#i should probably start making em into fics or something
part two for this <3
the coat becomes your favorite piece of clothing in the coming weeks, the shred of normalcy in your life despite not being particularly normal at all. as pathetic as it sounds, it's almost a lifeline of sorts, keeping you warm as your heart turns to stone and ice, deadened and silent. it unnerved your coworkers when they saw you so silent, so you do your best to act like you did before- with long-suffering wit and cheer. but it's hard to keep a facade up, and whenever you get home it slips and you settle into quiet melancholy, going through your routines mechanically. it doesn't help that you barely feel the need to interact with people anymore, becoming more of a chore than anything else. it doesn't help that the Fatui still roaming the streets are all tense and irritable, one even snapping at you for wearing Childe's coat. it doesn't help that Liyue's going through an icy winter, forcing you to take refuge in the warm fur jacket. but you don't mind the winter weather- taking walks in the woods and watching raindrops on leaves has become a habit. the coat is, as usual, hanging off your shoulders, the hood over your head as you meander down the sodden dirt path. the drops are freezing cold, almost sleet, but your coat is warm and soft as always. when the rain picks up, though, the definitely-not-waterproof coat begins to truly soak up water, each raindrop splashing and seeping down to your skin, and you shiver. you're not sure where to go- there isn't good shelter for miles- so you're surprised when you somehow happen upon a small hole-in-the-wall door that looks like it hasn't been used in ages. but old shelter is better than no shelter, and you push the door open, tumbling into a factory of sorts. the place is huge, an entire production line hidden behind an old, decrepit door, and you walk around in wonder. there's mechanisms and parts strewn everywhere over the floor, covered in dust and grime, and you pass through room after room covered in metal and grates. your amazement quickly comes to an end though, when you wander into an enormous room housing the true production line- Ruin Guards, hanging one by one from the ceiling, all deactivated, but all very much intact. and new. someone has been here recently, and you feel goosebumps on your skin prickling against your sodden clothes. despite how wet and heavy it is, you refuse to take the coat off, perhaps for your own petty reasons. a rustle of chains reaches your ears, and you turn and see nobody but a dark room beside you. spurred on by your curiosity, you venture inside, keeping a vice grip on the edge of your sleeve to temper the bubbling fear. the room is small- even tiny- and has a single inhabitant- a otherwordly bestial creature with a pair of red horns and a cape that sparkles like the stars, kept by tight chains attached to the wall. you're thinking about how peculiarly beautiful the creature is when the thought to run crosses your mind. but the beast isn't even attacking, it's just *staring* at you, with what looks like a mixture of pain, horror, and desperate relief. it's staring at you and your coat crystal blue eye flicking from your face to the jacket and back, and you defensively wrap the sodden thing tighter around you. the creature drags itself to its feet suddenly, and you take a step back, fear alight in your eyes, and it sees and opens its mouth as if to reassure you and tell you everything's alright, but all that comes out is a rusty-sounding chirp. but it's enough to get you to stop moving away, and the creature makes its way over with a prominent limp. it stumbles, and you instinctively dart out to catch it, falling to your knees under the weight. the creature simply exhales in relief, wrapping its claw-tipped arms around your tense body and snuggling into your hair, leaving you confused and scared for your life. you attempt to ignore the chains still rattling in the chamber, and you find yourself looking at the creature's broken, injured body and torn cape, and you wince when you realize the cape is actually a set of ripped wings. your hands are poised in the air, but eventually lower into the monster's hair as you allow yourself to relax and lean towards it, rubbing your cheek against the soft lilac fluff, just as warm as your jacket was. the creature's claws brush over the surface of your coat, tracing the details and stitches as if it finds *familiarity* in them. when you look up, a crimson forehead presses against your own and you find yourself staring into the beast's singular eye as it lets out a single, quiet purr. and then you know, and you can feel your heart melting and defrosting as you begin to shed amazed, impossible tears and wrap your arms tightly around the Abyssal beast that is the Eleventh Harbinger Tartaglia
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
📚 10 f1 fics i've loved lately 🏎️
been thinking a lot about how to organise fic recs into some sort of sensible post, 'cus there are so many (great!) pairings and (delicious!) driver combinations, not to mention so many varying styles of fic and SUPER TALENTED WRITERS!!111!!
just gonna list a bunch in no particular order, with accompanying pics, so you can get a sense of the vibes.
'cus what is f1 rpf but all about the ✨ vibes?! 🏁
p.s. people are in this community making amazing stuff for freeee!! if you liked these please leave a kudos or a comment, it makes a writer's day 🫡 
let's gooooo--
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objects in the mirror by linearity (@drivestraight) charles/max. 87k words (series), rated t then e
listen. LISTEN! charles to rbr is one of the best premises ever and i will read it in like a thousand iterations. but this fic. this fic series in particular cleared my skin, made me want to cut my hair into a bob out of sheer emotion. i would be remiss not to start with this one because its impact on my f1 rpf trajectory should be studied by science. you know when a story just jumps off the page and it's so real that it becomes your canon. a kind of meteoric inevitability. plus, i almost never cry at fics. but by the time the third act of this one hit, i just went -- damn, am i rly about to tear up at a f1 rpf fanfiction rn? (yes.)
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sawtooth by nottonyharrison (@nottonyharrison) charles/max. 40k words, rated e
max as a f1 engineer? for CARLOS at FERRARI? sign me the fuckkk up. first off, awesome premise. there's always going to be something so heartwrenching about "what ifs", especially in any universe where max isn't a racer. despite the change of circumstances, just... the sheer poetry of two characters who just inexplicably find their way to each other in any universe... 🤧 also this story nails racing scenes in a way that's so visceral, i feel like a fly on the damn halo with them. and, aside from the gourmet lestappen, carlos's whole thing in this fic is joyous! spicy! he's so unapologetic and vaguely annoying! hilarious! + the swimming pool scene lives rent-free in my head.
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salt skin by peachbellini (@strawberry-daiquiris) oscar/lando. 12k words, rated e
this fic is magic. literally and figuratively. (MERMAID LANDO???? MERMAID LANDO.) the kind of story that makes you gasp and melt a little bit. and made me want to throw my phone at the writer, 'cause it's really that good. the yearning, the metaphor for all that's monstrous, a boy who is lost (and the boy who he finds, is equally so). this is just beautifully written and a little quirky and so well executed. i think i put it in my bookmarks as "what if lando was a mermaid and it was filmed by a24" or something. pearl of a story.
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hockey!! shrimp colors :) by leafmeal0ne (@ocontraire) oscar/lando. 13k words, rated t
leaf meal one. i have only known you a week but if anything were to happen to you i would wreck everyone in the room including myself. in all seriousness, anything that leaf writes is brilliant. they're one of these writers who could do a throwaway line on the label of a ketchup bottle and i will probably scream about it. the precision, the way they switch up sentence structures, the freaking darcy-level regency yearning transposed onto a contemporary sports setting. i'd rec all of leaf's sports AUs and i'll probably talk about more in a future fic rec post. BUT. the hockeyyy one my GOD. the barely restrained violence, their mutual desire, the theme of finding your place... *wails uncontrollably*
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you almost unearthly thing by anonymous max/daniel, 3.7k words, rated g
max is a governess(govern..lad?) and daniel is the mystery man at the manor. this was a response to a request i made in the kinkmeme! (if you haven't read those fics go check 'em out, there are so many great ones, and not necessarily all rated e). this is a criminally underrated little story that has my favourite repressed feelings + people dancing around each other + gothic vibes + "what the hell is wrong with y'all in this tale" combo that i really adore. it's really well written and captures the atmosphere so well.
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the so-called narrative by antimonyandthyme (@antimonyandthyme) oscar/carlos, 10k words, rated e
i'm once again asking why there are only 7 carlos/oscar works in the tag. I'M ONCE AGAIN ASKING-- *is sedated*. *jolts awake* okay but for real this is a great story. hot, fake-friendship-to-situationship which so happens is one of my favourite places to be. also hello miscommunication/they're so weird about it/they both want each other but can't express themselves for shit/insane racer boys energy.
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and silver, and samarium by pink_mink (@on-softs) george/toto, 5.2k words, rated e
i profess i am not usually the biggest fan of A/B/O (altho!! this fandom has made me go BUT ACTUALLY HM at least a few times). and this fic freaking nails it, along with the twisted power dynamics between TPs and drivers, as seen through the lens of omegaverse. this story rattles around my head like a stubborn ghoul just from the style and prose and sheer audacity alone. george kneeling at toto's knees while he's working..... ohhhhhhhhh i was this close to calling my lawyers.
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algorithm by anney (@badboy-george) charles/max, 16k words, rated e
i LOVE, LOOOOVE a sci fi concept alright. love that shit, will inhale it like moon dust with zero regrets. and what a fantastic one this one is!! the premise is that the FIA can now statistically show the compatibility of drivers on the grid and it's very pacific rim-y drift compatible, mixed with the surreal vibes of eternal sunshine or HER or some such. it should be outrageous, but it really works. that's the beauty of a great fic right there.
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trajectory of trojan asteroids by redpaint (@redpaint) nico/lewis, 3.3k words, rated g
also one of the fics i first read when i hopped on board the f1 rpf train. the pain and poignancy just gets worse the more i learn about brocedes. you know when you're like "there's no way this was reallll" and then you're like "fuck, it was so real". then you get a fic like this that just encapsulates all that rage and loss and grief and upset, set against the starry vista of endless space. *clutches tablecloth* god.
p.s please bear in mind that these recs are entirely subjective! i enjoy loads of f1 stories but these are the ones that have especially stuck with me for some inexplicable reason.
p.p.s if your fic is on here and you want it taken off for whatever reason, i'm happy to, no questions asked 💛
BYE for now / until part 2. (i also love talking to ppl about fics so pls feel free to send an ask or hit me up in DMs or whatever.)
xoxo, -- wizz
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normanplusdaryl · 1 year
You, you, you.
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Era: Season 10
Word count: 1.2k
Plot: After a long night, Daryl comes home and you decide he needs a little break.
Warnings: It's not smut but its implied? It's nothing explicit ig.
A/N: This is my second fic and I can not believe I'm actually doing this lmao, this is one of my favorite scenes on the show and I've always thought Daryl deserved someone who take care of him after a rough night. Thanks to my friend @weretheones for all the amazing help, I seriously couldnt have done it without u, muah!
The dawn was beginning to come out when the gates of Alexandria came to Daryl’s sight, it had been a long night for him, where everything that could go wrong actually did.
The walk home was silent between the archer and his best friend, the only sound intercepting the thick tension were the grunts of the hooded whisperer trying to set himself free. This would end up really bad, he could feel it in his gut. 
Daryl’s mind was spinning around what happened, trying to understand Carol’s actions. He knew she wasn't the same after what Alpha did, but after all these months he could only hope her grief was at least healing — he was clearly wrong. There was something he couldn't identify in her eyes, more than anger or revenge, something that scared him.
Gabriel saw them coming inside and hurried once he spotted their hostage.
“You put us all at risk!” he barked at Carol.
“We need to find that horde before it shows up in our gates” Carol replied.
“So you decided for all of us? Knowing what it could mean?” Gabriel angrily answered back.
“Don’t matter anymore, we still gotta fin’ them” Daryl's voice came from behind the livid father — “We will figure it out'” he stated, ending the discussion as he started to walk home, to his home. To you. 
He opened the door slowly trying to be quiet, you were probably still asleep and he would be damned if he perturbed your very needed rest.  Daryl placed his crossbow down on the table you reserved for it.  “Come on baby!” you pouted, “This way you can always know where you left it and it’s easy for you to grab it on a run! It’s a win - win, don't you think?”  Your eyes were so wide with excitement he couldn't say anything else but to peck your lips while nodding “Alrigh’” he simply answered. 
The memory made him smile, then, it hit him. That was the reason why Carol’s intentions to stir things up scared the hell out of him: he was finally happy.  After so many years of walking on eggshells just surviving, being with you gave his life meaning, and the idea of you being in danger for her impulsive actions unsettled him, he couldn’t lose you.   Daryl sighed as he began to take his vest off, a fresh pair of clothes should be enough to remove the smell and fatigue from the night before.
“Hey, you’re back” your voice broke his thoughts. Daryl turned to you and his heart jumped.  You were together for more than 6 months now and he still couldn't believe he was lucky enough to behold you like this.
“Msorry, didn't mean to wake ya, go back to sleep angel” he softly said.
You frowned, something was wrong. “What happened? Is everything ok?” you replied with a sweet tone in your voice. 
He bit his bottom lip, staring at the window. “It’s Carol, she took one of em’ here, I, huh, helped her '' he wasn't certain why, but he felt ashamed as he spoke —“We will try to make him talk”.
Your mouth formed an “O” picking up on what troubled the archer. Alpha could take retaliation if she knew what happened. Shit.
“Come on baby” you softly said, raising your hand so he could take it. “We need to get you clean first”.
You led him to the bathroom. Unsure of what was happening he followed every step you made with the feeling of thousands butterflies in his stomach. The way his old shirt embraced every one of your curves barely covering your bottom made his heart race. He never thought getting a shower could be this exciting.  Sitting on the sink, Daryl watched you unbutton his shirt very slowly, pecking at the skin revealed with every button that was undone. Soon, his broad chest was displayed and you smirked with satisfaction. Bringing your hands to his neck, you brushed his lips just a little and whispered “Let me take care of you, please”. 
Daryl trembled, he didn't feel tired anymore. 
Once you were satisfied with the temperature of the water, you took your robe off getting into the shower. Daryl couldn't help but stare as he got rid of his boxers, the sight of your naked body wasn't something he would ever get used to. 
The hot water splashed against his ached body, making him gasp with delight. You chuckled at the action “I thought you didn't like showers, huh?” you teased him.  “I like them with ya” Daryl sheepishly answered.
Your eyes traced his whole body searching for injuries that might need more than just some cleaning, to your relief, there wasn't anything new. Taking a sponge, you delicately started to wash his chest, paying extra attention to every one of his scars, caressing them gently, wishing they could disappear along with his pain, just like the soap with the water. Daryl’s eyes were glued to the action, feeling a warm sensation spreading over his broad frame, god, he loved you. 
“I know you’re worried” he looked into your eyes, listening to your words closely, “But I need you to understand, whatever happens, I’m here for you, we can always fight together”  You placed his hand on your left breast, “Do you feel it? My heart beating?” Daryl nodded, lost in the sensation of your soft skin against his rough hand. 
You kissed him deeply, wanting to make him forget about the troubles of the world he always felt the need to carry on his shoulders. “I love you Daryl” you whispered between kisses. Daryl felt like crying, he wasn't used to this kind of burning, unconditional love. “I love ya too” Daryl managed to answer, unable to concentrate in anything else but the feeling of your lips on his, you were the only thing in his mind. Every fiber of his body was consumed in you. You, You, You. 
Soon, the steam from the hot water wasn't the reason the bathroom was boiling, it was the way you both got lost into each other until you became one.
Daryl came out of the house with his hair dripping, Gabriel approached him as soon as he spotted him. 
“Did you take a shower?!” he said with a hint of surprise in his voice “I thought we were going to check on that whisperer guy?”
Daryl remained stoic to the father's questions but he felt himself blushing, just when he was about to brush him off Aaron caught up with them.
“Hey! We were looking for you!” he exclaimed, pointing at Daryl — “You showered?!” Aaron’s eyes widened with disbelief and Daryl left a frustrated grunt.
 “Can't take a damn shower or what?” Daryl growled as he walked away from the two men with a hidden grin on his face. 
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
Kiss Me Through the Phone
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader Word Count: 2.1k words Kink: Phone Sex Warnings: NSFW, phone sex, masturbation (m and f), dirty talk, daddy kink, praise... A/N: This is late, ik. I swear I'm working on it but that ADHD and everything is hitting HARD. I can't promise I'll catch up but I can promise that these will get finished so I won't leave you hanging. Enjoy this (late) fic though and I'll hopefully see you again with a new one tomorrow!
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"Don't you think you should probably be getting to bed, babe?"
Steve raises a brow as he speaks into the receiver holding the phone to his ear as he awaits your response. You called him hours ago to talk while you did homework. The first half hour consisted of him teasing you because you still had homework to do while he graduated the year before. He kept calling you a "literal child", to which you replied, "Then I'm dating a pervert." He promptly shut up.
But now it's midnight, and you ditched the remainder of your homework a couple hours ago. It's late, and you technically have school in the morning. You aren't ready to hang up but Steve is always trying to take care of you, and this is one of those times when he's trying to enforce that—even though he'd rather die than hang up the phone.
"And, you know, I would but…" you trail off on the other end, trying to come up with an excuse and falling short as you shrug, "I just don't want to."
He rolls his eyes and laughs. "Go to bed."
"You can't make me."
"I'm going to."
"How? You're not even here."
"I'm going to drive to your house and make you."
"If you drove to my house, I'd convince you to do something much better than sleeping…" Steve can hear the smirk in your voice, and he thinks he's going to die if you keep using your charm on him like this. He's already horny enough all the time as it is, you don't need to make it worse with suggestive comments you can currently live up to.
"You drive me crazy," he answers truthfully.
He hears you giggle and smiles. "That's good. Keeps you on your toes."
He shakes his head and hears you shuffle around. When you curse under your breath, he hums. "What?"
"Nothin'. Got the cord wrapped around my hand and it tangled a little." A pause. "There."
"Yeah, well, you probably like that shit, don't you? Fuckin' weirdo."
You laugh quietly, trying not to disturb the rest of the people sleeping in your house. "Don't kink shame me!"
He raises his brows, "What if kink shaming is my kink?"
You hum, "It's not. You like to be called Daddy. Which is admittedly weirder."
He scoffs, ignoring the heat in his cheeks when you say it. "No, it's not."
You giggle again. "Yeah, it is. Daddy."
He licks his lips. "You think so? Baby?"
He hopes you'll say no because, otherwise, his "baby" makes him sound like a creep.
"No," you say, an angel. You miss his little relieved breath. "You wanna know what I like?"
"What do you like, baby?" he asks, less joking this time and more fond.
"I like your hands..." Your voice is quieter now, speaking in a secret whisper between the two of you in the cover of the night.
We're doing this, Steve thinks, excited.
"Yeah?" he murmurs. "Where do you like them?"
"Well… I've been wanting a new necklace. I think that'd work just fine," you smile shyly.
He can see it, kissing you all nice with his hand wrapped around your throat. His pants suddenly feel really tight.
"Where else would you like it?" he wonders.
"I dunno," you mutter, shy suddenly. Steve thinks you're weird. You're almost always the one to start something like this, and then you get shy and quiet when he plays along with you. He thinks you're cute.
"You don't know?"
"Mm-mm," you say.
He smiles, licking his bottom lip. "You know where I'd like it?"
"On your thigh," he breaths. His hand moves to rest on his own thigh. He hears your breath hitch. "I'd love to feel your thighs. I miss 'em."
It takes a moment for you to respond again. "Where else would you put them?"
"Where else do you want me to put them?" he counters. He knows you don't like when he does that—or, you don't favor it. He knows how it makes you squirm, when he makes you tell him what you want. You're never good at telling him.
Your voice becomes really small, really shy. "I dunno."
"You dunno?" he asks, smiling. "Where do you want me to put my hands?"
Steve can imagine you on your bed with the phone pressed to your ear, playing with the cord as you try to come up with a response that isn't "I dunno".
"Just tell me. Don't worry about soundin' weird," he says.
You take a breath. "I want your hand…"
You trail off and he has to contain his laugh. "Where?" he asks again. "On your hands? On your tits? Inside of you?"
A pause. "All of the above?"
He does laugh this time, clutching the phone. "Where do you want me the most?"
You clear your throat a little. "Inside me."
"I want 'em inside you, too."
He hears you moan lightly, and now he has to undo his belt.
"Would you like that, baby? For me to put my fingers inside you? I'd have you squirming like crazy."
"Yeah," you whisper back. "What do you want me to do?"
"What do I want you to do?" he repeats, smiling. "You don't needa do anything. I'll take care of you."
You chuckle lightly. "Yeah, but… what do you want me to do? Do you want me to touch you or…?"
He feels like teasing you. "You mean, like, jerk me off? Or did you wanna use your mouth, dirty girl?" He can imagine you biting your lip, trying to hide your face away from him.
"Did you want that?" you murmur.
"Did you?" he counters.
You laugh a little. "Answer my fucking question, dummy."
He laughs as well, "Yeah, I do." His amusement dies down a little, returning to little secret words. "I really want it, but I wanna spread you open and eat you up more."
He hears you moan again. And then you moan again, and his interest is piqued, along with something else…
"Are you touching yourself?" he asks, a smile in his voice as he calls you out.
You get shy again. "Maybe a little."
"How much is a little?" You don't respond. You just moan again.
He's too hard to ignore it anymore. He unbuckles his tight jeans and takes himself out of his boxers. He brushes his thumb over his tip, red and weeping as he closes his eyes and sighs shallowly.
Your voice grabs his attention again. “Are you touchin’ yourself now?”
He chuckles lightly, too breathy to be subtle. “Can you blame me when you’re makin’ those pretty sounds in my ear?” He strokes himself slowly. “God, what I’d do to be there right now. I’m so in love with you.”
Your laugh comes out as a tiny whimper, your voice just as breathy as his as you thrust your fingers inside of your and sigh. “You’re too nice to me.”
“I’m not nice enough to you,” he disagrees. “You deserve the world, baby.”
“How about– Mmh– How about we just start with your voice in my ear, huh?” you mumble. “What would you do if you were here right now, Stevie?”
He makes you swear never to tell anyone but he loves that nickname. You only ever use it when you’re feeling really soft and shy, in the comfort of just his company when he’s being especially sweet and you’re a pile of mush. He wants you tucked under his arm, and he wants to kiss you stupid, but he has to settle for just a smile through the phone and a few words that don’t accurately describe how strongly he feels for you.
“If I were there right now, I would lay you on the bed and put your pretty thighs over my shoulder.” You shudder on a moan, presumably pushing your fingers deeper inside of yourself and curling. Steve keeps going. “I’d fucking devour you and then kiss you all over your body—which is just perfect, by the way—and then I’d fuck you dumb.”
You moan. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he breathes, taking his lotion from his drawer and smearing it in his hand. He strokes his cock a little faster, wrapping his fist around himself and squeezing as his head tips back and his lips part, a breathy moan slipping from them. “I’d fucking split you open on my cock.” He knows you love it when he says that. You always melt in his hands whenever he says things like this. “You’d be cryin’ f’me.”
You’re so lost in your mind, imagining him doing these things to you whilst thinking about his hands inside your pussy instead of your own. “Where would you put me?”
He’s happy to tell you. “We’d start out with you on top. I’d put you in my lap and let you ride me until your little legs got all weak and tired. Then I’d lay you down and fuck you with your legs around my neck. Have you screaming my name.”
Your voice is pitchier now, and he swears he can hear the faint sound of your pussy squelching with the rhythm of your insistent fingers. He pulses in his hand, his hips jerking up into his hand every so often as he grinds into his fist. He’s fucking his hand by now, so lost in thought that he can’t help but get a little carried away imagining his fist is your tight pussy.
“Which name?” you whimper. “Steve or Daddy?”
He verbally shudders. “Both.”
“Which one do you want the most?”
He chuckles darkly, aware of the way you turn his question around like he had done to you before. “Maybe you should call me Daddy.” He groans. “You’ve gotten a little out of line since we last did something like this…”
“Maybe I should, Daddy,” you reply back, immediately followed by a whine. He wants so badly to be there to watch you touch yourself, to watch you try to put your little fingers inside of you and hit all the spots he does. He can imagine so vividly you trying to replicate the way he makes you feel. "Need you to…remind me who I belong to."
He's so pent up as he listens to you. He can't help when a few stray groans make their way out of him. "You know who you belong to. You're mine, baby."
"'M yours," you moan, wet sounds reaching the phone and filling Steve's ears with sweet music as he fists himself faster. "I need you."
"Yeah?" he hums. "You need Daddy to fuck you nice and deep, baby?"
"Yes." A moan. "I miss you so much."
"I miss you, baby," he says, too fond and too affectionate and too far gone to fight his urge to get in his car and go to see you right now. But he would die before he left this call.
He's close, he can feel it creeping up on him as his hips jerk up into his hand. By the way you gasp and moan into the phone, he can tell you're reaching your breaking point as well.
"You gonna cum for me, babygirl?" Steve asks, listening closely.
"You gonna cum all over those pretty fingers?"
"Fuck," he huffs. "Do it for me, baby. Cum for me."
He can hear you try to stay quiet, your muffled gasp as a deep breath fills your lung on a whimper. "Oh, fuck, Daddy!"
He curses under his breath, your little whimpers and whine as you cum and moan his name bringing him closer and closer until he can't hold it anymore.
His mouth falls open and his grunt melts into a rough whimper as he cums after you. He feels the warm, sticky release coat his chest. As his pleasure wanes and he feels like he can think straight again, he sighs deeply into the phone.
"Fuck." He hears you sigh heavily. "You okay, baby?"
A pause. And then.
"Yeah." You sigh, "Fuck, that's better."
He smiles. "Been thinking about it?"
"All day." Your voice is breathy, slurred together like you're going to pass out at any moment.
He runs a hand through his hair, "Well, when I see you tomorrow, we can reenact it." He grabs at the shirt he'd taken off a long time ago, wiping himself clean as he listens to your steady breath through the phone. "You want that?"
"Mmm," you agree.
He smiles fondly. "You still with me?" He can see you dozing off into your pillow, and he wishes he could feel your warmth against him.
"Mmm," you hum again.
He lowers his voice to accommodate for your sleepiness, "I'm gonna hang up, baby."
"I love you," he says, kissing into the phone and wishing he could kiss you.
"'ove you, t-mm," you mumble, barely coherent but trying for him.
He chuckles lightly. "Goodnight."
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Steve the Babysitter taglist: @samz31 @sparkletash @fandomgirl17 @marjoriea13 @param8re @anotherblackreader Stranger Things taglist: @activebliss @life-on-needs @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @emmalee-01 @sw34ter-w34ther @hellfire1986baby @gublur @allofmari @redwineandnicotine @the-cryptid @katsukis1wife @chaoticcancer @papichulo120627 @emistrash Tag yourself here...
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marksbear · 1 year
A fic for my beloved @sluttyhusband who requested this a long time ago, but I was a bit busy. SOO I hope you enjoy!
This could also be read as GN! so like they/them. Or he/they etc etc. Pronouns for the reader isn't really specified.
Warnings! stalker ex, Unsub is your ex, obsessed unsub. blood, kidnapping, major injuries, angst
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Tiny little blurb to start it off! 
He didn’t want to believe it was you. His world had came to a stop once he saw you were all bloody and injured on the floor inside the unsubs basement. His heart ached with anger and sorrow even guilt filled his heart.
He felt like he should have known the unsub was targeting you. The unsub was your ex. They were targeting people who looked something like you. He knew how possessive and desperate he was for you. You told him and showed him pictures of them. One of the pictures you showed him was your ex’s body and face all tattooed everywhere and the tattoos were “Y/n L/n” all over his body. 
He watch paramedics pick up your limp body taking it into the ambulance. Hotch didn’t know whether to scream and shout or beat himself up for your kidnapping. Aaron stares at the unsub who’s on the floor handcuffed staring up at Aaron with hatred in his eyes.
“So…You're my replacement. Y/n could have gotten someone better like me…” the unsub breathes out with a chuckle.
Aaron balled his hands into fist with his knuckles turning white. Aaron stares down at the man feeling the rest of the team's eyes burning into his back.
Aaron's jaw was clenched as the rest of his body felt like he was about to go animalistic on the guy. He didn't care if he lost his job or something he couldn't think about anything other than fighting him.
"Agent Hotchner, we have to go. Cmon boys get em up." An agent finally says breaking the silence. Quickly the team begins to comfort the boss with all sorts of words.
After that incident Hotch never left you out of his sight for a LONG time. 
He began to call sick for work and go on break to spend time with you and just overall wanting to make sure you're safe.
  Begins to carry you everywhere. He doesn’t want your wounds and injuries to hurt or re-open. 
He knows you can take care of yourself, but he couldn’t shake the thought of him having to protect you. 
Once he gets to see you in the hospital he begins to apologize profusely. He was on his knees by your hospital bed holding your hands tightly as he cried out a series of “I’m sorry.”
He’ll cradle you in his arms if you have a nightmare since the incident letting you cry softly into his chest as he whispers against your head. “You're safe, I'm here.” 
Jack will asks about your scars and if you’d let him he’ll trance your scars with his tiny little hands.
He'll wait weeks, months, years even for you to be comfortable with him touching you in some places.
The memory of you lying limp on your own blood haunts him every night. It will make him bolt up awake mumbling your name under his breath making sure you're still with him.
He probably pushes away the team and keeps to himself as he tries to cope until he can't hold it inside no more.
Hugs are even tighter and longer between you two.
Lasting long kisses assuring the other that they're safe.
Aaron and you are trying to build back the foundation of being a happy family for both of you and especially for Jack.
Aaron tries his damn hardest not to just shoot the unsub dead on the spot as soon as he sees the unsub hurting you.
The team setting up you, Aaron and Jack to a secret vacation so y'all can finally feel at peace.
Aaron becomes more secretive of you and Jack, only speaking up about the two of you unless it's the team or absolutely necessary. He wants to keep you both safe.
He becomes such a protective husband. Like he couldn't stop himself.
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IZZY HANDS FIC RECS! (I want em', I've got em')
What is everyone reading in OFMD fandom right now?
I am currently mostly caught up on my 'to read list' and YALL. I'd love more recomendations!! I will take ANYTHING! I will read ANYTHING!
I'd love to start a chat, so I'd love y'all to leave something you've read recently down below!
I've also added some tasty ones I've read recently down below separated by ship! THEY ARE AMAZING!
The Poetry of Flowers: By Aletea [Rated:Teen. Complete]
Frenchie falls hard and fast. It takes Izzy a little while longer to catch up. This is the slow courtship of Izzy Hands, using flowers.
This fic was written for OFMD Aro/Ace Week 2024.
[Personal notes: OMG-It's so *GOOD*. This has a bit of S2, but mostly takes place post S2, if that tempts you, READ IT. This got me back into the hobby Frenchie does in the fic and AHHH]
you steal my breath away: By ChangeTheCircumstances [Rated: Mature. Complete]
Something is clearly off about Izzy, but when Frenchie sees him petting a cat, it finally clicks. Izzy is a fucking witch! In order to protect the crew, Frenchie makes the next obvious step in logic: he has to kill him.
[Personal notes: I feel this one is just 'if you like Frenchie/Izzy, you've READ THIS- but it's so earnest! SOLID fic the 'realizations' on both ends are really amazing and well written, reread it if you have]
Warnings from the Bottom of My Heart: By scrunglebungus [Rated: Teen. Complete]
Izzy likes Frenchie's voice. He appreciates his music and his long pretty fingers as they move across his Lute. He doesn't have a crush. He DOESN'T.
...and if he did, it's not like he's obvious about it.
(Spoiler: He is) AKA: 5 times Izzy is given the shovel talk + 1 time it's given on his behalf
[An alternate S2 fic written before S2! It leans a bit more 'Izzy needs to redeem himself' than I usually read, but all the Izzy & Crew interactions are SO in character it's scary. That and the Captains are so well realized on top of Izzy and Frenchie being great. LOVE IT]
Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk: bongbingbong [Rated:Mature. Complete]
Of Roach, the scientist - although, that those ghoulish practices he carries out should be called science is a subject on which some might disagree - I feel like I should speak with extreme terror. In laying down those events which transpired during that winter in the turning over of our century, it seems as though on paper they create an impression of little more than a tawdry tale, a freak show in writing for the morbidly curious. It’s no question that I spent a great deal of that time afraid for my life, and for my soul. And yet, I tell you - I have never felt quite so alive as I did during the days I have spent living in the graveyard.
I wonder what this might say about me. What a pair we make.
Izzy Hands dies. Roach brings him back to life. This is the easiest part of the process.
Written for the OFMD Reverse Big Bang 2023, with art from Tarouofthesea!
[Omg. OMFG. I love this fic. I love this Frankenstein'ian/Reanimator fic SO MUCH. It is just SOOOOOOO-! AMAZING characterization, stunning art, the way everything pays off plot/reference-wise! LOVE IT!]
Blackbeard's Roach: bongbingbong [Rated: Teen. Unfinished. 4/6]
What if Roach had ended up on the Queen Anne's Revenge before the events of the show?
(A alternative universe Roach who wears leather and cooks for Blackbeard's crew, and flirts outrageously with their first mate)
[ANOTHER bongbingbong Roach/Izzy fic!!! I love the way bongbingbong writes Roach/Izzy. It's not finished, but I am SO excited to see how it goes! In this one, even though it's unfinished, I feel it GETS the pre-Bonnet life Izzy lived on the Queen Anne. If you like probably autistic Izzy, READ THIS! That, and Roach and Izzy's relationship is SO GOOD. I won't spoil it, but the mutual trust is really strong!]
The Mount: rainingrenee [Explicit. Complete (WLW smut<3)]
Stede Bonnet enters the Revenge self defence class expecting to learn something.
She meets instructor Butch Dyke Supreme Izzy Hands and gets more than she bargained for.
[God. I love women. This smutty 8k fic is AMAZING and honestly any WLW in this fandom needs some love!]
When It Takes Hold: krill collins (krillcollins)[Explicit: 5/12]
Izzy Hands, a 90s heartthrob turned casting director with an impressively average back catalogue, never foresaw his career trajectory bringing him back to television. He certainly never would've guessed that his big return would be on Strictly Come Dancing. At least it breaks the monotony, even if he's paired with the insufferable twat, the Gentleman of the Ballroom.
It's the kind of fast-paced environment that Izzy was sure he'd long-since grown out of, and he's sure he's not going to make it past the first few weeks. Still, the more he finds himself enjoying it, the more he hopes he'll stay, and he finds himself more in love with life than he's been in years.
Still, the talk of the curse puts Izzy on edge. Bonnet is strangely captivating and seems more interested in Izzy than Edward has in years. Izzy may not believe in them, but that's the thing about curses: once they take hold...
[OMG. OMFG?!?!? Do you know how much I love 'Dancing with the Stars' AU? NO? Well. For every fandom I enter, my first tags I search are 'time loop' 'time travel' and 'dancing'. This fic is EVERYTHING I love about the trope. I have been following this fic from Day 1 and OMG. I love it. Can't recommend it enough]
The Island: triedunture [Explicit: 10/? Updates every Friday-SteddyHands but Izzy/Stede focused]
Stede Bonnet wakes up in the little cottage he and Ed share—except Ed's not there. Izzy is. Stede is somehow stuck in a world where Ed died and Izzy lived. As he struggles to get back to his real life, it becomes clear that things on the island are very different from what he first assumed....
Updates every Friday.
[A fic that, if the premise sounds cool-READ IT! It's a bit out there concept wise, but SO fun, and a great look at how Stede and Izzy interact in a 'do I want him' type of relationship. This fic has been my weekly bed time story, and I can't wait to see how the drama UNFOLDS!]
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|| Rough Road ||
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Frank Castle x female Reader.
Tags/warnings: 'annoying acquaintances of circumstance' to lovers, fingering, oral (f rec), unprotected sex (wrap in RL!), swears 😯
Author's note: This is for the TFC December fic challenge 'Snowed In', so check the tags for more!
If you enjoy my fics please consider reblogging, it means others get to enjoy them too! Thank you so much for reading! 💕
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"I think we should try and find somewhere to pull over." you say to Frank. You had been driving for hours and the snow was coming down harder now.
"Mm, I'm pretty sure there's a motel about 15 miles ahead, we can make it, get a couple of rooms and start again in the morning." He replies, concentrating on the road.
You stare up through the windscreen at the neverending horizonless thick grey-white of the sky and the flurry of heavy flakes building up on the road ahead of you. "I don't think we'll make it that far."
Sure enough after another couple miles the road became impassable, you had hardly seen any other cars ahead of you or coming the other way for most of the drive. It was gonna get dark fairly soon.
"Shit." Frank says simply, turning off the ignition after he stopped the van at the side of the road.
"Thank fuck I've got cell service" you say, "I'm gonna call for a truck."
While you were on the phone Frank checked his paper maps for the nearest habitations, but there was nothing that warranted risking trying to walk through a snowstorm at night.
"Okay, the rescue company is dealing with shitloads of people in similar situations and 'cos we've got a van and some supplies they're saying we're further down the list. Earliest they could get to us is tomorrow morning."
"Alright, well they'll probably have cleared the roads by then. Guess that ain't too bad. Just gotta hunker down for the night."
You kicked at the dash in frustration. "Urgh. I told you we should've left after the storm, now we're stuck here in your stupid van, which stinks by the way."
"Stinks?" He screwed up his face in disbelief. "What of? I keep it clean!"
"Of you!"
"Listen, as much as you're a complete pain in my ass it was too dangerous to wait in the city any longer. Now the Russians associate you with me…"
You threw your head back against the rest and sighed. "Yeah. I know. Just gotta lay low for a while." you parroted.
"This ain't exactly my idea of heaven either sweetheart."
You hated when he called you that. Even though it was just an automatic thing for him and it didn't mean anything it really annoyed you. He reached into the back bringing out a pack of cards from the seemingly random selection of shit he had squirreled away there. "Imagine you don't wanna talk about what happened, so it's this or I-Spy."
You groaned and nodded as you whiled away an hour or so playing blackjack until your hungry stomach noises got too loud to ignore.
"Alright, chicken or beef sub?" he asked, diving into the backpack.
You chose the chicken.
"Damn, this is really good. You pick them up before we left? Where from?"
"Made em." He replied, taking a bite of his own.
"Huh." You mused, digging in again.
"Surprised I can make a sandwich?" He scoffs.
You shrug. "Surprised you can make a good sandwich. Guess being ex-marine you gotta have some talents."
"You got no idea." He throws you a wink as he takes a sip of coffee from the thermos and you roll your eyes.
After another hour of whooping his ass at blackjack and a lightning quick excursion into the nearby trees and back to relieve yourself, your yawns and heavy eyelids make it clear that you're gonna have to go to sleep at some point soon.
"Does one of us, uh, need to keep watch or something?" You ask him, watching as he crawls into the back of the van and starts digging out a mat, a singular sleeping bag and blanket.
"Nah. Even if they did send someone to follow us ain't nobody getting through this, we're safe enough." He rolled out the bag and caught your awkward look.
You wrapped your arms around you, it was getting cold now the residual heat from the van had disappated. "So… just the one lot of bedding then?"
He nods. "Yeah, usually just me in here y'know, with all my stank."
You rolled your eyes again. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."
He has to resist the urge to let you panic about sleeping beside him for a while longer, he's not that cruel. "It's okay, you can have it. I'll be alright up front." He sees your visible relief as you process what he's said, nodding and rummaging in your pack for the toothbrush and toiletries you'd thankfully picked up at your last gas stop, there having been no time to grab anything but the absolute ultimate essentials before you left.
The thick layer of snow that had built up around and on top of the van probably provided quite a bit of insulation, but that didn't exactly stop you from being fucking freezing. You tried to snuggle up deeper into the sleeping bag, all your clothes and a beanie on and the blanket on the top, but you were still cold. You tilted your head up to glance at Frank in the passenger seat, still awake with his jacket on and arms wrapped around himself tight, the occasional puff of his breath misting the air.
"You awake?" You ask, already knowing he was.
"Yeah. You alright?"
The silence between you seemed to stretch on forever. You pull the blanket tighter around you.
Fuck it. "Uh, if you want, you could come back here, share the blanket? And y'know, body heat will help I guess."
"Thought you couldn't stand my stink?" He throws back at you.
"Well, the cold is kinda trumping that, but it's fine if you don't wanna… just thought it is your stuff after all, don't wanna put you out of your own van."
"Nah, s'good idea." he agrees, climbing into the back with you. You shiver at the initial chill as he lifts the edge of the blanket to lie next to you, your back to his. His jacket is cold against you but after a while you began to warm up, stopping your shivering and finding yourself drifting easily to sleep.
When you wake up it's still dark but you're warm, hot even. As you gradually gain a bit more consciousness you realise that the reason is because Frank has you in a bear hug. He must have turned around in his sleep. His arm is draped over you, big hand splayed over your stomach pulling you impossibly close to him. The only skin contact is his nose at the back of your neck, the warm exhales tickling the light hair there.
It's… pleasant, maybe even something more. He actually smells good. You smile to yourself thinking about the juxtaposition of this killing machine, this angry guard dog let off the chain being a big soft snuggly puppy of a man behind closed doors.
You shift slightly in his hold and then freeze.
Okay, maybe not so soft…
Despite the layers of clothing and a sleeping bag between you, it's unmistakable that it's his cock that's hard and pressing against your ass. You try to rationalise. It's just a normal bodily response after all, but do you dare move? What if he wakes up and it gets awkward, you've got a lot of driving still to do if this snow ever clears…
Any control is taken away from you as Frank stretches momentarily and then wraps you even tighter in his arms, his nose nuzzling into your skin and hips slowly grinding against you with a quiet contented moan. He suddenly stops, pulls away as he wakes and realises where he is, where you are, and what he's doing.
"Shit, fuck…" he turns away from you as he sits up scrubbing his hand over his face. "I'm sorry, I uh… it's uh, been a while since… y'know?"
The blanket rustles softly as you shrug.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He cuts himself off as his eyes adjust to the darkness, his ears registering the sound of the sleeping bag zip being opened and his gaze finding the smallest glimmer of soft light reflected in your own.
"It's okay. S'been a while for me too," you admit. This might be the stupidest decision you've ever made when it comes to sex, or even when it comes to roadtrips, but you can't seem to override it. Not when he looks at you like that, smells like that, makes you feel like that. He saved your life but you don't think that's all it is.
You slough off your defensive dislike and begin to embrace something that at least feels real.
His face is a picture in the dim snow-reflected light within the van as you reach for him, pulling his warmth and his lips towards you. He's taken aback, but his hand cups your jaw and you find yourself surprised by the tenderness with which his mouth meets your own. You don't waste a second, catching his wrist and guiding him down to palm over your chest, quickly leading his hand under the waistband of your pants so he can feel just how much he's affected you in this short space of time. It's like you're trying not to have the time to think about it. You both carry ghosts from your past that you've never openly shared, but you know, simply from the slight hesitation in his touch even as you urge him on.
The tender kisses soon heat up. "Call me sweetheart again." You breathe against his mouth, and he groans deep as his fingers meet with the wetness at your core. Your own hands explore underneath his jacket, fingers feeling the hard muscle of his chest under his shirt. You reach down to cup his cock through his jeans and then tug at them, moaning as he hurries to unbutton your pants so he can swipe his fingers through your slick folds. His mouth is on your skin, hungry to taste more of you as you scrabble to undo his pants too, urging them and his underwear down just enough to free his gloriously erect cock. He helps you wriggle halfway out of your pants too and now you're jacking each other off like a couple of teenagers, his fingers slippery and desperate over your throbbing clit, and yours covered with sticky precum as you wrap your hand around and stroke him.
"Oh shit…" you whine, as he skillfully brings you closer to the edge, your hips moving against his hand as he watches you. You forget the cold, gasping as he slips a finger inside you, your grip tightening around his cock making him grunt in such a delicious way that you can't help the words spilling from your lips.
"Frank, fuck me, please!" You're begging, you've never begged for anything other than to stay alive, but you need this, you want to feel him inside you, there's nothing else that will satisfy the ache.
He pauses, staring at you like you've just proposed or something. It takes him a hot minute to register what you're saying, but once those words sear into his brain he moves fast, lips sucking and kissing at the skin of your neck like a brand as he yanks your pants all the way down and off, his mouth following. He pushes up your shirt when he gets to the hem, his tongue trailing right up the centerline of your body to your bra where he mouths over the curve of your breasts before pulling down a cup. You arch your back as he takes your peaked nipple between his lips before he continues downward.
You claw at his shoulders as his nose bumps at the front of your underwear, just giving your clit the barest pressure, teasing you instead of giving you what you need, but you soon change your mind as he hooks his fingers under the elastic pulling them off you so he can bury his face in your pussy. He presses your thighs apart, holding you down as your hips try to rise up to meet the mind melting sensation of his tongue on you, in you. You moan, curse, and praise him as he quickly stokes your need and desire into a sharp dense point where you can do nothing else but implode in on yourself, screaming his name as he makes you feel.
He rises from between your thighs, licking his glistening lips with a small smile. It looks good on him.
"You alright, sweetheart?"
"Getting warmer, could be better." You throw back as you catch your breath and return the smile, yanking him back over you and using your feet to help him push his pants all the way off. When you take him in your hand again his gaze flits between your eyes and your mouth, which he claims in a hot kiss as you guide him to you, reveling in the feeling of the head of his thick cock spearing inside your heat.
"God damn." is all he can say, and you can only agree as he repeats it like a mantra as the slow slide of his cock filling and stretching your cunt has your eyes almost rolling back into your head with a long and loud moan.
You wrap your legs around his waist as he rolls his hips into you, the mental and physical battle he's fighting between going slowly, gently, and pounding you fucking senseless is palpable. He's drawing out sounds that you would never even make when you're alone. It might just be because you haven't had any form of touch from anyone for a long time, but you're more certain that it's all him that's making you flustered, hitting all your spots and stripping you down to a bare wire of being with nothing but his soft dark eyes.
That growling, barking, flesh-ripping fighting dog is still there underneath, you can feel how he holds it inside himself, yanking at the chain and always ready to be released when there's a need. The fact that he's driven you out of the city is proof that he actually cares what the fuck happens to you, and that sort of blows your mind. You could have easily gone alone, you were ready to jump on a Greyhound and make your own way but he wouldn't have it. He made you his responsibility. Yeah he was a killer but he was also a protector. Your protector.
He wasn't much of a talker but with his dick buried inside you he's soon gritting out reams of praise that have you clenching around him and mewling as his hand squeezes over the firm curve of your ass.
"Feel so good girl, s'fucking tight…"
You inhale sharply as he reaches between your hot skin to find your clit and ensure that you feel what he's feeling. Your fingernails graze over his scalp and the short hair at the nape of his neck as you pull him even closer, your second orgasm building up fast as he drives into you over and over.
"Ohh, god-"
"That's it sweet thing," he murmurs against your ear as the indescribable feeling of his cock dragging inside has you both on the very edge. "C'mon angel, such a good girl f'me."
You keen at the praise, something he'd unlocked from your subconscious with the simplest key, something even you didn't know you would react to. "Fuck… you're gonna make me-"
Frank feels you start to shake around him, moving his fingers even faster over that swollen little bundle of nerves. It's too much.
"Shit. You feel too fuckin' good, I gotta-" He moves to pull out suddenly and you claw at his ass stopping him before he does, you'll be damned if you don't feel him come inside you.
You whine as he stills. "Fuck! Don't stop, don't fucking stop…"
He looks for your assurance. "You sure? You want this?" his voice is quieter now, wavering. If you say yes he doesn't know that he'll last.
You nod frantically, tilting your hips up, wrapping your arms around his neck, the movement making him groan as you feel like utter heaven around him. He never thought you could be so soft, so open, needy.
The van rocks gently on its suspension as he resumes, every powerful thrust as he's fucking you punching such beautiful sounds from your throat. He can feel every gripping twitch of your perfect cunt as you begin falling apart underneath him, so tight, hot, and wet and quietly begging him to fill you. Your nails dig into the muscle of his huge shoulders and your mouth falls open, thighs tightening their hold around his waist as your moans crest. Don't stop, you told him, and he briefly wonders how he thought he ever could when you feel like this.
"Good girl, fuck- that's my good girl…" it's whispered and desperate, he's barely holding on by a hair.
The possessiveness in his words makes your eyes scrunch up tight and your body open. His cock is hitting you hard right where you need it, the focused touch of his fingers radiating out and burning you up.
"F-frank I-"
You unravel, crying out as you clench around him again and again as torrents of pleasure rip through your entire body. Your eyes fly open, locked on his, determined to witness how he might follow you into bliss. Your hips buck up chasing his own, his harsh warm breath washing over your skin with a deep, sensual moan as he finally lets go, pulsing inside you, not stopping the slowing, stuttering motion of his thrusts until he's given you absolutely everything he's got.
Laying there still entwined, a deep satisfying rumble from Frank's chest breaks the contrasting near-silence as he carefully rolls you on top of him and strokes his fingers lightly over your cheek and along your jaw, sliding them into your hair as his lips brush yours in a soft kiss.
"Frank..." you hum, your forehead resting on his. You can't stop your small nervous giggle as you're still unsure about what this is.
"Yeah." is all he says in return, his hands gliding down over your bare back and your hips, the sleeping bag and blankets forgotten now that inside the van had become a damn sight warmer. The windows with the covering of snow on the outside almost glow through the misting from your body heat on the inside of the glass. It's like you're trapped in a snowglobe. The image soon shatters as your mind clears from the dreamy fog of what you've just done.
"Shit. I-I'm sorry, I know that you-" you start to explain all the reasons that you know this is just a one-time thing, more for yourself than him, but he stops you before you can reel off the excuses.
"Hey," he says, gently catching your chin in his hand and running his fingers lightly over your skin. "We don't need to do all that shit, y'know?"
You can't help looking anywhere but in his eyes.
"Hey, c'mon, it's okay." He repeats.
You wish he wasn't like this, wish he would be colder with you, go back to the sniping, reluctant, thrown-together partnership, or whatever it was you had before. It takes effort but when you manage to meet the warmth of his gaze it feels like something you could get used to looking at.
"Look, it is what it is, yeah? I'm gonna keep you safe, no matter what."
You nod and allow him to pull you close to his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breath and the thump of his heart through his ribcage.
"It is what it is," you murmur, your eyes growing heavy as you melt into sleep.
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Frank tags:
@divinearchangel @saintmurd0ck @castlesnchurches @mindidjarin @hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados
@father4giveme @stress--relief @e-dubbc11 @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @phoebe-danvers @munsonownsmyass
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onadarklingplain · 7 months
prompt: alpha toto needs to fuck omega george because of a heat crisis. alex volunteers to be there for moral support.
after @officialmood’s perfect soulmate fic yesterday, the celebration of beautiful em’s birthday month continues! i've been sitting on this prompt for a while because every time i thought about it, my brain melted into a puddle Alex heard it from Aleix first.
He hadn’t been expecting to see Aleix in the paddock at all, not when George was too sick to come to his press conference, but Aleix was just standing outside Mercedes hospitality, looking like he was waiting for something.
Alex didn’t think anything of it. He was an idiot.
“Unlike George to duck out on media duties. It’s real personal growth. I’m proud of him,” he said, a stupid smirk on his face. 
But Aleix didn’t laugh. He winced almost and said, “So you haven’t heard.”
It’s — Aleix’s mouth was moving, his face all serious and worried, but it felt like something must be wrong with Alex’s hearing, the rush of blood in his ears too loud. Hopefully he was experiencing a brain bleed or something else that made it so he couldn’t process words. Because what Aleix was saying didn’t make any sense.
“Did you say Toto?” Alex said.
When Alex ended up at George’s door, it was an accident. They were in the same hotel that weekend, and Alex had gotten off the lift at George’s floor, unthinking. 
He opened his mouth and tried to breathe, tried to smell it — stupid. He couldn’t, of course. He didn’t even know if they were in there. They could be in Toto’s room if— God. It was horrible to think about. Every time he tried to face it head-on, his brain swerved to protect itself. 
Alex had maybe never felt so inadequate. He knew he must’ve felt worse when he lost his seat or when everything happened with his mum, but the hollowed-out feeling inside of him felt endless and horrible. Because if Alex were different, George wouldn’t have to. If he wasn't a beta, Alex would’ve been able to, instead. 
He could’ve been the one to help.
Alex needed to leave. He couldn’t keep standing in the middle of the corridor, mouth open, useless. He should go back to his own room. He should find Patrick and go for dinner and forget that Aleix ever told him anything. Just the thought of the way George must look. The way he must need it so bad. The way it was going to be Toto who gave it to him. Alex needed to find a way to bleach his brain. 
But his feet felt rooted to the spot. Something in him didn’t want to leave until he knew that George was okay. 
He was still standing there, of course, when Toto came. The lift was all the way down the corridor, dozens of doors away, and Alex could only watch as he got closer. There wasn’t anywhere to hide. It was too late. 
It seemed to take forever, but Alex still couldn’t think of anything to say. His whole body felt tense, like a trapped animal hoping to find a way to escape. 
Toto broke the silence before Alex could come up with an adequate excuse for being there. “Alex? Well isn’t this a surprise.” 
Even as he said it, he sounded so unruffled that Alex was tempted to run headlong into a wall at full tilt. It would probably be less embarrassing than whatever was happening right now. 
He had to clear his throat before he could get anything out. “Aleix told me that George was. That he wasn’t feeling well. So, um. I wanted to come see. If I could help.”
Christ. If he could fucking help, it was such a stupid thing to say. Toto must have thought so too, because even as his face stayed implacably calm, he arched one brow in disbelief. “Alex,” he started. 
But then Alex’s day got worse. Then George opened the door. 
The room behind him was all dark, the curtains pulled against what was left of the day. In the light that spilled in from the corridor, Alex could see that George looked terrible, pale and trembling, eyes huge and wet, his hair all matted down. His tongue darted out, wetting the corner of his mouth.  
He looked surprised to see Alex. His eyes flicked to Toto and back.
Alex should’ve been working on moving to a different hemisphere, but all he could think about was how the room must smell like George. Like whatever George smelled like. When Alex looked at Toto, he could see the truth of it in his face, no longer implacable — his eyes were all blown wide, his jaw dropped open. 
Alex had to say something. It was too awkward not to. “Sorry. I’m. I wanted to see if you were okay. If there was anything I could do. But I see. Obviously you’ve got it under control, so.”
“Oh,” George said. His voice sounded all hoarse and dry, like he hadn’t had anything to drink in too long. 
“Maybe, Alex,” George started, and Alex already knew he would say yes to whatever George asked. 
“Maybe you could stay.”
Once George had said it, his voice quiet even as his face was open with need, it was like a black hole sucking Alex in. He just wanted to give George whatever he wanted, whatever he asked for. He couldn’t think about why. He texted Patrick to say he was going to miss dinner. 
It was one of the most agonising things Alex had ever sat through. It was worse than any phone call he had ever had with Helmut. He had always been careful not to think about it before. He left school before sex ed got to the nitty gritty of it all honestly, and in the years since, he had always been careful to stick to beta-only porn.
He had always thought it must be so embarrassing. All that desire and wanting laid bare, breaking through, the stranglehold of it. He couldn’t think of anything worse. 
And watching George from the uncomfortable hotel chair — watching how he just took whatever he needed. The sounds were something Alex was probably going to hear ringing in his brain for the rest of his life, horribly twinned with the way Toto’s back muscles contracted when he thrust.
Alex didn’t even know what he was there for. He had gotten George a glass of water at the start, but anyone could’ve done that. George kept looking over at Alex like he was waiting for Alex to do something, his eyes all open and watery, little gasps falling out of his lips.
He was about to leave, about to just let himself out and forget that anything had happened, when George said, “Alex.”
And Alex couldn’t say no to George.
thank you to beautiful geniuses @lights-out-go and @officialmood for reading this over for me and giving it the sicko seal of approval and an extra thank you to sarah for organising us! em, it's been such a joy and a privilege to be your friend over the last year. we're so lucky that the f1 boys invaded your brain and brought you into our lives 💕
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wawamouse · 14 days
[keeps annoyingly filling your askbox] But! Chain breaking!! DAMMIT, now I want a drabble surrounding just that.
In the knifeplay fic, Miguel will not be breaking it, because that's one of the places where he's actually going to be gentled, in contrast to how not soft or gentle he's going to be in other ways.
Like I said: but! Something where they're a little fuether along into a relationship, and Miguel is being rougher and tugs on it hard enough to break. And Chico acts all annoyed afterwards (he's unsurprisingly A-Okay with it during), talking about how Miguel owes him a replacement now. Miguel gets all cheeky bastard, "Are you asking me for jewelry? But it's not even Valentine's Day, baby." in response.
(But then probably does Serious Face brooding about gifts while alone later, thinking should I actually get him a new one?)
✍🏼👁️ 👁️👂🏼 Got it…. Knifeplay fic: ❌ Chain breaking ✅ Gentle leading around by the chain.
That’s what you said right? 😂 That’s what I heard…
Also: ヾ(。✪ω✪。)シ Chain breakinggggg… Chico being totally ok with it in the heat of the moment—LOL, so true. He actually ripped off his chain while he was hyped up on Destiny, so he probably knows how easy it is to break the figaro type chains (or whatever he’s wearing that Miguel rips off). But perish the thought that he give up the opportunity to make Miguel sweet talk him over the loss! (And HAHA 😛 Classic Miguel/Chico where their banter triggers Deeper Thoughts)
Gift? 👀 Gift for Chico? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Much to consider! Including: I think Chico would be mystified depending on the circumstances, because, no, he didn’t actually expect Miguel to replace it… He already got a guy who owed him to fix the old one? What is this… some kind of… romantic gesture? What are they gonna do next, hold hands?? (Yes, he remembers how the necklace was broken in the first place—shut up, Miguel—)
Further: Chico getting Miguel to put the chain on for him when they’re alone (It’s what you’re supposed to do, pendejo) and then despite the the knee jerk initial mockery, being obviously very pleased (smug, even lol) in a way that itself seems a little strange (who'da thunk it'd be such a big deal?) until Miguel remembers: oh riiiight, nobody gets shit around Oz and he just gave Chico a whole ass necklace. They’re practically married now by prison relationship standards
I feel like if Miguel gave Chico a necklace, Chico would start to play with it more when he's bored and just sitting around Em City or whatever and maybe it drives Miguel a little crazy? ( ⓛ ᴗ ⓛ ᵕ) 
😂 Maybe Chico realises that? (•̀ ω •́) ╦̵̵̿╤─ ₊˚⊹♡
(P.S your brain is big and wrinkly and your asks are never annoying 💖)
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tubborucho · 7 months
Had to pull up the list but!! Members of soulfire as most helpful love advice to least helpful!
Lenay - actually married, even if her husband is currently MIA, would probably be a bit cryptic but all in all very solid and nice advice (give her some dirt in exchange she likes to lay in it)
Pol - old man, has seen a lot, would probably suggest something very romantic until his vex side comes out and starts suggesting bonded blood packs to make with your lover.
Niki - resident, not certified, therapist. Would probably just be very safe and say communication is key. Might give some weird advice tho if she finds it funnier and like it'll bring you closer to your love
Tubbo - he'd make fun of you but in the end sit ya down and talk about how you gotta be confident and kind. Hold em tight...don't let them go...he'd get a bit quiet but would perk up and suggest a nice dinner as a perfect first date.
Tina - will straight up tell you that your lover is a red flag and to have some RESPECT!!! get to the GRIND!!! (Especially @ missa wanting the gas mask wearing bird)
Aypierre - would have solid advice but then trail off horribly into how he fucked up with maxo and start to go a bit all over the place in anger and sadness. Please let the robot reset before asking more questions <:].
Pac - can't get his own love life for shit but damn he can give some pretty okay nudges in the right direction. Would tease and make fun but not get too involved.
Missa - would be very awkward and ask why you trust him with this??? Would say never to give up...gets really sad if you ask too much.
Rivers - probably just thinks way to hard on it, says to just go for it but overthinks, says you should fight for your love- no wait be soft- shit no buy em stuff!! Ahhh!! Stop asking her she doesn't know!
Luzu - literally 50/50 if you get ignored or told he has no idea.
Mariana - he'd suggest kissing your crush after every argument, love like the world's ending, make sure to be an asshole and they'll love you forever.
Bbh - this man literally thinks that arguing is a love language, suggests stabbing and eating the body as romantic, he's crazy do not trust any advice out of this demons mouth. It's crazy that he's so wanted on the island.
This is so funny and so right, I approve 10/10. I laughed at half of the points, also love how out of the leaders of the group the highest in the list is Tubbo and even he is only 4th🤣 You know you can rely on those 3 for anything yep.
This is awesome. I want to read a crack fic of one of the blues trying to get an adequate love advice from other teammates😭
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dayseedrawz2 · 4 months
Alright! I'm barely getting to work on this the day of, but hopefully, that won't be too big of a problem-
Anyway, I finally have something ready for you guys!! A showtime fic featuring My Human Caine AU! So you all get both some showtime fluff to go with lore!!
(Both Caine and Pomni's blogs are open and interactive, so you can ask them about what happened. I'll leave a link to them at the end of this)
Now, without further ado, here's the Fic...
Caine didn't believe he ever asked for much. All he wanted were answers. Answers to questions he'd been asking for as long as his "storage space" could remember.
So, of course, when time came around for this whole "Valentines" update, he's struck on what exactly he should do. All these human activities were confusing and hard to get right without having a clearer understanding of them. So all he could do was buy himself more time to think.
The gage should be going a bit faster if he wanted to keep up with the time it was due. Key word being if he wanted to. The only thing on his mind was to try and find time to study the humans! Maybe seek some more answers, discover some new ones! That is, of course, as long as a certain someone had no other plans for-
°○What're you doing, Caine?○°
"Oh! Bubble! You startled me!"
°○How can one be startled without being a human?○°
"Actually, you make a good point-"
°○You're not. Trick question.○°
"Then why did you-"
°○We are AI, They are Humans. Your job is to keep them sane unt-○°
"Keep em sane until they abstract or something, I got it!"
°○And don't let them find an exit-○°
"Or else I am out of a job, I know. Thanks bubble that'll be all for now!"
Usually, he wouldn't be so passive towards Bubble, but there were bigger priorities to Caine than just doing all that his jobs required and calling it a day. More on his "artificial" mind than simply waltzing around and ringmaster-ing. The first one being where he should start...
Now, of course, he didn't have that much time until Bubble rebooted and found his way back to him. The last thing he wanted was to be schooled by-
"Gah! Caine?! What're you doing here!?"
Of course! The newbie! How could he forget? Surely she must have some recollection of this holiday!
"Good morning, Pomni! You're up early! Again..."
"Y-yeah... this is all still a lot to wake up to..."
"If... you don't mind me asking... what's this for..?"
"Why, I don't mind at all, dear! This is the loading thingy for the Valentines Day update!"
"V-valentines Day? Already? The days really are blending together now..."
Pomni started to panic a little bit. Had time really gone that long in the real world??
Caine, upon noticing, of course tried to calm her down.
"If it helps, it probably won't be ready until at least tomorrow... Witch reminds me! Would you be willing to help me out with this?"
"With what? This won't involve knives to the face, will it??"
"Of course not dear! I apologize for that! Again... But what I mean is how this holiday works??"
Pomni wasn't so sure she should trust him. The fact that he always had something to ask her, that the first thing he even told her about the place was that he had security everywhere in the form of Eyes that followed your every move, the fact that he always got seemingly nervous when it came to the metion of the exit...
"Why me?"
"Well, for one, you're the only one here at the moment and-"
"Why can't Bubble help you?"
"Well- he's-"
"How do I know you're not just keeping me from looking for an exit?-"
"Because I have to!"
The sudden outburst from Caine left Pomni a bit shook. Witch, I guess, was a good thing because she finally stopped to listen.
"D-do, you really..?"
"Well, I- can I answer this as we go? It's quite a bit to un pack."
"Well, then let's get to this!"
After a bit of back and forth of answering questions, even now, with a slightly better understanding, Caine was still confused.
"So what you're saying is that this is a holiday about the one emotion I hardly understand?!"
"Honestly, I don't think even we understand it completely."
"Is that so?"
"At least I think so..? But really, why did you ask me of everyone?"
Caine honestly didn't know himself. He had to pause before he could answer this.
"...I want to "learn. " I want to "feel." I want to "love." But there's a lot of things holding me back right now..."
"Like what..?"
"Well, for one, barely anyone will answer the questions I have, and of course, I hate to say this, but-"
°○Watcha guys up to?○°
"BUBBLE! It's just you..."
°○What're you two talking about?○°
"Well- You see- we were-"
"-Oh, I was just rambling to Caine about the exit I saw the other day! You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?? I knew you guys were hiding something!!"
It took him a second, but Caine was quick to catch on.
"Yeah! She wouldn't stop pestering me about it! Those "Digital Hallucinations" really must be going to her head!"
°○... Okay, boss! I'll leave you to it! I'm gonna get breakfast started!○°
"Alright, see you in a bit!"
"Well, I guess I should go get ready?"
"Of course! I'll meet you there!"
And... done! Finally! You made it!
As promised, here's Caine and Pomni's blogs!
Thanks again for reading this. It took me like 2 hours-
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
so for the fic/writing requests
idk man just the chain going to wars hyrule for the first time and finding out he’s homeless and living in a tree house of his old village where he talks to animals and names plants and living as a happy Aro ace trans guy (baseicslky just my headcanons lol)
I think I’ve said this before but I seriously love your headcanons for him, and I had to fight really hard to keep this one a mini fic because I love this soooo much and could’ve written so much more for it (I might go back at some point and write an actual fic about this at some point). Anyways, trans Link real
Here you go!! (720 words):
“I think we should all fit,” Warriors mumbled to himself as he led them down a path further into the woods. When the good captain had said he was taking them to see his house, Twilight had expected the man to lead them into the heart of the city, not the middle of a forest.
“I really had you down as a city boy,” Sky said as they walked along. “I didn’t think you’d buy a house out here.”
Warriors just laughed. “I didn’t ‘buy’ a house. I built it.”
Well that raised several questions, and the captain answered them all vaguely. What they were able to get out of him was that he had no property that he legally owned and instead ran off to live alone in a small tree house near the village he was raised in. Twilight had certainly never expected that from Warriors, he was so talkative and loud it was hard to him imagine living in solitude.
“You never shut up, I have a hard time believing you live alone with no one to talk to,” Legend huffed, kicking a stick in his way.
“I have Eileen, I’m not alone.”
“You have a girlfriend??” Four sputtered with wide eyes.
Warriors turned around and rolled his eyes at the smith. “No, she’s my jade plant. I named her Eileen. I’m… I don’t have a girlfriend? Why is that the first thing your mind went to???”
“You… You named your plant-“ Legend stared at him.
“Yes?” The captain raised an eyebrow. “It’s not that weird dude. I have several named plants I’ll have you know.”
Twilight didn’t feel he was in a position to judge. He lived on his own but he was close enough to the other villagers that he could easily get his fill of social interaction whenever he needed it. Warriors was so deep in the woods that coming across other hylians probably wasn’t a common occurrence, so if the man named his plants, who was Twilight to make fun of him for it.
They’d reached the tree house and had begun climbing up when a small little bird swooped down, landing on the captain’s head. He honestly expected Warriors to scream or make a huge fuss of how the little animal had ruined his hair, but he just grinned instead, reaching up to carefully pat the small bird on the head.
“Another friend of yours?” Time pointed to the little guy.
“Yeah,” the captain shrugged, “she comes and goes. Her name is Pebbles.”
Twilight was obsessed with Pebbles. The bird stayed on Warriors head the entire time the man climbed up to his own front door and let all the others inside, and even came inn the house. She seemed very happy with her perch, and Twilight was starting to think she’d missed the captain.
“Make yourselves at home!” Warriors grinned, hands on his hips. “Just don’t break my stuff.”
The captain didn’t have many decorations in his home, just a few statement pieces that Twilight definitely took a few minutes to look at. The first thing that caught his eye was a shelf full of a bunch of empty glass bottles with hand written labels on them in Warrior’s elegant writing that said, ‘Man Juice’. The captain saw him looking at it and his eyes went wide in fear, but he immediately relaxed when Twilight burst out laughing.
“That’s hilarious,” he wheezed, holding his stomach as he laughed. “‘Man Juice’?? Sweet Ordona! I jus’ throw my bottles away when I’m done with em!”
“I like to think I’m something of a comedic genius,” Warriors wiggled his eyebrows at him with a flashy grin, Pebbles still sitting happily on his head.
The rest of Warriors wall decor wasn’t nearly as funny as the empty testosterone potions, he had a couple of drawings clearly made by a child pinned to the wall that Time had a rather odd reaction to (the old man had teared up and given Warriors a look Twilight couldn’t decipher), and on another wall were a bunch of plants on shelves or hanging from the ceiling.
It certainly hadn’t been what any of them were expecting, but Warriors’s home was a nice cozy place, and Twilight was grateful his brother had allowed them to stay there for the night.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
i would love a full-length fic with bde and the little who tries to self-punish themselves; maybe he accidentally snaps at them a little for something annoying but small like they break a glass and he’s not annoyed but then they just keep trying to pick it up and help clean up? Until he’s like JUST STAND STILL and then they think he’s annoyed for the glass breaking or something and mumbling all about what they think should happen and then he just has to comfort them!!! lots of hugs and cuddles and reassurance please!!
i looooved this one sm!! ty for the request!! 🫶🏼 there's probably an over usage of pet names here but i just melt when ppl call me honey/baby so .....
wc: 1k
elvis was busy today and you knew better than to bother him while he was working. however, you were feeling small but you didn’t want to be a burden to him. he’d said numerous times to come to him even if he was working and you were feeling fuzzy, but you still always felt bad.
maybe it was past trauma, even the way you were raised. it was always a struggle having to ask for something no matter how dire the situation was. you shut everyone off and that included while you were little. elvis was wonderful with you, he took care of you well and always loved to spoil his little baby. he just wished you weren’t closed off from him when it came to being little. but he understands and never pushed your boundaries.
you shut the bedroom door quietly, listening for elvis and hearing his faint voice downstairs on the phone. letting out a sigh, you tiptoed down the steps and into the kitchen. all you wanted was a pb&j, you could do it. it was just a few simple ingredients and you could get yourself big enough to make it yourself.
one thing about elvis, he knew how you loved to feel small. there was a clear height difference between the two of you so he purposely put all your little plates and cups up higher on the shelf so he could get them for you. although, he did love to pick you up and let you grab them yourself.
as you got on your step stool, reaching for one of your plates, your arm bumped into one of the wine glasses a couple shelves down, causing it to bounce off the edge of the counter and shatter on the floor. you gasped, looking down at the mess and quickly glancing at the hallway.
“.....right–listen charlie, imma have to call ya back. just heard somethin' in the kitchen….yea, sure. a ghost. listen, don't forget those songs i asked about. i mean it!”
you panicked, shutting the cabinet door immediately and getting yourself on the floor to start picking up the tiny shards of glass. “no cartoons before bed….” you muttered to yourself, doing your best to pick up each shard. “daddy’s gonna be real upset…”
“oh baby, what–” elvis turned a corner, seeing you on the floor. “now, what are ya doin’? get up from there!”
“b-but i was just-”
“nuh-uh. get up.” your bottom lip wobbled as you stood up, careful not to touch the glass. “step away from the glass. you don’t need to be touchin’ it and gettin’ your tiny lil’ hands all cut up.”
you backed away slowly as he stepped in, sweeping up the glass. but it was your fault, you broke the glass. it was your responsibility to clean it up. back on your hands and knees as he tossed some of it in the trash with his back turned, he looked at you again. “honey, what did i say? stop touchin’ it.” he said, sternly.
again, you stood up, only to pick up a shard that landed somewhere away from the original pile. “dammit, y/n. stand still, stay away from the glass.”
“but it was my fault.” you replied.
“that don't mean nothin' to me. just stand there and don't move, do as i say.” there was a hint of annoyance to his tone this time as he cleaned up the rest of the glass, letting out a sigh. least it was just a wine glass, he could replace it later.
“....no plushies either…don't deserve ‘em” you mumbled again, “told you daddy would be mad..” you sniffled and crossed your arms, fighting back your tears.
he turned around quickly, his expression softening. “what's this about no plushies?”
“made daddy mad…” you looked down, refusing to look him in the eyes. once again, disappointing someone you loved dearly even if you didn't mean to.
elvis furrowed his brows, “you didn't make me mad.” he tipped your head up with the tip of his finger, getting you to look at him. “no honey, i just didn’t want you gettin’ hurt. that's all. not mad at all. you ain’t hurt, are ya?”
you shook your head, tears fully falling down your cheeks.
“oh, my baby.” he pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your entire body. “my sweet, sweet baby.” he cooed.
“‘m sorry, daddy. so sorry, i didn’t mean to do it.” you sobbed into his shoulder.
he felt his heart shatter, just feeling himself wanting to protect you from the rest of the world. “i know you didn’t, sweetheart. i know.” he pulled away from you, holding both of your hands tightly. “listen–it was an accident, right? nobody got hurt, we’re both still standin’ here in one piece. don't go punishing yourself for somethin’ you didn't mean to do.”
letting out a small whine, “i did a bad thing though.” you said with a quick stomp.
“a bad thing that you didn't mean to do. that glass can be replaced.” he frowned. “you didn't break any rules, you don't need to be punished for breakin’ something when you didn't mean to.”
it was confusing to you how nice elvis was about the whole ordeal. it almost brought you some form of comfort knowing he wasn't mad. if it were anyone else, they'd be mad. you'd be punished. you hated being punished but felt like you deserved it sometimes. but elvis had a point, maybe you didn't deserve to be punished for small things.
“i-i can sleep wit’ my bunny?” you asked softly.
elvis hated that you had to even ask that question. “of course, i’d never take away your plushies. you know that.”
he chuckled, “you can watch your cartoons before bed too.”
you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him. “thank you, daddy.”
“love ya so much, little one.” he responded, hugging you back. “let's get you that snack and snuggle up on that couch, sound good? daddy needs a bit of cuddlin’ time with his best baby.”
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coffee-writesthings · 3 months
I made a headcanon about Scout and Spy both having EDS, soooo here's a fic i wrote expanding on it a touch. Warning for some internalized abliesm but it's dealt with pretty quickly
WC: 1k
MannCo recently sent a shipment of a variety of things: food, weapons, ammo, and a large roll of tape which Scout ordered specially for himself. It was sticky, and would look very similar to his skin-- the perfect thing to hide his slippery joints with.
He went to look through the boxes the moment he heard that the truck left. It had to be in there, and he had to get it before anyone found out. There was no way he'd be allowed to stay on the team in this sort of condition!
With a little searching, he found the right box. It was marked in large, egregious letters, "DISABILITY STUFF". He cringed at how the words glared up at him, practically shouting out to the world how 'broken' he was.
Broken or not, he needed the help, so he dug into the box-- with the help of a pocket knife. Though, what he found wasn't just his tape. There were braces of various kinds, pairs of glasses, and several bottles of what he assumed were medication.
He was dumbfounded, and at the same time wanted to kick himself-- of course his other teammates were also disabled. Medic needed glasses, Pyro needed stuff for their burn scars, Demo only had one eye for gods sake! Had he really just not considered that at all?
Really thinking about it as he dug through the boxes to find his tape, he realized that, no, he'd never thought of his team as disabled-- and they probably didn't either. They were just living life and had found things to work around whatever they were struggling with.
Underneath a sort of brace he'd never seen before lie his tape. It was a massive roll, far larger than what he'd ever used before, maybe as wide across the circle as his forearm?
With new complaints from his hips starting up, he abandoned the boxes and got to work 'fixing his life with duct tape'.
Under the dim light in the bathroom-- jeez, they really need to change that bulb out sometime-- he was able to put down some strips of tape where he felt it was needed most at the moment. Two strips starting just above his hip and trailing down to his inner thighs already helped so much. But with that out of the way, he started on his knees-- he made a sort of x shape from a little above his knee to the side of his calf with a strip of tape for each side, for each leg.
"Thank fuck, my joints are actually jointing now--" he muttered before bumping into Spy.
"Merde, what are you doing up at this hour?"
"I should ask ya the same thing."
"If you must know I'm looking for my new brace. Medic suggested it specially for my Ehlors-Danlos. Tell no one. Please."
"Oh hey, I have that same problem! Yeah, my joints are all wonky, I basically tape em together."
He winced in a way that was almost unnoticeable.
"Somethin' wrong?"
"No, nothing."
"Alright then. Make sure you get some sleep for your old bones then!"
It hit him in the face when he woke up, Ehlors-Danlos is inherited... They'd be around the same age, right? 26 and late-40s, early 50s. It's not unreasonable. He would've been... Somewhere between his age and somewhat younger.
It's not... uncommon for someone to have a kid at that age.
And there were other things too, other things that were shared between them. Their faces were incredibly similar, now that the thought about it-- one thing that the Director's visit helped with.
Something his Ma talked about once or twice came into the mental conversation with a steel chair-- his dad was french. Like, it was significant enough to warrant having a favorite french thing to watch on tv.
Damn, stuff like this had him feeling like an idiot for never noticing.
"But, what about Tom Jones--" he muttered to himself, "No. No wait. Hang on." He cursed loudly, remembering that Spy can use disguises.
That warranted a knock on the door from Engineer, "Everythin' alright in there?"
"Spy's my dad."
"Spy, the 10,000-euro-suit-wearing asshole, is my dad."
"Have you... Considered talking to him about this, perhaps?" The voice that came out of that mouth was patiently off, too French for Engineer's Texas background.
"Your accent is slipping."
In a cloud of smoke, Spy dropped the disguise. "You caught me."
"So you admit it? You're my dad-- how freakin' long did you know?"
"About a year after you joined the team."
"Y'know the hell of it all? I can't even blame you, it's not like you were there most of the time. Didn't even get you for the big moments."
"I am sorry, I couldn't be around in ways you were aware of-- it would have put you in more danger than it was worth." his gaze moved downwards with his frown, "The few times I was able to, I had to be invisible. I didn't want you to become entangled in any of this."
He held back the insult, thinking better than to kick a man while he's down. "I'm still angry, but.. I guess it's at least good to know. Thank you."
Silence hung in the air for the next few seconds, not quite tense, not quite calm, but a third unknown thing. Spy broke the silence, "Do you want to see what I use for my joints?"
"Sure, maybe I can teach ya something."
"Don't get too cocky, I don't see anything you can teach me when it comes to your post-battle scores," he took a gulp of his cup of coffee.
"Oh you ass. Hey, why'd you dress up as Engineer by the way, you planning on taking him out sometime?"
"Who's to say I'm planning?"
"Well damn-- does this mean I'm getting an extra parent out of this?"
He choked, taking a few seconds to regain his breath, "You heard nothing."
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khoipyan · 2 years
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keep me warm!
octavinelle with a gn!reader who makes them think that they’re in trouble, only to discover they’re just cold.
warnings; false sense of danger being given, that’s it. although, this one will be shorter than any fics i’ve written on my now deleted account! just for me to start my new blog (with the same username smh) off.
notes; to be seen as romantic. also i just noticed that azul’s is the shortest, jade is middle and floyd’s is the longest 😭 oopsie!
notes2; AUHDUFHHGH if you used to follow me, you might have to refollow me again because this is the first post on my account now. i may have accidentally deleted my blog so uhm… yeah. but first fanfic of my new account, with my other account @jeidoleech to repost any of this incase i get stupid again. that’s what happens when i stay up at night, i guess. 😭
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it was just another peaceful day in mostro lounge, when suddenly you burst into the VIP room. it seems like you ran all the way there, because you were breathing pretty heavily, “AZULLL!”
azul jumps up from his seat, while turn floyd and jade look at you. what on earth? his face turns into one of concern, “is something wrong dear? if anything is, then i’ll—”
he’s cut off by you throwing yourself into his arms, “i’m colddd.”
…cold? you burst into the room dramatically shouting his name, and you’re cold…? he’s so confused, couldn’t you have just walked in regularly?regardless, he pats your head, “my darling, don’t you think that was a bit… much? you didn’t have to do ALL of that to get my attention— floyd, jade, stop looking at me like that, and stop laughing—!”
both of the twin eels found this situation amusing. as much as embarrassed azul is, they’ll probably never stop bothering him about it for the next few weeks. oh well, that’s expected
hey, at least you weren’t cold anymore? to azul’s expense of the tweels pestering him, of course.
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he turned around and waited for you to catch up, surprised to see you. normally you don’t yell for his attention, so what could it be this time? has something gone wrong? he’s already starting to think of his next action—
“i’m cold. my dorm has no heat.”
ah. how unexpected. his eyes widened at the surprise, but promptly smiles at you. how cute. “why don’t you come over to my dorm then? i’ll be sure to prepare blankets and i guarantee it will be warm there. as a bonus, we can keep each other company so neither of us gets lonely.”
you stare at him, “snacks and we’ve got a deal.”
“how about a movie on my laptop as well?”
“i love you so much.”
“would you love me less if i had never offered any of this?” he’s doing it again. oh no.
you frown, “why are you like this…”
jade only gives a polite chuckle, “why not?”
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you seemed frantic as you ran up to floyd, who was just finished his basketball game. “FLOYD! I HAVE SOMETHING I REALLY REALLYYYY IMPORTANT.”
not minding the other people watching, floyd takes a sip of his water bottle and quickly turns to you, “hmmmm~? what is it? is somebody bothering ya? i can squeeze em for you!”
“i’m cold.”
floyd only looks at you in surprise, but then laughs. why were you so funny? and so random, for what? but then again, that’s one of the reasons why you caught his attention. “shrimpyyy! if you were just cold, you could’ve said so instead of scaring me!” he goes to pinch your cheek.
you aren’t exactly warm yet, but your left cheek surely isn’t cold now, “floyd. that hurts. i said to keep me warm, not to start making my cheek hurt!”
he grins and stops pulling on your cheek, ruffling your hair. “alright, alright. one more game and we can head to my dorm, hmmmmm? how does THAT sound?”
“okay! that’s alright! i’ll watch and cheer you on, then!” you rub your face, ouch.
ace interrupts, “can we start now? i’m sick of you two lovebirds socializing like today is the last day.”
“i wouldn’t say i have a problem with your relationship, but i agree that we should start.” jamil also adds to ace’s comment.
floyd glares at ace, “don’t make me squeeze you, crabby.”
“eek! okay, okay, sorry. let’s just start the game, okay?” ace sweats, he wasn’t looking to be squeezed today.
you’re sort of embarrassed, but at least your face is warm!
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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dolls-self-ships · 5 months
Two Birds One Storm
heyyyy this is my first fic in a while also it’s not finished yet this is only part one so it’s a quick read if you’re interested! <3 inspired by this prompt by otp-fanfic-ideas
“Oh my, would you look at that?”
Mac raised her head with a slight curious hum in her throat at the sound of her voice, she looked over to see her .. em.. friend, sitting by the window of her hut, which was being rapidly spotted with heavy raindrops, making an aggressive tap.. tap tap.. tap.. tap tap sound on the glass.
Mac felt startled, she could have sworn she calculated this weeks weather to a T, and all accounts showed nothing but sunshine, but sometimes Mother Nature had a way of being particularly unpredictable. Either that or she had miscalculated, but Mac would rather believe the first thing than the second one.
“Why, it’s just raining cats and dogs” Daphne tsked, still observing the grey sky and the cloudy mist that now covered the island.
“Oh aye” Mac agreed as she joined Daphne at the window, looking up to study the clouds herself. “And that great big one looks like a cumulonimbus. An et looks like there’s more rolling in fast as et is.”
Daphne looked at her, a little confused at first but trying her best to remember what kind of cloud that was. She had been getting used to Mac’s way of putting things into very technical terms, on top of her thick Scottish accent- of which both she found endlessly charming- and she would hate to make Mac repeat herself, as she often had to.
After a couple seconds, Daphne was almost certain she remembered. “That means uh.. thunder right?”
Mac smiled at her, and nodded in approval. She gave a little "mhm!" as in 'that's correct!'.
"I must say hen, you're catchin' on faster than Mr. Rhodes ever did. Yer a fast learner!" Mac praised her with an approving grin and a wink. Daphne felt a small sense of pride swell inside of her when Mac said that, partially because she liked the feeling of being better than Rocky at something, but also because she liked that Mac felt understood by her.
“Maybe because we spend so much time together" she giggled.
Mac felt a little bit of a rush from that, a warmth filled her cheeks as she nodded. "Aye, that too." She looked back out the window,
After a few moments of staring out into the rain, it slowly began to dawn on Daphne that her hut was all the way on the other side of town, and getting there would be like hell in just the rain alone, let along when the storm starts picking up. She gently cleared her throat and stammered "W-well, I-I should probably start headin' out now"
Mac was shocked, what on earth was she saying? She couldn't go out in this weather. "What? Now? I donnae think that's such a good idea, lass."
Daphne sighed "If I don't get goin' now I'm not gonna make it home" she said, shaking her head, "and I would hate to be a bother to you"
The rain started to pick up more, followed by a loud crash that startled the two. Both their heads turned quickly back to the window, and their eyes slowly travled upwards to see clusters of rain clouds, more and more packing in as if they all had a personal vendetta against this one specific chicken-housing island. They could see tiny flashes of light coming from between the cracks of plush looking grey forms in the sky, but it wasn't sunshine like one would hope, the flashes were erratic and white, the lightning had already begun to start up.
"Hen, I cannae let you go out in that, ye could ge'y knocked over by de wind, lost in all de fog, shrivel up like a wee raisin from all the rain, catch hypothermia-"
Daphne watched as Mac counted on her fingers all the possibilities she could face if she went outside at this time, in an effort to get her to stop, she placed her wings overtop of hers.
"Alright, alright, I get it, I just.." She paused, shifting in her seat and taking a breath “I just don’t wanna impose, that’s all”
Mac shook her head. “Even if that was, hen, there’s no wey that wee half-built bit wuld keep you warm enough in this.”
Daphne hummed, looking back outside as she saw the first bolt of lightening hit the water around the island. She wasn’t able to get out a response in time as Mac has already gotten up from her seat.
“Sit tight while I put de kettle on.”
As Mac left to the kitchen to get started, Daphne watched her with guilty eyes. She didn't know what it was, but everytime she was being waited on by someone, it always felt off. Wrong somehow. She hated making people go out of their way for her, she didn't like the feeling that she was causing trouble or making someone get up, even when it was a simple of a task as brewing tea. So, she quickly got up from her seat.
"Wait" She followed after her,  Mac turned over her shoulder from where she stood, already at the counter with the kettle going, which had already begun to make its low steaming sound, a high pitched, barely audible 'phhhwwwwtttt' sound. Daphne came up beside her and plucked two tea bags from the little display Mac had placed on the kitchen top. Peppermint- Mac's favourite. "I'll get these for ya"
Mac smiled, holding out her hand to grab the two little bags. "Thanks hen" she said, reaching for them a bit further than she intended, and accidentally brushing her hand over Daphne fingertips.
Mac jolted, a gasp hitched in her throat. Her teeth clenched as she flinched her hand away, feeling that familiar warmth in her cheeks again. Her eyes flickered between her recoiled hand and Daphne’s face, hoping that she could read her expression just enough to predict what was going through her mind at that moment.
Daphne wasn't all that suave either, she didn’t say a word, but her eyes spoke volumes. They wouldn't leave the spot on her hand that Mac accidentally touched, it was like she could still feel a ghost of what the sensation was like to have her feathertips brush hers. It was still warm. Still comfortable.
Her eyes darted back up to the maroon combed hen, who then turned away from her shyly and said in an awkward tone and held out her hand, palm up, instead for Daphne to place the bags in.
"Ah... sorry"
It was up until then that Daphne had completely forgotten about the tea.
“It’s alright…”
The water was ready.
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