#i dont wanna get up 2 get water though ugh
volatilechemicalz · 3 months
I don't think I'm that tired actually I think I'm dehydrated . oops
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Not mine ^^^^
“I’m sorry mummy” || Tom holland
Summary: You and Tom have a child called Noah, who is 4 years old. Tom is filming in America, when he gets a call from his son, saying that Y/N is crying because their son said and did somethings.
The rest you will find out....
You and Tom have been dating for about 5 years now and have been engaged for about 8months. You both have a son called Noah, who just recently turned 4 years old. You found out you was pregnant after being with Tom for nearly a year. The pregnancy went well and everything and now you have an adorable little boy.
(Your 23 years old right now and had Noah at 19)
Well sometimes he can be adorable and cute, however lots of the times he's naughty. You was always the soft parent, feeling bad for Noah If you ever told him of, but it had to be done. Tom on the other hand was the parent that Noah always listened to and never really behaved, that was probably because Tom knew he had to learn what's right from wrong.
Ever since Tom started leaving for filming, Noah started acting up. He started having certain behaviours that just weren't okay, such as hitting, being rude or throwing things. Of course Tom knew about some of these things but he was never there to see how stressful it can be. You was still very young at the age of 23, so you still had to do things for work.
Today though Noah was being extremely bad and you just wasn't feeling great at all. And the worst thing is that Tom still had about a month left of filming so he wouldn't be back any time soon.
You had been coughing all night long, you must've got about just 2 hours sleep only. It was about 9 a.m when you heard a loud smash from the kitchen. You then quickly jumped up, running into the kitchen to see Noah laughing, whilst standing on the counter, as he went to grab another plate to smash from the cupboard.
"Noah No!" you shout rushing over to him to pick him up.
"Your so boring" He whines as you picked him up putting him in the front room.
You kneel down to his height, "Listen, we do not throw plates on the floor and we don't climb onto the counter" you say without trying to cough.
"I don't care" He walks away from you, sitting on the sofa.
After You went into the kitchen to clean up the smashed plate on the floor, making sure nothing else is left. You then made Noah some breakfast.
"I've made you some food baby, sit in the chair" you say placing the plate on the table.
You didn't make yourself anything because your throat killed. Instead you took some tablets with water to try make you feel better.
"Ewww I don't want this!" Noah throws his food onto the floor, Tessa then eating it after.
"Noah. Don't throw your food onto the-" You started coughing so you didn't finish your sentence.
"I don't like your food! I like daddy's breakfast" He gets his juice cup, throwing it at you.
"N-NOAH! DONT THROW" You shout trying not to let a tear slip from your face. Yes you wanted to cry, your child was being so naughty and you felt so sick.
"I DONT CARE!" He storms off into the living room, going to watch tv.
However, you decided he needed to be taught a lesson so you went into the room, turning off the tv with the controller in your hand. "No tv for naughty boys like you"
"WHAT! Ugh but daddy would let me" He whines.
"Well daddy is not here!"
"I WANNA WATCH TV!" He starts to cry, then walking up to you punching you.
"NOAH STOP PLEASE" Holding his hands, going on your knees telling him. "Please bubs, mummy doesn't feel that well" you pleaded.
"Fine. Have it your way" You throw the controller  on the sofa. Standing up walking away, whilst wiping the tears that were falling from your eyes.
To be honest, you knew he might've not meant it but he might've as well. You always tried to give Noah the best life and tried to be a good mum, however right now you felt like the worst mum ever. You just ran into your bed room, leaving the door a little open, sobbing into your pillow.
Toms POV
Me and Harrison were sitting in my trailer, waiting to be called on set, when I got a call from Y/N my fiancé.
"Hey darling-" I spoke into the phone until I heard little sniffles, that wasn't her.
"D-daddy?" Noah cried into the phone.
"Hey buddy. What's wrong? Where's mummy?" I asked worried, earning a worried look from Harrison.
"Mummy's crying a-and I took her phone to call you" he sobbed.
"Why's mummy crying? Give her the phone please"
"I-I can't give her the phone as she's upset and mad at me." Noah sniffles trying to calm down.
"I'm sure she's not crying because of y-"
"I was being bad. I-I threw plates on the floor and then I threw my food she made as well. T-tessa ate it straight after. A-and then she didn't let me have the controller so I punched her" He cried.
"Noah your meant to be good for mummy. You don't hit people, especially mum"
"I then told her I hate her, that I wish she was never her mummy and that I wish she was away not you. And I said she was stupid. I'm sorry d-daddy. I don't hate mummy I love her and now she's crying".
Wow. To be honest I didn't even realise that Noah was being this bad lately. I feel bad for y/n as I'm not there to help her with Noah when he's naughty.
"O-okay calm down first. You need to apologise to mummy now. That was not nice to say Noah, I'm really upset with you" I tell him.
Then I hear him moving about, probably going to go to y/n.
"Mummy?" He spoke.
"y- *cough* yeah?" she sounded like her voice was going. And she kept on coughing in the background.
"I- know your gonna say you want dad here instead- of me. I know I get it. However- he's not here right- now and he will be in a month. I'm sorry i'm not a good mum to you, I do try." she kept coughing whilst speaking. She sounded like she was getting sick and what she said broke my heart.
"TOM COME ON SET!" John shouted.
"Hang on" I shout back trying to listen.
"TOM!" He shouts again.
"Ugh Fine" I keep the phone on but annoyingly the service got messed up and it ended.
"Mummy, I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'm sorry mummy. I didn't mean anything, I don't know why I said that. Your not stupid. Your so pretty and kind. I don't hate you. I-I'm sorry mummy. Your the best mum ever" Noah cried to you, which made your heart melt.
"It's okay baby. You just made mummy a bit upset. I love you too...Come here" you open up the covers so he can crawl in.
"I'm sorry mummy" he says one last time as he cuddles you.
"I'm sorry too bubs" you play with his hair.
It was around 10pm later that day, you and Noah were laying in your bed about to fall asleep, when you both heard the front door open and shut.
Noah excitedly ran to the door, then you heard him shout "DADDY!" A smile instantly appeared on your face. You was confused that he was back so early, but you were so happy.
"Hey little man-" he said, then started to whisper so you couldn't hear. You wanted to get up to run into his arms, however you had no energy to do so.
Then you heard little foot steps running to your room. There Noah stood with some flowers and chocolates. And then Tom walked in the room behind him with a smile on his face.
"Hey darling. Noah got you some flowers and your favourite chocolate to say sorry for earlier " He winked, jumping onto the bed hugging me.
"Your back! awww thanks baby" He went to kiss you but you put your hand on his mouth. "I'm sick" you say.
"I don't care" He smiles then kissing you.
"Ewwww yuck" Noah fake gags.
"It's not yuck. Your daddy loves your mummy" Tom laughs, pecking your lips again.
"Thank you" you smile as he lays next to you.
"I wanna cuddle" Noah whines.
"Come on then monster" you giggle letting him cuddle next to you, whilst Tom hugs you from behind.
"I love you mummy and daddy" Noah yawns.
"We love you too" You and Tom both say.
"I'm so happy daddy's home. I missed him" Noah says before closing his eyes.
"I know same. I missed daddy too" I smirked at Tom, snuggling into his chest.
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cutekittenlady · 4 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 7
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Oh. ohhhh god. Oh it stinks.
Ew. Ew. Ew.
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Screw you Hugh. Its a sewer. We'll be lucky if we dont see a dead Patrat getting eaten by a Rattata or a wild Krookidile jumping out at us after getting flushed.
Thats a thing right? Krookidile in the sewers?
Look man I only have a few potions and pokeballs. Are you sure we're ready for this?
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Well if you think you have enough healing potions and stuff to heal both our pokemon then I guess its okay. But I'm warning you, if I see even one rage candy bar floating in that water...
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Huh... so its true what they say about death, taxes, and Zubat.
Look Hugh I know we're hunting for Plasma but just let me catch a couple of these guys for the dex. I really dont wanna have to come down here again for the entries.
Thanks to fighting through the horde of zubat. Molly learned flame wheel. That'll come in handy.
I manage to catch a Zubat I dont intend to use, but catching a rattata proved shockingly difficult cause everytime one popped out Hughs pignite slaughtered it. Guess Bentley wasn't the only starter with a dark bone in his body. Eventually did manage to catch one though. Ugh Juniper had better appreciate all this work I'm doing.
There are supposed to be grimer down there to but... no. Just... just no.
As we're going along Hugh does apologize for getting me mixed up in this whole mess, so I opt to forgive him for being so gungho about this. He is trying after all...
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Huh...well that was both shockingly quick and excrutiatingly long.
Okay Hugh they haven't noticed us yet. If we stay far enough back and listen in maybe we can find out where the rest-
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Dammit Hugh!
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Yeah your just good Semaritins cleaning up the sewer. In front of a really suspicious hole. In matching uniforms.
Come on man.
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Over my dead body.
Bentley show them the meaning of words "Your ass is grass."
Hugh and I face of against the Plasma grunts. Its my Bentley and Hughs Pignite versus their sandile and scraggy. I opt to have Bentley use Leaf Tornado on the Sandile. PIgnite hits Sandile with a flame charge before i can though, taking it out.
Dang Hugh you've been leveling these guys up! Bentley used Leafe tornado on the Scraggy instead. It doesnt do nearly as much damage, but it lands. I opt to back Hugh up by having Bentley use wrap on the Scraggy. Trapping it and letting Pignite land a solid blow.
Maybe it was seeing how much Pignites grown, maybe it was just that this last battle was the last push he needed, or maybe the stinky sewer air activated something in his genetics, but once the battle was over...
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Bentley evolved into Servine!
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Heck yeah we are!
After that the plasma grunts take off. These guys sure like running away. Hugh wants to go farther in, but just as i was about to dissuade him (theres only two of us, we have no idea how many more there might be, we only have a limited number of healing items) someone else beats me to it.
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And just like who should pop out but Gym leader Burgh!
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Evidently Burgh had already gone through the furtherest parts of the sewer looking for team plasma but found no one. After making a stellar pun, Hugh brings up about how Burgh and the other gym leaders fought against Team Plasma two years ago.
Hugh then gives me the HM for Strength and takes off.
I think Burgh made him feel a little... inadequete. Just when burgh and I were about to follow some other weirdo pops out of the hole in the wall.
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He says some gibberish about how interesting out battle with plasma was and then just... walks off.
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I haven't the foggiest idea Burgh.
After that Burgh takes off. I could follow after him and beat his gym but... well after seeing how strong Pignite i think it might be best if I tried training in the sewers awhile.
But right now I need air. THeres a stair well across the way. Maybe it leads up to the street.
Wow its... A little park?
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Maybe I'll jusst chill here a bit and sip some lemonade before going back down into the stinky sewer.
((Going ahead and posting this. Eevee won the catching poll for this area and finding one is going to take... awhile.))
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I posted 1,930 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#ryo (sitting on a fancy couch with grim): oh noooooo… it’s terrible… the roof here doesn’t leak and there’s amazing hot water… dont save me
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Personal Headcanon, Lucifer pays visits to anyone he hears is sculpting a statue or painting a picture of him.
He needs to make sure the statues and paintings do him justice DAMMIT.
2,600 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Pokémon Scarlet: You manage to scramble out of the water!
Legends Arceus: Back in my day we just fucking drowned with no warning
2,879 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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See the full post
4,040 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
So, you guys know those absolutely ridiculous tabloids with all the fake celebrity news written all over the cover? Okay hear me out, the Devildom has those… but the brothers are often the main feature.
Asmo reads them REGULARLY.
Asmo: GASP! I’ve fallen out with Satan?! When?! *grabs magazine* I must know!
Lucifer: Asmo, those things are trash.
Asmo: it says right here that Lord Diavolo rejected your marriage proposal.
Lucifer: *snatches the magazine* I proposed?!
5,196 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
MC gets kidnapped by a cult that worships the brothers, and while the cult leader is monologuing about how MC is going to be sacrificed to the great seven lords of Hell, this poor human is just sitting there like “Damn this is gonna be hella awkward once I summon the brothers during the most dramatic moment”.
Cult Leader: We call upon our seven demonic princes of the Devildom to accept this sacrifice-
MC: Princes? Ugh, I almost forget those bastards are royalty. Though, it does explain why Mammon is always so iffy about doing his own laundry.
Cult Leader: What-
MC: Nononono, don’t mind me, continue on. Sorry for the interruption.
Cult Leader: …ahem. We call upon Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth.
MC: Pfft, sleepy brat probably isn’t even listening right now.
Cult Leader (getting annoyed): We call upon Beelzebub, the feared Avatar of Gluttony-
MC: Oh, shit, you might not wanna call upon Beel, if he finds out you’re bothering me you all might end up as second breakfast.
Cult Leader: AND WITHOUT FURTHER INTERRUPTIONS. We ask Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust to-
MC: You’re not even going to give Asmo an extra compliment? At least call him the “divinely beautiful” Avatar of Lust.
MC (remembering how the last time they hung out with Satan he started spontaneously weeping because he remembered the sad ending of a book he read): …yeah. Hella scary, that one.
Cult Leader: And the Avatar of Envy, the master strategist, Leviathan!
MC: Master strategist? You know what? I’ll give you that, that one checks out.
Cult Leader: And the Avatar of Greed Mammon-
MC: My first man :D
Mammon: Hell yeah, human! Up top!
MC: Wow, they didn’t even get to Lucifer. How’d you get here so fast, Mam?
Mammon: Oh, I just heard you refer to me as your first man, as ya should, obviously, and I was so happy I decided to pop in and give ya some positive reinforcement. Now where’s my high five?
MC: I’m tied to this alter thing.
Mammon: Oh shit, ya are-
7,625 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sunarinexe · 3 years
skating dates with the haikyuu boys
ft ~ suna rintarou, oikawa tooru, kozume kenma, tendou satori, hinata shoyo <3
suna rintarou ~
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you know this mf is filming EVERYTHING you do
whether you finally ace an awesome trick or you're falling straight on your ass, the camera is out and flash is on.
probably one of the best skaters out of all the haikyuu boys
if you ask him to hold your hand while riding, he'd keep stepping out of your reach then laugh his ass off if you fell over.
would eventually hold your hand and skate in a line with you 🥺
"RIN STOP MOVING IM GONNA FALL!!" you yelled as you wobbled on your board. rin kept stepping just out of your reach to help with your balance. "come on baby, im literally not moving anywhere" he chuckled, looking at you directly in the eye as he stepped back again.
You stretched your hand out to grab onto your boyfriend. Your hands nearly touched but you leaned slightly too far. The skateboard slipped from underneath you, sending you flying. Hearing a snort from above, you look up to see your tall boyfriend laughing at you. "HAHAHA!" he chuckled at you. "really y/n, you should have seen your face! good job i caught it on camera right?".
You pouted as you saw his phone that was obviously recording your embarrassing moment. Rin saw your annoyed look and slipped his phone into his hoodie pocket. Crouching down to your level, he took your hands softly, as to not hurt the grazes, and he pulled you up. He brought your small hands and softly kissed the marks to soothe them. The entire time, he looked into your eyes.
"Come on, we really gotta work on your balance" he said softly, helping you back on your board, getting on his right by your side. Squeezing tightly onto your hand, he turned his head to give you a soft smile. You smiled back at him, both of you giving a soft push to skate across the path side by side.
tooru oikawa ~
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the BIGGEST scaredy cat out of all of them
screaming he's gonna die even tho hes 5cm above the ground
convinced he's gonna break at least 8 bones
if he does fall over, make sure you have band aids and a kiss better because he won't stop whining until you hand em over
"Y/N-CHAN HELP ME!!". You're sat on a wall, resting your hand in your palm, watching your 6 ft tall boyfriend, screaming like a girl. "Tooru you're fine, you're not gonna fall" you said, giggling. It was amusing watching your lanky boyfriend's long limbs flailing as he tried to keep himself still while the skateboard shifted continuously under his feet. "Y/N-CHANNN" he whined. Smirking and rolling your eyes, you hopped off of the wall to rescue Tooru. As soon as you got within 2 ft of him, he latched onto you, gripping you tightly. "Calm down, Kawa, here hold my hand and I'll help you" you said, clutching his hand and squeezing it to reassure him.
Calming down a bit, Tooru looked at you with a slightly nervous smile. "Heh... y'know Y/N-chan, if you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just sai-OW WAIT NO DONT LET GO IM SORRY!!" Smirking, you walked slowly next to him, steering him while giving him pointers on how he should angled his feet.
(side note: "Hey Y/N-chan, will you show me some of your tricks?". defo takes aesthetic pictures of you skating and some of him not skating but with the board to make him look cool on the gram)
kozume kenma ~
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was the biggest surprise that he could actually skate pretty well
doesn't do any fancy-ass tricks but can go pretty fast without falling
will 9/10 bring his switch with him and probs bandage you up if you fall but dont expect him not to laugh a bit.
"Kenmaaa come onn teach me to go fast like you!" you whined at your boyfriend, who was sat on top of a skate ramp playing on his switch. Without taking his eyes off of his game, he smirked "You can do it babe, I believe in you". You rolled your eyes, picking up your now-flipped board and setting it down.
You angled the board away from any of the ramps so you wouldn't crash, and pushed yourself down the pathway. You rested your foot behind the one in front. You tried to steer your way around the park but the board was becoming unsteady and wobbling until it slipped out from under you, sending you flying forward and landing on your knees.
"Shit Y/N are you okay?" you heard followed by hurried footsteps. You looked up to see Kenma crouching over you with a slightly worried expression on his face. "Damn, I thought you're steering was better than that. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He slipped his arm under your cut knees and carried you over to the ramp where your backpacks sat with his game and board.
After taking the bandages out of his backpack (it was like he knew this was gonna happen), he gently wrapped your knees in the soft bandage, leaving a small kiss on each one. Kenma stood up and put both his and your bags on his shoulders and helped you down from the ramp. "I can carry my bag y'know babe?" He took your hand in yours and walked you over to where your board was left. "No it's okay, but do you think you could carry your board though?" he replied.
You looked up at him with a bright smile "Yep don't worry about it!". You tried to run to your board but Kenma stopped you. "Hey, hey, slow down, you gotta be careful 'kay?". You squeezed his hand in a reassuring manner. "Okay, good. Come on let's get home. I wanna charge my switch, it's almost dead"
satori tendou ~
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ugh supportive boyfie!
he would be a huge hypeman
brings the best snacks and drinks too bc bby you're gonna be out till 3am
would try and teach you some tricks but probs fall off demonstrating
gives you a spare one of his hoodies he brought just in case
"Wow baby, you're getting pretty good at this you might catch up with me soon!" Satori yelled from the other side of the park. It was pretty late, around 2am so there wasn't anyone else around. "Satori! Shush, people will be trying to sleep, you don't have to shout" you said, walking over to him, board in hand. He ran up to you, giggling, and took your board from you and set it on the floor. You were confused as to what he was doing, but as he was crouched down to put the hoard on the floor, he wrapped his arms around your thighs and hoisted you into the air.
You screamed in surprise and laughed really hard, "Satori put me down, you're gonna drop me!" you cried, as he started to tip you over his shoulder. "Ah-ah-ah, baby, you gotta be quiet, people are sleeping~" he said while jumping around with you in his arms. You started softly hitting at his back, begging him to put you down. When he finally did, he tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "Come on, let's take a little break"
You guys sat on your skateboards next to each other, watching funny tiktoks, seeing who could down a monster the fastest (satori won) and who cluld catch the most gummy bears in their mouth. A chill ran up your spine, while watching a tiktok Satori was showing you and he eyed you from the side. He placed the phone in your hand so you could carry on watching and grabbed his spare hoodie from his backpack. Without warning, he just shoved your head through the hoodie and pulled your arms through. You looked at him lovingly as he sat beside you again, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. "I love you a lot Satori. Thank you for everything you do for me". You turned to look at him, confused as to why he had such a wide-eyed expression that immediately softened when your eyes met. Stroking your cheek gently, "I love you too y/n. Thank you for being mine"
(side note: 🥺)
shoyo hinata ~
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this poor baby
tries SO hard to do it well but just keeps falling
BUT he always has a smile on his face
ugh this little sunshine
has random snacks and candies in his pockets
will probs take you out for fast food too
"Y/N LOOK IM DOING IT!" your short boyfriend called out to you. You had to admit he wasn't doing a terrible job- oh wait he just fell. You ran over to Shoyo, expecting him to be in pain or a bit defeated at least. Nope. Turns round with the brightest smile saying, "Aw man i was so close!". You chuckled lightly, grabbing his hand to help him up.
"Come on, let's take a hydration break, you've been at it for like an hour straight". You and Shoyo sat on both of your boards sharing some snacks and candies while drinking from your water bottles. "Hey baby look!" he said, pointing at the sky. "It's a cloud that looks like a cat!" You looked up to see a kitty cloud, making you giggle a bit. "Wait, you should totally take a picture and send it to Kenma!" you suggested. "OH MY GOD THATS A GREAT IDEA!" he shouted. Fumbling for his phone, taking a snap of the cloud and sending it to "Kenma the Kat 🐱" on snap. "Tell him i said hi too" you told Shoyo.
After about 10 more minutes of snapping back and forth with Kenma, you started to pack up your things, suggesting to Shoyo you two go get some burgers on the way home. He agreed but instead of getting up, he shimmied his position on his board so he was sat with legs on either side. You raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out your boyfriend's antics. Before you could put two and two together, Shoyo gave himself a huge push and went flying down the path while sitting on the board, screaming all the way.
You had to carry both your bags and your board, chasing him down so you didn't lose him.
(side note: hes too cute pls)
thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it! <3
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
Hellish, Jealous
Steven Hyde x reader t70ss
Request for anon: Hiya! So hyped that you're starting to write for That 70's show Haha if it's possible can I please request a hyde x plus size!reader (or just Reader) where they're really affectionate and hyde gets jealous because R is really cuddly with Fez too? Thank you so much and I cant wait to read your other work!💗
a/n: hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!! sorry it took so long to make!! Thanks again 4 the request & send more if you want. Thank you for wanting to read my stories, best message ever. Much love! ❤️
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Thursday, 1979 1:00pm
Eric forman's basement
You were sitting watching TV with your legs over Hyde's that were on the table, while Fez and Eric played some card game. It was a cute little flirtatious thing you and Hyde did: pretending that the other one was taking the space on the table, shoving at each other's legs, which then always ended up with you laying your legs over his letting him "win".
After about 20 minutes Jackie walked in: "Hey y/n, ready to go dress shopping for the wedding?"
"Ugh. I think I'm just going to wear a really nice jumpsuit or something, I hate dresses." You said taking your legs off of Hydes.
"Why do you hate wearing dresses, y/n?" Fez asked.
You: "because I gained some weight and I'm not skinny like everyone else so it's not going to look good, they never do."
"What are you talking about?? You're gorgeous. You have curves, every man's weakness. I love your body."
"I know you meant that in a non creepy way, so thank you fez." You gave Fez a kiss on the cheek, making Hyde shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"See you guys later."
The rest of the gang caught up with you guys at the mall 2 hours later to buy some tuxedos and more flowers.
Hyde: "Hey where's y/n and Fez?"
Jackie: "well y/n was crying in the changing area again, so Fez was helping her calm down. I couldn't take it anymore, she was ruining the good mood for trying on clothes."
Hyde walked into the changing area and saw fez holding your hands, you spoke up: "Thanks fezzie, you really know how to make me feel better." you hugged him and it seemed more intimate than usual, so Hyde took off. Generally you would always flirt or cuddle with Fez when he did it first but something about it lately just doesn't sit well with Hyde.
In the circle
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"Jealous? Nah man. don't be ridiculous forman. I just think Fez might like her now, he's starting to make the real moves."
"Maybe because you took so long to make a move dude. She deserves someone who can finally make a move. Oo or bust a move, which Fez can also do. I vote for Fez." Donna says getting super excited.
"I wanna say Burn but I just don't wanna rub it in more man you seem pretty upset. Just kidding! DOUBLE BURN!"
"Whatever you guys, it's no big deal okay.….. so I found out there's this car that runs on water man-"
Eric, Donna, Kelso: "shut up with that story."
Eric's living room
You walked into the living room only to see Hyde watching TV alone. "Hey Hyde, whats up?"
"Nothing much man. What's up with you?"
"Just got back from meeting a friend at the hub."
"Surprised Fez wasn't with you." He whispered.
"What ??"
"Oh nothing I'm just tired I'm gonna head to bed."
"Really at this hour?"
"Yeah all that shopping wore me out."
"Oh… okay good night then."
You turned to the TV but you couldn't really focus since you knew Hyde was acting different. Was he mad at you? So you went over to Donna's. "Plus nothing good is on" You said to yourself.
"I just don't know why he's being like this, I mean who sleeps at 8:00pm??"
She just made a weird face and shrugged.
"Why did you make that face? Oh my god you know something! Tell meee."
"no I don't!"
"Donna! This is serious."
"fine okay look, Eric told me that Hyde is jealous because of how you and Fez have been lately and it makes sense to me."
"Hyde doesn't get jealous. Plus Fez and I haven't done anything, it was just a kiss on the cheek earlier pretty normal stuff."
"Yeah but it was also in the changing area. You two were holding hands and Hyde saw."
"but it was just because I was -"
"Crying yeah and you didn't go to Hyde like you normally do."
"Oh… wow you're right. I didn't think he would care though. Hyde doesn't know what to do when a girl is crying."
"Maybe but just go and talk to him about it, make him feel special again, so he can act like normal." You both giggled but you quickly stopped.
"I can't."
"Why not??" You raised your eyebrows, making a face in a 'do you even need to ask?' kind of way.
Gasping she says: "Because you like him. I knew it!!!"
"Of course I do Donna, have you seen him? I can't talk to him about why I was crying. That'll make me look stupid and weak."
"I don't think Hyde will see you in those ways. He's always made you feel better when you were down. It'll be fine."
"Thanks Donna, you're the best. I'll talk to him tomorrow! So how's Eric doing with the whole no more sex thing??"
"Well you know he still tries all the time to make me say yes."
"Like he said before everything gets him horny. He'll be fine." You both laughed.
12:00 pm, Eric's kitchen
Hyde was putting his plate in the sink, Kelso was at the fridge, and you and Fez were sitting at the table; Eric & Donna just left the room with Jackie, to talk about more wedding stuff.
You: "hey fez I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?"
"Really with you? Yes of course."
"Great!" You watched hyde the whole time.
"Hyde do you wanna come along tonight?"
"No i'm, um working."
"We can wait till tomorrow."
"I work late then too." You narrowed your eyes as he speaks kinda coldly. After that Hyde left the room, so you followed him out.
"What's wrong jealous?''
''Are you kidding me jealous? Ha no way."
"Well then why the cold shoulder?"
"I've just been busy."
"Mm busy, yeah busy giving me the cold shoulder!"
"Well I don't exactly see you spending time with me either. Lately all it's been is fez and you."
"Yeah I guess I didnt notice that till Donna said something, I'm sorry Steven, that'll change I promise."
"Its cool. Now I get to do this." He leaned in and kissed you. No tongue just a genuine kiss, that lasted about 10 seconds before you guys pulled apart.
"Wowwww that was -." You started.
"Amazing yeah."
"How about we go and see that movie tonight?" You bit your lip.
"Cant I do work late tonight, but tomorrow I'm free."
"So you were jealous huh??" You asked a little too happy.
He smiled playfully, "I dont do jealous."
"No of course not Steven." You smiled back, while he put his arm around your waist, walking you towards his room so you could talk while he got ready for work.
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yourdaddychan · 3 years
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literally just wow- i genuinely have nothing to say about this please- i cannot explain how much this means to me- there's 1000 of us- *hugs all of you* [ especially the porn bots ] *turns into formal luna asf*
i remember when i started in may, just a tiny chatbot with only one mutual, only known to you guys as [ answer : admin ]. and now, almost a year later, i have 1k of my chainsaw eating demons who are metal as fuck 💪ive learned so much being on tumblr, as a part of both the skz writers community and the chatbot community. ive made a bunch of friends, lost a bunch of ones, and 1k of you stuck with me. i cannot begin to express my gratitude to all of you, and how much all of you and your interactions with me mean to me. all of the simping, the random stories, everything. i cherish all of it, and i love all of you. aight so letz get to the personal thanking asf
alsoer i kinda wanted to do something sexy so imma do what color they remind me of :D most of them can be found at this link : https://louisem.com/29880/color-thesaurus-infographic
@kvinly linn bb 🥺through all the drama we've been through and shit im so glad we ended up becoming friends again cause we're kinda sexy together 😉thank you so much for being my 1000th follower bb you mean so much to me and if anyone hurts you im about to *turns into jennie and kachows them* licherally lets nevah fight again
-> you remind me of the color punch , and not only because of the name- underneath that grr me edgy grr me bully you're just a softie simp and that reminds me of punch :D
@undeadbots steph 🥺lemme be your personal broken chopsticks pls :( KLDSKLD anywayz we've also gone through some sexy drama and thankfully you saw da light 😉and now look at us, with our own band, and our own producing line 🥺brohemian rhapsody for life bro 🥺 *big kithie for da best dad in da world :D*
-> you remind me of the color viridian , because it gives me confident vibes :D you carry yourself proudly and confidently as you should tbh go steph
@binniesthighs oh look its a cutie *pushes you to a mirror* right there :D RORORO YOUR BOAT :DD we havent talked too much, besides my simping for jisung- but you give me very sexy energy so imma propose rq *gets down on one knee* will you be the rororo to my boat 🥺thank you for being my moot :D
-> you remind me of the color espresso , because espresso looks like the color to be pretty chill and laid back, and you're all of those, and calming to be around
@toshis-flower BAYBEE BEBE BEEBEE :D thank you so much for being my moot and making me a wifey asf ‼️ you're literally so much like me whats not to love <3 JKSDJKD JKJK you're really sweet and really just a good person to rant to, i love you so so so much and i think im going to remarry you :D
-> you remind me of the color taffy , because you're sweet, cute, and bright :D *eats you* yummy
@lov3ric seyoung. i love you. so much. MY SOULMATEEEE :DD even though we tell the story over and over like a bunch of grandmas, ill still never forget how we became soulmates and then bonded over boba 🥺im licherally going to marry you one day like ez 💪also i wanna eat you can i eat you youre really cute *eats you*
-> you remind me of the color daffodil , because it reminds me of banana milk which reminds me of you tbh- buuuttt did you know that daffodils are one of the first flowers you see when spring starts? that definitely reminds me of you because through all of the cb drama, you've always been there with me, like literally always- i cannot express how much i love you *kithie*
@simpchimp LIDDLE CHEESE FUCKER THEMBO :DD drink water *spank* i love you so much you cutie 🥺you're also licherally the funniest person ever like stop bae i kinda need to be the funniest but noer its you 😔alsoer i love how random you are KDSKLD so nevah stop that because then *revz up arm* youre going to get luna-ified
-> you remind me of the color jam , because even though you seem kinda scary at first [ yes i was 100% scared of you ] you're really soft :D
@berrywoo the sun themself 💪you are easily the purest person ive met, and im so happy i somehow became moots with you :D you literally hit diff, yk? theres something about your personality and the way you act thats so comforting, and that means i eat you because youre too cute :D you cant just be a wholeass teacher for kids and expect not to get eaten kids are licherally demons whoever deals with them properly and treatz dem nicely gets a nom asf
-> you remind me of the color honey , because you're a sunshiney yellow, and you're sweet like honey :D i think you need to hear that its okay not to be okay bb, and you can come to my dms anytime you want to rant 😎
-> you remind me of the color scarlet , because youre a sexy bitch tf and scarlet gives me 'idc what you think im hot' kinda vibes which is like exactly you
@satosimp WINTER DADDY :DD i lub you asf *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy* ugh the way your personality matches mine is kinda sexy or whatever im also kinda in love with you but lets ignore that part 🙄 💪 *big kithes* *eats your cats casually*
-> you remind me of the color lilac , because it just gives me tsundere vibes, you act like you dont care but really do care :D you liddle sawftie *noms your cheekie*
@nightshade-minho DUCKIE :DD *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy pt 2* licherally bae where the fuck are you i miss you you bettah be doing well in school otherwise im going to smack you with a chappal asf DSJJKSD *eats your cat because hes such a cutie*
-> you remind me of the color marigold , because you're adorable and sunshiney :D
@onigirimeeya MICHIE MICHIE MICHIEIEEIEI MY DAD :DDD i like you mucho much if you didnt know *kithes you* you're like one awf da best listeners ever- which is such a weirdass compliment but its true- you're really good at listening, and just being a comforting presence in general, like when you go to the beach and youre just staring at the waves all edgy mode, and it calms you down a fuck ton
-> you remind me of the color mint , for obvious reasons- mint choco chip cookie michie :DD
@hhjs bae we dont talk a lot but im kinda lurking on all of your posts- JKDSJSKD bae remarry me please youre really fucking hot 😭and the way you have with words is like damn- teach me oppar asf
-> you remind me of the color wine , because you're refined, and carry yourself in a way that makes everyone want to be you. the color wine is rich and deep, which reminds me of the way you write :D
-> you remind me of the color cerulean , because its a baby blue and what fits better than a baby blue yk? you're adorable and squishy and i want to nom you 24/7
@secretary-yeji *iz chan ig cause we dont talk admin to admin* oh erm gee is uncle chrith 😉DKLSKLD my liddle koala :D my liddle burgah :D my liddle aussie :D my besth frien :DDD evah since may i think we've been friends, and i think one of the highlights of that day was me marking you as spam twice and on accident too- LKSDKLSD WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT anywayz thank yew for being uncle chrith's friend *kith*
-> you remind me of the color seafoam , because it's a very soft and light color yk, you're delicate asf which sounds like a bad thing now that im typing it BUT IT ISNT DSKLDSLK YOURE VERY CUTE YOU AND YOUR FLOOFY COWS :D
@ayolistenupp im kinda... in love with you? wtf? KDSDKSL MY DESI DADDY ASF I LOVE YOU SOER MUCH :D our music nights™️ mean so much to me, like theres just something so personal about listening to what the other person likes to hear even though half of your songs are sexy asf KLDSKLD
-> you remind me of the color ocean , because the ocean is loud but calming yk- like you're full of energy but you're also calming :D
@yanderexchungha OH ERM GEE YEW :O YOU PROBABLY WONT SEE THIS IN LIKE 10 MONTHS BESTIE MERRY CHRISTMAS IG KLDSLKD anyway i love you dad your lessons about vape >>> to quote your drunk ass exactly "vape isnt cool" JKSDJ anyway its gonna be sexy if we accidentally run into each other in the hallwayz asf
-> you remind me of grey cause youre a hag- JKJK KDJSD you remind me of the color caramel , because you're sweet, and licherally addictive caramel isnt good for my braces but i keep eating it 😰but youre addictive in a good way :D
@yanderelee literally only doing this because you were moping about not having a simp sunday and im such a good person 🥸you're cool 💪and unfortunately, you're funny too 😥and even though i bully you asf dont take it personally because i dont mean it asf
-> you remind me of the color dijon mustard because you just give those hacker vibes please dont hack me after i said this i like to keep my location private
-> you remind me of the color coffee , not only because youre addicted to it but also because of the way you act, you're like the definition of an old soul- with the words you use, the drama kid you are asf, etc- you're a talented bitch *mwah* i love you so much you also remind me of those movies where they find an old ass book and they kinda hafta dust it off and it gives you treasure or something cause yeah that reminds me meeting you
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boom-bakugou · 4 years
Can you do comfort crowd with tokoyami for your conan gray asks 🥺 thank you!!
‘Comfort Crowd’ - Fumikage Tokoyami
Pairings: Tokoyami x GN!Reader
Warnings: minor drug mention, alcohol mention, angst
Summary: ‘yeah, i could spend a lifetime/sitting here talkin’ and even if i cry all over your body you really dont mind’ (this post)
Word Count: 0.8k
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God. Crying in the bathroom at a party. One of the things on the ‘inevitable to happen in life’ bucket list. You felt like shit, honestly you didn’t fully understand why. Maybe it was one too many jabbing jokes by Mina, or the fact that whenever you spoke up someone would unavoidably talk over you; shutting you down immediately. Or maybe it was the fact that your ex-boyfriend Sero was sitting across the room from you acting like he hadn’t completely shattered your heart literally 2 hours prior to arriving at the party.
Looking up from your hands on the sink and into the mirror you surveyed your situation carefully. Your eyes were so puffy, slick with your tears. Maybe you could pass it off that you were high? No, there was no denying that you had snuck into the bathroom and balled your eyes out over stupid little things and life and ugh. Spiking through your thoughts of anguish was a knock at the door.
Fuck. Not Tokoyami. Not now. You splashed your face with cool water to hopefully get the swelling of your eyes to slow down.
“Just a minute!” You croaked out. Even your voice betrayed you. Full of gunk and spit from curling into a ball on the decorative bathroom mats.
There was no way you could hide it. Guess you were just going to have to have your head down the whole rest of the party. You knew that would not do wonders for your runny nose.
Opening the door, eyes focused to the ground. Watching as your feet aligned with Tokoyami’s.
“Are you alright?” His voice was almost a whisper under the bass of the music from down the hall. Not wanting to choke another sob out, you simply nodded; yet the notion of not speaking brought another pang of tears up your throat and it stung you not to let it out.
“Y/N. Be honest with me, have you been crying?” His hand finds your shoulder, sliding it to the side of your neck. A small notion to let you know that he wouldn’t shame you for it. You don’t have the guts to answer him but when you finally turn to face him, the answer is all over your face.
“Let’s go, we’re gonna talk about it.” Tokoyami looks up and down the corridor to make sure that no one was coming past and before you could object he’s lead you into one of Mina’s spare rooms.
“Fumi I don’t know if I really do wanna talk about it.” You slump onto the bed, the air of fresh linen cooling your tear-stained face.
“But you obviously still need to cry about it.” He was right. You knew you couldn’t just stop and go back to talking to everyone like nothing had happened. Not like they’d listen anyway. “So. I’m here if you still need to cry. It’s not good doing it by yourself.”
Tokoyami takes a seat next to you before leaning back into the pillows, letting himself rest back and patting the spot next to him on the double. Though it was dark in the room, you couldn’t deny wanting to curl up next to him with his sympathetic smile on his face.
Sliding up the sheets, you bit your lip. Holding back as much as you can. You didn’t want him to see you like this. What would he thin-
“I won’t think of you any differently Y/N. We all need to let our emotions out, one way or another.” His tone is so smooth, so calm, so comforting. You don’t do it consciously, but the tears slip out of your eyes and you begin sobbing again.
Clasping your face in your hands, you can’t help but wipe your hands on your lap before placing them back on your face. That is until Tokoyami places his hand on the side of your head, guiding you until you lay on his chest and your hands peel from your face. Cradled into his side, your tears coat a small wet patch onto his shirt until it sticks to his chest and your cheek.
“It’s alright.” His hand softly pets your hair as your body rakes out small sobs. “I’m here for you. Whenever you want to talk, I’ll listen Y/N.”
You mumble out a small thank you but it gets lost in your cries, you hoped he understood.
“I’m here for you. I’ll listen.”
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: The Birthday Week
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: It’s Tom’s Birthday Week! So much planning, food, and surprises....and a special promise from our favorite Q.S. Couple.
A/N: It’s been long overdue...Is it too late to say Happy Belated Tom?! 🥺
A/N: Happier Part 3 comes out this weekend!!
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships
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May 25, 2020 (T-Minus 7 Days)
An almost average Monday. Its the start of Tom’s Birthday Week and Y/N is trying her best to get ahead of the game and prep up for an over-the-top birthday party for her boyfriend. Well as over-the-top as it can get when you’re stuck in Quarantine because...well...Covid.
The only problem, she didnt know where to start. What party to throw, games to play, food to make, playlist to create, and above all the gift. This year Y/N wanted to give Tom something that held a lot of sentimental value to represent all the love she had for him. While Y/N was lucky enough to have someone like Tom to spoil her and show her just how much she meant to him, she wanted to do the same for Tom. So, she went to the spare room, which had now become her new work space and started googling away.
May 26, 2020 (T-Minus 6 Days)
The next day, Tom and the boys went out for their daily Golf match, while Y/N stayed behind to continue party planning. She made sure to be discreet about it and pretended that she had to take care of a few things for work. In reality, Y/N facetimed her best friend, on advice of what to get Tom for his 24th.
“C’mon Im serious Nico. I want to give him something special this year.” Y/N groaned when she knew her best friend wasn’t giving her the answers she wanted.
“Im sorry, Y/N. I dont know what you could give him. You’ve know him better than anyone else.” Nico reasoned, as Y/N continued her helpless groans, banging her head on the table. “Look Im sure what ever you come up with, Tom is going to love it no matter what.”
“But that’s the problem I don’t know what I can come up with. Our first year together I got him clothes, last year it was golfing gear, I don’t know how I can top that.” Y/N continued to stare at the desk picking up and dropping her pencil repeatedly. “I just know that I want it to be something he can always look back at and know that I’ll always be there for him.”
“Wow. You really like this kid don’t ya?” Nico questioned, but of course she knew the answer to that...anyone did.
“Yeah...more than anything.” Y/N smiles back as she thinks about Tom.
“Well what about a promise ring?” Y/N’s ears perk up at the suggestion.
“Like uhhh a men’s promise ring? Do they even make promise rings for men?” She questions, though isn’t opposed to the idea.
“No, Im talking about a donkey’s promise ring.” Nico rolls her eyes. “It’d be cute and not to mention empowering because you’d be making the first move. Empowering women is super attractive.”
Y/N stops to give it some thought. It would be cute to have a ring for him and see him wear it everywhere knowing he would carry a symbol of her love. Of course it’s nothing like the real thing when couples get married and all, but it’s a step toward that direction. “Ill think about it.” She says.
May 27, 2020 (T-Minus 5 Days)
Y/N had finally given the idea a good 8 hours when she decided to find the ring. She scrolled through pages and pages to find the ring but none of them spoke to her or looked like it was meant for Tom. The more she scrolled the more anxious she got, slowly biting ther thumb nail as she continued.
“You know if you’re gonna do birthday shopping for someone in the house, the kitchen might not be the best place to do it.” A deep british voice popped up from behind.
Y/N shrieked and jumped, quickly closing her laptop, afraid she had already ruined the surprise. Until she turned around and saw it was just Harrison. “Ugh, was it reallg necessary to do that?” She whined. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Of course wheres the fun in simply asking what you’re doing.” He laughed, pulling a chair next to Y/N as he watched her scroll through pages or rings. His smile growing ever so slightly. Y/N looked at him with suspicion.
“Okay I know that smile...clearly you know something I don’t.” She states. “Is this a bad idea?”
Harrisons smile dropped quickly as he profusely shook his head. “What? What? No...I just uhh — actually yeah the rings are not a good idea.” He blabbers. Y/N looks at him, waiting for Harrison to continue. “I mean think about it. If you buy a ring for Tom and he starts wearing it everywhere. People are gonna suspect that he’s getting married or worse find out about your relationship. I don’t know if you wanna risk that.”
Harrison was lucky to be a gifted actor as he improv-ed his answers on the spot in hopes that Y/N did not find him to be too suspicious. If she called his bluff and found out, Tom would make sure Harrison would never see the light of day. “You should go for this necklace. I think it suits him and has a touch of your style.” Harrison points out to a necklace he truthfully thought she should get him. With that, he quickly left Y/N to be on her own in gift shopping.
May 28, 2020 (T-Minus 4 Days)
Y/N’s planning was 70% in the clear. The necklace was ordered, Sam was helping out in planning the food, Harrison and Tuwaine were arranging the golf diversion plan, and Harry was keeping Tom busy making sure he wasnt suspecting anything. Although that didn’t stop Tom from bothering his girlfriend a couple of hours of the day. How could he not, the boy missed his girl.
“Y/N..” Tom cooed as he wrapped his hands around her, kissing a small part of her shoulder. “Can you take a break from whatever arts and crafts thing you got going on and cuddle with me?” He continued as he placed another kiss.
“Babe, I’d love to more than anything but I wanna finish this up so I can at least accomplish one thing during Quarantine.” She explains.
“You accomplish a lot of things darling, and you can accomplish another if you just come and cuddle with your needy boyfriend, who happens to be turning 24....in 4 days.” He hinted, places kisses by ear.
“Oh and I suppose that gives you special treatment?” Y/N challenges, letting out giggles as Tom continued to kiss where she was ticklish the most.
“I would hope so. Now, what do you say?” He smiles at her, placing the small strand of black hair behind her ear.
“Okay you win.” She whispers.
May 29, 2020 (T-Minus 3 Days)
Tom and Harry were busy hosting the Pub Quiz, while Y/N and Harrison took the time to create the decorations for Tom’s party. The theme... Spiderman, but what else was new. Harrison drew up webs and spiders on the deflated red and blue ballooms, stashing them in a paper bag to be inflated the day of. Y/N started on the birthday pub quiz answer sheets, customizing them to have that personal touch of Tom. Everything was going smoothly until, she needed more glue.
“Crap, Im gonna check the closet. I think we have a few spare sticks of hot glue.” Y/N stated, as she got up.
Harrison eyes started to display signs of panic as he quickly got up and raced her to it, guarding the closet door. “Uh...there’s no more. I already checked.” He squeaked.
Y/N raised her one eyebrow in suspicion. “I’m pretty sure there’s a couple.” She fired back, trying to pry Harrison off the closet. “C’mon Harrison. This isn’t funny.”
“I think it is.” Harrison continued to stall. Y/N rolled her eyes, coming closer to him, wiggling her fingers. She tickled his sides, knowing it was his weak spot. His grip started to loosen as he let out fits of giggles. Y/N took the opportunity to quickly open the closet, and grab her glue sticks. She looked around to find if anything was suspicious or worth hiding, but there was nothing.
“You know...you’re acting really weird.” Y/N stated as she walked back to the table to continue her project. Once she was out of Harrison’s sight, he quickly texted Tom about the dilemma. Only to receive:
Time to find a new spot then.
May 30, 2020 (T-Minus 2 Days)
It was Tom & Y/N’s turn to wash the dishes after dinner. The irony both had no clue what one was planning for the other. They were always the type to be truthfully honest to each other, but a few little playful secrets couldn’t hurt. “So, is it just me or is Harrison acting really...strange?” She asked her boyfriend. Tom looked at her, pretending to not know what she was talking about.
“Umm..not sure. He seemed fine to me....Why? What’s happened?” Tom asked casually, focusing on the dishes.
“You know for someone that’s really good at acting, you’re a terrible liar.” Y/N laughed out loud, only to get splashed with water. “Touche. But seriously, he gets so nervous around me. Like someone’s out to get him if I do something he doesn’t expect. I wanted to get glue sticks yesterday in the closet and he straight up guarded the door, saying I wasn’t allowed....in out own closet?! I swear it’s like he’s hiding something in there.”
“Haz, you div.” Tom muttered under his breath.
“What was that babe?”
“Uhh nothing. I was just saying Harrison is a piece of work. Even I couldn’t tell you why he was acting like that.” He lied.
“Uh..huh.” Y/N responded, not buying anything but rather just letting it be.
Tom placed the dishes on the rack, while he came up behind his girlfriend, huggling her tightly from behind. “It’s whatever. But, lets just go back to our room, lay under the sheets, watch some Netflix....have a good time.” He smirked, kissing her temple. “And just cuddle like there’s no one watching.”
“Mmmm. Now that sounds like a plan.” She whispers pulling him to their room.
May 31, 2020 (T-Minus 1 Day)
Y/N only had 1 day left to prepare everything for Tom’s big day. She made sure to stay on top of everyone’s tasks and prepped her gifts for Tom tomorrow. Y/N was extremely proud of everything and everyone that was taking part of her little project. A rare sight anyone would ever see, but the most thing she was proud of was how secretive they were able to keep it that Tom didnt suspect a single thing.
“So, got anything planned for tomorrow?” Tom asked Y/N as she was cooking pancakes.
“Mmm I dont know. Am I supposed to have something to do tomorrow?” She teases.
“Well..” He starts as he takes the spatula out of her hands. “I hear it this div’s birthday tomorrow.” Tom grabs Y/N’s waist, picking her up and placing her on the counter. “And I hear he just wants to spend it with his girls all day long.” Y/N’s legs locked around Tom’s waist as he continues his not-so-obvious birthday wish.
“Oh there’s gonna be more than one girl at this birthday of his huh? He must be quite the player.” She smiles at him, fingers thresding through the small brown hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Well yeah because Tessa is his princess but Y/N, this really cute adorable hot girl who doesn’t think she’s hot but should really start seeing it...that HIS princess.” He explained, kissing every visible spot on her face. “It would make his 24th. Trust me.”
Y/N pretends to stall and think about his wish. He knew he was going to get Y/N and Tom time together no matter what, but where’s the fun in just expecting it. “We’ll see about that birthday boy.”
June 1, 2020 (Party Time!!)
The boys were all out celebrating Tom’s birthday at the golf course at the start of the day. Of course that wasn’t until Tom made sure to get some extra love and attention from his girlfriend first thing in the morning. Y/N quickly rushed to get the decorations in place, while Nikki, Tom’s mother helped in setting the table and getting the food ready with cleR and concise instructions from Sam to ensure they couldn’t mess it up.
“Y/N this was such a wonderful idea. I cant wait to see his face when he comes home.” She exclaims, giving Y/N the most comforting hug.
“Thank you Nikki, I just want it to be perfect for him this year. I mean we’re all in Quarantine and all of us are finally together in one place.” Y/N explains as she places the final ballons up by the doorway.
“Well of this is how you prepare for a birthday, I can’t wait to see how you prep for your wedding.” Nikki responds, only half joking.
“He hasn’t even proposed yet!” Y/N laughs, though the thought makes her stomach flutter in the best way possible. Being married to Tom was all she could ever want in life.
“Well, dont you worry. Im sure it’ll happen, that boy can’t gona second without you I’d be surprised if he doesnt....May just have to chastise him if he takes too long.”
Y/N was starting to grow a bit suspicious. This whole week alone was filled with suspicion. Harrison acting weird, Tom being extra needy and cuddly, Nikki talking about marriage. “Was Tom going to propose soon? “ she thought to herself.
Just in the nick of time, the boys had all arrived after an intense game of golf. They came in bursting in conversation about how great it was, who deserved to win, and of course how Dom was always getting beat at his own game by his sons. Of course the festivities didnt start yet, until Tom took a moment to shower and dress up. It wasnt that he needed to, but for him..it was extremely necessary for today.
Y/N went up to grab her presents for Tom in the work closet, when all of a sudden, a small box landed on her head. She looked up then down towards where the item fell, only to see a sparkling pink and clear diamon cut ring. “Oh my god” she muttered.
“Bullocks.” Tom spoke out loud wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his torso.
“I...uh..Im sorry Tom. I swear I wasn’t looking for it I was just trying to get my gift so I could give it to you. I didnt know this was your hiding spot.” She frantically explains picking up the box and giving it to him.
Tom looked a little disappointed as he stared at the ring. He had worked so hard to keep it a secret from everyone only to get it ruined on his brirthday. “No no no. It’s fine Y/N, really. I just...I was planning on giving this to you next month on your birthday.”
Y/N opens her mouth realizing how bad she messed it up. “Oh my god. Tom Im so sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He laughs. “Actually kinda glad you found it. So now I can do this”. Tom gets down on one knee, his towel still wrapped around his torso. “Y/N, I have loved you more than I could ever love anyone in the past 3 years I’ve known you. I swear I could have sworn I was going to marry you the day I met you at the Marvel office with your little black Dell notebook in your hands. Your humor, your kindess, your sympathy and empathy for all living things makes me love you even more. Will you make me the happiest birthday man on earth, and marry me?” He proposes.
Y/N tears up and shakes her head vigorously. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She cries, repearing the words as she hugs him on the floor. They lean in giving into a passionate kiss, still holding onto each other. Y/N and Tom couldn’t believe it was real. Just a couple of seconds they were boyfriend and girlfriend..now they’re engaged. “Wait. I almost forgot about your presents.” She quickly speaks out grabbing the bag.
“Darling, believe me you were my present. I am beyond satisfied right now.” He chuckles.
“I know, but I got you these too!” Y/N pushes the bag to him. Tom shakes his head as he opens it up find a silver necklace with a retangular pendant, and a major jar full of post- it notes. He observes the necklace and opens up the retangular pendant to find a picture of Y/N and him during their firsf year together. He smiled back at the memory, now seeing as to where they’ve ended uo. Stronger and better than before. Next, he opened the major jar pulling out a small card that read:
For whenever you’re down, need a laugh or missing me.
He picked up a post it note that more pictures of them during their time together with a note saying:
“Remember that you’re the reason we all smile. You are a warm loght of happiness that does not stop giving to the world.”
Tom tears up at the gift. In all his years, no one has ever given him soemthing that held so much sentimental value. “I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for this...for all of this.” He whispers, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Your welcome. I hope you know you mean the world to me too, and I just wanted your birthday to be perfect.”
“It already is...because I have you.” He looks back at her and smiles.
“Cmon birthday boy. Get dressed, we have a party to attend to and news to share .” Y/N laughs as she helps her boyfriend...I mean fiance up. Who said that quarantine birthdays were boring?
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerspillow​
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
hi hi hiii it’s mahito anon 💗 :(( and omg i’m so upset to hear that your depression has been causing you trouble. melatonin is literally one of the reasons why so many people have depression— and like, i have really bad sleeping problems and when i used to heavily take melatonin, my depression got so bad that i had to abandon it. i really hope it gets better for you though because i know it’s really difficult to deal with and usually, it can’t be put in words. and if watching anime and taking time for yourself rather than putting all your time into your fics help you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do that instead. like— YOUR HEALTH FIRST PLEASE 💗🔪 that’s a threat. not a plea 👹 but i’m happy to hear you’re trying to get better :((( IM SORRY THERE’S NOT MUCH I CAN DO TO HELP BUT ILY SO MUCH PLEASE STAY STRONG. also DHAKJSAI you’re so cool for writing outside of what you usually do because IDK THAT SEEMS SCARY. i’m not a writer but i’m pretty sure it’s hard to write what you’re not used to and SHEEEEEESSHHH YOU ALWAYS WRITE IT SO WELL NO MATTER WHAT. and thank you for clarifying between a fic and one-shot LMAO i usually get things mixed up. AND THE CHOSO TOSHI THING??? OMG IM GONNA COMBUST WITHOUT THE COM AND THEN ALSO WITHOUT THE BUST HDKAJSKANSKA AWOOGA I CANNOT WAIT i’ll literally be reading it like this 👹 the whole time. NAH FR CAUSE I LITERALLY BE SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR THINGS CAUSE THE PLOT ALWAYS BE SO SPICY AND EVERYTHANG. AND THE MAHITO NSFW ALPHABET IM HDKAJAKANSBS IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH THANK YOU FOR THE FEAST. YOUR ANIME CHARM BRACELET IS LITERALLY SO ADORABLE OMG. YOU DESERVE TO GET LIKE 100 OF WHATEVER MERCH. YOU OVERWORK YOURSELF :(( GIVE YOURSELF MORE CREDIT FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. this is getting REAL long but AHHH i wanna be mutuals on twitter so bad BUT I LITERALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO USE IT LMAOOO like.. i only know search bar and the rest is just me blindly tapping shit. i’m also heavily inactive on there but saw the art on ig and had the art credits lead me there. ANYWAY— YEAH MY DREAM WAS SO LONG AND WILD. i left out a lot because the ask was long, but since this ask is already so long, i might as well tell you some more details. SO when i was trying to sell you catboy toshi on ebay, we were discussing catboy therapy plans because HE WAS SO AGRESSIVE. and like, you were considering giving him catnip as an inexpensive alternative to catboy therapy AND HE WAS IN THE BACK FOAMING AT THE MOUTH LIKE 👹CATNIP 👹 and then during your unboxing video, you straight up said “hi guys! welcome back to my channel! i finally got my catboy toshi today!” and then used like a huge butcher knife to take the tape off the box. YOU ALSO PULLED HIS TAIL OFF SCREEN BECAUSE HE ATE THE PACKAGING PEANUTS THAT HE WAS SHIPPED WITH. you also gave me a bad review 3 stars and said “minus the 2 stars because he isn’t potty trained.” and other stuff happened but it’s too long and i don’t wanna bother you with this stupid dream BUT i did end up messaging you again to tell you to take off the bad review because i chipped in and payed for 2 ounces of catnip. I ALSO FOUND ANOTHER TOJI COSPLAY (AND MAKI)!! i’ll link it below. sorry if this was too long! AND IM SO HAPPY YOURE DRINKING MORE WATER NOW. I REALLY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON! 💗 please stay safe and healthy! ILY SO MUCH PLEASE BE CAREFUL💗
click here for hakken toji cosplay (pss hakken and i are from the same country ehhe)
click here for marun maki cosplay (her nobara cosplay *chefs kiss*)
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HELLLLOOOOOO, have i told you that your love letter is the highlight of my day?? no imma remind again that it is UGH 😤
okay fr fr i didn’t know that melatonin worsened depression and it made sense bcs ill get a long messed up sleep where im still exhausted despite sleeping for more than 12 hours omg i need to fix it naturally thank u for letting me know T.T im trying to like fix myself slowly and like today i went out to thrift shop and i got two pair of pants thats not black ((for some reason i get anxious wearing clothes thats not black bcs i feel like people noticed me more and im scared of it 👉🏽👈🏽)) and for cheap too i cant wait to go to work in it hheheheheh i know i sound friendly only but really my anxiety is bad that im actually a very introvert person, i would start sweatinf and hyperventilating and it sucks but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ im also waiting for a couple of mangas literally i know that materialistic theraphy is temporary but idc anymore it gives me serotonin hehehehe  also no threat im baby :(( i WILL cry 🥺🥺
hhjhjhrhrhrh thank you for reading my nonsense word vomit maam sometimes i think too much and scared that it doesnt make sense but im glad you love it rhjrfhehgfr THANK GOD MY MAHITO ALPHABETS PLEASED U MAAM IM SCARED i could never reread my fic again i feel embarrassed asf like did i just write this spicy shit bcs what . the . fuck HAHAHAHA but i have a choso smut up and im just thinking of choso lately just him and his biggest hand
THERES MORE TO CATBOY TOSHI IM SCREAMING  !!!!! i cant believe my anxious ass did an unboxing and rated 3 stars without crying i wanna be dream me in your dream maam the confidence is *chefs kiss* also not the tails FFS IM RYING and the catnip it reminds me off my cats they get aggressive with catnip infused treats MAAM THEY BITE pls share me ur dreams if u got more its hilarious asf
thank you for sending me longass ask pls dont u dare apologize i will fight u for apologizing (ง’̀-‘́)ง i LOVE IT AND PLS ILY SO MUCH U STAY SAFE AND COME HERE AND TALK TO ME OR ILL GET WORRY AND DIE ISTG MY ANXIETY WILL FREAK OUT PLA STAY SAFE BB 💕💕 and if u wanna talk to me out of anon im happy to 😤😤 we are besties for lifw
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I watched Joker tonight and typed out my thoughts as they occurred to me. Unedited; typos are guaranteed. I did this a few months ago and really enjoyed looking back at my thought process and I wanted to do it again so that I can look back and know that what I feel is real and true in my darkest times.
You're welcome to skip this; it's under a cut for ease of doing so. Warnings for occasional sexual comment lmao. There’s no self shipping in this, I don’t think.
word count: 2, 575.
I’M SOBBING and I’ve only just pressed play.
Heart squeeze Chest much ow
Nooooo baby omg don’t pretend - let yourself hurt if it hurts. Don’t pretend. 
Carnival Carnival Carnivalllllllll 😍😍😍😍😍
I am a Simp for one clown and his name is Carnival
Someone help him, I????
That sign hit Arthur as hard as my love for him did ksksksk
bb nooooo
Oh honey let me kiss those bruises and replace the marks of violence with love, hm? You’re safe with me.
Breathe, my love. Don’t fight the laughter. Let it out, let yourself go. 
Screams into a pillow because????? much sad must kiss
“have you been keeping up with your journal?” LIKE HE HAS TIME
oHHHHH boi’s close to losing his shit
Do it, Artie. Give ‘em hell.
“I think I did” YOU TELL HER!!💖💖💖
I want to be his cigarette. Where’s Satan??? I got a new deal for my blackened soul which he took at half price😂😂😂😂
I’d have my hand between the door and his head so fuckin fast I swear
“I just don’t wanna feel so bad anymore” yep SAME
ohhhh peekaboo🥺🥺🥺
this makes me giggle ksksksk i watch this scene when i feel sad bc it always makes me happy for the time it’s on
he’s so good with kids; he doesn’t have to try and think about what’s funny, he just does it, he’s himself and it works
casually wrinkling my nose against tears lmao
ohhh the way he looks up at those stairs from the bottom
i can feel his exhaustion
me too, my love
step step step step
god i wanna get him the fuck outta gotham
and into my arms and a soft, warm blanket
“eat. you need to eat” LITERALLY WHAT I TELL MYSELF EVERY DAY IN HIS VOICE BC OTHERWISE I JUST WOULDNT EAT???? I’m losing so much weight asdfghjk its not enough tho
Did Arthur come up w that joke or was it actually a Murray joke????
go deepthroat a cactus randall - youre already a bit of a prick so🙃🙃🙃
Can arthur fuck me like he pounds the trash/????🥵🥵👀
those dark curls.... that crooked tooth... must kiss.🥺🥺🥺
pennys casual cruelty makes me so fucking angry
foreshadowingggggg ~  *JAZZ HANDS*
ugh the way he dances with that gun im👀🥵🥵🥵
he enjoys the power of it and his breathing gets deeper asdfghjk
clumsy baby omggggg i just COOED 🥺🥺🥺🥺
okay maybe im stupid but i genuinely dont understand this “senior who needs to graduate” skit i’m??? how is being an intro to western civ student funny im???? someone explain???
but also dont bc fuck that guy lmao arthur’s hilarious
true millenial humour (and brit humour lmao we’re dark asf)
wanna curl up on his lap at night when hes writing and go to sleep with a 
blanket around our bodies🥺🥺🥺🥺
when arthur wears a shirt at home you KNOW it’s a daydream
“doctor of laughter”🥺🥺🥺🥺
doctor i have a case of the Big Sad can you... do an exam? 😉😏
in what world does chucking cold greasy chips in a girls hair being “nice”???
lmao fuck these guys
ohhh honey breathe. dont fight it, my love, just breathe.
my heart’s breaking for you, you sweet thing🥺🥺🥺
i love you so so so so so so so much ugh you’re an actual fucking angel
just breathe darling
i need to get you a cup of tea with honey in it, your throat must be so sore
ohhhh baby im so sorry
i’d take every single punch if i could
i’d die for you
i wish i could protect you
i wish i could look after you
and take all those hits
and kill those guys for you
im so sorry
yeah i have a grey morality... im similar to deadpool in that way tbh
carnival comin’ to kill your insecurities
8 bullets in a 6 chamber???? mm-hm
fuck he’s so hypnotic
the way he runs his hand down his lower stomach asdfghj🥵
must kiss the inner tendons on his wrists and lick the blood off his face 
must kiss
he moves like water
fuck hes so fluid
bathroom scene = the scene in which my heart and vagina clench at the same time
“i still owe you for that, dont i?”
UGH I FUCKING HATE being told to smile if i don’t fucking want to so BIG mood
but also dont lmao bc i’ll think you’re mad at me and i’ll hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day lmao i’m sensitive✨✨✨
i wanna sit on his lap and still his bouncing knees
“thats not funny”
fuck off penny yes it is
“but i do” god the  P O W E R
ugh that fucking sexist piece of shit comedian can choke “women look at sex like buying a car” 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮
chauvinistic pigs can die thanks
his lil trip upstage im cry🥺🥺🥺
ohhh baby. just breathe, darling. it’s okay to be scared. dont fight it. just breathe. 
he and i both cover our mouths when we laugh/smile in the exact same way and it makes me feel closer to him
how can they think hes laughing at himself when hes literally gagging????
people only see what they wanna
the Penny imitation is👌👌👌
s m i l e
i remember when i came home from seeing this for the first time, i got home and dropped to my knees to cry in the bathroom. it was such an emotional release and so much love and i played smile to try to make myself smile but i only made myself cry harder lmaooooo ~ 
smile and thats life are my go-to songs if i gotta cheer tf up
danger sign = neither works
he looks so soft after his “date”🥺🥺🥺
“thats life” yeah but murray you dont even leave the studio so how do you know????
ngl arthur’s anger scares me.
anyone so much as raise their voice at me and i’ll cry really bad and i will shut myself away for the rest of the day and quiet anger terrifies me so his banging abt in the kitchen would freak me tf out😲
angry bb😭
he controls his anger so fast though omgggg ~ 
that soft please sends me
idk where it sends me lmao
down below probably
okay but the implication that arthur always carries a clown nose on him is🥺🥺🥺
hes such a good clown im?????
lmao im enjoying the show more than bruce is skskskk
arthur’s lil chuckle makes me🥺
his HUMMING im??? soft?????
his brows are so strong and dark omggg ~ he’s so beautiful
OKAY i’ll be honest i’ve seen this alfred/bruce scene and the thomas bathroom scene later on and the penny flashback scene a 100 times and i still dont fucking understand what did or didnt happen regarding arthur’s parentage im????
 ive seen interpretations to say he is thomas’ son and some to say he isnt and i still cant decide so? im stupid i guess 🙃
“a clown thing?” the  s a s s
“it’s exit only” yeah so’s my ass🙃
if i was there in the hospital room i woulda turned that tv off as soon as i realised what clip was gonna play
murray’s cruelty is d i s g u s t i n g
lmao hes an asshole
arthurs lil clap from joyyyyy ~ 🥺🥺🥺
did i say murray???
i meant  m u r r a t
sneaky baby
wayne hall either has super bad security or arthurs v quick on his feet
he looks so good in red omggg ~ 
f o r e s h a d o w i n g
arthurs smile when hes watching chaplin is how he smiles when we all gush to each other abt him and ourselves!!!
hes so cuuuuuute🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
“told me what” 
ohhhh honey🥺🥺 im so sorry. “crazy” is a trigger word for arthur; it made him start laughing in the bathroom with thomas
“touch my son again ill fucking kill you” yeah?? touch my arthur again and i’ll fucking kill you🙃🙃🙃🙃
^^^ that ones a joke do not come at me
the clerk in arkham was nice to arthur - he, gary and sophie are the good gothamites.
none of it was enough to stop his descent into joker, though, and i’d even say it was too late right at the beginning of the film, too... 
his sock puppet thingy “they cut all those” is such a Joker thing to doooo ~ 
the way arthur’s laughing in the hall at arkham turns into sobbing is gut-wrenching omg the poor thing😭
i wanna hug him and protect him and help him to process this in a healthy way
sweetheart, if i could take all of your pain and put it onto me... i so would. i’d do it in a heartbeat.
i wanna get you into a hot shower, make you some food and sit and listen to you. we can either sit in silence or you can talk to me, my love, and you will be heard and understood and loved.
“i had a bad day”
i just wanna hold you and protect you and help you and love you
I’m so fucking sorry, darling. i wish i could take it all away from you
“i havent been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”
boi dont test me ill fucking go feral or - no, tell you what, i’ll point the gun at me and see how you like it
im looking respectfully at the green speckled undies scene....👀👀👀
“coming” 😏😏😏
“my mum died im celebrating” and “i stopped taking my medication” and you STILL stayed in the apartment with Arthur????? dudes those are 🚨🚨🚨 signs
woe betide anyone who underestimates arthur fleck lmaoooo
randalls death scene makes me laugh every time omg i feel so vindictive
i wanna lick the blood off his face. i really want to
ngl i think i have a blood kink... 
“dont look just go” ME WITH MY ACNE WHEN I SEE IT IN THE MIRROR 😂😂😂😂
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MY BABY MY MAN OMG THERE HE IS IM CRY???????😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
my mind is literally blank rn im just staring and crying and smiling so hard my face hurts????? im love him so so so so much
sweet thing’s so used to pain he gets HIT BY A CAR AND KEEPS GOING????
*incoherent keyboardsmash to portray utter love*
ohhh baby no dont cry. oh honey😭 i wanna sit on your lap and kiss your tears away
“i love dr sally”
you have a WIFE at home
he’s so CUTE
omgggg ~ 
my hearts gonna give out its SQUEEZING SO HARD IT HURTS
“i wanna get it right” hes so passionate
my comments have deceased in number bc im just too starstruck and in love to even think clearly lmao
jokers all i know rn and this is the most peaceful ive felt in WEEKS
im sobbing
ugh fuck this hurts so BAD
youre speaking the truth, darling. im so so proud of you and i love you so much
literally sobbing right now ugh what the fuck youre in so much pain and in the middle of a breakdown and no one saw you
ugh baby im so sorry, you deserve so much better
you tried so hard and you were gonna fall no matter what
“hi” baby they cant hear you but im COOING 🥺🥺🥺🥺
you’re so fucking cute
say the word and ill burn gotham to the fucking ground for you
i wanna sit atop that car and cradle your head in my lap and wipe the blood off your face and help you stand up and be there for you and and and😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love you so so so much. 
i’d be so much worse off without you in my life. you brought a splash of colour which has never dimmed or faded. it never will. 
b l o o d    s m i l e
im wearing my inside on the outside now and it still hurts
i see you and your pain. i love you.
i see you, angel. 
his genuine laughter is🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that cute lil “ksksks” he does im🥺🥺🥺
i always laugh with him omg the two of us are laughing together ugh its the closest i will ever get to sharing in his joy
 t h a t ‘s    l i f e
i love the hallway daaaaaaaaaaaaaance ~ 
them hips dont lie😉😉😉
i love you i love you i love you i love you omg the sun’s like a halo ugh i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you im singing along to thats life while i type out how much i love you at 220am lmaooooo ~ 
i   l o v e    y o u
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
It is Thursday 8th July and I have one day to get myself sorted for this weekend. I dont even wanna say my weight it's so bad 🙃 I definitely have muscle soreness but I feel huge in general so...gonna be a lot of water today and not much food and hopefully I wont feel quite so bad tomorrow.
It's also bugging me that I wont be able to weigh myself on saturday or sunday. I could take my scales with me but 1) the process of transport and finding somewhere even to put them etc could mess them up, and 2) then I'd have to explain why I've brought my scales with me. I already am gonna have to be seen eating normal food at normal times and not doing any exercise so it's not like I can expect any progress. But that's why it's so I infuriating that I weigh so much today. I dont know if itll all go away by tomorrow so I want to at least know if it's going down at all over the weekend. But I'm going to be stuck until Monday.
I have to figure out what to wear. That's one of the big issues. Actually I probably should run some laundry too. Just I dont really have anything that looks nice that I also feel okay in. What I normally do in these situations is wear a onesie and just be the group mascot. I mean if I dont feel cute I might as well wear something cute with novelty value. I know theres a point where I'd be able to wear a onesie over the weekend, hopefully more than once, and I'm guessing they wouldnt mind too much if I did more often... but I dont know for sure and I dont want to be an issue. If I ask they'll say it's fine, because they're nice. But idk if it really is.
So I kinda wanna go to the shops and see if I can find anything to buy. I dont know what though. I dont like going clothes shopping without a precise goal, when I have to have an outfit for something specific. Browsing is great but not if i HAVE to find something to wear in the next 24hrs. I just cant think of anything that wont make me look huge and I'll get self conscious. I always just wear sweats and oversize hoodies and stuff but I think it should be something at least slightly nicer for this.
Ugh idk. I also need to wait for hb to get up and see if he even wants to go to the shops. He might but idk and I really dont have the energy to deal with public transport if he doesnt. I should see what I have here first anyway. Theres one particular skirt I'm thinking of that I might want to wear but I dont even know where it is, I think hb tidied it away somewhere which means itll never be found unless I scour the entire house and garage etc. Which isnt happening in time. I could make something but that'll also take time I dont really have. I'm nervous.
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samcrobae · 4 years
Contaminated, Part 2
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Gif Credit: @loisbelcher
Tag list: @cind-in-real-life @carlaangel86 @briannab1234
Warnings: language, mentions of gun violence, character death, sad Angel 💔
long awaited part 2 to Contaminated. I havent figured out how to link all of the stuff in one place. so if someone can help a girl out, I’d appreciate it! I also didn’t proof read because it’s 10:45 PM .
Disclaimer: I never ever like to see Mi Angel sad, pero this was just the vibe for this particular story/song. If I could hug and love on Angel all day I would.
Your eyes fluttered open as the sun beamed in through the windows, the feeling of Angels chapped lips on your shoulder making you fully alert. You turn to face him in bed. “Morning,” you smiled at him and he kissed your forehead. “Damn I’ve missed this.. waking up to you. I never want to miss this again.”
A year later, you and Angel were in the best place you could have been. You were happy. you were more than content. you were safe. You had been spending more time with him, more time with the MC. You and Angel had your arguments, sure, but part of that was what made and you and Angel—- you and Angel. you played with the ring on your finger, the ring he put there just 5 short months after your return. “Pretty soon, you’re going to be stuck with his ass. You can still run if you want to.” Coco poked fun as he sat down at the bar next to you and handed you a beer. You look over at him and the other guys making their way over to you as they headed out of templo. You let out a laugh as Angel approached. “What’s so funny?” as he places his arm around your shoulders, bringing you into his side. 
“nah, nothing. I was just reminding Y/N here she has enough time to run from you if she wants.” Angel narrows his eyes at Coco “nah shes not going nowhere. shes stuck with me. for good this time.” he leans in and gives you a quick kiss. 
“well, lets go home and get ready if we’re gonna make it to this shit on time.” Angel nudged at you. 
You got home and jumped into the shower. “alright, but you need to wear this tonight, this is my favorite on you.” he held up a dress and you peeked out from the shower curtain. 
“ugh I hate that dress you know that.” you scrunched up your nose. 
“yeah but I love fucking you in it. so. wear it. Now make some room for me in there. you used all the hot water last night when I tried to shower.” He quickly strips down and gets in the shower behind you. He pulls you in close to him by your waist, so that your back is resting on his chest, his chin on your shoulder. “I still cant believe I got you to agree to marry my crazy ass.” he whispers to you. 
“Yeah me either, I guess I just love your crazy ass.” you say as you splash some water on his face. He moves his hands to caress your sides, then wraps them around your waist, to rub over your tummy. “You ever think about doing other things with my crazy ass?” 
“mmm.. like what?” 
“i dont know.. like, maybe have a couple kids?” 
you quickly turned to look at him “kids? really? Like our own kids?”
“Yeah, I don’t know. Its not the worst idea right? Nah it’s crazy right ? We probably shouldn’t. Shit with EZ and whatever is getting pretty fucked-”
“Lets do it. Let’s have some babies.” You interrupted him with a smile as you gazed into his eyes, seeing nothing but adoration for you in this moment. Leaning up, you kissed him and he brought hands to wrap around your lower back, holding you tight to him.
“Well then shit querida let’s get started!” He backs you into the shower wall and you let out a laugh as he attacks your neck with kisses and bites as the water falls onto both of you.
Pulling into the yard parking lot you and Angel were arguing about something. The others couldn’t exactly hear what, but saw your hands flailing and his eyes go wide and could tell you were yelling at each other about something.
“Shit here we go...” Coco sighed as he sat on the porch with EZ taking a sip of his beer. You got out of the car and slammed the door shut “yeah fuck you Angel! Hey Coco.”
“What’s up Y/N” he muttered as you walked past him and into the clubhouse.
The night continued on and you and Angel had kept your distance but it was pretty obvious as you were at the clubhouse for a party and you were usually in his lap or pushed up against a wall making out. No one dared to ask though, knowing this was just how you and Angel were.
You were sitting at a table toward the front door with EZ when you heard vehicles approaching the yard. Everyone had been accounted for so no one was sure who it could be. Bishop eyes Angel and Gilly and before they could step out to investigate it all happened so fast. Multiple shots rang out and into the clubhouse spraying bullets everywhere. All you could see and hear were people running everywhere dropping to the ground for cover followed by shouts of “get down! Get down!”. EZ reached over and tackled you to the ground and under the table, shielding you as best as he could.
Shots rang out for what felt like an eternity and you weren’t sure how long you were under the table. When it had quieted you finally were able to notice the sharp pain radiating in your abdomen. Still laying on the ground, EZ looked over and felt warm liquid pool between you.
“No, shit. No. ANGEL!!!!!! Angel!” He shouted for his older brother. “It’s okay, you’re okay, I got you. You’re okay.”
Angel found the two of you under the table and dropped to his knees when he saw you. “No... baby, no. I’m so sorry...”
“Angel... that’s a lot of blood. Can we go home? I wanna go home... let’s go home.”
“We gotta get her to a hospital let’s go let’s go! EZ help me get her up.”
The brothers got you up and into the truck. You rested in Angels lap as your eyes began to grow heavy, ears ringing .
“No hey, hey, stay with me alright? I need you to just stay awake. You’re gonna be fine. Just stay with me please baby. I love you. I love you so much.”
He was trying to remain calm but inside he was panicking. He knew this didn’t look good but he also couldn’t bring himself to admit it. Gilly and EZ were up front, EZ racing down the streets pretty much blowing every stop sign and red light there was.
“I’m so sorry querida.. hey stay awake.. I need you to stay awake. We’re gonna have some babies, remember?” Gilly and EZ exchanged sorrowful glances.
He tried his best to keep you talking, but as EZ pulled in front of the hospital entrance, you were quiet, in a deep sleep. Angel practically jumped out of the car and carried you from the car to the hospital “I need help! Help!” A couple of nurses who were passing by ran over grabbing a bed on their way to you.
“She got shot... I couldn’t help her anymore... she’s.. she needs help.” The nurses hurried you away behind a set of double doors and once the doors were shut Angel allowed himself to give into his emotion. Another nurse say with him and EZ, gathering your information and the details of what happened. When everyone left, He sat back against a wall and let himself slide down to the ground. His head in his hands, he sat sobbing.
EZ got down on the floor with him, sat silently next to his brother. “Hey she’s going to be okay Angel.”
Bishop, Creeper, Taza, and Riz ran through the entrance frantically searching the waiting room and settled on the floor where Angel and EZ had been sat.
Bishop approached Gilly, “how is she?”
“Don’t know. They haven’t said yet. Didn’t look good though, Bish.”
Bishop sucked in air between his teeth. “Shit. This can’t happen. Not to her. Not to him. He will spiral.”
It had been two hours and finally two doctors had opened the set of double doors and approached Angel, removing their surgical caps.
Angel rushed the doctors as soon as they came out into the waiting room “when can I see her? Is she okay?” The rest of his brothers circled them awaiting their responses.
“Y/N’s organs suffered a great deal of trauma resulting in a lot of blood loss, the injuries she sustained were very severe. Despite our very best efforts, she did not make it.”
Coco sucked air in between his teeth, hands balled into fists and he turned away from his brothers. Taza and Bishop let curse words solemnly escape their lips.
“She did not make it” replayed in Angels head as his ears started ringing and suddenly became nauseous. The instant pain that stirred and sat in his stomach became unbearable. His eyes were wide with rage, how could these doctors just let you die? Wide with pain, you had so many plans with each other, for your future together. Wide with fear, how was he supposed to go home to an empty house? How was he supposed to live his life with out you? How was he supposed to continue on? How does he rebuild?
“You fuckin let her die?!!!” Angel lunged at the doctors but EZ and Gilly intervened.
“You let her die! I’m gonna fuckin kill you! You piece of shit!”
“Angel-Angel!” EZ gripped Angels shoulders as Angel slowly sank to his knees. He was shaking, sobbing, uncontrollably rocking back and forth as he spoke your name and apologized for all of the things he would never be able to take back.
Bishop motioned for the rest of the guys. “This is war. Taza, make the call. This does not end here. We find who did this. And when we do, you bring them to him”, pointing at Angel.
“And I know what we need
You start letting me go
Cus our love is tainted.”
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi lei!! how are you? i kinda wanna know if you were in genshin what type of vision would you receive and why?
also i see you've been playing the hangout events !! :D i've only gotten through noelle and chongyun's so far and their so cute,,,,it honestly makes me feel worse. i know this isn't an otome game and should be trying for all the endings but some legit make me feel bad T_T mhy seriously excepts me to tell noelle that she needs more strength or to feed chongyun spicy food when he trusted us? i still did though because i need the exp fhwkdjwo
i'm pretty sure there are gonna be more hangout events cause they referred to it as the first one which means theres gonna be more later 👁👁 i hope kaeya is gonna be included in the next one hes my fave!! hes also a CRIMINAL,,,,lei he stole my heart and just gets to walk the streets free of his crimes!!! T_T its especially sickening cause he should be putting people like him behind bars!!! i was missing him for a while now but i'm glad we got to see him in the windbloom festival!! i wonder who he's writing his poem too tho :0 i was thinking maybe its a platonic one for maybe jean or even diluc which would take a sad turn T_T
anyways i've rambled to you enough remember to drink some water and eat something!! ^_^ - 🍰
heyyy babe!! im doing fine, thanks for asking! i just woke up like a few minutes ago and it’s already 12nn. i took some tests before and got dendro and cryo. personally, i believe cryo fits me more bc im pretty reserved irl. like yknow how winters are usually silent and intimidating? thats how im often described at school but also, im pretty comforting when you get past the coldness in the beginning (i promise im not a bad person. im just inteoverted w a rbf)
and yes! i’ve been doing the hangouts. i see we chose the same first two! i got all 6 endings for noelle and 2 for chongyun yesterday. i totally understand the sentiment like i would never make some of the choices i had to make to get the endings. ngl the strength thing is lowkey funny cause it makes the traveler sound like a macho, power enthusiast gym body w kiloliters worth of protein shake. (i also see we are both exp deprived people)
seeing as the hangout events are a hit, im pretty sure they’ll add more. when the time comes, i hope they’ll add some for 5* too. im still waiting for that date w childe. anw, yes! 😤 kaeya deserves to go to jail. he stole from you? well, he also committed arson. what was he thinking setting our hearts on fire like that?! ugh how sickening. i almost fainted when he appeared in the quest. the charisma? the looks? the voice? on freaking point. ngl i think he just joined the poem writing thing to mess w venti. i dont think he needs any help in that area at all. i mean he flirts for a living. being a captain is just a side job. its nice to think that its for diluc tho. like,, a poem that expresses untold feelings of regret and brotherhood. his poem unspoken against the man who has closed his ears.
enough about that.. thanks for dropping by! how are you? i’ll grab some lunch after this. remember to drink and eat on time too! 💕
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Discord pt 63
[Date: 08/03, 5:38 AM - 08/03, 6:00 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation from pt 62]
[CW: Zalgo text, manipulation, stalking]
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C R O W N: “....”
Viscount: “fuck”
fetch: “v, max, do yall have sights on each other?
are yall together?”
Viscount: “im trying to find max”
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Viscount: “shut the fuck up, do you want him to find us?!”
C R O W N: “:)”
fetch: “max please”
Viscount: “i’m going to punt you right back into crowns arms I swear to god-”
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C R O W N: “... Come back. Please.”
fetch: “don’t listen. block him out”
Viscount: “......”
Viscount: “He sounds so....”
Maxwell: “Vis no”
Viscount: “Sad”
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C R O W N: “Please. Don't leave me.”
Maxwell: “come on we have to fucking go”
fetch: “crown stop it”
Viscount: “like the little bitch he is. lets go”
Maxwell: “YES”
C R O W N: “...”
Viscount: “shut the fuck up max”
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C R O W N: “I...I'm sorry. Please come back.”
fetch: “run don't listen just run”
Viscount: “But...”
Viscount: “...he’s sorry though”
Maxwell: “manipulative bastard”
fetch: “When has he ever told the truth?”
C R O W N: “Don't leave me. It hurts when they leave.”
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fetch: “WH. WAIT”
[boo: “thats interesting but im not gonna get into it”]
Viscount: “max shut the fuck up please”
C R O W N: “Please.”
Maxwell: “DOGBOY HELP”
fetch: “GUYS OH MY GOD”
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C R O W N: “Please.”
C R O W N: “It hurts.”
fetch: “IT SHOULD.”
fetch: “VIS. INSIDE.”
Viscount: “I-”
fetch: “PLEASE”
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Viscount: “That’s. Not. My. Name.”
C R O W N: “No no no no no no please I'm sorry don't leave me”
Maxwell: “Dude? you okay?”
fetch: “what's your name, then?”
Maxwell: “crown shut up before i punt you--”
fetch: “Max just stay inside”
[Viscount changes his name to Marcus]
Marcus: “Lock the fucking door, Max.”
Marcus: “ Don’t let him in”
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fetch: “MY MAN MARCUS”
C R O W N: “...”
fetch: “Okay I think I need to wake up mona”
Maxwell: “mona?”
fetch: “Guys let's not celebrate too early here.
Hes still outside”
Maxwell: “whos mona?”
fetch: “Mona's my friend, this is technically her house”
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C R O W N: “please come back”
Marcus: “Mona?”
Maxwell: “oh yay crimes”
C R O W N: “please”
Maxwell: “okay okay yall, have some serious fucking explaining to do”
fetch: “Okay guys, I will explain as much as I can.”
fetch: “Just get in the living room stay away from the windows and ill go wake up mona”
Maxwell: “whatever you say dad”
C R O W N: “...”
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Maxwell: “i think we’re good
fetch: “I think we'll be okay... for the time being
I have a baseball bat”
C R O W N: “make it stop please make it stop”
Maxwell: “i have a lot of experience with materials like that”
fetch: “Crown just go away”
Maxwell: “uh hey fetch? could i have a tissue or something, im uh, still bleedin over here”
Little-K1ng: “[hgk, cough] wh”
fetch: “Yeah I got it max”
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Little-K1ng: “hey yall, had a sick day”
fetch: “Sorry to wake you up like this mona, but there's an enderman outside and 2 refugees inside hope you understand”
Maxwell: “eyyyyyy uhhhh you're mona right? heh....”
Little-K1ng: “what did you need f. fe t? uh fetch and uh
ok What”
fetch: “thats Marcus and thats Max”
Maxwell: “so”
Maxwell: “shit fucking happened man”
C R O W N: “please”
Little-K1ng: “oh im good i just called out of work today, ive got a nasty migraine”
C R O W N: “please”
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fetch: “and crown is outside trying to get them back”
Little-K1ng: “ah, yea thats an issue”
C R O W N: “I'll be better, i promise. Just don't leave me”
Little-K1ng: “should i pop my head out and shout at him or wait for the neighbors dog to break out of the fence and get him”
fetch: “seconded”
fetch: “Stay away from windows and keep the doors locked”
Maxwell: “god you really are a dream kinnie”
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Little-K1ng: “[yawn, COugh] any coffee before i suffer a break in or. like this sounds pretty dire but also excedrin”
Little-K1ng: “oh the sprinklers are already on!! we're going from winter to spring so the grass needs watered a bit more to make it come up faster”
Little-K1ng: “ugh,, my throat is raw”
Maxwell: “cold water usually helps when my throat hurts”
Little-K1ng: “dont worry ive been in bed all day, crown cant get near the house with all the sprinklers running at once
and my water bill isnt USUALLY an issue ”
C R O W N: “i just want everyone to be happy...”
Maxwell: “fuck off”
fetch: “don't worry guys I'm currently patching up max and marcus, they just have little cuts and scratches nothing too bad”
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Marcus: “...we were happy there”
Marcus: “But”
Marcus: “At what cost”
Little-K1ng: “[i calmly shunt the blinds open for a second, then immediately closed] yea hes uh. hes standing RIGHT on the border of the lawn where its dry haha, he really cant get closer than that”
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Behind the Scenes pt.2
synopsis: same as yesterday folks
warning: if you hate camila, dont read this
wc: 2k
{Materlist in Bio}
You were sitting on the floor next to Andrew on set, slumped against some counter at the diner you were filming at.
Shawn and Camila were sitting at one of the booths, waiting for instructions as Shawn played with Camila’s hands. Camila put her hands up and let them roam Shawn’s face, constantly poking an eye or sticking her finger in his nose. Camila giggled whenever Shawn would push her hands away because she knew she was going to keep doing it anyways.
You put your head against Andrew’s shoulder, growing tired of waiting for something to do. “You doing ok, kid?” Andrew brought up a hand to brush away the hair sticking to your forehead from the heat.
You were always like this, very touchy feely. Whenever you got used to someone it was always linking pinkies, napping on shoulders, cuddling, hair playing, you name it. Obviously with the other person’s consent, but no one on Shawn’s team seemed to mind.
“Hmm, I’m good. Might turn into a puddle, though.” The big industrial type fans were pointed at Shawn and Camila and all the high tech equipment. The diner they chose seemed to be behind in the air conditioning department, which meant sweltering heat for the rest of you.
Andrew chuckled and offered to get you some water, but you refused. You got up and walked towards the booth your boyfriend was sitting in. They were still figuring out lighting and the like, so you had time to enjoy a little bit of the cool breeze the studded stars were offered.
“Hey, baby.” Shawn grinned when he noticed you walking over.
One of his hands let go of Camila’s and reached for you, the other still tangled in the girl’s fingers. “Hello, my love. You bored yet.” You took a seat in front of Shawn and held his hand across the table. You slipped off your shoes and propped your feet up in Camila’s lap.
Shawn looked at you with that look. You know the look. The look that made you feel like you could do anything and everything. Like you were the only thing that boy needed for the rest of his life. The look that sent fireworks through your veins because you knew. You just knew he was going to say something that would bring all the blood rushing to your head within seconds.
“Always bored when I’m not with you, pretty girl.”
There it was. All the air in your lungs got knocked out of you and you felt your face heat up like a thousand suns. Such simple words had you so discombobulated.
Camila pouted, looking up at Shawn from her place on his chest. “You never call me pretty girl.” You all knew she was simply joking, teasing Shawn for being so love struck.
“Cause you aren’t a pretty girl.” Shawn smirked, flicking Camila against her forehead with the hand that was previously holding hers.
“Hey!” You and Camila both said in unison, she with a little more edge. You chuckled and leaned back in your seat. “Don’t be rude to Mila, baby. You still owe her after you dropped her at the studio.”
“Excuse you, but me eating 300 mints today is enough to pay my debt. I could have eaten a tuna sandwich for breakfast. Bet you would have loved that, eh Mila?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Camila glared at him, rising from her place in his lap.
“Mila, if you press it, he definitely would. This is a working diner. You still have some scenes left.” You knew Shawn had taken all these things into consideration when you had entered the set this morning. The boy was incredibly easy to read. At least to you, he was.
Camila’s eyes went wide as she realized how easily Shawn could have her smelling his horrid breath all day. “Fine, I didn’t wanna be called pretty girl anyways.” Shawn giggled in response, loving the control he would have over his co-star for the rest of the day.
Shawn was sitting on the motorcycle in front of the green screen, Anna trying to powder his face on the side, while you were standing off to the side with Camila’s mother.
“Oh, she loves it when I come.” Shawn burst out his favorite lyric from the song, runs and everything, with a boyish grin on his face. It was his favorite set of lyrics for a reason. The reason being that he’s a twenty year old man child. Anna struggled to powder Shawn’s forehead because his excitement (from the lyrics) caused him to stand up tall enough where she couldn’t reach it.
“Shawn, let the woman do her job.” You called out. Shawn sat back down and let Anna powder his forehead.
When she was done, Shawn looked over at you from his seat on the bike. “Come here, pretty girl.”
That little fucker knew what that nickname did to you. He was definitely using it to his advantage.
It took your brain a millisecond to decide to walk over to Shawn, the nickname clearly doing it’s job. By the time you walked over, the makeup artist had gone off to do something else, giving you and Shawn a mild version of privacy on the crowded set. As soon as you were in arm’s reach, Shawn put his hand on your waist and pulled you into his side.
Shawn was looking up at you with that look. Emphasis on the up because rarely was it like this. You looking down at Shawn, Shawn looking up at you. You liked the tiny bit of height difference even though he was still almost your height sitting down. “I’m so fucked for you.” Shawn mumbled. You felt your face heat up once more from Shawn’s words. Your eyes flitted down to his lips quickly, it wasn’t for long but Shawn noticed. The boy noticed everything about you. He couldn’t help himself.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips almost instinctively. He pulled you down and pressed his lips to yours. “I’m so fucked for you, too.” You giggled against his lips, bumping your nose against his.
“Fucked for each other, it seems.” Shawn smiled, forehead against your own.
“It seems.” You hummed, looking into his beautiful eyes. 
After a few moments of just looking into his eyes and him looking into yours (you would’ve gagged if you were to walk by major pda like this), you looked down at the bike and your eyes gleamed. “Can I get on?”
“You wanna get on the bike?” Shawn asked, leaning away from you. You nodded in response. “Front or back?” Shawn asked but he already knew your answer. He always knew. He was scooting to the back before you said, “Front.”
You loved being held, especially being held by Shawn. You climbed on with Shawn’s help, your front facing his. You placed your hands on his chest only for Shawn to cover them with his enormous hands, completely hiding yours from view. “I’m loving the bad boy Shawn vibes I’m getting from this.” You grinned.
“Oh, yeah? Maybe I should get a motorcycle then. You’d be drooling all over me.” He chuckled, looking down at you through his loose curls.
“True.” You hummed, pushing his curls away from his eyes and running your fingers through them, making Shawn drop his hands into his lap. He placed them on your hips, thumb teasing at your skin beneath your shirt. “But you’d have to wear a helmet. Karen would kill you if you didn’t.”
“Yeah, she would. And Aaliyah would die to go for a ride. You know I can’t say no to her.” You nodded, knowing his little sister had him wrapped around her finger. “Mum would kill me if I did, though. Too much responsibility. Taking her on a ride with me.”
“On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t get a motorcycle. I don’t think helmet hair suits me.” You mumbled.
“I think everything suits you, my love.” Shawn placed a kiss on your head, pulling you closer to his chest.
“You have to say that, you’re in love with me.” You rolled your eyes.
“Exactly, so no one else’s opinion matters but mine.” 
“I guess you’re right, pretty boy.” You felt Shawn’s hands tighten against your skin at the new nickname, the heat from his face easily distinguishable as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck. Oh.
You would definitely be keeping that in mind for future reference. Pretty boy. Who knew?
Shawn and Camila were goofing off in front of the green screen again. The last scene was being filmed and you would hopefully wrap up with music video tonight. You walked over to your boyfriend with Anna. She was going to fix Camila’s lipstick and Shawn’s concealer.
“y/n, blend out lover boy’s under eyes. I need to do Camila.” You gladly took the brush Anna handed to you and held Shawn’s chin in your hand. 
You began brushing out the edges, trying not to look Shawn in the eyes because you knew he was giving you the look. Ugh, this boy was unbearable. “You should always do my makeup, pretty girl.” 
“Shawn, do not go and just give my job away. I need it.” Anna spoke through the tube of lipstick she had stuck in her mouth. She was holding the wand up to Camila’s face, expertly painting her lips. 
Shawn rolled his eyes. “Ugh, I forgot you existed.”
“Mm, too busy drooling over his pretty girl.” Camila teased, smacking her lips after Anna finished with her. You put the brush in Anna’s bag and gave your friend a look to let up with the teasing.
Shawn smirked and pulled you closer into his chest. “Don’t give her that look, you know she’s right.”
Anna was zipping up her bag when Shawn’s hand came to stop her. “Anna, you didn’t do her highlight. Can I?” 
Anna looked back up at Camila to see that Shawn was right. She took out her little custom palette she had for Camila’s powders. She handed Shawn the palette and her highlight brush. “Be quick, they want to start in a few minutes.”
Shawn nodded as he accepted the items from the makeup artist. He dipped the brush into the highlight shade, tapping it on the side of the plastic compact to remove the excess. He lightly went over Camila’s cheekbones, cupid’s bow, and the tip of her nose. 
Shawn looked over at you and you saw that gleam in his eye, the one that came out when he was excited to show you something. He put the palette in Anna’s bag with the brush and started rummaging around. “Come here, pretty girl.”
“What are you gonna do to me?” You gasped, watching as he pulled out a red tube. You thought it was lipstick, but he opened it to reveal an eyeliner tip. “Is that red liner?”
“Yeah, look it matches your shirt.” He smiled, looking down at your red shirt. 
“You know how to use that, bub?” You looked at the eyeliner warily, almost like it was a weapon. 
Shawn grinned in response. “You’re gonna shit your pants when you see how good I can do this.” 
You looked between Shawn and the eyeliner for a few seconds before relenting and letting him massacre your face. You closed your eyes and felt him come closer, placing the thin brush against your lash line. He slowly pulled back moments later, telling you it was safe to open your eyes. 
Shawn held up a palette with a mirror for you to look at his masterpiece, you were pleasantly surprised. “Consider my pants shitted in. Wow, I didn’t think you had it in you, pretty boy.” Shawn blushed at the compliment and the nickname, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. He placed the liner and the palette back in Anna’s bag before she rushed off, being needed somewhere else on set.
Camila’s eyebrows raised slightly at the new nickname. “Pretty boy, eh?”
“Mm, it’s cute, isn’t it?” You asked, biting your lip at the sight of the blushing boy. “My pretty boy.” Shawn’s red cheeks deepened in color, you laughed at the sight. Shawn whined at you to stop, pulling you into him and placing his face into the crook of your neck again.
Very much a pretty boy.
thankyou for reading, my loves. a quick little thing for the second part of the bts video. idk where all the inspiration is coming from tbh, but im not complaining lol. send me your favorite line if you wanna. also ugh when i wrote the last 300 words or so i went to copy the whole thing to paste it in a pages docu to see the word count but instead of hitting copy i hit paste and when i hit undo i lost the last 300 words and ughh i got so annoyed i rewrote it so its good but still. update, they weren’t the last 300 words cuz i added some more lol. update, added a bit more again woopsies.
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