#witch garden
tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Rosemary
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus)
*Poisonous *Medical *Kitchen *Masculine
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Folk names: Compass weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis, Polar Plant, Seas Dew
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire, Air
Abilities: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Power, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Why Poisonous?: Their oil content. Large quantities of rosemary leaves can cause vomiting, spasms, coma and in some cases, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Rosemary can cause miscarriages so it is not recommended for expecting mothers. It is also not recommended for those with high blood pressure, ulcers, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
Do not consume rosemary oil
Characteristics: With its aromatic, needlelike leaves, the rosemary plant grows in a bush and can be quite large in the right growing conditions. Can grow two lipped, purplish-blue and white flowers.
History: Was first referenced on a stone tablet that dates back to 5000 BCE. Is native to the Mediterranean region. It was considered sacred by the Spanish due to its association with the Virgin Mary. In France, it is referred to as incensier due to its popular usage as an incense.
Growing Rosemary:
Easy to grow?: Yes.
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Yes
How to Plant Rosemary
Video Guide
Where to Find Seeds
Magical Usage:
Stimulates memory and thought processes
If burned, adds an energy of protection and purification to a space
Sprinkling its leaves onto graves will cause the undead to be at peace
Carried in an Herbal Amulet will give one confidence and courage
Placing the leaves under your pillow will ensure good sleep and banish nightmares
Can be used in love and lust incense spells as well as healing poppets
Used to be included in bridal flowers so that the couple will stay true to their vows
The smell is supposedly very offensive to evil spirits
Smelling rosemary every day can help preserve one’s youth
Medical Usage
In oil form, can be used to relieve rashes and blemishes on the skin
Can help relieve muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune system, and promote hair growth
In balm form, can repel insects
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thesorceresstemple · 10 months
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weirdmollyy · 6 months
It seems that this baby will soon become a witch?✨
Today I just applied for a job as a tarot reader! I pray to all gods that I will be invited to work there 🌙🌞
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krikfuar · 7 days
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Встречаю апрельский ветер в цветущих яблонях.
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999lcf · 6 months
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From pinterst
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Allie got tired of her neighbors inviting her to church functions, so she made this garden right in the front yard. Pretty clever idea.
via gothic home decor enthusiasts
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casualwitchbitch · 11 months
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debora-goth · 2 years
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stonesbyhaille · 11 months
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gardenandcountry · 2 years
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Pumpkin, watercolor by Claudine Lecoustre ©️2022
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honeyoneli · 1 month
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Belladonna *Deadly Nightshade*
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
*Poisonous *Medical *Feminine
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Folk names: Banewort, Black Cherry, Deadly Nightshade, Death’s Herb, Devil’s Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man’s Cherries, Sorcerer’s Berry, Witch’s Berry
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate, Bellona, Circe
Abilities: Protection, Psychic Abilities, Self-Awareness, Astral Projection, Forgetting Past Love
Why Poisonous?: Its roots, leaves and fruits all contain alkaloids: atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. This causes dilated pupils, blurred vision, slurred speech, hallucinations, delirium, convulsion and some cases death.
Do not consume belladonna in any form
Characteristics: It has a rigid stalk that grow into branches. It is a perennial plant and can grow up to 3 feet tall. Its purplish-brown flowers are shaped like bells with its berries being black and the size of cherries. It is a part of the nightshade family and likes partial shade in chalky soil.
History: This plant has always been associated with witches and was used as an ingredient in flying ointment, a medieval cream that allowed people to unlock their spiritual powers. Belladonna was used by the Scottish army against the Norwegian troops of King Svein Knutsoon to incapacitate them when they were trying to overthrow the current King. Sacred to the Fates, it is also associated with the Fate Atropos, the Fates who cuts the thread of life. Its leaves were used by Venetian women in order to redden their cheeks, and Renaissance women used it as a tincture in order to dilate their eyes to seem more attractive.
Growing Belladonna:
Easy to grow? No
Rating: Expert/Low Success Rate
Seeds Accessible? No and Illegal in some areas
Growing Belladonna
Video Guide
Where to Get Seeds
Magical Usage:
Was used to encourage astral projections and produce visions (Is very much not safe)
Amplify seductive energy and give temporary illusion of beauty
Placing belladonna in a sealed jar can help your spirit move into the world beyond
The priest of Bellona, the Roman Goddess of War, would drink an infusion of Belladonna prior to worshipping Her and invoking her aid. The antidote for Belladonna poisoning is physostigmine, a reversible cholinergic medicine that is used to treat glaucoma and antimuscarinic toxicity.
Medical Usage:
Was used as an anesthetic for surgeries
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thesorceresstemple · 8 months
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weirdmollyy · 3 months
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krikfuar · 1 month
🥀🌿Волшебный Ботанический Оракул🌿🥀 Я наткнулась на него совершенно случайно, но что-то сразу подсказало, что это мне нужно. Всячески присматриваясь и обдумывая когда бы его приобрести, после понижения стоимости ждать больше не было сил и вот он у меня. Растения из Ведьминого Сада, заботливо выращенные как будто бы специально для тебя. "Точная прорисовка растения - это проявление любви и благоговения. Целью создания этого оракула стало желание поделиться красотой и мудростью, которые можно найти в Ведьмином Саду. Позвольте духам растений помочь вам укрепить и укоренить ваши отношения с природой. Пусть они направляют и вдохновляют вас в вашем путешествии по собственному Волшебному пути" Каждая из карт этого Оракула олицетворяет дух живого растения - не архетип или идею, а его сущность, укорененную в материальном мире флоры и живущую в мистических измерениях между обычным видимым миром и миром духов. При правильном подходе, на тех из нас, кто осмелится обратиться к ним, они воздействуют как целители, учителя и проводники.
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999lcf · 6 months
Green witch
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From pinterest
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