#i have this headcanon that jango
ominouspuff · 7 months
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Clone Wars AU: what if’s, featuring “what if everyone lived and outmaneuvered Order 66 and Cody and Rex became, like, space cowboys, among other things”
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coffiicorgii · 2 years
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Happy ace awareness week!! :D have some ace (and aro) headcanons for some of my favorite Star Wars characters!
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depomera · 2 months
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b a t t l e b u d d i e s ⋆˙⟡
Jango and Grievous working together as mercenaries/bounty hunters~
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 1
Jango Fett + rough sex
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Happy first day of kinktober, can’t promise all prompts will be written the same way as this one, and lengths may wary. Happy spooky month.
Kinktober list
Jango grunted as he was shoved down, the clank of his armor meeting the control panel of his ship, a crack sounding as a lever or some other button snapped under his weight. (Y/N)s hand was tight around his unarmored throat, sweat glistening on his brow as he forced the bounty hunter down onto his back. He glared through the visor of the mandalorians helmet, breathing heavily through his nose.
Jango had been chasing (Y/n) around the galaxy for weeks now, the other man always seeming to slip right between his fingers at the last moment. At some point it had become more than just a bounty hunter and his target. It started the night Jango had been watching (Y/N) through his binoculars, looking in through his window. As he was about to pull the trigger, the other man had shucked off his pants and underwear, revealing his half hard cock. Jango could do nothing but watch as his target pleasured himself, his armor crowing hot and uncomfortable, especially around his crotch.
When Jango had finally caught (Y/N), they had scuffled in a less than professional manner. Hands grabbing hips, crotches rubbing together and teeth meeting what little skin was available. The duo soon found themselves back on Jangos ship, where (Y/N) took charge, throwing the heavily armored bounty hunter around and crowding around him.
Jango was half folded in on himself as (Y/N) stepped in as close as possible, his legs lifted halfway up onto the other man’s shoulders. The hand around his throat flexed and Jango groaned, the cod piece of his armor growing even more uncomfortable. “Get that fucking helmet off” (Y/N) growled, squeezing Jangos thigh as he sneered, his own hardness pressing against Jangos cod piece.
Fumbling with his hands, Jango got his helmet off. He didn’t have time to put it down before (Y/N) was on him, shoving his tongue down the other man’s throat. Jango gagged as the man forced his tongue further into his mouth. The helmet fell to the floor with a clank, as Jango clutched at (Y/N)s shoulders.
(Y/N) palmed at Jangos cod piece, pressing down on the armor and grinding it against Jangos cock, forcing a moan out of the mandalorians throat. He smirked, watching Jango throw his head back as he kept grinding down with his palm. As Jango lay with his legs spread, (Y/N) let go of his thigh to grab a knife from his belt. Before Jango could panic, (Y/N) had cut the fabric that held his armor in place.
Jangos cock sprung into the air, twitching at the sudden cold of the ship. (Y/N) smirked up at the bounty hunter as he reached down, ripping the fabric until his hole was visible, fluttering as (Y/N) pressed his dry fingers against it. He groaned, face scrunching up at the slightly uncomfortable feeling. (Y/N) snickered and removed his hand, only to shove the fingers into Jangos mouth.
The bounty hunter moaned at the taste, closing his lips around the appendages, and sucking. He knew this was most likely the only type of lube he would be getting, so he made sure to get the fingers covered in his spit. As Jango was busy slurping on his fingers, (Y/N) let go of his throat to reach down to undo his belt, pulling at his pants until he could free himself, his length bouncing as it was pulled free.
Jango gasped as (Y/N) pulled his fingers from his mouth, leaning in close to nip at Jangos lip as he pushed a finger inside the bounty hunter’s hole. His leg gave a small jolt at the uncomfortable feeling, the spit covered finger moving back and forth, soon joined by a second. At any other time Jango would complain, wanting his partner to go slower. But all he could do now was moan against the other man’s lips as he forced a third finger inside.
Growing impatient, (Y/N) pulled his fingers away and spat into his palm, lathering the drool over his cock. Seeming to press even closer to Jango, he pressed the head of his length against the spit covered hole, which fluttered at the touch. Both men  groaned as (Y/N) pushed inside, the burn making Jango throw his head back, smacking it against the control panel.
(Y/N) gave the man very little time to adjust as he grabbed his thighs, pulling them up to give himself better access, and he began to thrust. Jango choked what could both have been a groan or a yell, his hands grasping at (Y/N)s shoulders as he roughly moved his hips back and forth. Jango couldn’t focus as tears gathered in his eyes, moving his hand to grip at (Y/N)s hair and forced his lips against his own. The wet noise of their kissing joining the noise of (Y/N)s hips meeting his own, and the groans and gasps that escaped both men.
Jango knew he would have hand shaped bruises on his thighs where the other man was gripping, a choked off scream tearing its way out of his chest as his partners cock rammed against the bundle of nerves inside him. He could feel (Y/N) smirk against his lips, focusing strictly on Jangos prostate with renewed fervor. Jango could barely focus as he moaned into the other man’s lips, his thighs tightening around his shoulders.
Jangos cock gave a twitch as he felt his orgasm hurdling closer, each ram against his prostate forcing it closer and closer. (Y/N) moved his hips faster, alerting his partner that he too was growing closer. Jango dislodged from their kiss, throwing his head backwards with little care of the control panel, as his cock spurted white across his still armored torso. A spurt shot up and hit (Y/N)s chin, who lurched forwards and sank his teeth into Jangos neck. The tightness of Jangos hole as he came pushing him over the edge, flooding the man with his seed. (Y/N) lazily thrust his hips a few times, drawing out the pleasure as much as possible before he came to a stop. He leant up to kiss Jangos lips carefully, who was still blissed out and unresponsive.
(Y/N) pulled out with a wet noise, tucking himself into his pants once again and doing his belt. He smirked to himself at the blissed-out bounty hunter, who was still moaning quietly to himself. When Jango came back to himself he found himself alone in his ship, armor streaked in his own cum and hole still dripping. As he got down from the control panel, a piece of flimsy caught his attention. “Call me ;)” it said, followed by a number. Jango snorted softly under his breath, tucking the paper away for later.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
I like to think Alpha-17 has gained a sort of Boogeyman status among the CT cadets.
Think about it: He's an alpha class clone, known for his no-nonsense pragmatism and cantankerous disposition (even when talking to the Jedi!). He only trains very select elite types of clones such as commanders and ARCs, and some say he can even beat five Nulls in a fight all on his own (despite having been severely injured in the past!).
That has got to earn you both admiration from your smaller brothers, and also a little of bedtime terror fright. Because Alpha-17 would have no qualms taking any of them out early if they were a proven liability to the cause (he was willing to blow up the hatcheries if it meant the Seppies wouldn't get their hands on the Tubies and Jango's DNA, this man is not fucking around).
How many versions of "Don't go out after curfew or Big Bad Alpha-17 will get you" stories do you think there are? And do you think he'd be aware of his infamy among the cadets?
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workingchemistry · 5 months
“Kih’ori’vod.” Tenten rumbles. His voice holds all the weight of affection b’Jan’buir. There’s also a cruel sharpness that Jan’buir never showed in front of Boba. “The Kaminiise were careless. The equipment malfunctioned and all of the cells they harvested from Prime died off.”
Boba stares at him blankly, not understanding what that has to do with his staying in prison for the rest of his life.
Tenten glances over his shoulder and then crouches down so he’s at Boba’s eye level. He brushes the back of his scarred knuckles across Boba’s cheek. “They’ll try to harvest cells from us, but we’re too edited—impure. You, on the other hand, are untouched. Tsad Droten is churning through us like mulch, they will approach you soon with a plea bargain.”
“Gar’gotal ner mav’cuyi.” The words fall from Boba’s numb lips before he can take them back. “Why?”
Tenten rocks back onto his heels, plastoid bucket scraping against his thigh plate. The silence drags on forever, long enough that Boba starts to think that he isn’t going to get an answer.
Then, finally, Ten’ika says, “Gar buir ru’juri skira. N’cuyi harycne viini goyust ures kyr.”
Mini translations:
Kih’ori’vod: little big brother (different from ori’kih’vod which means tiny brother)
Gar’gotal ner mav’cuyi: roughly, you manufactured a way to free me. lit. You create my freedom (mav being free and cuyi being exist)
Gar buir ru’juri skira: roughly, your father was burdened by revenge. Lit. Your parent carried revenge.
N’cuyi harycne viini goyust ures kyr: roughly, I won’t become exhausted running a path without an end. Lit not exist (most) tired running path without end.
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
actually i go absolutely fucking deranged when i think about how traumatised the aces are which is wild because 1) i can just. not do that. 2) OUGH OUCH YEESH 3) i really have just given them. so many issues. like surely this isn't safe for them.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Hey Vod’ika, hope you’re having a happy new year! I was wondering if you could do a f!reader x Fordo piece(or with and alpha arc really). Reader is a special ops officer and works closely with them, and has the most devastating crush on him. The thing is reader is really depressed and has a very low opinion of herself for a lot of reasons so she doesn’t think she even has a shot. The trooper himself thinks otherwise, and all it takes for everyone’s feelings to come to light is reader accidentally finding the trooper’s sketchbook which is filled to the brim with hand drawn sketches pinups of her(I like to headcanon the clones sometimes had a natch for art because Jango had a natural hand for it) and she’s shocked and honored but has a lot of questions. Que the embarrassing confession between reader and trooper ;) sorry if this is all weirdly specific pls don’t feel pressed to get every detail if you don’t want don’t mind me I’m just feeling crazy today
The Sketchbook
Summary: You've had a crush on Fordo for ages, and you're convinced nothing will ever come of it. And then you find the sketchbook.
Pairing: ARC Captain Fordo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1373
Warnings: Reader is not in the best place mentally speaking
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted. And I'm sorry it took so long!
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You mumble under your breath as you walk through the halls of Topica City, your gaze locked on your datapad as you quickly parse through the information from one of the special ops teams. 
Once upon a time, at the beginning of the war, you would have been with them, going over the information in real time, but after a serious injury left you with a prosthetic leg, you were relegated to having to analyze information from Kamino, rather than on the front lines.
No one blames you. Which is fine, you blame yourself enough for an entire squad.
You turn a corner, and let out a startled noise as you crash into something very solid. Red and white armor, and jaig eyes on the helmet hanging from his hands…whoops.
“Captain Fordo, my apologies, I didn’t see you.” You internally swear at yourself, of course you didn’t see him, you weren’t looking. Gods, you’re so dumb sometimes-
“It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been lurking around corners,” Fordo interrupts your mental train of thought, his voice quiet. 
“Even so, I should have been paying more attention.” You say quickly, “I should know better than to try and read and walk at the same time-”
“Don’t worry about it, really.” Fordo interrupts you again, “It’s not like you would have been able to hurt me.” His harsh words are accompanied with a kind smile, and your heart lurches.
Now is not the time for your embarrassing crush to rear its ugly head, you think firmly to yourself. “Well, thank goodness for small mercies, right?” You say with a tiny smile, “But I’ll get out of your way, Captain.”
“Fordo,” He murmurs, “We see each other daily.” He clarifies, “You can just call me by my name.”
“I…of course.” You say, slightly awkwardly, “Fordo, then.”
He smiles again, seemingly pleased with something so simple, “I appreciate it. But I do have to go-”
“Right! Of course. I’ll get out of your way!” You step to the side, and Fordo steps past you continuing down the hall, and you sigh, as you continue your trek to your office. You’re not going to get anything else done today, that’s for sure.
After all, you never do when you get the chance to talk to Fordo. 
You push your way into your office and set your datapad on your desk, before you sink into your seat and press your face into your hands. 
Frankly, your crush on Fordo is humiliating. He’s literally perfect, and you’re…well you. 
You push your hands through your hair, and then sit up. Fordo will never look at you the way you look at him, because you’re not good enough, and that’s fine. It’s fine.
Totally fine.
…maybe if you repeat it to yourself often enough you’ll believe it.
You focus your attention back on your datapad, and on the information that you’ve been parsing. And you slowly reach for it. At least this work will get your mind off of Fordo.
Several hours later, with your eyes burning with exhaustion, you finally finish for the day, and slowly make your way from your office to your suite. You walk the path blindly, exhaustion making you pay even less attention than you normally would.
Which is why you don’t see the notebook until you step on it.
You stare at it, puzzled, and then you sigh and pick it up, opening it to the first page. Surely someone wrote their name inside the book.
The notebook falls open towards a middle page and you stare, dumbly, at the image etched on the page.
Page after page of you.
Images of you sitting at a table. Of you walking through the halls. Of you standing in the rain.
And every so often, there are images of you that could have only come out of the artist's imagination. Images of you clad in lingerie, images of you sprawled on the bed, you in every state of undress that you can imagine.
Your face burns with slight embarrassment as you slam the book shut, you shouldn’t have looked at those. They weren’t for your eyes. Carefully, you open to the very first page and scan for a name.
And then you nearly drop the book in surprise.
This is Fordo’s notebook?
Maybe…you should just put it back on the floor and let him find it himself. Maybe that would be better than letting him know that you saw his drawings of you. 
Nervously you rub the back of your neck as you try and decide what to do.
You jump when you hear heavy footsteps behind you, and you whirl around, an excuse already on your tongue for why you’re just standing in the hallway, though the words die on your tongue when you see Fordo standing there.
His gaze drops to the book in your hands, and he shifts, slightly uncomfortably, “That’s mine.” He says quietly.
You hold it out to him, “Um, I found it. I stepped on it, I’m so sorry-”
He lightly takes the book from you, “Did you, uh…look inside?”
Your face burns, “I…yes. I was looking for a name-” You pause and your face heats a little more, “You’re a very good artist.” You offer.
“Kriff, you weren’t supposed to see those.” Fordo mutters, “Why’d it have to be this one that I dropped?”
“I can explain.” He says quickly, “About…about the pictures of you. And the…less than fully clothed pictures of you-”
“You don’t have to,” You take a deep breath, “I know there aren’t a lot of women here, and I’m flattered-”
“It wouldn’t matter even if there were more women here, because I’d still draw you.” Fordo interrupts. “You’re the only woman I want to draw. Ever.”
Your thought process derails completely. “...oh.”
“Look, you’re…” He pauses to gather his thoughts, “Gorgeous. Funny. Clever. And so very competent, which is unfairly attractive, so you know.” Fordo looks at you, and then he continues, “You also lost a leg and it barely slowed you down at all-”
“Fordo, you-”
“Let me finish? Please?”
You stop talking immediately, “I go out of my way to talk to you when I can, but you’re so busy all of the time, that all I can do is just put myself in your way and hope that you run into me.” Fordo continues, “And I know I’m just a clone, and I know I have millions of identical brothers, but I just want-...” He trails off with a sigh, “You. I just want you.” He pauses, “You can talk now.”
Millions of half finished thoughts spin through your mind, “You and your brothers aren’t interchangeable, Fordo.” Is the first coherent thought that slips from you, “And I’m hardly…I’m barely holding myself together most days. I’m not…any of those things that you say I am.”
“I disagree. If you could see yourself the way that I see you…” He trails off with a sigh, “Stars, you’re perfect.”
“I’m really not-”
“I want you to be mine.” Fordo says quickly, “I want to…to kiss you and hug you and make you believe me when I say nice things about you. I want to wake up every morning and see your face first thing, and I want your face to be the last thing I see before I go to bed, but I know that I don’t have anything to offer you except my affection.”
You stare at him, your lips parted in surprise, “I…don’t need anything more than that.” You finally say and his gaze snaps to yours. 
Fordo scans your face for a moment, and you shift uncomfortably, “You mean it.” He finally says.
“Yeah. I mean,” You nervously twist your hair between your fingers, “I’ve had an embarrassing crush on you forever it feels like, so…yeah. I don’t want or need anything more than just your affection.”
Fordo takes a step towards you and reaches out to brush his hand against your cheek, “I can do that.”
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” You ask, your voice a whisper, “I’m not the best cook but-”
“Yes. Yes, I would.” Fordo says with a small grin, “Right now.”
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Hey so if you’re new here and haven’t been around longer than ten minutes you might not know that my fave fave fave tropes ever are 1: time travel and 2: Obi-Wan getting adopted by Mandos, so whenever I find a time travel fic where Obi goes back in time and is promptly adopted by Mandos I get so excited trust me there are a lot but rn what I really really really want is a fic where I combine one of my fave headcanon type things that I like to put in fics with my second fave trope being Force Sensitive Jaster Mereel and then combined with Obi-Wan and Anakin (and probably Shmi too lmao let’s have a force sensitive babies party here) as force ghosts with Jaster and suddenly one of them comes back all ‘YALL I KNOW HOW TO GO BACK IN TIME I FIGURED IT OUT’ and so they all go back in time with the pure goal of saving their peoples (Mandos, Jedi AND slaves okay we makin a trifecta of people who got the worst bullshit in Star Wars two of which got all the blame when literally all of it was Sith and slavers faults) and Jaster goes back in time to Korda 6 and looks around for Jango so they could retreat only for little grunts of ouchies I fell to happen and he looks over to see a small pile of toddlers Obi-Wan, Anakin, Shmi, (Boba and like six other clones you know I have to) and is all ‘oh shit. Please be potty trained please be potty trained please be potty trained’ and now he has to go find Jango to call them back to their ships and tell Jango he in fact has a bunch of new vod’ika all of whom still have adult memories and also can you hold Boba please he’s a crying mess he just wants Jango nvm you can be that one’s Buir he bites lmao NO DONT HOLD HIM LIKE THAT JANIKA I RAISED YOU BETTER and now they’re back to Mandalore and Jaster is all ‘shit. We made this plan to save ALL our peoples. Well fuck.’ And now he’s all wait a sec and calls up the Jedi (yes they had him on hold for 3 hours and he kept bouncing between departments it was very annoying with Obi-Wan’s little fangies teething on his vambraces making the most annoying sound ever the whole time) and now he’s able to sorta blank for a solid 30 seconds before blurting out that they have force sensitive babies and the Jedi can’t have them and then Anakin HANGS UP ON THEM YOU LIL SHIT THAT DIDNT SOUND GOOD and the Jedi sorta like text him back all ‘??? Good for you???’ And now Jaster has to call them again and explain that he needs help with these lil shits teething on his armor and throwing people into walls when they sneeze and the temple is all ‘listen we can send out a master with docs but we’re a lil busy looking for a Stewjoni initiate that disappeared from the nursery’ ‘oh you mean this one?’ *holds up Obi by an ankle who’s chewing furiously on a vambrace’ and says they can’t have him back the kara gave him that baby!!!!! So now they have to send out a team whereupon Plo and Dooku are suckered into a -three way with Jaster- a deal upon which the Mandos will help the Jedi leave the Republic who use them like attack dogs and then they can stop slavery together and raise babies!
Anyways. I just think that would be neat.
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
Ngl this makes me sad to think about but I feel like Crosshair's not gonna have the best time if the batch end up settling on Pabu. I mean sure, he needs some peace and quiet (and therapy aka time with his brothers) to recover but eventually... he may become miserable?
Everyone else has something to do, Echo will probably continue working with Rex, Tech has his thing with Phee and his skills have a variety of applications that he can still do on the island. Wrecker unsurprisingly seems to be fitting quite well into the community and Hunter can keep an eye on all of them while focusing on raising Omega.
Crosshair though? His skills are way too specific and as much as I'd love to see him have some brotherly moments with Omega, he's not the social type and I can't imagine him spending too much time with her or any of the other residents for that matter.
He could give her some shooting lessons and keep Wrecker company for a while but if his mind is anything like Tech's and he has no opportunity to practice the insane calculations he does for his shots (Pabu doesn't seem like it has the land to spare for a shooting range) he might go stir crazy at some point. Or just become hella depressed.
And both of those sound very bad when combined with his temper.
I remember someone saying he may go with Echo and I was skeptical at first - all those unfamiliar regs and the whole bright eyed goal they're working towards? Not his style for sure.
But at the end of the day, it's something to do. An excuse to do what he's good at and familiar with. So honestly after thinking about it, it's either that or bounty hunting for him. (yes, I know the chances of him becoming a bounty hunter are close to zero, narratively speaking... a girl can dream though.)
Going into headcanon territory, it's actually fun to think about him carving a space out for himself in the rebellion. Mr standoffish would probably only talk to Echo at first but his lonely brooding self would eventually trigger some clone's fatherly Jango genes and then they do their damndest to try and socialize him (Howzer. I'm thinking about Howzer. It has to be Howzer).
So yeah, the plot bunnies be going crazy with this scenario recently.
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stellanslashgeode · 27 days
So the Bad Bachelors show never answered why Omega and Emerie are girls, what the purpose behind creating female clones would be, so I used Occam's Razor to put my headcanon out there in You Look Just Like Him. This is an exchange between Doctor Emerie Karr and Senator Riyo Chuchi.
  During the flight to Imperial Center the Senator, Emerie, and the rest of her staff gathered to discuss opportunities and possible pitfalls for the next legislative session. It was a while before the group disbanded. And a bit after that before she could get some time alone with her.
  “Emerie, how are you holding up?”
  “I am doing alright, I guess.”
  “Your new identity will hold up at immigration, don’t you worry about that. I won’t let anyone take you away.”
  Emerie smiled and nodded in response.
  Riyo looked contemplative for a moment as if assembling her thoughts, or working up to committing to something.
  “Emerie, I’ve been curious about something, but was worried it would be rude to ask.”
  “Please ask away, Senator.”
  “Why did the Kaminoans create female clones?”
  Emerie stuck out her bottom lip, thinking it over. “It never occurred to me to ask, and Nala Se never volunteered why. But I can surmise for you if you wish.”
  “I wish.” She put her hand on Emerie’s arm and she momentarily lost concentration.
  “Knowing her, it was probably just curiosity. To see if she could.”
  “Omega told me she was an exact clone of Jango Fett. How is that possible?”
  “Well, Riyo. All humans are female at early stages in embryonic development. It was a simple matter to shut off some genes and turn on others relating to gonad and hormonal development. Nala Se probably thought of it as an intriguing challenge, as our XY chromosomes may lack what was considered to be essential information for the female genotype. She may have found work-arounds in our junk DNA to make up the difference.”
  Riyo frowned. “So it was a purely intellectual exercise?”
  “I do not know why she made her decisions. But likely, yes. The Kaminoans considered genetic experimentation akin to an artform. They cloned themselves as well, to the extent that they no longer reproduce sexually.”
  “And why don’t you have more sisters?”
  “I probably had dozens of older sisters who were not viable. You don’t get something like that correct on the first try.”
  “Oh,” She swallowed. “Thank you for indulging me.”
  She had no more questions. But she took the seat next to her and read off her datapad. Emerie could not help but look over and admire her frequently during the remainder of the flight.
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voodoo-writer · 9 months
Found Family in Star Wars
What I really love about Star Wars is how much of the fandom is fully into the found family trope.
Like, lots of people may complain that Din and Grogu is the most generic trope that Disney could have gone for, but that’s how it always was. How a lot of the fandom truly sees Star Wars for.
Aliit ori'shya tal'din – «Family is more than blood».
The Vode. The biggest family you could have asked for. Thousands of overprotective for each other brothers, who are ready to make anything possible for each other. Waxer and Boil almost adopting Numa (yes please). The Bad Batch that are literally five older brothers taking care of one little sister.
True Mandalorians. Like Jaster Mereel, Kal Skirata, young Jango, Walon Wau, Mij Gilamar, Vhonte Tervho – all of them stay true to Resol'nare, be it an au with no Kamino or with it. You get 1 True Mandalorian within a radius of child in distress and now you have an angry buir ready to kill. It is literally in the marriage vows – We will raise warriors.
The Jedi Order. They have their flaws (who does not?) but they are one huge dysfunctional family. From Crèche masters, Knights, Masters, Guardians, Younglings and Padawans. They protect their own. You can say anything about «no attachment rule» but I feel like having an amazing lineage with lots of padawan-siblings, masters, uncle/aunt-masters, grandmasters that ground you must be an amazing feeling. We do know that the Jedi still fail their own in lots of ways, but like if there were no Sith and they were living not in the middle of the Republic imagine how more peaceful and truer to the code their lives would be?
The Corps. We don’t get a lot of information about them but I adore everyone who writes, shares headcanons, draws them. They are still Jedi, though they have different specializations. They give aged out younglings new purpose and they stay true to the Force. To be honest, since the Corps do not live on Coruscant I believe before 66 they were definitely even more attuned to the Force then the Order (cause again, one annoying Sheev)
The Ghost Crew. Do I even need to say anything? They are an amazing family that pulled through a lot of obstacles (and sadly losses). They all lost something even before getting together but staying together was their biggest strength.
The Opress brothers. Even though we did not get a lot of Feral in TCW we got enough of Maul and Savage. Even with all of the evilness and full sith-crazy mode they were brothers till the end. If it was not for Dooku and Sidious (and well mother Talzin and nightsisters) they would be still together and be strong.
The Original Skywalker/Solo family. Han’s and Luke’s brotherhood even before romance with Leia started. Leia and Luke bonding even before they knew they were blood family. Chewie protecting his family, even the Droids like C3PO and R2.
And the list goes on. I probably missed out on a lot of families so if you want to add some to the list – do reblog/comment!
 In the end I just want to say that even though a lot of people say that our fandom is one of the most toxic ones I still adore everyone who spends their time writing, drawing, doing cosplay – literally anything fandom related. Even if you don’t create and just read – supporting creators makes all of this worth it.
Please, continue creating more stories about any characters, any family, anything that you love in this fandom. There always will be people who will appreciate anything you do to help our fandom thrive.
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sixtysixproblems · 2 days
disaster ramble about my headcanons for how the batch got their names & etc*
*this is related to a fic of mine (fluorescent mistakes/mistakesverse), tho having read it is 100% unnecessary to understand the post, and I'll likely use some of these for other fics as well.
the only HCs you (sort of) "need" to know is cody, fox, and wolffe are "triplets", and i say fuck canon and Rex is 3 years (1.5 years) younger than CC batch. bits in italics/blue are less applicable outside of the fic itself, but still make sense without the context or i give the context.
Cody (Kote) - got the name Kote pretty young, changed it to Cody tho around 16-17ish?
>Jango gave it to him, when he was 10ish..? Possibly even a little younger. Jango intended as more of a nickname for just him to use, but obv it didn’t stay that way. Was very proud of "earning it" for a long time. >Changed it to Cody later in a not-so-subtle rebellion against Jango/the Kaminoans, and partially in an attempt to choose something for himself/have a part of his identity outside of his skill as a commander. >Still uses Kote on very rare occasions with the batch and other old friends from kamino ONLY (only exceptions to use it more being Fox who gets to call him Kot'ika, Rex who get a free pass for anything/everything) >his name backstory is probably most plot relevant cause his arc deals a LOT with identity issues & such. Might even have a flashback to him snapping at Jango that "it's cody now" > The final nail in the hammer for changing it was probably Ponds getting reconditioned**, and him partially blaming Jango for it :(
Fox - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>Got called a “fox” due to him being a sneaky clever bastard, but it wasn’t a nickname until he made it one >chose it not long after cody,  probably? >this was a pretty big deal since it wasn't a) widely used by trainers, mostly other vode, and b) he made it clear it was his name. not a nickname, not a title, his name, as opposed to his designation number >I'm considering backstory that him & colt worked together to come up with the idea to bulshit the kaminoans with "it's actually more tactically useful in battle to have recognizable nicknames for the clones", which is true, but also to limit consequences for getting caught using names. >in addition to joint guilt in the creation of Ponds's name, he's also responsible for Thorn's name by repeatedly calling him a "prick" and "thorn in my ass" on kamino (tho that's it's own post lmao).
Wolffe - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>inspired by fox, but also spells it that way to spite fox (cody gave him the idea for it lol) >cody was annoyed that wolffe clearly chose it to match fox (bitey twins, lol) since they're supposed to be triplets. wolffe enjoys pissing him off but didn't want him to feel actually left out...so cody got to help with the god awful spelling. >confused some people into thinking it was pronounced "wolf-y". this is brought to you by my friend reading fluorescent before any other piece of star wars media and assuming that. >i love the potential meaning u can take from it of him being family/"pack" oriented and how that translates over to him being very loyal, protective, etc. Aka on the surface level he's this scary grumpy guy, but deep down is just a bit of a softie/just wants to keep his family safe. >but on a less serious note, i also love all the jokes i can make cough cough omegaverse
Rex - age 10-11ish
>encouraged to pick a name out by cody to help cope with being newly reconditioned/placed with the CCs as i imagine there’d be some identity issues after that :(  >perhaps nicknamed king or little prince or smth and that's where he got the rex idea. tho tbh i have no idea >abridged fluorescent lore is that he was a particularly talented/borderline defective CT, tho albiet from a "troublesome" batch. consequently he was reconditioned pretty heavily around 9-10ish, and Jango came up with the great (sarcasm) idea to use him sort of as a "test" of what CTs were actually capable of, and had him mixed into CC training. >this is how he met the batch, after not remembering his own/many details of his life pre-recon. they were supposed to train him once or twice, but predictably adopted him.
Bly - after rex arrived (and rex got his name) but not long after, so 13?
>litterally just chose a name they liked the sound of and thought fit them like a sane person. literally the only one to pick a normal name a normal way out of the whole batch. we stan >i like the hc being short for smth (like butterfly, etc) but i dont think it works for fluorescent :/ maybe in another fic. >possible them & rex worked together to find names that fit them bc i think that'd be sweet. i dont focus on their relationship much at all so maybe a little bonding, albiet in backstory only, is in order. >she's very likely gonna be trans (mtf) in fluorescent (tho it wasn't always the plan + she is not out yet (to herself or others) in the fic itself) so I'm considering implying Bly is traditionally a female/gender-neutral name in whatever star wars culture it's "from" (aka i make shit up) >considering a joke where someone asks her if she's picking a new one after she comes out and she's like "absolutely not, it was so hard the first time i refuse to do it again".
Ponds - last to get one, 14-15ish?
>went by “four” or 54 before he got his name. >Bly sometimes jokingly called him “squared”/ ”square”/ ”cubed”/etc when they were tweens cause of the two fours in his designation number + 64 is a perfect square in math. the vode assumed he'd pick one or one would eventually catch on permanently. >...and then he shoved three separate trainers in a pond, on three separate trips no less, during off-planet training (and since I'm guessing off-planet training was very rare, wtf buddy) >and the triplets went “you know what would be funny” and just. Picked it for him, and wouldn't stop calling him that, and eventually it caught on. And there was nothing he could do about it <3 >**yes, he was reconditioned at 16-17ish. Yay....Not much of a spoiler hopefully? this may somehow be related to why he was the last to "choose" (read: accept defeat) a name, despite being a outspoknen/protective ori'vod nightmare for the Kaminoans. >dw it's not too angsty. they didn't fuck with his memories much, and were trying to change his behavior to be "less inclined to rebelliousness/contempt for authority". And if you've read his arc in fluorescent, you know they failed spectacularly at making him less likely to break the rules. >tbh I think its fitting for (how I write) his character that his name was chosen by his siblings. i think he was and is "salty" about it, but not-so-secretely touched and/or proud about it.
this whole thing was very ramble-y and i'll be surprised if more than 2 people read it, lmao, but i couldn't stop myself. a lot of this is sort of "background" and may not be actually referenced in the fic itself...but who knows.
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echo-lover · 10 months
Hello there!
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A few of my favorite Star Wars headcanons about clones
• Parental instinct
I've noticed that some clones have a highly developed paternal instinct.
I think Cut with his little family is not only one.
Hunter showed concern for childrens safety from the very beginning, like Kaleb and Gungi (surviving Wookie Jedi). He looks after Omega like his own daughter, as do the rest of the Bad Batch. Hunter definitely plays the role od father in his team as a responsible and a little overprotective leader.
Echo is the most mature in my opinion and in my eyes he will always be a mommy.
Waxer immediately felt the need to care for the newly met child and had no problem with hugging or comforting little Numa when she started crying. I just know that he loved children and secretly dreamed of starting a family, but he put himself entirely at being a soldier and protecting those who can not protect themselves.
Even Boil had grown strong bond owith Numa after some time and wanted to protect her at all costs.
I think Rex would also make a great father figure. He felt a strong need to take care of others. He acted as a mentor or an older brother for Ahsoka, and when he met Omega, he immediately got in touch with her. It's worth mentioning how he immediately stood between her and Bad Batch when he found out that the boys hadn't removed their chips yet. He remembered perfectly well what happened during Order 66. I'm sure he felt guilty that he had almost executed his longtime friend who trusted him with all her heart. He also felt responsible for his brothers who died in this tragic event.
I think this paternal instinct comes straight from Jango Fett's genes, who cared for Boba and loved him, and adopt him as his son. Jango asked specifily for him and knew from the very beggining that he want to adopt this kid. The Mandalorian culture is known for being easily attached to children, and they often decided to adopt kids, as fathers and mothers, and raise them like their own.
• Overprotective Hunter
Hunter is, in my opinion, the most sensitive and emotionally mature of the Bad Batch. He can read the feelings of others, especially those closest to him, so he always knew when something was wrong. Perhaps his enhanced senses have something to do with this.
He also has a tendency to be overprotective.
As a leader, he put the good of the squad before his own. I'm sure that running and hiding from the Empire, the constant pressure on his shoulders, was very tiring for him.
Hunter tried to protect Omega and his brothers the best way he could. That's why, the loss of any member of his family was a hard shoot in the heart for him. He sees it as a personal failure, as he failed his loved ones. He may start to think that Crosshair's words as true, that maybe he shouldn't be the leader, but he hasn't told anyone about his feelings and his own doubts.
But I think Echo knew... Echo knew that Hunter was worried and tired of the constant responsibility.
• Hunter and his senses
Hunter is a synesthete. This means that what he feels with one of his senses also affects the others. For example: he sees sounds, he can taste colors or numbers have colors for him. His synesthesia is a side effect of his enhanced senses.
Due to his heightened senses, Hunter also felt pain more intense than the other clones.
I still remember the moment Omega snuggled up to him after rescuing her when she was kidnapped by Cad Bane. Hunter winced in pain for a moment as his chest wound still was fresh. He had been shot with a blaster and almost get himself k!lled, and yet the most important thing to him was Omega. He ignored his own discomfort and focused fully on Omega, making sure nothing happened to his little girl. The expression of pain quickly turned into relief.
• Family
Some time after Omega joined the Bad Batch, they agreed on the role of family members:
Omega is their little sister, of course Hunter play the role of a father, while Echo is hailed as a mother. Our grumpy little bean muttered something about this being stupid idea at first, but in the end he liked being called mommy Echo.
Echo is a great addition to this crazy squad. He is the most experienced and can keep his family in line. It will never stop to amaze me how much good and love is hidden in the heart of a man who has never known a moment of comfort in his life and to whom no one has ever shown love. His physical and mental health were very bad after the events at Skako Minor. There was almost nothing left of the inexperienced Reg from the 501st Legion. Despite this, he will always remain my favorite character in all of Star Wars universe.
Wrecker is basically a second baby and needs to be looked after more than Omega, because if you let him out of your sight for a moment, he'll probably make a big mess.
Wrecker had the mind of a child trapped in the body of a large man. He is strong and could cause fear, but he have a soft heart. He cared for those closest to him, especially Omega. When his little sister was having a bad day and was sad, Wrecker was the first to make her laugh and even shared Lula, his beloved doll, with her.
I like to think that Tech and Crosshair are sort of twins (like Echo and Fives) they're a great duo and I miss their interaction so much. Tech, as the wise one, did not get in the way of the others, offering his advice when needed. Crosshair, on the other hand, although he seems cold and very distant, I think he would quickly like Omega and become a supportive, slightly sarcastic brother to her.
• Crosshair is not as cold as he looks
Crosshair hated being different, and called a freak from the very beggining. All his life he tried to blend in, to do his job well as a soldier, and as a member of the team. He didn't show it, but he was touched by other people's words about their group, different look, and specific abilities. That's why he hated Regs so much, he wanted to prove his worth to them. And also to himself.
When I saw Crosshair for the first time, I thought that he must have quite low self-esteem and become nervous in stressful situations. Whenever he took off his helmet, we saw him immediately reach for a toothpick. He felt the need to have something in his mouth to relieve the stress and tension in his body. He always seemed to me to be the type of perfectionist who pays great attention to detail and will practice until he achieves perfection in a specific field.
Despite his specific style, Crosshair wasn't as cold as he seemed. He really cared about Omega, and I'm sure that if they had the chance to spend more time together, Crosshair would like the girl and treat her like his little sister. He will destroy anyone who tries to harm Omega.
I also think that Crosshair secretly loves animals, especially cats. I imagined that it started with Wrecker once bring a white, homeless kitten to the Marauder. The animal started fawning at Crosshair's legs and refused to leave him even for a second. In the end, Cross liked it, petted him and cuddled with him, and even let him sleep in bed with him. Having a pet was a stress reliever for him. He named his kitten Alpine.
• The past still hurts, just as much as before
Echo often had terrible nightmares. We can see in the Bad Batch, that his PTSD was still very strong. Every contact with medical equipment could trigger a severe panic attack and anxiety. Fortunately, Omega was there to support him at the time. I'm always touched that even though Echo didn't know Omega back then, he trusted her enough that her presence really helped him come back to reality and understand that he was safe.
I'm sure that he had nightmares about being tortured and locked at Skako Minor, and also dreamed of Fives. I think because of this he may have even been afraid to fall asleep, and as a result he slept very little.
He missed his brother so much and blamed himself for not being there when he died. Echo was afraid of being locked up and deprived of help, so he tried to get involved as much as possible in the fight against the Empire. I think that was one of the main reasons he went back to Rex.
I also think that Echo and Tech had long conversations and spent a lot of time together while repairing or piloting the ship. They got along the best of the whole team and only with Tech, Echo felt relaxed enough to be able to talk about his feelings and problems he was struggling with. Tech never asked, like the overprotective Hunter, he just listened, and that was enough for Echo to discover a soul mate similar to his fallen brother, Fives.
I imagine one night Tech found out that Echo couldn't sleep and asked him what happened. Echo was so surprised that someone actually asked him how he felt that he didn't know what to say at first. He finally decided to open up and confess what was on his mind. Tech understood him and they became very close from then on. That's why Echo suffered so much after losing Tech. He felt as if he had lost half of his soul again.
I imagine that, Echo was the only one from the Bad Batch to still use Mando'a. He and Fives used to speak this language among themselves. Fives nicknamed him Ech'ika (little Echo). Now, Echo used to call Omega ad'ika. After Fives death, Echo sang an old anthem - Vode an (Brothers all) to honor the memory of his fallen brother. They had learned it when they were still cadets and used to sing it together before going into battle and all 501st knew the lyrics. This is one of my favorite headcanons.
I'm sure that Echo got a tattoo of a five in honor of Fives' death. In this way he always carried his brother with him and wanted to honor his memory.
• Nightmares
Omega took a while to get used to her new home after leaving Kamino. I imagine she often had nightmares that made her afraid to go to sleep alone. Hunter saw that and let the little girl sleep with him. He told her some stories about the planets they had visited on missions, and the bond between them grew stronger. He didn't admit it, but he had fond memories of those times together.
• Fives and his twin
If Fives survived, he would be the first to side with Rex to save Echo. Seeing his beloved brother alive, but connected to computer and badly hurt, he would be both happy and devastated at the same time. Fives would do absolutely anything to be reunited with his beloved twin, even if the whole Galaxy was against him and thought he's crazy.
After being rescued, Fives would make sure Echo was fewling comfortable and help him overcome his PTSD episodes. Then he would join the Bad Batch with Echo, because he didn't wanted him to feel different. Despite some problems, the Bad Batch accepted them as their own and they became very close, like family. I pictured them sitting around fire and how they shared stories from various missions together.
Then Fives saw that Echo was trully happy. He hugged him close, and when Echo asked what happened, Fives simply replied, "I'm just happy you're here, vod'ika. That's all."
• Astronomy lesson
Tech taught Omega astronomy. How to read sky maps and name constellations. They often sat together at night, watching the sky. Hunter would get a little angry when they stay up too late, fearing that both his brother and little sister would be sick, but his anger faded quickly when he saw the smile on Omega's face. Papa Hunter would do anything to make his little girl happy.
• Two captains
Howzer is Rex's twin, like Fives and Echo. They are giving the same vibe. They trained together from an early age, still as cadets, and then the war separated them. They are also very similar in character. Courageous and great leaders, they do not abandon their people until the very end. I feel they would get along pretty well.
• Brothers for life
Cody was like an older brother to Rex. His ore'vod. He trusted him the most of all the clones.They were inseparable from the beginning of the war and became very close after the Umbara ARC. I imagine Cody was comforting a devastated Rex. He knew perfectly well that under the mask of captain's determination there was a lot of pain and suffering after loss of many brothers. They were both good people who saw a lot of evil and death in their lives. They carried mourning in their hearts and finaly were able tolet go all their emotions. It was the first time Rex had let tears flow in his brother's arms. He felt loved and safe, and Cody didn't let him go for a long time. From this moment, they looked at each other a bit differently, carefully analyzing the other's emotions and making sure that everything was okay. Besides being strong and serious leaders, they were caring and loving brothers on the inside.
Also, I just know that they were having small competition. The 501st and 212th were competing against each other as to which legion/batalion was more effective in combat. General Kenobi and Anakin secretly supported this fun game.
• Suffering medic
Kix put a lot of pressure on himself as a medic. He wanted to save as many lives as possible and not let a single soldier die. He always fought to the very end, refusing to rest until the last man was healed. Each death of his brother was equally painful for him and he treated it as a personal failure.
Umbara left a huge mark on him. He failed. So many of his brothers had fallen, and he worked until he was breathless. Only when he was so exhausted, that he could no longer stand on his own, he agreed to take a break.
Kix sat alone against the wall, looking at his hands, and cried quietly. His hands and armor were covered with the blood of his brothers. Some of them were badly hurt, others didn't make it. Kix wished he were in their place right now and felt guilty. It was hard for him to be the one that survived.
He didn't know how long he sat like that, but at one moment he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a calm voice that he recognized immediately. It was Jesse. His best friend, his brother... Jesse told him that he did everything he could, that it wasn't his fault, but Kix wasn't convinced.
Then Jesse, seeing how bad his brother's condition was, that he started shaking, without thinking much, he wrapped his arms around Kix, pulling him into a tight hug. The medic did not protest and gave vent to his emotions and helplessness. It was the first time anyone was interested in his health. He had always been responsible for others and now someone was taking care of him. It felt nice, warm... Kix hugged back his brother and they both know that they feel the same way.
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moodymisty · 2 years
Would you be up for writing a tech fic where he realizes he has a breeding kink? Or maybe the reader figures it out for him 😏
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Author's note: Babe I’m so sorry I left you in my inbox so long lmao here have Tech’s banana going bananas as forgiveness (Headcanon: All the clones have some degree of breeding kink in them because Jango Fett's genes be wildin')
Relationships: Tech/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Breeding kink, Mentions of pregnancy and pregnancy adjacent things but not ACTUAL pregnancy, Ovulation kink technically, Unprotected sex, Tech being a nerdy little weirdo(said with affection)
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Normally, you’d call yourself a pretty average sleeper. Not too light, and not completely dead. So it’s odd when you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, having just been roused by seemingly nothing. Tech is asleep beside you, laid out and taking advantage of your large bed by spreading his limbs out comfortably.
Your bed is normal sized by your standards but Tech- who's used to sleeping in military bunks and chairs, finds it quite grandiose. Any time he's here you always notice the way he stretches out, especially now so as he lays on his back, blankets resting just over his stomach.
Meanwhile you're fully awake tossing and turning, skin on fire as you groan. It echoes in the almost silent room, feeling stuffy and hot and oversensitive.
It all centers in the pit of your stomach; Cunt throbbing as your thighs rub together underneath the blankets.
Any attempt you make to press your thighs together until it goes away fails, as does the futile attempt of diving your hand beneath the blanket to slip between your outer lips, feeling how they're wet along with the gusset of your underwear.
Both attempts do nothing to soothe the way you ache to have something inside of you, and if anything really only serve to make the urge worse.
It’s what has you whining and rolling to your other side, pressing your lips against Tech’s bare shoulder. He doesn’t stir; As he can be quite the heavy sleeper at times. So looking up at his face you whisper against his skin, as if hoping to plant the idea in his head and void any responsibility.
“Tech…” You whisper, and instantly see him twitch in response. But he doesn’t wake up right away, until your lips are slowly trailing up to the vein of his neck, leaving kisses and soft nips.
“Is something the matter?” One of his hands is now against your back, warm through the fabric of your nightdress. His voice doesn't sound incredibly sleepy, but you can tell by the way his eyes are slightly hooded that he's still only one foot in the waking world.
“I need you to fuck me, please.”
You’re pushing the blankets away before he can say anything, moving to straddle his hips and grind your absolutely aching cunt against his cock only covered by the thin pants he wore to bed. Feeling his hands on the small of your back they’re resting there, feeling the way you grind on him. The way you're so desperately whining sparks something in him, watching your sleepy and wobblily body move on top of him.
He responds when your chest is pressed against his, smothering his neck in kisses and bites as he speaks up. Your hands are wrapped in the short curls of his hair, and even though you’re absolutely smothering him with sloppy kisses, he still manages to speak out a completely technical sentence.
“Your hormones are clouding your senses.”
“And how do you know that?” You don't really mean it as an actual question, as you smother the side of his jaw in kisses; A few will surely leave a mark.
“Because I have your ovulatory cycle memorized.” You pull back just enough to look at his face, neck shining from the sloppy kisses you've left on his skin.
“Tech, that’s… A little weird.”
For divulging such an odd statement he does a good job of bringing you away from it, his hands on your hips sliding up to your waist and bringing you back down so he can kiss you this time.
But you’ve barely given him enough time to become fully awake before you’re attempting to pull down his pants, and he kicks them fully off underneath the blankets. You meanwhile only had on your nightdress and some thin underwear, the panties being peeled off and thrown aside in seconds. You quickly noticed the significant wet spot you’d left on them. By the time your cunt presses back against him Tech is already half hard; From your constant humping on him since you’d woken him up. Groaning and clearing his throat, he marvels at the way your pussy so smoothly slides along his cock.
You feel so wet; He wonders how long you’ve been aroused, as his cock is already coated slick from just a few motions of your hips.
“Hand me my,” He gestures towards the bedside table where his goggles are sitting, and you quickly reach over to grab them. He hurries to pull them on, watching your vague silhouette becomes crisp again.
By the time he's pulling them haphazardly onto his face you have his cock in your hand, lowering yourself onto him and let out a desperate moan as he fills you. Once he's halfway inside your hands move to his chest, leaning on them just a bit. His teeth grit together and hands grasp tightly at your hips, letting out a drowsy, sleepy moan as he finally bottoms out inside of you.
“Is this what you needed, love?”
There's only one light on in the corner of the room, barely enough to illuminate your silhouette even with his goggles on. But he can see the way your eyelids struggle to stay open, slackjawed as you beg and plead for more.
“Yes! Yesyesyesyes please, Maker this feels good-“
You're louder than usual Tech quickly notices; So many more little whines and mewls as your lip gets caught between your teeth. His hands stay on your hips, forcing you to grind down on his cock for all it’s worth and listening to the way you get even louder.
“You’re so wet; You really needed this, didn’t you.” Instead of answering you moan, too far gone.
"Fuck, Tech harder..." He'd never refuse you, but he really can't when you ask him, beg him so sweetly for his cock.
It's not like you can do anything about it, your body is just fogging your brain and it needs release.
He’s never thought about it until now; That your body is hot and begging to be pregnant, and he’s the one who can give it to you.
It puts a larger jolt down his spine that he expects, the thought of your stomach larger and chest swelled because of him; His baby.
Tech is one of the few people who knows the rumors about the clones being sterile aren’t true, so he knows the idea is technically possible.
It has his hands tightening around your hips, his mind reeling as you straddle him.
He guesses that your chest will be sensitive, so one hand slips up your body below your nightdress and gently pulls at your nipple, watching the way you moan loudly. He loves the feeling of knowing your body so well; Of knowing exactly what you want.
Desperately grinding against him your clit throbs as it presses against his hips, he watches with his new fantasy in his head while your hands drag across his stomach.
"Do you want me to come inside of you?" He says, watching you nod as your eyes flutter closed.
"Yes! Yes! Fuck, Tech just do it already," He doesn't know if he'd even have been able to handle if it you refused; He already feels so close from the mere idea of filling you, breeding you, has him barely cognizant of anything else.
You're so pent up it doesn't take long for you to cum, body slowing but Tech's hands forcing you to continue moving a little against him. You don't even try to hide your moan, head lolled back as your cunt tightens around him. He can feel the way the juices of your cunt are leaking all over him, as his nails dig into the skin of your hips.
Head pressing into the plush pillows underneath him he can happily fulfill your plea, as the way you've been bouncing on his lap so desperately has had him so close for ages now. He's much quieter than you were, hissing between his gritted teeth as he fills you, your hips stopping completely. He can feel your nails lightly scratching at his stomach, and your pleased whines hit his ears.
Part of him really hopes the neighboring apartments don't hear either of you given the time of night- but most of him, and all of you, don't care.
After your heart stops pounding blood in your ears you're still straddling him, honestly not even knowing what came over you and how quickly it had. It had started as just being a little horny though once you had a taste of him...
But at least for now, you're tired and well fucked again.
As you pull off his cock he instantly feels the way his own cum leaks from you, dripping from your sweet cunt. The sigh you let out now is a lot softer, as if you're almost relieved. You probably are, and Tech in a little part of his brain sympathizes with the way you can't fight some of the more primal aspects of your body. He'll always help you, especially the way you beg him so sweetly.
It's also something he's now more than eager to do some research on and try again, wondering where this could lead. But at the moment, the two of you are far too tired to do anything more.
He swears he sees light just starting to leak through the curtains, unless his eyes are betraying him. He manages to peel himself from the bed to clean himself off really quick, however it seems you have no intentions of doing so; Having flopped onto your stomach and laid out almost dead tired again. He'd normally get on you about it but, you look too sweet so frazzled and worn out like this. Because of him.
“Sleep, I will still be here in the morning.” He feels the way your body presses against him the moment he's comfortable, finally tired again and falling asleep.
He knows without a doubt you’ll want more of him in the morning, something that gives him a small surge of pride as he adjusts the fabric of your nightdress a tad before pulling off his goggles and closing his eyes.
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sun-roach · 9 months
What are some headcanons of your favorite clones?
Some headcanons of my favorite clones:
Okay so like.. I have many faves… I will answer for my current top 3 (it changes all the time.. except Fox ofc)^~^
Commander Fox:
Marshal commander
Wolffe’s younger twin
His intuition is always on point
Force sensitive without knowing
Had top scores on Kamino
Envied or idolized and or disliked by some vode bc of his scores
Thinks outside the box
He loves tookas but will never admit it
He even has one called "Lieutenant Pringles"
Went from proud, arrogant, ambitious to tired, depressed, burnt-out
Very confident in his skills
Very quick and agile
Can adapt to any situation
No target escapes him
Very good soldier following very bad orders
Knows that Palpatine is a sith
Gets manipulated by Palpatine but not like Anakin got manipulated and groomed. Palpatine uses Fox's fears against him and since Fox is unknowingly force sensitive its easy game for Sheevy to play around and archive what he wants
So many blackouts
Vode killer
Thorn is his best friend
Caf junkie, who turned to an energy drink junkie
Has a plant he got from his batch, it’s dead, but he still tries to take care of it
He gets cold really quick
Red means safety for him
Depressed meow meow
Dark humor
After Ponds death he tries to meet his other batchmates more often, but everything just becomes worse
Sneaky, sly, quiet Fox
Appears cold and commanding, is actually sensible and caring
Prefers ration bars over actual meals, he got no time for real good food
Always trains at 4am
Back pain
Doesn’t remember the last time he got a hug, would give the best tho
Loves the stars, but never/rarely leaves Coruscant
Thorn ones got him plushy bunny slippers bc his feet are always cold. He secretly wears them in his office while doing flimsi work
There are so many more kfndndnndn i just love this man kfkfndndndndnnd
Commander Neyo:
Quiet, reserved
Only talks if he thinks it’s necessary
Doesn’t like people
Very dark, morbid, dry humor
Speaks sarcasm fluently
Would have been a racer or pilot or mechanic in another life
Programmed a cute droid, WAC-47
Would have either bonded with Anakin over their interests or wpuld have killed him for being a dramatic bitch
Bacara is his best friend
Loves to work on his speeder
Develops tactics and strategies for speeder battles
Card games on motorcycles
Very smart and rational
Seems very cold and aloof
An oddball
The arc program poked too much into his privacy
"Good soldiers" always follow orders
Will use any possible advantage to win, even if it means to sacrifice something or someone
Sassy af
10/10 would have killed his jedi at one point just because he found her annoying
Probably depressed but, isn’t aware of it
Actually caring, has a soft side, but he closed it away (if he hadn’t, there would have been no way he would have kept WAC-47 for that long )
"They all will die soon anyway" mentality
Doesn’t believe in anything, orders r the only reason he and the vode exist
Has a group chat with Bacara and Fox, he is the one who sends most messages (its mostly infodump or edgy jokes)
Commander Cody:
The youngest of his batch
Competitive af
Has no chill
Very caring and protective
Feral shithead
Appears controlled, calm, steady
Is actually screaming inside
Caf junkie
Got his name from Fox
Hates spaghetti
Actually a good dancer
Used obi-wan's lightsaber several times
Disappointed face ™️
Gets always scolded for shit Rex has done
Tired and runs on spite
Wifi connections are great with him nearby
Waxer and Boil are his trouble twins
Is one second away from a meltdown
Has a group chat with his batch mates
He hates it
Always up too late working on the next strategies
Actually dislikes chess
Loves close combat
Doesn’t wear his kama bc his spin kicks would lose on impact
Shares a braincell with the 212th
Guns? No. Tackle the enemy who killed several jedi
Good intuition but not force sensitive (he is dense like a rock in that case)
Jango but kind, warm, soft , loving
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