#honestly my brain is still processing the first trailer
just saw the new trigun stampede trailer and.. whoah
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jedimasterbailey · 23 days
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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clip-the-simp · 23 days
Not Much Else [Pt.1]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2,956
Warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, mention of drugs and surgery, (I’m bad at warning tags so just let me know if I need/should to add some)
Tags: Mild Proofreading, Slow Burn(?), reader had bat wings, Bounty Hunting, slight deviation from TV show, pre!show events(?), (Again I'm bad at tags so let me know)
Summary: You're a vault experiment that makes it to the surface. Quickly you learn the lay of the land and a few years later end up working the same bounty as The Ghoul. You convince him to let you take a long after having a feeling that you just had to follow him. Where will this story lead? Only time (and my motivation) will tell.
A/N: this is cringy as shit so please forgive me. I’m trying to get back into writing and my current hyperfixation is Fallout. I've been a fan for years but a new found love was sparked with the show's release.
Be forewarned that this is going to be incredibly inaccurate to cannon events and really unrealistic honestly. But listen. If Lucy can have her finger zapped back on and working properly anything can happen.
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The scientists of your vault had placed nearly 200 hundred people into cryo pods before the bombs had fallen. A few had been scientists, but most were test subjects. Those chosen to be experimented on were chosen from a vast array of different medical histories, genetic makeups, ages, and ethnicities which always resulted in different mutations. Only about one third of the subjects had volunteered, while the majority had been simply manipulated, kidnapped, and or drugged before being shoved into a cryopod.
You had been one of the majority that had been kidnapped. Before the bombs, you had been a star in HollyWood and went on to be in several films which included a western or two. You were still fairly young however, so when the threat of bombs falling had started to rise you had been cornered. A white cloth with chloroform was shoved into your face once you had gotten back to your film trailer after wrapping up the final scene for a movie you were co-starring in. You had only woken up for a brief moment after being kidnapped, which was right before they had shoved you into a pod and began the process to preserve your body for the next century or so.
When the scientist decided it was time to start experimenting, some wouldn’t survive the first round of injections but that never did stop the test. Even after death the bodies would continue to be used to determine different severities of treatments on human tissue.
However, those that didn’t have the fortune of passing within the first few rounds of chems being forced into their veins, they had far worse ahead of them. Which just so happened to be the group of unfortunate folks you wound up being.
It had been about 175 years after the bombs dropped before they dethawed you from your cryosleep and started on their process of testing and modifying your body. They had hoped, just like with all of their other experiments they had running, that you would be one of their best.
After the first initial round of chems they had started to cut into you and spliced your DNA with multiple different creatures. First it started with the removal and rewiring of your eyes. They had been replaced with those of a feline which had taken you months to recover from, but that didn’t stop the minor test they continued to perform.
The rewiring in your brain caused excruciating headaches for the first few months but soon you were able to view things from a new lens. Being able to see more than most at night was a great perk to have when the vaults tended to stay poorly lit. However this also caused you to have some sensitivities to bright lights, so in response to that the scientist designed specialized goggles to combat it but made them so they wouldn’t impair your ability to see at night with them still being on.
The next body modification came when a scorchbeast, a large mutated bat creature, had been killed and dragged into the vault. After careful consideration and candidate evaluation you had been chosen to be subjugated to the experiment. No one knew if your body would reject the new muscle and bones that had to be implanted, but your genes had the most likely success rate when looking at the data provided.
After a full year of recovery you had full mobility of the limbs, and with it having been a young scorchbeast, the wings hadn’t been to terribly large in comparison to your body. You had been due for more body installments but before the scientist had the opportunity to stick another knife in you all hell had broken loose.
One of the more aggressive test subjects had escaped from their enclosure and started wreaking havoc upon the vault. They had managed to set other people free while in a blind rage when they had broken into the control room. In doing so not only where you set free but so where all the others, including those in cryosleep.
However you hadn’t stuck around for long once everyone, mutated or not, had started attacking one another in a panic. Having seen map layouts of the vault in the halls on the way to your surgeries, you had been one of the first to make it to the surface and begin your trick through the waste land.
After a week you had managed to find your way to a town which was both a blessing and a curse. Outside the walls of the town there had been a dead man who still had his clothes on. Having realized you were still in your medical gown, you had stripped him of the garments, minus the underwear, and cut a large hole in the back of the shirt to accommodate for your wings. With pants and a shirt on you were now a little more confident when entering the settlement.
Even after getting more than a hospital gown on, people still had given you strange looks as you walked the streets. They snarled and ogled at the wings sprouting from your back, and even after tucking them under your arms while pulling them close to your sides, it didn’t stop the stairs. Your goggles had remained pulled over your eyes during the majority of your time on the surface, but you could tell people could still see the slits that were your pupils.
You had quickly learned the ways of the waste land. Caps controlled everything, violence was always the answer, and it was kill or be killed. So when a man suddenly cornered you in the alley way of that first town you were in, you quickly became a killer. Whether it was the animal genetics fused with your own or your will to survive, you had proceeded to rip that man's neck out with your teeth when he had gotten close enough.
In doing so you had gained a handful of caps, a slightly rusted knife, and a pistol that had enough ammo to mow down a small horde of ghouls. The only item of clothing you peeled from his body was a weathered trench coat made of leather. That had managed to cover your wings if you kept them tucked close enough, although a bet awkwardly.
With the handful of caps you had gathered you had managed to get some accentals and learned about bounty hunting. If you were going to survive in the world you had to adapt, and so you did.
Two years had passed since you first began living on the surface when you had encountered The Ghoul, face to face, for the first time. Both of you had been working the same job when the target in question got smart and hired a few armed guards. The two of you were knocked unconscious and tied up in a rotting building while the target and his goons ran off. You had come to when the splitting pain from being knocked out finally became too much for your body to suppress.
As you peeled your eyes open, you started to realize someone was tied to your back as you and the other person sat on the sand covered floor of the decaying house. Shuffling a bet you tried to grab the knife at your side but soon heard a groan from the person you were tied to. You hadn’t bothered before to try and see who it was, hoping to have gotten untied from one another before they had the chance to wake up and possibly kill you.
“Fucking hell.” You heard the man mumble as he tried to get his bearings as you had. Your heart made its way to your throat as you realized who it was. Although you had never met the man you recognized his voice from the rare occasion you had been in the same town together at the same time.
Fuck fuck fuck! You thought as you continued, more hastily this time, to try and get the knife at your side. You had never paid The Ghoul much attention, however you know of his reputation and that he was a gifted gun slinger. However, while you hadn't paid him much attention, he had been studying you. He had started to recognize you any time you just happened to be in the same town. It wasn't anything more than the fact you were exceedingly odd and always looked out of place from those shuffling around you. Although he was a ghoul and the farthest thing from normal looking, your wings would always take any and all attention from those around you. No matter how well hidden you tried to keep them.
“Stop fidgeting damn it.” Your body immediately froze as he spoke directly to you. A few shuffles of his own and he quickly had his hands on his own knife which sliced through the rope with relative ease. You fell forward slightly as the tension from the rope was released and you quickly stood to dust yourself off.
Turning around you saw The Ghoul doing the same thing as he stood. His duster was ripped to shreds but still served its purpose of covering him from the sun. The cowboy hat he held in his hands was quickly placed back on his head before he turned to glare at you. His spurs jingled a little as he faced you.
Everything in your body screamed at you to run before he could pull out his weapon, but his gaze had you pinned to your spot in the room. You swallowed hard before trying to move and look more relaxed then you really were. Crossing your arms you moved your eyes to meet his which started an immediate feeling of regret.
There was something about his eyes that held a feeling of familiarity but it was buried under the many years of being forced to live amongst the harsh conditions of the wasteland. The Ghoul’s eyes remained on your face for the longest time before traveling to the tips of your wings that peeked out from under your coat. You quickly tried to tuck them closer to hide them but that just led to him looking back to your face.
“Now how the hell you get those on your back?” The Ghoul pointed to where the wings had been showing just moments before. His question had brought you out of your frozen state as you tried justifying to yourself answering him truthfully. You didn’t figure it would hurt to be truthful, especially since it was only the two of you at that moment. Not to mention the odd feeling that you could rely on him to keep any information you needed to get off your chest.
“Vault experiments.” You answered plainly as you moved the extra appendages from under your coat and spread them a little farther out from your body as you stretched them. As you did this something shifted in his expression, almost a kin to pity. He looked back into your eyes as if trying to recognize you as you had done the same to him moments before. You had forgotten the fact your eyes were no longer human so whatever search he was on would be nearly impossible if he intended to find answers within them. Not to mention the fact that your goggles were currently tented from the light coming in from the setting sun.
“That’s unfortunate. Seems like those wings would be in the way of everything.” He stated while picking up some of his belongings that hadn’t been taken. You crossed your arms and leaned on one leg. Sure, the wings were annoying at first, but they had become useful as time went on. You always managed to travel farther than anyone else in the wasteland could in two days on foot.
“They’re actually quite helpful.” You stated as you began to check yourself for any belongings that might be missing. “People don’t expect an aerial assault nowadays. So ambushing people is quite the luxury when being a bounty hunter.” The Ghoul gave a low hum as he slung his bag back over his shoulder. Surprisingly enough they hadn’t stolen anything, but you assumed it was because they were more focused on getting out of there before the two of you woke up.
“Well sweetheart I must be on my way. That bounty is still out there and I don't need someone else getting my caps.” As he said this The Ghoul slung his leg over the wall of the decrepit house and began his trek to the target. Something in the back of your mind pricked at your thoughts as he walked away. The feeling that you needed to follow him into the wasteland grew stronger the farther he walked.
What was it about this guy that had you wanted to do nothing more than follow him like a lost puppy? You hadn’t meant to be working the same bounty but somehow it felt like it was meant to be. Kicking yourself mentally, you sprinted after him. He had only managed to get a few yards away before you abruptly sprinted up behind him.
Out of instinct The Ghoul pulled his gun on you and had it aimed directly at your head. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as you tried to catch your breath from the short unexpected run you just had. The adrenaline pumping through your veins prevented you from freezing or seeing the gun held to your face as much of a threat at that moment. All your mind was trained on was convincing The Ghoul to take you with him on this job.
“Take me with you.” Was all you could blurt out. Your voice had been shaky which you hoped wouldn’t be too noticeable but The Ghoul definitely caught it. He lowered his gun to keep it aimed at your chest instead.
“Now why should I do that?” He asked as he raised a nonexistent eyebrow. The sun was getting low which caused a shadow to shroud most of The Ghoul’s face. A knot began to form in your stomach. You hadn’t thought this through at all but had to come up with an excuse fast.
“I can be of help. Like I stated before, aerial assault isn’t something most folks are prepared to fight against.” That was practically the only key advantage you had on most other people. You had other talents, sure, but that was back up information in case the main appeal didn’t go through.
The Ghoul lifted his gun to tip his hat out of his face to get direct eye contact with you. His gaze fell and rose as he examined your form. It made you partly embarrassed as you pulled your wings in closer. He stood there and contemplated for a while until you broke the silence.
You grabbed the goggles from your face and sat them on top of your head. Your vision quickly adjusted to the new light exposed to your eyes. As The Ghoul looked back to your face you saw a bet of shock appear on his face before it was quickly masked again.
“Listen,” You started as your hands quickly began to fidget with one another. “I don't know why but I feel as if I’m supposed to go with you. If I had an explanation of why I would tell you but I don’t except for saying it’s a gut feeling.” The Ghoul’s expression stayed the same which quickly diminished your hope of joining him. Your eyes fell to the ground as you continued to speak.
“I don’t require caps or any sort of compensation for joining since I’m doing this out of complete and utter selflessness.” You were about to continue rambling before The Ghoul let out an exasperated sigh. Your attention brought back to his form. The Ghoul was pinching between his eyebrows as he holstered his gun. A few mumbles left his lips before his gaze finally settled back upon you.
“If you slow me down-” He started to say. You quickly cut him off as the realization that he was actually taking you along settled in.
“I won’t! I promise.” You said cheerfully as your wings slightly lifted from your sides. Your demeanor was probably a bit too cheerful though with how his expression changed.
“We’ll see if you keep that promise.” The Ghoul grumbled as he looked at the setting sun. It had nearly disappeared over the horizon which had put the world in a deep shade of purplish pink. It wouldn't be long before the sun was completely gone to leave the two of you in complete darkness.
However, that didn’t stop the two of you from traveling a bet that night. Your night vision was impeccable and The Ghoul had a lamp to guide his way. You stayed silent as did The Ghoul which hadn’t surprised you much. It had been about four hours of traveling before he finally spoke to inform you that it was time to siddle for the night.
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sylvies-kablooie · 7 months
I hope the anonymous ask doesn’t get ruined for you! There are so many rude people for no reason :(
What are your thoughts on the new episode? How do you think the next one will go?
thanks so much! this is gonna be lengthy so i'm gonna put an expand thingy if i can- never have done it before so bear w me lol. below the read more will be my hot takes regarding Dox, Victor, pie scene, etc
if i can get enough work done this weekend, i'm hoping to give some of the new episodes a rewatch. when i see them for the first time, my brain can get really caught up on what is happening what is happening that it prevents me from taking in the finer details that make the show so enjoyable. i think this has been compounded by s2 focusing a lot more heavily on racing the plot forward rather than allowing for characters to process things slowly, so i would like to give them another go knowing what will happen and having my fine-detail lenses on.
that being said, the new episode did catch me off guard! i knew a plot twist was coming because it had been teased, but the victor spagettification was NOT what i saw coming and it actually made my jaw drop. i had assumed the spaghetti line to be a throwaway one so having it actually pay off was wild. it was a noble end for victor, although i wish we had gotten a chance to spend more time with him because i thought he was very compelling.
something i was conflicted on was taking Dox and her group back into the TVA and then having b-15 ask them to come back because she knows deep down they are good after they had just killed an unknown number of people and we saw them witnessing that grief in real time (this was especially the case w B-15, who was heartbroken!). narratively speaking i didn't find that super compelling and others have addressed their problems with that better than i have. HOWEVER dox and the others being squished? was also not what i saw coming, especially after that wtf thing between Dox and Brad. i have no idea if we'll ever get answers on that! but i wish we got to see more of Dox- maybe she'll come back around.
sylvie yelled at mobius, people got mad at his, but it was clearly building up to something that is going to pay off in a later episode. and honestly- was she wrong? why is he being so chill about this all? this is going to be investigated later, and i would venture to guess it's because he's pretending everything is fine and cool when in reality all he knows and loves is collapsing around him. seeing that lead to discourse rather than people understanding it as foreshadowing made me lose a little faith in people's media literacy LMAO.
sylvie. my beloved. we saw her smile over killing HWR and I thought that was really interesting, something i will probably write a whole meta on later- hint: i think she is both genuinely proud of and sorrowful over her actions. her conversation with loki in the pie room was something i highly enjoyed. hope is hard. that being said, i was hoping for more dialogue between them. they're still circling everything. BE BRAVE AND SAY WHAT U WANT TO SAY LOKI. BUT them teaming up against Brad was LEGENDARY. screaming "turn it off"? are you kidding me!!!! LOVED IT. Loved the "Are you okay" and "tech savvy" callbacks. mwah it was so good.
i have no idea what the new episode will bring beyond hopefully that bar scene finally and also the scene where sylvie gets to listen to her records because those were featured in the trailer and we still haven't gotten them yet! obviously it isn't the end of the world, but what does it mean? a great question! was the TVA all for nothing? how would that impact our characters, realizing everything they knew was a lie? great motivation i hope we will have time to explore!
thanks so much for the ask and allowing me to ramble! i hope to have more time to go over things again with an even finer toothed comb, so if i can get all my homework done you can expect more analysis :)
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daisymae-12 · 11 months
hope you survived the rwrb trailer bestie because i can honestly say that my corpse is sending this ask by itself, my soul left my body as soon as the trailer started (im not gonna survive the movie am i)
I literally read this while still half-asleep this morning and I was like ... "did I send this to myself in my post rwrb trailer delirium ???" because it genuinely sounds like something I would say 😂
Did I survive the trailer? The jury is still out on that - my brain is complete mush and it still hasn't sunk in that we got to see FOOTAGE of them?! when I saw them kiss I had to pause it to scream, because omg it was too much to process 😩 It just made me so happy 🥺 I could ramble for ages about how much I love this book and what it means to me - but just seeing these characters come to life on screen makes me so so happy ❤️ Will we survive the movie? Probably not 😂
(Besides the fact that I'm really curious about who sent this - pls feel free to talk to me off anon to scream about rwrb together because I lack any IRL friends who are into rwrb so I'm really cherishing these internet friendships ❤️ I'm just very SHY so y'all are gna have to make the first move 💀)
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ktficworld · 2 years
London boy
Paring: Neil tenet x desi!reader
Summary: you were in a bad mood. And a poor blond was your victim.
Warnings: none
A/n: yelp, I'm going this. Neil with desi reader equals no traction. Anyway. If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know. Let's see if it's going to be funny outside of my head.
Main masterlist
Neil tenet masterlist
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To say you were in a shitty mood would be an understatement.
First your AC broke, then unannounced guest dropped like bomb, and then groceries ran out. Meaning you'd have to go to market in the middle of the June afternoon.
Oh and the heat.
Don't even talk about that. Sunny dearest was sucking up all your energy like someone drinking every drop of a very expensive drink.
God you hated summer
No it was not summer. It was the trailer of the hell that everyone was going to.
You didn't bring your scooty. Oh no, because you were pretty sure with this heat rain. You could probably make dosa on the seat. Which you didn't wanted to do to your backside. So a good walk it was.
You were so exhausted that you didn't even tried to bargain. Your mother was going to chew you out, you were sure of it.
You took the gorciers. And made your way back home. When a accented voice called from behind.
"Excuse me, miss."
Huh, when did mumbai boys started having british accent.
You turned around to see two very tall and very non- Indians. One was clearly white. With blonde hair and blue eyes. Like if someone wanted to give a example of a white man. He would fit right in. Another was a dark skinned man, black. You concluded.
After seeing them you had two questions.
First, how the fuck were they wearing suits while you were melting here?
Second, what the fuck were they even going here?
"I'm neil." The blonde said.
Clothes wihitening neel?
Oh god! No you idiot it's a name. You mentally chastised yourself.
It wasn't helping that your brain was cooking something evil after listening his accent. British hmmm...
"Yes neil, how can I help you?" You said while grinning internally. You were going to pull something and he was going to be the target.
"I want to-" That was when the tubelight went off in your head.
"Want. What do you want? You already took everything." You said in a sickeningly innocent voice.
He stopped as if his train of thoughts have hit a dead end. And his face contorted in utter confusion. Same was the black guy.
Honestly you were having a hard time keeping a straight face.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's okay, at least someone said sorry."
Now, his gaze was just screaming "what the fuck lady."
You glanced at the black dude. You held your gaze for sometime with your innocent face. And you saw as realization dawned on him.
Now, he was trying hard not to laugh.
"Actually, we are looking for someone's address." The black man said. While the blonde was still processing.
"Who?" Knowing everyone in Mumbai was impossible. But you could take a shot.
"Oh! She's abroad, studying."
"There are lakhs of priyas. You gotta be specific."
After he gave you some details. You figured out who he was talking about. Priya, nice and sweet lady. You have met her a few times. So you gave him her address. And he looked pleased with the information.
"Neil, let's go." He said as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but-"
"We don't have time for this." He looked at you and said." Thank you."
"You're welcome." You said as he dragged Neil away. But you wanted to pull his leg one last time.
"HAVE A GOOD DAY, LONDON BOY." you shouted. It got his attention and also of some bystanders, but you didn't care about them.
His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He looked like he just solved the baramunda triangular mystery.
You threw your head back and laughed till your lungs hurt and your eyes waterd.
Maybe he finally got the reference.
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tocourtdisaster · 1 year
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I posted 4,046 times in 2022
That's 4,046 more posts than 2021!
168 posts created (4%)
3,878 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,047 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 716 posts
#art - 352 posts
#pokemon - 194 posts
#obi wan kenobi show - 169 posts
#star trek - 165 posts
#photography - 157 posts
#the clone wars - 150 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 105 posts
#the mandalorian - 102 posts
#lord of the rings - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#(i’d take the rest of the day off but there’s a weekly process that i have to do that my boss will totally forget to cover if i call out)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hate my anxiety. My stomach is in knots because I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, but it’s literally just my annual wellness visit which is mostly talking. I wish my brain would stop treating something I do literally every year like it’s dangerous.
4 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
First day back at work since covid and I’m freaking exhausted. I probably should have taken another day or two, but I have zero backup at work and I knew that four unexpected days off was going to be enough to try to catch up from. I have another hour of work before I can nap and I’m regretting all of my life choices.
I’m still coughing, everything tastes funny because of the paxlovid, I can’t concentrate, my head hurts from coughing, I have no voice. I honestly think I’m in the unfortunate 30% of cases that paxlovid doesn’t help because I don’t feel much better than I did before I started taking it, and that could come down to time and not the drugs working. Still gonna finish the course but I wish I had more to show for it.
5 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Oregon voters have narrowly passed a measure that decrees health care a human right.
Measure 111 makes Oregon the first state in the nation to change its constitution to explicitly declare affordable health care a fundamental right.
The amendment reads: “It is the obligation of the state to ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right.”
6 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
How DARE they use Duel of the Fates in this trailer
10 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As far as I can remember, Nikolai never saw Kaz and Inej interact in CK and yet he knew that threatening Inej was the one to thing he could do to guarantee Kaz would help him in RoW. Like, seriously, what kind of intelligence reports is Nikolai getting from his agents in Kerch? Does the entire world know that Kaz and Inej are basically married? I need answers.
17 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deep-dark-wisps · 1 year
Where were you the first time....
Where and when, when did it happen to you for the first time?
I am not talking about sex encounters and losing virginity here. I was watching the news this morning and a white fluffy dog named Dream came on the television. There, I was triggered and flashed back in time to the summer of 2010. The first time I witness a hate crime against a gay, an older man in the trailer park community. I recounted the story to my anchor to process what my brain just did. I felt I needed to go further, to recount this story to you. June is LBGQ+ pride month. We need to talk more and create a stir, action if you will. It is 2023, and there is still wide hate for this community, as I have partially hidden in the closet, afraid. Not because of shame, guilt, and fear of being out, but because I fear the HATE crime directed in my direction, my community. I shared a building with a Nazis lover for 10 years. Man o Man... We talked and talked about many things over those years, and educated ourselves. He was ultimately a nice man, under the tattoos, biker leathers, and such. But I digress, and that is a story for another day.
Summer 2010, was hot and dry summer...Air conditioners keep blowing the park transformers. I had lived in a trailer park here in Barrie. I had lived in my trailer, diagonally across from this man, with my aunt and fiancé of the time. He was in First Street, and I was in Second. I was in the yard attending the garden... I vaguely recalled being on crutches that summer, I think from twisting my ankle up badly. This man kept a Shepard on a leash when outside and was friendly. His sister got him this gorgeous puffy white dog, named Cloud, he was elated. But, on his street, they were the bad street, the prostitutes, drug addicts, as they walked through the park with a bowl of coke trying to convince people it was powder laundry soap because their dealer was on the other side of the park. But as I paint this picture. There was a biker living on First, who was mean and scary, his yard looked like a dump, and his trailer was slummy. He kept a mean dog on a short leash, which could be a Rottweiler or Doberman. This dog scared a lot of people.
Well, he had this hate going on for my friend, for a while, like seething, frothy-at-the-mouth kinda hatred all because my friend was gay. I remember hearing the loud noise of a door slamming, people screaming, the battle cry of that dog, and the final scream of Cloud. I ran as fast as I could to First, in less than 5 minutes. The scene, I will not go there. Shudders and Tears. My friend was wailing. What had just occurred was Cloud was running around in the yard under the eye of serval people. It was a trailer park, and these houses are like tin incubators, so everyone was outside chilling...That man with the dog, sic that dog on Cloud and then duck back into his trailer like a coward. The dog went home proud and immediately went inside once Cloud lay dead and no longer a fun toy. People were screaming and trying to get Cloud to safety, but the mean dog was too quick...
Where this goes, the "Gay" man called animal control and the police right after the incident. They would not come, the police. Animal control hung up on him. The moral of the story was in the summer of 2010, almost 15 years ago. Help would not come and get involved in a hate crime. That evil man got to live with the stares every day because the rental company would not do anything. So, every day, after that day, the man that was gay had to live down the street from the biker. Needless to say by winter, my friend, died of a massive heart attack and he was a picture of health. He died of a broken heart, essentially.
I grew up rural and moved to Orillia for 2 years then Milton for 8 months, then back to Orillia for another 3-4 years, then Barrie in 2009. It was a quiet and shelter life for me. I honestly did not see anyone other than Amish and Mennonites for other races/ cultures until I moved to Orillia at 17. At 17, I did not about the LBGQ+ community or what a “gay” person was. Till my best friend told me she thinks she is bisexual and had a crush on me. I was soooo confused! She had to explain to me what that met and took some processing at the time. Then I realized, o I am too. I thought that girls were cute, but was weird and bad thoughts up to this point... I am not shitting you. No, my parents do not hate this community. Just as usual my parents failed to educate me; the school system fails me too. So here I am 25 years old in a trailer park in Barrie, experiencing my first hate crime! I did not realize I carried this all these years as my baggage in the attic and had not processed this until this morning.
I hide still in the closet not for acceptance but more for fear of HATE. I realize my eyes since then have been permanently open to the shock of this world that my community faces. Just wow! Maybe, I have grown numb to HATE, honestly. Since then, I have seen my fair share of HATE towards the LBGQ+ community. I am almost 40, and my closet looks like a comfortable nest; I think I need to shake things up and put myself out there more. We will see what happens next, but this is not OK in today's age; to be regressing on rights as per the States.
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sternbagel · 2 years
38, 32, 28, 19 for the writing asks!
Thanks B! 💙
Weird Questions for Writers
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I won't like, tell this like a story cause I'm too lazy but I definitely always was daydreaming and thinking of stuff and consuming all sorts of media (and still am). I think the first thing I really wrote was probably the original fiction novel that I am still kind of working on. I think I may have told you specifically about this but the basic premise was like a college girl becomes the first female quarterback to be like a volunteer coach, and eventually ends up actually getting into the game, blah blah blah. I have lots of stuff figured out and planned out and full on written down in pencil in this composition book that I still have, but I haven't worked on it in a while. I started basically for the same reason anyone else starts: I had a story I wanted to share with other people. And of course there were bumps along the way. It sucks getting writer's block or falling out of love with certain projects, but that's how it goes lmao. Right now, though, I'm just writing stuff about my favorite characters (original and canon) and putting them in Situations that my brain comes up with.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I'll answer this for my OCs rather than canon characters. Delightful as in "everyone loves this character," probably Paige. Delightful as in "the most fun for me to personally write," most definitely Sandy. She's probably my most fleshed out and detailed and deep character too, seeing as I've been working on her for like 10 years now.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I don't know that I have a specific line from anything that I keep coming back to? I mean there's tons of passages or works as a whole that I love and I go reread, but no specific lines. There's too many great ones out there that I'm still discovering, so.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
Well, everyone else seems to think that it's weird that music (specifically instrumental stuff) will often inspire scenes or entire stories that come from that scene, but I don't think it's weird. Maybe what is weird is that sometimes I'll listen to trailer music (either just remixes from popular songs or stuff that bands like 2WEI, Brand X, Joseph William Morgan, etc. make that may or may not be made specifically to be used in movie/tv trailers) and create entire stories out of it. Like I legit think I'd like to take my crack at making movie trailers for a living because it's fun and because my brain thinks like that BUT that's a long shot and I'm off topic. Idk nothing's Really Weird about my process honestly. Also, cats absolutely shit talk the weird things we do as humans to other cats, just like we shit talk about the weird things they do.
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beemers-hell · 3 years
That very nice message juiced me up so I now I wanna explain my thought process behind how I personally characterize the MadCom crew + make my gal Eb fit in amongst the cast, this'll probably get long, here we go lol
[CW: Lots of cursing, forgive me, it’s ingrained in my vernacular]
The main 4 + Tricky since they're the ones I draw most often
Very quiet, is selectively non speaking. He can talk, its just that his mouth sitch makes it a hassle and their voice is strained as shit, so they stick with making noises/gestures/using sign language.
This quietness also aids in making him fucking terrifying to the general public. The aura they give off is incredibly threatening so standing in a room with him feels like you're being suffocated by chainsaws.
Despite the horrific energy they give off, he's fairly goofy. [Points at the M:PN Trailer] Not super goofy 24/7, but they don't take many things that seriously anymore.
Combat prowess is in combat itself. He does not care what weapon he's using, they're gonna wreck shit no matter what's in their hand atm.
Krinkels himself said it, they're kinda dumb when it comes to non-combat/survival related stuff. Probably the least intellectually strong out of the bunch.
He's a cocky smartass. Dude's always got some quip ready to go and he makes up the bulk of the chatter within the main 4.
He's a cunning little bastard (affectionate) and usually has a plan ready to go for most situations the crew gets themselves into.
Obviously his main thing is his hackerman status, so the dude is probably the smartest intellectually, only beaten out by 2B.
His specialty is in ranged, mainly guns, of course. He's a sharpshooter first and foremost.
Is a bit oblivious [points at Madness Aggregation]. He's also like Hank where he doesn't take things that seriously.
My favorite himbo [points at their voice lines]
Anyway the guy's alright in the brains department but he really shines in combat prowess, his main strength being melee of course.
He's a bit of a dope, mostly in a "I see a problem and my solution is to punch it" kind of way, though I wouldn't say they're dumb as rocks or anything like that.
They don't talk that much, but gets chatty when fighting cause trash talk.
This man has no control over his volume so he yells like 95% of the time where being quiet isn't necessary for survival.
They’re the tank of the crew! Yet somehow he’s gotten very good at not getting hit. Doesn’t matter though, cause even if they do get hit, their muscle mass just kinda absorbs most of the damage. Beefcake!
He's most like Hank, being a quiet, threatening force, but unlike them, he takes shit seriously and only eases up maybe 10% of the time.
I like the idea of him being a grumpy old man so that's what we're going with.
I'm fairly certain it's canon that he'd rather outsmart the enemy and not fight as much as he can, so I figure he's not as fine with fighting as everyone else, but he can still wreck shit if it comes down to it.
However, obviously, he makes up for it in being smart as hell, he's the crew's handler and main medic after all.
Like mentioned, he’s a quiet guy, but he’s more willing to talk than Hank is. He uses speech fairly regularly but he’ll most likely use ASL when communicating. He’s got bandages around his jaw in addition to his mask so I bet he’s also got a fucked up mouth.
Clown my beloved
He may be absolutely batshit insane, but he's the smartest out of everyone in the cast. His minds had to have gone through a lot but the Hoffnar smarts are still active!
Clearly he's also in the "doesn't take shit seriously" camp but honestly who can blame him, he's got a reality breaking machine crammed in his head!
He's Loud! Loud! Loud!  Also refers to himself in the 3rd person only (by using Clown in place of Tricky/any pronouns), there is no reason, he just does.
Though he is on the same level of wickedness as Hank, he's also clearly a lot more juvenile and carefree, would probably get along well with Deimos if things were different. He indulges himself in a lot of "childish" things like small toys and cartoons, he's into DJ-ing, he literally types in internet speak, you get the gist
Incredibly skilled and violent in battle, of course, but at the end of the day, he just wants to have an entertaining time, so he plays fair and only gets dirty when he’s gotten bored and decides he’s done with the opponent [points at both Madness Antipathy and Expurgation]
So Eb, ahaha
She's almost like a mix of everyone! Smartass, Chatty, and Cunning like Deimos, Loud as hell and not super brainy like Sanford, has the ability to give off a threatening aura just by standing there and staring like Hank, and also shares their carefree attitude, and is almost just as wacky and out there like Tricky. The only person she doesn’t share much in common with is Doc, other than like, being able to use ASL, but that doesn’t pose much problem to them working together.
She’s best at melee, as made obvious by her owning her own custom chainsaw (affectionately dubbed “Lana”), but is slowly working on getting better with guns thanks to help from Deimos and Hank.
She’s a speedy mf and incredibly agile, which is part of why Doc recruited her to the squad.
She has a sort of weird way of talking, where she’ll use words to mean certain things when they’re not really interchangeable, but the gang’s learned how to decipher what she’s saying. [I.E She’ll say something like “I’m positively cracking” when she means to say “I’m very happy right now”]
In canon, she’s an autistic woman, so obviously that carries over. Is constantly stimming (her necklace is basically chewlery), she’s full of energy, she has her own routine and way of doing things that the others have learned, she has problems with her memory, and her sense of hearing and touch (as well as taste but that’s not relevant here) is really sensitive so she’s able to hear sounds and feel things the others can’t, but she’s forced herself to not let it overwhelm her while she’s busy. She deals with it back at base in her own space. If only the dudes knew why she locks herself in her corner practically every time they go home after a mission!
She’s mainly with the 4 so she can survive, but she likes taking down people she thinks are doing bad things, so she’s all for Doc’s cause. It’s also why she has no problem sneaking around to hang with Tricky, she likes the poor thing and doesn’t see him as a real threat to life around them, just Hank. Which she thinks is funny ngl
The best way to describe her connections to everyone is that she’s like a bro and third wheel to Deimos’ and Sanford, she’s a rebellious teenager (she is in her 20s) who wants to test their authority figure’s patience as much as possible towards Doc, she’s chummy with Hank and has a level of respect towards him that they almost return (they find it interesting that she managed to keep herself alive and healthy for as long as she did, all on her own, when she’s a “naïve pipsqueak”), and she’s got feelings for Tricky because reasons. 
Forgive me for the long ass post, when I ramble, I ramble! ND homies can relate lmfao
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cheesesteakphil · 2 years
What did you think about the update?
LORD ALMIGHTY I LOVE IT. It was everything I expected an MORE!!
In case the spoiler tag isn't working, I'll put my thoughts under a read more too just to be safe :)
My main hope was that I would be able to grow more of a fondness for Shelda, as the amount of content she had main game wasn't really substantial enough for me to get a real liking for her, but the DLC absolutely ammended that for me and now I think she's definitely one of my top favorites.
I genuinely wasn't expecting the big developmental arc that Chandlo goes through but it was really good to see! It really adds more depth into his concern over Snorpy and how to deal with it, and I loved how deeply impactful his conversation with Shelda was (and an added bonus to get a peek into how he interacts with Floofty, since they have all known each other since they were kids, but Snorpy's insistence that he doesn't talk to Floofty was the main reason for the two not having any real interaction base game)
Triffany was another surprise, as it expanded on her already established evasiveness at conflict and my GOD do I relate with that so much. Freezing up and just wanting to step back into the shadow and get on with stuff instead of stepping up to take charge? Near identical to how I work in heated situations too, it's nice to see they didn't try to change that about her in the new content.
We all know my stance on Floofty. I was already over the moon that I was getting any new content for them to begin with, but listen. I need you to understand. I played the game in the mindset of Orlifa (my Journalist/Scientist student OC) and LET ME TELL YOU. THE AMOUNT OF SHIT. THAT FITS INTO HOW I HAVE THOSE TWO INTERACT. BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. I HAVE SO MUCH ART FUEL FROM THIS DLC BAYBEY.
As for the gameplay content, I did not expect the quests from the letter system to add such a substantial amount of work, some of those quests are fucking DIFFICULT! (FUCK THAT ONE THAT MAKES YOU LUNCHPAD YOUR WAY UP TO THE VERY TOP OF FROSTED PEAK. I SPENT. 2 HOURS. DOING THAT.)
But I am SO in love with the variety of stuff you get to decorate your hut, and I've been calling it since the first trailer came out. I cried the MOMENT Filbo was like "hey here's your new hut I hope it can be home for you soon" and BAM. WATERFALL. I KNEW IT WOULD GET ME I JUST REALLY LOVE THE IDEA OF GETTING SO COZY AND AT HOME IN SNAXBURG WITH EVERYONE IT MEANS A LOT TO ME OK.
I love the funny little puzzles you have to do on broken tooth, the first time I played it my brain was fried from like 10+hrs of streaming the original game to the point where I was forgetting how to catch bugsnax. I was a little dissapointed in how small the overall map is though (I played it a second time today and finished the whole DLC content within a few hours) but I still greatly enjoyed all of it regardless of that. I'm doomed to vocal stim the millimochi voice for the next month, sorry to all my friends who are gonna have to put up with that in discord vc's.
9.5/10 dlc -0.5 because I can't get the journalist to kiss Floofty (I'm joking, of course. I can just draw that. It really is a 10/10 <3)
There is. A lot more that I'm obviously not saying, because I'm still honestly absorbing a lot of it. I'm processing all the information from the dlc bit by bit, so it'll take some time. but I have seen everything there is to see (expect some funky art later tonight ;) )
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Took You Long Enough | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by @faithiebrock01​: Can you make one where Charlie and I are best friends (who secretly like each other, but are super oblivious and everyone around us can see it) on set of JATP and we end up having to do my car crash scene where get in the car accident (because in the show I die a few weeks after they do in the show, but I did in the accident also make that my character knew them before). When the scene ends with me in the hospital bed slowly dying, Charlie runs off looking sad. He then won't come out of his trailer for anyone until I get there saying "I'll handle it" to the crew member who was previously trying. I go in lay with him on his bed and ask him what's wrong then he says "it seemed so real" while crying and I calm him down then we end up confessing love for each other and then falling asleep cuddling. My name: y/n My nicknames: sweetheart, sweetie, love, Princess, queen, angel, nugget (Or whatever you can think of.)
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x female!reader
Warnings: Hospital scene, mention of a car crash, fluff 
Words: 2043
A/N: This was cute to write! I worked on it during an online class so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes in there! Hope you like it!! :) 
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Four years. Four years I’ve known Charlie Gillespie. Four years of us being best friends and only now we’re colleagues too. The both of us had booked Julie and the Phantoms a couple of months ago, and we’re now spending time together every day on set. It’s also been four years of me having the biggest crush on Charlie, but I will not tell him that. It’s just going to ruin our friendship and the dynamic in our friend group on set. The cast and crew have gotten close during the process of the bootcamp and filming. They constantly tease Charlie and me for having such a close relationship and that we should just date already. Charlie had laughed it off, and so I started to do it too. “Ready to go?” Charlie asks when he picks me up from my trailer before filming. I’d just gotten back from hair and makeup, and I was rehearsing my lines in the trailer to make sure I’ve gotten it down perfectly. “Yes! Let’s go.” He links his arm in mine as we walk off, letting the silence wrap around us in comfort. “What other scenes do you have today?” I ask, wanting to occupy my mind with something other than his skin touching mine. “I got some with the boys and Madi, and tonight, we’re doing the hot dog scene.” I pout, remembering that’s the scene where he’s going to die. Fake die. But still. It’s kind of sad. “Cool,” I respond with a smile, “Was going to ask you if you wanted to go grab dinner tonight, but I guess your hotdogs are dinner.” He snickers, and I can’t help but laugh too, hiding the fact my heart is racing. To me, his laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world. “Yeah, I doubt that’s a great idea,” he replies, “But I’d love to grab lunch? What time are you on break?” I bring my schedule in front of me in my mind, trying to remember it. “I think around two? Depending on how long the hospital scene will take.” Charlie nods his head, clearly thinking about how to make it work for us to eat lunch together. “I think we’re going to do the hospital scene too, so when we wrap that, we might be able to go?” “Yeah, sounds good!” I reply and let go off his arm as we reach the other boys and Kenny, ready for the first couple scenes of the day. “We’re going to do the Now or Never scene first,” Kenny tells the boys, to which they nod. “Y/N, you can watch from the side where their best-friend-slash-manager would be.” I nod my head curtly, telling him I understand his orders. “Give it your all, Rockstar,” I say to Charlie and bump my fist against his shoulder. He simply smiles at me, that perfect, award-winning smile that makes me go weak in the knees before I head off to my spot at the side of the stage. The four boys on stage are drenched in fake sweat at the start, and then rock out so hard on the first take, real sweat starts dripping down their faces. Charlie’s hair’s sticking to his forehead and his muscles gleam and glisten with sweat. I hope the camera won’t catch me drooling over my best friend’s hotness. Charlie himself catches my eye every now and then, his mouth curling up into a smirk. “Charlie,” Kenny starts after the third take, “Can you stop looking at Y/N, please?” My cheeks heat up when Owen, Jeremy and Taylor chuckle. “I know she’s your best friend, but Luke is focused on the soundcheck, yeah?” Charlie nods his head, and I swear I saw him blushing too. “Yes, Kenny. Sorry, Kenny.” Jeremy and Owen glance at each other, exchanging a knowing look. They’ve asked me multiple times if something’s going on between Charlie and me, but I told them there wasn’t until one night, I was crying about how much I loved him, and Owen and Jeremy were there to comfort me without judgement. Now, they don’t stop teasing me relentlessly. I know I’m going to get even more teasing comments about it later. I’m not ready for that.
Once the scene’s done, the boys and I get to catering to get a snack before heading back to set for the next scenes. The ones where I die. How fun. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I know it’s all fake and I’m not actually going to be in a car accident, but it’s still scary. The ladies from costume and makeup get me ready for the hospital scene, taping fake wires on my arms and putting one in my nose as well while I’m covered in fake bruises and band-aids. “Ready, Y/N?” Kenny asks, and I nod my head. “If the tubes ever get annoying, just tell us and we’ll take a break, okay?” I nod again and Kenny steps away and behind the camera. Charlie’s there too, watching and being the greatest moral support puppy I could ever ask for. “Season one, episode one, scene three, take one,” Jaime says, working the clapperboard, and then Kenny yells “Action!” I lie entirely still on the uncomfortable hospital bed, breathing ever so subtly, and then holding my breath a second before the loud monotone beep sounds and doctors come rushing in. “And cut!” I open my eyes to find Charlie, and when I do, I catch him walking away with his head down. My eyebrows furrow, and I want to ask someone to go and check up on him, but the makeup team has already swarmed me to touch up the makeup a little. After a few more takes, Kenny tells us we’re all good and lets us go. Once the tubes are taken out of my nose and stripped away from my arms, I hop off the bed and go to find Charlie. Michel and Soyon An are in front of his trailer, knocking on the door and yelling his name. “What’s going on?” I ask Soyon An. “I’m not sure. He just ran off set with tears in his eyes and hasn’t come out of his trailer, but we need him for a fitting for tomorrow.” Worry sets in the pit of my stomach. Why would he run off crying after watching the scene I just taped? “I’ll handle it,” I tell them with a smile. The two people from the crew I’d grown closest to, offer me a smile in return and walk off. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door softly. “Char?” Ever so carefully, I open the door to his trailer and step inside the darkened room. I almost think he’s not even in here when a sob comes from the left-hand side of the trailer. “Hey,” I coo and sit down on the edge of the bed beside his curled up body. “What’s wrong?” “It just all seemed so real…” he whispers, and sniffles. “Why, thank you,” I joke, but Charlie’s sob makes me realize this is serious. “Hey, Char… Pumpkin…” My hand reaches out for his shoulder and start circling my thumb across his bare skin. “Sit up for a second, please?” He obeys my whispers and sits upwards, so I can scoot in next to him. He rests his head on my lap, sniffles taking over. “Why did you get so upset over a scene, Pumpkin? You know that’s my job?” “I know that, Angel,” my stomach flutters at the nickname, “I just…” He sits up and turns to face me, crossing his legs, “I couldn’t help thinking ‘what if something really happens to her?’, I couldn’t stop imagining losing you and it felt terrible. I don’t ever want to live without you, Angel…” He reaches for my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles. I can feel the tears dropping down to my skin. It breaks my heart in a thousand pieces seeing him this broken. “You’re my best friend.” Right, the friendzone. We’re still here. “I know, Pumpkin… I can’t even imagine my life without you,” I tell him honestly. “But nothing’s ever going to happen to me. Or you. You’re going to have to do a lot more to get rid of me, Char.” He chuckles lightly. I reach up to wipe his tears away with my thumbs, cupping his cheeks, and then resting my hands there as we stare at each other. The tiny beam of sunlight from the small window lights up his face enough for me to see the sparkles in his eyes. “I don’t know if this is going to change anything, Angel, but I have to tell you,” he whispers, bringing his hands up to take my wrists and removing my hands from his face. “I trust us enough for not ruining anything between us.” I furrow my eyebrows, worried about his sudden serious behavior. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I’ve been in love with you since the first day I met you.” My breath hitches in my throat, and I wish I could say something, but my brain is not functioning correctly right now. “I never dared to say anything because I was scared something would change between us and you wouldn’t feel the same and it would make things awkward. I was scared to lose what we already have. You’re my best friend, but I am so desperately in love with you that it’s kind of embarrassing and kind of distracting me from my work, like you saw during that first scene today. I am so desperately in love with you, Y/N Y/L/N and I don’t ever want to lose you.” He looks at me with hope in his eyes. I still can’t say anything. Too much in shock over his confession. “I understand if you don’t feel the same, Angel. I just… We can forget I said anything tomorrow and just go back to—” I finally manage to move and grab his face in my hands, bringing him closer to meet me halfway for a kiss. He’s a little startled at first, but then melts into the kiss and kisses me back. “I’ve been so embarrassingly in love with you for years and I never dared to say anything either,” I tell him, his face lighting up even more. “I cried one night blabbing about how much I love you and Jere and Oh had to comfort me for hours. It’s been so painful but I’m so happy you—” he cuts me off by pressing his lips on mine again in another kiss. “Were you asking me out on a date earlier when you wanted to grab dinner together?” he asks as though the memory from this morning just flooded into his mind. “What?! No!” I reply but can’t help blushing either. Charlie raises his eyebrow at me. “Yeah, fine. It was a pathetic attempt,” I roll my eyes with an amused smile on my face. Charlie laughs whole-heartedly before leaning in to peck my lips once, twice, three times. The fourth time he captures my lips with his, it’s a deeper, more passionate kiss than the ones before. The both of us are too wrapped up into the kiss, we don’t even notice Charlie’s trailer door opening until loud cheers startle us to break apart. Jeremy and Owen are stood in the trailer, cheering and exchanging high-fives in elation. “Finally!” Owen shouts, throwing his fist up in the air. “Bro, this took you long enough.” “Yeah, I know,” Charlie replies with a smile tugging at his lips. “At least now this girl won’t come crying to us again about how much she loves you,” Jeremy exclaims, patting my head as if I’m a child. The four of us laugh, and I look at Charlie, who gives me the most tender smile. “So… When’s the wedding?” The two of us scoff, and then order the two to get out of the trailer to give us some time alone, which they give us gladly. I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and now that it’s here, it’s more than I ever imagined.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @gingerxarmy @lovesanimals 
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Fi / Attachment Types
I just want to talk a little bit about being an ENFP and an attachment type (6). I was listening to the Big Hormone Podcast last night talk about attachment types and their struggle to decide anything, because there’s a “yes/no/maybe” internal reaction going on, and I have to say that’s true. It’s like simultaneously wanting to say yes, and be attached, and say no, and remain free of attachment. I’m not really sure how I feel most of the time, which makes my Fi kind of hazy.
Since I get asked this over and over (what is Fi? Am I an ENTP or an ENFP?), let’s talk about Fi. It’s a self-referencing system, where you go away from everyone else to decide how you feel about something and measure it against your inner self. It’s the need to live in accordance to your conscience, and it’s a thing inside you that tells you if this is okay, not okay, or “I don’t care.” With me, some things are automatic. I knew when I saw the trailer that I hated the Robert Downey Jr. version of Sherlock Holmes. I didn’t need to see the film, I just hated it. When I did see the film, Ne didn’t change my mind. I still hated it. I even got offended when my friends likened me to Irene Adler. I’m not sure if they meant temperament or vibes, but that annoyed me, to be “likened” to something I hate.
This reaction was instinctive and irreversible. It’s not rational; it’s a value judgment with me as the standing judge and jury: I. Hate. This. I have the same visceral reaction whenever I see a historical figure being maligned, because they can’t defend their reputation. I hate it. This is what Fi is like. It’s an unconscious NOPE that you cannot explain, that makes sense to nobody else, and that is immediate and abstract and you don’t know how to put it into words except NO. I won’t stand for this!!
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(Including a gif, because I have a sense of humor about it now.)
This happens to me on and off, here and there. It’s not all the time, and I don’t let my inner responses override my intuition. In other words, I can give someone a fair trial in my mind (seeing their point of view) instead of dismissing them, even if I disapprove of their behavior. Superficial Fi judgments are immediate and fixed, if I can just see or hear something and respond to it… but when it comes to REAL emotions, everything is up in the air. They’re not a Yes/No. This whole argument about Dean being ISFJ or ISFP has sparked some stuff in my past, because I identify with Rory at times in terms of the “I don’t know what I want” aspect of her behavior. I’d never cheat on a boyfriend with someone else, but I’ve been in that place where I don’t know what I want, really, or if I want this friend in my life, and if not, how do I get out of it? I can’t even decide if I want to ask a friend to go somewhere this weekend with me, because I don’t know if I want to go to that place in the first place, or if I’m just being nostalgic. It has become this whole debate in my mind, because I don’t know how I feel, or if it matters, or if the drive would be worth it. And that is how I live my entire life. Of not being sure what I want most of the time or how I feel.
I know this can be incredibly annoying to other people, and that’s one reason I haven’t sought any close friendships in person for a long time, because I know I do the “yes/no/maybe” with them. They’re never quite sure how I feel about them or where I stand or if I’m in this friendship for the long haul or not. Because I’m a reliable person, I stick around, but there’s often giant question marks over my head about how I feel about them. Being a 6, I keep them at a slight distance while also needing them around. I wish I were a gut type, because then I’d just know by how people make me react to them if I like them or not, but instead, it all goes through my head. It sparks endless questions. I don’t listen to my heart because it doesn’t scream at me very loud. My brain is much louder.
Most of the time, I don’t know how I feel about something. I’m going through a slump right now and I’m not sure why, but nothing is holding my interest. I don’t want to do anything. And figuring out what the cause of this is hard, because Fi can’t tell me through the haze of being an attachment type. All I can do as a 6 is ask questions about it – over-think it, like usual. Does my loss of interest in this mean I am tired of it, doesn’t want to do it, or is this just a temporary slump and will I feel differently next week? Would I be happier if I dumped this? Is that what I want? I’m trying to figure out, from a logical place what my emotions are doing, which is impossible, because Fi isn’t rational, it’s subjective and based in the moment. Things happen, and it reacts. All I know today is, “I don’t care about this.” Being a responsible person, an attachment type, I will do it if it needs done anyway, because I am not a quitter. But a very large part of me wishes I could just be “irresponsible” (to my own mind) and slack off on everything. Just dump people and walk away. Just delete things when I’m bored with them. But I can’t, because Fi says “that isn’t who you are. That would make you feel miserable and unhappy, to be someone who just abandons things/people like that.”
So it’s a catch 22 most of the time. How do I feel? Does it matter? Should it factor into this? Am I just being sentimental here? Do I want this person in my life? Do I care about this hobby? Can I understand that point of view? What would I do in their shoes? Can I relate? It’s a life of never-ending questions, combined with a very real need to always be growing and moving forward and when I’m not feeling like that is happening, I get restless and frustrated. Determining Fi isn’t a case of “am I emotional or rational?” It’s very much a sense of, “Am I being the best possible person I can be, in order to live with and LIKE myself? Can I live with myself if I make this decision? Is this who I am?”
Sometimes you can’t, and that’s more difficult than you can imagine. Every place I have let myself down is like this huge, glaring sign of regret hanging up in my mind. You didn’t live up to yourself, you caused pain, you knew you couldn’t live with it and you did it anyway… Fi is about looking at the past, identifying what you did wrong in that situation (whatever makes you feel the worst or like you failed yourself), and then trying to use it as a guideline going forward. AKA, this made me feel like crap, so I never want to do it again. I’ll never just stand there and listen to someone insult my friend… I’ll never not defend what I think; next time I know I have to do something about this…
So I guess, just cut the attachment types in your life a break. They don’t always know what they want, and it’s as confusing and annoying for them as it is for you if you’re not one. And don’t vilify Fi as being selfish or idolize it as being more moral than Fe, because it isn’t. It’s subjective, abstract, hard to understand even for the Fi user (hence the needing to go away and think deeply about how this is making you feel in order to figure it out), and doesn’t make any sense half the time, because it’s just based on “yeah, nope, and I don’t care.”
One time a friend found out I’m not close to my sisters and said she was sorry, because she loves her sisters. I honestly said, “I don’t care.” I didn’t. I don’t. I don’t know them, so why would I care about not being close to them? But that surprised her, and in turn, it made me ask Ne/Fi-related questions: is a lack of caring an implication that I should care? Am I missing out on something? I can’t force myself to care, can I? Should I try to care? Why??
Fi isn’t “do I make emotional choices,” it’s “Do I care and is this me?” and it’s continuous, a sort of “self-focused” determination in all things, through all questions, to find out Who I Truly Am. And it’s much easier for IFPs to do this than EFPs, because IFPs ask this all the time, instantly. EFPs think, well, I need to either find out who I am through direct action and experiences (do things and react to them - Se) or through intellectual debate (ask myself philosophical questions and react to them - Ne). ENFPs have an extremely difficult time self-typing because they are so “heady” in terms of Ne that they often don’t realize how many of their choices are determined subjectively according to their internal reactions. It’s not a logical Ti process in terms of “how does this work,” it’s more about “how do I work?” Who am I??
I should also add that being a 6, I don’t take on too many hobbies or interests that I take seriously, because the double-thinking that Ne and 6-9 do together is emotionally exhausting. I don’t have the mental energy to double-think 900 things, so it’s easier for me just to say no to things that I know automatically will be an energy suck. This is problematic in the long run, however, because without a variety of interests and new information, Ne gets bored. So I need to keep my Ne fed with enough new information and hobbies that it’s satisfied in thinking about things, without introducing the need to make “decisions” with that information, which would cause me to over-think and stall out.
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tsukidrama · 3 years
i hope the doctor finds what’s wrong with your knee :( it’s doesn’t seem fun, whishing you a speedy recovery as well! i hesitated to send an other ask since you’ve written other stuff but i didn’t want to spam you but i’ll keep that in mind thank you! :) i’m already going to send you an other ask after this one for cold hands cold heart part 2 because i’m shy askdjfj
and also i was so surprised when i saw that other anon send an ask!! i mean i know we’re talking in public since it’s in asks and i don’t mind at all but i didn’t expect people to actually read what i send lmao this was really sweet. oh and i use she/her thank you for asking! 😊
it makes sense yeah! it’s annie’s own little universe, like a “the road not taken cinematic universe” (trntcu) lmao. this makes sense too, gosh she really deserves her little cottage now, even if things are going to be a bit complicated now this is probably the best setting for her to face all of her fears. she’s in her own place that she built, she has reader and her father, i think it’d be even harder if she was still in marley. well, i can’t wait to see what comes next!
oh, historia was totally ruined, the whole baby/farmer storyline brought way too much discourse lmao but it’s alright the story has a lot of other women to love peacefully.
i thought about you when i saw her in the trailer!!! the end of the show is really going to be something (if we forget about some….parts indeed), first episode of part 2 seems so far away!
there isn’t much in this ask (sorry) as i’ve only had time to read cold hands cold heart so i’ll just send an other ask! (will be longer)
yeah me too honestly. it's really bothering me and i'm starting to get really frustrated that it's not getting any better. please don't worry i'll get annoyed with spamming, it actually makes me really happy to see all the notifications! i am lonely and sad most of the time so it always makes my day.
ALDSKJCHASJKAKCSND JJJJJJJJ IM CRYINGNGGG IM GONNA PRINT THE COLD HANDS HOLD HEART ASK YOU SENT ME OUT AND FRAME IT ON MY WALLLL DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU????? i keep rereading it over and over again & my heart is exploding..... legit cried a little bit when you started talking about the ending. when you said "as you can tell i really like the moon" i laughed out loud, that's absolutely something i would say too. same ♡ i think i associate Annie and the moon together for some reason - is that just me being gay? eye contact with her would have the same vibes as staring up at the moon on a cold foggy night, i don't make the rules it's just true and facts i'm just sayin 😭
do you want me to keep the ask unpublished? i could absolutely respond to everything piece by piece. but if its meant for my eyes only then i will treasure it in secret forever.
but can i just say that you picked up on a lot of nuance that most people either don't notice or don't TELL ME they notice!! i spend a stupid amount of time making sure that my characterization is consistent etc, alongside stupid effort throwing in parallels so to have somebody connect the dots between stories/chapters, or what deeper meaning is implied by a behavior or scenario.. bliss. jus GOD you really hit the nail on the head in every way with your analysis of this fic, i'm deadass sitting here crying like you get it!! you see the fic for what it's supposed to be! dskjlahkdaj i know it's also not that deep but when i was in the process of writing that fic 8 months ago (WTF IS TIME) i thought to myself "nobody is even gonna notice all this in the end they just want the smut and the pretty writing is just a bonus" BUT YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO SEEN! i hope you know how much i luv you for that sending ask. AAAAAAAAAA i could combust!
i thought it was so cute that someone cared enough to drop by and say so 🥺 while of course i know in my brain that other people must read all my rambly responses to you, i've said before: i talk to you the way i talk to people in my dms. but therefore i open up more than i would just posting as usual, because i know somebody cares what i have to say lmao. that sounds so sad 😭 it's just disheartening to scream into the void so i don't as often makes posts for fandom these days. hell yeah girl!
pfftf "the road not taken cinematic universe" (trntcu) lmao you crack me up! for the sake of convenience i'll probably shorten it to something that's less of a mouthful AND WAIT IM HAVING AN EPHIPHANY, i could call it the "cottagecanon" 🥺🥺🥺 god that's so cute. it's true that she's in the best place she could possibly be for what she's going through. that's kind of the point, i think. as sad as it makes me to write the sad shit, it's just to get us to the point where my poor baby Annie can realize that she needs to process her trauma. she's never had a space in canon where she could do that. so fine, i'll just give it to her myself 😤
poor Hisu. she deserved better. god, the discourse and the theorizing really was something to witness... it makes me sad that a canon wlw character was reduced to what she was in the final arcs (s4). but yeah you're so right, she's not even in my top 5 aot women.
aAA AHA GOOD, she's my tall n crazy lean mean killing machinem i'm still surprised that my yelena content pops off the way it does, but i truly love the yelena following that i have on this blog, y'all put the spice in my life. at least we have an air date for the final season now! January 9th is less than four months away! we can get through this together. we got this.
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themountainsays · 4 years
👤- Favorite character?, 👗- Favorite outfit? One you’d like to see?, 🍂- Favorite scene in either film/ trailers?, 🛷- What would you like to see in the future? for the Frozen Fandom Asks :D
Thank you so much for sending these! I love you!
👤- Anna. Anna forever. Anna Anna Anna. Elsa is cool but she's not Anna. You know how all 13 years old lesbians had their gay awakening with Elsa? Yeah my gay awakening was with Anna. Idk she's just exactly what my type is like irl. I saw her and I knew she'd be my favorite character ever. I just think she's very well developed, and has this different kind of angst that Elsa doesn't posses. Elsa is all about wallowing in Angst but with Anna, it's like they're stabbing her and she doesn't even realize because her brain has broken and refuses to process it and somehow that hurts even worse. It's easy to comfort Elsa if she's sad, sure, just hug her and shit. But Anna doesn't even know she needs to be comforted even though the kid has gone through so much trauma. Idk my protective instincts go wild with Anna. She's my baby and I love her.
👗- oh boy. Ok ok so I'd love to see some traditional norwegian bunad some day. Like, actual norwegian bunads. The fantasy outfits are neat but... bunads are already so Disney princess-y it's unbelievable.
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I'm just in love with how these look. Oh! And real sámi gávttit as well! The clothes the northuldra wear in the movie look pretty historically accurate I think, and I think they look really good, but they all look the same and that in itself makes them a bit boring i think Disney could have a bit more fun with them.
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I think the blue and red colors are a bit more modern so I understand Disney keeping their outfits with more brown-ish colors, considering they couldn't trade for 34 years, but as the last picture shows, there's still a lot of stuff you can do while keeping brown as the main color (and white! White fur looks so pretty!).
If we're talking about my current favorite outfit, they have to he Elsa's Dark Sea dress and Anna's post-coronation dress w jacket and her hair up. I love whoever designed that dress. I like the low key military vibe it gives, and it makes me wonder if it's somehow foreshadowing the plot of some future installment 👀 ngl i love war stories and I want to see Queen Anna leading an army of giants into battle.
Oof dude i LOVE Anna leading that army of giants. I love the dam scene and I love The Next Right Thing. And I really love For The First Time in Forever (Reprise?) that scene was like ANGST. AAAAAA. Oh and that time when Anna looks up the stairs and sees her hot sister being hot and she gayly low key stutters-- or when she HIGH KEY gayly stutters during the coronation ball because her hot sister called her beautiful... yeah that's when I started shipping Elsanna. My heart felt something there. It was too sweet for me. But seriously, my favorite scene must be when Elsa watches Runeard's memory insult magic and the Northuldra, and you see her expression slowly shift into sheer horror because she realizes this man, her grandfather, hated everything she is, and he would have killed her-- his own family-- because of her ethnich background and magic (for better or worse, Northuldra identity was strongly tied to magic in F2, and they became two concepts impossible to divorce, and I'm actually writing a longer post about it). I FELT that ok? My own grandfather on my white said of the family has said some very fucked up shit to me. Ever since it was revealed Elsa and Anna were mixed I deeply identified with them, even more than before. They're the closest I have to mestize representation since fucking Balto. And then you start to observe and think about what the movie has said so far about Runeard and magic and the Northuldra and it culminates with Elsa learning the truth about her Arendellian side of the family and... God i think I needed to see a character go through that. It's the highest point of a long process that recontextualizes the whole Frozen franchise (at least to me lol) and I love it for everything it does.
Mmmm well I'd love to see the girls physically together again, but not in a coward or bitter way. I don't want Frozen 2's ending to be meaningless. I think Frozen needed these three stories to be told, right? A) The story of Elsa and Anna finding each other again, B) the story of Elsa and Anna learning to be sisters again and work together after being reunited, C) and the story of Elsa and Anna finding themselves, on their own. Now, as I see it, Frozen 2 is either a very tragic resolution to the franchise, or an awkward way to squeeze story C) in the middle of the saga as to not turn it into the final resolution. I firmly believe the story of Frozen 2 needed to be told, and finishing the movie the way it did makes a lot of sense, but I honestly don't want this to be the final note the story of Frozen ends with. Think about it, if you had stories A, B and C in order, the logical conclussion would be.... httyd 3 😭 if you tell the story of Anna and Elsa having their solo arcs as the season finale, then they remain split up. Goodbye. Having it in the middle is weird and uncomfortable but I believe Frozen 2 could work a lot better as an in-between movie than a single sequel. I would like Frozen 2's ending to be used in an inteligent way to proppel the story of Frozen 3, to give it strenght and meaning. I don't want it to be shamefully swept under the rug, as if the writers regretted it and want to desperately backpedal on their plans. Even if they do regret it, they have to make it seem like it was part of a bigger plan all along and make it work accordingly.
Ik this sounds like I think the final episode is so bad there's a secret episode with the real ending somewhere in there, and I recognize Frozen 2 might very well be the ending of the franchise. I think both are equally plausible options. I mean, can you imagine a Frozen 3 in which Elsa and Anna are not spending time together? Can you imagine the writers giving Frozen 3 the exact same ending as Frozen 2? It's not even about the separation, you just can't end a movie in the same place it began. What? Anna and Elsa team up one afternoon to fight their monster of the week and then say goodnight and go to their respective homes? A sequel needs to somewhat challenge the status quo. The status quo of the F2 ending is the girls going on their separate ways. Good for them. I think their solo arcs will be healthy. But the separation is not an afterthought or a sidequest, like Kristoff's propposal. Frozen 3 doesn't need to challenge Kristoff's propposal because it's not central to the story, but it does have to somewhat interact with the hearts of Frozen and Frozen 2 and that means it needs to build upon them. Honestly, I don't think I'm delusional. I think my predictions for a hypothetical F3 are pretty sensible.
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lgbtyrus · 4 years
A Tarty fanfic? In October of 2020? You bet!!! This is a gift for @delicatesleeper who deserves the world’s most patient person award <3  Enjoy!
Words: 3068
High school was fun because you saw a lot of different things. Kids chanting Lick it! Lick it! to another kid going to lick a weird stain in the science building. An artsy kid having a break down in the middle of math. TJ Kippen fighting another boy in the locker room.
“TJ is fighting Carson!” Marty’s best friend, Tony, announced to him in one corner of the locker room. There was dozens of voices echoing throughout the stuffy place, and Marty could feel his heart slam against his chest every step he took towards the scene. But by the time he got there, their PE teacher had already separated the two. TJ seemed to get in a good hit as Carson hid his blood nose under his arm, not realizing blood was already dripping down at his chin.
“What in the fucking hell were you two thinking?!” their PE teacher’s voice boomed over them. “You’re both going to get kicked off the basketball team.”
“He started it!” TJ yelled, looking furious. His face was read. Marty didn’t know TJ that well, but he knew he wasn’t violent. Sure, he had a temper. But dating Cyrus Goodman for a while had to have done something good to him. Then again, break ups completely reprogram a person. Marty would know. He’s been through five.
Marty was sitting in detention, leaning back on his chair, balancing a pencil on his nose. It was him and the other kids who were regularly in there. Marty tried not to get detention so much he got kicked off the track team, but he also didn’t like doing his homework.
The teacher who looked over detention wasn’t in the classroom yet, so everyone in there was just talking and scrolling through their phones. They only looked up when someone came in, but it was usually someone they all recognized or knew pretty well.
Then TJ Kippen walked in and the pencil fell into his hand. Marty watched him walk inside the badly lit classroom, look around, and sit in the desk next to him before realizing he hadn’t stopped staring. TJ raised an eyebrow at him, making Marty panic and look away, pretending his pencil was the most interesting thing. He felt like if slightly turning his head would kill him.
Mr. Rosas walked in, whistling with a book and paper under his arm like usual. “Alright, people. Phones away. You can take them out after thirty minutes of homework.” He went to the front and put his book at the empty desk for whoever was overlooking detention. The room was in a trailer lot in the corner of their school, and it was hard to find if you never got in trouble. Mr. Rosas started reading the names of the roster, some kids saying here, some kids being recognized by him.
“TJ Kippen?” Mr. Rosas looked up. Marty turned his head and saw that TJ raised his hand. He had a heavy frown on his lips. “Aren’t you in basketball?”
“Not anymore.” TJ sighed, leaning back into his chair.
“Oh. You’re one of those two basketball players from today, no?” Mr. Rosas asked him. TJ nodded, looking embarrassed that everyone knew. Marty had been hearing everyone talking about TJ and Carson all day long, and it was making him really curious to know what happened. Nobody knows what happened. The two went inside the locker rooms laughing and then TJ threw the first hit.
Mr. Rosas finished taking attendance, and Marty realized that Carson wasn’t there. That usually meant an extra two days of detention. Marty forced himself to stop thinking about TJ and Carson and pulled out his algebra homework. Some kids were chatting with their work out on their desks, and Mr. Rosas didn’t seem to mind. He was in a good mood that day which basically meant they could do whatever they wanted. He said he always had a soft spot for misfits because he basically lived in detention in high school but had a good director that helped him get into college.
“Hey, Marty,” someone called out. Marty turned around the room, looking for the voice. “Right here, dude.” Marty made eye contact with TJ who was holding up a piece of paper. It was their homework. “Can you show me how to do four?” Marty looked at him, in shock for a bit. “Your name is Marty, right?”
“Um, yeah,” Marty said. He cleared his throat and looked down at his homework, trying to remember his steps while a storm brewed in his brain. “I dated Buffy freshman year.” Really? That’s what you say? Dumbass.
“I know who you are.” TJ told him. Marty didn’t know how to reprogram himself to work, but he cleared his throat again and held up his math sheet to him.
“Let me walk you through it.”
TJ only needed help on two other problems after that, and Marty gladly helped him even when he was done with his homework. His moms had gotten mad at him for not taking AP classes, but he didn’t like to be challenged in academics. They weren’t interesting enough.
Mr. Rosas stood up and shut his book. “All right everyone, you’re dismissed for the day. Don’t come back.” Without hesitation, everyone scrambled out of their seats and made their way out of the classroom in a line. Marty’s track practice started at 4:30 because his coach knew a lot of the kids on the team had a knack for getting kept for detention or they had other clubs besides sports. Marty just had detention.
He made his way towards the locker rooms by the gym and track field, and after walking for a moment, he noticed TJ was right behind him. Marty decided against walking faster and instead met up with TJ who gave him a head nod in acknowledgment. “Where are you of to?” Marty asked him.
“I’m not sure. I’ve never left school this early.”
“You should go to Rita Donuts. She has student discounts on Wednesdays.”
“Good to know.”
“So,” Marty said. He cleared his throat. He didn’t know how else to keep the conversation going. “What happened in the locker room.”
“What have you heard?” TJ asked him.
“Honestly, everything.” Marty crossed his arms, walking a little closer to TJ who was now heading towards the school gates, opposite of the locker rooms. Instead of saying anything, Marty continued to walk besides him.
“He said something homophobic. I punched him. That’s that.” Marty couldn’t figure TJ out. He was stoic and saying everything like he hadn’t just gotten kicked off the basketball team- the one he was captain of as a junior.
“What?” Marty asked. He had heard many things except that. Something like that wasn’t even a possibility at their high school. “And you’re both off the team?”
“He’s suspended and maybe expelled. I just got off the team because of the no tolerance policy. They said they’ll make sure I can play next year, though.”
“Well, I guess that’s kind of good?” Marty said, still not understanding how the school worked.
“Yeah. Honestly, it’s fine,” TJ admitted to him. “I can focus on actually getting good grades for now. I’m scared I’m not going to pass algebra.”
“I can tutor you,” Marty said without second thought.
“Really?” TJ smiled at him. Marty blushed crimson and nodded dumbfoundedly. “Thanks. I have you on Snapchat, no?”
“Yeah,” Marty nodded again. He couldn’t say much of anything else. He wasn’t even that good at math.
“Cool. I’ll hit you up,” TJ told him.
“Yeah,” Marty said. He looked at the time on his phone. “I’m gonna head to practice now. See you.”
“Later.” Marty smiled at him once more and ran towards the gym with his heart slamming against him like he wasn’t a trained runner. Math just got interesting.
Marty didn’t know what he was doing, why he was nervous, or why he even had a brain if it wasn’t going to work and save him from humiliating situations. TJ was going over to his house on Saturday to get help for their test on Monday, and Marty wasn’t exactly a wizard. He got in his shower after his six mile run from that morning and dressed in eight different things until deciding to wear a track shirt and jeans.
He didn’t have time to do his hair when his mom called from downstairs that TJ was there. He slid across the second floor in his socks and ran downstairs, TJ waiting for him at the door. He was smiling and talking to his mom, wearing a plain white shirt, basketball shorts, and slides. Marty definitely felt overdressed.
“Hey,” Marty waved at him.
“Hey,” TJ said, bringing his backpack higher on his shoulder.
“You can wait in the dining room,” Marty said, pointing at the entryway. “I need to get my backpack.” TJ gave him a thumbs up and walked over as Marty ran back upstairs, his heartrate a complete mess even when he ran back down.
“Do you run everywhere?” TJ asked him when he sat down in the chair next to him. Marty nodded, taking in counted breaths.
“It’s faster. You should try it.”
“Maybe when I’m back in shape.”
Marty stifled a full laugh. “You’ve only been out of basketball for like four days.”
“I breathe hard when I go up the stairs now. Four days was all I needed.”
“I run at least six miles every.”
“You’re addicted to track.”
“Sounds about right,” Marty smiled. He took out his binder and homework.
He didn’t know how he did it, but he got TJ through the course work and got him ready for the test. Marty had never studied that much on his own before since math was just a regular subject to him. Studying with TJ was fun, though. Whenever he tried to study with Tony, they ended up messing around and playing video games because they got bored.
But everything about TJ kept him grounded, like he was scared he would miss years of his life if he looked away for even just a second. It was too much for Marty to try to process sometimes, and he often tried to rub the heat away from his cheeks.
Marty and TJ hung out more outside of tutoring. TJ had a lot of time on his hands, and his friends were still going to basketball games so Marty would invite him to hang out with Tony and a few other boys. Tony raised his eyebrow one time when Marty was sad TJ wouldn’t make it to bowling, but when Marty asked him what, Tony just laughed and shook his head. That’s how Marty knew he was fucked.
TJ was in that stage months post breakup where he wasn’t gloomy about it anymore and he was back to functioning like normal again, but you could tell he had put a barrier up. There were times when TJ would almost talk about his home life or his family or even how he felt about certain things, but there always something blocking him. Like if he remembered he would only talk about those certain things to a certain someone who broke his heart.
Marty approached TJ with as much caution as much as he threw himself at him. He felt delusional and crazy, but there were times he felt like TJ was starting to like him, too. The proximity in which they would walk side by side seemed to close in even closer every week, and Marty wasn’t the one inching next to him. But even though they were becoming good friends, Marty knew there was going to be a lot more walls to break down.
One day at the park, Marty broke down the first obstacle and asked TJ why him and Cyrus had broken up. “We just didn’t click anymore,” TJ said. “He broke up with me, and I just said ok.” Marty watched TJ fiddle with the basketball in his hand for a moment, about to speak up before TJ started talking again. “I wish I would’ve asked him to stay, though. But… I could tell that he just didn’t want me anymore.” Marty didn’t know what to do with that, so he just patted TJ on the back.
“Sorry, bud.”
“That’s just the way it is.” TJ threw the ball at Marty, and they got up for another game. The entire time Marty wondered if TJ would go back to Cyrus if he could.
Marty figured he had nothing to lose and asked, “Are you over him?” In that moment, TJ stood still with the basketball in his hands. He stared at Marty, making his breath hitch for a second as those green eyes looked for something. “Yeah. I basically am.”
Basically. Basically am. What does that mean? Marty asked himself that over and over that night, and it was starting to drive him insane. So much, he just gave in and called Tony at one in the morning.
Tony was half-asleep when he answered. “Hello?”
“Okay,” Marty jumped right into it, “you know how I like TJ right?” There was a few seconds of silence.
“So, I asked him if he was over Cyrus, and he said he basically was. What does basically mean? Like he doesn’t want to say he is because he’s lying or he is in the process of fully forgetting him?”
“Um.” Tony yawned into the mic, hurting Marty’s ear with the buzz. “Both?”
“Tony that’s not helping.”
“Dude just tell him you like him.”
“I can’t do that.” Marty’s head was filling with air at just the thought of doing that. “It’d just ruin our friendship.”
“Hmm, I don’t know, man.” Marty knew that tone.
“What do you know?”
“What do you mean?” Tony repeated back. He was cornered.
“What are you keeping from me?”
“Nothing,” Tony’s voice got louder which meant he was lying.
“Just tell me and you can go to sleep.” Marty heard Tony sigh. It didn’t take that long to get him to crack. “He told one of the guys who told me that he thinks you’re… cute.”
“Cute?” Marty didn’t know what to do with the information.
“Yeah. Goodnight.” Marty didn’t even get to say it back as Tony hung up, leaving Marty with the most explosive words he could’ve left him with.
TJ always asked Marty to hang out before he had gotten the cute bomb dropped on him, so Marty told himself not to act any different or to pick apart every little thing TJ did like a fetal pig. Doing so was starting to give him a heartache. But when him and TJ were doing homework in Marty’s kitchen, there was just too much gut to not pick at.
TJ had lightly bumped his foot into Marty’s and then just kept it there. He told Marty he had nice handwriting (a lot of people told him that, though). He told Marty his hair looked nice, and Marty didn’t know how to react so he just ran his fingers through his hair and accidentally ruined it so TJ could jokingly say never mind. And at one point, TJ took the ring he had on his hand and slipped it on Marty’s finger, his race redder than it had ever been. TJ noticed it.
“Why is your face so red?” TJ asked, still holding Marty’s hand on the table. Marty looked between TJ’s face that held a sneaky smile and their fingers that were grazing on each other.
Marty hid his face with his free hand and said, “I think it’s just allergies.” Dumbass! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb boy. Allergies?!
TJ chuckled and pulled his hand back slightly. “I didn’t know allergies did that.”
“Yeah,” Marty tapped his ringed hand on the table. “My moms say the doctors don’t know what to do with me.”
TJ looked Marty in the eye as he whispered, “I don’t know what to do, either.” Marty looked at TJ with his eyebrow raised. It was his turn to make him spazz out.
“Are you trying to kill me?”
TJ raised an eyebrow, a smile twitching on his face. “What kind of doctors are you doing to?”
“I think they’re vampires. It works out so I don’t have to miss track practice during the day.” TJ rolled his eyes but not in a rude way. In a you’re not that funny way. But he was still smiling warmly. Marty looked at TJ, realizing how close he had him and how his green eyes were just diamonds on his face. His face was full of sharp features, and he wanted to run his finger on all of them. He reached out and touched TJ’s hand again, making him look at him with wide eyes. Marty was about to retreat his hand, when TJ grasped it, fully holding it and tapping on of his fingers on his ring.
“Do you like me?” TJ asked him. Okay so this is happening now!
“What do you think?” Marty said, showing him their hands. TJ laughed a little.
“I think you do,” TJ said quietly, looking at him with a small smile.
“I know you think I’m cute,” Marty couldn’t help but say. “A little birdy told me.”
TJ had a victorious look on his face. “I knew those two would snitch. I planned it out like that.”
“What?” Marty asked. “You told someone you thought I was cute so that they would tell Tony to tell me?” They both laughed after Marty tried to piece it together in the air.
“I don’t know how Tony got involved, but yeah. Something like that.”
“Why not just tell me?”
“Just in case you didn’t like me.” TJ shrugged. “Can’t really know if someone really wants you despite their words and actions that say they do.” Marty’s heart seemed to sigh as he realized what TJ was talking about. Marty stood up and go closer to TJ, leaning down to kiss him. TJ kissed him back, his hand squeezing his harder.
Marty pulled away and pressed his forehead against TJ’s, their eyes in each other’s worlds. “Well I definitely like you. A lot. And if you’re willing to, I’d like to take you out sometime.” TJ gave him a small kiss.
“I’d like that.”
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