#i swear i love my dad but he seriously would have killed me if my mom hadnt stopped him
itzsana-kiddingmenow · 6 months
a wild sana was spotted in a cafe eating donuts and drinking coffee with her dad a mere hour after he beat her to the floor.
update: he gave me my first motorcycle lesson on the way home 😭🤚🏻
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 3
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summary ;; Sullys stick together. You learn the hard way what happens when you don't. PART 2 | PART 4 pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; descriptions of blood and violence incoming, beware! shout out to the ppl who predicted the stuff in this chapter LMAO so um... i couldnt tag everybody who asked when i said i would... there's apparently a limit to how many people you can tag. please forgive me 😭 im not taking any tagging requests anymore since i cant do it. so sorry about that,,,, seriously also, thank you so much for 1160 followers! i still cant fucking believe it... daddy issues solidarity 🤙🏻🤙🏻
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“Hi there Corporal, you hear me? Yeah, I know you do. As much as I’m charmed by the fatherly love I could give you a big old sloppy wet kiss, we have unfinished business.”
Rain covered the rustling of clothes and the click-clacks of readjusted weapons as concentrated silence hung in the air, thick and heavy like the morning mist swallowing up the forest.
No answer. 
What face could your parents be making right now? Heartbeat in your ears, you tried to hide your shame by looking down, but a jerk on your queue set you straight. the avatar holding you digging his gun sharper in your neck.    
“What, cat got your tongue all of a sudden?” The leader’s stare found yours. “Let me give you a quick remedy.” 
They’d linked your device into another for the sound to be relayed outside and the voice detection range could be wider, in other words, they wanted your father to hear what was happening to you. Your braid was yanked as if the one pulling it wanted to snap it right off your skull, no amount of training could stop the scream torn out of you — all the show just for him. 
The line was deadly still, save for some rustling, crackling static that you could have easily mistaken for hissing.
A ghost of a smile shadowed the man’s face, he extended his rifle to tip your chin up. “Guess we’re gonna have to be louder than that to wake daddy up sweetheart.” 
“Stop!” Father yelled, the unexpected timing of it made you jump. That earned him a group chuckle from the avatars around you. “Stop.”
He talked. He didn’t leave you to fend for yourself in this. Thank Eywa!
“That was fast,” the captor behind you said. 
“Thought you’d have forgotten English by now, playing native.”
Quaritch. That awful, awful man from the stories your mother killed? Spider’s father? But… But he was dead. How could sky people know how to cheat death?
“In the flesh.” 
Father’s voice wavered, you’d think he was scared if you didn’t know any better. “That’s impossible.”
“Back from the grave just for you, Jake.”
“Then I’ll just have to put you right back where you belong.”
The squad of avatars openly laughed at that, boisterous, confident, arrogant. 
This was Toruk Makto they were openly mocking. None of them would last for one minute in front of him and yet—
“Quite the teary lovers reunion we’re havin’ here, but you got busy while I was gone, huh?” He looked down at you again, yellow eyes filled with mirth. “I have this tiny bird here we plucked right out of the air. Imagine my surprise to learn she’s yours. Is this the only one, or you got yourself a litter now?”
Silence again. 
“What do you want?”
“Straight to the point as always.” The smug smile momentarily twitched into an unamused, withheld resentment. This man was nearing the end of his capacity to keep taunting. “I don’t think I’ll tell yet. You know I love to be a tease.”
Your ears rotated upwards in treacherous hope at your father's next words. “If you touch one hair on my daughter’s head I swear to god—”
“You exchanged your god for this shithole, Jake. Let’s not kid ourselves now.” Any hint of playing around was gone, now, eyes fixated on something on the ground ahead. “Your daughter will be my guest for a while. Think of it as summer vacation. Don’t worry, unlike the Na’vi, we’re very hospitable.” His thumb brushed over a button. “Until next time.”
“Fucking bastard—”
With one beep, the call was over. Quaritch was touching the band around his neck this time. “Iron Sky, Blue on Actual. We are standing by for extract, over.” 
You began to tussle against the avatar behind your back. “No! No! Let me go!” 
“Be advised. We're bringing in a high value prisoner.”
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“Dad’s really gonna flay her alive this time, I can’t wait.” Lo’ak, positioned just behind the flap of the tent to not be seen from the outside as he peeked with one eyeball just in case, was watching his parents vehemently yell at each other in whispers that started out loud, but got hushed probably to not reach him and his siblings. Aggressive limb gestures were flying in the air, and at one point, his mom had tried to run off somewhere and was forcefully stopped. 
Dad was currently pacing around like a wild animal with one hand permanently stuck rubbing his face, and mom turned away from him, holding her forehead. “They’re really going at it, huh?
Kiri was not amused with his insistence to breach their privacy. “What’s so interesting about watching this kind of thing?”
“Catharsis?” He remarked in English, feeling sophisticated. “You remember Spider talking about it? Purification and emotional cleansing through relief that you’re not going through the horrible tragedy, the character on stage is.” 
“You’re normally so dumb.” Lo’ak bore his fangs at her matter-of-fact tone of voice. “Your brain only comes back on when it’s about chaos.”
“I’m petty, and what about it?” A tilt of his head to dare Kiri to ask for her point, then his attention was thwarted by an incomprehensible cry from his mother. She was pushing dad from his arms, furious like Lo’ak had never seen before as the upset man tried to hold her more. “Look at mom and dad breathing fire at each other! You think they’re discussing how to punish her?”
“Stop spying already skxawng, mom will be angry if she sees you. We’re supposed to be in bed.”
“Shut up, I’m trying to listen here!” His ears were tilting at every angle to make out any words that reached to him as nothing but a cluster of broken sounds. “Why did they have to go far?” 
“Because they wanted to be away from peeping toms like you?”
“And you’re still here too, so?” Lo’ak gave his sister a meaningful look. “I know you wanna see too.”
“Ugh!” Kiri shoved out her tongue at him, eyes dead. “And it’s not funny, by the way! They are fighting. Stop being happy about it.”
He knew they were fighting about his older sister, and that she’d get all the heat and fallout from it the moment she was back. Lo’ak’s head was full of what he could get out of it, or what to ask her for in return for helping her out in her detention. So satisfying to be the sibling who wasn’t in trouble. He should do it more, actually. “It is funny when it’s not about me.” 
“You’re sick for taking joy in another’s suffering.”
“Oh, I’m doomed, then.” Kiri took whatever fat was on his thin arm between her thumb and forefinger, and twisted. Lo’ak had to blink away the tears that rushed to his eyes, snatching his limb away from the displeased girl and pushing her away in return — he was annoyed at how much that hurt, why was that so damaging for no reason? “Yeouch! What the hell?”
“Will it kill you to practice mindfulness once in a while?” 
He raised his voice’s pitch to mock the wobbly, ear-scratching whine of yours, and exaggerated his body movements to match, too. “I hate you!”  
“Gross.” She tried to shove him, he caught her hands in the air, pushing her back and getting the spiteful annoyance of his sister as a result. “Dad was actually hurt by that.” Lo’ak’s eyes could roll down the hills by themselves the way that sounded, but Kiri, as always, was bothered so inexplicably. “I don’t like this. I have a bad feeling.”
That bad feeling was the herald of dad’s upcoming cranky ill-temper and what would follow after you inevitably had to come crawling back home with tail between your legs, Neteyam dragging you from the scruff of your neck. Lo’ak was refusing to sleep so he could enjoy the fight. 
“Me personally, am over the moon, ikran duty is so gonna be off my hands. For months.” He halted at the idea that just went off in his head, tail swishing with the hype. “I wanna tell Spider. I’ll go get him.”
“Absolutely not. You sneak off now and they’ll laser-focus all the anger on you!” Kiri was pointing a warning hand at him, but slowly lowered it, one corner of her mouth twitching up. She was holding back amusement. “Hey, you know what? Nevermind, you can go. I want you to go. I have to see this.”
“Ha-ha.” Lo’ak’s tail stuttered, losing enthusiasm. “Attempted murder, much?”
“Guys, what’s going on…”
Upon the unexpected voice that wobbled its way into their conversation, they both looked down to see Tuk gripping her weaved blanket with one hand and dragging it on the floor as she made her way to them, the other rubbing her eyes one by one so sleep dripping from them would fly away.
“See, you woke her up! What do we do now?”
“You woke her up by yelling, why is it my fault now?”
“I didn’t, you—”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did n—”
“Guys…” Tuk pulled on Kiri’s hand, and the foreign object she was clutching the whole time distracted Lo’ak. It must have dug into the older one’s skin that she carefully picked it up to inspect. The ear pieces they took off before they went to sleep. This one was Kiri’s.  “Neteyam’s calling. You didn’t hear…”
Grinning, Lo’ak snatched it up and skipped backwards and put it in his own ear, ignoring Kiri’s hushed yells to give it back now and the groans about ruining it with his stinky, cheesy earwax. He had to keep bouncing around, the girl was chasing him around the tent. “Bro! Tell her she’s sooo dead. Dad’s literally keeping guard in front of the tent—”
“Lo’ak, quit it.” Neteyam’s tremulous answer was harsh. Lo’ak’s smile wavered as he dodged Kiri’s arm and jumped over discarded cups on the floor, knocking over wooden spoons. “I need you to tell me what’s happening over there.”
“Aw, baby’s so scared to come back she needs to make a game plan first?” He laughed, slapping Kiri’s hands away. “I’ll only tell if she gives back my karambit knife.”
His older brother sighed, a bit too exasperated. 
“Yeah, I’m not letting that one go and I’m also making it your problem—”
“Lo’ak, she isn’t here.”
He stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
“She isn’t here. I couldn’t find her.” Kiri bumped into him, unable to stop herself at the right time to hit the brakes due to how abruptly Lo’ak had stilled. They’d almost tumbled over. “Dad told me to wait until he contacts her and I’ve been waiting for minutes. Now tell me what’s going on over there.”
“Bro, you’re serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be serious, skxawng!” 
He turned to Kiri in disgusted discomfort, who had damn-near glued her own ear to his to hear better. “Forget months, I’ll be free for years. Dad’s not gonna let her take one step off the camp anymore.”
The girl would stomp her foot if she was a couple years younger. “What’s this about?”
And Neteyam would shake Lo’ak from the neck for ignoring him this long while he was fussing. “Tell me already you—!”
“They’re having a fight bro.” He leaned better to peep outside the tent. “Yeah.”
“She came back? Why didn’t you tell me?”
It was uncommon for Neteyam to completely disregard the previous input he’d been given. Lo’ak didn’t understand this level of anxiety. “Are you having a brain fart? Would we be having this conversation if she was here? It’s mom and dad who are fighting.”
It wasn’t that serious — on the contrary, his sister was quite simple to understand. She didn’t want to be found and had changed her place of hiding. End of story. The golden boy’s worrywart nature was keeping him from reasoning. 
“Don’t be a smartass.” Lo’ak practically felt Neteyam’s want to land a loud smack on his back. “Were they only able to reach her, then? Is that why they’re fighting?”
“You’re asking me?—”
The older boy began to grumble under his breath. “This is why I called Kiri.”
Said girl’s ears perked up over picking her name from the static-surrounded line. Lo’ak snorted. “Ouch, bro.”
Kiri shook him from the elbow. “Me? What about me?”
“Great title for your autobiography.”
Kiri raised her arms to give him a beating and Lo’ak was already bolting away from anywhere near her vicinity. The siblings didn’t even take notice of the line with Neteyam going dark as they focused on their own play-scuffle for a while. 
Until Lo’ak bumped into someone.
It wasn’t Tuk. 
Shoulders pulled into himself, he turned around torturously freaked out to find dad standing there like a ghost, his tactical vest packed to the brim and gun hanging from his back the way they wore their bows. 
The blue of his skin had faded into an ashier tone, amber eyes wide and bloodshot, the veins on the normally put together Olo’eyktan’s forehead were bulging, even a socially clueless person would pick up something was seriously wrong. He commanded cold authority of the battlefield simply by the way he stood, immediately triggering Lo’ak into soldier mode.  
He took a few steps back, chin hanging low at the lightless, unblinking stare his father pushed down on him. “Sir.”
All the sleepiness that had Tuk unresponsive and nodding off through Lo’ak and Kiri’s push-and-pull was knocked out of her at the sight, she was now unnerved and frightened. “Dad?”
The man’s intensity was somehow eased by his youngest’s reaction, but he held back from taking her in his arms like he normally would to comfort her, didn’t even care to remark on how they were supposed to be sleeping — how they’d woken their little sister up, instead focusing on Lo’ak. “I want you all to listen well. Your mother and I are heading out for a minute and your grandmother will be with you soon — Neteyam is Oscar-Mike to come back here. Stay put and don’t go anywhere, understand?” His finger pointed accusingly at him. “Don’t cause trouble. Looking at you boy, what I’m saying here is Marine proof. I’m at the end of my wits here, don’t even think about slipping a tail out of this tent.” 
The potent severity of whatever the hell was making him this agitated to the point of a voice so hoarse it was unrecognizable got the wheels in Lo’ak’s head whirring. “What’s happening, dad?”
“One child!” The thundering shout came down on him with the force of a falling mountain, making Lo’ak jump out of his skin. “I need one child of mine to listen to me without asking any questions today!” Dad’s voice broke when Tuk whined, he shut his eyes as if he was in physical pain, and flexed his jaw, shaking his head and pulling the girl in from her shoulders to soothe her. Still no direct hugging. “Jesus Christ.”
“I’m sorry sir,” Lo’ak said immediately, distraught by the over-the-top reaction, hands unknowingly curling into fists by his sides. Whenever that sky people word ‘Jesus’ slipped from dad not having any control between the border of his two languages, the boy knew it was demanding gravitas. “I heard you CFB.”
“Good.” He thinned his lips. “Kiri, please.”
Lo’ak frowned at dad basically asking for her to play her brother’s keeper in Neteyam’s absence in two simple words.
She nodded. “I know dad.”
He caught a glimpse of his mother running in the distance, her father’s bow in her hand. 
Just what was happening? What had you done? 
Eywa, it had to be sky people. 
Dad saw the realization in his face. “Stay,” he emphasized, one final time before he was also gone with the wind. 
Lo’ak wouldn’t have obeyed if it wasn’t for his grandmother arriving just in time, keeping them busy with a story about the arrival of a wounded ikran with no rider.
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You realized the gunshot wound puncturing your upper abdomen was there the whole time when the avatars put first aid and later slapped a rectangular sky people bandage on it that helped clotting or whatever it was called, the pain simply not being there had played a big factor in it with the body running on pure adrenaline. 
(Crouching close to you, Quaritch had bragged, “We aren’t so bad after all, huh, sweetheart? It’s called civilization. Your daddy ever taught you about that?”
Civilization, your ass. They needed you. There was nothing well-meaning about what they were doing.
And the nickname had ticked you off, sullying the good memories of father, your head slammed into his nose in full power after a hiss.
“Now my daddy taught me that!” you spat in English as other avatars had tackled you. The man claiming to be Quaritch was smiling as he wiped away the blood trickling down his nose.
What was the point in trying to patch you up if they were going to do this, then?)
You were now a part of an elaborate trap to lure your father in. Bait. The worst position to be in. This was the kind of trouble Lo’ak would get himself in. It was too late to go back now, the mess you’d gotten yourself into had made itself known. 
Think, think! How could you get out of this?
Within the unsleeping forest’s nightly noises chirping all around you, a specific call in the air halted your train of thought. 
It was mom. 
Your parents were here. But how? How did they know where you were, exactly? Dread and expectation pooled in your heart, coexisting in a nauseating mix. 
Father must be thinking that you already caused so much trouble, they couldn’t know you were also hurt, you’d never hear the end of it.
But there was no time to think, the pain you should have been feeling was ebbing its way into your body, and she was calling in the night to inform you to get ready.
All hell broke loose when the man who held you tight from your queue was shot right from the back of his head with an arrow, collapsing right on top of you. 
You couldn’t get away in time to not be crushed by his dead body and promptly got squished between the mossy soil and him, his gun was hurting you, the wound on your stomach getting in the way of you using your core to push the body off. 
How many minutes had passed with you struggling to get him off as a hurricane of bullets roared, you didn’t know (it hurt, pain was climbing towards the threshold) — mom was able to break free from the weight of a whole AMP suit, as you’d heard as a child, a Na’vi was naturally strong, but you couldn’t even crawl out. Panic was a rope tightening around your ribcage as your breathing picked up
All of a sudden, the weight was gone, and the only remaining thing from it was the big gun left from the avatar you found yourself hugging for dear life, eyes wide as saucers. Before you could see whoever had done that, you got hoisted up right back on your feet and tried to run, only to be held tighter and pulled behind the trunk of a tree.
“Hey, it’s me, it’s me!” Clumsy, overwrought hands were cupping your cheeks and — and oh, it was your father. 
You didn’t know whether to be afraid or cry from happiness.
Once he was sure you registered it was him by staring intently in your eyes with that edge of the softness you’d missed so much, his hold shifted to your neck and around your shoulders, and he gave you a look-over, checking for any wounds. Too bad what he was searching for was behind the gun you were holding. “Are you hurt?” He shook you when you were too stunned to answer. “Are you hurt at all?”
“No,” you shook your head automatically, it was weak against the explosions of bullets raining down all around you, but father had picked it up regardless, only focusing on you for the moment.
In the darkness, nobody could see the blood running down your body, that bandage had come out at one point. 
“On my mark, we’re gonna run, okay?” He nodded to you, tomahawk axe in hand coated in a dark substance, commanding your full attention. “Follow me. Ready? Ready?”
You weren’t ready at all, stomach feeling like it was being stabbed at every heartbeat, but you couldn’t tell him that. 
Instead, you ran like hell, moored by father’s taut clutch on your forearm pulling you forward to match his incredible speed dodging roots, bushes and branches. 
Things stopped moving only when you were enveloped in mom’s embrace, consciousness almost flying off from the relief that washed over you. Kisses were peppered along your hairline and forehead, her mumbling your name in gratitude blending with your panting. Tears burned bitter in your eyes, but you couldn’t cry, not when father was looking at you like that, chest rising and falling. You instantaneously remembered why you were holding that gun at the intensity he was radiating, tail escaping between your legs and letting mom hold you. 
At least this way he wasn’t able to objurgate you.  
Over her shoulder, you saw three ikrans instead of two. Heart soaring, you were skipping towards him in pure astonishment in a heartbeat. “Hey buddy!”  
His head lowered down towards you in bird-like movements. In this angle, it looked like he was giving you a razor sharp-toothed big grin. 
“He brought us here,” your mother said. The hand you were going to pet the ikran with stopped midway at her dejected tone. “You have passed Iknimaya, I take it. On your own.”
You didn’t know what to say, feeling immense guilt at having made her this disappointed over it. If this was any normal situation, any normal fight at all, you would have shot back with, ‘Well father told me to do it.’
But you were tired. 
Your pain threshold was being threatened, and you needed to get to your grandmother before any of your parents saw the situation you were in and this escalated into the worst fight you were going to get into in your entire life. 
Father’s only response was a dead cold, “C’mon, we gotta get outta here.”
He didn’t talk to you after that. Not one word. 
Squatting on an ikran’s back on a flight with an abdominal gunshot wound you were trying to hide was not an option unless you wanted to pass out midair and was looking for a free dive, so you were all but hugging the poor thing’s neck like a monkey, trusting him to follow your parents while you concentrated on mentally fighting to level out the pain. 
Nonsensical as it was to believe the gun stuck between your ikran’s neck and your stomach was acting as a tampon to lessen the bleeding, you were concerned with how dumb it must have looked to father and mom, how incompetent they must think of you that their daughter didn’t even know how to ride right. 
Got an ikran for nothing. 
Would they be less proud of you seeing how funny it appeared, nevermind that it was to contain your pain all the while not trying to faint?
But no words were exchanged about it. 
Father clamping up right after he’d made sure you weren’t hurt (yikes) had resulted in this awkward trip succumbing in total silence. They had sandwiched you between them, only necessary space for the ikrans to beat their wings freely left, so close that you could discern the scariest look on father yet, deepening the lines of age in his face while simultaneously expressing his barely contained desire to kill someone. 
A ticking time bomb. 
Forget speaking at all, but not only did he never address you until now, he didn’t even look in your direction for once. You knew because staring at him for five minutes straight for him to just acknowledge your existence had proven to be unfruitful. 
And the tears involuntarily streamed down your cheeks with how utterly worthless and alone that made you feel, trapped in this agony you couldn’t help but hide because he’d think you didn’t deserve to complain after bringing it upon yourself. You would rather bite your tongue and bear the pain than stay dreading his reaction. 
Yeah, no, he couldn’t know. 
Mom was looking over at you every one minute to make sure you were okay after her ears picked up on your sniffles, arrows of worry shot from her side sinking down your skin every single time, and you hated to make her this way. 
Your ikran kept comforting you through tsaheylu until you landed.
Father had promptly jumped down, agile and making haste away somewhere, passing you by and giving the cold shoulder. You all but slid off your own ikran, managing to make the gun stay where it should be, as you couldn’t help but weakly call out to him for one drop of consolation. “Father…”
He didn’t stop for you, quickening his steps, but his ears twitched, the tail beating the air ferociously halting and lowering before it returned to the previous motions, and those were the only indications that he’d heard it Lima Charlie.
The man just didn’t want to talk to you.    
And you had to make yourself believe it wasn’t the emotional devastation that had you falling down, but the wound sucking out all your energy now that you had gotten to safety. 
“Ma’ite?” Mom rushed to you. “Ma’ite, what’s wrong? What is it?”
“I’m okay, mom, it’s okay.” You were sitting on the floor, cross-legged. Thank goodness you still had the unbreakable willpower (and not the fear of Eywa put into you by father) to hold your shit together. “I’m okay. Just tired. My knees buckled. Weak, you know?” You swallowed, smiling. “I’m just… Just resting.”
Her gaze full of concern studied you, zeroing in on the gun you clung on for dear life against your stomach. Her hands lovingly brushed your hair, gripped your shoulders and elbows even though you were disgustingly clammy all over. It was grounding, anchoring within the ocean of pain washing over you in waves. 
“Oh, why are you sweating so much? You’re freezing.” You clutched the gun harder in a panic when she grasped it, most likely to put it away. It was the wrong reaction to have, but you weren’t exactly in the position to function healthily. 
Mom, as any other person would, got suspicious from it, her eyes flying up to your owlish ones — blanked out like a frightened animal. “You’re fine now,” she whispered, thankfully attributing it to how disturbed you must be, still not out of survival mode. “You are safe, my daughter. Mom is here.” She cupped your cheek, but every touch to your body hurt now, even when it was away from the gaping wound, still gushing blood, trickling down your hips and getting you scared that it’d be discovered once you stood up. “I’m here.” She searched your soul to know just why you were grimacing at her attempts of comforting. “I will take this now, you do not need it anymore.”
You snapped out of the gradually darkening gray haze mom’s lulling was laying you down gingerly into. “No, please don’t,” your breathing hitched. She was going to see. She couldn’t see. You had to avoid this somehow, as long as you could. Grandmother’s tent. You would make it, you had to.  “I’ll… I’ll just sit here for a while, okay? I need to just… take a small break, and then I’ll… Can you go back? I’ll follow later. Father is angry, I don’t—”
“Nonsense.” Incredulous and enraged suddenly about something you couldn’t put a finger on, and before you could stop her, she tried to haul you up with her by gripping your upper arms — colors exploded behind your eyelids, getting you you to lose consciousness for two seconds, your vision flooding back in a starry kaleidoscope. When mom’s voice reached your ears, it was in staccato exclaims your ears were ringing too much to discern. She was shaking you. 
You weren’t able to sit up straight anymore, leaning forward — mom had caught you, utterly confused and panicked at the same time. And then your head was lying on the crook of her elbow resting on her legs she’d tucked under herself. The moment you’d switched from sitting to straight up lying down was missing from your memories. 
A baby being cradled. Yes, this is exactly what it was like. Gentle arms surrounded you amidst the pulsating sea of agony. 
Your body was letting go, but your arms were vices around the gun, still holding that last line. Don’t let go. Don’t let go. They can’t know. Father will be so mad if he learns. “‘m okay… ‘st restin’…”
When your eyes cleared enough for the surroundings to be only a bit blurry, your mom was looking at the hand she’d just tried to take away the gun with, caked with your blood that had stained it, out of it and perplexed like she didn’t want to believe it. 
Her gut-wrenchingly stunned numbness sent the misery clawing its way inside into overdrive, pulling your consciousness down to the earth from the clouds it was ascending to. “Not mine,” you forced out, but it came out as begging. Everything was falling apart. The plan was so simple, why couldn’t you do anything right? “Not mine. Please. Mom, it’s okay.” 
“No…” Mumbling, she started sharply swaying back and forth, and with one brutally vigorous attack, she ripped the gun away from your arms, and hurled it away — then it was over. Your sob wasn’t due to the motion hurting you, it was all entirely for the broken wail of your mother at seeing the bloodied mess, tears spilling from her eyes as she reached down to press down at the pouring liquid. “No! No! Oh Great Mother! Why did you hide this! Oh, my daughter!” 
“No, mom, I’m fine, it’s nothing. Not my blood. Not my blood, okay?” You reached up weakly and wiped at her cheeks with trembling fingers, your heart got crushed worse than the pain could beat you down at her grief — lungs constricting. Where was all the air?  “I’ll get up. I’ll go to grandmother, don’t cry. Just resting.”
Frantically looking around, she yelled, “Jake!—” but her voice didn’t quite come out, breathy as if she’d been punched in the ribcage seconds prior.
A heartbeat’s worth of nothingness, after which you were full-on freaking out. Only one thought: Father will be angry. 
“No!” You shrieked, and blood swelled in one strong pump against mom’s fingers. She looked down at you in anguish, pupils blown wide, arm tightening around you as if you were a flailing bird. “Don’t tell him! Don’t tell father! He’ll really kill me for this—”
“No, no no no,” she shook her head, frenzied, tone cracked from beginning to end. “Do not say that. Don’t you ever say that—”
But you were struggling in her arms, wanting nothing but to crawl away into a hole, no reason registering whatsoever, only instinct. “He’ll be so angry,” you begged, pleading, pink spit bubbling at the corners of your mouth. The sound of gurgling accompanying the words you forced your whole body to form. “You can’t tell him — you can’t! He already hates me!”
The more you thrashed around and kicked your legs, the more you bled.
“Please, Great Mother!” The more mom lost her mind, hissing and howling hysterically, crazed, hugging you tighter and rocking. “Jake! Jake! Ma’Jake!” She put her temple against yours. “Not my daughter, please, Eywa…”
Why was she being like this? It wasn’t that serious! You were okay!
Delirium claimed you hot as she kept calling his name and her unbreakable hold on you kept you in a cage of a mother’s despair. In your feverish mind, a threat to your life was coming. Weakness spread like wildfire around your body and chipped away at the pain, slowly picking it apart to replace it with drowsiness. “Don’t call ‘im,” you continued to repeat, over and over again. “I’m just taking a break. Don’t call him over. He’s gonna be angry. He’ll hate me. He hates me. Please, mom.”
The sentences slurred together, shortened, wilted away pitifully, your voice died down, tongue deteriorating into only echoing, “He hates me.” A withered away, old flute. 
Your ikran was bellowing in the distance and you looked. The torches on cave walls were illuminating him and finally revealing to you his beautiful color scheme.    
And then your father was here, falling to his knees right beside you, his glistening wide eyes flying everywhere around your body — tracing all the blood, hands hovering above you as if he didn’t know where to start piecing a shattered vase back together.   
It was over.
Fully expecting the chastising you were about to receive to shake the floating mountains so bad the enemy would be able to spot you, you began to apologize — pride be damned, this battle be lost, you’d failed anyway. “Please don’t be mad,” you shuddered, meek and unsteady, tunnel vision flickering at the edges only perceiving him. “It’s my fault—I’m sorry—please don’t be angry—”
“Stop talking,” he ordered, rough and harsh, eyebrows knitted tightly, and out of breath — probably because of how hard he was trying to hold the anger back. You knew. That had to be it. “Don’t speak.”
Ah of course. This was only natural when he had refused to utter a single word at you the whole way, denying you the temporary comfort of a simple glance. 
Even the hand he pressed down so ruthlessly firm on your stomach it might as well be a boulder pinning you down was meant to be punishment, the whines your unbreathing lungs couldn’t stop turned into yowls — you hadn’t even noticed your hands were wrapped around father’s wrist in an effort to push him away, scratching him, but he only added his other hand on top of the other in return.
“Hang on, sweetheart, I got you, please hang on a little longer,” he pleaded, but you were already too far gone, Eywa was cruel to have plugged your ears to the endearment you’d been dying to hear from him for so long, making the last things you were aware father said to you the fact that he didn’t even want to hear you talking. 
And you fulfilled his wish. 
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taglist: @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis@alohastitch0626 @jackiehollanderr @lucciera @qvrcll @iloveavatar @velvtcherie @ssc7514 @goldenmoonbeam @neteyamforlife @itsluludoll @jakesullys-bitch @blubrryy @sully-stick-together @arminsgfloll @alice121804 @noname2246 @justthingzsblog @eywamygoddess @m-1234 @ellabellabus07 @hellok1ttycake @dakotali @bluefire12348 @abbersreads @yellooaaa @aimsro @octavias-next-meat-bite @nikqdn @nao-cchi @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @heybiatchz @winxschester @elegantkidfansoul @eichenhouseproperty @kakimakiloh @dueiosy @liyahsocorro @dimplesxx @tigresslily @n8ivatar @strnqer @lillybbyy @jakesullyssluttt @r3dc4ndy @myheartfollower @gcldtom @bunnyrose01 @aceofheartzzz @ghoulbli @slasherfcker505 @ducks118 @megsthings @graykageyama @gwolf92
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saikira999 · 2 months
~ Headcanons for twst characters playing Minecraft.
Another parts about:
Idia and Malleus!
Riddle and Leona!
Jade and Floyd!
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Headcanon, what if Idia and Yuu somehow convinced Him to play minecraft, Azul...:
1) "Why are there cubes everywhere??? I don’t understand anything...."
2) When he learns that monsters are appearing in the dark, he places two stacks of torches around himself in horror.
3) Crying from the physics of trees.
4) Will try to make a copy of Mostro in Minecraft.
5) He does not like to dig in mines and fight, but prefers to engage in agriculture, construction and trade.
6) He built his own village, with a complex hierarchy, its own economy and an underground mafia, where he keeps all the villagers under iron grip.
7) Every five minutes:
<Octo_businessman> fell from a high place.
<Octo_businessman> tried to swim in lava.
<Octo_businessman> was blown up by creeper.
<Octo_businessman> was drowned.
<Octo_businessman> starved to dead.
8) If one of the players hits or kills an squid in front of Him, He will take it as a personal insult.
9) The only one on the server who goes to bed on time and swears at everyone in the chat, because he cannot miss the night while others are awake.
10) Chief of food, armor and potions (Not for free, of course)...
11) Tries to negotiate with the pillagers.
12) Most likely, his house is either a clumsy box decorated with vines and blue flowers, or a huge penthouse with twenty rooms. There is no middle ground. Also, it seems to me that his house would be somewhere on the beach, or in the middle of the lake.
13) Drowned people are his worst enemies.
14) Makes secret chests with all sorts of treasures that he clearly does not intend to share.
15) Already dug up all the gold and ransacked all the treasuries, while the others fought with the ghasts and withers.
16) He comes into the game the least often, because “I actually have my fill of things to do.”
17) He is afraid of dolphins, because he personally knew real ones and knows that they are not the friendliest guys (No, seriously. Dolphins are assholes. Just Google it).
18) Terrible in PVP and always dies first.
19) He says that He doesn’t care about griefers and considers their tricks to be child’s play, but in reality, he is very offended and complains to Yuu in PM on discord.
20) Likes to play in small groups of 2-3 people and does not like to play alone or with too many players.
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(A SMALL UPDATE! Previously, this post was dedicated only to Azul, but I decided to make two characters for each post, for beauty, so I'll add another Lilia from the request here.)
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Lilia has been familiar with Minecraft since the game's inception:
1) "Ha-ha, I love adventures!"
2) Competes with Idia, who spends more time in the game and brazenly takes advantage of the fact that fairies do not need sleep as much as people (even the cursed).
3) Daddy's house is either a cave full of vegetation and bats, or there is none at all, since Lilia prefers to roam the entire server. Usually wanders the world on a fast black horse in leather armor painted green, but often runs on His own two feet.
4) He named His horse Samson.
5) He is constantly accompanied by bats.
6) During His adventures, Lily has found many interesting resources and items, and in order not to carry everything with Him, He makes ingenious warehouses with traps, which the entire server covets.
7) Sometimes takes other players on His campaigns. For example, Malleus, Sebek, Silver, Idia and Yuu.
8) Thunderstorm of PVP. Want to fight Him? Good luck.
9) Seriously... You will need luck VERY much.
10) His favorite biomes are forest ones. He hangs out especially often in Taiga and Tundra.
11) The second admin and dad of the server, who suggested Idia the idea of ​​creating a world for the rest of the Twst guys.
12) The most secretive player on the server after Idia. In most cases, He disappears somewhere far, far away, but occasionally, He can be found bargaining with other players, sitting in a tree, or on a campaign. He also likes to play pranks and make fun of other players.
13) For some reason, all the monsters in the area ignore Him, or quickly run away.
14) Collects records (He especially likes "Ward" and "Pigstep").
15) His favorite soundtracks from the game are "One More Day" and "Firebugs".
16) Lilia has already cleared out all the treasures, sunken ships and pyramids, and in order to further annoy other players, He usually leaves signs next to the empty chests saying “Lilia Vanrouge was here :3”
17) Didn’t go to the End because caught flashbacks because of the dragon.
18) Was the one who informed Malleus that a dragon egg cannot be hatched and raise a baby dragon, and without knowing it, he regrets it.
19) Helped Idia find suitable mods for hatching and taming the dragon :D
20) "Silver, bring Your old man a glass bottle of water..."
...And then He goes off to brew an invisibility potion so he can shoo away and banter other players around with an evil giggle.
If you like My post, please reblog Me! :3
Also, if You want a doodle and headcannons for some other twst character, I will be happy to answer Your requests. They are open :D
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maidragoste · 2 years
The Council
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) x Aegon II Targaryen
the second part of this part3
please reblog cause i'm not showing up in tags again 😭😭
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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It's been a long time since Aemond felt at peace. But that's what he felt when he was with you and the children. Every time he saw you smile or heard one of the twins laugh he felt his heart warm and he thanked the gods for letting him live, for letting him come back to you and the children.
Reading to the twins before they fell asleep had become one of Aemond's favorite times of the day and for the children as well. There was one night when he had to go to a council meeting and the children were whimpering, sullen until his father came back and told them a story.
“Why are you so surprised? They already love you” you told him that night.
You weren't lying. The twins loved Aemond. Baelon always wanted his attention, always screaming excitedly or in extreme cases pulling his hair, and Aemon loved being in his father's arms, he always had the best naps in Aemond's arms. Sometimes you made fun of your husband because every time you told him to put Aemon in his crib he always refused with the excuse that he was afraid of waking him up.
"No, no, Baelon. Don't hurt your brother,” the prince said seriously taking his son's small fist to prevent him from hurting Aemon, who was sleeping in his arms again.
Baelon had been distracted watching his cousin Jaehaera and you making flower crowns but now that he wanted to give his dad a crown and saw him with his brother he got mad and wanted to hit Aemon. When he did not achieve his mission, what did he do? He started crying and his crying woke up his twin, who also started crying.
Just when you were lifting Baelon up to comfort him. One of your maidens appeared running, when you saw her you stood up, with some difficulty for the child you had in your arms, fearing that something had happened to Aegon, you could not bear to lose another brother.
"Princess, prince" he made the quick bow "The king requests that the council meet and wants you there too"
You and Aemond knew something bad was about to happen. They had never asked you to join the council before so whatever they were going to talk about had to do with you or Prince Aegon.
Aemond was sitting next to you, looking ready to plunge his sword into anyone who would look at you, and you couldn't stop thinking about holding his hand. But if you did, the rest would see you weak. You had to prepare to fight for your life and your brother's. You couldn't look nervous or you wouldn't be taken seriously.
"Well? What is the meeting for today?" Tyland Lannister asked breaking the silence.
"Cregan Stark" replied the king and you noticed how everyone tensed upon hearing the name of the guardian of the north. "He refuses to pledge loyalty to me," he said and handed a scroll to his mother. "And he's coming over here with his army of northerners."
"That damn idiot, Rhaenyra Targaryen is dead he has no one to fight for," said one of the men.
"I'm just going to bend the knee and swear allegiance to the true queen. Y/N Targaryen" Alicent Hightower read and you froze, you felt like all the air was suddenly gone "Give her the throne or we'll fight to get it back to her"
You didn't understand Why was Cregan Stark fighting for you? Yes, you are Rhaenyra's daughter but he didn't know you, he didn't know if you would make a better queen than Aegon. You didn't even fight in the war, you had been locked up taking care of your children while your whole family died. You didn't deserve the throne.
"You have to kill her!" one of the men said and Aemond soon had his sword pointed at the man's throat.
"Do you want to repeat that again?"
"Aemond, please," Alicent said not wanting there to be bloodshed.
"Kill him," said the king drawing everyone's attention "He can't talk like that about his future queen"
Aemond wasted no time slashing the man's throat. The table was soon covered with blood. He watched the scene satisfied but then assimilated the words of his brother.
"What do you mean future queen?" he questioned now pointing his sword at the king. You quickly got up and put your hand on his shoulder.
"Aemond lowers the sword before they accuse you of treason" you whispered.
"I'm going to marry our niece" answered the king with a smile and you felt that at any moment you could faint. The only thing you could think about was that the gods must hate you because not only are you married to the murderer of your brother and grandmother but now you were also going to marry the murderer of your mother. You still have nightmares about her being burned alive by the king's dragon.
"Aegon, you can't marry Y/n. She's already married to your brother" Alicent told him like she was talking to a little boy.
"Aegon the conqueror had two wives, I don't see why Y/n can't have two husbands," he replied.
Aegon had always thought of making you his wife. The only reason he agreed to be king was so he could marry you too. Helaena would be his wife out of duty and you out of love, you would be his Rhaenys. Of course, Aemond beat him, he married you after the last supper with his father while he was in bed with fleas. But now that didn't matter, nothing could come between you. Helaena was dead and neither his mother nor his brother could not refuse because the marriage was necessary or they would all end up dead at the hands of the northerners.
"I will not share my wife just because of one of your whims" Aemond refused angrily and the king snorted. Aegon was being nice, if he wanted he could have murdered his brother and married you but he didn't. He was willing to share you.
"It's not on a whim. It's to prevent a war," corrected Tyland. "We don't have enough forces to fight the Northlanders and I'm sure Jeyne Arryn is about to bring an army as well. The only way to get loyalty from them is if we make princess Y/n queen and the only way to do that is by marrying the king."
You didn't want to marry Aegon but after listening to Tyland you would. You wanted the war to end once and for all, and if the only way was to marry your mother's killer, you would. You couldn't keep being selfish, you weren't going to let more people die for your family. The town had already lost too many. Aegon and you had to put the war behind you and start rebuilding the kingdom, rewarding the people for all the damage they had caused.
"And what if Cregan Stark doesn't agree with that? He wants the princess on the iron throne, he doesn't want him" said Larys Strong.
"Y/n will rule as my equal. She will wear the crown that belonged to my father"
"Oh gods, all that's left is for you to let her sit on the iron throne," Alicent said.
"Jaehaerys came to sit on the throne along with Alysanne," Aegon reminded her.
You felt so confused. You did not know why Aegon was willing to give you so much power. Why didn't he do that with your mother? This all made no sense but you weren't going to question it.
"We'll talk to him," you said drawing everyone's attention. "Aegon and I will speak with Lord Stark. We will show each other how a united front and he will swear loyalty to me."
Aemond turned to look at you, feeling betrayed. Was this some kind of payback for Alys Rivers?
"Perfect. My lords, there is a wedding to organize" the king announced with a smile and left the room.
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tag list: @afro-hispwriter @inmmyowndefender @justsumtuffstuff @crispmarshmallowllow @daduol @safrish @lilithskywalker @solacestyles @zverea
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thatgirlstrawberry · 1 year
Not-so-happy Hotch pt. 2
In which Y/N and Spencer are in a predicament
Warnings: kinda smut, fluff, angst, bodily liquid getting on clothing (if you know what I mean🤭), mean Hotch, Derek being a teaser, lmk if I missed anything!!
Spencer Reid x fem!hotch!reader
This picture was made by @thbidkbutok
•*. •*.
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“Y/N, Hotch is going to kill me.” He groaned, pressing his fingers against the dark purple marks littered all over his neck and chest. He stood there in the mirror with nothing but his boxers on.
It was true. Hotch would absolutely kill him. Truth is, Y/N got a little carried away the night before. “I’m sorry! I swear, I didn’t mean to that!”
He chuckled. “How do you accidentally bite someone?”
“Like this!” She leaned over and bit his bicep gently. He jumped a bit and looked at her.
“No, but seriously. You might wanna start planning my funeral.” He said, fingers ghosting over the hickies.
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled. “Oh shut up and wear a turtleneck!” She giggled, kissing his shoulder.
It was hard to keep her hands off of Spencer when they walked into the building every day. And he knew it was hard for her. She craved the feeling of his mmm. So, he decided that they’d leave early so they they could still have time for each other’s company and live in the morning before they’d walk into work. Sometimes they’d drink coffee and eat donuts and sometimes they’d just full on fuck in the backseat.
Today was one of those days.
Her breathless moans filled the entire car. “Fuck, Spencer!” She cried, her nails scraping down his back. He relentlessly drilled into her over and over again. Her hands clenched his biceps as his arms held him over her, gripping the door behind her.
“Y/N/N, I’m so close—“ He grunted out, one hand coming from behind her head to rest on her chin, thumb rubbing her bottom lip.
“Spence, I’m gonna c-“ Before she could even get the words out of her mouth, her hot release came and she squeezed her eyes shut, feeling Spencer pull out. They forgot to restock the car condoms.
Soon, he finished and Y/N gasped when she realized that he accidentally came all over her blouse. “Spencer!” He blushed a dark shade of pink.
“Oh shit! Baby, I’m so sorry! Oh my— do you have another work shirt?” She shook her head as he climbed off of her, pulling up his pants.
She inhaled deeply and looked at him. “Remember those shirts I bought us for your birthday?” She asked, a small embarrassed smile on her face. “They’re still in the trunk.”
He tilted his head and parted his lips. “Y/N, you can’t wear that in there!” He shook his head. “Your dad will actually kill me. For real this time.”
“Would you rather me go in there with your cum all over my shirt or would you rather me go in there wearing a shirt with the word daddy on it?” She asked, tearing off the shirt that she was wearing.
“Y/N, i really don’t think this is a good idea.” He grabbed her arm as she went to get out of the car.
She turned back to him. “Spencer, I couldn’t care less what my dad thinks. If he fires me, he fires me. I’m not a child. That’s on him, okay?” He sighed.
“Well… if you’re gonna wear yours…” He drew out, closing his eyes, not actually believing he was about to walk into the BAU in a T-shirt.
Y/N gave him a small smile and leaned forward to give him a big, passionate kiss. “I love you, Spencer Reid.”
“I obviously love you more.” He joked, climbing out of the car so she didn’t have to get out half naked.
In their line of work, yes, there was a dress code. But seeing as the particular circumstances prevented them from dressing appropriately, they walked hand in hand into the bullpen.
Y/N avoided any and all eye contact that might have been made with her because her shirt said “BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM” her entire body was hot.
Spencer looked red as a tomato with “My Girlfriend is Hotter than you” plastered in all caps across his shirt.
Derek glanced up from his desk he’s leaned on for just a second. But then, his head slowly lifted back up. His eyebrows increasingly furrowed, his face full of concern.
He read Y/N’s shirt first before looking at Spencer’s. “What… the… hell.” He kicked off of his desk and hurried in front of them. “What are you guys… wearing!?” He asked, trying his hardest not to laugh.
Y/N pushed a finger to her lips. “Shhh! Derek, if you get me in trouble, I will hurt you!” She whispered harshly.
Spencer just nodded his head. “There was an incident… and this was all she had in the car.” He said, glancing at the floor repeatedly.
Derek squinted. “Wait a minute…” He drew out. “You two were doin’ it in the car, weren’t you!?” He asked, eyes widening.
Y/N clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes. “Shut up! I will actually punch you in the throat— oh shit, here comes Rossi.” She dropped Spencer’s hand and folded hers in front of her.
“Sweetheart! You’re h—“ He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. “What the hell are you two wearing?”
Y/N heated even more and she looked up at Spencer. “I’m beginning to think the other shirt was a better idea.”
The other two began asking each other questions and snickering about the shirts. Emily and JJ and Penelope also joined when they saw then couple.
Her breath hitched when her father’s office door opened and he stepped out. Spencer was busy looking at the very interesting floor when he came closer. “What’s going on over here?” Hotch asked, joining the group that surrounded his daughter and her boyfriend.
He eyed both of them with a stone cold look and then looked at what they were were wearing. “Office.” He turned right back around and headed towards his previous place. He paused and realized that he didn’t hear any footsteps behind him. “Now.”
Y/N inhaled deeply and grabbed Spencer’s hand, pulling him with her behind her father. He was silent until they reached his office.
They went in and sat in the chairs immediately, feeling like a couple of kids who got called to the principal’s office. “Okay, I’m just gonna say it…” He sighed, sitting in his chair. “You thought it was appropriate to wear shirts with words on them to work? The word d-daddy and girlfriend are not appropriate here, you do understand that, right?”
“I spilled coffee on my shirt.” Y/N lied, thinking her excuse would suffice.
Hotch narrowed his eyes and looked at Spencer. “And what happened to his shirt?”
She swallowed. “I also… spilled coffee on his shirt.” Her nod concluded her second lie.
Hotch inhaled and popped his eyebrows up. “Okay.” He shrugged. “Find new clothes and get to work.” He commanded. Y/N rolled her eyes and Spencer got up quickly, leaving the room.
Y/N got up as well but her father called to her. “Y/N?”
“Yes?” She answered.
“If you wanna be a behavior analyst, I suggest you learn how to lie better.”
Yuuuuuh pt. 2!!!
Love @thbidkbutok for requesting this!!!
Thanks for reading bbgs!!! Love ya bunches!!
Taglist: @tuesday-yellowxx
@montar ella
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haihaihaitani · 10 months
Don't Be Scared ~ *Rindou Haitani*
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Summary: It seems Rindou’s colleagues don’t respect you as they go out of their way to make you miserable. But you would never tell Rin this. You’re stronger than that, right?
Pairing: Rindou Haitani X G/N!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Drabble
Word Count: 686
Warning: swearing, anxiety attack, insecurities. Rindou being OOC (but I need him to be this way), hating the nickname baby (seriously I could rant about how much I hate being called this, but I think I summed it up pretty well in this)
A/N: I wrote this as a sort of therapy piece. Two things mentioned in this story are insecurities of mine. And sometimes I just imagine a lovely anime boy telling me he’s going to protect me. So yeah. Very self-indulgent. 
A/N 2: Also my dad had piranhas. That’s why they’re here.
You were officially having the worst day ever. Currently, you were curled up in the far corner of your husband’s office, behind his couch. You were squeezed into a tight ball, shaking and crying like a child. All because you were embarrassed in front of your husband’s coworkers.
Honestly, you couldn’t remember who it was who did it and you frankly didn’t care. You could still remember what he did clearly, even though it happened over an hour ago. You don’t think you were ever going to forget.
You were on your way to your husband’s office with some important paperwork when some guy jumped out and scared you. You hated jumpscares because you always felt stupid afterwards. However, after he jumped out, you tripped over your own feet and fell on your ass.
While you were trying to fight back your heavy breathing and tears, the guy laughed and said, “Ha! Gotcha, you whore.”
You were frozen.
A whore? Is that what these people thought of you? You thought…
You shook your head. It didn’t matter what you thought anymore. What mattered is that no one here respected you. Maybe your own husband didn’t respect you like you thought. You just wanted to disappear and believe none of this ever happened. That when you close your eyes, count to three, and open them, you’d be home again.
The door to the office opened. You heard Rindou call out to you, “Baby? Are you here? Ran said he saw you run in here.”
Baby. You were right. Your own husband didn’t even respect you to see you as anything more than a child. Were you being dramatic? Sure. But you still felt justified in being a little extreme considering the humiliation you were subjected to.
“Babe?” Rindou’s voice was much closer to you now and you felt his shoulder brush against yours. You squeezed yourself into a tighter ball to get away from him. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Go away.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me. Something is bothering you and I will do whatever I can to make it right.”
“No! It’s embarrassing and I just want to crawl into a hole and die!”
You weakly struggled against him when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. “Love, please. Let me help you.”
Taking a few breaths to try and calm yourself, you told him. You recounted the mortifying ordeal with the jumpscare and how he called you a whore. You then let your insecurities spill, how you were so stupid that you could handle a bloody massacre but couldn’t watch a horror movie. You mentioned that you didn’t think anyone respected you, much less like you and you wished you weren’t so dramatic, but explained that these were the thoughts and feelings you were having.
When you were done, Rindou didn’t say anything for a long time. You were about to ask him to say something when he whispered, “I’ll kill him.”
“I’ll fucking kill him. I’ll gut him like a fish and feed him to your piranhas for making you feel this way.” He snapped, his voice cold and deadly.
You shook your head and burrowed yourself into his chest. “Don’t do that. You’ll make yourself work more for something those fish won’t eat.”
He gave a slight chuckle but pulled you in closer. “I’m glad you’re making jokes but I’m furious someone would make you doubt yourself like that. You are not a baby and you are not a whore. I love you so much, I married you. If you want, I’ll stop calling you baby. I call you whatever you want. But you have to know that I have never thought less of you and I never will. You are the love of my life and I will never, ever stop loving you, okay?”
You nodded. “Can we go home?”
Rindou kissed the top of your head. “Of course, my love. Right after I call Ran, okay? I have to order a hit.”
“Tell him to be slow and painful.”
“Anything for you.”
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davidsons89 · 2 years
Billy x Hopper!Reader
They argue, Billy insults the reader, Hopper comes in angry as hell, you tell the rest🤭
watch your mouth — b.h
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pairings ; billy hargrove x hopper!reader
summary ; billy takes it too far during an argument which triggers an angry hopper who threatens to kill billy.
warnings ; toxic relationship, arguing, mentions of controlling, face grabbing and slapping, use of swear words, threats, and death threats lol
authors note ; this is a short one but I still hope you enjoy it. i really love writing for hopper!reader, i can imagine him being super protective over his girls <3
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“Shut the hell up, Billy” you slam the door in his face. He stops it from shutting before following you into your house. Both walking past Hopper who is completely oblivious to your entrance, he sits on the sofa drinking a bottle of beer.
“Don’t tell me to shut up” Billy follows you into the kitchen. “Then get your head out of your ass!” You scream at him. Hopper sighs, reaching for the TV to turn up the volume to block out the noise. He’s used to the two of you arguing, so he just tries to ignore it. But once it gets too much, he knows when to stop it.
“Get my head out of my ass? You’re the one who’s acting like a fucking slut” Billy snaps back at you. A “hey” from Hopper could be heard from the living room as a warning for Billy to watch his mouth. Billy just scoffs. “A slut?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“Yeah, a slut, I told you millions of times to stop speaking to that fucking loser, Harrington, yet here you are, still talking to him” Billy loses his temper. “He is my friend, Billy, I’m not gonna stop talking to him just because you’re insecure.” You roll your eyes, having to speak slowly as if you’re talking to a child.
“You think I’m insecure of that asshole?” He hacks up a laugh. “Yeah, why else would you be begging me to stop talking to him like a fucking baby?” You harshly shout. “Because he’s just trying to get in your pants, like every other guy at school is” Billy tries to explain but you shake your head.
Everybody at school knows you and Billy are in a relationship. And most people are terrified of Billy, so they wouldn’t try to speak to his girl. He is just making things up. He hates Steve and wants you to hate him too, but it’s not happening.
“Oh grow the hell up, Billy. Seriously. He isn’t trying to get in my pants, we’ve been friends for years, you fucking idiot.” You insult him, walking off but feel a bruising grip snap around your wrist. Billy forces you back, causing you pain. “Ow. Billy, get off me!” You slap him away but it only makes him madder.
Slapping him made him slap you. He has a quick temper but that threw him over the edge. Hopper heard it and quickly snapped his head in your direction to see Billy grab your face and force it closer to his. “Don’t you ever fucking call me that again, you hear me?” He threatens you as Hopper rushes over.
“Get your hands off her” Hopper slaps Billy’s hand down before grabbing him by his collar. You fell out of Billy’s grip and watched as your dad threatened your boyfriend. Billy hurt you which really upset you. You begin to cry. “Don’t you ever lay a damn finger on my daughter, you hear me?” Hopper warns with gritted teeth to show his anger. His blood is boiling.
Billy didn’t answer but he knows better than to fight back. For the exact same reason he doesn’t fight his own dad back. “I didn’t let you date my daughter for you to tell her what she can and can’t do, and I won’t stand here and watch you put your filthy hands on her, do I make myself clear?” Hopper asks in a death-threatening tone which makes Billy side eye you.
“Don’t look at her, look at me” Hopper demands, tapping Billy’s cheek a few times to divert his attention back to him before gripping the scruff of his collar again. “She can talk to whoever she damn wants to, and don’t you dare think you can control her because boy, I will kill you” Hopper’s tone is serious. The room fell silent. The only sound heard is you sniffling and wiping your tears away.
“Do I make myself clear?” Hopper asks and Billy nods. This is the first time you’ve ever seen him scared of anybody. “No, use your words.” Your dad manages to grip Billy’s collar harder. “Yes, sir” Billy responds. Hopper stares into his eyes for a few seconds before dropping his hands.
“Good. And watch your mouth, because if you ever call her a slut again, I will tie you to the back of my truck and go for a ride” Hopper sarcastically smiles, patting your shoulder before leaving the kitchen. He knows Billy won’t say another mean word to you.
Now all that’s left is the two of you in awkward silence. “Sorry” Billy manages to say moments later. He never apologizes, so you look into his eyes. “Wipe those tears away, come on, let’s go to your room” Billy suddenly switches up to make you feel better.
He cups your cheeks, using his thumbs to rub your wet eyes. “Come on” he whispers before planting a kiss on your forehead, reaching down to grab your hand and guide you to your bedroom. The two of you kick your shoes off and relax. You put on a bit of music and spend quality time together as a couple, minus the arguing and fighting for a first.
Hopper proudly smiles at the TV as he takes a sip from his bottle of beer. That’s another person he’s successfully made scared of him. Now he doesn’t have to worry about him messing with you, because your dad always has your back. He will fight for you, and certainly isn’t afraid to kill for you.
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My thoughts on the characters throughout the seasons on my first watch:
Luther: very very annoying, ew incest, kinda wanted him to die only so the incest plot couldn't happen
Diego: Oh he's cool I like him, and him canonically being semi-verbal? Absolutely love that, me too
Allison: she's sweet, kinda annoying, not the best person but I can see she's trying so I'm going to try to like her, didn't like how she went about the Leonard situation, very worried when she almost died
Klaus: oh I love you, favorite character, best character, you kind of remind me of my friends
Five: you are so interesting I am staring at the screen intrigued, very cool power, but also the mannequin??
Ben: side character, I like his interactions with Klaus
Viktor: you are.. Interesting, however there is too much you and not enough Klaus
Luther: annoyance from last season persevered and I don't trust his interactions with Allison but the scene with the two Fives was really fun
Diego: why the jfk obsession why, also he is a complete dumbass lmao (/endearing)
Allison: I forgive her for the previous season she is top 4, very sweet, I love her and Ray
Klaus: you have been demoted to second favorite but I still love you I swear
Five: you are actively winning me over I have become so attatched you are such a bitter old man who loves his family so much I absolutely adore you
Ben: he is also winning me over, was very near getting really attatched to him at the end of the season and then he fucking died
Viktor: Liking him more now too, he's very sweet, I love him with Sissy and Harlan, the amnesia thing was pretty good, was very nice this season
Lila: not sure how I feel, conflicted, kinda don't like
Luther: fine you win I don't hate you anymore now go dance with your wife, also his reaction to Viktor coming out was so sweet I died, wasn't rlly worried about his death but damn all he wanted was a hug poor guy
Diego: "Do you feel loved? Good, you are" bangs fists on table, crying, screaming, also the whole thing with Stan was very sweet but Diego isn't rlly a good dad, not horrible, but as someone heavily interested in psych and parenting techniques; yikes my guy, you could do better
Allison: Oh her relationship with Viktor is so nice I hope nothing bad happens between them stares at the camera like in the office , also FUCK YOU, the SA was way way too far, completely irredeemable
Klaus: FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP, also immortality thank fuck if you died I would have never recovered, all his interactions with Reginald all he wanted was for a good father :(, people need to start listening to him and taking him seriously asap I'm gonna lose it he deserves the world
Five: I would kill for you and your stupid old man outfits, also him being blamed for the apocalypse made my blood boil Five has been trying so hard to keep his family alive and he loves them all so much only to be treated like shit
Ben: I miss Umbrella Ben bring him back why is he such an asshole
Viktor: trans guy swag, all of the coming out scenes warmed my heart, liking his character more, him losing Harlan and Allison treating him like shit :(
Lila: She won me over she is so fun however what she did to Diego with Stan was shit
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sweetestpopcorn · 5 months
How would you rank Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children in terms of greatness/potential? For me, Baelon was best out their children with Saera being second. I also think Viserra was a waisted potential. I think she could have done interesting stuff had she lived. Do you think perhaps maybe Baelon should’ve married her after Alyssa’s death? Obviously, no one could replace Alyssa in his heart.
Hi there :)
I have already kind of answered this regarding my thoughts about Saera and Viserra and none of it is good. I will just link them here and here . Legit they are just portrayed as mean girls with no real depth to them, though of the two, Saera is much, much worse. Viserra I can at least sympathise with since her parents seem to not give half a f_ck about her and did not even extend to her the same courtesy they did her siblings of having a say about her marriage (more here), but that's about it. I don't find anything else likeable about her she's just... empty.
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I will go from least favourite to favourite.
Saera and Viserra go right to the bottom of my list. Followed very closely by Vaegon by obvious reasons. Like Vaegon, it literally costs you 0 golden dragons to not be so unlikable.
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Then I would say Daenerys, she has a lot of sweet moments but dies young so I don't really know how she would have turned out. Besides, I know it's petty of me, but I don't like other characters having Dany's name. I do like Daenerys, Naerys's daughter but... yeah no more. You don't need more Daenerys, we have our Mother of Dragons. Yes, I know I am petty.
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Then Gael because... poor baby 🥺 seriously what was George thinking writing a character who is Alysanne's comfort, with some degree of cognitive disability be r...... by some random singer, give birth, lose her baby, and kill herself?! Like enough's enough. It's literally just to add tragedy to her story and honestly Turtle man it's getting f:cking OLD. I swear this man gets his rocks off by adding tragedy and terrible abuse to female characters. This when he can bother to make them more than a walking womb.
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Then I would say Aemon. Maybe he would be higher but at times I just feel he's too perfect if that's a thing. There’s just nothing wrong with him like 😂 he literally does nothing wrong.
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Daella comes next because I find her funny. She's such a drama queen 24/7 making everyone around her want to protect her XD even Alyssa. I kind of got the vibes at times from her that she kind of knew what she was doing to get attention. Like the fact that she and Alyssa are Rhaenyra's grandmothers just makes so much sense no matter how you look at it. In a way Rhaenyra seems kind of a mixture of both? With tons of stubborn and style added. Another moment that really endeared me to Daella was her very tragic death, and how despite all her suffering she still wanted to be given Aemma and to feed her. Prime mom material right there -> like you can tell both from her and Alyssa that Rhaenyra got some top notch mom genes.
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Then Alyssa of course, because she was THE queen. Literally she was just a better behaved version of her son and I'm here for it! I love how despite the fact that she was clearly a tomboy she still wanted to marry Baelon and give him an army of kids X'D because these two things are not mutually exclusive and liking or enjoying traditional boy things does not have to say anything about your sexuality or your desire to be a mother - just like being very feminine and liking traditionally feminine activities does not have to say anything about your sexuality or desire to parent. These are rules a society that does not understand nuance and in a sense is deeply sexist and stereotypical likes to put in place and that I find deeply harmful to people. But Alyssa is the BOMB, so funny, so bold, the way she embarrassed Vaegon who was a little sh:t *chef's kiss*
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Then there's the best man ever -> Baelon Targaryen
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Had his own cool nickname, The Spring Prince, funny, charming, sexy, single dad who never once forgot about his lady with the mismatched eyes, entered a tourney under the name of the Silver Fool... I don't feel like a need to say more, and in an era where all men were literally so problematic, Baelon was IT.
Baelon is what this fandom thinks Corlys is. Sorry not sorry.
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And that's it :D
Also no, and more important that should Baelon remarry, the question is did he want to remarry? And the answer is no, and any Baelon fan would respect the Spring Prince and his undying love for his lady with the mismatched eyes <3
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Eileen: "Sam. I can't...do this. I'm not...built for this."
Look, I don't care what ANYONE says. Sam’s son Dean (Spencer Borgeson) looks a STUPID LOT like Eileen Leahy (Shosannah Stern), and no writers or actors are ever going to change my mind that it wasn't cast that way on purpose.
Like, seriously, did they use magic copy-pasta to remake her scrunchy smile and uberdark doe-eyes?!
So, what happened? I'll tell ya what happened. Sam kept hunting for a little while, but he and Eileen had an unplanned pregnancy and she and Sam got out...for a little while. Until Eileen had a lone-wolf-hunter freakout and left. Sam's the one who stayed. And it was easier to let Dean think she was dead.
Dean drives the little red muscle car (THE red 1971 Plymouth Valiant) she left behind, "to feel closer to her."
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So, you see... Sam becomes Ellen, Dean Jr. becomes Jo.
Except Bill (Eileen) is fucking alive, and Dean Jr. swears he'll never speak to Sam again when he finds out.
"Because you hid all this from me, dad! You didn't give me my own choice!"
There's all these people that know Dean's name and know so many details about his life (a Jody Mills, a Donna Hanscum, etc etc.), but he doesn't know them, and he feels lied to.
His grandparents were killed in a plane crash, or so he thought, and Dad said uncle Dean died in a construction accident (something about rebar).
They all look so normal in their family photos that Dean soon learns Sam has carefully doctored to "sell" the lie even more convincingly.
Dean Jr. doesn't know hunting or angels or about Castiel or Jack.
Sam doesn't want him to throw it all away, because what about college?! Sam would have killed to finish college! He's trying to protect him. It's not manipulation. It's love.
But Dean starts hunting with Eileen.
He starts using “Leahy” and his middle name (Mason?) instead.
And Sam's dying inside over it.
He is. He goes out to the garage, slips into the impala's front seat, and he sobs.
(Actually, I totally dig this. I'd watch it.)
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seriouslycromulent · 2 months
My rewatch of The John Larroquette Show (so far)
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In my effort to keep my Larroquette obsession thriving, I've recently started a rewatch of The John Larroquette Show. Like Night Court (which I rewatched in 2022), I remember watching this show when it originally aired.
But unlike Night Court, my memory of most of the episodes is a bit fuzzy. I remember the main characters and their personalities just fine, but not so much what happens in terms of the storyline.
Regardless, I'm enjoying the rewatch, and I'm pleasantly surprised by how much the show holds up over time, how evergreen the topics are, and how strong the jokes are. Seriously. They are constantly telling jokes that I swear are as old as vaudeville, but they kill in terms of laughs from the audience and from me as well.
Example: In s2e8 "The Book of Rachel," Mayim Bialik guest stars as a young hippie-ish woman named Rachel who shows up in hopes of finding out if John Hemingway (JL's character) is her real dad. She's narrowed down the search to 3 men who knew her mom, who was living wild and free back in the '70s, around that time.
When John asks how her mother's doing, Rachel says, "She's doing pretty good. She's been clean for about 5 years now." John, a recovering alcoholic who's been sober for 1 year, says, "That's great! So no more drugs and booze, huh?" And Rachel says, "Oh no, there's still plenty of drugs and booze. She's just been bathing regularly for 5 years."
I'm not telling it very well in writing, but I swear to you, that joke is funny as hell, and Mayim and JL's delivery is perfection. Plus, it got a huge laugh from the audience, which speaks to its timeless nature.
Anyway, I just wanted to share a thought or two on the show so far. (I'm on episode 12 of Season 2, just in case anyone wants to know the context.)
Here are some random thoughts I've had so far:
Like Night Court, the show does a solid job of mixing comedy and drama. The first season is a bit more drama heavy because they dealt more with the recovery storyline, but I think it still worked and the whole concept is still pretty daring (i.e., revolving around the unglamorous lives of people who work in and around a bus station at night) even compared to today's sitcoms, which still tend to play it safe.
JL's hair in the first season is absurdly long. Or at least it gets to be absurdly long about halfway through the season. And it's not a good look. Not because he looks bad with long hair, but because it looks like it takes a lot of upkeep. And a man who is working 3rd shift at a bus station and lives in a halfway house/SRO building doesn't seem like he'd have a strict hair care regimen to make it appear perfectly tamed at all time. Seriously, at one point I had to ask out loud, "I wonder if they curl the ends with a curling iron or do they use rollers?"
This may be the first TV show I ever saw Chi McBride in. Despite seeing him on plenty of TV shows and films over the years, I never knew he had such a lovely singing voice. I'm glad they gave him a chance to share his singing talent. His version of "Danny Boy" in season 1 was very good.
The 2 corrupt police officers who blatantly flaunt their bias and awfulness are both funny and a great commentary on what was happening in America at the time (i.e., the Rodney King police beating, and the aftermath of the verdict was still very fresh in everyone's minds then). Sadly, it is an evergreen topic for the U.S., but I think it says a lot about the writers for TJLS that they attacked the subject so openly and didn't shy away of being critical of police or lampooning them. I don't think a modern American sitcom would approach the subject so brazenly and unapologetically today. JL has said in a number of interviews that the show was kind of ahead of its time. And I'm inclined to agree with him, at least in some areas.
It's so cool going back to watch old TV shows and catching actors who have now become bigger names in the business. I just watched an episode with Jane Lynch working as a mental health care professional. Of course, this was way before she found success on Glee and The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
Does JL manage to work in a reference to Samuel Beckett into everything he works on starting with this series? It's starting to function as his own career Easter egg at this point. I'm not complaining. Just wondering.
I know Don Reo created the show, but I suspect JL had a small amount of his life's adventures and details shape the John Hemingway character (like the Beckett references, his running commentary on anything that happened in the 1960s, his openness about being friends with anyone from any background, etc.). But the only way to truly know this is for JL to 1) tell us in Q&As or interviews, or 2) write an autobiography already, dammit!
In s2e1 "Changes," JL sits down in a chair by swinging his leg over the back of it, and I immediately thought of the Riker Maneuver. I know JL did it before Jonathan Frakes on TNG, but it will always be the Riker Maneuver to me.
Another way the show was ahead of its time was in its portrayal of sex workers and trans people. Most of the time, it's played for comedy on the show (I mean, it is a sitcom after all), but there's a very real attempt to share stories of Carly, Teddi and Pat that are humanizing. Teddi and Pat are trans sex workers, but they are accepted by most (not the male cop) and aren't just the butt of jokes. They even get included in simple things like group poker games and asked to watch the lunch counter when Dexter runs off to do something or other. That might seem like not a big deal, but at that time (the mid-90s), most inclusion of hookers and trans folks on TV usually involved heavy drama like trying to save them from their lives or begrudgingly acknowledging that they were a part of society with disdain and ridicule. And the overall acceptance of Carly as a friend and possible love interest without trying to save her or judge her was also a bit ahead of its time. And when there were moments of judgment, they were faced head on and challenged.
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quodekash · 9 months
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because of them, im now gonna start sobbing every time someone throws a peace sign at me
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my boy is having many thoughts. none of them good.
I can hear his crisis and him blaming himself because now he thinks it's his fault that sailom's gonna get beat up, and he's sad for himself that he doesn't have a reason to spend time with sailom anymore, and now his grandma's gonna be disappointed in him for failing something, and there's definitely some thoughts in the mix there about his dad and the bike he bought him and kang is so certain he doesn't deserve the bike, I could go on but I wont because I would like to finish this episode before the sun rises and currently that doesnt seem all too likely
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well DUH
YOU COULD SEE IT FROM MARS (and now im thinking about soundwin. frick.)
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tell him
tellllll himmmmmm
tell him he lent the umbrella to youuuuu
and you've treasured it forever perhaps?
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chances are either the bus or Kang's car is gonna show up before he'll get it out, bUT ONCE AGAIN, LET ME BASK IN THIS RARE MOMENT OF GLORY AND POWER
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I know it's super cliche and everyone probably saw that coming but I dont care, im gonna let myself feel almighty powerful
I just. I will never understand why they dont just like quickly tell the person before leaving. or like yell at him while getting on the bus. OR EVEN text him while on the bus, immediately after getting on. that's what id do, cos if I dont tell them right then and there, I guarantee you I will forget to ever tell them, and then it'll keep me up at night for ages but never at a moment where I actually think about telling them, and then three or four years later ill finally tell them and it'll be so insignificant by then but it doesnt matter because I FINALLY TOLD THEM THE THING
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I really hope he remembers to give at least one of those umbrellas back to kang
mans is not waterproof, he needs an umbrella
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respect for auto just went down down prices are down
crypto? seriously honey?
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I hate sports days so much
thankfully id always be allowed to just not go to school instead of being forced to participate in athletics and swimming carnivals and cross country and stuff, and I will be forever grateful to my parents for that
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they're in love btw
just in case anyone forgot
I didn't forget
I can't forget about them
my brain wont allow it
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two things to say here
one: view, please marry me
two: kang and sailom definitely have the same responsibilities
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just KISS
I can't deal with the longing stares anymore
im like 80% certain they wont kiss this episode but I so badly want them to
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....but (hehe butt)
I think kang might pull some strings to end up in the same department as sailom? maybe??
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IM DYING, THERE'S A MARC AND A PAVIN (which sounded like pawin)
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ooooo he is listening to their conversationnnnnn
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(we're getting so many cheesy cliches right after each other and I am so here for it, I love this so much)
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now kiss
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he needs money to pay off his debts, so... he's gonna take a job offer from the guy he pays his debts to? feels kinda pointless, right?
also in this series, pepper reminds me of tor, specifically in midnight museum, so part of my mind thinks hes gonna offer him a job at the museum
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as someone who sprained an ankle a little over a month ago, I have some points to make
namely: saifah is right. the first 72 hours are the most important, as long as you're resting it, keeping it elevated, icing it, compressing it, you'll be all good to walk on it in no time. after that, you need to make sure you're still taking care of it, like by wearing a compression sock all the time, and not walking on it too much if it starts hurting, stuff like that. that's the part I didnt do. I took care of it for three days, then kept walking on it like nothing happened, and it's still really painful sometimes, it never properly healed, but like it's fine im surviving
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there's nothing wrong with the work he's doing, it's just the fact that he's still a kid and thats a 50 year old man
on another note, I ran out of bloody images AGAIN
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Deep Night ep. 7
The preview for this episode showed that a lot of focus will be on Wela (and, therefore, also Khem). I do hope I get some throuple moments as well. I mean, we just got a Seji and Pan kiss last episode (a kiss Ken saw) so there has to be some reaction to that in this one, right? Please, show, don’t disappoint me on this front!
I knew that girl would come back and bite everyone in the ass (not literally, though that would’ve been more fun to watch…).
The way James is standing between Great’s legs… I’m kind of annoyed we’ve only gotten crumbs of these two.
Seriously, iQIYI. Will you ever sub text messages and social media posts/comments? I won’t hold my breath, though…
Well, look at that! More Great and James crumbs! It’s funny how much I love them compared to the minimal crumbs we’ve been getting.
Fuck me! I’m 11 minutes into the episode, and this series is seriously making me fall in love with Seji and Pan’s relationship. So much so, I (of all people!) am questioning the thruple?! Hey, show, don’t fucking do this to me! I want poly! I need poly! Give me what you’ve been promoting, for fuck’s sake!
I don’t want to sway… *rocking back and forth*. I don’t want to sway… I need to calm down…
Btw, Seji is looking so fucking fine.
The way Seji hesitated before he said Pan was his boyfriend when he talked to Ken…
Poor Wela. His life is falling apart just because he wanted a job that paid well enough to pay off his dad’s debt.
At least he has Khem as emotional support.
Lol, people really have nothing better to do than take sneaky photos of others and whisper behind their backs. That’s so tragic…
Well, if that teacher was still Porsche’s daddy in Playboy, he would frequent the Deep Night Club for sure. As the teacher here, though?
Damn, Seji and Ken’s new routine looked like they were rolling around in the hay.
Hey, mom, where’s your girlfriend?
There she is!
Freya saying she’s old is the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard in this series. It’s even more bullshit than all the verbal diarrhea coming out of Khem’s aunt’s mouth every time she shows up… Freya is anything but old.
All this talk about Pan and Seji eating each other but not doing it is killing me.
Oh, here goes!
Fuck, they were interrupted…
The way Seji stepped in front of Pan and the way Pan is hiding behind Seji! Why is this series doing this to me?!
Why the fuck are they standing on that table or whatever while the others are standing on the floor questioning them about their relationship? That’s so weird.
James is basically suggesting poly without actually suggesting poly. I love this man. He and I are on the same page (even though this episode is giving me whiplash).
OMFG! Not Khem showing Pan a threesome! (Even though it’s pixilated as hell, it looks like a scene from Playboy, doesn’t it? The one with daddy Aob, Puen, and a client.)
Pan said he didn’t want it, but I swear, he’s thinking about it.
Wait a fucking second! Is he actually thinking about it? As in fantasizing about it?!
OMFG! Yes. Here’s Ken too!
I swear, if Pan ends up doing what I kind of joked about him doing, I’ll go to heaven faster than a fucking rocket.
Shirtless Seji!
Shirtless Ken!
Shirtless Pan!
I fucking love that Pan fantasizes about him being the center of this throuple. It could also be how it actually turns out, though.
Thank every higher power that I’m back on the throuple train again!
What? Freya?! I thought they were girlfriends…
Khem taking care of Wela is my favorite Khem. A little emotional support can go a looooong way.
Come on Khem, teach your mom a thing or two about love.
I get Freya, though. If we ignore that she’s only using lame excuses not to be with Meji… Sometimes it’s easy to be accepting of others (like Freya accepting that Khem likes another boy) but not be as accepting of ourselves (like her own feelings for another woman). It’s a good thing Freya had Khem to reassure her that it’s okay to love, no matter who it is.
All three in the throuple seem to be having a lot on their minds. Is the throuple finally throuple-ing? Are we finally getting some real progress here?
Wait, why is Great sitting on the floor and drinking by himself? Is he afraid to tell James what he wants (considering James’ comment earlier in the episode)?
Khem is Ticketmaster in the flesh, handing out tickets for the club’s re-opening.
They are deliberately hiding the throuple from the preview, right? Showing just a little bit would spoil the whole climax, wouldn’t it? Or am I just being delulu enough to actually expect poly in the next episode?
Honestly, the only thing I remember from this episode right now are the throuple moments. The moments between Pan and Seji in the beginning, James and Khem hinting at poly, and then Pan actually fantasizing about it (and getting a boner). They better fucking make it happen in the next episode (since it’s the last one).
It’s a good thing I think my clown car is pretty and smells much better than a Wunderbaum air freshener…
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ragingstillness · 2 months
Finally getting around to watching CM:E
Thoughts thus far:
Rossi is sad and I remain pissed that they killed Krystal for no reason
Grey!Em is still my favorite thing
Happy to hear some swearing, the original show needed more of it
Let Rossi say fuck 2k24
“Remote Garcias” “we’re not gonna learn their names” lol Luke stays savage
“Anglophile baking club” oh come on Garcia. We all saw how shockingly queer everyone at that party is. It’s a kiki, plain and simple
Weren’t Luke and Garcia going to go on a date? Oh it’s been three years
“Take your carbs and exit sir” I love Garcia so much
“Hoo-ha” lol, burn Goop to the ground
“Korean drama” it’s a BTS anti unsub
Garcia straight up flapping I love her so much
Damn the writers for this Krystal flashback
Emily is gonna eat this Deputy Director alive
Oh thank fuck at least the rest of Dave’s family is alive
The Galvez cheek kiss *eeeee*
That little head kiss, Rossi’s such a dad/grandad
Damn Sicarius how do you have the time to dig all these holes?
Hahahahahaha I picked up on Tara and Rebecca at the same time as Emily
Waha Tara being openly queer!!!
Paget is like a proud mama that someone in the BAU finally gets to be queer
Dang this cashier girl is like literally saying exactly what I do at work
“My floof” I relate to this girl so hard
“Jagoff!” “Fuckhead!” Get his ass Rossi
Damn this therapy talk is so accurate go Garcia
Garcia and Rossi’s friendship is my Roman Empire
Man I can’t believe Sicarius actually thought that he could control obsessional killers. Dude, they aren’t going to listen to you
Sicarius you anti-retail asshole. I will dream of smashing you in the head with an axe from the hardware store where I work
Emily and Dave walking together both with grey hair look so cool now
“Is everyone but me getting laid?” “I’m not” lol ngl I appreciate the increased sexual humor
That’s my girl Garcia! I hate what it’s gonna do to your mental health to be back but I’m happy to see you
Dude if you’re gonna be a criminal psychopath with these amazing computer skills, how are you not at least making money off of it? Like, there is zero reason for you to be poor. Normally I wouldn’t say that about anyone but dude, are you seriously providing these kill kits for free?
Wait a sec he actually /took/ the dog? He didn’t just kill it? Dickhead!
“This fucking guy” yeah Rossi, read my mind about most unsubs on this show
Rebecca and Tara’s height difference is kind of killing me in this elevator scene they’re so cute
Garcia are you wearing Rocky Horror earrings? Love that
Haha fine furry friends returns
Dang y’all is Rossi the only one allowed to say fuck? It makes him sound like a teenager that just learned all the swear words. Let Garcia say fuck 2k24
I can’t believe that it’s an actual plot line that COVID prevented serial killers from killing so they had to change it up and go online. I’m sure the writers thought it sounded cool but it just sounds silly. What, did Sicarius’ first kill kits also include PPE?
Also why are these guys so willing to kill themselves for Sicarius? They seem like devoted to the cause and frankly, so many of these guys are narcissists and we’ve just seen one defy Sicarius, why are they listening to him? Seriously? No matter what he has on them, why would they consider it more important to follow his orders than their compulsions?
“You two-faced little jerk” yeah I hope he heard that
Soon we’re gonna be seeing Emily’s daydreams about killing people, not just Sicarius’.
Seriously, the idea of Sicarius having money problems is so dumb to me. He’s been shown to have immense resources and technological capability as well as ample time to use them. There is no reason why he should be financially unstable. I get that stuff like private school is expensive but dude, DUDE, you’re running a network of serial killers! It’s not THAT expensive! I feel like this whole plot point is set up to humanize him to a degree and it isn’t working well.
God whatever props guy worked on these posts for the fake forum Sicarius is using had fun. There’s a user named George_Jungle_fkr whose post consists of “I have a waifu, too!!! She lives in the jungle. I fuck in the jungle. I kill in the jungle.” With a profile picture of George of the Jungle. No shit. Pause on that screen, it’s wild. User GetHungry1893 with a post about not judging people and a profile pic of a man with bloody hands sucking on a bone. User NotSoFast with a drag racing car profile pic and with a post titled “I’m getting more guns!” That then goes on to use the phrase “waifu” and *wink wink*. User Tiredoftheblood101 with a bloodspot clipart profile pic and use of the term “OP”, asking about how to kill his MOM (capitalization his). Also in the background a user named Anonymous1232 with the anonymous logo as their profile pic.
Wait Sicarius actually has a real job? He wasn’t just bullshitting about it so he could travel all over the country? What, is running this serial killer network like a side hustle for him? Wait wait wait and he’s going on business trips that the company is actually sending him on? Like he’s following their directives? And driving a company car? This is insane. If they’re gonna characterize Sicarius the way they have been, none of this makes sense. Side note: the guy playing Sicarius is actually a good actor and after some of the previous disappointments (Scratch and the Chameleon) it’s nice to see.
This DEI discussion between Sicarius’ daughter and the redneck neighbor was not something I expected to see in Criminal Minds.
“You fucking beta cuck” yeah pretty much what I’d expect from a guy like this. But also, hysterical to hear incel language being used in real life. Damn man, you just called his daughter a bitch? He’s gonna flay you alive! I wouldn’t provoke anyone like that, even without knowing they’re the head of a serial killer network. Anyone can snap you dumbass.
“Somebody should do something about that guy.” Oh of course she says this to the serial killer. Good lord. “I’m glad you’re not that somebody.” Oh honey yes he is lol. Or he’ll send someone from the network to do it.
Ha I just realized that I carried a case exactly like the kill kit cases when I worked for the Red Cross. Contained equally suspicious things (needles, gauze, etc), if you didn’t know what company I was working for lol.
“Those who bankrolled you” then why is he having money problems god this is so dumb! “I’m not putting a gun to my head” yeah I predicted this would happen.
More hysterical users on Sicarius’ platform: User NotSoFast at it again “I miss my family. Bad aim” User Ript4u, with a muscular torso pic talking about the fruitlessness of love, calling people lemmings, “simps,” “bitchboy,” “I will dominate,” and the delightful paragraph “These bitches think they’re got it all figured out. Walking on a cloud of happy thoughts and unicorn farts.”
Haha Garcia said fan fiction! We made it to the mainstream lol.
“Honey let it go” woman he called your daughter a bitch! I’d punch him for that!
Damn Tara you’re gonna get your gf fired
“Typical bureaucratic bullshit” yes YES the old man is out! Rossi ur a king
Is Sicarius really there in person! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Oh wow he is what a dumbass! And so close to the bomb zone too! Did you want to get blown up too?!
Yeah bringing in domestic terror was a mistake.
“Excellent. I never wanted it in the first place” also kind of misogynistic to turn to Rossi after Emily rejected you.
“Wank-weasel” Garcia ur my spirit animal
“You’re a hedge fund manager with a badge. You have never done anything” get his ass Emily! I guess after Barnes the BAU has completely lost their patience for bureaucratic dickheads
“I just wanted you to hold my hand” they are soft gfs and I love them
About time one of the unsubs turned on Sicarius
Screw the propaganda that you can just make dogs eat people when they’ve been totally docile and relaxed their whole lives
Hey Sicarius, you remembering how annoying it is to do your own cleanup now?
Who the fuck is this guy Elias is hallucinating?
Genuinely curious how he finds time to make these custom foam inserts for the briefcases
Ok why is it taking so long to identify the victims found from Sicarius? This is set in 2022, DNA is fast and common.
Can’t believe this Tyler guy looked into Garcia enough to send her the encrypted locations but not enough to figure out she literally worked for the FBI. His anger over her handing over the info makes zero sense.
I know a lot of ppl hate Will for getting in the way of Jemily but he’s a very good husband. Patient, intelligent, cute. I like him.
“I believe you, but will Mom?” This new sibling energy between Rossi and Emily is everything. Also that burgundy blazer set is amazing on her.
I think Tyler has a little crush on Garcia. He just wants a woman who will kick his ass.
“Because of you I feel safe in our home” so cute literally so romantic I love them when they’re sweet
Only tangentially related but I’d love to see an episode where a serial killer breaks into another serial killer’s house. Like would it go “whoops my bad” or “you asshole you jacked my plan!” or would they just kill each other
Garcia’s little rant is hilarious
“I’m not a problem. I’m a delight. I’m a little dramatic but wonderful” yes you are Garcia
I almost believe the deputy director truly didn’t want to be overseeing this case. My guess, without watching the episode, is that he wants to prove he has some field experience so Emily can’t use it against him anymore. Also he might have a small crush on her and be a little afraid of Rossi. This season is full of men who like dominant women and I support that. I don’t support any sort of relationship between this man and Emily but I support the concept
“Bullshit. She broke your heart.” Welcome to working with profilers sir.
Also finally figured out what Emily’s scathing inditement of the deputy director reminded me of: it’s Hotch’s profiling of his team to defend them against Strauss
Emily’s smile when she finally got one over the deputy director, so pretty
Garcia and her ‘puter like she literally did the cat meme
Ok the orange crocs are a sin I would throw a folder at him too
Not surprised Will doesn’t have cancer but pissed they even teased us with it.
Haha Garcia is gonna make that dude keep the cat lol
Oh hey Sicarius. Nice to see you. Gonna kill a senator now?
lol Sicarius is like yeah I’m not sticking around for this freaky Oedipal shit. You can bankroll me, but I’m not into voyeurism on this
I know we’re supposed to be worried but 1) using a streaming site undercuts the tension of thinking a character will die and 2) that was the sexiest wheels up ever
Hahaha wow they didn’t even try to give us a realistic justification for Sicarius taking off his shirt
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evieismol · 1 year
Accidents - One Shot
A/n: another one shot featuring my oc Easton as well as the humans he previously befriended before going to work on Earth. Chronologically set a couple of years before the main story
Word count: 1041
Content warnings: language, fearplay (unintentional), angst, potentially dangerous situation (no one hurt)
“Hey,” Easton said as soon as the door to his room was closed. Larissa looked at the giant as he entered from her place on his table. He looked even more exhausted than he had that morning - his usually shiny, platinum blonde hair was more of a dull, limp mess, and dark circles were obvious under his eyes. Still, he offered the three small humans a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“How are you guys doing?” He asked. He looked over at Ruby, who was sitting up on the makeshift bed he’d made for her. “How’s your leg?”
“It’s doing a lot better,” Ruby said.
“I’m glad,” Easton said. “We should get the bandage changed again tonight. What do you guys want for dinner? I can see what’s in the fridge or go get something at the gas station - I know those aren’t super luxurious options, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, we’re just happy to have food at all,” Kyle said. “Seriously. Thanks for all of this…for helping us.”
Easton shrugged. “Of course. Helping people is kind of my job anyways.”
“Speaking of your job, how was your day?” Kyle asked. Easton sighed as he sat down on his bed, careful to not bump into the table the three humans were standing on that was next to it. “Long,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” Ruby offered.
“It’s fine. I’m just tired,” Easton said. Larissa felt a pang of guilt at that - she felt sure that her and her friend’s presence couldn’t be helping with that. Over the week they’d been staying with Easton since he’d found them after they’d gone through the portal, he’d gone out of his way to make sure they were as comfortable as possible. And Given that they were stranded in an alien world where they were comparatively only a few inches tall, that was quite the task. It had so far included not only making beds for them, but also figuring out a way they could “shower” safely in the sink, bringing them 3 meals a day, and even trying to find ways to keep them from getting bored while they were mostly confined to his desk. Among other things.
We really need to figure out how to get back through that portal, she thought. Of course, given who was looking for them back on Earth, that wouldn’t be without its risks either.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Larissa asked.
“I swear every entitled person in a hundred mile radius picked today to come to the park,” Easton sighed. “And then right when I was getting off work my dad called to tell me he’s marrying his fourth wife next month and I’m still a disappointment. So. That was fun.”
“He sounds lovely,” Larissa said. “That sounds like a shitty day.”
“Yeah, well, that’s life,” Easton said, annoyance faintly present his voice. Larissa wasn’t sure if it was at her or the general situation, and she shifted uncomfortably.
“Sorry,” she said.
“It’s fine,” Easton said, and for a moment, she thought she might have been wrong about him sounding annoyed. Maybe more sad. He looked away, and she was pretty sure she saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes.
“Are you sure? I’m really sorry if-“ she started. Easton cut her off, this time definitely sounding short.
“I’m sure,” he said, standing up abruptly. A little too abruptly, as this time he did hit into the table. Had he also been human - and human sized - the mistake would have been minor. He was decidedly neither of those things, though. Larissa lost her balance, letting out a sharp yelp as she fell forward - and off the table. In a split second, images of the cold impact of the floor below flashed through her mind. It had to be at least a 70 foot drop. It was easily high enough to severely hurt her, and likely kill her. Instead of the wood below, though, Larissa felt herself land on something soft and warm almost as soon as she’d realized she was falling.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, are you okay?” Easton sounded frantic as she realized he’d caught her. Still stunned, she gave an uncertain nod.
“Larissa!” Kyle had hurried over to the edge, looking as concerned as she felt. She looked from him to Easton, seeing the panic and guilt swirling through the giant’s eyes as he held her. He sounded close to tears when he continued.
“I-I’m so fucking sorry, I should have been more careful-I wasn’t thinking-oh my god, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Um it was just an accident, it’s fine,” Larissa said, wincing internally as she realized her voice was shaking. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Easton obviously hadn’t meant to scare her, let alone almost hurt her - his instant change from annoyed to worried and concerned seemed to make that much obvious. That still didn’t entirely help, though.
“Okay-I swear I didn’t mean to-I was just tired and I-I don’t know, frustrated with everything going on and my dad and-I could have hurt you. Or worse. Shit, I’m so, so sorry.”
“I get it,” Larissa said. “I’m just kind of freaked out still I think.”
“Yeah, of course. Um, here, holding you probably isn’t helping,” Easton said, lowering his hand back to the table. Larissa was a little surprised at how relieved she felt climbing off of his hand - she didn’t think he was going to hurt her at this point, but having her life literally in someone else’s hand was still a surreal feeling.
“Thanks,” she said. “And for catching me.”
Easton swallowed, guilt washing over his face again. “I shouldn’t have had to-I’m just really sorry. And probably not helping. I’m just going to go see what they have at the gas station, I’ll be right back. I- I’m sorry.”
Larissa felt Kyle’s hand on her shoulder as Easton quickly left.
“Seriously, are you okay?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah. Just shaken up,” Larissa said. “I’ll be fine, though.”
When Easton returned later with food for them, once again apologizing profusely, Larissa couldn’t help but notice how red his eyes were as well as the tears staining his cheeks.
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sunnyxjarrus · 5 months
guys guys season 3 is coming soon
look if you haven’t seen it here’s the link for it
on that note
also I swear in this so there’s that
Ventress is alive alive and from the looks of it about to kill the bad batch
we have Wolffe
but we have a brief look at our beautiful boy which is definitely going to be used as a flashback showing us how he survived the fall because if it’s only reminding us of the loss because why would they.
so obviously it’s time for me to update my bingo now that we have more information on it
but I’m not done
was that cut lequane I saw ready to fight because someone fucked with his little sister/niece because I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw.
cross is so miserable he just wanted to help his little sister and brothers stay off the imperial radar
don’t think uncanonized is a word but now it is
seriously though this is the most happy chemicals I have had in a little while and I just can’t even comprehend it completely
Can’t believe I almost forgot to mention Phee I can’t
Also why must they fucking hate us okay I get it you can’t kill Rex but that doesn’t mean he has to suffer so much sadness
If I have to watch Rex cry again I will be crying too and then I am going for Jennifer, Brad Rau, and Dave
Hemlock is about to get his ass kicked
Hunter going full dad mode
All the bounty hunters (fennec and bane)
I actually can’t stand cad bane but his presence means todo is probably going to be there and that redeems all of them if cad bane is as easy to despise as he typically is
‘we’re not to big on following orders’ Hunter Why why would you do that to us
I love everything wrecker does in this
I honestly don’t have terribly high hopes for all of our merry friends
three episodes
who is saying “they are coming for all of you” because he’s right about it but it looks like imperial armor
But like everyone is upset about the empire taking omega (rightfully so) like we get a whole mini army taking on the empire because they took omega
might add more if I see anything else that I forgot to mention but I think that’s all
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