#hufflepuff traits
Hogwarts houses not as your defining trait but the way you survived your childhood — the way you coped with your trauma.
Ravenclaw is the book you buried your nose in as you put one foot in front of the other. They are the children who stayed under the bed with flashlights to catch the monster under the bed. They are the children who came to believe themselves to be monsters. Ravenclaw is a room where you store all the things you try to forget. It’s spending years trying to think your way out of that room. Its knowing the world is a vicious place and finding wonder in it anyways.
Slytherin is keeping your head down and your eyes open. It’s blood in your mouth and venom on your tongue. Slytherin is being sharp and precise and deadly as a snake because there’s no other way to survive. It’s knowing there’s no space for you in this world unless you’re willing to carve it out. They are the children who learned to bide their time. To wait for the perfect moment to strike. To go in for the kill. Slytherin is knowing there is no justice in this world unless you make it.
Gryffindor is a tightly clenched fist to keep your hands from shaking. Its children who used to hide under the bed. Children who swore they’d never let anyone make them afraid again. Gryffindor is raised eyebrows and hackles. It’s children who know fear like a second skin. They wrap themselves in it like a home. Gryffindor is digging your toes into the earth and widening your stance. It’s matching the lions predatory gaze with a challenge of your own and clenching your jaw so it doesn’t tremble.
Hufflepuff is a pair of trembling hands that hold on tight. It’s knowing that caring leads to betrayal and deciding to care anyways. It’s tear stains and heart strings boldly on display. It’s knowing life isn’t fair but choosing to try anyway. They are the children that know the world is cruel. They are the children that love it anyway.
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freedomforthewin · 1 year
"Theseus is humble?"
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melitadala · 3 months
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akanothere · 4 months
I have no fking idea why am I a Slytherin I am definitely a Hufflepuff like throw me into the kitchen already who needs handsome dark men when there’s food
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hogwarts houses: hufflepuff
Give me real Hufflepuffs. Not the innocent, quiet, weak house everyone thinks of when they hear our name- give me the very essence of harsh sunlight and the smell of earth.
Give me real Hufflepuffs.
Give me glares and middle fingers and screaming your voice hoarse to remind people that you are here, that you do deserve to be heard. Give me teenagers in bright colors who smile as sweetly as honey but will kick you in the shins for an inappropriate comment. 
Give me eyeliner and glitter and laughing as loud as you can. Give me dyed hair and flirtatious winks and staying up all night to talk to that special someone. Give me hands splattered in paint and charcoal, because Hufflepuffs have art in their soul. 
Give me soft clothes and sparkly highlighter and the squint of someone’s eyes when they smile genuinely. Give me dancing under neon lights, give me adrenaline. Give me fairy lights and sleepy smiles and everything green and yellow and good, because Hufflepuffs are not your leftovers. 
We are real. We are sunlight and sleep and the bite of knives, and don’t you ever forget it. 
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selenepluto · 1 year
Is Draco Malfoy just a bad character?
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Draco Malfoy is an over glorified character in the Harry Potter series. People who have read books before watching the movie franchise will mostly agree with me. As he is a static character he lacks character depth and mostly passes mean comments about the golden trio or tries to bully the juniors. Draco is a coward just like his father, and it can clearly be seen in the books that he is jealous of Harry's fame. He tries to gain some popularity by buying his way into the Quidditch team in the second year of Hogwarts and when Hermione points it out he calls her a "Mudblood". There is even a part in the book where Lucius Malfoy demeans Draco by saying that "even a mudblood {Hermione} is better and smarter than you". Keeping all the canons and fanfics aside, there is clear rivalry between Harry and Draco.
Lastly I want to say that even if Tom Felton did a great job by playing Draco Malfoy, Draco shouldn't be glorified just because the actor is handsome.
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caerparavaill · 1 year
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Hogwarts (Taylor's Version) a combination of playlists
Gryffindor - Ravenclaw Slytherin - Hufflepuff
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johnsbleu · 5 months
Hi this is about your hold my hand story which I love!!!! I was wondering if you’re a fan of Harry Potter and is so what Hogwarts house would Y/N, John, Tess and Jimmy and ect be in? And can you do a chapter where John takes Y/N, Ronan, Tess, Jimmy to universal and they get sorted at the wiziding world of Harry Potter
first and foremost, it's on sight when it comes to jk rowling. i do not support her.
idk what houses they would be in but for some reason i feel like they would all be hufflepuffs. i said what i said!
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No, but hear me out. Hogwarts Houses as the time of day:
Gryffindor is the sunrise — the oranges and reds smeared across the sky like God ran his hand through a painting of flames. Sunrises are a rebirth of sorts. Light bathes the earth like a second chance. Sunrise is quieter than one might expect. The air is filled with anticipation — the moment before the lion pounces. This is Gryffindor: the moment just before the world is set aflame in oil paints and watercolors.
Ravenclaw is a starry night. Stars evoke thought — scientific, philosophical, astronomical thought. Stars, like knowledge, light the way through the dark. They are the light in the dark. When they cannot be seen, you must search for them — you must reach for a telescope. Ravenclaw is drowning in books like a never ending sea of stars and welcoming the waves. You turn to the sky. They’re beautiful — the stars.
Hufflepuff is the early afternoon sunshine — the light of day warming the earth. It’s the heat of friendship deep in your chest. It’s knowing the earth has shadows and turning your face upwards. The sun warms the skin of your face. The wind blows though your hair. The sun can burn you but you love it anyways. And the sun? It loves you back.
Slytherin is dusk. Snakes are creatures of dusk — of the place where light and dark collide. It’s place of children with an affinity for shadows. Dusk lends itself to shadows. They thrive there. Shadows take over the earth as dusk rises. Dusk itself is a sort of consumption. Like ambition, it will swallow you whole, and you will have no choice but to let it. Slytherin is dusk swallowing the earth.
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stefivare · 2 years
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Hogwarts Memories on Wattpad by stefivare
Students began to Apparate there either with family members or alone, others arrived on their brooms or preferred to travel with less eye-catching means, such as horses or chariots, especially Muggleborns and Halfbloods opted for these last ones.
This is a snippet from my other fanfic, the continuation of the Vikings one. This one sees Freya entering an entire different world to the one she knew, the Wizarding World. She learns that she’s the only Complete Metaformagus to ever exist and she meets the Four Founders of Hogwarts just before they built the school and her being at the school and protecting the Wizarding World becomes imperative.
Freya lives for more than a thousand years, she meets every Headmaster and Headmistresses of Hogwarts and the other European schools, every Council members, all the ancestors of the pure blood houses, all the Ministers for Magic and every witch and wizard that have made a name for themselves - she meets everyone up until the second Wizarding War. She is behind every decision, every move, she knows most of what goes on even before it happens.
This is a Wizarding World like you have never seen, canon and fanon, with dates, history, magic, wars, disputes, beloved characters looked more in depth, new students and teachers in the old ages, facts that don’t make much sense explained … everything!
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 1 year
I can't figure out if I'm a slytherin or a hufflepuff, and tumblr you are not helping!!! I'm having a house crisis!! And I'm not a slytherpuff, one definitely overpowers but I can't fucking figure out which one it is!
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mildew-dread-mold · 1 year
loyalty is a hufflepuff trait not a gryffindor trait
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stinkbeast · 2 years
can not stop thinking about narcissa black and how her middle name means sorrow and how she didn’t take the dark mark and how she didn’t get married until her mid twenties after there seemed to be no hope for anyone to carry on the black bloodline apart from her, not in her late teens as was expected
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Are Hufflepuffs the Secret Potion Masters?
Think about it. Hufflepuffs are known as the herbology masters who know all of their plants and everything like that. When studying for potions it is known to be very well educated in herbology. Could the Hufflepuffs take over the next generation as potion masters like Snape and Slughorn? (The answer is yes)
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whatastrangewriter · 2 years
The Burdens of Ravenclaws
Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows
For every young Ravenclaw entering Hogwarts for the first time, there is a gentle haze that shimmers in the air, an enchantment that caresses their souls gently and whispers quiet promises in their ears. It promises them belonging. It promises a home. It promises them a place where they will never again be judged for who they are.
It is a beautiful promise. It is a lie that they fool themselves into believing.
(Who said Ravenclaws can't be fools at times?)
At times, though, the enchantment drops, and then they see the truth of their surroundings. They see how they are shunned by the other houses, how they are defined by only their smarts instead of all their other traits, traits that matter just as much as intelligence. They see the shadows that the enchantment hides.
Most of the time, they ignore it, preferring to return to the blissful land of enchantment rather than face the shadows that surround them. It's easier that way. Less painful.
Follow Sweet Children I'll Show Thee the Way Through All The Pain And The Sorrow Weep Not Poor Children For Life Is This Way Murdering Beauty And Passions
But by their third year, no matter how hard they try to cling to what they were promised upon arriving at Hogwarts, the enchantment fades into nothingness, and they are left with the truth. They will never again be able to ignore the whispers of the other houses. They will never again not feel the pressure heaped upon them.
They will never again not feel the need to be smart, for they know now that is all they are thought to be. Smart. Intelligent.
And yet, it is not all bad. For while the enchantment has vanished, and they are left to drown the expectations of the other houses in Hogwarts, they have also discovered that not all that was promised to them, all those years ago, was a lie.
For, while they are shunned by the other houses, their own house accepts them with open arms, regardless of how intelligent they are or what grades they get. In their house, there is competition, that is true, but there are no expectations.
In Ravenclaw, they can be smart, but they can also be creative. Because Ravenclaws know that intelligence is more than a person's marks in school, and they know that there is more to their house than what everyone else thinks.
Sometimes, intelligence is creativity. Sometimes, intelligence is knowing how to treat people based on their behavior. Sometimes, intelligence is anything and everything that a person enjoys.
But outside of Ravenclaw, no one sees that. No one understands the true meaning of intelligence. And so, Ravenclaws are burdened, their passions and interests murdered as they are deemed to be merely 'smart'.
Hush Now Dear Children It Must Be This Way Too Weary Of Life And Deceptions
Rest Now My Children For Soon We'll Away Into The Calm And The Quiet
There are times when, no matter how much their house tries to make up for the pressures of the outside world, a Ravenclaw decides that they have had enough. It isn't so rare anymore, not since the expectations have become higher than they ever were before.
It isn't so rare, which makes it even more tragic.
Because there are some days when, at breakfast, someone doesn't show up. And no matter who it is, the Ravenclaws spend the rest of the day searching for them, hoping desperately that the missing person will be found in the library or elsewhere in the castle, having forgotten all about classes and food.
Sometimes, the Ravenclaws will be lucky, and the person will be found, safe and alive. Other times, they will not be so lucky. Other times, they will stumble across a broken body at the bottom of the Astronomy tower, and they will know that one of the number will never again take a breath.
And when they hold the funeral, there are a few more Ravenclaws who wonder if it is quieter, in the place after Death. They wonder if it is calmer, if perhaps, there are no expectations in that mysterious, little known place.
They wonder if living is truly worth the pain.
Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows
No one ever said it was easy, being smart. No one ever said that being a Ravenclaw was fun, or painless.
No one speaks of the Ravenclaws, of the burdens that were laid upon them by the rest of the world. No one ever spoke of the effect that those burdens have.
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ksenivya · 1 year
What Hogwarts houses would mtp character be in? This is totally not for a fanfic that I'll never write in the future. I'm just very curious of other people's opinions
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