#i made a playlist last year and I will say I fail my task except some classic like ghostbuster and thriller bfkdbdjd
yoohyeon · 7 months
For Halloween reblog and tell us in the tag what’s your favorite Halloween / creepy song 👻🎃 Mine is Dead man runnin’ by Seulgi (RV)
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cttncndys · 3 years
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                                   𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒...
welcome  to  impulse  records  ,  just  be  sure  to  read  the  ᶠⁱⁿᵉ  ᵖʳⁱⁿᵗ  before  signing  anything  .  each  year  impulse  signs  with  an  exclusive  number  of  bands  and  solo  artists  to  make  their  dreams  —  or  worst  nightmares  —  come  true  .  of  course  ,  when  if  you  do  fail  there  are  horror  stories  of  shredded  contracts  ,  terminated  deals  ,  less  than  stellar  touring  arrangements  ,  and  being  locked  out  of  the  building  completely  .  but  above  all  else  impulse  records  churns  out  chart  topping  artists  in  varying  genres  year  after  year  .  with  artists  under  their  label  smashing  records  and  continuing  to  solidify  themselves  as  icons  in  the  music  industry  since  1978  it’s  no  wonder  why  people  go  to  any  length  to  get  signed  .  although  ,  for  even  a  fraction  of  success  they’ll  be  pitted  against  themselves  and  each  other  .  impulse  records  is  a  beast  and  will  either  be  your  big  break  —  or  the  thing  that  breaks  you  .  here’s  one  last  welcome  from  the  team  here  at  impulse  ,  we’ll  see  how  long  you  last  .
impulse  records  is  an  original  character  discord  verse  that  revolves  around  the  lives  of  musicians  signed  under  the  iconic  record  label  impulse  records  .  the  company  is  rumored  to  do  sketchy  things  like  create  fake  relationships  among  band  members  ,  create  rumors  among  members  to  encourage  healthy  competition  ,  and  even  fire  and  replace  band  members  .  but  those  of  course  are  ‘  just  rumors  ’  .  the  verse  will  come  with  many  events  ,  plot  drops  ,  tasks  and  much  more  to  move  the  plot  along  and  help  development  of  the  characters  . 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬  :
we  (  cttncndys  &  you  )  must  be  mutuals
due  to  expected  mature  themes  all  muns  should  be  18+  and  all  muses  should  fall  between  the  ages  of  20-28
i  won’t  accept  fcs  who  wish  not  to  be  used  ,  deceased  fcs  ,  or  overly  problematic  fcs  .  you  can  come  to  me  with  a  fc  if  you’re  unsure  but  at  this  point  i’m  sure  we’re  all  aware  of  what’s  what  .
godmodding  ,  gatekeeping  ,  and  /  or  ooc  drama  will  not  be  tolerated  .
activity  will  be  fairly  lax  because  i  am  aware  we  all  have  lives  outside  of  rp  but  if  you  join  please  do  so  with  the  intent  of  being  active  in  mind  for  the  sake  of  longevity  .
this  list  isn’t  exhaustive  &  all  other  basic  rules  not  listed  still  apply  .  
this  group  is  heavily  centered  around  character  development  so  i  highly  encourage  you  bring  a  fresh  muse  .
this  group  will  be  kept  fairly  small  (  5  -  8  muns  depending  on  interest  )  but  each  application  received  will  be  considered  equally  .
all  apps  should  be  sent  to  my  sumbit  ,  although  only  the  app  is  required  feel  free  to  include  bullet  points  ,  a  playlist  ,  a  pinterest  board  ,  anything  your  heart  desires  to  help  me  get  a  better  feel  for  your  muse  ,  but  bare  in  mind  this  is  completely  optional  .
lastly  ,  have  fun  .  <3
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :
note  :  below  you’ll  find  a  list  of  bands  /  solo  artists  to  help  you  complete  the  application  .  although  the  bands  have  small  blurbs  detailing  how  each   group  is  formed  this  is  just  to  give  a  vague  idea  of  what  muse  would  fit  each  group  ,  and  any  official  backstory  is  up  to  mun  discretion  .
*  (  faceclaim  ,  age  ,  pronouns  ,  gender  )  impulse  records  is  pleased  to  announce  the  official  signing  of  first  last  the  role  in  band  /  solo  artist  to  our  prestigious  roster  .  you  probably  know  them  for  scandal.  they’ve  grown  in  recognition  due  to  positive  trait  or  actually  it  might  be  because  of  negative  trait  ,  what  a  classic  zodiac  sign  .  their  fans  tend  to  associate  them  with  3  -  5  aesthetics  .  oh  ,  impulse  records  is  going  to  eat  them  alive  .  (  ooc  name  /  alias  ,  age  ,  pronouns  ,  tmz  )
fcs  applied  for: taken  fcs:  mishti  rahman  ,  charles  melton  ,  kiana  lede  ,  luke  hemmings  ,  &  ross  lynch
𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬  :
𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐥 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  all  -  male  band  you’d  know  they  mad  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  have  been  friends  since  their  college  days  all  had  set  career  paths  .  but  of  course  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  after  the  band  for  a  mutual  friend’s  engagement  withdrew  last  minute  ,  the  boys  who  had  all  expressed  musical  talents  separately  were  asked  to  perform  .  from  that  point  forward  ,  they  performed  small  gigs  here  and  there  to  score  some  extra  cash  .  it  wasn’t  until  they  were  offered  a  hefty  sum  of  cash  that  they  decided  to  pursue  music  full  time  and  ditch  their  days  jobs  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed.  
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count  :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  all  -  female  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  have  been  friends  since  they  were  in  diapers  had  always  dreamed  of  starting  a  band  with  one  another  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  in  middle  school  the  girls  came  close  to  it  ,  but   after  a  rather  unfortunate  wardrobe  malfunction  at  a  middle  school  talent  show  nearly  axed  their  dream  completely  .  it  wouldn’t  be  until  high  school  that  they  group  rekindled  their  musical  talents  to  yet  another  talent  show  that  went  much  smoother  the  second  time  around  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  attended  the  same  high  school  says  they  never  even  spoke  to  another  until  meeting  again  at  their  community  college  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  , the  group  has  an  interesting  origin  story  .  after  all  being  placed  in  the  same  introduction  to  music  theory  class  ,  and  being  told  by  their  professor  they  had  an  “  interesting  sound  ”  ,  the  trio  paired  up  out  of  pure  spite  .  they  played  countless  open  mic  nights  at  their  college  ,  and  the  surrounding  area  ,  until  they  finally  got  their  big  break  at  a  “  battle  of  the  bands  ”  competition  hosted  by  none  other  than  their  music  theory  professor  .  not  too  long  after  the  trio  dropped  out  .  they  have  been  mostly  inseparable  since  ,  if  you  ignore  the  petty  twitter  drama  between  deja  and  cash  that  is  .   and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  met  when  they  all  attended  the  same  summer  camp  in  high  school  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  group  all  had  a  shared  hatred  for  a  specific  camp  counselor  ,  and  came  together  to  pull  an  elaborate  prank  on  them  .  as  fate  would  have  it  ,  the  trio  found  out  they  all  attended  the  same  high  school  ,  and  from  that  moment  forward  have  been  inseparable  .  they  began  making  music  together  their  last  year  of  camp  and  begrudgingly  won  first  place  ,  an  honor  bestowed  upon  them  by  a  not  too  forgiving  camp  counselor  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐲 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  college  days  .  the  quartet  who  met  at  a  charity  date  auction  for  their  college  have  quite  the  history  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  band  has  had  a  rocky  start  given  the  problems  with  jealousy  in  the  group  and  their  trouble  with  seeing  each  other  as  anything  but  rivals  first  and  foremost  ,  despite  constant  mediation  from  managers  and  the  like  .  the  band  has  managed  to  keep  a  friendly  facade  long  enough  to  keep  a  record  deal  but  tensions  constantly  threaten  to  spill  day  by  day  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  of  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  drummer: 00.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  high  school  days  .  the  quartet  says  that  they  had  almost  nothing  in  common  except  their  passion  for  music  ,  and  even  attribute  it  to  their  success  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  group  have  become  inseparable  as  friends  over  time  ,  as  shown  by  their  behind  the  scene  videos  on  tours  and  concerts  alike  ,  and  for  even  further  evidence  the  four  even  went  as  far  as  too  buy  a  house  and  move  in  together  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  01.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  drummer: 00.
𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  college  days  .  the  group  who  actually  met  in  the  waiting  room  of  the  dean’s  office  have  little  in  common  with  one  another  apart  from  their  love  of  music  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  the  group  has  constantly  had  to  see  each  other  as  competition  ,  vying  for  music  scholarships  and  recording  booth  time  since  their  band  came  to  fruition  ,  there  is  little  that  has  been  done  about  trying  to  salvage  group  dynamics  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  bassist: 00.  drummer: 00.  keyboardist: 00.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  middle  school  days.  originally  a  family  band  ,  when  the  eldest  members  decided  to  leave  the  youngest  to  her  own  devices  ,  the  band  became  a  passion  project  for  a  vivacious  middle  schooler  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  the  current  group  who  only  formed  due  to  friends  of  parents  hoping  music  would  give  their  antisocial  preteens  a  connection  to  something  bigger  than  themselves  and  interact  with  anything  outside  of  their  rooms  .  since  then  the  group  has  grown  to  be  inseparable  and  embrace  the  parts  of  them  that  made  them  unique  in  middle  school  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  bassist: 00.  drummer: 00.  keyboardist: 00.
𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬  :
app  count  :  00.
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
Blueberry Eyes
Pairing: kageyama/reader
Kageyama Tobio 
Word count: 4.2k
+ summary: You and your soulmate are connected by listening to music. 
Genre: fluff; soulmates 
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To say he found it annoying was an understatement. How can someone listen to the same song over and over again? Stupid soulmate. That’s what Kageyama thought. He didn’t have time for a soulmate. He has one focus and his one love Volleyball. But he could say this about his soulmate. She listened to the playlist in exact order every day at the same time. It kept him on a time schedule surprisingly. Sometimes she went a little off base in the afternoon, sometimes listening to classical piano pieces and sometimes white noise.
Right now he was practicing sets against the wall at lunch waiting for Hinata to come over to yell at him excitedly to set to him. Which he would end up ultimately doing. When all of a sudden strong guitar rift came into his head causing him to set the ball higher than expected leading it to hit him in the face. “Kageyama what happened? You messed up. You never messed up.” “Idiot. Stupid idiot, she is not on a schedule. And this song isn’t even on her playlist.” “Maybe it’s a song she listens to when she is upset,” Hinata suggested. Kageyama didn’t like the feeling that his soulmate could be upset. But what could he do, he didn’t know you. “I don’t care if she is upset! It’s really annoying that she is listening to songs not on schedule and not the regular ones. It throws me off my game. And you don’t want me off my game if you want perfect sets Hinata.” “I think you need to be more appreciative of your soulmate bond. It’s amazing that you are able to hear the music she listens to. It gives you an insight into her personality. I just have my soulmates' first words to me and all I know is that I’ll know who it is when I meet them. I guess for you it could be anyone with headphones on. And why are you assuming the gender of your soulmate for all you know it could be Tsukishima with all the times he is wearing headphones.” Hinata said with an evil smile on his face. “Baka it’s not Tsukishima he doesn’t listen to music on a schedule and he doesn’t listen to this type of music that is for sure.”
“HEY! HEY! HEY!” You heard come from your owl-headed captain while he was reading a volleyball magazine. “Keiji does he always have to yell like that inside?” You asked your older brother. He exhaled and shook his head, “Settle down Bokuto, we are inside.” Bokuto frowned and his hair frowning with his face. “Akaashi, ____ you won’t believe it I’m one of the topped 5 ranked Aces in the nation. See!” He pointed to the magazine with a great picture of him spiking. “Weren’t you in the top 3 the last time we went to nationals?” “Akaashi!” He bit back your brother. “You are in the top 5 that’s all that matters.” You said with a smile. “It’s a positive thing. Universities with strong volleyball programs will see this and definitely want you on their team. As long as you eat healthily and improve your technique.” “Thanks, little Akashi.” You hated that nickname he had given you “Bokuto don’t call me that. Shouldn’t you be studying if you want to go to the training camp next month?” “Don’t you guys want to help me?” He said, turning to you and Keiji. “I’m a first-year Bokuto. I have no clue what you are learning about.” “I have my own finals to worry about so that I can play as well. ___ here is just a manager in training. She doesn’t even have to go. I'm sure she would rather stay home anyway.” “Not true. I would like to know everything about the teams playing style considering we will be playing against them in the future.” “There you go _____. You know Kuroo told me about this amazing combo team from the Miyagi Prefecture. Fast spikes. But I’m sure he is over exaggerating. They were invited to the training camp.” You were able to get Bokuto to calm down. Maybe that was your gift as an Akaashi, being able to calm down the Owl-Headed captain, just like your brother. You were able to get him to talk about volleyball with Akaashi while you put in your headphones. You were listening to some Beethoven pieces to keep you focused. You put your phone to your side and started working on some of your math work. Sometimes your mind wandered to soulmate connections. Most girls your age would tell and squeal about their connection. But you had no clue what your connection was. It bothered you a little bit. Akaashi was lucky he had a tattoo of a timer of when he was going to meet his soulmate. He wouldn’t tell you the exact timing of the timer. You never had any strange markings or any sort of sign. It worried you. Were you destined to be alone? But dwelling on things that shouldn’t make you worried won’t do you any good. You had a plan for your life and the universe will work things out for you. As you are working on the homework your music was changed to a rock song. You yanked the headphones out and Konoha was laughing. “Don’t do that you jerk.” You pushed him.
Kageyama was going for his morning run. He put his headphones in not like he needed the music he had his soulmate's morning playlist playing. “Tobio dear I made eggs and toast. Where are you going?” “Out for a run Mom, I’ll be back in 20 minutes.” He said after finishing tying his shoelace. He began running around his neighborhood. He noticed the music was barely playing a faint, low noise of the start of techno piano, he thinks it is Korean pop. But he could barely hear it; he heard the pumping of his heart louder. He decided to take a stretching break and put on his own music. His sister made him a playlist to keep him pumped while running. He was a little ashamed of admitting it but he enjoyed Ariana Grande. He put on her new song and continued his run.
Yes, the finals were finally over but in the midst of immense studying, you had gotten sick. A chest cold you would have gone to school but your mother insisted that you stay home for the day. You put on your music at a low volume. You had NCT U’s light bulb playing in your ear as you were falling back to sleep in the early morning as Keiji the adjoining bathroom was brushing his teeth. The cough syrup finally kicks in and making you feel sleepy. That's when you swear that your song had changed to Ariana Grande’s Positions. When you look down and your screen still said NCT—Light Bulb with the volume not even passing the rewind icon. “Keiji!” He emerged from the bathroom toothbrush in his mouth shrugging at your loudness so early. “I can’t hear the song that is playing in my headphones instead it’s playing Ariana Grande. Can you hear it?” You handed him the headphone. He spat the toothpaste in the sink and came to sit on your bed placing the headphone in his ear. Instead of hearing the very powerful female vocalist, he heard the rap section of the song you were listening to. “I do not hear Ariana Grande, I just hear the Korean Rap.” You flopped your head down on the pillow. “Is this cold medicine making me go crazy?” Keiji laughed at your dramatics. “You know some soulmate connections are connected to what you listen to.” He smirked leaving your room. “Well, I’m off to school text me if you need anything.” Your eyes were wide open with shock. You listen to music all the time. All the time. Based on times of day, feelings and emotions, and tasks. This is the first time you heard your soulmate's music or whatever they were listening to. Or maybe your music was always too low for you to hear what they were listening to. But if that’s true based on this experience that means the volume was too loud for them to hear their own music. You had forced your music preferences onto someone else which is a horrible thing to do. You must be so annoying to this person. Listening to music all the damn time. And they have to listen to it. You quickly pulled the covers over your head hoping to fall apart.
The rest of the morning the person whoever they are were playing pumped-up songs. You assumed they were happy about something or possibly working out. After Akaashi requested your help with songs for his workout routine you were well versed in the subject. They played them until about 8:50 which is when a majority of when classes start in high school. That was a plus you knew this person was in high school.
Kageyama has had 2 off days now in the past 2 months. The one where his soulmate changed the song they were listening to and messed with his practicing of setting to himself. 2 today when his soulmate didn’t listen to any music at all. Today was the day he got back his final grades. He did overall well except for one that didn’t even graze the passing mark. How the hell was he going to get to Tokyo now? He wanted to play Nekoma. He wanted to face that setter that got along with Hinata again. He wanted to play those other Tokyo teams. Some have been to nationals and he wants to beat them and let them know that he is better than them. When it came to practice time and they were in the club room, Hinata had failed one test too. He and the orange were seething that they were not able to go. “Hey, you two only failed one test right? So just take the supplementary lessons in the morning and don’t worry I got you a ride to Tokyo. You’ll be there in no time.” Tanaka said with an evil smile.
Summer has finally approached. With that comes a lot of training for the volleyball team. But these camps were more than just training. It was about building relationships with teams and other players in the same positions as you to pass on techniques. But once it’s game time no one can really beat Bokuto’s spikes. With his strong arms, pure agility, and positive attitude while playing it's hard to keep up with him. Expect when he is shut out then and only then can Akaashi really know what to do to make him feel better. But Bokuto is also not your team's strongest link; everyone else is very strong as well.
You were filling water bottles up when Kuroo tapped your shoulder. “____ this is the Manager and Junior Manager of the Karasuno team from Miyagi.” “Oh, you mean the wonder-team. The ones with the crazy spike attacks. Bokuto was talking about this for months. Pretty sure Keiji was going to strangle him if he wouldn’t shut up.” You said with a laugh. The oldest bowed, she was quite beautiful. “Hi my name is Kiyoko and this is Yachi.” The smaller one blonde bowed as well and said a quick hello. You bowed back and said, “It is nice to meet you. I’m ___ as Kuroo said. And I’m a manager at Fukurodani. I’ll show you around and where you and where your team will be sleeping.” You were given the job of showing the new managers where they would be because you drew the shortest straw of the managers. It didn’t bother you as much. “Since we are in a school we are staying in classrooms that’s why the form said sleeping bags are required. So the girl managers are sleeping in room 119. And based on the map I was given Karasuno will be staying on the opposite side of the building in 160. And the coaches are staying right in between 140-142. Why don’t you two set up your spots here? And then I’ll help you with the other bags if you need them for your other rooms.” You said looking up from your paper. “Thank you again. But don’t worry about the bags the boys will bring in their own. Yachi do you mind putting my bag in there while I tell the coach about the sleeping arrangements.” “U-uh yes, Kiyoko,” Yachi said nervously. The tall older dark-haired female left the room. “Are you a first-year by chance? There aren’t a lot of first-years well none, managers and I would very much like to have a friend.” You said to the blonde female. “Yes I am. Yachi Hitoka.” “Akaashi, _________. Pleased to meet you and I hope we can become good friends.”
Yachi and You spent time together when you weren’t with your teams. You found her company enjoyable. She talked about Hinata an orange-haired short but fast spiker and his partner a setter Kageyama who is obsessed with volleyball. She then told you they weren’t the brightest pair and they had to take supplementary lessons but would be arriving shortly. Within an hour the 2 burst through the door panting from running. As soon as the next set for Karasuno’s match started you watched to see what Yachi was talking about. And she was right the little orange one moved so fast and the blueberry setter, set to his exact speed. That was a true pairing.
As soon as the camp started it ended in 2 days. And you were thankful. You enjoyed the rushed yes, but since you were the runt of your Fukurodani manager team and were the servant to everyone. Keiji saw that it was taking a toll on you. You just finished cleaning around the gym when someone bumped into you causing you to drop the floor polish. “Hey watch it blueberry.” You let that slip out by accident slapping your hand on your mouth. When you first saw the setter of the Karasuno team you thought his eyes looked like blueberries and even his hair now that you are closer to him looked like that shade of blue. “What did you say?” He said with anger in his tone. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m just a little worn out and I tend to get a little crabby when that happens. I know you didn’t mean to bump into me. And that reaction was not warranted.” You bowed and apologized profusely hoping that he would accept. Keiji was walking over when he saw you bent over in front of the young setter. “Uh ___ what is going on here.” “Not now Akaashi.” “What did she do?” Akaashi asked with a sigh in his voice as he pinched the tip of his nose. “She called me blueberry after I did accidentally bump into her causing the polish to fall over.” “Hmm, not her worst reaction.” This caused you to kick your older brother in the ankle. “Wait till I tell mom about this then will see if you get any curry tonight.” You stuck your tongue out in return. “There is one way to settle this then you rambling apologies and making Kageyama uncomfortable. As long as Kageyama doesn’t mind will you help her clean up the polish?” You felt bad for him, how was a first-year going to say no to a second year. Also, your brother putting him in an awkward position to if he said no he would look like a bad guy. But what you and your brother didn’t know that Kageyama had the utmost respect for him. Akaashi was setting for one of the top aces in Japan. He was so lucky. So naturally, he agreed to do so. You were a little shocked. You and he cleaned in silence; it was peaceful. You were humming a little bit. You noticed that Kageyama looked up when you started humming. You stopped right then and there afraid you would freeze to death from his icy glare. Not that you mind though, the none emotionless setter was gorgeous. He did have ridiculously beautiful blueberry eyes and a nice jawline. And his hair looked really soft too, which made him look like a blueberry even more. You finished quickly so you would not hold him up anymore. “I’m sorry again that my brother forced you to help clean.” You apologized bowing to him. “He didn’t force me. I did bump into you, causing you to drop the polish. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention, I was lost in my thoughts.” He bowed to you. ‘Also very gentlemanly.’ You thought to yourself. “I understand I do that too sometimes. You played really well for the games you got to play in. You can set to the orange guy perfectly. You match his speed so he can spike it perfectly almost every time when he isn’t blocked by Nekoma.” You said mocking Hinata’s spiking motion.   Kageyama looked down and smiled at you. “I think Fukurodani stumped him a couple of times.” “Well, we do have one of the top 5 aces in Japan. It is bound to happen.” You said with a chuckle walking backward out of the gym. “Hey I was wondering was that song you were humming earlier something by Ariana Grande?” You thought for a minute. Over the course ever since you found your soulmate connection you decided to lesson your time listening to music. You found that the person you were connected to liked Ariana Grande a lot. Maybe it was Positions. “Oh yeah, it was. Sorry if you found that was annoying. Just someone I know really likes that song.” You laughed again. “Come on ___ we got to go!” Bokuto yelled from the bus he was hanging out of the door while your brother was trying to pull him in. “It looks like I have to go. There is supposed to be another training camp soon, maybe your team will invite them too, it was nice talking to you. Yachi has my number if you need another friend.” You grabbed your bag by the entrance of the gym and hopped over to your bus. Kageyama watched you the whole way, his heart fluttering a little bit. When you reached the bus Bokuto was smirking, “Was Little Akaashi flirting with the setter from Karasuno?” “No! I have no idea what you are talking about! And stop calling me that!” You huffed and sat in your seat. You placed your headphones in for a somewhat long drive which you can get some much-needed sleep. You decided to listen to music for once, choosing to listen to Blueberry Eyes. As the bus was finally pulling out Kageyama was looking at the bus and you gave him a little wave and he waved back. “You are blushing.” Bokuto leaned over with a big smile. You pulled his sleep mask down. “Go to sleep you great horned owl.”
As the Manager from Fukurodani gave Kageyama a wave. He waved back. But the reason he was looking at the Fukurodani bus leaving was that he heard the song his soulmate was playing, Blueberry Eyes. He does not believe in coincidences. You just called him blueberry. Worse of all was that he kind of liked you. But not in a romantic way yet. He liked you as a person. You didn’t find volleyball boring, your brother was also a setter, and you were fun to talk to. “Kageyama who are you waving at?!” Hinata yelled at him.   “No one you need to worry about Dumbass!” He yelled back. “He was waving at one of the Fukurodani’s cute managers,” Nishinoya said, smiling. “She seems so sweet and innocent like a pure angel.” Tanaka agreed. “Yeah, she is Akashi's sister,” Suga said. “So I doubt you two will ever get close to her.” The two second-years pouted at their chances with the manager.
The next camp was coming up in a few weeks. Hinata and Kageyama did have a fight and he did frighten Yachi. He felt bad because of the few friends he had; he lost both of them. As much as he hated Hinata, he was able to keep up with Kageyama’s skill and shared the passion for volleyball. Yachi was able to help him with his grade and was a great tutor and she also didn’t find volleyball boring, and she is curious about the sport. He went to her house to apologize. He brought her some cat-shaped cookies (that what his sister told him to do). “You didn’t have to Kageyama.” Yachi was shaking her head feeling guilty that she didn’t do anything for him. “It is an apology for what happened in the gym the other day between Hinata and me. You shouldn’t have seen that and we shouldn’t have let that happen.” “Thank you for the apology. I hope you and Hinata work things out.” She said with a smile. There was silence for a moment before Yachi’s phone dinged. She looked down at it knowing it was you continuing the conversation that you guys started earlier. She laughed at her phone. Kageyama lifted his eyebrow in suspicion. “Sorry, that was ____.” “_____?” “Uh yeah. Fukurodani’s manager, Akaashi’s sister.” “Oh her. I believe she is my soulmate.” With that statement, she almost dropped the box of cookies. “What?!” She squeaked.
“Yachi!” You screamed and leaped into her arms. “____ it had only been 2 weeks.” “But I missed you. I don’t have a lot of girl-friends.” She laughed and hugged you right back. “Come on I’ll show you to your classroom again.” Yachi was not the one for evil plans or devilish plans. But only knowing for a few weeks she knows Kageyama would be a good fit for you. And you for him. So she and he planned for a way to get to know each other. While he focuses on volleyball.
“____ I have to help with setting up for dinner. Can you throw balls for Kageyama? I usually do but-” “Of course Yachi. I’m used to doing it for Akaashi.” You jogged over to Kageyama and he was stretching.“Hi Kageyama, Yachi asked me to throw  balls for you to set is that ok?” “Yes of course. I’m assuming you know how to throw to setters?” “Mmhmm.” You hummed with a nod.
Evenings passed, helping Kageyama with his setting for this move for him and Hinata. After each training session, he would walk you to your room. You got to know him, he was really a simple person, with some anger problems, and a love for volleyball. You also found out you could make him blush easily.
The last day had finally approached. The boys and managers were treated with BBQ. After that, you had to clean the gym. “Want some help again? A way for me to repay you for helping me this week.” Kageyama asked. “Please do.” You said with a sigh. “Thank you.” He shrugged happily helping you. “You and Hinata really improved that move. It looks good I have a feeling you will get to play Seijoh. I’ll be rooting for you.” He was listening to you but also not because he had a plan for you, he was going to confirm his theory that you were in fact his soulmate. He put in his headphones when you weren’t looking, putting it at full volume, and played the song you have been listening to for 2 weeks. Blueberry Eyes. He turned his head and watched you jump and seeing you drop your broom. You looked directly into Kageyama's eyes. He looked at you deadpan, smirking, skipping the song to an Ariana song. You had a cute confused look on your face and made his heart flutter again. He took out his headphones. “You- You, uh… You are my soulmate!” You said flabbergasted. “Yes.” He shrugged. “You knew? For how long?” “2 weeks when you were leaving. You listened to that song. Blueberry Eyes. Normally I would be offended, but the song is very complimentary. You do have good music taste and I like that you were on a schedule. Then you went off it and that did throw me off.” “I’m sorry. When I found out that was my connection which was when I was sick and you were listening to your music. I felt horribly guilty that I was forcing my type of music onto another. And I never wanted to do that to you.” He walked over to you and hugged you to stop you from rambling. “It doesn’t matter to me. You have good music taste. I don’t know what I really liked.” “Ariana Grande.” He blushed and pushed you out of his grasp. “Hey, Baka that is not fair.” He said embarrassed. “Oh, Kageyama it is not that bad.” You laughed. You noticed he was still holding your hand. “I like that you are my soulmate Kageyama.” “And I like you are mine. And I ask for a couple of things. 1. Please call me Tobio, 2. Never change your music taste, and 3. If you can please come to my games.” You blushed at the last request. “Anything for my Blueberry.” You pecked his cheek. His face heated up again. “You can call me Tobio,'' I said. “Blueberry in private please.” “Anything you want.” you agreed.
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missksj · 4 years
choose your hero!nct127
ミ☆ genre: punch inspired!au, video game au!, superhero au!
ミ☆ word count: 7k
ミ☆ warnings: mentions of greatest fears and nightmares, fighting, death, light smut but nothing too vivid, and sm ceo and dispatch make an appearance ew i know
ミ☆ author’s note: ah my first nct 127 headcanon and second creation on this site! yes i know it’s been a long time coming since punch dropped but ever since i saw the music video, this idea popped into my head. i heard of other nctzens talking about this aesthetic when mentioning the mv, but hopefully you like my take on it! please enjoy and look forward to more writing from me in the future! thank you so much! ps this is not proof read yikes sorry
Velvet clouds of psychedelic purple with the scattered rays of sunset hues made an unnatural background for the logo’s electric lettering with lightning strokes cracking the static screen in your stuffy apartment. Outside was a different matter. A thunderstorm jolted the placid crimson sky to a violet that only nature could create, although the graphic designers of PUNCH: NCT 127 came close. It was rather befitting for the stark opposition of the hurricane raging outside to the retro sparking aesthetic that you’ve witnessed for the ninth time, and it was the most pivotal. It was as if the thunder was the applause, the lightning rallying behind you, the pelting of the raindrops reverberating the hammering of your heart. Almost victorious in a way, the non-player hero that lurked in the background of the other eight paths taken would finally be the alternate hero to your player. He was a prize in the reverie that you constructed solely from his brief bio to the artificial mannerisms and quotes that he generated in the story lines which enabled you to project your fantasy on mundane men. The comparison was cruel, fictional characters were even crueler. Nimble fingers and darting eyes fell into a comfortable routine, familiar with the introduction story, it was a race between the controller’s buttons and the spiteful lightning that would sever the power.
[NAME]...F/N L/N
[ID #]...07201607
Welcome to the NCT 127 Division, Agent L/N. I am Lee Soo-Man, the Director of the SM Agency and your guide for your latest mission: THE FINAL ROUND. On behalf of the whole SM community, we apologize for the abrupt summoning, but your presence and skills are crucial if we are going to defeat the DISPATCH terrorist. For too long, the person that cowers behind the mask that claims itself DISPATCH has tormented South Korea for too long, and only you can stop them. It cannot be done alone though, if you so choose to take on this responsibility, I will assign one of the nine superheroes of your picking to share this task. Do you accept it?
I am pleased that you have accepted the assignment. For the duration of the mission, the NEO ZONE will be the location of the base for you and your partner. Intel, equipment, and training will be at both of your disposals. Now that you have been briefed on all inner workings of the mission and the NEO ZONE, there is one last obstacle until you defeat the enemy. The selection of your partner is based on compatibility and trust, I implore you to consider wisely until you make a final decision. The designated superhero of your liking will be under one of two teams, FUTURE OR DREAMER. Both equally beneficial, but the bonds of loyalty run deep between the members, you have to determine which one of their morals you value more. Heed my warning though, with the right set of skills and talent,  you and your partner will be unstoppable but tread lightly your connection with him. After all, you are his only weakness. Which team and hero will you choose?
You now have the option to choose your hero.
Before your perplexed mind could comprehend the change of dialogue, a streak of lightning had pierced the stillness of the undisturbed bedroom and released the tempest that was once contained to reality. With the abundance of consuming darkness, shards of glass pricking your paling skin, and tree branches pounding for entry--your white knuckles and twitching eyes fathomed the only connection you had with actuality; a plastic controller and the flickering avatar of your destined hero you chose only seconds before. Your heart had been thumping, not from the anticipation of a new adventure, no, it was pure fear that jolted your numbed muscles to sprint to sanctuary. The thunderstorm mocked your failed attempt at fleeing as another surge of electricity enveloped the room in white and sparks rippled at your ankles as you ran away but the tethering currents from the screen wrenched you back.
Team Future
Power: Pyrokinesis
A very vocal opponent when he’s on the battlefield, you might be on the other side of the area but you can always figure out where he is located by listening to his strange grunt/growl combos, enemies usually have to process the inhuman sound that came out of a small man but you just roll your eyes and toothy grin grows as you run to him for back up
Says “let’s get it!” any chance he gets, always attempts to make it your team chant before going on a mission but everyone votes no, even you
Loves to wear long sleeves as a staple piece of clothing despite his already burning temperature, he claims it eases him as if it were security blanket, and he enjoys when you tell him he looks adorable with his sleeved paws
During winter though, he always has to stock up on sweaters because you are always stealing them, whether it’s the feeling of his residual heat ghosting over your skin or look of complete adoration glazing over his eyes as he devours that look of yours, it’s a great excuse to wear one
If you had to assign ‘roles’ in the relationship, you would so be a top, he’s the most chill boy out there as you throw tantrums or squeal out of pure joy when you are finally promoted, it’s either purring hums out of his mouth or a silly smile as he gazes at you 
Physical affection is minimal between you two unless you initiate it, but it’s mostly wrapping his arm around you, it’s in no way conveying that he doesn’t love you, but rather love to him is experiencing moments with you, making memories while watching a funny movie or dancing horribly to a playlist he created
An exception is when you end up falling asleep on the couch as you two watch a movie, he secretly loves to carry you back to bed as he tucks you in and truly soaks in what you mean to him
His hair gradually transitioned to its current red as his powers grew throughout the years and he would always dye it but his genes overpowered any artificial color, not until you said you liked his hair like that, he decided to keep it
King of making you smile especially when you are down, he can’t stand seeing you sad so he insists on becoming a goofball until your sides hurt from laughing so hard
Takes training way too seriously, you always start off competing but by like the 100th crunch you are wiped but he’s still going 
Becomes sulky when his Disney Hades costume doesn’t come out as planned because his fire is red and not blue, but it was the best decision ever when you suggested Ghost Rider for the Halloween party, Taeil never looked better with just a leather jacket covering his bare skin
You finally convinced the clothing department to give you a fireproof uniform because Taeil has really bad aim, and your clothes are rags after a mission
Figured out you had a crush on Zuko when you were younger, so he would rewatch it with you and definitely cosplay Zuko, perhaps even role play with it if it’s something you were into
Having sex with Taeil was searing pain shooting through your thighs, tender love handles, heaving chests and lactic acid seeping through your muscles as he cheered you onto the last lap--it was a workout in itself with a sweltering room that reflected his aroused emotions
Both of you are constantly battling, whether it’s a rap battle or a cooking battle, Taeil is in love with the passionate side of you
Breakfast in bed is a tradition held during the weekends, he says he loves to spoil you but he just loves tasting his own food while you give him compliments on how delicious it is
Taeil is usually saved as a last resort for dangerous group missions, you’ve heard stories of his past battles as if he were legend already, but you’ve only witnessed his true power once by scorching down the enemy in one go, flames clawing his body as the inner glow within him exploded like he was a supernova--someone had to drag you out before the building collapsed on itself from the stifling heat and the roaring fire
You pinch his bouncy cheeks as often as possible just to see him roll his eyes while he fights off the widening smirk that makes his doe eyes curve into crescents, but it’s the blooming crimson of his cheeks that you indulge in, lightly sizzling your fingertips until you can’t take the pain any longer and yelp slips out, but Taeil swiftly swoops in and kisses your fingertips in an apology, it was a good pain though
It’s a normal night for both of you, 2 AM and your blabbering about everything and nothing, and Taeil always ends up the saying the same line to you as he coaxes you to sleep because he knows how grumpy you become in the morning, “I’m grateful we’re together, who would make you a fire if you were stranded on a deserted island? You definitely can’t, so, hmm, I guess it has to be me”
Power: Lycanthropy
You’d suspect him to be bear when he morphed with his build and height, but he’s a hulking chestnut brown wolf with gentle eyes
Basically a puppy on steroids always expects a treat and good belly rub after eviscerating all his targets
Has the ability to shift at will, so during winter nights you can find him nestled around you for added warmth
During the colder months, he usually wears knitted sweaters and oversized coats in his human form because it reminds him of his fur, and he claims he likes to keep you warm while he holds you in any form
Creates video tutorials of both of you sparring with each other, lots of constructive criticism and compliments on your ‘form’
Begs you to ride him into a mission just for the sake of it, he can so see you as a badass warrior on their monstrous steed
Johnny’s favorite time of day is during the end when you wind down with him and you tell him every detail of your day despite you two being joined at the hip as partners
Always asks questions out of plain curiosity and simply in love with the sound of your voice, it’s the equivalent of you petting his sweet spot on the back of his ear
Without a doubt, he howls in bed while having sex, he’s always teetering the edge of shifting and even though you repeatedly tell him it’s fine to let go, the splintered wood of the headboard and floating feathers of a slashed pillow is evidence of how much concentration he puts in to keep you safe
Manicures and pedicures on a regular basis in the Suh household got to keep those claws clean
Adamant about not getting a pet dog with you, his excuse is he would get too jealous of another canine but his stance is weakening with your improved puppy dog eyes
Multiple jokes about ‘starting a pack’ with you
While in his wolf form, he can understand human language but he doesn’t have the ability to communicate, so both of you rely on subtle gestures
Naturally has a small smile, always nudges you with his snout, and whenever you make a joke to him, he bears his canines that are frightening to most but to you it’s comforting
Johnny’s greatest fear is if you two are ever in an argument and his anger blinds him to the point of him unconsciously shifting and accidentally harming you
Even clumsier in his wolf form, he doesn’t realize actually how massive he is which makes him a hazard to normal-sized beings
Gets most of his stances and moves from the wolves from the twilight series, he won’t admit but he’s certainly inspired by them
Sexual appetite is at a peak when the full moon comes out, growl central!!
The most treasured item you two have is a portrait of wolf-Johnny on his hind legs, attacking your face with slobbering kisses and you grinning brightly because nothing can compare to the bliss of that snapshot
Power: Superhuman Speed
After every assignment, Taeyong’s personal mission is to dote on you, this usually happens by using a covering or his own jacket and slinging it over your shoulders, if there is grime or blood on it, he lets out soft ‘sorry’ even though you always tell him not to
He knows it’s his job, he understands the need, but that doesn’t mean he is comfortable with the bloody side of it, and so he loves talking to you after incidents, your voice is soothing and it helps him process all the trauma, he says it’s for your sake but you know in these moments you are his crutch and you gladly accept the job
Naturally, a faster walker than you so he always manages to be a few feet ahead of you, but when he sees you fall behind, he holds your hand and  tugs lightly while matching your pace
After enhancing his speed,  he always has flushed cheeks and a glossy sheen across his forehead, so you make it a habit to kiss his forehead, cheeks, and lips to cool him down
It doesn’t work, his heart his pulsating harder than ever and does that exasperated airy laugh as an attempt to stabilize his heightened emotions while walking away so you don’t witness his even redder face
You give him piggyback rides after missions, his energy is basically depleted by then, so a jacket for a piggyback ride seems like a fair deal even though he fights you the whole way but you know he adores being cared for
You were the one to convince him to dye his hair pink in an effort to have an easier time spotting him during assignments and now he’s pink blur racing off to defeat villains
When he lightly peppers kisses on your face, the smacks get louder until he finally lands on your lips and it’s the most exaggerated sloppy sound he can make while he squeezes your cheeks
Weekdays for him are for cooking dinner, and you occasionally join to help him but mostly it’s him feeding you bits asking if everything is seasoned well and by the end, he is cursing because half the dinner is already gone
Type of boyfriend to remember you mentioning something you like and a few days later, he buys it for you or he randomly buys you things that remind him of you and leaves it for you as a surprise
Always doodling on you or leaving you notes with drawings so he can remind you that he loves you or to hydrate
After stressful missions, he just plops on top of you, his nose inhaling your scent as he forces his heart to match your rhythm, it lasts for about twenty minutes or until he can finally recharge
Taeyong’s gym locker in the NeoZone is plastered with couple photos of you two and photos of you modeling or candid while he directed you with his camera
The only way you can convince him to give you ten more pushups or five more pullups is if you bribe him with kisses and it always works
Very sacrificial, it’s one of his main flaws, he’ll get super flustered and annoyed when he sees you in the line of fire, so he’ll ultimately take all the heat and scold you after to put yourself first
His face usually has a cold blank stare to it as he observes his surroundings but once you collide into him and coil your arm around his, he grows this massive grin that only you can create
Never takes advantage of his speed with you, his surroundings are always in a constant race and he’s always anticipating the next move, but with you, your a serene presence washing over him; calming him, grounding him to capture every moment of you so it isn’t a blur but a vivid mural
Definitely tender and sensual in bed, once tried to spice things up by using his speed but he almost broke you, so now he only changes his pace if you request it
With your head on his chest every night, the last thing you hear before you fall asleep is the rapid thumping of his heart; it’s the only lullaby you’ll ever need
Power: Supernatural Swordsmanship
Cut his hair with his kodachi and you most definitely needed to clean up the edges
Villains dread combating with Yuta, not just because he’s insane with a sword but he only talks about you and your relationship while fighting as if the opponent will answer his question of whether he should give you a cookie or ice cream cake for your birthday or even both 
Rather than making you feel better when you feel down, he would be your soundboard, a shoulder to cry one, a great pair of ears; patience and multiple ‘mhms’ as you unravel your worries while his fingers swirl on your thigh and he kisses your temple
You two could be on opposite sides of the room but his eyes would always gravitate to you and he would wait until you notice so he could meet your gaze and he would do the dorkiest faces, especially his famous lion rawr aegyo, it makes you realize how good of a father he would be
Goes wild when he sees your body tremble beneath him as the cold metal of the kodachi glides along your skin
The only thing rivaling his love for you is his love for his katana, it’s bond that can never be severed and  it’s a trust that only develops between soulmates, you could never understand but you accept and allow it to be the third partner in the relationship
It shouldn’t be possible for Yuta to look like a prince walking out of an otome game right after a battle, but there he is, glistening skin with swept hair and twinkling eyes as he sheathes his katana across his back as if he’s going to ride his horse in the Sengoku period
It’s usual occurrence to catch him absentmindedly talking to his katana, you wouldn’t be surprised if it could talk back, he can summon it by hand already, that sword and he shares one brain cell but he usually uses it as a mirror
You’re a killer couple, not only with looks and fashion but it’s quite a sight to experience as you shoot a bullet to his katana so it can ricochet at a target eighty feet away
Manages a rigorous training session before you wake up and when he’s done, he ends up collapsing on top with his sticky body as you screech at him to get off
The training facility in the NeoZone is rarely used because Yuta is a big believer in fresh air and beautiful scenery will motivate you more, so your sparring on the edge of cliffs and sprinting along the seaside
Alternates between reading books with you outside in your backyard with a makeshift picnic or both of you cuddled in bed with the open windows and the only source of light is the sun
If you have missions abroad, he convinces the agency to always give both of you one day free so you can act like tourists, nobody can say no to his dashing good looks and he knows it
One year for Christmas, you got him custom made tiny katana earrings and it’s literally the one pair he uses now, at least on his lobe
Yuta isn’t the overbearing type when it comes to jealousy, he shouldn’t have a say in what gender your friends are but when he sees a certain person obviously flirting with you it just takes slight glint of his katana to blind the intruder and they are already scurrying off 
Gets a kick out of playing real-life fruit ninja
Decided to shave a slit in his eyebrow with his katana one spontaneous night, he got out of the bathroom with a huge grin and asked, “does this make me look more badass?”
Your hands always end up somewhere around his stomach, gliding across the lean muscles, squeezing around his hips, twiddling his piercing, you name it, you can’t keep your hands off him
Nakamoto Yuta is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, the pang of fear thrills you as you witness his lack of mercy and fiery anger at injustice as he slaughters anyone that stands before him, but that wicked glint in his eye softens just for you and then you see the scrawling of your name engraved on the hilt of the katana, and you know you are the only one that knows the true Yuta and you feel so blessed
Power: Precognition 
You beg him every possible waking minute for him to allow you to do his makeup if only to contour his insanely sharp cheekbones, he finally relents but he has a scowl on his face the whole time
You’ve become quite a baker with Doyoung but he always has to guide you so his arms snake around your waist as an excuse yet he acts completely innocent when he knows it makes you distracted
Playlist for every occasion, especially when he’s having sex with you, the house ends up feeling hollow whenever he’s away without his angelic voice but to your surprise, Doyoung leaves you secret audio files lulling you in a trance
His mouth becomes a cherished part for you, especially the way the corners of his lips curl up naturally, the small smirk instantly widening when in front of food, or the blinding white teeth as he’s gritting them when approaching an orgasm or laughing at you, not with you
It takes about five minutes for Doyoung to arrange his plushies in the right position so you both don’t ruin them as you cuddle
One arm draped over a plush and the other wrapped around your back, or him in a fetal position with his plush embraced into his chest as you act as the big spoon
Hand holding is strictly for the bedroom with him, but he knows you admire his hands often, so he’ll have him some type of connection with you when out in public; whether it’s his pinkies wrapped around yours, curved into the loop of your pants, or his delicate veiny hand wrapping around your sleeve
End up catching him more than once, gushing over the phone with his brother about how in love he is with you and you may not lurk in the background for a few minutes until you interrupt the conversation by saying hi to Donghyun
Downtime for you two is building a puzzle, coloring some pages, playing board games and him smug with his victory, watching some documentaries or kdramas, and if you two bought some new furniture for your renovating house, he would most definitely want to do it by himself as you laugh while handing him pieces
Manages to still be shy when you both kiss, it’s you who initiates the subtle peck on his pouting lips, but soon the soft curve of his lips invites you more while your hands cup his warming cheeks--he’s a contradiction of being timid but with all the confidence as he nibbles your lips as if you were a delicacy
Training for you two equals nap time, his power allows him to rely on his mind rather than his body, so when you ultimately force yourself to exercise, Doyoung is laying on the couch, lazily cheering you on
Always giving you little compliments in your earpiece as he guides you around for a recon mission, and still holds his breath when he tells you about the unforeseen event that you need to be prepared for even though he knows you can handle it with ease
Studies multitudes of intel before a mission because he can never be too prepared, and it eases his nerves knowing that he can take every precaution in ensuring your safety
Would dedicate a photo album of himself on your phone, and even send you his recent selfies, telling you to choose one of them as an updated contact photo
You clown him 24/7 but he clowns you right back, it’s always a constant playful banter between you two, his eyebrows would furrow when you called him cute, the trembling of lips broke his facade, and when he does it to you, you essentially become his baby as he bites your cheeks but tell no one or he would deny it
From the moment you two wake up until you both arrive at headquarters, he has sullen look across his features, he would brush his lips across your temple and a hoarse good morning would escape his mouth in a notion to acknowledge you, but until he gets coffee in his system his energy hasn’t been restored yet, but your use to it as you tug him to the break room with his lidded eyes
Alone time is a must for you two, it could be both of you in the same room doing your own thing without communication or different parts of the house or mostly you would leave to run errands and Doyoung stuck in his room, but at the end of the day he crawls to you and says a small ‘hey’ as if his day just started from the moment he set eyes on you
Doyoung was always on alert, aware of incoming predictions that he had no say in but easily accepted, it’s a strain on his mental being, a reason why he needs to center himself by being alone, but then you come
Your blank, just like him, you’re unpredictable and foreign to him, but it’s not until you two kiss for the first time, that a hazy premonition reveals itself in a form of two children that share your hair but his feline eyes, it’s fragile though and uncharted, he knows that he needs to do right by you to get to the last level that seemed like paradise to him
Team Dreamer
Power/Being: Android
During his exoskeleton stage, Jaehyun requested that the scientists create dimples during his living tissue transplant because he heard “they’re to die for”
Definitely thought it was a weapon utilized to kill his enemies
You make a habit to poke at his dimples until you feel the exoskeleton underneath, an oddly comforting sensation that makes you realize that Jaehyun doesn’t have a heart but his actions say otherwise 
Literally the personification of steam coming out of ears in cartoons with scalding red tips, this only happens when you’re in danger or when he sees you in what he perceives as provocative
It took five hours to draw an array of tattoos on him for a disguise on a reconnaissance mission, and a certain neck tattoo was going to make you abandon the mission and your sanity
Sadly, he had to erase them because the “the bad boy” persona was an official disguise in his hardware and couldn’t be revealed to the public
Jaehyun kept one design, however, a soft beauty mark on the apple of his left cheek, he claims it’s your signature as his owner but you like the word partner better
Programs all your training sessions and signature moves to his hard drive because he believes there is no better instructor than you  (except Bruce Lee)
The first time you helped him clean his internal munition unit, you couldn’t decipher any of the weapons so you gave them your own personal nicknames, he kept correcting you but he got tired so he now calls them “wholly fist” and “boom boom pow by the BEP”
You joke around with him that because he was created on valentine’s day, he should be credited as a sexbot but he always frowned at that comment until he figured out he could turn the tables on you by saying “I could be your sexbot”
Whenever he sees another person eyeing you in what he perceives is attraction, he activates his instant kill function with laser red eyes and declaring “target locked”
Suave and intimidating when you two first meet but truly transformed into a ‘soft boy’ after downloading your Pinterest board 
Whenever both of you are out in public, eyes ogle him and mouths gawk, but Jaehyun is oblivious to it all until he turns to someone and starts up the most wholesome conversation about something mundane and you know that person melts with ease because Jaehyun was built to reflect human nature, but he was doing better than most in your opinion
Lots of arcade dates with him, he quickly figured out the algorithm of each game just so he can overflow you with gifts and so he can show off his basketballs skills because he knows you love eyeing his arms in action
When he’s with you though, he’d rather listen and absorb every action and word that you produce, he wants to immerse himself in you because he truly believes that you are all that is good about humankind
Archives every single detail that you speak, and replays it for you when you forget something or to prove you wrong, there is no in-between
Robot sex!!!! That drilling option though...oof
The moment he realizes the blaring internal alarm warning him of his elevated temperature and the shorted circuits whenever you are near, he correlates it to what humans label  “love” so he downloads files on expressing these so-called feelings
Instead of saying “I love you”, he says “I dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin you” when he first confesses, and you assume there is a chemical imbalance within him so you rush him to the infirmary but for the first time, Jaehyun stalls and his eyes are clouded with retrieved information glowing neon green until he settles on “I love...I love...I love you” (yes, he stole it from Mr. Darcy, so sue him, he’s a fracking android)
Jaehyun sometimes doubts his ability to love you and even you sometimes question if you can love a piece of metal, but then you observe him before he joins you in bed that he triples check his instant kill function is disabled and he gushes about the new song he discovered and you are so sure that he was made for you
Power: Lightning Bolt Projection
Gets easily flustered with the most pouty lip ever when you call him ‘Zeus’, it was his failed superhero name when he was trainee, but to you, he is much better than that jerk of a Greek god
Dressed up as the actual Zeus once for the office Halloween party and the year after that as a lightning bolt and you a storm cloud
Whenever Jungwoo craves attention but you’re occupied with another task, he repeatedly zaps you, not enough to harm, but until you cave in yet when you want to be annoyed with him, his owlish eyes and trembling lips easily subdue you
Your shoulder is a sacred space for him, it's the perfect fit for his head to settle in with a toothy grin and the warmest ‘mhms’ as he listens to you speak
Jungwoo was never much of a fighter, his powers were swift enough to eradicate enemies with not much mobility, but training sessions with you were more than enough of an excuse to spend time with you
Lately, your skin has been electrifying, not only the amorous glow you were emitting, but everyone you came in contact with felt a slight spark
Hair treatments are a must, the frizz is wild with Jungwoo, you really need to ask about his hair products because his hair so fluffy despite the amplitude of currents running through him
While brushing your teeth with him, he always shoots out finger hearts to you and winks through the mirror, it’s a great way to start the day
Never felt more grateful for his power until you were attacked on an assignment and your heart failed, it took four shocks to revive you with streams of tears and muttering to any God to hear his prayer
He’s most himself in the rain, umbrellas have never been on your shopping list
Definitely shoots bolts out of his finger guns and then blows on them afterward, if he’s feeling flirty, an added wink explodes your heart
Your biggest cheerleader when you are kicking ass during a mission
It’s a tradition for him to rake his fingers over your back with slight ripples of electricity while you cuddle in bed, it does wonders to relax your muscles
It’s been months of practice to improve his bolt voltage and range, but he finally managed to write ‘I love you y/n” in the sky, he couldn’t help it, he’s bursting at the seams with adoration for you
Both of you in the kitchen is a sight to see, you season but he cooks the food, his specialty is slightly charred chicken
Packs both of your lunches so you can eat together on break
Gets scared easily and as a result will discharge a lightning bolt as a defense, so pranks are off-limits between the team members
Literal sparks when you kiss, numbing and exhilarating as currents pass through your molding bodies to create goosebumps and raising hairs
When he thinks of home, his first instinct is to be cradled in your arms, watching trashy movies as a thunderstorm quakes the earth
Power: Compulsion
Mark might excel in whispering but when you turn the tables on him, with your sultry murmurs, he can’t help becoming a puddle of blushing mush
Never once used actual compulsion on you, the only exception is when you figured out the surprise birthday party he was planning for you, he redirected your attention to grocery shopping
His favorite part of you is your right ear because it’s where you naturally tuck your hair at and he just loves to twirl a strand of it in his finger while he mutters sweet nothings to you
You’re his bodyguard during missions, he can’t possibly get that close to targets while they attack if you aren’t watching his back
Even when he is supposed to be acting intimidating during an assignment, he can’t help but stutter and repeat ‘uh’ a thousand times, but he gets the job done eventually
Your literally breaking sweat, contorting your body so four targets don’t reach Mark, and he’s over there oversharing with another target
“The love of my life is about to kick your ass and you aren’t going to do a single thing about it, booby head” or “make the password ‘mark and y/n forever’ or else”
Naturally whispers in his sleep with his stinky breath in your ear, and you try to push him off but he just clings onto you like a koala 
In the morning though, the slight breakage in his voice from pitched to croaky as he says good morning to you is on repeat in your head for the whole day
Mark’s give away when he is about to use compulsion is him licking his thin lips, and almost makes you get knocked out by the enemy because your already under his spell
Does a tiny dance for any occasion, from doing the laundry, stripping naked, or when you two had your first kiss
It’s the strained grunts, the heavy breathing, and the showering of hushed compliments in your ears that makes you reach your peak in bed, Mark always sounded better when he was being pleasured
To him, your voice is the loveliest sound across the universe and your adorably awkward cackle that you so desperately try to hide as he reenacts vines to you is what happiness is to him
Ice cream dates consist of him bringing a tub of ice cream to a yogurt shop because he knows you prefer it
Coughed over his first fart with you but now he loves to fart on you as you pretend you are suffocating and gagging
Has a folder in his photos dedicated to you where it ranges from blurry to candids and in during most of them he was either hyping you up or teasing you
Greets you with a ‘yo!’ whenever he enters the room
Will always buy you any lip product associated with watermelon and you’ll always buy him baseball caps for him to wear
Despite being loud for 90% of your relationship, he is most vulnerable with when he whispers his greatest fears, future goals, and nightmares to you because your the only one he can trust
With the many decibels that Mark Lee varies in, your favorite by far has to be the ascending chortle from the low HAs to the high HEEs with clapping hands and a scrunched nose that puffs out his cheeks-- it’s pure bliss to you
Power: Light Manipulation 
Haechan is utterly in love with your cheeks, instead of biting them or pinching them, he opts to kiss them whenever he has a chance, it’s rushing heat of your blush and the swelling of your smile that he lives for
The little spoon in bed, just so he can wrap his leg around you and nestle his head in the crook of your neck just like a koala
Literally always a brat to you, it’s the many ways he shows you affections
You asked him once to paint your nails, and now he does it every Friday ever since he discovered the ‘my hands look like this so hers can look like this’ meme even though his hands just have bitten nails
A man of action, Haechan shows you love through his movements with a heart framed by his fingers or blowing a kiss
Needs to always be physically attached to you, whether it’s hugging you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder, or falling into you when he’s in a fit of giggles, he needs you to know that he will never let you go
Snarky remarks and cheesy jokes define your relationship with Haechan
Manages to always wake up before you on those lazy mornings with you burrowed deep into his side, and he can’t help but be memorized by your presence but soon feels selfish when he moves a ray of sunlight to your eyes so he can just peek at the explosion of colors in your eyes when you flutter them open--ah yes, this is his favorite part of the day
Loves to play video games with you into the late hours of the night, especially overwatch, but your always the first one to pass out, so he makes sure to tuck you in and dim the light of the screen so it doesn’t bother you
Most nights the both of you are wide awake so you end up playing ‘what the light?’, a game where Haechan creates 3D objects out of light and you have to guess what they are before he finishes them
Oh, and shadow puppets! He’s become quite the expert with them, he creates the most ridiculous stories with them but you join him by voicing the characters
In addition to ‘I love you’ as a goodbye, you have a secret intricate handshake with him, his excuse was that if you two ever question’s one identity if ever an enemy swapped bodies, you two would know the truth with the handshake but in reality, he just loves that extra time with you before you two part 
It’s either Haechan teasing and making fun of you or he’s doting on you, there is no in-between because after all, you are his idiot
If he’s in the mood, he’ll solidify light photons into the shape of a sword and call it ‘sunflower’, he just loves to tell the tale that he took out fifteen assassins with a sunflower, but usually, he blinds them or burns them
Goes the extra mile for you to create a spotlight on you when you are giving a mission brief at headquarters, that’s the love of his life right there and he’ll make damn sure everyone notices them
Recreates Edward’s sparkling in the sun scene just so he can see you beam with laughter 
Master of mood lighting during sex, and don’t even mention when he hits his climax, bulbs flickers and lamps explode
It might be a trick of the light, but Haechan’s eyes are vividly bright and he’s drowned in golden hues of sunlight, it makes you wonder if he was plucked from the star itself
Yet, as your lips quiver and your glassy eyes blink the last remnants of tears in Haechan’s cupped hands, there is an inner glow from them as you bask in their warmth, he can’t help but proclaim that you are the sun of his world, you are the light of his life even when it feels like his is diminishing
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asgardianmagicman · 3 years
No Safety in My Arms - chapter 9
A/N: I want to properly introduce everyone to a new character! her name is Michelle Daniels, she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with healing powers, and is the OC to my lovely friend Abigail ( @hiscyarika -- check out her Mandalorian fics if you're into that, she's amazing!) who has graciously given me permission to include her in this fic. expect to see more of her in the future! now, with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
read it on ao3 here, listen to the playlist here, find previous parts here!
       The familiar sensation of Aksel’s warm, wet tongue licking your cheek is what eventually brought you back to reality. Your hand came up to curl in the fur of his neck out of habit, and you opened your eyes a crack. Immediately you regretted the decision, groaning and closing them again; the light from your bathroom ceiling was only making the pain in your head worse.
       “Miss,” you heard J.A.R.V.I.S. say, almost as soon as it was clear that you were once again conscious. “I just want to inform you that Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes, and Agents Romanoff and Daniels have just entered the tower and are on their way up here. I sent a message to Agent Daniels when you sent Aksel to fetch her, because she was not in the building at the time.”
       You were silent for a moment then, just trying to process everything the AI has said to you. Eventually, you mumbled out a thanks, eyes still closed and your uninjured hand still buried in Aksel’s thick black fur. It wasn’t too much later that Steve practically burst into your apartment, and you physically cringed at how loud his worry for you was. You could hear Bucky, Natasha, and Michelle following after him, and while you could hear their emotions clearly too, they were generally much more muted.
       “Hey! Are you alright? Can you hear me? Jesus, there’s so much blood, what happened?” The questions came from the captain rapid-fire, too quickly for you to answer even if you’d had the capacity to. Aksel, true to his training, made sure that Steve didn’t get too close or touch you, even though his intentions were pure, and you knew logically that the captain would never physically harm you.
       “Steve, you’re only making the situation worse,” Bucky cut in, voice quieter and calmer, though his concern for you was still evident to you because of your abilities. “Take a deep breath, Michelle will be here in a second, and she’ll be able to handle it, alright?”
       “Yeah…” Steve replied to his friend, softer than when he’d been speaking to you before, though he didn’t appear to move at all from where he was standing, blocking the doorway for everyone else.
       At that moment, you heard the sound of Michelle entering your apartment, calling your name calmly, and you knew she was solidly in her “nurse mode”, which you were thankful for.
       “Steve,” you heard Natasha say, trying to get the captain’s attention so he’d make way for Michelle, but it didn’t appear to accomplish that goal because, upon hearing Michelle’s footsteps stop outside the doorway, you heard her speak.
       “Captain Rogers, I know she’s your friend and that you’re worried about her, but I’m going to need you to move so I can tend to her.” The healer’s voice was firm but not impolite as she spoke, and you could easily imagine the determined look on her face. Even this seemed to fail the task of compelling Steve to move, because you heard Bucky grumble to himself, then a stumbling of feet as you assumed he pulled his friend out of the woman’s way.
       “Alright, sweetheart, can you hear me?” Michelle asked gently, now crouching down on the bathroom floor beside you. You cracked an eye open to look at her, watching briefly as she began to carefully remove her gloves.
       “Yeah,” you said quietly, closing your eyes again. “My head hurts, looking at the light makes it worse,” you explained; you didn’t want her to think that you were on the verge of being unconscious again, because you knew if she thought your condition was that bad she’d make you spend the night in the infirmary, and you would much rather spend the night in your own bed.
       “Okay, that’s fine. I’ve got to keep the light on for now, but as soon as I’m done I’ll turn it off and the four of us will get out of your hair.” The redhead’s words made your lips quirk in a small smile, and you agreed quietly. Truthfully, you didn’t mind Cap’s little gang (as you affectionately called them in your head) all being there, because you knew it was just because they wanted to make sure that you were okay, but being able to change into something more comfortable and finally go to bed was definitely an appealing thought.
       You laid motionless as the healer took your injured hand in her own now-bare ones, examining the wound as best she could as it began to heal beneath her touch, the muscles and skin neatly knitting themselves back together, as if nothing had ever happened to them in the first place. It was a strange sensation, not exactly painful, but not quite comfortable, either; you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to it.
       “That looked pretty nasty, but not bad enough to cause this much blood loss. What happened?” Michelle asked, releasing your hand and placing one of her palms on your forehead, making quick work of your headache, and any other damage you might have done on your way down.
       “All I remember is slicing my hand on the broken glass in the sink, coming back here to patch it up, and passing out after I sent Aksel to get you because I was bleeding more than I thought.” You let out a sigh and thanked the healer as she removed her hand from your head, opening your eyes in time to see her exchange a slightly confused look with the rest of the group as she pulled on her gloves once again.
       “That’s strange,” the redhead murmured, almost to herself. She was quiet for a moment as she helped you to sit up, then spoke again.                    
       “Yes ma’am?”
       “Can you tell me what happened between when you notified me of the situation and when we finally arrived?”
       The AI was silent for a few seconds before he replied, which you knew was highly unusual. “I’m not at liberty to say, ma’am.”
       “Why the hell not?” Nat snapped, looking up at the ceiling with an irritated expression.
       “Because I was specifically instructed not to tell anyone. Mr. Stark has programmed me to keep any secret entrusted to me unless I'm explicitly given permission to share it otherwise.” All five of you stared at each other in confusion for several moments; none of you had known about this part of the AI’s programming, but it was a piece of information you tucked away for later.
       “Well,” Bucky eventually broke the silence. “Everything’s fine now, except for the mess on the floor, and I don’t think we’d be able to bypass J.A.R.V.I.S.’s programming anytime soon. I say we leave it be for now.” The super soldier looked around at the rest of the group, and when nobody offered up an argument, he turned back to you, smiling ever so slightly at you and extending his metal arm to help you off the floor, which you easily accepted.
       “C’mon, Tenderheart,” Natasha said affectionately, once you were steady on your feet and Steve was helping Michelle off the floor. “Let’s get you cleaned up and in something cozy. You can use my shower while the boys get everything cleaned up in here.” The look she shot Steve and Bucky left no room for any sort of argument, and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
       “Thanks, Nat.” You walked slowly over to your dresser, still a little unsteady on your feet, and pulled your favorite pair of pajamas from the drawer. After you had everything you needed, you turned back to Nat and offered her a smile. “Lead the way.”
       You walked across the common space and past the kitchen with the pair of redheads to get to the assassin’s room, passing Michelle’s room and bidding her goodnight along the way. You set your things down on the edge of her sink as you reached into the shower to start the water, but you looked over at your friend once again when you heard her speaking from the doorway.
       “How long do you think until Steve finally gets the guts to ask Michelle out?” she asked, a playful smirk plastered on her lips. You laughed then, leaning against the wall opposite the redhead.
       “He’s getting there, don’t rush him too much. He’s still rusty, it’s been over seventy years,” you replied, making the both of you laugh yet again.
       “If he asks her out before the end of the year, I’ll make you cupcakes every day for a year.” You wrinkled your nose at your friend’s promise, remembering the last time she’d tried baking. You were pretty sure it was the closest anyone had come to getting the fire department called to the tower.
       Natasha read your expression, knowing what you must be thinking, and quickly changed her statement. “Ok I’ll buyyou cupcakes every day for a year.”
       “From Gina’s down the block?”
       “Where else?”
       The bathroom was beginning to fill with steam at that point, so Nat stepped out of the door frame and back into her living room, leaving the door cracked for Aksel just in case. You showered quickly, not wanting to use up too much of Nat’s hot water, but also because it was finally hitting you just how tired you really were. Soon enough, you were all dried off and comfortably dressed in your pajamas.
       “Thanks for letting me use your shower.”
       “Any time. That’s what friends are for, right?” You couldn’t help but return the smile she shot your way. “You want an escort back to your room? The boys should have everything cleaned up by now.”
       You shook your head slightly, walking towards the door with Aksel at your heels. “No, I’m alright now. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
       Natasha nodded, stroking Aksel’s back lightly as he walked past where she was seated on the couch. “Alright then. Goodnight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!”
       You rolled your eyes at the words, but your smile never slipped, “Goodnight, Nat. Sweet dreams.” Careful to close the door after Aksel followed you out of the room, you made your way back to your own room, beyond ready to crawl into bed and sleep until either your canine companion or your alarm woke you up in the morning.
       As you approached your door, you paused for a moment, looking over at Loki’s apartment door. You wondered what he’d decided to do after dinner, but quickly shook the thought away; it wasn’t any of your business. It wasn’t like you were his friend or anything. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you entered your apartment, putting your dirty clothes in the hamper before promptly slipping into bed, blankets pulled up to your chin. Sleep came blessedly quickly.
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sage-druid · 4 years
I Can Be Your Hero Baby
Here it is, part six.  I am so sorry that it is so long. It clocks in at over 6500 words.  I didn’t want to break this one out.  I also create a play list of songs over at YouTube to accompany this. Mid way you will need to confirm you are still listen to it if you are using the free version: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuh-Mz8e78ijYbMf9FzOaK7fr462Fo7xo
I hope I did Alain justice.  PS: Don’t hate me for this version.  I just thought it was more appropriate. 
Title: I Can be Your Hero Baby
Part Six of:  The Love of Every Lifetime to Come
As they walked to breakfast, MC had a moment of panic. She stopped and turned to Helena and pleaded, "Babe can we just go to the garden for a bit, before we go eat?". Helena looked at her pensively. "What troubles you my love? Unburden yourself. I wish that you keep nothing from me". Helena immediately changed her path and led her love to the garden. MC had one hell of a confession. "Helena, I am scared. I don't deserve this. I really don't want to go through with this. I didn't do this to save this world. I did this for a very selfish reason. I am no one's savior. People keep chanting the "Witch Queen Slayer", but it's not me. There was only one reason why I killed her and that is because she hurt you. Ever since you opened up to me and told me all of the horrible things..." Tears began to roll down MC's cheek. "When she killed you...I couldn't bear to live without you. I figured if she killed me, then that would be fine because I would be with you sooner. It was really a suicide mission. I don't want to honored for doing such a despicable act when I know why it really happened. I am not a hero. I am just me. Imagine what everyone would think if they knew the real reason why I did it? How would they see me if they knew that they only thing I cared about was that I didn't care if I died? I just wanted to get in one final shot and hope it landed for all of the pain and hurt that she put you through. This is not a hero's act." MC continued to cry.
Helena closed her eyes and took a deep breath and calmly asked, "My love, what better reason is there?" She continued her explanation in an urging tone, "Every soldier has a reason for destroying the enemy. Most soldiers do it to earn the praise of their King or Queen. Some do it for the honor an glory of defeating their enemy in battle. Many are made Kings for a victorious battle. Most want personal gain in some sort. Rarely has a soldier rid the world of an enemy except to make something better for themselves. Your reasons are completely unselfish. You say that your act was all because of me, yes?" MC nodded in agreement. "Did you have any thought of how it would better you?" She emphasized the word 'you'.
MC thought for a minute and said, "Well technically I think I did and that's my problem. At that moment, I hoped she would kill me. The thought...of life...without you", MC could barely finish the sentence, "was unbearable." MC was now unspent. She was completely unraveled and left ultimately raw. " I...wanted my happiness to continue." She bowed her head.
Helena shook her head, wiped the tears from MC's eyes and softly guided, "My sweetest love, you did this all as a true and pure act of love, despite what you mind tells you. That makes you worthy of this honor, because there is no better reason in the world." Helena leaned down and pressed her lips to MC's. She delivered her kiss with such a passion that made the hair on the back of MC's neck, stand on end. "I know you are scared to go before the council, but we will do this together." Helena took MC's hands in hers and squeezed lightly. "You can do this, my love." Then Helena made the statement that would convince MC. "I wish for you to have your day, so I may show to all of the people in this realm, how proud I am of you. I want them all to see how special you are to me." This was all MC needed to hear. Regardless of her fears she would always resort back to what Helena wanted, whenever Helena wanted it. MC sighed, lifted up on her toes and threw her arms around Helena and hugged so tightly that Helena lost her breath for a moment. After a few moments, MC broke from the hug and smiled. Helena took MC by the hand and guided her towards the dinning hall. "Now let us go have some breakfast."
By the time they arrived for breakfast, no one was in the hall. It was eerily quiet. MC didn't mind though. In fact she was relieved. It gave her more time to be alone with Helena. It also helped calm her nerves a bit. This way she could try to choke down something to eat without having to be obligated to participate in idle conversation with anyone other than Helena. Suddenly, Solaire appeared and said in a chipper voice, "Oh you finally made it! I was getting worried. Everyone has finished already and have gone to prepare for the ceremony. I will go gather your "special" breakfast." She smiled and winked at Helena. Then she disappeared into the kitchen
MC looked nervously at Helena. She sighed and said, "I honestly cannot wait until this thing is over. Couldn't we just pop our heads in real quick and wave and say 'thanks' and then leave?". Helena chuckled and shook her head and gave her a questioning look that accompanied a devious grin. MC sighed, "Fine! Whatever you say. But I am going to push through it as quickly as possible." Both ladies smiled at each other and Helena leaned in and gave MC a sweet peck on her lips. When Helena followed through with a more passionate kiss, Solaire interrupted them with a big plate of food. She placed it down in front of MC, smiled and then walked away. MC looked at the food. It was a stack of square doughy pieces with a blue liquid covering them. If they hadn't been square, MC would have mistaken them for pancakes. She inhaled deeply and then took a bite. They were fantastic. They tasked like pancakes, but had a hint of sugar, spice and a fruity flavor. She wasn't sure what the fruit was but it tasted really good. "Mmmm. This is so good. I need this recipe."
Helena grinned widely. "I am glad you like them, my love. They are a traditional treat that I used to eat as a child. You only eat them once a year on the anniversary of the day that you were born." MC looked in awe and thought "Sounds like a Birthday Cake!". She continued to take a forkful and guided it towards Helena mouth. Helena gladly took the bite and savored its flavor. She smiled and purred, "Oh, Solaire did a perfect job. They are flawless." MC continued to feed Helena a few more bites, before she placed her hand up and stopped her. "No my love, the rest is for you. I wish to see you enjoy yourself by finishing them." MC complied without question. She devoured the rest of the food. With a teasing look in her eyes, she took the plate in her hands and began to lick the plate clean, all while staring deeply into Helena's eyes. "Mmmm" she hummed and she continued to run her tongue along the already clean plate. Helena devilishly grinned and returned the tease. "You tease me so, my love. Continue this and we will not arrive to ceremony on time." MC continued her licking in a more sensual motion. Then Helena smirked and nodded her head, "Oh, I see. Your wicked plan lays bare, my love. Well, it was valiant effort, but not good enough to sway me from my ultimate goal - to adore you in public." MC huffed when she realized her attempt to distract Helena had failed. "And, now my love, is the time to, as you say, 'get this over with'. Come, my sweet hero." Helena gently guided her as she took her hand. MC stood and groaned and gave out a whine. They walked hand in hand together towards their destination. Albeit, MC was going begrudgingly.
When they stepped into the vast hall outside the doors that lead to the throne room of the King, they was a quiet calm. Reiner appeared and greeted them. "Hello Lady MC. It looks like the guest of honor has arrived." MC rolled her eyes and sighed. "King Barzilai has not arrived as of yet. I have been given the honor of escorting you and your betrothed before the king." He smiled at Helena and nodded in a slight bowing fashion. MC was growing more and more nervous. The contents of her breakfast were slowly creeping up into her throat. Not being able to hold down the contents any longer, she ran over to a large urn and relieved herself of the contents. Reiner laughed quietly and looked at Helena and said "Like a knight before a battle, eh?". Helena returned his laugh with a chuckle and a large grin. She nodded in agreement.
Helena then summoned a small goblet and held her hand over it. She whispered something in a foreign language and a green liquid appeared in the cup. "Here my love, drink this. It will calm your nerves and ease your stomach." MC took the cup and with both shaking hands, brought the contents to her mouth and chugged the entire contents. She handed the empty cup back to Helena, with a nervous look on her face. Helen placed her arms around MC and smiled tenderly. She bent down and gently pressed her lips to MC's. Reiner cleared his throat and looked Helena. He motioned towards the door. "Ready, my love? It is time. The King and council await you. Deep breath." Helena placed her hands on MC's head and whispered a spell that sent a calming cool sensation through MC's body. Then Helena kissed her on the forehead and turned towards Reiner and nodded. "We are ready Lord Reiner. Lead on." MC looked over her shoulder at the urn that she emptied the contents of her stomach into and made an apology in her mind to King Barzilai - "Sorry, your Majesty, about using your urn as my personal puke bucket." She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and followed Reiner and Helena into the throne room. Little did MC and Helena know, but this would be their last kiss - not without a significant change in title, that is.
Wow! The throne room was magnificent. It was all decorated in multiple gold and red tapestries that hung from the large cathedral ceiling. Each of the attendees wore the red and gold colors of the King. There were about 500 people in attendance that stretched on both sides of a long aisle. At the end of the aisle were the council members. King Barzilai was in the middle and sitting on the throne. The throne itself was a sight to behold. It looked as if it was solid gold with hundreds of intricately crafted gems of multiple colors in hues of green, yellow, red and blue. His crown was equally ornate and resembled the same fine detail as the throne. However, the gems in the crown were much larger and it contained four gigantic gems that were a royal violet color. MC was so nervous at this point that she had to distract herself and brought a light conversation in her own head. "Hmm, I wonder how many faeries it took to get those banners up there? Oh, no. I bet Altea put them up there. How did they fit so many people into this tiny room? Well, I guess it's technically not that tiny." She turned towards familiar faces in the crowd. "Wow, Iseul's hair looks nice like that. I have to get whatever he is using for his hair. I wonder how long it took August to polish his armor. It sure has a nice sheen. Saerys looks so handsome standing there so tall. I swear he has grown two inches since I last saw him." MC was really gone in her mind now. It didn't matter though, it was doing the trick. The she looked over at Helena and smiled. "My God. She is the most beautiful woman ever. I am so lucky." Then Reiner, stepped forward an stood beside Queen Ishara. Helena stepped away from her love with a smile and winked. As she joined the empty space beside Altea, MC went into a panic. She literally whimpered as her eyes opened wide. She had that "please don't leave me look in her eyes." She thought, "No, she has to be next to me. I am never going to get through this unless she is next to me."
MC was quickly brought back to reality when King Barzilai announced, "Welcome all to this most joyous occasion. We are here today to celebrate the victory over a long reigning oppressor. Finally, at long last, evil has been driven from this land once and for all with the fall of the Witch Queen." Cheers rang out among the crowd in a flourish of applause and chants. In a stern voice, the King continued, "We owe this victory, not to a member of our own. We owe our gratitude for our emancipation from evil in all forms, to an outsider. Someone, who has changed the landscape of belief and thought. Who brought a tremendous amount of change to the hearts and minds of everyone. Someone who facilitated bonds and friendships, all in the name of love. We are in great debt to the woman who stands before this council. Lady MC, please come forward." A lump formed in MC's throat and her mind began to race. Her mind began a monologue of panicked frenzy. "Oh my God. What am I supposed to do? Do I bow? Do I curtsy? What if they don't curtsy here? I'll look like an idiot. I should have asked someone. This is bad. This is really bad. Oh my God girl, get it together. You saw Helena the last time and she bowed. Just bow already. Alright, deep breath. Just walk forward and bow. Move now!" She urged herself forward and bowed before the King. She bowed so much her head almost hit the floor. She thought as she waited for the King to say something, "I hope this isn't too much. I've never bowed before royalty before."
"Lady, MC, you have done this world a great service. No rewards are great enough to begin to repay our debt. Please stand before me. As ruler of these realms of the humans, dwarfs, faeries and elves alike, I declare that you shall longer bow to anyone in these lands. For the honor of your act, leaves us, with humility and reverence." Each of the council members stood and simultaneously bowed before MC.
MC was in shock. Her mouth opened. Yes, our hero, was standing in front of a council of bowing Kings and Queens with her mouth wide open. It took her a few seconds for her to realize that the shock that she felt on the inside, had been displaying physically for about twenty seconds. She shook her head and spoke to the council, "Um...please. Uh, thank you but this is not necessary. Actually...it kind of make me uncomfortable. So if everyone could just stop bowing, that would be great. Um. thank you?"
"It is with extreme gratitude that I grant unto you the lands and castle of the of the area forever to be known as 'Danisica'. With this possession are grated the title of "Countess, MC". The land shall be your to rule as you wish. All tribute from these land are your to apply as you wish. The army of this land will be at your command.", King Barzilai declared. MC's eyes widened. She thought, "Wait, did he just say rule? Um, no, no." Then she nervously interrupted, "Um, Your Majesty...uh 'Majesties', I appreciate the sentiment, but I am not really the 'ruling type'. Plus I am not from this world so I think it would be unfair to those living there to have an absent ruler. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the land. And believe me, I always wanted to life in a castle. The title is also cool. But the ruling thing, sorry it's just not me." Ishara stepped forward, smiled and whispered, "You may choose someone to act as your regent your absence." MC's eyes opened wide and she quickly declared, "Fine I choose Iseul. He needs the practice." She turned towards Iseul, smiling deviously, and said "Consider it an internship." Isuel gasped, dropped to his knees and said, "I am honored that you would ask me to act in your behalf. I will rule as you would, with a kind heart and a gentle nature." Queen Ishara beamed with pride.
King Barzilai continued his speech, "In honor of your services, the council has seen to it that you shall be provided with gifts to commemorate your bravery." Reiner stepped to the front and placed a long, thick, ornate box. Ishara stepped over to the box and removed the lid. She turned towards Altea and nodded. A glow of pink smoke protruded from Altea's staff, as the set of armor (breastplate, greaves, bracers and gauntlets) rose high into the air for all to see it. It was a beautiful shamrock green color. In fact, the armor was practically identical to the color and fit of the entire Idresis family. MC's would be wearing the color of the Elves. There was one distinctly difference, however. Crafted with intricate detail, there were finely hand crafted white roses carved into the armor. The roses were deeply encrusted within the armor. Then Ishara spoke, "And now, for my personal gift to you as Queen of the land of Elves." She reached in and pulled out a gorgeous cape. The cape was made of a much deeper forest green color. However the most stunning detail was the golden and white strands that were delicately woven throughout the fabric. It almost gave the cape a marbled appearance. Ishara, with a gleam in her eyes, glanced over at Helena and smiled. "For all you have done in the name of love of Helena Klein, I hereby present you with this cape. Fashioned by the hands of elves and woven with the hair of your betrothed. May it serve to protect you and be a reminder of how much love can do. I have chosen the color or growth because you have helped so many of this realm to heal and grow. Your pure heart, unselfish nature, and fierce loyalty are common traits within the realm of the elves. And knowing that you have no ties to family here, from this day forward, I declare before all in this land that you will take your place as a member of the royal family. We welcome you with open arms into our family. It gives me great honor to provide you with another title: 'daughter'." MC gasped and tears began to well up in her eyes. "And, as is custom, you shall now darn these garments and present yourself to the council wearing your new colors. May I assume that you will assist Princess MC, just as she had assisted you when you received your new colors?" She turned toward Helena. Helena nodded with tears in her eyes. "This time Helena, I believe that you are more than capable of providing your own privacy?" Ishara smiled and stealthily wiped a small tear from her eye before turning around to join the rest of the council.
Helena beamed with pride. The last time they were before the council, all of the Retainers, including Helena, were receiving specially made armor and weapons. Now the woman who had changed everything in the word, the woman who had risen the phoenix from the ashes and brought live to her in every way possible, was finally getting recognition for her beautiful heart. Now, everyone would appreciate her in the same, beautiful way that Helena did. Most exciting to Helena, was this role reversal. This time, Helena would help MC into her armor. This excited Helena in a most delightful way. While she bought MC her armor before and helped her into it, but this time was different. The last set of armor was just to protect her. Helena knew it had no deep meaning. This time she would receive honorary colors that suited her. Something that was a testament to her enduring good nature. Secretly, Helena greatly admired the choice or color that Ishara had chosen. The color green was definitely MC's color. It represented calm, natural and positive energy. This was something that MC really deserved and Helena was more than proud to help her into it. The well of tears in Helena's eyes broke and resulted in a happy tear, which slid gently down Helena's cheek. Helena walked over and grabbed both the suit and cloak. She stood before MC and smiled. Without waving her hand, they were both enveloped in a wall of protection.
MC was overcome with emotion. She had to do something or she was going to totally lose it. It would be really bad if the entire realm was forced to watch a blubbering mess. "It's a good this I chose Iseul to rule Danisica. That would have been super awkward considering the situation." MC joked to Helena and she shifted nervously. Helena smiled widely as she realized that MC's defense mechanism was kicking in. Helena loved this trait of her lover. Whenever she was uncomfortable, rather than shutting down, she would ramble various non-related thoughts in a continuous stream. This was complimentary to Helen'a response. And at times, when Helena was in a similar situation, MC's responses and ramblings would ease the feeling within Helena. Helena walked over and began to undress MC to prepare her for the change of attire. As MC stood there in only her bra and panties, Helena dropped to her knees before her and pulled her pants down. Helena carefully placed one strong arm around MC's waist, to brace her from falling, while she pulled to remove the pants. "Um...babe, this wall is soundproof, right? What's the chance that you would ravish me right here and now? No? Huh, well I tried.", she asked nervously and giggled.
Helena chuckled with a deep throated laugh and offered her reply, "My love, I do not think it is best to delay this anymore than needs to be. We should not keep the council waiting." Then Helena stood and looked MC deep in the eyes and teased, "Although, I must admit that the thought of having you scream my name in front of the entire kingdom, elicits a strong desire within me. What a truly wonderful act to show the world that you are mine. I could think of nothing greater." This statement from Helena was enough to bring both to a quickened heartbeat and a strong increase in pulse activity. Then MC rolled her eyes and moaned, "Ugh. Great! Now I got that thought in my head...Thanks for that! Make things so much easier now. Whew, what a sense of relief. Never thought I would get though that." Helen gave a deep giggle as she continued to dress MC and said, "Don't I always give you what you need, my love?".
The back and forth teasing and banter ended, however when Helena pulled out the cape. They both stared at each other. MC blushed and looked away and then asked, "Um, Helena how did Ishara get your hair? There is a lot of hair here. I am curious." Helena looked deeply into MC's eyes and softly said, "I gave it of my own free will. When Ishara explained the purpose of need, I gladly complied. Nothing would make me happier than to be constantly wrapped around you at every moment. This may be my greatest desire." She stepped behind MC, and draped the cape around her and moved around to face her. "And replacing my hair was easy. I do posses growth magic, you know." Helena leaned down and kissed MC on the forehead. "There my love. And now my wish has come true. Until eternity I am with you and will always keep you safe and warm." Tears flowed down MC's face. Helena cupped MC's cheeks in the palms of her hands and wiped away her tears with her thumbs. She stepped back to admire the fully changed woman before her. She smiled lovingly and sighed deeply. "Your beauty, at this moment overwhelms me, love." As tears began to form in the corner of Helena's sapphire blue eyes, she smiled widely and said, "And now, the world awaits to see your beauty as I have always seen it." Helena waved her hand, just for effect, and removed the veil as if pulling back a stage curtain to reveal the star of a show for an encore.
The entire room gaped in awe at the sight before them. MC was stunning. The golden hue of the streaks of the cape seemed to glisten and glow. She looked as if she was sparkling. It was a magnificent sight to behold. The room erupted with applause. King Barzilai commanded, "Princess MC, step forward and re-present yourself to this council." MC walked forward. "And now, it is time that I present, my gift to you." Lord Reiner stepped forward, bowed before the King and held out a long thin sword. "It is customary among the Dwarfish people to present a weapon that contains the blood of the fallen enemy to provide the slayer with a reminder of how precious life is. As with most warriors, the blood of the enemy is the most precious thing to them. However, your are not a warrior nor an ordinary hero. This world must understand the only reason for this extermination of evil. And thus I have decided to present you with something that you will treasure above all. Kneel before me, Princess MC." MC, carefully knelt before the King and bowed her head. Queen Ishara gently cleared her throat and shook here head back and forth as to say 'no, don't bow'. MC corrected the placement of her head and looked the King straight in the eyes. He took the sword from Reiner's hands and raised it above his head, holding both hilt and blade in each hand. "For your service to this realm, and with the deepest gratitude of all of the rulers of this world, I present to you this sword made of the most desired metal of our wold. This metal, unyielding, and forged from hottest fires ever produced, to fuse metal and blood in its purest form. I now present you with this sword that contains the the thing that you treasure above all - the blood of woman whose love has saved this world. Behold that of your love, Helena Klein."
Thank God that MC was already on her knees or she would have dropped there instantly. The blood drained from her face. Queen Ishara, walked over to her left side and placed her hand on MC's shoulder. King Barzilai, placed the sword on a long table. and turned in the direction of Lord Reiner. Reiner, now bowing before the King, one more, presented him with two more items. Another long sword, with a much thinker blade, and a beautifully woven blue and silver thick cord. The King took the items from Reiner and commanded, "Helen Klein, present yourself before this council." Helena's eyes grew wide with shock. She moved before the King and bowed. "Kneel beside your betrothed, Lady Klein." Helena looked at MC, smiled, and knelt beside her on her right. Lord Reiner, stepped away from the King and joined Helena on her right side and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Lady Helena Klein, for your sacrifice to this realm and to commemorate your act of true change which brought about that which was responsible for the freedom from a wickedness so vile," He stepped forward and in a loud demanding voice that filled the room he announced, "I hereby declare that from this day forward that all past death and destruction done due to the command of a forced hand is hence by absolved, forever. Under penalty of death, no one in this realm shall ever refer to you as the source for these atrocities again. You have endured far too much at our expense, and it time that all within this realm, offer their forgiveness. This world owes you our gratitude. I seal this vow and wipe away any doubt with this sword, infused with the same metal as the sword of your betrothed and the blood of the Witch Queen. You are at long last released from her hands. Released from the vengeful eyes of those who seek revenge for any act that you committed as ordered by her hand. I proclaim you, newly reborn as Helena Klein, "Mistress of Love and Light".
With this proclamation, MC dropped so quickly, that Ishara could not catch her. But this time, unlike previously, she did not pass out. With a reverent posture, she placed her head on the feet of the King and cried, "My God, your Majesty, thank you so much. Thank you." King Barzilai bent down and with a strong smile, he reached down and gently cradled MC's tear drenched face in his hands and spoke so softly that only she could hear, "I knew that this would be the gift that you most desired." he winked. In a father-like tone he scolded, "And what I have I told you about bowing? Resume your proper place next to your betrothed." MC wiped the tears from her face and returned to her kneeling position next to Helena. Ishara, tapped her gently on the shoulder as if her touch was saying 'It's all right my dear. hang in there.' In a sightly louder voice that was only loud enough for those within immediate proximity he said in a jolly voice, "This is my personal gift to both of you, which is customary in this case because I am tired of referring to you as 'betrothed'. And it is time that this title change here an now."
The look on the faces of both MC and Helena was priceless. Both looked at each other in shock. MC cocked her head and mouthed the words to Helena, "He's not gonna ... is he?" Helena returned looked with raised eyebrows and quietly said "Well, it is within his power." Then Queen Ishara leaned in and softly said "Oh yes he is. And it is about time. Would you not agree?" She turned and nodded to King Barzilai and urged him to proceed. MC thought "Oh, my God. This is happening. This is really happening. I am getting married at this exact moment - by a King!!!"
In a booming voice, King Barzilai announced, "As ruler of this realm, it is with great pleasure that I now present the one gift that I am sure all will agree is most required in this instance. Princess MC and Mistress Helena Klein, take hands please." In this truly romantic moment, what does MC do? Does she contemplate on the love she has for Helena? Does she think back to everything they have gone through? Does she bring to the front of her mind how deeply her love is for her and that she would be willing to kill and die for her? No, this completely unraveled woman lets out a slight nervous giggle at the word 'Mistress'. Then she thinks about how that term could be of great use later. Finally realizing that her girlish giggle was heard by everyone within earshot, she cupped her free hand around her mouth and sheepishly said, "Sorry. I'm just really nervous" and she frowned. "Go ahead continue, don't stop on my account." She rolled her eyes. Everyone, including the King, was grinning.
King Barzilai reached down and took the blue and silver cord from the table. "It has been brought to my attention that there is a custom in Helena's culture that is similar to that of the custom of binding of my lineage. And thus, I will merge both customs to bind you here today." He held the cord in front of him and stretched it. "Please, I invite you both to place your free hands on the cord while I bless it." Each touched the cord. "The Dwarven custom demands that this cord be fashioned from an article of clothing from someone who has died in battle. Some one who represents the love of spirit, ever enduring. This cord has been fashioned by the garments of one who is most dear to you, Helena. A man who had endured that same cruelty as you, for many years. Who was also forced to kill at her hand or risk a punishment far greater than death. A man, whom I also absolve here today for his past transgressions. I present this cord made from clothing and hair of Alain Richter. For it is my true belief that he would have desired to be witness to this blessed event. As he cannot be present to stand with you Helena, we have asked Lord Reiner to act in his stead."
Now it was Helena turn to unravel. She clutched the cord tightly and sobbed. Reiner gently squeezed Helena shoulder. MC took Helena hand and brought it up to her lips and kissed it tenderly. Helena turned and smiled at MC. MC nodded with a 'It's okay, I am here' look. King Barzilai spoke some words in a foreign language. Then he wrapped the cord around the entwined hands of Helena and MC. "With this cord I bind these two souls together for all of eternity. May their love shine as a beacon to lighten the darkest days. For the love that this couple share, has enough power to save a world. Every living body should hope to acquire such a deep and true love." Then the King grabbed the two swords from the table and held one in each hand. Both Ishara and Reiner removed their hands from the shoulders of both women. He placed the tip of the blade of Helena"s sword on the shoulder of MC and the tip of MC's sword on Helena's shoulder. "As these sword are unyielding in their metal properties, I declare here today, that this love shall be forever unyielding to person and time. From this day, these two souls are one. Let nothing divide them." He spoke directly to MC and Helena, "Arise now as one and seal this oath with an embrace to declare your love for each other".
They stood and faced each other. "Your Majesty, may I please say something to this beautiful woman before me in front of everyone? It is customary in my culture." He nodded and bowed. MC guided their hands towards her chest and placed Helena's hands on her heart.
"Helena Klein, I do believe that everyone has a purpose in life. Some people never realize their purpose until they met that someone that they were destined to connect with." She chuckled and continued. "It sure took an awe inspiring act for fate to set into motion the fulfillment of our destiny. I believe with all of my heart, that I loved you from the moment I first saw you. That was not blind faith. That was a soul connection unlike any other. I regret nothing that has happened since we have been together and my only desire is to spend each and every moment together as we continue down this path. No matter what fate has destined for us, I promise you this: I give you my heart openly and freely. I will forever strive to keep you safe from harm. Should there ever come a day where I fail to appreciate every single beautiful thing about you, I know that it will be the day that I take my final breath. You, Helena Klein are the only love I will ever need. I pledge to you, that I am yours, now and for all of eternity. Thank you for making this life complete. I love you with my entire being." This was MC's declaration as tears streamed down her face. King Barzilai looked at Helena and smiled.
Helena softly cleared her throat to remove the choke that had formed from the continuous flow of tears. Repeating the notion that MC had done, she placed MC's hands onto her chest and covered her heart.
"MC, my love. Before you, my life was filled with such pain, torture, sorrow and discord. I had never known the meaning of love. Never has anyone given so much of themselves, to me with an unconditional love. You have opened my eyes to a world where the only things that matters is love. You never judged me and only saw the good in me despite what others felt. The love you have shown me is more than enough to light the night of every day in this life. You have brought out the love, joy and happiness in me. I will never desire to be any place other than by your side. I vow to you on this day to share our dreams together in whatever is to come. With you by my side, we shall make all things good and overcome any obstacles. I have loved you since the first day that we met. And, I shall spend the rest of my life wrapped in your safe and warm aura of love. I will swear to protect your precious heart and guard as if it was my own. I will be the shield that keeps you safe from harm. I will provide all that I am, in this life, and each life to come. My love for you shall never cease, even after I take my last breath. My love, I am yours now and for all of eternity." When Helena finished her vow, she closed her eyes, rested her head on MC's and said quietly, "You are the love of every life. Thank you for making me your wife."
To seal their vow, the two women each gently cradled their faces in each others hands and embraced tenderly. As their lips met, blue and red sparks leapt from their bodies. Floating upwards it combined together to form a beautiful lavender heart which surround their bodies. At long last, they were one in their love for all of the world to see. When they finished their embrace, they pulled away and looked longingly at each other. The look made it clear to all present that this love, was a love for the ages. The room erupted with excitement and cheers.
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modern-sybil · 5 years
Wholesome Entire Magicians Cast Fluff - Chapter Two
Okay, the response to this post was pretty sweet (thank you everyone, you rock!!), so I’m making my idea a multi-chapter thing. Chapter two extends below the cut (this bitch was over 2,000 words, haha)
AO3: In The Happy Pause of it All
Chapter Two - Thanksgiving Competition: Penny vs Eliot
Josh has reviewed the rules, made his changes, and they were ready to go- one week of prep until Thanksgiving. Kady started taking bets on the side as to who everyone thought would win, and was surprised when even Fen got in the game. Who was gonna turn down the High King of Fillory? Even if she bet two silver and jewel daggers, which was a little unorthodox and would be difficult to split among the winners. But they were really pretty, and bad ass (like me, Kady thought, and laughed), and Kady was certain she could figure out how to make sure she ended up with them.
Quentin decided that Penny and El could get two people each to help them make all the food. Josh concurred, a sous chef and a second assistant were well within their rights to have. It took Penny days to make his final decision, but Eliot knew instantly who he wanted.
Q was only a little put out when Eliot chose Alice (I mean, she can cook and all) and Margo instead of him. Alice agreed, albeit grudgingly, and Margo was pretty sure it was because Kady had talked last weekend about how Penny looked really hot when he was cooking, but of course Margo would never say that out loud… Except she did, because she is Margo. Alice blushed and left the room to go make some tea, happy that Kady was out dealing with Hedgewitch business.
Q put up some token resistance at not being chosen, but his heart wasn’t in it. At least this meant he could watch excitedly (and taste test a lot on both sides) and he did not have to worry about accidentally setting something on fire… Like he did that time he tried to make popcorn on the stove. Which was an event Eliot quickly reminded him about.
“Come on, El! It was ONE time!!”
“Yeah, but the loft smelled like burnt popcorn until Alice came home and spelled it away. We do not need a repeat when the stakes are this high, Q. Alice is gonna be too busy ensuring my INEVITABLE VICTORY to spell away the smell of burnt roast duck.”
Penny went with Julia (no one was shocked there). But for his second person, he chose Zelda, which was definitely a twist no one saw coming. Especially Zelda, but everyone could see how happy it made her. She took the time to adjust her glasses before agreeing, trying to act as though she had seen it coming.
He denied it, but Julia was pretty sure he picked Zelda to make her feel more like one of the group, rather than for a tactical advantage. He claimed that her speed reading would come in handy, and handed her a stack of cookbooks to memorize before the big day.
The night before, at a light dinner of salad and soup (everyone was saving room for tomorrow) El suddenly threw down his spoon - “Fuck!! We never decided on what the loser has to do!”
Penny looked up from his not-so-subtle staring at Julia, shaking his head “I thought we were just doing this for bragging rights? And to know for sure who is the best. Which obviously is me.”
“Well, yeah,” El scoffed “but that is for the winner. What will you… I mean, the-as-of-yet-unknown-loser… have to do when they fail miserably and get CRUSHED INTO DUST?”
Marina, who had been crashing the dinners so often lately they just set a permanent place for her at the table, smiled. “I know.” She said. “And it is perfect. Loser has to clean up all the dishes and the entire kitchen - no magic.”
It was agreed, this seemed perfect- completely in harmony with the spirit of the event. And Alice had agreed to be a sous chef, so it wasn’t fair to assume she’d clean the kitchen as well.
Josh dragged a chair over so he could watch the whole event “to prevent cheating/maintain his unbiased outlook and ensure no travesties against food were commited” but everyone knew it was because he wanted to enjoy every second of being valued so much for his skills, and it was kinda cute tbh.
Penny went with a classic Thanksgiving feast, the only time he ran into an issue was when he wanted to have canned cranberry sauce - Josh said that was a no-go because it was a cooking competition. After a quick team huddle Penny had to send Jules out for more ingredients and he thanked his lucky stars that Zelda had memorized 6 different recipes for the jellied berries, so they put their heads together to come up with the perfect combo recipe.
Quentin kept stealing marshmallows that were supposed to be for the sweet potato casserole, until Penny shot him a look that was so reminiscent of back when they were roommates that Q backed up all the way over to Eliot’s prep station and stayed there for a good fifteen minutes. Peeking out from behind El’s back he waited Penny was adequately distracted and swooped in again. Zelda was making candied nuts, and all the wrath in the world couldn’t stop him from sneaking a few here and there.
Eliot was going all-out. This was a gourmet feast that would make Emeril Lagasse quake in his boots. Alice was a whirlwind behind and around him, definitely not putting on any extra flair for Kady, who was watching while leaning against a pillar, smiling gently. Margo was the most focused she had been since her quest in the dessert, attacking each task Eliot gave her with a voracious passion that made Josh shift a little in his chair and Fen bite her lip and unconsciously twirl her hair around her finger.
Of course Eliot also had themed drinks which he was crafting with care, crushing the mint delicately and lining the cup rims while keeping an eye on Quentin to make sure he wasn’t eating all of the sugar crusted flower petals because those were for garnish goddamnit. But he had to smile, because thinking back to the start of it all, his plan definitely worked. Q was eating regularly and his clothes all fit again. Taking a quick pause to look around, El was filled with a happiness that he never had in the mind-palace-situation, even in the physical kids college, because this? This was home. This was a family that knew him and loved him for who he was. This was everything…
“Quit your fucking daydreaming and mash your goddamn potatoes, Eliot” Margo snapped, hands never stilling from perfectly slicing apples and arranging them into rosettes. But then she looked up at him and smiled, and he knew that she once again saw him and understood where he was at, what he was thinking… But that this was a competition, and they had priorities.
Soon the entire apartment filled with the scent of happiness and home and good cooking, the savory notes of rosemary and turkey mixing with the sweetness of apple and pecan pies, offset with the spiciness of cardamom and ginger. Q was hopping all over the place at this point from the sugar high of his taste-testing, and eventually both Julia and Eliot agreed they had to banish him from the kitchen because he kept getting underfoot. But even as she made him leave, Jules smiled and snuck him another handful of marshmallows to tide him over.
Quentin decided to use all this energy to set the table, and as he was setting down the last of the dishes, everyone started trickling in. Fogg had brought his record player, and got some mellow tunes going in the background. In the past, none of the group would have thought Frank Sinatra was thanksgiving music, but after today everyone would smile and remember every time they heard “the way you look tonight” on the radio. Alice even sometimes added it to the queue of the playlist they normally had softly going in the evenings, just to ease tensions. She thought the way everyone’s face lit up was even better than the taste of bacon.
Marina came with a box of little gifts for everyone, which made everyone think that the universe had flipped upside down and pigs had wings, until her girlfriend came in behind her, all smiles and happiness and Marina passed off the box to Fen with a smile and a muttered “the things I do for love,” shuddering slightly before going to collect her girlfriend’s jacket to put in the other room.
Harriet came with a couple other Hedges that only Julia and Kady knew, so they added in the extra panel to the table and set more plates, and made sure they knew about the competition and why there were two completely different but complete meal options currently being prepared. Harriet pulled Kady aside and told her that these Hedges had nowhere else to go, and Kady just smiled and said “well, it is good that we have enough food for an army, then!”
Tick followed Fen around asking questions about absolutely everything until she got frustrated, he was distracting her from watching Margo…. uh, hanging out with the whole group as they finished up with the cooking. So she set him in front of the TV and showed him how to work the remote and left him to his own devices.
Dinner was eaten, everyone was lazing about the living room in various stages of food-coma, and the time for judgement had come. Josh was making a big deal of it, which made Penny frustrated, but Eliot saw as only right given the seriousness of his task. As he ate Josh had been writing notes in a notebook and he spent a good thirty minutes in his throne, er, chair, listening seriously to the input of every guest before adding to the tallies he was keeping.
After an hour, Margo started impatiently tapped her foot, staring at him and caressing Sorrow and Sorrow with a meaningful look. Clearing his throat and nervously adjusting his collar, Josh spoke. Finally.
“This was a close one, and opinions were widely split between the contestants.” He started, as Kady pulled out her list of who bet and what they bet. “In the end, I had to step back a bit. I had to take taste alone out of the competition, and go back to what Thanksgiving is all about. How it is the taste of childhood, the memories of years gone by…”
“And for that reason, sorry El, Penny is the clear winner.”
Penny and Julia let out a whoop from the corner where they were standing, grabbing her around the waist Penny spun her in a circle. Then, catching himself, he put a solemn look on his face and said “well, if you are sure.”
Kady started making the rounds, collecting money. Fogg handed his over with equanimity, Zelda was sheepish, making sure she told the room that she placed her bet BEFORE being chosen for Penny’s team, and thought it wasn’t fair to the spirit of the competition to change her mind. Margo scoffed and sat back in her chair, eyeing Josh up and down as though she had never seen anyone more ridiculous. Eliot dramatically draped himself over the couch, putting his head in Q’s lap. “I’m ruined,” he sighed, placing a hand against his forehead. Q ran a comforting hand through his hair, soothing the taller man as best as he could in the moment of his defeat.
“Josh,” Margo said , “you better explain why I, I mean, Eliot, lost… Right fucking now.”
Laughing nervously, Josh continued “Well, you see, Eliot’s dishes were amazing, no doubt. But Penny’s tasted more like Thanksgiving, and after hearing what the people had to say” he gestured around, spreading the blame as best as he could “I had to go with the meal that best fit the theme. The actual flavors were too neck-and-neck, I couldn’t pick on that alone in the end.” Margo nodded, once, reaching behind her for her purse to pay up, and Josh sighed in relief.
“Fair is fair,” Marina said, her girlfriend sitting in her lap contentedly, “Penny gets the bragging rights and Eliot cleans the kitchen - no magic.” Quentin could swear her eyes were a bit extra gleeful at the outcome, but he couldn’t be sure how she would have reacted if Penny had lost, so he kept the thought to himself.
Pulling himself up from the couch gracefully, Eliot exclaimed “never let it be said that I am a sore loser!!” With a flourish he created a trophy magically, and presented it to Penny. As Margo laughed and rolled her eyes, Penny smiled and polished it a bit with his sleeve. “I now will go… wash dishes and clean floors.”
Walking away, after grabbing Q’s hand to pull him along, Eliot turned around “But rest assured, my friend… There will be a rematch.”
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katelides · 6 years
Bechloe Week Day 4: Why?
Bechloe Week Day 4: Why?
“I can’t believe you’re actually hanging out with that freak.” Alice says with a disgusted tone. “She’s actually not that bad.” Chloe tries to defend Beca Mitchell, the tiny alternative DJ she has had a crush on since forever, the little brunette she had kissed the previous night. “You’re lucky that we actually need her to DJ at the dance, thank our lucky stars she’s a decent DJ.” Aubrey can see the conflicted look in her best friend’s eyes. She has known that Chloe has had a crush on the DJ since she moved here 3 years ago. Sadly the brunette was shunned into exile by the popular girls so Chloe never really go the chance to get to know her, until the dance that was.
Chloe want’s to protest the leader of the group but quickly shuts her mouth when Alice starts speaking again. “Good call in trying to seduce her to DJ for free, I knew you had it in you Beale.” Chloe meekly nods her head. “I’ve got to give it to you Beale, I never thought you’d have the guts to do it.” Clair another semi leader of the group chimes in. “I guess being able to manipulate a scrawny senior isn’t as hard as you make it seem.” Chloe says in her most fake voice she can muster, almost being in pain having to say the sentence.
Beca is almost in tears, staring at the one person she thought she could trust, the one person that would never hurt her. How could Chloe betray her so badly, toy with her emotions as if it was nothing. The worst part was that the redhead never had the chance to see the brunette in the door opening. If only she had seen the broken expression on the young DJ’s face she could have fixed this. She never even realised anything had happened until she heard the door slam shut behind her.
Chloe turns around with a start and lets out a soft ‘oh no’ before running after the brunette. Aubrey quickly follows her best friend because she knows she’ll need it. Chloe really messed up and even Aubrey knew that the brunette wouldn’t forgive her easily. According to Beca’s best friend the DJ didn’t trust many people and Chloe is one of the biggest exceptions so after what she had heard just now it would be a miracle if she ever spoke to Chloe again.
It takes them a few minutes to actually catch up with the brunette, Aubrey a few paces behind to give the two some space. “Beca... Beca please wait, please!” Chloe shouts after the brunette but gets ignored completely. If it wasn’t for Beca trying to unlock her bike Chloe wouldn’t have caught up to her. “Beca please you have to believe me, I didn’t mean any of that stuff.” The only reaction the redhead gets is a scoff. “Please let me expla-”
“No, you don’t have to explain Chloe, I heard enough back there.” Beca snaps, really holding back the tears. “Out of all the people that could have done shit to me, you were the last one I’d expected it from.” Chloe wants to take a step closer but Beca instantly takes a step back. “Do you even realise how much it hurts me when I hear people talk about me, you... us? But every time I pushed it aside and actually believed your words.” Beca clears her throat trying to find some stability yet not being able to stop one stray tear from rolling down her cheek, quickly wiping it away.
“I know I hurt you Beca but you have to bel-” Once again Beca cuts the redhead off. “You don’t even know why I’m angry Chloe, it wasn’t about all the things you said that might have been true or all the things you said that might have been lies. You don’ t even realise how badly you hurt me, I’m angry because you’re the first person ever that made me cry.” Chloe can’t stop her own tears from flowing down her cheeks. “Why Chloe, why did you do it in the first place? Why did you say it?” Beca whispers in such a pained tone that it’s enough for Chloe to break down. “I-I can’t do this anymore, this is goodbye...”
Beca doesn’t look back when she steps on her bike. It’s only when she knows she’s far enough she lets her tears flow freely. The last 3 weeks of school were going to be pure hell for her but it won’t stop her from following her dream of going to LA, now nothing could get in her way.
Aubrey slowly walks up to her best friend who had fallen to her knees when the brunette had ridden of on her bike. She has no idea how to calm her best friend down, she had never seen her this heart broken. “I love her Bree and I fucked up, I need her.” Aubrey’s heart shatters into a million pieces. Her best friend was dead serious  and there was no denying it after the f-bomb she just dropped. “We’ll fix this Chlo, I don’t know how but I know we will.” First I need to find out where she lives.
Aubrey rings the doorbell to a tiny house that is supposed to belong to the Mitchells. Surely a few minutes the door opens with a loud creak. “What the hell are you doing here?” The blonde isn’t completely surprised by the reaction she just got. “I need to talk to you.” She calmly says. “If you’re worried about the stupid dance don’t worry I’ll still do it.” The blonde shakes her head. “No, it’s not about the dance. It’s about Chloe.”
Beca tries to slam the door in Aubrey’s face but fails when the blonde puts her foot in between. “Please, I only need 5 minutes, I’m begging you.” Beca lets out a sarcastic chuckle. “Never thought I’d hear Posen beg.” With a heavy sigh Beca opens the door again and lets Aubrey inside. “How did you even find me?” She asks as Aubrey makes her way into the living room. “Being the head of the student council has its perks.” Aubrey answers with a shrug.
“Ok, anyway... do you want some lemonade? I just made some.” Aubrey cocks her eye brow in surprise. “Yes Posen, I’m not that hopeless as you might think.” The blonde casts her eyes down in embarrassment. “Besides, I know this is going to take more that 5 minutes so you might as well make yourself comfortable.” The blonde looks up in surprise. “I uhm I guess some lemonade does sound nice.” Beca rolls her eyes. “Do you want something to eat as well?”
Aubrey shakes her head but quickly realises that Beca can’t see it from the kitchen. “No thank you, that’s nice of you to offer though.” Beca returns with a pitcher and two glasses. “I’m actually not sure why you’re here though, I know that Chloe is your best friend and all but I thought you’d be happy that she won’t be hanging out with me any more.” Beca says casually as if today never happened. “That’s where you’re wrong. Ever since you moved to town 3 years ago Chloe has had a crush on you, and you have no idea how excited she was when she got the task to talk to you about being the DJ at the dance. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to get to know you.”
Beca sighs. “Look, I don’t care whether she had or has a crush on me. Today she betrayed my trust and that’s something I hold very high. What she said today really hurt my feelings, I didn’t expect her to admit anything to you guys but I at least hoped she would stand up for me a little.” Aubrey nods her head. “I guess she never really cared as much as she made me believe. You can tell her not to worry about the dance, I won’t bail on you guys but I don’t want to talk to her.”
“Isn’t there anything she can do to make it up to you?” Beca shakes her head. “This wouldn’t have worked anyway, she’s the most popular girl in school and I’m the outcast, I’m still surprised you’re here at all.” Aubrey rolls her eyes. “That doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” Beca raises her brow challengingly. “Ok, I used to hate you but ever since Chloe got to know you and I heard her talk about you I started to hate you less and less.” Beca rolls her eyes with a smirk. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me Posen.” Aubrey chuckles. “I guess you’re not half as bad as I thought’d be.”
“Alright, now you’re just being mushy.” Beca says with a growl. “I guess that now were on these awkward ‘I have no idea what we are’ terms I should warn you about Bumper.” Aubrey raises her brow questioningly. “I heard her wants to throw water balloons at the cheerleaders when you enter the ballroom.” Aubrey’s jaw drops. “That little rat.” Beca chuckles. “I know he’s your brother and all but I thought I’d let you know so you can save yourself and Chloe.”
Aubrey smiles genuinely for once. “Never thought that I would ever say these words but... thank you Mitchell, you’re a great person and Chloe would be damn lucky to have you in her life, I just hope you’ll give her a chance to make it up to you.” Beca lets out a sigh. “Like I said before Posen, she broke my trust and it will take more than an apology to fix this.” The blonde hums in agreement. “I understand, I’m just asking for you to listen to her when you’re ready.”
Beca agrees and shows Aubrey out the door. “Oh and Mitchell?” The brunette hums to show that she heard the blonde. “That lemonade was aca-awesome.” Beca frown at the ace prefix. “Oh god it’s contagious.” She semi jokes. “Shut it Mitchell, you find it charming when Chloe does it, don’t deny it.”  Beca just shrugs her shoulders. The mention of the redhead’s name still send chills down her spine.
It’s prom night, all the seniors are arriving in their hired limousines and fancy tuxes and dresses. The popular kids are showing off while the nerds make sure no one sees them. Beca looks around the different social groups and rolls her eyes. She hates the big school events and if it wasn’t for her DJ-ing that night she would have probably stayed home. The brunette checks her watch and sees that the playlist she put up was almost at it’s end, which of course meant that she had to go do her thing.
Beca walks back into the gym and makes a beeline to her little set up. They put her on a platform so she could look over the crowd with a little stage next to her where the huge king and queen announcement would be made later that night. “Mitchell...” Beca internally growls as she hears Alice shout her name over the music. She slowly turns around to face the other girl. “What do you want?” She asks in between gritted teeth. “First you need to clean up your attitude and second you’ll need to change.”
The brunette looks down at her outfit. It’s a black pantsuit with a white semi corset underneath that really showed off her assets. Not that she cared or anything but she though that at least once she could look decent. “First of all, you have no taste in music so I’m going to ignore you and second you can go fuck yourself, have you even seen what you’re wearing? It looks like something died on you.” Without giving the other girl a chance to say anything else, Beca turns around and climbs up to her place for the rest of the evening.
The evening is pretty slow at first but 2 hours in and the party is fully in place. Beca had received many compliments from many of her classmates and others who she had never even seen before. She had seen Jesse and Benji dance in a corner, Stacie flirting with the entire football team and a girl named Fat Amy or at least that what she was told pour something in the punch.
When the room grows quiet, except for the music playing, Beca knows something’s up. She looks up from her laptop and her stops breathing for a second. Chloe walks in with a guy named Chicago at her arm. They looked like the perfect couple, except they never dated. The redhead looked amazing in her navy blue gown that flowed around her, making her look like she floated on air. Beca can see the fake smile in the girl’s face and the pain in her eyes.
The two girls lock eyes for just a brief moment but that moment was enough for both to realise how empty they are without the other. They had already known before but now, seeing each other at what is supposed to be the most memorable night of their high school lives it really hit them hard.
Chloe is the first one to break the eye contact as she has to say hello to all of her friends. “She misses you.” Beca jumps up at the voice behind her. “Dude, what the hell.” Aubrey lets out a laugh and climbs up to stand next to the DJ. “I know you’re still angry but please talk to her, even if it’s just a second. She needs you, I have never seen her this broken in my life.” Beca sighs. “I can’t promise you anything Posen, but I can tell you one thing, I don’t want the last time I talk to her to be because I hate her.”
Aubrey nods her head and looks down at the crowd. “You’re doing a great job tonight, you really surprised me.” Beca smiles while changing to another track. “I guess I’m full of surprises Posen.” The blonde playfully pushes the brunette before making her way down to her best friend.
20 minutes later the principal walks up the small stage and Beca hands her a microphone. “Students, settle down. I know you’re having fun so I want to do this as short as possible. The prom King this year is... Chicago Walp.” The crowd erupts in loud cheers and some weird chants can be heard from the football team. “As for the... Ok, as for the prom queen...” The principal says while putting a crown on the brunet’s head. “We had 2 nominees and I would like both to com up on stage... Alice Young and Chloe Beale.”
The crowd goes wild and many shout either Chloe’s or Alice’s name. Beca just glares at the black haired girl while trying to avoid Chloe’s eyes. “This year’s prom queen is... oh my, I did not see this coming, the prom queen is ... Chloe Beale, congratulations.” As hard as she might try, Beca can’t help the tiny smile forming on her face. Of course this doesn’t go completely unnoticed by Chloe.
Alice throws her hands up in the air before lunging forward to grab the crown from Chloe. “That’s supposed to be mine!” The girl scream but the minute she even reaches Chloe she gets pulled back by someone who easily pins her down. “Miss Young, I would like to see you in my office... now!” The girl stands up and finally sees who pinned her down. Beca grins as she sees the angry yet defeated look on her greatest enemy’s face. “I will get you for this.” Alice hisses at the brunette before being escorted out of the room by the principle.
“I believe this is yours.” The brunette holds out the crown, slightly higher so she can put in on Chloe’s head. “Thank you.” The redhead whispers gently. “I guess now it’s time for the traditional royal dance. King take your queen away.” Beca retakes her place behind the turning table and waits for the couple to make their way down. Chicago has a funny look on his face and takes a step back. Before anyone can question what’s going on Chloe starts talking.
“I know everyone is probably wondering why we’re not going down to have the first dance, and I will explain right now. Last week I hurt someone I really care about. When she confronted me about it she asked me one thing... Why... why did I say the things I said. I thought about it for a very long time and came to one conclusion...” Chloe finally turns to face Beca who is staring at the redhead with a slacked jaw.
“... Beca, I’m so sorry for what I said, and I know you won’t forgive me but I have to tell you this. I was terrified of what other’s thought of me, I let Alice dictate my life. I would do anything to please her because that’s what I thought I had to do. But when I started hanging out with you, you showed me what it was to be a real person. You made me laugh and actually listened to what I had to say. So my answer to your question... I did it because I was scared to be outcasted but I really couldn’t care less about that if I lose you in the process.”
Beca has no idea what to do or say yet her body decides for her. The brunette walks up to the redhead and wraps her into a long hug. “I don’t want to lose you either.” She whispers quietly and presses a gentle kiss on Chloe’s cheek.
Chicago taps the DJ on her shoulder and looks down at her with a smile. “I won’t be needing this, you’re the queen to our queen.” And he places the crown on Beca’s head which results in the entire gym to cheer. Beca thanks the quarterback and turns to face Chloe again. “Can I have this dance?” She asks the redhead with an insecure smile. “With you, always.” Beca wants to go and put on some music but stops when she sees Luke already in place. “Go have fun Becky, I got you covered.”
The two girls don’t wait for anything else to be said and descend to the middle of the room to have their first dance. Nothing could have been more magical. Or so they thought until they danced their first dance on their wedding day.
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
Count on Me [fic]
Pairings: Kawanishi Taichi/Tendou Satori 
Summary: Taichi thinks about his life and his struggles, and how his best friend never fails to be there for him every step of the way. It's no wonder they fit together so perfectly.
Rating: T
Note: Hello again! This was my piece for the @middleblockerzine <3 It was an honor to be involved in this project, and I love being able to write rarepairs every once in a while! Enjoy! 
Read on AO3!
Taichi doesn't have a bad temper.
Quite the opposite actually. He considers himself fairly neutral when it comes to most situations. Sometimes he can get annoyed at small things, like obnoxious laughs and stupid drivers, but he's the last person to snap or blow up at someone for no reason.
He prides himself on it, can't help it.
Downstairs he hears his mother yell at his dad, and there's a loud, deliberate crash.
Another broken dish, he supposes. He'll be told to clean it up later, so he guesses he'll find out then.
Taichi frowns at the ceiling of his bedroom, though it's not a drastic change in his expression. He's always frowning. Always glaring. Or, that's what everyone says about him.
"Kawanishi-kun is so cute! But he looks so mean...I don't know if I should ask him for his notes..."
"What's wrong with you huh? You always look like you're having a shit day man!"
"Kawanishi-san, you should tell your son Taichi he needs to smile more."
"Is he even happy he scored that point? What a prick..."
Yeah. That's just how it goes.
Again though, Taichi doesn't consider himself an angry person, not by a long shot.
The yells from downstairs get louder, and Taichi reaches over to his nightstand with a sigh, ready to block out the vicious noise with the playlist Tendou had sent him earlier that day.
The music is soothing, the lyrics just ridiculous enough to remind Taichi that yes, Tendou totally made this himself. Taichi laughs, twirling his headphone cord in his fingers as the notes loosen the tension in his body.
But his dilemma won't leave him alone.
'Resting bitch face' would be putting it lightly, he thinks. He knows he looks mean okay? He's seen the family reunion and birthday party pictures, he doesn't need to be reminded that he has an issue.
Taichi pouts, turning onto his side.
It's not his fault his face looks so pissed all the time. He's not aware of it 24/7, and it's not something he can up and change right off the bat.
And he figures at the end of the day, he doesn't care. People can judge him all they want, he knows who he is on the inside.
In fact, now that he thinks about it, Taichi loathes bad tempered people. They get too worked up and bring others down (not to mention how sore their throats must be from all that damn yelling), and it's not a personality trait which works well in Taichi's life. In volleyball. Which really, might as well been a synonym for Taichi's whole existence.
The thought eases his nerves a little more, as does the quick text from Tendou about the movie they're going to see next weekend.
He wonders if Tendou can sense it, when Taichi needs him.
Taichi smiles, and though he's not physically on the court at the moment with the other boy, he squirms in his bed, eager to change that.
Playing would sure help calm him down anyways, but it would also mean he'd have to go downstairs, so he passes on the thought.
He feels his phone vibrate again on his chest, and he picks it up eagerly like he always does.
For him, as embarrassing as it sounds, Tendou is his ideal person. The opposite of the spectrum. Where Taichi appears withdrawn and agitated on the outside, Tendou is boisterous and expressive in ways so grand, Taichi used to have a hard time telling truth from false. For a lot of people, the redhead is too much. Too eccentric, too noticeable, too everything. But Taichi has never been too anything in his life except too distant, no matter what he does to change it. Tendou is the first person to see and appreciate Taichi for things other than his bleak lack of expression, and as a result, Taichi really can't get enough of him.
They fit like that.
Taichi: sounds good, just tell me what I owe you for the ticket Satori: Taiiichiiii, what kind of commentary is that? That trailer was supposed to blow your mind!
Taichi rolls his eyes, but his fingers are already typing back. Normally, Tendou is right, like he usually is. Goddamn him.
Taichi should've responded more ecstatically, more upbeat. But well, it felt too fake right then.
Taichi: idk, it feels pretty blown Satori: .... Satori: you're frowning
Taichi's brow furrows at the suddenness, and at the same time, he hears his parents stomp down the hall through his headphones, the yells closer and louder.
Taichi: when am I not frowning?
The little bubble which tells him Tendou is typing makes Taichi weirdly anxious. It shouldn't since he's used to this. He's gotten over the panic which came with initially trading numbers with the other middle blocker. The worry of being interesting or entertaining enough...those fears are gone. The obnoxious butterflies are not, but Taichi has grown to expect those too.
He knows what to expect before he even reads Tendou's new messages, but it doesn't make the electricity travel up his body any less.
Because sometimes...sometimes Tendou just knows, and it makes Taichi's heart and lungs squeeze.
Satori: mmm Satori: I guess Satori: but you're frowning for real this time
The words lack punctuation because Tendou doesn't see the point in it, the slam of a door down the hall takes the place of a period just fine.
Taichi closes his eyes, and wills himself to relax his face, knowing it still looks as pissed and disgruntled as always. But if Tendou were there, he'd know it to be anything but.
In truth, maybe Taichi doesn't have a neutral personality at all. Maybe he's as emotional and impassioned as Tendou is, all his feelings swimming below a calm surface, and he's quietly bursting at the seams.
But rather than pour his heart out explicitly, he tells Tendou only what he needs to for the other to get it, and that's never been a lot.
Taichi: yeah, guess I am
Tendou sends him another playlist after about a minute of silence, and the songs on it are more soothing and positive this time around. Taichi smiles, big and bright, and no one can tell him he's not.
Taichi is eleven years old when he feels the rush of block for the first time, when his addiction starts for both the sport he loves, and the boy he blocks beside.
He jumps up on pure instinct, his feet aching and his forehead sweating from a long practice game in his gym class. He doesn't really know why he'd been trying so hard in the first place. Something had simply clicked in him at the start of the game, and when all his teammates began to move slower, when all the plays became careless, Taichi still put in one hundred percent of his effort.
The reward for this is a high he'd never get tired of, a drug administered with a fast beating heart and a swift leap off the ground.
The sting against his arms feels hard enough to leave welts, but it takes his breath away to see the ball bounce off his forearms, hitting his opponent's side of the court with a deafening slam.
Completely shut out.
The realization travels up his spine and along his nerves, and nothing is the same after that.
His arms are red and burning, and no one else seems nearly as into the game as he is, but the moment is everything to him, and he knows he could play volleyball forever and a day.
He's not the only one.
"Whoa, how did you know where the ball was going?"
Taichi, who is tasked with helping put the net away once the final point is scored, jumps at the voice. He spins around, and his shock doubles.
The boy in front of him is a little shorter than him, but he stands out more than anyone Taichi has ever seen. His eyes are too wide and searching to look natural on his chubby face, his arms long and hanging at his sides.
Taichi is young, so he admits it to himself, the guy looks weird. Not only that, but Taichi knows exactly who he is, because how could he not? Shouts and whispers of the school's resident freak or monster are hard to miss, no matter how much Taichi doesn't care.
Still, he's wary, because he knows nothing about the redhead in front of him, and whether or not he deserves those cruel nicknames in the first place.
But Taichi also can't resist talking about volleyball, and anyone willing to indulge him for once instead of avoiding him like the plague are already off to a good start in his book.
"The setter kept favoring his best friend for the spikes, so it was easy to guess he'd toss to him for the last point," Taichi says, picking up stray balls around the court. He's being followed, but the redhead's hovering isn't bothersome.
In fact, Taichi welcomes the company, no matter how strange.
He can see the skip in the redhead's step at the subject of volleyball, and Taichi can relate. His nerves are still on fire, and he bites his lip, wishing the game didn't have to end.
"Ah I see, I hadn't noticed, so I guessed wrong," the other says, and there's a shrill whine in his voice which makes Taichi actually laugh. Because yeah, he'd have been pissed too if he'd misjudged.
The redhead's eyes get wider, an impossible feat in Taichi's mind, and his laugh dies. Maybe I'm being awkward...shit...
There's a brief, strained silence while Taichi continues cleaning, but his eyes won't leave the redhead's shocked expression. Taichi arches a brow, too afraid to ask the question on his mind.
The hell?
"You smiled," the other boy says, and the awe in his voice is enough to make the back of Taichi's neck burn.
Well, no one has said it that way before.
"Yeah I...I do that," Taichi replies, dumbly, and curses himself a second later, his face falling back into his natural scowl.
All of a sudden, the other boy is laughing so loud the rest of the gym is staring at them, and Taichi groans, because he can practically hear the new whispers going around.
Do you think that Kawanishi kid is friends with the freak?
It would make sense, they're both no fun to be around.
Yeah, sounds about right.
Taichi is coming to the age where he cares less and less though, far too used to being misconstrued for every single thing he does.
So he focuses back on the redhead, pouting to himself. "Hey, what's so funny?"
The other contains his giggles poorly, but Taichi can understand him well enough. "Nothing! Sorry sorry! I was surprised! I figured you couldn't smile, like a medical condition or something."
Taichi straightens like a rod, rigid and humiliated. It's nothing he's not accustomed too, but somehow it hurts in that moment, maybe because he'd been riding the high of the game. He knows he always looks unhappy, upset for some reason or another.
But...he doesn't like that he looks that way even while he's playing volleyball. Today is the first time he's ever played, and he loves it so much already.
Apparently, it doesn't show.
Taichi is ready to tell the other to buzz off and find his own private place to sulk until the school day is over, when the redhead continues.
"Everyone says you're never happy, so I wanted to see for myself, but you looked like you were on cloud nine scoring that last point, even with that frowny mug of yours," he says, and he's laughing again a second later, unperturbed by Taichi's stunned expression.
Taichi looks stupid. He knows he does, like a dear in the headlights, and his hands drop the ball he'd been holding as a foreign warmth envelops him.
I...looked happy?
The words don't really process right, but the emotions rage regardless. His emotions always do. That's the screwed up part.
Taichi is a real cry baby on the inside, little things make him happy every day, from his favorite songs to a good book. But no one notices, and nowadays he doesn't expect them to.
But today, someone did.
The other boy continues to babble in front of him, and Taichi can't object, doesn't want to. Like a soft blanket, the pleasant feeling in his veins continues throughout lunch as he sits near his new and unexpected friend. It persists when he gets home, and they text for the first time.
It even lasts until the week after, when they join a community volleyball club together.
For a long time, Taichi didn't know how to explain the feeling, but now he knows it simply comes with being around the other boy.
Of course, he learns this boy's name is Tendou Satori, and that his guesses are seldom wrong, but that with Taichi, Tendou never needs to guess.
He notices right away how Tendou is. Or, how he wants people to think he is.
So expressive. An open book, carefree, only hiding his intentions on the court.
They stick together throughout middle school, and as much as Taichi hates admitting it, they're practically glued at the hip.
Going to Shiratorizawa together is a dream of theirs, and they do whatever it takes to make it. He worries about his lack of expression hindering him from making the team despite his obvious skill, but Tendou has enough energy for the both of them (and probably about fifty more people), and his personality overshadows Taichi’s in the best way.
To say Taichi feels grateful would be an understatement.
“Geez Taichi, you’re practically vibrating, calm down,” Tendou says with a smirk as they walk home. It’s Taichi’s turn to host their after school “study” session, but he knows deep down they’ll just end up watching old volleyball matches and playing videogames.
Taichi snorts, because he really doubts he was vibrating. In fact, next to Tendou, he probably looks a little too stiff. The redhead hasn’t stopped skipping or jumping since they’d left the school. But Tendou has it right, as he usually does. Taichi is ecstatic, and he could climb the world’s tallest mountain right then if asked.
They jostle each other all the way home, proudly able to call themselves best friends and teammates now.
Of course, during practice, and really every other moment, Tendou shouts his excitement and smiles too wide. Taichi is used to this. Again, Tendou is vibrant and dynamic where Taichi resembles more of a statue.
Although Taichi likes his teammates, he can tell they haven’t completely warmed up to him yet. When everyone cheers aloud, Taichi simply stands there, same blank expression on his face while a storm rages in his chest.
It’s okay though. They’ll come around. That’s what Tendou thinks, and Taichi never has much reason to doubt him.
Well, in most things.
See, the thing about Tendou is that he only seems like an open book. If anything, Taichi comes to realize that he has more issues communicating than Taichi does. It might be hard to discern what Taichi actually feels from his face and actions, but when asked, he doesn’t have much trouble coming clean.
“You’re making me feel kind of left out.”
“I was worried when I didn’t hear from you last night.”
“That playlist you gave me was amazing.”
It gets to the point where he makes Tendou blush on accident, and the redhead stutters and chokes on his words for the first time, complaining that Taichi is far too blunt for his own good. Taichi’s entire body heats up all the same, and the rest of their study session that day ends up veiled by some unknown tension.
So yeah, Taichi can express himself in his own ways. After all, words are really all he has.
But Tendou’s emotions never have an outlet. Taichi finds this out the first time Tendou gets openly bullied in middle school. The kids are punks and refuse to let him play a set with them, and Taichi sits out with him in defiance. If he can’t play with Tendou, it’s not worth it. Tendou is still all jokes, all smiles. His cunning guesses are spot on and eventually the other kids get tired of his commentary and leave the court free. Taichi is impressed with Tendou’s wit, his sheer confidence and ability to laugh off all the cruel insults.
But when they get home, he sees the walls crumble. Tendou is agitated and shaking, but he refuses to admit it, as if Taichi can’t tell. The redhead wipes his eyes one too many times, and Taichi can’t bear to pretend anymore. It takes over an hour to coax a confession out of Tendou, and when he does, the floodgates open. “It hurts…when they say shit that’s not true.”
The statement hits Taichi like bricks upon more bricks. And yeah, he can definitely relate. Taichi doesn’t really know how to cry anymore, but he feels his heart ache, and he only hopes Tendou realizes it.
Of course, he does. They get into the habit of comforting each other with soft hugs and subtle touches, when they both feel the familiar pain. When people whisper about Tendou, or criticize Taichi, or when Taichi’s parents scream too loud.
They’re together through it all.
Even now in high school, Tendou still struggles to tell Taichi when he’s upset, when he feels like crying. But Taichi notices, and it’s only fair that he does. Understanding each other goes both ways, and Taichi never hesitates to pull Tendou close when he needs it.
In the end though, they grow slowly, and Taichi prefers to not rush progress. His teammates can tell when he’s on fire, when he’s drunk off a good block, and he welcomes their high fives with a slight smile.
It’s the most he can manage, but it speaks volumes.
And naturally, Tendou makes his own progress too. After all, Taichi was always the blunt one, the upfront one, the one who initiated the tough conversations.
But now, staring blankly at Tendou behind the school gym, Taichi thinks he might’ve misjudged him a bit.
“I like you.”
It’s an oddly placed confession. Taichi had been worried throughout the whole practice that maybe he’d finally upset Tendou somehow, but now…
Wow, they’re both idiots.
Taichi stalls mid-step, letting the words wash over him. They hit him gently, but steal his breath all the same.
“I like you.” It echoes, over and over, like his head can’t get enough.
Tendou bows a little, eyes fixed on the floor, and he’s biting his lip so hard he might break skin and— dammit, I told you to quit doing that.
It’s less annoying than usual though. Instead, Taichi feels like he might explode with joy, and that probably wouldn’t be romantic…having to scrape his remains off the walls. The messed-up thought is evidence enough of how he’s let Tendou influence him, and Taichi only feels happier at the observation.  He’s grinning. Absolutely grinning, like a madman.
A delicate mixture of shock, embarrassment, and familiarity wash over him, and naturally…
Ah, screw it. He should probably just say it huh?
But well, if Tendou is really trying to show how he’s grown, the least Taichi can do is show how he feels.
So he does.
Taichi grabs Tendou’s hand, pulling him into a hug which sends them both to the floor, and the redhead’s eyes widen even more than usual as he’s pulled down. Taichi, because he’s a loser with no knowledge of what he’s supposed to do or how to react, buries his face in his best friend’s neck, taking in the smell of cinnamon and something specifically Tendou.
The redhead coughs from the suddenness, but Taichi is too happy to care. His grin doesn’t go away. It makes sense too, how Tendou is the one who ultimately keeps the cursed expression on his face.
It makes Taichi laugh, along with Tendou’s stunned, blushing face as they pull apart. 
Taichi’s smile turns smug, and he bumps their heads together, and yup, Tendou looks like a fire truck now. Mission accomplished.
Taichi just laughs into the small space between them, unable to contain himself, and it’s pretty much the best feeling in the world.
“I like you too.”
Later, they find out that the whole team had been betting on when they’d get together, but Taichi is too overjoyed to plot his revenge yet.
Eventually, he thinks. Eventually.
When he’s done replaying all his favorite memories, Taichi knows his parents have gone to bed. The house is quiet, but there’s tension running through his body, and he has no plans of sleeping any time soon.
He’s waiting for someone after all, and they’ve never let him down before.
There’s a knock at his window, and Taichi takes out his earphones instantly. Tendou’s playlists are his favorite, but the redhead himself is much preferred.
Ugh, I’m getting cheesier. So be it.
Tendou’s smile on the other side of the window is soft, with just a hint of mischief present, and Taichi can’t help but mirror it as he unlatches the locks.
“Some midnight practice?” Tendou asks automatically, and Taichi is already grabbing his volleyball.
In fact, he’s already in his workout clothes, because he sort of saw this coming. But the predictability isn’t unwelcome, far from it. It’s just how they are. They grow together each day, following in each other’s steps and keeping track of every stumble.
This probably counts as a stumble, but it hardly feels like one, not with Tendou looking at him like that.
Taichi could let the emotions get to him, could pull Tendou inside and rant about his parents until they fall asleep, safe together.
But they had plenty of time for that, for now…
For now, he wanted to play the sport he loved with the boy he loved, and nothing was going to stop him.
He tugged on his tennis shoes excitedly, meeting Tendou at the window with a swift kiss. He let it warm his body, the pleasant chill travelling up his spine like it never failed to do.
He didn’t let Tendou chase after more kisses, like he always tried to. Again, plenty of time for that later. The redhead pouted, but matched Taichi’s grin, because he knew that just as well as Taichi did.
“Let’s go,” Taichi whispers, clutching Tendou’s hand, something which is like breathing to him. The touch is returned automatically, and with that, they disappear into the night, carefree.
Briefly, Taichi’s mind returns to his previous problem. His expression, or lack of one, isn’t something he can probably ever fix. It’ll be annoying yeah, and people will never stop whispering or talking about how upset he always looks.
But right now, he knows they’re wrong. His grin is bright enough to blind, and he feels so many things at once, more than he can truly comprehend.
So yeah, he doesn’t care. As long as his teammates know who he is on the inside, as long as Tendou can read him like an open book, Taichi knows he’ll never have to worry.
He has what he needs, and he’s sure to gain more. But in that moment, it’s more than enough for him.
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guillemettekaylee · 3 years
Lesson 15, Task 2: What has influenced me?
     In all of my years of high school, the other children used to make fun of me because I had an IEP (Individual Education Plan). My parents always told me that letting go of toxic people in your life will be your biggest step in loving yourself. They laughed at me because I’m different, but I laughed at them because they're all the same. I am Kay-Lee, and here's the story of how I overcome my challenges and stopped thinking about what my purpose in life was, but simply realized that all I needed to do was value what was right in front of me. My life is full of experiments and achievements. I have got success many times, and many times I have failed. I've learnt that I am not my mistakes, and that everyone makes mistakes, has struggles, and sometimes even regrets doing things in the past, but there's no limit to what you can do or accomplish except the limits you give yourself. I believe that our challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what make life worth living. I'm addicted to hustling, and I get depressed if I feel like I’m not being productive. I continue to update myself to be a better version of myself. Some days tend to be better than others. We all have a dream. But in order to make these dreams come true, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self discipline, and effort. I say follow your instinct and let your dreams come true, we all have our own unique destination, don't let the pressure of others determine how to live your life, you are the only one who has to access it. Some may say it's crazy, but anything is possible in life. If you think of it, it will come your way. It is the willpower and positive thinking that will bring blessings. I did not just learn this from reading a book, I have been thrown through a lot of obstacles in life, but they've made me realize that for self achievement you need to distance yourself socially to improve in yourself mentally, and to always keep a positive mindset. 
     I was born and raised in the city, but my parents grew up in a small town called Sturgeon Falls. That means that all my relatives were up north. I'm a single child, who was given three incredible half siblings. My parents got divorced when I was around the age of one, it was a blessing because I now have a stepfather, who has stepped up and took the role of taking care of me. He has a huge impact on my life and decision that I've made till this day. He always encouraged me to work hard for the things I want in life and to never give up or take things for granted. Within the last three years, things have changed a lot. We sold our house in Mississauga and moved to a small, country farm town called Alliston. This really prompted my isolation. A lot of my friends started to lose contact with me, because we no longer stumbled upon each other in the hallways anymore. Moving to a different school was hard due to the fact that I was the new girl. When you grow in a small town, you usually have experienced a childhood with most of your friends, so accepting a new person to the group was very unlikely. I’m not saying that I didn’t have friends, I can consider them an acquaintance. School hours were the only time they would talk to me, meaning when I got home my phone wasn’t blowing up with texts, asking to hang out. I really only kept two close friends with me throughout grade 11, and with this all this extra time I had on my hand, I scored myself a position as a junior banquet server at the nearby Golf course across the street from my neighborhood. Let me tell you, that was definitely an amazing experience. I met and worked with the best group of people, this made my time go fast and mostly everyday we worked together to serve functions for business parties, weddings, birthdays & etc. Everyday I would see a handful of new faces and new foods, but would work long exhausting hours on the weekend, this one time I worked a 12 hour shift because someone called into the sick and they just simply forgot I was still there. The problem with this job is that it was inconsistent with weekly hours, you never knew the exact time you would be going home. So making plans in advance was foolish. Most nights I would come home at two o’clock in the morning and had no time for anything else. This stopped quickly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I lost my job, because of social distancing because people were not booking in events anymore, therefore there was no source of income. I applied for unemployment benefits and this really sparked my creativity to come to mind. The beginning of March break, I took a visit to my fathers house in Sturgeon Falls, and thought of being closer to my siblings and cousins, and the factor of having no ‘true’ friends, I decided to move. 
     I knew this was going to be a super big step to take, but I was afraid that if I sat around and did the same thing everyday, that I wouldn't get nowhere in life. Choosing this really opened me up to new advantages, because I was no longer the new girl. I have been coming here almost every summer since I can remember. I applied to No frills, and thankfully I got the position as a front line cashier. Now, this might sound over dramatic, but being a cashier in a grocery store is honestly one of the most stressful jobs I have ever had, and that’s even considering my previous job, Chuck E Cheese. Where loud children were screaming and shouting all over the place and the guilt I had because I knew the eggs arrived in bags, instead of cartons. As soon as summer ended, it was when things started to get hard. I choose to work full time, while doing remote learning. I would have on average 35-40 hour a week, and teaching yourself after coming home from a 9-5 shift on a beautiful day to just sit in my room was very stressful. Not only that, I lived in a household of six, so it was always chaotic and someone always had a friend over bothering me. There were so many things distracting me from handing in assignments and reviewing lessons, but one of the major reasons was how depressed I have gotten. 
      I mentioned before, my parents are divorced. My whole life, my family has been constantly covering my fathers mistakes to save me from getting hurt, but having the chance to live with him, showed me how someone can be so persuasive but manipulative at the same time. I never knew my father had depression, nor did I know of his addiction. We always had a good relationship, but a distance one. Conversations were not consistent and sometimes we could go months without communicating. It's sad to say, but I’ve witnessed and confessed about his issue and he is constantly in denial. Do you know that saying, no matter how hard it gets, never turn on family? Well, I say this is full of bullshit. I am an extremely forgiving and mindful person, I always put the well being of others before myself. Although on November 29, 2020. Is where I snapped into reality, and now know that I can not trust no one but myself. The reason for this is because I spent so much time thinking about what I want to do with my life that I came up with an extraordinary idea to move to Australia for a year. Just for a new experience, I have never been out of Ontario, not even to Quebec. So in 2022, in October, I was going to leave and go on an independent study to capture the insights of Australian beauty. I was extremely close to my goal of hitting 10,000, before I got robbed in my house, and lost 1848 hours of hard working money. 6,000 was stolen from my room, and the only one to blame is my father. Sometimes people can’t stand to see you thrive, so they sabotage in hope it will bring you down. The last thing he told me about that situation, is that “it was your fault for leaving it here”. 
     After this I immediately moved back to my mother’s house, as an alternative to being sad and all crooked up in my bed. I dived into thinking “what makes me different from everyone else” and why this situation had to happen to me. They say that life throws the hardest challenges at those who can deal and cope with it, and I can proudly describe myself as being a very strong independent young lady, who has no idea how to cook. I like to tell people I know how too, when deep down, it is a big fat lie. I love trying new dishes and meals, and hate keeping it plain. My mother and I tend to make a lot of pastas, salads, dough's and soups. Also a lot of desserts, but for some reason I have a huge passion for baking but no stomach to eat it. Everyone has certain characteristics that make them unique from each other. Mine include, my beauty marks on my nose, my baby blue eyes, my fat fingers and my super addictive and loud personality. My special talent is doing a lot of over thinking before I go to sleep, I play scenes in my head. I practice the things I want to say. I make plans for the next day. I think about all the people I miss, I think of the ones I hate, I just ask myself a lot of questions. How do you explain to someone that you sometimes get sad for no reason and that you don’t even know the reason for your sadness that keeps you constantly up at night, I just can’t get things straight throughout my head. Sometimes the worst place to be in, is in your head, I've gained an understanding that my constant overthinking has just led to negative thoughts, so instead of forgetting about it, I’m just creating problems that weren’t there in the first place. I now take the time to deliberate and let it flow naturally and this has helped me discover my hobbies. 
     I have a strong love towards music, I cant play any instrument but I sure know every lyric in my playlist on Spotify and that is over a hundred of songs. Music never stops playing, I connect to it so much because the artist has no boundaries or limitations and they freely just speak about anything. People are always challenged by the fact that no one understands them or no one knows how they really feel but music allows them to capture these emotions and have the opportunities to share with people who may be going through the same thing, but is too afraid to open up. Music is my escape, but not only one. I've gained an interest in fashion recently, and went out and bought a sewing machine, and a full size body mannequin. I also went out and bought all the necessities to become a producer in clothing. I only started a month ago, but I've seen major improvement by just educating myself more on the type of snitches and just by searching up new techniques. I have a problem with painting, within the last couple of months, the color of my room has changed over six times. I feel like it just helps me become less anxious and allows my inner personality to stand out. Anything along the lines of crafts, sports, and just trying out new things, and exploring new places will attract me. Throughout my life I will continue to develop new hobbies and just find new ways to distract myself, from the society we live in. Looking at myself six months ago, I can say that I was not in a good state of mind, and was really just overthinking the littlest things. I've criticized myself over and over again, instead of rewarding myself. This is my biggest problem. I just need to believe a little more in myself. Nobody is worth stressing about, move forward. It's okay to leave people behind. Go make yourself the number one priority, and see where life takes you. 
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thisspiderwrites · 7 years
un-fucking-believable (t.h.)
description: you’d think that two people that dream of working in the entertainment industry would have something in common other than their passion. word count: 3.6 k pairing: tom holland x reader based off: la la land                                                                                            a/n: i tried making it fun to read and this is the first fic i’m actually publishing so sorry if it’s not that good, i’m not sure if this has been done before so i apologize if the idea is not that original, anyway i hope you like it (also forgive me if there are some mistakes, english is not my first language) and special thanks to @tomhollandxreader for helping me out                                                warnings: language, angst (i think), mentions of sex (very light ones)
The sun was at its finest hour and causing people to simmer inside their cars while they waited for traffic to finally flow smoothly. The sound of completely different songs blasted from each vehicle. The drivers managed to find ways to kill time while waiting, some singing along the lyrics of the songs that make it to the top forty, and others crossing off and adding tasks to their to-do lists.
“It’s another day of sun in the city of Los Angeles… A mí me gustan mayores… Let’s just turn down the lights and close the door… They try to make me go to rehab but I said… Si tu novio te deja sola…”
“How come radio stations in L.A. don’t play anything good when you actually need them to?” a very pale freckled boy said to his older brother from the passenger seat.
“It’s not that they’re bad songs, they just don’t fit your mood.” the curly haired driver responded, “anyway forget the music and help me with my lines.”
After many failed auditions, Tom was slowly losing his faith but he couldn’t let his brothers see that. After his big break acting alongside Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor he was hoping to get more than just two roles, but none of his auditions were going the way he wanted them to go. Most times he got the roll, but then the project was shut down, and other times, he simply wasn’t fit for the part. He kept the auditions going just like he kept working as a barista, like everyone else in Los Angeles.
“Tom, where’s your aux chord?” he started looking in the compartment in front of him, once he found it he connected his phone and started browsing through his music library.
“I think about that day I left him at a Greyhound station West of Santa Fé…”
“Okay, let’s see…” the freckled boy tried looking for the last line they practiced.
“Page six Sam” Tom started moving his thumbs to the beat of the song.
“Alright… Mister French please wrap it up.”
“Objection! Your honor, Mr. Pierce’s argument has no base at all. According to California state law, the court does not attend to matters of the heart… Crap, I messed up.” Sam looked at his brother reading the lines once again.
They both got startled when they heard a loud honk behind them. They both looked offended to the car next to them. A girl with an annoyed look stopped right next to them on a nice Buick Riviera Convertible and honked one more time. Tom flipped her off and she drove away shaking her head.
“Jeez, people here could learn some manners” Tom gave Sam his script and started driving.
Tom finally dropped Sam off at the restaurant where he performed at to help pay rent, and went to his audition. This was the third audition of the week, and he was exhausted, he wanted to do more than just knock on everyone’s door begging for a chance, he had his own plan: an amazing indie film that, right now, he thought was never going to see the light of day. He went in the building and he sat there waiting for a while. Everyone around him with the same clothes and haircut as him. He started bouncing his leg nervously without noticing until he was finally called in. He thought the audition was going rather well, but as he was in the middle of crying for the scene, someone came into the room and the casting director told him he could leave. He just nodded and then sniffled before exiting the room.
Tom threw himself on his bed and laid there for a while with his eyes closed. He let out a sigh after rubbing his face with his hands. He took a towel and decide to hide in his shower for a while. He was deep in his eighties rock playlist to sing in the shower when he heard loud banging on his bathroom door. He rolled his eyes and dried his hand to stop the music.
“What?” he shouted while wiping a drop of shampoo that threatened to get in his eye.
“Hurry up Tom, I need to take a shit before we leave!” he heard his other brother, Harry, say through the door.
“Leave? Where are you going?” he asked stopping the water from running to hear Harry better.
“Just get out of the shower already! I got us a way into a party from a movie that just wrapped” he heard his brother and let the water run again so he could take the rest of the shampoo off.
As soon as Harry heard his brother stopped singing he swung the door open. He was hit by a heat wave.
“Holy shit, you want to open a window?” he walked right past Tom and started fixing his hair.
“How did the audition go?” This time it was his best friend Harrison at the doorframe.
Tom gave him a look and shrugged, towel wrapped around his waist. The blue eyed boy patted his shoulder and told him to get ready. Tom walked out of the bathroom in direction to his room trying to avoid eye contact.
“I’m not really having a great day, maybe I’ll just call Megan and we’ll stay in” he used his girlfriend as an excuse even though they had barely seen each other in weeks and Tom didn’t know where their relationship was at anymore.
“Look man, I’m sorry about the audition but you need to clear your head” Harrison said following him. “You’re a great actor and I’m sure you’ll get a call back soon, besides a lot of important people will be at the party tonight. So put on some pants and let’s go out” after this Tom shut the door in his face. “I thought this was the part where we shared a bro hug.”
Right after putting his sweatpants on, Tom heard banging on his door again.
“What?” he found Harrison and Harry ready to go right outside. “I don’t want to go to a party filled with social climbers and Hollywood clichés.”
“You’ve got the invitation, you’ve got the right address…”
“I’m guessing Sam’s here.”
He looked in the music’s direction and he found his brother singing with his earphones still on. The freckled boy examined his roommates and took one earphone out.
“I’ll get ready in a bit, I got a little caught up at the restaurant” he excused himself walking towards his room. “Also, the lady next door asked if one of us could look after her cats” his voice muffled because of the door.
“You choose mate” Harrison said. “The party or cat sitting?”
“Fine I’ll put on some pants” he said like a defeated teenager.
“So I was thinking that this could be the greatest idea since the Lord of the Rings…”
This girl had been talking to Tom about her newest production for about an hour. After a few glasses of whatever it was that they were serving at the party Tom was buzzed enough to not care.
“Yeah, that’s because it sounds an awful lot like the Lord of the Rings… Melanie.” He was tired of his friends bailing on him at these parties when they finally found someone to take home.
“It’s Melissa, and no it’s not. Look, first of all it’s not a ring, it’s a necklace and second of all it’s not hobbits and a shire, it is trolls and a bridge. It’s brilliant!” Melissa would have gotten on Tom’s nerves if he hadn’t been distracted by his own girlfriend.
“Megan?” he thought she wasn’t in town.
“No, it’s Melissa. Do I need to spell it?” Tom excused himself and walked in Megan’s direction.
After two years of being in a steady relationship, Tom and Megan were losing their groove. They started growing apart but felt the need to stay with each other because they feared to lose one of the only things that felt familiar anymore, at least Tom did. They started skipping out on dates, missing each other’s phone calls, forgetting to answer each other’s texts, things that happened in any dying friendship. Except this wasn’t a friendship, this was an actual relationship. Even sex started becoming a dull thing for both of them. So when he saw her leaving with an older guy who looked like a movie producer he wasn’t really surprised.
“Hey! Megan!” he tried going up to her before she was all the way out the door.
“Tom? What are you doing here?” she turned around looking surprised and a little worried.
“Harry got us in” they both stood there for a while.
Tom didn’t really know what he was expecting, maybe an apology, an explanation or at least something to let him down easy. She looked at Tom and opened her mouth a few times trying to decide what to say but no words came out of her mouth until the guy she was leaving with decided to check what was taking her so long.
“Megan, sweetie, I thought you were ready” he put his hand in the small of her back and Tom didn’t know what to think.
“I am, I was just…” she stared at Tom for a while and still didn’t know what to say.
“Who’s this young man?” he held her closer to him this time and Megan looked uncomfortable.
“Nobody” Tom said. “I was just leaving and I thought I knew her but, I guess I don’t” he still looked at Megan hoping she would say something.
“Let’s go then babe” the guy looked at Megan expectantly.
“I’ll meet you in the car Dean, I just realized I got the wrong purse” he kissed her head murmured something that made her smile.
Her smile faded away when she saw Tom’s blank expression. No more anger or confusion, because he wasn’t sure how to feel. Was she dating that ‘Dean’ guy now? Were Megan and him over? Where had she been the past few weeks? Why hadn’t she called? She kept talking but Tom couldn’t hear anything
“…I know this is confusing but I really need this Tom, please don’t screw this up for me. I’ll catch up with you later” she looked at him with the puppy eyes that always got Tom to do everything she wanted.
“I don’t see how I could screw this up. Look, do whatever you want to do. I don’t want to hear anything from you right now.” she nodded and left.
He stood there alone, people passing him by. A few minutes later he decided to get his Prius and go back home.
Un-fucking-believable. That’s exactly what went through Tom’s mind when he saw his car had been towed. He was not in the mood for walking. He wasn’t really in the mood for anything. He wanted to forget about everything for a while. How his audition has gone terrible, how he hated his job as a barista, how his girlfriend basically broke up with him without even knowing, how he had to walk all the way home and go get his car tomorrow morning. This was definitely not his day.
He found himself walking by the restaurant Sam worked at. He was able to hear the classic Christmas tunes, but he stopped to actually listen when the melody changed. It was calm and it sounded familiar. He felt his heavy chest lighten up and he forgot about his shitty day. All he could think was how much he wanted to know who was playing and what was it that spoke to him. He turned around and made his way into the restaurant. He contemplated the pianist on duty and how her fingers moved swiftly to the melody. The strand of hair moving towards her face sparked a memory in Tom’s head.
“I flipped her off this morning.”
“Why is it that they give a driver’s license to any idiot now days?” y/n thought to herself while moving past the Prius that refused to move in front of her.
The guy driving gave her an offended look and flipped her off when she honked again. She didn’t care, she just wanted to get to the comfort of her house after almost melting under the sun. She even hallucinated people getting out of their cars and stopping traffic to do a dance routine. She got out of her lovely car and took the cassette she was listening to out of her stereo. She had the habit of bringing only one cassette every ride so she could listen to the songs she was learning better. She took her prescription sunglasses off and unlocked the door of her apartment to find her brother, Tyler, laying across her leather couch with his shoes on. She jumped to the sight of two feet dangling from one of the armrests.
“Please stop sneaking into my home” she said trying to catch her breath.
“Well hello to you too, sis” he said getting up a little disoriented. “Do you think mom would call this a home?”
“Well this is what the apartment looked like before we picked you up from your foster home…” she stopped abruptly to notice he had taken off the sheet that was guarding the couch from dust and the sneakers he was wearing we covered in dirt. “What are you doing? Please don’t sit there or at least take your shoes off” she pushed him off her couch.
“Are you serious right now?” he got up from the floor.
“There are other couches that don’t have sheets on them, you can sit on those” she grabbed the sheet that was now a ball of cloth on the floor.
Her brother had a hard time walking around due to all of the boxes full of records, cassettes and pictures of musicians.
“When are you going to unpack all of these? It looks like you just moved in, no wonder you’re single, people can barely walk here” Tyler made his way to the fridge and started looking for something to eat.
“I swear when mom adopted the little kid from ‘Maid in Manhattan’ I didn’t think it was for him to come into my house, get dirt on my carpet and steal my food” she closed the fridge on his face “and I will unpack these when I unpack them in my own club!”
“Ugh! y/n it’s like a girl broke up you and you’re stalking her” Tyler started looking through all the pictures.
“Talking from your own experience?” she slapped his hand “Don’t touch that!” he rolled his eyes.
“Look, I have someone I want you to meet” he grabbed a framed picture of their mom and changed its place.
“I don’t want to date another one of your Hollywood fuckboys, I’m done with all of them” she rolled her eyes.
“Even Dylan?” he raised an eyebrow holding up a paper with a phone number.
“Especially Dylan” she said taking the paper with the new boy’s number on it.
She curled it up in a ball and threw it in the trash. The paper fell outside and Tyler picked it up.
“You missed” he stood in front of her trying to stop her from avoiding him. “Look, mom and I are worried about you and she hopes you’re not in some kind of cult of something” y/n looked offended.
“Why would she think that?” she escaped her brother and put their mother’s picture back in its place.
“Oh, I don’t know” he said sarcastically “maybe because you’re living like a hermit and driving without insurance” she rolled her eyes. “You need to get your shit together.”
“I know a guy with a face tattoo, he has his shit together and a heart of gold! He’s perfect for you” she said with a faked enthusiasm.
“Get your shit together” he said with a stern look.
“Get my shit together? Tyler I had my shit together, it’s not my fault I got scammed!” now y/n was moving her hands hysterically.
“Oh my god y/n, everyone knew that lady was shady and warned you. You were too busy shagging her to notice” she opened her mouth but he cut her off. “Look, Sam is a nice guy, he likes music and he’s a pianist just like you. He even works at that restaurant you used to work at. Call him” he put the paper ball on her hand.
“I don’t want to date myself!” now Tyler was the one running away. “Look, you’re acting like life’s got me on the ropes. The truth is that I’m letting life hit me until it gets tired. After that I’m going to punch back” He kissed the top of her head and then mouthed a call him before leaving. “I’m changing the locks!”
“You can’t afford it!” he shouted from the end of the hall.
“I’m a phoenix, raising from the ashes!” she shouted back. “Wow, mom was right, I could’ve been an actress” she thought before closing the door and throwing the number towards a random place in her living room.
She sat on her stool in front of her piano and started practicing the song she was listening to in the car.
The night arrived and even though she hated playing at the restaurant, she had to. She was lucky they gave her a second chance at all, taking into account the fact that last time she was there she fought with a client because he requested for her to play softer.
“Hey buddy, don’t know if you noticed but this isn’t a keyboard. Also if you don’t like what I’m playing the door is right there.”
Yeah, those were her exact words. She got ready and put on her best suit. Somehow the tie made her feel more confident than the heels she was requested to wear but never actually did. She made her way into the restaurant with all the Christmas sheet music in a black portfolio and greeted her boss with the fakest smile she could ever produce.
“Hello sir, thank you for having me back” she shook his hand and he mirrored her fake smile.
“Just play the set list” he said letting go of the handshake.
“Right, even though I don’t think anyone cares what I play but sure thing” she said walking towards the piano.
“If you mean anyone other than me then you’re correct. I care and I don’t want to hear any jazz, that’s what the club in the next block is for” he raised an eyebrow as for asking if everything was clear.
“Understood” she said waiting for him to leave to start playing.
Like on cue, he gave y/n one last glance before leaving. She felt a weight fall of her shoulders and started arranging her sheets. She got a few bills from her wallet for the tip jar and got around to examine in what key she was going to play the set list. Right when she was about to start she heard a sarcastic welcome back from one of the waiters.
“Thank you, it’s always nice to see your face Dylan” she put her fingers on the keys and started playing jingle bells.
After playing the set list twice and having only one dollar from tips that wasn’t from her wallet y/n got tired of playing the classic ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’. She looked around, there were only a few hipsters at the bar and only a few couples sitting on the table area. The hipsters were too busy choosing their beer and the couples were all over each other. No one was going to notice, right? She started the set list once again but this time she shifted the melody to something she knew very well. Her fingers started moving passionately to Mia & Sebastian’s Theme. Once she finished she got up her stool, disheveled. She looked around and noticed people staring at her. Not a single person clapping. She turned around to see her boss leaning against the door frame. He just moved his index finger indicating her to approach to him.
“I think I hear what you’re saying but that’s not really what you mean” y/n argued desperate.
“I think I just said that you’re fired, so yeah, that’s pretty much it” her boss said.
“Yeah, I hear you but I don’t think that what you mean, I think you mean…” she gestured for her boss to finish her sentence.
“I mean you are fired” he stood his ground.
“You mean ‘play the set list, this is a warning’, Right?” she continued to try.
“What planet are you from? I said you’re fired” y/n’s face dropped.
“But it’s Christmas…” she tried one last time.
“Yeah, I see the decorations. Good luck in the new year.”
Her blood was boiling now. No one cared what she played. Not a single person gave her a glance except for that weird guy with the lazy eye that tipped her a dollar. She couldn’t believe she had just blown her chance because she played one different song. A beautiful song that she poured her heart into. She looked at the doorway and saw a guy staring at her. She took her money plus the one buck from the jar and her black portfolio with her sheet music. On her way out she saw the guy from the doorway approaching her but she was so mad she couldn’t hear anything.
“I just heard you play and I wanted to…” y/n bumped into Tom but just kept walking.
He stood there stunned. He scoffed and once again thought to himself.
tags: @zendmylife @spidey-mantom @sam-a-holland @spider-bih @sidespidey @dusktillholland @hollandazing @tomhollandxreader @lovelyimagines @loverholland
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