#i don't like being called they because when i was a baby trans i always felt like people would use it on me to avoid acknowledging that
transmeds · 9 months
i dont care about my pronouns that much anymore it really isn't gonna kill me so most of the time when i have to put them somewhere i just say "he/her" cause i don't care other than not liking being called they + people are more likely to take my one off transmed comments as a joke if they think i am One Of Them. anyways the other day one of my well-meaning but 😭😭😭 friend went "i thought you were genderfluid? you know, cause of your pronouns" and i regretted my choice to start saying that for a solid day. i will continue to do it, regardless.
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transmutationisms · 2 months
i would love to hear more about your criticisms of the BITE model! for me it always feels.. unfalsifiable? it seems to do poorly at distinguishing a cult from any other community, if you squint at the definitions
yeah so first of all i'm not particularly keen on even trying to defend the category of "cult" in general. obviously abuse and control methods can and do happen in groups, but i don't think it's particularly useful to talk about this like there's a strict dichotomy between evil malicious groups and all the others. and i think generally, when people do try to sort groups into strict categories like that, what you actually see is that the differentiating factor is less to do with the degree of control exerted by the group and more to do with how much the person doing the sorting is bothered by the group's ideology or doctrinal commitments lol. like, this is sort of baby's first cult concept critique but yknow, a group setting where you're being extremely openly financially controlled is your job and yet most workplaces, however abusive and surveilled and controlling, are not typically designated a 'cult' unless they're also peddling some kind of heterodox religious or medical claims or something.
anyway in regards to BITE in particular, yeah i think it does a really poor job of distinguishing between a 'normal' level of social pressure to say/do certain things, and the kind of control that ostensibly characterises a cult. for example steven hassan has called both MAGA and online trans communities cults, and a lot of this comes down to his persistent and pretty open belief in the power of 'mind control' and hypnosis as mechanisms of cult control. ofc any group of any political persuasion could engage in abuse and high-control of its members! usually this occurs by financial means, social isolation, etc. but hassan's BITE model isn't really good at identifying these kinds of material factors despite paying lip service to them, because it's more motivated by his desire to root out these kinds of shadowy quasi-occult forces of mental reprogramming that he fears.
i just find the whole model to be pretty silly and used mostly as a way of justifying dislike of lots of different social, religious, and political groups---some of which are genuinely mistreating members, some of which are just saying things their critics disagree with---because it's perceived as a reliable social-scientific designation and therefore name-dropping it helps the speaker feel that they're making some kind of objective scientific observation rather than a judgment dependent, as are all judgments, upon their own perspective and values. i think instead of this kind of haggling over Which Groups Count As An Evild Shadowy Cult it would be infinitely more productive and helpful to vulnerable people to talk about how high-control groups operate, what sorts of methods specific groups are using to control and abuse their members, and what sorts of resources those members are dependent on the groups for and need access to from other sources: financial and material provisions, social support networks, etc.
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WIBTA For telling my partner I'd like to bring my ex into our relationship?
I'm copying this over from r/relationship_advice, because the responses are giving me the impression they don't really get what polyamory is & I'm hoping tumblr does. For reference: there's me (29M), my ex (28, Trans Man), and my partner (30M).
My ex and I were best friends in high school, went to the same college, & dated through the tail end of undergrad, for about a year and change. We ended things on very good terms, the only reason we broke up was a difference in life paths: I stayed in the city to get my Master's, he traveled constantly for his work (he's a sculptor who makes these huge custom multimedia pieces, they're genuinely some of the most beautiful things I've seen). We fell out of touch for the most part, but I'd see him popping up on social media occasionally, or he'd text me when he was in town and we'd hang out, along with some other school friends.
The last time I saw him before our present situation was about 3 1/2 years ago today. We went out for drinks, he came back to my place after, and we ended up hooking up. He stayed in town for about a week, and we hooked up a few more times, and then he left again. He sort of dropped off the face of the earth after that, but he'd always been pretty sporadic, especially when he had a big project, so I didn't think much about it.
Not long after that, I met my current partner. He's truly one of my favorite people in the whole world; he's incredibly thoughtful, and earnest, and passionate about his morals & principles (he's an environmental lawyer), and more than anything, he's someone I never feel like I have to pretend with. He asked for my number, we had our first date a few days later, and ended up staying awake the entire night just talking about anything and everything, so we went ahead and got 5am pancakes and called it our second date. We've been together for a little over 3 years now, we've been moved in together for about 2, and while we've had the occasional fight or rough patch I can definitely say I love this man, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him.
So, the big change.
About a year ago (~2 years since seeing my ex, my partner and I have lived together for about a year at this point), my partner and I are having a night in, and there's a knock at the door. It's my ex, looking absolutely ragged, holding a 15 month old baby. As in, a baby who was conceived 24 months before then. Yep, it's pretty much what you're guessing. I let them both in, we had a sit down in the kitchen, and he told me everything he'd been doing in the past 2 years in between me cussing him out for keeping it all from me in the first place. I really do want to keep this as short as possible, so to give you the super condensed version:
She's my daughter, he's completely sure about that, there's no one else he's been with the math is even close to correct for
The second he found out he was pregnant, he more or less panicked. He's got a whole Thing about feeling like he's irresponsible/not a "real" adult, and this really set him off, so telling me felt like "admitting to fucking both our lives up" at the time. His OB/GYN said some pretty awful shit to him about not being more careful as a trans man too, which just made it all even worse
Because of all that, he'd genuinely planned to just never tell me I have a daughter & raise her completely on his own, but a few things compounded to force his hand:
The birth was really rough on him, and his recovery was slow enough he was having trouble going back to work, to the point where money was getting tight
On top of that, our daughter has celiac disease, and between paying out of pocket for blood tests & spending more on baby food she's safe to eat, things got desperate enough he went and took out a really dodgy loan from a scummy payday company
He was at our door because all of this had finally spiraled to a point where he'd lost his apartment, they'd been sleeping in his car for about a week, and he couldn't think of anything else to do
I think I was probably feeling every human emotion in existence at the same time through all of this, but the thing I remember most from the whole conversation was the way my partner kept drifting right back to the baby, and the soft way he looked at her. We put my ex & daughter up in a hotel room for the night and told him we needed to talk, and we'd discuss our options in the morning, but I think even then I kind of knew what our answer was going to be.
Sure enough, for the last year and a half we've been co-parenting our little girl, all three of us. We didn't want to juggle who's got her, or force my ex to find a place to stay, so we've turned my partner's home office into our daughter's room, and redid most of the downstairs layout so my ex could move into an actual bedroom, rather than just sleep on our pullout couch in perpetuity. We finally succeeded in convincing him that rest and recovery was more important than trying to contribute to the house finances right away, and it's been magical watching all that stress and terror slowly fall off him. It's like he's a little more alive again every time I look.
Which is where my question comes in.
I'd like to restate, I love my partner 100%. None of this changes that whatsoever. If I ask, and he says no, that will be the end of the discussion for me completely. But I have eyes. My ex is, objectively, a very attractive man. I know we work well together, and I have to admit I'm very curious to see where that same chemistry could lead now that he's not on the other side of the country half the time. I've also been noticing these little moments between him and my partner. Nothing I'd consider crossing a line, but I've caught my partner checking my ex out several times, as well as vice versa, and they get along remarkably well. Sometimes I'll go to enter a room, and see them both sitting there laughing and chatting and playing with our baby, and I'll just hang back to watch because it makes me so happy.
Add to all that, we're pretty deeply ingrained in each other's lives now. My partner and I don't often go out on dates alone anymore, but the last few times we did it felt as if my ex was missing from the table. We watched a movie together last night, and my ex sat in the middle of us with his feet in my partner's lap and his head on my chest, and it felt just as natural as my arm on my partner's shoulder. It's not about just having sex with him, and it's not that I'd want to invite any old person into our relationship. I know we already all love each other, and I think there's potential for that to become romantic between the two of us and my ex.
It just feels as though we're all holding our breath, waiting for someone else to say it first. My ex certainly isn't going to bring it up when he's living rent free in "our" home (it's his home too, but he doesn't seem to see it like that yet). My partner grew up sheltered enough that I'm not sure he's ever heard of polyamory at all, so he's not going to bring it up. That just leaves me.
My problem is, if I'm wrong about what I think I'm seeing, or if I bring it up the wrong way, I can't take it back. I don't want my partner to feel insecure or betrayed, I don't want my ex to feel pressured or put on the spot, and I definitely don't want my daughter to lose any of us, which I know could happen if we aren't all on the same page. Or worse, if we do all date and it goes badly.
Should I just keep this whole thing secret? Is that even worse? Would I be the asshole for opening this can of worms on everyone else?
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Hello, it me :D
Idk how you want to structure this or how it's gonna sound when I try to type out what's in my brain rn, I do know that I want this to be a full hc tho
Ok. So. I've seen some art here & there of some of the M6 with their own children; mostly just babies but there are a couple older kids in the mix as well. This is where things in my head get weird so bear with me:
I'm thinking this ask could go three ways (I also don't know if Nadia & Portia will be able to fit in to this ask but it is what it is), and you can do just one of the options or all of them, I'll let you choose:
A. M6 reacting to MC telling them they're pregnant
B. M6 & MC mid-pregnancy preparing for the baby
Or C. M6 getting to hold their kid for the first time
Hopefully this makes sense I think it provides an opportunity for incredible wholesomeness whatever you decide :)
The Arcana HCs: M6 during MC's pregnancy
~ ohoho, now this, this is the kind of prompt that makes my heart sing! @themushroomgoesyeet I hope you're ready because I'm doing all three of those suggestions in here, just you wait >:3 - brainrot ~
Other baby-related hcs: M6 when someone hands them a baby
The M6 when the child they have with you is an exact carbon copy of them
-- for the purpose of these headcanons and because I write for a gender-neutral reader, MC is pregnant with a baby that is equal parts their and their LI's DNA. This could have happened the traditional way (depending on how you envision your MC or if you headcanon your LI as trans), or simply by magical means. For my fellow trans men, seahorse dads are still dads! And to my fellow AO3 readers, mpreg is possible. Always. O.O --
For the first time in his life, he was well and truly speechless
And delighted. In fact, his speechlessness was because of the unforeseen tidal wave of joy that crashed over him as soon as you told him and it knocked all the air out of his lungs
Pulling you into an embrace as soon as he can move again and trembling with excitement: "Really? You're going to have my baby? We're going to be parents? I'm going to be a father? Haha!"
If he was bad about hovering before he's terrible about it now
Detailed research on all potential issues (which leads to him having crippling spirals over all the ways this could go wrong)
Auntie Pasha and Great-Grandma Mazelinka are here for it and so overwhelmingly supportive. It's hard to resist Julian's regular suggestions of bed rest because they make it so feasible
Mazelinka's soup was heavenly for your morning sickness
Julian collected at least three different remedies for every single pregnancy symptom you had and filled multiple notebooks with doctor's observations. Even down to tracking your sleep cycle
He also called in several favors to make sure that at least two other doctors would be available leading up to your due date - one for you and one for the baby. (he still insisted on being the main one)
He managed the birth impressively well - years of medical expertise kicked in and he went full "doctor" mode, keeping a cool head and open communication and anticipating every need
Until he held his child for the first time and had to sit down because his knees gave out. He has a whole new reason to live well
You know that panicked blushy face they make? Yeah, that was it
You briefly mistook it for horror - you know he likes surprises, but this is something else - but it was really his own panic at suddenly being plunged into a whole new world of emotion and instincts
Their first motion was to reach out and place their hand over your heart to confirm it through your bond, if only because they couldn't get their words to work and they needed that grounding touch
Once he's collected himself, he's over the moon. Is it terrifying? Sure, but it's also going to be the adventure of a lifetime, and it means building a new future and family with you! As parents!
They want to tell Aisha and Salim about it as soon as you're comfortable because they've done this before, they can help. And also because they’re going to be grandparents
Covers you with enchantments to keep you and the baby safe and happy and keeps a growing list of the most unhinged baby names to make you laugh. Faust likes to gently squeeze your bump
Makes every pregnancy craving you have and tries it with you, no matter how weird. He's got three years of practice being your caregiver and his patience for the mood swings is unending
Spends an hour every night with an ear against your baby bump, listening to them grow and thrive
Offers you every type of pain relief they can find. If not for your sake, then for theirs, because seeing you hurt makes them panic
Holds you the whole way through childbirth, no matter how messy, and stays so reassuring and supportive
Scared to hold the baby at first because he's so shaky from emotions. Won't put it down once he does
The news is so unexpected that she just can't believe it at first
As in, her brain is genuinely incapable of immediately processing what you've just told her, so she just finishes her task before running it through her head a second time before it sinks in
The loudest gasp you've ever heard, you see her drop her teacup as her hands fly to cover her mouth and she stares at you in surprise
So happy. So, so, so very happy
She was never going to pressure you into having children. Between her driven nature and her ongoing loneliness, she'd resigned herself to never being a mother after marrying Lucio
But oh my! What a wonderful surprise! There's so much to do, she's slightly worried that nine months isn't going to be enough time
She sends for multiple physicians and invites several of them to live in the Palace through the pregnancy, and begins the interview process for your baby's pediatrician as well. She wants you healthy
Has the time of her life decorating the baby's future room and ends up getting so emotional looking at all the tiny clothes and shoes
Refuses to let you sleep by yourself. She doesn't want you to feel limited on a day-to-day basis at all, but she doesn't like you being alone for too long, especially during such quiet and precious hours
Prefers to hold off on giving her family any news or updates until she's had at least a few days to let it sink it. Each update she does send provokes a tidal wave of letters and advice and offers, not to mention Grandpa Namar's tear-stained letters of excitement
Has to hide sobs when she holds her child and announces its name
Straight up disassociates. Not due to any fault of yours, it's just a lot. Especially given his own context for parenting (or lack thereof)
"Muriel, I'm pregnant." soul gets yoinked through the stratosphere
You know him well enough to expect him to need a moment, so you're not surprised when he shakily nods, takes a deep breath, and tells you he'll be back before dark before walking off into the trees
Deeply apologetic once he gets back because in hindsight ghosting you might not have been the most appropriate response
He's happy, if not deeply anxious, but he gets more and more excited with every pregnancy update
He makes the baby's crib himself, seeking out the tree with the best wood, chopping it up, designing and cutting the pieces, carving and sanding and painting them with the utmost care
As your due date gets closer he starts reverting to an old habit of his, waking up several times through the night with a need to keep watch for any dangers or discomforts and make sure you're warm
You wake up to this sometimes, with him sitting quietly next to you in bed, one large hand resting protectively on your belly, a quiet smile on his face as he stares at the cradle on the other side of the room and counts every tiny kick the baby lands on his warm palm
He doesn't hesitate to tell Asra, Nadia, (and yes, Julian) about your pregnancy, because he knows they'll be able to help you in ways he can't. Watching you in pain during birth is almost traumatic for him
Doesn't say a word when you hand him his baby, just looks back and forth between you and them in delight and awestruck joy
Screams. Legitimate, jaw dropped, lung-deep screaming
Yes it's because she's excited!!! You're pregnant! That's amazing!!
Funnily enough, she doesn't bring up telling anybody else until several weeks have gone by or until you suggest it. She's used to keeping secrets and this is so special she's still finding words for it
She's also more familiar with what pregnancy can look like, and she doesn't want to make any big announcements with you too early
Borderline obsessive about making sure that you're properly fed and cared for. She keeps every snack stocked, gives you massages every night, asks you about any symptoms and offers relief
She ends up inviting everyone over for dinner so you two can break the news to them together, and if one Devorak wasn't loud and emotional enough, two of them are almost too much for the roof
Mazelinka is quick to offer her services, whether that be bringing soup, taking you two (three?!) to Nevivon so the grandmas can help, grabbing one of the grandmas and bringing them here, etc
Pepi develops a new habit of bringing you stolen fish at least once a day to make sure your growing kitten is properly nourished. the smell doesn't help your morning sickness but you appreciate it
Portia cries every time she sits down to work on another onesie or baby blanket or cloth diaper, which is several times a day
When it's time for you to give birth, she holds your hands as tightly as you hold hers and nearly knocks a doctor out of the way to catch the baby
Full-on happy sobbing when she holds them. Gets jealous anytime someone besides you gets to hold them longer than her
Assumes you're joking until you tell him otherwise because what
It's not that he's against it, but realistically speaking he knows that one of him is already a lot to handle. And you're cooking another??
Once you convince him, his exuberant yells startle flocks of birds from the treetops in a half-mile radius. Speaking of trees ...
You two are journeymen. Where are you going to settle down?
You end up picking a spot close enough to Vesuvia for your old friends to be able to help, in a town where you know you'll have a fresh start. Buying a cottage is hard when you're used to a palace
Lucio occasionally remembers his mother's comments about how her pregnancy with him made the Red Plague seem like a summer cold, and then he panics about how much pain you must be in
Sits bolt-upright in bed four months in to your pregnancy in a cold sweat because it just hit him that your belly bump is actually an entire tiny human that's half him and half you and it's miraculous
Starts talking to your bump almost constantly after that
Everything from what the dogs are doing, to the right way to start a fire, to the best types of cookies - he's telling it all to the bump
Does he know, logically, that your baby isn't likely to be born missing an arm because of his amputation? Yes. Does he still have an irrational fear of that happening? Also yes.
Has such a hard time controlling his frustration during the birth when you're in pain and there's nothing he can do about it
Wraps his golden arm in a baby blanket and doesn't care about the mess the first time he holds them and presses a kiss to their head
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henrioo · 6 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Sometimes your body is not in tune with your desires, although some are jokes you can always count on your two boyfriends to be your safe base. Which doesn't stop them from having perverted ideas thanks to your desires."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : TRANS MALE READER! POLY RELATIONSHIP! RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TREE MENS AT THE SAME TIME! A lot of talk about gender and body dysphoria, talk about babies and biological pregnancy, talk about transphobia, A LOT OF TRIGGERS FOR TRANSMASC PEOPLE, besides that, Kid is a grumpy boyfriend and Killer is just following the vibe, some ideas about babies, talks about pets, kinda sad but then is happy, hurt comfort, boyfriends trying to make you feel safe and comfortable. The final is a little suggestive and a little explicit but is pretty much SFW
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,5k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : So yeah, that's totally self indulgence because I need someone saying these things to me, I don't care if they are not real and technically only say that because I write them saying, they said and nothing changes that! So start fluffy, go to angst and then comfort, like we all like! Enjoy!
You were sitting on the couch with your two boyfriends, Eustass Kid and Killer, the two rockers you met in a bar and when you least realized you had been living with them for months. Some program was on television and Kid was more focused on his cell phone than anything. You had two legs over Killer's, and you were leaning against the redhead who was hugging you sideways and keeping his hand on your stomach over yours.
“Kid” you called him after an idea popped into your head.
“Humph” he muttered in response without looking up from his cell phone, probably watching videos of cars.
“I want a baby” you said, looking at him seriously.
“And what do I have to do with it?” He said with an irritated frown on his face, but still without looking up from his cell phone.
“Give me a baby!” You said happily as if you were ordering ice cream.
“Ahem… What?!” He adjusted himself on the couch and looked at you in disbelief and shock. “What the fuck do you mean by ‘give me a baby’?”
“I meant get me pregnant and give me a baby!” You huffed, sitting on the couch and looking at him, irritated that he didn't accept it.
“I'm not giving you a baby! What is your problem?" He said irritatedly, looking at you as if you were an alien, “Are you crazy?”
“I want a baby! Please Kid! Imagine the three of us being dads! And they're wearing cute baby clothes! And having a cute baby room!” You said with huge puppy eyes and a sad pout as you begged him to make your wish come true.
“I’m not giving you a fucking baby” he huffed as he stared at you irritated, where did you come from with that?
You quickly crossed your arms, irritated and frustrated at not having your wish fulfilled, then you turned to your blonde boyfriend, who until now was just silently observing the scene.
“Killer, give me a baby!” You asked, smiling innocently at him.
"Stop with that! You won't gain a baby! None of us are going to get you pregnant, you freak!” Kid shouted irritably as he slapped you on the head.
“I want a baby! I want to be a daddy!” You huffed irritably, looking back at Kid.
“Adopt a dog, then, damn it!” Kid continued yelling at you.
“Killer doesn’t like dogs!” You huffed, shouting back at him.
“He doesn’t like it?” Kid looked confused at his blonde boyfriend who just nodded, “Oh shit, adopt a cat then!” He shrugged.
“You’re allergic to cats!” You grumbled, getting more frustrated.
“What the fuck, adopt any shit! A ferret, a hamster, you can even adopt a spider if you stop with this baby nonsense!” He grumbled, laying down on the couch irritably.
You laughed a little, realizing that you had really irritated Kid, so you decided to lay on top of him to apologize and improve his mood... In fact, you decided that you would annoy him a little more since you were actually considering the possibility of having a son.
“Come on Kid, let’s have a baby” you said with a pout as you laid on his chest, even though he was angry, he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Shut up” he grumbled, looking away from you.
“They would be so cute, they could have your red hair or Kil's blonde hair… They could also have his blue's eyes… Ah! What if they were chubby babies? With little hands and chubby cheeks?” You smiled lovingly, imagining the creation the three of you could make.
“Holy God, stop that” Kid grumbled, but you could see him swallowing his smile, he was thinking about it too.
“Kil, help me convince him!” You whimpered for help from your other boyfriend.
Killer just laughed and threw himself on top of the two of you, making a real sandwich with you being the filling, he rubbed his beard against you, making you laugh and automatically making Eustass calmer when he saw a loving interaction between the two men he loved.
“We’re not giving you a baby,” Killer said, smiling.
“Two against one prince, accept defeat” Kid smiled like an idiot when he won a game.
“I hate you! Why don’t you guys want to give me a baby?!” You whimpered against them, sulking.
“I'm not against having a child with you two, the difference is that we're not giving you a biological child” Killer said, adjusting himself to lay down with you without crushing you “You know you couldn't handle it, during your period you can’t even deal with the fact of having a uterus, imagine getting pregnant then” he spoke seriously and worriedly, you knew that what he was saying was true. There were many things that gave you dysphoria just because you considered them to be “woman” things, makeup, breasts, uterus… As much as you loved the idea of having a child with them, the idea of doing something that had been said for a long time being only something women could do… It made your stomach churn.
“No need to be upset about it” Kid said as he noticed your silence, then he slowly stroked your back “Everyone has limits, that’s not a shame”
“I wanted to have a family with you…” you admitted softly, wrapping yourself closer to the two of them, many thoughts dominated your head, and you didn’t know what you wanted to feel and believe.
“We can have a family, but let's start with something easy... Like a parrot” Killer laughed “And one day, if we are older, more mature and have enough money in our pockets, we can think about adoption” he suggested, showing that his dream of having a family was not impossible.
“The brats will still be ours even if they don't come out of your belly, you know that doesn't change anything, if having an adopted child will make your dream come true and not give you eternal dysphoria from giving birth to someone, then we can adopt the entire orphanage for you” Kid said seriously, and you had no doubt that he would accept having as many children as you asked.
“Pfft… You would die with the second child” you laughed at them, but soon you felt your heart becoming calmer and your head lighter. They were right, an adopted child was just a child in need of a home and love, they wouldn’t be any less of your children just because they didn’t have a blood connection “adoption… Sounds good” you smiled at the idea.
“Yes, it would give us more time to get used to the idea, especially because we would have to adapt to the child and the child to us, so we would have time to know if we want it or not” Killer sighed, relieved that you were calmer “And you know … If even after adopting you want a biological one, that’s okay, there’s nothing bad about that.”
“We just don’t want you to do something out of obligation, you don’t need to produce a child just because you have a uterus, hell you don’t even need to have a uterus if you want!” Kid said in his crude and affectionate way “But if you want, you need to know that this won’t make you less of a man, you are a man regardless of what you do or what others say”
“Stop! I’m going to cry” you whimpered, feeling completely loved by their words. They truly were two soulmates and the best partners you could have asked for.
“Don’t cry, you look ugly.” Kid laughed, and you slapped his chest, making you all laugh.
“So no babies for now, okay?” Killer decided to conclude the matter as he laid his head on two backs, the three of you were an awkward and uncomfortable mess on the couch, but you didn't mind at all.
“Okay… At most a parrot” you said as you both laughed.
“Yeah… But you know… I'm not against pretending we're going to make a baby” Kid smiled mischievously, and you blushed “What do you say prince, don't you want to take a test drive of how you'll feel when you're completely full? Can you imagine us cumming so much inside you that you’re going to be all swollen?” He said, whispering in your ear, and you felt your body burn when Killer squeezed your thigh, showing that he was also interested in that.
“Well… We need to finish it in case I want to get pregnant in the future… Just to make sure we can do it, right?” You said, sighing, excited by his touches.
“Don’t worry darling, we’ll make sure you beg for us to make you a daddy” Killer laughed darkly, “And then we’ll make sure we fulfill your wish.”
You swallowed deeply, knowing exactly what awaited you now that you admitted that as much as you didn't want a baby yet, you wouldn't be against a little practice... It seems that in the end the ones who got baby fever were your two boyfriends who really enjoyed the idea of fucking you raw and seeing all their sperm inside you.
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fluffthecloud · 1 year
Their Soulmate
Weasley Twins x Male Reader
Tumblr media
Summary: Reader has one big soulmate mark on his back instead of a small one on his arm like most people in Hogwarts. He didn't know why but didn't really took mind to it. Now he got put in Hufflepuff, but somehow became friends with the mischievous twin gingers, mainly because they rode on the train together.
Request: ❌
Warnings: N/A
Notes: This is based off a story on AO3 that had the reader as trans post top surgery. This is a Soulmate AU and at this time people didn't really know what polyamory was so everyone thought you had one soulmate.
Tags: @jasperthechaosgremlin pt. 2 pt.3
Y/N got his letter at any normal age Wizards gets theirs. Though his parents weren't too happy, they were envious. Y/N's parents always wanted to go to Hogwarts but they never gotten a letter, so like any other person that never gotten a letter, they went to another magic school that thought the same things just at a lower level.
Y/N had everything he needed nothing more nothing less, so with a few clothes for weekends and things to do in his free time he didn't have much, plus some money for snacks on the train and if he were to buy anything while at Hogwarts.
He was left at the train station by his parents after they told him where to go, he was a bit confused by this and their behavior after he got the letter. Y/N follows their directions to platform 9¾, and he was a bit confused as he was met with a pillar, a brick pillar. "Oh hello there young man!" A sweet voice said behind him, making him turn around, that's when he saw the gingers.
"Hi." He replied back smiling "am I in your way?" He asked moving slightly just in case he was.
"Oh no you are fine, but are you lost?" The lady asked, "oh where are my manners, I'm Molly Weasley, and these are my children, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny." She pointed at each one. (It took me too long to do simple math to see if Ron and Ginny would be kids or babies around this time)
"I'm Y/N L/N, by any chance do you know how to get to platform 9¾?" He asked hoping to not look like a dumbass and that he kids also got a letter.
"Yeah! You just run through the pillar, and then poff your there at the platform!" One of the twins said, Y/N being unsure which one.
"We got our letter a few weeks ago this is our first year!" The other one said, they really need name tags it would be so helpful.
"It's also my first year." Y/N said cheerfully, "so you just run into the pillar?" He asked looking back at Molly.
"Oh right, you'll miss the train, hurry hurry." One by one the red heads ran through, with you following right behind after saying thanks to Molly.
After getting on the train, you find a cabinet to sit in it was completely empty, so you put you bags in the over hang before taking a seat to silently stare out the window. Not long after you hear some commotion just before the cabinet door slides open to reveal none other than Percy, Fred and George. "L/N so nice to see you again!" Percy chimes, "hope you don't mind us joining you."
"Not at all, come sit." You say with a small smile before looking out the window again. But you soon look back to see the twins fighting for the spot next to you, only for Percy to take it, "if you can't share then neither of you can get it." He said as the two sat across from you.
The train ride was very chatty, mainly the twins trying to strike up conversation with you which worked, you really enjoyed their company. Time seemed to fly by fast because before you knew it you were at you stop, so you got your things and followed the Weasley's off the train.
After the boat ride everyone was now in the dinning hall. Everyone was called up one by one, then it was finally your turn "L/N Y/N!" McGonagall called, which in return you walked right up. You took your seat in the chair that was everyone's attention at that point, which made you feel a bit nervous, which made you forget that you were getting sorted into a house, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat yelled, and thanks to being out of it for a minute you jumped and the Hufflepuff table cheered.
As the last of the people got sorted into their houses you made some small talk with the other people at your table. That was over very quickly though because after dinner you were told to follow some person called prefect, apparently they are in charge of us getting to the dorm by lights out. Everyone was lead to their dorms and then it was lights out.
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foone · 1 year
Every time I try to tag some thing as trans whatever, Tumblr suggests #biblical trans shitposting, and every time I'm sad I don't have more content for that tag.
The world needs more biblical trans shitposting, damn it.
So, uhh.. Let me just do some biblical shitposting:
Jesus is obviously a trans man, so is Noah and Saul/Paul, Rahab was a trans woman, and God is non-binary.
Angels are too, but they don't have sex in either way. They're tools. And not like the kind you might talk about having in your pants.
And speaking of pants, Deuteronomy 22:5 (no cross dressing) , much like Leviticus 18 (no gay sex) were both intended as "don't do the weird shit those foreigners do" rules that were and are being taken out of context. They're not intended as eternal and universal commandments in what is morally right and wrong in the world.
Also when I said "Noah" up there, I meant Moses, because both Jesus and Moses were born at a time of KILL ALL THE BOY BABIES and survived. But fuck it... Noah is trans too now.
God said so. They called me up on my orange hotline phone. (I'm a pope, so I get a direct line to the big G)
Who else is trans... Eve, obviously, by the same reasoning as Jesus (they both only have one "parent" who could have given them chromosomes, and yet are a different gender to them).
Sarah (wife of Abraham) too. She's got it all: meaningful name change and she laughed when told she'd have a child. Was that just because she was already old... Or because she didn't have a uterus?
(well, through God all things are possible, so jot that down Sarah)
Joseph (of the many colored coats) is another trans man. Man (no pun intended), the Bible is just full of trans men.
As I've said before, the victim in the story of the good Samaritan is trans, especially now.
Also not to get off the subject of being trans (do I ever?) but I was just thinking that a running theme of the Bible is "The Empire".
There's aways the Empire. Who they are changes from book to book, but they're always there. Babylon, Egypt, the Seleucid empire, the Romans, the future world-spanning empire john talks about in Revelation... They're big and powerful and oppressive and cannot be fought in traditional ways, but they will not win. They can't. They won't. They may be horrible and causing so much pain right now but they will be overcome and we will be free and safe one day.
And really, if that's not a good message for trans people right now, I don't know what is.
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phantom088 · 1 month
Just a light hearted rant
In other words, things in Danny Phantom that make absolutely no sense.
First off is the on button to the portal being on the inside the portal.
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Who's idea was that?Jack, Maddie, I'm looking at you.
Like seriously, Jack and Maddie gave up because the portal didn't work when they plugged it in. In reality they just didn't hit the on button, which was inside the damn portal! How does that even work?
In order to turn that thing on, someone would have to sacrifice their life to push the button...and would you look at that, Danny walked right into that and now he's half dead. Skill issue I guess, but still.
At least it seems Jack and Maddie fixed the issue as in later episodes its shown that there's a on and off button on the outside of the portal, either that or they built 2 sets of buttons in the first place which then makes me wonder why they didn't hit the on button they had on the outside when they plugged the portal in.
The next thing is questioning how Danny got the thermos working.
Yeah, it seems like he transferred some ghostly energy into it as pictured here:
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But the show doesn't actually conform that or tell us how Danny got the thermos working. He basically asked the thermos to work and it went "No worries fam, I got you." And it worked.
No explanation, just a "it works now...yay!" Kind of vibe.
My third thing skips quite a few episodes, even a full season and that is the existence of Danielle or Dani.
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Here are the questions that come to mind.
How is Dani a female when she is supposed to be a clone of a male? Yes I've heard the trans theory, or maybe to make her stable Vlad had to mess with the XY chromosomes, or even Vlad added some female DNA into her for some reason (probably to make her stable). But non of those ideas completely follow up.
Why is she 12? In cloning cases, the clone doesn't end up a set age, when someone is cloned, their clone starts as a fetus/baby. It should have taken Dani 12 years to you know, become a 12 year old kid. So unless Vlad decided to start cloning Danny when he was 2, I don't see why Dani is 12.
How is she even stable in the first place? Yes, the other clones Vlad made weren't very stable, but it still makes no sense that Dani is stable because cloning is a very delicate process. Usually a clone of someone doesn't end up healthy like Dani, there always has to be some birth defect, and in real life most clones don't even live that long, and that's 2024 talking. Mind you, Danny Phantom was made in the early 2000s, cloning technology probably wasn't as advance then, meaning Dani isn't even supposed to be alive.
Fourth and final thing, and that's the asteroid.
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Just the fact that the asteroid is made of a material called ecto-ranium says it all. This material was never mentioned before Phantom Planet, meaning it was made up on the spot, rushed per-se just like how the final episode was rushed!
Even worse is the fact Vlad managed to send the fucking thing hurtling at earth, and the best idea that wveryone could come up with was send two middle aged man to space in a rocket ship, one being half ghost and the other being a inconfidant ghost hunter, both dumped on bad terms, and hoping for the best.
Who would have saw Vlad not being able to make the asteroid intangible coming? Who would have thought his plan failed, and Jack ended up leaving him out in space. What a shocker.
Then instead of building a laser or something that would destroy the asteroid everyone decided to put their trust on a teenage ghost to fix everything. Sure he was successful, making it so the asteroid could phase through the whole ass planet even though it's made of a material ghosts can't manipulate (meaning it should be obvious a ghost can't phase through the asteroid or get objects such as a whole planet to phase through it as well but to each your own).
Let's just hope the moon or sun or any other planet weren't in it's path when it passed through earth.
And don't even get me started on the crappy relationship we all know Danny and Sam are gonna have. It was rushed, and frankly knowing Sam is someone who wants things to go her way, and Danny is someone who's too stubborn to follow that, the relationship isn't going to last.
Also, why were Sam and Tucker being such assholes to Danny through the whole episode until he restored his powers. Like bro, he got rid of his powers to specifically protect you two, why be asses to him?
And that ends my rant lol.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Call of Duty Bio Headcanons✦
(I know they have canon ages and heights and stuff, but listen. It's fiction, and I think I know better(/j). You can disagree, but these are my opinions. Also, obviously, not all of the info has changed.)
✧John Price✧
Age: 42 y.o Height: 6'2" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: "Sexy-Is-Sexy" (Or Pansexual) Middle Name: Samuel Likes: Whiskey, vintage radios, old westerns, horses, & mint ice cream. Dislikes: Streaming services, cigarettes(ironic), spicy food, dust, & cottage cheese. Birthday: January 1st Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -Allergic to cats and didn't know until he moved out because his mother had like, four. Grew up around them his entire childhood and was honestly devastated when he realized they make him sick cause he loves'em. -He was definitely a fuck boy in high school/college. Not an asshole one, he made his intentions up front and he was overall sweet, but he didn't wanna be tied down. Ironic given how he ended up wanting the exact opposite later on. -Wishes he took better care of his teeth as a kid. They look great now but he has five fillings in his molars and one (now replaced), silver tooth all the way in the back. Phobia: Amenisphobia; The fear of amnesia Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Kyle "Gaz" Garrick✧
Age: 26 y.o Height: 6'0" Pronouns: He/Him (I heavily support the trans!Gaz HC) Sexuality: Bisexual w/ a male preference Middle Name: Dylin Likes: Hot chocolate, the smell of lavender, coconut, licorice toffee, & nostalgic music. Dislikes: Milk, politics(irony again), Winter, grocery shopping, & spiders. Birthday: September 5th Zodiac: Virgo -Trivia- -Second oldest of four children, the only boy. He's a family man when it comes to his siblings, but not so much when it comes to his parents. Barely present father and a stressed out mother create for a shaky relationship with them. -Cannot cook to save his life. Man lives off of delivery, MREs, and cup noodles. He knows like...four dishes, and most of them are really simple. -Struggles decorating and making outfits cause he likes tons of different aesthetics. Everything from Scene Kid(for his inner teen) to streetwear. His version of housed decor are a bunch of plants. (Fake so they don't die when he's on deployment) Phobia: Arachnophobia; fear of arachnids/spiders. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Dyslexia)
✧Johnny "Soap" MacTavish✧
Age: 29 y.o Height: 5'8" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Omnisexual Middle Name: Neil (heh) Likes: Knickknacks, loud music, punk aesthetic, chickens, & football(aka Soccer for us pathetic Americans). Dislikes: Silence, sitting still, vague answers, being told what to do, & big dogs. Birthday: August 12th Zodiac: Leo -Trivia- -Constantly on & off with a caffeine addiction. He'll do really good about just drinking water, then he'll have one energy drink and he's fucked it all up again. -The scar on his chin is from a dog, the scar in his eyebrow is from a fight he got in as a teenager. He got in a lot of trouble as a teen. -Borderline pyromaniac, honestly. Hyperfixated on fire as a kid and now he's really happy to be a bombtech. Bro loves blowing shit up. Phobia: Cynophobia; fear of dogs. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (ADHD, hyperlexia)
✧Simon "Ghost" Riley✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'4" Pronouns: He/It (Using "it" makes him seem more ominous, which he thinks is fun) Sexuality: Gay or Homoflexible, demisexual/demiromantic probably Middle Name: Achilles Likes: Birds, alternative indie music, dark chocolate, Victorian architecture, & murder mystery books. Dislikes: Snakes, graveyards, the dark(when it's completely pitch black), 99% of physical touch, & fluorescent lights. Birthday: December 30th Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -He'll never admit it but he loves babies. They're super tiny and super cute, and Simon's heart always melts when one's around. Alas, he's also terrified of scaring them or getting attached, so he avoids babies as best he can. Can't have people thinking he's soft. -Makes the best steak in Manchester. Sometimes his seasoning is bland but the meat itself is perfection, you won't find any better. Melts in your mouth every time. It's a steak equivalent of 6 orgasms. It IS an orgasm. He makes great fucking steak. -Isn't fond of pure silence like Soap, but he doesn't often wanna fill it with loud sounds. He has a playlist of softer, more instrumental songs for this. Or he'll listen to nature sounds. He likes quiet, just not silent. Phobia: Taphephobia; the fear of being buried alive. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, dyscalculia)
✧Alejandro Vargas✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'11" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Maybe Poly? He's not sure) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Hot drinks, the smell of roses, his nieces/nephews, physical affection, & cowboy hats. Dislikes: Sweaty palms, tourist-y Americans, caramel sauce, white-lies, & the feeling of glue. Birthday: March 25th Zodiac: Aries -Trivia- -Was with Valeria for awhile, but differences, stress, and Valeria discovering she was pretty gay broke them up. They had some tension, but he wasn't bitter towards her. Until she betrayed them, of course. -Was actually the last of his friend group to lose his virginity. He's a passionate, flirty man, but he's not throwing that kind of trust out willy-nilly. He had a few relationships but didn't reach that point until he was like, 19, about to turn 20. He asked a friend to share the moment with him. ...a close friend. -Cannot function in the cold at all. And his definition of cold is 21 degrees Celsius. (70 Fahrenheit for us Americans) He layers and complains all day, he's got a fuckin' heated blanket. A heated blanket owner in fucking MEXICO. Phobia: Coulrophobia; the fear of clowns Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'9" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Also maybe poly but he's very hesitant about it) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Ice baths, windchimes, baked sweets(mostly pie), clean handwriting, & naps on the couch. Dislikes: Cutting onions, heavy blankets, confrontation(with like, loved ones. Not on duty, obviously), slow walkers, & reptiles. Birthday: June 20th Zodiac: Gemini -Trivia- -Super good at singing, but he never does, because he's embarrassed. His mother would often encourage him to sing when he was younger at family gatherings, and now he cringes when someone hears him sing and comments on it. -His house is full of fans. Some rooms have more than one. They're running basically all the time, as well as the AC. Sometimes he has to get a family member to go home and turn them off when he's on a long mission. -He knew Alejandro before Alejandro knew him. When they were kids, Rudy was shy and had some problems with his health(exercise induced asthma mostly), so he didn't go out of his way to befriend other kids much. But he was a people watcher, and Alejandro was the most fun to watch. They actually met because one of Alejandro's friends pointed it out and called him creepy, only for Alejandro to defend him. Then they became super close friends! Phobia: Bufonophobia; the fear of toads Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, echolalia)
✧Valeria Garza✧
Age: 39 y.o Height: 5'7" Pronouns: She/It Sexuality: Sapphic Demiromantic Middle Name: N/A Likes: Expensive paintings, perfect nail-polish, sandalwood incense, lemon water, & flowers. Dislikes: Shaving, back-talk, tiny text on documents or books, chunky rings, & pineapple. Birthday: January 23rd Zodiac: Aquarius -Trivia- -Has a pull to religious imagery in a darker light because of religious trauma. Roman Catholicism is quite common in Mexico, but her parents were really heavy about it. To the point it makes Valeria bitter over it. She has a rocky relationship with God, but finds Mary comforting. Because when she was brought to church, but wanted to hide, she'd hide beside a Mary statue in a corner. -She has an odd sleep schedule. She often only gets four hours of sleep, but she doesn't seem to be tired at any point. In fact, the more sleep she gets, the more lethargic she is that day. -Her first girlfriend was when she was still in the military. A traveling medic from Italy. Unfortunately, the flame came and went thanks to the medic having to leave. Valeria has moved on, but she does mourn their lost time sometimes and has a little dream of meeting her again one day. Though she knows that's not practical. Phobia: Ecclesiophobia; the fear of church Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Alex Keller✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'1" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Heteroflexible Middle Name: Sebastian (he's embarrassed about this) Likes: Golden retrievers, bad jokes, most seafood, provolone cheese, & hummus. Dislikes: Thanksgiving, the sound of rubbing styrofoam, being told to "do what he wants"(makes him feel aimless), tobacco smell, & overzealousness. (He likes simplicity...excluding his tattoos) Birthday: December 2nd Zodiac: Sagittarius -Trivia- -He doesn't really talk to his family excluding holidays. BUT, he will always keep in contact with his older sister, and his niece by proxy. They're the only two that made him feel wanted in his family. He wasn't abused in his mind, but he wasn't paid attention to much either. He always seemed overshadowed by something/someone, and as he got older, he got tired of feeling like an outcast in his own family. So he slowly drifted away and he goes on the guidance of orders he receives. -Probably born in a small town in a place like Utah. He's got small-town-mid-south manners. But I like to imagine he spent a lot of his time in California too, he seems like he'd enjoy the sun and the ocean. -Picks up languages really quick, somehow. At least, when he's around people that speak it. If he had to learn purely from books, he'd have choppy speech at best. He's fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Also, knows a bit of ASL, but he's still working on that one. Phobia: Lilapsophobia; the fear of hurricanes/tornadoes Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Hyperlexia, SPD)
✧Farah Ahmed Karim✧
Age: 30 y.o Height: 5'5" Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Aliquaromantic Demi-Bisexual Middle Name: N/A Likes: Poppies, motorcycles, pretty much any food with chickpeas, super spicy stuff, and the sky at dusk. Dislikes: Overly salty things, riddles, genuine cockiness, the feeling of rust(that includes on spoons...), & long winded responses. Birthday: July 1st Zodiac: Cancer -Trivia- -Keeps her hair long despite the fact it's annoying to deal with sometimes. Purely for sentimental reasons. To her, it represents the growth she's had as a person. A far cry from the buzz-cut she was forced into when under someone else's control. So she refuses to cut it. -She will never use it, and she despises it, but she's semi-fluent in Russian. Being around it for so long made her pick it up. It works well if she needs to translate, but she'll be caught dead before she speaks Russian. -Honestly can't cook for shit. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing in the kitchen and basically relies on MREs or the skills of others. She's not a picky eater though, and she'll always finish what's put in front of her, even if she's not fond of it. Phobia: Agniophobia; fear of choking Neuro...: Neurotypical
Age: 28 y.o Height: 6'10" Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Bisexual Middle Name: Obercht (Bonus)Last Name: Badubrecht Likes: Making bracelets, boxing(watching or doing), soda, heavy metal, & fresh bread. Dislikes: Certain kinds of wool, small cars, low doorframes, having to go to the medic, & the smell of hay. Birthday: March 9th Zodiac: Pisces -Trivia- -Was bullied all through high school for various things. His demeanor, his size, his hair(which was long), his cleft lip scar, etc. It took until he hit the largest growth spurt he ever had in secondary school when people began to stop poking fun, but instead avoid him. He maybe had 2-3 actual friends in his entire life before the military. And even now he mostly has acquaintances, not friends. -Doesn't talk to his mother, she was overbearing and cruel, mostly because Konig looks a lot like his father. He doesn't really talk to his father much because the man is hard to talk to. He's not completely cut off, but they are estranged. Konig's grandma hears from him almost every day, sometimes twice a day. She's a badass in her 90s who has never done him wrong, and he would blow up the entire world if anything happened to her. -Sometimes Konig gets comments that say he's got multiple personalities. (By uneducated people, clearly) Because he seems to switch dramatically between modes depending on time, place, and circumstance. Sometimes he's childish and giggly, cute even. Sometimes he's silent, unreadable, and withdrawn. And on the battlefield he's...inhuman, terrifying, and nothing short of bloodthirsty. Phobia: Equinophobia; the fear of horses. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (autistic)
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My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
💎 secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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chroniccoolness · 12 days
I find it interesting that a lot of gendered expectations are framed (at least in my experience) as just. "logical" or obvious. often you don't need to be directly and straightforwardly told that something is Wrong For Your Gender (though you absolutely can be ofc), it's just... the norm. Examples include:
1. I was allowed to wear leggings/pants from a young age. BUT,
1a) an Event meant a dress. There was a lot of jokes about how i hated dresses, but it was still unquestioned for the first 13 years of my life--piano recital, family reunion, wedding, theater? We go straight to the dress section. I was allowed to eventually wear a vest and pants to my middle school graduation, but i had to make a fuss abt it, because the assumption was "woman, formal space, dress".
1b) pants always came from the women's section. If I asked for men's, up until the last year, I got the response "those aren't right for your body". by "right" my mother meant that sure, they'd get on my body, but they wouldn't accentuate it properly at the hips or waist, and this makes them Wrong For Me.
2. Every woman I know in real life, bar two (one transfem, one nonbinary*), has hair shoulder length or longer. When I asked to cut my ribcage-length hair short, I got a "compromise" of shoulder length for 6 months. When I got to cut it *shorter*, my mom helped me make a pinterest board... with the keywords "short women's hair", "women's pixie cuts", and at most, "gender neutral hairstyles". When I said I wanted SHORT hair, the response from cis women I got was always "oh, like a cute pixie?" No, Sharon, like a dyke. And that's what I got called when I did it--specifically, a kid in the grade above me asked another kid if I was trying to be "a dyke or a tranny". All I did was cut my hair.
[*their words, to be clear! they identify as a nonbinary woman + i respect both aspects.]
3. Around age 11/12, my mom started asking me if I wanted her to teach me how to shave my legs. When i said no, I got an "Are you sure?" and once, "it's almost summer". This happened 3 times. She stopped after she realized the answer would say no, but always seemed bewildered, because shaving is just a Thing Women Do.
4. I have been told that if I have a baby, hormones will force me to love it, because that's just how it is. I wish I was kidding. Additionally, every time I bring up that I don't want to have kids, i get a horde of middle aged women telling me "I thought that when i was a young girl!". The gender role is "perceived woman? HAVE BABY" and if I voice a lack of desire for that, I am told I'm simply young, immature, and can't know myself. this continues even now that I am out as a trans guy.
these aren't me being directly forced not to do anything---instead, I'm free to do/not do the Thing, social stigma just attempts to tell me I'm wrong or strange for my choice. A lot of the people who've said/done these things identify as feminists--my mom and every woman who's done point 4 are. "default" gender expectations are everywhere and people have to actively think about and dismantle them.
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indigovigilance · 2 months
Do you have any fics in progress at the moment? If so, what about? If not, what is your favorite AU for the ineffable husbands?
Hi @greenchrysanthemum20! I actually have TWO fics in progress!
My looooong fic that has been running since October 4, 2023, called Give Me Death in a Big Cup, being beta'd by the ineffable @taraiha. This one is definitely my baby. On the surface, it's a human AU coffeeshop meet-cute between astronomer Crowley and single father Ezra of university-bound Muriel. But then, Crowley and Ezra begin to have strange dreams about two angels that ask questions. 150,000 words are published and I expect the finished work to come in at 300,000. Hard deadline of August because that's when I go back to school and none of you will ever see me again (or more likely I will feverishly publish short fic during semester breaks to cleanse my mind of academia).
My medium-length fic that I've been working on as well is Angel in the Eagle, beta'd by @tangerine-ginger. This is an omegaverse AU set in Los Angeles in which omega rights campaign manager Aziraphale and alpha grassroots organizer Crowley meet in a bar, hook up, and fall for each other all before realizing that they are on opposite sides of a major political conflict. They must navigate maintaining their romantic relationship while working against each other on matters where they hold deeply differing viewpoints. 20k published, expected 40k upon completion.
For whatever reason both of these begin as long distance relationships. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
I don't know that I have a favorite AU? I've seen adorable coffeeshop AU, tender omegaverse AU, transcendent priest AU, and fanstastic fairytale AU. Non-AU crack a special place in my heart, as well. Idiot angel/demon using their powers badly or trying and failing to do things the human way will always make me giggle. I've seen/written trans theming across different AUs, which I also love.
If you're asking for a specific rec, I adored Temporary Tattoo. I endeavor to write such cute, clever fic that's rated G.
I think what makes a really good for me is: what's the message? I saw something today that reminded me of @ineffabildaddy's most recent priest AU, basically how many Good Omens priest AUs end up denouncing organized religion and affirming a radical "love is good and God approves of our love" viewpoint and that is very healing.
Thanks for the ask!
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Can you do some jegulus but with trans reggie if that's okay :) 🫶
Hello! Of course this is okay! Also every Reg could be trans I don't make the rules. When I saw this request I thought about baby Regulus though so know that more jegulus with clear trans Reg will happen this is what you inspired. with love
The Youngest Black (1/1) (jegulus)
Regulus had been so excited to go to Hogwarts. Like all other children who grew up with magic, but especially since his brother went, Regulus' yearning grew as he received endless letters about how amazing the school was and how many friends he would make from Sirius. Regulus couldn't wait to go.
Until his mother turned up to his room with his new uniforms, and that's when Regulus' heart sunk.
See the thing is, Regulus is only Regulus to Sirius. And now his mother is making him try on the girls uniform and all of Regulus' dreams of going to Hogwarts, making friends, and being himself blew away in the wind.
Regulus doesn't cry. He hasn't since he was able to understand. But he cries the night before he is supposed to go away to school. Sirius hears him and comes in to get him to be quiet so no one would hear. He cries a bit harder into Sirius' shoulder when his brother pulls him into a hug, but now the sounds are muffled.
And in the dark of night, after his brother held him, Regulus told Sirius everything. And because Sirius is his big brother, his best friend, his protector- well Sirius came up with a plan. "I can't say it now because the walls have ears but we will figure this out Regulus. Don't worry. I'll fix it."
So when they boarded the train, Sirius first asked James to borrow his owl, sending off a letter quickly that Regulus was told would make sure everything at school was taken care of. Then, Sirius opened his trunk and pulled out his uniform and swapped it with Regulus. By the time Regulus got off the train, he had on a boys uniform--the right uniform--and Sirius couldn't be happier to prance around in his new skirt.
When Regulus was corralled in the great hall with all the other first years, he was so afraid for many reasons. When it was his turn to be sorted, McGonagall called his name, "Regulus Arcturus Black," loud and clear for everyone to hear. And when he got to Slytherin house and went up to his new dorm, he saw his name next to the other boys', Evan Rosier and Bartemius Crouch Jr.
And just like that it was simple. Sirius was so happy to tell everyone he had a brother, had always had a brother, and anyone who thought otherwise Sirius was more than glad to tell them they were stupid.
And just like that Regulus got to be who he was. Be who he was always supposed to be: Sirius' little brother.
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trans-androgyne · 10 days
I'm so sick of this. Trans men could be fucking like "lets have a discussion about unsavory attitudes or actions within queer communities when it comes to gender" and a bunch of fucking people INCLUDING OTHER TRANS MASCS are like "wooooooow cant believe youre attacking TRANS WOMEN like that this is obviously bigotry. after all theyve been through?? I am going to assume this mild criticism is about trans women (which you never said it was at all even once) and THEN tell you that because transphobia exists any disagreement with a trans woman means you want her to be HARASSED. I can't believe you think harassment is okay. also even though trans women are poor victims (I am speaking on behalf of all trans women) who you arent allowed say anything in opposition to (I think trans women are defenseless and attack people based on the idea that any criticism is trying to ruin their lives) (don't you know its impossible for a trans woman to ever be treated with respect or have a good life ever and in fact they are all doomed to being treated horribly?) (this is me HELPING trans women by the way I'm an ALLY) and trans men are the problem and somehow even though we're all in the same community Poor Trans Women are so oppressed they would be RUINED by disagreements (I am speaking on behalf of every trans woman and I know not a single one wants to have an interesting discussion about oppression or gender) this is me being an ally btw I could never be transmisogynistic by talking like this. also somehow transphobes check what type of trans you are, if youre a trans woman they hate you and if youre a trans man they say "yay you're a man" and treat you wonderfully because if youre a man youre always treated well no matter what other types of oppression you might face I think of this as being progressive.
Sorry for the long rant(?) I have a lot of thoughts. In summary: some people see themselves as such trans woman defenders that they a hundred percent loop around to infantilising them by implying its too hurtful to have a conversation. I've seen this exact type of behaviour as a trans man when it comes to misgendering. someone slips up and instead of being like "oops I mean he" they go some equivalent of "oh my gosh im sooooo sorry i cant believe I did that to you you probably feel miserable have I ruined your day oh my goodness dont cry ill make it up to you I know you have now become an emotional wreck from the horrible thing I did to you im sorry im sorry im sorry I just need to make sure everybody can hear how HURT you are by one misgendering" this is an example of how "being an ally" loops around to calling you fragile and a literal baby. They make it worse even though theyre "on your side" by implying you cant handle anything and they have to "fix it" because you just would collapse immediately at something maybe affecting you.
On the one hand, I understand where a lot of this is coming from. Trans women do get harassment campaigns started against them for small issues. It’s best not to resolve real problems with specific transfems in a public forum. So many have described the feeling of transmisogynistic hypervisibility as a panopticon and that very much applies in these discussions.
But trans women also aren’t made of glass. And they aren’t immune from making mistakes and causing harm. Making posts that contradict some trans women’s understandings of transmasc oppression is not transmisogyny. Pointing out that something they said or did was hurtful or transphobic is not transmisogyny. People act like this is how you treat trans women with respect and it’s very much not. This is not being “normal” about trans women. They are human beings who yes need some extra care and protection but are also capable of talking things out instead of collapsing into dust at the first sign of criticism. I know not all trans women like being treated this way in the slightest. I hope we’ll be able to find ways in the community to still uplift their voices and mitigate harm done to them without putting them on a high pedestal or shielding them from all criticism and intracommunity discussion that does not go their way.
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mueritos · 8 months
Goddddd I'm transmasc, but I'm terrified of actually coming out because I actually like my "female figure", if that makes sense. It seems like I was fed so much transmed and terf-y ideals when I was younger that now I can't feel okay with identifying as trans without hating my body. I want to be perceived more masculine, but I also feel like what I'm comfortable with using (pronouns, even though I use mostly neutral ones, traditionally fem or masc clothes, etc) shifts overtime, and I don't want to be defending the labels that I use all the time, especially because I don't want to do top or bottom surgery, or start T (lots of people, mostly online, have told me to just call myself genderfluid, but I don't feel comfortable with that, and I'm scared of being called a trender or something)
I'm sorry for the ramble but I'm so sick of this, maybe this is silly or maybe I'm being completely unreasonable, I don't know anymore. Maybe I shouldn't be worried about how others perceive me like that, but idk. You can ignore this, but I'd also like to hear your two cents on this if you'd be comfortable with it
hey friend :) theres absolutely nothing wrong with how youre feeling or how you want to shape your body and identity. lots of trans people don't medically transition for all sorts of reasons, whether because of lack of access or because they dont want to. while I do think the community that is entrenched in colonialist ideas of transmedicalism are a minority (many are very baby trans people or have aged out of transmedicalist ideas), it is a very real threat in the sense that unfortunate movements have a way of ebbing and flowing into popularity.
that being said, there are SO many trans people open and willing and happy to accept you into the community. it is not your fault many people will incorrectly expect you to conform to certain expectations of gender. a large part of freeing yourself from these expectations is choosing a community that walks alongside you, not one that gawks at you. at the same time, we are forced to conform in certain contexts to maintain safety and access to resources. this forceful conformation is not your fault either. people will forever make assumptions about you, but it is your choice on whether or not you will continue choosing your freedom. this is not fucking easy of course when you exist under white supremacist systems.
youre also allowed to love parts of yourself others may not like about themselves. its not ur problem they feel those feelings. ive had strange comments thrown my way when I discuss how i experience connection and pleasure with my body, sometimes from other trans people. once you start realizing people are coming at you with their own baggage, it becomes a little easier to free yourself from their burdens. again, this isnt very easy when youre marginalized and expected a lot, some of those expectations being you people please.
only you have the clearest image of who you want to be. take baby steps, build your confidence, and find your people. you'd be surprised what a small yet understanding community can do for your confidence.
anyway, i wish u luck ^-^ feel free to message me again if you'd like more thoughts or want to vent. you're allowed to be sick of this, forever and always, but invest in yourself and your communities.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
jeff the killer x ftm!reader headcanons? sfw and nsfw? maybe a short fluff
I dont do nsfw fics, so sorry! But i will do the other things listed <33
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Jeff x ftm!reader
Tumblr media
Honestly he doesn't really care that your trans
I mean that in a good way like, just tell him your pronouns and preferred name and he's good to go calling you that
And when you join Slender's business a required field ok your basic info sheet are your assigned sex, pronouns and preferred name
So when you are introduced to everyone in the manor, it is using those pronouns and name anyways
But if you want to make coming out to jeff special, you are of course free to do that!
Jeff tries being supportive in all the ways he can, but being a cis man himself he doesn't quite understand some things
"Why are you taking up the sink with your nasty sweaty binder? I brush my teeth in there dude! Just chuck it in the wash!!"
(He does not brush his teeth don't listen to him)
He's very used to using more feminine terms for his affection, such as "doll, baby, gorgeous, etc" but if you want him to use more masculine pet names then he will call you things such as "handsome, pretty boy, etc"
He gasses you up sooo much omg
literally it does not matter what you do, he will always be trying to make you feel comfortable in your skin
"Your haircut looks so good, you're so handsome!!"
"That shirt makes you look really masc, babe"
If you have medical help, he will also gas you up about that (not that he wouldn't if you don't have medical help, he loves you and sees you as a man either way <33)
Like if you start to grow facial hair he will always be touching it
He loves having a partner with facial hair you have no idea
He will rub his hands on it, rub his face on it, etc
if you shave it he will be sad :(
If you get any surgeries, he will be there to help with recovery and will also throw you a mini party the day you get home from the hospital
And medical intervention or not, there will always be bad dysphoria days
He will be there to help you through it
Lending you his clothes, lending you his cologne, helping you cut your hair, anything
And maybe you just wanna be held and told you're valid
That's ok, too
He will always be down to tell you how handsome you are
Fluff scenario
You woke up bright and early, getting ready excitedly. Today, you were getting a haircut! (Whether you have long or short hair is up to you ofc). You start to get ready in your favorite outfit, checking to make sure you like how you look and heading down the stairs.
Once you make it to the bottom, you see Jeff waiting for you at the front door. "You ready?" He asks. He isn't going to be going with you, because he wants your new haircut to be a surprise, but that won't stop him from giving you one last kiss before you go. You share a sweet peck on the lips, before nodding. "Yep! Say goodbye to this old hair, I'll be a new man when i'm back"
He sighs and runs his fingers through it. "I'll miss it, you know" You smile and kiss his nose. "It's ok. You'll learn to love the new hair." And with that you leave.
When you get back you immediately go searching for Jeff. You throw open his bedroom door. "Tada!" You say excitedly. He sits up on his bed and marvels at your new hairstyle "Wow, babe! It looks great!" he says, standing up to come embrace you. You put your hands on his hips and pull him close to your body. "You really think so?" you ask. He smiles and kisses your forehead while nodding. "Yeah, it suits you. Very handsome." Your smile turns into a grin and you attack your boyfriend with kisses, allowing him to feel the same euphoria that just flooded through your body.
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