#im feeling really poetic 4 no reason
guitarhero-3 · 20 days
even if i am not aromantic or asexual in the future i really really appreciate the aspec community. all of you are so wonderful and welcoming and i am so thankful for all of u every single one of yall
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im not going to be overly critical or say too much yet because I feel like I don't have enough info and I haven't read enough of this to really say anything major but I think a lot of the things I'm personally not liking so far seem really reminiscent to me of all the things I didn't like in oshiro's works, there's a similar quality and pattern to the things that are making me go :/ that aligns pretty well imo with the patterns that made me go :/ in his works I read in prep for that which sucks because I really want to enjoy what oshiro brings to the table... I dont want to call any of it "flaws" as there's definitely a point where art is just subjective (I mean he's a publishes author so he's doing something right for sure) but there's these same "hang ups" that keep appearing that's just not good? it's like reading a poem and nothing is clicking and it's not like I don't get it, I can understand what's being put in front of me, it's just... not good.... oof... it's like all the issues beginners make in writing to me.... there's no emotion there's no depth there's no build there's no reconnection of the story to deeper themes there's nothing that makes your breath catch or your heart stop or even to make you laugh- if you can't be emotionally introspective at least be funny...? I feel like each of us a desert was at least somewhat better than this because it was a world and characters oshiro designed themselves and he knew how to play with and that creates some semi-interesting and semi-unique concepts and plots and characters but instead here we have oshiro being handed dolls and a world he didn't build so of course it comes off like fanfic and it's just.... Will feels like arm candy rather than a person, there's more telling than showing going on....
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multishipper-baby · 4 months
heyyyss !! dont know if youve talked about this before but i know you have an interest in eakoweddy and/or eakowededdy and i was wondering...
what is your vision of freddeak? (i dunno what theyre called.. sorry) i mean. i can imagine fredeak and eakwynn dynamics but i have some trouble thinking of a dynamic for freddy and eak so i wonder what YOU think of them. im really curious !!
-Vibrates- YES I can absolutely tell you about my freddeak dynamic! I have a lot of thoughts about them, both as a duo and as part of my OT3/4 madness, so I’ll try to explain all that a little. Warning: this is very long and rambly. I'm sorry if you wanted a short answer lmao.
How the ship happens
With this ship, we have a few interesting narrative points we can explore:
Eak is currently working with Owynn in his quest to find shadows, so he’s an antagonistic figure in Freddy’s life.
Eak doesn’t know Freddy has a shadow yet, and Freddy doesn’t know anything about the villains' plans, which means neither of them are aware of their antagonistic relationship yet.
Eak doesn’t actually want to work for Owynn or hurt anyone, but instead is doing it out of a desire to help Cami. This means he’s very likely to betray Owynn if given the opportunity.
So, what can we do with all this? I think it would be very interesting to explore the possibility of Freddy ultimately being the reason Eak decides to leave Owynn’s side, outing the whole plan and leading up to a victory for our heroes. It would be very poetic, I think, for Owynn to lose because someone from his team chose Freddy over him.
But how would we get there? It’s simple- like I’ve mentioned before, we know that Owynn is looking for shadows. Cami is the one who has the magic violin and her ability to control people, but in Ep. 4 Season 2, Owynn asks Eak how the search is going, which leads me to believe that he’s supposed to be doing something offscreen related to finding the shadows. As far as we know, though, Eak doesn’t have any special abilities, so… What is he doing? I like to think he’s the one keeping an eye out for rumors, trying to figure out who could have a shadow through the grapevine- looking for people who talk to themselves, or have odd mood changes, or seem to act differently depending on the day. And because of all this, it’d be easy for him to figure out something could be going on with Freddy, and decide to take a closer look. Especially if he knows Owynn has a special interest in him. So, now we have a reason for the two of them to interact. How would their dynamic work?
I think it would make sense for them to form a very casual friendship, at first- nothing exceptional, just classroom friends. Someone you hang out with at school and like alright, but aren’t close enough to actually invite to your house on the weekends or something. Eak wants to figure out what’s going on with Freddy, but he’s obviously going to look suspicious if he immediately jumps into trying to be best friends after not talking to the guy during most of their school year(s). And with their time together, there’s a chance for things to slowly take a turn.
Eak isn’t evil. He’s willing to do some evil things for the sake of the plan, but it’s clear that he isn't having fun with it the way Owynn is. The only reason he’s even helping with the plan is because he cares so much about Cami, and later, because he’s worried that things going wrong will lead to Towntrap getting hurt. He’s obviously a very loyal guy and, if he even got close to Freddy, I can imagine his loyalty would start getting in the way. So he’d be the perfect character to finally get the animatronics on the loop of what’s actually going on, hoping that they’ll be able to help him (and Cami, and Towntrap) get away from Owynn. I don’t even think Freddy would feel betrayed (although maybe he’d be a bit hurt) by Eak lying to him at first, given how understandable his situation is. I mean, who wouldn’t lie if it’s to save their friends from death? So, they can work together to defeat Owynn and have their little happily ever after.
The dynamic
Okay cool, we have a way for the characters to get close. But how would they actually interact? What kind of relationship would they have?
For starters, I think they would have a good start in the relationship, given the fact that Eak would probably know about Fred from the start- and wouldn't find that all too surprising. Eak is already informed of the shadow world, and of magic in general, so I think he'd be able to help Freddy navigate that part of himself more easily than someone who isn't as aware of it like the animatronics. Not to mention that Eak already knowing who Fred is and what he is means that there's no need for Freddy to hide or feel nervous about him, so that would be a pretty big weight off his shoulders (especially since I think Fred and Eak would get along. I ship them too, after all).
Plus I feel like Freddy deserves someone who's a little too devoted, someone fully ride or die. The animatronics are good and I like all their friendships, but Freddy is always getting dragged into weird shadow stuff and has a villain gunning for him- he needs the guy who would risk his life just to help a friend.
On Eak's side of the whole thing, I think he'd be glad to have someone a little more on his wavelength. Cami and Towntrap are polar opposites in every way- one who's very serious and another that never seems to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation. One who's cold and unfeeling and another who feels things too much. One that's smart and cunning and another who somehow fucks everything up. He loves them, but they're kind of A Lot. Having a partner who's more relaxed, more down to earth could do wonders for him. Someone needs to keep him from going insane, and Owynn definitely isn't going to do that lol.
A thing worth mentioning is how much Freddy teases Fred in Season 2, once their relationship is more friendly, and how much Eak does the same to Towntrap. They would love poking fun at each other and you can't convince me otherwise. They can be a little mean, as a treat <3
Also I have the headcanon that Freddy is touch starved and Eak is canonically very touchy. Freddy who's too shy to say he wants affection x Eak who is so comfortable holding his hand and putting his arm around his shoulders and sitting close enough to touch that he does it constantly. I want good things for Freddy, what can I say?
A tangent about my AU
If you’re not aware, I have an AU called “FHS: Farewell Despair Highschool”, which is a crossover AU with the characters of FHS inserted into the plot of Danganronpa. I’m mentioning this here because working on this AU is actually what really sold me on the ship, so I’d thought it made sense to mention how their relationship works in it. Be warned though that if you haven't played Danganronpa this part might be confusing.
Since the AU takes most of its elements from Danganronpa, I thought it'd be interesting to think about what an actual full game for the AU would be like. Because the entire thing would be completely from Freddy's point of view, all the characters will be filtered through his eyes and they'll need to interact with him for plot and character progression. So, I had to think about how Freddy's relationship would be with all the characters, and how each of those connections would develop as the game progresses and more people die.
During murder investigations, Eak and Freddy end up working together quite often- with Eak being the one that watches over the scene of the crime and examines the corpse most often due to being one of the less squeamish students, while Freddy is the main detective that ends up solving all the cases. Due to this, Eak ends up being on Freddy's side when there's conflict amongst the class, becoming somewhat loyal to him. In his eyes, despite Freddy's flaws, he's still the one that's pushing them all forward by solving the mysteries so far- which means they'd all be dead without him. This becomes especially true given that Freddy's biggest rival is Meg, someone Eak doesn't get along with.
So, our anxiety ridden and zero self-esteem Freddy now has someone on his corner. Eak isn't the only one who's supported him, of course, but by Chapter 4 most of his friends are dead, leaving only Eak and Usagi as his main companions. He feels more confident in his reasoning abilities, given that he's been able to solve everything the game throws at him so far, but emotionally he's breaking down more and more as their numbers drop. He's in need of this small support system he's made for himself more than ever before…
…and then Eak becomes one of the killers. Not to save himself, mind you, but to get rid of all of them. Eak wants them all to die, for a reason he won't specify, but that he assures him is very important. He needs to kill them all for their own good, because he cares about them so much. They need to trust him and choose death. And Freddy doesn't get it, can't understand it, so he lets Eak die to save the rest.
Except he later finds out that Eak was very much telling the truth: he tried to kill them to keep a secret so horrible, so despairing, so awful that it threatens to destroy all of the survivors mentally. But together, they manage to pull through, and find out that everything that's happened to them was only part of a simulation. Which means that they have the chance to reunite with all of the dead students… Eak included.
Now, this AU isn't about freddeak. Not only is it not canon, but it's not even the main relationship Freddy builds in it- that would probably be Freddy and Usagi, or Freddy and Chica, or Freddy and Meg. But I thought the dynamic between these two was very interesting as I examined it more deeply, and I couldn't help but enjoy it a lot. I love the idea of them becoming friends. I love the idea of Eak defending Freddy when he's too unconfident to defend himself. I love the idea of Eak's betrayal, and how it's not actually a betrayal, but an act of love towards his classmates. I love how later learning the truth about what happened reframes it almost like it was Freddy who betrayed him, by not believing in him while Eak always believed in Freddy. I love the idea of them reuniting and working through their awful trauma together. It's very detached from anything canon, but it certainly won me over.
I actually have thought more about their reunion and the “post game” storyline and all that other stuff but that also has a lot to do with a larger group dynamic and both their relationships to Owynn so we'll leave it here for now. But since I mentioned Owynn, how about we transition to…
The larger OT3 dynamic
Okay last section I promise. Now, we'll be talking about my idea for freddeak in the context of eakoweddy (Fred is there too but won't be discussed much because he's got other stuff going on and this is already getting long).
So obviously I like eakwynn and oweddy- just following me for a while will make this abundantly clear. I like a lot of Owynn ships. However, I don't think a lot of Owynn ships would be necessarily healthy. He's the villain, he looks down at others, he's willing to hurt basically every character we've met so far for his own ends… he's just not a good dude. This isn't really a problem for me, as an enjoyer of complicated and toxic relationship dynamics, but it does leave me wondering: if we wanted a ship that could redeem and help Owynn become a better person, what would that look like?
I think Freddy, on his own, would have a good shot at it… but he'd definitely struggle. Freddy, for all he tries, isn't very good at being assertive with anyone that isn't Fred. He's often pushed around or ignored by others, and Owynn is very much used to doing these things. Owynn has also shown so far that he's likely to hide away his true intentions and personality with the heroes, so we don't know how willing he is to show Freddy his true colors. Not to mention the whole “Owynn blames Freddy for some unmentioned transgression and seems weirdly obsessive about his revenge” thing. Very gay, but not very healthy.
On the other hand, there's Eak. He already knows all the worst parts about Owynn, knows all of his flaws and bad intentions. That's one of the main appeals of eakwynn for me, the idea of falling in love with someone after already seeing them at their worst. And Eak is a headstrong guy, who isn't afraid to speak his mind, even when what he wants to say is rude. If Owynn wasn't holding Cami and Towntrap over his head, Eak would definitely call him out whenever he crosses a line. However, I don't think Eak would necessarily be able to really “redeem” Owynn. I always imagined their dynamic as a more mutual thing; Eak makes Owynn a bit of a better person, but Owynn also makes Eak a little worse. See, I think Eak being a very loyal person has the chance of making him a bit of an enabler, too willing to look past the bad behavior of someone he loves and too willing to defend them when he shouldn't. He can call out Owynn when it's necessary… but he might not want to do that.
But the two of them together? I think they would balance out each other's weaknesses. Freddy keeps Eak from forgetting his morality too much. Eak makes sure Freddy is heard and not brushed aside. Freddy shows Eak the best in Owynn, and Eak helps him brace himself for the worst of Owynn. They compliment each other wonderfully.
And they can also work as each other's emotional support. Because of course not everyone is going to accept that they want to date someone that hurt them both. I imagine the animatronics, Cami and Towntrap would be far from thrilled to learn about the relationship. But with both of them dating Owynn, they can talk about him without worrying about judgment from others. They get that part of each other. Bonding over mutual bad taste in guys.
It's nice to have a crazy guy to smooch, but sometimes you want to also smooch someone less crazy. They're each other's less crazy <3 and I think that's gay.
Conclusion: Eak and Freddy should kiss.
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anchorandrope · 1 year
hi love,
okay, i wasn't planning to do this because i don't do analysis anymore (mainly because i suck at it) but since it wasn't the only ask i got, i'm going to try. obviously this is my interpretation, it doesn't mean that it's the only one etc etc.
Disclaimer: i took out the parts that are repeated. i will also add definitions of "obvious" things (so that non-native english speakers can better understand).
first, before analysing the song, let's see what Louis had to say about it.
Written in the same few days as the last two songs. Dave [Gibson] turned up with this picture on his phone of the title ‘She is beauty we are world class’ it was written in the toilet mirror of a train. Felt like a weird place for such a poetic sentiment (Louis via twitter, Wednesday 16 November 2022)
Louis tweeted about all the songs on FITF on 16 November 2022 because there was a listening party for the album. If you check the order of the tweets you will see that he tweeted the songs in this order: [his top 3], high in california, the greatest, waoyf (x), btm (x), ftm, chicago, all this time, out of my system, headline (x), saturdays (x) (x) (x), silver tongues (x), sibwawc, common people (x), holding onto heartache, ttwlg. the same order as the album, only in the tweets he didn't talk about angels fly. so, we can deduce that sibwawc was written together with saturdays and silver tongues. these 3 songs were written by David Sneddon, Joseph Cross, Louis and Theo Hutchcraft and produced by Joseph himself.
On this song, She is Beauty We Are World Class, it’s a thought-provoking title I don’t, you know, I’ve got I’m not certain what it means to me I’ve got an idea but it’s one of those phrases that I think is open to interpretation. Now Dave Sneddon, who I wrote this with. Joe Cross and Theo as well, really mad story he got the train down to the to the writing camp and on the toilet… in the toilet on the train written on the mirror was “she is beauty” and then he got a picture of it and then below it in a slightly different colored pen so we can’t work out from the same person someone, looks like someone had finished it off and put “we are world class”. He just kind of came with his picture, he was like this is an interesting title and that’s where this song kind of came from and I kind of like that someone else wrote it. We don’t really necessarily know what it meant to them; we know what it means to us. That was that was an interesting moment I think this is where we said, “let’s really try and go all in on the dance-ier sound of things” because I kind of allude to it on like All This Time but like it’s not quite as like trancey as this is. Almost has that kind of DMA’s lift with it with the instrumental that comes in on the post chorus. This for whatever reason this is, like it’s my best mate’s favorite tune I do really like this song but I think, it’s another one of those songs it’s important for the record to give a different flavor yeah. (Louis via youtube - Tuesday 13 December 2022).
what we learn from this is that 1) the title DOES mean something to Louis, 2) his #bestmate loves the song *pretends to be shocked*, 3) he believes the song is important to the album in a lyrical and musical aspect 4) links the song to All This Time for its musical part (he said it on twitter too, he said att and sibwawc are tracey - we love this pair of sisters 😌).
I’ve always loved All This Time. Just feel like a feel good tune from the off. James had a great vision for this song, it also helps ‘she is beauty’ not sick out on its own @LlSTENlNG_PARTY (Louis via twitter, Wednesday 16 November 2022)
For reference: beauty is a noun that means an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it, or a person who has this attractive quality (cambridge dictionary).
we know that louis believes that the title is divided into “she is beauty” on the one hand and “we are world class” on the other. here we have two subjects “she” and “we”. it's interesting, because if we want to talk about the beauty of a person who uses the “she” pronoun, it would be “she is beautiful” but, in this case, we are saying that “she” is THE beauty herself. then there is a “we” (2 or more people) who are not up to her standard or level of beauty. so, if “she” is the beauty herself and “we” are not at her standard, that means that “we” is not up to the beauty standard. that could be one interpretation, another could be that “she is beauty” is being used as an idiomatic expression where it's synonymous with “she is beautiful” and the “we” is the rest of the world. a phrase of love, contemplation and admiration. only a person truly blinded by love could claim that there is, in effect, one person who is above the beauty of the rest of the world. we can also think that “she” and “we” are replacing something. i mean that Louis uses the pronoun “she” to refer to a thing or person and the pronoun “we” to refer to things or people.
Verse 1
Conversation is currency
“currency” can be the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time or the state of being commonly known or accepted, or of being used in many places – according to the cambridge dictionary. so it could be “conversation is money” or “conversation is diffusion”. both cases make sense. Louis is a person who sometimes - literally - gets paid to talk. also, being a big-name international artist, it makes a lot of sense that he also says it in the form of “sometimes i have to talk to people who just want money”. and, of course, the conversation is diffusion, of what? information, facts, anecdotes, opinions, preferences, literally everything. in this interpretation, there is something that spreads as people speak out. i think Louis could be alluding to both meanings, but, personally, i think it speaks more to the fact that there is something that is spreading.
Shapes become a language
relating to the interpretations of the first sentence, if we keep talking about money, the shapes could respect numbers or mathematical symbols. if we talk about diffusion, we could say that there are shapes that are being related to each other and that take on meaning.
Square eyes and sunglasses
we could say that square eyes is an idiomatic expression used to refer to when a person consumes a lot of media, especially tv. (source: cambridge dictionary). sunglasses cover the eyes, so we could say that this person, who consumes a lot of media, wants to hide it. If we continue talking about money, we can say that there is someone who consumes or is inside the media who wants to hide and if we talk about diffusion, we can say that there is a group of people who receive a lot of information and that is why they decide not to take it all, either because they like it or because they cannot.
Finding faces in the trees
this clearly alludes to pareidolia. if we continue with the interpretation of money, we can say that there is someone who thinks they are finding their way out but clearly they are not. if we talk about diffusion, we can think that there are one or more people who see things that are not real.
Fabricated fairytales
this is a breaking point for me because up to this point the money interpretation (as i call it hehe) made sense but for me this lyric breaks with that. in the money interpretation, i imagined that Louis was talking about his situation with people who are higher up than him in terms of power. Louis could have been saying that there are people in the media who are trying to hide and escape of a situation (which we don't know, but we can intuit that it has to do with him, obviously), but this lyric makes me believe that he's not talking about people with more power, but with less. if the song is from Louis’ point of view, that means that louis SEES and IS AWARE of lies that are spread. it is hyper-ultra-super-mega cool that he said FAIRYTALES !!!! fairytales have a purpose and that is ✨pleasing young people✨ as know as ✨ Louis’ target audience✨
so far Louis is telling us that there are fabricated fairytales that are being diffusing to generate money, and that the square eyes consume them and on that basis hide what they don't want to see, and then find things where there aren't any. gotcha.
Bring a new world to life
discarding the money interpretation, we can say that this lyric means that someone or something is able to change the situation and bring a new world into reality.
Sit down, sit down in the space and time
this lyric is very abstract and complex to me. for me it speaks of a protest in a specific space and time where Louis is not going to leave until he is heard.
She is beauty
and here comes the question… who the hell is “she”? she is the lies, dear. lies are beautiful, who are we going to fool? if most people would rather believe things they know deep down are false and deny reality than accept it. (note that it's not “they” it's “she” so it's a particular lie).
And we are world class (woah-oh-oh)
okay, but who the hell is “we”? the world, sweetheart. the whole world (generalising) prefers to live in lies.
this is something that has always been repeated (its a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy baby).
We'll let the feeling last
the world is going to let that feeling last as long as it can, until the lie is unsustainable.
Verse 2
Escape the inevitable
as i said, lies are a ticking time bomb as they all, sooner or later, come to light. so people will always try to escape the “bomb” but it's impossible.
Fade into light
here he talks about how dark lies can be as they fade into the light (truth).
Soak up the empathy
here Louis is asking one or more people to fucking empathise with him. to put themselves in his fucking shoes or imagine what he is going through.
'Cause I'm with you tonight
it doesn't matter if you fell for the lie, i'm with you
Are we one, or are we two?
do we think the same or do we think differently?
Are we me, or are we you?
are we looking at the situation from my point of view or from yours?
Has it been all this before?
Ii you have already seen this happen, why do you still not realise it?
Do you see what I see?
do you understand now?
Surrounded by lights (X6)
Surrounded, surrounded
Surrounded, surrounded by-
this means two things to me: 1) he is surrounded by the truth because it's his fucking life and 2) Louis is always surrounded by cameras, tv studio lights, radios, interviews, etc. but more importantly, he's surrounded by our lights because the moment he sees the most lights is at the shows, thousands of phones with their torches on him.
special mention to Louis who put rainbow lights HIMSELF in his show during sibwawc since otb is not in the setlist (which is when he was literally surrounded by rainbow lights thanks to the fan project of the fans).
To conclude
the song talks, in MY opinion about closeting and its relationship with the general public and the fans. i'm not saying that Louis dedicated a song to antis saying that they fell for the lie because they are shit, no. i'm saying that the media induces these lies in our society and that the target audiences of the lie buy into them because they are innocent.
if you have finished reading this, i thank you for your time and hope you found my attempt at explanation helpful. i would like to read other analyses so if you have personal interpretations or know of other posts: send me an ask <3
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allamericansbitch · 11 months
Can you maybe (only if you want to) rank Taylor’s albums and maybe also explain why you’d rank them like that?
oh okay ill try
evermore - my beloved, i love how every single song has such a strong identity if that makes sense. like there's this common debate that evermore is the better album but folklore has better songs? i think folklore has a strong identity as an album but the songs dont as much as evermore. every song is so unique and lives in it's own world and i LOVE taylors voice with real instruments and her storytelling is peaked here.
folklore - everything that i said about evermore basically but slightly less. i love the vibes she was able to capture and the whole album paints such a picture- i've always felt like taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and this being such a new place for her (genre and writing wise) shows how refreshed she must have felt.
speak now - the most dramatic, messy and honest album in my opinion. its so late teens/early 20s to me in terms of subject matter and i love when she uses some rock influence in her songs and theres so much guitar in this album i love it. also the fact that it's entirely self written insane.
1989 - a modern classic. this also strengthens my theory that taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and challenging. i cant believe the first time she tried pop she came out with style, ootw, blank space, etc.... like wtf. the lyrics arent as poetic as one would hope but there still good and very impressive.
fearless - my baby. there's just something so bittersweet about this album and it's so solid. there's not a lot i would cut (from the standard version... vault tracks are different) and its so wholesome and full of whimsy. i love the production on it too, i think it works with her voice so so well and it's aged beautifully.
midnights - okay heres the thing, every criticism ive seen about this album makes sense and i agree but for some reason after seeing it live... idk i like it a lot. there definitely are skips and i get why people were just unimpressed truly... but some of the songs are so insanely catchy and i like the way her voice sounds... cant explain it.
red - i think this album is really good when you're in a certain place in your life or a certain mood, it's not an everyday album for me. i think it has some of her best ballads/slow songs but the upbeat ones lack for me. the best ones are holy ground and state of grace tbh. plus with how long red tv is... it's a bit overwhelming.
debut - she's cute but she could be improved upon and it's her first album so we can cut her some slack, i love iomwiwy, tim mcgraw, picture to burn, should've said no, our song, etc. she has standouts she's nice.
reputation - this is where we go into the negatives outway the positives. this production is way too much for me, like i said her voice sounds it's best with real instruments underneath is to me- so this really fake manufactured production just doesnt work. it also aged sooo badly to me. this album live is a different story tbh but recorded it's just not my fav. when she's performing it live she adds real instruments and im praying that she does that with the rerecording because it helps so much. the only songs i would literally die for her not to change is lwymmd, dress, so it does, and ready for it. i think dont blame me is so overrated and dont understand why people love it.... im sorry. it's so basic to me... we've seen the whole 'your live is my drug' this so often and the production is basic too... i feel like anyone could be singing it.
lover - my god what this album could have been. this has some of her best and some of her worst. my list of complaints is long. i dont like the production- same reasons as reputation, way too fake and clunky. some of the lyrics are.... wild. the setlist is strange, i would cut like 4 songs tbh. i love cruel summer, inthaf, sygb, lover, london boy and false god.
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mformarsala · 2 years
I've just read Star Wars: Obi-Wan #3 and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings so here they are (spoilers!)
1) Obi-Wan in long robs!!
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2) Holly shit Obi-Wan still has his old armor
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3) Does that mean Obi-Wan never learned about the chips????
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4) I just love to see Cody's role and competency acknowledged.
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5) See, this takes place after Christophsis so it's not the first battle Obi-Wan has with 212th or with Cody as his 2nd-in-command. Meaning Obi-Wan is thinking about shinies. And about Cody. Perhaps because he is another authority figure that feels responsible for the lives they are going to lose tomorrow.
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6) He-he, Glory (im sorry)
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7) Obi-Wan canonically loses himself in the view and in his thoughts and Cody has to save him.
8) Cody is protecting Obi-Wan's head.
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9) They are so foul for this one. I straight up had to stop reading after "last night" and compose myself. Airo, baby boy, I love you, you did not die, we have collectively adopted you. Now every fic about 212th has to have Airo (right? right???)
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10) The banner and the jedi symbol being the same color is Poetic.
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11) ..Obi-Wan feels clones die on the battlefield (i think im gonna be sick)
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12) Obi-Wan calls clones people
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13) Cody turning to check on his general
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14) Pieta. I feel like besides immediate tragedy there is a far-reaching narrative parallel with the clones that are brought into the world to die for others and Obi-Wan that can do nothing but love them.
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15) Clones and jedi are meant for each other.
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16) I just know that this came up later as part of Cody's argument to keep wrestling Obi-Wan into the armor ("we could have lost you, general")
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17) There is no strategic reason for Obi-Wan to carry the banner.
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18) As far as I understand commander Mekedrix is career military. And this panel is a juxtaposition of his views and those of jedi. Where Mekedrix is trained to focus on strategy and the big picture as the means to work and cope under the implicit assumption that there will be casualties under his orders, Obi-Wan is unable to turn away from the loss of life.
19) (he reminds me of namor)
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20) I.. Obi-Wan needed to watch the sunrise and then Cody with the sun on his armor came to check on him. Cody was really a stronghold that helped Obi-Wan get through the war.
21) Cody is reaching for Obi-Wan.
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In conclusion:
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i was born this way/grey clouds behind my eyelids/cuss words on my lips/crown of hate on my head/and they ask me often/will dying be enough/i have no answer/will bleeding be enough/never/im scared/im not at the same time/forgive me/forget me/ i wake up/suffer/go back to sleep/ i sleep/wake up/cry/and wish/let me die/in the arms of calm/let me cry/ till 4 in the morning/blood stains on my bedsheet/im no old man/im tired/is living really enough/hide me in your mind tonight/ im drowing/there's no water/im falling/ i haven't jumped yet/ use my name as a synonym for hopelessness/ use my body as a reminder/ these words dont define me/these words are still mine/there is no sense in this/im sorry/what's the matter/i dont know myself/i learnt how to make a noose/im too scared/time/not in my favor/it'll never be/is being ugly okay/is it okay to not like your reflection/what am i talking about/ am i real right now/ can you hold my hand/ im loosing my grip from reality/ sadness without any reason/im counting my breaths/one/two/fifteen/im scared/am i a coward/ i dont know/ sixteen/seventeen/twenty five/is it too late/my ears are burning/why is it so hard to forget/touches/people/words/can you touch hope/if not/ is it real/there's too much noise/my head hurts/why do i hear the past/in my head/im 11/blink 1/im 13/blink 2/im 19/i wanna be poetic/i lack words/if i glue my heart to my sleeve/will it hurt less/flesh and bones/rage and anguish/ alway together/ forever and ever/people around me are as broken as this city/help me leave/void inside me/growing/will to live/leaving/pull me from my own grip/do i still have to care/think/feel ashamed/define beautiful/exclude me/i am actually still alive/for fucks sake/one last time/breathe/again/die/die/die
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I posted 6,048 times in 2022
That's 6,048 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (1%)
5,972 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,438 of my posts in 2022
#art - 121 posts
#fnaf - 110 posts
#video - 78 posts
#yes - 73 posts
#writer's life - 58 posts
#pretty - 42 posts
#fnaf security breach - 41 posts
#wheeze - 39 posts
#funny - 36 posts
#cute - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#fandom is me forcing my friend to read snippets from a fic im writing from a fandom they couldn't care less about but supporting me anyway
My Top Posts in 2022:
The struggle when I’m writing a fanfiction and I’m really excited and I really enjoy it and I want to post and share it with people! But! I know how bad I am at finishing projects and the story isn’t even half done and what if I lose motivation and just have another half finished fic sitting out there and I disappoint EVERYONE. But also what if I DONT DO THAT and I could’ve been sharing it the whole time and getting feedback and enjoying reading people’s comments ? and round and round my brain goes on this one circular track 
12 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Sure those stars might’ve been dead for who knows how long but sailors still looked to them for guidance
15 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
This is such a weird dumb idea and maybe other people have already theorized this and I’m just out of the loop but it’s making me laugh so I’m going to share it anyway
so there’s the whole gregbot thing right? Well what if Gregory isn’t a robot but Vanessa is? Maybe Vanny created her as lookalike/stunt double kind of thing so Vanny was free to wear her creepy mask and run around killing people but could point to Vanessabot who was roaming around the Pizzaplex doing her job as an alibi 
It would explain the rooftop ending where Vanny seems to really closely resemble Vanessa, but Vanessa is shown to be standing up on the roof while Vanny is on the ground. I know there’s the theory of it being Vanessa’s ghost which is probably more likely but idk, Vanessabot is funnier to me for some reason
16 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Feel like in Security Breach Gregory really went “I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me” and then committed organ theft
30 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Chapter 25: To let go (and to hold on) I saw this moment as poetic and I hope I interpreted this scene right Gosh, William be damned- I love your fic!
I am I'm literally a bit overwhelmed I never thought anyone would like something I'd read enough to make art based on it. This is GOREGOUS and I love it so much and I think you might've just made my entire year. Ty, tysm I adore this and I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic
34 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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trylobite · 2 years
currents, part one
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                                        journal entry # 42
                     may 3, 1998 - 4 days before graduation
looking back on the countless hours spent loving and being loved by pj these last two years, i never imagined things would end like this. i never thought i would end things like this.  
we have been fighting more and more recently. he thinks im unhappy, everyone thinks im unhappy. fuck, even i thought i was unhappy with him for a while, but I don’t think that’s it. It may sound totally juvenile and cliche, but I think im too happy with pj, and its becoming so terrifying. why are the best things always so fucking terrifying?
the love we share is bursting from my every seam and that’s why i can’t continue. i love him so much, so truly but, after days of contemplation i’ve concluded that despite being surrounded by all this love, i feel so dejected. i want to be a good person and love people with my entire soul, and right now, i don’t fucking know anything, especially not the importance of loving and cherishing someone else for all that they are. thats what i do know.
i dont think it insane of me to say that i don’t want to look back on this relationship years from now, having not ended it, and us both be miserable.
the devastating thing is, if that were the outcome, i don’t think he would leave me like im about to leave him. he’s too selfless. i don’t want to do it, truly i don’t. i don’t want to murder his spirit in the process of figuring out who i am, but is it nobler to sacrifice myself for the man i love the most and never be able to give him the love he deserves in return?
maybe that was too poetic, but dear journal, i really mean it.
i know what i must do, it was bound to happen. i just can’t let myself hurt him anymore. i know that once im gone, he will be happier.
—— october 30, 2000 ——
i breathe in deeply letting the crisp, autumn, pennsylvania air fill my lungs.
ever since graduation ive been up north in the glum state of maine trying to connect with myself. i tried college up there for a few weeks but dropped out because all it was doing was adding to the stress and heartbreak i was putting myself through.
inever told anyone where i was going, just my parents so they could send money every now and then. but to everyone else, i sort of…disappeared.
i spent most of my time in maine with my neighbor, edith. shes this feisty little hippie lady in her mid 60’s, and she took me in when i was at my lowest. edith runs a quaint little bakery in town, which she sort of manipulated me into working at, but to be honest i’ve never minded. she has a luxurious garden thats full of herbs and spices used in her shop. we have spent many hours back there in her garden just talking, crying, laughing,. she taught me so much about the mysterious ways humans live and adjust. she would tell me stories from her life that taught her about empathy, love, betrayal, and remorse. i’ve learned a lot from ole edith and for that i will forever be in her debt.
edith is actually the one who convinced me to come back after all this time, to my home town. i didnt want to, for reasons obvious to both edith and i, but as i hinted at before, once edith wants something shes relentless. she told me to come and visit for a few days over halloween weekend, and if it was horrible i could give her a call and she would buy my train ticket back immediately. i reluctantly packed my bags and rang my parents to tell them the news.
so here i am, in the backseat of my family car that we have had since I was 10 years old, I can still smell the cigarette smoke from when my mom was an avid chain smoker in the early 90’s. i have the window down letting the sharp, icy wind swirl my hair all about my face. my headphones are blaring against my ears so loud that im almost positive my parents could hear the music over the wind. i’ve been playing matchbox twenty’s “yourself or someone like you” album on repeat the entire train ride here, and I don’t know if it’s the nauseating loneliness in rob thomas’ voice blasting into my head for hours or if it’s the weight that these familiar streets carry but im starting to feel very anxious and lightheaded the closer we get to home.
i let go of a shaky breath i didn’t know i was holding as we pass the skate park me and the boys spent a million nights at fucking around, smoking, getting drunk. i would always complain when steve brought his “magic dust”, but pj always promised if anything happened, he would make sure i was taken care of. bam and ryan always just laughed in my face and told me to loosen up, fucking assholes.  
bam margera has been my best friend ever since i can remember. we grew up next door to one another, and with no other neighboring houses being as close as ours are, it was inevitable that we would become attached at the hip. we would always hunt for bugs and crawfish down in the creek by my house and use them to scare his mom, april. i remember when ryan dunn moved to west chester, it was like our team was finally complete. we were literally the three musketeers, and no one could separate us. my mom always hated the fact her sweet little angel was being turned rotten by some gross little boys, but i think she grew to love them as much as i did over the years. our parents thought that once we hit puberty the three of us would naturally fall apart, but i think the awkwardness and uncomfortable changes of puberty only brought us closer. our interests obviously did start to differentiate more, like bam and ryan got into skating and bmx, and i got more into reading and writing, but it never caused a rift. they were my brothers, until the very end. until i left.  
i remember the day they introduced me to the rest of their friends. i only ever hung out with bam and ryan on our own, but i knew of their other friends through the stories they would tell me. that day bam and ryan said they were going to take me to the skate park to show me this “gnarly trick” that bam had finally mastered.
i always found it amusing because the guys absolutely refused to go to the actual skate park in town, we always went to this abandoned pool in the outskirts of the suburb that bam had declared their territory the beginning of freshman year.
i wanted to be supportive of his hobbies, so i went willingly, but turns out there was no trick and i had been lied to. i was greeted by many new faces that day, one being a face i will never forget.
i shake the memory of our first meeting from my mind as my dad pulls into the driveway. the lawn is decorated with the ghost decorations the boys and i made years ago for a halloween bonfire. i frown at the memory, wishing i could get amnesia to forget all these good things ive left behind. as i step out of the car my shoes make a squishy noise against the orange and yellow leaves that have fallen into the driveway. there are puddles soaking the pavement, turning it into a dark and depressing gray. mom told me over the phone yesterday about all the rain they have been getting lately. seems like even the weather in west chester was preparing for my arrival.
i look over to bams house and try to suppress the ache bubbling up in my chest. i don’t want to be here; I feel like my happiness is being slowly sucked out through ribs.
ever since i left this shitty little town ive been able to grow and become a better version of myself but being back has already started to affect me. i don’t want to revert back to the person that ive worked so hard to let go of, i want to be free from that life and those mistakes.
the whipping of birds playing above my head pulls me from my internal monologue and with my head hung low, i creep up the driveway. my hand touches the ice-cold knob, but something stops me from entering. I can’t put my finger on what exactly, but then I hear it, the faint rhythmic buzzing from the bass of someone’s car getting closer and closer. my eyes fly to the top of the hill near the end of the street, and I can feel my heart start beating harder and a knot growing larger in my stomach. for a split second i can’t differentiate between the bass vibrating the air around me and the deafening knocking of my heart at my ears. as the car came barreling down the street, my body starts to weaken and i feel as if all my bones have been replaced with jello.
they were in chris’s van, and they were listening to some weird band that bam was obsessed with (if i had to guess) on the loudest volume possible and with all of the windows down. i knew i needed to stop looking and go inside before I got caught, but something about seeing them acting so…normal…without me wouldn’t allow me to look away. however, that feeling is soon washed away by a tender ache piercing through my chest.
the pout on my lips is suddenly replaced with an emotionless, cold expression as i spot pj in the back seat. despite the look on my face, my heart has never felt so sore. his warmth is radiating through the car’s windows, and i feel like i can almost hear his rich, gravelly voice ringing in my ears. I can still remember the way his cologne would mix around in the air and fill my lungs with pine and cigarette smoke. I can still feel his soft palm and calloused fingers brushing along my lips and cheek, and his soft pink lips dancing over my jaw and down my neck. this is all too much.
as they pull into the driveway next door, i watch them file out of the van and into the garage. I take a second scanning over all of them, seeing new tattoos and new injuries. they were all there, from what i could see. chris, steve, ehren, dave, ryan, bam, and pj.
when I finally give my eyes permission to look at pj, i am met with those beautiful dark brown pools, that once held so much admiration for me. they were now full of confusion and anger.
it took me a second to even realize he had noticed me and from that point on all i could focus on was escaping the situation. i swing my backpack over my shoulder and rush for the front door, but by the time i pass through the threshold of my childhood home, full of so many memories, i knew the secret was already out.
© blackjello, 2022
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peachscribe · 3 years
peach’s summer book list
i had a lot of fun compiling the list of books i read during the 20-21 winter, so i decided i would do a summer one as well! i still have a lot of books i own but haven’t read, so im definitely not lacking in material
if you didn’t see my winter list, how my book list works is basically like this: i read a book that i own but have not previously read, write a short summary immediately after finishing the book, write down my thoughts on the book, and then provide a rating for the book. i also might include background info on why i read this particular book/feelings about the author, but that depends on the book. that’s how each entry works
without further ado, let’s get started!
1. Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
okay so i absolutely adore another book by andrew smith (written after grasshopper jungle) called the alex crow. it’s one of my favorite books of all time, so naturally i wanted to see if grasshopper jungle would make me feel similarly. just like the alex crow, grasshopper jungle’s plot is. so fucking weird. it stars austin szerba, a teenage polish kid who lives in ealing, iowa, and is often sexually confused regarding his girlfriend shann and his best friend robby. and in ealing, iowa, austin and robby accidentally and unknowingly unleash an unstoppable army of huge six-foot-tall praying mantis bugs that only want to do two things: fuck and eat. and i just have to say: andrew smith’s got an absolutely dynamo writing style. alex crow is similar, where it’s a book about kind of everything all at once, framed in a moment centering around teenage boys. it’s fantastic, and it’s more than a little gross, and i love it. this book made me feel so many things, and i thought austin was such an amazing narrator and main character to identify with. this book has it all: shitty teenage boy humor, fucked up science experiments, and poetic imagery that will make you want to cry. and explicit lgbt characters.
412/10 andrew smith what do you put in your water i just want to know
2. Burn by Patrick Ness
patrick ness has written a plethora of some of my favorite books (such as a monster calls, the chaos walking trilogy, and the rest of us just live here) so when i saw this one in the store i knew it would be a great one. burn is an alternate history fantasy that takes place in 1957 frome, washington, during the height of the cold war, and it begins with a girl named sarah and her father hiring a dragon to help out on their farm. but there’s not just dragons, farm living, and cold war tensions; there’s also a really shitty small town cop, a cult of dragon worshippers and their deadly teenage assassin, a pair of fbi agents, and a prophecy that sarah’s newly hired dragon claims she’s a part of. i think eoin colfer’s highfire was on my winter list, which also featured a story that included dragons and shitty cops, so when i first began burn i thought it was funny to have two books that had both things. you know, if you had a nickel etc etc. but that’s really where the similarities end because burn is entirely it’s own monster (dragon). burn is entirely invested in its world, and its fascinating. not only that, i had no clue where the book would take me next. there were so many surprises and amazing twists that honestly just blew me away. this book also includes beautifully written complicated discussions on family, race, and love - it features interracial and queer romances as the two most prominent romance plots which was such a nice surprise from a book i wasn’t expecting to have that kind of representation. this book is witty, fast-paced, and a very heartening read - i absolutely adored it.
9/10 dragons and becoming motivated by the power of love and friendship are so fucking cool
3. As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann
i hate this book! as meat loves salt is a historical fiction novel which takes place in seventeenth century england, which is going through a grisly civil war. the protagonist, jacob cullen, is a servant for a wealthy household and is engaged to another servant in the house. but due to certain events that are almost entirely jacob’s fault, he flees the house and is separated from his wife. from there, he joins the royal army and meets a kind soldier, ferris, and the two become fast friends. jacob and ferris’s relationship begins to bridge past friendly, and jacob struggles with his homoerotic feelings as well as the growing obsession and violence inside him. also, they try to start a colony. listen, i don’t know how to describe the book because so much happens, but it basically just follows jacob and all the terrible decisions he makes because he is, truly, a terrible person. ferris is kind and good, and jacob is scum of the earth. he sucks so bad. the entire time i was reading this book (which took absolutely so long), all i wanted was for jacob to just get his ass handed to him. i wanted to see him suffer. and it’s not like i just personally don’t like him - i believe the book purposefully depicts him as unsympathetic even though he is the narrator. i did enjoy the very in depth and accurate portrayal of what life would’ve been like in seventeenth century england, and i think it was interesting to read a character that is just the absolute worst person you’ve ever encountered and see him try and justify his actions, so if you enjoy that kind of thorough writing, then this book would be perfect for you. however, i did not see that bitch ass motherfucker jacob cullen suffer enough. i’d kill him with my bare hands.
2/10 diversity win! the worst man on earth is mlm!
4. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
i know ive had a friend tell me how great one of schwab’s other book series is, but truthfully i bought this book because the cover is sick as hell and it was on a table in the store that advertised for buy two get one free, i think. something like that. anyway, this savage song takes place in a future in which monsters, for whatever reason, suddenly became real and out for blood in a mysterious event nicknamed the phenomenon. august flynn is one of these monsters, but he takes no pride in that fact and only wants to feel human. kate harker is the daughter of a ruthless man and is trying her hardest to be ruthless, too, but deep down she knows it’s just an act. their city, verity, stands divided, and kate and august stand on either side - but when august is sent on a mission to befriend kate in the hopes of stopping an all out war, the lines begin to blur. this book rules. august and kate are such interesting and dynamic characters, and the narrative is familiar while still being capable of twisting the story around and taking the feet out from under you in really compelling ways. this savage song is part of the monsters of verity duology, and i can’t wait to dive into how the story continues and finishes.
11/10 sometimes you can judge a book by it’s cover
4a. Our Dark Duet by Victorian Schwab
this is the sequel and finale for this savage song and i’d figure i’d update everyone: fantastic ending, beautiful, showstopping, painful.
12/10 loved it and will definitely be keeping an eye out for schwab’s other books
5. White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi
oh boy. okay. white is for witching is about a house, and it is about the women who have lived inside of it. when her mother dies abroad, miranda silver begins to act strangely, and there’s nothing her father or her twin brother seem to be able to do about it. she develops an eating disorder and begins to hear voices in the silver family house, converted to a bed and breakfast by miranda’s dad; and she begins to lose herself in the house and the persistent presence of her family legacy. white is for witching switches perspective dizzingly and disorientingly between miranda, her twin eliot, miranda’s friend from school named ore, and the house itself. this story is a horror story as much as it as a tragedy as much as it is a romance as much as it is a bunch of other things. oyeyemi brings race, sexuality, nationality, and family into this story and forces you not to look away. this book is poetry.
(like i mentioned briefly, this book heavily deals with topics of race and closely follows miranda’s eating disorder. read responsibly, and take care of yourselves)
15/10 this book consumed me and i think i’ll have to read it another 10 more times to feel it properly
6. These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
okay. okay. strap in for a ride. these violent delights is a romeo and juliet style story, taking place in glittering 1920’s shanghai. the city stands divided - not only between the foreign powers encroaching on chinese land, but also between the scarlet gang and the white flowers, who are at the height of a generations-long blood feud. juliette cai, heir to the scarlets, has recently returned from four years abroad and is determined to prove herself ruthless enough to lead. roma montagov, heir to the white flowers, is standing strenuously on his place as next in line due to a slip up four years prior and is desperate to keep hold of his title. and in the midst of juliette and roma’s burning history with each other threatening to combust, an unnatural monster lurks in the waters of shanghai, loosing a madness on scarlets and white flowers alike. this book has it all - scorned ex lovers, political intrigue, deadly monsters, and all set on a glamorous backdrop of the roaring twenties. i absolutely was enraptured by this book and the way it plays around the story of romeo and juliet so well that it easily became it’s own monster, but with the punches and embraces of something classically shakespearan. gong does just an absolutely breathtaking job of fitting this fantastical story amid the larger world of shanghai and the real life historical events that had shaken the city to its core. completely immersive and outstandingly heart racing.
17/10 i was chewing on my fingernails for the last thirty pages and will continue to do so until the sequel is released (our violent ends, 16 nov 21)
7. The Antiques by Kris D’Agostino
you ever heard of the american dysfunctional family story? this is most definitely that. at the same time george westfall’s cancer takes a turn for the worse, a hurricane hits the east coast, and suddenly all at once the issues of his health, the hurricane, and all three of his children’s achingly dysfunctional adult lives are crashing into each other. reunited by george’s death, the westfall siblings have to face their grief, each other, and the problems in their own lives they attempted to put on hold while planning their father’s memorial. this is a nice story about grief and loss and love and somehow finding the humor amidst it all.
(this book does include a depiction of an autistic child who does experience several pretty bad meltdowns due to ignorant people around him not understanding how to cater to his needs. im not an authority on what depictions are or are not harmful, but i do believe this depiction is ultimately loving and well-intended.)
7/10 it made me laugh and cry and was generally one of those books that somehow hit you close to home
8. Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill
fierce fairytales is a poetry anthology that reimagines classic fairytales from a modern, feminist viewpoint, acknowledging that the line between hero and villain, monster and damsel, are not as clear cut as the classics try to make you believe. this book also includes illustrations done by the author herself, which i think is really cool. my personal favorite story reimagining was the story of peter pan and captain hook, called ‘boy lost’ which looked at how peter and hook’s relationship began and rotted. all in all, i think this collection of stories had a lot of important things to say and said them in frank, easy to understand poetry and prose.
7/10 beautiful message and pretty prose, but at times a little cliche
and that’s all from the summer! my fall semester starts tomorrow, and overall i feel very good about all the reading i did this summer. i even read four other books not on this list for work! so i definitely feel like i made the most out of my time, and im really glad i was able to read so many stories that made me feel a variety of different things
thanks so much for reading this list, and let me know if you read or have read any of these books and tell me what you think of them!
happy reading<3
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boiling-paint · 3 years
Please do elaborate about LL!Scar and Bad by Deluxe Royal, I'm interested 👀
Ohooho. You got it! I uh... went ham,
*claps* OKAY! SO,
It all starts with the sounds.
The theme of this music is almost cartoonish in the way it wants to portay 'big, bad, evil' (chanting in a low chorus like a boogeyman "im bad I'm bad as bad can be." behind the main voice.) It reminds me of "How Bad Can I Be?" Which, ahem, while a meme song fits Scar's happy-go-lucky attitude that he upholds regardless of the guts and gore of the situation.
With a dramatic western attitude, the voice is very confident in his own image. It just screams Scar. Big Bad Scar trying to be spooky in that disney villain way he admires and reflects in his video and performance style. Its natural for him, but hes also careful with his words. He pauses, thinks, stalls for time when he speaks to people because if they get him rambling he'll give it all away. He is very very cautious this season in that sense.
Now, the lyrics! Oo I shiver at how well they fit.
If you'd like, we can imagine this "devil" as Grian. People have consistently seen him as a threat, Scott even dramatically and repeatedly calling him a monster. Hes death itself- the one who started it all.
Or, it can simply be other reds. People that Scar so far seems to be cautious of, but never fully intimidated by.
[I made the devil run
I gave him poison just for fun
I had one friend, now there's none
I made the devil run]
The last two refer closely to the comparison of the first season to this one. Grian was quite literally his only true ally, and now Grian frequently leaves him behind at any given moment. It's not fully Scar's fault, but Grian does take some care in talking and making deals with Scar. The game has changes course and they're keeping distant tabs on one another. Scar currently drives people away from staying at his mountain, despite claiming he wants friends. And for some reason (could even be dumb luck) Joel the first and possibly most unstable Red Lifer, lives right next to him and hasn't lifted a finger yet. This I'm certainly exaggerating, but I wonder how cautious Joel is of Scar ("I made the devil run.")
These next 2 lines are the only ones that dont fit easily, as Scar is incredibly clumsy lmfAO. However, I think it speaks poetically with 3 and 4.
[I broke so many bones
But none of them were ever my own
They were an army, I was alone
I broke so many bones]
From Scar and Grians perspective things are very, very light in s1. It does not apply to the others'. In the previous season Scar was terrifying. Ren and others wanted to protect their friends and stay together. Scar wanted to win or put on a show trying. It's why him and Grian make such a good team— they know there are limits to how they can rely on one another.
From the other perspectives all Scar did was talk people out of their resources and scheme to destroy them, regardless of any sort of spoken friendships. He was very, very dangerous. He broke many structural bones so-to-speak in the other teams, including trust and physical resources.
And in the end? It was Scar's little team against Rens whole army that won 3rd Life. ("They were an army, I was alone, I broke so many bones.")
[I'm bad, as bad can be
So bad that it's hard to believe
Oh, what they say about me
I'm bad, take a look and see
So bad that it's hard to believe
I don't care what they say about me]
Scar this season is lying to everyone around him. People are cautious, but only the very, very perceptive ones (to name a few: Etho and Scott) are actually catching Scar in his lies. Even then he doesn't let up his own act. This gives him such a good facade.
People are going to underestimate him. Hes so polite to some and to others hes burning them at the stake. Other people talking about Scar are going to find plot holes, twists and turns in attitude that just don't make sense. No one will know what to believe or not. His kindness feels genuine, but so do his threats. ("So bad that it's hard to believe what they say about me.") His gentle attitude makes it really difficult to grasp his violent intentions at times.
And recently, especially with the destruction of a recent horse he seemed to be attached to, he's revealed a little to others about his values. "So bad that it's hard to believe, I don't care what they say about me." He is first and foremost a businessman and a showman. If people are scared? Great! If people think him kind? That's just good for business.
That's the most frightening thing about him being isolated this season: He doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants. But he'll pretend he will up until the second he knows it doesn't matter. No attachments, all deals. If people don't show him kindness he remembers and returns the favor later, and explicitly states he will frequently in his perspective.
Now, to remember 3rd Life S1 again:
[I watched an empire fall
I stormed the gate and scared the walls
They wouldn't share, so I took it all
I watched an empire fall]
A refusal of resources, a few missteps and misconceptions here and there and they had a war on their hands. To Ren, he was fighting for his team and his empire. To Scar, he was made into enemy #1 for... what reason? They did nothing wrong! Just having a bit of fun. All of this is a game and something Scar's character takes much more joy in than some other perspectives. It's not a game in some views, which would make him... what?
Crazy? Literally insane in some sense that he would treat this battlefield like middleschool capture the flag?
They targeted him and Scar simply didn't like it, so he took up arms with Grian and the rest and killed Ren himself. ("They wouldn't share, so I took it all, I watched an empire fall.")
[I'm bad, as bad can be
So bad that it's hard to believe
Oh, what they say about me]
You can't trust what anyone says about Scar, including Scar himself.
(I'm bad, I'm bad, as bad as can be)
I'm bad, take a look and see
So bad that it's hard to believe
I don't care what they say about me]
And he doesn't care about rumors as long as he gets what he wants. He'll take advantage of them.
Akdhakd also this isnt a dig and moreso just a dramatic retelling of how I think this song brings out a more dark idea of Scar's character. All in good fun :). Thank you for enabling me PFTHAHAHA
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vvanini · 3 years
whats your favorite obscure hc about each of the losers?
Fucking perfect thank you
1- Mike he reads books or articles like “how to understand woman”, “why women like jerks”, not because he wants to woo woman or is a nice guy or anything but just because he thinks it’s interesting
I don’t think he’d date anyone
Gives great dating advice tho
Reads manga Likes Junji Ito
“The manga/book was better” kind of guy
I don’t know why but I feel like he’d be this ENTP-ish dude who likes to gather information about a lot of useless things and likes to debate He likes film and game theories Watches MatPat for sure
Also he likes The Walking Dead and… zombies in general
Also I’m sorry but he likes Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson
He likes grindhouse movies and appreciates the gory details but is chill about it Likes cinematography in general
Watches video essays about movies
2- Richie
Unlike Mike, Richie isn’t chill about gory details and whenever someone gags while watching a movie he goes “You think that’s disgusting??? Lmaoooo that’s nothing.”
He’d be the type of guy who brags about being immune to disturbing shit
Google searches include “top ten disturbing movies of all time” “scariest movies ever” “movies worse than a serbian film”
Still likes pink guy and thinks Joji is a genius
Unironically loves the song “I Love Sex” by Pink Guy and listens to it at least once everyday
Uses Discord a lot
Always starts studying on the last day
I think he’d like history
Not like Mike tho, he just likes textbook history and world wars etc
Plays Hearts of Iron and League of Legends
Also :) he likes to code
he is a Linux >>>>>>>>>> Windows kinda guy
Likes breaking bad
And Rick and Morty
Understands politics really well
His music taste is… anime opening songs
Evangelion especially
Likes science fiction books
Pretends to be a flat-earther/conservative/anti-vax for the meme
3- Ben
and boy bands in general
he is old school and still carries an mp3 around
Doesn’t use spotify, he illegally downloads songs like a champ :D
Likes story rich games
Especially RPG’s. He really likes Planescape Torment and Baldur’s Gate
Kinda lame about women, like he hears Jordan Peterson say something like “the eternal image of the divine feminine” or some shit like that and he goes “wow poetic. agreed”
Doesn’t read “How to woo women” books like Mike but thinks about it a lot that’s for sure
Likes Audrey Hepburn
And Steinbeck
Saves different versions of the same song to his mp3. “The Less I Know The Better but you’re crying in a bathroom” “The Less I Know The Better Slowed & Reverb Listen With Headphones” “The Less I Know The Better Nightcore”
Shares playlists with Eddie
ALWAYS. ALWAYS waits for the person who’s tying their shoes
He notices if someone is walking behind the group alone and walks back to accompany them
If no one laughs at your joke, he does
Bleached his hair once and regretted it immediately Writes poetry in his free time and makes Stan proofread it
Into psychology
Hands always in pockets
Probably owned lots of lego sets as a kid
People go to him for dating advice because he is seen as this “romantic guy”, I mean he is but he gives terrible dating advice
He likes geography
Literally knows all the flags in the world and all the capitals
Blindfold him and give him a country name, he can show you exactly where it is on the map
Also he plays those google earth games where you get a random location and try to find out which country you’re in/ or try to find the nearest airport
Also I feel like he’d like planes a lot
Idk he just likes things that fly lol. Birds, planes etc.
Likes to read classics
LOVES H. P. Lovecraft
carries little poetry books with him everywhere and reads them he’s so cute
Dark academia is his aesthetic
Can play the piano
Likes to read Ben’s poetry :D
Dark humor
His ringtone is Le Festin :)
Has an instagram account but never posts, just watches people’s stories
Very photogenic tho.
He’s a man of culture. He likes visiting aquariums and museums
Hates zoos tho, thinks it’s evil to cage animals
Also I don’t know how to explain it but… He just likes to decorate his place? Like to the clubhouse he’ll bring stuff he likes and just quietly claims a corner as his own and make it as comfortable as he can
Has...beautiful hands
you know how some people cut the cothing labels because it irritates the back of their neck? Stan does that with everything he buys
5- Eddie
Likes Backstreet Boys because of Ben
Replies to texts immediately. Communication and social interaction gives him serotonin
I have no idea why but I feel like he’d have an obsession with Tekken and his favourite character is Ling Xiayou
Big fan of classic playstation games. Loves Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank
He likes wearing long sleeves under t shirts
Listens to emo music, stares out the window and imagines scenarios matching the song he’s listening to
He considers MCR to be emo btw. Loves G note memes
Likes astrology
Can’t watch horror movies, and gets teased by Richie about it
However he likes media that is presented as funky/funny/happy but is actually depressing/disturbing
He likes courtroom dramas
Wears sunglasses indoors for no reason
Probably likes fallout and metro games
Has a collection of finger skateboards
#weirdcore #oddcore #nostalgia #grunge
buys and wears random college sweatshirts
Hates and loves study groups, hates it in the sense that he can’t focus on anything and just wants to hang out and talk, loves it in the sense that he CAN hang out with his friends and talk
Romanticizes everything
6- Bill
Has lots of taurus energy and is sleepy all the time
Has major Leonardo DiCaprio in The Basketball Diaries vibes
Dresses effortlessly
And likes basketball lol.
He just has… boy energy. If that makes sense. Boy next door
Likes to draw his friends
posts his drawings on Instagram
Has lots of OC’s but doesn’t know they’re called OC’s, just refers to them as “this character I created”
He likes being praised a lot ngl
His taste in memes is very similar to Richie’s
You know how they put a random word on top of a random image and it doesn’t make sense at all. He laughs at things like that. Like Richie sends him something like this:
[image of monkey]
and he thinks it’s funny and loses his shit im sorry
Like someone sends a picture of Keanu Reeves to the groupchat and texts “g” and he thinks it’s funny???? He sees a picture of a cow in the backrooms and starts choking
He memorized every line in Boneless Pizza and can quote it wihtout stuttering. Like he would be sitting alone talking to himself saying shit like “ya pizza. Watchu want. 2 liter machine broke we got one liter tho. fuck you mean B.”
Never answers calls? Doesn’t like talking on the phone. He just has “Don’t fucking call me when you can text!!” energy
phone is always on silent mode
doesn’t do anything but attracts people anyway
7- Bev
Likes musicals
Theatre kid
Chews gum a lot
And swallows them :(
Likes cottagecore
Buys notebooks with cute covers but can never fill them so she just gives them to bill who turns them into sketchbooks
I think she’d give advice or reaussure people in a way that sounds kinda rude but isn’t really? Like she tells it like it is. Blunt
Likes Avatar The Last Airbender
Sense of humor is:
[Picutre of the fox from Zootopia]
why is he hot help 😭😭😭
wears baggy clothing + long skirts
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medicine-and-molly · 2 years
happy 1 year! to celebrate, here’s my (maybe unpopular idk) evermore ranking. everything listed here is just my personal opinion, dont take it to seriously.
foreward: some songs i cant rank because my opinion on them fluxuates too much- includes closure, evermore, and coney island.
now onto the ranking:
14. tis the damn season
im sorry i like the song but the instrumentation reallt isnt for me. the story is incredible but the lyrics just dont resonate with me.
13. cowboy like me
i dont like the melody on this one. cant explain it, theres nothing specifically wrong with it, but i just dont vibe with it. that being said, i still listen to it regularly, just less than the others.
12. willow
I used to like this song a lottttt but more recently its kinda dropped. i think i finally wore it out after listening to it on loop for like. literal days. its definitely a solid song that i still really enjoy though. the fact that its kinda low is mostly my fault lmaoo.
11. happiness
something about this song makes me cry, and out of all of taylor’s “sad” songs, this one is up there. i love it so much, but I cant listen to it if im not in the right mood, so it sometimes ends up getting skipped if im emotionally fragile or whatever.
10. champagne problems
now were getting to the problem i experience in every single album ranking i have of taylor swift’s, where there are farrr too many good songs. champagne problems is one of my favorite songs, but it took a while to grow on me. even now, its not at the top of my list, maybe because im still young and dont really relate to a lot of the singer’s experiences. music wise it slaps though
9. marjorie
i hated this song the first time i heard it. and the second time. and third and fourth and fifth and sixth. but eventually something just clicked and it gets stuck in my head at just the sound of the name. its such a good song omg idk how me from last december disliked it aaaaaaa
8. tolerate it
this was actually my number one song when evermore first released, and my love for it has not decreased. its so filled with pain and resentment and frustration, but theres so much sweet liberation in it that is so so so magical. the reason its dropped in ranking is not because my opinion on it changed, but rather because i finally stopped listening to it almost exclusively and gave other songs a chance and realized “oh shit this whole album is impeccable”.
7. Gold Rush
its just so catchy. like idk i love it theres something about it that just makes me go “oooaoaoaoaoa”. like idontlikeslowmotiondoublevisioninroseblush. fndmdndnd. it turns me into a gremlin of the best variety. (also this was the fav song of a guy i thought i liked who is now a good friend so theres a lot of nice memories attached).
6. no body, no crime
this is just. omg. i love this song. i cant like say anything about it other than “go listen to it right now”. its good. no one better disagree with me because i will cry.
5. long story short
now were getting to the ones that make me dance around my bedroom. long story short is a bop. plain and simple. good song. i have no analysis other than “wow this song is really good, top 5”.
4. its time to go
this song is so emotional and passionate, and a little existentially terrifying. but the poeticism involved is just sooooo unbelievable and the musicality is great and the lyrics and- i cant stop raving about. why are the bonus tracks always so good?
3. right where you left me
even though this is only at number three, this is my most listened to song of evermore. i have both apple music through my family and spotify, so i dont think rwylm showed up on my wrapped, but if you combined them it would probably make my top 5 most listened to songs. its incredible in its melody, lyrics, instrumentation, imagery, and every other aspect. not to mention how catchy it is, like goddamn!
2. ivy
speaking of goddamn! this is song is underappreciated everywhere, i feel like. (this may or not be true but it feels true, y’know?) The story it tells is a beautiful one, and the figurative language is multilayered and very complex. i love every moment of this song, and i absolutely cannot pick a favorite part.
And for number 1, i present: dorothea!
this took the number 1 slot fairly recently after doing a lot of climbing in the past year. it started our mid-tier for me, but the more i listened to it the more i loved it. now, it stands out as one of the cutest, most passionate songs on the album that i also feel gord underrecognized. congrats to taylor for making something so incredible!
so thats my list, obviously its just my opinion and very heavily influenced by my own experiences and taste. im curious to hear other opinions as well! happy birthday, evermore!
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autobotmedic · 2 years
Tumblr media
𝟎𝟏 . 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Blue, Bluebird, Ratch-mun, etc im not too picky
𝟎𝟐 . 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 : in July
𝟎𝟑 . 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 : Cancer, which probably says a lot hfkjshd
𝟎𝟒 . 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 : content
𝟎𝟓 . 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 : various forms of art, traditional and digital, although as much for a living as for fun hakjhfsd i am trying man, rp obviously, some gaming, watching cartoons, I REALLY WANT TO SIT DOWN AND LEARN HOW TO MAKE MUSIC VIDEOS OF CHARACTERS SPECIFICALLY FOR MYSELF BUT I HAVENT AHHHHHH
𝟎𝟔 . 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 : blue and grayscale tones, silver, I like warm colors too because they give me nice feelings but I cannot claim they are my favorite-favorite
𝟎𝟕 . 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 : oh that’s hard I am fond of several from childhood uhhhhh well Peter P.an by j m barrie holds a special nostalgic place in my heart especially since probably the longest muse I’ve ever had was Hook for several years
𝟎𝟖 . 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 : Imagine Dra.gons - Bleeding Out
𝟎𝟗 . 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 : TF:P the Triage episode because I wanted my dad to see wj and he liked him and laughed more than once so that was nice
𝟏𝟎 . 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : oh lord this is going to be hard to summarize okay uh... 1) I really love tfs because of the fact that they ARENT ppl controlling giant robots they are sentient living alien species and they are SO COOL to think about and look at and also I like classic/well designed vehicles 2) I’ve, BEEN the responsible more mature than most in my age group person since like, I was a teenager hfkjshdf I have been the person who has had tissues and pencils to loan other students and I’ve bought food in college when I’ve learned my friends don’t have anything to eat that day and I have been a person that Apparently gives off some kinda energy because even ppl I BARELY KNEW have asked for my opinion on things personal in their lives that distressed them, and one of my art professors has said I have ‘an old soul’ 3) I have looked after and helped various creatures heal and obviously that’s not the same as being a doctor of People but failing to help any living thing get better hurts like hell while succeeding in helping any living thing get better is a Wonderful feeling and I have gone through both several times because I’ve always been around animals for various reasons, so I do consider myself to have a compassionate nature and at least a hint of foundation as to how deeply Ratchet must care and hurt 4) also the world is very annoying and my living situation is not the best and like not to go into any details there but basically the older I get the more I relate to ratch ahksfjhsdf WHICH IS CONCERNING GIVEN IM NOT 50+ BUT AIGHT HERE WE ARE at least I am not grumpy yet I don’t think 5) I do not always have a lot of socializing energy either even though I do try sometimes hkjahksjfhsjkdfh
𝟏𝟏 . 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐔𝐑𝐋 : I mean I think it’s pretty self explanatory, Autobot Medic is a descriptor on several toys and even tf books, also nothing else I thought of was available because i got into tf.p several years after it aired and there have been multiple other blogs for him even WHILE it was airing so YOU KNOW but it’s okay!!! I am perfectly content with it, ratch isn’t really poetic nor does he even refer to himself as cmo or titles, I think there is a simple humility to it that suits him
tagged by: @sparkmender​
tagging: I know a lot of ppl have been tagged already for this so just, do it if you haven’t been tagged how’s that
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thefoulbeast · 3 years
Writers tag game!
A big thank you to @saathiray for the tag! This looks like a really interesting one to do!! :D :D
Alright, let's get into it...
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
ough.... maths..... if i wrote the numbers down right, then 187 780 words! :D
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
To no one's surprise, most of there are blue exorcist fics haha :,D
1. Clickflight. (71) 2. Ad terram nullium. (61) 3. Oh, my worst emotions. (60) 4. Human(oid?) (59) 5. aranea et flamma (42)
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I do! Well, almost every time (but the comment has to rub me the wrong way / confuse quite hard to make me not respond). I don't really know why? It just feels polite maybe shdusdh
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I'm not sure any of my fics have particularly angsty endings 🤔 They're mostly ambiguous or menacing in some way hahah... Perhaps Ad terram nullium or Oh, my worst emotions are the angstiest ones. Cor Aegrotum is also a good contender because it definitely ends on a bitter note. :D :D ahh idk lmao
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Another difficult question. Not sure. Speak fondly upon that memory is probably the most feel-good fic I have so I reckon it has the happiest ending 😂
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I don't think I've ever written a crossover, no. The closest is a current wip that's like characters from one thing in the setting of another thing? But I didn't keep any characters from the thing I got the setting from, not sure if it counts as a crossover lmao.
Hope this made sense <3
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I have not, thank goodness! Perhaps quite lucky, since I know one of my faves isn't too well liked in the fandom lol. But it's a small fandom, and the character isn't very popular so ¯\(´・ω・`)/¯
Also, I'm not exactly a well known/popular author so. I can just do whatever I want most of the time lmao
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut, various kinds of it. >//-//>
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Hopefully not :D
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I haven't ^w^ I've considered trying my hand at translating fics on occasion though, I like translating stuff well enough. Not that anyone needs fics translated into latvian much 😂
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! But I think I'd like to try someday maybe, because two authors and friends I look up to a lot (jay & rynoa if u read this ily) collaborate on a lot of fics and they always come out so cool and good and solid and i think that's so neat that creatives can come together like that?? like wow!! truly amazing and beautiful to witness <3
What's your all-time favourite ship?
Genuinely don't know!
I've come back to a specific collection of Tarn/Deathsaurus (from the transformers more than meets the eye comic) fics a whole bunch so I guess that's as close as it gets!
I... have a hard time remembering stuff I like outside of the periods I am obsessed with it, you see. Currently I'm reading a lot of star wars fics so there's a lot of kylux and some gingerpilot?
it's really hard to say, im not sure i have an all-time favourite , more just a bunch of faves i come back to from time to time
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
A fic I started about Tarn from transformers getting some kind of head injury and having to re-learn how to speak? I really like the concept of it because his voice is how he kills and all that, but I just don't know what direction it could go in anymore. It's more of a thing I can ponder about privately rather than something I want to bring to a finish and publish, if that makes sense?
Other than that one, I have a whole bunch of fics I started in fandoms I dipped my hands into but never found friends and stuff off who to bounce my ideas so the motivation kind of died. One of those was a thing for Gotham's Penguin - I was going to do like a life story in vignettes but I recognise now I won't finish it :D
What are your writing strengths?
I sort of? Idk how to put this in a way that doesn't sound too self-aggrandizing, but once I get into a character's head, I get into a character's head. Multiple people have praised my characterizations, one even going as far as to say that the voices sound like the canon and that's something I hold really dearly in my heart and which makes me feel v warm inside. ;3; <3 <3 <3
What are your writing weaknesses?
World building and having more than 2 people in a fic 😭 I focus so much on the character I'm writing about that sometimes it's hard to think about everything that happens around them, or to make the other characters have enough depth! All my fics are like... sticking to a single person, deep pov style. I would like to get out of my comfort zone more and try and write fics that focus on more than one character!
What are your thougts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There's a time and place for everything! Usually I just hope that there's translations in the end notes 😂😂 But it can definitely help in making the reader feel as helpless and confused as the character who doesn't speak the language :D
What was the first fandom you wrote fic for?
Ib, the rpg game, I think? At least that's the first one I wrote fic for on the computer, I think I might have written something like yugioh fanfic in a notepad in sixth grade 🤔🤔 afraid i've lost both, though
What's your favourite fic that you've written?
ahh... difficult question...
I think it's sort of a tie between Somnus and Even a worm will turn? They're both about Toudou and I like them for different reasons. Somnus just came out so beautiful and poetic, I think, a lot of meaning packed into just under 1k words, whereas Even a worm will turn is like a beast full of negative emotions and violence and all the dark stuff and the way the soul blackens as it goes down the slippery slope between what one feels they have to do and what is right that i managed to get out in a weirdly cathartic way... It's really hard to decide on this question hahah...
As for tagging my fellow writers and friends: @shiroufujimoto @29rynoah @tonguetiedraven @kugisaki-nobara-rights @yuriotoko @inuyoshie @bluewindfall @emperorsvornskr
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
hello!! i just wanted to ask- i wanna do an ouat rewatch bc CAPTAIN SWANN but its pretty long and i honestly dont care for the other characters/how badly the overall writing was handled.. which are your favourite captain swan eps? anything them centered and i think ill just skip around to rewatch their romance as they did invent romance 😭😭 ty in advance <3
they absolutely did invent romance, you are right about that and i love them so much
UHMMMM as far as my favorite CS eps, here’s a roadmap of what I personally consider key eps in their journey (some of this is from memory but I haven’t done a full rewatch in a while so i’m going through the episode list as a refresher)
2x06: Tallahassee--this is a must-watch ep for any CS fan, and I really think this is the episode that sparked the fire that CS would become as a fandom. It has everything--flirtatious banter, all kinds of tension, deliberate parallels drawn between Emma and Killian’s pasts, as well as their first meeting being intercut with her relationship with Neal (which serves, especially in hindsight, to highlight just how sketchy that relationship was, and why she couldn’t bring herself to trust Killian--because the last time she felt this way about anyone, it ended horribly)
2x08 and 2x09: Into the Deep and Queen of Hearts--these episodes cover the race to the portal between Emma&co and Hook/Cora and while they don’t do a ton for CS as a relationship since they’re still enemies at this point, it lays great foundation for their future relationship development. Plus, sexy swordfight, Hook going out of his way to save Aurora’s heart--he may be a pirate, but he has standards ok--and Emma realizing Cora can’t remove her heart without her permission? Poetic Cinema
2x11: The Outsider--more of a Killian-centric episode, it shows a lot of Killian at his worst but it’s necessary for his overall character arc and I genuinely love looking back and seeing just how far he managed to come, to the point of eventually even letting go of his (very understandable) grudge against Rumplestiltskin.
2x12: In the Name of the Brother--am I including this purely for Emma&Hook banter in the hospital, and Killian saying ‘hey beautiful’ when he’s lying on the road because he just got hit by a fucking car? You bet I am. Also, go to youtube and look up ‘ouat season two deleted scene jello’, because it’s beautiful and there was a tremendous outcry in the fandom when we realized it had been cut from the episode lmao (It’s also the episode that made me start shipping Frankenwolf, which I’m still sad never went anywhere, but they had a lot of potential and great chemistry.)
2x22: And Straight On Till Morning--A few of the episodes in between have some fun minor interactions and flashbacks (and I always approve of episodes where Killian gets one up on Rumple, so 2x15 is fun for me if i ignore all the Neal bits) but the finale is where we finally get a glimpse of who Killian could be beyond his need for revenge. He didn’t have to come back, he didn’t have to bring back the bean and help the town--but he did.
Season 3a: there’s a lot of really good stuff here for Hook and Emma that is interwoven between the A plots of other episodes. I think, as far as half-season arcs go, it’s one of the best (and everything after 4a bombed hard, but I digress) But there are a few episodes that stand out if you don’t want to watch the whole season. (I recommend starting with the premier though, it was a really solid season starter overall.)
3x05: Good Form--this is the culmination of David’s poisoned-by-dreamshade arc, and is also Peak Captain Charming Bromance. Hook not only keeping David’s secret, but doing everything he can to help save him??? Poetic cinema. It also provides some crucial Killian backstory, showing how he lost his brother to the very same dreamshade. Plus, the character development--Pan offers Killian a chance to escape the island with Emma if he kills David, and instead, he saves him, refusing the deal and damn the consequences. Also also? The first CS kiss which drove the fandom WILD.
3X06: Ariel--not only to I love OUaT’s take on Ariel, but this episode has the infamous Echo Cave scene, which involves a lot of feelsy confessions and Killian being the one to tell everyone that Neal is alive and helping Emma save him despite his own growing feelings for her.....IT’S JUST A LOT AND I LOVE IT.
3x07: Dark Hallow--oh man, I’d forgotten about this episode, but it has Killian and Neal fighting over Emma, which may sound eye-roll worthy, but Emma is allowed to tear them a new one about it and it’s one of the few times she’s allowed to actually???? put her own feelings first so I have to include it here on spec
3x11 and 3x12: Going Home and New York City Serenade--these mark the end of 3a and start of 3b respectively, and it has some amazing shit like Killian vowing never to forget Emma and Emma smiling as she replies, “Good.” And then she and Henry are in New York with their memories completely altered, but Killian shows up because Storybrooke is back and in jeopardy, and he helps Emma get back to her family and her home and, much later, Emma finds out he sold the Jolly Roger to be able to do it and it’s just. It’s beautiful ok.
3x17: The Jolly Roger--there’s honestly not a whole lot in the back half of season 3 (until the CS movie) but of course anything named for Hook is a must-watch, and this is where we get the iconic line I swear on Emma Swan--which is Killian saying he’s in love with her before he even realizes it. We also find out just what he did to Ariel, and his attempts to make amends are what lead to Zelena being able to curse him, so it’s great from a character perspective as well.
The next four episodes round out the end of the season, and there’s a lot of great stuff in them--Hook refusing to get Emma to kiss him, but Emma feeling like she can’t trust him because he didn’t tell her about the curse to begin with, and then kissing him anyway to save his life regardless of the consequences.... but the only ones that are absolutely necessary are the final two episodes.
They are colloquially termed ‘The Captain Swan Movie’ for a reason, after all.
Killian and Emma essentially have an entire Time Travel adventure all to themselves, where they accidentally ruin her parents first meeting and have to fix it so that she’ll even be born, Emma finally getting into the storybook, the pair of them dancing at a ball, Killian rushing to save Emma only for her to get out of the cell herself, because “The only one who saves me is me.” Killian saying “I would go to the ends of the world for her... or time.” Finally fixing the timeline and making it back to Storybrooke and Killian feeling like he doesn’t deserve a place at the table so he doesn’t go inside, but Emma comes out to him anyway and finds out he gave up the Jolly Roger for her, the true start to their relationship...... IM CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I’M SORRY.
I personally really enjoyed 4a, the Frozen arc was one of the last good half-season arcs of the show, but a lot of people disliked it so it’s really up to interpretation. I don’t have as many Intense Opinions on this season (except hating almost everything about 4b and the queens of darkness arc), but I will say the episodes with good Killian/CS moments are 4x02 (Emma nearly freezes to death, Killian is desperate to save her, Captain Charming teamwork, my heart hurts), 4x04 (Emma asks Killian out on a real date, he tries to get his real hand back from Gold, things go massively awry and he winds up back under Gold’s thumb), 4x08 (Killian tries to save Emma from Gold’s plans), 4x11 (the 4a finale is just great in general), and then..... it cannot be overstated how much I hate season 4b, but 4x15 is the Killian-centric ep where his past with Ursula is revealed and he makes amends to her in order to get her to leave the QoD alliance and it’s great character stuff for him, and then there’s the season 4 finale.
Both parts are worth watching, if only because Deckhand Coward Hook still being a braver, more heroic man than ‘Hero Rumplestiltskin’ warms the very cockles of my heart, and of course the second part of the finale has him helping Henry to save Emma and it’s beautiful and also Emma watches him die for her and it is angsty as FUCK but gods I love it. Here’s where it gets tricky, though--my recommendation is, turn the episode off right after Emma finds Killian back in the present day of Storybrooke and they reunite.
Just turn off the episode there and skip right ahead to the s6 musical episode (Emma and Killian’s wedding ep) and pretend they got married and none of seasons 5 or 6 ever happened. >.> (Although I will say certain parts of the Underworld arc were incredibly feelsy despite how much I overall hated the season: 5x11 (the 5a finale, Killian as the dark one STILL being a better man than rumple, we love to see it), 5x15 (I am not immune to Brothers Jones feelings ok), 5x20 (emma literally takes a True Love Test trying to find a way to save killian, you don’t get more romantic than that--also Killian telling Emma to promise she won’t put her armor back up just because she lost him again??? my HEART), 5x21 (Hook does what he can from the Underworld anyway and zeus sends him back to Emma, they really just said ‘today I will invent romance’ and then Did That)
And then, yeah, just skip to the wedding. It’s beautiful, I enjoyed the music, personally, though I know musical episodes are hit or miss with most people. And if you turn it off when the last musical number starts (after the wedding ceremony, I believe) you can pretend it was the end of the show! =DDD
.....Oh my god I just rambled for years. I HOPE YOU FIND THIS USEFUL, ANON. I 100% support a CS-centered rewatch, their episodes were consistently some of the best across the entire series, and they are truly one of my favorite romances of all time.
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