#i like the idea at least
parenting is hard
Logan reached up into the closet, struggling to pull out the game without knocking down all the others. He wished the twins learned how to put things up neatly, it would save everyone some trouble. This was something special he had been saving though, and he was excited to show Virgil. Being the youngest, he knew it was difficult to find games they all enjoyed, but that wasn't an issue today. Roman had dress rehearsal and Remus was at the pet store, presumably looking at the rats. It was just the two of them today. Once everything was set up, he walked upstairs and gently rapped on the doorframe.
He was greeted with a frown, but Virgil turned towards the wall after a moment. "Hey, um- I was wondering if you wanted to do something..." He waited, and after realizing he wouldn't go without a response, his son lowered his headphones and engaged in the conversation. "What is it?" He wasn't sure now if he wanted to play now, but continued anyway. "A boardgame. It's kind of vampire themed, but I'm not exactly sure how it works." "Oh. Okay." Logan nodded and went back to the table. Eventually Virgil came down, but he didn't seem enthused. This was something he had never understood. He complained and grumbled about so many things, but proceeded to do them. If he wasn't happy, why didn't he do something that was pleasing? It was strange to him, but he would just do his best to make sure there was the choice to say "no". As Virgil sat down, he read the rules, hoping he wasn't forcing anything upon his emo.
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knifegremliin · 1 year
step one to possibly becoming an entomologist.... in progress.
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hinamie · 29 days
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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FNAF movie Mike meets Jeremy Fitzgerald
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batpersik-art · 6 months
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queertemporality · 3 months
i think people should talk more about the unique sense of hopelessness which stems from the realization that “help” in the form myth promised you does not exist; there is no help coming and you must create from scratch the tools that will dismantle (or at least diminish) your own suffering, and do this not once but every day for the rest of your life
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ceaselessly-mad · 20 days
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I love the "existential dread of discovering you, your family/friends, and anything else you consider 'life', were created only for entertainment of someone else" topic in media!
Though with WH, we're not sure what Eddie's behavior is after making his 'discovery', I think it'd be interesting if we saw him tread that territory, maybe even confront Wally about it?
Reference photos below!
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🐊.....🎊 !
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twinstxrs · 3 months
so much happened in this whole episode but i’m still on fig infiltrating ruben’s dream, making it look like the place where his friend was murdered, and then disguising herself as kipperlilly & repeatedly saying different variants of “somebody needs to take the fall for this, and it’s not going to be me. it’s going to be you.” while adaine as the elven oracle shows up next to her. can you imagine waking up from that, the idea of a horrible truth being pinned on you by your friend to save her own skin while the personification of fate and destiny stands there, almost as a promise that this is GOING to happen to you. we don’t even know if this kid is guilty. my god.
#fantasy high#dimension 20#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high junior year#fig faeth#ruben hopclap#lucy frostblade#the rat grinders#adaine abernant#kipperlilly copperkettle#watching fig terrorize him like girl!!! we don’t even know if he’s guilty!!!!#this might just be for me but i do not think 5 teenagers willingly brutally killed their friend idk#like there just has to be some other element to it and i am very scared to find out what that was#what if they were put in a position where they felt there was/there was no other choice… like oh my god#my comedy brain is having fun but my ‘this is a teenager’ brain is in such deep distress all the time this season#the rat grinders i trust brennan to not make u cartoonishly evil so i am holding u as gently as i can in my confused shaky hands#also with the devil’s nectar i’ve been wondering why they all seem so well-adjusted & now i’m curious if they’ve been intentionally-#changing their memories in a way so that either the trauma is lesser or they think they aren’t guilty. idk#but it seems like from how gertie was talking she was making it more recently so the well adjustedness from early jy doesn’t quite add up#they could have another source maybe??? idk i’m just low stakes 4 a.m. spitballing here#there’s also the strong possibility that they’re aware of what happened but they weren’t the ones who killed lucy. idk who knows#the way you could probably devil’s nectar yourself into believing it wasn’t your fault someone died… CRAZY IMPLICATIONS!!! CRAZY IDEA!!!#anyways the bad kids & the rat grinders don’t ever have to like each other but i do wonder if at least some of those kids deserve a chance
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itseghost · 3 months
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some essek portrait doodles :] still figuring him out but i do love 2 draw him
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egophiliac · 5 months
Tl;Dr - I stopped playing the game but I like the characters and I wanna draw them but idk if the wiki I use is up to date for cards
Do u know any wikis that have up to date cards for all the twst characters-
Asking specifically bc of Malleus cause I can't tell anymore if he has any more new cards bc HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A 100 DISNEY ANIVERSARY CARD IN THE WIKI I USE 😭
Like compared to everyone else in Disanomia, he has 12 cards (in the wiki I use) and then Lilia has 17 cards 💀
Cause I think Malleus has a Bean's Day card as well, but that could just be a fanmade one, I don't have JP twst nor ENG twst anymore so I can't confirm it myself urhghrhevw 🫠
Malleus doesn't have a Beans Day card, so that would've been fanmade! and the 100 anniversary cards are actually the new round of birthday cards, so most of the characters don't have 'em yet -- Malleus should be getting his in a couple of days, when his birthday event starts! oh god my keeeeeys
I think the wiki.gg stays pretty up to date? it looks to me like they have everything that's currently up through JP, at least. :O I did go through and do a quick count just because I couldn't believe Malleus only had 12 cards, but. he really does have the least...defeated only by Silver with 13...astonishing. we need his gargoyle club wear immediately.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Huge shout-out to John Cena for dropping my new transition goal that one time last year. Look at this and earnestly say this isn't peak male performance.
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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@neilimfinejosten said coffee shop au last month so you’ll never guess what I’ve been thinking about
A few thoughts under the cut!
Andrew works at a coffee shop in a college town, so far with all the foxes except Aaron, and Neil’s been far away on the run. I’ve been putting Robin in this one and I bet Seth hangs around the shop for Allison. Aaron will pick up a shift or two but mostly he’s focusing on school.
Anyway one day in a cold winter a new guy comes into the shop looking to warm up, and Andrew just happens to be working the register (rare). It’s hard to tell with the mask, but this guy doesn’t seem to be much older than him or the team, and Andrew can catch glances of bandages and band-aids under his clothes.
He becomes a regular through winter, but none of the baristas can decide on his name because he gives a different one every time he comes in.
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fanaticalthings · 18 days
Broke: "Dick Grayson was upset at a new kid taking over his mantle because he doesn't think Jason will be good enough as Robin"
Woke: "Dick is upset at Jason, not because he's suddenly taking over the mantle he created, but because Jason isn't nearly feral enough of a child to drive Bruce insane in Dick's place"
Dick: You wanna be my successor? Go swing from that chandelier right now.
Dick: As a matter of fact, I need to see you crawling all over the walls. Make a ruckus, break some furniture
Jason: But Bruce-
Dick: SCREW Bruce. Your job as my new brother is to make his life HELL. Why are you so polite? Why are you so calm? Where's your DRIVE, your PASSION, huh? You may be worthy of the title of Robin, but are you WORTHY of being my disaster brother?
Jason, a little scared: I dont-
Dick, scoffing: The youth these days just don't rebel like they used to.
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heartorbit · 3 months
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revstar emu save me
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trans-androgyne · 6 months
I feel a lot of belief that “trans women obviously have it worse than trans men” it comes from assuming men & women are opposites & that their experiences must be opposite as well. As in, if trans women experience one thing, trans men must experience the opposite—but that’s not how it works in practice. Trans women are demonized and sexualized doesn’t mean trans men aren’t as well. Trans women feeling less safe after transition doesn’t mean trans men feel more safe. And transmasculinity being considered disgusting mutilation doesn’t translate to the opposite for transfemininity! I just wish we would stop comparing experiences as though they can be quantified & pitted against one another.
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beastwhimsy · 7 months
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this would happen
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