#(​Mike has one friend too and that’s Jeremiah)
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FNAF movie Mike meets Jeremy Fitzgerald
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ftwdb · 3 months
Don't Say Go.
Chapter 14.
Summary: Soulmates find each other through what is known as The Pull. A sense within a persons body that their soulmate is within reach that guides them to find them. You find yourself following this Pull, guided by vague dreams of a man you can't quite see, until you collapse in the wild and are found by Troy, your soulmate, who has been following the same feeling toward you for days.
Once connected soulmates are able to share emotions through their bond, as well as being able to sense where the other is. But how this force works is very much a mystery still, it can vary from soulmate to soulmate, and just sometimes a connection too deep can lead twist a bond from something beautiful to, well...
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut.
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You were never very good at getting people gifts. What made it even harder was to get someone a gift during an uprising of the dead when you had also accidentally got them shot in the foot.
Troy walked beside you with his arm slung lazily over your shoulder as you neared Mike’s caravan. He was smirking and trying not to laugh out loud as you listed off ideas of how to make up for his lost toe.
“I don’t know why you’re worrying so much, I was the one who shot him.”
You rolled your eyes, refusing to be drawn into another argument over who bore the most responsiblity for the events that occurred a few days ago.
“Isn’t he your best friend? I just want him to like me-“
“He will like you.” Troy said confidently.
“How can you know that?” I frowned, unconvinced.
Troy gazed down at you with a lop-sided grin as you scowled.
“Because I like you.” He teased, pulling you closer to his side.
Since the night spent in your bunk Troy had become more outwardly affectionate toward you, not caring who saw the way you held his hand or how his arm would wind possessively around your waist. You had blushed at breakfast that morning when Gretchen had raised her eyebrows at the sight before winking at you across the canteen.
You mostly ignored the curious eyes and whispers from the others. Your growing relationship with your soulmate meant far more to you than gossip from a group of strangers. And if Troy didn’t care what people thought than neither did you.
Except, of course, for the people that mattered most in his life. You may have formed a sibling like attachment to Jake and Cooper always gave you a friendly nod whenever you made eye-contact but you still had Jeremiah and Mike to win over.
Troy didn’t understand your need to be liked, to be welcomed by those who were family by both blood and bond, but he indulged your desire to try with some amusement.
You reached the caravan where Mike and his family were staying, a large canopy was set up beside it giving them far more space than any other rancher. You supposed it was a perk of being a Trimbol and one of the founding fathers, or so Troy had explained.
He’d pointed out the Brown’s home further in the distance and explained that Russell lived with his wife whilst Phil McCarthy was more of a loner who remained at an outpost away from the ranch. You’d made a mental note to introduce yourself to the couple, apparently Mrs Brown loved to gossip so Troy had conveniently remembered some other duty he had to attend to whenever you suggested an appropriate time to visit.
Troy knocked none too gently on the caravan door, his arm still wrapped around you as it swung open to reveal Mrs Trimbol’s sour expression. You hesitated, not having expected to have to face Mike’s mother.
“Your son around?” Troy asked easily, “or has he run off somewhere?”
You tried to discreetly elbow him in the ribs as Mrs Trimbol’s mouth tightened into a thin line. She seemed to be avoiding looking at you.
“Troy,” she said tightly as a way of welcome, “he’s inside. Recovering.”
Troy rolled his eyes but the cocky grin never left his face.
You stood a little sheepishly, your feet fidgeting in the grass as you dropped your gaze. Troy must have sensed your discomfort, either through the connection you shared or your sudden tension. You felt something spike in your chest, a feeling that wasn’t your own. Annoyance? At Mike or at your less than warm welcome, you weren’t sure. These shared emotions between you were becoming more regular as you grew closer but were still confusing.
“We just came to wish him well, Mrs T.” Troy drawled. “But if Mike is too busy being a puss-“
“Alright, I’m here!”
Mike appeared over his mother’s shoulder, gently prying her from her defensive stance in the doorway as he hobbled from the steps leading inside and landed on the grass with a wince. He closed the door behind him before his mother could speak and eyed Troy with a wary eye.
“You’re lucky she thought you were a cute kid. If Gretch or I spoke to her like that she’d knock our heads off.”
Troy shrugged and snorted. “What do you mean were? I’m still cute.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. Troy had his moments but cute wasn’t exactly the word you’d use for him. The words you would use brought a slight blush to your cheeks which neither man noticed, thankfully.
You couldn’t help but notice how at ease Troy seemed around Mike compared to Jake. He seemed more relaxed, his smile genuine if teasing. You tucked the observation away for another time to consider.
“Mike,” you finally spoke, “I wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened. I… wasn’t myself. I didn’t know it was you chasing after me.”
Troy interjected before Mike could respond.
“I’ve already told her you’re good with what happened, but she insisted on apologising in person.”
Mike, without the gaze of his mother upon him, also seemed more relaxed even if you could tell he was struggling to stand at his full height without putting weight on his injured foot. It was as if he didn’t want to show weakness in front of Troy, which made sense you supposed. He was technically his superior within the militia.
Also you were sure there was some male pride involved in the whole interaction.
Mike ducked his head and offered a lazy smile. His hair was shaggy and his beard well overdue some maintenance.
“You know, I can help you with that.” You said gesturing to his hair as a sudden idea came to mind.
“You some kind of stylist, before?”
You shrugged, “Sort of, for a while.”
Pre-apocalypse you’d been a student working part time jobs to earn some money as you figured out what path you wanted to follow in life. You’d spent some time learning to cut and style hair before moving on to your next job whilst you procrastinated on choosing which subject you would commit to studying.
When you’d asked Troy about his school life he’d gone quiet before changing the subject. Perhaps getting to know Mike might help you learn a little more about Troy.
“I can’t make you look any worse. And I promise not to drop the scissors on your other toe.”
Both men laughed and the sound helped put you at ease.
“You know what, sure. It’s either you or my mother and if she had it her way she’d leave me as bald as Coop.”
You said your goodbyes and you walked away from the camp site with a spring in your step. Troy nudged you, giving you a sideways glance that clearly said told you without him have to speak.
“Do you feel better now?” He smiled.
“You know I do.” You smiled back.
And you did. Was this finally it? The lightness in your heart, was this the way you were supposed to feel with your soulmate? It felt good.
It was hard to think that you’d almost thought Troy would turn his back on you. You felt guilty, having doubted him. Especially since Troy had taken care of everything before he’d come back to you in the bunk, moving the body of the man you had… who had died… far from the ranch.
“What did you do with… it?” You asked the next day, unable to bring yourself to say the word “he”, to acknowledge the monster who had hurt you as human.
Troy had said nothing for a few moments as if weighing up whether to tell you the truth or not. You supposed you didn’t really care as long as you’d never have to set eyes upon that burned face again.
“Finished the job someone started on him.” Troy said eventually. “There wasn’t much left in the end.”
Finish the job? It took you a moment to realise…
“You burned…?”
No burial. No, people buried people. Not monsters.
You’d felt a tug in your chest and looked up to meet Troy’s eyes. He was watching you closely with that expression you hadn’t quite figured out how to read yet. You felt within you to the bond you shared but whatever he was feeling wasn’t strong enough for you to read at that moment.
“Something wrong?” He asked.
You had shaken your head, trying to keep your expression calm as you inwardly fought off the memories of hands all over your body, the smell of alcohol and fire and burning skin…
Troy stepped closer.
“Because you’re shaking,” he had told you.
You raised your hands slightly and realised he was right. Your body had begun to tremble, how had you not noticed?
Carefully, as if waiting for you to give him permission, Troy began to wrap an arm around you and pull you against his chest. You couldn’t help the way you collapsed against him. You felt as if you would cry at any moment but no tears would come.
His embrace grew steady and firm, but not tight enough that you felt trapped against him. He would have offered you comfort if there had been any to give.
“You can tell me, you know. Anything.”
You closed your eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat beneath your ear. Troy didn’t need you describe the horrors you’d been put through. Between everything that had been said already he could figure out the men he’d saved you from before were not the first to try and harm you.
“It was me,” you’d said quietly, almost hoping it had been too quiet for him to hear. “I burned him. Him and his father, while they slept…”
The words kept coming and Troy merely waited patiently as you confessed to your own monstrous act.
“I wanted them to feel it. All the pain and fear they inflicted on me.”
Troy made a sound low in his throat. You’d waited for him to recoil from you or begin asking questions, he simply held you until your trembling stopped and your breathing slowed back to a normal pace.
“Do you think I’m a terrible person?” You had whispered against his chest.
Troy did move away this time, but it had only been to look you in the eye.
You tried to believe him. You remembered his words before. How he understood having to do things that were necessary…
If only he could have found the words to tell you that what you’d done was a mercy compared to what he would do given the chance to get his hands on those men now. But you had taken justice into your own hands and he could only admire you for it.
Troy had been so afraid when he’d found you. Afraid you would die. Afraid you would leave. Afraid you would see him for who he really was and be just as revolted by him as everyone else in his life. His father turned a blind eye, his brother made excuses and his “friends” were either too scared to say anything or just relieved to have someone else willing to do the dirty work so they wouldn’t have to that they pretended not to see the darkest parts of him.
His mother had never hidden what she thought of him though. She could see the rot that had taken root in him as a child, she’d told him daily before she died how she wished she were strong enough to take him with her. She couldn’t leave Troy to be a burden on the world.
And then the world had changed, and Troy was no longer a burden or a thing to be frightened and ashamed of. Troy understood the world now.
And you, when he’d seen you wield that knife over Derek’s bloody throat he’d known everything he’d been through had been to lead him to you.
A mere few days had changed so much, but as Troy led you through the ranch he could finally believe that in his soulmate he had found the only person who could understand and accept him.
You allowed yourself to be led by Troy as he finally gave you a much overdue tour of the entire ranch. You scratched the heads of the cows and horses as they wandered the fields, were shown the fields they grew crops and Troy explained how they gathered power for electricity in the house. You didn’t walk all the way to Jake’s place, but Troy pointed it out and you waved to a distant figure who was sat atop the roof whom you assumed was his brother. He tolerated a whole thirty minutes talking to the Brown’s until they’d started talking wistfully about their wedding day - which apparently had taken place not long after The Pull had drawn them together.
Troy made and excuse for you to leave as soon as you were given pointed looks when Mrs Brown offered to show you her wedding dress.
You laughed as you walked the hill back to the main campsite as Troy looked horrified.
“I could be offended you know!” You mocked as he shot you a sideways look. “Perhaps I’ve always dreamed of being a bride!”
Troy groaned, “I’ve never seen the point to be honest. My father married twice and was just twice as miserable.”
You quietened at the mention of Jeremiah. You hadn’t seen nor heard from him since the night of, well, the incident.
Troy hadn’t brought him up either and you wondered if that was a good sign, or him simply avoiding a difficult conversation.
Your sudden shift in mood didn’t go unnoticed and Troy reached for your hand, pulling you against him.
“Hey I didn’t mean anything by that.”
You shook off the worry on your features and smiled, “I know. I was thinking about… it doesn’t matter.”
Troy squeezed at your hand gently.
“If it’s on your mind if matters.”
I took a deep breath.
“I was thinking about… your dad.”
A series of expressions crossed Troy’s face, from confusion to disgust.
You slapped playfully at his chest before your own expression grew more serious.
“I just meant I’m surprised he hasn’t had more to say about everything that’s happened. Have you spoken to him since…?”
Troy’s nod was slow and deliberate, as if buying some time before he’d have to answer any more questions. Your stomach drops.
“Not good, is it?”
Troy sighed.
“My old man’s a pain in the ass. You shouldn’t be worrying about him.”
How could you not? Jeremiah was head of the ranch and although the place wasn’t run like a dictatorship you knew he held a lot of influence over people.
“I don’t understand why he hates me.” You say flatly. When Troy remained silent you send him a sideways glance before speaking again. “That was very reassuring, thank you Troy.”
Blue eyes snap to yours and Troy frowns.
You get caught between a sigh and a chuckle as Troy’s shoulders stiffen.
“Relax, I was just messing with you. Look we don’t have to talk about your dad, not today. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.”
You try to coax Troy out of his mood for a little longer but it’s clear there is something on his mind. Something he isn’t ready to share. You feel within you to the connection keeping you bound and find what feels like a wall…
You try to keep my worried expression off my face, but of course Troy can sense how you are feeling and he nudges you softly with his elbow.
"Hey, don't overthink it. You're here with me now. I'm not letting anything change that."
You try to smile and swallow down your concern. However Troy learning to keep a wall up between you was something that certainly caused you more worry.
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sotogalmo · 23 days
Things I'd like to see when Fnaf 2 comes out next year-ish (for some reason, filming has been pushed back from this summer to December):
Jane being absolutely destroyed in court for her hiring vandals to trash her nephew's place of work as well as being served with a restraining order, preventing her from making any contact with her nephew and niece.
Meanwhile, Mike's life has turned around, as he works full-time at Abby's school as an electrician/mechanic while also working on the side at Sparky's Diner. Thoroughly proving that he is a much more capable guardian than Jane in the eyes of the court.
Mike also managing to make friends at both his jobs, Ness at Sparky's Diner and Fritz Smith at Abby's school. It'd be even more cool if Fritz Smith was played by the one and only Markiplier!
Vanessa making a full recovery and moving in with the Schmidt siblings, co-parenting Abby along with Mike. She also confides into Mike about her own past, her siblings and how scary William had become.
Mike and Vanessa taking in the original animatronics, knowing that they're still kids who need parental figures. Mike even manages to calm down Cassidy/Golden Freddy and work on helping him.
With William gone, what's left of Fazbear Entertainment building a smaller, newer pizzeria with Toy Animatronics.
Both Mike and Abby feeling strangely drawn in to the singing, dancing Puppet, though both of them don't understand why.
Jeremy Fitzgerald being Mike's old worker, Jeremiah, from the mall in the first film (the guy who tried to calm Mike down after he went after the father).
Abby coming face-to-face with the Puppet who then nonverbally reveals to her that he's Garrett, her brother.
Ough..I love your brain soso much anon.
Jane gets what she deserves!!
Ough Mike doing two jobs to help, but then Vanessa is recovered and just. Waugh. <3
Fritz Smith being Mike's friend is so cool. Same with Ness!! Ough. The amount of funny stuff they can tell each other would be nice.
Vanessa & Mike adopting the missing kids :((( WIAGU‼️💥💥😭. Cassidy too .... Wyvdusbjfbsjfbjddidnidnd.
Waugh. GARRETT MY SON‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥
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catwithyellowwings · 2 years
Troy Otto x OFC (Megan Harris)
English is not my first language. OFC Megan Harris - childhood friend of Troy, Jake and Mike
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"I don't understand what you see in him," Alicia muttered, shaking her head, seeing another showdown between the Otto brothers. Always the good man, Jake did not like the methods of his younger brother, who perceived threats to his address with a satisfied grin. He knew Jake wouldn't do anything to him, and Jeremiah was dead. Now the younger Otto's hands are untied, and he was going to clean up the farm, considering it his duty. To protect his people from the zombie invasion, Troy was ready to do anything, even forced killings, which neither his brother nor the recently arrived Clarks liked at all. In a short time, Madison somehow managed to gain credibility with the locals, which Troy did not really like, although he tried to ignore it, not perceiving Madison as a danger.
"What are you talking about?" without taking her eyes off from the disputants, asked Meg.
"Don't pretend," Clark sighed wearily, noticing how her friend's eyes were constantly following the younger Otto. "I can see the way you're looking at Troy. You clearly have something more than just friendship. After all, you didn't look at Mike like that, and neither did at Jake now."
"Jake has always been like an older brother to me," the girl explained, folding her arms on her chest. "He was covering for us all, keeping an eye on us. And Mike..." her heart skipped uncomfortably when her brain involuntarily reminded her of what had become of an old childhood friend, "Mike, Troy and I were inseparable. Jeremiah sometimes made fun of us that one day we would make a love triangle."
"And what?" Alicia didn't understand the hint.
"And that's not going to happen," Megan said flatly, finally deigning to pay attention to Clark. "I’ve never felt anything but friendship for Mike. And Troy... well, he's not the type to build a relationship with, if you haven't noticed. Therefore, the prophecy of old Otto is not destined to come true."
Meg was clearly aware that she was now openly lying to her so-called friend, but she didn't need to know that. In fact, Jeremiah was right. They had the notorious love triangle, which was difficult to avoid. When they were still teenagers, in view of the limited circle of communication, Mike began to feel something more for Megan besides friendship. For several years, he persistently drowned these feelings in himself, confessing them only after a drunken party that Meg and Otto brothers arranged for him in honor of his eighteenth birthday.
When Jake and Troy were asleep near the campfire, Mike invited Meg for a little walk, where under the influence of alcohol and confessed his feelings. Drunk, he even climbed up to kiss her, but immediately received a slap in the face, which instantly sobered him. The shock and fear in Megan's eyes haunted him for a long time, although in the morning they agreed to keep that situation a secret and behave as if nothing had happened.
The girl understood that she did not feel the same feelings for Mike that he felt for her, so she simply could not give him false hopes, believing that it was better to stop such things in the bud in order to cause less pain to each other. By that time, her heart was completely occupied with the youngest of Otto brothers, but he was far from romantic.
When the conversation between the girls ended, Jake and Troy's argument was over too. Troy, being on edge, went straight to the jeeps, climbing into one of them to go to unwind. That's when he noticed Clark and Harris watching them and decided to drive there first. Realizing this, Alicia hurried after her boyfriend, leaving her friend alone to deal with the younger Otto.
"Do you want to take a little walk, Megs?" he addressed her through the open window on the passenger side.
"Did you have a fight with Jake again?" already knowing the answer, Megan decided to ask this question anyway.
"It's nothing," Troy waved off, although his firm grip on the steering wheel proved that he was still angry. "My brother, as always, pretends to be a saint, not realizing that everything I do is for the protection of our people. But I know you've always understood me, right?"
"What makes you think that?" and, not daring to move, she asked again.
"Because you love me," Otto replied with a satisfied grin, which made Meg's insides clench with fear. The girl did not want her friend to ever find out about her unrequited love for him. This secret was supposed to go with her to the grave. "Come on, Megs, I'm kidding," seeing how Harris tensed up from these words, Troy confessed and laughed. "But this does not negate the fact that you are the only one of all people who is always on my side and supports me. You're the only one I can rely on in this damn world of lies and hypocrisy. So, will you take a ride with me?" he returned to the first question. "If we're lucky, we'll kill a couple of walkers on the way. Come on, I know you like it."
"The hell with you," Megan muttered, rolling her eyes, once again reproaching herself for not being able to refuse a person she cared about, and opened the passenger door.
"Yes!" Troy exclaimed, slapping the steering wheel. "I knew you wouldn't leave me alone!"
"In your dreams, Otto," feeling a surge of energy and adrenaline, the girl grinned. "You and I are in the same bundle. Forever."
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bumblevoid · 1 year
so,, fnm won the poll and i've already actually been working on some materials sO
the promised ramble! (not including any drawings, sadly)
so. Five Night's Monsters is a fun little monster of the week campaign based in the world of fnaf, yeah? it also draws inspiration from batim and the matrix (coming from someone who has seen part of the matrix but like. not all of it). I'm not going to touch too much on that stuff, cause i don't wanna spoil my big twists for the hunters, but one of them already knows what i mean :D
the campaign takes place in hurricane, utah, to no one's surprise. I'm using this funky timeline that's like. half pre-prepared, half made up on the spot. it is taking place in 2018, and starts on the day of the fnaf 3 fire- set by henry and helpy. three of our hunters were meeting up after a while of not seeing each other, the fourth joined in to give them a ride getting henry safe, and the fifth will be joining in soon. this brings us to our dear hunters! i won't say too much, as they each have their own characters and backstories, but I'll touch on how they're connected, and basic ideas of backstory. first we've got @clemmieinnit's hunter, Bonnie Jeremiah. he's like, a band teacher, and honestly connects most of the hunters? like, one is a college friend, the other two are former students. he's also the bonnie mask bully. clem's playing the Wronged playbook next, there's @starlightandroses's hunter, Syren Vanheri. they're the local conspiracy theorist of sorts, an expert on freddy's without the inside info. lani's playing the Expert playbook the next hunters don't have tumblr,, we've got Toren Ageri, former night guard. he's got a really fun and interesting backstory that's mostly kept under locks haha. toren is the Crooked. and there's Ren Spurling. their mother was a night guard, but wasn't as lucky as toren to live. ren is the Mundane. and of course, making an entrance literally as I'm typing this, is Melanie Kyla Jensen! she's a very fun character who I've been working with the player on, and boy am i excited for her. her aunt is our good good ghost friend cassidy. melanie is the Spooky!
okay. so there's the hunters. so, I'm not entirely sure what they're expecting the final end-goal to be right now, but they're probably thinking defeating wafton? then again, i have let it slip there's several potential bbegs so who knows. but basically, it's just sort of a motw fnaf thingybading. they've been fighting the phantom animatronics lately, as they haven't actually encountered too much of this hunt's monster. and what they have encountered is easy to blame the phantoms for (which is funny cause there was a 20% chance they'd show up and then i rolled a 1 on the d100) so far, they've met up, found helpy, helped henry, fixed helpy, and are stuck in a power-outage that they're just kinda. doing a bunch of things figuring out what's going on. right now, we've got the "he's immortal???" plotline, and the "jeremy is, in fact, also the vr jeremy" plotline going on. also the "melanie explores freddy's" plot.
some fun things i'm doing here are. not really how motw works but i couldn't care less it's interesting- but some of the npcs are recruitable, and have playbooks themselves. these npcs are jeremy, henry, sammy, and michael (not that. mike is there yet.) one is the wronged, one is the spooky, one is the monstrous, and one is the chosen. sammy is our local favorite npc! he's both the hunters' favorite, and mine... yeah you can probably guess how that's turned out haha.
might post some of the npc files (hunter's edition) once i get some more drawings going of these little dudes
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dreamersdreamloud · 3 years
High School Lovers
AN: Planning to make a storyline out of this on AO3
Warnings: Mature
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Omega Lena Luthor x Alpha Reader
First Day of School
Danvers Household
The Danvers, the famous kind family with three dashing Alphas. Eliza and Jeremiah are proud of producing three strong women alphas. The oldest (Y/N) Danvers, the most popular jock in their highschool. You're proud to be the captain and quarterback of the Midvale’s football team. The omegas from all grades adore your looks and muscles but they didn’t stand a chance since you were dating the cheerleading captain, Cat Grant.
Cat dumped you during summer break and your inner alpha felt heartbroken. She left you for Maxwell Lord, the snobby rich alpha with little or none manners. You learned to let go during the summer and focused on getting that athlete scholarship during your last year of highschool and just move on with your life. Recently you became more reckless with your alpha actions, getting into fights, not listening to your parents. You were a mess that your sisters had to watch over you, to avoid getting yourself into further trouble.
The second oldest, Alex Danvers is also popular, known for her smarts for science but also the captain of the basketball team. Alex has always looked up to you as a role model. She basically became a tough looking alpha just like her older sister. But under those tough looks, she’s soft as a teddy bear, as her girlfriend, Sam Arias, declares it.
The youngest alpha in the family is Kara Danvers. The well known ball of sunshine and kindness. People often underestimate the blonde. Her alpha side is not something to be messed with. Bigger alphas would bully the youngest Danvers but they would run for the hills if Alex and you teach them a lesson on what happens when you mess with their youngest sister. Kara loves her sisters so much but she also loves her omega girlfriend, Lucy Lane , for always supporting her.
You're happy that your sisters have girlfriends and glad that they picked the best omegas from your shared high school. You don’t have to worry about the omegas being a distraction to your sisters’ studies. Whenever they’re in heat, they know best to stay away from their alphas and sit out. Eliza is thankful to not worry about being a grandma so soon.
“(Y/N)! Wake up! Mom has been calling you for breakfast!” Alex pounds on the door of your bedroom. You groan and growl at the door.
“I’ll be there!” You yelled back. You’re glad that you have your own room. Unfortunately, Alex and Kara have to share a bedroom. Sometimes you would hear them arguing next door on the stupidest things.
“Agh. First day of senior year here we go.” You said to yourself as you push your blankets away.
“Sam! Can you drive a little slower?!” Lena yells at her driver. She doesn’t know why she agreed to ride with her best friend to school if her life is endangered.
“Lena. It’s our first day of being juniors. I don’t want to be late!”
“We’re an hour early! You literally just want to see your girlfriend and ride her dick in the locker rooms.” Lena huffs.
The omega is happy that her best friend is dating a popular yet caring alpha but it can be annoying to watch them tongue each other’s throats in public. Lena wishes she had an alpha to look forward to but ever since she dumped Jack, she hasn’t been able to find another great alpha.
The reason the raven haired dump the alpha is that he would often ask her to have sex. Lena felt uncomfortable and she was only 15 years old at the time and he was a senior. He was the legal age of having sexual intercourse. Lena didn’t like being pressure into having sex so she broke things off and was content when he left for college. Lena wants to pick someone special to take her virginity and hopes to find that someone soon.
Sam ease off on the gas so that her passenger doesn’t contract a heart attack. A muscle car pulls up next to Sam’s car. The car is too familiar to the omegas. They've been seeing that classic black Ford Mustang fastback all summer.
The Danvers sisters are inside that car. The oldest Danvers revs the car again, annoying the two omegas inside their own car. Sam got a bit distracted as she saw the second oldest Danvers giving her certain looks that any omega would like to see. Lena saw that Kara was shaking her head, not wanting to be part of her sisters’ reckless act.
The alpha speeds up and cuts Sam off. Sam honks at the mustang, “Jackass.”
Lena laughs, “maybe if you weren’t so distracted looking at your alpha, (Y/N) wouldn’t have cut you off.”
Sam didn’t park too far from the alphas, they both got off at the same time. Lucy from afar, ran into Kara’s arms and gave her a longing kiss for everyone to witness. Sam didn’t want to embarrass herself like that and waited for Alex to walk over to them.
“Good morning, babe.” Alex lifts up Sam off her feet and Lena gags.
Not wanting to witness their affection, her eyes fall to the older Danvers stepping out of the car last. You wore sunglasses and simple black jeans with white fitted t-shirt. You saw your sisters run to their girlfriends and you just roll your eyes at them. You didn’t bother to wait for them and just make your way inside the school campus grounds to go hang with your jock friends.
“I see that you’re checking out the oldest Danvers.” Sam teases Lena.
“Wait what? Are you seriously checking out my sister, Luthor?”
Lena can’t help to admit that you’re the most handsome looking alpha she has ever seen in this highschool and that she developed a small crush over you since her freshman year. Besides dumping Jack for pressuring sex onto her, she also did it for you. She had this little hope that would be her loving alpha but when she found out that you got together with Cat, she was broken into tears.
“You know she’s single right? Cat dumped her during the summer.” Sam informs Lena.
The raven haired already knew that from Kara. She mentally keeps tabs on the older Danvers and Kara just feeds her information not knowing that she’s helping her. During the summer break, Lena would often visit the Danvers household to hang out with Kara and Alex but you were never there when she visited. You often found yourself helping your father or out with friends during the early morning.
“I heard it first from Kara.” Lena replies to Sam.
“I’m giving you permission to go after my knot head sister.” Alex surprisingly tells her.
“Your sister doesn’t know I exist. Plus why would she want to date a small nerdy omega?”
It’s true that Lena is a nerd but she’s the most popular nerd in the whole school. She takes advanced classes, joins after programs and clubs to help boost her chances into getting into MIT. Lena is sure that you only saw her a few times ever since you met through your sisters and swears that you don’t remember her.
The school bell rings and everyone heads to their first class of the day.
During Lena’s history class, she doesn’t bother to give her full attention since she already knows everything and already did advance research of U.S history during the summer break. At the moment, Lena was thinking how it can be possible to date the oldest Danvers but it can be nearly impossible. Omegas are not known to court alphas. She wonders if she can grab the alpha jock’s attention but since she’s a Junior, she knows that she won’t have any classes with her. Lena nearly gives up on the silly idea. Maybe she’ll just need to move on.
It’s nearly the end of the day and Lena is looking forward to her last class, Microbiology. A class where only seniors can take but Lena’s mother, Lillian, helped talk the school board into letting Lena take the class since she already took all the other science classes and passed with A’s.
The raven haired was one of the few to arrive early and picked a seating of her choice. She picks a seat in the back to not draw much attention to herself for the semester. Lena keeps herself but checking her phone while the seniors pour themselves inside the room.
She felt a little lonely for not having friends in this class but she was content that she has classes with Sam and Alex. She also has elective classes with Kara and Winn. A few seniors recognized Lena on the way in and had a short conversation with the only junior in the class. Andrea Rojas, a cheerleader that Lena is friends with, sits before her.
The microbiology teacher who’s also the coach of the football team, starts to take attendance. It goes by alphabetical order and everyone just quieta down to hear their names be called.
“(Y/N) Danvers?!” Mr. J’onn J'onzz says out loud.
Lena’s head perks up and scans the room to find the older Danvers but apparently she’s nowhere to be found.
“Danvers?” Mr. J’onzz calls out again. He scans the room carefully and looks for anyone connected to the missing student.
“Gand! Where’s (Y/N)?”
Mike also known as Mon-El, a football player, answers, “I- um. I actually don’t know Coach.”
“Since she’s not here she better be at practice or else the whole team will be doing suicides for warm-up.” The coach threatens.
Mr. J’onzz is upset that his star player has ditched class but he resumes to take attendance and start the lecture. Lena wonders where the alpha jock went, she hides her phone under her desk and texts another senior she knows. She doesn’t want to text either of the Danvers sisters.
Lena: Mags, do you know where (Y/N) is at?
Maggie: Big D? Nope. She should be in class. Why?
Lena rolls her eyes at the older Danvers’ nickname. She can’t believe people call her that but she blushes on the reason why she earned that name. There’s been rumors going around that (Y/N)’s dick is huge and was exposed during one of the wild highschool parties.
Maggie was the one who started the nickname and decided to nickname all the Danvers sisters as well. She called Alex “Mid D” and Kara “Little D or Little Danvers.” Little did everyone know, all the Danvers have huge cocks and their girlfriends can certify that information.
Lena: She’s supposed to be in my microbio class.
Maggie: Hmm. I’ll look into it
The raven haired locks her phone and pays attention to the lecture again. It was long until Lena’s phone vibrated a text message.
Maggie: So . . Big D is getting a BJ from one of the cheerleaders.
Of course. Lena thought to herself.
“Okay class! This semester I’m going to pair you up with a partner. The project will be about collecting samples from different environments and studying what type of bacteria is out there. The due date is TBA but I suggest you start it early and not last minute. The project is worth 300 points of your grade.” Mr. J’onzz announces.
The teacher proceeds to read of the pairs of students for the project in his clipboard. The students were getting noisy as the pairs were being announced. A few were disappointed in who they got while others were filled with joy.
“Lena Luthor! You’re partners with (Y/N) Danvers!”
Lena looked up quickly when she heard her partner’s name. She sees that half of the class looked at her when they found out that their most cherished alpha is partners with a junior omega who’s known for her genius side. The raven haired caught a few omegas looking at her with disgust but she managed to ignore.
“Fuck.” Lena mumbled to herself. She can’t believe she’s paired off with her long time crush. It can’t be that bad right? She’s close with the younger sisters, doesn’t mean she can’t be friendly and close with the oldest Danvers sister as well. Or can she?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Headcanons: Crankegos ⚙️
Aight, we’re doing this so buckle up, because I got a lot to share!
Note: I consider Memento one, but he’ll be in another post with Mori where I’ll go more into-depth about them both.
Mad Mike
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Runs both an ice cream shop and an ice cream truck (he changes outfits depending on which he’s working at).
Once owned a highly successive business.
But it was shutdown after Silver Shepherd discovered that the ice cream was being laced with drugs.
Since then Mike tries to stop doing that..but once in a while he’ll put a tiny bit of cocaine in a scoop or two (claims it’s “extra sugar”).
Loves to bake on his days off.
Contrary to his song, he’s got a soft spot for kids and never drugs their desserts.
Struggles with his own addictions from time-to-time, but he’s getting better at dealing with the withdrawals.
Very flirtatious.
Also fluent in French, so that gives him extra brownie (pun intended) points.
Somehow, someway..he’s evaded police ever since the encounter with Silver.
Not very good at talking about his or other people’s problems...so he usually just whips up some ice cream as a temporary solution!
His eyes turn to pink and blue swirls whenever his sanity dips or if he wants to hypnotize someone who insulted his business practices.
Mike’s just a bubbly guy all around.
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One of Ethan’s less malicious dark egos.
Embodies his anxiety and nightmares (though mainly the former)
Blank himself has severe anxiety issues that tend to make him panic over small things.
Corroded teases him for being a crybaby sometimes, but he can’t help he’s overly-emotional. 
Gets very self-conscious of his acne/black eyes/appearance in general, afraid of scaring people away.
Has bluish-pale gray skin.
Likes wearing baggy clothing, though it’s really only to hide the wilted vines and black veins that wrap around his arms and legs.
When he has a breakdown, black oily tears stream down his face, he shakes violently, the room get abruptly cold, and he mumbles unintelligible gibberish.
It can go on from a few seconds to almost 15 minutes straight. It's extremely hard to snap him out of it.
Has haptephobia (fear of physical contact), but he’ll let people he’s close with (like the other egos) make contact with him.
Hates being thrown in with the rest of the dark egos.
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The first of Ethan’s dark egos, albeit the more forgettable one.
He’s a rusted robot, with gray/brown skin that’s metallic in some areas (especially on his face and hands).
Completely hollow inside (physically) except for metal “bones” keeping himself together.
His eyes are also empty sockets instead of being purely black.
Like Anti he’s a glitching entity who induces paranoia in people with hushed whispers and clones of himself.
Bitter to Ethan about being used for the 5-year anniversary poster advertisement, despite that not being his intention at all.
Also resents Blank for becoming the more popular dark ego.
Regularly drinks oil.
If you call him an animatronic he can and will decimate you.
His biggest pet peeves are being taken for granted and being called a “dumb robot”.
A major weakness is his legs being so rusted they lock up and he can’t move for a long while.
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A punkish prisoner who’s best friends with Yancy.
He’s been arrested for smoking illegal drugs, dealing said drugs (with Mike, who managed to escape officers while ditching him in the process), and excessive speeding/reckless driving.
But he was sent to HTP for a fatal hit-and-run (while he was smoking grass behind the wheel).
Doesn’t talk a whole lot, but he likes to stand around and smugly grin like he’s got a trick up his sleeve.
Spoiler: He doesn’t, and if you were to ask Yancy about him he’d tell you Heap is one of the sweetest people he’s had the honor of meeting.
He did break his arm during a brawl (tho he told the warden he fell in the yard).
He’s good at keeping secrets. He has no reason to gossip unless you insult his family.
Also dyed his hair black. Just because.
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Was among the many bright scientists trying to find a cure for the spontaneous zombie plague.
He was also Prof. Beauregard's assistant.
Though unfortunately he didn’t last long before he ended up turning.
Surprisingly he still retains much of his scientific knowledge.
But he can’t wrap his rotting brain around complex formulas.
So he’ll sometimes try to mix chemicals and write notes--both of which turn out to be huge messes.
With the other Crankegos, Jake has his own lab.
He gets agitated easily, so he’ll go there to calm down if he needs to.
Can still speak normally, though his voice is extremely scratchy and he hates repeating himself.
So Yahoo often translates for him.
Likes being with a group of zombies...humans not so much.
Though since the Crankegos aren’t exactly human, he doesn’t mind them at all.
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She’s the gothic mother hen of the Crankegos.
Though at the same time she’s a vicious mama bear if you dare cross her and/or her family.
She’s stern with Mike and Corroded, but very soft towards Heap, Jake, and Blank.
The prisoner often looks to her as a mother, since he didn’t have the best relationship with his own growing up.
Loved red, black, and silver makeup. Especially eyeshadow and mascara. She makes sure to visit the dye shop every so often to keep her hair a bright red.
No one knows how she pays for all those times. But she does it.
Very sassy and likes to show-off a lot, though she’s not a narcissist. 
She’s very generous, too, and can’t stand the thought of being completely obsessed with only her own happiness.
Don’t ask her if she feels weird being the only female Crankego. She’ll break your kneecaps.
Cries at animal rescue/adoption commercials all the time.
Likes wearing meme shirts to be “hashtag relatable”.
She says it exactly like that and Ethan, Heap, and Mike groan every time she does.
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He’s a very holy man, of course, with much dedication to the church.
While Saint doesn’t say what church (or even what his name is for that matter) he’s from, he practices good teachings.
Scolds people if they constantly curse/take the Lord’s name in vain.
He tried integrating memes into his teachings so younger generations won’t be as bored during mass.
But when Jeremiah (Priestiplier) proofreads his writings..he just shakes his head in disapproval.
So those never see the light of day.
Thinks Blank, Corroded, and Jake are horribly cursed and regularly tries spraying them with holy water.
He just gets three annoyed inhuman beings glaring at him.
Heap and Mike confess their recent sins to him sometimes. It helps them get stuff off their chest.
Though Mike always starts out by saying “I’ve been very naughty-”
And Saint has to stop himself from slapping him with the book.
Beyond that, he’s just an all-around good dude.
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Like Bing and Google, he’s a search engine-based android designed to answer people’s questions.
Often speaks in a soft and sincere tone of voice, though he can be firm when necessary.
One of his eyes is more cybernetic than humanlike, and it’s capable of many functions including infrared and x-ray scanners, as well as being able to instantly identify any individual he sees.
That’s how he got to know all of the Crankegos so easily.
He’s on good terms with all the Googles...except for Blue, of course, since he thinks he’s just another rival.
But Yahoo still tries to be kind regardless.
Unfortunately some take advantage of that, though Bernice and Mike usually come to his defense.
He’s terrified of water and viruses..so he tends to stay away from Blank and Corroded.
When he’s recharging, both his eyes glow purple under his eyelids.
He’s got a lot of service features, including Yahoo! Finance (to help with personal finances), Answers (a q&a), and Mail.
Kinda misses the funky logo the company had from 1996-2013
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
According to the Presidency, Brett Connolly, Mike Andrews and xpp were all executed with the massive coronary.
It was like an explosion...
I will be honest, we had Mike Andrews first then xpp in custody and Brett coming in the night before. And Jesse mutilated the bodies to prevent the return of their souls into the bodies they most previously had.
Jesse does believe in reincarnation. And as does his other two "children" or followers, friends if you will.
As i said, 6 months ago, i did not believe in reincarnation but i have been convinced.
Who is Brett Connolly? A secret agent placed with my aunt that took custody of the children of my cousin's. And had Killed Alex's dog because he thought he was homosexual and/or having sex with me. He was just jealous. But also abusive and manipulative and created pain and hard ship for everyone he met. He was indeed a terrorist.
The Queen was well aware as to what Jesse had done to whom.
Jeremiah got beat very badly but he suffered no major injuries just a face nearly beyond recognition only due to bruises. I had seen through my vision,however that wss incorrect, the image was from the past from when one of our children had been murdered, trying to save them, but he continued to fight despite those injuries. 1992. In 2019 he refused the beating as I had sent to Jesse in the email. But Jesse has i understood was a willing participant.
However, the president is correct that Jesse wss screaming and crying and whimpering. That is why i had sent the email as he was absolutely terrified it was his turn to be beat. So i assured him he would be and that it wasn't just him, everyone hurting others for fun or being dumb and neglectful and not listening and communicating respectfully would get their beating as Jeremiah promised he would be here in one hour but then had not bothered to do as he had offered to, after 8 hours and he gave me fierce attitude.
Declan did agree in the hate towards Jeremiah But as i often do, it was only a metaphysical beating, as is fair. Declan stood with me in my anger towards Jeremiah, later after my nap, Jesse confessed to his role to cause Jeremiah's beating.
There was an attempt to beat, however, it was much like spanking my child, no matter the force behind it, it was impossible to damage Jeremiah through physical force.
And so the president did announce for me confirmation of the dead as i was unsure, exactly, and people were getting temper when i asked.
All employees are to continue as they were, i sent announcement to the WWC and it was approved by Alexis Dejoria and the Queen Elizabeth II of England and Uncle Donald and the rest of our business committee. There should not be any uneasiness as nothing shall change immediately in regards to pay or benefits. An additional team of accountants will be hired to oversee all accounts of Jesse's as i am the sole heir of his businesses, per the only known will of Jesse Gregory James. From 1986 before he became the financial man he is today due to his murdering and my willingness to share finances with all those harmed by Jesse.
However, i do have some remodeling of Walt Disney World, Florida in aesthetics (interior design, only) and i will speak to the accountant and those running Disney World (for themselves as i do not own) to see how benefits shall be increased for the businesses i am heir to.
As this is a favor to Jesse and those employed by him to increase productivity and enhance life's happiness.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in the reincarnation of yourselves. We complete verification of your natural right to leave your current body via a pearl handled Smith & Wesson incurred by me in Egypt at the Fabulous Tree. Thus we know you are not following correct life duties to the best way you could and will be given training as Jesse is in order to obtain the correct body placement location in order to be raised by the correct type of royalty in order to better understand the complications and rights of principle matters. Jesse will likely appear to you when you write unless he is too scared to leave my side where i am extremely busy. Thus the emails will be read and sorted according to location and ability to extract you to be tested and verified. I am informed you will not receive a reply but The United Nations will designate who will be picked up when and will also service as your transportation to ensure your safety to the correct location. Please understand the location you will be left in will have blood due to Jesses heart explosion as well as the 3 others so you should feel a comfort from the sight as it will be your turn next.
As far as I understand the Armored Combat League will be those to assist in your absence of body due to their mass knowledge of History of medieval and older times. Other people will be witness to the massacre. So you will have average regular people there as well to oversee. Such as Alexis was there to see her husband "pass". She is willing to wait until his soul is transported to its proper location. She was attempted to be verified but the pearls went around her and not through. Thus her powers are still needed and Jesse himself did verify this information before his explosion.
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Do not disturb Alexis as she is extremely busy and during extractions it can be extremely dangerous as the souls need to be in a primitive state and has been through extreme training through Jesse's yoga. She is one of the very few that have succeeded the training qualifications and exceeded expectations as using a creek near their home to represent and symbolize the Nile and completed witches training by surviving old time tradition of "sink or swim"
However most other souls cannot pass the minimum of my requirements to begin the training that some of us survived in 1988 as children.
For those unsure, Thanksgiving is when Denise will display the properties of the Smith and Wesson. As she will receive her training by those whom have finalized the cannon shot's research. I did not as i gave the pistol to the Smithsonian for research due to Jesse's theft of the weapon, adding 26 pounds to the 400 pound weight.
Any one wanting to achieve this process of reincarnation must sign a waiver to life before any testing for eligibility will be preformed... This is also a duplex to the government making assisted suicide legal in countries all over the world!.
Without the waiver you will be held in contempt of due process of life and death. It's much like a citizens arrest. If you leave no one will stop you, yet you would want to complete the aggravating puzzle as curiosity will be nagging, as per usual. Thus if you leave you will not have criminal charges pressed on you. As it is considered a "Citizen's Arrest" but every one will point and laugh at you for being chicken.
All this is allowable due to 33 years of research. Of many dark corners of souls and the globe and outer space and "Heaven".
To allow Jesse more comfort we do the Lord's prayer, much like Todd Chrisley getting into the trunk. As Jesse fears Heaven over reinstating into a living body.
However as the world turns, Heaven will be inserted into the bodies of the non living. Zombie Apocalypse anyone? Not me! Thus the ability of Heaven possessed by God will assist in the bodies to become non Zombie like and will fulfil the full needs of a body's prefection and beauty. Thus the greed one feels now will be replaced with gratitude. Thus easier to complete 180° 360° of which we need 360 pure souls and body mass/skulls in a pagan-ish circle with 180 souls in line to get the qualities their souls need in order to complete the 15° Earth tilt correction and to ensure life of the rainbow's existence to promise no souls will be sent to Earth without all proper equipment.
Thus service is rendered with complete documents completed in an honest and timely manner. If lies or unwillingness is present in the ink of your pen, then it will establish an indecency in the ability to do as Mother Earth commands and likely you will be condemned thus you must allow freedom into your heart.
I cannot sign for either team. I don't have it yet. Although this above video did allow me to want to hug the president and have a faint desire to jump and celebrate.
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We have soulmate research to complete literature thus women are allowed to be included in this event.
Children born after 1989 are expected to be pure, yet we will not exactly want to use them, however many are adults thus we will allow them to fill ins needed for back up if 360 participants are not involved.
If i often yell at you or your attendee following your instructions and I have not been able help you correct your actions, you have something missing. Just like Down Syndrome children, whom have an extra 21st chromosome, many people are missing a likely 121st gene or have a mutation of the 360th. Genes are coded into letters but we do have the gene information reworded into numbers so mathematicians like myself can assess the alter ego, both good and bad to volunteer how to successfully transform this gene and make evolution more effective instead of physical chemicals to create a grest physical body, we will cause evolutionary growth to include real life issues like pain causing the drige thru McDonald's life thus a 595 calorie big Mac (2010) will mean you need to progress digitally and/or metaphysically in order to burn calories. Thus bandwidth and measurements of internet gigabites used will be how you measure your expected caloric growth -- yet sitting at a desk working as we all know will mutate to the form of the chair causing a "shelf ass" like Winnie the pooh in one of my favorite childhood episodes. So you're inputting files or accounting or encoding or just writing a blog that is healthy and beneficial, leaving honest and positive comments on social media to improve overall growth and mental health will cause you to be mentally healthier as well and will cause the ability to burn calories. And also learning from healthy internet or just playing games while thinking with positivity will allow you to dictate to God how you would like your body. "God, i want bigger tits, add the big Mac into those" "God stop! My ass is huge as it is but look there's a lump" which then means you must massage it yourself to stimulate the nerves leading from the brain and brain stem (I'll check the correct brain center as we know the Pons is assisting in body reassignment thus the pons is saved and removed.. I'm sure it doesn't come from the frontal lobe but brain center between eyes and ears where they intersect in that area of the brain) so that the body has complete retention of information. Neck stimulation for me is important as i do feel the ache now down to the end of my major nerve "veins" in the top of my self ass.
Yes i had to ruin my body for science. I'm not happy about it So I know i will regurgitate into a new body otherwise I have commanded my soul body to turn to star dust to create a new galaxy. We will see what happens cause right now i am SUPER ANGRY at Jeremiah for not listening and being a chicken shit. Thus I must leave the pain So that larger chunks exist and can multiply in a more complete manner. Science dude. Look up embryos. And biology. Its biophysics. I'm actually not crazy although it certainly sounds like it.
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All that said I would like to invite myself and Uncle Donald and my daughter to receive Mohawks sometime soon in one of the game shows. I saw he wants to look younger. So i would like to remove the color from his hair and do a Mohawk.
As so he can relate to the millennium generation and recreate a 1980s punk look for him as do He can relate to also the middle aged such as my self and humor our older generations. As well as illegal aliens to state he does understand the willingness and desire to drastically change a way of life and so to allow them to recognize they are allowed to Legally live in our country. This i want as a caption under the video/photo of his dramatic change. As i believe many people do not understand that he's not picking at his wife and that she's a legal resident and he's stating his pride in her fir following the country rules.
And so we can do a poll of sorts or something game wise while also adding in beauty information such as color removal from hair, quality of white hair (I know mine is from bleaching highlights as a teen). And also so many questions about his actual hair can be revealed. If necessary we will add in a weave. I think this will surpass Elizabeth Warren whom I'm actually in love with in hopes that also he will give her runner up benefits to have her in office as an advisor thus allowing our first female president to be voted in, unless Milana runs with... He can be Vice, i think... Or a double female team!
But i just know Elizabeth will be amazing for our country and can take on major issues the president has as the president has actually done a great job behind the scenes.
I really would like to expose him for who he is as Writing often will mislead a reader.
One reason we love Obama is he let his hair down so to speak after his retirement from the Oval Office.
And if he so wished for a tad evil trick, he could establish pretending to be a punk ass Democrat. With his 1980s look.
It's not too hard for me to defend the president as i do know him personally and now his "odd ways" as a New Yorker is vastly vastly different from rural life and his ways actually do need explanation, even to Native New Yorkers, such as the way he wears his overcoat.
So i would like to advise a website from thr President and his wife entitled "Punk Ass Life Hacks"
Or butt if preferred.
And also keep Twitter for professional use. The website for personal relations.
So a page for each of them then a random jumble page which is automated per user and will have president tricks and tips in blue on and the Madame in pink and they ones they share or don't remember the origin in purple.
As God actually will adjust the information per user thus the tips and tricks more relating to the user will be available to the reader. Thus truly enabling the Presidency to truly help each and every American and international humans.
And i would like to add in the kids also. Green for whole family tips. Colors like aqua and light turquoise for the sons and for his favorite daughter of mine, orange (US COAST GUARD life preserver color) and shades of yellow for all other females.
Black background is easier on the eyes.
Now for each individual page I would like to have a papyrus color, so a sepia with darkened edges much like the constitution with normal bold black type. I prefer gothic style
Such as
But any would do... Slight cursive as it's actually still not taught.
Type writer font as well. Per type of life hack.
So a slight cursive for safety hacks thus children cannot read the constitution or any historical documents! So a slight fancy
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So what we will want to do is teach cursive. So
The brown fox ran exactly as quantum physics described, because little foxes follow rules.
Will be followed by the same sentence in print so they can see the difference in lettering.
Thus the reader will learn the proper way to connect letters and change the ones necessary into cursive.
Thus the print must be exact. It must be the exact cursive that is to be taught, I do not recommend the Tumblr cursive as the o is misleading to be an A.
Now Elizabeth Warren, she will use a font such as "Historic" in the above image as it attempts to connect the letters yet also combines print. Its a casual contemporary font. As she will be learning to be president. And relating to people as she's more an open book.
The jumble page will have "use a magnet to take the lid off............... ~Uncle Donald" yes!! It says Uncle Donald, Uncle Sam!!
So in the menu tab it will be all family members listened for a direct link to the page. Then an open second menu tab under "others" Elizabeth has her font and my heart so definitely her name comes up then you have a mix page of "others" like Clinton's i do not respect their outer image saying "cheat on your wife and don't let her leave you" they statute abuse. So they do not have their own page. Bernie will have his own page and direct second menu link as well as Bill Nye the Science guy. And other historical people.
On computers it can be a side menu, phones a pop down with the 3 lines is usual but this will be an eagle button with a ribbon in it's mouth like an old tattoo look saying "more"
Very colorful tattoos for children eyes but also very informative and professional looking.
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Janda Cheerful would be a perfect one for Madam Millana. As it is hand writing like and the encouragment to try and grow. Plus her voice has its own accents, so it's time get to know her a bit better, if she has good handwriting use hers please, if it's too difficult to read have her write the brown fox after the perfect cursive then the print.
Have every one do it. That way put it over the child lines that are two solid lines with the dots in the middle. Make it an easy pop up for phones. So we aren't perfect but we are as close as possible.
Like the top and bottom of the page.
Now kitchen life hacks i want in actual print handwriting. Theres apps of course and programs to help get penmanship to digital.
So get a really good one....
Like one that picks the average -- write sentences and single letters and etc then develops the most used way. Wherre you cross the T and etc. The military will have such program.
Like Tumblr recognizes the different fonts here the webpage will also so th3 font will load. That's the web designers job to make it work to prefection.
This way it makes it personal. So that is for food/kitchen hacks.
As children one of the most important lessons is to learn to cook. Old handwritten recipies passed down from generation to generation.
We can do a food page, recipes on little note cards (index) with tattoos stamped on in same handwriting. But i prefer the most pure recipes. Like low calorie whipped topping and fruit or yogurt and fruit, not Diet food. Health food. Enchiladas are fine but not dio th3 tortilla in oil then layer in the pan. They dont 3ven need hydration! But like chicken breast rolled in crushed chips
So the title is
Oh! You crushed your chips?!
Grab a boneless skinless chicken breast or fish or meat from freezer/fridge.
Defrost in micro/sink/hot water or use George Forman grill and just run under fresh water from sink
Roll in crushed chips, bake or grill, or use a skillet pan on stove top until meat is all white all the way through at thickest part
Then follow in legit directions and amounts measured as if we are teaching a nervous child who needs exact information.
1 cup crushed chips into red pepper sized flakes to powder size
3 chicken breast (raw or cooked)
Grill: raw cook: time precooked cook: time
Bake etc etc etc.
So that's all for now. I know I'm not the only intellectual in the room.
We can develop more during Mohawk time.
And so anyone else steal this idea,I'll find you and sho2 you 2hst lif3 is about.
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In the event that Uncle Donald does not win the next election, the site will continue for eternity. Each new president making modifications to their own page.
Thus each person will have the log in to their own pages to edit. Like Obama and Bernie... They log into their own page and has the tools to adjust and add pictures etc.
Template easy style. Like word perfect. Or Any app.
The current first lady will have the pink or her choice. I recommend hot pink, neon or carnation. The current president will have Royal Blue. Too sexist may be
Or red white and blue does make more sense. So current President flag blue. First lady flag red and all others flag white with a twinge of yellow and orange for the current white house's children/grandchildren. That is for the jumble page. Sun shining on flag.
So then personal pages will be color choices. Mel hates pink so... But the font color is always there and another choice must be 5 shades different. So say She wants brown. She picks her fave and so Obama must have at least 5 shades different. So in 10 years she wants to change. So make sure its 5 shades different and there will be a simple easy to use program which will omit colors already being used. So she could change daily. Also we will see how many colors she wants. So it will be a theme coordinated color scheme. Also she wants to change to a thanksgiving theme to Christmas to 4th of July she can.
But we want to easily recall colors, so Mel picks color: j92848 well then Donald Jr can never have it.
Then as time goes on, the similar shades will be released. So 5 spaces the middle color spaced will be released.
This is due to my amnesia and recovery. So someone is in the kitchen... Me. And I'm like Idk how I do this!!! But i recall her handwriting but i can't grip what I saw... But the sponge i use foe the sink is the same exact color!!! And it sparks those cells in me and i can spring into,action perfectly!
So while it seems suoer strict and crazy anal and annoying for the blog user, it is actually the best way for people to help themselves when without a computer.
Its not a perfect system but for me it helps.
So when colors are ran out, then we stsrt again fresh as in 30 years not every one will read what Uncle Donald said. So it won't matter to reuse.
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Using a scientist to break down the color wheel will assist in miraculous ways. I don't really know how. Like i can't create a web page... Without a template.
But according to how specific the colors sre broke down... To w microscopic level or a person without their glasses on will make the difference in color choices.
We Will have a scientist develop this.
Now over time this will all take with handwriting and etc.
So simply follow the stated template type and then we will make the official changes as we can. And it will break the internet if announced!
And also the Queen of England has her own punk style that is used all over the world.
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gokinjeespot · 4 years
off the rack #1301
Monday, February 17, 2020
 Happy Family Day. I'm grateful for my extended family of fellow comic book aficionados. Sharing the love of our hobby keeps me young and brightens my life. I miss seeing many of you but you are in my thoughts.
 Catwoman #20 - Joelle Jones (writer) Fernando Blanco (art) FCO Plascencia (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). Mrs. Creel poisons her party guests showing us what a nasty woman she is. Catwoman fights through a bunch of zombies to get some Lazarus Water to save a friend. Selina's final obstacle will be Mrs. Creel. I can't wait for this story to end. It's been kind of blasé.
 Thor #3 - Donny Cates (writer) Nic Klein (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Lots of KRAKKABOOMS this issue as Thor fights Beta Ray Bill. Horseface doesn't have a chance with All-Father Thor boosted with Galactus given power cosmic. Don't build a funeral pyre for Bill yet. Someone comes to his rescue and that person is a surprise.
 The Dollhouse Family #4 - M. R. Carey (writer) Peter Gross (layouts) Vince Locke (finishes) Cris Peter (colours) Todd Klein (letters). Alice and her daughter recover from the horrible explosion from last issue but their survival cost them an arm and a leg. When Alice gets back to the dollhouse, she finds there's a new tenant and she's not nice at all. This horror title isn't horrible. You should come visit.
 Hawkeye: Freefall #3 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Otto Schmidt (art) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This issue explains how Clint can be in two places at one time. It's dumb but I don't mind because this story is kind of dumb. I like it for the guest stars. The Black Widow shows up and the hero on the last page is a favourite of mine. If the new Ant-Man mini had been this much fun I'd still be reading it.
 The Batman's Grave #5 - Warren Ellis (writer) Bryan Hitch (pencils) Kevin Nowlan & Bryan Hitch (inks) Alex Sinclair (colours) Richard Starkings (letters). I don't know if it's just me, but I find that I lose interest in a Warren Ellis story somewhere and this issue might be it. I've forgotten what the mystery is that put Batman in detective mode even though he's following a lead in Arkham Asylum this issue. I like seeing Batman kick bad guy butt as much as the next fan, but 8 pages of it here seems to be padding the story. Methinks this 12-issue story could've been told in 6.
 Savage Avengers #10 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Patch Zircher (art) Java Tartaglia (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Conan and the two Doctors, Doom and Strange, battle Kulan Gath. Guess who wins? This issue made me laugh out loud.
 Jessica Jones: Blind Spot #3 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Mattia De Iulis (art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Now this is a much more enjoyable murder mystery than Batman's Grave. I know exactly what's happening because Kelly Thompson recaps as the investigation continues. There's even an extended 5-page fight scene where Jessica and Elsa Bloodstone fight creatures from the Black Lagoon but it isn't boring because they're bantering about the case all the while. The rest of this 6-issue mini can't come out fast enough for me.
 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #6 - Jody Houser (writer) Adriana Melo (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Gabriela Downie (letters). Harley and Ivy's adventure comes to an end with a battle between good and evil Ivy. I liked how they left the fate of Poison Ivy a mystery. Who knows how she'll act the next time she sees Harley?
 X-Force #7 - Benjamin Percy (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This issue features Domino who was rescued from the bad guys recently. The bad guys managed to steal her good luck powers and have transferred them to someone else. This newly empowered individual is an assassin going around killing mutant supporters. Neena's not too happy about that. I wasn't too surprised by the reveal of the assassin's identity on the last page but I'm sure some new fans will be.
 X-Men #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) Matteo Buffagni (art) Sunny Gho (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This issue features Mystique. She's my favourite shape-shifter. She's sent on a mission to infiltrate the space station designed to fight against the mutants. I liked how the flashbacks merged with this story to culminate at the ominous last page.
 The Immortal Hulk #31 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (main story pencils) Ruy Jose, Belardino Brabo & Cam Smith (main story inks) Paul Mounts (main story colours) Javier Rodriguez (McGowan sequence pencils & colours) Alvaro Lopez (McGowan sequence inks) VC's Cory Petit (letters). We get into the heads of Scientist McGowan and the Hulk this issue. Matters of the mind shouldn't surprise fans what with Xemnu being in this story.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #39 - Nick Spencer (writer) Iban Coello (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This issue reminded me of the Odd Couple, Oscar and Felix. Spider-Man agrees to be a guest on Jonah's podcast and sparks fly as the two antagonists butt heads. It's all talk radio until the super villain crashes the party. Next issue should be less talk  and more action.
 Superman: Heroes #1 - Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction & Greg Rucka (writers) Kevin Maguire, Mike Perkins, Steve Lieber, Mike Norton & Scott Godlewski (art) Paul Mounts, Gabe Eltaeb, Andy Troy & Nathan Fairbairn (colours) Troy Peteri, Clayton Cowles & Simon Bowland (letters). This $5.99 US one-shot is tied-in quite closely with what's been going on in Action Comics & Superman. It looks at the consequences of Superman revealing his secret identity and it's well worth reading.
 Doctor Strange #3 - Mark Waid (writer) Kev Walker (art) Java Tartaglia (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is a great one issue story if you want to check this new run out. Doctor Strange fights an artistic demon to save lives.
 Gwen Stacy #1 - Christos Gage (writer) Todd Nauck (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I liked this better than The Amazing Mary Jane maybe because it deals with a younger high school aged Gwen. This story takes place before Gwen and Peter become friends and lovers and involves her father Captain Stacy and his investigation of New York's mob. There are a trio of bad guys that you'll recognise but the big deal super villains don't show up until the last page. If they don't get you to pick up the next issue, nothing will.
 Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. #1 - James Tynion IV & Peter J. Tomasi (writers) Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira, Chris Burnham, Marcio Takara, Diogenes Neves, David Lafuente and Sumit Kumar (art) Adriano Lucas, Rex Lokus & Nathan Fairbairn (colours) Travis Lanham & Thomas Napolitano (letters). This one-shot tribute to Alfred shows us what a dysfunctional family Bruce has created. I would have preferred a more touching send off to this beloved character like the one Brian Michael Bendis wrote for Ultimate Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Damian, Tim, Jason and Barbara reminisce about the butler and then Ric Grayson chimes in with a story about Nightwing. Who the heck is Ric Grayson? I thought Alfred deserved better than this.
 Nebula #1 - Vita Ayala (writer) Claire Roe (art) Mike Spicer (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I'm ambivalent when it comes to this cyborg killer but I wanted to see if that might change by reading this 5-issue mini. She finds a scientist who has built a device that can predict the future and has him implant it so it's integrated into her cybernetic system. The untested tech winds up screwing with her head. I didn't change my opinion of Nebula with this first issue and I can see where the rest of the story is going so I'll leave the rest on the racks.
 Superman #20 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ivan Reis, Joe Prado & Oclair Albert (art) Alex Sinclair & Jeremiah Skipper (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). There's action: Superman dukes it out with Mongul. There's drama: The Daily Star is trying to discredit Clark, Lois and the Daily Planet. And there's a surprise appearance of an old friend. There's everything a good comic book needs to grab my attention and want to keep reading.
 Marvels X #2 - Alex Ross & Jim Krueger (writers) Well-Bee (art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I was fooled by the truck driver who picked up the kid because of the red beard, sunglasses and No Fear baseball cap. I thought it was Matt Murdock in disguise but I was surprised by who it actually was. Daredevil does turn up later in this issue as he and Spider-Man help to keep David safe. The kid's important because he could help find a cure for what's infecting humanity.
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jimmypeakes · 5 years
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ADAM DIMARCO? No, that’s actually JIMMY PEAKES from the GOLDEN TRIO ERA. You know, the child of BRANWEN PEAKES (NÉE GOYLE) and JEREMIAH PEAKES? Only 19 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as an AUROR IN TRAINING and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS-MAN and is a HALF-BLOOD who is known to be IMPULSIVE, CARELESS, and IMPATIENT but also COURAGEOUS, ENTHUSIASTIC, and LOYAL. — &&. ( SAM, EST, THEY/THEM, 24. ) 
character parallels: gordon tracy ( thunderbirds ) + lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) + sam wilson ( marvel comics ) + ron weasley ( harry potter ) + betty cooper ( archie comics ) + mike wheeler ( stranger things ) + anna ( frozen ) + legolas greenleaf ( the lord of the rings ) + donna noble ( doctor who ) + peter pevensie ( the chronicles of narnia ) !!
— ❝ 01. Branwen Goyle was never a big fan of her family, and was out of the Goyle sphere of existence as soon as she finished Hogwarts. She ended up marrying a muggle man, Jeremiah Peakes, when she was around 25 years old, and had her first child two years later. She and Jeremiah ended up having a total of five children, all boys, and Jimmy is the second youngest out of them. He’s always kind of been the trouble-maker of the family, and though all of his brothers were over-achievers, he never felt any less proud of himself or that he had to compete with them. In fact, he’s a pretty easy-going person, and tends not to worry all that much. He’s fun to be around, and absolutely despises tension. He’s always trying to make light of difficult situations, and maybe sometimes cracks a joke when it’s not the exact right time. He’s been working on that, though, and can take things seriously. It’s like… He just needs a little something to help him grow up a bit more.
— ❝ 02. Jimmy Peakes does not have any problems finding people to date whatsoever. He’s very flirty, and quite agreeable to be around, and therefore, it’s quite easy for him to attract others. He’s pansexual and panromantic, and has never counted gender in the equation when it comes to romance or who he’s attracted to. He never really questioned his sexuality either. He always knew that he didn’t only like girls, and that whether they were girls or not didn’t matter to him. He first told his brothers he didn’t only like girls when he was seven years old. Like, just… Stood on the couch on Christmas day and announced he wasn’t straight. Which was a word he had learned thanks to the fact that Branwen and Jeremiah Peakes taught their children things about the world and had always made it clear to them that no prejudices would be tolerated. And as Jimmy tended to be a bit dramatic, of course he had to make a big announcement out of it.
— ❝ 03. Jimmy was a very active child, and still, to this day, constantly needs to be doing something. He’s a huge fan of flying and Quidditch, and that’s why he tried out for the Gryffindor team in his third (?) year. However, he always knew he didn’t want to take it to the professional level. Not only did he not have the patience to train as much as was necessary to become a professional, but he also didn’t think he’d be able to stand being only challenged physically, as he does love an intellectual challenge too. Sure, there are plenty of Quidditch players who are much smarter than him, but for him, personally, given the way he functions as a person, it wouldn’t work. He likes things that are more varied, which is why he ended up settling on becoming an auror. Not only was one of his heroes one, but also he couldn’t think of a better thing to do with himself than stop bad guys and save innocents. Plus, it presented a variety of challenges, both physical and intellectual, and therefore truly motivated Jimmy.
Has three older brothers and one younger brother, who I’ll definitely beg y’all to play hehe.
Yes, his family was inspired by the Tracy family from the Thunderbirds TV show(s) (and movie, though we don’t talk about that. I mean, I do love it, but I acknowledge the fact that it’s... Not the best.)
Definitely inspired by Gordon Tracy. Like, I’m not even trying to be subtle about it. For reference, though, my favourite is John. But Gordon is a close second. But actually, it changes a lot.
I do realize this turned into me just talking about Thunderbirds, but it’s my one (1) niche interest, and I will never ever shut up about it. I do apologize about that, though.
Loves classical music! Like, isn’t that into music in general, but he does really appreciate classical music. And like, he does enjoy music, it’s just not a passion of his.
Is going to be so into the year 2029 like how much things have changed? Amazing. And since his dad’s a muggle, he’s quite connected to the muggle world, so to see how things have evolved over there? WOW.
Probably was the kid who kept on trying to make muggle devices work at Hogwarts by tinkering with them, but then mocked/teased (I’m never sure what the difference between those words is; I should Google it probably) his younger brother when he brought a walkman (or whatever the equivalent of that was at the time) to Hogwarts.
Loves all things water related. Used to hang out a lot by the lake, and went swimming whenever he got the chance. He’s a very strong swimmer.
Kind of? Bad at dealing with emotions? Jake Peralta could also be a character parallel for him, honestly.
Has literally never interacted with his mother’s family, as they consider him and his brothers huge mistakes and stains on their reputation. Would fight a Goyle, 100%.
Would die for his family (his brothers, siblings-in-law and parents - maybe even niblings if someone who plays one of his brothers want said brother to have a child or children), no doubt about it.
His dad’s actually rich, so even though Branwen (Jimmy’s mother) got disowned, they never lacked of anything. Especially the newest technology and vehicles, as that was the field his dad was in. Please don’t @ me for all these stolen Thunderbirds ideas I am but a small, idealess Sam.
Plays Dungeons & Dragons with friends and (maybe - depending on the people who potentially play them) some of his brothers and plays a wonderfully chaotic neutral forest gnome rogue named Alvyn. No family name for Alvyn, because he’s just too cool for that.
( FOOD TW ) Is actually a somewhat decent cook.
Will most likely marathon a shit ton of old (but new for him) superhero movies in 2029. Because, yeah. He loves superhero movies. He prefers Marvel movies, but DC comics. Which is not at all inspired by my own taste. Not. At all.
+ ABOUT PAGE !! + PINTEREST BOARD !! ( coming soon ) + CONNECTIONS PAGE !! ( coming soon )
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ftwdb · 4 months
Don't Say Go.
Chapter 12.
Summary: Soulmates find each other through what is known as The Pull. A sense within a persons body that their soulmate is within reach that guides them to find them. You find yourself following this Pull, guided by vague dreams of a man you can't quite see, until you collapse in the wild and are found by Troy, your soulmate, who has been following the same feeling toward you for days.
Once connected soulmates are able to share emotions through their bond, as well as being able to sense where the other is. But how this force works is very much a mystery still, it can vary from soulmate to soulmate, and just sometimes a connection too deep can lead twist a bond from something beautiful to, well...
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut.
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Your feet led you while your eyes could only see fire. You ran, ignoring voices that called after you as your breath caught in your chest, choking you.
How had it been possible for him to survive, to end up here?
It was like fate enjoyed the cruelty of it. Confronting you with the worst parts of your past as it handed you your future with the ranch, with Troy. And how would you explain it now? You fell to the ground, heaving up the little that was in your stomach into the grass and you tried to bring yourself back to reality.
You could feel the blood on your hand growing cold and sticky. You began to wipe it on the grass frantically, trying to rid yourself of the stain. You tried to blink your eyes clear, tried to work out which way the main house was so you could find Troy. Everything would be okay if you explained... somehow...
A set of hands on your shoulders tried to turn and lift you from the ground. You screamed.
Thrashing at the stranger and confused as to how he had managed to survive again and follow you all this way, you kicked and screamed until the hands let you go. You fell hard on the grass but didn't waste time for him to get his hands on you again as you forced yourself up and started running again. It was so dark you could barely see, you'd run too far from the main camp.
A voice shouted out, then heavy footsteps followed, faster than your own. He was going to capture you, he'd take you again, he would hurt you-
A shadow in the darkness appeared in front of you, illuminated only as the clouds moved to allow moonlight to stream down. You cried out as Troy came toward you with open arms and eyes wide and alert as he saw the blood, your tears...
You ran into his arms, shrieking and gasping. With one arm tight around your shoulders urging him behind you the other pulled a gun from his side and aimed it at your pursuer.
Mike came to a halt, skidding in the dirt as he raised his hands and stared at his friend.
"Whoa, easy..." he panted.
Your grip on Troy's back eased as you too stared at the man who you thought had meant to harm you, too shaken with adrenaline and confusion to form words. Unfortunately Troy could only glance at your stricken face, his eyes falling to your shirt which you suddenly realised had been torn when you'd been grabbed in the medical tent, and then at his oldest friend who had began to ramble as he panicked, realising exactly how the situation looked. You realised it too and tried to speak, to tell Troy to put down the gun, but all these things happened in a matter of seconds and you could see the murderous intent in Troy's eyes as his knuckles turned white around the guns hilt just before he fired.
Your hands grabbed at his wrist, forcing the gun down and to the side.
Mike screamed before collapsing onto the dirt...
"What in the blazes happened here tonight!"
Jeremiah was furious. He paced behind his desk as Troy sat with his head in his hands.
"It was... a misunderstanding." he said lamely, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes to try and eradicate the image of you - blood smeared on your cheek, eyes red and pouring tears - and his friend, screaming on the ground as he rolled from side to side, his foot clutched in his hands.
"A misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding leaves the head of my militia shooting at his own men and a dead man bleeding all over Jake's med tent?"
Troy wished he could explain, but even he didn't yet know the full story. The sound of screaming and gunfire had of course drawn attention. The militia had come running, Jake and his father too, to find Troy stood over Mike with the gun pointed at his face whist you tried to tell him something through your sobs.
"Not him. He didn't-" was all Troy could make out when Jake had tackled him from the side and knocked the gun from his grip. Jeremiah had hauled Troy into his office, barking orders for Jake to tend to Mike and for Cooper to find out what the hell was going on.
You'd tried to follow but Jeremiah had spat something at you that Troy hadn't been able to hear over all the yelling and you'd faded from his view as Gretchen Trimbol placed an arm around your shoulders and turned you away from the scene.
Troy lifted his head as his father's words sunk in.
"The man we brought in, he's dead?"
Jeremiah threw himself down in the chair behind his desk and looked at Troy with eyes that burned.
"Stabbed in the neck with a pair of scissors. He was still tied to his bed. And you wanna hear the kicker?"
Troy felt something sickly settle in his stomach as he waited for his father to continue.
"It was your soulmate who saw him last."
Troy scowled.
"That's not possible. She was waiting for me, in the bunkhouse..."
"Then how exactly did she end up halfway across my ranch, screaming and looking like one of those broads that gets killed at the beginning of a horror movie?"
Troy pressed his lips together as he tried to put together the events of the night. He'd thought Mike had attacked you. Perhaps it had been a misguided assumption but finding you fleeing in the dark, your clothes torn and dirtied as you sobbed whilst Mike appeared looking like a wild thing in the moonlight... what else could he have thought?
His only instinct had been to protect you. From the moment he'd been woken, sprawled across his bed and confused by the lack of daylight, he'd only felt terror. It had been just like before, when he'd followed you to the collapsing cabin and seen that man on top of you. He'd known it wasn't his fear he could feel, but yours.
A knock came from the main entrance. Jeremiah sighed and rubbed at his tired eyes as he called for whoever it was to enter.
Cooper appeared, looking apprehensive as you darted out from behind him and strode into the room.
"This is all my fault," you said, not looking at Troy but only at his father.
Troy jumped to his feet to move to you, but you deliberately avoided looking at him as you came straight up to Jeremiah's desk with your back rigid and hands clenched at your sides.
"I killed the man in the tent-"
"Stop-" Troy tried to interrupt but both you and his father raised a hand to silence him. It was an action that unnerved him, leaving him feeling bitter but still wanting to pull you out of his father's fierce gaze.
"I recognised him from the city. He attacked me and I acted in self defence-"
Your words came out quick and breathless and Troy could see how you shook as you pushed on.
"He was tied up." Jeremiah pointed out.
You shook you head slightly and dropped your gaze down to your feet.
"I cut him free, just one hand, when he started vomiting. I didn't recognise him then, because of the bandages."
Jeremiah nodded as if to give you permission to continue. Troy watched on as if he were stood outside of his body, knowing that look on his father's face.
"He grabbed my shirt. I panicked and grabbed the scissors..."
You couldn't bring yourself to say anymore.
"It was quite a sight to see, when I'd followed you down to the tent to find him bled out on his bed." Jeremiah said flatly.
You flinched. It had been barbaric. Violent. But so were the things he'd done to you. Would you have to finally speak of those days, when you'd thought for sure you would die in the ugliest way possible?
You could feel Troy standing behind you, watching you. You reached inside for the sense of ease that came with being in his presence but found only tension.
You took a shaking breath.
"He... was not a good person." was all you could manage, your voice faltering.
If Jeremiah truly hated you now was his chance to torture you, to make you relive the horrors you'd been subjected to and have Troy have to hear each detail.
Instead his eyes looked at you pensively in the moments that passed in silence.
"And Mike?"
You almost let out a long sigh of relief that he was not intending to push for more information.
"He was meant to be on guard. He was late-"
Troy cursed under his breath but you ignored him.
"-he must have seen me run from the tent and come after me. Then Troy was there and everything just happened so fast-"
Jeremiah waved his hand in the air and you snapped your mouth shut. His drunkenness had seemed to have passed and now he simply looked tired.
"Well it's a damn good thing you only shot him in the foot," he said, finally moving his gaze back to his son.
Troy nodded once but remained stoic.
Mike. He knew he should feel something for having assumed the worst, for having tried to kill him for something that had never happened. Instead he felt nothing.
He always felt nothing... unless he could feel you.
You who was still standing with your back turned, unable to meet your eyes.
He was not a good person. Troy repeated those words to himself silently. He remembered the knife in your hand as you'd stood over Derek, the way you'd looked to him almost for permission before doing the only thing you could for an animal like that. Putting it down.
Although Troy told himself he usually felt nothing, he knew that wasn't true. He'd just gotten so good over the years at making himself numb to his surroundings he'd thought he'd forgotten how to feel. Now guilt uncurled in his gut.
He had brought the man here.
He had left you alone and broken his promise to walk with you and somehow you'd ended up in danger. One fuck up after another, just like he always did. Just like his mother had always told him.
In his chair Jeremiah was scratching at his unshaven face and speaking with Cooper, who was still standing silently by the main door. Troy vaguely heard them speaking of Jake and Mike, but he could barely comprehend what they were saying.
At least his father had calmed down. But Troy knew there would have to be consequences. There always were.
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ecmlol · 5 years
Jude sits quietly waiting for Noah to tell him what’s going on.
“ so what do you want to know”
“ you could have warn me Mark was a ex boyfriend.”
“ awww your messy jealous side is showing “ noah smiles.
“ not funny noah”
“ first he’s not a ex Dane. There really isn’t nothing to tell. It was New Years 5 years ago I was really drunk off my ass. This was just after my ex dying.i was morning he was the only guy at the party that likes men. You know what I don’t even remember what happened besides me kissing him .I’ll let Mark tell you everything else.”
“Noah no I believe you. you don’t have to..”
“No no you want to know what happened.“noah walks to the office door and opens it.
“ mark can you come here and tell him what happened that night I don’t remember. Much.”Noah say
Mark walks in and Noah walks out.
“ Noah !” Jude calls out.
Mark smiles and closes the door behind him.
He’s not bad looking. Jude thinks to himself about Everything that noah has said about smaller men comes back to him. Jude knows it’s just his insecurities talking.
Jude plays with his wedding bands.
Jude quietly sizes up the other man in the room. Jude is in his element he can play it cool.
Jude crosses his arms.
“ so you want know about our one night stand huh a couple of months ago.”mark say.
“Nice try . Noah is the most honest person I know and if he say it was 5 years ago then it was 5 year ago.”
“You passed the test. Noah deserves the best he’s a great catch. He doesn’t need a guy that doesn’t trust him. “
“So what did happen that night?”
Mark sits back and get comfortable like he is ready to spill his guts.
“ poor Noah he was so screwed up after his ex passed away. He was drunk off his ass that night. This was the first time we meet. He told me all about his ex of course.At first it was just talking and crying. Then kissing and I promise I tried everything to get him up. I did but nothing worked.He was way to drunk to do anything. So at the end of the night I turned into a giant teddy bear.”mark say with regrets in his voice.
“Thats it?”
“ yeah unless you want to hear about him apologizing for crying all over me. I really don’t think he remembers all the head I tried to give him.” Mark says.
Jude sits back and nods.
5 years is a long time . Jude thinks. He trust noah but can he trust Mark. No he can’t anyone that would try to have sex with someone that was blackout drunk is one step away from a rapist. That makes Jude uncomfortable
Mark gets up .
“ ok I have one question and we don’t ever have to talk about this again because it’s only embarrassing for noah.
“And what’s that?”
“He’s huge isn’t he because he’s impressive soft.”
Jude will never get use to how openly other gay men talk about sex with strangers.
Jude gives a nonchalant shrug as his reply. Wouldn’t you like to know.jude thought to himself
“ I guess I have been luck all the men I have dealt with have been what and what in size.” That was the best lie jude has told in a long time. Lucas and zero were around the same size but noah is definitely a bit longer and thicker. There was a adjustment period with Noah.
“Hey a guy can try”
Jude gets up and heads for the door.Noah is standing outside the door.
“ so every things good?”noah ask
“Fine” Jude say
Jude is pretty sure his face said something else.
“ o...k ..good” noah says in a uneasy tone.
Jude heads to the kitchen to lay out all the snacks on the counter.
“ want some help?”noah ask wanted to know what happened.
“ no I’ve got it you just keep playing.” jude say as he takes out the three crockpot that connects together to make three different hot dips. Jude bought it just for game days .
As the gamers settled in jude started the spinach dip then the chili cheese and lastly a pizza dip. Jude learned that Pinterest is his new best friend thanks to ofc Murray. Jude can hear someone commenting about him cooking in the middle of someone’s character getting hurt or something . Jude couldn’t figure out what was going on even if he cared and that is fine with him. Jude thought as he puts out bowls and chips. Jude took Noah’s corn nut dispenser out of the cabinet and set it out and then pours a bag of m&m into a bowl just for Noah.
Jude walks over and sits the corn nuts and m&m down on the TV tray next to noah. Of course noah is lost in the game. Which is fine by Jude he’s use to that. This is the only time noah doesn’t give jude his full attention.
Jude cleans up and heads to his office to read a nother pregnancy book. About a hour later the house starts to full with the smell of the cooking dips and the gamers arguing over a quick break.
A minute later there is a knock at the door and then noah walks in.
“ hey you busy?”
“ no no just reading and relaxing what’s up? Need more chips?”
Noah walks over and drapes himself over jude and kiss him hard.
Jude pulls away and smiles.
“ what’s that for?”
“ well alot of reasons”
“One I love you two my friends are impressed by you three I’m kicking ass out there four you are seriously the best hostess with the mostess and your all mine!.”
Jude smiles and thinks to himself nailed it! Jude is slowly getting use to the idea that his husband actually has friends unlike zero who had no friend and no one liked.
“ oh ok that works” jude says with a smug smile.
Jude gives noah a quick kiss on the cheek and goes back to reading.
“ so you seemed weird out after your talk with Mark what’s wrong “
“ I know he’s your friend but he tried to take advantage of you when you were drunk noah. Just promise me you won’t drink around him.”
“ ok not a problem “
“ ok good glad your not going to fight with me about this”
Jude runs his hand down Noah’s back and then back up to his slightly longer then normal hair. Noah some how talked lionel into letting him grow his hair out a little and facial hair.Jude likes it.
“So what are you reading?”noah ask
“Just a book of baby names. Do you have any ideas.”
“ man are you trying to cancel game day.You are amazing “ noah kisses Jude’s neck.
Jude smiles and relaxes as noah keeps kissing his spot.
“What do you think of Noel. we can keep it biblical? Yes it a boys name but maybe we can keep it neutral like Lionel’s name.
“We are kinda a ironic couple I’m liking biblical and neutral. I also like Jeremiah “noah say
“ your still stuck on that name when I don’t like it”
“ yes I’d love to name her after you in some way. My favorite girl named after my favorite guy”noah says
“That’s sweet but what about naming her after you mom.”
“Jacquline? Pretty sure it’s not biblical or neutral .”
“We can make it neutral but the biblical part might have to go out
“ ok that is better then Judy or Judith or Jerry? So how do you want to change it up?
“Well we can shorten in to Jax could be her nickname it could be a homage to your mom and our first vacation together.we started off in Jacksonville aka Jax .or we can spell it Jaxuline. It would be different and make more sense when we call her Jax.”
“ it’s a little ghetto Jude. “
“ ok we can keep it traditional then if you want. I think your dads will like it.”
“ I know they would are you trying to earn brownie points with them?”
“ it can’t hurt” jude says
“Can we think about some more? we have plenty of time?”noah says
“Hey breaks over “ Mike says  through the door.
“ come on noah this is a shit break and a snack break not a quickie break”mark says
“ got to go my Dane. My people are calling me.”noah says as he gets up off of jude and heads for the door.
“ love you” noah says
“ love you too” jude say
Jude watched as noah walks away. He takes out his iPad and starts to make a list of names he likes.
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. Jude stocks up the kitchen counter one more time before heading to bed.
“ I’m heading to bed .I restocked to kitchen guy. Enjoy the rest of the night . Nice meeting you all.”
There are a few waves and grunts as Jude heads toward noah to give him a quick kiss. Jude leans over and kisses noah on the cheek.
“ oh hey”noah looks up from the game.
“ oh yeah night.” Noah says
As Jude walks away a few of the gamers wish him a good night and gave him compliments on the dips.
In the morning jude wakes up alone. Jude can hear the gamers still at it down the hall. Jude rolls over and stretches. This wasn’t so bad jude thinks to himself.Jude actually has enjoyed the pass day. Staying at home getting some work done and having little make out session with Noah ever so often was nice.Maybe he could host every game day. It would make knowing Mark is around a little easier. If he does that he might make enemies with the rest of the gamers Significant others.Thats the last thing Jude wants.
Jude digs through his cloths and found the T-shirt that he wore at Disney with Noah and put it on with a pair of sweats and walks out of the bedroom after a pit stop in the master bathroom.
In the living room mike is packing up his bags and chairs.
“ morning” mikes says
“Hey. where’s everyone “Jude ask
“ everyone is outside loading up.”noah says
“ oh ok”jude looks around and sees everything is back in it place. A second later noah walks in.
Noah is looks around like he is looking for something.
“What’s wrong noah?”jude ask
Noah looks up and sees Jude .
“Oh hey. Just looking for jakes other shoe.”
Jude looks under the couch.
“ found it.” Jude shows noah the black slide he found under the couch.
“ perfect thanks Dane.”
“Hey I will send you a email about the benefits when I get home.”mike says as he heads to the door.
“ awesome I can’t wait. I’ll see If i can scrounge up so stuff with the players for auction. I’m sure someone needs a tax write off .”noah says
“ it is a good cause”Mike says
“ what’s the charity”
“ helping hands is a organization that raises money for Kids infected or affected with aides and hiv we help where the insurance doesn’t”Mike says
“ ok that’s awesome. What do you need for your auction? Devils tickets maybe a devilgirl appearance? A cash donation maybe?”Jude asked
“Wow Thank you anything you like to give is welcomed”
“ what about a booth at family day in a few days. “ Noah suggest
“ that’s a great suggestion is that too short of notice?”jude asked
“ no no I can figure something out . Thank you.”Mike says
“ no problem I’ll call the organizer and tell them to expect you”jude says.
Jude hands noah the shoe and he hands it’s to mike to give to Jake.
“ thanks you Jude and the house is great!” Mike says as he walks out.
Noah closes the door and turns to jude.
“ have fun?”jude ask
Noah walks over to jude so he can wraps his arms around Jude’s waist.
“Yes I won some and I lose some but I missed sleeping in bed with you.”Noah says as he kissing Jude’s cheek.
“ I missed you too.”jude smiles and rubs his hands up Noah’s arms
“ I know I peeked in on you last night. You slept on my side of the bed. “
Jude smiles and shrugs.
“So are you ready for family day and your birthday In a few days”
“ no I’m nervous about speaking to the whole arena”
“ maybe it won’t be packed.”
“ I doubt it there are some major venders and players meet and greets, devilgirls meet and greets and lots of games and raffles.”
“ it sounds like fun.”noah say
“ that was the aim”
“ you will be great ok ”noah say as he kisses down Jude’s neck
“Thanks ”jude says
“ you have been up all night do you really think your up for this?” Jude says as he walks backwards to the bedroom.
“ I know I’m not up for it but I was hoping you cuddle with me for a while alittle while because you missed me.”noah
“ I guess “ jude says with a smirk.
Jude stops once he’s against the bed . He steps to the side and moves behind noah.
“Hey where are you going” noah turns around to see where jude went.
Jude pushes noah on to the bed and starts to undress him.
“I’m putting you in bed.”
“ ok that works for me.”
Jude tosses his shirt and then his sweats and then pulls off Noah’s shorts.
“Go on get under the covers.
“ yes sir so have you figured out what my punishment is?”
“ well my backer would like to meet you but you can’t interview him.”
“ zero wants to meet me ?”
“ yes he does. I’m not happy about this and I’m not going . I don’t want to go” Jude say as he runs his hands over Noah’s chest
Jude frowns.
“ when did he tell you this?
“ last night” jude say as he repeat the same motion with his hand.
Noah knows jude is nervous . Jude always seems to do this when he’s nervous and it doesn’t help that he ‘s frowning too.
“ hey Dane it’s going to be ok. I’ll meet with him and convince him that he would rather have a payment plan or maybe be a silent Partnership.”
Jude sighs
“ I really don’t think he’s going to go for any of that. He has money noah.”
“ true the only thing he doesn’t have is ....you”noah says as he stops Jude’s wondering hand.
Jude looks up.
“ come here I need to cuddle with my Dane. I think my tired wheels are starting to turn.”
Jude sighs and lays down next to noah.
Noah pulls jude in tightly against his chest.
“ we can figure this out. I promise you ok.”
Jude’s birthday week
Jude and Noah have been avoiding the subject of zero like the plague. Which is fine by Jude. Jude does have a strange feeling like Noah is planning something big for his birthday but he doesn’t have a clue to what it could be. Jude started to notice noah has been taling to a lot of people. Yes noah is friendly but it seems like he’s been friendlier then normal. Then there is the texting every time he sees him. He’s text someone.Jude finally asked noah if he was up to something and Noah just smiles and shoves his phone in his pocket . Jude isn’t used to anyone making a big deal about his birthday. When he was with zero they had one conversation about it and Jude never brought it up again after zero said he hated birthdays because of growing up in the system. Now jude doesn’t know how he feels about some big celebrations for his birthday. Then the doubt sets in what if it’s all in Jude’s head and Noah forgets about his birthday.
“Earth to jude”
Jude shakes himself out of his thoughts.
“ yeah sorry” jude says as he turns into their neighborhood.
“ I thought we were getting chicken from the grocery store why did you turn?”noah asked
“ oh sorry I’m on autopilot.”
“ yeah this whole time I think I have been talking to myself. jude what’s wrong.”
“ I just have a lot on my mind.”
“ talk to me “
“ ok what’s going on? You have been acting really strange ”Jude asked
“ how are you going to ask me that again when it’s your birthday week “
There is no hesitation from noah when he answered. Jude smiles.
“ ok”jude turns the car around and heads to the store
“ that’s it?”
“Yeah it’s all good. I’m sorry for asking again “Jude tells
“O..k” noah sits back and watches Jude on the way to the store.
I can’t wait for this week to be over. Noah thinks to himself. Keeping everything that they has been planning to himself is driving noah nuts. It’s so hard not tell jude everything that is going on.
“ so what do you think about Johnson and Ritters? I know you meet with them before the draft a few months ago.”
“ they are a good team on their own. It would have been a shame if they would have been drafted separately.”
“ do you think the rumor are true?”
“ are you interviewing me noah?” Jude smiles and rolls his eye.
“My mic is on the charger. This is just me wanting to know what you think.did you get a vibe off them”
“ a vibe? Like....”
“ oh come on Jude you don’t think they are a couple?”
“ isn’t it a rule that you don’t out anyone one that not ready to be out and proud?”
“ Jude you know I won’t say anything I’m just curious because they don’t hide it very well. I talk to the other players already they pointed it out first.”
“ oh.”jude knows all about his two new players. He received a email from them yes one email sent from both of them. They have been friends sinces child hood. They grow up together and went to the same high school. They even got into the same college. They contacted jude to asked to become devils. Apparently they outed themselves to every organization hoping that no one would draft them. It worked and Jude was able to pick them both up in the last round. Jude has already gotten with all the trainers coaches and staff to remind them of the devil’s no bullying policy . The players are next on the list.
“ wait you said out someone. You knew this whole time didn’t you.”
“ I’m not saying a word.” Jude says.
“ your silence is a answer you know.”
“ why does it matter so much.”
“ well you can gossip with me and it won’t go any where.”
“ you know I’m not big on gossip “
“ I know but you have such good gossip Jude”
Jude shrugs.
The rest of the evening is pretty normal a little dancing a little gaming and a little reading for jude.
Noah’s birthday surprise is full steam aheads.
The week goes by quickly and it’s the night before family day and Jude’s birthday .
Noah’s in the bathroom after eating something at dinner that didn’t agree with him.
“ you ok in there.” Jude says through door.
“ oh my god I’m never eating India food again.” Noah say
“ hey can I get your phone? I need to get on instagram to wish my brother a happy birthday.”
“ give me a second to finish up I’m playing a game”
“ Noah I have 5 minutes before it’s not his birthday.i don’t want him to think I don’t know. You said I shouldnt antagonize him.”jude reminds Noah.
“Ok ok come in if you dare.”
Jude opens the door and is hit with a smell that turns his stomach.
“ wow yeah no more india food for you”
“ here take it and go “
“ your sweating you ok?”
“ Jude I love you but please go”
Jude can hear Noah’s stomach bubble up.
Jude quickly leaves.
Jude cringes at the noises he hears through the door
“I’m seriously the little spoon tonight” jude calls out as he looks for the icon on Noah’s phone.
“ tell me what your sending him.”
“Happy birthday “
“ don’t send that jude”
“ why”
“Because it’s not personal and it’s your first message to your brothers.”
“ ok tell me what I need to say. I don’t want to screw it up.”
“ Dane you won’t just send the message that you would want from him.”
Jude takes a deep breath and starts to type.
Hey big brother I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. It’s crazy that it’s the big 30 and we haven’t even meet.Come to family day at the arena tomorrow @11am it’s all day I’ll be there. It should be fun. Jude
Jude reads it to Noah.
“ see I told you wouldn’t screw it up”noah says from the bathroom.
“ you almost done I’d like to brush my teeth.”
“ yeah I think I’m done.”noah say as he flushes the toilet.
Noah comes out looking slightly worn out like he just left the gym.
Jude hands Noah’s his phone back and steps pass noah . Noah grabs Jude’s arm.
“ happy birthday Dane”noah shows Jude the clock on his phone.
Jude smiles.
“Thanks hubby”
“ hubby?aww”noah says to tease Jude
“ hey I’m not as good at the cutesy names like you”
Jude’s phone rings on the nightstand.
“Dane my sexy 30 year old your phone is ring it’s your mom”
“ answer it for me”
“ of course”
Noah stretches out and grabs Jude’s phone.
Noah press the answer button
Patty and Justice Appears on the screen singing
“Oh your not my brother”
“ I’m your brother in law so I’m just not the right brother.”
“ oh yeah now where’s my jude?”Justice says
“ excuse my daughter it’s pass her bed time noah she’s a little grumpy “
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ferns-garden · 6 years
Girl Advice (Michael x Brooke)
Chapter 1 - Dating Girls
Read it on Ao3 here!
This was originally for @robot-anon‘s competition, buuuuut I took it too far and now it’s a multi-chapter fanfic. “Oops”
“Jeremy. Jeremiah. My heterosexual friend. My cishet pal. My dude,” Michael rambled, totally not trying to avoid whatever he’d called Jeremy over to talk about.
“You’re rambling, Mike. Just spit it out,” Jeremy mumbled in response. Michael nodded and took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I need girl advice. Like, dating girls advice.”
There was a short pause, in which Jeremy gave Michael the most confused look Michael had ever seen.
“Michael, you’re gay,” Jeremy stated plainly, causing Michael to suddenly shift forward in his beanbag and startle Jeremy.
“I THOUGHT SO TOO, DUDE!” Michael exclaimed, waving his hands. “Like- I’ve only liked dudes before. Jake? Hot. Rich? A solid maybe. But girls? Always been a pass for me! Until, like, yesterday-ish!” Michael flopped back into his beanbag, dragging a hand through his hair.
Jeremy cocked an eyebrow, grinning slightly. “So what you’re saying is… you have a crush on someone?”
“Yes!” Michael exclaimed. “Not just, like, some random gal either! I’ve known her for, like, a year now!”
“Oh my god, do you mean Christine?!” Jeremy asked, eyes wide. “You know she’s dating Rich, right?”
Michael made an exasperated noise in response, nodding. “Yes, I do,” he huffed, crossing his arms. “It’s not her, though. It’s Brooke.”
There was a moment of silence before Michael heard Jeremy snickering. Michael gasped, sitting up. “Traitor!” He accused in mock-seriousness. “I’m here in emotional distress and you laugh at me?! How dare!”
That just made Jeremy laugh harder before he got control over his giggles. “Okay, okay, I’m here to help, man. For real,” he said, giving Michael a soft smile. Michael smiled back. “But there’s, like, nothing I can do to help.” Michael stopped smiling.
“Damn. You’re, like, my go-to het friend,” Michael grumbled. Jeremy punched his arm playfully in response, chuckling.
“Shut up, man!” Jeremy joked, falling back into his beanbag chair with a giggle. “But for real- what made you notice? Like, what made you realize you liked Brooke?”
Michael blushed lightly, shrugging and sinking into his chair a bit. “I dunno, man, just, like… she’s just super nice and so smart and giggly…” He paused for a second, smiling at the ceiling. “I think I realized yesterday, when we were all at the mall together. Like, we were wandering around in one of those fashion joints and she came up behind me and told me to follow her. She showed me this display of patches n’ shit and said she noticed I liked patches so she thought of me.” Michael let out a big, happy sign and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I guess just kinda the fact that she thought of me solidified it? I dunno, man.”
Jeremy gave a soft “awww” and put his hand to his chest. “That’s super sweet!” He chirped. “Super sappy, though.”
“Shut up, man. You were the same way with Christine!” Michael protested, crossing his arms before looking back up at Jeremy. “Speaking of relationships, how’re you and Chloe doing? Still good?”
A light blush dusted Jeremy’s cheeks as he gave a shy smile. “We’re still doing great, yeah,” he replied, glancing away. “She recently started, um, started gymnastics! Well, she didn’t start gymnastics, but she told me about it recently!”
“Oh sweet! Have you seen her do it yet?” Michael asked, leaning forward a bit in his beanbag chair.
At that, Jeremy’s blush darkened and he gave a nervous chuckle. “Uh, yeah, she has! She’s, um, she’s super good at it. Like, it’s so beautiful how she’s just s-so, um, so confident i-in what she’s doing! She’s also just, uh, j-just, like… crazy flexible, a-and the costumes she wears for her performances, and-” Jeremy rambled, face progressively growing darker before Michael cut him off.
“Jeez, okay, ya perv. I get it, gymnastics are sexy,” Michael teased, smirking at Jeremy. The taller was instantly stammering, embarrassed.
“Gymnastics a-aren’t sexy, Michael!” Jeremy blurted out, flapping his hands slightly. Michael replied with a mumbled “Whatever you say,” which made Jeremy fall back into his beanbag chair with a huff. “I’m seriousssss,” he groaned, crossing his arms.
“I know,” Michael chuckled. “Doesn’t mean I won’t tease you for it, though.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes, huffing. “Whatever, man. Let’s just, like, play AotD or something. Enough feelings talk.” He paused for a moment. “Unless you have anything else to confess?”
“Wouldn’t call it a ‘confession’, but nah. That was it. Brooke’s pretty hot,” Michael hummed in response, earning a nod from the other boy.
“Gotcha. Level 10 of AotD it is, then.”
“You did what now?” Michael asked his friend, who shifted nervously across the shitty cafeteria table from him.
“Kinda sorta set you up. On a date. W-with Brooke, though!” Jeremy explained, fidgeting with Chloe’s hand in his. The brunette nodded, giving a small smile.
“Jer and I have been planning on going out to a movie or something for a while, soooo I thought, why not bring our best friends to help these nerds find happiness with each other?” Chloe explained. Michael was quiet for a minute before squinting at her. “Bringing me was originally a joke, wasn’t it?”
Chloe nodded. “Pretty much.”
“Well, I appreciate the honesty,” Michael mumbled, rolling his eyes. He stood up, tray and half-eaten lunch in hand. “So, when is this thing?”
“Tonight?” Jeremy offered sheepishly.
Michael shrugged. “Could be worse. I’ll see you there,” he hummed, turning around and taking a step before realizing his mistake. “Where is it, by the way?” He asked, turning back to face the couple.
Chloe shrugged, taking a sip of her iced tea. “We’ll figure it out later. Jer’ll text you the details.”
“Cool, cool,” Michael nodded, calmly turning around again and heading to the trash can. Little did anyone else know, Michael was anything but calm. He prayed his hands weren’t shaking as the realization hit him that he was going to go on a double date with Brooke. He was going on a date with Brooke.
“Tonight” couldn’t come fast enough.
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ahouseoflies · 5 years
The Best Films of 2018, Part II
Part I is here. Let’s keep it moving. ENDEARING CURIOSITIES WITH BIG FLAWS
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103. Zama (Lucretia Martel)- In this movie there's a motif of Zama, an officer of the 18th century Spanish Empire, starting a scene by talking to someone or staring at someone off camera. After a minute or two, the camera cuts to some servant and disorients us. There's a person there, always there, to serve him, and it doesn't really matter who it is. It's a brilliant way to get at the colonialism that the character depends on but is still trapped by. So I get a little bit of what the film is trying to do, but it's boring. I'm an ignorant person who doesn't know how to watch Lucretia Martel's films or have any context for South American history, but I know what boring is. 102. I Feel Pretty (Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein)- I like that Schumer tried something different instead of falling back on her persona, but there isn't enough new or interesting here for me to recommend--besides National Treasure Michelle Williams, of course. The film nearly displays "Do you see that she's turning her back on her real friends now?" on the screen. 101. A Simple Favor (Paul Feig)- At times cheeky and sexy and juicy, but it still wears out its welcome by twists ninety-one and ninety-two. 100. Double Lover (Francois Ozon)- Diverting until it gets silly, then so silly that it gets diverting again. There are about five too many twists, and I'm still unclear on how seriously the film takes any of those twists. More importantly, I don't think there's much of a takeaway from any of it. Ozon seems to have found a real muse in Marine Vacth though. 99. Borg Vs. McEnroe (Janus Metz Pedersen)- As a Shia Pet, I felt obligated to see his portrayal of Johnny Mac. I didn't learn anything that I didn't already know from this mediocre biopic though. Watch the documentary McEnroe/Borg: Fire & Ice instead. 98. Ralph Breaks the Internet (Rich Moore and Phil Johnston)- There's some clever visualization of the the Internet, such as the way that a link shuttles an avatar off in a transparent car or the way that shady newsboy types whisper about pop-up ads. And I liked a lot of the Disney tie-in stuff that critics are wincing at. As far as textbook screenwriting goes, it's great at that idea of making you think that the protagonists will accomplish their goal very easily, only to have them be re-directed to square one. The voice acting is top-notch. Why do these movies get so plotty though? I felt as if the internal logic started getting inconsistent about halfway through--at the same time that the first one got bogged down with candy stuff instead of 8-bit video game stuff. And if there are so many lovable characters from the first entry, why do we get such tiny servings of them here? The movie's too long already, but what I wouldn't give for an occasional cut back to Fix-It Felix raising some kids.
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97. We the Animals (Jeremiah Zagar)- The Tree of Life is one of my favorite movies, and on its face, We the Animals is a really similar impressionistic memory. So why do I like it half as much? Are lighting and music that important? Is Jessica Chastain? Is latent racism? All I know is that this felt like a story I had seen before pitched at the same intensity for a running time I was happy to see expire. 96. Kodachrome (Mark Raso)- The three leads are all pretty good. (Ed Harris does this bashful, pulling-on-his-eyelid thing that killed me.) But with mathematical precision, the film matched each element I liked with another thing that infuriated me. Specifically, the whole plot hinges on one scene, and that scene is preposterous and alien to human behavior. 95. Deadpool 2 (David Leitch)- The pacing of these movies is bizarre to me; they're half-over before they really get started. No one else is bothered by the fact that Cable has no motivation or backstory for the first hour? Some of the connections to X-Men felt more forced this time around, but I thought this entry was much funnier than the first, even mixing in some more subtle visual gags. (The exotic locales montage ending in Biloxi really got me.) I have to give credit to the X-Force parachute sequence, which is audacious and unexpected. And clear out for Zazie Beetz, who is a huge star in the making. 94. At Eternity’s Gate (Julian Schnabel)- Something about Van Gogh was essentially unknowable, which is a great reason to make a movie about him and a terrible reason to make a movie about him. I'm not sure that Julian Schnabel got to the bottom of the man any better than anyone else has, though maybe that's an unfair expectation. To his credit, Schnabel yada-yadas the ear business and Van Gogh's death in favor of his more poetic understanding of the artistic life. The movie doesn't coalesce for me, but there's a banger of a scene between Dafoe and Mads Mikkelsen about the responsibility an artist has toward God. That short nested inside makes the whole thing worth seeing. The conversation I had afterwards with one of the two other people in the theater, an art historian, was a solid three stars. 93. Bohemian Rhapsody (Bryan Singer)- Some biographical movies do a good job of compressing time, and their supporting characters don't feel sacrificed or glossed over. For many other mediocre ones though, including this one, I submit the Three Scene Rule. Three scenes is kind of the minimum for a character to register an arc and for an actor to present any kind of dynamic performance, so in a lot of these true story movies, that's all that a supporting character gets. If you're looking for it, it's glaring. (Watch Hidden Figures again with the husband and boyfriend characters in mind. I'll wait.) This movie has a few characters that matter: Freddie Mercury, obvs; the other Queen members; Paul Prenter, the unfairly composited villain; and Mary Austin, the platonic love of Mercury's life. The movie spends way too much time on her, as if to tease the audience with the idea that Freddie might be straight. As for everyone else? Three scenes. Ray Foster, the record executive played by Mike Myers (!): A. "Look, guys, I like formulas. This opera stuff you're talking about? That sounds crazy." B. "The opera stuff is crazy. I ain't making that the single. You can walk out of here for all I care." C. [hangs head in shame after being proven wrong] Jim Hutton, Freddie's partner for the seven years this movie doesn't care about: A. "Look, pal, I may be a waiter, but you can't just grab me like that. On second thought, let's talk. You should learn how to love yourself." B. "Oh, hey. Glad you tracked me down, slugger. You love yourself now? Sure, let's go meet your parents." C. "Guess I'm your boyfriend now. Looking forward to the show." Freddie's Parents: A. "You go out every night! What are you doing out there? Why can't you be a good boy? What's up with your new name?" B. "Why can't you be a good boy? What's up with your new name?" C. "You're a good boy, I guess, even if you're gay. Guess that's your name for real." I like the idea of reproducing the Live Aid performance in full, and the movie comes alive during its musical sequences. But I wish that the same attention given to, like, the number of Pepsi cups on the piano was also given to the nuts and bolts of the storytelling.
92. The Predator (Shane Black)-  I get why other people don't like this. The final fourth feels obligatory, and it seems cut to the verge of incoherence. But if you don't get a little tingle out of a game cast saying Shane Black things like, "Predators don't just sit around making hats out of rib cages," then we are very different moviegoers.
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91. Sorry to Bother You (Boots Riley)- I admire Boots Riley's ambition, the way he's taking many of the ideas that drove his music and channeling them into film. But there are too many ideas and, strangely, too much plot to cohere. I liked some of the jokes, especially the Robocop-py TV clips laced throughout. I think my main problem, however, is Lakeith Stanfield as Cassius. He's a fascinating actor, but his energy is completely wrong for an everyman lead like this. I don't think he was the right choice to carry it. 90. Thoroughbreds (Cory Finley)- The repartee at the beginning is sharp, and there are some engaging elements of style. God knows I've never complained about rich, sad, nubile brunettes with strange eyes. But there are pieces missing in that forest-for-the-trees way that happens sometimes with debuts. Like, how do these privileged girls not have access to a gun when our national nightmare is based on all young people having access to guns? Or what is the exact motivation behind the crime at the center? Lots of great characters have been spurred by a violent curiosity, but a zinger here and there doesn't make these girls Raskolnikov. 89. White Boy Rick (Yann DeMange)- Even if this isn't it, I think Yann Demange has a great film in him. There's some urgency to White Boy Rick's politics, and it looks interesting. If nothing else, it succeeds in making the surroundings seem as gloomy as the characters all acknowledge them to be. But this isn't a great film in either of its halves. It's motivated by plot until a crucial event that I don't want to reveal, then it veers much more into character. I would normally sign off on that, but this movie grinds to a halt in the change and never recovers. McConaughey pulls his weight, but Richie Merritt is pretty bad in the lead. 88. The Strangers: Prey at Night (Johannes Roberts)- Despite some striking images and a welcome lack of explanation for the menace, Prey at Night doesn't reach the heights of its predecessor, mostly because the characters are too paint-by-numbers. 87. Ant-Man and the Wasp (Peyton Reed)- Probably the first Marvel movie that would benefit from more action. Some of the material is genuinely funny thanks to Michael Pena and Randall Park, but I got a little drowsy during the middle hour of talk about phase-shifting and the quantum realm. Get back to making things big or making things little, Dr. Molecule! 86. Creed II (Steven Caple Jr.)- The pieces are there, but it's a problem when Jim Lampley, who has one hundred times as many lines as the fifth lead, explains to the audience what they literally saw an hour earlier. If nothing else, this movie proves, through his absence, how good of a director Ryan Coogler is. I would be lying if I said I didn't get the chills at some key moments. Stallone’s performance and Jordan's muscles are good. But there was a dark, honest way for this movie to end, and it went directly against that ending into something more Hollywood. 85. Let the Sunshine In (Claire Denis)- Like Taxi Driver if Travis Bickle just wanted the guy to get him a glass of water afterwards. The film does have that kind of myopic focus--the sexy, ever-candid Binoche is in every scene--but it's far more elliptical, progressing only through character, never through plot. Let the Sunshine In is unique in a way that is different from Denis's other unique works: No one talks like an actual person, and she acts as if you should know all of the characters instead of properly introducing them. It's not supposed to be funny ha-ha, so excuse me if that's what I wanted.
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84. Revenge (Coralie Fargeat)-  like the style of this film, the color palette, the synth score, how far it's willing to go with the gore. But if it's called Revenge, and it's clear who the hero is (hint: not the rapist), then the whole thing feels like a fait accompli. We know exactly who's going to be the last woman standing, and we even know the order of the people she's going to kill.
PRETTY GOOD MOVIES 83. The Rider (Chloe Zhao)- This movie is trying to be a poem, but the parts I like the most are prose. It's a promising piece of filmmaking with heartbreaking moments, but I found it most effective when the storytelling spelled things out. It's an all-hands-on-deck independent film, so the amateurism of the piece shines through in the performances from non-professional actors. The relationship between Brady and his autistic sister is interesting because she speaks with that sarcastic cadence that can be learned from only children's programming. It's unlike what we usually see because, you know, she's a non-professional actor and real autistic person. So what do I know? 82. Unfriended: Dark Web (Stephen Susco)- Pretty tight from a storytelling standpoint and definitely grisly enough to get under the skin. But these laptop flicks move with such alacrity that it's hard to believe them whenever they ask you to buy something like love, since they paint it with the broadest strokes imaginable. Not that I would want a two-hour version of this anyway. 81. Juliet, Naked (Jesse Peretz)- Charming enough, arriving at a more realistic place than I expected, Juliet, Naked does nothing to make me revoke my charter membership in the Rose Byrne fan club. What an odd shape this film has though. The inciting incident happens at the hour mark, and it races obligatorily to an ending at an hour, thirty-seven. 80. Ocean’s Eight (Gary Ross)- It sets its marks and hits them adequately, with most of the charm that made the other Ocean movies fun. But there's something lifeless about Ocean's 8, both in the direction and the score. Take, for example, Richard Armitage's bland, sort of lost performance as an old flame/mark. It's such a nothing part that I began to think that it was a thesis: The men are just chess pieces, and they shouldn't take attention away from the women this time. But then James Corden emerges in the last half-hour and shines. So maybe Armitage was just bad and directed poorly? This movie exists for the Movie Star interplay though, and it delivers on that level. Cate Blanchett was good for so long that she's popular, and Sandra Bullock was popular for so long that she's good. Rihanna has to dress like a janitor at one point as a disguise, and she proves how absurd it would be for her to ever blend in. Anne Hathaway is the funniest of the bunch, balancing on a highwire of how big she's supposed to seem. Helena Bonham Carter gets the "and" hammer for all my credit fetishists. 79. Mary Poppins Returns (Rob Marshall)- I saw this on Christmas night with my family. The original Mary Poppins was the first movie my mom ever saw in theaters, and it's probably my wife's favorite. To the extent that insulting it is kind of insulting an important part of who she is. So I couldn't be the guy coming out of the theater like, "The Bankses definitely deserved to lose their house." Between you and me though, it's just fine. Entire sequences could be cut without damaging anything--do we ever come back to the bowl that Meryl Steep is supposed to be mending?--and most of the conflict feels manufactured. These legasequels always end up feeling like boxes being checked. We all know that the guys with the cannon had to come back, right? But some of the numbers are so joyful or stirring that even this grinch snuck a few smiles at his daughter as she pointed to the screen and said, "That's so silly." It's a good movie to see on Christmas night with your whole family. 78. RBG (Betsy West, Julie Cohen)- This movie is designed to make the viewer who would seek it out go, "What an American hero." It does that, I suppose, and there isn't a whole lot wrong with it. Yes, she is a very impressive person. But the film has too much untapped potential and too few teeth to recommend beyond that rubric of achieving its goals. For example, what about half of the population that would sneer at the notion that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an American hero? Besides the inclusion of some radio clips over the credits, the filmmakers aren't concerned. "Look, she was friends with a conservative!"
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77. Searching (Aneesh Shaganty)- Since I've seen thousands of movies that don't take place inside of a computer, there's still some novelty to the handful that do. On one hand, there are four or five twists too many, and the film isn't consistent with its own rules. On the other hand, it gets intriguingly dark for PG-13, and it never stops moving. 76. Uncle Drew (Charles Stone III)- The attitude toward women is retrograde, and to call the plot cookie-cutter would be an understatement. But this works, mostly because of the sunny, natural performances. Kyrie Irving, whose handles are even more of a marvel on a forty-foot screen, has to act through pounds of makeup, but he pulls it off. With only commercials to his name, he has to carry scenes of, like, standing at someone's grave and apologizing, and he has the presence and confidence to do it. I also should mention that Nick Kroll has a nothing-to-lose, galaxy brain performance for which probably zero of the lines were written ahead of time. "Shout-out to Oberto, shout-out to Aleve, the number one pain reliever in the game right now." I have to extend some of the credit here to Charles Stone III, who has made a calling card out of coaxing performances from newcomers. 75. Christopher Robin (Marc Forster)- Cute. 74. Unsane (Steven Soderbergh)- What seems to be a B-movie hitting its marks gets elevated by one fantastic scene that makes it seem timely and vital. I can't help but think Steven Soderbergh is punching below his weigh class though. I'm glad that an experiment like shooting a movie with an iPhone gets him up in the morning, and I know he doesn't want to make another Traffic or Out of Sight. But maybe, here's an idea, audiences might? 73. 22 July (Paul Greengrass)- The first thirty minutes are harrowing, in part because of their disciplined cross-cutting and Anders Danielsen Lie's chilling stoicism. The mistake that Greengrass makes is thinking that, later on, the three strands of story are equal in importance. He cuts away from the court case at its apex to see a kid trying to walk again or a prime minister demanding that his administration get tougher. Some moments are powerful, and Greengrass's composition and editing have mercifully softened, but this becomes a grind at a certain point. 72. Solo: A Star Wars Story (Ron Howard)- I hate to state the obvious, but this feels like multiple movies stitched together because that's exactly what it is. On one hand, we have the foggy opening, featuring an airtight inciting incident and setting up Emilia Clarke as that rarest of things in a Star Wars movie: a character with unclear motivations. But as the film goes on, it reveals why Han doesn't work as a protagonist. (Ehrenreich is bad, but the storytelling sinks the movie more than his performance does.) Everyone else in the movie drips with charisma and comments on the action while Han is left to connect the dots. In other words, the other characters get to be Han Solo, and Han Solo doesn't. By the time we get to the marauders, past the two hour mark of a movie that shouldn't have been more than two hours, the narrative crumbles under its own weight. These movies are way too competent to fail--I can list five or six moments that transcend the flaws--but each of these origin stories has a way of erasing the myth of Star Wars with a pen. 71. Bird Box (Susanne Bier)- This is a genre film that you've seen before in one way or another, so your expectations (and filmgoing experience even?) will dictate what you think of it. There's a metaphorical reading available, but that doesn't make the picture more artful automatically. Trevante Rhodes is a Movie Star. Here's what I can tell you: We need to appreciate John Gavin Malkovich while we can. Delivering the apotheosis of the selfish dickhead survivor character, he a) asks why the group can't stay in the grocery store forever, b) points shotguns at people when they try to let in strangers, c) drinks as he's telling people matter-of-factly that this is the end of the world, and d) (sort of) explains why he is the way he is. And-he-does-it-all-with-the-deliberate-cadence-that-you-are-doing-in-your-HEAD-right-NOW. I'm not saying the guy should win Best Supporting Actor or anything, but I admire his career more than any that would get a Best Supporting Actor.
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              THE CALL
              By John 3:16
 The Musician the Politician and the Actor who's power and fame has long passed, for back in the day these people were very famous. They traveled from place to place speaking and entertaining their loyal fans, and now here it is many years later as they sit all alone waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for the next big thing to come their way they sit and reminisce about times long past.
The Musician still cranks out a tune every once in a while. He’ll go to the local club and play open mike night once or twice a month. You see back in the day this musician packed the house, he toured the world with the band that seemed to have the world in their hands, they grabbed a shooting star and played venues from sea to shining sea and now here it is just the musician and his guitar sharing his music with those who still want to listen to it, but still the old days are long gone.
The Politician calls a close friend and they talk about the campaign trail of yesteryear, they reminisce about the campaigns, they reminisce about their victories and defeats they reminisce about serving in public service. They talk about the battles won and they talk about some of the big battles in the political arena and when the conversation is over and they hang up the phone the reality sets in, they are still all alone.
The Actor who's world was a stage, the plays, the movie deals, the interviews, the fan clubs, the personal appearances, O what a time it was, the fans love a good actor. The actor sits and watches old videos of a time long past, the actor reminisces about the old days and too like the politician and the musician finds herself alone and forgotten.
The Musician the Politician and the Actor all have one thing in common they're all sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring, waiting for that next big thing but there in the corner of all three of these people’s hearts is a phone that has never stopped ringing and it continues to ring day and night without end this phone has been ringing their entire life.
The phone continues to ring day and night but it is ignored, you see these three were always too preoccupied with fame and power and wealth building. They were always two preoccupied with trying to make it big here on earth, they were too preoccupied to look within their own hearts and answer the call that kept on ringing day and night for their entire lives.
I used to be just like the Musician the Politician and the Actor. I too was too preoccupied to pick up the phone that was ringing within my heart until one day I tripped and I fell and there was nobody there to help me except for the Person Who was on the other end of that ringing phone call. I reached out my hands in faith and from deep within I picked up the phone and our Lord Christ Yeshua was there and He told me that everything was going to be alright and that He had been with me every step of the way my entire life and He’s going help walk with me for the rest of my life to get me safely onto the other side of eternity.
I had answered the call, Thank You God, Thank You Lord for thinking that much of me a no good sinner that You would die on a cross for me in order to pay for my sin debt so that I might be saved. Lord You placed a call to me and You waited patiently all these years and never gave up on me and now Lord I will never give up on You because I love You and I praise You and I need You in my life love always Paul.  John 14:27
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Matthew 22:14 For many are called but few are chosen.
Many are called but very few take the time to listen and answer the call.  
Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things of which you do not know.    
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gospelmusic · 3 years
Our Daily Bread (ODB) Devotional + Insight, 4 November 2020 -  Relaxing With Purpose 
Relaxing with Purpose
By Mike Wittmer for ODB Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise. 
Proverbs 30:24
Read: Proverbs 30:24–31 Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 32–33; Hebrews 1 Ramesh loves to tell others about Jesus. He boldly speaks with coworkers, and one weekend each month returns to his village to evangelize from house to house. His enthusiasm is contagious—especially since he’s learned the value of taking time to rest and relax.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ramesh used to spend every weekend and most evenings proclaiming the gospel. His wife and children missed him when he was out, and they found him exhausting when he was around. He needed to make every minute and conversation count. He couldn’t enjoy games or small talk. Ramesh was wound too tight. He was awakened to his imbalance by the honest words of his wife, the counsel of friends, and somewhat obscure passages of Scripture. Proverbs 30 mentions trivial things, such as ants, roosters, and locusts. It marvels how “a lizard can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces” (v. 28). Ramesh wondered how something so mundane made it into the Bible. Observing lizards required significant downtime. Someone saw a lizard darting around the palace and thought that’s interesting, and paused to watch some more. Perhaps God included it in His Word to remind us to balance work with rest. We need hours to daydream about lizards, catch one with our kids, and simply relax with family and friends. May God give us wisdom to know when to work, serve, and relax! How are you balancing work and rest? Would those closest to you say that you love them? Why or why not? Jesus, Your love frees me for productive work and meaningful rest. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Proverbs 30 is a collection of the sayings of “Agur son of Jakeh” (Proverbs 30:1). We don’t know who Agur or his father were, but they may have been from the tribe of Massa, who were descendants of Ishmael and settled in northern Arabia (Genesis 25:13–14; 1 Chronicles 1:29–31). If Agur and Jakeh were Massaites, the collection of Agur’s sayings in Proverbs 30 is an example of the multicultural character of Hebrew Wisdom Literature, adopted and shaped for Israelite theology. One reason that the book of Proverbs sometimes “borrows” material from other cultures is because Wisdom Literature often drew lessons from the surrounding world and experiences of life. Such observations are universal and reflect the design of God’s good creation. Proverbs 30 contains observations from nature and social relationships that offer implicit lessons for wise living.
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