#i’m obsessed with them following cloud it’s so fun
cloudstuffs · 3 months
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Title: Light Of Morning {7}
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Plot, Cursing, High Angst, Pregnancy Fic, Pregnancy Talk, Conversation alluding to pregnancy termination
Words: 4.6k
Summary: What is done in the dark, comes to light. With the light of morning comes a whole new set of problems.
Note: Italic text is a recalled memory. Also, y’all know I’m obsessed with multiples, so--yeah. 
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***NOT Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} | {6}
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 Your body felt heavy but there was no ache. Your head clouded as if you were under water. When the backs of your eyes panged with a burning sensation you squinted until you were finally able to open them. Now it looked as if you were looking underwater. Closing your eyes and opening them a few times you tried to clear the haze. You could hear a distant conversation that sounded tense. After a few moments, you were able to make out the sound of your parents’ voices. Around you, nothing looked familiar. Slowly, you scanned the room until your eyes landed on the IV cord above you. Following it you found yourself connected to it. You were in a hospital.
 Clasping your head, you tried to remember what the hell happened. Like a fast-forwarded movie you recalled bits and pieces. Raised voices, tense facial expressions, your parents, Scott, Ms. Lisa, Chris, Haley. With that your eyes snapped open and in a rush it all came back. Chris and Haley. Your belly sunk and swirled threatening to empty its contents. The conversation got louder.
 “You shouldn’t be here.”
 “I shouldn’t be here? This is the only place I should be.”
 “Your presence is not needed. She is here because of you.”
 “Please—please don’t keep me from her. I—I know this looks bad; I know--.”
 “Looks bad? Chris, you revealed you impregnated my daughter on the same day another woman revealed you impregnated her too!”
 Your father’s anger was blistering. You were surprised this entire room wasn’t on fire. You remembered as a teenager how afraid you were of his anger. You’d always been daddy’s good girl for this reason.
 “I didn’t!”
 Chris groaned loudly. “I didn’t—she’s lying.”
 “Then you figure it out. Don’t drag Y/N into this in her condition.”
 “At least tell me if she’s okay. Is the baby okay?”
 “Leave,” your father said in his “that’s final” tone of voice before he slammed the door in his face.
 When your mother turned her face lit up. “Y/N.”
 She hurried toward you and dropped into the char beside your bed at the same time she enveloped your hand in hers.
 “Are you alright?”
 You nodded, swallowing the nausea, anxiety, confusion, sadness and hurt that was bubbling in your stomach.
 “You scared us half to death,” your father added coming to your other side.
 “I’m sorry. What happened? Is the baby ok?”
 “The babies are fine,” your mother said placed a hand on your cheek.
 You sighed out your relief. If something had happened, you would have never been able to forgive yourself. Slowly your mother’s words hit you.
 She smiled widely and looked at your father who was also smiling. “Babies. Apparently, you’re carrying twins.”
 Your jaw dropped as shock filled you.
 They nodded in unison. You’d just wrapped your head around the idea of a baby, your baby and now there were not one but two of them.
 “Twins,” your mother confirmed.
 The silence in the room stretched, you all were probably thinking about the same thing. What had started as a fun, and steamy night turned into a mess and was now a fucking train wreck.
 “Jesus,” you whispered as you rubbed your forehead.
 “It’s okay honey. You’re not alone in this, no matter what you decide,” your father said.
 “What do you mean what I decide?”
 “We all heard what happened earlier,” he began before your mother swatted at him.
 “Hush Maurice.”
 “It is not the time nor the place.”
 “Not the time or place? No, I want to hear what he has to say mom.”
 “Fine. We heard another woman come forth telling us Chris also got her pregnant. It would be understandable if you wanted to terminate and start fresh.”
 Your eyes widened.
 “Terminate. You think I should end the pregnancy?”
 “I think you should do whatever it is that is right for you. Whatever you decide we are on your side. Just like a military op, you have to think of every variable for a successful outcome. Is this really what you want? Your children and their half sibling? Being juggled by Chris with his two families?”
 At his blunt and pragmatic words your stomach churned again as your heart panged.
 “I uh—ehm, mom, dad would it be all right if you guys went to get me something to settle my stomach? I just still feel nauseous.”
 “I could stay and your mother--,” your father began before your mother cut him off.
 “Come on Maurice. Let’s give her some peace and quiet.”
 Your father nodded then placed a kiss at the top of your head before walking out with your mother. Finally alone, you dropped your head back on the pillow and closed your eyes. You replayed the entire fiasco from earlier, slowing it down and pausing at will. You dissected every look, every move until you were ready to vomit. He’d slept with Haley, Haley your most disliked person from your childhoods, Haley who’d been after his dick for years, Haley who he never paid any attention to and swore he wasn’t interested in. He’d slept with her without a condom. He’d told you he’d never gone raw with anyone but you, he’d made it seem like what happened between you was—special.
 Tears stung your eyes and before long you felt them rolling down your cheeks. You tried to stop them, tried to get a grip of and get yourself under control but as the seconds ticked by your tears flowed more and more. In a matter of minutes, you were audibly sobbing with your hand pressed to your chest over your heart as if it would be able to repair the injury to the organ. Dropping your head back, you slid down in the bed and rolled into a ball on your side. You brought your hands to your belly for the first time since awakening and held your bump.
 You tried to quiet your sobs but no matter what you did—bit your lip, overed your mouth, pressed your lips together—the sobs kept coming. Everything was well with your pregnancy, but you still felt such incredible loss within you. You were fine, unharmed, the babies were thriving, you hadn’t lost anything really, but you felt like you’d lost everything, and you couldn’t understand why.
 Was it because of what this all meant? Was it because for your whole lives you’d always felt that Chris was yours in more ways than one. You’d always known he saw you and understood you and no matter what you’d have each other, and no one could take either of you away from the other. Over the last few days, you’d grown closer in a way you hadn’t been as friends. In that time, he’d made you feel things and it went past his cock. You’d felt like something had changed between you; you’d felt like though the present was uncertain the future had a possibility for anything when it came to you.
 “I do love your daughter; I love her very much and would absolutely marry her if she’d have me.”
 His words made your heart hurt more right now. Why would he say that? How could he say that especially knowing now about Haley? Holding your bump tighter you wept until you fell asleep.
 -The Next Day-
 The trees zipped by outside as the sunshine beamed down. One thing was always certain, the light of morning would always bring about a new day. This day was a fresh one, one full of possibilities for many, full of hope but for you, you were having difficulty seeing it through hopeful eyes. For the fourth time, everything had changed overnight. The first was waking up the morning after with Chris, the second was waking up and finding out you were pregnant, the third was when you woke up with outward evidence of you being pregnant. Sighing you rubbed your forehead.
 “Are you okay honey?”
 “Yep, I’m okay. Just ready to get home.”
 “Your mother made all your favorites this morning, so you have a nice meal and then relax,” your dad said.
 That’s sweet of her,” you replied.
 Your phone vibrated in your back pocket and without hesitating you pulled it out and saw an incoming call from Chris. Freezing you stared at his name as a thousand things went through your head. This was the fourteenth time he was calling, and the fourteenth call you’d leave unanswered. Part of you wasn’t even sure why you were avoiding him. It was the logical part, the part that said you had no claim on him, no say in what he did and who he did what he did with. He was his own man. The other part of you knew just why you were avoiding him. After everything that was said between you, the things you’d done with each other, to each other.
 When the phone stopped ringing you sighed and hit your head back on the headrest then closed your eyes. You needed to get out of here and back to your real life. maybe that was what you needed, space to breathe to put things in perspective. Your father’s words echoed in your head.
 “It would be understandable if you wanted to terminate and start fresh. “I think you should do whatever it is that is right for you. Whatever you decide we are on your side. Just like a military op, you have to think of every variable for a successful outcome. Is this really what you want? Your children and their half sibling? Being juggled by Chris with his two families?”
 Two families. Tears pricked your eyes again, making you clench your jaw. You were tired of crying. You weren’t normally this emotional. It would take a lot to make you shed a tear. Now you couldn’t not shed a tear. Frustration filled you as you closed your eyes with so many questions and voices still inside your head. The longer you played and replayed the events over and over the more wavering your decision to continue the pregnancy. 
Before, though it was still an uncertain situation, some things were a given, the baby would have two parents involved, two parents who were at the bottom of it ready for a child, two parents who only wanted the best situation possible. Now you questioned all of that. How could he be ready for a child when he was still going around in his free love day? How could this be the best situation possible to bring an innocent life into? Two of four wheels of this messy caravan had fallen off and it was now tipped to the side wobbling on with just two wheels. This was a dangerous situation not just for the babies but for you as well.
 Once the car stopped you and your parents walked inside the house. Your mother went straight to the kitchen to fix you a plate while your father brought your things upstairs to your room. Neither of them said anything else but the unspoken words hung in the air creating such tension you feared anything would set off the bomb. You sat at the dining table and sighed. Your parents had always loved Chris, always loved and rooted for him to quote on quote lock you down. he was their favorite man in your life. There was a time you overheard your parents trying to bribe Chris into marrying you like you were chattel. Now you sensed he was definitely their least favorite person in the entire world. It was possible he was even lower than the devil now and that said a lot.
 Your mother emerged with a large plate of everything but the kitchen sink and placed it in front of you. The delicious smells melded together and hit you like a stack of books. Your mouth instantly watered as you moaned.
 “Mmm, this smells incredible mama.”
 She smiled and gently caressed your cheek. “Then there should be no problem you finishing it all. After all you’re eating for three.”
 You stifled a groan and plastered a fake smile on your lips as you nodded. You didn’t really have an appetite, but you knew you had to eat something. Even if you decided to end the pregnancy next week, today there were still two beings that needed nutrients. Sighing again, you picked up your fork and dug into the meal. One bite turned to two then ten and soon you were stuffing your face using the food as a distraction from everything that was going on. All you focused on was the spices and flavors of one of your favorite dishes from your most favorite person, the person who would never disappoint you—your mother.
 True to your word, and to your mother’s delight, you finished the entire plate. When you tried to join her in the kitchen to help clean up, she refused, telling you to shower and get some rest. Though you protested you weren’t tired, she insisted. After thanking her with a genuine hug you went upstairs to your bathroom to prepare for your shower. You avoided looking at yourself, you suspected you looked nothing like your glamourous New York self and more worn down than anything. When you stepped into the shower you stood there, still as a log and allowed the water to beam down onto your body. You didn’t know how long it would take for the stress to melt off of you, so you stood there for as long as you dared.
 Ten minutes hadn’t done the trick, so you went on to fifteen. When you felt the water running cooler than the scorching temperature you’d set it to you gave up and gave yourself a good lather and scrub trying to wash not only the scent of the hospital away but the memory of Chris’ hands, lips and body that you feared had now been imprinted into you. You rubbed and scrubbed until your skin burned. One lather turned to three and by the time you realized you were on a fool’s path you’d used half the bottle of your soap and was now crying under the shower head stream with your lips pinched together so not a sound came out. You’d listened to pretty words from pretty lips and had now been catapulted into an ugly reality. You held deep suspicions you’d fallen in love with your best friend, and it was technically a one-sided love, a love that would only end in heartache and regret. Remnants of the conversation you’d had in New York came back to you.
 “Why’d we never get together, Y/N? I wanna know. We’ve been friends since we were eleven."
 “Because I know everything about you, and you know everything about me,”
 “Some would say that’s a good thing.”
 “Not for us. I know too much. We’d never work. Our uglies won’t play well together.”
 You squeezed your eyes feeling how right you’d been that night. You wished you could blot out the memory, blot out the words and commit them to outer space, never to be thought of ever again but still it all replayed.
 “How would you handle my tendency to push people away?”
  “Hmm—not let you push me away.”
 “Great plan, dork. How would I handle your tendency to be a flirtatious dick?”
 “By knowing I only have eyes for you.”
 You turned your back to the wall and slid down to the floor. This was not a winning situation. There was only one thing to do—remove yourself from the equation. It was time to go back to New York and back to the realities of your life.
 By the time you got out of the shower, you’d composed yourself enough that no one would know you’d spent almost an hour crying unless they were really up close to you. The plan was to get some rest, but you decided to pack instead. For the first time in twenty-four hours, you looked at your reflection. The dark circles around your blood shot eyes said it all. Sighing you shot message to your cousin and assistant, Tandy requesting the first ticket back to NY.
 MSG: Get me the first ticket back to NY. No questions, no excuses just get it done Tandy.
 You didn’t want a discussion, didn’t want any possible chance for her to talk you into staying or talk you into another crying fest. You were pretty confidant you’d gotten to a point of numbness which meant you could keep your crying bouts at bay but didn’t want to risk testing the theory.
 MSG Tandy: Consider it done. I’ll get back to you.
 Nodding you applied your face products then stepped back into your bedroom. You’d expected an empty room but that wasn’t what you’d gotten. Chris sat at your window seat with his head hung low. Your gut lurched and you weren’t sure if it was baby kicks, nausea, or anxiety. He lifted his head then sprang to his feet.
 “Y/N,” he began taking a few steps to you.
 You backed up and gave him a cautious look which stopped him in his tracks. A look of hurt washed over his features but he raised his hands in defeat and stepped back to the seat.
 “I’ve been worried sick. Are you okay?”
 Silence. He had to be joking. Were you okay? When you didn’t answer he continued.
 “I—I tried to see you in the hospital but your parent—I wasn’t--,” he sighed and paused. “I’m sorry.”
 Releasing a huff, you turned to your closet and pulled out your suitcase. You heaved it onto the bed then flung it open.
 “What’re you doing?”
 Again, you didn’t answer him. this time he stepped closer, and you backed up again. The tight clench of his jaw said he was annoyed, and it made you angry.
 “Puddin’, talk to me. Please.”
 “Don’t call me that!”
 You hadn’t meant to shout but your emotions had gotten the best of you. The silence in the room stretched and he stood there as you continued to fling clothes into the suitcase you’d just unpacked.
 “Where’re you going?”
 “I thought you had a week.”
 “I don’t. I don’t have any more time to waste here.”
 You heard the hurt, but you bypassed it. He didn’t get to be hurt right now.
 “Wait—Y/N, tell me you don’t believe her.”
 “Her? Haley, you mean, the other mother of your child?”
 Chris gripped his head and pushed his hands through it. From the looks of it he could have pulled out some strands in the process. He took another step to you and reached for your hands.
 “Back the fuck up!”
 Again, hurt spread over his features. “Y/N, she’s lying.”
 “Bullshit! I have known you for a long time Chris. I know every single one of your tells. I know when you’re lying, I know when you’re hiding something, I know when you’re full of shit and right now you’re full of shit. Don’t insult my intelligence. Leave!”
 You pushed past him and went to get more of your things. He followed.
 “Come on.”
 The more you ignored him, the more he stuttered trying to find words that would make their mark. None of them did. After a few minutes of his attempts, he groaned.
 “We hung out a while back at the quarry. We had a few drinks, listened to some music but that’s it.”
 Fresh anger filled you at the mention of the quarry. This was the same quarry the two of you often went to together. He’d taken her there. You looked at him with the “yeah right” face.
 “One minute we were drinking and having some laughs and the next I know I wake up the next morning with no memory of the night before beyond those drinks and laughs. She was nowhere to be found, only Scott was there. I swear. You can ask him that’s the hand ta’ God truth.”
 “So, in your infinite Chris wisdom since you can’t remember what happened, nothing happened. What the fuck Chris how can you be so stupid!? You know who Haley is. You know how she is, but you still took her to the quarry—our quarry. You fucked her and now she’s having your kid!”
 “I didn’t! I would remember doing that. I was drunk off my ass with you, but I remember every detail of your night together. I remember every touch, every smell, every kiss, every taste, of you. I remember it so much detail it haunts me at nights. I would remember.”
 His voice spoke of conviction, his words shook you, but you saw the glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes. He hoped he would remember. You fought the tears stinging your eyes and turned your back to him.
 “The facts are simple. You spent the night with the woman I hate the most in Boston and now weeks later she’s pregnant. I’m going home.”
 “So you’re not going to believe me?”
 “When she walked in that day, I could tell something happened. Your face gave you away. When she announced she was pregnant, Scott’s face gave it all away. Something happened between you, he knows it. i—I can’t be here.”
 “I’ll go with you.”
 “No! I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now. I need space, time—I need to think about my next move.”
 Again, the silence stretched. “Your next move? What does that mean?”
 You didn’t answer, instead, you kept packing the last bits of your things.
 “Y/N, what does that mean?”
 “There is a lot to consider. We may have thought things were one way but now there is more to consider. Two women pregnant for you, two separate families. In no way were things before clean and easy but now it’s—too messy Chris. I will have no peace in this scenario—none. This baby—these babies don’t deserve this life—I don’t deserve this—pain.”
 The word slipped out. You’d meant to say life instead. It was becoming impossible to fight the tears now. Sniffling, you quickly wiped your cheek.
 “Puddin,” Chris began.
 It was a whisper, but he heard you loud and clear and did just as you said. He sighed and hung his head.
 “Babies? More than—wow.” He took an audible breath then continued. “I wouldn’t do this, especially after what happened between us in New York. I thought these last few days showed you what I--.”
 “You would do this Chris. This is classic you. Remember, I know too much.”
 You saw when your words rang the bell. His eyes locked with yours then dropped to your belly. Seconds later, his hands encapsulated the small bump. “I want--,” he began but was cut off by his ringing phone. Sighing, he took it out and both of you saw the name on the ID— “Haley”.
 You closed your eyes and ignored the pang of pain in your heart. Stepping away from him, you steeled your spine. “You should go. Your world just got exponentially bigger. You should go deal with it while I deal with mine.”
 His face scrunched. Ignoring his phone, he tucked it back into his pocket and went for your hands again.
 “Y/N, you can’t just—we started--.”
 The pain in his eyes was too much for you to watch, so you walked away. Thankfully your phone chosen then to ring.
 “Hello? When? That’s perfect. Thank you, Tandy. See you tomorrow.”
 You ended the call and went around the opposite side of your bed hoping to create space between you. Chris didn’t move or speak but from the slump in his shoulders you knew this was all taking a toll. He needed his best friend right now no doubt, but lines had been crossed between you and this was too personal. You couldn’t be the one who coddled him and put a hand on his shoulder. It hurt.
 “So that’s it?”
 “No discussion, no—nothing just---what you go back to New York and me LA with nothing resolved? Don’t push me away, Y/N.”
 You clenched your jaw, kept your head low and eyes trained on your suitcase. When you didn’t answer or acknowledge him, he crossed the room to you and turned you to him.
 “Chris let’s just stop.”
 “No. We started something. That night meant something, the day at the lake, the afternoon under the willow tree, my mom’s study, they meant something. You know it just as well as I do. Now you want to go back to our separate worlds while using Haley as an excuse. I know you don’t believe it’s my baby.
 “What I know is this behavior has always been you. Your motto has always been here for a good time not a long time. You don’t commit, you don’t monogamy past a certain point, you like things casual, easy, fun and uncomplicated. You got that that night with me, and you struck again with Haley. I know who you are Chris, that’s why we’ve been such good friends. I see your Dorian Grey; I see your truth and have never judged you for it. That truth, your ugly is why none of those instances should have happened. Our uglies could never play well together.”
 You saw the tears in his eyes, and you prayed they didn’t spill over. You knew you couldn’t handle that.
 “Wow,” Chris said voice clouded with emotion.
 “We made a mistake—so many mistakes and you’re not the only one to blame. I am too. We have to stop making them now and the only way to do that is go back to how things were.”
 Slowly you watched as he got your words.
 “You’re going to—Y/N—no. Please don’t. Come on! You know damn well this pregnancy was a sign, this baby was meant—these babies were meant.”
 “And yours and Haley’s?”
 At a loss for words, he closed his mouth and sighed. “This is the time I need you to believe me and--.”
 “I can’t,” you finished.
 “You really think so little of me?”
 You scoffed. If he only knew what you thought of him. “Go Chris. I’m sure in time we can pick up this friendship like nothing happened but—I need—we both need space.”
 He closed his eyes and stepped away from you as he rubbed his forehead. Slowly, he walked to the window you knew he’s climbed in through but before he climbed up, he turned back to you.
 “This isn’t over.”
 With that he climbed out the window leaving you standing there fighting with every single ounce of iron will you possessed to keep it together. You waited and waited until you heard his Camaro zoom down the street. Only then did you know it was safe to cry, and cry you did. You cried until your eyes were swollen shut making it impossible for any tear to slip through. You cried releasing the dream that had started to form of you Chris and a baby creating the perfect imperfect family. You cried letting go of all the times he'd kissed you, made you shiver, made you shout his name to the heavens. You cried begging your heart to close and harden. You cried thinking of the two lives that deserved better, the lives that you’d begun to want more than anything.
 You cried until you were all cried out because come tomorrow, the time for tears would be gone and you’d have to rebuild anew.
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@secretswiftymarvelfan @kaiya-ch4n @zeelmol @maeleeme @7soulstars @talley84 @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @kalesrebellion @msblkfire84 @queenshikongo3 @tantricevans @harrypotheadnerd @mrs-captain-evans @cevans-fics @pretendlifeisnormal @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @fanfictionaffair @blackgurlkillinit   @cessamjrmr @sarswilltakeyouout   @basicchelsea @denisemarieangelina @keytodespair​  @dontbescaredtosingalong @kenequa @enthusiastic-french-toast @yinx1  @why-wait-4-eventually @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy  @deepintothenature @dillie60 @ivorylei @lolabelle757 @sophiaedits
@evans-sims @dontbescaredtosingalong @nunya7394 @ivorylei  @deepintothenature @heroine-of-color 
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aluveras · 1 year
Not too much fun!
Peter parker x Female reader
A/n: I wanna clarify that all my female reader fics and male reader (if i make them) are trans friendly since i see =trans people as the gender they identify as, if its not trans friendly (use of genitilia for example but you can just imagine you had ur surgery) i'll say it in the fic.
Warnings: suggestive content, fluff, may being a character i enjoy way too much.
Word count: 1.2k
‘’Can you be any more obsessed bro?’’
Pete whips his head over to Ned. He could barely hear him over the crowd of people in the cafeteria.
‘’What? I’m not obsessed what are you talking about?’’
‘’Hey, it’s fine I get it. She’s absolutely gorgeous.’’
‘’Tell me something new’’ Peter answers dreamily while his chin rests on his hand.
‘’You guys are weirdos.’’ MJ says out of nowhere
‘’Yeah, well you sit with weirdos.’’ Peter says back immediately.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’That sounded a lot less pathetic when I thought of it...’’
‘’Yeah that’s with most of what you say I think.’’ Ned answers
‘’Ned come on dude, you’re supposed to be on my side.’’
Too focused on the conversation Peter all of a sudden felt his peter ting-  Spider sense, sensing in a very weird way.
‘’Hey Peter.’’
There you were. The most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, jaw dropping girl he had ever seen.
Ned shoved him to say something.
‘’H-hey Y-Y/n’’ You giggle at his stutter and he swears he is ascending into heaven hearing that sound.
‘’I was wondering if you could help me with the decathlon practice,  I don’t really know anyone on the team and you seem nice. And I’ve seen you in class you’re in incredibly smart. So could you help me?’’
This is a dream. It has to be, he thinks.
‘’If you don’t want to you can say so, it’s okay. ‘’ you say because of his silence.  A hint of disappointment in your voice
‘’No! I would love to!’’ Peter squeaked, immediately cringing at how he said it.
Ned and even MJ can’t help but chuckle a little, neither can you.
‘’Okay great! At your place after school today?’’
‘’Yeah, I’ll walk with you to my place if you don’t mind?’’
‘’That would be great! Thank you.’’
You walk away with a big smile and so does peter as he watches you until you’re out of frame.
- after school –
You walk up to Peter at the entrance of the school.
He feels you coming and turns around quickly, his cheeks already starting to blush                                                    at seeing how beautiful you look.
‘’Hey Pete! Ready to go?’’ if he wasn’t blushing already he sure as hell was now that you used a nickname for him.
‘’Yeah just follow me!’’
-After walking for a bit you arrived at his apartment-
As he allowed you to step in you immediately saw and smelled a cloud of smoke and a middle aged woman cooking…or at least trying to. As she turned around you made eye contact and her face immediately lit up.
‘’Peter! Who is this beautiful young lady?!’’
‘’May, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my aunt May.’’ He said happily finally getting to introduce you to his aunt who he has been ranting about you to.
‘’Hello miss Parker, it’s nice to meet you!’’
‘’It’s May to you sweetie and it is lovely meeting you! I’ve been waiting for this ever since peter couldn’t stop talking about you.’’
‘’She’s joking!’’ Peter says quickly
‘’I don’t talk about you at all! Well that’s not true, I don’t never mention you or pretend you don’t exist or something I just-‘’
Peter was cut off by your laugh, he wish he could have that his alarm in the morning. That would make him wake up and make sure he hears it again. (he means the waking up part in a good way)
‘’It’s okay Peter, if it makes you feel better I talk a lot about you too’’ You smirk.
Peter starts blushing like crazy as he clears his throat and says,
‘’So we’re gonna go study together in my room, if that’s okay?’’
‘’Yes of course, have fun…’’
You and Peter walk to his room and just before he closes his door you hear May say,
‘’But not too much fun!’’
‘’May! Really?!’’ Peter whines
‘’Sorry, I had to!’’
As you sit by Peters bed and he sits next to you, you finally start to realize what you’re gonna do.
You’ve been having this crush on Peter for a while now, you kept seeing him stare and somewhere along the way when he wasn’t staring at you, you would stare at him.                                                             You waited for him to do something but he just never did, just kept staring and never doing anything.
So one day when you had enough of the waiting you decided to form a plan.                                               You didn’t even need help for school, it was just a perfect plan to hang out with Peter and tell him how you feel. Though when you sat there, you couldn’t even think about actually doing it.
There were times while working you two looked into each other eyes and didn’t even say anything, it would feel like the time stopped and all that there was Peter and this feeling. This feeling. A feeling that is hard to describe but so pleasing.
A warmth in your chest, a smile that you can’t hide because it’s just so strong. Your heart going faster than ever and your hands shaking like crazy. Your brain could barely focus on anything other than his eyes.
‘’Y/n?’’ Peter says softly.
‘’Hm?’’ you hum also softly.
Then Peters body works faster than his brain and he just leans in. And you meet him halfway.
As your lips softly meet, the feeling is stronger than it’s ever been. As you depart you are both blushing insanely.
‘’Thank you.’’ Peter says
‘’Thank you?’’ You giggle
‘’For letting me kiss you! And not getting mad that I didn’t ask before.’’
‘’Peter, I wanted to kiss you and you gave me enough time to pull away, don’t worry.’’
You start to full on laugh now.
‘’Hey! Don’t laugh I was really nervous.’’
‘’I know, so was i!’’
‘’What! Why? I’m just Peter, a lonely nerd.’’
‘’You’re not lonely! You have Ned and MJ plus I like that your nerdy, I want a hot nerdy boyfriend!’’
You immediately regretted saying that.
‘’Not that I expected you to now immediately be my boyfriend! If you don’t want that then that’s fine.’’ You just wanted to disappear. (Like peter did in infinity way)
‘’I would actually…love to be your boyfriend…’’ Peter says softly
‘’Well then…’’ there was a silence which you expected to be awkward, but you just stared into each other eyes comfortably.
‘’Can I-‘’ He clears his throat before speaking again. ‘’Maybe kiss you again?’’
You giggle.
‘’We’re together now Pete, you don’t have to ask.’’ You laugh
And by that Peter (surprisingly easy to you) lifts you up a bit and makes sure you straddle him comfortably.
‘’Wow, who knew Peter had such mo-‘’ and before you could finish your lips were in a heated make out sesh with peters.
Just as he slips in his tongue into your mouth and he leaves a long groan, the door swings open.
And there stands a shocked and happy May.
‘’You got the girl!..’’ and quickly after that she says ‘’but I meant the not too much fun part not until your further into the relationship!’’
You laugh as Peter whines again ‘’May!’’
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stabbyfoxandrew · 12 days
I like to collect my questions, so I don't spam your askbox every time a random thought pops into my head. Instead, I just do one big spam because apparently I collected way more questions than I expected, ups. The Angel Neil AU is just so cute, I want to grab its (metaphorical) cheeks and squeeze them. It's also sad, and funny, and interesting, and you balance it all in such a nice way. I've also always had a thing for otherworldly beings, so it just all adds to my obsession for this perfect creation. Anyway, here it goes.
Can angels be re-assigned if they don't like their protectee? Like, if they really really hate them. Does Neil ever get cold? Can he just manifest an outfit, or does he have to physically change (could he manifest the angel outfit that Andrew has been daydreaming about hehe)? Can he teleport? For example, if Andrew was in danger and he was far away (i.e. on a roof), would he have to physically walk/fly there? Can he phase through walls? Can Neil see other guardian angels around, or would they also have to "turn off" their invisibility? Does he always have to be within a specific radius of Andrew? How far high has he flown? Does he have to breathe? Has he touched the clouds? Have Aaron, Nicky, and Kevin all talked amongst themselves about Andrew's absences? Or has each one just noticed separately? Has Kevin noticed? If so, what does he think of it? Speaking of Kevin, how is he feeling lately? I hope Kevin has a guardian angel somewhere too, the poor guy deserves it.
I hope it wasn't too much, it was more than I remembered having :') ily too, how is your week going?
Aw hon, you can spam me anytime. But I totally understand saving up questions. Either is fine. <3 By the way, I’m really sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to answering. I literally said to send me questions and then didn’t answer for two weeks. TwT I’m so sorry. orz
Ahh. Thank you for all the compliments! <3 I also have always loved the supernatural. Werewolves, vampires, demons, angels. They’re all such fun creatures to read/write about. :D 
Answers for your questions under the cut because this is almost 900 words and I don't want to block everyone's dashes because most people probably don't care.
Yes, I think that angels could be reassigned! If absolutely necessary. Because imagine changing your charge and the new one is worse! And you’re stuck with this shittier one till it dies? And if you let it die on purpose, you lose your job and stop existing? Like… D: Yikes either way.
But, most angels don’t talk to their charges. They watch from overhead and intervene when they need to. During down time, most angels generally just hang out with other angels. But… Neil doesn’t know that. And even if he did, he’d rather be with Andrew than some random winged bitch. You know?
Neil can and does get cold/hot!
Neil is still wearing the outfit he died in. He could probably use his Angel Powers to create different clothes, but he doesn’t know how. And besides, these clothes are fine. (Me: You died in them, Neil. / Neil: But they’re comfortable.) But yeah! If he really wanted to, nothing is stopping Neil from popping into the mall and stealing some clothes. Like…  he’s stolen before. And he’s invisible now. It would be so easy. He just doesn’t care to.
If Neil asked, Andrew would buy him more clothes and bring them up to the roof. But as we know Neil has a hard time asking for anything. So he won’t. 
Yes. Neil can just PING to Andrew. (Mild spoiler for a much later part of the fic so skip to the next paragraph if you want to avoid! Before they met, Neil wasn’t a great guardian angel. He thought of being an angel as his second chance at life and wandered around doing whatever he wanted. Until he first felt that pull and realized Andrew needed him. And he popped right to him.)
Neil generally just follows Andrew however his human is traveling. If Andrew is walking to class, Neil walks beside him. If Andrew is in a car or on the team bus, Neil sits on top of the vehicle. He’s thought about taking a free seat in the bus, but he’s afraid he’ll accidentally Become Visible and freak Andrew out. So he hasn’t done it yet.
I hadn’t really thought about it, but why not? :) He can be invisible, he should get other Ghost Qualities. So, sure. He can walk through walls, disappear, and fly! (Sorry for the Danny Phantom reference. But not really.)
Neil hasn’t seen any other angels around. He will eventually! (I’m not sure if they’re purposely hiding from him or not.)
He doesn't have to be in a specific radius of Andrew. There's no limit to how far away he can be and he tested it a lot when he was first given to Andrew.
He enjoys flying, but he never strays too far. At least, not since that first Incident. Sometimes when he’s bored out of his mind, he’ll go up, up, up and glide back down until he gets tired of that. But it stretches his wings and he can see all sorts of things from so high up. :) 
Neil does breathe. He probably doesn't have to have to, but it's a habit carried over from his human life so he still does.
He probably flew through some clouds early on. I imagine learning to fly on your own would be difficult, so controlling the Come Down Aspect would’ve been challenging for him.
Oh yeah, I think they’ve all definitely noticed. And Aaron keeps asking the others about it, but they of course have no idea where Andrew’s been going so they just shrug. Kevin also hates that Andrew keeps disappearing, because hello. This man is supposed to be his partner now, at his side and keeping him safe/sane. But he knows that all he has to do is call Andrew and he’ll come back. So he’s not that worried. Nicky thinks Andrew has met someone, either a girlfriend or a friend group, and he’s happy for him. 
Kevin is feeling alright lately. His hand is getting better by the day and the team is… Well, it’s not getting Worse. So he can’t complain too much. Also, he does have a guardian angel. :) 
Oh my god, you’re absolutely fine! <33 Like I said, I want to talk about my fics. I want to answer your questions! It’s fun. And it helps me, you know? Like, I hadn’t really thought about the Nicky/Kevin/Aaron situation before. (Sometimes I forget there are other characters in this fic because it’s usually just Andrew and his angel.) But your question made me think about it. And now I have a new idea for later! :) So thanks. <33 
Also, the past two weeks have been… A blur? Like always. :’) I don’t really know. I mean, I’ve been trying to write more and working on the kevjean vampire thing. And also I’ve been playing a lot of Webkinz, one of my favorite childhood pastimes. So… Yeah. :) I hope you’re doing good! I love you. <333 Thanks for the questions and the patience. <333 
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dilf-din · 8 months
Running From the Daylight
A Rebelcaptain Story (Vampire!Jyn x Cassian)
Rating: T
WC: 5k
Warnings/tags: modern AU, vampire AU, made up vampire lore, mentions of alcohol, intense soulmate-ism and longing
A/N: this idea came to me while listening to Daylight by 5SOS. It’s very rom-commy, and frankly I’m obsessed with them. Please enjoy my little brain child!
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She's got a method of killing
Pulling you in like you're gonna start kissing
Fooling around until you've lost all feeling
Sucking your blood until your heart stops beating
Melshi bustled into their apartment a little past 7:00 that night to find Cassian with his legs up on the coffee table table, computer in his lap with the Minecraft music playing low.
“Get dressed, we’re going out,” he said, standing in front of his roommate with his arms crossed.
“Have fun,” Cass responded, eyes not lifting from the screen.
Melshi sighed, leaning forward to push his laptop shut with one finger.
“Hey,” Cass started.
“We’re going out. I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Cassian grumbled and pushed up off the couch, stalking off to his room to pull on something without a large bleach stain from an age old laundry mishap. He knew his friend was well meaning. Melshi always extended an invite when his group of friends was going to a bar or a movie. Cassian usually declined, preferring his own company to low lit, crowded spaces. It had been a while since he said yes, though. He didn’t want people to come knocking down his door to make sure he was still alive.
Once he was bundled in boots and his long coat, he followed Melshi into the shaky elevator that sat just across the hall from their door. The burgundy carpet was discolored from decades of spills, and the fluorescent lights nestled into the ceiling were missing a panel. There was a couple already inside headed down as well. They shuffled to the side to allow room for the two men. Everyone exchanged cordial smiles and head nods as they continued the ride in silence.
The December air was sharp in Cassian’s lungs as they entered the stream of people moving briskly down the sidewalk. Hats and coats of every color dotted the pavement as people broke off from groups, crossed sides, and re-integrated themselves into another cluster of people all headed to ring in the new year in their own way. The pair made light conversation as they walked side by side past tall brick buildings, wintery store fronts, and street signs still hung with Christmas lights.
“Aren’t we a little too old for this?” he had asked Melshi as they stood in a packed line on the New York sidewalk. The sun had long since faded behind the skyline, and his breath was coming out in long, feathery clouds. The tips of his ears and nose were brushed pink by the wind’s lips, and he drew his scarf tighter around his neck as a particularly strong gust swept over the street.
“You might be, the rest of us aren’t though,” Melshi teased, “It’s New Year’s Eve, Cass. You can go back to being a hermit tomorrow,” he called over his shoulder as they shuffled forward a few more feet.
As they descended the staircase, Cassian tried not to roll his eyes when he got hit with a wall of cheap smelling weed and music so loud the bass was distorted.
Although the song blaring wasn’t Cassian’s first choice, he was happy to be out of the cold. He and his counterpart exchanged their jackets for tickets and stuffed them into their front pockets before venturing farther into the club.
Melshi spotted his group of friends instantly, waving as he approached them.
“I’m just going to grab a drink,” Cass called over the noise, giving Melshi’s shoulder a quick squeeze as he disappeared in the opposite direction. There were several seats open at the bar as most of the patrons were dancing in close proximity on the sparkling black floor. Cassian ordered a rum and coke and settled on a stool at the very end of the bar, leaning back against the wall. The chill he felt in the entryway quickly dissipated now that he was surrounded by so many other bodies. Sweat pricking at his back caused him to roll up the sleeves of his sweater, turning up the sleeves of his button down over them to hold them in place. He checked his watch to find it was barely past eight, leaving him with at least three hours to muddle through before he could excuse himself back to their apartment. Taking another long swig of his drink, he turned his eyes to the scattered crowd. Groups of girls laughed loudly, drinks in hand. There were pairs of men standing off to every side of the room sharing polite conversations. His eyes drifted over the sea of people, not seeing anything of note until they caught a glint of silver shining off a dress. His gaze settled on the girl wearing it. Pale skin, almost translucent in the light, and eyes so green he could make out the hue even from across the room. She must’ve felt his eyes on him, because she returned his gaze, the corner of her mouth turning up a microscopic amount as her eyes scanned the length of his body. Her right hand lazily moved a stemmed glass up to her plush lips, and she downed the rest of what appeared to be a martini.
Everything about her was elegant. Her coy expression told Cassian she was no stranger to attention. To her, turning heads was as second nature as breathing. She couldn’t have looked more like she belonged, but, at the same time, something about her felt blindingly out of place. Suddenly feeling self conscious, he cast his eyes to the floor, not wanting to get taken for a creep.
Cass was trying to put his finger on what it was that felt off. It wasn’t the slinky dress that twinkled like a disco ball, cutting deep to show the sharp edges of her shoulder blades. Nor was it the choppy shag of her hair that made her look straight out of the 70’s, or the confidence she oozed. No, it was something that wasn’t physical, something about her presence. She carried herself like she had a secret only she was in on, as if she was setting everyone up for a grand joke that she would never reveal the punchline to. He looked up again, disappointed to find she was gone, like she had vanished into thin air. He didn’t lament for long, though. He figured he would run into her again. This place wasn’t too huge after all. Tipping his head back one final time, he finished off his drink, leaving the empty glass on the bar, and made his way back to his friend.
Cassian was happy enough to sit on the outer edge of a booth guarding everyone’s purses, beers, and half eaten appetizers while they danced. He spotted Melshi dancing with a pretty brunette and gave him an eyebrow raise and an approving smile. When he friend looked away, Cass sighed, drumming his fingers on the table. A quick glance at his watch told him it was only 9:13. Seeing one of the other group members approaching the table to rest, Cassian decided to stretch his legs. He took another slow lap through the maze of doorways and found himself back at the bar he stopped at when they first arrived. As he sat waiting for his drink, he felt the brush of someone else settling in the stool next to him. Just the presence alone sent a wave of chills down his spine, a wild anticipation dancing down his nerves, making the hairs on his arms stand at attention.
“Hello,” a posh voice came out.
He turned to see the girl from before leaning against the bar on one elbow, facing him straight on. She gave a hint of a smile, blinding white teeth surrounded by crimson lips.
Cassian was tongue tied. Now that she was right there, every cell in his body screamed at her nearness. He wanted to be even closer, to know more about her.
“I saw you staring at me earlier,” she continued.
“Oh, uh, I’m sorry about that. I was jus—” he stammered.
“Don’t be. A lot of people look through me, so it’s nice to be seen.”
Cassian was baffled at the thought of anyone not being captivated by her. She was the only person in the room to him. It went beyond personal preference. She was magnetic, charming, full of intrigue.
“What’s your name?” she asked, staring down at the glass in her hand and giving the remaining clear alcohol a swirl.
“Cassian, hmm,” she contemplated before draining her glass, “Jyn.”
“Jyn,” he repeated, a shy smile on his face, “Can I buy you a drink?”
“No,” she said plainly, “But you **can dance with me.”
His legs moved before his mouth could, carrying him behind her to the crowded dance floor, before he could make an excuse about having two left feet or not having danced in public since college. Another nondescript song poured through the speakers, something about this being the best night of your life. He was starting to believe it.
They were well into weaving between pairs of partygoers before he realized she had been holding his wrist securely. He expected his skin to burn from her touch, but she was like ice, sending another wave of goosebumps up his arm. When the crowd shifted to accommodate their presence, she turned to face him, hips already swaying to the music. He placed tentative hands on her waist, but she pressed close enough to him that he could feel her breath on the sliver of his neck exposed by the open collar of his shirt, inviting him into this shared space with her. Soft hands wove their way around his neck and tangled with the ends of his hair. He swallowed hard and looked down at her. The girl in his arms was a walking contradiction. Looking innocent as could be, but with a hunger in her eyes, like she could rip his throat out and walk away without batting an eyelash. Cassian was holding a lit fuse in his hands, and he didn’t care.
Their bodies moved in sync to the quickly changing beats, as if they had been dance partners for years, known each other their whole lives. Her fingers fit with his, his body pressed to hers like they were two halves of a whole. Fire and ice. Sunbeams and stardust caught twirling, inexplicably bound together.
As the night progressed, the tension between them built with every touch, every step, every twirl. Callused fingertips dipped into the edges of her backless dress, skin to skin under the pale white lights. Jyn was weightless, on a high she didn’t want to come down from. She usually didn’t allow herself to indulge like this, in men and alcohol. Every bit of her conscience was screaming at her to shut it down, but the feel of his beard against her throat as he pressed slow kisses to her neck was short circuiting the part of her brain responsible for making good decisions.
Every other time she had been able to stamp down the longing brewing in the pit of her stomach. Every other time she had been able to keep it physical, just scratching an itch, but the smell of his cologne and the touch of his hands, rough but kind, were being mapped in her brain the longer they danced. He was being written into her DNA, becoming indistinguishable from her own flesh. She had to look for an out.
“D’you wanna get out of here? Have a smoke for a minute?” she called over the noise.
“Let me go get my jacket,” he called, pressing his lips to her ear.
Cass wove his way back through the crowd and to the coat check near the entrance. Jyn soon followed behind, wrapping her arm through his and slinging her thin purse strap across her body.
Melshi gave Cass a thumbs up as he saw them headed up to the street to get some fresh air. There were a few pairs of people lining the sidewalk sharing hushed conversations and cigarettes. Cass led her a few blocks down where they could have more space to themselves. She drew a pack of cigarettes out of her purse and offered him one.
“Just the one is fine with me,” he smiled, reaching for the lighter he kept in his pocket, holding the flame to the end of the cigarette perched between her lips. The flame dancing so close to her face brought out deep veins of gold in her eyes that were lost in the dimly lit club.
“You’re very beautiful,” Cassian said softly. He towered over her, even in her sparkly heels.
A smile quirked across her lips as she passed it to him, “You’re very dashing.”
“Tell me if I’m way off base here, but do you feel this too? The chemistry? Something about being here with you feels so right…right,” he all but blurted out.
“I feel it too,” she said almost breathlessly, swallowing down the lump in her throat, knowing how this would end.
Across the street, they heard a crowd of people counting down from twenty, signaling midnight’s approach.
“Looks like we made it out just in time,” Cassian smiled, with a soft chuckle.
“Call it luck,” she suggested, mirroring his smile.
“Or fate,” he brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his breath hot on her lips as he leaned closer.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Cassian waited for the press of her lips to his, but it never came. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes to see the space in front of him empty. He didn’t hear her walk off, didn’t feel her move away from his touch, it was almost like she vanished. He stood dumbfounded, not even daring to call her name. Maybe she took her chance under the cover of the erupting fireworks and ran. Maybe she was an apparition this whole time. No matter the truth, his heart that was soaring on freshly sprouted wings moments prior, now lay bruised on the snow dusted sidewalk in front of him. Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, he turned on his heel, simultaneously stamping out the cigarette and heading in the direction of his apartment.
The sound of continued celebrations passed him on every side. Music, cheering, and delayed bottles of champagne popping all floated down on the wind as he walked stone faced back to his empty bed in his empty apartment. Muffled laughter and music spilled under the doorways as he approached their door, key in hand. He flicked on the light that sat to the left of the door, and shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on its designated hook with slaw hands. Cassian felt numb, and not just from the freezing wind he had walked face forward in to get home. This numbness radiated out from the chasm in his chest, making each of his limbs feel like dead weight.
He went through the motions of his night time routine in a daze. Changing into pajamas, washing his face, brushing his teeth. He could’ve sworn she felt it too. Maybe he’s been alone for so long, he doesn’t know how to read those situations any more. But he asked and she said yes. His head started to spin. He switched off the bathroom light and stumbled into his bedroom. The constant booming of fireworks right outside his window wasn’t helping the splitting headache he felt developing. Pulling a pillow over his head, Cass shut his eyes and tried to quiet his mind enough to sleep.
He woke in the morning with his head feeling like a lead weight balanced precariously between his shoulders. He shuffled into the kitchen squinting at the light pouring in from the sides of the window shades.
“He lives,” Melshi smiled through a bite of cereal. The brunette was sitting at the counter in his pajamas, seemingly having woken up just a few minutes before Cassian.
“And is your friend here?” he asked quietly, with another, more mischievous smile.
Cass unscrewed the top of the aspirin bottle and shook two out into his hand, slamming them back with a glass of water before flatly answering, “No.”
Melshi’s smile flipped into a disappointed frown, “The two of you seemed to be getting on so well though.”
“That’s what I thought too, but we went out to have a smoke right around midnight, and when I leaned in for the kiss, she vanished.”
“I’m sorry about that, mate.”
“No, I mean she vanished. Like into thin air.”
“People don’t just disappear, Cass.”
“She did!” his voice started to elevate, “I mean you saw her, right? You saw us dancing?”
“Yes, I saw you,” he said slowly, brows knitting together in concern, “Are you okay?”
“No! I feel like I’m going crazy! I met the perfect girl last night, and she slipped through my fingers, and I have no way to contact her. I’ll never know if it all just wasn’t in my head,” he lamented, leaning onto the counter with both elbows and rubbing his face vigorously in the palms of his hands.
“I think you had a bit much to drink last night,” Melshi said softly.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Cassian said, raising back to his full height and turning to pull his faded coffee mug out of the cabinet next to him. He figured it was best to forget about it, or, at least to pretend that he did when he was around his friends. Jyn would forever be a mystery to him. A memory burned into his skin. All night, he felt the ghost of her hands on his body and caressing his face, like he was being tormented by some succubus that wasn’t there when he reached back out to touch her. He had played back every moment trying to pinpoint any signs he might’ve missed, any indication that she wasn’t as completely enamored with him as he was with her. After draining two cups of black coffee, Cassian leaned his head against the cool steel of the fridge door and found himself wishing that he knew what Jyn was thinking, just one peek into her mind to set this all straight.
Across town in an expansive penthouse, Jyn was pacing the floors with bare feet, lamenting the way her evening had ended. Empty wine bottles cluttered her coffee table from her meager attempts at getting even the slightest bit drunk enough to feel something. All it gave her was a headache and a full bladder though.
She drained one final bottle and tossed its empty shell onto the rug next to her discarded heels. Her dress lay in a crumpled, glimmering pile over the arm of her sofa. On her body was nothing but the crimson lingerie set she had purchased for that particular outfit, planning to reveal it to a lucky, or, unlucky, suitor at the end of the night.
A heavy sigh left her lips as she curled up in her favorite spot overlooking the city. For hours, her windows were lit up with dozens of firework displays. They had only dwindled in number as dawn approached. She watched the sun crest the horizon and spill buckets of yellow and pink into the harbor’s dark mouth. The waves stretched their legs to welcome the first day of a new year, sending the ships off with a choppy goodbye.
New Year’s Eve for Jyn was always melancholic. Each year that passed just created more space between her and the loved ones she had outlived along the way. Each year her skin remained taut and glowing while her family rotted away in crude wooden coffins.
Time had always been a friend and an enemy of hers, a thorn in her side and a balm for the wound it left. Since she was bitten, she had been afforded the chance to start over again and again. Not many people got the grace of do-overs or the wondrous gift of seeing the world. She felt like a petulant child sometimes for being jealous of mortality, but after so many trips around the sun, so many voyages across the seas, she started to ache for a familiarity she had never known. Every time she got comfortable, as the years piled on, people started to notice she was unscathed by time, like a relic behind the glass in a museum, features frozen and perfectly preserved for onlookers to gawk at. She was familiar with the pain of being clipped at the roots and forced to re-grow somewhere else. The cycle was starting to drain the life from within her, like a painful reminder of being transformed all over again.
Jyn had lived many lives in many places, but she always came back to New York. It was easy to disappear there, to slip into a crowd, hop onto a subway, vanish in plain sight.
“Idiot,” she chided herself, on the remembrance of her most recent Houdini act.
For years she had kept her emotions under lock and key, perfected the art of not giving a fuck, not getting attached. In one night, with one look, all of her walls came careening down, and she was left with the decision to either rebuild or… No, she needed to think clearly. She didn’t have another option, told herself the facts over and over, repeated what she knew about humans and the last time she got too close to one. Still, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the boy from last night out of her head. His deep brown eyes were all she saw every time she shut hers. She swore his fingerprints were burned into her sides and the back of her neck. Being with him awakened something within her, a hunger, a craving unlike any other she had felt before. There were several moments as they danced under the blinking lights where she could’ve sworn she felt the phantom beat of her heart from where it laid dormant in her chest. Being with him made her feel alive again, and she didn’t know how to make sense of it all.
By now, the sun was high in the sky, flooding the oak floors that were stained a deep, rich umber with pools of warm gold. Though the light could burn her, she had made a habit out of keeping the shades open on the floor to ceiling windows that lined the living area. She had spent much too long living in darkness to not indulge in things like this beautiful winter morning.
The staircase to the second level lay across from the wall where her long, grey sectional sat nestled beneath massive oil paintings she had collected over the years. It led directly over the kitchen to another sitting area outside of her bedroom suite. She climbed the stairs with long, fluid motions, looking like a goddess come to earth. Sprawling out across her bed, Jyn opted to try for sleep one more time, but as soon as her eyes clamped shut, she was met with memories of Cassian so real she could swear she was in his arms again.
Her name on his tongue, her lips on her skin, everything was pounding against her temples, making her feel like she was captive to the telltale heart.
Jyn shot straight up, a resolve set deep in her chest to not ruin another life, to not string along another lover only to watch them fade as time sneered over her shoulder. She stamped out the flame that was lit last night, buried it under the rubble of her past, and decided to look for something else to lose herself in. Maybe this would be the year she went back to school or booked a really long cruise to distract herself. She rolled off her bed and climbed into her office chair, pulling her laptop open and powering it on to lose herself in the endless possibilities that lay on the other side of her boot up screen.
Weeks passed and Cassian continued on with his life as normal. He took the train to the office with Melshi in the mornings, had polite banter with his coworkers over cups of rotten tasting coffee. He did his work, took the train home, and did it all over again. As February approached, he found himself still hung up on a girl that he had barely spent three hours with. He went on one date with a girl from accounting last week, listened to her drone on about her cat and her marathon coming up while she stabbed at her salad. She was nice but she wasn’t Jyn. He couldn’t even bring himself to care when she tried to kiss him at the end of the night and he ducked his head to avoid it. Sure, it would be awkward at work on Monday, but he had no interest in kissing anyone else or hearing them talk about the pieces that made up their lives. Cass dreamed of her soft lips, ached to hear her laugh again, bright and refreshing like a rain storm after a drought, a downpour he had spent years on his knees for, hurling hopeful prayers at a cloudless sky. And each time he caught the tide of his mind drifting to her pull, he reminded himself that she didn’t care about him at all, probably hadn’t thought twice about him since that night.
His usually peaceful sleep schedule had been a wreck all month. Agony was the only word he could use to describe it behind closed doors, plagued by a sense of longing for something he wasn’t quite sure he deserved to wish for, couldn’t allow himself to dream about. When his eyes refused to stay shut one particular night, he rolled over to find his clock staring at him in bright blue light, half past midnight already. Restlessness ran through Cassian’s limbs like electricity, longing for an outlet. He clumsily kicked off his covers and pulled on a hoodie to go for a late night walk. Maybe some cool evening air and moonlight would do his body good, he reasoned.
Stepping off the elevator and into the barren lobby, he was met with an eerie silence, seemingly the only soul awake with the approaching witching hour, meant to be safe in his bed like the rest of the city. He crossed the room with a reverence, dodging squeaky floorboards on light feet, not wanting to disturb the quietude. The short flight of steps down to the sidewalk was damp from a lingering rain shower. Cassian pulled his hood up and jogged into the night with no particular route in mind. He was met with heavy air and the kind of cold that clung to you like a second skin, crawled into your lungs and curled up to stay when you opened your mouth to exhale. The streets were empty save for a few cars driving slowly through the drizzle. Wet slush and grit crunching under tires roared in Cassian’s ears. It was almost enough to drown out his relentless thoughts.
He kept his hands stuffed in the front pocket of his hoodie as he followed the green lights over crosswalks and across empty streets. Few others were out this time of night, especially in this weather. Come spring’s thaw, it would be a whole new story. The city would come to life again, bustling at all hours. For now, he was thankful for the solitude, as if he didn’t get enough day to day. Once he realized he had wandered far enough, the full moon’s glow lit his path home. He was admiring the way it glistened in the small pools of standing water and almost walked straight into the hooded figure standing outside his apartment, pacing back and forth beneath the ginkgo tree at the foot of the building.
“Sorry,” he murmured, keeping his head down.
That voice. Her voice. He would know it anywhere, like it had always been a part of him.
“Jyn, how did you find me?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“I thought you hated me. I thought I would never see you again.”
She took a step closer, tentative hand reaching out to bridge the gap between them, desperate to feel his warmth again, “I could never.”
He gave a wry laugh, “You don’t know that.”
“I thought about you every day,” she whispered, her pinky reaching out towards his hanging hand.
“And I thought about you, stayed up for days trying to decide if you were just a dream,” he stepped closer, allowing her left hand to tangle with his right. His own left hand came up to gently cup the back of her neck.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” she closed her eyes and swallowed hard, giving him one more out and hoping he wouldn’t take it.
“Lucky for you, I want to know it all,” he smiled softly, and she decided she could spend forever in the strong hold of his embrace, however long forever ended up being for them.
“I’d really like that kiss now.”
Her lips almost brushed his with that confession, and he took it as permission to close the distance once and for all.
He kissed her fervently, like a secret prayer, like solemn worship, and she kissed him like he was the answer to the crushing loneliness she had grown accustomed to. Even now, she could feel the sun rising over the ashes of her soul, stirring the pieces. His kiss was like electricity, like being reanimated.
Rain had begun falling heavily accompanied by booming thunder as another storm rolled in. Cassian finally pulled away, lips seeking those desperate last kisses before resting the bridge of his nose against hers.
“You’re freezing,” he remarked, dragging a knuckle gently down her cheek.
“Yeah, about that,” she began.
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hockeynoses · 2 years
Obsessed with your writing!! Could we possibly get more of allergic Steve? I don’t have a certain prompt in mind but the way you’ve written him in the past is very chefs kiss
I didn't expect to churn this one out so fast, but I liked that it was vague and then my imagination took over!
Summary: Steve, Eddie, and Robin all live together. Robin is cat-sitting for Vickie, and Steve is allergic. 💖 1.3k
Rating: 18+ This is pretty tame, but it includes kinky!Eddie and there's one mention of his man-parts. 👌
“We’re back!” Steve announces to the apartment as Eddie follows him in, arms full of grocery bags.
“Okay!” he hears Robin respond from her room down the hall.  The two boys set the bags down on the kitchen counter and start to put the groceries away. Eddie pulls out a box of cookies and smiles at Steve, waggling his eyebrows exaggeratedly.
“Those are for later,” Steve says, snatching them away and placing them in the cupboard.
���Aww, you’re no fun,” Eddie pouts.
“We gotta make dinner fi-hir- ha-ehXXT!” he sniffs, “First.”
“Bless you,” says Eddie, giving him a teasing wink.
“Thanks. So, for dinner, did you want to do the pasta or the burg-heh- J-Jesus – hih-EKSSH!” He finishes, stifling the sneeze into his fist. Eddie just raises his eyebrows at him, watching. Steve rubs at the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, trying to quell the growing itch there. “I don’t know where these are com’bing frob,” he says, congestion creeping its way into his words.
“It’s a little late for hayfever…” Eddie says, glancing at Robin’s closed bedroom door. Steve is aware of his predilections, but he tries to keep everything under wraps around other people. There was only so much he could get away with when Robin was home.
As if summoned by his thoughts, he hears the creak of her bedroom door and her soft footsteps padding down the hallway.
“Hey guys!  What’s for dinner?” Eddie’s eyebrows just about reach his hairline when he sees her holding a small orange tabby cat in her arms.
“Whadt is that?” Steve asks, hand still pressed to his nose.
“This is Jennyanydots.” Robin says, holding her up and smiling proudly. Seeing her statement met with blank stares, she continues, “The Gumbie Cat…? From CATS? … Andrew Lloyd Webber?”
“Band nerd,” Eddie teases, glancing from Robin to Steve, whose face is starting to contort in preparation for another fit.
“heh’RRSH!  iihh-TISHH!  kx’GSHT!” He bends forward with the force of them, catching them in his cupped hands. “Whad the fugk is it doing here?”
Robin rolls her eyes. “It’s Vickie’s cat, and I’m watching her for a week while her family is on vacation. Their regular cat-sitter had to cancel at the last minute.”
“Robidn, I’m ah- allergic to caaa- ha-TSCHH!”
“To cats,” Eddie finishes for him, eyeing Steve with amusement and barely concealed interest.
“You can’dt have a cadt in h-here for a w-week! Hih-knxxt!”
“I’ll keep her out of your room!” Robin says.
“Thad’s nodt… ha-GKSHU!” He scrubs his nose angrily. “I cadn’t just stay in mby roob for a week!”
“I can think of-” Eddie starts to joke, and decides it’s probably for the best when he’s cut off by-
“iihh-KSHH!  Heh-tssh! …IITCHuh!” Steve grips the counter for support, coming up dizzy in the aftermath.
“Nevermind,” says Eddie, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
“Keep her in your own roob!” Steve argues.
“No! She has to have space to roam free!  If I keep her locked up in my room, she’ll hate me and I can’t have Vickie’s cat hating me, Steve.”
“Whadt about mbe?” Steve asks, gesturing to the mess his face is starting to become. Eddie thinks he should probably grab him a tissue or twenty.
“You said your allergies weren’t that bad!” says Robin.
Having had enough of the yelling, Jennyanydots jumps from her arms to the floor, leaving a cloud of fur in her wake.
“I… hih’KXXT!  Okay, bmaybe I was downplaying themb a bidt.” Steve punctuates his words with a thick sniff.  Eddie looks back and forth between them, entertained but also wishing he could get Steve alone.
“I mean…” Robin looks at Steve with worried eyes. “You’re not going to die, right? Like your throat won’t close up or anything?  I cannot have your death on my hands!  The kids would kill me.”
“Ndo, I’b dnot going to die. I’ll ju-huh-st ha-ESSH!  Heh…eh-KIIISH! I’ll just wish I was dead,” Steve says, swiping a knuckle under his nose.
“You’re being dramatic,” a hopeful accusation from Robin.
“ihh-ISShoo!  Really?!” At this point, Eddie finally decides to run off in search of tissues for his boyfriend, jogging toward the bathroom.
“Don’t you have medicine you can take for it?” Robin says, eyeing the tabby who has sauntered her way over to wind between Steve’s legs.
“Yeah, but- H-hey, gedt-hih gedt thad thigg away frob mbe- hah-ghXXTch!”
“Aww, she likes you!”
“I’b serious, Robidn! EXXTCHH!” He sneezes into his hands, glaring at her from above his fingers.
“Alright, alright, I’m getting her!” Robin grabs the cat and steps several feet away from Steve, but the damage has already been done. Eddie returns from the bathroom clutching the box of tissues, and the first thing he sees is Steve’s face, eyes closed, nostrils pink and irritated. His breath is hitching desperately, mouth open, and he knows the next fit is going to be a big one.
He shimmies up to Steve’s side, plucking three tissues from the box and setting it on the counter. He slaps them into Steve’s open palm and watches as the other man steeples them over his nose. Moving to stand behind Steve, he snakes his hand from Steve’s lower-back around his middle, fingers sneaking under the hem of his shirt.
“I’ll save you if you get dizzy,” he says, trying to keep his voice light. He glances at Robin, hoping she won’t think anything of it beyond Eddie being his usual weird self. She takes that as her cue and realizes she should take the cat back to her room for a bit so Steve can collect himself.
She turns and heads down the hallway with an earnest, “Sorry Steve! Take your meds and we’ll continue this discussion later! Good luck!”
The only response is an echoing, “ha-RSSSH! ESSHHH! ih-hih…gshHOO!  Fugk.” A brief respite allows him to catch his breath, but not for long. With him plastered to Eddie’s front like this, Eddie can feel every hitch, every desperate inhale. He strokes his thumbs against Steve’s stomach, feeling the soft hair there and the defined muscles that contract with every sneeze.
His voice is low and muffled against Steve’s shoulder when he asks, “You got more in there for me?” He feels Steve’s breath hitch as he presses a kiss to the back of his neck. Knows the other man can feel his semi-hard cock digging into the top of his ass.
“heh…ihh-Ha’AETCHHoo! Ah…heh’RRSSShh! IIXXSH! Kk’SHU! Ughh,” he groans, gasping for breath, bent over from the force of them and dizzy with it. Eddie’s arms are firm around his waist.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Get it all out,” Eddie says, running his hands along his sides. Steve’s skin is warm with exertion.  “Do you need-”
“HA-ESSSHHuh! F-fugk, I- hah…ihh’ESSSHHOO!  I cadn’t- hih’RESSSHH!” Curled forward, panting, Steve uses the temporary lull to blow his nose, the crackle of it echoing in the kitchen.
Seeing that the clump of tissues in Steve’s hand is pretty much decimated, Eddie frees one of his hands and leans over to snag a few more from the box. He holds them out in front of Steve who blinks the tears from his eyes and swaps them for the soaked bundle which Eddie sets on the counter. He’ll clean it later, he thinks.
“Guh…dnot ah-agaidn… ESSSH! Hih…hah-ATTSCCHoo! Fugking ca-hah-ATTSSHH!” Eddie holds him steady, hands skirting the tops of his hips. “Why did idt have to be a cadt?” He leans his head back to rest on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, baby,” says Eddie, pressing a kiss to his temple. “We should probably head to our room and get you some meds.”
Steve gives a careful sniff, checking that the fit is mostly over. “Yeah,” he says as Eddie disentangles himself and leads him down the hallway.
“ha-eh’XXSH! We should’ve got mbore Claritin at the grocery store,” he says, holding the crumpled tissues under his leaking nose. “Hih-IISHH! kk’ISSHT!”
“We’ll get more tomorrow,” Eddie says, closing the door to their room and finally pressing Steve up against it. It’s going to be a good week.
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rejectedanimexp · 1 month
New part to Phantom thieves au
Edit: this is part 5 by the way
Lil’ P’s Obsession?; Luigi is an “angel”
Peasley hummed ‘Daisy Daisy’ as he gathered powerups in the darklands for his next heist. Sure, he could gather them in the Mushroom Kingdom, but that would lead to Mario wanting to know why he was gathering them in the first place. Besides, there were tons of rare and unique powerups here!
So trespassing on King Boo’s lands it is. Maybe he’d run into one of Luigi’s villains. That would be fun.
Peasley has just another powerup into the basket on his cloud that was already overfilled when a voice pipes up from above in a nearby tree.
“Why are you humming that creepy tune?”
Peasley abruptly stops humming and looks up to see a wannabe jester on a tree branch.
“Its a nursery rhyme and its catchy. It's not my fault movies like A Space Odyssey made it creepier. Now, London Bridges is a creepy tune to hum.” Peasley sassed back.
Dimentio raised an eyebrow behind his mask. He was pretty sure this was one of Luigi’s friends yet the guy didnt even seem concerned that he was near him.
“You… you do know who I am, right?” Dimentio asked just to double check that this was the green guy that hung around Luigi.
“Yeah, you're the demented jester dude that Red Mustache Man still whines about. Nice job getting under his skin by the way. His ‘holier than you’ attitude really grates my nerves.” Peasley laughed.
“Red.. mustashe man? You mean Mario?” Dimentio chuckled.
“Marco, Marice. Whatever his name is. I only learn the names of people who matter. Red Luigi is not worth the effort of learning a name.” Peasley dismissed with a wave of his hand.
Dimentio floats down closer to him. “What brings a hero wannabe like you to a villain’s territory?”
“Eh, Collecting powerups without Red Luigi poking his nose into my business. That guy is such a party pooper and wouldn’t mind his own business if I did this back in the Mushroom kingdom. And if I did it back in the Bean kingdom, my Mother would ground me or something. So, collecting them where Red dude wouldn't check is my best bet.” Peasley frowned. “Besides, I’m not letting Luigi upstage me in annoying his brother, so I need powerups to annoy Red Man while I break as many laws as possible. Maybe I’ll crash one of his hero parties. I don’t know. I just like annoying him. It's fun and it cures my boredom. And who said anything about being a hero? You save your kingdom one time and everyone thinks you want to be some superhero. Please. No thanks.”
“The hero wants to rebel, how cute.” Dimentio pulls out a dagger only for Peasley to roll his eyes and pull out two of his own.
“Did you know, you should always have 22 knives on you at all times? You never know when you need them. And at least half of them need to be poison-tipped. I wanted to have more on my but Luigi and Daisy limited my spending on them because it was starting to raise suspicion on me.” Peasley piped up cheerfully.
“Slow or fast-moving poison?” Dimentio asked, slightly intrigued.
“Both.” Peasley beamed. “Depends on the situation. Do I need to silence someone or do I need them to suffer?”
“You’re awfully violent for someone hailed as a heroic Prince.” Dimentio snorted.
“Well, maybe I’m tired of being labeled as some idiotic hero wannabe by everyone. Nobody sees me for anything but the try-hard hero wannabe and it's annoying.” Peasley clenched his fists. “So when Luigi snapped and decided to take advantage of people underestimating him, I decided to follow suit. Figured I might as well take advantage of it as well.”
“This isnt some game for little boys to play you know. Villianly is a serious profession and-”
Dimentio is cut off by a pouting Peasley who throws his dagger art him.
“Fiesty, huh?” Dimentio mused as he looked at the ornate dagger that embedded the tree next to his head.
Peasley just smiled that innocent smile he had perfected. “I have no idea what you mean, good sir. I’m just a normal upright citizen. I totally don’t plan to be an inconvenience and menace to society.”
“You are a gremlin,” Dimentio concludes.
Peasley’s eyes light up. “You really think so? I tried to perfect my perfect innocent child smile to throw people off. Luigi likes to joke that im a demon spawn.”
Dimentio felt slightly uncomfortable by the look Peasley was giving him. He felt like Peasley was staring at him like a new shiny toy and it was unnerving. “Yeah… sure. You seem really annoying.”
Peasley claps his hands together as he smiles widely. “I like you. You’re so cool. What kind of dagger was that that you pulled out earlier? Is it true that you can easily defeat Red Man? How many knives do you have on you? What's your favorite knife or dagger? Why do you wear that mask all the time?”
Dimentio sweatdropped. He definitely felt uncomfortable now. He should have stayed in King Boo’s Mansion.
“You’re the coolest villain ever, Dimentio-senpai.” Peasley gushed which made Dimentio regret ever getting up today.
Later that Day with Luigi
Luigi sighed as he let the loud casino noises around him blur into white noise. Ever since Waluigi disappeared (aka died), Luigi had to take over some of his shifts at Waluigi’s casino.
Strangely, it is still running even after its owner has gone missing. Just Luigi’s luck he supposed.
Luigi mainly ruins the bar and deals cards. Let it be known Luigi takes his job very seriously. That being said, he also takes his rivalry with the 3 purple nuisances seriously. 
So you can imagine his reaction to overhearing Wario of all people making fun of the three villains about how pathetic they are to lose to a weakling like Luigi. 
He rightfully got passive-aggressive of course.
Luigi hummed as he shook the drink and tossed the shaker into the air. As much as he was clumsy at times, he was rather skilled at making any kind of drink no matter how complicated it got when shaking the drink shaker.
Luigi poured the drink over ice and handed it to the random customer before sighing as he whipped the shaker clean.
His attention was soon drawn to what seemed to be King Boo, Dimentio, and Antasma. They seemed to be arguing with Wario. Luigi told his coworker to cover for him before he silently made his way over to them.
Luigi caught the tell end of Wario’s teasing. 
“You guys call yourselves villains? Don't make me laugh. You guys cant even defeat Luigi and he’s the most pathetic person on the planet. He guy is afraid of his own shadow… yet you guys lose to him? You’re jokes.”
Luigi felt something rather dark bubble up inside of him as he clenched his fists. 
How dare he. HOW DARE HE! His fights with them were not something to laugh at. 
Green lightning cracks around Luigi’s fists as thunder is heard outside despite it not raining.
Dimentio, who knew about the Thunderhand powers due to Mr. L, noticed Luigi first. Dimentio knew something was about to go down.
Luigi cleared his throat as he held a tight smile that screamed murder. Wario turns around to see Luigi with an unusual look on his face.
“I heard you were talking shit about me?” Luigi hissed.
Just then more green lightning strikes outside, hitting Wario’s car. Wario looks over to see through the windows to check for storms only to see his car was on fire.
“Oh, talk about bad luck. I hope that strange lightning doesn't hit your house.” Luigi said sweetly as faint green lightning cackled around his hand.
“You little shit-” Wario goes to attack Luigi, only for Luigi to swiftly sidestep him.
“Dear me, you sir must of had a little too much to drink. You don't think I had anything to do with the unnatural weather do you?” Luigi spoke loudly in a fake innocent tone.
People all around look over to see the angry guy in yellow trying to attack the innocent and wimpy younger brother of Mario. They all saw how Wario tried to blame Luigi for the lightning. No one believed him and a group of people were mad that he would attack defenseless Luigi when he wasn't doing anything.
Within a matter of seconds, customers were trying to drag the irate Wario away from Luigi who had fake tears and an amazing act of fear going on.
“By Wario! I hope you get well from your anger issues soon.” Luigi called out with fake innocence just to sell the point that he was the victim.
Meanwhile with Mario
Mario sighed as he scouted the library for any clues that the two villains might have left behind. He knows Peach’s guards found nothing but it couldn't hurt to double-check just to be sure.
Lil’ P and Lady D seemed to have stolen a magic book and crystal according to Princess Peach. What they needed with those ancient items was anyone’s guess. But Mario knew that villains make mistakes. He just needed to find it.
He will bring down Mr. L and his two sidekicks if it's the last thing he does. 
To Be continued…
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mikussabbath · 2 years
Cloudgeal is criminally underrated and I’m constantly in flux between being sad and grumpy about it.
I have a LOT of thoughts on this, and so I’ve decided to dump some of them here.
AGSZC is so so lovely and great, but a whole lot of fics with the pairing entirely neglect/avoid the dynamic between Angeal and Cloud.
On one hand I kind of understand it. Cloud/Sephiroth, Cloud/Genesis, and Cloud/Zack are all really fun and unique dynamics that already have a large following. Cloud and Sephiroth can have that sort of quiet companionship or the lingering tension that comes from their shared past (depends on when in the timeline things are set, obviously). Cloud and Genesis can have this fiery back and forth relationship, where Genesis is wholly obsessed and Cloud puts up with and at times shuts down Genesis’ antics and they’re both in love with the other for it. Cloud and Zack are the epitome of friends to lovers and the tenderness that comes along with that.
I GET why these dynamics are popular and why they’re given so much attention within ASGZC. But it really… makes Angeal feel unimportant or lesser, to me at least. He doesn’t have a Big personality the way SGZ do, but he’s still a really wonderful character.
Angeal can offer Cloud tenderness and care that he’s never really been given. In turn, Cloud can offer him someone to take care of, who well and truly needs that care and (mostly) won’t protest it. A lot of people tend to portray Angeal as a bit of a mama bear—which I adore and agree with! But this also means that, whether he does so purposefully or not, Angeal tends to put the others’ needs above his own. Cloud is there to make sure that Angeal gets some of that care too, because for as strong and capable as he is, even he needs it. So Cloud will make sure Angeal gets the care he deserves, even if he says he doesn’t need it, even if Cloud has to trick him into it by setting things up in a way that taking care of Cloud indulges and satisfies Angeal’s needs.
Cloudgeal, to me, is very warm. It’s mutual protectiveness in a way that isn’t always physical. And while it’s not as loud and crazy as some of these other dynamics, that doesn’t make it less interesting or valuable.
I try so hard, when writing ASGZC, to give Cloud and Angeal proper time together. It is very important to me, just as these two and their relationship is very special to me. There is so much potential to portray warmth and intimacy and care so beautifully through them, and I think that both Cloudgeal as a whole and within ASGZC are criminally underrated and underappreciated. I really hope to see people give more love to these two.
(Also everyone is sleeping on the size difference. This ALONE is a crime and more reason to give attention to their dynamic but don’t even get me started on that.)
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Carpe Diem - Chapter 3
Pairing: Sketchbook (Kaisa/Johanna)
Summary: Carpe diem: one of the five latim mottos of the arcadist, or neoclassical movement. Literally translates to "seize the day"
Picking up where Locus Amoenus left off, this fic follows the lives of Kaisa and Johanna for a couple weeks as their feelings grow and develop.
Notes: Sorry but infodumping/letting someone infodump to you are the ultimate love languages
Read it on ao3 or read the first installment on this verse or read the second installment on this verse
A recurring theme that they noticed on the stalls was that they were mostly decorated and selling a couple of products related to Halloween already, never mind that they were still in September.
Another recurring thing that didn’t escape Johanna, was how excited Kaisa got whenever they passed by stalls that displayed such things. Whenever they walked by a particularly interesting Halloween decoration, or an artist who had selected some “creepy” or darker products to put in front of their stall, Kaisa gasped just loud enough for Johanna to hear, and very subtly bounced up and down on her heels. Very subtly, in a way that she was sure she only had noticed because she was walking oh-so-close to her. It didn’t really surprise her that Kaisa hadn’t been expecting her to pick up on it, because clearly the girl had been underestimating how closely Johanna paid attention to her.
Not that she hadn’t been doing that from day one, that is.
“You really like Halloween, don’t you?”
Kaisa turned to her with wide eyes when she asked it, like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.
“Yeah, kind of. It’s silly though.”
“New rule!” Johanna’s sudden chirp made Kitty look at her like she’d grown a second head. “You’re absolutely not allowed to hold back on what makes you happy, or to feel bad for it. Let’s try this again. You really like Halloween, don’t you?”
Kaisa could only look down at her feet, hoping the black and purple hair that fell over her face covered the way she was absolutely failing to hold back a smile, uselessly biting at the inside of her lips to try to stop them from stretching.
“I really do. I was really obsessed with witches when I was younger, and Tildy always fueled my passions. She gave me every book on every subject I asked for, and an obsession with witches melted into an obsession with Halloween, which became one with the historical roots of the holiday and the Celtic people. Honestly, it’s one of the reasons why I chose to major in History as well as English.”
Success, Johanna thought, looking down at Kaisa who was now displaying the most adorable smile on her lips. She’d always been somewhat aware of the height difference between them, but like this she could see very clearly that Kitty was at least a full ten centimetres shorter.
“That sounds so fun!” As she assured, Johanna wondered how many other interests Kaisa had that would make her sound so alive when she spoke about them. It was kind of sad to know that they were all most likely being neglected, though. With how furiously Kaisa focused on college, Johanna doubted that left her much time to learn about anything that wasn’t related to her lectures. If she had any say in it, though, she’d make sure Kaisa spent as much time engaging with the things that made her happy as possible. “Do you have plans for this Halloween? We could spend it together, if you’d like.”
The look Kaisa gave her was shimmering at first, before being clouded by disappointment. “I’m afraid I have. Tildy forces Frida to go trick-or-treating every year, and makes me go with her. It’s one of her many strategies to force us to have a night of rest from studying. I already promised I’d be doing it. Frida wants us to dress like characters from a cartoon she likes.”
Even though Johanna smiled as Kaisa answered it, bemused at the image of two workaholics being forcibly kicked out of their home to ask for candy (Kaisa’s mother sounded more charming by the minute), Kaisa didn’t feel content about completely turning down her invitation. It was something she’d very much like to do, and she’d hate it for Johanna to get the wrong idea.
“We could do something the day before, though!” She rushed to assure her, terrified that Golden might think she’d been giving an excuse. “Or the day after. Even if it’s not Halloween related, I’d just love to hang out-”
Johanna gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, sensing her distress. “I’d love it too! I’m sure we’ll think of something nice. What characters are you and your sister dressing as?”
It was hard for Kaisa to even contain her sigh of relief when she understood that Johanna really didn’t feel like she was being brushed off. “Amity and Lilith, from The Owl House. Do you know it?”
They kept on walking, Johanna’s brow furrowed in thought. “Isn’t that the gay rights cartoon? I think I saw it on twitter.”
“Yeah, you’re probably thinking of the right one. Frida hasn’t said anything about liking girls or boys yet. I think she’s still very young to have that figured out. But I’m willing to bet that Tildy has some sort of magical filter that she uses when making adoptions that miraculously points her to the lesbians, honestly.”
Johanna was glad she hadn’t been drinking anything. If she had, she certainly would have choked on it and it would have spilled through her nostrils, and it would not have been a pretty sight.
“Gosh, I need to meet your family.” Johanna said through her laughter, happy to see that Kaisa had joined her in on it. “Radical change in topic, but I am starving. Want to grab a bite?”
Funny, Johanna thought. Even her single worded answers sounded more full of life now.
They skimmed through the next stalls, since most of the food ones were deeper into the market, and only stopped for one that caught Kaisa’s attention. It sold small, handmade perfumed candles, and anyone that passed by the two of them while they were there would have thought they were clinically insane with the way they frantically picked candles of each available scent to smell it, discussing which were the best ones. While they came to the consensus that the coffee bean and vanilla one was the champion, Johanna for the most part was drawn to the wildflowers and tea scented ones, while Kaisa didn’t relinquish her opinion that the apple and cinnamon candle was special. Johanna left empty handed out of pure self control (the tons of unburned candles in her bedside table’s drawer would certainly not appreciate it if she brought home another one just to abandon it), but Kaisa purchased both their favourite candle and the one that smelled like apple pie.
Once more food vendors began popping up, their nostrils were assaulted with the scent of every kind of food you could imagine, which honestly felt like karma for so desperately smelling everything on the candle stall. One of the first stalls had a large metal bowl at its centre, and bags of powder of many colours around it, and there was a child walking away from it with an enormous blue and purple cloud on a stick.
“Cotton candy!” Johanna exclaimed when she spotted it. “Would you like it?”
Kaisa scrunched her nose. “Not really. It’s so… sticky. The texture isn’t really my jam, I guess. But you go ahead and get it! I’d love to see you try and eat that, it’s bigger than your head.”
Showing her friend her tongue, she tugged her hand to invite her to continue walking. “Nah, that’s okay. I’m not too fond of the taste, I just think it’s fun to eat it.”
“Once again, I won’t be the one to stop you.”
“No, but you’ll be the one to take pictures of me with cotton candy stuck in my hair and blackmail me with them later.”
“Fair enough.”
They took a while to look at all of the available options, paying close attention to the other market attendees who walked past them holding any sort of food so as to make an informed decision. The ultimate winner was a stall frying beignets and sprinkling confectioner’s sugar on top. If the smell of deep-fried pastry alone wasn’t enough to draw them in, the look of utter pleasure in the faces of those who they saw eating them certainly was.
Their paying time took three times longer than it should, a result of both of them arguing about how they should be the one to pay for the other while the shopkeeper looked absolutely unamused. In the end, Kaisa won and paid for them both with the argument that Johanna had already driven them here, which meant that Johanna was already plotting every sort of plan to pay for their next meal.
At the centre of the square, a couple of benches were positioned around what would be a bonfire as soon as night fell, and they took a seat on an empty one. As they bit into their beignets, neither contained the hums of delight at the sweet, warm explosion in their mouths.
After a few bites in silence, because that was definitely the kind of food that was too good to talk while eating, Johanna gasped and reached into one of the bags she had acquired while in the market.
“You know what would taste great with this?” Before Kaisa could even think of an answer, she took her jar of honey from the bag and opened it. She offered it to Kaisa first, who dipped her pastry only just enough so that her next bite would taste of honey, and then promptly poured such an obscene amount of it on hers that it began to spill and drip down her fingers.
“Hm, this is so good.” Johanna moaned. While Kaisa was sure that she wasn’t tasting the honey as much as Golden, she would admit that it gave the beignet a delicious depth of flavour.
And then she looked at Johanna and completely lost all rational train of thought.
Her eyes were closed in appreciation and her head was leaning slightly back as she chewed. What captured her attention, however, was the drop of honey that had caught on the corner of her lip, and was painfully slowly making its way down to her chin.
If a human could blue-screen, Kaisa imagined that this was it.
What was the appropriate reaction to this? Probably telling her about it and giving her one of her own napkins, since Johanna would probably already be needing hers to clean her hands. Was this what her mind was telling her to do, though? Absolutely not, because the only thing her damn brain was working for at the moment was providing her with a very vivid imagery of how nice it would be to kiss that drop of honey away from her face and into her own mouth.
With her face most definitely red at the appalling thought and her hands suddenly clammy, Kaisa wished it wasn’t weird to shake your head violently in a public space (what? At least she’d get the feeling of shaking that thought far away from her) and acted on what was probably the middle ground between those two options.
Reaching up with one of her spare napkins, she allowed her hand to float just in front of Johanna’s face.
“May I?” She asked when Johanna opened back her eyelids and looked at the offer with open curiosity. At her nod, she wiped the honey away.
“Thanks.” If Johanna’s voice was several octaves higher, Kaisa didn’t comment on it. It wasn’t like she had the credit to do that, anyway. “This is… really good.”
“Yeah.” Kaisa bit into her food again with gusto, willing her mind to allow her to forget that moment of insanity. It wasn’t creepy if she hadn’t done anything inappropriate, right?
They finished eating and without even communicating seemed to agree on just sitting there with each other for a while. Johanna extended her legs in front of herself while Kaisa sat with one knee bent and foot close to her skirt, and the other leg extended towards Johanna.
“It just occurred to me that I do not, in fact, know much about the historical roots of Halloween.” The wind played with Johanna’s curls, making her bangs swing softly from side to side.
Kaisa snorted. “Are you sure you want to go there? Get me started and it’ll be hard to get me to stop, you know.”
“I’d love to go there, actually.” She smiled. “Anything you’d like to teach me, I’m all ears.”
Sighing contently was the only thing Kaisa could think to do, really. How long had it been since anyone other than Tildy and Frida had been ‘all ears’ to her? Not only to her interests, but to anything at all? Had that ever even happened?
“Well, you see, it is generally agreed that the Celts had three harvest festivals…”
Johanna wasn’t sure how long they spent there. She didn’t care, either. All that she knew is that she’d gotten this girl who she had spent months wondering if she even knew how to speak to give her a full lecture about a topic she was passionate about. She’d never even known she had the slightest interest in druids or roman cultural assimilation or the issue with the typical definition of a “celt”, but watching the muscles in Kaisa’s face move and hearing the pitches of her voice which were apparently unlocked when she was excited made Johanna decide that that was one of the coolest topics in the world, actually. She’d be sure to check out a book on it next time she was in the library, so she could actually hold a conversation with Kaisa next time she talked about it.
At one point, Kaisa stopped talking and looked around them, letting out a chuckle.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” She quipped, but Johanna didn’t understand it. The haze of tranquillity that had come over her when Kaisa had begun her monologue still lingered, and she struggled to pay attention to anything else.
Kaisa pointed to the sky by means of explanation, and to Johanna’s surprise, it was no longer blue, but somehow orange, pink and purple at the same time. Hadn’t they arrived just past three o’clock, she wondered with startlement.
“It looks so pretty from here.” Johanna marvelled. Even those masterful watercolours they had seen paled in comparison to the real thing.
Kaisa’s gaze wandered back and forth from the sky to Johanna’s face, struggling to decide which was the better view. “It really does.”
They drank in the moment greedily, knowing it was impossible to drown on such a beautiful thing (and that if it were, they would go down gladly). The sounds were softer now that night was falling and most people had left, the colours were shifting as the sun bid goodnight and a market worker worked to light the bonfire in front of them. This time, unlike the garden, Johanna didn’t have to teach her how to appreciate the moment. She wouldn’t let this one go for anything.
The flames rose up in front of them, filling the autumn air with their warmth, and Johanna extended her hands towards them gladly.
“I disagree, you know.” She said, looking at Kaisa mischievously. “I don’t think we should stop meeting like this. I wouldn’t change this for anything at all.”
Neither would I, Kaisa thought, worried at this feeling that was settling in her chest even though it felt like it was too big to fit in it, worried about her carefully selected priorities that all seemed irrelevant in the face of all this peace. Neither would I.
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
#kacytober: OCT05. balloons
They walk hand-in-hand through the carnival, taking in the bright lights and colourful stalls where people of all ages try their luck at winning oversized stuffed animals. Music blasts through various speakers, drowning out the screams coming from the fairground rides that spin and whirl around them. Children (and some adults) weave their way through the crowds, hyped up on cotton candy and caramel apples. It is busy and loud and manic, and yet somehow, when it is just the two of them, everything is calm.
They had left Kai and Jesse on the bumper cars, since Kate is still fragile following her run in with Malkie. The cuts have healed but she is still feeling a little bruised after the fight. The everyday brown hair dye has started to fade, leaving a copper tone in her usually blonde hair that Lucy is obsessed with running her hands through and she is starting to wonder if she should keep it.
Lucy catches the eye of a boy of maybe thirteen or fourteen stood nearby, a cloud of balloons towering overhead, bunched together and tied around a cart next to him.
“How much?” she asks him.
“Ten dollars.”
Kate shakes her head in amusement as Lucy digs into her back pocket to pull out a ten dollar note, handing it to the boy and taking a balloon shaped as a giraffe.
“Really?” Kate says, her lips twisting in a smile.
Lucy shrugs, holding the balloon with one hand and reach for Kate’s with the other. “He’s just a kid trying to make some money – and I get a balloon out of it.”
It flies high above her head, blowing in the breeze.
“Careful, you might fly away,” Kate teases as she accepts her outstretched hand.
Lucy smiles but doesn’t spar with her and Kate notices the wistful look in her eyes as they start to walk through the fair.
“Nothing,” Lucy says with a small shake of her head. “It’s just… my Grandpa used to say the same thing when I was little.” She rolls her eyes at her words. “Even more little than I am now.”
They both chuckle.
“He used to take me and my brothers and sister to the carnival every time it came to town and he’d always buy us a balloon each to take home. I’d keep mine in my room for as long as I could until it deflated, then I’d pin it to my wall.”
Lucy talks about her family sometimes, but only in throw away comments. Kate knows it hurts her that her family don’t support her chosen career.
“He sounds like a wonderful grandpa,” she says softly.
“Oh, he was the best,” Lucy gushes. “He always wanted to have fun, you know? He’d worked so hard building the company when my dad was little and I think he felt guilty about missing out on so much with his own kids that he tried to make up for it with his grandchildren.”
Her smiles falls a little as she turns more contemplative.
“He was the only one who understood when I said I didn’t want join the family business,” she says. “Sometimes, when I was growing up, I’d feel like the black sheep of the family. Maybe because I knew when I was thirteen that I liked girls and I didn’t know how to tell my parents, ‘cause I wasn’t sure how they’d react. Grandpa was the first person I told, when I was fifteen and had my first girlfriend.”
They keep walking through the crowds, caught up in their own bubble, and Kate stays silent, letting her talk.
“He was really sweet about it,” Lucy continues, smiling to herself. “And when I told my dad that I wanted to go into law enforcement, he did the whole ‘I’m not angry, just disappointed’ speech and Grandpa told him he was being an idiot, and that I was allowed to do whatever I wanted.”
“He sounds very wise to me,” Kate says. “What else did he say?”
Lucy looks up at her and grins, something shifting in her mood as she shakes off her melancholy. “That you should always kiss your girlfriend when she’s carrying a balloon.”
Kate laughs – and willingly complies. After all, she has always been taught to respect the advice of her elders.
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gutscenes · 2 years
mdzs vol. 1 chapter 5: the sunny pair– first readthrough thoughts
Okay, so Wei Wuxian, our romantic comedy protagonist, wakes up in Lan Zhan’s bed after having slept on his chest all night. “He himself was laid out properly…arranged into a mannerly and respectable pose.” Weirdly tender and endearing of Lan Zhan to do this. Like, sleeping properly is clearly important to him. This is just another way he dotes on Wei Wuxian!!!
“Jeez, this guy! He rejected the rabbits back when I tried to give them to him, and now he’s secretly raised a whole horde.” Please understand Wei Wuxian. This is an act of utter devotion to you. Please don’t make fun of Hanguang-jun (or do, he fucking loves it)
Once Wei Wuxian finds out his Hanguang-jun is in the middle of a dangerous and botched creature soul summoning he instantly runs straight into the thick of it, flute in hand. 
Lan Qiren waking up from his coma or whatever to scream at Wei Wuxian for making such a racket with his flute, and then instantly slips back into his coma out of anger. Like that alone should give away WWX’s identity. 
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji figuring out supernatural mysteries together, piecing together the mystery of their “good buddy” corpse…I need a modern scooby-doo AU please.
“Good, good, good, now we can finally go down to the mountain and elope!” Wei Wuxian manifesting a little too flagrantly here.
God. During night hunts, Lan Wangji always preferred to come and go alone. And now he takes Wei Wuxian. His true life partner has returned to him.
Okay I’m losing my mind. After they leave the Cloud Recesses, following where the corpse arm pointed, Wei Wuxian tries to flirt with Lan Wangji to get a rise out of him but it’s not working. He keeps crawling into Lan Wangji’s bed expecting anger. But Lan Wangji just gives him “a gentle tap, petrifying him. Then he would tuck Wei Wuxian into another set of blankets and arrange him into a proper sleeping position until morning.” The way Wei Wuxian just?? Keeps coming back to his bed??? It is so (clenches fists)
“Now [as opposed to when he was younger] not only is he completely unaffected, but he’s even learned to retaliate!” okay I’m glad Wei Wuxian thinks of Lan Wangji going along with his flirtation as “retaliation” like yes he is lowkey returning it in his own very Lan Zhan way.
How many times is Wei Wuxian going to mention how much he likes how Lan Zhan smells? I hope he never stops, I love it. He’s just so attracted to this man.
WWX casually reaching into LWJ’s robes to find his money pouch. Also “This didn’t look like anything Lan Wangji would carry on his person at all.” So did LWJ start carrying money solely for Wei Wuxian to spend? I’m so…LWJ is so doting and devoted and soft, believe it or not!!
“If Wei Wuxian hadn’t thought he knew a little bit about Lan Wangji’s character…he would almost have suspected there was some sort of romantic entanglement between Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu.” Baby. My baby boy. My clueless dumb little slut. My clueless beautiful dumb supreme evil lord baby boy slut.
Wei Wuxian proceeds to argue with a vendor selling portraits depicting the Yiling Patriarch as a vile ugly ogre. He’s going to blow his cover but I GET IT.
Wei Wuxian’s fear of dogs is sooo cute but also sooooo sad, my baby. “LAN ZHAN, SAVE ME!” he screams...I am obsessed, obsessed with how Wei Wuxian switches between calling him Hanguang-jun and Lan Zhan. “Hanguang-jun” coming from WWX’s mouth comes across as so flirty and teasey but also like acknowledging how well earned the title is. Flirty, teasey, and proud. Whew. Also using “Lan Zhan” while pretending to not be Wei Wuxian…nice try buddy
Jin Ling is like, oh shit I am going to be punished by Hanguang-jun for letting my dog run loose! And then watches as instead, Lan Wangji completely freezes solid because Wei Wuxian is hugging him from behind (and screaming because dog). (And then once the dog and Jin Ling leave he emerges with his hands behind his back like nothing happened. I’m dying)
Obsessed with WWX hugging LWJ’s waist and hiding behind him whenever he hears Fairy. WWX: Hanguang-jun, move, go on! What’ll I do if you don’t?! LWJ:You…let go, first. “The two dragged and pulled, stumbled and floundered as they followed the sound of the howling.” Cute…
“Wei Wuxian’s soul was about to leave his body. He reached out to Lan Wangji with both hands. ‘Lan Zhan…Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…Lan ZHAN, LAN ZHAN, LAN ZHAN!!!’ The black-haired dog dragged Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian dragged Lan Wangji, and thus did the dog drag the two men…” CUTE...
“Lan Wangji took his hand to steady him, and whether in reproach or exasperation, he shook his head.” This is the Lan Wangji who does not like to touch others btw. Goes out of his way not to, btw.
I would watch and read and devour (whatever) allll the content of WWX and LWJ just traveling the world solving weird ghost mysteries together while being all romantic and flirty. Give me ten seasons of this, put it in syndication. I'm sold.
"The Sunny Pair" sounds sarcastic but also...we just know that Lan Wangji is beyond happy to have Wei Wuxian by his side. They really are a sunny pair okay...
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wilde-is-the-wind · 2 years
A little tale of an angel and a demon. Not Good Omens (although there might be some influences), I love the concept of opposing forces meeting and making up and wanted to make my own, so I chose Raphael and Asmodeus.
I’m a bit obsessed about the secularization of christian mythology, and some years ago I designed a board game about Armageddon, where you play with demonic forces and the heavenly host, so got kind of into that.
words: 1 608
After Armageddon
The sky was glowing faintly with red. There were clouds quietly assembling, giving the dim glow a dark edge. There was going to be rain later. The earth was covered in ash and flakes of burnt material hovered in the air, no breeze to be mentioned. Yet the clouds continued to gather in the higher layers of ozone.
A figure slowly ascended from inside the hollow ground. He had dark features and black clothing, that hung from his misshapen shoulders. He took a step, then another. His bare feet didn’t leave a footprint on the ash-covered ground, but the gentle movement of the dark, grubby wings that grew from his back caused the air around them to swirl, and the dust and the burned flakes followed the movement obediently. The figure slowly made his way to a hill, that broke the stable rhythm of otherwise even landscape. He stopped, as he finally reached the highest point and turned his face to the sky above.  
The red glow had been breached by a golden ray of light that continued to intensify as another figure slowly materialized from thin air. Where the first figure was dark, this one shined with holy light that enveloped him quite same way his light curls hugged his beautiful face. Languidly, he descended to the ground,
“Asmodeus”, said the angel.
“Raphael”, said the demon.
The two immortal beings observed each other, maybe waiting for a sudden attack that never came.
“It has been quite a while. I haven’t seen you since Israel, as I recollect. I might have been a bit too harsh with you back then, I must give you my apologies”, Raphael announced and tilted his head in consideration.
Asmodeus shrugged and gave a wicked smile. “Haven’t been able to be near fish since then, I tell you. But yeah, I was just having fun with that gal, Sarah. To be denied a wedding night seven times in a row...the girl was absolutely begging for some action. Maybe the poor fellas didn’t really deserve such a cruel faith. But you know, me, a demon. I must fill my infernal boots in a way or another.” There was a contemplative pause. “Although it doesn’t really matter anymore, I guess. Things down there in Hell are quite a bit of a mess right now.”
“I see what you mean”, said the angel. “Things have changed, the war is over, and the earth left empty. It is quite a shame. It really was beautiful down here once. Although in the end they kind of managed to screw things up thoroughly well.”
Both turned to watch over the barren view. The field of Mediggo, as it was, was never really a place to behold but now even the grass and the few stubborn plants that once had covered the area were burnt to ashes. There were wide cracks in the ground and thick smoke ascending from them. The smell of sulphur filled the air. The two figures were alone, there was no one else to be seen.
“Have you been to other places? Is it truly like this everywhere?” asked Asmodeus warily, as if he didn’t really want to know the answer.
“Yes and yes”, answered Raphael”, “There really is nothing left, no souls to tend to.” As the angel spoke, sadness took over his beautiful features. “But this is His will and a new earth shall be built in His honour.”
“A new earth?”, the demon inquired curiously. “And what that one shall be like? A golden city filled with dance, laughter and sing-song for all eternity? Flower-picking and candy eating all day and furious orgies during the night? That last thing I could endure”, he noted. “What about all the humans? Are there any left?”
“They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life”, quoted the angel.
“Well fuck me, that sounds absolutely dreadful”, Asmodeus uttered and made a disgusted face. “No place for a lousy demon like me, it seems. I guess I just have to come up with something else.” He gave Raphael a curious look. “What about you then, mighty archangel Raphael? What shall be your holier-than-thou role in this new loony order?”
Raphael did not answer immediately. He glanced up to the skies, deep in thought. The demon saw his anguish.  
“It really was quite a sight, you know. With those trumpets and bowls filled with godly wrath..it all really came together quite theatrically.”, Asmodeus told the stone-faced angel with almost complementary tone in his rusty voice. “You guys really got our people running. The big boss was not happy, not happy at all about how it all turned out in the end. Got a little nasty. Well, the burning sulphur is not exactly a beach holiday, but we are kind of used to it where I come from. Guess we just forgot it for a while.”  
The demon shrugged again and joined his quiet companion in silence. It was getting darker, the red glow was almost overcompensated by the blackening clouds. The two figures made no movement, almost like waiting the universe to make its next move. Finally, Raphael opened his mouth and spoke.
“I’m really not sure if I fit into the new order”, he said warily, surprising the demon.
“What do you mean? You are an angel, the mighty Lord’s little pet, a bringer of The Good Word and all that shit. How come you would not fit into the new perfect world of the sky pope and his lamb brisket?”, said Asmodeus and made a repeating sound, that barely could be described as laughter.
Rafael ignored the demon’s casually uttered blasphemy but answered.
“My purpose as an archangel was always to be the messenger and to carry out God’s important plans for mankind. But now, God himself shall join His creations and there won’t be need for a messenger anymore.”  
He didn’t seem very reluctant to admit this, Asmodeus noted. As if the archangel had already accepted his lack of purpose. Or maybe he had already found a new one, the demon wondered.
“What about Michael, Gabriel and the rest of the holy postmen? Are they as deep in an existential crisis as you are or are you the only Roquentin moping around right now?”, he inquired.
“The others have joined the higher choirs and are gathered around the heavenly throne.”, the angel stated, “I’m sure there shall be a new place made for them in the new world, whatever that may be. ”
This didn’t seem to make sense to the demon. Why wouldn’t the angel take his place beside the other holy choirs as well? There was something about Raphael, he thought. The holy light emerging from him was as radiant as always, but there was a different kind of hue to it that seemed to grow by the second Asmodeus observed the angel. It made the demon’s eyes water, but he didn’t seem to be able to avert his eyes.
“Why are you here?” he finally asked.
The angel sighed and finally turned to face the demon beside him.
“I guess I could ask you the same thing, demon Asmodeus. The world as we know it has ended and yet here we are, two immortal beings, standing on its ashes on the field of Mediggo, where it all started. There is no going back, the only option is to move forward.”
Asmodeus contemplated these words as he formed his response.
“Well as I said, it is a mess down there in the pits and there are no more souls to be corrupted. I wanted to see if there was anything to be scavenged.”
“There is nothing.”
“I can see that now.”
There was a sudden crack of thunder in the distance. The two immortals did not seem to notice as they studied each other, pondering the next move. Finally, Asmodeus opened his mouth, considering his words carefully.
“It’s a big universe out there, you know. The humans only got a tiny glimpse of it, even with all that technology. And as you haven’t smitten me yet, I could only assume you are not planning to do that in the near future”, he said, trying to sound as casual as a vicious demon only could. “Could use some angelic help, navigating around the infinity.”
Raphael raised a curious eyebrow, but kept his silence.
“Wouldn’t it be gracious, to see what else there is outside occult and ethereal?” the demon continued his inquiry “Those terms don’t seem to matter that much anymore.”
“The rules have indeed changed, for better or worse”, the archangel agreed as he considered the words of his demonic counterpart. There were surely places where even the all-reaching hand of the Lord rarely made a visit.
“It is decided then?” Asmodeus asked. There was determination in Raphael’s eyes as he slowly nodded his agreement. The demon’s mouth spread into a wide grin, the kind that was taught by the devil himself in the deepest pits of Hell. “I won’t promise to be good”, he added.
“And I won’t promise to not be”, answered the angel.
The two figures spread their wings and took flight. At last, there were no more beings left on the quiet earth. And finally, the clouds erupted, as if it had been planned ahead, and let the heavy rain fall on the desolate ground.  
The Great Plan of The Almighty God occurred. And the infinite universe kept on expanding.
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Making a Reading Journal pt.2
Happy NYE. I spent the bulk of my day watching YouTube essays and Good Omens, and working on my 2024 reading journal. I’m now convinced it’s going to also be part film journal because there is so much space left in the notebook I chose. After blocking out the reading bit, there’s a little over half.
The first thing I did was put stickers on my journal. I’m obsessed with the chartreuse color of the book!
After I had worked on the pages a bit, it became clear that the stickers were not gonna stay on, so I decided to laminate the cover with packing tape. This will also just combat some of the issues I read in the reviews of this journal, mainly a separation of the lining from the soft material of the cover.
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I had these stickers laying around for a while because I had run out of surfaces to put them on. So I guess I was *air quotes* collecting them *shrugs*. I particularly like how it looks like Sam, Dean, Cas are having some sort of discourse over the fairy above them.
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This journal has a little contents section in it, so I used the first part of that for the “5 Star Reads” area. This is before I knew I’d be using the same book for film. Originally it made sense to me to start off with this.
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The next pages will be the table of contents for each section. This book came with presumed pages, which is super nice.
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Now to some of the fun, I started with a book count coloring page, complete with a rating system. This is something I saw in the TikToks I mentioned in my first post. On the opposite page is the first of three pages that feature 365! Clouds. This is the “No Buy Year” section. As I also mentioned previously, I have a lot of books I haven’t read, and they play a major role in my debt, so part of doing this journal is accountability, and setting an intention to read the books I own.
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This was the point I remembered I had care-bear stickers, and started using them. 💖
Next up was “Book Bingo, more care-bears, and … balloons?… I dunno why, but it turned out super cute. I’m happy with it.
This is followed by the first page of the “series tracker”. Keeping with the care-lot-theme, I did up the series I’m working on in little rainbow clouds.
It only seemed right that the “genre bubbles” should follow, so I did that, of course with a bubble theme. Can you believe in this whole sticker book I have of care-bear stickers ONLY ONE FEATURED BUBBLES!
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Last pages of set up in the next post!
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persephonescottage · 2 years
THAT LAST CHAPTER OF PONY!!! THE WAY YOU ENDED IT!!! 😳😍♥️ I swear this Billy fic is so, so damn good. Always such a fun and thrilling (and arousing- 🫢) read. I especially swooned at the way Billy worried about Pony while he was out of the city and so far away from her like with her not taking care of herself, not being safe while walking home, etc. Such a good touch to the story and really added another layer to their relationship that only had me falling deeper in love with your Billy and Pony. The only thing that I love more than Stalker!Billy is Protective!Stalker!Billy !! Lol
Which now makes me curious… How would Billy feel or react if Pony had gotten hurt while he was away? Like if she was mugged or fell or something like that? Or or or, even more than that, how would Billy feel if he found out that Pony had a well hidden stalker who had way more menacing intentions toward her (like the stalker had no affectionate obsession or love for her like Billy does)? 👀
I hope I’m not over overstepping by having this question! I don’t mean to being offending or anything of the such. It’s just that this story is honestly ALWAYS on my mind and I start imagining things and wondering things and yeah… lol. I figured it’d be interesting and more insightful to ask you since you’re the creator of this wonderful story and evidently know what goes through Billy’s mind better than anyone else. If you don’t want to answer and indulge in this imagination, then I totally understand and respect that choice!!
Anyway, I do love your story so much and have been enjoying every bit of it. Thank you for giving us this amazing story! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week 💕
This is so nice of you! And by all means send me all of your PONY theories and scenarios I love it!! It means a lot to me that people see my story worthy of taking space in their mind and their own imagination it is literally the best thing ever!!!
I do have a few ideas and I hope you agree.
I feel like Billy has this idea of Pony in his mind, he sees her as someone who is walking through fire and magically not getting hurt. In his mind she is innocent and sweet and he needs to keep her safe from all the creeps (like him) that want to use her cause who woudn‘t, is so fucking hot to him.
As we know Pony lost her family at eighteen, so she basically finished raising herself and that’s where it gets tricky. Because, Billy sees a part of him in her. The vulnerable and lonely part.
That being said the first thing that comes to my mind is that Billy definitely left and alert on Pony’s file at ANVIL. If Frank alters anything or writes any new information down he’ll be notified too.
I can see him absolutely loosing it when he learns that you broke a full boiling coffee pot at the library which gave you a minor hand burn and some glass cuts. He would immediately call the hospital you were taken to and claim he was your husband and ask for the best room and doctor for you.
You’ll literally be there for an hour and you roll your eyes at the flower arrangement that comes to your new and unnecessary room.
“Thinking of you Pony, get well soon.”
The note on the pink rose basket will say and you’ll pretend to be mad but when the nurse asks casually while wrapping a band on your hand if your husband will come pick you up you’ll cheerfully say yes, 
You know he’ll be there to follow you home and you know he’ll watch you from the van all night.
Billy does pack up and leave Japan as soon as he hears. Maybe it wasn’t even on ANVIL’s file, maybe he’s hacked both yours and Gianna’s phone, because we know he probably already did (spoiler?) and he’s definitely seen the couple nudes you have on the cloud.
Saved them for later.
Taking your pain medicine you sleep off the injury and by the time you wake up the next day you realize the empty side of your bed is all messy and smells like cologne.
You get up alarmed and walk to the kitchen were you find a new basket, this time it’ll contain a fresh bouquet of daisies, all the medicine on your doctor’s prescription and your medical bill fully payed, along with some chocolates and a note.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again Pony.”
Getting back to your question, I feel like the odds of having two stalkers is a little crazy, but NOT impossible and now I’m suspicious of you reading my story outline notes…
Because maybe he’s a more sofisticated stalker, hidden in plain sight. I mean Henry is a little too touchy for my liking and when I re read what I post I feel like he gives off a ‘I only see reader as another doll I gotta have in my rich boy toy box’ vibe.
I feel like Henry has this plan of letting all his rich friends use you and then dispose of you when he gets bored.
The thing is, Billy would know, he’d just know.
And he’d definitely murder all of them with his daddy knife ™ before he even started trying to get with you for real.
Rich kids are stupid and Henry is probably going on coke induced rambles in Ibiza telling all his friends about his master plan.
He’d probably make it look like an accident and console you at his funeral.
Did I just make a villain out of Henry Dumas?
I hope this answered your questions because it’s 90 degrees in California and I’m dehydrated enough to ramble about this story. Thank you for allowing my silly little fic a space in your brain💕
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thegeminisage · 3 years
one of many reasons castiel spent the first year of knowing dean trying not to strangle him: dean's weird little winchester-only dialect
i’m fucking obsessed with this right now, so buckle in for a meta. a cool fun (horrible) thing about dean's dialogue is that a good 90% of what comes out of his mouth is:
a pop culture reference ("you're just gonna take some divine bong hit, and shazam, you're roma downey?")
references to real life phenomenon ("i don't wanna wake up missing a kidney in a bathtub full of ice" "try new mexico, i hear he’s on a tortilla")
these also often take the form of nicknames, and dean has a tendency to give people nicknames in general or call them something besides their given name, whether it’s affectionate or rude ("easy there, van damme" "so i’m girl interrupted" furthermore castiel = cas, ezekiel = zeke, etc, see also frequent use of "chucklehead" "asshat" and on the nicer/endearments end "buddy" "pal" "sunshine" etc)
an idiom ("a snowball's chance" "if it smells like a duck...")
slang ("drinking the koolaid" "jonesing for some hooch" not to mention the literal endless amount of words dean uses to refer to killing - gank, waste, juice, ice, etc)
a metaphor ("power up your batteries" "fly me back to my page on the calendar")
a euphemism ("cloud seeding" "i'd have given you an hour alone with her first")
sarcasm (his habit of replying "peachy" or "super" when asked how he is)
wordplay (see: the entire "vampirate" and "werepire" debacles)
completely nonsensical (guessing what happened to a magical artifact: "it was dug up by tomb raiders? it was seized by the king of the dead by warlords?")
said at lightning speed - if you pay attention, dean actually talks a LOT, usually a mile a minute (this makes me feel a way when you recall him being nonverbal for a year at age 4 but that’s another post)
slang IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE (casual usage of “guano,” etc)
a lie, a deflection, a joke, etc
or worse, something dean’s NOT saying, deliberately, because he’s one of the most repressed people on earth
the end result of all this being:
dean winchester is utterly infuckingcomprehensible. 
think about this. there's an ENTIRE SECTION on EVERY SINGLE EPISODE PAGE of the spn wiki devoted to JUST explaining dean's pop culture references, because the average viewer won't have seen everything he's talking about either. they have a whole page for this called “hunter’s lingo,” but honestly, it’s not all hunters, just sam and dean’s fucking batshit communication style. even i don't understand dean half the time. SAM gets it, sam speaks it back to dean a lot in the early seasons, but that's because sam and dean are 1. practically two halves of the same person 2. FREAKS. every time we get an episode that involves outsider POV is devoted to them going "what the fuck is WRONG with them?"
enter castiel. technically speaking, the show implies that angels are omnilingual. castiel should understand every language known to man, but knowing the meaning of words doesn't help him understand the following:
pop culture references
references to real life phenomenon
you get the idea.
listen to me. look me in the eyes. castiel cannot understand a single fucking word that comes out of dean's mouth. my guy laid a hand on dean winchester in hell and immediately fell in love with him and has no fucking idea what he's talking about ever. because not only is dean winchester's way of speaking CLINICALLY insane, and sometimes incomprehensible even to other human beings who are not sam, castiel is an angel, and someone prone to taking things even more literally than other angels do
go back and watch and watch seasons 4-5 especially. the reason cas does so much squinting and head tilting is because every time dean opens his mouth castiel has to open up his mental "dean winchester dictionary" and translate entire paragraphs on the fly, because again, dean never shuts up!
what makes this extra hilarious to me is this gem:
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this line is from 5.13. at this point cas has known dean for AN ENTIRE YEAR AND A HALF. what you see here is my guy SNAPPING. cas made an EFFORT in this scene. he asked who glenn close was. he's telling dean that he can't understand him. he is doing his level best to have a normal conversation with this guy he has a crush on and for the life of him he cannot do it (equal but opposite energy to cas blowing up the gas station and motel room in 4.01, tbh)
yes, cas can understand dean's tone. he can use context clues, and he usually gets the general idea. and when cas DOES understand dean's jokes, he laughs at them. the first time we ever see him smile is during their 4.07 heart-to-heart when dean says "it was a witch, not the tet offensive." since cas has knowledge of human history, he knows what the tet offensive is; he got the joke, and he laughed.
but as far as actual dialogue goes, he consistently struggles to keep up. even after metatron gives castiel the pop culture knowledge in season 9, cas struggles to put it to put it to proper use (dean: "you wanna just walk right into the death star?" cas: "what does a fictional battle station have to do with this?"). whenever he asks dean to clarify it's always when he’s most annoyed, like most of the time he knows it would be futile but he's too annoyed to care. (dean: "i don't know who's on first, what's on second!" cas: "what IS second???") i’m pretty sure he spends seasons 4-6 wanting to shake dean by the shoulders and ask him why he is LIKE THIS. 
it takes cas - who, again, is omnilingual - YEARS to begin to acclimate to dean’s speech and start speaking that language back to him. it's season 8 before we start really hearing him use slang, season 9 before he begins to understand wordplay, season 10 before he starts using pop culture references (to other angels, who immediately fail to understand him, which disappoints him immensely), and season 11 before he really gets into metaphors. i don't remember what season he started using "yeah" instead of "yes" but i do know it took a really damn long time. 
and honestly, i don't think cas truly got the hang of it until at least season 11-12. that's something like 7 or 8 YEARS. it’s more than half the time they’ve known each other at the point of the series finale. 
so what's true romance, fellas? it's falling completely and totally in love with the most inexplicable person you will ever meet in your whole 4.5 billion year life, even though you have yet to understand a single thing he's ever said to you. thank you for coming to my ted talk
[spn masterpost]
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atlaese · 2 years
of ancient ruins - m.k.
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summary: just two archaeology nerds discussing their love for all that was once lost pairing: reader x steven grant tw: meet-cute, fluff, archaeology nerd talk, happy ending words: 670 a/n: hello! had this cute little idea and finally a little time to write! hope you enjoy :) p.s. i now have a library blog! follow @aeristhotle to get notified when i update!
reblogs and feedback are appreciated ✨💗
moon knight masterlist | marvel/cm masterlists
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His hand was a little cold when it grazed yours, making you pull away instantly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” He exclaimed, his eyes pulled wide open, an overall mortified expression plastered on his face as he held up his hands as if he was held undershot.
“It’s the last one,” you pulled your mouth in a frown as you grabbed the last paper, your excitement dying down a bit. “I’d give you it, no doubt, but it has an article I have been looking forward to for weeks.”
“Yeah, samesies, but it’s okay, I’ll try to find it somewhere else,” the man smiled at you, a radiant smile that made you feel even worse. “I suppose the discovery of a new temple in the Egyptian desert must get some decent coverage.”
“Oh,” you pushed your brows together as you studied the man in front of you even better. Not many people were interested in archaeology these days, so seeing this man casually bring up the discovery of a temple that was once thought to be long lost was peculiar, to say the least.
“You know about Bastet?”  You couldn’t contain the giddy smile on your face as you watched him nod vehemently. 
“Yes! I knew there had to be a temple for her, it would be unthinkable if there wasn’t one,” he smiled, scrabbling through the bag that was slung over his shoulder. He pulled out a little figurine of a deity with a catlike head and held it out to you with a dope sick smile. “One might say that I’m a fan of Bastet’s. She’s a great paperweight too.”
“I mean,” you started, digging through your own bag while biting your lip. “I think we’re both her biggest fans.”
Your keychain dangled on your pointer finger, a smaller version of his figurine dangling on the end. 
“Been obsessed with her ever since I learned cats had a goddess to protect them,” you admitted, thinking back to the time in elementary school when the teacher let you roam around the museum on your own. 
It took them an hour before they found you, hidden away in one of the last rooms, reading every single board of information in the museum.
“As one should,” he exclaimed, ignoring the ringing that came out of his bag. 
“Wow, we would do well on trivia nights!” A certain type of excitement engulfed the man, making him stand out from the dreary London weather. It was refreshing, a ray of sun peeking through the dark clouds.
“We would,” you agreed, looking back at the paper as you thought about your next move.
The man pulled out his phone, a moment of fear passing over his face as he ignored the caller once more. 
“You know, you have it,” you said, holding out the paper with a small smile pulling on your lips.
“No, I possibly couldn’t!” He immediately replied, almost looking offended at your suggestion. 
“And-,” you added, “You give me your phone number so we can set a date for you to share your thoughts on it.”
“A date?” He stumbled slightly over the word, not used to hearing it in relation to his own life. “Are you sure? With me?”
“Yeah!” You handed over your phone together with the paper, an amused smile resting on your lips. “It’ll be fun! But you better bring this article with you so I can read it too!”
He handed your phone back to you, a timid look on his face as he carefully placed the paper in his bag. 
“I’ll see you soon, Steven?” You waved as you continued on your commute to your office, a small skip in your step. 
“Yeah,” he trailed off, starstruck as his phone rang once more, the name of his supervisor making his stomach turn. “I’m looking forward to it!”
He took one last look at your receding figure before sprinting off towards the museum. his mind racing 100 miles an hour, thinking about what museum giftshop artefact he could bring you on the date. 
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