#i think the big problem with season 3 is that I just. dont really even know how this au is gonna end xd
kari-go · 24 days
Not sure if this was already asked, but. How many "seasons" do you have conceptualized? And how many "special episodes" (like origins, heroes day, etc) do you plan the AU to have?
I guess there really aren't any.
Originally, there were 3 "seasons", but with how much stuff I changed, the "episode" number got really imbalanced so I just stopped with that stuff xd. I guess it's just one season now or whatever idk lol
The organization still applies tho. The 1st season was before Prima Queen (a lot of stuff happens here and I'm pretty sure about this one..), 2nd was during PQ (kinda unsure about this one but I know a few plot points that are gonna happen), 3rd was after PQ (I'm the least sure about this one lol, this one is just full of loose ideas)
There aren't any specials planned, the episode that would be considered a special in the show is just a normal episode here.. Shanghai special would be kinda interesting
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cherllyio · 2 months
You’re scenarios for parent Pigsy were really fun 🤩
If you take requests could you make something similar for ShadowJadePeach (Macaque, Wukong, and Nüwa) being parents (or at least awkward step-parent in Macaque’s case) to MK (and maybe Bai He (LBD’s host)).
Please 🙏😊
I would love to! Lets go!
Macaque, Wukong, and Nuwa trying to be parents to MK( plus Bai He)
Macaque and Wukong deal with all their issues, while trying to MK from going Apeshit.
Nuwa thinks she understand humans, because she made them, she doesent
"Nuwa, Wukong and Macaque babysitting Bai He and MK"
The scenarios are mostly silly little stories of them trying to be good parental figures or scenarios that could possibly happen in season 5.
Also, if anyone wanna draw or use any of the scenarios in any way, im completly happy with that! Just tag me, so i can reblog it and love it forever :)
Scenario 1: "Macaque and Wukong deal with all their issues, while trying to stop MK from going Apeshit"
This is acutally something, i think, could happen in the show.
So, Macaque and Wukong are trying to deal with all their past issues(which there is a lot of). And tts not going great though, and they end up having an argument again.
Suddenly MK steps into the room. He is really struggling with all the "mystic monkey busniess" going on in his life, so he thinks talking with the "mystic monkeys" would help.
Problem is, Wukong and Macaque are too mad eachother to do anthing to help, other than making it worse soooo. MK just leaves, now having it even worse with his "monkey fate", since earlier he had a small fight with Mei. Nothing big, but with Macaque and Wukong fighting, and them being an awfully lot like him and Mei, he is starting to get scared that they will end up like them. And that he will end up hurting Mei.
So in the middle of MK having this chrisis, a sort of Steven Universe future panic(if you know the refernce), Wukong and Macaque finally come to their senses and reailise something very important. To help MK, they have to understand what went wrong with them, so MK and Mei dont end up on the same road.
And in that way, we get the "Macaque and Wukong backstory" :D
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Scenario 2: " Nuwa thinks she understand humans, because she made them, she doesent"
One day, MK goes to pick up Bai He from school(big brother and little sister vibes). Sadly it starts raining(a lot), so they cant get home. (Kinda like this scene from my neighbor Tortoro).
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Nuwa sees this and picks them up, where she is then thanked and told that they quickly have to get Bai He home, before her parents get too worried.
But instead of just driving a little bit faster Nuwa goes almost full GOD MODE, and drives faster than fucking Wukong on his cloud. They almost drive several people over, several cars crash into eachother because of it, and a lot of people have gained new trauma because of it.
The kids are screaming, yet Nuwa just interepts this as to go FASTER.
They make it to Bai He's home, safe and sound, but lets just say that MK and Bai He are just gonna wait next time it rains that much.
(The reason MK didnt use his staff? He forgot)
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Scenario 3: "Nuwa, Wukong and Macaque babysitting Bai He and MK"
Pigsy was supposed to take care of Bai He, because her parents were doing something that day, but something came up. And MK cant do it, because he accdently broke one of his legs, and Pigsy doesent wanna push him too much because of it.
And since neither Mei, Tang, Sandy or any resbonibly adult he knows, can help, he calls Nuwa, Wukong and Macaque.
The little trio sees this as a great possibilty to get closer to the kids, but its gets a biiiit chaotic with the following things happening:
Macaque gets a bit jelaous, and tries to train MK a bit, yet this ends in MK breaking his arm too(dont ask, neither of them dont know how it happend)
Bai He asks Nuwa if she can help her with her homework. This though ends up in Nuwa crying over Math homework.
Wukong tries to cook some food, but gets too cocky, and ends up making litteral poison, that could kill a god.
Dont worry, they order some Pizza, put on a show and they actually have quite a nice time after that.
Pigsy just finds them sleeping together on the couch, and suspects nothing. (though he was surprised the house wasnt burned down)
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smallbearlady · 2 months
Okay I need to get something off as a both Daniel and Yuki Fan
Before you come for me: Personally i root a little bit more for Daniel than for Yuki, non the less i wish BOTH! the best: points, podiums, wins, championships.
Before even the 2024 season started regarding silly season I came to the conclusion:
- I want to see Yuki Tsunoda in the second seat for Red Bull Racing besides Max Verstappen -
- I want Daniel Ricciardo to keep the seat at VCARB and Liam Lawson to become his teammate"
And here is why:
1. Daniel is a better asset for the Faenza Team than for Red Bull Racing in Milton Keynes
2. Red Bull Racing need to face the problem in case they loose Max Verstappen and their future in the sport
3. For years Yuki has been overlooked as canditate for the second seat at Red Bull Racing although he is outperforming his car since atleast the beginning of 2023
4. They loose the purpose of the Faenza Team if they choose drivers outside the Red Bull Family yet again
5. If that doesn't work out with Yuki and they need an expierenced driver because the competition found a way to beat Red Bull - they still can swap out Yuki for Daniel when needed
Welcome to my Ted Talk
1. Daniel is a better asset for the Faenza Team than for Red Bull Racing in Milton Keynes
When you listen to the interviews from Peter Bayer, Laurent Mekies and Franz Tost (last year), everyone always said & still say that Daniel is a great asset in term of developing and setting up the car
To quote Franz "He has an incredible feel for the car" and Peter "With his feel and developement advises he is also helping Yuki"
They were so happy last year that Daniel was there in Singapore to help setting up the car tho he himself couldn't drive, even claiming the he was an additional factor to why Liam got points in that race (i could talk hours about singapore23 trust me)
Red Bull Racing dont need someone for developing because of the current state of them dominating and being miles ahead their competiors and be able to create a car for Max smashing the whole grid
And wouldn't it be awesome to see VCARB podiums and wins like Pierre Gasly did with this Team in 2019 - 2021 ...
thinking about Daniels Renault time in 2020 and feeling that he was the asset that helped their performance jump between 2019 and 2020
2. Red Bull Racing need to face the problem in case they loose Max Verstappen
Red Bull Racing needs to look into how they will proceed to be on to top in the case when Max leaves the sport (or to another team which i doubt) (which could be quite soon on how often Max already talked about retirement)
For that you need young talented drivers to make the step up because they can still develope themselves into a better driver and they also prob stay longer than driver who already drove over 10 years
Alonso and Hamilton are exceptions in their field and as we know WDCs usually stay longer in the sport as just race winners or podium getter or point bringers. Formula 1 also has the problem that they are almost either affraid of bringing in rookies because they are more likely to make mistakes or love to hold onto their old (washed) drivers
Too many young drivers were really good coming through the ranks of F4 F3 and F2 but never got a chance in F1. The case of Oscar Piastri who smashed everthing in F2 in 2021 still had to wait and fight to get that McLaren seat or it was moreover Mark Webber, who had to fight. Most drivers dont have a well known Manager to get those deals.
So i totally understand why Marko said that Liam Lawson WILL HAVE A SEAT IN 2025.
But I feel like Liam still has to proof his worth for some years in the VCARB before stepping up to Red Bull Racing.
3. For years Yuki has been overlooked as canditate for the second seat at Red Bull Racing although he is outperforming his car since atleast the beginning of 2023
Red Bull Racing themselfs prob still have PTSD from 2019 and 2020 with Gasly and Albon. That years showed that the big team doesn't have the patience to develope a rookie like Lawson. They also had luck with Max in that term but also had to go through a lot of crashes and imperfections back then.
Yuki Fan expierence this bias against Yuki far to long. To me in my mind come how the media shitted on Yuki in Mexico for his mistake when he was trying to overtake Oscar. The media shitted in Yuki more than on Checo Perez who took himself out.
As recap: Yuki on that day started from the back bc he got a new gearbox which was 1 aditional change to max allowed gearbox changes of the season. He started from the back and made up places, he got into the points and with his mistake he fell out of the points. You also have to understand that he was stuck behind Piastri for multiple laps to try to find an opening to overtake and prob got frustrated
Besides of that happening Yuki showed a very good race craft and teamwork in qualifying that weekend.
But regarding the Red Bull Racing seat - they barely name him, though he had very very good 2023 season regarding the car he was given
In the beginning of 2023 it was often said in the Media that Nyck De Vries was a possible candidate for the RBR seat and that Nyck will be the teamleader of AT because of his expierence and age according to Helmut Marko
And Yuki smashed that Media say with beating Nyck last year ... kinda similar how he is beating Daniel right now and the fuss about Daniel taking the
Or how Yuki Fans say: All voices that rise against Yuki shall fall
In that and also considering the precious point I am really annoyed about the fact that Checo Perez only has to do the bare minimum to keep his seat and drivers in less good cars work their ass off to get nothing out of it. Ofcourse rn he looks like he is handeling the car this years RB20 better than the RB19 .. as we saw last year that can change midseason with the increase of competion and car developements
Again - the idea of Yuki (and Daniel) may be closer to Max in quali and race pace than Checo overall but we dont know because they dont sit in the same car
4. They loose the purpose of the Faenza Team if they choose drivers outside the Red Bull Family yet again
This point is regarding the rumor about that maybe Sainz or Alonso are targeted for the second seat at Red Bull Racing if Perez doesnt perform.
If they take someone outside the family 2 current drivers have to go. There are already 3 drivers for 2 seats since Helmut Marko already sees Liam Lawson in the VCARB (they could have signed the contract already).
I see that they maybe eye Sainz (als a Carlos Sainz Fan too) as a possibility since him also being an ex-Red Bull Junior ... but i think i remember Marko saying that the mood the Torro Rosso 2015 wasn't ideal bc the drivers, mechanic and especially the DADS competing directly (Franz Tost enjoyed it according to his interview end of last year and i too would watch Papa Sainz and Jos battle it out)
Marko too said last year he'd loved to have Norris, but Lando dedicated his life to McLaren. Charles dedicated his to Ferrari and I also see how Alex Albon future is within Williams since Red Bull never really apprechiated him when he was there in 2019 & 2020
There is no reason to look outside the family if you have enough good drivers to sign and resign within the family
5. If that doesn't work out with Yuki and they need an expierenced driver because the competition found a way to beat Red Bull - they still can swap out Yuki for Daniel when needed
This is a lead back to the first point.
It only makes sense to sign Daniel Ricciardo for the Red Bull Racing seat if Red Bull Racing needs him in that seat.
If Perez can't give Max and the Team the teamplay or the performance they need from him, Red Bull has to make changes. Currently Yuki - a young and good driver - looks like the better and more long term replacement option out of both VCARB drivers. If Yuki fails too, then i would give the seat to Daniel and hope for the best.
Because if there is 1 thing we all know is that Daniel can be a beast in the Red Bull Racing car. That car (according to himself at the red bull interview with is race engineer) has still the characteristic that he (and Max) loves about that car and the Red Bull Racing Team know what kind of car Daniel wants and needs to perform and the kind of car in that Daniel can show his beast (honey badger) in him.
The season only just started and we barely had 3 race ... McLaren achieve a total overturn midseason last year ... lets watch and see what happens
Love y'all
Have a nice day
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paintingformike · 2 years
i feel like the reason why so much of the GA thinks byler is one sided is because:
1. so many of them dont realize all the byler scenes in season 4 were supposed to be a way of building up romantic tension between them like...you do nawt give the interruption trope to a relationship thats just supposed to just be 100% platonic 😭 (dont even lie they obviously look like theyre both lost into an intimate conversation and then they get startled and feel caught) and iirc this trope has been applied to other canon couples in the show too 💀
2. they color coordinated their outfits (this is also something they do as a way of emphasizing the chemistry between couples) literally just watch the matching outfits between all the canon couples in the show...
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the color of the checkered pattern on will’s top is literally identical to mike’s shirt 👍
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3. usually when the second love interest has to be the one to reassure the love of their life of their insecurities/fears throughout the entire show and comfort them of the relationship problems they’re enduring at that moment, the writers are trying to show you how they’re actually the more suited/compatible partner for the object of their affection after all (you cannot deny that they did the exact same thing with jonathan and nancy too like cmon now...)
4. they’re doing entirely too much for a supposedly unrequited love story like...its obvious how much effort they’re putting into all the scenes between mike and will like its so glaringly obvious just from these shots alone im sorry
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(and before someone says they did all this for the sake of “queerbaiting”...you have to remember that byler only really became this big when season 4 actually came out so before this it was just a virtually unpopular “crackship” as people say, so while they were producing season 4 they definitely did not have any of those “crackshippers” in mind if they knew there wasn’t gonna be much for them to gain from it LMFAO)
in conclusion, people just need to remove the heteronormative goggles, rewatch the show and realize that the narrative has always been pointing to byler 🤷‍♀️
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Ranks: Miraculous Ladybug Classmates
Thats Right! I am going to be ranking Marinette and Adrien's classmates from my Least Favorite to My favorite.
I will be judging based on Bustier's Class. So No Zoe, Kagami, or Marc. Even if they hang out.
Marinette and Adrien will be Excluded from this list (Think of them as Honorary 1 and 2 if included)
I will be using all of the episodes that have come out as reference. And there will be potential spoilers up to Episode 20 of season 5.
This isnt about which classmates are the best or worst. Its about My personal like or dislike of a classmate.
Including Marinette and Adrien there are 15 students. So this will be out of 13.
13th. Sabrina Raincomprix
(She doesnt deserve a gif.)
Yea... after the recent episodes I really cant bring any sort of desire to like you. Oh sure Chloé is cruel and Lila is a manipulator... Sabrina is just a spineless worm that lets others get hurt or even ASSISTS in it. There is a corrupt cop joke here but its too easy. Also even with that she has no personality outside of Chloé Lackey. Chloé wouldnt be able to pull off most of her evil schemes without someone doing the dirty work and sorry Sabrina, thats you.
12th. Chloé Bourgeois
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A moment of silence for the wasted Character potential... Okay. So yea Chloé sucks. Granted the season 4 and 5 have gone so over the top with showing that season 2 and 3 were not actually important that it causes massive whiplash. I cant find myself hating her like I can with sabrina. I just pity this character. And that is even AFTER I saw what happened in Derision, though at this point I have no interest in seeing a redemption. The writers could have made her heel turn back to evil more believable IF they did it gradually with more effort. But its clear that there was no effort to do so.
11th. Lê Chiến Kim
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This man went from top 4 on my list to BARELY missing the top 10. Just goes to show how much one episode can change one's view on a character. In some ways I actually would say I like him less than Chloé now... but Kim at least did apologize and did say he would make an effort to be better. But MAN, when I found out what he did I was watching Chat noir BEAT HIS ASS ON LOOP. You know I was about to give that boy THESE HANDS for that s***. Derision really shifted everyone's view on this once lovable himbo, now he is a dumbass.
10.Rose Lavillant
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I just dont like her design that much. Her personality is the stereotypical bubbly girl. And while she does get some exploration on why that is... its never touched on again. Also I am a touch salty about Migration. Juleka was expecting to hear a confession but WE ALL GOT BAITED AND SWITCHED. Guess the show cant have any girl confessing to another girl unless that girl being confessed to is Marinette.
9. and 8. Ivan Bruel and Mylène Haprèle
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So to me these two are basically interchangable in terms of ranking. Ivan is the gentle giant that is misunderstood. Mylene is the soft scarred cat that wants the world to be a better place. If I had to pick, i would say I prefer Myléne more, but thats because she gets more character development.
7. Lila Rossi
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So Lila always struck me as a character with huge potential. The problem is the writers have no idea how to write a cruel, calculating and manipulative character without dumbing down everyone else to make her seem smart. Now in season 5 I have found myself starting to like her more. Is it because the writing got better? F*** no, its just been more fun with her in it. She is just clearly having more fun with it, and just seeing how the ridiculous plans somehow work almost makes it funny. Also its clear she is being set up as the next big bad, so I cant wait to see how convoluted the show makes her to make her WORSE than Gabriel. So unlike Chloé whose cartoonish evilness feels like a waste, with Lila it feels more fun to watch.
6. Max Kante
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He built Markov. Plus after Gamer he has been a pretty solid character. I also do enjoy his support of his Idiot Friend Kim. Even if Kim doesnt deserve it. Also, he has the best transformation sequence. Boy goes WAY too hard for it. I also just think he is a charming character.
5. Nathanael Kurtzberg
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Tomato son. While it took me some time to forgive him for Reverser. He is basically a shipper with Marc and its a fun time. I enjoy their plans and adorable antics. But part of me still misses season 1 Nathanael, wonder if he still had a crush on Marinette. Not much else to add, just that he is fun to have on screen and his english dub voice is still dope.
4. Juleka Couffaine
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She has my favorite design of the Classmates. She does develop more as the show goes on, I would say she has the most consistant development of the classmates outside of the top 3 contenders. Juleka is now the lead of Kitty Section, and has some incredible Lyrics within her. She wants to stand out and wants to stop being a wall flower. I can respect her guts and attempts at growing and improving.
3. and 2. Alya Cesaire and Nino Lahiffe
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The respective best friends of Adrien and Marinette. They are likely the most known about classmates of the Miracuclass. Well Alya is. Nino sadly doesnt get as much delved into. That being said, both are supportive friends and go to great lengths to help them. Nino is surprisingly the more chaotic of the two resulting in him thinking Chat noir was stealing his girl OR forming a resistance against Monarch. Alya learning her best friend's identity and being her emotional rock. Now I thought I would put Alya higher than Nino, but Nino's charm and antics make it hard to dismiss and so I have them both as a tie. Though they also had some moments (Thanks to bad writing) that make me cringe a bit.
1. Alix Kubdel
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The most consistently written character in the entire class. The Time travel hero, a character that in my opinion is slept on a lot more than she should be. While I am not crazy about time travel, I do enjoy Alix as a character. She is fun loving and ready to call people out on their BS, also she gets some great lines. She also shows how much of a supportive friend she is to nathanael, Marinette, Ladybug and Chat noir. Its sad she had to go into the time stream to hide from monarch, but it is still a fun way to send a character off for a time
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
Sorry pls ignore my last ask BPP. Your point about Seven being the 'Dynamite' equivalent in solo era is a good one and explains the treatment it got. After the BB article I also now understand why BH dropped LC. If BB believed the LC record was 'tainted' with Chinese cash and BH never had that 'Dynamite' promotion plan for it, everything that's happened makes sense. But it still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I can't wash it out. Are we now at the mercy of BB's whims? Also don't you find the support for Seven excessive? Is the elimination of direct to consumer sales enough to explain that kind of support to keep it number 1? I'm just trying to understand how the company is thinking about things without victimizing the members. They all seem to be still working with purpose so I feel they don't feel shortchanged, but from the outside looking inside it doesn't feel fair.
Ask 2:
Re: bb article
1. Do you think there will be additional changes coming, making sales even less relevant for bb charts?
2. I absolutely hate that it is again Jimin that takes the brunt of all this bulshit, I really do. He doesnt deserve this at all. But he is strong, he will be OK. That being said, its making me really upset IRL, so I will have to do some me time.
3. I would be interested to know your outlook on BB as a whole when it comes to BTS and their future in US market (if you have talked about this pls refer me to the post)
My opinion is, that while BB is paramount when it comes to big awards season, eventually BB and the awards themselves serve as a kind of promotion, to validate the artist to their (potential) fanbase, keep them invested etc. BTS guys do all of that on their own, with their music, personalities and lyrics. So going forward, if they dont chart as much, dont win as much... It will not matter in the long run. Their fan base is so solid that I trully believe they will have no problem selling multiple stadium stops 25 years from now. Easily.
There will be a significant fandom fall off, when all the people who are here for bragging rights lose their interest. And that is a good thing... But the people who will stay, who love the guys for who they are and for their art, those whose love does not depend on how many grammy noms or BB H100 they recieve... These people will stay and buy the tickets. And their numbers will still be enourmous. Enviable. More than the majority of the western industry plants can only dream of.
Rant over. Have a good weekend
Ask 3:
The latest Billboard discussion is disheartening, but the NYT article description of U.S. conservatives aping the tactics of Swifties and BTS fans to get their nefarious messaging across is even more so. Have we opened the gate for the Trumpsters of the world?
I was struck by this partvof the original question to you"
'... figure out a way to truly determine which songs are most popular (whatever that even means anymore)....'
So, how can we ever know what is truly popular? Are fervent fans willing to devote time and resources to get their fave to the top really the best arbiters? Even if they number in the millions, we are still looking at support that is far deeper than it is wide.
I mean, better than the suits deciding, I guess? Or is it just another group--this one outside of the target country--imposing their agenda on the population? One has the goal of making money; the other of winning a fan war.
So, how do we ascertain what is truly popular with the much-vaunted GP? Or doesn't it matter?
I've said many times on this blog that I'm not a writer, and that English isn't my first language, so I suppose it's unsurprising that despite my efforts putting my thoughts to paper/Tumblr, I'm still unable to fully communicate it in a way people understand right away, to eliminate/answer a lot of questions that I believe should be clear to infer from what I've written before. So rather than write a massive post like before where my key points could get lost, I'll pick out key questions from your asks and give fairly brief answers to each one. I'll work my way from the top, down.
Hi Anon(s),
Select answers below:
"Also don't you find the support for Seven excessive? Is the elimination of direct to consumer sales enough to explain that kind of support to keep it number 1?"
I think the results speak for itself. Dynamite and the PET got what is easily the biggest support any BTS release had gotten to date at the time - all of it tailored to mirror how American labels promoted their tracks, *and* the fandom had D2C sales buttressing it as the primary support mechanism. Like, please read that sentence again and think about what it means. Sales are the easiest and most transparent way for the fandom to influence charts, and so was always preferred for ARMY. Even if you weren't in the fandom then, understand it's impossible to overstate how much D2C sales mattered. With that now out of the question, everything we're seeing for Seven for me feels like a given, especially after the Billboard article.
"Do you think there will be additional changes coming, making sales even less relevant for bb charts?"
Yes. But not 'less relevant' in a sense, more like differentiated and treated as its own thing, perhaps in a separate chart.
"I would be interested to know your outlook on BB as a whole when it comes to BTS and their future in US market (if you have talked about this pls refer me to the post)"
This probably requires its own post but the long-short of it is: just like Ticketmaster, Billboard is only one arm of one of the largest private monopolies in the US entertainment market - PMC, and as such they serve as gatekeepers of sorts. Their interest in BTS (and k-pop by extension) lies primarily in how they can profit off the group/fandom, which so far BigHit and ARMY have created very limited avenues for. BigHit's strategy until now has been to expand BTS's reach without relying on the PMC apparatus, using it only for select releases that are explicitly tailored for it e.g. Seven and PET. While I don't think this strategy will change dramatically, every change from BB is to force more compliance with their apparatus. BTS will continue facing handicaps from PMC so long as BigHit continues limiting how PMC can profit from BTS for each release. (This sentence makes sense in my head but if it's not clear, please let me know.)
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"Have we opened the gate for the Trumpsters of the world?"
Well, yeah. But ARMYs can't take all the credit. After all, ARMYs are only doing what the Bey Hive and Swifties have been doing for almost a decade with none of the scrutiny. BTS, more than any other group, actually has the absolute numbers in demand and grassroots support to justify it as they're comparable to the afore-mentioned artists, proven by their concert showings not just in the US but worldwide, as far back as 2018. People only started paying attention to ARMYs' movements because BTS didn't look like the sorts of people they expected to see at the top of the charts. Everybody took notice, including a political faction in the US that in recent years has moved more aggressively into the entertainment sphere to influence culture, such as Ben Shapiro's entertainment empire, movies like Sound of Freedom topping box office charts, and conservative country singers pushing Reagan-esque talking points to the top of music charts. So it's basically the result of timing and opportunity.
"So, how can we ever know what is truly popular? Are fervent fans willing to devote time and resources to get their fave to the top really the best arbiters? ... how do we ascertain what is truly popular with the much-vaunted GP?"
I've talked about this before I think. You can find my views on it in my Masterlist, and I've linked the post here.
People sent in more asks on BB but I've since lost interest in this topic and will post my responses when I feel like it, much later, using the same format I've used to answer the asks above. The truth is that while I understand why many people feel like everything that's happened so far with Seven and Jimin is unfair, I think a lot of the discourse is awfully reductive, actually does a disservice to Jimin and BTS, and that there's a much bigger picture here that's more consistent with how BTS has operated for the last 10 years.
This is probably not the best analogy, but one way I think of BTS is like a Swiss army knife, with each member being a separate tool. And that at different points, in various markets, BigHit and BTS are testing various approaches to expand their reach while aiming to maintain the market share they've gotten so far. The group has always had projects they release that have more artistic merit and cache, versus projects made by all appearances to be purely for commercial purposes to expand the reach of the group. For example, consider how BigHit promoted Butter/Permission to Dance, compared to the BE album, or how Seven was created and promoted relative to Indigo. To go back in even further in previous years, I remember how BTS appeared to center Jimin in Blood, Sweat & Tears era to build out his and their presence in Korea, and Taehyung in DNA era where his and BTS's presence in China ballooned in 2017.
While in the solo era some people feel like every accomplishment remains solely with individual members, I feel everything serves only one purpose: to further establish the group. Because by BTS's own words, they all have their individual ambitions, they've always had that and each member is aggressively competitive on that note, but they've each all said that their priority remains the group. Not everybody likes that, not everybody believes them when they say it, but the good thing with BTS is that they plan in multi-year stints and time always reveals what the facts of the matter are. We're only one year into Chapter 2, and while certain parts of the fandom are treating their solo debut albums as the be all and end all, I don't think there's anything to suggest this perspective lines up with the reality of how BTS has behaved for the last 10 years. I could be wrong, but either way we're just going to have to wait and see. In the meantime, I believe there's significant artistic merit in what the guys are putting out in Chapter 2, that I hope isn't lost in the noise. The fandom should do a better job of bringing the attention back to this, rather than a tunnel-vision on performance metrics that only tell half of the story.
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orionsangel86 · 7 months
Welp. Okay I watched the last episode of ofmd.
To sum up my thoughts on this season I will say that whilst I enjoyed it and felt the love and passion and respect for its queer fanbase throughout, it didnt hit me the same way the first season did. It felt like maybe a little bit of that season 1 magic was missing and for that I very much blame Max's cutting off 2 episodes and slashing the budget. They had a lot of story they wanted to tell that would have worked so much better in 10 episodes.
I consider the last 3 episodes of season 1 some of the best TV I have seen in my life. From the use of The Chain in ep 8, through the dramatic highs and lows of eps 9 and 10 it was edge-of-your-seat drama and I was in awe at the creators that put it together. But one of the reasons why those 3 eps were so good is because the drama and the pivotal moments were given time to breath.
If those 3 eps were given the same lack of time and budget as season 2, no doubt they all would have been crammed into 1 episode and it would not have had the same impact.
If anything that last episode should have played out across two, with Izzy's death being the half way point and cliffhanger ending leading to a final battle and somewhat happy resolution.
I'm not mad at Izzy's death. If anyone was gonna die, it was gonna be him. His status as Blackbeards enabler and sometimes mentor is over. For Ed to truly be free, I think Izzy always had to go. From a storytelling perspective it makes perfect sense, even though I am sure a lot of fans are absolutely heartbroken about it.
Another casualty of the reduced screentime meant certain original cast members weren't given anywhere near the amount of screentime they should have had. I was expecting a lot more focus on Jim as they were basically the third lead of s1 due to them getting the same backstory as Ed and Stede. All of the crew appear to have had drastically reduced parts which does feel like a big loss to me.
Its funny actually, OFMD S2 suffered from the opposite problem to GOS2. OFMD had too much story to tell in a limited timeframe, GOS2 had very little story to tell outside of the flashbacks and probably too much time given to it. Both shows season 2s suffered from tremendously bad pacing issues.
Also, the one thing the final episode made so obvious to me, is the uncertainty of getting a s3 renewal. It is so clear in the way they tried to wrap things up in a happy bow as best they could, so that if they do get cancelled it leaves fans at least somewhat satisfied. I hate this though. I hate that studios are so fickle and ruthless that creators have to gamble with good quality writing and avoid cliffhangers because of asshole executives who dont actually care about the stories.
Because of the fast pacing, and the fear of cancellation, it felt more like a rush happy ending instead of a part way point in a bigger story, with important character development still to come. Perhaps I need more time to absorb the story in a full rewatch, but im not exactly itching for more at this point, whilst also not really being satisfied with what I got either. I wish we had left Ed and Stede in at least some minor peril, like have them captured and threatened with hanging but at least in a good place romantically, so that we can start speculating about what kind of escape plan they will come up with in season 3. Leaving them in a dilapidated old inn somewhere just felt wrong to me. Instead of ending the season with the stakes sky high (like season 1) it feels like they left season 2 with zero stakes at all, instead of at least a happy medium. At this point we should be turning to fanfiction and wondering what happens next, but instead I'm left thinking "okay then. That was good. What can I watch next?" I don't need to bury myself in fanfic and fanart to feed the hyperfixation this time around, and that is where I feel the most loss.
I'm sure others will have hugely different reactions to me though. Perhaps my expectations were too high? Perhaps my GO obsession just isn't leaving room for OFMD this time? But then again, I think if GOS2 hadn't ended the way it did, I wouldn't still be so obsessed with that either.
Sigh. I dunno. It was a good fun show and will no doubt still be hugely popular with devoted fans, but for me I just can't say it cast the same spell over me as it did last year.
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Abbott Elementary S03E07 thoughts
Melissa having a spare room baring in mind we’ve seen her house feels fake sorry - How will she have a room mate but noone look at her pictures and keep control of her kitchen. I get its gonna be for plot but i don’t buy it
I’m w ava that’s a woman who just found out she’s not pregnant - that’s a woman who’s been successfully slutting it up (how’s she gonna slut it up with a roommate)
“I know its gods will but hes gotten awfully creative” 😭😭😭😭😭
I love it when Mr johnson lore gets unlocked
Manny and the beard whew 😮‍💨 I was literally wondering where he was so I’m glad they’re using him again
Janine ur SO SMART this is such a good idea and not like a janine unnecessarily fixing a problem like an actual good idea- good job babygirl
Not ava spilling the tea to the whole room
Ponytail melissa at home is so personal to me, I love that this continues from s2, this is just who she is, she throws her hair up when she’s at home. I like that she’s wearing the eagles hoodie we’ve seen before too. Love the hair, makeup & costume details on this show
“I only know how to cook for 12” 😭
Finally mel talking about her breakup! Damn maybe it really was “im not bringing this to school” this whole time
Also Gary being a dead ringer for her dad?? I’m not saying my headcanons are more correct than the show but I disagree with this statement. Gary is not schemmenti coded.
Omg the jacob melissa work momming work sonning ive been dreaming of
“And dont forget theres a 3 booked limit 😒” barb is PISSED and i LOVE IT
“Oh i know what a google doctor is 😤”
Barb really is the best character on tv im sorry noone can do it like sheryl lee ralph like they just cant Shes everything
Janine forgetting the key term (pottery wheel) in her analogy she is so me
“Jacob if u dont like my ziti just say so and i will heave myself out that window” 😭😭
“I went to find mr johnson but he was still crying” NO 😭💔 hes just a sensitive guy 😔
“Mrs howard i blew down the house” 🥺🤏🏻 I love the kids being so central in this ep, I’ve missed that recently, and the kindergarteners are soooo cute
“🐷 I am a pig 🐺 i am a wolf 😄 and im a librarian who thinks she can just change everything around here 👋” IJBOL no please give sheryl another emmy I beg
“This programme is more of a distraction than an improvement” that’s teaaa actually. Thats so often what councils etc do, distract with new flashy things rather than fix the real problems. Even though in this case it’s well meaning it does make u think how big a priority should the library actually be? But actually children reading is super important and what did they say last season? The librarian was an alexa in glasses? 🤣
“You okay? You look like raven having a vision” 😭 you don’t understand how often i say this
I have thoughts on Barbara’s intentions and my instinct is gregory needs to keep her name out his mouth. I do think it’s really important that Janine stood up to Barbara, just maybe gregory made barbara seem worse than she was
“It’s been a rough week I could use the pick me up” i just love mr johnson
My immediate reaction was this one of my favourite episodes of the season - lots of excellent Barb moments, the kids, more mr johnson, story arcs I enjoyed and felt completed.
Janine standing up to Barbara was a really big deal for her considering her hatred of conflict and worship of barbara as a mother figure. It made me really proud to see how far janine has come.
But the longer since watching the less I like it. And it’s two main things:
- the jacob melissa room mate situation feels like jumping the shark for plots sake and not something realistic for those characters. So as much as I enjoy them and their dynamic and their growth it just feels fake.
- I dont care about the librarian. The set up feels like she could stick around and I just don’t care for new characters, I like my main people. (But then the same apprehension was had w the district people and they’ve not seemed to be around much).
I do still really like this ep and it definitely ranks highly in the season, just idk, some eps I enjoy more over time but this has made me feel more confused as to what will happen next I guess.
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madfoxx · 10 months
listen i loved s2 as much as the next guy but some of the plotholes are just hilarious to me because they employ the fanfiction logic of “i want this scenario to happen so it will just happen” and i feel people aren´t talking about it enough, so here are some of the things that made me go “oh, no beta read huh.”:
1) first question: why the fuck did gabriel delete his memory?? seriously though, i havent seen one single post about this, but i just dont understand!? So, heaven threatens to fire gabriel and delete his memory, which, okay, bad news. and then his solution is to....delete his own memory for them, so now he doesnt remember his own name let alone the love of his life, beelzebub, who he planned to run away with?? WHY??? he left heaven immediately afterwards anyways it literally made no sense and just caused major problems for everyone involved. But i guess the answer is: we needed him to have no memory for the story to happen so that makes sense by ao3 standarts
2) on a related note, why was he naked?? he could have just speedwalked outta heaven in his suit with the matchbox in his pocket, so why strip down?? Again, no reason, but arent you glad we got to see john hamms naked butt, so lets pin that on gabriel being an sweet dumb himbo maybe
3) also, how did he find aziraphales shop while not even remembering his own name? Dont know dont care, googlemaps probably.
4) not really a plothole, but that whole Maggie and Nina getting locked in the bookshop thing was the tropiest trope they pulled this season and it didnt even work because we got nothing from that scene, not even one hearfelt deep conversation
5) this one is a bit pedantic, but how is it that a demon with magical powers has to live in his car? i guess its a character thing and we need to see him at his lowest point but he could literally just miracle himself an enormous pot of gold if he wanted to
6) why would beelzebub order an attack on the bookshop and risk gabriels life? why didnt they simply explain the situation to aziraphale & crowley? well you see we didnt want the story to be over after 1 episode and also we needed a finale of some sort.
7)  i mean the whole attack on the bookshop was just....a thing that happened i guess. kinda strange the demons (especially shax who seems to have at least 1 spare braincell) would dare to kidnap an archangel in the first place. isnt he like, insanely powerful? and they didnt even know he lost his memory, so to them he was just an archangel hanging out on earth because he wanted to. how did they think storming the bookshop and taking him prisoner would go down?
8) tbh i dont really understand why heaven wanted gabriel back so much they would threaten to destroy anyone helping him and then....they just let him just go without any problems whatsoever? feels incredibly anticlimactic and illogical to me but i suppose the season needed some kind of threat to make the romantic elements work
9) this might actually get resolved in s3 but i cant believe Upstairs wants aziraphale - an angel who spend years deceiving heaven and overall just sucked at his job because he was too busy trying to fuck a demon - they want him to be the new supreme archangel of heaven. he literally stopped the last apocalypse a couple of days ago and now he´s in charge of armageddon 2.0? that´ll for sure take some explaining!
there´s a lot more stuff, but these are the most obvious things that have been on my mind since s2 aired. i also want to reiterate that i do love many things about this season despite the writing being all over the place. and no, i dont believe that all inconsistencies will be magically explained away by s3. i think it boils down to neil gaiman saying “lets make a big budget 6 chapter fanfic so david tennant and michael sheen can kiss each other on the mouth. also not beta we die like eric the disposable demon” and i can respect that. 
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d-nessi · 1 year
<3 ONLY US <3
I really tried hard to put a lot of sweets, fluff and flirty things in. also a bit of drama (rly just a bit)
minimum of swearing.
Wordcount: 2k
proofread?: not really
as always I'm german so I hope my English is not that boring <333
the title of this chapter is the name of the song bella sang together with jacob fawler <333 I LOVE HER VOICE WHEN SHE SINGS!!! >__<
(this is not my video on yt :) )
also I use HE/SHE (just because I forget sometimes and also love using all)
and I can`t find if skipper is male/female so I tried to avoid the pronouns.
summary: You just want to enjoy the time until bella have to leave but things changes fast!
so fast you can`t even realize what just happen with both of you. time runs out too fast and things gonna be flirty and heating up your both blood more and more.
pairing: Bella Ramsey x FemReader
A bark comes from the other side of a door. Not any door….BELLAS door. yes I meet her at her Home.
The door opens and a little barking dog runns all around me excited to meet me. As soon as Bellas voice echoed in my ears skipper just sits beside her while she gets prepared for the walk.
"morning", bella says and put on the leash on skipper. "good morning" I greet her.
"isnt it a bit too cold outside for shorts?" I look at her with worries in my eyes. "its ok. I`m often outside, got an active immunsystem" he giggles proudly as we all start to walk into the beautiful world that is surrounded by huge trees, mountains and a small and absolutely clear river.
I look at skipper and smile. "I saw the post of yours on Insta. it is awesome that you adopted skipper."
"yeah skipper was on set and I instantly fell in love with the little cutie" she says happy while taking out the ball, throws it after making skipper off the leash.
"You both are such cuties" realizing I wasn't thinking I grab a stone and just throw it into the river while she looks like she's frozen for a moment with a noticable blush. Im moving on and can feel her gaze on me. Bellas heart starts to race and she tries to find the right words. "Y/N…What is this betwe---"
the mobile of her interrups suddenly the sentence I really wanted to hear.
"Ramsey hello?…….ah..yeah just go ahead…..no…sounds interresting…" that was a total lie. I can clearly see something is burden him.
"but how early?………in 2 days!?" he seems to getting really nervous.
"yes….no there is no problem. Will be there then…it`s still calgary?…ok yes thank you and see you there. bye" she puts her mobile back in her pocked obviously stressed out with a sad face.
"is everything ok? something happen?" I make my way to her as close as I can. "that was Neil Druckman….He asked if I could come sooner as he is currently casting a lot of people for Season 2 including the cast for Dina and he would like me to be there to make sure there is chemistry between me and the Dina cast."
Dont be a dick right now I thought to myself and put on the best fakesmile ever. "but that sounds good! Thats the best way to make this show even better." I pretend but yeah truly that wasn't a lie. "When earlier you must leave? in a week?" I don't realize how serious things getting right now.
"2 days…." she says in a frustrating way and grabs skippers leash only to move on quietly. "Bella…there will be friends on set right? pedro and all the new friends you gonna meet!
"I'll be gone for like 1 or 2 years. yeah great I mean....shit I cant believe this is happening!" she starts to arguing with a face as if Lady Mormont itself wanna cut your head of. Scary and so cute at the same time.
"But this is your chance to make it big again! what the hell is your problem!?" honestly right now Im really confused. She looks at me and I can feel my soul leaving my body.
"BUT you're not with me!"
oh…wait what? She looks at me like a puppy who got lost. "you're a really good friend and sometimes on set it's so boring. most of the time they want to do their work and after that Im in my hotelroom…just me." I am not shure if this is the true reason like…come on they seem to have so much fun on set.
Bu…did….did she just friendzoned me?
I could work from my Laptop I thought to myself and took a deep breath. "well how get we gonna managing this? in 2 days? I need to do some things that's left" I start
"I will talk to my manager and fix everything if you want" she looks at skipper who's just sitting beside her trying to comfort her. "that's huge bella" I admit but smile slightly at her."
"well ok so than lets start and get ready for the flight" I say calm and she smiles so bright even the sun seems dark. I look deep in her eyes and a red shade on her cheeks find its way.
Our way seperate after the walk and I manage to get work and flight together. There's only one problem………
Again a knock on the door. Skipper barks again and the door swings open.
"hey aaaah….." staying here infront of my future wife with all my luggage. "the flight is in two days Y/N" obviously looking confused.
" yeah there is only one thing. I gave notice of my apartment for a whole year, but that counts from today and not just in 2 days.
Now I'm standing here and wanted to ask you if I could sleep at your home." She laughs and let me in. "It's not very big and I only have one bed but I just sleep on the couch" she says while showing me around. "No no, I sleep on the couch, no problem." I just wave with my hands.
Looking to her there is this feeling again. I'm slowly but surely becoming aware of what it means to have this tingling sensation. it drives me crazy and the thought of being close to her is almost painful. I don't know where I stand with her anymore but definitely not in the 'come on let's cuddle zone'.
She just want to be friends with me. I hate my fucking feelings and I try my best to ignore.
I already thought she might feel the same but I was so wrong….so fucking wrong it makes me sick. Sometimes I wish I have a Damon that could just stop feeling any emotions but I just watched to much vampire diaries.
"it's late, I make some dinner and go shower. if you want we can watch a movie later." she grabs some ingredients in her kitchen.
"sounds good! You need a hand for something?"
"no it's ok. if you want you can shower first", he looks to me with a questioning face and I agreed.
"you have a towel? or is it enough to come out of the shower completely naked?" I simply ask cought him offguard looking completely blushing at all my words. here we go I can't stop teasing him.
While I'm in the shower I thought deeply about telling her how I feel. I just can't go with her and not even touch her for once. Being in love with someone you can't have is pure agony.
"smells good" I come out of the shower and really thought about to just tease her more and changing my clothes in front of her. I smirk and was about to drop my towel when she immediatly turns arround and disappears into the bathroom.
I giggle and take a bowl of food eating and waiting for her to come out. After 30 minutes I started to worry and went to the door.
"Bella are you ok?" I carefully listened to what she is saying. "Yes, everything is fine," she conveyed to me. Lie…….. and I didn't know that because she's sitting in the shower letting the water run over her the whole time. Bella was confused and she is more than aware of what is happening here. Too shy to admit what she's feeling, she prefers to swallow all the great feelings and hope it goes away. funny because that's absolutely hopeless. it's getting worse, more and also….she friendzoned me."shit…." she mumblet.
I make myself comfortable on the couch and wait impatiently when she finally comes out in an oversized hoodie and shorts. She gives me a nervous smile and sits on her bed with her bowl.
"ok movie..any favorite you want to watch?" I ask and wait for her to awnser. "I'v never watched Jurassic Park so why not this?" she ask and I agree.
I start the movie and make myself comfortable on her bed beside her ignoring my heartbeat that just dance like a fire in the wind. Bella looks to the TV and follows the story.
I lay back with my Hands behind my Head. Jeeeeezz I can feel the Air is getting more intense and I don't blame it cause hell there is sitting an absolutely beautiful guuurl beside me not knowing what I feel, not knowing that my heart gets electrocuted by her smile. I coul'd just take her face in my hands and kiss her blessed soul out of her.
I didn't even realize that my eyes only watching him. Studying every corner of his face and hell this is painfull when you can't do the things you really wan't to do. Thoughts are buzzing in my head that even scare me.
She's been looking at me…the whole time and I'm so preoccupied I don't even realize it. My heart is literally jumping and my whole body can't take the tension anymore.
"Don't you want to finish your question from the day before?" I say without averting my eyes.
"I already did…" she whispers as if trying with all her might to keep up the lie but failing.
"than say it…again" I come closer like I want to intimidate her.
She blushes and I can clearly hear her breath goes wild. I already know the answer and still words wouldn't be enough for me. The gap between us is getting smaller and smaller so that I can feel her breath on my lips when suddenly her mobile rings. AGAIN ..I swear that thing has something against us.
She completely shreeks up and takes her phone. She answers with a trembling voice. "H… hello? No, Mom, you're not disturbing me right now." Her face turned bright red, first looking at me and than very quickly to her lap. She can brush her mum off while I got up in time to have a drink. crap…. I just thought silently. It's getting late now, so I decide to lie down on the couch and turn off the TV.
"good night Y/N" she lays down in her bed and it's like I can hear still her breath.
As if the breathing almost becomes a whimper. I wake up and see that it is totally dark outside. a look at the clock tells me that it's already 2:42am. The whimper comes from Bella's direction so I just turn around again. Is she crying? I startle immediately and walk carefully to her bed. There she lies… curled up and asleep. She must be having a nightmare.
"No…" I only hear a very low murmur. Enough of that…. I just snuggle up with her under the covers behind her back. An arm wraps around her as I snuggle my face in her hair. She smells so good I have to keep my thoughts to myself. She feels me and startles, turning to me out of breath but hiding her face on my neck.
In the corner of my eye I can see that she is quite red with slight tears in her eyes. I just smile, caress her cheek and literally feel my heart want to erupt. I give her a hint of a kiss on the cheek and close my eyes as I wait for her breathing to become more regular.
There's only us…only you and me I thought smiling and fell asleep together with her in my arms.
WOOP WOOP that was soooo freak'n cute to write and that's just the beginning <333 there will be more Chapter and next chapter is getting moooore snuggle loveydovey <333 :P
For more Chapters, stories and more just look at my Masterlist ♡
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hologramcowboy · 11 months
I will start by thanking u for having this blog and opening my eyes on alot of things even though I dont agree on everything u say here ( I think Jensen was fantastic as SB he was simply the best thing about season 3) but I agree on alot of things that said here and the fact that Jensen choosed to be mediocre in all aspects of his life and it's just sad , for ex in acting he wasted his prime years doing soap opera and cheap cw tv , usually new actors with ambition will start with small budget and indie movies till they get better opportunities and stay away from tv because it's a known fact that's tv actors rarely make it out of tv , Jensen now want to be an A lister but it's too late now he is 45 , Jp fans always get mad when we compare him to movies stars ,but the truth is he have movie star qualities maybe he doesn't have the range to be campared with DiCaprio or rayan Gosling but actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth have nothing on him in term of talent, looks and charisma , it's just they were smarter in their choices , CE casted as CA based on his look ( blue eyes , blonde, good American boy ) and the character is one dimensional anyway and does not require range at all and just quick look at his post marvel work will show that he is even less versatile and more mediocre than Jensen, however he was smart ,before marvel he used to be in indie movies, romcom and failed blockbusters which help to put him on the map and give apportunites , while marvel wasn't looking for big names they will not hire tv actors either . Now for his marriage , I've noticed just like everybody how awkward they look as a couple and have zero chemistry and then some videos like pregnancy joke video or the WT premiere , he always looked annoyed, visibly cringed with her and sometimes he look straight up disgusted like when she tried to touch his hair , then I digged further here and I wish I dont cause now I dislike him , the fact that he cheated on his gf and backstabbed his friend and for what for this ? Is this the best he could do? Hollywood male actor will usually go for either super hot actresses like scarlett Johansson or black lively or an average one but have great personality and funny / great person and she is neither one these she is average in everything and she is not even nice to him , imagine my surprise when I found out that her acting carrier is consist of her being slutty and naked , I'm laughing bc jensen have no standard or class at all , it's hilarious that he went on SB press ranting that he can't do intimate scenes bc he is a family man when his wife is basically a grorified soft porn actress, he will never be CE bc that man have standard, he didn't tie himself up with tv and he knows that he is a frat boy and not exactly ment to be a family man so he didnt tie himself up with women and children, Jensen on the other hand isn't exactly a family man either but he did it anyway by half assing it and being away most of the time while his wife taking the wheel , and now he want to use this marriage to sell the image of powerful couple , the problem is outside their ig post they can't even pretend to like each other and even when they do like in the recent con they did together they dont have the chemistry of married couples and Jensen looked disgusted when she tried to kiss him , the fact that the happiest they ever looked together is when they were partying , drunk and wasted , tell me everything I want to know about their relationship , and I honestly I dont feel sorry for him for being stuck with a woman that he has zero passion for , it's his carma for being a cheap cheater
Hi, anon! I too was really shocked when I saw how trashy Danneel is. To think he backstabbed to people of value over her and also effed over Jared when he produced TW over her. She definitely makes me question his character deeply.
As for the second part of your ask, you forgot to turn on anonymous and your username was visible so I avoided posting that one, to protect your privacy.
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floralovebot · 10 months
on flora's whitewashing: is it possible that flora has been whitewashed in the show/movies with her artwork (illustrations) being fairly consistent with her skin tone, even prior to the reboots/nick era? like in season 1 and the movies iirc
examples: s1e3, and the movies like secret of the lost kingdom? i remember thinking she looked lighter in several scenes of lost kingdom and in that episode of season 1
i wonder if this is something that happened with flora in s1, with it not being or less a problem in s2 and 3, with the movie having a similar skintone to the reboot pictures. i swear that this has happened but i dont really see any discussions on rainbow lighting her skin other than in newer media (where it is more prevalent and more obvious) so if you have any thoughts? maybe also slightly on the merchandise/doll side of things if youre interested?
Rainbow whitewashing characters like Flora and Aisha has absolutely been an issue for a very long time. Unfortunately, a lot of white fans don't notice unless it's more of an extreme example (like Flora being stark white or Aisha looking like Bloom).
In the first three seasons, it's really not seen as a big issue because it's genuinely innocent on their part. Those seasons were hand drawn so every now and then you get a scene where the skin is too light or too dark and doesn't actually make sense with the lighting. Usually, it's an innocent mistake due to multiple artists, not understanding lighting, and things just slipping past them because they're looking at these scenes for hours and they get used to it.
Here are some examples from the first four seasons where their skin is too light even with the lighting happening around them.
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And for reference, this is what their normal skin tone is (and what they look like in most scenes).
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Again, people don't usually talk about these because it (most likely) wasn't racist or malicious intent from Rainbow. They just didn't understand lighting ajdhglad This actually happens with all of the winx! Just go through some episodes and you'll notice that even the white characters get lightened in ways that don't make sense.
As for the movies, Flora was 100% whitewashed in the first movie.
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Flora got the brunt of it in sotlk - she's whitewashed for the entire movie, while Aisha is only whitewashed in certain scenes. There are scenes where both of them look normal and aren't whitewashed so maybe some fans just didn't realize, but if you watch the movie, you'll notice that Flora is whitewashed completely and only looks right when they're in super dark places which,, yikes ahdgalhg
The dolls were also a problem! The whitewashing in the doll lines heavily depended on the manufacturer though so it's very hit or miss.
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A lot of the early dolls are perfect or almost perfect but some of them are whitewashed like in these examples. It's the later dolls that have the most whitewashing though so they tend to get more criticism (plus the early dolls are no longer being made).
Most of the other early (s1-s3) merchandising (like the magazines, bags, stickers, etc) didn't whitewash either of them.
I'd say almost all of the promotional art for the first three seasons was consistent and didn't whitewash any of the characters. It's hard to believe now of course but Iginio was initially really excited to make winx diverse (like he intentionally changed Flora to latina instead of white to make it more diverse). Rainbow intentionally whitewashing them really started with the first movie and then snowballed into what we have now. Unfortunately, I think so many white fans are so used to the whitewashing, that they've started to no longer even notice it unless it's super extreme. Like with the recent s9 promo art, most people weren't noticing Flora at all (and not ignoring her, specifically not noticing), and in a lot of fanart, they do not notice unless they're literally white.
Whitewashing has been a big issue in winx for years but I think there are a lot of fans who look at the early seasons with so much love and nostalgia that they don't want to admit it, or they don't understand how lighting affects skin, or their favorite character isn't Flora or Aisha so they just never pay attention to them (blorbo hyperbeam is very real). I'd still say that a lot of the early whitewashing was due to innocent mistakes regarding lighting and manufacturing, but the first movie was extremely on purpose (and so is everything after that).
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br1ghtestlight · 7 months
OMG this episode was so fun!!! i feel like it'll be a lot of fun to rewatch casually and any gretchen episode is amazing obviously
was NOT expecting the subplot about bob's hemorrhoid surgery but somehow it worked LMAO??? and i knew immediately that he was lying about his hemorrhoid being gone bcuz he was scared of the needle. i can read these characters waayyy too easily no surprises for me
gretchen calling her sister her youngest/baby sister makes me think she DOES have another sister who already got married which makes sense
I GOT WAY TOO EXCITED WHEN TEDDY APPEARED we've had like two episodes without him but i reacted like an energetic dog seeing their owner for the first time in weeks after they went on vacation. TEDDY IS THERE teddy my beloved 😁‼️‼️ also any interaction between him and gretchen is hilarious knowing they have the same voice actor and its just him riffing w/ himself in the studio
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tina forcing louise and gene to play that boardgame had NO REASON to be that funny maybe its just bcuz i spent a lot of time doing puzzles and board games with my siblings but it was too real.... her saying she's in charge so theyre doing what SHE wants 😭😭
we got to see nat AND jen AND jen's hot cousin dave not to mention gretchen and gayle. love how many secondary characters they're bringing back this season after the Drought that was season 13 and as soon as they mentioned pickles was closed i was like "well jen's hot cousin dave works there right" and three seconds later they mentioned him. knowing deep bob's burgers lore has its perks i guess??
kinda disappointed they didn't mention that bob HAS driven the limo before in the road trip episode after nat was crying abt her girlfriend and everybody else was asleep like he knows how to drive it and we KNOW he does </3 and its cute that gretchen knows nat is linda's friend tbh i just love that. nat is her friend and she talks abt her to other people!! theyrr friends they're pals *starts sobbing and crying*
well at least gayle seems to be getting along with ms baker LMAO
bob trying to talk to hot male strippers on the phone oh he's hopeless 😭😭😭💔
"i think he's pretty hot" ??? what did bob mean by this
they should call the transgender sex workers from season one and ask if they could help out. marshmallow could fix this situation i know she could
"okay. i have a proposal as your babysitter. we stop playing the game, get the ladder, go into the attic, drop down into the crawl space and watch the stripper party through the vent in the restaurant" WHAT IS TINA'S PROBLEM IN THIS EPISODE 😭😭⁉️ all this bcuz she cant admit to her siblings that she isn't having fun playing the stupid board game. unhinged (ALSO CRAWL SPACE MENTION huge moment for people who watched s1ep2 earlier today <- me)
gretchen: you don't get it linda!! you're always the perfect older sister!!!
linda: i mean... im not
gayle: definitely not
linda: OKAY gayle.
gayle: she makes A LOT of mistakes. you know one time she tried to sleep with my husband
linda: no gayle that was you. MY husband and you. bob.
bob: that's true
sorry i just thought that throwback was really funny FJDMDJDKKSS when will dr yap return home from the war (he is an actual psychopath)
"big sisters are allowed to make mistakes too. we're not perfect. otherwise how do little sisters know its okay NOT to be perfect" gene and louise looking at tina right now like 👀👀
"oh THATS what you've been doing for me. thank you" "you're welcome :)" LMAOOO
not the point of this episode but now im just thinking abt tina someday throwing a bachlorette party for louise 😭😭💕 not that i think louise would want a bachlorette party or even want to get married but i dont think that would stop tina
this is reminding me of a fanfic i read where fischoeder was afraid of needles and bob went with him and held his hand because he was scared :(( bob and linda are so cute even when its butt hemorrhoid surgery
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lolexjpg · 14 days
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
i have several fic ideas that have just petered out and i'm resigned to not finishing. it's not about not sharing them, it's about making peace with never finishing them. (i also have several fics i havent touched in months but im DETERMINED to get back to but that's a separate problem.)
one of those is, sadly, femdomverse 3 (and everything else i had planned). i have shared bits and pieces about it before, and it was going to be called "points present" bc she leaves a pair of her underwear as a ~treat~ for getting his first points ladkfjasldkfjaslkjf
i think my big problem with femdomverse was just down to teething problems. i wrote fdv1 on impulse in under 24hrs, i dont think i would've even finished fdv2 if i wasn't trapped in my appt with covid (thanks covid.) it sorta grew into a much larger idea than it started as and trying to figure out planning it out once i was already in the middle of it. i think it was a good lesson for really taking the time to think out longer projects fully before i post anything in the future.
but fdv still has such a place in my heart and its spirit lives on in my other girlfics!!!!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
this is such an interesting question because i spend very little time thinking about this. i write what i wanna write and if yall like it thats just a bonus :P new ask game tell me things i do as a writer you find annoying??? lol i suppose one thing i do a lot is talk about fics and just not get them finished or posted in a reasonable amount of time. WHICH ANNOYS ME TOO TO BE FAIR. idk. let me know~
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ooooooh gio for u. as a treat. i'll talk abt my sargewood fic idea. this doesn't really count as a wip yet bc i haven't written anything yet, BUT circling back to the first one, planning out longer forms fics is important for me in the writing process. i've only talked abt this with care in DMs so i guess this is its first proper public sharing.
so, it's an au where kyle never really got into racing, he and logan knew each other in carting but kyle's career petered out and he and logan fell of of touch. for logan, his career progresses as we know it irl, until he gets dropped at the end of the 2024 season and he ends up without any sort of drive, goes back to florida in a sort of career limbo. and runs into kyle again!!!!!
but!!!!! surprise!!!! kyle's a dad! (this was all thought up around this btw. i was like how do i make singledad!kyle as a concept into an actual story with substance.) kyle and a high school ex had a baby, kyle realized he was gay so they broke up, she's very very smart and got into law school or smth so she's off doing smart businesswoman shit and kyle is the primary parent who gets child support. (amicable coparenting!!! just to be clear!!!!)
so with all of logan's new free time he can spend all this time with kyle and his kid to the point where lines start to blur and he now has all this free time to unpack any feelings that might pop up. writing a chaptered fic would be so so daunting but i think it'd be a good challenge for me, i just rly need to sent aside time to rly work on outlining everything i want!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
i'm not quite sure how to answer this question aldfjaslfjasldfja i'm big on. feeling morally neutral abt the fiction we all write. HOWEVER i do know that like, oscarmark is ~controversial~ and i do have this wip. that i havent touched in a while but i love the concept so much i still rly want to get back to at some point. the wip actually predates fdv and i originally was like 'oh i'll just anon post it i'm too embarassed' but now any embarassment abt the wierd shit i write is GONE lmao. i did talk abt it in the replies of this post and thats the most i've said about it before. it's really just a contrived silly little plot all just to set up oscar being fucked over the side of a boat. which is public sex technically which is also a crime. its v self indulgent its very For Me i hope i can take it out of wip purgatory someday :'(
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taeiris · 17 days
hey! idk how to really ask this... i was a big fan of st, my fav character was will since 2016 but, with everything that happened with noah and other cast members, every time i see his character or I think about the show, i feel bad and I don't enjoy the content how i used to before, and i don't know if im the only one feeling this way? its like, if i try to enjoy the show, im also kind of ignoring the whole problem, and i know its just media and by consuming it (like just being here on Tumblr) im not actually doing something bad, but that's how i feel. idk i just needed to tell someone, i have been out of the fandom since everything happened, but i really miss the joy this show and characters gave me :( maybe you or someone you know feels the same way? i just think i will watch the show from another platform and during the season i might not think about it and just enjoy the show itself, but who knows....
sorry for just venting, i just don't know if what I'm feeling is normal, feel free to ignore me if u don't wanna answer <3 hope u are having a great day, i hope i make sense lol
hi!!! well i personally dont feel that way, i dont agree with what noah has done, i have my own opinions abt him too, and i know a lot of people who feel the way you do
but for me, im a big film, music and art enjoyer and i separate the art from the artist. its easier for some people, but for me, i simply can’t completely ignore the art created by artists with passion just bc a few cast members are dumb as fuck… if it was that way with EVERYTHING trust we wont ever be able to enjoy shit
i fell in love with the show, the story, the characters and their dynamics, that wont go away bc some actors wont stfu and do research on things
also at the end of the day, they’re celebrities, if they dont gaf… then they dont gaf. and we cant make them care as much as we want to, everyone just has to redirect their energy to people who are actively worsening the situation like politicians or other ppl in bigger power
you cant make people who dont care, care
you have to form your own opinions based on your own reasoning, separated from the wave of the people on the internet who are fighting a moral war with eachother to inflate their ego, instead of directly helping the people affected
hope that helps even if its a little bit🙏
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agaypanic · 8 months
okok idk how unpopular these opinions are gonna be tbh
Malcolm in the Middle: i lowkey hate craig, i think he's creepy ESPECIALLY in earlier seasons. you'd think that after your MARRIED coworker tells you that she doesn't like you back and there's no way in hell that she'd ever be with you, YOUD TAKE A FUCKING HINT. also while it's on my mind, i remember writing a reese x reader where readers is basically allison in that episode where craig gives her and reese a ride to the concert but he ends up ruining their date, but anon asked for them all to have a good time together and it was SO hard to write! bc if i had paid for concert tickets (most likely really expensive) for me and my bf and my ride purposefully made me miss the concert because he had a "better" plan for "our" date, i would've blown up the car
Malcolm in the Middle: i honestly didn't like the series finale. the only endings i really agreed with were malcolm's and francis' (malcolm was totally meant to go to harvard by any means necessary, even if it meant working a million jobs between classes to cover that tuition. and although he's probably still a bit of a menace, i love that francis got his act together and got a steady job). i think reese deserved a better ending, i think he could've had a really good culinary career instead of being the janitor at his high school. and i know it was probably for a gag/twist ending but i don't like that they made lois pregnant again. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK!!
The Naturals: i've made tiktoks about this (which yall don't know about bc you dont know me outside of this platform teehee) but i hate the way lia treats cassie. sure she got kinda better at the VERY end of the SERIES (4 books). but imagine your mom has been missing and presumed murdered for YEARS and (spoliers for books 3-4 teehee) finally the police find her body but it's not actually her and then you find out your mom is actually alive and a captive/prophet for this murder cult AND THAT YOU HAVE A SISTER THAT WAS CONCEIVED INSIDE THAT CULT. NOW imagine that while you're going through all these events, some bitch keeps telling you to keep that shit to yourself bc other people in the group are having more pressing issues and that the group is at problem capacity. BITCH ALL OF YOU HAVE ISSUES, INSTEAD OF WORKING FOR THE FBI YOU SHOULD GO TO THERAPY
Charlie's Angels: im a really big fan of the 2000's charlies angels movies but was a bit disappointed when i watched the 2019 one. dont get me wrong, its good. i just kinda wished there was some more callbacks to the 2000s movies. like imagine my disappointment when the new charlie wasn't revealed to be dylan (which would've given her character a good ending bc dylan couldn't imagine herself leaving the angels, it would make SO much sense if she ended up heading the agency. even making her a bosley would've been good)
That 70s Show: this isn't really that unpopular but the last season honestly sucked. drew gooden made a pretty good video talking about it (i love drew gooden ugh). imo, moving to africa and then breaking up with donna made no sense for eric's character. especially after donna dropped out of college to stay in point place with him! hyde and jackie breaking up? horrible. jackie and fez getting together? why???? (also the timeline for that 70s show makes no sense at all. theres this channel that did a kinda indepth vid on it and tried pinpointing when the show actually would've ended based on the episodes (mainly the holiday episodes, i think making the holiday specials really screwed over the overall timeline))
i cant think of any more opinions teehee
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