ragingstillness · 1 hour
Ok I think I have to say it:
Tia is a skinny Olivia. I’m sorry, I said what I said. Come on, the skin tone, the hair, the hair style, the teasing, the attitude, the outfits! Makes me laugh to think of poor Kathy like ha I finally got him away from her only for Elliot to be like hey come meet my new partner: Olivia Lite
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ragingstillness · 5 hours
Law and order but its about car thefts and crimes and they call it Law and Order: SUV
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ragingstillness · 6 hours
Emily: We need to open this locked door. Rossi, give me your credit card.
Rossi: Here.
Emily, pocketing it: Thanks. Morgan, break down the door.
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ragingstillness · 6 hours
my blog is a safe space for me. the rest of you are in danger i think
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ragingstillness · 9 hours
elon musk had a third child with grimes that he kept secret until the release of his biography. he named it techno mechanicus
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ragingstillness · 21 hours
I finished season two of Law and Order Organized Crime and honestly I’m a little confused. It’s entirely possible these questions are answered in season three so if you’re responding in the comments plz do not spoil season three for me. That being said:
1) is Preston Webb dead and if so who killed him? We never like truly saw the body and frankly I don’t trust the idea that he is dead because it’s so anticlimactic and awkward considering everything leading up to it. Did his wife kill him? She seem like boss material and she was clearly getting fed up with him. “Mommy will take care of it” is this meant to be proof she’s the real boss? Did Nova kill him? That sort of seemed to be what the bus scene implied and if she did I feel cheated out of that scene and if she didn’t why was that scene so weird?
2) does taking out Webb and Kilbride do anything to the Marcy Killers besides just throwing them off a little? We saw the arrests of the whole Brotherhood, Webb is ostensibly dead, and Kilbride was arrested but what stops the Marcy Killers from just electing a new leader or splintering into different groups? Are we supposed to assume they were arrested off-screen?
3) given we saw a uniformed officer give Frank a tip to avoid other police, is the Brotherhood larger than Elliot expected or was it truly just that small group?
4) Ayanna’s wife has always been a little confusing to me. Like Ayanna said hey don’t take this job and when asked she ultimately explained “hey we’re investigating him” and that clearly means “he’s probably guilty of some real bad stuff” but despite having that information, Denise still took the job and then got mad at Ayanna when Ayanna was right and warned her all along? It just feels hypocritical. Like you were warned so many times and you had other options I don’t really think you have the right to be mad. Following from this, isn’t it illegal for Denise to take Jack and leave a note essentially saying she won’t give him back or let Ayanna see him until she does what Denise wants? Custodial interference or something? Idk I’m not a lawyer but it feels illegal.
5) what evidence did we truly have on Webb? We saw the cloning of his phone but all the evidence provided was never really enumerated. Also, given that Nova was literally second in command, what universe are we living in where that wouldn’t mean that she’d probably have to go above and beyond in terms of criminal acts? The show is acting like she can just walk away without regrets.
Maybe it’s too late at night or I just didn’t pay attention but I’m finding all of this very confusing.
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ragingstillness · 2 days
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ragingstillness · 2 days
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ragingstillness · 2 days
Elliot: This is why you don’t have an arch nemesis, Ayanna, because you focus on the wrong details.
Ayanna: Maybe I don’t have an arch nemesis because I solve all my crimes.
Elliot: That’s a pretty fucked up thing to say to me.
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ragingstillness · 2 days
Recently got capsaicin oil on my lips and nose while cooking with jalapeños and it was a terrible experience. I did ultimately find a way to stop the burning but not until I had tried almost every solution the internet had to offer. So I thought I’d share my knowledge with you all so that when/if it happens to you, you know what works.
Disclaimer: your experience may differ from mine depending on your own body chemistry, how much you got on you, and where on your body you got it
Additional info: make sure that if you got it on your hands then wiped your face (as I did) that you use these solutions on your hands as well so you don’t just irritate your face all over again in your efforts to clean it. The oil also stayed under my nails longer than on my skin so clipping your nails short is the way to go.
Possible solutions:
Cold water: works, but the relief from burning is very temporary. Maybe a second or two from first contact with cold water but then back to burning
Soap and water: decent, as you do want to use a substance with fats or oils because capsaicin oil is fat soluble. However, the amount of washing required would take a lot of time with not much relief in between.
Olive oil: the right type of substance but like cold water the relief is temporary
Ice: will numb the burn to an extent. Is also temporary but will last longer than cold water. However, it will do nothing to actually fix the issue, just alleviate the sensation
Milk: somewhat effective. Most effective if you get the oil in your mouth and you drink it, less useful for outer skin contact
Fan blowing air: genuinely a good call. Like the ice it will alleviate the sensation while not fixing the problem but it is a good way to get your concentration back while you try to fix the problem. I used a fan with a spritz function so I could put water on my face then cool it down, gave me a lot of relief
Coconut milk conditioner: while the recommendation is technically to use coconut oil, this is all I had on hand. Pretty much the same as the olive oil. The substance itself is maybe a little more cooling but a huge waste of money for not a lot of relief
Face wash: no relief and no lessening of the issue, not worth the effort.
Aloe: also genuinely a good call. Cools pretty well and when I used it in conjunction with the fan the relief was particularly good. Also the kind of substance you want to be using to dissolve the oil.
Tomato sauce: believe it or not, this is the solution that actually worked. Tomato sauce. I was standing in my bathroom rubbing pasta sauce onto my face then washing it off and repeating. And it worked. What could have lasted 24 hours disappeared completely along with the redness and irritation in maybe two hours. Wouldn’t say it’s a miracle cure, but pretty close. Relief is not immediate during the washing process but you have to keep at it.
I also tried ice cream which may have worked but I tried it after the tomato sauce had already done its job so I can’t really attest to the effectiveness. The internet solutions I didn’t try were submerging my face in a bowl of milk (seemed weird, I’m not a cat, would suck to drown in milk) and vinegar (which just sounds like a bad idea I mean isn’t it slightly acidic?).
Ok I’m done but I hope this helps someone else. The burning wasn’t incapacitating in that I couldn’t breathe or stand up but I was definitely unable to continue the task I was doing when contact happened.
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ragingstillness · 2 days
Olivia in Takeover: that was awkward
Elliot: yeah
Olivia: really awkward
Elliot: yeah you know it gives me a boner when you chastise me in public it’s not fair
Olivia: wHaT?
Elliot: oh did I say that out loud?
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ragingstillness · 2 days
“You’re the pervert of my dreams” relationship goals ngl
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ragingstillness · 2 days
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ragingstillness · 2 days
“I recognize the chair”
Once again secret sex club knowledge saves the day. I love that Malachi looks scared now. Yeah I don’t think Wheatley could have anticipated Jet being a bdsm player. I genuinely adore when this is a plot line. I’m laughing so hard right now.
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ragingstillness · 2 days
McClane: will people please stop making out around me?
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ragingstillness · 2 days
Elliot, sneaking into base with bloody knuckles: hellooooo mother
Ayana: hello problem child
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ragingstillness · 2 days
-Taunting Wheatley with a pair of his wife’s panties
-Arranging for a man to fuck Elliot’s mom
Seriously, every other episode they’ll commit an actual murder against each other’s interests but then in between they do stupid shit like this. Istg the new Rollisi baby is more mature than both of them combined.
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