door done in the Neo-classical design with some Latin text engraved in the middle (had you studied Latin , you would’ve known that the text read “Reveal yourself, my beloved”).
Opening the door, you saw that it lead to the Hall of Mirrors. This part of the haunted house was always a favorite of yours, but both the itinerary and the ticket worker said that it was closed this year. The hall itself was chillingly quite and pristine as if no one else had stepped foot inside this season.
All of the mirrors looked standard for the haunted house; some of them made you laugh or briefly catch your breath. The one at the end of the hall caught you off-guard. It was at least 12ft (about 3.66m) high with intricate carvings of characters out of dark folklore and a single diagonal slit.
You were about to turn away when you saw nothing thinking it was a small haunted house joke at your expense when the mirror flashed.
In your place was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, but it still looked like you..sort of. Your hair was long, luxurious and gently flowing. Your eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails were immaculate. Your nose was adorably broad and your lips were sensually full (the type of full women would shell hundred’s if not thousands of dollars for). You wore a diadem with thick gold chains ladened with diamonds, onyx, and rubies and around your neck was a ruby and onyx amulet. You were dressed in a loose, yet sleeveless form-fitting Vivaldi red gown with hints of fiery red and a thin rosewood colored shoulder veil connected to the dress by a ruby broach in the middle of your cleavage.
You looked about four or five inches taller and the mirror version of you made you feel nervous about your curves being out on display.
Curious, you reached out to touch the mirror. Your hand was less than a centimeter away when your mirrored self opened it eyes. Suddenly, it grew curved horns and its eyes glowed pale gold.
The mirrored version of you grabbed your outstretched arm and dragged you through the mirror all while you screamed hoping someone would come to your rescue, but to no avail.
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Samael, or ‘Sam’ was notified of your departure and the trio had to excuse themselves from the festivities to congratulate Sam on finding his bride.
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You woke up with a start and shout clawing the air but stopped once you realized that you weren’t falling anymore. Instead, you were in a huge, opulent room filled with treasures that not even Windsor Castle had. Curiosity seemed to have taken hold of you because you walked out onto the connecting balcony to find that you were on a different planet/dimension/realm, whatever!
There were floating landmasses (the smallest of which was the size of your small town) and five planets ranging from Moonbow Gold to Venetian Red in color.
You thought about where the fuck you were and how you could get back home when a voice interrupted your thoughts.
The source of the voice was a demon with Antique Ruby skin with reddish gray undertones and Cinnabar and Rosewood colored hair. She had two short outward curved horns with a gold chain and aquamarine teardrop connecting them. Her eyes were an inviting aqua blue eyes with a dark red sclera.
“Hello! My name is Scheherazade, but you can call me Sherry. I’m your Lady in Waiting. I’ve brought some food.” Sherry offered as she set the tray of food on a small table next to a dresser.
You smiled cautiously at your new elevated handmaiden,”Do you know why I’m-”
“Oh, I almost forgot! We need to get you ready for your presentation!”
The Fuck?!
“What do you mean ‘presentation’?,” you asked as nicely as possible, but reality came out more like a demand.  
Sherry stopped her ministrations and faced you,”Well, when the monarch, crown prince, or princess declares their mate, they are presented to the royal court,” she then returned to her task of finding a suitable dress for you not catching the mortified expression on your face.
This day can’t get any worse. Wait?
“What time is it?”
“Oh, yes, It’s pretty much always night here. The sun only comes out for three hours. Would you look at the time! Everyone’s waiting!”
“One last question,” you started as Sherry began dressing you,”Who am I marrying?”
“Why my second cousin, King Samael, one of the Three Demon Kings,  of course!”
You fought the impulse to faint.
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It took thirty minutes for Sherry to make you look unrecognizable. Thankful for her assistance, you followed the floating torches to the throne room. The throne room was an enormous room with high wide vaulted arches, delicately carved pillars and columns, and a small bridge connecting the ground at the door to the center. The court comprised of beautiful yet fearsome demons of all shapes and sizes.
The king himself was seated on a grand, ornate throne atop a huge dais with at least 25 steps. He seemed familiar.
As soon as you were passed the threshold, the king raised his head and everyone stopped talking and cleared a path for you. Several courtiers whispered as you striddled towards the dais. When you finally reached the dais, the king got off his throne and walked down the steps to greet you.
You almost face-palmed. The king was Sam Wilson! Or at least, looked like him.  
Sam for his part was devastatingly handsome. He had a tall, powerful build, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, muscular thighs, short well-kept hair and beard with surprisingly kind eyes.  
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Sam uttered as he pulled you in for a hug. You could’ve sworn he sniffed your hair, but you didn’t want to go into that right now.
“Everyone!” The court turned to the throne,” Thank you for coming. I have finally found my bride. We will be married tomorrow night!” Sam exclaimed to thunderous cheers and applause. He slipped on a magnificent ruby and diamond engagement ring with a black gold band.
You could not believe this, “I can’t-,” you started, but Sam discreetly grabbed your wrist, “Pre-wedding jitters,” and led you to a side room.
You expected him to hit or yell at you like so many other royals in a similar setting, but instead he gave a sad smile and asked if you were truly happy in your old life. You thought about your crushing debt, little to no job prospects, both parents dead, no friends and you had to admit your life did suck, but he didn’t get to decide.
Disappointed, Sam casted a small compliance spell and pulled you in for a kiss. Your pupils blew out in lust and you lost yourself. When he finally decided to break for air, Sam stated that you will be his bride and he will not be denied any longer. You smiled and gave him a short but passionate kiss. He moaned but had to end it before he went too far.
Tomorrow night he promised himself.
He quickly called for Sherry to return you  to your quarters.
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Sherry woke you up the next ‘morning’ with a small army of beauty experts and maids.
“Rise and shine, Your Grace! We’ve got a bride to present!” Sherry proclaimed.
Damn it! It wasn’t a nightmare.
They managed to stuff you into a marvel of a wedding dress. It was a Torch Red long-sleeved mermaid wedding dress with soft yet detailed lace work made to look like an enchanted forest, diamond, dark ruby and pearl beads, and a floor length train. On your head was a black gold spiked sunburst goddess with deep ruby roses and a simple ruby teardrop chain that rested on your forehead, the ends of which were wrapped around your horns.
“Not even Lilith could compare, Your Grace!” Sherry gushed at her handiwork.
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The wedding procession and ceremony was done in a swift fashion as Sam didn’t want to wait much longer. The vows were short as well. You wanted to object, call for help, anything but a voice in the back of your mind beat you to it.  
A couple hours into the wedding festivities, Sam announced that it was time for he and his new queen to retire and led you to his quarters. It’s the fanciest suite you’ve ever seen dripping with luxurious reds, violets, and obsidian.
In all your awing of Sam’s quarters, you failed to notice him approaching you in only a simple loose shirt and trousers. He gently put his hands on your exposed shoulders,”Alone at last, my love.”
You recoiled, “Can’t we wait for a few days? It’s just…” you trailed off as soon as his jovial expression vanished replaced with something darker and hungrier.
“I’ve waited for so long to have you here with me, love,”  Sam confessed while you moved towards the exit,”and I will not be denied any longer!”
In an instant, Sam pulled you in for a demanding kiss. He pushed his tongue past your lips moaning when your tongue tepidly danced with his own and from the sweet taste of your mouth. He pushed you onto a bed that had to three times the size of a California King and his lips moved jaw and neck, egged on by needy whimpers and moans.
He took his time ripping off your gown, enjoying the view like a child on Christmas, ”Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Utter perfection,” Sam murmured as he watched your breasts bounced free. He alternated between sucking and pinching your nipples with his hands and mouth,”I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he whispered in your left ear and he continued to play with your breasts like a concert-level musician. All the while moaned and cried out feeling pleasure you never thought possible.
Once satisfied with his handiwork with your chest, Sam’s hands roamed over your stomach and hips followed by strategically placed butterfly kisses that made you squirm. He tore off the last of your wedding gown causing you to hiss at the sudden sensation of cold air touching your pussy.
You used your last bit of willpower to plead, “Please stop! I’ve never-,” Sam stopped and raised his head to look at you.
“I know, love. I’ll be your first and only,” and with that, he gives your folds one long, slow lick and growled at your sweet and tangy taste, “I’ve wondered how you’d taste. You’re even better than the best Kharian wine. I could get used to this.”
He dove back in and played your pussy for all it was worth. His tongue worked its magic stroking and circling your clit sending you higher and higher into euphoria. Sam kept you right on the edge of an orgasm, just enough to beg for release.
“Say you’re mine!,” you mewled in response, to blissed out to use words. “Say it or I’ll leave!”
“Please let me cum, My King!” you cried out when he thrusted two fingers into your pussy.
“That’s a good girl. Now,”Sam started as he vigorously rubbed your pussy,”cum for me, love.”
Your orgasm came like a tsunami and Sam made sure finish his feast.
You got out of your post-oral haze to see Sam looming over in all his naked glory. His body must’ve been made by the gods because it was divine. His frame was an ode to sexiness wrapped in sinful warm sepia skin.
Sam caught you biting your lower lip and cocked his head, “Like what you see?”
Damn that cocky bastard, but damn if he wasn’t right. Part of you wanted to fuck his brains out…and that was before you saw his cock. Standing proud and erect with angry veins, his cock had to be the biggest you’ve ever seen (not like you had much exposure, just a few pornos).
Sam crawled up to you, lifted your chin and gave a soft kiss on the lips sensing your unease, “Relax, love,” He then lined his cock to your entrance and slid in as gently as he could.
You hissed from the pain, he was just so damn big. Sam praised you on how well you fit around him like ‘you were made for him’. Once the pain subsided, you bucked your hips into his causing him to moan at the sensation. He smiled at your eagerness and picked up the pace, making his thrusts come out to just the tip was in you and slamming back into you. You cried out his name each time he filled you to the hilt, pleading with him to go faster. Soon he reached your G-Spot causing to orgasm again, this time with you crossing your eyes and coming with a squirt.
Not too long after your second orgasm, Sam came with an otherworldly roar and glowing bright gold eyes shooting rope after rope of thick cum into your womb. He then flipped you onto your stomach and forced you onto your hands and knees so that he could take you from behind.
He got ten orgasms from you, each one more mind-blowing than the last. Once he was satisfied, he let you sleep.
“Soon you will be round with my seed, and we will have many children. I can’t wait.”
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Ah hour after you closed your eyes, Sam left his, now yours, quarters. “Make sure she doesn’t leave,” he orders the guards although, he’s confident that she’s not going anywhere with the way he hammered her.
He strode down the corridors until he reached the dungeon. There, he found a rather nice looking apartment-style cell with only one prisoner, your mother.
“I’ve taken your daughter. Do you want to see her before you go?”
You see, Samael, Mikael (Bucky), and Stelios (Steve) were demon warlords who began conquering kingdoms left and right 1200yrs ago. They fought their way to the last free kingdom, Kharan. By the time your grandparents were brought before them, they had killed your uncle, the heir to the throne. The king and queen begged for their lives and the kingdom to be spared.
The trio agreed on one condition: if the next child the queen bears is a girl, then she would be Sam’s mate (Mikael and Stelios already had mates).
The king reluctantly agreed. The queen gave birth four months later to a girl, but she was in demon form. The queen had two of her most trusted attendants spirit the child away to another realm and raised her as their own.
Sam had your grandparents slaughtered and razed Kharan to the ground for their trickery. No matter, he was immortal. He would bide his time.
Eventually, your mother was told about her true parentage and form. She learned to control her powers, found love and she too was with child.
Sam found her a week before she went into labor and said that it was time to collect. She promised you in her stead immediately in hopes that it would buy her some time.
It did. She was able to pass you, a cambion, off to a friend of hers who wanted a child but couldn’t conceive and gave Sam a fake baby. He had your mother thrown into the dungeons.
Sam searched for you, but discovered that your mother put a cloaking spell on you. So, he approached your mother with a deal: her freedom for you becoming his mate.
It took your mother three years of torture for her to say yes.
Once the spell was lifted, Sam went to work. He made sure your adopted parents had a little ‘accident’ when you were old enough to take care of yourself, made sure that no one would want to hire you, and saddled you with debt. He even got Mikael and Stelios to pose as ‘The Star Spangled Trio’ with him to finally get you to the Hall of Mirrors.
Your mother bowed her head in shame, “No. It’s best for her to believe that I don’t exist.”
Sam unlocked the cell door with a simple spell, “You’re free to go. Have a nice life,” and returned to his quarters to be with his mate and queen.
Your mother took one last look at the palace,”I’m sorry, my little moon and stars,” and disappeared into the night.
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Taglist: @jtargaryen18​ @threeminutesoflife​​ @giorno-plays-piano​ @lookiamtrying​ @sherrybaby14​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @life-of-yn​ @mcudarklibrary​ @marvelfansworld​ @imdarkinme​ @sapphirescrolls​ @samingtonwilson​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @pseudonymphet​ @dahkness​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @golden-ariess​ @chixkencxrry​ @anyatheladyclown​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @saint-bvcky​ @cherienymphe​ @iguessweallcrazyithinktho​ @cockslut-padalecki​
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Wedding Night
Request: Yes / No  Can you do a Oliver queen wedding and honeymoon imagine please 😜 by the way your writing is amazing @slytherinlyn13​
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Oliver Queen x Fem!Male!Reader 
Word count: 1939
Warnings: SMUT!
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was finally the day I was getting married. I remember the day Oliver Queen asked me to marry him. It was after a really close call of the world ended, but him and the rest of the supers saved everyone. During the celebration with everyone Oliver tapped his glass, gaining everyone’s attention. 
“I’d like to say great job to everyone, but that’s not the real reason I’d like your attention.” He said and I looked at him confused. He placed his glass down and turned to me, gently taking my hand. 
“Y/N, the moment I saw you for the very first time will always be stuck into my memory till the end of time, because that day changed my life. When we were paired up together in high school I honestly didn’t think much about you because, well, I was a different person back then. But then when I came back from the dead, as everyone though, I met you again and you helped me so much. You helped mold me into the man I am today without even realizing it. Even before you knew I was the Arrow, you were changing how I did things. I remember benign so scared to tell you about this part of my life, but you accepted it, always being in my corner. You encourage me to get up every morning and constantly help me become a better person in both my lives. You didn’t even bat an eye when William came to stay with us, you treated him as if he were your own. I know he loves you just as much as I do. That is why…” He said and got down on one knee. My eyes widened and I felt tears start to sting as I tried to desperately blink them away. 
“I am asking you, Y/N Y/L/N, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?” He asked and reviled an absolutely amazing ring. 
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“Yes! Yes, of course Ollie!” I said and just let the happy tears fall. He placed the ring on my finger and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a loving kiss. 
I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in my sleeveless, large dress, white heels, a rose gold necklace, and my white roses with some small purple ones in between. My hair was up in a bun with a loose braid connecting it. For my make up, I kept it simple, a light brown smokey eye, light blush, and a pink lip. 
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Someone knocked on the door and I told them to come in. I turned around and Felicity looked at me with a smile. She was my maid of honor. 
“You look beautiful.” She said. 
“You do too.” I smiled back.
“It’s just about time, are you ready?” She asked and I nodded. 
“More than ever.” I said. 
“Great, John is ready at the door to walk you down.” She said and I nodded. 
“Thank you.” I said. She gave me one more smile and left the room. I looked back at the mirror and took a deep breath. I wished my parents could be here, but they unfortunately weren’t with us anymore. I walked outside and saw John standing near the door, just as Felicity said. I walked over to him and he gave me a big smile. 
“You look gorgeous.” He said and kissed my cheek. 
“You look very handsome yourself.” I smiled. He offered me his arms and I heard the music start to play. 
“Ready?” He asked as I took his arm. 
“More than.” I said and the doors opened. The two of us walked down the aisle and I kept my eyes on Oliver. John gave me away and I handed my bouquet to Felicity. Oliver grabbed my hands and the priest started with his speech. Finally it was time for our vows. 
“Y/N, from this moment, I take you as my best friend for life. I pledge to honour, encourage, and support you through our life together just as you’ve done for me. When our ways become difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, just as you’ve done to me. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you.” Oliver said beautifully. 
“Oliver, today we begin our lives together. I promise here before our families and our friends to be your faithful wife. I choose to live with you as your lover, companion, and friend, loving you when life is peaceful, and when it’s painful. During our successes and during our failures. To support your strengths and accept your weaknesses. I will honor your goals and dreams, trying always, to encourage your fulfillment. I will strive to be honest and open with you, sharing my thoughts, and my life with you. I promise to love and cherish you from this day and forward.” I said and he smiled. 
“If anyone has any objections to these two joining in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest said and no one said anything. 
“Then, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” He said. Oliver pulled me close to him and gave me the most loving deep kiss. 
We enjoyed our time with our friends and family. The party was lovely and it was much needed for everyone. But as soon as it was over Oliver and I were off to our honeymoon. Oliver and I decided on going to Bora Bora and we got there when it was night. As soon as we checked in Oliver picked me up and carried me all the way up to our room.. When we entered the suite, the scene was set. The lights were dim and candles were burning on either side of the bed. There were a dozen roses in a vase on the table in the corner of the room. The bed had been turned and the corner of the covers had been pulled back, inviting us to lay in it. Oliver tossed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. He kissed me and the electricity from his lips made my mind wander to what was about to happen. I felt his rough stubble scratch against my face and I sighed happily. I love him with stubble, more so with a beard, but he didn’t want to bring it back. He kissed me deeply, but gently, taking his time with my mouth, easing me into the thrill of the moment. He brushed a hand against my cheek softly. He kissed the side of my neck and I lifted my head, exposing the full length. He reached a hand up and placed it on my left breast, over the dress I had changed into before we left. 
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He then moved his hand up to the back of my neck to pull me close to him. I pushed the straps on my dress down and let the top fall, exposing the green lingerie I picked out just for this night. He pulled off the rest of my dress and smirked at me. 
“Green?” He asked and I giggled slightly. 
“What? I thought it was perfect.” I said and he chuckled, shaking his head. 
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“Let’s just get it off you.” He said and pulled to top off, exposing my naked breasts. He sucked on my nipple, squeezing the bottom of my breast passionately with one hand, and holding the other breast in his other hand. I looked down at him as he licked, sucked, and rubbed both of them. He worked himself into a frenzy playing with my breast, until he wanted more. He kissed me again and placed his hand over my clothed pussy. He smirked as he pulled the fabric from my body and tossed it to the ground. He started rubbing my wet pussy. He quickly pushed two fingers inside me and I moaned. He kissed my other nipple, giving it the same attention he gave the other one. He was sucking on one nipple and fingering me harder and harder. I was getting more and more excited for the moment he would penetrate me. He pulled his fingers away and started kissing me down my body. He pushed my legs apart and gazed at my wet and ready pussy. Two fingers spread my lips and his other two fingers rubbed my clit in strong circles. Each circle sent a shock wave through my body. He pushed his mouth on top of my pussy and flicked my clit. 
“Oh Ollie!” I moaned as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I arched my back and he pushed me back down. He took his time, enjoying himself. He watched me as I moaned and took pleasure in my every gasp. He kept licking my sensitive nub harder and harder. 
“Ollie!” I moaned again. He slid two fingers inside me again and pumped them in and out of me. 
“Oh fuck!” I moaned. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked. 
“Yes!” I moaned. He kept going, continuing to lick, suck, and moving his fingers inside me. I felt myself growing closer and closer with every movement. Then finally, with one hard flick of his tongue I felt it. The sweet release. I came all over his face with a moan, as my body quivered. He pulled his fingers out and removed his mouth as I laid on the bed, breathing heavily. He sat up and I saw my juices glistening on his face. My husband wiped his face and smiled down at me. He pulled my legs towards him and kissed me. He pulled back to undress his top half, I couldn’t believe they were on this whole time. He rubbed my inner thighs, brushing his hand against my tender pussy. He massaged my breasts once more before he finished undressing. His erection pointing straight towards the sky in excitement. He rubbed his tip against my pussy and I whimpered. I spread my legs further apart and he guided his shaft past my soft folds. He filled me and my body tried adjusting to his size once again. It always felt so right having him inside me. He moved in and out of me, slow and gentle. He was leaning on his hands and I looked down, watching his cock moving in and out of me. I threw my head back as his pace grew quicker. I moaned and gripped the sheets beneath me. I looked up at my husband and smiled. He brought his face down to mine and kissed me lovingly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to me. His thrusts went harder and faster, each of us moaning into each other’s mouth. I felt my second orgasm growing closer and I started feeling his thrusts getting sloppy. He kept his pace as best as he could, bringing me to my orgasm. 
“Oh!” He moaned with a final thrust. His cock pulsed and I felt him fill me up. Our bodies pressed against each other and we held onto one another. A minute later he pulled out and laid down next to me. Oliver pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. 
“I love you, Mrs. Queen.” He said with a smile. 
“I love you too, Mr. Queen.” I said and kissed him again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @lovelywordsblog​
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rubyinasnuggie · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week Day 2 — Wedding
Something old
“Ohhh, Ruby! You look beautiful!” Yang rushed up to her sister, but was suddenly stopped. She glanced down to see a glyph under her feet, gluing her to the spot. She looked up to see Weiss staring her down with ice-cold eyes.
“Don’t you dare, Yang Xio Long,” Weiss said. “Do you know how long I’ve spent doing her hair?”
“It’s been hours, Yang. Please help me!” Ruby whispered, a mischievous smile on her face.
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Oh shut up. It’s not my fault your hair refuses to curl.”
Blake rolled her eyes with a smile.
Ruby’s eyes drifted to the small box in Yang’s hand. “Did you bring it?” she asked, voice uncharacteristically small.
Yang smiled and held out the box for her.
With shaking hands, Ruby opened the box. Inside, resting on a red velvet cushion, there was a tarnished silver hair pin, with an intricate rose inlaid with rubies and diamonds. The very same pin Summer Rose had worn at her wedding.
“Oh, Ruby,” Weiss whispered, seeing the pin. “It’s lovely.”
“Will it work?” Ruby asked. Her silver eyes were extra sparkly with tears.
“Absolutely.” Weiss carefully took the pin from the box and began to pull hair back to place the pin.
Something new
“Fortunately, this makeup is cry-proof,” Blake said, setting up her deskspace.
Ruby laughed and wiped her eyes. “That’s good.”
As Blake began to brush on makeup, Weiss and Yang worked together to attach the veil. The beautiful thing had been sewn by Kali and Willow. The two mothers had bonded over mutual love of embroidery.
Ruby thought the embellishments were a tad excessive, but she couldn’t deny the end result was gorgeous.
Something borrowed
The moment Nora walked through the door, she had to turn back around to cry. When she finally composed herself, she walked back in, followed by Ren. “I can’t believe little Ruby is getting married! And to cute boy Oz!”
“You look lovely, Ruby,” Ren said. His smile wasn’t wide, but his eyes were sparkling.
“Thank you.”
The constant compliments were starting to make Ruby feel a little anxious. Sensing this, Nora skipped over to her, holding out the red sash. “We tried to repair it as much as we could, it’s still pretty beaten up though.”
“That’s okay,” Ruby replied. “Thank you so much for letting me wear it.”
“It’s the least we could do,” Ren assured her.
“I’m sure Pyrrha would love that you’re wearing it,” Nora said. “Do you want me to help you tie it? Or is that reserved only for the ice queen of honor?”
“If you think you can do it without ruining her dress, be my guest,” Weiss replied. “I’ll fix it afterwards.” There was a slight twinkle in her eye as she said it, and Ruby giggled.
“I’m going to go back to Oscar, if that’s all right,” Ren said.
“Gonna use your semblance on him?” Nora joked.
Ren shook his head. “He’s surprisingly relaxed. I can tell he’s very excited though.”
“Bye Ren!” Blake said, waving.
“See you soon!” Yang called.
Something blue
“What’s that?” Ruby asked, glancing at the small jewels in Weiss’s hands.
Weiss held them out to her, showing a small sapphire, amethyst, and topaz. “The final touches.”
“For Team RWBY?”
“Obviously,” Weiss answered with a smile. “Is that okay?”
“I love it,” Ruby said, beaming.
After placing the three gems in her hair, Weiss stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Well, Miss Ruby Rose, I think you might actually look presentable.”
“You look so perfect!” Yang cried. She just barely shifted her weight before Weiss shot her another glare. “I can’t wait to hug you after the ceremony.”
Oscar rocked back and forth on his heels, stomach full of butterflies as he waited for his beloved.
Ren and Nora began to walk down the aisle, scattering flowers on either side. Nora beamed at Oscar and winked, acting charismatic as if she hadn’t been sobbing most of the morning. Ren’s expression wasn’t much different than usual, but Oscar could tell he was tearing up.
Next, Penny skipped down the aisle, her eyes literally glowing with excitement. She carried the rings; a golden band set with an emerald for Ruby, and a silver band set with rubies for Oscar. They each had vines engraved in the metal.
Yang and Blake followed, arm in arm. He noticed how Yang had painted her arm red for the occasion, and he held back a laugh.
Following the bees, Weiss and Jaune emerged. Despite her ridiculous heels, she barely reached his shoulder. Still, they held hands as they walked towards the altar. Weiss and Jaune were maid of honor and best man respectively, which meant the next person to walk would be...
Finally, Ruby emerged, with Tai and Qrow on either side.
Oscar felt his breath whoosh away, just like it had the very first time he saw her. Her hair had been curled and pinned back with a silver rose pin, and loose strands framed her face. Her beautiful eyes shimmered. She was already tearing up. It was only when she suddenly blurred away that he realized he was crying. He let out a breathless laugh. It felt both like the briefest moment and the longest eternity as she walked down the aisle. The rest of the crowd faded away as she drew closer.
The moment their hands intertwined, he could think of nothing else. He was sure he said all the right things, and at some point he successfully put the ring on her finger. But he didn’t really snap back into awareness until he heard the words, “You may now kiss.”
Ruby bounced on her toes and threw her arms around his neck. He looked his arms around her waist and pulled her close, hoping he could communicate the deep well of love he had for her through this kiss. Even if he couldn’t do it with this one, his chest fluttered at the realization he had the rest of their lives to show her how much she meant to him.
“I bet if we slip off no one will notice,” Oscar whispered. Their reception had been going on for about an hour, and the socializing was clearly taking a toll on his bride.
“I think they might, actually,” Ruby replied with a giggle.
“I mean, it’s our party,” he countered. “We can do whatever we want.”
After considering it for a long moment, Ruby relented and let him lead her outside to the gardens.
They found a huge hammock and curled up in it, letting the wind rock it back and forth.
The shattered moon looked full, and Ruby's eyes reflected the dazzling light.
“Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you?” Oscar asked.
“No, never. Wait, do you like me or something?”
“Or something.” He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “You know, after the whole… Ozpin thing, I was worried this may never happen. I thought it’d be too weird to ever marry, considering I was sharing my body with an ancient man.”
“I know,” she whispered. “Do you ever miss him?”
“Sometimes,” he admitted. “Part of me wishes he could have been here to see this. He was always rooting for me. He… obviously knew I liked you from day one.” He nudged her playfully. “And I bet he would’ve been impressed with how much better a dancer you are.”
“I think he’s proud of both of us,” she said, looking up at the constellations. As if to confirm it, the alpha star of the Ozma constellation twinkled. She smiled.
Oscar nestled his head into her shoulder. “We’re married.”
“We are,” she agreed.
Just as they were leaning in to kiss, voices caught their attention.
“I knew she was going to sneak off!” Yang declared, marching over to the hammock.
“And after all the work I put into planning this party,” Weiss huffed.
Ruby winced.
Her expression softened. “I’m just teasing, you dolt.”
“Mind if we join you?” Jaune asked, grinning.
Ruby and Oscar exchanged a look before smiling.
The groups settled down together in a semi-circle, leaving the married couple in the hammock to keep Ruby’s dress from staining. They talked for a little while, but mostly gazed at the stars. When a group of fireflies danced by, Penny impressed everyone by communicating with them via Morse code.
As Ruby looked around the group, at her family, she felt love well up in her chest all over again. She didn’t think she was going to live to see this day, to have a future of any kind. But she had made it. Oscar squeezes her hand as he laughed at something Nora had said, and her heart fluttered. She looked at her new husband, and she felt certain that her future was bright.
//ring idea credits to @littlemisssquiggles
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tres-spades-hotel · 4 years
Candy-Floss (An Eisuke x MC Story)
At the end of 2019, @lin-ful hosted a 1 year anniversary competition on the Otome Fanatics Server and... I won! But then I forgot to post the story.... So here it is! Enjoy!
Tags: @leoamber66 @flatsuke
(The link to the server if you want to join will be at the end of the story! Please do not hesitate to join as it is filled with incredible people!)
It all started with a sweet treat. She had a small craving for something and the opportunity presented itself to her. A small candy-floss stall on the side of the road. The sweet clouds were practically calling her name. Evelyn. And she couldn’t resist.
While buying a large candy-floss, a car pulled up behind her. He rarely had to take this route when out for work but there was extreme traffic on his usual way due to severe strikes. His driver recommended this way to avoid the business of London and Eisuke Ichinomiya mumbled an acceptance to the idea. The sleek black car had to stop momentarily but that was all he needed to see her.
Evelyn turned around when she heard a car horn. Eisuke turned his head to look around the area. They made eye contact instantly and for a second something happened. Something unreal. Something strange. She smiled and waved to him. He simply stared before his lips tugged up into a smirk. Evelyn gracefully took the candy-floss and proceeded on her way home. Eisuke’s eyes followed her form until he could no longer see her.
Of course, that wasn’t the end for them. They met again. This time at the IVC in Eisuke’s Tres Spade Hotel. He watched her walk into the room and saw the stares of men. She turned heads with her elegant red dress. The slit on the side teasing everyone in the room, including Eisuke.
He watched her as she talked to various different people, the man by her side introducing his lovely trophy wife. He showed her off but not as well as Eisuke could. He would let everyone know exactly who she belonged to, would have ravaged her the night before to tease her.
‘Looks like she’s married.’ The man in red whispered. Mitsunari Baba’s eye for women never goes unnoticed by Eisuke, and his keenness to know everyone’s business.
‘Who is that man anyway?’ Baba’s sidekick, Ota Kisaki, asked.
‘Another man to do business with.’ Eisuke had heard from other guests about Alan Hudson. He was an aspiring businessman making his way up the ladder. No doubt at the IVC for networking but Eisuke wasn’t interested in Hudson. Rather, he was interested with the woman on his arm. Mrs Evelyn Hudson. The beautiful housewife more knowledgeable of Hudson’s business than her own husband. Alan was a joke, but Evelyn was something else. Something interesting.
Evelyn was a wedding planner, quite known too. She had organised plenty of weddings for small celebrities and is popular for her creativity. Her husband was nothing compared to her. Ten minutes later, Eisuke was shaking hands with Evelyn, feeling her soft hands, and sending her a knowing look. For a tense moment, Evelyn blushed at the sight of Eisuke. His alluring gaze and handsome form were enough to make any woman fall in love but Evelyn fought the emotions. She was, after all, a committed wife.
‘Thank you Mr Ichinomiya for investing in this idea. I promise to deliver to the Tres Spade standard.’ Alan Hudson bowed politely to Eisuke but he was watching Evelyn.
She smiled at him despite what had happened earlier. They were in the conference room when Alan had to leave the room for a phone call. Eisuke was left with Evelyn and things became heated quickly. He had her cornered, hands either side of her body, lips millimetres away from hers. Her eyes darted all over the place before resting on his brown eyes. She could see in her vision his collarbones peeking out from under his dress shirt. Evelyn wanted very badly the danger Eisuke presented. He was bad and he knew it which made her desire rise even more. They were very close to crossing the line when Alan’s voice could be heard outside the door.
Eisuke was surprised by the soft lips on his cheek before watching her hurry back to her chair. Alan came back in and was none the wiser to the intensity between Eisuke and his wife.
The line of coffee shops under the Tres Spade name was an idea proposed by Evelyn, but it didn’t go undetected by Eisuke when Alan proceeded to take credit for his wife’s idea. If there was anything that Eisuke hated most, it was people who thrived on other’s ideas and not their own. So, Eisuke always made it a point to take Evelyn’s opinion. She may have been a wedding organiser, but she could work well in the business sector too.
One day, the Hudson’s and Eisuke visited a potential building to base the shop in. Alan forced Evelyn to stay outside and wander around while he and Eisuke went into the meeting. When Alan left, Eisuke pulled Evelyn by her waist and whispered in her ear.
‘Have a look around. Take note of any details. Tell me privately after.’ Eisuke is like a tornado, Evelyn thought. A force not to be reckoned with, here and gone within a second, a destructive force creating a contradiction in everyone he meets: attracting people to him while repelling others. Eisuke winked at her before leaving.
When she left the building, she breathed a sigh of relief. The area outside was empty and when Evelyn looked up, she was blown away by how breath-taking the building itself was. It was old but sturdy. Standing against anything that the weather could throw at it. Behind the worn sandstone, was a gorgeous sunset. The sky was filled with pastel blue, pink and purple. It looks magical, Evelyn thought. Petals from the cherry blossom trees swayed and flew around her in the pleasant breeze. She spun around, thinking about a certain brunette in purple dancing in the flowers with her. The orange sun continued to slowly set while the flowers danced in the wind.
But little did she know that Eisuke was watching her, smiling at her happiness.
That night, the unbelievable happened. Alan had to go for a prior engagement, so Evelyn was left alone with Eisuke. They talked about the meeting and how the place would be a wonderful experience for customers.
‘What are you doing now?’
‘Going home I suppose. Why?’
Eisuke took Evelyn to a high end restaurant and they had fun. She couldn’t remember the last time she enjoyed going out for a meal. And she enjoyed Eisuke’s foot dragging up her leg while they were eating.
‘Mr Ichinomiya-‘
‘Call me Eisuke.’
‘… Okay Eisuke.’
Evelyn revelled in his attention and, there in their private room, they kissed. He tasted like coffee and she tasted of candy-floss. They were hungry for each other, as if their lives depended on that moment. The next thing Eisuke knew, he was on the bed undressing Evelyn while kissing her ear. That night, Eisuke and Evelyn fell asleep more content than they had felt in a long time.
Evelyn woke up to Eisuke by her side rather than her husband. A sudden guilt washed over her as she hurried to get out of the large bed. But Eisuke pulled her back in and dispelled those feelings of cheating.
That night, Evelyn returned to her suite. She promised herself that she wouldn’t think about the Eisuke. Or his touch, his scent, his lips. Evelyn nearly didn’t notice Alan’s phone light up. She went to pick it up, thinking it was a message about a business project. What she got was very different.
A woman, bare from the chest down, with a wine bottle in her hand and a bath tub filled with red roses. Another message popped up: ‘3 month anniversary, come and get it’. Evelyn couldn’t believe what she saw and dropped the phone. 2 years of marriage down the drain, Evelyn thought to herself. What was worse, was that she knew who that woman was.
Over the next few days, Evelyn avoided Alan like the plague. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She was disgusted at both him and herself. Considering her one-night with Eisuke, Evelyn knew she shouldn’t complain. But then he found out.
‘The preparations for the wedding is going well. I still haven’t been able to secure a venue yet. The…’ she paused and breathed shakily ‘The venue the bride wanted is not available for the date they’re set to get married at. I’m still looking for something else that the couple will like but … it’s a bit of a struggle at the moment.’
‘I’m sure you’ll get a venue for them. Evelyn, I need to tell you something. You see-‘
‘Eisuke I have so much to do, this wedding is taking up so much of time now.’
‘Evelyn. Just listen to me-‘
‘I still need to arrange for a cake and the decorations still need to be decided. I have to go Eisuke. There is plenty to do right now.’
‘No. Stay and listen. It’s about your husband. I saw him with the bride. He-‘
‘I know Eisuke. I know.’ Evelyn said in a small voice. There was silence for a moment before she spoke up.
‘Sorry Eisuke, I will come back soon. But I really must be going now.’ Before Eisuke could say anymore, Evelyn hung up the phone. When she opened the door to her suite however, Eisuke was standing there. He took one look at her face and opened his arms up for her. Next thing she knew, she was sobbing her eyes out into Eisuke’s chest.
‘How ironic. Alan has been cheating on me this whole time, but I haven’t been a faithful wife either.’ She said.
‘That man stopped being faithful to you a long time ago.’ Eisuke said in a matter-of-fact tone. This made her giggle and he kissed her temple.
‘Stay with me tonight. I’ll deal with Alan in the morning.’
Evelyn enjoyed the night with Eisuke. She cooked for him and realised later that he was watching her.
‘Don’t worry. I’m not going to poison you.’ Evelyn said, teasingly. Eisuke chuckled, trapping her between him and the countertop.
Eisuke made love to her again that night and not once did Evelyn think about her broken marriage.
The next day, Alan barges into the penthouse lounge.
‘Evelyn you b****! How dare you-‘
‘Shut up. Don’t you dare speak to her in such a disgusting way.’ Eisuke cut Alan off immediately. Alan’s projects were stolen and his bank account was empty.
‘Looking poor are we?’ Eisuke said, smirking at Alan.
‘Adding fuel to the fire aren’t you?’ Evelyn whispered.
‘Did you do this to me?’ Alan said in a hushed voice, clearly in rage.
‘You haven’t been very loyal now have you Alan?’
‘What?’ The door behind him opened and in came the woman from the photo. The one luring Evelyn’s husband to her arms. The bride that Evelyn was planning a wedding for. Her downcast eyes said everything.
‘Take this case. It has 1 million dollars in it. You can have it, if you tell Evelyn the truth and your fiancé what you’ve been doing behind his back.’
The woman bowed to Evelyn several times before Evelyn places her hand on her shoulder, lifting the woman to stand up straight. With no words, Evelyn lets the woman go.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Yeah, I am too.’
With the woman gone, Alan was furious. But Eisuke cuts in again.
‘Don’t think you will be getting away so easily.’ He takes out a small bundle of paper and holds it up for Alan to see.
‘Those ar-‘
‘These, are your bank statements from your private Swiss bank account.’
Alan’s eyes were wide open. Nothing could save him now.
‘Why do you have a Swiss bank account Alan?’ Evelyn says in a quiet voice.
‘He’s been spending his money elsewhere. Haven’t you, Mr Alan Hudson?’ Eisuke smirks in Alan’s direction and he begins to tremble.
‘Illegally?’ Evelyn asks. Alan didn’t meet her gaze filled with rage. His silence spoke volumes. Evelyn stepped towards her husband, lifting his head to meet her eyes. The sound resonated across the lounge, the loud slap of her hand on his face.
‘Show yourself around here again and these will be leaked across the globe.’ Eisuke said, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.
‘Get out of here. You are pathetic.’ She whispered. Alan ran for his life.
Evelyn felt Eisuke’s arms around her body and she turned to nuzzle her face into his chest. It felt like forever; just them standing in the silent penthouse, holding each other. Eventually, she lifted up her head.
‘What happens now?’
‘Now, you will stay with me. We still have a project to complete.’ Eisuke said, pulling out two other bundles of paper.
‘Do you always keep your paperwork in your suit? How many pockets do you have?’ She laughed and he chuckled.
‘One is a divorce paper for you. The other is a contract stating that you will become my new business partner and will oversee the completion of the coffee shops.’
‘I had the divorce paper hidden with the contract. I knew the moment I saw you that I would make you mine, married or not. And I found out about Alan’s affairs so this contract was made. Afterall, it was you who came up with the idea. It is only fair that you control the project. Up to my standards of course.’
Evelyn smiles and reaches up to cup Eisuke’s face. They lean in, resting their foreheads against one another.
‘I love you.’
‘Hm, let’s see how well you can please me to make me say it too.’
‘Eisuke which colour do you want?’
‘Choose whichever.’
‘But there’s so many!’
Behind Eisuke and Evelyn was one of the Tres Spade coffee shops. The line of people extended down the street and many were enjoying their hot beverages.
‘Okay, I’ll take two candy-floss mixed with purple and pink please.’ While Evelyn rummaged around for her purse, Eisuke pulled out his card. When she looked up, Eisuke was holding the candy-floss in his hands. Evelyn’s heart fluttered at the sight and she committed the image to memory.
‘It’s just pocket change.’ Eisuke said, while they walked down the street, and Evelyn looked up at his profile.
‘Nothing!’ Evelyn broke off a piece of candyfloss and held it out for Eisuke. He leaned in and took it into his mouth, licking her fingers in the process. She leaned in and kissed him.
‘I love you Eisuke.’
‘And I love you.’
Their sweet kiss was one of many to be shared in the future, filled with love and happiness.
Otome Fanatics Server
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whatzaoverwatch · 4 years
The Reaper of the Opera Chapter 11: The Point of No Return
I keep saying that each chapter is my favourite scene, but that’s because I love this production so much (favourite musical of all time). But I can safely say that this scene always gives me chills whenever I watch any adaptation. Kind of interesting too because both the film and stage play are different to one another. I am biased to the Phantoms outfit in the film version, but I love the setup of the stage play even more. So have a mix of both. Also credit again to @stormcallart and their design for Phantom Reaper.
First Prev Next
Evening/Overwatch Opera House
The theatre filled once more for the nights production. Folks of all classes were curious on this newfound production to be seen. The Press keen on any new information, especially with the Reapers appearance at the masquerade ball. “Who was this masked man?” they all buzzed about “Could this be the source of the rising star Madame [Name]?”. The energy was at its peak, especially with the sight of several yakuzas guarding the doorways. Guards keeping tabs at every corner, communicating to one another within their earpieces.
The plan was set in motion with everyone on their guard. Genji and Hanzo reserving their places upon Box 5. Hanzo at the ready with his bow for the event. Genji with his blade as they scanned the crowd. Reinhardt and Torbjorn at their booth with their own protection, not accompanied by Torbjorns wife and daughter as he warned them of the events that would occur.
The performers backstage settled in their places. Tension between them all as McCree watched over each of them. Keeping an eye especially on Ana as she was to remain by his side. Not a trace of their spirited friend could be seen. Waiting for the moment he makes his presence known.
You had your place all set up, dressed in a rather extravagant dress that was made by the hands of Reaper himself. A red and black gown that exposed your collarbone and chest in a heart shaped neckline. A corset that hugged your curves while the skirt was patterned in embroidered roses. The finishing touches by Lena before she left you with a worried embrace. A complimented look to his aesthetic and it made you uneasy.
His music and his say were finally his to behold. Making every part of this suited to his needs. But it was all to lure him into a sense of satisfaction. To draw him out so that he would be concealed once more. Perhaps it was too cruel for you to go along with this. Breaking the trust of the man who opened himself to you. But he in return broken the trust you had in him. He needed to be stopped, once and for all.
The lights of the chandelier began to fade, presenting Baptiste in the spotlight. Looking rather unsettled for once in his life. Relaxing himself when he saw Lucio standing in the orchestra pit with an encouraging look.
“Good evening. Tonights performance is something you have never seen before,” He announced, looking around the audience to see the guards at every end, “A creation by one of our more…caring…patrons that will be performed by our troops. What you see before you is all a part of the show. So please, sit back, and enjoy.”
The curtains began to rise as the performance slowly began. A long table rested on centre stage as various dancers and performers took part in an estranged feast. Two men began to boast about their ruling over a kingdom, arguing over one another about who ruled their land better. Leaving the Shimada brothers rather unsettled about the theme of the play. Soft murmurs and whispers came from the crowd as they were curious on how the production will play out.
Arriving to a point of the production where one of the rulers devises a plan to use your character to seduce the other leader into giving the remainder of his kingdom to him. Playing you off as one who has yearned for him to take you as his bride. Your character was to eventually fall for the one you were to seduce, making it a more vulgar character than you had ever been. Drawn onto the stage by one of the performers, you were instructed to sit as he went to go find his companion. Leaving you alone upon the stage to look around.
Finding your eyes gazing over at the box Genji and Hanzo were in, your nerves began to fade knowing they were watching over you. Not finding any shadow over by the chandelier, nor within the crowd before you. Wondering if Reaper had any intent on arriving. Just as you were about to question if this was all for naught, someone began to sing from behind you.
“You have come here, in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent, silent.”
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice, you glanced over your shoulder to find the very man who made all this possible. Now wearing a black mask over half of his face, his undercut hair run with short curls while his beard was trimmed finely on his face. Dressed in an open button white shirt, scars littering a good chunk of his skin only to be covered by a burgundy half cut coat. A cape draped upon its side. A black sash wrapped around his waistline with pants that matched the coat and black boots to finish.
Your heart raced watching him raise his finger to his lips to the final words. Leaving you to listen as the audience watched in awe. The brothers noticed the sudden change to the performer, Genji straightened himself in high alert. Hanzo already having his bow ready just in case. Jesse looked dumbfounded at his sudden appearance, wondering how the hell he slipped past all of the guards. Looking down at Ana, even she was quite surprised to see him appear onstage. The managers turning to the brothers in confusion, only to be settled by Genjis hand, waiting to see what this monster had planned. Everyone left to watch as Reaper proceeded.
“I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you have already succumbed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me,”  Walking around the table, he presented himself by your side, raising his hand towards you in a sense of control. Watching as you took his words as his own. The turn of his cape showed a hidden gun from inside. For only you to see, “Now you are here with me, no second thoughts. You have decided…decided.”
Finding yourself rising from your seat, he circled around you. Taking in your form with his eyes, finding yourself locked in place by his stare. It was no question his eyes were undressing you. Exposing you as his creation and relishing in your beauty.
“Past the point of no return, no backward glances. The games we’ve played till now are at an end. Past all thought of it or when, no use resisting. Abandoned thought and let the dream descend,” In your trance of his tender voice, you felt yourself unarmed when he took his place behind you. Grasping you close to his form, pressing his torso against your back to let you feel his dominance. Leaving no open shot for Hanzo to take aim; Genji tensed up, watching Reaper hold you with such passion. Resisting the urge to pounce at the spirit at that very moment. Watching Reapers eyes look up to their direction, knowing very well how much it sicked him. His hands tightening against his blade, Reapers voice sung in the theatre, “What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks the door? What sweet seduction lies before us?”
Pulling away from you, he trailed his touch alongside your arm. Stepping away as he took your hand to his lips. His breath warm and gentle to his words. Leaving you yearning for more as he walked away from you. His song mesmerizing you as he had done many times before. Realizing how vulnerable he made you with such simple tricks. Teasing your temptation to the core, yet you had to keep your focus on the reality of the situation.
“Past the point of no return, the final threshold. What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return...” He watched you carefully, seeing the conflict remain on your face. Like the budded rose he had found you as long ago. Waiting for you to bloom before him once more. Leaving you to look over at the brothers as you slowly sang your piece.
“You have brought me, to that moment where words run dry. To that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence,” Turning yourself towards Reaper, watching his chest rise and fall at your very presence. Stepping closer as your hand ghosted over his chest. Feeling his pulse even at this distance. Resisting every urge to touch him while he focused upon you, “I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why. In my mind I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent.”
Your words bringing much deeper meaning that what they were written. Having your inner darkest thought be exposed in the song. Finding the reason as to why you had given in so easily to his hypnosis. Perhaps some part of you wanted to fall for him. To give into the temptation of being in the darkness to serve as his light. While the rather intimidating presence and past, he still had some form of attraction far beyond being your teacher. It was the key to open himself up to the plan. Heart racing as you pushed him gently towards the table, letting him take his sit as a smile formed on your lips.
“And now I am here with you, no second thoughts. I have decided…decided,” Stepping against the long table chair, climbing upon the table as he gazed upon you like some sort of goddess, pleasing him with the sight of your movements, “Past the point of no return, no going back now. Our passion play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong. One final question: How long should we two wait before we’re one?”
Watching him reach for you, you couldn’t help but play along with his desire. Kneeling before him, your hand took his ever so gently. Feeling them shake upon your boldness, guiding his palm across your curves. His touch now more hesitant than before. As if he was battling the conflict of what he wanted from you. The desire to sing his songs, or to be his and his alone. A teasing display left a rather disgruntled Genji to watch it unfold. Broken to see you showing this side of you before your kidnapper. Bringing his hand now to your lips, you barely let them caress yours before you pulled back.
“When will the blood begin to race, the sleeping bud bursts into bloom? When will the flames at last, consume use?” Giving this chance of his dazed look upon you to move yourself off the table.
Snapping out of your sudden desire as you wanted this to be the moment the brothers could strike. Before you could have the opportunity to escape, he quickly rose from his place to grasp your wrist. Holding you in place to the duet you were forced into. Catching his burning lustfilled gaze upon you once more.
“Past the point of no return. The final threshold,” The two of you sung, every step you took backwards brought him just a few steps closer. Finding yourself unable to move away as he grasped you by the hips. Turning your backside to his once more, his arms around you in a rather passionate and possessive hold. The embrace leaving you helpless as you whispered the final lines, “The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burned. We’ve passed the point of no return.”
His lips grazed ever so gently against your nape. Hands caressing every part of your form before everyone. The music playing along to the passion before the stage. The audience left stunned by such a performance. Genji had already risen from his seat, the heartbreak evident on his face. Hanzo could see how distraught he was becoming seeing you fall into the Reapers grasp. Reinhardt and Torbjorn looking rather shocked as even the dancers backstage were brought to tears. Jesse knew that this was their moment as he beckoned the Yakuza to take their places. Hearing nothing from their ends as something wasn;t sitting right. Ana watching as she could see her old friend standing before her. The silence between you two faltered as he began to sing once more.
“Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime,” His words striking Genji in the heart. His eyes glossed in restrained tears. Hearing the vows he once gave to you now being sung by him instead, “Say you’ll free me from my solitude.”
Opening your gaze to his words, you had realized what he was singing about. Those words being spoken by Genji months ago from the previous performance. Realizing he had never left you in silence and had always desired to be with you. Turning yourself to face him, he took your one hand to place against his chest. A fallen heartbeat could be felt against the rough flesh.
“Anywhere you go let me go too,” He sung to the heavens, his eyes soft as you rested your other hand against his cheekbone. The love he wanted to give you was finally coming to blossom, wanting nothing more than your life with him, “[Name], that’s all I ask of-“
Before he could finish his song of ever lasting love, you found yourself quickly removing his mask. Revealing the dark and foreboding secret from within. The mask covering more with in fake skin as it tore to reveal his true self. His hair silver as snow while his flesh was burned and caving into his jaw. Revealing a set of sharp teeth that covered the one side of his cheek. His eyes became black and red, completing the monstrous look before you.
Screams of horror filled the audience as Reaper looked at you with hurt and betrayal. Your eyes widened at the truth as you couldn’t help but drop his mask. A face you could’ve never imagine was hiding inside. The monster that everyone said he was, yet you could only look upon him with guilt. Unable to fix what you had done, you were prepared to run, only to have him lock you in place. His grip on you tightened, his teeth seething in rage as he looked around to see that the brothers were ready to attack.
Already taking care of the Yakuza beforehand under their noses. McCree realizing this when one of the men fell beside him. Clenching at his bleeding gut and begging for help. Seeing as Hanzo was aiming his bow at him, he turned you over as a shield. Pulling out a shot gun from his cape, aiming it towards the chains from above. The shot causing the audience to yelp in peril as the chains snapped easily.
Genji looked to where he aimed, realizing that he fired at the chain that held the chandelier in place. Watching the crystallized beauty descend into the audience. People scattered in chaos, trying to avoid being crushed. Lucio quick on his feet to exit the pit, assisting some members out as fast as he could.
“GET OUT OF THERE!” Reinhardt shouted below in fear. Torbjorn watched in horror of the the actions proceeding.
The chandelier crashing onto the floor and breaking the seats with its weight. Jesse and Ana overlooking the chaos as he watched Reaper continue to hold him hostage.
“Don’t let him escape!” He called out to the brothers.
Hanzo lining his shot to the both of you. Seeing as there was no open shot that wouldn’t hurt you in the process. Beginning to pull this string of the bow, his hopes to firing at the perfect spot was ruined by Genjis concern over you.
“HANZO DON’T!” He shouted. The action startling him to shoot the arrow. The brothers watched the arrow fire against the stage lights. Causing the arrow to pierce a few wires, the spark causing a fire to overcome the stage.
The flames alerting the dancers as they escaped without question. Jesse stepping back, protecting Ana from the electrical fire surrounding you and Reaper. No where to go as no one was able to reach you at this point. The play going up in flames as the attendees tried to escape with their lives.
You look mortified to the sight before you, pushing with all your might against the Reapers grasp. No remorse on his face as he watched the madness ensue. Never letting you go, no matter how much you begged and pleaded. Holding you in place, slamming his heel against a part of the stage. Opening the floor beneath you both, falling into the darkness with your screams following suit. Genji watched as you disappear once more before his very eyes.
To be continued
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
To This Point, From Now On
Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: Rey x Poe Rating: T  Summary:  Rey Skywalker had a small crush on Poe Dameron. Words: 1600 Notes: Based on two prompts my pal @mousedetective gave me.
Read @ AO3
Rey Skywalker had a small crush on Poe Dameron.
And she had no problem admitting that to herself. But she had a problem by letting Rose Tico knowing. Not because Rose was a bad person, on the contrary, Rose was the closest thing Rey ever got to a sister. But because Rose was filled with determination to bring Rey and Poe together.
“You’d look so perfect together,” Rose had cooed at her once. “And how perfect it is, you and Poe, Finn and I could double date!”
Rey had been reluctant. It wasn’t that she was afraid, and she knew Poe, she knew him to be a good man. A pilot from the air force, who was now working on his own flight school. A mentee of her aunt, Leia. And Leia was no fool, if Poe had been someone who wasn’t worth it, she would have never spent the time to mentor him.
And so it was, that Rose with the help of Finn managed to get Poe and Rey in the same place at the same time, several times over. Rey was both grateful and terrified at the flawlessness of their plotting. May God have mercy on them all, should Finn and Rose decide to properly team together to take over the world.
And when Rose and Finn got engaged, Poe and Rey were promptly made Man and Maid of Honor respectively. Rey couldn’t say no, she loved them too much to bow out, she could only hope that her crush on Poe went unnoticed.
The only thing that happened, was that her crush grew. Poe was incredibly helpful, anytime she needed a hand for her work as maid of honor, he was the one who always offered help. And on one memorable occasion, he was the one who fixed her closet when it the upper part of her shelving crashed down.
Leia noticed, because of course she would and, having the infinite wisdom that she had, was the one who gave her some advice. “Tell him, Rey. You will not loose him, even if he doesn’t like you back, he’ll still be your friend. That boy is a credit to his parents.”
Luke, her father had given her a knowing smile. “Follow your heart, darling. It will lead you well.”
“How do you know?” Rey asked, feeling rather childish for doing so.
Luke had simply laughed, “Because I know you, and you’re an excellent daughter. And Poe is a good man. And darling, I’ll dance at your wedding.”
Rey had left her father’s apartment feeling quite dazzled.
Finn, had been quite upfront about it. “Honestly Peanut,” he said as he munched on his food. “I don’t know why you’re so afraid. It’s Poe, not some random man. And Poe is awesome. You two together? Even better.”
Rey had given him a smile, “You’re so sweet. But I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“If you having feelings for Poe ruins your friendship, I’ll eat my shoe.” Then Finn had gotten serious. “She who hesitates, is lost.”
Rey frowned. “Fine, I’ll ask him out. But if all crashes and burns…”
“I’ll eat my shoe and punch Poe.”
Rey laughed.
“Ask him out, Peanut.”
“After your wedding, I don’t want to make it awkward.”
Finn had given her a look she couldn’t quite place. Then sighed. “Fine.”
Rey and Poe threw Finn and Rose an engagement party, nothing big, just something for people to come around and have drinks and eat finger food. It had been fun, and Rey had enjoyed her time with Poe.
There was something about Poe that drew Rey in. It was the way his eyes sparkled, how he was so quick with a smile, so kind and gentle, but fierce when it came to defend or argue about something he was passionate about. Rey liked that.
Rey only hoped that he liked her too.
As Rose and Finn’s wedding drew near, Rey could feel her nervousness grow. But she kept going, this was not about her, no matter how much she wanted to ask Poe out, she had said that she would only do so after their wedding.
And Rey Skywalker was a woman of her word.
The day of the wedding, Rey awoke with a sense of foreboding that she couldn’t place. Had something happened? She immediately went to Rose’s room, Rose was fine and excited, “I’m getting married today!”
Rey felt somewhat relieved. But them, Finn popped into her head. She took her phone and text him. Are you well?
Finn replied ten minutes later. Yeah, all good. Why?
No, all’s well on this end. Sorry, just feeling paranoid.
Don’t worry Peanut, all will be fine.
I know.
Since all was apparently fine, Rey shrugged and went back to her room, ordered breakfast and waited until time drew closer to get ready. She ate carefully and she ate plenty, she knew herself enough to know that nerves made her hungry, so she ate to avoid being starving during the ceremony.
Once time drew closer, Rey changed to her dress. Rose had picked a sky blue color, the dress had been Rey’s own choice as per Rose’s decision, only the color was the one ashe and Caydel had to wear. When Rey was ready, she made her way to Rose’s room, as there was where the hair and make up person would get them ready.
Time passed quickly after that, next thing Rey knew they were making their way towards the ceremony. Rey felt her breath catch in her throat when she saw Poe, he and Finn were wearing their military uniforms. But her eyes were on Poe, he looked so dashing and he grinned and winked when he saw her walking down the aisle. Rey felt herself flush. Leave it to Poe to make her blush at her best friend’s wedding.
The ceremony went without a hitch, Rey felt herself getting emotional during the exchange of vows. And when they walked back, she did so at the arm of Poe, she couldn’t stop grinning.
Dinner was a lovely affair, she had spent it talking with Poe. And Poe had apparently made it his mission to have her laughing throughout it, because at the end of it, her cheeks hurt and she had tears in her eyes. They only fell silent when it was announced that Finn and Rose would do their first dance.
And Rey felt trouble brewing when Rose asked for all single women to the dance floor. She walked with trepidation, but Rose was only smiling and Finn was by her side, then Rose turned and lifted her bouquet, after two fake throws, Rose’s bouquet flew… straight to her hands.
Rey felt herself blush and stumble as many other women offer congratulations. When it was Finn’s turn to toss the garter, Rey could only watch as Finn playfully pretended to toss it a couple of times and really toss it when the men were least expecting it. Only for the garter to hit Poe in the face.
And then Rose, looking like mischievous woman that she was, called for a dance. And Rey blushed, but made her way to the dance floor. She was not going to pass the chance to dance with Poe, even if she had the eyes of everyone in the room. She took a deep breath, she was a Skywalker, she was brave and this wasn’t going to shake her.
Poe smiled at her, took her hand and placed his around her waist. And Rey could swear she felt sparks when his hand touched her. The music began, and Poe lead her. She allowed herself to be led and swayed gently with the music. People and everything else disappeared, it was only her and Poe.
“You look very pretty,” Poe said, softly enough for only her to hear. “That color really suits you.”
“Thank you,” Rey answered. “You look quite dashing yourself, Poe.”
Poe’s whole face softened. “Thanks. You know, I’ve been thinking.”
“I’ve been thinking that I like weddings,” Poe said and then spun her around. “And I’m very much looking forward dancing with my bride when time comes.”
Rey felt like a vice grip had taken hold of her heart. Because if Poe already wanted someone, she wouldn’t stand a chance with him. The selfish part of her wanted to say, ‘I’ll be your bride,’ but she simply smiled at him. “And your bride will be a lucky one.” It hurt to say that out loud, but he deserved happiness. Even if it wasn’t with her.
The look that Poe was a strange one. Then nodded, quite solemn and drew closer to whisper in her ear, “Yeah you’ll make a lovely bride.”
That startled Rey, she immediately turned to look at Poe, he was smiling so gently and his eyes were so full of love, that for the second time in the evening, her breath caught. “Poe…” she couldn’t bring herself to finish.
“Yeah, I know, I’m jumping the gun, but we’ll get there. I know. My pa likes to call it ‘to this point, from now on’. And just so you know, I do love you.”
“Then why…?”
“I haven’t said anything? Because courage always fails me on personal affairs. It’s ridiculous, I can fly and do battle in the skies, but I can’t tell the woman I love that I love her. How funny, isn’t it?”
Rey’s eyes misted over and she blinked back tears. “Well then Poe, to this point, from now on.”
The smile Poe gave her was dazzling.
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dc-x-readers · 5 years
Accidental Marriage (Tim Drake x Reader)
This is based of a similar fic which was Jayroy, but I can’t find it anywhere. If anyone sends me that fic I will give the idea credit to the author.
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It was strange because neither of you knew. And this was the kind of thing that people usually knew about.
You and Tim have been partners for years, both working with the new Teen Titans and then slowly branching of as a duo. And that was fine.
It really is fine, just because you are slightly in love with your best friend didn’t mean you two couldn’t work well together. In fact you probably worked so well together because you were in love with him.
You don’t even know when this happened.
Maybe it was a night where the two of you were blackout drunk. So out of it, the two of you might have done something this stupid. But Tim didn’t ever drink enough to get blackout, and somehow you doubted that you would do this.
Nevertheless how it happened, it did, and you were here now, wearing a simple white dress about to walk down the aisle.
Tim and you hadn’t know it was happening when you two got the call,
The phone rang, one twice and a third time, its angry screeching rising you from your sleep. You padded from your room, sleep mussed hair and tired eyes into the common room you and Tim shared, to see him picking up the phone.
Tim mouthed sorry to you, and you shrugged it off, starting the coffee pot.
“Hey Alfred.” Tim spoke his tone all too cheery for the hour. Alfred said something on the other line that you couldn’t hear, but from Tim’s reaction it wasn’t good.
“Whoa, whoa wait, slow down.” Tim spoke quickly, and you looked up from the coffee. You gestured for Tim to put the call on speaker, and he did quickly.
“Young man you will return to Gotham immediately, the wedding is in a week. Bring that lady of yours!” The older man’s voice rang out. Then there was a click, Alfred had hung up.
“Wedding?” Tim muttered, “Whose getting married?”
Turns out you were. Or that you already were.
As soon as you and Tim arrived in Gotham you were scolded for getting married in secret, turns out Barbara had found your marriage license online and everyone was angry with the two of you for not inviting them to the wedding. Neither of you knew what to say, because you were both pretty sure you would remember getting married.
Not that they really gave you two a chance to express your confusion, because Barbara, Stephanie, and Dick whisked you away to go wedding dress shopping, and someone told you that Jason, Cass, Duke, and Kate were giving Tim a bachelor party. You were dragged to a posh boutique and stuffed into dress after dress until you found the one.
Even though you weren’t sure about this whole marriage you couldn’t help but fall in love with the dress, it fit like a glove and accentuated everything that needed to be accentuated. You looked beautiful, like someone in a magazine, and Dick even shed a tear.
The night before the wedding you and Tim weren’t allowed to see each other, the two of you haven’t spoken since arriving to Gotham, even though all you wanted to do was ask Tim what the fuck was happening.
Instead you fell asleep in the guestroom, wondering how all of this happened.
And here you are now, your heart hammering in your chest, looking over yourself in the mirror. You were radiant, Kate surprisingly has a way with makeup.
“You look beautiful.” Steph said from behind you, she had appointed herself one of your bridesmaids. “Time to go marry your man. Again.”
You wanted to tell her that you don’t even remember the first time, but there was so much work being put into this wedding that you didn’t have the heart. Everyone was so excited to see the two of you.
You heard the bridal march, and grabbed Alfred’s arm, he was the closest thing you had to a father and had offered to walk you down the aisle.
The doors to the Wayne manor ballroom swung open and everyone rose in their seats to look you. The seats were filled with your friends from the life as a vigilante, all here to see you and Tim get married.
Tim was at the other end of the aisle, looking as handsome as ever. When he saw you his eyes went wide, and his mouth opened just a bit. You resisted the urge to laugh at his reaction, but you did give him a small smile.
Once to the altar, Alfred patted your hand letting you go.
You stood across from Tim, your hands laced, as Bruce began his officiant speech. Neither of you had vows, because you hadn’t know you were getting married, so Bruce elegantly skipped over that part. Then of course Bruce said those iconic lines: “You may kiss the bride.”
You stared up at Tim, eyes wide, would the two of you really do this?
Tim simply leaned in, kissing you softly on the lips. Your body was on fire, and there was applause in the background. When he leaned back he whispered in your ear, “When this is all over, we need to talk.”
“Not really something you say on your wedding day Drake.” you teased, trying to lighten the mood. He smiled, probably for your sake.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Bruce shouted cheerfully.
Bonus: How You Two Ended Up Married
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“Do we have to do all this paperwork today?” You whined pitifully while waiting in line in the state-house. You knew it all needed to get done, but at what cost? It was your day off from work and you should be sleeping!
“Yeah, because if it were up to you we would never get any of this done.” Tim countered, noticing one clerk was available for business.
“That’s it, I don’t love you anymore.” You joked, and the clerk smiled at the two of you.
He noticed right away the ring on your left finger (you meant to put it on your right, you had forgotten that left meant marriage) and how close you two were. He liked seeing young couples, happily in love. He smiled kindly down onto you both.
“We have a lot of forms to do.” Tim muttered, then he looked to the clerk sheepishly, “I’m sorry, we will be here a while.”
The both of you began signing papers, occasionally bantering to each other, after a particularly witty comment the clerk asked you, “So when are you two getting married.”
You laughed at this, because you thought he meant that you two act like an old married couple, not because you were wearing that damned ring, “I want a winter wedding, but this guy wants it to be outside.”
“What can I say?” Tim replied easily, “I like flowers.”
The clerk thought he was being nice, thought that he was just helping two people in love, when he slipped the marriage license into the paperwork. And because the two of you were both so tired of signing paperwork you didn’t bother to read it properly. The clerk signed as your witness, and the two of you left, none the wiser that you were now walking in holy matrimony.
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iamartemisday · 5 years
The Highest Bidder- a Pepperony fic
A/N: This is my unfortunately late gift for @xxdustnight88 as part of the @womenofmcu‘s Valentine’s Day exchange.
Hope you enjoy!
Pepper had been working as Tony Stark’s personal assistant for nine months, one week, and six days. Here’s what she’d learned:
He drank dark roast coffee with two sugars and one milk.
His favorite band was AC/DC, and she was ninety-nine percent positive he secretly owned the rights to all their music.
He would wear the same pair of jeans multiple days in a row even though he had two closets full of designer clothes.
He preferred blondes with large breasts and long legs, though he’d happily take a brunette to his bed. Very few redheads, though. Not that she cared.
He had no concept of circadian rhythms and didn’t realize he was the only one.
That was how she found herself awake at two in the morning on February 14th, her ill-chosen pop song ringtone cutting holes in her skull with a rusty knife. Tony’s face appeared on her Call ID, grinning like a fool. He was drunk when she took it. Kind of mean, but sometimes, she needed a laugh.
She hit accept. Reminding herself that she made more in a month than most people made in a year, she refrained from cursing him out and settled for a non-committal, “Good morning, Mr. Stark.”
“Club Forty on Eighth Avenue at six.”
“Excuse me?”
“Be at Club Forty on Eighth Avenue at six o’clock tonight. I’ll get Hogan to pick you up. Wear the most expensive outfit you have, and if you don’t have anything that’ll make you look suitably rich, buy whatever you need on my tab. Hogan will give you cash.”
“Wait, Mr. Stark, I don’t understand.” She made the fatal mistake of looking at her glowing blue clock radio. Now her eyes were about to explode. She rubbed them fiercely, struggling to keep them open. “You want me to go to a club?”
“Club Forty. Eighth Avenue. There’s going to be a charity bachelor auction and I need you to buy me.”
“Because if you don’t, Angelica Spooner will.”
“Who’s Angelica Spooner?”
“Some heiress I met at a party a few months ago. I was going to invite her back to my place, but it turns out, she’s kind of completely nuts and obsessed with me. So I must avoid her at all costs.”
“She can’t be that bad.”
“She showed up at my office the next day in a wedding dress.”
Okay, that was pretty bad.
“You know, there should be other women at the auction.” Pepper didn’t actually remember seeing that on Tony’s schedule. Knowing him, he agreed after his seventh daiquiri and failed to remember until yesterday. “There’s no guarantee she’ll win.”
“I’m not taking any chances.” Pepper heard clanking in the background. Sounded like he was elbow deep in a radiator again. “I’m sorry if you had plans-”
She didn’t, and they both knew it. She’d been between relationships since long before Stark Industries was on her radar.
“-but if you do this for me, I will give you anything you want. Extra pay, double vacation days, you name it. Just please, please-”
“Okay, relax. You don’t have to beg.” Not that she didn’t kind of enjoy it. “I’ll buy you at the auction and keep you far away from your bride-to-be.”
She could hear him shudder. “Thank you. I’ll get Hogan to pick you up at five. Unless you need to run some errands first? Get your hair done or something?”
“No, that’s fine.” Pepper ran her fingers through her hair and hit multiple knots. She pushed through and managed to only wince in pain. “I can get myself ready. See you tonight, Mr. Stark.”
“You are a dream, Ms. Potts.”
He hung up and Pepper stared at the phone, watching the time change from 2:32 to 2:33. Now there was a sign-off she’d never heard before. Once, in her first week of work, he told her her eyes sparkled when she laughed and left him mesmerized. She’d taken the compliment as it wasn’t about her ass or her breasts, but assumed it was just him being his usual self. Charming all the girls like a regular Casanova. Knowing she’d never in a million years say yes because that violated so many workplace regulations and just, in general, would be in poor taste.
Never did she think he actually meant it.
Because obviously, his type was elegant, classically beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow type women. Not mousy failed model Pepper Potts.
But the way he called her a dream, in the exact same tone of voice he used to wax poetic about her eyes, almost like he did find her as beautiful as those other girls. Almost like he had a whole different reason to ask her this favor.
Almost like…
Pepper rolled over and fell back asleep. By morning, she should be fully rested and returned to sanity.
Her nicest outfit was a midnight blue evening gown she bought herself as a Christmas gift. It was made of a material she didn’t know the name of but felt like wearing a waterfall. The neckline was on the lower end, but still presentable. The skirt molded to her body like a glove, flaring just a bit at the ankles. Pepper had yet to wear it, but the shopkeeper had insisted, in broken but passable English, that she was a dish in it and men would adore her.
Her doorman, a stone-faced man who could catch flies out of midair, swallowed his tongue as scrambled to open the door for her, and Hogan forgot how to speak for a few seconds as he tried his best not to stare at her.
The shopkeeper was right. Good.
She’d showered earlier in the day and given herself a simple updo. Her make-up was neatly applied and her nails cleaned and manicured. It was a quarter after five and there was nothing to do but get to the club with a half hour to spare.
Of course, traffic being what it was, she just barely made it before the clock struck six. Happy opened the door for her and handed her a platinum credit card.
“From Mr. Stark,” he said. “There’s fifty thousand on there. Should be more than enough to win the auction. Don’t worry, it’s in his name.”
“Thanks, Happy,” she said as the bouncer removed the velvet rope to allow her entry.
She checked her coat and entered the party. It was a swanky event devoid of the usual drunks grinding against each other to pounding dubstep beats. Instead, a pianist played a jazzy tune while men and women in their black-tie best sipped wine and talked about how great being rich was. Pepper recognized a few of them as Tony’s business partners. They greeted her warmly and she responded in kind. Nobody was looking to make conversation, so she found an empty seat near the stage without much trouble.
A man was at the podium organizing his notes. He was short and nearly bald with wire-rim glasses. When he coughed into the microphone, the feedback made Pepper’s ears ring.
“Attention everyone. The auction will begin in five minutes. Please retrieve a paddle from the front desk if you haven’t already.”
Pepper’s paddle was flat in her lap, made from polished cedar wood and lined with gold. Unnecessarily ornate to the highest degree, but all she could’ve expected from the one percent of the one percent.
More people were filing into the dining room now. So many new voices, it was impossible to pick out more than one or two at a time. She distinctly heard a husband and wife arguing over the former’s fixation on their twenty-something babysitter and a waiter rushing through the crowd with a drink in hand.
“Your margarita, Miss Spooner.”
Pepper turned all the way around in her seat. The waiter, grinning foolishly, handed the drink to a woman in a black sequin cocktail dress. She was blonde, leggy, and had boobs bigger than her head. Definitely Angelica.
Despite her objectively pretty face and clear skin, Pepper couldn’t say what made her especially attractive. She stared at the woman as long as she could without being noticed, and there wasn’t a single distinguishing feature to be found. Maybe it was just the distance.
A bell was rung, signaling the start of the night’s main event. The balding man had fixed the microphone and now spoke without causing physical or emotional damage.
“Thank you, everyone, for coming. We’d like to first take the opportunity to wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day. We hope tonight will be a night to remember.”
Some polite applause and then the balding man continued.
“We will begin with our charity bachelor auction. First up, we have Mr. Thomas Holloway, CFO, and co-founder of Datson-Holloway Incorporated. May I start the bidding at five thousand dollars?”
Pepper watched silently as each consecutive bachelor took the stage. She had no idea what Tony’s place in line was or where he was sitting. Most of the men came out from behind a curtain, so it was possible he was back there having as many drinks as he needed to stand before the crowd like a piece of meat and hopefully not go home with someone who probably had his name carved into her arm. Not once did she raise her paddle, earning a few inquisitive looks from the women around her.
“I’m waiting for someone,” she whispered when the stares wouldn’t stop.
Mr. Blake Matthews of Hammertech sold for a cool forty thousand. Then the room hitched a collective breath as the man of the hour appeared.
“Last, but certainly not least,” said the balding man, “Mr. Tony Stark needs no introduction. Let’s start the bidding off at-”
Every paddle was in the air. So was Angelica Spooner.
“Twenty thousand!”
A few paddles went down, but most were furiously waved. Tony’s eyes locked on Pepper, his smile turning horribly fake as a silently pleaded with her. This brought her back to the reason she was here and she rose to her feet.
“I bid twenty-five thousand,” she said.
Angelica Spooner looked like she wanted leap across the room and tear Pepper apart like a rabid cheetah.
“Thirty thousand,” she cried instead.
“Thirty thousand!” The balding man clapped his hands together. “Very good. Do I hear thirty-five thousand? Thirty-five thousand, anyone?”
“Thirty-five thousand,” a random woman in the audience yelled.
“Forty thousand,” said Angelica.
“Forty-five thousand!”
This was actually getting pretty exciting. Even Tony seemed to be enjoying himself. He flashed Pepper a thumbs up, emboldening her to put an end to this once and for all. The credit card burned through her dress into her skin. Fifty thousand dollars. Even the biggest spenders wouldn’t dare go that far all for one measly dinner date. Indeed, more than three-quarters of the paddles were down and what remained were only half as high as they had been.
Pepper didn’t dare look at Angelica, no matter how weirdly tempted she was to give the woman a smirk.
“Seventy-five thousand dollars!”
A wave of gasps as Angelica pranced on stage and clung to Tony’s arm, so assured of her victory now that her insane bid was on the table. She whispered something in Tony’s ear. He turned snow white and couldn’t bother to fake smile anymore. Now, he just looked sick.
“Well, we have a real battle royale here tonight,” the balding man cheered. “All right, seventy-five thousand. Do I hear eighty thousand?”
Crickets. Pepper couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. It didn’t matter in the slightest because Tony was her boss and a flirt and about as far from serious boyfriend-husband material one could get outside of convicted felons. Him going on a date with this woman meant nothing to her aside from the legal ramifications if she was as bad as Tony claimed. Otherwise, it was nothing she had any involvement in. Nothing she cared about.
He was just her boss.
But Angelica’s hands on his arm and her lips in his ear…
“No? All right.” The balding man prepared his gavel. “That’s seventy-five thousand dollars going once… going twice… s-”
It didn’t sound like Pepper’s voice. If she hadn’t felt the vibrations in her throat, she wouldn’t have known it was her at all. Angelica’s eyes bugged out. Tony looked like he’d just seen Jesus. The balding man sputtered and nearly dropped his gavel.
“Wha- you- you can’t-” Pepper kind of liked how presumptuous Angelica had been in going on stage. In the proper lighting, it was now perfectly clear how unpretty she really was.
“That’s it,” a male voice snapped from the audience. Then a middle-aged man stood up. “Angelica, get down here. It’s over.”
“But daddy,” she whined, “you said-”
“I said no more than seventy thousand. No more. Now move. We’re going home.”
It took a few more seconds of pouting and clutching Tony’s arm with her tentacles, but finally, she uncurled herself and stomped off stage, muttering obscenities to herself.
The crowd was silent as father and daughter left the room. He could still be heard yelling at her for embarrassing him even as the balding man cleared his throat and brought the event back to order.
“All right. That was… well, I think it’s safe to say we have a winner! Sold to Virginia Potts for one hundred thousand dollars. Thank you so much, Ms. Potts.”
Pepper waved awkwardly as those daring enough to applaud whistled and whooped for her. She stepped towards the stage where Tony was shaking hands with the balding man. They left after Pepper handed over the card and signed a few papers promising to clean out her bank account to pay for a dinner with her boss. The whole process made her head spin and her stomach churn, even after Tony took the organizers aside and most likely arranged to cover the payment himself.
“Hell of a show there, Potts,” he said while they waited for Hogan to bring the car around.
“Tony, I’m so sorry,” she said, clutching her dress and leaving behind unsightly wrinkles. “I know I was only supposed to bid fifty thousand. I didn’t mean to let it get so out of hand.”
“What are you talking about? You did exactly what I told you to.”
“But you gave me fifty thousand and I ended up bidding twice that.”
“So? I have twelve more cards just like it. Even if I didn’t, I’d give every cent I have and most of my major organs not to go home with Alex Forrest over there.”
“That reminds me,” Pepper looked around but thankfully didn’t see Angelica anywhere. “What was she saying to you?”
Tony shivered as beads of sweat dripped down his face. “Let’s just say I’m really glad I don’t believe in love spells. And that I didn’t drink the wine.”
“Okay then,” Pepper took him by the arm without thinking. “Let’s get a move on.”
“Yes indeed,” Tony took a breath to calm himself down. “How does Monica’s sound to you. Or maybe the Dancing Goose?”
“What’s the Dancing Goose?”
“This little hole in the wall I found one night while bar hopping in college,” Tony said. “It’s a lot ritzier than it sounds and they make amazing crepes. I think it’s a great date location.”
“Are you saying we should actually go on a date?”
Tony shrugged. “I mean, you did spend one hundred thousand dollars on me. Just because I’m paying it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get my money’s worth.”
Pepper tried not to laugh. She really did. “You know there are a few big reasons why you and I can’t date. Reasons which I have listed to you several times already.”
“Yeah, I was thinking we could skip that part and just go for the crepes.” Tony tried to look endearing and innocent with his puppy dog eyes. If Pepper was a giggling fangirl, it would’ve worked like a charm. When she didn’t break, he sighed. “Okay, tell you what, we go for a friendly dinner and talk about work and other boring stuff. So instead of being a couple, we’re just two co-workers chatting over a candlelit dinner on Valentine’s Day. Sound good?”
Part of Pepper wanted to say no, and not at all for the right reasons. “I suppose an impromptu work meeting in a public place followed by returning to our seperate homes at a reasonable hour would be all right.”
Tony slumped a little. “You sound like my junior prom date’s dad.”
“Or I could just go home.”
“No, no, friendly work not-date is fine. I can live with that.”
Happy arrived with the car and honked the horn. He didn’t say a word as they got in the backseat, which Pepper made a note to give him a good tip for. She sat several inches from Tony, nodding along as he sung the Dancing Goose’s praises, interspersed with directions on how to get there for Happy. As they pulled out, Pepper caught sight of Angelica out the rearview mirror. As she stormed down the steps with her father, her heel snapped on the bottom step, sending her plummetting forward. She landed face first in a puddle from the morning’s rainfall, ruining her hair and dress.
Pepper was not someone who took pleasure in other people’s suffering, she really wasn’t, but she couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach as Angelica struggled to stand with tears running down her face. Nor could she stop herself from ‘accidentally’ laying her hand on Tony’s forearm and squeezing.
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bxcketbarnes · 6 years
The Planning - Part Three // Mini Wedding Series
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Gif credit goes to @tothemoonmikey 💕
Pairing: Ashton Irwin/Reader
Words: 3653
Author's Note: I'm sorry this took so long to get out, guys! I hope the cuteness of it makes up for the lateness. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what your thoughts were ❤
Ashton and I were sitting on the couch, his laptop resting on his thighs while my head rests on his shoulder. My fingers gently stroke his forearm as we were searching for the wedding venues in Topsfield, MA.
“There’s only three? Really?” I ponder, my lips brushing against Ash’s bare shoulder. I chew on my lip, letting out a heavy sigh as the gorgeous drummer clicks on Willowdale Estate, their website slowly loading.
“This one looks great, babe,” he mumbles while scrolling through the site and I pick my head up a bit. We looked at the Fall Lookbook first, my heart swelling at the gorgeous building and the woods that surround it.
My lips part, getting tranced at the pictures the website provides, squeezing Ash’s forearm lightly. “Oh, wow. Alright, this is definitely the place,” I tell him, turning my head to look up at him. He lets out a small chuckle, kissing my forehead. “I mean… as long as you like the place too.”
“I actually love it. I can honestly see us getting married here. Can you?” Ashton asks and I nod, getting a little emotional as our wedding was getting pieced together little by little. I slowly bring my hand to his cheek, bringing him in for a passionate kiss.
We moved our lips in sync, the butterflies in my stomach soaring around as Ashton ran his slender fingers through my hair. I push the laptop off his lap, moving it towards the end of the couch as I straddle his hips. My fingers comb through his curls, tilting his head back slightly while pulling away from him.
“We're getting married soon,” I whisper against his lips. My heart flutters at the fact, slowly closing my eyes before resting my forehead against his.
“We are,” Ashton mumbles back, his fingers gently comb my hair. “I love you so much, baby.”
I could feel tears beginning to well up, lacing our fingers together as his thumbs rub the back of my hands. “I love you,” I pause for a few seconds before leaning away from him, glancing towards his laptop. “We should probably figure out how much it'll be.”
Ashton lets out a giggle before nodding. I slide off his lap while he reaches for his computer, setting it back on his lap. “Alright,” he mumbles, scrolling up to see the rates.
Tent Season
SITE RENTAL … *$8,000
CEREMONY … $1,000
CATERING MINIMUM … $23,630 starting catering rate: $139/person
Friday or Sunday
SITE RENTAL … *$6,000
CEREMONY … $1,000
CATERING MINIMUM … $16,660 starting catering rate: $119/person
I frown at how expensive it is, well to me it's probably expensive. I look towards Ash to see him nodding his head while his hazel eyes roam over the screen.
“How many people do you want there?” I ask quietly, resting my chin against his shoulder. He glances down at me for a few seconds before looking back at the screen.
“Well, we got your family and mine, the boys, some of our friends. The minimum of 125 should be enough, right?” He asks.
I nod my head, biting my bottom lip. “We should have it on a Friday,” I tell him, knowing that it's cheaper than having it on a Saturday.
“Are you sure? People will have to take the day off if we did that. You don't want it on a Saturday? I'm pretty sure the nineteenth is a Saturday, babe.”
I sigh while my fingers stroked his forearm. “It's just more expensive on a Saturday,” I whisper loud enough for him to hear.
“Baby,” Ashton sighs, lifting my chin up so I'm looking at him. “Don't worry about the money. I have so much saved up from being in the band and everything. I know you don't want people to assume you're using me for money but this is our wedding. I think it's worth it, don't you?”
I chew on my bottom lip, continually staring into Ash’s beautiful eyes. “I mean, yeah. Okay, okay. We can have it on the date we set,” I tell him with a small smile on my lips.
May 2019 … Five months until the wedding
“How's the wedding planning going?” My mother asks over the phone.
I push my glasses up, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I glance at my phone that sat beside me on the kitchen table. “It's going. Ashton called the venue a couple weeks ago and set the date, so that's all done. The girls and I are going to a bridal/formal dress shop in the mall later today to get some dresses for the wedding party,” I tell her, staring down at my notebook as I had a bunch of colors written on the paper. “I'm just trying to figure out our wedding colors before going.”
“So, you got your dress and the venue so far?” She asks and I agree, realizing how little we have planned for a wedding that's in a little over five months.
“Jesus. There's so much to do in such little time,” I mumble, my chest clenching in pain as I could feel tears of frustration come to my eyes. “I should've hired someone.”
The front door opening didn't really catch my attention as my mother was telling me that everything would be alright. I wipe the tears that slid down my cheeks, nodding my head at her words.
“Baby?” Ashton speaks up and I snap my head up, seeing him standing in front of me. “What's wrong?”
“She's worried,” my mom mentions as her voice is projected through the speaker.
Ashton comes towards me, sitting in the chair beside me. His rests his hand on my thigh, stroking the warm skin softly. “The wedding is in five months, Ash, and we barely have anything planned. I've been trying to pick the damn wedding colors for over an hour,” I tell him while leaning back in the chair, combing my fingers through my hair. “And Steff told me they'd be here in a little over an hour and I don't wanna have to rush a big part of the wedding.”
I watch as Ashton glances at the paper in front of me. “I'm gonna let you go so you guys can figure stuff out. Love you both,” she tells us and the two of us mumble a love you too before she hangs up.
“Can I see your pen?” He mutters and I nod, handing it to him. “So, since it's in the fall we can really cross out the brighter colors, you know?”
I nod again, resting my cheek against his bicep as he crosses out the colors such as blush, peach, rose, etc. “I mean, I can look at some color schemes on Pinterest or something?” I offer, looking up at him as he nods subconsciously.
He suddenly circles navy and marsala. “What does marsala look like?” Ashton asks, looking down at me. I grab my phone, looking it up on Google before showing him. “So a darkish burgundy color? I think those two would look great at the Estate.”
I chuckle while shaking my head, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “You always make things easier, You know that?”
“Well, can't have the bride be stressed,” he smirks before pressing a short kiss to my lips.
“So if we're going with navy and marsala… you guys can wear navy suits with the masala tie and the girls can wear marsala dresses,” I pipe up, writing it down on the piece of paper so I can add it to the list of things completed on my computer. “We can also get the invitations out now that we have the colors. I'll look some up later.”
I felt Ashton press his lips to my cheek before he nuzzles his face in my neck. I grin ear to ear, chuckling softly as I ran my fingers through his curly hair. “I love you,” he whispers while his lips brush against the area between my shoulder and neck.
Our doorbell rang and I glance towards the front door, letting out a sigh. “That's probably the girls,” I mutter before standing up from the chair. Ashton's arms wrap around my waist, not letting me go and I look down. “Ash,” I giggle while my fingers try to pry away his hands.
“I don't wanna let go,” he laughs and I roll my eyes, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.
“You're unbelievable,” I shake my head before looking back towards the front door. “Come in, girls!”
Ashton stands, his arms never unwrapping from my waist as my girlfriends step into the kitchen area, chuckling at the two of us. “Do you want a night just to us when you get back?” He asks and I furrow my brows. “We've been so busy with our jobs and the wedding that we haven't really spent time together, romantically.”
Steff awed quietly as I stroke Ash’s cheek. “I'd love too, baby. I can pick some stuff up to make for dinner?” I tell him and he nods, pressing his lips to mine.
“I love you. Have fun, baby,” he whispers against my lips and I smile big, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
“I love you so much, Ashton.”
Mariah, Payton, Steff and I walk into the store in the mall, clutching my purse close to me as my eyes roam around the store.
“So, you think you and Ash will end up… you know,” Steff insinuates and my cheeks heat up while letting out a nervous laugh.
“Oh my god, Steff! I don't know!” I laugh, shaking my head as we step towards the worker at the front.
Steff shrugs as the other girls let out a laugh. “It's a valid question!”
The worker that stood behind the counter smiles as I return it, reading her name tag subtly, Kim. “Hi! Is there anything I can help you with?” She asks and I nod.
“Yeah. I'm getting married in a few months and I need bridesmaid dresses in the color of marsala,” I inform her and she nods, excusing herself to look in the back.
The four of us wait for her to come back as we talk about what the next steps are for the wedding. “I have an appointment with Kleinfeld in September for the fitting and I was thinking that we could just stay either at a hotel or my grandparent's house until the wedding,” I explain to them and they nod.
“Does grandma L/N have room for all of us? Also, is the boys joining us then as well? ‘Cause then it's easier since we can just share rooms,” Payton mentions and I snap my fingers, letting out a quiet ah!
“In that case, she does! Sometimes I keep forgetting you three are dating them,” I chuckle, slapping my forehead playfully as they laugh along.
The sounds of heels became louder as the lady came back out with three marsala colored dresses. “Unfortunately, these are the only ones we have,” she told us with a small smile and I look over the dress. Floor length, halter top, a slit going up the shirt of the dress. Simple, but gorgeous.
“I actually really love it. Girls? How do you feel? You'll be the ones wearing it,” I ask them and they nod their heads.
“Yeah, it's a gorgeous dress. I think it's perfect,” Payton grins.
“Great! I'll check you out and we can make an appointment to have them fitted for the wedding,” Kim mentions and I nod my head, pulling my credit card out of my wallet.
September 2019 … One month until the wedding.
Ashton and I were currently sitting on a plane, heading to Massachusetts. My head rests on his shoulder, feeling his hand on my thigh.
“Can you believe that the wedding is in less than a month?” He asks quietly, casting his eyes down at me.
I grin, my chin sitting on his shoulder as I look up at him. “Honestly, no. I can't believe you asked me to marry you. I can't believe I get to call you mine. I can't believe you wanted to go out with me six years ago,” I laugh, my lips pressed against his shoulder.
Ashton’s hand moves up to mine, intertwining our fingers. “I've fallen so in love with you and a part of me knew it before I had the balls to ask you out,” he whispers while his lips brush my hair.
I blush, my cheeks heating up as I squeeze his hand. “Jesus, Ash,” I mumble, feeling my heart flutter.
“What? I'm just tellin’ you the truth,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.
“I know, but it still makes me melt,” I laugh, biting my bottom lip while looking up at him. Ashton presses a quick kiss to my lips before a woman comes onto the intercom.
We’ll be landing in Boston in about ten minutes. Please put your seatbelts on.
All eight of us got to my grandparent's house around dinner time. I greet my grandmother first as she quickly came outside once the Uber pulled into the driveway.
“Baby, hi!” She grins, pressing a kiss to my cheek before moving onto Ashton. “I'm so glad you guys are here!”
I smile softly as her and Ash converse while I grab our suitcase, bringing it into the house. I set our stuff in one of the rooms, Cal and Mariah in the room beside us while the other two couples are across the hall.
Everyone met up in the living room and I sit down beside Ash on the loveseat sofa. “When's your Kleinfeld appointment?” Grandma asks while my fianceé took my hand into his, lacing our fingers together.
“It's on Friday. The girls and I are leaving Thursday night to head to New York,” I tell her with a smile on my lips. “I'm really excited to see how the dress came out and how it'll look on me all fitted.”
“I can't wait to see you in it,” Ashton mumbles while looking down at me. I chuckle, grinning at the man while he presses a kiss to my forehead. “Us guys will probably get our suits and ties while you're gone.”
I nod, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. “Good. I packed the girl’s dresses and I bought my shoes a couple of weeks ago, so I have those. Um, you and I are going to the venue next week still, right?” I ask and Ashton nods.
“Yeah. The man on the phone said our appointment is on Tuesday at eleven,” he informs me.
“Look at you guys,” Calum speaks up, a grin on his lips as his hand rests on Mariah’s thigh, gently going up and down. “I'm a bit proud of you two for not getting a wedding planner. The past couple months you've guys have done a lot of planning. I'm surprised you managed to get everything done.”
I let out a scoff, nodding my head in agreement. “Oh my god, never again I'll I plan something without a professional. I think Ash sent me to a spa like ten times because I was so stressed and overwhelmed,” I laugh, shaking my head as everyone joins in.
“I hope you don't have to plan another wedding,” Ashton laughs, ruffling his hair while I widen my eyes.
“Oh, no no. I'm in it for the long run with you, handsome,” I grin as he smirks a bit.
“Good ‘cause there's no way I'm letting you go. You're the best thing that's happened to me,” he mutters before pressing his lips to mine. Our friends let out a gagging noise and I pull away from Ash, giggling a bit.
“Really? Get a room!” Mike basically yells as his arm is wrapped around Steff’s shoulders.
My eyes found Ashton’s again and as soon as our eyes connect he wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I snort a bit, hitting his chest and he lets out a small groan followed by a laugh. “Hey, Michael suggested it!”
“Doesn't mean I'm just gonna leave them here with my grandparents to have sex with you,” I chuckle, a toothy grin on my lips as my cheeks began to hurt a bit.
It's certainly been way too long since we last hung out altogether. They're my home away from home…
Payton, Mariah, Steff and I found ourselves back in New York. It's been months since I first purchased the dress. Excitement and nerves flow through my body as we walked downstairs towards the alterations department.
I checked in real quick before I sat down next to Payton. “I wanna thank you, guys… for being here with me. Experiencing this with me. I honestly can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with than you girls,” I tell them. I began to get a little emotional, remembering the first time I came to LA with Ashton and the boys. They were the only people I knew in the big city and I ended up meeting the girls one night we went out to a bar.
Payton lays a hand on my arm, giving me a small smile while the other girls did the same. “We'll always be here for you, Y/N. The four of us became best friends quickly and without Ashton and the guys moving to LA we probably wouldn't even know each other right now,” she tells me and I nod.
“Y/N L/N?” Someone calls out and I snap my head in the direction of the voice, seeing an older woman with blonde hair and a bit of an accent. “You're here for your fitting, yes?”
I nod, smiling widely while standing. “Yes, I am!” I tell her, grabbing the bag I had my shoes in. The four of us follow her towards the fitting rooms and we go all the way to the end room.
“How long until the wedding?” She asks, a smile on her lips as the girls took a seat across from the curtained room.
I glance down at my phone, checking the date before looking back towards the lady. “It's in less than a month,” I tell her, my stomach doing flips as I think about walking down the aisle.
“Oh! That's exciting. Got everything planned?” She asks while gathering everything she needs. I nod my head, opening the shopping back to grab the heels I bought for the wedding.
I look at the heels in awe, still in love with them as much as I was when I first saw them. They were blush colored with rose gold vines that wrapped around the heel.
“Alright. We're gonna put on the dress then we’ll reveal,” the consultant told my girls and they nod their heads before she closed the curtain.
We got back to Topsfield the next night. The fitting had gone well and tears were definitely shed when I had the dress on with the veil. I carry the covered dress and veil into the house, careful so the bag doesn't drag against the cool ground.
Ashton greets me at the door, dipping down to press a kiss to my lips. “Everything went well I see,” he mentions after he pulled away, his hazel eyes moving to the dress bag that's hanging over my shoulder.
“It did. One step closer,” I mutter while grinning. “Did you guys get everything?”
He nods while stepping aside, letting me into my grandmother's house. The two of us made our way upstairs and I hung up the dress in the closet. I notice the navy suit hanging up and I ran my fingers over the blazer before glancing back to Ash.
“Did any of the guys take a picture of you with the suit on?” I ask, biting my lip as I step towards him.
Ashton smirks, crossing his arms over his chest while shaking his head. “Nope. If I can't see you in your dress you can't see me in the suit. I guess you'll just have to wait,” he laughs and I playfully pout.
“Aw, man. I guess I can wait a few more weeks,” I mumble, my hand sliding up his chest. His hands rest on my hips, pulling me closer to his body.
“Just in a few weeks you'll officially be Mrs. Irwin,” he whispers against my lips while his fingers dip under my shirt.
I grin, butterflies soaring around my stomach as I feel his breath fan my face. “I love you,” I whisper, my eyes fluttering shut as one of Ashton’s hands move to my cheek.
“I love you so much,” Ash mutters against my lips before connecting them. I melt a little, pouring everything into the kiss as his other hand wraps tighter around my waist.
He slowly moves to towards the bed and I fall back onto it, Ashton hovering over me while still moving his lips against mine. A knock on the bedroom door abruptly pulls us apart. I pant slightly, my eyes moving towards the door as Ash had one of his hands on my hips.
“Y/N? Ash? Dinner’s ready!” Grandma spoke through the door.
“Okay! We'll be down in a minute,” I call out and I let out a huff of breath, falling back onto the mattress. “C'mon, Mr. Irwin,” I chuckle and he gets off me.
Ashton opens the door, motioning me to go first. “After you, Mrs. Irwin,” he grins and I bite my lip, feeling the smile on my face widening. I walk towards him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving the room.
Just a few goddamn weeks and I'll finally be married to my best friend and the love of my life…
Taglist: @h0tsos @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @kinglyhood @ashs-cheergirl @babylon-lrh @dashlilymark @morningfears @thebookamongmen @maddz-world @lukeskisses @thatcheekychic @therainydays4 @crownedbyluke @shower-me-with-roses
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.15
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Rose is about to marry Harry, but luckily, Charlie and Willy come to her rescue.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​
Rose stood in front of a mirror in her dressing room, while Harry's sister, Catherine, adjusted the veil that was secured by Rose's braided updo. She was still crying. She was surprised she still had tears left to cry.
Catherine rolled her eyes at Rose. "You have no reason to be crying" She said with an irritated tone. She never understood what Harry saw in this girl. Catherine wished that her brother would end up with another rich girl, but no, he had to pick a poor girl.
Rose glared her eyes at the girl through the mirror. "You don't know what I've been going through these past two weeks!"
"Well you're about to get married, to my brother no less. So, you better start perking up!" Catherine spat. She then muttered to herself, not caring if Rose heard her or not. "My brother could have done so much better than you..."
That felt like a kick in the stomach. Maybe Catherine was right. Who would want to be stuck with Rose Bucket for the rest of their life? Not even Willy wanted to be with her...
"Alright. Are you ready?" Catherine asked, the bitterness still obvious in her tone. She handed the bouquet to Rose. Her favourite flowers weren't even present in the bouquet. It was abundant in lilies and daisies, but none of the very flower she shared her name with. "And wipe that frown off your face! We don't need you ruining all the photos!" Catherine complained.
Geez, when it comes to spoiled families, the Roberts definitely take the gold medal. The Salts would take silver, but knowing Veruca, she'd be demanding to take the gold one.
This wasn't the wedding Rose ever envisioned herself having. The music was boring, she'd definitely have the Oompa-Loompas singing as she marched... no, no... danced down the aisle.
And she didn't want to get married in the church. She wanted to get married in that luscious and colourful candy meadow, with a chocolate waterfall as the backdrop for her wedding photos.
She wouldn't be wearing a white dress. She'd be wearing one made of pink and it would be puffy, something that reminded her of cotton candy. And a tiara with candied jewels on her head.
And of course, Harry wasn't the groom in her dream wedding. Her perfect groom would smell like peanuts and chocolate. He'd be dapperly dressed in that velvet red coat, purple gloves, and a top hat. His eyes would be violet, and he'd have the haircut that Charlie found funny, but Rose absolutely loved.
It should be Willy waiting for her on that altar, not Harry.
And the most important thing, Rose's family would be here. There wouldn't be a room full of stuck up, spoiled, snotty snobs silently judging her because of her lack of wealth.
Harry's father walked her down the aisle, and Catherine acted as her only bridesmaid. This definitely wasn't right. Mr Bucket should be walking Rose down the aisle, and Priscilla and Eleanor should be her bridesmaids.
Rose finally joined Harry at the altar. He was smiling at her, but Rose couldn't meet his eyes. The minister looked between the soon-to-be wed couple. He addresses the guests first. "If you'll all please be seated. The ceremony is ready to begin"
The guests sat down and the minister spoke again. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Harold Maxwell Roberts, and Rosalie Genevieve Bucket. Before we continue on, is there any reason why these two should not be wed"
"Please, someone speak up!" Rose thought hopefully. No one was objecting. Although, some people looked like they wanted to speak up, but Harry glared at anyone who dared to even blink.
"Let's move on" the minister said, after moments of silence passed. "Can the bride and groom please face each other?" Harry and Rose turned to one another. "We'll start with vows first. Harry, I believe you would like to share first?"
"Yes" Harry said with a curt nod. He pulled out a piece of paper with more writing on it that Rose would have liked. How much could he possibly have to say about her? It's not like he truly loved her!
Harry started reciting his vows. "Rose, it was the very first day I walked into that quaint little pie shop, and I saw you sweeping up the floor. Then you looked at me, and I was immediately taken away with your beauty..." Rose zoned out as Harry droned on.
What was she supposed to say when it came to her vows? I'm only marrying you because I've given up on love.
"And that's why I'm happy, that finally, on this day, you'll finally be mine. And I promise that you will be forever" Harry finished off. Even though Rose was barely paying attention, she did notice a couple things.
One, not once did Rose hear the word 'love' in Harry's vows, and two, she didn't like the way he said 'mine forever'.
If Rose wasn't regretting this before, she definitely was now. But she was too deep into this now, and there was no one here to save her.
The minister turned to Rose. "Do you have anything you'd like to say?"
Rose shook her head and muttered a quiet, "No"
"Very well" the minister nodded. It then came to the part Rose was dreading. The 'I do's'. "Harry, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"
Harry smiled and nodded, an dark glint coming to his eyes. "I do"
"Rose," the minister started, and Rose swallowed the lump in her throat. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"
Rose's heart beat uncontrollably. Tears were brimming at her eyes. She looked at the seated guests. She didn't like the way they were staring at her.
"I..." Rose's answer was halted when something crashed through the ceiling of the church, making everyone scream in fright. But Rose didn't scream. No, instead she genuinely smiled for the first time in two weeks, when she recognized the glass elevator and the two people inside it.
It was Charlie and Willy. They had come to her rescue.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Harry demanded angrily.
"Charlie! Willy!" Rose exclaimed as the two of them stepped out of the elevator. She grabbed the skirt of her dress and lifted it up so she could run to her two saviours.
"Rose!" Willy smiled at her. "I do hope that we're not too late, because I—" He was cut off when Rose wrapped her arms around him. She held onto him tightly, like she was afraid to let go of him. Her eyes were also closed as she rest her head against his chest.
"I'm glad you're here" She whispered to him.
"You are?" Willy's arms were held out at his sides, like he was afraid to hug her back. He wasn't used to hugs. Especially affectionate ones like this.
"Yes" Rose said softly. "I missed you"
And that's all Willy needed to return the embrace. One arm wrapped around her waist, while the other hand gently cupped the back of her head. His chin rested on the top of her head. "I missed you too, starshine"
Rose opened her eyes, and found herself looking at Charlie, who was grinning brightly at them. "Thank you" She mouthed to him.
"Can someone explain to me why these two are ruining my wedding?" Harry demanded, pointing accusing fingers at the two uninvited guests.
Rose, letting go of Willy, now had the confidence she needed to go off on Harry and his stupid family. "This isn't a wedding anymore, Harry. And you know why? Because I'm no longer marrying you!"
Harry let out a maniac laugh. "Yes, you are. You're going to marry me because I've said so. I've already said I do. Now, you just need to say it, and then we'll be married"
He tried grabbing Rose, but Willy stepped in front of her. "You better not touch her" He warned.
Charlie stepped forward as well. "She doesn't love you. She loves Mr Wonka, and Mr Wonka loves her"
"Really?" Harry scoffed. "They've only really known each other for a day! You can't possibly love someone after only a day!"
Rose glared at him. "That's a bit hypocritical of you, isn't it? Because ever since they day you met me, you've been asking me to marry you!"
"W-well," Harry stuttered, like he was unsure of how to respond. "That's because I love you, silly!"
"Love me!? You don't know anything about me!"
"Of course I do! I know you better than anyone!"
"Oh, really?" Rose challenged him. "Name at least five things you love about me"
"Well, you're... beautiful" Harry answered with a shrug. And that's all he could come up with.
"Rose isn't just beautiful" Willy spoke up. He gazed over at the girl. An adoring smiled danced across his lips. "She's kind, smart and imaginative. She's got the most angelic laugh. You just want to think of ways to make her laugh so you can hear it over and over again. She radiates a scent of vanilla, cinnamon, and chocolate. You can look her in her beautiful eyes, and find yourself getting lost in them for the rest of your life"
Rose was speechless as she heard Willy say those things about her. She had never heard someone, outside her family that is, say such kind things about her.
"There's so much more to Rose than you could possibly imagine" Willy added as he grabbed her hand that wasn't still grasping a bouquet. "And that's why I fell for you, starshine, and I'm sorry for everything I said about....f....f..."
Rose smiled at him. "It's okay, Willy. I forgive you"
"Rosie," Charlie spoke up, making Rose look down at him. "We're going to see Mr Wonka's father. Would you like to come with us?"
"Of course, I would" Rose said.
"No, you're not going anywhere!" Harry protested. "I want you as my wife! And I always get what I want!"
"You know, Harry, you remind me of a spoiled little girl. Do you know what happened to her? She got thrown down a garbage chute by squirrels!" Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and Willy laughed at the memory. "Now unfortunately, there's no squirrels or a garbage chute for you to be thrown into, but I can do this..."
Rose chucked the bouquet at Harry, hitting him square in the face. All the guests gasped. But Rose didn't stop there. She also reached down, grabbing the skirt of the dress, and ripped off a large piece of it.
"My dress!" Catherine shrieked.
"And one more thing" Rose said, an amused smirk coming across her face. She went over to the table where the cake was. It was a large cake, but it was light enough for her to grab and carry. She brought it over to Harry.
"Don't you dare!" Harry warned her with a glare.
"Oh no, I'm losing my balance" Rose said sarcastically. She purposefully lost her balance, tipping the cake over and making it fall on Harry. "Oops. I'm so clumsy!"
Charlie and Willy stifled in their laughs as all the other guests went into a frenzy. Rose had a pleased smile on her face as she entered the elevator with her brother, and the love of her life.
"That was brilliant, Rosie" Charlie said.
"That's my starshine" Willy said, smiling proudly at Rose, and grasping her hand in his own. Their fingers entwined, fitting together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle.
Willy reached over and pressed a button. The elevator doors closed and then they were off.
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