#if I missed any warnings please let me know
starlazergazer · 2 days
You Promised
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request(s): Hello love! Could I request something with Anakin x reader where he’s out on a mission and gets hurt maybe knocked unconscious for a bit and when he wakes up he’s like “she’s gonna kill me for getting hurt” and when he gets back gets an earful but also lots of cuddles <3
Was recently watching Hunger Games Catching Fire idk if you’ve seen it but there’s this one scene where Peeta gets hurt then Katniss like freaks out and Finnick saves him and realizes shes in love with him and I was imaging that scenario with Anakin so maybe you could write something like Anakin getting hurt on a mission and oc freaking out thinking he’s gonna die and Obi-Wan or Rex can just tell 😭
Warning: Angst! A lot of descriptions of chest compressions. It has a super cute ending though I promise!
Word Count: 4k
A/N: I went ahead and combined two that were super similar so I hope that’s okay. I actually really like how this one turned out so please enjoy! As always let me know what you think love you guys!!
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Obi-wan was on his knees.
That was the only thought that echoed in your head.
Obi-wan Kenobi, the general, the Jedi master, the great negotiator, member of the jedi council, was on his knees. Why was he on his knees?
Everything seemed to move in slow motion around you, every noise fading into the background as you tried to move forward, the very air seeming to fight against you as you did so.
Gloved hands clasped around your arms, holding you in place, a modulated voice you recognized registering in the back of your head but you didn’t pay attention to any of the words said.
Why was Obi-wan on his knees?
You tried still to push forward but those hands held you back, halted your every movement, white and blue armor entering your field of vision, trying to block your view.
“whats-“ you couldn’t even get your whole question out, weren’t really sure how to finish it.
You clawed at the armor before you, tried to use it to pull yourself forward, to Obi-wan, you had to get to Obi-wan.
“Kid you don’t want to go over there” Finally the voice broke through the haze, because that was Rex’s voice, his nickname for you. But why was Rex here?
“No I need to-“ you weren’t really sure what, you needed to get to Obi-wan, that was all you knew, that everything in your screamed that you had to get to Obi-wan.
“Let the general work” Rex’s voice was smooth, clam.
But Rex was supposed to be with Anakin, Rex was always with Anakin, Rex had Anakin’s back, Rex kept Anakin safe. So why was he here without him?
That was the first time you really processed the scene before you, the fact that there was a person over there with Obi-wan, a person Obi-wan was kneeling over, a person beneath Obi-wans interlaced hands, a person wearing all too familiar boots with their toes pointed to the sky.
Your gaze cut to Rex, as if you could get confirmation from the man’s helmet, as if he could tell you anything but what you already knew, as if he could fix everything.
“The general has him Y/N”
And somehow hearing him say your name made it worse. Because to him you weren’t Y/N you were general, jedi, kid, anything but the gravity that came with your name.
You like to think you’d decided then that you’d feel guilty about it later, but truly the action came without any forethought. Your hand came up with a mind of its own, your energy focusing just enough to give Rex a push through the force, not enough to hurt him but enough to get him out of your way, because right now you needed to get to Obi-wan.
You ran without checking on Rex, ran calling out Obi-wan’s name not missing how the general never halted his movements, and slid down across from him onto your knees not noticing the way loose gravel and glass cut into them as you did so.
Obi-wan was saying something to you, you acknowledged that, but your focus was planted on nothing but Anakin’s unconscious body beneath his hands.
He looked peaceful, too peaceful for the way his body moved beneath Obi-wan’s rough compressions.
“no no no no” it took you too long to realize it was you repeating those words, that your body was rocking back and forth softly, your hands balled up painfully in your hair, trying to do anything to ground yourself, to make yourself wake up, to give your brain anything it could latch to that would make sense.
Because it couldn’t be Anakin lying there without a heartbeat, it just couldn’t.
“Y/N” a shout of your name snapped you out of your stupor, your gaze snapping up to the Jedi master before you.
His eyes never once strayed from his hands on Anakin’s chest.
For the first time you took in the state of Obi-wan, noted the worry he tried to force down that was slipping through his eyes, the way his lips were parted with heavy breaths, the sweat that clung to his brow.
You’ve known Obi-wan for years, the man had been through more than most people experience in their lifetimes. He was a general in the republic’s army, a man regularly sent to the front lines to lead, the person you called to the table when you wanted to negotiate. Obi-wan Kenobi did not sweat.
“Obi” his name left your lips in a whisper, as a prayer, pleadingly.
The Jedi’s eyes cut up to meet yours briefly, his compressions never once halting “I know”
The man’s voice wasn’t scared, wasn’t broken, but it wasn’t calm either, it was just empty, hollow, the voice of a man who had cut himself off from everything, focusing on nothing but the task at hand.
It almost scared you more than anything else.
“No no he can’t he-“ you begged, who you were begging to you weren’t sure at this point “he promised he would be okay, he promised he would be careful, Obi-wan he can’t”
The words fell from your lips your mind barely attaching meaning to them as they passed.
“Rex” Obi-wan called without a second thought, paying you no mind as his attention shifted to the newly arrived reinforcements, a horde of clone troopers descending on the two of them completely blocking your view as Rex carefully pulled you back.
And you knew they were there to help, knew that Anakin should go with them, that if anyone could bring him back it was them.
But in this moment all you knew was you were being separated from him and you weren’t sure if you were ever going to see him again.
Desperately you screamed Anakin’s name over the crowd, watching as his body was hoisted by a few troopers and carried towards the nearest starship, ardently fighting against Rex’s hold as he kept you in place.
“No no Rex please I need to go with him” you begged the clone captain “please I can’t leave him alone he can’t be alone”
The captain did his best to calm you, softly shushing you, holding you in place until your movements started slow, your legs giving out from beneath you as the ramp to the starship that took Anakin ascended, effectively sealing him from you.
Rex followed you down to the ground, arms that had caged you into him softening to offer comfort instead as you watched the ship takeoff “Rex he can’t die he’s my-“ and you couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence, chocking on the word friend. Cause that wasn’t quite right, that word wasn’t enough, and it seemed that only when faced with Anakin’s flatlined heart that you could admit that to yourself.
Fate was a cruel thing.
Rex’s hand made its way to your shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze as he rocked you back and forth softly “I know Y/N, I know”
The first feeling Anakin noted after waking was not pain but rather stiffness.
The bright lights assaulting his unacclimated eyes he could get over easily, but the way his own body fought against him from the moment he opened his eyes, the way it seemed to protest just his breathing, that got to him.
“Well hello there”
Three simple words and Anakin was calm, the tension in his body melting into the mattress beneath him as he took the time to take a deep breath and try and relax.
Obi-wan was here, and if Obi-wan was here then everything was okay, because no matter what shit he had gotten himself into, and over the years there had certainly been a good amount of it, as long as Obi-wan was by his side he knew he could get out of it.
“Where am I?”
His voice sounded weak to his own ears, his very vocal chords grating as he tried to speak, only then realizing how thirsty he was.
“medical unit” Obi-wan answered, coming to his bedside to help Anakin sit up, passing him a cup of water once he was sure he could handle it “I must say we’ve had a lot of close calls in our days my friend, let’s never get that close again”
Anakin just hummed in response, greedily gulping down water.
“What do you remember?”
Finishing the glass Anakin handed the empty vessel back to his master, taking a moment to rack his mind, trying to sort through a jumbled mess of memory. “we were on Corellia” he answered hesitantly “the separatists were attacking we were there with Y/N I think, she went off with her clone army and…” the words died on his tongue, the emptiness of the room hitting him for the first time. His wide panicked gaze met his masters and Obi-wan read his expression easily.
“she’s fine, she had to brief the council”
Anakin sagged back in relief, his breath taking a second to right itself once again “okay-okay good. She’s okay. She separated off and told me to be safe then I-“
“did the exact opposite” Obi-wan supplied with a half smirk, relishing the way that same panicked look grew once again on Anakin’s face in response.
“shit” Anakin swore under his breath, bringing the heels of his palms up to rub at his eyes.
“she’s been by your side since she got to Coruscant” Obi-wan replied, crossing his arms over his chest “had to threaten expelling her from the order just to get her to go give her debrief”
Anakin could only groan in response, his posture slumping further as he did so “scale of 1 to 10 how likely is she to kill me?”
Obi-wan chuckled in response “oh my dear padawan we surpassed double digits long ago”
“it was that bad huh?”
Obi-wan was silent for a moment, hand coming up to rake through his beard in response, a tired sigh escaping him before he spoke again “the first time she saw you since the moment you separated off was when I was giving you chest compressions-“
“Well I’m here now that’s got to be worth something right?” he tried, earning only a single brow raise in response.
Another heavy silence fell over the pair before Obi-wan broke it “After seeing her reaction to finding you like that I feel it is my duty as your master to warn you against forming attachments” Anakin nearly rolled his eyes at the same tired old speech, Obi-wan cutting in to continue speaking before he got the chance to do so “however, as a friend I will say you ever put that girl through something like that again and breaking the Jedi code will be the least of your worries”
Anakin nearly laughed in response, the smile dying on his lips once he brought his gaze up to meet Obi-wans and seeing the seriousness that those eyes held. All words clogging in his throat as he was only able to force up a measly “yes master” that at least seemed to placate him for the moment.
Obi-wan’s posture straightened suddenly, eyes cast towards the closed door as he sensed a presence Anakin had felt coming minutes ago. “I believe that is my que to leave”
Giving Anakin a small bow Obi-wan made his way towards the door, pausing when Anakin suddenly called out “Master…thank you”
Obi-wan smiled warmly in response “It’s good to see you breathing again Anakin. Do your best to keep it that way”
Opening the door Obi-wan paused just in the doorframe, conversing briefly with someone he knew to be you before disappearing.
The entryway to Anakin’s surprise remained empty, empty for long enough to make him worry.
Despite everything though your form crept through the doorway, seeming almost scared to see him.
And though Obi-wan had told him you were okay Anakin couldn’t relax fully until he finally was able to lay eyes on you.
You, however, stayed as tense as ever just inside the door, eyes wide and panicked, gaze pinning him to the spot.
Anakin was almost afraid to move beneath your gaze, afraid any wrong move would break the spell and have you yelling at him.
Cause maker he knew he deserved it but he just woke up, he was alive, and he thought seeing a frown on your face after everything would kill him all over again.
The stare down lasted a tense few seconds as you scanned each other, Anakin noting the bandages wrapped around your palms, the badly bandaged cut on your brow. Maker how many times has he told you to see a medical droid after an assignment instead of trying to do it yourself, some bacta and it would be gone in minutes and he wouldn’t have to stare at the physical reminder of his own failure to protect you, of your own vulnerability.
The two of you seemed to snap out of it at the same moment, finishing your physical examination of one another at the same moment, because as Anakin took a deep breath and started to push himself up you were bound across the room in a near sprint.
Your arms were around his neck within the next second, your body planted in his lap, your chest pushed flush against his. And every part of him hurt with it but he didn’t care for a second because you were in his arms and the only thought running through his mind was that he needed you closer, that no matter how hard he pulled you into him it wasn’t enough because he was alive and you were here and nothing else beyond that mattered.
Much to his displeasure you were pulling back much too quickly and he tried to fight it, tried to keep you against him, tried to seek comfort in your arms as long as possible. But then your palms were cupping his cheeks and all thoughts in his head ceased, your wide eyes were looking directly into his and Anakin could do nothing but freeze, your nose brushed against his and Anakin forgot how to breathe. Then your lips were against his and Anakin suddenly wasn’t entirely sure he hadn’t actually died back there.
But Anakin had thought about this too many times to hesitate now, he kissed you back just as fiercely, just as hungrily, one hand coming to the back of your head, fingers threading themselves into your hair at the base of your neck as he pulled you into him, his other hand finding your waist and pulling, seeking out any sort of physical reminder that you were here, really here.
But there you went pulling back again, ending the kiss much too quickly for his liking. He tried to follow you back, tried to pull your lips back to his but you were too stubborn, why did you always have to be this stubborn?
Before his mind could even process what had happened, before he could even mourn to loss of your body against his, your hand was raised and Anakin felt a sharp sting on his cheek, a pain he was only 60% sure was new at this point.
He forced his eyes open only to be met with the anger in your eyes he had been expecting since you had walked into the room.
You were pulling back again, getting up from the bed to your feet, fingertips trailing down the sheets that separated his body from yours absentmindedly but leaving a trail of sparks in their wake for Anakin. He tried to reach for them but you were too quick pulling them back, coming up to stand alongside his bed.
He could acknowledge you were talking now, or rather ranting fit it better, but he was too busy trying to reach you, trying to pull you back down on top of him, too busy cursing his every ache and pain that kept him from standing up and following you.
“cannot believe you thought it was a good idea to go off on your own what were you thinking? No scratch that I knew what you were thinking and it was nothing-“
Your words vaguely registered in the back of his mind as you paced back and forth, scolding him. “you’re right, I’m sorry, come here” the words rushed out of his mouth as he tried to reach out to you again.
But you never even acknowledged that he had spoke, continuing your rant without a hiccup “you cannot keep doing this to me, to Obi-wan, to Rex, throwing yourself into every dangerous situation without any regard for your life-“
And all Anakin could focus on were your lips as you spoke. Was it just him or did they seem slightly pinker than before? Slightly swollen. A soft sheen on them from saliva, his saliva, maker how he wanted to add to it. He hummed non-committally to whatever you had just said.
You hadn’t even looked at him as you ranted, your eyes planted on your feet as you paced rapidly before his bed “you promised me you’d be careful and this is how you thought you would go about upholding that promise? Because I have news for you if you really thought that was a good plan-“
He hadn’t even gotten the chance to really enjoy himself, enjoy the feeling of your lips against his, the taste of you on his tongue. With every second that passed with you still all the way across the room he became less and less convinced that the kiss had really happened. At this point he didn’t really care if he had imagined the whole thing he was just desperate to recreate it.
His bed shook slightly as your hands came to rest on the foot of it and your eyes for the first time this entire rant connected with his and Anakin’s focus finally zeroed in, yours seeming to do the same, the both of you acknowledging in that moment you hadn’t listened to a single word the other had said in the past five minutes.
Another tense silence passed, each being unsure of what to say to the other, before a tear falling down your cheek broke it. “Ani I found you while Obi-wan was doing chest compressions, I only found you after you had died”
And for the first time the weight of his own stupid actions seemed to hit him. Because he could tell himself that he was doing it for you, or for Obi-wan, but truly Anakin hadn’t ever thought about what would happen after he made the decision to do something stupid. And here he was dealing with those consequences.
You were scared, you were scared and sad and Anakin had done that to you and he wasn’t sure he could forgive himself for that.
“Y/N please” he begged softly, one arm extended out to you.
And finally you listened to him, too slowly making your way back to his bedside, and Anakin wasted no time in wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling your head into his chest.
You went willingly, your arms wrapping around his torso, burying yourself into him with a relieved sigh as Anakin buried his nose in your hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“I’m so sorry Y/N” he whispered into your hair and for a second you didn’t respond, simply stayed in his arms, listened to the sound of his heart beat, reminded yourself he was really here, before replying, your voice muffled slightly by his shirt.
“You better be Skywalker”
And despite everything Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle at your threat, arms tightening slightly around you as he fondly kissed the top of your head once more.
“If I promised to be more careful would you kiss me again?”
It came out in a teasing tone but you froze at the question, your entire body tensing beneath his touch before slowly pulling back to better look at him, your eyes wide in panic “maker I kissed you”
“you did” he agreed eagerly, hand coming up to cup your cheek.
You brushed aside his hand without a thought, your panicked state leaving Anakin much too amused “I didn’t even ask you or warn you or tell you how I feel I just kissed you, maker Ani”
“And I’m asking you to do it again” he chuckled, hand wrapping around your wrist and giving it a small tug trying to pull you back into him.
“I could’ve ruined everything” you continued to rant, eyes unfocused as you spoke “We’ve known each other since we were nine and I just kissed you like that wasn’t going to change everything what was I thinking”
“I’m thinking if you don’t kiss me now my heart may stop…again”
Your response was immediate, one fist shooting out and connecting solidly to his shoulder causing the jedi to groan softly “Ani that’s not funny”
Nonetheless Anakin took advantage of the way you leaned forward slightly to hook one hand around the back of your neck and crash your lips sloppily into his, a happy groan escaping him once you had finally connected.
Yet again you were pulling back but Anakin learned from his mistakes, never letting you get far. “I want it on record this does not mean I condone you injuring yourself”
“You got it sweetheart” Anakin mumbled back without much thought, pulling you back into him to let your lips connect once again, relishing the few seconds you eagerly kissed him back before you pulled back once again.
“And you can’t just say whatever you think I want to hear just so I’ll kiss you”
“mhm sure whatever you want baby” he responded with a hum before pulling you in again, an exasperated groan escaping him when you once again pulled back too soon.
“I mean it you have to promise me Ani”
Anakin’s other hand came up to cup your check, gaze desperately seeking out yours as he held your head mere inches from his own “I promise you I will not put myself unnecessarily into danger going forward” and without giving you a chance to respond he was kissing you again, committing every second to memory as he threaded his fingers through your hair.
Your hands planted on his chest as you pulled back again, barely getting out your “and one more-“ before Anakin was responding with a simple “no” pulling you back into him, the Jedi’s desperation making you giggle against his lips as you happily kissed him back.
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“He's been a bit of a jerk”
Summary: quinn suddenly ditches his childhood best friend on new years eve when they have spent every NYE together since they were 6. luke saves the night
Warnings: use of y/n and I think one or two uses of y/n/n, only brief mentions of quinn not actually active in fic but substantial to the plot, like has internal dialogue via italics, if I missed anything please let me know
Word Count: 1.8k
requested: yes - “luke pining after Quinn’s best friends and he finally gets the girl.”
Authors Note: edited as may 31, 2024 - if you read before May 31 the word count is now 800 more than it is was previously 🫣
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On the frost-tipped grass, (Y/N) sat beneath a canopy of stars, her back propped against the rough bark of an old oak tree. A light dusting of snow had settled over the ground, transforming the world into a perfect winter wonderland. She shivered, not necessarily from the cold evening, but from the heart wrenching realization that tonight was supposed to go different. It was New Year's Eve, and every year since they were six, she and her childhood best friend, Quinn had celebrated together. But this year, he had up and ditched her last minute. Just like that. He gave her zero explanation and no apology. He had just vanished into the night with his middle brother, leaving her feeling more alone than ever. Which when he left for the NHL was pretty hard to top, yet he somehow managed to do it when he was only somewhere in the same town. The two barely get to see each other anymore as it is. He lives in Vancouver and she lives in Michigan. Quinn flies her out to a few games a season and of course she attends any Canucks vs Redwings games as well as Canucks vs Devils games. However the time the two have available with one another is so restricted at that time, she may as well be just another fan in the arena.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps crunching through the frosted snow. A warm blanket was draped over her shoulders, and a steaming cup of hot chocolate was pressed into her hands. She looked up, her eyes falling on her best friend’s youngest brother, Luke, as he joined her. She briefly looked over his features, his cheeks were already flushed from the growing colder night, but the smile he gave her was warm and genuine.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he whispered as if they were amongst a huge crowd of people and not alone in an empty yard. His voice still highly audible over the silence of the night. "I came out here for a few reasons but one being because I…” Luke’s words ran out into the night. His right hand pulling off his beanie then he was slipping his fingers through his messy curls. A tell tale sign he was nervous about whatever he was about to say. “I wanted to apologize for what Quinn did to you tonight. He had no right to leave you like that. I don’t know what is going on with him and what would make him decide to leave behind the one person who has been consistent for him that isn’t family. The one person in his life that still sees him as Quinn and not as big shot Quinn..” Luke shoved his beanie back on and sighed. He had been looking up at the night sky watching the night clouds move uncovering the stars. “He has been a bit of a jerk here lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop him."
(Y/N) smiled weakly at the rambling boy next to her. Her gaze slowly drifting back up to the now clear sky and where the stars were twinkling like Christmas lights. "It's fine, really. I mean, it stung a lot at first, but..." Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged halfheartedly. "I'm just glad you were here tonight." The butterflies in Luke’s stomach flapped back to life and were going insane at her last statement. “Who knows Lukey. Maybe we can start our own tradition together this New Year’s.” Luke was watching her body languagefor any signs of a joke before speaking up. “I wouldn’t mind. It would teach Quinn to ditch someone as special as you.” (Y/N) slightly smiled, still looking up at the stars. “Special? No. Just me Luke.” (Y/N) argued, Luke didn’t want to have the silly argument back and forth. He knew just how special she is. Given the chance he would show her too. After all, a girl like her deserves to be treated, loved, and respected the way she treats, loves, and respects everyone else. (Y/N) was the girl has sought after ever since Luke stopped thinking he was supposed to marry his mom when he was older. Luke shook his head and groaned at her words. “One day (Y/N/N). Just you wait, one day you’ll know just how special you truly are.” He tells her before they fell into another comfortable silent state. His words confidently spilled out. (Y/N) turned her head opposite from Luke so he couldn’t see the true smile she was wearing across her face because of him. She also hoped he couldn’t hear her heartbeat as a result of his words.
The silence stretched between them, as she snuggled further into the blanket, (y/n) suddenly became aware that Luke was only wearing a thin jacket as he shivered. She glanced over at him, her eyes meeting his. "Here," she said, pulling the blanket off from around her shoulders. "You can have this. It's getting kind of cold out here." Luke hesitated for a moment, debating on offering to share the blanket. "No, really. It's fine. I'm warm enough." She shot him a glare. “Luke Warren Hughes. I just saw you shiver.” Her tone, at best, was barely strict. He held eye contact waiting for her to continue, he could practically see the gears turning in her mind. “If you won’t take it for yourself, we will share it.” She says wrapping it around him and snuggling into his side. Luke was trying his best to calm the butterflies and his racing heart. While also fighting the mental battle on if he should shoot his shot at midnight.
(Y/N) is the girl I have wanted for years now. She is right here. Cuddling into my side, a couple moves and I could easily be her new year’s kiss. If she hates it? I just play it off as a friendly new year’s kiss. Her and Quinn have been each other’s midnight kiss before, I can play it off as if I’m filling his shoes if she questions me and she’s angry. I can do this. I can do this. I think I can do this?
As midnight was quickly approaching the air was thick with anticipation between the both of them and more people were gathering outside.
The countdowns echoed throughout the night, each one louder than the last.
Fireworks lit up the sky, casting a multitude of colors over everyone. The fireworks also casting iridescent colors across the blanket of snow on the ground. Making a beautiful picturesque scene.
Luke decided it was definitely now or never. He may not have done it 12am but right now under the colorful display of the many fireworks was perfect. He smiled down at (Y/N), feeling a warmth spread through his chest, for the first time the butterflies in his stomach calmed. He leaned in, his breath fanning her cheek. "Happy New Year, (Y/n)." She felt his lips brush against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. That is when he froze up. Her reaction to his lips barely touching her sent his heart racing. He was scared she was going to send him flying into the snow. Her best friend’s baby brother’s lips just touched her. But she didn’t move. She was waiting? Luke quickly finished his well wishes to her before she snapped out of it, "I hope this year brings you everything you wish for." Her breath caught in her throat as he pulled back, their gazes locked.
“Do it Luke. Her eyes are basically screaming, begging for you to.” why do you have to be in my head now jack dear god please shut up.
In a seconds time he was leaning back in, his left hand making its way softly to the back of her head. His fingers interlacing in her hair. (Y/N)’s breaths were slow and deep awaiting Luke’s next move. “Tell me if this isn’t something you want.” Luke swallows down the anxiety he was feeling. Mentally silencing the jack he hears in his head telling him to go for it. “Because once I do this once.. I’m going to want to do this again and again. Everyday for the next foreseeable future.” Luke’s voice was trembling in want, desire, need. All of his feelings rushing to the forefront of his mind. “Shut up and kiss me Luke.” (Y/N) sighed grasping his face pulling him to her.
As their lips touched, the grand finale of the fireworks show was set off. The energy of the grand finale matching the energy sparking off the two of them. Luke and (y/n)’s kiss was hot enough to melt the snow underneath them. The way their mouths moved in perfect harmony. The small nips Luke made against her bottom lip as he pulled away. It left them both wanting more, needing more.
“Remind me to thank my brother for being an ass.” Luke mumbles against her lips before getting lost in another languid kiss. “Lukey let’s go home. It’s the new year, I’m cold and I also want to thank Quinn, because now I know who the better kisser is...well I’ve not kissed Jack.” She pauses and makes a playful gagging noise. “And because it finally got you to make a move.” Luke’s face went more red than it already was where it was tinged from the cold. “That..what?” He was baffled by her admittance . “I had my assumptions. I’m just happy I wasn’t wrong. Now let’s goooo. I wanna go get in bed and get warm.” (Y/N) sent a wink his way.
She was hinting towards cuddling. But with how fast Luke was grabbing up the blankets that they had been sitting on and were wrapped up in, before grabbing her hand and heading to the car…She is pretty sure his mind went a different direction.
“Quinn now owes me $10, he said you didn’t like me.” (Y/N) says once they were in the car and headed down the road. “You two had a bet on if I had a crush on you or not?” Luke laughed while asking. “No we had a bet on if you even liked me as a person. Because you avoided me. He’s going to be so shocked to know that you like-like me.” She clarifies with a giggle when she says ‘like-like’. Luke rolls his eyes at the thought of his older brother being naive enough to believe he didn’t like his best friend. “So back to what you said earlier tonight…Same thing and same place next new year’s?” Luke asks her. She nods with a smile. “New tradition, with you. Starting this year.” (Y/N) confirms with a nod. “Only maybe we hang out inside until right before midnight.” She adds grabbing for Luke’s hand to wrap both of her freezing ones around. The two sat in a comfortable silence stealing quick glances, with smiles plastered across their faces, and glimmers in their eyes the rest of the way to the Hughes home.
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formulawolff · 2 days
i. alkaline - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cursing, significant age-gap, power imbalances, slow burn, eventual smut, inappropriate work relationships, mentions of infidelity, drug/alcohol use, use of common fic tropes
synopsis: as the first american female driver for formula one, you are thrust into the competitive world of racing. when you are approached by a team principal willing to make a deal, you presented with the opportunity of a lifetime.
author's note: this is my first f1 related fic, so i may have made some errors in terminology. the title is based on the song alkaline by sleep token. i recommend listening while reading! please, please, please let me know if you like the fic! i plan on making this my first f1 series :')
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racing was never in the cards. 
well, racing a nearly 1,800 pound car was never in the cards. 
especially at speeds reaching two hundred miles an hour. 
yet, here you were, shaking james’ hand, beaming as the cameras flashed. there were a flurry of voices, all of them nearly trembling with excitement, relief, and well, hope. if you were able to accomplish eighth place today, what did that mean for the future of williams racing? 
would williams be a sizable contender for the 2025 constructors’ championship? would they be able to squash the disbelief? the doubts? hell, if you kept this up, there was a chance that you could get williams into the top ten of the 2024 championship. 
were you what they had been missing for so long? 
were you the key to their future success?
“great job,” james’ voice is nearly hoarse, more than likely from all of the celebration, “you wouldn’t believe what they’re saying about you.” 
“probably nothing great,” you scoff, rolling your eyes slightly, “i’m sure that everyone is claiming i didn’t deserve it.” 
“quite the contrary,” a chuckle bubbles up from his throat, “they all adore you.” 
“was it because i gave the camera the finger?” 
“no,” there is a slight twinkle in his eyes, quite the contrary from what you were used to, “they love you because you’re you. there is no one in this sport who is quite like you.
there’s an authenticity that cannot be replaced. it’s obvious you have a true passion for racing. it shows on the track. good job, today.” 
heat flourished into your cheeks, tears welling up at james’ words. after years of being ridiculed by team principals, attacked by fans, and bashed by the media, praise was something to be cherished. it was always welcomed warmly, your heart swelling as james brought you in for a sweaty embrace. 
“thank you, james,” the words are slightly muffled as he squeezes you gently, “you know how much that means to me. thank you for believing in me.”
“of course,” james murmurs, rubbing your back ever so slightly, “great job, american girl. you deserve this. go do some interviews, flash that beautiful grin of yours, and then get some rest. you need it.”
“no partying?” you arch your brow, “i think i deserve a drink or two.”
“maybe a little bit,” another chuckle rings out, “i just don’t want to see any press about it in the morning. that’s the last thing we need after our victory today.”
“right, right,” you nod your head, saluting the principal, “aye, aye captain.”
“it’s principal,” james shoots you a wink before turning to several engineers, the group getting swept away into the chaos. 
no matter how well the team did, there was always chaos after a race. it was typical, routine even. there was always the pit crew cleaning up, shouting to one another as the fans trickled out of the stands. engineers milled about, tablets in hand, murmuring to one another, pointing out aspects of the car that needed improvement. there was always some piece of the car that could be adjusted, a slight tweak or advancement. it could make the car faster, or it could only lead to inevitable disaster. 
exhaling, you stroll out of the paddock, the dread of facing the press weighing down every step. 
you could turn around, and hide in the paddock. 
however, this was part of being a driver. simply a requirement of the job. press was an essential aspect of formula one. how else would the world know how you felt after that race? how else would information about driver contracts, car modifications, disqualifications be shared?
how else would the world have known about the first american female formula in formula one?  
you had to at least thank the press for that. 
even if it was shared before your official announcement that you were joining williams racing for the 2023 racing season. 
“there she is!” a voice calls out, light and airy. 
the corners of your lips tug into a smile as you see daniel ricciardo jogging towards you. before you know it, his arms are wrapping around your frame, holding you tight. he’s sweaty, per usual, but you accept the gesture, suppressing a giggle as he sways you back and forth. 
“i knew you could do it! i knew you could do it!”
“don’t puncture her lungs, please,” another voice chimes in, “i would like to keep her around, you know.”
daniel releases you promptly, placing a swift peck on your cheek, “no need to fret alex. i’m not that mighty.”
“i’m more worried about contracting any diseases from the land down under,” scrunching your nose, you wave your fingers at daniel, earning yet another laugh from the australian. 
“the only disease you’d contract are my insanely good looks.”
“here we go again,” alex rolls his eyes, “are we ready to face the press or what?”
“i think so,” daniel shrugs, “go ahead, alex. we’ll follow you.”
alex shoots you an inquiring glance, but begins to walk in the direction of the conference room. once he was a reasonable distance away, daniel clears his throat. 
“someone seemed a little jealous.”
“i wouldn’t say jealous,” you can’t help but defend alex, “he’s probably a little bitter.”
“fifteenth place is nowhere as good as eighth,” daniel points out, the notes in his tone solemn, “he’s been there a few years and seen subpar results. you came in last year and have pretty damn good ones. i’m sure he can’t help but feel a little bit of envy.” 
“maybe he just had a bad race.”
“you say that every–” daniel begins, but he’s swiftly cut off as you pull open the door to the conference room. 
all around, cameras flash, reporters chirp out questions, and phones are immediately pointed in your direction. sucking in a deep breath, you settle on the couch next to daniel, max verstappen across from you. he shoots you a thumbs up, complemented with a wide smile. alex was on your right, fiddling a loose thread. 
confusion consumes you momentarily once you realize that max was the only one from the podium to remain in the conference room. checo and carlos were not present. so why was he still here? 
daniel passes you the mic, placing it on your lap. a shit-eating grin plasters his face, and you grimace. of course he was going to make you speak first. hesitantly, you pick up the mic, clearing your throat. 
“hello, everyone. any questions?”
immediately a reporter butts in, “how does it feel to not only be one of the only women competing in formula one, but the first american woman to place in a race?”
your hand tingles as you hold up the mic, trembling slightly. public speaking was never your forte. fuck you, daniel. 
“w-well,” you curse yourself for stuttering, “i take a lot of pride in the way i compete, especially as such a trailblazer for women who love the sport. i’m aware that there is a lot of unrest and outcry concerning my gender and how i’m not ‘supposed’ to be competing with the men–”
“i think she’s a worthy opponent,” max’s voice interjects, “she competes at the same intensity as we do, if not more. she is going to be standing next to me on a podium in a matter of weeks. i’ve never met someone so driven to win or passionate about the sport. 
we pay no attention to her gender. it doesn’t affect us. we pay attention to her character. i do not want to speak for her, but i am sure she would appreciate it if you all refrained from the gender based questions. ask her about the race.”
as he finishes speaking, his eyes drift back to you, sparkling ever so slightly. his cheeks were tinged a pink hue from the passionate sentiment, and you couldn’t help but just sit there, frozen with disbelief. 
max verstappen, three time world champion, one of the best drivers to ever step foot on a formula one track, publicly praised you. in a room full of journalists, no less. 
sure, you were friendly with max. since there were only twenty drivers, most of you were close, on and off the grid. you had exchanged numerous conversations with max over the last year, but you were still a little intimidated by the dutch driver. 
of course, who wouldn’t be? he was a dominant force on the track, winning nineteen of the twenty-two races last season. 
so yeah, when he just did nothing but send you the uttermost praise in a room bustling with the press, you were going to a little starstruck.
“do you have any additional remarks to maxs’ comments?” a reporter snaps you out of your trance, “you appear to be a little off-put by what he just said.”
blinking, you bring the mic to your lips, “no, i actually appreciate what he said. maybe that means you guys will finally take me seriously.”
“are you under the impression that formula one does not take you seriously?”
as the reporter baits you to respond, a twinge of frustration brews in your stomach, churning it into a knot. sucking in a sharp breath, you focus your attention to the reporter. 
“no, that is not what i said. it is the simple fact that i have been working my ass off this last year to be a competitive racer. i’ve worked tirelessly with williams racing to place. i’ve been trying to earn points for my team because i believe in my team and i want us to succeed. yet nearly every day i wake up, someone on social media posts some bullshit or bashes me for competing. 
i’ve been making a name for myself, and look where it has gotten me. you all are more concerned about my gender than the race i just had. i think it’s a bit frivolous to be more invested in my gender than my racing. so yeah, when the three time world champion says something good about me, i would hope that you guys listen to it.”
there’s a few gasps from a few reporters, and you can’t help but notice all of the beady red lights on the cameras. of course that was all recorded. of course it was going to be blasted all over social media these next couple of days. 
so much for good press. 
setting down the mic, you lean over to daniel. the words are low enough so that only he can hear, “i’m done here.”
“i don’t blame you,” the aussie plucks the mic out of your hands, “get out of here. cool down. i’m sorry about that prick.”
“don’t worry about it,” you mutter, cheeks burning hot with sheer anger, “i’m leaving before i cuss them all out.”
“atta girl,” daniel winks, “i’d like to see that, though.”
“not now,” you bite your lip, “i need to bite my tongue.”
as you get up, max’s gaze is full of sympathy. alex’s mouths, i’m so sorry, disappointment painting his features. walking across the stage, daniel’s words drown in your ears. 
balling your fists together, the tingly sensation resides as you march towards your motorhome. tears blur your vision, strings of curses filling the air as you walk. after that little incident in the press room, james was not going to be happy. of course, after everything you accomplished today, it was diminished somehow. 
by an asshole reporter, at that. 
flinging open the door to the motorhome, you resist the urge to just scream. it would not help much, but god would it be cathartic. however, there were more important things to be addressed. you needed to decompress and settle down. 
as much as you wanted to celebrate with a few drinks, a shower, some comfy clothes, and your bed were more appealing. 
maybe a glass of wine in bed wouldn’t hurt. 
as you unzip your fire suit, a knock at the door disturbs the silence. 
shit. just as you were finally getting settled. 
groaning, you spin on your heel, making your way to the door. 
“daniel, i swear to fucking god. i don’t want to talk right now–”
however, it was not daniel standing at the entrance of your motorhome. 
before you was torger wolff, also known as toto wolff, team principal of mercedes-amg petronas. 
donning a white team button-up, the sleeves were rolled to his elbows, showcasing his muscular build. inky black slacks were on his lower half, making him appear taller than he already was. fluffy brunette hair stood up on nearly all ends, messy from the stress and chaos of the race.
however, there was no denying he was handsome. with sharp, angular features, and wrinkles scoured in his face over the years, it gave him a powerful yet stoic aura. 
like his name suggested, he was like a wolf, poised and eager to pounce.
yet, you were more focused on his eyes. a brilliant, warm, mocha-hued gaze framed by thick, dark lashes. and they were peering right at you, taking in the sight of you in your half-zipped fire suit, a black long sleeve underneath. 
your eyes widen, a hand covering your mouth. sheer embarrassment courses through you, heat flooding your cheeks, trickling down your neck, “i – oh my god. um, oh my god, i am so fucking sorry.”
clearing his throat, he arches a brow, “did i come at a bad time?”
“no,” you shake your head, perhaps a little quickly, “no, no, no. please, come in. how rude of me.”
there is no readable expression across the austrian’s features, his lips pucking ever so slightly, “it won’t be long, i promise.”
swallowing a lump in your throat, you step back, inviting the principal in to the motorhome. you lead him to the kitchen, gesturing to a barstool, “you can sit here if you’d like.”
he glances at the stool, yet does not sit. your brows furrow as he remains standing. leaning against a counter, you fold your arms across your chest. 
“is there a reason you stopped by?”
“as you know,” toto begins, “lewis is leaving mercedes after the 2024 season. he will be joining ferrari in 2025. to put it simply, i am on the hunt for my second driver.”
your lips purse, “i’m not sure why you came to me. you would have better luck with carlos. he’s looking for a team. i made a verbal commitment to james. i’ll be staying with williams through 2026.”
“is that so?” toto inquires, taking a step towards you, “and why are you choosing to stay with a team that limits your potential?”
the question takes you aback, “i’m not sure you what mean.”
rolling his eyes, he tuts, “williams racing is nowhere as near as competitive of a team as ferrari, redbull, mclaren, or mercedes. for years they’ve been piddling around, finishing at the bottom of the championship. yes, their drivers are talented, but they are not given opportunities to thrive.”
his comment sends another wave of anger coursing through you, your fists balling at your sides, “you have no idea what you’re talking about–”
“actually, i do. i’ve been around a long time. i’ve seen a lot more than you ever have. james is a great team principal, but you are not going to compete if you stay at williams. eventually, you’ll be like alex. you’ll finish with mediocre results. you’ll lose faith in the team who you once cherished so deeply. you’ll be ridiculed even more by the world of formula one, even more so than you already are.”
gritting your teeth, you take a step forward, “i think it’s time for you to leave.”
“what?” toto cocks his head, “did i say something you didn’t want to hear, little dove? did i strike a chord?”
“i think you’re just projecting,” you maintain your composure as the principal scoffs, “that’s exactly what happened to lewis, and you’re afraid it’s going to happen to george.”
“you’re a smart girl,” it takes a moment for you to realize how close the two of you had suddenly gotten.
he was in very close proximity now, only a few inches apart, looking down at you with a wickedly smug grin, “and i know that you’re very aware that formula one is a business. i have to maintain the mercedes reputation and acquire a driver who will bring us home podiums.” 
“i think you’ll have that luck with carlos,” breaking away, your gaze settles on the door of the motorhome. 
fingers grasp your chin, tilting your head upwards. 
“but i want you to drive for mercedes. i want to make you a world champion.”
please let me know if you would like to be tagged! thank you for reading! <3
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rynwritesreid · 1 day
Rock my way| Spencer Reid
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A/N: If any of you have good angst smut requests please send them over, of course only if you want too. I am getting through all the over requests. Love you guys
Summary: Maybe it’s fate, pure luck or just a simple coincidence. But after 10 years Spencer finds himself in the same city as you.
Content/warnings: Fluff. Smut. Fem!reader. 18+. Soft dom!Reid. Sub!reader. Munch!Reid. Oral (f!receiving). P in V. No mentions of contraception. Pet names (baby. Good girl. Sweet girl. Etc…) overstimulation.
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After a rather messy breakup, you found yourself eating alone at one of your favourite restaurants, which wasn’t unusual for you as you had really started to enjoy your own company. Once you had placed your order, you went back to people watching making up all different kinds of scenarios for everyone you laid your eyes upon.
As you moved on to a table that had five, very serious looking people sat around it, a familiar face caught your gaze. It had been roughly ten years since you saw that face, but it’s definitely Spencer Reid.
As you stared at Spencer Reid, trying to comprehend his presence, wanting to know what he was doing here, he suddenly looked up from his menu and met your gaze. You quickly looked away, hoping he hadn’t recognised you, because you had never really gotten over him.
A few moments passed before you dared to glance back at Spencer Reid. To your surprise, he was now standing up from his table and making his way over to where you were sitting. 
"Hey," Spencer said, standing awkwardly in front of your table. "I can't believe it's you. How long has it been?" His voice was warm and familiar, and until this moment you had realised how much you had missed it.
"It's been too long, Spencer," you replied softly. "What are you doing here?"
Spencer pulled out a chair and sat down next to you, still wearing his signature cardigan. "I'm in town for a case," he explained. "But seeing you here is a pleasant surprise."
A waiter approached the table, and Spencer quickly ordered a coffee before turning his attention back to you. "I never thought I'd run into you like this," he admitted, his eyes searching yours.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, Spencer.” You admitted in a whispered tone, your heart racing at the unexpected reunion. Spencer's gaze softened, and for a moment, it felt like no time had passed between the two of you.
"I've often wondered how you've been," Spencer confessed, his words tinged with emotion. "I never forgot about you."
“I never forgot about you, and if I am being honest with you, I have never stopped loving you.” you paused, the weight of your confession hanging in the air between you and Spencer. His eyes widened slightly, his expression a mix of surprise and longing. The background noise of the restaurant faded away as you waited for his response, unsure of what to expect after all this time.
Spencer reached out hesitantly, his fingers brushing against yours on the table. "I never stopped loving you either," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "Meeting you here feels like fate giving us a second chance."
“Dr Spencer Reid is actually saying something is fate?” you let out a small giggle. Spencer chuckled, the sound bringing back a flood of memories. "Well, maybe not fate, but definitely a lucky coincidence," he replied with a smile.
“I’ve got to get back to my team, but he’s my hotel name, and my room number. If you’re free later, let me know, my number is still the same.” Spencer's voice was soft as he handed you a piece of paper with the details scribbled on it.
"Thank you, Spencer," you said, tucking the paper into your pocket. "I'll definitely get in touch."
You had messaged Spencer that you were free all evening, and that if he still wanted you were down to come to his hotel room.
As you nervously knocked on Spencer’s hotel room door, your heart raced with anticipation. The door slowly opened, revealing Spencer standing there with a small smile on his face.
“Pretty nice hotel room you’ve got here, Spencer.” You observed, trying to mask your nerves. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over his features as he closed the door behind you.
"Thank you," Spencer replied, his gaze never leaving yours. "I wasn't sure if you would actually come." His vulnerability surprised you, reminding you of the depth of the connection you both shared.
"I couldn't stay away," you admitted, taking a step closer to him. “How long are you going to be here?” you asked, trying to avoid kissing the man you knew your heart belonged too. 
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I guess until the case I am working on is finished.” Spencer smiled warmly at you; his eyes filled with affection.
And even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hold of the inevitable anymore, you were giving in to temptation and kissing him. Spencer's lips met yours in a rush of emotion and longing, the years apart melting away in that single moment.
Breaking away slightly, you looked into his eyes, seeing a mixture of desire and adoration reflected back at you. "I've missed this," Spencer whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
"I've missed you," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"I've missed you too," Spencer said, his voice filled with sincerity, as he gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
Just like you, Spencer hadn’t realised how much he had missed you until he had seen you again, and heard you voice again after all these years. You were his first proper submissive, and he had, just like you, always loved you. 
With a sense of urgency, Spencer pulled you closer to him, his hand caressing your back, tracing the zipper on your dress. He had missed this; he had missed you. He had missed how reactive you were to his touch, how you looked at him, how you felt around him.
Just like second nature, his hand pulled down the zipper, allowing your dress to fall to the floor, and allowing him to see your body. Spencer took a step back, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin. A small gasp escaped his lips as he took in the lace lingerie you were wearing. "You're even more beautiful than I remember," he said, his voice hoarse with desire.
You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks at his words, but you didn't look away from him. Instead, you reached behind you and unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the ground. Spencer's gaze darkened as he took in the sight of your bare breasts.
He stepped closer to you again, his hand reaching out to cup one of your breasts gently. A soft moan escaped your lips as he began to caress your nipple with his thumb. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your neck. 
“I want to taste you,” he breathed against your skin.
"Yes, please," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. Spencer's lips found yours once again, his tongue exploring your mouth with a passion that took your breath away. His free hand slid down your body, tracing the curve of your waist before settling on the waistband of your lace panties.
“Now are you the good girl I remember?” he asked with a devilish smirk.
You nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence, all you could think about was him, his mouth, the way he use to take his time with you.
“That’s good to hear,” he paused, he just couldn’t get enough of you, “now be a good girl, take your panties off and lay on the bed with your legs wide open.”
Spencer watched as you obeyed his command, your movements slow and sultry. As you lay on the bed, your legs spread wide, his heart raced at the sight before him. He wanted to explore every inch of you, to make up for all the time they haven't spent together.
With a hunger in his eyes, he walked towards you, his hands itching to touch you. As he reached the bed, he knelt down between your legs, his fingertips lightly tracing the curve of your hip. You shivered slightly, the anticipation of his touch making your skin tingle.
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with desire, and said softly, "I've missed this, I've missed you." And then, without another word, he leaned in, his lips brushing against your skin as he began to explore every inch of you.
You moaned softly, your breath catching in your throat as his mouth moved lower, his tongue darting out to taste you. Your hips bucked slightly, a silent plea for more, and he answered by sliding a finger inside you, pumping it slowly as his mouth continued to explore.
The sensation was overwhelming, the sheer intensity of it all making your head spin. You arched your back, your hands clutching at the sheets as you felt the first waves of pleasure wash over you.
He slipped another finger inside you, stretching you slowly, his fingers moving in and out with a dedicated, rhythmic precision.
You were lost in the moment, your heart racing, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The pleasure building inside you was almost too much to bear, but Spencer's lips and fingers kept you on the edge.
As you neared the point of no return, Spencer increased the pace, his fingers thrusting deeper into you, and his mouth working its magic. Your body shivered, trembled, and then, without warning, you exploded, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave.
Your screams filled the room, your body bucking wildly as the waves of pleasure washed over you, leaving you breathless and spent.
You must have been unaware that Spencer had moved, and the fact he had gotten undressed. As you lay there, panting and still coming down from the incredible high of your orgasm, you felt a gentle hand tenderly caressing your cheek. You opened your eyes to find Spencer standing over you, his gaze locked on yours.
"You taste incredible," Spencer whispered. 
He slowly climbed over your body, positioning himself between your legs.
“Spencer, I… I don’t think I can take anymore.” You said in a hushed tone.
“You can take it; you’ve done it before.” Spencer replied with a smirk.
He began to guide himself inside you, slowly at first, allowing your body to adjust to his size. You moaned softly, your hips bucking slightly in response to his touch.
“You’re so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me.” Spencer gasped, his breath hitching as he pushed deeper inside you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your nails digging into his back, urging him to move faster.
“Fuck me, Spencer. Fuck me hard.” You moaned, your voice filled with need and desire.
Spencer obliged, his thrusts becoming faster and harder, his hips pounding against you. You moaned with every thrust, your body writhing beneath his, your nails digging into his back, leaving trails of red marks.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "You're mine now, always have been. I've waited too long for this."
And with that, he thrust deeper, his hips moving in a rhythm that set your soul on fire. You felt him hit your sweet spot, “cum for me, you’ve done so well, my sweet girl, cum for me.”
You didn't know if you could take it anymore, but there was something about the way he looked at you, the way he talked to you, that made you want to give him everything. You felt his cock throb inside you, and your want for him grew stronger.
You arched your back, your nails digging into his back, your moans growing more pronounced. The sensation was overwhelming, every thrust deeper, harder, driving you to the edge.
“Spencer!” you gasped, your eyes locked on his, your voice breaking, your orgasm building.
He increased the pace, his hips pounding harder, his dick thrusting deeper with each movement. The pleasure washed over you like a tidal wave, your entire being shaking with the intensity of it all.
“Yes, that’s it, my perfect girl,” he groaned, his voice rough with desire.
As you reached the peak of your orgasm, you felt him begin to shake, his thrusts becoming erratic, his breaths ragged and hoarse.
You felt him tense, his entire body shuddering as he released inside you, filling you completely. He stopped moving, his body collapsed on top of you, his forehead resting against yours.
You stayed like that for a moment, both of you panting heavily, the aftermath of the intense fuck leaving you both breathless and spent.
"I've missed you so much," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
You smiled, your heart swelling with love and happiness, knowing that this was just the beginning of something even more incredible than before.
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doitforbangchan · 13 hours
All Bark and No Bite - 17
I want to thank yall for your patience and sticking by this story even tho it doesn't update as frequently, I love you all <3 please enjoy one of my favorites so far
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Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Chapter warnings: fem/Afab reader, smut, unprotected p in v, somnophilia, cream pies, dom!Chan, switch!Jisung, soft dom!Changbin, sub!reader, threesome, thigh fucking, cum eating, oral (f receiving),outside sex (technically?), biting, kissing, begging, dirty talk, cursing, pet names, fluff, any maybe a few more let me know what i missed 
WC: 9.9k
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He knew it was early. Too early. But he couldn’t help it. He didn’t even register that he had crept out of bed at all until he was face to, well… door. Chan's door. The door that you were sleeping behind. 
Jisung had dreamed of you. He had dreamed of holding you, kissing you, fucking you. He woke up with his dick leaking and only thoughts of you on his mind. The dream was so vivid. He could have sworn he was feeling your soft skin beneath his fingertips and tasting you on his tongue, awaking to a drooling dick and mouth alike. 
One minute he was laying in his bed thinking of you, and the next he was in front of Chan's door. His nerves were aflame. Jisung knew he was being needy and pathetic, but he really couldn’t help it. He barely had any time with you at all the last few days and he craved you badly. Craved you like an addict craved a cigarette. 
With a deep breath in, he timidly raised his fist and knocked on the door. 
Chan was laid awake in his bed, your figure lay next to him. You were on your back half curled into him with your hair a mess, strewn all over the pillow under your head. The alpha had only awoken moments ago, the streams of the morning sun that cascaded through the window hitting him directly and causing him to wake up. He was stifling a deep yawn when he heard the delicate tapping at his door. 
The elder furrowed his brow, before responding with a grunt of acknowledgment; An offer to enter the space. Chan hadn’t expected to see Jisung cracking open the door with an anxious grin. “Sungie? What're you doin? Are you ok?” Chan mumbled looking concerned at the beta. 
“Uh- uh yeah. ‘M ok.” The betas eyes flickered back and forth from Chan and your sleeping form. Jisung fidgeted with his fingers, looking and feeling conflicted. Then he shook his head, “Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you Channie. This was stupid of me.” 
“Jisung, wait. What’s goin on? You can talk to me about anything.” Chan offered him a comforting yet lazy smile, keeping his voice low so as to not disturb you.
Jisung shuffled on his feet and wrung his hands. This suddenly felt like a bad idea, but he had already come in here. “I um, I just missed Baby is all. She was in my dream and I.. wanted to see her.” 
Chan could sense there was a little more to his words than Jisung was expressing, able to see the bulge hidden behind the betas sweats. He didn’t mention it, not wanting to embarrass Ji more than he was already feeling. Jisung already couldn’t hold eye contact with Chan - the younger man choosing instead to flicker his eyes back and forth between the floor and your sleeping form. 
Chan nodded towards the bed, “Well come on then. Come snuggle with us.” 
“Really?” Jisung perked up a little, shuffling a little further into the room and closing the door softly behind him. 
“Of course, you know she loves to cuddle so she won’t mind.” 
A wide grin broke across the betas face. He then wasted no time in skipping over to your side of the bed. Chan pulled you just a little closer to his side, giving Ji some room to slide in under the covers beside you. Jisung immediately felt the warmth you provided, a satisfied purr rumbling out from his chest when he wrapped his arms around you . You stirred lightly but didn’t wake. Subconsciously you did cuddle further into him. 
Chan gave a chuckle at how content both of you seemed to be. He settled himself back into a comfortable position and closed his eyes, waiting to see how this would all play out. 
It didn’t take long. 
After only a few minutes, Jisung began to get antsy. Being this close to you intimately reminded him of the whole reason he made this venture in the first place. The delicate sweetness of your scent was overwhelming his senses but even so he couldn’t resist the deep sniff he gave your hair- his eyes fluttering shut and open. 
He remembers the dream he had recently awoken from. He remembers the sounds you made as he ate you out. Remembers the slick that had poured out of you and into his mouth, the dream was staggeringly vivid.  Jisung could feel his dick swell a little more, hardening even further in his pants. 
There was a shift from the alpha on the opposite side of you, that in turn made your body move. In that movement your leg bent slightly and brushed against Jisungs hardening member. The whimper that accidentally escaped Jisung was embarrassingly loud. 
There was a beat of complete silence, other than the sound of your deep breathing as you slept. Both boys were still, though for different reasons. Jisung was waiting for the (what he assumed was) inevitable. That Chan had heard his sound of desperation and that he was now going to be tossed out for making things weird. On the other hand; Chan was waiting with smug curiosity. Waiting to see if Jisung would make the noise again. 
Chan was the first to break the silence, “Jisung, why did you really come in here?” He still kept his tone low and as even as possible; he didn’t want to spook you or Ji. 
There was something hidden in the alphas' voice that the younger man was able to pick up. It was as if Chan already knew exactly why he had meandered his way into this room at the first sign of morning. It made Jisung nervous- more so than he already had been. 
He debated leaving and avoiding the question all together, but he knew he would be on edge about it all day. The anxiety would fester and rot throughout his whole day and he really didn’t want that. 
“I- I’m sorry. I just… everything about her is so electrifying and stimulating. Even in my dreams she's so… everything.” The beta breathed, getting his thoughts out even though he figured it might make little sense. It’s how he truly felt. 
“What did she do in your dream?” Chan sat up a little, peering casually over to Jisung. 
Another pause. 
“She uh- she got on top.” Jisung sputtered his response quietly, his face burning red hot in mortification. 
“Mmm I see.” Chan hummed, “ So you scurried your way to my door to see if she was awake so she could ride you, huh?” 
Ji buried his face further into the pillow with a groan, “Damn why do you have to say it like that!?” 
When Chan snickered at Jisungs dismay, the younger lifted his head to glare at the elder man. 
“It’s not funny! You have no idea the kind of effect she has on me!” He stated dramatically, before wincing at how loud he had said it. Thankfully you only shifted a little then began lightly snoring once more. ‘She must be really worn out from her time with Innie.’ 
“Actually, “ Chan pointed at his mating bite, he wasn’t wearing a shirt in bed so the mark was on clear display. “ I think I do. But just for shits and giggles, how about you tell me exactly how she makes you feel?” 
“I feel..” He fidgeted, attempting to collect his thoughts, “ I feel like a whole different person when she's around. I don’t feel like a kid anymore like I used too, she brings out a side that feels more confident and mature. Like I don’t have to hide anymore. Like I can be who I am and have what I want.”  It came out as a whisper. Jisung was too afraid to speak the truth into existence so he did it as quietly as possible but Chan still heard it. 
“What do you want, Jisung?”
“I want… her. In every way imaginable.” 
Chan smirked, an idea already formed in his mind. “Then take her.” 
“Huh?” Jisung was confused, he had no idea the implication that the alpha meant. 
“You said you can have what you want, so take it.” The elder shrugged, attempting to be casual but still keeping his borderline taunting stare. “I won’t stop you. I’m actually sort of intrigued to see it. And baby wouldn’t stop you either. She may not say it outloud  but there's nothing this girl loves more than getting her pretty pussy played with.”
Jisung bit his lip harshly, eyes flickering back and forth between Chan and you. The offer was insanely tempting. Of course he had heard about the threesome that had occurred with Felix -it was almost impossible to withstand the younger boys bragging- he had just never considered he might be in a similar position. The offer was nearly too good to pass up. His hard member twitched in his sweats as he imagined waking you up with his tongue. With an ounce of hesitation Jisung nodded slowly as to make sure the alpha wasn’t just fucking around with him. “If you’re sure… I don’t want to step on anyone's toes.” 
“Positive. Go ahead Ji, fulfill your wishes.” Chan laid on his back once again, this time sitting up slightly and folding his arms behind his head. He was ready for the show. 
There was only a moment's worth of uncertainty before Jisung had made up his mind. He nodded again then quickly got off the bed and scurried to the front edge of the bed. He reached out to grasp at the sheets and blankets that covered you, giving them a slow tug until they no longer encased you. He watched your brows crinkle for a second before you relaxed again. 
God damn you were so fucking cute. Jisung couldn’t wait any longer, his mouth was already starting to salivate at even the idea of eating you out. Without further hesitation he crawled up the bed in front of you until he laid on his stomach. He placed his hands on your thighs delicately and pried them open wide enough for him to scooch between them. 
He risked one final glance at the pack leader - who only smiled reassuringly - then brought his whole attention to the space between your legs. You had on the same pair of panties you were wearing last night, the pink cotton was light enough that he could see the outline of your nether lips. 
The beta gulped appreciatively, then the tip of his tongue stuck out to wet his lips. He started with laying a few tender kisses to the inside of your thighs. Even if you were asleep he still wanted to be even semi romantic. Or maybe it was just an excuse to get his mouth on you sooner. 
Your skin was soft under his lips. With each light press of them against you he felt them quiver more and more; the immediate temptation to claim you here on the meat of your thigh was already driving him crazy. And don’t even get him started on your smell. Jisung notoriously has the strongest and most sensitive sense of smell in the pack, and right now the sweetness that just naturally poured from you was making his eyes flutter. He couldn’t wait to make you cum, then he could really drown in you. 
Jisung trailed the kisses further up your thighs and finally came to your covered core. He let his lips brush over the outline of you, his tongue peeking out just barely and poking at where he knew your slit would be. He held back a groan at the contact, eyes flickering back up to your face momentarily. His hands slithered up to where the band laid on your hips, and with lithe fingers he slowly pulled the material down your body, giving himself a perfect view of your pussy. 
The beta licked his lips subconsciously and leaned in that short distance to wrap those same newly wetted lips around your clit. You jolted slightly when he began to suckle on your bundle of nerves, the sudden stimulation bringing you further from slumber but not quite awakening yet.  
Chan was still watching from the side. His gaze was set on the way Jisung immediately began to devour you, watching the way he buried himself into you desperately and the glazed over look in his bright boba eyes. The alpha couldn’t help the erection that was starting to sprout within his underwear, getting to see first hand just how needy his pack got for his omega really made the alphas ego inflate. Along with other things. 
It wasn’t until Jisung let his tongue wander further down until it had entered your hole, that you finally were roused from your deep sleep. Your eyes fluttered open blearily as you took in the scene around you. The sensation of the hot muscle entering you made you whimper, though you still hadn’t come to notice exactly what was happening yet. 
A large hand reached out for you and petted the side of your head, “Good morning, my love.” There was a cheekiness in the alphas voice. 
“Wha’s goin on, Channie?” You croaked out, your voice still heavy with sleep. Then came another wet prod from down below, and a gruff moan escaped you. You leaned up lightly to find that it was Jisung between your legs, his face buried within you. “Ji?” 
Chan chuckled, “Your sweet Sungie missed his Baby. He wanted to wake you up with something special. That alright, omega?” He knew you would have no issues with that, if the way you started to whimper and writhe was any indication. 
He was right when you let out a small “Mhhmm” within a moan, then your hands flew to Jisungs head where you gripped onto his curling locks. 
Your hands grabbing at his head brought Jisung back down to earth, he hadn’t even noticed you had woken up yet he was so caught up in his own pleasure while he ate you out. He lifted his face to look at you, his chin already covered in the ever growing slick and his tongue poking out to lick it off. He looked more fucked out than you had and he wasn’t even being touched yet. 
“Morning, my Baby.” His voice was raspy and wet, and also slightly slurred. “You taste so fucking good right now, so fucking sweet; better than liquid sugar. It’s my new favorite breakfast, wanna eat you everyday.” 
After his greeting and his raunchy statement he dived back into his task. He knew all the best ways to suck and lick at you to make you see stars. You could feel your thighs begin to shake as your grip on his hair tightened. You were already close to your high. 
Chan could sense you were about to cum, but he wanted more of a show than that. So he leaned forward and used his palm to lightly push on Jisungs forehead until the younger boy removed his mouth from you and looked up at the alpha confused. 
You let out a whine when your climbing high was interrupted. “Channniieee nooooo.” 
“Aww I know, I’m a big meanie huh? But wouldn’t you rather be filled up when you cum, baby? Sungie has been really nice to you this morning, I think he deserves for you to ride him a little. Wouldn’t you agree, Ji?” Chan directed his last question at Jisung, who had begun to nod furiously in agreement. 
“Please,” The beta begged, still nodding. “Wan’ you to ride me, baby. Been dreaming of it.” He propped himself up on his elbows to better look you in the eyes. His own eyes were pleading, the orbs were wet and glassy, almost as much as the mess on his chin.  
How could you deny him when he looked like that? 
You bit your lip in brief thought, before you nodded in finality, giving in to their request. Jisung sprung up from his position and flung his sweats down his legs, revealing his hard dick. The tip was red and leaking, sticky with the residue of his arousal.  He really must have been dreaming of it. After his pants were down he threw himself onto the bed beside you, scooting himself to rest his head on the pillow while he laid on his back. 
You sat up some more but before you could move, Chan tipped your chin up to meet his mouth. His kiss was all encompassing, his possessive nature seeping through loud and clear for you to read, as his teeth nipped and bit at your lip. Eventually he let you go, allowing you to breathe once again. He settled back into his previous spot, his calculating eyes awaiting your next move.
Luckily you were already bare from the waist down, so with careful movements you swung your leg over Jisungs lap, resting right below his member. His hands found purchase on your thighs that rested on either side of him, fingers curling into the plush flesh. He was already biting his lip in anticipation, making no effort to hide exactly how much he craved you.
His blatant excitement made you bashful, and you felt your cheeks heat up as you couldn’t make eye contact with him despite him being directly under you. “Don’t look at me like that.” It came out as a mumble as you ducked your head. 
Jisung gave you a breathy giggle, “I can’t help it. You’re so enchanting, everything about you is bewitching to me. It’s not my fault you’re the hottest thing since burnt toast, Baby.” 
You snorted a laugh at his last sentiment, unable to hide your amusement. Jisung grinned up at you, proud of himself for making you laugh. You only gave it a moment more, then you reached down to his aching dick and wrapped a hand around the base, stroking up and down. 
The beta threw his head back with a groan, his hips bucking into your grasp, seeking the friction he had been looking for in the first place. “God damn, baby you can’t tease me right now, I might just blow my load right now and that would be too much especially with an… audience.” Now it was Chan's turn to laugh, a deep chuckle permeating the space. “See! He’s already laughing at me!” Jisung spared an accusatory glance at the elder. 
“I’m not laughing at you. Plus, I am the last thing you need to worry about right now.” Chan said and let his eyes wander over to you. The alpha reached out and grabbed the hem of your loose shirt, hauling the remaining garment over your head and giving both boys a clear view of your bare breasts. 
“Holy shit, you are so sexy, look at you.” Jisungs hands slithered from your thighs up to your chest, cupping and grasping onto your heated flesh. Every part of you was still so sensitive and tender from the previous few days. You gasped when his fingers tweaked at your nipples, giving his lap a grind in reaction. The boy beneath you shut his eyes and groaned, squeezing harder on your stiffened peaks. “Mmm you gotta do that on my dick, baby.” 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you Sungie.” You attempted to tease him, a persona you had never found before peaking through. Being on top of him, seeing his reactions to you when you hadn’t even let him enter you yet; it made you feel empowered. “ You want me to… ride your cock.” 
You did your best attempt at a seductive smirk, though you feared it looked more like a grimace than a look of seduction. You risked a glance at Chan- who merely raised an eyebrow with a grin- thankfully saying nothing.
 Jisung on the other hand was an entirely different story. 
His mouth was hung open and his eyes darkened, and he nodded furiously. He looked one second away from begging for it. “ Please my baby, need you bad. Wanna feel you, please.” Oop, thought too soon. “Please ride me, take your pleasure from me, use me.” 
There wasn’t a moment wasted- you lifted yourself up just enough and lined up your core with Jisung, then slowly lowered yourself down onto him. You both moaned and shut your eyes as your walls engulfed his member. 
“Jesus christ.”  
The whisper came from Chan, the alpha now biting his lip with a palm resting on his bulge. You opened your eyes to find his already on yours, locked in and growing darker. Even though he was merely watching, it was still very clear who was in charge; try as you might to convey that you were running the show - it was he who really held the reins. 
You didn’t move a muscle as you held his gaze, even with Jisung whimpering and mumbling praises below you. Once your alpha gave you a subtle nod you started to grind on Jisung, putting your hands on Ji’s chest for stabilization.The betas hands traveled down back to your thighs, where he groped and kneaded your skin. 
His fingernails dug into you - no doubt leaving behind crescent shaped indents - when you lifted and brought yourself back down onto him. His moaning never ceased, as you repeated the movement on him, taking his length deep into you over and over again. 
“So good… better than I imagined… never gonna leave this pussy… wanna live in you forever…” The beta was spewing all of his thoughts, the words coming out almost incoherent. You shifted your hips slightly, causing you to take him even deeper than before. “Ohh FUCK!” He cursed as he thrusted up into you as you went to sink down again, hitting the sensitive spot within you and making your breathing stutter. 
You slick was  pouring out of you and dripping from where the two of you met, sliding down his dick and onto his thighs, then down onto the bed. The sloshing sound was almost as loud as the moans and grunts escaping all three of you. Jisungs eyes were glassy as he kept them locked on your form atop him. His mouth was agape and drool was rolling down his chin. He looked at you like you were an angel and was granting him the greatest blessing. He looked utterly fucked out. 
The burning within your thighs was creeping in, making it harder for you to keep up your moving, yet you were determined to get him over the finish line. It also helped that you yourself were right on the precipice.  Your bouncing slowed just slightly, turning into more of a heavy grind on the boy under you. Jisung bucked up into you again, creating a delicious friction on your neglected clit. “Sunnngiiiie” you whined in pleasure, your high approaching you even quicker now. 
“Fucking hell baby, you feel so fucking good, gripping me so damn tight I think I’m about to explode.” Jisungs voice was getting higher in pitch as his panting increased. “No I know I’m about to explode. Can’t hold it any longer, need to fill you.” He held you even tighter. “Please, please my baby, omega, please let me cum in you.” 
He rarely ever called you by your designation, and something about it drove you absolutely crazy. “Cum. Please Sungie I wan’ it.” 
He didn’t need any further instruction, it was near immediate that his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his pelvis flew up into you, driving his cock as deep as it could possibly go. His arms captured your body when he yanked you down to be chest to chest with him. Tears formed on his lashes as he released spurt after spurt of his hot essence within you. The salty liquid fell from those lashes when you pressed your mouth against his, spit now on both of your faces as you kissed. 
His wild thrusting faltered lightly, turning into a harsh grind instead. That made the rubbing on your nub press harder. This combined with the sudden feeling of being filled with warmth was just what you needed to find your high. You whined loudly into his mouth as you came, your hips stuttering as your walls clamped down on Jisung. 
The stimulation was too much for the beta, and moments after he finished cumming he felt another wave as he came for a second time in minutes. “Fuck fuck oh my god too good what the fuck.” Once again you were flooded with a copious amount of cum, now being so full it began to leak down out and down his shaft. 
After what had to have been minutes, he finally stopped his bucking. Your thighs were shaking with exhaustion by the time you had both finished your highs. You were laying your full weight down on him as you breathed hard, the loud panting now being the only sound in the room. 
Your mouths were still attached to each other, licking and sucking at one another's lips. You were both so distracted with the other that both of you somehow forgot about the other man in the room. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of large hands suddenly wrap around your midsection and forcibly yank you back into an upright position that you came back to your wits and remembered just who was awaiting your attention. 
Your back made contact with his bare chest as his hands snaked up from your stomach to grope at your breasts. He was much harsher with his touches than Jisung had been, but still so sensual. “Do not forget about your alpha, sweet girl.” His voice was gravely in your ear as he nipped on the marred skin of your mating mark; the same one he had given you a mere two weeks ago. 
“Would never forget about you alpha.” It came out breathy and you tilted your head to the side even further. 
“Hmpf, I’m not so sure about that. Looked to me you were pretty entranced by our dear Sungie. Seems fair to say he’s feeling the same way about you.” He reached up to tilt your chin down to look at Jisung who was still laid under you, watching your interaction with glassy eyes and swollen lips.  “He can’t keep his eyes or hands off you, baby. You treated him real well. Such a good omega.” You purred in satisfaction. “Think you can be good for me too?” 
That made you pause. You were feeling a little sore now, after taking the thickness of Jisung, you weren’t sure you could take another so soon. “ I don’t know Channie. M’ a little sensitive right now. Don’ think I can take another inside right now.” 
Chan tsked disapprovingly, “ Aww, my baby can take care of Hannie but not her alpha? Don’t you wanna make me feel good too, Omega?” 
“Of course I wanna make you feel good, Alpha!” You began to cry, sniffles coming through as you spoke. His words clearly had a deep effect on you in your vulnerable state. “ Always wanna make you feel so good.” 
He began to kiss your neck, soothing your distress. “ Shh my girl, it’s ok. I know you wanna help your alpha. My girl is so kind and sweet, so Alpha will be kind to his baby, hmm?” You felt yourself nodding along to his words, your own way of giving over control (as if he didn’t already have it completely).  “Hold still for me.” 
He left another kiss on your neck, then you felt the hard length of his cock running along the back of your thighs. He dragged his tip up to your pussy but not quite to your opening, only inserting himself to collect the drippage that still flowed from you - a mixture of your slick and Jisungs cum. What he did next shocked both you and the beta under you. 
Chan groaned breathily when he slid between your thighs with ease. His reddened tip peaked out the other side, giving you a clear view of the precum that accumulated there, showing his clear arousal. You could all hear the sloshing when the alpha started to thrust back and forth, fucking the plushness of your thighs. He grunted in pleasure as his thrusting sped up, the smacking against your ass jolting your body forward. 
“Mm fuck, your soft skin is perfect to stroke my cock, baby.” Chans hand that wasn’t on your breast came down to grab the meat of your ass, giving it a hard grope then a swift smack. You whined at the contact, imagining how red your ass will be later. “ Ji made you so wet for me, made it real easy for me to slip through.” That same hand came back up to grip your chin tilting your face back down to the beta once again. Never once did he falter his pounding.“ Remember your manners and say thank you to Sungie.” 
“T-thank you, Sungie. Thank you s-so much.” You were stuttering, the intensity of it all catching up to you. Your eyes were still leaking tears. 
Jisungs eyes were half lidded as he took in the scene that was atop him. His lips were agape slightly and his breathing was still laborious, perhaps even more now than it was when you were fucking him. He was stuck in a state of awe. To him, you were a vision of pure lust. Sex appeal personified. Just being near you was a treat, but to not only get to fuck you but also watch you be fucked? He was going to keep this in his spank bank permanently. No, this is his new spank bank. 
The beta barely registered your words, he was too invested in watching the way your thighs quivered as his alpha fucked them. 
Chan gave a laugh through his moans, “ He can’t even speak, you got him so mesmerized. He’s over the moon right now.” 
It was entirely true. In fact, the younger boy was so entrapped by you that his own hips involuntarily began to shift with need, and his lips and tongue puckering in search of something to satisfy his oral fixation. “P-please, baby.” He didn’t know what he was begging for, only that he needed something. 
It was like you instinctively knew what he needed, your fingers twitching when they left the hold you had on Chans wrist, and they reached down until they made contact with Jisungs wet lips. His tongue greeted the two digits and he sucked them inside of his mouth. Immediately he started to suckle on them, and his eyes once again rolled back into his head. He hummed as he licked and sucked. This is exactly what he needed. 
Jisungs hips bucked excitedly, making your body lift and Chan's cock rammed directly into your clit, making both you and the alpha moan. “Nngh, Channie!” 
“Mmm that’s it, baby. I’m almost there.” The sliding friction was too delicious to withstand, especially since the alpha hadn’t had even a taste of your sweet body for days. He was quickly approaching his high, the urge to cum becoming more than he could take. “Fuck, gonna cum all over these sexy thighs, omega.” His statement came out in growls, his eyes darkening even further. The slick thwapping from behind grew in pace as the alpha let his inhibitions go, feeling the cord within him snap as he came with a deep growl; his knot inflating and ramming between your skin. 
His thick cum splattered all over you, coating your thighs and leaving you now completely soaked. Though now it was not only you that was covered in various fluids, but now Jisung was also on the receiving end. His tanned skin now glistened with the mixture that was rolling down from you and onto him. Gross to most, but he was such a pervert that it only made him hornier. As impossible as it seemed. 
Chan's movements slowed gradually until they came to a complete stop all together. He rested his forehead against your shoulder, kissing and sucking at your skin while attempting to catch his breath. Your fingers exited Jisungs mouth, his lips pouting and a whine leaving him as you did so. Both you and Chan could not help the small giggle at the youngers plight. 
“Don’t get greedy Ji.” It was a light comment as Chan removed himself from between your plushness. Chan then maneuvered you off of Jisung, laying you down on the bed next to the beta. You could finally feel yourself totally relax, sighing blissfully when your limbs caught their break. 
The alpha himself settled back on the opposite side of you, also taking a sigh of content. It seems the only one not at peace yet was Jisung. There was a deep lust left inside of him, his thoughts still residing on the area between your legs. 
Ji bit his lip in contemplation, then he moved out of his place next to you and settled once again on his stomach in front of you.
 “Ji?” you questioned, opening your eyes to find him sticking his tongue out and lapping at your creamy center. “F-fuck” Your hand flew to his head. 
The beta moaned as he tasted the combination of the three of you and rutted against the fabric, his bare dick surely chafing but damn it just felt too good to quit. You attempted to shove him off but he didn’t relent. In fact he didn’t stop until you were fully licked clean, all of the residue no longer covering you and the only thing remaining was a trail of his saliva. 
Chan tilted your head and pressed his mouth against your own, swallowing your moans. Thankfully he was doing so, or the whole house would have heard the deafening squeal you let out when you felt Jisungs teeth rake over your inner thigh then harshly sink into it, biting you and leaving his mark on his most favorite place. After a second you were released by the beta and Chan alike, both settling in in various places around you. 
Jisung rested his cheek on your thigh, licking his lips clean. His eyes were sparkling as he gazed at you dreamily then at Chan. 
“What were you sayin’ about being greedy, Channie?” 
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“Well good morning to you, omega.” There was a smirk on Changbins face when you entered the living room about an hour later. He was sitting there on the loveseat scrolling his phone, having been up for an early gym session. “I was wondering when you would be out, but it seems you were very busy this morning.” He snickered as he threw his phone to the side and beckoned you into his arms. 
You did so with a huff but also with a smile, falling into him. Your hair was still wet from your shower (that Jisung of course demanded to join you in then demanding you bite his neck to make a claim on him), and your skin was fragrant from your fruity body wash. “Not my fault all of you boys are simply insatiable.” 
He snuggled you while you sat on his lap, “ I disagree, I would say it’s entirely your fault. You are just too precious to resist, it lures us in like rabid dogs.” 
“Hmpf, more like horn dogs.” You snorted, laughing at your own joke. 
It was moments like this, when your quirky personality comes out, that he is reminded why he fell in love with you. He is reminded why it was so easy to fall in love with you. His thick fingers dig into your sides, tickling you mercifully and taking great joy in the way you giggle and squeal. 
“Not all of us are dirty perverts, in fact I would say a few of us can be complete gentlemen.” 
“I’ll believe that when I see it, Binnie.” You batted his hands away as he ceased his tickling. “Are you hungry? I’m itching to get back in the kitchen.” As if on cue, the alphas stomach grumbled loudly. You both looked at each other then burst back into a fit of laughter. “I’ll take that as a yes. What would you like for breakfast?” 
He helped you to your feet, “I wouldn’t say no to some egg rice and pickled onions.” He stood after you and followed you to the kitchen. “And maybe some kimchi?” He looked at you hopefully. 
You smiled and nodded, “You got it, Binnie.” 
He leaned over and pecked your lips, though it was only a peck because at that moment Felix came skipping into the kitchen, “Goooood morning, baby.” He wrapped you in his arms from behind, making Changbin take a step back with a huff. 
“Yeah your turn I guess..” Changbin grumbled and rolled his eyes but smiled back at you when you looked at him apologetically. “Don’t worry about it baby, come out to the greenhouse with me later? I have a surprise for you.” 
“You got it, Binnie.” You beamed at him before your attention was being stolen away by the blue haired beta that held onto you. He whined into your neck, clearly feeling neglected. “ Ok ok, good morning Lixie.” 
“What are you up to, lovely? Gonna make breakfast?” Felix murmured, nuzzling you even further and inhaling your scent. 
“Mhm” You hummed and nodded, reaching into the fridge you were still standing in front of. “Would you like to help me? I’d love your company.” 
“Anything to spend time with you, baby.” He kissed your cheek then let you go, instead grabbing the items from your hands and bringing them to the counter to get started. 
The both of you began to cook together, chatting, laughing and sharing a few kisses. In no time the meal was done, and Felix sent out a text that food was ready. One by one the pack filtered through the kitchen grabbing a plate and thanking you with a kiss. 
“Mmmm just what I wanted, thank you sweetheart.” Changbin gave you a wet kiss on the cheek in between bites. You giggled and shoved him off. 
You took a seat in the kitchen. Felix went to sit beside you but the spot was quickly stolen by Seungmin, with a snarky ‘you snooze you lose’. That earned him a thump on the forehead from Felix, who immediately turns and runs away in fear of retaliation. 
“Baabbyyyyyy,” Hyunjin skipped over to where you were sitting at the kitchen island, him having scarfed down the meal already, and tossed himself to sit on the counter in front of you. “ I have an excellent idea!” 
You swallowed the remains of your food and grinned at him. “And what excellent idea do you have, Jinnie baby?” 
He lightly blushed at your nickname, “Umm,” He was so flustered he almost forgot what he wanted to say. “ I uh, I’ve just  watched a few tutorials on youtube about makeup! So will you let me try it out on you, baby?” His eyes were shining bright with hope. 
Seungmin scoffed and raised his brows, “Yeah I’m sure that will go over well. Don’t do it pup, he’ll make you look like a clown.” 
Hyunjin huffed and pouted, “The only clown around here is you, Minnie.” The elder beta pinched Seungmins cheek then his hand was sharply slapped away. “I just wanna try out some basics. Nothing crazy. Will you let me, please my love?” 
You laughed at their antics, nodding in agreement. “Yes Jinnie, I have no problem with being a clown if it means I get to be with you both.” Your tone was cheeky to match your statement. 
Seungmin grinned when Hyunjin rolled his eyes and his pout grew even stronger on his lips. “I am not a clown and neither will you be when I’m done!” He took off out of the kitchen, shouting as he went, “I’ll be right back with my stuff! Stay there!” 
You hopped off your stool and went to grab your plate to clean it, but Seungmins big hand took it from you before you could. “You heard the drama queen, you stay here puppy.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek and a pinch to your butt with his other hand. “I’ll take care of this.” He winked at you then took the plates to the sink. “HEY INNIE, COME DO THESE DISHES!” 
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“Ow, careful of my eye, Jinnie.” 
“Sorry, eyeliner is harder than it looks.” 
“Usually liquid eyeliner doesn’t go on the water line…” 
“Shhh don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” 
You both knew he -in fact- did not know what he was doing but you let him have his moment anyway; even if he was continuously contradicting himself. 
“Here’s the finishing touches… annnndddd done!” He sat back to admire his work, eyes scanning over your face but giving nothing away. 
“How do I look?” You asked, not having seen it at all since he started. He let a small grimace escape his otherwise stoic expression. “That bad? Lemme see!” You reached for his hand mirror, that he reluctantly handed you. “Jinnie!!!” You gasped when you saw your reflection. 
You had the brightest possible shade of blush covering your cheeks, and dark blue eyeliner dripping down from your eyes. That paired with the pasty pink lipstick he used on you, made you truly look like what you had feared… a clown. 
“I didn’t mean too!” Hyunjin yanked the mirror from your hands and threw it behind him somewhere. “It’s not that bad! It’s only my first time, I promise I’ll get better next time!” 
You gave him an incredulous look, “We’re doing this again?” 
“Of course! I’m an artist, I need to master every art form! And you, my fair omega, are my muse, so yes we will have to practice everyday.” He poked your nose, giggling when you crinkled it. “I’ll clean up here” He motioned to the huge mess he created with the makeup, “you go clean up, I left makeup wipes in the upstairs bathroom next to my room.” 
“You got it.” You saluted him sarcastically. Then an evil smirk appeared on your face. “But first…” You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close, and smothered his face with kisses, smearing your lipstick all over his face while he shrieked and squirmed, trying to get away from you. 
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After cleaning up your face, (and scaring the crap out of Minho who was coming out of the bathroom) you ventured to Binnie's room. You knocked on his door and waited. After a few seconds he opened his door, appearing slightly disheveled. 
“Hey baby,” His skin was warm when he pulled you in for a hug. “Wanna see your surprise?” 
You bounced on your heels, “Yes!” You grabbed his hand and tugged him down the stairs and out of the house. You loved surprises, and these boys loved surprising you so it was a win win.
Going outside to the greenhouse you could already tell when you approached that something was different. It looked cleaner and brighter. The glass was see through now instead of being cloudy and musty like it was a few days ago.
“It looks so good!” You exclaimed, walking through the threshold of the small building. Inside was full of small trees and plants ready to be put in the ground, as well as a large selection of seeds. You turned back to Changbin. “You did this for me?” 
He was bashful as he scratched the back of his neck, “Well it was a group effort. We wanted it to be ready for you. So you could have a hobby or activity-” He was cut off when you flung yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him. He instinctively held you close, closing his eyes as he embraced you. 
“Do you wanna do some gardening with me, Binnie?” You asked as you let go, still looking so happy. 
“I don’t think I’ll be much help, but I’ll give it a shot. I could be your brawn when you need help lifting heavy things.” Changbin flexed his muscles, trying to show off but being unable to keep a straight face. 
You noticed the small speaker sitting on the garden bench, picking it up and shaking it at him. “Shall we listen to some tunes while we work?” 
“You read my mind, dollface.” He pulled out his phone and connected it to the speaker. A peppy upbeat pop song flowed through. Changbin put the phone down and busted into a dance that corresponded to the song. You laughed so hard you clenched your stomach and he couldn’t help but laugh along with you. 
That’s how most of your afternoon went. You and Changbin would work together to plant some seeds and repot some plants, while he also did little dances to almost every song he played. After a few hours (and a lot of pop songs) you had filled many pots and had plenty of things planted. 
You wiped your hands on your dress and stood from your place on the ground. You looked around with a pleased smile, happy with all the work you had put in today. It was getting quite hot in here now, the afternoon sun making it even warmer in the greenhouse. Changbin had just returned from a quick venture inside, coming back with bottles of water and handing you one. 
You graciously took one from him, twisting off the cap and chugging from the bottle. Changbin watched as a few drops escaped the corner of your mouth, licking his lips as the drop slowly rolled down your neck and into your cleavage. 
You finished off the whole bottle before you noticed the alpha was now standing right in front of you, mere inches from your face. “Binnie, what are you-” you cut yourself off when you felt his thumb brush against the corner of your lip, wiping away the excess. 
Even after the offending drop was gone his thumb remained there by your lips, and his eyes were trained there. You held your breath in anticipation, wondering about his next move. His eyes then flickered up to your own, catching you watching him in return, then he leaned in slowly and pressed his plump lips to yours.
You reciprocated by pressing into him in return, and wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. He smiled against your lips and ran the tip of his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You parted your lips only slightly, giving him permission to ravage your mouth. He placed his hands on your hips, not gripping too hard but still having a firm hold. 
One thing you noticed about Changbin, is that even though he was an alpha, he was not inherently rough with you. His touches were softer, as if he was scared to break you and he made it a point to be like that. 
Changbin knew he was strong and capable. He also knew the stigma that came with alphas. Many of those who shared his designation were known to be violent, short tempered and rough. Changbins personality just wasn’t that intense though. He was more of a laid back guy for the most part; not taking things so seriously. That’s not to say he was totally inept within his rank - no, Changbin was fiercely protective and headstrong. 
Especially when it comes to you. 
You whimpered lightly when you felt his tongue breech your lips, and in return he let out a growl from the back of his throat. He patted your hips as a signal for you to jump and you did so. The alpha hoisted you up and held you by the backs of your thighs as he deepened the kiss even further. You could feel your slick growing and starting to soak your panties.
You groaned when he started to kiss down the column of your throat, licking at your salty skin and inhaling your sweet smell. “Binnie…” You murmured, loving the way his lips felt on your heated skin. 
“Mm, you’re feelin a little warm, baby. I think we need to get some of these layers off of you.” You could feel his smirk against your neck, rolling your eyes but still following along. 
“Hmm I think you’re right.” 
He supported you while you reached down for the hem of your dress and pulled it off your body, letting it fall to the dirty floor without a care in the world. You weren’t wearing a bra underneath, the dress being more than enough support but now it was gone and your bare chest was pressed against his clothed one. 
“Oh fuck, my beautiful omega, so dirty not wearing a bra.” Changbin moaned, feeling your pebbled nipples through the thin material. He turned around with you still in his hold and pressed you against the greenhouse wall. You shivered when the cool glass touched your back, finding some relief from the heat. With your weight now being distributed against the wall it gave Changbin an opportunity to slide a hand up to the band of your underwear. “Wanna get even dirtier and let me take these off?” 
You gave a nod, and he didn’t even waste time in tearing them down and off of you. Now you were completely naked and held against the wall, while Changbin was still dressed. You tugged on his shirt in a plea for him to take it off. “Bin.. off.” 
“Ok ok, hold on to me.” You did as he said and he was able to rid himself of his shirt. You absolutely loved his body. It may not have been as defined as Chans or Innies, but he was thick and perfect for loving on. And those arms make you swoon. “That better?”
“Mm, much.” You kissed him again, making him press against you again. He gave you a roll of his hips, his clothed cock rutting against your bare core. You were feeling much better after having a few hours to recover from the ruckus love making you had this morning and your body was beginning to crave Changbin now. Your slick was wetting the front of his pants more and more each time he rutted. He could feel it seeping through and it made him more ravenous. 
“Help me pull my pants down, baby.” He commanded gently and you did as ordered, shoving the opposing material down as far as you could, releasing his member from it’s confinement. The thick appendage slapped up against his stomach, the fat head had a drop of precum leaking from it that smeared on his skin. He breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally freed. “That’s it, good girl.” 
You purred at his praise, and nuzzled your face into his neck, kissing him there. “You can put it in if you wanna..” You were too shy to outright demand it from him like you had Jisung earlier. 
“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” Changbin pressed you harder into the glass and lifted you slightly, then lowered you onto his upright cock. The alphas eyes closed when he felt your wet, hot walls grip him. Finally. “Holy shit, omega. You’re so fucking tight squeezing my dick.” He was moaning his words. 
You were fairing no better, your head was thrown back against the glass and your own eyes were screwed shut. He was so big, taking him was a major stretch and it was already pushing you to your limits. “F-fuck Binnie, alpha. S-so big.”
“Oh yeah? You like alphas big dick?” He was smug as hell, especially after you nodded. 
He gave you a moment to adjust, not wanting to hurt you. He waited until the crinkle in your brow started to cease, then he gave you a shallow thrust, testing the waters. You gave a whining moan, tightening your hold on his shoulders. “Nghh, move more. Please.” 
Listening to your plea the boy moved you up and down on his length, no longer being as gentle as he was before. At the same time he gyrated his hips in attempt to stimulate you even further. The effort provided fruitful because you could feel him so insanely deep inside and you cried out loudly in pleasure. Thank god you both had left the music playing or the whole forest would have heard your moans. 
You were both sweating profusely, the summer heat now at its peak, making you both even filthier than you had been- even being covered in dirt and soil. The sweat was making your back glide across the glass wall, creating a squeaking sound with each thrust. 
“Ain’t gonna last too long, omega. Waited too long to be able to hold out. Fuck it’s too good.” He grunted and sped up his hip movements even more. 
“Wan’ you to cum, alpha.” You were starting to go glassy eyed as you felt your own cord about to snap. “Need your cum.” 
“Fuuucckk, you want it? Then fucking take it, every last drop inside your pretty omega pussy.” He pumped into you once, twice, and on a third time his thrusts stuttered and his thighs shook as he emptied into you; his knot inflated and locked you into place on him. In desperation he latched his sharp teeth onto the meat of your shoulder. You were hit with the familiar euphoria that came with a claiming bite and it sent you over the edge right after him. 
Your essence squirted out of you and all over the male's thighs. The second his teeth let go of you, you buried your face into his own neck and bit down hard. The second your teeth embedded in him, the alpha came for a second time. His eyes rolled way back into his head and he started to tremble as he felt the pure emotions that came from you. A tear even built up in the corner of his eye, and fell once his high ended. 
You began to come down as he leaned against you, putting more weight on you as he tried to catch his breath. He still held you up though, as his knot was still going strong within you. 
Changbin looked at you through his long lashes, a lazy yet ecstatic smile grazed his features. “That.. was incredible.” 
You didn’t have a chance to respond, there was a sudden blast of cold water being sprayed at you both and a loud shrieking leaving the offender. 
“AHH WHAT THE FUCK!?” You yelled, swiveling your head to find Jeongin with the hose in his hand and a disgusted look on his face. “Jeongin stop!” 
Changbin turned his body in an attempt to take most of the attack, but it was too late. You were both soaked. Thankfully Changbins knot deflated and let you go back down to your feet. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” The elder alpha screamed at the younger, pulling his pants back up while shielding you. 
“What’s wrong with me?! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Fucking in the greenhouse like animals!” The boy grimaced and motioned to the scene he walked in on. 
“You’re one to talk! Wasn’t it you who held her hostage for 3 days while fucking her like a literal animal?” he pointed accusingly, clearly pissed off. 
Jeongin set the hose down and crossed his arms, “That was in the comfort of my own room! Totally not the same thing! And while we’re at it what is with you older alphas defiling baby in common areas?” 
You began to shiver from the cold water that remained on your skin, folding your arms over yourself in an attempt to re warm up. “That was not very nice, Innie.” 
His eyes softened when he looked at you, and he walked towards you and pulled you into his own arms. “I’m so sorry, my baby. It was mainly a prank on Changbin, I didn’t mean any harm.” 
“You’re such a little asshole, Jeongin.” Changbin snarled as he pulled his shirt back on and bent down to grab your fallen garments. 
“Says the littlest alpha I’ve ever met.” The younger boy snapped back. 
“Boys no fighting please. Let’s just go back to the house, yeah?” You grabbed your dress from Bin, letting Jeongin help you redress-opting to omit the underwear- and then shuffling out of the greenhouse and back into the house. One thing you noticed from outside the greenhouse though, was there was an imprint of your body left on the glass that was visible from the outside.
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After a stern talking to Jeongin and another shower, you were ready to wind down for the evening. You wandered down to the main floor of the house to find most of the pack already there, and Minho was already setting dinner on the table. 
Chan was sat at his seat, reading some kind of flier that was left in the mailbox.  “There’s my omega. Come here baby.” You fell into his lap and he kissed your cheek. “How was gardening with Bin?” 
“We got a lot done!” You beamed, eager to share what you had accomplished. “We planted strawberries, and peppers and melons and so much more!” 
He chuckled “That’s great love. I’m so happy you got so much done.” He gave you another kiss. You went to move to your own seat but he only held on tighter. “Nuh uh you stay right here, I’m not done holding you yet.” 
“We have to eat Channie.” You laughed when Felix set two plates full of food down in front of you both with a wink. 
“Perfect, we will eat together right here .” He smirked and with one hand fed himself and the other was held on to you. “Oh yeah, have you ever been to a carnival baby?” 
“My hometown throws one in the fall to signify the changing of the seasons”, you reminisced on the moments from your childhood. 
He nodded, “Well our little town does one too, only ours is at the beginning of summer. It starts tomorrow, so we were thinking maybe we could go and have some fun.” 
“That would be great!” Your pleased scent was permitting out, showing your excitement. “I love the carnival! And getting out would be nice too! Thank you Channie.” 
“Don’t thank me, it was Mins idea.” 
You made eye contact with Minho from across the table, he only spared you a single glance then he looked back at his food in nonchalance. 
“Thank you, min. I would very much like to go out tomorrow.” You were polite with your words, trying your best not to be snarky. 
The whole table waited with baited breath for the betas response. 
“It’ll be fun.” Was all he offered, grinning at you then continuing to eat his meal. 
You couldn’t wait. 
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Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3
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femalefemur · 2 days
Stranger in the Woods.
this is an 18+ fic, minors do not interact!
warnings: dub con, bears, hybrid John Price, please let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.6k
synopsis: you take a walk in the woods and get lost, bear shifter John Price finds you and takes what's his.
A/N: finally finished this, this came from a dream I had and desperately needed to write down, I also don't write smut often, it is what it is, reader has a vagina but no pronouns are used.
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The day was beautiful, golden sun shining bright in the azure sky, white clouds floating by like soft pillows high in the heavens as you stared wistfully out of your window. It was much too beautiful of a day to be inside despite the pile of housework you had to do so you grabbed your knapsack. You filled your water bottle and packed trail mix, along with a sandwich and the reddest apple you had before heading out. 
You walked past your neighbour’s house, glancing at their windchime as it tinkled on their front porch and the flowers lining the walkway up to their house that were in full bloom, their scent wafting through the warm summer air. You kept walking, past the other houses filled with laughter and people in their yards enjoying the warm sunshine. You passed them with a small wave and smile as you continued on your way. Soon there were no houses lining the path, only the occasional car passing you by as you headed towards the woods. You stopped at the dirt parking lot to take a sip of your water before continuing on and into the woods. 
The woods were calm, the sound of insects trilling and birds occasionally chirping filled your ears as you walked down the path. Your eyes drifted down towards the beautiful, green ferns that grew on the forest floor and covered it like a delicate blanket. There were small flowers that sprouted through the gaps in the ferns, a smattering of colour throughout the endless green of the forest. The sight eased your mind and made you forget about all your responsibilities for a few blissful moments. You felt as though you belonged there in the wild amongst the animals, as if the forest was calling to you, a home that would envelop you in the warm earth and take away your troubles. The thought made you stop for a while, standing there in the middle of the forest as you stared out into the sea of trees, your fingers digging softly into the rough bark of the tree you stood beside as you lost yourself to thought. 
By the time you had realised you’d stepped off the path and wandered deeper into the forest it was too late. Your mind had been elsewhere and your legs had moved on their own until you stood in the middle of nowhere. You had no map and no compass, you had gotten rid of the compass app on your phone when you had first bought it, and there was no reception so that you could redownload it. You felt foolish for having gone into the woods with nothing but food and water, your lower lip caught between your teeth as you glanced around and tried to ascertain a way back to the path. You started walking again in a direction that you hoped was north, picking the route by the position of the sun in the sky, hoping that you remembered enough of your survival training to be right about your choice of direction. 
You hadn’t walked very far when you noticed it, a large brown bear meandering through the forest, seemingly unaware that you were there. It made you freeze where you stood, trying not to make any noise to draw attention to yourself as you watched it carefully and noticing how it had its nose to the ground as it sniffed around. Your heart pounded in your chest as it started walking in your direction, your legs seemingly unwilling to move as you swallowed the lump in your throat before forcing yourself to slowly move to the tree on your left, gently removing your backpack and crouching in an almost laying down position on the ground. You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to see if it found you and the horror that would surely follow, your face buried in your hands as you bit your fingers to stop any sound that would leave your mouth. You heard it walk closer, the heavy steps of its paws echoing in your ears as you stayed where you were, now frozen in fear as you waited for whatever your fate may be. 
Then suddenly there was a nose prodding at you, it made you stiffen in surprise as you bit down harder on your fingers. The nose bumped into your arse before prodding at your thighs and pussy before you felt a clawed paw tear at your pants and flip you over. Your eyes met the cornflower blue ones that stared down at you, surprise written all over your face as you looked at the man, not a bear, before you. There were tiny bear ears atop his head that made your brows furrow in confusion before he was nosing at your pussy again, glancing up at you from between your legs as you tried to push him back and squirm away. Your actions only resulted in him throwing an arm over you and pulling you closer, groaning into your cunt as he lapped at you like a starved man, his fingers digging into your flesh and his tail twitching in excitement. Your face felt hot with embarrassment, you don’t know when you’d started to grind up against the stranger’s face but you’d realised when you felt your orgasm building, like a string slowly pulling taut as his eyes keenly watched your every reaction. His tongue ran over your dripping cunt, delving into your warm walls as his nose nudged at your clit and his beard grazed the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, sucking at your clit as he watched you get closer to your peak. His tongue rolled over the swollen bud as the string snapped and you came, slick dribbling from your hole and covering his face.
“Been a long time since I’ve had such a satisfying meal” he spoke, face still buried between your legs as he sucked at your clit and made your hips buck and try to squirm away, still sensitive from your orgasm. 
“Please, no more” You whined, pushing at his head as tears formed in your eyes, the overstimulation becoming too much. 
A gruff chuckle left his mouth, reverberating against your pussy before he lifted his head and crawled over you. His hands ripped your shirt with ease before he was rolling your nipples between his fingers and slotting his mouth against yours. The kiss was anything but gentle, his tongue pushing into your mouth and lapping at the taste of you as if he were devouring your very being, his saliva trickling into your mouth as you kissed and his fat cock grinding against your wet folds. You were panting by the time the kiss broke, a mess of saliva and your own juices smeared across your lips and face while he lapped at your skin with a soft groan. His tongue licked down your cheek and along your jaw, leaving a wet trail behind before he was pulling back to push your legs up to your chest with a feral grin on his face. Your pussy clenched at the thought of his thick cock inside you, slick drooling from your hole as you stared up at him with hazy eyes and his heavy cock tapped against your aching clit. The stretch as he pushed in was delicious, the thickness of him making you feel impossibly full, your eyes rolling back as he bottomed out.
“There you go, so good for me, hm, taking me so well” he praised you, pressing soft kisses to your calves as his fingers rubbed at where you were both connected, marvelling at the way you stretched around him as a soft whimper left your lips. 
All you could do was nod as he thrust into you, punching the air out of your lungs with a smile on his lips and his teeth nipping at your legs. He pushed them closer to you as he loomed over you, the position making his cock feel even deeper inside you as his fingers slipped into your open mouth, hooking into your lower jaw and giving a small tug with each thrust. The feeling of it all made your brain feel hazy and cloudy. The feeling of him so deep inside you, the thatch of dark hair at the base of his cock brushing against your clit with each thrust, his fingers in your mouth, his beard against your skin. It was all too much, too good, too heavenly and it made you cum so hard you were sure you saw God. 
He kept going, fucking you through your second orgasm like an animal in heat as you drooled around his fingers and watched him. He was beautiful, beard glistening with your slick, thick, dark hair covering his chest and trailing down his torso to his pubes, soft ears and tail twitching with each thrust. The hair on his arms was just as dark and thick and a thin sheen of sweat covered him as the sun shone down on him like he was being kissed by it, making him seem ethereal. There was a soft clicking from how wet your cunt was as he fucked into you, the look in his eyes animalistic and hungry as he picked up his pace. The increased pace making you moan and whine, squirming as if you could escape when his thumb found your clit and circled it.
“Come on sweetheart, one more for me, you can do that can’t you?” He cooed down at you, grinning as you nodded and sniffled, tears of pleasure welling in your eyes as he rubbed your clit faster. 
Your third orgasm ripped through you like it was wrenching you from your body, like your very atoms were being ripped apart and put back together by this man above you. He followed shortly after, hot, sticky cum flooding your walls and branding you as his, his to love, to care for, to fuck until his balls were empty, his to keep in this forest that had swallowed you whole.
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animestsstuff2 · 2 days
YandereProHero Bakugou x quirkless reader
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I keep thinking of like yandere Bakugou with a quirkless reader, like someone he just became infatuated with and picked the perfect time to take them.
Content warning: kidnapping, implied non-con, yandereBakugou, quirkless reader, tied up, isolation, deprivation.
ProHeroBakugou, who entered the cafe you worked at one day looking to get an iced caramel coffee. His mood immediately changing when you greeted him with the brightest smile. He began coming in everytime (sometimes twice) when he was patrolling your area
ProHeroBakugou, who seen your cafe on the news as being involved in a battle. Bakugou who left his sidekicks, blasting through the sky and to the devastated area where the pros fought the villain.
ProHeroBakugou, who found you among the debris, swept your unconscious body up and took you to his apartment. ‘ProHero’ bakugou who clicked the cuff around your ankle as you stirred on the bed. A few superficial cuts littered your face and arms.
Bakugou, who greeted you with a grin when you awoke. Your eyes widening as panic settled in your chest, seeing the chain attached to your ankle as your breaths picked up and you tugged desperately at it. Your eyes whipping to meet his red ones as he grabbed your cheek. A caring smile on his face as he stared at your horror stricken self
YandereBakugou, who grew angry at your constant yelling and cursing at him, missing the sweet smiles and giggles you’d throw at him, instead you would throw anything you could grab, including the plates full of food at him. Bakugou who was believed you just needed time and patience (one he had very little of)
YandereBakugou, who realised hitting you was a guaranteed way to shut you up but the silence was more unnerving than the yelling. Bakugou who crawled into bed immediately after, wrapping his arms around your waist as his body settled itself between your legs. “C’mon doll, you were misbehavin’ you know I don’t wanna hurt you, c’mere gimme a hug”
YandereBakugou, who ignored any and all your protests when it came to physical touch. He would cuddle you in bed and the erection that pressed against your ass made you nauseous even worse was when he showered you, still being forced on a chain. This time it was connected to him. His hands running all over your body as he resisted bending you over the sink.
YandereBakugou, who began letting you have more freedom, allowing you into the living room and kitchen. He made sure all the knives were kept out of reach. A smile on his face after he convinced forced you to cook him dinner “gonna get a coffee machine too, so you can make me somethin’ sweet huh pet?”
YandereBakugou, who dragged you by your hair through the house after he came home one day to you picking at the balcony door lock. Bakugou who allowed you to roam the house whilst he was gone believing you loved him now and wouldn’t leave him.
YandereBakugou, who opened the cupboard door to see your wide wet eyes meet his. Your words muffled by the cloth gag, hands and legs rubbing against the rope that bound them. Bakugou who almost fell off balance when you practically jumped on him after being untied, fresh tears rolling down your face “m’sorry, p-please, dont leave me alone again” Bakugou who only rolled his eyes at your dramatics, it was only, what, two days?
YandereBakugou, who smiled down at you greeting him at the front door, adorned in one of his shirts as he smelled the meal you cooked from the kitchen. Bakugou who finally made you into his perfect partner no more fighting or protesting when he pulled your panties off. You just took it like a good girl “my good girl hmm”
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pedrosarmsling · 3 days
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Pairing: Married!Dave York x afab!reader
Summary: Being a part time, live in nanny sounded like an easy but still busy summer job. You just weren't expecting to ever interact so closely with the dad/husband of the family.
Author's Note: Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my first ever fic. Please be nice!!! I did intentionally leave this somewhat opened at the end on the off chance anyone might want more. I see this as a drabble but it could always turn into more! I am so excited to finally have the courage to put my thoughts to "paper" and share them with such an amazing fandom. I hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS: Infidelity (Dave & Carol are married), mentions of an unhappy marriage, power dynamics (employer x employee), no use of y/n, no physical description of reader, fingering, Daddy kink, light choking, Dave deserves his own warning, reader mentions they shouldn't be doing what they are doing but Dave doesn't acknowledge it (dubcon?) Please let me know if I missed anything!
*Also - I reread this multiple times, so hopefully there are minimal to no spelling/grammar errors*
This wasn’t what you had expected to happen when you took the babysitting gig.
You had been babysitting for the Yorks for about…a month? Whenever summer started for the girls. You had only ever interacted with Carol and the girls to start to start off. You knew there was a dad/husband in the dynamic but according to Carol, his job had him away a lot. So your chances of ever running into him would be slim.
The very first interaction you had with him was brief.
Very awkward. But thankfully, brief.
You were staying for a couple of days while Carol was out of town and Mr. York was supposed to be out on a job. So when you woke up in the middle of the night and headed down to the kitchen in just a t-shirt and your underwear to get some water, the last thing you expected was to see Mr. York in his office just off to the side of the kitchen. 
That made for an awkward interaction during morning coffee before the girls woke up.
The past month or so had been full of small exchanges everytime he was home and you were there working. You didn’t mind though. In fact, you enjoyed the interactions no matter how short they were, mainly because you had developed a small crush on Mr. York. Obviously nothing would come of it. He was older…and married. Unhappily married from the way Carole spoke and how he and Carol interacted but still. He probably saw you as a kid considering you were fresh out of your 3rd year of college.
Yet here you are. At 12:14 AM on a Friday night, pinned between him and the kitchen counter with his hand in your sleep shorts as he rubs that sensitive bundle of nerves through your panties. 
You just wanted to get some fresh water in your water bottle. 
“Mr. York..” Your voice faltered slightly as you tried to be sensible and stop the situation before it went any further. 
“Daddy.” The baritone of his voice resonated in your ears as his lips explored your neck. 
His response left you confused, although part of that could have been how flustered he had you before that. 
“What do you mean?” You struggled to fight any noise back that tried to leave your body that wasn’t speaking.
“I mean..” He pulled away from your neck to allow his dark eyes to lock with yours. “..when we’re in a normal setting. Surrounded by my wife or my daughters, you call me Mr. York.” You felt his free hand gently grip your neck as the middle and index fingers on his busy hand slid past the elastic waistband of your panties and started to tease your wet slit, pressing against the entrance of your eager cunt before they slowly slipped in. Just as you started to let out a moan, his large hand gripped tight on your neck, cutting off whatever noise you were about to produce. 
“But when we have these moments like this where it’s just you and me. Where I have you soaked, panting, and trembling like a pathetic bitch in heat, you call me Daddy. Do you understand?” He used the grip he had on your neck to make you look at him before you nodded in response.
“Yes, Daddy.” You sounded ridiculous. Your voice was raspy as you tried your best to speak with the lack of airflow. And that seemed to please him as a maniacal smirk spread across his lips. Those lips that you so desperately wanted to taste.
“Good girl.” He praised before releasing his grip and channeling his energy into the force behind the rhythm he was fingering you with. “Keep the obedience up and make sure you don’t make a fucking sound.” He used his freehand to reach down and push your shorts down until they fell and pooled around your ankles before he boosted you up onto the counter. A low groan released from his lips as he spread your legs and saw your glistening cunt in the low night light. “Fuck that’s beautiful.”
“Mr. Y-...” You had to stop yourself and correct what you were saying. “Daddy..someone could walk in.” You were breathless, trying to keep quiet as his fingers brought you closer and closer to the edge of release. All you were able to mentally register was how his thick fingers were spreading your tight hole more than you had ever felt before and the playful, satisfied smirk he was sporting from hearing your concern. 
“No one is going to walk in.” He said it so confidently that arguing with him didn’t even cross your mind. “I need you to cum for me, Princess.” His words made your cunt flutter around his digits, drawing a low growl from him before he started pumping them in and out of you at a quick pace. 
“Fuck…I’m so fucking close…” Your eyes moved from watching where his fingers disappeared into you up to his, your brow furrowed as you gave into your orgasm. You quickly brought your hand up, covering your own mouth to stifle your cries as you come on his fingers. 
Dave couldn’t help but watch you. 
Watch how you would physically respond to every push into your tight cunt. How you rolled your hips to work against his thick digits. How you were completely lost in your own ecstasy to care anymore if one of his daughters were to interrupt. Or Carol were to come home early…fuck if she saw. He had to catch her with her boss a few years back. Her catching him with you would be a bigger win in his opinion. 
You wanted, no, needed this just as much as he did. 
Your eyes slowly open, meeting with his as he still held your hip, keeping you lazily pinned to the counter, cheeks flushed a bright red, your chest rising and collapsing as you try your best to come down from the high. 
Jesus you were such a sight. 
The sound of one of the girls’ doors opening up stairs and hearing their sleepy voice calling out your name had you sobering up fast.
“I’ll be right there, sweetie!” You call out as you hop down from the counter. 
You shake your head as you look back up at Dave, clearing your throat as if that would aid you in composing yourself faster. 
“This uh…this wasn’t smart, Mr. York..” You weakly 'stood your ground' before dismissing yourself out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
Dave’s eyes never left your body. 
He knows you’re right. This is stupid…but he also knows that he was just getting started with you.
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treacheryinblue · 2 days
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Chapter 2/4
A Noah Sebastian x F!Reader One Shot Series
Word Count: 7.1k
× Summary: Noah is Death, the ruler of the after life (or whatever you want to call it), though he is cursed to watch you come and go from his never ending existence time and time again.
× Warnings!: Eh-level smut (oral [f receiving], P in V obviously, touch of spanking), language, little bit of violence, tiny fluff if you squint, slight dom!noah, smut with plot aka this became more in depth than I meant for it to aka a one shot that's now a series. Let me know if I missed anything!
× Author's Notes: ( 1 ) Thank you sooo much for all the support this story has been given. It was never was supposed to be more than a one shot, but after all the excitement behind it, I've decided to make it into a short series! I'm going to try to keep it at four parts, just to show the lore behind the characters and also maybe why it's happening...if I can make my brain create such things. ( 2 ) PLEASE suspend all thoughts of how time works when reading this. Time is pretty much just NOT a thing in Noah's realm. It's nonlinear and I refuse to be tied down by it! Also, hopefully the context clues are obvious enough for people to pick up on what time period the female character is from in each chapter. If not, feel free to hit me with a question.
Happy reading! xoxo
“The Dark Lord will be pleased with this one.” 
An unknown voice sounded out around you, immediately sending a chill down your spine. You heard yourself expel a whimper of fear as your hands responded by trembling in their bindings. The man must've noticed this because a sadistic sounding laugh rang out, echoing through wherever you were and reverberating in your ears. 
How long had you been tied down to this slab of rock? It easily could've only been hours, though it felt like days. Weeks. An eternity. Nothing felt longer than waiting for your impending death. 
“Please…” you pleaded in a soft and broken voice. “Let me go and I will make sure no harm comes of you.” 
The men again cackled, the kind that you were sure had them gripping their bellies and arching back. Maybe it was a good thing you couldn't see their dirty faces and broken teeth taunting you. That would never be the last thing you'd want anyone to have to witness before their untimely demise. 
“The blade. Now.”
Something cool pressed to your chest and immediately forced a slight gasp out of you. Again, you began to tear up and pull at your restraints, although you had no idea what you would do if you happened to free yourself. The noises you had picked up on told you that there were more than two people there, and after so long without food or water, you'd never be able to take them. You were doomed one way or the other. 
As the blade traveled downwards, it was made to puncture and rip the bodice of your dress. Another set of hands tugged the thin fabric to further open it, revealing your bare torso beneath it. 
“Please! Don't do this!” You cried, now feeling shame from being so exposed. 
How horrible was it that you were briefly only concerned about what your mother and father would say of this? They'd scold you, hissing words of how it wasn't very ‘lady like’ and that ‘no man would want you now’. You would be the ‘shamed whore’ of your village. 
Before those thoughts could lead with any traction, the sound of faint chanting snapped you from your own thoughts. It started as a whispering and ever so slowly began working its way higher and higher with every repeated line. Unfortunately, you couldn't make out any of the words. It was possible that it was in another language, though also likely that your sobs took the forefront of the focus. 
As the volume grew, so did your fear. Your breathing was rapid and uneven, a cool sweat forming across your chest and along the back of your neck. It was not being able to see what was happening that was also truly terrifying. Your captors had blind folded you after securing you down, this being the last time you saw any of their faces. It had been days of darkness - if not longer. 
The chanting had started increasing in pace. Voices roared all around you and you could sense someone probably just within your reach (had your hands been free) but they had yet to do or say anything. You sobbed beneath your blindfold, the ropes holding you down rubbing your poor wrists raw from how you had been desperately trying to pull them free. They burned with every motion, and you were sure blood had been coating them since day one. Not that anyone around cared enough to take note. 
“Please!” You yelled again, the single worded plea broken from your constant waterfall of tears. You swore you even heard another chuckle from right beside you. 
“Send our love to the Dark Lord.” 
A fierce pain punctuated his final statement as the blade ripped through your chest. You screamed in terror, just for the blade to be retrieved and then forced through skin, muscle, bone, again and again until you were nothing but a husk of who you had once been. 
× × ×
Piercing eyes stared at you from across the long table, silently watching every move you made, no matter how small. You could feel the weight of his gaze despite having told him before how uncomfortable it made you - this had shocked him into a brief silence - but it obviously hadn't been important enough information for him to retain. 
As you reached for your glass of wine, he did the same. His motions mirrored yours when you both took a swallow from the glass, followed by another, then another - the third being a mere test to see if he would or not. 
The demand left you with an irritated sigh, your wine glass then being loudly placed back to the table top. He chose to do the opposite, instead opting to lightly set his own glass down in a more respectable manner. 
“Stop what?” 
Your eyes narrowed at him, lips pressed tight together to showcase to him just how completely and utterly annoying he was. Ever since your arrival, he had done nothing but get under your skin day after day, night after night, second after second. 
Maybe you really were in Hell. 
“I'm going back to my quarters.” 
You weren't going to do this with him again. It had become an every encounter sort of thing at this point - both of you engaging in an argument until you finally stomped off or he dismissed you before you ‘fell victim to his true nature’. How in the world were you supposed to live like this? For how long? Every time you’d yell this inquiry at him, he would only smile like he knew a secret you didn't. 
Dropping your napkin to your plate, you were just about to push away from the table when his voice halted your every movement. 
“Sit back down now. I haven't excused you.” 
There was a sternness to his demand that you had yet to hear from him prior. It shook you to your core…in a way you hadn't expected. 
There was a brief pause as you stared at him. You were silently debating with yourself as to whether or not you should listen, weighing the options. Since you had nowhere to go where he couldn't find you, you did as he requested. 
“Maybe I've gone about this the wrong way. Maybe I've been too nice. Too lenient. Too patient. Since those approaches don't appear to be working, we're going to switch up to the way I prefer things.” 
The man you knew as Noah slowly stood from his chair. Those eyes of his never broke from yours, not even as he placed his palms on the table top and leaned forward a bit to assert only an ounce of his dominance. You wanted to say it didn't make you want to cower in a corner, but it did. 
Or maybe take your clothes off…
“You are here in my domain. Do you know what that means?” 
Noah's eyebrows raised when he paused, though you knew he wasn't looking for an answer. He already had one of his own loaded and ready to go. 
“It means I'm the fucking King and it would be in your best interest to not disobey me.”
You thought it would end there. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. 
But wait…what was this new sensation you were beginning to feel? It was warm and tingly…quite different from any you had experienced before, both when dead or alive. 
“It doesn't matter to me that it's you. You are still required to make sure I remain pleased.” 
This caught your curiosity and it showed in the way your own brows pulled together ever so slightly. 
“What does that mean?” 
“It means that you listen to m-”
“No, the first part.” 
You could see the way his features softened when he realized what he had said. Was this one of those secrets he always seemed to be keeping from you? Obviously. The issue was that you had no clue what it meant. 
“For the love of Go-!” Noah paused before he could get the entire saying out, his jaw clenching and face reddening as if it would truly pain him to say the words. With a deep exhale through his nose, he stood to his full height and raked his fingers roughly through his hair. He was frustrated, though something told you that it wasn't all because of your defiant behavior. 
The anger he held was bubbling to the surface and forcing him to lose his composure. He growled as he latched onto the chair and sent it hurling to the ground, followed by the glass of wine he had previously been nursing. Both became shattered pieces that would be impossible to repair. 
“Why do you not remember yet?! Is this some cruel joke you're playing on me? Is that it?!” 
Before you could even blink he was in front of you. He had forced your chair out a bit, enough for him to wedge himself in front of it to prevent you from escaping. His tattooed hands firmly grasped at the arms of the chair, intense eyes level with your own. 
You weren't frightened of him. You had endured the wrath of more vile men many times in the past, your father being one of them, so this temper tantrum of his did not register as a threat. 
Plus, you were already dead. What more could he do to you? 
“I need you to remember.” 
These words were spoken in a much softer tone, almost like he was begging you. Pleading. The pain was clear in his eyes and for some reason this hurt you as well. Why did you care about his feelings? Why did you want to make him feel better? Never during any of your previous altercations had you felt this way. 
“I'm sorry…I don't know how…I don't understand…”
Noah appeared crushed. You swore you could hear the sound of his heart breaking; that's how deep his emotions ran along his features. He dropped to his knees in front of you, his head bowed to keep his face hidden. The hands that had once been gripping the arms of the chair fell to your covered knees, now grasping tight to you in any way he could. 
“Please…try for me? There's a part of you that would do anything for me, just as I would do for you.” 
Although his words continued to confuse you, they didn't disturb you or make you uncomfortable as they previously had. There was even a fraction of you that believed him…which only made you want to try as he was requesting. 
Maybe he could sense this, because you felt one of his hands fall and begin lightly tracing along your ankle. The other remained on your knee, still clutching tight. 
“Close your eyes…will yourself to remember…I know you can.” 
There was a flicker of something behind your closed eyes, almost like a thought. Maybe a memory. You weren't too sure because the scene clip was foreign and not anything you had ever experienced in your living life. All that was familiar within the abrupt flash were his eyes and the way they devoured you. 
“That…what was that?” 
Noah’s hand cradled your cheek, his touch immediately causing you to open your eyes and connect with his own. There was now a hopeful gleam within them, so much that you swore you even saw his lips threatening to turn up into a smile. 
“Did you remember something? Tell me.”
All you could do was slowly shake your head. Even if you wanted to tell him what the brief image had been, you knew you wouldn't be able to put it into words. It was like trying to describe a color to someone that they would never see for themselves. An impossible task to say the least. 
Without another word, you quickly pushed him away from you and stood from your chair. Noah was stunned by your actions but made no move to stop you from running away, not like you had expected him to. As you exited the dining room, all you heard behind you was the sound of more glass breaking and Noah’s pained yells. 
× × ×
Sleep eventually took over you that night, though it hadn't come easy. To bring forth this needed unconsciousness, you had to think of the images from earlier and imagine what scenario it was attached to. 
It took place in an unknown room, though you could assume this room was in the same domain you currently were held in. The decor was the same, the walls and lighting giving this away. It wasn't your current room, though, but somewhere a little more lived in. It was comfortable, if you were being honest. Almost as comfortable as the bed you were laid out over in this flash of images. 
There was a warmth that accompanied them, one that you were only barely accustomed to. You had experienced it before during your living existence when you had hiked your dress up to your hips and buried your fingers between your thighs - these moments were fleeting and only happened enough times for you to count on one hand. 
Although, it wasn't your hands that brought forth the unfamiliar but welcomed warmth this time, but something - someone - far more enticing. 
A pleasure radiated throughout your entire being in a way that had your body trembling and your voice crying out for more. You had managed to open your eyes long enough to see his head between your spread thighs, decorated fingers holding tight to you to make sure you remained fully open for him, all while his mouth worked wonders in ways you didn't know possible. 
“Noah!” You moaned and whimpered, his name on your lips only sending him into an excited frenzy. He groaned into you as his mouth secured around your clit, harshly sucking before soothing the nerves with swipes of his tongue that made your hips buck and your cunt clench in a desperate need to be filled. 
“You're so perfect…” he breathed as he pulled back just enough to watch his fingers disappear inside of you. The sensation was heavenly, as ironic as that was, even more so when his long digits dipped and curled within your dripping wet warmth. Noah stroked along a spot that immediately had you gasping for air and gripping tight to the already tangled sheets your body had become well acquainted with. The mess of linens told you that you had been at this for a bit now, and it definitely wasn't his first time admiring you from below. 
“Don't stop, please…” you begged, soft and gentle between your labored breathing. 
Noah happily obliged, not that he had any plans on stopping until he was thoroughly satisfied with your amount of pleasure. His wicked mouth returned to your clit, tongue swirling and flicking in a way only the Devil could know how, while his fingers assisted in bringing you right to the edge. 
If this was eternal damnation, then you would willingly devote the rest of your existence to it, to him. 
Just a couple more firm strokes of his fingers and your body was tensing, a pressure building so high that it literally felt as if you were going to explode. And almost as soon as the thought passed your mind, your body released - literally and metaphorically. Moans heaved from you and your hips writhed beneath Noah’s form, a sudden wave of pure heat traveling through you and coating his fingers. The bed became soaked, though Noah seemed less than concerned about this. He hadn't even let up on pulling your clit between his lips and forcing his fingers harder within the collapsing and pulsing walls of your cunt. 
You awoke from your slumber with a gasp, your body abruptly sitting up in bed. It took a moment for you to gather yourself, but you eventually noticed that you were alone and no longer in the room from your…dream? Memory? It was still so hard to say. As you made a motion to move, you felt a throb between your thighs, a deep pulsing just like the one your subconscious had just been experiencing. 
You thought nothing of it at first, not until you stood from the bed only to realize the sheets, as well as your clothing, held a wet spot right where one could assume. 
It only took a moment for you to change, though you left yourself bare beneath the sleeping gown with not even the top tied securely. There was no reason for you to waste time with it when there was one thing on your mind now. 
After a few wrong turns and having to backtrack more than you'd like to admit, you finally stumbled upon the study where you knew Noah to spend the majority of his time. Sometimes you swore this domain liked to purposely switch up and change on you, just to make finding your intended location all the more difficult. 
“Stop lingering,” his voice called out after you had stood outside the cracked door for far too long. 
A small jolt in response to his voice being directed to you caused your heart to skip a beat, though you did as he said and gently pushed the study door open enough for you to slip through. 
“How did you kno-”
“Nothing happens here without my knowledge of it. No matter how small or…private.”
That's when his eyes lifted to meet with you, they focused in on your hips first before slowly trailing up to your own gaze. Something gleamed within his stare, but it wasn't something you were yet capable of putting your finger on. All you knew was that it further stirred a sensation inside you. 
“It's late,” Noah then pointed out as he leaned back in his chair, sights still locked on you. 
You nodded in understanding, slow steps being taken closer to the desk he resided behind. Instead of stopping in front of it, you moved around the side and only paused once you were in front of him, just within arm’s reach. You could see Noah's chest inflate with a deep inhale, his eyes further darkening at the close proximity. Had his gaze even flickered down to where your hardened nipples were evident beneath the thin fabric of the dress you wore? You swore they had. 
Speaking of your clothing…it was drastically different from what Noah always wore. His black on black suit wasn't like anything you were used to seeing, though your clothes were reminiscent of your time, unchanging from what you knew. How odd, you thought to yourself. This wasn't the time to ponder such things, though. It was just one more mystery added to the collection you were keeping note of. 
“I had a dream,” you finally revealed. A hand hesitantly reached out so you could trail a finger slowly beneath his jaw, a simultaneous step closer to him also being taken. “At least…I think it was only a dream.”
“A memory, perhaps.” Noah spoke up, his eyebrows raised. 
“Perhaps.” Your hand fell from his face and you swore you noticed a sadness quickly glaze over his eyes, almost as if he missed your touch already. Lucky for him, you had no intention of keeping your hands to yourself right then. 
Delicate fingers clutched the fabric that covered your body, now being pulled up just enough so you could freely move while settling into Noah’s lap. Your knees straddled him and his hands moved to lay atop the bare skin of your thighs, almost like a reflex. 
“Tell me what you remember.” 
A slight shrug of your shoulder caused the gown to fall away, revealing more of your skin to him. His eyes followed the trail of your neck down your shoulder and to your chest, just as he reached up to further tug the fabric away in a gentle manner until the swell of your breasts were shown. 
Noah had learned forward so he could slowly kiss along the bared skin of your chest. His hands traveled up the sides of your thighs, purposely pushing the hem of the dress up more, but not fully. He was then gripping your waist, slyly pulling your body even closer to his while his lips dipped between the valley of your breasts. 
“It's mainly feelings that I remember, not necessarily specific moments…” 
A question lingered at the tip of your tongue, one that you weren't really sure the meaning of. It was merely plaguing the back of your mind, leaving you curious for an answer that could possibly mean absolutely nothing to you. 
“How…many times have I been here?” 
The inquiry caused Noah to pause, his eyes flickering up to yours before he relayed an answer. 
“This makes five. Five lives…five versions of you…and this you by far has been the most stubborn.” 
This knowledge didn't frighten you like it would have mere hours ago. No, it actually made a bit of sense now, like the puzzle pieces were all slowly starting to come together. 
“And each one is me?” 
Noah hummed lightly, his lips returning to their trek along your chest. He was being much softer with you than you would've imagined, especially given the outburst you had witnessed from him earlier. 
“Same body, same eyes, same markings…” he punctuated this with a slight bite to a prominent freckle that sat off to the side of your right breast. “Even the same name.”
“So…where are all of the previous versions of me at?” 
A heavy sigh followed your question, his jaw clenched in obvious frustration. Having not yet answered, Noah swiftly picked you up and laid you down atop his desk after swiping the unnecessary items aside. There was a darkness in his eyes again, and you noticed that his previous soft caresses were becoming much more defined and needy. Witnessing this had your insides stirring, but in a way that made you thankful for wearing nothing more than your sleep gown. 
“You’ve been taken from me.” 
Noah’s voice was harsh, the words almost being hissed through gritted teeth. Apparently you had touched on a sore subject without even realizing it. But still, he began undressing himself as you laid beneath him, vulnerable and aching. Not even his growing anger was going to stop him from having you. 
With his torso now bared to you, you took a moment to take in all of the permanent etchings that crowded his skin. You had never seen such things before, though you've heard tales of tattoos and these being described as the ‘mark of the Devil’. Clearly your time wasn't too far off, considering who you were currently in the company of.
A hand grabbed your face and forced you to look up at him as his body hovered over your own. Noah’s eyes were as intense as ever as he searched within yours, on a hunt for something. 
“You aren't meant for this world but you are mine. I'll see to it that every death brings you to me. They can't stop me.”
There was no chance for you to inquire about this because Noah’s mouth was then on yours, all hot and desperate. He kissed you like his life depended on it - funny enough - like you were the only thing that could breathe oxygen back into his lungs. And much to your own surprise, you kissed him back with just as much ferocity. His taste was addicting and familiar, one that you wanted to hold onto for as long as you could. 
Even as he pulled back, you swiped your tongue along your lower lip simply to savor what remained. 
One strong pull was all it took for Noah to rip the gown you wore straight down the middle, his eyes immediately drinking you in. He leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, moaning against your heated skin while flicking his tongue along the hardened bud before sinking his teeth in. You gasped at the slight pain, but the rise of your hips to grind against his let him know that you actually enjoyed it. 
Noah smirked as he moved to your opposite nipple, displaying the same loving abuse to it. A warmth was pooling between your thighs and you were suddenly so eager for his touch that you didn't know what to do with yourself. Your hips continued to grind along his, desperate to feel any sort of relief, but the material of his pants were too soft and not at all what you were aching for. 
“Not so defiant now, are you?” He taunted, his clothed hips firmly pressing into yours just to further rile you up. 
“Look at you…desperate and whining…you must be remembering how good I can make you feel.”
Indeed you were, because never have you felt a need as strong as this before. Something in you knew just how mind blowing a climax at his hands could be and you wanted it now. You were so caught up in your own selfish needs that you hadn't even heard the sound of his belt coming off or the distinct ripple of the zipper being dragged down. When your eyes met with him again, he was fully naked and standing between your legs, slowly stroking along every inch of his hard cock. 
“Fuck…the things you do to me,” he murmured to himself, heavily exhaling through his nose. You watched in awe as he continued to touch himself, his hips pushing forward to thrust into his hand, even as he rubbed the head of his cock down between your folds. Noah’s eyes closed and his head tossed back, reveling in the sensation of you being so wet for only him. 
“Please…” you whimpered, your legs spreading more as if that would help entice him in. As much as you liked watching him get himself off, surprisingly enough, you were far too needy in that moment to have any bit of his stamina wasted on his hand. 
Releasing the hold he had on his cock, he instead grabbed your calf and lifted your leg to his shoulder. His strong hands now held your hips, the tip of his cock pressed right to your entrance since he had produced the perfect angle after maneuvering your body around however he saw fit. 
“You have to be a good girl and take it,” he instructed, his voice soothing but still holding an edge to it. 
Noah pressed forward, allowing only the swollen head of his cock to stretch through your tight walls that hugged him just as close as he remembered. 
“Say it.” He demanded, refusing to go any further until you had. 
You shakily breathed out, your heart racing and blood pumping so fast that your cheeks were flushed a deep red already. “I'll be a good girl,” you repeated his words, nodding. “I'll take it, I promise.”
Happy with this, Noah thrusted forward in a swift motion that you had taking every inch he had to offer. Your tight pussy welcomed him into your depths with a constricting pulse that would've made him cum right then had he not had an eternity of practiced self control. 
Noah deeply groaned, his jaw set and biceps flexed while holding you in place. Your own moans mixed with his, your body trembling in his grasp from just how intense it was to be fully filled by him. It was like nothing you had ever felt before…quite literally since your living existence had yet to experience the touch of another. You had only known a release at your own hands, which was nothing compared to this. 
“That's it…” he cooed the familiar phrase as he began his rapid pace of driving his cock deep into you again and again, forcing moans and profanities never yet spoken from you each time. “You're always so good at taking it.” 
Oh, how you wanted nothing more than to take all that he had to offer. 
The stretch of your walls were so tight around him that you swore you could feel every engorged vein throbbing when he forced himself as deep as possible. Noah turned his head so he could kiss along your ankle, the grip he had on your calf tightening just before leaning forward a bit. It was a good thing you were pretty limber or else a cramp would've surely ruined the mood by now. Noah didn't seem concerned about this, though. He was far too focused on the shape of your lips as you cried out his name. 
This angle had to have been created by this Devil himself though, because you could barely take a breath from how overpowering it was. You looked up at him with furrowed brows and nothing but silence as your breath caught in your throat. Every inch of your body tensed, though this had yet to cease his quickening thrusts. Your cunt felt too good, too warm, too tight, for him to let up now. 
“Noah!” His name finally erupted from you again, just as an unexpected orgasm took charge. Your head tossed back and your hips arched up as much as possible, your pussy now gripping his cock like a vice. Your walls were so strong that you noticed he was finally beginning to break a sweat. 
As the climax shook through your body, his motions began to slow before coming to a complete halt. He stared down at you, a fire in his eyes. 
“Did I say you could cum?” The question was punctuated with a firm spank to the side of your thigh, a sting radiating outwards that you knew you'd be feeling for some time afterwards. 
“Hadn't I just told you that you're meant to listen to me? That I'm the King and you do as I say?” 
Noah had shifted your leg off his shoulder and pulled his hips back until he was no longer inside of you. The loss of connection made you whine and pout because one orgasm hadn't been enough. You desperately needed more. 
“I couldn't stop it,” you explained while he forced you up, around, and then back down so the front of your body was pressed to the desk. 
“You promised you were going to be a good girl.” 
There was a bit of rustling from behind you, followed by the faint clink of metal that you recognized from his belt when he had been removing it not long ago. Your thighs pressed together in anticipation for whatever he had planned for you now since you knew that fleeting moment of softness from him was long gone. 
“But good girls ask before they cum, and you didn't ask.” The sound of something moving quickly through the air garnered your attention, but a mere second later a sharp sting forced a yelp from you when the folded edge of his belt made contact with your ass. The pain shot right to your core, your cunt clenching eagerly around nothing. 
Another crack rang out when the belt again collided with your tender ass cheek. You whimpered and writhed, your hands desperately trying to grab onto something to steady yourself but there was nothing within reach on the desk. While it did hurt, and the pain only worsened with each spank, you still couldn't help but to crave more. Maybe it was because Noah was now rubbing his palm soothingly over the red and welted area, or maybe it was because you liked allowing him this power over you. 
You held a power of your own over him as well, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Although now may have not been the time to bring that up. 
“Look at how fucking wet you're getting from this,” he mused gleefully as his fingers dipped down to brush along your pussy. He gathered the wetness around his fingertips after sinking his digits into you, though he only graced you with a couple of pumps before their retreat. 
Noah leaned over your body so his mouth was at your ear, his wet fingers forcing their way between your lips for you to obediently clean. Which you did without hesitation or complaint, even going so far as to moan softly at the taste of yourself. 
“Now, are you going to be my good girl or do I need to punish you a bit more?” He whispered into your ear while lightly brushing your hair back from your face. 
You could feel his hard cock between your thighs, teasing you with what you so badly wanted again. This assisted in you making up your mind, despite how much you enjoyed the punishment given. 
“I'll be your good girl,” you promised once his fingers were pulled from your mouth. 
Noah circled his strong hand around your jaw before placing a firm kiss to the side of your head. “That was the correct answer.” 
Gently forcing your body back around to face his, he was careful to then set you on the edge of the desk. You winced at the weight being placed on your abused bottom, and it was only intensified when Noah purposely grasped the exact area, fingertips digging into the welts. There was no room for true pain when it was quickly overpowered by the euphoric sensation of him thrusting into you again. 
Christ, if you weren't already dead then this man surely would've been the death of you. 
Both hands squeezed your hips as he helped drag you along his cock, maneuvering your body in just the right way so he was hitting every spot inside of you that had you gasping for air. Your mind was occupied solely with thoughts of him, especially when taking in how he was gazing at you. It didn't matter that bits of his hair clung to his forehead with sweat or that you could barely take a breath without demanding that he fuck you harder, because Noah was still staring at you like you were the only thing in this entire melancholic universe that mattered. 
“You're fucking amazing,” he grunted just as he pushed against your chest to lay you back on the desk again. This allowed him free reign to drive his cock at a maddening pace into your depths, his thrusts relentless to what your mere mortal body could handle. 
Did it matter since you were already dead, though? Were you technically a mortal still? So many questions. 
Your noises of ecstasy echoed through the study as your cunt throbbed around his twitching cock. The way Noah’s hips began to slow until he was taking long drags out of you, only to roughly thrust forward again, told you that he was close. You weren't sure how you knew, but you did. Just as you somehow knew other things little that would make him tick - both in good and bad ways. 
“You look so beautiful like this.”
You couldn't help but to smile through your delightful torment, your body already so sensitive from your previous orgasm and all of the other things Noah had made you feel that night. From his unmatched stamina, so you could assume, to the pain of his belt across your ass that made your cunt clamp tighter around his cock just from thinking about it. 
Noah must've noticed because he released a deep growl from his chest, his head now bowed and eyes closed as he continued his unforgiving thrusts. 
“Oh!” You gasped the moment his palm pressed against your lower stomach and his thumb made contact with your clit. Your hips jerked and your thighs threatened to close, but his grip on the one only tightened to a harsh squeeze to keep you perfectly spread for him. 
“You have to ask.” Noah reminded you, since he was well aware of what your reactions were pointing to. 
Your eyes rolled back and your teeth sunk deep into your lower lip, breathless moans escaping one after the other, making it nearly impossible for you to say much of anything. 
“Please!” You finally were able to pant out, a faint whine to follow. “Can I cum? Please?” 
Noah smirked at your obedience. The sound of your begging only made him drive harder into your core, his thumb still working against your overly sensitive clit. 
“Please please please,” the pleading continued in a faint whisper, this being all you could manage out now in a little chant of desperation. 
Instead of voicing his approval, he merely gave a single nod just before planting both of his hands on the desk near your head. He was leaning over you now, his hips violently colliding with yours. Dark eyes focused down on your face and you immediately knew he wanted to watch up close as you fell apart for him again. 
Your hands ran up his sides and back to clutch his shoulder blades, nails sinking harshly into his inked skin the moment your climax took over. Every inch of your body spasmed beneath his, your knees digging into his hips and nails dragging down his back in a way that made him sharply inhale in an almost hiss. 
“Oh my go-!” The cry was nearly completed when his hand covered your mouth, preventing you from voicing the final word. Though this didn't stop you from moaning in a continuous yet muffled fashion as a wave rushed through your body and your cunt hungrily tried dragging in more of his cock. 
“Fuck, you're doing so good,” he murmured in a low tone that had your insides melting and your orgasm freely flowing around him. “Fucking hell!”
Noah groaned as his thrusts became a little more sloppy before a final drive forward had him pausing as deep as possible inside of you. The muscles in his arms and shoulders tensed as he erupted, the vein in the side of his neck now more prominent. You couldn't help but to crane your neck forward just a bit in order to sink your teeth into it, bringing forth a moan from him directly into your ear. 
Shivers traveled your body from the overly full feeling of him cumming inside of you and filling you to the brim, his arousal mixing with your own and overflowing. Still, your cunt continued to pulse and flutter around his cock, emptying him for all that he was worth. Your hips even rolled up into his again, purposely working yourself along his length simply because you could and because it felt so fucking good to have him stroking your g-spot, no matter how sensitive and spent your body was. 
“I told you I could be a good girl,” you breathed against his neck while trailing your lips up in search of his. Noah chuckled into the kiss you eventually indulged him with, his brow finally relaxing now that you had stopped grinding into him and he could properly think. 
Lifting his head after you parted from the kiss, he gazed down at you to admire how beautiful you looked with your cheeks flushed and a post-sex glow setting in. It was the first time he had seen you appear genuinely happy since your arrival, and while he of course wanted your body again and again, he also wanted to see that as often as he could. 
“Don't think I've forgotten about how you acted at dinner.” His tone was serious only for a fleeting moment. Your eyes widened slightly, the welt on your ass pulsating as if to remind you of the punishments he could make you endure. 
Noah cracked a faint grin before dragging his hand along the side of your face and claiming your lips once again. He was then standing to his full height and carefully pulling you to a sitting position along with him, where he slowly pulled himself out from your drenched core. A faint whimper escaped you, though you quickly covered it with a bite to your inner cheek. 
“No need to worry about that now. I'll let you know when I'm coming to collect for your defiant behavior.”  
Well, that surely made your pussy clench in eager anticipation. 
Flexing and rolling his shoulders back, he muttered something about giving him a second and then scurried off, but not before making a quick turn back to kiss you again. As he disappeared, you took this moment to glance around the study. It was one of the many rooms you hadn't really been in before, Noah's bedroom included, because you always felt they were too personal for you to see. 
And much to your own shock, Noah never entered your room either. At least you knew he could respect boundaries to a degree. But now? Well, now you weren't so sure what sort of boundaries remained for you two. 
Taking in a deep breath, you lifted a hand to gently massage into the back of your neck, just as your eyes swept across the large bookcase that lined one side of the room. Something on one of the shelves immediately acquired your attention: a knife of sorts, a dagger, with rubies embedded in the handle. There was something very familiar about it, so much so that you found yourself slipping from the desk to make your way over to where it was displayed. 
“I wasn't sure if you wanted to remain in the clothes you're used to, so I brought that and another option…” his voice grew quieter as it trailed off upon realization that you were no longer on the desk. 
Noah's returning presence couldn't pry your eyes away from the dagger, nor could his soft demand for you to tell him what you were doing. Instead, you reached out to lightly trace along the sheath the dagger was housed in before ultimately picking it up and pulling it from the enclosure. 
“What is this?” 
Noah was by your side within seconds, his hand reaching for the item though you made an abrupt turn to step away from him. 
“I need you to give me the dagger now…please. Then, maybe, we can discuss just what it is.”
There was a churning in your stomach and your heart was now beating so loud that you could hear it thumping within your ears. You recognized this dagger despite having only seen it for a few seconds after your captors all but dragged you to your death. A multitude of memories flashed before your sights of this dagger in particular, although in many different scenarios and situations.
Your eyes were pooling with tears as you finally looked up at him, both confusion and hurt written all across your face. It appeared as if Noah wanted to say something but he remained silent, his hand still outstretched like you were actually going to hand the item over to him. 
“This was what was used to kill me, Noah. More than once. Why do you have it?”
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Wouldn't Be Nice
Summary: After his divorce, Cooper Howard finds himself in need of a babysitter. That's where you come in.
Pairings: Pre-War Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings: flirting and heavy petting. readers got a bit of a praise kink. Pretty domestic.
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With the divorce came more responsibility, and that meant less free time with Janey and more searching for anyone who would hire him. He only had his daughter every other week, and while he did miss her - Coop always missed her - when Janey was with Barb it left him free to pursue other odd jobs that would keep food on the table. However, there were days that Cooper couldn't be there all the time, so after finding your ad in the paper, the ex-actor hired you to babysit Janey.
You didn't cost him an arm and a leg, and after the first couple of days, his daughter seemed to love having you around. That had won you enough brownie points from Cooper that he'd decided to keep you around. He had offered to pay you extra for keeping the apartment clean, Barb had taken the house, but you had shot him down, claiming that he paid you plenty.
Today, he'd come home, tired after working a children's birthday, and still dressed in his costume, to find you in the kitchen cleaning up after an early dinner. You greet him with a smile and a soft hello.
"Where's Janey?" He asks, keeping the same quiet tone. You nod at the bedrooms.
"Sleeping. She was tired after going to the park this evening. How was work?"
Cooper groans dramatically in response, and catching your soft grin is worth it. He kicks off his boots and strides into the kitchen, fetching himself a cold nuka-cola, "It was fine. The kids were great, but their parents always got somethin' to say."
Mr. Howard had told you a little about why his marriage had fallen out, but he intentionally kept most of it unsaid. You knew enough to know not to trust anything that Vault-Tec did, and you were fine with that. It wasn't any of your business what happened between them. Even if you were occasionally curious.
He watches you rinse the dishes out of the corner of his eye, taking in your soft curves and your messy bun. You're pretty and nice, and Janey loves you. He couldn't deny that he was attracted to you, and he'd caught the way you looked at him sometimes. It makes Cooper wonder if you'd want to stay here more often.
The ex-actor decides to throw caution to the wind and sets his cola down before he steps behind you, so close that he can feel the heat your radiate. He watches the line of your shoulders tense, and your movements slow to a crawl. Cooper drags his teeth across his bottom lip and then reaches out, his hands resting on your hips.
Cooper hears you swallow and catches your eye when you turn back to look at him, "Mr. Howard?"
"You do such a good job looking after Janey, Sugar," Cooper murmured, and inches forward, his chest brushing against your hair, "You won't let me pay you more, so how about somethin' else?"
One wet hand curls around his wrist, nails biting into his skin. Your voice is just above a whisper, "I don't think that's such a good idea, Mr. Howard."
Cooper drags his thumbs back and forth along your hips, the touch anything but innocent, "What have I said about calling me that?"
"It makes you feel old, and to call you Cooper," you rattle off, the words memorized by how often the ex-actor says them to you. Cooper nods, his chin grazing your hair.
"Good girl," Cooper praises, and his lips curl in a wicked smirk when he feels the way you shudder at the praise. His hands inch forward, fingertips brushing your inner thighs, and Coop wishes that you weren't wearing pants, "Come on, please? You do so much for us, baby. Let me give this to you."
His fingertips slip between the apex of your legs, dragging over your clothed sex, and Cooper sighs at just how hot you feel. You make a soft, startled sound, but you don't pull away from him. He presses himself along your back, molding himself to your curves as he hooks his chin over your shoulder to press delicate kisses to your throat.
Arousal pools in your lower stomach, and you can't help the way that you press into those devious touches to your core. You tilt your head back, exposing more of your throat, and feel the grin the ex-actor wears against your flesh.
The hand around his wrist releases him, and Cooper doesn't waste time sliding his palm under your shirt. He strokes your stomach, trailing his hand up and beneath your bra to tweak and pinch your nipple. Coop pushes you into the counter, using the leverage to grind against your ass.
Cooper’s fun is suddenly cut short by the sound of a door creaking open. Your head jerks up, wacking the ex-actor in the nose hard enough for him to grunt, and tears come to his eyes. He stumbled back just in time for Janey to come be-popping around the corner, a stuffed dog held tight in one hand.
You round the bar in the kitchen, smiling down at Janey while Cooper is making sure he doesn't have a bloody nose. He watches you crouch in front of his daughter, speaking softly enough that he doesn't catch whatever you say to her. Whatever it was makes Janey laugh and toddle back to her bedroom, a tired smile on her little face.
The two of you look at one another once she's gone, and then the two of you are giggling like children, red in the face after being interrupted by Cooper’s daughter. He meets you in the living room, hands resting on your hips as he faces you. You grin, reaching up to cradle his jaw.
"Is your nose okay?"
Cooper snickers and nods, "It's fine, baby. Come on, we should probably talk, hmm?"
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 18 hours
Moi Devochki: Chapter 7
Warnings: talk of trauma, panic attack, smut (blowjob)
Word count: 2632
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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When Natasha wakes a few hours later she isn’t quite sure what woke her, but then it hits her. One of her Omegas isn’t in the nest and in her rut she's more prone to missing their presence. Plus with them in heat, where else would they be?
   She rubs the sleep from her eyes as her senses focus. Wanda was peacefully sleeping, curled into the Alphas side. Her heart begins to race as she realizes you are the Omega she's missing. She can feel her chest move rapidly as she sucks in air, her head swiveling around the room as she desperately tries to locate you.
   Her instincts and fears claw at her mind when she still can't find you. She gently untangles herself from her other Omega, and makes her way from the nest. Your scent was still in the room and she couldn’t smell any Alphas, these were good signs but considering everything that's happened she was still worried.
  Then she hears you, your whines coming from the bathroom. Her feet carry her fast as she makes her way to you. She slowly opens the bathroom door, not wanting to frighten you. You're in the far corner, practically curled in a ball and trembling. She carefully makes her way over to you, allowing you to breathe in her scent so you're aware she's in the room.
  "Y/n, my Omega, what's wrong?" she softly asks, her hand gently resting on your shoulder. You flinch away from her, letting out another whine. Her brows furrow, her instincts tell her to comfort you and so do your whines, yet you dont allow her to touch you. “Medovyy(Honey), it's me. It’s your Alpha.”
   That seems to get through to you and your head lifts to look at her, “Tasha?”
   “Can I touch you?” she asks. You hesitate to answer, not sure if your Alphas presence would help to sooth you or make things worse. 
   “I..I don’t know.” you admit, despite craving her touch
   You don’t miss the sadness that shows on her face at your words, “That's ok. Can you tell me what happened that distressed you so much?”
   “I had a nightmare. Steve was in it and I got scared. I wanted to ask you to comfort me but because I thought of you I felt the need to mate hit me. I don’t think my mind could handle the conflicting emotions because I started to have a panic attack, so I came in here not wanting to wake you or Wanda.”  you explain
   “Oh, my sweet Omega.” she says, sadness on her face, “I’m so sorry he hurt you like this. I wish there was something I could do to make it all better.”
   You whine and tremble again, your instincts begging you to be with your Alpha in some way. It takes everything in Nat to fight against her instincts that tell her to hold you, protect you and scent you. She doesn't want to make things worse for you, but keeping her distance during her rut was going to be nearly impossible.
  “C-can you hold me, please?” you ask, a quiver in your voice
   Her eyes light up, “You're sure?”
   “Yes. I need to know I’m safe, and need to be reminded that I'm yours. Please.” you reply
   She carefully scoops you into her lap and settles onto the bathroom floor. You bury your head into her neck, breathing in her thick leather scent. She croons to help you relax as her strong arms hold you close. 
   “I’ve got you. He won’t ever touch you again. You're my Omega, my mate. I’m right here, I’m not letting you go.” she tells you
   You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding upon hearing her soothing words. You settle deeper into her embrace and find yourself settling down, your mind no longer focused on Steve but on your loving Alpha.
   Natasha is glad to feel you relax in her hold, but she's very worried about you. She didn’t like that you were hurting so much and dealing with so many conflicting emotions during your heat because of your recent trauma. Although she worries about how Wanda will react she knows she has to bring up pups again. Only this time it will be about waiting to have them. She knew her other Omega would want to be with pup at the same time you were, and with everything going on it became very clear you weren’t in a good place for that. It wouldn't be safe or fair to you to have you carry pups while so distressed and the last thing your Alpha would do is harm you in any way.
   A whine from the other room pulls the Alpha from her thoughts. The absence of her mates must have awoken the other Omega.
  “Alpha? Omega?” she calls out, voice sounding unsure and confused.
   You nod against the Alphas chest, letting her know that whatever she chose to do would be ok. You were aware Wanda needed her right now as much as you did. Nat stands, making sure she has a solid grasp on you before walking out of the bathroom and back towards the nest.
   “We’re right here dorogoy(sweetheart).” she says, “I’m sorry I had to leave you alone, Y/n needed me.”
   She sits up as Nat settles into the nest, you still on her lap, “Are you ok, detka(baby)?” 
   “Better now.” you answer, feeling Wandas hand gently caressing your back
   “She had a nightmare about...him” your Alpha tells her. The Omega knows who the ‘him’ in question is and she's glad her Alpha didn’t say his name. She hates hearing it and hates him, after all he's done to you.
   She cuddles into Nats side, resting against your back.  She wraps her arms around you, “You're safe here with us, my love. Natasha will keep you safe, and so will I.” You relax further into them, letting your Alpha scent you as you drift back off into sleep once more.
   When the Alpha awakes next it's well into morning, and Wandas scent is rolling off her in waves. The Omega tosses restlessly in her sleep as the ache of her heat sets in, her body craves her Alpha, her Alphas knot. Her heart craves her Omega, her Omegas touch. She turns and clutches at Nats arm as a needy whine leaves her.
   Even in sleep your body quickly reacts to the scent of your Omega, pumping out your scent to match hers. From where you still lay on top of your Alpha, she can feel you stir slightly as you let out a whine of your own.
   Natasha can feel her cock begin to harden as the scent of both her Omegas assault her senses. Her instincts beg her to bury her knott deep in her whining and needy mates and fill them with her seed, but she knows she has to wait. She has to make sure they're actually awake, not to mention she still has to talk to both of you about waiting to have pups and therefore figuring out what contraceptive to use. 
   “Omegas.” she hums, “My Omegas, wake up moi devochki(my girls).” she practically begs
    You stir on her chest immediately when you hear her tone. Her scent invades your nose as you take in her hooded eyes with blown pupils and the large bulge in her sweatpants.
   You smile, “Does our Alpha need her Omegas to help with something?” you ask as you palm her cock
   “Fuck, Y/n…” she breathes out, before sucking in a deep breath as your hands go to her waistband, “My Omega, w-wait”
   Your eyes look up at her, “Did I do something wrong?”
   “N-no medovyy(honey), I just..” she takes a deep breath to clear the fogginess from her brain, “I think the three of us need to have a conversation first.”
  You can feel your anxieties take over. Maybe she didn’t want you anymore after realizing how close Steve had been to claiming you. Maybe having two mates was too much for her and she preferred Wanda.
   “Do you not want me anymore?” you ask, barley even a whisper
   Her hands immediately cup your face, “Of course I want you my Omega. I want you so bad.” she admits as she brings your forehead to rest against hers
   She can feel your chest rumble against hers as you purr, happy with the closeness and her words. Her thumbs rub your cheeks as she soaks up the sound. She feels a sudden shift beside her, and soon Wandas face is nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
   “Good morning my loves.” she whispers, her accent thick
   “Morning baby.” you reply, causing a smile to appear on her face as she reaches for you. You gladly grab her hand, lacing your fingers between hers.
   Your Alpha turns her head, placing a small kiss to Wandas temple, “Good morning dorogoy(sweetheart).”
  Wanda can see the Alphas hooded eyes and smell her arousal causing a wave of want to flow through her. “Alpha” she whines
   “I know love, I want you both too. Very badly. But can we all talk first?” Nat asks
   You and Wanda nod, both sitting back from her a bit so her scent wasn't as strong, allowing you both to concentrate on what she wants to say. You watch as the Alpha shakes her head before running a hand through her hair in an attempt to free the fog from her mind. You're not sure how well it works considering the bulge in her sweats still shows and her scent is still one of pure want.
   “I know we discussed trying for pups, but I think we need to re address that.” she admits, upon seeing the looks on her Omegas faces she quickly continues, “Not because I don’t want them. Please know that I would be happy to have pups with you, moi devochki(my girls). I just think it's best if we wait a bit longer. Y/n, your trauma is still recent and you're still dealing with that, and though I’m glad to help you through it however you need I am worried about you. You're under so much stress, I don’t want it to cause you or unborn pups any pain, health problems or worse…”
   Wanda takes a moment before speaking, “Our Alpha is right detka(baby). You need time to heal before we start our family, not just for the safety of future pups but for yourself.” She turns her attention to Nat, “I can wait, I want to have our pups at the same time.”
   “I anticipated that to be your answer” she says with a smile, “That's perfectly fine. We can try for pups during your next heat, ok loves?” Wanda nods but you look away from them, worried this means your Alpha won’t mate with you because of the risks, with Wanda there were risks too but should it accidentally happen she was in a spot where she could still care for them appropriately. 
   “Does that mean you won’t mate with me, Alpha?” you quietly ask
   She shakes her head, “I would never hurt you in such a way, especially during your heat.” her hand cups your cheek, “It just means we have to use protection of some kind”
   You lean into her touch, “Can we use pills? I still wanna be able to feel you fill me.” 
   “I want that too” Wanda agrees 
   A groan escapes her, “God, yes. We can use whatever you want to, I just have to text Yelena and get her to buy them for us.” She pulls out her phone and quickly relays the information to her sister, who of course teases her before agreeing to go get the items. She sets her phone down with a sigh, she really needed release soon so Yelena better hurry.
   As if you had read her mind, you come to the same conclusion. Your Alpha needs release and you want to make her feel good. You glance over at your Omega and give her the ‘read my thoughts’ look. She does so and smirks at you.
   You each place a hand on her thighs, gently caressing them as you both move towards the waistband of her pants. You can feel her muscles tighten beneath your touch as her breathing picks up. Her hips jerk as you slowly begin to pull her pants down, her eyes slam  shut and she takes a deep breath to remain calm.
   A sound that's a mix between a grunt and needy whine leaves your Alpha, “P-please Omegas….we h-have to wait.”
   “Its ok Alpha, let us take care of you” Wanda tells her
   Her brows furrow, “But-
   “Tasha, it’s ok.” you assure her, “Let us show you what our mouths can do.”
   If she wasn’t already hard, she would have been after hearing that. She relaxes under the touch of her Omegas, opening her eyes once more to watch you both. She lifts her hips to allow you to slide her sweats down, her boxers following after. Her cock looks painfully hard as it stands tall, waiting to be touched. A shaky sigh leaves her as your tongue gently licks her tip, collecting the precum that had begun to leak out.
   You hum, wrapping your lips around her as you begin to take her into your mouth. Her hips jerk slightly as Wanda begins to kiss and suck around the base of her member. A moan leaves her as you take her even deeper, the noises you both make turning her on even more.
   “Yes, fuck….just like that” she says as she buries her hands in your and Wandas hair, pulling you both closer.
   She moans again, her head falling back slightly as the two of you begin to purr around her, the vibrations she feels adding to her pleasure. Your head bobs up and down at a decent pace as Wanda continues to tease her, peppering her thighs and lower abs with kisses while sucking marks.
   Natasha begins to thrust her hips upwards into your mouth, her cock pulsing as her orgasm approaches. Your eyes glance up, locking with hers as she moans again. Wanda can feel the Alphas muscles tense, knowing she's close she goes to join you. Your Alpha makes a noise that you recognize, you pull back towards her tip as her knot begins to expand. Grunts leave her as her seed spills into your mouth, you swallow as much as possible before you let your Omega take your place. She graciously takes all that Nat gives her before her knot deflates.
   The Alpha looks down at you both, “That was amazing my Omegas. Such good girls taking care of your Alpha.”
   You both purr at the praises, smiles on your faces as she pulls you up to her chest. You both snuggle into her as she covers you both in her scent. Her one hand rubs your back as the other runs through Wandas hair. The three of you relax for a few minutes before she can hear a rustling outside the main door.
  Her shoulders tense as she takes a defensive position within the nest. Her scent becomes stronger as her upper lip forms a snarl. But before she can get too worked up her phone pings, a text from Yelena telling her to calm down and that the pills are in a bag near the door. The tension seeps from her at the knowledge that there's no immediate threat. 
   She smiles down at the two, “Wait here while I grab your pills. Then your Alpha is going to reward you.”
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beefrobeefcal · 7 hours
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And Baby Catfish Makes Three feat. Frankie Morales x Mouse (f!reader)
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: PG-13 | word count: 855 warnings: Child birth, labor, pain, families - if you see that I missed anything, let me know!
A/N: finally! @xdaddysprincessxx put it, Mouse was beginning to pull a Bonnie from Family Guy with how long she was pregnant. Thank you to @thehalflifeofloveisforever for reviewing this ages ago, and for @strang3lov3 and @noxturnalpascal for reviewing it in the present day.
No more taglist | follow @beefnotes for fic updates.
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The last centimeter was taking forever and was the most pain you’d ever experienced in your life. Frankie was now sitting in the bed with you leaned back between his legs, your back to his chest. You needed him like this, cocooning you with his large body, trying in the softest and sweetest ways to be your support. One hand was wiping your forehead and the other was being squeezed by the uncharacteristically strong grip of your own.
“Breathe, mama… you’re so close…”, he whispered encouragement while planting kisses on your sweaty hair.
You tried to breathe in the rhythm that you’d learned in lamaze, but it was near impossible with how much pressure and pain you felt. 
“Doing so good, Mouse.”
Hours went by and you felt like this would never end. Your mind was clouded and you had no idea how much time had gone by, you were now fully enveloped in your labor.  The people in the hallway passing your room talking or machines making any noise around you were not even registering anymore. 
You felt an immense pressure and all those books that said you would just know when to push were right. 
“I feel like… I have to push… Frankie… please… I have to push….”, you mumbled, trying to sit up.
If you could have seen Frankie’s face when he heard you, you would have thought he’d won the lottery and watched a chicken get beheaded - both fear and excitement meshed and his heart just about leapt from his chest.  He unwedged himself from behind you clumsily and pressed the call button. Almost instantly, a nurse with the name badge reading ‘Sherri’ came in hurriedly and smiled.
“I heard! It’s go time!”, she cheered far too enthusiastically for your liking at the moment. She checked you and hailed the doctor to come quickly. 
Frankie moved to the side of the bed, as instructed by Sherri and stood by your side, holding one of your legs up, while Sherri held the other. The doctor arrived and got in place at the end of the bed. 
You’d been pushing for nearly an hour and you felt like you were going to pass out. “I… I can’t!”, you panted and wailed, looking up at Frankie, eyes pleading with him. “I can’t do this… I… please! Frankie… please let me stop!”
“Mama, you’re doing it right now. You gotta keep pushing.”, he murmured back, pressing a kiss to your sweaty hairline. He couldn’t bear to look you in the eye as you were giving birth to his baby. He felt like the world’s biggest asshole.  “I know you can do it… come on, baby… keep pushing.”, he tried to keep his voice calm, but your pleading and cries for him were breaking his heart, causing a lump in his throat.
Frankie counted to ten for every push and in between he pressed his mouth to your temple and whispered more words of encouragement while you panted and pleaded for this to be over. You turned to look him in the eyes and he smiled, leaned down and kissed you.
“Come on, mama.”, he whispered against your mouth.
“One more push… go!”, the doctor announced.
You gathered up all your strength and bore down as hard as you could, crying out as you did. Then you heard it. That perfect, beautiful, anguished noise. 
You heard her.
Someone, you weren’t sure who, announced that it was a girl. Your girl. She was placed on your chest, and Frankie broke down, sobbing into your hair sweet thank you’s and I love you’s.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from your little squalling, angry baby. The world stopped as you looked down at her and your heart broke and repaired itself a million times before you even could let the first tear drop fall. There she was. Every panic attack, every sleepless night, every pain, every sorrow, every moment of self-doubt was all worth it because she was here.
Through your tears, you managed to coo, “Hey Matilda… I’m your Mama.”
Matilda Maria Ariidae Morales, also known as Taters, was everything and more that you and Frankie could hope for. It didn’t even register for you how much Frankie had missed out on bonding with Taters being that she was inside you for nine months, and now that Taters was out, he took every chance he could get to cuddle, snuggle, feed, change and bathe his sweet girl. Frankie truly took to being a dad like a fish to water, and you loved him all the more for it. Her first six weeks home were chaotic and calm, with little to no sleep juxtaposed to perfect moments. More often than not, her afternoon nap was on her daddy’s chest while he dozed on the recliner in the den, watching tv - just like you’d imagined and hoped. 
Both of you had agreed that Will and Hannah were the perfect candidates to be Taters’ godparents, and while both of them cried when asked, agreeing to fulfill the honor, Will was utterly inconsolable as he held his god daughter for pictures. 
The Ariidae or ariid catfish are a family of catfish that mainly live in marine waters with many freshwater and brackish water species. They are found worldwide in tropical to warm temperate zones. The family includes about 143 species.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 12 hours
Happily Never After
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Part 2 of Holiday Compromise
Summary: With your company expanding and dealing with your parents trying to get a hold of you, your plan to purpose to Wanda has been put on hold.
Note: Their will be MAJOR spoilers in the warnings.
Warnings: implied sex, nudity and non sexual nudity, drinking, stalking, threatening message, kidnapping, reader is a simp for Wanda and the boys, Vision is a decent man, talk of past trauma.
Word Count: 9.7k
"Have you asked her yet?" You looked up from your computer to see Natasha enter the conference room. Her arms were filled with her travel mug, breakfast, and laptop. She sighed when everything was out of her hands. She opened the brown paper bag, pulled out a breakfast sandwich, and handed it to you. You thanked her with a smile, but her question caught up with you.
"If I asked her to marry me, wouldn't you be the first to know?" You opened your food and took a bit, moaning at the taste. "That was stupid," it was a little muffled from the bagel in your mouth. Your comment received a quick slap to the back of your head. "Ouch," you whine, mouth full of food. You slapped her back, and she was quick to attack.
"Children," Yelena warned as she entered the room, followed by Shuri and Bucky. "Enough," Natasha mumbled something you missed in Russian and angrily sipped on her coffee. You laughed at her dramatic behavior and felt a little bad for Yelena. The blonde had to deal with you and Natasha as kids. Nine times out of ten, it ended up in a fight. "Can I see the ring?"
You smiled, took it out of your pocket, and slipped it across the table for the blonde to see. You bought it two days after the vacation with the family of three while Wanda was at work and the twins were at Vision's. It was a three-diamond ring from Tiffany's. The stones were pear-shaped. The ring was simple but flashy. You wanted to woo her. That was three months ago, and it was almost May.
Once Yelena was done, she handed it to Shuri. "I'm surprised you haven't lost it," Shuri teased and gave it to Bucky.
"Not a bad ring boss," he tossed it back to you and caught it. But Shuri is right," he said, taking his usual spot by the door. "You better pop the question before you lose it, or she finds it." Your team laughed.
"Why are you all picking on me?" You groaned. "I can fire all of you." Natasha chuckled.
"Please, your name is on the building, but everyone knows we run this company," you said, flipping the redhead off.
"Right, just remember I sign your checks each week," you deadpanned. "Let's go over any last-minute changes and questions we want to ask them." Your team was meeting with Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner of Stark Industries. When the holidays were over, an email from Pepper was in your inbox looking to form a business deal and collaborate with you. It was a dream come true to work with the Starks, and you wanted everything to go smoothly, which is one of the reasons why the ring was still with you and not on Wanda's finger. You were busy; if this meeting went well, you would be even busier.
You loved your job—making high-tech wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart clothing. But at the end of the meeting, you were hoping to create a new line with Stark's AI system—FRIDAY. Wanda was supportive through it all, making you love her even more. She would ensure you were eating, drinking enough water, and spending time away from your desk. All of her actions made the ring feel heavier each day.
A gentle knock on your home office's door pulled you away from your paperwork. Much needed to be done since the deal was made with Stark Industries. It was Wanda, wearing one of your button-up shirts, and the sleeves were pushed up to her elbows. You were pretty sure she was speaking, but the only thought in your head was how good she looked. The shirt was barely long enough to cover her red underwear. Her bare feet closed the distance between you and her. Carefully, she maneuvered onto your desk and sat down on the space. She could have ruined months of work, but it wouldn't have mattered to you. "Darling," she cupped your face in both her hands. "I was talking."
"And I wasn't listening," you admitted and grabbed her right foot, digging your thumb in the soul as you kissed her ankle. "I was thinking how beautiful you are, but how sexy it would be for my bite marks to cover your thighs," you bite down on the inside of her thigh. A hiss turned into a quiet moan left your girlfriend's lip. "Tell me what you were saying, baby."
"The boys are finally asleep," you continued your assault, littering her thighs with hickies. "Maybe," a quiet moan left her lips so she wouldn't wake the twins. "Extreme ice cream sundaes on a school night was not a good idea," you smirked. That was your idea, wanting to celebrate the deal with them.
"I'm sorry," you stood up slowly, undoing the shirt's buttons. Groaning when you saw she wasn't wearing a bra. "Tell me how to make it up to you," you loved the goosebumps that covered her skin. She was so sensitive, you loved it. When she didn't respond, you kissed her cheek and down the column of her throat. A sharp bite sent her hands to grip your hair. "Tell me, baby, I won't ask again."
"I need," her voice shook. You could feel heat radiating off her skin. "I need you to make me cum." It was the consent you needed. You pulled her hips to the edge of your desk and knelt between her lips. The paperwork that the team required tomorrow was no longer important. All you wanted -no, all you needed was to make your woman cum. Over and over again.
You splashed the cold water on your face to clean off the face wash. You were trying to be quiet as Wanda was asleep in bed. She tried to stay up with you as you finished the rest of your work, but it was a battle you knew she wouldn't win. She fell asleep on the couch, and once you were done, you carried her to bed and got ready. You were exhausted. Your work was terrific and essential, but some days, it felt like your brain was melting and dripping out of your nose. Sighing, you pulled back the covers and were about to join your sleeping girlfriend until your phone rang. You quickly silenced it, jumping at the sound. Luckily, Wanda remained asleep. "Fucking hell," you whispered and looked at the caller ID.
It was a number you hadn't seen in a long time—three years, to be exact—your father. You felt frozen; all you could do was watch the call and go to voicemail. "Sweetheart," Wanda's voice brought you back to reality. Are you coming back to bed?"
"Yeah," you said, silencing your phone and plugging it back into the charger. When you lay down, Wanda immediately placed her head on your chest.
"What's wrong?" Her accent was always deeper when she was tired. You thought it was cute. "Your heart is racing." Dammit. You hated how much your family affected you.
"It's because I'm in the presence of a goddess," she pinched your side and moved to rest her chin on your chest. You seemed to get lost in the green of her eyes. "I'm okay, baby. Just got a lot on my mind at work." She squinted her eyes at you.
"We are a team, remember?" You smiled and nodded.
"I remember," she kissed you softly and placed her head in the crook of your neck. "Sleep, baby. I promise I'm okay."
There was only one knock on your door before it opened to reveal your secretary, Sarah. "You have a visitor," you glanced at the clock. It was around lunch, and Wanda texted you this morning to say she wanted to spend it with you. You waved her in and focused on the phone call with Tony.
"Look, all I'm saying is we could partner with Odinson and Laufeyson and cut the cost of materials. It's a win-win" It was innovative thinking, and expanding both companies with New Asgard would be amazing. You watched Wanda walk, still in her uniform and a food bag. “Brunnhilde owes me a favor. She could set up the meeting," your girlfriend sat in front of your desk. You put up one finger to tell her you were almost done. She nodded and pulled out the food she brought.
"Yeah, it's a smart idea," you glanced at your calendar. The twin's birthday was marked on it, and it was coming soon. You made a mental note to order their birthday presents so they would arrive on time. "See if you can do it in a few weeks. I'm a little swamped at the moment." you chuckled.
"I've been telling you, kid. You need to delegate and hire some interns," you rolled your eyes and pulled the phone away from your ear, sending a playful glare to Wanda as the billionaire went on a tangent. It's fair. It was on your to-do list. Wanda giggled.
"Tony, I love you and hear you," you cut him off. "But my girl is here and I want to have lunch with her. Can we table this for another time?" You liked the blush that covered Wanda's cheeks. The man laughed.
"Enjoy, kid. Remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do, which isn't saying a lot," you chuckled. The billionaire was insane, but he was also a great business partner.
"Bye, Stark," you hung up before he could say anything else. "Sorry, I think the man likes to hear himself talk." You opened the sandwich she brought for you.
"It's fine," Wanda smiled. "How's your day been?" So you told her about your day; the endless amount of meetings and phone calls was taking a toll on you. She suggested taking another short vacation, just you and her. "It would have to be after the twin's birthday. You know that is coming up, right?"
"How could I forget? It's marked in my calendar." You showed her your calendar. You wrote it in red and circled it so it would stand out, and you wouldn't forget.
"I have something to ask you," you hated her tone and the way she played with the rings on her finger. "It's on behalf of the boys." It made you feel a little better.
"Baby," you reached for her hand and squeezed it. "You can ask me anything."
"The boys want to have their birthday party at their father's house," that made sense. His house was bigger; he had a yard and a pool. It was the perfect spot for a middle school birthday party. You figured this was about spending their birthday on a different day. "They want you to come to the party," you dropped her hand in shock. They wanted you to attend a party at your current girlfriend's ex-husband's house with his girlfriend. Fuck no. Hell no. "I know it's a lot, and you do not need to make a decision now. I told them it may make you uncomfortable?"
"Does Vision know they want me there?" Wanda sighed.
"He does and," you gave her a look to continue. "He was okay with it as long as you are." You blinked at her a few times, mouth opened slightly.
"Come again. That man has not liked me from day 1." You weren't looking for his approval, but you wanted things to be civil. Unfortunately, he was the twin's father. Wanda took your hand.
"I think he's starting to realize you aren't going anywhere," Damn straight. You were here to stay. "It helps that the boys like you, and we may have had our differences, but he loves them." That you knew was true. A small part of you, the younger you, was jealous that Wanda and Vision could still be parents to the twins through their divorce. Their main priority was Billy and Tommy, unlike your parents, who prioritized themselves.
"I'll think about it," if they wanted you there, then you could consider it, but God, it would be awkward. You hated awkward situations.
"Thank you," she helped you clean up and walked her to your office door. "Are you staying late?" You nodded. She brought her fingers to your temple and rubbed them. You moaned and fell into her. Her laugh made you feel lighter. "Don't stay too late, okay? You need sleep."
"I know. I'll text you when I'm done," you kissed her softly. "I love you." It was such a simple three-letter word, but it made your heart soar every time. You wondered if you said it enough.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Please take care of yourself," she said, fixing the collar of your shirt. "The boys and I need you," you said, cupping her cheeks and brushing your nose against hers.
"I need you too. Always."
It was late. So stupidly late that you were annoyed with yourself that you couldn't keep your promise to Wanda. There was one thing left to do on your to-do list. All you had to do was sign the contract Pepper sent over and send it back. However, your mind was so focused on what Wanda asked you that the words blurred today. So you opened a bottle of whiskey and poured yourself a glass. Soft jazz music played from the record player that Melina got you. "What the hell are you still doing here?" Natasha opened and closed your door. "Don't you have a woman keeping your bed warm?"
"I guess I could ask you the same thing," you said, grabbing an extra glass and filling it. "Instead of a woman, it's more like two strong and muscular men," she said, taking the full glass you offered.
"Are you jealous?" you cringed. Dating and sleeping with men were not your thing. "Come on, tell Mama Nat all of your troubles and how she can help," she sat down on your couch and flopped on the spot next to her.
"You can never say that in my presence. Keep that in the bedroom," the redhead threw her head back in a laugh.
"Come on, boss, what's going on?' You joined her on the couch with the bottle and your glass."
"My mind is all over the place. With the deal with Starks, Wanda asked me something, and-" You took a sip of your drink, stopping yourself from telling her about the phone call from your father.
"What happened between you and Wanda?" You sighed.
"The twin's birthday is coming up. No, you can not get them anything," she pouted in protest. "I'm still apologizing for the Christmas mess," she shrugged. "The party is at Vision's house, and they want me to go."
"Oh," Natasha let out a slow breath. "Shit," you laughed, finished your drink, and poured yourself another one. "So, do the boys want you there or Wanda?"
"The boys asked Wanda to ask me," you simplified. The redhead nodded. She was biting the inside of her cheek and moving the liquor in her glass.
"So you go," she shrugged. Your jaw dropped. Was she serious? She knew you hated awkward situations; you avoided them like the plague. "Look, it's huge. The boys want you there. It speaks volumes that they want you there to celebrate with them. You go for them."
"You make it sound so easy," you groaned, throwing your head back.
"Because it is," she flicked you on your cheek. "The twins love you. Everyone sees it. It's no surprise they want you there. Besides, if Vision gets on your nerves, throw him in the pool," she tried to hide her smile in her glass. "He uncanny acts like a robot; it may short-circuit his motherboard or something." You laughed hard. It made your stomach begin to hurt. The red joined in, and you fell against each other. Natasha always knew how to make you feel better. You were grateful for her.
Your phone ringing caught the laughter between you and your friend. "It's probably the misuses," you fished the phone out of your pocket as Natasha picked up the two dirty glasses. It was not Wanda. Oh, how you wished it was. "Who is it?" You forgot Natasha was still in your office. She ripped the phone out of your hand when you refused to answer. That snapped you out of it. "Your fucking mother. What the fuck does that cunt want?"
"I don't know because I didn't answer it," you deadpanned. She ignored the call and threw it on the couch next to you. You caught it before it bounced off.
"How long has seen been trying to reach you?" Her green eyes turned stormy, and you felt yourself shrink under her intense stare. It was impossible to lie to her. You used to joke that she was a Russian spy in her past life.
"Not long," you mumbled. "My father called me a few days ago. It's the first time she's called me," she huffed and threw her arms up, then on her hips.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it's not that big of a deal," your phone beeped, and you saw she left a voicemail. "Nat, you know how they are. They call when they need money. I ignore them, and when they find the money through someone else, they stop calling. It's the same way every time."
"I'm calling Melina."
"No!" You said suddenly and stood up. She raised an eyebrow at you with her phone in her hand. "I do not need the Russian mob going after my deadbeat parents. It will blow over."
"My parents aren't in the mob," you weren't 100% sure you believed her. Alexei had tattoos that would make any criminal go running. But she placed her phone back in her pocket. "I don't like this." You knew she wouldn't. It was another reason why you didn't tell her. She was very protective over you when it came to your parents. She had to mend a lot of the broken pieces caused by them.
"I know," you stood up, walked over to her, and placed your hands on her arms. "But they can't hurt me anymore." Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her noise.
"Promise me you will not give them anything. They don't deserve it," you nodded. "And promise me, if you don't feel safe, you call Maria or Melina." You nodded again. "I need to hear you say it."
"I promise." You knew they wouldn't intentionally hurt you, but to ease her nerves, you made the promise. Natasha pulled you into a hug, and you slumped against her. You felt safe. You felt like everything was going to be okay."
"Now, where are you off to?" Sarah asked when you stepped out of your office.
"I'm going to surprise Wanda at work," you smiled. "Can you transfer all calls to my personal? Oh! Do you want anything? I know you like their Ruben." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and get me a slice of their cheesecake." Now that was a brilliant idea. She reached for her purse.
"If you hand me money, so help me, woman, I will slap you," she threw a piece of paper at you. Before you could retaliate, your phone rang. You stuck your tongue at her and answered it. "Hey, Wands, I was about to come see you."
"Actually," your smile dropped, and you stepped away from Sarah. "I need a favor." You hated how fast your heart started to beat. "Tommy and Billy have a half day that Vision and I forgot about. Can you pick them up? Vision will get them from you when he can."
"Of course. Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack," she laughed. "I'll leave right now. I love you. See you tonight?" You questioned.
"Yes, and I love you too," you smiled and hung up. You faced Sarah.
"Duty calls," you gave her a salute. "I'll get you food whenever the boys want to go." Sarah laughed with a wave of her hand.
"Enjoy your time with them. We'll hold down the fort here."
Picking up the twins was always a walk in the park since your name was on the approved pickup list. The only annoying thing was the receptionist, who liked to flirt with you. You clarified that you were seeing someone, but she didn't care. The twins loved to tease you over it, much to Wanda's dismay.
You brought them to The Western Flavor for lunch. "Okay, we need to establish some rules," you said as they opened their menus. "Real food first, then desserts or your mother may break up with me." Billy laughed.
"It would take a lot for Mom to leave you."
"Yeah, I think you are stuck with us." You were more than okay with that. As you decided what to order, the twins updated you on all the school gossip. You forgot how crazy it was to be in middle school. Once the waitress brought your food, you noticed a change in their behavior. "Alright," you took a sip of your drink. "What's going on? Why are you acting weird?"
"Puberty," Tommy answered. You glared at them both. Billy rolled his eyes.
"Has Mom asked you about our birthday party?" Shit. Wanda asked you three days ago; the party was in a week.
"She did," you answered slowly.
"And?" Billy asked.
"Boys-," you sighed.
"Please, we really want you there," Tommy pleaded. "You are the only adult who will play with us in the pool." You laughed at that. He wasn't wrong. The weather was in that weird phase of not spring but winter. You looked at the weather for next week, and it was supposed to be in the mid-70s to early 80s.
"Plus, we asked Dad, and he said it was fine." Billy took a French fry from your plate. "Well, we didn't ask Tiffany, but it's not her house, so her opinion doesn't matter." Tommy nodded along with his brother. The twins' clear dislike of their father's girlfriend made you snort, which caused them to laugh at you.
"Okay, fine, I'll go," they cheered, and you couldn't help but smile at how excited they were. "However, if I find myself in one awkward encounter with him, I will use you two as my decoy."
"Aye, aye, captain," Tommy said.
"Sir, yes, sir," you rolled your eyes and threw your straw wrapper at them. They discussed everything that was going to happen at their party. You made a mental note to ask Wanda how you could help. You groaned when your phone started to ring. The boys laughed at your displeasure. Glancing at it, you saw it was your mother. They could not take a hint. You silenced the ringer and focused on figuring out what milkshake you wanted.
"Who was that?" Billy asked.
"No one important," you answered and stole a look at the twins. They were staring at each other. It reminded you of Wanda's look when she didn't believe the story the boys tried to spin. It was a little uncanny how similar the look was. "It was my mother. We don't have the best relationships?"
"Is that why you spend holidays with us instead of your mom and dad?" Billy asked with a slight tilt of his head.
"Yes, before you guys, I would celebrate them with my coworkers or Natasha and Yelena." You spent a lot of Christmas and Thanksgiving at the Russian household. The last holiday you spent with your parents was when you were 11.
"Why don't you like them?" Tommy questioned.
"You don't have to answer that," Billy quickly added, glaring at his brother. You smiled. Kids were curious by nature, but it was okay. Besides, you've spoken about your relationship with your parents in therapy. It was easier.
"My parents divorced when I was around your age, but unlike your parents, they don't care about me," Billy frowned at your confession. "So they only call me when they need money or something from me."
"Parents shouldn't do that," you agreed with Billy, but sometimes, that wasn't the case. The waitress came by to collect your plates and asked if you wanted dessert. The twins wanted a milkshake, and you got a fudge sundae. She left with your order.
"Tiffany says that about mom," Tommy said. "That she is just with you for the money."
"Tommy," his brother hissed, slapping his brother under the table. So it was supposed to be a secret. You wanted to have a few words with Tiffany.
"You know that's not true, right?" They nodded.
"Trust me, we know," Billy said. "If mom were with you for the money, we wouldn't still live in our small apartment." You laughed, shaking your head.
"I don't like Tiffany," Tommy cringed, twitching his nose like Wanda when she said or tasted something she didn't like.
"Tommy!" Billy said again.
"What? Stop trying to be all high and mighty. You don't like her either," you smiled as Billy slumped in the booth.
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised.
"She's just so-" Billy groaned, unable to find the right words. "There is something about her we don't like." The waitress brought you the desserts.
"Maybe because she's dating your dad," you suggested and ate a spoonful of ice cream. It was weird; you liked the feeling of the brain freeze. Tommy shook his head.
"You are dating our mom, and we like you," he said. It was always nice to hear that. Anyway, what are you getting us for our birthday?" You laughed. You loved these boys so much.
"Pop a squat, boys," you told them when you entered your office after you dropped off Sarah's food. "Your dad will pick you up when he's done with work. So homework than video games."
"Awe, come on," Tommy whined. "Aren't you supposed to be the fun parent?" Parent. He called you the fun parent. It was so strange how that single word could fill you with butterflies.
"Homework while I do my job, then we can play Mario Kart," you compromised. They seemed content, and they got to work on your couch. You figured you had 45 minutes to tack your to-do list. So you followed their lead and got to work. You were 15 minutes off, and 30 minutes later, they were standing in front of your desk with their homework done. You glared at the boys and ignored the smiles on their faces.
"You promised," Billy said. Sighing, you reorganized the papers on your desk.
"Come on, boys. It's time for me to kick your butts in Mario Kart." They cheered and followed you to the conference room. You kept a few game consoles set up in there. So you set up the game and began to play.
You loved this time with the boys. When you first started dating Wanda, you were worried about the twins not liking you. They were a little standoffish, but you bonded with them over video games.
You were gifted an early copy of "Edge of Vengeance: Retribution," the second game in the franchise, by the developers. The first one was okay but not your favorite. So when you were at dinner with Wanda and the boys, you overheard the twins talking about it. You gifted it to them the next day. The smile on their face was something that would stick with you forever.
"No fair!" Tommy wined and dropped the controller onto the table. "You have to be cheating." You crossed the finish line, once again in first place.
"I'm sorry, little man, I'm just better than you," you teased and dusted off your shoulders. Billy laughed. He gave up trying to beat you a few rounds ago. You laughed as the door opened. It was Sarah.
"Their father is here," she told you. You nodded and paused the game.
"Alright. Grab your stuff," they put their controllers away without asking them.
"I almost beat you in the race before the last one," Tommy said. You stood between them as you walked to the elevator and into the lobby. "It was so unfair you used that shortcut." You smiled.
"Then you should have said we couldn't use short cuts," you said as the door closed and descended. "It's your fault." Billy laughed.
"She's got you there,"
"You are supposed to be on my side, jerk," Tommy lunged for this brother, but you grabbed his backpack and pulled him back.
"Enough," you told him. "The last thing I need is for you to break the elevator." The doors opened, and you walked out with your arms around your shoulders. "You'll get me one day, buddy; just don't give up." You found Vision as soon as you entered the lobby. Dressed in a suit and his arms crossed, he seemed a little out of place.
"Hi, Dad," Billy walked over to him and hugged him.
"Hello, boys. Did you have fun?"
"We did!" Tommy smiled. "Y/n, let us play Mario Kart." Their father looked at you.
"I made sure they did their homework first," you weren't completely useless when it came to kids.
"Thank you for picking them up. It slipped our minds."
"It's no big deal," you told him and shrugged. "I know my schedule is more flexible, so whenever you guys need me to pick them up, I can," he nodded.
"Dad, dad," Tommy pulled on Vision's arm. "She said she'll come to our birthday party."
"If that's okay," you added on quickly. "I don't want to intrude." The man must have given himself whiplash on how fast he looked at you and his son.
"You won't be," he said, even though his voice sounded strained. "You are always welcome." Your jaw almost dropped. What was happening right now? "Come on, boys. Let's get out of her hair. You can be quite a handful," he teased and ruffled their hair. The boys said goodbye, and you waved after them, unable to find any words after that bizarre encounter with your girlfriend's ex-husband.
"Are you okay, boss?" Bucky asked, walking over to you from his post.
"I think I need a drink after that," the veteran laughed.
"You are so dramatic," he said. You stuck your tongue at him and walked back to the elevator. After a few more hours of work, you will be home with Wanda. 
"Smells good," you smiled over your shoulder as Wanda entered the kitchen after her shower. Once Wanda's shift ended, you met her at the diner and drove you back to your house. While she showered away the day, you started on dinner. "Do you need help?" You shook your head.
"If you want to pick a wine to go with this, go right ahead," you had a pretty impressive wine collection and knew Wanda loved pairing a bottle with whatever dish. When she quit the diner, you would push her to culinary school. Once you placed the food, you carried the plates to the table, and Wanda brought the wine. She thanked you for cooking with a kiss. You spoke about nothing and everything. She caught you up on the latest drama at the diner and you gave her updates on work. Most of the time, you ate in a comfortable silence. It was one of your favorite things. There was no need to talk and fill the silence.
"So," you sipped on the wine. "I talked to the twins about their party." She nodded slowly and poured more wine from the bottle into her glass. "I will be going," you watched the relief wash over her. "If you wanted me to go so bad, you should have said so," you chuckled.
"I didn't want to put you in a situation you weren't comfortable in. I can deal with Vision. I don't like Tiffany," her nose scrunched in disgust. You laughed. Mother like son.
"What do you need help with?"
"Nothing," you glared at her. "I'm serious," she laughed. "Vision hired a catering service so I don't have to cook, and he rented extra chairs and tables from a party company. I may decorate the backyard, but everything is taken care of," your eyebrows went to your hairline. "I was shocked too, but all you have to do is show up," she stood up and picked up the dirty plates. "And look hot while you swim." You laughed and joined her in the kitchen. She was rinsing the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. You wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Are you ready for all the horny moms to eye fuck me the entire time?" Your girlfriend tensed up. You chuckled and pushed her hair out of the way to attack her neck with your lips. "Don't worry, baby. I only have eyes for you," you moved your hand underneath her shirt and felt goosebumps that appeared on her skin. "So sensitive," you teased. She dropped the plate in the sink and spun around quickly. Her lips attached to yours.
"You are mind," she mumbled against your lips. You picked her up with your hands underneath her things. The dishes could wait a little longer.
"When are you going to be home? I miss you." You chuckled. "What? Can I not miss my girlfriend leaving me alone in a cold bed."
"That bed is not cold because you like the house at 79 degrees," your girlfriend huffed. "Not even an even number when you know I hate odds," the woman had the audacity to laugh at you. "I miss you too, by the way. You know I'd rather be there with you than here."
"I know," she sighed. "How much longer are you going to be?" You looked at the stack of mail on your desk Sarah brought in before she left.
"30 minutes, an hour tops," you answered and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I have a headache," you whined.
"Drink some water and wear your glasses," you groaned. "I'll try to stay up and wait for you."
"Don't worry about it, baby," you leaned back in your chair. You need your sleep. I'll try not to wake you when I get home." Wanda was pulling a double shift tomorrow, and the ring on your desk seemed to tease you.
"I love you, sweetheart," you smiled at Wanda's sleepy voice.
"I love you too, baby," you said as you hung up and picked up the jewelry box. You were so busy. Thor and Loki agreed to work with you and Stark Industries, so that meant more paperwork, deadlines, and headaches for you. You wanted to get as much done before the birthday party as possible before the short weekend getaway you and Wanda planned.
You didn't have enough brainpower to plan a proposal. You wanted to involve the boys, but that's all you had figured out.
Sighing, you put the box down and picked up the stack of mail. A lot of it was junk, a few letters from organizations thanking you for your donations and a magazine subscription you don't remember signing up for. However, an envelope caught your attention. There was no return address and no postage mark as if someone had just dropped the letter off. Carefully, you opened it up and pulled out the letter.
Your stomach dropped immediately. The letter was created by cutting out maginze letters and gluing them together. It was something you saw out of an actual crime show. It read: 'Pay us what you owe, or they will get it.' A snake wrapped around your heart. It was difficult for you to breathe. You ran your hands over your face. As your hands shook, you picked up your phone and called an old friend.
"Why do I smell trouble?" Maria answered on the second ring. "Do I need to bail you and Natasha out of jail again?" You could have laughed if bile wasn't forming in your throat.
"Maria, I need you to come to my office," you said. "It's an emergency." Could she hear the shake in your voice? Fuck, your heart was pounding against your ribs. You were going to have a panic attack. "Ria, I need you."
"Shit," you heard movement on her side. "I'll be right there. Do I need to stay on the phone with you?"
"No," you said. "I'll be fine. Just hurry, please."
"I'll be right there. Do your breathing exercises for me, okay? You're no use to me if you pass out," she managed to make you chuckle.
"Thanks, Ria. I'll see you soon," she hung up. You stood up and walked away from your desk. You needed to get away from that letter. So you paced—5 steps one way, turn around 5 steps the other way, and repeat and repeat. It helped lessen the tension in your chest, and you began to breathe normally. It was going to be okay. You kept repeating that mantra in your head.
You opened the door before Maria could knock. "I heard you," you answered your unasked question.
"If you didn't sound so flustered on the phone, I'd joke about how creepy that is," she got you to smile. "Alright, what is it?" You waved her over to your desk and pointed to the letter. She put gloves on and picked it up. She read it over a few times. "Has anyone else touched this?" You shook your head.
"I was the only one to touch the letter, but Sarah may have touched the envelope." She nodded and placed the letter in an evidence bag.
"Okay, your fingerprints should still be in the system, so we can cross-reference yours on the letter," you rolled your eyes.
"You get arrested once, and it's all anybody talks about." The agent smirked.
"If I remember correctly, it was four times, and Fury was the first one to arrest you." You smiled and sat down on the couch.
"How's the big man? Still causing you headaches." Maria sat beside you, throwing her feet on the small table.
"Always. He misses you. Had to handcuff him to his chair when I told him you called and needed something." Now, that would have been a sight. You missed the man, too. There was a part of your childhood where you rebelled; not even Natasha's family could ring you in. It was a desperate attempt to get your parent's attention. Instead of getting their attention, you got the attention of Nick Fury. The man arrested you for breaking into an abandoned building and vandalism. You liked tagging buildings when you were younger. Since it was your first offense, you were sentenced to community service, which Fury oversaw.
He saw something in you that not a lot of people did. A young girl who was looking for someone to believe in. So when his agents brought you in three more times, he kept it off your record and became a mentor to you. If it wasn't for him and Natasha's family, you would not be the CEO of your own company. You owed them a lot.
"So, who do you owe money to?" You gasped at the accusation. "Look, you know I have to ask and look at every angel." You knew that but still it hurt.
"I don't own anybody anything," your headache was coming back full force.
"When was the last time you spoke to your parents?" You sighed, crossing your arms.
"3 years ago, almost 4. It was about the boat incident on Oneida." Maria nodded. "They've been calling me the past week, but I've ignored them."
"I will get a judge to sign off on your phone records and security camera. Hopefully, we can catch who dropped this off," she placed her hand on the back of your neck and squeezed it. "We'll figure out who did this," she promised. "It could also be a competitor. The deal you made with Stark has made headline news. Do you want me to assign agents to Wanda and the boys?" You shook your head.
"I don't want to worry them. I'll," you sighed and rubbed your hands across your face. I'll talk to them about it." She nodded, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Maria was similar to you. Her home life was not ideal, and it seemed Fury had the tendency to adopt strays and keep them underneath his wing. Unfortunately, she had to bail you and Natasha out of trouble every once in a while.
"How long have you been here?" She softly asked. You closed your eyes.
"I got in around 9," you answered. It would have been earlier, but Wanda held you hostage in bed, and it was very hard to say no to sleepy Wanda.
"You realize it's 11:30, right?" you groaned and nodded. "Go home, bean," she said. "Go home to Wanda and the boys. We'll take care of everything." You believed her. She was the deputy director and the leader of an impressive team. You trusted her with your life.
When you closed the door to your house, you felt the weight on your shoulders leave. It felt easier to breathe. You threw your bag on the couch, took off your shoes, and made sure to set the house alarm. Walking to your room, you checked on the boys, who were fast asleep. Good. You kept walking and found Wanda fast asleep. Her hair framed around her head. The blankets were pulled up to her chin. The sight made you smile, and you stripped out of your clothes and climbed into bed beside her. Usually, you would shower and change into pajamas, but you wanted to be in the safety of your shared bed.
Trying to avoid waking her, you pulled back the covers and laid yourself next to Wanda. Your head in the crock of her neck, inhaling her sent. She smelt of lavender and soothed your throbbing headache. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around you. Most nights you held her, you loved the feeling of her in your arms. Sometimes you needed to be held. "My baby," she mumbled, still clearly asleep. You smiled and kissed her shoulder.
"Yours, my love," you whispered. "Yours now and forever." You weren't going to let anyone hurt your family.
Oh, you were going to throw up. You desperately wanted to arrive with Wanda, but a video call with Tony, Shuri, and Thor was scheduled, and you could not reschedule it. The party officially started in two hours, but you wanted to show up early and help. Pumping yourself up, you knocked on the door with your free hand. The presents for the twins were in one hand, and your swimsuit, change of clothes, and a bottle of wine were in your backpack. The door opened. "Y/n," Vision said. Was he smiling at you?
"Vision," you forced a smile of your own.
"You're here!" You heard the thundering footsteps of the twins racing towards you.
"I'll take these," he took the presents right before Billy and Tommy threw themselves at you. "They've been on a sugar rush all morning." The man looked fondly at his sons, who were crushing you. Damn, where are they always this strong? They may break a rib. "Alright, boys," Vision chuckled. "Let her breathe." What the fuck was happening? Did you walk into a different timeline? Billy let go of you first, but Tommy kept hugging you.
"Happy birthday, boys," you ruffled Tommy's hair. "Are you excited for the party?"
"Yes!" Tommy said. "Let's go swimming." He grabbed onto your hand and began to drag you to the pool.
"Tommy," the boy froze at his father's tone. "You promised to help Tiffany in the kitchen. Go help her with your brother, then you can go in the pool." Tommy groaned and headed towards the kitchen, dragging his feet behind him. Billy rolled his eyes and followed his brother. Vision sighed. "They may send me to an early grave," There was a smile on his face.
"Oh, I can take these back," you reached for the presents, but he shook his head.
"I can take these to the table. Wanda is outside," you stared at the man as he left you in the entryway. You shook your head and walked over to the back door. Vision was right. Wanda was putting together a banner. Her back was to you. Quietly, you opened the door and walked over to her. She jumped when you wrapped your arms around her waist. The smell of her perfume helped you relax. Soon she relaxed in your arms.
"Hi baby," you whispered and kissed her cheek.
"How was the meeting?" She asked as she worked on the banner. You sighed.
"It was okay," you threw your bag in a chair and began to help her. "I think Thor has more energy than Tony." Wanda chuckled. You continued to place the letters together to spell 'Happy Birthday' in silence. Until a question was burning on your lips. You glanced at the house. "Is Vision okay?" You asked slowly. "He's acting strange, like Tommy hit him in the back of the head with a football." A smile slowly crept onto Wanda's face.
"No," she laughed. "He's been in a good mood since I got here," she shrugged. "I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth." You narrowed your eyes at the house. Something strange was happening here.
You hated to admit how much fun the party was. You spent a lot of your time being dragged around by the twins and involved in whatever game they wanted to play. They somehow convinced their father to play a game of chicken with you in the pool. You learned that the man would do anything to make his boys smile. It was annoyingly adorable.
The only issue you had was Tiffany. She cornered you in the kitchen when you made another pitcher of lemonade. Well, corned was a strong word, but she was interrogating you about your work and family.
Besides that, you enjoyed spending time with Wanda and meeting the parents of the twins' friends. It felt like you were part of the family. You sang Happy Birthday, ate cake, watched them open presents, and cuddled with Wanda while you watched Tommy and Billy run around with their friends.
Once the party was over and the last guest left, you grabbed a trash can and began picking up the backyard. It wasn't long till Vision joined. You held open the bag for him as he picked up bottles that missed the trash can. "You made their day by coming," he said, breaking the silence. I think they'll be talking about it all year." You stared at him, eyes squinting. Did I say something?"
"Vision, what the fuck is going on?" He seemed startled by your sudden outburst. "This is the most you've spoken to me since Wanda and I started dating." The man sighed. He walked over to the cooler and opened it. Returning to you, he handed you a beer. You watched him open it and offer you the bottle. You hit yours against his and opened it. You've never seen this man drink before. You really were in a weird timeline.
"I did not like you when you first started dating Wanda," you chuckled. Everyone with eyes knew that. "It was mostly my fault our marriage fell apart. I became complacent and did not realize what I had, and then she was gone." You frowned. Vision took another sip from the bottle. "And Billy and Tommy loved you. On my weekends, they would not stop talking about you." You understand now.
"I'm not here to steal your family, Vision," the man sighed.
"Well, I know that now," he said. "Billy helped me realize how unfair I was treating you. You always thought that boy was wise beyond his years. "So I am sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me." You weren't one to hold grudges, especially when the person was open and vulnerable with you.
"Water under the bridge, Vis," you said. "But thank you for being honest with me." He smiled and began to take down the remaining tables. Since it was a day full of confessions, you had one of your own. You took a sip of your beer. "I have a hypothetical question," he glanced at you while he laid the table on the grass. "How difficult is getting an Order of Protection in New York?" The man froze. "Hypothetically," you said again. Vision was a lawyer and part of the team for the district attorney. If anyone knew the process, it would be him.
"Am I that bad?" He joked. You rolled your eyes and mumbled, 'Jackass.' He chuckled and sipped his beer. "Hypothetically speaking, it can be filed in a criminal case or family court. Would this hypothetical order of protection be against a family member?" You crossed your arms.
"Hypothetically, yes," he sighed, watching his eyes look you up and down.
"Then hypothetically, you would need to file a petition that tells the judge and respondent what you would want," you nodded and took a step forward. "This hypothetical order of protection," you rolled your eyes. "Are Wanda and my sons in danger?"
"No," he gave you a look that he wasn't convinced. "No," you repeated. "Nothing will happen to them. I promise."
"Have you spoken to Wanda about this hypothetical order of protection?" You looked at the house and saw Wanda trying to get the twins to help clean up and put their toys away. She caught you staring, and she waved, but you saw the question in her gaze; 'Are you okay?' You nodded and waved back.
"I have not," he hummed.
"A little advice," you looked back at the man. "Tell her. She hates being lied to. She rather know the truth no matter how bad it is," you knew that. Sighing, you rang your hand through your hair. You felt his hand on your shoulder. "You are good for her."
"Thanks, Vis," you smiled. He nodded and began the original task of cleaning up. You finished your beer and threw the empty bottle in the trash. You placed your hands on your hips and looked around the backyard. Today was good. You hated to ruin it with your family bullshit.
"I am tired," Wanda slumped on the couch, not bothering to take off her shoes. You smiled, dropped your bag, and toed off your sneakers. Sitting by her feet, you unclipped her heels and dropped them to the floor. You massaged her calves and thighs. She groaned and flipped onto her back, letting her hair down from the ponytail braid.
"You did good, mama," you whispered. "A successful party if I say so." Wanda climbed onto your lap, her hands behind your head, playing with the hair. It was relaxing, and you felt your eyes closed.
"What were you and Vision talking about?" Your eyes snapped open, and you cringed.
"Can you not say your ex-husband's name while on my lap and the less-than-PG thoughts running through my head?" She laughed and rested her head in the crook of your neck. You ran her hand down her back, and she slumped against you. "I wanted some legal advice regarding my parents." The mention of your parents caused your girlfriend to tense up. She leaned back to look at you.
"Why ask Vision and not your lawyer?" Well, your lawyer was Melina, and you did not want to tell her what was happening. For the company, it was Carol. You learned very early on that mixing business and personal was messy.
"Because I was just looking for advice," she narrowed her eyes at you. "They've been calling me a lot."
"Why didn't you tell me?" You hated her tone. It made you feel like you were in trouble. You winced.
"They do this all the time when they want money," you said, feeling major deja vu when you were having a similar conversation with Natasha. You laid her down on the couch and hovered above her. "And I didn't want to worry you," Wanda sighed.
"What do you tell me all the time?" It was your turn to sigh.
"We are a team," you mumbled, kissed her cheek, and rested your forehead against hers. "I'm sorry."
"Are you okay?" Her eyes filled with worry and concern. You nodded. It was the truth. You were okay. "Is there anything else?"
"No," you said right away. The lie felt bitter on your tongue. She put her arms around your back and pulled you closer. When she first did this, you worried you would crush her. But she loved having you close. It was a physical reminder that you were hers, and she was yours. You kissed her shoulder. This was perfect. The little bubble of peace you both created was everything to you. You wouldn't change it for the world.
"Wanda," she looked up from her notepad while she took her table's order. It was her manager, while another server was walking over to her. "It's your son's school," Wanda's heart plummeted. She apologized to her table and walked to her manager's office.
"Hello," she said once she was alone.
"Hi Wanda, it's Amanda." Oh, Wanda knew who she was. It was the receptionist who kept flirting with you. "Billy and Tommy haven't gotten picked up yet. We tried calling Vision, but it went right to voice mail."
"They are still at school," Wanda said slowly as if Amanda spoke a foreign language.
"Yes, ma'am. They are in the office, perfectly safe. Will you be in to pick them up, or will you send in someone else?" Wanda didn't miss her flirtatious tone but she was so stuck on the fact her sons weren't picked up from school on the day you said you would do it.
"I'll be right there," she told her and hung up before Amanda could respond. What was going on?
When she frantically walked into the building, Wanda knew her boys were behind her. Bucky raised a questioning eyebrow but buzzed her through. It was rather comical when she ran right into Natasha. The collision caused the redhead to drop all her papers. "Wands, where is the fire?" She chuckled. "Isn't this how you fell in love with the boss? I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm spoken for." The memory always brought a smile to her face, but it tugged at her heart. Wanda and the boys helped pick up the papers. "Wait, I thought it was Y/n's day to pick up the little gremlins." She winked at the boys.
"It was, and clearly she didn't," Wanda handed her the papers she had picked up. So where is she?" Wanda hoped you forgot—that you got dragged into another meeting. Natasha's green eyes said something different. Her green eyes flickered to the trio in front of her and then to Bucky, who joined the group.
"She left about 45 minutes ago," she looked at Bucky, who nodded to confirm her story.
"Her phone is going right to voicemail," Billy added. Wanda watched your best friend's eyes turn stormy.
"Nat, what's wrong?" Natasha let out a shaky breath.
"Why don't we take the boys to the conference room?" she smiled. "I think the switch is still hooked up." The twins cheered and walked towards the conference room, leading the way. Natasha pulled out her phone and began to follow her sons, but Wanda stopped her.
"Who are you calling?" She glanced at the twins, who Bucky was now following.
"Maria Hill. She's-"
"An agent over at SHIELD," you spent one drunken night recanting all your stories with the agent and the red head. At the time it was funny but hearing Natasha say the agent's name made Wanda realize something terrible was happening. "Nat, what's going on?"
"I don't know," she put the phone to her ear. "But Maria will be our best bet." Oh, darling, what have you gotten yourself into?
It was the pain radiating from your neck and the side of your head that woke you up. Black dots covered your Vision, and you blinked a few times for them to disappear. You were bound to the chair in a room you didn't recognize. You yanked at the restraints, but they weren't moving. "I'd save your strength," the voice came from the corner of the room. You knew that voice.
"Tiffany," your throat was so dry. "What the fuck?" Vision's girlfriend walked out of the corner. She looked different from the party. Her hair was pinned up in a bun. No hair seemed to be out of place. Instead of her dress at the party, she wore black slacks and a red body suit. You remembered her face was dolled up with makeup, not bare. She gripped your chin and forced your head back. You winced. "What are you doing?" You hated how much your voice shook.
"How good is your Greek mythology?" Was she speaking with an accent? It felt like there was cotton in your eyes. "What is the mythological creature that is a serpent with nine heads?" You racked your brain for the answer. "Come on, sweetheart. Do you need another hint?" You tried to swallow, but you couldn't. Fuck, you needed water. "If you cut the head off two more, grow it back." It clicked. Tiffany smiled. "Say it."
"H-HYDRA," you whispered.
"Say it louder," she demanded, nails dug into your skin.
"HYDRA," you said. She dropped her hand, and your head fell forward. "What do you want with me?" You kept your head down.
"In due time, darling. Rest. The real fun will begin soon."
Don't worry Part 3 will be out next week :D
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luvyblossom · 3 days
Love Me (not) - Part 5
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Hello Lovelies!
Here is the long awaited part 5. I've been MIA but school has been crazy!
I had a bit of writer's block with this part and I feel like it's not the best but I hope you like it :/. Please send me some requests so that I can work on other stuff when I do get writer's block!
Hope y'all enjoy!!!!
Ps just comment on my series masterlist if you wanted to be added to the taglist
Genre: Friends to lovers, college au, jealousy, SMUT, some mutual pining, fighting/angst
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Hyunjin x y/n, Felix x y/n (AFAB)
Warnings: This work contains content that is 18+. Minors DNI. Perv Hyunjin, intercourse, oral, masturbation, somnophilia and mild noncon, dom and sub (reader), Very minor self-depreciation/ insecurities
Let me know if I missed anything
I love you.
The words echoed in your ears. Your eyes were still locked with Felix but you weren’t there, looking back at him, not really. Your heart was pounding, you had a fluttery feeling in your stomach. It wasn’t quite like butterflies but not exactly like anxiety either. Was this how it was supposed to feel?
Your focus was on the words alone, having never heard them said to you romantically before. You’d had heard tons of ‘love yous’ from family and friends, it seemed so easy to return the words then. But this, it felt different. You felt like you should be able to say the words back but they were heavy, laced with a much more complex connotation that weighed on your heart.
Unable to get the words out, you instead leaned into him and gave him a soft but deep kiss. Felix pulled away, chuckling as your lips chased his. “I think we need a shower baby.”
You calmed down once the warm water hit your skin, the heaviness of those words melting away as Felix lathered your body in shower gel. Every time he touched you he was so gentle. After getting both of you clean, he massaged soothing circles into your back. You leaned back against him, eyes feeling heavy as the lack of sleep from the previous night caught up to you.
“Tired?” He asked in his deep voice, breath brushing against your ear.
“Mhm,” you replied, “your hands feel nice.” Felix shut off the shower and wrapped you quickly in a fluffy towel before drying himself. He took your hand guiding you back to bed, holding the covers for you and climbing in after you were comfortable. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his chest. You fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
You woke up to the sun shining between the blinds. You turned to find the bed empty next to you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you debated leaving the warmth of the bed to look for Felix. Your phone rang before you could pull yourself out of bed.
“Good morning!” Hyunjin’s cheery voice said over the phone.
“You’ve been calling me more than my mom.”
“You didn’t reply to any of my texts!” Hyunjin complained.
“I was sleeping, I’m still kind of sleeping,” you replied, not ready to be cheerful.
“Are you free tonight?” Hyunjin asked, adding bitingly, “since I have to ask for you availability.”
“I don’t have anything particular planned. Why?” You chose to ignore his snide remark.
“Let’s do a movie night. I’ll cook”
“What’s-” you were cut off by a voice at the door.
“You’re up love?” Felix smiled at you, holding 2 mugs.
“Good morning!” You smiled at him as he walked over and handed you the coffee. Sitting down next to you quietly when he noticed you were on the phone.
“What are you dooooingggg,” Hyunjin was whining over the phone as your attention had been averted.
“Felix is here. Say hi to eachother!” You put the phone on speaker.
Felix reluctantly said a hello, getting an annoyed look on his face at the fact that Hyunjin was once again calling you. Hyunjin replied with a quiet hi back.
You put the phone to your ear, “okay don’t get so chatty you two,” you said sarcastically while eyeing Felix as well. “As I was asking before, what’s the special occasion?”
“Nothing. Does it have to be a special occasion for me to want to hang out with you?” He asked sounding irritated.
“No of course not,” you heard the edge in his voice, “I was just teasing. And you know if never turn down a meal from chef Hyunjin.”
“Are you home now?”
“No I’m at Felix’s. But I’ll be back in time for movie night.”
“Why are you there so early? Why were you sleeping?” The questions were pouring from Hyunjin’s mouth without much thought put into them.
“I stayed over silly. You know I never wake up early.”
The line was silent for a bit. You almost thought he had hung up, “Hyunjin? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’ll be at your place at 4.”
“Byeeeee!” Hyunjin cut off the call before he returned your bye.
You put down the phone and turned to your boyfriend, “thank you,” you held up your mug.
Felix gave you a smile and brought you close to kiss your forehead. You leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arm around you. “Of course love.”
The nickname brought back the previous night. ‘Love’ was no longer a pet name, it was how he felt about you. That weird feeling returned as you tried to sip your coffee- you weren’t sure if it felt good or not.
“Do you have plans with Hyunjin?” Felix tried to sound nonchalant.
You were happy for the opportunity to get your mind off those words, “yeah we’re doing a movie night. It really has been a while, I guess I didn’t think about it.”
“He’s been calling so much, I feel like he’s here.” Felix said.
You laughed off his comment, not thinking it held any malice. “What do you think you’ll do tonight?”
“Well, since my girlfriend doesn’t have time for me tonight I guess I’ll have to come up with some plans,” Felix said, letting out a dramatic sigh. “I think I’ll hang out with some friends.” He laughed, answering the question. “Now, let’s have some breakfast.”
“Oh my god!! You have a cat?” You ran toward the orange cat lounging on the kitchen counter, gently petting its head to make sure it wasn’t spooked away. “WHAT IS THIS ANGELS NAME?”
“Soonie,” Minho said turning the corner into the kitchen. He was holding a smaller tabby cat and another orange cat followed at his feet and jumped up onto the counter as well. “This is Dori, she’s the baby.” He held up the tabby, then nodding towards the other orange cat, “that’s Doongie.” This was the most Minho had spoken to you since you’d met him. He gave you a smile as he watched you gush over the cats.
“Are they yours? I love them all!” You tried to slowly pick up Doongie, scared that he might run away. He let you pick him up and you hugged him close to you as the cat nuzzled your face.
“It’s breakfast time for them,” Minho said setting up their food bowls.
“It’s breakfast time for you too,” Felix said handing you a plate.
"A man after my heart," you commented as you took your food and sat down across the counter from him.
Felix leaned over the counter so that he was eye level with you, getting closer to you in the process. "You already have mine, Love. I don't mind working for yours," his said this so earnestly, a thousand emotions playing behind his eyes. He left you speechless but with that same bubbling feeling in your chest that you had experienced the night before.
“Ew,” Minho scoffed from the corner, “get a room.” He walked out leaving you both alone. Luckily his comment had lightened the atmosphere as both of you burst into laughter.
"What time will your movie night end?" Felix had his arms wrapped firmly around you as you both cuddled in the couch.
"It'll go late baby. Now let go, I'm already late!" You had been wrestling with Felix for a good 10 minutes trying to get up so you could head out.
Felix nuzzled into your neck placing soft kisses along your skin. "I don't want you to go love," his deep voice sent shivers through you. He was definitely making it hard for you to go.
"Baby, I promise I'll see you tomorrow." You giggled as his soft kisses tickled your neck.
"Promise to miss me?"
“Of course, I’ll miss you soooooooo much,” you spread your arms wide, showing him just how much you’d miss him before wrapping them around him and returning his kisses.
“Fine, if you must go,” Felix finally released his hold on you and you got up, gathering your things and heading towards the door.
Felix followed you, grabbing his keys until you stopped him.
"It's so nice outside, I think I'll walk," you admired the sun pouring in through his windows.
Felix slipped on his shoes, taking your hand despite your refusals. "I want to spend as much time with you as I can." His words painted a blush across your cheeks. You weren't sure if you would ever get used to his sweet words, they always made you shy and giggly.
You both walked hand in hand enjoying the pleasant weather. You tensed when your building came into view, hoping Felix would leave you at the entrance. Instead he lead you to the elevator. Hyunjin would probably already be there and boy's meetings so far had not been friendly.
You turned to Felix when you reached the door, "bye baby," you leaned in to peck his lips. He didn't leave. You opened the door and Felix followed you in.
"You're finally here!" Hyunjin shouted as he rounded the corner. You burst out laughing when you saw him. He stood in your small pink apron, sleeves rolled up, hair messily pulled back with something staining his tshirt. The same thing, maybe some sort of sauce was also smeared on the side of his face.
"How did you get so messy?" you asked between giggles. You walked up to him, swiping some of the food off his face and putting the finger in your mouth. Hyunjin was left speechless after your actions, locking eyes with yours as you brought your finger between your lips and sucked. The thoughts that ran through his mind made his mouth feel dry as he watched you suck on your finger.
"It tastes good!" you grinned at him, turning and going back to the door where Felix stood. It took Hyunjin a second to register that your 'boyfriend' was there. They locked gazes, hostility brewing between the both of them.
You walked up to Felix, giving him a kiss on the cheek you said, “thanks for dropping me off. I’ll call you later.”
You were suddenly swept up into a deep kiss with Felix. His hand wrapped behind your neck, pulling you closer. You let out an embarrassing whimper as you felt him harden against your stomach. Much too soon Felix pulled away. Giving you a small smirk and saying, "Goodbye Love," before swiftly going out the door. You stood there stunned and horny.
“Ewwww” Hyunjin snapped you from your daze. “Please don’t make me have to witness that again.”
You rolled your eyes, "go clean yourself up."
"I thought you were already doing that for me," Hyunjin grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
You felt your cheeks turning a deep shade of scarlet. Not knowing what to say you rushed past him to assess the state of your kitchen. As aspected, Hyunjin had been cooking up a storm and the kitchen looked like it.
"How can I clean you up when I have to deal with the mess you left?" You quipped back. In the past you would have been too flustered to be able to reply to Hyunjin's comment but recently you had been able to work past your shyness. Perhaps this is what a friendship was supposed to be, not all the rush of feelings you used to feel before. Those feelings were confusing, sending butterflies throughout your body anytime he would move close. Those feelings stung, pushing daggers through you whenever he had a new girl on his arm. Those feelings had stopped... definitely.
Hyunjin skipped in as you started on the dishes. "I promise dinner is good enough to justify this mess. But let's eat now!!"
"Hyunjin I just want to finish and be done with it," You replied.
A moment of silence -
You jumped.
Hyunjin spoke softly from behind you, "Dinner will get cold and I don't want to leave you with work. I'll clean up later but now I just want to spend time with you."
You felt a shiver run through you as his breath tickled your ear.
You felt warmth spread over you as his hand wrapped around your waist and gently pulled you away from the sink and into him.
You felt the hardness of his chest against your back as you saw his hand reach out and turn off the tap.
You felt your thumping heart as his hand left your waist and his arms engulfed you completely. He dried your hands with a kitchen towel.
You felt cold as he pulled away from behind you.
"Come on, I already set plates for us!"
You felt yourself begin to breathe again as you followed his figure into your living room.
He had decorated your coffee table with pretty purple candles, filling the room with the scent of lilac. Cushions and blankets were set up on the floor in front of the couch and 2 plates next to a dish full of your favourite mac and cheese were waiting for you. A vase of pink roses rested in the centre of the table.
Hyunjin sat down, settling into the cushions and patting the spot next to him gesturing for you to join him. You sat stiffly next to him, trying to take in your surroundings.
You looked at Hyunjin. The room was dimly lit by a lamp in the side of the room and the soft glow of the candles. He was busy plating the mac and cheese for the both of you. His hair fell forward, covering part of his pretty face but you resisted the urge to reach out and fix it.
He met your eyes and smiled, pulling a smile from you as well. The soft light in the room highlighted the shadows of his face making his smile all the more striking.
"What is it?" Hyunjin's voice pierced through your haze of feelings.
"I-," you paused to breath, remembering that it was something you needed to do. "I'm just surprised," You looked away.
Hyunjin's fingers grazed your chin, turning you to face him once again. "If you look at me like that I'm gonna make sure to surprise you more often."
His words hung in the air. He let go of your chin, both of you looking at your plates, hiding blushes from one another. You distracted yourself from the fluttering in your stomach by turning on the TV and flipping through shows to watch. Arguments over how you could not possibly watch the princess diaries again quickly filled the air that had hung between you both.
Dinner finished and now settled cuddled against Hyunjin your mind drifted to the words Felix had said to you the night before. It must have been a in the rush of the moment because it was too soon. And you didn't know what the feeling in the pit of your stomach was that bubbled uncomfortably everytime you thought of those three words. Was it nerves?
"What ya thinking about?" Hyunjin pulled you from your thoughts.
"It's nothing," you didn't need get Hyunjin grumpy over your boyfriend once again.
"Now my bestfriend won't even share stuff with me anymore. Have I really been replaced so quickly," Hyunjin dramatically sighed, draping himself over you while pouting.
"Ahhh you're too heavy." You attempted to push him off with no success, instead Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you making sure you couldn't move away from him.
He locked eyes with you now, "Seriously y/n. What is it? You've been way too quiet and I'm missing getting tired of you talking during movies."
You broke eye contact quickly, taking a deep breath, "Felix just said something to me and it's just been on my mind."
Hyunjin scowled, "what did he say?"
You hesitated once again, causing Hyunjin to force your face towards him, "Y/n, what did he say?" He said it more sternly this time, anger building behind his chocolate eyes getting ready for a fight if that guy had said anything to hurt you.
"He told me he loves me."
Hyunjin dropped his hand from your face, staring at you open mouthed in shock. A million emotions ran through him, above all was anger. He stared. Opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it again. His brows furrowed and you sat in silence, waiting for him to react.
Finally Hyunjin asked, "did you say it back?" Hyunjins heart was pounding, blocking out all sound to the point that he had to try to read your lips to hear your answer.
Hyunjin let the breath he had been holding out. His heart calmed down and he felt almost at ease once again. You hadn't said it back. You didn't love him. And that was good.
"But you're still with him?" Hyunjin asked this time, trying to understand why you were sticking around with this guy. A guy who loved you, who you didn't love back. For some reason that brought him so much joy.
"Yes I'm still with him!" You looked at Hyunjin incredulously.
"But you don't love him."
"I didn't say that!"
Once again his pulse picked up. "You do love him?"
"I don't know!" You practically shouted, burying your face in your hands, overwhelmed with feelings you couldn't identify. You began to sob, feeling far too overwhelmed to do anything else.
You felt Hyunjin's hands wrap around yours and bring them away from your face. He leaned down so he could looked at your tear stricken face and gently wipe away the tears that were falling. He pulled you into his chest, letting you take your time to gather your thoughts and stop your sobs. No matter how much he pushed you, he always knew what you needed at the end of the day. There would be no more questions from him unless you were ready to share.
You pulled away from him, "I didn't say I love you back but I still like him and I'm not sure how I feel and I think it's so soon. Honestly he probably just said it in the heat of the moment so I'm just overthinking it but I don't know. Should I have said it back? I don't know."
Hyunjin didn't want to think too hard about whatever moment you had shared with Felix. And he didn't want you to want to tell Felix that you loved him. But he was a sucker for your tears and they had wiped away his anger. "It's okay." He soothed, "you don't have to say anything if you're not ready. And did he pressure you?"
"No he didn't even mention it. I should have just said it back."
"Do you love him?" Hyunjin could feel himself shake as he asked the question.
"Ugh," you buried yourself into Hyunjin this time, his arms happily wrapping around you, "I don't know. When he said it I just kind of didn't know what to feel and then since I've just got this weird feeling."
Hyunjin just held you tight, not knowing what to say. All those feelings you described were rushing through him. He felt sick as he heard you ponder whether you were in love with your boyfriend or not. He just wanted to hear a solid no from you. Any other guy would be fine, well not any other guy. A guy who was deserving of your time and he was convinced that Felix was definitely not that.
Hyunjin knew it was best to probably say nothing but the devil on his shoulder won, " You don't need to worry. You're right he said it really early. "
You looked up at him, ready to listen , so Hyunjin continued, "Are you sure about him Y/n. He does have a reputation and maybe he just said it cause he wants to sleep with you."
You let out a chuckle, "I love that you worry about me Hyunnie. But I don't think he said it because of that."
" No you don't know what guys are like!" He persisted.
"What I'm saying is that it was kind of past the point for that to be his reasoning," you giggled as you saw the wheels turn in Hyunjin's head. He turned as red as a tomato. Give it up to Hyunjin to be a playboy and still get embarrassed talking about sex.
Hyunjin was red, but not out of embarrassment. You fucked him? He wanted to ask more, but he also didn't want to know. What. The. Fuck. Hyunjin was steaming. That man was not good enough to be around you, let alone put his hands over you. Hyunjin retreated into himself as these thoughts bounced around his head.
That night Hyunjin slept turned away from you. Except he didn't sleep. He was so preoccupied with your words and the idea of Felix touching you. It made him angry, and sad, and honestly you weren't supposed to be letting men touch you like that. Hyunjin grumbled to himself, tossing and turning and wanting to cuddle up to you. But he kept his distance now because being close to you just made him think of someone else being that near you, and that made him sick to the core.
Hyunjin did eventually fall asleep, and he awoke to find the bed empty next to him. He got out of bed, still half asleep, rubbing his eyes as he whined out your name. He regretted not holding you last night and he was ready to take a nap on you.
As he enters the brightly lit living room all he hears is a deep voice growl out, "Seriously?"
Next thing he knows, Felix is standing in front of him and then pain shoots up his right jaw.
This is an original work. I do not permit the republishing of this work in any form including translations.
© LuvyBlossom
Taglist: @mimihwang248 @meeeds @lixiespick @fangirlnation @chartrucewhore @karmakalesposts @stayatinykatsy
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blossom-hwa · 8 hours
manège | k.th
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pairing: Taehyun x gender neutral!reader genre:  fluff, a little angst and comfort, ballet dancer!taehyun and pianist!reader warnings: n/a word count: 1.4k notes: — this pairing's been on my mind for a good year or so, so I'm very happy to have finally written something for them :) please note that I've only been doing ballet for a couple years now, so if I've used any terms incorrectly, I'm very sorry! — for some clarification, mc and taehyun go to an arts school, and mc volunteers as one of the pianists for the ballet studio Taehyun finds his way back to you, again.  
TXT Masterlist
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manège: a classical ballet term for “circular,” which describes a series of steps done in a circular pattern around the stage
. . . . .
The question of his name is quiet enough that if he hadn't noticed the opening of the door in the corner of the mirror, he would have missed it. As it stands, his mind barely processes your voice emerging from behind the door, and it takes a moment to shake off the double tours and pirouettes before he can even recognize the face appearing in the mirror. He blinks sweat away from his eyes. "Y/N?"
"It's late," you say, stepping into the empty studio. "You're still practicing?"
As one, you both look at the clock hanging on the wall. It's long past eight, when Taehyun initially told himself he'd stop—long past nine, even.
Suddenly all of the exhaustion of the day seems to hit him at once. His muscles ache, sweat keeps dripping down his face no matter how much he wipes away, and there's a small but consistent flare of pain in his calf that he should really stop and massage out. Really, he wants nothing more than to just sit down against the wall, or maybe even flop onto the floor and stare at the ceiling while seeing nothing at all. He's been here since eight in the morning and his body clearly knows it.
"Yeah," is all he says in lieu of articulating all of this, though, because his throat feels gravelly and words are hard. "What are you doing here?" he asks instead. It's at least as fair of a question for you as yours was for him.
"I had class," you say. Taehyun takes in your leggings, the loose T-shirt almost covering your shorts, and remembers yes, there was a lower-level class held almost immediately after you got off your shift. "I stayed after to practice."
He frowns. "For almost five hours?" You were playing the piano for his company class until it ended at three. Your adult beginner class ends at four thirty, and it's past nine.
"Not ballet." You shift the weight of several books in your arms, and only then does Taehyun see their worn paper bindings, the music markings on the covers, and remember that people practice things besides dance. "Evaluations coming up. There was a free piano in one of the empty studios."
Ah. Taehyun nods. And then the room falls into silence again, broken only by the sounds of your breathing.
"So." You walk to the empty piano in the room, placing your books on the top before looking at him expectantly. "What are you working on?"
It takes him a moment to register your words, to understand that you're not telling him to leave or go home or get some rest. All of which he should do, but the looming specter of the showcase next week won't let him. "You're not going to tell me to go home and rest?" he asks regardless, and even though his throat squeaks a bit after spending so many hours in silence, you don't laugh. Not at that, anyway.
"Well, would you have gone home if I'd said you should?" you reply, raising an eyebrow. He shakes his head and a smile curves his lips when you give a little laugh. "See?"
"Point taken," he says, and when you laugh again he laughs too. "Grand Pas Classique," he answers your original question. "For the showcase. Next week."
Your mouth parts in a little 'o'. "This one?" you ask, playing out a short melody. He nods. "Can I see?"
He should. He shouldn't. He at once wants to but doesn't, wants to let the melody sing in his blood as he double tours and entrechats around the room, spinning and leaping across the floor, but he also knows that you're here. And if Taehyun is his own harshest critic, he becomes even harsher when someone else is in the room.
You look at him, though, and he looks at you, and he knows that you see him for himself. See the sweaty hair matted into clumps, see the muscles aching behind his skin, see the work put into every effortlessly pointed toe and graceful finger as he takes his beginning position in front of the mirror. And when the music begins to play, the melody spilling into his ears and then into his blood, he looks into the mirror and smiles not because he has to, but because your watchful eyes will never hold judgment. Will never hold disappointment. Will only ever see him, see Taehyun Kang the person and not Taehyun Kang the dancer, and will cherish him for it.
When he's done, the applause of one person cuts through the labored silence of his breathing, and it's enough to keep the smile on his face, to let his muscles finally relax, to wipe the sweat from his brow and sit down. Or—not really. He's still a little too wired to sit, but he leans against the wall of the studio and gestures to where you sit at the piano like it's the most natural position in the world, ready to play but not. "Show me something," he says when he has enough breath to speak. "What are you working on?"
There's a moment when you're flipping through your books, skimming pages filled with music and your careful notes, where Taehyun loses himself, for a moment, in you. When you squint at a few pages, then put the book back on top of the piano, then position yourself at the keys. The preparation—the careful placement of your fingers just as deliberate as his pointed toes and graceful hands—the moment where time holds still, before you give in to the song in your mind and your heart and allow the music to flow through your veins.
It all comes back to you, Taehyun thinks as your fingers waltz and whirl across the keys, dance in enchanting patterns of black and white. From him, to you, back to him and then to you again—in manège, arabesques and jetés leaping about the stage, coming away from the center only to reach it again the way everything always returns to you. Your voice, your music, always there. Always constant. Pulling him back to earth when he threatens to topple over the edge, never once wavering in your strength or patience even when you see the worst parts of him over and over.
He's sitting down by the time you stop playing, fingers gentle yet unyielding against the piano, coaxing a last, wavering echo from its depths before your hands rise, suspended in the air, then fall to your lap. When you look up, the fluorescent studio lights seem to burn your figure into his vision, like the afterimage of a lightning strike behind his eyes. "That was beautiful," he says, and he means it in more ways than one.
And you accept the praise in more ways than one, in the smile on your lips, in the twinkle in your eyes, in the moment where you sit down next to him, back against the wall, and let him lean his sweaty head on your shoulder with no complaint about how gross it must feel. "Thank you," you say, and when you do, the melody racing through his veins finally calms.
It's almost ten, now, the clock still ticking away on the wall. But you make no move to get up and neither does Taehyun, even when you murmur "Home?" in a voice that only makes him lean further into you, even when he makes a noise of agreement in the back of his throat. In the end, it takes nearly twenty minutes for you to finally pat his knee and say get up, Taehyun. And then he disappears to change and wash up and collect his things, and maybe in the shower he can feel himself beginning to fade away again, but then you're standing right outside the locker room and when he slips his hand into yours, he comes back to earth. Manège. Circling you, always. Leaving. Returning. Orbiting. Joining.
Music dancing through his blood and yours, a song that he will always be able to follow back home.
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Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed this, and have a lovely day :)
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mcuamerica · 2 days
The Shadowsinger: Nineteen
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. Alludes to sex, ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: You have your chance to complete the Qualifying Course for the Blood Rite.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
Fourteen - Fifteen - Sixteen - Seventeen - Eighteen
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The next day you traveled to Windhaven with Rhys and Feyre. He wanted to show her the camp and then take her into the mountains to help with her powers. You didn’t want to interrupt with their time, so you chose to join the males in training. 
After last night with Azriel, you were a bit tired. You hadn’t truly gone to bed until the clock struck three, staying up and talking with him. And making love. All over your room. You honestly hoped the night would never end. But here you were, sparring with an Illyrian male who had a mixture of hate and disgust in his eyes that he was chosen to spar with you today. Just next week you would have your try at the qualifying course. And just in time too, as the Blood Rite would start within the next month as Spring came. 
You weren’t too happy having to leave Azriel this morning, but you had to get in your morning training since you would miss it here. And you came back with an official Siphon atop your hand. You couldn’t act weak. 
That being said, Azriel joined your morning flight training. The night prior did nothing to stop him from going just as hard on you as before. You were grateful for it. While you and Azriel agreed that there would be no one else, that you would be a couple from now on, you didn’t want him to treat you differently. At least, not in the training ring. 
You let out a wince as the male across from you hit your arm, which you returned with hitting his leg and sweeping his feet from under him. You held the training sword to his throat, waiting for him to yield. 
When he didn’t, you pressed the dull tip of the sword further towards his artery. “Don’t make this any more pathetic. Yield.” You ground out. 
You had this problem with many males. They would lay there for minutes on end, not being able to disarm you but not wanting to admit defeat from a female. The level you were at now was the level that would take the course with you next week. And you were pretty sure if you qualified and made the Blood Rite, these males above all else would be the ones to make you pay for it there. But you wouldn’t give them the chance. 
He gave up after a minute of shifting, trying to grab your ankle or wait until you got tired. You could wait like this for days on end and not let up. You would never let another male disarm you and make you yield or beg again. Not without fighting. 
“Shadowsinger,” you heard from the other side of the ring. Your new trainer, Leron, was watching the entire encounter. You did nothing wrong, so if you got a verbal lashing from it you would not be happy. “You’re doing the course tomorrow. By yourself. No other male wants to compete with you.” He said. 
Your neutral face turned into a scowl. The qualifying course was meant to be completed as a unit. While you didn’t think any of the males would help you, they needed to qualify just as much as you did. So they would do it for their own progress. 
That didn’t matter, though. You’d run the course by yourself before. Sure, you only finished in 15 minutes and not the needed 10, and it was significantly smaller than the actual course, but you could do it. “Fine,” you said. “Tomorrow? I was supposed to have another week of training.” 
“You’ll get another go at it next week.” He said and shrugged. You rolled your eyes.
“Alright, see you tomorrow then.” You said and turned to go back to sparring. 
“No more training today, either. You should rest.” He sneered. You clenched your fists, seeing your power flicker in your Siphon. You took a deep breath and turned back towards him. “Okay.” You simply said and walked past him through the training ring gates. You didn’t need to train with those males anyway. 
You had been out there for four hours and you were starving, so after a quick bath, you made your way to the mess hall. You paused when you heard shuffling in one of the smaller stables. You leaned forward, instructing your shadows to cover you as you made your way inside. You saw Ragna and a male you recognized but did not know the name of. Sucking face. You pursed your lips and turned around quickly, knowing that she could handle herself. And that from the looks of it, she was enjoying herself. You were shocked a male in this camp wasn’t intimidated by her. Next to you, she was one of the best female warriors here. She had advanced further than the other three, but wasn’t close to your level yet. 
You continued on your way to the mess hall, deciding that after a quick meal, you would go to the smaller practice course Azriel set up and run it until sundown. And maybe after as well. 
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The qualifying course was no joke. You could’ve sworn they put all the most difficult pieces together just for you. Because every course you saw only had one of each piece. The climbing wall, the steps, the giant piece of wood that swung around. When you practiced last night, you had done each of the smaller ones in record time. But this was a bigger version. 
You asked that the Inner Circle not watch, even Azriel. He wanted to, but you knew Rhys sent him to watch the queens and you didn’t want to interrupt that. And if you had that humiliation of failing in front of them… you weren’t sure you could recover. Granted, a group of males stood around the course, some exchanging coppers and marks, probably betting at which point you would fail. But your fellow females were there too. They were standing together, not talking to any male and not bothering to reply to their retorts. You would finish this course in record time. For yourself. But for them, too. To prove that they could do it one day too. 
You took a deep breath, glancing at Devlon and the other commanders. They were doing this to wear you down. To show that a female couldn’t do it. 
They were wrong. 
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The total course had a time limit of 1 hour. They were being generous and said you had an extra 15 minutes since you were alone and not in a unit. You didn’t need it. 
While you ran the course, the noise around you was filled with yells and jeers as you did each obstacle, climbing the wall, running the steps, jumping over fallen trees. Your wings were bound for this too, but you learned how to work without them. After all the practicing and training, this course was easy. And the females watching only drove you to complete it quicker. And perfectly. You didn’t take any shortcuts, didn’t use your shadows. You instructed them to stay all the way at the beginning of the course. And you certainly didn’t use your Siphon. Even a flare of it would disqualify you. So you did everything with the pure strength of your body and mind. 
After 15 minutes, you didn’t even hear the males anymore. You only heard the winds, your steps against the dirt, the constant thrum of the wooden pole swinging in front of you. You got through each obstacle with ease. And you finished with a time of 45:02. Faster than any unit within the past year. 
When you finished, you were panting, catching your breath. And then you saw Azriel. He was standing there with nothing but pride on his normally unreadable face. You told him not to come, but of course he wouldn’t miss it. Cassian would’ve been there as well if there wasn’t a problem at Ironcrest he had to deal with. But Azriel, the male you spent an incredible night with, and the male that trained you to do exactly what you just did. He was there for you. When the rest of the Inner Circle obeyed your request, he stood and watched the whole thing. You didn’t even care about the other males as you launched yourself in his arms, laughing to yourself. “I did it.” You whispered. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered, holding back from kissing you. “You were amazing. I wish I could show you.” He said and pulled away from the embrace. 
You stepped back, knowing that if you stayed any closer you would probably mount him right there. You took a deep breath and turned towards Devlon. “So?” You asked. 
“You’ve officially qualified to enter the Blood Rite this spring…” he said, the males around him yelling out in protest. As if you didn’t just run a perfect course on your first try. “Will you accept the challenge?” He asked. 
You nodded, a small smirk coming to your lips. “Yes, I’ll compete in the Blood Rite.” You said. 
He nodded and turned towards the other commanders. 
“I’ll have to stay here until it starts.” You said to Azriel, watching his features turn from pride to worry. He was so happy that you completed the course. But there was the other side of the coin: you were going to compete in the Blood Rite. And that terrified him. Losing you terrified him. “Hey,” you said and stepped towards him, your shadows swirling around you. You lifted your hand, cupping his cheek. “Remember, my first priority is to survive. I’m not looking to be a hero. I just want to prove myself.” You said. 
“You have… you did the course.” He said. “I- (Y/N)… I don’t know if I can sit by for a week while you’re out there fending for your life..”
“You’re going to have to.” You said. “I’m not just doing this for me, but I’m doing it for them.” You said and turned towards the females, smiling as you saw them elated at your victory. You could see the shift in him. “If I complete the Blood Rite, they can too… and we can have a female unit.” 
Azriel stared at you with unspoken words in his eyes. He wanted to tell you to be careful. To reconsider. But he had doubted you once before and he was proven wrong. He would not doubt you again. He couldn’t afford it. Couldn’t afford what doubting you meant. “I’ll be waiting for you, right there, when you get back.” He said and nodded towards the cabin. 
“And I’ll meet you, crowned just as you are.” You said and nudged his arm. “The first female Carynthian.” You said, walking towards the cabin. When he didn’t follow, you turned around. “You have to go back to spying?” You asked. Rhys and Feyre went off into the Mountains this morning, and you hoped you could get some time alone with Azriel while they were away. Now that you had to stay here until the Rite. 
“I do… but I’ll be back… I don’t want you alone on the night the Rite starts.” He said and you smiled a bit. 
You glanced around, noticing that most of the Illyrians had gone away. “I’ll see you soon, Spymaster.” You said and kissed his cheek. 
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Rhys and Feyre came back from the mountains a few days later, Rhys’s wings were bleeding and he could barely stand up. Feyre was visibly upset about something and before you could even approach them, Mor winnowed Feyre away. To where, you would find that out later. 
You stepped forward and helped Cassian and Azriel get Rhys inside. “What happened?” You asked as you set him down on the couch, telling Az to go get Madja. “Rhys..” 
He stumbled over his words, telling you about how they were attacked and Feyre had to catch the Suriel to find out how to help him. In doing so, she found out that Rhys was her mate. And she wasn’t too happy that you all, him above everyone else, lied to her about it. 
You all stayed in the cabin at Windhaven that night. Mor wouldn’t tell you where she took Feyre, she wanted to be alone. So, you waited around while Madja healed Rhys as much as she could. You opted to train with Cassian and Azriel the next day. You were worried about Rhys and Feyre enough that it was a little distracting being around the other Illyrians. 
When you came back that night, you fell asleep in your leathers, sprawled on the couch. You had a layer under your leathers since the day was particularly cold and you didn’t bother taking anything off. The cloak you threw on to walk from the training ring to the cabin was still tied around your neck, your hands buried inside the fur. 
That night something changed within the cabin. The fire went out and you shot up, feeling someone cover your mouth with a cloth. There was a scent of something on it that you couldn’t quite place while you tried to get out of their grasp. You saw Azriel appear in front of you, staggering back at whatever site he saw. And in that moment, your shadows separated from you, your magic drained, and your vision began to dim. But just as the last drop of power slid out from under you, a coil in your abdomen snapped, causing you to let out an audible gasp. In the process, you breathed in the last of the scented cloth and passed out into the arms of your captor. 
When you woke up in the morning, there were two things you knew to be true. 
Azriel was your mate.
You had entered the Blood Rite.
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A/N: Annnd a Cliffhanger for you all... luckily next part is a 2 parter :)
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