#but also I always had a hard time figuring out what made a song perfect for Halloween
yoohyeon · 7 months
For Halloween reblog and tell us in the tag what’s your favorite Halloween / creepy song 👻🎃 Mine is Dead man runnin’ by Seulgi (RV)
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mrs-padalecki2341 · 1 month
Hey bestie, I have an idea for a Dean Smut. I'm thinking friends with benefits turned into couple/lovers troupe. With lyrics from the song Again by Noah Cyrus. Maybe semi rough sex? Whatever you come up with is fine. Im obsessed with this song right now and think it would be perfect for that troupe. Also can they say "I love you" at some point during or after the sex? Please and thank you! <3
Heyy!!! Here you go Bestie, and you know I'll always do your requests! I hope you like it! Love you girl!
(Dean x Reader)
Warnings/ Promises: Smut, unprotected sex/ creampie (wrap it before you tap it y’all), semi-rough sex, friends with benefits, I think that's it but lmk if I missed something.
Song by Noah Cyrus ft. XXXTentacion
(“All lyrics will be marked as so”)
You and Dean had been sleeping together for over 9 months now. Whenever one of you needed the other you would just call. And right now, you were going to explode if you weren't fucked senseless within the next few minutes.
Luckily, you didn't live far from their bunker.
You picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts until you found Dean's name then hit the call button.
He picked up on the first ring.
"*What is it, Y/n hon?*" His voice was husky on the other end, as he already knew the answer.
"I'm coming over." You said into the phone.
"*I'll be in my room waiting.*" And with that, he hung up.
(“You just made the worst mistake And you'll regret it, darling 'Cause once you give and then you take You'll only end up wanting”)
In a matter of minutes, you're at the bunker. You pull out your key and turn it in the lock, letting yourself in.
"*I'm here. See you in a sec.*" You send a quick text to Dean as you walk down the stairs into the bunker.
Sam looks up from his laptop as you pass by him in the library and gives you a small wave, in which you return before scurrying off to Dean's room.
You knock twice to let him know you're there and open the door.
As expected, he's already laying on the bed, waiting for you in nothing but his robe.
"Hey, sexy~" You flirt as you close the door and walk over to the bed, sitting beside him.
He smirks and grabs around your waist, pulling you on top of him, causing you to yelp in surprise.
"Hi~" He smiles and gives you a quick kiss as his hands move to your waist. He hooks his thumbs into your waistline, pulling down both your sweatpants and underwear and revealing your ass.
You kick them off the rest of the way and grab at the tie on his robe, undoing the knot and opening it up. You can't help but moan a little at the fact that he's already hard and leaking precum.
He tugs at your shirt and you assist him in pulling it over your head, then you let him reach behind you and unclasp your bra, throwing both garments to the floor.
"Fuck, you're so hot." He gawks, as if he hadn't seen you like this a thousand times.
"You say that every time." You point out, but you still can't help but smile at the compliment.
"Well, it's true. And besides, it's practically routine to say it at this point~" He runs his hands along your naked figure as he speaks.
You just roll your eyes and lean down to kiss him. He groans into it and kisses you back roughly, his left hand finding your hair and tangling into it as his right hand continues to roam your body.
(“(Ooh-ooh-ooh) was everything hard enough? (Ooh-ooh-ooh) 'cause one day you'll wake up And then you'll say”)
You continue to make out, tongues twisting and lips moving in sync, as you reach your hand down between your bodies and wrap your fingers around Dean's cock.
"Son of a-" Dean grumbles in response to the stimulation. "-bitch~" The last word coming out as more of a moan as you squeeze your hand around him.
You chuckle and start moving your hand up and down over his shaft, still squeezing lightly, earning little moans and grunts from him as you do so.
Then, you raise your hips and line him up with your soaked, wanting core before lowering back down onto him with a sigh.
"Mmn, shit, you're tight as hell." He remarks, groaning at the feeling.
"Yeah, I know, it's been too long." You moan back, rocking your hips slowly, letting him stretch you out.
"You can say that again." He rasps, his eyes rolled back in gratification. Him and Sam had been on back-to-back hunts for the past three and a half weeks and this was the first break they've gotten, aka the first chance he's had to fuck you in almost a month, so you were both overdue for this, especially considering you normally fuck 3-4 times a week or more.
Once you'd adjusted to the stretch of his cock, you sped up the pace, bumping your hips faster until you reached a good speed and rhythm.
You both yelled out in moans and screams of pleasure, sending echos through the bunker. Luckily for Sam, he was used to this from the two of you by now and it didn't really bother him.
You kept the up the fast pace, Dean bucking his hips up to meet with yours with each thrust, until you were both howling out as you got closer to finishing.
"Mm- fuh- fu- mmnph- fuck- I'm so- mmn- close..." You sputtered out between yelps and howls.
With that, Dean moved out of you and flipped the both of you, putting him on top so that he could fuck harder into you.
"SHIT-" You gasped out as he pushed into you harder, his hips crashing against yours with the slap of skin on skin with each shove into you.
It wasn't long before you were gripping at the sheets for dear life as Dean continued to roughly slam his cock in and out of you until you couldn't take anymore.
"DEANNN!!!" You screamed through your orgasm, cumming so hard you blacked out for a moment.
You return to consciousness right as Dean yells out and sprays into you, filling you with his hot cum. Then he collapses on the bed, both of you panting like dogs as you come down from euphoria.
Once he had calmed down some, Dean turned to look at you, his face saying that he has something to tell you, but he doesn't know if he should.
Finally, he sighed and just said it.
"Y/n... I want more from this..."
(“"I wanna be your lover I don't wanna be your friend" You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me again)”)
"What do you mean?" You ask, confused.
"What I mean is..."
There's a long pause before he finally speaks again.
"I love you Y/n..."
Your eyes grow wide in surprise.
"You love me?..." You say after a moment, still trying to process it.
He gives a gentle nod.
(“I-I wanna be your lover Baby, I'll hold my breath You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me)”)
"I... I love you too..." You reply with a bit of hesitation after taking a minute to think about what he said.
(“Again, babe, again Again, babe, again You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again”)
"But?..." He asked, knowing there was going to be one by the way you responded.
"But I don't... I'm not sure if I want to be a couple or whatever or not..." You started.
(“Ooh-ooh-ooh, she's screaming in my head Ooh-ooh-ooh, I left her where I slept Somewhere, I can't escape I'm running from myself Somewhere in between in love and broken, I'm in hell”)
"I just... I don't want to make things awkward between us or anything..." You continued. "I mean, we fit with each other perfectly..."
"In more ways than one." He interjected.
"But... I guess I'm just... scared that things might not still be the same if we were together." You let out a sigh.
(“Saying, "I wanna be your lover I don't wanna be your friend" You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me again)”)
Dean pulled you up against him, cuddling into you. "Don't worry. I'm sure things won't be any different. I'm sure we'll still be just as inseparable as we already are." He reassured you.
"Are you sure?" You still question.
"Yeah. I am. If it makes you feel any better, we could just try it out at first and if it doesn't work, we could always just go back to being friends with benefits." He suggested, his voice calm and sweet.
(“I-I wanna be your lover You're leaving when the clock hits ten You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me)”)
"Yeah... That sounds good." You finally decide. You curl up against him and nuzzle your face into his chest. "Good." He sighed in relief.
(“Again, babe, again Again, babe, again You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me)”)
"I love you, Dean." You say contently, feeling safe in the comfort of his arms.
"I love you too, Y/n." He answered happily. "I love you so much."
(“Again, babe, again Again, babe, again You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear So tell me that you love me again (tell me that you love me again)”)
He gave you a gentle kiss on the head and pulled you in closer. You moved closer as well and let his embrace take away all your problems and worries, falling asleep in his arms.
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deans-queen · 3 months
Love Or Die 💜🔪
Mini Series
Paring: Dean Winchester x Female Reader (Y/N) -> story will be told mostly in Reader’s P.O.V.
Plot: Reader (Y/N) can’t stand Dean Winchester and everything about him,  but she has a secret and that is:  she’s madly in love with him. 
Inspired by the song: Can’t Hold On Forever by Laura Marano 
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Part 1 - Reader’s P.O.V.
Warning: Language
I have been hunting since I was 18 (I’m 25 now) but I’ve never worked with anyone as cocky, annoying and arrogant as Dean Winchester. I started hunting with him, his younger brother Sam and my Uncle /Godfather Bobby Singer since my parents died. Uncle Bobby has been looking after me the past year and I couldn’t be more grateful. He’s always been like a father figure to me. But Dean on the other hand….was a huge pain in the ass. I couldn’t stand him, and I made it pretty well known. But… I had a secret. A secret that no one knows. I'm also unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. It all started last month, when he saved me from getting kidnapped by a witch that wanted to suck the life out of me to make her more youthful. He was so brave and took care of me, like a knight in shining armor. Since then I’ve had to hide how I felt….It wasn’t too hard to act like I didn’t have feelings, but it was at the same time. Under all that arrogance and self-confidence, he was so damn hot. He was tall, muscular (not like a body builder but his body was toned) and had short brown hair. He had a jawline so sharp and perfect that it could cut you in half. His hands were strong but also calloused, I imagined the way they would feel on my body. His lips were perfect. Looking soft, plump and kissable at the same time. I wanted to kiss them so damn much. And to top it off….he had the most amazing, perfect smile and GORGEOUS emerald green eyes. When I looked into them, I could melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July. There were days when he would be casually walking around, acting nonchalantly and I would find myself staring at him. I would snap out of it when he would say “Take a picture, sweetheart it’ll last longer.” Then I would have to fire back a snarky remark like, “In your dreams, Winchester.” And I’d roll my eyes. On the inside I was screaming, I don’t know how much longer I could keep this up.
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The Next Day
We were working on a case, with a bunch of ghosts haunting this old abandoned New Orleans type esque mansion. This group of teenagers heard about it being haunted and wanted to check it out. And of course one of the girls winds up murdered. Her name was Jessica. What a bunch of idiots. Don’t they know it’s frowned upon to mess with haunted places. Anyways…while Sam and Uncle Bobby stayed behind to do research on the house, Dean and I went downtown to the police station to interview the teenagers. One of the things I loved about being a hunter was dressing up as an undercover FBI Agent. I always wore a black pencil skirt, with a white buttoned up blouse and heels. It made me feel like a bad bitch. Dean was wearing a suit and tie, which he looked so handsome in. Once we got there, the boyfriend of the girl who was killed was in an interview room. As we walked into the room, I noticed this kid was drooling over me, which Dean noticed. “Mr. Montgomery, I’m Agent Smith and this is my partner Agent Parker.” Dean said firmly while we both flashed our badges. “Alright, Mr…” I said while taking a seat at the table, trying to sound professional. Dean took a seat next to me. “Mike, you can call me Mike.” He said, interrupting and winking at me. “Okay, Mike.” I said, clearing my throat. “Why’d you go down to that haunted house?” “Look, I already talked to the cops about this. Why is the FBI questioning me now?” “We’re just doing our job Mike,” I said. “Now please, tell us what happened.” “Jess, my friends and I heard the stories about the house being haunted and we wanted to see if it was true.” He explained that when they walked through the house, they could feel the cold air around them. They heard strange noises, silent whispers, and objects flying out of nowhere. Warning them to stay away. “And don’t you think going in that house was a stupid idea?!” Dean said, shouting at him. I mean he wasn’t wrong, it was a very stupid idea. “Well - I - uh…” he said, stuttering. Dean was making him so nervous that his palms were clammy and sweat was beaming on his forehead. Mike finally looked at me and said, “I didn’t think anyone was gonna get hurt! Especially Jess.” He said. “Too little too late for that one buddy.” I said while crossing my arms. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen. I thought it was stupid and all a joke!” He shouted “If I could take it all back I could.” He said softly, putting his hands in his face. I sighed and looked at him. I was in his shoes once. I used to believe that all this supernatural stuff was a joke, but then my parents explained to me that it’s all real. The ghosts, monsters, everything. I got up and put my hand on his shoulder, I could tell that he was being sincere. “Listen, Mike I know it’s hard not to believe this stuff, but believe me when I say this: it’s all real. And uh, I know how hard it is to lose someone you care about. It can be tough but you’ll get through it, I promise.” “Thanks Agent.” He said while flashing a smile at me. Dean cleared his throat and I removed my hand. “Okay well that’s it for today.” Dean said, and he handed out a business card to Mike. “Call us if you find anything else.” And then he rushed out of the room. “Bye,” Mike said quietly. I gave him a small smile and a quick wave before heading out the door. “What the hell was that Dean?” I said sternly while catching up to him as he walked towards the Impala. “That kid was totally giving you googly eyes, Y/N” he said, climbing in and slamming the door. Is he for real right now? “And why does it matter if he was, it’s not like I can do anything with him. He’s a teenager.” I said, going into the passenger seat. He started the engine and drove off. “It doesn’t matter. He’s 17, probably thinks more with his dick more than his mind.” “Oh and like you don’t either Dean??” I said. He looked at me coldly, gripping his hands on the steering wheel. He continued to drive down the road. “Are you jealous??” “Uhhh no, no no no.” He said, shaking his head. “Whatever Winchester.” I said, looking away from him.
And we continued our drive back to Uncle Bobby’s house in silence.
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Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed this story!
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I’m nothing special.
I’m just flawed and weak as the next person. I let my emotions get the best of me at times. I’m not perfect. I read old messages looking for clues. I listen to old playlists of sad songs when I’m sad. I swear too much. Drink too much. I can be selfish and impatient. I’m a sarcastic asshole for alarmingly long periods of the day. I regret choices I’ve made, words I’ve said in anger, people I’ve let down. I’m no role model. Wow, there’s an understatement. But every day I own my shit. I’m accountable and humble. Every day, I try to just be a little bit better than yesterday. Becoming who you are is a life long journey, baby step after setback after stumble after lesson learned. Forever forward. Green and growing as they say.
I wake up and look at those four framed sentences. “Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.” Simple and yet powerful.
Every day, I’m trying to see things differently. Gain perspective. Embrace not taking every single thing personally. Getting cut off in traffic, not personal. Waiting forever in line for coffee, not personal. It is an uphill climb getting comfortable with the concept that nothing others’ do is directly because of you or to upset you. People do what they do because of themselves. That’s it. Even when they treat you awfully or take you for granted, it has more to do with what’s going on with them than you. *insert lecture about Attribution Error.
As for assumptions, I kinda have a PhD in that field. Never met a situation, never had a conversation, never waited for a text, that I couldn’t attach an assumption to. Assumptions are generally born from misunderstanding and a fear of asking questions. Fear of what might be said. We lack courage to inquire so instead we stand back and fill the void with the worst. Draw from our past pain and create a narrative. I’m trying to break that cycle. Ask more questions. Communicate. Be clear and upfront. I can no longer assume others know what I mean or want and then get upset when they don’t act accordingly. It’s unfair to them and only serves to hurt me in the process.
I’m making integrity part of my daily practice. Speaking with integrity. Actions with integrity. And above all, avoiding the trappings of believing my own landslide of bullshit, being my own worst enemy, and justifying every blunder. Be better. Sidestep gossip and small talk. Apologize when you hurt someone. Accept that you’ll be wrong sometimes. Or in my case, a lot. Do what you say you’ll do. Character isn’t built upon what you said you’d do, but what you rolled up your sleeves and actually did.
As for always doing my best, I’m still figuring out what that animal looks like. I strive to be helpful, but sometimes when you’re always available, they take you for granted, not because they are selfish or unkind, but because they think you’ll always stay. Let them miss you for a while. This goes against everything I am but makes sense. I’ve also learned that there is no shame in being broken and anxious and sad. Be whatever you are right now. No need to make excuses or try to minimize the hurt, deny the confusion. You cannot learn about yourself if at first you aren’t frustrated and confused, the hard questions are born from this. You cannot heal without first being damaged. So be broken and anxious and sad. Cope however you need to; as long as you need to, for there is no instruction manual for this, we all make it up as we go along. Day by day and more often, minute by minute. So as for my best, I guess it is just knowing that when I put my head on the pillow, I gave all that I could, was kinder than I needed to be, inspired a few, and made sure the garage door is closed.
I’m nothing special. But I didn’t lose my shit on the drive into work, didn’t assume sporadic texts were anything but a busy day, and a couple people told me that they are grateful for me - so I’m gonna just go ahead and chalk today up as a win.
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jowrites · 27 days
"If I buy a car, will you take me on late night drives?" - Part 1
Jake Sim x Fem!Reader. Where 2 neighbors befriend one another because of his dog, and she doesn't have any friends.
TW: Isolation(?), mentions of being a lone(r), mentions of parent death
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Jake liked to think of himself as a disciplined man. When he had a goal and set his mind to it, nothing could stray him and he always managed to achieve it. He came from a good home, good family, he had good friends, and attended University and has a good job. He works hard. He worked incredibly hard to get the nice studio loft he had been dreaming of since he saw it. The location was perfect, near his University and by the College of Engineering where he was doing his internship. He was on cloud 9.
When he moved in he loved how quiet things were. The first week of moving in he wondered if he had a neighbor across the way or if the place was vacant and that's what made it so quiet. He figured that's what it had to be and every time he took his dog, Layla, out for a walk he would look at the door across the way and have this odd feeling that he wasn't alone. Because he wasn't.  One day, he came home later than usual and he heard the faint noise of music playing. He was familiar with the sound, it was “Cry” by Cigarettes After Sex which so happened to be one of his favorite artists. He stood outside his door just listening to the song, until suddenly the door across the hall swung open and one of the most beautiful people he had ever laid eyes on stood in front of him. 
She had a trash bag in her hands, her hair was tied up, glasses framed her face, and she was in a pink overalls and a white tank top. Her whole being was covered in paint. She stared at him before shrugging and walking to the trash shoot to dump her trash. Jake snapped out of his zone, amazed he did indeed have a neighbor he finally confirmed after being there for a month, he just had to get her name.
“So there IS someone that lives across from me,” he smiled.
“You talking to me?” she asked, stunned as she stopped in her tracks and looked around. 
“Well, we are the only 2 people here. I'm Jake, it's nice to meet you,” He held out his hand.
“Y/N. See ya!” And with that she waved goodbye and quickly went back inside and closed her door.
 Jake was left speechless. Did he do something wrong? Is she afraid of him? Maybe she just needs to warm up to him. He couldn't help but have her on his mind, and for the rest of the night she was flooding his mind. When he laid down to go to bed, he stared up at his ceiling with his neighbor across the way still on his mind. 
He didn't see her for another 2 weeks after that. He was so curious about her. Who was she? What did she do? Did she go to school? One thing he assumed was that she liked art or was an artist given she was literally covered in paint. One day, he opened his door to take Layla for a walk when he ran into her coming home. She had a duffel bag on her and Layla got out of his grip and ran straight to her.
“Layla, no!” He ran after his dog. Layla, was fine as his neighbor, knelt down on the floor petting the white creature. 
“Layla, I think he's talking to you,” He heard her say. “It’s okay, I don't like to listen either.”
“I'm sorry about her, she gets excited especially with new people,” he explained as he grabbed Layla’s leash.
“Hm. I love dogs, so you can stay I guess,” She stood up not taking her eyes off Layla. Jake tilted his head, finding it a bit odd but moved on.
“Ah, thank you for the approval,” He jokes.
“Really, thank your dog, she can stay, you're just a plus one. See ya around!” She waved before opening her door and closing it in his face. Did his dog just one up him with the pretty neighbor?
To Jake, it didn't seem like you were scared to speak to him, but you avoided him it seemed like. He also noticed how he almost disappeared when Layla was around, your attention fully on her and her only. This became a habit. Every so often Layla would escape and run to your door scratching or barking until you opened it. You would open the door and let her in only to close it in his face and not open it. The first time it happened Jake was mad, he thought you kidnapped his dog. 
“You can't just take someone's dog without permission! How do I know you're not going to harm her?” He voiced.
“Oh, I would never do that! We had some things to discuss. She's welcome anytime!” You smiled, finally reaching his eyes before going your way.
He got used to the way you were around him. He would let Layla go as it seemed she truly enjoyed your company and you hers. She was never harmed and always seemed to be around no more than 10 minutes at most. He would wait until you opened the door and you would be in a full conversation with the dog as if you two were actually speaking to one another. 
“You know, some people might think you're crazy for talking to a dog,” He had his arms across his chest.
“What do you mean a dog? Layla’s not a dog, she's a friend,” Again, you left Jake laughing at your words. Your mind stunned him.
There wasn't anything wrong with you, you just didn't have many friends and you lived a very isolated lifestyle with just you and your cats. You prefer the company of animals more to the company of people. After 4 months of this going on, you started talking to Jake more too. He wasn't so bad and he always seemed to try and stay on your good side which you appreciated. You didn't understand why he tried so hard, but he started understanding your language more and so I guess he was a nice neighbor. Then one night, everything changed for him and for you.
He came home late. It was actually very late but he got stuck with things at the University and so he was forced to stay longer. When he got home the moon was bright and the hall was dark. He was so focused on getting to Layla to check on her he almost missed your form leaning up against the windowsill at the end of the hall. When he opened his door, Layla immediately ran out and ran straight to you. It's like she knew something was wrong and when he approached you the tears down your face really struck a chord in his heart.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked quietly, not wanting to disturb you.
“It's just SO sad! Isn't it sad, Layla?” You turned to the dog before crying again. He then realized your slurred words and concluded you were drunk.
“What’s sad?” He knelt down to your level, not once leaving your side.
“I don't have anyone to go on late night drives with,” you admitted. 
“Late night drives? You want to go on a late night drive?” He frowned, feeling confused but also wanted to understand more of what goes on in your head.
“I want to go on late night drives, but I have no one to take me,” You hiccuped clutching your cheeks in your hands.
“Well, I'll go with you,” He offered and your face perked up.
“You will!?! C-can you drive?” You asked him and he nodded.
“Yes, I have my license,” he chuckled. “My only problem is I don't have a car. I never needed one.”
“Oh no, that's not going to work. If I buy a car will you take me on late night drives?” You asked.
“Buy a car? You want to buy a car just to go on late night drives?” His eyebrows raised in disbelief. 
“Yes, yes I will. I want to go on late night drives, it's my dream,” you cried again leaning your head on his shoulder as he started comforting you.
“Well,” he cleared his throat. “If you buy a car, I'll take you on late night drives.”
And that's how it started. It was 4 nights later and Jake hadn't seen or heard from you so he assumed you were too drunk to remember. That was, until he heard a knock on his door at 10:30 PM at night, currently a Thursday and he was just about to go to bed. He opened his door to a very excited you. You were dressed in jeans with a black leather jacket and white tank underneath.  Your hair was down and you looked awake and ready for something.
“Oh, this is a cute look! It's time to go,” You held up a key, not just any key: a car key. 
Jake's mouth dropped, he was in the middle of brushing his teeth and he couldn't believe you were here in his presence being serious.
He ushered you to come inside as he quickly went to clean up his face and rinse his mouth. You took a look in his apartment and noticed how clean it was, neatly decorated and it smelled like cedarwood and grass. Layla came running to you and you quickly embraced her, giving her hugs and pets. You and Jake seemed to be the opposite but you didn't mind.
“You were ACTUALLY serious?” He asked you.
“I'm always serious, I never lie,” You said. 
“You ACTUALLY bought a car? Who are you? You're like this...this person I can't figure out,” He was in such disbelief, he really could not understand you.
“Well, I'm Y/N. I got a large inheritance after my parents died and I just bought a car, now let's go!” You hopped up in excitement. “You told me you would take me on a late night drives.”
Jake felt sad. He didn't know your life story or who you actually were but sharing little details here and there just made him want to embrace you even more. You were such an enigma to him, and now he was afraid that if he poked too much you would run away. 
“Okay, I did yeah. Let me get changed and we can go.”
And so that's how it started. Almost every night for 3 weeks straight you would come to him and say you wanted to go for a drive and he would take you. He learned you had your license but you hated driving. You prefer to be driven around and he didn't blame you. You don't go out much and he learned you have an Estate that you look after that's outside the city. He also learned you were indeed an artist and sold paintings to your parents wealthy elite friends and made a good living from that.
“Can I ask you something?” Jake spoke up. 
It was a Saturday night, almost 3 AM and you and Jake were out strolling around the City. 
“Whats up?” You looked over at him, giving him your attention.
“Where are your friends?” He asked. 
“I don't have any friends,” You said. 
“What do you mean? Like…at all?” He frowned.
“Well, if you count the people at my family's estate then they're all there. That's where they are,” You shrugged. “My butler I grew up with, he's more like an Uncle now.”
“You didn't have any friends at school?” He asked.
“I didn't go to school, I was tutored at home,” You said. “Well, you're my friend too, right?”
“Yeah, I guess I am,” He smiled looking over at you.
“Then you're right here. Here is where my friend is,” You smiled at him. “Oh, I miss Layla.”
Of course, Layla.
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Against The Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
And I swear! I will die trying!/I'm still in the process, but I'm making progress; I promise I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible, I swear!/I'm so fucking sorry! I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all, But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all!
Less rare than scarce, less diamond then rough/Unlikely to be more than just the coal you failed to crush
I'm catatonic in your arms, crying, "How did I cause so much harm?"/I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor/Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
The vertex of my redemption arc/I’m searching on that virgin heart
"The raw emotion! And I strongly relate to desperately wanting to improve for someone you love. I belt out this song when I feel really hopeless"
"my one OC. also me. also it's just a really good song. one of will's best imo. screaminbg"
"Literally hits almost all of my self-esteem issues. Feeling like people only care about you for your body? Check. Not understanding why anyone would want you? Check. Thinking that all you do is hurt people? Check. I don't cry very often but this song DEFINITELY made me teary"
"one of those if u aren’t paying attention to the lyrics ur like this is nice but once u hear them its an OW holy OW and guilt and I’m sorry feelings"
"Just. Loving someone but not feeling like you’re good enough and trying to improve."
"Not only does this song have lyrics that are deeply relatable to me, but this song also feels very deeply personal to the artist and I feel that anyone who listens to it for the first time has that same feeling of getting punched in the gut. Just the lyrics and the melody and Will Wood’s incredible vocals make this song an absolute masterpiece and I cry every time I hear it."
"One reason I'm attached to this song is because my friend sent it to me and said "I'm kin assigning you this song" and ruined my life (/j) It messed me up because I've always had a hard time in my life figuring myself out and dealing with my emotions, and for what feels like the first time, this song has been able to near perfectly describe how I feel about myself and my impact on other people, and it always just meant so much to me that my friend who sent it to me knows me better than I know myself and shared the song with me and I love them dearly."
Curses (Crane Wives)
Ashes, ashes, dust to dust/Tell me I am good enough/Lay my curses out to rest/
All my aching bones are trembling/And I may yet fall apart/Won't you stay with me, my darling/When the war starts in my heart?
Every word I say is kindling/But the smoke clears when you're around/Won't you stay with me, my darling/When my walls start burning down, down, down?
"The singer is falling apart but they'll still jam about it. They're trying so hard to get better, they're failing, and they need support even when recovery feels hopeless. It's a concept I haven't seen explored in a song before. Lots of songs are about someone relying on their partner for emotional support but none explore the darker side of the difficulty of carrying someone else's burdens. Also the clarinet fucks."
"One, is starts out with a jazzy clarinet. The instrumentals of the song is very dance-y. I love the destructive tone of the lyrics, the singer thinking they ruin everything and they're not worthy of love, but still begging You to stay"
"It’s asking for help when you’re at your lowest. It’s the emotion behind the words— it’s one of those songs where the singer puts weight and emphasis on certain lines. Makes the heart go ouughghhghghh. It’s the “duo who’s known each other for a long time and are driving out post-big time conflict” or “emotional climax where there’s no words, only action” scene type of song imo. Also there’s a mad clarinet solo and it’s really good"
Against the Kitchen Floor submitted by @pixopolis + others
Curses submitted by @dreadful-windandrain + others
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hkthatgffan · 6 months
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Well, today's the day! Hilda comes to an end. I figured now more than ever is time I make this post on just…how I feel about this incredible show ending and why it means so much to me…and why I'm grateful to Luke Pearson and the whole Hilda team. So, long post below ahead!
I found Hilda in 2018 via a post on the Gravity Falls sub of the trailer. Right from the start, something felt special about this show. And like many, I tuned in to watch it when it began. I didn't know what would be in store as I began it, but I was excited. This was at the end of the summer as GF hype for Lost Legends and the box set died down. So, getting in to a new show seemed like the best idea. It took literally hearing that theme song for me to instantly fall in love with Hilda. There was something so familiar and wholesome just bursting out of that opening. It was a feeling hard to really explain. By episode 3 and specifically the ending of it…I knew I had my next favourite show.
Everything about Hilda just felt perfect to me. The animation was incredible, Hilda as a character was enjoyable and full of life, the story felt fresh even if the core concept seemed familiar and all in all, I just loved the atmosphere this show radiated. It also made me so happy to see Canada have a part in Hilda. The Canadian animation industry is one I love given how much of a part of my childhood it was. And so to see it have a hand in this incredible show just made me so happy. Mercury Filmworks did amazing with Hilda. And I think that's how I began to understand why Hilda feels so familiar; it reminds me of those old cartoons I grew up on. Those Canadian Nelvana shows that were so wholesome & yet so fun to watch…while also not afraid to be bold. Hilda was that kind of show for a new generation!
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I also didn't shy away from poking some nods to Gravity Falls. It was a great way to help spread Hilda's existence to more people and to this day I get messages from people who tell me they found Hilda because of my tweets, or videos or more. That means the world and I am grateful to have helped you discover this show. And like any show I fell in love with, I also bough the books and other merch for it. The Hilda graphic novels were amazing to read and see how the show grew from them, the figurine still just fits in my shelf, and the tie in books and more are always fun to collect. I'll miss it. Not to mention the memes…of which I made a few. The Hilda fandom is insane, yet so funny. Like all fandoms it has its ups and downs but I've met some amazing people because of Hilda and some who I remain great friends with. You know who you are <3
Hilda's conclusion means that the last of my holy trinity shows is now over…and with that, the end of an era. Truthfully, IDK what my plans are post Hilda. It was the last show still airing that I truly was 110% passionate about. That's not to say there aren't other shows, But there will never be another Hilda for me. Hilda is a show unlike any other I have seen. Yeah, perhaps it's not the most popular or the biggest or the best cartoon out there. But OMG, no other show since ever made me as happy and passionate as Hilda did. It's one of a kind!
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I said in 2018 that Hilda is everything out of a cartoon that I wanted. I still believe that.
No cartoon is perfect and our definition of perfection is our own. If you ask me though…Hilda is the closest cartoon I have ever come across to my definition of perfection!
With that, while I am heartbroken to bid farewell to Hilda…I am happy I got to experience this show as it aired. I'm grateful for all the memories I made in the 5 years I had it. I'm grateful for the adventure and above all else…I'm grateful to have seen Hilda! ❤️
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vshushmshu · 7 months
crumbs and other imaginary things
[@crystalmagpie447 remember this? well uh.]
another shift at the pizzaplex had you hunched over, with only your dutiful mop as your crutch in your moment of reprieve as you looked over the now freshly cleaned floors. no doubt they wouldn’t stay clean for long, what with all the children that always seemed to leave some sort of mess in their wake, but you still prided yourself on a job well done. you managed to actually move your legs after a few moments of simply standing there; lifting up the mop to place it in a bucket of now browned water, and stepped one foot in front of the other with said bucket in tow, all the way over to the nearest janitor’s closet. you were more general staff, really, assigned to do any odd jobs over the course of your shifts; that was a song and dance already played out, though, no doubt.
there was a remark under your breath about how nifty the wheels attached under the bucket were, how much more efficient it was to be able to roll it over to where you had to store it, considering the alternative of having to lug something of its weight all the way over with only your average amount of arm strength instead. management said not to worry about emptying the water anywhere, so you rolled it into the dim space and promptly closed the door without much thought. you mimed the action of wiping your hands clean of the deed, and laughed quietly to yourself when you noticed the familiar gesture. there was almost nobody here, except for if you counted the wet floor bots, and you liked to count them in.
in fact, just before exiting the area, you made sure to pat the one guarding your work on the top of its little head with a smile. it didn’t say anything, really couldn’t, other than a soft whirr and a mildly harrowing stare into the very fiber of your being, which you took as some sort of acknowledgment. a wave goodbye to the bot, and you set off to where you usually did when you had extra time before you legally had to clock out. it really was automatic at this point, but maybe you’d take a quick detour.
you grinned at sun’s overexcitement, something that never seemed to fade with every time you gave the attendant a “surprise” visit, waving back while he opened the door to the daycare wider for you, “BUDDY!! HI! HELLO!”
the both of you laughed at each other, sun jingling along with you as you walked over to the trash can by the security desk, throwing away plastic while scrubbing at your mouth with your hand to rid of any residue from the self-indulgent treat. the animatronic tilted their faceplate a few clicks to the left in curiosity, and made a noise of mild disgruntlement at such a heinously vile act, “sunshine, i really DO think it would be best to use, oh i don’t know, a napkin? tissue?”
a pointed raise of your eyebrow, fold of your arms across your chest, and you rolled your eyes at him, “oh, come on!! what happened to “how was your day, bestest buddy”?? “anything interesting happen, my dearest perfect angel that is so cool and also amazing”??? huh?”
he shook his head at your antics, hands reaching out to carefully dust away crumbs that might’ve still been clinging to your lips, “hmm.. okay then! how was your day, dearest? anything interesting happen?? do tell!!!”
when he was satisfied with the cleanliness of your face, he pulled their hands back with a tap to the corners of your lips and a spin of his rays, miming out wiping his hands clean of the deed. it was just a bit to play along to, but it still made you oh so happy, beaming up at him, “alright, alright, i’ll spill the beans-“
his faceplate clicked back to place, and a giggle, “what beans?”
a breath, “expression! figure of speech! not actual beans.”
if a plastic face had the ability to deadpan, he certainly would be using it at the moment, “we know, friend.. do go on. were those chips good? did you work hard while also making sure to take breaks?? any-”
you raised a hand, as if to halt the sunny personality’s train of worries by simply waving, and he did fall silent for a moment, “woah, okay, wait- how did you know i got chips?”
their fingers twitched, you caught from the corner of your eye, and his voice lilted while he shifted his weight from foot to foot, “crumbs!! you were chewing something crunchy, and we caught a glimpse of the bag. gotta say!! we thought you could do better with your selection of snacks.. those are infamous for being disappointing!!”
urges to hide yourself up in the jungle gym were repressed very heavily, “oh, come on! you’re gonna be weirdly observant and rip on my lackluster taste?? fake friends… the both of you!”
there was a moment of hesitation, a hushed chuckle like that of listening in to another’s word, then he pressed their hand to their chassis in dramatized dismay, “GASP!!! US?! FAKE FRIENDS??? sunshine, we could NEVER!! i only… speak the truth! is that so wrong??”
“…what if i said yes?”
the pair of you snickered at that. hands of metal and plastic and silicone cupped your cheeks once more, thumbs dabbing at the outline of your lips, and you hummed. must not have gotten all the crumbs after all. he gave you a littler smile, voice surprisingly quieter than what you were used to from the louder of the two, “i would throw you out a window! now, i’ve already said “do tell” twice now, so it’d be a little redundant to say it a third, wouldn’t it?”
you pretended to think, “huh… i guess it could be, but we wouldn’t be able to know for sure. how about you try it again and see-?”
the sun gave you its most unimpressed expression.
“ALRIGHT, alright!! pFFT- hAha, i’ll tell!!! okay, so…”
“… and then i had to clean that s- dookie!! that dookie up! not literally dookie, it came out the kid’s mouth, but uh… it sure could’ve passed from smell alone…..”
it was maybe ten minutes till you had to formally end your shift for the day, and you were somehow always surprised at how fast your extra time passed with the daycare attendant. you hadn’t spent the whole time talking about your experience through the day, as you could never remember things people asked of you to remember in the moment they did, so your ever-understanding friend had initially done a majority of the talking. describing the itinerary he had planned for the children today, how it all went mildly off-track and some improvisations had to be made, all while you helped clean up any stray toys or such still left skewed about the space. in the comfortable silence that followed, you blurted out pieces of your own activities until they finally formed the solid timeline of your day, if not broken up by a plushie-throwing battle momentarily.
the sun had set a half of the time through, though, and now you were in the company of the moon, who hummed along to your musings, “that’s disgusting. genuinely vile.”
there was no doubt a grimace painted across your features, and he seemed to laugh at the picture, “it really was! sucked. awful.”
he made some elaborate show of swimming through the air on his back, with only the cable hooked to their back piece, supporting their taunting frame, “sucks to suck, loser. you probably smell like it. take a shower, stink.”
you frowned up at him from where you walked along the hallway, sniffing at your clothes before letting your steps fall a little heavier, “shut up!! i was gonna anyways!”
the cord gave no audible indicator of the lunar dingdong gliding to hover over you with a playful grin, “stop stomping then, bozo. throwing tantrum. stinky stinker.”
“i am not!! you’re just being a jerk.”
you cringed, while moon’s smile only seemed to widen. you definitely sounded kind of whiny; you both knew that, so you switched it up with a drawn-out sigh, “ANYWAYS!! i’m gonna have to clock out soon, so don’t miss me too much while i’m gone, a’ight?”
you were steadily approaching the exit now, and the moon dragged itself along by the tether still for a quiet moment, before snorting with the barest trace of a crackle from their voicebox, “couldn’t care less.”
although, when standing in front of the shutters, he ruffled your hair a bit with a titter filled of mischief, then smoothed it back down to a poor imitation of how it looked before as he lowered himself to your standing when you complained lowly. you rolled your eyes at him, huffing, “wow, you guys really are fake…”
moon gave you a disgruntled mumble as a reply at first, before it raised to a decibel that was actually possible for humans to hear clearly, fingers wandering to trace spirals into your temple, “yeah, yeah- sooo unreal, this is all a dream. wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up.”
you breathed a laugh that went strictly against the bit, face twisted in an unwitting smile, “wake up? i would think you’d be telling me to sleep, instead. isn’t that kinda your whole thing?”
the bot fell silent for a moment, tracing out as many bumps and ridges and shapes he could of your face, like the imprinting of a memory as cool fingertips ghosted over the seam of your lips. it was a little strange, but it still relaxed the muscles in your face as he reached up slowly to brush away a fallen eyelash with a plastic knuckle, then seemed to regain his voice, “sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep.”
that finally made you cackle, and moon squeezed your cheeks lightly with eyes that wished to crinkle in mirth, letting their silicone palms slip from your jaw with a final couple of taps from thumbs to the edges of your mouth, “you’re such a weirdo, dude.”
this time he rolled his eyelights instead, the cord clipped to their back pulling taut as their smile seems a little less carved in, and he’s watching you from a bird’s eye view once more, “sure… uhuh.”
you fished out your keycard, still grinning as well, “you really are, i swear! gonna dip now, though. see you when i see you!!”
card swiped and shutters lifting, you waved to the moon as you stepped out, it reciprocating a reflection of the farewell for the night, “later, weirdo. stay safe.”
you shouted back an affirmation, and all you got in reply was the tinkling of bells.
you were glad they were salvageable.
well, you honestly were infinitely more grateful that they as a whole were salvageable. the bells were just a nice bonus. you flicked one tied to their wrist again, smiling a little to yourself.
at first the ribbons had been scorched of ash and blackened from fire, but you had cleaned and learned to stitch, so they now looked as good as new. maybe the two found peace in the fact as well, but you could never truly know what went on in their head at any given moment. only guesses, really. lots of guesses nowadays.
guesses such as who was sitting next to you at the moment. who? sun rays were out, nightcap pinned, staring at you. it was useless to have the television on, really as no one watched whatever was playing, but you still observed the light bouncing off the walls with a very real interest.
there was a painfully long stretch of silence, and though you didn’t have a clue as to whether they felt as uncomfortable as you did, you still struck up conversation. the animatronic seemed eager to listen to whatever it was you finally took a deep breath to say, eyes glued to your face as you sighed heavily, “uh, sun… moon..? are you okay?”
the static laced through their words was a lot more noticeable, fingers in their lap spasming as if indecisive, “yes!! yes, all is well, friend!! we’re alright. you alright, tv too loud? all good?!”
so, your friends weren’t quite themselves, were they? were they? you reached over to the remote on the table, switching the television off with the press of a button, while the animatronic observed after your every move. you turned to them a little more after that, and held out your arms with an unsure grin, to which sunrays extended to stab through the poor nightcap further, “i’m all good! don’t worry, buddy… do you uh, want a hug?”
there was a moment of hesitation, like their body was held back by something, yet their faceplate was lit up with a sort of unbridled joy that had your smile widening, “YES!! yes, yes!!! that would be nice, mhm. can we?!”
you raised a brow, teasing, “i’m literally the one who asked, guys. of course.”
very soon after saying that you were gathered in arms and cradled close, high pitched laughter and mumbles being whispered as you wrapped your limbs around them, still jittery hands rubbing circles into your back. digits trailed and traced up your spine, ghosting over notches of vertebrae like second nature, and you squeezed them closer still. a laugh escaped you too when you felt cold fingers trail to your upper neck and draw shapes on your cheeks, pulling your head gently to face their faceplate. rays retracted to be able to rest on your shoulder, eyes still staring at you as their plastic plated fingers brushed over your mouth, the barest of pressure to make the skin give before their line of sight finally drifted to what they were doing.
it was like lightning struck their servos, making them sit rod straight with sunrays ripping up the hat more as they flared and spun like the blades of a fan, making you wince at the future stitching project. it was like they were trying to avoid any physical contact with you now, despite you still very much being spread on their lap, and you were mildly surprised they hadn’t chucked you across the living room from the force of their jolt, “wh- are you okay?? what happened?!”
they seemed like you when you reflected on an embarrassing memory from elementary school in the dead of night, and you had to choke down a wheeze that would’ve been at their expense, mortification hidden behind the same hands that had so affectionately held you, “OH MY GOSH. WE’RE SO SORRY- sorry- WE DIDN’T EVEN ASK!! WE’RE HORRIBLE!!! fakest friends. HOW COULD WE?? horrib-“
you furrowed your brows, leaning forward to pry their hands from their face, which they probably let you from how easy it was to move them. you then replaced their hands with your own, making sure to keep eye contact while they stared into yours, lightly brushing thumbs over the designs carved onto their faceplate, “ALRIGHT, NONE OF THAT!! i don’t know what you’re freaking out about, but you’re not bad buddies at all! like, if it’s about the whole touchy-feely dealy, then you guys are fine!!! more than fine, really! don’t you think i would TELL you to stop if i got uncomfortable?!”
there was a moment of quiet, and hands that were hovering at their sides drop down to the couch cushions, “uhm.. yeah, guess so. are… are you sure, though??! can we-“
your hands found theirs in a slightly annoyed resolution, lifting them to your face to press from the palms to their fingertips to your mouth, effectively killing any words left in their voicebox. you swore you maybe heard the air conditioning kick up speed in the silence, and when you moved on to their metal knuckles, one of them breathed out static, “star, we get it..”
you huffed at them, pausing to stare at their unreadable expression, “YOU BETTER!! AND ALSO YOU’RE NOT FAKE!! now come on, can we get back to it??? the back rubs were especially nice..”
there was hesitation again for a moment, but then they snickered something that was an overlap of the two you knew and loved, and digits traveled over your skin. you sighed in contentment, sinking into their hold while hugging them close to you once more, squeezing when a hand came up to card through your hair, “aww, friend!!! …spoiled.”
you went to yap an objection, but any fight left you when they rested a faceplate with retracted rays back on your shoulder, tracing stars into the corners of your lips. you simply flicked the bells tied to their wrist absentmindedly instead, happy.
[ masterpost ]
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lonelym00n · 1 year
The Red Means I Love You
Amber Freeman x Reader
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Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Ghostface is running around and you don't know who to trust. Amber reassures you that things will be okay.
Warnings: Typical canon violence with descriptions of blood. Please read with caution! Follows the events of Scream V. Also, Angst!
A/N: guysss... I did a thing... I'll just let you read and find out.
Title + fic inspired by Madds Buckley's song, The Red Means I Love You
If someone had told you a few days ago that you’d have to watch your close friend take a bullet to the head, you’d have slapped them across the face and added them to Mindy’s ever-growing list of potential future ghostface suspects. 
In retrospect, you suppose you were naive for thinking that you’d make it through Woodsboro High without falling victim to someone deciding to take up the infamous killer’s mantle. You should’ve suspected that it would happen eventually, especially considering that three of your best friends were related to survivors from the years prior. That fact alone painted a bright red target on your back and it was only a matter of time until an eight-inch hunting knife sunk into you because of it.
Did some higher deity sew the stars together to seal the fate of you and your friends? Were you destined to die at the hands of the ghost that haunted the little town you’d lived in all your life? Some part of you thinks that yes, this was meant to happen, because a tiny voice in your head always figured the friend group you’d become a part of was doomed from the day it began to form.
Everyone else in Woodsboro had it easy, their parents were present and the killings that plagued the town only existed for them in the form of the notorious Stab franchise. The same couldn’t be said for your friends.
Put a handful of Woodsboro High’s most traumatized students into one group and what do you get? The perfect cast for the next series of killings. Mindy tells you as much when you and the rest of your friends are clustered together in her living room, trying to identify who among you was responsible for brutally attacking the others left and right. 
As if being friends with people who are related to the survivors wasn’t bad enough, you learn from Tara’s older sister that she is connected to Billy Loomis, the original ghostface himself. More than being connected, Sam’s his daughter. You have half a mind to notify your parents to start picking out your tombstone now.
You barely listen as accusations fly around the room. How could it be possible that you were in the same room as the killer right now, when you’ve known everyone here your whole life? You were having a hard time processing the fact that one of the kids you’d played in the sandbox with in elementary school had grown up to become someone so sinister. 
Distantly, you hear Mindy conclude that Sam must be the killer, that it made the most sense because of who her father was. She storms out of the room and after a beat, you stand up on shaky legs and murmur a goodbye to the remaining occupants of the Meeks-Martin living room. Your head was reeling and you needed to get away or you’d break down and lose your last semblance of sanity. 
If there is a God that exists, they must hate you, because you break down anyways. Just outside the house, you’re hunched over, a hand clutched desperately at your rapidly rising chest. Despite your best efforts, you’re unable to chase away the dread and terror that have nestled in and made a home in your torso. 
Too wrapped up in trying to calm your irregular breathing, you don’t hear the familiar clunk of boots swiftly making their way towards you.
Though your vision is blurred, you’ve spent enough time around Amber to recognize her presence almost instantly. She’s bent over you concernedly, and you think she’s speaking to you but you can’t hear her over the accelerated pounding of your heart that has arisen from the lack of proper oxygen intake. 
Her body firmly encompasses your own and your senses are overtaken with everything Amber. If you were able to breathe, you would’ve sighed at the feeling of security that blanketed over you. 
Amber’s hands grasp yours and she presses your joined hands onto her chest, where her heart steadily thumps beneath. At the feeling of it, you will your own heart to match its rhythm. It takes a while for it to slow down but once it does, you faintly become aware of her sweet voice reminding you to breathe slowly, in and out, in and out. 
She looks relieved when you finally descend back to reality. “There you go, baby. You’re okay. I’m here.”
You throw your arms around her and sob into the embrace, struggling to ignore the burning in your chest. She rubs your back and shushes you quietly. 
“Amber, I can’t do this. I’m scared.”
She presses a chaste kiss to your forehead and pulls you in closer, resting her chin on the top of your head. “We’re gonna be okay.”
You mumble into her chest, “How can you be so sure?”
Practically smothered in her embrace, you remain completely unaware of the ominous look that has blossomed in the dark brown eyes that you love so much. 
“You trust me, don’t you?” 
You nod, albeit a bit hesitantly.
“Good. I’m going to protect you, I won’t let anything happen to us.”
It isn’t lost on you that just as there is with everyone else, there’s a slim possibility that Amber could be the killer. But out of everyone, you know her the best. Ever since she had asked you out, all shy and nervous and very un-Amber Freeman like, the two of you had been inseparable. She weaseled her way into your everyday thoughts and in turn, you became the center of warmth that thawed her previously cold heart. No one could deny that you and Amber balanced each other out perfectly. For the first time in your life, you found someone you could trust enough to fall deeply and irrevocably in love with. If you could trust Amber with such an intimate and fundamental piece of your soul, you could trust that she wouldn’t be silently plotting your death, right?
Just like Liv’s skull cavity, your heart shatters at the abrupt finality of Amber’s bullet. 
Chaos erupts at the spray of Liv’s blood and the crash of her still-warm body hitting the ground. Sam and Richie scatter as Tara knocks Amber’s next shot off course. 
The only thing you can think to do is run, so you do. You clamber up the stairs and dive into the hall closet. You clamp a hand over your mouth to muffle the pitiful sounds desperately trying to slip past your lips. 
You feel utterly broken, like the piece of your soul that you’d given to Amber was cruelly snatched out of your body and crushed in her murderous grasp. You want nothing more than to scream and wail until you yell yourself hoarse, but you can’t give up your hiding spot. As much as you’re sure that the pain of betrayal outweighs any cut from the blood-stained knife, you don’t want to find out if there’s any truth to the comparison. 
You hear two sets of feet making their way up the stairs, one stomping heavily and the other flailing uselessly. You aren’t one-hundred percent sure, but you think the pained whimpers you’re hearing belong to Tara. Which means Amber was likely the one accompanying her.
At the thought of your girlfriend, you recoil further into the closet. You can feel your whole body shaking in fear. 
After a few more long minutes, you can hear the familiar creak of Amber’s boots on the hardwood floor. She’s calling out your name and you press your hand harder against your mouth to completely silence the sound of your breathing. 
Her search becomes more frantic and the clunking of her boots begins to pick up speed. You reach around blindly in search of anything you can use to fend her off.
Just as you tighten your grip around what you think might be an umbrella, the closet door flies open. You swing with all your might, but Amber moves quicker, grabbing the umbrella and disarming you.
She quirks an eyebrow and chuckles at your failed attempt to hit her. She motions for you to stand.
 “Come on, down to the kitchen we go.”
You make no move to get up, paralyzed at the sight of her donning the ghostface robes. 
She groans, “I can’t have you ruining the plan. Let’s go.”
Her commanding tone does nothing to move you. You’re rooted to the spot in fear, wondering what fate is waiting for you down in the kitchen. 
Amber growls and you flinch backwards as she steps into the closet, towering over your seated form. 
“You’re being such a pain in the ass.”
Her hands wrap tightly around your waist as hoists you up and tosses you over her shoulder. You struggle futility, but there’s no chance you can escape the strong arm wound snugly around your midsection. 
Amber carries you easily down the stairs and you wriggle around faster, knowing from your frequent visits to the house that you’re almost across the threshold that leads into the kitchen. 
You’re placed onto the ground and firmly shoved to the other side of the island. Before you can even think to move, the steel barrel of a gun is pressed into your forehead. It’s Richie on the other end of it, and only then do you realize that Sam is laid out on the ground, a hand pressed into her side, where blood is trickling out despite her efforts to stop it. She looks up at you with sorrow and terror and you’re sure that your expression reflects hers like a mirror. 
Amber takes the knife that Richie offers to her and makes her way to a different corner of the kitchen. She jumps gleefully, and if things weren’t so fucked up you might’ve found the sight endearing.
Though the gun blocks out most of your vision, you see two other women in the kitchen. 
Gale Weathers and Sidney Prescott. Shit, even they managed to get trapped in this nightmare. 
Richie, seemingly pissed that you aren’t giving him your full attention, grips your jaw with more than enough force to leave a bruise. Your resulting moan of pain is insignificant to him.
“Leave her alone!” Sidney yells out and Amber’s knife presses threateningly into her throat, swiftly silencing her.
Richie laughs menacingly, “Sid, when are you gonna finally realize you aren’t in control here?” 
He turns towards you and frowns angrily.
“You know if it were up to me, you’d have been dead at the start of this thing.” 
A glob of his spit lands on your cheek and the gun is pushed further into your forehead, the force practically moving you backwards.
You’re scared, the most afraid you’ve ever been in your life. Your hands are trembling and you stutter, completely unable to come up with the necessary words to plead helplessly for your life. 
“Pathetic,” Richie growls out. He looks in Amber’s direction, “I don’t know what you saw in her honey.”
“She usually has a lot more fire in her.” 
You meet her gaze for a second. Amber’s eyes are nearly black, pupils blown wide with what must be psychotic pleasure. 
You open your mouth to finally say something, but the sudden smack of the gun across your face shuts you up. You cry out and lift your hands to your face instinctually. Your head is pulsing at the unexpected pain.
While Amber’s distracted with Richie’s assault on you, Sidney makes a grab for a knife sitting on the countertop.
Her actions don’t go unnoticed. Amber reacts with the speed of a demon and plunges her knife into Sidney’s gut. Gale yells out as Sidney crumples to the ground.
With both Sidney and Gale momentarily incapacitated, Richie knocks you backwards, sending you carelessly stumbling back and straight into Amber’s arms. He turns towards Sam, while Amber pins you against the counter.
“Get rid of her Amber, we need to start staging the bodies. Fast baby, we don’t have much time.”
She hums, not bothering to verbally acknowledge him. You shiver as your eyes lock together, hers still full of straight mania. 
Her arm lifts up and she moves slowly, tracing the blade against the smooth skin of your face. You try not to gag at the coppery smell of blood that is being carelessly smeared across your face.
She smiles softly at you, creating a confusing juxtaposition with the wild expression that fills her eyes. 
Amber leans in to whisper almost lovingly in your ear, “I always knew you’d look so pretty covered in blood, baby.” 
You can’t stop the tears from leaking out of your eyes. You’re so distraught, it’s nearly impossible to think straight with how overwhelmed you are. How could this Amber be the same Amber that had admitted to being nervous the first time she told you she loved you? 
“Amber, please.” You begged brokenly, hoping the girl you loved so dearly was still somewhere inside the maniac that stands in front of you.
Her gaze softens just a hair and you nearly cheer at the glimpse of your Amber. 
“I’m sorry. You know I’d keep you around if I could.”
The relief exits your body. Your heart drops deep into your chest at the words.
“You said you’d protect me.” You feel desperate, there had to be something you could say to snap Amber out of this state.
She pouts and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I did. Richie wanted you to be the opening kill, but I stopped that from happening.” 
The special smile that she always saved just for you spread across her face, “I even convinced him to leave you to me tonight. I’ll be the last person you see, won’t that be nice?”
Your jaw trembles with the newfound knowledge. Amber spared you, but only to prolong your life so you’d die by her hand. Your resolve finally breaks, and you are fully encased in dread. 
In a strange mirroring of the day’s earlier events, you begin weeping loudly. Amber’s arms wrap around you in an attempt to comfort you. 
She deposits a kiss onto the top of your head.
“I know you don’t understand it, but I’m doing this because I love you.”
Her arms tighten around you and you’re suddenly blindsided by excruciating pain. Amber’s knife is slowly pushed deeper and deeper into your body, your insides twist around at the intrusion. 
As you yell out in pain, she shushes and gently praises you, repeatedly whispering how much she loves you. 
She rips the knife out of your gut, just to harshly plunge it back in once, twice, and a third time. You feel sick at the squelching that sounds out each time the knife enters your stomach. 
Blood dribbles out of your mouth as you groan in pain. 
Hazily, you notice that she’s covered in your blood. Your vision is darkening and you feel yourself begin to dwindle in and out of consciousness. 
Amber takes note of this and leans closer, her lips nearly touching yours. 
“You did so good for me, love. I’ll make sure they cast someone beautiful to play you in the movie.”
With a final whispered confession of love, Amber places a gentle series of kisses to your bloodied lips. She stabs you once more, and lowers your body carefully to the ground as she pulls the knife out one last time. 
You lay there, unable to move even if you wanted to. You stare up at the ceiling, it spins around and around and around. 
Your ears are ringing. If you could think clearly, you reckon you’d wonder what you did wrong to end up in this situation. You don’t think there’s any possibility for things to have ended differently. Fate was cruel and unforgiving, but at this point you have no choice but to lie in the bed that it has made for you.
The pain is gone, replaced with the silent weight of nothingness. You feel yourself drifting away, and you welcome the feeling. Maybe your next life would be kinder to you.
Unfortunately for you, your peace never comes. 
Instead, you find yourself opening your eyes disorientedly. You let out a sharp hiss at the blinding white lights that glare back at you. 
Once you’ve adjusted to the light, you finally make out that there are a couple figures crowding around you. 
It hurts to talk, as a matter of fact, everything hurts. 
“Alright, alright you’re okay. My name’s Dr. Ford. You’re gonna be in a lot of pain for a while, so let’s take it easy.”
You stare back at the man in disbelief.
Somehow, despite all the odds, you survived.
A/N: ta da!! I'm actually planning a part 2 to this that follows our dear reader through the events of scream vi, so stay tuned! Heads up, it won't actively be about an Amber x R relationship cuz... well you know :'(
Fellow Amber stans plz forgive me for not feeding y'all more regularly.
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wonuwrites · 1 month
We Can't Be Friends Song Reaction
Inspired by Ariana Grande's song: "We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love)
hyung line version. Maknae Line Version
Warning: This is angsty and sad af, slight cursing, mentions alcohol, Minghao's has an Ice Spice lyric reference, hate comments, Mingyu's is a bit suggestive so respectfully: Minors fuck off and don't interact LMFAO. tbh this is more angsty and emotional than the hyung line and I'm only partially sorry.
A/N: using a song lyric as a prompt for each of the members. Decided to break this up from Hyung Line (Seungcheol - Jihoon) to Maknae Line (Seokmin - Chan). I already did 95/96 Line now it's time for the youngins. Like the hyung version, The parts are written in order from where the song lyrics show up. I tried to do different lyrics from the hyung line xo I hope you enjoy.
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✫ Seungkwan: "I don't wanna tiptoe, but I don't wanna hide. But I don't wanna feed this monstrous fire."
Neither of you ever wanted to admit how much of a dumpster fire Seungkwan and your relationship was becoming. However, it was. Day by day, it was becoming more and more clear your once perfect relationship was close to ending. You knew that Seungkwan wanted to make it work out and he truly thought it was just a bump in the road. However, you just knew it was time to end. Seungkwan and you were sat in his car in front of your house while the rain was pouring down and you just felt sick. You had called and told him that you wanted to talk but the words just wouldn't come out. You didn't want to hurt him but you also did not want to tiptoe and hide your true feelings anymore. With one look after an uncomfortable few minutes of silence, Seungkwan knew what was going on started to get teary eyed which made you teary eyed as well. "Kwannie, I'm so sorry but you know it's for the best. We had a good run." You managed to get out. Seungkwan did a shakey sigh before looking out the windsheild. "It was a great run, (Y/N), thank you for all the precious memories. I will always love you." "I will always love you too, thank you as well." After that, you braced yourself for the storm and for this next chapter of your new life. You opened the door and got out before running to your front door. You turned around as Seungkwan drove off and that was when you finally let go and finally broke down. You were so scared to enter this next chapter but you knew it was what you were supposed to do.
✫ Dino: "Wait until you like me again. Wait for your love."
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces as Chan stood in front of you with a defeated look on his face. He could have said anything, but telling you that he's realized he's starting to fall out of love with you was probably the most devastating thing he could have told you. "When? What? Why?" was all you could say while trying your best to stay strong. You thought you both were golden. "I don't know, all I know is I want to keep loving you but it's just hard to." "I'm hard to love?!" "I didn't mean it like that, (Y/N)." "Then how did you mean it Chan?" Your voice finally cracked and then you looked away so he could not see you cry which absolutely broke his heart. "I- I don't know but--" you then just sighed then walked past him toward the door and opened the door for him. "Well until you know, here's the door. I rather not waste my time with someone who only pretends to love me." He started to walk toward you to give you a hug but you put your hand out so he wouldn't be able to touch you. "Don't you dare complicate this. Just come back when you know what you want. I will wait for you to try to like me again but I don't want to be there while you figure it out."
✫ Minghao: "Know that you made me, I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging."
"(Y/N) only dated Minghao for 15 seconds of fame." "(Y/N) thinks they are the shit for dating Minghao. They're barely a fart." "Minghao could've done WAY better. There is more attractive people and he chose (Y/N)? God I'm so happy he finally got a brain and dumped her gold digging ass." Normally hate comments made you laugh. When Minghao and you were together and saw hate comments you both would giggle at how much time they were wasting while you were both just living your life and being in love. However, now that Minghao and you are no longer together the hate comments hurt. What hurt is that after the breakup, Minghao and his company did nothing to stop the comments. You both had a pretty clean and fair breakup so the fact that they just let the comments attack you felt unfair. Your company tried everything in their power to stop the comments with threatening lawsuits, to mass deleting comments, to offering to manage your socials so you wouldn't have to read it. The offer was nice but when you were welcomed with boo's and slurs when you went to an event you couldn't help but try to put on a brave face but mentally curse Pledis and Minghao. Also yourself for even agreeing to date Xu Minghao to begin with. Life would've been so much more peaceful if you never even knew his name.
✫ Mingyu: "Not what you made me, it's something like a daydream. But I feel so seen in the night."
It was supposed to be a one night stand. However, Mingyu and you developed an emotional non committed relationship and it was pretty nice. A little too nice. You knew it was a dangerous game to get this involved but you couldn't help it. Something about Kim Mingyu was so addicting. He was the best drug you could be addicted too. The way he made you feel so seen on your nightly adventures. That's why it hurt a little bit when you saw him out and about and he ignored you. As if you were only good enough for a fuck but not for a casual 'hello' in the daytime. It broke you when he came over two nights after the incident and he scoffed at your hurt. He had assumed you knew what this was. "Is this not enough, sweetheart?" no. No it was not. However, you couldn't bring yourself to admit it to him so at that moment you realized if you wanted anything to do with Mingyu, you had to play by his rules. No matter how bad it hurt.
✫ Vernon: "So for now, it's only me. And maybe that's all I need."
Hansol and you were so codependent for your whole relationship. You were with each other every second. You didn't have to talk, just being in each others presence was enough. Or so it was. One day, you both just grew apart. He started getting busy with Seventeen and you started getting more and more projects at work. The distance was affecting both of you but you both were too scared to say anything. That's when the fight happened and both of you wished you said something sooner because maybe... just maybe you both would be in each other's arms or sending each other cursed TikToks that plagued your FYP. However, neither of you did and you both were just too damn stubborn to say something. After suffering for what seemed like an eternity, you decided to try to explore independence a bit more. You took a much needed shower, and started to curl your hair and put on some makeup. As you were getting dolled up you did some daily affirmations. The more you told yourself, the more confident you were becoming. Maybe being solo for awhile was a good thing.
✫ DK: "My love, I'll wait for your love. I'll wait for your love."
Seokmin woke up in a cold sweat and looked around. He saw he was in an empty bed and the nightmare he had of losing you was way too realistic. He quickly stood up and called out your name but heard nothing back. His heart was racing when he heard the silence. Where were you? He rubbed his eyes and and looked around the room a bit more and that's when he remembered he was in a hotel room for a schedule. He sighed before laying back in bed and grabbing his phone. He squinted as the light hit his face and couldn't help but get teary eyed as he saw your smiling face smiling back at him. He loved you more than words could say. He said it constantly but that still didn't mean that you both weren't going through a rough patch. He didn't leave on the best conditions with you before he left and regretted it. Instinctively, he dialed your number and pressed the phone to his ear. He just needed to hear your voice. "Hey baby!" He heard your voice say which made him tear up even more. "Hi," he whispered while smiling. "Seokmin? Baby, are you okay?" A tear fell down his cheek as he heard the pet name for the second time and his fears were calmed a bit. "Seokmin?" "Oh yeah... Sorry I- I um, I'm sorry." "It's okay, baby... what's going on though?" He sighed before sitting up and telling you about his nightmare and how he just loves you so fucking much. This made you lean against the wall as you listened to him explain his fears and your heart broke at his anxiety. Sure when he left it was rough but that's relationships. Relationships aren't all sunshine and rainbows all the time. When you explained that you heard him sniffle which made you tear up. "Thank you, baby." He whispered. "Of course, love. I'll wait for you to come home. Five more days right?" "Yes, just Five more days." "I'll wait for your love, my love. I love you always." "I love you, always."
A/N: whoops I accidentally wrote a novel for Seokmin's. Pls don't hate me lmaooo
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Hunger Games Characters as Taylor Swift songs PART 2!!
I know these aren't popular like the fan fiction on my account but I love mixing my music and intrests so ima do a PART TWO
Johanna Mason
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Mad Woman- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will"
Honestly, it's so hard to find just one lyric in this song that I felt like truly highlights her because the whole song is literally her. Especially the last verse. Like "'Cause you took everything from me, Watchin' you climb, Watchin' you climb Over people like me The master of spin Has a couple side flings Good wives always know She should be mad Should be scathing like me" THAT JUST FEELS SO MUCH LIKE HOW SHE VIEWS SNOW. He took everything from her and she was just sitting back ready to take him and the rest of the capital down with it. Also, I love her.
Katniss Everdeen
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Eyes Open- Taylor Swift, Red
"In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords. But now we've stepped into a cruel world. Where everybody stands and keeps score"
OKAY ADMITTEDLY THIS IS A SELL OUT BECAUSE THIS SONG WAS ON THE HUNGER GAMES OTHER SOUND TRACK BUT, it is quite literally her song. Side note but this song is so sad but sounds so happy. I love when Ms. Swift does songs like this. But yeah from the first verse describing how they were just kids then one day got thrown into the cruel and harsh world of the hunger games. Also the part talking about "they never thought you'd make it this far" makes so much sense because the girl from district 12 is always seen as the runt of the picks, the one who isn't supposed to win, BUT SHE DID!! Honestly, if yall can think of another song that fits her character please let me know. I have some honorable mentions
A Place in This World- Debut: honestly, I think this song really describes her thought process going into the hunger games. She was just trying to survive and keep her family safe. Even when she was thrown into being the head figure of the Revolution, she never wanted that position, she just got thrown into it. She was just walking along the path set for her. Even the line "maybe I'm just a girl on a mission but I'm ready to fly" makes sense to me because she IS the mocking jay.
Only Me When I'm With You- Debut: So Peniss coded (Peeta X Katniss)
I Know Places- 1989: Also Peniss coded
I Did Something Bad- Reputation: Killing president coin, pushing forth with the revolution,
Sujanus Plinth
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Only The Young- Taylor Swift, Miss Americana
"You did all that you could do, the game was rigged, the ref got tricked, the wrong ones think they're right. You were outnumbered, this time"
Honestly, the whole thing reminds me of his reaction to the games. Also the whole song is about how only the young can change the future and Sujanus's character really showed that spirit. He was trying to make a change but unfortunately, he trusted the whole people and the odds were stacked against him.
Haymitch Abernathy
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Champagne Problems- Taylor Swift, Evermore
""This dorm was once a madhouse" I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
He has em. Simple as that. (alcoholism)
Seriously though this song reminds me of him more so because of the concept of it. Champagne problems is a term used to describe issues that seem rather trivial, unimportant, and I feel like a lot people tend to disregard all the genuine things Haymitch had gone through. The story of the song also is about a marriage that never happened, it also has undertones of lost family and friends. As we know, Haymitch lost his girlfriend and family to the capital. He never got to marry her because she was taken from him.
Lucy Gray
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My Tears Ricochet- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky. And when you can't sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies"
LETS BE HONEST, SHE IS SO FOLK-EVERMORE CODED. I could dissect this song for ages explaining why it's the perfect example of what Lucy Gray would be saying indirectly to Snow. Firstly,
"Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day"
CUZ NO SHE DID NOT DESERVE WHAT SNOW PUT HER THROUGH. She loved him truly, deeply, but when it came down to it, she knew she could never trust him. Especially with the position he put her in. She could go anywhere she wants but not home after Snow made it seem like she killed the mayors daughter. And then the part
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet"
She didn't go with grace. She left in a flash, deep with mystery. She has to hide for the rest of her life while he gets to be the proud hero and savior to Panem. The second half of the main chorus is so true to how Coryo was acting when they were in the forest in that last scene. He was quite literally cursing her name, wishing she'd stayed.
"You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me"
"But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky) And when you can't sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)"
She had such a hold on him, he still remembers her years later, haunted by her memory. the song constantly references the "Haunting". The "I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky" reminded me of the way the mocking jays carried her voice all around the sky. And the last line was so clearly connecting to 'The Hanging Tree' in my brain. Many years later, Katniss sang the same song she did to lead a rebellion against him. His life is haunted by her memories and cursed by it. He can't escape her anywhere.
The tears he made her spill simply ricocheted into bullets that hit him instead.
Effie Trinket
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Bejeweled- Taylor Swift, Midnights
"Best believe I'm still bejeweled. When I walk in the room,I can still make the whole place shimmer"
MS. EFFIE TRINKET IS THE BADDEST BITCH BRO OMG I LOVEEEEE HER. STYLE ICON. Listen, no matter what happens to that woman, shes gonna shine. A diamonds gotta SHINE. She is always the most sparkly, eye catching person out there at ALL TIMES! Even without all the glitz and glamour she is still so iconic. She is ALWAYS bejeweled.
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lipringlrh · 1 year
teach me? - lrh
summary: you’re struggling to play guitar and Luke decides to teach you.
pairing: luke hemmings x reader
an: isn't my favourite thing i've written but i hope you enjoy it regardless! i also suck at playing guitar so whey
word count: ~800
warnings: lil bit of kissing
feedback appreciated!
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Luke had just got home only a few minutes prior when he walked into the living room to you sprawled out, hands in hair, guitar on your lap and youtube playing in front of you.
“Luke, I’m going to scream, why is it this hard?” You’d been trying so hard to play the guitar and play one song for him but it wasn’t going well in the slightest.
You could figure out the easy chords, for the most part, okay but the strumming was getting to you. Nothing felt right and no matter what you tried, it didn’t sound the same as the man in the video.
You had planned to be packed away by the time Luke got back; whenever he’d asked before, you said you didn’t want to learn guitar, but lately, after seeing him on tour, you’d wanted to. You would of liked to keep it a surprise and show him one of his own songs one day but you didn’t think that was possible anymore.
Luke had dropped his bags on his way into the living room, and was now making his way over to you. He passed you slightly, then dropped to sit cross-legged, right in front you, on the carpet. He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head, then asked, “what’s the problem, darling?”
He had his hand on your knee, rubbing in slow circular motions. “It just this- I can’t do it, Lu, it’s so stupid.” you complained to him. He made it look so simple; he’d played it flawlessly for most of his life and could play songs that seemed almost impossible. Why couldn’t it just be that easy for you?
Luke paused for a moment before pushing up off the floor. Your eyes followed him as he got up and sat behind you, trapping you in between his legs.
“c’mere sweetheart, let me teach you.” He wrapped his arms around you and placed his head on your shoulder, looking down at the guitar in your lap. He fiddled with your fingers on the fretboard, placing them in a Em chord position. He grabbed your strumming hand and a pick, placing it in between your fingers in the correct way.
“You ready, angel?” he asked, letting you nod before he grabbed you again. He held his hand over yours, pulling it downwards once. It still sounded horrible.
“I think you need to tune it angel, then it might sound okay.” You sighed and leaned back into him. You tried doing that, nodding towards the tuner on the floor. That was suppose to be the easy part and you were confused how you messed that up.
Luke moved the guitar off of you, placing it on one knee, tilting it so you could still lay on him comfortably. You sat in silence as he picked up the tuner and began tuning it.
You stared at him whilst he was focusing. You may be biased, him being your boyfriend and all, but you still believed he was the most gorgeous person you’d ever seen.
He always bit his lip quite hard whilst concentrating. You noticed him doing it again and knew he was going to complain later that it was sore, but you knew he was just going to do it again if you told him to stop.
When he finished tuning it, he strummed it a few times, making sure it was perfect for you before placing it back on your lap. He went through the motions again: positioning the guitar properly, moving your fingers into place, and correcting the way you held the pick. He grabbed your hand again, and pulled down, letting the guitar create the exact sound you wanted.
“oh that’s- easy.” Now Luke was here, everything was perfect.
“Okay, darling, now try without me,” He moved his hands away and leaned back on his hands, his legs still touching you. You tried again and it sounded, well, dreadful.
“Okay, turn your hand a bit like this for me, love… yeah, that’s it, try again.” Luke ushered. You tried again and sure enough, it sounded right.
Luke leaned into you, pressing his chest against your back and wrapping his arms around you, “there we are! You’re a rockstar now.”
You smiled leaning back into him, it didn’t seem like much to you but Luke was proud of everything you did. You turned your head to the side, facing him as much as possible, “we could start our own band, ditch the others.”
Luke laughed, bringing his hands to cup your face, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “wait, Lu, can we at least keep cal? He can dance in the background.”
Luke laughed again, “of course, baby, anything you want.” He tried kissing you again before you interrupted it.
“Can’t forget petunia, she’ll be the crowd’s favourite.”
“Mm course baby, now just let me kiss you, ‘kay?” He dropped his head down, slotting you lips together and moving his hands down to your waist. He hummed against you, adding “could do this forever, sweetheart.”
You pulled away, smirking, “that’s very cool but can you teach me some more now? Think m’gonna be better than you at this rate.”
feedback is appreciated + requests are open!
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epelletea · 2 years
Your TWST S/O reacts to you singing a familiar tune !! Part 3
Thank you everyone for enjoying and loving this so far. Finally figured out who I wanna do for Heartslaybul ;>
Context : You sing a song from their story! Ex: “Part of Your World, Kiss the Girl”
Includes : Riddle RoseHearts Leona Kingscholar Rook Hunt
Part One. Part Two. Part Four.
Riddle Rosehearts
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Oh dear… it seems that Riddle has fallen ill to the common cold.
Your boyfriend was never the type to fall sick to any illness because he always made sure he was in tip top shape.
But to get sick? Well this was completely surprising even to him. How could he have let this happen.
Sulking and overthinking to himself about how he could have possibly gotten himself sick.You sat next to him in a chair to keep him company during his sickness.
You tried to reassure him that it’s a common natural thing to get sick. He just wouldn’t quit it.
At this point he might end up with a headache if he keeps pondering this hard to himself.
Quick! Think of something to distract Riddle from these pointless thoughts.
Looking around for any distraction. You hear the birds tweeting outside to themselves singing a small duet.
Singing! That’ll work perhaps it’ll even get him to fall asleep. If you remembered correctly Alice had a song from her story about her falling into Wonderland.
While Riddle was deep in thought, you took his hand and placed it in yours rubbing soft circles into it. Beginning to hum the soft melody to him.
It was enough to snap him out of his thought. The thoughts slowly fading from his mind as he listened to your soft voice sing such a familiar tune.
Each word you sung made him feel like he was floating on the crowds. His heart filled with so much warmth and love. If he wasn’t sick he would’ve placed a kissed on your hand by now.
Riddle wanted to keep listening he really did but his eyes were slowly falling close. Your angelic singing was successfully making him fall asleep.
Slowly drifting off, he finally falls to asleep with an empty and positive mind. How did he get to have such a wonderful S/O like you.
Finally coming to the conclusion of the song. You open your eyes to your boyfriend now peacefully sleeping with a smile on his face.
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona Kingscholar. A very prideful man. But also an amazing boyfriend.
He loves you to the savanna and back. But to make him outfight say ‘I love you’ out in public? He would rather give his wallet to Ruggie.
It’s not that he doesn’t want too. He does but he finds it really embarrassing and will become very flustered. Hell if he lets the others see him be that vulnerable.
He might not be able to say it out loud public, but privately he could say it 1 million times to ensure that you know just how much he loves you.
Today, you made it your plans to achieve this goal. For him to say those three words to you in public.
But it was going to be extremely hard. This man values his pride more than anything.
Lounging about in his room while Leona was most likely napping in his bed. Standing above his “sleeping figure” pondering how to take this plan to action. That’s when you had a great idea.
Why not embarrass him.
Smirking to yourself, if you remembered correctly there was a love song during when Nala and Simba reconciled. Perfect!
Leona could tell you were up to no good. He was never asleep in the first place. He was studying your face as you stood there pondering to yourself. What were you up too?
All you had to do was sing out 5 words for him to jolt up to start chasing you.
“Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
Singing the song loud as possible, running out of his room so everyone in the dorm could hear you sing such a love song.
Leona would originally not care but everyone is aware you are his S/O and there will surely be teasing later on if he don’t stop you now. Plus the song you were singing is quite a popular love song in the Savanna.
He would’ve gotten you much quicker if you quit making such obstacles for him. Ducking under tables, jumping over couches. He was quite impressed with your agility.
You made quite the attraction. Your plan was coming out perfect. You were gaining the other students attention quite fast. To be fair half of the students here are beast men so their ears could hear quite well.
Finally getting cornered at a dead end with Leona right behind you. You told him that you will only stop if says I love you out loud.
With a loud exaggerated sigh. He realized he was getting out of this or else you would keep singing. He finally gives you loud “I love you” just enough for the students around to hear.
Giggly and happy for your plan to succeed. You kiss him on the cheek.
You fell right into this trap. He has you trapped in his arms now. You thought you were getting off Scott free from that? No you aren’t. You’re in for quite something.
Rook Hunt
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This year have been such a busy year.
Crowley kept throwing so much work onto you. It’s been hard to see anyone recently. Especially your boyfriend, Rook.
Each day, you felt the loneliness eat you up one by one. Missing the warmth of being in your charming huntsman arms.
The best thing you could do whenever you even had a slight chance to see him was kissing him on the cheek and then running off back to your tasks.
Today was particular slow but nonetheless still busy as Crowley has once again dump another pile of work onto you. Somehow Professor Trein has lost his cat and ran off somewhere outside and apparently this was your duty to deal with it.
Sighing, leaning against one of the trees taking a break from the search. Listening to nature sounds putting you at ease from the work lately.
The loneliness has once more crept onto you again making you miss Rook once more.
Perhaps singing will takes things off your mind?
You remembered a song that Snow White would sing waiting for her Prince.
Singing to yourself leaning against the tree and looking up to the sky. Wishing that you could see your Prince Charming.
How lucky for you. Rook happened to be near walking by.
Hearing your voice flow through his ears like soft silk. His heart sank how sad you sounded singing about missing him.
Don’t worry mon amour. Your Prince Charming is coming to your aid immediately.
Still softly singing to yourself. You didn’t hear nor notice Rook approaching from behind.
Rook felt like he was falling in love with you all over again. Seeing your figure sing about missing him. He couldn’t help but stand there for a little longer listening to you.
Turning around to continue your search for the cat. You jump in shock seeing your boyfriend stand behind you.
Rook gets on knee taking his hat off. He gently takes your hand places a kiss on it.
“Your Prince have arrived Mon armor.”
Heart fluttering from the simple gesture. You smile happily and immediately tackle your love with a warm embrace.
You decided to take a break from the work Crowley has been giving you and spend the rest of your day with Rook.
He asks if you have wrote the song you were singing. Not wanting to tell him that Snow White was the one who sung it. You simply agreed saying yes. He praised you for such a romantic song. The song felt very familiar to him but he could not care less about that right now. He had been reunited back with his true love
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cheegu3 · 2 years
Yeonjun - trust fund baby
synopsis: He was the ultimate, stereotypical rich kid. A trust fund baby having grown up with everything he wanted, never had to work an honest day in his life. You didn’t know exactly why your dad decided he was the ‘’ perfect fit ‘’ but you ended up being forced to marry him.
wc: 8.3k
pairing: f.m reader x yeonjun
genre: yandere, thriller
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note: I decided to do short stories to post for a member every once in a while - every member gets assigned a song from the album somewhat related to the story + every other story has a good or bad ending, 🖤
there’s a lot of time-skips bc I didn’t want to make it too long, also the ending is so bad I’m terrible at endings
a/n + extra warning: this will probably be the darkest fic out of the all the members as it has non-con in it (not description, only ‘’ beginning of it ‘’ + talk of it after - and ofc this is in no way a reflection of yeonjun irl. This character is the most vile, disgusting, punchable asshole I’ve probably ever created. Pls read trigger warnings before continuing ⚠️⚠️⚠️
tw / trigger warning: non-con sex (SA), murder, degrading language, swearing, arranged marriage, forceful feeding, daddy issues & mommy issues, unhealthy attachment style, dacryphilia, LGBTQIA death
((none of the GIFs are mine, if you feel uncomfortable with yours being used in yandere fics pls message me <3 :) ))
He didn’t deserve any of it.
That was all you could think about as you walked the halls of your husband-to-be’s extravagant house. You had always had a deep-rooted hate for rich people. What had they really done in their past lives that made them so special, that made them so worthy of the privilege and easiness that was handed to them at their birth. What was it?
In all your years alive, you had never figured it out. You were quite spiritual due to your upbringing, and believed rich people or people in general who live comfortably with minimal pain - were people who had worked hard in the afterlife to earn points, being able to reincarnate to whatever they wanted to - yet it was still a mystery; why, how - you did not possess the true answers to these questions. You could only watch as they took everything they had for granted, while you barely had enough to survive.
Perhaps the person having the riches didn’t know himself, because he was arrogant, delusional and entitled, thinking the whole world was supposed to be catered to him. 
All he knew was that he wasn’t built for love. At least not normal and healthy love. He only knew obsessions and extremes, that was how he was raised with absent parents, always working. He knew that their parenting, or rather lack of lead to their son being unhealthily attached to his maids and that this would eventually affect his love-life too. He wouldn’t fall in love the typical way - no, he’d fall in ‘’ love ‘’ due to obsession, due to not being able to get whoever he desired whenever he desired it, like a kid throwing a tantrum.
You just happened to be an inconvenience - why did your father have to propose such an idea to a lustful, hormonal young man who was trying to figure out the world. 
So it was really your fault. You were the reason for his forbidden, hushed feelings; those that were dark, unwanted and scary - those he carried but could never show.
That’s why he looked down on you now, standing on the second floor at the top of the stairs - with a mix of emotions behind his eyes. Hatred, anger, maybe pity.
You looked quite kind, sweet and far too innocent for what he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop from happening to you.
He was going to ruin you completely, he’d enjoy it for sure but now all he could feel was sympathy for the broken down version, that was a complete 180 from this woman, that would come to be.
The butler next to you shifted uncomfortably, very much embodying the tense and slightly awkward air in the room.
“ Welcome to house Choi, ma’am “ he pressed out before hurrying away.
You now stood in front of your husband. It all felt a little too unreal. Other than the person you had been married off to, there was also the fact that were was no wedding, no send off or goodbye, no nothing really.
It made it so much harder to accept your current reality.
“ Hello “
He was the first one to speak out of the two of you, now that you had been left alone, to your dismay.
“ Hi “ you said, only keeping the eye-contact briefly.
“ I’ll show you to our room “
You nodded, swallowing all the insults you wanted to hurl at your husband. He took you further into the second floor, where endless hallways stretched from a sort of pentagon shaped base. 
You followed him hurriedly, afraid to get lost - to the middle hallway, at the end of it was yet another unnecessarily extravagant and luxurious item, an almost white or beige tall door with gold carvings on it.
He pushed it open to reveal even more lavishness. You refused to show any sort of fascination or awe at any of it. Yet he still looked at you smugly while you took it all in though, as if expecting anyone to be immensely impressed.
You put down your bags at the end of the bed and sat on it, sighing deeply since you felt grateful for some time to yourself and to be able to rest. But your husband, Yeonjun seemed to linger for long in the doorframe, just watching you creepily.
You finally tore your eyes away from the floor and looked at him, an assertive look on your face.
‘‘ Can I get some alone time or will you stick to me at all times because we’re married now? ‘‘ you asked coldly while keeping eye-contact.
Something flashed behind his eyes, but just as quickly as you had seen it, it was gone and instead replaced by a cocky grin.
‘‘ You’re feisty, aren’t you? ‘‘ he laughed and then turned on his heel, but stopped before closing the door behind him.
‘‘ Ah, right. Dinner’s at 6, don’t be late ‘‘ he pointed at something behind you, a clock and then winked cheekily before finally exiting completely.
You buried yourself under the covers, barely having any time to think before you drifted off to sleep in a heartbeat. 
A loud noise woke you up several hours later. You swore you had just dozed off for a couple of minutes. As the grogginess from sleep wore off, an angry Yeonjun came into your line of view.
He was staring down at you, tie undone and he looked like he could get on top of the bed and choke you just about then.
You sat up straight, now feeling a lot more awake with the fear-inducing eyes on you.
‘‘ S-sorry, did I..? ‘‘ you began, not quite sure yet what you had done wrong.
‘‘ Miss dinner? Yeah ‘‘ he wasted no time on closing the space between you, a hand gripping your arm and hoisting you up on your feet.
You only stared at him in fear but he paid you no mind - stubbornly forcing you to go down the stairs and sit to eat.
The fact that while glancing over and seeing that his seat was empty, made the whole situation more uncomfortable. He was standing to your left, very close and just staring at you waiting for you to eat.
You didn’t even realise you were sweating - you should’ve just taken a bite, to satisfy him but for some reason you couldn’t. The anxiety paired with the intense stare on you made you unable to hold your fork straight.
After a while he was even more fed up. One hand grabbed ahold of your jawline while the other grabbed the fork with a bit of meat. He then forced your mouth open and shoved it in so forcefully that you felt the ends of the fork stab the roof of your mouth.
You winched away from him, but he was already going for another bite. This time you let him open your mouth without much resistance.
When his eyes lingered on you again you quickly swallowed. He looked satisfied and you made the mistake of thinking he wasn’t angry anymore; that, that was the end of it.
He led you upstairs again, into your shared bedroom and closed the door behind. Everything was normal at first, he got ready for bed without saying a word - you of course turned away when he took his shirt off and instead went to the bathroom to do the same thing and brush your teeth.
You ended up admiring the nightgown he had given you. It was a bit too short but it was very cute with bows and lace at the edges. You smiled for the first time that day at such a small thing.
Then you braced yourself before walking out again. You barely looked at him before crawling into bed but felt how the bed dipped as he got in too.
Why was he being so quiet?
‘‘ Goodnight ‘‘ you said, hesitantly.
You felt your cheeks slightly heat up at the long silence after. Then you heard shuffling and felt him turn around to face you.
You felt uncomfortable again, closing your eyes and trying to think of anything but the fact that he was so close. That’s when he started to move closer, his heavy breath eventually tickling your neck as he buried his head in the crook of it.
‘‘ Aren’t you gonna give me a wedding gift? Stay still for me ‘‘ he said in a half-whisper, his husky voice sending shivers down your back.
Your furrowed your brows and was about to ask what he meant. 
‘’ I deserve this ‘’ he added.
Yeonjun’s hand slipped under the nightgown, lifting it so your underwear was exposed. You gasped and instantly reacted by trying to tug it down but his hand caught your wrist.
He liked how you struggled in his iron-like grip, he was stronger than you, way stronger and he was very determined to get what he had been waiting all day for.
You whimpered as you felt yourself run out of energy to keep trying to fight back and the realisation that the inevitable would happen because of it, broke your heart; tears streamed down your face as he flipped you over on your stomach.
Yeonjun felt ecstatic. He had been waiting too long for this, the moment you were declared his wife he wanted to mark you as his - practically willing to go to your house straight away. But he composed himself, he wanted it to be special. 
As special as it can be for someone who is sick and is only able to love sickly. In his fantasy it wasn’t romantic, it was a sort of ceremony. For his pleasure, and for your submission to be put into stone.
What he hadn’t expected though was for him to enjoy your tears so much. While watching you now, face down and pressed to the pillow with muffled sobs escaping you - he felt arousal and ecstasy and most of all power, all that he craved in front of him and within.
You did that to him. You brought out those addictive feelings. It was your fault you made him feel like this.
And finally he’d be able to punish you for it, something sure to leave a mark forever.
The sun shined right onto your face early in the morning, making you toss and turn and realise at the same time that you were unfortunately alive - you had prayed to not wake up again, but alas God never listens.
The memories of the night before came flooding back to you but you tried your best to push them away by repeating random words inside your head in hopes of your brain latching on to something else.
You cautiously peeked at the man beside you. Seeing that monster after what he did to you almost made you throw up. The glance was quick, he looked like he was sleeping comfortably, resting on one of his arms that was stretched up and under his head.
Despite you crying yourself to sleep and wishing to never wake up again, there was one thing you had wished for more - for him to never wake up again. It would be the ultimate karma if he never did. You would inherit his fortune living comfortably in this big mansion all alone, not a man in sight to disturb you.
But whenever you allowed your mind to wander like that the more realistic thoughts would hit, unfortunately. Saying that if it sounded too good to be true, it was very likely to be so.
Soon enough, you felt your husband’s hands wrap around your waist, tugging you so close that your back was touching him.
Involuntarily you began to shake, thinking he was going to repeat his horrific acts until you showed submission and obedience.
A sudden deep laugh caught you off guard.
“ You can’t even look at me “ Yeonjun said, tauntingly.
You closed your eyes praying to whatever God was out there to not make you cry in this moment, to not show weakness.
“ You’re still fighting, which makes it more fun for me “ he added.
“ But really, we both know you should give up, especially after yesterday “ he sneered.
Your body froze, you felt like you had to get out of his arms because they were not a safe space. Putting your weight on your forearm, you pushed with it to sort of shuffle out of his hold.
He scoffed and not even a second later you were pulled back into his arms without any effort.
It felt humiliating and defeating.
“ You’re so fucking weak “
His words hit like knives, and he knew it did.
The dark, mocking chuckles that followed felt very disturbing. But nonetheless, you were still extremely determined to not give in completely and let yourself cry. It proved to be harder than you had thought. You almost flinched and audibly gagged when you felt his disgusting hands wandering and snaking around your waist again. It took a lot of effort to not do any of that, on top of not crying - it was honestly exhausting.
Your eyelids began feeling heavy again. Yeonjun felt you relax - finally not fighting back anymore, which surprised him. Instead of having to fight the emotions from overtaking you, you now had to fight to stay awake, because there was no way in hell you’d let yourself fall asleep around him and be as vulnerable as can be.
It was taking all of your energy to stay awake though. The man behind you gave you a rare smile, one only he could see. He couldn’t help but find you cute in that moment. You looked very vulnerable - fighting deeply against the unfairness of the world, but in the end, succumbing to something as simple as a basic human need.
How pathetic
As your breathing became heavier, head hanging only for it to dart back up a few seconds later - along with you desperately trying to tell yourself words in your mind to stay awake, you eventually was not able to fight the laws of the nature.
Your head dipped again, but this time you fell asleep deeply. Soundly sleeping comfortably in the arms of your abuser.
Yeonjun looked down at you with a newfound curiosity. In a way it was bittersweet - he could have manipulated you, played his cards right and made you fall in love but in the end he knew it was gonna be a one-sided relationship again, like all his past relationships, wether it be romantic or platonic.
He was scared of going out of his usual routine. New things or experiences scared him and he didn’t feel that anything such would go his way. If you knew this, maybe you wouldn’t blame him but then again, that was probably just him making excuses for acting badly towards people.
He hadn’t known any other way but for some reason you had to suffer because of it - Yeonjun knew that wasn’t fair, but he felt he couldn’t help it. It’s very hard to break free from the way you’re programmed to do, every day of your life.
Your newfound husband thought this as he looked at his wife. He didn’t want to do anything inappropriate at that moment, he just wanted to watch you sleep, curiously.
You looked the most comfortable and safe when you slept, a slight upturn of the corners of your mouth was something that indicated this, and something he had noticed the night before.
Maybe it was because that was the only place that felt truly safe for you. If he was normal, he would’ve started to feel immense guilt by now, but Yeonjun felt nothing.
He felt that very thing he did - he did for a reason and putting oneself’s first as a priority wasn’t a bad thing.
When you opened your eyes again, it didn’t take long for you to recall what had happened just before you fell asleep. However, you quickly realised you couldn’t feel his strong hold around you anymore.
You looked behind you and then scanned the rest of the room and came to the conclusion that he must’ve got up and left the room. You let out a relieved sigh, not sure if you could handle his suffocating presence again. You were thankful for the few moments alone you got.
So you sat there for several minutes - not particularly admiring the room like you would’ve if this was normal, because it was anything but normal. Instead you were looking around the room to look for weapons and escape routes.
It was spacious, should he chase you; but it had downsides - it didn’t have any good weapons, maybe purposefully and it only had the one door to the bathroom, the other door to the entrance and windows that were far too high up.
You went over the pros and cons of jumping through the window, because you were way too sure there was no way you’d get out through the front; he had those terrifying guards, maids and probably an alarm. In short, way too many things to alert the devil that you were trying to escape.
If you were to jump, you might break a leg or two at most, you could handle one leg or a broken ankle, as well as a broken arm but maybe you were being way too optimistic. Either way you refused to let the small spark of hope inside die.
Firm knocks interrupted your thoughts. You glanced to the door just in time to see it open, revealing Yeonjun. He hadn’t even waited for you to give an answer, the thought made you scoff as you met his eyes - of course not.
‘‘ You’re finally up ‘‘ he said plainly.
You pursed your lips and nodded.
‘‘ Let’s go down then, my maids are waiting for you ‘‘
You furrowed your brows confusedly. His maids? What could they possibly want?
He laughed at your puzzled expression.
‘‘ To bathe you ‘‘ 
‘‘ To, bathe- ‘‘ you stuttered.
But your husband had already turned on his heel.
‘‘ I have short patience, move it ‘‘ he warned while looking over his shoulder at you, not stopping once.
You hurriedly followed and on the way down the staircase you looked around like you had done in the bedroom to look for escape routes and possible weapons. The sight disappointed you yet again, and without meaning to you let out a defeated sigh.
‘‘ No need to look, there’s no way out of here ‘‘ he snickered in front of you with his back turned.
‘‘ What? I wasn’t- ‘‘
‘‘ I have cameras, everywhere ‘‘ 
You swallowed the uncomfortable feeling in your throat. Technically you hadn’t done anything wrong but you were terrified of getting punished again, which was why you felt like you were now walking on eggshells.
You followed him all the way down the many notorious hallways - ending up outside a smaller bathroom, luxurious nonetheless, with the door standing open and revealing one maid kneeling by the bathtub. It looked like she was scrubbing it. When she heard your footsteps coming to a halt in front of the bathroom she looked up and gave a polite smile.
‘‘ Hello, master ‘‘
You cringed at the word.
‘‘ Take care of her ‘‘ Yeonjun said, barely reacting to what she had called him.
The maid nodded and then turned her attention to you.
‘‘ Welcome, y/n. We’re very happy you’re here ‘‘ she said, warmly.
You had to bite your tongue to hold yourself back from exploding in anger or giving her a sarcastic comment. Still, you realised they most likely had no choice in what to say or do when it came to their ‘master’s’ house.
A hand grazed your lower back, sending shivers down your spine, before giving you a slight nudge that made you take a step forwards.
You were about to look back and say something but yet again he was already on his way. You scoffed. He did how he pleased at all times.
‘‘ Y/n? ‘‘ the maid’s soft voice caught your attention again.
‘‘ Hm? ‘‘ you said mindlessly, still watching your husband striding down the corridor.
You wondered what he was in such a hurry to do, where was he going?
‘‘ By orders, I have to wash you. Please enter ‘‘ she said, the polite smile faltering a bit showing that her patience was running out.
You sighed and stepped inside. Not long after an arm reached behind you and closed the door, locking it.
The maid clearly didn’t want to waste any more time, because as soon as the click echoed in the small room - her petite hands quickly found the rim of your t-shirt. She was keeping eye-contact to get consent so she could continue undressing you, and it weirdly felt very intimate yet appreciative.
You nodded, smiling awkwardly. It was clear that both of you wanted it to be over with, so you weren’t going to fight and risk making it last longer.
She pulled the shirt over your head and looked into your eyes again when reaching for your pants. You nodded, avoiding eye-contact.
She did the rest swiftly and then told you to wait while preparing the bath. As she was doing so, you got the chance to really look at her. You couldn’t stop yourself even if you really wanted to. 
You were planning on leaving this place anyway and didn’t want to have to save people you had just met. But you couldn’t help but feel pity as you watched her turn on the tap. She looked young, but older than you by quite a few years and you knew deep inside that there was no way she was doing this job willingly, something you didn’t want to think about.
She also looked sad, her head was hanging most of the time, except for when she had to look into your eyes. It was obvious her polite, sweet smile was a trained automatic mechanism to appear fine and normal on the outside. But if you looked closer you could see the stress evident on her skin and her dark circles.
She turned to you now, with that smile on her face.
‘’ The bath is ready, miss ‘’
You got up and let yourself be lead into the bath, one hand holding onto hers for balance. While in you let out a satisfied breath. This was definitely the most relaxed you had felt since arriving at the mansion; a well deserved break.
After some time of having your eyes closed and a long silence, you opened your eyes again to thank the maid. Her hand was still holding yours but she looked back at you with such intensity that all your words got knocked out of you.
Her eyes were open wide, red specked like she hadn’t slept in days and her fingers tightened around your hand when she saw that she had finally caught your attention.
All you managed to get out was a confused groan.
‘’ Miss, you need to get out of here ‘’ she started, talking at a rapid speed.
‘’ It’s awful here you need to escape before it’s too late I know a way it will take time- ‘’ she added, so quickly it all melted into an incomprehensible mumble.
‘‘-slow down! ‘‘ you grabbed her shoulders to ground her and she breathed out shakily.
‘‘ I’m sorry, miss ‘‘ 
You smiled at her, seeing that she had calmed down but she looked rather disappointed in herself.
‘‘ You have to escape ‘‘ 
You tilted your head at this.
This was the last thing you had expected. The first worker you see is willing to risk their life to help you escape. Not only that, but they grab the first chance they get with you alone to tell you that you need to escape.
‘’ I know a way, I- ‘‘ 
‘‘-What? You know a way? Please tell me, hurry, please! ‘‘ 
It was your time to sound desperate now. You felt paranoid that Yeonjun would come back any minute now. Your heartbeat had picked up and you stared at her the same way, with the same intensity she had done just a few seconds ago.
‘‘ Yes, but it will take time, miss calm down ‘‘ her thumb stroked over your intertwined hands.
You breathed in and out deeply which made your heart-rate stabilise as well as calm your overactive mind which was overflowing with questions, having an urgent need for action.
‘‘ First, you need to gain his trust. You will have to do whatever it takes, no matter how much you hate it ‘‘ she nodded firmly when she saw you grimace at the idea.
‘‘ Then, once he trusts you enough he will let you go outside. You will always be with maids or guards outside but when the day comes that I’m the one to watch over you, you make a run for it! ‘‘ she said in a hushed, urgent voice.
‘‘ Where to? ‘‘ 
‘‘ At the end of the garden he has a botanical pathway, big plants and flowers cover it, but there’s a secret gate there at the very end that leads directly onto a footpath ‘‘
‘‘ You follow it and you will eventually reach a hill, on top you can see the neighbourhoods and the city. It won’t take long to get to the nearest house ‘‘
You nodded eagerly, now taking both of her hands into yours.
‘‘ Thank you, thank you so much ‘‘ your eyes welled up with tears of gratitude.
She gave you a genuine, wide smile full of hope for the first time.
‘‘ What are you doing? ‘‘ a curious and slightly disgusted voice asked.
You and the maid jumped at the new voice joining the conversation. None of you had noticed the door opening, Yeonjun must’ve opened it slowly because he heard hushed voices inside. 
But to your surprise, he didn’t look angry. He merely cocked an eyebrow and smirked when you looked at him bewildered and with what you could only imagine was a guilty expression.
‘‘ Are you two done? ‘‘
The maid snapped out of her shock and got up on her feet, pulling you up by the arm with her. She bowed deeply and seemed to keep her head hanging lower than usual, probably to hide her flushed cheeks.
‘‘ Yes, sorry sir ‘‘ she hurried to blurt out, voice shaky.
Yeonjun looked satisfied with her answer and turned his eyes to you again. An amused glint took over his brown eyes, that traveled over your body. That was the exact moment both you and the maid realised you were still naked.
You shrieked and immediately darted behind her to try and hide.
‘‘ Oh come on, it’s not like I haven’t seen it already ‘‘ he teased meanly. 
You felt yourself get angry again but held back when the maid’s words came into your head again. She, on the other hand looked embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable at his words.
Several seconds in silence passed without him moving an inch, he had a challenging look in his eyes whenever you dared meet them. So you sighed after finally having enough of the game and went past the maid to pick up your clothes.
You could feel both their eyes on you as you quickly got dressed but you ignored it and hoped that your cheeks wouldn’t be flushed as well.
Then you stood up and stepped out of the room to stand next to Yeonjun, ready to follow him. You gave the maid another small smile of gratitude.
‘‘ Let’s go ‘‘
After your talk with the maid you barely saw her and you started to feel anxious, thinking your husband had gotten rid of her or somehow found out your scheming. Time was moving incredibly slow, it felt like he never let his noose around your neck go, never making things a bit easier for you or being a bit more lenient - no matter how much you took whatever he did to you.
Every night, you’d cry and pray that the next day would be different, that tomorrow would be the day he loosened the hold to give you the opportunity to escape.
You hoped he hadn’t noticed your sudden change in behaviour. Thankfully, you didn’t think so because he had acted the exact same the past week. He rarely showed affection unless it was concealed under a humiliating tone but nothing else had changed. He was away for most of the day, going to his prestigious school and studying some before coming to torment you.
But then, the day came at last. You had thought it was another normal day with the same routine, a day of similarity merging together with all the other mundane days. 
You got up at the same time as him like always. Then you went downstairs to make breakfast for him and with a dead, emotionless expression on your face, you served him. He finished eating and dragged you upstairs to sit on the bed, praised you for being a ‘’ good girl ‘’ and forcefully kissed you, like he always did because he was afraid of showing he actually loved you.
Then he went downstairs and you were expected to follow him. As you were about to close the door he spoke to the guard next to the door.
‘‘ Ah right, today, she’s allowed outside. Don’t let her get out of your sight ‘‘ 
You immediately lit up but you suppressed it from showing with all your might. The guard nodded and bowed as Yeonjun walked to his driver, meanwhile he himself turned to you.
He didn’t say anything, but just opened the door all the way so you could walk out. You gave him what you thought was a weak smile, filled with uncertainty and nervousness and then followed as he started walking down the garden.
The garden was a lot bigger than you had imagined, something that would be a disadvantage to a person looking to escape. It was wide, long and open - not having many hiding-spots due to the big flower bushes being far from the path. They followed the huge cobble-wall that seemed to go as far as you looked.
The guard came to a halt about halfway down the path. If you continued down the steps that were a few meters away, there was a crossroad, one way to the left, where you assumed hot-springs were, due to the cloud of steam emitting from over there - and one straight way that looked thick with bushes almost swallowing the small path, you were sure that was where you’d reach the botanical garden the maid was talking about.
You made a mental note of it and then walked over to the wooden bench that the guard was pointing to. He lingered for a few minutes behind, keeping a close watch on you but left momentarily to answer a phone-call.
When he returned he barked orders at the handful of gardeners watering the plants to keep an eye on you as he had to do something important.
This could be your only chance.
The only problem was that you had to distract them somehow. But you thought there were a few ways although a shot in the dark, that you had to try. Not trying would make you more disappointed in yourself than trying to escape and then getting caught.
So you took a few calming breaths to prepare yourself and then approached the one closest to you. She was an elderly lady and was crouched down, picking some berries.
‘‘ Excuse me? ‘‘
You went over the practiced lines and plan once more in your head and tried to give her a confident smile.
The elderly woman turned her head towards you and blinked a few times, a blank expression on her face.
‘‘ Um, well I saw that there were some kids over by the entrance, they were apparently cutting off the flowers to give to someone else ‘‘
She continued to stare at you with a puzzled expression but gave no answer. When you saw her head turn to look at the other workers you panicked a bit, she didn’t seem to believe you so you had to give everything you got.
‘‘ Really, think of how disappointed Yeonjun would be when he finds out, your master ‘‘
Her eyes bulged as soon as you mentioned Yeonjun and she quickly scrambled to her feet, setting off on a half-run straight away.
You hurried down the steps, getting even closer to the crossway now and hid along with the wall. The gardeners who were working on the flowerbeds further away looked at each other confusedly. 
You got lucky, they started to move to follow the elderly woman meanwhile the ones closest to the mansion’s wall, where they couldn’t see you, stayed behind.
Just like you had planned in your head, you waited a bit longer before you would try to run for it.
You started to count down a minute, glancing a lot at the workers above and down the path again. It seemed quiet, so you slowly moved along the wall.
‘‘ What do you think you’re doing? ‘‘
The blood in your veins froze.
That voice...the one you hated so much. 
It was coming from right behind you. Somehow, being caught redhanded made your fight or flight kick in and you ran for it without looking back.
You could hear steps coming closer and closer.
Heading straight for the overgrown botanical garden you jumped into a rose bush some meters in. Running wasn’t your strongest suit so you figured hiding was the smartest move, and also since he’d know exactly what you would’ve been heading for. 
The steps became louder and you held your breath as they went right past you. The sound disappeared completely as the distance between you and your captor increased. How you wished there was another way out though; all you could do now was to wait for him to run back after realising you weren’t there and then you could crawl out and make a run for it again.
It would take way longer than you had anticipated.
It felt like you had sat still for hours in the bush, not daring to move around or barely breathe. The sky had even turned dark before you felt brave enough to peek out from your hiding spot.
Every sound made your anxiety spike - every rustling leaf or crunch from the gravel below your feet. Maybe it wasn’t too late to turn back? You could go out and up to the house, beg on your knees for Yeonjun to forgive you and maybe you’d be left alone, unhurt. 
You quickly shook off this thought invading your mind, it was too late to turn back now, you had waited too long for this opportunity to escape your personal hell on earth to chicken out now.
You remembered what your mom had told you - if you try there’s a 50/50 chance, if you don’t, it’s 0%. With these words echoing in your mind you finally pushed the last bush aside, revealing the path again to you.
A quick glance from side to side told you that no one was on it. You also listened for a few seconds but all that could be heard in the deafening silence were your own heavy breaths. 
You took a hesitant step out, being fully out in the open now to whoever had a view of the botanical garden’s entrance. It felt as if the sound of your heart drumming in your chest would cause it to jump out any minute - maybe along with any predators that lurked in these corners. 
The path cleared only for you to come face to face with an overgrown bit again but you knew that this was the way out, the hidden door. Pushing through it would prove to be quite the hassle. Thorns cut your skin easily and you hissed while trying to ignore the warm liquid pouring down slowly.
There wasn’t much left now, the maid can’t have meant a long path.
Right as you were beginning to see the clearing through the thinner leaves in front, you were yanked back by your hair.
You yelped in pain and tried to get out of the person’s hold. Deep down, you knew who it was which only made you thrash around frantically, desperately trying to get away from your predator.
‘‘ Found you ‘‘
His voice was low with no amusement in it, like he was tired and quite irritated. You felt cold metal touch the exposed skin on your neck, and seconds later you weren’t able to continue fighting back.
You cursed yourself, Yeonjun and even the world for being so unfair - expecting your vision to get blurry and accepting it when you fell into darkness again. 
Your husband stood in front of your slumped form now. The guards had tied you up behind the pillar like they were told and he was just waiting for you to wake up.
Yeonjun was feeling only a little bit bad about what was about to happen, but you had tried to escape after all. Although it wasn’t successful, you had almost put everything on the line. If the public found out that a top businessman’s son had treated his wife like that, then the empire wouldn’t be his to take over. He couldn’t let that happen, so he needed to teach you a lesson - never escape again, never even try it.
Minutes passed and he was getting impatient. He walked over and nudged you with his foot, like you were no more than an animal that he didn’t want to be associated with.
You stirred slightly and then opened your eyes. Immediately you wished you could go back to being asleep, the only place you seemed to get peace.
The first thing you saw was your dad. Hands and feet bound and kneeling on the floor with a gag in his mouth. He looked rough. There were visible cuts on his face and his head was hanging looking like just holding his head up was tiresome. 
‘‘ What have you done to him? Why is he here? ‘‘ you asked, voice hoarse.
You felt exactly like your dad, tired and like you had given up. That hope you had so desperately held on to was not at all evident in your voice now.
Yeonjun crouched down next to you and the corners of his mouth curled up. There was no frustration in his eyes anymore, he met yours confidently - he had after all gotten what he wanted.
‘‘ Your dad is here...because you couldn’t behave ‘‘ he says, mockingly slow like you were a child or too stupid to understand.
You didn’t answer him, you only looked at your dad with pity. Somehow you knew what was going to happen to him but you felt too tired and angry to care. Nothing really surprised you now anyway, especially when it came to the extent of Yeonjun’s sadism and cruelty. 
His eyebrows twitched while watching you, he was confused.
‘‘ You don’t care? ‘‘
At that you saw your father move, his head raising to somewhat try to look at you. Something stirred in your heart; no matter what he had done to you, you could never hate him. No matter how hard you’d try, there would always be a sense of love and care for him. You wanted him to be happy and healthy, not here to meet a horrible fate that was due to your reckless actions.
The realisation of your true feelings made a single tear fall. You looked at him and met his eyes, smiling bittersweetly.
‘‘ I do ‘‘
‘‘ But? ‘‘ 
‘‘ There’s nothing I can do ‘‘
His arrogant laugh echoed. Not long after, he started to turn his head to focus on your dad, as if expecting something.
‘‘ I think there’s something you should know. Before your dad meets his fate that is ‘‘
Yeonjun paid you no attention as you stared bewildered at him, not sure what to expect.
He smirked again, eyes never leaving your dad. You saw in the corner of your eye how one of his guards moved from behind.
‘‘ You see, your dad never sold you off, not easily anyway ‘‘ you blinked at him, dread slowly creeping up on you.
‘‘ He was forced to. My dad threatened that he would kill you when your dad failed to follow through a payment. This was the only way he could save your life although immediately putting his own in misery ‘‘ he laughed mockingly to your dad.
‘‘ How pathetic ‘‘
Your eyes stung with fresh tears. You wished so badly that he was wrong; that your dad had really been an awful person to give his daughter up like that. But reality was often much more crueler than you’d expect, making this goodbye a deeply painful one.
Yeonjun felt amused as he watched your dad cry upon seeing your tears fall. He had lived with such guilt and pain, having to know every day that you hated him. But now, he felt more the pain of seeing his beloved daughter cry as she realised something and as he knew they would soon be separated again.
During the time you were apart and you hated him, he couldn’t help but think like a father - was your husband treating you okay? Were you fed and cared for? Did you feel lonely?
It ached his heart to come face to face with the person he had been forced to give you off to - a couple of days ago when he had visited your parents’ home, there to take him away and cause his daughter more pain.
Still he felt immensely grateful that the truth would come out before you had to say your goodbyes. It hurt too much on his soul to know you had hatred for him, for something he only did to save you.
Your dad saw it too, the man approaching him while you were focused on Yeonjun, hanging on to every word he said. Therefor he hurried to say his last words.
‘‘ I love you, y/n, goodbye ‘‘
Your head whipped around at his words just as the wandering man plunged a sword through his heart. It felt as if your whole world came crashing down. The lifeless body of your dad fell to the ground and a thick silence followed.
You started to sob uncontrollably, breaths getting quicker. Yeonjun smiled at the mess he had created and then sat down fully next to you, his back resting against the pillar. 
He let you cry there for a long time. You weren’t even sure how long had passed when your sobs calmed down and you felt like there wasn’t an ounce of water left to cry out anymore.
It seemed as if his niceties had been extended for a reason though as more was yet to come. The entrance door opened, the maid coming in with two guards behind her and she was tied just like your dad had been.
You furrowed your brows in confusion and sat up straight, the grogginess from crying quickly disappearing.
Yeonjun got up too, looking happy that there was some new action. This time, he decided to go over to the maid.
He took a hold of your maid’s hair that was neatly tied into a bun and yanked it forwards, earning a yelp of pain from her. Now that she was closer, you could see that she also had marks of resistance, cuts that were bleeding and even old bruises. It made you feel like you could cry again.
Was this all because of you?
‘‘ Do you recognise her? ‘‘
You nodded; mind working overdrive to try and find a possible way he could’ve found out.
‘‘ The one who helped you escape, right? ‘‘ 
He tilted his head while looking down at her degradingly. 
‘‘ And does she know? ‘‘ he met your eyes, smirking and visibly enjoying your puzzled expression that then turned into a horrified realisation.
The maid kept her head down and you were thankful you didn’t have to meet her eyes as your husband continued his torture session.
‘‘ Does she know that all it takes for little y/n to catch feelings is...someone being nice to her? ‘‘ he scoffed ‘‘ So pitiful ‘‘
You felt your face burn in embarrassment, fresh tears threatening to spill at any moment.
‘‘ And an older woman at that ‘‘ 
You refused to meet any of their eyes. 
‘‘ Is it maybe to make up for the lack of love your mommy gave you? ‘‘ he smiled gleefully, not even trying to hide his sadistic emotions.
It was starting to feel painful and uncomfortable. You twisted - trying to in any way get away from the words hitting you, insulting you. The painful childhood memories that somehow Yeonjun had known was hitting every deep spot you had fought so hard to keep buried, and he knew this.
‘‘ But I feel betrayed, by both of you. So someone has to pay ‘‘ he added.
You immediately found his eyes again.
‘‘ Please! Don’t hurt her, just kill me instead! ‘‘ 
You didn’t know if you were begging for him to kill you for your sake more than the maid’s, because after all there’s no way you actually had feelings for her already, right?
You had laid awake every night since then thinking about her. Wondering if she was safe and happy but that must all be normal? She had helped you after all. Either way, there was no way Yeonjun was going to kill you, in the end it’s not the dead you should feel bad for and that are in pain, it’s the living.
Both the maid and you knew what was coming. You gave her a sad, apologetic smile and refused to let your true feelings show; even as the guard reached the second victim, plunging the sword deep into her heart and as her lifeless body hit the floor, you refused to cry. 
You knew that wasn’t what she would’ve wanted you to do anyway. She would’ve wanted you to get revenge and escape on both of your behalves. Just like that, the spark of hope inside came alive again.
No matter what, you had to go through with the plan the maid had told you about a week ago. That time she had approached you and told you about what was going to happen when you’d try to escape.
‘‘ They know you’re gonna escape soon. Everyone’s on high alert, even if they’re doing everything to not show it ‘‘ 
You blinked at her, caught off guard by her sudden appearance behind you. You hadn’t seen her since that time she told you about the plan.
A few other maids passed by and you smiled as to not draw attention to yourselves.
‘‘ How do they know? ‘‘ you whispered urgently.
The maid sighed.
‘‘ I overheard maids gossiping as I was cleaning one of the bathrooms a few days ago ‘‘
You sighed now too.
‘‘ Don’t worry. I know their whole plan, you just have to be the perfect actress and then after- when they’ve..killed me. That’s when you can go ‘‘
‘‘ W-what do you mean kill you? ‘‘
She gave you a sad smile, full of meaning.
‘‘ You have to let them kill me for this to work, just trust me please ‘‘ she pleaded, eyes glossy.
‘‘ Okay...I guess I have no other choice ‘‘ you answered after a few moments of hesitating ‘‘ I will trust you ‘‘.
As if on cue while you reminisced the memory - all of the guards, maids and even Yeonjun covered their yawning mouths, sudden sleepiness hitting them. It quickly escalated and they grabbed whatever was nearest to not plunge to the floor.
The maid’s plan had worked, the sleeping pills she had slipped into their drinks had worked.
Fresh tears streamed down freely down your cheeks now as you whispered a small ‘’ thank you ‘’ to her still body. Then you untied yourself and stood up. 
It didn’t take long for you to gather your stuff and finally be able to leave your personal hellhole. You opened the door cautiously as if you were expecting someone to be outside the front door ready to ambush you. 
But it was deserted, not even a gardener in sight. You stopped for a moment, having the time to do so as you had already called for a taxi; you just stood there, still and finally feeling at peace, breathing in the fresh air.
You weren’t sure how long the pills would last - the two of you had discussed the use of poison to really be sure they wouldn’t come after you but the maid insisted to use a non-killing option. She explained that he had way more people working for him, they would try to get their revenge by either killing you or getting you convicted, aka a life sentence is prison. So, you had to reluctantly agree. 
But for now, you weren’t too anxious with thoughts of them waking up and possibly finding you within a week because - At last, you were free.
a/n: thank u for reading, this is my longest fic yet! also plz don’t drink and write LMAO, this is how the first draft went, I hope it makes u laugh as much as it made me;
In all your years alive, you had never figured it out. You were quite sporitual, and believed rich peoplöe were people who had worked hard in the afteife to rarn points to reincarnatw to whatever they wanted to - yet it eas still a myserty, why, how . you did not posoess tthese questi0jsl
Perhaps the person havijng the riches didnät know himlsef, becausde he was arogant, delusional and enititled, tnining the whole world was supposed to be catered to him.
All he knew was that he wasn’t bu9lt for love. At leadt npt normal and healthy love. He only knew obsessions and extemes, that was how he was raisefd with absednt parents, always fowkring, Hr  knew rhat their faith would eventually ebefall his fown, he wouldnät gall in love the picak way - no, heäd faöö in lovde due to obsession, due to not being able to get whoever he desire whenver he desired it.
holyt shit i cans bareky see my screen hi w will
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~Neteyam x f! Na’vi reader
~proofread- a little bit
~summary- Neteyam was forbidden to meet with Za’ tara (that's you!) and for once in his life, he disobeys
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Neytiri drags the boy along the forest for what felt like the fifth time. Neteyam, being next in line to take his father's position, is held to high expectations. One is staying away from a certain girl who keeps his heart pumping, where his eyes always find a place to fall on when it's dinner time, where he always sneaks off to each night. Za’tara was a simple girl, she always let the wind take her, and always found somewhere singing a tune. She was the youngest in her family, meaning she had no touch of responsibility, and no grasp of reality, but in Neteyam’s eyes, she was perfect. They first met when she was lost in a song she was singing, dancing around till she felt a gaze, his gaze. She smiled before she approached the boy who seemed lost himself, she started dancing with him while she continued her song. The two spent every night together after that, till their parents figured it out.
Neytiri didn't hate you, she wanted to protect her baby. She knew you, as did everyone else around you, you didn't care for rules and did as you pleased and these facts alone made Neteyam love you. Neteyam felt a need to always be great, always do what's expected, and be the golden child. But with you, he was free he had no restrictions, no rules, and he was at peace. He didn't expect to cause such problems running off with you every night, but the thrill it gave him is what he chased.
“Get out.” A stern voice rang throughout the room, alerting Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk. To their surprise, Neteyam was being held by the ear and pushed into the tent. Lo’ak cracked a smile, Neteyam in trouble? The three left but not without keeping a close ear to the conversation going on inside. Jake walked into the tent before signing heavily and turning to look at his mate, “the same thing?” Neytiri nodded before speaking up, “this time I caught them kissing. Neteyam do you understand that this behavior cannot continue?” Neteyam looked at the disappointed look on his father's face and for once, he didn't care about it.
You once told Neteyam that his father isn't the one hard on him, but it was himself. The fear of being a disappointment weighs heavy on him, and that's what stops him from being great. Neytiri sighed loudly before looking at Jake, “he is not listening this is your problem now.” Jake sat down before waving at Neteyam to sit also, “Neteyam, I wished you stopped seeing this girl.” Jake was tired of his son’s recent escapade. Neteyam cracked a small smile, “I can not stay away from her.” He told the truth lying would've gotten him nowhere. Neteyam laid back, “sir, for the first time in my life, I'm completely head over heels in love.” Neteyam looked at the ceiling, he thought of her hair and how it flew with the wind, how her voice sound when she laughed. He was far too gone to hear the pull of reality his parents attempted to put on him.
“I understand Neteyam, but I need you to listen to me-,” Neteyam quickly cut the man off, “I know what you think, that I need to focus on becoming the next leader, and have no right to fall in love,” Neteyam got up from his position looking at his father, “but things don't always work out the way we'd like to have them to work out, sir.”
Jake rubbed his face, “Neteyam I need you to listen, your mother doesn't approve of this, and for the sake of her, please forget about this girl.” Jake got up quickly before leaving to go outside.
Neteyam’s eyes followed you while you danced with the little children. While you danced, your eyes caught with his before you dismissed yourself. He caught you in a hug before he took you to your favorite spot.
You noticed he seemed off, not smiling as much so you grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. It was something you did often and it always seemed to calm him. “My mother isn't very happy with us,” he said looking into your eyes, you're smile dropped before he spoke up, “she wants me to forget you.” He picked your hand up and kissed it, “I refuse.”
You looked off into the distance, before bringing your eyes back to him, “you must pick the tribe,” many called you irresponsible, but Neteyam was the only one who saw you, the real you. “If I betray you, I betray myself, my love.” he kept kissing up your arm, “if I betray them, I betray my tribe the tribe is very dear to me.”
He finally made his way to your lips, “may I?” you nodded, and your lips touched. “Dearer than me, my Neteyam?” You cut the kiss off, he shook his head, “no, not dearer than you.” You gave a sad smile before kissing him once more, “if we are meant to be, we will be,” you stood up which invited Neteyam to do the same. “And if not?” He grabbed your hands, and his love for you burned deep. You were his mate no matter what. “Then we are not,” a pained look crossed his eyes, “I'll fight for you, I see you, my love.” You hugged the boy before kissing his cheek, “I see you, my Neteyam.”
Hey, besties! Hope you had a good new year, this one was fun to write hoping you all enjoy it!~Josie
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caspersickfanfics · 2 months
I continue to force my sick Cyno agenda on innocent talented people and I cannot be stopped. This isn’t a fic request or anything I just want to share this brain worm
Cyno returning to Tighnari from work seemingly fine, a few scratches etc, but he’s VERY tired, so they do their song and dance of treatment and grounding and go to have dinner. And Cyno seems normal, until dinner is served and for whatever reason the normally iron stomach Cyno CANNOT handle whatever nari served. And it’s bad like he goes from fine to scrambling to the bathroom and Tighnari is just *surprised pikachu*
now here’s the thing- something nari served reminded Cyno of something he witnessed or had to deal with on his last mission. Maybe Cyno didn’t think whatever he saw or did, or ate, (who knows!! It’s a mystery ) affected him that much until it reappeared in this new context? Or maybe his body just has a knee jerk reaction to a perceived threat? Frankly I have no idea what it would be that caused this but the possibilities are fun. And! I like the idea of Cyno being equally shocked by his sudden nausea and it just totally ruining his night as his stomach just won’t stop churching
he would make tighnari SWEAR to never mention this to anyone ever, the General Mahamatra doesn’t get squeamish (and really he usually doesn’t) but Tighnari rolls his eyes and assures him that exhaustion plus *insert whatever the hell happened* would make anyone feel off something something comfort the end
Oh this is so freaking perfect for them!!!!! Absolutely brilliant.
I can think of a few things that could lead to this. One would be having a normal meal and then witnessing or experiencing something traumatic afterwards. Another would be a more direct tie -- eating something that was poisoned. And the middle option would be, Cyno got captured (and tortured or made to witness Horrors, etc.) and was forced to eat the same thing every day :(( Whatever it was, Cyno wasn't physically injured too bad, and he's had time to recover from that, so he figures "all's well that ends well" and doesn't linger on it much at all (avoidance is a symptom of trauma). Maybe there was someone else who went through it with him and they're not feeling great about it, so Cyno makes sure to get them situated and in a place to heal mentally, and then as he's leaving they're like "are you sure you're okay?" and he's like "yeah of course, I'm the General Mahamatra, so I'm always okay" and from that point on it's just no longer something that crosses his mind.
Tighnari can immediately see how tired he is, but is relieved to find no injuries. Cyno doesn't talk much, but that's typical, even more so when he's tired, and he just seems happy to see Nari.
I like the idea of Cyno sitting down to eat and he feels a bit nauseous from the smell of the food, but figures it's just the exhaustion. It's probably not an unfamiliar feeling for him after such a tiring job. He's not even slightly worried about it until the food is actually in his mouth and by that point his stomach is lurching. He's uncharacteristically clumsy as he scrambles out of the room.
It just crossed my mind that his job might mandate a certain level of confidentiality at times. So now I'm also playing with this idea of Tighnari, like, super worried because that was weird, and Cyno doesn't have a fever, but even after he empties his stomach, he's washed out, sweaty, on-edge. But Cyno's just sitting there in the corner of the bathroom, trembling like a leaf, mumbling apologizes for not being able to eat the food and saying stuff like "I can't– I just can't eat that" and shuddering when he thinks too hard about it. Tighnari's smart so pretty quickly he's like "did something happen at work?" And Cyno shrugs but obviously it's a yes. Nari's kind of frustrated, not at Cyno, but at the fact that he can't share his burdens. Cyno squeezes his eyes shut, but that doesn't do anything to stop the memories, and maybe he starts dry heaving. Tighnari just rubs his back quietly and tries not to imagine what Cyno must have experienced to have his body rebel so intensely. They spend the rest of the night trying to figure out how to make Cyno feel safe - maybe they trade huts with Collei or borrow an empty one for the night because the smell is triggering. Cyno can't stomach any food at this point, but tea helps. His body is so tired that he drifts off, but he keeps waking up from nightmares. Each time, he snuggles closer to Nari, who pretends to stay sleeping because he knows Cyno would feel baad for waking him. The third or fourth time Cyno wakes up, though, he's sick again, and Tighnari figures enough is enough. They spend the early morning hours playing cards. Tighnari is hardly paying attention to the game at all, instead choosing to focus on the conversation, sifting through their shared memories and deliberately bringing up the happiest, most comforting ones he can find, so that when Cyno falls asleep at the table, it's actually peaceful this time. Tighnari doesn't move him because he's sure it will wake him. He just keeps watch over him, playing with his hair, and feels devastatingly sad for whatever it was Cyno had to endure.
...I rambled as usual. I love this idea so much. I know you said it's not a request but I'm ngl I am kinda tempted to write this sdkjsfdjs (also!! I wholly support your sick Cyno agenda, please continue! XD)
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