#holiday essay writing
frenchfry99 · 5 months
Waitttt....you said Lilly has a *honkable nose???*
*Fnaf nose honk insert*
Lilly does the fnaf nose honk canon ‼️🎉
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She's inviting you to join the clownery!
Do you accept the offer??
Bonus Lilly with a couple of her many friends! (lil one befriends anyone in sight)
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Haven't drawn my Home design in ages,, he's such a silly fellow (as much as a house can be silly and fellow lol)
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
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Dess from the Deltarune comic Looking Glasses by @ferronickel, I loved her design at first sight so here's the promised fanart; check out the original comic! It's very much worth the read :D
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ink-stained-student · 1 month
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☆ 30.04.2024 ~ Tuesday ☆
Some favourite photos from my trip to Berlin this weekend!
We were only there for a couple days so we didn't get up to too much, but I LOVED visiting the sealife center! I have hundreds of photos of all the animals (I wish I was exaggerating!)
I can't wait until we go again in July and we get to visit the Zoo and do some more sightseeing, especially the river cruise we're going on!
I also managed to find a fan that matched my walking stick perfectly! Well, I was borrowing one this weekend, but it did make me finally embrace that I do, in fact, need a mobility aid, and that's okay!
So, I ordered a very similar stick from amazon which arrived today, and I'm taking it to university tomorrow, which is quite daunting, but I think it'll really help!
☆ what did you do this weekend?
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carryon-countdown · 5 months
❄️COC 2023 Wrap Up🍂
Hello everyone!  
The Carry On Countdown of 2023 has sadly come to an end. We hope that everyone who participated had a wonderful time. The admins sure had a blast feasting on all of the fabulous content from this year's countdown.
We hope everyone will remain inspired to create even more fantastic Carry On related content into the new year.
But before we say goodbye to you all, it’s time to welcome new people onto the Page of Honour!
What you need to do to get your place on the Page of Honour:
You need to have completed all 30 COC 2023 prompts on their set days (If you posted a prompt within a day or so of its set posting date that’s perfectly fine, but, for example, if you posted a prompt for Day 8 on Day 11, that’s a bit too late)
You need to DM @carryonmylovelies ​with an explanation/link of where to find all of the work you posted for this year’s countdown (Can be simply saying what tag everything is under on your blog, or a link to your ao3, etc.)
You’ll also need to let @carryonmylovelies​ know whether you want your blog or another platform where you posted your content (such as ao3 or instagram) linked on the Page of Honour. You can only choose one.
We hope we made this clear, and please remember our ask box is always open for any questions you may have :)
We wish everyone who celebrates a very happy holidays, and we hope everyone will have a terrific 2024.
With lots and lots of love,
The admins of the 2023 Carry On Countdown ❄💘
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timelessbian · 6 months
this year i've decided to participate in 'do not think december' it's where i have no thoughts in my head for the entire month of december
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bluberimufim · 5 months
A short display of Portuguese Christmas sweets[1]
[1] I don't think "sweets" is the best translation but idk how else to say it, what I mean is "pastries and cakes", basically
Hello! This is very late (but tbh we eat the same stuff on Christmas and New Year's so ig I'm not that late)!!
I wanted to do this because it seems to kinda be in line with my Halloween folklore post and I want to share more stuff with you all! This one I know a little more about because I eat these things every year, but I promise I'll get back into folklore next because that's what interests me most. Please be aware that half of this is from my personal experience and may not be 100% accurate to most other people.
Bolo Rei (trans: King Cake)
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image source: https://lmalimentar.pt/lojaLM/bolos-congelados/318-bolo-rei-cozido-1-kg.html
This is like, the cake people think of when they think of Christmas. It's some basic dough filled with nuts and sugared fruits. Then, it has more sugared fruit on top (I've tried to find exactly what fruit it is but every recipe just says "fruit" despite it always being very specific colours and the only place I could find that listed what it supposedly was said it was pumpkin and I don't believe it). This cake is inspired by the image of a jewel-incrusted crown and was created to honour the Three Magi. It's said that it was inspired by the French Galette de Rois but I've also seen people say it's similar to Italian Panettone.
Bolo Rainha (trans: Queen Cake)
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image source: https://www.receitasdeculinaria.tv/receita-do-bolo-rainha/
For the cool kids who don't like the fruit part of Bolo Rei - this one is literally just nuts. This is also supposed to look like a crown but I can't find any source saying what it's supposed to represent, so I think it's just Bolo Rei 2.0. This one wasn't that big of a thing when I was a kid but it's gained a lot of traction in the last 10 or so years.
Pão de Ló (trans: literally "Bread of Ló" / "Ló's Bread", I'll explain in a bit)
There are two versions of this one but I'm gonna talk about dry Pão de Ló first.
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image source: https://www.receitasdatiaceu.com/recipe/pao-de-lo-tradicional/
This is my personal favourite - literally my favourite cake of all time. I have never met someone who does not have this as their favourite Christmas food. This is a type of sponge cake you eat on both Christmas and Easter, although it seems it was originally just for Easter. This is one of those you absolutely can't make at home unless you're literally crazy because it needs to be baked in a clay mould with sheets of paper and I've heard it requires 24 eggs per cake (tbh seems unrealistic but Portuguese pastry is like 80% eggs so it's not that outlandish, and I'm inclined to believe it bc I've tried like 3 different home-made recipes with normal amounts of eggs and it never tasted right). The origin of the name is basically impossible to find because every source I see claims a different story, but "Ló" seems to be the name of its original creator. Also, this cake was brought to Japan during the Discovery Period and it's allegedly the origin of a Japanese sponge cake named Kasutera.
Pão de Ló de Ovar (trans: Pão de Ló from Ovar)
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image source: https://iberismos.com/pao-lo-um-doce-com-muita-historia-iberica/?lang=pt-pt
Kinda like regular Pão de Ló but wet on the inside - the liquid-y part is egg. Its origins seem to be in conventual sweets (like, from a convent), which are known for using lots of eggs. But just like with its dry variant, there are a few different stories about it. Sometimes people argue about which variant is better, but it's really not that divisive. In fact, all the foods in this post often coexist at the Christmas table despite some being similar to each other.
Sonhos (trans: Dreams)
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image source: https://claradesousa.pt/receita/sonhos-de-natal/
These are much simpler than the cakes. It's basically just fried dough topped with sugar (I've heard that Brazilians call them "chuvinha" aka "little rain" because of this, and I think that's kinda funny because most Portuguese sweets have sugar on top). This is kinda like a "base" because there are other sweets similar to it but with carrot or pumpkin on the inside, and I don't think there's much reason to get into them here - also I don't usually eat them. You can eat them dry or with syrup made with sugar, cinnamon and lemon/orange.
Rabanadas (no clue how to translate this bc google suggests "french toast" and I refuse to accept that)
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image source: https://www.pingodoce.pt/receitas/rabanadas/
This is a simple yet effective classic. It was originally made to utilize stale bread people had lying around (I've seen sources suggest it's because bread is sacred to Jesus even if it's stale and so it's bad to waste it). It's made with bread, honey or sugar, milk, and cinnamon, although I've seen people replace the milk and honey with condensed milk. It has been recorded since the 16th century, when it was used partially for medicinal purposes to help people regain their strength, especially after giving birth (which... thematically appropriate but it still surprised me when I found out).
I hope you had fun looking at all this tasty food - because I certainly did and this is my blog.
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finalshaper · 5 months
about the pro shipping post you are so fucking right. when i was 16 i had proship dni on an aesthetic blog that i ran and i had multiple people harassing me for it over months. i've also had them call me ableist and homophobic slurs and sexually harass me when i was 16-18 for untagged unsearchable posts that they had to have scrolled back months in my blog to find. i was in a fandom at the time that had a LOT of people like that and there were many other people who got worse and had proshippers being wildly racist to them. they say curate your online experience and then throw a fit when you actually do.
Hi i'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner! I was most likely absorbed entirely in skyrim Once Again.
Yeah, the proship movement has a tendency to harbor the absolute worst people in fandom circles and when you say "Hey if your movement is Truly Safe for victims/people of color /disabled folks/kids/etc then why the fresh sam hill fuck are you harboring Actual Racists, Actual Pedophiles, And Actual Horrible People" they take it as "kys lol go die" and not a request to Actually examine how their stances on something as terminally online as shipping discourse and the culture that it founded has sheltered these types of people.
And it's this inaction and refusal to address it in favour of perceiving it as a siege in a war that isn't actually happening (for lack of a better way to word it, no, people aren't out to get you they're asking you to examine your fucking community and WHY so many people feel unsafe around it aside from other reasons) is why I, and so many others, are in dislike of proshipping culture aside from. well. gestures wildly to the rest of it.
They take it as a blow to their egos rather than a genuine honest "Hey if what you ship Truly Is Inconsequential why does the culture you cultivate harbor, say, Actual Offending Pedophiles or Those Pedophiles That Label Themselves As "No-Contact" For Some Reason As If That Makes It Less Bad that are utilizing fandom space and proship culture as a quick and easy way to get targets within their reach?"
Side tangent/note here: Over the years many people have said that I cannot be pro-dark media and anti-proship. These things are not mutually exclusive and many, and I mean MANY people in circles focussing on dark and transgressive media are FULLY AWARE of the connection between reality and fiction (and how they both affect one another, the best way I can word it is that if you focus on one color pallet soon your world will be monochromatic, you gotta learn to focus on all the colors. If you saturate your life with too much "dark" or distressing content it will color your worldview and that is not what life is about) and often emphasize the importance of this distinction.
They also do not go out of their way to overly-romanticize the content they read (the public perception/general society's consumption of Lolita [vladimir nobokov] has been a disaster for the human race. if u think lolita is supposed to be a cute romance story you're misinterpreting the book and need to step back and examine just why you think that way and actually sit down and analyze the book and humbert as a character dear god stop turning it into a cutesy coquette aesthetic, shanespeare has a fucking amazing video talking about it and as an added bonus it's shorter than the typical 4+ hour video essays I often indulge in) as they often know better to do so and shun the people who do, ESPECIALLY when you're talking about books like The Slob (Aron Beauregard, even though that novel is essentially misogyny, homophobia, gore porn, a lot of fatphobia and shit like that and is all-around poorly written)
proshipping culture also relies a lot on a fanfic/fanart medium which is a VASTLY inappropriate place to explore these things (on top of, well, the type of people the culture has a tendency to attract n shit vs transgressive/dark media corners) and People Do Not Want To See Headcanons About Their Favourite Characters Being Rapists And Shit Like That I Promise You You Aren't "Coping" You're Just Making (some not all) People Around You Uncomfortable And Fucking Miserable Because You Decided That Their Comfort Character Is A Shotacon Or Some Shit (and that is before I get into how unless that character is canonically a piece of shit, making x character into a freak is a gross mischaracterization).
People come into fandoms for escapism, or to enjoy characters and stories with people and, yes I am speaking from personal experience here not only as ex-proship but also someone who's been 'round the block when it comes to fandoms.
There is a difference between transgressive lit i.e Lolita and someone writing a fanfic about a father/daughter relationship and not in the wholesome familial way we all know and love. That is knowing your place, understanding that fandom is a WILDLY inappropriate place to explore these things (seriously people, just write an original book! you got it in you clearly! i believe in you and maybe if you do it right you'll write something that's very touching and profound and opens up a lot of conversations!) and that fiction and reality do in fact impact and shape each other in more ways than you'd initially assume.
anyways rant/tangent over, sorry I went on for so long, I'm Very passionate about this discussion despite everything that's happened to me at the hands of it.
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ignoreme07 · 6 months
Review/Analysis for the PJO TV show so far
I want to join in on the fun :) Will post two posts since I realised how much I wrote for episode one
What I love/like:
Honestly, it is not too bad
I really like how the first mythological being Percy sees is a pegasus specifically a black pegasus (Imagine it's Blackjack). This is a little detail I also love since Percy's half-brother is Pegasus (And was born after Perseus slew Medusa)
On the topic of Medusa (My favourite myth btw is Perseus and Medusa), I really love how Sally says the whole quote about not every hero who kills a monster is a hero and not every monster is a monster (Which she mainly refers to Medusa). Which is 1. absolutely foreshadowing Tyson (CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND AND WE NEED A SEASON 2 JUST FOR TYSON) and 2. Alluding to some changes to Medusa's character (Considering Uncle Rick has said episode 3 will focus more on Medusa's actual character)
Side note for the quote: It just serves for the anti-gods narrative, considering how many monsters were kind of by-products of the gods NOT caring about mortals.
Mythomagic being somewhat more relevant to the characters and plot is also really an amazing change from the books, considering how it's always felt like a one-book thing.
The scene with Mrs Dodds is more compelling considering it was a convo they had in Percy's mind and it's easier to be like, oh she was all in your mind.
My heart hurt with THAT scene of Grover and Walker did an amazing job showing Percy's emotions.
A little change that I'm also really fond of is how Eddie isn't one of Gabe's poker buddies, which I love specifically due to what ends up happening to Gabe (And his buddies in the books). Speaking of Gabe, he's such an ass but he's kinda funny in a goofy way.
Percy gets his sass from his mom
Also, was anyone else tearing up during Sally's talk with Percy? The actors did so well, and it's nice that Sally was the one to tell Percy about him being a demigod.
The scenes with Grover, Sally, and Percy were so funny. Sally: Boys. Grover: I'm actually 24.
Really small, but I love how the Minotaur sounds like an elephant (Don't ask why I just do).
The entire Minotaur fight scene was good, emotional (SALLY REACHING OUT FOR PERCY I CAN'T- ToT) and a little bit more logical (Much more believable that Percy broke its horn off and stabbed it in the head instead of the chest)
Neutral Ground:
The removal of names have power lore, which I like that it's removed for the monsters. I feel completely differently in the next episode.
Criticisms/Pet Peeves:
Why is Gabe using a laptop???? Won't that attract monsters? Also is he still Smelly Gabe??? It was never said and never implied.
It did also feel really rushed like what another user has posted in their review.
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
reblog with ‘me’ as a comment or in the tags if you want to be on the taglist for the ‘the vackers got their teal eyes from hatsune miku’ essay that spiraled way out of control
hey to all the people still saying me: the essay is up now :) 
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samaspic31 · 1 year
I hate all of george Lucas' alterations of the original trilogy so much. The cgi and actors. This idea of "updating" the effects (looks weightless and barely like a modern video game, i know i have a trained eye but still, no shade to the vfx artists) and retroactively correcting casting that worked fine, and making these versions the mainly sold ones and easiest to access ? Kill him with fire and give me back my old vfx, commit to the casting, I should be able to easily buy a DVD of what the movie looked like when it came out in theaters actually
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dandthegods · 1 year
Happy Yule!!
Today is what me and my wife are considering the first day of Yule (mostly because I have little patience and couldn’t wait to give my partner a gift). This is really our first official Yule celebration as we now have time, the means, and are actually living together and are at our own home for the holiday period. And I am super fucking pumped for it! The whole month I’ve had a countdown to today on our entryway chalkboard and now it’s here!!
When it comes to Christmas, and a bit of Yule as well, it is a secular holiday for me. As a pagan I do my offerings on my altar and do a little bigger of a spread than I do on a usual day in celebration of the holiday, but the rest of my traditions and activities are pretty secular. I’ve taken much of the non-religious traditions from my family and continue to do those around this time of year (like baking certain family recipes, doing certain present and stocking traditions, etc) but I try not to completely separate the holiday from the Gods and my practice as a pagan.
The Gods are a huge part of my life. I think about them and recognize them every day. I honor them as often as I can and give offerings when I feel I should or when I’ve found or made something I’d like to share with them. So it wouldn’t feel right keeping my celebrations unconcerned with the Gods and leaving my altar bare and collecting dust.
As the winter has set in, when fall began to fade, and it’s gotten really fucking cold here, I think about the Gods. I think about Persephone’s role in the changing of the seasons and how vibrant and colorful the underworld is while she is there. I think about Artemis being with the animals as they hibernate and face the cold months of scarcity. I think about Zeus and Poseidon as they work together creating breathtaking storms and blizzards, freeze the lakes and waters around me, and freeze my breath as I walk outside. I think a lot about Hestia and Hera as my partner and I spend more time inside and together, making our home cozy and fill it with love and laughter. I pray to Hermes as I and everyone else deals with the ice and snow on the roads and just pray for safety in my travels and the awareness needed to get home in one peace.
The traditions that I create new, the ones I continue on from my family and my wife’s family, I fill with intention and sympathetic magic to keep the spirit of the season, the joy of the holidays, and the wonder of nature alive in my life. I try to imbue new life and meaning into holiday traditions that feel wrong not to do around this time, and I keep the Gods in mind and hope they are having fun with them too.
I wish everyone a safe and happy winter. Stay safe this solstice, spend time with loved ones, and treat yourself to something that brings you joy every day.
Cheers, and happy holidays
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sisterdivinium · 6 months
And so ends the mini drabble regatta!
My thanks to everyone who read, liked or even left a little comment in the tags for these short attempts at different WN pairings <3
I want to hope that these humble offerings might inspire others to give other ships a chance, too, or to try their hand at drabbles in general. If I didn't please you with my interpretation of a given relationship, I am sorry; perhaps someone else will give it a go or maybe I'll do another one of these parties in the future and do better -- maybe you'll even consider joining me then.
For now, this blog returns to its regular schedule of doctor superion drabbles posted on Friday, at least until the end of the year. For early 2024, I want to have the next oneshot ready for publishing and I'll be focused on that until it happens. In the meantime, I'll be loitering around Tumblr as usual and sometimes on Dreamwidth as well :)
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starscreaming666 · 7 months
It's almost December, you know what that means! Time to listen to carol of the bells and nothing but carol of the bells until the clock strikes 12 on new years eve
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fundielicious-simblr · 7 months
Hey there! I’ve been a fan of the Collinses (and associates! lol) ever since you started posting. Now that I’ve begun my own blog, I have to say (with the utmost admiration and respect) I’m stunned that you’re able to manage so many damn families!
I’ve played plenty of fundie saves before, but always with a single heir per generation, which means I’m woefully inexperienced with rotational gameplay. It’s so difficult, especially when you have to juggle varying levels of fundie-ness between households, extended family relationships, constant pregnancies, timeline issues and taking posed/stages screenshots for posts on top of actual gameplay!
If you’re up for it, I would so appreciate any advice/tips/tricks you have to offer re: dealing with rotational fundie gameplay. Either way, many thanks for sticking around for so long and sharing your sims with us ☺️
Hi! I'm so happy that you enjoy the blog, honestly I've been doubting whether that many people read it anymore, I just keep posting for my own personal satisfaction. As usual I'm a rambler, so this is about to be a mini-thesis, which will be below the cut!
If there's anything that I can say to explain how I do it, it's that you should just plan. Plan, Plan, and Plan. I micromanage every little thing that happens in my sims lives, I have two saves: one for gameplay and one for taking pictures. This is so that I can be ahead in terms of the plot lines and pictures without having to rush the actual game. I've mentioned it a few times here and there, but I have this mega doc with literally everything that pertains to my sims. It's got their life stories, love stories, random facts like allergies, their birthdays, the 'outcomes' for labour and delivery which effect how many kids they have, what kind of jobs they work, etc. For planning I also have a mega note on my phone with each post and what I'll write for it, I plan what will be said and who will be included, and sometimes the outfits required for them to wear or whatever poses I'm going to need for the post. It's also where I dump future ideas that I'll eventually work into a post if I want to. Since weddings are a pillar of fundie life, I have a separate note with all things weddings, before I wedding I plan the outfits for everyone from the bride and groom and their parents to the bridal party. I assign the wedding a colour scheme and then assign different people different colours. I also plan which poses I'm going to do, which for the main couples is a lot since they have a lot of posts for their weddings. For side characters that only get one post for their weddings I'll usually do a whole photoshoot then just pick two or three pictures to post.
One thing that also helped was me putting them in categories like 'heir' 'part heir' or 'side character', that helps me prioritise whose stories to focus on and how much they'll be seen on the blog. Honestly speaking, there are some sims that I only interact with when it's time to include them in a storyline, for that I let the Neighbourhood Stories take over and check in from time to time when I need to add a kid to the family or dress them for events. Since I have two saves, what I've found myself doing is playing with the side characters in the 'picture save' so I don't lose any game time that I could be using to play with the main characters in the main save. For rotational gameplay in order to make posts, I select certain narrators and basically just rotate between them with select characters sometimes getting a post or two. For this generation I've got Adalynn, Valentina, Lana, Maggie, and Brittany as narrators (there may be more, but for now I'm sticking with these). With Lana marrying into Adalynn's family I'm experimenting with her showing us what life is like for those in Newcrest since Adalynn moved away from home when she got married. Right now I see her as an opportunity to include more side characters since she's married to the 12th child in a cohort of 13, so her experiences and interpersonal relationships will be different than the older siblings and we may see more other character involvement . Maggie and Brittany are seldom narrators, with Brittany only really showing up at Harvestfest to do her family catch up - though I'm also experimenting how to bring them into the plot a bit more because they bring the political drama.
Since pregnancy is involves the changing of time and seasons (and I play on a 4 day = 1 year system vs the game's 28 day year), I make very good use of MCCC and pause pregnancies so that I can have control of how they're documented. The way pregnancies will be documented depends on how I've labelled the characters, narrators will always have more focus on their pregnancies (even though Valentina is done having children she'll narrate the pregnancies in her family) and will share about other pregnancies in the family. Circling back round to the 2 game system, since the way I play is faster than the game's passage of time, once I'm done posing and taking screenshots in my picture save then I usually sit back and actually enjoy playing in the actual game save, where I will then rotate households depending on whatever mood I'm in.
Thank you again for being so nice! I hope this extendo reply is able to answer some of your questions, but if it doesn't then feel free to message me and I can see if I can help.
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togansweep · 4 months
haha tomorrow I have to present a really shitty essay I wrote and I already discovered multiple mistakes
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applejamzscribblez · 5 months
a short, slightly depressing essay i wrote for a short film project - it’s supposed to mimic the feeling of a recorded interview
christmas time
people come together
i don’t think people realise what coming together means for me.
its like this deep visceral reaction
the pit at the bottom of my stomach
i’m not… myself anymore
its like i can see out of my eyes
but my brain doesn’t control my body
i try my best to make them all happy
i get quite scared when people get angry
so i just do whatever it takes to keep them happy
even if it rips me apart
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