#i like the dungeon system n whatnot
spiritofjustice · 10 months
haven't finished Pikmin 1, only like halfway through finding all the ship parts but i'm not entirely vibing with it so i started Pikmin 2 and i'm having so much more fun.
Pikmin 1 is a really good game but the game that it is, i am incredibly bad at. i always figured i'd vibe more with Pikmin 2's style of gameplay and so far that has been quite true. i'll try and finish Pikmin 1 for sure but i might let it take a backseat for a while.
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dioptre-hertz · 4 months
this week i picked up an early access title called Mortal Sin, on a complete whim really, but it turned out to be one of the most refreshing roguelikes i've played in quite a while. it's good stuff!
a lot of the foundational stuff is basic hack-n-slash dungeon crawler tropes. you pick a class, go through several floors of a randomly generated dungeon mowing down skellingtons or whatnot, grab some items and upgrades and all that... par for the course in this genre, nothing we haven't already seen.
what really sets this game apart for me is the combat system, which is at once really simple and yet deceptively engaging. you have a few basic verbs in combat - swing your weapon, kick, bash with your shield/pommel, and guard/parry. then you can weave these together into a small but robust set of combos: a kick followed by an attack leads to a forward thrusting attack, a bash followed by an attack triggers a slow but powerful swing, et cetera. so you can already be quite expressive in gameplay just by messing around with the various combos, a bit like a character-action game almost.
but on top of that, the game has a variety of mechanics for making combat feel really smooth, fluid, and satisfyingly heavy. the game makes fantastic use of hitstop animation and sound design to make hard-hitting weapons feel nice and thuddy, giving a real sense of weight to combat. you're also given the chance to animation-cancel your attacks and flow straight into your next move if you time your inputs to happen right at the moment of impact, meaning you're rewarded for thoughtful play more than just button-mashing.
finally, the combat system makes use of a limb-severing system reminiscent of Dead Space, of all things; enemies take more damage and are incapacitated in specific ways if you target their arms, legs, head, et cetera. so you've got the added dimension of really wanting to pay attention to where you're aiming your attacks, which is genuinely a bit unusual for melee mechanics in first-person games like these.
it's not a perfect game by any means - and besides, it's still in Early Access, so i don't really want to drop any kind of definitive verdict at this stage. but i thought it'd be fun to highlight this little gem i stumbled upon the other day, given that it's doing some really fun and fresh things with the genre. plus, look at that wild aesthetic! this game certainly has a look to it, huh?
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retvenkos · 3 years
“this place feels like home”
A/N: someone mentioned it, so here i am
gryffindor common room
i’m no interior decorator, and i’m betting godric gryffindor wasn’t either, so it looks like a glorified man cave
lots of designated areas for just hanging out, a huge, central fireplace, lots of open places perfect for pulling your wand on someone to duel, but very cluttered in other areas where you are meant to be close for house bonding!
secondly, there are a total of like, 4 desks you can use to work on, and they’re pushed to the walls, the chairs constantly stolen for something or another.
the main focus of the gryffindor common room is the couches and chairs
there’s a recliner that some muggle-born student brought in, and when they first kicked it out the purebloods went absolutely feral
they don’t know how it works, but they love it
there are so many radios... gryffindor has the best sound system for any kind of party. the other houses have to use charms to get the sound evenly distributed, but gryffindors just use their like, 10 different radios
there are a lot of spare pillows and blankets, but they don’t exactly have a place to go - they’re usually just thrown on the back of the couches or cast to the floor.
sometimes the 1st years will play “the ground is lava” and it’s vvv sweet
the ceiling has constellations mapped onto it, and they’re actually accurate. using your wand, you can “shift” the sky and it’s a really effective way to get your astronomy homework done
harry didn’t notice it because he’s as observant as a doorknob
the most chaotic thing about the gryffindor common room is the fact that there are real swords and battle axes on the wall, all of which belonged to godric gryffindor himself
students will 100% try to use them as jokes, but they can never manage to actually grab them? their hands just go right through them like they aren’t real
but if you approach them with nothing but wonder and reverence, when you reach out, you can most definitely feel them, and they are real
i really just want someone to have picked up a battle axe during the battle at hogwarts, now
there are a couple of portraits that give life advice, but most of them are #tired and leave their portraits to go visit others because the common room can get so crazy
the amount of animals this common room has,,,, i sure do hope you’re not allergic
there are lizards, rats, toads, cats, tarantulas...
if you’re afraid of any of them, tell your classmates when you’re still a first or second year and the whole of gryffindor tower will rally behind you to make the other person put their animal in their dormitory
there always seems to be leftover food from a party, so you’re well fed. 
and if you’re from another house, this is the easiest house to steal food from.
oh, and the carpet (because YEAH, someone put in carpet with some kind of magic) does not match the furnishings at all.
minimalists cry at the sight of this common room 
slytherin common room
first of all!!!! this common room has a glass ceiling because someone else came up with this idea and it is legendary
they mentioned the merfolk help with classes! they know sign language! i am very here for it.
then,,, there is an entire section of the common room that is dedicated to games - checkers, chess, poker, solitaire, even some muggle board games
it’s how they foster community. friendly competition is everything to slytherins and slytherins can actually do friendly competition, unlike ravenclaws
at lot of purebloods are still trying to win risk. it confuses them so much.
there’s probably a cat or two in this common room
they actually get along fairly well with the owls, but every so often snape has to come in and stop then from attacking each other and it would be hilarious if he weren’t so intimidating
there’s a lot more space in this common room, or maybe it’s just set up as to give the illusion of more space. either way, the slytherins are more spread out.
they don’t like breathing on each other
the gothic aesthetic does exist, but it’s not all gloomy because some intelligent slytherin’s know that’s bad for mental health.
they probably have a fourth of the room (maybe in a corner) that’s a little more lighted and cozy, with the most supportive portraits in that area
the slytherin common room has bean bags
this was a later addition, ofc, seeing as there is no way in hell salazar slytherin would ever allow that to happen
but everyone loves them a whole lot. 1st years always beeline for them
and slytherin was a good interior decorator, so we have the perfect ratio of portraits to wall space and the amount of lamps is actually palatable.
and there might be a dramatic hamlet skull on a table or two, but they’re not real - just decor. sometimes slytherin’s use them for pranks.
there’s actually a fair bit of communal property, too? like, there’s a lot of blankets, a bookshelf, and a table that always has food on it because the dungeons are hella far away from the kitchens and many slytherins like a good midnight snack
the slytherins actually talk more to ghosts than the other houses - ghosts like to hang out in the dungeons, and the amount of ghost jokes that the slytherins know is incredible
a group of hufflepuffs swear they once heard professor binns laugh at a ghost joke one of the slytherin’s retold
the snake iconography of this room is so high - it would honestly be a little unnerving if everyone wasn’t just used to it.
there’s probably a game going around where someone will conjure up an extra snake decoration and every week the first and second years are trying to find out which one it is
sometimes a very tired 5th year will give you a hint
there’s not a space that’s specifically designated for studying, but you can often find space in a few different places.
the desks are always being used for games, like i mentioned above, but someone had introduced the idea of lap desks and slytherins love that so much.
ravenclaw common room
this is the most minimalist of the common rooms in decor and style, but there’s so much happening at all times that it never looks bare
and a fair few ravenclaws are BIG about organization, so this is one of the more compartmentalized common rooms
it’s also formatted this way because the studious ravenclaw has threatened the musically inclined ravenclaw, saying that they will not hesitate to sabotage the other’s saxophone if they ever hear careless whisper while trying to study for n.e.w.t.s again.
also, i just want to say that ravenclaw house is probably one of the most diverse houses because creativity is so broad, and that combined with their individualistic streak means that community is a little less strong in this house, but there’s a place for everyone
i have no doubt that someone has enchanted the common room to expand on the inside, so it has much more room than say gryffindor common room or hufflepuff common room. 
they’re also big about making boundaries - there’s probably actual walls and doors between different areas. 
like, one for studying, one for art (like drawing and painting), one for music, etc.
also, you would think this is a quiet common room but you would be wrong.
the quiet ones are slytherin and hufflepuff. gryffindor and ravenclaw are both p chaotic.
except for the quiet room, which is as silent as they come. if you need quiet inspiration, you go there. it’s also the study room, though, so when you’re struck with inspiration, you have to keep quiet.
now, ravenclaws like to keep what is theirs, but they do have some communal property, mostly in the form of books and materials like typewriters and art supplies (although some people are very territorial about their brushes. it’s a toss up.)
there’s a floor to ceiling window that can actually be opened up - kind of like doors. the ravenclaws have it instead of the gryffindors because they have self control and won’t jump out the window without a sure plan of survival.
there’s also statues and busts! rowena ravenclaw was decent at interior design, and she loved sculpture - maybe she had a sculptor lover at one point? who knows? there’s just a lot of busts in ravenclaw tower
no doubt they’re enchanted to give advice or tbh just to gossip. i imagine there’s a lot of gossip in ravenclaw tower
the walls are painted in some places. it’s a rule that you don’t paint over other people’s art, but the paint is also enchanted so that if you look closely, you can see the name of who has painted what, and ravenclaws are too proud to do idiotic things like drawing crude doodles on the walls.
the only person to ever paint on the ceiling is luna lovegood, and she was commissioned to do so after her time at hogwarts.
there’s also a chalkboard wall for when you’re studying and need to write things down to think. beware, though, because your work can and will be erased.
you can also write on the large window i talked about! muggle students have brought dry erase markers and they are much needed.
oh, and ravenclaws have a lot of owl access - they owls like to stop at ravenclaw tower for treats and whatnot, and ravenclaws definitely use this to their advantage. they have priority for mail service and it’s a win tbh.
hufflepuff common room
now helga hufflepuff was no interior decorator either, but she was a homemaker, so we all know that this common room is the most home-like of the bunch
first of all, there are potted plants everywhere. hufflepuffs are known to be good at herbology, and that tradition means there are a whole lot of life in this common room
there’s also a curious amount of sunlight, too, despite being in the basement. i’m not exactly sure how it’s done, but the common room has actual sunlight - it’s important for the plants.
i also imagine there’s one wall that is a long mirror. you can use it for whatever you like, introspection, self affirmations, or reflecting light or whatever, but helga thought it was important to always be aware of yourself.
muggle students have brought sticky notes and now the mirror if full of them - little reminders, little motivations, fun quotes, jokes, etc.
there’s also a lot of couches and desks. the desks are usually very cluttered, but you can always find space for your stuff, somehow. and the couches are the softest at hogwarts, gryffindors have been trying to steal them for years.
also, the marauders were incredibly presumptuous, thinking they had found all of the secret passageways in the castle - there are at least 3 secret passages that only hufflepuffs know about and it’s one of the best kept secrets at hogwarts. they all connect to the common room.
and as initiation, on their first night as hufflepuffs, first years traverse secret passageways in the dark trying to figure out where they lead, all of them having to work together to figure out the lumos spell for some light.
and one of those passageways leads to the kitchens. it’s how they get the best food for parties. hufflepuffs often put in requests for what they want at breakfast or dinner.
this is also the warmest common room. i’m not exactly sure how it’s done, but the common room is never cold - maybe a little chilly, but not cold enough that you need a sweater.
the flooring is carpet, but parts of it are hard wood - it’s clear it used to be carpet, but was stained beyond repair from a broken pot or two.
there is toad supremacy in the hufflepuff common room. there’s probably one or two toads that don’t have real owners but are treated as the house pets.
there’s also a few paintings - all of them are smaller because there’s so much going on in this common room already, the walls have to be mellow to account for everything else, but there’s a couple and all of them like to tell jokes and give really good advice. 
two of the newer (and favorite) additions include cedric diggory and tonks. they both get along quite well, although tonks is more mischievous and cedric is more down to earth.
cedric will often tell you how to charm a professor, if you ask, and he might give answers to homework questions to favorite students.
similar to gryffindor common room, there’s a lot of cozy areas that encourage students to chat with each other and spend time together.
but similar to slytherin, there is a lot of games about - they involve less strategy and more fun (like hide and go seek or charades) - but games is a bonding strategy that hufflepuffs utilize.
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @timeofmadness, @writerdream22, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @coffee--writes, @lenalxvegood, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @noesapphic​, @amortensie // message me if you want to be added!
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eldritch-muck · 4 years
Handout! Homework! In YOUR rpg??
Guess I’m going to run an every other Wednesday game for a few players. No idea what I want to run, so I thought I’d make a leetle questionnaire and trick the players into choosing something for me to work on. *smiley face* 
But ugh I lag at doing things if I don’t just do them, so I yesterday I thought, “Hey, it’s early yet, and I can go to bed and read and get plenty of sleep before work. Neat.” And then opened a text doc and spent like an hour some-odd making a handout. Oh, and instead of either explaining clearly, or making it simple, I did this.........
Number 1-6 in order of pref, for a first run and a second run =)
Swords & Wizardry  -     It's fuckin' Original D&D and maybe it's like Basic only better because it makes sense. It includes the first few supplements, so there's rangers and whatnot. You already pretty much know how to play this. Good for gritty stuff and really any format.
Mothership    -     Maybe the best game. But it is in space. Also, analog-punk aesthetic stellar horror, but the Expanse has been running recently, so there's no guarantees things won't get slicker. Still horror, though. Space.
Zeroturn     -       Some nerd made this, and it's not complete, so expect rules-changes, and questions to the players about what works and what doesn't, with options to never ask anything, and just bitterly tear up whole swaths of pages of rules that are never used, in the dark, with a pint of ice-cream. Anyhow, there's guns, and it's sort of Electic-Diesel-Magic. Best for Gloom City, UVG maybe, probably Into the Bowels, though it should work for other formats.
Dungeon Crawl Classics      -       Weird shit springing forth in your Vancian-Lieber-Appendix N anything up for grabs D&D. Based on AD&D probably, only simpler and built off 3rd Edition d20. The 0-level peasant that makes it through the first adventure will be your guy. Tomb of Annihilation. Fort on the Frontier.
Blades in the Dark      -       Play as a cadre of scoundrels. Heists without the pain of planning for the whole session. I think I'd build up Gloom City for this, but In a Strange Land would work well.
Troika        -         Jeez Fighting Fantasy might've been really bizarre, but I don't know, I wasn't in the UK when that stuff came out. Troika is Gonzo, though. Easy system to parse, weird implied setting. Some people say it's a hallucination of Planescape if that tells you anything. Basically gear up and go pretty much anywhere in the Multiverse, only it's all weird. I have no idea about the format. I guess Fort on the Frontier or Crawl, Baby, Crawl work, although this one might be a good one for generating procedurally. Everything that is not Gloom City in the Real World probably works, too. Fuck I don't know. Troika is cool that way.
In a Strange Land         -          Basically Yoon-Suin; exotic flavors of tables to build out a setting far away from home. Basically you're travelers to some foreign land, perhaps for treasure, perhaps to find your history.  Lots of things to poke at, places nearby to explore.
Gloom City in the Real World        -         The world ended like 3000 years ago. There's a few big-ass cities, and you live in one. Everything between is pretty dangerous, gone to the Wilde. But where the city is densest, built up and never sees light, they say there are treasures to be had, in the maze-like Nightmare Architecture that doesn't correspond to any map, correlate to any proper space. Some nerd will probably be winging it if this runs, cause it ain't built up yet.
Fort on the Frontier        -         Points of light campaigning. The Wilde encroaches on what slight and tenuous civilization there is. Pierce the wilderness, map the unknown, haul out treasure, foothold humanity, get the fuck home before you're swallowed up by monsters. This is probably all West Marches. You ain't heroes, but you may come back to a hero's welcome.
Crawl, Baby, Crawl        -       Explore the vast uncharted bullshit. People do that. Because it's there, or somesuch. But you're probably trailblazing, or looking to build out trade-routes. A few different flavors of this: Tomb of Annihilation (from 5e), Fever-Dreaming Marlinko and environs (acid-Moorcockian slavic fantasy), or Ultraviolet Grasslands (psychedelic metal roleplaying). Mention which one is most interesting.
Into the Bowels       -         You know the Underdark, someone or another did for some RPG or another? Yeah, that, only art-punk and dark and brutal and hope you like eating critters. Pretty awesome. Really this is the Megadungeon choice, cause I don't think anyone gets out, although a West March might work.
Space      -     It’s in space.
Various stylistic choices (single number down the line):
Battle   Interact Investigate/Politic Explore
Gonzo Wild Gritty Horror One Shot (or 2-shot really) Disconnected-ish Modules / Short Arcs West Marches Hex-crawl / Point-Crawl Big Delve / Long Module Megadungeon                                 
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toast-tit · 6 years
Piano Man
Chapter Eight
mob!Tom x reader
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Warnings: language, violence
A/N: Thank god this is the last chapter holy shit. I liked writing this but ngl there was no outline so I was pulling everything out of my ass and it shows lol. Anywho...I’ll probably have something else within the next few weeks or if any of you guys have any requests I’ll take them.
Summary: The Ecclesiastes Pub catered to a plethora of people. Prostitutes, college students, successful businessmen and London’s most wanted. Bartenders and waitresses learned to tune out conversations from their customers quickly if they wanted to keep their head. However, people will still come looking for trouble, even if that trouble revolves around Tom Holland, the most feared mob boss around.
~ ~ ~
I woke up to the faint beeping of the heart monitor, signifying the fact that I was still alive. Blinking rapidly, I tried to get ahold of my surroundings until I realized I was in the hospital. Beside me were two large vases of flowers and some other gifts and the walls were a blinding white that I had no desire to see ever again. I sat up and groaned at the pain, wishing there was more morphine in my system.
To my right, Harrison was on his phone, tapping his foot obnoxiously. “Can you please stop doing that?” I croaked and his head shot up, clearly surprised that I was awake. “Holy fuck, you’re up,” he was breathless and stood up, about to rush out of the door and when I told him to stay.
“I need to tell Tom, Y/N,” he argued, but I shook my head. “I have questions,” I began to stutter around the last word, more or less because I was exhausted and would kill a man to go back to sleep. Harrison shook his head and shrugged, “Tom knows a lot more than I do. Let me get him.”
Harrison called Tom’s name and I heard shoes clang against the tile of the hospital, almost like he was running. Tom came into the room and his eyes widened at the fact that I was moving and awake. “Y/N,” his voice was barely audible. Before he came in, I figured I wouldn’t feel anything, it would just be him being concerned and whatnot, but I was dead wrong. Seeing his face was like flying; I felt the feeling in my stomach and chest that you get before you fall from a great height. My heart was practically living in my ass currently and my breathing began to quicken and I felt tears coming. It was almost definite by now that I was in love with him.
Tom had a few bruises and scratches on his face, but they looked pretty healed. Nevertheless, he looked fucking hot like that, like a sexy pirate or something. There was a look of concern and happiness plastered on his face and I badly wanted him to hug me, even if it would’ve been painful.
He made his way to my bedside and asked, “How do you feel?” His voice was soft and full of concern. I smiled lopsidedly and moved a little bit, wincing as I did so, “Like I got hit a fucking train. What about you? I see some battle wounds.” I lifted a shaking hand and placed it on his face, my thumb circling over a cut on his lip. He smiled slightly and put his hand over mine, “Nothing as serious as yours. Are you sure you’re fine? You can go back to sleep.”
I shook my head, “No, I have questions.” Tom nodded along, “Okay then, what are they?” “How long was I here, Tom?” I asked him and he put his hand on mine and stroke my thumb. “You were in a coma for six days, love. You lost so much blood they thought you weren’t going to make it,” he answered.
“Then how am I still here?” I asked. Harrison piped up, “Your blood type is very rare, Y/N, and it’s the same as mine, so I donated almost two pints.” “Jesus, that could’ve killed you!” I exclaimed, my throat hurting as my voice grew louder. Harrison shrugged, “I took my chances. I felt exhausted afterward, but not to the point where I was going to die.”
I felt tears welling in my eyes, gratitude washing over me. “Thank you so much,” a tear ran down my cheek and Harrison grinned happily. He winked and said cheekily, “You’re owe me one now, Y/L/N.” Giggling slightly, I sighed and asked, “When can I leave?”
Tom pondered for a moment before he said, “Tomorrow, I believe. But if you’re beginning to feel better, we can always do early checkout.” “Excellent,” I said whilst standing and stretching, wincing at the soreness. Harrison and Tom exchanged looks, but they did not doubt me. Instead, they helped me take the IVs out (which hurt like a motherfucker 10/10 would not recommend) and bring me a wheelchair so that they could escort me out.
It was a brisk Monday morning; the wind demanded to be acknowledged by those who dared to trek outside and the sun was hiding behind the clouds as if it were shy. The cool weather felt good and the fresh air was almost euphoric. I closed my eyes and soaked in whatever I could. “If you want to get a tan, I suggest a salon,” Harrison opened the car door for me and I entered giving him a dirty look.
I took a look of myself in the mirror and I wanted to cry. There was an ugly scar around my throat surround by massive blotches of purple, blue, and yellow. The bruises on my neck were either big or fingerprint shaped. My face was also very bruised and there was a scar on my cheekbone from I know not what. I’ve never really been insecure about what I had looked like before, but now I felt undeserving of the outside world. I felt like I should just cover up and stay quiet.
The ride home was indeed quiet. I stared out the window and pondered the manner of things as Tom and Harrison quietly conversed. They’d ask for my opinion on a few things, but never often. Harrison pulled into the house and Tom helped me out. My leg was still a bit bum, so he let me lean on him for support as we made our way in.
“You hungry?” Tom asked as he walked to the kitchen. I smiled shyly and shook my head. I instead went to the sink and filled a glass of water, downing it in seconds and then refilling the glass for a second. Tom leaned against the counter and looked at me. His eyes scanned up and down my body, making me feel like I should cover up more despite being in sweats. “Something wrong?” I asked, taking another sip of my water. He sighed and said, “You lost a lot of weight from the coma, just took me by surprise.”
I shrugged, “I’ve been meaning to lose some fat off my stomach for a while.” The two of us chuckled awkwardly, a thick silence began to shroud over us. “I’ll probably gain the weight back anyway once I get back in the gym with Harrison and all,” I sliced open the silence, “I’m sort of looking to build muscle more than anything. Plus, your cooking’s pretty phenomenal.”
Tom smiled sheepishly before he killed it off right away with a grimace. “I need to show you something,” he lightly wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me along. Tom opened a door and I was led downstairs into the basement, thought it seemed like a medieval dungeon with how poorly it was lit.
Any noise or humming that you could hear upstairs was immediately terminated from the basement. The only things I could hear were our footsteps and our breathing. As we kept going, I grew more anxious, asking Tom what was wrong.
Soon enough, he led to a closed door and he let go of my wrist. “Before I open this door, Y/N, I just want you to know that I’m deeply in love with you,” he was sincere, which scared me, “I know that we started on the wrong foot and we still might be on the wrong foot, but I’ve never met anyone who could get as close to me as you did. It’s only been weeks I know, but-“ “Tom please tell me what’s happened,” I cut him off, not being able to hear anymore.
He sighed and opened the door, letting me go first. Tentatively, I stepped in and took a look around the room. To my left, Cooper was in chains, a sock stuffed into his mouth. His face was unrecognizable and his clothes were tattered; he was practically dead. I covered my mouth with my hand and backpedaled into the wall, memories of that night plaguing my mind, and yet I didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t, something was compelling me to stay.
I looked at Tom, “What is this?” My voice started to waver. After all, Cooper tortured me. I was going to be afraid of him, even if I was protected by Tom. “An ultimatum,” Tom whispered, pulling a gun out of the waistband of his pants. He opened my palm and placed the gun in my hand and said, “I’m not a good person, Y/N, never was. I don’t want to hurt you anymore than you have been, so here’s the choice. You can end Rigsby’s suffering with a bullet to the head and live with the guilt, staying with me, or you can give the gun to me and live the rest of your life happily and we’ll never meet again.”
I looked at the gun in my hand, and then I looked at Tom. He was going to define our relationship by the murder of a man. Even worse, it was the man who had tortured me and killed his brother. I was surprised Cooper wasn’t dead already, having to face six days of Tom’s wrath, and by the looks of it, it was worse than hell.
Turning the gun over in my hand, I examined it. Could I do this? Could I kill another man? All so that I could be with someone who could grow tired of me in a matter of weeks? I ran a finger down the barrel, feeling the rough texture glide against my nail. I had never held a gun before, even though I lived in the most dangerous part of London, it was just something I never could do.
Tom stood stoically, analyzing my movements and body language, trying to pick out what I was doing, I could tell. He was just as nervous as I was, but he portrayed nonchalance well. “Well?” He asked. Taking one more look at Cooper, who watched me with tired eyes and Tom who watched me with anxious ones, I sighed and said, “You’re insane.”
Tom hung his head down, “I know.” He walked towards me and began to take the gun from my hand when I aimed at Cooper’s head and shot. I didn’t stop at one, I kept going, feeling the gun kick back each time a bullet left the magazine. By now, I was in a blind rage from that had happened. Each bullet began to signify a person: Ellen Rhie, Chester Harris, Harry Holland, Tom, and me.
Soon enough, I was pulling the trigger and hearing the click. I kept clicking before I fell to my knees and sat in silence, looking at the practically headless corpse of what was once my closest friend. Does friendship always end this way? In the end, one person makes the choice that pulls the trigger and you’re left in chains, without a heart to love or a mind to believe what had happened.
“You’re insane to think I’d ever leave you,” I met Tom’s eyes. He looked at me with compassion and adoration, something I longed to feel and I did. He held out a hand and helped me up, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer. His breath tickled my lips and I oh so badly wanted to close the gap between us. “Are you sure this is what you want?” He asked.
I pulled back and stared into his face. Flashes of memories seeped into my mind as I recalled the night we first met and how I “saved his life”. We were both even now, I guess. I remembered how scared I was to even be breathing the same as him and I remembered every single time he went batshit crazy. The man was crazy and he will never stop being crazy; he has an organization to run after all. But was I crazy? Was I mad to even let my feet fall to the floor as I worshipped his presence? Would it be deemed insanity if I admitted to loving him with each passing second? Or was I crazy to even consider leaving him, even though he was my life support?
After a long silence, I grinned and nodded, “It is.” Tom sighed and smiled too. He leaned in and we kissed, fireworks exploding in my heart. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. “I love you too,” I breathed and he chuckled. “I figured after the seventh or eighth bullet,” he retorted and I slapped him on the arm.
We pulled away and he held out his arm. “My love,” he said and we both linked arms and walked out the door, ready to face the future we now shared.
@nobodyslord @financialinstability @spider-stud @wywholland @magical-fairy-princess-stuff
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teachmetoanimate · 7 years
My List Of Online DnD Resources That I Have or Haven’t Seen On Other Lists Of DnD Resources
Roll20 is by far the most important site. It allows the players to fill in their character sheets right on the page, and allows you, the DM, to view and edit it at your leisure. You also have your virtual tabletop right there, which gives the possibility to not have the fights all in theory, but right in front of the players. I won’t go too detailed since I think most people know about this one.
Tokentool. Now, if you’re a DM who, like me, has never developed the whole artist and digital art skill (or photoshop skill. Or any skill rly), then using Roll20 is a bit limited for you as getting cool tokens and whatnot is more than a hassle. Tokentool is great for us! Now you don’t have to worry about transparency or the size in the pictures your player provides you to represent them on the virtual table, since you can turn them all into the same standard size and put whichever border you’d like around the token, chosen from some presets. I’ve chosen to put a green border around the Player characters, and a red around their enemies, so they’re easily distinguishable from eachother. Now, Tokentool is a program you download, I’ve got it both on my PC and Mac (it works on the Mac, but it for some reason keeps the Windows layout when you go to choose files, just a heads up), so I’ve linked to the download page.
RPGTinker is GREAT for your overwhelmed, stressed out DM who dreads everytime you need to sit down and make a new NPC for your players to fight. You can fill out the basics, what class and race or you can generate that randomly as well, then choose the dice set in which the stats will be randomised among a few arrays which let you judge somewhat in which direction the NPC goes, and voila. The site generates it all, I N C L U D I N G  S P E L L S. There are tons of generators out there for ‘High Elf, Chaotic Good, Talks with a lisp, Is Energetic, Has 3 toes’ etc but when I make NPC’s I dread choosing spells the most so this was a GODSEND. Also great if you’re a player and has trouble making a character, poof, take this one!
donjon has many resources, so I’ve linked to the one I end up using the most, the 5e monster list. It has a bunch of generators though, and the dungeon map generator is a bit limited but given it’s free it’s great ;). Be sure to check that out!
PlugDJ, which by FAR is my favorite resource since it took a lot of effort finding it. It wasn’t made for the purpose I use it for, which is to play music to my players simultaneously in sync, but more for some cool music hipster kids to play music to others of similar taste, so there’s a voting system for every song that’s played and such, but you can just ignore that. I play with my players over discord since we’re in some cases towns apart, and the sessions we did with no music was sort of bland. I’ve tried a few options like the more known youtube sharing site Syncvideo, but I feel this is more superior in the way it lets me save playlists right on the site. This way, I can organize all my music in playlists that are fitting for the right occasion. Roll20 has a feature for playing ambiance music, but I found it lacking content wise, so this is a great alternative for my fellow online DM’s. Heads up: you have to be level 3 in order to create a community (room) unless you want to pay money, but you earn XP just by being logged into the site, so leave the window up for a few hours and you’re good to go. The site also operates from Youtube videos (you either search right in the seach bar for music and the results from youtube show up so that’s neat) or Soundcloud, and I think you can import sets and such from there but I haven’t tried it as I only use Youtube for this.
Random.org! It has a coin flipper, dice roller, and what I love the most, a playing card shuffler which is what I linked to. In case you don’t have an actual deck of cards available in case you need to draw a card.
Siri. We discovered you can ask her to roll any kind of die you want. It’s true. She’ll also flip coins if you ask her. “Siri, roll a d20, pls.” It works as long as you don’t ask her to roll more than one die, at least not when I asked her to roll 3 d20. She thought I said 3D 20 every time. She’ll also draw a card. She’ll do all the standard dice (d3, d4, d6, d10, d12, d20, d100).
Cityographer is just wonderful, but its very limited if you don’t buy a license. But the things you can do if you are very artistically limited (like moi) is great. You can generate a town (up to 5000 in population if its the free version), and then export the town as an image. The best thing about it however is that even if you don’t buy the license, you can still fine tune and add things to the map (if you have patience), adding roads wherever you want. The biggest flaw is that you can’t put down buildings by yourself, rather you add roads (or have the program do that for you) and then the program puts down the buildings for you alongside the roads. The generator isn’t perfect either, as it can generate roads in the ocean and through bigger buildings, so you’ll ahve to be careful how far you want to overextend. If you can, you really should get the upgraded version (i haven’t, but when I can I will!) Another great thing with it is that for every building there is a short decsription of what it is, and some randomised people that either lives or work there, very basic stuff of course but still. If it’s a shop, basic inventory and price is also generated. This is only available in the actual program, or you can get a list of all the decriptions. I have the program open and export an image that I show the party in Roll20, and they tell me the little label with the code of which building they want to learn more about or go into.  
This was half for me to be organised lmaobut here ya go! Happy DMing!
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