#i dont know how to 3d model please help
oli-7 · 28 days
gave blender another shot , made a randal
some extra things below !
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tried giving him an outline too, but i uh. dont really know what im doing.
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computer graphics is my passion
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juette · 1 year
a comprehensive guide to custom villagers
when making my custom villager it was very difficult to find good tutorials as many of them would point to deleted pages or only cover things i already knew, so i have decided to make my own complete tutorial. please let me know if you need any aditional help! i will try my best to keep this tutorial up to date and clarify it if needed.
it's important to note that these villagers will NOT show up in online play and dream towns. since only your game is edited, other players will see whichever villager you've replaced instead of the one you've made unless they also mod their game.
first things first, you will need a hacked 3ds with luma3ds and an SD card for this. you can probably play in citra, but i dont really know how using mods in citra works so i will focus on luma3ds for this tutorial.
if you haven't hacked your 3ds yet, do not follow a video tutorial: they can become outdated very easily with no indication of it and following outdated guides makes it a lot more likely that you'll brick your console. follow the guide on 3ds.hacks.guide instead.
other software you will need:
hackingtoolkit9ds to decrypt and unpack the rom
kukkii to extract the textures and put them back in
a drawing software (can be anything, even mspaint) to edit the textures
blender or another 3d editing software to preview what you're doing
010 editor to edit the bin and .umsbt files
step 1: getting a rom
if you're simply downloading the rom online, you may skip this step.
for those who wish to dump the rom from their console, you must first turn it on while pressing the START button to enter godmode9's menu. click the HOME button to see more options, then select "Title manager", then select where you've installed the title (SD card or the console itself). a list of all your installed games will appear. scroll down to Animal Crossing New Leaf or Happy Home Designer depending on which game you want your villager to be injected into.
once you've chosen the game, select "Manage title..." and choose either "Build CIA (standard)" or "Dump CXI/NDS file". you may then shut down the console and insert the SD card into your computer. the rom will be in the folder \gm9\out on the root of your SD card
step 2: decrypting/unpacking the rom
drag and drop your rom to the "PackHack" folder that hackingtoolkit9ds is in. rename it so that it doesn't contain any spaces or special characters.
open up hackingtoolkit9ds and type either CE (for .cia roms) or CXI (for .cxi files) in the window that appears depending on the format of your rom. it will ask you to write the name of your file without the extension. type it and press enter and wait for it to do its thing.
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step 3: making your textures!
you'll find your extracted villager models in the folder \ExtractedRomFS\Npc\Normal\Model
the first three letters in each .bcres file name represent the species. open up one of the files of the species you want to make yoir villager be. it doesn't have to be the file of the specific villager you want to replace as we can rename it later, but do be careful that certain villagers have slightly different models than the rest of their species (tucker having tusks or étoile having hairpins, for example)
since i wanted to make an elephant with tusks, i've picked tucker as my base. he uses model elp09.bcres
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click the "Batch export PNG" button and choose the folder you want the textures to go in. you may then edit them as you wish. your textures do not need to be semi-transparent like the extracted textures are.
i like seeing the way things look as i work, so i get a copy of the model as a .dae file to open it in blender. you may get those from models-resource.com or you may extract them yourself using ohana 3ds rebirth, though ohana can be a bit unreliable at times. blender's "texture paint" tab also allows you to draw directly on the model, though i don't find it precise enough to my taste so i mostly use it to lay guidelines for me to draw over.
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once you're satisfied with your model, make sure to draw the different expressions as well.
eyes 0: neutral
eyes 1: half-blink
eyes 2: blink
eyes 3: angry
eyes 4: sad
eyes 5: happy closed (think ^_^)
eyes 6: surprised
eyes 7: >_< face
mouth 0: neutral/smile
mouth 1: half-open
mouth 2: fully open
mouth 3: frown
mouth 4: half-open frown
mouth 5: fully open frown
you do not have to follow those expressions exactly: for example, being a plush elephant, tusker's mouth moves up and down as he speaks instead of opening and closing.
once everything is done, open the .bcres file in kukkii again and import all of your textures in the right slot (i've found the mass import button does not work for me), then save the file.
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step 4: editing names and catchphrases
note: if the villager you are replacing is already in your town, editing the catchphrase in the game's files will NOT change it in-game. similarly, if you are putting the villager in your town with marc robledo's save editor, they will have the catchphrase of the villager you've replaced unless you change it in the save editor yourself.
editing a villager's name or default catchphrase is quite simple, but the new name/catchphrase cannot be longer than the old one. if it is, it will mess up the names and default catchphrases of all the following villagers in the game files.
since you can edit the villager's personality in the game files, simply pick a villager with a long enough name and the right gender. you may also look at the villagers' favourite colors and styles on nookipedia to find one that most closely resembles the villager you wish to make.
since i want tusker to have the sisterly personality, i looked at all the sisterly villagers and i found that pashmina's tastes were close enough, so this is who tusker will be replacing. since her id is goa08, tusker's model needs to be renamed to goa08.bcres
you will find villager names in \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_name.umsbt and \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_name_ASR.umsbt
scroll down until you find the name of the villager you wish to replace and change it. the dots between each letter are NOT periods! make sure not to delete them. if you do delete one, or if the villager you're replacing has too many letters in its name, you can copy a dot from another name and paste it between the letters or in place of the extra letters.
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catchphrases are found in \ExtractedRomFS\Script\Str\STR_NNpc_habit.umsbt
step 5: editing birthdays, species and personalities
you may skip this step if you only wanted to edit the villager's name.
first, download this template.
then, open up \ExtractedRomFS\Npc\Normal\ConstPack.bin in 010 editor and click View -> Line Width -> Custom Width... and enter a value of 34 to make all the villager IDs align.
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next, click Templates -> Run Template and select the template we've downloaded. a list will appear at the bottom of the window. scroll through it until you reach the villager you wish to edit, (it will be highlighted in the top half of the window) mine being goa08.
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clicking the arrow to the left of struct VillagerConst will reveal a list of all the data this line contains. i will show you how to change birthday, species and personality.
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the page we downloaded the template on shows a list of "cases" for each field . for example, for the species field, we want tusker to be an elephant, which is case 0x01 on the page. we will thus type 0x01 in the u8 Species field of 010 editor. the same thing goes for the u8 Personality field. sisterly is 7.
the birth month and day simply require the date. tusker's birthday is may 1st, so i typed 1 in the u8 BirthDay field and 5 in the u8 BirthMonth field. leave everything else alone.
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step 6: putting them in the game
luma3ds makes it really easy to put your villagers into the game as long as you pay attention to the folder structure of the original rom.
on the root of your sd card, there should be a folder named luma, and within it a folder named titles (if there isn't, you can create it.)
within that folder, create a folder named with the title ID of your animal crossing game. that title ID will depend on the region of your game.
you can then create a folder named romfs in which you will place your mod files while respecting the path of theoriginal files. for example, the path for the models will be \luma\titles\<game title ID>\romfs\Npc\Normal\Model
when all the files are in place, pop your sd card back into your 3ds and open the game. if the villager isn't in your town, use wisp and an amiibo card (or wumiibo) to see if they show up properly.
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and that's it! enjoy your new villagers <3 feel free to tag me in your custom villagers, i'd love to see what you make!
did you find this tutorial helpful? you can buy me a ko-fi as thanks!
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hceinart · 7 months
my good fellas in the bg3 modding community please help me. i know nothing. how do you even LEARN what to do, there seem to me no tutorials. I have the skills to edit 3d models i believe i could reshape a face preset but i dont even know how to get it out of the files and then put back in the game please enlighten me
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pretty-idol-hell · 3 months
Hi again. Randon questions, is it possible to scan QR code coords onto the pretty series toys, like the smart pod shot or the idol watch?
I saw the Idol watch is compatible with the pripara/pretty rhythm 3DS Game but I dont know how? 🤔
Speaking of the smart pod shot, is possible to scan your real life prism stones into it?
Thank you for your time, regards a very confused fan 😊
Please note that I am very rusty on this subject, as I no longer own any of the toys.
IIRC the PriPass and the Smart Pod Shot were the only toys to ever come with a camera. I believe the PriPass could read some promo codes (like from magazines) to unlock additional features or something.
But I don't remember ever being able to scan coords/PriTickets into them.
Oh ho I was wrong! According to my own post you could scan some coords into it, but only mille-feuille promo tickets.
The Idol Watch as far as I can remember did not have a camera. It had an input on the back where it could read jewels...
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And it could output QR codes to use on the arcade game. But I don't remember anything about the 3DS being able to read them. Where did you hear that?
As for the Smart Pod Shot, although it had a camera, I don't think it could read prism stones. Prism stones don't have QR codes or anything (I still don't even know how the Pretty Rhythm machine can scan them, and even the PriPara machine camera struggled back when that was possible). I think the only QR code it could read was the one displayed on the screen after your Pretty Rhythm arcade game?
Here are some of my old posts reviewing toys:
Please note that a lot of this is outdated since when the PriPara arcade was discontinued the first time, they ended all compatibility with most of the toys.
Hope this helps!
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indigo-ghost-girl · 11 months
I dont quite know how to organise my thoughts on Sonic Prime.
It's not boring... the animation is amazing and I love the themeing of the different worlds. I love Sonic's antics. I love the models for the characters. I love their characters.
But I can't help but feel like it could have been you know: this massive crossover between the other Sonic properties and shows and stuff. Even if it couldn't have been all of them due to copyright nonsense.
I think that is dampening my excitement for it.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if Sonic got to meet alternate versions of himself. I think my favourite part was meeting chaos Sonic.
It gives Sonic a chance to reflect on himself and all the alternate timelines he could have lived in.
Or like the artsytle changes everytime he enters a new portal, like one world is claymation another is 2d or a full on comic dub esc layout a bit like the storybook games or one is like pixel art or full on silent cartoon just to yknow: hammer home the fact that these are diffrent dimensions.
And I feel like the story is... too small like the ENTIRE show is just in alternate versions of Greenhill: F*cing GREENHILL. and like that's saying something when this is meant to be on some grand multiversal scale. They found a way to incorporate more green hill. Like it was okay at first but like please I am so sick of green hill.
There are like no real memorable locations outside the loop and the temple. Like come on!
I can feel the fact that they have to use 3d assets instead of the freedom of 2d backgrounds it drives me crazy.
I want to love Sonic Prime I really do. But I can't help but feel like there's something holding it back. There's just something... empty about it. I don't know, perhaps its my expectations. Perhaps I just despise green hill so much.
Perhaps I feel its a little too predictable. Or it goes by too fast.
Or its just another fetch quest narrative.
Or I really think Sonic needs to cry like full on Ansty weeping. Let the man cry. He needs to cry. Let him cry cowerds. Let him sulk. He needs a caved in by himself moment so he can reflect on things at his own speed because he clearly needs time to process things. Especially after the last episode of season 2.
He needs to like pace back and forth, talking himself through what happened without Shadow being all high and mighty in his ear.
...perhaps its a little too silly for a narrative about someone realising their flaws
Or perhaps I'm projecting my general distaste of dumbing down children's contents just because it's for children onto sonic prime because it's silly.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
i actually have another story related to this that kind of...i dont know...shows the difference between what im used to and now. while i was working in computer science education i was an art director - and had to defer to the professors in programming and curriculum -  for the most part i had final say on anything art quality related.
so nick shows up in pittsburgh - ski season was over with and he decided to lend his carpentry skills to theater tech work. and somehow through the theater he was employed at, he got talked into being set director for a local high school play on the side. and then, because i was madly in love with him and wanted to spend every second together like a total idiot, i got roped into helping him paint everything.
so while i was writing a textbook by day - creating the models/joint systems AND planning how they can illustrate introductory programming concepts -  i was also spending my nights from like midnight to 4am painting the sets nick was building. for like two weeks or something. i was dying, but i was very happy about it.
anyway one night instead of us being there alone the actual Art Director of the show was there doing whatever it is she did. and she was watching me paint some stone walls. and she was like ‘thats too much color stones are grey’. and i just looked at her with my two hours of sleep death stare and informed her that this was the underpainting. and nick was sitting over there smirking at us like the smug asshole he is because he already knew me too well by then and he knew exactly who was going to win this battle. At that point he’d also spent enough time making out hanging out with me in my office that he'd seen me do this base layer / top layer painting on digital sets.
because a few things: this is for stage so if you’re going to have colored lights you want to give even gray objects some color to catch it. two, if the lights are going to be bright you’re going to have to compensate a little - you can see this in every dsnylnd ride ever. three - i told her the truth that the initial underpainting was literally an underpainting and the teal tinted gray wash going on top was going to blend all the colors together. This is how you get the illusion of flat objects being three deminsional. Those of us who have worked on low poly games know this ALL TOO WELL. PLEASE lady i do this everyday on 3D computer models its the same fucking concept. i didnt say all this. i just fucking did it. cause i was a volunteer working till 4am what could she do. Kick me out? Haha.
so yeah i won that argument and when the play opened everybody commented on how great the sets looked.
BUT WHAT IM SAYING is that the people who aren’t actually doing the work and are only judging the finished project really REALLY shouldnt be able to have any say at certain stages. they should just trust that the person who has already previously demonstrated the ability to do this shit can do it again. and thats why we have concept art. to determine the direction that the working artist can then formulate a way to reach. and then the person who directed the concept can look at the finished product and be happy. but thats not how it works because they like to be in control \o/
Sometimes i wonder if i actually would have survived working at the studios during the golden age of ani*ma*tion (Besides my being female). Cause like walt was known to be a very micro managing boss - its why the whole place fell apart after his death for a while there. The artists used to ask if walt was in his ‘bear suit’ that day so they'd know in advance if he was going to rip their heads off in critique. And one artist looking for a job actually walked in and told walt that ‘[walts] job is the only job worth having around here’. Who knows. I feel too young to be so disillusioned by this town already.
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jirachibaby · 2 years
Hi I really like your 3d art!! If it's okay for me to ask, do you have any tips for doing that kind of 3d work without drawing? I saw you said you haven't really drawn in a long time and I don't know how to draw (I've been trying to learn but it's hard ;__;) and most of the tutorials I see online for modeling characters and stuff use reference images that the person drew?? Ty for reading even if you don't have advice ^^ love your art ✨️ 💖
Aw gosh. Firstly thank you <3
Drawing IS hard. I would definitely recommend learning at least the foundational drawing and design principles before tackling 3D art, because it will make your learning process so much easier I promise. This includes fundamentals like figures, forms, lighting and shadow, shapes and shape language, ect. You dont need to be a master or anything, just having some background knowledge of how things work visually is necessary for creating anything appealing!
My best advice: shapes. Shapes are everything. When I was taking drawing classes, my teacher wouldn't tell us how to draw something, he would tell us what shapes we could use to build the forms. Cylinders, spheres, boxes all stacked together to make something recognizable.
You don't need to know how to draw to get into modeling! The recent models I've shown didn't have more than concept art references I made years ago, which weren't used to help with the modeling itself. I didn't draw anything new to guide my modeling process for those guys.
Another thing, learning how to visualize things in 3D will absolutely improve your drawing skills by leaps and bounds! So you can always go back and forth between learning how to model a simple object and then using that model as a drawing reference to practice.
Start simple. I know it's tempting to jump into trying to model your OC in 3D straight away, but you need to learn the fundamentals of your program first. I highly recommend doing the Donut Blender tutorial on youtube (it's the best tutorial out there to teach the important stuff, hands down)
Once you're ready to start on your own unique model, grab references, inspiration images, watch tutorials and see how others go about making their models.
Finally, if you ever find yourself struggling and you really want a reference image to guide you and don't think you're up to drawing one yourself, you're welcome to use this one I sketched up for one of my first modeling attempts! Just be sure to watch a simple character modeling tutorial first so you understand how to set up and use references like these.
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(This goes for anyone who would like to 3D model and want to use this as a reference, please just give me credit if you share this image in any way!)
It was a challenge to model but I learned a lot in the process. It was good practice, even if the end result will never see the light of day.
I hope some of this advice resonated with you or helped even a little! I'm always thrilled to be able to inspire others to pursue new passions or art forms. I hope you will share some of your work with me in the future, I'd love to see what you create and how you grow!
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this-week-in-rust · 1 year
This Week in Rust 476
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
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Updates from Rust Community
A Q4 Recap & 2022 Reflection from Rebecca Rumbul
Project/Tooling Updates
rust-analyzer changelog #162
fltk-rs in 2022
shuttle - Release v0.8.0
This Week in Fyrox
gitoxide - The year in retrospective, and what's to come
The AeroRust community - 3 years birthday (and the roadmap for 2023)
SeaQuery 0.28.0 - A dynamic query builder for SeaORM
Databend 2022 Recap
State Machines III: Type States
Rust — vim — code completion
How to Test
Embedded Rust and Embassy: DMA Controllers
Parsing TFTP in Rust
Rustdoc JSON in 2022
From PHP to Rust: Migrating a REST API between these two languages. (Part I)
React + Rust + Wasm: Play an Animated 3D Model
Open Source Grindset Explained (with a Rust example)
Rust Walkthroughs
Building a Simple DB in Rust - Part 1
Microservices with Rust and WASM using Fermyon
Compiling Brainfuck code - Part 4: A Static Compiler
Rusty Circuit Breaker 🦀
Zero-dependency random number generation in Rust
Rust 101: an open-source university course
[video] If Rust Compiles, It WORKS (Testing not needed 📚)
[video] Introduction to Axum
[video] Ergonomic APIs for hard problems - Raph Levien
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is Sniffnet, a cross-platform GUI application to analyze your network traffic.
Thanks to Gyuly Vgc for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
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Updates from the Rust Project
291 pull requests were merged in the last week
CFI: monomorphize transparent ADTs before typeid
account for match expr in single line
account for macros in const generics
account for multiple multiline spans with empty padding
adjust message on non-unwinding panic
allow trait method paths to satisfy const Fn bounds
always suggest as MachineApplicable in recover_intersection_pat
detect diff markers in the parser
detect when method call on LHS might be shadowed
dont use --merge-base during bootstrap formatting subcommand
emit fewer errors on invalid #[repr(transparent)] on enum
encode spans relative to the enclosing item -- enable on nightly
error parsing lifetime following by Sized and message + between them
fix confusing diagnostic when attempting to implementing trait for tuple
format only modified files
on unsized locals with explicit types suggest &
only deduplicate stack traces for good path bugs
give the correct track-caller location with MIR inlining
implement allow-by-default multiple_supertrait_upcastable lint
improve heuristics whether format_args string is a source literal
make trait/impl where clause mismatch on region error a bit more actionable
merge multiple mutable borrows of immutable binding errors
partially fix explicit_outlives_requirements lint in macros
properly calculate best failure in macro matching
provide a better error and a suggestion for Fn traits with lifetime params
provide local extern function arg names
recover fn keyword as Fn trait in bounds
remove unreasonable help message for auto trait
silence knock-down errors on [type error] bindings
suggest Pin::as_mut when encountering borrow error
suggest impl Iterator when possible for _ return type
suggest rewriting a malformed hex literal if we expect a float
suppress errors due to TypeError not coercing with inference variables
trim more paths in obligation types
miri: cargo-miri: use rustc to determine the output filename
miri: handle unknown targets more gracefully
miri: simplify path joining code a bit
miri: support using a JSON target file
miri: tweaks to retag diagnostic handling
use some more const_eval_select in pointer methods for compile times
more inference-friendly API for lazy
more verbose Debug implementation of std::process:Command
add #[inline] markers to once_cell methods
unify id-based thread parking implementations
available_parallelism:gracefully handle zero value cfs_period_us
catch panics/unwinding in destruction of thread-locals
cargo: asymmetric tokens
cargo: reasons for rebuilding
clippy: fix false negative in needless_return
clippy: fix match_single_binding suggestion introducing an extra semicolon
clippy: move mutex_atomic to restriction
rust-analyzer: derive Hash
rust-analyzer: enum variant discriminants hints
rust-analyzer: diagnose private assoc item accesses
rust-analyzer: diagnose private field accesses
rust-analyzer: implement yeeting
rust-analyzer: fall back to inaccessible associated functions and constants if no visible resolutions are found
rust-analyzer: improve exit point highlighting for for and while loops in tail position
rust-analyzer: merge multiple intersecting ranges
rust-analyzer: prefix prelude items whose name collides in current scope
rust-analyzer: type check unstable try{} blocks
rust-analyzer: support multi-character punct tokens in MBE
rust-analyzer: write down adjustments introduced by binary operators
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Fairly busy week with some massive performance improvements at the expense of some significant albeit smaller regressions. The main wins came in a long-standing PR from @cjgillot to enable encoding spans in metadata relative to their enclosing item. This causes more work in full compilation which causes some regressions up to 5% but can lead to very large wins in incremental compilation scenarios (up to ~70%). For example, the clap crate compiles 68% faster after a small 1 line change than it did previously.
Triage done by @rylev. Revision range: b38a6d..b43596
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 1.6% [0.3%, 4.6%] 97 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 1.8% [0.2%, 7.6%] 60 Improvements ✅ (primary) -9.7% [-68.7%, -0.2%] 53 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -1.7% [-15.3%, -0.1%] 62 All ❌✅ (primary) -2.4% [-68.7%, 4.6%] 150
1 Regressions, 1 Improvements, 4 Mixed; 1 of them in rollups 47 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
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Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Only include stable lints in rustdoc::all group
[disposition: merge] Don't derive Debug for OnceWith & RepeatWith
[disposition: merge] PhantomData layout guarantees
[disposition: merge] Add O(1) Vec -> VecDeque conversion guarantee
[disposition: merge] Stabilize ::{core,std}::pin::pin!
[disposition: merge] Stabilize main_separator_str
[disposition: merge] Loosen the bound on the Debug implementation of Weak.
New and Updated RFCs
No New or Updated RFCs were created this week.
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
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Quote of the Week
You haven’t “fooled” rustc, you are using unsafe code. Unsafe code means that all you can do is fool yourself.
– Frank Steffahn on rust-users
Thanks to Quine Dot for the suggestion!
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This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
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sunnyislesdental · 1 year
Why May We Need Dental Crowns?
Dental Crowns North Miami are artificial teeth caps that dentists place over your damaged teeth. When fillings fail to solve the problem, dentists use Dental Crowns Sunny Isles to protect, cover, or restore the shape of your teeth. You can create dental crowns from metal, resin, porcelain, and ceramic; typically, they dont require special care over time other than good oral hygiene. 
Why would I need a dental crown?
You may require Dental Crowns Near Me for several reasons, including:
Restoring a severely decaying or broken tooth.
Protecting a weak or decayed tooth from breaking or keeping the weak tooth together if the parts of it are cracked.
Supporting and covering a large dental filling with the less remaining tooth.
Keeping a dental bridge in its position.
Covering a dental implant.
Hiding a severely discolored or paled tooth.
Covering a tooth which undergone a root canal.
What may you know about onlays and ¾ crowns?
You can use different types of Dental Crowns And Bridges on your teeth. Dental crowns like onlays and 3/4 crowns don't fully enclose your teeth as traditional dental crowns. A typical crown will cover your entire tooth and protect it. Onlays and 3/4 crowns may be suitable if your tooth structure is still sound. It's known as a more conservative approach than covering your entire crown. This procedure involves the tooth being reshaped by your dentist to make room for the crown.
What are same-day dental crowns?
Dental crowns can also be made in the dental office if your Surfside Dentist has the required equipment. This treatment starts with the removal of decay and the shape of the tooth to guarantee a perfect fit inside the crown, much as how a typical crown is built. These processes alter the actual construction of the crown. During the same-day operation, a scanning device (a "wand") is used to obtain digital pictures of the tooth within your mouth. The computer's software uses these photos to create a 3D model of the tooth. A second office machine uses the digital design to cut a ceramic block into the shape of the crown.
Why are metal crowns?
Several metals, including gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium, can create dental crowns. Metal crowns are the least prone to chip or shatter, the least quickly worn down, and require only minimal tooth removal. They can also resist biting, grinding, and chewing pressure. The primary drawback of this type of crown is its shiny appearance. For molars that are not visible, metal crowns are a great option.
How costly can dental crowns be?
The price of dental crowns can vary according to where you reside and what type of dental crown you choose. For example, porcelain crowns are costlier than gold crowns. Generally, dental crowns are not entirely covered by dental insurance. You should discuss the insurance coverage and affordable treatment options with your Best Dentist In Aventura and your insurance provider.
The above-provided details and information will help you learn valuable details regarding dental crowns and why we need them. For more detailed information, please refer to sunnyislesdental.com.
Article Source : https://www.healthymindz.com/why-may-we-need-dental-crowns/
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hyenagirltittums · 3 years
So basically the blender loop is
1 - I have an idea!
2 - open blender
3 - delete cube
4 - This is ok so far
5 - frustration, I mean come on why the FUCK IS IT DOING THAT, HOW
7 - Oh its done
8 - Presses render and goes to do other things for like half an hour to an hour idfk
9 - Save the image
10 - Save the project in case I need what I made later
And then back to step 1
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rosachaotic · 2 years
You. Use. Ibis. Paint. Too?! Unless, of course, you don't. In that case I'll still ask because your art is super beautiful 😅 💕. Can you give us some art tips please? Thanks!
Oh! Im not an expert on using ibis but my tips are:
• Download custom brushes from pinterest, there are A LOT of these there and the brush i use for shadows and lights comes from there. If yall want i can post the brush I use.
• Use purple for shadows if you are making shadows for dark skinned characters, it looks so much better.
• I separate everything on multiple layers, so I can proper color it later, its up to you honestly how many layers u want to use but the many the better for me.
• For lights I reccomend using the "add" option for the lights and the "multiply" option for the shadows. There are other options you can that give you different results such as some make the drawing look more warm, switch colors and etc.
• Dont be afraid of using 3D pose apps for poses, they can help a lot with anatomy.
• But if you dont want to use 3D pose apps you can search on pinterest for pose references of real people, there are even some people on twitter who take pictures of themselfs to be used as a base/model for artists. Using irl references isnt cheating btw.
• Take breaks, as much i know its frustating when you can finish a project or you want to draw but arent getting the result its important to take break, believe me you will feel so much better to draw later.
These are all I have, again I am not an expert but if you got any questions pls ask.
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deviatedwinter · 4 years
hey hey. are your requests still open? If yes,could you write a fluffy oneshot (if you feel comfortable, feel free to add slight nsfw, but ofc not if you dont want to!!) where female reader is insecure about her A cup boobies and rk900 reassures her that shes pretty either way?~
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Aesthetically Pleasing
(Rk900 x insecure! Fem! Reader)
Summary: Reader is insecure about her body, especially her breast size, but Nines is there to comfort.
Word count: 800+
Warnings: Cursing, slight hint at NSFW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Authors note: Yes!! I'm all for body positivity. I hope this oneshot can help anyone out there who is insecure, because you are beautiful, badass, and I love you! (And so does Nines 😏)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
You set down the digital tabloid
with a sigh, the image of the supermodel flickering on its cover. Bright letters adorned the front, the pixels arranged to say "The perfect woman!" The image stared back at you as the magazine rested on your coffee table.
What a load of bull. There was no such thing as a perfect anything, or anyone.
But the image still got to you, striking a nerve deep within.
The woman on the cover wore only a bikini, her legs long and bikini top resting on her slim shoulders.
Your own eyes drifted towards your own body, your mind automatically comparing the two.
How could you compete? Your breasts were much smaller, and was your face even as pretty as hers?
Your shift in emotion caught the attention of Nines, who had been scanning over some case files at your desk in the corner of the room.
His steely eyes flickered from the magazine to you, noticing your frown and unsure expression.
>"The perfect woman?"
//Model name: Haley Verre//
> Full body scan complete
> Detective full body scan complete
=Comparing structure=
//Comparison complete//
> 20% similar
=Cause of distress found=
$&$($ I th1nk she^s just as b€aut!ful$(_7
"Detective, I would advise you to not listen to tabloid headlines. Statistically, they are exaggerated." Nines spoke up, interrupting your thoughts.
"I know.. it's just..how the hell were they even allowed to publish this shit? It's almost fucking 2040." You explained, exasperated.
"I agree." Nines calmly replied, carefully choosing his words. "It is very ridiculous to argue that there is a perfect way someone should look."
You looked down at your own body, and if you had an LED, it would've been pure yellow.
"Especially with girls like me" you mumbled, not expecting the Android to hear.
But to your annoyance, he always heard everything.
"What do you mean, detective?" Asked the android, his head tilting to the side slightly.
You huffed, rubbing your arm as shyness overcame you.
"I'm not like her, or any other women. I got small boobs and I don't have-"
"(Y/N)." Nines cut off, his tone firm which caused you to look over in surprise.
You watched with your breathe held as he stepped over to you, two fingers lifting to gently rest under your chin and raise your gaze to his.
His LED was erratic as it changed colors, but his eyes finally met yours, and they were filled with determination.
"Statistically, there is always a person out there who appreciates your features. I for one, think you are aesthetically pleasing. Please don't talk negativity about yourself like that." He spoke, the last sentence having an edge of softness to it.
His fingers still pressed against the bottom of your chin, and a shiver ran through you as his thumb gently traced your jaw.
"Nines..?" You breathed, shocked at his intimate gesture.
He thought you were beautiful? The thought made your heart flip in your chest.
Your partner drew his hand back with haste before his eyes looked around for a distraction. His objective was met when he saw the digital tabloid.
Smoothly, his skin retracted on his hand as it came down on the tablet, the interface glitching before banishing the article and replacing it with another.
On the cover were different models of all shapes and sizes, the title reading "The naked truth: How we are all different but beautiful"
Nine's LED stabilized to a cool blue as he gazed down at the article, satisfied.
He then turned towards you, gently easing down next to your chair.
"The woman on the front, her body matches yours at approximately 89%. Many people think she is attractive, and she is happy with herself."
You gazed at the woman, on her face was a brilliant, happy smile. She was wearing a bikini as well, and you felt your heart swell slightly. She did look beautiful, and she looked confident.
Maybe Nines was right. I didn't need to listen to the media about how I should look. I'm me, and that's damn well good enough. I'm beautiful, whether or not a magazine thinks so.
A realization struck through your thoughts.
"You said...89 percent? How do you know that..?"
You watched as Nines tilted his head once more, and you could've sworn you saw a hint of mischief in his blue eyes.
"I can make a 3D model of any human's body in my mind palace. It helps with investigating homicides, but I made one of you."
Instantly, your arms covered yourself, your cheeks heating up.
"That's- Nines!"
He seemed to be slightly amused by your discomfort as he explained calmly.
"Do not worry, Detective. The image is only available in my mind drive, it can not be leaked to a third party."
That didn't help.
"That's still, ugh. Nevermind. You're not the first guy to undress me in their head."
That seemed to peak the Android's interest as his gaze met yours, his eyes flickering from yours down to your lips. Your heart stopped for a moment.
The tension was quickly broken when the Android stood, marching over to your desk as he picked up a tablet.
"There was a homicide reported 20 minutes ago. I believe we should investigate."
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That Be Some Good Buttercream
Summary- Steve and Bucky get your help in replicating a howling commando days battle using Christmas baking fun. But... Does anything ever quite work out the way it should? Set in the same characters I used in Night In, Looking Pretty Fly and Popping Pez and Mismatched Socks. Written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ 300 Follower Celebration Challenge. She still has many prompts, check it out. Prompts in italiacs. No warnings, all fluffy. 
Word Count- 1.6k
A/N- so proud of your accomplishments babes, you are an amazing writer and I love getting lost in your stories and listening to your ideas. I know your just gonna keep going up from here. Love you always babygirl 💚😈💚😈💚😈💚
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“Bucky, they came around from the south end” 
“No they did not. I remember Steve, I was there.”
“Yea, and so was I” 
You and Sam had been listening to the two super soldiers carry on at the oversized table in the compounds kitchen dining area for a good hour before you readjusted the volume on the tv once more. Sam, half laying over half the couch remained scrolling on his phone, remarking. 
“Aint gonna do you no good, they just get louder.”
You sigh and hit the off button, he was right. Might as well go see what these two were up to anyways. Pushing yourself off the couch, Sam promptly stretched his legs out onto where you were sitting, making himself comfterable. “See you on the other side Kid!” He joked, settling into watching youtube. 
Wandering in, you saw the two men bent over  large map, Steve with pencil in hand drawing arrows to discern where they started from, stretching it across what looked like a military base. Bucky shook his head. 
“No no no, Punk, I wasnt up there, I was down here” 
“Bucky, I had you up on the highest point, it just looks weird on paper.” 
“You know what, this is pointless.” You could see Bucky getting aggitated with there project, pushing himself away from the table. “We need like... a 3D model to get this right.” 
Steve to straightened up, his arms folding as he looked down at the heavily marked paper. “Well... Tony does have some...” You interrupt in this time, moving over to the table and taking a peek at what they were doing. 
“You know, I have an idea of how to make you two a 3D model.” Both the men quirked brows, curious as to what you had in mind. "Givingerbread reanatcment.” 
You expected a rebuttal, a laugh, anything, since you were joking. But the two of them actually looked thoughtful, glancing at each other. “It would be easier then trying to draw it out” Steve mentioned. “And easier then trying to get Tony to set up the AI model for us.” 
“Plus we get some fucking cookies... Im in.” Bucky grinned, obviously pleased in the options of snacks. What started as a joke from you became a very serious matter as the two Soldiers dragged you into the kitchen. The two of them looking at you expectedly. 
“I was just joking guys, Im not making you a hydra replica gingerbread base. You know how much shit that would take.” At this point you backtracking a bit, wishing the words hadnt fallen out of your mouth so damn easily cause you thought is was funny. 
“Nonsense, you wont be doing all of it. Were going to help.” Steves already moving to wash his hands as Bucky is digging through a drawer and slipping on a god damn “Kiss the Cook” apron, he found in a drawer, ties it swiftly around his back and rolls up his sleeves. 
“You know you always wanted to boss us around Doll.” Bucky smirks, wiggling brows in a teasing manner. “You finally get your chance.” 
You look between the two men, the two of them nodding in encouragement, Steve composed as ever, waiting for You to explain how to start, and Bucky well he was opening drawers, pulling out random stuff that he thought you might use. He held up a spatula with a smirk, slapping the utinsel against his palm. “How about we get this train moving kids.” 
Relenting, you turn to your phone for a recipe. “Okay fine, since you all insist. We need flour, sugar, eggs, ginger, cinnamon....” While your listing, both men are scrambling to find everything, and piling it on the counter, yourself you bring out some bowls, cookie cutters, lets face it. You needed the actual men to decorate like howling commandos. Turning on the oven to get it preheated, you search for decorations. “Steve, store run? We gotta make this accurate you know, and Buckys all dressed up for a day baking. Hate to send him." You just kinda motion lver Buckys getup, the kiss the cook stretched over his chest, the apron a size to small for him really.
Your already grabbing paper and jotting down a detailed list of food coloring, frosting, candies and such. Steve snatched the list when you held it out, he had a general idea of it all and nodded. "Dont hesitate to put Bucky to work. He just pretends to be all intimidating."
You roll your eyes and back in the kitchen theres a "Steve your a dick" retort from Bucky whos looking over the mess of ingredients piled on the counter. Steve, seemingly joyful as he grabbed keys and left, you suspect you might not see him at least another hour or two. No worries, you had the other super soldier on hand.
Heading back in you hand Bucky a bowl and eggs. "Start cracking, separating yolk from white, and no shells." You cant help but from watching him, looking a bit like a lost child, before he he starts to crack eggs and inspect for shells. You watch from the corner of your eye as you put together the dry ingredients, and start mesuring out the molasses, talking him through the rest of the buttercream frosting ingredients.
Dipping your finger in his finished product, you lick the tip of your finger, smirking at his widened eyes. Yea Steve, hes very intimidating. You maybe took a bit to much pleasure in teasing Bucky on occasion. "Mmmhh my very favorite part.... "
He cleared his throat and looked away, it might be a bit mean, but he would give it back later, this was a dance the two of you played. "Okay, what now?" He said a bit gruff and you grab your rolling pin, holding it to him.
Eyeing it a moment, his brow arched. "Ya want me to roll the dough?"
"Yea Buck, nice and thin, since you two want to make all these outer buildings as well." Pointing to Steve's sketching, And you reached in the dough and piled it on the counter on front of Bucky. "And Steve said to put you to work."
"I notice you gave Steve the easy job." He muttered as he started to flatten the dough.
"I knew you were more capable."
Bucky couldn't hide the grin at the compliment, and afterwards you both measured, cut and got the cookie sheets in the oven. Stealing part of the couch back from Sam and watching trash tv till the oven beeped. Bucky vaulted over the couch, head back into the kitchen and pulled them out of the oven.
"Are they firm?" You ask, peeking at them, a light brush of your fingers against them. The room smelled like bake gingerbread and smooth sugar. Tempting delectables to say the least.
"Yup, now what?"
"Cool and mantle your buildings." You say as You slide them off onto wire racks. "Go get the frosting, and I will show you." Already he was rummaging in the fridge to retrieve it. Peeling off the plastic cling, you pick up one of the cooler pieces and edged it with icing. Folding two pieces together. "Easy as that. You try."
Bucky took it so seriously, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he piped that icing. His brows furrowed together in a dip right at the center. You bite back a grin and get a large dollop of icing on your finger and flick it at the man. Landing right in his face. He drops his cookie in surprise and blinks though the icing. "Fucken hell, Y/N! Whats that for?" Wiping it off, he flicks it back at you and you squeal getting hit.
That's war!
"Oh its on Barnes" smirking as you grab a cookie and crumble it, shooting it at him. Cookies fly, icing it flung, flour, and sugar is used to blind one another, you two ducked around the table, screaming and yelling insults playfully.
Bucky tried using the hose at the kitchen sink to spray you, in which you ducked and rolled right into him, the two of you collapsing in a heap on the floor among all your hard work, broken and scattered. Steve stood in the doorway, arms laden with two paper bags, his jaw hanging open at the mess. Bucky pokes you to get your attention and the two of you sit up, covered. Head to toe in frosting, flour and cookies.
"I was just gone an hour..."
"Its a long time to be left unsupervised." You shrug as you smear some frosting off your shirt and lick it off your finger, Bucky helped himself to your shirt frosting to since he had thrown half the bowl on you.
"Oh damn, thats good!" He grins.
"What about this is good?! You mean your gingerbread murder scene?!" Steve toed a dead gingerbread man with the tip of his shoe.
Bucky looked around and glared at his friend. "IT WAS HISTORICALLY ACCURATE" His voice raided to defend the mess and you promptly stuff a cookie in his mouth to shut him up.
"Come on Steve. Did the Hydra base not look like this after you two and the howling commandos were done?" You throw a cookie at him which bounced off his chest. "Eat a cookie, you feel better" next to you Bucky continued eating broken gingerbread men, grinning at his friend and nodding.
"Best damn cookies besides your mama's!" Bucky added between mouthfuls
"I just... Pick this up you two before tony throws a fit." Turning with the bags of candy he bought, passing Sam, he ditched them on the man still scrolling youtube
"You couldn't watch them for two seconds Sam?"
"And break up that little love fest? Puh-lease" Sam grinned at Steve and dug into the paper bags looking through the snacks, pulling out twizzlers.
@what-is-your-plan-today @p8tn0lish @kitkatd7 @stuckonjbbarnes @sebbbystaaan @kimisama1989 @simsadventures @that-damn-girl @imanuglywombat @jtargaryen18 @stardancerluv​ @princess-evans-addict​
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
You went to MICA, right? I’m currently going there and it’s good (stressful as fuck, but good) and I wanna know; what did you hate and what did you love about it? (Oh my god I sound like those end of year surveys they give you)
Hello there!!! Omfg I’m literally on campus right now for pride!!! LOL just got myself a smoky burger from OTH what what. okay okay okay good questions. 
MICA has changed quite a bit since I was there. Like, my freshman year was fucking lit. If you take the shuttle and get Mr. Robert or Ms. Yvette, ask them about the nudists. Shit was wild. 
Our freshman/foundation year was different in general too? Like
Okay. So. lol. Our classes were:
Elements of Visual Thinking - Which was a chance to explore concepts, mediums, learning how to properly critique, etc. 
Critical Thinking - Which was just critical theory, but more on your own practice I guess? I don’t really know how to explain it. 
EMAC - Which was exploring different forms of digital media and how to use them (Premier, Photoshop, Audacity, recording devices, etc)
Sculptural Forms - Which was a chance for you to explore 3d media. So it was held in what used to be 15/15 and it was woodshop, plaster, 3d printing, and cardboard. 
Then, this is where I get pissed off and seriously fucking angry about this change. 
But we USED to have Painting and Drawing. Now, if you got a 5 in AP art, you gained an extra credit and could skip Drawing/Painting 1. HAH. IMAGINE THAT. HAVING A PAINTING AND DRAWING CLASS AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR ART. BECAUSE IT’S KIND OF NECESSARY. 
can you tell im a bit fucking salty?
They were separate classes and I think, they were extremely fucking important to the development of not only my art but my peers. For example, I fucking hated painting when I went to MICA. Literally fucking refused to touch the medium. 
I went to my first class with Latoya Hobbs, tried oil paint, and everything fucking changed. I was a GD major (or that was my plan) and I immediately switched to Painting and I never looked back. 
Unfortunately, yall don’t have that opportunity anymore. Especially since when you choose your major, you tend to stick with those classes. Which really fucking sucks, because you can tell the variety of art has gone down since this change happened. And I think that’s the thing that I dislike about MICA NOW the most. I had the chance to take things, was required to take them, and then I knew how to do a variety of things BECAUSE of those changes. And from what I understand, you don’t have those opportunities anymore. Which really fucking sucks. Because you also miss out on the amazing fucking professors in other majors as well. For example, Karen Warshal. I HIGHLY recommend taking her Portrait class and her Anatomy class. I swear to god, those were the best, more useful classes I’ve ever taken. Is she crazy? A bit. But she’s the most genuine, caring, supportive, and one of the hardest professors I’ve ever had. And thats what you WANT. You don’t want someone to butter you up, tell you your art is poppin when it’s not, and to try and let you off easy because you look upset. Karen tells you how it fucking is and that’s so god damn important. no matter what major you are, TAKE HER FUCKING CLASSES. They’re important and they’re necessary to your development as an artist. Even if you’re not into figural art. - also she makes food and brings it in. and if you’re sick she might make you chicken noodle soup. shout out to karen
Honestly, Karen was probably one of my favorite things about MICA. Along with Mark Karnes,  TONY FUCKING SHORE. LISTEN. YOU NEED TO TAKE A CLASS WITH TONY SHORE (PAINTING). I think he might be doing a class on race (which haha he knows hes white as fuck) and i think it will be fantastic. so keep an eye out, AND RUTH TOULSON THE ANTHROPOLOGY TEACHER. IT MIGHT STILL BE A REQUIREMENT. HER CLASSES HAVE AN 80+ WAITLIST. IF YOU GET ON. ITS SO WORTH IT FUCKING TRUST ME. SHES OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. PAUL LONG, HE’S AN ACADEMIC TEACHER (TEACHES POETRY AND SOME OTHER SHIT. HE’S GREAT. BRINGS SNACKS EVERY DAY), and others?? if you want to know more, please message me and i’ll give you them!
Anyway, I havent really answered your question!
Dislike:Housing situation fucking sucked. getting a room was fucking ridiculous. They ran out of room for us because they started accepting more (this happened when sophomore housing was required. My year was the first year that went into effect and they had to buy out bolton hill apartments. people had to break leases, etc. it was fucking ridiculous). 
The MICA store is eh? It used really good and held in dolphin. But it was literally falling apart. Now its too.. idk. It’s fine. I prefer artists and craftsmen. 
Access to studios and equipment is eh too. Because of time constraints. 
How the student body treats the fucking faculty is DISGUSTING. One girl literally called one of the sweetest security guards the ‘help’. Ms. Gloria (senior in security) is fantastic, Officer Green is everything, Ms. Yvette is so fucking sweet, and Mr. Robert makes my heart sing. 
The student body in general LOLOLOLOLOL. ‘Surround yourself with good juju’ - Former MICA Grad (my best friend) The fucking student body mica page is a fucking dumpster fire lol. 
I don’t like how white MICA is and how entitled a good part of the student body is. The amount of entitlement is fucking ridiculous. And the amount of ignorance is astounding. Also the obviousness to what fucking city you're in, is so wild i cant fucking even. Like. MICA is deceptively beautiful (the MICA bubble). Which is why it is high in crime lol. Just be alert and don’t be a god damned dumbass walking around at 3 am with your fucking headphones in, smoking a cigarette, and acting like you’re fucking immune to being mugged. Just saying. Take the shuttles and you’ll most likely be gucci. 
I don’t like how MICA spends its money (our money). And what they choose to invest in - like buying random fucking buildings and not telling the students what it’s for, and fucking raising the price of tuition and living in order to compensate. 
The total and utter lack of transparency, etc. It felt eehhhh I don’t know how to explain it. 
But really. I loved MICA. I wish I could go back. I met so many amazing people, made great connections, and I don’t think I would have had the same love at any other art school. (I have friends in SAIC, Pratt, Parsons, FIT, SVA, RISD - they all complain about the same things. they in the grand scheme of things, are material. Which important because, hah, money. But, material nonetheless. If you have the means, I don’t think these things I explained are deal breakers)
Now what I loved about MICA. Because honey. I fucking LOVED MICA:
When I was touring schools, I was kind of eh about them? Not in the sense that I wouldn’t have a good time or be ungrateful, but I didn’t get that feeling. Does that make sense? For example, I took a tour at SVA and I have very very strong opinions about SVA, I had no feeling. When I stepped on MICA’s campus, that was fucking it for me. Not only was I comfortable there, but the professors that were at the tour, made it their duty and went out of their way to make myself and the other potential students feel welcome. They were personable, they were kind and welcoming, they were warm, and that continued even after I decided MICA was the place for me. 
My class at least, had no drama lololol. Again, my freshman year was a hell of a lot of fucking fun. We didn’t have any big racist shit going on like other years (ahem ahem 2018, 2019). INSTEAD, we had the nudists, we had carrot videos (ask around about that), it kind of felt less cliquey? Because everyone was generally interested in being friends? Idk. Like we definitely had groups and they became more evident as majors really clicked in, but in the beginning, everyone was pretty much together (this was the first year that the grill opened and leake was a thing. So we were all figuring out the dorms together). I mean we had drama but it wasn’t... idk. It wasn’t like mica student body (maybe its because we didnt have that to fuck shit up lolol). 
On The Hill was my shit. Still my shit. I fucking love on the hill with a fucking passion. Pom Iced Teas, where you at. The neighborhood in general was really nice. Baltimore is one of my favorite cities and the stigma of it will be broken as soon as you start exploring it. HOWEVER, BE FUCKING SMART. DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT. IF YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE SOMEWHERE, YEET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. TRAVEL WITH OTHERS. DON’T BE THOSE DUMB ASS WHITE GIRLS FROM RURAL FUCKING TOWNS THAT THINK THEY CAN WALK AROUND AT 4 AM OR JUST WHEN IT’S DARK OUT, ALONE, AND BE OKAY. TAKE. THE FUCKING. SHUTTLE. 
The studio spaces were really nice so as they’re taken care of. the equipment is really nice. take advantage of it while you can. because once you’re out of school. hah. you’re screwed. 
Networking was nice. 
Being close to the Walters was amazing and the ability to go to DC for the day only spending 8$ on the Marc train to get there was amazing. Having Penn right on campus. 
Again, the professors were in majority, fucking amazing. 
Some professors had classes outside of MICA (karen has model drawing classes at her studio) take them! They’re really worth it!
I actually didnt mind the dorms. 10x better than most colleges. 
Accessibility was amazing. Especially since its not a closed campus, but everything is in one place. That’s not the case with a lot of Art colleges. 
And most of all, I just loved being there. I loved learning. I loved the people. I loved baltimore, i loved the professors. MICA 10000% shaped how I am as an artist in the best way and I think it’s an amazing place to be despite the downfalls. 
Don’t take everything I said as gospel. like I said, these are just my experiences as well as a few of my friends in the same fine arts department. The others, I’m not sure about. But yeah. I hope this helps! You can always message me and I’d be happy to refer you to classes, professors, etc. Good luck with next year!
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
For a drabble prompt could you do 5.”Don’t yell at me like I’m a child!”-“DONT THROW SCISSORS!”for Percico please?😊💖
Advent Calendar: Day 5
“For fuck’s sake, watch out, Percy!”
“Don’t yell at me like I’m a child!”, countered Percy frustrated.
“DONT THROW SCISSORS!”, exclaimed Nico agitated.
“Woah there. How about you both take a step back and calm down…?”, suggested Leo.
The son of Hephaestus stood awkwardly in the doorway to Percy’s room, watching them doubtfully. Leo and Percy had moved in together when they had moved to New Rome for college and had soon enough formed a close friendship with each other.
“I didn’t mean to throw the scissors at you”, offered Percy softly after a moment. “I just… I just got frustrated, I guess. Why does this not fit together?!”
Groaning, Percy sprawled out on the floor. With a sigh did Nico collapse right next to Percy and turned onto his side to look at the son of Poseidon.
“I don’t know. But we’ve been at it for three hours now”, sighed Nico.
“Right. And neither of you figured to just… ask your local tinkerer to help you build whatever the heck it is you two are trying to build there?”, asked Leo pointedly at that.
For a moment, Nico and Percy just stared at each other, before Percy lifted one arm. “In our defense… we didn’t know you were home…”
“Yeah, I thought you were at my place, annoying my sister”, agreed Nico. “That’s usually what happens whenever I leave the apartment. You and Frank come sneaking in.”
When Nico had moved to New Rome, he had moved in with his sister. Frank all the while was still the current praetor and thus living in the praetors’ mansion together with Reyna. So whenever Leo left the apartment, Nico liked to go and spend some alone time with Percy, while whenever Nico left, Leo and Frank found their way to Hazel.
“Well, Frank has a meeting and Hazel said she has to study”, grumbled Leo.
“Ah. That explains that”, nodded Percy amused. “So—o, you wanna help us, oh great tinkerer?”
“Sure. What are we building?”, asked Leo eagerly and got his tool-belt.
“Uhm. A rocking horse…”, admitted Percy with a blush.
“…That’s not hard. How are you-”, started Leo doubtfully.
Nico glared at him so hard that Leo immediately shut up. Instead, Leo went to work on the rocking horse. Which was actually a rocking hippocampus. All blue and with a fish-tail.
“Aw, that’s cute. Laura is gonna love this”, grinned Leo as he started working.
“I hope so. It’s her first Christmas and I just wanted to get her a really great present”, replied Percy.
Nico smiled gently at his boyfriend and cupped Percy’s cheek to bring him close so he could properly kiss him. Percy was still so excited about his baby sister and he tended to hover a little, buying her a lot of stuffed toys and other cute things that reminded him of her. Nico knew that one day, years down the line, Percy would make an excellent father.
“It’s nice that your mom invited us for Christmas too”, said Leo softly after a while.
“You’re my roommate, a heartbreakingly adorable orphan and also the steady boyfriend of Nico’s sister. And since Nico and Hazel only have each other, of course did mom invite them both and not just my boyfriend”, offered Percy matter-of-factly. “And leaving Frank home alone would just be sad. Especially since Ty insists we’re brothers too, because distant legacy didn’t cut it.”
“You could have just said ‘Yeah, my mom is awesome’ for short”, teased Leo. “A—and done.”
“Done? What the… Valdez, we have been at this for hours!”, grunted Nico.
Both he and Percy stared at the perfect rocking horse while Leo just grinned broadly.
Laura was giggling happily, the stuffed hippocampus she had gotten from Tyson tucked under her arm as she patted the rocking hippocampus. Honestly, her whole bedroom had a distinct ocean-theme by now but Paul had gotten used to it. He smiled as he leaned over to kiss his wife. Sally was in the middle of a conversation with Hazel and Ella, who had tagged along with her boyfriend. Tyson was sitting on the floor with Laura, excitedly talking to Percy and Leo, though Percy was rather distracted by Nico who had his arms tightly wrapped around his waist and his chin resting on Percy’s shoulder, kissing his neck every now and again. Leaving the rest of their family to it, he returned to his chess-game with Frank. Their family was loud and large by now, but definitely good.
“Who is the best little sister on the whole planet?”, cooed Percy softly, kissing Laura’s cheek.
“Me. That must be me!”, chimed Hazel with a bright smile. “Right, brother?”
Nico opened and closed his mouth a couple of times. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t put me between the love of my life and my sister. That is just… unfair.”
“Love of your life?”, echoed Frank with a teasing grin, just to earn a glare and shut up.
“When they get married, I get to be best man”, stated Tyson proudly.
“Ella wants to be the flower girl”, hummed Ella and tilted her head, tickling Laura with her feathers.
Laura giggled, trying to grab Ella’s wing but not being fast enough. Everyone smiled as they watched the little girl’s excitement at her first Christmas and at having her family all here.
“Let’s not plan our wedding before we’re even engaged”, muttered Nico embarrassed, blushing.
Percy smiled pleased and leaned back, tilting his head to kiss Nico’s cheek. “That train’s left the station months ago. I’m pretty sure the entire Aphrodite Cabin has like a whole 3D model of what our wedding is going to look like, decked out with seating arrangements and menus.”
“They do. Pipes showed me before”, confirmed Leo with a broad grin.
Huffing, Nico buried his face in Percy’s neck in mild embarrassment. He knew that, somewhere deep down. The love-life of Percy Jackson was the most interesting gossip for the Aphrodite Cabin and ever since Nico and Percy had been going steady, there were even more rumors and all.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered, big bad Ghost King”, whispered Percy teasingly.
“Shut up, Sea Prince”, warned Nico annoyed. “Or I’ll keep your present for myself.”
Percy gasped dramatically, making Nico smile softly and kiss him.
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3!
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