#i bet she had this crush since college
a-matter-of-timing · 2 years
you guys remember how paige novick was in love with kim wexler and took this totally random PD case just because kim asked her to?? why don’t we know more about the only lesbian ship of this show why
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tarjapearce · 7 months
You know the ‘girlfriend effect’ trend going on ? I feel like that would be mama and Miguel. Like Miguel having a horrible style and wearing the most outrageous terrible clothes and not knowing what to do with his hair or not doing any form of facial care routines (you how men are) until he meets our mama and she just helps him develop a style and find what works best for him but doing it in a way that isn’t insulting and belittling but rather caring and loving.
This is Pre-Soccer Family 🤭
Boyfriend Makeover
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Ever since MJ's birthday party at Peter's, things had taken a turn between you and Miguel.
Something that had left him with the little seed of seeing you as many times as possible from now on, rooting and blooming within. And in truth, you couldn't wait to see him again as well.
He had this je ne sas quoi that drawn you in like bees to pollen. Like gasoline to a fire, and anything intrinsically related in nature.
When you went home to a little more intimate and girls only after party, you spilled the beans and Jessica slid a couple of bucks in MJ's direction when you were too busy fangirling and gushing like a teenager whose crush just noticed her for the first time ever.
"He tried to kiss me!"
"Yes!" You plopped on the bed with a nervous squeal.
"You two kissed?" MJ watched at Jessica eagerly, as if ready to receive more money from the secret bet they had done on who kissed who first.
"Nah, he gotta work for it. But, damn... I was holding back so badly. He looks like a good kisser."
Jessica giggled at your ecstatic state.
"Just kiss him, woman! Pretty sure he'd die on the spot if you do that"
And so you did. The first kiss had been nothing you had expected, A little fumble and clumsy but sweet. He was taken aback when you made the first move, but couldn't complain. He had sandwiched your face in between his big hands and gave you a kiss you only  fantasized often, once the movie had finished in TV back on his apartment's living room.
Things just flowed from there. He once grabbed your hand as you ventured through the sea of people in the mall when you were shopping.
"Won't find you later, Chaparrita." (Little one)
"Well, if you're gonna hold my hand, then do it properly."
With an impish smile you entwined your fingers with his, he only flared an airy yet bashful chuckle as his hand tightened it's grip on yours.
Even though he had asked you to date him officially, the doubt in people's faces remained. Not that you cared, but seeing him particularly serious after a gathering meant that someone had said something either about you, or the both.
"Do I look awful to you?"
You truly weren't expecting something so trivial to upset him that way, sure there were things he could improve about himself that would just only add him a bonus to his already effortlessly gorgeous looks.
"What?. Who told you that?"
He shrugged and kept driving. His style was something basic and borderline boring, office like all the way. Like if the nerdiness refused to leave his body completely and had rioted big time and now was the ruling sovereign of his closet.
Sweatpants in different tones of gray and black, graphic tees that had endured through college time and other basic things, sneakers and a couple of shoes and boots. The only stylish sort of thing he had was a navy blue suit that ripped as he tried to slid it past his broad shoulders.
"Shit you hear around." He grumbled while driving.
"Well, if you don't like your style we could change it. I could help if you want to, of course."
"What would you change about it?"
"Even though I love when you wear your lab coat and those sweatpants together" You giggled and took his hand briefly, "I'd add more color to your wardrobe and other different textures. You'd look even more handsome with summer colors."
"It's not summer."
"I know, just saying I'd add a bit more color to it."
"Right. We can do that. What about eh, the... things you put on the face. Masks and shit?"
Your face lit up upon the questions he was throwing at you as he gestured to his face.
"What about them?"
"How do you use them?"
In truth, he had overheard some things behind his back. Him looking like a tired creep that always wore the same clothes, them surprised at you tolerating such lack of style, but what had affected him more than what he let on was hearing that you deserved more than just a greasy haired nerd guy in your life. Mostly said by guys that looked straight out of a photo shoot in Italy.
His hair hovered on his shoulders, either tied in a lazy man bun or simply slicked back. Skin rough and oily, a few ingrown hairs in his stubble. Some pimples here and there. As long as he was clean, like his clothes it had been more than enough for him so far. Contrary to you. Ever glowing, stylish and delicious smelling.
Hell, some of his clothes still smelled like you even if he washed them. But now that a new chapter of his life started with none else but you, he wanted to be better. He was already a bit self conscious about his overall looks, and didn't wanna add more to the list of things he already hated about himself, but for some reason you loved.
He wanted to increase the latter. And if a makeover was needed for you to be even more into him, he'd go under them. And what a better chance to do so when you were excited about it. Another excuse to spend the day together, really. Even if it meant to go under layers of things foreign to his skin or be switching into things in a secluded changing room.
"We could meet tomorrow at the mall, buy new clothes and spend the rest of the day pampering ourselves."
"Sounds scary."
"The only thing you gotta be afraid is what the lack of sun block does to the skin."
"I'm aware that cancer can be developed after the constant exposure to high UV lights."
"You're so sexy when you speak like that."
"I'm actually surprised you find me appealing given my lack of-"
"Ah don't ruin it, Miguelín. You know that's not why we got together."
"Still, I wanna be better. Can't look like a tired creep." You swatted his head gently with a deadpan in your eyes.
"Miguel, even if you wore an unicorn onesie, I'd still adore you the same and I'd definitely fuck you afterwards."
He snorted and looked at you with softened eyes.
"But the gesture is highly appreciated. I'm excited really. We get to spend the day together and have fun."
"Shopping day tomorrow then?"
"Of course!"
You visited different stores, even took a mini photo shoot of the outfits you had picked together for him. He wasn't that into flashy or saturated prints. He was more of plain colors, and if something was printed it had to be minimum. Attention seeking was in the least of his priorities.
His confidence seemed to take a higher place the more clothes he tried and new compliments flew out your mouth.
You had him a blushing mess as you asked him to twirl for you only to slap his ass and give a rather thirsty yet loving comment on him. You already made those when he wore your favorite gray sweatpants. Nothing had changed really, except for one outfit that had your cheeks a bright red the more you stared .
Cotton plain navy blue polo shirt that adjusted perfectly on his upper frame, white pants that made a perfect job in accentuating his waist and white leather loafers. It was the winner of the day.
"Never in my life have I been envious of a shirt, until today."
You then went for the skin care. Exfoliants, moisturizers, masks and so many other tools he had the slightest idea they even existed. Even though you explained each and their functions, he had to take a break to let all sink in.
"How many times I must put all this in my face?"
"Twice a day. Morning and night before sleeping."
"Don't get me wrong but, how do you find time to do this?"
"It becomes a discipline over time. And now I can't live without it."
"If something's worth saying, I like the... uh, the scent and feeling that it leaves in your skin. It's nice."
He cleared his throat as you kept adding products to the basket.
"Why, thank you." You kissed his cheek as you both looked over the men section of skincare, "We gotta get you a proper shaving kit also. Razors only damage your skin. Wanna keep your beard?"
"Do you like it?"
"I don't mind it honestly. With or without it you look scrumptious." Your eyebrows wiggled at him and his ears turned a light shade of pink.
"Let's get it then."
His eyes were all teary and glossy the more you pulled the peel off mask from his sensitive skin.
"Ow! Ow, ya! Amor, ya!" You laughed silently as you stopped. Hips straddling him, face to face, masked with the pore cleansing charcoal product, smeared in your features.
You had tied his hair carefully to then teach him how to properly clean his face, after a session of much needed steam to relax and open his pores.
Also squeezed some tools as gently as possible to get gunk and black spots out, but even so had him squirming at the beginning, then you had taught him how to properly cleanse his face, and in what order each product had to be applied. He was genuinely interested at the components of each thing and how well they seemed to react on his skin. Secretly taking a picture of him while having his eyes closed.
"Relax Eddie Brock, we're almost done!"
"¿No te duele o qué?" (Does this even hurts for you?)
"We are Venom." You giggled but he just deadpanned,
"You're not funny. You're a psycho."
"After you do this a bunch of times it comes out easier and less painful."
To his horror, you peeled off the mask without much ows and hissing, like he was, cringing at the way the black and elastic thing abandoned your face, coming out in in a piece.
"It would've be a lot less painful but you put it on your eyelids and so damn close to the ears. The first places I told you to not put it on!"
"I don't know about these things-" He hissed as you pulled in a go the last remnants of the mask. A little whimper and a grunt came out later.
"Canija!" You kissed his face softly where the mask had been, trying to soothe the pain as he cussed.
"Please tell me we're done with that"
Instead of words you smooched his lips with a proud smile.
"We're done. Now let's get you some serums."
"You're not putting needles in my face, are you?"
"What? No. It's not that kind of serum. It's like vitamins for your skin in oily or creamy textures."
By the end of the day he had fallen asleep as you used your jade face roller on him, but woke up with a glowy and healthy looking skin. Even some pimples had diminished their redness. His tired face not only was less tired but looked like he had slept well for weeks. No longer oily and breaking out.
Despite the pain, it all had been worth it. But your shocked face upon seeing him well dressed in a cream button shirt, black pants and dress shoes, and a fresh haircut that would turn into his forever look; holding a bouquet of tulips before your door, was absolutely priceless.
Needless to say you didn't make it to the dinner date, too busy ravaging eachother to care.
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mizusnose · 4 months
ahem so I just read your college fuckboy mizu headcanons (which I loved) and was wondering if I could request a lil something about fuckboy mizu genuinely liking the reader so she makes changes to convince the reader she's serious. Reader would probs be SUPER skeptical bc casual relationships isn't their thing but it'd be so cute. Obvs you can just ignore this if you don't want to do it my mind has just been mizu brainrot lately
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so i’ve been letting this one marinate for a bit BUT: reader who gets together with Taigen to spite Mizu who won’t get serious for reader. Cue the jealousy, club shenanigans, and poet mizu (!!)
boyfriend by dove cameron for max brainrot
Taigen was a fine boyfriend. All things considered. He was better than most of the guys you’d been with before, and he had a motorcycle that he’d let you take pics with and post them on your feed.
But, he wasn’t Mizu.
This point had been made several times. Mostly on Taigen’s end. His constant whining of I see the way you look at her, god I bet you thought I was a woman huh, better yet—you wished I was her huh!
He wasn’t wrong, necessarily. It wasn’t your fault you’d gotten bored and decided to go to Taigen’s fencing practice. It wasn’t like you’d intended on falling head over heels for the hot butch lesbian who had a mean smirk and a sweaty jaw when she whooped Taigen’s ass.
You still remembered the way she had her neck bared, her hair falling over her shoulders, the beat of her heart nestled in between her collarbones, the dark green of her veins under her skin.
So, yeah, maybe you did have a thing for Mizu, who may or may not be your boyfriend’s biggest rival.
Heavy quotations on the rival part since Mizu didn’t give a shit that Taigen hated her—in fact, she didn’t care that the majority of the lesbians, bisexual, and bi-curious girls on campus hated her guts.
But that was what made her interesting.
You’d thought about it often: her, telling you to leave as soon as you’d come on her tongue or strap or fingers, (whatever was fine, you weren’t picky.) and you’d feel that tug in your tummy and your jaw would relax and fall open and—
“hah, did you come?”
And then you’d be back where you started: dating Taigen and fucking him and not being able to enjoy it or come or anything.
The thing was this: You’d only ever been in long-term relationships. Never dabbled in casual one night stands that Mizu was rumored to stick by. Even if you did want her, her time was limited. And you didn’t exactly love sharing.
So, when Taigen complained about having to go out this weekend to “bond or some teammate trust building shit, pfft, as if we aren’t trying to kill each other every practice. Not to mention Mizu will be there,” You convinced him to go, and for you to tag along. As moral support of course.
Now as much as Taigen loved telling you how much he hated Mizu, he liked coming to the thought of her much more. You’d done it quite often, bring Mizu up in sex, the way she’d fence and made him look like a fucking loser. How good she’d look kissing you, having you, taking you away from him. You’d both come then, not just him.
So you supposed it wasn’t that weird to be crushing over Mizu. Especially when the weekend came and the alcohol was sweet and fizzy and the wine dark and bitter, and the club lights shimmering on Mizu’s skin, her hair, her hands as she came up behind you.
“Hey.” She said. Simple, easy, confident. Her hands brushed your exposed back, the bend of your hip, the jut of your ribs.
“Hi.” You said. Sultry, warm, quiet so she’d have to twist closer to hear you when you gasped as she held your waist, tighter this time. A little mean, “I have a boyfriend.”
And she’d chuckle, and pull away and quirk her dark eyebrow up, “Really? Him?” A barely there glance at Taigen who was with the other fencing team members taking body shots off one another, “I could be a better boyfriend than him, you know.”
She spun you around, the steady heat of her palm always on you, “You know me.” It wasn’t a question. You saw the way Mizu’s eyes dragged across your body on her way over, her tongue on her lips as she stared. She knew you were Taigen’s girlfriend.
“Been watching.” She brought you closer, shifted her hands and then you were close. Closer than you’d ever been to her before.
She smelled heady and like pinewood. The plane of her chest was defined, sturdy, and you wondered if she had small breasts, if they were sensitive.
“Can’t believe I almost went home when you’re here—all alone.” She smirked, the same damned smirk you’d replay in your mind as you masturbated and thought of her, “Think I might just steal you from him, hm?”
Her hands slipped up your back, to the bottom of your nape, a demanding grip: there one second, gone the next. She watched your face, your lips, your neck.
“Does this usually work on other girls?”
You pushed away then, your legs wobbly and your underwear damp. You wanted, but you knew exactly what Mizu thought of you: an easy thing, something of Taigen’s. Good for a night, forgotten the next.
So you straightened your clothes, and met Mizu’s confused gaze, “I have a boyfriend.”
Mizu’s mouth twitched. Barely. But you’d caught it as you turned, and headed to the bartop. Even if Mizu was who you’d wanted, being a one-night stand wasn’t what you wanted.
So, you walked back over to Taigen, beers in hand, and watched Mizu as you kissed him wide and dirty. Her glare a steely weight in your belly, and on your beating cunt.
You’d make Mizu yours, one way or another.
Let’s make this a 2 parter. Poet mizu will have to wait. Thanks for the ask :)
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citrustan · 8 months
for what it's worth [2/4] (jjk)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff (this comes in a bit later), light smut, college student!reader x crush!jungkook
summary: you make an awful revelation about your crush of two years.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: kinda angsty because yaknow unrequited love and stuff like whew i could never
note: im SORRY it took me a year to release this :(
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Every millisecond of the drive back to campus was torturous. At times, you felt like your throat was closing up. You had to sit on your hand to stop it from cracking a window open.
You think you might’ve experienced your first ever anxiety attack.
All Jungkook’s genuine attempts at holding a conversation with you were shot down mercilessly.
It was almost as if all the admiration you had for him turned into pure hatred for a moment.
Terrified that you would break down in front of the man whom you supposedly creep out, you kept your mouth shut the entire time.
You’re thankful for the timing of the universe. Had you proceeded to confess your feelings to him, you’d have humiliated yourself to death. You’d have had to dig yourself a hole and bury your head in it for a really long time. Or hibernate in the blast chiller like a stupid little snail.
Even if you had a minuscule percentage of a chance with Jungkook, Jia has destroyed it all by telling him about ‘your’ crush.
Although he didn’t seem to have recognised you as the ‘creep’, you can’t help but wonder. What if he knew about you? Maybe he didn’t recognise you without makeup? Maybe he panicked when he realised it was you.
What do you know about Jia really?
After unsuccessfully starting a conversation with you, Jungkook was staring a hole into his phone. He knows he has made you uncomfortable. But, which part of whatever he said did the trick?
He panicked. Jungkook wasn’t supposed to tell you (or anyone) about him and Jia, as per Jia’s desperate request. While he respected it, he wondered why. On pushing her for a legitimate answer, she finally told him about the ‘creep with a schoolgirl crush’ and how she was friends with said ‘creep’ and didn’t want to be in her bad books.
Albeit strange, Jungkook assumed it was dangerous for Jia to be publicly known as his girlfriend. He thought that maybe it’d have put a target on her back.
He didn’t mean to blurt it all out in front of you. It was like his mouth had a mind of its own. He couldn’t stop himself from spilling the beans. And then he made it worse by indirectly calling you a creep. He did take it back, but it must’ve been uncomfortable for you regardless.
And maybe that’s why you won’t respond to his attempts to chat.
He really didn’t want to burden you but he has to let you know--- “You know, it’s a relief to finally tell someone about Jia.”
“Hm?” You abruptly turned your head sideways to face him.
“Jia. It feels good to be able to talk to someone about the girl I’m dating. We never really planned on telling anyone actually.”
‘Yeah, while you’re at that, stick a knife in my chest, why don’t you?’
“I bet it does.” You exhale with a forced smile.
Jungkook turns his body towards you, “_____.” He called out. You instinctively make eye contact with him. “Would it be too much to ask if we could keep this a secret from Jia?”
Before you could process exactly what he asked of you, you involuntarily held your breath at the thought of sharing a secret with him. Just the two of you.
And Jia.
You frown.
The thought of Jia breaks you out of your reverie. You have got to pull yourself together.
Perhaps Jungkook wasn’t too far off with the ‘creep’ thing.   
“Whatever you want.” You immediately look away. Honestly, he probably could’ve gotten you to agree to shave your head if he wanted to.
“Really? It isn’t…?” Jungkook trailed off. “It’s okay. It’ll be as if we never met.” You assure him.
Just how far is your stupid university? It feels like forever since you got into the car with him.
“Except we have met before.” He interjects. You don’t know if he’s referring to your very first meeting at the party or the other times you’ve ‘met’ in the classes you share. Either way, Jia knows about it all.
“We sure have. But she doesn’t have to know that. If that’s what you want.” You add, “I don’t want to cause any problems for you. Just tell me what to do and I won’t question it.” With that you aim your eyes straight ahead, focusing them on the back of the passenger seat.
So much for staying grounded. You have GOT to chill. You’re worried you’ll blow your cover.
Jungkook unexpectedly laughs, “Okay. I don’t want to complicate it too much.”
“Jia doesn’t want people to know about us. And I don’t want to lose her trust. So… maybe---”
Your mouth automatically forms a pout. You really don’t want to witness his devotion to her.
“You know what, I’ll handle it. I’ll talk to her and admit I slipped up...” Jungkook waits for your reaction, but you give him nothing.
Now, you begin to feel badly about the way you’ve been acting towards him. He has done nothing to deserve your hot and cold attitude.
Jungkook has been kind to you. He complimented you, confided in you, gave you his jacket, and offered you a ride. The least you can do is not make stuff so difficult for him.
You remind yourself that your issue is with Jia and not Jungkook.
“If you’re that worried, we don’t have to mention this to her.” You meekly add.
“I was thinking maybe I should just tell her. Wouldn’t that be easier for you too?” Hah! You’d think.
You’re about to counter when the driver interrupts, “Non-faculty vehicles aren’t allowed to go any further than this. Is it okay if I dop you kids off here?”
Neither of you had noticed that you’d reached a few minutes ago. Your driver was kind enough to allow you to resolve your dilemma.
Your dorm was a ten-minute walk from the gate. “This is good.” You kindly smile at him.
The driver eyes you from the rear-view mirror, “This is none of my business but from experience, I can tell you that nothing good ever comes out of secrets and lies. No matter how big or small, shit gets messy.”
You and Jungkook share a look and thank your driver.
“I’ll tell her tomorrow.” He nods once, mostly to himself.
The two of you exit the vehicle together.
Something still bothered you. You swore you had a really great time with Jungkook at the freshmen mixer where you were first introduced to each other. Does he not remember you from then at all?
It’d be embarrassing if he didn’t.
What kills you the most is how you stupidly built your crush up in your head. It was just supposed to be just a fun thing for yourself, but honestly, you’re having trouble standing right now.
“Can I walk you to your room?” Jungkook interrupts your chain of thoughts.
Originally, you planned to run away from him as soon as you reached campus, but curiosity pushes your nervousness away. So, you agree to walk with him.
The first few minutes of your walk are spent in silence. It wasn’t pleasant, it was forced and awkward. Even small talk couldn’t have helped it.
Most of your life was planned. You liked having control over the situations you put yourself in. You like knowing what was going to happen the next day. You liked to organise everything. This tension and feelings of uncertainty threw you way off.
You could not bear not knowing. Still, you manage to keep your cool and fake nonchalance. This is only as big as you make it out to be.
At least now you know you wouldn’t need to buy an extra juice box tomorrow.
You made sure to reassure Jungkook that he wouldn’t get into trouble and that he wouldn’t have to worry about you talking to people about it. But, you could feel the discomfort he basically emitted from his speech to his body language.
Unconvinced that he heard you out, you tell him again. “Just so you know, you don’t have to butter me up or anything. If Jia doesn’t want your news out, so be it. I won’t tell a soul.” Because, that’d be super embarrassing for me as well. But you left that out.
Jungkook visible relaxed, with slouched shoulders and an exhale of relief, he turns to you. “Oh, thank goodness. I was hoping to keep this between us. I know it’s a pussy move, I just don’t want-“
“I already told you, it’s OK.” You abruptly cut him off, impatient because you couldn’t hear him get started on liking and respecting Jia, and disappointing Jia, and protecting Jia, or whatever was going on with the pair.
You were a little hurt when he reacted the way he did. Somewhere, you wanted him to admit he was walking you home because he cared about you or found you inciting enough to spend time with.
Why would he care? You’re actually nobody to him. You’re Jia’s _____.
(And he’s Jia’s Jungkook lol)
You continue, “I genuinely do not care.” A lie.
Jungkook stares at you with big stupid eyes. You almost feel bad for him. You know you’re confusing the fuck out of him with your hot and cold behaviour.
“You know what? I forgot I had to see the course counsellor. That’s like, in the other direction.”
Your sad excuse for an escape was welcomed by Jungkook.
“Oh! My dorm’s the opposite to that… building.” He wanted to get away from you just as much as you him. Well, that doesn’t hurt at all.
:D :D :D
I mean, you were doing the same thing to him but your reason was totally different. So, that doesn’t count.
The two of you stopped in the middle of the cold path. “So, okay.” He started, “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! See you!” You faked enthusiasm.
After a two second lag, you both awkwardly shuffle around each other.
“Bye!” You abruptly brisk walk in the direction of your dormitory, the very direction you weren’t supposed to be heading to.
Jungkook stands dumbfounded with his hand midway in the air. In fact, he had no clue you were trying to avoid him. He really meant that his dorm was opposite to the counsellor’s office.
Still, he doesn’t think too much of it.
Jungkook checks his phone to see a few text messages from his girlfriend, asking him about his plans for the week.
He promptly cleared his evenings for Jia and continued walking away from the spot you both stood at.
Later that night, while he FaceTimed her, he kept going back to the moment you greeted him. For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about you; as one would after such an awkward interaction.
Jungkook sneakily prods. “Babe, that friend you keep talking about?”
Unsuspectingly, Jia instantly says your name. “_____?”
“Hm…” He affirms.
After a few seconds of silence from Jungkook’s side, Jia irritably bit her inner cheek.
“What about _____?” She pushes.
“Oh, sorry- lost connection. I was saying I met her today.”
“What do you mean? What for?” Jia’s brain starts creating all the scenarios she was afraid would take place.
“We were stranded at the bus stand so we hitched a cab ride together...” Jungkook trails off as if he’s in deep thought.
“Did she do anything to make you uncomfortable?” She asks, worried.
“No, it wasn’t like that. I offered. I think I might’ve made her uncomfortable.”
Now, Jia was impatient, “Can you tell me what happened exactly? What did she say to you?”
Now, Jungkook was a little taken aback.
“Babe. You know I really like you, right?” Jungkook begins.
Jia pouts, “Where is this going?”
“Just…” Jungkook opened his mouth, deliberately delaying the conversation.
“Kook… something happened?” Jia involuntarily rubs up and down her arms.
He blurts, “I may or may not have told her about us. BUT, but-” – “YOU WHAT?”
Jungkook looks at his screen with wide eyes, “But I only let it slip because I thought you told her. She even said she didn’t care enough to tell anyone.”
“Oh? She said that?” Jia’s brows furrowed, both in concern and anger. Jungkook reads her expression and sighs. “She didn’t say it like that.” He repeats.
“No wonder she hasn’t responded to my texts yet. She’s supposed to fucking proofread my assignment for tomorrow. I’m so screwed.” Jia exasperates. Jungkook tilts his head. Has he really messed up? “I’m sorry, baby. Is it so bad I told her? What’s wrong with her knowing?”
Jia shook her head.
“Jungkook, GOD I wish you were with me. I’m so tense I think I need to be fucked so I can forget this ever happened.”
Jungkook smirked, “Well… I don’t have to be physically present with you to make you lose your mind.”
Jia’s mouth drops open a little. She thinks she might just start drooling at the sound of his voice.
“Now where is that Bluetooth controlled-” – “It’s already on me.” She blurts, knowing exactly what he’s about to do to her.
“Oh? Wow, my girl is so naughty. Is this what you wanted from me tonight?”
And, then you were long forgotten.
Well, until later that same night.
Before dozing off, he spent the remaining of his day replaying what had happened. He thought about the way your mood dropped after getting into the taxi and the way your eyes wandered everywhere but to him. He doesn’t know if you realised it, but you muttered a lot of words under your breath. Some of them being loud enough for him to hear.
Jungkook’s thoughts were zeroed in on you.
His mind went in and out of so many black holes, that he even thought of the possibility of you being what Jia tried to shield their relationship from. Even though they were all afterthoughts, one thing was for sure. You had caught his attention.
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
Kinktober Day 15 - Noncon
Ghost x Reader - 4.6k (on ao3)
summary: You find yourself cornered in a Maze of Mirrors. (Reader POV)
cw: noncon everything, face fucking, pussy slapping, degradation, kinda a wedgie? like a front wedgie? is that a thing?, orgasm denial
note: if you like this (or hate it but like the concept) read Halloween Haunt by Harley Laroux <3 her erotica is top tier
You’ve always loved Halloween - always been the kid with the scariest costume in class, always had the house decorated with uncomfortably realistic decorations. When your sorority sisters dressed up as black cats and sexy witches, you spent hours painting the most realistic zombie makeup you could. (Your sisters complained for months that you ruined the pictures, but the frat boys had all thought your makeup was far more interesting than theirs. God, you do not miss college.)
Regardless, you’ve always been known to love any and everything scary. There’s something about the thrill of a scare - the creeping horror as you start to realize what’s coming, the ultimate reveal - that always gets you a little squirmy in your seat. Your first crush was Skeet Ulrich in Scream - specifically the scene where he’s covered in blood, licking his fingers. 
You get all those ooey-gooey good scared feelings as your friend drags you through the decently crowded fairgrounds. The actual fair - the one that comes yearly, that no one ever calls anything but the fair - had left only two weeks ago, so this travelling fair had set things up in mostly the same arrangement and, you suspect, to trick certain people into thinking they were the same company.
You’ve already forgotten what your friend said the event was called. She hadn’t needed to give many details to convince you - you heard travelling circus, horror themed, interactive workers, and you were in. The branding isn’t very strong anyways, the only place the name was displayed was the entrance booth, and none of the workers seem to wear any sort of logo, so you don’t feel too forgetful for letting it slip your memory so easily.
You’re not very impressed with the fear factor so far. You hadn’t done too much makeup (hadn’t wanted to risk being mistaken for a cast member) but since it’s the night before Halloween you’ve got a half-done costume on - a clown. Just some white face paint, black lips, and overdrawn triangles around the eyes, a little smudged to make it look like you’ve been chasing someone down and working up a sweat. Your hoodie and tennis skirt look a bit out of place, but you’d wanted to be comfortable since you hoped you’d be spending your night running from actors.
But even a face full of makeup feels like it might’ve been too much effort for this place. Most of the costumes look like they’re from Party City at best - some of them even look very lazily hand-made - and none of the workers seem particularly interested in scaring people. Still, the crowd is easily amused and even a wave or a feint towards a customer has shrieks ringing in the air every few minutes.
You sigh a little disapointedly as you and your friend linger on the edge of the fairgrounds, off to the side and in the dark so you don’t have to deal with the crowd. She pulls out a cigarette and offers you her light.
“I’m sorry,” she says, lighting the stick between your teeth when you lean forward. “I really thought it would be scarier than this. Some of the posters…” she exagetates a shiver. “I thought they’d at least have better costumes.”
You eye a man in a werewolf mask across the pathway, pissing into the dirt. He’s got a flannel and jeans on, and the mask is a little bit crumpled like he pulled it out of a Walmart bin this morning. You’d bet money the flannel was just a happy coincidence he noticed when he showed up for work.
“Yeah,” you sigh, blowing out a lungful of smoke and watching the actor try not to get his dick stuck in his zipper. “Not really your fault, though, these things always look scarier in the ads. Wanna get out of here soon?”
You pass the cigarette to her. “In a bit,” she replies. “I want to try and find some food first. You hungry?”
You shake your head with a grunt. “I wouldn’t trust anything cooked here, honestly. Might just pick up something on the way back.”
She passes you the cigarette for one last breath. “Well I’m too hungry for that. You good on your own for a bit?”
You crouch down a moment to stub out the cigarette, leaving the butt in the gravel. “Yeah, sure. Might see if these fun houses have anything worth seeing in them.”
“You should!” She smiles over her shoulder at you as she starts off to a more well-lit section of the fair. “You never know, maybe they stick the real scares in there!”
You give her a final wave and shout, “Here’s hoping!” at her back as she leaves. 
You linger outside for a little longer, scanning the few structures nearby to decide which one you want to waste a few tickets on.
There’s a Freak Show, but you already know you’d be horribly disappointed if you went in there, something labeled a “House of Horrors” that you’re sure is as much a scam as the freak show, and a few games that have cheap prizes lined up above them.
Across from you, with no lights around it and just one attendant - slumped over, hopefully sleeping - at the front, is a House of Mirrors. Figuring it’s the least likely to be a waste of time (and knowing the kid won’t wake up to charge you), you head over to the building.
The closer you get the more you worry about if he’s asleep or dead, but his snores rattle the little tickets resting on his desk so you figure he’s just a slacker. It’s almost too easy to get by him with all your tickets safe in your pocket. There’s no one else around the darkened corner of the fairgrounds, but you’re quite sure no one would bother snitching on you this late at night. All the parents with little kids left hours ago, leaving mostly teenagers and adults of varying ages left to wander the park.
There’s music playing from speakers that you can’t see, an old clown-themed song that sounds like it’s playing on a scratched up DVD. You’re pleasantly surprised as you make your way through the dusty lobby and into the main section of the building, creatively labeled MAZE OF MIRRORS.
Their branding could definitely use some work, but you’ll give them points for ambience - the lights are turned so low that it’s nearly too dark to see, making all of the mirrors even more difficult to spot. You find yourself a little spooked as you start to make your way through the maze, grinning to yourself.
It’s a shockingly difficult maze, you quickly discover. The music is so loud in some spots that you can hardly hear your thoughts, and so faint in others that you think it might be turned off. The maze itself is a series of either tight, tiny hallways or large open rooms. Whoever designed it clearly knew how to take advantage of the space they were given, the maze feels ten times bigger than it looked on the outside as you wander through.
You know the trick to mazes - keep one hand on the right wall and eventually you’ll find your way out - but it’s fun to just wander around the place, so you let yourself get stuck wandering in circles. You’re glad your friend isn’t here to see how many times you manage to walk into a mirror fully confident that it’s not there, only to whack yourself in the face. For how low maintenance the rest of the fair is, you’re surprised that the hall of mirrors is what they focus their upkeep on.
You’ve been in the maze for about five minutes when you see him.
He scares the shit out of you at first. You spot him behind you in a mirror - one you’d just walked into, which is the only reason you can see well enough to notice him - standing at the entrance to the hallway you’d turned down. He’s clad in all black, except for the skull mask over his face. You think he’s just something taped onto the wall with the way that he blends in, but then that mask titls to the side and you’re struck with the bone-deep knowledge that you’re being watched.
“Shit!” You shout when it first registers that he’s not a piece of paper, one hand coming up to clasp at your erratically beating heart while the other steadies you against the mirror. He doesn’t move past tilting his head a bit further, and after a moment you relax.
You don’t turn around, but you study him a bit in the mirror. It’s too dark to see much more than the outline of his body, but he’s big. He looks like he’s wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans with the mask, and he must be wearing gloves to cover his hands since you can’t see them.
You huff out a laugh as you let both of your hands fall to your sides.
“You got me good,” you call, glancing over your shoulder. You almost jump again - he’s closer than you’d realized, but too far away for you to touch. “I didn’t even see you follow me in here.”
He doens’t say anything. You turn around more fully, leaning back against the mirror and crossing your arms across your chest.
“You gonna start chasin’ me now?” You ask, cocking an eyebrow. You’re playing up the sass, but it’s always fun to mess with theme park employees.
The man takes a few steps forward, heavy boots thudding against the cheap wood flooring. He really is an intimidating bastard, far scarier than any of the other actors you’d seen so far.
“Well?” You call out, standing up from your spot. “Do I get a head start?”
Still no answer. He rolls his head on his neck, then steps to the side and walks into one of the connecting hallways without sparing you a glance. When you step closer to see which direction he’s chosen, he’s already gone.
You huff another laugh to yourself, shaking out your limbs and bouncing a few times on your toes.
Now that you know there’s someone in here with you, the thrill of a scare is starting to get you worked up. You hope they don’t have any rules against physical contact between actors and customers, just imagining the skeleton man tackling you has shivers running up your spine.
You don’t bother to be any quieter as you keep wandering through the maze. You bump into just as many mirrors, continue to question the speaker placement, and keep an eye out for any skeleton masks lingering behind you.
You see him a few more times, always behind you, always just out of reach. He gets progressively closer everytime you spot him. You're reminded of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who - every time you look away, he gets closer.
It’s fun. More fun than you’ve had all night.
He finally catches up to you what you guess is about half an hour later. Youre just turning another corner, thinking about how it’s been a bit since you’ve seen your shadow, when a hand plants itself firmly between your shoulder blades and shoves.
You’re sent to the ground with a cry, palms scraping against the floor. There’s a gloved hand collaring your throat before you can think to do much more than catch your breath, hauling you up and holding you in the air.
Your eyes fly to the mirror less than a foot away, staring wide-eyed at the image reflected.
There’s you, in your messy clown makeup and hoodie, being held up by a giant swath of black behind you. He’s not ducking down at all, his feet planted on either side of your splayed legs as he towers above you. The way you’re being held up, your head doesn’t even reach his belt buckle. The contrast of your shock and discomfort to his plastic mask has your thighs clenching, just a bit.
He doesn’t duck lower, just tilts his head in that now-familiar way of his and pulls you a little further up. His hand is absolutely massive, thumb resting beneath one ear and his fingers resting below the other. You choke a bit as you’re lifted, knees scrambling beneath you.
This close to the mirror you can see his eyes - bright blue, surrounded by black paint, and staring back into yours.
He lowers his head, his free hand tugging your hair until you lean back and look straight up. The hand on your neck shifts to hold you in that position, his other hand lifting to pull the black part of his mask up.
He’s white, with thin lips and a broad jaw. You pant as you stare up at him, incapable of processing what’s going on.
His jaw works for a moment, lips twitching, and before you realize what he’s about to do you feel something wet splatter against your cheek.
He spit on you. Who the fuck does that? Being tackled and manhandled is one thing but spitting? You recoil reflixivley, lips curling as you reach up to try and wipe disgusting liquid off.
“What the fuck-” You start, but before you can even finish your sentence you’re yanked forward by your neck.
You yelp as you’re thrown from between his thighs, hips twisted awkwardly and head slamming back against the mirror. You cry out at the sharp pain at the back of your skull, but before you can think of doing anything there’s a hand around your neck again, a body crouched in front of you - over you - keeping you from doing anything.
You gape up at the actor, panting and surprised. None of the other employees even got close to touching customers - half of them didn’t even look like they wanted to be there - what the hell is this guy’s problem? Does he just take his job way too seriously
He’s far too close to you now, your nose nearly brushing where his shoulder be, his boots on either side of your thighs, his chest pressed so close that you can’t do anything with your hands.
The hand not around your neck comes up to your cheeks, grabbing them both in one hand and pinching until your lips pucker up. You squirm, letting out a noise of surprise and pain when his thumb and pointer finger dig in between your teeth to force your mouth open. One eye squeezes shut at the ache, but there’s nowhere for you to go with him caging you in.
This time when he spits, it lands right in the little hole he’s made for himself. With how close he is, you see the way his lips twitch up in the corners.
You try your best to get out from under him, hands pushing at his shoulders and legs desperately kicking. But he’s like a statute above you, hard as stone and immoveable. 
He leans so close that his lips nearly brush yours, meeting your glare with a spark of amusement. 
“Like how it tastes?” He purrs, chest rumbling against yours.
You make a noise somewhere between offended and annoyed, trying to throw yourself every which way for even an inch of freedom. All you manage is a tighter grip on your jaw and neck, leaving you wincing.
“Lots more where that came from,” he promises.
It’s insultingly easy for him to manhandle you, and you curse all the times you swore to yourself you’d finally start taking self-defense classes. You can barely manage a single blow, and when your hands or feet do make contact he doesn’t even flinch.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do as you’re wrestled to the floor. He gets you flat on your back then kneels over your head, his knees so close that you worry he’ll squeeze them together and pop your head like a berry.
He doesn’t give you a chance to sit up, planting one heavy hand in the center of your chest and leaning his weight forward, knocking the air out of you. You finally regain the ability to speak when his other hand moves to his belt, undoing it right above your face.
“What are you-? No, no, get the hell off me!” You shout, desperately pushing at his arm and trying to get enough leverage with your feet to squirm away. “Don’t you fucking dare- help! Somebody help!”
Your screams go ignored, blending right in with that stupid clown music and bouncing off the mirrors just to come straight back to your ears. Your noise doesn’t deter him at all, and he’s got his belt off and jeans yanked down despite your resistance. 
“No, no, no, don’t- stop, please, you can’t-” you gasp, eyes flying wide as you find yourself staring up at his cock above you. 
He doesn’t give you any warning, just grabs your jaw, holds it open, and sheathes himself down your throat.
Your limbs spasm, every instinct in your body screamin to get away as he slips right past your gag reflex. You’re terrified that you’ll vomit and choke on his cock, the fear dousing you in icy cold and leaving you limp for a minute. All you can think about is breathing around the intrusion in your throat, finding some way not to suffocate and die on a sticky mirror maze floor.
“Finally,” you hear him grunt from above you. He grabs both of your wrists, easily ignoring your weak pulls and tying them together with his belt. “Somethin’ to shut you up.”
You try and make a sound around his cock, yanking your hands away and panicking even more when you feel how firmly tied they are. You make another sound, insitively trying to cry out even with something stuffed in your mouth.
He moans above you, lowering himself to his elbows over your body. “Yeah, just like that,” he pants. “Mouth feel’s fuckin’ heavenly.”
You go silent, determined not to give this piece of shit anything he wants. Tears pour down your temples and across the tops of your ears, and your throat burns.
His hips move slowly against your face, grinding himself as deep as he can get before pulling out just a few inches and sliding back in. He’s got an unfairly large cock, and there’s already an ache developing in your jaw from just seconds held so wide open.
His foreskin catches on your teeth when he pulls the whole way out just to fuck back in, and you’re sharply reminded of the fact that you have teeth.
When his cock bottoms out, his balls resting against your eyes, you bite down, praying it’s enough to break skin.
It’s not. Instead of blood pouring into your mouth and a screaming man falling off of you, you hear the man snarl, pulling his dick out entirely and slamming it back down your throat so harshly that it feels almost like he’s punched you in the face.
“No fucking teeth,” he snaps above you, and you feel his weight shift back onto his knees, then his hands grab at your thighs and throw them open. He flips your skirt up and before you can think to bite down again lands a stinging slap against the gusset of your underwear.
You nearly scream around his cock, hips snapping closed to try and smother the pain. He only growls another sound, using one hand to hold you open and the other to rain down a series of progressively harder smacks.
Your breath hitches as you sob, hardly able to get any air in around his thrusts as he starts them back up again. Every time he buries himself to the hilt inside of you, he lands another hit to your poor pussy. You can’t help but wail around him.
“There it is,” he moans, the sound loud and unrestrained. “God you feel good screamin’ around my cock. Good fuckin’ hole, huh?”
He punctuates the last four words with slaps, leaving his length inside your throat and going back to that horrible grinding against your face. You go silent again, using all of your willpower to keep from screaming. What little thought is left in your head is used to figure out how best to breathe through your nose without choking on snot.
He doesn’t smack you again, but you feel his fingers trace around the edges of your panties. Your hips wiggle against your will, just trying to get away from the violation. One of your legs is pinned to the floor by the thigh, but the other oscillates between going limp and trying to get leverage and force your body up.
His fingers hook around the gusset of your underwear, but before you can even worry about him touching you there, he pulls them up towards your body.
He does it with such force that you’re left squealing, hips flying off the ground to try and lessen the pressure against your clit. His hand pulls so far up that you feel it resting nearly at your belly button. You can’t help the little gasping, gagging noises as he starts to thrust in and out of your mouth again.
You hear - you feel - him laugh, swaying his hand from left to right. Your hips try to follow naturally, just desperate to alleviate any of the pressure you can.
“Like a little puppet,” he murmurs, yanking even further up, moaning when you scream.
He lets them go only a few thrusts later, big hand smoothing the fabric down over your cunt. You can feel that it’s stretched out, a little looser around the meat of your pussy, and the thought only makes you cry harder.
But you go silent again. It’s the one thing left in your control - even pinned to the floor, hands tied, legs useless, mouth stuff, you can decide how much noise you make.
He doesn’t like that. He groans a little when you go quiet again, tapping your thigh sharply.
“No, come on, make your little noises again. Feels real nice on my cock.”
This time you’re ready for the smack against your vulva, and you remain silent. You stay silent for the next three too.
His hips work with a little more force again, balls smacking against your face and leaving you to squeeze your eyes shut. After the next slap his hand doesn’t lift again, just rubs over your vulva slowly.
It’s pure luck on his part that he happens to rub over your clit. It’s a pure lack of luck on your part that you moan at the sudden and unexpected pleasure, completely taken off guard.
He stills above you, then slowly repeats the movement. You’re helpless to the little whimpers coming from your throat, and you curse the fact that you’ve always been loud during sex. He zeros in on exactly how to rub your clit unreasonably quickly, fingers sure through the fabric of your underwear.
“That what you need?” He rumbles a laugh above you. “Pain won’t make you noisy, but pleasure will? I can work with that.”
Before you can even begin to question what that means, your underwear are tucked to the side, and there’s a face buried in your pussy.
He doesn’t bother taking any time to explore or try and learn your body, just dives tongue-first to your clit. His technique of lick first, figure out what feels good later unfortunately works on you, and you’re left writhing beneath him, eyes rolled back in pleasure and moans muffled.
He groans agaisnt you, too, lips vibrating against your clit in a horrible and delicious way. “There you go.” You can barely hear him over the sounds of your own choking, especially with his own voice muffled in your folds. “That feels good, keep going.”
You don’t want to, but the magic he works against your clit leaves you no choice. You can’t help the hitched cries spilling from your lips, even if they make you cry all that much harder as you hear them.
He doesn’t take much longer to come, and you’re torn between resenting the fact that it’s your sounds that get him off and being glad that he does so he can get off of you.
He comes with a loud groan, sent right into your cunt and dragging you far too close to an edge you do not want to see, and sends thick ropes right down your throat. It’s almost a kindness that you can’t taste him, only have to swallow as quickly as possible so you don’t choke. The movements of your throat only draw out his orgasm though, and you’re locked in a terrible cycle for what feels like an eternity.
He doesn’t get you off. You’re not sure if you’re thankful or not.
You gasp when he finally pulls out of your throat, taking uninhibited breaths for the first time in far too many minutes. You can’t shut your jaw from the pain, but you also can’t kick your legs when he kneels up more fully.
He’s silent as he takes back his belt, and no matter how much you beg your arms to move, they remain still on your stomach. He shifts off of you, and you whine wordlessly when he grabs a handful of your hair, wiping his flaccid cock off in it.
Still, you don’t move.
He stands and redoes his belt silently, the jingle loud even with the clown music still playing. You stare up at him, and he holds eye contact with you. For some reason, you can’t look away.
He crouches down again before he leaves, and you can’t help but flinch away. He doesn’t touch you sexually again, though, only reaches out and pushes your jaw closed with two firm fingers.
You hate that he still has the mask pulled up, because it means you can see his smirk.
“That was fun. Maybe we’ll do it again sometime.”
He’s gone before you manage to understand what he’s said, and the tears start all over again when you do.
It takes you a while to scrape yourself off of the floor. You only catch sight of yourself in one mirror before you stare at the ground.
Your makeup is ruined, teartracks running down your temples and both cheeks. There are smudges along your jaw where his hands grabbed. Your lips are swollen and red. It could not be more obvious what’s just happened to you.
You plant one hand on the wall to your right, and keep your eyes firmly planted on your sneakers as you leave the maze. You feel almost detached from yourself, unable to truly understand what happened, what it means.
The throbbing between your thighs is distracting. You worry you might chafe from how soaked your panties are.
It doesn’t take long to find your friend once you finally make it out. She takes one look at you and laughs, teases you about having fun without her. You can’t bring yourself to correct her, and she picks up on your tone quickly, dropping the subject.
The two of you walk silently to your car. You hate it, but you can’t help but scan every actor. Thankfully - or maybe not thankfully? You don’t know anymore - none of them are even close to as big as the masked man in the hall of mirrors was.
You tuck your hands beneath your armpits as you finally make it to the parking lot, walking as quickly as you can get away with without running. Your limbs go a little looser as you get to your car, mind relaxing as it recognizes how close you are to safety. 
You freeze when you finally make it to the driver’s side door, lungs going still and heart beating so quickly you worry it’ll pound right out of your chest.
There, sitting in the driver’s seat, is a skeleton mask sewed onto a balaclava.
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Complete Haikyuu smaus
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Atsumu Miya x reader
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Love is hard for a gamer(When a rumor spreads saying that Kozume Kenma rejected a girl, all of his friends start marking fun of him; implying that he will never have a girlfriend if he keeps playing games. To prove his friends wrong, Kozume and y/n —the manager of the volleyball team—, start pretending that they are dating. But when one of them catches feelings… What will happen to their friendship?)
Chose unlimited (kenma kozume is a successful streamer and youtuber who honestly prefers his alone time but when you crash into his life, literally, will he end up falling for you?)
Mute(𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: enroute to being a neurosurgeon, y/n l/n doesn’t have time for fun, let alone dating. after her friends set her up on a blind date gone wrong, she comes face 2 face with none other than her date’s best friend. her world flips on axis, and suddenly she has no idea how her brain works, or love-at-first-sight)
whats a ibff (Y/N is a shy youtube gamer from Fukuoka who becomes friends with a group of youtubers from Tokyo that she met online. Kenma is a youtube gamer and twitch streamer from Tokyo who happens to be friends with one of Y/N’s internet friends. The two meet online through their mutual friend.)
Mincraft bed(truthfully despite playing minecraft everyday all day, you had never played bedwars. not because it wasn’t interesting but because you were terrible at competitive games, of course shoyo didn’t know that upon asking you to play. but i mean can you really be mad at shoyo when it lead you to him?)
「 sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘɪᴇ 」 (❝ Yn owner of a rising bakery cafe. One day a pudding head boy enter with his close friend looking for an apple pie. What will their future bring them when they keep meeting? ❞)
network love (this ones sad)(for Y/N, working for Bouncing Ball Corp. has been amazing. the salary is high, her co-workers are all genuinely kind and fun to hangout with, and lastly, her boss is hot as fuck. everything’s been good until she accidentally sends the wrong file—a file filled with her impromptu lingerie shoot.)
digging straight down (AFTER BREAKING the number one minecraft rule who knew you’d be pining after the one guy who made fun of you for it)
online friend(Y/N L/N is an anonymous gamer by the name of Sage that resides outside of Japan. While playing one day, they become friends with Kenma which leads to being dragged into his rambunctious friend group. With interactions becoming more frequent, Y/N is faced with decision of trusting their new friends and the conflicts of living miles away.)
fix it(You’re a second year at Nekoma with a burning passion to fix whatever is broken and finding out why it’s broken. One day, Kenma accidentally breaks his switch and needs help fixing it. One broken item that needs fixing is what you do best, so you help Kenma out. What else needs fixing?)
three step plane (With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?)
blind date ( as a youtuber, you see it as your job to be kind to everyone like you on the platform. however, one by the name of kodzuken continously pushes your buttons and has now been labeled your archenemy. but, what happens when the person your friends set you up on a date with, turns out to be the man who’s impartial attitude makes you want to rip your hair out?)
MY FAVORITE delete me from your contacts (Being a girl gamer has never been easy especially on a male dominated platform like twitch. Deemed as a mere e-thot by the masses, you never let the petty hate get to you. That was until the famous streamer, kodzuken, decided to call you another lazy, gamer wannabe. )
mr hotshot ceo (y/n is an outgoing and bubbly girl who just landed a job as a secretary for bouncing ball corp. kenma kozume, ceo of bouncing ball corp, works secretly as a gaming youtuber and streamer under the name kodzuken. after a miscommunication and y/n learns the truth about kenma both their worlds collide. what does fate have in store for these two?)
your voice (when kenma kozume met (y/n), he saw you as someone who was far different than him, but as he got to know you better, he was beginning to think that he actually has a chance. or maybe not?)
friends with benefits ()
thanks alot cupid (the worst part of having a secret crush on yn kuroo, in kozume kenma's case, is that she's one of his close friend's ex and his childhood friend's sister. although y/n makes it clear she harbors deep feelings for the blonde, the two reasons that restrict kozume from making any moves, don't necessarily limit her, “no tetsu, I do not have a crush on your best friend aka my ex-high school situationship aka my recent ex’s best friend… but if I said I did what would the consequences be?” summaries aren't my best suit but wtvr)
Beta tester (Y/N L/N is a popular mangaka)
Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader
i lysol you(the miya twins younger sister leaves for tokyo in order to join the junoir national gymnastics team while also studying at itachiyama institute )
heart on the ice (It’s the perfect start to your debut senior figure skating season, until it’s not. A minor run in with Sakusa Kiyoomi has you in hot water in the figure skating world, and the only solution is to pair with the Ice Prince himself and skate in pairs. Sparks will fly as you constantly butt heads with Sakusa, and you see your season melt away. Can you save your season before it’s too late? Or will Sakusa ruin any chance you have of becoming a Senior World Champion?)
Tempura (Yoomi Yum is a five star restaurant that has received nothing but positive reviews. It’s spotless clean, the service is great, the food is amazing! Owner and head chef Sakusa is proud of his restaurant, so when he received a bad rating from YN LN, a well-known food critic, he was shocked. Now he’s determined to change her mind using social media and his talent.)
It was never meant to be easy (y/n is Bokuto’s childhood friend who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. what happens when she crosses paths with someone who is very much the opposite of her? will they match or will it be easier to walk away? )
Sold out (Summary: Sakusa didn’t noticed that he ran out of masks. He immediately went to his favorite and only drug store to purchase a box, but when he asked for some, they told him that someone bought all the masks. He wanted to ask about who the culprit is so he can email them for being inconsiderate, what he didn’t know was that the said person rans a science channel with their friend)
caramel frap (in which sakusa kiyoomi tries not to fall in love with the girl who spilled her favorite drink on him; or sakusa being your breakfast buddy until you realize your feelings and eat together for every meal)
Secrets(Y/N L/N is the new manager of the MSBY Black Jackels volleyball team. With learning to deal and adapt to the many differing personalities, the team may discover that they have a secret of their own.)
why try (smau in which y/n’s sister and sakusa’s brother are set up with an arranged marriage and both y/n and sakusa being sworn enemies, desperately try to cut off this marriage, but during their attempt—both families and friends learn a little something about them)
lost bet ([y/n] has just lost a bet to one of her best friends, Kuroo. The deal was the loser had to do something chosen by the winner. What will Nekoma’s captain choose? But, why?)
figer it out (Sakusa Kiyoomi tended to avoid a number of things: germs, crowds, his teammates, and interviews. He preferred his life out of the limelight. When rumors spring up about his love life, keeping his fiancée a secret becomes a whole lot harder.)
i am the father (You and Sakusa have started dating on the second year of high school. On your 4th year of dating and second year of college, you found out you were pregnant. You were in a crisis. You were only 20 and didn’t know anything about motherhood. Worst case scenario, your boyfriend didn’t want kids.Your solution? Run away from Kiyoomi Sakusa. Raise the kid on your own. Never meet the child’s father ever again.That was your plan.You were doing great on your own, until you find out that Komori, the cousin of your ex, lives next door.)
tsukishima x reader
Doodles(Kuroo Y/n was finally moving onto University, happy to be attending the same on as her brother and that it was so close to all her other friends Universitys. What she didn’t expect was for her brother’s poor attempts to set her up with one Tsukishima Kei.)
Dorm buddies (you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima kei might just be the perfect candidate.)
Salty daddy (You decided to call your relationship over to focus on your career only to realize you were pregnant. About to tell him the good news and fix broken ties, you saw Tsukishima with another girl, unexpectedly happy despite your break up Leaving him was your choice. Surely it was challenging to raise a kid on your own. And when your boss gave you a promotion, you grabbed the opportunity Things were getting better, only to realize your job is being an accountant on the museum where Tsukishima is working. In addition to this, your son won’t stop saying ‘papa’ upon seeing his father’s pictures. )
Drums+acohal≠love(y/n who works as a bartender in a small bar in tokyo met a man who has been coming in for 3 days, what will happen if their life entangle with eachother? will they be lovers or will their relationship be just a one night stand?)
5000 miles away(you moved to America when you were ten years old. every year you visit Japan for a short while and at the eighth year, you meet the son of your parents’ old college friends, Tsukishima Kei. )
Oh my god they were roommates(when tsukishima’s best friend yamaguchi moves out of his way too expensive apartment, tsukki finds himself in need of a new roomie. when he replies to your tweet, he expects a quiet girl who keeps to herself but instead he gets you. will you be able to break down tsukishima’s walls or will you be forced to stand on the outside, looking in?)
make mistakes (after your soulmate first heard your music he dreaded the day youd meet, on the other hand you dreamed of the day youd finally meet them. surely the universe doesnt make mistakes when matching up soulmates… right?)
number neigbor (IN WHICH you’re bored out of your mind one night and upon scrolling through twitter, you’ve come across hilarious interactions with people’s number neighbors. Curious on what the hype was all about, you end up texting your number neighbor. Completely expecting some random middle aged stranger, you’ve actually come across a cute guy that’s your age and lives in the same city. The only downside is that he possibly hates your guts)
bread talks (when your mother tells you to deliver some leftover bread to the young man living above your family bake shop, you never expect to make a complete fool out of yourself. but things happen, and maybe, some small accidents were actually meant to be— just not in the way you expected.)
are you worth it (don’t get tsukishima wrong–he wasn’t extremely fond of anyone that wasn’t yamaguchi, even so, yamaguchi could be a pain. so nonetheless, he has his suspicions about sugawara’s little-first-year cousin, no matter how cute she is.)
kia (At a young age your parents dropped you off at your cousin’s house and left for business. Your cousin being Tadashi Yamaguchi. You two grew closer than ever from the time you were there. At the age of 10 you were sent back home to your parents and moved schools. Then at 15, you enrolled at Karasuno High, reuniting with your childhood friend and meeting some new ones.)
hate to love you (you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi have been friends ever since you were all seated next to each other in high school. So when some dude at your school starts to bug you by constantly asking you out and not understanding the word NO, they were the first people you told. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi help to plot a way to keep this creep away from you.)
play date (kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.)
love is time(Amidst the turbulence of new adolescence and figuring out their path in life, nude model Y/N L/N somehow gets caught up in the drama of Tsukishima Kei's life. Although they're at each other's throats, the two both know when life throws you a curveball sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. They've got plenty to learn from each other, willingly or not. Besides, they'll fall in love in time.)
It’s nothing special (The life of a singer is not as glamorous as it seems. Sure, there is the fame and the fortune but what no one ever talks about is what happens behind the scenes or rather, behind the screens.)
kuroo x reader
serotnin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Gamer girl(summary: y/n and her four friends are known as one of the most chaotic squads in youtube gaming history. even more chaos ensues when another squad joins in and streams with them.)
operation sweetheart (y/n l/n has been dating kuroo tetsurou for a year, but will a training camp that brings the pair back together actually tear them apart?)
A MODERN LOVE STORY (in which Y/N is a college student and youtuber just trying to enjoy life with her friends, and Kuroo is a part time model and full time suffering stem major trying to get by.)
Serotonin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Runaway Hearts Running, a perfect way to clear the mind and to get a good exercise in. Kuroo loves running in the early morning. But every morning he sees you on his route. And everytime the two of you compete to see who’s faster. Hearts are pounding and now it’s time to see who reaches the finish line first.
Keiji Akaashi x Reader
Frienemims(Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
akaashi x fem reader smau (Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
Count on Me Masterlist (Practice. Study. Prepare. Gigs. The band members of 3G are slowly getting a bigger and bigger fan base. In order to stay connected to their followers, they created social media accounts for their band but soon realized that they either sound really stupid or really serious. They weren’t sure if they could promote their music. That is until one of their friends managed to get them a marketing manager from the marketing department. Now YN, the new marketing manager, and Akaashi, the bassist, must work together to make the band grow. Can they count on each other?)
song for you (celeb! au. singer akaashi keiji isn’t too keen on relationships. when up and coming artist y/n moves into the apartment below him, will she be able to change that?)
jane austen and redbull(You’re desperately trying to juggle classes, teaching, and your dumb friends as you navigate grad school. When the opportunity of a lifetime pops up - a contract professorship that could change your career in academia - you and a co-teaching assistant go head to head for the position. He’s cold and calculated and definitely doesn’t respect your intelligence, but he’s also undeniably smart and, well frankly, hot)
Toru Oikawa x reader
Hit Me Up, Buttercup!(You are just stalking your favorite volleyball player, Oikaw Tohru, in his most active social media as usual when you finally got him to notice you. No one expected him to hit you up, buttercup!)
He loves me he loves me not (You’re Karasuno’s first-year manager, someone everyone thought would end up with Tobio because childhood friends win, right? Of course Oikawa would want to wrap you around his pretty finger the moment he knows that. Are his intentions pure and genuine? Of course not. Will you end up hurt? Most likely, though not for the reason you think. )
Hit it till it Barack’s (Y/n, 3rd year manager of the Karasuno Volley Ball Team along with Kiyoko, Very good manager but needs a little hyping up from her boys sometimes. She loves to bake and cook for the team, earning her the title of team mom. She gets all hyped up for the Aoba Johsai and Karasuno match, but when the worst happens, her least favorite player Tooru Oikawa hits her in the face with one of his powerful jump serves. How will this play out?)
Nonsense (you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all)
Like this (it wasn’t supposed to go like this. you weren’t supposed to meet your boyfriend’s best friend, only for his best friend to end up being your ex boyfriend. it was not supposed to go like this. )
so far but connected (A phone that connects to another universe created by Sora Kato, a student from UA Class 1-H, but it was turned down because ‘it was useless’. It’s not like you’re going to end the villains with just a single call from another universe. He spent months creating it for only to be laughed at by his classmates. But when a student from Class 1-A heard about the gadget they immediately went and purchased it from Kato.)
dont hate the player (The most popular female gamer on YouTube. Debatably the most popular volleyball player alive. A bad breakup sent you packing to Argentina for new perspective. Who knew the new perspective had a witty personality and beautiful eyes? Tooru only sees a broken girl whose heart he wants to mend — his goal is to be the best neighbor possible... and maybe a little something more)
may we meet agian(when she was studying in Kitagawa Daiichi’s middle school, yn met Oikawa Tooru. She fell in love with him but things didn’t went well. Years later, as she is in the same high school than him, they meet again.)
Take Care — An Oikawa Toru SMAU (Oikawa Toru is dedicated to volleyball, above all else. Even his health. Kyotani Y/N might put up a rather aggressive front, but they can’t stand to see their friends repeatedly hurt themselves. Can a friendship last between them, will something more come from the obvious sexual tension and care, or is everything going to fall apart because Oikawa can’t listen to the two people who care most about him?)
kageyama tobio x reader
Eagal Eyes (in which you, the younger sister of ushijima wakatoshi, decide to put on a children’s volleyball camp at shiratorizawa and meet kageyama tobio, who steals your heart, despite the warnings of your older brother.)
On repeat (in which yn just got out of a bad breakup, and the only thing helping her is this one song on repeat )
stranger danger (Famous Pro-volleyball Player and Bachelor extraordinaire. Not by choice, but mostly by circumstance. All Bokuto wants is to find someone to do cute couples costumes with, watch scary movies with, and snuggle. He’d also like to FINALLY pull one over on Atsumu and Kuroo considering they win the couples costume contest every damn year.)
love is war(Sports Psychology major Bokuto never understood the rivalry between the Sport Psychology majors and the Biochemistry majors. There was some sort of unspoken rule between them. YN, the Biochemistry major, didn’t understand what the big deal was either. By chance, the two rivals exchanged numbers during a study group and hit it off. Little do they know that there’s obstacles in their way. Love is war.)
it started witha praty(Y/N is the manager of Nekoma, friends with all the boys, ecspecially Kenma. After a late night party on her walk home Y/N discovers a teen passed out on the side of the road she couldn’t just leave him there. Who knows what he’s going to do next.)
a matter of vollyball (y/n was the best female volleyball player of all Japan and the setter of the star school, Shiratorizawa. Despite being the pride and joy of her school and family, she had lost her passion for playing. Winning was everything to her, even if she didn’t show emotion when her team scored a point. Alongside her teammate Tsukasa Emiko, and the infamous Shiratorizawa players Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendō Satori, she’ll go to Tokyo for Nationals, where they meet the crazy and cheerful, Bokuto Kōtarō.)
adore you(After a fair share of bad breakups, Y/n L/n had enough of relationships. Until she’s paired up with Koutarou Bokuto, for a group project, sadly, all he wants to do is adore her instead of work)
if this is it (The Tsukishima brothers are considered, by all standards, good. But their sister Y/N has always been exceptional. A second year with a budding figure skating career and a boyfriend who just so happens to be one of Japan’s top five spikers, Y/N is living the dream. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything apparently.)
Noya x reader
Find Forever (After your mom gets a new job your forced to leave all of your friends at Nekoma High and start over at Karasuno High. The only good thing about it is your childhood best friend Hinata will be there. After being convinced by your best friend you decided to join to girls volleyball club as their libero. One day while you two are practicing receives in the gym a boy comes in and starts complimenting you and starts asking you lots of questions. Your startled and leave in a rush leaving the two boys looking at each other in confusion. Hinata explains how shy you are and later takes it upon himself to introduce you guys properly and soon after a beautiful relationship blossoms.)
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yukidragon · 4 months
I'm a bit curious was it ever confirmed that Shaun and Ian interacted with one another or met before the eventual breakup between Ian and MC. If not what are some of your headcanons on this matter would they have gotten along at all?
Actually, yes, it has been confirmed that Shaun and Ian knew each other before Ian and MC broke up in this comic posted over on the official Sunny Day Jack twitter!
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Credit as always to Sauce for their awesome artwork and for giving us this hilarious glimpse into college age Ian and Shaun. Consider supporting them and the rest of the SnaccPop Studios team by joining the patreon for even more lore tidbits I can't even mention publicly. Just remember, don't share anything privately posted!
While a lot of teaser/development art should be taken with a grain of salt, if it appears on one of the official pages, it's a pretty safe bet that it's canon to the timeline of the game.
So this comic, also drawn by the awesome Sauce, while hilarious, may or may not be canon.
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I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that Ian did not pass Shaun's vibe check.
The first comic certainly makes it clear that Shaun didn't find Ian attractive considering the way he reacted. Maybe it's due to jealousy (I don't think Shaun wants to think about his crush having sex with someone else) or maybe it's because of Ian's bad taste in anime. Who can say?
Content Warnings: This post contains talk of cheating, jealousy, drinking in excess, (unintentional) self-harm, near death experience, SA, issues with sex, and toxic relationships.
I suspect that these two just didn't get along. Between Shaun suffering from jealousy due to his crush and the two of them having different tastes, they were probably only friendly to one another for MC's sake.
I would imagine that Shaun's opinion on Ian took an extreme nosedive when they found out Ian cheated on MC.
Man... can you imagine how much pain Shaun has been through? He had to watch his best friend/crush be happy with someone else... then get devastated by being cheated on. The worst part was if he had bad vibes from Ian from the start, but he ignored his gut feelings for MC's sake.
When it comes to my personal headcanons that I use for Sunshine in Hell... Shaun and Ian had friction since the first day Alice introduced the two of them.
It wasn't just Shaun being jealous of Ian either. Ian was jealous of Shaun too!
Ian has always suffered from a low sense of self-esteem. Shaun, by comparison, is much more well put together, more outgoing, and has this natural charisma that draws people to him. Shaun is just so likable that he gets a lot of attention and friends. For years, Ian was the exact opposite of that, which led to him being bullied and degraded often.
So one day Alice, his childhood friend and partner, is super excited to introduce Ian to her new friend. Shaun and Alice have a lot in common, and it was very visible in the early years of college when Alice was in the middle of her pastel goth phase. Shaun and Alice had a love for horror movies, cats, the goth aesthetic, and a whole bunch of other things. They clicked so quickly, and it scared Ian a little.
It didn't help that Alice had trouble making friends like Ian did. They had that in common, something that gave them a sort of understanding that no one else could intrude on. Now that they were in college they started making more friends, and that was a good thing, really! But Alice clicked with Shaun about as fast as she did with Ian.
In the 1st grade, one day Alice mustered up the courage to talk to Ian in order to cheer him up. After that they started talking every day and they were besties ever since. From there, they started dating. She's never really clicked with anyone else so fast like she did with Ian...
Until Shaun, that is.
Ian kept comparing himself to Shaun, unfavorably. He kept worrying about Alice falling for Shaun instead since, well, clearly Shaun had so much more than Ian had to offer. Why wouldn't she? What didn't help his insecurities was the fact that they had been a couple since high school, but they still hadn't had sex yet.
I integrated the comic into part of Alice and Ian's troubled sex life. The depicted instance was Ian's attempt at making things romantic so that they could finally go all the way.
It took them a while to start being sexually intimate due to their mutual lack of practical knowledge and Alice's SA trauma. She was very cuddly with Ian, not afraid to kiss him or go into a make out session, but she struggled to go further than that for a long time. It left Ian struggling with insecurities, fearing that he wasn't attractive to her despite her constantly reassuring him that wasn't the case.
Really, it was that insecurity and self-blame that pushed Alice to go further than she was ready for, to pretty painful results that she learned to just accept as part of the experience.
Alice is the type of person who can't be comfortable with people touching her unless she trusts them. However, when she gets close to someone, she can get pretty cuddly, even with her friends, giving them hugs often. So, for Ian, seeing his girlfriend get comfortable hugging another guy... someone he might have noticed looking at her a certain way...
Well, getting cockblocked on his rocky road to losing his virginity didn't help Ian see Shaun in a more favorable light.
Really, this was an incident that pushed Ian to be a bit more possessive of Alice. He was already struggling with the fact that his partner was sharing a dorm with someone else, but for Shaun to just casually walk into her bedroom like that without knocking? Ian certainly had permission to come in there without Alice knowing since he's her boyfriend, and he was planning to surprise her with a romantic evening, but how long had Shaun been just letting himself into her private space so casually?
Ian didn't believe that Alice was cheating on him, but what if Shaun decided to take advantage of her? What if this casual blurring of their living space led to feelings blooming?
What if Alice realized that Shaun was so much better than Ian in every way?
This led to Ian asking Alice to move into an apartment with him, even if it cost them money. He was able to feel more secure when they were living together, and he could be the one going into her bedroom at any hour of the day to be with her instead of someone else.
Shaun did try to befriend Ian, but it seemed like every time they hung out, something would rub him the wrong way. He did his best to be happy for Alice and Ian in their relationship, but it wasn't just Ian's shit taste in anime that struck Shaun as a red flag.
It didn't take Shaun long to notice a pattern in Ian and Alice's relationship. Ian would be down on himself, even cry and apologize for being inadequate, and Alice would reassure him. It seemed like every day, he saw this happen at least once. He tried reassuring Ian as well when he could, but after a while it gets tiring to try and lift someone up who keeps dragging himself down. Shaun would suggest Ian try therapy, and Ian would insist it wouldn't work, he was hopeless, and it wasn't worth wasting money on.
It was only when Alice showered Ian with love, and when their mutual friends bent backwards to cheer him up, that Ian would perk up again.
Shaun saw the red flags going up, how Ian was so needy for Alice and it was wearing on her. She went out of her way for Ian all the time, doing so much more because Ian "needed" her.
What made it worse was that Shaun saw how unbalanced their relationship was, how Alice gave Ian so much more than Ian gave back. Because Ian was so clingy, Alice had to often cancel meet ups with friends at the last minute, citing that he was having a bad day and needed her. Yet, on days when Alice was feeling like shit, she just kept powering through, pretending nothing was wrong. It took Shaun a lot of effort to pry her into leaning on him, and he'd even go out of his way to do stuff for her without her asking, like buying her lunch when she was so overworked she forgot to bring any.
Shaun worried for Alice because she was his friend, and she didn't deserve this sort of treatment. It was like she had become Ian's emotional crutch. Regardless of his attraction towards her, regardless if they could ever get together, he wanted her to be happy.
Shaun's opinion of Ian slowly deteriorated over time, but it turned into downright hate when Ian cheated on Alice, especially after she almost died because of it.
It was just a normal night when Shaun got a phone call from Ian. It was about Alice of course. It was the only reason Ian ever called Shaun - to check up on Alice. That night was different because Ian was in a panic. Alice wasn't picking up for him, which was unusual enough, but Ian was insistent that Shaun needed to check on her to make sure she was okay.
It was lucky that Shaun had the spare key to the apartment Alice and Ian shared. The sight of her lying unconscious in a pool of blood in the bathroom is a scar that'll forever be etched in his memory.
Shaun spent an entire night terrified, wondering what had happened. Did Alice try to kill herself? Why? She might have been missing Ian after he moved across the country, but she always reached out to Shaun and others when she wanted company. What happened that night? When he mentioned Alice's state to Ian, he just wailed that it was all his fault and Shaun couldn't reach Ian after that, as Ian was busy trying to book a flight back home to see her at the hospital.
Shaun had to be the one to call Alice's family too, but he had no answers to give them. The doctors would only let family or her legal partner see her for a while. It was only the next day that he learned that it was all because Ian had cheated on Alice, and she drank to dull the pain, only to hurt herself under the influence of alcohol poisoning.
Shaun could've kicked himself. He saw the problems in their relationship, but he didn't think it was his place to say anything. He worried his jealousy was coloring his perspective, seeing things too negatively. Now he wished he pushed harder like his gut told him, got Alice to see that the relationship was no good for her.
When Alice forgave Ian and tried to make it work, Shaun couldn't just sit back and let it happen.
So, yeah, Shaun's opinion of Ian in the present day is very negative. He views Ian as a toxic, manipulative, cheating scumbag who didn't deserve Alice. It was a relief when he managed to help Alice see that too so that she could finally end that toxic relationship. He was there for her so many nights when she cried over Ian and missed him. He saw the pain Ian put Alice through, and it just made his hatred of Ian grow.
Ian is grateful for Shaun being there to help Alice and even getting her to the hospital, but that doesn't get rid of his jealousy. Shaun and Alice are still talking even though she never picks up the phone for Ian anymore. He sees their exchanges online. They're still close. Shaun could one day sweep in and...
Ian can't let that happen. He can't let Shaun steal away the person who means so much to him. He can't let Alice just let him go like this. He just has to apologize to Alice, keep apologizing, and everything will be fine.
Sooooo... yeah, suffice to say, Ian and Shaun do not get along, and I doubt that they ever will... at least in my headcanons.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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sokkadora · 6 months
reunion in song — modern!mizu x covey!reader
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summary: reunion with your best friend (and crush) after coming home from college
a/n: im still new to this show so if this seems ooc for mizu im sorry 😭 reader is supposed to be loosely based off of lucy gray baird from the hunger games because i have been obsessed with her since i saw the ballad of songbirds and snakes
wc: 2k
warning(s): musical whimsy, mizu being smitten with reader, alcohol, bars, reader had a sleazy ex boyfriend, fighting, typical (but toned down) violence, use of y/n
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
It had been a long time since you’d been home, and for your first return to be at the tavern you’d performed at with your family when you were young had only made it better.
Your hands shakily gripped the fretboard of your guitar as the song your covey played was quickly coming to an end, trying to get a grip on the fact you were performing again after being off at school for so long.
You breathed in deeply, the smell of alcohol and a lively sweat filled your sinuses from the rowdy crowd dancing to the music, and breathed out.
Nothing you couldn’t handle before.
At least your friends would be there. Akemi, Taigen, Ringo, it was lovely to see and catch up with them again after coming home. But one person was missing.
God, you missed her the most.
You had frequently talked over the phone while you were gone, but since you had come back, you hadn’t seen her anywhere. But you had sent her an invite to see your covey here tonight. You always did, even when you weren’t performing with them. She always came and watched from the corner, at least when you were there.
She was your closest friend, and you loved her. Even if it was in a way you weren’t supposed to, but you hoped the feeling was mutual.
You heard your cousin, Maude Ivory, shout your name into the mic and it snapped you out of your thoughts.
You quickly hopped on stage with your instrument, the crowd immediately cheering at the sound of your name. You grinned so wide, you thought that you probably looked like a clown, but you didn’t care. It was good to be back in your element.
Maude Ivory stepped back from the mic, cheering for you with everyone else as you did a small twirl, and practically leaped towards the mic.
“Oh, hey there everyone!” You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, glancing around the crowd before you. “Did you miss me?”
You chuckled at their single response, “I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again since I left for school, but I am back.” You grinned, nodding as you noticed your friends near the front, giving them a wave, not noticing the one you most yearned to see in the far back.
You crouched down and quickly took a swig from your water before turning your attention back towards your audience.
“Now, how about a song?” You queried, and the crowd responded by cheering once more. You grinned again and slowly began to strum the notes to a song you used to play often.
“Can’t take my past,
Can’t take my history,
You could take my Pa,
But his names a mystery,”
Mizu watched in awe of your voice in the back, reminded of how much overwhelming joy you filled her with just by laying eyes on you. Let alone hearing your voice; when you sang, she believed it was the most beautiful sound.
“Nothing you can take from me
Was ever worth keeping
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
The covey soon kicked into gear after you ended the last note, the folky melody flooding the bar and echoing off the walls along with the stomping of boots from the crowd dancing.
Mizu fought back a smile, subtly nodding her head to the song as you performed it. Loving how you easily got back into the groove of performing, her eyes wandering over your form as you bopped along to the song.
“Can’t take my charm,
Can’t take my humor,
Can’t take my wealth,
Cause it’s just a rumor,”
Your eyes fell on your friends, you were happily clapping along to the song — Ringo a bit more than the other two, but it succeeded in drawing a bigger smile out of you before you zoned back in.
“Nothing you can take,
Was ever worth keeping,
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
Mizu’s eyes followed your gaze to your friends before turning back to you, just when you looked in her directed and spotted her.
“Thinking you’re so fine..—“
Your smile dropped in surprise, eyes widening at the sight of the woman. The corner of Mizu’s lips couldn’t help but tug up, finally being able to meet your eyes for the first time in years that wasn’t through a camera.
You were even more beautiful than she remembered, and she already thought of you being more gorgeous than any flower or girl she’d ever come across.
“Thinking you’re in control,
Thinking you’ll change me,”
Your grin came back quickly, keeping your gaze on Mizu for a moment longer to memorize her rare smile before turning back to your audience.
“Maybe rearrange me,
Think again if that’s your goal,”
You began to hum into the mic before someone started stomping through the crowd, shouting your name. A woman chased after him and called his name as Mizu’s sharp gaze landed on him, narrowing her eyes at him immediately.
Why was he here?
You rolled your eyes, but continued strummming for the sake of your performance. It was your first performance back home, you weren’t about to let your ex boyfriend hinder your happiness.
His current girlfriend fought to get him away from the stage, her hand harshly gripping his arm but he yanked it away. He drunkenly stumbling towards the stage and attempted to hop on right in front of you with his accordion, causing you to cringe away, ceasing the playing of your guitar as the others slowly stopped right after you.
His girlfriend yanked back off stage.
“What are you trying to play with them, Yusei!?” She scolded. He placed his hand on the center of her chest and pushed her back, eliciting a gasp from the crowd that she stumbled into.
Another man pushed him for pushing his girlfriend, since everyone knew who she was.
The mayors daughter.
“Settle down- Settle down!” You announced into the mic, but no one paid you any mind.
A brawl began to break out, and Ringo quickly ushered your friends out while your ex crawled his way back onto the stage and gripped your long skirt tightly.
You attempted to back up and pull away, angling your guitar to your side as you glared down at him harshly.
“I know you miss me, (Y/N)!” He shouted, tugging at your skirt as you attempted to kick him off.
“You get your hands off me right now, I swear to god.”
Mizu began to step forward to yank the man off you, god knows how much she already hated him from past encounters, but a missed punched landed right on her jaw and she stumbled.
“Get your hands off me, Yusei!” You repeated in a shout, starting to panic as your hands gripped your guitar tightly.
The guitar strings began to leave marks on your fingers as Mizu recollected herself and marched over to the man, decking him in the face and effectively knocking him off you. You gasped as she punched him a second and third time before Ringo began dragging him off, and Maude Ivory tugged you off stage and through the back exit of the bar.
After getting outside, Mizu spit the blood out of her mouth after accidentally biting her tongue when getting punched and Ringo laughed.
“I never thought I’d have to save you,”
Mizu huffed a small laugh, before her mind returned to you, “She’s back.” She whispered, and Ringo’s eyes lit up with her.
“You think I’m gone cause I left…”
Mizu paused on her search through the woods and meadows surrounding your hometown for you after hearing from Maude Ivory, looking to where the voice was coming from.
“But I’m the trees,
I’m in the breeze,”
Her feet began to move absentmindedly towards the singing, feeling inexplicably drawn to it. There you were. A smile quickly made its way onto her lips as she cleared the clump of trees onto the top of a hill, overlooking a meadow from its edge of flowers and tall grass.
“My footsteps on the ground,
You’ll see my face in every place
but you can’t catch me now,”
Her eyes landed on the back of someone’s head, the beautiful plucking of their guitar strings filling her head with a nostalgic sound she’d only felt when she was with you.
Your head whipped around quickly at the sound of a twig snapping, your gaze quickly landing on the blue eyed woman a few feet behind you.
“Maude Ivory said I might find you out here,” Mizu spoke softly as you felt your cheeks heat up, and turned to set your guitar down against the rock you rested on.
“She was right,” You smiled softly, making your way around the rock to stand just a few feet away from Mizu. It was still too far for your liking, your body itched to run to her and feel her arms around you again, but it’d been so long…
“I’m glad you’re back,” Mizu spoke, with a warmth to her tone that was rarely ever there with the average person. But you weren’t a stranger to her. You never would be. She made her way to you, looking down at you as there was finally less than a foot of space between you. “I missed you. More than you’ll ever know.”
You smiled softly up at her, your gaze running over every curve on her face, admiring her. You wished you could’ve been home sooner, maybe if you’d never left…
You teared up, your gaze turning down and staying on her collarbone, you felt ashamed.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come home sooner,” You began, and Mizu furrowed her brows in confusion. “I wanted to. I wanted to see you more than anything — I missed you more than anything, but I couldn’t afford the trip and tuition. I’m so sorry.”
Mizu put her hands on either side of your head, her thumbs rubbing the curve of your cheekbones as you looked up at her with so much love.
“It’s alright,” She whispered her reassurance, looking down into your eyes and then your lips before leaning down. She stopped right before kissing you, her forehead gently pressing against yours as she silently asked for permission.
Your stomach flipped as your hands came up to grip her shirt, your eyes fluttering shut before she tilted your head up and pressed her mouth against yours.
It was needy, almost pleading for you to never part and be that far from her again as her chapped lips molded to yours like they were made for resting against your own.
Your hands came up to grip her wrists as you parted, eyes still shut before she pressed her lips against your again, pulling you closer to her desperately. You let out a small whimper before you heard a whistle from behind you, and pulled apart to see one of your cousins waving and bounding towards the two of you.
“Looks like the proper authorities are looking for you,” You said softly, your hand resting on top of the one hand that still rested against your head before walking up towards Maude Ivory. “I’ll handle this; they’ll be here about the fight last night.”
“When will you be free again?” Mizu asks curiously, wanting to be in your presence again as soon as she could.
You smiled, stepping back down to take her hands in your own. “There’s a lake out in the woods if you remember.” You remind her, and her mind wanders to all the trips you’d take there as kids. “If you meet me here tomorrow we can go there. Like old times.”
“Like old times,” Mizu nodded, repeating your words before gently grabbing your face in one hand, planting one more kiss on your lips. “See you then.”
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sumaneun-stars · 6 months
'Save It - 05'
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Pairing. boss!Jay x Fem!secretary!reader
Genre. Co-workers to lovers, smut, angst
Warnings. Mentions of abuse, making out, unprotected sex, nipple play, handjobs, swearing etc!
Sypnosis. Jay was the fuckboy in college, such a playboy that he almost ran out of girls to hook up with. But once he inherited his father’s company, he’d changed. 3 years into being a professional CEO and then you walked through those doors, making him fall at first sight. All his plans collapsed once he found out that his rival, Lee Heeseung, was best friends with you ever since. There were many reasons for him to let go of you, including his parents- but his endless love for you said otherwise.
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“How did you and Heeseung… become friends?” Jay didn’t want to invade your privacy, but he wanted to know what Heeseung meant to you.
“Hmm..” you tried to remember.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel like it” 
“No- no i was just trying to recall the memory that’s all” you smiled and kissed his hand. Jay was grateful that you were comfortable with him. He kept himself occupied with caressing your hair while he waited for you to answer.
“Back in college when the basketball games were on, I would always stay back and spend my time on the rooftop. I was never really into cheering the guys on like the others did” you said as you played with Jay’s fingers.
Jay hummed in response as he nuzzled his nose in your hair, causing butterflies in your stomach.
“So Heeseung was one of the major players- and one day he got into an accident and couldn’t play anymore” 
“Oh my god-  that’s horrible” Jay weirdly felt bad for Heeseung, he never knew this side of him.
“He didn’t attend any of the games after that. So on the day of the finals I was at my usual spot on the rooftop and I suddenly heard crying”
“Oh… it was Heeseung” Jay sympathized.
“Yeah… and out of instinct I comforted him” 
The memory played in your head, it was so clear like it happened only yesterday. He was your first, but he never reflected the love you had for him.
Jay knew you had a crush on Heeseung back then and he hated it, but looking at your expression now- he wondered how much of hurt it would have caused you. It pained him so much to have a crush on you for a few months, but for you to carry it for years. He wouldn’t have survived.
“So you have a lot of memories on the rooftop, huh?” Jay said as he tickled you. You laughed thinking about what happened tonight- you had completely forgotten about it.
“Thank you for telling me, love. Get some sleep, the flight is at 10 am tomorrow” he pecked your forehead and caressed your cheek. You mumbled a soft ‘okay’ and snuggled into his chest. Jay grabbed your thigh and lifted it up to his waist, making it dangle from the other side. He wrapped his arm around you and gently ran his thumb over your earlobe. The action somehow made you comfortable, and soon you fell asleep in his arms.
When Jay heard your soft snoring, he pulled back to take a look at your face. He chuckled at your sleeping figure, the way your mouth parted and eyebrows relaxed made his heart flutter. How were you so perfect? And how did he get so lucky? 
The next day the both of you returned back. Jay’s mother wanted to meet him, and so the opportunity for you to meet her and clear the air about you rose. He wanted you to meet them- and most importantly, convince them about dating you, and hopefully… marry you. 
On the way to his parents house, your mind raced to all the possibilities for things to go wrong. You remembered Jay’s mothers expression when she first saw you. You bet she would get a heart attack when Jay tells her about you being his girlfriend. You loved Jay, but you didn’t want relationship with his parents to be ruined.
“Hey… everything will be fine, don’t worry” Jay reassured you as he laced his fingers with yours.
“I’m okay” You lied through your teeth. Jay gave you a stupid look that said, ‘please, I know you’. You chuckled at him and slapped his shoulder in a playful manner.
“It’s just that everything is moving so fast… I never expected to lose my virginity- especially with you. But I don't regret it obviously. And now we are on our way to reveal our relationship, but you’re my boss- and i’m your secre- hmph”
“Girlfriend” Jay kissed your lips to shut your rambling.
“I understand love… and to be honest I didn’t expect it either. But deep down, don't you think telling my parents is better than them finding out before?” Jay read you like a book. And when you mumbled a tiny ‘yes’, he chuckled and ruffled your hair.
“I’m sure they’ll love you, baby” Jay leaned in and kissed your cheek. He knew you were scared, you always had a habit of biting your inner cheek when you were nervous. He found it cute. It overwhelmed him how much he loved every little detail of yours. And at that moment, he made a pledge to himself to always protect you.
You got startled when the doors to the huge mansion opened. Jay held onto your hand which you were grateful for, and the maid led the both of you through different pathways and staircases. You weren’t joking when you said it was huge. She finally stopped at the garden and opened the glass door to you and Jay. At the far end, you spotted Jay’s mother seated, drinking tea. She looked …sad. Jay cleared his throat and before his mother could notice, you withdrew your hand from Jay’s. She spread her hands in joy, but it soon faded when she saw you.
She made her way over to Jay and hugged him “My son! I’m so happy to see you… I thought you wanted to talk about personal matters” she whispered the rest in his ear, but sadly you heard it.
“I did… with my girlfriend” he took your hand and raised it for his mother to see.
“G- girlfriend? Her?” She gasped out in shock. You did not expect Jay to introduce you like this. Now you were positive his mother would get a heart attack.
“That’s wonderful, dear!” she laughed in joy.
“Huh?” you and Jay said in sync. You expected some kinda… disappointment?
“I’m so happy you found a girlfriend son, come sit down” Jay’s mother hugged him and hugged you too. You looked at Jay and he had the same expression as you. Confusion. 
“Mom, you're taking your medicines daily, right?” Jay asked and you kicked him under the table.
“Yes dear, I’m not crazy” His mother laughed.
“Mrs. Park, are you truly okay with us?” you asked genuinely.
“Of course dear! And please call me Mom” she took your hand and lightly squeezed it. It felt weirdly nice. She smiled and you naturally reciprocated it.
“What about- Soojin?” Jay mumbled curiously.
“Ah… her. Apparently she is in love with her bodyguard, Mr. Song” his mother looked down.
You suddenly remembered the guy who gave you Jay's parcel back in shanghai… the prada bag.
“The fair back haired guy? The good looking one?” your voice betrayed you. And his mother nodded her head. The side of your head suddenly felt hot, you faced Jay and his eyes shot daggers your way. 
“Unfortunately, yes. He is good looking” she agreed and Jay turned to his mother in disbelief.
“Good look-”
“Soojin called me yesterday and told me that she loved him and that it was all a show,” his mother said in disappointment. You felt guilty for ruining the plans she had for her one and only son.
Jay took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. He ran his thumb over your skin and smiled. His mother saw this and smiled.
“But it looks like I don’t have to worry” you gestured to both your hands and smiled sweetly.
“Thank you… Mom” you said for the first time in 11 years. 
The evening went on with Jay's mother asking details of your relationship. It felt nice to speak to her. She even apologized for looking at you unpleasantly during the party. She spoke about Jay’s childhood stories, and embarrassing moments. It all ended well.
“Good looking black haired guy?” Jay asked you in disbelief as he drove you to your house. He didn’t like the idea of you finding another guy handsome. Was he as good looking as him?
“Oh yeah he was hella good looking… and tall” you teased him as you looked at your phone. You weren’t focused on your phone anymore when you found out Jay was jealous. You then understood the look he gave you back at his parents house. It was a rare occasion, so you wanted to test his patience.
“How exactly was he better looking than your boyfriend?” he asked with a smirk. He knew your answer would be ‘you’re more better looking’ or ‘you're the most handsome one’. In all the dramas the female lead always said those. But you said-
“Well- he was a little more muscular than you. Oh! And he had green eyes. Ugh they were-” you continued to tease him.
“Wow, you're actually explaining it” he mumbled disappointedly. His lips formed into a sad pout as he looked ahead. You laughed and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and kissed your lips. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand.
“Caught you!” He cheered and you slapped his arm playfully.
Jay hugged you in front of your apartment, relieved that it was all over, and that he could freely date you. He sighed and buried his nose in the side of your neck, inhaling the scent of your hair. You stroked the back of his head and pecked his ear. You pulled away from the hug and bid him goodbye. He waited for you to walk in but got confused when you ran back into his arms.
“Baby, everything okay?” he patted your back lovingly.
You gave him one final squeeze and kissed his lips. His hand on your waist traveled up to the back of your neck and pulled you more into the kiss. When the breath in your lungs ran out, you pulled away and breathed into his mouth. You were driving him crazy.
“You're so beautiful, Jongseong” you whispered into his lips, your finger delicately brushing over his chin. Jay felt a thousand fireworks in his stomach, and he found himself smiling like an idiot. How did you make him so weak in the knees? You laughed when you saw Jay’s wide smile, and he shyly hid his face in his hands.
“What?” your question came out in a laugh.
“I’m beautiful?” he giddily asked.
“Oh my god Jay…” you laughed and he swayed from side to side like a cat, snuggling his head in your neck.
“Bye, I'm going in” you ran to the entrance but stopped when Jay replied, louder than usual.
“Am I more beautiful than the ‘tall, handsome guy?’”
“Sh… Oh my god, the neighbors” you laughed and Jay sent you a flying kiss.
You smiled like an idiot as you made your way into your house. You were so grateful that everything was back to normal- but better. You changed into your night clothes and you immediately fell asleep.
The next morning you got up and made it to the office early. Your phone beeped to the message sent by Jay. You opened the chat that was once named ‘Boss’, and now named ‘Jongseongie<3’
‘Good morning love! Are you at the office? I can ask the driver to go slow for you to run ahead if your not \(^0^)/’ 
You scoffed playfully at his text.
‘Mr. Park I’m at the office thank you very much -_-'
‘Awh I wanted to pick you up!’
‘Omg you're so cute&lt;;3'
“Who are you texting?” Mark peeked into your phone but you turned it off before he could read the messages.
“N- No one” you stuttered.
“Oooh… something happened in Shanghai... Oh my- did you- you had sex?" Mark cheered out and you shut his mouth with your hand.
“Shhh! Yes okay I did!” you whisper shouted at him.
“Yes, finally! Wait- with whom?” you both laughed when he asked impatiently. You walked away, but he followed you.
“Okay okay, I’m just happy you experienced it” He patted your shoulder and you gave him a side hug. You told Haneul about Jay though. She deserved to know, she was so shocked that she kept spamming you.
When you were informed Jay was to arrive soon, you left your phone on your shared desk with Mark and made your way to the entrance. You stood in your rightful place, which was opposite to Mark. Everyone was in position except… Sohee was standing on your right instead of Mr. Seo (the Manager of team A).
“How did you enjoy the hotel suite, Ms.Y/n?” Sohee said sarcastically as you looked at her way.
You looked at Mark and you gave him an 'I'll tell you later’ look. The car pulled up and you opened the door for Jay.
“Good morning, Mr. Park” you said in your ‘secretary voice’.
“Good morning” the corner of his lip tilted upwards as he looked at you and replied.
You tried your best to hide the smile. Once Jay walked away, everyone sent suspicious eyes at you. Especially Sohee. You loved your job as Jay’s secretary- but the only disadvantage was that everyone was jealous of your position, especially the females.
One of the female employees walked up to you with her hands crossed to her chest, wearing a look of disgust and jealousy.
“Y/n, why did Mr. Pa-”
“Hey Y/n, I need you to look into a document urgently, now now now” Mark said as dragged you away from the crowd.
Mark led you to your desk with him and made you sit down on your chair. He stood up and crossed his arms in a playful way, like he was going to interrogate you.
“You slept with Mr. Park, didn’t you?” Your eyes widened at his accurate answer, and that just confirmed his suspicion. Mark dramatically covered his mouth in shock.
“No- no I didn’t- I had it with someone else-” you tried to cover up but just then your phone lit up to a text Jay had sent. Mark gasped dramatically as he saw the chat name. He snatched your phone before you could get a hold of it.
“Come to my office- oooh~ Y/n~” Mark swooned as he read out the message.
“Okay okay, I’m dating Jay” you chuckled as you told Mark. You trusted him, and even though he didn’t show it- he cared a lot about you. Mark listened with an amused look. The both of you laughed along at the jokes he made.
You didn't notice time had gone by until Jay opened his office door. Mark and you stood up and bowed automatically. Jay stared into your eyes and Mark coughed, kicking you under the table signaling you to go in.You walked over to Jay and he moved aside to let you into his office. Your back hit the door the moment he closed it. He looked down at your small figure as he caged you with his body.
“Having fun back there?” Jay said in a deep, deadly whisper.
You shivered when his breath hit your neck. His lips lingered there without any movement. Your heart beat fastened so much, you could hear it in your ears. You were getting so wet at his hot breath fanning your neck. Suddenly, Jay pulled down the blinds, making the office dim. He smirked slightly when he saw your legs tighten together.
He suddenly carried you to his desk and set you down. His hand made his way to your blouse, starting to unbutton it.
“J- Jay, what if someone sees?” You asked, but it soon turned into a whimper once he kissed the exposed skin on your chest.
“Let them see” Jay threw your blouse to the floor and unhooked your bra swiftly. He connected his lips on your nipple and started sucking on it with so much force that you were being pushed backwards. You whimpered as he swiveled his tongue over your hardened tit. He groaned out when you held onto his hair for support. You bit your bottom lip to the feeling of his hands running all over your body.
His fingers moved down to unzip your skirt. You wanted to tease him- so you raised your red stiletto shoe and lightly pressed it to his crotch.
“Ah- fuck” he moaned and pushed your leg aside. He looked at you, and before he could make a filthy comment, you grabbed the nape of his neck and kissed him. Your kiss turned into a very hot make out session. Jay’s tongue danced with yours, heads moving from side to side. Meanwhile, your hands got to work on his belt, and when you got rid of his underwear, you ran your fingers over his shaft.
“Hmph- god” he moaned into the kiss.
You smirked and started rubbing up and down his length at a fast pace. Jay gripped on to your hips for support and you wrapped your legs around his waist to bring him closer to you. His moans were so heavenly it got you so wet. He hissed when you massaged his balls. He was dripping with pre cum already when he felt a tingle in his stomach.
“Don’t stop- ugh” He let out a guttered moan.
You gasped when you felt hot ropes of cum gushing out. You watched in awe as he released his liquid on your hand. He was panting heavily as he looked at you, making you smirk. You felt proud that you played his own game.
“That was not pretty babe,” Jay panted.
Jay’s mouth parted as you smirked and brought your fingers to your mouth, starting sucking his cum off them.
“Mhm but it’s delicious” you moaned at the taste, your eyes completely on his. Your left hand was on his cock and you smirked when he became hard again. 
“Fuck- baby, you're a natural” 
Your back hit the desk and Jay towered over you. He undressed you and hissed out when he saw you dripping wet.
“So wet after giving me a hand kitten?” he teased 
“You cummed on it though” you smirked but soon moaned out when he scissored his fingers through your hole, his pace faster than usual.
“Don’t be naughty, doll” Jay cooed as your hips struggled to be freed from his hold.
“Hmph- ah!” You cried out on his fingers. It felt like heaven. 
He pulled out his fingers and you supported yourself on your elbows to why he stopped. Jay moved backward for you to witness. He bit his lip as he rubbed your slick over his cock. You moaned at the sight of his precum and your arousal combined together.
He came closer to you and laid you down on his desk. He towered over your body and leaned in to whisper into your ear.
“I’ve waited to fuck you on my desk for so long, baby” 
He wanted to take you on this desk so desperately ever since his stupid dream, and the best part was you sounded so much more heavenly than his nightmare.
You brought his face closer to yours and whispered back into his ear.
“Then fuck me” 
You cried out when he shoved his cock into your needy hole without a warning. He moaned into your ear when you clenched around him. The both of you were completely naked against each other, his bare skin on yours. His hips moved in such a fast way that you were out of breath. The way his balls hit your skin was making you dizzy. Jay pulled out for a brief moment only to force it back in, making your back arch to the constant hitting on your g-spot.
“Ah- ah! S-so full-” you stuttered out as you held onto his shoulders.
“You're taking me so well, kitten, my good girl” he said before he licked your ear lobe.
Jay suddenly pulled out and bent you over his desk. He parted your legs and entered you once again. You screamed out in pleasure at the new feeling, him feeling so much more deeper now. His tip hit all the spots with more delicious force. His hands were on your hips but his fingers were fixed to your clit. You bit your hand to muffle your moans as he rubbed circles on your sensitive bud.
“You know daddy doesn't like that, right?” Jay took your hand away from your mouth and held it behind your back.  
You moaned out when he hit his hips with force to get a reaction out of you.
“Answer, doll” Jay pushed harder.
“Y- yes, daddy!” you screamed.
Jay rolled his hips and you felt a coil in your stomach. He understood when you started panting harder. He didn’t want to pull out but he had to, when he was half way out you clenched on him  
and pushed yourself backwards to prevent him from doing it.
“Don’t pull out Jay” you whined.
“Baby, I don’t want to either but-”
“Then don’t!” 
“Love, I can’t-” he hesitated 
“Please, daddy” you moaned out desperately
“Fuck it” 
He started rubbing your clit, and soon you both came. Jay bent over and moaned into your neck at the way you tightened around him. You whimpered when you felt Jay filling you up. His hot breath on your neck made it a thousand times better. Your arms staggered with tiredness. Jay noticed that and pulled out and gently turned you over. Your back rested on his desk and you looked at Jay who was staring at your pussy. He jerked himself a few times and entered you again.
He raised your legs and made them wrap around his waist, humming at the feeling and rested his head on your chest while he filled you up to the brim. You sighed as you played with his hair, stroking it and gently massaging his scalp. The both of you stayed like that for a while. From time to time Jay hugged your waist and buried his face into your chest, and occasionally he’d kiss your nipple. It felt peaceful even though he was still inside you. You couldn’t believe his seeds were inside of you, but you didn’t regret it. You could take a pill later.
Jay was at peace. Your warmth kept felt like home to him, the way you gently ran your fingers through his hair made him feel so light. He could just fall asleep any minute. What he enjoyed most at this moment was the sound of your beating heart, it was a slow melody that he had grown to love. Everything about you was so fascinating to him. He felt a sense of pride as well, he fucked you better than heeseung did in his nightmare. The fact that he was inside you with no movement felt nice. His heart fluttered when you would kiss the top of his head lovingly, what did he do to deserve you?
“Love?” you called him but he didn’t reply. “Jay, my baby?”
“Five more minutes” He mumbled into your chest. You chuckled at his behavior. You didn't know how much time you’d lost. Mark was still outside, could he have heard anything?
“Time to wake up, daddy” you teased him as you ruffled his hair.
“Oh no~” he whined shyly. You chuckled and kissed his head. Is it even possible to be shy after saying all those words?
Jay slowly got off of you and helped you to stand, your legs wobbled as you lost balance, but Jay carried you and made you sit on his chair.
“Honey, you okay?” His voice was full of concern, even though you were about to fall a minute ago, your heart fluttered to new nickname.
“Y- yeah, I’m okay” you smiled at him.
“Shall I get you some muscle cream?” Jay was so worried, he went too far with you and now you were hurting.
“No baby, I’m fine” you made him look at you and kissed his nose.
“Are you sure nothing is hurting?” 
“My thighs are a little numb that’s all, I promise” You looked at his watery eyes, he was so vulnerable you wanted to cry. How did you end up with an angel like him?
Jay dressed you up and you promised him you wouldn’t walk too much. He told you to wait after work so that he’d take you home.
“How was your trip to heaven, Ms.Y/n?” Mark teased as you sat down 
“Amazing! There were rivers of milk everywhere!” you dramatically said in a playful manner.
“Oh my god! I wonder where it flows down to?” you and Mark laughed so much your jaws started to hurt, he was the best friend you could ask for.
After work ended Mark looked at you.
“Aren’t you going home?” He asked curiously 
“Jay is taking me home” 
“Ooh, heaven let’s go!” he cheered.
“Not heaven you idiot, my legs are aching” you looked down and Mark scotted down in front of you,
“Seriously? Do you want some painkillers or some kinda crea-” he panicked
“No no I’m fine, thanks Mark” you patted his shoulder.
“You sure-” 
“Ready, babe?” Jay came up to you and stroked your shoulder.
“Yeah, let’s go” you smiled at Mark and Jay shook his hand. But the moment you stood up your thighs ached with pain and you fell back onto your chair.
“Y/n!” Mark and Jay shouted in sync.
You knew life wasn’t on your side. Jay felt so guilty, you're in so much pain because of him. What if your scars were hurting too?
“I don’t think I can walk, Jay” you were genuinely worried about the pain in your legs, not the pain from the session with Jay, but the pain of the scars following it. You were mostly worried about Jay, he would be kicking himself internally by seeing you.
Jay removed his coat and placed it on your legs.
“Baby can you put your arm around my neck?” you hesitated a bit but then placed your arm around his neck, and he gently carried you bridal style.
“Does it hurt?” his voice came out in a broken sob, your heart ached at his voice. He was so worried about you. You nodded your head and he carried you to the car.
You hid your face in his shoulder when you heard people gasping and whispering. What did you get yourself into?
Jay helped you on the passenger seat of his bugatti, the seat was so soft and comfortable, you relaxed right away. You watched as Jay walked to the driver seat and got in. He looked at you with so much concern, making you melt.
“Are you comfortable, love?” Jay asked, he took your hand and placed a kiss on it.
“What happened to ‘honey’?” you smiled and felt at ease when he smiled back.
“Are you comfortable, honey?” He corrected his sentence as he kissed the back of your hand once again.
You nodded your head and Jay drove to his house. He stopped at a pharmacy and bought you a pill and other stuff which he refused to show you. You smirked to yourself, you knew he bought condoms for your next trip to heaven.
“Why are you smiling?” Jay asked.
“Nothing” you pursed your lips.
Jay carried you all the way to his bathroom and set you down on the counter gently, like you were a piece of glass. You watched him as he started filling the tub with hot water. You suddenly tensed up, your skin burnt up every time you came in contact with it. It brought back all those nightmares you lived through, and with the pain in your thighs…
“Jay… I can’t-” your voice almost came out as a whisper.
Jay faced you and immediately made his way to you when he saw your eyes glassy.
“Baby what's wrong? Is the pain getting worse?” He rubbed your thighs gently. 
“No, I can’t bathe in hot water Jay… it hurts” He understood, your scars hurt when it touched heat… or was it your head?
“When did you last bathe in hot water, love?” he asked slowly as he stroked your hair to calm you down.
“About… 5 years ago” you realized how long it was, after that experience you never wanted to touch hot water in your life. Even during the freezing cold winter when you missed the feeling of warm water hitting your skin, you refused.
“Hmm that was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Do you wanna try again?” Jay stroked your sides, he didn’t want to force you into anything but the medicine he bought needed to be added into warm water. You looked at the tub and hesitated for a while.
“Maybe I can try” deep down you were curious to how your skin and mind would react to the water.
“That’s my good girl” he kissed your forehead, took the crystal medicine and sprinkled it over the water. He diluted it with a little cold water to not make it too hot for you.
“What’s that?” you asked curiously what he added into the water.
“It’s a medicine to ease the pain,” he explained.
“In water?” you questioned.
“Yeah, apparently a lot of couples bathe together after sex and this helps to reduce the pain,” Jay said as he checked the water with his hands.
“And how do you know this, honey?” you said while you started undressing.
Jay smirked and made his way over to you, he loosed his tie in front of you and threw it to the floor, you gulped as he started invading your personal space. He hooked his hand on the waistband of your skirt, before leaning into your ear.
“How do I know this?” He repeated your question.
You nodded your head and swallowed at the close proximity. 
“The pharmacist told me” he pecked your ear and walked to the bedroom, smiling playfully at your flustered state. You scoffed at his games and started to undress.
When Jay came back into the bathroom, you were sitting naked on the counter. He was in his bathrobe but even the little bits of exposed skin made you horny. Jay eyes feasted on your naked figure, you were sitting so prettily there for him. He cleared his thoughts as he made his way to you.
“You okay?” he asked.
He pulled the string of his robe and it fell to the ground, revealing his sculpt-like body. You shut off your dirty thoughts and let him carry you. He got into the bathtub first as you held onto him like a koala on a tree.
“Whenever you're ready, love” Jay said before he kissed your cheek.
You took in a deep breath and lowered your legs down slowly into the water. It felt… nice. Your feet tingled at the feeling. You were now standing with Jay. he examined your face. You seemed to have mixed feelings about it so instead he waited for you.
“I like it” you gave him the green light, making him smile.
He sat down and spread his arms for you to sit in between his legs. You bent down and made yourself comfortable in his embrace. His hand gently massaged your body, making you melt into his touch. You hummed when Jay massaged the spots that hurt the most.
“I’m so proud of you, babe” Jay kissed the side of your head
“If it weren't for you I wouldn’t have even thought about this” you leaned back onto his chest.
Jay’s body hugged yours, the comfortable nosies of his breath filled your ears. Occasionally, Jay would collect water in his hand and splash it on your face. The both of you would giggle and play like teenagers. At one point, you faced Jay and he scanned your body, the scars were much more visible in the water. He was furious at the person who did this to you. You were only a kid, how could someone be so heartless to torture a child?
“It’s scary you know… when sadness can turn into anger” you observed Jay’s face, and you remembered the thirst you had to take revenge on the person who made you go through this.
“You were only a child, Y/n” Jay looked at you like he was about to cry.
You moved closer to him and cupped his face “Everything in life happens for a reason”
“But this is-” he protested
“Maybe god sent you to me as a gift… in this cruel world” 
A tear ran down Jay’s cheek, his heart exploding in his chest to your words. You're the star sent down to him. He had no clue who he was until he met you, it was like he never even had a life before you. Your touch was the light to his skin, your breath was the air to his lungs and your smile was the life to his empty soul.
Jay pulled you into his arms and cried on your shoulder, he was so grateful that you were his.
“Jay- what's wrong, love?” you were worried about him. His feelings right now for you were so overwhelming, he didn't know how to express it, but he was sure of one thing 
“I love you” you froze as he spoke into the crook of your neck.
“I love you so so much, Y/n” he sobbed into your neck, making the butterflies in your chest explode. You found yourself crying.
You cradled his head in your arms, kissing the side of his head 
“I love you more, my Jongseong” You connected both your foreheads and smiled at each other.
The tears of both of you fell to the water like petals from a blossomed tree. You took water in your hand and gently washed away his tears. He closed his eyes at the touch of your soft hands as you admired every little detail of his face like a piece of art. Once Jay opened his eyes, he smiled playfully at your marveled face.
“Have you seen yourself in the mirror, honey?” Jay playfully raised his eyebrows.
“Mhm I have, and I’m starting to wonder what you like in me” 
“Don’t say that… you're beautiful in your own weird way” he played you.
“Hey!” you splashed water at him and he laughed out.
“Come on, time for bed” you said as you got out of the tub, your legs felt much more relaxed than before, and the pain was only slightly there. But that didn’t stop Jay from carrying you to bed.
He made you wear his t-shirt and tucked you in until he went back to change. When Jay came back to the room, he found you sleeping, your eyelashes sitting beautifully on your eyelids. He made his way over to your sleeping figure. You looked so adorable, he wanted to squeeze your cheeks.
“Y/n~” he tickled your nose.
“Hmm?” you whined in your sleep.
He chuckled softly at your behavior, he stayed there observing your face. He wanted you in his life all the time. At the end of the day, it was you he wanted. He wanted to come back home to you.
“Yes” you said mindlessly as you stirred in your sleep.
“Do you like honey?” he asked teasingly.
“Hm? Mhm” you hummed in agreement without knowing the question.
From the opened balcony, the city lights enlightened the room. And even in the dim room, Jay could see your tiny pimples. He adored everything about you. You shivered slightly when the cold breeze hit your skin. Chuckling to himself, Jay got up to close the door of the balcony. All of a sudden Jay thought of something, giddily skipping his way back to your sleeping figure.
He moved closer to you and tickled your nose again 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Hm? Okay” you said more desperately, half asleep.
Jay chuckled and kissed your forehead lovingly.
“Goodnight, my wife”
A/n: sorry guys for keeping you waiting! Lmk what you think!!! Thank you for reading<3
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skzhua · 1 year
you are my safe haven ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "You were the first person I thought of at the moment."
pairing: lee minho x reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: 10,529
warnings: swearing, suggestive, unrequited love mentioned, minho being minho (savage and flirty).
summary: your relationship with minho has always been tricky. either he was roasting the shit out of you, or he was flirting with you shamelessly. when things start to get complicated with your childhood friend, chan, why is he the first one who come up in your mind?
a/n: this one took me so long to write, but it might be my favourite one ever. i just fucking love lee minho, lmao. i'm so sorry for not posting as regularly as i used to, i'm very much struggling with school and other, but i'm trying my best! anyway, enjoy~
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You and Chan met when your parents used to live across from each other. Being a year apart only, it made things easy for the both of you to get along. You had gone through everything together whether it was growing up, changing schools, making friends, etc. The last big step you had taken together was moving on your college's campus. You roomed with a nice but shy healthcare student, Youngmi. Although she wasn't a social butterfly like Chan was, she grew more at ease with you as time passed.
Another semester starting meant more homework and less free time, and that involved no more nights out with Chan at the local diner. Over the holidays, his friend, Minho, had started to come to your usual hangouts. Nothing against him, but his presence did affect your relationship with Chan. Your crush on him had only been growing since college started and Minho's presence wasn't much of an help if you wanted to confess at some point. Anyway, it's not like you could tell Chan that his friend was causing you problems when really he was doing nothing wrong.
Your first day was finally over. Checking your message app, you saw nothing from Chan. Weird, since he would always answer you. Your last class was with Minho, and after you had put everything in your bag, he was still at his desk, not having moved a bit other than jamming to his music.
"Minho, can you not?"
The man acted as if he had heard nothing and went on with humming happily to the song he was listening to. Despite how much your friendship with him had improved, he remained one of the few people you would give away to Satan to save yourself with no hesitation.
"Min." you tried again, but you were left with no response.
Out of impatience, you snatched his earphones out of his ears, resulting to Minho spatting out one insult after the other. "I was vibing, you moron! You're seriously no fun, weirdo."
"Wow, I'm so affected by your lame insults." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm going soft on you, kitten."
And here it was again, the sudden shift from insults to flirts. Quite honestly, you never understood how he managed to pass from one another so smoothly, nor could you comprehend how it took you by surprise each time. But that's what Minho is, a flirty jerk who loves to provoke.
"Why are you so pressed, anyway?" he asked as he lazily followed you out of the class.
"We're going to the diner, remember?"
"I forgot, actually. See, that's why I need you around." he winked, but you dismissed his antics.
"Chan hasn't replied to my messages yet, it's not like him."
"It's the first day of school, I bet he has hundreds of meetings."
He was surely right, but you learnt with time to not base your thoughts off of Minho's because he never cared about anything other than himself. And right now, he didn't give a damn about Chan not replying to you.
"I don't know, should I call Bin to see if he's with him?"
Minho deadpanned at you. "Are you his mom or something? He's fine, probably just busy. Plus, I'm here. Can't you enjoy my company for once?"
You sent him a disgusted look, unimpressed, as you went outside. That's when, from afar, you saw your best friend. He was as handsome as ever, still wearing his oversized black clothes, and laughing cutely. And he was laughing with a girl. You had literally never seen her before, though you were convinced to know everyone in Chan's social circle.
"I told you he's okay." Minho huffed.
"Sure." you replied, unfocused. "Wait here for a moment, will you?"
You passed your bag to him, not letting him protest, and you ran to Chan to hug him from the back. He was startled for a bit, until he realized you were the one who took him by surprise.
"Hey, there!" he smiled widely before hugging you back tightly, ruffling your hair in a sweet manner. "I haven't seen you all day, where were you?"
"Class... And the best out of this is that I get to finish the day with Lee Minho." you fake-gagged.
"He's not that bad, just a bit annoying." he chuckled. "How was it, other than that?"
"Fine, I suppose. I just really don't want to be back in class. The teachers went over their planned projects, and I wanted to shoot myself just then."
"Don't say that, you'll do just fine. I know it." he said, rubbing your back.
"Thanks, Channie." you blushed a little.
Chan soon realized he had been ignoring his new friend since you appeared. "Y/N, this is Eunhee. She's in my sound art practices class. Eunhee, this is my best friend, Y/N."
You ignored the pang in your heart from the label he used for you, but still greeted the girl sweetly. "Hi! Happy to meet you!"
"Likewise." she replied, seemingly uneasy by your presence despite her polite smile. "I can go find my dorm alone if you two want to hang out."
You turned your attention to Chan expectedly, but his answer crushed you a bit. "No, no. I'll show you." he hurried to tell her, before looking at you sadly. "Do you mind going without me for today? I'll join you later."
You tried your very best to hide your disappointment, but let's say it wasn't much of a success. "Yeah, sure. Do you want Minho and I to order for you?"
"It's fine, thanks. Later?"
He brought you in his arms again, kissing the top of your head as some sort of apology. You felt down enough, you didn't want to break your façade in front of him. So you hurried to join Minho back, who had patiently waited for you at the same spot. He frowned upon seeing your glossy eyes, but you didn't let him question it. You took your bag from him and started to walk to the diner immediately. However, Minho was stubborn. He sped his pace up to catch up with your own and fixated his gaze on you. You attempted to ignore it, but he can be very intimidating when he wants to be.
"What?" you snapped at him, annoyed.
"You like Chan."
You stopped on your tracks and looked at him incredulously. "You're seeing things."
He scoffed as he stopped walking as well. "Please." he elongated the word. "You're almost drooling at the sight of him. And when he's not with us, you only talk about him."
"I don't drool! And I talk about him because we barely have anything in common."
He smirked. "Now, now, kitten. You barely know anything about me, how can you be so sure?"
"You're a pain in the ass." you groaned, starting to walk again.
He followed closely as he laughed alone. "This is a fact, though. We barely talk about anything else than Chan. You must like him, then."
"Then talk about something else, if it bothers you that much."
He paused for a second, trying to think of any moment you two had without mentioning the older man. He could not think of a single one. He had tried to get to know you on many occasions, but Chan would always end up being the main topic. He had noticed way before today that you had a crush on Chan, but he thought it wasn't his place to bring it up. However, today was different. He was sick of seeing you check him out from afar and do nothing about it, so he thought of giving you a little push. Clearly, you were more stubborn than he initially thought.
"Do you actually want to talk with me?"
You let out a chuckle. "I mean, sure?"
"You don't seem sure."
"Like you said, we don't know much about each other, other than our mutual friend."
You reached the diner and opened the door to let Minho in first. He didn't wait for you to sit at the usual table you would be at with Chan. You joined him quickly, and he sent you a sly smirk.
"What is it now?" you breathed out.
"I want to talk."
You shrugged your shoulders, acting uninterested. "Please do."
"Do you even remember my cats' names?"
The question was unexpected for your part. In all of the things he could have brought up, you expected school, life experiences or hobbies, but certainly not his cats.
"I do, actually." you proudly responded, and he quirked an eyebrow. "I'm telling you, I remember!"
"What are they?"
"Soonie and Dori."
He gasped, putting a hand on his chest to enhance the dramatization of his reaction. "How dare you forget about my beloved Doongie?"
"My bad." you nonchalantly shrugged.
"You're such a bad friend."
"Are we even friends, Min?" you huffed.
"I only allow certain people to call me Min, actually."
You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but Chan entering the place interrupted you. For the first time in your life, you wished he hadn't come join you so soon. He said hi to Minho briefly, before coming to sit down next to you. The server soon came to take your orders, and you asked for your usual burgers.
"Who was your little friend?" Minho asked Chan on purpose, resulting to getting a death stare from you.
"Eunhee. She just tranferred here, so I was showing her around. She's very nice, actually. She even writes lyrics like me! I read some of it, and she's got some talent."
Hearing him talk about someone else with so much praise did not feel good. Nonetheless, you smiled along Chan's talk and pitched in the conversation from time to time.
"I'm sure the two of you would get along well." he finished his monologue about the girl.
"Yeah, she sounds fun."
The night came to an end quickly, and Minho insisted on paying for the food, despite Chan's protests. You were walking to your dorm, when Chan had to go a separate way since he wasn't living close to you. He hugged you good night, and was off to go home.
Minho kept quiet as he walked you home. He didn't mind since his building was next to yours. Although the silence was enjoyable, he felt like something was off. You were acting as if he wasn't there and he couldn't help but notice when you sniffled discreetly.
"You like him that much, uh?"
Not in the mood for his teasing, you groaned in annoyance. "Shut up, Min."
"I'm genuinely asking." You hesitated, not sure if you should be telling him about this. "Hey, I'm serious."
He stopped you and put his hand on your shoulder. While Minho was never one for physical contact, you did know he would not think about it twice when it comes to his close ones. Apparently, he did care about you more than you thought. For some reason, you trusted him enough to tell him. Probably because it was becoming too much of a burden that you needed to confide in someone.
"I'll always be a little sister in his eyes, right?"
He didn't actually expect you to say anything, but he was pleasantly surprised you did. "Depends, things like this can change, you know."
"You don't get it. I've tried for years to get this man's attention, and the moment he meets Eunhee, he seems infatuated with her..."
"For years?"
You nodded your head slowly, ashamed to have been looking at the same man for that long. It's not like you did not try, you actually dated here and there. Nonetheless, Chan was always the one to pick you up after each breakup.
"Rough." Minho simply said.
You ended up changing subjects, as he started to spill out about his cats. He said he rented a dorm for himself so he could have his babies with him, and that he did not think it through when bringing in his third one. Especially because Dori has so much more energy than the two others.
"Thanks, Min." you said as you came to the front door of your building.
"I don't know. For being there."
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulders. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night."
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You really tried to make Youngmi feel at ease around your friends, and mutiple times. The girl had not much interest in coming out of her shell. You understood that, but her having been in college for a year already, you would have expected her to open up more. Still, her befriending you was already a success.
"This is, like, the only free break I have this week, so enjoy while I'm here." Chan laughed out as he headed towards the cafeteria.
"What if I don't?" you joked.
"Then you are revoked from any bestie privileges. No more driving you home after a night out."
You gasped as to seem shocked. "Who would tuck me in and treat my hangover, then?"
"Youngmi can do that." he shrugged as he nodded his head towards the girl walking next to you.
She didn't say anything as she looked at you in confusion. "What?"
"Nevermind." you sighed.
"Hey, Y/N, look." You followed to where Chan was pointing as he tugged your side, and your eyes landed on Eunhee and Jeongin sitting at a table. "We should join them."
"I don't think we should do that." Youngmi spoke.
"I thought you knew Jeongin and get along with him well."
"We don't want to impose ourselves." you added.
"It can't be too bad. Plus, Eunhee is very easygoing. Let's go."
No matter what you were going to say, you knew Chan was not going to change his mind. You forced yourself to follow him, and Youngmi had the same expression on her face. When you reached the two others, Jeongin's face turned red as his gaze stuck on Youngmi.
"Hey." she waved at him shyly.
"Do you mind if we join?" Chan asked, although he was already sitting down.
"Go ahead." Eunhee replied kindly.
Hesitant, you still sat down and started to eat. Chan began to discuss with Jeongin while the remaining three of you kept quiet. You and Eunhee exchanged some glances, and you felt bad for being so on the edge around her. She hadn't done anything other than being friendly, and it wasn't fair from you to give her the side eye.
Looking around, you tried to find Minho in the crowd. You spotted him quickly, but he did not see you as his eyes were set on someone else. More specifically, Byeol, his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting across from her and they were exchanging obvious glares. You were starting to wonder why he even sat with her, since he had previously told you he doesn't like to think about her. You observed the two of them for a bit, until they shifted glares into smiles. What the hell was happening?
"Youngmi." you turned to your friend. "Don't you think it's weird he's hanging out with her?"
The girl shrugged, since she didn't know them that much. "It looks normal to me."
You then heard someone choke, which turned your attention to Eunhee, who was coughing like crazy. As Jeongin attempted to make her feel better, you took out a napkin and wiped off the water she had spilled. She gave you a small smile, thankful.
"What do you mean, me? What did I do?" she said after she stopped coughing.
"She asked me if I'd be interested in tutoring you."
You hadn't noticed that Chan was the one she was talking to, until he answered. Tutoring? Wasn't he busy enough already? You chuckled as you thought this was an horrible idea, and Eunhee did the same, visibly seeing this as ridiculous as you were.
"What's funny?" he asked Jeongin, not sure to have caught on what made you two laugh.
The young man shrugged, not very interested in the conversation. "I mean, do you even have time to tutor? You barely have any time for the guys and I."
"It would be during the class period." Eunhee groaned at Chan, seemingly not happy with what she was hearing. "She said you're going to fail if you keep going like this."
“Come on, Chan. We’re barely halfway through the term. I can manage myself.”
“Not sure about that. You have halfway left that you can use to actually get better instead of barely passing.”
She gave you a look, almost pleading for your help, but you really didn't know what to tell her. So you shrugged your shoulders, and turned back to Youngmi to continue chatting.
“I’ll think about it…” you heard Eunhee say.
Lunch time went on pretty quickly. Youngmi had class, so you walked with her to her course. Your day was pretty much over, and you were planning to hang out with the boys for the evening. But nights at the diner shifted to you and Minho being alone while Chan needed to attend the student association meetings. Either that, or he was too tired and wanted to rest.
Unlike what you would have expected, it didn't affect you as much. Minho was much different than your best friend, there was no doubt. His weird behaviour, though, was odd enough to make you forget that Chan had pretty much abandoned you. He was still consistent with his texts, but you barely actually saw him around, today being an exception.
You joined Minho in front of the restaurant, and didn't bother waiting for Chan since you knew it would only be the two of you. He started to talk about his day and other fun things. But honestly, your focus was not cooperating as you were mostly in your thoughts.
"No, but can you blame anyone? Hyunjin's butt is great." Minho went on with his story-telling.
You mixed your milkshake with your straw in boredom, as you nodded along Minho's talk. "Yeah yeah, Hyunjin's butt is nice."
He raised an eyebrow, offended by your lack of commitment in this one-way discussion. "You're not listening."
"I am! I just told you Hyunjin's butt is nice!"
"Y/N, you've never seen the guy." he rolled his eyes at you.
"That is untrue!" you raised your finger to point at him in defense. "He's the one looking like he was made by angels, right?"
Minho scoffed, a smirk forming. "That would be me, princess." His cockiness almost got to you as you were at loss of words. "And we both know my ass is cuter."
You snorted at his statement. To be fair, you had checked his ass once, and there was no denial that he had a good one. You were not going to feed this ego of his, however. Just then, a ping was heard from your phone.
Chan: Hey! Changbin and I would like to have a little gathering with the others tomorrow. You in?
Y/N: If that means I can finally see you, yes!
Chan: I'm so sorry about that! I had so many meetings and so much work to do. It's supposed to be mostly done, though, so hopefully we can see each other more from now on.
Y/N: Otherwise, I'm complaining to the school that I want my best friend back.
Chan: Stop, you know I'll never leave you.
Chan: See you tomorrow?
Y/N: See you tomorrow.
"Something tells me Channie's the one you're texting." Minho teased.
"Shut you. I could say the same with you texting Byeol earlier."
This spilled out of your mouth without you thinking. You did not understand why it bothered you this much when he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend at the beginning of your night together. It was surely because it was impolite to be on your phone when you're hanging with someone already. Though, you just did the same and he was not bothered at all.
Minho blinked a few times as his eyes were set on you, before he breathed out a huff. "What do you mean?"
You stuttered as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I... She and you were- I meant, earlier today-"
He grinned at your sudden change in attitude. He rarely saw you shy or embarrassed, because you were rarely in this kind of state and also because you were good at hiding your emotions. To say he didn't like it would be a lie. You were damn adorable with the flush on your cheeks, and he had to suppress himself from slipping out a comment about it.
"You were definitely not listening to me earlier, then." You frowned before gesturing for him to continue. "The whole butt thing was because Byeol had accidentally texted me instead of her friend, and she was complimenting Hyunjin's ass in that message. That's why I was laughing then."
"Oh." you breathed out as you nodded your head slowly.
"If it makes you feel any better, I smile much more when you're texting me." he winked.
"Now, for real, you need to shut up."
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Being the first one to get to Chan's dorm, you made yourself at home as you sprawled across his couch, scrolling through your social medias. Chan had plans with Minho and would be coming home with him later, so you hadn't seen him yet. Changbin, however, was there.
"Do you think this is a good plan?" he sighed loudly.
Frankly speaking, you had not listened to one word he said since you were too focused on replaying the cat video Minho had just sent you. "Uh? Yeah. It's an excellent plan." you replied nonchalantly, before chuckling at the video again.
"And, you were not listening." Changbin let out a sigh. "Is this Minho's cat?" he asked, upon seeing the ginger feline on your phone.
"Yeah. Soonie fell off this morning while he was filming him. Poor kitty, but this is quite hilarious. Especially Minho panicking and running to save his child." you went on to explain, a smile still on your face.
"You have it for Minho, now?"
You froze in action from his words. "What?"
He realized that, maybe, he shouldn't have said anything as he scratched his head while awkwardly chuckling. "Forget it."
The doorbell rang and Changbin almost ran to the door to open it. He let Chunhwa in before giving her a big hug. She had brought drinks for the evening, so she straight went to put them in the refrigerator.
"Hey, Y/N!" she waved at you.
"Hi." you smiled. "What did you get for us?"
She raised a pack of beer and a bottle filled with a dark-coloured liquid. "Beers for the guys, and I found this fruit punch thing. I thought we could try it out." she shrugged as she put them down, and pulled a Fanta out of her grocery bag. "And I got this for our Jisung."
"About that." Changbin started. "He won't come tonight. He said something along the lines that Hwayoung was out with some guy and that he didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself."
Last time you hung out all together, Hwayoung had went on a date before joining you and was looking like a wreck. Jisung had to comfort her in Chan's room, and let's say some stuff happened.
"Oh well, I'll have the Fanta, then." you said as you got up to take it from your friend's hand.
Soon enough, the guys came back after they stopped by the convenience store to buy some snacks. While Changbin had already placed the board game on the table, Chunhwa took the time to help Chan out with preparing the ramen soups he bought. Minho sat next to you and thanked the girl as she gave him the food.
"Where is Jisung?" he asked as he started to dig into his soup.
"He's probably comforting Hwayoung again." Changbin answered, which made you feel bad for him.
"If he keeps doing this, he'll end up in a deep depression." you breathed out before the entire room nodded in agreement.
"You're one to say that." Minho said as he nudged your arm.
You glared at him before hitting his arm playfully. You only hoped Chan didn't get what he meant by that. The evening continued as you all picked your pawns to play. You conversed simultaneously since it had been a while since you saw each other. Changbin and Chunhwa were being painfully obvious about their crushes on each other, and Minho kept on bugging you, claiming you were cheating.
"I talked with Eunhee." Chan said, clasping his hands together which took you aback.
"And?" you frowned.
"She accepted my offer. I told you she would."
Your heart sank. No matter when you would talk with him, he always brought her up. Even if you took your feelings out of the situation, it almost looked as if he wasn't your best friend anymore and it hurt. You felt Minho putting a hand on your thigh, probably to bring you some kind of support.
You forced yourself to smile, before managing to say a small "That's great."
You could see that Chan noticed your lack of enthusiasm, but he went on nonetheless. "Yeah, I'll text her the details later. It'll probably be once or twice a week. Depends on her level, honestly."
"Right." you coughed out as you felt a lump forming in your throat, and Minho was quick to notice as he tightened his grip on you slightly. "Sorry, I have a headache. Minho." The boy shot his head up immediately. "Do you mind helping me get some medicine?"
"No, of course." he assured before standing up and offering his hand to help you up.
He gave you a worried smile as you came face to face with him. You didn't know when it started exactly, but he had started to let himself be more vulnerable around you. You almost never saw him having any sort of emotions. Seeing him care this much about you made you feel both weirded out and safe.
Chan watched the scene happen in front of his eyes and frowned in confusion. "Are you alright? I can help if you want and-"
"No." you immediately shut him up. "I'm okay, really. Thanks."
The poor guy was left even more confused when Minho took you away, bringing you to the bathroom. You both closed the door and you stood in front of each other for a moment without saying anything. While he was waiting for you to talk, you genuinely just wanted to enjoy his presence. But as the silence grew, Minho finally decided to break it.
"You could have asked Chunhwa to help you." he said, since he didn't why exactly you chose him to comfort you.
You shrugged, not too sure either. "You were the first person I thought of at the moment. I mean, you had a pretty strong grip on my thigh."
He coughed awkwardly, his ears turning red. "I see. And yeah, sorry about that.
"It's okay. It kind of helped, actually." you admitted.
Another silence took over, but he was the first to speak again. "Do you want me to talk to him?"
Your eyes widened at his proposition. "Are you crazy? Don't do that."
"No, I won't tell him about your crush, or whatever. I can mention to him that it's annoying that he only talks about her." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Min, we both only talk about Chan whenever we are together." you stated the obvious. "I bet you are more annoyed about that."
"Fair enough, but you don't bring up how talented and amazing he is every two seconds."
You laughed at this, and it visibly made Minho relax. If he managed to make you smile a little, that was good enough for him.
"Still, you don't need to do that. It's just as if I'm losing a friend, that's all."
"Do you want to go back home? I can walk you there."
You hummed quietly while nodding a yes slowly. "Actually, yes, that would be nice."
He took a step closer before rubbing the side of your arm, not forgetting to replace the hair that had fallen onto your face as well. "Then, we shall take you home, princess."
You hoped he didn't feel your heartbeat fasten its pace, nor your heavy breathing. He was never a physical person, and his touch felt electrifying. You knew damn well he was only doing this for you to feel better about your whole situation with your best friend, but you were starting to wonder if a part of him actually enjoyed these kinds of moments.
Your train of thoughts was stopped when he let go of you to open the door again, letting you walk out first. As you joined the others, you saw Changbin and Chunghwa being in their own world, and Chan giggling at his phone, most likely texting Eunhee. Oddly enough, it did not pain you as much as it did earlier. Somehow, feeling Minho's body hovering behind you in a protective way compensated.
"I'll go home, if you don't mind." you said to nobody in particular.
Chan let go of his phone, while the two others simply gave you a thumbs up before going on with whatever they were doing. "This early?" Chan asked.
"Sorry, I don't feel so well." you attempted a smile.
Chan stood up and joined you at the front door, concern all over his face. "Let me walk you to your dorm, at least."
You shook you head as a no before gesturing to the man standing behind you. "Minho's coming with me already. Thank you."
"Alright." he trailed off before he gave you a tight hug. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Always. Good night Chan. Bye, guys!" you addressed to the others.
You were quick to leave, and you felt bad Minho had to keep up with your fast walking. Nonetheless, he didn't complain and you found yourself outside of the building soon, breathing in the fresh air.
"What are you going to do for the rest of your night?" Minho asked.
You pondered for a minute, trying to figure out the options in your mind, but nothing came up. "I don't know. Knowing Youngmi, she's already sleeping. That means I can't do much other than sleep too."
"Are you tired?" he asked, and you answered with a no. "My place is close to yours, if you want to hang out."
You never went over at his, meaning you never met his cats. This was a good opportunity to get some cuddles with them, that only if Minho allowed you.
"Do I get to snuggle with Soonie, Doongie and Dori?"
He frowned. "Who do you think you are? Some privileged woman? The cats are off-limit." To that, you pouted at him. "Y/N, no."
"You want to me to feel better or not?"
"You seem to be doing good, now."
"Min, pretty please." you whined like a child.
He let out a sigh, deadpanning at you. "Fine. Not more than an hour of cuddles, though."
Feeling victorious, you took his hand and dragged him rapidly to his dorm. He almost fell from your sudden excitement, which took him by surprise. You were especially strong for someone who barely did anything else than study and work. At his building, he took the lead since you didn't know where he lived exactly. He let you inside first, being the well-mannered man he is, and you were greeted by an orange ball of floof who was visibly confused upon seeing someone who is not Minho.
"Doongie." he said before pointing to the other orange cat who was sitting on the cat tree in the corner of the room. "Soonie. And I have no idea where Dori is."
"You sent me so many photos of them, I would have recognized them without your help."
He sent a glare your way. "Just be grateful you get to meet them."
"Yes, thank you, Min." you laughed before crouching down to pet the cat. "Hello, Doongie." you cooed at him.
Minho huffed at the sight. His cat seemed to be liking you a lot. He went to Soonie, only to see Dori jumping on the cat tree to join his brother. He patted their heads lovingly. At least, he still had those two who didn't betray him. However, he realized he spoke too soon when you joined him to scratch the cats' bellies.
"You traitors." he muttered at his children. "It looks like they love you more than me."
"I'm just that much likeable." you teased.
"Sure you are, kitten."
Your eyes widened as realization hit you. "You call me kitten because of your cats?"
"Why else?" he shrugged as if it was nothing. "I like cats and I like you. This is only logical."
Your eyes went even wider, your heartbeat pacing faster. Did he just tell you he liked you? The Lee Minho who was known to be the most detached person on Earth, the one who never showed his true emotions?
"You like me?" you breathed out.
He rolled his eyes at you. "You're my friend, of couse I like you."
Oh. He meant that kind of liking. You were not certain on why it disappointed you so much. You thought you liked Chan. Well, you did, but ever since Minho came in the picture, you didn't know if you were starting to lie to yourself about your feelings for your best friend.
"Wow, Minho is finally admitting he actually likes having me around."
"Don't let it get into your head too much. This only happened because Chan's busy." he scoffed as he walked to the cupboard in his kitchen. "Now, do you want to feed the kitties?"
You didn't think twice before hopping to join him. You helped him serve the cat food and put it on the ground. You observed them eat together, as you petted their backs. He was babying Dori and Doongie, while you were spoiling Soonie with scratches. Needless to say, you felt like you were two parents watching over their children. And it felt strangely comfortable. If someone told you months prior that you would be in Minho's apartment, feeding his cats, and feeling like you wished it'd be like this all the time, you would not believe them. Because you couldn't quite believe it at this instant.
"Did you want to do something in particular?" you asked after the cats were done eating.
"Hmm." he hummed, thinking for a moment. "We could watch a movie. I have some drinks if you want to do that while watching."
"Sounds good to me."
You opted for a comedy movie while Minho prepared the popcorn and the drinks. You both had already drank a little when you were at Chan's, but some more couldn't hurt. Mid-way through the film, you were already feeling tired and tipsy. Way more than tipsy. Of course, Minho noticed since you were starting to lean on him. He tried to move away, but it was like you were trying to absolutely have some sort of physical contact with him.
"Bruh." he spat out when you were now full on laying on him.
"Uh?" you said as your eyes fluttered opened. "Ah, sorry, Min. I'm just very tired."
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" you mumbled out and Minho froze.
Normally, he would have kicked you out at that point without any second thoughts. However, your pleading eyes with your tired figure did something to him, and he couldn't just say no to you.
"I'll take the couch."
You pouted before shaking your head violently. "Sleep in your bed. I'll stay here."
"Y/N, you're not okay. Sleep in my bed."
"Or we can sleep together."
You took his lack of answer as a yes, and stood up on your feet clumsily. Luckily, he caught you in time before you tripped on yourself. You grabbed onto him to find some balance as he led you carefully to his bed. Once he tucked you in, he was about to leave, but you took his wrist to stop him.
"I said we can sleep together."
"I'll just wash up, I'll be back."
"Do you have cucumbers?"
He looked at you weirdly. Sure, you were drunk, but this was so random. You explained briefly it was for a skin care routine you wanted to do to relax. Although it now made sense, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to pamper yourself while being so tired. Nonetheless, he obliged and brought you sliced cucumbers.
"I'll go shower while you do your thingy."
"I'll wait for you."
Your behaviour was strange, but you were awfully cute and you smiled widely at him, hurrying him to go wash. He absolutely adored it, but he knew this was only because you drank. He beat himself up for wanting this to be genuine. The picture of you waiting for him to go to bed and falling asleep together was more than appealing to him. However, he had to remind himself that you liked Chan, and that you'd known the latter for years. He could never do that, come in-between the two of you. He finished his shower thoughts by simply telling himself to get over it. He didn't like you. He couldn't like you. Not like that.
When he came back in his room, he was met with the image of you watching a kids show on his personal TV. Some people would act like horny jerks when drunk, but you were a total child. Alongside with you was Dori, whom you had somehow managed to kidnap to cuddle with. Minho loved it. But he couldn't.
"You didn't use the cucumbers." he pointed to the plate, still full of the vegetable.
"I told you I'd wait for you."
He quirked an eyebrow, starting to see where this was going. "I am not doing some self-care shit with you."
"Min..." you pouted.
You patted the empty side of the bed and, lazily, Minho sat down as he was still glaring at you.
"I'm going to sleep."
You huffed. "You're no fun. Chan would have done it."
Oh, how wrong was it of you to say that. It awoke something in Minho. Whether it was jealousy or pride, he didn't know, but he knew he didn't like it. Instantly, he picked two cucumbers and placed them on your cheeks.
"There. Happy?" he grumbled.
"Very much." you giggled. "Your turn."
You spent the next hour or so playing with cucumber slices, either throwing them at each other, eating them, or shoving them on Minho's eyes. It might had been the first time you saw him genuinely having fun. Not cocky or insufferable like he usually was. He was at ease, and so you were.
It was around 1am when you both grew too tired to continue your self-care session. You snuggled into the blankets and brought yourself closer to the man laying next to you. He stood still as he looked right back at you. He didn't stop himself from reaching out to the side of your face, patting your head.
"Thank you for tonight." you mumbled tiredly. "I think I like you too."
He immediately caught on that you were referring to your previous conversation. Fortunately, because otherwise, he would have went on full panic mode.
"That's good, pretty. Sleep well, alright?"
"You too, Min."
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You and Minho were definitely no longer friends after that night, but nor had you stopped speaking to each other. Quite the opposite, actually. Think of any act of affection a couple would do, other than kissing, and there you got what was happening between the two of you. Chan had almost disappeared, now spending most of his time with Eunhee. You did visit him occasionally to make sure he wasn't exhausting himself too much but it never lasted more than five minutes. That also meant your crush on him had completely vanished. It couldn't have stayed for long, anyway, after you woke up in Minho's bed that morning, realizing you had fallen in love with him instead.
"Strawberry." Minho said, standing up firmly for his choice of milkshake, as he nudged your arm.
"Chocolate." you said, coming closer to his face.
He sighed in frustration. "We had chocolate last time."
"If you're so pressed with your strawberry, just order one for yourself."
He smirked. "But you want us to share, don't you?"
It was annoying how right he was, and you huffed in defeat. "Strawberry it is."
"There you go. I knew you were going to give up."
"Shut up."
He took you by the waist and brought you closer, as if you were not close enough already on the small cushioned bench. You continued to bicker playfully, when you heard the front door's bell. Turning your attention on where the sound came from, you easily spotted Chan. He stood still, baffled at the sight in front of him. He started to question himself mentally, wondering if he had really cancelled on you two that much that he didn't notice you were dating. Coming back to his senses, he walked to your booth and sat in front of you.
"Hey, guys. Am I interrupting, or..?"
"Of course not." Minho exclaimed. "Glad to see you after, I don't know how long."
You could hear the pettiness in his voice, so you hit him slightly with your elbow before speaking. "We've all been busy, it's okay." you smiled. "So, what's new? How are things with Eunhee?"
"It's good, I guess. We had a... moment, and she is pretty much ignoring me since then. You know, when you came over the other day." he explained, while looking pretty clueless.
"What kind of moment?" Minho asked, stretching his arm out to wrap it around you, which earned a look from Chan.
"Uh, I'm not too sure. We danced in my room-"
You cut him off with a laugh, and he glared at you. "That's the cheesiest thing you could have done. No shit you were acting weird when I came over." you snickered, and Minho soon joined you as he tried to ignore the slight jealousy he felt from learning you went over to Chan's recently.
"Yeah, you two are no better. You were all over each other when I walked in." he rolled his eyes.
That was enough to shut the both of you, knowing well this was an unspoken thing you had going on. You never brought it up, and didn't intend on doing so anytime soon.
"So." Minho coughed out awkwardly. "Your moment?"
"Right." Chan nodded. "Well, we were dancing in my room and, I don't know what happened, but I almost kissed her. And, I don't know, she didn't look like she wanted to, so I back off. And now, I'm lowkey stressing out about it because I surely didn't want to make her uncomfortable."
"She wanted you to kiss her." you responded without hesitation.
"You think so?"
"Chan, I know so." You hesitated to continue with your point, but feeling Minho's hand rubbing your arm let you know it might be time to tell him. "I'm convinced she likes you, because she acts the same way as I did with you."
He frowned his eyebrows. "You like me? Aren't you and Minho... well, you know?"
"I used to, and that's not important." you dismissed the topic. "What I'm saying is she keeps sending you memes to make you smile, she gets shy around you, she said yes to your tutoring..."
"And you told me she even bought you coffee for one of your lessons with her." Minho added.
He looked at you both, still uncertain. "Should I invite her to my party, then?"
"What party?"
"My end of the school term party. In two days."
"Go for it, yeah." Minho encouraged. "Are we invited?"
"If you promise to keep it in your pants, yes."
Right. A party. With girls. And Minho. The guy who hooked up here and there after his breakup with Byeol. The same one you were currently in love with. Great.
"You know me better." he laughed with Chan. "I'll behave, I promise."
Later, on the walk back to Minho's, since you had planned to stay at his place, you were more quiet than usual. You were holding hands, but your grip was loose, and you couldn't focus properly.
"What's wrong, kitten?" he asked worriedly.
"What do you think of Siyeon?" you said, mentioning a pretty girl in your common class.
"What is this question?" he chuckled, not sure in where you were going with this.
"She's cute, has good grades, is nice to everyone. And Chan is going to invite her at the party, probably."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Your point?"
"You could ask her out." you shrugged.
With that, Minho let go of your hand. "I could, but I won't."
"Why? Sorry, but it just hit me that you haven't gone out with someone in a very long time."
"I don't know. I suppose I'm not very in the mood of fucking around anymore. You also stopped talking about Chan with me. I'm not the only one acting differently." he pointed out.
"I said it earlier, I don't like Chan anymore." you rolled your eyes.
"Well, then. Our romantic lives are bland."
"They are."
The conversation was cut short as he didn't have anything else to say. He took your hand again, and led you to his dorm. You got there pretty quickly, and you still hadn't said a word to each other. It didn't mean you didn't understand what was happening, both of you implying the lack of love you had could only mean one thing.
The moment he closed his front door, he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer and crashed his lips onto yours. You were taken aback at first, not sure on how you should be reacting, but it quickly faded as you melted into the kiss. While he was needy, he was also being extremely gentle with you, making sure he didn't hurt you in any way. It didn't take long for you to get to his room, and he pushed you down gently on the bed. Now hovering you, he deepened the kiss before moving down to place small pecks on your neck.
"Min." you mumbled between heavy breaths, and he hummed against your skin. "This is not a joke, right?"
He separated his mouth from your skin to look at you curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You used to be very... physical with other girls. I just want to make sure I'm not some doll you're playing with before throwing it away."
He looked at you with fondness as he stroke your cheek softly. "I thought I made it clear I've wanted you for months, now. Not just physically, like you said." He pecked your forehead. "If I can have you." Kissed your cheek. "I don't want the skin ship only, this time." He stopped as he glanced at your lips. "I want all of you."
You were the one to initiate this time when you brought him closer, kissing him hungrily. The unspoken tension there was before was no longer there. It was like kissing each other had dropped all of your walls, and you were now fully exposed to one another.
"I fucking hated it when you cried about Chan." he said in-between the kisses.
"Fuck, yes." he said, going back to sucking your neck.
"I hated how much you flirted with me, knowing you weren't sincere." you admitted.
"Trust me, kitten, I was fucking sincere."
You started to play with the hem of his shirt, tugging in a few times. He backed away and smirked at you before leading your hands to help him take off his shirt. The sight in front of you was mesmerizing. You already had the idea that he had a good body because of his dancing, but you certainly did not expect him to look this hot.
"Damn." you let out without thinking.
"I know, I'm hot." he winked at you.
"Of course, you know." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm joking." he chuckled as he pecked your lips. "Are you okay if we continue? I want you to feel comfortable."
"I'm more than okay."
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The party started out well. You had come in advance to help Chan with the preparations, but mostly to help him calm down. The poor guy was so nervous, not knowing whether Eunhee was going to show up or not.
As people kept coming in, you kept on looking out for any signs of Minho. He texted you he had some errands to run for the cats before coming, but you just wanted to see him. After your night together, you spent the next two days doing finals which didn't allow you to meet up again. The morning after, however, he did ask you out on a date to which you gladly said yes. Although labels were not discussed, it wasn't necessary because you both knew you wanted the same thing.
"Hey, Seungmin!" you welcomed the man as you opened the door.
"Still acting like Chan's place is yours?" he joked.
"I've come here so much, it's like my second home." you laughed with him. "Come on in!"
You joined Chan back in the kitchen as he was starting to prepare the snacks. You started helping him out, though you were very much distracted. Looking at your phone every minute or so, Chan pointed it out, making fun of you.
"You tell me to stop doing that with Eunhee, and you're doing the same with Minho."
You froze in place before slowly turning your head to him. "I never told you I was seeing Minho."
"Y/N, you two have been eye fucking each other for weeks. It did surprise me, but I'm not blind. You love him."
You blushed, as shyness crept over. "Yeah, he's really great."
"I can see that. I haven't see you so happy since, well, since forever actually. I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, Channie."
You exchanged smiles before going back to preparing the food. It felt great to spend some quality time with him after such a long time.
"You two fucked, haven't you?"
Your eyes widened from his words.
"What?" he said innocently. "You have dark spots on your neck, that's all."
You grew embarrassed, but couldn't help but laugh. You haven't noticed until now that Minho had marked you that much. You thought he was being gentle enough to not have done so, but it was visibly the opposite. Just then, you noticed a familiar figure appear in front of you, which made the both of you shut up.
"HI! Eunhee, um, wow. You made it! I mean, I didn't expect you to be here. I should, uh-" Chan spilled out, straightening his posture.
Trying to prevent him from embarrassing himself any further, you hit him slightly with your elbow to shut him up before turning your attention to the girl in front of you. "Good to see you."
"You too. I hope I'm not interrupting." she flickered her gaze between the two.
"Of course not!" you both denied, not wanting to give her the wrong image.
Chan stood there awkwardly before starting to walk away. "I should go greet the others. Talk to you later?" he told her, and you gave him a look as to ask him what he was doing.
You didn't know what to say to her. Seriously, it was Chan's responsibility to talk to her and fix whatever happened between them. You just kept on pouring bowls of chips, but ended up speaking.
"I really didn't expect you here. Chan had kind of given up after you ignored him."
It came pettier than what you had intended, but at least the message was there.
"It wasn't intentional. I mean, I did purposely ignore him but I had reasons." she justified, but you shook your head for her to stop.
"I'm not asking you to tell me why, you must have had good reasons. I just..." You hesitated to keep going, afraid you would be saying something you shouldn't. "He told me about how you almost kissed and I'm just letting you know that Chan is not someone to play around with. I don't know why he likes you so much while barely noticing me, but I'm warning you. You don't know him like I do and I know Chan is going to prioritize who he loves first. I don't want this thing going on with you two to be hurting anyone."
Her silence was torturing you as she was processing everything you told her. You replayed the scene in your mind, trying to spot anything you could have said wrongly. But nothing came to you.
"I came here to fix things with him." she finally spoke. "I don't know the history between you two, and visibly you are closer than anyone here. If I hurt you in any way, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to pass my class, that's it."
You had definitely fucked up by indirectly mentioning your former crush on the guy. This was obviously not the outcome you were expecting, you simply wanted to let her know that Chan was precious and needed to be taken care of even when he didn't want to.
"No, I-"
"It's okay, Y/N. You two clearly have something going on. I know for a fact Chan doesn't like me like that and he's way better off with you."
She left before you could explain any further. You cursed under your breath as you tried to catch up to her. However, you were stopped when someone brought you into a hug before familiar lips met yours.
"Hey, there." Minho grinned at you. "You're looking beautiful."
While your heart wanted to stay with him and melt at his compliments, your mind knew you had to make things right with Eunhee.
"Thank you, Min. I have to do something real quick. Do you mind getting me a drink in the meantime?" you pecked his cheek. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Alright." he nodded before bringing you into another hug. He leaned on your side so his mouth could be next to your ear. "I'm sorry about the hickeys, by the way."
And he left. He was surely making you feel things, but now was not the moment. You walked through the crowd of people, trying to find Eunhee, but you simply couldn't as there were too many people. Looking behind you, your eyes laid on Chan, alone in the kitchen. You went to him as fast as you could.
"Chan!" you exclaimed out of breath. "Have you seen Eunhee?"
When you took a better look at him, his face had nothing but confusion, sadness, and pure anger.
"What did you say to her?"
And, you were fucked. You shut your eyes closed, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the argument that you felt was coming. Chan was rarely mad, but you did not want to be around when he was. Now that he was actually pissed, it was even worse that it was at you.
"So you saw her."
Chan rolled his eyes, as if it was the most obvious thing. "She said you were waiting for me in the kitchen. What have you told her?"
"Nothing untrue, I swear." you breathed out, trying to be careful with your words. "I think she misinterpreted a lot of what I said."
"What did you say exactly?" he asked again, growing impatient.
You took a deep breath in, and searched for any help around, but everyone was having fun and Minho was nowhere to be seen. "I might have spilled out I had a crush on you, but she took it as if I still do." He groaned in frustration, passing his hand through his curly locks. "I also said you like her, and I might have mentioned that you two being together could potentially end up hurting the both of you..."
If you thought he was furious earlier, now he was on full rage mode. Honestly, you had never seen him so mad, and it frightened you quite a bit.
"Why on Earth would tell her that?" he almost growled at you.
"Why? For fuck's sake, Chan, how was I supposed to know what to tell her? You left me there because you were too much of a baby to face her yourself." you snapped at him, which he had seemingly not expected.
"You know me enough to not say shit like that! And I am hosting this whole thing and I saw people coming in. It was the least I could do."
"Fuck off with your lame excuse, because we both know Changbin was already doing so. And for your information, I don't know you as well as I used to because sir decided to disappear out of my life."
He huffed at you as he looked around. He was lost and didn't know what to do now.
"Yeah, I told you already that I'm sorry. But if you love me so much, you wouldn't have told her off by saying you have a crush on me." he yelled out, being heard by almost everyone in the room.
Behind him, you spotted Minho's eyes already staring at you. He was fuming too, walking towards your direction. You didn't know whether he was angry because of you or Chan, but you were definitely worried at that point.
"Y/N." he called out.
"Minho, can we not-"
"So it's Minho, now?" You exhaled loudly, wondering how the night had even taken this turn. "I thought you said you were over him."
"Minho, stay out of this." Chan put his arm in front of him to prevent him from approaching you any closer.
You recognized the protectiveness Chan had of you within his tone, which reassured you a bit that he still cared, at least. Minho didn't fight back, but sent you a disappointed look instead.
"I'll leave you to it, then."
With that, he stormed out of the apartment, not looking back. Meanwhile, the tears you had been holding back until then flooded out and you broke down as Chan held you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, it's my fault."
The softness he had after being so enraged took you by surprise, but you truly needed your best friend at the moment. "I'm sorry." you sobbed out.
"Y/N, it's okay. Don't be sorry. You know I can be pretty stupid, right?" he pat your head, and you nodded as a small laugh left your mouth. "I'm the one at fault, here. I should have talked to Eunhee myself, and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Minho is very sensitive, you know that, right? He'll come around, I'm sure of it."
It amazed you how he was still able to find the right words for any circumstances. You loved him, for real. But not that kind of love. This one was reserved for Minho. The only thing on your mind was to run after him. You hurt him, and you couldn't bear with the thought.
"Thank you, Chan. I'm also sorry."
He shook his head. "I told you to stop saying that." It made you chuckle.
"Do you think I should go after him?"
He smirked. "Go get your damsel in distress."
Still sobbing, you snorted at his words before you hurried to get out of his apartment. You felt grateful to have went so many times to his place to know his dorm number. Otherwise, you would have given up much quicker. You stopped in front of his door and knocked softly. You heard someone moving from the other side, and heard a sigh.
"Min." you called out.
To your shock, he opened the door, only a bit, and looked at you. He looked tired, and you noticed he had changed into his pyjamas. He hummed as a greeting, obviously still mad at what happened.
"Can we talk?"
He really didn't want to, but your puffy red eyes and simply the sight of you was enough to break him apart. So he let you in. You smiled widely when you were greeted by your favourite cats. You scratched their heads briefly, before turning your attention back on Minho. He was leaning on his counter (which was hot, let's be honest) and crossed his arms as he waited for you to talk.
"I really and certainly do not like Chan."
"Reassuring." he commented, but received a glare from you to tell him to let you speak.
"What happened was he left me alone with Eunhee and I said some things to her that she interpreted as if I still liked him. Chan got mad and he impulsively said that. I told him about us already, he knows."
He frowned at your words. "Us."
"Yeah, us." you repeated, taking a chance by walking up to him.
Thankfully, he let you place yourself right in front of him. He uncrossed his legs so you could have some space, and you approached him. You took his face in your hands, looking at him lovingly.
"What did you tell him about us, precisely?" he asked, placing his hands on your waist.
"I told him that you're great."
"Just that?"
"He knows we fucked."
He raised his eyebrows as he looked up. "Should have expected that."
You slapped his cheek playfully as you pouted, and he chuckled because you were just adorable. "Shut up."
"Sorry. Go on?" he laughed.
You got closer to him, your lips lingering over his. He would have kissed you, but he wanted to hear what you had left to say.
"And I admitted that I might love you."
He backed away, not having expected this. "Love?"
You sighed. "Dude, we've been acting like a couple for months, and we see each other pretty much every day. Don't act surprised."
He frowned even more. "Dude? Really? I call you princess, kitten, or pretty. And I get dude."
"Min." you whined, but he could only laugh.
He loved messing around with you, but he knew when to stop. "I'll be dude if that's what makes you happy, love."
You grinned from ear to ear. "Shall I take this as you love me too?"
"Don't make me say it, kitten."
You chuckled and played with his hair. He adjusted his posture and was now the one hovering you. His eyes went straight to your lips, and he didn't ask to kiss you before doing so. You smiled and kissed him back, not forgetting to hold him close.
"I fucking won over Bang Chan." he bragged after pulling away from you.
"That was an easy win." you snorted.
"Ah yeah? Am I that irresistible?"
"You know you are."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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canonfeminine · 2 months
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☕ . . . Barista! Leo Valdez x Customer! Reader.
in which: Leo has a favorite customer, and it's most definitely you.
authors note: I don't have much to say for this one LOL. I'm writing this right after I post my poll to see what fic you guys would like from me so this is one of the options ! also I like to think that the store Leo works at is a mom and pop shop and the parents who run the place love Leo and gave him the job as soon as the place opened 🤭
warnings: literally none
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Was it wrong for Leo to have a favorite?
He didn't think so. I mean, It's not like it was obvious. His job was to make caffeine drinks for teenagers, college students, and thirty year old women with two kids. Who would know (or care) that he liked one customer more than another. As long as the quality wasn't getting worse for one customer and way better for a second one.. Why do they care?
When Leo says they, he means his coworkers. He might have talked about one customer a little too much (and how pretty they were) and one day, the people who worked around him were like: "Wait.. do you have a crush on one of the customers?"
Which Leo responded with: "Uhm.. No?" (He's rubbing the back of his neck and blushing like crazy. He also sucks at lying)
So ever since that day, Leo's wonderful peers have been his wingmen and wingwoman. Every time they'd have a break, the people on the job would go into the back and talk about ways Leo could smoothly give you his number. At first, the meetings were really embarrassing. They'd often joke around about how Leo had a crush on somebody who he only saw for a good few minutes a day, but as it went on for longer, they would actually give some good advice.
So Leo, taking all the advice he'd learned from his fellow people's, decided to shoot his shot. And he didn't just pick a random day, no, he might have checked the weather for the week and picked the coldest day because, lets be honest, who doesn't want a hot drink on a cold day?
The day you came into the shop was definitely cold, but that didn't stop you from wearing something cute. As soon as one of Leo's coworkers saw you, she basically pushed Leo to the front desk without saying a word. "What in the world are you—" he stopped talking when he saw you walking up to the front desk. "Well, look who it is." He smirked.
"Hi, Leo." You smiled back, glancing at his name tag and back at him. Not that you had forgotten his name, but it was hard to remember stuff when you were around him. "Can I get a [insert usually order] please?" you asked.
"And will that be a to-go order?"
"Unfortunately, yes. I have a job interview in like.. " You turned your phone on to check the time. "thirty minutes? and I can't be low on energy. I'm trying to get the job, not lose it. "
Leo laughed. "I bet either way you'd get it." If his eyes could form hearts, it would. you were so, so pretty.
[ little time skip hehe ]
It didn't take that long for you drink to come to you (mostly because Leo was high on energy and was making it for you) But before he gave you the drink, he wrote a little something on the side of your cup.
"I'm going to be very honest, you're cute. I'm going to put my number below this just in case you think i'm cute too." He signed the letter with his name and a little red heart that he used a red sharpie to make.
"Here's your drink." Leo handed the coffee cup to you, purposely giving it to you in a way so that your hands could slightly touch. "Thank youu." You said, smiling. "See you next time I come in?" You asked.
"See you next time." He shoot you a pair of finger guns (which was extremely nerd & cute thing for him to do.) "Good luck on your job interview!" he said before you walked out the door. He wasn't happy that you had to leave, but at least you leaving meant his heart wouldn't beat so fast. The only this that he could hope was that you saw his note on the side of your coffee cup.
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deliciousangelfestival · 11 months
My Problematic Girl - Chapter 1
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Character: College!Steve Rogers x Rich!Female Reader
Prologue:  Steve has lived being nobody in this prestigious university. He just wants to graduate and get a job to get more money to pay the bills for his mother's surgery. 
But his life turned upside when a new student attended his class. His quiet and dull life became dangerous and full of surprises.
She exhaled the cigarette smoke from her lips. She still doesn’t care even though he told her he has asthma. 
She looked at Steve and said, “Bark for me.”
Steve felt humiliated, and his pride was crushed. But she held his life and secrets. He had to bury his dignity to the ground, and he murmured, 
I would appreciate any comments and feedback you can give me. 
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Pine trees, old gates, red bricks, this is the same view Steve saw every day for the past two years at Stark University he attended as an art student. 
He always remembered the moment he got a scholarship and was accepted to this prestigious university. 
It was the first time he felt alive. 
He thought when his problem with tuition had been solved, he could enjoy being a university student compared to high school. 
But it turned out to be the same. Every student here is super rich; they come to uni with their sports car, or their driver drives them to uni. 
They live differently from Steve, who has to work different types of part-time jobs to get more money and pay hospital bills for his mother. 
On the first day of class, the way rich kids look at Steve when they see him walk into the class, they know he doesn’t have the same life standards as them. 
Steve tried to be friendly with them; they were nice at first. But he realised they were using his talents to do their work. They treat him like, ‘It’s a privilege to hang out with us; you should be grateful.’
Since then, Steve decided it was better to be a loner. With only eight months left, he will graduate and no longer have to meet these people. His footsteps stop in front of the class door. 
"Did you watch the game last night?"
"You bet, and guess what? I sat with the club owner."
“Girls, my dad got us the ticket for that concert.”
That’s what Steve heard every day in his class. He couldn’t join the conversation because of his financial status. 
Steve took the headphones from his pockets and put them on his ears. No one even bothered to say Hi when he walked into the classroom. 
That’s good because if one of his classmates greets him, they want Steve to do their work. It’s better to be invisible or a wallflower. 
He went to his table, dropped the old canvas backpack, and took out the sketchbook. 
Since Steve was a kid, drawing was the only way for him to escape from reality. He forgot how his abused father, sick mother and snobby classmates were.
While drawing, Steve heard one of the female students start gossiping. One of the nice perks of being invisible, he could get a lot of gossip in this university.
“My father met the chancellor yesterday and heard a new student will join this class.”
“Before one semester to graduate? That’s unbelievable, but how?”
“I heard she’s close with Tony Stark. I guess one of his young girlfriends?”
“No, euuh.”
All the gossipers start laughing like they are better than anyone. But Steve agreed with one thing, what kind of person could attend a class last semester?
Suddenly the class door opened, and it was Prof. Abraham Erskine; before he walked into the room, he turned back and signalled, ‘Wait’. 
He put his documents on his table and looked at his students. “Guys, you have new friends. Please be nice to her, alright?” 
“Perfect.” Prof.Erskine clapped his hands once and waved his hand towards the person behind the door. “Come in.”
The rumour is true; a new student is joining the class. 
Everyone could see her arrogant attitude when she walked into the room. 
But the way she dressed from head to toe took the attention of every female student. 
One of the females who sat in front of Steve whispered to her friend, “Did she wear those shoes to class, and that watch… cost more than this class tuition.”
“Who is she? If she were in the socialite club, I would’ve known.”
“Her name is Y/N L/N; starting today, she will study with us until last semester.” Prof.Erskine looked at Y/N and said, “Please be nice and don’t make trouble in my class.” 
Everyone gasped when they heard their Professor beg this one student. 
“Shit, she’s that bit*h.”
Steve turned to one male student who immediately closed his mouth. 
“Remember that chaotic night at the H club? She kicked one of the guests to the table. She didn’t even apologise and continued her drink.”
“Ohh, I heard a drunk guy won't leave the female guest. She kinda helps the victim.”
"I remember she went to the same school as me. She kicked a teacher to the window and threw the table at him."
"She didn't get in any trouble?"
“Her father is the CEO of a Law Firm."
"Her parents gave her a penthouse, and I heard she always held amazing parties."
"That's cool. We should ask her later to hang out with us."
Steve shook his head; how fast their opinion changed when they knew she had money.  
Prof. Erskine didn’t bother with his students, who kept whispering. He told Y/N, “You could sit near the window with that boy. His name is Steve.”
Y/N nodded and went to the chair where the Professor pointed his finger. Everyone in the class stops talking and watches her whenever she walks. Their eyes are looking in Steve's direction. 
Their gaze made him nervous; today was not his lucky day. He lowered his head and continued sketching. 
Nothing happened when she sat beside him. Steve thought he had to greet and introduce himself. But it’s unnecessary because she grabs a tablet and wireless headphones and starts playing games. 
Everyone widened their eyes; the audacity of her being impolite and arrogant was on another level.
What Steve had in mind, ‘Ah, another rich kid.’
Professor Erskine didn’t even bother; he opened his laptop and set up the projector. “We will continue the study of Leonardo Da Vinci of his … … …”
Steve looked to the front,t but then he glanced at the new student. Before, she played games, and now she reads online comic books.
'Wait, did she read it from that website?'
She looked at him and caught him off guard. Steve nodded his head and looked back to the front. His face felt hot because that was embarrassing.
After the class ended, the first person who stood up after the Professor left was Y/N. A few people tried to approach her, but Y/N replied to them by saying, "Get lost."
Steve was confused; on the first day, Y/N had started to make an enemy. She could quickly join the clique if she wanted to, but it doesn’t seem like she cares.
Steve opened the message on his phone that said, “New 24 pages. Do you want to take the job?”
He immediately typed, “Yes.” It's an offer for extra money; Steve wouldn't say no. 
“Steve, I have to talk about your final project.” Professor. Erskine asked him. For their final, every student has to make an exhibition. Usually, universities will provide a warehouse for students. 
But now their curriculum has changed; the uni wants the students to find the place for their exhibition independently. 
Almost all the students have no problem with this except Steve. He couldn't even afford his rent. How can he get money to rent a place just for one day? 
That's why Prof. Erskine asked Steve about a sponsor. 
“Have you found the sponsor?" 
"Not yet, sir."
Steve gulped, he wanted to ask, but he didn't know anyone willing to give their money to sponsor an art student.
Prof. Erskine sighed. "I hope you will find a sponsor during the winter break, Steve. I know you will." He carried all his stuff and left the classroom. 
Steve sighed heavily; he wished he knew one person with money. 
Then he saw the new student, Y/N, looking at his sketchbook. He grabbed the book from her hand. 
“Ah, sorry.” He wanted to scold her, but Steve didn’t expect her to apologise. He put the sketchbook into his bag and gathered all his stuff to leave. 
Steve's body stopped when he heard that. Then he saw Y/N grabbed her wallet and took an old photo. She shows it to him. It's a small photo in black and white colour, the paper also being crumpled or folded many times. When he saw it, he noticed the woman in the photo looked like Y/N. 
“Could you draw her to be 40 years old? In this photo, she’s 25 years old. I saw your drawing. The way you do the shadow and wrinkles is nice.”
Steve doesn't know how to feel since he never got a compliment from his classmates. 
“You won’t do it for free, of course. I will pay for it. Please?”
Steve takes a good look at her face. When she talks like this, it doesn’t seem like the same person from the class. And she asked nicely, and she was willing to pay. 
“Great, I will give you the deposit first.” She took $200 hundred from her pocket and handed it to Steve's hands. 
His hands tremble because his drawing would only cost around $75. This money is enough to pay for groceries for a month. 
"Uhm, it's too much." Steve felt guilty if he took the money. He handed back the money to her. 
His act made Y/N quiet for a while; he thought she was mad at him, and she probably felt offended, but instead, she said, "No, for her, it's worth it."
When she said those words, Steve could feel the sadness in her voice. He doesn't know the meaning behind the story, but he will do his best to draw the photo. 
"I will finish this in 3 days."
"That fast?"
Her question made him curious, is she an art student? 
"Are you-?" 
Before Steve asks her, someone yells her name. He turned back and saw the chancellor of Stark University, Tony Stark. 
It's difficult to meet him, even though there are only two places to find him: the engineering lab or a nightclub. He's a famous playboy but also a genius. 
So, to make him come by to this building is fantastic. And he's here for Y/N. 
Is the rumour true that she's Tony's side chick?
"Nice to meet you, Steve. See you tomorrow."  Y/N smiled at Steve and went to Tony. 
He saw both of them walking together. Perhaps the rumour may be true. 
Steve shook his head; it was not even his business. He should go home quickly and start drawing since he got two jobs today. 
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When he gets home, he turns on his old PC, grabs his drawing tablet and opens the storyboard he received. 
Steve clicked his tongue; as a freelance artist, he can't say no to his client, but his morals get tested every time he gets a new storyboard from the client. 
His work is drawing for Hentai comics. Some people see this as disgusting, but some people will like it. And Steve works with the people who are willing to pay. He will receive any request from the website called www.readwithme.com
This is the biggest secret he kept if anyone from the university knew his work. He could get dropped out. He even kept it from his best friend, Bucky. 
He carefully picks a secret name and uses another email so no one will figure him out. His ID is VioletDust18. 
Many people have read his works and subscribed to the story. He doesn't get paid much, but it's enough to pay the bills and rent...
He already got the rough sketch and opened the reference to start drawing. Steve didn't feel aroused when he looked at the photo or storyboard.
When the clock showed 9.00 p.m, Steve finished three pages. He stopped when he felt hungry. He opened up his wallet and saw $200. Today he will order a food delivery to treat himself, and tomorrow, he will buy groceries. 
Suddenly Y/N appeared in his mind. He is grateful that she pays more than enough. But one thing that worries him is that she opens the website with Steve’s artwork. 
She seems like not an art student. She probably wouldn't notice. 
Yeah, it's better if she didn't notice, and after he's done with her request, she will ignore him.
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Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.
If you have any feedbacks or want to join the tagged list, you can tell me.
I will always be grateful for those who reblog. Thank you so much.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
rose-colored glasses (all distorted) | lee jeno
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title: rose-colored glasses (all distorted)
pairing: lee jeno x fem!oc/reader (no name used, written in third person) | mentioned: oc's brother!jaemin, lee haechan, park jisung
genre: bet!au, brother’s best friend, angst, smut, fluff (if you squint) | requested
summary: a long-lasting crush for her brother’s best friend, a bet, obsession, devotion and jealousy; all things that cannot lead to anything good. But the world that Jeno showed her was perfect and she couldn’t see what it really hid behind the rose-colored glasses. It was all distorted.
warnings: angst, manipulation, gaslighting, fights, jealousy, smut, fingering, oral sex (m and f), (semi) public sex (on Ferris wheel), pussyjob (i guess??), degradation, praise, dirty talk, unprotected sex, jealous sex, make-up sex, inexperienced!oc, feeling like tagging this dubcon bc of the heavy power imbalances (jeno is mean at the start and then he’s slightly possessive and she would do anything to have him in any way, do what you need to do with this information) but there’s always consent
words: 18.294k
playlist: who are you ; 5h | like that ; bea miller | lose you to love me ; selena gomez | you all over me ; taylor swift | case closed ; little mix | can't help falling in love with you (dark) ; tommee profitt | monster ; exo
a/n: i promise it’s a bet!au but with a darker twist. I enjoyed writing this even if it’s quite out of my comfort zone (please don’t make me write mean men anymore I need them to be himbo male wives) but as I said I’m happy with it so I hope the anon that requested it (and all of you) will like it anyway. This story has no intentions of romanticizing this kind of behaviour, if you realize you’re in a manipulative/toxic relationship please ask for help.
taglist: @wooyoung4eva @jenoxygen @sunshinedhyuck @kundann @jaeymark
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Having a crush on her brother’s best friends was one of the dumbest things she could ever do. Especially when they had always been in two different leagues. 
Jeno had always been the popular kid at school, after a few years of being a loser in middle school, he picked in high school and college. He was everybody’s first love, tall, charming, the captain of the basketball team, and he even had good grades. 
She, on the other hand, was the opposite. Not a loser like the typical image of the silly girl with pigtails and round, big glasses who spent her days reading books. But still not popular enough to be at his level. She was reserved, she preferred minding her business and spending time with her few friends instead of living in the chaos of frat parties, or disco nights with people she barely knew. She was Jaemin’s sister but she couldn’t be any more different than him. Probably being his sister was the thing that worsened everything. Everybody expected her to be as cool as her brother, funny, cute and charming at the same time, but most importantly, not annoying. 
And yet, all those differences didn’t stop her from falling for Jeno. It was rather impossible when he was always at their place. They grew up together. Sure, she was always a step behind, watching from the side, laughing at his jokes when nobody else did, reminding his birthday to Jaemin that never remembered, admiring him and cheering him silently for every accomplishment he made. But she was there, every day since she was ten falling for him deeper. By now she came to the conclusion it wasn’t just a stupid crush that was going to pass. Too many years had passed by and she still looked at him in the same, delusional, way. Even if Jeno never paid her much attention, no matter how hard she tried.
But it wasn’t like Jeno couldn’t see it. He knew she had a thing for him, he could see how she squirmed every time their bodies touched casually, or how big her lips curled when he greeted her and most importantly… rumors ran. 
He knew. But there was something funny in keeping her on the edge, seeing that, somehow, the harsher he treated her, the more she came back, wagging her tail every time he acted just a little bit nicer than usual. 
And his group of friends knew too, always joking about it when they all stayed at Jaemin’s place and he left for a few minutes, giving them the opportunity to talk about his sister that always found a way to go downstairs just to say hello. So they talked about her a lot, chuckling, joking, saying that overall she wasn’t that bad and maybe he could’ve given it a try. But all of them were a little bit too competitive. Jeno was sure that if he only gave her a bit more she would’ve fallen to her knees, Haechan believing that she was too proud and innocent to actually risk it for him, while Jisung listened, laughing, but not believing she would’ve given up so easily. 
But Jeno was firm in his belief. He knew she was already his. But it was risky; she wasn’t just anybody, she was his best friend’s sister, and even if Jaemin never showed to care much about her, he knew it was still a dangerous game to play. 
But Jeno was a player, and he loved risky games. 
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“What are you doing here?” She exclaimed when, turning around, she saw Jeno lean against her bedroom doorframe. “Jaemin’s not home.” 
“I know,” he replied, shrugging and making his way in. “I wasn’t looking for Jaemin.” 
She furrowed, trying not to panic over the fact he had never been so close to her with nobody else around. “Our parents aren’t home.” 
He snickered, “I’m not looking for them, either.” 
“Then who are you looking for?” Her voice betrayed her, shaking a bit, but she shrugged it off with an awkward chuckle.
“Damn, you are dumb, aren’t you?” 
“I’m looking for you,” he said, sitting on her bed, and looking around. “Jesus, you do love pink,” he exclaimed, almost with a hint of disgust in his voice. 
“Can you tell me what are you doing in my room?” She asked, crossing her arms on her chest and standing in front of him, having no idea where she found the courage, and deciding to let the comment about her room fall. 
“I’m throwing a party this weekend,” he explained, placing his hands behind him on the mattress, stretching his legs out and tilting his head to the side, “wanted to know if you were coming.” 
She laughed awkwardly, shaking her head. “You are inviting me?” 
“Yeah, why not?” 
“You hated when my mom forced you to bring me along.” 
“Yeah, because you were a loser back then and annoyed the fuck out of me.” 
She gasped, staring at him in disbelief. “This is how you are inviting me to a party?” 
“I said ‘were’, I think we can get along now,” he said, standing up, and leaning close to her. “Or am I wrong?” He whispered while his hand placed on her waist, making her move back in surprise, but he stopped her, gripping tighter. 
She gulped, lifting her head, and stared at him. “You barely talk to me…” 
Jeno smirked, caressing her cheek and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, maybe I want things to change.” 
She swallowed, trying to keep her eyes on his and not on his lips, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss him. This meant nothing. Jeno never looked at her like that. So why would he start doing it now? 
“Do you want things to change between us?” He asked, almost cooing, moving his thumb on her lips, grazing gently. 
“Ye-yeah, I do,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts and pulling back, turning around to hide the big breath she was taking now that she wasn’t in his hold anymore. But Jeno knew it anyway; she always did that even when he barely touched her or stood too close to her for more than two minutes. 
“Great, see you this Saturday, then,” Jeno smiled, winking at her before closing the door behind him.
Her heart was beating ten times faster than usual, and a grin was not leaving his face until he walked downstairs and saw Jaemin. That was going to be fun, but he needed to be careful. 
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The party wasn’t chaotic like the high-school parties he and Jaemin used to plan every time their parents weren’t home, it was mostly their closest friends and some other people she had never seen before. But the music wasn’t too loud, there was nobody already drunken or high, lying on the floor, and most importantly, there weren’t couples all over each other in the living room. 
She found out later from her brother that it was an inauguration for the house Jeno just bought, finally free out of his parent’s clutches. But of him, there were no traces. 
She had been wandering around the place for like ten minutes now, a drink in hand as she hummed to the music playing from the speakers. Pushing the black dress she was wearing down her thighs, regretting the choice every two seconds she took a step and it rolled a little bit more up on her legs. 
“I was looking for you everywhere.” 
“You scared me!” She screamed, turning around too swiftly and spilling the alcohol all over his shirt, gasping and biting her lips nervously when she realized what she had done. “I’m sorry, shit, sorry. I can help you fix that.” 
“Enough,” Jeno stopped her, blocking her empty hand from touching his wet chest. “My bedroom, now.” 
“Yo-your bedroom?” She stuttered as he dragged her upstairs, leaving the party behind. “What are we doing in your bedroom?” 
Jeno laughed mockingly, pushing her inside. “We’re fixing the mess you made. Why? Thought I was dragging you here to fuck?” 
She moved her mouth without letting out a sound, feeling shame creep over her face. 
“Yes? Want me to fuck you, babe?” He asked, lifting her head up by the chin and smirking at her flustered face. 
“I – no, why would I?” She chuckled awkwardly, pulling away. “If you get changed, I can clean it, and then I’ll give it back to you once it dried,” she said, bringing the topic back to his stained shirt. 
“I have a washing machine here,” he said, hands moving to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head, making her get lost in his toned chest and abs. She had never seen him so exposed, but she was sure as hell that he had never been like this before.
“Close your mouth,” he ordered. 
“It’s closed,” she retorted, grunting but still diverting her gaze from him. 
“Sure,” he chuckled, throwing the dirty shirt on his desk chair; he didn’t even care about the shirt, he just wanted to spend time alone with her. “Anyway, I need you to help me pick another one.” 
“That’s why I am here?” 
“Yeah, I told you, I don’t want to fuck you.” 
“Stop it. I don’t want either,” she replied, biting her lower lip nervously and tapping her high heels against the floor.  
Jeno studied her, another smirk curled his lips before he sighed. “Help me fix the mess you made so we can go to the party and have some fun.” 
When they reached downstairs again, she had no idea how she was still standing on her feet, staying too close to him and helping him close the buttons of the new shirt he picked got in her brain. Jeno pointing out all her weird antics didn’t help her much at relaxing. And just when she thought she was free and could find a corner to dance alone and then run home and avoid him forever, she got dragged on the couches. 
“We’re playing truth or dare,” Haechan chanted, making her sit next to him. “You can’t miss it.” 
“Truth or dare? How old are we? Fifteen?” She asked, looking around at the others, hoping somebody was going to back her up. 
“That’s why I never wanted to bring you along,” Jaemin booed, “because you’re boring.” 
She wanted to talk back, but the hums of agreement of his friends made her shut her mouth and squeeze more in her place. 
“We’re starting from the youngest,” Haechan said. 
“Man, why always from me?” Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes, receiving a look from his friend. “Fine, truth.” 
So they started playing, too many dumb dares and too spicy truths for her liking, but she tried to be likeable and don’t be a buzzkill. 
“Truth,” she chose for the first round, fearing the question, already knowing it was going to be something embarrassing or something she couldn’t answer because it wasn’t like she had many adventures. 
“Where was the wildest place you ever had sex?” Haechan asked, making her face heat up immediately.
“Dude, that’s disgusting, she’s my sister,” Jaemin whined, turning around and fake-gagging. 
But she was standing still, wanting to die under the interrogating gazes of the others. “I… I only did it in a bed,” she confessed as her eyes skimmed all over the room to avoid the mocking smirks on the others’ faces. 
“Wow, yeah, should’ve expected it from you,” he mocked, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. 
She bit her lip, nervously playing with the hem of her dress, until her eyes met Jeno’s. He was staring at her but she couldn’t decipher what he was hiding under his gaze or if his lips were turned in a genuine smile or a mocking one. But it didn’t matter… well, it didn’t until she had the brilliant idea of picking dare. 
“Guess what, we’re hoping you can spice up your life in one night,” Haechan joked. “You have to play seven minutes in heaven with Jeno,” he said, turning around and winking at his friends. 
She expected Jeno to gag or complain about the pairing, but he didn’t. He looked at her, stood up and then reached his hand for her to grab. She hesitated, looking over at Jaemin for approval, but she gagged instead when she saw a girl all over him. 
“Come on,” Jeno urged her, making her drift her gaze from her brother. “I’ve got a brand-new closet to try.” 
The walk to his bedroom was silent as she felt panic run in her veins. 
“You know that it doesn’t have to be sex, right? You can also just talk while playing seven minutes in heaven,” she mumbled when he opened the bedroom and started walking to the closet. “Or we could do nothing, that’s also valid, you –” 
“Will you shut up for a second?” He asked, turning around, stopping in front of her, pushing her inside before closing the doors behind them. “Great, so much better for my ears,” he huffed. “And, to answer your annoying questions, no, there’s no fun in that.” 
“We can’t do that in seven minutes,” she muttered. “Also you said you didn’t like me like that, you said that just before, you-” When he shushed her with a kiss she felt her knees buckle and her heart race and it felt like a fever dream. 
“That’s something that shouldn’t happen in this game, you know? No kissing allowed.” 
“No kisses but sex yes?” 
He chuckled, making her walk back, sitting her on a small white desk next to the wall, dress lifting up, barely covering half of her thighs. “Weird, isn’t it?” 
She hummed, breath shaking when his cold hands ran on her naked thigh. “Wait, I’ve never done this.” 
“I thought you said you did it in a bed?” 
“I – I did but it was ages ago and it was…” she stopped, embarrassed, “it was bad.” 
“Oh, yeah, not surprised,” he replied. “Do you trust me?” 
“I don’t know,” she whimpered when his fingers grazed her panties. 
“I think your body trusts me,” he whispered against her neck when he moved the panties to the side and felt how wet she was. “Is this from before? Did seeing me half-naked got you like this?” 
“N-no, why would it, mmh,” she stopped when his fingers started circling on her clit. “We shouldn’t – we shouldn’t –”
“Do this?” He asked, smirking and pushing a finger inside her, making her roll her head back against the wall. “I will make you come if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not your ex-boyfriend.” 
“Jeno –” 
“Shh,” he shushed her, lips barely brushing against hers, “you don’t have to hold it back,” he whispered, starting to move his fingers inside her wet pussy. “I know you want this so badly. You’ve been dreaming about my fingers for so long,” he cooed, smirking when she lowered her head in embarrassment. “It’s alright, baby. A lot of people would want these fingers buried inside of them… and you are the lucky one tonight.” 
“You won’t tell Jaemin, right?” 
He snickered, “what happens here is a secret, honey. Just relax, stop being so serious, that’s why nobody can’t stand you. You think too much.” 
She was about to open her mouth again and talk back but when his two fingers curled inside of her and hit the spot that made her tremble, she could only try to hold in the whimpers and let her head fall against his shoulder. 
“There,” he hummed, “so much better.” 
“Mhh,” she mumbled, her hand reached for his other arm and squeezed tight, trying to hold onto something, “feels good.” 
“I know, baby, I know. He didn’t give it to you like this, right?” He teased, moving his hand to reach for her hair and force her head up so he could look at her face, eyelashes fluttering and lips parted to let out low moans. “What about this?” He asked, adding a third finger and starting to move his thumb on her clit, eliciting a choked sob to roll out of her mouth and to open her eyes fully. “You like this?” He asked, but he knew the answer, she was dripping over his hand and her hips were rolling against his thumb searching for more friction. 
“Yeah,” she whispered, biting her lips, nails digging into his arm when he started to move faster into her, making her try to close her legs, embarrassed by the lewd sounds of her wetness, but Jeno only smirked and forced her legs parted. 
“No, pretty,” he whispered, “want to see you.” 
“I think I… I’m close,” she confessed, feeling her body burn up and a new weird sensation build up in her stomach. 
“You think?” He asked, tapping her cheek so she would open her eyes. “Oh… he never made you come?” 
She nodded, diverting her gaze again, feeling the sensation intensify with every thrust of his fingers. “Mhh, it’s too much, feels – feels too good,” she whimpered, hips grinding against him, and lower lip bleeding for how hard she was biting on it. But Jeno couldn’t care, he knew she could take it, she simply wasn’t used to it, but he was going to make her get used to it. This was just a preview of everything he could give to her, a small window on the world he could show her. 
“Come,” he ordered, “I don’t think we have much time. And you don’t want Haechan to hear you moan like a whimpering mess, right?” 
She shook her head before throwing it back, feeling a new sensation rush over her, her stomach tightened and her toes curled in her shoes while her hips bucked up against him. 
“No more, no more,” she whimpered, trying to push him away. 
“Shh, it’s alright, baby, it’s alright,” he shushed her, thumb grazing her cheek. She blinked, trying to shake the dizziness out of her brain, eyes falling on his lips, wishing she could taste them again because the kiss of before was so unexpected that her brain didn’t even have time to register it.
And Jeno knew it, but he needed her to crawl back to him, he couldn’t give her everything just yet. He needed time, precious time, filled with tests and games that she needed to pass and then maybe she would’ve gotten to him. He couldn’t even care about that stupid bet anymore, if the time was ticking and he needed to get with her in two months, he wanted to have her in the palm of his hands and play with her like a puppet. 
“I told you I could make you feel good like nobody else ever did,” he said, winking, pulling away, leaving her sitting on the desk, slowly realizing what just happened. “Like nobody else ever will,” he whispered, turning around, waiting for Haechan to call them down again. 
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She shouldn’t have felt special. She shouldn’t have felt the butterflies fly in her stomach just because Jeno touched her for a stupid game. Yet, she did. Jeno was the only thing that filled her thoughts for the passing weeks. When she was trying to work. When she watched a movie. And when her hands shily moved on her body, desperately trying to replicate the feeling his fingers made her feel. 
But nothing came close to him. She needed him, every day a little bit more than the day before. But the more she craved him, the more he seemed ephemeral. She couldn’t reach him, she didn’t have his number, and she never dared to sneak into her brother’s phone to steal it. She already looked pathetic in his eyes, so she needed to win him in another way. She needed to appear charming in his eyes and make him fall for her for real. But she didn’t know what he liked, or well, the only thing she knew he liked for sure wasn’t going to make him fall for her. But it was something. And something was better than nothing. 
“Yeah, alright, I’ll wait here.” As soon as those words slipped out of Jeno’s mouth and Jaemin closed the main door behind him, she took the last steps on the stairs to reach him, running to the couch, waiting for him. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked when, coming back to his seat, he saw her sit there. 
“Because it’s my home?” She replied, playing dumb. “I thought both of you left.” 
“But I’m right here, so…” 
“Wanna watch a movie with me?” She asked, ignoring the way he was, not so subtly, trying to make her leave. 
He snorted, “why would I want to watch a movie with you?” 
“Because I’m bored.” 
“You are bored, not me,” he huffed, sitting down. “Also, Jaemin will be back soon, we don’t have time for a movie.” 
She shifted, sitting on her knees and placing her hands on his shoulder, “Then can we do something else?” 
He looked at her up and down, trying to study her expression, “Like?” 
“Promise you won’t tell anybody?” 
“What are you on?” 
“I know we said we weren’t going to talk about that night,” she started and Jeno stopped her immediately. “Exactly, so why are you bringing it up?” 
“Let me finish, please,” she begged, and Jeno nodded, curios to know where she wanted to go. “It was… good. I mean, you are good so, I was thinking that maybe we could…” 
“You want to be my sex buddy?” He finished for her, a mocking smile on his face. 
“I want you to teach me,” she confessed, feeling shame take over. 
Jeno raised a brow, tilting his head, “you want sex lessons from me?” 
She nodded, lip trapped in her teeth. 
“What makes you think I want to spend time with you? Especially like that.”
She stammered, not knowing what to answer and he rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, fine, since you want my attention so bad, let’s try this,” he said, turning around, face so much closer to hers now. “You have to prove to me that it won’t be a total loss of time.” 
He smirked, moving a strand of hair out of her face, “I gave you something the other week, didn’t I?” She hummed. “Give it back to me.” 
“I told you I don’t know how to do it, it’s not fair.” 
“Alright, consider this the first trial lesson. If you’re not a total failure, which I doubt, I’ll give you what you want.”
Her eyes moved around the room, suddenly realizing how dumb everything was. That was a bad idea. That was the lowest point she could reach just to have him somehow. 
“You know what, I… I think I don’t need those lessons,” she said, jumping off the couch but she had no time to walk around it that Jeno was already in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. 
“I know you don’t really want these lessons,” he said, pushing her back against the couch. “All you want is my attention, isn’t it? You got a taste,” he whispered, lips almost touching hers, making her lean closer, only making him smirk, “and you can’t get enough.” 
She wanted to deny it but there was no point anyway. It was written all over her face. It was in the way her thighs were squeezed together. It was in the way she had never worn clothes this revealing before around him. 
“Am I right?” He asked again because he wanted to hear those words slip out of her mouth, he wanted her to admit how obsessed she was with him. 
“Yes, I can’t get enough.” 
He smirked before moving his hand down on her neck, thumb caressing her jaw, “So… do you want to have a bigger taste?” 
She nodded and then dropped to her knees when he pushed her down. Hesitant, shaky hands moved to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans and underwear down, exposing his already half-hard cock. 
“Can you get me hard?” He asked, already knowing that it was a matter of seconds with the way she was looking up at him. 
No words slipped out of her mouth, she only nodded and then started pumping his dick, but his stern gaze made her lower her face. 
“God, I really have to teach you,” he complained, rolling his head back and sighing loudly. “Open your mouth, your hands are useless.” 
“Good,” he moaned when she parted her lips and stuck her tongue out. “See, you know how to do it, you just don’t want me to think you do.” 
She was about to retort when he pushed almost all the way down, making her gag around him. But the discomfort didn’t last long, it felt unexpectedly good. She liked the sensation of his length on her tongue, or how she could feel the slight throbs when she sucked harder. But what she liked the most was the way Jeno’s face was contorted in pleasure and how deep moans came out of his lips.
“Don’t give me those – fuck – innocent eyes. Where did you learn, uh? With porn – shit – or reading?” He asked when she opened her eyes and met his, making him lose his mind.
“No, don’t answer, I don’t care where you learned. I just – fuck – need you to keep doing that. Keep sucking,” he ordered, making a makeshift ponytail with her hair and guiding her on his length. “Can you take all of it?” 
Her eyes snapped up, looking at him, silently telling him that she couldn’t. 
“Oh, you can’t?” He snickered. “But I’m here to teach you. That’s what you wanted, right? For me – fuck – to teach you. Then learn,” he said, pushing deeper down, making her gag around it. “Relax your jaw and breathe through your nose,” he told her, slowing down, pushing out before sliding in again. “Good girl, just like that,” he praised, and her thighs clenched together at his words, feeling wetness pool in her panties. “You are good at this,” he smirked, eyes glistening as he watched her concentrated expression and the way her cheeks hollowed around his girth and her tongue twirled around his head when she reached the tip. 
“Do you exercise with Jaemin’s other friends? Uhm? Or am I the only one?” He grinned when she shook her head, still not pulling away from him. “No? The only one? The only one you get on your knees for?” 
She nodded again, stopping working on him to breathe again, “o-only you,” she said, glossy eyes looking up at him, drool dripping down her chin. 
“Can you be a good girl and take more for me?” He asked, wiping the drool away, and lifting her chin up. 
“More?” She asked, voice trembling. 
He hummed, “Can you let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours? You don’t have to do anything but keep your mouth open for me.”
“Yea-yeah, I can,” she replied, parting her lips again and giving him full access. A muffled moan rolled out of her lips as soon as his hold on her hair tightened and he started thrusting into her mouth fast. 
“Fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back, “you feel good. Are you sure this is – fuck – your first time?” 
She tried to nod, hands wrapping around his thighs as she started gagging more around him. “What, baby? Want to breathe?” He cooed but without stopping. “Here. Take a deep breath, just like that,” he said when he pulled out of her, making her cough to catch her breath again. 
“Oh, look at you, opening your mouth again,” he said, tugging her hair and pushing into her mouth again. “I thought you were going to start – fuck – crying. But no – shit – you love this, don’t you?” He teased, staring into her watery eyes, feeling his orgasm close already. 
She nodded, squeezing her eyes when he hit deeper, gagging around his length. 
“It’s alright, baby,” he moaned, “I’m close. Gonna fill your pretty mouth and you – fuck – you will take it all like a good girl, uh?” 
She moaned around him, closing her eyes, trying to relax more as his thrusts got faster, closing her thighs together, skin burning up in shame as she felt her panties get wetter and stick to her skin. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, gritting his teeth and coming into her mouth. “Swallow it. Everything,” he ordered, pushing lazily into her mouth, emptying himself before pulling out. “Everything,” he repeated, grabbing her chin, and making her look up at him, watching as she swallowed all of his cum. “Good girl,” he praised her, leaning in, making her believe he was going to kiss her but instead he licked a stripe of seed that dripped on her chin and smirked at her disappointed face. 
“Get up, you don’t want your brother to find you on your knees in front of my cock, right?” He said, reaching out his hand, helping her stand up after he pulled his pants back up.
“Come here,” he whispered, cleaning her chin with a napkin and fixing her messy hair. “That’s better, isn’t it?” He asked and she hummed, diverting her gaze from his, nervously playing with her fingers and squeezing her thighs together, feeling her pussy throb for how turned on she was. And Jeno knew it, but she needed to be patient. Time. He needed to take time. 
“What’s with that face? You wanted the whole thing, didn’t you? You have to earn it.” 
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After that, other weeks of silence passed. Jeno only said hi when he passed over and nothing else. And she started to realize that she was being played, or better, that she was playing right into his fantasy, so she needed to get him out of his mind. 
But it wasn’t like she had any idea of how to stop thinking about him. She had tried for more than 10 years to stop her heart from beating so fast every time she saw his face, or don’t stutter every time he addressed her. And she never succeeded. So how could she do it now? Now that she got so much more than a taste, now that she knew what his lips tasted like, now that she knew what his fingers felt like, now that she could scent his perfume every time she closed her eyes. 
And, worst of it all, it felt like Jeno knew when she would start to get tired of playing this game of push and pull and always came back to her, every time giving her a bit more, and yet, a bit less. 
And then one day everything changed.
“Hey! You’re soaked.” His voice rang in the late afternoon in the middle of the street. It was raining and she forgot to bring an umbrella with her, also, she couldn’t call anybody because her parents and Jaemin were out of town.
“Yeah, I can see it,” she whispered, keeping on walking, not wanting to turn around and fall on her knees more. 
“Stop walking and get in, you’re gonna get sick,” he screamed, driving behind her slowly. 
“As if you care,” she mumbled, trying to shield her body from the cold, cringing at the way the raindrops fell inside her clothes and wet her skin. 
“I do care,” he whispered, grabbing her arm, and turning her around, chest to chest, rain wetting them both. “And now get in.” 
“I don’t need you to come and save me –”
“I said, get in,” he ordered, sharp eyes looking into hers, not giving her a chance to talk back or disagree. So she lowered her head and walked to the passenger seat without saying a word. 
“You can’t live without me,” he whispered when they were both in the car and started driving again in the chaos of Seoul’s streets. 
“You’re so full of yourself,” she huffed, crossing her leg on top of the other and turning her body toward the window, watching as the drops ran on the glass and the lights outside appeared blurred. 
“You are mad at me because I didn’t reach for you this week,” he said, tapping his fingers on the wheel, and it took a lot for her to don’t turn around and stare at them and imagine once again how they ran on her body and made her shiver. “Tell me I am wrong, come on.” 
She pressed her lips in a thin line, and then brushed her hair behind, “No, you are not wrong.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said, making her turn around in surprise, eyes focusing on his face, studying his profile, wondering why he apologized. “I didn’t want to leave you hanging for so long, I’ve been busy.” 
She hummed, looking in front of them this time, and squeezing in the passenger seat. Not replying because it didn’t matter anyway. He had been clear, she meant nothing to him, so what was the point of building up castles that were going to fall? 
“Why are you not taking me home?” she asked when she realized he was driving in another direction. 
“I know nobody’s home, don’t want to leave you alone,” he explained, coming to a stop at a streetlight, facing her and smiling… his sweet smile? The kind of smile he never, ever directed at her? 
“I’m an adult, I can stay home alone,” she replied anyway. She needed to push him away, she couldn’t keep falling for his game, no matter how sweet he appeared to be. It probably was fake, just so he could brag with Jaemin about how much of a gentleman he was and didn’t let his little sister all alone in the middle of a storm. 
“You wanted my company so badly the other day, why is it different now?” He grinned, before moving his hand on the shift to start the car again and sprint toward his place. 
“We won’t fuck tonight.” 
“Never said we had to,” he replied. 
“Then why do you want me at your place?” 
He shrugged, pulling into his driveway. “Are you sure you’re the only one that can’t live without the other?” 
She stood there, frozen on the spot, brain struggling to register his words and to comprehend if what she understood was what he meant. He liked her too? He wanted to spend time with her? 
“Wait,” she said, opening the door and running outside. Trying to don’t get wetter under the rain, reaching him under the porch while he struggled with the keys to open the do. “You find me annoying, you said you don’t want to spend time with me, you avoided me for so long, why do you do this?” 
Jeno sighed, throwing his jacket somewhere and getting out of his shoes as soon as they stepped in. “Undress.” 
“What! You said we weren’t going to have sex.” 
“It’s to give you new clothes, dummy,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “Follow me,” he said, walking to his room, a path she knew too well by now, and yet her breathe faltered just like the first time she found herself there. And it didn’t matter that nothing was going to happen, it was the thrill of being so intimate with him somehow.
“You didn’t answer,” she complained while he looked for something to give her in his closet. He turned around, a white shirt in hand, giving it to her that was now only covered with her panties and bra. 
“I find you annoying but maybe I like it,” he replied. “You look interesting under the surface.” 
She didn’t want to smile so big but her lips moved automatically, a dumb smile creeping on her face, eyes glistening. 
“Calm, now,” he warned as soon as he saw her reaction. “This doesn’t mean we are dating, but I wouldn’t mind spending time with you. And now get dressed, before I don’t keep up with the promise of before.” 
The heat of the house made them find comfort from the cold outside while they eat something while the television was turned on mostly to fill the silence between them. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” She asked while cleaning her lips from the soy sauce that dripped on her mouth. 
“Everything,” she said. “We’ve known each other for so long but… we don’t really know anything about us.” 
“You don’t?” He quirked a brow, licking his lips before placing down the empty bowl. “You think Jaemin didn’t tell me about all the questions you used to ask?” 
Her cheeks heated up, cursing lowly at her brother for not being able to keep a secret. “Okay, fine, but he’s not you. I don’t know it from you.” 
“Maybe you should tell me something about you. I think I can read you easily but not enough to get somewhere,” he said. “And you want to get somewhere, right?” 
She hummed and then took a deep breath before opening up. Talking over and over again, letting him know even the most irrelevant things about her. Letting him go deeper than anybody else, not even caring if something was embarrassing. She trusted him. 
And Jeno listened, finding out that yes, she was a lot, but maybe it wasn’t so annoying. And the more he knew about her, the better. 
And then he started speaking. But his words were calculated, just like the stories he was telling. He knew what he was saying, he knew what he was doing. He was giving her a piece of himself without actually giving her anything. Without letting her slip deep under his skin. Yet for her it was enough, no, for her it was everything. She had never seen him so open, had never seen his body so relaxed beside hers, no walls were diving them right there. And that, mixed with all the sweet tempting words from before, made her fall into a vortex from which she would never get out. 
Jeno had trapped her in his golden cage, but she did not know it yet, and probably, she would’ve never realized that.
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“Why are you so happy?” Jaemin asked his sister, staring at her with a disgusted expression on his face. She had been hopping instead of walking for days, always had a smile on her face, and strangely she wasn’t clingy, always locked in her room, only God knows doing what. 
“Why do you care? Shouldn’t you be happy that your sister’s happy?” She asked back, pouting before grabbing something to eat and running upstairs again, hiding from her brother’s questions.
Jeno had kissed her. 
After talking for hours, after being so close and at the same time so far away, Jeno leaned close to her and kissed her. This time for real. A slow, sweet kiss. A kiss that she had well imprinted in her mind. 
But not only that. His hands had touched her skin, trembling, and full of shivers. His long, slender fingers had trailed over her thighs, and then over her hip and held her close to him. And if she closed her eyes she could still relive all those emotions, from his scent to his eyes that had never been so real and close to her before. 
Also, they had slept together. She, Jaemin’s delusional sister who had fantasized so much and for so long about ending up in his arms, had slept in Jeno’s bed. 
And not like the other girls he let pass in his bed before, asleep in a tangle of sheets and sweat and cum. No, they slept in fresh, clean sheets, with his arms around her waist and his breath hitting the back of her neck. And although in the morning when she had woken up, he was not there, that was enough. 
Because Jeno was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and bidding her good morning with a smile on his face that tasted like something new, something genuine. Big brown eyes creasing up in half-moons and cheeks lifting up. 
Though… there was a but.
‘You can’t tell anyone about this.’ He had told her as he drove her home, serious gaze facing the road, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other caressing her thigh. ‘It’s our little secret. You know how to keep secrets, don’t you?’  
And she nodded, confident that she could do it. That if she had kept her crush on him a secret for so long, she surely could keep their ... relationship a secret? Or friendship? Or friends with benefits? She had no idea, she didn’t know what bound them together, she didn’t even know if there was actually anything that tied them together. But it didn’t matter, if it wasn’t now, it would be in a few months. It was only a matter of time. Jeno wanted to get to know her, Jeno wanted her to be a part of his life as much as she wished he was a part of hers. 
‘hey, it’s me. are you free this friday?’ 
She blinked twice, shifting her attention from her pc to the phone beside it, trying to understand why an unknown number was texting her until she opened the message and ‘– jeno’  appeared at the end.
‘how did you get my number?’ 
‘i have my ways 😉 anyway, for friday? i need to buy some things for my place, it’s too empty, thought you could help’ 
She breathed deeply, looking around only to waste time and not answer right away just to don’t look desperate. As if she didn’t already answer ‘yes’ in her mind even before she knew what they were going to do, as if she wouldn’t have always been available for him.
‘yep, fine by me. where do we meet?’ She replied after a few minutes, hands sweating and heart throbbing harder in her ribcage. 
‘my place, i’ll drive.’ 
And that wasn’t a date, surely not a date like she always imagined but it was something. It was nice not hearing him huff annoyed at her every word, or seeing that he didn’t move away from her with a disgusted face when their hands brushed together casually. He even laughed at her unfunny jokes. 
“Our parents were never home,” she said. After buying everything, he offered to buy her a milkshake in a small coffee shop at the mall, so now they were sitting at a table in front of each other. “I mean, even when they were, they never paid much attention to us.” 
“That’s why I was always there,” Jeno chuckled. “Your mother couldn’t see the mess me and Nana made.” 
She smiled, lifting her gaze on him, but still stirring the liquid in her glass. “I wanted to move out of there so many times, but my job barely makes me afford my car bills and the few hobbies I have. How did you do it?” 
“Well, it’s not fair when your dad pays half of it, right?” 
“Your parents are cool. I remember when they used to bring you and Jaem to the amusement park. I never went there.” 
“Never? Not even once?” He asked, surprised. 
“Nope,” she confessed, biting her lower lip, already embarrassed at what she was about to say. “I always wanted to win a bunny from the water gun game,” she confessed. “You won it to Jaemin once. I was so jealous of that plushie.” 
He smiled. “Well, I might win one just for you.” 
Her eyes lit up, locking into his, heart doing cart-wheels in her chest. “You would?” 
He hummed, hand under his chin, rubbing it lightly, “Why not? Next Saturday? How’s that sound?” 
“It sounds amazing,” she squealed. “I love you so much.” 
He smiled, looking at her, feeling a bit of warmth spread in his chest. Maybe she was nice. Maybe betting on her wasn’t the right way to start this. 
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When Saturday night arrived, she was vibrating with excitement. Wearing a red top, a leather black jacket and black shorts, she grabbed her small bag and rushed outside, swiftly warning her parents and Jaemin that she was going out with her friend and she wasn’t sure she was coming back. Receiving no answer. 
But she didn’t care, she couldn’t care if at home nobody paid her attention. She had a date with Lee Jeno. Jeno was taking her to an amusement park for the first time and he would’ve even tried to win her a big, soft bunny she desired so much. So not even the bus ride – that she usually hated – to his place bothered her at all. 
“Hi,” she greeted shily when she walked into the driveway and saw him leaning against his car. Black jeans wrapping around his legs, black shirt covering his chest and red jacket shielding him from the light breeze of the night. 
“Hi, bunny. We’re matching,” he pointed out, dragging his eyes on her body and then smiling when their eyes met. 
“Yeah, we didn’t even plan it,” she replied, a shy smile widening her lips as she opened the car door and stepped inside. 
The car ride felt different from the others. The atmosphere was light while music played on the radio and they hummed along. There were no side-eyeing or annoyed sighs coming out of his lips like it used to happen when he was forced to bring her along because they couldn’t leave Jaemin’s sister alone. Now, Jeno glimpsed at her, diverting his attention from the street, with his lips curling in a warm smile. 
And even the whole date at the amusement park was different from all the other times they hung out together. 
It was like being around a different Jeno. He was carefree, laughing at her bad puns. He was kind, always paying for the rides tickets, drinks and food or wrapping a hand around her shoulders when they tried scarier attractions and she was afraid. And he looked beautiful, more than usual. There was something magnetic in the way his black hair framed his face, and his lips curled in soft smiles, making his eyes crinkle up too. He radiated a new sense of safeness. And she knew for sure that she was falling deeper. 
“Now that we tried everything there’s only one thing missing,” Jeno said, dragging her toward the biggest attraction. 
“The Ferris wheel?” she asked, tilting her head to look at him, fighting back the urge to intertwine their hands together. Jeno had been rather touchy the whole night, but she didn’t want to cross lines and ruin the amazing night they had. 
“Yeah, are you scared?” He asked, waiting in line. “You have me by your side,” he said and then leaned in, whispering next to her ear, “and when you’re with me, you have nothing to worry about.” 
She hummed, torturing her lower lip and shifting closer to him, and, unexpectedly, he wrapped his arm around her waist, and she had no idea how her knees didn’t fail her and make her fall to the ground. She didn’t even know how she didn’t pass out for the whole queue since his fingers kept caressing her skin. 
“We should be able to see the whole city when we get up there,” Jeno commented, looking around waiting for the wheel to start moving now that they were inside of a cabin, sitting next to each other. 
“Yeah, I guess,” she hummed, legs buckling in nervousness, and squeezing in her arms to avoid attaching to him like a koala on a tree. 
Jeno picked it up quickly and turned to her with a furrow. “Are you afraid of heights for real?”
“M-me?” She giggled awkwardly. “No, haha.”  
“You are shaking like a leaf,” he pointed out, hand resting on her thigh to stop – at least – one of her legs from shaking. 
“I’m fine,” she replied, taking a deep breath, trying to focus on anything but the way the ride was moving and how – in fact – Seoul was shining beneath them. “What was that?” She asked, panicking when they felt a jolt and the cabin stopped at the higher spot. 
“I think it stopped,” Jeno replied. “A planned stop… I guess.” 
“Planned? Or maybe the wheel broke, and we will fall, no, no, we will crash on the ground and you know there are no chances of surviving and this will be how we die? What will we tell my family, they don’t know about us, they think –” 
He kissed her, hands cupping her cheeks and pushing her close, air cutting short in her lungs not from fear but the chills that he was making run down her spine. “It’s alright,” he whispered, slightly pulling away. “I told you, you have me.” 
She looked at him not totally convinced because if the cabin fell, having him by her side wasn’t going to save her. Surely, it would’ve made her death sweeter, oddly, and tragically romantic but it was still death. 
“I’m sure it’s just to show the view,” he explained, kissing her again, and again, and then his lips moved down, kissing away the chills on her exposed neck. “But since you don’t like the view…” he whispered, cupping her right boob, squeezing just enough to make her roll her head back. “I can give you something to keep you distracted. What do you think?” 
“Yeah,” she moaned, “I’d like that.” She unconsciously parted her legs, not a single cross about being in public crossing her mind.
“Great,” he smiled, biting the skin of her collarbone, “feared you were going to turn down the offer.” His hands slipped down, cupping her mound and he grinned when her hips started grinding against his palm. “Oh, oh, keep doing it, keep grinding on me. It feels good, doesn’t it? The seam of the jeans pressed against your clit by my hand makes you go crazy, isn’t that right?” 
“Yeah,” she breathed out, opening her eyes to look into his. 
“You know, I thought you should’ve worn a skirt for practical reasons but this – shit,” he whispered when her moans got lower and deeper, “this is even better.” 
“I need you,” she whimpered, hands moving to try to touch him. 
“I know you do,” he cooed, “you’ve tried so hard to hold back all this time, the whole night trying to keep your hands to yourself because you just can’t help yourself, can you? Want to feel me,” he said, pressing harder against her covered pussy as she kept grinding against him, “no, no you need to feel me.” 
“Yes, please,” she whimpered, leaning closer to him, making their lips meet again in small kisses. 
“Can you do something for me?” She stopped moving for a second, confused by his request, but nodded. “Come in your panties like this,” he started explaining, tapping her hips to make her start moving again, “and then I’ll give you what you want.” 
And she did, even if it felt humiliating to come like that, grinding against his palm as if she was desperate, making a mess in her already drenched panties and barely holding back the moans. But it was all worth it when he smiled against her lips and whispered, “good girl, you are my good girl. Learning so fast, aren’t you? Making me so proud of you.” 
“Come here,” Jeno said, unbuttoning his jeans and freeing his cock. “Take your shorts and panties off.” 
“He-here?” She mumbled, panic running behind her open eyes. The cabin next to theirs couldn’t see them, the black windows shielding each crib hid them well, but it was such an exposed place anyway. 
“You heard me. Want to make you try something new. Come on, take them off and sit on my lap,” he ordered and she followed his instruction, trying to hide the stained black panties in her shorts as if he couldn’t feel the mess of her cunt as soon as she sat on his lap.
“You’re going to ride me, but I won’t get inside you.” Her face dropped, a bit because she couldn’t get how and because she just wanted to get there and finally have him, completely. But Jeno wanted to take it slow, he wanted to make her dance in the palm of his hand more, twirling around, following every single one of his words so well that he fell more and more every day. 
“Spit on your hand,” he ordered. “Like that, and now wrap it around my cock. You want it to slide perfectly between your lips, right?” Not that it was needed since her wetness was already making his cock slip against her so easily, but he loved seeing how much she obeyed him with no hesitation. He loved seeing that she would’ve done anything for him.
She nodded, doing as he told, eyes glistening because he was already so hard and it was all because of her, for her.  
“Don’t,” he stopped her when he could feel her trying to tease his cockhead against her entrance, “no fucking, remember?” 
“But why?” She huffed, pouting. 
“I want to save it for a special occasion for my special girl,” he replied before placing his hands on her naked waist and guiding her hips on top of him. “Just grind on me, remember before? Like you did with my hand?” She nodded, hand wrapping around his neck and forehead falling against his. “Do it with my cock, just like that,” he praised, kissing her gently. “Feel how good it is? It’s big isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, so big.” 
“Imagine it inside of you, stretching so much more than my fingers. Remember my fingers? How you dripped all over them and came so easily?” She hummed, hips bucking in shame and legs shaking at the idea of feeling him inside. “No, it’s alright. I know you remember them. I bet you spend your nights using yours, imagining it was me. Your little fingers – fuck – making their way into your dripping cunt, fucking yourself hard and yet…” he moaned, throwing his head back, “nothing can come close to me.” 
“No – no. It doesn’t – mmph – feel just as good.” 
“I know. But you need time, bunny. I can’t fuck you like this, in public, on a Ferris wheel. Not for our first time. Not when I’d leave you trembling and panting even more and you would have no strength to stand on your knees.” 
She trembled in anticipation, pressing further down, making him groan. 
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he said. “Need to feel you more. Lift your hips more.” 
“Li-like this?” She asked, whining when she had to pull away from him to give him space to grab his cock and start to rub it up and down her wet pussy. “Oh, this is, mmh, this is weird,” she mumbled, voice breaking a bit more every time that his tip pressed over her opening but never pushed in. 
“But it feels good, right? We need to come fast; it will start moving soon again, remember? You don’t want the operator to find you like this, right?” 
“No, no, I – that’s humiliating.” 
“I know, baby. I would never make someone humiliate you. So I need you to stay like this, don’t try to slide down on me and let me rub my cock against your pretty pussy, okay?” 
“Ye – yes,” she moaned. 
Jeno moaned, rolling his head back, when he started to rub his head faster against her dripping cunt and clit, the cabin filling with wet sounds and moans they couldn’t hold back anymore, not even caring if there was somebody next to them. 
“It’s good,” she whimpered, nails digging behind him, ripping the leather protection of the seats. “I’m – I’m close,” she breathed out, voice pitched and pussy clenching around nothing when another jolt shook the wheel and it started moving again. 
“Me too, bunny. Can you come with me?” 
“Yes, yes, please, faster,” she moaned, throwing her head back when he started doing that. Jeno had no idea how he was fighting back the urge to just penetrate her right there and then with no warning, slipping past her warm walls and filling her up, fucking her hard until she was nothing but a mess. And that thought made him grit his teeth and kiss her, cum spilling all over her cunt, triggering her orgasm too at the sensation of the warm liquid making a mess on her. She had never done that with her ex-boyfriend. And this orgasm was stronger than the rest, it left her shaking, whimpering, and panting in shame, in pleasure, in whatever drug Jeno was making her take every day that passed. It was becoming more and more of an addiction, yet, she didn’t seem to get enough. 
“Fuck,” he moaned, laughing lowly, trying to catch his breath. “That was intense,” he said, smiling at her, “grab your clothes and put them on if you don’t want the whole park to see you like this, though,” he teased, handing her the discarded panties and shorts. “It would be a beautiful view,” he said, watching as she tried to stand on her wobbly legs and get back into her clothes, “but I’m pretty jealous of it.” 
And another flush of heat rushed up her body, forcing her to lower her head. 
When the attraction came to a stop they barely looked decent, but they couldn’t care.
“Are – are you still trying to win the bunny for me?” she asked, head lowered as the realization of what just happened hit her, and it was clear as the sky how experienced and used to this he was by how he was walking as if nothing happened, as if he didn’t just come all of her pussy and then made her push her clothes back on, walking around in that mess. And the worst of it all was that she liked it, she liked that he left a mark on her somehow, that something of him was still on her skin. 
Jeno chuckled, almost as if he knew exactly what was running in her mind, finding it appealing how she would let go for a second just to go back to her usual serious and shy self in the blink of an eye. “We came here for that, right?”
He had promised her. And he kept his promises. Just like he kept his bets. But the more he looked at her, the more time he spent with her, the more he couldn’t see a clear line between the bet and reality. He knew he liked the thrill, he knew he liked the desperation, but he wondered if maybe, just maybe, he was starting to like her. 
Because when they reached the stuffed toys booth, it didn’t bother him that he had to pay to try to hit the target to win her that toy. He didn’t even find her supportive cheers annoying. He didn’t even mind that she kissed him as soon as – with a clear shot – he hit the target and made it fall after ten seconds of the game, winning her that so-awaited white bunny with big eyes and pink ears. 
“You’re so good at this,” she exclaimed, clapping her hands and jumping on the spot, waiting for the operator to hand him the toy. 
“I had the greatest support ever,” he smiled, handing her the plushie, smiling as she brought it close to her chest and hugged it tightly. A dream of a child coming reality after so many years. 
“Do you like it?” He asked even if he knew the answer. 
“I love it,” she replied. “Thank you for winning it for me and thank you for bringing me here,” she whispered. 
“No worries, I had fun,” he replied, reaching for her hand. “Should we head home? My place? How’s that sound?” 
“Amazing,” she replied, smiling from ear to ear, intertwining their hands, and walking to the car. 
She was still smiling, hiding her face behind the plushie for happiness and shame as she felt his cum drip slowly out of her. 
And Jeno was smiling too, thinking that if she finally had gotten his bunny, he had gotten his, too. 
“He’s your bunny,” he whispered close to her, “but you are mine.” 
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“Your fridge is always empty,” she huffed, closing the grey door and huffing at her boyfriend that was sitting on a chair, scrolling through his phone. “How do you survive like this? How do you survive without me doing everything for you?” She asked, crossing her arms on her chest and glaring at him.
Jeno chuckled, placing the phone down and standing up, reaching her, wrapping his arms around her. “I know, bunny. I’m sorry. I promise next time I’ll make you find the fridge full.” 
She rolled her eyes, and pushed him away, “you know it’s a lie. You say it every time and then we would always starve if it was for you.” 
“Oh, come here,” he pouted, grabbing her wrist and pulling her against his chest again. “That’s better,” he smiled, snuggling their noses together, making her laugh. “See, you can’t be mad at me.” 
“No, I can’t.” 
She really couldn’t. Especially now that they were dating for almost a month. Even if she knew so many flaws he had, she grew to love them all. She couldn’t even hate how it had to be a secret because she still had him and that was all that mattered. Actually, she enjoyed that it was a secret. 
After a few weeks of sneaking around with Jeno going to her place to see his brother and having to sneak in her room or in the bathroom for a few kisses and heated make-out sessions, this was so much better. She spent most of the time at his place, telling her family she was at her friend’s house or at the library, it wasn’t like they cared anyway. And Jeno never made Jaemin come over when his sister was at home. So everything was working out smoothly. 
This was great. It was the illusion of living together, but she hoped that soon it would’ve turned into something real. Their story was getting rather serious, in a way she never expected. 
She brought some of her things to his place so she had no problems when she stayed over. They did many things together like grocery or buying things when something broke. Jeno always found time to have at least a Saturday or Sunday evening for them to go out to restaurants, and when he couldn’t, they usually went to other types of dates in the afternoon. They even bought a matching bracelet – that Jaemin didn’t notice because he paid her even less attention now.
“You’re not picking a movie, anymore,” Jeno said, chuckling, stealing the remote from her hands and making her whine.
“Oh, please,” she huffed, “for one bad movie.” 
“One is enough,” he replied, leaving a peck on her forehead, making her squirm and snuggle close to him on the couch. 
But even after he picked one, they didn’t pay the movie much attention because they were too busy kissing each other. She sat on his lap, fingers in his hair while his hands cupped her ass and pushed her closer to his body. And this happened almost every time, they just couldn’t keep their hands off each other, but they never did more than that. Jeno wanted to wait for a special occasion. 
And that occasion arrived. One night, Jeno brought her to a restaurant out of town; a fancy place she had never been to before. 
“You picked such a beautiful place,” she said while they waited for the second course, and she looked around still amazed. That wasn’t the kind of place she used to go, and they never even went together to a similar restaurant. Experimental cuisine, beautiful, elegant design, and classical music playing in the background.
“I’d do this and more for you,” he replied, caressing her hand on the table. “And, talking about doing things together. My parents have a house out of town and they don’t use it, thought we could go there together.”
“You mean just us or with your group of friends?”
“Just us. So we can spend some time alone, no need to worry about your brother, about anything.”
She hummed, “Yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great, you can come up with a lie, right?”
“Of course, I can,” she replied. “But, can I ask why Jaemin doesn’t have to know about us?”
“You know him, he would ever let me close to you,” he replied, shrugging. 
“But you’re his dearest friend. You are like a brother to him. I think he trusts you.”
“It’s not about trust,” he said. “It’s weird. And yeah... he knows too much about me to don’t want me near you.”
“Like? Are you trying to scare me away on our date?”
“No, no,” he stopped her right away. “But I’ve been a player most of my life, and as much as he can't stand you he wouldn’t want me to break your heart.”
“So... as long as he doesn’t know you can break it?”
“As long as he doesn’t know I can love you without him reminding me of my past,” he explained. “Hey, I love you. More than I ever loved anybody else, so can you please don’t let my past define me?”
She gulped, looking into his eyes and finding the truth. “Yeah, sorry, I’m just a little paranoid because... because nobody ever went this far with me.”
“I know,” he replied, smiling, “that’s why I wanted to take it slow, that’s why I don’t want to rush us.”
“Can we go back to your place?” She asked once they were in the car, the rest of the night proceeded smoothly as their conversation never drifted to her family again and they left the past right where it was. “I don’t want to go home.”
“I wasn’t planning on making you go home anyway,” he said, smirking. “I have a small surprise at home.”
“A surprise? Is that another bunny?”
But when they arrived home there was nothing, not physical, at least, and she looked at him with a furrow. “There’s nothing here.”
“Mhh, it’s something you had next to you all night,” he sang, walking close to her, wrapping his hands around her waist and moving her hair to the side, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck. 
She chuckled, “is it you?”
He hummed, making her twirl in his hold. “Do you want me, bunny?”
“Don’t I have you already?”
“Yeah, but I think you still want more, don’t you?” He asked lifting her up in his arms, waiting for her to wrap her legs around his waist and start to walk upstairs. “I can’t take your disappointed face every time we don’t go all the way.”
“You make me sound desperate,” she chuckled, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. 
“Because you are,” he replied, opening his bedroom door and laying her on the bed. And he was right because she didn’t waste time kissing him and moving her hands on his body to free him of his clothes. 
“Gonna make you feel good,” he whispered once they were naked, lips closing around her nipple, sucking and twisting, making her push her body closer to his. “So good, bunny. Like nobody else ever made you feel.” His mouth moved down, tracing kisses all over her abdomen and then over her mound before lapping at her clit, making her whimper and squirm under his kisses and licks. 
“No, shh, don’t move,” he whispered, pulling away from her slit. “Let me take care of you, bunny. I know he never did. But I’m not him, I’m not like anybody else.” His lips started moving on her again, sucking on her clit hard and then teasing her entrance, tasting her, feeling lightweight as his hands kept her legs spread open, fingers digging in the soft flesh of her thighs.
“Uh,” she cried, head thrown back, eyes squeezed closed and lips gasping for air. “It’s – it’s so good.” 
He smirked against her skin, chin getting wetter with the slick that was streaming out of her as his tongue and lips moved faster on her, bringing her to the climax sooner than she wanted. 
But even if she loved the feeling of his lips, she needed more. 
“Jeno,” she mewled when he pulled away, licking his lips and cleaning his chin with the back of his hand. “Ne-need you,” she stuttered, looking into his eyes, filled with lust and need. “Please, need to feel you.”
Jeno kissed her, one hand at the side of her head keeping his body up and the other stroking his hard, thick cock. 
“Gonna make you mine,” he groaned, aligning his length at her entrance and pushing into her, nails digging into his back as the never felt before stretch cut her breath. 
“Fuck,” she cried, searching for his lips, chest panting as she tried to calm down, “you’re... you’re too big.”
“No, bunny,” he reassured, caressing her cheek, hips backing away before sinking in again, “you can take me. You can take everything I give to you.”
She nodded, legs falling limper as her body trembled in his hold. 
“So good for me, bunny,” he praised, the veins of his neck popping out as he tried to hold in the moans. 
“Want to – want to hear you,” she mumbled, cupping his face. “Please, want to know I’m – fuck – making you feel – aah – good.”
And Jeno let go, groans and low moans rolling out of his parted lips as he started thrusting into her faster, making her get even wetter as she felt him reach deeper inside of her.
“You make me feel so good, baby,” he hummed, throwing his head back when her walls clenched harder around him and he knew it was just a matter of minutes. He couldn’t hold it anymore. They were made for each other. Fitting so perfectly that he felt good like never before. Nobody could come close to this, to her.  
“Fa-faster,” she barely breathed out, eyes half-lidded and lungs gasping for air.
“Faster?” He smirked, tilting his head, staring at her face, getting high in the way she was whimpering so nicely every time he pushed back and forth. “Can you take me, bunny?”
“Yes,” she screamed. “Need – need to feel you more.” She had no idea how it could’ve been possible, or exactly what more did she need from him. But she needed him. She needed him to get under her, and she needed to get under him. Tattooing each other under their skins.
And Jeno gave it to her. Going faster, pulling her legs closer to him, leaning down to cage her completely making her feel small and safe. He was always going to give her everything and more. Everything that would’ve been enough to never make her want to leave. Because she was his, and he was hers. And they belonged together.
“Je-Jeno,” she cried, feeling her stomach tighten up, silently warning him that she was close.
“I’m close, too,” he said through gritted teeth. “Your pussy’s so good, fuck. You are too good. Come for me, bunny. Come with me.”
And her body obeyed, squirming under him, hips bucking while her eyes rolled into the back of her head and another orgasm washed over. 
“Yes, just like that,” Jeno groaned, watching her face contort and shooting his cum into her, hips slamming messily against her ass while his hand gripped her waist harder to keep her in place. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, pulling out of her and rolling at her side. “So, was it worth the wait?”
She smiled, turning to him. “You are always worth the wait.”
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Jeno was... caring. Too apprehensive at times. Not that she minded all the attention but she sometimes wondered if he did too much. He insisted on picking her up when she came out of work. He always dropped her by when she went out with her friends alone. He drove her everywhere, saying that it was safer because ‘you may never know who you meet on the metro or the bus.’
But the weird thing was that one minute he was all over her, never taking his eyes off of her even for a split second, and then he was nowhere to be found, or he even got mad at her, reminding her to don’t be too touchy because nobody had to know.
Just like right now. He invited her to Haechan’s party but didn’t spare her a single glance all night but she had no intention of rotting on a sofa seat just to get back home after wasting an entire evening.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jeno snapped, glaring at Haechan pushing him off of her.
“Hey, man,” the brown-haired replied with a smug smirk on his face, “we were dancing. Had no idea you cared about her so much?” He grinned.
“Take that grin out of your face if you don’t want me to wipe it off with a punch,” he warned, glaring at him before grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the living room, walking upstairs not even caring that she was hardly following his steps.
“Jeno wait!”
“Shut up!” He screamed, pushing her inside an empty room and locking it behind them with the key, stuffing it inside his pocket. “What the fuck were you thinking, uh?”
“W-what?” She asked, chest panting for running and because she didn’t expect him to react like that. 
“Stop with that fucking act of the innocent girl,” he barked, cupping her cheek with a hand and pushing her close to the nearest wall, pressing her against it with his body. “I was right when I said you would’ve crawled to every single friend of your brother. You’re such a slut.”
“What? Don’t call me that! You know it’s not true,” she retorted, voice shaking with fear. She had never seen him like this and she couldn’t even get why he was so mad. She and Haechan were only dancing, and nobody could know that they were dating, so it wasn’t like she had a choice. 
“Oh, it’s not true?” He cooed, squeezing her face tighter. “Then why were you grinding on him?"
“I - I wasn’t,” she whispered as tears started flowing on her face.
“Oh, nice,” he sighed, shaking his head, and letting go of her face, placing his hand beside her head against the wall, “now you’re going to cry. You were all over another man and you cry.”
“You know it’s only you. I’d never leave you,” she replied, lips quivering as she looked into his eyes and found them filled with darkness. “It was… it was the heat of the moment, he asked me to dance and you weren’t there and you said to keep our distances.”
“Yeah, but I think you need a reminder of who you belong to,” he said, flipping her over. "Need to put into your little dumb brain that I’m the only one.”
She nodded, shivering when his hands slipped under the dress, and she shouldn’t have felt so turned on because he was finally paying her attention, because he was showing he wanted her and nobody could come close to her. But she was. It was fucked up, and yet, her knees were buckling already under his touch.
“Need you to remember that even when I’m not by your side you’re mine and mine only. This body,” he said, running his hands on her thighs and waist and then squeezing her boobs, making her groan, “is mine. You are mine. Say it,” he ordered. 
“I’m yours, always yours.” 
“That’s better,” he replied, voice still stern, and hands slipping inside her laced panties. “Oh, wet already? You want me to be mean to you, don’t you?”
“No, I – I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” he said, "but don’t lie to me. You’re either dripping because of him, which will make me very mad. Or...” He leaned closer, “you are a little slut that gets off to these things.”
She whimpered, feeling her knees buckle. “Don't call me like that.”
“No? You want me to call you bunny, right? Want to be my little bunny?”
She nodded, biting her lower lip when his fingers started moving on her clit. 
“To be my bunny you have to be good. And right now, you’re not. Prove to me you can be my good little bunny and not some cheap slut that lets all her brother’s friends pass her around, okay?”
“Yeah, I will prove it to you,” she said, trying to turn around but Jeno grabbed her wrists and blocked them together behind her back. 
“You’re not moving from here,” he ordered. “And be thankful I brought you here and not in the bathroom. Come here, on the desk,” he ordered, guiding her to walk over to the white desk at the side of the room. 
“Is – is this his bedroom?” She asked, looking around, seeing it was too decorated to be a guest room. 
“Yeah, is that a problem? Don’t you want to leave him a little gift of something he will never have?” 
“Je – Jeno you don’t need to be jealous, I-” 
“Shut up,” he groaned, ripping her panties and spreading her legs more. “You think you know him more than I do? You think I don’t know what he looks like when he wants to fuck someone?” 
She rolled her head back when he slipped one finger into her. “I wouldn’t have – fuck – I wouldn’t have let him.” 
Jeno snickered bitterly. “I’m not sure about it,” he replied, kissing her roughly and pushing another finger inside. “Your ass was pressing so much against his cock. Think I didn’t see it? Think I’m stupid? He was hard, wasn’t he? And you loved it,” he mocked, adding a third finger making her moan louder. “Because you love attention, you live for attention. You seek it. You crawled to me because you needed attention so how can I trust you? Tell me? How can I trust you with other men?” 
“I – I would never cheat on you,” she replied, trying to steady her breath and keep up with him instead of getting lost in the way his fingers made her feel. “If I could – fuck – dance with you in public, I – I would, I would only – fuck – do it with you.” 
“So you’re going to do it again just because I’m not by your side? Just because I don’t carry you around with a leash like a fucking dog?” He replied, stilling his fingers inside of her and tilting his head to the side. 
“That’s not what I meant,” she replied, trying to close her legs but he stopped her in her tracks lifting a finger and pushing her hips down against the desk. “Jeno, please,” she begged. “I won’t go to parties anymore, okay? I can stay at home, I never liked them anyway.” 
“And you think that’s enough?” He asked, picking up the movements inside her, making her breath shake and her nails dig in his arms.
“Then what more can I do for you?” She asked, tears flowing down her cheeks, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Disappointing him was the last thing she wanted to do. 
“Don’t fucking cry,” he growled, leaning closer to her but pulling his fingers out of her. “I hate it when you cry. I hate when you do dumb things first without thinking about the consequences and then do this, play the victim.” 
“I just – I don’t want to upset you or hurt you. I don’t like fighting with you.” 
“Then use your brain?” He said, tapping his fingers on her mouth and pushing them down her throat. “The only time you’re not supposed to think about a thing is when I’m fucking you, got it?” 
She nodded, trying to kiss him back when he pulled his fingers out. “Can you forgive me? I’m sorry.” 
“Maybe, I’ll forgive you if you don’t disappoint me another time,” he said, letting go of her face. “Are you going to be a good girl?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be your good girl,” she replied, moving toward the edge of the desk to feel him more. 
“Then bend over,” he ordered, waiting for her to follow his orders. “See, you can be good when you want to.” 
She was about to reply but then pursed her lips together, not wanting to get him mad even more. If she liked it when he got rougher, she still didn’t want to fight or make him truly upset.  
“This ass,” he said, hand slapping her ass cheek hard, making her jolt, “is mine. Got it?”
“This pussy,” another slap, but this time on her pussy, “is mine.”
“And you,” another smack on her other ass cheek, “are mine.”
“Yours. I’m all yours,” she whimpered, feeling her skin burn.
“Now be a good girl,” he said, rubbing the skin of her ass, “and part your legs more.”
“I wanted to fuck your mouth but I need to feel you, need to fuck you hard and make you walk out of here with – fuck,” he groaned, pushing inside of her wet cunt, “make you walk out of here with shaky legs and my cum dripping out of you.”
Her nails scraped against the hard wood under her, head rolling back at the stretch of his cock. 
“Yeah, you like that? That was what you wanted, shit,” he moaned, “Wanted me to pay you attention so you got on my nerves to get this. You want me to be rough with you, don’t you?” He asked. “Answer me,” he groaned, pulling her flush against his chest and leaving a light tap against her cheek. 
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
“But if you – fuck – want me to be rough with you, you just have to fucking ask. But noo,” he cooed, a deep laugh rolling out of his chest. “It’s better to go around and act like a slut, isn’t it?”
“N-no,” she breathed out. 
He snorted. “And you know, if I only didn’t care so much about you I’d let him fuck you. I’d love to see the – fuck – the disappointed look on your face," he said, wrapping a hand around her neck and squeezing it before kissing her hard. “Because he can’t fuck you like I do.”
“I – I know," she moaned, feeling her knees shake. 
“Nobody can fuck you like I do,” he whispered against her ear. “Say it,” he ordered, “say that nobody, nobody, will ever make you feel as good as I do.”
She threw her head back, ass arching against him, pleasure making her feel dizzy as she struggled to make the words come out of her mouth. “No - nobody will ever make me – mmh – nobody will make me feel as good as you.”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“You feel good,” she moaned, head falling forward, not really sure she could last longer. “No,” she whined when he pulled out. 
“Turn around,” he ordered. “Want you to look into my eyes while I break you.”
She stumbled on her heels, hardly turning around and sitting back on the desk and in a second Jeno was inside her again, thrusting into her mercilessly, knocking the breath out of her lungs. 
“You make me so fucking mad,” he groaned, kissing her roughly. “I wanted to get home and – shit – fuck you gently all night and here we are,” he said, cupping her face, “we have a party to get back to and we look like a mess all because you never know when to stop.” 
“Too much," she mumbled, looking into his eyes, hips shaking. 
“No, you can take it, you wanted this and you will take this. I know you’re close, you’re – fuck – squeezing me.”
“Play with your clit,” he ordered. “And come for me while you look into my eyes.” 
“Y-yes,” she replied, sliding her hand between their bodies and starting to move her fingers on her clit, wanting to roll her head back but forcing herself to keep it up and stare at him, feeling the orgasm come. 
“Shit, yes,” Jeno moaned. “Just like that. Good girl, my good bunny,” he praised, kissing her. "Yeah, that was what you wanted. And keep bein’ my good bunny and come,” he ordered, giving one last thrust that pushed her over the edge. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cried, locking her legs around his waist and digging the nails of the hand around his arm into his skin.
“God,” he groaned. “Mine. All mine.”
“Yeah,” she breathed out, meeting his lips in a soft kiss again, “I’m all yours.”
Jeno leaned his forehead against hers as they both caught their breaths and came down from the high. “I’m all you ever wanted," he whispered. “All your life you wanted me. And now you have me, bunny. You have me right here, so don’t you dare leave me.” 
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She wasn’t supposed to be there, eavesdropping a conversation about her that she wasn’t supposed to hear. But when she come back from work, she opened the front door and heard Jeno and his friends talk in the kitchen, surely Jaemin wasn’t there, or there was no way they would have that conversation. But she didn’t do it on purpose and she had no idea if it was better like this or living in a lie. 
‘You didn’t win the bet, technically. It was two months and you started dating her after three.’ Haechan complained. 
‘Yeah, but I got to her after one week, I think I win.’ Jeno replied and even if she couldn’t see his face, she knew there was a smug smirk on his face. 
‘I mean, the bet involved both fucking with her and dating her so I think he’s right.’ Jisung chimed.
‘And as I told you she fell on my feet. She was literally begging for my attention so my point was proved.’ Jeno 
She felt her eyes flood with tears and ran away with the intention to confront him at home. Receiving more humiliation in front of his friends was the last thing she wanted. 
‘God, I hate you, man, Fine. Here’s the money.’ 
Jeno scoffed. ‘I don’t want the money,’ he replied. ‘I think I found a better prize.’
“Honey,” Jeno said, opening the door of his place. “I wasn’t expecting you to be home, why’s your car in the driveway?” 
“Don’t call me honey,” she said, standing in front of him, crossing her arms in front of her chest and staring at him. 
“Oh, what happened? We didn’t have a date, right?” He asked, trying to guess why she was mad. “And surely today is not your birthday.” 
She took a step forward and slapped him, making him flinch and stare at her with a surprised expression. 
“You are an asshole!” She screamed. “You played me for a fucking bet. You – you lied to me all these months! Five months of lies and games you played for some money. Is this all I am to you? A joke? A bar talk with your stupid friends? How much do they know about me? Did you have fun making fun of my innocence? Or was it funnier to laugh about how much I trusted you and let you do things I would’ve never done before?” 
“Hey, hey,” he said, trying to reach for her but she pulled away, glaring at him, making him understand that if he dared to touch her she was going to slap him again. “You are not a joke for me. And they don’t know a single thing about you. I don’t want anybody else to know so much about you, to get so deep under your skin. Everything that we did, everything you told me, had been just between me and you.”
“I heard you,” she retorted. “I’m not dumb, I know what I heard. I heard how hard you were trying to convince them that you were right and you won! All your daddy’s money and you still need to win more by betting on me!”
“I didn’t want the money,” he explained, walking closer to her again. “Can you let me explain?” 
“No, you’ve got nothing to explain. There’s nothing you can say that will,” she stopped, lowering her head and sniffling lowly, running the palm of her hand under her nose. “Nothing you can say will make you come out of this innocent,” she whispered, feeling new tears wet her face. This wasn’t supposed to end like this. She wanted him too much for this to end up so badly.
“Does it matter why I got closer to you? Do you really want a stupid bet to come between us?” He asked, trying to meet her eyes but her head was still reclined, facing the floor of his living room and her hair hid her face. 
“It’s not a stupid bet. It’s me. It’s us,” she replied with her voice full of anger. “And I won’t let you get away with this. I will tell everything to Jaemin. I will tell him how his best friend, well friends, played his sister. I will tell him how you used me all this time and you will see,” she said, finding the courage to look up at him, but when she met his eyes she couldn’t find fear. Jeno was unfazed, staring at her with a faint grin on his face.
“Honey, do you hear yourself?” Jeno chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “Do you really think he would believe you? His annoying, pathetic little sister who drooled over me for ages. And careful, that is what he thinks about you.”
Her mouth hung open, not expecting him to say something like that. “I didn’t drool over you,” she retorted, trying to push in the back of her mind the fact that deep down not even Jaemin cared about her. That truly she was way lonelier than she thought. 
“Shh, don’t cry,” he said, walking to her, caressing her cheek now that she let down her guard, shoulders dropping and heart crumbling into pieces. “You know you do. You wanted me so badly for all this time so… what’s different now?”
“You – you, this is all a game for you. You bet on me. You think nobody wants me.”
“Did I ever say that? No. But let’s be real, you’re 21 and nobody ever looked at you the way I did. All the things I did, I did them for you,” he replied, thumb brushing on her burning wet cheek. “I made you feel good, so why would you be mad at me? I never said I loved you when we started. I never told you that when I didn’t truly believe it.” 
“But you knew I… you knew! You knew I would’ve done anything for you,” she screamed, shaking harder in his hold, feeling both comfort and coldness in it. She couldn’t wrap her head around it, how he was the main reason for her pain and yet the main reason for her comfort.
“And? I knew how dedicated you are, so what’s the problem?”
“I… I… you know it’s not fair,” she whispered, looking down again, not bearing to his face. His handsome, gentle face that fooled her for so long. “You know that’s one of the worst things you could ever do.”
“Is it?” 
“Yes. And I’ll tell my brother and you will see. You won’t make me change my mind.” 
Jeno grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him. “You won’t tell him anything. Do you really want to humiliate yourself? What are you going to do? Tell him that you crawled to me on your knees because you needed someone to teach you about sex? You remember right why it all started? Imagine how he would feel knowing that you go around asking all his friends to fuck you.”
Her eyes drifted on his face. “I don’t go around doing that,” she said, tears streaming down her face. 
“Maybe…” he replied, wanting to bring up the way she was grinding on Haechan even if they were together, but deciding to don’t more fuel to the fire. “But if I would’ve said no, you would’ve. Isn’t this better for everybody? Your brother doesn’t know, and we still have each other.”
“I don’t want to have you,” she lied, meeting his eyes, scaring herself because how could he be so impassive? How could there not be a trace of emotions? Did he care or not? 
“No? Now that you finally got me, you don’t want me anymore?” 
“No – not like this,” she replied, trying to stop the sobs and don’t look even more like a mess. The mess he made. “You – you are a completely different person, you – you are not who I thought you were.”
“But I am me. You loved me all these months, and trust me, that was the real me. Why don’t you love me anymore? Why would you push me away, bunny?”
“Do-don’t call me bunny,” she said, glaring at him.
“But you love it so much, don’t you? Do you still have the bunny I won for you? Remember it? I can give you so much more than that.”
“I – I need you to love me, I don’t need this. I don’t need toys. I don’t need lies. You hurt me.” 
“And I’m sorry, alright? I never lied to you when it came to us. I would’ve broke us off if I truly didn’t like you.” 
“Yeah but I, I’m not sure I want you anymore,” she said, slipping out of his hold and grabbing her purse and jacket from the couch. “We – we need a break.” 
And Jeno watched her go, opening the door of his house and closing it behind. He didn’t cry, he didn’t run after her, he didn’t try to stop her. 
He knew she was going to come back to her. 
Crawling, just like she did the first time. 
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She was lost. Everybody around her noticed that. Weird, she thought, that for once they were paying attention to her. But she couldn’t tell the truth, she shrugged their oppressions off, pretending that it was just life, work and lack of sleep.
And that wasn’t a total lie. She had spent sleepless nights up, Jeno’s ghost haunting her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge every night. Because if during the day she could pretend and try to distract herself, at night she couldn’t. 
Jeno was everywhere. He was like her shadow, walking behind her, a cold wind blowing around her, covering her with shivers. He was imprinted on her body, his fingerprints burning up on her skin, leaving scars that weren’t physical, scars she couldn’t mend or sew. Scars he left open, bleeding, and poured with salt. Scars only he could heal. And only he could make. 
And she didn’t know what to do. If it was better to go back to him, let him heal her pain and hope he wasn’t going to scar her again or leave immediately. Admit to herself that certain things just weren’t meant to happen and let him go, slowly, bleeding some more, but let him go. 
And it took her two weeks to make up her mind and take the most painful decision of her life. 
So when she found herself at his front door she felt every second pass, slowly, prolonging that torture more. 
“Coming.” She could hear his muffled voice from the other side of the door and wanted to leave, not sure that after seeing his face she would’ve carried through. But she was there, and when she took the first step back, it was already too late. “Oh, you didn’t warn you were going to pass by,” he said, surprised of seeing her there. 
She hummed, “No, it was a last-minute decision. Can I come in? Or are you already busy with somebody else?” 
Jeno sighed but moved to the side. “I told you, I love you. I would never move on so easily.”
She shrugged, before turning around again. “Actually it won’t take long, so you can go back to what you were doing,” she said, making Jeno furrow. 
She came back, but he already suspected she didn’t come back how he wanted. 
“I thought about it a lot,” she started saying, fingers playing with a loose thread of her sweater but she was forcing herself to look at him. “I thought about us a lot and I realized I can’t do this. I can’t have you, not like this, not after everything.”
Jeno blinked repeatedly, shaking his head. “You want to break up with me?” He asked to make sure that was the point she was making. 
“Yes,” she replied. “It pains me a lot but… I need to put me first. I am worthy unlike all of you think.” 
Jeno hummed, rubbing his chin and wetting his lip. “You are, you sure are. But… you know nobody will make you feel as good as I made you feel, right?” 
She didn’t answer. She feared nobody was going to make her feel what he made her feel, but that couldn’t be possible, right? There were so many people in the world, he couldn’t be the only one for her. 
“Nobody will ever know you as deeply as I know you.”
No answer again, just broken eyes looking into each other. 
“Do you really want to erase all of these years?”
She furrowed at his words, chuckling bitterly, “You never paid attention to me.” 
“Are you sure? Just because I was looking at you from the sidelines, silently waiting for the moment to have you? We love in such a different way you think I don’t love you. How could you be so full of yourself thinking that your way of loving is the only right one?” 
“I don’t think my way of loving is the only right one I… you… you never loved me,” she whispered, feeling her heart clench because she had to repeat it to herself every night and doing it again, reminding herself that he never loved her but only played her like a puppet on a string, brought her to her knees, and made her feel worthless. It proved once again that everybody was right, that she was nothing special, nothing more but a sideshow for everybody to buy a ticket and laugh at her goofiness and futility.
“Here you go, doing this again. Do I have to get on my knees to tell you I love you?” He asked, taking a step closer to her. 
“No, there’s no –”
“No, I’ll do it,” he stopped her. “Here I am, on my knees for you.”
She clenched her fists and wanted to slap him again for missing the point so many times. “You bet on me!” She replied, screaming at his face. 
“That’s so irrelevant,” he replied, keeping up with her angry gaze, not even flinching.  
“No, it’s not. And you’re lucky I didn’t say a thing to Jaemin –” 
“Shut up,” he stopped her, standing up once again, voice harsh before it turned sweet and caring again, “I thought we were clear about not telling anything to him, right?”
“No,” she fought back. “I won’t keep my mouth shut.”
Jeno rolled his eyes and stopped her, a hand around her cheek and another around her waist. “Now you stop and listen to me,” he groaned, “alright, darling?” She hummed, tears running down her face again, and hated the way the only thing her mind could think was how much she had missed the feeling of being in his arms. 
“I’d never hurt you on purpose, I love you and it doesn’t matter if it took a bet to get it. I do. And I want you to put it in your mind. Please, let me show you how much I love you,” he whispered, kissing her neck, making her shiver and push him back. She couldn’t fall, not again, not now that his games were all revealed. “Shh, shh, don’t fight it. Don’t fight me,” he rasped. “Remember how you were always all over me? What changed now?”
“You are not who I fell in love with,” she managed to say, shivering and squirming under him, feeling that the power he had over her was once again making her walls fall down. 
“Just let me prove it to you, let me prove you it’s always me, the only one you love so much. Because you love me, right?” He cooed, caressing her cheek, and wiping away the black rivers of mascara on her face. “I know you still love me. I know your heart cannot beat with me out of your life.”
She didn’t answer but only hummed, shivering when his hand reached the small of her back and pulled her closer. Tired, she felt tired. And once again, he was the only one keeping her up on her feet. He was the only one that didn’t let her fall. But she wondered if it was because he truly cared, or if he needed to control her. If this sense of comfort was also fake like everything else. But her mind couldn’t tell it, not now at least, and she only hoped that when she did, it wouldn’t have been too late. 
“You don’t want me to leave you. You cannot live without me. Remember?” He whispered, caressing her face gently, reaching her hair, caressing her scalp, fingers moving in circles just like she liked, in the same way that would always make her fall asleep with her head on his lap, or against his shoulder. “You told me, whispered it to me while laying on my chest, fantasizing about our future together.” 
“That – that was before…” she sniffled, trying to fight it off, trying to grasp onto what was left of sanity, screaming to the small part of her that wasn’t completely devoted to him to please wake her up and make her get out of there. But there was nothing left of her that wasn’t madly, deeply, and completely in love with him, lost for him, devoted, obsessed with the feelings he brought along. Nothing of her didn’t scream Jeno anymore. She was his. Every inch of her skin. Every cell of her blood. Every thought in her mind, about him. 
And he knew it. Because he truly had her imprinted in the back of his mind. He had studied her for so long, silently, without making her notice. He knew exactly what she needed and how to give it to her. He knew how neglected she was and how she needed to be valued, loved, praised, and cherished. And he was going to do it. If she let him, he was going to give her everything and more. 
“But I’m still here,” he smiled, and then he kissed her as his hands moved to gently cup her cheeks and kiss her lips. “See, there still are my lips on yours,” and then he moved down, “and on your neck… right here,” he sucked. “Right here, bunny, where it makes you shiver so much under me.” And her body trembled in his hold as if it was a command, something natural starting from her brain as soon as his lips moved, like a magic spell.
“Yeah, you know nobody else will know how much you love being kissed there,” he hummed, snuggling his nose against her skin. “Or touched here,” he said while his hand moved under her sweater and brushed against the skin of her hips.  
“Jeno, we – you need to stop,” she shook her head, trying to stop him once again. To stop herself from falling into the wolf trap. 
“Do I? Does your body want to?” 
“I don’t care what my body wants. I know this is wrong.” 
“How is this wrong?” He asked, pulling his hand out of her sweater, but still keeping the other on her cheek, caressing softly. “It’s us, bunny. It will always be us.” 
She swallowed hard, trying to understand if he was lying or if he was being honest, but she couldn’t get it. She had never been good at reading him and he had played her so many times she had no idea if she could trust him. But what was he gaining from this? Why was he fighting so hard to keep her when he could’ve had anybody else? Why was he still trying to keep her with him if the bet was done? Sure, that was wrong, the worst thing he could’ve ever done but it was in the past. He grew to love her. He loved her. Lee Jeno loved her. And he was doing everything to prove it to her. 
“Do you want it to be only us, bunny? I need to hear you say you want me to show you how much I love you.”
“Ye – yes,” she replied. “Want it to be only us.”
And she fell. She had thrown herself out from the tenth floor of a building with no parachute and didn’t even realize it yet, and by the time she would’ve opened her eyes and realized what she had done, it would’ve been too late, too close to the ground, too close to crushing down. Her fear of the Ferris wheel would’ve been her reality. 
They were once again in an amusement park, going round and round, running after fantasies, marking each other, biting off pieces, bleeding. While the Ferris Wheel kept falling but from higher, much higher than where they were before, and death, even if by his side, wouldn’t have been sweeter and tragically romantic. And while meeting her tragic faith, the only thing she could hope for was to never open her eyes, to never realize the rose-colored glasses carnival Jeno locked her into, but to pretend, and pretend… and pretend until there was nothing left to do, until her sad destiny would’ve welcomed her and lulled her with the ideal of a love story that was only in her mind. 
“I love you so much,” he kept whispering next to her ear while he had her body pressed under his, hands intertwined together over her head, chest pressed against her back, hips thrusting against hers, lips kissing the blades of her shoulders, trying to go deeper under her skin because if only he could’ve, he would’ve. “I love you and I want you to never forget it.” 
And all she could do was hum and moan under his expert hands that played her like a violin. “I – I missed you,” she cried out, letting go of a confession she couldn’t keep in anymore as another orgasm rushed over her body. 
“I know,” he whispered, holding her closer. “Can’t get enough of me, can’t – fuck – be without me.” 
“I – it’s getting too much,” she whimpered, pressing her head against the pillows of his bed. “You feel too good,” she wept, holding his hands tighter, feeling her heart burn up when he started to whisper again how much he loved her, how much he needed her. 
“We fit so well, bunny,” he whispered, pulling out and turning her over, slipping into her again, holding her limp, tired body in his arms as he picked up his rhythm again. “We are made for each other,” he said, caressing her wet cheek. “So don’t ever let anything – fuck – come between us. Not the bet,” he groaned, feeling another orgasm approach them, “not your brother. Not another man. Nothing and nobody, fuck.”
She hummed, lazily blinking, eyes barely adjusting to see his face, and smiled. She smiled because that felt like heaven. She smiled because Jeno looked like an angel. She smiled because after being a loser for her entire life, there was a small patch of paradise reserved even for her. “Just us,” she whispered. 
And by the time they came together she had no more strength to keep her eyes open, even less to talk, but there was nothing more to say. She had nothing more to say, not for now, at least. Her wounds were healed.
So she let go in his arms, drunk in his scent and warmth, heart beating with the hope of a better future. A hope that was fueled by a reality that was all distorted. And in her dreams, she couldn’t hear him, but he would’ve made sure to remind her of that promise every day. 
Jeno turned around, eyes studying her relaxed face, fingers grazing her cheeks, moving her hair out of her beautiful face, a grin creeping on his face as he leaned down to kiss her parted lips. 
“It will always be us, bunny,” he promised. “Always.” 
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Part 2: shattered glasses
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natriae · 9 months
if ur still taking requests and/or when back from hiatus, gojo smut. his gf has always been secretly jealous of her reader “bestie” and has always sabotaged her in little ways, not to her knowledge. after gojo finds out he’s been getting cheated on, he decides to get it on with the reader who he always liked instead and tells her the truth of her “bestie”
I really hope this is what you were looking for ♡
warnings: your bsf is a bitch, oral (fem receiving), lmk if i missed smth
"I'm gonna go head to the bathroom," you tell the small table as you get up to head to the restroom. A few days ago Riko, your best friend, had messaged you suggesting a double date with your current boyfriend. Since you had only been going out with Kei for a few months you thought it be a good test of his character to see him interact with your best friend.
Once Kei gave you the go-head to begin planning you began giving him the run down of your whole relationship with Riko. From you two meeting in highschool till now. Her competitiveness and swift actions to how she's always wanted a family. To say you were excited would be an understatement. Riko was always there when things went wrong. You were her right-hand man. However you didn't realize how little you knew about her boyfriend till Kei had asked about him. You knew his name was Gojo and that he was strong but not much else. You'd only met him a handful of times and even then Riko had kept him at a distance.
Walking away from the table Gojo lets Riko and Kei know that he's gonna go grab another drink from the bar. Standing not to far away he can still hear the conversation at the table behind him. With in seconds of him walking away Riko quickly changes the topic from a vacation her a Gojo went on to a crush you had in college.
"then she- omg" Riko can't hold in her laughter as she begins the story, "sorry, Y/N was just so desperate she literally like stalked this guy, and when she asked him out she tripped and hit her head on this like pole thing-" She burst out laughing again causing Kei to laugh with her. As Gojo stands at the bar waiting for his drink to be made his eyebrows srunched together hearing his girlfriend bad mouth her friend right in front of her new boyfriend.
By no means was this anything new, but Gojo had assumed Riko would see how much you really liked this guy. It was obvious you actually saw a future with him. But hey, if it's really meant to be he would stay, right?
"Also has y/n told you about her stomach problems?," Riko asked. Gojo didn't need to turn around to know that she was leaning in like it was a secret, yet held no sense to quiet down. Kei must have shook his head because she continued, "oh, you don't...she's probably embarrassed, but you should know she had like really bad stomach issues. She honestly might be puking right now," Riko lets out a little giggle at that, "It's so nasty. Well I bet she didn't tell you about her trust issues...she gets so jealous and clingy- oh here she comes," Riko finishes, plastering a fake smile.
Gojo turns around to see the once excited man now with an uncomfortable look on his face. Shit. He walks back to the table and sees your innocent face smiling. If only you knew. He watches as you reach your hand out to Kei only for him to withdrawal and look away from you. The pain he watched flash through your eyes he hopes to never see again. Turning to his right Riko still has her smirk on her face and drops it when you look at her. She shrugs her shoulders and pouts her lips at Kei's antics. Letting you know she doesn't know whats going on.
"I think it's best I go," Kei says, not even looking at you.
"is everything alright," You ask still throughly confused at his change in behavior.
"yeah, yeah..um, bye," at that he gives a curt wave and quickly exits the establishment. Gojo watches as your eyes begin to water at the sight and Riko quickly moves to "comfort" you.
"I really liked him," you whispered to no one in particular. Riko lets out small 'I know's as she pats your back. Gojo had seen Riko act like this once or twice, but he never really thought she did this on purpose. How could he date someone so cold.
That night while Riko was in the shower Gojo felt her phone buzz on her nightstand. 2 texts. One from you and one from an unsaved number. Checking to see if the bathroom door was fully shut he quickly opens Riko's phone to read the texts.
Y/N: He said he never wants to see me again :,(
××x-xxxx-xxxx: I booked us a hotel for this weekend ;)
×××-××××-××××: Wear the lingerie I like
Scrolling through the texts he sees photos and sexts sent between her and this mystery man, but he doesn't feel hurt. All he can think is how badly Riko fumbled. This dude's dick isn't even that big. Call him egotistical but he's the best anyone can get. Getting up Gojo walks to the bathroom door and cracks it open.
"yeah," she calls back.
"when your done pack up your things and move out," He doesn't let her respond nor does he show any kind of pain in his voice. He shuts the door and begins his way to your place. Why was he with her anyway. He wasn't able to be his loud self around her.
Opening your door to see Gojo standing alone was a surpise to say the least. Why is he here and were is Riko. He takes off his sunglasses and his eyes flash you a look of sadness. As if he's reading your mind he says, "I broke up with Riko and there's a lot you should know,"
"w-why would she do that?" you questioned after hearing everything Gojo has said. She ruined every good experience you had just for fun. "and why would she cheat on you?" Gojo watches as your eyebrows scrunched up in irritation and confusion. To him you looked like a cute little bunny, and he'd be lying if he claimed that he's never had a wet dream about you. Looking back he's cum more times at the thought of you then his own girlfriend.
Reaching over Gojo's thumb rubs between your eyebrows allowing your face to relax. Leaning in, he knows it's not the right time but who cares, he tells you, "you wanna know someone who never fell for Riko's bites at you," He watches as your eyes begin to water at the thought that your whole friendship was a lie.
"who?" you meekly ask staring into his enchanting eyes.
"me," he responds with a small smirk. His hand had moved down your face to start caressing your cheek, and his smirk holds something a little bit darker as he moves in to kiss you. His lips are soft as he kisses your top lip, then pulling away and kissing your bottom. You've known Gojo gets whatever he wants and now you understand why it's so easy for him. You swore your brain shut off as he kissed you. His free hand moved to your waist and attempts to pull you into his lap. Without thinking you straddle his muscular thighs still kiss him passionately. You feel Gojo's large hands make their way under your shirt and to the clip of your bra. You gasp as you feel him unclip the hook and eyes from one another.
Gazing up at you he quietly says, "there's something I've been craving for some time now, but it was kinda hard to satisfy my hunger".
"why?" you questioned, pulling back and srunching your eyebrows waiting for his response. Not realizing that the face your making has the blood flowing stright to his penis.
"What I was hungry for wasn't on the menu, but now it is," he smiles before he's flipping you onto your back. All you can see is white hair but you can feel his kisses trail from your face down to your neck, then over you clothes, and finally to the button of your jeans. He gives you a look that speaks 'can i?' before continuing. Nodding your head you lean your head back on the pillows and stare at the ceiling.
There's no way this is happening. Gojo, the Gojo Satoru is taking your pants off right now. Feeling the first tug you close your eyes hoping that this isn't a dream. The sound of your pants hitting the floor. His long hands spreading your legs a part. The feeling of his lips kissing up your thighs. It's all far to real to be a dream.
That first lick, the zap that ran up your body, your stomach sucking in at the shock. God, all it took was one lick for him to have your toes curling. No wonder he says he's the most powerful
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harmfulb1tch · 1 year
College bets
Fandom: Indiana Jones
Ship: Indiana Jones x reader
Warnings: swearing, slight mention of smut
Requested by: @groovy-lady
Summary: Indy asks your hand in marriage and the students of the collage you work with couldn’t be happier.
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It was no secret that Doctor Jones and Doctor (Y/L/N) were MADLY in love with each other. They both shared a passion for discovery and history. Dr. Jones taught Archeology and Dr. (Y/L/N) taught world mythology. They had went on archeological missions together and had dug together in many archeological sites. They were always attached by the hip, they always had lunch together either in one of their classrooms or at the cafe, every time a student wanted to talk to Dr. Jones in his classroom, Dr. (Y/L/N) was there and vice versa. It was rarer to see the couple alone than together.
If you asked the university’s students, they would tell you that these two were the “it” couple. Since the students watched Dr. (Y/L/N) and Dr. Jones interact with each other one time she came into his classroom to ask him something regarding work, they all shipped them nonstop. There were rumors regarding both of them, they ranged from seeing the kissing, to having sex on a classroom and seeing them go on dates. Of course these were rumors and rumors only. 
It wasn’t until Dr. Jones mentioned his partner in one of his classes, asking the students what he should buy her in his next date. He was always so professional but yet so casual with his students, that’s why they all loved him. Immediately all of the students (mostly nosy people who had a crush on him) started asking questions about who his partner was and of course, after a lot of insisting, he gave in and revealed that these two were actually dating. You swore you heard cheers from across the hall in the other classroom, but you had no idea what had happened until Indy told you he had revealed your relationship. It was fine, it wasn’t like you cared if the students knew you two were dating. You both were in a committed relationship and had nothing to hide.  
Everyone in the college was very happy for you and, surprisingly, you weren’t in trouble for being in a relationship with your co-worker. The students shipped you so much before that they were always excited and asked both you and Indy questions in class. Questions such as “Where is Dr. Jones taking you on your date?” “Have you guys watched the stars at night as a date?” “Do you guys live together?” “Have you been to his house?” almost everyday came up before your class started. They were all surprisingly respectful towards you and Indy and never really asked any improper questions. 
As time passed, the two of you always went to work together, so the students assumed you both were, in fact, living together. And when more than a year passed, a new question came up amongst the rest in Indy’s classroom “When are you going to propose to Dr. (Y/L/N)?”. Every time he heard that question he just looked with confidence towards the student that asked him and he just didn’t answer it, starting or continuing the class as if no question had been asked. It wasn’t as if he didn’t want to ask your hand in marriage, he just didn’t know if either of you were prepared for that commitment. And, although he would and always will deny it, he was VERY scared of rejection and he didn’t want you to say no. The more time passed, the more frequently that question came up. He usually just shrugged it off and thought nothing of it until one day he overheard a conversation between some students that really made him question wether or not to ask you.
“Hey! 20 bucks. I’m betting 20 bucks that Dr. Jones is going to ask Dr. (Y/N/L) to marry him in less than two months!”
“Bullshit, he is never going to ask her. I don’t think their relationship will last. 50 bucks that they are breaking up before the end of the year.”
“No way dude! The are madly in love and are TOTALLY getting married, but I think he is going to ask her this month. I’m betting 35$ that he is asking her this month”
The students all shut up when they saw Indiana walking down the hall but immediately looked at him when he saw their other professor walk up to him and start making small talk. When you held his hand unconsciously while walking, you could hear the students say small “aw’s” and “I’m totally winning that bet”. When you asked Indy about that bet they were talking about, he said it was just some joke the students were talking about before she arrived and shrugged it off.
After that encounter, he really started to question how, when and where to ask you to marry him. The first thing he did was buy a ring, he bought you a beautiful white gold ring with the biggest diamond he could afford (which ended up being a huge gem). He thought it was best to ask you as soon as possible to get it over with, by that he meant his anxiety, he wanted it to be special for both of you but wanted to do it as soon as possible to get an answer from you. He really believed that you were going to say yes, but there was never really knowing until he asked you. He also planned on asking you in the college’s library, since that’s where you two met.
One day, he asked you to go with him to the library, it wasn’t a really weird request for him to do, since you two spent the most time there, together, and reading. You really didn’t know what he was doing but when the two of you reached the center of the library and just stopped there, while Indy was hugging your waist softly looking down at you with his greenish eyes sweetly, you knew something was going on.
“Darling, I love you. I thought I would live my whole live doing just two things: going from place to place digging up buried treasure and teaching in the four walls of my classroom. I don’t think I would be the man I am today if it weren’t for you, doll.” he said sweetly, with a soft voice as two not disturb the students that were studying and working in the library.
“Aw Indy, thank you! I love you too, so much.” You said, hugging his waist and pressing your head into his chest. After a few moments, he pulled away from the hug and grabbing your hand, he knelt down on one knee, that is when you realized what was going on. Happy tears filled you eyes as you looked at the man before you, the same man that has made you feel so special for almost two years. Some people may think it was too soon for him to ask your hand in marriage, but from the moment you two met, you both knew you would be spending the rest of your like together.
“Y/N, will you marry me?” you nodded you head furiously while crying.
“YES!” Everyone in the library, professors and students alike started clapping, whistling and congratulating you both as you kissed.
“I TOLD YOU THEY WERE GETTING MARRIED IN LESS THAN A MONTH!” was heard as two other students sighed and gave money to the student that shouted that. You could help but laugh hugging Indy again.
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princessbrunette · 7 months
ok warning: this is going to be long, so feel free to skip it but i had to get this thought down: i am constantly thinking about being sarahs best friend and being into rafe. i mean, lets be real, if you friends with sarah, of course youd have a little crush on her hot, older brother. your probably a kook, your parents are friends with the camerons, so youve know sarah and rafe since you were a kid. you and sarah immediately hit it off, but rafe was always sort of a mystery to you, especially as you got older. he became more distant, more broody, a bit more mean. didnt show up as much to family dinners, didnt want to play dolls or games in the pool with you and sarah. you were a little sad, especially since you had a little crush on him, but it was ok, at least it wasnt sarah that was drifting away. as you got older, you saw less and less of rafe, just passing greetings and nods in each other directions. you remained a little biased towards him, saving a little soft spot in your heart for your childhood crush, but knew it was silly and useless. you basically went no contact when he went off to college, only seeing him at events and holidays. but, when the summer before your senior year approached, everything shifted. im not sure when he started thinking of you differently, when he stopped seeing you as sarahs annoying little friend. maybe when he saw how much you grew in a matter of months when he came back home for the camerons famous christmas party, his freshman year at college. he didnt know what it was, maybe all the wine he had drinken that night, maybe how the weather had gotten cold, maybe the suffocating air filled with obnoxious rich people, but the way that white, lacy dress hugged your curves, the way that fluffy little cardigan hung on my one button on you chest, he was obsessed. he was disappointed to overhear that you had gotten yourself a boyfriend, but not surprised with the way you had matured. when he went back for his second semester, you were constantly on his mind. seriously, when had you grown up so much? i mean, you had never been ugly, but shit. he thought of how you shouldent be wasting time with stupid high school boys, how they would most certainly not treat you right, not like he could. he knew they wouldnt be able to touch you he could, to make you scream like he could. he honestly felt a little perverted for thinking that way, given that you two practically grew up together, but he couldn't help it. he tried burying himself in mindless sorority girls to forget his newfound infatuation, but he definitely couldn't. in fact, i bet he imagined those girls were you, even accidentally calling them your name sometimes. so when ward offered that he could come home for the summer, rafe said yes with no hesitation. it was practically too easy, the way you walked around the house in a little bikini. all he had to do was give you a little look, his eyes glancing up and down with his trademark smirk, and he had you right where he wanted. you felt bad at first, since you were doing it behind sarahs back, but come on, were you really going to give up the opportunity with the guys whos always owned your heart? of course not, you told yourself. sarah would just have to understand, not that you would tell her anytime soon of course. but she was bound to find out, espcially with the way you and rafe were slowly getting less and less inconspicuous with your sneaking around. i mean, come on, fucking in the hot tub on the patio during his parents infamous 4th of july party is definelty not the way to go unheard of. and trust me, theres a lot more where that came from.
HELLO NOT U WRITING A WHOLE DRABBLE IN MY INBOX HEHEHHE this was so good u should write a fic on this😵‍💫
ugh but this concept is so juicy bc like….. the secrecy, betraying ur bestie by sleeping w her brother…. finally being seen by him in that way….. mhm i love it
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