#healing elements balm
greenwitchcrafts · 3 months
February 2024 witch guide
Full moon: February 24th
New moon: February 9th
Sabbats: Imbolc-February 1st
February Snow Moon
Known as: Eagle Moon, Horning Moon, Solmonath Moon, Bear moon, Ice Moon, Wild Moon, Raccoon Moon, Big Winter Moon, Groundhog Moon, Quickening Moon, Storm Moon, Goose Moon, Hungry Moon & Red/Cleansing Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius & Pisces
Nature spirits: House Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid & Nut
Animals: Otter & Unicorn
Birds: Chickadee & Eagle
Trees: Cedar, laurel, myrtle & rowan
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage & spikenard
Flowers: Primrose
Scents: Heliotrope & wisteria
Stones: Amethyst, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, onyx , rose quartz, topaz & red zircon
Colors: Light blue & violet
Energy:  Astral travel, banishing, beginnings, breaking bad habits, creativity expressiveness, empowerment, energy working to the surface, fertility, forgiveness, freedom, friendships, future plans, growth, healing, problem solving, purification, responsibility & science
February’s full Moon is a “Micromoon” this year. Think of this term as the opposite of a “Supermoon.” It simply means that the full Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (not the nearest point).
The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to data from the National Weather Service. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had visited with the Naudowessie(Dakota), wrote that the name used for this period was the Snow Moon, “because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.” 
Known as: Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimele & Brigid's Day
Season: Winter
Symbols: Besoms, Brighid's crosses, candles, candle wheels, fertility symbols, fire, ploughs, priapic wands & white flowers
Colors: Black, brown, Earth tones, lavender, light green, orange, pink, red, white & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apricot, basil, bay, carnation, chamomile, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, red sandalwood, sage, vanilla, violet & wisteria
Animals: Badger, cow, deer,groudhog, robin, sheep, snake, & swan
Mythical: Dragon
Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz, garnet, green tourmaline, hematite, iron, lodestone, onyx, red zircon, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise, yellow tourmaline
Food: Breads, chives, curries, dairy products, grains, garlic, herbal teas, honey cakes, lamb, muffins, onions, peppers, poppy seed cakes, pork, poultry, pumpkin seeds, raisins, scones, spiced wines & sunflower seeeds
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, ashleaf, balsam, basil, bay laurel, benzoin, blackberry, clover, coltsfoot, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, heather, lemon, myrrh, rosemary, sage, vervain, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Celandine, chamomile, iris, rose hips, snowdrop, sunflower, tansy, violets, white flowers & yellow flowers
Goddesses: Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Branwen, Brigid, Danu, Februa, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Sirona & Vesta
Gods: Aegus Mac Og, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Februus & Pax
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Activation/awakening, animals, beginnings, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, inspiration, light, pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, transformation, well-being & youth
Spellwork: Air magick, banishings, candle spells, divination, fertility spells, prosperity & purification
• Make & light white candles
• Clean/decorate your altar & consecrate your  altar tools
• Go on a walk in nature & look for signs of spring
• Make a Brigid's Cross
• Have a feast with your family/friends
• Give thanks & leave offerings to the Earth
• Set intentions, reflect & look deeper into your goals for spring
• Start a bonfire
• Find Imboloc prayers & devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months, honor the goddess Brigid, as well as seasonal blessings for your meals, hearth, & home.
• Pepare plans for your upcoming garden
• Craft a priapic wand
• Spend time with children celebrating Imbolc by making crafts & or baking
• Practice divination & fire scrying
• Draw a cleansing ritual bath for yourself
• Meditate, reflect & say your farewells to winter
• Cleanse & clean your house to prepare for spring
• Create a Brídeóg: a doll of Brigid made of straw
• Make Bride's bouquet satchets & exchange as symbols of good luck and fertility
• Set aside food & or drinks as an offering to Brigid to invite her in your home
Imbolc is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on January 31 – February 1, or halfway between the winter solstice & the spring equinox. The holiday is a festival of the hearth, home, a celebration of the lengthening days & the early signs of spring. 
The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. The term "oimelc" means ewe's milk. Around this time of year, many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year or are heavily pregnant & as a result, they are producing milk. This creation of life’s milk is a part of the symbolic hope for spring.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who herself is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.
Some use Imbolc to celebrate the longer days which herald the return of Spring & The Goddess's recovery from giving birth to The Sun (The God) at Yule. The God & The Goddess are children symbolizing new life, new beginnings & new resurrections.
Related festivals:
• Groundhog Day-  Is a tradition observed in the United States & Canada on February 2 of every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day & sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den & winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.
While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow & the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.
•St. Brigid's Day- 1 February. It was originally Imbolc, the first day of spring in Irish tradition. Because Saint Brigid has been theorised as linked to the goddess Brigid, some associate the festival of Imbolc with the goddess. St. Brigid is the patroness saint (or 'mother saint') of Ireland. She is patroness of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock & dairy production. In her honour, a perpetual fire was kept burning at Kildare for centuries.
A recent campaign successfully established her feast day as a national holiday in 2023.
• Chinese New Year- (February 10th) the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. In Chinese, the festival is commonly referred to as the Spring Festival,- marking the end of winter and the beginning of the spring season. Observances traditionally take place from Chinese New Year's Eve, the evening preceding the first day of the year, to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between January 21st & February 20th.
The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely & the evening preceding the New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.
It is also a tradition for every family to thoroughly clean their house, in order to sweep away any ill fortune & to make way for incoming good luck. Another custom is the decoration of windows & doors with red paper-cuts and couplets. Popular themes among these paper-cuts and couplets include good fortune or happiness, wealth & longevity. Other activities include lighting firecrackers  & giving money in red envelopes.
��  Candlemas- is a Christian feast day on February 2nd commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke 2:22-40. 
While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night, those in other Christian countries historically remove them after Candlemas.On Candlemas, many Christians also take their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year.
•Setsubun- (February 3rd) Is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring.
Both Setsubun & Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri ) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual & cultural associations of 'cleansing' the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring. Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals & traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year's bad fortunes & evil spirits for the year to come.
Other Celebrations:
• Lupercalia-
In ancient Rome, this festival was conducted annually on February 13th through 15th under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus. As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus.
to purify the city, promoting health & fertility.
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife & the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals & ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile.
In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I forbade participation in the festival. Tradition holds that he appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2, but it is likely that the Christian feast was established in the previous century. It has also been alternately suggested that Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, but the origin of that holiday was likely much later.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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lilianasgrimoire · 18 days
Herbs & Correspondences G-L
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Galangal Root - Also called Lo John the Conqueror or Lo John. Carry into legal proceedings to help win. Money, gambling and hex breaking.  Also aids luck and psychic development. Element Fire. 
Garlic - Magical uses include speed, health and endurance, also protection, exorcism and purification. Use also to promote your inner strength.  Element Fire. 
Gentian - Increases spell power. Good luck and works well in love & romance spells. Element Fire. 
Ginger - Increases magic power. Success, love, money and power.  Element Fire. 
Ginseng - Promotes love, beauty, healing and lust.  Element Fire. 
Hawthorn Wood- Associated with Beltane. Magical uses include chastity, fertility, fairy magic, fishing magic, and rebirth.  Success in career, work, and employment. Use it to work with the fae. Used in weddings and handfasting's to increase fertility. Element Water.  Hawthorne Berries aid chastity. Hope, protection and happiness. Element Fire.  
Hearts Ease - Also called Violet.  It helps to mend a broken heart. Aids rebirth, peace, wishes and luck.  Calms the nerves and promotes peace and tranquility. Element Water.  
Hemlock - Use to paralyze a situation and a funeral herb. Highly Toxic.  Element Water.   
Henbane - Dried leaves are used in the consecration of ceremonial vessels. Used in love sachets and charms to gain the love of the person desired. Highly Toxic. Element Water.  
Hibiscus - Attracting love and lust.  Use in divination. Associated with lunar magic.  Element Water. 
High John - (The Conqueror) An "all purpose" herb.  Use it for strength, confidence, conquering any situation.  Good luck, prosperity and protection. Element Fire.   
Holly Hock - Protecting, all Fairy magic, abundance, personal growth and aids passing. Related to Lammas. Element Earth. 
Horehound - Protective against evil doings. Helps with mental clarity during ritual; stimulates creativity/inspiration; balances personal energies and healing.  Element Earth.  
Horsetail - Use for strength and resolve. Protection, cleansing and clearing unwanted emotions.  Element Earth. 
Hyssop - Used for purification.  Banishing, protection and healing.  Element Fire. 
Irish Moss - Used for luck. Ideal for gamblers!  Attracts money and customers for self-employed. Offers protection. Element Water 
Ivy - Protection, healing and fertility.  Use for love and hang at handfasting's.  Element Fire. 
Jasmine - The herb of attraction.  Helps prophetic dreaming, money and love. Element Water. 
Juniper - See Cedar berries.  
Lady's Mantle - Aphrodisiac and transmutation. Use in love spells and those of fertility.  Increases magic power in spells and connects with fairy lore. Element Water. 
Laurel- See Bay leaf. 
Lavender - Magical uses include healing, sleep and peace. It also promotes chastity and love. Increases longevity of life, tranquility and happiness.  Element Air. 
Lemon Balm - Also called Melissa. Love, success and healing.  Aids psychic/spiritual development. Supports mental health disorders and compassion. Element Water.     
Lemon Grass - Psychic cleansing and opening.  Use in lust potions and when using Dragon Magic.  Element Air.  
Licorice Root - Love, lust, and fidelity. Also attracts passion. Element Water. 
Lilac - Wisdom, memory, good luck and spiritual aid.  Element Water. 
Linden Flower - Wisdom, justice, love and protection. Element Air. 
Lime Tree Leaf - Healing, calm and love.  Aids strength and tranquility.  Element Air. 
Little John - See Galangal root. 
Lungwort - Use in air magic or as an offering to the Gods of air.  Offers safe travel when flying. Element Air.  
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Rosemary
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus)
*Poisonous *Medical *Kitchen *Masculine
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Folk names: Compass weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis, Polar Plant, Seas Dew
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire, Air
Abilities: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Power, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Why Poisonous?: Their oil content. Large quantities of rosemary leaves can cause vomiting, spasms, coma and in some cases, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Rosemary can cause miscarriages so it is not recommended for expecting mothers. It is also not recommended for those with high blood pressure, ulcers, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
Do not consume rosemary oil
Characteristics: With its aromatic, needlelike leaves, the rosemary plant grows in a bush and can be quite large in the right growing conditions. Can grow two lipped, purplish-blue and white flowers.
History: Was first referenced on a stone tablet that dates back to 5000 BCE. Is native to the Mediterranean region. It was considered sacred by the Spanish due to its association with the Virgin Mary. In France, it is referred to as incensier due to its popular usage as an incense.
Growing Rosemary:
Easy to grow?: Yes.
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Yes
How to Plant Rosemary
Video Guide
Where to Find Seeds
Magical Usage:
Stimulates memory and thought processes
If burned, adds an energy of protection and purification to a space
Sprinkling its leaves onto graves will cause the undead to be at peace
Carried in an Herbal Amulet will give one confidence and courage
Placing the leaves under your pillow will ensure good sleep and banish nightmares
Can be used in love and lust incense spells as well as healing poppets
Used to be included in bridal flowers so that the couple will stay true to their vows
The smell is supposedly very offensive to evil spirits
Smelling rosemary every day can help preserve one’s youth
Medical Usage
In oil form, can be used to relieve rashes and blemishes on the skin
Can help relieve muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune system, and promote hair growth
In balm form, can repel insects
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shini--chan · 9 months
May I request headcanons about Yandere Kaneki please?
Of course, here, have a character sheet. I got a bit carried away, since it has been so long since I wrote somthing for Tokyo Ghoul.
Yandere Character Sheet
Ken Kanaki 
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Trigger warnings: implied/references murder, humans are eaten, imprisonment, emotional/psychological manipulation, delusional behaviour, references to depression and suicidal ideation
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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One of the cornerstones of Ken's yandere tendencies would be his protective urges. Few people aside from him know how dangerous and wicked the world can be. A person doesn't have to be a particularly sadistic ghoul to revel in bloodshed after all. There are so many ways you could hurt yourself. 
In the beginning, he would be haunted by scenarios of all the ways harm could befall you. He would wake up from nightmares of you dying and feel his heart clench at the thought of you being wronged. Thought of how you could be harmed drives him half-insane with worry.
After his time with Agoiri Tree, these tendencies would only skyrocket. You are his Elysium, an island in a stormy sea, an oasis in the scorching desert. Do you really think he could let anything happen to you? What had once been an unbearable anxiety, uncomfortable like centipedes crawling under his skin, would morph into outright bloodlust. The harmful element would wind up as a blood splatter on the ground.
Of course, part of these protective urges would be based on how strong you are. If you're just a fragile doll, then Ken would want nothing more than to wrap you up in the finest silk and hide you away forever. If you have your own back bone of steel, then he would be relaxed enough to allow you more leeway and time outside. However, even if you are strong, even more powerful than him, then he would still feel protective over you. After all, even the most talented and effective people have weaknesses and openings, even they sometimes make stupid mistakes.
Aside from that, Ken is sweet and often very considerate. He takes note of your wishes and desires, even taking the effort to remember the little things - a book that you offhandedly mentioned that you wanted to read, how you like your coffee, the route you take to work in the morning. If you do, he doesn't even take physical notes, rather dedicating it all painstakingly to memory. That way, you would take a long time to catch onto the red flags, to how he seems a bit too dedicated, too desperate for it to be healthy. 
Yes, he would be desperate and dependent. At night, he tries to tell himself that he would be happy just by watching you from afar, by ensuring your safety while remaining just another face in the crowd. He is too broken to be with you after all. But it is exactly because he is broken that he can't stay away from you. You put him at ease - your mere presence is balm to his fractured psyche and thus he would only grow more dependent on you the longer he would be a ghoul. 
There would be days when he would practically be attached to you by the hip, for once ignoring all your protests and trying to drink in your presence as much as possible, as if you are some healing draught. Lie down with him, card your fingers through his hair and sooth over all his rough edges and your wish would be his command (of course, as long as it would be within reason). This is also one of the reasons why it would never be able to let you go - you’re his source of strength, the reason he clings to life instead of falling to his suicidal ideation. In a way, you’re what Rize (the figment of his imagination, that is)  is to him and everything that she can’t be - supportive, yet not as harsh and biting, present and not in his head. You are something more than just a representation of one of his facets.  
Though, there are still times when he is fractured, when even you aren't able to consolidate the parts of him. Then, he is rash and paranoid and so very restrictive. In some ways, he projects his mental state onto the outside world - when he is particularly fragile and conflicted, then he would see his world as endangered. When he is plagued with doubts, he second guesses your words and reads between the non-existent lines, constantly fearful that you are just putting up an act. 
Entwined with that, is the way he flips between delusional and lucid. Thanks to his rather mild temper and selfless nature, he probably will have developed a somewhat normal relationship with you before his yandere tendencies would really emerge. At times he recognises that what he is doing is unhealthy and even toxic and that all the hurtful words you hurtle at him are warranted. Then there are other times when he isn’t sure of his own identity, or how the world really works. As a coping mechanism, he turns to you and ignores any misgiving you have about your relationship. 
Kaneki is also very much obsessed with you. At night, he dreams about you and during the day he sees you in his inner eye. You come to mind when he imagines what true beauty is supposed to look like. Whenever his mind dares to wander, it wanders to you. His thoughts revolve around you to the point where he finds it difficult to think clearly, unless he is in a fight or you are close by. And having you in his arms is by far the more preferable option. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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Ken doesn’t kidnap you. Not unless he would see that as the only option to keeping you safe. Instead, he tries to approach as he would a friend. With some luck on his side, he is his co-worker or a classmate; that way, it is expected that the two of you interact with each other as it is. Even with his character development over the course of canon, he is still clunky and shy when it comes to you. Well, if things start out as a professional relationship where he is mature and kind and helpful. However, as soon as matters would get more personal, then he would find himself floundering. 
Perhaps you find his clumsiness when it comes to his emotions for you adorable, perhaps you first have to warm up to him (which he would manage to his helpfulness and persistence) but in the end, when you are together, he couldn’t be happier. It doesn’t have to be an official relationship either, it can just be you growing closer and closer, you not even being fully cognisant of the extent of your feelings, or of his for that matter. 
Either way, Ken Kaneki does his best to wrap you up in a normal relationship before the going gets rough. It isn’t really his intention when the nature of your relationship starts to change; it just happens. There is this constant itch under his skin, these constructs in his mind mocking him that he’ll end up losing you. Thus, he pulls you closer and closer, drawing up all the more rules that you have to follow. 
It would start with him being more prying than usual on where you are going and being all the more inquisitive on how your day went. Then it would transition to a tracker in your clothes or one your phone and locked doors at night. And it would end with you only being let out of the house with him as a chaperone or with a person that he particularly trusts.  
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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Ken doesn’t have that many expectations of you, since he has a rather wide pallet of people that would check his boxes. Nevertheless, there are a few things that he looks for in a person and a few things that are absolute no-gos for him. One of those things is a strong sense of justice. He wouldn’t be able to bear a person that is psychopathic and sees other people as cattle or ants to be trod upon. After experiencing so much suffering, as well as seeing so much suffering being inflicted upon others, he requires somebody that can look at the world with kind eyes and not want to hurt others out of some sense of twisted glee. If you are an idealist that somehow wants to turn the world into a better place, then he would be all the more interested in you. 
Tying into that, you better not be hedonistic. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to indulge in the few joys life has to offer, there is something off putting to him about a person that makes their life revolve around chasing pleasure and drowning in it. There is much more to life than a set of actions or experiences that make your brain release endorphins, and you not acknowledging that would just seem cowardly to him. He wouldn’t have anything against you being naive and sheltered - to him there is a difference to being that and willfully blind, or even sadistic. 
Be sweet with him. He doesn’t mind a tsundere, but having to deal with a cynic (even if he is one at times) would just wear him down. At times, he just wants to put his head in your lap and have you card your hands through his hair. Surprise him with preparing coffee for when he gets home, and even if he can’t really eat the cake you bake for him, he would appreciate the sentiment. Aside from that, I can see him falling for somebody working in medicine and if you know that he is a ghoul and maybe go out of your way to smuggle out a bag of blood for him, he would be over the moon. 
Besides that, he has a huge competence kink. There is just something about you being very good at something significant that warms him with pride and adoration. If you write, then he wants to read everything that you bring to paper, and lose himself in descriptions of other worlds. Good at singing and/or dancing? He has countless videos and audios on his phone. Should you dance with him, then you’ll have the privilege of seeing his cheeks flush deep red as you guide him through the motions. If you have a particular talent for something else that isn’t tied to entertainment, then he could spend hours listening to you talk about your field of expertise. He doesn’t even have to understand it to be enraptured, your passion and competence is more than enough to entice him. 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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You could scream and shout your throat raw at him, he would just nod along and prepare some warm milk with honey for when you’re finished with your tirade. He does his best to act unaffected, though your words are the equivalent of rubbing powdered glass over his skin. If you would continue for long or hit particularly sensitive nerves he would break down and cry. But still he would never let you go, as he would tell you. Because don’t you see, none of this is for him, it is all for you! 
So no matter what you do, no matter how much what you say amplifies his self-hatred, he would keep you by his side. That being said, there are still two circumstances where he would let you go. 
The first is if he comes to the conclusion that you are safer away from him rather than by his side. This would be due to you being endangered by proxy to him. The last thing he would want would be for you to die in the crossfire in a fight with the CCG or another ghoul faction, or, heavens forbid, be targeted as a means to hurt him. 
The second would be him forgetting you. When Ken Kaneki becomes Haise Sasaki, he forgets you, at least when it comes to conscious memory. Though watch out! As soon as he would smell you or see you again, he would find himself drawn to you again. 
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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On average, Ken isn't big on punishments. He sees himself as your protector and guardian, and what sort of protector would he be if he can't protect you from himself? Perhaps as the Centipede he would more deliberately punish you. Else, in his mind he only takes measures to protect you, and if they are harsh, then so be it. It is clear that you are too reckless and naive and optimistic so you need a minder that isn't reluctant to make tough choices. 
If you are too carefree and prone to venturing around, he'll imprison you in your shared apartment. Hanging out with people he doesn't approve of? Suddenly you are hearing stories of how they are terrible, good for nothing people. He'll lock away all the knives and anything you can hurt yourself with if you try to fight, and baby you if you self-harm. After trying to escape, he'll forbid you from watching TV or reading books, citing that your overactive imagination caused you to do something so foolhardy. 
Protest will seem to fall on deaf ears. Sometimes they will but other times they'll be carefully filed away so that he can lose sleep due to them. You are always on his mind, after all, the good as well as the bad. 
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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Panic, full blown panic. That is what he'll experience at first and the younger he is, the longer the panic attack will last. He'll dash around your shared living space, just hoping his panic is unwarrented and you just hid yourself away in one of your tantrums. His searching becomes more frantic and destructive the longer you remain undiscovered.
Eventually, he'll force himself to make a cup of coffee and sit down. Kaneki will do his best to piece together the various variables: When did you leave? What did you take with you? Which places are you most likely to run to? Are there any people from your past life that you still place a lot of trust in? 
He will try his best to put himself in your shoes in order to anticipate your past, current and future choices and thus successfully track you down. Depending on which phase of his life he is currently in, there will be differences.
The shy Ken Kaneki that he is in the beginning of canon handles it like a teenage boy looking for his crush or friend. Checking social media, asking around, quietly loitering around places where he thinks you'll pop up. The Centipede is far more violent and far more desperate to get you in his grasp again, therefore the police and the CCG will find a lot of corpses, courtesy of his quest to find you again. As Haise Sasaki, he has far more resources and is calmer. In that case, he can cook up an excuse to have you very officially hunted down and dragged before him. 
The end is always the same - him fussing over you like a mother hen, obsessively checking you for injuries and chiding you. After that incident, he’ll vow to keep a closer eye on you. You’ll be kept on an even shorter leash, with him being far stricter about rules and such in comparison to before your escape attempt. In his eyes, it came to you running away because he was far too lax with rules and vague about his intentions. 
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO? 
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Actually, not much world change, on the surface at least. In some ways, he wouldn’t mind you taking the steering wheel and allowing you to play the dominant partner in the relationship. If anything, being taken care of and having to relinquish control to you would be a new yet not unwelcome experience for him. At first, he would be worried and nagging, wanting to wriggle his way into being the one that takes care of you, the one that makes sacrifices yet he would slowly learn to enjoy taking the back seat. That is, of course, if the two of you would stick to being in a romantic relationship. However, don’t think he’ll allow you to get away. If anything, he might become so used to being taken care of, that he’ll not allow you to get rid of him. 
On the other hand, if you become his captor and he your captee, he would have a lot of mixed feelings. In many ways, he would understand your urges to harm him and restrict his movements. After all, he had wronged you and in retrospect, he would realise that he might have been too harsh and condescending. That would make him vow to learn from his mistakes and treat you with more dignity, should he manage to turn the tables again. Because even if you would harm him, he would still continuously forgive you, because you forgive the people that you hold dear, or not?
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Ken is insecure as it is and having a rival would only make this worse. Though it wouldn't have the intended effect of making him back off, rather it would make him all the more determined. Though, depending on which stage he is currently in, there are vast differences on how he deals with rivals. 
As Ken Kaneki, the original, shy and timid Ken Kaneki, who has just become a ghoul or will soon become one, he’ll be much more shy. There is something all too tragic about the way he pines after you, in the manner a mediaeval knight would have pined after a lady of noble standing, a love that could never be mutual and fulfilled. Though, at times the depth of his passion will even spur him to action! It is surprising to everybody, even him and therefore he has a lot of plausible deniability in the case law enforcement comes knocking. It would sicken him to the core what he does to have you, and all the while he carries the heavy regrets in his heart, but it is all worth it as long as you are safe. Though, that is just when his emotions get the better of him, an absolute last resort. Else, he will try to convince you with shy words and texts in the middle of the night that your current paramour just isn’t compatible with you and that you deserve better. 
As The Centipede, he is far more ruthless. After all, he does know what is best for you at the end of the day. So when he determines that the man that is currently in a relationship with you, or is bringing you flowers and chocolates every other day in an attempt to woo you, is bad for you, then the unlucky fellow must go. If he is feeling particularly frustrated and just must get the point over to you, then he waits to kill the offender right in front of you. Of course, that is if he can’t talk to you about his issues with you. Else he expects you to know that his arms are the safest to be it, and for you to reject any advances. It just might be that the one or the other is particularly pesky and persistent and needs to be taken out. 
As Haise Sasaki, his plans are more complex. He has a reputation and a hell lot of resources to fall back on. As such, he tries the easy route first and foremost - talking to you. Of course, you might very well not be convinced by his word alone and then he’ll do some digging to drag the skeletons that certain person has in their closet forth. Maybe he’ll get other people to talk to you, to offhandedly mention and discuss the various flaws of his opponent with you. As much as he might want to kill his rival, he can’t make it too obvious. Perhaps that person will then be sandwiched between two warring parties and wind up as collateral damage, or be the victim of a violent crime in a far away city, or are found dead by a suicide hotspot. It takes much to get Haise to take his rival into a back alley or out into the country in order to make short work of them. 
In all scenarios he feels a twinge of guilt, but does his best to stamp it out with thoughts about you - your safety, your love, your happiness, you, you, you. 
Art is not mine: from Irina Vinnik and other artists
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linktotheheart · 3 months
Seeing the Signs
My fic for @silentteal for the @loftwingletters for the @zelinkcommunity loftwing letter exchange!
Link dropped to one knee with an audible hiss of pain as he defeated the last bokoblin, panting and resting his weight on his sword which was planted firmly in the grass.
No, no no no, Zelda thought, as she sprinted to catch up to him. Hylia, not again. He's hurt again and it's my fault, please don't let him die! The shrine of resurrection is gone, I can't do anything!
“Link,” she cried out, dropping to her knees and sliding the last few feet from the speed of her sprint. “I'm so sorry! Where are you wounded? I'll take care of you.”
Link looked up with a smile, brushing the hair out of his eyes, and Zelda's heart made a weird swooping motion like a Rito aflight.
“Don't worry, Princess,” he signed. “It's just a pulled muscle. I lost my footing in the wet grass and tweaked something in my leg.“
All the tension left Zelda at once, and she wasn't sure whether to laugh or yell at her reckless knight. She settled for saying in a stern, stubborn voice, ”Well any wound can still be dangerous. You will let me tend to it immediately.“
Link laughed, an almost-tinkling, melodic laugh that for some reason always made her think of fairy children deep in a forest. ”Yes, your highness,“ he signed teasingly, and she glared at him.
She set about removing first aid supplies from her backpack. Bandages, cloth made adhesive with chu-chu jelly, a balm made of monster parts that eased inflammation. 
She could feel Link's intense blue eyes on her as she applied the balm with a firm but gentle touch. She wasn't sure if the heat she felt in her cheeks was from his sky-blue stare or from the little thrills as her fingers brushed his leg. Strange, the balm didn't have any electric-elemental ingredients to her knowledge - though really, she knew it wasn't that. For some reason, she thought suddenly about the hylian sign lessons that he had given her pre-calamity, the way his fingers had felt like so many fairy wings on hers as he had carefully corrected her signs.
She then took the bandages and adhesive cloths and methodically wrapped the injury to give it support, before finally raising her eyes to meet Link's. To her surprise, he was as red as she was.
The silence hung in the air between them, somehow as fraught as the atmosphere before a storm, yet warm and comfortable as a home.
Zelda realized her hands were still on the completed wrap, and cleared her throat as she hastily removed them. As the silence broke, Link almost looked disappointed, as if he had hoped for her to... say something? Do something?
”You are not to fight any monsters until that muscle is healed, do you understand?“ Zelda said, her words falling over each other in their haste to leave her throat. ”That's what we brought along an additional guard for.“
Link nodded, still giving her that unreadable look. She stood, brushing down the now sodden and grass-stained front of her leggings, and offered him her hand to help him up.
As he stood, she held onto his hand for a minute longer, then abruptly threw her arms around him, clasping the back of his head with one hand and gripping the back of his tunic in the other balled fist. ”I thought I'd lost you again,“ she half-murmured, half-sobbed into the hair above his ear.
Link hesitated, then hugged her back tightly, his arms sturdy and unyielding as the Deku tree itself.
As Zelda finally drew back, the hand that was behind his head lingered, coming to rest in a caress on his cheek. His azure eyes were as warm and bright as a summer afternoon, as he brought up one hand to cup hers. She paused, not wanting the moment to end.
“Do you trust me?” the other hand came up to sign, startling her.
Her eyebrows knit together as she started to pull her hand back. “Of course I do! If this is about asking you to let others fight, I -“
He caught her hand as she pulled it away, interlacing his fingers with hers. The words died in Zelda's mouth as all her breath seemed to desert her.
Link stepped forward, slowly, as if he was trying not to spook a wild horse. One hand came up to alight - trembling almost imperceptibly - on her own cheek, and he closed most of the distance between them. Their faces inches apart, she understood that he was giving her the choice of what to do.
She moved the last few inches, blossoming into a kiss. Oh Hylia, Din Farore and Nayru, this is what she had been wanting. The last of the realization that he had been waiting for her to come to him so that she could be the one to make the choice, after a lifetime of being subject to other people's desires, melted away into the sensation of him. Her whole awareness melted away into soft lips, the smell of sweat and horse lather and leather, the feel of home.
She was brought back to the world around them when a loud noise arose from a little bit away. They both jumped apart, Link sheepishly grinning and rubbing the back of his head, as their guard applauded and cheered (with more than a few wolf-whistles) at them from a rise a couple hundred feet away.
She looked down at their hands, and then interlaced her fingers with her knights’, tracing the line of his arm up to see him gently smiling at her in a way that made her dizzy. She leaned into him, then yelped slightly as he stumbled. Somehow, she'd already forgotten his injury.
Poking him in the ribs, she said “Now you're going to get some rest.” Ducking under his arm, she helped him start limping back to their entourage, as the captain and lieutenant of the guard rode their way leading their horses.
She then recalled a memory she'd long forgotten. Over a century ago, Link had taught her the sign that he had helped introduce when silent princesses were discovered. She blushed as she remembered the other sign she'd had trouble distinguishing it from - “I love you.”
If you have an AO3 and it's okay, I'd love to post in on there as a gift to your account there as well, Teal!
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tragedy-of-commons · 1 month
annabelle’s homework
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sucrose x gn!reader | wc: ~650
“22 days and 21 nights, crossing every T, just making it right.”
tags/warnings: modern au, childhood friends, unrequited love, angst, one-sided pining/attraction, based on the alec benjamin song, songfic(??)
notes: repost. pls forgive me heeehee 🙏🏻
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“You weren’t at the gate,” you say, breathless. 
Sucrose is curled up in a ball, knees tucked under her chin, fringe likely obscuring a tearful expression by the way her shoulders shake. The awning shielding her from the elements is pitiful - just a thin leg of metal jutting out from the roof of the science building.
She heaves a sob. “You were right. I should’ve listened to y-you, but I didn’t,”
Your stomach plummets, urging you to quickly surrender your umbrella to your weeping friend. The rain begins its assault on your dry uniform, but you can’t bring yourself to care. She looks up with a sniffle that’s accompanied by a frenzied headshake. She doesn’t want it?
You.. you don’t know what to do. If there’s one thing you and Sucrose bond over, it’s social inexperience. Would it be too much to ask what happened? Is your presence making her uncomfortable? 
The sky cracks harshly with thunder, causing her to flinch. Your arm is starting to hurt from the strain of your olive branch. “..Can I sit with you?”
She swallows audibly and nods. With her confirmation, you settle next to her on the damp pavement. Between the threshold of your bodies, you prop up the umbrella so it combats the wayward downpour. One problem at a time. The silence isn’t as awkward as it is unsure. You should say something. 
By her wording earlier.. “Is this about Annabelle?”
“Yes. You were right, s-she was just using me for answers. I did her biology lab like I usually do, and then when I finally worked up the nerve to..”
(You did warn her about Annabelle, but only some of it was grounded in reality. Instead you acted out of ugly jealousy whenever she persistently slipped your best friend notes littered with pink hearts that were attached to incomplete assignments. Walking home with her one day, you huffed,
“Sucrose.. be careful around her. She’s probably taking advantage of you to better her own grades.”
She just sheepishly smiled, looking up towards the clouds. “I don’t think so. She’s just busy with extracurriculars most of the time, and I was the one w-who offered. She even hugged me. Things are looking up.. I’ve read enough studies to recognize romantic attraction!”
Sucrose prattled on, this time a little embarrassed by her outburst, but you couldn’t pay attention - not when your heart ached at the fact that she hadn’t researched enough to recognize the soft looks you reserve only for her.)
The wind billows while she continues, “I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date. She laughed, and I made a fool of myself again.”
Your knuckles blanch around the umbrella handle.
“It’s not your fault.” You press your handkerchief into her hand after a moment of fumbling; her warmth makes you pull back, as if burned by her infinite possibilities. “She’s an asshole, and you.. you’re wonderful.”
The disbelief she regards you with is painful. 
Stagnant minutes after she wipes her face, you hoist Sucrose up from the ground and start the journey off school property before you both get fenced in overnight. You wince whenever she stumbles over her untied shoelaces, hushing her subsequent broken apologies. The storm rampages on, so you offer her to stay the night at your house. (It’s the right thing to do.)
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” her head lolls onto your shoulder, “I never thought that I’d keep a friend this long, with how insufferable I am.” 
You feel the same plus a lot more, but she’s still heartbroken. You know well enough that those wounds don’t heal overnight; they ache, fester, and get infected without the right balm. So you’ll relinquish yours to her, just to see her smile again - even if that same grin was the cause of your afflictions in the first place. Even if she’ll never direct its full radiance at you.
“You’re not insufferable. For you, I can bear anything.”
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taglist: @hanyi-writes, @karagatan02, @bfajax, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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torukmaktoskxawng · 3 months
your point in your recent post is sooo true! but idk i don’t think the water is Acidic since Spider swam in it
Referencing this post:
Guys, please keep sending stuff like this, I love talking about the lore and world of Pandora!
Maybe calling it acidic was exaggerating on my part lol, but I know I read somewhere that the water, scientifically, wouldn't be good for humans. Sources vary depending on where you read them, but Pandoran water can damage human skin if exposed for too long. Something to do with the pH scale?
I'm gonna shamelessly plug in an excerpt from my fic (not because it's a viable source but just because. Bear with me):
Spider stood beside Max as Mo'at was handing him down some healing properties.
"Koaktutra," the tsahik placed a small wooden cup covered in a matching lid in Spider's hands.
Max noticed Kayla's confusion so he elaborates, "Goblin Thistle. Antibiotic balm."
Mo'at nodded to Max's explanation then handed another small mixture to Spider, "Pxorna'."
"Episoth," Max explained, "It's got amazing skin rejuvenation properties, and I think it'll help Spider when he goes into the water."
He takes the mixture from Spider and holds it up to the teenager's face, "As long as you remember to slather yourself in this stuff every night after a long day of swimming, it should help prevent skin cancer and chemical burns. These salves have proven to be safe for human use, I promise. If I happen to visit the island again and I don't see any changes to your skin, then maybe we'll be able to cut the episoth back to once a week and eventually even less so if your skin grows immunity to the pH levels. Until then, every night, bud. 'You got it?"
Spider huffs and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I got it."
"Good. And just in case--" Max then holds up a remedy of his own, a small plastic yellow tube that makes Kayla snort with amusement at the sight of it. Sunscreen. 
Spider's upper lip twitched at the sight of the tube and half glared at Max, "Seriously?"
"Humor me."
I pulled Mo'at's healing mixtures from the book "James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide."
Apparently, these specific plants or healing ingredients do help anti-aging back on Earth and go for a lot of money (no surprise there), so I guess there are SOME elements on Pandora that help humans.
If we think about what happens on Earth: our oxygen cycles through our water and eventually goes back up into the air. What about Pandora? If the air is toxic to humans, wouldn't that filter into the water as well?
Then again, James Cameron has admitted that he's constantly changing lore and canon so sources that were once accurate before might not be now.
And it's possible that Spider is immune to certain elements on Pandora since he was born and raised there. Or he's just got tougher skin. We already know that he's canonically strong, but who knows!
More Avatar Questions!
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sappy-witch · 10 months
July Magick 🌻
Hello darlings 🥰
The days are getting longer, the sun is shining bright, and the energy of summer is in full swing. Here are some tools and practices that you can incorporate into your magic this July:
Lemon Balm: happiness, positivity, and success. 
Calendula: joy, abundance, and good luck. 
Peppermint: refreshment, energy, and healing. 
Basil: love, passion, and abundance.
Lemon Verbena: clarity, focus, and relaxation. 
Yarrow: divination, psychic powers, and courage.
Carnelian: motivation, creativity, and courage.
Sunstone: positivity, vitality, and joy. 
Moonstone: intuition, emotional balance, and feminine energy. 
Citrine: abundance, success, and manifestation. 
Aquamarine: calmness, tranquility, and communication. 
Sodalite: logic, intuition, and spiritual growth.
Frankincense: purification, spiritual awareness, and protection. 
Sandalwood: relaxation, peace, and grounding. 
Lemongrass: psychic powers, purification, and healing.
Lavender: relaxation, sleep, and healing. 
Peppermint: energy, focus, and motivation. 
Cedarwood: grounding, protection, and abundance.
Orange: creativity, joy, and passion. 
Yellow: success, happiness, and confidence. 
Green: growth, abundance, and prosperity.
Journal: self-reflection, manifestation, and creativity. 
Dreamcatcher: (ethically sourced) dreamwork, protection, and good luck. 
Feathers: communication, air element, and spiritual growth.
Remember, the magic is within you, and these tools are here to support and enhance your practice. Use them with intention, gratitude, and respect.
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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hydine · 7 months
Random one piece shower thought
So we remember how Hiriluk wanted to make cherry blossoms bloom as he would firmly believe this would save the nation/"heal the country". My thinking is, he thought it would bring something akin to hope, or like a balm for the soul, so to speak, as cherry blossoms healed him, when he was depressed.
Chopper's endgame is to become a doctor that can cure all diseases. But there's only so much he can physically do, like surgeries and producing medicine. But what about diseases of the soul?
Well, now he's on Luffy's/Sun God Nika's crew. Sun God Nika, the Warrior of Liberation, who would liberate the oppressed and bring smiles to everyone's faces. Sun God Nika, who would bring freedom and hope, or in the sense of what Hiriluk believed: a cure for a diseased soul.
Luffy/Nika will be the last element for Chopper to reach his goal of being able to cure all diseases.
And it makes even more sense, at least to me, that Nika would first appear in Wano, aka the country where actual cherry blossoms bloom. Because even while the cherry blossoms of Drum/Sakura were beautiful, they were still just an imitation of what Hiriluk claimed to have healed him. So, in Wano, Chopper has found Hiriluk's "true cure, that can heal anything", in the form of cherry blossoms and Nika.
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our-lord-satanas · 2 days
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• The history of Witchcraft.
• Different types of Witches.
• Types of magick.
• Types of spells.
• Types of divination.
• Talismans vs sigils
• Seals.
• Altars.
• Closed/open religions.
• Lucid dreaming and astral projection.
• Spirits.
• Basic Witch supplies.
• Symbols and symbolism.
• Basic Witch supplies.
• The elements.
• Grounding and energy work.
• Herbs and their magick.
• Crystals and their powers.
• Sabbaths.
• Moon phases.
• Energy.
HERBS FOR PROTECTION: agrimony, benzoin, basil, bay leaf, black pepper, catnip, cloves, coriander, dandelion, dill, fennel, hawthorn, holly, lavender, juniper, lilac, marjoram, mugwort, mistletoe, mullein, myrrh, rose, rosemary, rowan, sage, sandalwood, vervain, and wormword.
HERBS FOR HEALING: apple blossom, basil, cayenne pepper, chamomile, cinnamon, cloves, dill, eucalyptus, fennel, feverfew, garlic, ginger, green tea, lavender, lemon balm, mint, orris root, parsley, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, and turmeric.
HERBS FOR GROUNDING: angelica, ashwagandha, basil, black pepper, cedar, cinnamon, chamomile, dandelion, damiana, ginger, hawthorn, hibiscus, kava kava, lavender, lemon balm, mint, oregano, passionflower, rosemary, skullcap, thyme, and valerian.
HERBS FOR PROSPERITY: basil, bay, calendula, cinnamon, chamomile, clover, cloves, comfrey, dandelion, dill, frankincense, ginger, honeysuckle, Irish moss, lemongrass, mint, myrrh, poppy seeds, rose hips, rosemary, sandalwood, star anise, thyme, and verbena.
HERBS FOR LOVE: basil, calendula, carnation, cinnamon, cumin, daisy, fennel, jasmine, lavender, lovage, marjoram, mint, mugwort, oregano, patchouli, rose, rosemary, thyme, vervain, and yarrow.
HERBS FOR CONFIDENCE: bay leaves, cedar, cloves, coconut, ginger, ginseng, hops, honeysuckle, fennel seeds, lemon balm, nutmeg, orris root, peppermint, red clover, rosemary, St. John’s wort, valerian, and yarrow.
CRYSTALS FOR PROTECTION: amethyst, black tourmaline, tumbled tigers eye, smoky quartz, labradorite, obsidian, prehnite, red jasper, leopard skin jasper, hematite, ruby, rainbow tourmaline, turquoise, rose quartz, citrine, snowflake obsidian, black onyx, pyrite, clear quartz, and selenite.
CRYSTALS FOR HEALING: moonstone, sapphire, ruby, green quartz, bloodstone, clear quartz, jasper, obsidian, amethyst, citrine, jade, turquoise, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, emerald, labradorite, opal, green aventurine, fluorite, howlite, black quartz, carnelian, smoky quartz, sodalite, and amazonite.
CRYSTALS FOR GROUNDING: red jasper, smoky quartz, garnet, shungite, tourmaline, hematite, bloodstone, onyx, zebra jasper, petrified wood, hematite, bronzite, moss agate, obsidian, tourmalinated quartz, mookaite, tigers eye, shungite, amethyst, ruby, jet, aragonite, magnetite lodstone, and red calcite.
CRYSTALS FOR PROSPERITY: jade, green adventurine, tigers eye, citrine, pyrite, moss agate, topaz, blue calcite, aventurine, tree agate, malachite, helidor, peridot, and topaz.
keep in mind that each terms explanation is the basic description of that type of witchcraft/magick; each individual witch might be a certain type but define it differently, as their practice may be different from the next witch.
BEGINNER WITCH: a beginner Witch is simply a person who is new to the practice of Witchcraft. Beginner Witchcraft encompasses various beliefs, traditions, and rituals that a person may follow or adopt as they explore and learn more about the craft. Beginner Witchcraft can involve studying various aspects of history and practice, learning about the components and tools used in Witchcraft, practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques, exploring your inner self and capabilities, and integrating spiritual belief systems into your life and practice.
A beginner Witch may have a specific focus or area of interest in their practice, such as tarot reading, crystal healing, herbalism, or spellwork. They may also experiment with various rituals and spells to find their own personal way of practicing. They gather knowledge and read books, so the journey of a beginner Witch is uniquely customizable and transformative, as they learn more about themselves and the world around them through Witchcraft.
FIRE WITCH: a fire Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in utilizing fire as an element or tool in their practice. Fire witches seek to harness the power of fire, using it as a symbolic and spiritual representation of strength, transformation, and creation. They strive to explore the depths of their inner potential and express themselves through the element of fire.
As with any type of Witchcraft, the practice and beliefs of a fire witch can be tailored to the individual. However, some common practices may include spellwork, ritual work with candles and fire, divination, protection work, and exploring the element of fire through meditation and reflection. They tend to work with the energy of fire and the Sun.
EARTH WITCH: an earth Witch is someone whose practice of Witchcraft draws from the energy and power of the earth. They may have a fascination with nature and the natural world, feeling a deep connection to the land and its energies. An earth witch typically incorporates aspects of nature into their practice, drawing inspiration from the animals, plants, and natural elements around them.
Some common practices of an earth Witch may include spellwork, divination, protection, gardening, and working with herbs and other plants. Additionally, an earth Witch may also focus on rituals and celebrations that are connected to the natural cycle of the seasons. They tend to work with elements from nature like moss, herbs, and stones.
WATER WITCH: a water Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in the use of water and its energies for their practice. They strive to harness the mystical and healing qualities of water, using it as a symbol of change and renewal. Water Witches seek to explore the depths of their feelings and emotions, allowing them to flow freely and naturally. They may explore the mysteries of the world through the lens of water.
As with other types of Witchcraft, the practice and beliefs of a water witch can be tailored to the individual. However, some common practices may include spellwork, divination, rituals, protection, and exploring water through meditation and reflections. They tend to work with elements such as seashells, water, and rain.
AIR WITCH: an air Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in the use of air as an element in their practice. Air is representative of freedom, movement, and communication. An air witch aims to explore the depths of their own mental state, seeking to understand the world around them through an empathetic and open-minded perspective. They strive to tap into the power of the mind and imagination, allowing themselves to explore the realm of ideas and possibilities.
Some common practices for an air Witch may include meditation and reflection, divination, spellwork, protection, and learning to navigate through life in a creative way. They tend to work with the wind, smoke, cleansing, and knot magic.
WHITE WITCH: a white Witch is a term that refers to a practitioner of white magic or Witchcraft. White magic is seen as the opposite of black magic, focusing on positive energy and intentions. A white Witch uses their practice and intentions to bring peace, happiness, and protection to others. White Witches typically believe that true power comes from kindness, love, and compassion.
In terms of their practices, white Witches may focus on healing and protection spells, rituals, divination, meditations, prayer, and more. Their intentions are geared towards positivity and kindness, and they seek to create a space of harmony and balance for self and others. They tend to use healing, blessings, charms, and incarnations.
CRYSTAL WITCH: a crystal Witch is a type of spell monger who uses crystals and other stones in their magic. Crystals and gemstones are believed to possess certain metaphysical properties such as energy healing and protection. A crystal Witch may use crystals and other stones to amplify and focus their intention, to protect themselves and others, or to bring specific energies into a spell or ritual. Crystal Witches often have personal relationships with specific stones, carrying them with them as protective talismans or charms.
In addition to spellwork and rituals, a crystal Witch may also employ other metaphysical and spiritual practices involving crystals such as collecting, cleansing, charging, and divination.
FOREST WITCH: a forest Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in working with the energy and power of the forest. Forests are seen as sacred places of rebirth, growth, and renewal, and they hold a connection to the elements and divinity. A forest Witch believes in preserving and cultivating the natural balance and order of the forest, respecting the plants and animals that inhabit it.
In terms of their practices, forest Witches tend to focus on rituals and spellwork that involves forest energy and the forest itself. This may include connecting with nature, seeking guidance and wisdom from the forest spirits, and communicating with plants and animals. Forest Witches may also explore the powers of herbs and natural ingredients, integrating them into their spellwork. They tend to work with plants, animals, trees, herbs, and natural energies.
COSMIC WITCH: cosmic Witches are a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specialize in the energy and power of the cosmos. The cosmos, or the universe, is seen as a source of infinite potential and possibility. Cosmic Witches seek to tap into the energy and power of the cosmos, seeking guidance and enlightenment in the vastness and mystery of the universe. They strive to understand the greater mysteries of life and our place in the universe.
In terms of their practices, cosmic Witches may focus on rituals and spells that involve the cosmos and its energy. They may use divination, spellwork, rituals, meditations, and other spiritual practices to explore the cosmic energies and gain understanding of the universe.
HEDGE WITCH: a hedge Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the land, nature, and herbalism. They see the earth as a source of both energy and wisdom, recognizing its power and potential for healing and protection. Hedge Witches use their magic to connect with the land and its energies, seeking wisdom and enlightenment from the plants and wildlife that inhabit it. They strive to preserve the balance and order of the land, using their craft to protect the environment and advocate for sustainability.
In terms of their practices, hedge Witches typically focus on rituals and spells involving the land, nature, and herbalism. They may use herbs and other natural ingredients in their spellwork, perform rituals in nature, collect and cultivate the land and its energies, and explore the spirituality of the earth and its depths. It's about forging a personal connection with the land and its energies, bringing respect, wisdom, and enlightenment. Aside from herbs and plants, they also tend to work with dirt, soil, rocks and stones, animal bones, animal fat and oils, natural fibers, and other substances found in nature.
PLANT WITCH: plant Witches are a subclass of hedge Witch specialising in working with plants and nature. They focus on utilising the natural energies of the plant kingdom for spellwork, divination, and protection. Plant Witches seek to connect with the plant world and gain insight into the mysteries and power of nature. They strive to forge a deep and personal connection to the land and the plant kingdom, using their craft and intention to heal and protect the environment. They tend to work with soil, dirt, rocks and stones, animal bones, animal fats, essential oils, tinctures, and syrups in their spell work.
GREY WITCH: grey Witches are a unique and eclectic subgroup of Witches who identify with traits from both light and dark magic and incorporate aspects of both into their practices. They seek to find a middle ground between good and evil, light and dark, and order and chaos. Grey Witches recognize both the divinity of the universe as well as its imperfections and grey areas. They strive to walk their own path, seeking wisdom, empowerment, and enlightenment through a balance of light and dark forces.
In terms of their practices, grey Witches may explore both light and dark magic, voodoo-esque magick, chaos magick, using elements of both in their spellwork and rituals, and other esoteric traditions. They tend to work with herbs and plants, crystals and jewelry, candles, oils and perfumes, incense and smoke, rituals and spellwork, tarot and divination, and meditation and reflection.
DIVINATION WITCH: a divination Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specialize in the use of divination in their practice.
Divination, or the art of foretelling the future, is an ancient practice that has been used by cultures around the world for centuries. There are many different forms of divination, including tarot card reading, palm reading, astrology, astrology, numerology, oracle cards, and more.
The practice of divination is driven by the belief that there are hidden depths and energies at work in the world around us. Divination Witches rely on their intuition and powers of perception to tap into these energies and gain insight into the future.
CHAOS / CHAOTIC WITCH: a chaos Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in the use of chaos magick. Chaos magick is an eclectic and experimental approach to magic, drawing from various traditions and teachings. Chaos Witches embrace uncertainty and embrace the random and the unexpected in their spellcasting. They seek to create their own path and experiment with different forms of magick, incorporating elements, techniques, and practices from various traditions. Chaos magick often involves creating unique rituals or spells that may not fit neatly into defined categories.
In terms of their practices, chaos Witches may explore a wide range of magickal and metaphysical practices, including spellwork, rituals, meditation, and more.
HEREDITARY WITCH: hereditary Witches are a type of magical and mystical practitioner who inherit or are born into a family line of Witchcraft. They are typically raised and trained in the craft by their parents, grandparents, or other family members and practice a lineage or tradition of Witchcraft that has been previously established. Hereditary Witch families often have their own unique traditions, practices, and beliefs that are distinctive from other forms of Witchcraft. Hereditary Witches may focus on spells and rituals that are unique to their family or coven, and they may follow a hereditary practice or path that has been passed down through the generations.
GREEN WITCH: a green Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the natural world and plants. They have a deep connection to nature and see the power and potential in the plant kingdom. Green Witches seek to connect with nature and use their craft to heal and protect the environment. They may use their magic to nourish and nurture plants, grow and cultivate gardens, bring balance to their environment, explore the spiritual and metaphysical properties of plants, and more. In essence, green Witches focus on the spiritual and mystical energies of the natural world and seek to work in harmony with it. They tend to work with nurture herbs and plants, explore the metaphysical and spiritual properties of plants, grow and cultivate gardens, utilize organic substances like dirt and soil, explore the properties of essential oils and other plant oils, and more.
LUNAR WITCH: lunar Witches are a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the moon and the lunar cycles. The moon has long been a powerful symbol of the feminine and of magic, and lunar Witches embrace this energy and use it in their practice. Lunar Witches seek to synchronize with the lunar cycles and draw on the power and energy of the moon in their spellwork and rituals. They may use the phases of the moon as a guide in their practices and rituals, and seek to align their actions and intentions with the flow of the moon. They tend to work with herbs and plants that have ties to specific phases of the moon, objects that contain lunar energies (moon water and crystals), natural light sources (candles and fire light), and symbols that represent the phases of the moon (crescents and circles). They also practice divination and astral travel.
SOLITARY WITCH: a solitary Witch is a type of practitioner who practice Witchcraft on their own and follows their own individual path. They do not belong to a coven, family tradition, or established order of witchcraft. Instead, they rely on their own intuition, connection with the natural world, and their personal experience to practice Witchcraft in a solitary setting. Solitary Witches may have various different backgrounds and beliefs, but they are united in their desire to explore and practice Witchcraft in a way that resonates with them. Solitary Witches may focus on their personal development, exploring their own spiritual and metaphysical path without reliance on outside influences. They tend to work with ritual, meditation, divination, spellwork, herbs and oils, candles and firelight, crystals and stones, and divination and tarot cards. They may also explore aspects of spirituality and self-discovery, including prayer and meditation, dreamwork and journaling, exploration of their own psyche and identity, as well as incorporating various other personal beliefs and rituals into their practices.
ECLECTIC WITCH: eclectic Witches are a type of practitioner who blend multiple traditions and practices into their craft. Eclectic Witchcraft is characterized by taking a broad approach to magic, incorporating elements and concepts from various traditions and beliefs. Eclectic Witches may incorporate aspects of nature worship, herb lore and healing, astrology and divination, spellwork, and more. They might pull from various cultural traditions, deities, and symbols to create a unique, individualized and personal practice. Eclectic witches are often drawn to exploring a variety of different perspectives and are open to incorporating new ideas and interpretations into their craft. They incorporate the practices that resonate with them and find balance in a unique, personalized, and tailored approach for their spellwork and rituals.
DEATH WITCH: death Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and exploring the concepts of death and dying. Death Witches see the end of life as a natural part of existence, and seek to embrace it in their practice. They may work in a range of areas related to death, such as end-of-life care, funerary rites, cremation rituals, death positive activism, funeral service provision, and more. Death Witches seek to celebrate and reflect on the essence of life and death, embracing the finity of existence and finding beauty and wisdom in the transition. They tend to work with candles and firelight, flowers and herbs, skulls, bones, ashes, crystals, and water.
SEA WITCH: sea Witches are a type of mystic and magickal practitioner who specialize in the use of the sea and its energies. They seek to connect with the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the sea, exploring the power and potential of its vast depths. Sea Witches may work with the forces of the water, the tides, the tides and the oceans in their spellwork and practices. They may also explore the folklore and mythology of the sea, seeking insight and wisdom from the past.
In terms of their practices, sea witches may incorporate elements such as herbs, water, bones, sea weed, beach sand, driftwood, crystals and stones, candle and firelight, seashells and other ocean objects.
DREAM WITCH: a dream Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and exploring the realm of dreams. Dreams have long been seen as a mystical and metaphysical space, a world in which the veil between the conscious and unconscious is thin. Dream Witches seek to tap into the spiritual and metaphysical energies of dreams, seeking insight and wisdom from this realm. They may use dreamwork techniques and methods to explore the world of dreams, draw upon the potential of dreaming, and incorporate these experiences into their broader magickal practices. Dream witches may utilize various rituals, spells, and practices related to dreaming.
STORM / WEATHER WITCH: storm/weather Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and controlling the forces of weather. They see the weather as a powerful, metaphysical force that can be manipulated and used to one's own advantage. Storm Witches seek to exert their control over the elements of nature, manipulating the weather to achieve their goals or purposes. They may also explore the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the weather, seeing it as a gateway to the cosmos or a way to communicate with spirits and deities.
In terms of their practices, storm/weather Witches may use rituals, spells, and prayers to manipulate and control the weather. They may call upon the storms, call on spirits and deities associated with the weather, create rituals that incorporate weather magic, seek protection from the elements, and more. They may also make use of ingredients and objects associated with the weather, such as rain or snow water, lightning rods, and crystals.
COTTAGE / HEARTH WITCH: cottage/hearth Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the domestic, everyday, and home-based aspect of witchcraft. Cottage Witches see the household and the home as a sacred space that can be a source of power, healing, and protection. They focus on creating a safe and cozy environment in their home, embracing the warmth and comfort of the hearth and the hearth fire. Cottage Witches seek to connect with the metaphysical and esoteric aspects of the home, harnessing the power of their space and the items within it.
KITCHEN WITCH: a kitchen Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of food, cooking, and kitchen magick to accomplish their spiritual and metaphysical endeavors. Kitchen Witches see the kitchen as a sacred space, and the act of cooking and preparing food as a profound and ritualistic activity. They seek to harness the power of food and nourishment, embracing the life-giving and nurturing aspects of cooking and eating. Kitchen Witches may incorporate various ingredients and tools into their practices, using herbs, spices, and baking ingredients for spellwork and rituals. They may also explore culinary and cooking traditions, creating special recipes and meals for magical occasions.
TEA WITCH: a variant of kitchen/cottage Witch; tea Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of tea and the art of tea-making in their spellwork and practices. Tea Witches see the act of making and drinking tea as a powerful metaphysical tool, a way to connect with the natural world and enhance one's spirituality. They may use various types of tea leaves and ingredients to imbue their tea with metaphysical and energetic properties. Tea Witches incorporate tea into their rituals and spellwork, using it as a medium for blessings and messages, and a way to align with the elements and cycles of nature.
GARDEN WITCH: garden Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with gardens and the natural world. They see the garden as a sacred space, a source of enlightenment and healing. Garden Witches seek to create a harmonious and nurturing space, cultivating plants and herbs, harnessing the energy of the earth and its nature, and embracing the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the garden. They may explore the interconnectedness between the garden and the cycle of life, using it as a platform for spiritual and magickal practices. Garden Witches may incorporate a variety of components and elements into their spellwork and rituals, such as herbs and flowers. They are also closely related to the Green Witch.
TECH WITCH: tech Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of technology and the digital realm in their spell work and practices. Tech Witches see the internet and the technological realm as a powerful metaphysical tool, a way to expand their own knowledge and wisdom. They seek to embrace the power and potential of technology, leveraging its capabilities to connect with spirit spaces, access metaphysical knowledge, and enhance and improve their spellwork. They may use different forms of technology in their practice, including laptops, digital sigils, tablets, an online/digital BoS and/or Grimoire, phones, virtual realities, and more.
ELEMENTAL WITCH: elemental Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the elemental energies and forces of nature and/or afterlife. They see the four or five elements as a foundational aspect of existence, and seek to harness and balance their energies to achieve desired outcomes. Elemental Witches seek to connect with Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit, exploring the different aspects of each element and utilizing them in their spellwork and rituals. They may utilize various rites and practices associated with the four elements, such as meditation, prayer, incense, candles, herbs, and more. Elemental Witches may also have a particular affinity for one element, and concentrate on connecting with it. They typically work with magick that is worked by honouring/acknowledging the 4 or all 5 elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Commonly an Elementalist will dedicate different areas of their altars to each element, call upon them during spells and rituals, and use symbols to represent each.
FLORA WITCH: much like a Green or Garden Witch, flora Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the metaphysical and spiritual potential of flowers, herbs, and plants. Flora Witches see flowers and plants as sacred beings, and seek to connect with their energies and properties. They may work with various herbs and flowers in their spellwork, rituals, and practices, drawing upon their metaphysical virtues to enhance their own spiritual growth, balance out and restore energies, attract beneficial energies, and more. Flora Witches may incorporate elements of gardening, cultivation, and nature preservation into their practices, creating a harmonious and healthy balance of natural energy.
URBAN PRIMATIVE / CITY WITCH: urban primative/city Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the practice of Witchcraft in urban and city environments. They see the city as a space overflowing with energy, vibrations, and metaphysical forces, as well as the unique, modern, and powerful elements that only a city can provide. Urban primatives seek to tap into this energy and harness it in their rituals, spellwork, and practices. They may explore the metaphysical aspects of the urban space, as well as the cultural, sociological, and anthropological aspects of it. This type of Witchcraft may incorporate elements such as urban architecture and design, street art, and technological infrastructure.
FAERY / FEY WITCH: faery/fey Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the realms of the Faeries and the fey. Faeries are a common part of magical, spiritual, and metaphysical beliefs, described as a race of mystical, mischievous beings that inhabit a realm or plane of existence between the mortal world and the spiritual realm. Fey Witches seek to explore the realms of the faeries, build relationships with them, give thanks, and harness their power and energy. They may utilize various faerie folklore and mythology in their practices, including offerings, rituals and spellwork, and connection with their energy.
SPIRIT-WORKING WITCH: spirit-working Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with spirits and the metaphysical realm. They seek to build relationships with the spiritual world and draw upon its energies and knowledge for personal growth and enlightenment. Spirit-working Witches may engage in various practices, including rituals, spells, communing with the spirits, divination, and more. They may work with different spirits and entities, engaging in communication with them and learning from them. Spirit-working Witches may also connect to their own energies and higher self, seeking to explore their own spirituality and consciousness.
DRACONIAN WITCH: draconian Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the energies of draco or dragon magic. Draco is a term used to refer to the divine or elemental energy of dragons, and is thought to possess powerful, protective, and transcendent energies. Draconian Witches seek to build a connection with this energy and draw upon its power in their practices. They may incorporate elements of draconic magic, imagery, and worship in their spellwork, rituals, and practices. Some might see this work as a form of worship, while others may approach it as a form of energy work.
SEASONAL WITCH: seasonal Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the cycles of the seasons and the metaphysical powers associated with them. They see the changes of the seasons as a profound and powerful aspect of nature, and seek to harness and tap into this power in their practices. They may explore the different meanings and symbols associated with the season, as well as its metaphysical aspects and potential. Seasonal Witches may use various methods to tie their practices to the seasons, such as rituals and spell-work that relate to the time of year, incorporating elements of nature and seasonal folklore into their craft.
PAPER WITCH: a paper Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of paper and written word in their practices. This includes using journal-keeping, creating spellwork and enchantments on paper, burning paper written with sigils, chants, symbols or spells, and utilizing papercrafts in spellwork and rituals. Paper Witches may also incorporate their own written works, such as poetry, short stories, manifestos, and more, into their practices. They see paper and the written word as a potent metaphysical medium, and seek to harness its power for their practice. Their craft may be focused on a specific purpose, such as writing for healing, protection, or manifestation.
MUSIC WITCH: a music Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of music and sound in their spellwork and practices. They see the metaphysical power and influence of music and sound to connect with the spiritual realms. Music Witches may include various types of music in their rituals and spellwork, from folk songs and folk music to modern and contemporary music. They may also use musical instruments, such as drums, chimes, bells, triangle, flutes, and more, to connect with the divine and the metaphysical. A music Witch's craft may centre around a certain type of music, genre, rhythm (humming, chapping, singing chants, during spells, or mood.
ANIMAL WITCH: a variant of a Green Witch; animal Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with animals and the metaphysical power of the animal kingdom in their spellwork and practices. They see the animal kingdom as a vast and powerful realm, with a deep connection to nature and the spiritual world. Animal Witches may incorporate various animal spirits into their ritual work, seek to form partnerships and bonds with animals, and use their own connection to animals and animals they encounter to enhance their spells and spellwork. Their craft may involve a variety of rituals and spellworks, as well as techniques such as animal communication, psychic connection, or animal divination. Some animal Witches may also use bones, wings, feathers, skin, fins, scales, (etc) from deceased animals in their magick, if they choose to do so.
SANGUINE WITCH: meaning “blood” or “blood red colour” in Latin, a type of magick that deals with blood or other life living fluid. Sanguine Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in working with blood magic. Sanguine magic is the use of blood and other bodily fluids in ritual practice and spellwork. Sanguine Witches seek to harness the power and life-force of blood, the essence and essence of life itself, for healing, protection, or manifestation purposes. They may use blood from their own body or the bodies of others in their rituals and spellwork, as well as working with menstrual blood, animal blood, and other bodily fluids. Sanguine Witchcraft may also incorporate elements of vampirism.
EMBROIDERY / SEWING / KNIT WITCH: embroidery/Sewing/Knit Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of embroidery, sewing, knitting, quilting, and other textile arts in their spellwork and practices. They see embroidery, sewing, knitting, and other fabric arts as an artistic medium, a way to express and create. They may incorporate embroidery or cross-stitch patterns into their ritual work, use knot or chord magick and knitting in their spellwork, or create quilts and handmade items for spiritual purposes. They might also use sewing for healing, protection, or manifestation, by mending or creating new clothes.
SIGIL WITCH: a sigil Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in the use of sigils in their spellwork. Sigils are symbolic symbols or icons that represent an intent that a practitioner seeks to manifest in their work. Sigils may be simple or complex, handwritten or designed digitally, and may contain all forms of symbols, shapes, and images. A sigil Witch seeks to create sigils by meditating or channeling an intent, and then charging the sigil with energy through specific techniques. Sigils are then used in various ritual practices, such as casting circles, protection spells, and spell jars.
ART / CRAFT WITCH: an art/craft Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in the use of art, crafts, and creative expression in their spellwork and practices. Art/craft Witches see the creative process as a sacred and powerful act of expression and connection. They seek to incorporate various artistic and creative mediums, such as painting, drawing, writing, needlework, sculpture, and more, into their rituals and spellwork in order to manifest their intentions and desires. Some may also seek to incorporate elements of intuition, inspiration, and intuition into their practices. Their craft may include a wide variety of artistic practices and expressions.
BONE WITCH: witches who commonly collect, clean, and use animal bones in their magickal practice. Bone Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with bones and other remains in their spellwork and practices. Bones are a potent symbol of death, death and rebirth, and transformation, and can hold a deep metaphysical and spiritual significance. Bone Witches seek to harness this metaphysical power for various purposes, such as healing, protection, and manifestation. They may collect and use bones from various sources, including animals, humans, or even fossils (all respectfully), in their rituals. They may also integrate bone art and carving into their practices, as well as utilize specific techniques such as bone readings and bone divination.
ASTRONOMY WITCH: astronomy Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the skies and celestial energies in their spellwork and practices. They see the stars, planets, comets, and other celestial phenomenon as a connection to the metaphysical realm and the divine. Astronomy Witches seek to harness the energy and power of astronomy and celestial phenomena to enhance and strengthen their own metaphysical energy. They may incorporate celestial energies by monitoring planetary cycles, using astrological charts and interpretations, and observing comets, meteor showers, etc. They may also use celestial imagery and iconography in rituals and spellwork.
ENERGY WITCH: energy Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the energetic realms and metaphysical forces rather than physical tools or materials in their spellwork and practices. They see energy as a fundamental aspect of existence, spanning all dimensions and forms, from physical to spiritual to metaphysical. Energy witches seek to harness and manipulate this energy, to create and connect with their own metaphysical energy. They may incorporate various methods and techniques into their craft, including meditation, visualization, breathwork, and energy work. Their practice may also include utilizing different types of energies, such as life force, aura work, healing energy, and spiritual energy, depending on desired outcome.
LITERARY WITCH: a literary Witch is a practitioner who specialize in using literature, books, and the power of words in their spellwork and practices. Literary Witches see words and language as a fundamental aspect of existence, the foundation of human communication and expression. They focus on the power and potential of the written word, seeking to embrace their own creativity and literary abilities. They may write their own spells and rituals, and include literary references and imagery in their practices. Their craft may also include writing poetry and songs, or incorporating symbolic, literary, and mythological characters and elements in their work. Also a term used to describe Witches in stories, books, or movies.
• Start a lunar diary.
• Keep a dream diary.
• Write your spells.
• Astrology meanings.
• Write your rituals.
• Record rituals.
• Tarot meanings.
• Magickal correspondences.
• Crystal meanings.
• Your natal chart info.
• Herbs.
• Deities.
• Crystals.
• Recipes.
• Faeries.
• Elements.
• Mediation.
• Moon phases.
• Casting a circle.
• Full moon names.
• Wheel of the Year.
• History of Witchcraft.
DAWN: spells of study, business, employment, healing, and travel. Preform rituals of purification and to bless new beginnings.
NOON: spells of strength, courage, protection, success, opportunity, and money issues.
SUNSET: spells for release, letting go of illness, heart break, and failure. Banish misery and pain. Perform rituals for breaking addictions and negative habits.
NIGHT: spells for enhance self development. Psychic dreams, awareness, divination, spirituality, love, peace, healing of old wounds, and releasing stress.
• Pentacle.
• Solar cross.
• Mars symbol.
• Hamsa.
• Eye of Horus.
• Triquetra.
• Pentagram.
• Bindrune.
• Hexagram of Solomon.
• Crossed spear.
• Black obsidian.
• Clove.
• Black pepper.
• Rosemary.
• Dragons blood incense.
• Garlic.
• Cinnamon.
• Basil.
• Black candles.
• Tourmaline.
• Bay leaf.
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violettadecalda · 1 year
Elements: Air Edition
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About the air element: The air element is linked to things such as divination, concentration, visualization, and prophecy. Air teaches us how to hone our scattered energy and focus it toward what we want. It teaches us to use our intention. Air can be a big cleanser and also a big charger. Just stand outside for a few momenrs on a windy day, letting it blow around you and play through your hair, and you will feel renewed.
Air in magic: The air element is often used in combination with smoke, feathers, trees, flowers, and plants. It is common to use the air element in both spells that require letting go, and in spells that bring you new information. After all, rumors can travel on the wind. Aromatherapy, hanging objects up, playing the flute or other woodwind instruments, and tossing things to the wind are all examples of using the air element in magic.
Forms of air include: wind, still air, breath, vibrations
Some air spirits include: Sylphs, zephyrs, faeries
Color: Yellow
Direction: East
Tools: Censer, athame, sword, wand
Tarot suit: Swords
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Air in daily life: The most obvious form of air in our daily lives is the air that we breathe. Everyone does it, everyone needs it. Speaking requires the element of air as well, as it carries the vibrations of our voices. We use air to cool off, and every time we look up at the clouds in the sky, we are interacting with the air element.
Air in the home: Similarly to how fire is used to keep our homes warm, air is used to keep them cool. Whether you are opening a window, turning on a fan, using an air conditioner, or fanning yourself with the playbill for your little brother's school performance of Legally Blonde in the stuffy auditorium, you are using air to cool yourself down. Air can also be very healing. How many times have you stepped outside to get some fresh air and take in the breeze while you were feeling sick?
Air in the kitchen: Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some cooking methods that utilize the air element. Perhaps the most common is drying, whether you are drying meat for jerkey or herbs for tea. Then there is cooking with convection heat, which is growing more popular, or cooking with microwaves. Also popular, as seen by the amount of fizzy beverages and whipped toppings available, is carbonation and aeration. There are several foods and ingredients associated with the air element, including~
Almond, anise, bamboo, brazil nut, caraway, chicory, dandelion, endive, hazel, hops, lavender, lime, mace, maple, marjoram, mint, mulberry, parsley, pecan, sage, acorn squash, artichoke, bitter melon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel, okra, rhubarb, spaghetti squash, alfalfa, cannelini beans, lima beans, mung beans, celery seed, chamomile, rosemary, scallions, amaranth, puffed rice, rye, apple, apricot, blackberry, currants, lingonberry, pear, pineapple, tamarind, pomegranate, black tea, chocolate, coffee, white vinegar, cabbage, celery, grape leaves, mustard greens, daikon, sunchoke, parsnip, hibiscus, macadamia nuts, walnuts, stevia
Herbs associated with air: Frankincense*, myrrh*, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow, dill, clove, acacia, aspen, beech, benzoin*, bodhi, bracken, bromeliad, clover, fern, goldenrod, horehound, houseleek, mistletoe*, papyrus, pine, slippery elm, tobacco, rose petals
Stones associated with air: Fluorite, moonstone, turquoise, amethyst, rhodochrosite, topaz, pumice, alexandrite
Animals associated with air: Doves, hawks, eagles, foxes, turtles, ravens, spiders
Incense: Lavender, lemon balm, linden, frankincense, myrrh, violet, anise, chicory, mace, pine
Air on the altar ideas: yellow feathers, feathers in general, bird imagery, incense, censer, bells, flute, objects hanging above the altar
Divination with the air element: Nephomancy, austromancy, alveromancy, feather divination
Air work for spoonies:
Open up the window to watch the sky
Collect feathers or scatter them to the breeze
Keep a handheld fan nearby for when you need to create a breeze of your own
If you dont have your own windchimes, ring bells or listen to recordings of chimes on your phone
Use yellow pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Hang beads or ribbons in your window
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
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Rosmarinus officinalis
Known as: compass weed, dew of the sea, elf leaf, guardrobe, incsensier, labonotis, Mary's cloak, polar plant, sea dew, stella maria & star of the sea.
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae that includea basil, mint, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender & perilla. As well as other herbs such as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga, and oriental motherwort. 
Parts used: Leaves, roots, sprigs & essential oils from the flowers.
Habitat and cultivation: This evergreen  shrub is native to the Mediterranean Portugal, and northwestern Spain.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zone 6 with occasional winter protection & zones 7-10
Harvest: Anytime but avoid taking more than 1/3 of the plant when you do.
Planting tips: Rosemary has a low germination rate and slow to sprout, try using cuttings or buy from a nursery if you have problems. Keep in full sun with a well drainer container & let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Medicinal information: Over the years rosemary was used to relieve muscle pain, repelling insects, improve memory, boost the immune system & promote hair growth.
Cautions: While safe, ingesting excessive amounts of rosemary can be dangerous and lead to vomiting, coma & pulmonary edema.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Elves, sea spirits & Virgin Mary
Magickal uses:
•Place in dream pillows to prevent nightmares
• Burn as an incense to purify & remove negativity
• Hang above your doorways to drive away unwanted visitors
• Add to a ritual bath for cleansing & removing hexes
• Use as a substitute for frankincense
• Plant in your garden to attract fae
• Carry a sprig to protect against the evil eye
• Keep under your bed to ensure fidelity & a happy relationship
• Wash your hands with a rosmary infusion before healing magick to increase potency
• Wear in a satchet or amulet to improve memory recall & improved health
• In Italian folk magic, it is cooked with to alleviate sadness  grief
• Rosemary may be used as incense at rituals of death and dying. It may be cast upon the coffin when it is slowly lowered into the burial place. With this we will all remember with love and fondness the one who is passing into another life, and thus we will also remember that we inhabit mortal bodies as we walk through the earth
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excelsior9173 · 5 months
Sleep Oil?
Ok so Sleep Prayer Oil (yes from sleep token)??
-olive oil for the vibes, I usually use grape seed as a carrier, but the vibes of olive oil are what I’m feeling for this.
-Pachouli (sleep aid, and also VERY sensual)
-Mugwort (for astral/dream work)
-Lemon Balm (love, dreamwork, healing)
-Lavender (sleep aid, but intense dreams)
-rosemary (creativity)
-peppermint essential oil (money/prosperity)
-Grapefruit essential oil (mental clarity)
Ok, so here is my list, copy pasted from my notes app so that is why the formatting and wording is all weird lol, of all the herbs and oils I’d include in a sleep prayer oil, and all my reasonings.
But I freaking. Listen, I don’t believe sleep is a real god, but when I was like ‘what would I put in this’ my mind kept going back to rosemary, and I was like ‘why tho?’ And the first thing that popped up when I searched for herbs for creativity was rosemary and I just said ‘ok. Sleep wants that in there’.
I cant make this rn, cause… I am not uhhh ‘practicing’ (my practice is gathering knowledge until I can move out), but I want to 🤣. I wonder if I could get by with substituting lemon oil for lemon balm, cause I have access to essential oils, but not herbs and putting them jars lol. I could honestly say this was a blend for seizures and I wouldn’t even be completely lying….. I’d actually just have to buy the patchouli and mugwort 🤣🤣🤣…. I’m so tempted. I’ll let you know if I do it or not😂 or maybe I just leave out the mugwort and patchouli for right now? I feel like the others have everything covered, but the first two where more like the pa-pow of the oil, idk if this makes since? Like those are the main two and if I was making this for real, I would do only a little bit of the other ingredients, and a lot of the main two, but if I’m not including them I’d do more of the others…. Fuck it I’m gonna end up making this, oops. (But probably with grape seed oil, since this is an essential oil blend… I’ll be back with more notes I’m so sorry).
Edit: this just keeps getting longer longer sorry; went to gather the oils, realized we do indeed have patchouli! But not rosemary… thinking of substituting oregano for rosemary…. And maybe clary sage for mugwort?? Hmmm. Lots of thoughts. Same associations for both things as the list above… ok I have to be done now I’ll come back and tell you if it smells good in a different ask lmao.
Sorry for info dumping to you about a silly little oil, but I was having fun with it.
What would go in your version of it, if you don’t mind me asking👀 I know you said you where doing your own research on it, and I’m curious🥰.
i have sat on this for waaaayyyyy toooo long but university was absolutely kicking my ass for the last… month and a half? idk i was going through it for a hot minute 😅
but! finally getting to tuck into some research now that i’m done school for the term and have a quiet day at work. (this is gonna get hella long cuz i’m having a lot of fun researching and i’m gonna use this as a sounding board a bit as i read)
so! first thing i’m learning is that intention is a huge part of this (i knew the intention part already, part and parcel with working with tarot!)
i think given that sleep is introduced to us as some sort of deity, i would probably make a ritual anointing oil.
the carrier oil itself is another question. i think since sleep feels like a deity not easy to commune with (the intensity and allegory in the music makes me think that, if we were worshipping a true god, conversing with sleep takes a toll on the devotee). with this in mind i think grapeseed oil might make a decent base. it is a good choice for anything used to anoint the body (which i feel would be part of this ritual oils use, if we must dream to encounter sleep then anointing the body makes the most sense to me!) and it is ruled by the moon and water element- making it very fitting for sleep token! grapeseed oil is also useful for blends that intend to boost/strengthen mental abilities (it also helps with fertility magic and given the lyrical content at times- seems somewhat fitting) another useful aspect for a ritual for sleep. i do like the vibes of olive oil as well, and it’s a very versatile ingredient but i don’t think i’d like feeling it on my skin so grapeseed it is! (also my local magick shop has grapeseed oil so easy for me to obtain lol)
now the fun part- the essential oils!
(i’m realizing as i write this that i need to purchase a grimoire so i can start recording my research and recipes…)
so this part has taken me a lot longer to fiddle with, not only finding the right associations but also smells i enjoy, but i think I’ve got it!
- sandalwood (its grounding, promotes inner peace, aphrodisiac) [i went back and forth here between sandalwood and cedar, same associations but i prefer the scent of sandalwood]
- lavender (promotes sleep, reduces stress, pretty straightforward lol)
- patchouli (grounding, sharpens your wit, good for prayer work) [loooove the smell too, i’d do anything to naturally smell like patchouli lol, hippy association be damned]
- mugwort (astral projection, lucid/prophetic dreams, meditation)
- lemon balm (love, healing, astral projection, it also amplifies the effects of other herbs)
- clary sage (vivid dreams, divination)
i keep going back and forth on whether or not to add clove, it’s another aphrodisiac and also good for treating insomnia so i think it would fit? but i’m not 100% sure on it yet lol. my familiarity with essential oils and herbs is very minimal
but yeah! now to get the oils and mix. not sure exactly how the mix will come about, will need some trial and error with it i think! again, sorry this took me so long but here we are! finally i did it!
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the-occult-lounge · 3 months
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> Before we adopted the Latin name for our second month, Old English used much more vibrant names to describe the month now known as February. The most common Old English name was Solmonath, which literally means “mud month.” (https://www.dictionary.com/e/february/)
> A lesser-used term was Kale-monath, which meant “cabbage month.” Perhaps, the medieval English were eating a lot of cabbage in February? Strange. (https://www.dictionary.com/e/february/)
Once February became an official month its name was changed. It was derived from the Roman festival of purification called Februa. In funny fashion the festival also gave birth to the Roman deity Februus. What is also interesting to note is that January and February were added months. Originally the calendar year was only 10 months but in 700BCE they were added by the second king of Rome to make the year match up more with how long it takes the Earth to complete it's rotation around the sun.
𝔽𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤
⚘ Animals: otter, unicorn, dragon, groundhog, deer, sheep, hares, rabbits
⚘ Birds: eagle, chicadee, robin
⚘ Celebrations: Imbolc (Feb 2), Candlemas (Feb 2), Disablot (Feb 2), Februa (Feb 15), Valisblot (Feb 9), Lupercalia (Feb 15), Parentalia (Feb 13-21), Quirinalia (Feb 17), Equirria (Feb 27), Fornicalia (Feb 17)
⚘ Colors: light blue, violet, pale green, black, red, pink
⚘ Deities: Alhrodite, Juno, Mars, Brighid, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Sjofn, Apollo, Boann, Chang-O, Parvati, Venus, Shakti, Bast, Selene, Hebe, Eros, Pan, Branwen
⚘ Element: air, water
⚘ Flowers: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard, primrose, viola, snowdrop
⚘ Gender: neutral
⚘ Herbs: cypress, cinnamon, lavender, patchouli, lemon, orange, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, ginger, clove, frankincense, ylang ylang, palma rosa, bay, mint, nettles, rosemary, thyme, oregano, balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage and basil.
⚘ Magick Areas: purification, growth, healing, energy, self-love, accepting responsibility, self-forgiveness, making future plans, astral realm, banishing, beginning, empowerment, fertility
⚘ Moons: Snow Moon (Dakota), Racoon Moon (Dakota), Eagle Moon (Cree), Bear Moon (Ojibwe), Black Bear Moon (Tlingit), Groundhog Moon (Algonquin), Goose Moon (Haida), Bony Moon (Cherokee), Hungry Moon (Cherokee)
⚘ Sabbat: Imbolc (Feb 1-2)
⚘ Scents: wisteria, heliotrope
⚘ Spirits: house faeries (home and house plants)
⚘ Stones: amethyst, ammolite, angelite, garnet, jasper, imperial topaz, onyx, aquamarine, fluorite, turquoise, ruby, bloodstone, moonstone, obsidian, pearl and quartz
⚘ Trees: rowan, myrtle, laurel, cedar, cypress
⚘ Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
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Breaking down the comics: Dreams and knowing oneself (Issue 22)
Moon Knight, Issue 22: The Dream Demon / Moon Over Alamein
Another double feature guys!**
Also LOOK AT THIS COVER. They've dug this cover up SO many times because it's just that amazing! LOOK AT IT. 
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Bill Sienkiewicz ate his wheaties that day. 
….Why does Steven have a bent club with nails in it? Steven… Sir… 
Alright. Dream demon Morpheus is back. 
Moon Knight had his regular villains back in the day. Morpheus was one of them. A man that can affect the mind and cause nightmares. 
An interesting villain to a hero that comes with his own traumas, nightmares, and mental health problems. 
We open to see a man having a bad dream. 
"Unlike the beneficial effects of normal dreaming, the shroud of pavor nocturnus holds no soothing psychic balm. Rather, night terrors are profoundly disturbing to the slumbering psyche. Indeed, clinical sleep research has shown the phenomenon to be completely unrelated to ordinary dreaming, and thus the antithesis of subconscious healing." 
That's a long way to say that not getting enough sleep or dreaming normally can mess with you and cause even the most mentally stable to crack. 
It depicts a man who is in the throws of a night terror. In fact, it tells us that this man is Peter Alraune! 
We met him before. 
The narration comes on to talk about how night terrors are typical for children of a certain age and that they are characterized by abrupt awakenings and little recollection of the dream-like experience. 
But Peter remembers his nightmare. "He's after me...Coming to get me... He's after me. Morpheus is after my very soul!"
Meanwhile, in New York, we see a taxi cab cruising the streets. "Aimlessly without a fare, yet ignoring all potential riders." 
Jake is restless, getting a strange feeling that he needs to check on Morpheus. Oddly specific feeling. 
So he dons the Moon Knight cowl and heads up to the research facility where Morpheus is being kept and checks in on him. 
Morpheus is sound asleep, but then two janitors pop in to mop the place. 
The older Janitor explains who Morpheus is to the younger janitor. How Alraune gave him experimental drugs that left Morpheus mutated and unable to sleep or dream. 
Turns out that the research facility dopes Morpheus up each night to help him release his bent up dream energy to keep it from going off the walls again. 
However, according to the expose janitor, Morpheus is getting resistant to the drugs so they have started using something new to help him dream. 
Moon Knight figures that Morpheus is taken care of, so he's about to leave when suddenly he's attacked by someone in the shadows! 
Just as Moon Knight is about to finish off the shadow guy he suddenly sees Marlene falling off the roof! 
Just as he gets to the roof edge, he realizes that Marlene isn't there! But the shadow figure instead pushes him off the building! 
Moon Knight does what he does best and lays on the ground in a daze for a moment. 
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Figuring he's exhausted, he decides to change back to Lockley and head over to Gena's for breakfast. 
Jake complains to Gena and Crawley about his hallucination or waking dream. 
Crawley tells Jake about how dreams are hallucinations and that in some cultures that dreams are as good as reality. 
I just want to say that in these pannels it's so wonderful to see Jake in his element. The diner, the friends, and drinking his bad coffee. Gena even remarks that she made his eggs just how he likes them "Runny". 
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Anyways, Jake takes off, still feeling ill at ease. 
Samuels, the butler, meets Jake outside and tells him to use the garage entrance, as someone is visiting. Marlene's brother, Peter! 
Jake takes off running to quickly change. 
"Being four people ain't easy... And between Lockley, Spector, and Grant, not to mention Moon Knight, it gets downright scarey. In fact, my biggest fear is that whichever personal I adopt, It'll be somehow destroyed by the other three..." 
OKAY. Let's... Take a moment to look at that. 
It's hard to say who is speaking here. Jake was the one that arrived at the house, but he's in the process of switching out to deal with Marlene and her brother. In this moment, he should be going to Steven, as this is Steven's area. But sometimes in between changes, we see Marc when he's alone. 
But is this a fear of all of them? That somehow they will be deemed unacceptable and destroyed by the others? 
I think this might be a realistic worry that some part of them is seen as not needed and gotten rid of. Perhaps it is Steven who worries that his lavish dealings are not needed. Or Jake who struggles to live his own life with his friends. Or even Marc who hates his life so much that he often self-destructs. 
Marelene interrupts their musings, calling for Steven to come calm her brother down. 
Peter is down in the library having his own little nervous breakdown. 
Peter explains to Steven that he keeps having recurring dreams that Morpheus is coming for him. The night terrors are getting so bad that he's growing physically ill. 
He worries that he himself is growing to be more like Morpheus due to his lack of proper sleep and dreams. That he might mutate and become the monster too. 
Peter has started to study Oneirology (the study of dreams) and sleep science. He believes that dreams and the hormones and chemicals around dreams are the key to things like ESP and telekinesis and the likes. 
Peter describes a dream he has of Morpheus waiting outside his window before shattering it. He then wakes to find the window intact, but a glass he left next to the window broken without cause. 
Steven sends Marelene and her brother up to their vacation home in Maine to get some rest, driven by Frenchie. He has his own research to do. 
But as Frenchie drives, Peter falls asleep and suddenly Frenchie is hallucinating a giant monster in the road! He swerves to avoid it and crashes. 
Meanwhile, Moon Knight is up visiting Morpheus again, checking him fully this time to see if he's really dreaming. 
The shadowy figure shows up again and attacks him from behind! 
Moon Knight gets in a good hit and the figure flees. 
This time, Moon Knight gives chase! 
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He’s in for a good time. 
I love how he’s drawn when he’s startled or confused. A blank face in darkness but those little eyes still give away SO MUCH. 
He dreams of a New York blasted to rubble by a nuke. 
Also of a weird gruff clown that asks him how Marlene is. 
Moon Knight takes it in stride. 
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I can’t stress enough how well Moon Knight has always dealt with things like this. Odd things that don’t make sense. Things that might make other people freak out or realize something is wrong. He just takes it as it’s presented to him and goes about his merry business. 
This is an extreme coping mechanism for someone used to dealing with extreme stress, trauma, survival, and also just weird things. 
In the tunnel, Moon Knight comes across models in bikini's being judged by men in top hats in innertubes in a pool. 
One of the ladies declares Moon Knight to be her "white knight" and asks to be rescued. He just kinda shruggs and goes "Sure--Right this way." 
And then he's attacked by large screaming bats. 
"Into that tunnel up ahead! Bats hate caves!" 
Yeah... this... this is gonna get weirder people. 
Then the model he's rescuing turns into Marlene, complaining about Bloomingdales to Steven. 
A huge snake appears and attacks him. 
Marlene declares that she can take care of it. She walks into the snake's mouth and uh... I'm not sure what this is supposed to imply but I’m sure it implies something.
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 And just like that, he wakes up in a subway on the tracks with a train heading right to him! 
He dives out of the way just in time and finds the shadow man still running from him. 
It would seem that even in his dream state, he still managed to chase the man. 
"I've got to overcome these bizarre dream attacks [...] But I can't just give up and let this guy get away! Got to risk the dreams--Try to stop him before I"m lost in that nightmare world again!" 
He momentarily gets the best of the shadow man when suddenly he finds his worst nightmare. 
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I adore this art. The reaction. THe hand. The difference in style with the three of them. 
It also further points to my theory that Moon Knight is his own alter. He is not Marc, Jake, or Steven. Maybe he isn’t a fully realized alter and not fully self aware of being his own person, but he really is his own person. 
Now we get to see how Moon Knight himself deals with the trio. His different views on them and how he thinks they might see him and themselves. 
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As sad as it is, I’m cheering because this is the first time Moon Knight has declared himself his OWN person. “I’m Me! I’m Moon Knight!” He has gained self recognition! 
But what does this mean for him and the others? 
Moon Knight breaks free of the dream and finds himself beating up a store manikin in a street. He looks up in time to see Lockley’s cab careening down the street towards him being driven by the shadow man! 
He makes work of the crescent darts and gives the cab a flat tire (Lockley's gonna be pissed later). 
The cab crashes into a light pole. 
The shadow man attacks him again and Moon Knight attempts to fight off the dreams. 
He uses his crescent dart to stab himself in the leg to attempt to wake himself up! 
He stabs himself over and over again as he fights off the shadow man. 
He knocks the shadow man down. 
Cut back to Peter, Marlene, and Frenchie! An ambulance has arrived to the scene of the car crash! 
But Peter is missing! The ambulance driver informs them that they didn't find another passenger and only them! 
Moon Knight unmasks the shadow man only to find PETER! 
"The man who's been trying to kill me for two nights running is Marlene's brother-- Peter Alraune!" 
Back at the research facility, the two janitors run into a very much awake Morpheus! 
Turns out the drugs they were forcing into him to help him dream was only making him stronger till he linked up with Peter and gave Peter the ability to induce dreams and use him as a pawn! 
Oh no! A Cliffhanger! 
This one is really something else! The fear of the other alters trying to make him go away. The declaration of Moon Knight being his own person. The art and the weird dreams! 
**This is going to be a multi-parter as I’m going to review the next one then come back and do the mini story! Stay tuned for part two! 
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
Taking What You Need: A Guide to Finding Comfort, Hope, and Inspiration
Shaina Tranquilino February 24, 2024
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At times, we find ourselves yearning for something more—whether it's comfort in moments of distress, hope in times of despair, or inspiration to propel us forward. The key lies in recognizing our needs and actively seeking what is necessary for our well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of taking what you need, be it comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, peace, or any other essential element that contributes to a fulfilling life.
Recognizing Your Needs: Before embarking on the journey of taking what you need, it's crucial to identify and acknowledge your emotions and desires. Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? Do you lack motivation or hope for the future? Understanding your needs is the first step towards addressing them.
Seeking Comfort: Comfort acts as a soothing balm during challenging times. Whether it's through the support of loved ones, engaging in self-care activities, or finding solace in a comforting routine, taking the time to nurture your emotional well-being is vital. Embrace the power of seeking comfort and allow yourself the space to heal.
Cultivating Hope: Hope is a powerful force that propels us forward, even when the path seems uncertain. To cultivate hope, focus on positive thinking, set achievable goals, and surround yourself with sources of inspiration. Remember that hope is not passive; it's an active choice to believe in the possibility of a brighter future.
Drawing Inspiration: Inspiration can be found in various forms—art, literature, nature, or the accomplishments of others. Explore what resonates with you and ignites a spark within. Whether it's reading motivational quotes, listening to uplifting music, or spending time in nature, draw inspiration from sources that align with your values and aspirations.
Embracing Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. Often, the first person we need to forgive is ourselves. Release the burden of past mistakes, learn from them, and allow forgiveness to pave the way for a more compassionate and fulfilling life.
Finding Motivation: Motivation can be elusive, especially during challenging times. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, celebrate small victories, and surround yourself with positive influences. Sometimes, taking the first step is all it takes to reignite the flame of motivation.
Cultivating Inner Peace: Inner peace is a state of tranquility that arises from acceptance and mindfulness. Practice meditation, engage in activities that bring you joy, and create a peaceful environment for yourself. By cultivating inner peace, you enhance your resilience in the face of life's challenges.
Taking what you need is a personal and empowering journey. Whether it's comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, or peace, prioritize your well-being and actively seek the elements that contribute to a fulfilling life. By recognizing your needs and embracing the resources available to you, you pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and a more meaningful existence. Remember, you have the power to shape your own narrative and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.
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