#i cannot belive i just found out
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i was on pintrest when at one point this appread
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i was curios so i clicked on the profile, and good lord what i found...
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and yes it was ALL tagged Nocorro (with a different name that i translated from thailandes, there was a link in the bio of the profile and there was this link of this account twitter https://twitter.com/natthahim_back, i think they the artist.
THESE ARE AMAZING. Quick, I'm gonna need fics for all of them STAT. I bet I could come up with a little plot for each of them.
Some of them I kinda need to know the plot of. I'm super scared of three, like a lot. But that first one? Neteyam's like "nO Spider, I cannot look at thee!" Hilarious.
I'm gonna need to know what's happening with five as well, NEYTIRI IS IN IT??? Also, huge fan of fifteen, Spider is passed the fuck out. That is someone that is super comfy sleeping in the Sully mauri. I love to see it.
My top favs are: 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 18, and 20.
I also need to know more about 20. Why are we asking Neteyam if he's okay, what happened to him? I gotta know.
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waywardmongergoopzine · 10 months
Ok so I have to get my opinion out about Cyn
In episode 5 we see how Cyn was a worker drone that was thrown away by humans and was offered absolute solver (as seen in this scene) to "wake up" after "sleeping" for god knows how long under a pile of dead drones (which is kinda traumataizing).
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She was found and brought by Tessa in the mansion where she really couldn't do anything around the mansion because of her dysfunctional body and because of this she probably wasn't treated kindly by others (take J as an example) and was maybe also judged and disliked by everyone because of her dissability exept N.
He is/was always kind and understanding and saw her struggle and promised to be there for her and help her when she needs it, evolving their relationship into brother and sister.
Now, as we have already seen with Uzi in ep 4, stress/anxiety/negative feelings made her AS to act up and overheat really fast which caused her to transform into a monster who killed her classmates who where just terrible. They didn't even brother to learn her name and worst of all, they trusted N, her first friend who is a murder drone that is made to kill them, who they've just met like 10 seconds ago, more then their classmate.
In the mansion N was probably the single one who conforted her when she was stressed/sad/scared however the more time went by, the more torment was initiated by Tessa's abusive parents, and the AS slowly took over her mind and that's when she started becoming more agresive towords everyone and started doing gruesone experiments.
N, because he was always being by her side began witnessing the things she was doing and when she discovered that she began making backups of every drone so that her mission won't be compromised if someone witnesses her and/or she makes experimens on them and then kills them. (What if the first time she made a new N was after she accidently caused his death and then realised what she had done and wanted her brother to come back, this would be really tragic if this is the case but who knows 😭).
I personally belive in the theory that the Absolute solver (or The Solver of the Absolute Fabric or whatever it's named) is a hivemind that makes a pact with a drone that is in need (or maybe on the brink of death) and that's how it gains more power and gets closer to its goals. I think that it also accumulates the memories and the mannerisms of its hosts (which can explain some things). Also I think that it is trying/tried to do the same thing to Doll, Uzi, Nori and Yeva but their solver are independent so they cannot be taken over.
Cyn wasn't properly disposed of and was stuck unable to wake up ( you can say that she was left to die) untill the AS sent a masage telling her that it'll help her, that she seems sad, and in distress and it tells her that she won't be disposed of if she gives it acces to her system I guess
(This photo is, in my opinion, the biggest proof)
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She was just a scared drone (perhaps a robot child as N says in ep 4 that they are children) that was trown away like a toy and now wnats revange on the humans that misstreat her kind. Cyn wants, like her brother, tobprotect the ones she loves.
If you want some more proof about this watch this video on yt that explains the things that I'm saying:
(I don't know spanish at all but the subtitles are really hopefull) (Also it's a great video)
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I'm sorry if there where many problems in this post or if the explanation wasn't so good.
I'll make some other posts about this and the plot of the series but idk when
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sivyera · 5 months
i dont know if you take request s but i really need this one i havent found anyone doing it. i really need headcanons with cullen their mate being turkish (like her english is good but like classical turkish things yk being angry at the smallest things, making fun of everything, being very kind and welcoming but looks so serious all the time and please if you can make her pretty as a valpire). its ok if you dont take requests 💗. and im sorry if i couldnt express myself english is not my first language.
hi! i tried my best and i add other islamic countries because i don't know if you wear hijab or not and i also wanted to give some love to my ladies with hijabs so there are some parts with hijab in every character, i hope you like it because i put a lot of work in it!
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
ft. carlise, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, paul, bella
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a/n: guys i'm not from islamic country so i apologize for any mistakes, i don't want to make anyone upset nor angry, it is also not really good because i don't know much about this culture so... i tried my best, hope you like it!
⤷ Carlise Cullen
-Carlise would love your constant switching emotions. at one time you are calm, kind, welcoming to everyone and a lovely wife and then out of the sudden you trip over your dress and you are now yelling over the whole house, then mumbling something in turkish (your native language) underneath your breath that no cullen understands and Carlise is just smiling while looking at you.
he'd want to know about Turkey (or other islamic country) and what is it like, i belive he visited Turkey (or other islamic countries) but just for two weeks max so... he didn't really explored the culture and he wants to hear you speak about your homeland and family and stories, he just loves it.
he'd love to see you cook your favourite food or some traditional meals or snacks from your childhood because he wants to educate himself about your country, but he cannot eat it which makes him kinda mad, about the educating; he'll also search some Turkish (or other islamic country) words and when he's feeling really flirty, he'll tell you something in turkish to impress you
if you're wearing a hijab, he'd be again very respectful and if anyone did you wrong, he'd have your back and be right next to you glaring and "politely" telling the person to fuck off
⤷ Emmett Cullen
-Emmett would love to tease you just to see you being mad. he will poke your belly a bit or (gently) kick your feet so you trip over and when you are being all angry, again mumbling something in your native language probably something how you gonna kill him and all, he's just there laughing on the ground.
sometimes he would get confused because you look so serious at all the time and sometimes you talk with serious, stone hard face without even realizing it, so if you tell him a joke with dead serious face he'd stand there blank look on his face, yk yk.
you can use it against him, because when you are really mad he's scared of you. and you are the only one he listens to.
he'd love to try and eat every single food you have in Turkey (other islamic country) or snacks or drinks, but because he's a vampire he cannot so you are just telling him what each food is like and what's inside etc.,, he can listen for hours to this
if you're wearing a hijab he'd definitely would use it for another teasing, like gently tugging on it or placing bananas on top of your head yk.
⤷ Rosalie Hale/Cullen
-Rosalie have always found islamic women so pretty. she always thought that they are the most beautiful women on earth, just their energy made her feel some kind of way...
so she is considering herself extremely lucky to date you, like really. she even thinks that you are more beautiful than her, which shows how much she actually love you.
she also has bad temper so when you are mad on the smallest thing, she's mad with you just because
sometimes people say you two are siblings because both of you have your serious face all the time, when people say that both of you are mad, you "yelling" on that person and Rosalie growling under her breath ready to attack this person
but when she sees you looking out of window, calmly breathing with sun rays slightly touching your soft features, she smiles to herself while being glad that she has you
if you're wearing a hijab, she'd want you to teach her how to make it and then she will do it for you. she'd find you even more beautiful because she can just look at your pretty clear face without hair in it and admire you.
⤷ Edward Cullen
-Edward reads a lot so i believe he knows a lot about your homeland and culture but he lied to you and told you that he never heard of it so you have to tell him about it, so he can hear you talk.
he didn't realize how many interesting thoughts he'd hear, i mean at one time he can hear you thinking about that pretty nail polish you've bought and after few minutes he hears some turkish (or other islamic language) words without knowing the meaning and then english words where you say you messed up that nail polish.
he'd probably could speak with you in your native language because he hears so many words (thoughts) in your native language so that he remembers them and know the meaning.
he'd play for you on piano some turkish (or other) songs he has found on the internet just to impress you and it was such a romatic gesture.
he'd be really interested in music at your homeland because it would make him feel more close to you.
⤷ Jasper Hale/Cullen
-Jasper is "old" cowboy so you two just somehow clicked. somehow there was a chemistry that just mixed your vibes and made a perfect couple yk.
he'd sneak into your room at night and listen to stories from your homeland and then he would tell you some stories from time when he was a human.
Jasper can feel your emotions so if you are tired of your bad temper just tell him and he will calm you whenever he feels that you are getting angry.
that's why you two are such a perfect couple, because you help him control his thirst and he helps you to control your emotions, so both of you are focusing on different things that doesn't involve you which means you are even calmer
you two agreed on that you are gonna pull out the "in pain face" card whenever one of you is feeling uncomfortable so
if you're wearing a hijab, Jasper would make sure no one makes you uncomfortable even more because people at Forks are not used to seeing women wearing a hijab and some kids at school can be pretty mean...
⤷ Alice Cullen
-Alice knew that her mate will be from Turkey (or other islamic country) so she had some time to get ready. she read something on the internet and she borrowed some books from Carlise or Esme about islamic countries so she could be prepared
she was very opened and VERY interested in your homeland and your traditions, so she would want to know every single detail! because she didn't wanted to disrespect you, not even the smallest
sometimes she could see when you will become angry, so she either wants to see you angry because she thinks you look cute or she will do anything to prevent it, depends on her mood
you two are the definition of sunshine x grumpy, because Alice is always smiling and kind and loving... you on the other hand are also kind and loving but your face looks like a stone so you kinda scare Alice's bullies away
Alice would be really interested in your traditional dresses just because she likes fashion and she likes to talk about it. so you two will lay in bed, you holding a photo of you in you traditional dress in your hands and she pointing at each suture and decoration
if you're wearing a hijab, she would love to style it for you or put cute stickers on it (if you let her)
⤷ Jacob Black
-Jacob would LOVE it! because when you are angry you cringe your nose in such a cute was, he's not scared at all he finds it funny because there is no way you could beat him.
he would be very protective because sometimes you and Paul argue which can lead Paul to shift so Jacob is here to protect you in that case.
but your welcoming and loving side is his favourite. when you treat him like a puppy, yeah really. when you stroke his cheek while saying "good job, baby" when he fixed his bike, his pupils will go bigger and he will follow you around like a puppy.
he'd eat everything you make, like everything. so when you started making you traditional food and snacks (with Emily's help) he ate it all and then say how much he liked it.
he will crave your both initials into a small piece of wood and gave it to you as a good luck charm, and when you asked him what's his lucky charm he answered with simple "you".
if you're wearing a hijab he will make sure that it's clean because there is a lot of wolf hair around the house.
⤷ Seth Clearwater
-Seth will also love when you are angry but because you look so hot! so he will just stare in awe and then take you to his room and kiss you all over
he will also start stare fights, like who can last longer without blinking but he will always lose and laugh at your serious face.
he can become really protective when someone is disrespecting you, and by that i mean he'll go feral if someone slightly disrespects you he'll tear them apart. he maybe looks cute but he's a real monster in his wolf form, to you he's just a big puppy
he will eat every traditional snack that you can offer, some small candy your grandma made when you couldn't sleep or some salty chip your mother fried when you wanted, he will eat it ALL.
when you cuddle with him, he will put his face into your neck and breath in your scent because that calms him down, knowing that you are here with him, safe
if you're wearing hijab he will make sure no one touches it or no one is making you uncomfortable with questions because if yes, oh lord...
⤷ Paul Lahote
-Paul again finds you anger sexy and cute at the same time so it depends if he's in a heat or not, and if you say you get angry at the smallest things well then you two will do a lot of cardio...
Paul, like every other shape-shifter will eat everything! if it's from you then TWICE of everything! he then uses the energy and calories to his wolf body which makes him even stronger than he already is!
he's also very possessive and protective, like a LOT! especially if it's a guy that's bothering you, he will beat him up like crazy i can tell
if you cup his face into your hands and kiss him "hard" on the lips, he will melt into you. he loves when you surprise him with kisses and affection...
he LOVES when you talk to him in your native language, call him baby in your native language and his full attention will be on you, he will come to you as soon as he hears your voice; put his hands on your waist and just stare into your eyes
if you're wearing a hijab he'll ask a lot of questions about it and then growl at everyone who starts talking about it, even at Sam
⤷ Bella Swan
-Bella would be shy from the start so she will just look at you with blank stare without knowing what to do because you were fine few minutes ago, now you are yelling at some ladybug that scared you.
but she will get used to it and then just giggle at you, she will also learn few turkish (other islamic language) words just to impress you but it will take her a bit more time to really say them to you
she will love to hear you stories while you're playing with her hair, she will lay her head on your lap and just close her eyes, listening to your calming voice telling her some fairy tail that you grandma used to tell you while you're stroking her hair
she will try some candy or sweet snacks from your country and some good meal that's not spicy, because i feel like she's not really a fan of spicy food
she often does some movements with her face like with her lips or eyes or eyebrows and she finds it so fascinating that you can stare at the tv with serious face... wow...
if you're wearing hijab she will look at you while you make it and how you tug your hair perfectly inside, gorgeous.
i feel like this is so bad, i really hope you like it!
-love, sivyera
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theglidingbat · 1 year
Ok but Krypton!lives au but clark isn't some jerk alien prince, he is a brat no doubt but he's also just so oblivious to everything. Have some of my headcanons for this:
•I imagine it starting with kal el dropping down on Kansas farm [grown up and shit] being found by the Kents as they patch him up and take him down on the guest room, he wakes up freaks out a bit speaking in kryptonian and just floating around the house being overly careful of everything, ma and pa kent are confused and so is Kal, he tries to communicate with them and they finally find a common ground and after a month clark finally learns the human language.
•zod has managed to exile kal from his home planet, suffice to say kal el is currently heartbroken and looking for help
•Kal just saw some random pair of glasses and thought they were so cool so now he just wears them whenever he's in casual clothes but is in no way trying to hide his identity, people are just that dumb.
•Does not get social cues at all and will unwillingly say the wrong thing at the wrong time, he's just a happy little guy who wants to explore this strange planet and then go home
•he particularly likes rock music despite his personality, he finds hardcore metal music soothing
•he once tried to eat Batman's ears, in his defence they looked edible to him,
•Diana loves to fill in kal with false information about the human race, kal is not stupid enough to belive them but follows them anyways just because he thinks it would be funny
•Bruce has a very subtle crush on him and kal notices this immediately, he's confused as to why Bruce pretends to hate him
•The whole league [escpically bruce] is overprotective of him, lex Luthor doesn't stand a fucking chance
•Kal el has no filter and will call you out with a bright innocent smile and float away moving on with his day
•Kal lives in the watchtower only visiting earth for league business, he rarely works alone
•he floats near the Zeta tubes almost everyday hoping to see bruce and when he's not there he's disappointed
• he refuses to walk, he thinks he's done enough walking for a life time and bruce has to tug on kal's cape to make sure he isn't floating above his seat
•he is way more capable of communicating his emotions in kryptonian then in English, he will switch to kryptonian when he's ranting or angry
•Diana and Barry are the ones who suggest he make a civilian identity, and thus is born reporter clark kent.
•He still visits the Kents here and then bringing them souvenirs from space
•Does not understand when someone is flirting with him but will bring bruce random animals he finds in the wild as gifts because "I heard from Jason you like adopting tiny lonely beings"
•he's still pretty good at hiding his identity somehow and at this point as learned all social cues and slang thanks to lois
•yet he still decides to fuck with the league, he gives batman forehead kisses, he once called green lantern a thot ["does that not mean thoughtful?"] And will very knowingly insult anyone who even looks at his loved ones the wrong way
•while bruce is more open of his protectiveness [and possessiveness] of clark, Clark himself is more subtle and quiet about it, but not forgetting he's still technically a spoiled prince of Krypton cannot share. He snatches bruce and gets pouty whenever bruce is talking or flirting with anybody else
•it takes them five years to get together but it finally happenes and they start dating
•the kryptonians finally find clark and force him to go with them but clark now refuses even if his exile is over.
•unfortunately he really can't leave his planet behind and has to leave [he and bruce have a long sad conversation and clark breaks down]
•A month later bruce is handling another team meeting when Clark finally comes back
•he offically leaves Krypton to his older cousin Kara and moves in with bruce
•his favourite movies are the James bond movies
•The batfam all adore him
•Basically I want a Au of sweet innocent clark that's oblivious to innuendos and shit while bruce suffers in silence and the evolves into clark being a little shit who pretends he doesn't know what he's doing when pulls bruce close and whispers in his ear about smth knowing damm well he's doing things to Bruce.
Diana: Batman if your done fighting with your boyfriend, we need to leave
Batman: wha- kal is NOT my boyfriend!
Kal: (has only be in earth for a year) I'm not?
Batman: I-
Kal: Am I not your friend?
Batman: no kal I never said-
Kal: am I not a boy?
*jla snickering in the back*
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blackberryshortcake · 2 months
The Witches Wrath
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Sorry this part took so long T-T hope y’all like it
Pt 1. Pt 2.
Blinking the haze from the eyes I come to realize two things, one I was not in fact in my guest room and two it was very much a new day outside. The memories for last nights fight came flooding back to me and that this was in fact Sebastian room. The room was bare simply in design a closet a desk and a bed. Throwing the covers off I swing my feet over the side of the bed. Nauseated by the sudden motion. This was going to be the hangover of the century. Deciding rather than sulk I should stand up and at least try and look presentable. There was a dress splayed out at the end of the bed. Simple, black and made from what I assume was cotton not like the dress I was forced into the other day. As well as a pair of shoes simple flats that certainly looked outdated in comparison to their modern counterparts. To be completely honest I’m better off wearing this funeral fit than the my current grass stained and muddy clothes but it still doesn’t change the fact that it looks like something you’d bury your great grandmother in. Normal I could just snap my fingers and boom I’ve changed clothes but ah lass I cannot so grandma clothes here I come. I come to stand in from of the mirror just above the small dresser. By the gods I look like a mess. My heads pounding my hair is less than desirable and I look like I got hit by and 18 wheeler or a double wide hauling 2 tons of cattle. Gods I need a cigarette. I searched and searched for the pack of newports I had in sweatshirt pocket but they’re gone all that’s left is that half dead menthol vuse that was in my pants pocket. Guess we’re going new school today. I bet that checky fucker hide them along with my lighter. Deciding rather than sulk I’ll stuff the vape in my bra and head out of the room towards the kitchen. The most reasonable place for a butler to be at one in the afternoon.
After checking the kitchen and pretty much all of the servants wing he was no where to be found neither were any of the other employees of this rat hole. I solemnly determined I was abandoned left behind. Like when your mom goes to Walmart without you and when you ask her why she says you were sleeping but clearly expressed to her before your nap you wanted to go.
Rather than waste the day away I figured might as well be productive and see if maybe just maybe this place had a small library and lo and behold it did. Although not any were near the library of Alexandria I could make do. The boy surprisingly had plenty of books on the occult and witchcraft but who can be surprised when he is literally contracted to a demon. I was torn off the page I was reading in a small corner of the room by the door opening and closing. Two sets of footsteps echoed off the high ceiling just based on the sound I could tell it was Ciel and Sebastian making their entrance. Decided rather than move I stayed in the chair seemingly unbothered by their entrance.
They come to stand in front of me. Ciel in front and Sebastian not too far behind.
I flick my eyes up from the book
“Can I help you?”
Ciel spoke first “I believe you can, the queen has enlisted us to hunt down what is belived to be a witch plaguing London. Their has been a series of ritualistic murders in the Chelsea district of London.”
He cannot be fucking seriously.
“Are you shitting my dick?” He face remains stock simply waiting for you to go on.
You rose from your seat. “So you want me a women who was burned at the stake and accused of witchcraft to help you a privlaged little shit who thinks the world owes him hunt a witch!”
“Per our agreement you must help me.”
“Absolutely not I said I’d protect you not go on a witch hunt! You are probably the most inconsiderate asshole I’ve ever met. I apologize for looking into your past and in restitution I told you mine but there is no way in all the seven rings of hell I will help you hunt a witch.” You could feel it the power radiating off your hands. The green glow the room took on and the shadow cast on the ground by Sebastian coming to stand in between you and Ciel. You could feel the fiery hot rage pumping through your veins and the hand that came to rest around your throat forcing you to look into his eyes. The ones that shown fusica the ones that never change no matter what his face looks like.
“Breath” In all my years of living I really never get that mad I can usually control my “childish anger” as he calls it but there something about this fucking kid that really pushed my buttons. I go to shove his hand off but it only tighted
“Breath before you are no longer able to”
He looked at me the way a parent scolds their child for throwing a temper tantrum in the store.
“ F-fine” his grip loosed and his hand slide from your throat to your shoulder
“My dear, my young lord is simply asking you to help us identify some of the markings the witch left behind. You always were more inclined to such work.”
You stare at the ground no longer forced to hold his gaze. “Is it satanic?”
“I do not believe so, if it is it’s modern not authentic. I however believe it is Hellenic in origin.”
“I guess I can help but never ask me again.”
“Very well, shall we go?” His body turned gesturing to the door.
“Go where?”
“To the scene of the crime of course.”
Now seriously couldn’t he have waited till I don’t now any time but right now. Ciels walks out first clearly perturbd your outburst and Sebastian flows behind a hand on your lower back as he does so.
This was gonna be a loooooonnng day.
One very akward carafe ride later and we arrive just outside a small townhouse. It looked rundown and very old. Sebastian stepped out first then ciel and then me. He offered me a hand down and the words
“My dear?”
“Stop calling me that we sounds like an old married couple.”
“I apologize, my dear” why does he always have to be so condescending.
As you walk up the stairs to the rickety old townhouse you feel as though they might give way beneath you. You did happen to notice a clear lack of police tape or an officer of any kind guarding the door if an apparent crime scene. After entering the smell of blood was 10 times mor pungent inside that out. You follow up the stair to a small bedroom.
By Gods it smelt bad.
Every wall was covered by symbols and although there was no body left behind the large pool of blood inside the salt circle was apparent. An alter stood at the head of the room. Taking care in where you stepped you come to stand in front of it. A seraded knife lay on the alter as well as a bowl made of bronze full of at least a 2 day old blood. Other small nicknacks scattered the top of the alter, offerings most likely but the most prominent figure was a small statue made of wood staring at this figure the realization dawned on you. The room was silent. The earl and his butler simply stood in the doorway as you inspected the room.
You spoke “it’s definitely not satanic but it’s not Hellenic either.”
Ciel was the first to respond “what lead you to conclusion?”
Rather than give away your tell you continue. “We’ll first of all lots of religions use symbols but hellenic Greece wasn’t one of them, and second the Hellenic world wasn’t big on human sacrifice.” Turning to face him he looks bored like he’s already a few steps ahead but can’t tell. “But whoever did this clearly was aiming for the attention of not a certain god but a certain someone I’d say.”
“And who might that be?” Sebastian was still silent looming over Ciels shoulder simply watching. Glancing at the symbols once more you finally spoke once more. “Theyre scarficing in hopes of getting my attention.”
“Your attention, and how could that possibly be?” Ciel laughed out his response. Before you could respond Sebastian finally stepped forward.
“My lord if I may (y/n) here became a deity of some sorts to those accused of witchcraft over time. A witch that cursed the land and the people who stole it. The witch who could not be burned I believe is the title they bestowed upon her.”
“Thanks for the exposition Sebastian” sarcasm laced in every word you spoke.
“Let me get this straight this is the second human sacrifice we’ve discovered so far and it’s all thanks to you.” Ciell didn’t know wether be disgusted or impressed.
“To be clear I have never once asked for a human sacrifice on anyone who made a deal with me. I’m not exactly sure what prompted this but whoever did this is dangerous more dangerous than me or him.” You say gesturing to Sebastian.
“More dangerous than two demons?” Ciels response was cocky his way of sayingI have to demons under my command and no one can stop me.
“Demons do not go around killing for the sake of fun contrary to popular belief. There are rule at play that we all must follow. Those rules don’t apply to human. You of all people should know what humans are capable of.”
He simply rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest “ and how do you propose we find this witch”
“My best guess check local apothecary’s and herbalist shops. There’s what looks like the leftover blossoms of detura in the alter bowl and that really only can be cultivated in north and South America.”
“How exactly is a herboligist going to help”
“Detura is a highly dangerous nightshade meant to represent demons and nightfall buuuuttt the kicker is it can only be harvested natively in souther parts of the North American continent. It’s very poisoness and very hard to cultivate. However the plant is a well known hallucigen with the right amount of it I bet you your Witch drugged the victim as well that probably why no one reported a disturbance since if the victim was to high to scream no one would have noticed.” Ciel didn’t respond right away rather content on thinking the whole crime scene through.
It’s such a waste to see a human life taken so early they didn’t tell me wether the victim was male or femal but by the smell of the blood it was a young women in her late teens. Taken to soon by a power hungry witch looking to score a deal.
Ciels voice cut through the air breaking the papble silence
“Sebastian, how many apothecary’s and herbalist shops are there in the radius of the two murders.”
“There are percicly two apothecary’s and one herbologist with radius of the two murders, my lord”
“I’d start there if I were you as well as confirm if the victims actually have the drug in their system. The only thing I just don’t understand is why is there so much blood”
“ I believe the victims throats where cut”
“No shit Sherlock but this knife clearly isn’t the murder weapon” you say as you gesture to the one on the alter
“ and what exactly leads you to believe that”
“Although it might have blood on it it’s steraded whatever was used was sharp and I mean very sharp although a seraded knife has just the same effect one with a plain sharp edge is gonna cause more damage, a seraded knife would have left blood all over the wall and who ever did this.”
Before responding Ciel sighed knowing this conversation meant a trip to the one person he always dreaded collecting information from. He pinched the bridge of his nose clearly annoyed by the notion before speaking.
“I suppose this means we must pay the undertaker a visit.”
“Indeed my lord”
“Does this mean we have to get back in that carriage cause I think im gonna vomit if i have to ride in one of those again” Sebastian merely chuckled but Ciel had a genuine curriostity in his eyes.
“How do people get around without carriages where you’re from?”
“They have cars and buses and bikes, that are not made out of ply wood from Home Depot.” Although slightly perplexed by your vernacular Ciel got the idea.
“Are you implying that everyone has an automobile in the future?”
“Well I mean not everyone has one but most people do, shit you can get a hunker junker that just barely runs off facebook market place for like a few hundred bucks. And yeah I know like a few hundred dollars is quite a lot now but trust me in the future that ain’t shit.” He simply stared at you like you were speaking an entirely diffrent language but deep down you knew he probably understood what you just said.
“Yeah inflations a bitch” before he could respond Sebastian cleared his throat and directed you out of the bloodstained room and out of the rundown town house. Climbing back in the carriage for a short ride down the street and around the corner to and even more rundown building with a large sign out front marked UNDERTAKER.
I seriously don’t remember all of London looking so old and run down.
Existing the carriage once more Sebastian hold the door open for both you and Ciel to enter the rickety crack shack this place seemed to be. A small set of bells jiggled on the door to alert when someone has entered the shop. Immediately upon entering you noticed a certain air about the place not just the putridee smell of fermedihyde but the power radiating off one of the coffins and the uneasy it brought about. Your stomach churned in a way unfamiliar to you in ages. A sort of fear, surely Sebastian felt it to yet he remained unfazed.
Ciel called out “Undertaker are about?” A chuckle came from one of the coffins before the lid slide open to reveale what one might assume was an older gentleman although his suspiciously unwrinkled skin and long hair told you otherwise
“I thought I might be due for a visit with you my lord”
“Enough games do you have any useful informations regarding the two bodies of the young women murdered this past week”
Straight to the point I see
The undertaker chuckled once more “Surely you know the price of such precious information my lord.” with every word he spoke your stomach jumped
There is seriously something wrong with this dude
Ciel rolled his eyes “two women are dead and you still insist on seeking form of payment in cheep laughs, Sebastian?”
“My lord I implore you and miss (y/n) to step outside for a moment” Ciel turned to leave but not before the undertaker stepped fully out of the coffin and spoke once more
“No I want one from her” his long black fingernails pointed at you. He was practically frothing at the mouth with anticipation.
“Me?” You pointed at yourself.
“Yes you deary surely you know a good laugh.” Sebastian stepped in between you to before he could make anymore advances.
“I apolgize but she simply isn’t the comical type” in attempt to stay “proper” while out and about in public with the earl you had reframed from swearing to offensively but throwing caution to the wind with this one you respond.
“The fuck Im not” In an instant your outburst had the undertaker giggling like a school girl. “Correct me if Im wrong but you’re the one who’s had a stick up your tight ass since I got here plus let’s be honest Sebastian you’ve never really been the stand up type. I don’t even thing you could squeeze a laugh out of that tight ass cunt of yours if you tried. I happen to thing im the funniest mother fucker in this whole damn city” With every word the Undertakers laughed grew and grew to the point you thought you might go deaf. Sending Sebastian a wink at the end of your little rant resulted in nothing but death glares from him and a mortified stare from Ciel. After nearly keeling over in cardiac arrest the undertakers laughed died down and he seemed ready to talk.
“You’ve got yourself quite the comedian there Sebastian, be sure not lose her.” The undertakers deemner seemed to change from one of foolishness to that of stone cold seriousness. “So you wanna know about the girls eh? They both came to me in quite rough shape but I stitched them up real good” before Ciel could speak up you stepped in
“Was the slices in their throats clean”
“Oh yes quite if I do say so myself. Any deeper and their heads would have come right off.” He made a gesture to his neck as he did so.
“Did you happen to look at the contents of their stomach during the autopsy’s?”
“You seem to know your stuff deary, You lookin for something in particular”
“Yes, did you happen to notice any half digested plant based matueral like a flower of some sorts”
“I did notice an odd white flower in both of their stomachs” his answer was short as he thought about it more and more.
“Can you resonably asume a cause of death”
“If it were me id say it was the big slathes in their throats,hehehehe” the smile crept back onto his face.
There is no way this freak was human
You turn to Ciel to see if he had any other questions for the mad man but he simply thanked him and we were on our way. The carriage ride back to the manor was near dead silent Sebastian had taken off to interview the shops and hopefully find a description of our suspect.
Ciel spoke breaking the nauseating awkward silence.
“Do you truly believe that the one sacrificing these girls is doing it to gain your attention.” He sounded skeptical.
“I’d like to say no, but the answer unfortunately was yes.”
“And what exactly lead you to this conclusion.”
“Back in the day when “witches” were more or less hunted for sport in America I became some what of a legend. I would make deals with certain people I’d give them power in exchange for something. I assume that’s what this ding bat is trying to do but clearly they just can’t get it right.”
“So she is going about killing innocent girls for nothing”
“Basically, never once has a spell designed to summon me ever required a human sacrifice I mean that’s like down right barbaric.”
He ignored you sentiment.
“What exactly did you take on exachage for power.”
“I wanted access to their minds. Yah know poke around see what happening in there.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeah usually I loved seeing what made people tick.”
“Surely you did more than poke around in there.”
“Oh I mean I definitely took more but to quite honest that’s not your concern”
“I beg to differ you did poke around in my head, without my permission I might add.” Irritation crept into his voice.
“That’s how the game works, it’s not my fault you don’t know the rules.”
“How was I supposed to know the rules.”
“Honey listen I’m literally a being that is designed to create chaos across the universe why would I tell you the rules for a game you didn’t know you were playing. If anything Sebastian should have warned you.”
He muttered under his breath something about curse that blasted demon. Yet he gave no response.
“It’s sad yah know, what happened to you.”
“I do not need pity from a bloody demon of all things.”
“Ouch and I just can’t help but think how you may have turned out if you got me instead of him.” You through a finger behind you to gesture losing to the direction you left Sebastian.
“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” He was seething.
“We’ll first things first I wouldn’t have taken your soul I have no interest in dealing souls, and honestly I wouldn’t have even charged you for my services I can’t stand those who take advantage of other especially children.”
“Good to know, I’ll have to remember that for next time.” His sarcastic response hurt but you understood where he was coming from.
“He cares yah know, about you”
“Demons don’t care about anyone but themselves.”
“And who told you that?”
“They’re complex creatures it’s not as simple as caring and not caring. Think of them as apex carnivore if you will. They fill the simple nich of population control but they still care about the ones close to them.”
His eyes drift from the window to you lazily. “Do you honestly believe that.”
“Do you honestly believe that you deserved what happened to you simply because you’re born of nobility” the question hit him like a dagger through the heart. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his chest. He looked down at the ground before speaking once more.
“I believe I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive, The Queen’s Guard Dog my purpose is to follow her orders and nothing more.”
“Ciel do you seriously have your head so far up your ass that heel to a monarch that cares nothing for you. A monarch that stands for centuries of corruption, salvery, colonialism. A monarch that sees you as just another one of her pawns in big imperialistic society. Don’t let her turn you into some noble pig.”
He was silent still looking out the window mulling over your words.
“It’s just a thought but you can be your own person.”
Choosing to bypass your slander towards the British government he moved on.
“You’re living in your parents shadow. You don’t have to be what your father was. You don’t have to….” You trailed off debating if starting this argument was even worth it but your conscience got the better of you.
Sebastian gonna kill me for this one.
“I don’t have to what?” His words were pointed like he was ready to hit you over the head with that cane no matter your answer.
“You don’t have to avenge them. Sometimes the dead are better off dead and more blood shed is never the answer.”
Your eyes met and you saw a fire a fire you’d only ever saw in Sebastian when he is really really mad at you.
“It is my duty to avenge them my responsibility and I will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. Do you understand witch” his words stuck deep in your gut. Your eyes changed in an instant and the carriage lurched forward to a stop. You threw the door open and before anything rash could happen you saw Sebastian waiting exspectantly by the front door.
“Get your fucking kid under control.”
“Whatever do you mean?”
You turn to Ciel “tell him what you just called me.” Ciel was silent his blue eyes shown with pride. “A witch” you reeled your hand back to teach the kid a lesson but Sebastian grabbed your arm before you could do so.
“Im gonna burn you at the stake and see how you feel about it 3 centuries later.” You yanked your arm from Sebastian’s grasp before taking off down the rode you just came from.
“And where exactly are you going?” Sebastian called.
“Out I’m going out!” Pulling the vape from you bra you pulled a big hit and blew it in their direction and ended that sign off with two middle fingers held high.
So here you found yourself in a filthy pub drinking beer that’s somehow weak but also shitty.
“What’s a lady like you doing in a place like this.” You look up to be met with a head full of fire engine red hair that practically touched the floor and sharp green eyes slightly hidden behind square cut glasses.
“What’s it to you”
“Well women to women it’s not often you find pretty faces in such a dingy establishment.”
“Okay we’ll then women to women what exactly are you doing in this fine establishment.”
“Oh yah know this and that. To be completely frank dear I’m here on overtime.”
“Overtime you say and what is it exactly that you do.”
“Knows where’s the fun if I just tell you.” Her voice was full of curiosity like crow presented with a new puzzle. She formally introduced her self as Grell Stucliff and right off the bat you knew what she was that didn’t stop you from conversing from her though.
“So tell me Grell if you’re supposed to be out their collecting souls what are you doing in here.”
“Well they’re a tiny detail I’ve neglected to mention.” She fiddled with hands refusing eye contact.
“And what’s that sugar.” She was different than most you’ve met in a while. Not afraid of exspressing herself. She didn’t hid behind stock exspressions or social norms as many did of this time.
“I was sort of sent here looking for you.”
“Me?” You said and you crossed your legs and leaned forward to look her in the eyes.
“Yes well the administration had informed me of a demon who seamed to be messing with the timeline.”
“The timeline? Did little ol me cause y’all some trouble” although your voice seemed ingenue you knew messing with timelines was a big no no so big in fact you could be exacuted over it. She seemed to snap out of her nervous behavior to something more relaxed.
“I’m sure it’s not that big a deal anyways. They’re always fussing over this and that these days. Tell me you’re a demon right.”
“I suppose you could call me that.”
“You would happen to know another demon names Sebastian would you.”
Desciding to play a game you tapped your chin and pretending to think
“Hmmm? Sebastian you said?”
“Oh yes Bassy has the most beautiful amber eyes, and gorgeous raven hair OH and theirs that little brat that always follows him around.”
“OH that Sebastian, yeah I know him.”
“Does he ever talk about me.” She brought ther thumb to her lips in a coy manor.
“Hmm I don’t think he’s ever mentioned a lovely lady like you. But then again who actually listens to what he has to say.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall realizing the time. Although you couldn’t hear it with all the noise in the room you felt Sebastian pull the door open to the pub and make a b-line towards where you and grell had situated in the back booth.
He came to stand right in front of your table wordlessly observing the two of you. Grell had yet to take notice of him to imfuated with the story she was telling you. You sat cross legged one arm over the back of the booth practically around grell she took no mind though. She followed your gaze to the demon infront of you.
“Oh bassy fancy seeing you in place like this.”
“I’ve come to collect (y/n).”
Grell leaned back in her seat and into your side where your hand went to wrap around her shoulder she was slouched slightly since she was quite a bit taller than you.
“No I think I’m good right here.”
“Do not be a fool we are leaving.” Sebastian seemed mad, Ciel must have told him what you said in the carriage that or suddenly he can read minds.
“You heard what the lady said she’s not leaving” Grells voice filled the crowded space. On a normal day she might have been needlessly flirting with Sebastian. However today the girl code called for her to not leave her new friends side.
“I do not believe I was addressing you Mr.Sutcliff.” You turned you head to look at Grell she had a sort of sadness in her eyes when Sebastian addressed her as Mr. In the few short hours you spent here talking with her you learned a thing or two. Firstly her favorite color was red, she was the only lady grim reaper and lastly, she 100% identified as a women. Even though you were at least attempting to repair your relationship with him you to have always been hot and cold rather than one or the other so you chose to fight.
“I’m not going ANYWHERE until you apologize to her.”
Sebastian face contorted into one of disgust and confusion.
“I’m sorry whatever do you mean.”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“On the contrary I do not.”
“Ms.Sutcliff, not Mr.Stucliff” if you hadn’t been glaring daggers into Sebastian you may just have missed the stars in Grells eyes.
Sebastian sighed before pinching the bridge if his nose and speaking “I don’t apologize Ms.Sutcliff”
“See was that so hard.”
Pulling your arm out from behind Grell you turned to her as you stand.
“We’ll see yah around sugar let me know if you need a partner in crime. You know where I’m staying.” And with a wink you and Sebastian were off. Grell sat there stunned before a certain two toned hair reaper entered the pub looking for her.
Back at the manor Sebastian lead you into Ciels study.
“I see you’re back from galvanting about, while you were off pouting we have compromised a short list of suspects and we were wondering if you could identify any of these names.” You snatched the paper out of his hand and took a look. Only a short list of 5 names was there and none stood out except for one.
How is that possible?
Your eyes widened in realization.
“Sterling Pines”
“Does that name ring a bell” ciel asked
“Yeah sorta but only the last name. I think I honestly know her descendants and that would mean that family has a long line of messing with things that shouldn’t be messed with.”
Ciel reached down and pulled out a file from the stack on the desk.
“Sterling Pines seems to have immigrated here from America of all places. She is 29 years old has a husband and son she left behind in America.” Ciel looked at you excpetantly.
“Knowing her descendants and let’s just say they have a history of messing with dream demons, she definitely not an actual witch.”
“So just a human prentending they are something they are not.”
“Yeah seems like there are a lot of those around here.” Sebastian hand fell on your shoulder squeezing to say watch it.
“So how exactly do you know her descendants?” He questioned leaning forward in his desk chair to rest his embows on the desk.
“That’s doesn’t matter what matters is we have her name so that means we can find her.”
“And how exactly do you propose we do that? It’s not like I can send Sebastian out to search the entire city” you smile turning to Sebastian with a glint of mischief in your eye.
“I think I know someone. You don’t happen to have one of those ancient telephones do you. I happen to have her number.” Grell had given you her number at the bar partly in hopes of seeing Sebastian again and also just because she’s taken a liking to you. Sebastian lead you out the office to the phone.
“I do hope you don’t plan to call that reaper he can be quite a nuisance.”
“I happen to think SHE is wonderful.”
Rubbing your first finger and thumb together you produced a spark and touched the telephone wire. Come on did you really think a regular old telephone could reach a reaper. The phone rang twice before
“Hello” was heard.
“Grell? Hey sugar it’s me I was just wondering if you could do me a little favor.” Your eyes meet Sebastian’s his was clearly annoyed by the thought of even consulting a reaper.
“Well I suppose that depends on what that favor is.”
“I just need help finding someone and you reapers are quite good at that aren’t you?”
“Well of course we’re deadly efficient” you could practically hear her posing over the phone. “Who might you be looking for exactly?”
“Oh just some wanna be named Sterling Pines. Does the name ring a bell?”
“It does I believe I collected her last victim just the other night, oh that girl was such a pretty young thing even more beautiful painted in all that red.”
“Oh really would you be able to tell us where Sterling is hauled up right now.”
You could hear papers rustling over the phone as feel searched for the info.
“Unfortunately not dear, it seems she somehow able to avoid even us. It seems we don’t even have record of her here.”
“Damn well thanks for the help”
Sebastian’s eye twitched as rather than hang up the phone you stood against the wall and started to gab on and on with Grell about this and that. It only went on for so long before he reached up and held down the button on the reserver severing the connection.
“Hey! I was in the middle of a conversation yah know!”
He smiled “and now it over.”
“When you took that kid on as your latest passion project did he also provide the stick up your ass every morning or did you take that upon yourself.”
His smile faultered and his eyes became slits.
“You have quite the mouth on you these days”
“”You have quite the mouth on you these days” you mocked “and just when I thought we’re bonding your a tight ass and I HAVE a tight ass”
“You are going to have to have some serious retraining if you continue to act in such a manor”
“Retraining what are you gonna do spank me? Your so full of it and just when I thought you cared”
“I suppose if that’s what’s required”
“Good god you are SO full of it”
“God is not here my dear”
“Yeah yeah whatever. I guess we’re gonna have to find this witchy bitch the good old fashioned way.”
“And what do you suppose that is”
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iamdefinitelyreal · 3 days
Friendly reminder to all for this pride: you cannot get it wrong.
You're bi, but have only dated people from one gender? Still Bi!
You're nonbinary, but present in a stereotypically feminine/masculine way? Still valid!
Do you indentify as gay, but are attracted to someone of the opposute gender? Explore those feelings.
Are you feeling uncomfortable with your gender? All good. Do some research into different identities.
When I first came out, I found it incredibly stressful to define myself as something. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent, maybe i'm just riddled with anxiety, but I was a kid and didn't want to "fail" at being gay.
Everyone's identities are valid. If someone discourages, doesn't belive in your identity, it doesn't matter if that person is a part of the LGBTQ+ community: if they don't respect you, fuck them.
Take this pride to explore whoever is authentically you.
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Are you excited for TTPD or are you burnt out on Taylor and her constant media coverage and her pushing this relationship in our face at every moment? I’m not very excited for this album right now :///
Sorry for the yelling, but saw this on the tags and I felt seen.
Because I am soooooo over this album. I have been fan since debut, I mean I don’t know all her songs but I have always listened to her music. I have never been interested in her life as well. I only listened to her music and never focused on the other stuff. I was always been aware of some drama. But never really paid attention to it.
When midnight came out I I loved the album because I saw sooo much maturity in it and the music and her writing. I also loved her promotion of it and then the eras tour I was like that’s amazing how she has grown as human. But now I am sorry but I getting the IK from her and the swifties.
Her behaviour to me is sooo off putting, she is acting over the top. And the people she is surrounding herself with are soo questionable.
Her playing into fan theories, the playlists, the constant pap walks (they are obviously planned and staged to get her more exposure), and naming her album to match the group chat from Joe and his friends screams I am an immature and petty Ex.
I will still listen to the album when it comes out but will probably listen when it’s a been a minute since it’s released.
As a romance reader I thought the relationship was so cute, the football player and the pop star but these past two months have been so fucking cringe. I don’t know how to feel about her. Like you said it’s obviously PR, no way this is real. It’s just too over the top. You can have public relationships but this is not it, if you get what I am saying.
Sorry for the rant but I just got excited I found someone feeling the same way.
Sweet anon, don't apologise. For those of us that don't adhere to blind fanaticism, it can be an isolating and alienating experience in this fandom.
I feel the same. I was so proud of Tay's growth and her maturity when she renounced the Hollywood lifestyle and described it as a place of "lies" in Getaway Car. Her taking a step back and deciding to focus on music was so real and refreshing.
Now, all of that progress seems to be undone by her actions over the past 2 years. It's heart-breaking to witness.
I was also proud of her when she decided to be an activist and declared that she wanted to "be on the right side of history." Alas, now that she's on top again, she no longer cares about speaking out on what's right.
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strandsofgold · 10 months
so, i guess i'm kind if in the minority of players who actually really liked guarma. like, don't get me wrong, i really disliked the limited area, but the scenery is beautiful and the missions, god the missions, are so damn good. they do so much for the characters and the themes and the story as a whole and they are honestly the missions i replay most frequently.
one of these days i'm going to write a meta along the lines of "hercule vs. dutch: honest revolution and grifts" but that's for another time. right now i want to talk about javier, his relationship with dutch, and the idea that he "should've stayed a good guy".
i've seen a quite frankly confusing amount of people say that javier "would've sided with arthur" if it wasn't for rdr, and that he "wouldn't have turned bad". and i have a few problems with this.
in every single camp, javier has a multitude of random encounters and conversations that divulge his past; a past filled with want for a better world, revolution, betrayal, heartache, and loss of family. and then he describes how dutch found him and brought him into the gang. how he gave him a new purpose, something to fight for.
the sense of loyalty javier has towards dutch is just as strong, if not stronger, than arthur's.
in chapter 3, javier is beginning to doubt dutch. he believes in him fiercely, but there are holes in his plans that he cannot help but question. when he asks dutch about it, dutch lashes out, telling javier in no uncertain terms that he not only needs javier but that he needs javier strong. and the way javier reacts really underlines how unsure javier is of everything and how much he relies on dutch and the image javier has on him. he hesitates, he stutters, clearly unused to dutch talking to him like that, but ultimately gives in, willing to follow dutch to the ends of the earth, because dutch saved him, gave him a new family, and has yet to lead him astray.
and then guarma happens. javier is shot and captured – he essentially sacrifices himself to ensure the others' safety.
dutch and arthur come to his rescue. they could have easily left him to rot, and it would have probably been easier considering how heavily guarded the place is, but they don't. dutch puts himself directly in the line of fire and takes the extra weight of a wounded javier on his back while holding guards back with the help of arthur.
dutch could have easily died trying to save javier, was willing to put himself in mortal danger for javier, and javier notices. of course he does.
twice now, dutch has saved javier's life and brought him to what will/has become his family. how can he not double down on his loyalty?
on top of this, as dutch unravels further and further in chapter 6, the one thing he constantly rambles on about is loyalty and doubt and how the people doubting him are the reason for their downfall. and javier, who at this point believes even more fervently in dutch than he did before, hears this and sees the way john and arthur have begun questioning dutch, a man who – as javier believes and points out to them – raised them and gave them a family and a purpose to their lives, and comes to the same conclusion as dutch: they're the ones who have betrayed them.
so yeah, the idea that javier would have sided with arthur if rdr didn't exist is just wrong, even if you exclusively look at rdr2.
i also want to dismiss the idea that javier "became bad" in chapter six or that r* butchered his character. they didn't. what javier does in the last chapter lines up with everything i've mentioned above, and it doesn't make him a bad guy. putting aside the dumb idea that any character in rdr2 can be described as bad or good, that all the characters aren't morally gray and complicated, javier, till the very end, fought for what he thought was right, what he belived was right.
javier explicitly says that he is willing to die for what he believes in, for freedom, and unlike dutch, whose ideals i believe have eroded and nearly been cast aside by the time the game starts, this is a constant for javier. i believe that javier fervently believed in the ideals and philosphy dutch used to believe in, as well as the family dutch invited him into.
this doesn't mean that he doesn't eventually become a traditional villain in a sense. honestly, it's like r* put a neat little bow on the entire thing, because javier seems to undergo the same changes between rdr2 and rdr as dutch had before and during rdr2: he becomes everything he was previously against, everything he swore to destroy. javier abandons his ideals, actively fighting against revolution in mexico, and works for a man who, in cutscenes, has women dragged away to be raped – a villain in every sense of the word.
in my opinion, rdr2 did the same thing for javier as it did for dutch – it humanised him, made him redeemable and sympathetic, ultimately making his reappearance in rdr and john's life all the more tragic and horrible.
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itstokkii · 19 days
AHHH thank you so much for your reply!! The drawings…so so cute.
Also I cannot BELIVE I forgor to mention this in my first ask but your are galaxy brained for The Forbidden trio/AmeKorPan
you're welcome !! it's always a pleasure to talk about and draw more amekor!!
regarding forbidden trio.. it was an idea that spawned in my head after i was watching the news and they kept going on and on about korea-us-jp talks and i just imagined what that kind of dynamic would be like.
power dynamics, neocolonialism and cultural hegemons aside(💀), I imagined in a more lighthearted lens(??) of south korea and japan shooting each other glares across the desk, or using flowery language to express their disdain for each other, and america being like "guys what's going on???? just get along!" kind of like the third wheel child that doesn't understand a lot. hence the initial sketch of the forbidden trio. i named them that because with the way their explosive dynamic works, it's almost "forbidden" for them to be together in the same room as a trio. but unfortunately they are a lot lol.
you'll catch them fighting over what food to order for lunch, or going to a karaoke room for the night and screaming their hearts out.
korea and japan both clown on america for his stationery before they start arguing over whose stationery is the cutest.
america spends enough time with them to sort of...start wearing dripped out clothes?!?!? surprisingly(unsurprisingly actually, whenever you're surrounded by people who know how to dress you start asking them for tips)
japan and korea are both aware of the events happening in their cafes. one day korea convinces all of them to buy enough things to get...the free sanrio umbrella. japan isn't complaining. in fact, it's something he agrees on with korea for once.
because japan and korea go way back they start hurling chengyu(traditional chinese 4 character idioms) at each other. america's lost and begins to space out. what an efficient meeting!
korea also loves to assert dominance over japan for being the older one, and the one to introduce japan to confucianism as a middleman between china and japan.
the day korea found japans twice merch collection it was so over for him poor keekoo
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Heyyyy! How are you doing?
Can I please request a fic with lee! Raine and Ler! Darius from The Owl House? Raine won't stop calling their group the C.A.Ts, mostly to get a rise out of Darius (it's working😂). Fed up after Raine ignores his warnings, Darius pins him down and wrecks the shit out of him. Raine is a nervous bard, so he cannot stand tickle anticipation and Darius knows this. Cut to a few minutes later and Raine is giggling up a storm while Darius is just smiling at him and saying things like, 'I'm not even touching you...'
I am alive, thx for asking! THIS IS SUCH A GOOD PROMPT LIKE- It's cute and fluffy and I love it. I'm gonna be honest, i pumped most of this out after midnight. I hope this doesn't suck. Sorry this took so long, schoolwork started back up and I got swampedddd. Enjoy!
Lee: Raine
Ler: Darius
Summary: Raine is being a little shit and annoying Darius with the group name. He decides to teach the pesky bard a lesson.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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"Or, for short, the CATTS!"
Darius despised that name. Not because of the stupidity, and not because of embarrassment. He hated it because Raine loved to annoy him with it. Every chance they got, every set-up for a cat pun, Raine would be there to tease him about it.
Now, Raine wasn't doing it maliciously, of course. They didn't want to actually upset the other coven head. They just saw a way to make the ever-stoic and sassy Darius groan or stifle a laugh. So, like any reasonable person would, they did it as often as possible. Just to see the ghost of a smile or hear the small, choked sound of a chuckle from the man. Some days they just took it a bit too far. Today was one of those days.
Running through the halls of the base, Raine searched for Darius. They had the perfect idea for new masks. Luz had shown them some drawings of human-world cats, and they absolutely loved them. True, soft and fluffy isn't exactly a typical rebellion style, but that can change. At the very least, it'll be fun to annoy Darius with.
Finally, they found the abominations head. He was fixing some of the damaged uniforms and clothes for the members. Raine ran up to him, showing him the pad of paper. "Darius! What do you think of these new designs for the CATTS uniforms?"
He didn't respond for a second, waiting to see if that was a joke. When he found out it wasn't, he shook his head, sighing. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Raine, I don't even know where to- are those paw-pad gloves?"
Raine nodded excitedly, pointing to the glove design. "Yeah! I figured, since we're the CATTS, we might as well look the part. You, Eda, Luz and me even get tails." They smirked, turning the page to show him their outfits. They had Darius in a purple-themed calico cat outfit. They even had cat ears in the design. "I think they're purr-fect. What about you?"
That little... they're so dead. Using his magic, he sent an abomination to grab Raine, holding the bard's arms above their head and keeping them in place. He stood from his workbench, slowly making his way over to the restrained Raine.
"Raine Whispers... I belive I've told you about my thoughts on the whole cat thing, correct?" Darius placed his hand on their side, just resting it there. Raine nodded, squirming under his touch. They knew what was coming. "I thought so. And what, exactly, are those thoughts?"
Raine shrugged, a wobbly smile on their face. They knew they were screwed. The bard twisted and tugged at their arms, but the abomination didn't budge. Darius had them right where he wanted them. "Let me remind you: I am NOT AMUSED!"
With a playful growl, Darius dug his fingers into the bard's sides, roughly clawing and poking at the sensitive skin. Raine squealed, squirming and tugging at their goopy restraints. The abomination didn't budge.
"DAHARIHUHUHUS! PLEHEHEASE!" Darius going straight for their sides was not something they were ready for. Raine's laughter was loud and pitchy, their cheeks quickly reddening. It was their worst spot, after all.
"Please? I remember saying that many times when you would make cat puns or annoy me with that cursed team name. And, as I'm sure you remember, you did not stop. It's fitting that I shouldn't either."
Darius was enjoying himself. Sure, it's a bit childish, but it gets the job done. He would never harm his friend, and the tickling gets his message aross just fine. Did he need to be so cruel about it? No, but that's half the fun.
That "fun" is a very different story when you're on the receiving end. Sure, it wasn't awful, but their death spot for too long was getting a bit intense. "COHOHOME OHON! GAHAHA- GOHOHO SOHOMEWHERE EHEHEHELSE!"
His fingers immediately moved up to Raine's neck, fluttering his fingers across the pinkened skin. He didn't wanna push their boundaries. Their loud, shaky laughter turned to squeaky, almost childish giggling. It did nothing to help their blush, the red color quickly spread further down his neck and to his ears.
"Dahahahariuhus! Quihihit it!" They scrunched up their shoulder as best as they could, trying to block Darius's hands. "Maybe someone should've laid off on the feline puns." He was honestly just having fun teasing the bard at this point, though they didn't need to know that.
Raine didn't know if their face could get any more red. Their bouncy, squeaky giggles were music to Darius's ears. Though he couldn't stay there forever. That'd just be unfair, both to him and Raine. He let his hands drift downward, stopping on the bard's ribcage.
Their gigging ramped back up into laughter, though it wasn't half as loud as before. Raine tugged at their arms, but to no avail. Darius's magic held them firmly in place and at his mercy. "You know, you've really brought this upon yourself. I've told you countless times not to bring up the cat thing around me. Yet you still press me, daily, on the matter. It's almost as if you wanted this."
The bard shook their head, hastily denying the comment. They knew he was just teasing, but still. Raine wasn't exactly aiming for this result, but it's not unwelcome in the least. They might've wanted to make Darius chuckle, but they weren't against having a laugh themselves. No reason for Darius to know that, though. "GEHEHET OFF! DAHAHARIUS!"
Darius suddenly got a very fun, very mean idea. Inspired by his friend's words, he pulled his hands away, hovering them over their sides. "Alright then. If you wish, I'll stop touching you." He teasingly wiggled his fingers, just shy of meeting their skin. They giggled and twisted around, eyeing his hands nervously. Oho, that prick-
"Dariuhuhus! Thahat- this ihisn't fair!" The abomination covenhead just huffed, shaking his head. "You need to make up your mind, Raine. 'Touch me, don't touch me.' It's rather confusing." He acted like he was going to go for their sides, faking them out at the last moment. The bard squealed and jolted out of instinct, making the other coven head laugh.
"I'm not even touching you, Raine. If you're that ticklish, I think you should invest in some body armor. I mean, if Belos found out about this, you'd be toast. A few illusionists sending some feathers near your sides and poof: no more revolution." He wiggled his fingers teasingly, drawing a line in the air right above their stomach. It was kinda cute how they giggled and squirmed at the almost-touch.
"Wohohohould you juhust- quihit! This ihis ehehevil!" They hate anticipation. It's just... why? They know he's gonna tickle them again, why drag it out like that? Their giggles bounced around the room as they squirmed like a worm on a hook.
"Why would I ever do that? And what do you mean by quit? Quit stalling and tickle you again, quit teasing you, quit calling you out? There's a lot of possibilities here, Raine. You've got to be specific."
He smirked, just hovering his hands over their sides. His fingers twitched absent-mindedly, sending shivers down the other's spine. Raine knew they weren't getting out of there without getting tickled again. Might as well own it.
"Juhust- shut uhup ahand t-tickle me ahalready!" Darius could've been very mean. He had plenty of things to tease the bard with. Their burning cheeks, stuttering on the t-word, eagerness to get wrecked. But he didn't. He dug his fingers into Raine's sides once again, clawing and scratching and wiggling his fingers on their death spot.
Raine all but shrieked. The anticipation had made everything twice as bad, their laughter loud and boisterous. It's not something you see- or hear -every day. "NAHAHAHA! DAHAHARIUHUHUS! IHIT- GAHAHAHA!"
The man was silent, just smirking as he wrecked the poor bard. Even though they had literally asked for it, Darius would feel guilty if he teased them. At least for the moment. He just tickled them, his fingers scribbling mercilessly against Raine's sides.
Barely two minutes later, Raine was practically done. Their squirming had almost stopped, their laugh taking on a wheezing edge. If not for the abomination, they would have collapsed by now. Seeing the behavior shift, Darius slowly stopped his tickling, rubbing at their sides to try and calm the phantom tickles. "You alright, Raine?"
Said bard all but went limp in the abomination's grip, hanging their head as they got the rest of their giggles out. They were exhausted, the tickling thoroughly tiring them out. Darius chuckled as he wrapped an arm around them. He dismissed the abomination, catching before they could faceplant. They mumbled a "thanks" before going limp in his arms.
Darius led them over to their bunk, laying them down and pulling the thin blanket over them. Raine didn't react much as they melted into the soft mattress. Darius shook his head, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he left them to rest.
Maybe he could make just one of those uniforms... if only to humor them. Yes, that sounds right. Sitting back at his workbench, Darius grabbed some fuzzy fabric, making Raine's CATTS design. The things he does for his friends...
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thunder-threnodies · 4 months
🌹 OK so. Jamie. my guy. um. I have a full write up of them in my bio but the basic jist of the boisterous author is they are the current poet laureate, loves talking about themself, literary references, very loud and cheerful, and extremely chatty. big fan of parties and wine/champagne, and little snacks.
they enjoy flirting with anyone and everyone, but its never really meant as anything serious. they like to have fun.
The Singing Mandrake had set up its main salon so it could host a decent number of participants to the ball organised for the Feast of the Rose.
The Captain is waiting by the bar, vaguely smiling, bright Cosmogone Spectacles on Peligin eyes.
As Jamie approaches, dressed up in a manner that sent clearly the message "yes. I'm that author", thou in a very non-aggressive way. And yet they shine.
Captain Dargor smiles warmingly, and invites Jamie to join them at the bar. "First few rounds are on me, tonight. Tell me more about your latest work, would you?"
As the drinks go down and the alcohol level goes up, the discussion shifts to books and writings: the Captain is a huge fan of the most talked Poet Laureate of the moment and quickly they begin discussing poetry, prose, novels and storytelling.
When the false-night goes on, the music gets more frantic, more cheerful. They laugh loudly, they exchange scandalous snippets from their respective works, safe from intrusive ears from the dances and music. The Captain almost always makes eye contact, flatters and jests with their whole body language, getting closer and going back, as if Jamie was gently pulled by the Zee herself. Francis Dargor themselves is mesmerized: there's something in Jamie that makes them feel alive.
The Captain bows in a way that comes through as both ironical and elegant, estending their hand out to Jamie: a slight glint in their eyes and looking into them Jamie can almost feel the excitement and joie de vivre that they sparked in the Captain's heart, tonight.
They reach for Dargor's hand, and they pull them close, not letting their bodies touch but close and winks. They spend the next few hours dancing and stealing the spotlights from everyone, untill exhausted, they both sit laughing at a table, full off little, tasty morsels of various Neathly food.
"What's your favourite book? The work of yours your most proud of? I cannot belive you told this story at the court! Oh god and they said what?"
Light chat, loud laugh and the heat left form the (not) coincidential and occasional touch of Dargor's hand, always respectful, always light as a breeze and yet present. The plenty of food and booze, the music and everything else makes Jamie feel dizzy, euphoric and like they could just dance till the 7th city fall.
With a weird look in their eyes, the Captain asks Jamie if they'd like to try something. They reach for a small case and takes out a fiddle or perhaps a small violin.
They officially end the night at the Singing Mandrake with Jamie declaring, almost singing, some of their pieces, and the Captain playing the violin in the salon, lit by the low burning candles: many couples swing gently on the dance floor and many more are entwined in the shadows: kissing, hugging, and... much more in some cases.
The Captain takes Jamie for a stroll around the Bazaar sidestreets, up to a secret rooftop; silver sigils light the streets below. They tell thems stories, stories of love lost and found again, of irrigo eyes and peligin tears. Of the blood running hot and wild, of the cold of the Zee. They take Jamies hands in theirs and composes a quick ode to them and this unexpectedly wonderful night.
"I must thank you, Poet Laureate. This nigh is a night I will remember and your company, your voice and your warmth will be my beacon."
They smile and a single tear rolls down Jamie's cheek. Probably, they'll never see this Pirate again.
The next morning, Jamie finds a single Violant rose on their door step and a letter smelling of salt, of lonliness and the wood of a loved and old violin.
"Keep on writing Poet Laureate, for a Poet Pirate always needs more stories to tell. May the Storm be with you."
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I cannot belive myself
I recommended your own fic series to you
Well, since I know your th author, I just want to say i love your first so much
I actually printed out a few of them and put them in a folder
( now I'm imagining getting my recommendation for ur own fiction series )
i never thought someone would like my fics so much they’d print em out i don’t even know what do say holy SHIT, AND YOU PUT EM IN A FOLDER TOO? GOD.
Tumblr media
(found the pic on pintrest)
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long-life-to-bsd · 11 months
I definitely wasn't planning a part 2 (even though I had the scenario in my mind already) , but sure, why not: I love Fyodor so much and I love writing about him too. Especially in stories like this.
I'm also really happy that you liked it🥺🥺😭😭, thank you so much💗💗
It's for your own good pt.2
Pairings: fyodor × female reader
Warnings: toxic and abusive relationships, manipulation, Fyodor and his God complex, drugs
The last few hours had been a living nightmare. You couldn't decide if we're more anxious about what you did to Fyodor, his health or the possibility that something went wrong. But for this last thing you were lucky enough to count on Nikolai.
"Oh no, oh no no no dear. Oh no. We cannot have Fyodor losing his little dove, can't we? I will absolutely do my best. You are my favourite form of entertainment, do you know?" He was thrilled about it. And even if you weren't sure about him, certainly he knew more than you about Fyodor's plan. Your boyfriend never considered you good enough to have an actual important part in his plans. And considering what you just did, maybe he was right. Why did it even occur to you that it was a brilliant idea?
But now, waiting for the drugs to end their effects is truly terrifying. Checking the hour, then keeping an eye on the monitors, making sure Fyodor was still alive... all with the fear of the consequences of your actions. And considering that Fyodor was supposed to be already awake, you started panicking about the amount of drugs you used.
You obsessively checked his pulse, almost forgetting about the fever that seemed to have gotten much better. He looked incredibly pretty while sleeping. So relaxed, so normal and yet, so magnificent. But if usually you would have lost yourself in his beauty, today it terrified you. His hand that you usually found so elegant looked to you like the weapons they are. His mouth that you loved to kiss looked ready to pronounce your death sentence. His hair that you loved to brush and braid looked stained with your bood.
"It's good to know that my little traitor is terrified by her actions." His raspy voice echoed in the empty room. In the moment you knew that your examination was starting: he was contemplating if it was worth something keepingyou alive. With a shaking hand you offered him a glass of water "for your throat" you said in an excessively sweet voice. You then drank a bit of it: because you felt like you were burning and to show him it was OK, you weren't drugging him again.
"My traitor is so sweet with me now. Offering something to drink to me, I'm honoured. And don't bother showing me that the water is safe, I know it is. I know you know how to use drugs safely, I taught you." He said with a smirk. Obviously you knew how to use them, he taught you. Except that he forgot to say how. He forgot to mentions the times you found yourself passed out.
"My little traitor lost her words? Don't yo want to say sorry?" He was still weak, his voice was showing that, but the resting had definitely helped him. At least your death wasn't completely useless.
"I'm sorry Fedya. I wasn't thinking, but you see... you have to understand" the desperation in your voice was like honey to him " I did for you, I did because I was worried and you never listen to me. Belive me, I am sorry, but I would do it again because your well being is all that matters to me. Sorry". You definitely looked desperate and you could tell by looking at the bliss on Fyodor's face. You felt tears running down your face: did you deserve this? The person that was supposed to love and protect you laughing at your desperation, deciding if he needed to kill you or not.
You gently took his hand and kneeled next to your bed, hiding your face in it, almost like you were praying. If you wanted a chance to survive you needed to humiliate yourself, you knew it. So when his other hand caressed your head you felt relieved. And sick. It was the moment. He was deciding. You saw thousands of men being in your position, praying for their God to save them. You don't remember someone walking away.
In the room your silent cries were the only sound. If felt like ages: he liked it, he craved your desperation. Deep down in his heart he wanted to save you. He cherished those moments with you, you tenderness with him, your support, you kisses. You were a devote companion. A loyal follower. A caring partner. But not anymore. You made him angry with your foolishness. But were you replaceable?
The only thing he knew was that you had to be punished. He wanted to hurt you, but maybe not by killing you. No. If he'd saved you, you were his forever. You would have to be grateful to him, to kiss his feet thanking him for his mercy. You would have leaved in fear and terror waiting for him to snap. An obedient sweet companion. Sure, he didn't except you to always stay silent, it was part of the fun, but seeing you desperate after, praying for his forgiveness? Could he actually renounce to all of this?
"You know dear" He said interrupting the loud silence "it didn't surprise me that someone dumb like you made such a mistake. But it was also my fault, I should have known better, controlled you more, teach you better... don't you agree that you can't do nothing without me?"
You fastly nodded, ready to say everything he wanted, to do anything he asked. He was so good. So loving with you. Forgiving someone dirty and impure like you...
"Punishing you for something I'm guilty too isn't right, don't you think? And is it even a betrayal if you did for your boyfriend to feel better? No. I wouldn't have forgiven you, but like this? No, I'm sure you really weren't thinking, little thing. You did it because you love me" He continued looking in your eyes, stroking your hair. He looked and sounded so sweet. You could forgive him anything when he was like that.
He then abruptly took a fist full of your hair and pulled you towards his face and whispered cruelly in your ear "But you better start behaving now. I don't give a second chance to no one. Do you understand, dumb bitch?"
His words left you speechless. You understood in that moment who was in front of you. Or better. You remembered who was in front of you. You felt yourself drowning in fear, slowly understanding what life was waiting for you.
And yet, you couldn't find Fyodor anything but handsome. You still cherished his touch. Like all the other times. His slaps hurted, but his hands on your face felt so sweet. You loved him ti the point it made you sick. But could it be different? Could a sane person love him?
You were still there, crying silently, kneeled next to him after he had left your hair go. His hand was still on your head though. I gently reminder of his powered over you. You looked so pretty in his eyes in that moment. Prettier then ever. His little pet was finally obeying him. He even felt sorry for his harsh word, but maybe it was the drug, still fogging his mind, softening him.
Was it his fault if you acted like that? You deserved what you got. You had to be grateful. Only in this way you could be purified from your actions. Only obeying him could make you pure again, maybe even more than before.
He was going to be good whith, he thought. He was going to teach you. He would be patient but strict. He would be merciful with his little dumb pet.
He gestured you to stand up. Immediately you did it: everything to make him happy. And in fact, he smiled. He smiled at seeing you shivering for the terror in front of him. He smiled at seeing you obeying.
"But before you, why don't you give me a kiss, dear? I'm sure it would make me fell much better. Do it for my own good. Do it for your own good."
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orii-blogs-stuff · 2 months
Hello! Am sending a questions about your Ascendence of a Bookworm x Resturant to Another World AU.
Which was you favorite part to write so far?
Has anyone traded goods such as plants or meats from Yurgenschmidt (hope I remember how to spell that) to Nekoya yet?
How well known is the restaurant among the merchants and commoners of Yurgen?
I find it fascinating to think of what the restaurant can make with the plants and meats found in each duchy that cannot be found on Earth.
I like how you managed to show the differences of culture, what the nobles expect to experience vs their real customer service experience, and the way the people who become regulars adapt to it in their own way.
I especially like how you’ve incorporated the regular order nicknames to each person. Once I remember who is who, it’s interesting to think of how the scenarios will play out with those present.
How did you come up for the favorite meals of other characters and do you have a list of them?
Thank you for making this wonderful story. I never thought this crossover would happen but now that it did, it is amazing! Hope you have a great day!
I wasn't really expecting an ask but I'm so happy I got one~~!!
Ok so from top to bottom:
My favourite part has to be writing about the Nobles meeting Mestionora, there just this delicious sort of (idk what to call it, karma maybe?) Thing in the air where Nobles are getting treated the same way most of them would treat the commoners you know what I mean, if face of a metaphysical cosmic entity they are *nothing* and the realization of that feels like such a juicy thing to write.
Yes, Mako and his fellow chef Leo are always trying to find ways to incorporate local food from Yurgenschmidt and the other world into their resrurant menu, Rozemyne traded a few fruits and veggies for cacao and coffee beans in the beginning when Alexandria's country gate wasnt connected to the land of sand. Now Rozemyne only imports cacao and about a kilogram or natto every week.
It's a bit of an Urban legend amongst merchants, especially travelling merchants, some don't belive it, others swear they saw it, benno makes a lot of money from all the new exotic foods Rozemyne brings with her to Alexandria and traveling merchants (atleast, the ones who found it) make it a point to find and label all (or as many) Nekoya doors they can find on their way (because food is essential to traveling merchants and their families) tho it's mostly not mentioned in the story itself cuz its a bit irrelevant to the plot (aka: I can't figure out a way to incorporate it without sounding forced it)
Aww thank you~~ ya I'd also love to see what the chefs could come up with using Yurgen meats and veggies.
I haven't made a list of them. Also I put a bit of thought into the names because that's the least amount of effort I could atleast put into the characters, example:-
Shuu - he's a Vtuber, meaning many sleepless nights, meaning he needs a lot of energy boosts to go about his day such as caffeine, so I chose melon soda because melon soda seems to be pretty popular in Japan.
😭😭😭 I am legit sobbing~~!! Thank you very much!! And have a great day as well!
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darkleysgarden · 1 year
Before the Obey Me prequel comes out, I want to wrote out what I think Solomon's whole connection is.
Go read my first theory on this first. This is mostly a play-by-play. My actual reasonings and all are put there. Though, I've kinda changed my mind a little and do think they were more than friends.
So, Solomon's important. The game takes place after the Celestial War. And at this time, Solomon shouldn't be relevant. So, why is he?
Here is my little story:
A young, naive Solomon meets a beautiful young girl named Lilith. He is instantly charmed and falls in love. The two go on to date. This whole time, Lilith is hiding the fact that she is an angel. Though, unbeknownst to her, Solomon has this natural magical ability inside him. He isn't fooled but doesn't mind that she is angelic. In fact, it interests him as a smart, curious young man. She sparks a lot of his creativity and interest in magic. He begins to practice magic, and even becomes decently well known to the point that Michael recognizes him.
As you all know....this doesn't last. Solomon gets sick and is given a magical fruit by Lilith that allows him to live longer. Then the war, her death, you know this one.
After her death, Solomon is struck by grief (reasonably). His sorcery becomes much more crazed after losing someone so important to him. He makes demonic connections he never even would've considered making before. Eventually, these connections lead him to Barbatos.
Barbatos holds control over time. Solomon found this out and was hopeful that he could impress the demon somehow and get the one he loved back. He summoned Barbatos. And this is not just a regular Tuesday for anyone. Present-day Asmodeus calls him insane for doing this. Any normal human would have died. He was on the brink of death. Barbatos shows up and is decently impressed at his survival. Because of this, he is willing to make a pact with Solomon. Though, not before laughing at Solomon and chewing him out for making such a "foolish request" (which is what I believe to be his request to bring back Lilith).
Solomon is disappointed that he cannot do anything to get her back. He enters an era that he isn't proud of in the slightest. He is sucked up into his experiments and constantly makes new pacts. He is ruining himself in the process. This is when he even manages to make himself immortal.
Barbatos is finally like, "Dude, I'll help you a little. This is depressing." So, Barbatos arranges for him to meet Asmodeus. Now, Barbatos has said many times before that their meeting is no accident. When he says this, Asmo brushes it off unknowingly, and Solomon seemingly wants to hide that fact. Barbatos orders Solomon to sit in the bar to talk with Asmo to help get the man up onto his feet. Talking to Lilith's family. Lucifer is the ONLY one who ever met Solomon. And, you know Lucifer, he kept it quiet and never told anyone. That's why Solomon is intrigued specifically by Lucifer. He knew him. The two make a pact and inevitably become close. And this is where the secrets start.
Lucifer is already hiding everything about Lilith and Solomon. He doesn't like associating with Solomon for this reason. Solomon doesn't want Asmo to know about the fabrication that was their first meeting. Because, truthfully, he now really cared for Asmo and his brothers. He didn't want to harm them any further when they were so sensitive about her fresh death. Then, he just couldn't say anything. It was far too late.
I think that this makes a lot of sense for his overall character and his relationships with others. The secrecy around his past mainly. He keeps so quiet about the people he used to love, his meeting with Barbatos, the meeting with Asmo, because it all connected back to Lilith. And he doesn't want to tell anyone about her.
Bonus: He met Thirteen around this time too. He was trying to get her to bring Lilith back. And I belive that Diavolo enlisted her help to get Lilith reincarnated. Therefore, Thirteen was just there thinking, "Damn, this girl is popular."
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