#i cannot elaborate idk where it came from but man do i have to do some gd RESEARCH on lore and court rooms
safyresky · 1 year
Bernack! Fusion Lawyer
A late night treat for u all that I promised AGES ago, please enjoy the most unhinged instalment of Fusion AU: Bernack (have yet to think of a decent name for them u just cannot mix Jack/Bernard's names it just does not work. Jernard? BACK?!?!?!? BARACK? OBAMA?!?!?!?!!?!?!?), Fusion Lawyer.
I have barely edited these notes. I have only made them legible (3am Dani has bad spelling which is funny bc it's already atrocious with how fast I type) and I am NOT joking about the time this was originally written at:
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Please note that these are like BARE BONES ideas. LORD KNOWS (now that I have reread it) if this is still the situation I'd have fucking bernACK appear in, but A TREAT FOR U ALL ANYWAY. I HOPE.
AHEM. Let's begin.
It starts with a dare to Jacqueline, with love, ur horrible friend Charlie
they're chatting about some odd and strange magical things, and Charlie cracks a joke about Leprechauns and gold
to which Jacqueline replies "dude. that's legit. And you know gnomes? garden gnomes? yeah they're accurate to size you see in stores and they constantly throw hands with the leprechauns about who owns the gold
Charlie is like. ur fucking me
Jacqueline's like I am NOT! I will even bring you over and SHOW U
Charlie's like BET!
And Jacqueline goes AIGHT CHOOSE A DAY
Anyway Charlie ends up being unavailable but he has activated his pal's trap card and Jacqueline, of course, hunts down Elle
"hey dude," she says, once she finds Elle. "wanna go stake out some gnomes and leprechauns so I can win a bet against Charlie?"
And Elle is like "It's March. OF FUCKING COURSE I DO. Nothing's happening round these parts rn let's fucking GO BESTIE
So off they fuck!
And after a very strange series of events, Elline is around, and she is fucking RUNNING from the leprechaun authorities bc they think she is stealing the gold
She fails and is captured by them
They think she is a gnome spy
Elline is like "I'm really not? I'm a sprelf, and I'm just tryin to prove a point to my horrible friend Charlie who constantly makes silly challenge bets with me and they end up like this
which is funny bc we're always like "wow our legends need to stop having silly contests that end with trouble"
"I'm half hypocrite on the sprite side"
Elline is like really I'm not a spy. not a gnome spy. i swear. i dont even want the gold. i get paid v well and have so much pirate treasure it's fine honest
and the leprechauns are like THEN WHY ARE YA COMING OVER FROM THE GNOME FRONTIER?!@?!?!
Elline is like.
This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation dot jpeg
Charlie runs into B, who's like, hey, have you seen Elle?
And Charlie's like maybe! I think she's out with Jacqueline. See, Jacquie and I were gonna do a thing, but I had another thing, but I finished the thing early and was going to call Jacqueline out on the gnome and leprechaun thing, but she's not around at all
and nor is Elle! So I'm guessing she took Elle with her instead!
Bernard, knowing full well how those two magibeans be: oh FUCK
Prior to this, Charlie ran into Jack who was like hey junior. you seen Jacqueline around
and he said the same thing to Jack!
Jack, also knowing full well how those two magibeans be: OH FUCK
are they talking about elle/jacquie or the gnomes/leprachauns? we'll never know (it's the latter but this works for the former too I am realizing)
And Elline is like I HAD A POINT TO PROVE
so off they fuck and go to post bail and the leprechauns go oh no no NO. THEY are getting a TRIAL. We can't let the gnomes think we don't know. They need to know. They need to know we know their TRICKS.
And the front desk leprechaun goes "oh NO you do NOT. closed court, only the plaintiff, defendant, lawyers, etc. no visitors. unless ur their lawyer which i KNOW ur not. so BYE."
Jack and B are FUMING
B: I'm head fucking ELF I know enough about magibean law to be a LAWYER.
B: you did-you-what? why?!
Jack: long story. got bored, needed to make the law work for me, went to law school.
so anyway. some kinda crazy discussion happens for sure that ends in ELLINE NEEDS A LAWYER
They're like this is batshit insane. absolutely crazy
but you know, so is leprechaun court, and gnome court???? gods forbid
they have a brief discussion about concerns given that when jack fused with elle, they had to get separated by force courtesy of berline, v scaring and scarring, very jarring, do NOT want a repeat of that
but in the end they can put aside their differences/worries/concerns bc their loved ones are in TROUBLE.
so they do it. they fucking fuse.
you know slannen the elf from ella enchanted? yeah. That's basically bernack
he appears, he looks SO normal. It's actually surprising.
he has a briefcase
he knows a LOT about LAWYER STUFF
they are the ULTIMATE lawyer
they have the boston accent
they shove over some leprechauns like IM WALKIN HERE
they go BACK to the front desk, put their card down (which somehow they have an official business card???)
"I'm here to represent elline. it's non negotioable"
and BARGES into the courtroom
And Bernack is like this is me slash us getting your asses out of LEPRECHAUN jail. this was so stupid. why did you do this.
Okay shut up, don't say ANYTHING. let me do the talking
Elline is like. I am concerned about this but also, intrigued
She like. does the thing where u zip ur lips and throw away the key
Bernack is like good choice. Also, keep an eye on me, if this goes south we'll need to pull a jackington
Elline (unzips lips) how would u like your death
Bernack: the less memes the better
Elline, the meme loving fuck: i make no promises (rezips lips, folds hands, sits and smiles)
Elline is basically ready to stab That Bitch at any given moment, but also, living for the chaos that is about to ensue
and chaos DOES ensue
the trial is stupid. it's rigged. bernack has to run loop holes around loop holes around loop holes. That's okay tho that's his specialty, loopholes and clauses
there is an ace attorney reference. multiple maybe even
this is SPARTA reference that ends with Elline kicking someone
but ANYWAY the trial is beyond frustrating because the leprechauns are STUBBORN and WANT to make a big move like showing the gnomes their spy apprehended, and so finally bernack is like I am AT my LIMIT and snaps their fingers or something and suddenly, fire!!
Of course, Bernack immediately thinks ARSON?????
He's perturbed but also. Intrigued. And also, burning the courtroom sounds great at this point it's been HOURS
And Elline thinks back, thrice as loud, ARSON! BURN IT DOWN! DO IT! LET'S BUST OUR ASSES OUT OF HERE. AHHHH
You'll never guess what they do
FIRE. That's what
And they trash the courthouse and book it
They win the case by default
Bernack's like TOLD YA I'D GET YOU OUT OF THERE as something explodes
Bernack's like COOL GUYS DONT LOOK BACK AT EXPLOSIONS as he pulls out shades and rushes away without looking behind him
I don't THINK they'd need to be forced apart. Pretty sure Jack and Bernard would be like "I've had enough of this guy" and just like. poof back to themselves
But not before giving Elline a piece of their mind
they high five and get iced cream or something.
idk man.
I feel like these are the most chaotic fusions that could exist. Chaotic in positive???? ways?????
Anyway back at the NP Elline kicks down the door to Charlie's room like GOT UR PROOF BUCKO, AND WE GOT TO DESTROY A COURTHOUSE!
And Charlie's like ): NOT because he was proven wrong but bc he did not get to destroy things with them ):
and that's the story of BERNACK! FUSION LAWYER!
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drewtanakagf · 4 months
A Red Queen Social-Political-Economic Meta devolves into prison reform (bear w/ me) 
links at the very end smile. ask me to elaborate a point or don’t idc. I will be talking more regardless.
How This All Started: 
Me, writing: do you think that rq story aus (canon-divergence specifically) can work w/out the existence of silver/reds or at the very least power/no power dynamics, or rather, how well would the plot work without that? 
Me, opening new doc: bc like, the rq story is built off the usurpation of the silver/red dichotomy and calling into question the validity of oppression with the existence of a third group which shares qualities of the two (if you wanna get sociopolitical with it). 
TL;DR: Cameron Cole’s role in the narrative works as a connection between the oppressive systems irl and in the rqverse by her simply being a Black girl from New Town and a Newblood silent. 
Norta’s Social, Political, and Economic System 
Thinking about it more, I think that RQ can be seen as a racial-adjacent (blood, in canon) oppression story and class oppression story, but combining those lenses to more closely mirror what we experience in real life is, iffy at best. Since race as we understand it in our world is purely social while in rqverse there is a biological difference (which uhm. I don't end up talking about eugenics but let's keep that in mind yeah?) in which the system of oppression is made from. That system of oppression then allows for the discrimination of Reds in society, which can be seen at its worst in New Town and tech towns in general. Reds are at the bottom of the social ladder with no hope of climbing above their station. 
Now as a class story, this is where economics would come in.  And since there is no economic mobility for Reds, RQ as a story rooted in class falls apart. Basically (without thinking myself in circles) it cannot be only a class story and it cannot be a story in which both social factors and economic factors combine, since there is no sense of "class" in the Red's lives, all of them suffer. But this is true only in the Mare's point of view, the Silvers in universe are separated by high houses, low houses, and "common." Yet, this is only where we begin to see politics come in as the Houses are separated by respect and power as well as wealth. The connection to monarchy is viable for those in the Houses and is all draped in political pomp and shit. idk man it's one am and i'm thinking too hard.  SO the sociopolitical works in tandem w the social-economical whilst for Reds politics is unfathomable bc they're second class citizens. 
Prisons in The USA 
WHICH BRINGS ME TO (the worse segue in history) TO CAMERON COLE *cheers whoops etc*  I cannot for the life of me get over how Cameron is pretty much the only Black Red "main" character and she came from New Town, which is a place where everyone works to create for the rest of the country. This is a little too similar to the reality of prisons and like, the generational Blackness of it all is a lot for me to NOT look over. 
Note: Prisons are long-term holding facilities where convicted people go to carry out their sentences, Jails are short-term holding facilities and most are awaiting charges or trial (Prison Fellowship). 
One thing to understand is that prisons are rife with modern-day slavery, especially in the US (which rq was written in the context in). Last I checked, the US held about 25% of the world's prisoners, about a million people incarcerated, not to count those still in the penal system (like in jail, probation, or juvenile detention). Not only that, prisons are often private, not public, so there is an active economical interest in having as many prisoners as possible. You need bodies to make money in that industry. Not only that, prisoners work for little to no money and aren't even guaranteed to be able to re-enter society. In fact, many prisoners do not, the prison recidivism rate is still over a third in the US, meaning that over one-third of prisoners commit a crime again and become re-incarcerated (Wisevoter). There are a fuck ton of reasons why this is, mostly, in my opinion, the lack of effective reform programs. But you cannot deny that there is a corporate interest in having prisoners in prisons to make money and make profits for the low cost of labor. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), prisoners make $2 Billion in goods only to be paid an average of  $0.13 to $0.52  an hour, of which "the government takes up to 80 percent of these wages for “room and board,” court costs, restitution, and other fees like building and sustaining prisons. These wage deductions generally leave incarcerated workers with less than half of their gross pay" (ACLU). One more thing, who's populating these prisons? 
Statistically, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, White people make up 57.3% of prisoners nationwide while the next biggest racial group, Black people make up 38.6% (Note: This is by race, and the government's definition of race. Hispanic is considered as an ethnic group, which is why the data about Latine people is not on the federal website. Hispanic group makes up 29.7% of prisoners, to satiate your curiosity)(BOP). However, you have to take into account the rates compared to population. Let's take a look at New York State, which in the Rqverse includes The Stilts and Archeon. White people make up about 55% of the population and account for 23% of people in prison. Black people on the other hand, make up about 14% of the population and account for 49% of prisoners (PPI).  Like WOW! What a jump am I right? 
This disparity is again, attributed to many many things and long history of racial injustice and racist policing (looking at you stop and frisk, which is also a whole different problem i would LOVE to talk about), but as stated, has its roots in racial injustice and how the US never bothered to recover from slavery, Jim Crow, and treating minorities (most notably Black people) as second class citizens. 
Cameron Cole 
Okay, so now you have the IRL quick breakdown, let’s talk about Cameron Cole. Cameron Cole is a young Black girl who is from New Town and is a newblood with the power of Silence. That sentence is the core of her character as she stands in the plot (nothing about personality, we may get into this later idk yet. I have now officially passed 1k words on this. So. we will see fr.) Cameron’s identity as a young Black girl is not explored as, again, in the rqverse race isn’t a thing, it’s all about blood, baby! (that's what a vampire would say fr). So, in blood: she’s a newblood, one of those in-betweens that usurps the dichotomy yaddi-yadda, and is really just a socio-political thing, because Newbloods haven’t been around/ known for long enough in Norta to have bearing economically (class) and Maven decided to be Maven about newbloods in general, not just Mare’s standing as a Newblood ( he legitimized Newbloods as a blood group in Norta, essentially). But to get into the whole young Black girl, we need to draw the connection between prisons and New Town. 
Okay, no more jokes (though that is true), Black people are seen as second-class citizens in the eyes of the systems in place today, and that is reflected in Red Queen as a Black character is a victim of modern-day slavery within that universe. Her existence calls for comparison between the oppressive systems in the rqverse and the world as we know it. 
New Town is one of many  tech towns, dedicated to industry, building all of Norta’s mechanical goods and basically the cornerstone of Nortan economy. Everyone in there is forced to work despite the horrible conditions and have no chance of entering society and for little to no pay (sound familiar?). While the prison system in the US is a continuation of modern-day slavery, New Town just cut out the middleman of the police system and put them straight into modern day-slavery. Making the notable characters from New Town Black draws all these lines together and provide commentary on our world today: Black people still can’t win!
Now, as a Black girl, even in the RQverse, Cameron is still saddled with the same generational struggles Black women face due to the intersection of their Black and Woman identities. (source: am Black, am a woman). Because not only is the woman expected to look after household affairs and family matters, but now we’re dealing with racial inequalities. It’s a lot on a girl’s plate right? Cameron and Morrey remind me of all the Black women who have lost the Black men in their life due to violence and my own fears for my brother each time he leaves the house. 
Violence to us is like gun violence and police brutality and shit like that but to them is the war, where similar to the police system. Aw fuck new section time 
The Lakelander War as Control 
So my basic theory here is that the Lakelander war is used as the police system, not necessarily as like, actual policing but as a power move. It’s like Atlanta’s Cop City to me, a way to be like “heyyyyy don’t forget who has the power to kill you. Okie!” 
Back to Regular Programming 
Where violence is perpetuated by over policing and the war on drugs and such polices affecting minority populations irl, the war (and the duel things i forgot what they're called, and bowl of bones) exacerbate the uhm. Power dynamics. Reds are powerless Silvers powerful . “Look at what we can do” and shit. 
Edit: Lynching is also in this category. It’s about power, yeah.
 So Cameron has to save Morrey from this violence. I have to fear about my brother and dad and cousins. Like there is a connection there please tell me you get it I will cry its three am now im almost 2k deep like. 
Cameron, though, is not just a regular red, she is a Newblood and a  silencer at that. 
So how does she fight against her oppressors? She silences them, quite literally takes away their power. And isn’t that an apt metaphor for this all? 
Okay i'm going the fuck to sleep. Thanks for making it this far. Here’s a freshly baked cookie (imagine a cookie here) 
Links ( I gave up on the MLA LOL!) 
ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/news/human-rights/captive-labor-exploitation-of-incarcerated-workers 
Wisevoter: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/recidivism-rates-by-state/ 
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_race.jsp 
PPI: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/NY.html 
Prison Fellowship: https://www.prisonfellowship.org/resources/training-resources/in-prison/faq-jail-prison/
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metelis-favorite · 9 months
listened to “the plagues” from the prince of egypt soundtrack (one of the most based soundtracks out there) while driving through miles of corn fields and came up with an intensely elaborate au
two parts of the story run concurrently. it occurs in a desert setting, i haven’t decided much else.
first part centers around the ro’meave brothers, with the story starting with vylad’s death. garte is on his death bed shortly after, presumed to be dying of grief after the loss of his youngest son, so garroth is being primed to take over the position. in the process, he finds out an incredible amount of family secrets - including how vylad really died - and cannot handle it, so he dips. runs away. inadvertently causes a crisis the likes of which his kingdom has never seen before. in this, zane and him are actually rather close and the death of vylad brings them closer so garroth leaving turns zane into a very bitter and stubborn man.
the second part revolves around laurance, aphmau, and the shadow knights. aphmau is still a woman who remembers very little about where she’s from so she travels from place to place, kinda just...searching for something. in doing so, she finds laurance, exiled from his group after failing to protect his father. yknow when the two weirdass kids on the playground make an alliance because bethany keeps taking their fruit snacks and maybe they can stand up to her together. that’s what happens. admittedly i don’t have much ideas around aphmau at the moment, other than i know she keeps collection fruit snack weirdos until eventually, the group of phoenix drop is assembled
problemo though. before laurance meets aphmau and bands with her, he had been in the process of making a deal with a large slaver group called the shadow knights (or maybe some better name idk yet) where he works for them as security in exchange for protection against other groups roaming the area. he’s not pleased and ashamed about the exchange but he has very little options. when aphmau comes around, he tells her that he has some Deal in place that would keep them safe, but refuses to explain the specifics. the shadow knights in turn demand more work from laurance in order to keep the BOTH of them safe, as the original deal only included laurance. aphmau is at first okay with laurance disappearing for days at a time, because its his own business, but she becomes more and more concerned as time goes on
there’s more to it, including garroth and laur+aph meeting, garroth going back to okhasis to reunite with zane, vylad, etc, but this is just the initial concept. ask questions if you’d like (please im so bored)
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majorbaby · 1 year
Can you elaborate on your personal gripes for how mulcahy is used in the narrative? I have seen people talking about not liking him but I think it was more disliking him as a guy, so I would like to hear your thoughts
okay well, first i'd just like to say that nobody is a bad person for liking mulcahy and i have less of an issue with HIM as a guy (his thoughts, feelings, wishes, his favourite colour, his favourite food, his relationships with others) as i have with how he is positioned by the narrative. you seem to get this, but i still want to make it clear. if anything i'm all for mulcahy getting it on with whoever because it would undermine his vocation as a celibate priest.
long explanation under the cut but TL;DR: mulcahy is positioned as being a morally upright person. this is dangerous because apart from his being a character on the show, he is also representative of the catholic church. moreover, positioning the church this way severely undermines the show's central, anti-establishment, anti-war messaging.
there's lots to love about MASH, but the way it deals with religion and the church is a major weakness. the show wants me to accept that patriarchy, militarism, imperialism, social conservatism are bad, but draws the line at critiquing religion, by positioning its chief representative in positive light. it's a big oversight.
let me try this a new way compared to how i've done it in the past and start with the military:
fuck the military, right? we agree that it is bad? and we agree that MASH came out swinging against the army and that that is part of the central messaging of the show? and we agree that one of the best things about MASH is that it took such a hard line against the military? cool.
why do we hate the military? it's violent, it's paternalistic, it eats up public money that could otherwise be spent on making peoples lives better, it influences public policy in a negative way, it's hostile to equity-seeking people (racialized people, lgbtq+ people, women, people with mental and physical disabilities), it is also hostile to even the most privileged in our society. MASH specifically took aim at the draft, which still functionally exists in US law.
basically, it is overwhelmingly oppressive and does far more harm than good, if you can even make a case for what good it does.
the catholic church is bad for all the same reasons. most catholics are born into the church, assigned catholic at baptism, which occurs when you are a baby and which cannot consent to. its ranks are overwhelmingly male and priests are literally called "Fathers".
your mileage may vary when it comes to the separation of church and state but...
where i live, the catholic school system is funded by tax dollars - technically any child can attend a catholic school even if they aren't catholic, but say, idk, want some free indoctrination. but you must be catholic to teach in catholic schools, so half of all these 'public service jobs' which are unionized, pay well and difficult to secure are only available to catholics. you can go to catholic school yet grow up and be unable to teach in one, like, currently, in 2023, in Canada which has some fucking nerve to be still upholding this archaic system. people aren't born pro-life or homophobic or believing that sex should be between a man and a woman and purely for procreation, or that masturbation is a sin... these are all things we see in policy, in education, in medicine, in media, as a result of the influence of christianity. what flavour of christanity varies based on where you live but in many instances, it's catholicism. you could extend some of these critiques to organized religion in general but i'm not doing that right now because mulcahy is catholic specifically.
like... purity culture didn't just pop out of nowhere. you may not be christian but sex shaming and the elevated ideal of marriage and the gender binary and the idea that we need to be 'civilized' in a certain way are all christian values that were spread violently across the globe, often hand-in-hand with military exploits. not only are the military and the church similar, they're often indistinguishable and they very much need one another.
MASH was trying very hard to say, originally at least, that there are no good military brass. even henry gets the piss taken out of him whenever he tries to be a 'colonel' to hawkeye and trapper. so why henry, and not mulcahy? (also why not potter but like, that was a different era and potter is a character i actually do proper hate)
if there can be no good army officers, then there can be no good priests. and mulcahy was both.
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6ermi · 3 months
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I usually tend to bite my tongue when it comes to certain opinions to avoid being called certain names like a pick me or whatever.
With that being said: I hate men.
more specifically i hate men that hate woman or think they’re above woman misogynists. Surfing on places like twitter, reddit and even instagram, I’ll find these insufferable people just chatting and they all share the common trait of being nasty people.
(i typed that first sentence completely forgetting that there’s a word for people who hate woman)
i’m gonna get lost in my train of thought if i talk about the specific things i’ve seen these nasty people do in one essay so imma do bullet points so that i can focus my thoughts.
“Woman ≠ Funny”
I’ve seen tweets and posts of woman making jokes either about men directly or relating to men (relating to men meaning like they talk about cars, football, shit that men like) and these jokes are tame and/or funny, these are jokes that men have made about woman just with the topic switched. In the comments of these jokes usually contain a flood of people making misogynistic comments like “Woman can’t be funny” “Go back to the kitchen” “You’re ugly/fat” all of that nonsense.
I’ve seen other more elaborate versions of these comments but they’re always more harsh than what the joke is about. The joke can be about how men with loud cars are a little silly looking and the comments are those exact men with loud cars talking about her appearance, depending on how many posts they have they will dig around just to weaponize it like it’s so sad.
All of those people have fragile egos and i don’t even think they realize it. These types of comments spawned two other types of comments: The woman who are attacking the people who’s saying misogynistic comments (which i have no problem with) and people who comment “Y’all are fighting invisible comments”. I FUCKING HATE THAT! Do those people think that people will see a video and just comment these defensive comments just for the hell of it? Obviously it’s because they’re fighting back on the negativity that they themselves see. Just because you don’t see those exact comments it doesn’t mean it’s not there at all, those people can’t fucking think it’s annoying.
Those type of podcasters
I fucking hate these new wave of individuals who buy a mic, set up a camera and just talk about absolute nonsense. it’s shit about how men are at the top and woman are bottom, men are providers and woman are caretakers blah blah. I hate it all.
not only do i hate those podcasters but i hate the fans as well because they’re nothing but parrots repeating the same things these losers are preaching talking about how they’re high value and how woman should be flocking to them just because. Funny part about all of that is that the fans should not be saying those things because they look grotesque.
Individuals who scare off woman away from looks alone. I don’t know where these people came from, all of them are like in their 30s and it first started off with Andrew Tate and then Fresh and Fit and then Whatever, i know there’s a shit ton more but those are the names that first come to mind since i love watching videos of people making fun of them
Another thing about the whole thing is how all of them are horrible people outside of being misogynistic. It’s not surprising but it’s i guess eye opening idk. There’s a guy that’s not coming to mind and he preaches this idea that one man cannot be “tied” to one woman alone and men are meant to go around and repopulate as much as they want. A lot of these degenerates also follow that word but this guy in particular beats on woman. It’s something that’s not so surprising coming from a misogynist but it’s still something to make you go “woah” at least for me.
Try and find these people on the internet and you’ll see how they’re not what they think they are. I can go long with this topic but im in class and i wanna talk about other things.
What the fuck do men expect to happen after catcalling? I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up surrounded by woman and because of that i’ve heard a lot of stories that has to do with catcalling, it’s always disgusted me and it’s also angered me because there’s nothing that can be truly done… i think.
I’ve only experienced one incident where a man catcalled a woman. I was walking to my home and there was this woman a few feet from where i was. We were both going to the same direction. Since she was in my field of view, i saw how pretty she looked, she was wearing a bright colorful sundress with a hourglass figure or in other words she had a big butt (im sure that’s an unnecessary detail but im trying to paint an image in your head) I didn’t want to be a creep so i looked everywhere around her location so i can know where im walking.
Then comes this guy, dressed all in black walking like he was wearing rocks as shoes. He sees the woman and starts chatting thinking he has what it takes to impress her except he’s saying things like “Damn you got an ass, ma!” “Let me talk to you” and things of that nature. Obviously the woman is not even looking at him just walking forward like she was before the encounter. When the guy finally got the hint he retaliated by calling her ugly and insulting her as he walked away.
I witnessed it and i was disgusted. What do these people expect to happen? They say some disrespectful thing and the woman just starts twirling their hair and proceeds to talk to them? It’s such a pathetic thing to do. Catcalling is bad enough, like if i could i would take a bat and hit catcallers in the head like how negan does to that character in The Walking Dead but what makes it even worse is the insult at the end when being rejected.
How are you gonna disrespectfully “compliment” and then insult someone who didn’t want to talk to you. It makes me wonder again what do they expect to happen? I don’t know if this falls under the category of misogynistic but i feel like the entitlement these people have makes it so.
I know there’s other things i hate when it comes to degenerate men and their treatment of women. Maybe i’ll make a part two later on.
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The Beast Within
An Asahi x fem! reader fic || Technically SFW but there’s sliiiightly suggestive content || Fluff at the end 
Warnings: Violence, Anger, a veiled reference to sexual stuff?? idk what else to call it
Asahi was the kindest, sweetest, most gentle person you had ever known. Even though his ace persona took over whenever he played Volleyball, in real life he was the kind of person who wouldn’t even hurt a fly. You had been friends with him for about a year and you could have sworn up and down that you had never even seen him raise his voice at anyone.
So, it came as a complete shock to you when you heard a loud thump and a crack and you turned around to see Asahi standing over a fallen figure. His right hand was balled into a fist, and there was a look of pure, unadulterated anger on his face. 
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The figure, that looked like he might have been a college boy, was rolling on the ground with his hands covering his mouth, groaning in pain. Suga and Daichi ran to aid their friend and you watched in utter disbelief as Asahi lifted the man roughly by his collar and raised his fist, looking ready to strike again. 
The whimpering boy, half-hanging in air, held up by his collar with Asahi towering over him and his bleeding nose, ready to strike again; the entire scene sent chills down your spine. Asahi looked like he had every intention of killing the boy in front of him and you finally realized what other people meant when they said Asahi was scary. You had never taken any heed to those words before because he had always been such a teddy bear but today, in this moment, you had goosebumps. And for the first time in your life, you were afraid of Asahi Azumane. 
The terror must have been written all over your face because Asahi looked up at that moment, saw your face and his expression seemed to soften a little. His eyes still sparkled with rage but he lowered his fist. He loosened his hold on the person’s collar but instead of simply letting go, he pushed him into the ground as he stood up. 
He stepped away from him and as he walked away, Suga opened his mouth to say something but he stopped him before he could get any words out. “Suga, not now, please. I need some space to clear my head and calm down for a bit.” Even though he said those words in a normal tone, there was a “no nonsense” air about it and Suga nodded meekly as Asahi walked away. You watched with your mouth half open as he walked past you, not meeting your eyes and his face as serious as it could get. 
Suga and Daichi came up to you and so did Kiyoko after a few minutes. 
Suga: W-What the hell?!?! W-What happened?
Daichi, staring with his eyes wide at Asahi’s retreating figure, was at a complete loss for words. “I have never seen him like this. Ever. Almost three years I have known him and I have never even seen him even talk to strangers without fumbling over his words, much less get violent-”
Who would have thought today would turn out to be like this? It was your last year in High School and you and your group of friends (Kiyoko, Asahi, Daichi and Suga) had all decided to take a weekend trip down to the beach together. Asahi had looked exceptionally hot today in his red Hawaiian shirt (which he had conveniently left open at the front) and his perfect abs had been quite a distraction for you as you tried to enjoy your time with your closest friends. 
You had looked no less, though. With your maroon one-piece swimsuit with slits on the sides, showing off your waist and perfectly hugging your curves, you had looked absolutely smoking. 
After a long day of frolicking in the water, splashing and chasing each other around and playing a lot of beach volleyball, you all had decided to relax and take a stroll through the beachside market. Kiyoko and Asahi had somehow gone ahead of the group while you strolled around lazily, idly chatting with Suga and Daichi. You had been browsing through a souvenir stall when the entire incident took place.
Which brings us back to the present. 
“- I’m sure he must have had a good reason but for Asahi to do something like this???” Daichi said as he paced around. 
It’s true. Even in your wildest dreams, you couldn’t have imagined Asahi like this. 
“He deserved it,” Kiyoko said quietly. 
All three heads turned to her instantly. 
“You know what happened, Shimizu?” Suga asked.
She nodded. 
“Tell us!” 
“I- I’m not sure if he would want me to say,” Kiyoko replied. But as she said it, she was looking at you with a slightly troubled expression on her face. 
“What’s that expression- why are you looking at me like that, Kiyoko?” you ask.
“It’s nothing-” Suga intervened, "It's obviously not nothing I mean this is Asahi we are talking about. It must have been something really serious for him to act like this. Please, Kiyoko. Tell us.”
Kiyoko sighed, “Well, I guess it’s not exactly a secret since that guy was really loud.”
“So, Asahi was shopping at that stall over there,” she said, turning around and pointing to the stall that was located right next to where the altercation took place, “and I was helping him choose something when these two college boys came by us.”
“They seemed really drunk and they were talking very loudly. The guy in the green shirt saw Y/N standing here with Suga and Daichi and he whistled. He thought he was far away from you so he could say whatever he wanted. 
He started commenting on your body and how sexy you looked.” 
Kiyoko stopped to read your expression. You could tell she was hesitant about continuing her story because she did not want to make you feel uncomfortable.
“It’s okay, Kiyoko. I want to know what he said.”
 Kiyoko continued, “Then he proceeded to describe to his friend in detail - uh - the - uh - things he.... wanted to do you. It was absolutely filthy and vile and even I am not comfortable repeating his words.” You can tell how bad it must have been by the way Kiyoko shivered as she completed her sentence. 
“I had no idea Azumane would react the way he did, though. He walked up to the guy and tapped him on the shoulder. I assumed he probably wanted to tell him off or ask him to go away or, at the most, threaten him with his intense expression like he usually does. But as soon as the guy turned to look at him, he just straight up punched him in the face.”
“Wow. Yeah, he totally deserved it,” Suga said, looking deep in thought, “Even so, I would have never expected Asahi to use physical force. I swear, I have never even seen the guy so much as swat a bug away. Although, it also kind of makes sense seeing that it was Y/N that guy was talking about.”
You frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
A look of panic flashed across Suga’s face before he said, “I m-mean, seeing that you’re one of his best friends! He would totally feel protective about you.” 
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion and you also didn’t miss Daichi and Kiyoko glancing at each other when Suga faltered. However, you didn’t press the matter further. You were more worried about Asahi at this point. 
“I should go find him and see if he is okay. You guys should look for a nice place where we can have a chill dinner. Preferably with no alcohol,” you say, rolling your eyes. The others nodded and you set off to find Asahi. 
It wasn’t difficult to find him. The sun hadn’t set yet so it was still bright out and his red shirt and large build were hard to miss. He was sitting in a rather secluded part of the beach, surrounded by large rocks on both sides. He didn’t seem angry at all anymore. He seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at the ocean in front of him. 
“You okay?” 
Your voice broke him out of his reverie and he turned to see you standing behind him. 
“Y-Yeah” he seemed almost apologetic as he answered you. 
“Do you mind if I sit here with you?”
You were not sure if he wanted you near him or to talk to you since he had asked Suga for some space so you were very hesitant while asking him this. 
He winced. “I knew it. I scared you. I am so so sorry.”
“W-what? I didn’t mean-” He stood up. “I saw it in your face. I saw how you looked at me when I... when I punched that guy. I saw how terrified you were of me.”
He wasn’t meeting your eyes, instead he was looking straight down at the ground and, large as he was, he seemed to shrink before you with every word that came out of his mouth.
“I-” you were at a loss of words. He was right, you HAD been scared of him in that moment. You couldn’t control how you reacted to the situation. But before you could start to speak, he continued.
“You were one person who never thought I was scary. You always treated me like a normal person. You were never scared to approach me.
But I am afraid that I ruined that tonight with my behaviour. I have seen that look thousands of times in people’s eyes whenever they look at me. But-” his voice was cracking now, “P-please believe me when I say that I did it for a reason. I cannot tell you the reason but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I know you are probably going to be scared of me from now on. But please believe me, I would never, ever in my life even think of hurting yo-”
He was cut off as you threw your arms around him and enveloped him in a tight hug. He was so surprised by your reaction that it took a moment for him to return the hug. When he did, he buried his face in your shoulder and you could feel his tears on your bare skin.
“I already know what happened.”
He broke away from you and looked at you in surprise, his eyes red. 
“Yes. Kiyoko told me most of it. She didn’t elaborate on what the guy said exactly though but I can guess it wasn’t pretty. And it’s true, I did feel scared at that moment. But it was just a reaction. The look in your eye was murderous and I have never seen you this way. So it surprised me. And scared me. But now that I know why you did what you did, I am not scared anymore.”
“Yeah. Really. Thank you for always looking out for me.” 
“O-of course.” and after a brief pause, “How are the others doing?”
“They’re fine. I asked them to look for a restaurant for dinner tonight. Let’s go to them?”
“Yeah uh- before we do that, I - uh - wanted to give you something.”
Asahi was blushing when he took something out of his pocket. You put your hand out and he placed something on your palm. Your eyes widened as you looked at what he gave you. It was a seashell pendant. 
“Oh my God, it’s beautiful!! And in my favourite colour too! I had been looking for one like this since ages!”
“Yeah, you had mentioned it in passing once when we were planning this trip. This is what I was buying when, you know, shit happened. I asked Kiyoko to help me pick it out for you because I didn’t want to get the wrong thing.”
“I can’t believe you remembered that! It’s perfect and I love it! Can you help me wear it?” you asked him, handing the pendant back to him.  “Y-yeah,” he blushed. You turned your back to him and held up your hair with one arm so that he could put the necklace on easily. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck as he placed the necklace delicately on you. He used his fingers to move away stray hairs and his touch was so gentle that it sent shivers down your spine (the good kind this time).
As he fumbled around with the delicate clasp with his large fingers, he spoke, “I - uh - I - I- actually wanted to tell you something.”
You could tell he was really nervous. You waited for him to continue. 
“I-I know it’s our last year and soon we will probably be in different cities and this is probably the last thing you want to hear from me right now but-”
The clasp snapped into place and the necklace was now secure around your neck. You turned around to face him. 
“But?” you reached your hand out to hold his. 
He was really taken aback by your action and his eyes widened. It seemed to give him some confidence.
“B-But I know I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t ask you when I have the chance. A chance that I thought I’d lost forever today. So, Y/N, I really, really like you. I have liked you for a long time now and you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. A-and I was wondering if you w-would like to go out with me?”
“I really, really like you too, Asahi.” You were smiling widely as you said “Yes” and stood on your toes to give him a light kiss on his forehead. 
Asahi was blushing furiously now. You laughed out loud at how flustered he was. It was good to have the goofy, old teddy bear back. 
As you linked your arm through his and walk back to your friends, you couldn’t help but be giddy with happiness. 
You were going out with the best, most gentle, most caring person you have ever known. But you now know that there is a beast within him. A beast that will do anything to protect you. 
Thanks for reading!! Hope you liked it. 
Sorry if you think it is ooc for Asahi but I do think that, when it comes to it, he is the kind of person who would go to any lengths to protect the people he cares about. Case in point, when he used his looks to scare off two boys who were trying to hit on Kiyoko during the third years’ shrine visit (manga only scene).
I am kind of not really satisfied with this one but I also just spent more than half a day writing this so I didn’t want to ditch it halfway. 
Reblogs, likes and follows are very much appreciated.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Six
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings:  Angst, Fluff, Near-Death, Smut (Oral, F receiving), 
Word Count: 4K
A/n: I think that this series has a vibe that is very blue and grey. Like, if I could associate the feeling with a colour it would be like a dark blue and light grey. Idk it’s just how I feel. I also have a playlist that I might drop for this series cause it’s gotten me writing soooo much. Anyway, I loved writing this part and I hope you guys like it!!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Your head tilts back, a melodic laugh falling from your pretty lips, and Steve smiles warmly down at you.
James watches from the library window as his husband drapes his cloak over your shoulders, keeping you warm as the two of you walk through the falling snow in the gardens.
“You called for me, your Majesty?” James turns to the voice, nodding and waving the doctor over.
“What I am about to tell you remains between us and us alone, do you understand?” The doctor nods slowly, confused beyond his wits.
“I have been experiencing thoughts that are not my own. I fear my mind... it is not mine. I know not how nor why, but I... I feel as if someone has taken hold of my mind and my body.” The doctor is silent, his eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline.
“Can you elaborate a bit, your Majesty? I... I don’t think I’m understanding.” James nods, sighing heavily.
“I... I have blank spaces in my memory. I awake in places where I have not gone and I have bruises and marks that I do not remember acquiring. It is as if I am not in control of my own body at times.” Banner ponders this for a moment before nodding.
“If you follow me, I’d like to do a few inspections to see if there is anything on the surface that could be of any use in figuring out what exactly is happening to you.”
The King follows the Doctor to his office, sitting down upon the operation table.
The Doctor’s cold fingers probe along the King’s hairline, feeling for any unusual bumps or scratches.
Just as he’s about to give up, he feels a ridge along the base of the King’s skull.
“Lean forward, Your Majesty.” He complies, leaning forward and dropping his head to give the Doctor a better view of the spot in question.
“An incision has been made here. And not by me. It has been stitched expertly. Were I not so trained I would have missed it. Your concerns are very valid, your Majesty. Should I call in King Steven and tell him the news?” James shakes his head immediately.
“If this has been done without even my noticing, it has been done by someone close and near. We cannot risk them finding out. Steve cannot know, and neither can (Y/n).” The very mention of your name has his blood boiling for some reason.
“Your Majesty... may I ask... what thoughts are you having that have been so concerning?” The King sighs, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I fear that whoever has done this to me has done it with the intention of ruining my marriage and destroying my kingdom right from the inside. With the very thought of my husband or my wife, I am filled with anger unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It fades as days pass, and then it will be brought back out of the blue.” The Doctor purses his lips, trying to piece things together.
“May I take a few tests? I would like to analyze some samples. Perhaps they can bring us closer to figuring out what has happened.” The King nods, laying down and allowing the doctor to do whatever procedures he’d like.
“Must you go?” You ask sadly, looking down at where your hand is linked with Steve’s.
“Unfortunately I must. I would much rather spend time with you, however, the council has urgent matters that must be discussed. I will join you for dinner, on that I promise.” He leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Do you think James will join us tonight?” You ask softly. Although he hasn’t been the kindest to you, you were enjoying the time you spent with him and are missing his presence.
You have hardly seen him since the day he and Steve came to your chambers.
“I cannot guarantee it. I hope he will, but I do not think we will be so lucky.” You nod sadly, sighing when he lets go of your hand.
He cups your cheeks in both of his warm hands, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips. Your heart races in your chest and you hold onto his wrists, leaning up into the gentle touch of his lips against your own.
Your eyes stay closed as he pulls away and he chuckles softly, pecking your lips once more before stepping backwards.
“I will come to find you as soon as I can, my love.” With that, he takes his leave. A smile spreads on your face and you sigh like a young maiden in love.
The thought takes you by surprise and you realize that you could very much be falling in love with Steve. He’s kind and gentle with you, and he’s taken the time to get to know you. He’s a man that you would willingly marry.
You’re getting ready to head back inside when you’re intercepted by a knight.
“Your Majesty.” He bows deeply then stands back up, a smile on his face.
“Do you require something?” You ask. He nods, offering you his arm.
“I have been ordered by King James to escort you to the stables. He wishes to go riding with you.” Your heart jumps in your chest, excitement filling you at the thought of getting to spend time with your other husband.
The knight is swift in his walk and you nearly have to jog to keep up.
You find it slightly strange that James would want to go riding when the snow is starting to fall harder, but you pay it no mind.
The knight helps you up onto your horse when you get to the stables, a smile on his face.
“The King wishes to meet you out past the stream. It is ten minutes west. He is eager to see you.” You nod, gathering the reins in your hands and thanking the knight as your horse leads you through the growing snow.
Steve’s cloak does little to keep you warm as the wind blows hard against you. Even through the layers of your dress and your coat, the coldness seeping through and chilling you straight to your core.
You’re not sure how many minutes go by, but the snow is thickening quickly, and before long you can hardly see in front of yourself.
“James!” You shout, trying desperately to find the King.
Your horse slows, not liking the storm. She turns you in a circle then huffs out a breath through her nose.
You’re about ready to head back when she suddenly raises up onto her hind legs, sending you falling to the snow beneath you.
You yelp out in pain as you break your fall with your arm, pain shooting up.
The wind howls in your ears as you push yourself to your knees, fear grabbing your heart and making it race as you struggle to see past your nose.
Snow gathers in thick clumps on your eyelashes, weighing them down and adding to the struggle.
“Aryo!” You call out for your horse, pushing yourself to your feet and wrapping your arms around yourself to try and preserve what little heat you have left.
It doesn’t take long for you to realize you’re alone, your horse long gone to find shelter in the storm. You don’t blame her. You would have abandoned yourself too.
Teeth chattering, you try and find any trace of a path to follow back to the Palace as the storm rages on around you.
“Is that the Queen’s horse?” Nat asks, looking out the window at the blizzard.
James is on his feet in an instant, looking out the window then at the redhead.
“Where is she?”
She shakes her head, “Steve dismissed me. But he’s in a meeting now. I would have thought she’d come back but I haven’t seen her since.”
Before she’s finished speaking, James is sprinting down the stairs.
He pays no mind to the snow, feet pulling him to the stables as the stable boy tries to calm down your mare.
“Where is the Queen?” He asks desperately, shouting over the wind. The stable boy shakes his head.
“I was dismissed by a member of the guard. He had the queen with him and the last I saw she was riding west.”
The colour drains from the King’s face as he looks towards the dark clouds rolling in.
“Get me my horse. Now!” The boy turns and runs to get the King his horse, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.
“You’re going out there?!” He turns around to face Natalia, nodding. “She’s out there and she may be in danger. I know Steve would not entrust anyone but Sam or you to escort her anywhere.” His conversation with Doctor Banner earlier rings in his mind and he feels fear claw its way up his throat.
“Have a warm bath prepped. Bring all the furs from the entire Palace to her chambers and have the fire ready. And find Steve as soon as you can.” The stable boy brings over James’ horse and the King is mounted upon his stallion and taking off into the storm.
You don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You can hardly feel your body. Everything is so heavy and you want to take a break, rest your eyes for a moment to regain your strength.
You stopped shivering a while ago.
Trudging through the knee-high snow, you blow warm air onto your frozen hands, trying desperately to warm something up. Shivering was so much better than this.
Something catches on your shoe and you fall face-forward into the snow with a yelp.
Instead of standing up, you roll onto your back, eyes half-open as snowflakes kiss your face.
Just a moment. That’s all you need. A moment to rest.
Your eyelids flutter closed and warmth settles into your limbs.
In the distance, you swear you hear someone calling your name, and you can’t help but smile. In this vast expanse of nothing but white... he cares for you.
Even if he’s only a figment of your imagination, he cares.
You’re jolted back to reality by the sound of your name being bellowed close by. Eyes heavy with snow, you slowly look around, neck stiff and frozen.
James jumps down from his horse, your figure barely visible through the snow.
“(Y/n)!” He sprints to you, foot slipping on a patch of ice and nearly pulling him to the ground.
His arms are cradling your frame as soon as he’s close enough, one hand pushing the snow out of your face and pressing his fingers to your neck.
“Oh thank the gods,” he whispers, your pulse like a drum grounding him.
He hauls you up into his arms and climbs onto his horse, the stallion taking off through the snow.
“Stay with me, (Y/n), please,” He murmurs, warm lips pressing against your frozen forehead.
Your eyes fall closed again and he has to take deep breaths to calm his racing heart.
Only when the Palace comes into view does he allow himself to feel any form of hope.
He rides right up to the front doors then slides off his horse, your body held securely in his arms. Guards are already waiting, one taking care of his horse while the others lock the Palace doors and clear a path for the King.
He swears he’s never moved this fast in his life.
The door to your chambers is open and as soon as he’s inside, Natalia is pulling you from his grip and hauling you right in front of the fire.
He kicks his shoes off and shrugs out of his coat.
“Get her out of her clothes,” he orders, pulling off his trousers and stripping until he’s nearly naked.
Nat does as ordered, confused until he lies down next to you, pressing your freezing body against his and pulling the furs overtop of the two of you.
The fire burns hot against his face but it’s doing its job.
Soon enough he can feel you breathing heavier against his chest.
"Where is Steve?” The brunet demands, looking over at Nat. She shakes her head. “With the council still. I tried getting him but they would not allow me entrance.” James sighs, tucking your head between his shoulder and his neck and smoothing his flesh hand over your back, hoping the friction will warm you up faster.
Nat takes her leave, hoping to find Steve, and James scoots the two of you closer to the fire.
When you let out a sharp breath then start violently shaking in his arms he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
You’re burning. Tiny needles are prickling your skin all over and it won’t stop. There’s a clattering noise that is absolutely annoying you and you recoil away from the heat.
It’s only when your face gets smushed further against a hot chest that you realize the chattering is your teeth.
“You’re okay,” a deep voice whispers, lips pressed against your frozen hair.
“I-It hurts,” you croak, throat sore and aching.
“I know, dove. I know.” His nose is buried in your hair, warm tears dripping from his eyes as he hugs you close to his chest.
The pain slowly fades and you sigh gratefully, bringing your hands up to press your frozen fingers against his warm torso.
The muscles in his abdomen clench at the contact and he lets out a sharp breath.
“You’re so cold,” he whispers, bringing a leg over yours to drape you in more of his body heat.
Your toes press against his other thigh and he groans.
“S-sorry,” you manage to get the word out without biting your tongue.
“Shh. It’s alright. Just warm up. You’re alright.” You nod, cold lips brushing against his chest. You press the tip of your nose against his skin and the contact nearly burns.
He presses kiss after kiss to the top of your head, thankful his body is always warm.
You gradually stop shivering but he doesn’t let you go, far too terrified that this is the last time he’ll get to hold you.
It’s only when you pull back to look at him that his arms loosen.
You notice his red eyes and instantly frown.
“What’s wrong?” Your voice is hoarse and he makes a note to get Wanda to bring you some tea.
“I...” He shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut tightly and kissing your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, hot tears dripping down onto the furs beneath the two of you.
“For what?” You’re genuinely confused.
“James, look at me.” He does so, reluctant but desperate to see you. Your lashes are wet and you can’t tell if it’s from the snow or your own tears.
“I’m alright. Without you, I wouldn’t be here. You saved my life.” He shakes his head, sniffling and squeezing you tighter to his chest.
“Why were you out there by yourself?” His voice is weak and muffled but the question confuses you.
“I was told that you wanted to meet me out there. A knight escorted me and delivered me the message. I was confused because it was snowing but I was eager to spend time with you.” He shakes his head, dread settling in his gut as he realizes that someone is indeed trying to sabotage his marriage.
“Did the knight give you his name?” You shake your head, fingers tracing patterns on his chest.
“I never told anyone anything. I was with Doctor Banner for a better portion of the day.” Your brows furrow and you pull back to look at him.
“If it was not you who sent for me... why would...” You trail off, eyes widening.
“He meant for me to die out there, didn’t he?” James swallows hard then nods, sighing heavily.
“That’s how it would seem. I do not know if those were his intentions and we will need to question him. But that all comes second.”
You snuggle against his chest further, his warmth and scent engulfing you and making you feel beyond safe.
“James?” You ask softly, pulling back again to look at him when he doesn’t answer.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” The heartbreak in your voice makes him want to die. He presses his forehead against yours and his lips quiver.
“I am terrified of being near you because all I have ever done is bring you pain. I do not wish to do that. Not ever again.” You bring one hand up and cup his face, wiping a tear off of his cheek.
“The only way you will bring me pain is by pushing me away. I miss you.” Your eyes flash down to his lips then back up to his eyes.
“With every day that goes by and I do not see you... I am saddened. We did not start our marriage well, but we can fix it. Please, James, don’t push me away anymore.” Your pleading breaks his heart and he nods, sniffling again.
“If I ask something of you... will you do it?” You ask softly. He nods without hesitation.
You wait a beat, your heart thumping hard in your chest.
“Kiss me.” His eyes flash open and he pulls back to look at you. When the edges of your lips curve up he nods again, leaning down slowly.
His warm lips meet yours in a kiss that is filled with unspoken words and forbidden feelings. Tears cascade down his face and he leans further into the kiss, pushing himself up onto his metal forearm and rolling slightly until you’re on your back and he’s on his side. His flesh hand comes up to rest gently on the side of your neck, the thumping of your pulse beneath his fingers enough to have him relaxing.
Your hands come up instinctively to his hair, fingers tugging through the damp strands as you share your first real kiss with your husband.
His tears drip onto your face and you feel your heart break for him. You pull him closer, leg lifting and hitching around his waist to bring him flush against your body.
It’s like he’s never touched you before.
The feeling of your breasts pressing against his bare chest combined with the way you’re pulling him tight against you is enough to have him stirring in his britches.
He pulls away, shaking his head.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs. You sigh, fingers threading through his glorious locks. “You won’t. I just want to feel you. Have you close to me. Please.”
The look on your face has his resolve crumbling and, as if smelling your success, you pull him down, lips crashing against his.
“Will you let me try something? To make you feel good?” He asks breathlessly against your mouth. You’re not sure if anything can feel better than this but you’re more than willing to try.
He trails kisses down your body, taking a moment to pepper them over the soft skin of your breasts. His tongue flicks over your right nipple for a moment before retreating back into his mouth and allowing him to continue kissing down down down.
When his head is between your legs you push onto your elbows, nervous about having him somewhere so intimate.
“Relax. It won’t hurt, I promise.” You take a deep breath and nod, relaxing slightly as he presses gentle kisses to the insides of your thighs.
He pulls your legs over his shoulders and traces his tongue over your slit.
You jolt at the contact and he breathes a chuckle before diving in, his tongue working on the little bundle of nerves that makes your toes curl.
“J-James!” You cry, hand instinctively coming to his hair. He loops his arms under your legs, warm hand splayed on your stomach while his cold hand comes to your mound, middle finger slipping inside of you.
He’s gentle, thrusting slowly while his mouth focuses on your clit. Your legs clench around his head as the pleasure builds, a coil tightening in your belly.
A second finger slips inside of you with surprising ease, but you don’t dwell on that for long. His metal digits find the spot inside of you that makes you see stars and, upon hearing the guttural groan of pleasure you make, focus on hitting that spot with every thrust.
Your back arches and your fingers pull his hair so hard that it borders on pain, but one glance at the bliss on your face and the pain is forgotten.
His tongue works your clit while his fingers fuck faster, harder until you’re crying out, legs trembling and face scrunched up in pleasure. Your cunt clenches around his fingers and your slick gushes out around them.
He slowly pulls his fingers from you, cleaning up the mess between your legs with his tongue. The gentle kitten-licks just enough to prolong your climax.
When he finally pulls away and looks at you, you’re already watching him, your chest heaving and sweat glistening on your forehead.
“I suppose we warmed you up, didn’t we?” He asks playfully, grinning when you laugh breathlessly.
He adjusts himself in his pants then lays down with you once again, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“What about you?” You ask shyly, glancing down to the tent in his underwear.
“I can handle it, dove. You need your rest.” You cuddle up against him on the makeshift bed, the crackling of the fire and the feeling of his fingers tracing up and down your spine lulling you into a deep sleep.
He holds you in his arms, mind racing to who might want you out of the kingdom and why, and then to Steve. Steve who’s been gone for a suspiciously long time. Steve who’s supposed to be in a meeting with the council conveniently at the time of you disappearing.
When the blond in question is finally free from the council, Natalia is there to tell him what happened.
He’s bursting into your chambers moments later, his heart in his throat until he sees you asleep with your head on James’ chest, the brunet holding you close to his body beside the smouldering embers of what must’ve been a roaring fire.
A small smile spreads over his face and he closes the door, taking off his shoes and stripping down to his underwear.
He climbs onto the thick cushion of furs, shimmying beneath the blankets draped over your frame and placing his arm over your waist, hand resting against his husband’s stomach.
James reaches down and squeezes Steve’s hand gently, meeting the blond’s eyes over your head.
“What happened?” He asks softly, not wanting to wake you up.
“She was set up,” James replies, his eyes full of so many emotions.
“By who?” James shakes his head, sighing heavily.
“We have much to discuss, but it can wait until morning.” Steve nods in agreement, pressing his body against yours.
You sigh, sandwiched between their warmth and lost in a deep sleep.
Steve is pressed against your back and James against your front, the two holding onto each other’s arms over your waist.
And at that moment everything is as it should be. As it should have been in the first place.
But James knows that this may be only temporary unless they can find the traitor responsible for nearly killing you.
He hopes to the Gods that they find whoever it is soon because now that he has you in his arms, he never wants to let you go.
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papiliona · 3 years
Im here for headcanons. Feed me, I'm starving for headcanons
Okay okay okay I bring them as mother bird brings the worm to her screeching children.
Ranboo cannot gauge normal temperature. This mainly has come from the fact his house has no walls and is in a snowy biome, but i feel like the end is very cold so his enderman half means that he just doesn't get cold at all.
I also like drawing him so that his enderman half and the white part are different textures. Idk why.
Techno in my brain is a man wearing a pig skull mask, but because he has the same size head as regular pigs the mask comes from a nether Hoglin. In general I picture Techno as like... A seasoned warrior in the vein of Odysseus (as opposed to Tommy who is an Achilles type person), so maybe his entire outfit consists of battle and adventure spoils he's gained over the years.
Eret still wears his king outfit, but the metal is tarnished and the Cape is torn.
A lot of these are aesthetic idk what to tell you.
Niki dyes her hair with flowers. The pink was originally light and calm and meant to symbolise hope, but when she saw how hopeless the world around her was she made it more and more intense until it was like fire.
Also she totally uses baking skills to make potions/explosive concoctions.
The people in the badlands actually originate from a badlands biome (the one with the hArDeNEd cLaY) and were nobody's there, so they left to gain power elsewhere.
The egg smells kind of like red velvet muffins. Until you get close to it.
The smp afterlife is like an echo of the overworld, but really faded, empty and with a short render distance. It looks like the smp but before anyone did anything and with no mobs
Dream is in the mortal world as some kind of punishment. I like to think of him as a Greek God figure, human in appearance but able to change the course of fate and absent from normal moral codes. He's on the smp because he committed some petty offence in the immortal realm, so he's bitter, playing with everyone. Like dionysus in percy Jackson but like... Evil and shit.
In the L'Manhole you can hear screams echoing.
Karl occasionally uses really outdated words mixed with modern phrases because time traveller. Like occasionally he'll just be like 'are you biting your thumb at me dude?'
George's goggles are made of really boujie materials and are gem encrusted
Ranboos crown is more tiara like. I need it to be a bejewelled elaborate designed circlet because otherwise the way the pixels are spaced on his skin will irritate me.
Wilbur had a room littered with unfished songs and compositions. Before L'Manburg he wanted to be a musician (this is kind of more just canon). They made a statue of him in New L'Manburg, but ghostbur couldn't bear to look at it because it looked wrong. The reason was that it was an image of the destructive Wilbur as opposed to the creative.
All of the clothing on the smp is of one distinct aesthetic and period for each group but the only modern piece is Tommy's red and white shirt. Nobody knows where it came from.
Ranboo naturally has his irl hair colour, but he split died it permanently and couldn't remember that it wasn't originally like that.
Twitch Prime is a god that looks like Jeff Bezos in a toga
All the technology on the smp is run by cogs. In my mind the smp is like the world in this series called septimus heap, where its simultaneously high fantasy in aesthetic but a clear post-futuristic version of our world. So there are relics of 'modern' technology that is broken and dispowered (like Jack Manifolds headset)
Everyone's netherite armour has different carvings and designs on it
Dream and Awesamdude play chess together in prison, in silence. Neither of them speak but Dream seems to appreciate the company (does he though?)
Tubbo used to like playing piano and ukelele in his bee house sometimes. Sometimes he would sit in the corner of caves whilst Ranboo mined and play instruments too.
Hamilton in the smp universe is a fictional novel (its pretty much fictional irl anyway) and Wilbur read it when he was a teenager.
Erets wool blocks are actually scarves he knits and leaves lying around, wrapped around tiny notes.
Quackitys voice is not autotuned he just sings like that™
I know foxes do this thing where they will sneak into farms and cause ruckus, and for some reason whenever Fundy is near technoblade both of them are just really uneasy
Snowchester is also a front for people to go ice-skating because fuck you my child is completely fine
Ranboo gardening 👍
Sometimes endermen will put grass blocks in piles near Ranboo's shack house when he blacks out for a long period of time or is visibly distressed.
Sapnap used to have wanted posters of himself everywhere because he is a petkiller but when the hype died down he framed them all and put them in his house. Also he plays the violin.
The twitter trending guy is canon but he runs a newspaper which is consistently sued unsuccessfully for having political biases, because as soon as it seems like he's writing in favour of one person he just writes in favour of another. The one true anarchist, Ranboo could never.
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brawltogethernow · 3 years
I suppose the next step then is "BBC Merlin but it's SpideyTorch"
Oh my god. TEACHER, TEACHER, SHE’S TARGETING ME okay okay uh.
Peter, secret warlock, goes to Camelot with his mother figure, May, who does not know about the warlock thing because it kicked in when he was a teenager and they both strategically decline to tell each other things. Gaius is Reed, who was the court sorcerer and is now the court scientist. (He’s not an old man except spiritually where he has been a senile professor since he was 19.) He literally didn’t change anything he was doing, considering science and magic as different points on one spectrum anyway-- No. That’s Doom’s schtick. DOOM was the court sorcerer, and was fired. He is upset about it. Reed is just a science guy but worked extensively with Victor, so he’s kind of useful, but not as useful as Peter was hoping.
I know very little about Sue and Johnny’s dad except that he’s a supervillain who...faked his death, revealed himself, and then died for real like 12 hours later? Did he also fake his wife’s death at some point? Would he do a mad king magic ban thing? Idk but for plot purposes we’ll say yes. They conveniently already share Arthur’s dead mom syndrome. Maybe their aunt whose name is different depending on what issue you’re reading is also here just to convolute the court drama. Wait no didn’t Arthur have a shady uncle show up after like five seasons. She.
Peter is very talented at finicky, specific magical formulas. (Reed: :) )But in practice he really prefers to just slam out a big wave of power, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, repeat until it does. (Reed: :( ) He gives this a go at the beginning of sorting out any problem, like restarting your glitching computer, and if it doesn’t work the problem is complicated enough to be an episode plot.
So obviously I’m still gonna do secret identity shit? Peter saves the young prince and heir’s life and is rewarded with a second job; he only came here for job reasons and you’re all lucky he doesn’t turn down paying jobs otherwise he’d be having some words with the king. Peter also accidentally becomes a masked vigilante out in the town. His very existence is illegal because he’s obviously doing magic! They keep sending his boss out to hunt him down, and their eyes are always locking dramatically and shit in brief silent stare-offs from opposite ends of the street in thunder storms at sunset until Johnny’s horse rears and breaks the eye contact causing Peter to snap out of it and flee. You know how it is.
Sue is older than Johnny and thus older than the magic ban, so she responded to it by going “:) That’s nice, Dad” and socking away a bunch of books before they could go on the fire, and now she’s just a sorceress on the dl. This is approx. a first season finale reveal, because her real superpower is being able to keep her mouth the hell shut. I literally cannot with how nobody in Merlin ever exchanges information, so shortly after Peter and Reed learn this they exchange secrets, like sane people, which opens up their resources a bit.
That said Sue is an extra legitimate royal, not the Morgana equivalent. Maybe Gwen should be Gwen, especially since I have thought Gwen/Johnny/Peter has potential since reading Spider-Man/Fantastic Four (which if you read an earlier ask, I recommend if you want to see new art of Gwen being mean in hair clips). But Peter/Gwen and Merlin/Freya are like...same energy except the latter wasn’t as well done. And Merlin’s Guinevere honestly more reminds me of Betty. Morgana--
Okay I thought this trying to reconcile as much of the cast as possible and I now can’t unthink it so. The king’s ward is Dorrie Evans. Yes she goes nebulously sapphic evil witch queen. Sure she was an unpleasant teenager and readers hate her, but you know what, I’ll simp, whatever. Let Dorrie poison some people. In a cape. This feels natural to me. Also Betty Brant and Dorrie Evans???? Betty/Dorrie vibes???? I guess!!!!
So like. The thing where Arthur gets mystically whammied by love potions once a month, except also Johnny’s normal relationship-anticipating giddiness happening organically mixed in, the part before he actually starts dating someone and becomes immediately depressed. Peter is in the bg sarcastically dismissing magical incidents saying he can’t even tell the difference, and Reed is like 😬 Please Check Anyway. Peter’s not, haha, Peter’s not jealous, Johnny is just an idiot, and, okay maybe Peter is a little jealous! But it doesn’t matter because the prince is going to marry some noble and--
Reed: Prince Johnathan is a bit like a little brother to me, so Please Stop Telling Me About Your Problems.
Reed/Sue is reciprocated but on permanent hold for class reasons. Spideytorch is in the same boat except they’re also stupid and working it out by dating their way through the whole country, except Peter is actually into that and Johnny is not.
The dragon is...Ezekiel?????? That’s the right level of wise wry mentor who’s very shady and will kill you, so he’s a dragon now. And when he tells Peter he’s the (other) chosen one, Peter full stop doesn’t believe him. This disbelief goes on extensively. Peter is not a fate-oriented person. Johnny would love to hear about the fate thing, but no one will tell him.
Literally I’m just going to add more chronologically unmoored medievalish shit to Merlin now to cram more of the cast in. There’s some kind of town crier/herald outfit, and Jonah is their boss. He’s just out in the road yelling sometimes even though he can delegate that. The buglers otherwise known as Bugle staff named Peter’s vigilante persona the Spider, which was supposed to sound menacing but is in practice also cool. This is out-of-universe fairly equivalent to Merlin’s real name as a neat two-syllable animal word and possible title. In-universe maybe I’d elbow out Emrys and just use this. Merlin is already very servants-don’t-work-like-that, so Betty just also has two jobs for no reason so she can knock elbows with them.
MJ is the court jester and knows absolutely everything, which is a dramatic mid-game reveal that isn’t exactly foreshadowed so much as always possible while carefully obscured from the viewer (the reader). Before this she’s already a Wise Fool, Shakespeare-ways archetype character, it’s just not clear how much. She is the most important character in Homestuck Merlin Spider.
Every ship is real for at least 30 seconds. Most of the extended FF cast are either magical antagonists or weird nobles.
Ben????? (Grimm, I mean. Ben Parker is dead. Ben Reilly is a recurring episodic plot.) This show was painfully formulaic and would simply not keep someone with any version of his deal in the main cast, but he’s a full quarter of the FF so. A magical accident approximated his rock body deal. Maybe specifically tying him to ~the magic of the land~. And then, uh. Wandering the country is too satellite-like. Hiding out in a forbidden castle wing is interesting but doesn’t do him justice. So I guess it’s a come and go semivoluntary transformation thing that’s kept secret? Rock werewolf. Were-rock. Good opportunity to fake out like you’re going to do a monster of the week plot, and then he contributes to the tension to abolish the magic ban.
Knights?? Wyatt is there from the beginning, being tall and reassuring (holding a sword edition). Not sure how him or his immediate ancestors got to Europe and then ended up this involved with the local nobility, but it was probably exciting. And Flash, or he’s an early addition. Either way he’s from the same village as Peter and is approximately White’s Kay, except directed at the wizard instead of the future king, and otherwise you can completely superimpose their comic dynamic including the fanboying over the secret identity angle, which is entertainingly seditious. ...Others. I don’t know enough FF characters for this. I’ve accidentally implied the eventual addition of Bennet Brant, but his evil sorcerer of the week energy is very strong, so maybe not. Randy eventually because I already implied the Robertsons and can see it.
This is so long, covers nothing, and explains none of the namechecks. Using both these characters’ franchises in one fusion is too much stuff. I keep not talking about the core relationship because it’s just. Like That. I don’t feel like I need to elaborate on the Merthur dynamic, even transposed on a different ship. It’s Just Like That.
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luci-cunt · 3 years
Hannigram??? Works???
aka: Hannibal and Will’s relationship isn’t healthy but at the end of the series its sort of has the potential to be? Or: a very long and rambly analysis of idiot gay cannibals and the power of equal standing in relationships
(1.5k words because I murder brevity with my teeth)
Trigger/ Spoiler warning for: Hannibal
Ok I said they have the potential to be healthy and not that they are healthy because--lol, they’re not. 
In the first season they’re “friends” but Hannibal’s also gaslighting the hell out of Will/ keeping a life threatening disease diagnosis from him/ framing him for murder/ shoving their daughters ear down his throat.
In the second season they’re almost enemies? but not really? Because Will is just as fucked up as Hannibal is so he doesn’t actually consider Hannibal to be his enemy, he just realizes he has Hannibal twisted around his finger and starts jerking the fucker around and it takes Hannibal all the way up to the finale to realize he’s not the one in control anymore.
In the third season they’re struggling because they don’t know how to be equals, they’re both fucked up and don’t know how to have normal, stable relationships so they’re jsut kind of feeling in the dark, falling back on old habits (eating your problems, murdering your problems, running away from your problems, etc) when things get uncomfortable. It’s--again--not until the season finale that they both realize that’s what they’re BOTH doing and find a comfort in realizing they’re both trying, but not succeeding.
When Hannibal finds people interesting he “fosters codependency” so they cannot leave him (Abigail with the Boyle murder cover-up, Bedelia with getting eaten, Will with literally all the first season). Meanwhile Will just doesn’t do close relationships. Alana is the only person he considers to be his friend but she’s constantly fighting to keep that title, same with Beverly actually. Will himself doesn’t put any effort into keeping those friendships, he leaves it entirely up to them.
But Hannibal and Will’s bond forms so easily that it surprises both of them--and then when Hannibal defaults to his need to make Will dependent on him so he can’t leave, Will defaults to his rejection of dependency and points out that’s what Hannibal’s doing but also goes along with it because he finds himself almost wanting to be closer to the man.
This--the fact that Hannibal’s attempt at closeness is recognized and accepted, and that Will is allowing himself to be open with someone--is new to both of them. Equally.
(By the way this is in the form of Abigail, Hannibal fosters codependency by putting the responsibility of Abigail on both his and Will’s shoulders and Will allows this by recognizing it, pointing it out [”You’re fostering codependency doctor.”], and then still allowing it [going along with the Boyle cover up].)
Just--ok think about Dolce. (The ep where they reunite in the third season and Will tries to kill Hannibal only to get shot by Chiyoh and then for Hannibal to decide he’s going to eat Will’s brain before the Italian’s show up and kidnap them both.)
Will finding Hannibal is big for both of them: because it means that Will looked for Hannibal--actively sought him out by reflecting on past conversations they’ve had--and it also means that Hannibal was where Will could find him. It’s a shaky apology on both sides because they aren’t willing to actually apologize for any of their actions but they recognize the pain they’ve caused on another.
However, Will tries to murder Hannibal because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I mean--he does--what I mean is that this relationship is such unexplored territory for both of them that it’s uncomfortable at first, and Will doesn’t trust Hannibal to be waiting on the other side while he stumbles thru the dark rn, so he falls back on old habits and tries murdering the problem.
Hannibal tries to eat Will’s brain because he’s also falling back on old habits (eating his problems) because he’s also uncomfortable with the new territory. He’s just more open to fumbling, but he’s hypersensitive to rejection (Mizumono, Dolce, getting himself arrested when Will tells him to get gone, that “Was it good to see me Will?” scene, etc.), and he takes Will’s stabbing attempt as rejection. At least until he drags him away and they have their “you forgive like god does Will--would you have made it quick? Or would you have stopped to gloat?” “Does god gloat?” “Often.” Conversation, and he realizes he’s not being rejected BUT he reminded that he’s still terrified OF the rejection so--boop eat the man.
(Oh also Will running away from the problem by letting Hannibal kill him--which, yes, is what was happening. He could have warned Jack that Hannibal was under the table as SOON as Jack came in the door but instead he waits until the last possible second. Also you can’t blame it on the drugs either if he can complain about Hannibal’s soup and keep up with this idiots waxing poetic ramblings he can tell that Jack came in. Also also also: Hannibal told him Jack was coming and also got under the table literally there was no reason for Will to NOT call out to Jack when he came in except that he didn’t want Jack to stop Hannibal.)
I guess what I’m trying to say is that in season one the power balance is in Hannibal’s court--and season two it’s in Will’s--and then in season three it’s wildly rocking back and forth between both of them before someone hits a metaphorical pause button--aka the “this is all I’ve ever wanted for you--for us.” “It’s beautiful.” scene.
Fundamentally I think this show is about Hannibal and Will’s relationship. The cliff scene is as much an ending as it is a beginning. That “it’s beautiful” exchange is both of them realizing they’re EQUALLY having trouble finding footing in their relationship, they’re realizing they’re BOTH uncomfortable to a certain degree with the new territory and that it’s just that for both of them--new territory.
Idk, you know when you’re taking a test and you have no idea what the answer to some question is so you’re slyly trying to look around to figure out if you’re the only one being stupid or if it’s just a hard test? And you don’t see anyone else looking around so you just miserably try your best but it’s not your best becasue you’re already in the mindset that you’re an idiot? And it’s not until after the test at lunch when you hear everyone else talking about how difficult it was that you realize you weren’t the only one struggling?
THATS this.
Hannibal and Will are both extremely lonely people becasue they’re fucked up. No one can know Hannibal entirely because he’s a serial cannibal, and no one can know Will entirely because his boredom with other peoples mortality scares them. Neither of them have been seen entirely until the other came into their lives, but they’re not used to being seen so it’s scary.
Both of them react to one another hostilely first--Will blatantly being an asshole at the prospect of Hannibal psychoanalyzing him and then Hannibal putting on this guise of “I’m completely removed from the situation and just curious to wind this man up and watch him go” but he’s not removed.
Honestly to me it feels like it was originally Hannibal’s plan to just leave Will in jail taking the blame for his murders, but actually misses Will, because being seen was scary but the other option is so lonely.
Will’s going through something similar, but he’s less inflammatory. Hannibal is all action, present--Will is getting too close? Get rid of him. He starts missing Will? Get him back. He has a problem and he acts on it immediately.
Will is patient and willing to wait and watch--Hannibal frames him for murder? Set up an elaborate series of events that will end in Hannibal losing something he holds more dear than his own life--his freedom. Mason kills his unborn child? Convince Mason to kill Hannibal so that Hannibal will torture Mason for Will.
Hannibal is dramatic and Will is apathetic, they’re both danger but different brands.
If the first two seasons are them trading power, then the third is them wildly grabbing for it despite the fact that they don’t want power over one another, and that final episode--that final scene--is them realizing this.
I said it was a beginning as much as an ending because it’s now that their relationship can finally actually advance, but it’s also the conclusion of them working separately, and instead embracing the idea of fumbling together.
I honestly don’t know where people get the idea that the show is about Hannibal “corrupting” Will. If that’s the case then this final episode makes this show a tragedy. Good succumbing to evil.
But--motherfuckers its not!!!
Will isn’t good, he tells us from the first episode he enjoyed killing Hobbes, that the reason he stopped being a cop was because he knew once he started killing he wouldn’t be able to stop. He manipulates people constantly, he got Abel killed, tried to get Chilton murdered, and then a season later he gets Chilton burned alive. He’s not good, he’s fucked up!!!
This show isn’t about corruption--it’s about realization!!!
Idk I love them, I hate them, and I love them.
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citrineghost · 3 years
Humans Are Historically Known for Being Terrible
Hi I’m here with an opinion today. Let’s see how many words it will take for me to adequately get it across on this very fine 15th of January
I personally believe canceling things from the past* is fruitless, pointless, and accomplishes about as much as censorship does
*We aren’t talking about shit like nazi Germany, let me elaborate further
So, as I occasionally do, I have seen a post on my dash today criticizing something historical that people are ‘problematically partaking in.’ That thing today was the wellerman sea shanty due to its ties with colonialism, slavery, and so forth. 
I’m not going to dive into this specific example, because I don’t know enough of the details and am not interested in going to find them out because I’m not planning to defend it or its history, so there’s no point. I learned what I needed to know from said callout post and it’s enough to work with.
To me, it is important that we remember that people, in general, have been historically pretty terrible.
There’s colonialism, there’s slavery (of all kinds, including chattel), there’s thievery, murder, genocide, sexism, the murdering of queers. There’s lying, manipulation, propaganda, and so many more things that I couldn’t possibly list them all. I’m not saying that everyone was equally shitty. I am aware that, especially in the most recent couple hundred years, white people, especially Western Europeans and Americans, have been pretty Shite.
Am I excusing them for their actions? Absolutely not. I think it is always important to bear in mind the way they played a part in cultures’ growth, death, and, ultimately, development from one year to the next.
The reason I’m pointing this out is because the result of people being historically shitty is that most, if not all, of our historical content, our history, is steeped in horse manure. 
There is not one thing you can enjoy from centuries - even decades - passed that is not here because of something inhumane, unjust, or otherwise terrible.
The only thing keeping us from canceling every other historical thing that we enjoy is our lack of awareness of how each thing ties into the whole mess.
So, we’ve learned that wellerman was sung by slavers and thieves and colonialists. What about that nice little folk song from uh, idk, Ireland or something? Let’s take this metaphorical song and ask the question, “who wrote it?” The truth is, for many folk songs, we just don’t know. There is a very very good chance that 90+ percent of nice, soft folk songs about lying in the grass or feeding chickens or baking bread for your spouse were written by racists, sexists, abusers, homophobes, and so forth.
Does that make it wrong to enjoy that song about lying in the grass and looking at the stars? I don’t think so. No one is profiting off of you listening to it, regardless of who wrote it. It’s hundreds of years old. Do you even know the name of who wrote it?
Remembering that times were different may not absolve something of its wrongdoing, but it does provide us context.
We have to allow ourselves to admit that most, if not all, historical things, came from or benefitted from atrocities or injustices that we would not stand for today. That’s just how human progression works. Frankly, if people 200 years from now don’t look at US, CURRENTLY, and think we’re terrible assholes, I am actually very concerned by that. 
The nature of humanity is to get better and better over time and to build a world and a society where we don’t feel the need to be controlled by greed or to consume unethically. The problem is, it takes time. It takes lots and lots of time. Would it take less time if certain people weren’t terrible, terrible people? Yes it would. But they are, and so it doesn’t.
The fact is, human progression and improvement will never reach its end because, as things improve, our perception of our past actions will change as well and we will begin to realize that what we were doing wasn’t acceptable and is no longer necessary nor excusable. 
Hate Jeff Bezos? Look around and see that 90% of people still buy from Amazon, because it provides the only affordable source of many products for people who don’t make enough money under capitalism to buy from a small business.
Hate Bill Gates? How many of us are willing to switch to Linux to quit using Microsoft? Speaking of Microsoft, they own Minecraft. Do we stop playing Minecraft?
Think Steve Jobs is a terrible person? Why are people still buying iphones, ipads, and macs? Why don’t we stop buying those so that he and current CEO, Tim Cook, quit making billions of dollars?
These are just a tiny amount of examples, using big names. We also must consider, if you have 100 books on your bookshelf, how many of the writers of those books are racists, homophobes, sexists, or abusers? I guarantee you it’s a non-zero answer. The thing is, an author who’s relatively nobody is not someone who gets canceled. No one knows anything about them but that they wrote a neat work of fiction and it’s a good book.
The question is, should we be expected to quit buying, consuming, and enjoying things made by problematic people?
In some cases, the answer should be yes. If someone is currently profiting massively from people consuming their media or products and people are ignoring their atrocities, that person could end u making millions or billions of dollars despite being terrible, which is something that undoubtedly affects all of us, economically.
In the other cases, the answer should be, do you want to? If you’re not comfortable with something, you should, of course, stop consuming it. If you can ignore the thing, you might not need to bother. And, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re excusing it.
If we look at all of humanity, even in the present day, mathematically speaking, 50% of people are more bigoted and terrible than the rest. There’s no other way for it to be. Less than 50% would be a mathematical fallacy. Does that mean we only consume content from the better 50%? Does that mean we rigorously research producers and creators and their personal lives only to decide it’s not worth the risk of ‘contributing’ because they have no trace online except for a private Facebook account? Is them having a Facebook account enough of a ‘sin’ that it’s not worth it to buy their book?
This brings us to the censorship point
If you know your history, you know that censorship is a nasty thing. When one person decides who or what is unethical to consume from, they sometimes seek to get rid of that thing so that no one has a choice - so that no one is Allowed to consume that thing.
This has led to book burning, the destroying of decades and centuries of research about sexuality and gender. It’s destroyed religious texts. It’s destroyed content created by women that painted any single man in a bad light. It’s destroyed progression.
“But I only want to get rid of the bad thing that everyone agrees is bad!”
It doesn’t matter. If you open the door to censorship for yourself, those who wish to use it for worse reasons will become just as justified, in their own eyes, to do the same. You’ll have Christians saying it’s okay to get rid of gay content because it’s objectively wrong according to the bible. You’ll have conservative parents burning books with complicated topics like abuse and assault because they don’t want their children to have access to anything controversial or complex like that.
You cannot open the door to censorship for one group without opening that door for everyone. And that is why we do not censor things.
The question then becomes, but what of the people consuming that media? Even if it’s not censored, consuming it still makes someone bad, right? 
Not necessarily. People consume problematic stuff all the time - things considered objectively bad. However, people don’t always consume said media because they support it being normalized in the real world. For example, fanfiction or books with rape in them may be something a victim reads to cope with their own past or present. A book with abuse depicted may actually make a young teen aware that what they’re going through is abuse. Content largely seen as ‘problematic’ can often play a part in solving the problem it portrays.
Then there’s historical, problematic media. Now, this is an area where I feel things have actually been OVER complicated.
Because everything historical has some tie to injustice, there is no ethical way to consume it. 
There is no ethical consumption under passed time.
So, how do we judge whether something should or shouldn’t be consumed? It is my opinion that something historical should stop being consumed and become shunned when its meaning is well-known enough and its message is still pervasive enough that it is actively causing problems.
For example, we generally try not to consume content when it is made by someone who is a known nazi. This is because nazis are still a problem in our society, presently. We have antisemitism all over the place. Therefore, we cannot let the message become that it is okay to be a nazi by way of us treating nazis like normal people and allowing them to succeed in society without consequence.
However, there are certain problems that are no longer particularly prevalent or which are agreed to be terrible on a large enough scale that consuming the content does not necessarily imply you believe it is okay. For example, if you look at literally any media from the 1800s or which is placed in the 1800s, you will see a lot of casual sexism and gender roles. Should we despise that time period because sexism was readily available at every turn? Should we refuse to enjoy 19th century fashion or culture because it had problems? I think not. I think it would be pointless to refuse to consume, read about, or otherwise engage with the 19th century. It wouldn’t change the past and it isn’t going to somehow undo the progress we’ve made on women’s rights. 
As a matter of fact, if someone merely suggested that perhaps the people of the 19th century were right for forcing women to wear long dresses and darn socks all day, they would be laughed into oblivion and called a shitty, sexist incel (which would be correct).
Does enjoying media from or placed in the 19th century mean you support sexism? I certainly hope not, since I enjoy it very much and know a lot of progressive people, women especially, who do enjoy that kind of thing. It is common sense enough, at this point in time, that people don’t generally believe that the sexism of the 1800s was acceptable. I am not going to see someone watching a period drama and assume they desire for our present-day social laws to be like what’s portrayed. That would be a ridiculous assumption. However, I could not assume the same about someone I saw watching openly antisemitic content. I would quickly wonder if they’re an antisemite/nazi/white supremacist.
So, what about that one thing I heard had a sordid past?
Listen, if we’re being honest here, most things from history have a sordid past. Sea shanties? You bet. But then when we talk of sea shanties being steeped in colonialism, we have to look at the bigger picture. What about pirates? Pirates were, by and large, a huge contributor to slavery, theft, colonialism, and murder. Does that mean enjoying media with pirates is glorifying or contributing to slavery, theft, colonialism, and murder?
(I’m about to talk a lot about pirates but this can be applied to anything that was historically bad but is no longer prevalent)
Pirates of the Caribbean is only a movie, but pirates did once exist and they did kill people. They did raid ships of merchants and tradesmen and they killed them and stole their goods. They took many good men from their families and even killed working children aboard the ships. Does that make enjoying pirates in media a contributor to these things? No. It doesn’t. We are looking at a dramatised, cleaned up version of the original piracy. I think most people are aware that pirates, in the real world, are bad and harmful and should not be supported. That doesn’t make pirate media any less fun in theory, and under our own terms.
Then we arrive at our perception - because most of this does come down to perception. When you watch pirate media, should you enjoy that, are you able to divorce yourself from their actual history enough to enjoy the media? If you can, you might enjoy it a lot. If you can’t watch a movie about pirates without thinking the entire time about how terrible they were and how much damage they did, then pirate media just isn’t right for you. But, it doesn’t mean you should attempt to take it away from others. Your opinion and perception of pirate media is not the global perception.
I have to ask, do you think others view it the same way you do?
When you read that question, you may be wondering what exactly I mean. What I’m asking is, do you believe others view that media with the same “clarity” that you do? Do you believe they understand the atrocity of real pirates and Feel that the entire time they watch the media and still enjoy it anyway?
Perhaps that’s why your response to someone enjoying something you feel guilty partaking in is, “these people all must not care about the real-world damage pirates did. The fact that they can watch this (despite sitting here and feeling the same things I do) makes me sick.”
However, if that is the case, you must remember that for a lot of people, the awareness of real world consequence is suspended during dramatised depictions of it. It doesn’t mean they have forgotten about the real-world consequences of piracy or that they don’t know it at all. It just means they are choosing not to think about it in that light while consuming media.
There is also the assumption that people must not know about something when partaking in it. You may think, “How can they enjoy this media? They wouldn’t be able to stomach it if they realized what really happened with pirates.”
In many instances, you would be correct. A lot of people are ignorant to what pirates have done in the real world. If you told every ignorant person the truth, maybe 5% of them would then become turned off by pirate media, and the other 95% would keep the truth in mind and then divorce themselves from it to continue enjoying said media.
There are realities that it is safe to divorce yourself from, and there are those that are not.
Is allowing yourself to enjoy dramatizations of pirates making you ignorant to present day conditions? Not largely. There are still pirates today, but not nearly enough for the average Joe to need to take them seriously. Those who need to know about them and do something to stop them are aware.
However, it is not safe to divorce yourself from, for instance, the holocaust. Divorcing yourself from the holocaust and seeing it as merely a dramatic setting with dramatic events and not a present-day real-world problem is exactly the kind of thing that leads to young teens being sucked in by white supremacy and naziism as well as what leads to many average conservatives believing the rise in white supremacy isn’t actually real or is not a big deal. They have distanced themselves so far from the real-world atrocity of the holocaust that they have forgotten it was real and that real people, like them, were contributors. They don’t want to believe that everyday people had any power in it and that it was tiny acts of willful ignorance that made concentration camps so successful. 
All in all, there is a different answer for everything we consume.
Want to know if something you’re consuming is okay to consume? Ask yourself: is this produced by someone who is contributing to present-day conditions? If the answer is yes, quit consuming it. If the answer is no, ask yourself, does this media make me uncomfortable because I’m aware of its roots? If the answer is yes, stop consuming it. If the answer is no, it’s probably fine. You are most likely not doing any damage, so long as you are aware of what is wrong with the content and are not using it as grounds to perpetuate harm. 
If, when thinking about something problematic in an old piece of media, you cringe? You’re on the right track. If you feel inclined to make excuses for it or justify the wrong in it, it’s time to step away and reevaluate why you feel the need to do so. If you’re doing so because you feel guilty for consuming it, you need to realize that it is actually more harmful to make excuses for the wrong in order to justify your consumption than it is to admit, “Yeah, this media is problematic and contains a lot of sexism, but I still enjoy it for its other qualities.” It is better to admit that you enjoy something problematic than to spread the message that what is happening in it is okay.
Some of you may be thinking, “Or, just stop consuming problematic media.”
I think in many cases, especially recent media, where your consumption has an effect on production, this is true. However, for media that is no longer being produced, I will remind you that most things have something wrong with them - yes, even pretty recent stuff.
Supernatural kills off women constantly, queerbaited the fuck out of its viewers, and sent a huge character to fucking mega hell for confessing his love.
Scrubs has no end to its sexism, transphobic and homophobic slur usage, and other problematic content.
V for Vendetta glorifies and shines a heroic light on a character who kidnaps and tortures a woman for what appeared to have been weeks or months so that she would be forced to understand his trauma and “no longer be afraid.”
Star Wars has incest, the producers/directors abused Carrie Fisher and sexualized her as a young teen, and probably a lot more that I’m not aware of because I haven’t seen the movies nor read the books.
I don’t even need to start on shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Community, That 70s Show, and so many more. Almost every popular piece of media has something worth canceling in it. There is no point trying to curate your media consumption to only unproblematic content, because it simply can’t be done.
Curate where it makes a difference. Sigh heavily the rest of the time. Make yourself aware what and how things are problematic. Put critical thought into how your consumption is capable of supporting or perpetuating a problem and how it is not. Make informed decisions.
Do not feel guilty if you are unable to flawlessly live up to the standards of purity culture. None of us can - not really.
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ive . never made an original post on this blog besides being completely head full of thoughts regarding the dream smp these past months so, 🎉here’s to my first og post
The Traitor!!!
(yeah i know it's already been a day and none of this stuff is new hsjfhj just let me be a drama queen that really likes analysing characters)
can i just say before i get into it that i love the descent into pretty much grey morality for most of the "characters" involved in the smp. like. pretty much nobody is morally correct! other than niki nihachu because niki can do no wrong :) also i'll be referring to the characters... of these people? and not who they are
now, i've got a couple people that i think are traitors and i'll explain them a little further down but here's some things i noted when i was watching the vod that might be interesting owo
dream says, quote, "[you] may have traitors in your ranks" which,
could be a double jebait; he knows there's a traitor but he wants to sound like it's up in the air
there really is no traitor and this is just a ruse to get pogtopia to implode on itself
the traitor still hasn't made up their mind on whether or not they will betray pogtopia
and i think the last one is the most interesting, at least from a semi-meta perspective, to have a traitor that's not fully into the role and doesn't decide until last minute. idk, something about the angst really fuels me :)
either way, here's my predictions on who could be the traitor ranked (more or less) most compelling to least compelling, and i'm not accounting for realism because... this is my tumblr post and i get to pick how i order things :) i'm hiding the (long) analysis in read more because... i just realized how much i have to say and i am Not concise.
tubbo, while unrealistic, makes for an interesting twist and, for angst reasons, would also be cool to write about if he betrays pogtopia
similar to tubbo, tommy betraying is unrealistic, but for angst reasons would also be cool
technoblade is kind of obvious, but the continuity (if he’s the traitor) would make me pretty happy.
wilbur soot would be a little null, since he’s already planning on blowing everything to smithereens either way, but would be another step in his spiral downwards (jeez how far can this guy go) so i’m not mad.
georgenotfound would not be super surprising per say but would continue with his general characterization as an arbiter of chaos (i’ll maybe elaborate in a different post) it would be :)
badlands folks would... not be surprising. they never formally aligned with pogtopia, and aside from sam never really... offered their help? concretely, at least.
fundy already used up his secret traitor card.
same with eret, i love her, but his betrayal wouldn’t be super impactful. plus, they’re more aligned with badlands?
niki nihachu... i said i won’t care about realism but i sincerely cannot in canon imagine this. but if she did... oh the angst would be *chef’s kiss*
hbomb, ponk, purpled, itsalyssa, punz, other people? they never really were involved with this season aside from like,,, maybe helping schlatt hunt down tommy and wilbur right at the beginning. so the betrayal wouldn’t. matter.
tubbo - look, ik i said i don't care about realism, but the chances of this actually happening are... pretty slim. i love tubbo. i support tubbo. but they... like, the confused "no?" when he first came on VC with tommy makes me think it probably won't be him, unless they're really that good at acting. which, i mean, i guess would make for a fantastic surprise. but there's something deeply compelling about this kid, who largely has been relegated to third in command/less important than his friend, and who has been treated like a work horse a lot of the time (being asked to farm netherite for this upcoming war, being forced to decorate what ended up being his fucking funeral, otherwise grinding for shit in the earliest war only for it to get ruined by dteam), fucking snapping. plus, it's not like tubbo hasn't demonstrated his penchance towards chaos. also, i think there's something to be said about the lingering effects of manipulative authority/paternal figures and how that would manifest in tubbo, but that's a post for another day.
tommy - okay, yeah, maybe i just like kids my age popping the fuck off because of terrible parental figures, but shhhhhh. for real though, i think it would be really interesting for the person who up to this point has largely been the moral compass or otherwise the hero of the smp. for him to turn out to have always been as bad as the "villains" he's fighting... i dunno. also, something about him betraying because he's so fucking done with the people who are supposed to protect and lead him? mghhghh. but i like this probably mostly for the pop off factor LOL
technoblade - i mean... this one's a little obvious innit? i'm not mad at this, for sure, because techno's always made it clear he is ultimately here for chaos and anarchy. plus, i'll be able to stew in the dynamics of dream and techno fucking the server up LOL. all that aside, if techno turns out to be the villain i will be happy about the (now) fired chekhov's gun. like, i appreciate the continuity between "schlatt suggests techno is a pogtopia spy when he joins" to "techno admits he's just an anarchist" to techno's accidental or forced, depending on how you read it, betrayal of pogtopia by killing tubbo, and it all culminating in techno's final betrayal. while not the most surprising, it would be narratively fitting. and that's always nice isn't it? when things end with a nice bow on top-
speaking of nice bows on top, wilbur soot! i mean,,, as the man has said himself, there's really nothing more he can do to betray (if not pogtopia) tommy's values. the bitch wants to blow up manberg! and that's super fucking sexy. i love his corruption arc, it's *chef's kiss.* so... is he gonna be the traitor? probably not. but something about being driven to the very brink, that you've got nothing else even after you want to destroy it all that you seek out your former mortal enemy to cause even more pain and destruction... very compelling, very nice.
speaking of brunet british twinks,,, georgenotfound. even if george wasn't really on the smp or never formally betrayed manberg, i think they kind of accepted that he's on their side. and while this wouldn't necessarily a surprising twist, this would continue with dteam's (accidental?) characterization of themselves as arbiters of chaos. maybe i'll write a whole nother post about that, stay tuned :)
any of the badlands people - i mean... i love them. i love what they stand for. but they never really aligned with pogtopia, did they? so one of them, any of them, except maybe sam, would make for a pretty weak sauce twist. like, perhaps with skeppy? and it continuing the trend of enemy between tommy and skeppy? but really the most compelling is sam in that he agreed to help tommy but as a final reveal he doesn't join tommy's side when tommy does whatever with the creeper head.
as for weak sauce twists, fundy being the traitor would be pretty fuckin' weak. i'm sorry! he already used his secret traitor card, and everyone knows, once you've used it once you can never (until the next season) use it again.
other characters on the smp... yeah, i love eret! i love her! he's fucking fantastic! their gay castle? best fucking build! but like i said, already used secret traitor card. plus, she's part of badlands, so i don't think his betrayal would be surprising. and niki nihachu,,, i know i said i wouldn't care about realism, but i honest to god cannot imagine her being the traitor. i guess if she was there'd be some nice angst about her realizing that everything is shit, no matter where you turn, pogtopia's being run by a fanatical JD, manberg's run by a dictatorial senile goat man, badlands isn't even strong enough to have its own territory. so, what can a woman do when she has nothing left to lose? but for real, within canon it just... wouldn't really make sense to me. hbomb hasn't been involved in the plot, punz + ponk + purpled + alyssa + others haven't really been involved in the plot aside from. like chasing down tommy and wilbur that one time.
and... yeah! those are my thoughts :)
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mouseclub · 4 years
hi! i took your quiz and got "i hear a symphony" and i'm curious about the other results, but taking the quiz repeatedly is a hassle. could you post them or something? idk man
if you’d like me to, then sure!! fair warning though, i can’t remember if i mentioned it in the results page but the rest are nowhere near as pretty and are mostly kindof silly stories and memories about weird things that have gotten me disproportionately emotional lol. either way, i’ll put them all under the cut :)
claire de lune (but specifically from the danganronpa v3 ost)
CONTEXT: i'm the type that can listen to a song on repeat for literal hours while drawing/writing but one time i listened to this for around 40 minutes while making a drv3 animatic and it ended up throwing me into an existential crisis so fuckin hard i started questioning what i was doing with my life and why i was drawing and i had to turn everything off and go to bed. what this says about you is up for interpretation. godspeed
fuyunohanashi - given
CONTEXT: the last few episodes of given were coming out when the 19-20 school year started and the episode with this song in it came out while i was in class. naturally, i sat there in my 7th period AP lang class and watched it on my phone. problem is, the scene when this song is played shatters me like 50 stacked panes of glass under a hydraulic press and i needed to cry but couldn't because the room was PIN-DROP SILENT. needless to say the moment class was over i made a run for it and cried like a little baby to my confused but ultimately supportive friends. you're a core high school memory and an Emotionally Taxing Bop and you remind me both of wintery cool tones and the silly school memories i wish i hadn't taken for granted. like a snow day except i'm from california so i've never had that sauce. i respect it regardless
everything she wants - wham
oh god the memories. this one was from when i was really head over heels obsessed w this dude and at my peak yearning hours i wrote a wattpad journal entry saying i was gonna listen to this song on repeat until i "fell out of love with him." i forget the details but i guess i did? what this says about you i have absolutely no idea but the song is still a whole vibe and you remind me of funky shades of pink and purple so i respect u immensely
unforgettable - natalie & nat king cole
this ones SUPER fuzzy in my brain but the weird nostalgia from my childhood combined with the weird movie end-credits vibes of this song make me forget that i'm a person when i'm listening. plus the weird calmness but sense of Oh God This Feels Like It Belongs At The End Of A Movie makes me feel like im about to get game-ended which is unnerving. probably the most subtle yet deeply cursed entry in this quiz. i see you
this side of paradise - coyote theory
CONTEXT: this song reminds me very specifically of a few of my comfort characters/ocs and when i heard it the first time it shattered me like glass (but in the good way). im telling you right now youre a BEAUTIFUL soul this is the one entry that's in here not because i was overwhelmingly sad but rather overwhelmingly Oh God Im So Fucking Soft And I Need To Cry About It For Twenty Minutes. anyways i care you thanks for quizzing
jet lag - nct 127
CONTEXT: last summer i got on a flight for the first time since i was a small child and i was STUPID scared but i listened to this during takeoff all 4 flights and let me tell you. did not help. the song itself is chill and you probably are too, but there's always a lingering sense of dread underneath i simply can't shake. do with all this information what you will.
verbatim - mother mother
i used to listen to this song to cheer up bc the lyrics are Haha Funny and it fucking bops but then i got evicted from my childhood home and it... stopped working. this breakdown is one of my core memories so congrats! ur one of the only motherfuckers in this joint that can handle me. if you take anything away from this know your vibes are IMMACULATE and i appreciate you
heaven - exo
CONTEXT: my synesthesia used to go absolutely bananas to this song bc its so YELLOW and the shapes that bounce around in my brain are very pleasant, but a few years ago i was writing fanfic and i wrote the scene where i killed off a character to this song on repeat for an hour and it has never been the same since. it's like when you look at something's surface and it looks pristine but you just Know there's something writhing underneath... but a less intense version of that feeling, because i know it's just the memory i tie to it that makes me feel this way and the yellow vibes cancel it out yknow
scrawny - wallows
this one's pretty short and stupid. i started thinking about a stupid anime boy that i thought had basically died while listening to this song and fuck bro. he really was a scrawny motherfucker w a cool hair style. cue the waterworks. but then after an entire day of on and off mourning i found out he turned out ok and stopped. no i will not elaborate on which boy i am holding onto my last shred of dignity here. what this says about you i'm not sure BUT youre probably cooler than me and your vibes are immaculate i know it in my heart
i hear a symphony - cody fry
this breakdown was yesterday! i was reccommended this song by a friend and immediately fell in love, but it didn't fully hit until the song's climax. and let me tell you. it BROKE me. the a capella beginning, with the piano slowly coming in, then the strings, and suddenly it's growing and crescendoing and-- there it is. my synesthesia goes wild and i lack the language to describe what it looks like other than absolutely grandiose and gold and christ i'm rambling but despite it's simplicity-- or maybe BECAUSE of its simplicity-- if love were a song, it'd be this one. almost all of the other entries are funny anecdotes where i seem to cry about the silliest things but this one i genuinely cannot come up with a joke for and i'm probably biased right now because i'm listening to it on repeat again but damn. you won. you're golden.
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cryptvokeeper · 3 years
Hello idk what your policies on asks are, so apologies if I'm overstepping some boundaries but another AUTODALE FAN?!? Thoughts on the latest short?
I dont really have an ask policy dude you can come in here whenever idgaf
as usual the animation went hard I always get so excited to see how David Armsby’s improved and innovated his style with each new installment in the autodale series and this is no exception. The mayor looked fantastic I love his design and appreciate how he was distinct from the monsters or the matriarch but still felt like he fit in the world. And when the red came in??? the fucking lighting/shading and the way that interacted with his art style???? I am looking RESPECTFULLY. I seriously cannot wait from the process/behind the scenes for this bad boy. 
That being said actual substance-wise this actually...wasnt my favorite of the shorts? Like dont get me wrong I love autodale cumulatively and so I love any new content we get from him, but as an individual story it wasn't all that much, friendly shadow and model citizen were both much more story-like, with some proper plot structure to em. This one felt alot more like the older shorts, which again, ISNT BAD!!! Like it makes sense since its a short elaborating on the story of the exceptional girl from no monsters. And its not like it was totally structureless, it just felt very exposition heavy. But again, that’s a product of it being primarily told in flashbacks. and what we did get was fantastic. I LOVED seeing more on the exceptional girl, I wish we could've seen more of her as an autodale citizen, and also that moment in the narration where she sort of shows her darker side was fantastic, and I think it was a really key piece of characterization that I loved. 
I also love the way this short recontextualizes Autodale’s existence. Like its this very interesting relationship between the citizens, the uglies and the matriarch where you start the series thinking the uglies are killed to maintain the lives and status quo of the citizens, but as the story progresses the line between citizen and ugly gets erased as its shown that uglies and citizens are the same, and in fact the citizens are killed to maintain the matriarch. I think the backstory of autodiale’s founding is great too. Like a seeming metropolis that actually needs blood sacrifice to survive isnt an original dystopia concept by any means, but by showing a bit of backstory you really do get this sense that autodale was slow descent into this level of fucked up. Like I could totally see a world where because its a literal post-apocalypse, it used to be really easy to keep up with the demand of human sacrifice the matriarch requires because the population of the city started out low and the life expectancy was low. But as more people came and the city grew you needed more life force for the matriarch to be able to protect them, but subsequently the quality fo life improved so people started living longer which means less deaths which means its harder to keep up with demand and sacrifices needed to be made, until you get to the point where citizens exist to keep the matriarch alive, not the other way around.
so...yeah. it was a good addition to the roster and I cant wait for that sweet sweet behind the scenes content. I fuckin love Dead Sound man he’s so cool
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justphilia · 4 years
Royalty AU I had but won’t write maybe probably I don’t know
Guess who got unsatisfied with a post and decided to rewrite the whole damn thing?
This bitch!
Anyways I’m gonna give this a go again, this time gonna write in arcs and not in characters.
Same situation as my DBH idea, except this one is even more loose since I don’t know a lot about royalty and I thought about this while sitting around.
Kageyama parents ambiguously dies and Reigen takes pity on the boys. They’re like teens turning adults I suppose? Seventeen to twenty??????? It’s tough, I will fix this.
Ritsu doesn’t like the idea but Shigeo hears there’s a really nifty garden in the palace and what could go wrong if they lived as princes anyways?
One thing about Reigen that is commonly known in the kingdom is that, no matter how many times he denies it, he has a soft spot for kids that ranges from younger than him. 
Which is an issue because staff members are counted.
Cue Tome and Teru. Tome’s a maid servant who also got picked up by Reigen since she was some thief or something idk I’m working on that. At first she got offered the princess role too but she’d rather work with dirt than wear a dress bigger than herself.
Teru’s a knight who has always been in the palace, so he wasn’t offered the prince role. Fine by him though, he gets treated like one anyways, which is why he’s such a prick sometimes.
When Tome arrived, Teru assumed she was hired as staff and wasn’t aware she was suppose to be a princess. So when Ritsu and Shigeo arrives, he thought they’d be the same as her, so he gets a little cocky, assuming they were new servants or something.
Until Reigen declares them as his new sons.
Both requested to keep their family name until they get comfortable, which Reigen immediately understands. Ritsu low key gets a crush on Teru because he’s handsome, and nearly fucking dies when Teru is assigned to teach Ritsu the basics.
Tome gets assigned with Shigeo, and even though she turned down the offer, she was aware of the basics after reading a few books and watching how Reigen acts.
Ritsu, being the fast learner he is, grabs ahold of the idea pretty fast. Shigeo, on the other hand, keeps screwing it up. Mostly because during the times he was suppose to practice, he was vibing in the garden.
This ticks Teru off, because, “Isn’t he at least grateful he’s here? Can’t he take this prince thing seriously?”
Anyways news got out to the other kingdoms that there were new princes, so they’re all buzzing around pretty excited because, for one, despite how shady Reigen seemed, his kingdom is running wealthily and everyone wants a piece of that. But since he didn’t had kids before, they couldn’t arrange marriages to mooch off his shit.
Now that he did though...
But since the news was still pretty fresh, no one really knows who the kids are exactly.
The first person who got intrigued was Suzuki, specifically Shou. He gets a bit too impatient in waiting for more news and decides to travel over to see the new princes himself. He meant to visit Shigeo - since the only info he knew was their names and who was older - but accidentally found his way towards Ritsu’s room instead.
Ritsu isn’t the least bit amused when he saw Shou just sitting there, but he was definitely panicking. 
Shou thought ahead and came in with a disguise, actually, so it won’t give a reason for Ritsu to act all nice and shit. But even after revealing who Shou really was, Ritsu was still just blatantly rude.
Shou liked that.
He promises to visit every week at night.
Ritshou ensues.
After Ritsu finally gets the gist of this royalty jazz, Teru gets a bit frustrated and requested that he teaches Shigeo. Tome shrugs and lets him do it, wishes the blonde good luck, and continues with her chores.
Terumob ensues, will not elaborate. Shigeo is lovable that way.
When Shigeo and Ritsu both finally got the hang of things, Reigen organized a ball to celebrate it. People are invited.
Tsubomi’s role in this is pretty shaky not gonna lie, but she does live as a Suzuki and I’ll probably fix this too. She gets a little crush on Tome and they talk.
Tsutome ensues, but it’s forbidden love (wahhhhhh).
Tome reveals she was suppose to be a princess too, but it would be awkward if she decided to change her status now. She still strongly doesn’t want to be a princess either.
There’s a huge plot hole here as I jump to the next arc without explaining how.
Tsubomi convinces Ritsu that since they are both extremely gay, they should get married without having to worry about accidental crushes. After getting married, Tsubomi can take Tome (as funny as it sounds, it’s technically what happens), then request a divorce and have Ritsu marry Shou instead so there’s not much backlash.
Problem is, they can’t tell anyone else, because rumors do happen and they don’t want to risk that.
Which causes a lot of issues that gives Reigen a large headache I suppose, ranging from Shou sending flowers to Ritsu, to Shou getting mad at Tsubomi, to Shou trying to get Shigeo instead but Teru goes, “HISSSS MINE.”
Things go well in the end. But I did have like a sequel where Shou would take Ritsu on an adventure to find Shou’s mom. Forgetting to tell people.
Cue Reigen screaming as he searches for his son. 
Shigeo: Can I come, that’s my brother--
Reigen: No you stay here and rule the kingdom in my place with Teru and Tome.
Reigen finds Shou’s mom first, she’s in a tower locked away with Serizawa guarding the place and also to keep her company. Reigen low key gets injured, it’s vague, and Serizawa’s like: Damn, now to protect two royalties I guess.
Problem: Reigen isn’t even aware Shou’s mom is Queen Suzuki, so he rests in a cool tower with Serizawa and her until he feels better to search for his son again.
“Imma go now.” Reigen throws a peace sign but Serizawa has been given orders that if anyone was to trespass this area, they cannot leave alive.
But hey, he said they can’t leave alive, never said they can’t stay alive.
So Serizawa’s like, “Noooooo, you’re still hurt.”
“Damn, guess you’re right.”
Serizawa tries numerous ways to delay Reigen’s healing, but it can only do so much without actually killing the man.
But the moment he gets better, Ritsu and Shou finds them.
“Oh hey son.” Suzuki and Reigen says at the exact same time. They look at each other. “What.”
“hellu mommy, i found u, is our hide and seek game over did i win?”
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advernia · 4 years
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hi hi!!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ mmm… i try not to expect something out of an unreleased route (bc most of the time i am horribly betrayed lmao) but there are loads of stuff i hope to see! forgive me for being rambly tho haha!  
mousse. i actually have no idea what to expect from his route but what i do know is that his current position as a diplomat bothers me in a lot of ways lmao! but anyway… naturally we should be getting details on why he left the red army in the first place, so maybe on that side i do wish we’d get more insight on the workings of the red army, i guess? not that i’m expecting something super detailed or anything (tho it would be great if cybird feeds us with details), but for starters, maybe something more concerning the chosen bloodline - for instance, how did it come to be that for the red army, those thirteen certain families are the only ones strictly allowed to fill in that one position in the chosen ranks??? do relatives or family branch members count??? additionally, is mousse the first case of someone stepping down / refusing to take over their designated rank??? i’d like to think that he isn’t, but then again i maybe wrong???
alternatively… maybe mousse’s route could fill in some bit of cradle lore too? lmao i mean he is a diplomat and alice is a ‘visitor’, so he’s the best suitor to fit in the role of a tour guide. maybe a little more idea on how cradle works as an actual country, bc god i can’t even imagine how it functions properly. who knows, maybe he actually knows about that abandoned building in the forbidden forest + why it’s there in the first place. maybe he can actually elaborate the background of the goddamn 500 year conflict. if he actually does, bless my soul.
on relationships… while mousse is neutral but a former red, i imagine we’ll be seeing more of the ra guys rather than the ba, maybe… that’s fine with me since i’m interested in learning more about his relationship with lancelot, and maybe how he interacts with kyle + edgar since we already have a general idea of how he is around jonah + zero. but since the neutral faction has increased now, i’d like it if most of his interactions would involve more of his fellow neutrals. they need more screentime.
and finally, romantically… man, that ‘love at first sight… or is it?’ bit on his profile really gets me. oh, i will be ridiculously happy if that whole ‘love at first sight’ thing is interpreted as just sheer interest on mousse’s part. he’s in love with the visitor from the land of reason, with alice the second who hails from the same land as the first alice. he’s in love with the thought of her, a person who lives in a world so different from his own…but has he ever seen alice the second as the woman she is, as another human being??? this is probably unlikely to happen as mousse doesn’t seem too cold as a character but OOOOHHHHH I’D LOVE TO HAVE A TWIST(○□○)
tl;dr: a focus on red army history / more expository stuff on cradle. a toss between mousse interacting with the ra + neutrals, preferrably more of the latter. if cybird pulls a surprising twist / interpretation on mousse’s ‘love at first sight’ for alice, then i will LIVE.
dean. for starters, i’d like a little more understanding on how the boarding school he works in operates haha… i get it’s open to all regardless of status (red/black, noble/commoner maybe?), but what type of school is it, is it a regular one or a military academy of sorts??? if it’s a military type, to what extent are the students trained - basic combat/magic or are there advanced classes or all that shebang??? from what age are you able to enroll in it??? who runs it??? probably someone from the neutral faction / government itself but seriously speaking, is this the only school available in cradle??? if you’re wondering why i think that, i just find it odd that two different factions that have been in constant conflict still send their kids to study in that one school where anyone and everyone is accepted… i’d imagine the red side isn’t so happy about this more than the black side is, but maaaybe it’s a government-mandated / treaty / pact thing??? tbh i’m still on the fence on those ideas since there’s a lot more questions that would arise from that but… yeah. just… details, pls _(:3」∠)_ oh, more bonus points if we get more info about the day everything went dark!
anyway… dean being a professor appears underwhelming but it’s pretty interesting to take into account that he probably trained all(?) of them army suitors so… personally i’d be interested if there’s your teacher vs. student(s) fight scenes lmao. preferrably with dean still able to hold his own. bonus points if he taunts his opponent in the process with words like ‘i see you’ve forgotten your fundamentals’ or something haha! even more bonus points if we get dean/alice fighting the forces of evil magic disciples together!!! oh, that would be so good.
it would be fun if dean’s the type to subtly poke his former students with their dark history past mistakes when he sees them / needs them to settle down or smth. maybe he has dirt on someone like luka (and no, it isn’t about him feeding birds on the rooftop lmao). maybe he’s the only one who can make sirius & lancelot feel nervous easily, holy shit. but again, as dean’s a neutral, i’d prefer his interactions to involve more of his fellow neutrals. especially dalim. though that might be a given considering their relationship. i will greatly appreciate seeing more of the tweedle twins dynamic. even more if it turns out that the main conflict/antagonist of their individual routes happens not to be amon, but their other half and it’s not because of alice. AHHHHHH ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
idk what dynamic they’re gonna shoot for with dean & alice, but i do hope it doesn’t give off your ‘teacher-student’ vibes aha…… considering how dean’s personality appears so far though, i’d like to think that a slow burn would be fitting for them…? maybe something similar to lancelot’s where the conflict is given more focus than the romance itself.
tl;dr: background on the school + the day everything went dark. teacher vs. student(s) fight scenes + dean/alice fighting duo. dean being lolz evulz to his former students. tweedle twins drama, bless. if dean/alice gives off the teacher-student dynamic, well… can’t say i didn’t see that coming.
dalim. oh boy, while i’m trying hard not to expect anything for now, i can’t help but pray for something good with dalim. i think he has the best potential among the new three since he’s only (or first) suitor in an actual antagonistic position - he knows it, he accepts it, and he’s still going with it. if cybird handwaves a redemption arc for him thru the flimsy power of kira-kira labu (or friendship), i will be very, very, very disappointed. seriously.
anyway, there’s a lot of question marks surrounding him that i want answered but of course, more dirt on the magic tower. perhaps whatever details about the tower that they failed to address in harr’s route they can add + elaborate here, though i really wouldn’t mind knowing more nitty gritty on the human experimentation bit. then there’s the matter about the regression magic he developed. though maybe all before that detailed stuff, maybe some background about how dalim came to be a magic disciple would be good. and how and why he manages a pub on the side. origin stories are a must.
not gonna lie though - i’m more interested in his social life, his relationship with amon the first priority. how long has he known amon, did he approach amon or was it the other way around, when did he start serving amon, do amon and he have similar goals, how ‘loyal’ is he to amon, was he already amon’s subordinate when amon killed his father, did he help amon kill his father, why does he even serve such a guy in the first place... yeah, all that and more. hopefully those are going to be addressed. then there’s dean... if dalim’s goals + ambitions are purely for the sake of his older twin, i’m gonna cry a river. even moreso if his determination is so strong that he still chooses dean over his kira-kira labu for alice. now if cybird really does pull that off, consider me IMPRESSED. HOT DAMN.
them aside, in general his relationship tree seems complicated... he has strained relationships with harr + zero + loki + oliver, though it seems that he and harr still can seem to hold ‘conversations’ with each other... lancelot + seth don’t like him... idk if he was already involved in the day everything went dark operation, but if he was then ray + fenrir would definitely knock him down... lmao that’s a lot of hostility there, and that’s as dalim. as dum, zero + ray + fenrir + oliver are still wary of him haha! well, i hope his interactions with the rest of the cast will fare better / some of those relationships may not be as strained as they seem???
and the romance... since dalim’s human experimentation is a step farther and darker than edgar’s history of murder, there is no way you are going to make me swallow the possibility that he could go down the same route and be pardoned by cradle through trial. or in any way going to be redeemed + forgiven / set free quickly. no, i won’t accept it either if amon does something similar to a claudius and suddenly decides to say that he pulled dalim along for the ride (rather, i’d be furious). ends i’ll accept are dalim himself demanding for or receiving proper judgement for his actions. the feelings between dalim and alice are there & acknowledged, sure, but sadly regardless of what ending they physically cannot be together.
too angsty??? maybe it is, since i personally feel that his situation has the potential to feel more... well, military/war-fitting than the other suitors. i’m not hoping for that scenario simply because i want that extreme angst + drama, but rather because it somehow doesn’t sit right with me that someone so goal-focused, someone who seems to have walked down the wrong path of his own volition, who stated himself that he isn’t human and won’t let ethics stand in his way (zero’s route), would allow himself to be easily forgiven for all that he had done. it’s like a disservice. believe me, i like redemption arcs. but for something severe like what dalim dabbled in for what seemed like years... redemption almost sounds too kind.
i hope whatever they have planned for dalim would appear reasonable and satisfying, both to how they will portray his character and to the plot of his route as a whole.
tl;dr: more magic tower info. his history with amon. tweedle twins drama, bless. more insight into his relationship tree. cybird, dalim/alice’s foe yay has potential, pls don’t mess it up.....
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