#i'll take it all back if next chapter proves me all wrong
codenamesazanka · 22 days
more Deku bashing, if you'll forgive me
Seeing lots of shocked tweets and posts that Deku seems so cold and distant about Shigaraki dying in front of him; that Deku doesn't seem to care much at all; that Deku isn't devastated he wasn't able to save that little boy.
I have to point out that Deku never cared in the first place. He really didn't! It's why he needed to see The Crying Child to feel any bit of empathy for Shigaraki, and why ever since then, he only yammers on about saving the Crying Child and only the little boy. He never gave a shit about the Shigaraki in front of him. Never treated Shigaraki like someone real to engage with. That Shigaraki is unforgivable; and it was impossible to have ever bring the Crying Child into reality because the Crying Child was a memory, it happened 15 years in the past that cannot be changed, so all Deku can do is comfort the Crying Child then beat the shit out of Shigaraki.
I mean, just look at the imagery and the word choices:
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Are those the words and expressions of someone who's trying to be careful about not hurting Shigaraki? Actually trying to help someone in pain? I remember when people were excited that Danger Sense would tell Shigaraki that Deku doesn't want to hurt him - turns out nah. He was so ready to make Shigaraki throw up blood.
Deku never tried to talk to Shigaraki. He never asked any questions during the whole time they were fighting. Mirio asked a question and got a response; but Deku? Nothing. Even in the memory-realm, when Shigaraki via memory-villains ask Deku what his plan was, Deku just shouted 'No!' and that was that.
When Deku said 'Somewhere inside of you is a person' he literally meant that. Inside of Shigaraki is the Crying Child, who is the actual person. Did he catch Shigaraki saying 'Spinner will be looking forward to this' and think, 'huh, Shigaraki has someone he cares about, I think? Then he wouldn't want to destroy Spinner, would he?' No. The fan-translation got everyone's hopes up that Deku wants to 'shred the rug' of societal failures, but the official translation was correct - Deku wanted to pry the lid off Shigaraki's trauma, accusing Shigaraki of repressing himself.
If he cared about Shigaraki at all, he would've protested when Gran told him he might have to kill Shigaraki. Instead:
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He would've opposed the construction of something called a SKY COFFIN DEATH ARENA. He would've spoken up when Heroes talked strategy about how AFO is the better opponent to fight, implying that it's better if AFO had taken over Shigaraki, despite Shigaraki being the victim of AFO here.
Even when he ends up saving Tenko from Decaying the Shimuras, he's utterly lackluster there. Tenko's in tears, saying that he must have wanted to kill his family, he was born with a quirk like Decay, who could ever validate his existence the way he is??? And Deku's response? "Well. Holding my hand might make you feel better. So here." Saying something like, 'No, you're a child! It's not your fault!' or 'Your quirk isn't meant for harm, it can be useful too' or 'It's okay. You're not an evil existence' seems obvious, but Deku doesn't.
and really, all this has been obvious since the Mall Encounter in Chapter 69. Remember when Shigaraki point blank told him that All Might's smile is stupid because he acts like there's no one he can't save? And it's clearly full of resentment? And Deku picked up on this, which is why next chapter he asks All Might if it's true there are times where All Might couldn't save someone.
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But once Tsukauchi said, don't worry about it, Deku did just that. When he does think about it one time, it's this absolutely nothing of a reflection
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"I guess we just have to agree to disagree!" Come on. And this kid has a 'drive to save that eclipses all common understanding'??? for real?????
Deku has never given a crap about Shigaraki or Villains. Honestly, him wanting to save that sad little boy might as well be just Horikoshi putting lines in his mouth to move the story along.
If Deku really did care, I think he would've wanted to save the entire person that is Shigaraki. The Crying Child is a phantom - Shigaraki is real and solid and there. The Crying Child is innocent and easy to care about because it's a cute baby and it's openly weepy; saving hand-monster junji ito twink Shigaraki who laughs and talks about destroying everything Deku loves would've been an actual challenge. But clearly we couldn't have that because even the Crying Child was too far gone for Deku to save.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Notes: This chapter is very episode heavy to begin with.
Chapter Six - Two left feet
"You have to wake up."
Dream's head rests in your lap as you gently hold him close to you. The ruby had weakened him and now it was gone along with that man.
Your concerns lay with the passed out king in your lap.
"Dream... Please wake up." You plea quietly. You would be lying if you said you weren't frightened. You felt useless, unable to help him. You've never felt anything worse.
You refuse to leave his side.
After a few hours, he wakes. He opens his eyes to find himself looking up at you. You smile in relief when you see those beautiful eyes of his.
You did not just think that...
"You're awake!"
Morpheus slowly pushes himself up into a seated position and looks around. "The ruby?"
"Gone. There was a man. He came and took it. He didn't see us, though."
Morpheus looks at you. You had stayed by his side and looked after him. You had no idea how much that meant to him. He looks like he's about to say something, but then he stops himself. He rises to his feet and holds out a hand to you.
"You're still human."
You take his hand and let him pull you up to your feet. "Yeah..."
"Allow me." He takes some sand from his pouch and blows it at you. You look down to find yourself wearing some clothes now. You look back at him.
"Thank you."
You remove his coat and pass it back. He seems reluctant to take it, but he puts it back on.
"I can find the ruby. It has been altered, but I'll be able to find it. Come." Morpheus leads the way out of the storage unit.
You have no idea just how much time had passed while inside there. It took a while for Morpheus to wake again. You can tell he knows more of his power is gone. He is weakened.
You find yourself outside a diner. The place was in disarray. Something had clearly happened here. Morpheus glances at you and then steps inside. You follow him quietly.
People lay dead in the middle of the room.
You stand by the door as Morpheus approaches the man sitting at the counter alone.
"Hello." The man sighs. "I'm John. I'm glad you're here. The power has gone out. So there's no TV, and no one left to talk to."
"What is it you think you're doing?" Morpheus asks.
"Saving the world from its lies."
"The ruby wasn't made for that."
John gasps softly. "Oh, you're the Sandman. My mother was right. She said you'd be coming for it."
"You must return it to me so that I can repair the damage you have done." Morpheus tells him.
"I'm not giving it back to you, it's mine."
"It is harming you, John, and your world."
"It's revealing the truth," John says softly. "This is the truth of mankind."
"No. You're wrong. This is the truth of mankind."
Morpheus shows John how these people he killed lived their lives. What they did. What they dreamed about. How they lived. He took all of that away from them.
Kate dreames of running away where no one could find her.
Garry dreams of proving his father wrong.
Bette dreams of creating something that would matter to people.
You feel sorry for all these people. Their hope had been taken from them.
"The ruby is hurting you, John." Morpheus says to him. "It has too much of my power within it. It stole more when I tried to use it."
"Then perhaps if I use it to steal the rest of your powers, I will be the King of Dreams." John says.
You frown. There is only one King of Dream. Your King of Dreams. Morpheus. No one else can have that title.
"If you would rob a Dream lord of his power, you shall do so in his realm. In dreams."
Just like that, John is in the Dreaming. You have returned to the palace with Morpheus. However, now you find yourself as a raven again.
"Damn it," you mutter. Just as you were getting used to having thumbs.
While John chases his past through dreams. Morpheus prepares to deal with him. You land on the throne and wait.
John comes to the throne room and looks at you sitting on the throne.
"Is this your palace... Dream Lord? Is this your throne... King of Lies? Well, it's mine now!"
John raises the ruby in his hand. The palace begins to crumble. You fly away.
"Are you watching? Can you see me?" The palace continues to burn away. "Using your own powers to burn away your lies."
"You must stop." Morpheus appears with his helmet on. "It is not too late to save yourself."
"Oh, you think it's me that needs saving?" John says.
"Your father stole the ruby from me and cursed you with it."
"You mean he blessed me with it." John raises the ruby up again. "Your reign ended when my father captured you. Your kingdom is my birthright."
John is killing Morpheus with the ruby.
"Your power resides within me."
Morpheus falls to the ground, curled up, unable to fight back.
"How does it feel to know I hold your life in my hands?" John asks.
"You're hurting the dreamers," Morpheus says, grunting in pain.
You can not go to him. Morpheus has made it so. He didn't want you hurt at the hands of John Burgess.
"Well, it's time they woke up! Your life and your lies end now."
John crushes the ruby.
Everything around him is gone.
He did it. He killed the Sandman, or so he believes.
"Thank you, John."
John looks up to find himself looking up at the Dream Lord. He is standing on his palm, feeling so small compared to this Dream Lord.
"But I killed you."
Morpheus speaks. "You destroyed the ruby and released the power inside it. I would never have thought of that. I'd forgotten just how much of myself I had placed in the jewel."
"Are you going to kill me?" John asks.
"I could. Perhaps I will. But the dream stone was not made for mortals. And it came to you through no fault of your own. So, no, John. I will not kill you."
You sit on the steps to the throne and wait. The Dreaming had been mended, back to its original states. Morpheus now had all his power back to fix it. You were just waiting for his return after dealing with John Burgess.
Jessamy and Matthew came flying to sit with you.
"What happened?" Jessamy asks.
"A lot. There is too much to explain, but you will be glad to know our king is back to his full power again."
Jessamy looks pleased.
"And the ruby?" Matthew asks.
"Gone. Destroyed, but the power within it returned to Lord Morpheus. The kingdom can heal again."
The doors open, and you look up and see Morpheus walking in with Lucienne behind him. You would smile if it was possible.
"You're safe," he says, looking at you.
"Thanks to you."
"And you're a raven again."
"Yeah... I was just getting used to being human too." You chuckles.
Morpheus kneels down so he is eye level with you. He kneels for no one, so this surprises you. "Perhaps I can help with your predicament."
"How?" You ask, stepping a little closer to him.
"This is the Dreaming, I am the Lord of Dreams. You were created by me. I should, at the very least, be able to help you control your ability to change."
"You'll help me?"
"I can not explain how you are able to switch between both forms, but I shall definitely try and assist in any way I can. Imagine how useful it would be to go between raven and person."
"I would like that very much."
He gives you the tiniest of smiles. "Come. We shall start right away. Lucienne, the kingdom, is returning back to its former glory. I assume Dreams and Nightmare may start to return."
Lucienne bows her head. "Yes, my lord."
Morpheus begins to exit the throne room, and you take flight, following behind him. You are filled with a newfound excitement at what potential lies ahead.
"You don't mind that I can turn into a human?" You ask, flying alongside him.
"Why should I mind it?"
"I don't know. I was your raven for so long."
"You still are," he says.
"Would I still be useful to you in human form?"
"Why wouldn't you be?"
"I don't know..." You sigh. "Just... I'd prefer to stay a raven if I'm only useful to you like this."
Morpheus stops walking and looks at you. "You will always be useful to me. No matter what form you took."
You look at him silently.
Morpheus continues walking, and you catch up. He has created a space for you to learn how to go between raven and human.
You land on the ground in front of him.
"What do you feel when you transform?" He asks.
"It's strange. Before, I only changed when I went between the waking world and the Dreaming. I stopped doing that because it was strange... and I didn't know what to do with myself. Lucienne helped me get used to being a human when I returned here. Then, when Lucifer changed me, it felt... wrong. It was probably because it was a forced change. I had gotten used to being a raven again, so being human felt weird to me suddenly."
Morpheus hums softly in thought.
"You need to tap into that power within you that changes you. Control it. Master it. Then you can come and go as you like."
"But... how?"
Morpheus walks around you. When you turn to look at him, you find a big black cat looking up at you.
"That's not helping. You're the Dream Lord. You can do as you wish. I was never supposed to be able to do any of this."
"You'll learn." Morpheus turns back into himself. "Think of what you want to be and will it to happen."
You sigh and close your eyes, thinking about your human form. You open them and find yourself still a raven. You groan and try again. Still nothing.
"I can't do it."
Morpheus looks at you. You look at him.
"Don't force it. Feel it. You can do this. I believe in you."
You take a deep breath, or as big a breath as a raven can take, and focus. You think about how it felt when he held you in Hell. How he supported you and looked after you. You think about how if felt standing on wobbly legs the first time. How it felt to reach out and grab Lucienne's hand when she helped you. You think about how it would feel to hold Dream's hand in yours, fingers interlocking. You wonder what it would be like to be human again.
You open your eyes and find yourself no longer looking up at him as a raven. You're standing on human feet. You smile.
"See?" He chuckles.
"I did it?"
"You did it."
You grin with excitement.
"Now, back to a raven." He says.
You use the same process as you did before. You think about how your feathers feel. The wind in your wings. How it feels to fly and land. You think about how you look up at Morpheus when you stand beside him as a raven. How it feels to land on his shoulder. How easy it is for you to go back and forth between realms.
You feel yourself gliding. You flap your wings and land carefully.
You're a raven again.
"You can do it." Morpheus says proudly.
"It feels easy some how."
"It is when you know how. You have to feel it. That's how you make it easy. Now, again."
You spend the next few hours going back and forth between raven and human. You'll fly around the room, landing on his shoulder and other things as a raven. You'll hop, skip, dance, and jump as a human, finding you feet easily.
Morpheus smiles and encourages you every time you transform. He's proud of what you have become.
He's happy to have you at his side again.
He's excited that you have a human form.
You spin and smile, happy that you seem to be getting the grasp of things now. There seems to be so much more freedom for you now. No longer will you have to worry about being either form.
"I think you have the hang of it now."
You turn and look at Morpheus. You've decided to settle on your human form for now. "Yes. Thank you. I'm grateful." You bow your head.
"There is no need for that," he tells you.
You smile and look at him. "You have no idea how happy I am."
"No?" He smiles softly, amused.
"Well, maybe you do. I'm very excited." You look down at your human body. "I can be myself, and be this new version of me."
"I like both versions of you."
You can't help yourself. You smile and hug him quickly. He is startled by your sudden action, but he places one arm around you. He accepts the hug.
You realise what you have done and pull away quickly.
"Sorry. I'm sorry..."
He chuckles softly. "Don't apologise."
You now feel embarrassed and decide you've done enough damage for one day. You think about your raven form and take flight. Yo decide to flee for now.
Morpheus watches you fly away.
He rests one hand on his chest. It had been a long time since he last felt the flutter of his heart like this.
He hopes it won't be the last time, either.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofdreaming - @thoughtsfromlayla - @modest-irish-goddess -
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totothewolff · 6 months
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Season of Love (4/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 4: No brakes, just love!
When you arrive at the pitlane in Spielberg, you notice a couple of heads turning towards you on your way to the W garage after your long absence.
Toto's eyes look intensely at you as you cross past the Mercedes' garage. Yes, he looks mad. Oh boy, that's one conversation you want to avoid having so bad.
—Did all go well? —Michael asks you as he greets you with a hug once you get in there; he is standing next to Millie's car, and his wording takes you slightly by surprise; you look at him, somewhat alarmed, as a different idea crosses your mind. —Your business trips, I mean —he clarifies as he notices your confused face.
—Oh, that, yes, the business trips, yeah, all good. Thank you! —you change topics as fast as possible, not wishing to lie to Michael. —Have I missed much?
—Well, it got interesting to say so.
He turns you around and nods towards a hurt-looking Charles Leclerc supervising his Ferrari car, crunched and pointing something while talking to a mechanic.
Charles has his hands covered in bandages, and his face is all bruised. What on earth! You lock eyes with him, and he looks surprised to see you there, then frowns at you slightly. You point your index finger to the left, and he gets your "See you in that narrow corridor where no one will see us."
—WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? —You rush to take a good look at him when he catches your step, honestly concerned.
—That's what I asked myself! By "See you soon," you meant in four weeks! Good thing you didn't say, "See you in a while"!
—I'm sorry.
—Yeah, you better be! I texted you god knows how many times!
—I know, I'm sorry.
—Yeah, I'm really pissed at you, Y/N!
You look down at the floor, fucking sad. Charles notices it.
—But I'm even more glad and grateful to have you back —Charles pulls you into a tight hug, avoiding pressuring his bandaged hands against your body. —You had me worried.
You take a good peek at those.
—Second-degree burns on each. Something wrong went with my car; they are still investigating it. I lost brakes and control of her; thank god there wasn't a concrete wall or metal barrier and fence nearby, just rows of bumpers and forest beyond; a part at the front of the car caught fire due to the extreme friction, and that burned me.
You look at him, very pale, with your eyes widened.
—I know, I get what could have happened, but it didn't —Charles looks away with watery eyes. —So, let's move on. I'm not stopping racing.
You wipe a tear coming down your face.
—Oh no, no, I'm fine. It will take a minute, but I will be ready for the Dutch GP.
—Like a turkey put in an oven.
—I'll be fully cooked by then!
You both laugh; you missed your silly times with Charles so much. You picture him in a puffy turkey costume, struggling to get inside his car, not fitting.
—I'm glad you are alright; well, you know what I mean. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed it.
—It's okay, you are now.
Hi, honey! Yeah, no... Hi! Toto!? No! Once more... Hello Tots! Better! Remember that time when we fucked the shit out of each other, and then I disappeared for weeks? I'm back now! How is it going, my love? Yeah, like any of that is going to work.
You wait for the rest of the Mercedes team to leave their garage to slowly approach him, taking your time with each step, fighting your urge to run away.
—A text would have been nice —He tells you as soon as he feels you near, his eyes reading a graph slide on his iPad. Okay, that's a really icy tone.
—I'm sorry. I...
—Uhmju. So... —he closes the tablet's case, gets on his feet, fully upright, his height towering over you, and leans against the control center table, looking straight at you. —Business trips, huh? —he crosses his muscular arms. —Where have you really been? —Even if you are that nervous, you can't avoid peeking at his attractive flexed biceps.
—In Belgium. I had a personal emergency.
—What happened? —he swifts his tone to slightly concerned.
—I can't tell you.
He frowned at your answer, which was not good enough for him.—I see. It's not like it matters that you vanished for a month without a trace or warning and that didn't answer any of my worried calls or my sleepless late-night texts —Toto says.
—Toto, I-
—It's not like you have to explain a thing to me. It's not like I worried anyway —Toto interrupts you with a lot of sarcasm, moving to place his things inside his briefcase. —Well, I do really have a business trip to go. Excuse me —he passes you by, inches away, dodging your body.
He leaves you standing there, alone in the now empty Mercedes' garage. —I'm happy to see you —you say softly to yourself as you watch him walk further away in the distance, feeling you are about to cry.
How can his voice go from soft and sweet to sexy and guttural to authoritarian and commanding to this condescending and cold one? It needs to be studied.
The following day, Toto is nowhere to be seen. Sam notices you glancing around the paddock, looking for him near the Merc area. You don't feel like losing him, and you are there to try again to offer him an apology.
—He is in Germany. He will be here later —she tells you as she reaches you after exiting the Mercedes hospitality. —Hi! We didn't have a chance to talk yesterday; it's been crazy days for this team! How did it go?
—He is so mad at me anyways —you let out very sad. Sam can't avoid feeling sorry for you, which you notice and hate. 
—He has been under much pressure lately; we are still in P3 at Constructors and Drivers, and we got disqualified in Canada to add more to his stress.
—Tecnicallities and human errors, which had him fuming. Plus, all the drama in his personal life with you missing.
—And the Sussie drama, too, probably.
—Sussie's drama?! —she looks at you perplexed, like a second head had grown from your neck.
—I had dinner at Lewis before Matthew's call. He mentioned at the table that she was staying with him at his place in Monaco; he made it sound like they were still in a relationship but on rocky times.
—Toto is not that type —Sam reassures a slightly insecure-looking you. —I would ask him about it, but he no longer confides in me. By the way, now Toto knows when I lie —that's why Samanta hates letting his walls down; it makes her more vulnerable to others. —You don't know how many times he asked me things; I denied knowing what was going on with you or where you were every time, but not once he believed me. It got worse when he noticed a nervous Niki looking straight at me whenever he came to inquire. So it will be best if you let me out of the loop, but only a bit, eh?
You look stunned at her; wow, Toto did really know Sam; reading her was so difficult. Then you move to answer her previous question, informing her: —The plan is still on track, with no significant alterations. We ran a couple of scenarios with the tactics department, and it all went well; even Pascal joined us to give his input. It felt weird to be back at the manor, like somehow I didn't belong there anymore; I missed my new life and you guys so fucking much!
—Pascal went to the manor?! —Sam's eyebrows go up in the air, stunned.
—No, no, he joined us in a secure call line. You know Matt doesn't allow him there; plus, he is still under house arrest in Hungary.
—Oh yeah, I forgot about that; it's been a while —Sam scratches her head. —Are you nervous?
—I will be there by your side —she squeezes your hand.
—Oh no, I don't want you even near all that.
—And everyone missed you too! The group was worried!
It hits you differently now, by how things turned out. 
But you can't avoid thinking that you are in Toto's homeland, which makes your mind wander to the dangerous thoughts you have been avoiding all day. 
All those what-ifs? 
What if you hadn't left? 
What if Toto wasn't mad at you? 
What if he had taken you to a romantic dinner in Vienna? 
What if he had shown you his favorite places from growing up? 
You also can't escape the thought of Toto's family. 
What if they showed up? 
What if you had met them? 
What if you got introduced to them? 
Of course, none of this will happen because you two aren't a thing yet. You killed your chances, and now you two are just friends who slept with each other and desire one another, but just that. 
Oh god, you pray you two aren't really just that. 
You screwed things with Toto so fast, don't you? It happened sooner than you expected to.
It's late. Toto arrives at his remote office straight from the jet in the late afternoon and stays working till dark. He has several papers to read and sign and essential things to approve; he needs quietness and no one bothering or interrupting, which is impossible during work hours. He sees you walk past behind the tinted windows of his headquarters. It is unusual for you to be around at these hours.
The lane is empty, and your heels sound louder than they should. All building facades remain lit, and only a couple of rooms inside them have the lights on for those late stayers, making the paddock feel less lonely than it should as you rush to your car on your way out. It was a tough day and an awful one.
Toto grabs his things and tries to reach you; he is angry and stressed, but it is not all your fault. He closes the door loudly, on purpose. You turn around at the sound, jumping a bit. He is about to crack a joke to ease things and come closer waving a peace flag but notices your red eyes from crying. His expression changes to one of honest concern.
—Shit —you let out softly, under your breath. He is the last person you want to meet in this state.
He comes close and stares at you for a good second. You don't say a word, and he tightly wraps you in his arms. He is warm and smells so good. You bury your head in his chest and meld in his embrace. He rests his chin on the top of your head; the height difference makes it comfortable for him.
—Feel like talking about it? —Toto says sweetly.
—Okay, it's all good. You don't have to. Can I hold you till you feel better?
—Yes, please —you softly sob; you feel like a little girl in his arms. He makes you feel like that all the time. You are only a couple of years younger than him. But he is such a grown-up in your eyes. And you are a fragile, weak thing on the constant verge of breakdown.
You cry in his arms, and he wipes and kisses your tears away. You melt inside. This man is too much.
He carries you in his arms inside the modern Mercedes building to the unlit, empty lobby; you two cuddle on the floor, Toto's back against the hallway wall, on top of the silver arrows logo carpet, and you lay on his chest, your legs crossing his.
Toto apologizes: —I shouldn't have said those things like that, but I was sore.
—I understand where it comes from. It's okay, I get it. I missed you so much —you let Toto know; he leans his forehead on yours, noses touching too.
And you kiss. You feel Toto's warm and soothing lips on yours, and you two start to tenderly and sweetly make out; it's warm, wet, and intimate, and when you are to caress his neck with your hand, almost out of breath but not able to stop, he suddenly breaks it off, taking you by surprise. 
—We should leave; we don't want fines on our way for overstaying. Stay with me tonight.
You nod, agreeing.
It's an exquisite bathroom the one in his hotel suite, with white walls decorated with the French boiserie technique and polished marble white floors with ornamental gold flowers hand-painted on the large tiles. Tall windows let the light enter behind the light curtains. A large frame mirror with gold edges sits against the wall and over the floor.
You two share the white bathtub, a 19th-century piece with gold leaf borders; you are happily placed on top of him inside it in the warm water, rubbing the expensive bamboo mesh loofah on his naked chest while he lets you know every detail about his trip to Germany and the crazy weeks he had while placing small kisses on your shoulders, neck, and mouth every once in a while. 
After that relaxing and repairing scented bath, you make it to the bed, and since all your things are in your hotel room, you steal one of his t-shirts as pajamas, both knowing quite well it's too tempting that you sleep butt naked on top his mattress, you both have to wake up early the following morning, and it's been a hectic day. Still, you decide not to wear underwear beneath it.
You make yourself comfortable on his bare firm chest, tracing small circles with your fingers on his pecks; Toto is only wearing tight navy blue and light fabric boxers, which make his bulge look so fine down there; you feel him pat your ass skin softly; and placing his large hand there before falling asleep.
If none of you were this tired and this emotionally drained right now, you would be about to reach an orgasm at this point.
You wake up early and share the room-service breakfast you ordered; you give Toto some of your fruit to his mouth, and he shares with you his salmon bagel; emotions always open the appetite before leaving the room with enough time to arrive at the circuit, you need to make a stop at your hotel before heading to the track. 
When the SUV arrives at the drop-off entrance in front of the hotel's baroque facade, Toto pulls you into a kiss in the backseat, leaving you gasping for more before you exit the car.
—We still have free time, so —you whisper against his lips.
He smiles at you. Toto drags you to the elevators faster than an F1 car.
You both enter your hotel suite and go straight to the bed, clothes getting out in the way on your path.
He spreads you on your knees, on all fours, on top of the mattress, at the border of the bed, while he fucks you doggy style while on his feet. You bounce against his hard cock, skin slapping, moans coming out from both sides when the tip of his dick hits the spot inside you. Every time, more desperate strokes. He slaps you on the ass. His open palm hits your right ass cheek, leaving a mark. 
Then he grabs you firmly by the hips, adding pressure, and starts to give it to you harder and faster. You can't stop moaning from the pleasure. You are being so loud, but you don't care; you feel done holding back or hiding any emotions that man makes you feel.
What Toto does to you next is unholy. He runs his hands along your arms till he reaches your palms, then wraps them around his own neck to make you support yourself, provoking you to arch your back. His free left hand caresses your chin and neck, then softly chokes you, making you turn your face to look straight at him. 
Holding you in that position, he starts playing with his tongue inside your mouth. He licks your lips and bites them while adding pressure against your hips and buries his right fingernails in your right soft tigh. He is as inside you as he can. He is aching for you more every second. 
He starts rocking himself against you, hitting your pussy and ass faster this time around. He has you moaning incoherently. The rhythm is so good; he fucks you in that position for a while till you start to feel so warm inside with each penetration; he is hard as fuck. And you feel you can't keep it together any longer. The pleasure is unbelievable. And you want to release. You start begging him to stop, well knowing you mean don't you dare! —Baby, I can't! Baby! I can't take it anymore! —You feel a hot sensation running down your legs. —Toto! —you moan as you start squirting all over your thighs and his.
—Fuck! —he growls, almost bestially, against your ear, getting drunk on your sents and fluids.
He shifts his whole body weight against yours, slowly pushing and pinning you down, your tummy against the mattress. Toto extends your arms and intertwines your hands and fingers with his in a sort of arrow position, completely topping you, rocking his hips in circles against your ass; you feel buried under his weight till Toto moans intense cumming noises to your ear, those noises drive you mad. He sounds so hot when he finishes.
—Stay in —you beg him. Oh, how he looks at you, what his eyes express makes your heart melt. You want him to be obsessed with you, to breathe you. It's borderline toxic, but that's how infatuated you are with him. You two remain in that position while kissing the life out of each other. You can feel him swing his hips every once in a while till his erection fades away.
Toto is the first one to step out of the shower; you enjoy the view of him butt naked, his wet hair dripping, the drops traveling through his bare chest down his abs and lower body while he strokes his length and legs with the towel, getting dry.
Once you are dry, too, and wrapped in a bathrobe, you start picking your clothes from the entryway floor; you two barely made it to the bed, unable to contain yourselves a second more, before going to the dressing room to select your outfit for today.
Toto is again putting on his Mercedes uniform, now in a bit of a rush. 
You are looking for your thong everywhere on the carpet, not knowing where it flew; you want to avoid the maid the awkward moment; it's the only piece of clothing missing. 
—I'm happy to have you back —he says with his whole heart, looking at you while finishing buttoning up his shirt. 
—I counted the days to be back with you —you say, emotional. Toto comes close, kisses the palm of your hand, and licks your index finger.
—I hope you don't need to leave again soon, but if you do, these stay with me —he is holding your panties hostage in his black jeans left pocket. 
None of you feel like saying goodbye and keep finding excuses in the form of kisses and petting to postpone it. Still, you must be discreet and professional and somehow manage to be together amidst everything in your life. It is a high-risk and conflict-of-interest kind of relationship on all fronts, but it feels worth it to you that you are ready to risk it all for him.
Sam, Charles, and you are hanging out in a famous high-end bakery in Vienna. The place is very bright, with high ceilings, white walls with mint accents of color, greenery, and modern gold lamps give the place its character; a massive large white wood display counter bar is full of rows of delicious pieces of bread and desserts, the clear wooden floors, light wood furniture, and small tables make it feel cozy. The place smells so good and feels warm.
Your mood is entirely different now. Sam stares at you while slurping dramatically and loudly the remains of her chocolate frappe through the straw.
—What? —you say while chewing your sacher würfel when you notice her eyes on you.
—They fucked —Charles adds before Sam can open her mouth. You two turn his way. He moves his hand in a kind of I recognize that smile on her while holding his vanilla kipferl.
—Yes —You admit, all blush. —But we discussed things too! —you rush to add.
—You told him where you went and what happened? —Charles asks you.
—You asked him about the Sussie thing? —Sam asks you.
Both at the same time.
—Well, no...
They roll their eyes at you.
Then Sam looks at you like you are crazy. —Then what did you two discuss? WAIT! Did you tell Charles?
—Of course, she told me! We are roomies AND besties!
Then Sam acts all jealous. —Hey! Get your own best friend!
—Charles intercepted me on my way out of the apartment; he only knew I would be out of town for a while —you clarify to Sam quickly before she slips out something important. —By the way, how is "abs" doing? —then you address Charles.
Samanta looked confused; she had never heard that name before. —Who is "abs"?
—Our womanizer neighbor in Monaco.
Still blank.
—The blond dude with long hair in a man-bun that's all ripped and has insane abs? —Charles gives her input.
Sam shakes her head.
—The one who is always shirtless and looks like Thor? He lives in the apartment right across our hallway and door —You add.
—No idea —she says, feeling left out.
—He is nice. Well... Yeah, it is hard to define. Sometimes, he hides from his conquests at our place after having fun, waiting for them to go. But he is hilarious and brings beers on cheat day Thursday —Charles explains.
—You going to love him, trust me, he is a sweet and trustworthy brute —you tell Sam.
A Twitter notification sounds on Millie's phone.
"Oh, miss Normani, it's great to have you back! Ferrari's red is a color that suits your skin so well; God bless the QUEEN!🐝🇬🇧" a video is attached along with the Sky Sports tweet. A stunning, athletic young girl walks down the paddock lane wearing impeccable street-style clothing, looking so chic, cameras flashing photos at her; Lewis's clothing game is getting challenged.
—Trouble is on our way —Millie hands her phone to Michael. 
—Oh, yeah, I heard the rumor at the start of the season that she would be taking the reserve driver seat for them, but that it went cold —Michael adds.
—Your sources are shit then —Millie jokes. He softly pushes her out of his way, joking.
—Well, let's give her a fight! —He motivates Millie.
—Certainly, I didn't see this one coming our way —Christian lets out after getting the news.
—Sorry, but who is she? —Helmut asks him.
—She's just the biggest name in girls' racing ever, no big deal —he jokes sarcastically. 
—The one that disappeared at the top of her game? I followed the scandal back in the day —Checo admits.
—Well, she is no longer on hiatus, it seems. Good thing is only for a few races! —Christian says while following her with his gaze as she enters the Ferrari headquarters.
—Mattia almost shit his pants when she finally answered him back. You are going to adore her. Normani is THE thing! —Charles gossips with Sam and you in the armchairs in the lobby of the Williams headquarters. —She lives in London and knows excellent places to hang out next week. I invited her to join us.
—I love the idea; this group always has room for another girl.
Once you are back at the circuit after lunch, you catch Toto sitting alone at a large picnic table under the shadow of a tree in an area further away from the hospitality and garages, working with his phone in hand. That man is all work, when will he relax? You go on your way there to annoy him so much.
—There is an entire long empty bench, and you sit right next —He tells you, in a deep voice but joking, arching his eyebrow, sensing your body against his.
You smile and giggle, getting even closer to him, almost blending with his side.
—God —he lets out exasperated but crosses an arm behind you and places his hand on top of yours, caressing it.
Then you move to get your things out of your large Bottega Venetta tote bag to work by his side; you have emails to answer.
You two get in the zone and focus on your tasks till you notice Toto moving his head to nose in your business.
—What's that mail for? Who are you sending it to? Why are you sending it? Hey, don't look at me like that. You are the one who chose to sit right next. I ask questions all the time; that's my job.
—Okay, but the annoyance part is my job in our relationship —you dare to shoot your shot, to see how he reacts, what he says.
You obtain no comment; he simply replies: —You have a fake job, remember?
Then, you slowly and overdramatically close your small and slim laptop with a single finger.
Toto looks at you with his eyes half closed and chin up.
—My secrets aren't for free, my love —you joke. You regret that wording later.
—Okay —He pays you with a couple of quick kisses; you are in a not very transit area and have enough privacy to do so. —What were you doing in Belgium?
—I meant the Williams-related ones; those are the ones for sale!
—Oh! Those I don't care about; we are about to bite you guys in the ass, anyways! —he says, overconfident, teasing you.
—Toto, dreaming is for free, don't you know?!
Toto was right; Lewis and George make a one-two. Normani gets on the podium, too, leaving Millie out. Well, that was quite the introduction for her.
Very late at night, you hear knocks on your suite door; you leave your warm and cozy bed to attend it. It's Toto.
As soon as you open the door, you feel a pair of lips on yours.
—I thought I would be sleeping all alone and sad after today's race on this chilly night —you pout, stopping kissing a second.
—Sorry, I went out to celebrate with the boys —Toto is a bit tipsy; he is wearing casual clothing now; layering looks so good on him! He is wearing a black turtle neck long-sleeve shirt under a very expensive cashmere grey, plain, modern blazer paired with black pants, loafer shoes, and an obsidian and silver bracelet; his hair is messy. 
Toto gets sillier and more relaxed when in that state, a thing you love, and also he gets hornier, too, to your pleasure.
The rustic fireplace is on, keeping the spacious room warm. You witness Toto rearrange the area; Toto pushes the coffee table out of the way in the sitting area right in front of the fire and brings pillows from the bed to let them fall on top of the puffy brown rug in there. 
Then he comes for you and takes you there by the hand. You two lay there wrapped in each other arms, making out. Toto's hands are on your ass and hips.
—Cozy and warm enough, baby girl? —he asks against your lips.
—Eh... —you shrug, joking. He smiles at you, then combs your hair tenderly with his fingers.
—Is there a chance you have a condom? We used the one in my wallet in the morning.
You shake your head; oh, bummer!
—Is it okay if I finish outside?
You feel your body shiver at his words.
—Yes. It's okay.
Clothes start to go out of the way; he gets you naked in no time; you are only wearing a black one-piece, sexy satin lace nightdress. He moves to help you get him undressed. His eyes go all over your body. —I keep fantasizing about what I'm going to do to you.
He takes you by surprise. Your cheeks turn red.
When you are both naked, he pushes you closer by the ass, making you spread your legs to give him room to get in the middle; you are sitting in a lotus position, your legs flexed over his, your thighs touching his thighs, he runs his hand all over your leg down to your ankle, you wrap your hands around his neck while you kiss.
Then, he slowly starts to lay you low on your back, making you lay on the pillows; he helps you make yourself comfortable on them and starts playing with your nipples, licking them with the tip of his tongue and biting them softly while locking eyes with you. He cups your tit and sucks it into his mouth; after a bit, he moves his way down. He starts eating your pussy like he is starving; you feel his wet tongue deep in you. He loves giving small kisses to your clit, provoking you to moan a lot. —I love running my tongue over every inch of you —he lets you know.
—Do you feel like to 69? —you ask him in the middle of a moan.
—Please —his voice is rough.
You sit on top of him, and you feel him burying his face in you, hand squeezing your ass while continuing to taste your pussy; amidst your loud moans, you start stroking his length and go down on his cock; you love his dick inside your mouth. You are giving him head so good that he stops for a minute to breathe heavily and moan.
—Fuck! I want to make it inside you; if you keep going, I'm going to burst inside your mouth.
—I wouldn't mind, but I love having you inside me, too.
You are more than wet and him more than hard when he slowly enters you. You both savor the movement. Then he flexes your left leg up and supports your calf on his shoulder. He starts to thrust you in that position while grabbing your right tit tightly. You feel his dick sliding inside every time faster. You are both panting and gasping.
He then switches positions, taking control this time; he gets your knees together and makes you get your legs up; he holds you in place with a firm grip from his hand on your hamstring muscles in a "hero" sex position, and Toto rocks his hips back and forward with deep strokes, you feel and see how his dick is curving up.
You start to scratch his thigh with your fingernails and slap his ass as the pleasure gets too good. —You fuck me so good, baby —you moan, reaching an orgasm in that position.
After giving yourself time to catch your breath for a second, you see how Toto lays down back against the rug; you immediately move to ride him. You feel him throbbing in pleasure inside and underneath you as you bounce hard up and down his dick; with your tits bouncing, he extends his arms to reach them and pinch your nipples, adding pressure with his fingers; then he starts wincing and biting his own lips; after a while, he rushes to place one of his large hands in your tummy, and you pull his cock out of you to start jerking it. Lots of guttural sounds come out of his mouth till he starts dripping. You feel his warm semen on your hand and abs, and you caress his chest with your free one and bend to kiss him hungrily.
Then he captures that hand and starts licking your index and middle fingers, sucking them inside his mouth and getting them wet enough with his saliva to then start leading your hand down on you, making you finger yourself, his hand on top of yours controlling and directing the movements. It gets to a point when you are so inside yourself and extremely wet that you are mess-moaning his name. Soft "Totos" is all he hears.
—Cum baby, cum for me —you feel your body trembling with his touch and yours. And you release, leaking on the rug beneath you. 
Your bodies are so heated and sweaty near the fireplace; he drops on his back after being angled fingering you, with his cock bent to the left. You place yourself next to him, hands running on his shoulders and toned arms. You kiss in that position for a while before heading towards the bathroom.
Before falling asleep, your chauffeur knocks on the door to deliver you a drugstore bag. As you finish drinking your tall glass of water after taking the Plan B pill and place it on the nightstand, Toto tells you he is going to spend time with his family so that he won't be sharing the flight to the UK with you. He will arrive two days later, just in time for the race.
He doesn't invite you to join him.
You are all forced to rush to Silverstone from Austria for the anniversary race of the F1, which will take place before the usual activities of the Hungary GP start, leaving no room to rest for anyone. 
It's going to be such a unique and fabulous event, and indeed, the FIA outdid themselves. Still, it's insane for the drivers and teams to rush from one country to another and move all the equipment and people with zero time margin. No one is in their best senses when arriving at the circuit, and everyone looks like it.
Due to the logistics of the massive event, the meeting before free practice is to start at 6.00 a.m. Lando hits his head against the clear glass panel doors, trying to enter the meeting room, half asleep, holding a Red Bull in his shaky hand.
He goes straight to you. You are already sitting in the chair with your name tag. At this point, no one cares about them or respects them. It is more like a classroom now; the group always sits together at the back of the room.
Lando mumbles something that you and Millie believe means good morning, and then he takes a couple of the empty chairs next to you to lay on top of, placing his head on your thighs and using them as a pillow.
Making you laugh. —Okay, yes, go ahead —you joke. Then Lando really falls asleep. —Lando out! —you inform the group.
Lewis is in the same row as you, but at the very end, legs on top of the empty chairs beside him, with his back leaned against a sound asleep Vettel, buried beneath a massive puffer Mercedes' jacket, tilted against the wall in a sitting position. 
The room is almost empty except for you five.
—Angela almost tore down my bedroom door; she knocked so hard to wake me up. I nearly didn't make it, guys; I don't know how I got here —Lewis chats with you with a sleepy voice and swollen eyes.
Christian enters the room. —Is tits freezing today —he greets you. With a couple of "ah" sounds, he drops himself on the chairs in the front row. —I'm so old for this! —you all laugh. —You two look so well put together —He addresses Lewis and you, looking as stylish as ever. —I envy you.
Millie showed up in a set of Kuromi's pajamas, cocooned under Mick's Williams team winter jacket, that looked huge on her.
—Thanks, man —Lewis says.
Charles enters, greeting you with a peace sign gesture, followed by Carlos piggybacking a sleeping Daniel. —I would give you a hand, but... —Charles jokes, showing his bandages.
Normani enters, stealing the entire room's attention, wearing a white Dior long fleece blazer on top of a form-fitted pearl wool dress and a matching long scarf paired with high-knee suede boots in the same color. It's a monochromatic, stunning look with a combination of textures; her long hair is in a sleek ponytail, allowing it to show the beautiful minimal white gold earrings she is wearing, completing the look. 
Millie waves her hand at Normani, and she looks happy to see her in there. After greeting the room, she reaches to sit by her side and catch up. You all look at her in awe. She is so beautiful, like a doll.
—Is that Geroge? —Niki asks, on attendance this time, since Toto is not around yet.
—It's Sebastian —everyone answers in unison. He and Lewis are the first two to arrive, so no one witnessed how Vettel fell asleep mid-conversation in his chair like a grandpa and how Lewis got him warm and covered under his Mercedes puffer, yet no one has a doubt it is him who is hiding underneath there; this surprises Lewis.
—I'm shooting the poor fucker responsible for waking me up this early —Niki shouts, provoking smiles.
At his back, Masi enters the meeting room, looking very worried.
London is one of Sam's favorite cities; it has everything she likes. Plus, it's full of very cool girls who make her nervous and all blushy, so she loves to run errands for Niki when in town; she always ends up meeting someone and asking for a date. The best sex she has ever had in her life has been there; her greatest loves have been "chapstick" lesbians from East London.
Sam has spent her entire day on the streets being driven around, completing all the tasks on Niki's long list of things he asked her to do. It's getting dark, and the last item for today is to drop some jewelry at Cartier to get it clean. So the chauffeur takes her to the one in Old Bond Street. Her favorite, Sam, loves it even more when it's Christmas and the stunning decor is on the facade.
The store's doorman rushes to open her car door as the SUV pulls in front of the jewelry main entry. She gracefully gets down and greets him.
—Good evening, mam —he replies, welcoming her inside. Sam had been feeling happy the entire day, but it went away as soon as she entered. In the contiguous stanza, in the highly expensive-looking sitting area, Toto and Sussie are looking together at some exclusive pieces a sales lady is showing them; Sam glimpses the sparkles projected out of those under the lights from far away.
Toto is not supposed to be here, nor are they supposed to be together, she thinks, but disregards the thought; probably he just got free sooner, and they are just hanging out since Sussie lives here most of the time.
Then she goes ahead with her errand; as Sam delivers the pieces to the man behind the counter, she sees Toto getting handed back his credit card; after a bit, a man gives a box to Sussie's hands; they get up at the same and start exiting the room together; holding hands.
Fuck! They are about to see her; there is no way she can duck down and hide behind clear crystal panels.
—Sam! —Sussie greets her, noticing her and happy to see her.
Toto turned his head, perplexed; he was checking out the male bracelets on the display wall on their way to the exit. He lets Sussie's hand go, and she comes close to hug Sam.
—Hi! How are you? Good to see you!
—Shopping spree?
—Oh, no, I'm just running an errand for Niki —she waves her hand, dismissing it. —All ready? —Sam addresses the jewelry cleaner guy.
—In a minute —he offers her a smile.
—Hey, why don't you join us for dinner?! —Sussie offers her.
—I would love to! But I have another task yet; I don't wish to get Niki all grumpy; you know how he is when he gets in a bad mood —Lies. Sussie laughs and nods, agreeing; Toto remains quiet and further away.
—Well, next time, then! When you are in Monaco too, come to our place, yes?
Okay, this is a shitty position to be for Sam; if she doesn't tell you, she is a terrible friend to you. But if she tells you, she is a lousy friend to Toto. LORD HAVE MERCY! She needs to give it a thought before opening her mouth!
When Toto decides to show up at the paddock, he goes to look for you. He looks tired and falls asleep next to you on a bench. You cover his face with your Balenciaga bomber jacket, giving him more privacy. You rest your left hand on top of his chest. 
Samanta then arrives.
—Oh, he is here, good.
—Shss, he just fell asleep!
—This reminds me of how babies are so cute when sleeping but a terror when up.
—He is always baby —you say with a silly voice, caressing his chest.
Toto tries to listen to the conversation beneath your jacket with his eyes closed; he is about to fall asleep when he hears Samanta's voice. He needs to talk to her and explain things, but he is so comfortable in your embrace, so that can wait.
—Haven't you seen his photo from when he was a kid? They asked us for the digital version to print and place on the commemorative mural the FIA is making for the anniversary pit walk.
—No, I haven't! Is it better than baby Bottas?
—Oh, you are going to die! I have the original one in my purse here —Sam hands you a glossy, old-looking picture, a bit yellowy.
—Aawwww, he is so cute! —You observe in detail the photo of little Toto, a bit tall for his age, with skinny legs and dark, wild hair up and to the sides, leaned against his go-kart, helmet in hand; his little sister makes a small appearance in the back, picking a pebble or something from the floor wearing a floral pattern jumper. Toto is wearing an electric blue seventies driver's suit. —Hair hasn't changed a bit; that pose is everything! —you instantly get heart eyes. —His nose is so tiny, and he looks adorable. So cute! —you say with a silly voice and stare at the picture more.
—Now give it back! —Sam demands you; she yanks the photo of your grip, struggling until you let it go, then Sam archives it quickly in her purse.
—Now, shush! I'm reading essential documents —you tell her.
—Like your job was for real!
—Excuse you with that again! —Sam smiles at you and quickly disappears, noticing you are about to throw your tumbler at her.
Half an hour later, you feel Toto move on the bench, turning and almost falling to the side. He tries to incorporate and bumps his forehead with the table.
—Ouchie, love! —you let out and start to rub his temple tenderly.
—Ow! That hurt! —Toto lets you pamper him. Then stays stomach on the bench, making tired noises.
—I don't love my job very much right now —He says, and after a couple of minutes, he starts incorporating, no longer being able to avoid it, dragging along your bomber jacket, stuck and caught on behind his neck, with his hair all wild, and an "I just wake up" face.
—I just saw a photo of kid you with that same hairstyle!
He looks at you with one wonky eye, slowly processing the information.
All you can do is smile at him and softly laugh at the sight; you are so in love with him.
—Gotta get going! —he tells you, gets on his feet, places your jacket at your side, and bends his tall, fit body to kiss you on the cheek, rubbing your shoulders with his hands simultaneously before walking away.
I will not be able to resist greet and saying goodbye to him just with kisses on the cheek any longer.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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craziechwiv · 13 days
The Paladin and their Succubus frenemy - 2
After doing his deeds around the village, Jaune returned to the cathedral which doubled as him and his team's base of operations. As he got settled in and greeted some of the members, he opened the door to his room to find a surprising guest.
Succubus!Ruby: Heya Jauney~!
Jaune looked on in horror as he saw Ruby, the succubus from before laying down on his bed, reading one of his books, while wearing one of Jaune's oversized woven cloth shirt that nearly covered her entire body. What do I mean by nearly? Because the damned demon had her legs swaying up and down, exposing her underside. I'll let your imaginations guess what she had under it... Her smug look being hidden by the book said just how much she enjoyed it, while Jaune found it less amusing than her.
Jaune: How did you- WHY ARE YOU HERE?!
Succubus!Ruby: What? Am I not allowed to visit my favorite Paladin~?
Ruby sat up, 'accidentally' having the shirt get caught on her head as her entire body was exposed to Jaune, who looked away with his face being beet red. Ruby pulled the shirt down and giggled to herself, taking way too much pleasure on teasing the Paladin.
Succubus!Ruby: Aww, clumsy me. I hope you didn't see anything that would be quite, sinful~. Did you?
Jaune: So help me gods above, I will kill you right here, right now.
Succubus!Ruby: But you won't~.
Jaune wanted to prove the succubus wrong but just at that moment he heard the muffled chatter of people getting closer to his room's door. Jaune, out of pure panic picked up the succubus and threw her into his closet.
Succubus!Ruby: Ow! What gi-
Jaune: Say nothing or I'll have your head on a mantle.
Succubus!Ruby: ...Yes sir~.
Jaune rolled his eyes and opened the door to his room, seeing his three teammates already about to enter his room. There was a great champion named Pyrrha, who everyone deemed to be the legendary slayer of demons all around and who should've led their group. Then there was Ren, a silent man who doesn't associate himself to others besides those he trusts or tolerate. Speaking of, then there's Nora. Who was great with the custom-made battle hammer passed down her family.
Jaune: H-Hey guys! What took you so long?
Pyrrha: Jaune, you're back already?
Jaune: Yeah...I just really like putting my all for any task!
Nora: And that's why you're such a great leader! Oh, speaking of we're about to head to the tavern for Pyrrha's celebration! Want to come?
Jaune: Sure, just give me one moment. I'll be right behind you guys.
Nora: Okay!
Ren: Please don't take too long.
With that conversation out of the way, Jaune nodded at them and closed his door abit faster than he would've liked. He then made his way back to his closet where he opened the door and discovered...no one was in there? When he peered deeper in, a figure jumped on his face. Jaune screamed out as the figure being none other than Ruby, held onto his head, suffocating the poor paladin with her big chest.
Succubus!Ruby: So, you're gonna ditch me for your friends? And I thought we had something special Jauney~.
Succubus!Ruby: Yes, yes. Religion this, oath that. Keep motorboating me~. You feel really good between my lovely spheres~!
Next Chapter >
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mayfast · 1 month
Chapter 3 WIP (Unbetaed)
Crumbs for the the TigerSeal and SeaMonkey fans. So if you've been wondering where I've been, I got diagnosed with epilepsy. So I got put on some meds that make me hella tired. Like all the time. I would sleep 15 hours a day if you let me. So it's been a struggle to get this next chapter up and rolling. But I'm close to finishing it. Afterwards I'll send it to my Beta (I feel so cool saying that), then I'll get it all posted on AO3, God bless that site.
“Jake Sully,” Somehow, he’s been expecting this all night. But he still wishes he could have another day to mentally prepare himself. He throws a casual look over his shoulder to spot Ao’nung behind him, glancing at him almost shyly.
            “Yes?” He sighs. He doesn’t want to give him the wrong impression, he’s started liking Ao’nung more. After he got over the Metkayina calling his daughter a freak, picking a fight with his kids, and almost killing Lo’ak. But hey, everyone makes mistakes, right?
            “I want to court Spider.” He’s blunt and staring Jake in the eyes. Almost like it’s a challenge, like he’s ready to fight. Jake can almost appreciate the little spitfire, but after the tongue lashing from Norm and Max earlier…he’s caught between a rock and a hard place.
            “Yeah?” He acknowledged with some gravel in his voice.
            “…Yes.” The other held some confusion in his eyes. His blue eyes wandering over Jake’s slumped form, trying to get a read on him. “I don’t know what I’m doing though.” This draws a snort out of him. Took a big man to admit when he’s lost. Maybe Ao’nung is maturing.
            “How so?” He raised an eyebrow and patted the ground beside. He had decided to take a little detour back to the center beach, where the adults are still celebrating, after laying Tuk down for bed. He was going to send Spider, Kiri and Lo’ak to sleep when he got back, but he wanted to give them a little more time with their friends. Now the current bane of his existent came and found him.
The younger man sat down on the beach as Jake observed the sky. “I… I don’t … There’s a lot.” Ao’nung breathed after a moment. His shoulders slumping, mirroring Jake’s posture.
“Well, find your first question.” He laughed, turning to watch Ao’nung roll his eyes, tail twitching as he digs his fingers through the sand.
“Is Spider old enough to be courted?” He questions after a moment. His gaze fixated on the sand below him and his ears are pinned back, distraught. Jake can almost feel pain. Dating someone younger than you can be a risky game, especially when they’re a different species with different aging practices.
“Dating.” Jake corrects him and looks up at the sky again. Finding the star that supposedly his first home orbits around. “We call it dating. And yes, he’s old enough to go on dates with you.” Norm’s going to tear him a new one. Max will stitch him up just to tear him a second one.
“It’s where you do courting practices, but you don’t mate even if you think your ready, at least not yet, he’s not old enough for sex, okay?” It feels dirty coming out of his mouth, like ash and acid. Yet, he needs to set some boundaries, some lines in the sand. He’s the only one here who understands how human teens work, kind of.
“Okay.” Ao’nung nods, good, he sounds accepting.  “How do I court the human way?”
“Why do you want to do it the human way?” Jake finds himself suspicious. Not that anything Ao’nung says doesn’t make sense, but why is he going so left field for someone’s who’s so different from him. Jake had to learn the Na’vi way, because he was on Eywa’eveng. Ao’nung doesn’t need to go out of his way to learn another culture.
“He’s ashamed to be human.” Ao’nung tells him after a moment of internal debate. He’s confident in his answer, sounds like he and Spider have already had a conversation. “I don’t want Spider to be ashamed of what he is, or who he is. So, I want to prove to him that I accept all of him. Even the parts he doesn’t like so much.”
            He’s not exactly sure how to feel about this. It’s a lot for his jar head to take in. Ao’nung trying to do this the right way. And shouldn’t Jake want the best for Spider? Someone who wants to make him happy and feel like he belongs? Still, shouldn’t that have been him? What if Spider end up with Daddy issues and acts out later in life? He could get self-destructive, well more self-destructive, or codependent on Ao’nung.
            “Humans are different from Na’vi, Ao’nung, you know this. From how they look, to how they show affection.” He grabs Ao’nung by the shoulder, needing the other to look him in the eye. “They can’t form a tsaheylu, ever. Are you okay that?” Because he doesn’t want Ao’nung to regret his decision ten years down the line and start resenting his baby. It would be unfair to both of them.
            “With him, I don’t need one.” Ao’nung clasps a hand over his forearm. The grip just as tight as his hand on the Metkayina’s shoulder. “I want him the way he is.”
            It soothes a part of his soul. Jake’s gone through most of his life without a bond. But after experiencing it, he’s not sure he could go back. It was like an addiction. The peace of mind his mate gave him. A safe space that only he and she were allowed to curl up into. Ao’nung would never have that.
            “If you’re serious about this, I need to warn you that humans don’t mature until twenty-five. That means he’s still changing a bit, figuring out who he is.” Jake retracts his hand and throws it over his bend knee. “I wouldn’t change being with Neytiri for anything, but I was twenty-two when she and I bonded. I was still figuring out my place in the world, but she helped me through it. Spider may not be the same person he is now.”
            He notices the way Ao’nung closes his eyes and smiles. “Then he is like the sea. It’s never same.”
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
crazy over you ~ simon ghost riley x reader slow burn/enemies to lovers
description: y/n gets transferred to task force 141 and quickly becomes friends with soap and gaz, but her and ghost "hate" each other for the first part.
warnings: mentions of violence and death (duh), alcohol intake, smoking (at some point), nsfw (at some point), subtle flirting with soap. i'm new to writing? so don't expect this to be the greatest. this is not in line with the game campaigns or missions. the only characters i included are y/n, soap, gaz, price, & ghost. i have no knowledge of the military this is just creativity
disclaimer: i do not own modern warfare or any of its characters.
chapters: next [alone] last
A/N - short chapter, sorry! I know you guys might be mad at me for the last chapter! It'll be alright 😋
It's been a long week. No one has visited you lately, either. The nurses have been busy, so they've been behind on your pain medicine schedule. This is definitely the worst pain you've felt, so much that you come to tears every day over it. Of course, on top of that, Simon "breaking it off" helped your tears flow heavier. Seriously? All of that. You just had sex, and he's done? You really couldn't believe it. You played with the necklace he gave you all the time thinking of him. 
Finally, some knocks fall upon the door. The nurse walks in, "Hey, sweetie. Got your meds, and you have some visitors. Aww, sweetie." She notices your tears. "It'll be alright."
"Yeah, right," you scoff, taking the pill with the cup of water she handed you.
"You have some visitors today!" she smiles. "Shall I welcome them in?"
"I guess... Wait, who is it?"
"Two guys, I'm assuming from your force?" 
"I guess..." you lean back, still playing with the necklace. 
"I'll leave you guys be..." she walks out, leaving the door open for them to come in. In walks Soap and Gaz, both sighing when they see you.
Soap walks up, kneeling down beside your bed, noticing your teary eyes. "What's wrong, lass?"
You shrug, a ball of fire catching in your throat as you try to hold back the tears. You manage to choke out, "Every fucking thing."
He frowns and grabs your shaking hand from the necklace, "Hey... 'S alright, y/n. Yer tough, y'know."
"Yeah, right," you snorted. "Haven't proved myself one fucking bit. You guys probably think I'm shit at this job. Maybe I shouldn't have transferred here."
"Tha' sin bullshit," he laughed. 
"Hey, we're proud of you, y/n," Gaz chimed in. 
"Thanks, I guess," you sniffled, wiping your tears.
Soap sat up, patted your shoulders and sucked in a breath. "L.T. may act like he doesn't care, but deep down he does, lass..."
"Oh, yeah, right... He already let me know how it is, it's alright," you shrugged, bursting into tears again.
Soap and Gaz look at each other confused, but don't add to the pain. They don't want to push you any further. 
"We hope you feel better, Diamond," Gaz smiles at you. "We'll leave you alone for now, we'll be visiting between missions. Sorry it took so long to visit you."
"No worries, guys," you smiled weakly. "Do better than me."
For two more weeks, you're alone, still. Besides quick visits with Soap, Gaz and rare visits from the captain, you're stuck in the hell you call your mind, alone. 
The nurses tell you that you'll be transferred to on-base medics soon, but they said that last week, and the week before. Honestly, you didn't care right now. As long as you were away from him. 
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whatacaitastrophe · 4 months
Is It Over Now - Chapter 12
Previous Chapter
Chapter Song Inspiration: "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" - Brand New
Chapter Warnings: Mystra
Spotify Playlist: Here
Chapter Notes: this is the last chapter of "Is It Over Now!" thank you so much to everyone who has read this fic and liked it, reblogged it, left comments etc. the next installment, "Everything Has Changed" is already on AO3, and i'll start uploading chapters here soon <3
also!! i have a discord server!! it was made to coincide with the twitch channel, but i need more friends to talk about bg3 with so pls come hang. link is above!
Chapter 12: Call Me A Safe Bet, I'm Betting I'm Not
“Astarion, we’re supposed to be packing.” Fallon giggles.
Astarion is also supposed to be in the kitchen, taking stock of what food they have left and how much of it is worth taking with them. Instead, he’s in their bedroom with his arms wrapped around Fallon’s waist from behind, peppering kisses across her neck and shoulders. “We’ve done enough packing for today, I think it’s time we take a well-deserved break.” 
“We just started!” Fallon argues, but she also does nothing to stop Astarion’s hands from slipping beneath the hem of her shirt. 
“We started yesterday.” His fingertips dance lightly over the skin above her trousers underneath her shirt. 
Fallon looks at the clock on the wall and giggles again. “You cheeky fucker, just because we started at half-ten in the evening and it’s now one in the morning does not count as starting to pack yesterday. It’s been two and a half hours!”
“Fallon, darling, I’m starting to think you don’t want to have sex with me. It’s going to give me a complex.” Astarion chuckles and he brushes her hair to the side to nip at the nape of her neck. 
She snorts with laughter when he says that. “Yes, because Ao forbid I try to actually make sure we’re prepared to leave for Velrea in four days,” she says drily, leaning into his touch and tilting her head further to the side to give him better access. “Nevermind that we’ve not gone a single day without having sex since the Winter Solstice.”
Astarion pauses for a moment, and Fallon does not need to look at him to know that her partner is digging through his memory to try and prove Fallon wrong. The dramatic huff following the silence is also telling: he knows she’s right. Not that this deters him at all. Instead the vampire changes tactics. “Well, when I live with the most beautiful woman in all of Faerun, how can I be blamed for wanting her constantly? I mean, what would you do if you were in my position?” His fingers deftly slip beneath the very top of her trousers, skimming over her hips. 
A shiver rolls across Fallon’s body, and she almost, almost, gives in. It’s been two months since the Winter Solstice, and Fallon and Astarion have been insatiable ever since. It’s like finally admitting how much they love each other woke up something inside of the them, and with it came a new level of virility that Lae’zel claimed makes them “impossible to be around for longer than an hour.” Truthfully, Fallon would love nothing more than to stop folding clothes and let Astarion take her right there on top of the freshly laundered pile but they have a deadline to meet. If they want to reach Velrea before the Spring Equinox, they absolutely must leave in four days’ time. 
“If I were in your position, I’d take a cold bath then go back to the kitchen.” She giggles. It is only then that Fallon turns around to face Astarion, and she plants a soft kiss on his lips, then pats his cheek when he pouts. “I promise to make it up to you, my love. I’ll even show you what I bought at Figaro’s when I went shopping with Shadowheart a couple days ago. It’s lacy and pretty, positively sinful and completely impractical for traveling.” Fallon teases him, biting her lip and batting her eyelashes. 
“Wicked woman. Absolutely wicked.” Astarion smirks, kissing her once more. “I’m holding you to that.” 
“I expect nothing less. Now go.” Fallon gently pushes him away from her, playfully smacking his backside as he leaves the room. 
The last time the two of them traveled together it was about as unplanned as it could get, considering they’d both been kidnapped and forced to make due with whatever happened to be on their person at first. Now that they have the time to plan and prepare, Fallon wants to do so. Even with it only being the two of them this time, Fallon easily resumed the leadership role she naturally took on during their adventures from the nautiloid to Baldur’s Gate, and Astarion was happy to let her. He’d even admitted to Fallon that was initially part of why he wanted her to come with him in the first place. “You’re better at making tough decisions than I am. Better at taking the emotions out of it, if you will.” He’d explained. 
Fallon could only hope that she is still able to think that logically in the event they are faced with danger. Things are different now, and there is far more at stake; namely, how far she would be willing to go to keep Astarion safe and to help him get what he wants. Fallon would never say she didn’t love Gale, but she certainly did not love Gale in the way she loves Astarion now. The way she feels about the vampire is soul-deep and all-encompassing. If anything ever happened to Astarion, she would scorch the entire world to save him. 
How is it possible that the two of them had so many clothes? It’s not like they were constantly leaving the suite. Astarion couldn’t unless it was dark outside, and Fallon’s sleep schedule was slightly closer to his these days because of it. When they did leave, it was only to go downstairs to the tavern, or occasionally to Wyll’s. Lae’zel and Shadowheart had returned to Creche K’liir, promising to visit more often, same with Karlach and Halsin back to The Grove. On top of that, when Astarion and Fallon were at home they were naked more than half the time because of their inability to keep their hands off of each other. 
Thank the gods they were clothed this evening, however, because the easy silence that filled the suite was interrupted by the sound of somebody opening a portal in the sitting room. “What the–”
“I seek an audience with Fallon of Baldur’s Gate.” An ominous female voice echoes through the suite, and Fallon freezes. She knows that voice. It’s a voice she’s only ever heard once before, but once was enough for her to know enough. Fallon grabs her sword on her way out of the bedroom, despite knowing that it will likely do little should the owner of the voice pick a fight. Astarion apparently had the same idea, for when they meet in the hallway, Astarion is holding a dagger. Quickly, Astarion kisses Fallon and whispers, “I love you,” before taking a step in front of her protectively as they enter the sitting room. 
At the sight of Mystra, Goddess of Magic, Fallon’s heart rate increases exponentially. She’s even more beautiful than Gale’s memories of her depicted, and on that alone, Fallon understands why Gale walked directly into her trap time and time again. Why in the nine hells is Mystra in her home? She quickly scans the sitting room for Gale, but the demi-god is not present. Fallon looks Mystra in the eyes and swallows as she desperately tries to keep her cool. 
“I can’t say I know what the protocol is when a goddess comes to visit. Am I to bow? Offer you tea? Drop to my knees and pray? Then again, you’re not my goddess, so I suppose I don’t need to do any of those things.” Fallon says cooly, and her grip tightens on her sword.
“Put your weapons away, I did not come here to harm you.” Mystra demands. 
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Astarion snarls back at her, dagger raised. 
“You will not threaten me, vampire.” Mystra snaps.
“You’re the one who entered my home without an invitation, not the other way around,” He snaps back. “What do you want with Fallon?”
Mystra does not recoil when Astarion refuses to back down, but her presence seems to become less…overbearing, somehow. “I came to congratulate her.” 
Astarion and Fallon look at each other in confusion. “Congratulate me for what?”
“For ruining Gale of Waterdeep’s life.” 
Fallon’s blood goes cold, and her grip on her sword loosens. “What have you done to Gale?”
Mystra lets out a cold laugh. “Oh, it’s not a question of what I’ve done, Fallon of Baldur’s Gate, but a question of what Gale of Waterdeep has done. For you, because of you, however you wish to interpret it.”
Even Astarion is lowering his weapons now, and he takes a step back to hold Fallon’s free hand. Whatever Mystra is about to reveal, it’s definitely not good, and Gale is definitely not okay. “What did he do?” Astarion asks.
Mystra smirks. “Gale of Waterdeep has decided that he no longer wishes to become a god. He claims that if being a god means spending eternity without you in it, then he doesn’t want it.”
Oh no. Fallon’s heart drops into her stomach as she slowly puts the pieces together in her mind. She remembers what Gale said of his bargain with Mystra in order to achieve godhood, and what the stakes were. What the cost would be if he denied Mystra. Astarion must remember, too, because his grip on her hand tightens. 
“I told Gale of Waterdeep the consequences of his choice would be the same now as they were when I first offered him a chance to ascend to godhood. He chose you still. I simply needed to meet the woman who turned my chosen against me so thoroughly face-to-face, and to bring her a gift.” 
Whatever this gift is, Fallon is already certain it’s not much of a gift at all. Not for her, not for Astarion, and most certainly not for Gale. 
Mystra snaps her fingers, and Gale Dekarios is suddenly on the ground at Fallon and Astarion’s feet. He looks up at her weakly, and when he reaches for her, his entire body is shaking. Fallon’s sword hits the ground with a clang and lets go of Astarion’s hand, dropping to her knees in front of Gale.
“What have you done to him, you wretched bitch?!” Fallon screams at Mystra. Fallon reaches for Gale’s body and Astarion is almost immediately at her side, helping her pull Gale closer to them both, wrapping their bodies around Gale to protect him from Mystra. If that’s even possible at this point, as it seems the damage is already done.
“I have not done anything Gale of Waterdeep has not asked for,” Mystra says coldly. “He knew the consequences of defying me, turning his back on me, and chose you anyway, so I bring him to you, Fallon of Baldur’s Gate. For he is your problem now, in all his imperfect, entirely and ordinarily human disgrace.” 
Mystra says nothing else before stepping back through her portal, and Fallon and Astarion watch in shock as it closes. It is only once Mystra is gone that either of them realize Gale is inconsolable. 
“She– she took my magic. Fallon– it’s gone. I can’t feel The Weave anymore. Oh gods. It’s gone!” Fallon pulls as much of Gale into her lap as she can and holds him there as the man she once loved so fiercely completely breaks down. Even after everything Gale has done, he didn’t deserve this punishment. Taking away his access to The Weave was already cruel, but dropping him on his ex-lover’s doorstep? That was especially malicious. 
“It’s gone.” Gale continues to repeat, and Fallon just looks at Astarion desperately. For once, she does not know what to do. 
“Well,” Astarion sighs, and reaches for Fallon’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “I guess I’d better make sure we’ve got enough food for three, then.”
There’s no hesitancy in his voice and Fallon nods in agreement: Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep, mortal, non-magical, and human, is coming with them to Velrea, whether he likes it or not.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I just read the fic. Thank you so much!!! It was so enjoyable to read!!!
Can you do a fic of Taehoon trying to win his ex back? Like they've been broken up for some time (idk how long) and Tae Tae(😂😂) tries to get them back.
Angst (like ANGST ANGST) to fluff please.
Black anon
PS: the Taehoon fic was REALLY good and creative.
Thanks for the ask and glad you liked the first one. I think my braincells are dying, sorry this again isn't angst angst or fluffy fluffy!
Seong Taehoon x Reader: As friends
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You had come at the wrong time in his life.
Taehoon realised you had never signed up to fix him but unfortunately you were handed a broken shell.
Truthfully, he wasn't too sure why he agreed to date you. (He was an asshole, but that didn't mean he didn't adore you. He just found himself incapable of showing it.) He supposed, above all else, you were a good distraction.
Hurting over Dowoon, he had pushed and pushed you away, testing the boundary of your kindness and loyalty to him.
Someone like you deserved a lot, and Taehoon wasn't able to give even the minimum.
You had snapped and said obviously he wasn't fit to be in a relationship or to focus on anybody else.
Of course you were right. It hurt a lot in hindsight but at the time all he felt was nothing.
You were caught in the periphery of his life.
Seeing you at school, hanging with your friends, occasionally at the arcade. Enough to exchange a few words, but never to satisfy his yearning.
Underneath his layers of hostility and chaos, was an atom of gentleness that you had managed to embed yourself into.
Taehoon found himself swinging between sweet daydreams and bitter regret, hoping that you and him was a chapter left unfinished. Where has this romanticism even come from.
Still, the glimpses into your life had to be enough considering how your relationship ended.
Eventually it got harder and harder for Taehoon to come up with excuses to frequent places where he had seen you last. In the end it was easier to just admit to himself that he wanted to see you.
The catalyst to him making his next move was hearing your laugh. After so long, he would still be able to recognise that anywhere.
Around your shoulders was an arm that wasn't Taehoon's, the laughter ringing out wasn't caused by Taehoon. And Taehoon definitely didn't play a part in your happiness, then or now.
You found him staring at you, and you acknowledged him with a simple nod and small smile.
This was something he needed to fix.
With great relief, Taehoon found out that that guy you were seeing was just one-off. There wasn't any chemistry, you had explained.
"What about with me?"
"...That was never the problem,"
"There won't be a problem anymore."
You were hesitant to pick at this thread. Taehoon saw the doubt and uneasiness in your eyes, yet he was too stubborn to let this go. To let you go.
He's not a patient guy, but if that's what it takes. Building up the foundations up again, he'll do it for you.
"We're getting a drink," your eyes snapped up to meet his, "as friends."
"Just as friends?"
"At first." Taehoon didn't see any point in lying to you, especially if he wanted to restart on the right foot, "I'll prove it to you. It won't be like last time."
How have you ended up here again? Your back up against the wall literally and metaphorically.
Even after all the initial hurt had subsided, you were still plagued by the what ifs. You thought it was a distant musing, but now here's Seong Taehoon in the flesh asking you for a second chance.
Perhaps you're a masochist.
"One drink."
At your response, Taehoon's lips quirk (and his shoulders sag with relief).
Damn this man to hell, you've even missed his smirk.
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
twenty-one | where it all went wrong
prev masterlist next
when has anything ever gone your way?
warnings: blood mention, lots of swearing, slight angst, yelling and a bit of breakdowns, not exactly proofread
a/n: sorry for the late update! been really busy lately and this chapter was making me go nuts lmao. 5k+ words. happy reading!
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“shut up, it's not funny.”
you covered your mouth in an attempt to contain in your laughs, but failed when scaramouche had his face all scrunched up in front of you.
“y–you— you can't dance?” you asked once again, giggling as you do so.
scaramouche scoffed, turning his head away dramatically with his arms crossed. “i can dance, i just prefer not to.”
“sure you do, dude. wanna show me some moves to prove that statement of yours?” you grinned, raising your brows up and down.
the male in front of you groaned, and started to head somewhere else, annoyed with your teasing.
you swiftly grabbed his arm and pulled him back to where he was, laughter slowly coming to a stop. “come on, i was just joking!” you chirped, and scaramouche rolled his eyes. “i'll teach you how to dance, fair enough?”
“you're probably shit at it too.”
you slapped his arm gently, causing him to frown at you, but didn't continue further on the banter. smiling at his stupid yet cute expression, you sighed.
it's nice to have idiotic arguments with the ravenette once in a while. even though none of them poses a threat underneath now, you still enjoyed every single bit of it.
it was also still a little awkward between you two. the gradual change from being enemies to... whatever the hell you two are now is highly weird, and you can't deny that it's not exactly a good feeling.
sure, you've gotten way past the stupid arguments over the most minor mistakes, and have now gotten to the stage where you two are comfortable being in each other's presence, yet it felt quite weird.
it feels like everything is just moving too fast.
you wished things could slow down more, because you're not sure what you'd do if everything were to go wrong in just the blink of an eye.
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“can you stop fucking this up? you've been stomping on my foot for archons know how many times!” you hissed as you get your foot stomped by scaramouche, once again.
he simply glared at you, indigo eyes filled with annoyance. ironic, you think. you were the only one here who deserved to be annoyed right now, not him.
“maybe if you taught me better then i wouldn't be doing that for the past ten minutes!”
gritting your teeth, you faked a smile at him. “i am teaching you properly, you're the one who has no skill in dancing at all!” you retorted, pointing at your feet. “this is going to be hell for me to take care of once we get home.”
sighing, he looks down to the floor, well, at your feet, you supposed.
you pursed your lips to a thin line. “if you don't like doing these stuff then we can stop and sit somewhere.”
at this, he huffed, hesitantly putting his hands on your waist to pull you closer. “um– well– it's... it's okay. i'm willing to learn, i guess.” he muttered, facing elsewhere to hide the blush that's creeping up his neck. “but only because you wanted to do this stupid thing so bad!” he quickly added, making you heave out a breath of laughter.
“you're cute when you're trying to give out dumb excuses.” you teased, and scaramouche fumbles even more at your sentence.
“what– you– ugh, whatever. it's not like you'd give up on it anyways.” the ravenette groaned.
in the midst of your banter, the music went from upbeat to a more slow and soft melody. lights became less colourful, and soon after, everyone with a date was filling up the dance floor to have the classic slow dance.
slowly draping your arms on scaramouche's shoulders, you let out another sigh. “you're lucky this is the easiest dance out of all.” you informed. “you just have to sway to the music slowly, like this.” stepping to the left, you lead the man in front of you.
he reluctantly followed along, stepping a few steps to the right once the music continues to a new beat, making sure he wasn't stepping on your foot again, or worse, tripping over himself.
“see? not that bad, right?” you arched a brow at him, and scaramouche clicked his tongue at your never ending teasing. you two continued swaying to the slow music, relishing in each other's presence.
scaramouche's hold on you was stiff, and his moves were much more of something a robot would be doing, but you paid no mind. you liked him like this, awkward and hesitant.
“we should be focusing on the case right now.” he murmured, looking away from you.
“hm... i would agree on you, but there's nothing suspicious here, it leaves us no reason to believe there's any leads.” you replied, causing him to look back at you.
scaramouche stared at you for a couple of seconds before speaking. “i just... have this feeling, y'know?” he muttered, his grip on your waist still firm. “that something is going to happen.”
the ravenette had always have this sheer instinct where he could just tell if something was about to go down, for whatever reason you don't know, but it has helped you two a lot whenever you work on a case before, as much as you hated to admit it.
this weird inkling of his serves a lot of help most of the time, but you don't think this is one of them.
“look, we checked out everything, no?” he slowly nodded at your words, and you continued. “i'm sure we would've found something when we went on a search, but we didn't. i know this case is important... but you've got to relax once in a while.” you said, going to the left as scaramouche followed along.
he lets out a huff, and his hold on your waist slowly softened. ah, you figured it right. he was so nervous about the case that he unconsciously gripped you a little too hard. not that you minded, of course, it barely bothered you.
“oh, now that i remember, where's viktor and yun jin? didn't viktor say that he wanted to participate in the dance?” you asked, looking around the dance floor to see if they were here, but they were nowhere in sight. “they're not here.”
scaramouche averted his gaze to peer around the area too, looking for the couple. his eyes came to a stop when he saw viktor sitting at a table, all by himself, yun jin missing.
he lightly pinched your waist, making you look back at him warily. “he's over there.” you snapped your eyes to the direction scaramouche had pointed, looking at viktor mindlessly playing with the food on his plate.
yun jin's not there, you thought. did she excuse herself to the bathroom?
you had just the slightest sympathy towards the tall brunette as you watch him continuously stab the leftover steak with a fork, before remembering that he was the main suspect to your case.
which made you realise that you were only three months in this undercover duty. you currently only have about half of the leads that were needed, but none of them were enough proof that viktor is your guy. sure, he had been suspicious at times, but you never managed to catch up with his schemes due to how wary he is, always looking out to his surroundings.
you glanced back to scaramouche. “should we go to him?”
“we can just watch him from afar.”
humming, you continued on slow dancing with the ravenette. this was enjoyable, you think. you never thought it'd feel this great to be dancing with scaramouche under the soft spotlights along with the other couples, without even being a couple yourselves. your arms were looped around his neck, fingers slightly playing with the ends of his hair.
after a moment, you speak up. “is it... really okay for you to talk to me about those stuff?”
“hm? what stuff?”
you rolled your eyes at his obliviousness. “y'know, your personal life, your real name, your mother and all.” you mumbled lowly, but still enough for scaramouche to hear. “knowing you, i'd probably be the last person you'd want to tell about them.”
he chuckled, hands smoothing along your waist. “i'm gonna be honest with you here.”
you perked your head up, attentively listening to what he's about to say. “go on, i'm listening.”
he took a moment to go over the words he wanted to say in his head, indigo eyes scanning your face fondly. to him, you were the most dazzling person on the dance floor right now, your presence alone was enough to light up the place.
“you're the most important person in my life.” he announced, and your mouth fell agape.
your breath hitched as you look up to him with widened eyes. did he... actually say that? blinking a couple of times, you continued staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers.
does he even know the effect he'd have on you when he said those exact words? scaramouche may be one of the most dense people you've ever met, but surely he'd have to know that sentence holds a big deal. especially to you.
flustered, you look away from him, peering over other couples dancing instead, seemingly like their dance was far more interesting than the one you're currently having with the man in front of you.
“you should really start thinking before speaking.”
he raised a brow, confused. “oh... did i say something wrong?” scaramouche asked, voice unsure.
you quickly avert your gaze back to him, unknowingly tugging him closer to you than before. “ah–no!” you said, fumbling for a reply. “it's just... goodness, how should i say this...”
“well– you should just, um, know how much of an effect those words would have on someone. it holds a big meaning.”
he scrunched his nose, and you swear it was the cutest thing he's ever done.
damn him and his stupid yet subtle actions.
he thinks about what you said, and registered those words into his head, deciphering on what he told you. upon realisation, he blushed furiously, unconsciously gripping your waist harder than before. “stop thinking further into it. it's– nothing of the sorts.”
cracking up a smile at him, you chuckled. “it's okay, i know what you meant, kuni.” you muttered, the new nickname of his still felt foreign in your tongue, but it was still adorable nonetheless. “you're the most important person in my life too. though we have been at each others throats for as long as i can remember, i don't think there is a day where i don't look forward to our silly arguments.”
“even when i have the day off?”
“even when you have the day off. you don't understand how exhausting it is dealing with childe all by myself.”
he laughed, you following along. out of the blue, he landed his chin on your shoulder, bringing you way more closer than you could ever imagine. eyes wide, you stood there frozen, not knowing what to do.
“thank you, y/n. i never thought we'd ever get this close in the course of this case, but i'm glad we are.” he mumbled, voice muffled from your skin.
smiling, you nodded, one hand playing with the back of his hair. you took in his scent, the faint smell of his cologne engulfed you whole, and you think it's the most attractive thing ever. your heart was beating like crazy, and you hoped he couldn't hear the vibrations of it, due to how you spared no space from each other.
you wished this moment could last forever.
but then again, nothing ever goes your way.
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it's been a few minutes, and the slow dance slowly comes to a stop along with the soft music, making scaramouche tilt his head up from resting on your shoulder, reluctantly moving away. his indigo eyes stared into your own, and you slightly smiled at his actions.
“what?” you asked giddily, amused with how lost he is whenever he looks into your eyes.
spotlights were back to their colourful state, contrary to what it was a moment ago, students still filled to the brim on the dance floor, as if like none of them wanted this to end.
you didn't too.
“you're pretty tonight.” he blurted with a monotonous tone, causing you to widened your eyes, surprised at the compliment he gave you.
out of everything he could've said, the one thing you least expected was the one he said instead. it was almost unbelievable, he was never one to be giving out compliments willingly, let alone when he was forced to. he'd never say something nice about someone.
but as he stood before you, he seemed like a totally different person. the scaramouche you knew would never dance with you. the scaramouche you knew would never hold you close, the scaramouche you knew would never, ever, say something remotely nice about you.
yet he did all of those things in just one night. just who had posessed him into doing this?
the compliment left you in a flustered mess, and you mentally cursed scaramouche for making you feel this way.
stop it, you thought to yourself. you're not supposed to melt over him. he's merely your partner in this case, nothing more.
this case is more important than the relationship you two currently have, you think. you should, no, you have to move this aside, and focus on solving this case, first and foremost.
“...thank you.” you hesitantly said. you looked elsewhere to avoid his gaze, glancing up to the ceiling filled with spotlights instead.
you noticed something off about the spotlight that was a few feet above scaramouche. it was slowly dangling backwards and forwards, unlike the other spotlights that were hanging still. if you listen closely, you could hear the sound of screws squeaking.
letting out a small gasp, you finally realised that the spotlight was probably the one the workers were talking about the other day.
‘...there were a few screws loose, and the workers didn't manage to find them...’
that must be it.
“what's wrong?” scaramouche asked worryingly.
“we... we gotta get out from here.” you whispered, unfortunately for scaramouche, he couldn't hear you.
you retracted your hands from his shoulders, resting one of them on his forearm instead. “we need to–”
you stopped your sentence abruptly, wincing at the sudden sound coming from your ear. scaramouche was doing the same, one hand leaving your waist to touch his hear, hissing from the unbearable sound.
looking to your surroundings, you hastily peered around to see that, no one else were reacting the same way as you two are, leaving you in a confused state.
why the hell are you two the only ones hearing the high pitched sound? why is everyone acting normal?
‘ear pieces. just in case we need them.’
someone here knew you had your ear pieces?
you snapped your head to scaramouche. “the ear piece!”
but as soon as you said those words, the venue suddenly turned pitch black, all lights stopped functioning. everyone let out sounds of confusion, weirded out by how the whole venue blacked out.
“what's happening?” someone asked.
“why did the lights go out?” another person near you questioned.
“y/n, stay close!” scaramouche said, pulling you closer to him.
and then you heard it. the sound of a screw falling down to the floor, landing with a small echo.
it was still pitch black, but you could still make out the exact location of the spotlight you were eyeing a moment ago.
widening your eyes even more, you quickly look back at scaramouche.
it's gonna hit him.
you exhaled heavily, and on instinct, you changed your positions with scaramouche, leaving him even more confused than he already is.
“y/n? what are you–”
without hesitation, you pushed him hard, making him stumble backwards. scaramouche quickly looked back up to you and was about to speak, before he stopped when the sound of something crashing down to the floor echoed through the ballroom, making everyone let out gasp after gasp.
“what in the world was that?”
“i think i heard it from there!”
the people on the dance floor murmured between each other, asking what had just happened. the atmosphere from what was peaceful a second ago turned into chaos, as everyone slowly came to a panic when the lights still haven't been turned on.
everyone except scaramouche.
he stood there, frozen. the ravenette was still processing things, and when he finally came to the situation he was in right now, he lets out a shaky breath.
“y/n...?” he mumbled, hoping for a reply.
but no response came.
as if to make things worse, the lights suddenly came back, and scaramouche's eyes went wide.
lying unconsciously on the floor, you were knocked out from a spotlight, your head slowly bleeding out. it was a terrifying sight.
as everyone's gaze landed on your figure, gasps and shouts were heard, and people quickly surrounded you.
scaramouche was still frozen, but then swiftly snapped back to reality when he realised that you're hurt. he hastily brushed past the people that were starting to crowd the scene, pushing everyone that was in the way.
he stopped in his tracks when he finally stood before you, your figure lying helplessly on the floor. everyone shouted between each other to call an ambulance, and just as the students of snezhnaya university had thought this would be a wonderful night to remember, it is now their worst nightmare instead.
scaramouche crouched down to you, and checked for your pulse. she's still alive, he thought to himself, letting out a sigh of relief. he cradled you close to his chest, hoping that help would come as soon as possible.
gritting his teeth, he swore he'd hunt down whoever did this to you. and finish them for good.
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you woke up to the familiar room.
fuck. you're back here again.
looking to your right, you peered over to the infamous iv drip.
shit, you can't be serious.
you suddenly felt lightheaded, wincing in pain as you brought up a hand to hold your head, but stopped abruptly when you felt a gauze roll wrapped around your head.
just what had happened to you?
you shifted yourself on the bed to sit up more comfortably, and unknowingly bumped your leg to someone. raising a brow, you looked down to see that, scaramouche, had his head rested at the edge of your bed.
huh, you just had a glimpse of deja vu.
you vividly remembered that you were in this exact type of situation back when the incident occurred. except that this time your head was the one all bandaged up instead.
due to your light movements, scaramouche slowly looked up from where he rested, and landed his eyes on you, who was now awake. he quickly scrambled to his feet and got closer to you, cupping your cheek with one of his hands, his other resting on your shoulder.
“oh–thank goodness, you're awake...” he said, thumb caressing your cheekbone. the ravenette clicked on the monitor beside your hospital bed, and informed the doctor in charge that you were awake.
your eyes trailed over his actions on the small monitor, and when he finally looked back at you after he was done, his demeanor completely changed to a 180, expression turning back to one you had never thought would return.
yup, you're definitely fucked.
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“she can be discharged today. though, please look out for her, she needs all the rest.” the doctor in front of you said, writing on his clipboard. “the bandage should be changed every time she gets out of the shower, and the wound should be healed by the end of the week, it's nothing that serious, you needn't worry.”
scaramouche slowly nodded. “sure.”
the doctor looked up from his clipboard and landed his eyes on scaramouche. “i'd advise you to not make her stressed out that much, it could result in her having a huge headache. even though her injuries aren't anything major, it still left a big impact to her head.”
the doctor continued on informing scaramouche of the needed information, while you sat at the waiting area. scaramouche hasn't talked to you ever since you got out of your hospital room, and you slightly shudder at the thought of scaramouche hating you for what you've done.
you're not sure what you're gonna come home to, but you're sure as hell it's not gonna be anything good.
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the ride back to the campus dorms was fairly quiet, scaramouche not uttering a single word, focusing on the road instead. you on the other hand didn't say anything as well, afraid of what you'd be greeted with if you were to even open your mouth.
as you both entered your dorm, the door slowly closed, and scaramouche stood by the door for a few seconds, hand still on the doorknob. the dorm was still fairly dull and quiet due to the dark weather, adding up to the sullen situation you're in right now.
“do you want to explain what happened last night?”
you halted in your tracks and turned around, looking at scaramouche's back. “oh, uh...” you trailed off, trying to find the right words.
“what the hell were you thinking?” his voice suddenly raised a little higher, his hand gripping on the doorknob tight, knuckles turning white. “do you even know what you were getting yourself into?”
you frowned, crossing your arms as you stood in the middle of the dorm. “of course i do.”
“then why?” he asked, voice cracking. “why did you have to do that and injure yourself?”
“look, i just had to... okay? let's not do this right now, kuni. i don't want to think about it.”
he turns around, eyes snapping to you. “no. let's talk about it. right here, right now.” he said, folding his arms as he stood behind the closed door.
you frowned even more at this. “kuni, just stop, please. we don't have to make this complicated.”
“and what? you're just gonna continue doing all of those shit? be the stupid fucking hero where you sacrifice your life for others? and what next? continue this until you're battered to death?”
“you're just gonna brush off the fact that you pushed me away? just to let yourself get smashed into the floor by that fucking spotlight?!” he said furiously, his voice getting higher and higher, curses spilling out of his mouth like there's no tomorrow.
scaramouche heaved out a breath of a laugh, though no amusement laced his voice. “y–you really can't keep doing this to me, y/n. stop being the fucking hero you think you are. stop trying to get yourself into danger. just stop– stop all of this.”
clenching your fists, you looked at him with a perplexed expression, quite the complete opposite of last night. it's funny, you think. you never thought you'd be standing here, having possibly the worst ever fight with scaramouche. even after everything you've experienced with him this past week.
the faint pitter patter on the outside of your small balcony can be heard, and slowly, the rain comes down rather harshly, making the atmosphere between you and him the more painful.
“weren't you the one who wanted to sacrifice your life for people's safety?” you inquired, recalling back to when he mentioned about putting his life on the line. “why can't i do the same? am i not a detective like you are? did i not vow to the same oath as you?”
“doesn't mean you can go around willingly getting yourself in danger.”
you let out a sound between a scoff and a laugh, slowly stepping closer towards him. “i'm a fucking detective, for crying out loud! getting into danger is the main point of my job, did you seriously think i was gonna stand there idly and let you take the hit?!” you shouted, your tone matching his.
“yes.” was what he said. “stop putting yourself through hell, y/n! is that something so hard to do?! stop trying to save my life every fucking second!”
“oh, sure, i'm the one who's stubborn here. why can't you just mind your own business?! not everything has to be in your fucking control! news flash, scara, the world does not revolve around you!”
he halted when you stopped calling him by his real name, opting to the usual nickname you used to call him. still in the heat of the conversation, he brushed it off.
“don't be stupid and naive, y/n. stop doing this to yourself. i don't like seeing you in this state.” he said frustratingly, raking a hand through his hair. “do you even have any idea how fucking worried i was when those lights came back on, just to see you lying helplessly on the floor, with blood soaking your head? has it ever occured to you that you keep making me witness you in those kind of states?”
at this, you stayed quiet, unable to reply to him. “you don't understand how many times you've made me worried sick about you. can't you see that i care for you? who would even do that if not me?” he continued, voice cracking more and more, as if he was at his breaking point.
“stop, please.”
“stop what?”
“stop— just stop fucking pretending you care, for archons sake! if you cared me so much, you wouldn't be standing there, making my life a miserable mess!”
he clenched his fists even harder than before. “a miserable mess? goodness, y/n, you're the one who's being insufferable right now!” he shouted through the heavy rain. “do you even realise that i've done nothing but care for you from the very start? do you even remember when i was scared shitless when you got shot? do you even remember that i always indulge in your stupid requests? do you even know that i've always been by your side, despite being complete enemies?”
“i don't want to do this, scaramouche, please. i'm tired.”
scoffing, scaramouche stared at you, eyes slowly tearing up. “scaramouche? you don't even want to say my real name now?” he chuckles, wiping the tear that threatened to fall down his cheeks. “after everything i've done for you, you're just gonna stoop that low, huh. what next, call me by my fatui name?”
you looked at him deadly in the eyes. “you know what, yeah.” you muttered, eyes red from refraining yourself to cry. “i don't want to deal with your bullshit right now, balladeer.” he felt a pang to his heart when you spat those words. “stop trying to fix me when you can't even fix yourself.” he widened his eyes at your last sentence, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of him. brushing past him, you turned the doorknob, and he flinched.
grabbing ahold of your wrist, he stops you. “where are you going?” he asked, voice suddenly shaky and low, as if he was a fragile puppet that was about to break.
glancing to his glistening eyes, you softened just for a moment. it was hard to not just engulf him in a hug and wipe those tears off his face, right then and there. but you can't. he's making you feel like your efforts were useless, he's treating you like you're a kid who needs to be taken care of every second, so why the hell even have the slightest sympathy for him?
“i need a break from all of this. please, let me go.” you pleaded, and he did reluctantly. opening the door, you looked at scaramouche one last time.
the rain was still heavy, just like how your fight was with scaramouche. ironic, you think. the weather feels just as down as you are right now. “i can't believe it just took five minutes to change everything between us.” was the last thing you said before slamming the door shut, leaving scaramouche alone in the dark dormitory.
he didn't bother to chase after you.
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you headed for the elevator and pressed the ground floor button the second you entered. fishing out your phone from your pocket, you dialed for the only person you were close to in campus.
“ah, hi, yun jin. i'm sorry for asking this very last minute, but is it okay... if i crash at your place for a while?” you asked, biting on your nail anxiously.
upon hearing your voice, yun jin let out a small gasp. “luna! i heard you got into the hospital. are you okay?”
you laughed, though nothing was even remotely amusing. “yeah, 'm fine. i just need a place to stay at for a while, is that okay to you?”
yun jin sighed in relief. “sure, my roommate isn't gonna be here for the semester since they're at their partners'. but it's raining right now, do you have an umbrella to get here?”
the elevator came to a stop, and you exited to the dorm lobby. “i have my ways.” you said as you stepped outside of the building, the sound of the heavy rain suddenly comes crashing down, louder than from inside the building. “thanks, yun jin. i owe you big time. see you later.” ending the call, you looked up to the sky.
it was the worst weather of the month, you think, remembering about the forecast news you watched the other day. the sky was gloomy, and there was no one else in sight, only you, standing alone.
and that was all it took for you to finally break yourself into pieces.
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He Lied..?
A/n; This is my own Loki fanfiction, I'll put a link to previous chapters below at the end of the post!
Chapter number: 4
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 It all went by so fast in your eyes. First, you got hired at Stark Industries. Then, you nearly got hit by some weird green blur, and next thing you knew you were harboring some God Of Mischief with bad daddy issues....Or...Issues in general. Just yesterday you found out he got jealous of Thor due to him flirting with you, despite you insisting he was just being nice. Loki knew Thor like the back of his hand though, and he knew his intentions with you. Though, he wouldn't describe them. That'd be to lewd. You were reading on your couch, after a long day of dealing with the aftermath of the Avengers missions at the tower. You sighed with ease, as on the opposite side of the couch, sat Loki, who was also buried in a book. It was a quiet afternoon, and neither of you minded that. It was soothing and relaxing just silently being in one another's presence. Loki couldn't help but tear his eyes away from his book to glance up at you. You had been in a baggy sweater, shorts, and house slippers. You had a soft smile as you read the book, occasionally snickering to yourself. He quietly hummed to himself, and can't help himself than to admire the beauty before him. You were like an exotic sight to the eye to him. You were beyond gorgeous, not to mention your personality was to die for. You felt his eyes staring at you, and you couldn't hold back your small smirk from this. Everything was so peaceful between you two...That was, until your heads turned to the door, hearing a knock.
     "Who's here at this hour...?" You muttered, standing up, your expression changing to one of skepticism. You made your way to the front door, opening it to see none other than Tony Stark himself. "Oh! Mr Stark! Uh...What are you doing here at this hour?" You asked, tilting your head in mild confusion. 
     "Miss L/N. I know it's late and I'm sure you're exhausted from work," He sympathized, before sighing and continuing, "I've only come to check on how things are with reindeer games. I hope he isn't causing trouble. Plus, I apologize for putting this on you, and the fact that the building process is taking so long." He explained as you hummed in understanding.
      "Right! Uh...Loki is in the living room right now!" You hummed, letting Tony in. From hearing his voice, Loki looked up swiftly, grabbing his original cuffs out his pocket and swiftly putting them, tossing the book to the side. Tony entered, narrowing his eyes at the cuffs, tugging a bit to make sure they were locked, before backing up. 
      "He hasn't been causing trouble, has he?" Tony asked, turning to Y/n with a raised brow in skepticism. You nodded happily. 
      "He has actually been doing the opposite! He's great company to have!" You said, which made Loki look up at you with just as much skepticism as Tony has.
     "That's...Hard to believe Ms L/n." Tony huffed, crossing his arms, his eyes narrowed at Loki, as Loki gave a shit eating smirk in response. 
      "It's true! Believe it or not, he actually made breakfast for me this morning."
      "Exactly Tony, I'm sure you understand? After all, not often you get proved wrong." Loki retorted, leaning back into the arm of the couch, have a wide smirk plastered onto his lips. You giggled quietly at this as Tony shook his head from annoyance.
     "Alright Miss Rainbows and Sunshine." Tony sarcastically joked as you laughed more, "I gotta go. Can't leave Peter and Thor alone." He huffed, leaving abruptly, making you jump a bit. Once he was gone Loki cleared his throat to snatch your attention. 
    "Uh, Y/n? These cuffs won't get off my wrists themselves." He spoke teasingly as you rolled your eyes playfully, undoing the cuffs as he rolled his wrists a bit, lifting the book up again. "I can smell his cologne from the behind the door egh." He groaned a bit, making you snicker as you plopped yourself on the couch, relaxing softly. It didn't take long before you fell asleep in the fetal position, shivering a bit. Loki sighed, taking the blanket perched at the head of the couch, placing it on top of you, smiling softly as you began to stop shivering. The smile soon left his face as he sat down, resting his face in the palms of his hands, groaning quietly. Truth was, he was planning his escape, but because he got attached to you, he was contemplating if he should really do it. You have began to trust him, and he didn't want to break that trust he had formed with you...
     Eventually enough, you woke up, oversleeping your normal alarm. You groaned in annoyance, rushing to get off the couch, and into your room to get dressed. Once you left, in a hurry, you didn't check on Loki. 
      "Bye Loki! I'm in a hurry, so I'll cook dinner tonight! I'll be back soon, have a good day!" You called out, rushing out the house...What you didn't know was that Loki wasn't home at the moment, and in fact left. You arrived to the Avengers tower, sighing softly seeing them rushing around before catching eyes of Steve, suited up. "Sorry I'm late guys, I accidentally fell asleep on my couch and my phone was dead." You explained pitifully, and Steve shook his head.
     "Was Loki with you!?" He snapped making you stammer...You never checked his room so you paused...Did he leave? No...He wouldn't. He promised you that you could trust him! He wouldn't break your trust...Would he? "Y/N!! Where. Is. Loki!?" He shouted, making you hyperventilate, as Peter came running to you, alert of your current state.
     Holding your shoulders gently, he panted, suited up. "Y/n. Do you know where Loki is..?" He quietly muttered to you. 
    "I-I...He...He was in his room in my apartment.." You muttered and Peter nodded, putting his mask on. "W-Wait guys! What's even going on!?"
   "Reindeer games is gone. I knew I shouldn't have left him with you." Tony groaned, his mask shielding his face.
    "It wasn't my fault!" You exclaimed...But you felt guilty. If it weren't for your neglect, he wouldn't have gotten away. But what hurt most, was the fact that...
"He lied to you."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: This is another chapter I was looking forward to post! -Danny Words: 2,549 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Eight' -by Sleeping At Last
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XXXI: I Would Fight Myself if I Could
Percy is on the steps to Cabin Ten waiting for me. Lily and Nico share a look and mumble something about the Big House before turning away. My brother stares at me, and a small smile shows up on his face.
"Purple's definitely your color."
I grin. "You really know how to cheer an Aphrodite up." I pause and reform my sentence. "Former Aphrodite."
He doesn't get up from the steps. "You know when we went to the sea of monsters? When Hermes gave me those gifts?"
"I tried to give 'em back at first because he wanted me to help Luke. I told him Luke was a lost cause, he hated the Olympians."
"Did he get angry?"
"He told me no one can quit their family, no matter if you hate each other."
"Bet you didn't believe that."
"He said I would someday. I thought he was trying to sound wise... but he was right."
Percy's looking so defeated even though he just won the war, that I feel like a terrible person. I'm the reason why my brother can't enjoy his victory.
"Do you hate me, brother?" I ask quietly.
He gets up. "I'm trying to say I'll always care for you even if you hate me."
"I don't hate you," I frown. "I've said mean things, but I don't hold them against you, I know you're scared. I'm scared for you too, that's why I did this."
He nods slowly, deep in thought. "I was willing to die for all of you, I can't lie and say I don't understand where you're coming from..."
"We're good," I state. "You know, sometimes I feel like we've been siblings our whole lives, maybe our souls are old friends," I walk past him. "But we're on different paths. Don't make me quit my free will and my family on the same day."
His face gets really serious. "Never. I'm here for you, Birdy."
I smile. "Would you help me, then? I can't stay in Cabin Ten now that I'm the Strategus."
He pauses. "But isn't it against the rules..."
I stare at him with a deadpan expression. "We're siblings, Percy."
"Right," he makes a face. "I need a nap."
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After Frank explains that he's been hearing the Roman and Greek versions of his dad shouting inside his head, it makes sense that he was interested to hear more about the voices in her head.
"Maybe we can fix your problem and save Hazel while doing so," Ara's mind races through several ideas. "If you offer a deal to your mentally unstable father, maybe he'll get us a python for Trip's chariot. Ask them if they'd like that."
Frank looks at her begrudgingly, but he closes his eyes anyway. He grumbles and groans for a few seconds, then fixes his posture, still not opening his eyes. "Horatius... Fine. If that's what it takes, I'll prove I'm as good as Horatius. Uh... what did he do?" 
After a second, Frank's eyes open and he looks at her. 
"I hope you're in the mood for a Phorcy's 2.0"
Ara grins. "Always am."
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"Get on one knee so I can crown you the Canadian lone ranger."
Ara ties a large shirt over Frank's nose and mouth to protect him from the cow-dogs's poison. She won't even try to call those monsters by their name, she knows she'll get it wrong.
"All set," Ara covers her nose and mouth as well. "Ready?"
"You look weirdly happy," Frank points out while pulling up tiles and searching for roots.
"That's because I'm absurd. It took Jason, Piper, and Leo a week to figure it out," Ara cuts pieces of the roots and stuffs her pockets with them. She's wearing safety gloves to protect her skin. "Sorry you have to put up with me."
"Percy's a lot like you, Greeks are generally crazier," he comments while Ara ties pieces of roots to the belt loops of his pants. "I'll survive."
"That's the first time someone says Percy's like me and not the other way around," she says bemusedly.
Frank chuckles, then shrugs. "So why are you happy?"
"Because we have a plan. I like it when solutions are found quickly, and even more when it's something I can do without help. Well, partially—I sort of need you."
"Thank you," he replies without much excitement. "Now let's hunt some smelly cows."
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The monsters might look heavy, but these creatures can run. Ara turns Almighty into a spear and Frank turns into a lion, she climbs his back and holds onto his mane, stabbing the cow-dogs that dare to inch closer.
They run through narrow streets, taunting the creatures with the nasty smell of their roots. Her spear isn't killing them fast enough so she switches to something different: a BB gun. Ara has better aim with a gun than she ever had with a bow, but Michael never let her use guns in camp because he considered that too risky.
She wonders what he'd think, watching her ride a lion through Venice while shooting at an army of cow-dogs. He'd be torn between awe and horror no doubt. Ara thinks about what her younger self would think, and that image comes effortlessly: Little Ara would be whooping and screaming at her to aim between the eyes.
Frank stops near a canal and turns into a human. Ara jumps off his back and keeps shooting. "You want our poison roots?" He screams, slashing through the herd with Hazel's sword. "Come and get them!"
He grabs Ara by the waist and jumps to the canal, turning into a dolphin. The girl holds onto him, but even though she'd been expecting this part, the smelly water is warm and repulsive, and she squirms in disgust.
"This sucks!" She shoots at the monsters angrily. "Nico's in debt for life!"
It feels like an eternity of running and killing, Ara keeps changing Almighty into different weapons to test out its efficiency, and she keeps glowing different colors as well: White, silver, green, and teal (she grew tired after that one, pulled half a dozen cow-dogs to the canal). 
"There!" Frank points at an old wooden bridge.
"Looks weak!" Ara nods approvingly. "Let's go!"
Frank turns into an eagle to make sure all the monsters are still following them, and Ara focuses on shooting, slashing, stabbing, and exploding the monsters with the bombs she had in her Octopi. Frank joins her in human form, pulling her to the middle of the bridge.
He grabs the roots from her pockets and tosses them behind them along with his roots, then he draws out Hazel's spatha. "Come on! You want to know what Frank Zhang is worth? Come on!"
Ara's never used all of her blessings in a row, and it takes a lot from her. Her anger is keeping her standing, she's tired of having to guess whether they'll be wounded or helped—most of all, she's tired of pitying herself. 
Ara likes a good fight, and she enjoys killing monsters, but lately, all she thinks is that she's sending threats to Percy and Annabeth, thinning their chances of survival and getting in their way like she's always done. 
Her actions have consequences, in this world and the next, and the ones around her. All she can do is minimize the damage by not going apeshit. She focuses on achieving their goal even if it costs her a limb, she can't go back to the ship with Nico as a plant and no Hazel, so she'll do whatever Frank tells her to, twist herself into knots if she has to.
The girl calculates all of her moves and keeps an eye on Frank, who attacks the monsters in all the forms he can imagine, animal and human. He's a little frantic too, their strength and patience are running out. 
Eventually, a red light envelops them. There are no monsters left except for one, and Ara yanks Frank backward before he slays it. "You said we needed one!"
"Mars!" Frank yells, eyes wild and angry. "I've proven myself. Now I need a snake!"
The cow-dog jumps at them, and Frank moves Ara out of the way to cut it in half. The monster vanishes in a flash, and in its place, a python lands at their feet.
"Well done," says a voice.
Ara drops her sword. This is Mars, not Ares, she knows the difference because this version looks less stupid. She kneels before him, grateful. Percy would not approve of this, but the girl doesn't care. Ares has always kept her alive, like Clarisse did when they were little.
"On your feet, Strategus," he commands her. "A good leader knows when to hand over the reigns, and when to take control. You've earned my blessing."
Ara feels a lump in her throat but says nothing, she steps back so Frank can talk to his dad. "Father," the boy speaks hoarsely.
"It's natural to feel fear." Ara only heard him speak this warmly when Clarisse killed the drakon. "All great warriors are afraid. Only the stupid and the delusional are not. But you faced your fear, my son. You did what you had to do, like Horatius. This was your bridge, and you defended it."
"I—" Frank gulps. "I... I just needed a snake."
The god smirks. "Yes. And now you have one. Your bravery has united my forms, Greek and Roman, if only for a moment. Go. Save your friends. But hear me, Frank. Your greatest test is yet to come. When you face the armies of Gaea at Epirus, your leadership—" the god bends over, his form glitching from the Roman to the Greek. "Agony!" He moans. "Go! Hurry!"
"Get on my back," Frank tells her. 
Ara does and then he turns into an eagle, grabs the python with his claws, and flies away. 
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"You found one!" Triptolemus says delightedly.
"Heal them," Frank drags the python into the room and then moves over to Hazel. "Now."
"How do I know the snake will work?"
Ara yanks the python closer to the chariot, tilts it sideways, and wraps the creature around the broken wheel. The chariot comes to life and starts circling the room.
"Fixed." Ara crosses her arms. "That'll be two healthy children of the Underworld, please."
Triptolemus tilts his head, toying with their worry. "Well, thank you for the snake, but I'm not sure I like your attitudes, demigods. Perhaps I'll turn you into—"
Frank jumps to his feet and pushes the god against a wall. It's only then that Ara notices his physical change. She glances down, her body looks different too.
"Think about your next words," Frank growls. "Or instead of beating my sword into a plowshare, I will beat it into your head."
"You know..." The god's eyes dart between him and Ara, who's glaring at him too. "I think I'll heal your friends." 
"Swear it on the River Styx," Frank presses.
"I swear it on the River Styx."
The boy steps back and Triptolemus stumbles away from him. "Just—just gathering herbs!"
Frank stands next to Ara, taller than before. Before they left Trip's house, Nico the potted plant was the same height as her, now it barely reaches her chin. Both demigods look at each other and Ara whistles.
"You look scary."
"You're small... but a different small," Frank frowns. "Like a bodybuilder that's just getting started. There's a child of Venus in New Rome—"
Hazel coughs and sits up. Triptolemus is next to her, his fingers full of crumbs and greenish matter.  "What—?"
Frank approaches and wraps his arms around her, he could suffocate the fourteen-year-old without even trying. "You're going to be fine. Everything is fine."
"But..." Hazel moves away and eyes him. "Frank, what happened to you?"
"To me?" He looks at himself. "I don't... Uh... I don't... Maybe I can fix it."
Hazel laughs. "Why? You look amazing!"
"I—I do?"
"I mean, you were handsome before! But you look older, and taller, and so distinguished—"
"Mars's blessing," Ara explains. "We both got it, I think."
"You think?" Triptolemus snorts. "Now, if we're done here..."
"We're not done," Frank points at the corn plant. "Heal Nico."
Nico turns back into a human and Ara steadies him before he falls on his face. "I—I had the weirdest nightmare about popcorn." He scowls at Ara, now as tall as him. "Why are we eye-to-eye?"
"You've been a corn plant for two years—"
"Knock it off, Birdy," Frank interrupts her. "Everything's fine. Triptolemus was about to tell us how to survive the House of Hades. Weren't you, Trip?"
"Fine," Trip makes a face. "When you arrive at Epirus, you will be offered a chalice to drink from."
"Offered by whom?" Nico questions.
"Doesn't matter. Just know that it is filled with deadly poison."
"So you're saying that we shouldn't drink it," Hazel says hesitantly.
"No! You must drink it, or you'll never be able to make it through the temple. The poison connects you to the world of the dead, lets you pass into the lower levels. The secret to surviving is... barley."
"Barley." Frank repeats.
"In the front room, take some of my special barley. Make it into little cakes. Eat these before you step into the House of Hades. The barley will absorb the worst of the poison, so it will affect you, but not kill you."
"That's it?" Nico frowns. "Hecate sent us halfway across Italy so you could tell us to eat barley?"
"Good luck!" Triptolemus gets on his chariot. "And, Frank Zhang, I forgive you for threatening me! You've got spunk. And you're brighter than you look, daughter of Olympus! I'd love to see you two get a degree in farming!"
"Not a chance, Trip!" Ara waves him off.
"Yeah," Frank makes a face. "Thanks."
"He's right, you know," Nico tells her. "You don't look smart. Ouch! You're stronger?!" He asks in outrage.
"Be quiet or I'll send you to camp in pieces," Ara warns him.
"Oh, to be mobile again!" Triptolemus exclaims as the garage doors open. "So many ignorant lands in need of my knowledge. I will teach them the glories of tilling, irrigation, fertilizing! Away, my serpents! Away!"
"I kind of regret fixing his ride," Ara mumbles. "We've released a nuance into the world."
"Can't be any worse than what's already out there," Frank sighs.
"That," Hazel says, "was very strange."
"The glories of fertilizing." Nico moves away from Ara and brushes off the corn hairs of his jacket. "Can we get out of here now?"
"Are you two okay, really?" Hazel places a hand on Frank's shoulder. "You bartered for our lives. What did Triptolemus make you do?"
Frank looks at his feet and takes a shaky breath. "Those cow monsters... the katoblepones that poisoned you... we had to destroy them."
"That was brave," Nico points out. "There must have been, what, six or seven left in that herd."
"No." Frank corrects him. "All of them. We killed all of them in the city."
Ara holds Frank's hand to absorb some of his torment. "I told Triptolemus I could fix his chariot, and Frank just did his best to help me."
"You put your life on the line just so we could heal Hazel," Frank squeezes her hand once and then lets go. "We helped each other. I know it's your job, but..."
"My job is to keep you from danger, not to put you in its way," Ara makes a face. "It won't happen again, I apologize."
"Look at that," Nico raises a brow. "That's the second time I hear a sincere apology from you. Maybe those blessings make you grow in more ways than one." 
She thinks about what Hercules said, her ambition feeding on her youth. "How fun..."
"Well," Nico moves toward the exit. "Does anyone know what barley looks like?"
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Next Chapter –>
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greetingfromthedead · 3 months
C29: Patchwork
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 29/84
Words: 1.7k
No particular warnings for this chapter.
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After a while, you pull away to look at him again; he looks exhausted but happy. His eyes are looking into yours with love and appreciation. It's like you're kicked into gear again, the initial daze of relief wearing off.
"I brought you some food; it's nothing fancy, as I feared I'd have to force it down your throat, but hopefully it will help you get your strength back a bit. You must be starving."
As if to prove your point, his stomach lets out a growl, and you smile. Ready to go and bring his bowl, you push away from the bed, but his hand grabs yours. He sits up and pulls you closer. As you lean towards him, his hand lets go and travels to your cheek. He kisses you softly, and you taste salt, unsure if it is from your dried tears or his.
When he is finally willing to let go, you stand up and grab his prosthetic arm from the bedside and help him attach it. He moves the metallic fingers and makes sure everything works. Having your back towards him as you grab the food, you hear the bed complaining with a creak, and a muffled thump whips you around. You see Vash smiling awkwardly on the edge of the bed, his legs over the edge. You look him up and down, trying to understand.
"I guess it will take me a bit longer before I can stand up," he says as he scratches the back of his head.
"You just stay put, and if you need something, I'll be your crutch. I'm the one who hauled you here in the first place. Don't be a hero now." You go to him and hand over the bowl. As he looks into it, you grab the blanket and drape it over his shoulders.
"Yeah, I think I vaguely remember that. Didn't you call me your good-for-nothing husband?" He chuckles, and you look away, feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
"I didn't say anything of that sort!" You deny his accusation, but know there's a good chance Mary will confirm his suspicion the next time she sees him. "Eat your food! And we should take the stitches out."
"No need to get so defensive!" he laughs lightly and picks up the spoon.
You keep yourself busy by finding all the supplies you'll need to take out the stitches, being careful to keep your face hidden, and hoping he won't see the blush. What else did he hear, and how much does he remember?
The clink of the spoon and bowl as he puts them on the floor is your sign to take all that you need and go back to the bed. You wave at him to lay down again, and he pulls his legs back onto the mattress. He settles into a half-sitting position against the pillows.
"I hope it doesn't hurt; I don't really know, so if you need painkillers or something, tell me immediately; don't play a tough guy!" You look him seriously in the eyes to drive your point across.
"But I am a tough guy!" he says with his signature puppy-dog gaze, and all you can do is roll yours.
Carefully, you start on the sutures on his stomach, and he doesn't even flinch. Very rarely, when something snags, he lets out a light hiss but then reassures you that it's nothing. Even though nothing bleeds and seems to be perfectly healed, you give it a light coating of ointment to make sure absolutely nothing will go wrong anymore. As you move on to his shoulder, you see him looking at you. His eyes never leave your face.
"Do they scare you?" he suddenly asks in a quiet voice.
"What do you mean? Do what scare me?" you wonder, focusing on removing the threads.
"The scars and patches..." his voice goes even lower. "They aren't really things I like girls to see. Think most people would run away..."
As you remove the last stitch, you rub more ointment on the pink scars and leave your hand on them.
"I'm not scared. Maybe if I didn't know you... maybe then I would take them the wrong way, but..." You trail off and look him in the eyes. "I'm still here. I'm not running away. I think they are beautiful."
Your mind gets cloudy; it's not something you expected him to say or think about. Your eyes trail down, and your fingers follow, gently tracing some other jagged scars. "They're a reminder of how strong you are. A poem time etches on your body. A memory of where you have been and what you have done. For you, it's a love letter to humankind—the sort of punishment you are willing to take for them—and your boundless kindness and compassion. They are proof that you have lived. I envy them."
You have no scars, no wrinkles, and no birthmarks. You are a blank slate, looking like you were dropped off on this forsaken planet yesterday, with no past and an insignificant future. At least scars would remind you where you come from and who you used to be. Time will never leave a mark on you, all the injuries will heal without a trace, and for all you know, the face you have now will forever be the one looking back at you in mirrors.
"Iris..." Vash's voice is quiet and heavy with an emotion you haven't heard from him before. He has never thought of his scars in this way, nor would he have thought that he would hear someone being envious of them. His rough skin, covered in previous injuries, tingles as you trail over them. He looks at your bare arms; indeed, he sees no scars, not even tiny ones; the skin is smooth and flawless.
"You're a patchwork of perfection: love and kindness, endurance and stubbornness," you say in almost a whisper as you lay your hand on the metal plate covering his heart. He places his prosthetic hand over yours, and the other gently touches your neck.
Vash is speechless; your kindness and grace know no bounds in his eyes. For you to say such things to him after a lifetime of being ashamed and hiding them. Three words want to slip over his lips, but he won't let them; it's not the right time; it's too soon; he hasn't laid all his secrets out to you, and his head spins like a tornado. But no other words will come even close to describing his feelings towards you. So he bites his tongue and pulls you closer. He knows that he is head over heels for you. There's no other way to put it, and it drives him mad. He feels like he has to restrict his body so as not to smother you with all the love he holds for you. But if anyone can take it, it's you, as he has never before met anyone as tough as his Iris.
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You scrub the huge red coat to get all the bloodstains out of it, and to your surprise, it's not as hard as you had thought, with the strange material repelling most of it. Still, there are some stubborn spots, and the size of it has you wrestling with the unruly fabric. The other clothes hang around the bedroom to dry, and you are glad to get everything slowly in order. If Vash feels rested enough, you want to leave in the morning. You feel uneasy staying here in a town that has been crawling with bounty hunters since someone tipped everyone off that you're coming and put a new, larger bounty on his head. You are yet to tell Vash about all that, though, as you don't want him to worry too much and just focus on getting his strength back. He has been sleeping for a few hours now. Soon it's lunchtime, and you hope you can once again get away with a lie as to why you come to eat alone.
You look up from the sink into the mirror and see the red coat hanging behind you. You have been so deep in thought that your body has been acting on its own. You look back at yourself, looking at your features, your skin, your eyes, and your lips. You look at the emotionless expression on your face.
I was remade in someone's twisted idea of perfection! I didn't want any of this!
You wonder what your face used to look like; has it always been like this, or is it true that someone else "fixed" you? What did the man who called himself your Father do to you? Did you use to have scars? Maybe one on your face? Did you have any wrinkles? Maybe small ones on your forehead from frowning or hints of crow's feet in the corner of your eyes from smiling? What would you look like if you aged? What would that old woman be like if she was restricted by her body and mind, slowly falling apart? Would you still feel like this then? Would you still feel this kind of nervousness? Would the butterflies be there? Of course, it's a stupid thought; you would be dead by now, one way or another. You never would have met Vash, and you wouldn't have any hope of staying by his side. But still, there is a part of your soul that feels grief for the version of you that you don't remember and a version that you will never become.
Turning towards the door, you see Vash's sleeping figure in the bed, and it makes you wonder if there is a plan and purpose for everything in the universe. Maybe your suffering and faith have always led you to meet him. Maybe something bigger than you has designed it this way—to cross your paths, two halves of the same coin.
The voices have been so quiet. At first, they were repressed by all your worry for Vash; you were simply too occupied to pay attention to the hurricane in your head, but now that you feel like you can breathe again, the voices are simply quiet. It's a welcome feeling of peace and quiet.
Looking at Vash's scars again, you wonder how exactly he got all of them—what's the story behind each and every one of them? Does he even remember? Your mind goes to the darkest and most brutal scenarios. Ripping yourself from those images, you turn onto your back and stretch your arms and legs, feeling a slight burn in your muscles. The bathroom door suddenly catches your attention, filling you with some uneasiness, but you can't tell why.
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lotus-flowerz · 2 years
My shining star, you will get through this.
not proofread- it's 2:40 AM and i'm tired. maybe i'll edit it tomorrow
Albedo x gn!reader
a/n- self indulgent :)
next chapter of the remains of a life once lived should be coming out soon sorry for the hold up
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Thoughts flitted through your head a mile a minute. It felt odd to be at rest after a week of constant work. A ring of treasure hoarders had been causing so much trouble that all units of the Knights Of Favonius had been deployed- including you and Albedo. Albedo had been in Dragonspine making potions and improving them in order to take the treasure hoarder ring out faster.
You, as a captain, had been even busier. Seeking them out and busting their tiny groups proved to be tiring work. You and your squad had been camped out in the Whispering Woods all week and this was your first night in your bed in a while- and the work was far from over, as well. Even with a vision and having several vision bearers in your squad, the treasure hoarders had thrown you for a loop. Hell, they were throwing everyone for a loop, which is why Jean had called everyone back to Mondstat to reevaluate a better plan- meaning you had no time to rest. You had work in the morning.
So why wasn't sleep making it's rounds? The night was still young- only 10 PM, but you really needed this sleep. But all you could think about was work. How badly you wanted a break. A long vacation. How for the foreseeable future things would only get harder. You hadn't even realized how you had curled in on yourself. You had stray tears falling from your eyes. You felt exhausted, every bone in your body sore and hurting. Wounds you had obtained over the past week making themselves known on your body.
Would it be easier if I just took myself out of the picture?
A wave of anxiety washed over you. There really was only one way out. It felt like ice filled your vanes as you realized just how trapped you were. The silence in the room was loud.
Albedo knew something was wrong the second he walked in. Why are all the lights off? Surely you aren't sleeping this early?
He was right. You weren't sleeping, and that was abundantly clear from the sobs that wracked your body, your rapid breathing, the way you were completely curled in on yourself. He stood in the doorway for a moment, stunned, before rushing over.
"Y/n, it's me, Albedo."
"Yes, it's me. May I touch you?"
You nodded, and instantly his hand found it's way to your forehead, then two fingers were softly pressed into your neck.
"Elevated temperature... rapid breathing... increased pulse.. shaking.. are you having an anxiety attack?"
Leave it to him to figure out what was wrong based on physical signs alone
You nodded once more, and he took one of your hands in his.
"I have a potion in progress that can calm the individual that takes it down from anxiety, but it's not lab tested just yet. So please, allow me to try my hand at helping you manually?"
"Please.." you mumbled.
"Give me one second, I will be back soon."
You heard noises in the bathroom, the soft hum of a toothbrush, water running, the laundry hamper opening and closing, the rustle of his work clothes being thrown inside. You heard the creak of the door as he left your room, and you heard noise coming from the kitchen. It was comforting just to have Albedo home, considering how often he was gone. The comfort of his presence alone put you at ease.
Albedo returned to your shared bedroom, holding two cups of tea and dressed in his pajamas. He turned on the lamp, which gave the dark room a comforting orange glow.
"Sit up for me, love."
You did as told and he placed the cup of tea in your hands. It's warmth brought you comfort.
He climbed in next to you, holding his own cup of tea to his lips and taking a sip.
"Be careful. It's hot." he said softly. You nodded and took a small sip.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence while you finished your tea. Albedo set his cup down on his nightstand and you followed suit.
"Alright. Now that you've calmed down slightly, may I ask you what's the matter?"
"I- I feel so overworked. We have to go right back tomorrow- we don't even get a day off. I feel like I'm barely hanging on, Albedo. The thoughts in my head aren't pretty at all, and I feel guilty for even thinking them, I-"
"Y/n, hey. You're getting worked up again. Come here."
He pulled you closer to him so you were sitting in his lap. He wrapped one arm around your waist and used the other to pull the blanket all the way around you. You wrapped your arms around him as well, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Focus on me, okay? Take a deep breath for me. It will calm your body down and return it to normal from it's current state of panic. Let's try together okay?"
You nodded, squeezing him tighter.
"Breathe in... hold it... and out.. good, just a couple more times."
Surprisingly, his breathing technique worked and you found yourself calmer, able to breathe easier. The silence that filled the room wasn't loud this time. It was warm and comforting, now that your lover's even breaths filled it and filled you with love and happiness.
Albedo broke the silence. His already soft voice was a whisper.
"Y/n.. I am not good with words. Nor am I good at maintaining relationships. Please forgive me if I say something wrong, but I cannot lose you. I think I know what kind of thoughts you are having. I will not claim to understand what you are going through and I will not claim to understand the feelings you have. But what I do understand is that I love you. I do not know if I would ever forgive myself if you removed yourself from this world by your own hand and I was not there to protect you."
He paused to brush your hair out of your face and place a small kiss on your forehead.
"A kind soul like yours doesn't deserve this kind of pain. If there was a potion that could fix it, I would have already made it. But because there is not a potion that can fully take away the pain you feel, I will try my hardest to ease it as much as possible."
His sweet words brought more tears to your eyes, as more soft cries shook your body.
"Shh, I've got you. It's alright. You're okay." he whispered, rubbing your back. He used his thumb to wipe your tears every so often, secretly loving how you melted into his touch.
"Y/n, may I try something that calms Klee down when she's upset?"
You nodded, curious at how he comforts Klee.
He began to sing softly, a beautiful melody in a language you didn't recognize. He gently rocked you back and forth, still rubbing your back. He had a surprisingly gorgeous singing voice, hauntingly beautiful with a hint of sadness and longing for something long gone in it. He reached over and turned off the lamp, still holding you tightly, but shifting your position to be laying down. He made you the little spoon and wrapped one arm around your torso protectively, the other resting on your head, stroking your hair softly.
As his gentle humming delivered you into a comfortable sleep, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He wasn't a man of many words, nor did he like being very emotional in front of others, but for you, he was willing to break out of that shell. Some part of him was even glad that that potion wasn't lab tested just yet. It gave him a chance to comfort you- to be vulnerable with you and connect with you more emotionally.
"Goodnight, my shining star. You will get through this. I promise."
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 23
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter’s Note: You guys deserve some fluff after all that angst. Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 23: Healer Josiah
When you wake up, you feel like you've never been in a more comfortable bed. The mattress is like a cloud, the blanket is the perfect weight, and there is a source of warmth next to you. You turn your head and see Loki sitting, leaning with his back against the headboard of the bed and in his hand a book he is reading. Sensing the motion, he looks at you.
"Ah, you're awake," he notes, flipping his book closed.
Muttering softly, you reach for his hand. Loki smirks. "You'll have to be a little more eloquent for me to understand you."
"Everything hurts," you complain a little louder. You've used too much magic in such short time, and this is the price you pay. The kind of magic you used on your brother draws energy from the user's body. It feels like sore muscles or a hangover. You feel like someone ran over you with these machines they use to resurface ice at rinks. You’re glad you’re alive, but still, you don't feel the like getting out of bed today.
Sympathetically, Loki brushes a few strands of hair out of your face. "Get some more rest. You deserve it."
Nodding, you snuggle back into your pillow. "How long was I asleep?" you ask, though.
"We arrived here yesterday at noon. Now it's almost night."
Horrified, you tear your eyes open. "Oh shit! I have to call Tony and let him know. And check on Gabe..."
Despite your aching muscles, you sit up to look for your bag but Loki gently holds you back.
"Relax. I talked to Stark on the phone and explained what happened. You're to report to him later, when you're rested. Your brother is alive. Your sister is with him." His words reassure you and you let yourself be drawn back to him. You're touched that he's thought of everything.
"Thank you," you murmur.
He presses a kiss to your forehead. "Sleep. I'll get you something to eat."
The next time you wake, you feel better. Loki is nowhere to be seen this time, but next to your bed is a tray of something that looks suspiciously like huevos rancheros. You take a good bite, feeling like you're on the verge of starvation. Unfortunately, the food is not quite warm anymore, but you are fine with it. You are glad to be able to fill your stomach and when you have emptied your plate, you are still not completely full. But before you go to the kitchen to get a second helping, you reach for your bag, which someone - probably Loki - has left next to the bed.
You pull out your phone and dial Tony's number. You remember that he went all out of his way and offered you his help before you left in a hurry. That's more than a normal employer would do. No, Tony is a friend. He doesn't pay you anymore, you don't work for him anymore. It had not been a matter that had directly affected Loki. And yet he would have jumped right into action. He is a good man.
He proves that right away with the words he uses to greet you. "Hey, Sabrina, are you alright? Do you need backup?"
It makes you smile. "I'm fine, sorry for the trouble. It's complicated..." You hesitate, thinking how much you should tell. Not because you don't trust him, but because you're unsure how much you want him to hear. But then you decide to stick to the factual truth. At least as factual as you can stay under the circumstances. "My brother... they tried to kill him, but we were able to safe him... at least I hope so. I need some time to sort things out. We'll be back in a few days."
Tony doesn't answer right away, and you think it's because he needs time to process the information you've given him. But then you hear a repulsor blast and Jarvis' voice in the background.
"Are you guys in a fight?"
"Huh? Yeah, don't worry about it, there's just a mechanical hydra bot loose in the city," Tony mentions as if it doesn't matter at all. "We have it under control." There is an explosion somewhere in the distance. "Who tried to kill your brother?"
"Witch hunters.” You need a moment to focus on the conversation. “Do you guys need help? I can send Loki to you."
"Totally under control."
"Shields are at fifty-six percent," Jarvis interjects.
"I've had worse," Tony reassures either you or himself, you are not sure. "Cap, time for your frisbee extreme move. I gotta go, Sabrina. Call Jarvis if you need anything."
"Sure, be safe," you say, but he's already hung up. You stare at your phone, torn about whether to create a teleportation circle there and now and jump over to help. However, you're still banged up and wouldn't be much help. Besides, they're the Avengers. They can do it.
You decide to see where your sister is instead.
Conveniently, you find her in the kitchen. It is quite large and more modern than you would expect. There are several stoves and two cooks working there. You've encountered close to a dozen people on the way from your room to here, and you can imagine that the house is home to many more. They all need to be fed, of course.
A smaller dining area is set up in the back of the kitchen, where your sister is sitting at the table. You catch her glance and wave at her, but turn to the cooks first to ask for seconds before joining her with your plate full.
Elizabeth pulls you into her arms. Being close to her does you good and calms your nerves. She is your family and whatever else comes your way, you will face it together. You siblings stick together.
You sit down across from her, but continue to hold her hand. "How's Gabe?" That's the first thing you want to know. The most important question.
"Stable, but still unconscious."
Well, it’s something. It could be worse. "And how do you feel?" You ask her. She still looks pale and taken, but has apparently been awake for a while. "Holy moly, you walked into a burning house. That was so badass."
Elizabeth smiles wanly. "I know right? I got this tattoo for diving in coral reefs, but I'm glad it lets me breathe in every environment."
"What about the vacuum of space?" you ask, finally letting go of her hand to attend to your second breakfast.
"If I'm in space, I'd have various more serious problems at hand than breathing."
"I guess you're right." It's good to talk about this nonsense. A piece of normality that distracts you from worrying about your brother. From all the other worries that automatically come along with it. You don't want to think about how present the threat of witch hunters still is after all these decades.
Your sister, meanwhile, has something else on her mind and she hesitates with her next question. "What exactly did you do? I mean that spell. That was hella scary. Does it have any... consequences for Gabe?"
You can hear that this topic seems to be on her mind a lot. You can't blame her. You look at your food and then at her.
"It was a strong healing spell combined with soul binding." That the arms of the damned appeared probably means his soul was already leaving. You swallow hard as you realize how narrowly your brother escaped death. "Honestly, I'm not sure what it means for Gabe when he wakes up. If he wakes up." You sigh heavily and hang your head. "I may have cursed him. I know we have rules. Mama was always strict about that… but I couldn't lose him, Bell." Your eyes get wet, but you swallow your tears, aware that you are not alone in the kitchen. "I'm sick of losing siblings. We are the only ones left."
Elizabeth purses her lips. Her face is not totally disapproving, but she's not happy either. "The only thing certain in life is death. We all have to die one day," she reminds you what you mother taught you.
"I know. But Gave didn't deserve this. Not like that." All your frustration is in the words, and they're louder than intended. The two cooks' heads turn toward you, but you pay them no mind.
"How do we know what any of us deserve?" Your sister shakes her head and she lowers her voice a little. "We should not play god."
"I’ve met gods and they don't seem so different from us." You're frustrated. You don't actually want to argue with your sister. Not now. Not here. But you realize you may have crossed a dangerous line. There are dangerous kinds of magic. It’s one thing to have theoretical knowledge of it, but another to actually use it. You remember the witch cave in Club Enchant and the chill you got when you entered it. Evil magic lied there.
"Then call it fate or the universe. There are things above us, above our understanding," your sister continues.
It's a discussion of principle, but you don't have the nerve for it right now. Not after what the two of you have been through the last few days. You push your plate away from you. You've lost your appetite.
"Are you angry with me?" you ask her, "Because of what I did?"
Elizabeth looks at you in silence for a long time, and you suddenly see her age. You see her concern for you, for Gabriel, and you see the pain for everyone you've already lost.
"I'm not angry that you tried to save Gabe. I'm just not happy about how you did it. But I know it was a unique and very stressful situation. I just wish it didn't have to come to this."
"Me too," you whisper.
Your sister reaches for your hand and squeezes it.
There is a brief pause, during which you are both preoccupied with your own thoughts.
"How are things with Loki?" she asks you then, and you're glad for the change of subject.
"Good." You smile faintly. "He's doing a great job with the Avengers."
Your sister pushes your plate back toward you and you roll your eyes. Definitely the mom type of sister. "I saw the news about the hurricane clean up," she tells you, ignoring your silent protest.
"Yeah, I was kinda worried because of..." You suddenly remember something you'd forgotten under all the stress. "Oh shit! I didn't tell you about the cards, did I?"
Elizabeth frowned. "No, what cards?"
You hurry to tell her about your tarot cards.
"And I was afraid something bad would happen, even if it wasn't a dangerous mission. You know, no alien fighting. But if I'd known it would be about Gabe..." You would have been saved a lot of trouble. You realize the full extent of it. After Loki and the Avengers returned and your sister called, you had been so worried that you hadn't even thought about the obvious. "I should have told you. Both of you. Maybe he wouldn't be- "
"Hey, stop," your sister gently interrupts you. "You couldn't have known that. The cards are vague. Even though this does sound quite unusual. But there's no point in blaming you. It's the hunters fault."
Taking a deep breath, you nod. "You're right." You say it more to reassure Elizabeth than being convinced yourself. "Next time I'll tell you regardless. I tried to ask Mama about it, but I haven't heard from her since the convergence."
"Me neither. You know how she is."
Unpredictable, unreliable, uninvested. You feel anger boiling up inside you, often a companion emotion when you think of your mother. But now is not the time, and you swallow it down. You're too upset to stir up old stories.
"Good morning, ladies." You look up as Loki walks through the door. When you see him, you instantly have a smile on your lips and feel better. Funny how feelings can change. When you think back to when you had taken the job from Tony and met the Asgardian for the first time.
"Am I interrupting important sister bonding time?"
"Not at all. Please take a seat," your sister invites him.
Loki sits down with you and after a quick glance at your plate, he conjures up an exact copy of your meal. An offended 'Tsk' comes from one of the cooks, which Loki ignores.
"I haven't had a chance to thank you yet for helping Gabriel. I really appreciate what you did for us." Elizabeth's words draw Loki's attention to your sister and he nods.
"Of course. I have a brother of my own," he offers as an explanation.
"Thor, right? Are you two close?"
The Asgardian hesitates with his answer. His eyes briefly wander to you, but you have leaned back and are silently listening to the conversation. "It's complicated. But I do love him and would do anything to keep him alive."
Elizabeth nods in understanding. "Family is important," she trails off, looking at you.
And that's true. You realize how close you are to your siblings. Both Elizabeth and Gabriel. Even if you live in different countries or even continents and don't see each other often, you have a special bond. You know you can rely on them should the need arise. The recent incident has made that clear once again. You can visit them any time to share happy feelings and memories.
It's a special kind of love. Absolute and unconditional. It doesn't matter if you talk, cry or fight with your siblings. You can't imagine a scenario where you don't love them.
You share a long look with Elizabeth and are sure that she feels the same.
Your gaze wanders to Loki. It's different with him. You realize that you have deep feelings for him, too, for quite a while. And day by day it seems to become more and more. You don't dare to call it love yet. The circumstances are difficult. He is a god and you're just a simple witch. You are not sure if your time together is limited and that holds a part of you back. A part that is still unsure after everything you've been through together.
"How long are you planning on staying on Earth?" Elizabeth asks, addressing the Asgardian, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Do you visit home often?"
Oh, right. You haven't told her why Loki is staying at the compound.
"No, my father banished me because of what I did in New York." Loki's expression turns stony, as he struggles to keep his voice neutral. You put your hand on his leg to show your support and he sighs softly. "I'll stay here until he pardons me."
"And when he does? What are your plans?" Elizabeth presses further and looks at both of you. It's clear she means your relationship.
You frown at that. Normally, she has more tact to drop an uncomfortable subject, so you don't understand why she insists now. "We haven't talked about it yet," you reply in Loki's place, but turn your head toward him, because you're basically asking yourself the same questions.
Loki thinks about his brother's words on the Quinjet when they flew to the Appalachians. "I'd love to show you Asgard one day," he admits after a brief pause. "If you want to accompany me. My mother invited you to tea anyway."
"I can't say no to the queen," you smile softly, for it is like the beginning of a promise. And you certainly can't say no to the prince.
Loki presses a kiss onto your knuckles.
Elizabeth seems satisfied with the answer, as she watches you with a soft smile.
"What's your plan now? With your brother?" the Asgardian then asks, directing your thoughts to more pressing matters.
This is indeed something you and your sister need to discuss. It's clear that Loki and you need to return to New York soon. Gabriel is in good hands here and as long as he is not at least conscious, there is little you can do. Elizabeth is also already missed by her husband, but since he is absent often enough himself, she doesn't feel too bad about it.
Elizabeth and you decide to take turns checking on your brother and discussing everything else once Gabriel is awake. Whenever that may be.
You really hope he will recover. The effects of the spell are still unpredictable.
After your meal you go to see Gabriel. His room is on the first floor. It is simply furnished, visibly serving the purpose of accommodating patients. Through the window you have a nice view of greenery.
Gabriel's breaths are regular, it would seem like he’s simply asleep. But otherwise he looks bad. His skin is burned almost all over his body. A magical film lies over him, like a dimly glowing, delicate spider web.
You step only slowly closer and sigh as you still see the burned cross on his forehead. You had already noticed it when Elizabeth and you had given first aid, but now you realize once again the actions of the witch hunters. You clench your hands into fists and swallow a few angry tears. While you've never been the type for revenge, at this moment you're certain: if you ever encountered a witch hunter, you won’t hesitate to collect the debt.
"He needs time, but he'll survive," you suddenly hear a voice from the door, and as you turn, you see Josiah enter.
He is a small man, his best years already behind him. His hair is thinned out and he wears thick horn-rimmed glasses on his nose. You've met him a few times already and his style of dress never seems to have gone beyond the 60s or 70s. Although you're not sure if it's really old fashioned or if it's just his charm that contributes to it.
But he's one of the best healers you know.
Josiah steps up to Gabriel's bedside and moves his fingers over the film. The web lights up as he weaves more threads into it.
You sit down on a chair on the other side of the bed so you're not in his way, and watch him.
"Do you need anything?" he asks you without looking up from his work.
You shake your head. "I'm fine. Thank you for your help."
Loki: makes a copy of your food The cook: "You come into my house and dare to disrespect me?!"
Y'all were worried about Gabe after the last chapters and I'm kinda happy about it, since he's "just" an OC and a side character. Thank the gods, Gabriel is not dead. One (1) person will die in this story, but it won’t be our precious ginger boy.
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @msrawog @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief @fall-myriad @melavoris
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harringroveheart · 1 year
While eagerly awaiting the next chapter, can I ask (as much as you can say), how much will ever be revealed about what happened in Hayward? There are so many references in so many chapters to what occurred, but I still can’t piece it together. Did it have something to do with a magazine at all? Or is Billy just generally worried that anything will set Neil off now? Did it have something to do with a car at the end of a driveway with its dome light on (like the one Billy dreamt about?); when did Billy say “it’s not like that” in Hayward (like he said again to Steve when they were fighting on the lawn)? And why was he not around when Susan, Max and Neil packed the moving boxes? Was he so injured that he was at hospital? What did Neil tell the cops (there was a reference to that somewhere, too). It’s started to drive me mad (in a good way) that we still only have fragments of what happened.
- Spurius
Ahahaha it sounds like you have all the pieces (in sequence, too) <3
I'll probably write it in (more) explicitly soon, but back in Hayward [SPOILERS]
Billy isn't conscious of his own sexuality/desires because no opportunities have yet presented themselves to him to prove them. He thinks of himself as someone who is pretty disinterested/disappointed in the whole shebang, but not because of anything "wrong" with him. He's the Billy that Max describes in her book--really beautiful, and cool, but with this sort of flat affect, general disinterest in her/family/school/girls.
Then he sees a picture in a magazine--Max's magazine--and immediately wants it without investigating why. He acts on that impulse with the compulsion of secrecy that most young people have about their budding sexuality, straight or queer--with awareness enough to feel like he shouldn't have taken it, shouldn't have wanted it bad enough to take, and that Neil probably wouldn't be cool with him being interested in it (even though he didn't really do the math on why exactly Neil wouldn't like finding him in possession of a girl's magazine with teen heartthrobs in it)--so he hid it under his mattress (which is why Neil knows to look there).
Billy runs over Max's board being a dick and Max cracks the shits and dobs him in for stealing her magazine. They have a blowout sibling fight because Billy realizes he's actually scared of being discovered with it.
Neil finds it under his bed, and Billy tries to explain that it isn't what he thinks it is (but, uh, it definitely is) and Neil doesn't believe him, and he hurts Billy badly enough that he makes himself scarce on moving day. I think I wrote he puts him through some dry wall.
The cops bring him back home with questions about his injuries, but Neil schmoozes his way out. And Susan and (newly traumatized) Max are no help either.
So that's the point at which we have Billy driving into Hawkins behind the moving van, redirecting his feelings on being discovered into anger at Max--for snitching, and for even having the magazine in the first place.
Of course, his big top secret trauma also links in with his visual fixation on Steve--which makes him such a big appreciator of Jonathan Byers' work.
Aaaand there's a couple of tiny clues about how he treats his ill gotten goods: where he keeps it, why it has to be there, why he wants to drive around when he's feeling pent up... Basically, he is repeating the same behavior, but a little more advanced into knowing his own desires, and thinking of himself as aberrant--and having learned his lesson on not keeping his inspo where Neil knows to look for it (which is why he's so upset when Max is the one to find it again: history repeating).
Only thing that's not in there is the car with the light on. That's part of the bigger/underlying theme of the story, which is: what is he trying to run away from? What does running away look like for him? Has it changed now that he's in love? :)
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boinin · 1 year
Blue Lock Manga
After two weeks of creeping hysteria and stir-craziness redditors know what I mean, the scanlation for Chapter 222 (“Design”) has dropped. My usual new chapter rambling under the cut.
No mention of a break next week 🎉
Previous chapter analyses
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1. Hiori finds his mojo (isagi. it's been isagi all along)
I had hoped best boi's ego would be linked to combating Ubers more so than Isagi, but alas, the harem of simps/rivals proved too compelling to pass on. This seems to be set-up for Noa to substitute Hiori on in place of Kurona once the three-minute star change is over. But until then...
It's been pointed out on the subreddit that Isagi looks particularly good in that first panel. I would like to raise that Hiori is going doki-doki for Himsagi-kun in the second.
Guys, they know who they're appealing to with this manga. On that point...
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2. Soccer Dad Star Showdown
Blue Lock!! Where one half of the fandom are here for the world-class ball keeping techniques and the other half of the fandom are here for... the world-class ball keeping techniques 😏 Guess what camp I'm in?
The effect normal panels of Snuffy and Noa have on me. Guess I have a kink for competent football dads 🤷 /s Chris Prince and Lavinho could never.
Anyway, Snuffy hits the pitch hot and doesn't let BM catch a break. I really enjoyed his and Noa's face off. As much chaos as Lavinho and Prince caused during the two previous matches, Snuffy strikes me as a far bigger threat in terms of dismantling BM's defence (and showing up Noa). It takes BM's two most talented forwards to see off the shot Snuffy sets up for Barou. At the end of the chapter, as Ubers regroup to take on BM's defence again, I have a sinking feeling Snuffy's going to win this confrontation. And perhaps he should. What's rational exactly about a team at war?
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Unashamed thirst screenshot of Snuff. This one is really cool, didn't have time to clean it, but it looks bomb ✨ He's so threatening yet friendly? Realest of the bunch.
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3. Ness tries
That's it.
Like for real. He runs in, doesn't touch the ball, gets read to filth by a fifteen year old, and isn't seen again in this chapter.
When are we going to see some magic from the magician?
It's high time for Ness (as a professional player) to get his head in the game. This is the guy that outperformed everybody but Kaiser in the original BM stamina and technique test. He's subservient to his emperor, but even then, how is he this lacklustre?
Since Noa only cares about numbers, it seems like Ness is here to stay... but it sure is frustrating.
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4. Superbowl: Kaiser V Barou V Isagi
This is my favourite panel this week. Clock the auras: puzzles, thorned vines and lightning collide at last. Dope. I'm still new to colouring, so I'm not touching this one, but I can't WAIT to see what someone with serious skill does with it 🔥🔥🔥
It's refreshing to see Kaiser get worked up over someone other than Isagi. Got to spread the frustration, right?
Prediction tracker
(alternatively: how wrong can one nerd be week to week?)
Last time, I predicted: I think Snuffy's MO will be to set up a goal for Barou, while knocking Kaiser and Isagi down a peg. I hope he synergises with Lorenzo! Noa will be man marking Snuffy, but might get time to do some Isagi coaching while he's out there, who knows?
So far so good, right? I think this prediction will carry over into the next chapter. I'll caveat one thing: Isagi and Kaiser's backs must ache from carrying both the offence and defence of Bastard Munchen. They're the only BM players that aren't part of the circus as of the end of this chapter. Raichi, Yukimiya, Mensah and Birkenstock found dead in a ditch /s
I predict Barou will score the next goal, with Lorenzo providing an assist. Then Noa will make a substitution with the aim of countering Lorenzo and Ubers in the final play of the game...
Four chapters ago (chp 218), I predicted: As for who’ll be the true game changer? Said it already, but if Hiori’s not getting subbed on for our newly christened royal trash!Ness in the next five chapters, I’ll eat my hat. 🐑
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Have a funny feeling he'll get subbed in the chapter after next. If I'm decided a clown by chp 223, watch the egg on my face get cooked by chp 224. I don't think Ness is getting subbed out at this point.
Until next time! 😋👒
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