#i was simply too lazy to do anything about it and also my internet was being a bitch
alexalbongf · 1 year
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hyunin · 1 year
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HELLOOOO EVERYONE i am going to make a new year post after all! currently beginning working on this at 11:32 pm because i know it’s going to take me a while and i thought it would be nice to spend the turning of the new year talking about my friends. i also hope you enjoy this header i’m using it because i’m too lazy to make a cute one and i might later and also one of my friends said do it or no balls. 
honestly this year went by incredibly quickly for me. it was pretty uneventful, which might be a good thing!! i did get to meet two of my best online friends in the world when i saw stray kids live this summer, and that was probably top 10 days of my life!! so i’m really thankful that happened this year if nothing else. i’m one year closer to graduating community college as a part time student, and i’ll be turning 26 this month 😭 but you know, making it another year in itself is a big accomplishment if nothing else! i’m proud of everyone that made it another year and thank you for being here with me to read this post. i really appreciate all of you, whether we’re close friends or simply beloved casual mutuals, or if you’re even just a follower of mine; thank you for putting up with and even enjoying my sporadic posting and vaguely unhinged tags and gifs and other content, whether here or over on yangjeongin.
this will be my third turn of the new year i’m celebrating with everyone on tumblr upon return from my seven or whatever year hiatus, and it’s crazy that i’ve been giffing again since 2020. some of you have been with me since all the way back then and i’m so thankful!! i didn’t spend a ton of time on my dash this year (thank u to my bad internet that takes forever to load thereby making it an incredibly frustrating experience!) but i have more in the past several weeks and i’ve really enjoyed it!! i’m hoping that only continues into 2023. 
i do want to specifically thank some people for making my life on tumblr (and in general) better in 2022, but know that even if i don’t write you a specific message i still am so thankful for you keeping me company on tumblr dot hell in whatever way you have this past year!
i’ll put all my love for everyone under the cut and i know i will forget someone and feel bad but i cannot overstate how much i love all my mutuals enough!!
first of all, to @minijeong @miyawaki @redvelvetcult @bataranqs @seulggi my awoo9ers, thank you for being part of my life every day. i love reading back what u guys have said in the gc and i love seeing your content and chatting with u and your wacky n wild senses of humor, being your friend for the past few years has made my life better and i’m looking forward to making more memories in 2023 🎉 i love u!! i do want to call out a couple awoo9 members in particular though because i have more specific things to say!!
iwin - @anyujins ; hiii i feel like there’s so much to say but also so little?? but we started talking at the beginning of this year and have talked so much since and i just wanted to say i have really loved talking to u and getting closer to you this year. i genuinely feel like i can talk to you about anything and i am soso thankful for that and for u supporting me and i’m really glad that i can do the same for you! i know 2022 has been a rough year for you so i hope 2023 is better. for both of us!! haru - @minhos ; u probably won’t see this post and GOOD because i hate getting mushy with u. gross icky ew. but you know how much i appreciate and love you (or at least i hope you do) thank you for being my friend for so many years and for essentially creating my personality bc i think all of my interests are your fault SDFSDGSDG but thank u because in the end it’s all made my life better and so have you tee - @ddonghyun ; we haven’t talked much (or at all?) this year but i think you were the first friend i made upon my return to tumblr so know i am really thankful to you and still think about you a lot whenever i’m on this account <3 i haven’t seen you on my dash in a while and i don’t know if it’s just bad timing or you are finally escaping the black hole that is tumblr but either way i hope 2023 treats you well! eri - @wonjinist ; ultimately we haven’t been mutuals for that long but u deserve ur own message because every time i see u, despite us rarely speaking and just being mutuals that see each other and support each other on dash, i’m like omg that’s my friend eri. i simply consider u my friend regardless of how much we’ve actually interacted so thank u for your effortlessly friendly warm and kind personality that makes it feel so natural to simply be your friend <3 i hope u have a great 2023!
then we move on to the stayblr pals!! there are a bunch of you that have made my life on tumblr better in the past couple of years including (but not limited to) @agibbangs @binsuns @hyunchanz @hanjesungs @seunges @minzbins @leenow @cherry-heartss @huiracha @avocadomin @innielove @jisungs thank you for all of your wonderful content and personalities on my dash! i hope to see more from y’all in 2023 and maybe we can talk some more too!
li - @connecteds ; hi beloved!! another year of me on tumblr means another year of being friends with you. sometimes it’s fun on here and sometimes it’s not but even if my time here was an absolute terrible garbage shitshow it would be worth it because i got you out of it. i’m getting emotional and i’m sitting in the living room watching new years specials with my mom rn i can’t cry LMAO but thank you for always making me laugh even when you’re having a hard time and for otherwise being so full of love, and every day i’m so grateful that some of that love is for me <3 i told you we’ll always be friends as far as i’m concerned, no matter how much or little we talk, and i really mean that. no matter what we do or where life takes us there will always be love in my heart for you. i know 2022 was really hard for you so i hope the world finally gives you back some of the love and happiness you’ve put out into the world in 2023 💫 and u know i’m gonna be here for it!! adri - @skz-films / @hyunebear ; i’m not sure which account to tag you on asdfasdgdsg i know we’ve like never spoken but i think i will always remember the gifset you made for us on yangjeongin and how much you said we inspire you that really touched my heart so thank you again :( i think about that whenever i see you on my dash and it makes my heart feel a little warmer every time i do and i think we can always use more of that in life, so thank you for making mine a little brighter this year kep - @seungknow ; kep i miss u!!! i just wanted to say hi because you deserve your own message. thank u for being my friend, and i’m glad(?) we have moved from being together in stayblr hell to pc collector instagram hell. great. amazing. may 2023 bring us many dream photocards ✨ abia - @seungminhos ; abia! i didn’t talk to you too much in the past year but i couldn’t just lump u in with everyone else it felt wrong!! missing u and the seungminhos content but i hope 2022 was okay and regardless, that 2023 is better because we can leave all that in the past now. love u <3 luna - @seunglixes ; i wanted to give you your own shoutout just to say thank you for all you do for createskz! i know life is so crazy for you sometimes but you still always do your best to keep up with the net and i think you do such an amazing job, i really admire u for that so thank you for your work and for creating such a great place for stay ccs to come together and find other great content agnes - @hyunjinz ; agnes angel beloved the fact that we have not actually spoken very much outside of tumblr tag conversations blows my mind bc you are so dear to me! thank you as always for supporting me in my stayblr endeavors even before yangjeongin existed, and for continuing to, and for being such a cornerstone in this community whether you’re making content yourself or not. you do such an amazing job of supporting everyone and i think that’s so admirable of you and really shows what a pure and kind heart you have. i hope 2023 treats you with just as much kindness!! marie - @seo-changbinnies ; marie comedic icon, free stand up show every time you’re on my dash, your tags will always be legendary. i know you’ve been going thru it recently so hang in there and know i appreciate u and miss u but it’s also so okay to take your time and focus on more important things than silly little gifs on a goofy blue website. i love you and hope 2023 brings you only good things!! vilma @hyunpic ; vilma angel...even writing this about u is making me sleepy...i’m just kidding i was already sleepy. i have always loved u but i love u even more now that we are talking more, it has been lovely!! thank u for your unhinged tags and absolutely abundant love and kindness not just for hyunjin but for everything around you. you are genuinely such a sweet person and just seeing you around boosts my serotonin so please continue doing what u do and i will message u next time i’m having trouble falling asleep <3 happy new year SZDSDGG lotta - @jizung ; lotta i think last year (or the year before?? idk) i made a post like this and said ur tags were funny and that i hope we talk more AND I FEEL LIKE WE SUCCEEDED?? either way i do consider you a friend now and also wanted to say, do not tell anyone else, but u are like in my top 5 if not top 3 ccs on this entire site i think your gifs are so nice i think u could just send me a link to every new thing u make and i would be overjoyed to see it. so here’s to another year of us making content and talking occasionally (maybe more in 2023?), i hope it’s the best one yet! ri - @foxinys ; ri!! omg u know we’ve only been talking more in the past few months mostly because of unfortunate circumstances but i regularly think about it like, well, a lot of shit is going on but at least i’m talking to ri more and that’s nice??? and i do rly enjoy talking to u! and your gifs of course. i will never forget ur gemini abundant birth chart and the fact that i guessed correctly (sort of) despite us barely talking at the time SDSDGSD and i love that <3 my astrology friend said based on the charts of people i’m friends with i tend to be drawn to gemini heavy people i think this means we were meant to be friends so may 2023 bring us friendship under better circumstances! and many other good things mia - @seungs ; mia honest to god i’ve been working on this post so long i’m getting tired ASDFSDGSDG but i love u and your content, thank u for the support and for being mary’s #1 fan in particular, sometimes i still think abt that anon that asked what grip mary had on u and laugh. i hope 2023 brings us many good things and more mc lino gifsets ✨ mona - @hyunsung ; same as above i am sounding like a broken record at this point but!! love your content and i appreciate our tag communication. we are friends as far as i am concerned i have decided this i hope u agree SDFSDGSDG but much love and good vibes for the upcoming year!! i hope we can talk more in 2023 also cassie - @seo-trashbins ; i know i talk to you like every day so i could say all of this to you anytime and i think you know all of this but i wanted to include you in this so you could see something nice next time you check tumblr. i love you very very much meeting you in person this year was genuinely one of my favorite experiences of my life. thank u for being such a good friend for all of these years. 2023 will be TEN YEARS of us being friends. thank u for loving me even when i was an annoying 15 year old and all the time in between to now. i love you!! you are funny and kind and otherwise a wonderful friend and person that i feel very lucky to know at all let alone be friends with. one day i’ll come visit you in toronto and maybe u will have ur own place and i will simply move in and live under your bed. that’s like actually the dream for me i’m ngl. but until then i’m really happy to go into our 10th year of friendship and that it’s so many of them at this point that it doesn’t even feel like that big of a deal for another new year to pass. i hope we’re friends forever 💗
OKAY ENOUGH!!!! if you read all of these for some reason you’re insane btw but thank you??? and for anyone that isn’t on here, i will once again reiterate that i appreciate you regardless. i did just get kind of burnt out i could only write so many of these SDFSDGSD but much love, i hope this post brightens your day a little and helps 2023 get off to a little bit of a better start ✨ happy new year!
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cladestruction · 1 month
rebel moon: some thoughts (very biased)
we're watching rebel moon with my dad. So far, I can't say I like it lol. it looks great (props to the entire CGI and editing team) and i can't lie, I always give extra points to just about any movie that says "imperialism bad !!!" which is, you know, a very low bar. buuut yeah, i need good characters. most of the time I'm happy with any character being as much as simply entertaining, not even necessarily the main character (though if your main character isn't interesting or complex or likeable, try a little harder please?). But this movie??? every secondary character is very interesting, which is great, but that's just not enough sadly. because you can't show me a character that is seemingly smart and strong and fast and oh has such a great dramatic past! and then you show me that same character doing very inconsistent stuff like idk: doing something as random as following the main character, who they've just met, through an adventure that is (and I'm sorry) so lazily justified.
And yeah I hate to criticize female characters. i know that sounds incredibly biased, but it's because the internet is full of men doing that shit and that's just annoying lol. buuut this girl is so... Nothing. I feel nothing for her. And don't get me wrong! She can be unlikeable (let girls be rude and cunts !!!) that is not a problem, but the fact that nobody seems to notice it IS a problem. it feels less like a story and more like a convenient and flawed script when you see this girl, who doesn't really do anything for others, being instantly followed but a bunch of characters who are somehow ready to go to war for her at the drop of a galactic hat! There's such a missed opportunity to actually develop that companionship, that loyalty. And the fact that it happens so suddenly, without the build up, makes it so boring. It's just convenient. It's cliche. It's lazy.
and while we are at it, characters like hers make me lose more and more faith on the "imperialism bad !!!" genre. To be fair, this is the first part of the saga, so she has a lot of growth left to do (hopefully), but I'm still allowed to feel pissed at how weird her story is. Because Politically, she's as consistent as a fart: she is a retired soldier, but not any soldier! she is actually a great warrior that fought for the empire!!! and the entire galaxy should know and fear her!!! Oh but she is also a victim so don't get mad at her. Yes, as a child she lost everything at the hands of the regime she then knowing helped perpetuate! Oh no!!! But now she lives a quiet and peaceful life away from conflict so it's okay, except it's not because conflict is here again. And oh what would she do, now that this planet she's been living in but doesn't feel entirely part of yet (bc of unresolved trauma I guess) is in danger??? Run. Exactly, she doesn't want to fight, because it's too painful. So bye everyone! Except she WILL fight!!! Oh what a hero! And now she's screaming at everyone else that doesn't want to fight for the exact same reasons as hers (or to be fair even better reasons than hers). That's right, this girl who just yesterday wasn't interested in fighting is now guilt tripping the real organized rebellion because she wants them to fight, not against the evil regime, no, she wants them to go help protect the crops of this one specific planet she has been living in for a couple of years now, because fuck every other planet I guess, things only matter when they reach your own house, right?
And I know not every character Must be from the very start an anti imperialist activist, full on rebel, whistleblower etc etc for a movie to work. That's what growth and character development are for. But this movie didn't give time for growth because, again, I can't believe the secondary characters are so ready to go to war just like that! The first movie already ended with the squad ready to go, meanwhile the main character is still the equivalent of a hollow egg: disappointing and honestly kind of weird.
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yooniesim · 3 months
I know you're not gonna answer this publicly and that's fine, but the CF issue has been so obscured, people forget what they're fighting for. The amount of money the IDF receives from Curseforge is NOTHING compared to the money the receive from EA. So, by continuing to purchase and play EA products, everyone is contributing to the IDF way more than CF ever could. paying for your meds is more important than being woke on the internet. Everyone is a hypocrite.
I'm gonna answer it bc I'm genuinely curious- does the IDF receive money directly from EA in any way? Like, is there a record of that? Of course, they're definitely doing it through this partnership with Overwolf- they've made Curseforge more popular and brought them probably millions in ad revenue. But is there something other than that I haven't heard about? My searching since you sent this ask hasn't turned up anything, but you sound like you're referencing something I don't know.
As for the rest of your ask... well. There is some measure of hypocrisy in just about everything we do, I think. I believe I mentioned it in my initial post, but life is a balancing game. People no doubt go too far on the internet to compensate for their lack of action and sense of helplessness irl, that is a fact. But, you know, it's complicated. There's a lot of people here that just genuinely want to do the right thing. They're not trying to be hypocritical, they're trying to do what's right in a world where that seems hopeless. When it feels like you can do nothing irl, feeling like you can actually control right and wrong online is somewhat comforting. I'm speaking from personal experience here.
But the internet does have a habit of making every wrongdoing seem like the worst thing that's ever happened, ever, and it's easy to get swept up in that. Everything is like, in extremes, you know? You're either a good person or the worst person ever to live. All or nothing. So in your want to do good, you tend to only consider other people good if they are in the extreme- that is to say, they do everything right the first time, never have a bad take, never need to grow or change. "Good" people are put on a pedestal, and as soon as they fall, no matter by how small the transgression, they become "bad" and irredeemable. And to bad actors, they also become acceptable to mock and harass, which is another problem. But the people reacting are not all the same people with the same values, and they're not all doing it for the same reasons.
I don't think the issue has been become obscured, exactly, and I don't think it's because of hypocrisy at its core. First, I think there's a lack of information. People may not be looking to EA because they simply don't know the extent of their partnership with CF, and/or just aren't thinking about it like that. They see a post that says Overwolf funds the IDF and to boycott, and they do it, not much deeper than that. I think that's the primary and most innocent reason, and I think most people are in this category and genuinely well-intentioned. But secondly, there is some hypocrisy involved, because... well, they may just not want to boycott EA. Whether because of convenience, laziness, or the cognitive dissonance involved with realizing a lot of their favorite creators/influencers are therefore implicit. It's a lot easier to ignore the actions of people you really like than it is for those you dislike or don't really know of. Or they are a creator that is benefiting heavily from staying in EA's pocket. Finally, the smallest subsection of people in this example are people arguing in bad faith for whatever reason- those that just want a reason to attack someone, are trolling, or want to make themselves look or feel good. They're the minority, but they're loud... and some of them are unfortunately popular for some reason. Which magnifies their opinion. But all of these different types of people mix together, and that is what we see.
There's never going to be a perfect solution to this, but I think your concerns can be addressed partially by one thing: knowledge. If more people know EA's role and really think about it, the first category I mentioned- genuine, well intentioned people- will become on board with boycotting them the same way they're doing Overwolf. Will it affect the hypocritical people, trolls, and other bad actors? No, of course not. But it will help for those that genuinely believe in what they're saying and doing. I think reminding people to have a little bit more empathy will also help, in regards to the all-or-nothing attitude of the internet. It doesn't hurt to give people grace and remember that they can be struggling, too. That's why I (obviously) don't hate the creators that were/are still on CF. I don't know them, their lives, or their struggles. I hope that they'll eventually boycott, but if they don't, I'm not going to harass them. Just like I don't harass the workers at McDonald's or Domino's for working to support themselves and their families. I don't blame them for what the corporations they work for are doing. And I'm hoping others will eventually see it that way, too.
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thelasttime · 9 months
hi madie! long time follower, first time asker here. bit of a heavy question for a tuesday night, so I apologize in advance.
how are you able to keep up with so much and also be good at it and also enjoy it? like what drives your incredible work ethic? of course this is the internet and ik we only see your highlight reel and not the behind the scenes stuff, to paraphrase taylor. I'm just having a bit of a rough day academically, as in being totally unproductive all day despite setting intentions this morning to be productive and get a lot of homework done today, which feels very frustrating.
I know you're studying to become a doctor which obvi takes a lot of dedication and hard work which are things I've been trying to improve recently but simply do not come easily to me.
so ig I'm just wondering if you had any advice for being a more dedicated and committed person when it comes to things like school as well as hobbies (congrats on nailing your audition btw!). I really admire your work ethic and wish you all the best in your studies and life and everything! 💓
hello anon!! thank you for being a long time follower and thank you for sending your very first ask 💕💕 welcome to my inbox hehe
thank you so much for the kind words - it's true that my blog is quite like a highlight reel so you do see a lot of the good parts and very few of the bad parts, but i do try to keep it real on this blog. the main thing is that you can't beat yourself up when you have an unproductive day because it sort of snowballs into a bigger thing if you let it weigh you down. rather than taking this unproductive day as something to be ashamed of, take it as something where you needed the break so you took it!! and then tomorrow, be as productive as possible because you had the break yesterday
it's actually encouraged to be unproductive on some days. when i was studying for the MCAT, we were specifically told to take break days and to make sure that we didn't over-extend ourselves because we would just burn out too quickly. so what i would do is study everyday of the week and give myself a nice break on sunday to do absolutely nothing !! and that was necessary !!
i think what also helps with my motivation is that i really like to keep myself organized which means i am religiously devoted to my google calendar and my to-do list. the google calendar is to make sure that i'm not losing track of the things i need to do but the to-do list is the thing that really keeps me going. it's very satisfying to cross things off of my to-do list and it makes sure that i'm doing everything i need to do before the day is done. if i don't finish what's on the to-do list, i just move it to tomorrow and so on. you don't have to finish everything on the to-do list but it keeps you motivated to cross things off and make sure you're doing what you need to do.
when i was studying for the MCAT, i essentially designed a calendar where i would do certain topics on certain days so i would do chemistry / psychology on one day and then biology / biochemistry on the other day. that way i wasn't boring myself to death with one topic and actually keeping things interesting. if you find that studying is really boring (because it truthfully is, for everyone) i find that starting the homework that you hate the most is helpful because you get the worst part over when you have the maximum amount of energy.
another thing about school studying is that you shouldn't just look at the paper and nod thoughtfully - you should be doing ~active studying~ which is what they encourage us to do during MCAT studying as well. you essentially have to engage with the material in order to learn it well so you can't just stare at the page and pretend you know it !! there's a couple techniques of active studying that you can find online but i recommend anything between flashcards to active recall
for hobbies - it's all just my own enjoyment!! i know i get really lazy and in a pit if i'm not doing my hobbies so i have to actively push myself to join orchestras and do stuff outside of work. one thing that really helped me is to focus on a hobby and see what i could do in the area to get involved. so . i really like playing in orchestras so i spent a day focusing on the different orchestras in the area and then sending them emails about their auditions. that way all of my research and dedication to that hobby is done in one day and i get to reap the rewards later (i.e. they email me back about auditions).
it's also okay to let go of hobbies and find new ones. if you don't like your current hobbies, try new ones! ask your friends if they have any hobbies that you haven't tried already. try a new instrument! try painting! art! there's a lot to do and hobbies are meant to be fulfilling rather than draining.
i hope this helps anon!!
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dianalolihikki · 1 month
Today I have the strength and desire to write a post again, so maybe it was a one-day writing crisis,if you can talk about a writing crisis when you write a diary on Tumblr xD
Here it is not necessary to write long posts. On the contrary, I feel that long posts like mine are definitely less read. Seemingly uncool, but on the other hand it provides me with more anonymity, so there is also less chance that someone from my social circle will end up here, so another advantage xD
Today I'll start with what I was supposed to describe yesterday, but I was too lazy for that xD
Now, at least in my country it is Friday evening, which is the beginning of my most disliked days - the weekend.
Today, however, I'm in such a good mood that I think I'll get through it somehow, my mother is not so drunk yet, maybe she hasn't even been drinking at all. After all, tomorrow her new car will appear in our yard, so she will probably want to test it xD it will be a blue Alfa Romeo ⭐.
Back on topic,today I'm in such a good mood that I think I'll make it. But the worst will be the long May weekend, which in my country will last from the first to the sixth of May.
Do I write about negative things even in a good mood? I must be terribly toxic.
Nevertheless, the plan is that perhaps for the long weekend we will go with my mother to my once mentioned here aunt. Generally with my sensory hypersensitivity I don't know if I'll swallow anything there, but I broke through once,so maybe I'll be able to do it a second time.
A year ago when I was with my mother at my grandmother's house I broke through and ate dinner. It was bought with a huge brawl on my part which I am ashamed of, but somehow I managed. ⭐
My grandmother has been a Jehovah's Witness for several years. Every year she goes in the summer for a week-long convention,I think it's called a congress. My mother and I always go to her place then,in this wilderness with no internet and no showers. I then have the opportunity to overcome my sensory disorder which usually does not work out xD
Now I try so hard to write about the positives that only negative things come to my mind,and I promised myself that I would write honestly and if I had a worse day I would already panic that I am not honest xD
I'm surprised at myself that I have so much energy in me, since I was sitting with my phone in my hand until 1 a.m. and when I tried to go to sleep it was a combination of the full moon, emotions from the whole day, intrusive thoughts and a ghost stories that didn't let me sleep.
Intrusive thoughts are quite common in people born prematurely. And when my brain is at its limit it's even more so.
Today I was worried about whether I already want to be no longer childish, girly and want to be feminine and mature. It seems like nothing, but for me these first qualities are the definition of me, my aesthetics, and I don't want to lose it. Well, but as I said,it's probably just my intrusive thoughts that did not let me sleep. I don't even know what exactly made me have them,probably fatigue.
I set my alarm clock for nine in the morning,because I wanted to be ready for K's visit.
K was supposed to arrive to sign a declaration that I had state physiotherapy in April.
Immediately after breakfast I went out on the terrace with my phone. I decided to myself that I would leave the reading for even warmer days.
Then he texted me that I would, however, sign this declaration during our Monday therapy. And that's a very fine decision. Later, B and I came to the conclusion that it was simply not worth it for him to come to me in the countryside, so many kilometers just to get a few signatures.
Today my mother told me that maybe it's just that K has a girlfriend who might be jealous and therefore doesn't want her beloved to have other girls in his Facebook friends.
If this is the case then I sincerely feel sorry for him having such a toxic relationship. Anyway, I'm not even some girl,just his patient.
Although it seems to me more that K wants to keep a professional distance.
Yet this excessive jealousy reminded me not only of my younger brother's girlfriend, but also of A.
After all, at our last therapy she admitted that she is jealous of every female patient around J, even a patient who is three years old. She knows this is unhealthy and wants to control it.
On the one hand, it surprised me, because she herself used to encourage me in joking to hug J, but if it was already happening in front of her eyes she was strangely silent at that moment.
Once out of the corner of my eye I even noticed that right after the therapy at which he hugged me he hugged her, as if he was apologizing to her for something. Or maybe it seemed that way to me? But her words were evidence of something else.
Could it be that she wants to convey to me with this last conversation that she is jealous of me? It fits with her self-doubt.
On the other hand, after all, she herself knows very well that I am a neurodivergent (she is, too, by the way) and she knows that it is necessary to speak directly to me. But maybe her complexes won out over her sanity?
Or maybe she never genuinely liked me?
Or it's like D. said, she just trusted me enough to say it,and if she was jealous of me it was independently of her, and at the same time she liked me.
I would also add that I think even I sensed that she might not like my hugging J.
When they took me to their place,I somehow instinctively stayed away from J in the physical sense, I also tried not to stare at him and not to spend too much time with him during these meetings. I even was successful, although when these meetings took place at the exact camps where I didn't have therapy with J ( and these happened)I wasn't going to keep my emotional distance. He even told me once that my pupils widened when I looked at him. He said it was ok, but what if he meant something else? If it was a warning not to do it?
Because I doubt he would flirt with me, whether in the presence of his girlfriend or in general.
Or maybe? What if he did?
I think I'm crazy.
Who is D? He is an online friend of mine, we met on an Internet chat room. I often tell him my life with details,and he doesn't expect anything from me in return.
Although sometimes I wonder if he is hitting on me. It is quite possible, although he remains a faithful companion.
Today I told him about the therapy with K. He stated that I don't need to be friends with K because I have him (xD)
Then I told him about A and J's vacation in Albania
He asked if they were sending me pictures.
I admitted that no, that I found out about everything from Facebook and Instagram.
Even D, the guy who claims that A and J adore me, said that this reflects poorly on their affection for me
I replied him back that I always knew that I liked them more than they liked me.
To this he that maybe it's just not as bad as I think.
I hope so too
Today I went for a walk with B.
Let me start by saying that she brought me lilac again which smells in my room.💜
The walk passed quite nicely, without any distractions, despite the fact that we were accompanied by my doggie.`🦮
At the end of the day, a delicious apple pie was waiting for me.
I am ending for today,because I feel tired,besides it is already late.
As a reward for writing so long, I will eat a Kinder chocolate and drink an soda.🩷
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marssmellow · 9 months
I wanna share a bit of a life story to explain WHY I feel I am gonna crush this academic year and I'm finally gonna be the top of my class. Pay attention folks, because this is probably gonna be a once in a lifetime show. I am not usually that comfortable sharing my life story online — I also don't want to share anything because I really don't like the Internet BUT my journal is far away and I am too lazy to pick it up so I am writing here instead (I am, in fact, lying to you. My journal is in the bedside table next to my head right now. I am just too lazy at the moment). Btw I feel like this is a story worth knowing about me as a person that all of you, little people who follow this blog + my three (3) real life friends simply must know to understand me. So fasten your seatbelts, we are going down memory lane together.
(tw: mention of sexual assault)
So, when I was in elementary school I was your typical golden child. I was so good in all of the classes and I always got the best marks. Of course, you are thinking "Whaaat, elementary school is not hard??" You'd be surprised. For some reason, elementary schools in Italy are hard. We learn, of course, all the basics, like the alphabet and how to add numbers and all that shit, but we also learn stuff that your typical 6-year-old wouldn't, like rhyming schemes and syllable patterns, chemical reactions, a bit of algebra, the idea of historical process, English and all that stuff (disclaimer: I do not know if this was the case just for my school or my teachers. I just know that we didn't limit ourselves to the alphabets and the names of colours). Apart from a general difficulty in math (probably caused by an undiagnosed dyscalculia) I was very good. However, I had a competitor. My best friend ALSO wanted to be the best in my class. The only difference between us was that, while I was effortlessly talented (I am saying this with every ounce of humility in my body), she tried really hard. I learned this after a long time, but she had very strict parents that used to treat her very badly if she didn't get the highest mark in a test. She went as far as to complain to the teacher if I got a higher grade that hers in tests. And here's the kicker: she would take it out on me. She used to make me feel bad because I got the full mark while she didn't. Of course, it wasn't my fault, but my little brain did not know that and I remember feeling anxious every time the teacher would give us the result of a test because I wanted to know how HER test went. You can well imagine the effect this had on me. I started doubting myself and blaming myself for other people's results. Maybe that's why I want to be a professor now, or maybe it has nothing to do with that. We will never know. The point is that I started to seriously think that she was better than me because she put all this crazy effort into her test while I just...winged them. I seriously did not study that much. I found the tests easy. That's probably something to do with the fact that I was genuinely curious about the subjects and I absorbed the information like a sponge. Anyway, that was the first thing on my path.
In middle school I was heavily bullied and I even was abused by one of these classmates that thought it was funny to grab on my body (yes, I do have a nice set of boobs) whenever he thought convenient. If that guy is reading this, which I highly doubt, go fuck yourself. Anyway, those were the worst years of my life, let me tell you. I was even bullied by a teacher. This teacher used to be my brother's math teacher 13 years back, and he thought it was extremely funny to constantly remind me how my brother was so much better than me. Once again, nobody ever thought that my struggle with math was probably a product of an undiagnosed dyscalculia, but here I was. Bullied by my math teacher. Around this time, I still had competition in the classroom. Another of my classmates competed with me for the highest grades. But let me tell you. She was so beautiful. It was around this time that I should have started realizing that I probably liked girls because I now realize I had the biggest crush on her. I really didn't care if she was better than me, because she was beautiful, and she was cool and she was dating the boss of the bullies. The class used to hate on me every time I said in class that I loved a book, or every time I would answer a question, or that I would get a nice grade. I remember this classmate of mine that almost beat me up because I got a higher grade than him in technical art — because he wanted to be an architect but I was the top of the class. It was horrible. Those three years taught me to keep my interests to myself to not be hated. It made me hate all those things that made me happy. So I gradually convinced myself that the things I enjoyed...I was the only one enjoying them. Those things were mine and mine alone and nobody would ever understand me. I felt alone. Misunderstood. Hopeless, even. Because the things I liked I couldn't pursue.
This is why I chose a high school with a scientific path. Because my brother is an engineer and all my mother could say was how you couldn't live off of books. So I chose physics, chemistry, math and science in general. Because my family said those are the only things that matter. Because literature, and art, and history and philosophy will leave me jobless. Do you remember the undiagnosed dyscalculia? Yes, it wasn't funny. I failed pretty much all of my math tests. Physics I could pull off. I could decently pass chemistry and biology because it was mainly words and not a lot of numbers. But let me tell you — I was happy. My teachers were AMAZING. My math teacher, he is the nicest man in the world (he is also a feminist and an anarchist and I lost myself in conversations about the patriarchy with him a lot of times. He was very funny too. He is so intelligent, he probably could have guessed I had an undiagnosed dyscalculia but I forgive him for that). And my classmates were cool. They didn't bully me. We soon enough recognized that we were there for the same reason — we were all nerds in something. I was, of course, the nerd in humanities. The only incident I can report happened in the third year, when some of my classmates basically ambushed me and forced me to come out as an asexual bisexual (at the time I thought I was bi. Now I know that I was a lesbian in denial). I never forgave them because I used to trust them. But for the rest, things went smoothly. But where is the problem? Well, for four years I was forced to study things I didn't really enjoy. I was terrible. My grades sucked. I was good in Italian, in history and English and art and philosophy, but the key courses? Let's not even mention them. It was a disaster. I lost all of my confidence and all of my passion.
Which is why I decided to study Languages in uni. I wanted out of the scientific world. Back to humanities I go! It was not easy. My study methods were all calibrated to study and learn and memorize scientific stuff. I remember that I passed my Philology exam because I studied the High German consonant shift using my geometry method. I LOVED these past three years of uni. I don't think I was ever this happy. I finally was able to study something I liked, free of judgment (my family, by this point, recognized that my talents lied somewhere else, and not in chemistry or maths) and free of competition. I could be myself. Freedom.
But. There's always one, right? But this was not true freedom. I was still studying things I didn't really like. Like Spanish, for example. I had to choose a second language and Spanish was the easiest course — or so I was told, because let's be honest, that course was NOT easy, even as an Italian native speaker. Everyone that tells you that Spanish and Italian are similar is LYING. Anyway, you can well imagine how a person that lived through what I experienced can feel about studying stuff you don't like. It felt constraining.
During the past two years, I got very lucky. I found myself a partner that loves me for who I am. Friends that support me and love me and make me laugh and are there for me, and that are genuinely interested in my interests. Friends that root for me, even. My family did a complete 360 and now supports me and my plans for the future. I found a professor that not only accepted to be my supervisor but that goes on and beyond to help me in my career. I feel like I'm on top of the world.
Around two years ago, I realized which Master's I wanted to take. It's in the same university, my supervisor is one of the teachers. This means at least another year with my friends and my partner in the city I love, doing the things I enjoy the most. So, these last two years have felt like...a rite of passage. Like something I had to do in order to get to my Master's. Which can be a great motivator, but it can also transform everything that you do into a chore. I lacked intrinsic motivation. All of my motivation was external. "I have to take this Spanish exam so I can graduate and get to my Master's". That's what I thought for pretty much every single one of my exams. I am not gonna lie, if this is your mindset then studying becomes boring. That's what happened to me, I lost most of my motivation to study and do good. I wasn't studying for the sake of learning, I was studying to get a decent mark on the exam and get accepted in my Master's. It was not pretty. It got me pretty anxious too.
But now? Now everything is changing. I no longer have that kind of motivation. The classes I had to take "for the sake of the grade" are no longer there. All the classes of the next two years are interesting, fun, and motivating. Every single one of them will teach me something for my future career AND are genuinely interesting. Which means that, this time around, I have both internal AND external motivation.
Which is what brings me back to my main point. I feel, I KNOW I will crush this academic year. I have the potential to be at the top of my class again. I know I shouldn't brag (but damn I amaze and astonish, as Hamilton would say) but I really feel this way. My mindset shifted during these summer months and I cannot wait to test this new life philosophy. I really can't wait for this new, big adventure, and to see where it will take me. I hope it's somewhere bright and beautiful. I had enough of the darkness.
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❤️ and/or 🥳 for the ask game :)
Eeee! Thanks for the ask!
So I started writing fanfiction because, well, I already am a dedicated daydreamer, and the only thing stopping me from turning it into something that gets down on paper is 1) that I’ve been a lurker all my life, avoiding most forms of social media, and don’t have much online confidence and 2) I thought that with the way I daydream anything I tried to write would become a hot mess. Before now I restricted myself to only writing original work as a way to try and make sure that I got any writing done at all. I was also afraid that the online people (bots now I guess) would do that thing where they steal other people’s work and sell it and I already had some of my work deleted from existence by my own mistake, I don’t want any more bad things happening. Growing up seeing people argue “social media bad” and “always on that damn phone” made me very defensive of our generation and optimistic about the beautiful experiences people can have together online, but at the same time, I avoided participating in any of it. I desperately wanted to be considered Not A Lazy Child. Feeling like you have to morally justify every single thing you do in your free time to be considered Good Enough by human standards is trippy. I was adamant about not having or needing a phone until the day I got one near the end of 8th grade, and then I was like hey, you can play music on this thing! I can talk to my friends easier now!
Once I got over the fear of Doing A Thing on the Internet, I started feeling like I’d always belonged in places like this. I mean, I was getting inspiration from Tumblr years before I even had a smartphone. If I had been in online communities as a younger teen and known the kind of welcoming environment that writers can find online, I would have started creating and publishing my work years ago. I hope to publish some of my original work eventually too. I have little hope at this point of actually becoming an author, but if people enjoy stumbling across my work on here, or somewhere else, that would be enough of a success for me. I just don’t want my precious writing to be collecting dust in the google docs for as long as I live. I love writing, I love sharing writing, and I love people who share their writing, so basically, fanfiction is one of the most fascinating art forms I know. It has its own special set of elements. For instance, there's a certain kind of freedom and a sense of indulgence that is difficult to find when writing original projects. The guidelines and restrictions that simply don't exist when you're writing original fiction can challenge you and provide a relaxing space to experiment with new themes and concepts and characters that you've grown to love. Cool stuff! It reminds me why I'm so happy to be a writer. I love imagination and creativity probably more than anything else that exists.
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thediaryofs0nic · 1 year
I'd like to write some of my thoughts from today. Why do my parents care so much about what happens between me and my boyfriend. They act like im dating as a 13 year old, im fucking 18. Let me and my own partner sleep in the same bed, stop being fucking weird about me having sex. Yall make me listen to it every other week and it's fucking weird. On top of that bs they also like to be randomly transphobic and homophobic out of the blue but no theyre not absolutely not. I wish my father wasn't so fucking weird about every fucking thing. Literally every day hes coming up to me and reading some shit thats either racist, homophobic, sexist, or just straight insensitive, whys he gotta be such an asshole. I just want to live and I dont want to talk about him because he doesn't respect me, he's always making me feel like the dumbest person in the fucking world with his man-splainy smart-ass attitude. I try to be considerate, I try to be generous, I try to stay out of his way but noooooo he wants to try and start shit every fucking day even with I haven't entertained it forever. I seriously don't have a single redeemable feature in my mind when describing him, I mean maybe MAYBE his knowledge of cars if he wasn't super fucking lazy. If im ever compared to him I will kill myself, ok a little far but serious he is the worst person ive met.
On another note, I just want to see my boyfriend and be our of this bullshit school. I might actually like school if I could focus but I'm always do 3 fucking things at once and can't give 100% of my attention at anything. I've been super fucking lazy when it comes to doing school work and I can't handle it. It's causing so much stress but I can't do it. I sit down and open an assignment and doing it is like torture, I literally keep getting distracted and I have to find ways to stimulate/quiet my brain enough to focus. I get the most work done when I'm sleep deprived or listening to ambience for fuck sake. I need to be diagnosed and medicated for depression and adhd but I cant handle my own problems, which, by the way, are all made up. I have to surround myself with things that give me a little bit of dopamine just to get by, masturbating every day multiple times, playing mindless video games, and spending hours on the internet because life is too hard to live. I can't handle this. I'm genuinely through with life because I don't quite see a point unless it's to have my one with my partner but that doesn't seem possible either. Fuck politicians, fuck religion, fuck my jackass father, fuck these homophobic nazi cunts, fuck the world. I want to live and express myself without having to worry about being ATTACKED AND KILLED IN THE STREET. The worst part is that I cant even trust the fucking POLICE to protect me. I feel more fear from looking at a police officer than I do looking at any suspicious looking criminal because at least its a 50% chance a suspicious person will have a gun but a 100% chance a police officer will and a 50% chance they'll try to kill me with or without it if they try to talk to me. I hate the world, I hate the government, I hate my father, i hate this cursed hell scape we live on. I am plagued by fear by simply existing. I can't see a shiny easy future for me. It won't be like that. I'll be stuck in this forever. I won't get out of this bullshit. We'll curse the world to melt into the sun without a piece of the human race having survived because of our own bullshit. I hate myself and I hate that I was ever born. Why did I have to ripe everyone into this shit.
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thorupmahoney9 · 2 years
Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Baggage
You must learn the guide beneath so yow will discover the ultimate quality in knock-off Louis Vuitton designer baggage on the web. wikipedia wallets I’ve put collectively a comprehensive information that will enable you to make a truly knowledgeable choice. Are you on the lookout for replica handbags of the very best quality? Let me tell you, you've your work minimize out for you. The date code of the bag specifies the date and place of manufacture of the bag. This evenly spaced courting and coding are discovered inside the compartment in the back of the pockets, of every single genuine LV Bag. A actual bag will have even stitching in the pattern of four and 5, not a sew more, not a stitch much less. Here are the first causes I am satisfied with my LV bag! skel.io replica purse All have been exceptionally in style traveling companion for many years. With their massive interiors and talent is rework their shape they will retailer virtually anything in the cavernous depths, hence why they've become so popular to journey with. No have to do battle with overhead compartments anymore, our replica baggage will match perfectly into virtually any house. The higher technique would be to look for some indicators of faux designer bag high quality. If you see these indicators, there’s a excessive chance that you are coping with a brilliant fake. The first 2 numbers in the four digit quantity point out the week of the 12 months and the second 2 point out the year. If the letters in the date code indicate a different nation than the “made in” stamp, then the bag is probably going a fake. Replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull new interpretation of basic purses. The redesigned inner bag uses fresh cloth lining and classic details inspired by the Louis Vuitton archives. The most commendable Mo Too removable zipper handbag, it may be used as an exquisite clutch alone or as an additional pocket. The bright lining tone provides more liveliness to the Monogram traditional canvas. We are completely proud and confident of the inside and outdoors designs of our replica Louis Vuitton baggage. We tested many shops and on the finish of the day, luxtime appears to be the most effective in the enterprise, no doubts about that. Given these reasons, I even have completely no regret or guilt for purchasing replica baggage. Because if you consider it, when it comes to supplies, craftsmanship, labor, time and design, the originals which these replicas are based mostly on, don’t cost that much cash. Any seller who claims to have luggage from a "wholesale listing" or "closeout liquidation" is more likely to be selling fakes. Louis Vuitton doesn't low cost, have retailers, or sell wholesale. Any vendor who claims otherwise should not be trusted. If you encounter a seller claiming to have luggage from a closeout or wholesale, then the bags are prone to be fake. The handles on an actual vintage Louis Vuitton bag turn deep-brown as a result of the bag is growing older and the leather-based is oxidizing. For smaller baggage, the logos are minimize off on the edge. Louis Vuitton additionally lists the retailers where their luggage can be bought. The brand also limits on-line resellers, so watch out of purchasing luggage over the internet. Counterfeiters usually get lazy when it comes to particulars. A good method to catch fake products is to know your history of Louis Vuitton mud bags and boxes. Each bag comes with a date code, which is basically a little leather-based tag the place letters and numbers are embossed to note the place and when the bag was made. You can simply inform a fake Louis Vuitton bag from an original one from the shade of the trim.
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cecropiaden · 3 years
𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𓋼 low energy witchcraft activities 𓍊𓋼𓍊𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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• Tarot apps that give you a card pull for the day or let you do readings
•Apps that give you affirmations, guided meditations, etc. so you don’t have to search much for something to follow and get overwhelmed by choice.
•Drink sun or moon water, bonus if you add healing or energetic intent into it.
•If you need to cleanse and don’t have the energy, just let some incense burn, your oil diffuser run with cleansing oils, or take advantage of my personal favourite “lazy” option and let belongings cleanse on some selenite.
•We all know this but tea/coffee magic is great for when you’re low energy, especially since you’ll likely be drinking these for comfort anyway. If you don’t drink these don’t forget you can put intent into any food or drink, these are things you’re ingesting so you’re letting that intent go into you, think of ways to take advantage of that! (Bonus again for using sun/moon/etc water for drinks!)
•If you need to sleep but need to communicate with a deity/guide/etc invite them to communicate to you in your dreams. Take care of yourself first and let yourself rest but sometimes there’s moments where you need to talk to them and are struggling to find the energy.
•Simplify offerings to match your energy level, whether that’s saying you can’t give anything today, or finding something easy for you like a fresh glass of water, some herbs, whatever works with your needs.
•Audio books, podcasts, and youtube videos are great for when you want to learn but don’t have the brain power to read and research much, especially when you’re in an emotional rut vs. simply taking a few days off because you burnt yourself out. You can listen to these in bed, eyes closed, get those good feelings from being productive by learning more while not pushing yourself too far.
•Sigils are perfect low energy magic, even more so if you have sigils made ahead of time! Draw an energy sigil on you, put a pain-calming sigil under your pillow, a motivating sigil on your bath products to help you get through washing your face and/or brushing your teeth. Be mindful when using sigils off the internet that you don’t always know for sure what they’re made for, and it tends to work best when it’s your own. Using symbols like runes or bindrunes are also a great option if you want to play it safe but not make your own.
•rock. just pick the rocks you want in your pockets, on your bedside table. it’s pretty, it’s nice, they’re good fidgets, i don’t have to explain to other practitioners why crystals are great (coming from someone who barely uses them in their practice)
•Baths!! Baths aren’t as easy as a lot of people treat them, it’s totally okay to not have the energy to run a bath, especially if you want to wash out the tub a bit first, not have to deal with wet hair, all that. But if you can, it’s going to ease your body so much, use teabags you already have for simple herbs in the bath, water safe crystals, epsom salts are great for your muscles.
•Do some self love journaling, which is a great balance to doing shadow work. Look up self love journal prompts and go with whatever you can come up with things to write about.
•Music/sounds for everything! Youtube and other audio platforms are full of music and sounds that already are made with intention, or you can play intentionally to cleanse, protect, calm, bring joy, etc.
•Making online altar spaces or just collecting general fun inspiration, pinterest and tumblr are great for these!
•Sit outside, lay in the sun, watch the bugs, watch the weather, stare at the moon and stars.
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hallucinationelias · 2 years
Funny how in all your Madeleine defense posts you conveniently forget to mention a child so much as insulting him is enough to make his wounded pride hurt SO BAD he just has to fight the fucking kid. Now idk about you but a grown man doing that seems like he's more sick in the head than simply under pressure and having a "fake showman ego." But how daaaare anyone criticize this manchild amiright 🙄
Oh no don’t worry I didnt conveniently forget I’ve just been too lazy to do a full post about Halloween Commotion lmao + I’ve read through Smithy’s Clientele/Celestials Guide Me/etc more often since they’re under the regular bonds section
Anyways in my Madeleine analyses I have never once excused how his outward egotism has affected others. I have explicitly said that he has people to apologize to and that he’s hurt people with it. I’ve just also analyzed that it runs deeper than “manchild” or whatever
On the subject of Strawberry Crepe, no, I don’t think he should have reacted so intensely to their jabs at him. That wasn’t okay of him to do and he should be able to keep himself in check better than that. That is the part of his character that he is weak in. It does, however, make sense to how I see his character. He has these overreactions because he feels the need to defend himself all the time to protect the persona he is presenting of himself. It’s the same reason he overreacted to Knight Cookie in a similar way. I don’t think saying that his reactions are out of fear and perfectionism is the same as saying that it’s okay that he sometimes behaves that way.
Another part of Halloween Commotion that is important to note is that Strawberry Crepe is adept at pushing people’s buttons. They knew EXACTLY how to piss off the main cast in episode 9 of World Exploration. They knew exactly how to piss off Madeleine, and it worked. That doesn‘t mean that Madeleine should have fought them, but it is an important detail as to why they were able to get a reaction so easily. Now, Strawberry Crepe is a child, and a traumatized one at that, and I think they’ve developed that ability to anger people as a defense mechanism just as much as Madeleine has developed his persona as a defense mechanism. Because of Strawberry Crepe’s age, and therefore immaturity, they are less to blame than Madeleine is for the events of Halloween Commotion, which is why I’ve reiterated several times that Madeleine shouldn’t have reacted the way he did throughout this post. Which, by extension, honors my overall claim: that Madeleine’s behavior shouldn’t be excused, but that I think there’s more backstory to it as an explanation than we’re seeing overall in the game right now. And I’ve talked a lot about what I think that backstory could be.
Last note as well: Halloween Commotion is again, not from Madeleine’s POV, it’s from Fig’s POV I believe. Most of his bond stories are not from his POV, and the main one that is, We’ve Never Met, already presents a different character than we see in the other bond stories.
Obligatory “sorry for the long post”, you triggered the halloweencommotionposting that I’ve been putting off until now lmao
*so I don’t forget overall disclaimer in general: I never said you weren’t allowed to criticize him or anything, I think he’s a character worthy of criticism as any decently written character should be. I just also have an analysis of his character myself, which I sometimes share on the internet
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
The one where Harry and Y/n Visit a Sex Shop
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
Andd This One Too
A/N: This is thee 2nd installment of ‘Sneaking Around’...it’s real spicyyy. Enjoy🙃
Even though you and Harry’s sex life was unmatched when it came to being kinky, raw, and just incredibly hot, the both of you were always down to intensify the kinkiness, and heat you guys already had. The times where you and Harry browsed through page after page of sex toys on the internet were countless. You’d always add stuff to your wishlists and then dream up the different scenarios in which you’d use them. This would lead up to you and Harry getting extremely hot bothered and making an immediate purchase of whatever you two were looking at or you and Harry getting extremely hot and bothered and having some really hot sex. Even after sex sometimes if the two of you weren’t completely worn out (or on the brink of getting caught), you’d pull out your phones and look up different positions and maneuvers. You’d even try them out right then and there. When you and Harry were apart, the both of you would even do a little research on your own for the next time you two were together. The two of you were constantly on the look out for new and even better ways to make each other feel good. Whether it was Harry searching ways to make you squirt back to back until you’re begging him to give you a break(even though he had zero problems with this to begin with) or you looking into tips on how to make Harry cum harder and faster by simply playing with his balls and pressing your palm down onto his lower stomach, the both of you were always more than willing to delve a little deeper and unlock new things when it came to your sex life together.
This excitement and rush to explore trickled down into the date activities you two planned. 
Since your friend was spending some time with her boyfriend, you got to spend some quality time with yours. You and Harry had a nice long weekend filled with sex, cuddles, kisses, and even more sex. And that was only Friday and Saturday. The only time you two left the bed was to rummage through the kitchen. And even then, you two managed to get a round in on the counter. It was only until Sunday morning when you and Harry decided that it was time to get some fresh air in and go out. That is, after a round or two of some lazy, wet, passion and I love you filled morning sex. During your little post sex cuddles and conversation, you and Harry (per usual) ended up on the topic of toys you wanted to try. 
“I found this toy I thought would be perfect for us. It’s a vibrator, but with a twist.” Harry whispers to you, dragging his hands up and down your back.
“I wanna see it! Did you save it or something? You know I like my vibrators.” You say excitedly, lifting yourself up from his chest to look down at him.
“I know you like your vibrators baby, and I saved it on my phone.” Harry hums, taking in your excited features. 
You reach over to grab his off of the bedside table and you quickly enter his passcode before going straight to his browser. You find the bookmarked, and pretty obvious adult website. When you clicked into it, you’re immediately met with probably the best toy you’d ever seen. It was all silicone and there was a normal dildo “shaft”, with a head that wasn’t like the ordinary head. There was a clamp like structure that based on the little diagrams around it, could be used for just about anything. Harry could have it clamped around your clit while he slammed his cock into you. If he was fucking you from behind, the clamp could be wrapped around the base of his cock while it was tightly inside your second entrance. If you are on your own, you could have one end in your cunt, and the other in your tighter hole. When you ride him (or when he’s fucking up into you), only this time his cock would be in your second hole, the clamp would be around the base of his cock and the “shaft” would be inside your pussy. It could also be used as a simple high-powered vibrator that can be pushed inside you, or used on your sensitive nipples. This toy could also be used on just Harry. When you’re sucking him off, you could stretch the clamps around his girthy shaft and push the other end into his puckered hole. This could also be done whenever he’s on all fours for you.
And in the midst of all these different configurations, it’d be vibrating; intensifying the pleasure for you both. It was like this toy was made for you and Harry. 
“Judging by the way your walls have been clenching ‘round me, the way you’ve been staring the screen, and how hard you’re biting your lip, you like it.” Harry hums smugly up at you, squeezing your hip in the process. 
“I love it! We might need two though. One for me, and one for you. Don’t want either of us to be deprived of this amazing thing.” You say giddily.
“I called the place where we usually get our toys, and they said that they’re in stock if you wanna go on a little date to our local sex shop.” Harry says suggestively. 
“Were the only ones who’d consider a visit to a sex shop a date.” You chuckle, locking his phone back and placing it back onto the bedside table. 
“I’ll take you to dinner later on tonight.” Harry bargains. 
“You don’t have to convince me to go babe. I’m definitely not passing up on our little date to sex land, or our little dinner date later on tonight.” You reassure him, lowering yourself back down onto his chest.
“Well we should probably get up and get dressed.” Harry suggests, lowering his hand to give your backside a few light taps.
“But it’s nice and warm here.” You mewl with a pout, nuzzling yourself further into him.
“If we get up and go out now, we can have more time to play with our new toy before dinner tonight.” He reasons
“Okay fine, but only if you carry me. My legs are a little bit on the jelly side. 
And with that, you and Harry are up and on your way to your little date.
After the short drive that was filled with anticipation, the two of you finally make it to the shop. Harry practically throws the car into the parking spot and hustles you both inside.
“Looks like someone’s excited.” You smirk, walking into the door Harry was opening for you. 
“Get in there.” Harry grumbles, using his free hand to send a quick swat to your ass. 
After greeting the worker at the register, you and Harry go straight to the back wall where the dildos were. Immediately, both of you guys’ eyes go into search mode.
“I found it!” You announce. “It’s up there.” You point up to the hook holding the vibrator you and Harry had your sights on. “Grab two while your up there babe.” You remind Harry. He then cups his hand around your hip and reaches up behind you to grab the vibrators. After he grabs them, he hands them both to you.
“We’re gonna have so much fun babydoll.” Harry hums, bringing both hands down to your waist. Keeping himself pressed up against you, he brings his lips down to the base of your neck and begins to sponge soft kisses into your neck. 
“While we’re here, we should look around. There’s a lot of stuff in here that we probably don’t have already.” You hum softly, enjoying the feeling of his lips on you and his arms around your waist.
“In a minuet.” Harry promptly replies before continuing his kisses. As he does, you feel one of his hands wander below your waist and to the hem of your short skirt (which you were wearing because Harry practically begged you  to wear). Before you know it, Harry’s hand is pushing up your thigh and under your skirt. When his hand reaches then side band of your panties he pushes his hand in and down between your legs. He then takes his index finger and lightly scratches the warm, and plushy area of your covered folds, causing you to squirm in his grip. 
“Chill daddy!” You giggle, trying to move away from his hand.
“How about you behave and let daddy play with you.” Harry grumbles pointedly, continuing to tickle the sensitive area between your legs. 
“Well can you play with me in one of the dressing rooms. I don’t need prying eyes.” You sigh, continuing to suppress your little moans and giggles. 
“Well look little exhibitionist being scared of people watching.” Harry whispers condescendingly before going back to kissing at your neck and playing with you beneath your skirt. He was referring to the time when the two of you had a little getaway and he took you multiple times against the large floor to ceiling window in you guys’ suite. And to make a long story short, you absolutely loved it, and Harry was always going to remember that.
“Please da-“ Before you can even finish, you hear the voice of your best friend and her boyfriend as they enter the shop. 
“Oh shit.” Harry whispers. All of a sudden, a serious feeling of nervousness falls over the both of you. Both you and Harry were thinking that today was the day you two would get caught. And on top of that, Harry was mortified for himself, and you at the thought of running into his daughter at a sex shop while he was there with his girlfriend who just so happened to be his daughters best friend. That wasn’t about to happen; Harry was going to make sure of it. 
“How you liking that dressing room now?” You whisper sharply to him. 
“It’s right over there.” Harry points out, turning your attention to the dressing rooms that were in the corner at the end of the wall. “Just stay in front of me.” Harry whispers his instructions to you. He removes his hand from beneath your skirt and his head from your neck before nudging you both in the direction of the dressing rooms.
As you two moved, you were so happy that this shop was big and didn’t have an open floor plan. If it did, you and Harry would’ve been in some trouble.
Once you two make it past the threshold to the dressing rooms and out of sight, the both of you scurry down to the very end of the small row of rooms and you quickly lock yourselves in the large room at the end.
“Thanks for getting us outta there.��� You huff graciously as you maneuver out of Harry’s grip, taking a seat on the bench in front of the mirror and placing the two vibrator packages down next to you.
“No need t’thank me sweet girl. That was beyond terrifying.” Harry replies sweetly with a very relieved tone. Once he’s standing directly in front of you, he pulls you up from your seat and sits down in your place. He then tugs you down onto his lap, to which you use his shoulders for support and position your knees onto the bench on either side of him and sink your body right down onto him. 
“I love you.” You whisper to him, bringing your lips to his.
“I love you too princess.” Harry whispers back with a sweet smile spread across his face, tilting his head back a little to fully connect his lips with yours. As soon as your lips touch, they begin moving against each other’s. You could feel his arms circling your waist as his lips smack against yours. 
As the kiss continues, the both of you become more and more fevered. Your lips move faster against each other, your mouths open more for your tongues to explore one another’s mouths, and Harry’s hands are moving. While yours are cupping his the sides of his face and moving into his curls, Harry’s hands are no longer at your waist. But instead, they are below your skirt, caressing the backs of your thighs and the flesh of your ass. You can feel his hands squeezing the flesh in his hands and fingering at your panties. As he does this. Your moans begin to pick up and your hips begin to grind down into his lap, and right against his growing cock.
“Are you still gonna play with me daddy.” You whisper to him, after pulling your lips away from his.
“We do have some time to kill, and your panties are pretty damp. I guess I could play with you a bit.” Harry reasons, trying to act as if he has all the power in this situation, even though he can’t ignore his completely hard cock in his pants. He needed to be inside you again.
“Please daddy.” You whimper, pushing yourself down against the bump in his lap and kissing the corner of his mouth to coheres him.
If you insist.” Harry “concedes”, slightly turning his head towards your lips to connect them again. He then grips onto the backs of your thighs and stands up from the bench, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist and cling to his upper body. Keeping one arm tightly wrapped around you, Harry skillfully undoes his pants with one hand. He manages to shove them down his waist, letting  them pool at his ankles before shuffling you both to the wall. At first he wanted you to ride him, then finish you off against the wall, but Harry refused to sit his bare ass back down onto the bench inside a dressing room of a sex shop. He just couldn’t do it. So the wall was the next best thing; plus it was one of your favorites, you loved being pinned between the solid wall and Harry’s body. 
Once you’re between his body and the wall Harry reaches down between you two and pulls your damp panties to the side, exposing your messy and beyond ready pussy. Harry then proceeds to waste no more time and he begins to slowly pull you down the wall and onto his cock. As he fills you, Harry tries his hardest to keep his lips tightly against yours but you turn your head away, pulling your lips away from his to release your moans. 
“Oh my-“ You gasp, feeling his big cock filling you up again. 
“Shhh” Harry shushes you quickly, trying to keep you quiet so you both won’t get caught. “Fuck.”  Harry huffs, taking in just how good your walls felt around him.
“M’so full.” You moan out to him. You could feel his cock all the way inside the pit of your stomach. 
“Perfect.” Harry hums, before pulling out a bit just to slam back into you again. And he continues to do this. He continuously pulls his hips back, and slams back into you. His thrusts are sharp, deep, and filed with power. You could feel him hitting that sweet spot deep inside you with every last thrust. It felt so good that you couldn’t keep your mouth closed.
“So good daddy.” You lowly whimper to him, digging your nails into the back of his shoulder and clinging onto his curls on the back of his neck.
“That’s it princess, take daddy’s cock.” Harry growls, fastening the pace of his hips, making this thrusts sharper than before. Hardy couldn’t stop the smile from rising up onto his face. You were not only taking his cock incredibly well, you were also keeping quiet. He could feel himself hitting the deepest part of you with every thrust and it was starting to get to him. He was completely filling you. Your beyond spongy, wet, warm, and tight walls were taking every last inch and thrust of his cock. And to make things even better, seeing you fall apart and cling to him for dear life as he pounded up into you was causing his release to begin to rapidly bubble up in the pit of his stomach. As he continues, he can feel your walls tightening up around him. To push you even closer to the edge, Harry uses the hand that wasn’t at your waist to pull the skintight T-shirt you had on out of the waistband of your skirt. He then pushes that hand up underneath to squeeze at your breasts and tweak your nipples. 
“Fuck! M’gonna cum.” You cry out to him. It was getting harder to hold back your moans so you sank your teeth into your lower lip to try and hold them back.
“Cum with daddy baby.” Harry pants. As he continues to move inside you, his thrusts become sloppier and less uniform. His release was fast approaching too. When he feels himself falling off the edge, Harry slams his lips back onto yours, pinning your head back against the wall between his head, and muffling the both of you guys’ moans. He sends one final thrust into you and keeps it there, triggering you to follow suit and let go with Harry.
As the two of you let go, you and Harry swallow each other’s loud moans, keeping the sounds down. Harry could feel your walls convulsing around his cock as he spurted heavy ropes of his cum into you.
Once you and Harry are completely done, Harry removes his hand from your shirt and brings it back around your waist. He then lowers it down to begin pulling himself from you. 
“Tighten up baby.” Harry softly instructs before pulling his cock from you. As soon as you’re empty of his cock, Harry quickly pulls your panties back over to cover you, and stop his cum from leaking out of your now weak little hole. “Did so good babygirl.” Harry praises, pulling you from the wall and sitting you back down onto the bench.
“Felt so good.” You sigh contently, resting your head back against the wall while Harry readjusts his pants.
“So good.” Harry hums delightedly. Once his pants are back up and done, he sits on the bench next to you. You then scoot over a little and rest your head on Harry’s shoulder, prompting him to wrap his arm around you to pull you closer. The two of you continue to sit like this until you finally regain some energy. 
“I’ll go out first and text you once the coast is officially clear.” You tell him, slowly standing up from the bench to look in the mirror behind you and fix your clothes a little. 
“Hold on.” Harry rushes out, stopping you in your tracks. “Pay for these while you’re out there.” Harry continues, digging into his pants pocket for his wallet. After fishing out his wallet, he plucks his credit card out it’s slot and hands it over to you along with the two vibrators.
“I’ll text you when I’m almost done.” You say again, reaching out to grab his card and the two packages.
“Alright baby.” Harry replies as you exit the dressing room. 
Once you step out of the dressing room area, you slowly make your way to the register, making sure to check all around you for your best friend. Once the coast is completely clear, you confidently (but with a slight limp from the way Harry pounded into you, and his cum) make your way to the register to pay for your items. That is, before picking up one of the fuzzy pink collars that were on the display in your path. It’s what Harry would’ve wanted. 
“You picked a good one. And I’m not just talking about these.” The cashier subtly says to you as she scans and bags the items. 
“Thanks.” You whisper back. You were having mixed feelings. You felt pride because you have a hot, older boyfriend. You were feeling a tiny bit jealous because another woman checked out your man. And you were feeling a little bad because the girl was really nice and you just had sex (it was some really hot sex though) in one of the dressing rooms.
To Daddy❤️👅💦😈🥰: Coast is completely clear. Hurry up!
You quickly text him while the cashier puts some information into the computer. Apparently you two came at the right time, they were having a little promotion thing going on and today was the last day.
As Harry comes from the dressing rooms, you’re inserting his card into the card reader to pay for everything. When the card reader buzzes for you to remove the card, you pull it out and you look over to see Harry making his way over to you. 
“Alrighty, you two have a good day.” The cashier smiles at you, pulling the receipt from the machine and handing it to you along with the discrete black bag holing all of you guys’ items. When you take the bag and receipt from her, she manages to sneak in another look at your silver fox of a boyfriend who was standing in front of her. You could completely understand why it and you couldn’t blame her. 
“Thanks, you too.” You reply politely. Harry sends a polite nod her way as well and the two of you make a b-line to the door you’d entered earlier. 
“Let’s go play with our new toys daddy.” You hum excitedly, pulling him back in the direction of his car. 
You and Harry were going to have a lot of fun. 
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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every single student in the world has likely procrastinated at some point - i know i definitely have! sometimes i think it can be quite helpful because means that you don't spend every minute of every day studying... but on the other hand, it can become very hard to beat. there are so many advice posts in the community on this topic but i thought that i would share my own tips! 
disclaimer: everyone studies differently and these are my personal tips. they may not work for you but they can be a good starting point 
What is Procrastination?
i found this little summary of procrastinating on the internet and thought it completely covered everything that i wanted to say on this point:
Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act.
Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career. It can also disrupt teamwork, reduce morale, and even lead to depression and job loss. So, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent it.
The first step to overcoming procrastination is to recognize that you're doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.
- How to Stop Procrastinating by Mindtools
so what is learnt from this is that:
procrastination is not being lazy 
it is avoiding tasks by doing other easier tasks
it can have negative effects
you need to proactively take steps to avoid it 
first, recognise the procrastinating then use strategies to break the cycle
Conventional Tips
these are the basic tips that are some of the most well-known strategies for ending procrastination and can be some of the most important steps!
1. get organised. tidy up your desk to study space because there is nothing worse than having to work in a place that is chaotic and mess. collect the information you need for the task, for example, notes you've made or a textbook. 
2. to-do lists are your friend. a lot of people (including me) really struggle with timetables for studying because it can seem really structured and there is no flexibility or real allowance for things that may crop up during the day (your food takes longer to cook, you have to unexpectedly do a task around the house, you get a really bad headache and need to take a break). in my opinion, to-do lists help solve this problem! you can clearly see the tasks that you want to get done for the day but you don't have stressful time constraints. personally, i always use todoist to keep track of everything. to-do lists also make it easier to break tasks down
3. break the task down. one of the biggest cause of procrastination is having a huge task or project ahead of you because it seems really daunting and where on earth are you even going to start? so break it down *completely*. in your to-do list, don't just write ‘german homework’, write down even task that you need to do within it and be specific: for example ‘pg. 11 ex 4a, 4b and 4c’, ‘textbook listening task on pg. 47′ and ‘250-word essay on social media in Germany’. breaking it down makes the tasks seem more attainable and when you’ve done one and you can cross it off your list, it gives you a boost to keep going
4. eliminate distractions. this is a big one. even if you do all of the above, if you are constantly being distracted by things, you aren't going to get much done. try to find a place that is quiet enough that you can focus and you feel comfortable studying in. as well as this you need to think about what to do with your phone as the likelihood is that this will be the most distracting thing. you can simply turn it off, put on do not disturb, leave it in another room or use and app like forest (that last one is what i use and i don't know where i would be without it!)
5. use incentives. finishing a task is an achievement so treat it like one! before you study, decide on something that you will give yourself as a reward for doing it. this may be watching that new episode of your favourite programme or a tasty snack! 
6. set timers. don't just launch yourself into a task, because that again can make it seem daunting and feel unending. rather, set a timer for a specific time because you’ll know that you just need to focus for that specific length of time and then you can go take a break and do something nice. for timing your study sessions, you could use the Pomodoro technique 
7. allow for breaks (but try to avoid long ones). you are not a machine and as much as it would be great to be able to, you cant study for hours on end without giving your mind a break from focusing. so schedule in break time for yourself, particularly for times that you know your motivation dips, and do something nice. but be very careful that you don't accidentally slip back into procrastinating habits and keep breaks short. unless you are very disciplined it is unlikely that an hour-long break will stay just an hour.
8. know how you study but don’t be afraid to mix it up. everyone studies differently and so there are going to be some study methods that work better for some than others. so try to make sure that you are studying smart and that you aren't wasting your own time cause that can be incredibly unmotivating. HOWEVER, if there is anything that I’ve learnt from online school its that doing the same task all the time, every day is mind-numbingly boring and you just want to do anything else. so try to switch up what you are doing. if you usually just type notes from the textbook, maybe try doing it in a mindmap one week, or on flashcards, maybe do some practise questions to keep your mind engaged. 
9. play music. now this one really depends on the person and how you study. some people need absolute silence and that is fine, but others need something to fill the silence or maybe cover up background noise (for example if you live in a busy household). try to pick music however that is not going to distract you - the key tips for this is to pick music without lyrics. this can be classical music, video game music, or general ‘chill’ music (there are so many playlists out there for chill studying music). i personally listen to Francesco Parrino religiously while studying because he does piano covers of pop songs, so i know the songs and enjoy them but there are no lyrics that can distract me 
10. stay hydrated, well-rested and not hungry. this is part of eliminating distractions because if you are thirsty, you are going to be thinking about how you want a drink; if you are tired, you are going to be thinking about how tired you are; if you are hungry, you are going to be thinking about what you want for lunch or whatever. make sure you are hydrated, well-rested and not hungry so you can focus solely on your task or work.
Unconventional Tips
these are some slightly more unusual tips that you might not have seen before but that I've nevertheless found very useful!
1. video yourself or do a timelapse. this is something that I’ve only recently done because i saw a tip on this from someone during my quarantine challenge and thought that it would be cool to do. and it really works! i did it twice once when i was typing notes and a second time when i was handwriting notes and it really made me focus on what is as doing because the video put some pressure on me to look like i was properly studying - i could take a 5-minute break in the middle of my work to mess around with my pen, I just had to keep going so it really forces you to do the work. also watching the video when i was done made me really proud cause i had visual proof of how much i completed!
2. accept that some days you are going to get very little done. this may seem a little bit odd to put on a post that is meant to avoid getting nothing done but it’s actually a very important thing to remember. sometimes you need to take days off because otherwise you are going to burnout and some days you are just not going to be in the right mindset for studying because maybe you are exhausted after a big exam, or you have a headache or you feel unwell. you just need to accept it, draw a line under it, take time for yourself, and resolve yourself to work tomorrow once you feel a bit better. there is no shame in taking time to make sure you stay healthy. if you can, try to get your quickest, easiest task done so you have some sense of accomplishment.
3. ‘churn it out and f**k off’. this was my mum’s motto when she was studying and working in academia. and she recently told it to me when i was getting stressed about all the big tasks during online school. i am a perfectionist and i always want to hand in my very best work, put 100% into everything, but honestly that is impossible. some days you just need to get stuff done and if that isn't your very best then it doesn't matter too much because at least you got it done. and once you get it done you can just forget about it.
4. ask a friend or parent to check up on you. when you are studying by yourself it can be hard to motivate yourself because you know that no ones actually going to check whether you made those votes or did the reading, so ask a friend or someone you live with to check whether you've done the work or get them to read essays. you then get an external reason to study or do your tasks because you need to show them something.
5. rephrase how you think of tasks. when you think that ‘you need to do this task’ or ‘you have to get this done’, a lot of the time this causes unneeded stress and anxiety that is not going to help you at all. also it makes it seem like you are being forced to do something and human beings generally don't act great when they are forced to do something. so try to change your language when thinking about task into one that is more forgiving such as ‘i choose to do this project so that i can go meet my friends tomorrow’ and ‘i choose to read this book now because it will help me in the lecture next week’. this is probably the most difficult strategy on this list and it will take a lot of practice (i am certainly still practising it) but in the long term, it can help you change the way in which you view studying for the better. 
i hope this was helpful and that these tips will be useful, and perhaps you've discovered some new ones! if anyone has anything to add please feel free to reply or reblog with the advice <3
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
Hi! I would like to request hcs of Wataru, Ren, and Tomoru with a fem s/o who's sick but keeps denying it :)
Author's note: This is such a cute prompt i can't help adding small scenario for them huhu. Thank u for requesting and enjoy~
Pairings: Wataru Matoba x fem!reader, Ren Nanahoshi x fem!reader, Tomoru Kurokawa x fem!reader
Warnings: none
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There's no way you can hide your sickness from him. No matter how much you say you're fine or how much make up you put on to hide the loss of blood on your face. Your change of behavior just says it all.
Especially when Wataru has his mother mode on (kidding)
No more college or part time work until you're 100% fit!
If you hide it because you know how he's gonna react... Well guess what? He does not care. He's prepared to help you get better fast.
Soup, meds, check-up, drink water 8 times a day, fruits, etc.
You're not allowed to get out of bed unless going to the bathroom or else he'll scold you.
If he can't take care of you by himself, he'll legit be worried sick in whatever activity he's doing.
He'll haunt you if you don't take your meds on time when he's away.
"I'm not sharing my desert anymore if you won't drink your medicine!" he demanded.
"Huhhh t-that's not fair... a-ACHOO" You sneezed.
"See?! You're still not getting better since yesterday so please drink it."
"It's nothing... I'm not sick," you whimpered while your eyes feels hotter than ever from the fever.
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You missed two days of class and he's been trying to reach you on phone but you never pick up, you answered him through text instead saying there's nothing to worried about, you tell him you're just being lazy
Ren knows well you'll never skip class that way. There must be something wrong
The last time he saw your face was a few days ago on video call, he noticed the change on your voice but you just brushed it off saying it must be the internet connections
Ren would ask his friends on what to do. What if you're sick? You've never been sick ever since he's dating you so he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want to take the wrong steps
Wataru would suggest Ren text you first to see if you're really ok, if you're sick or not. Yuu would suggest Ren go straight to your house with fruits and your favorite snacks
Ren would take both advices because he is what he is, our innocent bby
He did text you and you said to not worry about anything, you'd come back to uni in about two days. So he goes for Yuuto's plan, hoping for the best, hoping you won't hate him for worrying
Your plan on not telling him was because you don't want Ren near you while in this condition. You yourself can't believe you got sick again after a long time... maybe you shouldn't took uni way too hard
Your plan was crushed when you found him in front of your door
"R-Ren, why are you here?" you realized your voice sounded hoarse, Ren probably noticed it too.
"Y/n! I... I've been worried, I thought that you might be ill since our last call," he said. "I-I'm sorry for not telling you that I'm coming over."
You're trying so hard to not cough in front of him, "That's ok, I've been wanting to see you too, but as you can see I'm not ill."
"Stop denying it, y/n," Ren pleaded. "Here, I have food and I also bring mask. Can I come in?"
No words there, you're having internal battle with yourself because the urge to hug him was so high but you can't do it with this condition.
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Let's say you and him are planning a simple date at your place since he's been balancing his work life and band life like a madman. The two of you miss each other, and you don't want anything extravagant or time/energy consuming. Simply each other's presence are all that matters
Sadly, your boos hasn't been kind to you lately. The time and attention you've put into doing those piled up work (not just yours, some of them are also other's) basically put you under immense pressure to the point your body reacted badly and fell ill
But you can't get sick, not right now, not when you have a plan with Tomoru tonight. You need to come home early too to prepared the ingredients before hand, and Tomoru said he's going to come and help you too
Things went smooth at first, until you suddenly lost your balance in the kitchen but you just brushed it off and continue cooking with all the strength you have left. Let's hope he didn't witness that, there's no room for messing up at this moment with him
Sadly, your body doesn't like this plan of yours and decided to faint in front of him. Your head feels like exploding and all the energy in your body suddenly gone, not even enough to make your legs do their job
Tomoru almost panicked, he knew you've been busy at work too but he didn't know it'd go this far. He feels like punching your boss for making you do too much work
There's no room for debate, no matter how much you try to convince him that you're fine and can help still help him out a little, you're not moving until he says otherwise
Yes, he'd be bossy yet caring. He'd squeeze the time to check up on you/take care of you when you're sick. And you just feel bad because his activities needs a lot of his time
(This has to be the longest bonus scenario i've done. I can't help it IT'S TOMORU)
The world seemed blurry all of the sudden, and your legs felt like they forgot how to stand. What were you about to do? Oh, cutting the fruits. Wait, where did the fruits go?
Your legs give out, good thing Tomoru's reflexed on catching you before you kiss the floor. Your body felt so limp against him that he could be having a stroke soon if you don't wake up, "y/n? Love?? Y/N?!!! P-Please answer or I swear to God i'll have a heart attack."
He carried your unconscious body to the bedroom, "Y/n please wake up first so i know it's not something worse than what i think it is." Oh the cracked in his voice, the fear it performed.
He checked all the signs of life in your body as best as he could. Faint pulse, faint breath, faint color on your lips. If the situation weren't like this, you'd be a perfect Snow White.
"H-Hey..." you groaned. You opened your eyes to find Tomoru right in front of you with eyes glassy with tears.
"Don't 'hey' me," he exclaimed. "What on Earth was that about?! Do you know how much that scared the hell out of me?"
"I'm sorry, that won't happen again..." you said. "Ok, I'm all good now." You tried to get out of bed but he stopped you.
"Don't." His hand touching your face. "You're burning up."
"I'm no-"
"Quit being stubborn." He sighed. "I'll help you change your clothes. Does the room too hot? Do you want me to tie your hair?"
"But our plan..."
"But I'm not going anywhere." He pulled out a shopping bag from his ransel. "Here, I got this for you."
"Yes, babe?"
"I'm sorry for ruining our date like this," you sobbed.
"Nonsense." He wiped the tears off of your face. "And it won't hurt if i get extra rest, especially with you beside me."
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
Hi!! I’ve got a request. I’m not sure if you’ve seen WandaVision or if you watch MCU movies, but I have one that relates to it. How do you think the pillarmen would react to their lovely s/o having abilities like Scarlet witch? Telekinesis, Telepathy, manipulation of reality, force fields, etc. S/o can also technically have flight by using her telekinesis powers too. She’s incredibly powerful! But isn’t physically powerful.
Oh yes! 😮😍🤩 I love Marvel! I grew up watching the movies a lot (you can thank my older brother for that 🤪) and I LOVE this idea, Anon! ❤❤❤
However, I have not seen WandaVision 😭😭😭 IT LOOKS SO GOOD! But I have cruddy internet due to the fact I live far out into the woods 😔 (and the internet has once again thrown spoilers into my eyes like pepperspray) sooo... I can only hope one day I will get the chance to enjoy it 😅
Either way, I do hope you enjoy this! I'm so sorry this took a little longer than anticipated 😅😇 I promise after this request we'll be back to our regularly scheduled writing!
The Pillarmen (separate) with an s/o that has abilities similar to Scarlet Witch...
(Under the cut for length...)
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• Kars always found your powers intriguing to say the least.
• Even when he first came to the realization that you possessed some sort of "super human" abilities, he found himself wanting nothing more than to study you.
• Perhaps you had done this to yourself by craft or perhaps not...
• In either case, you both were a couple with same differences.
• You could be out there trying to rise to greater power or status (much like he had done crafting his stonemasks), or even go so far as to try and take over the world with your abilities...
• The only problem being that you only found real use for them when reaching for the T.V. remote when it was too far away or manipulating time itself when you were late for work.
• Kars considered giving you some encouragement in using your powers for more but you held no interest in being "powerful" despite the fact you were already powerful!
• And then there was also the matter of you putting your telepathy to use...
• "Are you in the kitchen?" The ghostly whisper of your voice echoing through his mind never failed to send a shiver down his spine.
��� "Yes." He replied, frowning into empty air. "Bring me a popsicle." Came the mental command, only making him sigh aloud. "Why can you not just get up and get it yourself? The living room is literally one room over!"
• "You're closer." The simple reply only made him roll his eyes. "And you're the one with super Human abilities, dear." He responded, unable to stop the curl of his lip into a little smirk.
• He was certain he had you now.
• The massive Pillarman could only blink as the fridge to his right started to emanate with a glowing crimson mist, the door suddenly swinging open by itself.
• A single blue popsicle encased in the same mist picked itself out of the freezer and dangled in the air before him before flying out of the kitchen and into the living room before his very eyes.
• "Thanks for reminding me, honey!" Your cheery voice chirped, echoing off the walls of his brain.
• Kars supposed he just had to be content that you were happy with yourself by doing what you wished with your powers...
• Even if it only encouraged you to be lazy.
• Esidisi, much like Kars, finds you to be a fascinating creature indeed.
• He had no idea that Humans could do such wonderful things without the aid of some kind of craft; like the stonemask that blessed him his own powers.
• He finds it hilarious, not to mention adorable, that you had all sorts of incredible abilities at your disposal and yet... you carried out your life like a normal Human.
• You went to work and paid bills for crying out loud.
• Even from the moment you two met, he always asked you to do things both crazy and (a lot of the times) not a little dangerous.
• He'd ask you to levitate off the ground to reach for something even though he was tall enough to get it, simply because he was amazed you could do so.
• Or he'd plead with you to take him to another reality so he could fight with the robot-pirate empire.
• The man especially got a kick out of the probability manipulation part of your powers.
• "Say, what's the probability my bathtub will be overflowing with rubber ducks when I go in?" He questioned with a grin.
• You pursed your lips, only half paying attention as you were invested in a video game. You hadn't exactly heard his question but still chose to give an answer.
• "Hmm, 170%." Came the reply.
• That was all the Pillarman needed to hear before Esidisi was excitedly scurrying towards the bathroom, practically bouncing as he stopped to make a grab for the doorhandle.
• It was only in that moment when his question truly sunk in with you, making you blink olwishly as you spun around in your seat to stop him. "--WAIT!"
• Too late.
• The flood of rubber ducks hitting him and sweeping him away down the hall as soon as he flung open the door was highly unexpected but very much welcomed by him.
• If anything, you were happy he didn't have a way to obtain these powers himself; then you would have to really use your powers to fix even more problems he made with them.
• However, you wouldn't deny he helped you get some good practice in when making all sorts of requests...
• Your powers made Wamuu view you as a worthy opponent for a Human, even long before he fell head over heals for you.
• Before meeting you, he had no idea Humans could obtain such incredible feats and abilities.
• He was under the impression that Hamon was the limitation to Human powers.
• But it was more than clear to him that you weren't exactly a fighter despite the fact you could use them for battle.
• After a little persuasion on his part however, he managed to coax you into sparring or training with him in your free time, making the Warrior absolutely elated to see you in action.
• Fighting against you was exhilarating and actually a challenge to Wamuu, he greatly enjoyed every second of it.
• You could easily deflect sharp blasts of his wind with your force fields like nothing.
• To his astonishment, there was not so much as a hair out of place the time he decided to use his Divine Sandstorm on you.
• "Now, make sure you hold onto me and don't let go." You ordered, smiling softly as his massive arms wrapped around your body.
• Wamuu cocked an eyebrow curiously, frowning down at you where you also held him. You had brought him outside and told him that you were going to show him something.
• "What is--?" The Pillarman's words died on his tongue as he suddenly felt his feet lift off the ground, a weightlessness overtaking his body as if he were nothing but a balloon filled with helium.
• He looked down with wide eyes to find that you and him were hovering right off the ground... no, flying!
• The two of you were actually flying and without wings too!
• You could only laugh at his shocked expression, going higher into thee air with every second. His clothes and the wires of his headgear flapped in an invisible breeze as you took him all the way up into the sky.
• Wamuu finally found his voice, his shocked expression now carrying a HUGE smile as his eyes glittered with delight. "My beloved, you're-- You're something absolutely extraordinary!"
• Your powers and the way you use them will never cease to amaze and impress Wamuu. No matter how many times he sees them it always seemed like you had a trick up your sleeve.
• From the moment he laid eyes on you, Santana knew there was something very different about you.
• Something... magical. Out of this world.
• You weren't like any other Human he had ever encountered before (and he had definitely me his share of oddball Humans in his life).
• At first he thought that your super Human abilities were some kind of offspring or held some direct link to that "Hamon" ability he knew Humans practiced...
• But with more examination, more time spent with you and some reassurance on your part, he came to find it was in fact something completely different.
• Always curious, Santana liked to watch you use your powers even for just the little things like moving furniture or turning the lightswitch off from across the room.
• Crash! You had heard the vase break form the other room and weren't surprised to find Santana standing over the shattered remains of pottery.
• The red-head looked surprisingly sheepish, he hadn't meant to break it. "Sorry." Was all he said, baby blue eyes dropping down to the mess on the floor.
• A smile appeared as you waved your hand in the air, a bright red fog following your movement. "Don't worry about it," you hummed.
• Santana only stared, lips parted and eyes wide as the pieces suddenly reformed in mid-air. It was as if time went backwards before his very eyes and before he knew it, the vase was standing before him where the mess of shards once was; completely unscathed.
• "See?" You laughed, more than a little amused to see him so astonished. "No problem."
• A soft smile found its way to Santana's lips. You watched the Pillarman lean down and wrap his hands around the pottery gingerly, picking it up and turning it in his palms to check for any signs of breakage.
• "Impressive..." he murmured, making you feel a little boost in pride.
• You couldn't stop yourself from jumping, a yelp escaping your lips, in surprise as Santana suddenly threw the vase down hard on the floor, smashing it to even tinier bits than before.
• His eyes fell on you, still reeling from shock, as he pointed to the mess. "Again?" He questioned.
• ...with great power came great responsibility. And great messes to clean.
• You could only hope he wouldn't break all your plates next just to see you fix them.
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