#i’m gonna go off on a whole tangent in the tags
kelleyostupid · 2 years
i need a season 3 bc i need an un-assassination of character that character’s name is lilith is this a thing i sure do hope it is
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I kinda understand “minors don’t interact” and similar things, but one thing I always laugh at is “don’t tag as [thing].” You know — the whole don’t tag posts with the word queer in them as q slur, don’t tag not-inherently-shippy art as ship, don’t tag character posts as kin, etc. First of all, what would you do if someone DOES tag it like that? Call the cops? Second of all, people are gonna tag things however they want, you’re gonna have to deal with that on a website like tumblr.
There’s a similar phenomenon on Twitter where people say “don’t quote retweet”/“don’t private quote retweet” (which is especially funny cuz everyone is gonna see that and go on their private accounts and quote retweet with nonsense to piss you off, lmao)
Like if you’re really SO FUCKING SCARED of your gay post being tagged as #q slur, your Death Note edit being tagged as #Lawlight, your fanart being tagged as #kin, you probably shouldn’t be on the internet. Do you have the right to not view queer as a slur, the right to not ship whatever, the right to not like fictionkin? Of course! But people also have the right to disagree with you and tag your post however the fuck they want. One time I saw someone tag one of my cosplays as [character] faceclaim, and I was a little bit weirded out, but overall it was harmless. I never once considered adding a banner saying not to tag my likeness as a faceclaim, because if I really want to prevent anyone from doing that, the solution will be for me to not show my face online.
Small tangent: When I was younger I used to have a private sideblog that was basically just a venting diary. No one had the password, and, because it was private, my URL wouldn’t show up in the notes if I reblogged something to that blog. Basically, no one knew the blog existed. And I remember sometimes I would see a cool post on my dash, or in tags, and it would be tagged as #dont reblog (this was before tumblr had the option to limit reblogs obviously). And if the post was cool (or edgy, because like I said… vent blog) and I was sad that I “couldn’t” reblog it, I’d reblog it to the side blog, where OP would never know 😭 Rebellious as hell wasn’t I?
That being said — and this might contradict everything I just wrote — I do think people that brag about not reading/not following DNIs are also a bit obnoxious. Not people who just make statements that they don’t read them, but people who make it known how much they hate their existence. It just seems kinda edgelord-y? Idk. Obviously it’s fine to not read them or like them but making it a huge statement is just like…ok? Congratulations? Should we throw you a party? Should we invite Elon Musk?
I have followers—and follow people—who have “Antis DNI” in their bio. I also have followers and follow people who have “Proshippers DNI” in their bio. No one will ever know what side I’m on 😜😜😜😜
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deerlisteners · 20 days
get to know me tag game!!
ty for the tag @toedeodorant :-)
1. Are you named after anyone?
legally? no. casually? MANY people but i’m not gonna say who bc it’s embarrassing lmao
2. When was the last time you cried?
literally last night bc i finished cyberpunk 2077 for the first time. it was BADDDDD
3. Do you have kids?
i do not thankfully bc costs are insane!!!!! perhaps someday
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to be VERY into track/cross country and swimming, and i played soccer and tennis! and then i became an animation student and now i do none of those things unfortunately
5. Do you use sarcasm?
on occasion B-)
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
hair………. i have pretty bad face blindness AND i don’t like eye contact so i mainly identify people by their hair
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
OK SO LIKE….. not to go off on a tangent. but i have something against the phrase “happy endings” bc that to me (alongside “sad endings”) feels like it’s describing something that the term doesn’t actually mean. does that make sense. i feel like in order for an ending to be Good it has to have elements of happy and sad, so any purely happy or sad ending feels lacking to me. also i LOVE horror so tldr scary movies
9. Any talents?
i am so good at falling asleep. i will fall asleep in less than twenty minutes. also i can recreationally dislocate my shoulders
10. Where were you born?
ontario, canada
11. What are your hobbies?
drawing obv. uhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh watching movies. i love watching things w other people and talking the whole time and discussing what we’re watching. also i can play a couple of instruments and i’m getting back into sewing w a friend :-)
12. Do you have any pets?
my parents have two foolish dogs and my roommate has one really weird cat so i am something of a pet nomad
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
english or classics :^) i find it pretty easy to remember dates and i’m really really interested in history so i always enjoyed those classes! and obviously i like media analysis and also reading. so. but if we’re talking exclusively on a university level probably film studies is my favourite subject
15. Dream job?
on one hand i would absolutely love to be an indie webcomic artist full time!!! that’s the dream!!!!! on the other hand i’m literally built to be a blockbuster employee #borninthewronggeneration #oldsoul #justgirlythings
no pressure tagging @dragonheart1330 @theshortolivia @pirdmystery :-)
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Maybe some prompts with a plush/doll caretaker? They’d be In like a toy story situation where Whumper and Whumpee don’t know they’re alive so Caretaker has to be sneaky about it? 
uururururhghhghghghhhhhhhh I can't ever remember the name of this blog but they had a couple gorgeous scenes with a pet whumpee (....bbbbbbblue?) and their little rabbit doll that they believed was alive. And. Something. Something something something smashing their fingers in a door? (i remember ['white. is white a feeling?'] and it changed my whole fkin world - been writing a little difference since i read that description) Such a good blog. Good pieces. I used to be kinda squicked by pet whump and now I love it and that little rabbit is a lot of why. Someone please drop a link so I can find it again, but anyway really really good scene where whumper ripped the little doll apart instead of punishing whumpee - left them locke din the cagee screaming and sobbing and begging for them to stop, but they didn't, they just ripped her arm off and the pet was begging so pretty and I loved it.
Wow that was a tangent. My brain is bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr today (owpain).
But that's what this reminded me of, and is the only time I've seen a whumpee who believes a doll to be real (true or not), so just know that this list is going to be heavily influenced and inspired by that scene. man that was a good scene - okay im done
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(In)Animate Caretaker
Whumper stepping on them without paying attention while crossing the room.
Caretaker struggling with knots, trying to tug free ropes as thick as their body. Maybe getting an arm stuck - dangling like that.
Whumper demonstrating to Whumpee what they’re going to do to them - on Caretaker. Caretaker forced to be completely silent and try so fucking hard to stay limp through the pain.
“Aww, I didn’t know you still played with toys, Whumpee.”
Tiny Caretaker desperately trying to push a med kit across the ground to where Whumpee can reach it. Shoulder pressed to it, feet slipping against the ground. Barely making any progress.
“I can’t take you with me - th-they’ll take you away-”
Whumper quite literally tucking Caretaker in with Whumpee - just being condescending about it, but at least they’re both there now.
Caretaker dragging themself across the room with broken legs to try to get to the bleeding Whumpee - having to pull themself through the hot, sticky blood that’s quickly pooling.
“They won’t see me. They won’t. I’m just gonna grab something really quick - you need food. ‘I’ll be fast - I promise-”
Whumper’s head tilting once they see Whumpee wince at Whumper throwing Caretaker across the room. Starting to piece it together.
Caretaker having to play dead halfway through a stitch. 
Whumper finding Caretaker in a completely different room - taking it as a sign that a naughty Whumpee had gotten out of their restraints/cage/room. Punishing Whumpee for Caretaker’s mistake.
Whumper casually picking up Caretaker and throwing them across the room on their way to Whumpee.
Whumpee having to shove Caretaker under their pillow when Whumper shows up - will they suffocate??
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @meowsikbox @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @michaeltalks @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @astralrunic @cursedscribbles @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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nonbinarycringe404 · 1 year
STARLIGHT X AVIOR: Match Into Water.
This story is loosely based off the song by pierce the veil.
Much angst :)
I don’t wanna lose my best friend..
Avior watched as Starlight shoved their way through the meridian while holding his hand tightly. The ghost of the kiss they just shared still tingled on his lips. Starlight cried out in pain as sparks of magic hit them. Just a little more and they’d be free, they would be home and in the coffee shop.
Make me a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave..
Dreamless and early grave, I never want it to be this way…
“Make me a promise here tonight,” Avior asked Starlight, holding their hands in his own, “When we get out of here we are going straight to that coffee shop you like, right?” he chuckled.
Starlight nodded and agreed happily, going on a tangent about the shops atmosphere, drinks, an embarrassing story, you name it. Avior wasn’t paying attention though, he was to busy getting lost in them. He felt whole with them, as if everything in the world was just right, perfect even.
This is it, when it’s done, we can say that..
Oh my God, we’re not gonna make it..
A big spark hit their intertwined hands, forcing Starlight to the other side, and Avior off the edge of a cliff.
He was falling, but they made it through.
They were home.
They were safe.
You traitor..
Avior banged his fists on the wall keeping him away from them. From his best friend. From his love. His Starlight.
His words fell on deaf ears however, he was alone.
As the thought crossed his mind he slid down to the floor, curled into a ball and cried softly to himself. Small mumbles of Starlight's name being the only coherent thing to come out of his mouth.
I’ve seen you circling the sky above my head..
He watched Starlight live their life in slow motion. A life that exists without him in it. The magical inky black attempted to swarm his thoughts. Coaxing him to pull them back into the meridian.
“Their mine! You stay away from them it’s not their time!” He cried out to no one in particular.
The meridian continued. The toxic thoughts got louder and louder. Demanding him bring them back in. he felt as if he was drowning in a sea of ink and magic.
Fuck it.
He woke up with a start, shaking aggressively. Breathing harshly as if he just ran a marathon.
He looked over at a soundly sleeping Starlight.
‘Cause baby, i’m the one who haunts your dreams at night..’ he thought to himself sadly.
Pretend like it don’t entice you..
Wake up, I know you can hear me..
Avior shook Starlight awake from their slumber semi-harshly. Filling them in on what they should already know. With every word he spoke and question he asked, he felt his heart shatter more and more.
This wasn’t his Starlight.
They will never be his Starlight again.
He took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Make me a promise here tonight..”
ghosty! @angelcactus @konnorhasapen @damnknoxandothernonsense @atlasaddons @gavinsdeviant @zozosrandomthings @frenchiefitzhere @sealriously-sealrious @supermegapisslord @morgansplace @dyswarpia @just-tami-here​ @miyowmiyow​ @morgansplace​ @pinksparkl
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aralezinspace · 11 months
Hey BB!
Your thoughts on The Endless family. Faves? Least faves? What you like about the family dynamic?
I love the whole family, their whole dynamic, in fact I’m gonna Go Off on an ADHD tangent™ xD
The more I think about it, the more the Endless family seems to be a spectrum of order-chaos. On one end you have Destiny (most order) on the other, Delirium (most chaos) which I find fascinating because who does that place smack dab in the middle? DESTRUCTION. Like what happens when you remove the (theoretical) middle of that spectrum, equal parts order and chaos?
My theory is that bits of his potential power/function got passed on to each of his siblings- destiny, death, dreams, desire, despair, and delirium all have the potential to destroy, now more so than before Destruction left because the void of his function needs to be filled somehow.
Dream and Delirium are probably my faves, with Desire and Death closely tied for second/third. I see so much of how I see the world in Delirium, and Dream gives me similar vibes as the Doctor- ancient and definitely powerful and dangerous but also comforting and empathetic and understanding and soothing. Like major props to the designers who created the Dreaming in the show because it feels like it contains boundless adventure and excitement, but also safe and like you're coming home, the same way the TARDIS and Hobbiton feel safe and like home.
In explaining the faves, I feel like I also gotta go into why Dream is my fave as an actor: Tom Sturridge was an absolute PERFECT casting. Like he's such a compelling physical actor; his smallest movements and changes in expression say SO MUCH, which is something I also aspire to as an actor. Not to mention his vocal tone, how he assumes this gentle air of authority that's not overbearing but constantly present, you have no doubt at any point that you're talking to a true monarch. I firmly believe that the best way to get better at something is to work with people who are better than you at the thing- that being said I want to work with Tom SO FRICKEN BAD, just play off him and act opposite him and pick his brain about how he approaches developing a character, Like save some talent for the rest of us ffs
You also get every single stereotypical Sibling Dynamic with these kids:
Destiny- Oldest Son, the pride and joy that also ends up becoming a parental figure to his siblings because mom and dad aren't really Involved
Death- classic Oldest Daughter syndrome, lessened slightly by not being the first born. Also becomes kind of a parental figure
Dream- your typical emo middle child, proud of his Independence and Doesn't Need Anyone but deep down yearns for affection
Destruction- punk middle child that doesn’t really get noticed or paid any attention until they move out then everyone's like "omg i miss him so much" but the fam has made their bed so he's all "🖕🏼🖕🏼you had your chance now I'm off doing my own thing"
Desire- scab picker that pits their siblings against each other for funsies and their own entertainment. My Mema would call them a bochinchosa (busy body). Everyone knows they're doing it but can't resist following along
Despair- Eeyore of the family- loves her despite of the despair/depression, siblings absolutely will defend her if anyone outside the family tries to bring her down because her function has value too
Delirium- youngest and perfect, gets away with absolutely EVERYTHING
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There's my tangent, tagging @neil-gaiman Just In Case Neil if you want any materials re acting/auditioning (assuming you have any say) from me just say the word, I can't even begin to tell you how badly I want to Be A Part of the Sandman world, even a small part
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comradesbooks · 1 year
Fanfiction is underrated tbh
Fanfiction is a written story based off of an existing media, consisting of new takes on the original work, whether it’s meta commentary through characters, alternate universes with different plot beats than the original, or material that is used for the shameless entertainment of reader and writer alike. Producers and consumers of this material know who they are. It’s not necessarily a genre in and of itself, and there is some stigma over fan works as a whole. Personally, I, an active writer of fanfiction, approve of it, and I’m gonna go on a tangent as to why, even though no one asked for it. 
My points will mainly boil down to one umbrella concept; that fanfiction is excellent practice for newer storytellers. 
The best part about fanfiction is that it’s low pressure. It’s not graded, there aren’t deadlines, there are only basic guidelines provided by the original work, and, most importantly, it’s (mostly) anonymous. Unpublished fanfiction authors, such as those on Fanfiction.net or Archive of Our Own, use pen names to protect their identities. An adult writer’s real name doesn’t have to be traced back to the cringey Self-Insert/Levi Ackerman one shot they wrote when they were twelve. Because of that low pressure and lack of deadlines, a newer writer ought to feel more comfortable in getting their feet wet in the writing community.
When it comes down to it, fanfictions, whether they are 2,000 word one-shots or 300,000 word epics, are just works of fiction, and like any work of fiction, need framework. The key difference in the framework between original fiction and fanfiction is that the fanfiction already has the basic framework done. All the fanfic author needs to do is alter and add what they like to the existing template, which is (usually, hopefully) a strong foundation to be built upon. It’s not unlike an artist tracing the contours of a portrait in order to learn how to render colors for a more realistic style. It should never be treated as an original work, but a template for sake of self-improvement, which is perfectly acceptable. Original works of fiction all begin as a blank slates, and it can take a long time to do the worldbuilding necessary to tell a good story. To give a quick and well-known example, J.K. Rowling took over a year just plotting out the foundation for the Harry Potter series, and went on unemployment to do it. In fanfiction, newer writers have the ability to skip the lengthy worldbuilding process, learning by example as they utilize the world that has already been built to their advantage. 
One of my favorite parts of writing fanfiction, especially for a larger fandom, is that there is no shortage of critique, if one knows how to look and ask for it. In this age of the interwebs, ignorance is a choice. Writers of fanfiction don’t have to worry about building a fanbase before they can get any commentary because the creator of the original work already did the heavy labor. All the writer has to do is write their original work, tag it appropriately, and ask for critique, and they’ll eventually get some, sooner or later. With access to so many different viewpoints, thanks to the internet, constructive criticism couldn’t be more accessible. (I will note that some fandoms have some individuals who are absolutely monstrous for a variety of reasons and may not be the most wholesome or supportive sources of criticism.) Critique can be a hot take, especially in the art and writing community where people are known to be a tad sensitive, but no one can improve themselves without a little criticism. Not only do internet-based writers have virtually unlimited access to good, constructive criticism, but they also have access to negative opinions and comments, which will harden them to the real world. Let’s be real here, if you publish a book anywhere, I don’t care how perfect it is. Someone will find something wrong with it and will try to cancel it. 
And that is my extremely informal, blunt, and unstructured opinion on fanfiction that is completely correct in every way. If anyone wants me to elaborate on a specific point, I have no issue with that. I like standing on my soap box because who doesn’t love an inflated sense of importance?
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
so i kind of want to go on a bit of a tangent about the whole billy is racist situation. Dacre has stated before that he did not play or make billy out as a racist but no one ever takes this into consideration? they never listen to him, the guy that literally acted as the character. If they think the scenes with him are racist that doesn’t automatically make them racist because it’s just what they think but it’s not what dacre intended them to be? they take their thoughts of the scene in the car with him and max and completely see it as whats presented on screen. they won’t even try to look into it deeper, billy’s words aren’t what they actually think they are. his way of thinking and talking makes a helluva lot more sense after we get to see the scene with him and his father and his flashbacks. Billy not trusting any guy he comes across makes a shit ton of sense as to why he’s so aggressive towards everyone. Knowing what Neil did to his mother and seeing Max coming out of school in s2 constantly annoyed or angry and it all being a result of interacting with lucas gives us then an indication as to why billy gave Max that car talk. He could’ve very well meant Black people if that’s what people want to think but that doesn’t mean that’s actually what it meant. It could have meant how he sees every man as neil and thus think every one of them will do the same thing neil did to his mother. The talk very-well could have meant for her to stay away from people like Neil. People who abuse their partners and go on to abuse their own children. He was scared for Max thinking if she got involved with Lucas she could end up the same as his mother or Susan. The byers situation yeah billy was definitely wrong by going for lucas, he never should have laid a hand on him. But people always seem to think he singled out lucas because of the colour of his skin. Billy has not seen Max interact with anyone else in the party, ever. There’s obviously something going on between Max and Lucas so why the hell would he bother going for the others when he knows Lucas is the one who’d been ‘bothering’ Max. People are free to think whatever they want to but it pisses me off when they don’t even bother delving deeper instead of just reading and watching what’s on screen and barely even bothering to listen to what’s actually being said. Billy antis point blank refuse to do any sort of reading or listening that might potentially shatter this image they have of him and i’m quite honestly tired of it. There are many points to counter theirs yet they cover their ears whenever we say them. It was never about the actual characters, it was never about “calling out billy” or defending lucas it was always about having a group of people in the fandom to bully and ridicule 24/7. It was always about having a punching bag in the fandom. They think it’s so funny sending death threats to innocent kids or just the people on the internet over liking a fictional character just because they don’t like them. It’s extremely worrying how they think it’s okay and acceptable to act the way they do simply because someone doesn’t tailor to their fucking expectations. It’s disgusting. + side rant: After s4 was released, they took a fraction of the hate us Billy fans get and redirected it towards Chrissy/Edissy/Grace and it’s fucking awful. No one should be told to off themselves over liking different characters regardless of how “bad” the character is. They think they’re fighting some weird hero-complex fuelling war whenever they talk about us it’s borderline deranged. Sorry this is so long btw
I honestly don't mind genuine criticism or call out posts for things we might be doing wrong or pointing out flaws in someone's logic is fine but jesus christ most of the hate comments and posts in the tags are so wrong about the harringrove fandom its insane. They come at us trying to tell us to do certain things we literally already do ffs
If you're gonna be a dickhead at least be correct
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ssreeder · 2 years
heads up this one is a Chonky bOi:
ohmygod you UPDATED, you’re so lovely and so is your writing even though it makes me want to Scream (out of happiness and/or rage, it’s a mixed bag)
you do indeed make the The Most delicious cocktail, how could you ever doubt that??? also I got my own leekie tag :’) someone pls explain to me why that makes me emotional lmfao
noooo why do you always DO this sreedieeee “sokka was worried about jet finding out about who zuko really was” YOU BETTER FUCKING BE AFRAID ITS TOO DAMN LATE
“back to his rightful position as sifu hotpants” see this is the lightheartedness we need to see more of bc YOU KEEP TORTURING THE BOYS WITH NO RESPITE
also I may have forgotten that this plot point existed at all so it was a pleasant surprise
fuck you we’re back with another episode of Angst With Zuko, the most canon compliant aspect in this entire fic
lmao leave it to sokka to feel guilty about almost dying (like I Get it but also it’s the kind of situation where you have to laugh at the ridiculousness or else you’ll cry, and there’s already too much to cry about in this fic bestie)
YAY TINGLY LOVE FEELINGS our boys deserve good things <3
sreedie. I swear to fuckery if zuko is going to run away… I don’t have an adequate threat at the moment but I’m gonna be So Pissed my dude
lmfao not sokka’s ongoing shitty spirit luck-
but also >:(( about the letters LIKE THAT WAS SUCH A SMART PLOT POINT BY YOU AND I LOVE THAT YOURE A GENIUS but seriously Fuck this plot point
okay ik that “the big fire bender” is just a way to describe shen’s stature, but it makes me think of zuko being “the little fite bender” and idk the mental image of the big and little fire benders reminds me of a picture book my mum used to read to me where there was Big Mouse and Little Mouse and Little Mouse wouldn’t stfu and go to sleep bc Big Mouse was snoring too loud but the when Big Mouse put a peg on his nose to stop snoring then Little Mouse STILL couldn’t sleep bc he missed the reminder that Big Mouse was there to protect him from the scary things hiding in the dark and idk it’s cute (I’m pretty sure the book is called night noises??)
FUCK YEAH HAIR CUTTING LORE IM ABSOLUTELY THRIVING RN YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND IM SUCH A SLUT FOR CULTURAL DIFFERENCES BEING EXPLAINED (also the way that zuko simply did not inform sokka of any of these implications I cannot with this boy)
smh hakoda pls accept that your son is gay, shen literally just told you they’re metaphorically fucking in public
nooOooOoOo sad bato hours :(((
also not to go off on a tangent, but I’m going to do exactly that actually. anyways. just the whole “kya would know what to do” shtick got me thinking, it’s interesting for characters to make assumptions about how things would be easier/different if another character is around but that wouldn’t necessarily actually be the case and it’s just them projecting onto their loved one the feeling of safety and dependency onto them so it can act as a source of comfort of sorts?? idk if that’s a coherent thought but it’s out in the world now
hakodaaaaaaaa jet hAS ALREADY FUCKING DONE SOMETHING STUPID I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it why do I love your story so much I hate this
hakoda… there is No fucking way you’re gonna leave zuko behind… right. RIGHT?????? sreeder I swear on my fucking life if your separate our boys-
god I love bato. also shen and zuko banter >>>
oh morrak, obviously they’re going to do something reckless this is jet we’re talking about
aaaaand that’s a WRAP
I am so torn between hating you for this ending and pumped for the next chapter bc shit is once again going to go down, and really, what else are we all here for??
anyways, in response to your proposal, I just wanna say that it feels like we’re divorced, but it was an amicable divorce and so we still celebrate holidays together so our children don’t have to choose which parent to spend time with BUT I use the divorce against you for comedic effect, such as you PULLING THE ANGST SHIT WITH ZUKKA and then I get to shake my head and say “this is why I divorced you”
love you to bits and pieces!!
leekie :)
Ohhhhhhhhh leekie I like my asks like I like my milkshakes ,,, THICK <3
Sifu hot pants takes his position extremely serious I don’t know what you mean by lighthearted?? ;)
If Zuko does run away it will be with elegance and grace and likely in the middle of the night so no one will know :D
Do you think if Zuko found out he was the ‘little fire bender’ he would kick Shen’s ass just to prove a point?
Your tangents are my world, but yeah remembering a person for their best qualities is important but it’s also important for him to at least….. TRY to do what kya would do!
If kya were here she would smack Hakoda upside the head because YOU ARENT EVEN TRYING DUDEEEE. Hakoda is lucky kya isn’t there to witness the mess he is making.
oommmgggg I love being divorced to you it’s the best decision we ever made. Mwa mwa mwa mwahhhhh. You’re the best leekie and you’ll probably hate me more after next chapter but that’s okkkkk!
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lunarrwolf · 3 years
prompt #21: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” *gets killed* “Oh.”
word count: 1,061
summary: you just wanted to play drunk among us
prompt list
With the process of moving hundreds of miles away from home and needing to settle into the new apartment, you hadn’t been able to play (let alone stream) Among Us for at least two weeks. The gaming community was riddled with mentions, tags and memes about how long you were away and what in the world it was that kept you at bay from posting or recording. Scrolling through it all one day, you realized it really had been a while. All that time spent unpacking and making sure everything was set really took longer than expected.
It felt like way more than fourteen days passed before finding yourself in the computer chair, systems on and accounts logged into. Out of the many texts received from friends about joining lobbies or multiplayer games while they recorded for their own channel, you were finally able to agree to one sent earlier that morning.
Corpse Husband began drunk run-throughs of the mobile and computer game not too long ago, and you’d been dying to take part ever since watching the first video. It took a few extra days of tying up loose ends in your home state before being able to let him know you could finally do a few rounds, and by then you were raring to have your little astronaut play survivor or murderer. Especially taking into consideration the lack of practice that was able to go into it lately.
“Look who’s finally among us! Miss YT/N herself!” The sound of groans was clear in your headset as the man made his pun, including emotes dropped in by your stream’s chat.
You gave a short laugh. “Oh man, Dream. I didn’t know you longed for my presence that much.”
“Of course I did. Who else am I gonna gang up on?”
“Wow—mental note for game time.” You stated, earning a weak comeback from the faceless YouTuber as he struggled to find something clever. Everyone spent a few more minutes waiting for the last couple of people before Corpse started the countdown, resulting in the group already guessing who was going to be the impostor.
“Aw, man..” You muttered, disappointed that the revenge on Dream’s joke would have to wait. The only thing left to do was run around, find allies that hopefully wouldn’t kill you (even more so during one of the long tasks) and weed out the fakes.
Thanks to proximity chat being another factor, you took great advantage every time the lights were turned off during the first three rounds. Even with the dark screen, the dimmed figures of the other characters running around were always visible enough for you to avoid them. Not that it mattered when you had no idea who was deemed as either impostor, but you planned on hiding around the ship to figure it out.
It was already the third time someone shut off the power after the last voting session, which fueled a lot of sarcastic remarks from each person you passed about how often it was happening. And with the eject confirmations turned off, it was that much harder to know who was left to expose in the final five. Ethan and Sykkuno were hanging out in the back of the cafeteria this time around, and out of curiosity you trotted up to eavesdrop, being grateful you stole the color black from the deep voiced gamer. Parking yourself in the corner closest to them, you listened closely. “I think Y/N is one of them. I haven’t seen her the whole game and every time I do she’s a freakin’ jet plane.”
After an involuntary gasp, the guys stopped talking, Ethan’s blue space boy now facing your direction along with Sykkuno’s dark green one. “Oh, sorry, did I interrupt something?”
There was a short second of silence before one of them spoke up. “Hey Y/N?”
“What are you, uh, doing on the vent?”
 You could only stare at the two young adults’ astronauts dumbfounded as it set in that you actually were standing on top of a vent. Clearing your throat, you took another swig of your drink and hovered your hand over the buttons that helped you as impostor in case you had to prove yourself. “I know what this looks like, but I can explain.” You began, taking the silence and still animations as the signal to continue. However, any planned words got caught in your throat, resorting to nothing but a very broken sentence. The small giggles rang so clear in your headphones they caused a pout that surfaced many comments from the chat. “Can’t an astronaut take a nap in the cafe of their spaceship anymore?”
“Maybe in the lobby? That way you don’t get killed.” Sykkuno suggested. Being one of the only ones not having anything pertaining to the drunken aspect of playing tonight, he was completely sober and wanted to keep you from becoming a ghost. A fact that went over your head seeing as—even though you weren’t fully drunk, just a bit tipsy—you were less responsive than usual.
It didn’t even occur that he was trying to help when you went on a tangent about how tiring moving day is when it turns into a moving month, and how you would stay up to binge a new show you found that would have otherwise distracted you from working if you played it during unpacking hours. The lights turned back on while you went on and on for the next few seconds, just for you to be interrupted by Ethan. “Just go to sleep, dude.”
“I refuse, Ethanol.” You countered, grinning when exasperation could be heard from the other end at your nickname for him. A small purple sprite with cat ears ran up beside you, and you all took a second to greet one another before you continued. “I’ll have you know that I am committed to finding the culprit. I’ll sleep when I’m dead, and that’s final.”
“I got you.” The low voice chimed in.
“Shit, wait. H-hold on a second.” Your eyes widened as they snapped to the one standing next to you, turning into slits as they narrowed. “Corpse don’t you dare—”
He did dare. And out of all the profanities and insults swimming through your slightly jumbled brain, the only thing that came out was:
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jaypsnax · 3 years
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Alright then, to take it from the top... here’s some things I’ve done here or there for this dang game, from oldest to newest. With a big chunk of months starting with the margin Floofty there. Much is traditional and such, which is not my most practiced medium. Details on each below, just because I like over-explaining and it helps my nerves about posting.
1st: Fairly certain this Gramble is the first thing I did that was OK enough to show. Or, at least close to the first. He was one of my favorites and still is for his kindness(though he also can be really mean and paranoid, also a reason why I like him), so I wanted to get around to em. Also he’s very cute, I love my little malewife. I wanna scoop him up and hold him. Trouble is, Gramble has to have some of the most awkward proportions I’ve yet experienced while trying to draw a grumpus, I swear. That, and the more I looked at it, the more I grew to be unhappy with it. That generally applies to basically all of the drawings from last year, I find them to be “eh” at best. But it is what it is. 2nd: Second up is Flooftyyy, my most favorite. Intelligent, well-spoken, morally ambiguous, NB... and an asshole. But one with a cause they believe in that’s ultimately well intentioned, which they’ll go to self-destructive lengths to fulfill. And it’s clear they struggle to really get a grasp on how to treat people and have learned to cope with their frustration by shutting everyone out and believing them to be ignorant. While still obviously playing favorites between Eggabell and Triffany :p But by the end of the game, they’re learning that in order to really do what they want, they’ve got to really try and understand others. They’re the sort that I’d love to keep following to see their development. The awkwardness, the uncomfortable apologies and attempts at empathizing or opening up, the potential for blossoming relationships and a connection with others that, maybe, they’ve never quite experienced before. Their character is one that’s kind of close to my heart for being interesting and also quite similar to one I made and roleplayed for years. Add in the fact they’re NB and that just sealed the deal, that’s some fucking gender goddamn euphoria right there. So I had to draw them. 3rd: This one also mostly falls under the same explanation as above, except it was an effort as really figuring out grumpus bodies and proportions and stuff. Albeit in the form of solely Floofty, but my mental bandwidth for anything more than a drawing or two at a time is zilch. After that I’m spent. It was the first thing that I felt even marginally satisfied with, however.... I just feel like I’m in danger when looking at it. Like I’m gonna lose my way of things and habits I’ve built now from observing it too closely. Did keep the eyes, however. Kind of. 4th: To be real w you I just felt like drawing a Filbo after seeing a Filbo. He’s cute and I’d put a smooch on his dumb little head. Also more practice w grump stuff, but with some intentional attempts at stylization. I guess it didn’t stick, but who knows, maybe I could pick some of it back up?  5th: THE FIRST NEW DRAWING FROM A FEW DAYS AGO and it’s FLOOFTY, of course. It’s not really the first, there’s a few other things before it, but they suck so... yeah. I’d crawled out of the Bugsnax hole somewhat after a few months and failing to really do anything I actually wanted to do before, but a particular fic conked me right back 6 ft under. Piled the dirt over me and packed it in tight. So here I am again. And not only is it like that, but after binging a whole nearly 60,000 words in a night/morning, I was struck with the inspiration to actually write myself. Or try to, anyway. I have experience in RPing, but not a whole lot in actually... making a story myself. It’s not been going well, but I’ve talked plenty about that already... I’m sure it gets annoying for the whole maybe one person whose seen most of it to witness. And I’m still having fun. I’d mention the fic, but considering it’s NSFW and I’m officially tagging this... I don’t know if they’d want me advertising it as such. But surprise surprise, it’s Floofty related. And don’t get the wrong idea, while it covers explicit subject matter, that’s not entirely the point. Not a bad thing if it were, just that it’s more than that. I just like good character writing over all else, which is something liking this game to begin with heavily reinforced.... 6th: Heeeere’s Gramble, again. I’d been doing some little drawings for character profile stuff in my notebook, but I started to run into some difficulties when I got to him. This here is one of the results of the couple of little draws I did to try and understand. Again, his proportions are so *weird*. He’s just a little guy.... 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th: Here marks the first impulse draw after considering Buddy/Filbo/Beffica poly stuff. As well as the sudden Buddy drawing in general, which came as a big shock to me. These draws are suuuper rough, but I like the concepts. And goodness has this stuff been a whole ‘nother tangent... I did a fair amount of talking about it here. I’d do more, since there were TONS of details I still wanted to mentioned, but... my hands are starting to hurt. So maybe later. I realized that I kinda of messed up their design in my head bc I thought they had more similar teeth to Clumby. Whoops. That’s what I get for not using reference and same with FlooFTY’S TEETH AND THE WATCH NOOOOOOOOOO- .... *Ahem* I reckon the design is subject to change. Gotta make some little adjustment here or there, like maybe different eyes to distinct them from Floofty, but I actually rather... like the look. The hat, tie, and maybe a change to a bag on the side look nice... if totally not canon. But I will have just a little break from canon, as a treat. Otherwise it’s canon or bust. Personally, at least. I don’t really hold others to that standard unless they say they’re trying to follow canon or diverge so badly that a character is unrecognizable.
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wildfey · 3 years
It punches me emotionally that Phoenix either doesn't have motivation on his own or that he lets motivations inspired by other people push away things he likes, like his art degree. There's so much issues to unttangle there, like lacking direction in his life, depression, self-worth issues, identity, and so on. Also, for Kristoph's trap, it's possible that Phoenix just. Wasn't surprised that it happened. Even without potentially disassociating, he's eeriely calm.
(continued) Like Phoenix seemed to expect it could happen that he was set up. It would have been possible to prove his innocence. He didn't. Did he fear only more attacks against him would follow?
ooh, now this is a deeply fun ask to get on my day off, thank you very much anon.
I'm gonna assume this is a reference to this post where I did some tag rambling, so I'll continue some thoughts from there.
100% agree in regards to motivation. Trilogy Phoenix is fascinating to me, I know Takumi said that Phoenix tends to be something of a self-insert for the player, as the "detective" in a mystery plot he's there to solve, not act. But when you take away that doylist perspective, and go inside the text to look at him as a character, things get interesting.
The way I always saw it, the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games aren't really about Phoenix Wright. AA1 dedicates its largest and most significant character arc to Edgeworth, AA2 mostly has Phoenix being pushed through cases by others (all the games do this but it's really noticable in AA2) and AA3 finishes the Fey family's 3-game arc, which is more about Mia and Maya. Phoenix has very little backstory, and very few personal goals, but that's complemented by the fact that Phoenix's characterisation explains why. His motivations, his sense of self, identity, etc. all seem to exist as projections from other people. He's Edgeworth & Larry's friend because they saved him, he becomes a defence attorney because of Edgeworth's childhood beliefs, and the turnabout terror because he's emulating Mia (this is so obvious that Godot points it out). He dates Dahlia because she tells him he's her boyfriend now, his friendship with Maya begins because Mia told her to take care of him, he's Trucy's father because she casts him in the role... this is a repeated pattern for pre 7yg Phoenix. Even in terms of one of his strongest trilogy motivations - saving Edgeworth - he's still to some extent repeating the pattern that Edgeworth unknowingly set at 9 years old.
And when there aren't people around... well that's when the inverse kicks in. When Maya isn't around, Phoenix won't take cases for months (this... has always sounded like depression to me, and I think there's a really good argument for Phoenix having some form of depression. It's how I tend to write him.) He talks about Trucy "being his light", and implies that without her, he would have given up post-disbarment. Phoenix has a VERY obvious savior complex, and it's repeatedly taken advantage of; he defines his worth by how good he is at rescuing others. Examples of this off the top of my head include apologising to Lana for not fully aquiting her when she very much did commit a crime, how upset he is during AA2 because he tried to save Edgeworth and couldn't (even though it's clear that Edgeworth needed to save himself), and wanting to defend Iris even though for all he knows, she's his evil ex (at the point he decides to defend her, he has 0 evidence this isn't the same woman who tried to kill him.) But when it comes to himself? Well, he can get injured or threatened (and he does! a lot!) but Phoenix will NEVER defend himself in the same way he does other people (there's a whole tangent I could go into about how he's a very non-violent character and the few instances in the series where he's physically violent are extremly indicative of this protective streak. But I digress).
So we come to the Zak Gramarye case - Why doesn't Phoenix react? Well, he does. But to defend Zak, not himself. I think this case would have been different if any assistant had been there, whether Maya, Ema, or Pearl, because they wouldn't have accepted it, would have taken it as a challenge to themselves, and by extention motivated Phoenix. But with Phoenix alone... he's only fighting for his client. And when his client disappears... well then, he'll take it passively (If Zak had stayed, would Phoenix have pulled a turnabout? Possibly, there may have been some way to fix the situation if he'd been motivated to do so. He's arguably fought worse.)
This is why the 7yg is deeply, deeeeeeply interesting to me as someone who loves to fill in character development, because the character development that happens in the 7yg changes basically all of this. By the time we see Phoenix again in 4-1, he has gained a decidedly selfish streak, he's out for... something, whether justice, vengeance or just stopping Kristoph from hurting people, Phoenix is finally has his own goals, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. (Thus comes the reversal, Phoenix is to Apollo in AA4 what other people were to Phoenix in the trilogy, though I'd argue that Apollo has a far better developed sense of self)
Would love to hear other peoples opinions on this one though (anon you are very welcome to come back and talk more, would love to hear ur opinions on Phoenix expecting to be set-up)
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sapphire-knight · 3 years
Welcome to a new episode of Sapphire Rambles, today's topic being:
Just as c!Tommy is a simbol of Care, c!Fundy is a simbol of Love.
Let me explain.
(There are going to be 3 principal points to this rant, and each of them is gonna end with a Tl;dr in purple, so it's easier to follow)
If you're a regular in the Fundy tag (or in the Ranboo tag since this argument gets often brought up in relation to C!Ranboo), you might have already seen some rants talking about how C!Fundy is an incredibly loving person, willing to chase after the people he care about if he sees the tiniest hint that mending their relationship is possible, even if they hurted him in the past.
Yeah you are going to see the same argument again here in the first part, but I promise this gets interesting
This became more clear after the Break, when he decided to try and mend his relationship with Philza and Ranboo even if they weren't at all on good terms at the moment, but he thought it was worth it so he tried and will keep on trying anyways, but we have examples of Fundy's really loving and forgiving nature back to the Revolutionary era
Everyone knows about Eret's betrayal I'm sure, but one thing people seem to skim over is how it effected Fundy, because there's the really high possibility that he was the one who was hurted the most by it.
For everyone who has some spotty memory (me too sometimes fam), Eret was the closest person to Fundy at the time, the two being really close friends, so the betrayal must have had a terrible effect on his emotional health, but you know how it went?
It went that Fundy was the first person to reach out to Eret and start to forgive his actions. Fundy always valued his friendships above the side he was in. So even tho he was a L'manburg abitant, he still thought of Eret as a dear friend to him and did his best to not make them feel alone or isolated
There are really few examples of people Fundy actually has an issue with, but even here Hate is a strong and mostly wrong word to apply, for example:
- Wilbur: as we are shown in the interactions with Ghostbur, Fundy didn't hate Wilbut for how he neglected and patronized him, it made him upset (as we saw when Ghostbur called him "his little champion" and he ran away) but he never hated Wilbur for that. The only thing he didn't forgive him was deciding to die, leaving him. And his issue with Ghostbur is not aknowledging or taking responsability. But he doesn't hate Ghostbur, he can talk to him in a civil manner even if the Ghost pretty much upsets him. And about Wilbur? Fundy loved Wilbur, the thing that hurted him was he taking the decision to definitivly leave him.
- Technoblade: even before Doomsday, the correct word of Fundy's feelings towards Techno has never been Hate, but Fear. A lot of people seemed to miss this point about the Butcher Army as a whole, but they weren't move by hate, even if they tried to make it look like they were. They were terrified. On their way to Techno's house, it was more clear than ever that they were TERRIBLY afraid of Techno. The Butcher army was never a movement of hate, but a bad reaction to a traumatic event that scarred them with fear. Also, after the Break? Fundy understands why Techno wanted L'manburg gone, so he doesn't hate him for that.
- Jschlatt: if you followed Fundy's pov, it won't be a surprise me saying that Fundy doesn't hate Jschlatt, but it may be news to other people, since one of the last interaction between the two was... anything but positive. I still shiver at the caravan scene. But even after all he's done, Fundy can't bring himself to completly hate Jschlatt, even if he did a lot of horrible things and was a horrible person, he still doesn't hate him. Fundy took with him Jschlatt's sword, keeping it as a relic and a memory of the man.
There is no one in the server, probably not even Dream Himself, that Fundy full-on hates. No matter how much they hurted him and everyone else, he just. Doesn't hate them. He's able to see the humanity in everyone, even if he wishes he could just hate people that wronged him. He was always forgiving and loving, these two aspects of him becoming even more prominent after his Break.
Tl;dr: Fundy is a character incredibly full of love and almost always willing to forgive and mend relationships with people he cares about at the moment he sees the possibility.
Now that I got the part most talked about out of the way, I'm taking the second tangent. Let's talk about Self-love.
It's not news the fact that there are really few characters, if not actually none of them, who love themselves. Might it be for trauma or for guilt, none of the characters actually love themself and act out of self-love.
Sometimes there are characters that act for themselves, but that is different from acting out of self-love.
Acting for themselves means doing something to achieve an objective that you want, for example: Eret's betrayal.
Eret betrayed L'Manburg becayse he was promised the role of King of the SMP by Dream, she acted out of her wish for power and control. That's an example of acting for yourself.
Acting out of self-love means doing something with the only cardinal reason being that it's good for you, taking care of yourself doing something that makes you feel better and healthier. That is acting out of self-love.
And, if you look at the server, you can easily see that no one has ever done that, expect for one single time.
The closest wrong thing you might be thinking off right now is when Tommy escaped from exile, but that was not an act driven by self-love. Sure, Tommy saved himself and went towards a healthier mindset, but what drove him towards that direction was not a desire to be better and good for himself, but rage towards Dream and a desire to be back to his family and friends.
You know what the only act that could possibly be out os self-love is?
Fundy going away for a years and a half, taking a break from everyone
Think about it for a second. Why did he do that? Let's start putting away the wrong possibilities:
- Doing it for someone: Fundy at the moment was heavily spiraling towards paranoia, wanting to be a villain to make everyone hate him. If that was his mindset at the time, why would he even want to get a break for anyone?
- Having a second cause: what second cause could there be for a choice like getting away from an unhealthy situation to heal? The only second reason a choice like this could have is healing to help someone else heal when you're feeling better, but refer to the last point
- ... that's virtually it
The only reason that could have caused Fundy to decide to take a break from the whole situation because it was unhealthy and heal was because he wanted to heal. For himself. He genuinly wanted himself to feel better for the only reason being, simply, feeling better.
Fundy is the only character for now to have ever taken an important choice for making himself feel better and letting himself heal.
Tl;dr: Fundy taking the year and a half break was the only decision on the entire SMP taken only out of self-love and genuine desire to feel better for the sole reason of feeling better.
Fundy is a representation of love, in any shape or form. He is unapologetically full of love and care, both for himself and for the people around him.
Anyway, the third part is a theory, if younwill kindly follow me:
The above analysis is the exact reason why the Egg causes Fundy an extreme repulsion.
Since both Fundy and Tubbo said that the Egg seems connected to Dreamons, I'm going to roll with that idea in mind.
As we all know, one of the only known weaknesses of a Dreamon is Love and this Dreamon seems to be acting and controlling people out of wishes and desires.
Fundy should be a perfect candidate for the Egg to manipulate, isn't he? One of Fundy's most known characteristic is his research for love, affection and appreciation from people, and we know the egg has no problem using love to manipulate someone, because he is manipulating Bbh using his (platonic?) love for Skeppy against him.
So why the egg would cause a repulsing reaction to Fundy?
Tommy seems immune because he doesn't wish for anything right now, he has everything that he wants
Tubbo also has a repulsive reaction, but is not a hateful reaction but one driven by fear and sadness, the Egg purposefully trying to scare him away, probably to make him unable to fight against him
But why Fundy's reaction would be full-on hate?
I think the egg was trying to do with Fundy the same thing he's doing with Tubbo, scaring him so badly to drive them to the point where they cannot fight back out of complete fear, but it's not working.
It's not working because the Egg fears Fundy, fears how full of pure, unfiltered and unapologetic love his heart is, fears how he's the living representation of the fact that love, of any kind, is the strongest emotion out there. Fundy already was able to defeat a Dreamon because of his own love, and now that he's more emotionally stable and has decided to follow his heart more, mending relationship with people he loves even if they hurt him?
Fundy is an incredibly dangerous threat to the Egg.
So fear is not enough to keep the fox away, he cannot let him anywhere near his plans.
He fears that if he tried the fear treatment on Fundy, Fundy would be able to break out of the web of terror as soon as someone he loved was caught in the crossfire
So he tried pushing him away in a different way, using hate instead of fear, because since Fundy is such a love-driven person all around, the best way to keep him away is to use hate, just like Tubbo is often driven by hope and optimism, so the best way to keep him far fron where he could be a danger is to use sadness and fear.
Tl;dr: The Egg is making Fundy hate him because that's the only emotion that could actually keep Fundy away from him, because he, being a Dreamon, fears how full of love Fundy is.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Welcomed Distraction
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: Mentions of plotting murder but nothing else?
Author’s note: Welcome to fluff week! And here is how we're gonna start the week off. With a very Anti-Valentines day fic. What other way is there to start this holiday? XD I swear this is the only anti vday fic I have for this week. It is kinda Vday centered, so it's not like ya'll are missing out. Plus I needed this scenario. And I could only picture Damon for this so, here you go!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things
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Flires covered the halls with posters for the dance this weekend. The Bitter Ball was meant for all of those that were heartbroken could get together and express how much they hated Valentine's Day. Of course those that celebrated were going to be out on their dates, spending their time with their loved ones.
Y/N wouldn’t be going out on a fancy date. Nor would she be spending her time at the Bitter Ball. It wasn’t like she had recently experienced heartbreak that would make her want to attend the dance. She was just single.
She had tried proving several times that there was nothing wrong with it. But of course her friends had tried setting her up with someone days before, but it didn’t end up working out. And Y/N actually preferred that. Why spend the money to show off how much you love someone on one specific day.
This way she could stay home for the night. It meant she could stay in her pajamas and binge watch whatever was on Netflix that caught her interest. There was no need to get dressed up for anyone and that was how she wanted it. All that was needed was an assortment of junk food and a drink of her choice.
And it was as Y/N was getting ready to plop into her bed and begin watching a serial killer documentary when there was a knock at her door. For a brief moment, she thought of just ignoring it and climbing into bed. But the other part of her believed that if it was anyone had to come find her, it must have been important and left her room to go answer the door.
Her eyebrow raised as she took in Damon Salvatore standing on the opposite side. She could see he had obviously been dressed for the Bitter Ball. The all black outfit had given that away seeing as it was a requirement for it.
“You know, when I was told everyone was heading to the Bitter Ball, I was surprised not to see you there.” Damon said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“I’m not bitter.” Y/N said as she took a step back to allow him to enter her home. “I’m single. There’s a difference.”
“I doubt everyone that’s there isn’t exactly bitter.” He said as he walked in.
Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “Caroline is bitter.” She noted. “You on the other hand, I can't exactly figure out why you’d want to go to the anti-valentines day ball.”
It was his turn to chuckle. “A bitter heart tends to lead to nights of very entertaining activities.” A smirk pulled at his lips, causing her to roll her eyes. “I mostly went because I thought my partner in crime would be there to be miserable with me. But she wasn’t there and when I found her, she’s ready to veg out without so much as giving me an invite.”
Her eyebrow raised. “I never took you for wanting to stay in and just eat junk food while watching serial killer documentaries.”
“Not with just anyone.” He said with a shrug. “But with you, I’d do it.”
Y/N eyed him a moment. For as long as she had known the man standing in front of her, she had never just been content to just sit there and watch documentaries. After a few seconds she nodded her head. “100 says you’ll get bored and start complaining about some of the cases.”
Damon laughed and shook his head. “That’s a bet I’ll take and even win.”
“Somehow I doubt that.” She said with a shake of her head as she began making her way back towards her room with him in tow.
As they both had settled into Y/N’s bed, Damon had every intention of winning the bet. If it meant he could spend some time with Y/N, he was going to do so. At least that was until they got some details wrong about a case that he had personally had a part in and that seemed to irk him.
A smirk had pulled at Y/N’s lips as she watched him from the corner of her eye. She could see the way his face either scrunched up in disbelief at the facts that had been pouring out of the narrator. Or even the way he sat up straighter and crossed his arms over his chest. It was in complete contrast to how laidback and comfortable Y/N had been.
“Just admit it, you’re ready to complain.” Y/N said as she never took her eyes off the tv.
Damon shook his head. “Never. Just really getting into this amazing documentary with all the wrong facts.”
Y/N laughed and stuck out her hand towards him. “That was a complaint. And I’ll take my money now.”
“That was not a complaint.” He said shaking his head as he looked over at her. “That was merely an observation.”
“An observation, my ass.” She chuckled. “That was a complaint on how they have the wrong information.”
“One would say that’s an observation that they gave credit to a serial killer, when in fact it was a Vampire.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What other observations do you have to voice?” She asked with a raised brow knowing she was about to win the bet.
“For one, they managed to say this guy had over 50 victims when, let’s be honest is more like 10 and was given credit for some that were not in fact his.” Damon continued on with every ‘observation’ he noticed during the first hour of what they’ve seen.
It was as Y/N rolled over on her stomach and propped her head on her fist, and a small smirk pulled at her lips that Damon realized he had gone into a full blown tangent on just how wrong the documentary had been. He had stopped mid sentence and took in her position and shook his head.
“Fine, you win.” He said with a roll of his eyes.
She began laughing away at his reaction and her laughter grew at seeing the slightest pout form on his lips. Damon was the one that usually won bets against a lot of people. But when it came to Y/N, she somehow won them. Even when her odds were against her.
The group used to say that was her supernatural ability. To be able to make bets go in her favor. But Y/N was as ordinary as they came. She wasn’t a relative of anyone special, she wasn’t descended from any kind of witch coven or royalty. She was as human as they came and she preferred that.
The moment the laughter died down, Damon watched her for a moment. “Want to talk about it?” He asked, keeping his attention on her.
His words hadn’t caught her off guard. She had been expecting them from the moment he had shown up at her door. But even then, her face fell and she looked away from him as she thought about it.
She may not have been bitter, but Y/N had gone through a bad heartbreak almost a year ago. One that left her broken in a way she’d never believed she would ever feel. That had been before she met the Salvatores and found out about the world she now lived in. While her friends had known about it, they always tried to get her back on the horse. But she never had been ready to do it.
“I don’t think I am.” She said with a shake of her head. “One day I’ll be able to talk about it without reliving it.” Even as she spoke of it now, she felt an emotion bubbling within her. “That time is just not right now.”
Damon laid back on the bed so that he was leveled with her. “You know I could always make him some serial killer’s next victim.”
Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “I think that would complete your previous offers of compelling, eating him and ripping his heart out.”
He smirked. “Just say the word, point me in the right direction and it’s done. No questions asked.”
“I’m surprised someone hasn’t done it already.” Knowing her friends, she was expecting it. Especially with the way everyone went behind each other’s backs from time to time to make sure they were safe.
“Oh, we’ve been tempted.” He said with a nod. “Okay, mostly me, but that’s because I'm impulsive and usually don’t care what other people say.”
“What stopped you this time?” She asked, curious. As Damon had said, he did things without thinking. And the fact that he had thought about doing so from time to time and not actually doing it had surprised Y/N.
“Because, believe it or not, while I’m impulsive and do things behind the backs of the people I care about, I don’t think I’d be able to handle your reaction afterwards.” He nodded his head. “I can handle everyone else being angry with me, or even hating me for a period of time, but I don’t think I could handle it coming from you.”
Y/n nodded her head as she took in his words. “I don’t think I could hate you, Damon. You could go out there and kill him tonight without me knowing and I still wouldn’t hate you for it. I’d probably thank you in the morning once I found out.”
“Well,” He said with a smirk pulling at his lips. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard someone be okay with murder.”
She chuckled as she pointed towards the still playing documentary. “It would be interesting to see what details they’d get wrong when you’re the culprit.”
While she may have been only slightly joking, the whole conversation had distracted her from the hurt that she had been secretly hiding from the others. Planning out a revenge with a vampire was the last thing she had been expecting to do tonight. But the way it happened showed she was getting better.
Because creating a hypothetical murder scene with a vampire is just the next step of the healing process.
Always and Forever Tags:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @mrs-jackson-kenner @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @dumble-daddy @theactressstaringinyourbaddream @maldita-world @nikmikaelsonswife @mikaelson-emma @elijahs-wife @moon-child-writer @xoxo-nikki-xoxo @njeancastro316
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First of all - thank you for your Solangelo post you’ve posted recently. I feel like these days it’s hard to defend it without being called ableist/a child/bad person/too obsessed shipper/generally the worst person ever. I find it brave you decided to speak up. Thank you. Especially since your point about Will’s view on Nico was very good. I’m happy I’m not the only one who thinks this way.
Secondly, about that ask concerning the Seven and Nico. Maybe that’s stupid but I actually… see some sense in the way Rick wrote it. I mean, yeah, Nico was hero after TLO. But on the other hand he didn’t really have anyone in the camp. He barely knew anyone, and definitely wasn’t best friends with Percy and Annabeth (who btw were probably busy with school and they could finally enjoy their relationship and stuff). And we know that Nico has a problem with his “people skills”, as Will nicely put in THO. But I don’t actually think everyone in the CHB disliked him. Why? In BoO Will, Lou, and Cecil all treat him normally. Lou waves to him and blush, Cecil compliments him, Will treats him like a friend. There was not a word about any of these three people from CHB being even a little bit scared of him, otherwise I believe it’d be mentioned in the narrative. I think that Nico’s situation in the CHB after TLO is more complicated story we’ll unfortunately never get to see.
Anyway, during HoO we see Nico mostly with the Seven and in Camp Jupiter. We can see that the Camp Jupiter doesn’t really like him. And the Seven consists of three people who’ve met Nico only in HoO and don’t really like him (Jason, Piper, Leo), one person who has a complicated relationship with him (Percy), two people whose view on Nico I’m not sure about (Annabeth and Frank), and his sister, Hazel. What I’m aiming at is that they’re not a representative group of CHB imho. And then during BoO Will speaks mostly for himself, not for everyone in CHB. But as I mentioned, we see three people from CHB who have no problem with Nico, quite contrary, seem to like him. And then we have a few months time skip and in THO Nico is doing just fine in the camp.
What’s my point in all of this? We can’t be 100% sure about Nico’s situation in CHB after TLO. But I don’t think it was just his paranoia either, of course not. My theory is that Nico was definitely lonely in CHB after TLO. He had no starting point, no one who’d help him settle there. And he’s not good with people, so that didn’t help him either. After BoO he had someone to help him settle in the camp. And why he changed his mind about staying specifically because of Will? Not because he got called out on paranoia or something. Because contrary to other people he was close to, like Hazel and Jason and Reyna, Will wasn’t going anywhere. He would stay in CHB. For the first time ever Nico had a right to think that maybe, just maybe he won’t be all alone, left to himself at the CHB.
So yeah, I may be wrong, but like… that’s what I think. My personal interpretation. I wanted to say it here because you’re one of the very few people who I’m not scared of here after this whole thing on Solangelo tag.
You're actually making valid points here tbh. Like I'm glad you agree with me on the first count.
Secondly, I mean, you have a really valid point, and i agree with most parts, but like, i mostly compared their treatment of nico with how they treated a stranger??
Like I understand Percy and Nico's complicated relationship, and it was just based on Percy's flaw for loyalty and Nico's internalized homophobia and from percys side they could've had a chance as good friends, but Nico was too traumatised by his long harboured feelings for Percy, and probably won't feel the safest around him. So the people saying Nico would go to Percy for all his problems, well, i would disagree with them.
And sure, Nico called Percy lots of super mean stuff when Percy broke his 'promise' but he was just a ten-year old who lost the only person he had had for years in a new century. Bianca's death was NO ONE'S FAULT.
And the most important point? Nico apologised for every thing he did wrong.
Percy never apologised for spreading rumours among the argo 2 crew (wtf was up with that?)
Frank never apologised for blaming him when his fucking sister's life was on line
And everybody in general never bothered to apologise or even talk to him like, once. They took it for granted that a random guy who was already heavily traumatised by a quest would help them finish it no matter how he's treated.
And I know they weren't best buddies, but if you compare that to how they would've treated a stranger, that says a lot about Nico's social isolation and the seven's internalized ableism (there's a LOT of it, everyone represses their nd traits and nico and leo, who have autism with adhd amd don't repress every thing? They're both shunned. Percy, Leo and Nico never talk about their suicidal tendencies to anyone in hoo).
I went off on a tangent there, but what I meant is that suspicious as you might be, you can't just see a thirteen year old kid who came back from tartarus and five days of suffocation-and now they magically don't have to go to tartarus-and treat him like THAT.
Honestly, Jason mended his ways, and except Annabeth and Hazel, everyone was pretty much sub par or downright shitty to Nico, and he just turned that around and hated himself more for it.
And yeah, i like to think some campers changed their ways after Nico saved their asses but not all of them did. Nico says so himself.
Also, I might not agree with people who say solangelo is ableist, but I definitely don't mean to talk over them and pretend my opinions are better than theirs. Disabled people don't have a voice as it is, and I would be a complete hypocrite if I talked about the seven's internalized ableism and Nico coded as disabled and then tell disabled people they're wrong.
And about being scared of me, I'm glad you feel safe here, I promise I won't impale you for having different perspectives or opinions or critical thinking skills. (If you come at me with problematic stuff tho, like Nico being bisexual?? Then we're gonna have to talk).
This was one of the longest answers I've ever written but i just have SO much to say about this.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
ok but what if the whole week y/n’s mom has been hovering over them and tagging along to their car rides. not because she suspects something but she’s just in a good mood and “want to spend time with my family” all the while she’s cockblocking them. reader finally snaps and goes to the bathroom where lee is showering or the garage where he’s working on the car and is like “i need you to fuck me” which he absolutely does, but the fact that this time around the mom can walk in at any moment not only makes them be extra careful, but it also makes it that much hotter
The three Bodeckers all had vastly different ideas on the meaning of ‘family bonding time.’
To you, it meant casual activities surrounding shared interests, like an afternoon spent fishing or a morning preparing breakfast together.  To your mother, it meant long road trips and weekend vacations and dinners without TV, radio, or newspapers to distract from each other; constant togetherness, with barely enough privacy to breathe.  To your stepfather, it meant coming up with some excuse to be alone with you so he could rail you like it was the end of the world.
A week of your mother’s idea of ‘family bonding’ had you warming up to Lee’s interpretation.
See, you’d gotten a bit spoiled by Lee’s sexual appetite, rarely ever having to get yourself off to relieve tension since he was always just around the corner and more than willing to relentlessly pleasure you.  But since Monday you’d been stuck in either the back of the patrol car or the twin bed in a motel room, which meant no time or place for either.  Not only that, but the backseat of the patrol car only brought back memories that made it harder than ever to keep your hands to yourself (or rather, off of yourself); sleeping in a small room with him just a few feet away was so tempting, despite the impossibility of anything happening with your mother sleeping beside him.  Still, you couldn’t help but fantasize about just crawling into bed and riding that thick cock, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you down, his stubble scratching your face as he whispered all kinds of filthy praise in your ear...
“Hello?  Are you listening to me?” your mother whined, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Huh?” you mumbled, sitting up from where you had been resting your head on the inside of the window.
“I said we’re about to get to our hotel for the night,” she repeated, “and tomorrow we’re going on a hike.”
“Mama, I don’t wanna hike tomorrow,” you groaned.  “I thought this vacation was supposed to be about relaxing, not exercising.”
“Walking is good for your figure,” she defended.
“We didn’t need to drive all the way out here to walk!” you announced, gesturing out as if to evoke the general environment that you were currently riding through.  “There’s plenty of walking to do at home!”
“But now we’re immersed in nature!” 
“Nature...?” you repeated, furrowing your brow in confusion.  “Mama, are you under the impression that Knockemstiff is some kind of urban environment?  We live in the fucking woods!”
Lee laughed, but stopped when his wife shot him a glare.
“I don’t like that tone or that language,” she frowned.  “I hope your attitude has improved by the morning or you might miss out on all the fun I have planned.”
You rolled your eyes but she seemed to relent, and you kicked your legs up onto the seats beside you to rest your eyes for the rest of the drive.  You were jostled from your nap some time later when the car stopped; opening your eyes, you sat up and looked out the window and the hotel in front of you.  It was actually sort of cute, in a dilapidated sort of way, but you’d seen worse so far on this nightmare of a family vacation.
Lee unloaded everyone’s bags (and by everyone’s bags, I mean your one bag, Lee’s one bag, and your mother’s six bags) while you and your mother went to the front desk to get the key.  You would’ve killed even just for those few moments alone with him, but she had a sixth sense for keeping you two apart lately; it didn’t feel so much like she wanted you away from him, though, and more like she was trying to get to know you better herself.  You weren’t sure what was motivating this sudden desire for a fun mother-daughter relationship after a lifetime of her treating you mostly like a nuisance, but the gestures of friendship were wholly unwelcome.
“Did you get all the bags, honey?” she asked Lee as she stepped back him to start unlocking the door.  He just looked exhausted as you began to giggle at the absurdity of her asking him that when he was standing among a comically-large pile of suitcases and travel bags.
“Dear god let’s hope so,” Lee grumbled, but she didn’t seem to notice as she became preoccupied with the room in front of her once the door had swung open.
“Oh, this won’t do!” she frowned.  
“It’s got a bed, doesn’t it?” Lee rolled his eyes.  “And a shower, right?  I need a shower.”
“We paid for a lakeview room, but all I can see out this window is trees!  We’re changing rooms,” she announced.
“No no, I can see the lake,” you protested, desperate to not have to do this process all over again.
“I can’t see it,” she maintained, leaning in closer to the window and squinting.
“No, look, Ma, it’s right there!  It’s behind the trees... you just have to look through the trees.”
“I can’t see through trees,” she shook her head.  “I’m going to get us a new room.”
You sighed, knowing you couldn’t change her mind.
“Can I at least take my shower first?” Lee requested.
“Sure, you shower while I go sort this out.  Darling,” she turned her attention to you, “would you look on this map and pick out a hiking trail for us to go on tomorrow?”
Your eyes widened a bit at that.  “You mean I’m staying here?”
“Unless you would rather come with me to the front desk—”
“No,” you interrupted quickly, “no, I’ll stay here and pick a trail.”
She waved as she stepped out, shutting the door behind her.  You were on Lee like white on rice, throwing yourself into his arms and kissing him aggressively.
“How long do you think she’s gonna be gone?” he mumbled against your lips as his hands roamed over your back and grabbed your ass.
“Long enough for you to fuck me,” you decided.  “Let’s get in the shower.”
“You need to pick a trail—”
You glanced at the map in your hand for a moment, picking out the first one you saw before tossing it aside.  “We’re doing the Yellow Springs trail.”
“But that says it’s expert difficulty,” Lee began to protest before being distracted but your hand reaching down and rubbing his cock through his slacks.  He was already half-hard and growing quickly in your palm.  “Fuck, you’re insatiable,” he growled.  
The two of you stumbled to the bathroom and stripped with lightning speed, hopping into the shower’s stream of water before it was even hot.  It wasn’t quite big enough for two people, but you fit just fine with him pressing you against the cold tiled wall as he fucked you.  
“Daddy,” you whimpered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “harder, please, I need to come.”
“She could be back any minute,” he reminded you with a gravelly voice.
“Then we’d better make it quick,” you smiled.  He pushed your legs up a little higher and it made his cock push even deeper into you— so deep you nearly screamed.  His hand clamped down over your mouth as he continued, only hitting deeper and harder even as tears pricked the corners of your eyes from the intensity.
“Is this what you wanted, princess?  Is this what you were thinking about all day?” 
You nodded, and he growled approvingly.  
“Me too,” he grinned, “wanted to touch ya so bad I thought I’d die.  But nothin’ can keep me away from you for very long— fuck, ‘m close.”
You were close, too, but you figured he knew that with the way your walls were tightening and rippling as pangs of intense pleasure wracked your body.  The water was hot but it was nothing compared to the heat of him inside you, especially as he came, coating your walls with his thick seed and making your eyes roll back into your head.
“Fuck,” he groaned deeply, “been waitin’ so long to do that.”
He relaxed the grip of his hand on your mouth, giving you a better chance to catch your breath.  He slowly pulled out and allowed you to lower your legs, though he didn’t let you go until you were sure you wouldn’t fall over.  You moaned softly as you felt his come leak out and run down your thighs, instantly washed away by the water.
Slipping out of the shower wordlessly, you dried off and dressed with a few minutes to spare before your mother returned.  When he emerged in a towel while you felt yourself blushing uncontrollably, she explained to both of you that she couldn’t get a new room but was able to get some of her money (also known as Lee’s money) back.
“How was your shower, honey?” she asked him once she’d finished her tangent.
“Best I’ve ever had,” he answered simply.
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