#in my experience they like. kinda help run social events
chompe-diem · 2 months
already living in the au where riz is senior class president bc i know it's never becoming canon
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xmalereader · 4 months
Bruce Wayne x Male Reader
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REQUEST: Could you please write Burce wayne x male reader who has trouble ordering food. Like in a restaurant when the waiter asks, he either stutters or goes completely quiet, and that's why he asks Bruce to order for him. And i would like to see Bruce's reactions when a waiter is like "you don't have to order for him. He can order for himself. I wasn't asking you, i was asking him" just the waiter assuming that Bruce is kinda controlling. The reader is silently crying in his seat, having to order on his own, like he knows the waiter was trying to do something good. (Totally not speaking from personal experience 🤭)
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Fluff, mature language, social anxiety, Bruce is a good boyfriend, mentions of fears, judgment, request, relatable events, everyone struggles.
TAGS: @one-green-frog
WC: 1.5K
NOTES: I used to struggle with ordering food due to anxiety and fear of people judging me 😩 but as I got older they fear kind of went away and I’m able to do it with no problem but everyone deals with anxiety differently and takes time to get come it so I ain’t judging. It’s like that with my older brother he’s 26 and still makes me order for him due to his own anxiety. But hopefully you enjoyed this shot and apologize for the long wait!
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Everyone has social anxiety.
Y/n struggled with it at a young age, not being taught how to speak with others in public without getting the intense fear of judgment from others. He figured that he would improve as he got older, but it didn’t change and still struggled with the simple things. He could go out and run errands alone without any struggles since majority of place now had self checkout which was a god send for many.
He’s able to hold a conversation with strangers or with people he knew in the area, but his anxiety would get to him when it came towards the simplest tasks. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was an over thinker and would think that he did something wrong or if he perhaps pronounced something incorrect, thinking that people were judging him for the smallest things. It took time for him to improve but the anxiety still remained during important moments.
One of the easiest things that many were able to accomplish is ordering food. Their were times that he hesitated or froze up when ordering his own food, having to apologize each time he orders and forcing a nervous smile or laugh in hopes of getting through the few minutes that he is there. He struggled even more when he went out on dates.
Very few people knew about his anxiety and very few friends were kind enough to do the ordering for him without hesitation and providing the assistance that he needed. With strangers it was a whole other story, he didn’t want to force them into placing his own order due to his own fear and would struggle with speaking the words.
His dates never went well after that and hated the way he felt each time he stumbled upon the problem. If the waiter or waitress wasn’t staring at him intensely he’d probably order his food without a problem and his day would go fine. But the feeling of their eyes staring at him as he looked at his choices of food made him stutter and grow nervous when ordering.
Forcing that smile as always and getting through the day of embarrassment.
If he had this kind of anxiety how was he suppose to handle his future dates when he couldn’t do a simple task? He’s able to do a whole presentation in a room full of board of directors but he stutters and hesitates when it comes towards ordering a simple meal or even asking for help whenever he’s in public.
He figured he’d spend his days locked indoors while making his own meals while watching a good movie.
He didn’t think he’d end up bagging Bruce Wayne. Gothams Golden boy.
Y/n had thought that this was all a trick or a joke when Bruce first asked him out. He wanted to laugh at the mans face and tell him that he doesn’t need to make his life miserable by playing a mean joke, only to realize that Bruce was in fact not joking around.
Y/n worked at Wayne Enterprises but in a lower department not expecting himself to bump into Bruce Wayne and getting asked out by the man himself. Their first date was simple with a cup of coffee and muffins. He would have thought that bruce would take him someplace fancy on their first date, but when he didn’t he was a bit relieved.
Bruce was a great man and didn’t do anything that made him uncomfortable. Y/n figured that he’d only get lucky to have one date with bruce and then never see them man again, only to get asked out again and again and again. The first four months went well without any problems and enjoyed his time with Bruce as their time together grew their dates slowly got fancier.
Resulting into Y/n confessing to Bruce about his anxiety and fear of others judging him because he couldn’t do a simple task that only required a few words. He thought Bruce would laugh at him or use it against him and force him to confront his fear, instead Bruce smiled at him and asked.
“Do you want me to order for you?”
He said it with the most calmest voice ever showing no hints of judgment.
Y/n wanted to cry that night. It was a simple favor, but it meant a lot to him.
As their dates continued they created a routine each time they went out to eat. Y/n would either look up the menu online ahead of time and already have his order in mind and tell bruce before getting their orders placed. Bruce even memorized the dishes that Y/n liked whenever they went to a repeated restaurant and would for him on the spot without needing to be told what he liked, already knowing the mans interests.
A year into dating and it became a normal thing between the two.
During their one year anniversary, Bruce decided to take him to a new restaurant and getting seated in a nice secluded area and away from others. Y/n scanned the menu and hums. “This looks good.” He speaks up as he checks the different dishes until one caught his eye.
“You know the rule, order whatever you want.” Said Bruce, always reminding him that he can get whatever he wanted. Y/n was hesitant about the prices at first but with time he got adjusted to the idea of Bruce paying for everything and no matter how many times he tried to pay himself, Bruce had already paid ahead of time.
“This pasta looks good.” Y/n points out on the menu and shows Bruce who looked up form his own menu and smiles. “Is that all you want?”
“Can I also get this for dessert?” He points behind the menu where a picture of a nicely desert is presented, getting Bruce to chuckle as he nods his head. “You better share with me because I already know you won’t eat it all.” Y/n laughs at his words and sets his menu down, leaning back in his seat as he looks around the restaurant and takes in the interior, distracted by the place that he doesn’t notice the waitress coming over.
“Are you ready to order?”
“Yes,” Bruce smiles at the women and starts with his order first, letting her know what he’d like. “And for you?” She turns her attention to Y/n who gets his attention pulled away from a painting he was staring at and looks at her with wide eyes. “I…”
“He’d have the pasta and the chocolate desert.” Bruce is quick to cut in when he noticed Y/n freeze up.
The waitress gives Bruce the stink eye by how he interrupts Y/n. “You don’t have to order for him. He can order for himself.” Bruce froze with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth in shock. “I wasn’t asking you I was asking him.” She points her pencil at Y/n and puts her attention on him.
Y/n can only gap at her, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to speak but I can’t. He was caught off guard and reached out for his menu. “I’ll like…the—the…” He’s stuttering and doesn’t know what to tell her. “Do you need another minute?” She asks which only make the situation worse, he’s turning to Bruce and staring at him with eyes full of fear and hesitation silently screaming for help.
“I assure you miss my partner would like the pasta and desert.” Bruce says again in hopes of getting her to note down the order and she does, not without rolling her eyes which only makes Y/n whine.
“Your food will be ready soon.” She said while taking their menus and walking away, leaving them in silence.
Y/n lets out a deep sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to say, she probably thinks you’re an asshole now.” He groans out while covering his face with his hands. Bruce can only chuckle while shaking his head and reaching out to grab him by the wrists. “Don’t be, not everyone knows about your fear and besides she was only doing it because she probably thought I was controlling.”
“You’re not!”
“She doesn’t know that. If I wanted to be asshole I would have yelled at her like other people do, but I’m not doing that. It was a simple misunderstanding.” Bruce reassured Y/n as he held his hand and smiles. He didn’t think that something like this would happen since they’ve never had this issue in the past at the other places that they visited.
“All you have to worry about is eating all of your food and sharing your desert.” Bruce tries to lighten up the mood which works for Y/n as he chuckled and nods his head. “Fine and then after we go home and watch a movie and not come back here again.” After this misunderstanding its most likely he doesn’t want to come back and face the same issue again.
“We stick with Jimmy’s…” He mumbled out, referring to his favorite restaurant that serviced amazing chicken wings and fries. Bruce laughs while nodding. “Next time we go out will go to Jimmy’s.” At this point they were already considered regulars that the owner memorized their orders, which made it better for Y/n.
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Aita for leaving a friend hangout?
So me (14 genderfluid) and a friend (15 ?) were supposed to hang out in town today (it’s 30th August at the moment of writing this). I was going to take the bus into town to go to an event sort of thing and had a couple of hours to spare before this, so we decided that we would take the bus directly after school to go hang out. We had had a hangout planned a few weeks earlier but I couldn’t get a ride to the place in question on Saturday and they couldn’t do it on Sunday so we decided to try another time.
The whole school day today was really bad. I’m currently getting bullied quite a lot and this has caused intense discomfort and anxiety around being in school as well as meeting other people from my school outside of it. While this day in particular wasn’t too bad (little to no mocking, harassment, barking at etc) I still had a lot of anxiety throughout the whole day, probably amplified by sleeping badly and not eating much for lunch. I felt like shit the whole day. The bus ride also made me anxious. The thought that I could meet my bullies on the bus and have nowhere to go and no teacher to help me terrified me.
So, school ends and I go to wait for the bus. I meet my friend there, but they are with some other people, one whom I know from before and a few I don’t know, that I don’t even know the names of. This was a bit concerning to me. I can be pretty social if I put my mind to it, but school and the bullying has really made me nervous about interacting with people my age. On top of that, the unknown people seem to be the kind of people giving me dirty looks. Not outright bullying, but clear distaste. Oh well, I thought, maybe they won’t even hang out with us? And they seemed to be disinterested in me and my existence. Not a hello, just a quick glance and that’s it.
That also put me a bit on edge. I’ve had experiences with hanging out with friends who bring their other friends and said other friends just completely ignore me. They don’t speak to me, don’t acknowledge anything I say, they don’t introduce themselves, nothing. This isn’t really fun, and it usually kinda ruins everything for me. It reminds me of parts of the bullying, when people just pretend I don’t exist.
So I was a bit worried, but managed to board the bus with little to no issues. I didn’t sit with any of my friends because the bus was too full, but I heard them talking to each other behind me.
We get off the bus and yeah it is very clear that we’re hanging out together. And it’s maybe like two people I don’t know, and a few I do know but I wasn’t told would be coming. Personally, I really don’t like when I’m not informed of everyone who’s coming along. This is especially bad with people I don’t know.
I decided to try to push through my unwillingness and tiredness and rampant anxiety. But first I had to text my mom. We made a deal that I would text her when I got to town to make sure it was ok. I had no mobile data, so I had to go to the library to try and get some internet. The friend told me that we should split up and meet up later, so that’s what they did. They went somewhere and I would just quickly run in to send a text to my mom.
But due to various issues I couldn’t send a message. Something with the internet connection idk. I got really worried that she would get worried and have no way of contacting me. After trying for a while I gave up and decided to go find my friends, maybe they could share their internet with me or something.
I couldn’t find them. Our town is very small but I couldn’t find them at any of the regular spots and I had no way of contacting them. I eventually gave up. I was sad, tired, hungry and very very anxious, and the day was going to shit. At that moment I really just wanted to go home.
I decided to call my mom and get her to pick me up. I felt bad for leaving my friends but there was no way I could handle staying in town for another 4-5 hours. I did lie to her and said I was having a stomach ache and that I was feeling ill. Mom agreed to pick me up.
Right when me and my mom were heading to the car I spotted my friends. I went to them and told them that I was feeling sick and I was going home. They just walked right past me with little to acknowledge of what I said.
I went home and I’m feeling better emotionally, sort of. I feel bad for lying and saying I was feeling sick, but I don’t know if I would have been taken seriously if I just said “I’m aggressively anxious and tired and starving and every other sound that reminds me of my bullies makes me lightheaded with fear”. I feel bad for leaving them but at that moment I felt like I was gonna cry if I didn’t get to go home. I don’t know if what I did was right.
What are these acronyms?
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elix8r · 1 year
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The Frat Diaries Glossary (heads up: I realized while writing that i’m using a lot of lingo that not everyone might be familiar so this should help you out with understanding everything and the story will make more sense esp if you’re not already familiar with Greek life and also this is all based on my personal experiences so it might be different at each school):
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Rush: a process where prospective sorority and fraternity members and the actual sororities and fraternities meet each other and through this they pick out the people that they want in their organization. Sorority rush (recruitment) is much more of an organized event where PNMs come weeks before school actually start to rush. They have specified schedules that let them know which sororities to meet. This process is so intricate lmao I literally thought I was dying when I went through it cause everyday I had to wake up at like 5am to get ready and got back to my dorm at like 8pm. Each day the amount of sororities you can get back lessen until the last day where you are left with your top two and you choose from there. Fraternity rush is much more of a laidback event that also happens before school starts. Fraternity rush is more about who you know and connections. Many start inviting potential members over the summer to their houses to see if they vibe well with everyone else. Then during the official week of rush, frats will hold events or dinners that are invite only and from there they narrow their choices before handing out bids. 
PNM: potential new member 
Pledge: A non-initiated member of a fraternity. He isn’t considered a full-fledged member and this is usually where the “hazing” happens and a good chunk of them are first years
Chapter: a weekly mandatory meeting held at the sorority house where members come and learn about upcoming events and etc.
Initiation: a very very secretive ceremony that is different for every organization but this is where the new members are officially indoctrinated into being a member of the sorority or fraternity. It’s usually really formal (almost cult-like with coordinated dress code, usually long white dresses) and a big deal. 
Bid: the official invitation you receive from the sorority or fraternity to join them 
Bid day: an important day at the end of rush week where new members run home (sometimes literally) and the sororities throw huge celebrations to celebrate the new members that have received a bid from them 
GBig/Big/little: a big is usually an older member of your organization that is a mentor figure that basically takes you under their wing and helps you adjust to your life in Greek. While not always, these relationships are usually one that develops to an actual older sister/younger sister situation. Your GBig would be the big of your big and all together you would refer to everyone in your group as a family and the little would be the new member
Tailgate: pre-game for a big sports game and it usually involves lots of day drinking, barbecuing, yard games, and socializing 
Darty: day-party
Formal/Semi-formal: kinda like college prom for fraternities and sororities. Usually held in like some city (New Orleans) or a special place and it’s really fun as you’re probably gonna be drunk at it
Game day pin/stickers: Im not sure that this is a thing outside of the South but because it is a thing everyone has on gamedays i’m going to add it. It’s like pins or stickers that usually showcases your sorority’s support for your school. Pins are worn by the members (and maybe parents or significant others as they aren’t handed out in bulks like the stickers are so if you see someone who isn’t in that sorority wearing a pin, then they probably have a close relationship with whoever gave it to them) and stickers are put on just anyone who wants one. Click this link for some examples. 
Letters: the Greek letters for you fraternity or sorority. For example the two main organizations in this story is Epsilon Nu (EN) and Alpha Epsilon Sigma (AEΣ). Many Greek members will be seen sporting their letters on their shirts, hats, computers, backpacks, water bottles, etc.
Dues: how much you pay the organization and it usually covers the cost for the house, meals, membership, etc. 
Date Party/Socials/Mixer: social events that usually have a theme or is held with other fraternities. I’ve been to like My-tie, ski lodge, Hawaiian luau, country-club, etc and they’re just a real fun time to socialize and spend time with your fellow sisters
Philanthropy: Usually each organization has a specific charity or awareness they raise money for (ZTA raises breast cancer awareness and Tri-Delt raises money for St. Jude) and there will also be drives or events held to raise money or volunteer
Executive Board: aka exec is the leadership council for your organization. For example: President, VP of Recruitment, Standards chair, etc.
Standards: This is like HR or risk management. This is the board that makes sure the girls follow rules and policies and if they don’t, then you will be called to standards and given consequences based on what you did wrong. Example: I got fined for talking to a PNM who was a friend of mine outside of rush during recruitment week.
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Author’s Note: I might add more as I write but seriously if you have any questions do not hesitate to send them my way and i will be more than happy to do my best to try to explain things further also I have made my mind to further expand this universe and create stories with some of the other members! so look out for those in the near future! 
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sir-klauz · 1 year
So elated Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru/My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999/山田くんとLv999の恋をする is out, aired to the public in Spring of this year, 2023, through Madhouse studios, one of my favourites for a series.
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I watched a few episodes before I decided to wait till it was mostly/totally released so I could sit and watch it in one stint. Yesterday I gave in hahaha.
I am most pleased. It’s the first anime released about a manga I’ve read since I returned to immersing myself into manga just over a year ago once again. I usually read a lot of not super popular mangas which never see the screens unfortunately despite being beautiful stories in the rough. As I thought, I’m very much enjoying it so far.
If you’re into anime, you’ve probably seen a fair few memes of Yamada already during the one scene he turns away from the computer. The most amusing one to me, was this one, as I’m also a big gamer of Genshin this was a funny joke between me and my partner.
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I still can’t get over the scenario where he just starts totally choking on cup ramen in the manga, and I hope that doesn’t get forgetting. Because yeah, very relatable. Introvert gamer eating and choking on noodles, disaster. How he’s like socially I understand, I like the character, Akane is always very kinda despite some ways she gets treat and I think that’s quite brave but I wish she would stand up for herself more! The time with the fan incident was so sad, and such a real thing to be wary about even though she was set up. I cannot everr forgive that lil’ wet wipe Runa for doing that to her. She totally got my goat when that happened, idc. Her excuse is she’s younger and lonely and immature but.. that doesn’t cut it for me, there’s no excuse to do that but I’m glad she felt guilty and apologised as y’know, I thought she definitely never would when reading the manga.
Eita is so camp I love him, and when he goes angry face at Runa, we know shiz gonna go down as he’s usually like ^-^^^.
Let’s just say, Takezou, is, just, adorable. I’m very glad there’s representation for the older gaming community which very much exists, not only for the fact many avid gamers from when games started releasing still very much have been around this whole time since those days and have a lot of experience! Even if you can’t do big tournaments as easy the older you get, a lot of older gamers get ignored or forgetting and it’s associated with only being a young people thing.
After her boyfriend breaks up with her for another girl, college student Akane Kinoshita wrestles with a broken heart and the memories he left behind. Loading up Forest of Savior, the MMO they used to play together, she forms a plan to get back at her ex-boyfriend through an in-person event for the game. In the process, she runs into someone unexpected: Akito Yamada, a gaming legend who just happens to be her guildmate.
Desperate for support, Akane ropes the asocial Yamada into helping with her scheme and lending her a shoulder to cry on. The differences between Akane and Yamada soon become apparent as they spend time together, yet they cannot help but notice each other's inner qualities. As the two gain more experience with one another in and out of the game, their tentative acquaintance may level up in a way neither expects.
Producers: Aniplex, Movic, Tokyo MX, BS11, Egg Firm, Kadokawa, COMICSMART
Genre: Romance
Theme: Video Game
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
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saganssorcery · 1 month
Tonight's the shadow moon 🌑
I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about my practice and what I focus on during the shadow moon phase:
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Artist: 🎨Peggy Ann Mourot 🔥🖌️
Each shadow moon before the moon turns new and Luna begins to reveal her face once again, I focus on shadow work:
I have a method which I call blue booking, each day I write about the events that have taken place. The blue book is essentially a glorified diary, kinda like a book of shadows but also not. Within it I document any magick, meditations, mundane day to day life, any intense social interactions that affect me in any way, or simply my progress whatsoever, such as workout or anything else I work towards. I try to be completely honest with myself, not holding anything back. If you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with?
When the shadow moon comes I go back over the previous moon tide and look for any patterns in behavior, look at my workings and document my results, or lack of, and see myself and my surroundings for what they really are. This can be a very difficult thing to do, being honest with yourself and the world at large can be a painful experience, but the truth often is, but not always. The idea is to take the obsidian knife to the soul, take a good long look at it, analyse the experiences so I am better able, in the new moon cycle, to adjust myself accordingly and approach life with an unwavering truth and honesty. It's crazy the cycles you notice when you take up such an undertaking. You are able to spot negative patterns of behaviour and learn from them, and with a bit of work change them now that you're aware. Though it's tougher when you spot these things in others that you surround yourself with, or in your environment as a whole, and realise that they are perhaps doing nothing to help you as a person, and instead realise what ever is happening is bringing the worst out of us.
Knowledge is power. When you know something is wrong because you have been observing it, especially over multiple moon cycles, you have to come to a point where you need to do something about it for the sake of your own happiness. That's probably the hardest part. That's gonna be something you'll have to be honest with yourself and others with during the next cycle to fix. It takes an extraordinary amount of courage and bravery. Exposing your own or other people's shadow you run the risk of a lash out. The shadow being revealed is often a very uncomfortable experience. By doing so you run the risk of changing your entire world as a result. People do not like it when you are brutally honest, especially when you're the type of person who usually lets things slide to keep the peace. But it's these people who probably need a practice like this most so they can spot when they are being abused in any way.
At the end of this analysis period, once it is known what the focus should be for the next cycle so we can change our experiences for the better, I cleanse myself from the previous tide and start the next tide fresh, but with more knowledge and understanding.
Shadow work can be hard, but it is an incredibly potent way at healing.
At a larger scale, when the year is over, I go back over all the summaries I do on the shadow moon and see the even longer patterns that take place. There are patterns that are so deeply rooted in the day to day they often go unnoticed. By doing this we can see how far we have come, and pat ourselves on the back, but also see what else we need to work towards for even better healing.
So on this shadow moon perhaps it would be worth having a look yourself, see everything that is taking place and perhaps start a practice like this yourself, if you haven't already. It might be hard but it's helped me become a better person, and changed my life for the better more so than almost anything else I practice.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥🖋️
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yakult-noir · 5 months
Long Rant about Baldur's Gate 3
Content warning: intrusive thoughts mention, body image, very mild spoilers of act 3 (does not mention characters or specific events, only implies)
Honestly, playing Baldur's Gate 3 has helped me with a lot of issues that therapy failed to do. I'm playing two runs at the same time, one of which is the Dark Urge.
I am having so much fun playing the Dark Urge. Its helped me with my intrusive thoughts without me noticing. Whenever I struggled with intrusive thoughts, I couldn't push them away no matter how hard I tried, and it would always make them worse.
I sometimes felt horrible because of it even though I knew that wasn't my fault and doesn't say anything about what sort of person I am.
The Dark Urge struggles in trying to repress violent thoughts lest they act on them and commit atrocities. Intrusive thoughts aren't as dire in that you won't actually commit the atrocities in real life, but playing the Dark Urge helps cement that fact further.
And I'm not even getting to the companions yet. I struggle with the fear of what other people see me as. I try to appear as someone a bit different (personality wise) but struggle a lot when I make even a singular mistake or do something that makes me feel like an idiot.
The companions are still loved and still retain their image even though they sometimes make dumbass mistakes.
They've also helped me deal with the fear of getting older. I've never played games much where the main character/s are canonically in their late 30s to 50s. And the fact they're still made out as attractive is very reassuring.
I don't see that happen a lot, not without them trying to look as young as they can to be seen as attractive.
Overall, the companions feel so much more real and lifelike than a lot of other video game characters.
I don't exactly know why or even how to explain it, but I've never liked the idea of having a physical body.
I've always had a complicated relationship with how others view me and my own body image. I also struggle with trying to wrap my head around what's considered socially normal and feel completely detached from other people's experiences.
I can't actually 'feel' out my feelings without intellectualising them or comparing them to feelings of other people. I usually use the concept of other people as a rough template of how to do things and how to react. Things always feel complicated and 'too-real'.
If that makes sense. Like a realisation of "holy shit there are consequences? Do I have control? Is there a control? How do I avoid Bad Consequences? How do I react?"
Lowkey kinda feels like a child just testing out just doing things for the first time. Mind you, I do have a mental illness and have been kinda repressed for a bit of my life.
Any experience I have with doing daily life stuff or with relationships has been from reading about other people's experiences and noting down what to do and what not to do to become the Ultimate Perfect human being.
And that means I always feel uncomfortable with my body, talking about private things, even talking about supposedly 'risky' things that aren't even risky or shouldn't be seen as such (like menstruation, lingerie, clothing, weight fluctuation), wondering if I just did something socially taboo even if it's like an unspoken rule I've never heard of, and then wondering if I'm unpleasant company or a little too strange to hang around a lot.
So playing as the Dark Urge and romancing Astarion has actually helped a lot with discomfort in talking about random things in friendships and just feeling more comfortable being in my own body and having human experiences.
Especially since the companions just say whatever, and are even straight up rude and say things that wouldn't be socially acceptable in real life, but they're still liked.
I mentioned mental illness before, but Baldur's Gate 3 has some of the best representation about having ordinary experiences and consequences of being alive. I love how in the game, you have the option to help the companions the best you can, and no matter what, there is no closure. I haven't completed the game yet, so this is stuff I spoiled for myself.
Even if you get out of a difficult situation and learn there's a better way to live and do things, it's still horrible and painful and you're still not sure if you've done the right thing or not. You don't get any awards (that are obvious at least) for dealing with the problem you've faced most of your life.
You've still got to deal with your own emotional issues that are there as a result of the problem and that you will probably spend the rest of your life trying to deal with.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I need to re-watch the scene for exact details, but I've been thinking all day about Nate's failed Diamond Dogs attempt and why it crashed and burned so hard. I mean, the obvious takeaway is that there is none of the love and support from which to build that kind of group at West Ham. As Beard lays out for Trent in the same episode, they're laying bare their innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. If you don't trust the people in the room (which Nate has no reason to yet - it strikes me that they're left in this awkward silence while waiting to officially begin, rather than the casual camaraderie we see in Ted's office) and if there's no respect (which there isn't, particularly between Rupert and Nate: Nate is catching on to all of Rupert's manipulations - what name to call him, cheating with his secretary, etc. - and Rupert just straight up refuses to see him as a person) then of course the core foundation of what the group is built on will crumble.
However, beyond that I also think intention is important too. The original Diamond Dogs forms because Ted needs advice about sleeping with Sassy. He makes himself vulnerable to the very group he's forming as a way of modeling what the Diamond Dogs are all about. In contrast, Nate's first meeting feels more like an excuse to brag. Yes, he does have a similar problem to unpack, namely the question of how he should navigate this relationship, but that felt secondary to me, with the excuse to tell these top dog (pardon the pun) men that he's finally landed a maybe girlfriend forefronting his motivations. Remember, Rupert was meant to be in the room and Nate makes it clear that this meeting is not really about the group helping each other, it's about them paying attention to his partial success/continued worries. The fact that the other guy (I don't even know his name, which speaks to the lack of bonds in this room) wants to talk about taking care of his ailing parents but Nate shuts him down kinda says it all. Compare that to Beard graciously telling Ted that he has the floor and then, once Ted is done, he asks if anyone else has a problem to unpack, including Roy. Nate's Diamond Dogs, beyond lacking the relationships necessary to work in the first place, feels like it's built on his own, stubborn self-interest; it was an attempted replacement for Rupert/formerly the social media/formerly Ted. What outside force is building up my self-confidence nowadays, especially when Richmond is on a winning streak? Nothing except a maybe girlfriend! Let's try to create a new source of validation.
Nate has undoubtedly improved a great deal throughout this season. I actually thought at first that he was improving too quickly and with, to my mind, no narrative explanation. It was only when I saw other fans pointing out the power of getting distance from those who have enacted real and perceived harm (AKA the club and Ted) that Nate's kinda-offscreen growth made a bit more sense to me. However, now I'm actually glad to see him failing in these ways. Trying to talk to Ted after the game, spotting Rupert's manipulation, fluff family time that makes no mention of his father's expectations, a perfect end to his terrible date, not caring that his box got crushed, not spitting in the mirror... it felt like the show was absolutely speed-running Nate's redemption arc because it's the last season, rather than allowing him to organically struggle with these issues and face on-screen events that act as a catalyst for his growth. To say nothing of how the show argues very strongly that growth has to be modeled/supported for an extended period of time... and Nate is without both this season, yet still seems to 'magically' be improving. Given where we left him, I kinda feel like I'm watching an alcoholic suddenly overcome their addiction while working in a brewery. Yeah, of course that's possible... but I very much expected this to happen in a different environment, or at least with far, FAR more support. So now, despite only having three episodes left, I'm reassured by the backslide. Nate refuses to wave to Ted in front of the crowd. He's still trying to suck up to Rupert, both over text and in person. He forms a group that, although oh-so-obviously modeled after Ted's, is really just a Nate the Great show. It feels like the show remembers that he has too much to work on to 'fix' it all with a girlfriend storyline. Nate is a very complicated character who needs a great deal of screen-time to come back from where we left him last season; frankly, more screen-time than he can feasibly get with just a few episodes left and a cast this large. Despite the potential pitfalls of that though, I think it's good that the season is reintroducing some of that complexity. Nate isn't just on a winning streak of his own with soft looks cast towards Richmond photos and an adoring girl in his bed. That need for external validation is still very much there and he's never going to fully come into himself until he realizes what the himbo boys did this season: Belief isn't a sign up on the wall, or a kind coach, or a girlfriend, or a Diamond Dogs group. Those all help support you, yes, but ultimately it has to come from within.
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I keep meaning to like, talk a bit about why this blog is named after Panty Anarchy, why I feel a connection to this character, especially when a lot of aspects of the show are kinda messy and it’d be charitable to say they haven’t aged well. I want to talk about that and with V-Day upon us all I’d like to talk about it now.
I always say that PSG is my favorite show that I can’t stand a quarter of, cause the back half gets a little rough before the finale. Out of 13 total dual episodes, by 8B you can already see they’re running out of budget, 9A is even cheaper, 10 in its entirety is nearly unwatchable imo, and 11B, while I like it, is a bottle episode where nothing happens and I do know people who’ve complained about that.
And right smack dab in the middle of all that mess is episode 9B. Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City. The plot of this episode is that Stocking has fallen in love with a ghost, at first sight even, the very creatures that the pair were sent to this Earth to kill. Not just any ghost too, but a vulgar, unhygienic, stinky, rude, childish, sexist, constantly farting bachelor ghost.
This episode, it must be stressed, is a mess. Despite the whole show being a comedy, it’s really hard to parse whether this setup is meant to be a joke, it’s played as a joke but the tone is deadly serious, and it’s the one time in the show that the low-key semi-acoustic love jam CHOCOLAT plays. Throughout the episode the average viewer, especially me, is struggling and failing to figure out what’s going on and why, if there’s a punchline where is it, if there’s an explanation what is it. I’ve seen theories about what they were trying to do with this concept, that it’s supposed to be a play off of Stocking’s masochism or something, but the episode itself offers no answers and no resolution. The ending is that Stocking was genuinely in love and through her love was able to help the bachelor ghost find peace.
Throughout the entire episode Panty is openly grossed out by this relationship and attempts to confront Stocking multiple times, saying things like “I know it’s not about his looks, I get that you’re not in love with the smell or the fat or the warts, it’s who he is and shit, right?” The confrontation escalates until, when Stocking plans to run off and elope with the ghost, Panty disguises herself to kill him quick and get the entire episode over with. Stocking catches on and stops her. And then she says the line.
“You wouldn’t understand, you’re too busy fucking to know what love is.”
And that’s the moment it all clicks into place for me.
I can’t imagine it was intentional, I have no idea what the showrunners were trying to do, but from my own perspective it’s almost impossible not to read into the events of the episode from an aromantic lens. The relationship makes no sense, I can’t tell if it’s a bit or if there’s some detail that I’m missing, but logically, emotionally, this coupling does not compute, it doesn’t follow the rules as I understand them, it makes no sense. And, while never to this level, that’s basically how I feel about most romantic relationships, I can pick out social cues and chemistries to follow along, but on a fundamental level I cannot and will never be able to wholly make sense of it.
I’ve complained on this blog before about a lot of the canon aromantic character roster, a big part of why I’ve never been able to connect to most of them is because their aromanticism is hardly ever explored, it’s mentioned in a line or hinted at in canon then confirmed on twitter, if even that, but the functional reality of the character’s aromanticism is taking them off the shipping board and then moving on. What Panty and Stocking did in this one episode was use filmic language, objective storytelling techniques, to speak to my experiences, it’s one of the few times I’ve felt seen and spoken to in this kind of way.
The episode continues, Panty responds to this by saying “I may not know what love is, but that sharter doesn’t either, he treats you like ass!” and then it’s revealed that actually deep down he did care for her, and then Panty vomits, either from the smell or the display of affection. She fights against their relationship to the end, and only after being held back so that the ghost can ascend does the whole sordid affair end, and even to the end Panty can’t show affection to the man who stole her sister’s heart. In the episode’s epilogue she, depending on your interpretation, either tries to connect with Stocking over the events in her own Panty way, or is just making fun of her for it. “It’s time to go kill some ghosts, I’ll even let you bang a few if you hurry.” To the end she doesn’t understand, she can attempt to connect to it from her own relationship to relationships, but can’t reach the actual emotions Stocking was feeling, neither can I, and the episode ends.
And that is why I like Panty Anarchy, and PSG as a whole, why Panty is among my favorite fictional characters, and why I connect so heavily to a weird late-season episode that was paired with a flash-tween-centric fanservice beach episode.
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Vincent x Jynx ( @bonetrix-arts ) vs Harbinger “Harry” Harcourt x Dr. Vincent DuFresne ( @certifiedwerewolf )
who makes up your ship?:
Vincent (he/him) and Jynx (she/her)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
One of them is a serial murderer girlboss crazy bitch and the other is an essence-vampire magician mama’s boy who absolutely sucks booty
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
who makes up your ship?:
Harbinger "Harry" Harcourt /Dr. Vincent DuFresne
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
OKAY SO. In WDWD we're introduced to Vincent FIRST, he's the ex-fiance of the protagonists' uncle and we learn from his brief appearances and the comments from the uncle that he's a bad dude. He's a doctor and a scientist and he sooooo wants to be able to experiment on people and modify them, but not in a "safe and thoroughly researched to mitigate risks" way, like, he wants to take people apart and put them back together in new and exciting ways. He's also just like a shit person, like manipulative and controlling and we get hints of this from, again, the uncle, who used to be engaged to him and Vincent still blames his ex coworker for homewrecking (Josef didn't not homewreck, but not the way Vincent implies, he just helped Nick realize how Vincent was treating him wasn't right and supported him in ending things, you know the drill). ANYWAY. Enter Harry: when we first meet him, he's a humanoid frog man, and then we realize he's got a scorpion tail (the frog and the scorpion, get it, do you get it?), and he mentions that they're "gifts from the good doctor" and "a reward for his good service" and you think, oh, I've got the lay of this land! Vincent gaslight gatekept girlbossed Harry into being his human guinea pig! And for like five minutes this seems to be the case, but the more we see of Harry the more it starts to seem like, hmm, maybe not? Maybe they are just both fucked? ANYWAY AGAIN, eventually Nick makes a comment about "what Vincent did to Harry", and Vincent is like. "You think this is MY doing? He was like that when I got him! I've been holding him back!" Because it turns out that when Vincent started talking "hypothetical" body modifications with this guy who had just gotten out of top surgery and realized "oh he's kinda fucked up, I bet I can groom him into being my human guinea pig <3" what that same guy was thinking was "oh this doctor is so handsome and fucked up, I should introduce him to the immortal witch queen with a goddess complex that I serve/worship and induct him into my cult so we can be together", which he then did because she gave Vincent the freedom to pursue his fucked up dreams of experimenting on humans (other experiments: guy who turns into a dire wolf, girl who can project people's fears into their brains, cyborg fairy changeling boy). ANYWAY AGAIN AGAIN here are some more things about my nasty boys so you understand what I mean when I say they're Like That(tm):
1. Harry murdered his parents when he was ten, because he had the thought that he probably could and could get away with it, so he wanted to test this. He was correct, and the resulting chain of events (and murders) was what eventually drew the immortal witch queen with a goddess complex's attention to him, because she's always on the lookout for these sorts of kids that she can groom into serving her. Then she actually got to know him and was like "oh he's already fucked up, I don't actually have to do any work here". She has been holding him back most of his adult life because he only kills people when she tells him to and that is definitely a step up from how he was before she got him, when he killed people just cause he felt like it and wanted to see what would happen. 2. He can crawl on ceilings and he loves to do this and sometimes he does it to annoy the rich manbrat that the Queen keeps around to run their social media accounts because tormenting Lyall Knox is his third favorite passtime, after serving his Queen and fucking Vincent on every available surface in the tower until the Queen needs a break and calls in a cleaning crew to hose everything down and she orders them not to touch each other again until she says otherwise, which he's always obedient about because he will do anything she tells him to. Poor Vince getting cucked by his cult leader. He deserves it he's terrible. 3. They, alongside the guy who can turn into a dire wolf, raised the changeling cyborg and the fear projection girl, and were terrible guardians. After the kids get free they talk about him clinging to their ceiling to watch them sleep (and is the reason they sleep in shifts, and share a bed) and while they never get explicit, they will sometimes refer to him wanting to "play" with them which implies some kind of game where torture was the prize. 4. Once took the last pudding cup so one of his coworkers glued him to the ceiling and it's implied he got down by simply peeling off the skin where it was stuck.
5. Wants to be stuffed and mounted and displayed in his Queen's Gallery of Former Minions upon his death. 6. Vincent calls him "Darling" and "Darling Harry" and "My Darling". 7. Speaking of Vincent! The cyborg boy I mentioned? One of only two people who have ever successfully had that process done on them. The other is the aforementioned uncle; Vincent was on the team that did it and it was highly experimental and only succeeded because of the healing magic that his friend gave him that kept him alive after most of his body was crushed. In THIS case it was because the fairy boy's 'old man' had tried to cure of him of his iron weakness by what we will delicately call 'exposure therapy' and caused his organs to start shutting down and some of his limbs to atrophy. Vincent saved his life, but only because his Queen had plans for him and would be mad if he died. But also because he wanted the chance to study changeling organs, so after he replaced the ones that he needed to, he kept the old ones so he could study them. So somewhere in the tower there's just a fridge with this kid's old organs and limbs in it. 8. I cannot stress hard enough that everyone's assumption about Vincent gaslight gatekeep girlbossing Harry into being his human guinea pig WAS ACTUALLY HIS PLAN. This is not a case of him getting accused of something he wouldn't do, he WOULD and WAS GOING TO, it just wasn't NECESSARY because he was ALREADY LIKE THAT. 9. But also. I want to make this clear. They are in love of one another. Vincent would burn the world to the ground to make Harry happy. Harry would kill for Vincent, or more importantly he would NOT kill, if you catch my meaning. He would do anything short of betraying his Queen for Vincent. They love each other so much. 1o. Another of Harry's modifications is the ability to purr, which he got just so Vincent could hold him and pet him and he could purr about it. Also sometimes they fuck on the ceiling. Vincent always gets lightheaded from the bloodrush from being upside down, but anything to indulge his darling. Oh also he gave him the owl's ability to turn its head all the way around. It is never not creepy to watch him do.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
They are very recent and I mostly work on them in my Discord server so I have not spoken about them much in public. But here is a post I made about them. https://certifiedwerewolf.tumblr.com/post/710932519216889856/by-the-way-im-not-calling-them-freaks-because-of Also here are some more images I did of them for reference https://www.tumblr.com/certifiedwerewolf/714005888634093568/cant-remember-if-i-ever-posted-all-of-these-but-i?source=share
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hugsqueeze · 2 months
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Since they're on my mind, I wanna ramble a bit about Yasmin & Kayla and A Girl's Guide to Power Tools in general >_<!!!!! Smiles normally!!!!!!
A Girl's Guide follows Yasmin as the protagonist. I think I briefly mentioned before that she is a socially anxious college student who struggles with stepping out of her comfort zone. Trying new things and socializing are very difficult for her, so she has avoided them as much as possible throughout her life to save herself from embarrassment. As a result, she has no friends and little actual life experience outside of staying at home and helping her family. Eventually, she reaches a point where she realizes this and decides to try and push herself to meet new people. While looking for local things to do, she sees a flier for a home improvement workshop. Called........ A Girl's Guide to Power Tools. LOL.
Despite her anxiety, she attends the event. And here is where she meets KAYLA. Kayla is the daughter of the woman who runs the whole seminar thing and it is CLEAR that she doesn't want to be there. HAHA. Kayla is cold and unsociable and seemingly perpetually bored with the whole thing. She's meant to help her mother with the class(es), but it's evident that she's only participating on the most minimal level she can get away with in order to appease her mom. Yasmin, trying to stretch herself and talk to new people, introduces herself to Kayla and tries striking up a conversation.... As you can imagine, Kayla is not very receptive and brushes her off almost immediately. This makes Yasmin feel horribly embarrassed. She wants very badly to give up after being shut down like that, but Kayla's mother (Malvasia) encourages her to stay after a little pep talk.
SO BASICALLY..... The more time she spends coming to these workshops, the more shady it becomes until it's revealed that the DIY workshop aspect of the whole thing was just a coverup for a business? Type thing? A highly illegal way of making money via. Killing people.... 🧍‍♂️ Every time Malvasia opens up these workshop things, she starts off teaching the class normally but then she picks out one person who catches her eye and eventually scouts them (IN PRIVATE) for this type of thing... Of course, Malvasia ends up taking a liking to Yasmin. When she pulls her aside, Yasmin is of course horrified and unwilling to kill anybody. And etc etc....
Kayla was naturally first to join her mother's killing for money scheme and she's been doing it for a couple years by the time the story takes place... Over the course of the story, Kayla softens up to Yasmin and ends up turning on her own mother, defending Yasmin from Malvasia and saving her life. 🫶 And they end up together in the end. But.... EEK. I think that's all I'll say for now. ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING, I HOPE THIS MAKES SOME KINDA SENSE!!!! BYE BYE 🌈
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robobirdie · 11 months
Some Fan Story Fun Protagonists interviews: Allies
While working when stuck with writers block I sometimes would take a break and have a little fun writing down what I felt the characters thoughts would be on certain things in the story. Some give some minor spoilers but nothing too serious about the main story or events in the story. They are fun humorous little tidbits some of which helped me with working out some concepts in my story namely character relations. This one is on what the knights and ninja think and are like with each other: 
Your new Allies:
Jay- I guess the knights aren’t so bad. Clay isn’t too bad but he is quite bossy and strict. He’s got schedules and all these rules like no joking around while training, we should remain professional while on duty, no putting your feet on the table, no making jokes about your superiors orders especially in public, your underwear should be in your drawer not on the table… not that it was my underwear on a table; no matter what he says it was Kais. Anyway doesn’t he know how to relax? Macy’s nice, her and Nya get along well. She’s kinda like Nya strong, smart, independent and don’t make her mad or you’ll regret it; not many have the strength to win in a wrestling match against Cole she’s one of the few I’ve seen do it. Even without his super strength he’s still pretty strong. Macy’s kind of like Clay too; she doesn’t like when you slack off on duties either. She also doesn’t like to be called a princess; Kai found that out. He was just playing around and called her that to be playful and she chastised him for like ten minutes how she wanted to be seen as a knight not a princess. It was funny seeing her make Kai all scared and nervous. Axls fun and good at video games in fact I think he could give Cole a run for his money there plus he’s a great cook; Cole could take some lessons from him. Lance reminds me of Kai; a way worse and more spoiled Kai. I swear the two could tie each other in how much time they spend with their hair or on social media. Also does he always have to brag about how rich he is? We get it we’re poor and he isn’t. You don’t see Macy doing that and she’s a princess he’s just some noble. Also why does he sometimes try to hit on Nya or show off around her? Doesn’t he know she’s not interested! She isn’t going to be fooled by some pretty rich boy besides she’s my betrothed. I’m getting off topic aren’t I; anyway Robin and Ava they are cool. They remind me of well me when I was young, always into inventing and experimenting with inventions. As for Merlok he’s pretty cool and wise though he can be a bit bossy like Clay; he is his uncle so it must be a family thing. Merlok reminds me of master Wu; he doesn’t like when I try to cut corners to make things easier like Wu does either nor likes when we slack off on our duties or learning. As for Jestro he’s fun and a good laugh; I think with some advice he could get better with his comedy. I could offer him some pointers if he wants. I’m good with making others laugh, I can always get the others to laugh even Zane which is a bit hard cause he has troubles understanding quite a few things and doesn’t grasp some aspects of comedy very well. Aaron… he’s unsettling. Something’s not right with him, how can someone be so fearless even in the face of danger! Despite what the others say I don’t think he’s human. I thought Zane was strange but that Aaron is stranger. You know he was once run over by a horse cart and lived and the other day while training I blasted him off his hover shield, by the way how is he not scared to ride that thing it has no safety measures! Anyway when I knocked him off he fell into a pile of scrap metal and got all bruised and scratched up pretty bad and he wasn’t that scared of it brushing his injuries off as nothing too bad saying ‘nothing serious bro their just cuts and bruises I can heal from those no problamo’. To make it stranger just a few hours later he was totally fine all injuries gone. When I asked him about it he just said ‘told yha I’d heal’; he must have done something! The others claim Clay healed him to practise his magic; Lloyd, Cole and Zane even claim to have seen him do it but I think they’re all messing with me. I don’t think he’s human. What is he? A droid or cyborg? An elf? Some humanoid beast race or maybe a were-wolf! Is that why his last name is Fox? Is it a reference to what he really is? I’m not sure what he is but I’m going to find out.
Cole- Straight foreword I like them. Sure Clay can be a bit serious at times but I get it. He’s the leader and has to keep everything under control and running smoothly along with making sure no one gets hurt or left behind. He has to be serious for the safety of his team. He can be fun you just have to catch him when he has spare time. Lance I find is too into himself like a way worse Kai and it’s rather annoying how he likes to brag about not being as he calls it a peasant like the rest of us but he’s not that bad. He at least still takes his duties relatively seriously and does care about his friends in his own way despite how full of himself he is and how much he hates to work and his over obsession with his looks. Personally I prefer Clay over Lance. He’s a lot better to get along with and doesn’t call me rustic like Lance does; I didn’t understand what he meant by that till Macy explained rustic is Lances code word for run down and dirty. Just because I’m the master of earth doesn’t mean I’m dirty I shower on a regular basis… uh anyway back to topic that Aarons pretty cool; he’s chill, likes to play video games and is pretty good at them, he’s got a good taste in music too. Don’t let his laidback personality and approach to things fool you; when times call for it he can be rather serious and responsible when it’s needed. In fact I think his rather chill personality help him keep a cool head when things get heated. I think he’s also got a high tolerance to pain cause minor injuries like cuts and bruises don’t seem to bother him like a normal person. Anyway Macys pretty cool too; I would have loved having a sibling like her growing up; someone willing to stand up to do what is right and not afraid to get roughed up and dirty to do it. She’s also pretty good at arm wrestling and be careful when sparring she’s got a pretty hefty swing with that mace… I’m pretty sure I got some bruising from our last training session when she accidently hit me. You know she’s also a princess. You’d never know it though by how she acts. Axl he’s great too; he might not seem it especially since he came from a small town and is muscular but he is rather smart; smarter than he looks. Just like me; just because we have brawns doesn’t mean we can’t have brains either despite what some (coughs and says under his breath Jay) think. Anyway he’s also very good at video games, music and cooking. I wonder if he could teach me some cooking tips. Maybe then the others won’t joke about my cooking so much. Robin and Ava are pretty cool and Merloks also pretty cool too; he’s wise and a good listener just like Wu. If you have a problem he’s defiantly someone you can turn to for advice and help despite having no body and being tied to the knights technology. You know I wonder if they ever thought of giving him a body like Zanes. I’m pretty sure with the right supplies and knowledge those kids Robin and Ava could make one. Their wizes when it comes to that tech stuff. As for Jestro I get he’s trying to be funny when he does his comedy act but I find it often cringy and I thought Jay had a lot of bad jokes… I don’t think he’s cut out to be a jester. I don’t know why he doesn’t try to be a knight. He gets along pretty well with most of them. From what I hear from some of them he’s apparently not good at it but maybe he just needs some aid to find his true potential.
Zane- I find them rather enjoyable to be with. They don’t mind that I’m not truly human and treat me just like any other person and not just some machine or a monster. I do get highly annoyed though that Lance sometimes mistakes me for one of their Squirebots these rather simple in design and functioning robotics that serve as aids, servants and workers in their realm; I find that rather offensive. Their Squirebots are nowhere near as complex and human like as I am. We may share similarities but we are not the same. I am not just some bot meant to serve him… I didn’t mean to snap at him as seriously as I did but I think he at least learned his lesson. He’s been careful about what he says and does around me now. Luckily the others never see me as just some mere bot. Also I do not understand his rather self centered and highly materialistic view of things. Doesn’t he know there is more to life than that? Clay and Macy are both nice and they treat me no different from any other person. They respect me, are not bothered to help me and don’t mind having me as part of the team even though I am different from them; they even value my opinion and are better listeners to me than some of my own family like Kai and Jay. Aaron is much the same and he is rather fun to be with. He’s good competition at video games; he is very calm and chill even though he enjoys a good thrill and he is surprisingly smart even though he doesn’t often show it. He has also been real helpful in helping me better disguise myself from the people of this place so they think I am truly human so they won’t be so mean to me. It’s working quite well and unlike some he doesn’t mind if I get carried away a bit with my role. Axl he is nice and friendly; he is also very caring and kind. He’s also a good cook; he likes to make for me special treats largely cookies, cakes and brownies to try and make me feel better about how the people here treat me. I appreciate the thought but he does not need to do that; I do not special treatment. What he makes are very good, better now that he isn’t adding whole insects to everything; apparently Kai was goofing around and convinced him that nindroids are powered by some special bug centered diet. I had to explain to him that I do not need to have bugs in everything and can have things just like people. He does not need to make things specially for me... I do not understand why Kai joked with him like that? Anyway Avas pretty nice too and it’s nice that while she is interested in my being she doesn’t get too invasive of my personal space unlike Robin. I get he is just very enthusiastic in his curiosity about me but his enthusiasm and how he sometimes forgets my personal space and privacy unnerve me. He likes to watch what I do even when I am taking care of personal maintenance, he’s very interested in the control panel in my arm and he keeps asking strange and rather uncomfortable questions… why would he think I have some buried urge to conquer and enslave humanity? I don’t think I have that… though there was what happened in the Never Realm and the others sometimes joke that things in the world would probably be better if robots were in charge. I’m not sure if they are joking about that or not; I’m also not sure how I feel about that. Sometimes I do… sorry I’m digressing. Where were we… Merlok I like him. He’s very wise and I kind of feel sorry for him; I can’t imagine what it would be like without a body but I know I wouldn’t like it. I wonder if he misses having a physical form? As for Jestro I find quite a bit of his comedy hard to understand; I don’t get some of his jokes and his acts are in best terms rather cringy.
Nya- I guess I like them. At first I wasn’t sure if I would like Macy but after spending some time with her I like her. She isn’t that stuck up spoiled princess type like I thought she’d be. She truly wishes to be a knight and help others in fact she prefers being a knight over a princess. I can appreciate that. She can also single handled beat the boys one on one just like me. She’s also one of the few people who can come close to beating Cole in an arm wrestle. Clays pretty good too. He’s caring, respectful and really knows how to be a good leader and keep his team together. He can get a little carried away though with his duties and training. You know he only sleeps a few hours a night. He spends most of the night studying, practising his magic and training; how does he keep going especially since he doesn’t drink energy drinks or coffee? He also made a list of who of us is best to pair with who. That aside maybe he should give Lloyd some pointers in leadership to help keep Kai and Jay in check when I’m not around that way he’s not always relying on me to do it. Speaking of my brother Lance kind of reminds me of him a much more spoiled version of him. The two could beat each other with how much time they spend on their looks or social media; they could also beat each other with the amount of hair products they have. I also have no clue why he sometimes tries to impress me. Doesn’t he know I’m not interested? Truly by how he acts I’m pretty sure he’s more into himself than anyone else and he’s just doing it to see Jay get worked up. A lot of people seem to like seeing Jay get worked up. Speaking of which Aarons cool and it’s nice how he’s helping Zane and I don’t have much of a problem with him I just wish Jay would stop it with his paranoia over him. He’s not some other being or under some spell or curse. Some people just enjoy extreme activities and don’t wet their pants at just thinking about dangerous stuff. What bothers me with him is Aaron isn’t helping with Jays paranoia by playing into them and messing with him. He’s also got some of the others largely Kai and Cole though he has gotten Zane into joining him with this too. Axl doesn’t help with that either by sometimes joining Aarons antics. Aside from that Axls pretty good. Strong, caring and he knows how to cook; Cole should take some lessons from him. Sure his cooking has gotten better than it used to be but Cole could still use to learn more; if he ever offers you his chilli don’t take it you’ll regret that decision. Anyway back to topic Robin and Ava are pretty cool as well and despite their young age very good with what they do. As for Merlok he’s wise and caring and it’s very interesting what happened to him and what he became. I wonder if he ever regrets it though; he has no physical body anymore and is tied to the knights technology. He’s very limited now in what he can do and where he can go and he probably often can’t help out the way he wants; that’s probably not very pleasant. Jestro, I get it’s what he trained to be but he’s not really good at being a jester. His acts can be rather cringy and not all of his jokes are funny. Maybe he should consider a new profession.  
Lloyd- The knights aren’t too bad. They’re friendly, nice and helpful. I like how they can work as a team with little hassle; well mostly with little hassle. I wish I could get my team to do that more often; I won’t say their names but there is two I’m always having problems with… they like to butt heads and goof around especially if left together. Maybe I should get some advice from Clay about team leadership. Can I tell you something in confidence? It’s kind of nice having someone else take charge for once; I don’t mind when Clay takes over as leader. It lets me relax a bit. I don’t mind letting him take over when we’re working together either. He’s smart and caring and will do anything to help others; he also knows how to get the others to work together with little hassle even the problematic ones. He’s one of the few who can get Jay to stop leaving his underwear everywhere and the others listen to him… a lot better than they listen to me. It’s kind of funny to see him punish some of the others. Kai, Jay and Lance were goofing around trying to upstage each other during some training and caused an accident that got me, Aaron, Macy, Cole and even Zane hurt… nothing bad just some cuts and bruises but to discourage the three from goofing off he made them clean the centers bathroom including the potties for pets they have in there with nothing but toothbrushes and tweezers. I know it’s rather wrong to have pleasure in the misery of others but I think this was an exception. They were really grossed out especially when they had to clean the hair and fur from drains and the pet potties; one of the cats left something really nasty smelling in there before they started cleaning. I think the three nearly barfed multiple times the whole time; they finally did barf when they pulled the hair out of the drains. Outside that Aarons chill; sometimes I think a little too chill and a bit strange. He also doesn’t seem to know what fear is. Jay dared him to put his hand in a tank with some really big spiders and not only did he do it but he picked one of them up and held it without being bothered. I think I’m with Jay on that being unsettling. He is fun to be around though and so is Axl. If you want to play videos those two are the best ones to play with. Axls also a great cook even though some of his families’ recipes are a bit strange like Porcupine Stew. Macy… it’s nice to meet a princess who isn’t well a princess and truly cares to help others and be in the action and not just pretend to. She’s pretty tough and strong too; I defiantly wouldn’t want to face her in real combat. Lance… he gets on my nerve quite a bit and reminds me of Kai with how much time he spends on social media and his looks, especially his hair; at least Kai’s nowhere near as self centered as Lance is. I don’t really care for his obsession with wealth or referring to the rest of us as peasants at times too. As for Robin and Ava they are cool and I get they are doing what they enjoy but they shouldn’t let their childhood pass them by. They should enjoy it while they can… like I never got too… did I say that out loud? I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Anyway Merloks nice and very wise; without Wu around I’ve found myself going to him when I need advice. He reminds me of my uncle and is just as wise even though he’s much older like way older. Jestro I get they’ve had problems with him in the in the past but I think if they look past that and offer him some aid and boost his confidence he could become a knight; I don’t think he’s really cut out to be a jester. At times he can be funny but overall he’s not very good at it and I thought some of Jays jokes were cringy…
Kai- They’re not too bad. Clay’s a bit bossy and very serious; does he ever relax or is he always ready for duty? Hasn’t he ever heard of down time? You know he doesn’t sleep much and when he does he’s still often in his gear or training gear so he’s always ready for duty. That can’t be comfortable or relaxing. If you want a good sparring partner though he’s the one to go to; he takes things serious and doesn’t play around. Macy’s nice and, don’t let my sister hear this but Macy kind of reminds me of her. Strong, independent, resourceful not to mention can whip your butt if you get in a fight with them… especially if you make them mad… trust me don’t make them mad. Axl’s pretty great. I think Cole should take some pointers from Axl about his cooking he’s real good at it. I’d say he’s better than Zane at it. Speaking of which Axls also a bit gullible; he was curious if he needed to make things special for Zane. I was just having some fun and told him nindroids have a special bug centered diet so they need bugs in everything they eat and he believed me. Zanes been confused about it but not fully bothered unlike Jay; he was so grossed out about it he nearly barfed when Zane first noted some of the chocolate chips in the special cookie Axl gave him were actually chocolate coated beetles. He did barf when Zane didn’t let it bother him and just ate the cookie anyway to not be rude. For several hours after all you had to say was bug cookie and Jay would nearly barf. He didn’t find it amusing but some of the rest of us did. Anyway Axl’s also really good at video games too, just as good as Cole; I’m not sure who’s better at them him or Cole. They like to beat each other’s and everyone else’s scores and they’re the only ones who can top each other’s scores. I tried but I couldn’t get close. Aarons not too bad either; he can be kind of strange at times, sometimes real strange like the other day I found him napping on top of one of these large shrooms in a planter in the Under-city. He wasn’t bothered by the birds and bugs that would crawl on him or hang near him. That had a lot of the people scared off him; they were keeping their distance from him like he was a wild animal. He’s not bad though and he’s cool to hang with plus I like how he puts Jay on edge. Even better he likes to join me in teasing Jay. Lance he wishes his hair was as good looking as mine. Sure he may be all famous and rich but he is no master of fi-ayh. He probably wishes to have such hot powers. Robin and Ava they’re pretty cool kids I think though they should take a bit more time for themselves. Sure they may enjoy their work but there is more to life than work. They shouldn’t waste their childhoods away and enjoy some time to be kids to play and have fun. Merloks good, a bit bossy obviously I can see where Clay gets it Merlok being his uncle and all; he can also be a little absent minded at times but I think that’s just cause he’s old like real old. According to the knights it’s over 500 years old! He reminds me quite a bit of Wu. Jestro, I don’t know whose humour is worse his or Jays. I don’t think he should take Jays advice in comedy, it would probably just make his worse.
Aaron- They’re pretty rad. Coles great to hang with and he’s good at video games just don’t accept all the cooking he makes. I get he tries but some of what he makes defiantly won’t agree with yha. He made his chilli the one night wanting to test out some ingredients and us plus some of the scholars here had some with the ninja and man that was unpleasant. We all got sick even their cyber-bro Zane; that’s got to be pretty bad to make a droid sick. Kai’s okay reminds me a bit of Lance but he’s not as obsessed with his hair, wealth or his image as Lance and doesn’t mind hard work, getting roughed up a bit or dirty. He doesn’t mind having scars and he’s proud of them though he likes to embellish where he gets them. He had a black eye the other day; he said he got it from defending some kids from a creature but the others tell me he got it from Zane while they were training. He was being cocky and goofing around and got in the way when Zane went to punch one of the sparring bots. He’s not as tough as he thinks he is. His sister though she is as tough as she thinks she is. She’s great though like Macy watch out when she’s mad; she scares me a bit when she’s like that. Her bro Jay is well weird. I don’t get why but he has this strange belief that I’m not human. As far as I know I’m just human. His weird belief can get a bit annoying but I do love to mess with him over it; or just mess with him in general. It’s hilarious to see his reactions when he gets all freaked out. Like the one day we we’re doing some training at night and he was being paranoid thinking I was a werewolf and would turn when the moon came out. It was super annoying and he wouldn’t stop so I bit him. He panicked so much we had to stop the training. Merlok even had to use a calming spell on him after that. He tricked him into thinking it was a cure to get him to stop freaking out. It was hilarious. For Zane how cool is their cyber-bro! Sure he can be strange at times and he sees the world a lot differently than we do both physically and metaphysically but I think that makes him so much cooler and if it wasn’t for his metal skin you would never know he wasn’t human. It’s sad the people here can’t look past what he is; they’re missing out how cool my cyber-bro is. He’s smart, kind, daring though also wisely cautious and he’s very good at getting into roles when he needs to. The others think he can get too into them but I don’t think so. I think he’s just expressing his thespian side; heck he’s a better actor than Lance even when he is not trying. My green bro Lloyds cool too though I think he needs to take some time to chill. He takes things a little too seriously and lets a lot get to him even things he has no control over. He does a pretty good job at keeping the ninja together though. He tries to hide it but he does struggle a bit with leadership. I don’t blame him; I’ve been there and get it. It’s hard especially when you’re trying to get two individuals who often butt heads to get to work together. I think Clay could really give him a hand with his leadership role; if he wants I could give him some pointers on how to chill.
Axl- I like them. They’re friendly and kind; not like the monsters everyone in this realm thought they would be even though some of them can be a bit scary at times mainly when they’re mad. Coles great; it’s nice to have someone who’s a real challenge at video games to play with though his cooking, I guess it’s not too bad but with a few pointers I think it could get better. I think his problem is that he gets measurements wrong and sometimes uses the wrong ingredients. Another thing about him is it is nice to have someone else around who can do heavy lifting so it’s not always up to me. The problem when you have muscle everyone wants you to do the heavy lifting. The metal man Zanes real nice; he’s friendly and kind. He could probably easily harm anyone or anything but he doesn’t at least not without a good reason so I don’t see why everyone thinks he’s a monster. I’ve dealt with real monsters and he’s far from a monster. You know he knows how to cook and he’s pretty good at it too. He can also eat unlike our Squirebots in fact he has to on a regular basis to stay healthy. I don’t understand entirely how it works I just largely got that it really helps his power source to give him energy and keep him alive. Robin better understands it. I think Zane’s really liked when I’ve made some things just for him. Considering how others in this town we’ve all found ourselves in treat him he deserves some special treatment; I did learn you have to be careful what you give him though. Something’s his body doesn’t handle very well like certain seasonings especially spicy things and too many citrus fruits. You know he also likes video games too though he’s no better than Aaron at them. Strange cause you’d think for someone with a computer brain he would be better at things run by a computer. He’s still very smart though; it’s sometimes hard to understand everything he talks about. Nyas great and tough; she doesn’t look it but she’s quite strong much like my mom. Her pal Jay is not so much. Overall he’s not too bad and can be fun to hang with. He’s very good with video games but is often very talkative and can sometimes talk a little too fast; sometimes real fast. He is very jumpy too but that’s kind of funny. How he reacts when he gets scared is rather humorous as long as you’re not getting shocked when he freaks out. That hurts quite a bit. Kai’s not too bad. He’s a bit like a really mild version of Lance; that makes him easier to hang out with than Lance. He’s not so obsessed with his looks and popularity. He’s pretty good with video games too. Nowhere near as good as me but still fun to play with. Lloyd he’s not too bad; a bit bossy like Clay when we’re working but when we’re just chilling he can be fun to be around and he’s easier to get to chill and play games than Clay. He also isn’t afraid to indulge in sweets like Clay is.
Clay- They’re good, honest and caring warriors who strive to do what’s right and I’m glad they are on our side. They might not have trained to be knights but I would consider them honorary knights; they live up to the knights code very well despite having never heard of it. That being said they don’t always follow orders very well and you have to be careful who works with who or you just end up with problems for example you can pair Cole and Zane with most of us and it works out rather well but never pair Aaron with Jay. That combination never works well nor do you pair Lance and Kai together, they just try to upstage each other all the time. Overall they are pretty good. Coles nice to hang with and I like how he recognises when to take things seriously and when you can goof off, at least most of the time unlike some of them; he also has the qualities of a good leader and I can guarantee if I give him a task he’ll get it done with little hassle. Nya’s pretty good too though she does sometimes take things a little too seriously even if we’re just relaxing and I would have to agree with Aaron she can be a bit scary when she’s mad. Other than that she’s not too bad. Her brother well he and Lance could hold competitions over who takes longer to get ready. At least he’s not overly obsessed with his image or popularity and is more down to earth and a team player though he tends to be a bit cocky. Also I have found Kai and Jay tend to butt heads quite a bit so they don’t work good as a combination. Speaking of Jay how did he ever become a ninja? I get he tries his best but he’s often rather high sprung and likes to try to cut corners if he can instead of following orders… and he talks, a lot even when we need to be quite. He also likes to joke quite a bit too and some of those Jokes… I thought some of Jestros routines were bad I think Jay could give him a run for his money there. He can do his job rather decently if you can get him to focus and keep control of his anxieties. When it comes to Zane he’s good. Smart, kind, responsible, like Cole he recognises when to take things seriously and when you can take a break and goof off; he does though have problems with emotions both understanding them, how to properly react to most of them and the right time to display certain ones. Best not to let him deal with tasks that require an emotional touch or understanding especially on his own. He also has troubles understanding sarcasm, idioms, some kinds of comedy and he can sometimes be a bit hard to understand likely because he’s not truly human but I don’t mind that. It doesn’t interfere much with his ability to work as a team member or to be a good friend. Honestly if it wasn’t for his skin, eyes and hair I wouldn’t know he wasn’t human. Truly if he was just human I’d see him much like Aaron, a special person. He’s defiantly very chill and down to earth like Aaron. As for Lloyd he’s good too and he does a pretty good job as their leader. He also makes a good friend and I have noticed he’s very protective and caring towards the others. I don’t blame him and understand. I didn’t have much of a family growing up either. I was an orphan for a good deal of my life too till my uncle found me. I have noticed this makes him take everything bad that happens to his friends personally and this can really affect his performance and mood. I think he needs to learn just because his team fails or someone gets hurt doesn’t mean it’s his fault. Sometimes things happen that you have no control over; he shouldn’t take it as his fault. Instead he should just accept he has no control and be there for those who need it when they need it.
Macy- They’re not too bad. Nyas great to hang with and it’s nice to meet a girl who’s not all into that girly stuff and would rather fight the monsters than need saving from them not to mention able to kick their butts. Her brother on the other hand he and Lance go good together though he’s more down to earth and nowhere near as annoying as Lance. He’s still very cocky and into himself though but it’s not too bad. He still at least values being a part of the team and will put his image aside to do what’s right. Lance should take some pointers from him about teamwork. Jay sure he’s sometimes rather funny but I don’t really get what Nya sees in him. He’s very jumpy, quick to panic, a bit moody and often chooses the wrong times to crack a joke; and I thought Jestros jokes were bad some of his can be worse. He at least tries his best to be a ninja and when he puts his mind to it can be rather competent with it so that’s at least something. Lloyds pretty good though he was a bit weird to me at first when he heard I was a princess; you know giving me weird looks, keeping his distance, didn’t talk much to me. He’s since warmed up to me and is no longer so stand offish. He’s apparently had some bad experiences with princesses in the past. I can forgive that and I can promise him I’m probably nothing like the princesses he’s used to. If anything Lance is like the typical princess on our team. That aside he’s very good at what he does though I think most of us have noticed he tends to be a little hard on himself especially if things go wrong or one of his friends gets hurt. Coles pretty cool too and a pretty good challenge at arm wrestling and video games. He may seem tough with a rough personality but deep down he’s really quite a softy and cares deeply even if he doesn’t show it much. Zane he’s so nice and kind how can the people of this town we’re staying in think he’s a monster? Sure he might look scary to some, some kids and even some adults are scared of his appearance, but he’s no monster. Also he could be dangerous in fact he is, I’d say probably the most dangerous of them all, but he’d never hurt anyone unless you truly deserve it like Lance. Anyway he’s very chill and respectful so if you make him mad then you’ve really done something wrong. Heck chickens are more of monsters than he is yet you don’t see the people considering them monsters so why single out Zane as a monster. He’d never attack you for looking at him wrong or walking by their feeding area… if anything the people are the monsters thinking someone so innocent is a monster and treating him so cruelly. Anyway you know I can understand why the ninja sometimes forget he truly isn’t human. Me and the other knights sometimes forget he isn’t exactly human either. All in all I’m glad to have him and the other ninja on our side.
Lance- I guess they’re not too bad even though they’re all commoners. None have as good as hair as mine that is for sure even though Kai tries; also can what that nindroid has for hair truly be called hair? It’s all a synthetic replica. Anyway Kai wishes he was as good looking and famous as me. For a commoner he’s not too bad and he’s good at video games. Jay I’m not sure who’s comedy is worse; his or Jestros. He is pretty funny though when you get him all freaked out and boy is it easy to get him startled or worked up. Just bring Aaron near him or pretend to hit on his girl. He gets all anxious and worked up then. You do have to be careful though. If you scare him too much you might get shocked and from what I hear that can hurt quite a lot. Speaking of his girl Nya she’s not too bad. She is a bit bossy though and rather scary, especially if you make her mad. She’s pretty strong too so be careful if you get in a fight… she gave me quite the rough time the one training session. So I called the earth one rustic and mistook the metal one as a squirebot for a while and I might of made a bit of fun of her boyfriend but that didn’t mean she had to be so rough on me. Also she’s not impressed by my looks; how can someone not like my looks? Cole he’s not too bad, I like that he doesn’t mind to get dirty and can do heavy lifting; means less of that kind of work for me. He is also very good at video games but he’s not so good with his cooking. It reminds me of Axl’s family cooking; weird and doesn’t always look or smell too appetizing. Nor does it always taste good and you’re not going to feel to good from some of it. No offense to him but Zane kinda creeps me out. So I mistook him for a squirebot for a couple hours, maybe a day or two, but you would think he’d be chill enough to let that go he seems the chill type even more chill than Aaron but no. I see now why Kai and Jay warned me not to make him mad. Got some nasty bruising and stuck in ice for like an hour; I hope that’s the worst he can be if not well I don’t want to find out about that. You know he may be the bot equivalent of warm blooded, his skins actually quite warm to the touch well except his hands sometimes, but when he gets mad the thermostat drops like crazy and he can freeze almost anything real quick which is bad when you were drinking from a metal soda can at the time he snaps! He’ll also show you that he’s not as gentle as he appears when he’s mad. Yha when he’s like that I can see how people might think he’s a monster. As for Lloyd, he’s kind of like a mini Clay. Rather bossy especially if you don’t follow orders or pull your weight and he doesn’t relax or chill much. He’s not too bad though. If you can get him when he’s not all in super ninja mode he’s pretty cool to hang with. I have also found it’s easy to get him off your back if you give him some candies or cookies. He’s willing to ease up on his bossiness then.
Jestro- They’re okay I guess. I don’t think many of them care for my comedy acts but they at least don’t make fun of me and are rather nice to me. They do kind of scare me though with those powers of theirs. I get they’re not going to hurt me unless I do something to anger them but it still makes me nervous. Out of all of them I find Jay the best to hang with. He doesn’t mind my comedy and honestly enjoys it. He’s also the friendliest to me and always willing to cheer me up. Nya’s not too bad but she can be scary especially if she’s angry but she’s at least friendly and has been nice to me even though she doesn’t get my comedy. Her brother doesn’t get my comedy either but he at least doesn’t make fun of it. He has been fairly nice to me and likes to play video games though he tends to get a little cocky and hot headed when he plays. He can’t spontaneously combust or make others combust when he’s mad can he or was Lance just messing with me? I don’t know what it is but something about the metal man scares me. He’s so human like but his eyes are weird and he kind of looks scary. He can also make it kinda cold if he’s mad and I hear if you make him real mad he can freeze you solid! Other than that he’s not too bad and is very nice but he is sometimes hard to understand; he’s a bit weird and sometimes uses a lot of big strange words. Also it’s real hard to get him to laugh; does he understand comedy or am I that bad at it? Coles nice and friendly even though he looks intimidating and he doesn’t make fun of my acts even though I can tell he really doesn’t get them much. Lloyds very nice and he likes to try and get me involved even if the others don’t want me to be which is real nice. He’s friendly and kind even if he doesn’t get my acts.
Clays notes on team pairings:
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Ninja with the knights: 
My workings on how the two groups are with each other:
My assumption is the Knights are slightly older than the ninja with the exception of Robin, Ava and Merlok; only by a few years though not by much (only around one, two or three years no more).
The knights would at first be wary of the ninja due to their powers unsure how they work, what they can do with them and if the ninja are good or bad. After working together for a little while they would grow to trust them but are still made nervous when some of them are made mad worried the ninja might hurt them with their powers. While most of them try to hide it Robin and Ava tend not to hide that the ninja scare them. They are all particularly unnerved when Kai, Nya, Cole and especially Zane are made mad. They are also nervous around Jay when he’s nervous or panicking.
They’d get along fairly well once they come to trust each other however sometimes they can annoy each other at times. Jay tends to easily get on all the knights nerves particularly Clay, Macy and Aaron. Clay is easily annoyed by some of the ninja largely Kai and Jay; he doesn’t like when they disobey orders or joke about duties nor when they don’t follow their orders. Macy also doesn’t like when they don’t follow orders nor when they don’t take things seriously. Aarons fine tolerating much of their ways but doesn’t like if they goof around when they are supposed to be taking things serious like in combat or during a serious mission; he is also not fond of Jays paranoia to him but quickly finds he can have fun with it and others are willing to help him with it. Jay and Kai of course are not happy with how serious they tend to take things and how strict Clay can be. Lloyd, Cole and Nya are rather pleased to have others around that can keep Kai and Jay under control when they’re not around.
All the ninja are annoyed by Lance considering them peasants or commoners. They also don’t like when he tries to brush his tasks off onto them or flaunt his wealth and fame around them. They also don’t like when he refers to them, anything they do or have like the monastery or Bounty as rustic. They at first thought it a compliment and didn’t realise till Macy explained it to them that for Lance the term rustic is a code word for run down and dirty and not a compliment. He made the mistake of calling Cole rustic once and Cole taught him not to do that by scaring him by lifting up a large planter which included some plants including a large one in it above his head to show off his strength. Lance was cautious with what he said around Cole after that.
Nya doesn’t like when Aaron and Axl joke around with Jay especially when they get the others involved. Their joking and pranks combined with the stress of the realm they have found themselves in which is full of things that scare him can sometimes make Jay paranoid for a while which then he annoys everyone else with his panicking or paranoid thinking.
While working together Clay generally takes over as leader, he doesn’t do anything to become it he just sort of falls into the role and the others are overall fine with it just going with it. Clay is not fond that the ninja don’t always take things seriously even when on missions. While when they have to the ninja listen to him when things are not too serious Jay and Kai tend to joke around or slack off like Lance does to his authority which Clay is not fond of and he’ll tolerate it to a mild extent before intervening. Cole, Lloyd and Zane occasionally like seeing Clay reprimand the two for goofing or slacking off. Knowing it bothers them Clay often makes their punishments extra training or hard work particularly gross and unpleasant tasks like garbage duty, dishes and cleaning bathrooms (especially when he makes them use nothing but a tooth brush to do it) or animal pens. Lloyd, Cole and Zane are the only ones to respect his leadership at all times and follow his orders. Nya will listen but will also do her own thing if she feels things call for it. Clay tolerates it because he knows she’s still trying to work and takes things seriously for the task and is not shirking duties or goofing off. He’s also nervous of her when she gets mad, most of the boys are, so doesn’t want to risk angering her.
With Clay taking charge Lloyd is more relaxed and willing to show a less serious and more fun side. Lloyd does though tend to take over as second in command along with Cole particularly to keep the ninja in check. Most of the knights are fine with this but Lance doesn’t like it too much not liking being ordered around by others particularly those he considers peasants, basically anyone not as rich as him or of royalty. He quickly found though how to get Lloyd to lighten up on him, giving him candies or other sweats. Cole is not as easily persuaded or tricked and Lance learns quickly not to mess with him; he also is a bit nervous of Cole due to his super strength.
To get on their good side and get out of hard work with them Lance finds a way to bribe each of the ninja. He combines well chosen words with treats; He uses candies and cookies for Lloyd; cake, cookies, any baked goods really for Cole; oils, milkshakes and ice creams for Zane; candy or coin for Jay and hair gel and candies/junk food for Kai. He tries with Nya using cookies, coins and other items but she isn’t easily fooled or persuaded by it. Cole and Zane aren’t easily fooled by it either but depending on task and feelings will accept the bribe and do the task often to just get him off their backs and get the job done.
Lance made the mistake once of thinking Zane was like a squirebot and ordered him to do something’s. He kept it up for a few days without realising it. Not liking being ordered around like a servant and seen as a simple bot Zane eventually snapped and made sure to remind Lance he was not a Squirebot and not to be ordered around or taken advantage of. Roughed him up a bit with a Spinjitsu tornado and froze him in ice in the main hall for over an hour causing Lance to become a little scared by Zane and disliking being alone with or close to him. Kai left him in the ice for an hour to learn a lesson. Everyone else was fine with that. Kai and Jay warned Lance not to make Zane mad but he didn’t listen. He learned his lesson after that.
While no stranger to robots the knights are still rather surprised by Zane not used to one as complex and human like as him and some of his behaviours and mannerisms sometimes confuse them. Robin is so fascinated by Zane he is often making Zane uncomfortable with tons of questions often of an uncomfortable nature, following him around even when Zane wants personal time and frequently likes to observe him making Zane uncomfortable around Robin. Ava is also highly fascinated by him but respects his space and feelings more than Robin.
I could envision Aaron finding out a laser pointer reflects off some of Zanes metal skin and that he could get distracted by it like a cat. He spent some time messing with Zane who was confused where the light was coming from causing him to as Aaron sees it act like a cat as he looks for the lights source. He wasn’t trying to be mean just wanting to have some fun. He apologised for what he was doing afterwards.
Axl, Cole and Jay like to have eating contests. Cole takes cooking lessons from Axl. Kai, Aaron and Lance have a contest to see who can handle hot peppers the best; neither can beat Kai.
Lance likes to try and impress Nya even though she is not interested. She just ignores it. Jay on the other hand is not pleased by this. If some of the others particularly Lance or Aaron interact with her he gets nervous and sometimes defensive often trying to butt in or interfere in their interactions sometimes leading to embarrassing or awkward moments sometimes to the amusement of others. Ex; once they were in a lab looking at some dangerous insects for a lesson on potential hazards they could face. Aaron just happened to be near her and talks to her. Jay butt in leaning on a terrarium accidently bumping the lid off letting the beetles inside crawl under and up his sleeve; he isn’t aware of it till Aaron points it out (Uh aren’t the beetles in that tank you’ve opened dangerous?) making him freak out. Even worse the beetles defence is to leak an oil from under their shell that burns skin and his reaction to them causes them to release the liquid. He had burns and blisters on his arm for a few days and had to use creams on it to heal and soothe them.
Nya and Macy like to hang out for some girl time and love going over different fighting techniques with each other plus how they could each beat the boys in combat. They can also count on each other to tell the truth when one of the boys, mainly Lance and Kai, are bragging about something. (M- is it true Kai took on a bear once and beat it on his own with just his bare hands?/N- well he did face it with his bare hands but he was losing to it, would have really lost to it if Cole and Zane hadn’t acted quickly and bargained it away with a bigger fish. It was all Kais fault he ended up in a fight with it really. It was a group fishing trip and if he had just thrown the fish he’d caught at the same time as the bear to the bear like Zane told him too when it grabbed it from his lure he wouldn’t have ended up in a fight with it.)
They all like to compete in video games to see who is best at them often trying to beat each other’s high scores. Cole and Axl are tied as the top players.
Aaron likes to mess with Jay and play pranks on him finding amusement in his reactions to things that scare him. Cole, Axl, Lance, Kai and even sometimes Zane like to join him in this. They trick him into having candies with weird effects which cause him to panic as he thinks he’s been poisoned or cursed; they place insects and small critters on his bed or near him when he least expects it to startle him; they play into his paranoia’s around Aaron Zane even able to use his cloaking ability to help with this; etc.
Jay can’t understand how Aaron can be so relaxed, upbeat and fearless so often even in the face of danger. He comes up with some strange ideas to explain it such as he’s under a curse or has worms in his brain that are making him fearless or that he’s not really human. When he learns of some of Jays paranoia Aaron uses his ideas in his pranks on Jay. Sometimes the others especially Kai and Cole join Aaron in messing with Jay over his ideas on Aaron. E.g.; Aaron to Jay after he hears some of Jays paranoia just to play with him- Jay thinks his last name of Fox is a reference to his family having a were-wolf curse and he’s got the curse. Aaron teases him with “Hey bro you know why my last names Fox? Wait for nightfall and I’ll show you, hope you can run bro cause I have the urge to hunt and crave for the taste of human chickens.” He then mimics a wolf howl while Jay backs away from him unnerved.
Kai and Lance like to go over cosmetic routines and hair products. They also like to see who has more followers on social media.
Clay comes off as the older brother figure for everyone even for Zane and Cole. Lloyd especially tends to open up to Clay even when he doesn’t do anything to entice it. Some of them like Nya, Kai and even Lloyd tend to treat Macy like a big sister and she doesn’t have to do much to get them to open up on something.
Lloyd is at first wary and distrusting of Macy since she is a princess but quickly warms up to her as she doesn’t act like a princess nor wants to be treated like a princess and prefers being a knight.
Cole and Axl like to practice their music skills together. They tend to do it in private as Cole is not comfortable practising around the others afraid of being teased.
The ninja are impressed and amazed by the knights training deck. Lloyd and Nya love it the most; while generally enjoying it depending on the environment or threats chosen it can unnerve Jay. Kai is generally uncomfortable with it and takes a while to get used to it due to his distrust of technology. Cole and Zane don’t mind and find it rather impressive.
Robin loves to work with Jay and Nya when their creating things or working. He especially loves to work with them when they are working on Zane even though Zane is not comfortable with that. Ava likes to join them sometimes when they are working on Zane who is not comfortable with the attention.
Lloyd comes off as a big brother to Robin and Ava. Cole and Kai also come off as big brother figures to the two though Robin and Ava are nervous around Kai when he’s angry afraid he might burst into flames or burst one of them into flames.
Wu and Merlok would hang out having tea and talking about their students going over their skills, flaws, successes and fails and how they don’t listen to their advice as much as they should.
Pixal and Ava would get along quite well. Like Zane Pixal would probably be uncomfortable with Robins enthusiasm to their being.
Jay would teach Jestro jokes and how to be better at comedy.
Zane and Pixal are quite confused about the Squirebots who are much simpler, both in build and in mind, than they are.
When it comes to who is best with whom given personality and traits this is likely their relations: Zane would have the highest relations with Clay Aaron and Merlok; the lowest relations for him would be with Lance and Robin due to his enthusiasm to his being. Coles highest relations would be with Axl Aaron and Merlok and would likely not do the greatest with Lance. Lloyds highest relations would be with Clay, Merlok and Macy while his lowest relations would be with Lance; he might also have a good relation with Jestro understanding his desire to be accepted and have family. Nyas highest would be with Clay, Macy, Ava and Robin while she would have the least good relation with Lance. Jay would be best with Axl and Jestro while he’d be the worst with Aaron and Lance. Kai would be the highest with Lance and Clay while would have the lowest relation with Axl. Pixal would have highest relations with Ava, Merlok and Clay and lowest with Lance. Aaron would have the highest relations with Cole, Zane and Lloyd while being the worst with Jay. Axl would be best with Cole and Jay while he would be the lowest with Nya. Clay would have the best relations with Cole, Zane and Lloyd and would be lowest with Jay and Kai. Macy would be highest with Nya, Cole and Lloyd and lowest with Jay. Lances highest relations would be with Kai and lowest with Zane and Lloyd. Jestro would be highest with Jay and Lloyd while lowest with Zane simply because Zane would not understand his comedy very much often thinking too much into it.
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To read the story this is related to you can find it here:
You can also find images pertaining to the story here: https://www.deviantart.com/nerdy-hyena/gallery/72478681/story-project
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psychelis-new · 1 year
Hey I recently got a crush and we haven't met in real life yet. We dont even follow each other on socials and I just knw one of his friend (distant acquaintance types). I want to know what is the potential of our relation and also how to approach him I kinda want him to follow me first . He is the lead vocalist of a band and we go to different college .
Hun... I know it's tough but... just talk to him. If he's in a band that's amazing: go to one of their shows and try to talk with him or approach him through this acquaintance... get creative. And create chances to meet him by yourself (just try to not be stalkerish cause that's never good, yk). Let him notice you just for being you. Maybe offer to help with the merch or advertise their events around or sth. Or share their music if they uploaded it somewhere. From my personal experience with many local bands (tbh this is true especially when it comes to musicians and artists in general), support like this is always good and appreciated (if it comes from the heart). For example, I once ended up talking with this drummer after advertising his local band online for a while (he was in charge of the band's social media pages and I loved doing graphic works) and we ended up meeting each other in person too when I asked him through dms to buy their EP with some friends/fans (yeah physical EPs where still a thing). We then met at their shows a few times, and he always remembered about us and kept thanking us and being really kind with us... I'm not going to add other notes on this, but we did exchange some more messages for a while (this just to give you a practical example confirming that you can reach for him). Maybe compliment him and the band (ofc don't lie, it won't be good on the long run), and see how it goes. If there's reciprocal interest, you'll know. Just be patient though.
As for wanting someone you don't know to follow you first... well you can exchange IG accounts after the show (maybe post a selfie together) or just... follow him first anyway. And start a convo from there (compliments online after seeing a concert, why not). Sometimes we need to compromise to get what (and who) we want... or at least to try and see how things may develop.
All the best! (Nope, I'm not reading for anyone out of nowhere like this and nope, I won't be rude by just telling you off or simply answering you "and how am I supposed to know?", cheers)
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
What do you like to do to get into the Christmas spirit?
For the most part Christmas has become extremely commercial and lost a lot of meaning so I just try to remind myself to focus on harmony and enriching experiences rather than the latest iPhone and stuff like that.
I try to steal a lot of time to be alone and get back in touch with myself and appreciate what's around me and see where that takes me. Might lead me to decorating cookies or what's around me, doing something for someone, maybe visiting a new place, creating an initiative, creating a mood board, depends on what my mood leads me to. Some of my favorite things about Christmas are:
Hot Chocolate - my addiction during winter, I love it creamlike thick, I even put berries in it or marshmellows or various other yummy stuff depending on my mood. But mostly red berries and blueberries. I'm strange, I know.
Personalized cookies - fun to make.
I love picking out Christmas decorations so I always keep an eye out for delicate things, I'm very particular about what goes on my tree.
Buying gifts for loved ones is definitely a fun activity because I try to think of what they love the most and find appropriate gifts that match that. Everyone is different so I get to immerse myself in their world for a short while as I look for their gift. It's kinda like going undercover, you have to adopt their perspective and understand why they connect to what they connect to. lol
Giving back - people come up with so many amazing initiatives to make others' Christmas better so I try to be inspired by that and join in however I can.
Radical Forgiveness - Realizing I can't control people and that they know what's best for them and they are doing the best they know how from where they are in life helps me accept the things about them that hurt me.
I just basically do whatever replenishes my soul and makes me stop and take stock, be grateful. Sometimes this may mean I end up spending time alone in self reflection, practicing self care routines, recharging my energy for the social events and doing silly things like watching movies. Whatever reminds why I'm in love with life and from that state I can then do more engaging things. I adore tuning in to the quiet and warmth during the Holidays instead of tuning in to the hustle of it all. I'd much rather sit by a warm fire and enjoy the peace around me and think of ways to impact someone or something and then act on that rather than just superficially buy stuff to check boxes and run around crazed which is what most people seem to be doing. I feel like connection is getting lost and that saddens me.
What about you, Anon? How do you get in the Christmas Spirit?
Forgot to add, I know a lot of people are terrified of being alone but I think the Holidays are the perfect time for introspection and self care, developing strategies for the upcoming months so I wish and hope those who are alone or choose to spend it alone focus it on leveling up and radical self love. 💗
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I get overwhelmed/anxious quite easily, my sense of self/self identity depends a lot on my work (sth I value/care a lot)
But this kinda make me vulnerable to work related events (work performance/relationship with colleagues )
If all goes well, I'm fine. But if it didn't, sometimes my ego gets hurt, I can't tell clearly whether Im not gd enough for a work task, or not gd enough as a person. As work is such a vital component of my sense of self, sometimes I get mixed up on them and feels dreadful
Any advice would be appreciated.
Greetings, my anonymous friend,
I apologize if it took a long time for my answer to reach you.
Well, I may not know exactly what you're going through, but I think I understand it. We, human beings, have a habit of using our jobs as the only thing possible to measure our value, our competence and the only thing that shapes our behaviours and our self image. In the long run, I know and I know you know too that this is very damaging to our professional development and as part of a society.
In our daily practice, in order to feel loved and recognised within a social group (like our work colleagues, for example), we do things, accept invitations and make concessions that are often betrayals to ourselves. And all this to avoid paying the high price of rejection and devaluation. It's wrong, very, very wrong of us... Trust me, I know.
Perhaps you should seek professional help, if it's affordable to you. Besides the help of a specialist, it is necessary to know a few things:
1- That there are other paths that you can start experimenting and putting into practice, which will help you in your personal growth and in the difficult task of understanding that it is possible to accept yourself, just the way you are, darling.
2- Understanding what your strengths and weaknesses are, your limitations and how they came about is an essential part of the regenerative process of self acceptance.
3- Nothing can be more frustrating than setting unrealistic expectations, so... Try not to do it. You must think about whether what you expect to happen is in line with your possibilities, because being constantly disappointed will generate negativity and put you on a terrible meltdown and we don't want that, right, love?
4- When we have realistic expectations in our lives, we can stop scolding ourselves and take more pleasure in celebrating all the small things. The search for perfection can paralyse us, so perfectionism is one of the most destructive habits we can cultivate. You don't have to be perfect at work, because honestly? I hardly think anyone is. It doesn't mean working isn't important, but your happiness mustn't depend solely on how good or bad you are on what you're doing.
5- The constant fear of making mistakes turns us into unhappy people and procrastinators, consequently, the self esteem decreases and down it goes, our selse of ourselves, like you said. Anxiety is awful, however, with time and opportunity you'll learn not to let it take control of everything. You're your own manager and boss, my friend. You can fight it and overcome it.
I'm not an expert and I do get overwhelmed sometimes, but I hope my suggestions can help you a bit. At least, to assure you that you're not alone. We're in this together, alright? And you'll be okay soon.
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mer-se · 2 months
(Part 1) Hey! I love your photos and blog so much that I’m anonymously embarrassing myself here. Thing is do you have any tips when starting out? Having my work be seen etc. I don’t have a big platform. When did you start your photography work? Hey I know that I’m on anon so that is a contraction but my page and work is far from ready but I’ll messge you off anon when it is..
I appreciate that so much thank you. I’m not sure I started taking pictures in like early middle school days, maybe even earlier. My dad took a lot of film photos when he was younger and did all that dark room stuff, he has boxes of pictures and I think it’s cute that I can see similar styles in his photos and mine. I think it’s always just been in me. I was the friend taking pictures of everyone at every after/school event (I have some veryyyyy old photo albums it’s cool to look back on because I’m like damn I was the same person back then haha) I had (and broke) several digital cameras as a kid/preteen) but I didn’t get my first dslr until I think 2007?
I had my first film camera gifted to me during this time, too. Which is a whole other love. I immediately started advertising myself on Craigslist (idk how I’m alive) and did a few jewelry/portrait/wedding/engagements shoots as a teen and that was pretty cool and huge for my age and experience level looking back. I’m like damn, I did pretty well for myself as a dumb 17/18 yr old. I’m trying to work my way back into that now actually, slowly this time though. Bless all those people who gave me a shot and believed in lil ol me then. Lots of cool memories from that time period but it’s wild to me that I did that.
Anyway. I’m not sure on tips aside from ones that are personal to me because I don’t know what kind of photography you’re into? One of mine is like don’t take ten pictures of the same thing because it’ll make you have a mental breakdown when all of them are good but subtly different and you can’t pick one - but that’s me - I also have ocd and that helps nothing. When starting out that’s probably a good idea though to learn angles and lighting. Take pictures of everything. Learn your own personal style, everyone’s is different even if it’s similar, we all see different things. Learn your camera, learn about lighting and how to edit eventually. If you want to shoot people there’s a huge social aspect so you can work on that. There’s things I don’t even know after 100 years because the technical side doesn’t rly do it for me, I just run on intuition and vibes. We’re all always learning still. Its ok! I don’t have a large platform either especially on here, half my followers are deactivated - it’s dying out on here and I also won’t be on here eventually all together. But if you’re talking about notes/likes I’d suggest tagging your pictures! I find it kinda embarrassing but it’s necessary if that’s what you’re after.
That’s something I actually struggle with because I don’t worry about that stuff much, especially on here. I’ve never cared about that sort of validation, tumblr and instagram even facebook have always been just a photo diary to me - everything’s a diary haha. Even if it seems I overshare I’m really actually not? I’m super private and things make me uncomfortable. (I don’t share my writing either..) Notes are never why I post or even take photos it’s all very personal to me, there’s a deep private love there for me that I can’t put into words but! It’s ok to care and when you want to switch over to working with the public and getting back/into freelance photography (which I do, and maybe you will too someday) advertising is absolutely important, it’s hard for someone like me that finds it extremely cringe to self promote/overly tag everything because that’s never been my vibe or why I do it but I’m slowly working on it because I have to - it’s sort of a large mental obstacle for me. But don’t worry about that right now. Don’t get caught up on things like that honestly, it doesn’t mean anything. If people see and appreciate your pictures that’s lovely but there’s tons of reasons why you may not get notes that mean nothing to the quality of your pics. I see posts circulate with 10000 notes of a blurry eyeball and see an incredible picture of something with 5 notes. On tumblr notes mean nothing, don’t let it influence anything. You’re just starting out and your work is for you right now, and in my opinion it always should be in a way. Give it time. I post way more on my Instagram than here and my account is private, like I said I’m working on that aspect myself still haha. I am working on a different account though and slowly a website! So yes keep at it, and yes tag away, can even pin your posts even if it feels embarrassing - not everyone sees it that way, promise.
Don’t stress just do your thing. Find other photographers on here. But I wouldn’t really worry about tumblr too much, there’s other and better sites to get your work seen.
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