#imagine waiting whoever knows how long for it to get here
scary-grace · 1 day
WIP GAME: The Shigaraki x reader phone sex AU
@sophsiaaa requested more info about the phone sex AU, and it’s pretty straightforward. in short, the reader works as a dispatcher at a high-end end escort service, answering questions, doing admin, and keeping phone sex clients occupied while waiting for an operator to open up. On one particular night, she finds herself on the phone with a client who’s a different kind of weird than usual:
You’re in the middle of familiarizing yourself with all the parts of the cell when your headset starts beeping — and when you check your screen, you see that every single operator is busy. Again.
You get paid a flat hourly rate, but you really should negotiate that up for nights you spend keeping clients occupied while they wait. You answer the phone and run through your spiel — your operator’s not ready yet, but I’m here, and I’m super psyched to talk to a weirdo just like you — and wait for the inevitable question about what you’re wearing. You wait. And wait. And keep waiting, so long that you start to wonder if the call’s dropped when you weren’t looking. That, or the client got so wound up hearing a woman’s voice on the phone that they had a heart attack and died. You try again. “Hello?”
The call’s still live. You hear your voice echo on the other end of the call, and when you listen closer, you can hear someone breathing. Breathing sort of heavily. Great. “You know I get paid whether you talk or not, right?”
Oops. You shouldn’t have said that. Your boss will be pissed, and if whoever this is pays up, does it really matter if he says anything? Maybe he just wants to breathe heavily into the phone until time’s up. You’d like to think you can sit quietly while some guy does — something to the sound of you breathing on your end of the line, but it turns out that’s beyond your power to cope with. “Um, do you want to know what I’m wearing?”
“Clients usually ask that,” you say, trying to cover your shock. This client sounds young. Shiroiwa’s price point is so high that next to none of the clients are younger than forty, but this guy sounds like he’s barely out of high school. You should know — you’re barely out of high school yourself. “They want to know what I’m wearing so they can — um, imagine a little better.”
Silence. The breathing sounds a little less heavy and a little more hyperventilating, and you resist the urge to bang your head on the table with an effort. Why do you always get stuck with the weird ones? “So, like I said, I’m not actually the person you’re supposed to talk to. I’m just here to keep you company until your partner’s ready for you. We don’t have to talk at all.”
You’re rapidly coming to the conclusion that not talking is the best outcome for this situation. You and the client can pretend each other isn’t there until you can transfer him to somebody else, somebody who’s good with the weird ones or the shy ones. Kayoko, maybe. She’s great at bringing clients out of their shells. The fact that she and you and anybody else who listens in wishes they’d never come out of their shells in the first place doesn’t really matter.
“What are you, then?” The raspy voice is in your ear again. “If you’re not who I’m supposed to talk to.”
“I’m admin. Kind of a secretary.” You kick yourself instantly for the choice of words. “Not the sexy kind of secretary. Just — I’m the one who routes the phone calls. And the messages from our chat service. Unless it’s busy.”
“It’s busy?”
“Saturday night? It’s really busy,” you say. He sounds disappointed. “Is there somebody you were hoping to talk to specifically? I can let you know how long a wait there will be.”
“I don’t care who I talk to,” the client says. You hear that from new clients a lot, before they pick a favorite operator. All the regulars have a favorite. “This was stupid.”
“No, it wasn’t,” you say hastily. Your boss will kill you if you lose a client. Even a weird client. “Tell me what you want to talk about. That way I can pick the right partner to send you to.”
“I don’t know,” the client says. You glance at the info Mizuho sent and get a shock — the client’s nineteen, same as you. “It’s — fuck. It’s my birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” you say on autopilot, which is apparently the wrong thing to do. You can practically feel the client’s embarrassment oozing through the phone, and you spin off into a sales pitch that sounds terrible even to you. “Well, you’ve called the right service. I know a ton of our companions who can make your day really special.”
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Diasomnia is so nice and happy and nothing bad will happen. (What do you mean I forgot to draw someone? If I did they were probably just not invited to the scene)
So, chapter 7 huh? XD not to say I'm excited but I have been lurking around the fandom without posting anything about it and this cracked me so yeah, not at all excited to see if we get some nice angsty character development in the form of overblotting for my boi Draconia
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ozzgin · 5 months
Male Yandere Lawyer x Female Embroider Reader (a lady who works as a tailor is fine too)
Imagine a man falling head over heels for that newly employed lady who hand embroiders beautiful handkerchiefs in a luxury shop he visits to get his custom suits! And he just trying to coax her into dating him, marrying him, and becoming his stay at home wife (and mother of his children eventually) 🥰🤭
Age difference? I need some DILF Daddy energy more in my life (but don’t make him an actual father…yet)
P.S. I adore your OCs and writing. And your artwork is way too fucking good! You’re art is just *chef’s kiss* infuckingcredible
Ooh, you know what this reminds me of? I have a yaoi volume from Scarlet Beriko, “Queen and the tailor”, about an interior designer that visits a legendary tailor whose suits will supposedly help you achieve success. The tailor turns out to be a scary looking, blunt man but nonetheless extremely talented. I liked the premise a lot, so it’s definitely interesting to try out a different perspective.
In this case I have the image of a patient, soft-spoken reader and a hurried, short tempered lawyer. Comically different but in a way that eventually works out, you know? Also thank you for the kind words!
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Reader Headcanons
Featuring a Reader that is blissfully unaware the lawyer she just stared dating has their entire life together already sorted out.
Content: female reader, age gap, older yandere, obsessive behavior
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Your eyes begin to hurt mildly, so you look out the window and blink repeatedly, trying to refresh your poor sight. Such detailed works always strain you terribly, but you love seeing the finished result. Others must, too, given your handkerchiefs are often sold out the very same day. Right before your needle pierces the silk canvas anew, the door opens with a burst and you jolt. An older man in a suit, arguing loudly over the phone. He’s drumming his fingers over the counter, eyes darting around in search for an attendant. You know the type quite well, so you hurry over with the hoop still in your hand. “Might I help you with anything?” You mouth discreetly. He turns to you, stares for a couple of seconds, and promptly ends his call.
Out of all the places, he certainly didn’t expect regretting his rusty, unpolished flirting skills in a luxury tailor shop. Yet here he is now, clumsily mumbling something about his new suit he’s come to pick up and wondering how to connect that with your number. The name’s the easy part, as it’s neatly and conveniently printed out on the little badge pinned to your collar. Everything else, not so much. You excuse yourself and return moments later with his order. Shit. You tilt your head, confused by the delayed response, worrying whether you forgot something. Next time. He’ll figure it out for sure next time he comes here.
If there’s one good thing about his career, it’s that his eyes have been trained to spot every detail. For example the embroidery hoop you gently held while speaking to him, so he knows exactly what his next custom order will be. Truth be told, he didn’t anticipate your popularity and long waiting times, but a calculated raised tone with a sprinkle of intimidation has convinced the employee to assign him to you as earliest priority. Whether he can flirt remains to be seen, but arguing with others? Child’s play.
“Thank you for coming again today.” You bow slightly and extend the gift bag. “Although, I must say…I’ve never seen you using these before. What has caused your sudden interest in handkerchiefs?” Rather bold of you to begin such conversations, but your curiosity is too great. No matter how hard you try, you can’t imagine why a blunt, nonchalant man like him would abruptly become passionate about embroidery. A lover? You smile faintly at the idea. Whoever it is, they’ve taken quite the challenge upon themselves. The lawyer frowns at the inquiry. It seems you’re just as observant as him. Maybe this shall be the pretext he can finally cling onto. So he presents it in the factual truth you’d hear in a courthouse: it’s his excuse to see you. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well now, isn’t it just silly? He could’ve simply asked. Buying countless expensive handmade items instead of plainly confessing his intentions…He stumbles, flustered. The same man whose ruthless reputation has even reached your humble ears is anxiously awaiting your response with a deep blush on his face.
The childlike innocence doesn’t last long. You’ve agreed to date him and that’s great, but he’s a man with little time that has known exactly what he wants for many years. When he laid his eyes on you he didn’t imagine cheesy coffee dates as you discuss your favorite color and cautiously breach the topic of intimacy. What’s the point? He’s already certain he’ll spend the rest of his life with you. Skip the unnecessary steps. On the other hand, you’re not as cooperative as he’d wish. Truly, the tangible proof that opposites attract. You’re always calm and take your time with everything. It’s almost frustrating how easygoing you are. When asked when you’re moving in with him, you just smiled and wondered out loud what could be wrong with your small studio above the shop. Marriage? Good question, you never thought about it.
Oh, the irony. Last time a client was being particularly difficult, your lawyer boyfriend pulled him out by the collar under the mortified stares of the other attendants and shoppers. The exact attitude he himself would’ve shown before, yet this time it’s different. Of course it is, it involves you. His thin patience runs out if it’s you. That’s all there is to it. Can you blame a man for following his heart? They say you should always chase your dreams; he prefers hunting them down efficiently, and the shotgun is pointed in your direction. His sweet, exquisite prey he can never get enough of.
Finally you agree to move in with him. Your hesitation was maddening and he’d started coming up with downright psychotic alternatives to convince you, such as your studio burning down after a vicious attack of some unknown hooligans. So it was rather wise of you not to push someone that knows the law like the back of his hand, even if you aren’t aware of it yet. He enthusiastically guides you around your new forever home, omitting unimportant details. The spare office he emptied for a future nursery? You’ll get to that later.
He can’t wait to spoil you. See, that’s the advantage of dating an older man. He’s gotten his life sorted out a long time ago. All that was left was finding you. You just need to be a darling and behave. He knows you will. After all, you’re his talented little embroideress that won’t have to worry about anything else ever again.
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Stray Kids Reaction - Mafia - He Makes You Flinch By Accident
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Mafia!Skz X Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
A/N: I hope this is okay! I did a little bit of both Flinching and scaring you as I wanted it to be different <3 
TW: Mentions of blood, violence, death and guns. Please don’t read if it triggers you, move onto another post I’d never want to put your mental wellbeing in danger &lt;3
CHAN: 0.8K
You knew what your boyfriend did for a living, you weren't an idiot, but you never expected him to bring his work home with him. It had been something he told you he never did, something he would never put you in danger of being near or even seeing. So imagine your surprise when you walk into his office to bring him some tea and see blood everywhere, all over the walls and floors making you whimper a little. You'd never seen so much blood in your life and you knew whoever it was it wasn't a good outcome for them. 
"If you even so much as glance in her direction again I will rip your eyes out of your head!" Chan's voice boomed before you dropped the tray onto the floor, watching as the cups shattered and boiling tea splashed up your legs but you didn't even feel it. Your eyes danced around the room to see one man dead on the floor while another was held back by Changbin - Chan's most loyal employee.
"Yn? What are you doing here?" Chan's voice was completely different than before, he was rough and hoarse before but now his voice was soft as he made his way over to you but you backed away from him your eyes widening when you saw the blood on his hands. He'd done this! He'd killed someone and was threatening to hurt someone else. 
"Baby girl...Please," He whispered attempting to get closer to you but you took off in a sprint, heading down the stairs and out of the front door. How could he do that to someone?! God, you couldn't get the image of the bloodstained floors or his hands out of your head as you got into your car and sped off.
You had no idea where you were going all you knew was that you needed to get out of there and fast before he could touch you, or come near you. Bile began to rise in your throat before you had to pull over and throw up in the street, whimpering as you saw flickers of Chan in your mind. You'd known of his life but he'd promised you he'd never killed someone who didn't deserve it, you clutched onto the door handle of your car doing your best to fight the images in your mind.
"If you even so much as glance in her direction again I will rip your eyes out of your head!"
The words danced around in your head as you stood in the cold air, letting out a breath and shivering as you began to finally feel again. The burns on your legs began to hurt and you got back into your car, it wouldn't be long until Chan found you and you knew that. You had guards that followed you everywhere you went and you knew you had a GPS tracker on your car and phone anyway...all of those things that had once made you feel protected now scared you.
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"Baby, where have you been? I've been worried sick!" Your eyes shot over to the door of your motel room. You'd ditched your phone and car days ago in an attempt to stay hidden from Chan, just for a while so you could figure things out but clearly, it hadn't been enough.
"How did you know I was here?" You looked behind him to see Changbin and Jeongin waiting outside of the door holding one of your overnight bags, Chan had bought you some clothes since he figured you didn't have any,
"Baby, I know everyone. I would have found you sooner but the man who owns this place was uncooperative." He grumbled angrily to himself.
"Did you kill him too?!" You snapped exasperatedly, staring at him for any signs of blood on him.
"You killed someone and why? Because they'd stared at someone?" Everything you'd been holding in was finally bubbling over as you stared at him,
"No, if you let me finish-"
"You told me you didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it! All they did was stare at someone!" Chan blinked at you as he waited for you to finish yelling. Chan didn't let anyone yell at him except for you, you were the exception to every single rule that Chan had and he didn't seem to care that you were shouting at him either.
"Are you done?" He questioned calmly, as you let out a shaky breath and nodded at him.
"I killed those men because you were on their list." A frown embedded itself on your forehead.
"They were going to hurt you to get to me. I took them out before they had the chance." Guilt hit you like a ton of bricks, you'd been thinking terribly about Chan for days and all he had done was try to protect you.
"We can talk at home, please...Please come home." He begged as you bit your lip, nodding and walking yourself into his open arms feeling at home as soon as he held you.
Minho had told you pretty early on what he did for a living, confiding in you that he didn't want there to be any secrets between the two of you and you'd agreed with him. You figured there was no use hiding anything from him anyway since he was in the mafia and could probably find out anything he wanted about you anyway. It hadn't taken long for the two of you to move in together, claiming it was for your safety but you knew it was because Minho couldn't stand to be away from you.
There were rules to you staying over with him though, you weren't allowed to go into his office when he was in there - not that you would anyway - and you weren't allowed to be around when business meetings were taking place. Everything you understood because he was doing it to keep you safe and you had to respect that and you never did it.
The only time you were ever in his office was when he wasn't in there and it was to do a quick dusting of the room and maybe a little light cleaning.
"Yn! I told you never to fucking come in here!" Minho screamed as he watched you pick up the pieces of broken glass from the floor. You'd accidentally knock a frame onto the floor when you were dusting sending Minho flying into action as he came into the room,
"You said when you were inside," You knew it was a bad idea to argue back with him but you knew you were right and he was wrong right now.
"You were playing somewhere you shouldn't have been!" Your whole body flinched as he screamed, your whole body burnt as you stared back at him. Minho had never scared you until this point and all because you'd broken a picture frame. 
"Am I a child?!" You yelled finally having enough of him screaming at you like you were some kind of a child, tears began to run down your face and instantly Minho realised he'd scared you. Worry flooded his body as he watched you drop the glass back onto the floor and his anger completely disappeared. He no longer cared about the frame that hid the codes to his safe and only cared that he seemed to have scared you.
"Baby-" He tried to soothe you but you snatched your arm away from his grasp and shook your head. There was no way you were going to fall back into his arms so easily.
"Don't! I'll see myself out," You mumbled walking out of the house as he yelled for you to come back to him.
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You had nowhere to go, your old place was already being rented out to someone new and you had no cash or cards on you to get a place for the night so you were sleeping in your car. The seats were laid back and you were curled up into your jacket trying to warm yourself up even just a little. But it wasn't just the cold that was bothering you but every single noise outside that made your body tremble.
"It's just the wind," You mumbled to yourself as you tried to ignore the banging that was happening outside but that thought was pushed out when someone tapped on the window.
"I suggest you get out before I break the window." Your eyes glanced up to see a masked man staring at you, your whole body suddenly felt like it was on fire. You had no protection here, no guards and no Minho to keep you safe.
"P-Please...I don't have anything on me," You whimpered a little looking around the car for anything that you could possibly use to defend yourself but there was nothing.
"You have the car,"
"It's not mine, it belongs to my boyfriend." You rushed out, hoping that at the mention of someone else he would leave you alone.
"And where is he? He shouldn't leave such a beautiful girl out here all alone," The way he said it made your skin shiver as you bit down on your tongue.
"He's right here," Another voice said before the masked man's face collided with the window and his body slumped to the floor before a very angry-looking Minho stood there.
"What were you thinking?!" He panicked as you got out of the car and flung your arms around him, thankful for him coming to find you.
"I just needed space."
"You can have space at home where it's safe. You NEVER sleep in the streets," He whimpered, holding your face in his hand, his eyes filled with pain at the thought of losing you.
"Take me home..." You whispered, the two of you slipped back into the car as he watched you closely.
"I'm sorry for earlier." He told you softly, running his hand over yours as you began to drive into the roads.
"Please let's go home and forget today ever even happened," You begged, kissing his hand softly.
You'd heard horror stories everywhere you'd been today and each and every one of them was worst than the last making your stomach churn as you reached the home you shared with your boyfriend. It suddenly felt wrong to be going home to him when you'd heard everyone today bad mouthing him or telling you how much of a bad guy he was.
"Did you remember the piping bags? Felix has been yelling at me because I forgot them," Changbin chuckled as he turned to look at you, you stared at him. How could the man you'd been dating for the last six months, who was currently dressed in a thrilly pink apron be the monster that everyone was making him out to be.
"Did you kill someone last night?" The question had been running rapid in your mind all day and the smile on Changbin's face dropped.
"Who have you been talking to baby?"
"Don't!" You yelled, shaking your head at him. You weren't going to let him sweet talk his way out of this. How could you have been so stupid? He told you that he was some rich CEO but you knew it couldn't have been true after today. News of him killing someone was passed around as though it was the normal for him,
"Don't sit there and avoid the question!"
"Yes I killed him." He knew that there was going to be no way for him to talk to you about this calmly like he'd originally been planning. God, he should have come to you sooner but he'd been putting it off for months in hopes he'd get you to understand him if you fell for him first.
"Is it the first time you've killed someone?" Your voice shook as you stared at him and he sighed a little stepping toward you but you stepped back, holding your hand up as a sign for him not to come any closer to you.
"No. And it won't be the last." He answered coldly, making you shiver.
"You're disgusting!" You spat out, grabbing your bag and making your way to his door again, there was no way you could stand to look at him right now.
"You don't even know why I killed them!" He countered. He had his reasons, sure you might not agree with them but they were reasons. People who disrespected him, people who tried to overthrow him and people that had even tried to hurt you. All of them deserved to die because he'd never let anything happen to you or his empire he'd worked so hard for all of these years.
"You still killed someone! You think other people's lives mean that little so you can kill them?! You're sick!" The words were flying out of your mouth before you had a chance to process what you were saying to him. You couldn't see anything past the anger that you were feeling right in that moment.
"Yn!" Changbin pleaded as you reached your car, staring back at him and shaking your head. There was nothing he could say or do right now to change your mind.
"What? Are you going to kill me now?" The words were like a knife to the chest as Changbin stared at you,
"You think I'd do that?" His voice cracked as he watched you, waiting for you to say no and change your mind but you just opened your car door.
"I don't know what to think right now." The knife from before was now twisted and he suddenly felt sick at the thought of you not knowing if you could trust him or not and the thought of you thinking he would ever hurt you broke him to pieces. He watched in silence as you climbed into your car and drove off.
"Shall we follow her boss?" Felix quizzed but he bit his lip.
"Don't make it obvious...Just keep her safe." He loved you more than anything but right now he understood that you needed some space and time to yourself and he wasn't going to push you on that. 
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It had been almost a month since you last saw Changbin and you regretted everything you'd said to him about not trusting him. Of course you knew he'd never hurt you but you were upset and hurt, hurt that he'd chosen to hide things from you and upset that he'd killed.
The more you researched him the more you found out about him and his crew. They'd worked from the ground up, focusing on giving to the poor as a way to help an underprivileged area in your city and from what you'd seen he only killed when needed.
"You wanted to see me," Changbin said as he slid into the seat in front of you. You'd asked Felix to arrange a meet up for the two of you, you knew Felix had been following you and you knew why after everything you'd read about them.
"I'm sorry," You stated, although you had nothing really to be sorry for. You'd acted out of fear and that was something you never should have to be sorry for.
"I know I can trust you...I was-"
"Scared?" Changbin finished, running his hand over yours, thankful to be able to touch you again; he'd been desperate to feel you near him again.
"Me too, it was why I never told you that side of my life." He admitted as you looked at him, studying him for a second before holding out your pinky for him.
"No more secrets." You whispered as he locked his pinky around yours and nodded in agreement with you.
Walking through a darkened alley in the middle of the night after finishing a long shift probably wasn't the best ideas but it was a shortcut back home and you were going to take it. You'd taken it a million times before and you were sure you were going to take it a million times after,
"I don't like you walking home alone." Hyunjin's words replayed in your mind from the night before and you shook your head. The two of you had been together for almost a year now and he was protective over you and for good reason. He wasn't exactly the most liked man in the city and you were dating him which meant a lot of people weren't exactly fond of you.
You'd assured him that things were fine and you didn't need someone to watch over you all of the time but that didn't mean Hyunjin went along with it. He'd sent Chan - one of his most loyal men - to watch out for you without you knowing and every night he'd walk close behind you to make sure you got home without an issue. Only tonight he wasn't there and Hyunjin was taking his place instead.
"Hey pretty little, where you going in a hurry?" Anger boiled inside of Hyunjin as a drunken man slurred at you inside of the alley, swaying as he made his way over to you.
"Home." You answered bitterly, clutching onto your keys as you placed them between your knuckles ready for if he tried something you didn't want.
"You should come drink with me," You couldn't smell alcohol on him which was strange since he was acting drunk.
"no thanks, I think I'll just go home." You smiled warmly trying to play it off as nothing was wrong but before you could pass him he threw you against the wall. The cold metal of a knife against your throat as he stared at you,
"I want your keys, your purse and your phone." He growled out, your keys dropped to the floor as you did your best to shakingly get your bag off your shoulder. But before you could hand it to him he was on the floor after a loud banging sound making you scream.
You slowly sank to the ground watching as blood leaked from the mans head and you slowly looked up to see Hyunjin staring at you.
"You need protection." Was all he said as he held out his hand for you to take but you stared at it like it was a piece of rotten food he was trying to give to you.
"How...How did you know I was here? Did you set this up?"
"Yes, because I'm that vindictive." He grumbled sarcastically but you still didn't ake his hand.
"It's just like you to do something like this. Scare me into your open arms because you're pretending to be my white knight." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes at you.
"Why would I ever WILLINGLY put you in danger?" The more you thought about it the less likely you knew it would be the case but it didn't stop you from feeling sick.
"Chan is normally watching you but he's not tonight..." He admitted, this was either going to go terribly for him telling you the truth or you'd be thankful he was here.
"Chan?" You whispered, you'd met him a few times but you'd never seen him following you, you'd never even felt as though someone had been following you.
"I would never let you walk this alone and for this reason," He kicked the leg of your attacker and you slowly got up from the floor, biting your tongue as irritation grew inside of you.
"You had someone tailing me?" You knew it was probably the wrong thing to be mad about since he'd saved your life,
"Can you be mad at me when we get home? Right now I need to check you're okay." You stared at him and nodded,
"You're going to make it up to me." You warned him before he chuckled and nodded his head.
"I plan on it, princess." He whispered holding you tightly against his chest.
"You look breath taking tonight, doesn't she Dante?" Vivian quizzed her husband as he looked away from her and at you. His eyes scanned you once before nodding,
"She looks lovely." He stated before his eyes went back to her, you didn't take offence to it since you knew Dante only had eyes for her and you smiled at Vivian who appeared to be blushing under her husbands gaze.
"Where's Jisung? I thought for sure the two of you would be here together." Vivian stated as she looekd around the giant hall for your husband. Tonight was your anniversary and it was safe to say you were a litrle overwhelemed with how busy the party was and normally Jisung would be your anchor at this type of thing. 
You'd assume that after being married to someone within the mafia business for 5 years that you would be used to this types of parties and get togethers but you still found them incredibly anxiety inducing.
"I'll go and find him, go dance." You smirked knowing that Dante hated dancing but could never say no to his bride and you made your way through the crowd to find your husband.
"Excuse me," You whispered to a group of men that were lottering near a bar,
"Oh wow look at the ass on that." You heard someone utter as your whole body turned tense. The dress that you were wearing showed off every curviture of your body making you look snatched to the god's, you'd worn it so that your husband could oogle you all night long. Not some drunken stranger.
"What I'd give to fuck that ass." Another uttered before your whole body turned, anxiety melting away as anger replaced everything that you were feeling.
"How about you keep your disgusting, perverted thoughts to yourself?" You stared at him, hands on your hips. One of them stood up attempting to come closer to you but soon stopped,
"Are they bothering you, sweetheart?" Your body melted as you felt Jisung's hand on your hip and his eyes stared down the men that were drinking at his bar.
"Boss, we're sorry...We didn't know-"
"You should never speak to any woman like that, let alone my wife." He cut the men off and you had to bite back a smirk as you thought about it. 
"Appologise." Jisung ordered coldly before the two men that had said something both bowed deeply and apologised to you.
"All is forgiven, this is a party let's have fun." You smiled before turning to walk away with your husband but within seconds everything changed,
"I'd still fuck the shit out of her and leave her struggling to walk," It was someone else speaking this time and before you even had time to react Jisung was flying behind you and knocking the guy out cold.
"Anyone else?!" He growled out, turning to put his arm around you but you flinched and suddenly everything went cold and quiet. The music from the party faded into the background and Jisung stared at you in a panic, you'd never ever flinched around him before and it made him sick that you were doing it now.
"Baby...You know-"
"I-I know." You whispered looking at him. Jisung would never hit you, the only reason you'd flinched now was because he'd yelled but you stared at one another in silence.
"Let's go home." He whispered to you, holding you in his arms as you shook your head.
"We're hositng," You reminded him but right now the party was the last thing on his mind when he'd been the one to make you scared.
"There's booze and music, no one will even notice we're gone." He countered as he ushered you out of the venue and toward his car ready to make up for making you flinch tonight.
Your eyes danced across the pages of the book you were reading, so immersed by the writing that you'd barely even noticed someone sitting across from you inside of the coffee shop.
"Wow, it must be a good book." Was the only thing that pulled you from the pages as you looked up to see a stranger staring at you. He was tall, built well and looked as though he could be in the pages of a magazine but you weren't impressed by him. In fact, you were a little scared.
"I have someone I'm meeting," You told him plainly, looking around for any sign of Felix. If he came and saw some random man flirting with you it was safe to say it would end badly for the other guy.
"You've been waiting a while, how about I keep you company?" He suggested but you help up the book.
"This is the only company I need. I think you should leave." You needed him to go. You weren't scared of your boyfriend by any means but you knew what he was, everyone in the city knew what he was and it was going to be bad if he saw the scene unfolding right now.
"Come on now, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't have to wait this long for someone." Your eyes danced to the door as you noticed Changbin coming in, your boyfriend's most loyal man and your throat ran dry.
"Please...Just leave." You knew it wasn't going to be long until Felix came along but what you hadn't noticed was that he was already behind you, smirking a little. It had been a while since he'd had someone challenge him and seeing another guy with you was driving him wild.
"You heard the girl, leave." Your body was tense as you stared at the man in front of you.
"And you are?" He studied Felix, the only explanation as to why he was so calm around your boyfriend was that he had to be new in town. There was no way someone who'd lived in this city their whole lives didn't know who Felix was and what he was capable of.
"The man that could end your life in about two seconds. Leave." Felix smirked, waiting to see if the man would react or not. It had been a long morning and he was already late to his date with you so seeing someone flirting with you pushed him over the cliff edge he was already hanging from.
"You really want to be with him? He sounds controlling." Your heart thumped rapidly against your ribs as you shook your head,
"Don't-" Before you could finish what you were about to say Changbin had thrown the guy from his seat and onto the floor, no one around you reacted.
"Felix! He doesn't know you! Stop!" You begged as your boyfriend threw his fist into the guy's face, your eyes staring at him in a panic. 
"Lix!" You screamed but he didn't stop, it was as though he'd drowned out everything around him but you couldn't stand this side of him. Without another word you grabbed your things and ran from the coffee shop, sprinting as far and as fast as you could.
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When Felix finally let the guy go - alive - he'd turned around expecting to see you waiting for him with open arms but you were gone and that was over a week ago. Since then he hadn't been able to find you and none of your friends were willing to exchange information for you. 
"Yn?" Your eyes shot to see Felix standing inside of your favourite book store, he hadn't even been looking for you today.
"I'm sorry." The words cut yours off as you stared at him. The reason you'd ran away that day wasn't because he was beating on someone, you'd seen that before but he hadn't even heard you begging for him to stop. Your whole body flew into fight or flight and you'd ran before thinking anything through.
The week apart had given you time to think on things and you realised you loved him but you weren't sure you could be with him if he did anything like that again.
"I never meant to scare you, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you." He ran his hand over your cheek and he sighed a little, the moment he'd pulled away from the guy he knew he'd fucked up.
"I know Lix but you...you didn't even hear me when I begged you to stop. You scared me." He nods,
"I'll get help, I will NEVER let myself do that again," Your eyes searched his face, you knew you could trust him and you knew he'd never hurt you but you were still scared.
"Okay...But I want to see improvement. Don't just say you'll change and don't." You warned him, watching as he put his hand on his heart and promised you.
You knew a lot of things about Seungmin and his lifestyle but you didn't know everything there was about it. He'd told you that he worked for bad people but that was so far from the truth, in fact, he was the bad people - or rather, person. The only reason he hadn't told you was because he hadn't want to scare you, he knew it was wrong to hide things but he would somehow tell you eventually. 
"Are you sure? Because I was positive I locked it this morning." Your eyes shot to the door that you'd walked in through and you bit down on your lip. You were doing a little cleaning around your boyfriends home since you were bored and waiting for him and you'd stumbled inside.
"Boss, it's been open for a while now. Someone must have gained access." Boss? You shuffled your way to the door to announce that you were inside of the room when your foot hit a loose floorboard and the bookcase behind the giant desk opened.
"What the fuck?" You whispered, it was wrong to snoop. It was even more wrong to snoop when you knew Seungmin was outside of the room but your feet were moving before you had a chance to stop them and you were inside of the room. Your eyes danced around everything inside and you felt your stomach drop.
The walls were lined with all kinds of different weapons making your skin crawl as you looked at everything. Guns were everywhere, then there were the different kinds of knifes and god knows what else inside of there.
"Yn?" Seungmin's voice barely came out as a whisper as he holstered his gun away and walked over to you, his hand gently touching your shoulder but you moved away from him. What was this? He told you he worked for bad people, he never told you he bought the stuff home with here.
"What are you doing in here?" You remained silent as you turned to face your boyfriend, he looked panicked but you didn't care about that right now. All you cared about was getting out of here without getting hurt, you knew deep down that Seungmin would never hurt you but right now that was being muffled by the violence inside of the room.
"You were never meant to see any of this," His voice cracked as he followed you out of the room and into the hallway of his home. 
"So you were going to keep it a secret forever?" You were hurt that he felt as though he had to hide anything from you, if he'd been honest from the start maybe you wouldn't have cared as much but right now it felt like a punch in the gut.
"No...Just until I figured out how to tell you." You scoffed at him, shaking your head as you looked at him, your heart racing as you stared at him.
"Easy. You tell me. It's not that hard. Did you not trust me?" Your heart was breaking minute by minute. The more you thought about it, it seemed to be the only reason he would keep something like this from you.
"Of course I did."
"So then why hide it?" You stared at him, folding your arms across your chest as you waited for him to say something to you but the minutes ticked by and nothing came from him.
"Goodbye...Seungmin." You whispered as you made your way toward the staircase, your hand barely touched the bannister before words flew from his lips.
"I was scared I'd scare you away." It was hard for him to admit that he was scared of anything so to hear the words leave his lips it shocked him and you. 
"You scared me more by hiding it from me. T-That room-" Tears welled up on your eyes as you thought about everything you'd seen in there, everything in that room was made for killing and had probably killed before.
"You'll never have to see again, I'm moving my office so it'll be nowhere near you, you'll never have to stumble across any of it." He promised, his hands holding yours as you stared at him through your tears.
"Please...D-Don't go, I messed up but I can fix this. I have to fix this." He pleaded with you, looking you in your eyes as you bit down on your tongue. All rational thoughts out of the window as you stared at the man you loved, nothing had changed...He was still the Seungmin you knew but with a darker background.
"I'll never have to see any of that again?" You questioned, your eyes going back to the office door.
"I promise." He stood in front of your field of vision and you nodded a little.
"O-okay." You whispered as he escorted you down the stairs, ordering someone to start clearing the room as fast as possible.
The house was like a maze and it didn't matter how many times you'd stayed over you still managed to get lost whenever you'd go down to the kitchen for a drink in the middle of the night. Tonight was no different.
You'd been walking in the kitchen when you'd accidentally knocked over a vase and were in the process of cleaning it up when you felt someone's presence behind you. You assumed it was your boyfriend who'd woken up when you weren't in bed.
"Innie?" You whispered, hoping it was him and not one of the maids who would no doubt be pissed at you for breaking one of the vases in the home. A sound in the air made you frown, it was a click but not a door closing or a camera shutting it was a different kind of click, metal and you'd never heard it before. Slowly you inched around to see Jeongin aiming a gun in your direction, your heart practically jumped into your throat and you dropped the dustpan and brush.
"Innie! It's me!" You yelled out, whimpering out as he continued to point the gun in your direction. 
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" The safety was placed back on the gun as he slid it onto the kitchen side staring at you. He'd blacked out in bed hardly remembering the night before. 
"You invited me...R-Remember?" You'd gone to bed without him since he told you to come and stay over so you could be together in the morning. You couldn't help the stutter and shake in your voice as you stood staring at your boyfriend with so many questions in your head. The first one is, where the fuck did he get a gun?
"Shit...Baby-" He tried to say sorry but you weren't about to gloss over very important information. 
"Where did you get the gun? Why do you even have it?" Your arms folded across your chest as you stared at him. Jeongin didn't hide things from you with mean intent but he wasn't open about what he did for a living as it always came with mixed reactions.
For once he found someone who didn't just want to use him for who he was in the world, you wanted to be with him because you liked him for him, not the world he came from or the things that he could do for you.
"There's things you don't know about me..." He said slowly, taking your hand and leading you to the living room away from the broken glass that scattered along the floor.
"Then tell me," You didn't mean to sound as though you were begging but if it was the only way that you were going to get answers then so be it.
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As soon as everything was out in the open Jeongin expected you to run for the hills screaming bloody murder but you didn't. You'd sat there and listened to everything he had to say and took on board why he hadn't told you in the first place.
"So do you have guards everywhere you go, for protection?" You quizzed, your legs were draped over his as you both cuddled on the sofa with a warm drink. It had been a long night of questions and answers but Jeongin was more than happy to answer everything you wanted to know.
"Yeah, so do you by the way. The moment you started dating me, you were put under my protection."
"So I have men following me around?" You laughed a little, they must have been really good at their jobs because you'd never seen a single person that could have been following you.
"Is that okay?" Jeongin must have realised it would have been weird for someone who wasn't used to it but you smiled and nodded.
"It's fine, a little strange but I feel safe." You whispered, laying your head on his shoulder as he cuddled you closer to him.
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killakalx · 29 days
mind blown by the jealousy fic! i just love ur characterization of dick.
also now you've got me thinking abt him and sloppy seconds. like imagine you've gone to someone else and let them fuck you, but they just couldn't get you off, and you're just so frustrated. then you show up at his door in wrinkled clothes, still dripping wet, hair messed up and lips bitten red and his brain just whites out. maybe he's still not jealous, not exactly, but he is so pleased with himself. cause now it's not just "she knows where home is" but "she knows nobody else will ever do it better, no matter how hard they try." then he's teasing about how wet you are, how bad you wanna come, how easy you are for him, and he gets you off with just his fingers first just to prove he can. he has you damn near begging before he even fucks you for real, and even then he does it torturously slow, taking his time and making you whine for it while he touches you all over. before he lets you come he asks "who did it better, me or him?"
ur posts put some sort of devil in me istg <3 🫐
“i just love ur characterization of dick” ☹️❤️ im kissing u rn berry. this got longer than it was supposed to but that’s ok bc i’m in love with our best friend dick grayson
i think right here is where dick starts feeling bad. not in a sappy way, but not in a condescending way either. he opens the door and he just ogles at how sorry you look, contemplating how he’d go about it, but he just gives you that charming smile and waits for your green light.
say you’re more embarrassed than anything else. tried to go home and get yourself off, making yourself look worse in all the most miserable ways. all you give him is that look. the lowkey “if you tell anyone about this i’ll kill you” look. in that case he’s teasing you the entire time, shit talking whoever it was that left you dry while carelessly dipping his fingers into your mouth and getting you soaked with just his hand. that’s when he’s more than willing to keep you embarrassed and begging for him.
“stop being a dick,” you’d scold him with the same joke he’s heard a million times, trying to hold his wrist in place and keep him inside of you. then he just stops moving his fingers and the way you ache around them has his ego practically leaking out of his cock.
“did you fake it or what?” he talks over you when you start insulting him out of impatience. he likes continuing conversation as if it’s one of those old talks you two would have. yk…. without him being knuckles deep inside you.
just in case you didn’t hear him right, you’re giving him that confused look and still rolling your hips for some sort of relief “hn… what?”
“you had to act like you came,” dick explains despite being sure you knew what he meant, “or did he just assume you did after he gave you a sorry excuse of a fuck?”
“mind your business.”
“i’ve got you leaking around my fingers like a desperate slut and this isn’t my business?” he laughs at the gall you have but he is very serious bae. just before the banter continues he reaches deeper inside you, curling up and making you lose your words. “you’d tell me if you wanna cum so bad, babe.” now he’s got you spilling all the deets and his pace speeds up after every sentence, telling you to take your time and spit it out, huh?
however!! imagine you show up so frustrated there are tears in your eyes. you’re sick of everything. stress and stress and more stressed, piled on top of sexual frustration??? dick’s making you cum until the light in your brain goes out. he’s there for you, always. whether it’s pulling you in for a long hug or sitting you in his lap with your clothes stripped. most of the time it’s both.
“i know, i know,” he’s consoling you while kissing sucking at your pretty tits, thumb massaging your clit as your head rests on his shoulder. “let me fix this, mkay? stop cryin’.” on nights like these??? the way he fucks you makes you forget he’s not your husband of five years and counting. and after a while neither of you are too sure how to feel about that.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 months
Summer Heat
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Summary: You run into your ex Taehyung at a bar and go home with him just to keep hanging out. But perhaps Taehyung wants more. And so do you.
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to lovers, fluff, smut. 
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, dialogue heavy, communication, fingering, mention of oral, unprotected sex.
Notes: An exes to lovers Taehyung drabble request!!!! sorry it took so long...hope you enjoy anon! (and whoever else hehe)
“Why did we break up?”
Did he ask that? Or did you? You aren’t sure who asked that. You just know that it’s been asked by one of you. The question floats in the air, the words growing bigger until they pop next to your ear. Your stomach stirs uncomfortably when the words echo a little, and finally, you realize it sounds a lot like your voice. You gulp.
“You don’t know?” Taehyung leans against the door frame, wood creaking before his arms cross over his chest. “If you don’t know then I definitely don’t know.” He suddenly smiles.
You’re wondering how you two ended up in his guest bedroom at his house. How you find yourself sitting on the edge of the bed, a towel neatly folded in your lap as you wait for Taehyung to leave the room so you can shower. You glance at the dresser where his clothes lay on top, ready for you to borrow. Wearing his clothes is… 
“Sorry.” You look down, “I shouldn’t have asked honestly.”
“Why not?” His voice is teasing.
You look up again, “Because we spent the whole night talking about how the past is the past and I don’t know, it just felt nice to hang out. I don’t want to ruin any,” You motion your hands in the space between you, “Like…vibe we got going on.”
Taehyung laughs, his back relaxing more against the wall. “It has been fun, right? Who would have thought I’d run into you tonight.” 
“I can’t believe its six in the morning.” You glance towards the window, a dark blue sky beginning to light up. “Thanks again for letting me crash here.”
“I’m the one who insisted we stay up.” Taehyung stretches his neck, a small smile still on his face. “We had, what was it? 5? 6 years to catch up on?” 
“Something like that.” You smile back, shrugging a little. “Lucky tomorrow is Saturday and we don’t have to work.”
Taehyung gazes at you, the softness in his eyes hard to miss. “I think I would have stayed up no matter the day of the week.”
Your stomach tightens, “Oh yeah?”
“So why did we break up?”
He asks this time. The question now echoing in his voice.
“I don’t know really.” You answer, “We weren’t ready?”
Taehyung separates his back from the door frame, his legs taking him to the end of the bed where he sits next to you. “We were young?”
“And not ready.” You emphasize this time. “Right person, wrong time.”
“So are you going to let me know when it’s the right time?” Taehyung asks you, his voice quieter as he looks ahead. “Because who knows, maybe it’s still right person.” His eyes slide towards you, curiosity sitting in them. 
You can’t help but quietly gasp to yourself, his curious eyes sharpening the more he gazes at you. You’ve been wondering all night. You’ve been wondering if there’s still something between you, especially because something electric has been bringing you closer the past few hours. But you didn’t know if it was your imagination. 
Taehyung’s gaze drops down to your hand that rests against the mattress. His eyes trail up your bare arm and it feels as if his fingertips are grazing your skin. 
“You think we’re still a good match?” You breathe out your words, your eyes falling to Taehyung’s bottom lip. “Or do your interests only lie in getting laid tonight?”
Taehyung’s eyes grow round, shocked at first before he chuckles, “Can it be both?”
You bite back another smile. “Maybe.”
It’s been five and half years since you and Taehyung called things off—well, since you called things off. In your eyes, it really was right person, wrong time. You aren’t sure if Taehyung agreed at that time because you didn’t really give him the chance to. That still stings a little. Probably more for him than you but seeing how lighthearted he’s been all night, you guess he’s over it.
Are you over it?
You kind of have to be.
“I remember you being a really good kisser.” Taehyung’s fingers crawl over to yours, his skin warm as he subtly touches you. 
You bite down onto your bottom lip, another smile forming. “So this is about getting laid tonight.”
“Not at all. But maybe a part of it.” Taehyung taps his fingers before weaving them through yours. Then he pulls back. “But if you don’t want to do anything…”
“Who said that?” You find his dark eyes, “I might just be teasing you.”
“You’ve always loved teasing me.”
“Maybe I still do?”
“So, some things haven’t changed.” He teases back, shaking his dark hair from his eyes. “I wouldn’t mind if some things were still the same. There’s some things I’m hoping are very different though.”
“Like what?” You can’t help but ask, your hand sliding closer to his again. 
“One, I hope you stopped being such a picky eater. And two, you let me have an opinion about us.”
You feel that sting. It shouldn’t be you who feels it but you do. “Us?”
“Yeah.” He hums, his fingers suddenly between yours again. He leans closer to you, “I want to decide things too.”
“Like what?”
“Like,” Taehyung naturally grows closer to you, his body suddenly pushing up against your side when he leans down and presses his lips against your bare shoulder. “If I should be in your life or not.”
You slowly close your eyes when you feel his warm breath before he places a kiss on your shoulder. Then another. And another.
He continues, “Last time, you decided without me. This time I want a say.” Another kiss.
You feel your stomach turn upside down, his lips confusing you while his words make you feel guilty. 
“Taehyung.” You say his name, your voice uncontrollably insecure. “Are we talking about this now?”
Another kiss. “No.”
You open your eyes, your back straightening when you feel his arm wrap around your waist. It feels good and familiar. Yet you aren’t sure how to react.
“Is it crazy to say I’ve missed you?” Taehyung sighs out, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “It is, isn’t it? I shouldn’t have thought about you so much in these last few years.”
“Did you?”
Your stomach flops again, but this time you feel intrigued. “What did you miss? Me? Or my lips? My mouth? My—”
“—Can’t I say everything?” Taehyung lifts himself, his eyes urging you to look at him. He stays close. “I missed your overthinking too, believe it or not.”
Your lips curl at the thought, his teasing working. “Oh yeah?”
“But I missed your hugs the most. When we hugged earlier…I swear I wanted to give you me right then and there.”
“Your vodka sodas make you chatty, don’t they?”
“Oh yeah.” He chuckles, “You aren’t used to it, right?”
“Considering you didn’t drink when I knew you, no. But it was fun drinking with you tonight.”
“You got kind of chatty too.” Taehyung decides to create space between you both, his body suddenly laying back on the bed. “Never been in love with anyone else since me?” He sounds proud. “Feels like that should have taken longer to admit—”
You hit his thigh with your fist, embarrassment hot on your neck. “Shut up, I didn’t think it was a big deal. Also, it’s the truth and I can’t change it.” 
You’re turned to eye him, but you quickly look away before laying down yourself. You keep your hands together, resting on top of your stomach.
“I’m not sure I’ve really been in love either. Maybe. Maybe not.” Taehyung tells you. “I’ve definitely thought about you over the years though.”
“Like what?”
“Your mouth—”
You hit his thigh again.
He laughs this time, “Okay, okay. Like for example, I saw someone eating skittles a few weeks ago and it reminded me of you. How you eat them all except the purple ones.”
“I still don’t eat the purple ones.”
“Great.” Taehyung huffs out dramatically, “You’re still picky.” He turns his head towards you and you do the same, meeting his eyes. Your stomach flops again when he smirks at you. “Somehow I missed that, too.”
“Liar,” You can’t help but laugh. “You—”
“We still click, you know?” Taehyung cuts you off, his gaze sharp again. “I’d like to hang out again. But not as friends or anything…as…I don’t know,” He turns his head, eyes on the ceiling while he smiles sheepishly. “I want to see if we can make this work. Possibly.”
“Vodka sodas make you so loose-lipped.”
“Thank God, too. I’m saying all the things I want to say so I’m thankful for it.”
“Well….” You turn your body towards him, lifting yourself on you elbow, “What else do you want to say?”
“You’re very pretty. And I want to kiss you.” Taehyung mirrors his body to yours. He looks confident as usual but you see the nerves in his eyes. “I’m not kissing anyone else at the moment, if you’re worried about that.”
“I wasn’t.” You weren’t. 
Taehyung has never been known for being a player, or messing with more than one girl at a time. If he’s showing interest in you then you know you’re the only one.
“I’ve been single for like 8 months already.” He tells you, “So I’m clean, too.” 
“I…yeah, it’s been a little while for me too.” You glance towards the open door, “But also, you sound real hopeful this is going to go in your favor.”
“Please.” He playfully rolls his eyes. “I know the way you’ve been looking at me all night. Catching up has been nice but there’s more going on here, right?”
He’s right.
“Now you’re the liar,” Taehyung smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “But like I said, we don’t have to do anything. But I still want to see you again.”
You’re both sat up on your elbows, the distance small between you before you decide to be brave.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask.
Taehyung blinks at you for a moment, his dark eyes surprised. 
“Just a kiss.” You assure him, your lips curling into a smirk. “One kiss.”
Taehyung holds his breath, seconds that feel like minutes pass. A small laugh finally leaves his mouth and his eyes fall to the bed. “Why am I suddenly nervous?” He admits. “As if I forgot how to kiss.”
“You were so confident earlier?” You tease him but you were positive you saw the nerves in his eyes and you were right. 
“I think the vodka sodas helped and they’ve worn off at this exact moment.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is, isn’t it?” 
You stare at Taehyung, his eyes going from yours to the mattress every few seconds before the strap of your tank top slides off your shoulder and his eyes glue to that extra inch of skin. It was a hot summer night, and a white tank top with some shorts is all the night called for.
You didn’t think you would run into Taehyung at a bar neither of you have been to. A night out with a couple of friends that happily ditched you to catch up with your ex. 
“Why did we break up for real, y/n?” Taehyung’s eyes are back on yours. “I know but sometimes I doubt and question it.” 
“You expect me not to?” He laughs a little but his voice is now the one that sounds uncontrollably insecure. “I was in love with you for so many years of my life. You were my best friend…”
You feel a sharp poke in your heart. 
“I know.” You decide to sit up, your body slumping over a little. “I’m sorry.”
And you are. You’ve wanted to apologize for years. 
“I know you’ve been sorry since the day we broke up.” Taehyung sits up too, his side pushed up against yours. Suddenly space isn’t necessary. “Don’t feel bad. I just want to hear you confirm your reason.”
You glance at Taehyung, eyes studying him. “I got scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“That I didn’t know myself yet. That it would have been better if we were older…more mature. I should have just talked to you. But I thought you’d agree. I just…” You stop, ripping your eyes away from him. “Wanted to make it easier for both of us at that time.”
“Okay.” Taehyung nods to himself. “It wasn’t because you stopped loving me?”
“No.” You don’t find the courage to look at him yet. “I still loved you.”
Taehyung bumps into your shoulder with his and you hear the lightness in his voice again. “We’re older? More mature? You think we could look at one another the way we did before?”
You straighten your back again. “You really want to try this again?”
“I really want to kiss you at the least.” He sounds teasing once more. “But yeah, I’d love to continue getting to know you and see where this might lead.”
“I offered to kiss you already but you chickened out.” You bump into his shoulder now. 
“I know.” He laughs, “But turns out I did want to have the conversation now. Kind of want to kiss you even more now because of it.”
“Then kiss me now, if you want.”
You’re older now. More mature now.
Yet you’re sitting shoulder to shoulder, towel still folded in your lap, eyes on the floor and nerves surrounding you both.
Taehyung’s breath leaves his mouth in a warm puff and you feel it glide over your bare thighs. His nerves make you brave. You grasp the towel in your hands before placing it next to you and you turn your head towards the man you used to love. 
He mirrors you, eyes still unsure. 
“You’re cute.” You murmur. “And—”
Taehyung leans in closer, his eyes stuck on your lips. “It’s okay, right?”
You nod.
The warm breath you felt on your thighs now lingers over your lips. It makes you stop breathing.
He comes closer, his hand softly landing on your lower back, fingers slowly digging into your tank top as he grows closer and finally, you feel the skin of his lips touch yours in a kiss that becomes firmer the longer he stays. His kiss is so familiar that it will haunt you later. 
Taehyung detaches for only a moment, catching his breath before he leans in again more confidently and you finally give him a response. Your lips slowly moving over his as you kiss him back, your hands sliding up his chest. So familiar. His tongue pokes out and you open your mouth just the slightest to grant his wish. You taste him now, and it’s also hauntingly familiar.
You feel your lower belly swirling and swirling, a tension growing between your legs and it makes you ache. You wish a few kisses didn’t make you this desperate already but when Taehyung feels your fingers slide up into his hair, he knows you desire more. 
His tongue explores more freely and you moan into his mouth, the sound quiet and soft but it creates a stirring in Taehyung’s pants. He can feel himself grow harder. So, he kisses you harder. 
You break away for a moment, lips wet and tingly. “You have a condom?”
“Already?” He asks, breathless. “Let me at least eat you out first.”
“I haven’t showered yet.” Your eyes slide to the side, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“I don’t care.” 
“I care.”
His hands go to your shorts, fingers fiddling with the button. “Fingers?”
You think about it for a second, thighs squeezing together at the idea. “Okay.”
And his fingers are quick to undo the button on your shorts, and he pulls down the zipper. You quickly wiggle out of them, kicking them off of you, while they land somewhere on the floor.
“Cute underwear.” He tickles the skin above the band with his fingers, before they slide lower and you gasp. He begins rubbing them over where you ache. Your panties grow damper and damper, making it easy for him to move your underwear to the side, and his fingers dive into your wetness. 
“Ah, Taehyung…” You become tense. Teeth digging into your bottom lip. “I—”
His fingers swirl over your clit, making you sigh out in content. They play here before he uses his middle finger to dive where you really want him. Finger massaging your entrance, before he adds another. Entering you, making you immediately relax once the moment you’ve been anticipating is over. He works to stretch you out, his eyes focused on yours, his tongue wetting his lips as he watches how you start to fall into a daze.
His fingers feel so good. They’re long and reaching the right places. He curls them, making you whine, head falling to his shoulder and he chuckles.
“Feel good?” He whispers, fingers working harder and all you hear is how they fuck into you.
You nod against his shoulder, a breathy laugh leaving your lips. 
“I want you…” You admit, “Now.”
His fingers stop moving, his head suddenly nodding quickly and he slides them out. “Yeah.”
Taehyung brings his fingers to his mouth, licking them proudly and you don’t have it in you to tell him to stop. He wanted your familiar flavor. So, it can haunt him later too. 
You stand, eyes on him as you take your tank top off. He stands too, helping you take off your bra and his eyes are glued to your chest, clouding over with lust. You reach for the bottom of his shirt and he helps you take it off his body. Shorts and boxers are next. You stare at his cock, the head of it throbbing and you feel your mouth water. Another time, you tell yourself. 
You finally slip off your underwear and you stand here, gazing at one another and you both become dizzy. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He tells you, hands reaching for your hips and he guides you to the bed again, laying you down. “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”
“Me too.” You tell him, breathless and heated. 
Taehyung crawls over your body and you feel how he moves his cock to enter you, moving slowly until he’s snug between your legs. You both sigh. Your walls tightening around him. He feels so good. And so familiar. He pushes himself further into you, your legs wrapping around his waist until you gasp to yourself, eyes shutting in contentment. 
“You feel…” You can’t finish your sentence.
“Yeah.” He agrees, sliding out of you before thrusting back in. He repeats this motion a few, slow times. Letting his cock get soaked and pulled into your sweet core. He can’t remember the last time he felt this entranced. Maybe it was with you. 
He starts fucking into you, the repeated motions are smooth and calculated. He’s trying his best to fuck you at the angle that is going to make you whimper. And he finally finds it. He moans into your neck, his hot breath making your skin moist. He starts kissing your throat. 
You feel yourself growing tighter and tighter the more he firmly pushes in. You’re going to cum. 
Taehyung starts thrusting faster, his kisses growing sloppy and he forces himself to slow down, his body trembling above yours. Oh, he’s really close.
“You’re so pretty…” He moans, his thrusts getting harder. “I fucking missed you, your pussy…everything.”
“Taehyung…” You wrap your arms around him, nails clawing at his back. “Fuck, just like that…I’ll cum.”
“Yeah. I know.” He smirks against your neck before he lifts his head and locks eyes with you. “Let’s cum together, y/n. Fuck,” His pace grows faster and you feel your insides crumble. He feels too good. 
“I’m gonna—” You choke on air when he thrusts particularly hard, pushing into you so deep it makes your stomach tighten. He fucks you so deep you wonder how you could go without this any longer. 
“y/n.” He chants your name, head falling into your neck again, whining against your skin and that’s all it takes for the band inside you to snap. You feel warmth gushing around his cock, dribbling out of you as you cum all around him and his hips thrust forward a few more times before he releases every drop of cum he can offer inside you. 
Your body becomes limp, legs falling from his waist as you catch your breath, silently laughing as the euphoria continues to overtake you. Taehyung laughs too, breathing heavily above you, his eyes shining with happiness. You can’t miss it. 
“We forgot the condom.” He tells you.
“I know.” You bite your lip, hiding another smile. You aren’t worried since you’re on birth control. “Maybe you can shower with me?”
He leans down to kiss you, smile all over his face. “Okay, and then I’m eating you out.”
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
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Cw: 18+, blowjobs, anal play, old man price, mythological world, ritual sacrifice, virgin! Price, bottom!price, centaur!male reader
For @lieutnt 🫶🏻
Thinking about old man Price who lives in a little town terrorized by what’s known as an evil creature. In order to keep the creature at bay the towns people sacrifice a virgin every year.
However throughout the years the population has decreased so there’s just one virgin left and it’s Price, but he’s a man, and an old one at that.
But he willingly agrees to the ordeal because he doesn’t have anyone left - no friends no family so might as well end his misery.
The towns people prepare him in the best way they can; they groom him and feed him whatever he wishes to eat, all while he pretends that they aren’t setting him up for his death sentence.
The day finally comes when he is to be sacrificed and he is absolutely terrified. What if the creature thinks they’re mocking it by bringing an old man?
But Price tries to tell himself that this - death- is what he wanted in the first place so he shouldn’t have a reason to be scared.
But he can feel himself shake as he approaches the place where he is to be sacrificed. It is a dense wooded area with a small lake laying nearby, along with that it’s eerily quiet but Price sits down on his designated spot and waits for the creature to come.
He waits and waits, hears his heart beating in his chest, fingers nervously fiddling with the grass under him
All of a sudden he hears steps, that sound something akin to galloping and he freezes in place, doesn’t even dare breathe as he hears the creature approach him.
The steps come to a halt and he feels someone’s hot breath washing over his skin, can smell an earthy scent surrounding him, can even see a shadowy figure reflected onto the grassy field.
His eyes squeeze shut, fingers clutching onto tufts of grass while he silently wishes goodbye to whoever might hear or see him now.
But instead of meeting his demise he’s being flipped around and met with the sight of a man, no half man half horse. This must be the creature that’s been terrorizing his town but you don’t look anything like what he’d imagined and you certainly don’t act anything like it, when you gently cupping his cheek, eyes trailing over him as if taking him in before a contented hum escapes your lips.
Slowly but surely you’re stripping the clothes off of him, before laying him on a tree stub- the stub used for sacrifice, all while keeping a gentle hoof beneath him, essentially cushioning him from the rough surface.
He feels exposed like this, cold air caressing his bare skin and raising goosebumps all over his body.
But he doesn’t feel scared, not when you’re gentle as ever as you drag your hands over his rib cage, down to his hips before stopping at his thighs, big strong hands firmly pinning him to the stub.
You don’t say anything, maybe you don’t even know how to speak but Price likes to think that maybe you’re admiring him, that you aren’t as disgusted as he thought you’d be at having an old splayed out in front of you.
He doesn’t get to dwell on it any longer before he feels your long wet tongue languidly dragging along his shaft, and Price cries out, so loud he scares the birds that had been resting in the trees nearby. The small animals swiftly fly away as you drag your tongue across his slit, before suckling on his tip.
Your mouth is hot and ever so eager as you suck on his dick, a mess of slick and spit collecting on his skin, eagerly devorouing him like he’d devoured his last meal and Price looses himself in the feeling.
He thought that he’d be here to please but instead you’re the one buried between his thighs, taking care of this old man and he could almost cry- from pleasure - from relief and he does, fat tears rolling down his flushed cheeks as he claws at the stub beneath him.
“Please, please-“ he pleads, hands desperately reaching out as he feels you pull away from his cock.
But within seconds he’s being flipped around on the stub, ass in the air, head buried in the ground as he feels cold wet fingers caress his spine.
“Please, take me please,” he’s not even aware what he’s saying anymore mind hazy and lost in please and eager oh so eager for more “please,” he cries out into the sky, looking up at what appears to be blurry stars in his teary eyes .
You grant him his wish, working one- two- three fingers inside of him, but it’s not enough, even with the pleasant burn and strech that comes with it. He needs more, starts clawing at your hooves in desperation while muttering the words “please take me please take me,”
But you ignore his please, continuing to scissor your fingers inside of him, stretching him til he starts feeling empty even with four thick digits fucking into him,
For a second Price thinks you won’t accept him as your offering, maybe you’d gone this far and decided he wasn’t worth it and he almost breaks down right then and there, mind distraught while also hazy with pleasure, desperately fucking himself back on your fingers, and chasing whatever crumbs of pleasure you’re willing to give him.
But just as he’s about to tip over the edge you pull away but only to line up your cockhead with his entrance, before you push inside of him.
You had accepted his offering.
You had accepted him.
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vbecker10 · 22 days
Whatever it Takes
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are desperately in love with your best friend Loki but don't know if he will ever love you the same.
Warnings: feeling like Loki won't love you, does this count as vaguely mild smut? Lol you tell me idk
A/N: I honestly just love this song (linked below) and I imagine this back and forth a lot when I listen to it so I decided to just write down and share it with you all finally 💚
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You hold onto Loki's arm as you walk up the four flights to your apartment, holding your heels in your other hand. You giggle a little when you look down at the overly comfortable sneakers Loki had conjured for you on your walk back from the Tower. Once you reach your front door, you open your bag to search for your keys and say, "Thanks Loki. You know you didn't have to walk me all the way here, though."
"Nonsense," he smiles warmly. "It was the least I could do after you kept me company all evening."
"You know deep, deep, deep down you love Stark's parties," you joke instead of admitting that the only reason you went was to be close to Loki.
He chuckles, "I will admit the food is always quite delicious but that is all you will get out of me."
You laugh, hiding the part of you that wishes the night didn't need to end here, as two friends. You run your thumb over the edge of your key and imagine for the hundredth time what would happen if you invited Loki inside but you push away the thought.
"Have a goodnight Y/N," Loki takes a step towards you and hugs you tightly. You rest your head on his chest, savoring the feeling of his arms around you.
"Goodnight Loki," you tell him, looking up at him. He smiles down at you and you wish he would lean down and kiss you but instead he releases you from his embrace.
"I will see you tomorrow," he promises then he waits with his hands in his suit pockets for you to enter your apartment.
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You close the door, tossing your heels near your shoe rack and placing your bag on the hall table. The feelings you suppresed for Loki all evening surface at once and you find them overwhelming. You sink to the floor with your back against the door and bring your knees to your chest. You close your eyes and imagine Loki standing in front of you and all the things you need say to him that you never will.
"What would it take to make you see me the way that I see you? What would it take to make you want me the way I've always wanted you?" you ask out loud, knowing there will never be an answer.
"I don't know why you're in everything I see and I can't deny that you're everything I need," you say, letting the tears fall without fighting to hold them back.
"You are my reason for everything I do. What would it take to make you fall for me the way I fell for you? What would it take to make you fight for me the way I've always fought for you?" you lower your head, resting it on your knees.
"I'll do whatever it takes to get to you, whatever it takes for you to love me," you say to the empty room. Your heart aches as your mind replays the same negative response it always does. Loki will never love you the way you love him and if you ever talk to him about how you feel, you will lose him as a friend forever.
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There is a light knock on your door and you wipe your tears quickly as you get up. "Who is it?" you call to whoever knocked.
"Its Loki," he says calmly and you feel yourself panic.
How long he had been standing there, you wonder. Had he heard anything you said, did he hear everything? Why hadn't he left when you came into your apartment?
"Just a second," you answer nervously. You check your reflection in the hall mirror and wipe your smeared eye makeup clean but your eyes are still red.
You open the door and he looks at you, "I'm sorry, I know it is rude of me to still be here after you told me goodnight but... I just need to know," he pauses and you feel your heart hammering in your chest. "Who were you speaking about?"
You fight to keep eye contact with Loki and fidget with your fingers, picking at your nails. "No one," you lie quickly, unable to tell him the truth.
His shoulders slump and he nods, you can't believe it but he almost seems upset by your answer. "I guess I..." he sighs deeply. "I'm sorry, for a moment I thought, well I was hoping you were talking about your feelings towards me but I must have misread everything. I'm sorry, I should go," he turns away from you to leave.
"Wait," you step out into the hallway.
He stops and turns to face you, you can see the doubt in his eyes.
"I... I was talking about you," you admit slowly.
He walks steadily towards you as he speaks. "I have always seen you. I have always wanted you. I will always fight for you," Loki echos your words and you feel yourself blush.
"I don't know when I fell for you and I don't know why you bring me to my knees but I can't unwind from how you twisted me," he says, his eyes focused on yours.
"Loki," you breath out his name as he stands with his body flush against yours, his fingers trail slowly down your cheek then under your chin, his other hand rests on your lower back.
"Tell me you love me," he says in a low voice.
"I love you loki," you answer, your eyes locked on his.
"I love you Y/N," he says the words you have always wanted to hear.
His gaze drifts from your eyes to your lips then back to your eyes as he towers over you. He brings his lips to yours, kissing you hard as one of his hands slides up to the back of your neck and his other hand grips your hip. You kiss Loki back, opening your mouth to allow his tongue to find yours as your fingers grip the fabric of his suit jacket.
He walks forward, causing you to move backwards out of the hallway and into your apartment. Loki kicks your door shut and picks you up as if you weigh nothing. Your legs wrap around his waist and your fingers tangle in his hair as he carries you through your living room and into your bedroom, his lips never leaving yours for a second.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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erwinsvow · 2 months
you write rafe so good and like you get me like sometimes i’m reading and i’m like “how’d they know😦” so HEAR ME OUT lifeguard!reader (bc i’m a lifeguard at a few country clubs) and i think rafe would be drooling and kelce and top would make fun of him and they’d like break all the rules like back flipping off the diving board just to get readers attention
oh my god first of all i completely adore you!! im so glad yess we must be little brain twins <3 i would love to know which parts made you think that! but here is the best i could come up with for a lifeguard au which is soooo cute but imagine.. its a pogue reader...
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rafe knows every pretty girl who frequents the country club, he's made a point of making sure he does. so a fresh face in the crowd stands out pretty easily, especially one like yours.
you're pretty without trying, hair tugged behind you in a ponytail and a simple red one piece, the bottoms covered with denim shorts. it's not the usual kind of outfit for the club, but maybe you're headed out by the pool or something.
he can only see you from the back, though when you turn around, he sees the white cross on the front of your swimsuit. then he sees the boy in matching red trunks next to you, the whistle around your necks and a little first-aid box in your hands. a hot life guard, it doesn't get much more stereotypical than that.
you look around the club, following the boy who can only be giving you a tour of the facilty, with curious eyes like you've never been here before. it's only then a comment from top snaps him into a frankly startling realization.
"can't believe they hire pogues for this shit. wouldn't be surprised if shit started going missing by the pool deck."
rafe thinks normally he'd throw another line in, laugh at what top's saying, but he can't find it in him today. so he keeps watching, the sweet way you smile at a little girl who stopped you to ask for a bandaid, the way you nod while taking in something else in your training.
"alright. you've been staring at that pogue girl for twenty minutes. what gives?" kelce asks finally, after rafe ignores what they've been saying to him for the third time.
"huh?" he snaps back, tearing eyes away from you to look at his idiot friends.
"don't tell me you got hots for the lifeguard. what're you, thirteen?" they laugh, but rafe doesn't.
"shut up." he stands, downing the rest of his drink. "m'goin' to the pool. you loser can come and shut up or stay here and yap."
when he finally gets out there, you've shed the shorts, looking over the kiddie section of the pool with a watchful eye, taking the responsibility of watching brats seriously. he doesn't hesitate, jumping into the deep end with a huge splash, one that gets your attention.
you walk over, making sure whoever that was didn't just fall in, when two boys yell over.
"hey! lifeguard! our friend needs help!" you turn to look back at the boy who's been training you, wondering if you should dive in or wait since you're still in training, when you hear them again.
"not him! you! in the red. hurry!" you don't hesitate, though you're confused, jumping straight in and swimming over to the boy. he doesn't look like he needs help, in fact, he looks like he's floating.
"um, excuse me-" that's all you get out when you get close to him, because he scoops you up like he's rescuing you, carrying you out of the pool like a bride. you kick your feet, yelling out. "hey! put me down! you're not even drowning!"
he sets you down, and you wipe your face, staring up at pretty blue eyes and an arrogant face, once you recognize, one that your best friends hate.
"oh. you. i should have known."
"me? yeah, heard about me, have you? only good things, i hope."
"yeah, no. what the fuck was all that? i thought you were drowning."
"yeah, i was. thanks for the help." confused, soaking wet, and not appreciating his two little sidekicks snickering behind you, you try to get away, when rafe follows.
"so, uh, how long you been working here?"
"it's my first day."
"yeah, i thought so. i never forget a pretty face, so-"
"are you serious?"
"dead serious. and yours is definitely pretty."
"rafe," you say, leaning in closer so he can hear you clearly. "stop hitting on me. i have to work. some of us actually have to work."
"know my name already, huh? what else have you heard-" you roll your eyes, he laughs.
"i heard you're a good swimmer," you say, taking another step closer.
"yeah. from who?"
"i don't know. i'm about to find out." with one hand, you push his chest, and he falls backwards into the pool, the water splashing around your feet. you laugh, watching him bob in the pool, his friends laughing too. "good talk. hope we never speak again."
rafe gets out of the pool, pushing his wet hair back. he calls out after you.
"yeah we'll see about that."
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shigarakisslutbag · 1 month
I think we all really sleep on those fics with Shigaraki or Dabi x Foreign! Reader who doesn't speak Japanese.
I also love yandere x foreign! reader There are so many possibilities. 
Imagine you're from America and is just visiting Japan. You speak a bit of Japanese, but not much. You're there to either visit a friend, or go on a short vacation.
You know almost or next to nothing about which criminals are wanted in Japan. You've probably read names, but haven't seen a face to match, or you just forgot, thinking it wouldn't matter much as you weren't staying too long. A week max.
Depending on whether you imagine this going wholesome or yandere determines how this situation goes if you run into them.
If it's wholesome (as wholesome as it can be), you'd probably run into dabi or shigaraki at a really inconvenient or odd place they typically wouldn't be (somewhere in public). They'd likely have a hoodie on and/or a face mask. Maybe you accidentally bump into one of them and apologize profusely (in the best way you could). Whoever it is quickly realizes you aren't from here, but your attempt at speaking Japanese is cute.  You also have a cute accent.
However it goes, you probably had to run off in a hurry for something, but not before making sure they're okay. Even cuter. You think you could hurt them. Since this is a wholesome scenario, they'll probably just keep an eye on you until you leave. But, to be honest, even in a wholesome scenario, I can't really see them letting you leave. Maybe not in a creepy way, but if they find that they really like you, they'll try to find a way to get you to stay. 
For the yandere part, we'll start almost where we left off. If they have an obsession, they are very dedicated to achieving the goal of getting said obsession. It's literally canon that they'll do whatever it takes to get what they want; they are very extreme in that sense.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, it would take a while for either to fall for someone (mainly Shigaraki). I still stand by that; however, obsession is a lot different from love. As yanderes, they do love you to an extent, of course, but mostly it's pure obsession and possessive behavior. If they find out you're leaving before they can even talk to you, they'll nearly lose it. They'd find some way to keep you with them. They'll figure out the details later. They can't wait to soothe your confusion and paranoia when you're finally "home." Everything else differs because they would both act entirely different beyond that when it comes to actually pursuing you and how they treat you.
would love to give more of my thoughts on this, though. If it's an intriguing enough thought that anyone wants to hear more of, send me a DM or an ask! This post has gone through some editing to look coherent, so if this post looks different than when you first read it, that's why :) .
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aliferous-ly · 6 months
ranchers au of the story of a woman who'll marry whoever can get the key off her cats neck
except it's tango, who is a magician of sorts so he's highly sought after, so he comes up with this test of whoever can get the key he'll marry. people start setting traps and whatnot. most of them tango avoids with ease, but he gets caught in one. depressed, he waits for the inevitable downfall.
only, the person who finds him isnt the one who set the trap. a man finds him, and, aghast at the sight, let's tango go. later in town as jimmy recounts this happenstance everyone around him angrily tells him off because he's squandered this perfect opportunity, and this is how Jimmy finds out about the contest.
he thinks the contest is rather upsetting, because how could someone set the whole town against a poor cat like that?
jimmy takes it upon himself to take care of the cat. he listens as people brag about traps so he can find them and dismantle them. he leaves food and fresh water out when he can, and sets up a small shelter for when it rains. he can't imagine that the cat will use it, with it looking so obviously like a trap, but he sets it up anyway.
he gets a rather negative reputation in town because of this. but instead of backing down, jimmy instead snaps back about what kind of person tango must be, to pit the whole town against an innocent animal! because of the pushback from the townspeople he gets rather righteous about his position.
his opinion is cemented further as the cat slowly learns to trust him. sometimes Jimmy rants to the cat about his neglectful and cruel owner.
time passes. many people in town give up on their endeavors. they set traps, but can't afford to check them frequently. they're too busy working. jimmy gains the cats trust and the cat hides in the shelter he built it. eventually, the cat even walks into his home.
jimmy all but adopts this cat, at this point. he feeds it, cares for it, makes sure it's safe during storms and warm on cold nights. the cat hangs around him all the time, the key dangling from its neck. it's startling, the first time the cat jumps on his lap, but jimmy rewards this trust with lots of pets and nothing else.
the cat grows bolder. it bumps it's forehead against jimmy's hand, curls up on jimmy's lap, and yowls for food at the crack of dawn. it leaves the house but never for longer than a day, always returning with an expectant gaze.
Jimmy tries to ignore the key but he grows restless. this tango guy hasn't even asked about his cat, and Jimmy's been caring for it for ages! He knows the key is to tangos house and is only for the winning suitor, but after the weather turns cold and jimmy despairs about how the cat would survive in such extreme weather without help, he takes the key and stomps up to tangos house to give him a piece of his mind.
it's a long, winding path. The cat follows him the whole way, which is odd, since the cat usually only follows Jimmy when he's safe at home. jimmy reaches the house and he knocks first, he has manners, but after no answer he unlocks it and storms in.
only, the whole place is empty. it's clean, someone clearly lives here, but there's nobody home. jimmy deflates. the cat jumps on a large cushioned chair and stares at him.
jimmy slumps over to the cat and pets it, mumbling about what to do next. he does one final sweep of the house (in jimmy's opinion, if tango wanted privacy he wouldnt have put his key on a cat!). and when he turns back to the cat, hands on his hips and ready to announce failure, his cat isn't... there. in it's place is a man with fiery red hair and a smirk firmly upon his lips.
jimmy has his moments of foolishness but he's not dense. he makes the connection. he realizes, and gapes at the man -- at tango, who's been the cat all along.
tango teases him about marriage and jimmy flusters. the two of them finally get to know each other outside of the contest and tango is firm in his reward, announcing it to the townspeople (many of which are furious at Jimmy, loudest anti-tango spokesman around, being the winner).
and jimmy and tango fall in love and live happily ever after the end.
and yes, jimmy is incredibly embarrassed about unknowingly insulting tango to his face. tango, for his part, found it hilarious and it actually endeared him to jimmy, since jimmy was so furious on the cat's behalf.
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monimccoythings · 4 months
Alastor x daughter!Reader (Platonic)
So, I finally gave in and watched the series. It was cool but the pacing was a bit too fast for me and sometimes i felt like it was deviating way too much from the original plot for such a short series. But wow, y'all were right about Alastor. He stole the show. I wanted to write something for him, but I was not sure how to proceed given that he is aroace (tremendous irony considering that I might be aroace irl). Nothing seemed to fit, given that this dude has never had a bit of romance in his life and refuses to do so. But I came accross a wonderful fic about Alastor having an adopted daughter who became an angel, and everything made sense to me. I saw the light. Whoever you are, I will find your fic again, like it, and reblog it.
Big reminder: Alastor is in hell for a reason. TW: gory elements, blood, near decapitation, implied death threat towards a child.
This is not proof read. So please excuse any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
Part I (You are here!)|Part II|Part III
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This deer man has never shown interest in neither romance nor sex. So the only logical conclusion is that he adopted you when you were just a baby.
He found the idea of having that much power and control over someone amusing, molding them just the way he desired.
How unexpected it was for him to suddenly find that it was you who had him wrapped around your little finger and not the other way around!
But how could he not adore you! You were delightful! You were his little fawn, always so sweet and loving, he would have thought his own beloved mama had been secretly raising you from the afterlife!
Oh, with how much joy your eyes filled when you saw your papa return home after a long day at work! He was your everything, always smiling and fun loving, but also knowing where to draw the line.
He absolutely loved singing to you, his tunes filled with rythm along with the smoothness of his voice were enough to give you a full night of sleep filled with sweet dreams.
And while you dreamed... Your dad was outside, creating nightmares.
He made sure you never got to see that side of him. You were too naive and pure, your light could become corrupted.
Very overprotective father. Always subtly controlling who are you hanging out with and how much time (he would despise having to share his beloved child's attention with someone else) "Darling, I think you have already played enpugh with X I'm sure their parents miss them." (and if they don't, they WILL).
Finding about your Papa's double life would be entirely on accident. One day, he would take you to his job at the radio station, and some drunk and racist asshole would harass you on the streets, terrifying you out of your mind. Your dad kept a calm and collected expression never once losing that charming smile of his, but you could tell something was off. He quickly brushed it off, casually reminding you that it was just your terrified imagination playing tricks on you.
That night, your papa was taking too long from the station, so you decided to come and get him (dunno how safe the streets would be for a child that time because reader is about 13-14 years old). You wished you had waited and stayed home. Because the only light was coming from the recording studio, and peeking through the small opening, your blood froze in your veins.
Your Papa was pushing off himself the dead body of the same man that had assaulted you early that day. His pristine white shirt that he always made sure to keep in perfect conditions was drenched with blood that was quickly drying up.
You quietly tiptoed your way back to the entrance, wondering how you weren't heard given how loud your heart was hammering in your chest.
You felt like your entire world had come crashing down, and as you returned home, you tried your best picking up the remaining pieces.
Your beloved father would never do something like that, right? There had to be a misunderstanding. That was it. That man had viciously assaulted you earlier that day, maybe he came back and tried to attack your dad at his job? It had to be self defense. That was the only option.
Your dad seemed to be breathing heavily, probably from the adrenaline rush from having had to take a life in self defense, but had you not been so shocked and scared, maybe you would have noticed the manic glee in his eyes and the way his smile had widened into something outright demonic.
You decided you would never tell anyone. Yes, it was horrifying that it had ended up like this, but telling anybody could get your dad in serious trouble and in this case he was not the one to blame.
So you kept quiet. Tried to act as normal as you could in front of your father and everyone else. If Alastor noticed, he never told. Everything seemed back to normal, until...
Until one day someone knocked at your door. A police officer. He seemed to be asking questions about the guy you saw your dad kill, protect himself from, a week ago. He was the son of some big shot from the city. A very important one. Rats.
He had come knocking on your door because some witeness had said that the very same day of his murder he had saw him in an altercation with your dad. Double rats.
It was amazing how your father didn't lose composure at all, not even for a second, always keeping a calm smile on his face while he patiently described the events of that day. You could barely refrain from shaking, how was he so relaxed?.
You knew your father was lying, he had to. What else could he do? Confess that that man had assaulted him again at his studio at night and he had to fight for his life? He would be hanged. No one would believe his word against that of a rich white man.
When the officer left, you thought that would be the end of it, your father's charms having won him over as always.
Nothing could have prepared you for what happened a week later.
The first red flag would have been having your father letting you stay at a friend's house for the night. That never happened. Your father always insisting very dramatically that if he were to be apart from you for an entire night he would surely die of grief!
But that day something seemed... Weird. Your father had a determined look on his face and gave you no explanation when you asked if there was something wrong.
You couldn't sleep, there was this nagging at the back of your head that was practically screaming at you that you should return home right now.
You quietly sneaked out of your friend's house in the middle of the night and made your way back home. That unnerving feeling growing inside your mind. 'Just a quick peek, just to make sure he's alright and I'll go back to my friend's'
The lights at your home were on, but it was so dim you could barely make out anything. It was coming from the basement. Someone was humming a tune, you recognized your father's voice.
There was a terrible smell coming from there, like rotten fruit mixed with burning trash. It made you gag, but at the same time you needed to know what was going on there.
Curiosity killed the cat, that was your father always told you.
On top of the wooden table, laid a dead body that you sadly knew too well. It was the police offcer that had come home to interrogate you a week ago. His chest had been cut open and some organs seemed missing. His head had been nearly torn from his body and was only hanging by a few tendons in his neck. The blood was forming a sticky puddle on the floor.
If that wasn't horrifying enough for you the worst part had to be the look on your father's face. Joy. Pure unbridled joy and elation. It chilled you to the bone.
You tried to take a step back, tried to return to you friend's house and forget everything, pretend this had never happened. But your shoe got stuck. And you fell backwards.
That caught Alastor's attention. His joyful expression changed into one of confusion, but never once losing his smile.
"Y/N?" He asked flatly.
You bolted. You didn't know what to do where to run, but you knew you had to escape before he caught you.
You could hear him giving chase, calling your name. You could see him getting close, reaching for you.
What you didn't see was the truck that ended it all.
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riboism · 2 years
ateez headcannon | innocent things you do that drive them crazy
a/n: someone sent me this request a while back, and i’m so sorry but I think I deleted it by mistake :( I hope whoever that person was sees this, and I’m sorry it took so long to make! They never specified if they wanted this to be fluff or smut, so I kinda did both lol.
genre: fluff, suggestive (nothing crazy)
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Seonghwa: When you put on makeup. Especially lipstick.
You always took forever getting ready, and that would really piss off your very punctual boyfriend. One evening, he barged into your room, annoyed to see that you were still getting ready when you two were already ten minutes late for the dinner reservation. “Do you know how hard it was to get a reservation here?” he nagged, “The restaurant is half an hour away, and that’s not including the five o’clock traffic that’s gonna…” He trailed off as he watched you apply your lipstick. The sight of you opening your mouth wide and rubbing the cherry red nub over your lips made his knees weak. From then on, he never complained about your tardiness again. Instead, he’ll lay on your bed after getting ready, resting his head onto his palm as he watches you play with your makeup. He admired how you knew just what to do; how much blush to put on, what colors to blend over your eyes, how steady your hand was as you drew on perfect black lines over your lids, and of course, how sultry you looked when you pouted your lips and rubbed the bright red color on. He especially loves it when you go over the red with a lip gloss. The way your juicy red lips moved when you talked was mesmerizing, and he’d feel only a little bad when you’d ask him if he was still listening to you. He thought your lips looked even more kissable, but you never allowed him to kiss you, afraid that he’ll ruin your makeup. But your pleas went in one ear and out the other, and Seonghwa leans in anyway for a messy and passionate kiss. You’d be so annoyed afterwards, digging into your bag for your compact mirror so that you could fix this mess. Some of the color would transfer onto his lips, but Seonghwa never bothered to wipe it off. Instead, he’ll walk around happily, proud to show off the glossy red lips that he now shared with you.
Hongjoong: When you wear something that he bought for you. 
It’s safe to say that about 60% of your closet was stuff that Hongjoong bought for you. You’d tell him to go to the store to pick up a gallon of milk, and he’ll come back with a brand new outfit for you instead. One night, you arrived to the resturant where your boyfriend waited for you at the corner table. He was stunned to see you in the silky green dress he had bought for you just months ago. Of course, he was the one who picked it out, but he never imagined just how good you’d look in it. Too bad, he thought to himself, too bad I’ll have to rip it off of you when we get home.
Yunho: When you come back from a run.
Yunho was fast asleep while you went out on your early morning run. You came back half an hour later, the sound of you rummaging through the drawers for a towel awaking him from his slumber. He loved how you looked after your work out; your hair all messy with a few flyaways sticking out, your cheeks flushed from all the circulation. He admired how your sports bra always matched your leggings, and the way the pants hugged your thighs so perfectly. Yunho pretend to be asleep, opening his eyes just enough to watch you strip from your sweaty workout clothes. You’d never guess how much your sweaty, tired, and out of breath state turned him on. How badly he wanted to touch you, to give you another reason to be out of breath. But he knew you’d never let him anywhere near you when you were like this, and so he would have to reach down and take care of his hard on by himself before you come back out from the shower.
Yeosang: When you get your nails done.
The first thing you did when you got home from the salon was show your boyfriend Yeosang your new set. He stopped playing his game and took your hands into his. He examined your acrylics, admiring the pretty designs and colors on each nail. You usually did earthy or nude colors, but today you decided to do a bubblegum pink shade. Something about the color pink on your nails gave Yeosang a rush. He lost himself in a daydream, imagining how pretty your hands would look right now, gripped around his hard cock. “What do you think?” you asked, a little concerned with how quiet he was. You worried that maybe he didn’t like it. “Is it the almond shape? Or the color? I thought I’d try something different today. Is it bad?” He snapped out of his daydream and gave you a reassuring smile. “No, no. It’s pretty. I like it.” He brought your hands up to his lips, giving them a quick peck before swiveling back on his chair and returning to his game.
San: When you play with the drawstrings of his sweatpants.
You walked up behind San as he cut up some garlic. “What are you making?” you asked, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Well I wanted to make mac n cheese, but the store didn’t have any colby jack, can you believe that? So I...” your fingers twiddled with his drawstrings, untying and retying it as he went on tell you about the grocery store fiasco. It was a habit of yours to play with his drawstrings, sort of like a fidget thing. You didn’t really think much of it. Sometimes you didn’t even realize that you were doing it. Your boyfriend, however, was very aware of this habit of yours, and it never failed to turn him into putty. The feel of your fingers so dangerously close to his waistband made him a little dizzy. The confident boy you were met with when you first walked into the kitchen was now a stuttering mess “and um...and I thought m-maybe I can make something with uh...with pesto...” You let go of his drawstrings and gave him a quick peck on the cheek “Sounds great. Let me know if you need any help.” Needless to say, he did need your help, but not with dinner.
Mingi: When you play with his hair.
Mingi’s loved lazy Sunday’s with you on the couch. You were reading a book when he came into the room, and he invited himself to come sit next to you. He laid his head on your lap, signaling you to play with his hair. Without looking away from your book, you brought your free hand down and ran your fingers through his silky hair. Your fingers grazed at the side of his head, rubbing them gently over his ear lobe. That was his sweet spot and it turned him into a drooling mess. He was completely paralyzed from your addicting touch. He wished you two could stay like this forever. Although this was just a sweet and mindless activity, Mingi couldn’t help but have perverted thoughts. As you read on, Mingi thought about how good it would feel if you played with his hair like this while he goes down on you. He’d probably fall asleep right between your legs.
Wooyoung: When you're sick.
Wooyoung loved being babied. But he loves babying you even more. You're pretty independent, which was something he both adored and hated. He wanted to be able to take care of you sometimes, but you never let him. He tried to hide his excitement when you told him that you were coming down with something. Now was his chance.
Wooyoung thought you were so cute when you were weak and needy. Despite you telling him that it wasn’t a serious illness, that you had the cold under control, he still insisted on tucking you into bed, blowing on a spoonful of hot soup before feeding it into your mouth, and making you endless cups of tea. And when your sinuses kept you up at night, he didn’t hesitate to slip a hand into your panties, giving you a slow and gentle orgasm to help put you to sleep.
Jongho: When you ask him to kill a bug for you/ when you’re scared.
You hated when the weather got warmer and sticker because that meant you had to deal with seeing unwanted visitors in your home. One night, when you were getting ready to shower, you noticed a very creepy looking centipede hanging around the shower drain. A shiver went down your spine, and you immediately ran to Jongho. He looked up from his phone, instantly knowing what was wrong from the scared expression on your face. “Where is it?”
“Shower drain” you replied, your voice a little shaky. He sighed as he walked over to the bathroom to take care of the situation. Jongho would act annoyed with how frequently you came to him for help in these situations, but secretly he liked it. He liked that he was the first person you’d run to for help. He also liked how you’d hide behind him, watching nervously as he disposed of the pest. He thought it was cute how you squirmed around when he’d chase you with the napkin he used to collect the dead bug. As sadistic as it sounds, it kind of turned him on.
When it was his turn to pick a movie for movie night, he always picked horror. He loved seeing you get all tense, clinging onto his arm right before a jumpscare. He was your security blanket, and he was happy to be the one to protect you, to be the one you felt most safe with.
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taglist: @hyuckilstan​ @ateezsatinysworld
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barcalover86 · 11 months
Mi culpa- Pablo Gavi (a)
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Summary: You and Gavi had a huge fight right before his game, and he tells you that he doesn't want you to make it to the game and you get into a car accident.
I saw this on tik tok, so credits to whoever had this idea first. Enjoy!!
2nd Masterlist
"He said he would be here, mama."
"Y/n, sweetheart, it's been 2h. He is clearly not coming anymore."
"I'll call him again"
"You've already called him multiple times. He won't answer. It's ok, you can go to his game."
"But he said he would be here! Maybe something happened to him."
You started to panick at the thought of losing Gavi. You've been together for a long time, and you just couldn't imagine your life without this boy by your side.
He promised you that he would come to your family lunch. Everyone was there waiting for him. Your cousins, parents, uncles, grandparents.. everyone.
You texted him constantly, hoping for at least an answer, but he wouldn't pick up his phone. He never did that, and you were now on the edge of crying in front of your family.
You were so embarrassed when people would ask you about where he is. You at first tried to say that he is only at some training or the traffic is wild now.
It had come to a time when no more excuses could be make.
"Don't you want to eat something?"
"No, papa."
"He is for sure, alright. Maybe he couldn't make it, but forgot to tell you."
"No, he wouldn't do this."
You sighed before apologising to everyone about Gavi and telling them that you are going to his house to see what's the problem.
When you arrived there you saw Gavi preparing to go to the game. When you saw him alive and all save, anger started to feel in all your body.
"Qué te pasa?" (What is wrong with you!?)
When he heard your voice, he smiled, but right after he saw your face, it faded away.
"No me digas que no sabes de lo que hablo" (Don't tell me you don't know what i'm talking about)
"No, realmente no lo hago."
After you realised that he forgot about this lunch, you felt like you could kill someone right there. He promised to you and knew how important it was for you.
"No puedo creerlo" you said it more to yourself. How could he forget?
"Por favor, dime de qué estás hablando." (Please tell me what you are talking about.) he said it with a shaky voice.
"Te olvidaste de mi almuerzo familiar!! ¡Me prometiste que estarías allí y sabías lo importante que era para mí!" (You forgot my family lunch!! You promised me that you would be there and you knew how important it was to me!)
When he remembered about the lunch, he stopped doing whatever he was and tried to come to you to apologise, but you just walked out of his embrace.
"Te he llamado varias veces durante horas, Pablo! Por jodidas horas! No tienes idea de lo avergonzado que me sentí allí de pie, esperándote mientras todos preguntaban 'dónde está tu novio!?' Pues yo tampoco lo sé!" (I have called you several times for hours, Pablo! For fucking hours! You have no idea how embarrassed I felt standing there, waiting for you while everyone was asking 'where's your boyfriend!?' Well, I don't know either!)
"Y lo peor es que pense que te habia pasado algo! Estaba entrando en pánico porque te perdí y tú estás... aquí!? Haciendo.. nada!? (And the worst thing is that I thought something had happened to you! I was panicking because I lost you and you're…here!? Doing. Nothing!?)
"Lo siento mucho. Lo olvidé por completo, pero por favor tienes que entenderme también. Tengo un juego difícil esta noche y mi mente estaba en eso. Lo siento mucho" (I am sorry. I completely forgot, but please, you have to understand me too. I have a tough game tonight, and my mind was only on it. I'm really, really sorry.)
He was sad and you tried to understand him, but just couldn't. It was something that is hard to forget.
"Deberías haberme dicho esto antes de prometerme que estarías allí." (You should have told me this before you promised me you'd be there.)
He rolled his eyes. He was in no mood for a fight now, and he really had to go to the stadium.
"Entiendo, es mi culpa, pero por favor, olvidémoslo. Tengo un juego para asistir-" (I understand, it's my fault, but please, let's forget about it. I have a game to attend-)
"Solo te importa ese juego!" you said it, now really angry. You were about to cry, but tried to keep as calm as possible.
"Bueno, por supuesto. ¡Ahora mismo es más importante!" (Now it's more important)
"Qué?" you said it shocked. You really had enough of this.
"Como has oído, sí. Tengo que concentrarme en ello." (As you heard, yes. I have to concentrate on it.)
"Entonces el juego es mas importante que yo?"
"Ahora sí"
You felt like you could throw yourself from a bridge now.
You nodded your head and were about to leave before saying the last thing he ever heard from you.
"Entonces no quiero arruinar tu noche." (Then I won't ruin your night.).
He rolled his eyes once again.
"Estás siendo tan dramático. Realmente espero que no llegues al estadio. No soporto tu estado de ánimo esta noche." (You are being so dramatic. I really hope you don't make it to the stadium. I can't stand your mood tonight.)
When you heard him say that, you smiled sadly. You never thought that you two would become like this. You still wanted to come to his match. You knew that he didn't mean it and that your support was really important for him.
Pablo felt horrible after you left. He never shouted at you, and doing that made him devastated. He tried to forget about your fight. He had a match to win tonight.
You went back to your house without saying anything more. Your parents asked you if you talked to your boyfriend. At that moment, you didn't even know if you were together anymore. All this was so confusing and you needed to clear your mind for a bit.
You threw yourself on the bed and slept for some good minutes.
When it was only 30 minutes before the game would begin, you changed (still wearing his jersey) and went to your car to drive yourself to the stadium.
You still hadn't eaten anything and you were starting to be a bit dizzy.
It was already night outside, and the traffic was absolutely full. When you were right next to the stadium, someone bumped hard into you, making pieces of your car to be thrown away. You only saw white, and you fainted.
While the game had started, sirens of ambulance started to be heard everywhere. People were confused and curious, the game being forgotten.
After the first half ended, Xavi went directly at Gavi, shouting his name.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!! Ven aquí!"
"Qué pasa?"
"Tu chica está en el hospital... en coma. Ve con ella ahora mismo. Tienes que estar allí con-" (your girl is in the hospital in a coma. You have to go there, be with-)
"Qué!? No- por favor, Xavi, no-"
"Lo siento mucho"
"No, no"
Right now, Gavi started to cry. It was his fault and only his. He had to take you here himself. Now he lost you forever.
He hurried up to the hospital you were at, leaving the game behind. He ran like he never had.
When he arrived, he asked everyone about you. Every nurse that was around was asked about your condition by Gavi. He was really panicked and when he saw your family standing there, he cried harder.
He started to say that it's all his fault and that you two fought. He couldn't lose you knowing that the last thing you talked was something bad.
Your family tried to console him, knowing how a good boy he is. Nothing was working. He wanted to see you, he had to see you.
He stayed there all night on that chair. He didn't sleep at all, wanting to be the first one that knew about your condition. He prayed all the time, hoping for you to wake up.
He just couldn't live without you.
He cried like he never had. Days had passed, and Gavi was still there at the hospital. He saw you only for some seconds, and it was enough for him to make him cry harder.
Your parents and his would bring chlotes to him and food. He just didn't want to leave that seat.
His eyes were all red and puffy while your mother was hugging him close to her heart. She would tell him nice stuff in his ear, trying to calm him down a bit.
He knew that if you would die, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for it.
Everyone was praying for you because everyone loved you. You were a sweet person, someone who went through hell in this life, but every time, you chose to be a kind-hearted girl. You were the one that was there for everyone, the friend that you wouldn't get bored with.
Every person would want a friend like you, and every boy would love a girlfriend as you.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!!!! Everyone is cheering for this incredible boy! Spain, champions of the world!! All this because of this talent of Pablo Gavi!!"
"You did it, amor! Congratulations!!!!!"
"Mis chicas..." he said while taking your daughter from your hands and kissing your lips.
"Te amo.." he said, and you smiled.
"Te amo, y/n".
He said while holding your hand on the hospital bed.
"Despertar... por favor" (wake up.. please)
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acewritesfics · 7 months
36 Minutes | TOMMY SHELBY
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Pairing: Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fic Type: Imagine, fluff.
Request: from @runnning-outof-time from my valentines special over on main blog.
PROMPTS: being stood up, meet cute, and proposal.  
Warnings: Slightly Workaholic!Tommy. Break up over the phone. Swearing. Time jump at the end.
Word Count: 2,908
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Not caring that she's in one of the fanciest restaurants in London, Y/N has her elbows on the table, her chin resting on a closed first while her other hand swirls the wine in her glass around before she takes a sip. She looks around the restaurant longingly wishing she was any of the happy couples that surrounded her. After placing her glass on the table, she picks up her phone, checking the time and see if she had any messages from her boyfriend. 
It was 30 minutes after their reservation had been made. The only message she’s received is from her mum letting her know that her date went well, and she wouldn't be home until tomorrow if not tonight.  
‘At least my mum's having a lovely time...’ she thinks to herself. It's been a few years since her dad left her mum for a much younger woman. Y/N was excited to hear that her mum was going out on a date this valentine with her first love. They reconnected about a year ago and have been close since. Y/N is genuinely happy for her mum. She deserves to be happy again.  
Finishing the last of her wine, she waves the waiter over, "I'll take one more and if he hasn't arrived in ten minutes, I'll give up the table to someone else and move to the bar," she tells him holding up her empty glass. 
"Sure thing, Miss," he smiles sadly at her as he pours more wine into the glass, making sure to fill it up a little more than he usually would. "If you don't mind me saying, whoever is keeping you waiting is surely a fool." 
"Well, the thing is..." she pauses to get his name. 
"Joe," he tells her. 
"Joe," she repeats with a smile, but her eyes hold no joy, "The thing is Joe, you're absolutely right. He is a fool for keeping me waiting but I am also a fool for waiting for him." 
"I don't think you're a fool, Miss," he assures her. "None of this is your doing. It's all on him." 
"Thank you, Joe," she says giving him a more genuine smile now. "If you weren't working, I would invite you to sit with me." 
"Speaking of work, I better get back to it," he tells her. "I'll be around if you need me again." Joe leaves making his way over to the maître de. 
Picking up her phone, she goes through her messages until she finds the ones from her boyfriend. Tapping on it, she starts typing a not so lovely message for him when she hears someone sit across from her. 
Looking up, thinking it could finally be here boyfriend joining her for their valentine's day dinner, she's surprised to see a man she doesn't recognize.  
“Uh… excuse me, I think you have the wrong table,” she says to the man typing on his phone. He looks up, his beautiful blue eyes connecting with hers. ‘My goodness, he's beautiful...’ she thinks as she swallows the lump that has formed in her throat. Feeling slightly intimidated under his gaze, she stands up from her seat. “I was actually about to leave so… you can keep the table.” When he doesn’t say anything, she picks up her phone and clutch. “I uh… I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.” She goes to leave when he stops her.  
“Stay,” he finds himself telling her. She goes to refuse when he speaks again stopping her. "My business partner just cancelled on me, and I don't really want to waste a reservation here." 
"I'm waiting for my boyfriend," she tells him. 
"You said you were leaving, how long have you been waiting for him?" he questions her, his intimidating but beautiful eyes still boring into her.  
She looks at the time on her phone. "36 minutes." 
"I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but he's not coming," he says.  
If she knew it wasn't true would have come back with a retort, but she knew this stranger was right. This isn't the first time he hasn't shown up for their date and it wasn't uncommon for him to be late.  
"I know," she sighs.  
"So, let me make a proposal," he says.  
"Little early for that, isn't it," she tries to make a joke. "We only just met." 
He rolls his eyes. "Both our plans have fallen through. Instead of letting our reservations go to waste, you should stay and have dinner with me." 
"But we are," she points out as she accepts his lack of a 'proposal'. "Were you really meeting your business partner in the fanciest restaurant in London on what is meant to be the most romantic night of the year?" 
"Valentine's Day?" he asks before shrugging. "It's just another day to me." 
"Do you not have someone special to spend it with?" 
"I haven't had someone special in a while," he admits. "Does my work count?" 
Her eyes widen as she shakes his head, "No, it doesn't."  
As his phone begins to ring, she bites the inside of her cheek and watches him answer it. Knowing that this is how her date with her boyfriend would have gone and not wanting to spend her evening this way, she gets an idea. 
Reaching across the table, she snatches his phone from him and holds it to her ear as begins to talk into it, ignoring the death glare her impromptu date is sending her. "Sorry for the rude interruption but is there any way that this can wait until tomorrow?" she asks the person on the other side as she gives him a sheepish smile. 
"Who are you? Where's Tommy?" A woman's voice comes through. 
"I'm his date for this evening," she tells her. 
"His date?" the woman asks sounding surprised. "This certainly can wait until tomorrow. Let him know I told him to relax and enjoy himself and make sure to turn off his phone. The man needs a night away from work." 
"I'll make sure to do that. You have a lovely evening ma'am," Y/N tells her. 
"Call me Polly, love," she can hear the smile in Polly's voice. She glances at Tommy, her smile more confident than a moment ago and his death glare turning to a look of annoyance, but his eyes gave away to his amusement. "You have a lovely evening as well. Tommy will treat you well," she adds before ending the call. 
As soon as the call ends, she turns off Tommy's phone. "Polly seems lovely. She told me to tell you to relax and enjoy yourself and for me to turn off your phone." She goes to hand his phone back to him but pulls it back towards herself before he can take it from her. "You can have it back if you promise me that you won't turn it back on." 
He looks at her unimpressed but sighs. "Fine, but only if you tell me your name." 
"It's Y/N," she smiles and hands it to him giving him the benefit of the doubt. Instead of turning it back on like she thought he would, he places it back inside his pocket. 
"I'm Tommy," he introduces himself just as Joe returns to their table. 
"I'm sorry for what I just did. I'm usually not that forward," she apologizes when Joe leaves, after taking their drink and meal orders.  
"I was being rude," he admits. "I asked you to stay and I answered my phone like you weren’t here. But why did you do it?" 
"If my boyfriend was here, it would have been the same," she answers as a sadness comes over her as she thinks about her boyfriend. He got her to make the reservations and promised to give her a night filled with romance and love with no interruptions, but he was the one who hasn’t shown up or bothered to call or message her with an excuse. "Sometimes I feel as though work comes first." 
Tommy looks down at the table, a guilty look in his eyes. "I was a bit of a workaholic when I met my wife." 
"You're married?" she asks, surprised. Polly never alluded to him being married. It seemed she encouraged their little 'date'. 
"Widowed," he tells her. "My wife died a few years ago." 
"I'm sorry," she says, looking at him with sympathy.  
"How long have you been with your boyfriend?" he asks, wanting to move on from his deceased wife. Tommy wasn't even sure why he brought it up to her, a stranger who he has no plans on seeing after tonight. 
"Five years," she tells him. 
"And he's still only your boyfriend?" he asks.  
"We did talk about getting married once," she tells him, feeling as though he's being a little judgmental. "Three years ago," she sighs seeing his point.  
"Can I ask something without you getting mad at me?" he asks her. 
"Go ahead. I'm sure it can’t make me as mad as my boyfriend’s made me," she tells him, now feeling more disappointed than mad at her boyfriend.  
"Why are you still with him?"  
At first, she wanted to defend the man she's been with for the past five years, but nothing really came to mind. At first their relationship had been great. They made time for each other, went away on trips together, took holidays in the summer, had sex whenever they got the chance and were happy and in love. It was the past two years when things took a turn. Their time together becoming less and less, their talks of marriage and a family fading along with it and the arguments became more frequent. There's no more love between them. She doesn't know why she hasn't ended it with him yet. Maybe she was holding on to hope that the man she fell in love with would return and it would go back to how it was. 
"I don't know," she honestly tells him. "I really don't know." 
After eating, Tommy pays for their meals and drinks despite Y/N's protests of being able to pay for herself. He refuses to let her say he was the one who invited her to stay and that she should never have to pay for herself in the first place, given it was her idiot boyfriend’s idea to go out for dinner in the first place.  
As they leave the restaurant, they both find themselves not wanting the night to end just yet. It was the most fun they've had in a while, smiling and laughing, telling old stories, her boyfriend and his deceased wife not once coming up again as they enjoyed their meals. 
"You should let us take you home," Tommy tells her as he stands beside his car. His driver was already out and holding the door open for him.  
"I need to go figure out why my boyfriend was a no show," she sighs, wanting nothing more than to leave with the pretty blue-eyed man. As if her boyfriend knew she was speaking about him, her phone began to ring, flashing his photo and name. "Speaking of the devil." 
Before she could answer it, Tommy takes her phone and answers it for her. "Y/N's a little busy right now. You'll have to call her back later or never." 
"Tommy," she scolds him trying to get her phone back. He holds up his finger as he moves to avoid her trying to take it back from him.  
"Who are you?" Y/N can hear her boyfriend ask when Tommy pulls the phone away to put it on speaker and hold the phone further away from her. 
"I'm Tommy," he introduces himself. "And I just spent a wonderful evening with your girlfriend, who you stood up. She's a lovely woman, by the way. Deserves far better than this." 
"You think you can give her better?" her boyfriend speaks, not realizing he's on speaker. 
"I don't think I can," Tommy begins. "I know I can," he adds his eyes looking deeply into hers, letting her know he means every word. 
"You can have her, mate," she hears him say making her eyes snap to her phone. "Just a word of warning, she's clingy, demanding, whiny and she'll hold you back." 
Feeling her heart drop into her stomach, Tommy lets her have her phone back. "I wouldn't have to be those things if you actually made time for me, you arrogant, self-centered, neglectful bastard. You and your tiny dick can fuck right off." 
Her boyfriend starts to stutter out an apology but instead of listening to it, she ends the call and blocks his number knowing he'll try to ring her back. "Does that offer to take me home still stand?" 
"Of course, Love," Tommy smiles as he helps her into the car before he gets in himself. 
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"Tommy, we're going to be late," Y/N giggles, biting her lip to stop the moan that's threatening to escape her throat. Tommy has her trapped in his arms as he trails kisses up her throat and along her jawline to the sweet spot below her ear. 
"Good thing I own the bloody restaurant now, eh?" She feels him smirk against her skin before moving back to press his lips to hers.  
After the night they met, Y/N and Tommy continued to hit it off. Their relationship quickly developed, and Tommy always made sure to make time for her as well as letting her know how much he loves and appreciates her. Despite the bumps in their relationship, Y/N is far happier with Tommy than she ever was with her ex-boyfriend. Tommy knew within the first four months of their relationship Y/N would be the one he gets remarried to. Not only were they great together, she and Charlie got along like a house on fire and often ganged up together against him. It made his heart swell seeing his son happy again. Y/N knows she’ll never replace his mum, who Tommy opened up to her about not long into their relationship, but she sure does love him as if he’s her own child.  
Tommy helps Y/N into her coat and opens the door to go outside. Leading her out to the car, he helps her in before getting in beside her.  
“What time do you have that meeting tomorrow?” She asks him when they’re not far from arriving at the restaurant.  
“Not until the afternoon. I told them I won’t be coming in until after lunch,” he replies taking her hand into his and kisses the back of it. “No more talk about work. Tonight’s about us.” 
“Can you believe we only met a year ago,” she smiles turning her body slightly towards him. “Do you think we’d be here if you hadn’t mistakenly sat at my table and begged me to have dinner with you,” she jests.  
“I think you and I remember it differently,” he chuckles, looking at her lovingly. “Who said it was a mistake? And I didn’t beg you to stay.” 
“You called it a proposal,” she teases. “It wasn’t a very good one, to be honest.” 
“You still stayed,” he points out. 
“Can’t pass up a free dinner,” she smiles as the car comes to a stop in front of the restaurant that they met at, which Tommy just so happened to buy a few weeks after that.  
The door opens and Tommy gets out before helping her out also. Stepping out of the car, she notices the lights are off inside the restaurant. “Did you close the restaurant on one of the busiest nights of the year?” 
“We can afford to close for one night,” he tells her as he leads her inside. “Tonight’s also a special night.” 
As they enter the dining area, she gasps in amazement seeing a single table is set up for two with a candle, some rose petals scattered around it, a champagne bucket with the most expensive bottle sitting inside it. The lights are dimmed and there’s music playing softly in the background.  
“This is incredible, Tom,” she says leaning back into Tommy as his arms wrap around her waist.  
“It’s all for you, love,” he says, softly kissing her cheek before letting her go and moving to stand in front of her. “Before we eat, I have one more surprise for you.” 
She’s unable to say anything, becoming speechless as Tommy pulls out a ring box from inside his suits pocket. “I can list everything I love about you, but we’d be here forever so instead I want to spend the rest of our lives showing you how much I love, appreciate, want and need you. I can’t imagine spending a day without you in my life. Will you do me the honour and make me the happiest man and marry me?” 
Unable to speak through her tears she nods her head, holding her left hand out towards him. Slipping the ring on her finger, he pulls her in for a passionate kiss.  
“I love you,” he says in between kisses. 
“I love you too,” she says finding her voice, breaking the kiss to hug him tightly. “Now this is how proposals are done,” she chuckles, teasing him. 
“I did have a year to prepare,” he smiles and pulls her in for another kiss. 
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CREDIT: Razorblade and dots dividers made by me. Peaky Blinders divider made by @/firefly-graphics. Support divider made by @/cafekitsune.
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TAGGED: @forgottenpeakywriter | @rainydayteacups | @bernelflo
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It Fucks with me that straight up
Purgatory hall, the new characters and basically people in Mc//ourlives don’t know what Belphie did in chapter 16 and esp in Nightbringer, like we 100% habe trauma and like straight up makes me wanna write angst but I’m Shitty with it and always fuck it up
So I’m just….gonna ramble under cut about it? //spoilers for both games I suppose!
So to start, there’s several instances of the brothers (and in one occasion Barbatos and Diavolo separately) get aggressive towards reader and I like imagine they must have some kinda PTSD since they’ve literally died and honestly I self project and I act nothing like Mc…I’d be in fucking tears miserable over the fact I just got warped in the past without anyone but my mentor
Like I cant see my family, friends or PETS for who knows how long???
Just imagine how it would feel….
You’re already living in a worn down old building since the moment you’ve arrived in the past, where else can you go?? The brothers aren’t friendly, you have not a cent to your name, just what’s on your person the second you’re dropped off and left. You WANT to think things will be ok, Solomon is here to help you so at least you’re not alone but…
You will die eventually, what if this takes too long, and you die here? Will anyone from your timeline ever find out?
Would you family know? Your friends?
Solomon keeps reassuring you that it’s fine, but he’s a sorcerer who’s immune to everything…his own stupidity gave him immortality…maybe if you’re unlucky enough he’d make you immortal and you’d…wait till you could see the brothers ‘normally’ again. Well them and everyone else.
As time goes on you ultimately are forced to continue to try to re friend them. Solomon is equal parts helpful as he is a problem, but it all seems to work out.
Until they find out your human. Why does it matter? You never said you were a demon! You TOLD THEM YOU WERE HUMAN. They laughed it off…why is it your fault…your not like them?
Belphegore was the aggressor, just like before. You don’t know if he was going to hurt you and you didn’t want to find out. You saw his hand reaching towards you, almost like they were going for your throat…
“Not again!”
You screamed as you collapsed on the ground, hand instinctively going to protect your neck. You’re gasping for air even though you haven’t been touched yet, you’re terrified. Is this really it? Is he really going to kill you again? Did you really think…this would end well, Solomon? Diavolo? Barbatos?…Anyone?
Now you are where you are, trembling and in tears on the ground. But you didn’t feel anyone grab you, you did however feel like someone walked in front of you. To your relief, Solomon had come to your rescue…
You wanted to appreciate it, but all you wanted to do was go home now.
You let out a broken sob, you honestly didn’t care anymore if they saw you like this. You have been through hell and back for these idiots and yet, you still love them so much, so much so that all you want to do is see them again, but the version of them you know.
You love them, they are worth it, but why do you have to suffer for it? Your time in the human world after Devildom…nothing bad happened…maybe…you’re the problem?
With your mind spiraling, you don’t even hear everyone shouting, you don’t hear your name, you don’t hear who says it.
All you can do is cry and hope whoever sent you here shows mercy and let’s you go home.
(Ok now it’s done sorry)
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