#i need to actually stop with this stuff but instead i'm just over here sobbing and contininug
yanderehsr · 8 months
Hello!! This is my first time sending a ask to this blog so sorry if I break any rules- ^^;
I just wanted to ask for a Lumine! Reader, where they have a bad mental breakdown, full on falling to the ground and sobbing hard cuz they are looking for something very important that they lost and they've been asking everyone for help but those people ask for something in return before they help but then they never help in the end, just using the Reader-
Can it be with Himeko, Silver wolf, Stelle and Bronya?
( Poor Lumine, she just wants to find her brother but everyone's asking for stuff in return before they help and than they never fulfill their part of the deal )
I know😭 Lumine has to deal with so much and she gets so little in return
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Himeko: She feels guilty over it but she has waited for this exact moment, for you to come crying to her and she can comfort you. She loves you so much but you never seem to have enough time to notice.
Himeko will hug you, she holds you in place with one hand while the other softly rubs your back, you can't notice because of your position but she is smiling right now, she won't let you go back to searching, you will stay with her from now on. She will not take a no for an answer.
"The world is just full of bad people isn't that right, whatever it is you're looking for can wait right? I'll always be here for you, so why don't you just stay"
Silver Wolf: She feels sad over that maybe she is one of the reasons for your breakdown, she asked for your help in the past, she regrets ever doing that now, she takes you to her home and you play video games together, she isn't very good at comforting so this will have to do.
Silver Wolf let's you lie down on her bed and fall asleep, she joins you later and big spoons you, she knows what she has to do, she needs to hide you from the world, you are too precious, too lovely to ever let go, now be comforted in the safety of her arms cus you aren't leaving anytime soon.
"Oh, you wonder where the door is? Well I removed it, I don't want you to continue your search... I-I love you too much to let you have another breakdown"
Stelle: She knows how it is, a lot of people ask her for help as well, only difference is that Stelle doesn't have a goal that gets set back whenever she helps others, actually Stelle makes sure to help you more than others, so that she is the most important in your life.
So when you come running and cries into Stelle's arms that is when she makes a decision, you shouldn't have to deal with people when they only hurt you so much, Stelle leaves the Astral Express and joins you instead, she'll make sure you only know happiness from now on, now she just needs to convince you to stop searching and instead focus all of your attention on her instead, as it should be.
"There is no reason to cry anymore, I wont let you talk with anyone else again, I'm going to help you, so let me see a smile on that pretty face"
Bronya: She regrets not kidnapping you when she first fell for you, instead she let you go to search for what you lost, but each day without you made her feel more lonely, her mind drifted to darker thoughts, she has decorated a room for you decorated with stars and with a fluffy bed for your enjoyment. And chains ready to be used to keep you there
Bronya when she sees you again and you're crying, breaking down and begging for comfort leads you to that room where she will comfort you to her fullest capabilities. When you get tired and falls asleep on the bed is when she chains you down, this is how you should be, comfortable and safe with her by your side.
"Calm down, I know you can't move very much but it's for the best isn't it? Now you don't need to deal with any of the stress and betrayals, now all you need to do is think of and love me"
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 8 months
5 and... jaytimkon??? (For the drabble prompts)
Jpeg fr the things I would do for a jaytimkon from you akfjslajdlaja
I haven't drabbled much into jaytimkon territory, but i'll do it for you, beloved <];)
"So how long have you two been married?"
It comes out of Jason's mouth as a joke. Or, at least, he means it as a joke. He expects a scoff or an eyeroll or maybe a besotted smile. He isn't quite sure what to do with the startled look Kon gives him.
"What?" the guy asks, stupidly thick lashes fluttering in abashment. His cheeks go pink and Jason gets the sense he's resisting the urge to fan his face like a scandalized genteel woman.
Jason nods his head towards the door that Tim had just left through after walking in, saying, "Do you-" and promptly getting handed exactly what he needed from Kon without having to specify what it was. It isn't the first time it's happened since the two of them have set up shop at the little basement coffee station - separate, of course, from Tim's regular coffee station up in his living area - waiting for Tim to work his genius.
It's kind of magical the way they operate on the same wavelength - finishing each other's sentences, knowing what the other needs, vollying inside jokes back and forth too fast for Jason to even pretend to keep up. It makes some kind of longing crawl up in his throat. So he teases instead of saying Can I get in on that? Instead of saying Stop doing that before I start uncontrollably sobbing. Instead of saying Who do I have to kill to get me a bitch like that?
Kon stutters out, "We're not- that's- why would you-"
"Oh my god, breathe," Jason orders, taking pity on him. "I was messing with you. I just meant that you two practically share a brain. It's kinda freaky. But also...kinda cool."
Kon looked down and shrugged. "Just known each other a long time. Lotta missions, lotta near-death experiences. Watching Santa get blown up together probably had something to do with it."
"You- what?"
"It's whatever." Kon waves a dismissive hand through the air. "We're close, but - I dunno. You bats have something else entirely going on. I'm sure you understand him better than I do."
"Oh, come on," he can't help but protest. "Just 'cause we're both bats doesn't mean we have some kinda psychic connection. If we could communicate the way the two of you do, we'd all beat each other up a lot less."
"No, seriously," Kon insists, face open and imploring in a way that makes Jason want to cover him with a blanket so no one else can catch him like that. "Sometimes I think he's the alien, but then I hear how he talks about you, the way all of you guys work together, and it's- it's a little cult-y, but it's also really cool? Like you guys have a secret language. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's been obsessed with you for, like, ever, so there's kind of that hero worship thing going on, and you're actually smart enough to keep up with the stuff he talks about and-"
There's something in Kon's voice that tickles the back of his brain, something between He talks about me? and 'Batclan Cult Allegations.' It sounds stretched thin and bittersweet and tense. The pieces fall together faster than he can relegate them.
"Wait a minute," he interupts. "Are you jealous? Of me?"
The idea is bizarre, absurd, unthinkable. It makes a little bird flutter around in his stomach, but he isn't sure whether that has more to do with the lovely, mysterious creature in the next room over or the goregous, good-natured creature in front of him.
Kon shrugs again, refusing to meet Jason's gaze. "Who wouldn't be?"
A warmth surges in his gut, rushing to his palms in a way that makes him want to reach out and share the heat. He puts several years of laborious therapy to use and decides to take a chance.
"And here I was, all green with envy over watching the two of you together."
And once those ethereal blue eyes lock onto his, Jason can't look away.
"Maybe if we put our heads together," he continues, hoping Kon can hear all the things he isn't saying as well, "We can parse out what the hell Tim is talking about all the time, 'cause I don't have a fuckin' clue."
The laughter that earns him sounds like bells. And when Tim walks in and asks, "What's so funny?" the two of them share a knowing look, something just between them.
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bluemoondust · 1 year
Could You Do Yandere Headcanons For Sayori (DDLC)?
✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Sayori
Sayori my beloved (ღ˘ω˘ღ)
Warning(s): Unhealthy Lifestyle (On Sayori's end), Self Deprecation, Angst (I'm fr cranking this stuff up because aksjkwkwj)
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To get things started, Sayori is a very selfless yandere who only wants to make you happy. Sure, she has her moments where she'd like to be selfish with you, but the overwhelming guilt just stops her. So she's put herself in the sidelines for you. The only reason she'd actually put more into pursuing you is either you instigating (of course you none the wiser) or the thought of you never talking to her again becoming too much for her. Even before this, she cherishes you to the point where she would rather die than see you upset/disappointed in her.
In terms of what type of yandere she is, I'd say she's more of a submissive and obsessive yandere. When I mean by submissive, I am referring to the fact that Sayori is a yandere who's emotionally dependent on her darling. To an extreme, but she can manage keeping this information away from you. A large part of her believes that you are what gives her life meaning. You're the reason why she can muster the strength to get up in the morning. Without you, what is the point of it all? It is so unhealthy that Sayori gets extremely anxious when she introduces you to the literature club. Why did she even do this in the first place? She asks herself but she knows that she'd love to have her friends be friends with one another.
Plus, it'd be selfish of her to keep you to herself, she chides. It's better though...being able to spend more time with you in the club. Sayori didn't like the idea of leaving you behind for a simple get together with the others. So, what better way than to bring you along? You'd even love it! However, there's these nagging feeling. It's so...narcissistic to want to show you her writing skills. Are you annoyed that she dragged you along? Maybe you only agreed because she was your friend? Ugh, couldn't she have considered how you felt instead of assuming you'd enjoy being here? She didn't even tell you. How could she just push this onto you!? Are you upset with her? God, why can't these thoughts get out of her head!?
Then you're there. You're here. The noise is gone as she looks at the smile on your face. That's what she was always after. The smile on your face and the sound of your laughter. It's enough to bring her back to reality. She can't lose that. The thought of you leaving brings tears in her eyes as she sobs in the school bathroom. She had nightmares about it before, so Sayori works to the best of her ability to keep you happy. As long as you were happy, she was as well...
The only thing you'd notice out of all of this would be her depression and low self-esteem. You wouldn't really suspect that she was a yandere. It'd play out similar in the game, where you discover her her internal struggles and reassure her that she's not a burden. Sayori is delighted to hear that from you, but again, her thoughts eat at her. She's upset that she made you worry so much about her. It must've been such an inconvenience... You'd have to be very adamant with her, which only causes her to have the need to cling even more. You're only digging a deeper hole.
Sayori doesn't get jealous, she feels envy. She is envious of others who hang out with you. They are so carefree. So free. They didn't hold the gnawing guilt of being too clingy or annoying around you. They can freely be themselves without trouble. She wanted to do that too, but fears she may overstep. She's already your childhood friend, you're probably tired of seeing her too often. It's better to see other people once in a while. Sometimes Sayori would like to be able to read your mind. Then she'd be able to cater to you better. It wouldn't be so hard to guess or assume.
When it comes to danger, she's more of a danger to herself than anyone else. So please keep in mind to watch over her since she may neglect her basic needs. Sayori will lose sleep and forget to eat often. She'll try to act like her bubbly self, but you notice it's not the same. Her eyes don't shine like they always do and her smile seems tired. Confronting her is good, but she will be sent into a spiral. Although she loves the fact that you care so much for her, the ugly thoughts in her mind say that she hates how much attention she's getting for this. They tell her how much she's making herself look pitiful just for you to look only at her. It's...extremely conflicting.
It's a completely different story when she becomes club president as finally wakes up to the true reality. Everything...was fake? No. Her feelings for you weren't fake, they were real. So real that it hurt. Whatever opinion she had on Monika before being a yandere is now...resentment. It was not Sayori who was selfish, it was Monika. She made her feel so awful about loving you to the point of...her mind couldn't fathom such actions. Now, she knew that she couldn't let go of you. Not ever. No matter how much the former club president pleaded for the game to stop. It's too bad, Sayori was now in charge. Just Sayori.
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kalena-henden · 8 months
Destined With You Final Thoughts
Rowoon - Every new role I see him in (Extraordinary You and Tomorrow), I feel like he's grown leaps and bounds as an actor. Here he got to be literally be EVERYTHING. He was an arrogant emotionless jerk, a lovesick puppy who says the cutest most ridiculously things, a serious no-nonsense professional who's great at his job, a man struggling with his feelings and choices, a devoted protective lover, gutted and sobbing over life or death circumstances, respectful patient attentive boyfriend, an impulsive and passionate lover. I know we say ALL THE EMOTIONS sometimes but he literally when through them all.
Jo Bo Ah - Hongjo was a hard character for me because she was so passive and let everyone walk all over her again and again. Her saving grace is she always stood up to Shinyu and eventually learned to stand up to those around her. I could easily be annoyed with this character if it was played by a less competent actress.
Ha Joon - I enjoyed his turn as a suave lawyer who's actually a total dork in his personal life so much so that I started watching his new 50-episode family drama, Live Your Own Life, where he's finally the male lead with his own romance. Jaekyung came as Hongjo's sage guide when she needed him and happily exited when she was settled. Honestly, not a bad arc for a SML.
Shinyu's mom, Shinyu's lawyer friend, Hongjo's Landlady, Uram and his grandfather, and Shinyu's assistant - These characters were alot of fun and added to the depth of the story. I wish we had actually gotten more development from them which would have filled out this story a bit better.
Symbolism & Magic - This show is rife with well thought out symbolism. Love all the flower/plant stuff around Hongjo (Bloom) and Shinyu (Groot) equating to a blossoming and thriving relationship. The magic is actually pretty well explained and is there if you're interested in it.
Dropping the Magic Halfway Through - I am EXTREMELY disappointed in a show billed as a FANTASY ROMANCE that went to painstaking care to introduce the spells and curses to be like oops! don't care if the spells worked or not but we kinda care if the big curse is real cause we want to keep Shinyu in perpetual danger. Like I have ZERO respect that the FANTASTY aspect was dropped (and no the reincarnation plotline doesn't count). I feel hoodwinked and things make even less sense now. It's basically a JJ Abrams Mystery Box level of non-sensical bulls*t which is one of the main reasons I stopped watching most Western shows. It also leaves MASSIVE holes about how and why the Gardener and Nayeon started working together as well how did they learn about and come to believe the curses would even work. It was just she's a backstabbing two-faced bully and he's an insane murderer but zilch on their motivations. I really wanted a mini-montage of the black magic curses that were so well foreshadowed. I'm unsure if this was a writing call or directing call because in Korea the directors have final edit rights, not the writers. What got left on the cutting room floor?
Hongjo's coworkers - Why were they so terrible and unfunny the entire time? They were also irrelevant to the plot. The only good thing was her boss stopping the others from bullying Hongjo. It wasted time that could have been given to the side characters l liked (see above).
Noble Idiocracy & Repetitive Danger - I'm not sure which is worse that they repeatedly put themselves in danger time after time (even when bad things kept happening to them) or they broke up or stayed apart for the other person's 'benefit'. *face palm* If it was a great story, I can forgive some of this but...
The Pacing/Editing - If they had done a big reveal of the magic and other stuff at the end that really brought things to a climax, I would be like yeah it was slow at points but look at the payoff! Instead, I'm looking back at this going, if this is the story you wanted to tell, it could use a serious overhaul in HOW it was told. Even though there was stuff I liked about this drama, I wasn't that emotionally invested.
I would only recommend watching this to see Rowoon act his heart out and be in a ridiculously cute and sexy romance. That's it.
I'm sad because I really loved deep diving into this show. It could have been so much more like Goblin, Doom At Your Service, or Alchemy of Souls.
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THIS IS AMZING AND I LOVE YOU!! if it isn't to much h trouble could you write something similar but instead of his s/o talking to him about everything, they wish him good luck, and when he leaves they dip on him and leave a heart felt goodbye note explaining why they left?? would he be sad they left :(
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I LOVE YOU TOO!! It's never too much trouble when it comes to my sweet maniac ♥️ I hope you like it anon! Also, here's the link to the og post.
I gotta say, this is filled with angst. Like, it's an alternative ending and I made sure I wrote it as sad as possible lol. I'm in an angsty mood lately.
If you wish to support/commission me please visit my ko-fi page, thank you!
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"What?" he asked in a bored tone.
"Nothing. I just wanted to say good luck." she tried to say in a forcedly joyful tone.
"Oh, thank you, dear," he said as he walked out the door, not being aware of the fact that something was bothering her terribly.
She’s been like this for a few weeks now, and it was because of how their relationship evolved. He was a presumably dead man, which was theoretically safe for now, but once the world will find out he is alive it will be harder to live near him. She loved him, she really did, but she wasn’t sure Wesker shared the same feeling for her, so the question that remains is: is it worth the trouble? He only sees her as a roommate. He barely notices her around. He isn’t as affectionate as he used to be, and they aren’t very active in bed either.
Once Wesker shut down the door she could feel her heart drop.
“I don’t know what I expected.” She thought as she headed to the bedroom. “She didn’t notice me in the past months, why would he notice something was wrong now.” She added with a nervous chuckle as she pulled out the suitcase out of the closet, which contained most of her stuff.
“It was obvious I’ll end up here.” Her voice was trembling at this point. “I don’t know why I followed him after the mansion incident.” She nervously tossed more clothes and some money inside. “Stupid, stupid, stupid….” Some warm tears ran down her cheeks as she kept packing her stuff, but she tried to keep it together so she can finish in time.
More things followed, such as reports, documents, guns and ammo. Her hands were trembling the whole time but she didn't stop. She couldn’t stop, because if she did, she might've stopped for good and remain with Wesker. She couldn't allow herself to be distracted by her thoughts, as they were working against her. All the happy memories they lived together crossed her mind many many times, making it difficult to maintain focus. These happy thoughts lead to doubt, and is she wouldnt be careful, they would lead to surrender. She needed restraint.
"I should've walked away..." she said as she closed her suitcase. Seeing that made her realize that it was actually over, so overwhelmed by all of this she covered her face and let go of all of the tears she tried to held. She sobbed quietly in the empty room.
Wesker returned a few days later, expecting to find her, but instead he found an empty apartment. The realization hit him quickly, which made him run like a madman around the house, hoping it was just in his head. To his despair, it wasn't, and he knew for sure that she left when he found most of her stuff gone.
Exhausted and depressed, he collapsed on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He tried to call her many times, but every time he would get the voicemail.
"Why'd she leave? Didn't I provide enough? A shelter, money, a way to start it all over?"
Anger began to consume him as he kept trying to find a reason. He thought he did everything right for her, especially since he somehow turned her life upside down. He was aware of the risk she took by joining him, thus making him feel a little guilty. Ever since the mansion incident, he worked hard to provide for them both. There were moments when he'd be gone for days, and moments when he'd barely acknowledge her existence. However, he didn't consider those to be reasons for leaving.
He stood up and began to walk around the kitchen. In his fatigue and distress, he overlooked the note she left on the table. He sat down and began to examine the paper. First, he noticed the writing was a bit off, as she probably wrote it in a hurry. The paper also had some bumps on it, as it had recently dried. Some tears must have been shed while writing it.
On the note, she explained very specifically why she left and how hard it was for her to make the decision.
"I will love you always. May our paths cross again if we're destined to be together."
He closed his eyes and let out a deep exhale as he tossed the note aside. His fingers began to massage his eyes as he hunched over the table. It was too much to take in: first, he had one helluva fight with Alexia and Chris, and now he finds out that his sweetheart left him.
He doesn’t know how to react. He doesn't know how to manage the intense feelings of sorrow and anger. It's too much.
Just as the note, he overlooked her feelings and trauma, and now all that remains is an empty room.
Taglist: @shadow-wolf510 @cassie-todd @ravenrune
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Wiggly. You're exhausted and starving. Your stomach really, really hurts. I know. And trust me when I say I want to help.
In order for T'noy to get the soup, he needed to leave the room. Once again, he tries to get his younger brother off of him. He knows he could just physically carry him and deposit him somewhere else instead of prying his hands away from his jacket, but he also knows extreme movement would upset both his already aching stomach and his legs. Out of either option, he would like the one that allowed less pain.
But you have to let go so I can do that.
Wiggog whines - actually whines - and somehow pulls himself closer. Thankfully, he's no longer sobbing. Tinky sighs and runs a hand through his hair again. Alright. Not like he hasn't spent hours on this sort of thing before. He inhales.
The slightly playful and soft tone gets his attention. Wiggly hiccups and pulls away some to glance up at Tinky. T'noy shifts so that they're at equal height.
Hey. There you are. How's my favorite little brother?
He doesn't get an answer, not expecting one. Wiggly's grip, now on his jacket sleeves, still doesn't loosen. Tinky's gaze doesn't slip as he slowly moves his hands down Wiggly's arms.
Really bad. I know. You want to go back to sleep?
T'noy smiles at the verbal answer that is, in reality, more of a whimper.
OK. You'll be able to in a little bit. 10 more minutes. Just 10.
He finally holds Y'wrath's hands in his, successfully keeping them apart.
But you've got to eat something, too, Wiggles. I don't want you to get sick.
Wiggly blinks, looking down at his hands. He feels awful, and still nauseous. Eating would make him vomit. That counted as getting sick.
But - but...
His words get caught in his throat. He can't tell Tinky what he means. Frustrated with himself, Wiggly yanks his hands away and uses one to pull at his hair.
Both his hands are grabbed again. His head stings with the amount of force the seconds-long pull had. It hurts, like everything else.
Don't - don't do that. Wh-
Karaxis takes a breath. He doesn't want to make this worse via blame. He's just as, if not more, tired.
What is it, huh? You have to get some food in your belly. I'm going to go do that. I know it hurts. I know you're in pain, so much pain.
He resists the urge to hug him again. That would nullify the point of this whole thing.
I need to leave the room to get some soup. Doesn't soup sound good?
Wiggog shakes his head slowly. It really doesn't. Tinky's demeanor slips for a second.
OK. You're right, it sounds fucking awful. But if I heat it up, it's going to be tasty. Promise.
He tries to pull his hands away.
The stuff I need to heat it up, and the tasty soup, is outside of the room. Alright? So if I could just...
He parts their hands and just as quickly stands and starts walking away. He knows it's a shitty move, but wants to get this over with. Wiggog Y'wrath panics and reaches for him.
NO! No, no, no, no, no-
In desperation, Wiggly also attempts to stand. He barely makes it halfway. His legs wobble and he falls to the floor with a thump. Now both legs sting and burn. Overwhelmed, tears fill his eyes again.
Tinky is at his side again, helping him into a sitting position.
What the fuck were you thinking, just standing? You can't stand!
He's mostly yelling now. Wiggly shivers.
I don't - I-I-I-I didn't - didn't want you to - to leave!
He feels stupid. T'noy has to leave if Wiggog wants food. And he does want to eat, or at most stop hurting.
...Oh. Wiggly, I can't...I can't move you around too much right now.
His voice is back to comforting again.
Why n-not?
He knows why. He feels hot, and his legs burn. He doesn't want to move, but he's just lonely. Tinky sighs.
You're sick. And it's easier to bring the food in here.
An idea hits him. A solution, if you will.
But~ I do have someone else you can stay with while I'm gone. Even if it's only going to be for ten minutes.
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l-e-morgan-author · 4 months
For the thirteenth time since she'd left the light of the smeared lantern, Patience stumbled and nearly fell. She was growing lightheaded; good sense would have dictated that she rang triple zero, got them to look at her arm and stop the bleeding. But all she could think of was Nathan. Nathan would help her.
It was already growing hazy in her mind: the sudden violence, the flash of the knife, the yelling. The blinding pain as she turned and ran. The running that had slowed down to a stumbling walk. She pressed her other hand against the wound, but it was still bleeding.
She wasn't far away from Nathan's house, though. Again she stumbled, took a deep breath, went on again. She'd get there, though it might take a while.
Some length of time later, she was staring up at his house and realising she actually had no idea how to do this. Eventually Patience rang the doorbell, watching blood drip slowly to the ground. She thought it was slowing, maybe.
To her relief, he answered it, whitening as he saw her. "Patience? What on earth—dear heart, what's happened to you?" Putting his arm around her, guiding her inside. "What happened? You're hurt. Do you need an ambulance? You're shaking." The barrage of questions was overwhelming, and she was silent.
When they got inside, and he had guided her to a chair at the dining room table, she leaned back in relief. After a brief, hard glance he pulled her sleeve back; Patience did not look. It was a mess.
"Who did this to you?" His voice was warm and comforting, and pulled her back to reality. "What happened, Patience?"
She tried to breathe, and instead sobbed. Nathan put an arm around her. "Hey, you don't have to answer anytime soon," he said gently. "I can take care of this and you can tell me later."
"No," she got out, "it was Chloe, Nathan—she—she—" Again her voice stuck. She couldn't revisit it: not right now.
"I see," he breathed, and his shoulders loosened a little. Only then did Patience realise what it might have looked like to him.
"It wasn't your fault," he assured her gently. "It wasn't. Is Chloe okay?"
"I—I think so? I don't know." She sobbed again. "I ran, Nathan. I don't know if she's okay."
He was putting pressure on the wound now; Patience hissed. "Sorry...." he murmured in her ear. "It's okay, though. You don't have to feel guilty."
"I argued with her," she said, flinching again and glancing down at her arm. He was using the sleeve of his own jumper on it. "I shouldn't have riled her up."
"It's still not your fault," repeated Nathan. "Now, look—I'm going to get my parents, if that's okay with you, and we'll call an ambulance. It's pretty deep—I don't like it."
She nodded. "I'm sorry I came to you. I just couldn't think of anything else."
"It's okay," he said again. "I'm glad you came, Patience. I'm glad you thought of me for safety."
"'Course I did," she mumbled, and closed her eyes. "Nathan, I'm really sleepy—"
"I know you are," he said, shifting one hand. A moment later she heard him on the phone, sharp and clinical and worried; nothing like the gentle, beloved boy he had been a moment before. "—Yes, she absolutely needs an ambulance. Look, it's deep, and it's bleeding despite the pressure I'm putting on it—"
She laid her head on the table and sobbed again, covering her face with her free hand.
"I'd get you a hot drink," he said, after, caressing her hair, "but I think the ambulance is going to be here too soon for you to enjoy it. When they've fixed you up, I'll make you one, okay?"
"Love it," said Patience, and leaned against him. "Looking forward to it."
(A/N: I love these two so much. They appear in the novella I posted on my website (lemorganauthor.wordpress.com) over Christmas; this is set obviously later, not necessarily fitting with the rest of the stuff I write about them, but I had fun. It's inspired by a scene in The Creeping Shadow (Lockwood and Co); if you've read it, you'll know. Please tell me what you think about it!)
[Crossposted to that page on my website where I keep free stories and also AO3]
tagging @pilgrimsofworship @stealingmyplaceinthesun @graycedelfin
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nutria--oscura · 6 months
me? listening to an ep when it comes out rather than hours later? a rare occasion for sure (shit's gonna go down isn't it?)
~spoilers for s2 ep47~
"crunchy munchy refuge"? HENRY'S BACK? PLEASE
"they must deal with the loss of a team member" WELL- YEA. THEY BETTER TALK ABOUT IT
hi um... what song is this? why? oh- no reason... not sobbing at all [screams]
we did it boys... Hermie finally got his show stopping number, his final performance, the entire cold open to himself.
"this same podcast dungeons and dragons" PART ?? OF WILL SAYING IT DND INSTEAD OF DNDADS (it makes me giggle so much every time)
every time Matt opens Link's fact by reminding everyone that the teens are spouses, it returns to me the life Anthony takes away whenever he hurts Hermie
loving the energy in the room
oh? Lark and Sparrow are with them?
idiots- the lot of the- WAIT WHAT- ANTHONY
Lark just trying to leave-
Normal doesn't see Hermie? wow, ok, i'm already crying- ok
"this heaven has one less spouse, but heaven has one more angel" I love Hermie but, that boy is not going to heaven
Anthony sounded so inspired when he said "garages" I aspire to be that inspired in my life lol
Hi Will, let Normal go feral please :) Merci <3
"I want to pull the pin on one of them and then throw the whole box at them" to that I raise you, wasn't it Darryl who threw the ENTIRE bag of beans in s1? Wilsons and throwing full containers of dangerous stuff, I tell ya-
"the shrapnel does a cool, like right over my eyebrow? y'know, cool scar, y'know?" SCAR SCAR SCAR SCAR ON LINKKK
Pennies? NAT 1 NOOOOO
"they haven't made pennies in years Normal" oKAY
I just saw 2 ppl's names who are coming up and i am now so terrified-
how did I fucking know that that would be the knock- whAT?
Henry has a portal to old earth?
jumping = falling upward
Oakvale? man with bracele- iS THAT BARRY?
why does he have old Erin O'Neil's voice
ok. who said Henry would be like "i'm still alive cause of my healthy vegan lifestyle" to the other dads? i'm giving you a pat on the head and a cookie
"can you go wait outside" oH NOOOOOO
"if none of you guys can help him and none of you guys understand how this works then we gotta go to the one guy who can!" THE WAY I JUMPED OUT OF MY FUCKING SEAT WHEN WILL SIAD THT- SCAM ACTUALLY IS BACK TOOO BOIS
Scary's voice- oh gosh-
"I'm here when it's sad, I'm here when it's fun. Did somebody do something to my son?" NEW SCAM OPENING RHYME AHHHHHH
"he's just a goof, goofs never die" WHAT IF I DIE?
hey, Anthony. fuck you <3 /j well... /hj
YES NORMAL PUNCH HIM (can you guys tell i love scam?)
"bad girl, i'm a bad girl i do what needs to be done. sometimes people fuck with my friends and i fuck with them back"
"you feel like home for some reason" WHAT IF I CRY?
one thing i have learned is when Will's character(s) start crying, i cry. and well... Normal's crying, and gUESS WHAT?
"Normal goes to the sort of fresh mound of earth, where Hermie is buried, and he kneels and he says, 'I liked you too.' He puts his hand on the dirt and he says, 'goodnight sweet prince.'" OH GOD OH FUCK- I LITERALLY COLLAPSED ON THE GROUND AND WHEN I GOT UP SLIPPED AND SLID DOWN THE WALL FROM CRYING- OH GEEZ- "GOODBYE SWEET PRINCE, SWEET PRINCE" OH GOSH-
i'm sorry- they're teaching Hero AND NORMAL
what. the. fuck.
love that Normal at 6 years old had the intelligence to lock the door. no one at daddies hq did that. like, the door was unlocked when Normal got there
In conclusion:
6 notes · View notes
Chapter 6 ~ It's been a long day
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Hidden Depths
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Genre: Fantasy whump
Written per Whumptober 2022 prompts
CW: captivity, hallucinations, gender confusion, dry-heaving, implied intimate whumper, creepy whumper, parental loss 
WC: 3699 3708
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AN: Um, yeah, I fell behind on this one, sorry! I also... wrote a lot of words. So, this is another break chapter, a little more of a break than the last one. Just some more character development and we get to meet Resh's sister! Isn't that exciting? :D
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Cold. Why was it so cold?
Resh shivered, pulling his arms up to his chest. One of them didn't feel right, but he couldn't keep hold of the thought in the twilight state he currently resided in. All he knew was he couldn't get warm.
"Resh, wake up. Wake up!"
Was someone calling his name? He wanted to sleep. No, he wanted to be warm.
His wish was granted, although not in the way he wanted.
Warmth raged through his body in a flashfire of agony, originating from a point of impact near his ribs. Near his kidney, more like. Resh screamed, curling up in the fetal position as stabbing pain ricocheted through his entire body with no signs of diminishing. His skin flushed, then chilled, then flushed again. 
Resh sobbed. Gods, please make it stop. Please let it stop. Please. 
Bits and pieces of conversation filtered through the pain, although his mind couldn't grasp the meaning.
"Well—wasn't moving!"
"Just lying here..."
"today. Has to—"
That last word registered. Oh shit, he didn't want to die. He couldn't. Someone… someone needed him. He sniffed, tried to control his breathing. 
Something touched his face, and he flinched away, but the contact persisted–gentle, soothing. A hand, a small one, brushed his hair back.
"Resh, you need t’ get up. You need water, and t'see old man asshat."
Resh opened his eyes, blinking to clear his vision. No tears fell, and he suddenly became aware of how dry his mouth was. Focus, he needed to focus. What had the voice said? He cried out again when something nudged him in the back.
"Do you want him t’ die, dickhead?" the voice in front of him chided. Then, under their breath, "Swear to gods, nothin but a bunch of dimwitted fucktards down here."
An indistinct mumble from over Resh's shoulder. He didn't catch the words but heard Carr's reply. It had to be Carr; nobody else spoke like him down here.
"Mother's cunt, give him a fuckin minute, then."
Resh choked on a laugh, despite the waves of pain it caused.
"Thank fuck," Carr muttered. "If you can laugh, you can get up."
Yeah, Resh was thinking that was gonna be a no. He shook his head.
"For fuck's sake. Pretty sure I'm alive and you're half-dead cuz you gave me your shirt. And some other stuff. So now I owe you. Again. Now, let's sit up." Carr's voice was firm, and he slid his arm under Resh's to help, giving him no choice.
Dizziness washed over him, along with—surprise, surprise—even more pain. He bit his lip until he tasted blood, leaning heavily against Carr's small frame when he moved to brace Resh's body.
"Good, that's good," Carr said.
Was Carr encouraging him? Without even cursing at him? Maybe he was dying. A wave of heat washed over him, followed by a chill so severe his teeth started chattering. His body felt strange, his and not his at the same time. 
Not his would actually be preferable right about now.
"Now, up. I'm gonna stand on your left side, fucktard over here is on your right if you need him." With that, Carr ducked under Resh's left arm.
The guard ended up having to help. He was just too weak, and Carr too small to support all his weight.
The room tilted and spun, even worse than before, and he heard Carr grunt when he put too much weight on him. Resh twisted his head to check on him, his apologies no more than croaks from his dry as fuck throat. Carr was injured too, he remembered. Carr—Resh started, trying to focus as he looked at him. At her? Carr's hair was longer, falling to her shoulders instead of in short, choppy pieces barely a hand-length long. It gave him, her?, a distinctly feminine look.
Resh reached out with his splinted right arm, trying to touch what shouldn't be there. "When did your hair grow so long?" he whispered. If it was real, he couldn't tell.
Carr jerked her head away. "What're you doin? Don't turn into a fuckin creep on me now! And my hair isn't long. It's the same as it's been since I got here."
"It is?" Resh asked, feeling very confused. He overbalanced when he tried to study Carr's features, and the guard on the right sighed, steadying him.
"Let's get going already," the guard said.
Carr moved, and Resh hobbled along, using her as a crutch. The bricks lining the hall swam in his peripheral vision, and the floor felt unsteady, but Carr kept him moving. It hurt less now, the pain subsiding into a dull ache beneath the freezing, or burning, layers of his skin.
"Sorry," he grunted, having put too much weight on Carr again, causing her to squeak. Him. Fuck. "You look like a girl with long hair," he explained. Then, Resh shook his head; Carr couldn't hear his thoughts. Could he?
"What the fuck?" Carr asked, stopping in his tracks. "Why in the name of any ratass fuckwitted bastard on this godsdamned planet would'ya say somethin like that?"
He stumbled at the sudden change of pace, and the irritated guard walking on his right steadied him by grabbing his splinted forearm. What had been numb exploded in a burst of bright, shocking pain. Black spots danced in front of Resh's eyes, and his hoarse scream ended on a gag as his stomach twisted.
Carr yelped when Resh's knee buckled. Even through the blinding agony pulsating through his arm, he knew he was hurting Carr and pushed away from him. Luckily, the guard on his right caught him before he fell.
Unfortunately, Resh had nothing to throw up when he dry-heaved because he would've loved to puke all over that asshole's uniform. He swallowed convulsively, trying to suppress further episodes, and eventually, the pain in his arm subsided into a throbbing ache. It felt almost exactly like when he had first broken it. That was just fantastic.
"Carr, you okay?" Resh asked when he could finally speak again.
Carr didn't answer, too busy lambasting the guard with the worst language Resh had ever had the pleasure of hearing. He just couldn't understand how Carr was getting away with it.
At least, not until Carr said, "The prince’ll roast your asses over the Reaper's pit of flames himself if you dumbfucks don't get Resh to that godsdamn quack of an herbalist. Mother's tits, how hard is it not t’ hurt someone for ten minutes? Fuckin pieces of shit."
Marcus wanted him to live, huh. It was a joke; it had to be a joke. The prince had been doing his damnedest to kill Resh ever since he'd tried to run, it felt like. But no, he knew better. Marcus wanted him to suffer. It was hard to suffer if one was dead.
They started moving again, although one of the other guards replaced Carr as his crutch. Where was his staff? Carr was limping down the hall in front of him, and Resh wanted to give it to him.
"Take my staff, Carr," Resh mumbled. He was so tired he almost cried when they reached a set of stairs. How was he supposed to climb those? “I can’t…”
"You don't have your staff," Carr threw over her shoulder. "And we have'ta go upstairs t’ see Mieste. It's evenin, you've been lyin in your cell all day."
"Thirsty," he complained. And no wonder, if he hadn't moved from the floor of his cell since… since when?
"I know," Carr said, starting up the steps behind one of the other guards. "You gotta climb t’ get some water, though."
He couldn't do it; he couldn't climb these stairs.
The guard forced him to try, anyway. Resh's leg gave out on the first step, and he fell, barking his knees on the hard stone. Tears sprang to his eyes, or tried to, at least, blurring his vision. He didn’t have the strength to rise again, and embarrassed heat burned his cheeks when the guard all but carried him up the stairs and into… into Marcus' torture chamber?
Resh took one look at that awful plant covering the wall, its frilly tendrils waving in the air, and pulled against the guard's hold when he dragged him closer. But his efforts were weak and only hurt besides. He turned into deadweight instead, refusing to go towards the chains, towards more torture.
The guard cursed as he lost his grip, and Resh fell to his bruised knees with a yelp. He started to back away awkwardly but froze in place when Marcus approached. Since when did the prince wear glasses? Resh shook his head.
"What's going on here?" Marcus asked, his voice gruff.
Resh felt paralyzed, unable to answer even though he knew the price of not responding. But then he saw Carr's face peek around Marcus' body. Red-gold hair fell in waves around her face, and her eyes held worry, concern. She wasn't restrained, from what he could tell. He wondered if the prince even knew she was there. Resh tried to tell her to get out with his eyes, not wanting Marcus to notice her if he hadn't already. She was too pretty. Marcus liked the pretty girls.
Carr stepped around Marcus. "Resh? You alright?"
Fuck! She had spoken. "Carr, get out. Get out now," Resh begged.
"What? I can't. I'm supposed t’ help Mieste," Carr said, her brows drawing together. "The table's right there." She gestured to the chains. "Let's get you fixed up."
Resh shook his head, panic rising. He couldn't… he couldn't take another round of that pain… he couldn't. Marcus came closer and reached down, messy gray hair falling across his face. Gray hair? Resh blinked, wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him. He flinched when a cool hand brushed his forehead.
"He's burning up. Hmm, probably a reaction to the toxin. I told Marcus it was risky using that particular plant," gray-haired Marcus said, pushing up his glasses.
Had the prince gone insane, talking about himself in the third person? Normal Marcus was bad enough; Resh didn’t want to know what an insane Marcus would do. 
"I think he's… seein things," Carr said.
"Hallucinating?" Marcus asked. "That's not good. Hmm, I think I brewed up an antitoxin. Where did I put it?" He turned away, walking through the wall with the plants and disappearing.
Resh grabbed Carr's leg. "Carr, get out while he's gone. Marcus… he… you're a girl, this is not a good place to be a girl. Please."
"Fuck's sake, Resh, I'm not a fuckin girl. Get offa me." Carr extricated herself from Resh's hold.
"You don't understand," Resh said, desperation limning his tone.
Carr knelt beside him. "I understand perfectly fine," she hissed. "Quit fuckin sayin shit like that. I'm a boy, do you hear me?"
Resh couldn't look away from her, no, his hazel eyes, from the flecks of amber swimming in the green. A boy, that… that was good. So why was Resh's heart beating so fast, why was he still so afraid?
"Here, drink this," Carr said, offering him a cup.
Where had that come from? Resh couldn't remember. He took it, drinking without even bothering to wonder what it was.
As long as it was wet, he didn't much care.
"I want to see my brother!" a high-pitched, child-like voice shouted.
Orla's voice. Why was she so upset? Had someone said something to her again? Resh would set them straight. As soon as he could pry his eyes open.
A male voice, too soft for Resh to catch the words, responded to Orla. That wasn't right. There shouldn't be any male voices around his sister. Resh had worked hard to get his family into the tiny flat they currently occupied. There was a lock on the door and everything, although that certainly hadn't come with the room.
"I'm not leaving until I see him," Orla replied stubbornly.
Resh smiled. His sister was usually sweet and easy-going, but when she had her sights set on something, she could dig her heels in like no other. He tried to roll over, but his body didn't respond. He grunted his disapproval. He must've worked too hard last night, pushed things a little far with his magic.
"Resh, you awake?" another familiar voice asked.
Familiar, but… Resh couldn't place it. That voice didn't belong in his flat either, which worried him. There were too many people he didn't know; were they in trouble? About to get kicked out? He was pretty sure he'd paid for the week, but he couldn't… he couldn't move his arms.
"It's okay, Resh."
A hand brushed some hair back from his face, and Resh turned into the caress automatically. There was a sharp intake of air, but the hand didn't withdraw. Resh finally found the strength to open his eyes.
"Carr?" he asked, struck by the way the lantern light flickered in her eyes. His eyes. Fucking shit, what was wrong with him?
Carr withdrew his hand, and Resh squeezed his eyes shut to hide his disappointment. When was the last time anyone had touched him with any sort of tenderness? The thought made his heart ache.
"What's fuckin wrong with you is you've been out of it for days. Please tell me you're back," Carr said plaintively.
Resh opened his eyes again, shock rolling through him at Carr's tone. Had he said that out loud? 
"I mean, I'm fuckin tired of playing nursemaid. I'd rather go chop rocks or whatever with the other lowlifes than spend another day watchin over your half-dead body."
Carr sat back on his heels, and Resh realized he was laying on a cot. He jerked his arms again, but they were tied down. Bits and pieces were coming back to him now. Carr's arrival. The thorn collar choking him. Waking up in the torture chamber. Pain, all-encompassing, nerve-searing, never-ending pain. He shuddered, his throat closing up. Carr screaming as Marcus plunged the dagger into his leg.
"How's your leg?" Resh asked, latching onto that last memory.
Carr reached over him to untie his hands. "Had worse cat scratches. Why you worryin 'bout me, anyways? You're the one's been hoverin ‘round the veil."
Resh snorted. Of course Carr would refer to a stab wound like that. He tried not to think about the kind of life he had lived to feel that way. Instead, Resh tried to sit up.
Tried was the operative word because he didn't dare use his right arm, and his left arm was weak, shaking under the pressure he attempted to put on it.
"Sorry," Resh said when Carr helped him up. He massaged the fingers of his—he looked down—newly splinted right arm, pressing his lips together when he realized he could feel them again. Just a little but—he could've cried. Instead, he looked around the room.
His cot was wedged in the front corner of the herbalist's workroom, so he was able to lean back against the wall, the stone cool against the bare skin of his back. The entire wall opposite his cot was covered in cabinets. Cabinets on the wall and cabinets underneath, holding various medical instruments and potions in the process of steeping. Resh’s eyes skipped over the wooden table at the center of the room, where Marcus had almost carved his eye out.
"Guess you're stuck as a nursemaid for a little longer," he said, half by way of another apology and half to distract himself.
He suppressed a grin at the scowl Carr gave him. Instead, he took the cup Carr offered with a suitably serious expression, sniffing at its contents.
"Just water this time," Carr said, sitting on the floor and rubbing his right leg. He stopped as soon as he noticed Resh was looking.
It was hard not to say anything, but he knew Carr wouldn't want him to ask again. You didn't admit to vulnerability on the streets. That was as good as announcing you were easy pickings. Voices raised in the other room again, and he was reminded of what had woken him up.
"Please tell me that isn't my sister out there," Resh begged.
Carr bit his lip.
Fuck. Orla shouldn't be here. Resh had only missed one visit. But something in Carr's expression made Resh ask, "How long have I been out?"
"Umm… for a bit," Carr said, looking away.
Well, that was evasive as fuck. Carr's shoulders were hunched, and he was pointedly avoiding eye contact. Resh sighed, contemplating pushing the issue. Did it truly matter, though? It wouldn't change the fact that his sister was here. Or that the voices were coming closer.
Carr jumped to his feet as the door slammed open. Resh's sister stormed in, followed closely by Marcus, Mieste, and a guard. Shit.
"Oh, thank the gods!" Orla exclaimed when she caught sight of Resh in the corner. "Reshie, why didn't you send word? I've been worried sick about you."
Resh grabbed the blanket at his waist, pulling it up to his chin. He had no shirt on and no idea what bruises or other injuries remained after the undisclosed amount of time he’d spent incapacitated.
Then, he drank in the sight of his sister. Orla was wearing a long-sleeved blue dress embroidered with little white flowers, appropriate for early spring, and even had proper boots to go with it. Her head was covered with a pink scarf, but Resh could see brown fuzz covering her scalp where it had slipped. She had gained more weight since Resh had last seen her, which softened the sharp lines and hollow spaces her illness had left behind.
Sharp brown eyes assessed him, and Orla stamped her tiny boot on the ground. "You've been ill, haven't you? I told the queen something was wrong."
Resh's mouth dropped open. Orla had spoken to the queen? Then he glanced behind her to where Marcus was leaning against the doorjamb, looking irritated and bored. Mieste ignored everyone and went to his workstation, the scrape of pestle against mortar filling the room. The guard stood at attention on the other side of the door.
Motion caught Resh's attention as Orla advanced. Carr twitched from where he stood next to the cot, then looked over his shoulder at Resh, a question in his eyes.
Should I let her come closer?
Resh stared back. Gods, please no. He couldn't tell his sister to stay away, but he also didn't want her to come close enough to see any lingering wounds.
Carr gave the slightest tip of his head, then stepped forward, placing a hand on Orla's shoulder to halt her progress. "Hey kid, it may not be safe for you t’ be this close. His illness may still be catching."
Orla's eyes widened, and she looked up at Carr, who only stood half a foot taller than her at most. "Are you helping take care of my brother? Is he going to be okay?"
Letting his hand drop, Carr looked over at Mieste, then back to Orla. "Um, yeah, and… yeah, he should be fine. Right, Mieste?"
"Huh?" Mieste looked over his shoulder, pushing up his glasses with purple-stained fingertips. "Right, that's right. Danger has passed now." With that, Mieste turned back to whatever concoction he was making.
"Thank you for helping him," Orla said to Carr, her eyes shining.
Resh's lips tilted up as his sister threw her arms around Carr's waist, squeezing him in a hug as tight as Orla's frail body could manage. Carr's whole body stiffened but Resh watched him slowly relax. Watched as Carr awkwardly patted his sister's back when she sniffed into his chest.
"No problem, kid," Carr said, his voice a little strangled.
Finally, Orla stepped back, dragging her sleeve across her face to wipe her nose. "Resh, when you're better, you'll come to see me again, right? When do you think, a week, two?"
Oh no. Resh's heart sank, having no way to possibly explain his absence to his sister. A quick glance over Orla's shoulder revealed Marcus glaring at him. "Um… I don't know how long it will be, La-la. Things have been… pretty busy here. And I'll have a lot of work to catch up on."
Orla's face fell, and she poked her lower lip out. Resh had to remind himself he wasn't lying, per se. Instead, he was protecting his sister. It was a shitty difference, but it was all he had. 
"But don't worry about me," Resh hurried to add. "I'll be fine, and I'll try to… write." It was the best Resh could offer her, and he didn't even know if that much would be possible. He fought his tears away, not wanting to show his sister how upset he was, how much he missed her. "How are you? And… and mom?"
"Oh, I'm good!" Orla said brightly.
Too brightly. Resh tilted his head, trying to listen to the meaning between his sister's words.
"The queen told me I have to attend school at temple now that I'm feeling better, so that's been fun. The temple on the grounds is so pretty, and they have so many books…" Orla trailed off, twisting her hands.
The grounds. A pretty temple with lots of books located on a place with grounds. The queen.
"Why are you attending the temple on the palace grounds?" Resh asked, his heart thudding painfully in his chest. Of course, he knew the answer, but he still hoped he was wrong.
Marcus moved away from the wall, placed his hands on Orla's shoulders. She looked up at Marcus and smiled sadly.
That sadist's hands on his sister was possibly the most horrifying sight Resh had ever seen. And with Orla looking up at Marcus like that… like Marcus had been kind to her… like she was grateful…
Resh swallowed, hoping he wasn't going to be sick.
Marcus smirked at Resh when Orla looked away, obviously relishing the news he was about to impart.
"Your mother is dead, and your sister is a ward of the Crown. The queen took a liking to her, and now she's training to be a lady-in-wait."
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Image Description
[ID: The banner is a blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths are written in white above the eyes. end ID]
19 notes · View notes
tailsisfluffy · 3 months
So I am playing Persona 4 Golden for the first time. Keep in mind that the only other Persona game I have played is Royal. Right now I just finished the first dungeon.
A few thoughts and encounters:
-Yosuke is actually pretty smart. Thought he was going to be the unintelligent comic relief righthand guy that flirts with girls stereotype. And he felt like he started off that way. Granted, I was going to love anyways because I tend to love the best friend, i.e. Ryuji. But as soon as he became my partner, he just sobered up? Real detective vibes? Taking charge instead of charging for the most part? My dude, I wanted him to be the leader when he asked but of course that NO button is a lie.
-I need one of those volume UI that lets you control the volume of each specific person because Chie really needs to be turned down. Like, she is even louder than the music, and this music is loud. She's like a commercial between shows, volume twice as high.
-What the fuck are these teachers?
-Why, Why, do you show me more club doors and I only get to join two? I mean, I was a band kid in highschool, but I would have loved to join the Home EC club.
-Speaking of Home EC, Nanako over here making breakfast and warming up dinner. I thought she was like 12 but wiki says she's 6-7. What?
-Oh. I see the 6-7 now. She won't stop with the Junes. Please stop.
-So do all the Persona mascots have a crush on a human team member? Teddie over here not knowing about the romantic stuff until it suddenly struck him. He literally meets Yukiko once and suddenly knew everything on that.
-It was probably the wine, but I spent five minutes laughing at that lady in the store. It wasn't because she resembled a Ghibli character. It wasn't the eyes. It was those tiny ass glasses that she had on the tip of her nose. How is she seeing? Even if they are for decoration they make no sense. What!
-This dude really selling weapons under the "art" label, huh?
-Lady, I do not know what the "Sub-menu button" is. Why do I keep running into you? I know who you are but I can't stop."
-"I won't let you go out this late" Well, screw you. That first night I got that notification that I could sneak out, all I did was stand right outside the front door to prove I can. Nanako over here being a real one not saying anything. That's what you get for not being home, Dojima. Your charges are partners in crime now.
-Tiny Glasses lady is doing Ghibli things. She's a witch. No other explanation.
-Y-you're telling me that the only way to get anything is by the Shuffle? Which is only activated when you do an All Out Attack. Which you have to kill the Shadow during said Attack? 😭😤😞 I miss Royal mechanics already.
-*Sobbing and raging at just the first dungeon because I only have 3 Personas because I can't fuse anything because I can't activate enough shuffles.*
Well, I guess this was more than a few. 😅 Let's see how the game progresses.
-It feels like ranking up attributes is taking forever. I'm still at level 1 in all of them.
-The concept of time is really screwed here. "Did you see her interview from a few days ago-?" You mean last night? Teddie moaning about being left alone and I'm like "Dude, it's barely been two weeks and you've been in this realm your whole life by yourself. Even Yosuke called him out on that. Stop trying to guilt trip us.
0 notes
I finally had a breakdown after a year and almost half?
Who knew all it would take was over a month of E being mean and M pushing some boundaries and then asking pushy questions.
I don't miss you any less.
On the contrary, as I was explaining to E all the background stuff I couldn't have missed you more.
I miss someone knowing me to such an extent where I didn't have to actually vocalize that I'm hurting.
I miss that connection. I have a habit of fine-tuning with others, so I can spot when there's something wrong, but you're the only one who has ever reciprocated that with me. You just always knew without me having to actually verbalize it.
I'm not very good at doing that for so many reasons. I always took it for granted that you'd just know something was wrong. E could have been as hard on me as he wanted but you were always there to buffer the aftermath. He didn't know it but, you'd always make better his scolding. I just hadn't quite realized that you were always there to soothe the pain from my actions or E's rebukes.
That's probably why I was able to withstand a lot of his reprimands.
But you're not here now to soothe any hurts or concerns caused by others.
There's really no one to notice it in the first place.
So I just keep it.
Instead, I upped my walls so high and so hard that I literally placed them in a position where E couldn't even budge it.
I hate that I did that out of reflex.
I hate that I felt I needed to protect myself to that extent.
I hate that I needed to have that conversation with M. I had hoped I could have curled around E, he would have been the first choice. There was never any wall there between us, not like with M.
It through me off so much when I noticed it while I was visiting. It'd been stressing me out since then, I was panicking, I wasn't sure how to remove it or make it stop.
And then the responses and conversations between us lessened.
And I just grew more resentful so I did what I do best and withdrew.
But it was killing me.
I lost you, and yet I was losing someone who hadn't even physically left. I couldn't deal with another one.
M pushing it last night really through me off as well.
There are no what ifs between us.
But his actions were such a strong trigger for me. God. His action reminded me so much of you that everything inside me literally broke.
It tore me apart that he wasn't you.
And I lashed out immediately. From the anger and the hurt and the pent of emotions and after talking through that entire situation, for him to start confronting me about things.
He was literally asking me who I was going to for comfort or just to talk and my realization just broke this shit in my head and I just started sobbing.
Because the answer was no one.
I'm not going to anyone for anything.
I retreated from E. I don't talk to M about this stuff. I don't tell the girls about this and much less my parents. There's no one.
I was just keeping everything behind a glass. Everything was muted.
But for him to call me out on me trying to take everything for everyone around me but me having no one just really hit me differently.
I couldn't help it. I broke.
I used it as a source of pride but it's actually nothing to boast about.
I don't have a place anymore.
You were my place. It didn't matter where, my place was with you. I carved myself so thoroughly into you without realizing the extent of it.
I hope I made you happy. I don't know if you realized it, maybe thats why you were so comfortable with our spaces. I hope you knew that you'd become so apart of me that nothing really mattered because we were fundamentally attached in a way that was so entwined literally nothing mattered. I was yours in every sense of the word. I was yours completely, in body, soul, mind - there wasn't anything that wasn't yours.
M says you did. And God, I hope that's true.
Now I have to start over again.
I need to rebuild and reassess.
I don't want to move forward without you but I can't stay here. There's nothing here for me, not without you.
And that's breaking my heart.
I don't want to let go.
No quiero que te vayas, no quiero irme sin ti.
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xhatake · 1 year
( i said i was going to hit with the my muse is dead meme )
Dark hues land on the unmoving form of his twin and everything suddenly feels wrong in the world. Why isn't he breathing? why is there so much blood? why is it his twin and not someone else as mean as that sounds? Why Masaki?
He and Masaki had their ups and downs as siblings, they squabbled, they ignored one another, they said stuff they didn't mean but at the end of the day they were twins and would always be there for one another but ... that was not going to happen anymore, was it? He can't make sense of the noise that escapes him, it sounded like something of a wounded dog and a choked sob all mixed into one as he crouches down and pulls his brother to his chest. He tries to shock his heart into working again, something he's never actually tried but he'd try anything for his twin. His mind is fully of panic and his vision is blurry and he can't breathe.
Not Masaki .. please not my twin ... don't take my twin from me ... please ..
But his twin was already gone, someone had ended his life here on the battlefield and he felt ... he felt so alone .. he felt grief washing over him and most of all he felt angry, so angry. not at masaki, never at masaki but at the ones that dared to end his brothers life. Head snaps up and if looks could kill, every enemy would have fallen dead ( don't worry though he is getting to that part ). chakra becomes unstable, cloaking him, bijuu chakra covering him and his hands that hold masaki close are shaking as he gently sets him down for a moment, he would not leave him there, he just needs to take care of all this scum.
A roar is what comes from him next as he fully gives into the bijuu chakra, as he fully lets himself lose control and destroy everything in his path. the chakra does not stop cloaking him once he has destroyed everyone that dared to take his twin from him and he comes back into his own mind as best as he can given everything, instead it curls around him almost like the bijuu's chakra is comforting him.
He goes back to his twin, he will take him home, he deserves to be able to make it back home at least and he would make sure masaki would make it home again one more time.
and then he's alone, the last hatake. he'd never imagined a world where he would lose his twin brother. his own life was up in the air as a jinchuriki but not masaki, masaki was supposed to live on and have a long happy life. it wasn't supposed to be like this. He's alone in a place with too many memories of his twin brother holding that stupid ass cup that masaki had gotten him what feels like forever again, holding it like its a lifeline, tears flowing down his cheeks, broken sobs escaping him.
masaki ... i'm sorry i failed you too ..
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
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maiverie · 2 years
hellooo mai !! here is my update hehe^^ i'll try to send messages more often but i don't rlly have that much to talk abt but i'll still try !!
i got my manifesto day 1 album but i didnt get sunghoon weverse pob :(( its ok cuz my pulls for the actual album were so good?? anyways i got jay in the uniform pob and hee in the other (they look saurr good) and my pulls were absolutely insane i got my entire bias line??? i got jake for the postcard and jungwon and sunghoon for the pcs ?!?!?! i was so surprised i got so lucky,,,
i tried getting another border carnival album but they didnt have hype ver :(( the guy at the store said everyone always goes for that ver so i got dimension dilemma instead and i'm pretty sure i have a sunoo curse (not complaining though) i was in a rush so i accidentally got the wrong ver but its not a big deal lmao
i got two sunoo pcs and i got niki for the poster ! so as of rn i have at 5 sunoo pcs (damn), 2 hee pcs, and one for everyone except jake (jake pls come home) but if i count the other things in albums then i've got members !
and my barista course was fun !! it was rlly stressful at the beginning cuz they kept feeding us lots of information in the beginning but the second part of the class was more chill and we did a bunch of stuff like fudge and latte art,,, i tasted one of my coffees and it surprisingly tasted good ? i genuinely thought it was gonna taste like absolute shit lmaoo the instructors complimented my first latte and my milk frothing so ig i found a hidden talent hehe
as of rn im listening to jungwon's live, i rlly hope the members rest well and get well soon !! they were so excited to promote paradoxxx invasion esp jay but they got covid so :((( but jungwon is genuinely one of the sweetest ppl on earth bc he kept reassuring engenes that they're all fine and he's even on live for us ( genuinely sobbing i love him so much)
also apparently we're getting actor hoon soon !! he'll be a cameo in the drama mimicus (?) which they sung an unreleased ost for !! 02z's names were mentioned but hoon's the only one confirmed as a cameo,,, saur excited to see actor hoon !!
since we both live in aus, im guessing its evening where you are? so i hope you had a very very great day today and you rest and sleep well !! i slept for 12 hours tday cuz i was so tired,, anyways hope you are well !! lots of love and take care <33
-- sunrise anon
OMGGG HI SUNRISE ANON MY FAVE <3333 nooo omg pls don't feel obligated or anything, though im always here to chat if u need!! <3
AAA CONGRATS ON PULLING UR BIAS LINE!!! that's so good al;kjfiwe i really wanted more jungwon pcs so congrats on getting him :(( YES TOTALLY AGREE the pob pcs are literally sosososo nice they look so good in their lil uniforms :< im obsessed w the pcs this cb fr T^T
ALSO AAA WOW REALLY??? i don't actually have any of the border carnival albums so thank u for the heads up </3 also omg SAME i swear i'm always pulling sunoo HHASHDJS ALTHOUGH ITS OKAY SINCE ALL HIS PCS ARE >>>
:00 NIKI POSTER??? THATS SO GOOD AA also omg im gna come over and rob u for those hee pcs hHSDJSDJ WATCH OUT SLEEP TIGHT
ALSO OMGGGG UR BARISTA COURSE AAA im sosoos happy to hear that u had fun!! omg new hidden skill unlocked?? plss not them complimenting u on ur coffee :< that's so cute i wanna try a course one day now :(( i'm a really big fan of coffee so laksjdf sounds like you had sm fun!!
JUNGWON WAS LIVE FOR 4 HOURS??? PLSS i love that boy so so much :(( i swear he has sm love for all his fans and even tho he must have been super bored w quarantine and all,,, i actually feel so touched that he was live for so long T^T he treats us so well im sobbing i love him sm. also!! who's ur bias btw??
YESS ACTOR HOON I HEARD!!! IM SAUR EXCITEDDDD like that's so cool,,, i honestly dont know what to expect but im really excited nevertheless hehe. aLSO O2Z?? STOP???? JAY IN A DRAMA?? JAKE??? IM SCREAMINGWE
omg 12 hours deserved!! i've been having pretty decent days, just super busy lately!! hope you've been safe n well <33 it's been raining a bit where i am so 😭
lots of love <33333
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fischltao · 3 years
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request by: @multi-fandoms-stuff
"can I pretty request an imagine for aot eren, erwin, levi, connie, armin, jean, reiner, bertolt, ymir, and mikasa about them making there s/o squirt for the first time and there reaction, have the reader get all shy and trys to hide her face??"
notes: ahhh thank you so much for requesting, again im very sorry for the delay and late update, im back on writing now!
warnings: smut, squirting, overstimulation, bodily fluids
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Eren Jeager:
You and Eren have got it going on for a few hours with him and his titan stamina plunging into you without letting you rest for a minute. You haven't even kept track of how long it's been or how many times he's made you cum that night, only focusing on his cock stretching you open and the way he is holding your throat. It's not long until your next orgasm arrives but oh, this time it feels different and suddenly you're squirting all over him and his cock as he keeps fucking you deeper and harder.
"Eren, I need to clean up, Im so sorry I didn't know this would happen, oh my-" You wail while pushing your hands over your face but instead of him stopping he just snaps his hips against yours harder and says:
"No. You're doing it again" Needless to say, you do, indeed.
Erwin Smith:
On your break you had snuck inside Erwin's office to steal a couple of kisses which soon ended up with you laying on the table all over his paperwork and him taking out his emotions on your poor pussy, to the point where you swear someone's going to walk in with a noise complain- not just due to your loud moans- but also due to the fact that his unsteady table is repeatedly creaking on the wooden floor.
"Erwin, I'm so close, Erwin I-ERWIN" You scream as you realize what is actually happening and not being able to hold it in. Both of you are freaking the fuck out. On any other situation he would find this really hot and treat you so good for squirting on him but you just came all over important papers which needed to be delivered awfully soon and neither has zero idea of what the hell you're supposed to do now. You freaking out must have been even louder than your sex noises and now you're adamant that everyone heard.
This was a different walk of shame
Levi Ackerman:
He had just changed the sheets to your shared bedroom when you walked in half naked after your shower, instantly igniting something inside him. The past few weeks had been really tiring for both and the only way to take your exhaustion away was having you bounce on his cock until you were in tears and shaking.
"You're gonna cum baby? I'm so fucking close too" He whispered in your ear like a lullaby in-between heavy breaths as he moved your hair out of your face and locked his eyes with yours. His movements were so gentle and passionate until you both grew desperate for your release and soon he was guiding your hips faster and sloppier while smacking your ass. It wasn't long until you started shaking while he filled you up. After you both came down from your highs you gained awareness of your surroundings and immediately shrunk to yourself.
"What are you hiding away for?"
"You just changed the sheets"
"I can always put another ones" He said awkwardly as you tried to shift away from his lap, when he pulled you right back in "It would be a shame if i changed them while they're only this wet. We might as well just ruin them completely"
Connie Springer:
Sasha and Jean were sleeping on the couch next to you after a nice dinner and Connie was feeling really turned on, right from the start of the night when you felt his fingers creeping up inside your panties and circling over your clit before teasing their way inside.
"Can we at least go somewhere isolated? I feel bad for-" You choked trying not to make a sound as his finger where now dipping in and out of your cunt in a desperate need of feeling your walls clench around them "Connie-"
"It's too comfy here, try to be more quiet baby" He whispered back as he lifted your skirt and pushed his tip inside not letting it all in but rather slipping it in and then pulling out and rubbing on your clit until you felt yourself cumming. Hard.
You were trying so hard to not make a noise until you realized what actually happened and turned around to look at your boyfriend in shock with heat rising up your cheeks. This cheeky motherfucker was looking back at you with the biggest smirk before plunging his entire length inside. Definitely proud of himself... And you definetely have to clean up before a) Jean and/or Sasha wake up b) Captain Levi haunts your dreams.
Jean Kirschstein:
Jean and you had been sent on different expenditions for the week so it was safe to say that you really missed spending time with each other. And him inside you.
Once he closes his room's door he already has you pushed against the wall and taking you right there while standing up. Jean is the romantic type but missing you made him desperate for your touch. You were sure you were seeing stars at one point, the way he pressed against you was magnificent and it just kept getting better and better until you felt the bubble inside you burst and soon your juices were everywhere on the floor. Everywhere.
You instantly felt like hiding away and audibly apologized while he still fucked the shit out of you. Confused he started slowing down and voiced his concern over your sudden apology until he realized what went down and blushed. 'Thats it, its over' you thought. Suddenly the most unexpected thing happened. A huge smile crept on his face "I made you squirt! Oh my god you look so hot, I bet Eren would never be able to make a girl sq-" He exclaimed before you kicked his leg.
Armin Arlet:
Armin is such a sweet young man. He had you laid on the bed for him as he slowly fucked into you, gasping in between kisses and telling you just how much he loves you. Gaining more confidence in yourself your moans became louder and louder and soon his pace changed into sharp and quick thrusts.
Your orgasm hit you like a freight train and cherished the way he was the one to make you scream and breathe like that. He felt so blessed that you chose him as the man to have inside your velvet walls and-
Why is the bed wet? Did the rain get through the wooden roof? Why are you trying to hide away? Armin genuinely had no clue.
"Is everything okay baby? Do you feel uncomfortable with the waters?" He asked as more color rose up to your cheeks, refusing to look in his eyes as you awkwardly tried to explain what had happened was not a leak in the roof "What did you say?"
"I squirted"
"This is way more exciting than a leaking roof...Way more"
Reiner Braun:
Reiner is an emotional man and it shows when you get intimate with each other. One time he has you on all fours, with a finger deep in your asshole as he rails your guts.
"Noone else can fuck you like that fuck- what is it baby, is there anyone else that will fuck you this good? Have you crying from their cock? Use your words princess come on" He gasped as his own tears were threatening to fall, seeking emotional validation as well as pleasure as you tried to form a coherent sentence while sobbing "Didn't think so darling, you're such a whore for me"
And in the heat of the moment the offspring of his actions and words erupted from your throat as a loud scream and your juices squirted all over his lap for the first time. The sighting made Reiner cum in an instant and neither had the energy to talk about it, until he embraced you tightly from behind and thanked you for allowing him to be with you and sharing your most vulnerable moment with him.
Berthold Hoover:
His cock felt so good as you bounced on it . In a way it was therapeutic and for the past 7 minutes you've been in this position you've felt constantly on the edge and your thighs burned until sweet release washed you over and soon you were clasping poor Bert's shoulders as you screamed and squirted all over him while he pulled his dick out of your spent pussy and slapped its head on your clit as he watched more liquid come out.
After your orgasm died down a little, instant shame washed over you and you tried hopping away before he hugged you tightly and swayed you without realizing that hes accidentally rubbing you on his cock again and that you are about to pass out....
Ymir is a big tease. A really big one. Proof being her refusing to finally push her fingers inside your soaked slit, instead choosing to just rub up and down while slipping half an inch inside before you grew desperate and moved your own fingers to your clit and rubbing vigorously.
"Fuck" You heard her exclaim before plunging two of her fingers inside "Don't stop touching yourself baby, wanna make you cum like that" She commanded as her fingers dove in and out as fast as she could while you screamed under her touch. Your orgasm came fast and before you knew it, Ymir was soaking wet with your juices . "Never knew my girl could squirt, makes me wish I ate you out instead" She says before diving in.
Mikasa Ackerman:
It was a quiet night with Mika as you laid on your bed next to each other. Your conversation ended with your fingers in her pussy and hers in yours. Both struggled with the pace as you chased your release and her moans in your ear caused you to lose control and instantly let go and clench around her fingers as clear liquid soaked the sheets right beneath you and she turned her head to look at you in awe.
"I'm so sorry Mikasa I didn't know this would-"
"Do you think I can do this too?" She asked with flushed cheeks and an innocent look on her face.
"Eh? Squirt?" You asked and before she had the chance to nod you took out the dildo from your drawer and plunged it deep into her dripping pussy.
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
Confessional Cam
Chapter 5
Pairing: Chris Pontius × fem!Reader
Plot: Y/N and Chris have been hooking up with each other for months now. And the young woman was convinced that they both weren't catching feelings until a confession caught on tape changes everything.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
masterlist | previous chapter
song to listen to while reading
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When Johnny opens up his room they are greeted by darkness and silence. With one sudden motion he turns on the lights: "See, you assholes, we went up here for no reason." He walks into the bedroom and opens up the large closet, while Ryan lowers himself to the floor to peek under the bed.
“No one is in here.”
Bam sighs and nods: "Yeah, you're right." "Also, do you really believe that I would keep the tapes in my room? I make those confessions as well, I don't even trust myself that much." Laughter escapes Ryan’s lips before the three men leave the room again.
“These two would be stupid if they actually thought it would be that easy.”
Y/N concentrates on Chris' low breathing while they both sit in the dark bathroom. The tub underneath her is hard and cold and she wants to reach out to him as they listen to how the voices of their friends become more hushed with each second that passes. Her hand glides over the polished surface. But she stops herself before she can get anywhere near him.
She wants to apologize for what she let out in the elevator. She wants to tell him how she believes that wherever he happens to be might just be the coolest place in the world. But she doesn't. Instead, she hears how Chris gradually gets up. And when he turns on the light he holds out his hand for her to grab, but she simply shakes her head and stands up by herself.
"Well.", he declares and an unhappy look arises on his face: "I'm fucked." And Y/N chuckles softly: "Me too." He joins her and for a second both of them are giggling. He clears his throat: "I know, we never put a time limit on our sex thing, but-.", he hesitates and looks at her the way he did in the mirror: "I know that this is going to sound super creepy, but can I just... for a moment... look at you?"
Y/N nods softly and he understands that there is nothing humorous about their situation. They both knew that this was the end of it. Then he looks at her. Really looks at her. As if her skin was translucent and he could observe the very core of her entity, maybe even go over her thoughts. But Y/N recognizes he cannot do that, otherwise, he would kiss her.
They both held hands during the elevator ride back to the lobby.
"There you two are.", Johnny announces as Y/N and Chris walked back into the hotel bar. She furrows her forehead at which the older man just laughs: "Ryan and Bam over here we’re convinced that you two were trying to destroy the tapes.” At that Chris only laughs and slaps the back of Ryan’s head as he walks past him, making everyone at the table laugh:” You’re so stupid.”
And for a moment it’s as if nothing had happened. “Bam.”, Jason declares :” Do what you promised us you would do.” Bam merely sighs and runs a hand down his face before he looks back up at Y/N:” I wanted to apologize.” The young woman smiles and nods. “And whatever’s on those tapes is most likely not even half as bad as some of the stuff Steve-O said.” “I agree.”, Steveo says and everyone proceeds to chuckle. But deep down Y/N doesn’t want to, all she craves is to hide out in her room.
“Guys.”, she says after a moment and crosses her arms in front of her chest:” I am feeling pretty exhausted, so I am probably going to catch some sleep before tomorrow.” Johnny only nods:” Don’t forget to set the alarm for 4, we need to catch the 6 am flight.” She instantly walks out of the room, not looking back.
Chris watches her leave. This didn’t feel right. Nothing about the last couple of months felt right…besides her, of course.
As soon as Y/N reaches her hotel room the tears start to drop from her eyes. And heavy sobs leave her throat. All she could think about was how she was most likely going to lose her friendship with Chris over that fucking tape. So without really thinking about it she walks back out of her room and down the hallway, she hastily takes a keycard out of her pocket and opens up room 587:
The confessions room.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Baby // Headcannons
words //
warnings // non really, this is teeth rotting fluff, any deisre for children after this is not my fault, blame Måneskin 😂
pairing // Måneskin members x GN!Reader
author's note // lol i decided to use these photos cause it looks more aesthetically pleasing. anyways i hope you enjoy the headcannons also don't forget the "sleepover" on sunday yayyyyy...
request // yes here
summary // Måneskin as parents
Damiano David
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damiano as a father would be the absolute sweetest
the man looks intimidating in photos but the moment he opens his mouth is the sweetest
thus the conclusion that he’d be the softest father in existence
will be extremely hands on raising your kid the whole time
he refuses to not do his absolute best to be there as much as possible for your guys’ child
will never complain about having to change diapers
for some reason I imagine damiano to be the type of father that would take baths with his child
“look, look at daddy’s hair”
while he has some kind of ‘intricate’ hairstyle with tons of foam all around it
will literally cry for pretty much every milestone of the child
“di-did they just laugh? Y/N, our child just laughed, stop laughing at me!”
meanwhile he is borderline sobbing
i can also imagine him if not crying just laughing in excitement at something they do
like say your guys’ child has taken up some kind of sport or martial art, they will show the most recent thing they learned to damiano and he will start giggling in pleasant surprise
“Dio mio, amore, that was fucking awsome!”
will have a hard time not cursing in front of the child sometimes
but he’s working on it
will take tons of walks around the city, in parks and stuff, together
can just imagine him in nature, holding hands with this tiny little human being
ahuaifjn my heart dudes
will be supportive of them no matter what
be it the child’s sexuality, gender identity, career and hobbies
as long as they can be safe he doesn’t mind at all
will try not to cry when his kid will move away
if they move somewhere close by rest assured he will never not be at their house
“you know dad, you have a house of your own, don’t you like it better?”
“nah, the sun hits this place really nicely, i enjoy it”
will def take you and the kid along when traveling, when possible of course
I can also just imagine him having his kid on stage at a show and just kind of playing around and singing and awwwwwwwwwwwww
Why do I want this? i don't even want kids!!!!!!
Thomas Raggi
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Thomas is a similar case to Damiano but of course with his differences
instead of taking walks around he just takes naps with them
you can not even count the times you have come home, calling for thomas and your kid and neither responds
so you get worried a bit but then you see them napping on the couch
will nap with your kid in the weirdest places
can and will fall asleep together on a chair in the balcony/yard
I feel like he would spoil them a bit?
especially if he’s been away for long, he will return home baring gifts
from a cute shirt, to something pretty expensive that reminded him of them
will always bring snacks from different countries, like chocolates for belgium or nougat from greece (yes it is kind of a traditional candy in some greek islands especially)
might not take baths with them like damiano but i can see thomas just playing around with the hose outside in the yard
“Dad, no it’s cold! stoooop it!”
“Oh come on, it's burning out here! don’t you love the little cooling effect?”
will know when not to throw water at your kid of course, it is always done in good fun when they’ve gone outside with the solemn reason of playing with the water
dance parties at the most random moments
like a song they both like plays at a store
they will start dancing in the middle of the store
sometimes you act like you dont know them
others you join it
how sweet
ok but like picknics at the park
you just lay in a blanket, thomas and your child are non stop playing around until they get tired
and when thomas sits down the kid is still all over him and they are being so cuddly with each other
will always remind them of their jacket
Victoria De Angelis
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victoria would feel a little awkward at first
idk but although i'm sure she is the sweetest with children i feel that she will not be sure how to act at first
maybe she would view your baby as very very fragile at first and be very afraid of her movements as to not do anything to hurt them
i can not stop thinking of victoria when her child is sick or feels down
she will immediately go mama bear at them
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Does your head hurt?”
“Do you feel cold?”
why do i feel she would get into superstitions sometimes
“i should call your mum, Y/N (if you're from a culture that believes in that). someone gave them the evil eye. of course they did, you're amazing!”
feels very proud of the outfits she gives your kids i swear
“this is perfect! Y/N look how cute they look!! You have the matching shirt, right?”
will go above and beyond for them
doesn’t care what time it is, if her baby needs her she’s there
tickle fights are a must in your household
she will always laugh hysterically even if your kid doesn’t actually tickle her
the cutest thing is them two just sleeping together in the car when going somewhere
poor chilli now has to endure to children bothering her lol
victoria would be extremely protective of your child, not only if they got hurt but even with the idea that they could
will always be proud mama™
"they are amazing, how can i not be proud"
Ethan Torchio
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Remember how I said Victoria would feel kind of scared of doing something wrong and hurting your kid?
ethan is even more worried
idk, i see this man as an absolute gentle giant
i can see him just staring at the baby the first time he sees them with so much adoration, as if in a trance
out of all of them ethan is the “strictest”
i feel like you would be the one to try to sneak desert before dinner and ethan would just scold both you and your child
“Y/N, I told them no before! Come on!”
just like them all he is willing to go to the end of the world for that kid
will not hesitate to bring them the moon if he could, no questions asked
i feel like he would be the one your child confides in the most
like i can imagine your teenager sneaking out, something going wrong and calling ethan first!
he will die from the worry when he gets the call but as i said will go to the ends of the world for them
ethan will never even once yell at them
scold them a few times? sure
but yell? not even once!
now imagine this man with a little child wearing his shirt at the beach, walking around and showing them the beach
“You see those lights over there? They are windmills. They collect energy from the wind. how cool is that”
very close to my grandmother pointing out the windmills she’s seeing every summer for the past 20 years lol
he is so wholesome, will turn everything into a learning opportunity
i feel like he would be the father that is so embarrassing to the child because of how wholesome he is some times
but both them and their friends would confide in him
will literally father their friends if they need it omg
he is the type to see you holding them for the first time, or just holding them and doing something and just getting horny
“come on amore, let’s have one more!”
“ethan no”
he’s like telepathically communicate with them
it gets creepy but he does that to you two
he just knows when you need anything
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast
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