#i was like mel why the actual fuck are you genuinely into this man
babydarkstar · 8 months
actually insane to me that jayce x viktor wasnt an obvious canon pairing like caitvi……..idk theyre just such an intriguing duo equally as compelling as caitvi with their own super complex nuanced dynamic with very excellent chemistry also mel is way too good for jayce if im being honest
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spro-o · 2 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 33
It has happened a few times, so far, that we've seen episodes that, whether good or bad, had little impact on the series: they answered no questions, and posed no new ones.
This, however, is the first we've watched this way that suddenly answers a shit-ton of arc while offering new elements, and also hints at a whole bunch of vital story we haven't seen yet, and is completely fucking batshit to the point of near-incomprehensibility.
It's 1938, and the episode is Let's Kill Hitler.
We open with a "Previously On" that contains nothing we've previously seen LMAO ALMOST AS IF OUR WATCH ORDER IS DEEPLY FUCKING STUPID but it turns out Amy was pregnant after all, her baby was promptly stolen by a one-eyed woman fighting a war against the Doctor that the Doctor was apparently unaware of (insert Don Draper "I don't think of you at all" meme), the baby is called Melody and has Time Lord DNA because... well that wasn't explained but maybe it's why Amy's pregnancy test was inconclusive, and there are some aliens called the Silents. Oh, and at some point Amy was melted. Is Rory still plastic? Not sure.
Anyway, we open with Amy and Rory trying to get the Doctor's attention by writing his name in crop circles in a scene that made me wonder how much they had to pay the farmer to film it. "Have you found Melody yet?" Amy begs of her missing baby, except she doesn't, because Karen Gillan imbues the scene with the urgency of a housemate asking if you remembered to check if Shell or British Gas will give you cheaper bills.
Then Amy and Rory's BESTEST FRIEND MELS turns up. The show then has to introduce us to Mels, because in spite of being presented as an indispensable part of their lives, even people watching the normal way have never even heard of this woman before now. Then she pulls out a GUN from somewhere and insists they all go to kill Hitler, which... I'm on board, actually.
Except a shapeshifting justice robot staffed with tiny people (I love the shapeshifting justice robot staffed with tiny people btw they should get their own spin-off) is already here and trying to kill Hitler, so the TARDIS smashes in and accidentally saves his life. There is a genuinely very funny and enjoyable scene where they punch Hitler and put him in a cupboard.
And then the episode just fucking nosedives in quality. Mels was accidentally shot by Hitler, and regenerates - into River!!! We know her, she was a criminal who could fly the TARDIS. What this means, though, is that Amy and Rory - new parents, who are desperate to reclaim their kidnapped baby - find out in that moment that their baby... will never come back to them. They're never going to see her again. They're never going to get to raise her, never going to see her take her first steps, never teach her to identify trees or swim or dance. A whole childhood and adolescence of memories and experiences, stolen away. They're to be grateful, they're told, that they knew her as their childhood tearaway friend Mels - because that's just like raising her after all. Except prior to being Mels, she was raised and abused and brainwashed into being an assassin - a "psychopath", because the writers don't know what that word means. They will never be able to protect her from that.
That is a horrifying thing to realise; the sort of thing that will mean you're in therapy forever.
And the episode considers it to be so unimportant that Amy and Rory are IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE SHOT WHEN IT'S REVEALED.
Who gets our focus?!? Why, the Doctor of course! Who else but the Specialest Man. This is obviously deeply relevant to him the most. Jesus fucking wept. Also I should mention this is easily the most misogynistic episode we've seen yet. The Doctor asks and receives permission to hug Amy - from her husband. River regenerates while yelling "I'm trying to focus on a dress size!" and makes another three fatphobic comments within the same scene. When Amy says "But River's not a psychopath in the future! What's wrong with her right now?" the Doctor responds "She's been brainwashed and also she can't help it because she's a woman."
(That's not an exaggeration. "She's a woman" is literally given as the reason she's a "psychopath". In a scene in which said woman has spent half her lines stressing how thin and fuckable she is.)
Anyway, the rest of the plot is what you'd expect, probably - River tries and succeeds in killing him with slow poison, Amy manages to be useful inside the shapeshifting justice robot staffed with tiny people, there's a showdown where River decides to save him by using up all her regenerations on him. At the point the Doctor dies, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darville literally forget to cry. It's an utterly sterile scene where you're just waiting for them to hurry up and resolve it. At the end, the Doctor now knows that he's going to be killed by River (dressed as an astronaut! A plot answer!) in Utah in 2011, which he hides from Amy and Rory for no clear reason given that they already know. We learn the Silents aren't an alien race but a religious sect who believe that Silence Will Fall when the first question is finally answered, though why they want that silence is a mystery (technically so is the question but I'mma be real with you all, lads, I remember watching this series when it was first on and immediately guessing so lol). Hitler is still in a cupboard.
However, it was very nice seeing Cardiff museum.
Plot threads!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (NEW INFO: she's with the Silents, but we don't know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy's pregancy inconclusive? (NEW INFO: because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
Who was the Doctor’s wife?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What's the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents... want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he... hasn't even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
1/3 We are officially on season 3! And it is a lot and I’m not even sorry for how long this one is because he went through a rollercoaster. And it did start with me starting the ep and then yelling ‘WAIT NO IM MOT READY!’ And then he went to get him Team Brian shirt..this is my actual life now. Anyway: ‘I swear I didn’t touch the tv! I don’t know why it’s without color. (I let him know it’s the ep) oh, well now i feel silly. What’s going on? HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF SHIT AND HELL! HE JUST PUNCHED HIM! HE FUCKING DID IT! I HAVE WAITED MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE FOR THIS MOMENT! OH THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL! FUCK YEAH! FINALLY!! FUCKING FINALLY! *takes the remote and proceeds to rewind it three more times* Oh that was beautiful, i have never felt more alive than in this exact moment. What a beautiful punch! Oh i can tell he himself has wanted to do that for a while…wait why did he do it though? Hold up, i gotta calm down, this made my heart run a marathon’ He paused the tv on Mikeys face falling on the ground and is just staring at it while the biggest smile on his face and then very softly he whispered to himself “again.” ‘ohhhhhh Mad Dog Kinney? I fuck with that. BUT WHAT DID HE DO?! I mean what didn’t he do. But like what happened. Oh fuck, i forgot he narrates this thing…why is he doing that when nobody watches or cares for him? Should the actors who play Brian and Justin narrate? Can he stop talking? Yes please show me what the fuck just happened but now, do it in color!’ I’ve never seen him this happy. ‘NO NO NO NOT THE FUCKING PARTY AGAIN! HAVEN’T I SUFFERED ENOUGH?! Oh look it’s Brian *brian drives off* nevermind.’ The sound that just came out of this mans mouth at the sight of Justin in Ethans bed and the violin music is actually insane. ‘SHOVE THAT FUCKING TAMBOURINE UP YOUR ASS! *pauses tv on naked ethan playing violin and puts his head in his hands and elbows on his knees* UGHHHHHHHHH WHY GOD WHY ME?! *plays ep and ethan says he promised to serenade him awake, immediately hits pause again and burst into laughter and then plays it again* EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW..oh he got him a rose and chocolate for breakfast..what a fucking idiot. Oh he can’t believe he’s finally here? what a fucking weasel and a cheater! I hate them both right now. This *flaps his hand towards ethan and justin* is worse than…quick what’s something really bad? Well whatever! It’s worse than that’ He is sitting on the couch and he just started slowly sliding off of it and is hiding his his face behind his hand. (justin says he can’t stay) ‘haha nobody wants to be around you. He has to pick up his stuff. Where is he gonna live? Debbie’s? Is THAT HOW THEY GET BACK TOGETHER? *mocks ethan* what if he’s there..dude, you fucked him, you stole him and you’re STILL insecure.. i mean good but cmon. YOU DONT CARE CAUSE YOURE WITH HIM? Oh fuck you Justin. SHOVE THAT ROSE UP YOUR ASS! I would die if he stabs Justin with a thorn now. THEY DONT MAKE RAGE ANYMORE? FUCK YOU JUSTIN’ He genuinely sounds like someone is torturing him because he keeps groaning and going ‘ugh!’ Every few seconds. ‘Who do you think you are to just come into his loft? Oh he’s really gonna pack it away whi- OMG HES FUCK- wait that’s them. Didn’t that happen in season 1? Wait this looks the same but different, did they just make ice cream fucking part of their Tuesday nights? Dude, I said it back then and I’ll say it again: hot but yeast infection waiting to happen! *pauses on Brian* HOW CAN HE LEAVE AND CHEAT ON THIS? You will never have that with the pianist! Oh so they’re just gonna show me all the times they fucked before he fucked it all up?’ And he went out to smoke. Honestly, he lasted longer than i expected. ‘I forgot about Emmett and Ted. I…I dont think I like it anymore..*looks at me curiously* are all you lesbians like this? Not knowing how to mind your business? Because this *flaps his hand towards mel and linds* is annoying. Their whole thing in this show is cheating and not minding their business’
He had to get his Team Brian t shirt… like he’s watching sports!! (Don’t people wear their team jerseys when they watch sports? I, myself, am not a sports watcher.)
Oh I forget he narrates the thing - SO RELATABLE. Why does Michael narrate the thing? Who’s idea was that?
The cringe of seeing Ethan with Justin and (more importantly) Justin with Ethan is a whole thing this season. Buckle up, brother anon.
“I would die if he stabs justin with a thorn now” UM, so just like wait a handful of episodes and we’ll get to Justin being stabbed with thorns.
Hot but yeast infection waiting to happen. I forgot we didn’t get his reactions to the earliest episodes. But yes, do not put sugar things in your sugar bits and bobs.
HOW CAN HE LEAVE AND CHEAT ON THIS. Indeed, inquiring minds want to know.
Mel and Linds give lesbians a bad name. The representation of wlw on this show was the worst.
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Salty comics ask: 2,3,5,7, 11, 21, 38. If you feel like it. Character(s) of your choice.
2. What character death for the sake of drama was the worst?
Everett's is pretty bad. They announce that he's dead, then proceed to do an entire 4 issue arc that has nothing to do with him before even explaining what happened. Then, after the explainer, they barely mention him. And I think actually the fact that (similar to the Hellions), his resurrection on Krakoa hasn't featured any of that angst or drama because it's not the direction they want to go with Emma..
But yeah. Transparently done for the drama, to raise the stakes. And, much like with Thunderbird or Darwin in the First Class film, it's a tired racist trope.
3. Who is your most hated comics writer?
Gezza D.
Although, there's definitely overall worse writers out there. There are some attrocious comics that I've struggled through. But in general, I'm not one for going out of my way to look up who the writers and artists are for everything I look at. If I remember their name, I remember their name.
And I genuinely think it's not good to get too fixated on these figures, especially when you don't like their work. I've been hyper aware of how fucked up even the valid criticism can get, when it's relentless, large scale and directed at a single person.
So, I guess I'm saying that I hope Gerry doesn't have tumblr.
5. Who mischaracterized [x] the worst?
Monet? Cullen Bunn wrote Uncanny X-Men (2016) so fuck that guy I guess.
Bobby? Whoever had the idea to pair him up with Mystique.
7. What “throwaway” character could they have done more with?
Ooh, there's a lot of good answers to this.
I'll put forward Mel from that first Cap storyline with Nightshade. No reason why they couldn't bring that back and make more out of it, even if he's dead.
Mindmeld. Interestingly, the new character of Escapade is also a trans woman with similar conciousness transfering powers. But they're hardly similar outside of that; there's plenty of room. Bring back Mindmeld.
11. What’s the worst art you’ve seen?
I saw your post with the Greg Land examples. Seconded.
A lot of Liefeld options, obviously.
Sometimes it feels pretty mean to harp on art for not being so good. I get the "they're professionals, they got paid for this" argument, but whatever. Hell, sometimes I like it when the art looks kind of shitty because it gives me hope for my own lol.
But I will say that, for me, when it's that more realistic and hyper-smooth style that was big in the 2005-2015 era, that's when I have the least sympathy. There's so much technical competence on display and yet so often, really poor compositions of the panels and just a sub zero taste level. So yeah, Greg Land.
21. Who’s the most overhyped villain excluding the Joker?
Thanos was more entertaining in his early days when he was goofier.
I think it makes sense that the MCU used him as their first Big Bad, but I personally do not care about him or take him seriously as an existential threat in the slightest lol.
And specifically, I think the effort to rebrand him as a serious, universe destroying, massive big serious scary, manly man scary villain, makes him less fun. And because of the movies, they're going to keep him as the biggest of big bads forever now. Boo.
38. What character that was reduced to a love interest deserves so much better?
Honestly the phrase "reduced to a love interest" is not one I associate with good faith arguments (see: MCU Sharon hate), but there's something to it sometimes.
Most of the examples I can think of are temporary (e.g. Monet is a love interest in Weapon X-Force, Rachel is basically just a love interest in Captain Britain - The former was awful and the latter is... fine). It's not always an issue when it's temporary and done well, but is a problem if it's a rut the character gets stuck in when they're only "so-and-so's partner", or if they're really ooc or the writing is insulting etc... It also doesn't count if they were only ever conceived of as a love interest.
Weirdly, the only character I can think of that this has definitely happened to is Layla Miller, who hasn't been a character outside of Jamie's wife and a mother to their kid for like a decade.
I'm sure there are better examples, I'm just drawing a blank.
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
putting myself first each and every time. I still feel anxious. But I’m better than I was yesterday. I took too many of these fucking cbd gummies and then I read that they’re fucking laxatives!!!! like what the fuck?? why did no one tell me?? ffs. it’s show 2 today. It’s 9:48am and I’m on the toilet thinking about life trying to make sense of it and calm the fuck down. Does any of this shit really matter? I create the reality I want to live in. I manifest things. I think I’ve been looking for comfort these past few days. I’m currently comfortable on this toilet. Life has a funny way of giving me what I need when I need it but it’s mostly presented in a way that I don’t always initially recognise but when I clock im like “ohhhhhhh, that makes sense” and this is kinda one of those moments. I don’t like the anxiety I have before performances. And I only realised yesterday or rather re(realised) yesterday that my job is harder than I’ve made it out to be. Being an actor is HARD work. I didn’t think it was this hard but now that I’m here I’m realising it’s not like 2nd year .. or maybe it is actually? it’s the same practice just being audience and the stakes are higher but like the element of performing is still there. Anxiety was there in 2nd year too. I think I need to get used to performing again. I really don’t want to have to shit during my performance lmao but idk when these laxatives are going to be fully rid from my system. I’m in kind of a limbo state. Externally my body is calm but internally there’s a bit of chaos going on and I’m overthinking things and I don’t know why. I’m trying to think of a reason as to why I feel this way. There’s something or someone I don’t trust. Is it Jazz? Is it Juliet? maybe I need fresh air and some water and light snacks. Cause I didn’t really have a meal yesterday other than the rice than peanut soup that Angie made. 9/10 if I may say so myself. It’s Tuesday 16th October 2022 9:57am. I don’t see no sun right now. I can hear some of my neighbors outside talking very faintly. I can hear cars going by in the distant background. I just thought about the fact that I could be dead right now but I’m not. Like life could’ve taken me but didn’t. So thank you God for that. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for looking out for me. Thank you for my self belief and confidence. Thank you for everything you’ve given me. Thank you for removing people that don’t help me. Thank you for helping me change my life for the better. I am a better person today than I was all those months back. I’ve had to accept I’m not the same Uriel I was all those months back. I’m stronger. All of that came from being outside of my comfort zone and doing it and realising it’s not the bad hearing opinions or whatever people think of you because you love you. I love me too much to care what you think about me. It’s just gone 10:01am. I’m meant to be waking up in 29 mins. To start my day. I feel awake now. Kinda. Give me a shower and maybe some meditation time and I’ll be good. I’m getting better. I’m starting my day. I let out a small smirk after i typed that. I will be a good day. The day will be what it will be. And what it will be is a good fucking day. Not a perfect one but a good one. I’m doing more than enough rn. I’ve challenged myself to actually get out of bed and go and chase my reality. The reality that I’m an actor. Not running away from my greatness. No thinking just doing. Because everything I need I already have. I’ve had people praising me. I’ve had people tell me what i could do better. I’ve seen my peers give amazing performances. I have friends how genuinely care about me and a family that does too. I recognised that yesterday when I was walking to Hammersmith station from Mels. Mariam sent me a tweet and I just thought to myself wow I have some great friends man. I have amazing friends who really care for me. And I for them. Life is funny man. 10:07am. About to get off this toilet seat and probably listen to some LOA meditations. Read over my feel the of fear & do it anyway goal board. Amen.
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honeydazai · 2 years
Arcane characters with a s/o who has small boobs
feat.: Viktor, Jayce Talis, Silco, Vander, Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Ekko, Mel
requested?: yes, yes, yes + yes! | reblogs appreciated!
warnings: nsfw content, breast fucking, masturbating, oral sex mentions, coming on body, mirror sex
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VIKTOR is absolutely enamoured with everything about you and that, as a matter of fact, includes your chest. He greatly enjoys resting his head on your boobs, especially when he needs to take a quick little nap, and he genuinely doesn't care if they're on the bigger or the smaller side. While he does understand your occasional insecurity about them, he's quick to confront you with logical arguments as a solution — like the fact that there's as many objectively beautiful women with small chests as there are with big ones.
Viktor unashamedly loves fucking your tits. It doesn't matter how small or big they are — even if your chest is almost as flat as his own, they're soft and it just feels so damn good to grind his dick in between them, precum dripping over your chest and leaving sticky marks. When your tongue pokes out to lick at the head of his cock, he swears he's in heaven.
“Oh, love, you feel incredibly good. And you're so beautiful right now — ah, apologies. You always are, of course. I must be a truly lucky man to call someone as breathtaking as you my girlfriend.”
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It's no secret that JAYCE loves your tits. He doesn't care much for the size of them, he simply adores how soft they are, especially compared to his own muscular physique. At first he's not quite sure why you'd ever be insecure about them being small, but he's always willing to listen to you vent and does his best to comfort and reassure you.
Whenever Jayce thrusts into you from behind, your back flush with his chest, you can be certain he's got his hands on your tits, kneading soft skin between his fingers while his teeth nip at your neck, sucking hickeys into your skin to show everyone you're his.
“Hey, princess, come on — you know you're absolutely gorgeous to me, right? I'd never change anything about you even if I had the chance to. I love you so much.”
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SILCO honestly doesn't care that much about your breasts — not in a negative way, at least. They're part of your body, they're gorgeous, that's it. He's rather thin himself and can actually understand pretty well why you'd feel insecure about the size of them, though he's quick to shrug and mention that he loves you for a reason, so you have nothing to feel self-conscious about.
He greatly enjoys coming onto your tits after you suck him off; the sight of you kneeling between his legs with his cum dripping down your cleavage is simply captivating to him.
“Dear, I assure you there's nothing for you to ever feel self-conscious about. This right now — all swollen lips and my cum on your chest — is a rather lovely view, really. If only you could see yourself right now.”
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VANDER genuinely loves you and your body, no matter what it looks like — to him, you're always beautiful and he's not hesitant to prove that. Your tits are no exception to this. If you ever mention that you'd like for them to be bigger, Vander moves you in front of a mirror, his hands roaming over your body as he tells you everything he loves about you and that you're perfect the way you are.
Honestly, Vander gets his hands onto your tits on every possible occasion. When you're riding him, his thumbs feather over your hardened nipples, big fingers occasionally pinching them until you're whimpering and mewling, your cunt clenching around him.
“Damn, doll, look at you. You're so perfect for me, so damn pretty. Hah, a literal goddess. Look, everything's so beautiful 'bout you — 'm so lucky to have you.”
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Honestly, VI doesn't care much about the size of your tits. She's more into your ass anyway, but even if she's paying lots of attention to your chest one day, she'd never want you to change anything about yourself. She thinks you're literally perfect the way you are and doesn't hesitate to tell you that multiple times a day, though her words sometimes come out a little clumsily.
She loves to get her mouth onto your tits, whether it's because she's sucking dark hickeys into your soft skin or sucking on them while carefully nipping at your hardened nipples with her teeth until you're whining.
“What? Ya don't have to feel insecure about anything, babe. That's stupid. I mean—, no, not you're stupid, that's not what I meant. I just don't get why you'd be self-conscious about that. You're hot, darl.”
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Whenever CAITLYN notices that you're feeling down, she immediately offers you to talk about your worries with her. She grimaces in sympathy when you mention that you feel self-conscious about the size of your chest, and she's quick to mention that you look absolutely beautiful to her just like this.
Despite not looking like it, Caitlyn can be pretty mean — or rather strict. Since she doesn't want you to tear yourself down with unnecessary worries, she doesn't mind the idea of playfully punishing you. And if it was your chest you were insecure about, what better idea is there than to see if you're able to come from only having your tits played with?
“Oh, come on, darling, you can orgasm just from this, right? I bet you can. I'm not being unfair, love, I just want to show you how much I love you and your chest.”
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You might have noticed that JINX doesn't have the biggest tits herself, and she genuinely doesn't care. She doesn't care much about the size of your tits, either — as long as you're happy with how they look, great. She doesn't waste a single thought towards being critical of them and is pretty confused when you do. Being sensitive isn't her strong suit, but she still tries to comfort you through saying that you're absolutely beautiful to her.
Whenever she eats you out or spreads you open on her fingers, her gaze is practically glued to either your face, or to your tits. Often the latter, honestly, but it's not her fault that they look this good when jiggling with every movement of yours. She occasionally leans up to tease one of your hardened nipples with her tongue or teeth, a smirk on her lips.
“Hm? What's wrong, sugar? What? Your tits look fine, darl. No, I promise — like, pinky promise. You don't have nothing to worry about.”
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EKKO loves you just the way you are, no matter if you've got big tits or small ones; it doesn't make much of a difference to him. Whenever you feel insecure about them, he frowns at you and wraps his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your cheek while telling you that you look perfectly fine to him.
When you're sitting on his lap, riding him with your nails digging into his shoulders, he keeps his gaze on your chest — the way your tits bounce every time you drop back down onto his dick is just lovely, and, especially at those times, he really can't understand why you'd ever feel self-conscious about them.
“Ah, fuck, babe, you look so damn gorgeous. Really—, prettiest girl I've ever seen. You got no reason to be insecure about anything, I promise ya.”
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Given how MEL prefers your thighs over your chest anyway, she doesn't pay that much attention to your boobs despite the occasional compliment. Still, she's quick to notice if you ever look at yourself in a critical way and will immediately begin focusing on that area more — your tits, in this case. Honestly, with the way Mel cares for you and compliments you, it's almost impossible to feel self-conscious for long.
With the goal to raise your confidence, she buys you the finest lingerie in all of Piltover, and, well, when she's got you on her lap like this, facing a mirror so you're forced to watch when she pushes two slender fingers into you while her free hand kneads one of your tits, you can't help but feel gorgeous.
“Look at you, being such a good girl for me. No, keep your eyes on our reflection, baby. There we go. Always so obedient, hm? And so gorgeous, too. I should dress you up more often.”
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notes: this was requested quite a lot!! i hope you all like it!
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I downloaded this episode after it aired last night, but I’m glad I saved it for today to watch it. Last night, I’d have gone through it quickly, knowing I needed to be up at 6 AM the next morning for the last day of a work placement. Today, I have just finished my work placement, celebrating the fact that I managed to get through it without a single breakdown, and have all the time I like (for now) to relax and watch these things the way they are meant to be watched: slowly, with many pauses to appreciate the masterpiece in front of me.
So in light of that, here are thoughts on Taskmaster s13e08, written as I watch it:
- The loveliest thing to hold above your head - I haven’t seen any of the prizes yet, but if anyone pulled a Katy Wix, they should win this one. And by “pulled a Katy Wix”, I mean “borrowed, or perhaps just stole, a Taskmaster trophy from a previous winner, like Katy did to Kerry Godliman”.
- Okay fine, Sophie Duker’s tiny stand-up participation trophy is so adorable that it’s possibly better than an actual Taskmaster trophy. Good entry.
- I absolutely love how funny Alex finds Ardal’s explanation of his prize. Can just see him thinking “Aw shit, why have I never incorporated a ping-pong paddle into the opening bits of this show?”
- Bridget’s parasol is genuinely very nice, but I can’t get past her referring to a child throughout her story as “it”. Very strange, quite funny, on brand for Bridget.
- Holy shit! Holy shit! When they read the first task and just said “Learn Swedish”, I didn’t dare hope. But then they added that there will be a conversation with a Swedish person. Surely this means... surely this means... they wouldn’t sully the good man’s legacy by bringing in a different Swedish person, so does this mean... fucking Fred?!? Are we getting Fred back after all this time? Fred’s the best! I’ve missed him! Fred!
- Okay now that I’ve had that initial reaction, I can say I also like this task. A twist on their previous Swedish-based Fred interactions, in which they had to navigate the language barrier from their own side. This time they are, quite literally, speaking his language. That’s fun.
- This season has a bunch of tasks that have “Your time started when” instructions, so there’s some time when they think they’re just messing around but actually the clock is running down. I’m sure that did not help the Chris Ramsey paranoia, that is by now well established to be a running theme of season 13.
- I love how clearly Alex relished getting to deadpan, “Please come and talk to a Swedish person.” So far, this episode has highlighted two things that fit deeply within Alex’s sense of humour: the image of someone holding a ping-pong paddle high while people follow them around, and to pretend it’s normal to refer to his friend Fred only as “the Swedish guy” or “the Swede”. The latter is a source of humour that was tapped to great effect in the first few seasons, and I’m so pleased they’re bringing it back.
- Now that I see their setup (Fred on an iPad, which makes sense as they did say at some point that the reason he stopped appearing on the show is he moved back to Sweden), I’m disappointed that none of these contestants seem technologically incompetent enough to give us some Mel Giedroyc-like moments. I still laugh so hard when I remember the way she approached the tablet like it was a potentially dangerous foreign object, and could not get the hang of talking into it as though Fred were in the room with her. Unfortunately, Chris, Sophie, Judi, Bridget, and even Ardal are likely to well versed in how to do video calls like a normal person.
- Chris seemed to have started strong, immediately knowing how to answer “How are you?” That’s a good strategy, working out what the Swede is likely to say when a panel show has told him to have a conversation with some Anglophone comedians, and coming up with simple replies. I say Chris started strong because he did go downhill quite quickly after that. Though to be fair, I understood what he meant when he took one look at Fred and said he’d immediately forgotten it all. I feel like I could also spend 15 minutes carefully learning Swedish phrases according to my strategic predictions about what will come in handy, and then my mind would go totally blank when expected to recall them in the room.
- Oh shit, there’s a title drop from Judi. She’s named a lot of episodes this season.
- Well, not a great start overall (I mean, it was good from a comedy perspective, not great for, as Alex suggested Fred’s season four task could do, improving Britain’s relations with Europe). Judi said a bunch of words that sounded a bit like they could be something but I’m pretty sure they were gibberish, and Chris lost his mind.
- “Contestant knows they’ve done badly, and this contestant is competitive enough to be upset when they’ve done badly from a points perspective, as well as self-conscious enough to just be upset that they failed so hard on television” - that is a genre of Taskmaster images that I always enjoy.
It’s especially funny when it’s contrasted with another contestant who has also done badly, but this one is uninterested in the competitive side of Taskmaster and unconcerned about whether they appear to be bad at whatever silly things happen on this show, so they’re much more collected about it. Think Ed Gamble and David Baddiel when Ed was killing flies and David was just sitting there saying (I paraphrase, but not much) “I mean I’m terrible at this game but I’m not going to lose sleep over it, what’s wrong with you?”
We don’t often get both those contrasting images into the same screenshot, but it’s lovely when it happens.
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- I like Alex letting us know that Fred is back by “genuinely popular demand”. Like, “I know it sounds like we’re doing a bit, but seriously, people fucking loved Fred.” Damn right they did.
- Oh shit, Ardal sounds like he’s spoken some Swedish-like language before. Right off the bat he has a bit of the accent going and sounds so much less awkward than the others.
- I’ve just thought of something: the task said the phrase book and tablet had to stay in the caravan. Didn’t say anything else had to. I’d have copied stuff from the book onto some paper and brought that with me.
- It is amazingly funny that 1) Ardal felt like had to change his name to something that sounded Swedish, and 2) he went with Sven Johansson. He just took  Scarlett Johansson and tried to make it sound like a boy’s name, right?
- The fact that all these people have had to ask Fred his name tells you how many previous Taskmaster seasons they have not watched.
- Did Ardal just ask Fred if he is a herring? No Ardal, Fred was the guy from seasons 1-4, Herring wasn’t until season 10.
- Ardal and Sophie both seem to have taken a more proactive approach, just learning the stuff they want to say and then saying it, rather than learning some phrases that could be helpful and then awkwardly trying to fit them in. Which works a lot better than the previous attempts, though one could argue that it makes for less of a reciprocal conversation. I guess they’ve both asked questions though, so that’s some back and forth. Even if Ardal’s questioning revolved around whether the guy is a herring.
- Sophie has informed the guy that she is both pregnant and hungry. It occurs to me that Fred would probably have no reason to disbelieve her, it’s such a weird thing to say if it isn’t true, and perfectly plausible that Taskmaster could have brought on a pregnant contestant, and she’d learned how to declare that as a piece of conversation. He probably assumed she really was pregnant until Alex would have told him otherwise afterward. I don’t know why, but that makes it so much funnier. 
- If Ardal’s story in the studio is true, then I’m impressed that he managed to accurately recite a Swedish song he heard one night while drunk and knowing he’d need to remember it for later. If it isn’t true, then how the hell did he know that song?
- Chris, Judi, and Sophie have just talked shit about Fred the Swede, so they’re all dead to me now. Ardal O’Hanlon for Taskmaster season 13 champion, because you do not disrespect Fred on my watch! (I’m like 96% joking.)
- Ah, Bridget is calling her brother. I did wonder if, before implementing this task, they checked whether any of the contestants actually speak Swedish. That would be such a big advantage that it would really mess up the task. I guess they might have checked that, but they didn’t control for whether any of them know any Swedish speakers. Or Sofie Hagen, who was close enough to Swedish for Katherine Ryan. I wonder if Bridget’s brother knows actual Swedish, or just a vaguely Nordic language.
- So, this has always been a debatable issue on Taskmaster - is unauthorized phone use cheating (I say “unauthorized” to differentiate it from something like that season 12 task when they had to keep someone on a call, and were told to use their phones)? They’re not banned in the actual rules, so they’re not technically cheating, but they are against the spirit of the game. There’s a good argument that Katherine Ryan phoning up Sofie Hagen in the season 2 task was sort of bullshit, which is especially controversial given that she won the whole season by such a narrow margin.
I feel like the general consensus is that phone use is okay if it’s funny, enhances the task performance by enough to be justified, and doesn’t make the difference between winning a task or losing it. Otherwise, it might not be cheating, but it’s not exactly a respectable way to win. And I don’t think Bridget’s use was justified here. Any of them could have just brought their phone in and used a translation app, if there were fine. I feel like writing phrases down on paper would have been a creative way around the task’s wording, but bringing a phone just makes it pointless.
- Okay, I think that scoring is fair enough. If they were going on best language demonstration alone, obviously Bridget should win. I like the idea of allowing her move that didn’t technically break the rules, but knocking her down a place and giving the five points to Ardal.
- “Stick your tongue out as far as it will go, and keep it out until further notice.” I haven’t heard the next part yet, but that line and the setup with the weird food makes this feel like early seasons of Taskmaster. Along the lines of the pie identifying task in season one or something. The tongue being out suggests a straightforward gross-out challenge like how they used to collect sweat or tears. Sort of season 7 vibes too, like the one about not blinking. That along with Fred being back makes this feel like a classic episode.
- Right, now that I’ve heard the entire task’s instructions, I only have three words to say about that: What the fuck?
- I’m sorry, I tried to tell myself not to write this point, but I can’t help saying, I’m glad Sophie Duker is queer, because if she didn’t occasionally find herself having sex with people who have vulvas, that would be a waste of that massive tongue. I’m sorry for pointing that out once and I promise I won’t do it again.
Conversely... I guess it’s good that Bridget’s straight? I’m not sure I believe her tongue is actually that short, that’s ridiculous. How does she eat food?
- Wow. Alex did not give us a content warning before Daisy May Cooper ate watermelon out of Richard Herring’s hand in season 10, or before the awful manipulating objects with the tongue task from season 11. They showed that clip of Lee Mack’s tongue so many times that it’s burned into my brain, and no warning first. So the question is: is what’s coming up somehow worse than all that, or did Alex give us that warning because there were complaints about how gross Lee’s tongue was and they were told they had to warn people next time?
So far in this episode, Alex has had to clarify that he was being genuine about two things: “No, seriously, people really did popularly demand the return of Fred,” and, “No, seriously, you should actually look away from this next task if you’re easily grossed out by human spit.” 
- Jesus Christ. I’ve just finished watching Judi and Ardal go and what the fuck? Yeah that was pretty bad. Definitely worse than Lee. Maybe not quite worse than Daisy and Richard, but fucking close.
- Now that I’ve had a minute to think about it, I can say I think the strategy has to be just a quick touch of the tongue. Not a proper lick, just put the tip against the food and pull it away fast. Though I guess the other good thing to do would be to put your tongue back in your mouth as soon as Alex finishes reading the instructions, like Katherine Ryan with the egg task in season 2, and say “Yeah my dignity is worth more than this.” But given that the two people we’ve seen so far are the least competitive in this season and even they gave it as shot, I assume no one walked away from this with (to quote a season 5 episode, my references are all over the place right now) dignity intact.
- So they’ve saved Sophie “massive tongue” Duker for last (I almost made the nickname something more explicitly related to the use for that tongue that I suggested earlier, and I’d like credit for the restraint I showed in not sticking with that). I think this will be good.
- Chris gets it, has done exactly what I suggested as the best strategy (well, aside from deciding that the only winning move is not to play). Bridget has, of course, done the opposite of that.
- Okay, maybe Bridget’s tongue really is that short. Because I think she just screwed over by that - she lost the task when her tongue slipped back into her mouth, but it happened pretty much accidentally because it was barely out to begin with. I didn’t know people could have tongues that short.
- I’m really sorry for preserving something so disgustingly horrifying with a screenshot, but the look of pure hatred in Chris Ramsey’s eyes as he glared up at Alex during that task was very funny. You can just see him thinking “Why did I spend all those years wanting to come on this fucking show?”
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- Okay, let’s fucking go. Let’s see if Sophie, as the size of her tongue and her position in the running order suggests, going to do something special.
- Alex Horne: We’ve reached the ten-minute mark.
Me: Holy Jesus hell, let us all bow down before our queen.
I realize ten minutes is less time than some of the previous totals, but all the others were dying by this point. Sophie looks like she could go forever. I compared this to the blinking task in season 7, and Sophie is very much the Rhod Gilbert With His Eyes Taped Open For Seven Fucking Minutes of keeping her tongue out. I mean that as the highest possible compliment.
- Alex Horne: Which is the worst one?
Sophie Duker:
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Again, I’m sorry for preserving that image. But the fact that Sophie can conjure up that kind of roast while having kept her tongue out for that fucking long is genuinely impressive. Everything about this is genuinely impressive. Absolutely horrifying. Genuinely impressive.
Alex said before Sophie’s turn that Chris was the leader up until then. So I assume Sophie will beat him by one point in this task, with her taking five and him taking four. It’ll be very fitting if she beats him by that one point in the overall scores across the season. This is a level of commitment that means she deserves to win the whole thing. And to have some nice lukewarm water for her tongue as soon as this is over. Jesus Christ.
- I’m so sorry, I have to post another screenshot of this horror show because look at this shit. She’s nearly finished the fucking popsicle! 
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Also, look at Alex’s face. I think this is one of the few times I’ve ever seen him genuinely put off by something a contestant’s done. I loved when he told Sophie, “I’m not making you do this,” and he keeps reminding her that she can stop at any point. I’m pretty sure he passed beyond his normal character and is now just genuinely concerned for her well being.
First eating the entire vulva made of butter, and now this. Sophie Duker did not come on Taskmaster to fuck around.
- Jesus hell. Twenty-six minutes. I don’t think I could keep my tongue out for half that long even without the challenge of licking that stuff. And I’m not going to fucking try.
- “I don’t think I know who I am if I’m not licking those things anymore.” - Sophie Duker
- God damn. I’m not one to advocate bonus points normally, I think they should be used very sparingly, but Sophie should have gotten one there.
- The third task is fun, a nice creative break after that straightforward physical gross-out one. I think we need this. Let’s watch them all find some stylish accessories and keep their bodily fluids inside their bodies.
- And Judi makes Alex do the entire task for her again. Her combined laziness during the actual tasks with bullshit in the studio has been a fun bit this season.
- Well this is not a great episode to be Chris Ramsey. I just watched that whole sequence of him wandering around before coming out in Alex’s shoes and a cowboy hat, and that was amazingly funny.
I love that Chris Ramsey approaches this show with so much care and paranoia and attention to detail and making sure he hasn’t missed anything at all, and often it really pays off, but sometimes it just backfires. Like here, when he loses his mind and gets so fixated on finding the answer that he’s convinced is hidden somewhere that it doesn’t occur to him to try the obvious. At one point he grabbed a giant hanger or something and asked, “Is that a clue” - he was looking for something Alex had hidden. And was looking so hard that he forgot he was allowed to make stuff.
Something like that happening because of a contestant being so competitive his brain shut down - that’s peak Taskmaster.
- Okay, I went to put away my laundry after writing that previous point, and that gave me time to think about how the hell he could have had such a big gap in his understanding despite being so focused, and how this is basically just sports psych 101. Ed Gamble talks on the podcast about how things seem so obvious when you look back and have seen everyone else, but in the moment, it’s just you there, and sometimes things don’t click. And that is an interesting look at human behaviour because it’s how things happen when you in things actually matter too.
This is a silly comparison, because Taskmaster is just a comedy show and of course sports are real things of material importance (that’s definitely true and I won’t be told otherwise, they’re not just all meaningless social constructs, I need something to believe in), but that is a phenomenon that’s really common in highly competitive sports. As a coach I have studied the way being put on the spot creates panic and panic creates tunnel vision and slower reaction times and adrenaline dumping that further shuts down the more complex cognitive functions so they zero in on one thing and can process nothing else, and that’s why you can have an athlete perform incredibly well on less important days but fall apart on more important ones. I’ve learned in coaching courses about how to increase an athlete’s focus when needed, but also how to decrease it when it passes a certain threshold and starts being psychologically detrimental.
I guess this is obvious, you don’t have to be a competitive coach or athlete to know that sometimes people choke under pressure. But this was an example of Chris’ brain spectacularly failing him, just missing something incredibly obvious even though he’s the one who spends most of him time obsessively making sure he doesn’t miss anything, and I find it interesting that there actually entire fields of study dedicated to understanding why this sort of catastrophic failure occurs at times like that.
- Major David Baddiel vibes from Ardal here. Even aside from the general season 9 vibes, as this is reminiscent of the tasks in which they had to make legs and make part of their body extra long.
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- Love that Judi really did just come out in a bunch of shoes stuck together and a bunch of hats stuck together. She kept to her original plan of making Alex do all the work.
- Finally, someone taking this task the correct amount of seriously!
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Which is really quite seriously, enough to be a real effort in and do something cool, but not so seriously that they forget what arts and crafts are. I feel like this task was basically made for Bridget, great job.
- Sophie is being saved for last again. If that is, as I suspect, because she did something great, then this is a very good episode for her. Following from last week, the momentum is on her side going into the final two episodes.
- Sophie, what the fuck?
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I mean, I guess the size of the hat is debatable, but you have to give her the longest shoes and style point. No one said she had to do an entire character, but that’s the sort of thing Sophie Duker delivers.
- I would complain about Ardal getting the pity point for style, but my girl Sophie’s having a good day, so it’s all right.
- Ooh, another team live task. I like that they’ve started including those.
- I thought I’d let this live task play through before pausing it to write stuff, to be honest because it’s getting late and I’m tired from a long day at work and decided to wrap this post up, but I do have to pause it briefly to say they’ve just finished writing this first words and we haven’t seen the women’s words yet but I love the look of concern, which is presumably based on hearing the men’s words and realizing her interpretation of the task was way off.
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Judi, what the fuck did you do?
- I mean, Judi isn’t all that competitive. So this one can’t be blamed on some sports psych scientific stuff, Judi just forgot how many legs birds have.
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Absolutely hilarious, well done. Perfect facial expressions and body language to match. Judi Love is so much funnier than I used to give her credit for.
- The way Ardal relished reading the word “knob” out loud - also worth pausing the video again to point out. Very funny.
- Bridget looks almost as pleased with herself for the “Purple Rain” joke as Ardal was with himself for writing “knob”. This is a fun task that way, gives the comedians a chance to think of a joke in the moment, write it down, and then enjoy sharing it with everyone. Which is sometimes genuinely adorable.
- This is a lovely screenshot:
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- Judi Love and Bridget Christie, working out that they both wiped out “penis” from their list of things that are nice to put in your mouth:
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- Solid episode, I really enjoyed that, and I’m still so pleased about Fred. Sophie has a six-point lead over Bridget and an eight-point lead going into the final two episodes, I think she can hold it but it’ll probably be close. I like that this season is competitive to the end, excited for the final two episodes. Also going to bed now. I had a long day, and it’s time to try not to see tongues with spit dangling from them in my nightmares!
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Confessing to La Squadra
a/n: look i know i already have some Risotto confessing headcanons but those are more about him confessing so i'm including him here anyway
Genre: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst (but no rejection), these hoes don't know what love is lol
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~Risotto Nero~
-Seriously thought you were joking when you pulled him aside and told him how you felt
-He was convinced Formaggio had put you up to this or something
-Ris feels like he isn't deserving of love (BUT HE IS) and he's literally so bad at expressing himself so he just nodded and walked away
-Had a breakdown in his office because why the fuck did he just walk away?? after you poured your heart out to him???? jesus christ what if you think he doesn't like you???????
-So he gets up and fucking sprints to your room to try to fix his mistakes
-Frantically tells you that he likes you back and would love to go out with you sometimes (you can barely understand it because he's talking so fast)
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-Saw this coming from a mile away but he won't be a bitch about it don't worry
-Takes your confession with an overwhelming amount of grace and gives you a time and place to meet him for a date the next day
-As soon as you leave he's jumping around and giggling like a child because oh my fucking god his crush likes him back holy shit!!!
-He'll panic about what he's supposed to wear. Should he just wear his regular suit? No, no no this is a special occasion! Pinstripes or no pattern? What tie would go best with this shirt? He needs to pick a suit with your favorite color, you'll like him more, right?
-Eventually caves and has Risotto pick something out for him because he literally can't (indecisive queen)
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-Like Risotto, he thinks you're just fucking with him. He honest to god doesn't believe you could fall in love with someone like him
-He gets too nervous and freezes up then runs to find Prosciutto because he has no idea what to do
-Prosciutto basically screams at him to go back and find you. He can't just leave you all alone after telling him something like that!
-So he does go back and stutters out the softest "i like you too" in the world
-He'll take you for a picnic on the beach right after because he wants to make up for just leaving you standing there after he ran
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-He already knew because he eavesdropped on your conversation with Melone about how you should confess to him
-Sure he likes you back but he wanted you to come to him so he didn't seem desperate or something
-Teases you about it because he can't socialize for shit and probably ends up making you upset because he won't shut his god damn mouth
-So when you just walk away incredibly frustrated and probably a little teary eyed he realizes he fucked up bad
-Goes into the mirror world to scream because why can't he just be a normal person and not a little bastard
-Pops into your room from the mirror and gives you the quietest apology you've ever heard then hugs you because he feels really bad
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-Another member of the team that thinks you're joking. Not because he's insecure, he's actually very confident in himself, but he jokingly flirts with you all the time so he thought you were finally playing along
-But you're not and you like him for real which makes him SO FUCKING HAPPY
-He knew he was gonna fall in love with you the day you joined the team and he's been daydreaming about your guys' first date since you went on your first mission with him
-Might be the most well prepared member of the team if I'm being honest
-He has a whole speech about how much he loves you and all the things he wants to do together and he already knows a guy that can legally marry you two
-He's so soft for you
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-You told him how you felt when you guys were cornered during a mission and could die in literal seconds
-So when that didn't happen and you two made it out alive with the target killed, he tried to ignore your words ringing in his head
-But god damn the car ride back to Napoli was a long one and all Ghiaccio can do is think after you fell asleep in the passenger seat
-He couldn't tell if you just said you loved him because you guys were about to die or if you actually felt that way. But what if you loved him like family instead of like a boyfriend?
-And so Ghiaccio pulled over and woke you up. It was bothering him too much, he needed an answer now
-When you clarified that yes, you did love him romantically, he hugged you so hard your ribs almost broke
-mans was worrying for nothing smh
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-He flirts with you all the time but...you actually caught feelings for him? Like genuine "I love you" feelings? Not lust? Melone seriously can't remember the last time someone actually enjoyed his presence outside of the bedroom so much that they wanted to be with him
-Mel started bawling his eyes out. Like, full on sobbing on his knees in front of you
-You thought you had done something wrong so you started apologizing which made him cry even harder (he thought you were apologizing because it was a joke)
-After he got himself back together he shakily asked you if you really meant it (which you obviously did) and after you gave him a positive answer he started crying again
-He won't let go of you for the rest of the day. He's just so happy someone finally loves him (FUCK that's sad)
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~Sorbet and Gelato~
-It's a damn good thing you liked both of them. Gelato might've killed you if you only like Sorbet and Sorbet would've laughed in your face if you only liked Gelato
-So you avoided getting your face cut off but what the fuck are you supposed to do about confessing? You didn't want to become a homewrecker, it was quite obvious Sorbet and Gelato were perfectly content with nobody else in their relationship
-So you never said anything about it to anybody. God only knows what Illuso would've done if he heard you saying anything about it and the rest of the team would've let it slip eventually
-But Sorbet and Gelato always have a way of finding things out for themselves
-You were already close to the couple so when the smaller blonde man walked up to asking to see you for a second you thought nothing of it
-Until you were seated in front of them and Sorbet had broken the silence with "We know about your little secret"
-Honestly you thought you were about to die. How did they even find out? You were sure you hadn't said or done anything to hint at your feelings for them
-Gelato broke the silence this time. "Honestly, we're quite flattered both of us caught your attention."
-That didn't help ease you at all but when the both of them spoke in unison, "But don't worry about it too much, you've caught our interest as well."
-So now their murder duo is a murder trio, have fun :)
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muffinrecord · 3 years
Okay, I finished the second season.
I’m actually really embarrassed to admit this, but I kind of.... erm.... loved.... it? Oh god it had a LOT OF FUCKING FLAWS PLEASE DON’T GET ME WRONG. But, uhhh yeah. I even liked Kuroe and most people hated her! The fuck is wrong with me????
I’m going to be questioning my taste forever. Maybe I’m terrible with storytelling and writing and critique and shit, who fucking knows. Don’t listen to me anymore, I don’t know what I’m talking about I guess.
I do think that, maybe, this story comes across waaaaay better when you can watch it all at once versus once a week. And I think that the story made a lot of horrible decisions for the presentation of some of its media-- however, I feel like the themes and emotions were still good, even if they were shown in the worst fuckin’ way possible.
Like seriously, I was really touched by Tsuruno at the end and the changes the anime made versus the game (regarding Mel), but having it be through a play felt... like a complete waste... why....
Or how Mitama’s backstory came way too late and also Mifuyu was talking through a paper crane so everyone was listening through it and omg that’s so fucking awkward and terrible holy crap. But again, I like the new backstory for Mitama. 
Fuck man, this is also the first version of Mifuyu I actually genuinely really like. 
God, and again, I KNOW THAT IM COMPLETELY ALONE IN THIS. NO ONE LIKES KUROE. EXCEPT FOR ME. But I like how she added to the themes of the story. Yeah she’s fuckin’ useless to the plot and you could cut her out of it easily, but think for a second-- she’s a true outsider. She’s not a part of the story. She wasn’t in the game, she doesn’t belong in the magical girl family. 
All the characters we see become better, happier people through their connections to others. They help take on burdens of one another, they make each other stronger, they provide safety and emotional security.
Kuroe wasn’t happy exactly, but she was way more stable and secure when she was a lonely, faceless magical girl in the Magius who had no friends and no connections. She meets Iroha and she’s happy and she wants what Iroha has-- family, friendship, hope, the power to connect with one another... and what happens? She’s worse off for meeting Iroha. Kuroe sees what people have and she thinks she can’t have that. And no one remembers her at the end. No one is asking about her.
How alienating. How scary. In a world where magical girls are everywhere and their trauma is shared, she still can’t manage to fit in. Normally becoming a magical girl means you have some secret power, some secret kindness or special quality that the world needs more of... But not here. She’s got nothing to show for herself. She’s completely alone.
I think the fact that she could be cut out of the plot and forgotten is the entire point of her character. Because we see all of the protagonists and how happy they are, but most of the magical girls are not Iroha and co. Most of the Wings of Magius members are Kuroe. Our main girls can find strength in each other. But what about everyone else?
Iroha is a weak magical girl, but she’s lifted by the strength of her conviction and her resolve in finding the missing pieces of her “self” (aka the connections with her sister and her identity as the “older” sister). Even if Iroha is weak in terms of power, she’s strong in terms of her core.
Kuroe doesn’t have that. Most of the magical girls in the story won’t. 
I’m really excited to see what they do with her character. Fuck man, I hope they do something with her character and she’s not just another person to save in the end. Give me consequences for the protagonists winning. Not everyone is strong enough for their brand of hope-- they effectively destroyed the hope of many girls who were relying on it. I want to see that fallout, and it better not be some brainwashed zombie bullshit. 
At the end of the day though, a lot of people didn’t like Kuroe and saw her as completely pointless to the plot, so I feel like that means the presentation of the show was lacking. It didn’t write her well enough or something like that. Or, maybe I’m reading too much into it. Maybe it doesn’t mean what I’m hoping it does.
Man, I can’t emphasize enough how... uhhh, not naked but exposing it feels to actually like something that so many people don’t lmao. Like ahh. My taste is trash I guess. Oh well. x_x
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kjmsupremacist · 3 years
for the fic asks: Y, U, T, A (GMA lol)
JANSKJD when i saw the preview of this ask in my notifs it just showed up to "Y, U" and i was like THIS WOMAN...... is spelling YUTA.... AJSKDJF
fanfic asks!
Y: A character you want to protect.
Shotaro and sungchan i just.... i don't think i could ever BEAR to read or write anything sad about them ever
this got long so the rest is under the cut lol
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
AH FUCK i'm gonna do more than three bc i just have so many!!! ok first of course is @perfeggso margot is my queen and my love .... her writing is IMMACULATE she has PLOT she has BEAUTIFUL PROSE she has SMUT she has INCREDIBLE SETTINGS she just has it all man
next would have to be @byutafy i esp loe 5 minutes; the worldbuilding is just so good... idk fei's writing is so immersive and atmospheric i adore it sm!
@pastelsicheng is another fave, emmy is such a fantastic writer and she really has such a talent for hitting your emotions real deep but doing so subtly!!! and i really admire that!
@lovingonrepeat ... WHERE TO BEGIN dj's work is soooooo good and soooo hot i love it sm dj was actually one of the first writers i followed on here i think <3 haven't regretted it whatsoever
also @itsapapisongo javi has such a big brain his aus are all so like.... MMMMM makes the nerd in me very happy plus i just like the way his writing flows!!!
and ofc i cannot forget @prettyjaems miss mona <333 whose work i actually need to catch up on oml but i loveeee mona's work ^^ like her characters are so tangible!!!
@markresonates is another fav of mine i feel like mel and i kinda just trade off reccing each other every few months or so but I mean it like chefs kiss!!!!!
and miss moa @jenmyeons does some amazing beautiful writing for exo i love her work it's all so HUMAN!!! reading her work is like lighting a new candle if you know what i mean?
and of course nia @adoniachoi again just really gets to the core of emotionality which i super enjoy (and also is a talent that i envy)
and last but certainly not least @bl--ankhaeji tre is so imaginative and big brain and i always enjoy reading her work!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
i think this means like fic tropes? and mmm i guess i don't read much hybrid or abo.... i usually steer clear of fuck or die, it can be funny sometimes but rarely do i find it compelling.... i've got a pretty open mind tho theres not much in the way of genre or trope that I like, genuinely hate lol
A: How did you come up with the title to [GMA]?
LORD so i was looking up songs to make a playlist for it and one of the songs was guys my age by hey violet and i was like first of all, fitting; second of all, i love when i get to work the title into the writing and that's something that's easy to work in. plus it really does get the gist of the story across well. so. that.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
1/2 Finally 4x01!!! The new intro started playing and he got up so fucking fast as if he was watching a game ‘WAIT WHAT?! THIS IS DIFFERENT! OH MY GOD THIS IS COOL AS FUCK! I like this more!! *tries to sing along while not knowing the song* ..cue…BEGIN…pulse..YEAH i fuck with this. And of course the intro ends on Brian walking away. He is the moment!’ ‘Ohhhh Drag Queen moment! I fuck with this. Hi BRIAN! Look at them just hanging out in THEIR loft, damn he is broke as fuck, huh? *said in an affectionate aww type of voice* THEY ARE PARTNERS! He really hates accepting any type of help, huh? Brian maybe you should listen to your own advice from two seasons ago about a man knowing when to accept help. Wait shit, i just remembered the nothing noble about being poor thing. Well fuck Brian’ It briefly showed Mel and Linds and he was so disappointed until Britin popped up again ‘this is what I want every episode, Brian and Justin. And that’s it’ ‘I am genuinely surprised that Hunter and Mike haven’t killed each other. Proud of them’ ‘Brian having lunch with Ben and Linds AND mel? Is he okay? Aw Brian and Justin being sarcastic is one of my favorite things in the world. (Deb says Mikey and her talk 3x a day) Okay, three times a day is…yeah. I mean even I don’t..actually never mind. OH HE IS GONNA KILL EVERYONE IF THEY DONT STOP PITYING HIM. But Bri Bri you are broke as a jok- HA he is gonna steal Bald dudes clients’ ‘i like this drag queen singing in between moments. Its been a while since I went to a drag show. I wonder if they miss me back home..i mean i did tell them I was leaving but still, i hope they miss me- oh ted. I was trying to forget that horrible party-BLAKEY! I’m so happy that he’s good now. EMMETT! Im glad he came to visit but I rea- Ted what the hell is wrong with you? He didn’t do shit wrong to you, why are you being bitchy? No Emy no, blakey didnt do anything wrong. But damn it i get Emy is hurt but fucking hell this isnt it. GIVE ME BRIAN BACK’ brian shows up on screen with Vance ‘HA WHAT DID I SAY? I CAN FEEL WHEN MY BOY IS UP! Wait that..sounds..weird. Of course he looks great, he always does. Oh so now you love him, fuck you baldy, Brian youre better than this. I like his hair. *does jazz hands* spikey. Oh baldy knows that Brian could destroy him if he pulls a Justin Timberlake and goes solo. DO IT BRI BRI! I didnt plan on him having his own company but DO IT!!!!’ ‘How did Mike already lose Hunte- HES HUSTLING AGAIN? *randomly starts laughing* It’s really funny hearing Mike call him little asshole when they’re the same height.’ Ted and Blake are on right now where he’s cleaning the floor ‘ohhhh i think this is gonna be bad. I hope im wrong because i like Blakey but this is looking like you know that thing where you get a crush on your savior or your therapist or something like that? I know my shit..i think’ ‘OH MY GOD WHAT DID THEY DO TO BRIANS CAR? Id rip their head off? I mean the car sucks but damn. Wait i forgot to focus on the important stuff: Brian looks good as fuck! CAN HE STOP KISSING HIM?’ ‘ITS BRIAN AGAIN!(Brian says ‘because no ones close friendship means more to me than yours’) aww Bri Bri, i feel the same way. Im glad you can agree that we have a deep connectio- OH HE IS GONNA GO SOLO! HES PULLING A BEYONCÉ! YOU GO GIRL! I really like the drag queen moments.. i miss my girls back home, i gotta call them.’ ‘AW JUSTIN CAME UP WITH THE COMPANY NAME!! KINNETIK! I fuck with that. I think i need a new shirt (i said No at this point) *looks at me and does jazz hands* merch. Of course Blondie is the one to help him come up with the name. LOOK AT THEM ALL HAPPY AND IN LOVE! Aw they wanna hang out with Emy! I NEEDED THIS TRIO! Make them hang out like when they danced together. The new dream team!’
The new intro! It really reminds me of the OG intro to the OG Beverly Hills 90210 (not to date myself).
It is so hard to watch Emmett and Ted during this arc.
Brian looks sooooooo good in S4.
OH HE IS GONNA GO SOLO! HES PULLING A BEYONCÉ! Truly, I looked it up and she went solo in 2003 right as this was being filmed (if I've got my timelines correct).
AND YES JUSTIN CAME UP WITH KINNETIK. He's named both Gus and Kinnetik (swoon).
The new dream team - I wish!
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Eight. Part 3
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TJ keeps laughing at me and the name of the Whiskey, but I can’t help that this shit is bougie “I’m still stuck on Robb being Muslim? Like he cut that bacon shit out and everything? He really changed? Like really changed” nodding my head, I thought I would stay out for a few more “he called me, and he just said I’m sorry, thinking back on it you are my little cousin, you respected me and looked to me and I played on that, I feel like a dickhead, I took advantage of that. You needed money, I should have just gave it. I believe him. I just think it’s wrong of me to not give when I have it; their home they were losing so I was like I’ll sort it, just a few payments here and there. So anyways, forget my shit. How is shit is going on with you? Mel want you?” TJ shrugged “not even sure bro, either I’m playing games, or she is playing games. I don’t even get it anymore, we have sex. Things are good for that but like what the fuck is happening with being together, I feel like she is basing herself on Robyn. Like why won’t she tell her, she won’t speak to her about shit, you know? But yeah, she is moving slow. I still think you married Robyn quick” stretching my body out “wouldn’t you” I retorted “I wouldn’t, she’s a little psycho. I’m sorry bro, she is too much. She got you bad, like anything she says goes, you know? Even now, that shit is your money too hit because Robyn doesn’t like it we have to stop. Why is it you couldn’t tell her? Because she is unreasonable, you ain’t. When we went VA for Camron birthday that time, you didn’t have to help Seiko, I surely wasn’t but you did. That’s because you’re a good guy, these rich girls aren’t it, and if she is a billionaire soon? Good luck” sighing out “she is a good person, she is just strict, on god she is” I get what TJ is saying but that’s my wife, I love her.
TJ and I will end being drunk by the time we are done “what you going to tell her? She is sly for that, I bet she is going to search more than the accounts now, she is going to be on your ass. You know what women are like, now because you made that mistake she will pick on that, she will want to find out what Black Pyramid is doing for you to do that, don’t you ever think I could just do better?” That is a big question, I blew out air “not exactly, bro. She gives me good sex” he snorted laughing “you always say that shit, Mel is the same. She is wild, I think it’s a Caribbean thing. They really be giving that good good, she is doing everything” my eyes widened “everything?” I repeated “everything, I’m talking about every hole” I laughed “damn, that was quick. I think Mel gives it easy on a real. She falls quick, you know what I mean?” Looking over at him “don’t be talking on Mel like that; but I get it. She came into my DMs but yeah, so we taking bets? Your wife will be gone by the new year?” Holding my hand out, we shook on it “bet” I know she will be “you ever thought of cheating? Because if she wasn’t so busy she would be around, you could cheat and she wouldn’t know” shaking my head “nah, Robyn’ good in the bed. She is too good; I love my twin too much. No matter how much she pisses me off, or how much she just does the most. That’s my twin, I love her. But I am more giving then she is, Robyn would always say no. Cheating is just off the board, cheating means I was unhappy which I am not that, just annoyed” I shrugged, I couldn’t do that ever in my life. I am crazy for her, also my girls. It’s not worth losing my home for some pussy, isn’t worth it at all “imagine if you didn’t meet Rihanna again? Imagine it, on a real. Imagine if you didn’t go and meet her?” I cringed “probably be on sonnumber three” I laughed “Seiko wanted kids and shit was smooth, it was, and I can’t lie but I wasn’t fulfilled. I had to know if twin still knew me but if we bring real, if it wasn’t Robyn then I wouldn’t be rich like this, I think I am becoming accustomed to being her husband, fuck it” I shrugged “this is why she has your balls” I laughed shrugging.
I’m too far now, I’m going to have to leave my car here. I can’t be driving now, but I guess I get to just carry on. I’m on cocktails now which isn’t any better, but I missed my nigga “you met her ex right?” TJ asked, “Which one?” I questioned, he hit my arm and laughed out “Rakim? What else? I don’t know about the rest” letting out an oh “yeah, yeah I did. You know that, shit was wild though, like she be on this vibe where she was so excited about designing his suit. So we went to New York, arrived there together. I wasn’t going to let my wife go there alone now, I didn’t know what I was going to expect but she kept saying we are friends, and I am so exited and whatever the fuck she on. So it’s me and her entourage, you know her team like to be there” rolling my eyes “so we arrived at the joint, I walked in behind Robyn and Rakim was there and I am like this nigga is tiny” I laughed “but he erm came up to Robyn and she did, she hugged him and they genuinely was happy to see each other but the vibe wasn’t off, like when I see Seiko she be on it” I laughed “she always asking if I want her back but with them it was good vibes and I was awkward, I was stood there like this is weird. That is her ex, you know so I just stood there and then he came up to me, he dapped me and said nice meeting you, I am Rakim, and it was all good. But I see the vibe, I see why they vibed together on a real. Rakim said it to me, he goes she is a friend, and I don’t want to lose that, she is a good woman” I shrugged “but you two are friends too? Maybe that is the same for y’all” I chuckled “you think? Robyn is like every woman, what can I say” shaking my head laughing “but I just got to pay the money back, just keep Robyn out of it, I will sort it” I need to just fix it and then move on, Robyn doesn’t need to know.
I had to leave the car at the lounge place, I had to get the SUV to pick us up and now we are back at the house, and I am here trying to get into my house “I think your wife has locked you out for stealing money, housewife. You a housewife” I laughed out knocking on the door again “you mean househusband, the fuck is a wife. I don’t know what that is” the door opened “oh, Monica” let me straighten myself up “you are being so loud, it is late” now I am in trouble, I feel bad “sorry” I breathed out, she is not happy “mommy I got it” hearing Robyn say, she is going to tell me I am a mess. Looking at TJ and he just looked at me as I moved back from the door “well you took your time” she is going to be on my ass “what time is it?” I haven’t noticed “it’s two” turning to Robyn “I’m home” I smiled “I can see that” is she going to let me in or not, I don’t get it “you looking sexy though, baby making time?” Robyn scoffed “just get in, don’t make too much noise. The kids are asleep” looking at TJ “I can go home but I will leave Camron here” nodding my head “you about to be sleeping on the floor” he could be right actually.
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I am asking why I bother, I asked him to tell his stupid friend to give the money back and they come back drunk, I can’t fucking win with this man. On top of that I had Camron here, but he fell asleep on the couch, I am just stood here watching because I need to make sure the home is locked up, he is a mess, so I have to make sure “bye” Chris said as he made his way in, he closed the door behind him. I say made his way but stumbled inside, I guess TJ is leaving his seed here “let me lock up” walking by Chris, he texts me to tell me that he is drunk and then he needs an SUV, I wanted to say go away but I rather he be home, I want him to be safe with me “so am I allowed to sleep in bed with you or what?” locking the door, I groaned out “I would like to say no but we have three girls that are so clever. They will assume why, they know and pick up on things” turning around “you looking really sexy” he is a damn lie, I have a damn bonnet on, I am in a robe with no makeup on “whatever, I am going to sleep thank you for waking me” walking up the steps “I am sorry Robyn, I promise you it will be fixed” I am sure a lot of things got fixed in a drunken state, I just feel angered and hurt by him. I am just going to have to deal with TJ, keep it to myself because I rather he has his friend then me telling him something that will hurt him.
I am just so pissed that he came back home drunk, he didn’t need to do that but because I ask him to do something he does this, he ain’t shit and I will remain on this. I feel like for our anniversary we just go back to Jamaica, but I am in that mood to just cancel it but we need that break away from the kids too and together, probably get some more shit out of him “Chris, seriously” he banged the door shut “I know, sshhh. Kids are asleep” he is telling me that “just stay away from me, I am trying to sleep” taking my robe off “trying, can you go to sleep after you let me give you some dick? I have been drinking and I am feeling horny, come on. It’s been a while” staring at him, he is a mess “whatever, just go to sleep. I won’t be giving you no sex, my ass” Chris sniggered “that is what I want, your ass on a platter. Can I just you know, put the tip. Can jerk me off with your feet?” getting into bed “oh my god!” he spat, he is saying oh my god, but he is the one with his dick in his hand. What is wrong with him “you are terrible, just go to sleep. I am not in the mood for sex” the bedroom door slowly opened, Chris placed his hand over his dick and tried to run but he fell on the floor “mommy I can’t sleep” I breathed out, of course she can’t “ok Imani, just go back to your room. Don’t look now” getting out of bed “get off the floor, Imani. Out, don’t look at your dad” making my way over to her “daddy naked mommy” pushing her out of the room “I will sleep with you tonight” he can have the bedroom.
Imani was a better sleeping partner, least I wasn’t harassed for sex “oh my god, mom!?” looking behind me “we have been looking for you all over, we went into your bedroom and everywhere. What happened?” Rylee and Tianna both made her way into the bedroom “just that Imani couldn’t sleep, I am here though. And girls please, I want you to knock when you go to the room, if you don’t hear an answer then don’t go in. When daddy is home don’t walk in, just knock” I have no idea if Chris got into bed, I hope he did “ok but we got worried” these girls “don’t be worried, what was dad doing?” I asked “he was asleep in bed” thank god “ok, well I am coming down” moving up from the bed “can we play on the mobile? Just games please” Chris banned that “you have to ask daddy, he said no, and I he isn’t here to agree on it, so we wait” I am saying that so he can say no to them, I rather he be in the bad books “mom can we get our nails done?” Tianna asked, too many questions “erm, yeah. Actually yeah, we can that is fine. It’s Christmas” I stifled out a yawn “go down” they got me out of the bed now.
I didn’t honestly want Camron here, but he is here, I couldn’t say no when his father dropped him off, but his father is here. Thank heavens, they can leave now. I just told my mother in law to deal with it, just so I don’t have to speak to TJ, I have nothing to say to him “is Chris awake?” closing the fridge door, he would come and ask, “what you think?” making my way over to the counter “seeing as we are going to be civil you need to have some respect at least” I laughed “for who and what? We can be civil but you in my home, I can be as I please nigga” he in my home and telling me about being civil “this is why I honestly understand why Chris says your hard work, I mean, the fuck?” placing my hands on the counter “you and I both know if I told Chris what you was like with me he would have you out, so I do suggest you leave me be, you take your seed and go. I guess you got your disclaimer, I expect the lawyer fees to be back in my account, to the dime” TJ looked at me confused “what lawyer fees?” he said confused “the only reason you got that boy was me, clearly my husband didn’t say that. I want my money back, including that stupid saving shit” TJ sniggered “aight, whatever Fenty. Your attitude will make you lose Chris, they all say you deserve better but no, he does, but I am out. I will take a drink for the road” I would like to throw the drink at his head but I am better then that “I can’t wait for your friendship to die, dickhead” TJ laughed “I think you friendships will die first” he winked at me “the lingerie picture on Savage is real cute, nice” he is an asshole, I can’t even deal.
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
How come Taako is not allowed to have nonhuman skin tones but all your unicorn ocs have nonhuman skin tones? Like, honest question, I genuinely don’t want to come across as rude but I can’t figure out what is different
1) I am just a little artist on tumblr... idk why you want to compare me to HUGE content creators but sure lets get into this!
2) They (my unicorn characters) are magical beings that are MEANT to be disconnected from humanity... it’s kind of the plot.... both emotionally, and physically? They can’t even get the nose right... sigh.... so in terms of story there’s a big reason I don’t want them to look like humans! Also! THERE ARE!!! Humans!!!! In the story!!! So I clearly have to distinguish them from the actual humans? And even then my unicorns characters can come in all sorts of colors so ya know, there’s definitley unicorns with more human skin tones (just not as common, but again trying to avoid this to distinguish them from actual human characters)... (also there’s this issue in the story were unicorns are meant to be very shitty creatures who don’t care about humanity and are overall big assholes... so I would prefer to keep a good chunk of them white coded ex: Trixie )
3) even though my unicorns are multicolored.... I try to be mindful about racial coding!! Like to me i obviously have made the twins Latine, but that’s cause they’re based off me and one of my sisters, Kay, Elly, Butterscotch and Sunny are DEFINITLEY not white coded, and if that wasn’t obvious I would be glad to try and figure out a way to redesign them so that this is clearer!
3.5) okay bonus quiz! back to racial coding, you can tell Hal is white right? And you can tell Sunny is black right? So light blue pale Taako, with blonde hair and a huge pointy nose, look at his design and tell me :) what’s the racial coding there?
4) okay back to the first point and how there’s humans in my story... so there are actual humans in this story, and most of them are kids of color, because the other half of my story takes place in LA, (aye wow that’s where I grew up!!) I wanted to focus on what it’s like being a minority in a place like LA, using both my own experiences, the experiences of my family, and of my friends! Yeyeye!! I want this world to feel very different compared to Unicopia, more human and real, with a different background style, and even what almost feels like a different art style all together??? But ye!!)
5) you are TOTALLY aloud to have your characters have nonhuman skin tones, but you ALWAYS, have to be mindful of racial stereotypes... I’ve talked about this before but, a character w Orange skin like Mel, is not inherently racist! She’s essentially an angry kid with a suit (And because the unicorn world has already been established this helps set that up as well) HOWEVER, put that orange skin on a character that has a thick dark mustache and an accent and he’ll throw a poncho on there and now you have a racial caricature! And even then! You’re always gonna want to be mindful of both how these stereotypes change and their history!! Always always!! I always try to be super careful, and I am ofc open to criticism and critique!! I want to learn and grow as a human and an artist!!! I hope everyone does too!
(Maybe this should have been the first point but yeah! You’re aloud to do “fun” skin tones but when people constantly rather have non human skin tones over black or brown... well.... that’s not very cool... and actually very shitty.... but we can have endless amounts of white blonde haired elves I guess?? And even more so for a character like Taako who has a whole story arc about his relationship to Tex-mex food... idk man... sighhhh)
6) You know what the Mcelroys need to do more of? What they did with Argo and Firbolg but with their human/elf/half-elf/halfling/etc. characters too... they said, Argo has blue/green skin w scales, EPIC, Firbolg has gray/blue skin, POGGERS, super cool and helpful!!! Why are they so afraid when it comes to let’s sayyyy a human or elf or half elf.... Well I mean come on I know the answer to that, they are white content creators and don’t want to make that call, so they leave that to us! But because of this they’ve also fallen into the “my character has no race” trap... which brings a WHOLE lot of other issues that people wayyy smarter than me have explained before!
(Even if they are in a fantasy world, everything is based off of something and it is not free of the fact that in the real world, poc exist, and we all have different cultures and unique experiences, what don’t we get to be in fantasy stories too? No issue with Europeans though... )
7) it’s complicating and context is everything!! But sometimes all you have to do is look at a design to just KNOW it’s not sitting right... I feel like blue Taako is VERY obvious but again, not everyone has the same experiences and knowledge to come to that conclusion... I just happen to be a Mex-Am with a Jewish gf, but most white people aren’t going to get it... luckily there have been essays upon essays and documentaries about harmful caricatures and racial coding, and stereotypes!! WOWIE!! Please try and educate yourself if you can! I know I will be too!
8) maybe also? I shouldn’t have to keep explaining myself so much? At this point I’m just repeating myself, and it doesn’t even matter at this point, I just want people in fandom to be aware of these things and for content creators to be even MORE aware of these issues.... but again, I’m just a little artist, what the hell do I know, I know I brought it up, but damn, sure wish people would go research and look things up before dumping all their weird sad little questions to me... I’m just one dude, and you know maybe I’m glad people aren’t sending my other friends questions like this, cause it fucking SUCKS... but anyways!
Hope that helps!!
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 8.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.7k
A/N: I really loved this chapter, Tom and his feelings are making me weak af😫, can’t wait for him to finally say something. I’m also so happy that you all love this series because the drama is coming lol. I would appreciate it if you leave a comment, reblog or send a feedback if you liked this part!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: kinda angsty, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smut
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
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“Look who is the centre of the world today.” Anna said lowly as her eyes were glued on the large group of people in front of us.
It was Tom of course with his fellow frat boys. Not just girls but boys were around them as well, laughing at what he was talking.
Probably something unimportant as always.
“I’m sorry but these girls are blind and naïve. Ten girls drooling over a frat boy. Poor girls don’t know how he rolls, or they do but talking around that they slept with the hottest guy in college is totally worth it for them.” She continued rambling to both you and Mel.
Yeah poor girls.
“I find it kinda boring. Doesn’t he get tired of them? I mean I get it he likes the attention but isn’t it a bit too much sometimes?” Mel joined the conversation, you on the other side remained quiet.
You didn’t want to say a thing, you fell under the spell just like the other girls did.
However you saw someone else behind Tom’s façade. No one could tell you that he enjoyed just the sex, and that he didn’t crave a warm touch and love from a partner.
That was bullshit and you knew it.
He opened up to you, spilled the truth and you understood the fear that was eating him, but what you didn’t understand is why he closed his heart for everyone.
It wasn’t okay, he needed to see how love wasn’t as daunting and terrifying as he thought.
You were sure that he isn’t that guy that he and others claimed to be.
“Y/N?” A muffled voice brought you back to reality, making you turn your head immediately.
“You zoned out. I honestly need to tell Harrison that he was so incredible that he got you all disorganized.” She giggled alongside with Mel.
“Yeah..Yes sorry I was just thinking about the date and all that.” You murmured, feeling Tom’s eyes fixed on yours.
It was a common thing, he would stare at every girl, give a little wink while his mouth curved into a smile.
He had the most beguiling brown eyes that left every single girl wanting more.
Somehow this stare felt a little warmer, like he wanted to show something.
“Oh he is coming here.” Anna whispered.
Tom excused himself, making his way to his three friends.
“Good morning ladies.” He crunched, giving a small smile.
“Tom.” Anna greeted, still a bit disappointed in her friend but she couldn’t stay fake angry at him forever.
“Not happy to see me Ann? C’mon.” He stood up engaging her in a hug.
“I’m sorry for my behaviour, you know how I can get stupid when I have a few beers too much.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t that angry just wanted to hear the word sorry from you love.” She answered.
“Gosh you’re so hard to handle. Anyways as you know, or don’t never mind, our frat is throwing a party on Friday.”
“Wow a party? Again? How’s that possible?” Amelia added sarcastically, laughing during it.
“So hilarious Mel, no really I just wanted to let you know about that.” His eyes shifted to your figure, trying his best not to stare too long.
“Don’t worry for us Tom we always come, but our miss ‘my head is in the clouds because a certain boy is on my mind’ is not a fan of that.” The smile never left Anna’s face as she turned towards you waiting for an answer.
“I don’t know..” You began, feeling unsure about a party where you would probably just find yourself looking for Tom and with who he was there or for Harrison.
“Your boyfriend will be there as well sweetheart.” Tom stated with his gravelly voice, like something was bothering him.
“He is not my boyfriend.” You answered, just like you did the previous night.
You all went silent for a second after that, but it felt like an eternity for you. His eyes were focused on your tired ones. The ones he loved to see when your walls would tighten around him while the orgasm washed over you and the ones that were always shut when you laughed at something.
Tom wanted you there, he wanted to see you on that stupid party.
Even if it meant that he needed to persuade Harrison to bring you with him.
The feeling of your body close to his, your soft lips pressing against his made him feel dizzy, he wanted you by his side forever.
Tom never thought about anyone in that way. Sure he enjoyed a second, hell sometimes even a third time sex with the same girl, but never did a feeling made an appearance like this while he was with them. There wasn’t something that made him want to come back to the girls and crave more out of it.
With you it was different and he knew it. The feeling was new and it scared him, so he tried to tell himself that it’s because you two were best friends not strangers and that was the reason why he was like that.
“By the end of the night you will be his Y/N I assure you.” Anna’s sweet voice made you break the eye contact with him.
“Who says I’m going?” You crossed your arms over your chest, looking at them.
“We will come Tom.” She confirmed, knowing you will eventually give up when you hear that Harrison was going too.
“Good, can’t wait to see you.” Tom responded, giving you a one last glance before going back to his friends.
“I’m not wearing this.” You argued as you looked yourself in the mirror.
The black cliché dress hugged your body perfectly you couldn’t deny that, it was just not your cup of tea.
“Please Y/N just this time! I really like it, it suits you, look at you you’re gorgeous!” Amelia practically begged, wanting to doll you up for tonight.
Of course you accepted to go. Harrison asked you if he would see you there, and you didn’t want to say no. You missed him. Ever since that night, he didn’t leave your head. It was something about the touch and how he was gentle with you, always making sure he didn’t overstep something. A big difference between Tom and him.
“Harrison will be having the hots for you, listen to us.” Anna joined her, waiting for your approval.
“Fine.” You shrugged, the screeching filling the room.
“Are you nervous for tonight? You know a relationship after a while.”
“Kind of Ann, Harrison is the most tender-hearted guy I ever met. I don’t know how he was single until now, he just screams ‘I’m the most caring boyfriend’.”
“Harrison was a bit disappointed after his last relationship, he thought that he didn’t give enough but it wasn’t his fault he was so in love with a girl that just didn’t put him first.”
Is she talking about the same girl Tom mentioned?
“What happened?” You asked, hoping she will give you some informations.
“I think it’s Harrison’s duty to tell you that. Don’t sweat it, she is in the past, look at him now! He is over the moon ever since he met you. I would gladly have someone like him in my life, don’t stress much he adores you.”
Every girl would love to have someone like him undoubtably.
Harrison made you enjoy the blissful time you had together, always showing you how a beauteous girl you really were, especially to him.
That is the only thing that mattered.
“This is why I don’t go to events like this.” You uttered monotonously, eyeing the dim house that was a mess already.
Usually when you attended parties like this your mind and eyes would be focused on Tom that would chat and flirt with various girls around, making you look so miserable and disconsolate that it was actually tragical.
Tonight it was just Harrison that made you actually exhilarated.
You’re eyes were roaming through the crowd, searching for the familiar blue eyes.
You were so engaged in the search, that you didn’t feel or see Tom who was a few steps away from you, staring at your figure.
He already found the petite blonde from the previous party here, sharing a few innocent kisses with her.
However she became bland, dull right when you stepped inside the house.
Tom never saw you like this. It wasn’t your style, you would say always to him how that kind of dresses were lacking originality. Guess everyone changes their mind.
He wasn’t drunk, but you sure made him feel intoxicated and that terrified him. You were just so beautiful, genuinely beautiful.
“Don’t be so afraid to let love into your heart, you’re a lovely person Tom.” The words haunted him as well as your sweet voice from that evening. He would lie if he said he didn’t consider that. Especially after the kiss you shared that made his stomach turn upside down.
You were still standing there, playing with the edges of your tight black dress that was wrapped around your figure perfectly.
At that moment he was pushing himself to go where you were standing, the girl he was with was talking to her friends so she wouldn’t even notice that he was gone for a minute.
Who would have thought that a ladies man like him would struggle to go talk to a girl.
He took a deep breath, starting to walk towards you, however he froze immediately seeing Harrison wrapping his hands around your waist.
Tom’s jaw was clenching, eyes still on his two best friends that looked so content.
“Fuck this.” He muttered, turning around to go look for his friends.
You on the other hand were shaking.
Harrison was feeling anxious as well. He became even more nervous when he saw you.
His instant thought was how winsome you looked and how much he was lucky that a girl like you was interested in him.
The broad smile was pure, real and he didn’t want to hide it.
“Love, you look astonishing tonight.” He whispered in your ear, giggles escaping past your lips.
“Oh please, you’re stealing all the looks tonight for sure.” You placed one hand on his chest, loving how talking wasn’t making you feel uneasy like the first time.
“Stealing them now only because a stunning lady is by my side.”
“But I kinda don’t want others to stare.” He added, cupping your cheeks carefully kissing you, not wanting to wait a second anymore.
God he was dreaming about your pinkish lips that tasted like cherry. It was driving him crazy how a girl could made him feel like this.
The butterflies erupted in his stomach during the kiss, just the thought that he will ask you tonight to be his got him all thrilled.
“If you keep smiling like that I won’t be able to restrain myself. Gosh you have the most softest lips.” He stated, rubbing small circles on your cheek.
“Who says you should restrain yourself?” You asked, smirking at him.
He let out a bashful chuckle, going in for another kiss but he was forestalled by you. Harrison could see how relaxed you were in his hands, softly moving your lips in a perfect rhythm.
“A drink my lady?” He spoke, stroking your hip.
“So did he ask you?”
It was just you girls now. Harry, Harrison and Tom were on the other side of the garden, to engaged in a silly game.
“No.” You spitted, eyes glued on his body and Tom’s as well.
They weren’t alone, girls were practically jumping on them.
“If you keep staring at him like that you’re eyes will fall out.” Amelia laughed, looking at your face that didn’t show any emotion.
“Good, because I don’t want to look at that.”
Harrison was clearly not interested in that brunette that was trying her best to seduce him, you saw it, but the sight was still bothering you.
“Look, he is clearly giving her signals that he is not fascinated by her.” Anna pointed at the table they were standing next to.
“And then look at our Tom. He is eye fucking that girl right there in front of everybody. They are definitely two different worlds I don’t know how these two are best friends, but you sure don’t need to worry about Harrison babe.”
That was true. She had her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. It was obvious they are going home together tonight.
It was the same girl you saw him with at Harry’s house. Looks like he got the message about settling down.
Is he then going to realize that this between you won’t function?
Too much unanswered questions.
“Having fun without us?” The sound of chairs moving made you look up from your boring drink.
“Looks like you had fun without us.” Mel said, tapping Tom’s back.
“Hey.” Harrison whispered, running his thumb up and down your shoulder.
“Hey.” Your voice flat, mouth set in a hard line when you saw the blonde approaching your table.
“Here you go Tom.” She gave the drink to him, her honeyed voice filling your ears.
“Thanks a lot love. This is Gracie, Gracie these are my friends.” Tom introduced her to the group, bringing her closer to his body.
She looked gorgeous, she was probably a good girl as well. It was just the jealousy that made you think otherwise.
You glanced into their direction every minute, hoping Tom’s eyes would already be looking at you. However he was too focused on his girl.
You tried to stop thinking about him because you knew you didn’t even cross his mind.
“You look incredible Y/N, I know I already told you but I thought you needed to hear it once more.” Harrison spoke lowly in you ear, the hot breath tickling your skin making you chuckle.
“You two are making my heart swell with happiness honestly.” Anna grabbed the attention from everyone. Their eyes fixed on you two cuddling.
“Man..Harrison couldn’t keep his mouth shut after his date, believe me Y/N you were in my dreams that night because he was talking non-stop about you.” Harry added, making the whole group laugh at how Harrison was smitten.
“Fuck off mate, it’s not my fault that she is the most amazing and loving person I’ve met.” Harrison replied, wanting to show absolutely every person how much he liked you.
You just hid your face in his chest from the stares and whistles that came after Harrison’s words. They were all smiling, Gracie as well, happy to see you two in love.
However Tom was battling with the pang of jealousy that he felt towards the couple.
Tom was trying to stop looking at you the whole night, shit he even grabbed Gracie to keep him company just so he could try erase the picture of you kissing him and moaning underneath him.
Why did he have such strong emotions for you? There was no way he was feeling something more. You were really good friends and the sex was just a bonus.
Was he wrong? Did he just deny that because he didn’t want to start anything more than sex? Or because he didn’t want to hurt Harrison?
“I’m sorry I need to go to the bathroom.” You excused yourself.
This was Tom’s chance to go see you.
Thank God everyone else was standing up from the table at that moment, so he could made something up and not look suspicious.
“Want a drink? I’m gonna need a refill.” He asked Gracie, praying that she won’t offer to go with him.
“Sure, the usual.” She answered, placing a kiss near the corner of his mouth.
Tom just rushed inside, hoping there wasn’t a lot of people upstairs.
You were stepping outside the bathroom at that moment, Tom catching you completely off guard.
“Fucking hell, you scared me.” You screeched, catching your breath.
“Calm down love, it’s just me.” He trapped you, your back was pressed against the wall and his body was close to yours.
“What do you need.” It wasn’t a question because you could assume what he wanted.
“Just wanted to talk. Was trying to come to you the whole night but looks like Osterfield didn’t give me a single chance.” He gave you a lopsided grin, eyes travelling from your breasts to your lips that looked so kissable at that moment.
“God Y/N why are you messing with mind like this?” He thought to himself.
“He didn’t stop you from doing anything. You just had a great time with Gracie, that’s why you probably didn’t have the time or chance to come and talk to me.” You responded in a gravelly tone.
“What’s the matter love? This is not about Gracie now.” He lifted his hand to your face to stroke your flushed cheek gently, but you were not buying it, removing his hand instantly.
You craved the feeling of his lips and hands around your body, but you were just so distracted by the image of him and her that you refused to do something.
“And it’s not about Harrison either.”
You were both jealous, but to stubborn to say it.
After all you two were nothing, so the term jealousy would sound ridiculous since you agreed that you both could have someone during this deal.
“Yeah? Well you were so into him the whole night, sharing kisses, innocent touches and all that sweet shit that you couldn’t even say hi to me.” He raised his voice, not ready for a fight that was absolutely unnecessary.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now Tom? What should I do? Leave my date and go looking for you? Do you hear yourself now? I like him and he likes me of course I will enjoy my time with him! Why are you all of a sudden so bitter about it?” You were fuming.
It was so confusing, why is he so angry about it now?
“And if I’m correct you shared a good amount of kisses as well, hell you almost fucked her in front of everybody. You’re being stupid right now.”
“You’re so hot when you’re jealous.” He murmured, not giving you a chance to say anything.
Tom pinned you back against the wall smashing his lips to yours. You didn’t push him, fuck you wanted him how could you?
It was a rough and steamy make out, his hands were squeezing your sides during it, and yours were lost in his hair.
A shallow groan escaped from your mouth, making Tom dip his tongue past your lips.
The adrenaline was running through your body, you two were in front of the bathroom anyone could pass by and see you.
“Fuck, T-Tom we need to stop someone could come.” You broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
“Fuck this stupid party I want you.” He responded, trying to kiss you again.
“Tom seriously, we need to go back before someone suspects something.”
“Not fair sweetheart..I just want to have my time with you. Like others.” Tom was feeling like a child when a toy would be taken away from them.
“Tomorrow, movie night? I’m free the whole day.” You suggested, biting your lip when he pressed a sloppy kiss to your neck.
“Sounds perfect beautiful.”
“G-good, now I need to go find Harrison before he thinks something happened.” You uttered, marching towards the stairs.
Fuck Harrison, fuck Gracie, fuck everyone.
He raked his fingers through his hair, thinking about Harrison.
Tom and him were best mates and he wanted him to be happy, he really did. But he turned out as a shit friend possibly getting attached to his friend’s soon to be girlfriend.
You were walking through the crowd, hoping someone from your group would eventually show up. Your legs were hurting, you were still in shock from the make out and Tom’s words were echoing in your ears.
Were you really that obvious? Did Harrison suspect a thing about your jealousy towards Tom and Gracie?
A large pair of hands stopped you in your tracks. The well known warmth made you relax, turning your face to the person.
“Looking for someone?” He asked, placing his palm on your lower back.
“Ah no one special really, just a very handsome guy that I daydreamed about ever since we went out.” You continued the act, making you both grin.
“Oh really? Would you maybe want to go to my place and tell me more about him? He wouldn’t mind don’t worry.”
“Why not?” You accepted it, heart skipping a beat when you thought about possibly becoming his girlfriend.
This was so tough.
Tom then Harrison. Both of them made your mind go crazy, both of them were incredibly hot. But they were so different.
Anna was right, they were two different worlds. Tom had that reputation, he loved to see girls around him all the time. However there was something that made your body always go mad when he was near you. Also not to mention your long crush that you couldn’t throw away, that made it even more difficult.
On the other side there was Harrison, a soft-hearted and warm person that was totally your type. There was nothing wrong, you wanted to be with him so bad, there was a spark between you without a doubt.
You knew that he was the one you should go for. You knew it because he would make you forget everything and everyone when you were with him.
Even Tom.
He showed you how much he liked you and how much he wanted you, maybe it’s about time to show him that you wanted him as well.
Maybe the feelings and the crush on Tom should be forgotten just like the deal until he doesn’t make up his mind and shows what he really needed.
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oureuphoria · 4 years
Worst of You - JJK 06
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,295
Note: Shit’s starting to get WiLd. 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
Unfortunately for you, the second you walked into your dorm room you were graced by the presence of a wild Jimin in his natural habitat, your couch. “Ooo, you’re back late? Were you on a date?” You ignored him and proceeding to take off your shoes, fighting the tempting urge to throw one at him. “Yes actually, I was.” You saw Alex slowly emerge from her room wearing nothing but his shirt and held back the desire to roll your eyes, it wasn’t long ago that she had been complaining about how much she hated Jimin and yet there she was. “Oh shit with who?” Jimin eagerly asked, he clearly didn’t believe someone like you could land a date and while he was right, you couldn’t let him know that.
“Your mom.” You usually were the bigger person, although with Jimin you couldn’t resist and frankly you didn’t care to try. Ever since high school your personalities had constantly clashed. He was one of the loud, rambunctious kids and you hated those kids with a passion, the type that would insult teachers for entertainment and pick on kids who couldn’t fight back. You considered it water under the bridge but your hatred for each other never really subsided. You speed-walked to your room before he could formulate a reply and you could hear Alex scoffing at your childishness but you didn’t care. And it felt liberating to not give a shit about what Alex thought. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook was at a bar trying to pry his newly discovered feelings for you away with a symbolic crowbar others referred to as alcohol. He had work the next day so while getting piss drunk was tempting, he needed to resist. He just wished that he would be able to resist you half as well as he could resist whiskey but you were all the more intoxicating and infinitely more addictive. You were kind, pure and entirely undamaged by the harsh realities of life. Jungkook hadn’t felt so carefree in a while and he didn’t want to get attached to the feeling either. “I’m sure you didn’t screw up that bad.” “She confessed to me, I kissed her and then I basically kicked her out of my car.” “What the fuck, Jeon? That’s bad, even for you.” He elbowed Mel gently at the statement but he understood where she was coming from, when it came to love Jungkook was no smarter than a brick.  “Well, she kissed me on the cheek before she left so I don’t think she was upset about it.” Mel gave Jungkook’s evidently empty head a sharp flick which had Jungkook rushing to soothe it. “What the fuck was that for?” “You basically just gave her a confirmation that you liked her back.” Jungkook simply shook his head and walked away. Denial was his safest option but his self control was deteriorating at a rate faster than he could manage. He just wished you’d give him the distance to truly get over you.
You woke up far too early for a Wednesday, your classes didn’t start until 11 and there was really no reason for you to be up anytime before 9 but Alex’s sobbing wasn’t subtle and if you weren’t sure she didn’t care, you would’ve thought she was trying to wake you up. 
You knocked lightly before poking your head in and true to your prior speculations, Alex was crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You sat next to her on the edge of her bed and allowed her to cry into your shoulder. You may have lost all your trust, respect and love for her but you still cared enough to stay. Either that or you were too scared to break things off. “Jimin and I broke up.” You tried not to chuckle. Her pain was in no way amusing to you (okay, maybe a little) but her unhealthy, on-again off-again relationship was mildly amusing to you. “I know you don’t want to hear this but I think this is better for you. I just hope you’re done for good this time.” She nodded in agreement but you knew she wasn’t going to listen.
Jungkook wasn’t very good at asking girls out, primarily because he never really had to. He hasn’t been on an actual date since he was with his last serious girlfriend 5 years ago and he only ever hooked up with girls while half-drunk since then. Therefore, Jungkook had no idea what he was doing standing outside of your dorm building at 6pm. He didn’t even ask if you were free. He pressed the buzzer for your dorm number and wasn’t really surprised when your roommate responded instead. “Hello, Y/N did you forget your key card again?” “Hi, I’m Jungkook. Y/N’s friend.” Alex frowned in confusion as she raked her memories for the familiar name. She tried to think of any rational reason as to why a man would be here for you. He must be that Jungkook. She let him in and waited for him to knock on the door. “Y/N isn’t here right now but she will be soon, she went out to grab some groceries. You’re welcome to wait for her inside?” Jungkook took her offer and sat tentatively on the couch, after all he didn’t want to impose. 
Alex was still an emotional train wreck from her break-up (which you weren’t allowed to know the details about) and opted to quietly sniffle on the other end of the couch. Jungkook tried to ignore it but he thought that if he were to establish a relationship with you, he should get along with your roommate. “Uhh, are you okay?” She nodded unconvincingly and every ounce of Jungkook’s being begged him to give up, but human decency suggested that the socially accepted protocol would be to ask again. “Are you sure?” And suddenly, like a dam that unexpectedly bursted, her sniffling turned to sobbing and she was crying on Jungkook’s shoulder. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Whatever it is I’m sure it’ll work out.” Textbook advice that was in no way helpful, but it was all he could think of without knowing what she was even crying about. 
Alex looked up to face him through her heavy eyelashes. It might’ve been the heartbreak talking but he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen and all she could think about was kissing his gorgeous lips. She should’ve thought about you, she should’ve thought about him, she should’ve thought in general but she didn’t and just as she lunged forward, Jungkook had pushed her away and you had made your presence noticeable.
“Seriously Alex?” She was startled when she saw you standing at the door and she could feel the guilt settle in when she saw the tears in your eyes. “Y/N, I’m so s-.” “Save it.” You rolled your eyes before blinking the tears away and aggressively dropping the grocery bags onto your kitchen island. You tried to wipe away whatever was left of your tears before you turned around, you didn’t want her to think you were weak. “I didn’t-” Jungkook started, but you were quick to interrupt him. “Shut up Jungkook, it’s not you I’m mad at.”  While your tone was venomous, Jungkook was just grateful you weren’t mad at him although in that moment, he would’ve rather been anywhere else but in the middle of your catfight. 
“I get your upset but come on, look at him, you can’t seriously think you’re his type?” That was the exact moment you would’ve burst into tears if it wasn’t for Jungkook watching on the sidelines. You were going to keep your resolve together even if it were to kill you. “It doesn’t matter, good friends don’t kiss boys their friends like, Alex! It’s common sense.” “And what do you know about being a good friend?”
Pin-drop silence followed that question and the tension in the room had skyrocketed. You didn’t know what to say and neither did she. You could tell she felt guilty but Alex was never good at admitting her mistakes. “You’re right, what do I know?” You walked to your room and closed the door but the little sprint before you entered warned Jungkook that you were crying. He contemplated following you but he was worried you wanted space. Ultimately, the awkward silence Jungkook had to endure was more than enough motivation to power through his worries and knock on your door. 
“Give me a second.” Jungkook could hear the pain in your voice, the hiccup in your breath and the subtle sounds of excessive amounts of tissues being pulled. When you eventually opened the door, your face was tear-free and you wore an artificial smile on your face. You made room for him to come in and while he entered you muttered an apology. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” You didn’t want him to think you were pathetic or emotional so you kept the facade, you had been pushing aside your feelings for years, you could handle a few more minutes. “Just for the record, I didn’t want to kiss her.” You giggled at his attempt to lighten the mood, maybe it was too soon to laugh but something about it felt bitter.
“I know, honestly we fight like this all the time - it’s not a big deal.” That was a lie and Jungkook could tell which was why he pulled you in for a comforting hug where he whispered, “it’s okay to cry, Y/N, I can tell you want to.” You cried and with every passing second you cried harder. You knew that things would never be the same, they were never going to after that godforsaken party that you never should’ve gone to but it still felt nice. It felt nice to have a shoulder to cry on, someone to turn to that at least seemed like they cared.
Time passed before you stopped crying and you honestly didn’t know how much although the slight ache after pulling away from the hug was an indicator that it had been a while. “Oh no! I’m sorry I got your shirt wet.” You grabbed another excessive set of tissues to try and dry it, genuine guilt on your face. “It’s fine, Y/N. I never liked this shirt anyway.” You smiled and Jungkook’s heart softened at the way your eyes smiled with you. You needed a distraction and like a 13-year-old, all he could think of was to ask you out to a movie. 
“Can we watch the new Bad Boys movie? I heard Vanessa Hudgens is in it and I can’t wait to make high school musical jokes.” Jungkook chuckled at your joke until he realised you weren’t kidding. “Bad Boys, Y/N seriously? You’re making me watch a cop movie?” “It’s either that or Frozen 2. Your choice.” He sighed and shook his head jokingly before approaching the kiosk to buy the tickets. You wanted to repay him for paying for dinner so you had sneakily paid while Jungkook was reaching for his wallet. Despite the fact that the tickets cost a fraction of the price he paid at the restaurant, Jungkook was still upset and gave you an extensive lecture on why you should never do that again. 
“Hey, isn’t funny how you and Will Smith are both cops that drive expensive Porsches?” “You know, the movie was actually based on my life.” You gave him a skeptical look to which he shrugged. Jungkook would never tell you but he hated every second of it and found himself enjoying your reactions more than the actual film. He knew he was in trouble, knee-deep in it actually, but looking at you so happy made him realise he didn’t mind. 
The walk to the car was short and by the time you got there, you had already exhausted all of the jokes you could possibly think of about the movie. “Jungkook?” He hummed to let you know that he was listening while he started the engine, this time he knew what was coming and he had already prepared an answer. “I never really got an answer to my question form last week and I just…” You completely lost your train of thought and Jungkook smiled at how nervous you were. He thought he had already made it very clear but Jungkook was infamously bad at expressing his emotions so he didn’t mind voicing it. “Yes, Y/N, I like you too.” You tried to hide your relief and bit back the smile that was growing on your lips. You simply cleared your throat and mustered out a quiet, “cool.” 
The second you arrived at your dorm, you unbuckled your seatbelt and tried to rush out of the car before things would escalate but Jungkook pulled the door shut. “Not even a thanks?” You pouted and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry, thank you.” You tried to leave again but his hand didn’t budge. You turned to face him and his face had inched a lot closer, your lips almost touching. He was leaning closer and you were subconsciously leaning in too but the second you had realised, you pulled back abruptly before your lips could touch and hit your head on the car roof. “Ouch…” You rubbed your head and Jungkook chuckled as he returned to his original position.
“Y/N, if you don’t want to kiss me you can just say so, I don’t mind.” You could feel the panic settling in. You wanted to kiss him, really, really, badly but you were afraid that your lack of experience would ruin everything. “I do want to kiss you! It’s just…I’m not very good at it.” You very quietly mumbled that last part but Jungkook still heard and squeezed your face in one of his hands. “Baby, it’s not a big deal, you’ll get better with practice I promise.” You couldn’t reply with your cheeks squished together. “Can we try that again?” “No injuries this time?” You groaned and covered your face with your hands from embarrassment but Jungkook was quick to apologise and pull your hands away. 
Once his lips were on yours, you’d forgotten about everything else. He did most of the work but you’d like to think that you contributed a little. Eventually, it just felt natural and you didn’t really want to stop. Unfortunately, you needed oxygen and when you pulled away breathless, Jungkook chuckled. “We need to work on your stamina. Wanna try again?” You giggled at his lame attempt at tricking you but you kissed him again nonetheless, this time more prepared. You could feel Jungkook lean back and his hand on your cheek subtly dragged you with him. When your hand fell onto his upper thigh for balance, Jungkook knew he’d need to stop, worried he might scare you with his oncoming boner. 
“You should go up now, it’s getting late.” You pouted, upset at the fact that you couldn’t kiss him for longer. “Are you sure? I think I need more practice.” You kissed him again but he kept it short, giving you a few more pecks before pinching your cheek. “I’ll see you again soon and then I promise you infinite kisses, okay?” You nodded and waved him whispering a small goodnight as you left the care. There was no way to deny that Jungkook had feelings for you, but in that moment, he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
The second you got into your room, you fell face-first onto the bed, grabbed the nearest pillow and squealed like a teenage girl. When you had eventually stopped, you got ready for bed in an attempt to push Jungkook to the back of your mind. If you were going to get any semblance of sleep, you’d need to do it now before the feeling of his lips consumed you entirely. 
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