#i blame Dave Filoni
auxxrat · 9 months
Star Wars community as a WHOLE needs to talk about the constant disrespect that Tem has gotten.
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candiedstardust · 5 months
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Me a newfound Star Wars lover, forcing my entire family to watch Rebels and listen to me explain the lore behind my favorite bbys after spending most of my lifetime openly hating Star Wars
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foundfamilynonsense · 7 months
Y’know. Anakin was a real asshole in Ahsoka’s hallucination.
Like. She mentions something about what she’ll be able to teach her padawan one day, since all she’s being taught is how to be a soldier, and Anakin’s like “teaching’s not all it’s cracked up to be”
And like. Asshole move. And Ahsoka rightfully calls him out on it. And he goes on the whole “uuuh I was joking. Lighten up.” Literally a complete jackass.
But beyond how he answered the question, it’s a valid complaint Ahsoka is bringing up! Anakin’s teaching her how to live or die. But Ahsoka wants to be taught how to be a jedi.
What happens after the war is over (order 66 never happens) and she now has to navigate a galaxy without a war? The Jedi take teaching very seriously there’s no greater honor than teaching a padawan. And she’s not being accurately taught, so she will not be able to pass anything on to the next generation.
But Anakin brushes it aside because he simply does not respect her or her wishes. Like. He never wanted a padawan, despite teaching being foundational to the Jedi. And he only took ahsoka in because he started to like her and became attached to her. He doesn’t care about jedi legacy, not really. So he brushes her comment off with a joke.
But in the rest of the vision… idk it didn’t feel like we were supposed view Anakin as entirely wrong here. He wasn’t in the right, he was definitely channeling Vader and being an ass, but he was basically the reason Ahsoka survived the fall, right? Bc he was making her choose life? When Ahsoka wins against him it’s sort of like she’s both learned his lesson and moved beyond him. And then for the rest of the season he’s only talked about in positive ways.
And like. That one line ahsoka said was really powerful in relation to the entire point of the show. What does she have to pass onto her own padawan (Sabine) if she wasn’t properly trained herself? That is, perhaps, the only valid plot question asked in the entire show. And it doesn’t get an answer. It’s never even brought up again.
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crowhoonter · 9 months
The problem with how Mandalorians are currently written
I have a lot of gripes with "The Mandalorian" and how the new Star Wars canon has handled Mando culture in general, but I think the biggest problem with all of it is how they made the Mandalorians good people. The show, for example, has treated the Children of the Watch as just being a normal group in its later seasons, and not like the fucking cult that it is. For some reason, everyone is just okay with this? Like, the first season of the show really set them up as a dangerous, fringe, and generally insane cult that a few people followed, but it dropped that really quickly in favor of having all Mandalorians be the good guys because people can't handle protagonists not being saints I guess. Same thing with Bo-Katan actually. Bo-Katan is one of my favorite characters in Star Wars, her arc through Clone Wars and Rebels was really well handled, but Mandalorian has really fucked the dog with writing her. She is not, and should not be a good person. Sympathetic yes, understandable yes, but not a morally upstanding person. She was a part of a fundamentalist terrorist cell that aimed to destabilize a peaceful democracy in favor of returning to the "old ways," and she somewhat succeeded in that until Maul messed everything up. She continued to vie for power during the imperial era, and it ended with a near genocide of her people. But sure, somehow she's now an okay person who's gonna unite the people for real this time. Also, going back to the Children of the Watch thing, having her faith in the cause restored from watching Din be a fanatic for a bit was... certainly a decision. She shouldn't be a well adjusted normal person, she should be a fucking insane wreck. Mandalorian's, the real gun-ho warrior ones, aren't good people. They aren't puppy-kickers or anything, they aren't pure evil, but they are pretty damn far from being good. These are mercenaries, criminals, warlords, so on and so forth. They are still clinging to glory from the Mandalorian wars, a conflict that ended well over 3000 years ago. As it was said in KotOR, they are warriors, and most of the galaxy fears these Warriors for good reason. KotOR really had the best mandalorians in terms of writing hands down, if you want quality stuff with them go play that.
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nateofgreat · 10 months
“The Ahsoka series trailer shows that the evil Kathleen Kennedy must’ve gotten involved and will make Ahsoka into a Mary Sue!”
Yeah, no. That’s just Dave, have you not been paying attention to how he writes Ahsoka?
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ratbaby1566 · 1 month
Finally finished clone wars for the first time and I am NOT ok. Feel like my heart has been ripped from my chest and stabbed by a thousand knives. Gonna cry forever about this methinks. Currently feel like screaming and sobbing. I also watched rots just before siege of mandolore for double the heartbreak and anguish, if you ever wanna feel like a shell of a person I truly highly recommend. Just to be clear I'm already planning on rewatching right away cause I'm a stupid dumb idiot who apparently likes putting myself through hell over and over again. If I sound like I'm being dramatic it's cause I am, but seriously I am in so so so much pain this actually might be what kills me. Maybe this next rewatch will hurt less (it will not).
K, rant over bye.
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samaspic31 · 1 year
Everytime i watch or read old sw material I’m like. Oh that’s where filoni got this idea. Oh that’s who filoni named this character after. I swear, he actually invents so so so so little. The bad batch is delta squad copy pasted and watered down. He even take arcs from the fucking droids 2D animated series and he gets away with it because too few people have watched it
Also did you know there’s a dumb villain named KYBO REN in the fucking 2D droids cartoon. I have gone fully insane since watching that episode. Not even the name is original about kyle Ron it’s a fucking droids reference
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short-wooloo · 1 month
Now that the trailer is out, it's probably best that I get this out of the way before acolyte releases
The Jedi are right about the Force and the dark side
The Jedi did not lose their way
The Jedi were not corrupted
The genocide of the Jedi was not their fault
The Jedi are not wrong for being part of the Republic, it is in fact a good thing
The Jedi are not arrogant for thinking the sith are gone
and while we're at it the sith are evil, always, end of discussion
The Jedi do not steal children
If someone wants to leave the Jedi, that's allowed, no one will stop them
The Jedi are right about attachment
Attachment is not love (SW uses the Buddhist definition because Lucas is a Buddhist and the Jedi are based off Buddhist monks, Buddhism defines attachment as being possessive or unwilling to let go of people or things)
The Jedi do not forbid emotions, they forbid being controlled by your emotions, you must control them
The Jedi are not forbidden from loving people, nor are they celibate, they just can't get married (big whup) because their duties must come first
Being peacekeepers doesn't preclude the Jedi from fighting in war, sometimes to keep the peace you have to fight back, especially when its against tyranny, see WWII (or Ukraine today)
Gray jedi are not a thing
The Jedi are not slavers or complicit in slavery
Oh and of course, the Jedi are not elitists for not training non Force sensitives, (Han voice) that's not how the Force works, dave filoni broke the rules so he could shoehorn sabine into a Jedi (to give the benefit of the doubt, I do believe sabine's role as ahsoka's apprentice was meant for an original character but things got condensed by executives, so maybe filoni isn't entirely to blame here)
Feel free to add anything I forgot
Do not, DO NOT!! add anything Jedi critical, I'm done with it and won't hear it, don't have something nice to say? Then go away, I will block on sight, either reblog without comment (either in the reblog or the notes) or don't interact at all
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david-talks-sw · 3 months
"I blame Red Riding Hood's Mom!"
"Obi-Wan was a parent surrogate for Anakin, but was terrible at it. He tried to instruct Anakin in the austere, objective Jedi way, but didn’t notice that Anakin did not have a foundation of humanity on which a conscience and good decision-making are based. Obi-Wan looked on Anakin as a brother... but Anakin needed a father. And there was no father. [The Prequel Jedi] unprepared to deal with, to guide, someone who was deeply mired in that world." - Aaron Allston, Star Wars Insider #145, 2013
"Obi-Wan trains Anakin, at first, out of a promise he makes to Qui-Gon, not because he cares about him. [...] He's a brother to Anakin, eventually, but he's not a father figure. That's a failing for Anakin. He doesn't have the family that he needs." - Dave Filoni, Disney Gallery: Mandalorian, “Legacy” 2020
"Anakin— yeah he ultimately makes the choice to turn to the Dark Side… but he has not, like… all of the systemic support that someone should have - when they experience trauma at the ages that he has experienced trauma - like, he has none of that, there." - Mike Chen, Star Wars Explained, 2022
The above statements are provably inaccurate, but hey it's a take that can be had. Sure. There's always more that could've been done.
Thing is, Anakin's story is one about personal responsibility. Per George Lucas, the core message of Star Wars, as a whole, is about you - dear viewer aged 6 to 12 who are starting to think for themselves - learning to be more selfless than selfish, more compassionate than greedy.
Anakin's story shows what happens when you don't do that.
Blaming the Jedi Order/Obi-Wan for what happened to Anakin is the same as arguing:
"Red Riding Hood getting eaten by the Wolf is her Mom's fault! What was she thinking, sending a child out to wander alone?! Of course she got eaten by a Wolf, she a kid, she don't know better!"
You can argue that. You can argue that Red Riding Hood's Mom should've gone with her to see Grandma. But that's not the point of the story, the point is "kids, don't try to take the quick/easy path because it's usually dangerous, and don't talk to strangers."
And I've yet to meet someone who would unironically blame Red Riding Hood's Mom. Because it's obvious that doing so would miss the point entirely.
Yet we do have a big chunk of the fandom whose takeaway from the Prequels is that Anakin's fall is on the Jedi's shoulders, even though that also misses the point.
That only indicates, to me, that what it's really about is...
For one generation, coping with a dislike of the Prequels. Trying to make them make sense and coming up with a headcanon that makes them "good," and nuanced.
For the younger audiences (first the one the Prequels were meant for but now also the Disney-era one), it's just them reciting what they've seen in the movies... which have been recontextualized and retconned through media written by people coming from that previous generation listed in point 1.
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marvelstars · 2 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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bedlamsbard · 7 months
not to talk about Star Wars on main and I'd fight Dave Filoni in a Waffle House parking lot as much as the next burned out former Star Wars fan, but also it is so funny to me when people blame Dave for stuff in TCW that comes directly from George Lucas. Ahsoka being Anakin's padawan was George Lucas's decision, not Dave Filoni's.
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from The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which I realize has been out of print for a good long while now.
text: A teenage Togruta Padawan, Ahsoka Tano was a completely new character. "Ahsoka came out of an earlier idea for the series when I didn't think we were going to have Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in it," says Filoni. "Henry [Gilroy] and I came up with a concept about two Jedi, a Master and a Padawan, assigned to the black market."
Though they jettisoned the concept once Lucas made it clear that the series would feature Skywalker and Kenobi, Gilroy and Filoni stuck with the idea of a girl Padawan. "Dave and I figured that Anakin was a Jedi Knight very early in the war, so we thought it would be interesting if we gave Obi-Wan a replacement Padawan," recalls Gilroy. "But George wanted her to be Anakin's Padawan."
"We added the idea of a Padawan so that we wouldn't be stuck in the same relationship dynamic between Anakin and Obi-Wan," says Lucas. "This is a way of explaining Anakin's rise to being a full-fledged Jedi, and at the same time the growing relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan as friends, as equals. In order to do that, we needed someone to take on the role of the younger person who is being taught in these stories."
"We were as surprised as anyone that Anakin had a Padawan," laughs Filoni, who got the task of figuring out how to work a major new character into the Star Wars saga. Filoni and Gilroy developed her character as a mix between Anakin's brashness and Obi-Wan's measured judgment, reflecting the shift between the Republic and the oncoming Empire.
"Anakin is in favor of a stricter type of government. Obi-Wan represents the Old Republic," explains Filoni. "Ahsoka's in between them, looking back at what was, looking forward to what might be."
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oh-three · 1 month
Bad Batch S3E9:
Beautiful opening shots and music
Guysss, Cross as updated his armor a bit….I miss the antenna pauldron 😭
Not Batcher chasing the moon-yos reminding me of Jurassic Park II's opening scene
Who the fuck landed in that cave.
Okay, I should've realized it when the description said "mysterious stranger".
Damn, she knows exactly who they are.
The way they phrased the dialogue to say "more capable of wielding the Force". Dave Filoni watching out to make sure that another Sabine situation makes sense.
"I need to know what I am." 😭
Ventress putting Omega through basic Jedi tests >>>>
Damn, they figured out who she was fast.
….Is riding Batcher cheating?
Ventress fist fighting the Bad Batch isn't something I thought I needed, but this is actually kind of entertaining.
BAD BATCH THEME. Like, not the full theme, but maybe as close as we'll ever get to it, with the pitching changes to the score over the seasons.
Shitttt, the "I wasn't planning on killing you, but you're making it very tempting" quote was directed at the team.
"We were pawns in the same war. And we all lost. "The Empire is more dangerous than you could possibly fathom. I'm many things, but I am not your enemy." Honestly, I don't think she came here to do harm. They just pushed a little too hard- can't entirely blame them, though, with her record, but still.
"Okay, but if she's as bad as you say, then why didn't she kill you when she had the chance?" Glad to see she's thinking about this rationally.
Omega making decisions for TBB (and them going along with it) >>>>>
Wait. Using Batcher wasn't cheating? Must've been an improvisation test, then.
Okay, but seeing Ventress casually sitting on that boat, more curious about Omega than anything, is very satisfying for her journey after seeing how violent she had been at the start of TCW and how far she's come since Dooku.
Not Ventress turning to glare directly into the binocs 🤣
Ventress, you accidentally summoned something that wants to eat you, good job.
Oh, it has kraken tentacles!
The animation of Ventress's hair when it's wet is so fucking good.
Wait, I saw a Tumblr post about the Marauder getting blown up in the Teth episodes- I don't think that actually happened, because that's definitely it.
I half thought they were gonna leave Ventress there, I'm surprised Crosshair was the one to let her aboard.
Test 1: Patience/Mediation/Balance. Test 2: Improvisation. Test 3: Connecting with animals through the Force.
So, Omega does have a high M-count 👀
"You're not as safe as you think you are." Well, that's ominous as fuck.
That ship has an extra-long wing like the Twilight, neat.
Are we all in agreement that next week is the invasion of Pabu?
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contentment-of-cats · 7 months
I'll say it again. Andor is the best Star Wars show.
And that's because they didn't let Dave Filoni anywhere near it.
The show is called 'Ahsoka' but is actually an unaired season of Rebels. It ought to have been called 'attempted massive retcon at unwise forward speed' or 'Sabine has abandonment issues and makes poor decisions.' There are good scenes (possibly from another show, which one is anyone's guess) strung together with tired plot devices. Thrawn was chucked into this mess because there was no other way to move the plot. I did dig on some of the details like the signs of age and hard living and the obvious condition of the Chimaera. Other than that - pfft.
Turning to Thrawn - I am an unabashed fan of the Zahn-authored 2017 Trilogy and the HTTE trilogy (except the ending). He is complex neither all good or all evil. He is an antagonist and protagonist at once. Someone to root for and also against. Did he contrive his exile to join the Empire and possibly take it over in order to protect his people? It's possible. I don't think we'll ever find out, though. That being said, I don't think we're going to get much more from two more episodes.
One of my friends said that Filoni writes for children's shows, and it's true. The characters are almost cartoonish, not understandable as adults, but as kids understand adults to be. Perhaps I am expecting too much from an eight-episode MCU-kin show, but there was time to develop Sabine, or FFS Ahsoka (you know, the protagonist?), to fill in whatever has gone on in the past nine years since the Battle of Yavin, five years after Endor. For Sabine and Ezra, there should have been more feeling in that scene than the swell of the music.
A lot of the blame rests with Disney, and the paranoia-controlled process to stamp out leaks at all costs. There is a continuity to writing a script, working out the story boards, reading the script, and then shooting that is entirely lacking in franchise-oriented product. Franchise oriented product is formulated to sell merch and streaming subscriptions, and to drive bodies into theme parks. It's marketable.
The writers' and actors' guild strikes are ongoing. I'm content to wait - writers and actors have been getting screwed, fucked, and buttered without mercy for years. There is a new intensity to the talks as the studios start to sweat.
Final note: I love Thrawn, but the ageism of a vocal part of the fandom makes me want to still be around when these people hit 50. Age and illness and injury HAPPEN. Our bodies do not work as well when joints break down, we get hurt, or sick. Even when he regain functionality, it doesn't all come back. Even when our lives are saved, there are still sequelae. It's made me think less of some folks.
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padme-amitabha · 7 months
I just saw a post calling ahoska and obi wan anakins truest loves and uh what? It brought up the mortis arc of tcw and essentially minimizing the anidala love for one another as some form of escapism and how its poison ( even tho vader literally gets saved bc of luke - padmes son🙄) Its so strange how ahsoka fans want to make her a more prominent character than she really is. Also a recurring opinion that gets brought up is ahsoka knowing/understanding anakin better than padme and obi wan when she didn’t even know things about him (like he was a slave) and we consistently see anakin confide in padme its just so odd how alot of star wars fans diminish her
That doesn't surprise me at all since Star Wars is Ahsoka Wars at this point. And even if it wasn't, you have to give the Skywalkers at least some rest uk? The constant retconning and addition of new stuff most people didn't even ask for is tiresome. Ahsoka from the start felt very OC-ish to me because she was constantly hyped and favored in a way not even Anakin was. She felt like a self-insert jedi character so her place is canon is just weird. And forcing her to be important in places where she's not needed just shows Filoni's favoritism. At least GL wasn't ever really biased towards Anakin and Luke. Anakin mainly suffered through so much and had enough flaws and complexies which Ahsoka never had. She's constantly in a plot armor and just overpowered imo. But ofc she's a badass Jedi so she is more popular than Padme. I cant even.. I just hate the way TCW and Filoni wrote her. I don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone. Or being a teacher. The only other natural interaction he has except Padme and his mother is with Obi-Wan and even that took time. They didn't get along well in the first two movies and although he does joke around with Obi Wan in ROTS, he has his own slightly awkward and shy way of doing it. And I imagine he's semi reserved and shy with other Jedi. Or when we see him interacting with Padme's family. But to make him a responsible master is strange because even in ROTS he was too young and not mature enough to be level-headed and responsible all the time. And I like that because he has flaws but he was trying to learn and wanted to be a good father. And I do believe he really gained that maturity (which was stunted due to obvious trauma) and fatherly affection for Luke after ESB and not before. I think he would have had trouble connecting with Leia as well post ROTJ because he wasn't prepared to and had no experience being a role model for anyone. Meanwhile, 22 year old TCW Anakin with Ahsoka acts like a 30 year old man with anger issues...
It's also frustrating to see Padme being reduced to a love interest when she was a main character and part of the trio. She, like Han, didn't need to be a Jedi to be one of the main characters and it's boring to see a trio of Jedi only. I don't really blame Ahsoka fans - only Filoni for constantly dragging her into everything and I'm glad it's backfiring because I see fans who previously liked her are beginning to get tired of her being shoehorned into every single SW thing and acting all Mary Sue. Also, see the amount of concept arts and storylines they wrote for Padme during the prequels. She had more arts than Anakin and Obi-Wan. GL clearly wanted her to be important even more than Leia in ANH because we see much more of Padme and the first movie directly involves her and her planet with Anakin's discovery being a sideplot. It's disrespectful to reduce her to a love interest.
This video puts it really well (although he isn't a fan of the prequels as far as I can remember): "Dave Filoni's biggest problem as a writer apart from his complete inability to write interesting dialogue or craft stories that are more than just fetch quest for Magical McGuffin or create people who actually make smart decisions or his borderline fetish for the boring mediocre character he's trying so hard to insert as the driving force behind the entire Star Wars narrative is his constant [ __ ] around and reconning of past events and World building to suit the needs of his own narrow story. It's like he's staying in a hotel room for a couple of days and decided that he now has the right to completely remodel the place because he feels like it. This isn't your job Dave you're supposed to work within the rules of the world that George created not write a whole bunch of new ones just to suit yourself that now affect everyone else."
Lol applause for saying that out loud
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nateofgreat · 2 months
I've got to say, Ahsoka's cultivated the most excuses for anything she does over the course of her story. And by excuses, I don't mean valid and logical explanations, just the fandom picking up on the way the meta justifies everything she does and doing the same thing in turn.
-Ahsoka acts rude throughout the Clone Wars.
"She's so young and inexperienced. She doesn't know any better!" :(
-Forty-something Ahsoka acting the same way.
"She's been through so much!" :(
-Ahsoka makes herself look super guilty and thus draws the Jedi Council's suspicion during the Wrong Jedi Arc?
"What else was she supposed to do? NOBODY (Except Anakin and the Council initially) trusted her!!!" >:(
-Ahsoka loses all personality and becomes as a dull as rock.
"The Jedi Order BETRAYED HER! How can we expect that to have not wiped out her personality for thirty years?" :(
-Ahsoka forgives Anakin for slaughtering the Jedi, becoming a tyrannical Sith Lord, and trying to kill her. While refusing to forgive the Jedi and implying they deserved their genocide?
"She's completely right! The Jedi didn't trust her one time! So they had it coming!" >:(
-Ahsoka abandons the Rebellion to go off and do her own thing, something that's never specified?
"She had good reason to ditch the Rebellion unlike those stinky old Jedi!" >:(
-Ahsoka encounters and survives every threat in her lifetime? Be it Grievous, Ventress, Cad Bane (I'll give her this one), Sidious, Vader, Maul, Baylan, and even knocking Anakin and Obi-Wan around in the Mortis arc. Either by extraordinary luck or literal magical intervention in the form of the World-Between-Worlds?
"She was trained by the Chosen One! And she's really good for her age." :D
-Ahsoka kills an Inquisitor in one move after lazing around on a farm for years, letting her skills get rusty. After having only received about three years of battle training?
"Awesome!" :D
-Ahsoka holds a spark of the Goddess of Light's power within herself and is followed around by her pet bird despite constantly acting out of passion, fear, rage, etc?
"She's the purest of all Jedi and what they should really be!" :D
At this point, Ahsoka could appear in a pillar of light in the middle of Return of the Jedi and scream; "I AM YOUR GODDESS NOW!" kill Sidious, and rearrange the cosmos into her image and people would find an excuse for it.
Obviously, I'm not referring to normal fans of the character and I honestly don't blame the superfans either. This is just how Dave Filoni's written her and its rubbed off on the fandom.
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leavingkamino · 1 year
can we be real for a sec because every week i see people blaming dave filoni for everything happening in the bad batch when he's only an executive producer. to my knowledge he took a step back from animation because of the mandalorian and other live action series (don't remember when or where he said so, all i remember is a mention of it) and he's only written one episode for the series and that was back in season one. not saying he hasn't had any creative input, but jennifer corbett is one of the head developers and writers. i'm saying we should be sending our therapy bills to her instead lol
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