#im starting to think im aromantic idk
savethepinecones · 8 months
sometimes you gotta go sit on the porch in the middle of the night and stare at the stars for half an hour or so
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guitarhero-3 · 27 days
even if i am not aromantic or asexual in the future i really really appreciate the aspec community. all of you are so wonderful and welcoming and i am so thankful for all of u every single one of yall
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nachosforfree · 8 months
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i have such strong memories related to black sails like. it was my mom's birthday. during a weekend. think 2018/2019. we went away for the weekend to this. place. idk what its called in english but yk rent a tiny house for like a few days. whatever. i can remember what it looked like. i sat on that couch watching black sails. my sister and i had to share a room and i managed to break the bed (not permanently) i had to sleep on & because even after fixing it i didnt trust it, i slept on the floor. it was on that floor that i watched s2 of black sails. it was on that floor that i saw that fucking scene that fundamentally changed me as a person. because. listen. black sails was one of the first shows id watched with a queer story. with not one but two major plot threads revolving around queer people's relationships. i remember sitting in the car in the dark as the rest of my family was ordering fries for us and i remember my mom going "hey look gay couple!" in a restaurant. it doesnt feel real. that entire weekend is a fever dream. i thought i was just watching a pirate show. the pirates were gay. the pirates were fucking gay bro. i cried over that show. i wept at the end of it. i had to play boardgames for my mom's birthday and pretend like i wasnt going insane because the pirates were gay and i was just. ough. i was 14 or 15 and i was barely out and i was new to being queer in any capacity and it was such an experience.
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barbieb0y · 2 years
my life is so fun every time i do a thing that's even remotely weird i ask myself "o-kay is this an aromantic thing or a (potential) autistic thing"
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
hello hello!! i came across your post about baron in the aromantic tag and omg i JUST. needed to say that i am having the EXACT same experience as you right now 😭, aroace watching fantasy high for the first time (though in not as far in as you im on like sy ep 6), but ive seen clips of the baron scenes before and it's just like oh my goshhhh isn't it CRAZY?? how a silly goblin boy in a dnd show makes you feel more seen than anything else on planet earth (for me at least)?? And he's such an amazing character on every single level too, i think about him and him and his mom every day... of my Life....
It's just likeeee. LIKE. Oh my gosh it's just so good. he makes me very happy. i literally started watching fh BECAUSE i saw clips of the baron scenes and knew i just needed to see this. anyway yeah this got really long but. Isn't he just the best ever TBH ....
aegfvhjksjhdl I had the exact opposite experience. Saw a single animatic for Baron's introduction scene like a million years ago and completely forgot it was from fantasy high until I got to The Scene and was like "Wait. I think I've heard this before."
Not to give to many spoilers, I came into Fantasy High knowing Riz was canonically ace but like... I wasn't sure how much of a thing it was going to be? Idk, I just figured it would be the (still very nice!!!! and important!!!) representation of just saying he's ace once or twice.
HOOOOOOOOOO boy I was not expecting to have multiple scenes that examine aceness and growing up ace that cut me to the bone. I felt seen while listening to Baron's second appearance, just validated and moved and really emotional. I straight up cried, which was doubly surprising, because the last time I cried over a piece of media I was in middle school and had just finished reading the Gregor the Overlander series. Brennan and Murph just wonderfully captured a lot of really hard to articulate emotions, emotions I was always convinced were never really going to be understood by someone who hadn't experienced them first hand. And that meant all the more to me, listening to it. We are not alone. We are not incomprehensible.
Riz Gukgak being aroace is so important to me.
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 1 month
how did it take me so long to start calling myself aromantic/arospec. like now that ive actually started using the term for myself its so crazy to me that i wasnt using this term since the first time i heard about it. i literally remember like almost a year ago being like "i wish i could just call myself aromantic itd just be a way easier way to explain to people the sort of relationships i want since im interested in sex and really close friendships but not really interested in traditional romantic relationships right now" like my brother you CAN?? jesus fuck. like this thought came aftera series of relationships where i would tell my friends that i had a crush on someone, then the relationship progressed in someway, then i got the sense that the person i was interested in had romantic feelings for me and id get this weird horrible feeling and would run away. and i was literally like "what is this whats going on". i was like woah this must be like.... commitment issues or something. like i was going around telling people that. i was getting over commitment issues that were surely temporary. but they werent asking me to commit to anything they just had feelings for me that i couldnt reciprocate bcz i was just attracted to them and wanted to me friends with them and i thought thats what romantic attraction was. i literally remember telling someone abt someone i liked an they were like "why dont u ask them out?" an my answer was just that i was trying to find reasons not to and i couldnt. cuz i was attracted to them and liked spending time with them and liked being their friend but i was so so happy not being in a romantic relationship anymore and i couldnt shake the feeling that if i got into another one even with the perfect person it was literally gonna ruin my life and i would have to pretend to have feelings that i didnt have.
idk im frustrated that i hadnt considered it sooner but its also kinda exciting to discover something abt urself an ur sexuality. like this label brings me the same joy that other labels that ive discovered fit me do like i feel like how i felt when i came to terms w being trans an being bisexual. i feel like im 13 again finding trans and bisexual youtubers and being like "??? there are others?" like ppl dont talk abut it as much w being aro and ace bcz those are defined by the absence of a feeling rather than the presence of one but it really can be just as exciting to find out that you're aro or ace as it can be to discover that you're a lesbian or gay or transgender or something.
like not to be cheesy but discovering that i could just. have friends and also have sex made everything kinda click in my head for me. like literally i felt like a more complete person. experiencing that and realizing like. oh. this is amazing this is literally all i want like nothing is missing. i literally just dont have to do romance stuff like no ones making me do that why did i think i have to do that. like oh my god this is such a good feeling i really can do whatever i want forever.
this post doesnt rly have a point exactly i just kinda have a lot of feelings to get out. i love you aromantic ppl i love being aromantic it fucking rules actually. every aromantic person whos posted abt their experience an helped me get comfortable w the label i owe u a hundred billion dollars jesus christ i love you guys
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our-aroace-experience · 4 months
i kinda need advice on this. so there is this girl that i think is incredibly pretty so i definately know that is aesthetic attraction. but im confused on some other stuff because i wouldnt mind dating her or doing "romantic" stuff with her. so i tthink that could be more sensual attraction than anything but still i wonder jf there is some actual romantic attraction in there. id say im somewhere on the aromantic spectrum but ive never dug too deep into labels because it tends to stress me out more to have a very extremely sepcific label. i know im likely either fully ace or grey ace but im just confused about romance part. most of the time when i see her i just wish i was closer with her and shes really pretty and it would be cool to like hold hands or something witth her ?? one of my friends keeps calling it a crush and idk if it is or not? i feel like crush is too strong of a word for what im feeling. like if she would ask me out i likely wouldnt say no, but im not going to go ask her myself because im worried she would feel like im leading her on or something. ive barely talked to her too cause im just nervous about talking to people so i think itd be a bjt odd for me to randomly explain this and say i somehow like her? sorry if this is not enough info i just dont really know how to describe stuff
it could be queerplatonic attraction, or a squish! it could also be romantic attraction, but i’m just giving you some alternatives to see if that helps!
squish- platonic version of a crush, where you want to be friends with someone
queerplatonic attraction- attraction that can’t be defined by typical romantic or platonic relationships. some people consider it to be in between romance and friendship, but it’s entirely up to the people involved to define it
i hope this helps a little, sorry i can’t give you anything more. attraction is hard to define sometimes, i say to maybe start by talking to her?
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zai-doodles · 23 days
I love your Juvia redesign so much and would love to hear more hcs you have for her
And also if you were to rewrite her an Gray's relationship, but still have them be together, how would you do it?
Personally, I think them both being aromantic and then possibly having a queer platonic relationship would be good
O ok this is interesting
For my rewrite specifically, I have juvia as a lesbian with hard-core comphet and gray as an aromatic whore and they r besties
However, gun to my head if I had to make Gray and juvia work here r my thoughts:
Weirdly I'd keep it pretty close to canon in the beginning WITH THE ADJUSTMENT that juvia isn't full stalker crazy and gray never explicitly expresses being uncomfortable.
Like ok wait let me cook for a sec
Juvia all her life has been isolated and made to feel like her feelings are a burden to others because they have to deal with the rain if she's upset, so by the time she meets gray she's in a state of constant depression/ feeling numb all the time becauses she's buried her feelings so deep.
Same as canon where she fights gray and he saves her and it makes her fall in love with him because he was kind to her blah blah blah
BUT that's not why she joins fairy tail, she actually joins because she's so captivated by their like, willingness to accept each other and stand by each other through everything? Like it fascinates her because she's never seen that kind of unconditional love and she genuinely thought it was made up
So she joins and she keeps a close eye on gray because it's so weird to her that he's so abrasive to everyone yet so caring? Like it shows her a different form of expressing love and care rather than the very clear cut romanticized stuff she's read in fairy tales and stories (which to me have informed how she interacts with others and shaped her perception of relationships)
The biggest thing is that juvia doesn't let herself like, interact with gray? She just stares at him whenever he's in the room and it creeps gray out but she never does anything so he puts up with it? Like to me he just thinks she hates him because he won their fight and she's holding a grudge
She's very standoffish to him and quiet, just constantly trying to figure out why he doesn't fit into the box she's carefully constructed her worldview inside
Hes constantly fighting with natsu but risks his life for him. He's scared of erza but continues to tease her. It fr just doesn't click for her.
She's so focused on gray she doesn't notice herself making other friends and starting to grow more as a person
Gray on the other hand is still trying to get use to asking for help and rely on others so I thinks it could just be a really interesting story of them both allowing themselves to trust someone fully, because while gray loves the fairy tail guild he would always rather shoulder everything than inconvenience one of them.
And it just also goes into how they both, to me, struggle with depression and constantly bury their real feelings and just slowly opening up to each other
Lol did u notice how in order to make Gray and juvia work romantically I had to just rewrite everything about their dynamic??? I hate canon them together it's so annoying
Some of this is canon to my rewrite but not all of it? Idk im cooking dw abt it.
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part-time-zombie · 5 months
Seeing alot of posts about being aromantic lately and it reminded me of one particular interaction I had a while back.
I was talking to a coworker one night and the conversation somehow migrated to dating and relationships. Coworker is a much older man, straight with a classic "ball and chain" perspective of his married life. Eventually he asks me about my (nonexistent) boyfriend/dating life.
Cue uncomortable internal squirming.
(while I usually just call myself queer as a catch-all umbrella label for myself, I feel the closest with being aroace and feel very little attracion/desire, sexual or romantic)
I just tell him "I don't really have a boyfriend right now, and I'm not really looking for one either. I'm pretty happy with being single."
He is predictably confused/shocked. "You mean you're just by yourself, not even looking for a relationship at all?"
"Yeah, pretty much." is all I say, silently hoping the topic changes.
"I bet that's really tough, choosing to stay single like that."
I try not to roll my eyes and just respond with "its really not. I don't want or need to be in a relationship to be happy. I'm perfectly comfortable by myself, and I never really felt the desire to be in a relationship anyway. I've never wanted to date before and I don't really plan to start dating anytime soon, and im happy like this."
Yall. This man. He starts going on about how much more mature I am compared to my peers for the choice to remain single, about how much of a good decision it is for me to not want to date because of how complicated dating can get and just generally spends life the next five minutes praising my "choice"
(It's really not a choice for me at all. I'm very socially awkward, don't know many people I'd want to date, and don't even experience the attraction/desire to even be in a relationship)
Idk, this all just got me thinking again
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aannonn · 6 months
I was.... bored...
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and been meaning to do this for a lil' while now
Anyways! I have fell into the colorful PolySticks pit a few weeks ago and I don't think I'll be getting out anytime soon. ;')
Purple isn't here because I don't really ship her with anyone, honestly. I view him more as aromantic! <3 (I don't mind ships who haves her in it, though! Respect is everything)
im so normal about them
Finding an OT5 ship meme template was so. fricking. harddd
Like- All the poly ones I could find was OT3 and OT4... Never OT5....
It got to the point where I tried to make one myself. lol (Which, I must say, it's hard. Especially since I don't know a lot about graphics)
You can clearly imagine my happiness when I finally found an OT5 version... aAAAAAAAaaAA
I did not want to leave anyone out of this. ;3
There are many nicknames I could find for them, but none of them actually grabbed my attention enough to actually remember it. SooOO- I choose ones that I could easily remember, since I mostly based it off from what I've seen from their personalities! ;') (Or that it's just short and cute. lol)
I haven't put their ages nor heights there, too, because;
How heights are explained in english are something I don't really understand much. So I leave that aside. It's not that important, anyway. lol. They all can pretty much switch between little spoon and big spoon because they are all huggy like that
I could not decide which age I want them to be, yet. So they'll remain with no ages for the time being. lol (Idk If I want to HC them as neurodivergent adults, really smart children, or maybe teens; or just no age at all! Idk! aaaa)
headcanon they started dating after avm season 3/hj
Template#1 & Template#2 I've used!
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Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
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quiddityg · 7 months
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Day 4: favorite headcanon
I don't rlly have any super favorite headcannons? So I just kinda tossed some general headcannons I have for each character lawlz
More about each character cause some of the headcannons are rlly vague lawlz
Hes on the Aromantic spectrum, where although he wants a romantic relationship, hes never rlly comfortable in relationships. Hes heteromantic though, where any romantic feelings he may have are only for women, and he generally find women way more attractive than men, but he still has those moments where he finds a guy rlly sexually attractive (cough cough pickles)
Also hes so autism coded it's like not even funny. He probably has the worst sensory issues when he eats chips and gets all that residue on his fingers.
Transgender!!!! I like to think he got top surgery as soon as money started rolling in for the band, and he probably also got bottom surgery also so he can fuck groupies without having to worry about them outing him or smth. That or hes a classic strap on man, which would also be super real of him.
This man is totally bi, he doesnt rlly have any major preference, but just goes for women more often.
I also like to think hed got ADHD but thats also me projecting like a madman cause mwehehe
I like to think he's pansexual but like, kinda doesnt rlly realize it? Like, he generally finds all sorts of people attractive, but doesnt elly act on anything, especially with other men cause he thinks it's too gay or something. All around he doesnt have a preference, and his attraction to people isnt bound by their gender.
I also like to think hes nonbinary, in the sense where he doesnt consider himself to be innately masculine or feminine at his core. That being said, hes like never heard of nonbinary people before, and hes comfortable enough as is, and knows who he is that he doesnt rlly care to put labels onto himself in that way. If he cared about pronouns, hed probably go by he/they/she
Hes also totally autistic, maybe audhd but idk
I'm sorry, I cant see him as anything else but straight. I mean, I could see him fooling around with other guys, but I dont think he would have any real sexual attraction to them, it would just be for fun. (I know skwistok shippers are not happy with me about this but IM SORRY I JUST CANT SEE HIM DOIN THATT)
That being said, I also kinda see him falling under the aromantic spectrum, specifically where he may experience minor amounts of romantic attraction, but sees no real importance in either engaging in it, or being in a romantic relationship in general.
The dyslexia bit is kinda canon knowing how he has music dyslexia with sheet music, but I also like to think he struggles with reading in general. That being said, hes probably rlly good at counting knowing how amazing he is at guitar.
How I see him, hes a closeted bisexual, and I mean CLOSETED!! Hes probably entirely oblivious about everyone elses queer identities and sees his attraction to men as an aberration of sorts. I also like to think he may find men more attractive, but would never admit it as long as he lives.
I fought demons here cause I legit see Charles as just, gay. BUT, after some thought I was like, erm, maybe he would take interest in some women?? So I just said he was bi with a major preference for men.
I also see Charles falling under the asexual spectrum, specifically where he does experience minimal sexual attraction, and isnt against having sex, but he doesnt see any importance it and is way too fucking busy. He has better things to do, basically.
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aroacewxs · 6 months
Idk if this has been asked before but Im curious to know how you think wxs all found out about their aroace identities? Personally I think Nene was the one to introduce the label to everyone else during like a group discussion where everyone is like 'yeah I just don't get the hype around romance' and nenes just like 'um. Guys are you all aromantic too?' followed by confused looks from everyone else, cueing Nene to explain it
cue me dancing around: I LOVE THIS QUESTION. this is a sign for anybody else to ask me about aroace wxs hehehe they make me happy. and i will answer in depth
starting off with tsukasa: i mentioned this here before but tsukasa to me is so oblivious aroace with sex repulsion. he doesn't particularly understand the sentiment attached to sex or romantic dates and is even more confused about the norms surrounding these things
i also don't think tsukasa will actually take the time to research what he's feeling. too much theatre in that brain. he wouldn't even consider that this feeling, feeling detached from romantic and sexual attraction, was not something everybody else experienced. he just assumes that this is how everybody lives, there's no way people actually go on dates, smash lips and all that. that only happens in plays and movies!!!!!! and then his world slightly falls apart/lh when he finds out all this is real
emu would just be like "okay!!!!!!!" and move on with her day i think. i like your thought about how nene would introduce the term to them first and everyone would be like "oh. OH" LMAO i think emu would accept it the quickest. look into it a bit maybe, consider a few of the experiences she's had regarding her lack of romantic and sexual attraction and go "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as a lightbulb flickers above her. and then she kisses her friends because she likes to do that
nene and rui would think about it the most. before knowing what the term aroace meant, they definitely thought they were broken, that they were falling behind. for rui, it went hand in hand with the alienation he experienced from his peers, and for nene, she believed that she just didn't have these feelings because she was embarrassed to make friends in the first place. forget romantic lovers. but it would catch up to her as she enters high school because she believed that by now, she should have some sort of desire to pursue a romantic relationship like how everyone else around her did.
they would both go on thorough internet deep dives, watching different videos about attraction, browsing the aroace subreddit, etc. this is a little silly but i think nene stumbled across jaiden animations' aroace video and had her life permanently changed by it (me). i like to imagine nene and rui walking home together one day and then nene suddenly saying "i think i'm aroace," to which a wide-eyed rui replies with "same. what the freak" and they'd quietly share their findings as the sun sets behind them.
tldr: nene and rui think about it the most -> emu and tsukasa remain oblivious -> nene and rui come out to each other -> they bond over their shared experiences -> nene comes out to wxs first -> introduces the term -> tsukasa and emu's lives are changed -> they move on. show must go on
thanks for the ask :D
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Ok, little rant here about the concept of how « love is what makes us human » because, umm… No? Full disclosure, I am Allo, and I’ve only heard about the « Love is what makes us human » thing once I’ve started frequenting the aromantic side of Tumblr. Which i started looking at cause im writing a loveless aroace character into a story Im working on and needed information about the most respectful way to do that)
And it is the worst opinion ever. If you’re aro, (+ loveless, aplatonic, ex) I’m so sorry you have to hear that dumbassery. So, here’s the two big reasons why it’s so wrong :) :
1) The capacity for love is not a uniquely human emotion. Yes, a big part why we survived in nature is our ability to cooperate and team up with each other (yay comrade original humans), but that doesn’t mean that that ability comes from « love ». Also we are not the only species that do that, many other species do that, and can love each other. Plus, seeing at there’s proof that homosexuality exists in more species that human, it only makes sense that asexuality+Aromanticism do as well. We just don’t see it other than a few remarks about how an animal isn’t breeding how we want it to.
2) As someone who took even just one sociology class (and plans to take more). No, love it not what makes us human. If you actually want to be technical about it, cooking is what made us human. And I’m not saying that chefs and the only valid humans or vegans are aliens or whatever. Just that the ability to cook and eat cooked meat is what gave us larger and more complex brains that other animals, because proteins and stuff (idk, im a sociology nerd, not a science nerd). Which gave us the mental capacity we have now.
TLDR: Love doesn’t make us human, lots of animals love and lots of humans and animals do not. Cooking is what made us into humans.
(There’s probably more I can say, especially about the intricacies of this and of defining a group of people as one thing. Cause that never works and usually ends bad. But I’m writing this at midnight cause I can’t fall asleep and I’m bored. Let me know what you think, let me know what you think I got wrong.)
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lostlosersclub · 19 days
tbh ive only really recently started attempting to stop pushing down the fact that im aspec. ive known that im on the aromantic spectrum before i figured out anything else. that was literally the first thing i knew. but idk im not fully aro so a lot of the time when i would try to talk about it, i would feel guilty because like. i still feel romantic attraction. but ive known that i feel it differently for a long time. i never really feel any romantic attraction unless somebody else feels that way about me. i think i should actually stop pushing this down
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clarablightt · 5 months
this year was honestly one of the biggest years in my life just in terms of person developments! i wasn’t planning on doing a recap thingy of everything that happened, but i kinda had a lot happen?? idk im doing it anyway haha sooo…
✨2023 Recap Time✨
this year i started work on a personal writing project!! it’s nowhere near completion, but i’ve made so much progress in the span of this year that i genuinely believe it could be released some day! creating an entire fantasy world from scratch has been hard, to say the least, plus developing so many different characters, but this world has become so big and interesting and im so excited to share it with everyone!! idk what that will be, but maybe i’ll be able to share some artwork next year?? no promises tho oops
this is also the year i realized im aromantic and asexual. i genuinely didn’t think this would happen, but im so glad i finally realized myself! knowing that this is who i am has made life much easier to navigate. im now able to be true to myself without getting bogged down by the nonsense of romance and sex which is honestly great! im glad this is who i am and im proud to call myself aroace
but most importantly!! this year i met someone who has changed the course of my life for the better. i met the kindest and sweetest girl in the world who has given me the most beautiful and comforting queerplatonic relationship i could have ever asked for! the way we met honestly feels like destiny, because there’s just too many coincidences for it to simply be accidental haha
i look forward to going into the new year with her, because i know it’ll be amazing as long as she’s by my side. i love you sweetheart!! thank you for everything! ♡ ♡
in the new year i hope to… idk draw more?? definitely draw/write more. i didn’t plan how to end this uuhhh thanks for a good year tumblr! i’ll see you all next year! (bad joke bad joke)
also im tagging you in this hehe @animalsandskyyy
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