#i dont pretend to be perfect I know theres people out there who get pissed seeing my url on here and feel I shouldnt have a place here
bigothteddies · 21 days
I talk a lot of fucking crap but I do have a little black book filled with everything I’ve been told about the tumblr doms on here and all the fucked up shit they’ve done. Creators talk to each other. The friendships aren’t just for show. I’m not saying I have “dirt” on anyone or that I’m friends with everyone and have heard everything or that what I’ve been told is even accurate. What I am saying is I have a good fucking reason to be so spiteful towards a lot of doms on this site, both for things they’ve personally done to people I know and for the long and storied cycle of popular doms on here being outted as abusers and groomers after they’ve been found out.
#unimportant thoughts#I don’t know im not like. a fan of cancelling stuff especially since so much latelt has been used as a tactic against marginalized groups#and its not like i havent done shit#i dont pretend to be perfect I know theres people out there who get pissed seeing my url on here and feel I shouldnt have a place here#its part of the reason i discourage people from viewing me as a ‘safe’ dom or as a ‘good’ dom on here#im just a person. good or bad.#keep your eyes and ears and wits about you in internet spaces ALWAYS#anyways#seriously. i domt just talk shit because i dislike them#i talk shit because they people have secret wives#because they are very clearly taking advantage of someone half their age and manipulating them into thinking its a normal relationship#<- and I DONT say that because im inherently against age gaps#i talk shit because they have cameras in girls rooms who dont even know their name and if i had to guess?#sounds like a dark corner of the internet illegal sex cam scheme to me#i talk shit because they’re in the DM’s of my friends and peers trying to convince them to join their cause#i talk shit because they only reason the stopped playing with that tumblr girls heart as a replacement for who they really wanted is because#they were TOLD to stop doing so#i talk shit because the reason people started being mean to Boss wasnt because he was cringe it was because he was a vile and abusive person#i dont talk shit just because i hate competition! i dont talk shit just because im trying to make myself seem safe!#i talk shit because these people and their actions genuinely bother me and i wish they didnt have a platform !#anyways we’ll see how long this stays up its dangerously close to starting shit i shouldnt be starting
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
I love, love, love your Twobats fic with college!Bruce and Two-Face-but-not-yet-called-that. It's so fulfilling to see Two-Face and Bruce interact before the whole acid shebang.
(Side note...do you have any headcanons on college TwoBruce?? They've wormed their way into my brain and just won't leave.)
thank you!!! ;;;;;;;; i have a lot of very passionate feelings abt bruce knowing 2f before he became 2f ykwim
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college bruharv is so important to me and college twobruce is perhaps even MORE important to me. yes yes we all KNOW that harvey and bruce spent their college days entirely wrapped up in each other in a tentative space between friends and something more wrestling with homophobia and their personal demons alike and i COULD talk about that for ages but LISTEN. LISTEN.
first of all i think most people dont realize that its incredibly unlikely that 2f just suddenly popped up after the incident. i think 2f is more likely one of the first alters and has been around for a long time, though due to how hard harvey has tried to suppress his did (and continues to try) they have a very complicated relationship that leaves 2f spending most of his time before that point pretending to be harvey and feeling unsure about who he is (and probably suffers from extremely low self esteem due to being a trauma holder with no support network). so, then, when theyre in college, weve got them at a point where theyve done some therapy (in multiple canons harvey knows he has did and was diagnosed with it relatively young, and went to therapy to address it (btas), tho his therapist was..... not great) and theyre living away from their father probably for the first time which any victim of child abuse knows is a whole thing. which is pretty much the perfect time for them to meet bruce
bruce in college is starting his plans to become batman. hes figuring out how to act like a playboy, planting the seeds of the brucie image, and simultaneously trying to learn everything he can without looking like thats what hes doing. hes sorting through trauma in a big way and trying to figure out how to turn it into something constructive, or make it "good damage." harvey is doing much the same thing, albeit less crazy, and for bruce its almost too easy to latch onto this guy who 1) is a huge egghead and helps him study and 2) understands. so they become friends (and a little more), and 2f is suddenly in a position where hes fronting around this guy who believes that hes his best friend in the world
and its bruce. hes a good friend, a safe friend, and when harvey quietly admits that he has did and theyre struggling to get through school life, hes supportive. hes there for them. he doesnt know when 2f is there, but 2f sees him getting books on did, sees him trying to learn, changing his language, trying to understand and support them. he doesnt get all of it but no one has ever even tried before and for the first time in his entire life 2f feels like there might be a person he can be himself around. so slowly, carefully, he starts letting bruce know when hes fronting
i think bruce is 2fs first friend thats his. i think bruce is the first person outside of a therapist who gets to meet 2f and he regularly stops 2f in his tracks just because he knows and yet somehow he doesnt hate 2f. he doesnt blame him when things go wrong, he doesnt think theres anything wrong with him, he just loves him unconditionally the exact same way he loves harvey. its the first time 2f really gets to be himself and explore the ways hes different from harvey around another person and having bruce is huge for him. harvey has so much resentment for 2f and yet bruce just has none, and its the first time anyones really loved 2f and i think that sits with him for the rest of his life. like, years down the line, when 2f is pissed at batman and tearing around the city, hes still got this little soft spot somewhere in his heart for bruce wayne.
this wound up basically being a huge dump about how i vaguely think of their relationship in college in overarching terms but if you want specific headcanons i can do that too alskdjnfsdf just probably in a different post bc this is so long and i got so carried away
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spacedlexi · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Clem getting a new girlfriend in the graphic novel?
dont talk to me about the comic it doesnt exist
but to honestly answer your question: it pisses me off. for a few reasons:
violet is SUCH a perfectly written match for clem that i cant see either of them with anyone else. i didnt think the writers would Ever be able to write a good love interest for clem esp after s3 but im not kidding when i say violet and her are a perfectly written match. violet is very similar to s3 clem with her trust and abandonment issues, the angry loner who cares but pretends not to to protect themselves from the grief of loss/pain of being left behind, and so they put up walls and push people away. theyre both natural leaders who never wanted that position. loyal. fiercely protective. where javi helped clem learn to trust people again in s3, clem helps violet learn to trust people again in s4. clementine can see herself in violet (the "i know where youre coming from" line), and they help each other. which leads into my second problem with the new comic romance
violet has SEVERE trust and abandonment issues (even more than the other kids who all by default pretty much have trust and abandonment issues), which is obvious even without letting her get taken by the raiders (and is only made that much worse if you do). i cant imagine what it will do to her emotionally to wake up and realize clem is GONE without even SAYING GOODBYE. thats gonna hurt her so bad regardless if you romanced her or not. like clem is their leader now and shes just...leaving?? without telling anyone?? EVEN AJ???? HER ADOPTIVE CHILD??? fuck this stupid ass comic it is SO OUT OF CHARACTER for clem for like a million reasons. like skybound/tillie are saying theyre excited to focus on clems sexuality (which :/) but like to do it theyre really damaging representation that was already THERE and GOOD.
like way to just rip away really nice wlw representation just so you dont have to worry about determinant choices. (violentine is my favorite wlw rep in media theyre just......so nice. so cute but like so natural?? they are so in love and the writing just feels like it really came from the heart like the writers really cared abt their relationship even if it WAS a little rushed but like s4 was rushed in general) every scene they have together just makes me 😳😭😭🥺💕💕💕 no matter how many times i see it
another reason it pisses me off is that like everything else about this comic feels like a cheap rip off of s4!!! like theyre just sweeping s4 under the rug (which imo is the best season) just to rehash it again but BADLY. apparently theres gonna be "evil twins" now theyre REALLY going all in on the s4 rip off
ALSO i just love violet!!! shes a GREAT character. shes funny and mean but meaner than she intends to be. thinks shes not great with people but is a great leader. cares so much even though she pretends not to because shes afraid of being hurt. so she puts up walls to keep people away and it ties into her coming off harsher than she means to, but also longs for connection. also shes better with people than she gives herself credit for esp her interactions with aj so cute. LESBIAN!! got a bit of a gnc thing goin on i love it. her little rainbow pin and untied boots with different colored laces. her voice gideon i love your voice So Much 😳💕
s4 was the perfect end for clementine, and the writers of the last season INTENDED for that to be her ENDING. thats where she spends the rest of her days, surrounded by her found family who love her, safe at the school. shes DONE RUNNING she literally hung up her hat like shes DONE. she NEVER wanted to be on the road shes always longed for a place to be safe with aj and she has it she would never leave.
so yeah this comic is not canon in my eyes and apparently for a lot of other people as well. im just trying to pretend it doesnt exist i wish people would tag it because i want to block it. im glad not many people are even gonna be aware of its existence i wish i was one of them. let me eternal sunshine this shit away please erase it from my mind.
they didnt even draw clems peg on the right side :///// theyre making her grow her hair out :/// fuck off
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maschotch · 2 years
Gotch 2
Hotchniss 4 & 6
2. what sort of things do they tease each other about
anything. literally everything is on the table but they do it so rarely that it’s always a surprise and its always absolutely fucking devastating. never something that hurts their feelings or anything like that it just catches them off guard and they gotta sit there a couple seconds to process what just happened akjsdghl
some of the common ones tho? she’ll tease him for his hair all the time (rightfully so) but thats something she brings up all the time. he’ll tease her for her overly complicated coffee/tea routine. whether it’s her cafe order or the elaborate set up she has in the break room (its like a thirty minute process) he’ll mess w her ab it. she’ll tease him ab being so normcore all the time, like his polos and quarter zips when they’re not at work. he teases her ab her slightly hoarder tendencies, faking annoyance when he pretends to trip over clutter in her apartment or chuckling and shaking his head when she pulls out some scrap of paper from like five years ago. she’ll tease him ab being the perfect imagine of The Man (derogatory): lawyer, fbi agent, authority figure, suit, etc. usually she’ll mention it when he walks so stiff.
they know what lines not to cross and they’re good at making sure the other knows it’s a joke. his humor is so dry and she’s so unfailingly positive that it’s pretty easy to tell that they’re just messing around. they understand each other in opposite ways, and that’s just how their relationship is! but because of that understanding, its rare for feelings to get hurt bc they know theres no ill intent behind any of it
4. what kind of secrets would they trust each other with?
this is a very sexy question thank you for asking this question especially for these two specifically bc FUCK i have things to say
these are two people who do not want to talk ab their past. it’s traumatic, damning, may change the way the team looks at them, etc. they have their reasons. and i think that’s why they’re able to trust each other with information more than they would anyone else. ever since milwaukee they’ve had an indestructible bond. they dont need to know anything ab each other’s history to trust each other, so there’s no expectation of explanation. and that makes it easier for both of them to be more comfortable opening up
aside from that, they also know that they’re not gonna freak out? like if they go to anyone else on the team they’ll make a big deal about it but emily and hotch are so chill. its why everyone goes to emily when they’re having some emotional problem. the only reason they dont go to hotch is bc hes The Boss and idk u just dont always wanna be tellin random shit to ur superior. but i dont think that’s a problem for emily bc they both see each other… not as equals bc obviously he’s unit chief but they’re on a different playing field than the others. she can tell him stuff and not be worried its gonna bite her in the ass somehow bc she trusts that he wouldnt do anything like that
ok so actually addressing the question: a lot more than people think. and a lot more than they share with others. between emily’s bluntness and hotch’s dry humor, they can talk to each other about things that might freak the others out. there’s the dark stuff ab their pasts but there’s also lighter stuff. hotch can talk to emily ab things that would definitely make the others go o.O like casual sex and just needing a hookup. she’s his wingman bc she won’t be annoying about it. likewise, she can bitch about anything and everything to him, from how her neighbor’s pissing her off to debating names for cats to how she railed someone in the bar bathroom last night. he’ll just listen and add his input when prompted—and she respects him enough to actually give a shit about his opinions, even if she disagrees with him (which she usually does). but it shows her different ways of looking at things
i think emily can be more open about her.. lack of discomfort at the things they see. she doesnt have to pretend to struggle, she doesnt have to fake shock or horror. he can tell that its something to do with her past, but he’s not gonna pry about it. its just a skill she's built up and the others may be creeped out by it since they dont know where its comes from, but hotch just lets her be. i think hotch can tell her a little bit about his home life growing up. i dont think he’s ever had someone in his life who he’s sure won’t pity him or ask more questions than hes comfortable with or try to get him to do something about it. she’ll just listen. she’s not gonna judge and its not gonna change the way she looks at him, it’s just a chance for him to get it out.
6. how would they react to being asked if they were dating?
depends on who it is and how much emily wants to annoy hotch at the moment.
if she’s in nuisance mode and its someone they're not gonna see again, she'll drape herself over him and give his cheek a little pec saying “yes~ <3” and hotch will just stand there -_- and wait for this to be over
otherwise she’ll just say “nah” and move on
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majjiktricks · 3 years
For the character ask, Akiyama Shun
ohh man i was hoping someone would send akiyama... anon whoever you are, i love you ❤️
How I feel about this character bro i cant even begin to tell you. god. i fucking love this man. its really scary how hard i relate to him. probably my biggest comfort character rn. i cant tell if i would rather know him and like, be his best friend, or BE him. the gender envy alone has me insane. just thinking about him and things he might do has become a nice pass time for when im bored, especially while im at work.
All the people I ship romantically with this character as with most of the yakuza characters, i find myself enjoying a lot of the ships theyre involved in. ESPECIALLY poly ships. my brain is super focused on akiyama/kiryu rn tho; the pining, the devotion, willing to kill for the one you love... kiryu being totally oblivious, or pretending to be, until akiyama makes his feelings obvious... bro its so good... i also enjoy the ships w ryuji and shinada, and while i dont have many thoughts about tanimura, i think akitani is cute (mostly bc of ONE artist i follow on twt who makes a lot of good akitani art lmao). akiyama/majima just makes me laugh. make it kiryu/akiyama/majima/saejima all together tho and thats a perfect soup to me. i also really like akiyama/ryuji/kiryu inspired by ishin's storyline.
My non-romantic OTP/BrOTP for this character i NEED more content of him and haruka. the game literally sets him up to be another guardian figure for her. uncle akiyama... hes a total disaster about it but he cares about her so much and tries to do his best to protect her. i think it kind of extends from his devotion towards kiryu and protecting kiryu’s interests, but he also genuinely likes haruka and doesnt just think of her as this precious thing to protect the same way you might protect a valuable item or family heirloom. shes an actual person to him, whereas in some of the previous games, shes viewed by the other characters as just a device to manipulate kiryu. whether or not rgg studio wants to show us more of them i firmly believe they keep in contact. maybe even post y6 he helps out at morning glory 🥺 in terms of like. non-familial relationships though, i think akiyama and majima are fucking insane as buddies. just thinking about it makes me laugh. especially when you look at dead souls, akiyama tries so hard to seem cool next to the big scary yakuza men, and majima sees right through it and laughs at his face. i want more of them taking the piss out of each other, because i think once hes comfortable, akiyama could give just as well as he gets.
My unpopular opinion about this character not sure this is a hot take, because i think most people who put a smidge of thought into the series would agree, but i really hate it when people take these complex characters and boil them down to just a few simple character traits. while i get that thats one method to make it easier to write them in your own fic and stuff, i just find it kind of insulting. to the character and to the reader's intelligence. like okay sure, akiyama is shown to be lazy and impulsive and irresponsible, but thats not EVERYTHING about him. and theres nuance to those flaws that i think goes over some people's heads.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. i wish he had been in yakuza: like a dragon. evidently hes really important to the main story of rggo, and since y7 is kind of a retelling of rggo, i wish they had included him. (im still gonna play rggo to see whats different and to see how akiyama is involved, i just wish it wasnt so hard to access for someone who doesnt speak japanese 😅)
send me a character !
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meet me in the tree house
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Moodboard made by @snowflakeu25
BTS au-imagine
Yoongi x Reader Y/N
fluff, romance
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: This was a request from @snowflakeu25 💜
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Three knocks on his studio door.
A gruff voice, muffled by the walls enters your ears and you twist the knob and push into the room with your hip since your other hand is preoccupied carrying a shallow box of takeout containers. A boy sits in a computer chair facing a mountain of recording equipment. Speakers jut from the two corners of the ceiling. Three large monitors sit atop the mountain, an expanse of panels, keyboards, knobs and sliders filling the valley below. At the sound of you entering the room, he turns around, his mouth twitching into a quick smirk before his eyes fall to the food in your hands.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey,” Yoongi replies spinning around fully to face the coffee table as you set the box down on its surface.
“Working hard?” you ask and take a seat on the leather couch that sits adjacent to him.
Yoongi stretches, arching his back and raising his arms in the air with a groan. “Always,” he says. “Chinese?”
“You know it.”
The two of you are quiet for a while as you work at getting all of the take out containers open and onto the coffee table. Then you pass him a pair of chopsticks before taking your own pair and grabbing the closest container. You’ve watched Yoongi become a big time producer, his songs winning award after award. You’ve seen him on tv, standing on stages, making speeches, wearing designer clothes and being adored by people that don’t know him.
Yet every Wednesday, you come to Bighit, the security guard giving you a smile and a nod of recognition and you take the elevator up to the fourth floor, carrying take out, walk down that hallway lined with albums that have gone gold and platinum before reaching the studio. And there you find him, in his baggy sweats and baggy shirt, sometimes a beanie to keep his hair out of his eyes and he’d turn and greet you with that same tired smile. He’s never treated you different. He’s never let the fame get to him. Probably because he knows how far of a fall it would be back to the bottom where he started if he were to let it all go to his head.
You moved to the city not long after Yoongi got the job at Bighit. The two of you have been best friends since you were in fourth grade, when he moved into the house next door to yours. He had a tree house in his backyard that you had been eying for a while and when his mom had forced him to come over and ask you to play, you’d been ecstatic to finally be able to see the inside of it. It was as cool as you’d thought it would be, and that was where you’d spend a lot of late nights during the summer.
As you got older, the tree house transformed from a playhouse to a safe house. If your parents were fighting or lashing out at you, you’d send a quick text to him asking him to meet you there. And by the time you climbed up the rope ladder, the hatch would already be open and Yoongi would be waiting for you, his ears open to listen or his arms open to hold you, whichever you needed. Usually, it was both.
Once he moved away after college, there wasn’t much left for you in your small town, so you followed him, getting a job in the city and hanging out whenever he was free. Which wasn’t as often lately.
“So what have you been working on?” you ask before shoving a piece of orange chicken into your mouth.
Yoongi perks up, swallowing his mouthful of food before spinning to face his desk again. “Tell me what you think of this. Then with a couple clicks of his mouse and a press of a button on one of his keyboards, the room fills with music.
You close your eyes so you’re not distracted by anything and listen to the steady rhythm as it builds. After a few measures, Yoongi’s familiar voice starts in, delivering the deep lyrics he’s become so well-known for. You can feel the smile spreading your mouth as you listen, your head automatically bobbing to the beat. You’re really enjoying the song when suddenly it cuts off and you open your eyes to find Yoongi looking at you, his hand poised on his keyboard. You frown.
“What did you stop it for?”
“I just wanted to give you a sneak peek. You can’t hear the whole song until the mixtape is done.”
“Mixtape?” you ask as your smile returns.
Yoongi smiles back and looks down at his hands shyly. “By the way, I’m making a mixtape.
You let out an excited squeal, reaching out to hit his arm over and over, his smile growing bigger with every hit. “Are you serious?” you finally ask when he’s rolled out of your reach. “You’ve been wanting to do a mixtape forever!”
“Yeah,” he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’ve finally gotten some time to work on it so I’ve been kind of messing around, writing some stuff.”
You pick up the container of pork fried rice, poking at it as you shake your head. “I’m really excited for you, Yoongi. It’s going to be amazing.”
“I hope.”
“It will be,” you say. “You’re crazy talented.”
Just then you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket and when you reach for it and look at the screen, you can’t help but smile. The room is silent as you type a response to the message you received.
“Who has the audacity to interrupt our Wednesday night dinner?” Yoongi asks jokingly as he wheels back over and swipes a container off of the coffee table.
You send the message and set your phone onto the table before taking another bite of rice. “Just a guy I’ve been talking to,” you say. “Sorry.”
Yoongi blinks, obviously caught off guard by your response. “Oh, no, it’s okay. I didn’t know you were talking to someone.”
“Yeah,” you say with a shy smile. “I met him at a party last weekend and, I don’t know. We got to talking and now we’ve been texting each other a bit.”
Yoonig lets out a grunt, suddenly very interested in the container he’s holding.
“I don’t know,” you say again. “I think I’m finally in a place to start wanting to date again…you know, after everything that happened with—”
“Y/N,” Yoongi says cutting you off. “It’s okay. You don’t have to talk about him. I’m glad you’re able to move on now. I’m happy for you.”
You tilt your head as you study your best friend. His words sound genuine but the sentiment doesn’t seem to reach his eyes. “Thanks,” you utter. You hear your phone vibrate against the coffee table and you watch as Yoongi’s gaze falls to it for a split second before focusing back on poking his chopstick into his food.
Y/N: So Chinese again tonight or something different?
Yoongi: Ive got a lot of work to do tonight. I dont think I can hang out.
Y/N: Oh ok. See u next week then?
Yoongi: Sure.
Y/N: Hey, did u want to go out tonight instead of me bringing something? Theres a new ramen place I wanted to try.
Yoongi: cant hang out tonight. Busy.
Y/N: …ok. Next week then? I miss u.
Yoongi: Sure.
Y/N: ok. Im kidnapping u tmrrw night. I kno u dont rlly like going anywhere on Wednesday nights since u hav to work but we havnt hung out in like 3 weeks and I want to take u to see this new horror movie with me. And I kno that telling u Im kidnapping u kind of negates the whole “kidnapping” thing but I kno u dont like surprises.
Yoongi: cant.
Yoongi: Sorry. I have to work.
Y/N: man…ur working a lot lately, arnt u?
Yoongi: its my job, Y/N. Maybe next week.
Y/N: Next week Im going to be back home to visit some family.
Yoongi: oh ok.
Y/N: Whatever, Yoongi. If u dont want to hang out anymor, just say it.
Y/N: Or dont. Whatever.
Yoongi: hey
Yoongi: Y/N
Yoongi: I know ur mad at me but please respond.
Yoongi: Y/N I was just being an idiot.
Yoongi: Y/N
Yoongi: Please talk to me.
Yoongi: look, I kno ur reading my texts and I kno u probably wont respond but if u end up seeing this, please meet me in the tree house in like twenty minutes. Alright? Thats where Ill be. I need to talk to u.
“The tree house?” you utter as you re-read his last text. As in the one at his parent’s house? The one that’s over an hour away from the city the two of you live in now?
You’re at a family dinner at the moment but you’ve all already eaten and now your parents are just talking to your aunt and uncle and though you’re a bit reluctant to actually meet up with Yoongi (since you’re still pretty pissed at him for ditching you for the past three weeks) he’s the perfect excuse for you to duck out early. And you do just that, saying goodnight to your extended family before telling your parents that you have to run but you’ll see them back at home later. Then you head out before anyone can argue.
It’s about a thirty minute drive from the restaurant back to your house. You can’t even bring yourself to pretend to feel bad for making him wait those ten extra minutes wondering if you’re even going to show up. It serves him right. The two of you have been best friends for as long as you can remember and have been doing Wednesday night dinner together ever since he got the job at Bighit. After all this, he decides he’s too busy to hang out? He’s never been too busy. Has the fame finally gotten to his head?
A terrible thought occurs to you as you pull into the driveway at your childhood home. What if he wants to meet you to break things off? To tell you that he doesn’t have time for friends anymore. That you shouldn’t come around anymore because it’s interfering with his work. That he’s outgrown you.
With an angry jerk of the stick shift, you jam your car into park and turn off the engine, yanking the key out. You can already feel yourself getting worked up as you slam the door and stomp across the yard to Yoongi’s house. When you get through the gate and enter the backyard, your eyes trail up to the tree house where it resides in the tall maple in the middle of the lawn. The sun is almost all the way set and the sky is already turning a medium shade of blue. It’s getting dark fast and you can see golden light filtering out of the windows in the tree house. He’s there. Good.
You take a deep breath then make your way up the rope ladder. This was a lot easier when you were younger, and smaller, and you can’t help but wonder how much longer this rope will even hold. With that thought, you scurry up the last few rungs, hoping the whole time that it won’t snap on you. Then, when you poke your head up through the hole, your eyes fall on Yoongi.
He’s laying on his back, hands on his stomach and his eyes fixed on the ceiling. At the sound of your arrival, he turns his head, his gaze locking with yours.
He sits up quickly. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
You back away from the hole in the floor until your spine rests against the wall. “I wasn’t going to but it was an excuse to duck out of dinner early.” You cross your arms. “What are you even doing here, Yoongi?”
Your best friend gets to his feet. “I wanted to talk to you about…everything.”
Yoongi sighs, bringing up a hand to scratch behind his ear. A nervous tick you’ve always thought was a bit endearing. “I guess I just got kind of…jealous.”
You stand there against the wall blinking for several seconds, not really sure if you heard him right. “Jealous,” you finally say. Yoongi nods. Your brow furrows and you let out a humorless laugh. “I’m sorry, Mr. Big-shot producer, what the heck would you be jealous of?”
As if on cue, your phone chimes in your pocket and Yoongi’s eyes fall to the outline of it against your thigh. You’ve still been talking to that other guy from several weeks ago and now it kind of dawns on you, just what Yoongi is jealous of. The two of you lock eyes again.
The apples of his cheeks dust a light pink, contrasting against his pale mint hair and he shifts on his feet. “No, it’s stupid. I shouldn’t have been like that. Not when I’ve never even told you how I feel. I just wanted you to meet me here so I could tell you that I’m sorry and I want to keep doing our Wednesday night thing and you can text that guy all you want. And I know you don’t need my permission but I’m just letting you know that I won’t be a jerk about this. And I won’t start acting all weird. Date him. Marry him. I’ll still be your best friend as long as you want me to be. And if you don’t, I understand that too because what kind of person freezes their best friend out over another guy? You’re more important to me than that and…Y/N?”
His words finally trail off when he looks up and realizes you’ve been standing there gaping at him the whole time. Your heart is in your stomach and your breaths have become shallow. Are you having a panic attack? Here? In Yoongi’s tree house? In front of Yoongi?
“Y/N?” he asks again.
“What did you say?” you utter.
“What did you say?” you ask louder. “Just now. What did you say?”
Yoongi fumbles with his hands for a second, running his fingers through his hair and switching his weight to his other foot again. “Uh…that you’re my best friend?”
“Before that.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Before that.”
“I was being stupid?”
“After that.”
Yoongi bites his bottom lip, the pink in his cheeks becoming darker. “…that I haven’t told you how I feel?”
“Yeah,” you say. “How do you feel, Yoongi?”
“I feel like…” he takes a tentative step toward you, keeping his eyes locked on yours even as the blush spreads down to his neck. “…like I’ve been in love with my best friend for the past five years.” He takes another step toward you. The tree house isn’t very big so even after just these two steps, there’s only about a foot of space between you now. “How do you feel, Y/N?” he asks, his voice much lower than it was before. You peer up at him, heat creeping up your own neck to settle on your cheeks.
“I…uh…I—” your phone chimes in your pocket again and Yoongi sucks in a sharp breath. “Give me two seconds,” you whisper then pull your phone out of your pocket with trembling fingers and check the screen. Yoongi leans in a bit to peek too. “It’s my mom,” you say and you hear him chuckle under his breath. “She wants to know if I want them to pick up ice cream on their way back.”
“Do you?” he asks leaning in more, his dark eyes now drilling into yours. You’d back up if you could but you’re already pressed against the wall.
“Do I what?” you ask him.
He hesitates for just a moment, a smile quirking the corner of his mouth. “Want ice cream?”
You both know that’s not the question he’s really asking and for a split second, your eyes dart down to his lips. You pull your own into your mouth as you try to conjure up the words. You’re already a flustered mess with this boy so close to you, looking at you the way he is, his body heat radiating across the small space between you.
“Of course I want ice cream. I frikin’ love ice cream.”
The tension in the small space seems to burst as Yoongi falls forward, his head landing on your shoulder and laughter bubbling up out of him. You can’t help but laugh too as you feel his shoulders shake against yours and then he’s wrapping his arms around your waist to keep either of you from tumbling to the floor. The room is filled with your giggling and tears have sprung to your eyes and finally, once the muscles in both of your stomachs are good and sore, he lifts his head back up.
The laughter dies down as the two of you lock eyes again. You watch with bated breath as he reaches up to brush the hair back from your forehead, his fingers sliding down the side of your face and lingering on your jaw. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?” he utters.
You don’t even hesitate to nod before he closes the small gap, his lips moulding to yours along with the rest of his body. His one hand tightens on your waist and the other slides to the back of your neck and then he’s tilting his head to kiss you deeper. Of course, then your phone chimes AGAIN causing him to jump back with a small gasp.
“Sorry,” you mumble, your head swimming as you look down at your phone still in your hand. You look back up at Yoongi again. “Flavor?”
Yoongi stands there breathing hard for a second, staring at you as he processes your question. His tongue flicks out of his mouth for just a second. “Chocolate,” he finally says breathlessly.
You type the word as fast as you can, getting frustrated when you keep screwing up, before hitting send and dropping your phone onto the rug. Then you reach out to grasp Yoongi by the shoulders, pulling him to you once again.
“Just listen to this one,” Yoongi says as he pulls you back down into his lap.
The computer chair creaks under the weight of the two of you and you grip the arms to keep from toppling over. “Yoongi, I have to go. I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”
“Just this last one,” he says and slides the headphones back onto your ears. You’ve tried taking them off for the last five songs but every time you do, he wants you to listen to just one more. This is the last one, I promise.
“Yoongi, you’re really making me seem like a jerk of a girlfriend that doesn’t want to listen to your music.”
“But you do want to listen to my music, right?”
You smile and reach up to touch your palm to his cheek. “Of course, I do,” you say. Yoongi’s mouth lifts into a gummy smile as he nuzzles your hand. “You know I’m your biggest fan.”
“I know,” he says with a contented sigh.
He’s too perfect for his own good. So talented and so soft lately. Yoongi has always been more on the reserved side. Never cold but a bit closed off, even to you. But ever since the two of you talked—if you can even call it that—in the tree house, everything has changed. He’s revealed a different side of himself to you. A softer side. A happier side. You can hear it in his music, too. How happy he’s become.
“Alright,” you say. “Just one more.”
Yoongi claps excitedly before pressing a button on his keyboard and then settling back in under you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his cheek against your arm. He loves watching your expression as you listen to his music. Loves seeing how it affects you, loves seeing the uncensored reaction. He knows you’ll always be honest with him, because you want him to give his best. Besides his colleagues, you’re the only one who’s opinion he trusts.
As you listen, Yoongi starts playing with your fingers, pressing the pads of his own against yours so you mirror his movements, and then when he glances at the screen and sees that the song is almost over, he slides his fingers through the gaps between yours and locks your hand in his. You knew he wouldn’t let you go after this song.
You shake your head until the headphones slip from your ears. “Yoongi,” you say.
“Just one more,” he says quickly and releases one of your hands to pull the headphones back up.
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the-sanders-sides · 5 years
inidan american (desi) logan
a sequel to this post because people asked for more and i decided that they shall receive (and also i love writing these)
fair warning, logans a bitter kid, and this isnt as positive and happy as romans post. ive experienced two different ways of being desi, one where i lived in fully asian and indian community and didnt even think id ever feel alone, and another where i moved to a place where i havent met another desi in like 7 years of living here in a 3 hour driving radius. in romans post i played into my first experience and how at home i felt. in the second experience, the one im in right now, i am much more bitter about who i am and not really knowing anyone who gets it anymore. so i play into that A LOT in this. so keep that in mind. (and he will get happier in a future part. m planning on making this into a series)
ok so first off. his name is logan sanders. people (mostly other indians) dont believe him when he tells them. he tells them they dont know indian history. they say they do. he tells them that the british fucked around (quite literally) in india for four centuries so of course english names would stick with that precise wording
sometimes when he’s annoyed enough and doesnt want to explain this for the millionth he defends himself with this russel peters skit (watch it, it’s hilarious) because it describes his family. to a T. 
he grew up in a community with not very many asians, and knew no indians outside his family so he felt a sort of disconnect to his culture
while his grandparents and parents would teach him about indian culture, he felt so distant from it since he knew no one outside his family who was indian, and since he didnt have any siblings or any nearby cousins to hang around with
he had visited india once but he was too young to remember it properly or too remember his cousins
the closest mandir was an hour away so that also limited the amount of indian kids/people he knew
he barely knew hindi because everyone in his family spoke english, especially in public
he felt guilty over the disconnect he felt and would always try to bridge it but would never accomplish this because it he kept losing passion since he rarely saw other people like him in the real world and in the media and he didnt see the point of trying
this all changed in eight grade when he moved next door to the Kumar family in a north indian street of some south asian blocks in an asian community
when his family first moved, the Kumar family invited the Sanders over to welcome them
it turns out the Kumar’s had a son who was the same age as logan
“hi logan! im rohan kumar! but i like going by roman instead of rohan!” 
this introduction pissed logan off 
he was seething because why would this kid who got to have an indian first AND last name change his name to an english one! why didnt he see the value of his name!
he knew right away that such a difference meant they could never be friends 
“im logan sanders, but thats all youll get to know about me because i see no use associating myself with someone as... well, ignorant, as you”
roman decides to whip out one of the swears his cousins taught him and whisper shouts “who are you calling ignorant, bhenchod?” 
 it became clear to him that this was new turf, and people on this new turf must be speaking hindi. and that he was the ignorant one if he couldnt talk in hindi. he made a vow to learn it as fast as he could to make sure this roman kid wasnt better than him
but, logan grits his teeth and says “you, and i know it must be true because you were too dumb to understand me the first time”
this evidently struck a sore spot in roman because he didnt fight back but just stalked away. logan smiled slightly, happy to have won that argument
logan asks his grandpa to teach him hindi and his grandpa gets super excited
they start lessons immediately and despite barely hearing it growing up, it’s as if his brain was made for this because he picks the language up amazingly fast and in a months time, while not able to speak back yet, he can understand most casual conversation
his first diwali in basically little india is the most magical thing ever
diwali at his old home was very quiet because there wasnt anyone around to celebrate with
everyone is so happy in this new home however. everyone is dressed up and all the houses are lit up and there are diyas everywhere and he doesnt want to admit it but the kumar’s have the best rangoli on the street and it’s because of roman and he knows roman did it because sometimes he’d stare out of his bedroom window while doing homework and have a perfect view of roman delicately working on it for two weeks
(the kumar’s front porch had been covered with tarp waiting for diwali to make sure romans precious rangoli wasnt stepped on or ruined. when it’s finally let up, everywhere where there could be art, there is. it’s insane how good at colors roman is, logan thinks)
diwali morning: 
he fights his parents because he doesnt want to miss school for diwali because americans dont have a day off for it. his parents set the clocks in the house ahead to make him think he overslept so he would skip school. (logan didnt know that his parents had submitted an excused absence form for religious reasons and that the school was very understanding. he thought it would be like his old school where he wouldnteven bother trying since he wasnt christain and the school was lkinda discriminatory)
they spend the morning in mandir and it’s nice. for once he doesnt feel different from his peers because he goes to mandir and not church or synagogue. he feels at home.
diwali afternoon:
the afternoon is spent with frantic cleaning and cooking and digging around for the diya’s that were still in boxes, packed away from when they moved
logan offered to find them all to continue with a diya science experiment he started two years prior. his theory was that the diya’s were multiplying and there were more each year despite no one buying anymore
this held true, because even though he could only find half of their diya collection, it was somehow more than the entire diya collection of two years prior. 
diwali evening:
theres a big potluck and everyone in the neighborhood is out talking to each other, looking at the decorations at everyones houses, eating samosas, and playing with sparklers. 
logan feels content
he makes a new resolve to learn more about hinduism. if this is what ti was supposed to be, then he never wanted to be away from hinduism. 
he looked at the metaphors and symbolism in everything and finally understood what his dad meant he told logan that hinduism is just science written in poetry and that string theory is written in the ancient texts
middle school in this new town is so much better than middle school in his old home. why?
a. doesnt get bullied for being a nerd
b. doesnt get called gay slurs 
c. the classes are harder 
d. much less racism
e. all of the above
soon enough, logans asking his grandpa to teach him how to cook Indian food
Logan spends the day burning dosas and making lopsided rotis
(eventually he gets the hang of it, and a he'll be cooking food for an infuriating Indian boy ;) ;) psst it's roman)
Speaking of boys
Coming out isn't an option for logan
He knows that his parents arent really religious enough to really look into hinduism and see that no, gays are not bad
But they are traditional and conservative enough to be homophobic
not homophobic as in spewing hate with the westboro baptist church at a pride parade
But homophobic as in "the gays are fine as long as they don't do it in front of me" kinda thing
So Logan stays quiet
the closet kinda sucks but i mean what can he do
it’s safer inside, and he as illogical as wishing is, he wishes that people would use their brains and realize there’s nothing wrong with gay
in school logan makes his first desi friend, who was dubbed as anxiety years ago and cant seem to get rid of the nickname and now has a whole complex about his name so logan doesnt know his name
logan and anxiety meet in the school library: logan studying and anxiety hiding
people dont like anxiety
especially non-indian kids
surprise surprise it’s an old buddy called racism, but anxiety’s story is for another time
(but even though no one really likes anxiety, whenever racist shit goes down, it has to go through roman)
so logan and anxiety become fast friends
and they make fun of roman (a+ bonding)
logan claims that roman is a hypocrite for changing his name to an english one while being so immersed in indian culture
anxiety doesnt dispute this, but says he has a past with roman
a past that involved getting stuck with the name anxiety
again, another story for another time
one day, when logan and anxiety are eating lunch they see roman destroy some homophobes who throw around the word f*g and keep calling caitlyn jenner, bruce jenner
logans chest surges
he’s all like “what?? emotions?? pride at roman?? is he better than me for being so open and standing up for what he believes in??”
gay panic basically
but logan masked it well and pushed it away
the next day roman comes to school with a pride patch on his jean jacket
logan feels like he cant breathe
logan is supremely jealous of roman.
he can be gay in peace
he can pretend not to be indian in a way that benefits him
and he’s not affected by stereotypes in the same way?? like what does this kid not have
and by stereotypes i mean
roman is the complete opposite of all indian and desi stereotypes: loud, flamboyant, theatrical
logan’s personality is exactly how the stereotypes are. he’s nerdy and likes science and math and it seems like he cant escape the stereotypes. they follow him. and he feels guilty that he likes science and math and is nerdy. 
as illogical as it is, he wishes he was different from how he is
but logan later learns that there are more than just his perspective on being desi and that every desi kid growing up faces challenges about it that are different than his, causing them to experience being desi differently
and logan will accept that, in another story at another time
for now, he’s just bitter. and as illogical as it is, he wishes the world was better
and now, i shall tag some people who asked to be tagged and some other desi’s who loved this because i feel like you guys might appreciate this too. also i love u. desi famders squad up.
@sssixeyedrunt @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @caterpiller-tea @xxxbladeangelxxx @snufflesthegrim227 @cloudchaser7 @thelowlysatsuma 
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tumblunni · 5 years
Like man it always makes me so confused cos i mean im a soft AF person and i always end up having sympathetic redemption headcanons for them so its not like i like VILLAINY ITSELF but what else do all these characters have in common?
Thats it. Thats it, ursula helped me crack it.
I really want a nice confident sassy funny chubby trans auntie who promotes body positivity to our young hero and always gets to say the coolest lines and get the best moments and BE LOVED FOR WHO SHE IS
And like usually whenever you get anywhere close to seeing those "villain traits" on a hero they like.. Remove all the good parts. If you have a supportive hero aunt she's always boring and generically supportive instead, and has to look like the most stereotypical boring mess ans have a super small plot role and uuuugh thats IF SHES EVEN THERE i mean seriously aunties and grandmas are weirdly less represented as mentors than grandpas who are already REALLY HARD TO FIND and again OFTEN GENERIC AND UNFUN WHENEVER THEY GET TO APPEAR
And how damn often are we allowed to have a chubby gay aunt!! WHERE IS MY CHUBBY GAY AUNT!! ive met SO MANY chubby gay aunts in real life like 90% of all my psychologists have been either that or like.. The exact same but a straight lgbt ally instead. Sassy plus size aunties are THE BACKBONE OF OUR SOCIETY DAMMIT! I've had so much help thanks to sassy gay aunts!! And like even just looking at any damn crowd scene in a normal city centre youre gonna see so many chubby aunts and long nosed uncles and all those sorts of bullshit "ugly people" that mass media pretends are ugly and relegates to One Minor Role In The Entire Cast despite them being infinately more common than supermodels and NOT UGLY AT ALL GEEZ IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH
I cant believe im a fuckin disney villain fan cos of body positivity
Tfw u suck so bad at making hateable people that the fandom universally hugs all your villains and ignores your boring protagonists like fuckin TAKE THAT DIDNEY
God i wanna hug hades sooo bad he just needs a friend aaaaaa
And i mean its not just disney, every damn time ive obsessed over a villain its been because they have some trait thats supposed to be "bad" but its actually good and we dont get to see it on the heroes
Like my thing with science villains in particular is that when i first played ff7 i really liked the idea of an evil minion who's a bad sidekick not just because he's "dumb" or "bumbling" but because he's actually not interested in any of the evil stuff and he works against his own boss and is like.. Friendly to the heroes, i have no particular grudge against you and i wont stop you if im off duty and all. I liked the Turks for the same reason but in the origibal ff7 translation they were kind of stoic and serious and i didnt really become as much of a fan of them til i saw them being more goofy and comic relief in some optional sidequests and then their movie adaptation. But hojo was always being all "lol my boss's plan is so stupid amirite" and had that very memorable scene where he's just sunbathing and tells you everything you need to know to get to the next thing to ruin his boss's plan cos i mean fuck it who even cares im just here to soak up some sun while fully dressed in a turtleneck and labcoat. It sucked so much that he was such a reprehensible bastard with creepy sexual assault vibes and murder and child abuse and experimenting on people and basically just NOT A LOVEABLE VILLAIN but his CONCEPT held so much potential to be filled by a sympathetic character instead...
So yeah then cos of him i kept being obsessed with finding SOME CHARACTER SOMEWHERE that actually lived up tp that potential, and thats why i was instantly interested in charon from pokemon and totally on edge waiting for the slightest chance for him to become That Perfect Sass Gramps Of Legend. And then he was indeed sassy!! And had so little screenyime that there was potential for interpretation of him as potentially redeemable cos i mean the game never said he wasnt, the game barely said anything about him at all, lol. And he was so old and small and frail looking and i just wanted to protect him!! And then that one wifi event that actually hinted at synpatheticness!! Aaaa its a recipe for a Forever Fave~
And i guess maybe it all started with my grandma being awesome and me really missing her? Cos i had shitty abusive parents and she was my ONLY good family member who showed me what love was like. And she was also basically a supervillain. Like every damn supervillain trait except being evil! She was bombastic and confident and sassy and mischievious and loud and passionate about stuff and always had something funny to say and never gave up no matter how many times she failed. And she also used all that great power for the forces of good!
So yeh thats why i love sassy good guys and i hate that often even when a sassy villain gets redeemed they seem to lose all their edge and become more generic now theyre a good guy. Or they get totally sidelined with no screentime anymore, or they ONLY get to be comic relief and dont get the full and complex redemption they deserve. Or just a lot of bads!! Its never the simplest answer of just fuckin.. Keep the character the character. Thats kinda why i didnt feel too much for the maleficent movie even though the concept itself sounded like everything i ever wanted. The character in that movie is a very different person to origibal maleficent, she's more just a stoic tsundere mumsy figure than a hammy badass iconicness. Still a nice villain redemption but it felt like it would have been better as an original story instead of an attempted maleficent. Also i wish they handled it better with the whole "true love's kiss could be from your mum instead" thing cos i get sooooo grossed out whenever i see people shipping movie maleficent and aurora! Like yes sleeping beauty with lesbians would be great but not when one of them is old enough to be her mum and raised her like a mum and changed her goddamn diapers! Also why did they have to ruin the three good fairies just to make maleficent have the mum opportunity? Like just remove them from the story if you wanted maleficent to raise the kid instead. No need to rewrite them into incompetant assholes when they were everyone's fave part of the original! Dont sacrifice the rare and elusive Good Sassy Gay Aunts!! THEYRE LIKE THE ONLY ONES IN DIDNEY!!! (Incodentally merlin is the equivelant of this to hades as the fairies are to ursula)
Also also villains tend to have ACTUAL FLAWS in stories that have a more boring bland protagonist. I wanna see the story behind charon's neuroses and how he struggles with overcoming his temptation to be bad because of greed but ultimately manages to conquer his own negative side because power of friendship and such. Thats a great character arc that provides so much more than he does as a villain where they just wasted him entirely :(
* villains are often more complex and well developed characters with flaws while the same wroter might make shitty heroes due to the illogical fear that nobody would root for them if they werent 100% perfect and successful at everything ever
* villains are also often made as negative stereotypes of minorities and other rarely seen traits, which means its easy to reach out to them and reclaim them as a more positive version when theres literally no other options for you to cling to
* the quite common accidental sympathy factor where a villain will seem to be hated more than they deserve for their actions, ir unjustly punished so much that they feel like an underdog, since the writer assumes you'll think theyre "more evil" for being a stereotype and if you dont agree that this thing is bad then it seems like they have way less sins than the story claims they do
* also sass. Sass is good.
But basically the whole root of it is that its stupid and cruel and doesnt goddamn work when you make villains bigoted stereotypes. It just makes me love them! The only person i hate when i see a stereotypical villain is the writer who thought that was a good idea, lol. Just imagine that meme of the samurai holding the cat but its me holding all disney villains!
Also even if a villain isnt outright intentionally meant to be "this minority is bad", it can still make me symoathetic to them if theyre still something thats rare amoung the hero side in the same series. Like charon being the "most unredeemable" villain despite being the most harmless and funny and his plan being so much less world destroying than cyrus, and also he's the only grandpa villain in like.. The whole of all. And he's drawn very much in that way thays supposed to be "ugly" i.e normal grandpa, vs that weird sort of younger than he looks grandpa that hero ones tend to be because blablabla beauty ewuals goodness anti body positivity whatever. Tho actually sinnoh was good with that, they had the best grandpa professor in my opinion cos he got to be sassy too! Rowan always reminds me of auron from ff10. Sinnoh was a good game where i liked a lot of both the heroes and villains even if i still had more villain faves cos i mean pokemon is always biased towards that for me since every game has a voiceless perosnalityless main character and often theyre the one doing most of the heroing with the supporting hero characters having surprisingly little proper screen time. Thats a big part of why i loved hau gladion and lillie in sun and moon! They felt more like a real friend group than any other ones before.
ANYWAY now im just going offtopic into more "i love lots of stuff about every pokemon game" so ill stop typing now
But just basically VILLAINS ARE GOOD COS THEYRE GOOD CHARACTERS and if those stories gavethe same character a good guy role then id still love them just as much, if not more. I dont specifically like villainy, its just that my definition of a good character is often considered a bad character by lazy writers, apparantly?
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
ok ik bitches are still going to complain but i gotta rant to keep my shit together;;; ngl after being stuck co-raising two babies now i really feel genuinely Disgusted by unnecessary parent critique. like it actually makes me feel so viscerally upset and depressed when i remember nobody gets this or cares to and probably just wants to call out what im doing wrong, instead of lend me a hand to do it better. man im not treading lightly here the ‘no excuses’ mentality is literally Inhumane to parents and dehumanizes them as these superhumans, they arent, they are people trying to take care of themselves Plus One. there Are ‘excuses’ for not being perfect. just bc every child deserves perfect doesnt mean it can be given and that fucking SUCKS but that is one of the only times im comfortable saying; ‘thats just life’. you cant magically make life better for kids the way you think, you’re not a protector, you’re their Rock to teach them How to DEAL with what life brings, that means you’re allowed to struggle with it too. childcare is like this cosmic design to work you physically and mentally to the brink, fucking forget the normalization of how many people you think you’ve seen raise kids and done fine, it is harder than you can even fathom. they probably did not do fine behind closed doors. the parents with the best behaved and most obedient kids probably did harmful things to make them that way that will eventually come back to them, the parents with the happiest most well adjusted kids probably had the money to provide the extra care for that. there are ‘excuses’. idc if it fucking annoys you or w/e, i dont like being the bitch that says stuff nobody wants to hear, but you truly deeply cannot 100% understand unless you are raising kids, i dont say that to hurt your feewings or exclude you, i used to think that way, i say it bc when you see me passed out on the couch while my nephew gets into something dangerous, its because i got one hour of sleep that night while he kicked me in our bed for 4 hours. he cant help not knowing how that affects both of us, but i cant help being affected by it just cuz im supposed to be ~the big strong adult~, bc i am not a fucking xman. i CANT pretend it all away. while im sitting there napping im also waiting for my mental health meds to start working. im also dizzy from not eating. it sucks that he gets into shit sometimes. hes still gonna get into shit sometimes, and i can do my best, but if i sit here worrying that karens are gonna get pissed abt that and work myself even harder im gonna straight up explode. who does that help. who does me falling apart help. come babysit my kid for free if you wanna help me bitch!
parents are doing twice the work of a normal person while also teaching one of these people theyre caring for, how to BE a person. i used to be SO pro judging parents and im literally nauseated by the judgments now. “i cant believe this parent looked away and their kid got hurt, i cant beleive they just leave them there with a tablet or a snack or a toy while they nap, i cant believe they let them do that, i cant believe--” btich you literally have no idea how lucky you are that they are not both already dead. you are so lucky tehy are both alive and the parent isnt hospitalized for mental health or even physical exhaustion, or addicted to a stimulant (which includes caffeine), or using smth to relax like weed or alcohol (hello wine mom culture), or the kid isnt traumatized from watching their parent have repeatd breakdowns. that is literally better than most situations already. no matter how impossibly perfect the family could be in your mind, kids fuckin get hurt and they make mistakes and the PARENTS make mistakes bc theyre PEOPLE and yall this blows my mind that ppl dont realize this but,,,,, Little kids??? THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS bc they essentially CANT..... for like YEARS there is a period they WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU at ALL while they have the full autonomy and smarts and strength to cause horrible consequential problems, they are capable of learning how to circumnavigate your ‘babyproofing’ in new ways every single day, but they have ZEROOOOO MORALS OR CAUSE AND EFFECT SKILLS to understand RIGHT FROM WRONG, NO MATTER HOW OFTEN YOU TELL THEM!!!!! IT WONT CHANGE, ITS LITERALLY A PHYSICAL BRAIN THING THAT THEY CANT LEARN WHAT ‘NO’ MEANS FOR A WHILE YET!!! THIS CAN LAST FROM AGE 1 TO 4, SOMETIMES LONGER! THATS GENUINELY INSANITY INDUCING FOR THE ADULT WHOS KEEPING THEM IN LINE HUNDREDS OF TIMES A DAY, KNOWING ITS AMOUNTING TO ALMOST NOTHING UNTIL YEARS LATER!!!! IT DOESNT HELP WHEN PPL JUDGE YOU AND DONT BELEIVE YOU AND THINK YOU JUST ARENT ~TRYING HARD ENOUGH~! holy FUCK dude, idc if you wanna judge, im losing it bc i am being forced to keep my cool while a child whos pinching me and genuinely HURTING and BRUISING me laughs in my face bc he truly DOES NOT KNOW this, and there is NO WAY for me to convey it to make him stop at the moment!!!! thats maddening!!!
listen to me, neither of you dying or experiencing lasting damage is literally the goal every day, not just ‘raising them’, but that you both survive to the end of it. im appalled by how different the lifestyle is and the way ppl just... dont know that/REJECT that information so they get to judge. ofc tiny vulnerable innocent kids deserve the best, parents cannot always provide that if they want to Survive, bc they also deserve , basic understanding and humanity. you call out abuse all you want, theres a difference between the 'lesser of two evils’ choices, or even the genuinely Bad choices you can Accidentally make when at your wits end (which you should immediately correct anyways), and ever causing intentional physical or mental harm to the child, but the secodn yall start nitpicking or blatantly being ignorant to a struggle just so you get your blame validation in i literally cannot AFFORD to give you the time of day, im busy running on minutes of sleep, so if you think i have enough free time to entertain ur whining that my kids got a messy face and has been on his tablet in a highchair for an hour or w/e, idc, im using that time to shower for the first time in 2 weeks bc nobody else is gonna be there for me to let me do that shit :) so frankly put your money where your mouth is and help struggling parents whenever you can. i cant make shit better out of thin air.
“oh, but i dont have the money to help you.” YOU THINK IM AFFORDING CHILDCARE?? YOU CAN COME OVER AND HELP DIRECTLY WHILE I DO CHORES. “oh, but i dont wanna babysit for my friends, i dont like kids.” OH REALLY?????? OH YOU DONT LIKE KIDS??? BC THEYRE DIFFICULT MAYBE ??? SO MAYBE YOU SHOULDNT JUDGE WHEN ITS HARD THEN????? LIKE YOU RLY THINK JUST ‘LIKING THEM’ SUDDENLY MAKES IT EASY FOR ME?? YOU THINK ME FINDING MY NEPHEW CUTE AND LOVING HIM AND HIS LAUGHTER GIVES ME FUCKING SUPERMAN POWERS TO DEAL WITH THIS???????? “but You chose to have kids” rt in my case i literally didnt and would be homeless if not offering to help care for them but HEY COOL CONCEPT PRO CHOICE KINDA FUCKIN INCLUDES WHEN PEOPLE ‘CHOOSE’ TO HAVE KIDS EVEN WHEN THEY STRUGGLE AFTER, TOO LATE TO FUCKIN COMPLAIN NOW, JUST HELP A BITCH OUT. LIke... bro BRO b R O im losing it stop giving parents the inspiration porn treatment while disrespecting the actual struggles they go thru any time the child actually suffers bc they are unable to shield them from their struggle. can i be real, life literally will not go without struggle. you cannot raise them to have a life better than what the world is, you can do your best but you really cant MAKE it fair. once again this is not a ‘raise the perfect child’ contest you are just . trying to raise them at all. its messy. every single day you will have successes and failures, and you’ll be running on empty, and you’ll be doing that just to make it through to do it again tomorrow, while it slowly (AGONIZINGLY SLOWLY) gets easier each day. im tired of pretending lmao i dont wanna hear you bitches judge parents anymore, i dont wanna hear the stupid ass ‘im allowed to’ shit anymore dude!!!!! for gods sake i can agree with you when some shits just plain wrong but ill never apologize for standing up for myself or other struggling parents even if it makes you uncomfy, i can care about Both the child and the parent at the same time, ig i wont ask you why you seemingly cant. 😶 ESPECIALLY when things like classism and ableism tie in so often with these situations. not to mention racism like im white but hoooo if i hear one more story about a black parents ‘negligence’ in efforts of just trying to help their family, like leaving their kids somewhere during a job interview or w/e, vs the white parents that LET THEIR 10 YR OLDS WANDER AROUND MALLS BY THEMSELVES... im gonna scream. im gonna fuckin scream. its so unfair. fuck off, stop the spiteful ignorance, change this shitty hateful culture.
tldr; you Can care about kids while respecting parents, even when they arent perfect. you can advocate for children while also advocating for parents, and in fact, you should fucking try.
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
I wonder if im about to get fired again
Last year i got fired because a teacher who acted like he wanted to be my friend hated when I reciprocated that want.
Ive worked with about 55 other teachers since him and none of them
Ask about my weekend every week. Ask about my friends. Ask about my personal life. Stare at me in the office. Lean over me and touch me. Come look through my folder that im holding to just point out the paper im looking for (they just offer me a new one if they think i dont have it)
But. I was totally stalking him. And got fired.
Now im working at 2 schools
One with 4/5 horrible teachers
The other with 4/5 wonderful teachers
At the horrible teacher school one has been (and i dont say this about people often. Actually ever. I assume ppl hate me... but this woman has bee - well)
K so i made a newsletter for the schools. The good school put it out for the students and that was that. The bad school told me i could distribute it. So i asked this teacher where
She took me into the hallway and showed me a board. She told me to put the papers on those walls. And then she gave me pins. So i did.
Then she told my company i put papers up without permission
Ive worn the same clothes to all 7 schools ive worked at plus two camps. Never got a complaint. Until now. She complained about my skirt and socks
She said in a fly away statement when i started that because were teachers we cant travel because of corona and must stay home - it irriated me because i clearly understood that she was telling me that i need to stay home when im not working. Fuck that! But i just agreed with her. Her first question after my summer break was “you had a long vacation, did you go anywhere”
She asked in a happy voice - pretending that was wanted to hear about something exciting. But. Bitch i have a good memory. I told her i mostly stayed home and only went to a nearby town.
K so like. Thing is. She knows im probably lying (cause im young and not from this country. No one would stay home for a month) so the way she responded was kinda pissed off that she cant prove me wrong or report me or anything - then in the middle of class she asked about my housemates
1) i have no control over them
2) your first question was already invasive and this is stupid
3) youve asked me a question that i cant answer correctly. If i say i dont know youll say i might have corona because my housemates probably brought it home. If i say they went out - same thing. If i say they stayed home - another obvious lie. I told her that they are all students and had class so I think they were home. Again. She was annoyed by this answer
She constantly makes side remarks about “foregners”
She wont translate the questions that students ask her to ask me - and when i understand them and answer she acts flustered and annoyed
Shes bad at english and writes shit incorrectly - gives it to me to cold read - then gets mad when i trip over shit thats written incorrectly
She changed the song early last month because I liked it
She talks to me like im a clown hindering the class - walking over and telling me (a person standing quietly waiting for instruction) that now the students must study - the way a parent would tell a 7 year old not to bother the sleeping dog.
I TRIED to have a normal conversation with her because she seemed to be trying and i felt bad. She said it was hot and cold off and on and told me what temperature it would he the next day in celcius. I just said oh. And felt the tention. So i tried to ease it by chuckling and telling her “sorry. You know how america uses Fahrenheit? I dont really understand celcius.” She immediately —- wait hold on
This school makes us write down our temperature in the morning as though that does ANYTHING to stop corona - they dont even check - she harrassed me upon walking in the door to WRITE DOWN MY TEMPERATURE
—- k so no. No easy conversation. She immediately got serious and went how do you understand celcius for your body temperate then??? I told her i convert it.
A couple periods late she inturrupted another teacher talking to me about class and stopped me from going to class to ask me ‘if you dont know celcius how do you write your temperature down in the morning?!?’’ I told her i have a japanese thermometer and just write down what it says. Then she tried to play if off and chuckled like - oh ha i was just wondering. Whats the difference (her face was like enraged before that btw) she asked what the average temperature in Fahrenheit is and i quickly spit out 98.6 while grabbing my book to leave for the class i was now running late for
Shes full on feuding with a boy who “CANT SPEAK JAPANESE” and is “NOT JAPANESE” she tried not to bitch but also bitch about him to me - through this i learned that his mom is Australian. He was born in Japan. Also if her english didnt suck so much she would know that hes not fluent in english
She like the other teachers ask me questions that they dont want answers to. And sometimes is not even just - i wanna write this sentence wrong - does it make sense
No. It doesnt (correct answer- anything you write is correct. Dont worry. Dont ask me. Your perfect)
A couple weeks ago she told me that the song the other teacher chose is a japanese song that was translated into english. She asked it its gramattically correct. I told her that songs dont need to be grammatically correct so its fine. Then she asked me if it makes sense. I told her that its a bit vague but its fine.
She didnt know what vague meant. She asked me to write it down so she could look it up later. Not sure how she took that as an insult but Im sure she did.
And the song is vague. Id figured out that it was a song that was either written for a weird tv show or translated from something else before she even told me
Shes always late for class. She doesnt even leave for class until the bell rings. If she walks in and i was talking with the students - she looks highly uncomfortable - so ive stopped talking to them before she arrives
She wont let them ask me questions. Only her (these past two points go for the other crappy teachers too)
She cant make up her mind whether she wants me to say hello first or her. She cant make up her mind on what she wants me to read or whether she wants me to stop at commas or read full paragraphs or what - and she gets annoyed when i cant read her mind avout it —the others do this too
She reads sentences she wrote (incorrectly) out loud even more wrong - but apparently (going from her face) even though she doesnt know the word for fucking SENTENCES - and calls them “englishes” she heard me add the s to a word that should have been plural but she wrote as singular. She never says the fucking plurals or adds them where they shouldnt - but of course she heard my quick slip of adding an s onto a fucking word
- which really just shows thats she pays way more attention trying to find me doing something wrong than literally ANYTHING ELSE she does
Theres more. Im tired. And so very stressed. Tomorrow i have a meeting after school which i told my company rhat if they want my time they should pay me for it and told them theyre welcome to come to my schools (the one i like and normally can he stress free and get home early from) station
They made up bs as to why they can pay others but not me but did say theyre gonna come to the station
Last tome with the fucking “hanging stuff up without permission” i was of couse told i was in the wrong (BECAUSE JAPANESE CAN DO NO WRONG) and forced to say that i need to communicate better 3 times
Howd i start this? Watch me get fired? Yea i was fired on like the 23rd last year. Watch me get fucking fired again - for again. One racist ass peice of shit teacher
“Well you just gotta suck it up and accept where you are on the food chain” k look. Do you know how much easier and less stressed id be if i was able to do that?! I just. CANT ok. I refuse to think that i am less of a person than any other person. People can treat me that wat and do all they want. But i refuse to think that i am lesser. I am a person. And if i have to respect them they should respect me. Its a reciprocal fucking thing i cant fucking kiss ass
I lived in a house with a woman who wanted me to kiss her ass - and i basically chose not to be treated like a dormat and pike she was my lord. And thus got mentally and emptionally abused for 24 years.
I cant fucking kiss ass. I can be polite. But i cant kiss fucking ass dude. I just cant
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i-sveikata · 7 years
Gabby liveblogs the new teen wolf ep
i mean technically it’s not liveblogging since I’m in australia and the delay obvs but here we go guys prepare for death:
-lololololololo the fuck they always gotta start it at the school cause they cant afford another set anymore
-whut scott is the assistant coach???!!!!!
-omg hayden left?????? why do they literally just remove all of their female characters with nonsense explanations??? hello kira???? havent seen her in a while. do females not exist in beacon hills?? apparently even being a love interest isn’t a good enough reason to keep the gals around anymore dear god.
-’you want my whistle? who gave you a whistle???’ omfg coach finstock is the best
-the fuck was that supposed to be a wolf on the field or a coyote??? or malia???? legit can’t even tell, oh nvmind scott and liam followed it into the woods found a pack of dead wolves with weird bugs that are crawling out of their eyes, naturally.
-malia heading out to paris and not wanting to help anyone with the problem is goals. but you know there are other ways to write female characters without making their only interest being climbing dick you know, we can have depth.
-liam and scott bonding, lol, they cute and feels, scotty all worried he’s losing control, making him repeat the werewolf mantra dear god this is dorky. giving it instrumental impressive music wont change that friends.
-lol, ‘i got ducktape’ this is me.
-oh goody more mental asylum stuff and weird frozen mummified rock shit, is this a throwback to pompeii or what?
-yeah touch the petrified ashy human corpse thing, that’s a great idea obvs like what is even happening right now.
-of course some dude exploded out of it, why are we even surprised people? oh that’s right we’re not. wait who the fuck is that? no wait, i can guess, it’s another mediocre white guy.
-’i like latin’ liam you dork, oh poor kid ‘this has been a really hard year for me’ ‘if you want to talk about your girlfriend guidance hours are posted’ damn girl that’s brutal.
-interesting that all the youngins are getting a senior registration and applying to colleges scenes talking about their futures at school but for the veteran characters we barely got a sentence about it.
-’you can see me right’ omg lol corey are you having some visibility issues.
-who wants to guess this new college guidance lady is probably not human- lol the music just changed and went all sinister like bruh we already got this, literally every new character we meet ends up being evil like cmon.
-who the fuck is this nolan kid- yet another mediocre white boy!!!!!- are they going for the olympics in white boys what is this shit- oh god she wants to talk about the animal attack on the field.
-lol him being like ‘that was no animal’ jesus fucking christ honestly am i in deja vu land are we just repeating tired drama from the first season now.
-liam how do you not know what a scarab is????? have you not seen the mummy what kind of kid are you??
-haha that girl screaming ‘why does this keep happening to our school’ when all the rats show up is the real shit.
-mediocre other mummy white boy appears in the classroom, stares a bit and tries to look interesting and then leaves. wow lifechanging moment.
-naturally liam and mason end up in the pipes again, because where else would teen wolf film things that happen.
-lydia making a bestiary yeah girl. Her mama isn’t being very smart saying no to that- who’s guess is it she dies almost immediately??? yeah girl leave that paperwork in mamas desk. 
-scott trying out his weird electrocution kink with his mum, i am uncomfortable, but also teaching her the ways of electrocution is vaguely sweet.
-mama mccall gonna cover all the werewolf shit when scott is gone i love it. family bonding stuff yeaaaaaahh. oh shit she electrocuted him whilst hugging. family fun times.
-’i held the button, didn’t I?’ ‘you held the buttton’ BEST
-rat king ew is that what they said. gross. lol malia making liam smell the gross dead rat.
-REROUTED. malia is determined to get on a plane to get that french dick apparently.
-how the fuck did mummy white guy end up in the sheriff station???? do the deputies no longer exist?? wheres papa stilinski???
-parrish on the creepy white dude, all is well apparently.
-liam and mason bringing mama mccall a nice dead rat. bring her dinner you sick bastards.
-the fuck??? hallways in flames, parrish meeting another possible hellhound??? what is trying to be said here, fucked if i know.
-weird white guy has some kind of blood kink, sniffing all the injured people in the hospital because of reasons.
-idiot dudes punched liam in the face and he lost his shit. some mantra kid. use the werewolf force. freaky white mummy guy looming in the hallway behind him, cue demon suspense music while he chases for liam now in a closing elevator.
-ANDDDDDD the door closes before mummy white dude can get to him. shocker. i am on the edge of my seat with surprise and  anguish obvs
-lydia showing up to get scott? i thought in the last ep stiles said hed be driving down to campus with lydia together???? does that mean she did and came back for some reason?? or stiles miraculously teleported there on his own. wow i love continuity. good thing im watching teen wolf huh.
-all the lights go out, because its lydia this is teen wolf and EVERYTHING MUST BE DARK AND HARD TO SEE AT ALL TIMES.
-phones ringing are always the most suspenseful thing to happen to me as well, love hearing that dialtone and having a wind machine suddenly blowing hair out of my face before appearing back in... wow you guessed it- the school!!!
-ohhhhhh spideyweb time. love it. gotta touched those creepy webs because otherwise what else could lydias banshee powers possibly do. lots of screaming. love that. was that gunfire? idk here this is stupid. 
-ah yes, lydia miraculously finds the perfect bit of web to touch because of unexplainable reasons.’ YOU LET IT OUT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO RIDE WITH THE HUNT FOREVER’ k thanks im hanging up the web now byeeeeeee.
-how does nobody lock the fucking school doors at this point. parrish and mummy white dude just walked straight in.
-’what are you?’ ‘you know what i am im the same as you’ lololololololololl this is gonna be some weird hellhound pissing contest.
-’something you let out, something that needs to be stopped’ oh goody something new an differernt for us. so innovative.
-ah yes, the pissing contest begins. or fire contest i guess? idk?/ and oh hey the guidance counsellor lady was not as she seemed!!! wow, i never would have seen that coming in my life. thanks
-hey guys when you take away the fire, it’s just two shirtless dudes homoerotically wrestling with each other.
-oh well time for parrish to sleep it off,
-’if the wild hunt couldn’t keep you nothing can’ this is literally sounds like the fucked up adage ‘if i cant have you no one can’ and i am uncomfortable.
-oh boy white mummy guy isn’t after liam- i could never have guess that would happen.
-’it must be stopped nothing else matters’ wow, no, because here I was thinking just let the monster run free and kill people and pile up bodies and stuff. isnt that what teen wolf is about.
-what the fuck lydia, popping your ass up in the middle of the headlights like some kind of ghost haunting, ‘we cantt leave’ bruh you need to chill. 
-of course they need some scene with mason giving liam a pep talk like hes the most important character in this show, yeah id totally believe that. hey heres an idea instead of making it about comforting him for losing his girlfriend, how bout you dont write his girlfriend out, there i fixed it.
-malia’s flight no longer delayed!!! haha that squeal of excitement, omg she yelled ‘Oui Oui’ i gotchu girl leave this hellhole while you can.
-opp and heres scott and lydia out to ruin her fun. ofc.
-”no, no nonononono  no, its just rats and wolves- and maybe a little bug problem’ see shes got the spirit. let her get french dick in peace. but also, how the fuck are they gonna explain her and scott hooking up in the future because idk what a fucking ride.
-goes to the window instead because her friends are trying to cockblock her- shes DETERMINED PPL U CANT STOP THE DICK.
-lol scott steps aside and then lydia moves into malias way MY GOD before scott pulls her back out, fuckin i cannot.
-two seconds of disappointed looks but cmon guys lets not pretend that malias an independent person who can make decisions outside of the group- aaaannnnnn shes back. wow. quelle surprise.
-but hey at least she hit scott in the face with her bag, get it girl.
-injured white mummy hellhound staggering through the woods then shift to lydia, malia and scott in the car ‘we opened a door to another world and something came out with us’ THIS IS LITERALLY THE PLOT FOR SEASON 3? 4? THE ONE WITH THE NOGITSUNE CMON PPL.
-of course guidance counsellor college lady is gonna kill white mummy hellhound boy. i support her.
-’what kind of price a big price?” ‘big’ wow, A+ dialogue here, someone give them an emmy for this shit.
-oh no guidance counsellor lady in trouble. bu t of course when push comes to shove, shoot white mummy hellhound boy in the head. but white guy actually died for once???? props. lets see how long hell stay dead before theres a reason that makes no sense to bring him back. cough cough theo.
-two seconds later cause apparently thats enough time for her to escape without the Gang sans stiles noticing. even though two of them have increased hearing and sense of smell?!!!??!! because it wouldnt be teen wolf otherwise.
-lydia ‘i thought you couldnt kill a hellhound’ WHEN WAS THAT EVER SAID??? I LITERALLY DO NOT REMEMBER THAT BEING STATED???
-scott, picking up the bullet casing which apparently killed an unkillable hellhound but hes just so good its not an issue. oh hey, is that a fleur de lis?
-’argent’ ooooooooohhh more suspense. dont think i can take it.
-’the sound of someone who’s never lifted a hand against a human being’ you can says shes a hunter lydia, her trunk was full of murdery shit we get it.
-also whats with teen wolfs repetitive need to make girls have an emotional distressing response to something before they go all ‘i kill you, ill kill everyone, ill kill myself idgaf’ and their expression goes all Tough Girl. like cmon. u realise girls dont all react the same way to the same things right?
-but hey props to guidance lady for not dying, though i mean she’s a girl and shes not white so lets assume her chances arent strong for future eps.
-lol all three of them sitting on scotts bed together. is it just me or should they all just make out, im just saying.
-’can we say we forgot?’ omg lydia PHRASING, u literally forgot stiles barely a few eps ago, dont crush him already.
-’we almost lost him last time’ i just love how the girls have all the emotional lines and scott just gets to sit there a nod like stiles hasnt been his best friend for years and years. but apparently connection on teen wolf means only if you want to fuck each other since scott magically forgot stiles without much effort and the entire season was about lydia getting him back even though they literally werent even dating and theyd given no indication shed even liked him when he was taken. but suddenly shes magically interested in him and the connection with scott, his best fucking friend for life somehow wasnt strong enough and I AM SALTY.
-malia- ’if this turns out to be somthing big and we don’t call him-’ ‘he would kill us’ hey look Scott got to say something accurate about his best friend, yay!
-’you guys didn’t hear his voice, he was really excited to be there’ aww scott, but seriously you asshole writers are still telling me their connection wasn’t enough for scott to bring him back? for shame.
-’lets just play the voicemail’ lol here comes the swelling emotional music.
-but seriously fuck you guys, heres stiles telling scott to leave beacon hills behind him and that its not his responsibility and not to worry about it and take stiles’ jeep (which we know he loves more than anything) and drive, and the instrumentals are getting really emotional showing stiles at the fbi and youre still trying to tell me that scott wouldnt have remembered his best friend without lydia???? fuck off.
-omg the nerd stopped at the fbi seal and straightened his tie i fucking love it.
-seriously whats with this music??? like stiles just won the damn noble peace prize or something just for showing up. its no wonder ppl think scott isnt the main when the writers give stiles all these storylines and attention, like this is not subtle ppl.
-stiles constantly interrupting the fbi dude in the middle of the presentation gives me life omg.
-’one recent manhunt had our crisis response team chasing down a bizarrely feral unsub in the wilderness of north carolina-”
-are they literally trying to sell that this is current??? like that is clearly season 1 footage of derek what the fuck is happening right now. why cant he just have a vacation for fun, why do the writers have to ruin everything for him but nope, mass hunting derek time ofc,
-the way stiles put his hand over his mouth as if that would cover up the fact that he literally spat water everywhere. smooth stilinski.
-omg the presenter dude look down at the list of names seeing Mieczyslaw Stilinski and legit being like ‘uh... young man’ thats awesome.
-’just got a little excited’ honestly what the fuck teen wolf. you baiting sterek fans or what?
-stiles trying to find out what they’re after him for- ‘Murder’ but what type of murder. “Mass murder’
-suspenseful music AGAIN jesus fucking c h r i s t.
-OMG now they’re just zooming in on dereks tattoo, increasing the music. dude we fucking get it, thats derek hale and you, the writers, fucking hate him. chill.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Ich glaub ich spinne Carly: wtf Carly: do you want a drink babe? Ali: ze german, baby Ali: i'll say no but get why you're saying yes so early Carly: k more for me Carly: nobodys in a sharing mood today Ali: yeah? Carly: yea Carly: no fun Ali: Leben ist kein Ponyhof Carly: give drew a slap for me k Ali: it would be my pleasure Ali: can i ask how he's pissed on your parade from over here tho Carly: the boy played me Carly: he wanted me to beg for what id just given him the prick Carly: shouldnt have drunk this much this soon my bad Ali: he's a fuckboy Ali: you knew that Ali: my sister on the other hand remains frustratingly oblivious Carly: dont be mad at me Carly: ive been trying to get him to dump her this whole coach ride Ali: I'm not mad at you, babe Ali: no room with how much ugh I have for him Ali: well, hopefully she will him Carly: he thinks shes gonna fuck him in berlin Ali: prick Ali: won't when she finds out Carly: you cant say anything cuz i wasnt meant to Ali: Let himself fuck it up then Ali: he's not being subtle Carly: he cant do subtle Carly: me and him have that in common like Ali: Carly Ali: do you like him? Carly: why Ali: because I think you do Carly: it doesn't matter what you think Carly: he thinks she's girlfriend material & im a slag Carly: hes not wrong either Ali: If you like him, then you should say Ali: regardless, shouldn't let him be a cunt to you, and Ro in the process Ali: who the fuck is he Carly: ha Carly: i dont like anyone baby Carly: I'm just bored Carly: berlins a whole new party Ali: well, good Ali: one less worry Ali: I wish you the perfect holiday fling Carly: aw Carly: youre still the sweetest Carly: sure you dont want a drink while theres some left? Ali: need it now so fuck it Ali: chuck it over Carly: come over Carly: you kno youre the sporty one Carly: i cant be throwing things round the coach Ali: alright, you calling baby spice, I assume? Carly: or scary Carly: depends whos asking Carly: cant be posh tho Ali: yeah you can Ali: she weren't even and you can rock that pout just as well Carly: aw Carly: you should be baby tho youre the cutest Ali: little school all over again, we can't all be baby, lads! 😂 Ali: i'll be ginger, if you wore that iconic dress on your site, you'd get lynched Carly: yea Carly: & if anyone would cause drama by going solo its you Carly: Marlene been knew Ali: Ouch 💔 Ali: but fair Ali: Already thinking about her due to namesake birthplace but you really went there Ali: please tell me I haven't tanked as hard, not got Drew's fragile ego like but 😥 Carly: you kno im just mad youre not thinking about me Carly: dont listen to a word i say Carly: goldies got a fragile heart now too, so sad you broke up w me & stole his bf on top Carly: someone think of the golden god Ali: baby Ali: yeah, that's TOTALLY what the weird vibe is all about Ali: moody twat, soz a threesome is outta the question now Carly: he likes you too Carly: thats a thing Carly: playing like im the one hung up but he is Ali: Nah Ali: that boy don't know what he wants Ali: not down for him using my bestie and sister to find out though, fuck off and soul search like the rest Carly: he wants you Carly: but you got your boy & he shouldnt be trying to mess w Carly: meant to be his boy too Ali: so he reckons but give him 5 minutes before he weren't arsed Ali: don't trust him as far as I can throw him so ain't taking his word on that either like Ali: exactly Ali: 🐍 Carly: id leave him alone if he was happy being w her but i kno he isnt Carly: not letting him lie to me Ali: it doesn't have to be your problem Ali: or your job to make him happy Ali: knew it though Carly: ha Carly: it isn't my problem Carly: & i cant keep a job you kno Carly: couldnt do that one if i was paid like Ali: no one can babe Ali: not to be that hippie cliche about it Ali: but forreal, gotta do that shit himself Carly: its Carly: how he makes me feel sometimes Carly: not happy im not living that lie but Carly: its not nothing & sometimes its good you kno Ali: yeah Ali: i know Ali: but you can have more, if you want Ali: that is possible Ali: you don't have to settle for sometimes good Carly: youre sweet but youre a dreamer babe Carly: ive got nothing going on not in my head & not around me Carly: theres no more than settling down on the site or settling for being off whenever i can Ali: s'not true Carly: yea it is Carly: you dont want it to be but that dont mean its not Carly: me and that boy have more in common than not being subtle like Ali: it ain't Ali: doesn't have to be Ali: nothing is set in stone unless you pour the fucking cement yourself, like Carly: it doesnt have to be doing it but it can still get poured Carly: forget it tho Carly: im drinking on empty & feeling sorry for myself Carly: no fun in that Ali: ain't that fast drying Ali: dust yourself off and run Carly: where to babe Carly: nowhere to go but the coach bathroom Carly: been there done that Ali: well hang on a bit and we'll be in a whole new country, babe Ali: promise is a promise and we can start in Berlin Carly: but 3s a crowd when its not a party Carly: im not trying to mess you & your boy up Carly: cant tell drew off if i do Ali: nah Ali: it ain't like that Ali: not got the blinkers on and knowing each other's passwords and schedules Ali: got trust Carly: yea? Carly: got food too or Carly: cuz im gonna vom if you say no Ali: Yes Ali: Lemme food parcel Carly: if you havent lost the knack Carly: been awhile Ali: 😔 Ali: i'm soz Carly: dont be Carly: you kno i love you Carly: no drama Ali: i love you too Ali: and you would tell me if you needed something wouldn't you Ali: 'cos that ain't changed, i'm still here Ali: unlucky bitch Carly: unlucky for you Carly: shouldnt be on site unless theres something in it for you babe Carly: all i need is to remember breakfast before i get on a sess Carly: & to dilute my spirits sometimes too Ali: there is, you nutter Ali: there you go, who said school trips weren't educational? only on the bus and you're whacking out the wisdom already Carly: not as thick as i look Carly: ms woodfield was thinking it too i reckon Carly: she might kno but im still gonna blame the shit driver if i vom Carly: try and stop me bitch Ali: you look nothing but amazing hush Ali: she's down with the kids, she'll hold your hair back Carly: you hush Carly: trying to make me emotional in front of the front of the coach Ali: it's alright, join Millie Rooney and say you're homesick 😉 Carly: idk whats sadder everyone thinking im crying over an empty caravan or that prick thinking its about him Ali: 😬 i know what i reckon Ali: better dry those tears, babygirl Carly: get his phone for me tho yea Carly: i am mad he gets me & i get nothing back Carly: use the magic Ali: use my mad hacking skillz gotcha Ali: but should I use them for good and accidentally forward some incriminating shit to Ro? 🤔 Ali: this is why we're not meant to play God Carly: do what you must Carly: i trust you Ali: don't worry, sure you're not the only girl he's been chatting too Ali: no offense meant obvs but you know Ali: don't have to drop you in it, as if its your fault but idk, Ro isn't always willing to be entirely rational when it comes to him Carly: idc she never liked me much anyways Carly: better that than dropping some naive random in it Carly: everyones seen me naked if it blows up Carly: old news Carly: & the vid was good too i look hot Ali: hmm, good point on the random Ali: and I don't doubt that you did Ali: I'll have to think on this a bit harder Carly: k Carly: if everyone gets in my inbox ill kno Ali: god Ali: people are gross Carly: can be fun sometimes Carly: cant all be angels like you babe Ali: 🖕 Ali: you know i ain't Carly: i kno you are Carly: too sweet Ali: pot kettle baby Ali: but your secret's safe with me 😘 Carly: ha Carly: its no secret im only sweet to you so youre the only one who needs to kno Ali: 'cos people suck Ali: that's no secret Ali: not gonna waste your time, are you, like Carly: not as good at picking out the deserving ones as you Carly: no secret i fuck up more than i dont Carly: how many bad decisions can i make before berlin tho Ali: nah, you're just too nice for your own good Ali: you know he don't deserve it but people have made the same (wrong) judgment on you so you can't do it back Ali: to anyone Ali: even genuinely shitty people, or people who'd be better off for the nudge of nah Carly: now whos dropping the wisdom Carly: ill just screenshot those few sentences for my ma when she's on at me Carly: im a nice person bitch Ali: 💅☕ though Ali: i'll translate it into spanish for her if she's not getting the memo in plain english Carly: ha Carly: she got well excited cuz she thought berlin had a red light district Carly: thought she was gonna get in my bags Carly: one way to stop me fucking drew in the front row but Ali: pretending i didn't hear that last bit ew Ali: moving on Ali: she wanna get in the windows or like? Carly: she did get the sack so probs Carly: or she thinks itll be like magic mike the german dub idk Ali: oh honey Ali: every nights a hen night Ali: 🙄 Carly: imagine if theyd let mas and das on this trip Carly: i couldnt have come Ali: me either Ali: no one needs that Carly: your ma is so scary Carly: but shed put goldie in his place Carly: probs shouldve brought her Carly: keep me behaving Ali: she literally wants to murder him Ali: need a restraining order and more than mr murray and mr latimer to keep her back Carly: ha Carly: love it Carly: cant she break up the happy couple Carly: my da did me & this beautiful traveller lad that took my v Ali: 💔 Ali: is he married now Ali: if we're doing matchmaking Ali: but in answer, she learnt that forbidding something makes it 1000x more likely to happen and in more secretive, intense ways so Ali: I'm soz Ro, really fucked you over on that one Carly: idk my da literally moved them on Carly: threat of getting the law Carly: k but he still wouldnt be into it Carly: i feel bad for her Ali: ugh Ali: so romeo and juliet, baby you must've been so about it 'til he fucked it up that hard Ali: yeah, i know Ali: i'll figure out something Carly: i was only 12 so i did have the mindset Carly: worth it tho Carly: prettiest boy ive ever seen Ali: swizzle on that, goldilocks Carly: everyone wanted to fuck him Carly: the whole site was feeling the love Carly: fun times Ali: like a beatle was living in your back garden Ali: love that Carly: i peaked Carly: all there is now is a golden god who behaves like a idiot boy Ali: i mean, won't take offense 😒 sat right here and all but no 😉 Ali: there's a whole world of dick out there i promise you Ali: some attached to boys who don't behave like one Carly: ha Carly: you know you're my fave Carly: but youre sat next to him so I cant tell it Ali: 💚 Ali: won't even tell you who i lost my v to Ali: too shaming Carly: now you have to Ali: 😬😫 Ali: okay but then i'm going for a piss so i don't have to feel the pity Carly: baby id never feel sorry for you Carly: w my life come on Ali: you might sympathize though 'cos it was ronan Ali: why he got all weird, probs Ali: eurgh repressed memories flooding back in with the shame 😂 Carly: shit Carly: i told drew all first times are bad but wouldnt wish him on you like that Carly: oh ronan Carly: he better not have treated you like he did me Carly: ill fucking kill him like Ali: aw babe Ali: my hero 💪 Ali: you know what he's like but that shit is long in the past with us so meh Carly: im gonna cry Carly: babe thats sad Carly: & now ms woodfield is staring at me k Ali: don't cry silly Ali: is what it is Carly: im crying and planning murder Ali: you went there too, and other various dickheads, so where's my invite to this party? Carly: but youre perfect Carly: and it was your first time Carly: actual tears in the front row Ali: oh babe Ali: i'm coming over Ali: bog roll in hand Carly: youre too good Carly: im so sad Ali: 😇 that's you Carly: all you tho Ali: nu-uh Ali: you you you Carly: i cant argue cuz im blinded by my tears Ali: not the greatest victory I've ever then Ali: but I'll take it if you smile again Carly: waiting for ms woodfield to tell me i need jesus Carly: ill laugh then Ali: okay, i'll try and lead the convo and her like Ali: we got this, woody Carly: nah if you try and lead her anywhere itll only go one way Carly: teachers pet Ali: 😂 Ali: do you reckon she loves that everyone lowkey drools over her 'cos she's the right side of 40 Ali: or is she desperately job hunting like these fucking kids Carly: i can see in her eyes she loves it Carly: she hates me cuz i dont Carly: facts Ali: not 'cos you never do your work, nah 😏 Carly: & im drunk as fuck rn on her watch Ali: i mean Ali: if YOU were doing your job properly darling Ali: mad you beat her to it, they always get plastered on trips Carly: yea Carly: bet shed take nudes in the bathroom if she had someone to send them to Ali: ooh what teacher could she homewreck Ali: school trip always a perfect place to start an affair Carly: Mr O'Brien could get it if you were old Ali: good shout Ali: getting out my bow as we speak Carly: Mr Cork is alright too but he looks like he'd shower after holding hands Carly: weird Ali: I mean Ali: cleanliness is next to godliness Ali: dirty hoe Carly: ha Carly: you kno it Ali: might be a serial killer Ali: but you wouldn't catch nowt off him Carly: dont have to go home if he murders me Carly: scatter me in berlin lad Ali: 😨😭 noooooo Ali: even if i could go neeson and avenge you Carly: dont go neeson off set tho Carly: your boy wouldnt love the racism Ali: don't wanna be that bitch Ali: problematique Carly: enough bitches on this coach Carly: for once not looking at you ms woodfield Carly: we ever getting there? i thought getting wasted would make me less bored not more Ali: and lowkey racists Ali: all comes out the woodworks when you outed, that gay bashing all afresh like Ali: seriously, why couldn't we go on a plane Carly: & overt racists Carly: that cash tho Carly: how would the teachers afford to get wrecked if they blew the budget Carly: gotta blow each other first Ali: ☕ Ali: dickheads Carly: when goldilocks isnt the biggest twat on the coach tho Carly: idk what to do w that Carly: universe trying to make me like him Ali: give him time Ali: sure he'll reclaim his title 💪 Carly: he'd love a crown Carly: or a medal Carly: get crafting Ali: only if I can get biblical Ali: crown of thorns, you mean barbed wire, okay Carly: ha Carly: im tired come & nap w me Ali: okay boo Ali: as far as pillows go 😏 Carly: serious Carly: i dont wanna sleep on my own Carly: hate it Ali: i remember Ali: coming Ali: promise
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kennothythebard · 7 years
Things I’ve learned about writing DEH characters
So while researching for and writing “A Worthy Explanation” (pls read i crave validation) I’ve noticed a lot of little things that I don’t always see mentioned in writing guides for these characters so I thought I’d point some of these out. Idk how love this is going to be so I’ll prolly put a cut here.
I like to create kind of a “loneliness chart” and graph the kids on it (looks kinda like those political alignment things). On one axis theres introverted vs. extroverted, and on the other theres like polite vs. rude I guess? But in summary: Evan is introverted polite, Jared is extroverted rude, Alana is extroverted polite, Connor is introverted rude, and Zoe... is just kinda generally lonely. Where she falls really depends on what’s going on with her (but she typically is a less extreme introverted rude than Connor).
Obviously each character has their own faults, but I often see these faults viewed quite selectively, see “cinnamon roll evan” and “fucking larry” for two very different examples of this phenomenon. Evan is not perfect and always trying to be nice, and Larry is not a super abusive parent who deserves no happiness in this life. They’re both complex and it’s hard to let go of our misconceptions to write truer to the characters (e.g. I really, Really don’t like Larry. I see him as a lousy father who just kind of chose to be “the strict one” but does nothing but criticize and dole out punishment, ignoring his kids any other time), but that’s an important part of deh, is that people aren’t always what we perceive them to be.
Evan is often viewed as like a cinnamon roll, but in act 2 especially Evan gets mean. Like, he’s dismissive and rude and angry and just a jerk. Evan can be just as bad if not worse than some of the “angrier” characters
Ppl often talk about his lying as his biggest character flaw, but I’d argue that most of the lying we see in the show just stems from the one lie which he was kinda forced to make bc he was in a bad place (i mean, thats pretty much the entire point of awe).
The character flaw that I don’t see discussed enough is that he’s ashamed of his mental illness. He’d rather pretend it’s not there, even when it impacts every part of his life. He doesn’t do the letters the way his therapist assigned them, he’s apprehensive towards medication and stops taking it, and basically feeds into his self-destructive tendencies, arguing his mother sees his as “broke” or something to be fixed.
I love writing Jared
There’s already a lot about what a complex character he is and stage directions, but one thing that most people notice is his actions frequently contradict his words. Take the sincerely me reprise at the start of act 2. Why would he try to insert himself into the narrative at this point? What good would that do at this point? When evan dismisses him he gets annoyed and defensive. He says that he can’t do anything until Monday because he’s hanging with his camp friends (whom he claims are his “real friends,” a term he will later ascribe to himself regarding Evan in Good For You), and when Evan dismisses him again he tries to offer to help with the kickstarter, but is quickly shot down once more by Evan. Despite what seems to be a natural ending place in the conversation, he insists on continuing to talk with Evan, and when Evan cuts him off again he becomes rude and slightly threatening. This happens over the course of maybe three minutes and it’s one of the most insightful scenes to jared’s character
When writing a canon-compliant Jared, his actions and thoughts should conflict with his words. He cares about Evan but he’d never say that out loud (in more canon-compliant fics), and it hurts when he’s pushed away, which he responds to with anger.
Zoe is one of the most difficult characters to write, imo.
She’s often portrayed in a slightly sweeter, saccharine way in fanon as just like a fun, silly girl who is just a tad sarcastic, but really you can tell that she’s Connor’s brother. She’s angry, blunt, unafraid of speaking her mind, etc. Yes, she is funny and kinda sarcastic, but her sarcasm isn’t always of the funny variety. She’s obviously angry at her parents, but this often comes across as a “doesn’t love them” variety of anger when her real feelings seem to be much more complex. 
Basically, I’m still learning a lot about writing her but I think just like the other kids she’s a little lonely, so Evan comes along and he’s there and that’s enough for her. She has such a wide range of emotions that I don’t feel are always accurately represented, even by me. (especially by me)
Hella, hella lonely. Covers it up by talking to people and doing extracurriculars. Sure, “college apps” is her excuse for why she does so much, but it’s not the real reason. If she keeps busy, she doesn’t have to be alone with her thoughts. But at the same time she has similar fears to Evan about people seeing the worst of her. “Close acquaintances” seems to be a statement about how little she makes friends, but I also see it as a defense mechanism. If she remains “close acquaintances” with people, she’ll never have to be their friend and they’ll never have to see the worst of her.
She’s cheerful and annoying, but in the way that pisses high schoolers off. Like, we all knew that one kid who was just way way too nice, and most of us were like “yeah ok they’re pretty cool i guess” but like some people just hated their positivity. It also doesn’t help that she tries to insert herself in situations she hasn’t been invited in, and does some questionable things to help her accomplish her goals. (Evan/Alana contrast: Evan does questionable things to accomplish internal goals, Alana does them to accomplish external goals)
Gets easily distracted. Forgets to sign Evan’s cast in scene 1. Her mind has a million different thoughts at any given moment. It wouldn’t be out of line to headcanon ADHD Alana (some of the things she does reminds me of the things I do when I forget my meds).
We don’t see a lot to really get a huge insight into his personality. We know he was angry and had some serious mental illness.
We also know that he could recognize when he went too far and would go out of his way to make amends. (Why was he in the computer lab? Why did he sign Evan’s cast?) He may recognize a kindred spirit in Evan.
Clearly he doesnt hate his family (he goes to school despite not wanting to go, and seeing Zoe’s name is what sets him off showing possible concern), and it would not surprise me to learn that he thought his family would be better and happier without him. He clearly has intense emotions and reactions even to things that might seem minuscule or inconsequential. When writing him in canon, I think of a rubber band stretched too tight, and any characters action could loosen or tighten the pulling.
Such an emotional character, I nearly break my own heart when I’m trying to writer her.
Theres two odd kind of paradoxes in a parent-child relationship like that between Heidi and Evan. For Heidi, the paradox is that the more she wants to do for Evan, the less she can actually be there for him. For Evan, he wants his mother to succeed and loves her so much that he might even encourage her to not worry about him or spend time with him, but then resents that she’s never there. Or at least when he meets a mother who can provide and be there.
Heidi pretty much worries herself sick over Evan. Evan comes before everything else in her life, and so it’s easy for her to feel like she failed him, which is a huge reason for her intense reaction in Good for you: evan has just confirmed her fears that she’s failed him.
Heidi tries so hard, but she isn’t perfect. She’s clearly very sensitive about money or about Evan’s father, and this sensitivity can easily change to anger or passive-aggressiveness. She has deep insecurities that we may never see or fully comprehend.
Mom. like shes completely a mom. like, “can i speak to your manager?” type mom.
Loves her kids and tries to be supportive but struggles communicating with two very headstrong, sarcastic kids
she probably wouldn’t say this, but takes connor’s death very personally. wonders why he would do this to her 
Is desperate for her children to listen and understand her. Which Evan is more than willing to do.
A little bit selfish? Like, thinks about what will make her better rather than accepting everybody grieves differently
Fucking larry. I don’t like him and he’s the hardest character for me to write.
Ok since I made such a big deal about it in the intro i’ll try to be nicer than id normally be
A masculine archetype. Sports dad, wants sports son, which Connor isn’t
He’s got some really ableist/misogynistic tendencies that causes the intense demonization of him in the fanon but I mean... he could be worse i guess? (that’s literally the best i can say about that so yeah i dont like him at all)
Really just oblivious. Completely ignored Connor’s need for help, does not know how to read a room, you could say he frequently has a foot in his mouth if it weren’t so intentional.
I mean...probably a good guy if you can get past all that stuff? just really, really self absorbed.
yikes that was long. Again, not really a guide, just some things I think about when writing these characters. if you read this far at all thank you for indulging me this much.
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ugly-big-truthers · 7 years
pll is making my brain fry
i havent been capable of making a theory in sooo long and im not sure i even have one now, but i just have some thoughts and this is my pll blog so i guess i’ll leave them here!
Aria is a shitty friend. She left Ali, is lying about meeting up with A.D., and is most likely going to join the bad guy literally all to protect herself. People are saying “i think aria will join AD but just do it to help out the girls” and i think thats BS. the only reason she’s even sneaking around is because there is something so bad about her in that file that she has to fuck over her friends. Ali can already tell i think. When the game landed on hanna again and all the girls were saying that the game is broken, ali looked right at aria when she said “its not broken it knows exactly what its doing.” Ali is the queen liar, I’m sure she can tell when someones lying. Plus, she hand-picked these 4 girls to be friends with all for different reasons. Aria was meant to be the “compassionate” one and i think shes gonna prove alison wayyyyyy wrong. I cant think of anything so horrible that it would make me completely switch up on my best friends. literally nothing. i saw someone say that she got an abortion in high school from being with ezra, and she never told him about it. thats the only reason i can see why ezra would choose nicole over her and nicole would have to visit him in jail, because he could be charged with statutory rape. idk man idk aria is just shady ive never liked her lol
all the reveals were good, but mostly just confirmations of a lot of things people suspected on tumblr. the only unexpected reveal was that lucas was friends with charles at a troubled boys camp. idk what to even say about this but i know its gonna tie some things together. i just feel like some things need to be talked about after this. alison used to call lucas “hermie” ...and he was friends with a transvestite...idk how they could link but just a thought. idk where to go with this. i really feel like lucas stayed close with charles through the transformation and everything. maybe lucas would tell charlotte things about the girls and alison, maybe lucas knew a lot of things for a long time. maybe he was working in or helped make the dollhouse? ugh
idk if ally is going to keep the baby but i hope she doesnt. i also have no idea why AD even wanted her pregnant? i read this theory and it makes me want to freaking die because its so overwhelming...it said AD stole emilys eggs, fertilized them with charlotte’s semen (assuming she still had male reproductive organs i guess), and implanted them into alison because if they used charlotte’s sperm with ali’s eggs, thats incesty and the baby could come out disabled. idk what the fuck man thats some crazy shit. i love crazy shit but idk about all that
ezra has to be bad he has to be or else im gonna go insane idk why i dont wanna post a list of reasons im just saying it ok he has to be. hes somehow gonna be correlated with wren whos gonna end up being related to rollins and thats just what needs to happen
we dont have many episodes left so theres no more time for characters to admit something and it later be proved as a lie. this being said, im going to just believe mary did kill jessica and try to frame peter. mary is really crazy and that’d be the perfect plan to get rid of both of them at one time, except it didnt really work lolz.
sydney being in the limo pissed me off so bad. i read that marlene picked her specifically for her appearance, i guess because shes always pretending to be jenna? but that explains why such a horrible actress got chosen to be on this show. sydney can be used for answers, but please no type of big reveal endgame stuff. i think thats all i got!
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lostandbrokenshell · 5 years
Darkest Before Dawn Part 8
Farcry 5 fanfic. Rated M for Mature language and sexual reference. No pairing or plans for smutt.
It was starting to get dark, but you decided to look around the ranch and see if you can still find anything. John must be a neat freak, every thing was so meticulously placed and clean. and incredibly high end.
“Are you just going to snoop everywhere?” One of the peggies asked while you where rummaging through the kitchen.
“My brothers want me to stay here, John tells me this is this my house to, that its the familys house. Im allowed to go anywhere as long as its on the property no?” You say while looking at them. They looked annoyed and you move from the kitchen and headed outside the peggies outside either glared at you or ignored you. You noticed the big building onlff to the side with a tower, that must be the hanger. You head there with some excitement, it was a nice sized hanger. There was a beautiful yellow sea plane in there it looked like someone was doing repair work on it. Wrongly to. You grabbed the tool box and started fixing the hack job.
“What are you doing?” Asked one of the peggies angerly.
“Fixing a hack job.” You reply with looking at them.
“John wont like you tampering with it.”
“Not tampering, fixing. The way she is right now shes going to stall and drop right out of the sky.” You respond.
“You a mechanic to?” You hear Johns voice from behind you look over “I saw you head in here thought I would check in.”
“Pilot, I maintained my own plane. Sold it when i moved. Didn’t want to have to worry about moving my plane to.” You say as you go back to fixing it. “I would tell you to shoot who ever butchered this, but you might so... Dont let them near planes from now on.” You finish up and put the tools down. John looked at it and nodded.
“Good work, shows how much you belong here.” He said before he turned around and left. You look at the hanger door it was open and the plane was close, it could be your way out, if you could do it with out getting shot with bliss. You look around the hanger it was a mess, unlike the house everything was scattered.
“Alright boys, your going to tail me, you can help. Why dont two of you push the plane out, and i start organizing the rest of this mess.” You say as you start cleaning and organizing the peggies looked at each other. “I can push the plane out then.” you sigh as you put what was in your hands down and go to the plane.
“Why?” One of the peggies asked “What makes you think John wants you to?”
“His whole house is neat and shiny, everything has a place. This place is a disaster zone. You want to win brownie points with my brother, this would be a good start.” You started pushing the plane out and reluctantly the peggies helped. You angle it so the nose was pointing down the runway, ready. “Work hard boys, or find me another escort that will.” You say as you go back to cleaning.
“Why should we help you clean. Why should anyone of us help a dirty sinner like you.” One of the peggies asked angerly.
“Your men are lazy John.” You yell loudly “Wont even help me organize.” They instantly jump into action. “Never mind, they found their muse.” You kept cleaning and organizing for a few hours your escorts would regularly complain. You kept name dropping to keep them busy, every time they started to slow down. They eventually got more into cleaning and organizing than watching you, you slowly start organizing closer to the door. They where not paying attention and you quietly slip out the door and to the plane. You where careful to not make much noise as you climbed in and positioned yourself low in the seat. They where going to shoot at you and you would rather not get hit when you started the engine. You take a deep breath before starting the engine and taxing down the run way. It took a minute for it to click to the peggies before the ran out after you, by that time you where picking up speed. They started shooting and you urged to go faster. “Come on beautiful show me what you got.” You whisper you could feel the wind pick up beneath the wings and you lift off.
“Your taking my plane Joanne.” Johns angry voice over the radio came into the plane.
You grab the receiver to reply. “Sorry John. I love you, but i cant stay. I got your men to clean your hanger for you though.” There was no reply but you knew he was angry.
After a few minutes the radio crackled up again “You peggie son of a biych you bring me plane back! I will get you! I promise you that.” Thats not John you think confused.
“I just stole this plane from John, who are you?”
“What?” There was a great deal of confusion in his voice. “You have to have a huge set of balls to steal from the peggies, can you bring me my plane back?”
“Theres a story to go with it, but ya i can. Lucky i got to her when i did, they where doing repairs that would of dropped her from the sky.” You say “I was going to go to the Rye strip. But uh, i can bring her anywhere for you, as long as its not the seed ranch.”
“That’s perfect! Im Nick Rye bring my plane on home!”
It didn’t take long to find the airstrip, or to land. Nick came running out of the hanger towards you yelling in excitement “Oh hell ya! Thats my plane! I cant thank you enough! This is my family’s ticket out of here, this shit hole.” He said while shaking your hand. “KIM, KIM GET OUT THE PLANES BACK.”
“I CAN HEAR THAT NICK.” A very pregnant woman yelled back as she walk towards you two slowly.
“Well go get the luggage so we can leave come on Kim.” He said frantically.
“Im not leaving, your not leaving Nick.” She said stubbornly. “This is your home, your grandfather built it. Its our home, its our childs home. We cant walk away from this!” She was rubbing her belly and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was for dramatic flare.
“Kim these peggies are dangerous people, we cant stay.”
“Well im not leaving.” She said as she put her hands on her hips. Nick put his head in his hands and shook his head.
“Dammit Kim, its not safe!”
“Still not leaving Nick.” She replied Nick kicked some dirt and Nodded reluctantly. “Our child will be born here, raised here. In our home.”
“Ok, if we’re staying, if we’re doing this. Then i will fight for it, us.” He said incredibly reluctantly.
“May i?” You ask Kim motioning towards her belly she smiled and nodded. You gently feel her belly. “This is her bum” you say to kim rubbing the top of her belly “And this is the head down here. Dropped and in position, you must be a few weeks out from your due date. Probably sooner with all this going on.”
“Are you a doctor?” Kim asked surprised.
“No, i was a paramedic before i moved here. A crisis paramedic actually.” You say with a smile. “It didn’t happen very often, but i helped a few deliveries. It was my favourite part of the job. Usually its stopping death, this is about bringing life.”
“You just might have to stick around then! Our doctor is fine for now, but with these peggies you never know.” Kim said
“Would be more than happy to stick around.” You reply happily.
“Thank you.” Nick said “How was it you stole her back from John anyways?”
“Uh, John wanted me to join the party, so to speak so I pretended i was being useful. Fixed the plane, thank God what a hack job they did. So when my tailing crew where busy I jumped in the plane and took off. John was pretty pissed off told me i was stealing his plane. Thats why i was surprised it was yours.”
“I dont even know your name.” He said as he held out his hand
“Deputy Knight.” You say with a smile as you shake it.
His face changed instantly. “As in Joanne, the long lost sister the peggies wont stop talking about.”
“Stop it Nick, you know as well as i do shes not one of them. You heard as well as i, she saved falls end. She brought the plane back.” Kim said. Nick looked angry but didn’t reply any further.
“I will head out, but just so you know Nick. Im not my brothers i want to save this place, yours and everyone else’s. I’ve spent my life saving lives, im not turning my back on that now. If you need it, im available to help you and Kim.” You say softly he didn’t reply but Kim gave you a smile and nod.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
What Your Favorite Beer Says About You Because It’s Apparently National Beer Day
Unless youve taken a three-year-long break from social media, you know that every fucking day is some kind of national holiday. Anything you can possibly think of has its own goddamn day. Siblings? Yup. But you cant forget only children because god knows theyd pitch a fucking fit, so theres a National Only Child Day too. National Margarita Day, National I’m Obnoxious And Basic I Love My Poodle Day. You name it. So of course today is no different. Happy National Beer Day, everyone! And while Id prefer vodka soda or pinot noir day, Im def celebrating because at least it involves some form of alcohol. And since yall should celebrate too, heres what your fave type of beer says about you because Buzzfeed quizzes are over.
Local Craft Beer
If you only drink craft and local, lets be honest, youre annoying and pretentious about it. You say shit like hoppy on the reg and if someone tosses you a Bud Light at a party youre a dick and turn it down and make some snarky-ass comment about how you only drink “the real stuff”. Youre definitely a mega hipster and have a shit ton of bumper stickers on your car, probs of all your favorite breweries around town. You also voted for Bernie in the primaries and are still bringing up Hillary’s emails every chance you get”Corrupt Clinton” might as well be your Tinder bio at this point.
Michelob Ultra
Youre definitely a skinny betch if this is your go-to. You probs would rather have a vodka soda (wouldnt we all) but you occasionally want to come off as the cool girl who can hang with the guys, even if we all see right through it immediately. Ariana from is def a fan Michelob Ultra. You dont drink beer with the guys and have a body like that.
Guinness And Other Dark Shit
Guinness drinkers are blackout betches. You probs are just starting off the night and plan on working your way up to something way harder but instead of starting with a casual light beer, you dont waste any time and hit the ground running. Because of this commitment to the buzz, youre also a BSCB. You get in fights at the bar and your friends have bailed you out of jail at least twice. Be careful tonight.
Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Light, etc.
Tbh, everyone drinks this shit so its hard to classify you as a specific type of betch. But Im just gonna focus on the people who designate it as their favorite. A lot like your beer choice, you are completely and totally average. Theres nothing terrible about you, but youre not memorable either. Youre the friend that the group forgot came out until they scrolled through drunken Instas, and if you had a nickname it would probably be “Egg Whites.” 
Seasonal Beer
The beer of the basics. Jambo! From grapefruit and lemon in the summertime to pumpkin in the fall, there is a beer for every fucking time of year and extras love them, because is it even a winter month if you dont have a peppermint beer to drink and/or post a pic of?
Mexican Beer
If you drink this, you have a Salt Life sticker on your Jeep and all your posts involve you on vacay in front of a body of water. Youre probs naturally hot (fucking bitch) and like shit like surfing. We get it, you went to Cabo one timeand no, despite how much you post about it, we are not going to “take you back.”
European Beer
Betches who prefer only European beer studied abroad for one summer and never miss a chance to tell you about it. And ordering a European beer is the perfect segue to do that. After one sip, you start talking about how it reminds you of that month they spent on the Amalfi Coast and how it opened your eyes to a whole new world and bunch of other shit weve all heard a million times and DGAF about. Never mind the fact that everybody in Italy drinks wine so you kind of sound like an idiot.
Natty, Busch, etc.
First of all, what are you doing reading this? You probably need your parents’ permission to be on this site right now seeing as you are most likely an actual child. Natty Light and its equivalents taste like actual piss water (not like we would know for sure), and if youre over the age of 15 and drink this you need to really reevaluate where your life is headed. Maybe take National Beer Day as an opportunity to broaden your horizons.
If you drink sours, youre a whole different level of hipster. Youre the hipster thats so committed to doing the cool new hip thing that you dont even care that what youre drinking is nasty af and tastes like straight vinegar. Tbh, I admire that level of dedication.
A cider is good and all, but its not a fucking beer. If this is your drink of choice on a day that honors BEER, youre phony afa lot like your beverage. You pretend to be one thing when really youre something totally different and trust me, we can all tell that you’re basically just apple juice with a slight kick. 
Read more: http://betches.co/2oeViC5
from What Your Favorite Beer Says About You Because It’s Apparently National Beer Day
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