#he makes me wanna peel my skin off hes so creepy
lazaruspiss · 10 months
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girl help hes not wearing protection!!!
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whumpsday · 9 months
Power Play
Writing Masterlist
content: kidnapping, ritual sacrifice, begging, hand whump, impalement, mouth whump, knives/skin carving, demon whumper, creepy whumper, major character death, gore
this is my piece for @zineofgid !! this was such an awesome project to work on :)
you can still buy the guys in distress zine here! proceeds go to the charity RAINN. there are limited physical copies and unlimited digital copies, as well as some merch left. do keep in mind that while my piece is sfw, this is an 18+ zine and a lot of other contributors' pieces are very much NOT sfw!
this piece was done as part of a collaboration with @whump-queen, with ocs we made together! he made art that accompanies this piece, you can view it here! it depicts the end of the story so you might wanna wait til after you read it though if you care about spoilers (also linked at the end)
Jonah’s breaths came hard and fast as Reese dumped him out of the large duffle bag, onto the cold floor of his basement.
He immediately tried to struggle to his feet, but his wrists and ankles had been bound with way too many layers of duct tape, making it impossible. Reese easily kicked him to the floor, placing a boot firmly on his chest and keeping him there.
“Ah-ah-ah.” his captor tutted, ripping the tape off his mouth. “I’m sorry to say that you will never see outside this room again.”
“You’re crazy!” Jonah screamed, unable to keep the terror out of his voice. His heart hammered in his chest, right under Reese’s boot.
“You have been messing with my campaign.” Reese countered, as if kidnapping was equivalent to Jonah doing his damn job. “Arnett didn’t start climbing in the polls until she brought you on as manager.” He dug his boot in deeper, making it a little hard for Jonah to breathe, pressing his bound wrists painfully into the floor under his back.
Despite admittedly-minimal efforts to retain his composure, Jonah found himself trembling. “So, what? You’re going to- kill me?”
There was no way he could fight this man off. Reese was bigger and stronger than him; it was pathetic how little he’d been able to struggle when Reese had initially incapacitated him. Now he was bound with tape and at an even bigger disadvantage. The thought that he could really die here blared through his mind like a siren, urging him to do whatever he could to escape, as if there was anything he could do.
“Not exactly. I’m not going to kill you.” Reese finally stepped off Jonah’s chest, only to kick him over and press a knee into his back instead. “Don’t mistake this as petty vengeance. I needed someone, and you happened to be an enticing target.”
It was only then, staring across the floor instead of at the ceiling, that Jonah noticed his surroundings.
A large pentagram, easily five feet, laid painted red in the center of the room, a hammer and nails set next to it.
“What the fuck?” he whispered in cold horror.
“Thanks to you, it’s clear that a good, honest campaign by a good, honest man isn’t enough to make it in politics. Luckily, there are other ways to get ahead in life, if you do enough research,” Reese explained, like it made perfect sense.
“Is that blood?” Jonah asked, voice small, staring at the red of the pentagram painted meticulously into the floor.
“It is. My very own.”
Jonah’s line of questioning was instantly interrupted when felt the side of a blade against his forearm.
He writhed, his struggles renewed. “Get away from me with that thing!”
“Hold still, or I might nick you. You want that tape off, don’t you?” Reese leaned down. Jonah could feel his breath on the back of his neck as Reese’s knee pressed further into his lower back.
Jonah went still, barring the tremors he couldn’t control. As much as he hated to admit it, Reese was right: aimlessly moving around with a knife millimeters from his skin would only get him hurt. He didn’t resist as he felt steel slide harmlessly against him, the layers of tape cut away and peeled off.
Before he could even think about running, Reese grabbed both his newly-freed hands and dragged him over to the pentagram. Jonah started struggling again, but there was little he could do against the iron grip.
Reese pointed to one of the triangles making up the pentagram. “You will kneel or I will make you kneel.”
He didn’t know what else to do, and pissing off his captor seemed like a recipe for disaster, so he knelt as indicated.
Reese bound one hand to Jonah’s body with more tape, bringing the other to a point of the pentagram. He pressed Jonah’s palm against the star’s tip, stepping firmly against his wrist to hold it there.
“Now, stay nice and still.”
Reese picked up the hammer and one of the nails.
“What are you doing?!” Jonah tried to pull his hand away, but Reese just pressed his boot down harder.
“What I said. Just making sure you stay still.” Reese positioned the nail in the center of Jonah’s hand, the sharp tip pricking at his skin. Jonah’s breath grew rapid in anticipation of what was about to happen to him.
“Wait, don’t, don’t don’t no no no-!”
Pain exploded in his hand as the THWACK of the hammer hit the nail and pierced his skin, and Jonah finally screamed. He tried again to pull his hand away, to pull his whole body away, but it was useless. He was trapped.
“Stop! Stop stop stop, you’re crazy!” he cried, tears spilling over and running down his face. The nail settled on the floor’s surface, just barely poking through the tender skin of his palm from the inside, making its way through muscle and ligaments and tendons.
“You can think what you like. Doesn’t matter to me,” Reese commented nonchalantly.
The hammer came down again. Jonah’s second scream was less intense than the first, as if his voice itself were scared, breaking off into a sob. A few more taps left the nail buried snugly in the floor, the head resting against the back of his hand as a bit of blood escaped from under it.
Jonah panted hard, adrenaline coursing through him. His hand wouldn’t move from where it sat fastened to the pentagram even after Reese removed his boot from his wrist: even twitching his fingers sent a horrible jolt through it.
“Good job, you’re doing very well.” Reese praised, patting Jonah on the head. “And now, the other one.”
“NO!” Jonah cried. “Stop! You have to stop!”
“Shh, it’s okay.” The sheer calm Reese talked about it with sent shivers down his spine. “It’ll all be over soon.”
Reese freed his uninjured hand, and Jonah clutched it protectively to his chest, shaking. “Leave me alone,” he begged tearily.
His captor grabbed his hand and brought it to the opposite point of the pentagram, stretching him out painfully and forcing his head and chest to the ground. Much to his dismay, Reese stepped down on his other wrist and readied the hammer and nails again.
Jonah strained his neck to look up at Reese, desperate. “What do you want? I’ll quit, okay? I’ll stop running Arnett’s campaign, you’ll never see me again. Just stop.”
“Oh, Jonah. Like I said, I needed someone. It just happened to be you.” Reese started on the other hand. No matter how much he screamed, it wouldn’t stop. Unlike the first nail, which seemed to slip in between his bones, this one landed right on top of the small, delicate bones inside his hand and smashed through them uncaring, the pain blinding.
Jonah was a mess by this point, sobbing into the floor. “I don’t wanna die like this,” he sniffled.
Reese cupped his face. “Look at it this way. You’re dying for something bigger than yourself. More powerful. Now, I think that’s about enough complaining out of you.”
The grip on his face grew tighter and tighter, fingers pressing tightly into the sides of his jaw, until Jonah was forced to open his mouth. Reese grabbed his tongue and pulled it, touching it to the center of the pentagram. Even among the throbbing pain in his hands and the horrifying situation, Jonah’s face crinkled in disgust.
Reese grabbed another nail.
Jonah’s disgust was immediately forgotten, replaced by overwhelming terror. He tried fruitlessly to shake his head away, making what little terrified noises of protest he could manage, as Reese settled the tip of the nail against his tongue.
A whine of fear escaped him, and he looked up at his captor pleadingly. Please don’t do this.
“Just try to relax,” Reese advised, as if it was at all possible.
The hammer slammed against the head of the nail, sending it straight through Jonah’s tongue and into the floor. Jonah wailed with intolerable pain, hot tears slipping down his cheeks, no longer able to form pleas. All he could taste was his own fresh blood, running over Reese’s painted on the floor.
Reese gave it a few more firm taps until the head of the nail almost crushed Jonah’s tongue under it, undeterred by Jonah’s cries.
“There we go.” Reese disappeared from Jonah’s tear-blurry line of sight. A moment later, he felt the side of the knife against the back of his neck. He squealed in distress, unable to even thrash against his bonds anymore.
But the knife didn’t plunge into him. Instead, it glided downward to the sound of tearing fabric until Jonah’s shirt fell limply in front of him. Reese ran a hand over his exposed back, Jonah’s tense muscles shuddering under the touch.
“This is the final step.” Jonah jolted as best he could in his immobilized state as he felt the tip of the knife between his shoulderblades- not digging in yet, but threatening to.
“Nghh!” Jonah couldn’t say much else with his tongue nailed down. He couldn’t even shake his head. Nothing he could do to indicate NO would be enough here, anyway. Reese didn’t care for his opinion.
He screamed as the knife buried itself in flesh, not deep enough to touch bone, but far from shallow. It glided along his back in a sweeping stroke, before Reese lifted it and picked a new spot to carve into him, no matter how much he cried and tried to writhe away from the sharp, insistent pain.
Slice after bold, swirling slice, Reese painted a pattern in the splitting of his skin, spending the most time on an intricate design between his shoulder blades. Jonah was pretty sure it was supposed to be an eye, but he was too hazy with agony and blood loss to tell.
Finally, Reese pulled the knife away from his mangled back. “There, all done. Soon you won’t even feel it.”
Jonah could only sob in response, trembling from pain and fear. Everything hurt. His entire body felt like it had been through a paper shredder. He could feel the blood running off the sides of his back and pooling beneath his folded-up legs, soaking his knees.
He watched as Reese lit candles in a circle around him, painting the room in a warm glow, and began chanting in a language Jonah couldn’t understand- Latin, maybe? What a pointless thing to die for. What would happen to him when none of this worked and no demon showed up? Would Reese concede and let him go? Probably not. Jonah imagined the knife plunging into his chest, the last thing he ever saw the face of his murderer. At least the pain would stop.
Slowly, as Reese chanted, The sigil carved into Jonah’s back began to burn.
Just a little at first, but getting hotter and hotter until Jonah was writhing in pain, trying to free his hands despite the nails holding them in place and hurting worse and worse the more he tugged on them. What was happening to him? It felt like someone had run boiling oil through the gashes in his skin. It was unbearable. He needed it to stop. Jonah squeezed his eyes closed, releasing a sound akin to a dying animal at the excruciating pain.
When he opened his eyes… a figure stood in front of him, half-materialized, like it was creating itself out of thin air. The warm orange glow of the candles began to shift to a cold, too-bright violet.
He strained his eyes up to see, the angle much less than ideal with his tongue bolted to the floor. He wasn’t sure if that was the reason they looked so massive, or if they really were abnormally tall, but a glance at Reese for comparison proved it to be the latter.
Everything about them looked unnatural, all bright colors that might mark a plant or animal as toxic, screaming at his nailed-down body to run. Glowing fuschia markings slithered all over their skin, the pattern looking suspiciously like the one Jonah could feel carved into his back. A giant scorpion-like tail snaked out from behind them.
Jonah stared up at the- the demon, apparently. As their form became more solid, Jonah’s back burned less and less, the only thing he could possibly be thankful for in this moment.
The demon eyed him back threefold, an impossibly-wide grin full of sharp teeth splitting their six-eyed face. Jonah couldn’t help but whimper under their gaze.
“Izuloth!” Reese shouted, suddenly seeming so much less intimidating compared to the monstrosity before him.
Izuloth broke eye contact to direct their attention to him, their smile faltering and their eyebrow twitching with annoyance. Several of their eyes narrowed. “What?”
“I’ve summoned you! I’ve captured a sacrifice, carved your sigil, drawn this pentagram in my own blood. You will now grant me power, as promised,” Reese declared confidently.
The smile returned. “Awfully presumptuous, human. I don’t remember promising anything.”
“What- what are you talking about?” Reese sputtered. “That’s what it said in the book! You are now under my control!”
Izuloth smirked. “Oh, is that what it said. That was nice of them to put in there. Makes fools like you much more likely to summon me. Hm, I don’t think I care for your attitude, though.”
They snapped their fingers.
Jonah watched in horror as Reese’s body began to unravel in front of him. Skin peeled from muscle, exposing raw, bloody flesh and piling on the floor below in a wet heap that splashed Jonah’s face with blood- he could taste it on his outstretched tongue.
Reese tried to scream, but all that came out was a gurgle as his tongue joined the rest of his exposed muscles in shredding to bits, as if taken to on all sides, inside and out, with an invisible cheese grater. It was over within a minute: the remnants of his body collapsed to the floor, twitching with life for only a moment before going still.
Jonah was alone with Izuloth.
He whined in terror, too frozen to even try tugging at his restraints. If the demon could do that, it wouldn’t be any use anyway.
Izuloth, to his dismay, turned their attention back to him. “Now, where were we?”
They reached a hand down to pet his hair. Jonah squeezed his eyes shut, his entire body tensed up in anticipation.
Suddenly, Izuloth grabbed his hair and pulled. Jonah’s eyes flew right back open as his tongue ripped right out of the nail, bisecting it down the middle with an agonizing tear. His scream of pain cut short when Izuloth grabbed him by the frayed end of his tongue, their many-eyed face inches away.
“Pretty thing, I think I’ll keep you.”
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
hii, not extremely well versed in all your writing (yet), but so far w what ive seen w the cannibalism fic & how u write homer (lol), i must say i love how beautifully u intertwine his violence w romance, w how u write him, it's like his egotistical macabre nature & need for love r making out lmao! feel free to ignore this part bc praise shouldn't feel like you owe the praiser anything, but id love to see something from you, anything of any length, w homelander x a y/n who loves how creepy & macabre & scary he can be! like, they're gothic romantic sorta? like "oh, you can hear my heartbeat? tell me if the gushing in my arteries differs when i am around you! go into grave detail please! i want to peel the skin off your body and claw around inside of you too to see what makes you tick!" lol, maybe he sees them in black & is all "wowie, finally decided to kill me and you're getting prematurely ready for my funeral? well, nobody can say you're not a multitasker! how very feminine of you!" "no because if you died id want to be buried next to you!" "oh, i see!" "even if i was still alive! :D" "wow! well, morticia/gomez, you're... intense! i like your... prep! your... uncolourful enthusiasm!" lmfao. he tries to return it by trying to give them weird compliments in turn that fit w them; "don't you look like the most dolled up, prettiest corpse in the mausoleum in all that black make-up!", he sees them blushing or something & he's like "look atcha, blooming up likeeee... a bloodied bouquet of rose!trying to make my heart stop or something? least you'll be sittin real pretty on my grave huh?" he's like that meme that's like "my hot witch girlfriend" & him in a summoning circle like "me doing whatever tf she wants" but he's also a freak just a blonde one. dude is the star-spangled superman & a celeb who should be dating models and yet he's like hiding a heart shaped necklace under his suit that's like a preserved vial of their blood lol. i feel it'd stroke his ego in a different way where they also love how weird & freaky he is, yet in contrast they're not violent or harmful w their love for gore or whatever themselves, for them it just bubbles up into a deeper way to express love & their own self expression. i also wanna recommend "the horror of our love" by ludo if u dunno it, feels sort of fitting for how you write him! "i want you stuffed into my mouth, hold you down & tear you open, live inside you, love id never hurt you. but ill grind against your bones until our marrows mix, i will eat you slowly"/"the awful edges where you end & i begin, inside your mouth i cannot see, there's catastrophe in everything i am touching as i sweat & crush you. & i hold your beating chambers until they beat no more, you die like angels sing" :p 🖤
first of all. calling him homer made me scream. 😂 second, thank you! this is so many words and they are all very kind and fun. I think currently the fic I've written that's closest to this premise is Don't Fret, Precious (I'm Here) which features a reader that's ultimately pretty into his whole deal, and fairly deranged herself.
I definitely want to write more macabre readers though, and I love this gomez/morticia angle you're talking about. I've had a WIP in the wings for ages where the reader herself is a serial killer that Homelander catches, but ultimately decides to cover for because he's intrigued by her bloodlust. it's very much a yandere x yandere. it doesn't fit into the idea that the reader is harmless, but... fiction is fiction, right? no one's really hurt! lmao
also, Ludo is one of my favorite bands!!! I actually almost named this fic "The Horror Of Our Love" but ultimately decided "The Horror Was For Love" suited it a little bit better.
as you've accurately deduced I definitely love mixing elements of romance and horror. you have very much inspired me to step up my game and return to that serial killer fic, and maybe something new featuring more of an oddball reader that really throws Homelander off his game.
thanks again for the lovely message. 🖤
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twentyminutemiso · 2 years
Below is pasted from notes on September 2022 Los Angeles trip:
Dish soap Big water Cleanser Wound wash Towel Cash More milk Toilet roll £7
Shirley’s ihg number 430953641
Extraordinary attourney wu - netflix Mr queen
Go pocha Jay jay gastropub Studio city Venice canals Halloween horror night universal
G eazy no limit 1975 and gods plan in shirleys car
Poopourri Botanical curtain Fluffy pink headgear Verbena handwash Goldfish tank
Prawn ceviche Oyster shot Eggy cream with cinnamon Amanda’s eyes are red and watering because someone’s chopping onions
Do you wanna see my garage A tiny pink set with a pink bar and pink glasses on it A cockroach with cowboy boots She hands me a pair of inline skates, do you know how to rollerskate?
Amanda’s eyes are still watering Bo makes angie and cesar a sandwich each and he makes me a sub with a banana and cheese and orange slices in it Angie has stomach cramps and doesnt want to come to goodwill
A tiny light blue grandma dress with doilies on it for amanda but it’s for children Phil collins playing in goodwill
Does bo want to get ice cream. Pumpkin pie flavor. Lemon flavour for amanda. We’re dropping off jade how long until we get there? 3 minutes 1 2 3 we’re not there yet. No you have to count to 60 three times. Where’s my road it’s the left or the right i forget. Two okay signs in the sunshine
Los alcos plaza Melrose avenue Go rollerskating at the beach with amanda
Ben and joyce at the korean restaurant. Ben’s english but he tells me he’s really thrown by an asian person with an english accent. He also met a french chinese person recently and that blew his mind too. Joyce is a pretty korean american with her hair dyed light brown. She swears kookily and calls you bitch in not a completely authentic way.
Velvet sofas. A pair of bears reading in bed.
A crack in the window in the shower ktown. Sunny yellow building roofs palm trees satellite dishes.
Cool burger place chinatown vinyl flooring hipsters in window lots of picture frames breakfast sandwich restaurant called amboys
Older guy purple hat check shirt camo pants dog boombox hanging in right hand playing street fame waking kinda hunched
John chamberlain and larry bell The first foam contorted bodies the other mirrored glass cubes “west coast minimalism”. A small foam like a conch shell.
Mika rottenbeeg. A tractor plows the ground close up thundering. Gelatine tubes candy coloured slicing oddly satisfying. Plop. Water steams off metal surface. Tubes slap slap slap slap poke poke. Salt salt. Rotating hexagons like a gear turning. hun mming like a didgeridoo back of the space shuttle. Mongolian throat singers. Pink candyfloss melts red on the metal like bloody goo. Red outfit on mongolian. Kind of like educational childrens videos
Ppl browsing a 2 dollar store
Interactive sculptures ponytail flicks and plants go up and down and LED light grows cress
An eighties powersuited woman with a blow dry opens doors through liminal colourblocked office rooms and a soap bubble quivers and dips
Ppl in boujie gallery understand the british water request
Mazda miama
You owe shirley twenty for the dinner
My phone number 6263713004
Art picks me from a dark creepy san marino street. Most expensive place in all of LA, you can’t get away from crime anywhere.
capital_a_la Thursday Sunset rooftop - say art’s name Sunday - boardwalk venice beach Friday South central
Everyone wants to be friends here
Aiyi hands me a persimmon while I’m zooming. I leave the desk. We eat jujubes, crisp and bright white inside, green skins. and a chilled avocado and the persimmon skinned and quartered. I was peeling it and she said i was being wasteful so she peels it instead. She gives me an apple from costco.
I’m so excited that ive driven myself to cvs i feel untouchable. Is this self actualisation
Steve Lacy plays again on Kiss on the way to Paru’s place.
Get to Paru’s place, bart simpson pinata. Books. Sitting on the tatami. Little pea chips, a rice cake with kiwis and blueberries and coconut. Peanuts, small bowls set down gently from a tray. Water (with ice!!!). Paru plays us two songs, ones a space vibe, beepy with guitars that their mentor put over the top. Their voice is really good. Making bao with clay. Drying from the lacquer. They laugh say it seems to be the dumb creative phase they’re currently going through.
Tora i
At the art show. Hard seltzer. Very cute bartender boy with braces. Gives me apologetic smiles every time I ask for something because they don’t have it. We see Jem inside with her friend, Austin, a Korean fashion design boy who works for Levi’s she’s met 2 days ago at Byredo where she works. They went swimming at his hotel pool and today they went to a Nike party and Austin was the only one not wearing Nike. Jason comes to meet us because he has a crush on Jem and it only takes him like 5 minutes to get there. 30 dollar pizzas and we eat it family style. A pappardelle with ragu and I love it. Austin flirts with me and i’m technically flirting back cos I keep smelling his wrist, until I get slightly uncomfortable and then I’m trying to angle my body towards Paru. He’s a little more drunk than everyone else and has a rich international boy aura.
We’re in Virgil village. Jason and Paru realise they’re barely two blocks away from each other. You see that duplex? I’m on the left one. We pass a taco place that’s just been trying to start up. Paru wants to see what’s up with Jason and Jem and he should text her if he has some thoughts and he says let us know if we’re going to her show on Sunday.
Guangchangwu and fantuan and soy milk in garvey park. Kiki doesn’t make noise. She’s a quiet baby. Shirley says rubbing Kiki’s belly.
22.50 ramen
Root beer cheese burger lemon wedge with my ice tea.
Go utah its crazy
Four storey high fountains in echo park. Man fishing and ellaella says it’s like putting down a community lot in the sims and the townies come. Woman unbuttoning shirt and puts hubbys hand onto her breast and she’s gripping his arm. Lotus flowers on the corner of the pond.
Things i read at heavy manners Sunday in the park with boys - jane mai - depressed schoolgirl comic. Drawings of objects for titles. Bartkira. Steps and colors in the outer sunset (sf)
Passing by the heavy petting woman
Cotton on jungle park jc penney forever 21 macy’s.  Fashion nova store
An angel called osh at the tattoo store.
Nina molloy paints a copper koi on a panoramic ghostly blue canvas in a sheer green square pond with copper lily pads. Tidawikney lek’s napping girl in on the sofa with creeping hands and flower prints on the sofa and real flowers and a tiny island in the sunset through the balcony door and palm trees because i’m in LA. Dominique fongs orange deep dea diver in swampy water with many limbs holding vines catching fish but is she a statue covered in life spearing some fish. Bambou gili ghostly diners with summer rolls duck dark space.
Peach and black tea kombucha in a millenial brewery venture
Aunty brings a handful of pineapple guavas. Talking in the kitchen about taiwan, not liking tourism but liking driving around america because of the freedom, doing 100 miles stretches at a time and feeling relieved to see a petrol station, visiting a friend in colorado, going to yellowstone with her friend, not finding a hotel, deciding to go camping instead
Boba photoshoots at the library, Mariah in the car, windy on venice beach. Peas and feathery leaves on the street trees. Polly pocket houses. Wearing my rolex and mina rolls down the window and does a cheesy british radio announcer voice. Doja. 70s cinema and cringe rubbish bin act.
The red lion tavern. Cigarette vending machine. The smiths to die by your side. Green box of american spirit menthols. Never seen straights
Owe felix 50 for the baseball tix
Coffee Water Butter Bread Oil Batteries
Mina making blueberry pancakes. Gecko on the tree stump.
On the tram ella says it feels like when they go to westworld, getting off its like entering scientologist hq. Tinkling and euphoric music like the sims. Cy twombly exhibtion. Greek god names scratched into paint and written with oil pastels with urgency. A carnivalesque painting by belgian charles ensor and a guy has a chode face. Kampoinge. Three children long shadows on a new york street turned 90 so their shadows are vertical. Watching a video of rye crawling in the garden in edmonton while im looking at art.
… Who sanctions this violent dismemberment- Reaps the barren, crusty smell of denial- Archaeological masks, drums, look clumsily On museum walls
Hung twisted awestruck Witness to this absurdity
Louis Draper Camera magazine july 1966
Ballroom neon lights at the urban outfitters in downtown. Car trunk table for dining in the pa ord parking lot.
Eames house. Fittonia? Purple leaves with green edging. Mina notices.
Traffic loud on the road by santa monica. Three helicopters and we look up at each one. Teenage boys ask mina for squad pics. Three angles a serious one and a silly one and squatting. Purple building lights coming back from the toilet. An apartment block like a covent garden soup.
Pier. Cheesy guitar players. Northern chinese family with camping chairs fishing off the end of the pier. One mad one with four rods. Lettering man bumping guangchangwu tunes. Rasping aero smith in rusty’s bar.
Smokey robinson then dangelo cruising. Picking up ella’s hoodie from LA apparel the most gta scene yet.
At Watts Towers whose construction materials include ten thousand sea shells. 99ft cos city hall was 100ft. Simon loved hearts. Sankofas as well. Four year old girl sundress in gaps between white chairs still sunny. Kouman kele west African dance company
Outside seven eleven getting white claw for our night out, two chinese bros scratching their scratchcard on the car bonnet.
Dodgers, walking from top deck to centrefield because they had to put the bags away. Felix and nadia. Luke had to run to theater rehearsal. Didnt get my hotdog. Steward with a colourful beaded necklace tells me i’m not shy.
One piece playing on the tv in the japanese restaurant we went to pee in when me and mina are walking from the bus we got from Night+Market, to Felix’s. Hello kitty lipbalm in family mart.
Mina photoshopping me and ella into a picture of the beach, ella giving opinion
At the huntington library exhibition olde english vibes and ella says i love it when the letter s is the f. Square japanese courtyard garden bonsais around the perimeter. Wooden hut. Wooden bridge over the creek slosh slosh moss rocks glimmering. So many different biomes we’ve enjoyed today ella says it looks like legend of zelda. Sitting down on concrete bench and ella bobs around taking different angles of the Japanese gardens and saying wtf.
Beautiful multicoloured tins of coffee trader joes.
Kylie can’t get you out of my head in the sunset.  I love you wittle turtle boy everybody goes slow. <3 theres holes in the los angeles life. Pizza and bagels and sleet. (Not that much grass) bonnie tyler. Cant fight this feeling while driving in the night.Tacos at the place near Luke’s. Later on, I find out from Mina that they are discussing how our date is going and Felix is looking at Luke on find my friends and laughing because Luke’s getting tacos next to their house (assuming they are alone)
Karen on kost fm extremely lovely and sentimental.
Sad on the Flyaway, tired but trying to keep my eyes open so i make the most of this place. Palm trees and cars cruising on the freeway next to me always cars and the flyaway is the fastest. Aircon blasting.
Piccadilly back to the ends.  Listen to clairo to heal the pain. The west london terraces are okay. Memories of car journeys and bar conversations swirling. Kind of beautiful to notice the place you live even if you’re sad.
Fawziyah posts a story about unrelaxing into city life. ‘Being present is the meeting point between holding on and letting go’
0 notes
mandos-sluts · 3 years
Ending 3: She’s Coming with Me
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, blow job, dirty talk
Summary:  Fed up with your creepy boss, Mando convinces you to be his permanent mechanic
Story beginning
Ending 1 and Ending 2
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The next day, you’re working on some wires below the ship and hear footsteps approaching.
“I just have to rewire the calcinator and then I’ll be done.” You call out.
“Come with me.” You hear Mando’s modulated voice say.
“Huh?” You slide out from under the ship to see Mando standing directly above you.
“Come with me.” He repeats. “I could use a permanent mechanic.”
You stand up. “I’m content with my current job.” You state, looking back at the wires you were working on.
“I have the credits to pay you well.” He says in an assertive tone. He’s standing about a foot away from you.
Honestly, traveling around the galaxy with a Mandalorian bounty hunter sounds kind of exciting, and you could use a change of scenery. While this job does pay fairly well, it is the same thing every day. And your boss is the absolute worst; he’s a middle-aged creep who specializes in sexually harassing his female employees and taking more than his fair share of your payments.
Still, it’s a stable job and you have built a good reputation for yourself. You cross your arms. “It’ll take you more than that to convince me, I have many loyal customers that pay well.”
“I can offer you much more than they can, pretty girl.” Mando says inching closer to you. Pretty girl. These words go straight to your cunt.
“Is that so?” You say nervously.
Mando lightly pushes you against the outside of his ship. “Why don’t I show you.” He says moving his hand to the hem of your pants. You look down at his hands as he unbuttons your pants. “Tell me to stop and I will.” He says softly.
Your heart is pounding and you look back up at him. You feel his hand slip under your wet panties and he runs his gloved finger in your folds. He then abruptly shoves his digit into you and begins pumping it fast. Your mouth falls open at sudden penetration. “...ahhhhh.” You squeal in a high-pitched and breathy voice.
“Come on, baby girl, don’t make me beg.” Mando says, leaning his helmet against your forehead.
He continues to ram his finger in and out of you. Your back is flat against the ship and your hands down by your side. Mando’s other hand is next to your head with his palm against the metal wall.
“I– ”
“What the fuck is this!” You hear a voice yell. You peel your eyes away from Mando’s visor and see your boss walking angrily into your station.
“Mr. Calican!” You gasp as your heart drops. Mando casually turns his head behind him to look at your boss. He stops pumping his fingers but keeps his hands where they are, acting as if he couldn’t care less that someone has walked in on him fingering you.
You urgently pull Mando’s hands out of your pants and button them back up. Panic and shame are written all over your face.
“What the fuck is going on!!!? Is this how you’re accepting payment for your work!? You fuckin skank!” Your boss screams at you. “Get the fuck over here!” He yells pointing to the ground.
You instinctively take a step forward, headed to your boss when Mando grabs your arm. “She’s coming with me.” He states firmly.
“Who the fuck are you?” Your boss spits out. “You’re not taking that bitch anywhere!”
“Talk to her like that again and you’ll be sorry.” Mando says as he puts his hands on your waist and motions you to the open ramp of the ship.
“Hey! You need to pay for your repairs!” Your boss shouts as the two of you walk up the ramp.
“I already have. It's all going to her.” Mando says, looking back.
“What! No! Gimme my cut!!” He yells.
The Mandalorian stands in the doorway. “Congratulations on losing your most talented mechanic, asshole.” He says as the hatch closes, leaving your boss standing there fuming.
The first thing you do on the Crest is take a shower. You replay the situation that just transpired over and over again in your head: Mando fingering you against the ship, Mando telling your boss to fuck off. Fuck, you are so fucking horny. You step out of the shower, so turned on and desperate for the same kind of attention that Mando had given you earlier.
“Hey.” You say walking into the cockpit.
“Hello.” Mando says turning his head to the side, not looking all the way back at you.
“So I wanted to say thank you for this opportunity.” You say walking toward his chair. You lean on the control panel beside him and stare directly into his visor. You’re wearing a thin tank top that your nipples are poking through and short shorts. He looks you up and down. Your smooth skin is beautiful, and he can smell your enticing scent through his helmet.
“Of course.” He says, turning his head back to look out the ship’s front window.
“And I just wanted to show you how grateful I am that you saved me from that skug hole.” You say bringing your hand to his thigh. You slowly lower yourself to your knees.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do that.” Mando says, lightly grabbing your arm.
“I know.” You return as you run your hand up his thigh. “But the ship doesn’t need any maintenance right now, so what else am I supposed to do?” You say in a sultry manner.
You maneuver yourself between Mando’s legs; a tent has already formed in his pants. You unbutton his trousers and release his enormous cock. You exhale loudly at the sight of it.
You bring your lips to his groin and slowly lick his shaft up and down.
“Fuck.” Mando says under his breath. “What a good fuckin girl you are.” You take the tip in your mouth and swirl the head of his member with your tongue. Mando’s eyes are glued to you as you wrap your lips around his cock. He sets one of his hands on your head.
You lower yourself on his dick and put as much of his length in your mouth as you can. With one hand on his thigh and the other wrapped around the bottom of his cock, you begin moving your head up and down.
He lets out a deep modulated growl. He lies his head back so that it’s resting on his chair and closes his eyes. *see gif* “I wanted to shove my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours the second I saw you.” He says.
You moan out at his words and close your eyes. Your pussy is pulsing and you can feel that your panties are soaking wet. You move your hand from his thigh down to your cunt and begin circling your clit. The pleasure prompts you to bob your head even faster.
Mando grunts at this and looks back down at you. “Fuck!” He spits out. “Are you fingering yourself?!” Your eyes shoot open and look directly at his visor. “You’re gonna be such a good live-in cockslut for me, aren’t you?” He says, tightening his grip on your hair ever so slightly. “Pfftt. Sucking my cock while I’m piloting the ship... Finger yourself harder you needy little thing.” He commands. You start circling your clit faster and harder and your eyes fall closed again. You let out a series of high-pitched and muffled “mmmmmm!”
“Can’t wait to have your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock.” Mando says as his breathing picks up.
You remove your hand from the base of his length and take even more of his cock into your mouth, gagging as you try to open your throat.
“Look at me.” Mando orders in a deep stern voice. “I want you to look at me while you choke on my cock.” You open your eyes and tears start forming in the corners of them.
“Can’t believe you’re mine to fuck whenever I want. You’re so– uhhhhhh– so fuckin perfect, fuck.”
All of the sudden you hear something beep. A hologram of Greef Karga appears on the dashboard in front of Mando. He can only see the top half of Mando’s body through the hologram on his end.
“Mando.” Greef says.
“Greef. What– what is it?” Mando returns.
“There’s a bounty on Tatooine that needs to be collected as soon as possible. Can you take the job? The payout is high.”
You continue bobbing your head and start to suck a little bit harder. You can feel his cock getting stiffer. You move one your free hand to grab his balls. Mando flinches.
“Sh– sure.” He stutters.
“Great. I’ll send you their coordinates and information.” Greef says.
Mando glances down and thrusts his hips up while holding your head in place. You gag as your nose hits his stomach, trying your best to breathe through your nose. Spit is dripping from your chin onto the floor by your knees.
“Are you alright–”
“Yes.” He returns quickly and turns off the hologram. Greef’s projected figure disappears from the control panel as you feel hot juices fill your mouth and spew down your throat. “Fuuuccckkkkk.” Mando moans out as his breathing slows down.
You slide his cock out of your mouth and take a deep breath.
“Open your mouth.” He says as he lazily grabs your chin. “I wanna see your mouth coated in my cum.” You open your mouth and stick out your tongue while batting your eyes. Your tongue is covered in his sperm.
Mando traces your bottom lip with his finger, gathering the cum and spit that are dripping off of it. He sticks the digit in your mouth.
“You’d better get used to getting filled with my load, pretty girl.” Mando purrs.
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Demon Shit [Part 4]
~4000 words
| NSFW warnings: threesome, overstimulation, dabi being a bit of a dick, tomura being creepy and also a bit of a dick, really intense smut
Tomura lead you forward, chuckling when you stumbled in the dark. He pushed you out into the alley as soon as the door was open, making you trip and fall onto your hands and knees with a yelp.
The door slammed and Tomura crouched behind you, pulling up your dress and leaning in to plant a few kitten licks to your still-wet slit. You squeaked, lurching forward before his hands gripped your hips harshly, pulling you back against his face. He groaned, lapping at you and kissing your twitching cunt for a little longer before leaning back, spreading you carefully with his clawed fingers and taking in the sight. You whimpered, and he gave a final light kiss to your clit before putting your dress back down and helping you up.
“Don’t cry,” he huffed, wiping your slick off his face and pressing his lips to your cheek. Keeping in mind what Dabi had said about affection, he wrapped his arms around you, letting you lean into him.
“I’m not,” you whined into his chest, snuggling close with a little shiver as the breeze picked up. He shrugged out of his coat and affixed it around your shoulders, snatching up your hand and dragging you along like an annoyed older brother.
“Food, yeah?” He peered down at you over his shoulder. You nodded, gripping his hand as you struggled to keep up with him. Was it a demon thing or did yours just walk fast?
“Can you slow down a little?” you stumbled, gripping his sleeve with the hand he didn’t have in a death grip, “And what are we eating?” His pace slowed and he gave your hand an apologetic squeeze.
“Uh,” he scratched at his neck, occasionally creating a wound that sealed up as fast as it opened, “What do you want, er, little sacrifice?” Your face warmed a bit at Dabi’s nickname coming from him. You hummed in thought as he guided you out into the main street, significantly less crowded as the sun set.
He got you what you asked for from a food stall and you sat together on a bench nearby, Tomura intently watching you eat. 
“Wanna taste?” You offered, holding your food out to him. He took a little bite and grimaced, spitting it onto the pavement as several people sneered at him as they walked by. You giggled, leaning against him as you munched.
“Some human food tastes okay but the stuff with salt is disgusting,” he watched you take another bite.
“Is that a demon thing?” You asked. He nodded, swiping his finger across your lips where some of it had smeared and pressing in, depositing it into your mouth as you obediently suckled on his finger. He licked your spit off the digit and slung his arm over your shoulders.
“I like you,” he murmured, softly kissing the top of your head. You snuggled into him, letting him take the empty food container and throw it into a nearby trashcan.
“I like you too. And Dabi,” your face heated up as you admitted it aloud. He grinned down at you, pinching your cheek,
“Keigo is gonna love you. Might be a little rough, though, cause he’s still mad at Dabs. It’ll still be fun, though.” You perked up, leaning to look at Tomura more directly,
“What did he do?” You asked, scooting a little closer. He squished your cheeks absentmindedly as he spoke,
“They got into an argument over a contract they both wanted and Dabi let him have it instead of warning him when he found out it was a shit deal. He ended up having to hang out in the same place and couldn’t leave for several centuries,” his hands started wandering, toying with the clasp of his coat draped over yours.
“That doesn’t sound that bad,” you said softly, shifting to sit in his lap. He scoffed,
“It doesn’t until you realize he couldn’t go into his pocket dimension and visit his sacrifice in all that time. He didn’t get to tell anyone it was there either so it died. He’s probably still pretty pissed off,” he nuzzled into your hair, sniffing briefly before pushing you off, gently this time so you didn’t fall.
Noticing your slightly upset expression, he quickly added, “You’re gonna have three of us, though. You’ll be fine,” you shuffled a little closer to him.
He stood, taking out his phone and messing around on it for a moment. He took your hand after, pulling you down the darkened, nearly deserted streets.
“Are we going back to Dabi?” You asked, squeezing his hand. He nodded with a quiet grunt, tugging you along for several blocks until you stopped outside ...a lingerie store?
“Why is he here?” Your face crinkled in confusion as the demon dragged you inside, ignoring the greeting from the worker and heading for the back of the store. Dabi was there, comparing a couple of bustiers. You felt your face heat up as he immediately slipped Tomura’s and then your coats off your shoulders, holding the lacy white material up to your chest.
“Which of these do you think will make Kei hate me less?” He muttered to Tomura, shoving the coats in his hands.
“I think you’re going to have to worry about me hating you if you don’t let me shove my cock inside your sacrifice in the next hour,” He growled, jabbing at Dabi’s side with one of his claws. He side-eyed you with his wide grin as your breath hitched, shyly looking away.
“Pocket dimension is open in the back of the store, it’s the permanent one so you can leave your stuff wherever. Doll, did those panties fit okay?” he said in a monotonous string, still holding up various lacy numbers to your chest. You were starting to think he had an obsession with putting you in white.
“U-uh they fit fine,” you said with a slight grimace, shuffling your feet awkwardly as Tomura dug through his pocket.
“Get more like this,” he said, holding them up. You felt a massive rush of blood to your face, desperately grabbing for them and frantically whispering his name. Dabi snatched them up, glanced at the size, and shoved them back in Tomura’s pocket,
“Don’t do that out here, dumbass,” Dabi chided him, shuffling through another rack of clothes with an exasperated sigh, “I’m only gonna be another minute just get out of here,” he sighed, tilting your chin up for a brief kiss and nudging you back to Tomura.
“Whatever, humans are so prudish,” he snorted, pulling you toward the back exit of the store. He stuck your coat around your shoulders and guided you through the door, cold hitting you immediately as you stepped into the pocket dimension.
Snow crunched under your feet as you entered, wind and snow chilling you to the bone instantly and causing you to immediately attach yourself to Tomura. He wrapped his coat around you tightly and scooped you up, trudging through the snow towards a huge house.
“I hate the ones with outside space, why can’t it just open directly inside,” He grumbled, stroking your arm fervently as you shuddered against him, “and why the fuck do they make ones with blizzards like this?”  He got up to the door and kicked it open, carrying you in and setting you down as he closed it and shook snow off himself. The warm air was nice, but you were soaked down to your skin quickly as the snow melted, leaving you dripping cold water onto the wooden floors. The house was big, lavishly decorated, and seemed to have lots of rooms and even more up the large staircase. You caught your demon companion shaking himself off like a dog out of the corner of your eye. “He must like you a lot, this dimension looks expensive,” Tomura pulled off both your wet coats, sliding his inhumanly long tongue across his rough lips as he took in the sight of your wet dress clinging to your skin, “Remind me to thank Staples for these,” he slid a finger under one of your stockings and let it snap back against your skin. You shuddered, the wet fabric clinging to your skin and making you increasingly uncomfortable. “Oh yeah, he treats you like a dolly,” he scoffed, leaning down and taking your boots off for you, “sweet and dumb, right? He got so damn lucky,” he came back up and planted a soft kiss to your lips, brushing against them as he spoke, “Or should it be ‘we’ got lucky?” You brought your arms to your chest nervously.
His teeth latched onto the neckline of your dress, shredding it off you in one motion and letting it drop to the floor. Red eyes scanned over your body, now only covered by a bralette, stockings, and your own hands clasped over your pussy. You sniffled, shivering and shuffling a little closer, “Can we get warm?” You asked, giving him what was certainly a pathetic expression. You probably looked like a wet little rat, shaking and giving him doe eyes as he ran his hands up and down your sides. “I’ll warm you up,” he grinned widely, pulling your bralette over your head and discarding it on the floor. You winced slightly, pulling him close for warmth and being slightly disappointed he wasn’t as warm as Dabi. The lack of staples scratching against your skin was admittedly nice, though.
He ducked down, sweeping up your legs and carrying you as he tried several doors before finding a bedroom he carried you into. You were deposited on the bed and watched as he peeled his wet clothes off, immediately pushing you further onto the bed and crawling over you until he hovered above your trembling form.
“I’m going to devour you,” he rasped, tongue trailing along your lips before slipping inside and thrusting down your throat. You gagged, struggling to keep your mouth open for him as he fucked your mouth with the wet appendage. He moaned, closing the gap between your lips and pulling his tongue back to kiss you as normally as a half-feral demon could.
He broke off, giving your tongue another flick with his before withdrawing and dragging it along your skin. Rough lips latched onto your neck, suckling over the massive bite wound Dabi had given you. Your head fell back and you gasped as he licked along your breasts, swirling his tongue around your nipples until they pebbled and he popped one into his mouth. Sharp teeth grazed the sensitive skin, making you arch your back.
He licked and bit roughly along your chest, sharp teeth trailing lower until he placed light kisses directly to your cunt. You whined as he forced your legs apart, drinking in the sight of you clenching around nothing with slick coating your thighs. “Fuck,” he breathed, enclosing your entire pussy in his mouth with and winding his tongue inside without hesitation. Your hips bucked involuntarily as you cried out, gripping his hair. His tongue was so long it was coiled deep inside you, lapping directly at your cervix and writhing against several sweet spots. Rough lips stimulated your still-sore clit too harshly, making you tremble and groan as the painful pleasure rocked through you. “I,” you gasped, barely able to speak as you squirmed, held in place by strong arms and nails digging into your hips to pin them, “’M’gonna c-” you moaned loudly, head pressed back hard and eyes rolled up. You gasped for breath, twitching as he continued through your orgasm, making you squeal and tug his hair.
“No more,” you cried, trying to crawl away. His grip was like iron, and you couldn’t do anything to escape his torturous ministrations. Turning your head, tears spilled from your eyes and you saw Dabi in the doorway, watching his friend torture you with a faint smirk on his face. Being watched had you flushed and cumming again on Tomura’s tongue, sobbing as he kept going despite your pleas.
“Dabi,” you cried, reaching for him, hoping he’d tell Tomura to calm down, but all he did was saunter forward and hold your hand, pressing his lips softly to your knuckles as his friend coaxed another painful orgasm out of you. Your other hand tangled in Tomura’s hair, pulling hard and eliciting a deep groan from him. He mercifully parted from your slit, crawling back up and giving you a deep kiss, letting his drool and your slick transfer into your mouth.
“That’s nice; choke me too,” the pale-haired demon ordered, pulling your hand out of Dabi’s and placing both around his neck. You tried to squeeze but your limbs felt like jelly. He gave you an annoyed tut, flipping to make you straddle him. “Do it right or I’ll choke you instead,” he gripped your wrists and you pressed harder, earning a soft moan from him. His hips bucked up, lifting you and making his fat, engorged cock tap against your back, smearing some of his pre on your skin.
You felt the bed dip and turned to see Dabi situating himself behind you, lying with his face between Tomura’s legs. He took his cock in his hand, pumping it and licking at his balls, earning another involuntary buck of Tomura’s hips. You watched him drag his forked tongue up the back of his cock, swirling the wet muscle around the head and even briefly dip into his slit a little.
He took the head into his mouth and teased him for another moment before unhinging his jaw slightly and taking the whole thing down his throat. Tomura groaned loudly, gripping your thighs and digging his claws in until you bled, whimpering and slumping forward to rest your chest on his. His hands wandered frantically, squeezing various places on your soft form as he tried to ground himself, lifting you as he bucked up into Dabi’s mouth.
You crawled up slightly, wanting to swallow the sounds he was making and sealing your lips over his to do so. He moaned into your mouth, red eyes rolling back in his head when you licked up the drool spilling down his jaw. He clawed at your back, thighs, and arms, dug his claws into your ass and pulled your hips against him, forcing you to essentially ride his stomach. The friction to your clit had you squirming against him as your orgasm built back up.
Dabi released him with a wet pop, reaching up to spin you around and pull you to his face by your throat. He kissed you, sharing the taste of Tomura’s precum before guiding you to his saliva-coated cock. Tomura’s hands smoothed over your ass, spreading your cheeks and giving him a perfect view of your twitchy, drooly little cunt. He teased your clit with his tongue, flicking it around all over and smearing your juices from there up to your puckered back entrance, making you yelp. If he hadn’t had you locked in place you’d have tried to squirm forward, away from his intrusive tongue as he let you feel just how far it could reach.
“Doll, focus. Use your mouth,” Dabi recaptured your attention, kissing you wetly from the other side of Tomura’s cock, flicking his tongue against your lips as you both lapped at him. You groaned as he thrusted his tongue deep into your ass, fingers carefully pinching at your clit using his knuckles so he wouldn’t scratch you there.
Dabi left you to tend to his cock, lifting Tomura’s legs and spreading them, kissing and suckling at his balls for a moment before diving lower, giving him the same treatment he was giving you. You took initiative, cupping and massaging his balls with one hand and using the other to guide the head of his cock to your mouth to lap at his slit, alternating between licking up the copious amounts of pre he was leaking and kissing his shaft all over. Your other hand stroked over his thigh, threading your fingers through Dabi’s and squeezing as Tomura’s rough treatment of your clit had you cumming, mindlessly humping against his chest as he watched you clench around nothing, withdrawing his tongue from inside you. He gave your ass a smack, squeezing harshly as he bucked his hips.
“Fuck,” he groaned, one hand gripping your hair and pushing you onto his cock, “I know you can’t fit it in your mouth just take the tip, ah,” he moaned, “swallow it,” he grunted when you obeyed. You took his tip into your mouth, stretching your jaw wide to accommodate him and suckling. Dabi’s hand flashed in your peripheral as he slapped his balls, Tomura immediately shrieking and releasing into your mouth. You tried to swallow it all, gulping down the thick, foul-tasting liquid as it flooded your mouth, spilling out the sides and dribbling down his cock where Dabi licked it up.
You kept sucking even after he’d stopped spurting the white fluid down your throat, making him grip your hair and pull you off to keep you from overstimulating him. He brought your back to his chest, having you lie on top of him as his cock deflated slightly between your legs briefly before perking up again. He sighed deeply, pressing a kiss to your temple and wrapping his arms around you, kneading at your breasts.
“We’re cool now,” he muttered, perking up and making you sit up with him, shifting you to sit in his lap, “Can I use her ass?” he asked Dabi, gripping your hips and dragging your cunt along his length to lubricate it, the friction making you gasp. Dabi rolled his eyes, “You know she can’t,” he ruffled your hair, pressing several soft kisses to your cheek and jaw, “I’ll have to stretch it out first.” You gawked at him with wide eyes as he reached down, swiping his thumb over the spit coated hole. Tomura continued making you hump his cock, watching how sweetly you gazed at his friend despite how scared your expression was. A cruel smirk stretched across his face, catching Dabi’s attention and making him quirk a brow at him.
“Why don’t you start now? Ream her little ass while I take her pussy?” His hips rolled up for emphasis, making you moan as you came, releasing your hips and watching you hump him on your own as you rode out your orgasm, too blissed out to protest his proposal, not that anyone would listen to you anyway. You slumped back against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you panted, coming down from yet another high. He trailed a finger down your cheek, kissing you softly and positioning you to face him on your knees, straddling him and hovering just above his twitching length.
Dabi positioned himself behind you, gathering your slick on his tip and gently pulling you back, impaling you on himself. You moaned, dropping your head to rest on Tomura’s shoulder and nibbling at his rough skin a little. He stroked your hair as the other demon gave you a few shallow thrusts before leaving you empty and lining up at your smaller hole.
“Ever had your ass fucked, little sacrifice?” You panted, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop him and opting to relax and take it. Maybe if you were good he’d go a little easy on you. You peered at him over your shoulder, lip trembling as you shook your head no. He smirked, slapping your ass lightly and rubbing it, pulling your cheeks apart as he started to press in.
Tomura gripped your face, forcing you to look him in the eye so he could watch your expression as Dabi took your ass for the first time. His mouth opened when yours did, tongue flicking into your mouth and along your face as your eyes rolled back into your head. It was so deep, too big, too hot, too much and your breath caught in your throat, practically choking on the feeling of him so far into your guts. You surprised both of them when you pushed back, eagerly accepting him as your neglected cunt twitched and drooled, slick dripping down Tomura’s cock underneath you.
Dabi grunted, “Good fucking girl.” His hips stilled, watching you pant and get used to the stretch. He pulled out about halfway, then buried himself to the hilt again, gripping your thighs and picking you up so you were leaned back against his chest with him holding your legs up nice and wide. Tomura licked his lips, leaning forward with no hesitation and kissing at your cunt, tongue slipping along your folds and down to where Dabi was pressed tightly inside.
They both stood, allowing Tomura easier access to line himself up, kissing along your chest as it heaved with panicked little breaths. He nudged himself in gently at first, slipping along your walls and fitting several inches inside. Your back arched, babbling pleas and a string of unintelligible gibberish. Dabi made sure he was ready and let you fall forward, gravity forcing you to take both of them entirely. A scream ripped from your throat, arms limply trying to clutch Tomura’s shoulders as they started moving without mercy, quickly settling into a rhythm that made you lose consciousness for a few seconds, stars dancing across your vision as white hot pleasure coursed through your veins.
You choked and sobbed, both holes spasming as pain and pleasure became indistinguishable and you could swear you felt little cracks forming in your psyche. Your whole body both felt numb and pulsed with too much stimulation as you were filled over and over, both of them cumming several times inside you without stopping their assault. Eventually you were reduced to groaning, exhausted to the point of being unable to move as they pawed at you, occasionally grunting praises that seemed to float by you. You weren’t sure how many times you came, abused little clit smacked and pinched over and over again until it hurt to cum.
You’re not sure when they moved or how long you’d been there, but you found yourself flopped back in bed as they both filled you for the last time, locking lips over your spent body. A whimper breezed past your lips as they slipped you under the blankets, kissing various parts along your skin.
“I think we might have overwhelmed her,” Dabi frowned, running his fingers down your cheek. Tomura shrugged, claiming his preferred side of the bed and snuggling in close to you,
“She’s fine she came like a million times,” he affectionately nuzzled his cheek against the top of your head, slinging an arm across your unconscious form and motioning for Dabi to join. He settled in on the other side of you, kissing the back of your head and allowing himself to actually sleep for once. It was a special occasion, after all.
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malebodysuittf · 4 years
After The Halloween Party
I’ve always wanted to go to a Halloween party. The ones where everyone’s in some low quality costume, skin showing, loud music. Watching everyone get wasted and shit. But I’ve never been invited to one. It was hard to connect with these other people in uni. I didn’t feel the same as them. Maybe I had a bit of an old soul, or maybe I just hadn’t hit my peak yet. But I didn’t really feel like I fit in. 
You know who did, though?  My roommate, Maverick. 
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He had always been the popular guy. The amount of times he’s hosted a loud ass party while I’m trying to have a chill weekend...He hasn’t been mean to me or anything, but even then, it’s bothersome. The stench of weed and drunk girls is always awful. 
This is my last year at uni, and I was determined to go to a Halloween party. A friend of mine sold some...suspicious objects. When I told him about my struggles, I remember him offering me what he called a “magic zipper”. He told me you could slap it onto someone’s back, and zip them down, and it’d empty them out into a suit. Like a wearable costume. “It’s in the spirit of Halloween, isn’t it?” 
Despite the Halloween spirit, the idea of turning my roommate into a bodysuit sounded evil. “Don’t worry, when you’re done with him, just take the suit off and peel the zipper off. Just don’t peel the zipper off while you’re wearing it...no way out then.” I thought it was a load of shit until he showed me his creepy collection of suits...including one of my professors, who had been “away on family business” for the past week. I knew he had to be telling the truth. 
And so, I waited for my roommate to come out of his room. I knew he was going to a party tonight. The door opened and my shirtless roommate walked out, giving me a glance and a smile. 
“Hey fam, gonna head to the party soon. Just gotta change.” I gave him an assertive nod and looked away, hearing him enter his bathroom while holding some clothes. I pulled the zipper out of my pocket, and gave a exasperated sigh. I was going to do it. 
Knock knock
“Hey fam, wh-!” I quickly tackled him into the wall and knocked the air out of him. Taking advantage of him being stunned, I forcefully spun him around and slapped the zipper onto his back. “What the fuck are you doing?” I started to pull at the zipper, opening him up from starting from the bottom. As I unzipped him, he visibly deflated and I could see him struggling to stay on his feet. “What? I-I can’t feel my legs? WHY CAN’T I FEEL MY LEGS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MAN?” I gave him a devilish grin. “Relax, it’s just for a night.” Maverick started to slouch as he tried to grip the wall for support as he legs crumpled, as if a pair of pants. He started to panic as he realized there was nothing left but his skin, watching as arms flopped and his fingers flailed emptily. I finally unzipped him up to his neck, and he collapsed over himself. There was nothing left of him but a skinsuit to wear. 
I lifted the suit up as his shorts and boxers slipped off effortlessly, revealing a lengthy package. No wonder he got so many girls. Maverick’s poor face sagged as the skinsuit hung around in the air, nothing inside. I carefully laid his skin on the floor, back facing upwards, and started to stick my legs into his, making sure to fit perfectly into the suit. Maverick worked out and had muscles, but he stayed lean, making the bodysuit a tight fit. My legs in, I pushed my ass into place, and used my own hands to slot my dick into his cock sheath. I watched it balloon back to a girthy figure, likely how Maverick’s dick would be if he was hard. His skin flopping over me halfway, I pulled it up and slipped my arms in, grabbing the back to tighten Maverick’s skin like a corset as his abs regained their structure. Finally, I grabbed the head of the bodysuit, hanging over my impressive chest, I slipped my own head face-first into it. Stretching and pulling at the skin, I looked  in the mirror and saw Maverick. No one but Maverick. I grabbed his phone, or rather, MY phone and made a funny face before snapping a selfie.
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“Fuck, the party’s in 30. Better get dressed.” I took the boxers and the shorts Maverick was wearing and tossed them back into his room, then looked at the costume he had brought into the bathroom. Some cheesy, stereotypically revealing Halloween costume. Y’know what? Fuck it. When you look this good, you don’t need to follow the rules. I was just gonna go as “myself”, Maverick O’Hare. Looking like this, girls will still wanna fuck me. 
I put on a dapper looking button-up shirt and slacks, and looked at myself in the mirror. 
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“Definitely gonna get fucked looking like this. Thanks for the costume, Maverick.” 
30 minutes later, walking to my frat bro’s house, and I hear blaringly loud music and people screaming. I knew I was at the right place. I rung the doorbell, and he greeted me in a low-effort Batman costume with his abs all out. “Maverick, what’s up, bro! What, uh...what’re you dressed as?” I gave him a mischievous smile, and simply said, “Maverick, that’s it. Listen fam, I’m just here to get laid. Don’t tell the girls.” He gave a cocky chuckle as he let me in. God, even though I was wearing Maverick, I was still...me. This kind of shit wasn’t my thing, but...at least I got to experience it. And I’d definitely be able to get laid tonight. So I stood by the drinks, downing cup, after cup, after cup. A girl in a skimpy cat costume, clearly drunk, stumbles up to me. “Hey Maverick...I’ve seen how you look at me. Why don’t we take this upstairs?” She giggles flirtatiously and grabs my collar, pulling me upstairs. We lock the door behind us and she pushes me onto the bed. It’s all blurry...I’ve had so much to drink. But I can still feel all the sensations. I can feel a tongue in my mouth as hands on my chest pull apart my shirt. I can hear a faint, “What the hell is this, Maverick?” A ripping sensation on my back along with a playful laugh...For the moment, the only thing I want is this woman’s body...
The sun shined directly into my eyes as I woke up. “Oh fuck...I didn’t mean to stay the night. I looked at the naked girl next to me, covering her up with the blanket as I stood up and pulled some pants on. 
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“Wild night...I got the experience I wanted.” I walked into the bathroom and locked the door, speaking quietly so the girl wouldn’t be able to hear me. “You know Maverick, this body was nice and the night was fun, but...I miss my old life. This just isn’t for me. I can’t wait to take you off...” I reached behind me to feel for the zipper, but there was nothing. Wait...no. NO...THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING. I had too much to drink...I didn’t notice...it can’t be...? 
I walked back to the bed, where I saw the girl start  to wake up. I looked around, and spotted the zipper on the ground. “W-What the fuck? NO! I didn’t want to do this to Maverick! I don’t want this! Wh-what...no, it’s still just a suit!” I started tear out my hair, pull at my lips, trying to stretch Maverick’s finger’s off, looking for some sign that...that I was still wearing a suit, that I wasn’t Maverick, that I didn’t just permanently take my roommate’s skin...
The girl had woken up to my frantic scrambling. 
“Maverick? What are you doing? Your scaring me!” 
“What the hell did you do? Tell me you didn’t take that zipper off of me, please!” 
“W-what? That thing? I-I don’t know! It was like a sticker on you. It was part of your costume, right?” She attempted to make a light-hearted joke. “Don’t worry babe, it was past midnight. Halloween was over.” I was in complete shock, when she enticingly walked up to me and teased me with her tongue out, tracing my abs. “You shouldn’t wear costume to cover up this sexy body of yours.” 
“I...I don’t think I have a choice.” 
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shorkbrian · 3 years
I cannot stop thinking about!!! Tendou in the desert. Mainly because I went for a walk and found a bunch of creepy stuff, and Tendou would fit right into the creepy-desert-aesthetic. (also..... he’d be the type to have a meth trailer out in the middle of nowhere lol)
(What to expect - bad writing, a dead body, Tendou being weird. No NSFW)
He’s just absolutely batshit crazy. There’s no explanation for his actions.
Like you go for a walk in the mountains, intent on seeing a beautiful, iconic desert sunset, skies dyed pink, purple, orange and red.
It gets dark faster than you anticipated though, and you’re left trying to stumble back to your car in the pitch black night, temperature quickly dropping.
And of course, you aren’t prepared at all. It’s the desert, it isn’t supposed to get cold. So you’re shivering, freezing, skin going numb, starting to feel a bit sluggish as you wonder how the fuck it’s so fucking cold.
There’s a light off in the distance, maybe your car? Had you left the light on?
Stumbling closer, tripping over rocks and trying to avoid cactus, you try to focus on the light, on the outline. It almost looks too high to be your car.
Then you hit the dirt, foot twisting over a rock, causing you to crash onto your side, landing your hip directly onto a cactus. You screech at the stinging pain that stabs into your hip, the side of your butt, your outer thigh.
It hurts to stand up, and you can’t even assess the damage done, because it’s dark and as soon as you try to feel your hip, sharp spines make you cry out, pulling your hand back.
All that’s left for you to do is cry as you make your way towards the light, hoping, praying it’s your car.
As you limp closer, tears dripping down your face at the pain of the cactus spines, the cold, your now-sore ankle, you quickly discern that the light’s source comes from a house.
Specifically, a trailer.
There’s junk everywhere, piles of it, and you trip over a few stray.... well, you can’t really make out what it is, with how dark it is. But you make it to the door.
And yeah, this is super creepy. You’re out in the middle of nowhere, it’s dark, with no flashlight, no jacket. You’re vulnerable, but you’re so freaking cold, and you think there’s blood on your leg from where you’ve been stabbed with the cactus spines.
You need help.
So you gather up the courage, pray that there’s someone home, that it’s not a serial killer, and knock on the door of the trailer.
There’s a loud thump, high pitched, muffled cursing, then some shuffling. The clicking of locks on the door, and then it swings open, revealing a man holding a shotgun.
Well fuck.
He’s lanky, thin and wirey, wild red hair tangled on top of his head. Large, hooded eyes squint at you sleepily, before the man cocks his head.
“You lost?”
“Uhm, yeah..... hi.” You sniffle out, and the man’s eyes visibly widen as he realizes you’re crying, in nothing but a short sleeve shirt and a pair of pants, standing out in the cold.
The inside of the trailer is warm, and it makes your cheeks, ears, and frozen hands tingle as feeling begins returning to them. How had it gotten so cold in the fucking desert?
The man introduces himself as Tendou Satori, deputy of Shiratorizawa county. He’s not lying to you either, has the badge, the uniform - it even explains the shotgun.
He clicks his tongue when you limp inside, as light falls upon your hip and shows your jeans darkened with blood. Tells you to warm up first, sit in front of the heater vent, then he’ll help you with the cactus.
“What’re you doing way out here? City’s kinda far.”
“I was gonna watch the sunset, take pictures ‘n stuff.” You offered, wrapping the blanket he had provided more firmly around yourself. His gaze makes you uncomfortable, and you’re not sure why. It’s not like he’s going to do anything bad, he’s a police deputy.
His eyes are so flat though, still hooded even though he’s very much awake. Maybe that’s just the way he looks, but it’s a bit creepy.
“Didn’t think it’d get dark as fast as it did? Is that why you were wanderin’ around out there?”
You nodded. “Didn’t know it could get so cold either.”
Tendou chuckles, high pitched, and you wince. He sounds like a creepy funhouse clown when he laughs like that. “Ehehe, lots of people get caught off guard by desert weather. Think it’s hot all the time, can’t even imagine that it gets a bit chilly. You’re lucky I’m posted up here, otherwise you’d be a popsicle by morning!”
He was so nonchalant about the idea of you freezing to death, you didn’t know how to respond.
Luckily, you had warmed up enough to stop shaking, teeth no longer clattering together. Tendou told you to stay put while he got supplies to fix up “Your little owie!”
It was much more than a ‘little’ wound.
The trailer was filled with thick awkwardness as Tendou asked you to peel off your pants so he could get to the spines embedded in your skin. He didn’t seem to understand that you felt a little embarrassed, didn’t even turn his back as you slowly pushed them to your ankles, wincing as they dragged over your bloodied hip.
“Ok-ay! Now, this’ll hurt, so try not to scream a whole bunch, right?”
And then he was digging in with tweezers, delicately extracting cactus spines from your puffy, swollen hip, the side of your butt, your outer thigh.
It hurt, badly, and you started crying again, much to your embarrassment. Tendou didn’t seem to mind, kept his eyes fixed on your bloody leg as he quickly tended to it.
“I’ll be done soon, don’t worry. You’ll have to hydrate a bunch after I’m done though.”
“Why does it hurt so much? Are they poisonous?” You yelped as the man tugged on a particularly painful spine, furrowing his brows in concentration as he pulled it out.
“Oh! It’s cause they’re like little meat hooks.” He looked up at you, smiling, holding his most recent extraction with his tweezers so you could see. “They get pretty attached once they get in you, hehe, but I’ll make you better.”
Forty minutes later had Tendou finishing up, finally deeming you cactus-free after a thorough inspection. He had plucked out the large spines with tweezers, before running his hand over your skin, stilling you when you flinched, explaining that he was feeling for the small needles.
You felt insanely uncomfortable, with his hands and face that close to such an intimate area. 
“All do-ne!” The man sang, straightening his back, giving you a gleaming smile. His lips stretched too far over his teeth. “Now, I’ll get you some pants, and some water. You want to sleep in the bed with me? Or on the couch?”
The panicked confusion must be evident on your face, because Tendou cackled, standing up, towering over you. 
“Can’t go back out there, you wanna die? Gotta stay until mornin’.”
“The couch please.” The choice was easy, and Tendou nodded, before disappearing through a doorway into a dark room, coming back with an armful of blankets. He tossed a pair of pajama pants at you from the pile, but you hesitated in putting them on.
“Um.... Mr.? Can I have something to wipe off the blood?” It was crusted on your leg, dried and dark brown now.
Tendou turned from making up the couch, blinked at you slowly, looked at your leg. “Guess I should do that!” 
You had to wait a bit longer, until he had arranged the couch to his liking, before the strange man fetched a wet washcloth to wipe off your leg with.
It was warm, and he was thorough as he sponged off the blood. The way he licked his lips while doing so made you feel a bit uneasy.
When you were finally clean, you tugged on your new pants quickly, finally feeling a bit more comfortable now that you were no longer exposed.
“Wanna eat before you go to bed? I have-” Tendou bent to shuffle through his fridge. “-Oh! I have applesauce! and crackers! Yum Yum!” Both items were held aloft triumphantly. 
Who kept crackers in the fridge?
You just wanted to go to sleep.
“I’m good, thank you though.”
“Okay, beddy-bye time then I guess.” Why did he talk so childishly? 
You tried to relax as he turned out the lights, bidding you good night as he shuffled back through the doorway, apparently into his bedroom.
Tomorrow you’d find your car, and everything would be fine.
Tendou was sitting on the couch when you woke up, your bare feet in his lap.
“Good morning~!” His voice was so loud, you were wincing at the volume, at the sunlight streaming through the dingy curtains, at your first good look at his trailer - he’d kept it dark last night, only turning on one light.
It was clean, well, as clean as a trailer could be. Nothing suspicious or worrisome.
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” The man questioned, suddenly leaning far too close, his hand sliding up your calf.
“Oh-uhm-” You stuttered, blushing at the proximity, the foreign touch. “I should go find my car...”
Tendou rolled his eyes, backing off quickly. “Too boring. Also too far. It’ll hurt to walk, you won’t be able to make it.”
You raised an eyebrow, immediately testing out his claim, hissing in pain as soon as you moved your leg.
Apparently, it was swollen and sore.
He was right, walking hurt, and you barely hobbled to the little bathroom without Tendou’s assistance. Maybe he could go find your car and bring it here? It had to be close by, you hadn’t been walking for that long last night...
“So!” Tendou clapped his hands, and you started, almost bumping into him as he stood, leaning over you on the couch. “Tell me about yourself, it’s been so long since I’ve had anyone over. You have a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Where’s your family? I’ve always wanted someone to keep me company here.”
“Woah, wait, what?”
Tendou chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re going to stay here with me now! I think we should get to know each other a bit, don’t you?”
Staying with him? Here? What was going on?
“Um, Mr.-”
“Tendou... or Satori, your choice.” The man interjected, before moving to flop down next to you on the couch.
“Tendou-” You continued. “-I can’t stay here. I need to find my car, and drive back to the city, back to my home. My roommate will be worried...”
“Home is here.” His tone was so matter-of-fact, it shocked you silent.
“You had a roommate though? How fun!!” He chirped, and you didn’t miss the emphasis on “had”. “You ever have sex with them?”
Tendou had moved in a second, pressed to your side, his face too close to yours, and you panicked.
“I gotta go. Really, I’m sorry, thank you for helping me out last night but I need to get going-” You were on your feet, ignoring the pain lancing through your leg as you hobbled quickly to the door, throwing it open.
A hand tugged on your shirt, pulling you off balance and forcing you to step backwards. 
“You’re leaving? But I did so much for you, you haven’t even paid me back...”
His grip on your shirt was firm, but you wriggled and writhed until he was forced to let go. “I-I promise I’ll pay you when I get to my car. My wallet’s there, you can have everything in it-”
You pushed forward, through the door, barely dodging Tendou’s grabby hands. This wasn’t right, there was something off about him, you needed to get away.
“I don’t want you to go.” But you weren’t listening to his suddenly deep, serious voice. Instead, you were frantically looking around, trying to figure out which way you had come from last night. 
There was nothing but cactus, rocks, and dirt.
“I was wishing for company the other day, y’know? It gets so lonely here, the sheriff isn’t a good conversationalist.”
The sheriff?
You whirled around, Tendou standing in the door, looking off to the side. You followed his gaze, saw the lawn chair, the upturned bucket next to it, two empty bottles of beer. There were more bottles littering the ground.... there was another lawn chair-
-and the fully-dressed body of a sheriff, half-decayed, sat in it.
You didn’t even think to scream; who would hear you out here? All you did was run, adrenaline roaring through your veins and letting you forget about your wounded leg.
“Wait!” Tendou called after you gleefully, bouncing out of the doorway. “You’re hurting his feelings! Ahehehe!!”
The man was deranged.
And you very quickly realized that there was no where to run.
Nowhere to hide.
You couldn’t see your car, or anything that looked familiar. The only sounds in the air was the panting of your own breath, your feet thudding slowly underneath you as your initial shock wore off, as the adrenaline left you, as the pain returned.
It had only been a few minutes since you took off, speeding away from the unhinged madman. You were left wondering if he was really the deputy - maybe he’d killed the deputy, stolen his uniform.
Then you wondered why there was a dead sheriff in his yard. Had no one come looking for him? Where was the sheriff’s car? What was even going on?
It’s warm, the sun beginning to beat down on you relentlessly, and you curse the desert. Curse it’s unbearable heat during the day, it’s frigid temperatures at night. 
“Pretty girl!!! I found you~!” Tendou’s shrill voice had you jerking your head around, frantically trying to see where the man was. Had he been following you? Where was he, there was nothing he could hide behind!
“You want to go for a ride in my fancy car? Is that it? I’ll take you to dinner, then we’ll kiss under the moon!” The man cackled, and you determined that the voice was coming from your left.
But... there was nothing there?
Tentative, painful steps forward, towards his voice. Where was he? If you couldn’t see him, you couldn’t fight him. You needed to know where the creep was.
A careful step.
A careful step.
A careful st-
A terrified scream tore from your lungs as your foot seemingly plunged into thin air, immediately landing you on your butt as you slide down a steep incline.
It was a ravine.
You tumbled down into it’s depths, getting scraped by rocks and brush. Luckily, you slammed into something solid, metal, and it stopped your tumultuous motion.
Gaining your bearings, you stared hard at the door of the police car you’d just collided with, before a hand popped out of the window, waving at you.
“Beep beep!” Tendou snickered, his flat eyes taking in your disheveled appearance. “Let’s mess around, I’ve heard doing it in a car is fun.”
There’s no one around to hear you scream.
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tintinwrites · 4 years
i’d rather be lonely | Javier Peña x Fem!Reader | Part Three
A/N: Yes there were covert listening devices in the late 80′s/early 90′s and you know how I know? THIS WHOLE FIC IS BASED OFF AN EPISODE OF THE GOLDEN GIRLS THERE I SAID IT. Shout out to @bisexual-space-slut​ for helping out with the bits of Spanish in this!
Rating: T
Warning: Unwanted sexual advances and unwanted touching; it is not graphic (it’s only touching of a breast) or very long but it is there and it is uncomfortable so please be aware of that before reading. Sexual references. Cigarettes. Naughty words. Reader’s bra? The drug lord in this is creepy and cruel, so if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip or skim!
Word count: 3,789, apparently!!
Summary: You and Javier realize that the other is maybe not the bad person you decided they were. You go undercover to allow another agent a distraction to find info on Escobar, but the man you’re distracting realizes that you’re wearing a wire.
Part One | Part Two
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GIF credit: damerondjarin
Tags: @thedevilwearsvibranium​ @thirsty-flygirl​ @shadow-assassin-blix​ @damndamer0n​ @huliabitch​ @damerondjarin​ @perropascal​ @mylifeliterally​
Javier looked at his watch for the third time since he instructed you on how and where to place the wire then went outside to wait for you, tapping his foot impatiently.
You really could be damn frustrating sometimes and he was especially infuriated because this undercover mission was important and Rojas was counting on you to be there so he could find the information he needed.
When twenty-five minutes had gone by and you still didn’t come down to join him, Javier let out a quiet fuck and stalked inside to see what was taking you so long.
The office was empty and dim, everyone else either home or staked somewhere near Diaz’ place waiting for you, and he stepped in to see you standing by the one light that was on, your shirt unbuttoned as you tried to secure the wire to your skin.
“What the hell are you doing in here?” His still-grumpy tone made you look up at him with wide eyes.
“What the fuck, Javier?!” You immediately turned away from him.
“You need to hurry it up, everyone’s waiting.”
“You think I’m not trying to get this...fucking thing on?”
There was an edge to your voice that made him pause, running a hand over his face then placing both of them on his hips, looking at the floor. “You want some help?”
“No,” you said quickly, the word trembling.
“I won’t touch you anywhere you don’t want me to.” He obviously meant that as he watched your shoulders and arms moving almost desperately to tape the microphone down.
“I don’t want you to touch me anywhere.” The wire swung down as it peeled from your skin the moment you placed it, and he watched your head lower as you bit back a frustrated whine.
“Listen, I don’t wanna touch you any more than you want me touching you.” He glanced at you.
You grabbed the wire from where it was dangling at your side. “Then leave me alone!”
He watched you try to secure the covert listening device and then he rolled his eyes, moving closer to you. “Let me help you.”
There was a beat and then you turned around to face him, your arms wrapped around yourself and your gaze on anything in the room that wasn’t him.
His eyes zeroed in on the red lace that was peeking out from your open shirt as he pulled your arms away from you, but he said nothing and merely grabbed the wire to undo the tangles you’d made.
“—my laundry piled up with how much we’ve been doing around here and this was the only bra I could grab.” You weren’t sure why you were explaining yourself to him considering who he was, that your underwear was none of his business and, hey, maybe you wore sexy lace under your clothes all the time.
“I didn’t say anything.” He smirked slightly, reaching around you to grab a piece of tape for the wire.
He situated the wire along your torso, pressing a piece of tape to secure part of it to your belly, looking at you when he noticed you shifting on your feet a little.
You were staring off into the distance rather than at him, which told him it wasn’t his proximity or his hands on you that was making you nervous. ���Matching set?”
Furrowing your brow, you tilted your head at him and followed his gaze as he gestured towards your bra.
“Fuck off, Javier.” Your reply was half heartedly angry, not distracting you like he hoped it would.
He silently continued fixing the wire on you, very aware of his fingers brushing against the lace of your bra as he figured out where to place it.
“Are you okay?” He asked, though he was pretty sure you were nervous about going undercover.
“Don’t pretend you care.” Now you were purposely not looking at him.
“I’m not a monster.” His tone was defensive and angry, nostrils flared, quick to let you under his skin with your attitude yet admitting to you that he did care about your safety; that he wasn’t so up his own ass about the banter you two yelled at each other to not be concerned about your safety.
With the right tone and expression, he conveyed this in those four words and you looked up at him then away in...shame? Thought?
He leaned around you to grab another piece of tape to put on the wire as he said, “You drive me up the fuckin’ wall sometimes, but I don’t hate you and I don’t really know why you hate me.”
You weren’t acknowledging what he said, but it wasn’t because you weren’t listening as much as something in your head was telling you that you didn’t hate him either, that maybe you’d been too quick to jump on him for one thing and you’d been too stubborn to allow him the chance to prove he was a good man.
Then again, he did look at almost every woman like something he could fuck and he was as mean to you as you were to him. You didn’t hate him, but you didn’t like him either. It was something between the two that you weren’t sure what to call.
You honestly didn’t care at the moment because you were scared of going undercover and even the man you hated or whatever being kind to you was a comfort.
Javier was used to you hating touching him or being touched by him, so he stared at you in confusion when you grabbed onto his arms to stop him from delicately — he had no intention of accidentally groping you and allowing you the excuse to rip his dick off — taping the wire to your breast.
“I heard you and Murphy talking...for a little bit, and then I asked what was going on and...what have you seen them do to women?” The fear in your eyes as you looked up at him was so obvious that he didn’t know what to say for a moment, didn’t want to confirm your suspicions by telling you even the clean cut murders he’d witnessed or seen pictures of.
“Nothing that’s gonna happen to you.” That seemed reassuring enough without telling you any of the details on what narcos did to women.
You nodded, looking unconvinced.
He watched you as he taped the microphone down by the edge of your bra, and the little smile on your lips didn’t seem to match the tears in your eyes. “They’re gonna kill me, aren’t they?”
With the wire now in place, he moved his hands away from your breasts. “No. Rojas is going to be in there with you, you’re wearing the wire, and me and Murphy and a bunch of other guys are gonna be right there. They’re not gonna know you’re wearing a wire because you’re gonna get out of there as soon as Rojas makes the signal.”
He hesitated slightly since you hated him and wasn’t sure if you wanted comfort over your fears of going undercover from him, but decided that it wasn’t that important as he awkwardly patted your arm. He patted you a second time and then let it slide down as he was moving away, only for you to grab onto his hand.
The first thought was that you were going to tear off his hand or break his arm, and maybe you were going to, but then you looked into his eyes and the tension between you seemed...softer.
Maybe he was a good man. He was showing you this kindness simply because you were afraid even though you’d been hateful towards him.
You seemed so fucking defenseless as you gazed at him, that he realized you weren’t just the ball of anger he’d known for eight months and he couldn’t help but think you needed his protection, staring at you like he’d never met you.
He gently squeezed your arm which made you remember who you were standing this close to, whose eyes you were gazing into, whose lips you might’ve glanced at, and you remembered the things you’d thought before about why you didn’t like him.
“Thank you,” you said quickly, shoving him away.
And Javier was remembering that you hated him and you were only allowing this moment because you were afraid and he was there. “Button up your shirt. Let’s go.”
He walked out of the office, hearing your shoes with a bit of taller heel than normal clacking behind him.
“Javi.” He paused when you stepped outside and he heard you call him that. You usually called him Peña or sometimes Javier, and occasionally ‘that asshole’, but you’d never used his nickname.
“What?” He turned to see you were standing at the door, not following him.
“You have any cigarettes?”
He rolled his eyes, reaching into his jacket as he walked over to you and taking out his pack, opening it for you. “You know they realized these things are bad for you in the sixties, right?”
You stared at him and the smirk on his lips in frustration, taking out a cigarette and placing it between your lips. Javier even took out his lighter for you, cupping his hand around the flame as he lit the cigarette for you.
His eyebrows raised when you took a drag of it like you were addicted.
“You’ve done this before,” he mused, watching you and lighting a cigarette of his own to take a puff of.
“When I joined the DEA, I...it was...I needed something.” It sounded simple, but Javier knew that the reason you used to be addicted was the same reason he was.
You stood there together until your cigarettes were burned down to nothing and you dropped the butt on the ground, staring at your less conservative heels as you stomped on it to guarantee it was out.
Javier stomped out his own and stepped forward, but you hesitated. “Can I have another?”
He looked at you with an odd mix of frustration and maybe sympathy as he shook his head.
“Come on.”
“That’s Diaz’ house, right?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am.”
You still looked unconvinced and Javier shook his head.
He knew you weren’t an idiot, that you were only trying to stall going into Baldemero’s home because he was a fairly known drug lord and there were also a lot of other dangerous men in that house with him.
“Listen, we tested the wire and it looks like I’m gonna be able to hear everything that happens, so you’re safe. I’ve got your back. Rojas is in there.” You were standing behind some tall bushes that hid you from view of anyone who might be guarding, the van where Javier would be listening parked down the road.
“I know.” You reasoned with yourself that this was your damn job and people went undercover all the time, that this would only be a few minutes to distract then you would leave when Rojas showed you the signal that he found what he was looking for.
“Then fucking move.”
“I am!”
You started towards where the entrance was so you didn’t look suspicious by climbing through bushes, turning around when Javier hissed at you. “What?!”
He was gesturing at his shirt and pulling at the buttons, rolling his eyes when all you did was look at him like he was an idiot. “Undo a button!”
“What the hell? Why?” It would look ridiculous to anyone watching as you whispered to each other from a few feet apart, but hopefully no one was watching.
“You want to distract men, don’t you? That’ll do it.” He stared at you and you stared back.
Then you undid the second button on your shirt, making sure the wire wasn’t showing as you moved to walk to the entrance. Javier called out to you again. “What now?!”
His eyes roamed over you but he didn’t look predatory, more like he was examining you or something. “You look nice.”
The sincerity in his voice stunned you and you opened your mouth to sass him, but didn’t see a reason to.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“I didn’t agree to fuck any prostitutes I find, Peña.”
He was trying to ease the tension in your shoulders because it wasn’t going to look good if you were a scared rabbit trying to be seductive.
When you were nearing the driveway that led to the house, he decided to try, “I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away.”
“Fuck off.” That did the trick, and you glared over your shoulder before standing a little taller and disappearing up the driveway.
It was a long walk from the street to where the house was nestled innocently on the plot of land, especially in heels that were an inch or two taller than you were used to; it seemed like the walk didn’t take long despite the pain in your feet, though, staring up at the door nervously.
You looked back, but Javier obviously wasn’t there and was probably at the van by now, and you knocked on the door alone.
Someone peeked through the curtain in a window on your right very quickly and your hands were clenched into fists at your sides as you waited for someone to open the door.
You heard locks being opened, closing your eyes for a moment as you put yourself in the mindset of some lost girl with questionable decision making skills.
The large man who opened the door and stared down at you suspiciously — was he seven feet tall? He looked like he was seven feet tall — made it easy for you to be scared, though you weren’t scared of being lost like the character you were playing.
“Hola,” you said anxiously, eyes darting around before you made yourself gaze up at him, trying to stand a bit more confidently. “Creo que estoy perdida.”
The man stared at you like being lost was an entirely foreign concept to him, and you shifted on your feet a bit.
“¿Teléfono?” You wanted to run away when he continued to stare at you and tell Javier and whoever else that they could kiss your ass.
“No.” He moved to shut the door right in your face when someone said a name from behind him and he almost looked like he tensed.
“Deja entrar a la chica bonita.”
Let the pretty girl in. You didn’t like that. You really didn’t like it when the man at the door stepped aside and you saw Baldemero Diaz himself standing there with a smile on his lips, bigger than you in every way and entirely intimidating with dark eyes that stared right into you.
Your hands were shaking as you stepped into the house, but the look of worry on the man’s face seemed to say he thought you were frightened about being lost; this would work in your favor, to pull him in before you turned on the charm.
If you were capable of ‘turning on the charm’ when a dangerous narco was standing next to you.
The sound of the door shutting made you jump and even though you hated Javier Peña with almost every fiber of your being, all you wanted to do was run out, go to the van, and drag him inside to do this with you.
Something about that thought made you realize that you did not need protection and you were perfectly capable of handling this on your own, and you didn’t need a man to protect you when you were trained for this. Wasn’t your fear proving Javier’s jab about you not being cut out for the job?
You could seduce Diaz for a few minutes and you’d do it well.
Pushing down your fear to do your job looked like straightened shoulders, a lifted chin, and hands that were shaking less, but you realized that looked a bit odd for a woman who was apparently lost and you toned it down a little.
Your fear was definitely still there, though, and it eased somewhat when you saw the familiar eyes of Rojas standing in a doorway. He nodded subtly to you and glanced to make sure no one was watching as he backed into the hallway behind him.
“¿Hola? ¿Estás aquí?” You didn’t realize Baldemero was trying to talk to you until he jokingly asked if you were there.
“Si.” Your lips were open in almost awe that you were standing near this man, and you quickly smiled shyly and what you assumed to be flirtatiously.
“¿Eres de Colombia?”
His laugh was loud and your jump went unnoticed as the other men laughed with him. Were there more men in the room or did you just not notice them? You let out a little charming giggle of your own.
Baldemero looked you over like you were a fine meal, differently than the way Javier looked at you when you first met, perverse and possessive.
“Where are you headed?” he asked in English, looking past you to nod to one of his men.
“Medellín.” You glanced over your shoulder to cringe at an empty part of the room so no one would see you acknowledge your fuck up.
Another laugh, but you looked at him with a meek smile rather than jump this time. “You’re a few hours out from there, delicious girl.”
In all your years in a male-dominated career, you’d never heard a name that made you want to run away as much as that one did; but you knew that your distraction was working and you moved about an inch closer to him.
You practically jumped onto him when a glass of water was shoved in front of you, gasping softly and then letting out a nervous laugh when you realized what it was.
“Agua.” The smirk on his face was not as generous as his offer.
“Gracias,” you said quickly, grabbing the glass and taking a large sip of it.
Then it occurred to you that it easily could’ve been drugged, but you couldn’t exactly spit it back into the glass without looking either rude or suspicious.
So you drank the sip you took and you wondered if Javier was right.
Maybe you weren’t cut out for this job.
You might’ve never been undercover before, but how many people fucked up this many times?
There was no backing out of it, though, because this was your job and you were undercover, and all you could do was try to seem sweet on this man and repeatedly yell in your head for Rojas to hurry the fuck up.
The glass of water was tugged out of your hand and you watched Baldemero hand it back to the man next to you, staring at the man retreating from the room before fingers gripped your chin to turn you back.
“I’d be happy to help someone so...defenseless.” You didn’t even realize his grip left your chin until he was shoving into your shoulders, pushing you hard against the wall.
You cried out when your back slammed against the block wall, not even able to try and run before he was on you, a hand on the wall on either side of your head to keep you caged in with him.
Were you still supposed to pretend you were some lost, flirtatious idiot or would it be okay to try and push him away?
All you really did was stay perfectly still as he leaned in and pressed his nose to your neck, inhaling deeply.
One of his hands moved away from the wall as he pulled back and you didn’t know what to do, staring at him with wide eyes as he gently caressed your cheek then trailed his fingers down the side of your neck.
The wire.
The wire.
“I’m a virgin!” You didn’t know why that was the first thing to come to mind when he reached for your breast, but it made him pause and then laugh.
“Good.” He groped your breast so roughly you didn’t know how anyone could derive pleasure from it, your nails scrabbling against the wall as if you could push it over.
Maybe he wouldn’t notice the wire and—
He stopped, his fingers prodding right above your bra where you knew the wire was taped.
“Agarrarla!” He stepped back once he’d yelled the demand to his men, but you couldn’t run as two of them grabbed you and dragged you away from the wall.
You whimpered as you were held tight by both your arms and Baldemero approached you with rage in his expression, and you knew you needed to run, breaking out of your frightened trance and trying to pull out of the men’s grips.
He stood in front of you and just stared at you, watched you grunt as you yanked on your arms, waited for you to realize you’d tear your own shoulders if you didn’t stop. You didn’t want to stop trying to get away from them, but you didn’t want to hurt yourself either.
The buttons on your shirt ripped off easily when he grabbed onto either side of it and pulled it open, revealing the wire taped to you.
He jumped forward and grabbed onto your jaw tight enough to leave bruises, only pressing his fingers tighter at the pained little noises you made.
Dragging you closer, your shoulders pulled taut with his men holding onto you, he began to speak in Spanish.
He told you what he was going to do to you and what his men were going to do to you, and you were thinking of all those things Javier had seen, wondering if you were going to be in pictures he’d need to look at as evidence against Baldemero Diaz.
Then you remembered Javier was listening and you figured they knew you were wearing a wire anyway.
“Javier! Javi!” It was the second time you’d called him that nickname, but all you were thinking about was that Rojas was somewhere deeper in the house and that the man you almost hated was the only person who could save you from a man truly worth hating.
He looked between his men quizzically, then looked at you. “¿Quien es Javi?”
You didn’t tell him, but it was fairly obvious who he was. You turned your face away as he released your jaw, and he bent over to place his mouth near the microphone, a light huff fanning over your breasts.
“Say bye, Javi.”
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Not Alone: Chapter Six
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want B) this chapter is short but theres a seggs joke in it and a new character is finally mentioned so
-> Word Count: 1.4k
-> Warnings: seggs joke lol i think thats it
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat [if you wanna be added lmk <3]
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The farmhouse sat quiet, just like Y/n hoped it would. She’s never come back to it so quickly. It had the longest, most off the beaten track, driveway of the four and it was the closest to her cabin.
They peeled off their soaking wet clothes. Her wound burned from the cold river water and the exertion of wading through the river for such a long ways. She’s done it before, but it wasn’t her favorite way to get to the house. But she’s been followed before, and she didn’t want to be followed again.
She couldn’t help but steal a glance at Kirishima as he pulled his wet shirt off and dropped his jeans on the floor. His wound was bright purple. The brand new scar that’s developing was lumpy.
“It’s bigger than I thought it would be.”
She looked up at Kirishima to see him smiling at her. She pulled her pants off and noticed for the first time that he had drawings of dinner rolls on his boxers. She raised an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, “Buttered buns.”
“I don’t get it.”
“That’s because you were nine when the world went crazy.”
Y/n felt her face blushing, realizing that it obviously meant something filthy, “You were only ten,” She said out of spite.
“Yeah I was but my friend was twelve. So that makes me more like twelve when it happened.” Y/n stopped smiling but he didn't stop talking. “Bakugo was a bad kid. His mom used to get so mad at him. He had a magazine collection that could shock a whore.”
Y/n flinched at the word. She knew what it meant and how it was used but she never heard anyone say it. The conversation suddenly felt wrong.
“One time he was dating this chick and he-”
“Kiri.” Y/n looked back at Mina who was making a distasteful face, “Sex related Bakugo stories in your underwear is creepy dude.” Y/n smiled and watched as Kirishima’s face grew red. He looked at her through his bangs and her heart started to feel like it was too big for her chest.
“Where’s your friend?” Y/n didn’t want to ask but she knew she had to.
Mina answered from behind her, “We hope dead.” Y/n nodded and left it at that. She knew that feeling. Kirishima’s face looked haunted and Y/n could’ve sworn she saw guilt, but she leaves it at that.
Y/n felt weird about being in a house with other people. Not just because it was one of her safe spaces, but also because she was never with people. Her legs ached and she knew she wouldn’t sleep.
She looked at Mina, “You guys sleep first. Me and Hades will take the first watch.”
Kirishima frowned, “Why don’t we all just sleep. There’s no way anyone followed us Y/n.” She wanted to slap him. She knew it was irrational but his survival skills left a lot to be desired. Instead, she turned and walked away.
“Dude we’ll take watch here every night. It just feels safe here, that doesn’t mean it is.”
“Fine. Whatever.”
Y/n pulled the knife that she stole from the dead military guy out of her boot and rubbed it down with bleach she pulled out from under the sink. She hated that she touched something of someone else’s. She caught Kirishima watching her but she ignored him. She ignored her heart fluttering every time he glanced at her. She would leave him. It was her nature.
Instead, she looked at Hades, who had positioned himself in front of the back door, curled into a ball.
“So much for helping me.” Hades opened one yellow eye and closed it again.
She took her new knife, bow and quiver, and her bottle of water to the door. She rubbed Hades’s head once and then headed out into the night quietly.
She opened the barn door and slipped inside. The darkness of the barn was frightening, but she gripped the handle of the blade for strength. She climbed the stairs and felt like something would grab her feet at any second and drag her down into the hay.
She climbed into the hayloft and sat on the open window. The dark night was silent. She didn’t like the silence. She liked the sound of animals telling her she was safe. She opened her ears and closed her mind against the sounds that haunted her.
Then she heard them.
The night creatures that would warn her of any intruders fill her ears. There was a cricket, a single cricket out in the field. She heard a bat off in the woods south of the farm. The noise made her smile. The signs of life filled her with a mistaken and misguided hope. She knew the reality of it all. She knew they were lost, all of humanity was. She knew what the world has done to each other. They were no longer human. Their humanity was lost. The animals had bested them in behavior in survival
The door to the house slipped open. Mina crossed the driveway carefully. A smile crossed Y/n’s lips. She knew that Mina was a survivor.
“His leg’s infected.” Mina’s words cut her. Y/n knew what she had to do but she wasn’t prepared to do it. Mina saw her face in the moonlight, “I know. I feel the same way.”
“The medicines are all expired.”
“We have to go for him. His fever is back. The red lines have started. My dad warned me about the red lines.” Y/n’s eyes left the deserted yard and fixed themselves on Mina. They glistened in the moonlight.
“I’ll go alone.”
“I can’t ask that of you.”
“He can’t travel.”
“But I can’t ask that of you. He’s my burden.”
Y/n laughed softly into the cool night air, “He really is isn’t he? How is he so clueless?”
Mina’s lips curled into a grim smile that the darkness couldn’t hide from Y/n, “He practically worshipped Bakugo. They joked and laughed while my dad tried to teach us how to survive. My dad always called them grasshoppers who played all summer.” Y/n flinched at the childhood reference. “When all of our parents died Bakugo took care of us, but he wasn’t a survivor. When Bakugo got taken I was eleven. Kirishima’s tried but he’s, well he’s a moron.”
Y/n looked back out into the yard, “He’s amazing Mina. He’s still full of the things we’ve all lost. He smiles and laughs and sings. I heard him humming the other day and I almost shot him and then realized I haven’t hummed since I was nine years old.” Her skin shivered when she thought about spying on Kirishima humming. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him.
“He’s a goof. We’ll travel together Y/n.”
Y/n looked back at her harshly, “He’ll die if we make him travel. Those red lines are blood poisoning and once the reach his heart he’s dead. I’ll go and you’ll stay and keep him safe.”
Y/n was risking her life for him. She felt like she was back at the cabin door and Mina was knocking. Y/n knew she would regret this decision.
“I’ll leave tonight. You’ll have to keep Hades with you. He can help you.”
Mina’s voice was small, “I can’t ask this of you.”
Y/n smiled bitterly,”Guess you’ll have to trust me.”
Y/n stared out into the night, it was peaceful and quiet. It scared her more than anything suddenly and Y/n felt her jaw tense.
“If I’m not back in three days you’ll have to cut the leg off and clot it. Don’t give him liquor before you cut it off, it thins the blood and he’ll bleed out. Clotting is done with a hot iron. You press it against the stump where the leg bleeds to seal the veins.” Y/n doesn’t look at Mina. She couldn’t. “The red lines means he has a week at the most. He’ll need tons of soup and water and rest. He can fight it somewhat with those things.” Y/n stood up, her legs ached at the thought of leaving. The barn felt less scary with Mina it and Y/n realized her whole life had started to feel that way
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emotionalsuppork · 4 years
⁂Bokuto⁂    Soulmate AU
Okay so I remember seeing a couple of tumblr posts talking about hair soulmate AUs way back whenever - Specifically the whole ‘when you dye your hair the other persons hair changes’, or ‘when you turn a certain age your hair mixes with theirs’, even a ‘your hair colors switch’ - but I totally forgot about it until I read a Bokuto one-shot about it by oreosmama and couldn’t get this thought out of my head.
I wrote this a little differently and I didn’t really explain how any of the soulmate stuff works, but it’s fine. 
❤ their blog  and  their one-shot❤ 
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A girl ran into the empty entrance hall of the gym. She probably figured everyone had left since practice had let out a little while ago and, to be fair, everyone had already left.
Well, almost everyone.
Bokuto had stayed behind. He got caught up talking to the coaches, and he was practicing way before any of the others showed up to practice. Of course, he was going to stay late too. And he worked hard; he rightfully deserved the hot shower. 
He went through this rant when he was in his (hard-earned) hot shower.
It was only when Bo walked back into the locker room that he realized he was alone, and nobody actually cared if he stayed late. 
He got dressed and repacked his gym bag, taking out his phone to text Kuroo and ask what time he wanted to meet for lunch.
While waiting on Kuroo's response, he made his way into the main entrance hallway, strolling towards the vending machine. He dumped his gym bag on the bench sitting in between the vending machine, deciding against a snack, and instead fumbling for his wallet to buy himself a drink. That was when the door was flung open, and he watched the girl run in, her jacket held over her head as a makeshift cover from the rain outside. She walked a few feet into the hallway before collapsing against the wall, sliding down to sit on the ground after a few heaving breaths. She whimpered once, a broken sound, then pulled her knees against herself, burying her head into them and hiding her face from view.
Bokuto didn't know what to do. He only came out here to grab a drink from the vending machine.
She didn't even notice him; he could technically leave.
He sighed quietly to himself. Her jacket was completely soaked. It was slowly slipping off her head. Luckily the rest of her clothes, a thin-looking shirt, and skirt paired with (thankfully) thicker looking leggings, seemed more or less dry. He sighed again, defeated, and slid his phone into his hoodie pocket.
He really didn't want to leave her here alone.
He walked over and finally got a good look at her. Then immediately froze and choked on a breath.
Her hair was just like his!
Well, okay, it was styled a little differently but still! He broke out into a wide beaming grin. His soul mate! He found her! and she was....crying?
Oh shit.
His grin slowly faded, and a deep frown crept into its place. Her shoulders were trembling, and he could see her stuttering, uneven breathing, could hear her choking on little sobs. He slowly inched his way closer, and she seemed to be alerted to his presence by the time he got in front of her. When he stopped in front of her, she glanced at his shoes and curled into a tighter ball.
"Hey, uh, are-are you okay?" she sniffled softly and rapidly nodded her head up and down. He hummed and crouched down to try and see her better, with no luck.
"Are you sure?" he tried again. This time she took a moment, then shook her head side to side and back again. He dropped down to sit cross-legged in front of her.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She didn't respond, and he started to panic a little, "Or-I mean, you don't have to actually, like, talk. Maybe I could guess or-or something?" He shook his head at his own stupidity. He was making a damn fool of himself. But she let out a quiet huff, and he forgave himself. At least he got her to laugh. Sort of.
He opened his mouth, racking his brain for something funny he could say to lift her spirits, but he snapped it shut when she raised a shaky hand to point at her hair. She dropped her hand back on top of her knees, still hiding her face from view. He physically wilted, feeling unbelievably heavy all of a sudden. I made her cry? What did I do!?
"Your soul mate is the problem?" She slowly nodded her head again. He didn't notice his hand reaching out for her until it was hovering over her head. He promptly snatched it back, instead using it to tug the hood of his sweatshirt over his damp hair and pull strings a little tighter. He cleared his throat. I'm not hiding, I swear.
"What happened? Do you know them?" She shook her head again and took a deep breath.
"N-no, but I-" She took another shuddering breath, "I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of a rough day today." He was stunned. Her voice was so pretty, and melodic, and soft, and...and pretty. He shook his head.
"No, don't be sorry! I mean, I'm sorry! For-cause you're crying and it's-that's not....fun." He groaned quietly and dropped his head into his hands. A damn fool. He was so insanely lucky that Kuroo wasn't here. Oh god, he'd have a field day with this.
He sat there like that a few moments, silently swearing at his own anxiety, only snapping out of it when she started giggling softly. He paused and peeked through fingers. Her face was still tilted down, and he couldn't really see her through the veil her monochrome streaked hair had made. But he could tell she was smiling a little, and his heart squeezed just shy of painful. He made her laugh for real!
"Hey, are you cold?" She stopped crying, but she was still shaking. Bokuto just realized how wet her jacket really was. He scrambled over to where he left his gym bag on the bench next to the vending machines, only tripping twice on the way. Tearing through it, he managed to find his other hoodie. He peeked a glance behind him before discreetly smelling it. It wasn't that bad for being stuck inside his gym bag. Miraculously, it didn't smell gross, just a little like his deodorant. He jogged back over to her and prayed she wouldn't think he was creepy for doing this.
"Uh h-here! Why don't you-I mean, do you feel comfortable taking off your jacket for a sec? It's really wet, and you seem kinda cold?" One shining eye looked up at him, face still hidden. He held up the hoodie in front of him. "I thought this might be more comfortable for you? I-if you want! I mean, I won't make you take it or anything." Please don't think I'm creepy, please don't think I'm creepy. please, oh please don't be scared of me.
"Thank you. That's very kind of you, um" she tilted her head to the side, her hair moving with her. Damn it.
"Oh! Bokuto, I mean, Kotaro. Er, I mean, my name is Bokuto Kotaro, but you can call me Kotaro. Please." She nodded and started to peel off her jacket. He sat back down in front of her. Her shirt was only a little damp, luckily, but it did seem pretty thin. She swiftly tugged the hoodie down over her head, pausing to roll up the sleeves when she tried to rub her eyes but found her hands lost in the fabric.
"Thank you, Kotaro, you're very sweet," He stopped breathing when she said his name, and he swore his heart stopped when she finally pushed her hair away from her face to look up at him. She continued speaking, seemly oblivious to his internal meltdown, "My name is (Y/N)."
"You're..." He trailed off and just sort of stared for a minute before she cleared her throat and tilted her head.
"I'm?" she furrowed her brows and almost pouted in confusion. Gorgeous, adorable, driving me crazy, killing me softly.
"Stunning." Is what he settled on. (Y/N) startled at that. Looking at him with wide eyes. He watched a blush wash over the apples of her cheeks, across the bridge of her nose. He sighed. She was so fucking pretty. Not to mention the fact that she was wearing his hoodie, with my name and number on the front and back in big, bold letters.
"Wait, what?" He fell gracelessly back down to earth and realized he was probably freaking her out.
"I mean-fuck, I'm sorry that was creepy I-" she rapidly shook her head and waved her hands in front of her.
"No, no, it's honestly okay. You just surprised me, that's all. Since my hair changed a few weeks ago, people have been a little, um, impolite, about my looks." She wrung her hands together in her lap and looked away. He furrowed his brows.
"People have been bullying you about your hair?" He felt heated anger and fierce frustration bubble up when she admitted it. His hands curled into tight fists and he took a few deep breaths.
Don't scare her.
"Is that why you were crying?" She tilted her head away from him again. Yes.
"They can be quite volatile..." Was all she said.
"Well, maybe you should dye your-actually no, I shou-your soul mate should dye their hair so you-" (Y/N) giggled softly again at his irate tone. He paused, and she took the moment as an opportunity to gently enclose one of his big hands with both of hers. Her hands are freezing! Bokuto unconsciously brought his other hand up to join in, turned his enclosed palm around to warm her skin.
"Honestly, my hair isn't the problem. It's just-I'm usually a little shy. Having that much attention is stressful, plus its negative attention." Bokuto looked up to watch her, but she just stared at their hands resting on her lap with a tiny smile. When had she lowered her knees? He shook his head to shake away the thoughts and focus on their conversation.
"That still sounds like your hair is the problem." He pointed out. She looked up at him. Fucking hell, she was gorgeous.
"Actually I-well, I kind of...like it." She smiled shyly but held his gaze. He tried not to visibly perk up. Instead, he raised his eyes to her monochrome hair. Black and white streaks a little wet and stringy from the rain outside. Bokuto looked into her eyes again and nodded once, resolute.
"You should. I think it suits you!" He paused and decided to finish his thought, "I think anything would suit you."
Her nearly faded blush washed back over her face, and he beamed at her when she stuttered her thanks. His wild grin softened considerably when she continued smiling at his hands, still cradling her cold fingers. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to prepare himself for his next question. He didn't see her watching him curiously.
"Do you-I mean, If you-er no, are you...?" She just stared at him in amused bewilderment. He closed the one eye he had opened to gauge her reaction and tried again.
"(Y/N), when you meet your soul mate, will you be mad at-" he stopped and bit his tongue at the words that almost escaped his mouth, will you be mad at me?, he soldiered on, "at him-at t-them?"
A moment passed where her gaze wandered, and her lips pursed slightly. Please stop doing that, I can barely think around you as it is.
"No. I don't think I have any reason to be," She said it with such finality. Like that was that, and it would never change.
"Really? But he's the reason why you went through all this. All the attention and the stress, I mean, I just found you crying in a hallway, you can't convince me that this isn't hard for you." Bokuto realizes he's basically giving her permission to hate him, which he can't even think about it hurts so bad. But I made her cry! Sure it was indirectly but still! Shouldn't he be punished or disciplined or something? Should I go run laps? Akaashi made me run fifteen laps around the gym when I accidentally made one of the first years cry.
Her voice broke him from his thoughts.
"I don't think I could ever hate them. No matter what." His heart wrenched, and this time it was painful.
"Are you sure?" She smiled and nodded at him.
"Of course I am. Who am I to judge someone I haven't met yet for having eccentric hair? Maybe they're just an eccentric person." (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders, and Bokuto was desperately fighting the urge to tug her into his lap and kiss her senseless.
Bo gathered his strength. He squeezed her hands tight once, twice, then after a moment a third time.
It still took him another few moments to actually speak.
"(Y/N), I think-I think I'm your soul mate." He had tilted his head up to the ceiling as he spoke, hoping it would help him to not cry if she got mad.
A moment passed quietly before she squeezed his hands once, twice, and a third time. He kept his eyes on the ceiling. Don't get your hopes up. (Y/N) cleared her throat and tried again, he didn't budge. She huffed and took her hands back. He heard her shuffling around. Two warm hands cupped his face and guided his head down so she could see him again. He still wouldn't look at her face.
"Kotaro," She was giggling, "Please look at me."
"Nuh-uh," he murmured. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, almost fondly. Not that he could see it.
"Am I allowed to take off your hood? Please, Kotaro?" He shut his eyes tight but agreed.
Her fingertips lingered on his skin as she pulled her palms away. Nudging under the cinched line of the hood, she gently stretched it out again and let it fall to rest against his back once more. Her hands dropped to his shoulders. For a few heartbeats, It was silent.
"That's why I feel so safe with you." (Y/N) whispered, proceeding to run her fingers through his clean hair. I might have throw out my hair gel and permanently leave it down if she keeps this up. She lightly scratched behind Bo's ears, and he noticeably shuddered. Never again. I will never again put gel in my-
His eyes snapped open, and he stared down at where (Y/N) had shifted onto her knees so she could reach his head.
"D-did you just say that you felt safe? With me?" He didn't make a move to look at her, and she (thankfully) continued brushing through his hair.
After a sharp intake of breath, Bokuto raised his hands and plucked hers off his head. Running his thumbs over her knuckles, he finally worked up the courage to look at her once more.
He felt like crying. (Y/N) looked so dazzlingly beautiful, kneeling in front of him in his hoodie, wearing my name and number. She was beaming at him, but her happiness quickly turned to panic as she yanked her hands back and flitted between stroking his cheeks and rubbing his shoulders.
"Kotaro! Darling, what happened? What's wrong?" She babbled, sounding alarmed. What?
"What are you talking about?" His voice cracked. Oh shit, I actually started crying.
Bokuto started chuckling, quiet hiccups interrupting him periodically. (Y/N) still just looked panicked, which only made him laugh harder.
"I'm fine, I swear!" He flapped a hand at her to wave off her concerns and then rested it on her hip. "I just-I was so scared." He confessed, and she finally settled on rubbing his shoulders.
"You were scared?" He heard the unspoken 'of what?' and sighed.
"I accidentally made you cry! I didn't know what to do, let alone how to fix it. I was seriously thinking about running laps around the gym as punishment." (Y/N) laughed loudly at that, and Bokuto joined in after admiring her for a second.
"You were going to run laps? Why?" She asked breathless and incredulous.
"I don't know! I panicked and-I don't know!" She was leaning on him heavily at this point, laughing way too hard to hold herself up. Bokuto wrapped his arms around her waist and coaxed her into his lap after she began to tip over. Then he just watched her, brushing her monochrome hair away from her face. She called me darling.
After her giggles faded out, she looked up and watched him right back. She slowly leaned closer, and he followed her lead, letting his eyelids slide shut. He patiently waited for her to lean that last bit closer, trying to respect her boundaries. However, the sentiment flickered out when she changed directions and merely pecked his cheek before attempting to wiggle out of his hold and stand up. He narrowed his eyes at her poorly concealed laughter and held fast. She's fucking with me!
"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Keeping her in place with one strong arm, he used his other hand to tilt her chin towards him, quickly sweeping down to kiss her. At once, she stopped struggling and fell completely pliant, allowing him to further turn her and get a better angle. (Y/N) gasped when he licked at her bottom lip and let out an adorable, soft noise when he nipped the same spot. Bokuto broke the kiss before he got too carried away trying to draw more sweet noises from her lips.
"Do you tease all the boys you kiss this bad?" She stared at him wide-eyed, looking a little dazed, before shaking her head. Bokuto raised an eyebrow.
"No? Why am I getting teased then? Huh darling?" He pouted at her and held her closer. (Y/N) opened her mouth, then closed it. Blushing at the fact he actually caught her pet name she had slipped up with earlier. She pressed her face against his shoulder, mumbling something he couldn't catch.
"Yeah, I got none of that."
"You're the only boy," She trailed off, "My first boy."
Bokuto perked up and crushed her against him so tightly she squealed.
"I'm your first kiss?" She squirmed as she nodded, and he loosened his grip a little. She looked up at him and laughed at the look on his face.
"Why do you look so happy about it?" Bokuto shrugged and tried to look less worked up. He couldn't find it in himself to look the least bit guilty, though.
"I'm sorry for stealing your first kiss. I should've asked. I'll ask next time, promise." (Y/N) looked stunned, then smiled sweetly up at him. It's gonna be so hard to keep my hands off her.
"Don't be sorry. I wanted you to have it. You don't have to ask either," She tilted her head to the floor, "They all belong to you now anyway."
Bokuto guided her lips to his again and stopped when they were a few centimeters apart. (Y/N)'s eyes had fluttered shut as soon as his fingertips pressed against her cheek, but they opened back up when he lightly tapped them against her. One glance into her sparkling irises let him know his advances were definitely welcome. After running his thumb along her soft bottom lip, he decided to make good on his earlier thought of kissing her senseless. She sighed into his mouth as soon as their lips met. Her hands moving from her lap to curl in the fabric around his neck. He pulled her tighter, promised himself to never break these sugared kisses.
Only he did. Suddenly breaking away at the abrupt, loud ringing of his phone. (Y/N) laughed when he groaned and begrudgingly fished it from his hoodie pocket, glancing at the screen. Damn it Kuroo! Leave me alone!
"What?" (Y/N) lightly smacked his shoulder at the rude tone of voice.
"Jeez, sorry for bothering you, your majesty," Bokuto growled into the receiver, "But are you done yet? We were supposed to meet up for lunch thirty minutes ago. Or are we just ignoring my texts now?"
"I'm a little busy right now, Kuroo-" He quickly got cut off.
"Yeah, I can see that. The poor girl's practically getting eaten alive." Bokuto flinched and whipped around to gape at the glass doors of the gym's entrance. Kuroo's smug face stared back at him.
"You son of a-" Kuroo hung up the phone before he could even think of finishing what would most likely be a rather vulgar insult and stepped inside, shaking off his umbrella and wiping off his shoes. Bokuto looked back at (Y/N), but she just looked confused. A little embarrassed once she noticed Kuroo walking towards them. Bokuto scrambled up, carrying (Y/N) with him, and set her down gently on her feet. Kuroo stopped in front of them, and his eyes skimmed over (Y/N)'s hair and Bokuto's hoodie draping over her, nearly covering up her skirt entirely. He spared Bokuto a glance before holding out a hand to (Y/N).
"Kuroo Tetsuro. He's much nicer in person than he is on the phone, hmm?" Bokuto rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue. (Y/N) laughed as she shook Kuroo's (stupid) hand.
"(Y/N). And I wouldn't know, we uhm, just met a little while ago." Kuroo smirked at Bokuto and clicked his tongue.
"Have you no shame, Kotaro?" Bokuto groaned and pulled at his hair. Kuroo (the bastard) just laughed and turned to (Y/N), "Would you like to join us for lunch? If we're even still going." He grumbled the last part in (mostly) pretend annoyance.
(Y/N) lit up and looked to Bokuto for permission. He brightened once more.
"Yeah! Would you?" Kuroo snorted at his eagerness, but he ignored him.
"Sure! I'd love to tag along, if it's okay with you, Kuroo?" Kuroo nodded and reminded Bokuto to grab another umbrella from the storage cupboard in the locker rooms. At the same time, (Y/N) gathered her forgotten jacket, and the bag Bo didn't even notice her carrying.
When he walked back into the hallway with the largest umbrella he could find, they were already waiting outside. Bokuto grabbed his gym bag and dashed out to follow them. He stopped and watched in pure horror as Kuroo wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and pulled her under his open umbrella. They both laughed at the look on his face, and Bokuto made sure to point out Kuroo's 'demonic' guffaw whenever he stomped over to tug (Y/N) underneath his own umbrella. She simply smacked his shoulder again.
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I’m trying to get to sleep, but I had a sudden question I really mean in good faith that I’m wondering about. I love a good stalker story-sweet and/or creepy, but it occurred to me that while fic usually just details the cute stuff the reader does while the stalker spies on her, like sleeping/cooking/masturbating/whatever, there’s also so much gross stuff that happens when you’re alone. Do you know how much dead skin I peeled off my foot today? Or all the times I picked my nose because I couldn’t find a tissue? Or worse than all of that? Sure it’s sweet when the stalker lovingly watches you bathe through a webcam, but he also knows just how long it took you to TAKE that shower and he probably saw you eat the crumbs out of your bra first. So do you think that all the dark! Steve/Lee/Jake/etc’s politely look away when their readers are being gross in what they think is the safety and privacy of their own homes? Do they start to question their obsession when they see how long it takes her to pick a kernel out of her teeth with her nail? Are they just so obsessive that EVERYTHING the reader does is magical, even if she’s stuck in the bathroom after getting food poisoning? I can’t stop thinking about this. I know stalker fics are usually about smut, smut, and more smut with a dash of terror, but are we missing some golden opportunities for hilarity here!?!? (Do I just need to go to bed instead of obsessively thinking about this??) how much attraction is left when they see ALL sides of their reader?
I think about all the dumb gross shit I do in a day and I’m like my stalker wouldn’t find this attractive would they? 
A part of me thinks that in such a situation their obsession would allow them to see past it or even have concern ya know? Maybe it would full their need to take care of you because you aren’t doing it yourself. Or maybe they’ve timed their potty breaks with yours so they never have to know what you are doing.
I agree there is space for some amazing hilarity in that these dark stalker fics. 
Like imagine Jake Jensen stalking you, doing heavy surveillance on your place, and he catches you sniffing your own fart or something? I don’t know. I just wanna think about how he’d react to that. Is he just like whatever people are gross, is he so blinded by love that he finds it cute or endearing, or does he laugh when you make a grossed-out face? THERE IS SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE.  
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codename-adler · 3 years
Kevin Day and his Oblivious Literature Lover, pt.IV
In times of college finals, aftg is my coping mechanism of predilection. hope it helps some :)
>> Table of Contents,TW and other parts here!
i’ll let you guess what Kevin and Juliet chose for their project
oh, yes
the letters of Hamilton, Eliza and John + Hamilton: The Musical
i will fight you on this
at first, when Juliet suggests it, Kevin stares at her so hard bc really?? a musical??
but then she lends him the 50$ leatherbound official book of the musical (you know the navy blue and beige one? you know what i’m talking about, right?) and reads it all in one evening and wow
lin-manuel miranda? genius. ron chernow? Genius. alexander hamilton? Dumb Genius.
oh yeah and Juliet? Absolutely mind-blowing genius.
as Andrew & Neil grow closer and the match agaisnt the Ravens rounds the corner, Kevin finds himself looking more and more forward to the time spent at the library with Juliet
she is just so focused on their project and so oblivious as who he really is and doesn’t really care if sometimes he is more anxious, if freaks over everything to be perfect, if he babbles on&on&on&on about any bit of history he discovered
she’s just there, smirking, stiffling her laughs and asking for more
they’ve exhanged phone numbers and she installed snapchat on his, and although he never sends her anything, she always has a short video and a funny caption that pop up from time to time; they’re that little reminder that the world goes on outside of exy and that he exists outside of exy
she introduces him to funny videos and he didn’t know absolute dumb shit could make him snort??
his favorite is the peanut butter baby
at first the Foxes give him this judgemental look when he ugly-snorts in the locker room or at Eden’s, but eventually they just get that glint in their eyes as if they were in on the jokes
sometimes, Juliet’s so focused on writing down bullet points in her notebook, peeling the skin off her lips, so unaware of Kevin’s personal hell of a life, that he just wants to spill out everything
although he’s not sure if it’s because he wants her to know him and stay, or because he wants her to reject him and therefore spare himself the trouble of getting attached...
she takes the decision for him
on a Thursday afternoon, on their planned study session, she doesn’t show up
she doesn’t answer her phone either
he even tries out a completely blacked out snap with “r u alive?” in caption
no answer
he gives her space, sending her occasional cat videos he thoroughly researches
if she watches them, she doesn’t say anything
on Monday afternoon, she doesn’t come to class
that’s when the panic Kevin’s been reigning in just... bursts
what if it’s Riko? 
what if it’s the Master?
what if it’s Ichirou?
what if, somehow, it’s the Butcher’s people?
that afternoon’s practice is hell for the Foxes, Kevin is ruthless and an asshole and very agressive
Dan waits for him outside the boys’ locker room as all the other Foxes leave (not even Andrew and Neil want to wait for him)
“Spit out your goddamn problem before I tell Coach to bench you next game”
oh, how Kevin wants to cuss her out
and then he looks  at her face, ready to vomit words, when he sees her worrying her lips
just like Juliet
it shouldn’t be enough to make him tear up, but it does
he still manages to keep as much of the truth to himself as he possibly can
“My EAL partner isn’t responding to my messages or my calls and she didn’t even come to class today and it stresses me the fuck out and what if it’s like with Neil, Dan?” he says in one breath, trying to tear out the net of his racket
Dan recomposes her face and gets that very serious look, the one she usually gets when someone touches her family
“It’s not, Kevin. That’s over. We got Neil back, we got you back, you got Jean back. The team didn’t even know who that person was. The most info we’ve gathered is what you just told me now. Yeah there are some bets but it’s mostly for funsies, nothing even remotely serious. You wanna look for her?” she soothes him.
“I don’t even know...”
“She lives on campus?” she asks.
“I don’t- I don’t know, Dan. I spent months with her and I can’t even vaguely say where she lives! How fucked up is that?” Kevin yells.
“It’s not even remotely fucked up, Kevin. You should know that. Does she have instagram? twitter? Or like, facebook?” she questions some more.
“God, I don’t know. She only sends me stupid fucking videos and I never even respond like the goddamn asshole I am...”
“Shut up. We’re all assholes at the end of the road, ‘kay? You ain’t better or worse than others. Now she sends them to you in text or somewhere else?”
“Sometimes texts... Sometimes the yellow app, the chat one. Why.”
“Oh great, that’s great. We can locate her, with snapchat, if she forgot to turn off the sharing. And if you’re comfortable with that, too. I know you’re not a creep like that. You’re creepy sometimes, don’t get me wrong. But, not a creep.”
“Gee, thanks, Dan.”
“Hey, shush. You down or what?” she says, arching an eyebrow.
“Okay,” he answers, unable to make the fear go away without knowing for sure.
And so it turns out Juliet’s location is, in fact, knowable. Dan grabs one of Kevin’s shoulders as he leaves the court, squeezing her affection into her grip; he nods emotionally in her direction, as far as emotions can translate unto his face.
he doesn’t even know what he’ll do once he finds her, his brain is solely focused on the animated map that brings him closer and closer to Juliet
the more he progresses, the more he realizes he is far from Fox Tower, on a campus area he has never even seen
he stops before a decrepit building, old and moldy-looking
Jackie Kennedy Hall
student dorms? this shabby? she can’t possibly live-
except that she can, because there isn’t another building close and the map has brought him here, and he doesn’t really know her...
so Kevin straightens his shoulders, inhales deeply, and goes inside
he could go on and on and on about everything that is just wrong with the place, from the smell to the decoration, but he makes a beeline for the front desk (he’s lucky there’s even one)
he asks for a way to contact someone, flashes his press smile at the women behind the desk, gives up his ID in exchange for the room number
Juliet Grier, 418
stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs
heavy door, right, 412, 414, 416...
what, now?
Kevin hesitantly knocks once, twice
no answer
he knocks again and decides to speak up, in case she didn’t hear
“Juliet? It’s Kevin. Day. From EAL? Can I speak with you?”
still nothing
maybe she isn’t home... no, the map says she’s here. maybe she’s sleeping...
he decides to try one last time
“We really should finish that project, you know? I think we could both use the free time...” he says without his heart into it.
without surprise, no response still
he decides to take a loose paper from his sachel and writes down some words
Greetings Hi,
My friend Dan helped me look for you, but you don’t have to worry about your privacy; it’s because of the yellow app. You should turn that off if you don’t want other people to be nosy. 
You weren’t in class today. I’ll share my notes if you want them. But, you should come to class, it’s better. For learning. 
I’ll wait a few in case you’re asleep. 
Text me or call me or whatever when you’re ready.
- Kevin D. (your partner from EAL)
quick, efficient, to the point
Kevin slips the paper under the door, and waits
he refreshes the map too many times, to see if her location changed or if somehow there was a glitch
it stays put
he ends up sitting on the hallway floor, his back sliding down the wall
he catches up on a book for another class, checks exy stats and watches many, many videos of Jeremy Knox on the court and in interview
some students pass him with a nasty look, eyeing the lack of earphones on his phone
some other students walk by him and will themselves to keep going, because holy shit it’s Kevin Day in Jackie Hall
it’s at least an hour and a half before the doorknob slowly and quietly starts to click
Kevin was absorbed deep into whatever move Knox was making before scoring
the 418 door opens
Kevin gets up in one move, all things Jeremy Knox and exy forgotten
she’s loosely holding Kevin’s paper in one hand, the other clutching a large scarf that covers up the majority of her body
from what he can see, though, she’s wearing sweats from head to toe; her hair’s tied on the top of her head, but most of the curls escaped and it looks unwashed and her curls, dry
her skin’s turned pale, dark circles under her eyes, a haggard look in them, her cheeks stained with dry tears
Juliet looks terrible
“Hi...” Kevin attempts
she finally looks up from the paper and gives him a bored look that could rival Andrew’s
with a rough voice strained from cries and many days without speaking, she asks, “My EAL partner?”
“Well, yes. In case.”
“In case of what.”
“I know who you are, Kevin.”
and isn’t that both his most ardent wish and his worse fear?
with that, she turns around and goes back to her dark room, leaving the door open behind her
is that... an invitation?
Kevin’s never been to another person’s place, apart from the Columbia house, Abby’s and Wymack’s
he reminds himself why he came in the first place and decides it would be a waste to leave now, right?
the small studio is a mess, much like its occupant
there are clothes everywhere, on the floor, on a chair, on the bed, on the desk
all the curtains are drawn, no light is on, the only source coming from Juliet’s laptop somewhere amongst her bedsheets
it’s like she made herself a nest and hasn’t moved from there for a long time
maybe even since last Monday, the last time he saw her
Kevin doesn’t understand the scene he has before his eyes
he’s never seen such apathy in someone that is not Andrew
and at this point, apathy is pretty much Andrew’s default state of being
not Juliet’s
Juliet is a soft glow, toothy grins, wild curls, countless jumpers, dumb jokes and references, color-coded notes, an organized mind, unwavering focus and determination, flowing words and warm, kind eyes...
so what is this?
then Kevin realizes he spoke aloud
and Juliet can only chuckle sadly, almost mockingly
“This? This is why I don’t have friends. This is why I don’t mix with people. This is why I’ll never amount to anything in life. This is my dirty laundry, both metaphorically and literally. This is it. That’s... That’s it. This is what I get,” she answers flatly
Kevin’s mind is spinning
he doesn’t understand
he needs to understand, though
“Explain it to me,” he says
Juliet looks at him like a brick just hit him on the head and made him speak Swedish
“Because, surely there’s a way to work with it.”
she laughs
it doesn’t reach her eyes, nor her lips or her cheeks
it’s just a desperate sound
it makes him think of Andrew again
and that gives him an idea, a gut feeling, if you will
“Can I try something out?” he asks
“Kevin... I can’t- I’m tired... It’s not a good idea... I’m tired, Kevin,” Juliet responds, pain noticeable in her voice and her movements slow
“I know, I- I know. Someone I know... He plays this game. It’s really not a game, it’s more like a communication thing. He calls it “A Truth for a Truth”.  In exchange for something I tell you, you tell me something. And in exchange for something you tell me, I’ll tell you something else. It’s made me... work through some things... before,” Kevin explains calmly
Juliet keeps on observing him from her bed, silent
“Look, can I just stay here to do homework? I have nowhere to go right now,” Kevin asks, almost blurting out “Please” before Andrew’s ghost caught it in his throat
she lies back down, burries herself in her covers, a silent “yes”
Kevin ends up falling asleep sitting on the floor, books open, head resting at the end of Juliet’s bed
he wakes up around 2 AM
he’s got multiple texts from Aaron and Nicky, one from Andrew, and one from Dan
“told everybody you spent the night at Coach’s. take care.”
he silently vows to thank her later
now he either really goes to Wymack’s to finish his night there, or... he stays exactly where he is
Juliet is still sleeping soundly
in a haze, he palms for a pillow or cushion, pulls his hoodie on and lies back down on the carpeted floor
he’s only awaken in the late morning when he brutally gets stepped on
“What the shit?? Kevin! How...???” Juliet yells
“Um, ow? No, no, don’t apologize so quickly. You just, you know, crushed my lungs and a couple of ribs, no worries, Jules!” Kevin groans
“Ju- you know what? I’m not sorry. Right now I gotta pee, so you better have a damn good explanation when I get back,” she replies and leaves her room to go to the bathroom at the end of the hall
instead of dread, Kevin feels calm about the upcoming conversation
he doesn’t prepare lies, doesn’t run away, doesn’t resort to assholery
he just stays put where he is on the floor, snuggles deeper into his hoodie, and waits for relief, for the truth
he waits for Juliet
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marvel-wlw · 3 years
Another Survivor (2/?)
Claire Redfield x Ada Wong x OFC
Requested by: @blackwidowfan517
Request: Maybe for part 2 of Another Survivor it could about Maya and Claire entering the hallway from the Reception area where they found two dead officers that were killed by a Licker before continuing on until they arrived at the West Office where they took care of the zombies and explored the office. Maya would find her desk and solve the puzzle to unlock it and found an upgrade part for the Samurai Edge. (Maybe add a scene where Maya finds a spade door and made a comment saying, "Huh...what a weird fucking door.") And as they explore around other rooms, Maya and Claire would get to know each other better and Claire would learn that the jacket Maya was always wearing had originally belong to the reader. (Maybe add a flashback scene where the reader gave Maya her jacket?)when they arrived at the men's locker room only to find that the path to the shower room is blocked off by hot steam and Maya would make a comment saying, "Aw, come on! Seriously, who's the jackass that fucked this place up?" And Claire would find a portable safe box and she would try to solve it but has no luck until Maya quickly solved the puzzle and opened the safe box. When Maya and Claire head up to the 3rd floor, that was when they saw a glimpse of the Licker passing by the window and on the way down the hall that was when Maya had noticed a note left by David regarding the Licker and she would read it. And when they entered the storage room, that was when Maya found another note written by someone else, which would cause Maya to frown a bit when she realized the note was possibly written by Chief Irons as she kept the note with her before leaving the room with Claire as they entered the Library where Marvin would contact them via radio, telling them to meet him at the Main Hall. (Maybe add a scene where Claire was about to check out the room that leads to the Main Hall on the 3rd floor but the bridge that leads to it broke down cause Claire to fall but Maya quickly managed to grab her by her wrist before pulling her up to safety?)After getting the Unicorn medallion and the red book, Maya and Claire would head back to the Main Hall where they learn from Marvin that Leon was outside in the Courtyard waiting by the gate on the East Side.
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Resident Evil.
Part one
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Resident Evil.
Tag list: @casey-anne-j ​​ @softgamerking ​​ @morbid-gaymer ​​ @geekycatlover ​​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​​ @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov @alphalesbianwolf ​​  @dykse​​ @autumnjackson4​​ @1-danid ​​ @dynnealberto  @natasharomanoffswife ​​​ @aquariuslavenderhoney ​​ @spywidownat @nctxrejects
You Want S.T.A.R.S.? I'll Give You S.T.A.R.S. series.
A/N: I hope you guys like it! 😊 This gif isn't mine, credit goes to whoever made it! Also italics will be used for flashbacks or thoughts and also notes.
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Maya slowly walked ahead of Claire, gun held in front of her just in case. They enter the hallway from the Reception area, what they saw made them freeze as their blood ran cold from the sight.
As they slowly made their way closer Maya knelt down next to the body of one of the two dead officers.
"Oh god." Maya whispered in horror. She stood up and looked at the dead officer that was hanging from a pipe. What the hell could've done this?
Taking a few deep breaths Maya and Claire continue on. After they climbed through the window and landed in another hallway they quickly take out some zombies in their way.
Once the coast was clear Maya let's out a sigh. She looked over at Claire. "You okay?"
Claire nods. "I'm okay, you?"
"I'm okay." Maya gives Claire a small smile.
Maya looked around and noticed the West Office. "Let's check of the West Office, see if we can find anything."
Claire nods in agreement. The two of then carefully enter the office and taking out the two zombies in the room. Once the zombies were taken care of Claire and Maya walk around the office.
That was when Maya found her desk. She tilts her head to the side slightly as she noticed there was some sort of puzzle that she she had to solve to unlock her desk.
Sighing she grabbed the note and read it. Once she did she quickly solved the puzzle and unlocked her desk. When it was unlocked she found an upgrade for her sister's Samurai Edge.
She smiled and put the upgrade on her Samurai Edge. Maya began to walk around the office a bit more and that was when she noticed the door that most likely lead back to the main hall.
But the door had a spade symbol on it. She tried to open it but it was locked. "Huh... what a weird fucking door."
As Maya and Claire explore around the other rooms, they both got to know each other better.
"Nice jacket." Maya said to Claire.
She smiled. "Thanks, Chris gave it to me." She looked over at Maya. "I like your jacket too."
Maya looked down, she smiled. "Thanks, (Y/N) gave it to me. It was her jacket."
Maya took a deep breath and knock on the door to her sister's apartment. Both Hailee and (Y/N) had shared the apartment but when Hailee was killed (Y/N) was moving in with Jill.
Maya understand when you were moving. Too many painful memories, even though they were all good memories, it would've been hard to stay in the apartment.
(Y/N) opened the door, she gave her younger sister a small smile and let her inside. Maya could tell she had been crying by how red and puffy her eyes were.
Once the door was closed (Y/N) went over to Maya and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I wanted you to come over because I wanted to give you something."
"Sis, you don't need to give me anything." Maya tried to tell her.
(Y/N) just gave her sister and smile. "I want you to have this and I'm not taking no for an answer." She grabbed the gift and went over to Maya, she held it out to her.
Maya looked at it before looking back at (Y/N), she nods and motions for her to take it. Sighing she took the gift, it was in one of those boxes you would get from a clothing store.
She slowly opened the box and gasped when she saw what was inside. She looked at (Y/N) before taking out the jacket. It was (Y/N)'s favorite jacket, there wasn't a moment she hadn't wore it.
"But sis, this is your favorite jacket... I can't accept this." Maya tried to hand it back to her.
(Y/N) shook her head. "Maya I want you to have it, please."
She knew there was no way out of taking the jacket, sighing she put on the jacket to try it on.
She looked at (Y/N) who had a smile on her face. "See Maya, it fits you perfectly!"
Claire and Maya slowly make their way into the men's locker room only to find the path to the shower room is blocked off by hot steam.
"Aw, come on!" Maya groans. "Seriously, who's the jackass that fucked this place up?"
While Maya was opening one of the lockers Claire had found a portable safe box. She tried to solve it but she didn't have any luck.
"Hey Maya take a look at what I found." Claire called over to Maya.
Maya walked over to Claire, curious as to what she found. "Hm, let me see if I can solve it."
Claire hands Maya the portable safe box. After a little bit Maya was able to solve the puzzle and open the safe box.
When they make their to the third floor Maya had noticed something on the desk. She went over to it and saw a spade key.
"This will definitely come in handy." Maya grabbed the key and handed it to Claire.
Claire and Maya walk through the door but freeze when they saw something pass by the window. After a few seconds they continued on.
When they went down the hall Maya had noticed a note. She went over and read it. It was by someone named David.
To any survivors,
Consider this a gift for anyone still unfortunate enough to be alive.
Keep your eyes peeled for thise creepy fucks that looked like they were skinned alive- "lickers," we call 'em. They're blind as bats, but their hearing more than makes up for that.
So long as you don't run around like a total idiot, guns a-blazing, you should be able to slip right by them... probably.
Either way, make like my grandma and creep around as slow as possible around 'em, yeah?
Anyway, not that I wanna go, but duty calls. That, and I've got a friend to avenge. - David
"So those things are called Lickers. Good to know." Maya shows Claire the note.
The two of them walked into the storage room. By the look of the room both Maya and Claire to scrunch up their noses.
Walking through the room Maya had found another note. But this note was written by someone else.
Damn those corporate assholes! They cut me off! After all I've done for them! But if that's how it's gonna be, so be it. I'm gonna have a little fun of my own as the world goes to shit.
I boarded all those filthy pigs up in a steel pen, and set some C4. All I gotta is detonate it and it's "sayonara suckers!"
But it's no fun if it's over too soon, so maybe I'll give that one raving loon something to really squeal about.
Yeah, maybe I'll give him a little toy and tell him, "Kill the guy next to you and I'll spare the others." I wonder what he'll do.
You yell about "justice" and "pride" but how many times did you go against me, your own superior?
Yeah, you're such a good cop... So good you had to die.
Man is this fun. I need some music for this.
After reading the note Maya frowned a bit once she realized the note was possibly written by Chief Irons. She decided to keep the note with her.
Soon after Maya put the note away, her and Claire left the room and entered the Library. Suddenly the radio went off and they heard Marvin. He told them to meet him back at the Main Hall.
Claire walked towards the door on the left. "I'm going to check of what's behind this door real quick."
It all happened so fast. As soon as Claire set foot on a certain part on the floor it broke. Causing Claire to fall but Maya was right behind her and she quickly managed to grab her by her wrist. Maya quickly pulled Claire to safety. But Claire ended up landing onto of Maya, their faces were so close together.
"Y-You okay?" She asked Claire, Maya started to become flustered by the position they were in.
She nods, blushing. "Yea... yea I'm okay. Thanks Maya."
Maya blushed even more. "D-Don't mention it."
After Maya helped Claire stand up they both went to get the Unicorn medallion and they also found a red book. Once they had those two things they started to head back to the Main Hall.
"Hey you two." Marvin greets them, trying to hid his pain. "Look at this."
Claire and Maya look at the camera feed and they're really relieved to see Lean. "Well shit. He finally made it." Maya said.
"You two know him?"
Claire nods. "That's Leon Kennedy."
Marvin nods. "Ah, the other rookie. I thought he looked familiar." He move a bit. "He's at the gate on the East Side."
After Marvin told them how to get to the East Side gate Maya and Claire give each other a smile before making their way to meet up with Leon.
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vinylhazza · 3 years
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” <3
“y/n, calm down-“
“relaxxxxx have a beer! you’re supposed to be having fun!” ethan slurred from beneath you, pressing the clear bubble on the cardboard “Trouble” game he’d found in the cabinet underneath the TV. the dice slap against the plastic and a moment later he’s cheering at the outcome of his play, moving his yellow game piece excitedly.
“i’m sure it wasn’t that big of a deal, there are drafts all over this shithole,” thomas reasoned softly, the quietest of the group. he was the only one that actually looked concerned about the petrified face you wore. maybe he was trying to convince himself more than you.
“yeah you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” angela quips, sitting up from her place on the couch.
you’re sure she’s right. your white metallica t-shirt had ripped on your way out of the guest room, caught on a cracked piece of wood on the doorframe. it remained crumpled in your fist. your face, drained of all color, gave the impression that you’d seen something to convince your almost immediately you weren’t alone. there was something else lurking in the old shack they called a cabin and they needed to listen before it was too late.
ethan and joshua chuckle from their spots on the floor, atop a dingy carpet that had to be there for more than a decade - uncleaned at that. it made your skin crawl that the two looked comfortable among the filth of the creepy ass cabin they’d somehow convinced you to come to. in the middle of the woods, miles from the nearest house or rest stop, far enough from civilization to have you on your toes the moment you set your bag on the hand crocheted blanket on the bed.
“it’ll be fun,” they said.
yeah fun until strange happenings that you can’t explain start popping up and no one believes you. someone pulling on your foot in the middle of the night, pinching at your skin that can’t be coincidence, voices low but noticeable. isn’t this the plot of every horror movie? the girl that doesn’t want to come has all the bad shit happen and all of her dumbass friends mock her until they inevitably have their asses handed to them?
“maybe that’s because i have” you huff, eyes darting to every nook and cranny they could to ensure nothing took you by surprise for the second time. you know what you saw, and none of these drunken fools were going to listen to you, “you’re all telling me you didn’t hear that shit last night.”
this only induced more laughter from your group of friends, too rep-occupied making a joke out of the trip than actually considering that this cabin just might actually be haunted.
“unlike you ms night owl, we were beat from the what was it? 6 hour drive out here? i was practically in a coma,” ethan chuckled, much rather slurred.
neither twin knew the real history behind the cabin nor why their aunt had fled as fast as she could when she’d spent her entire life hidden away from society. they didn’t think it was strange she suddenly wanted a change and gave them the keys to her families cabin with no question? opened her doors to “kids” that had no other plans than to tell scary ghost stories and get drunk off their asses?
“thomas and e are right babe, my aunt helen even said herself that there are drafts and when the house settles it can get kind of freaky-“
“pictures don’t come flying off of the wall because of a draft. someone touched me grayson. nor does a window slam shut that i had to fight to open in the first place,” you turn your attention to your boyfriend, narrowed eyes and all. you thought for sure he’d be the one to believe you and come to your aid when everyone else chalked it up to an old house surrounded by the elements. he should have considering his complaints the entire ride to the cabin.
“i don’t really wanna deal with e trashed the whole weekend”
“there’s nothing for us to even do there”
“how the fuck are we even supposed to seep with angela and thomas trying to fuck every hour?”
“no air conditioning either, i hope the trees shade and fans will be enough because i’m out if i sweat the entire time.”
“it’s gonna be so fun sure, bugs and rodents and complete seclusion oh goody!”
would he ever admit to saying such things? doubtful.
trying to reason with them was pointless. the group of young adults merely rolled their eyes at your frantic attempt to make them understand there is something seriously wrong. something sinister and evil lurked in the depths of this house, right down to his foundation—you were sure of it. you weren’t saying you had some sort of intel on spirits destined to loop for eternity, demons, ghosts and gouls...but you weren’t a fool and you did have a gut feeling that the group of you needed to be as far away from the cabin as possible. you cared little that you’d arrived only yesterday. one night was enough to scare you for life.
“i can call her if it would make you feel better,” he softened under your intense gaze, hair disheveled on his head. his look of apprehension let you know that he knew now wasn’t the time nor the place to challenge your feelings or make this anymore embarrassing in front of your friends that didn’t believe you.
he had slept throughout the night, unbothered by the unexplained sounds throughout the night: walking, skittering in the walls, pictures swinging on their hooks, doors creaking open, even wind across your face when there wasn’t a single window open or fan on in the house. you tried to reason with him, but knew he’d talk you down from your hectic attempts to scare him into leaving with you.
“no signal, remember?” you sneer.
with a chill down your back you know the lot of you weren’t alone. you knew without a doubt, deep in your body, it was the entity there to join in on the show, front and center just waiting for the right moment to let the rest of unsuspecting kids know it didn’t want them here. just as it had been banging and messing about in the early morning hours.
eyes wide and unwavering on grayson’s you begged him to see your terror at the situation. you just wanted to get the hell away from the run down prison cabin and never look back.
a favor was a favor until it wasn’t. his aunt had known the spirits that lurked in the cabin, whenever they came from. she’d always been a strange woman, very reclusive - but suddenly you wonder what motive she had being so open about the lot of you using her abandoned cabin she fought so hard to leave. a favor for her favorite nephews right?
with a whisper you urge them all to quiet down, a hand flying to your mouth. you felt in an irrational way that if it heard the labored breaths coming from your buzzing body, it would feed off of that energy. the energy it thrives on.
“it’s here.”
“y/n, you look so fucking crazy right now for real maybe you should have gotten some sleep. in fact maybe you could lay down and we will just get you when the food is done-“ angela whines, moving towards you with her arms open for a sympathetic hug. she really thought she was helping matters.
“did you not hear me? i said it’s. here.” backing away from her arms was your first reaction, your voice shaky and small.
“what is? there isn’t anyone here y/n jesus fu-“
with ethans sentence caught in his throat and his hand propping his body up on the floor, the group of you watch from across the room as the cellar door creaks open slowly, catching the full attention of the inebriated kids just looking for a good time.
you’d have loved to say i told you so, but instead waiting for movement, stuck in your spot in horror.
“isn’t that normally locked?” thomas whispers from the corner, backing himself up as far as his body would allow, contouring himself against the white and blues of the peeling wallpaper.
“always. i’ve never even seen what’s down there...” grayson swallows, clearly petrified to move any part of his body from the way his hands clenched at his sides.
with your breath stuck in your chest, you watch as angela rises to her feet, bravely marching towards in the door in a heroic kind of way, swinging the door open and looking down onto what you assumed to be a long stretch of stairs.
“looks like we are about to find out.”
a/n: just something spooky and fun idk. cheesy horror movies are my vibe.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Not That Similar
Dannymay day 3: Reflection
“You know, this is the part where Jazz’d be all ‘maybe you should reflect on how you got here’, but with your whole creepy vampire thing you probably don’t even have one-” the younger half ghost broke off their taunt with a yelp, narrowly dodging at hot pink ectoblast. “Maybe anger management classes? Yoga? Knitting? Work with me here!” he kicked off the wall before another blast could connect, turning it into an impromptu propelled punch when Plasmius raised a shield instead of dodging, both hybrids grunting from the collision.
Vlad recovered first, quickly flying backwards to regain his preferred distance. “Must you insist on such juvenile taunts Daniel? Though I suppose being raised by that oaf of a man stunted any attempts of maturing.” 
Danny’s eyes flared at the jab at his father, “Says the fruit loop stalker! Get over it and leave my family ALONE!” He launched off three ectoblasts in quick succession, speedy but too predictable to hit the elder hybrid, who blocked them all with an exaggerated yawn. 
“You could have been so much more than this if you’d just used your head, Daniel.”
“Oh I’m already way more than you. See, I actually have people who love me. Like my mom. Who totally hates you.”
Any further additions were cut off with Plasmius’ sudden movement, throwing a blast high and grabbing Phantom by the throat when he flew low to dodge it. White gloved hands scrabbled against his black one, green eyes furious. The impulsive panic to free himself stopped him from doing something effective, like shooting Vlad point blank.
“Do not test your luck, boy. Besides, if you believe that, you would have told them your little secret by now. You had been bluffing that day after all.” he spun and flung his captive downwards, grinning at the satisfying sound of the boy’s body cracking asphalt. “Maybe you can be the one reflecting once you peel yourself off the ground, hmm?”
Danny found his feet with a groan, rolling his shoulders as he got back into the air. “Hey, I’m not the one so pathetic they couldn’t wait five seconds to kill my dad. The whole ‘oooh join me’ crud would have worked waaaaay better before attempted murder.”
The admission set Vlad off balance, taking a blast to the chest. It was painful enough to push him backwards a little, but he tried not to show any other signs it had been effective. The second blast from the ground, not originating from the other half breed did provoke a yelp from sheer surprise.
“Tough luck Plasmius! We already caught your minions!” Tucker yelled from the ground, shaking a thermos at the aerial combatants. “We got your back Danny!”
“Actually, I think the road got that but thanks Tuck!” Phantom grinned, any lost confidence returning in seconds. “So much for your ‘rob FentonWorks’ plan, huh?” he paused at the whine of something powering up. “Oooh, Sam brought the bazooka! You've lost, Plasmius. Again.”
The growl Vlad let out was almost feral, but the younger ghost was right. Short of killing Danny’s little entourage, there was no point in continuing this. It did seem like they might have missed his actual motive for distracting Danny from the FentonWorks lab, but he’d need to be in his own lab to check that.
“Being pulled into the ghost zone by a portal in your head might count as payback to all your experiments” Sam warned, tracking Vlad with the heavy silver weapon.
“Oh very well. Perhaps someday you’ll learn to win on your own merits.”
“That’s the thing Vladdie. I don’t have to.”
Danny’s pained yelp as the parting shot connected was some satisfaction as Plasmius vanished. He’d see how the boy changed his tune soon enough.
“I hate that fruit loop.” Danny grumbled, changing back to human before reuniting with his friends. 
“Word. Any hints on what he wanted the catcher for?”
“Nope. Just the usual junk. Dude needs a hobby like yesterday.”
“Knowing him, his hobby is trying to beat you up.” Sam added, grinning when the half ghost moaned.
“That totally is his hobby, isn’t it. Urgh.”
Tucker gave his friend a playful pat on the back. “He should change his name to the Fenton Ghost, give the Box Ghost a run for most accurate name.”
“I am totally using that next time.”
“If you do, Tuck’s stitching you up for giving you the idea.”
“It’d be worth it. Can you imagine the look on his face?” Danny dismissed Sam’s frown with a laugh, glancing at his home. “Guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Try not to get double grounded this time. My Doomed skills are rusting away without you.”
“Tell that to the ghosts!” his blue eyes looked pleadingly to the sky before he walked up the steps, waving as his friends continued on to their homes.
It took Danny a week to figure out that maybe they’d missed what Plasmius’ intentions had actually been. As that was when he ended up screaming at his own reflection, only managing to fend off the worried Fenton parents with a quick excuse of ‘some big cockroach ghost’ scared him.
The second look didn’t fare much better. He was totally human. Black hair, pale skin, shirt and no hazmat. One problem. Red eyes. Rapidly blinking didn’t set them back to blue either, but he would have taken green at this point. “Jazz, please tell me I’m seeing things.”
His sister had been waiting for the go ahead to ‘meddle’, pushing the bathroom door open at his question, freezing for a moment when she got a good look at him. “Afraid not little brother. Did you get hit with anything weird?”
“Not lately?” he scowled at his reflection, desperately willing the red to go away.
“Well they’re distracted, so you should probably check both looks.” Jazz prompted, noticing how Danny flinched at the suggestion. “It’d be better to make sure nothing else is acting up before you actually need your powers?”
“I hate it when you’re right.” his scowl turned to her, rubbing at his shoulder instead of actually doing anything. “Maybe I can use sunglasses?”
“Danny.” Jazz’s tone of sisterly disapproval was well practiced at this point.
“Okay okay! Sheesh!” Still he hesitated before summoning the rings that switched him between ghost and human, tense as he did so. The lack of reaction from Jazz was probably a good sign? He opened his eye a crack, not wanting to see the reflection. Green eyes looked back. “Well okay then. That’s weird.”
“Your default is weird. Maybe something in the lab is messing with your shapeshifting?” Jazz said, hand on her chin as she pondered.
“Uh, I don’t have shapeshifting powers?”
“Danny you literally do it all the time. You just only do two forms. And the ghost tail thing.” Jazz rolled her eyes.
“I do? Huh,” he changed forms again, wincing as the red eyes returned. “This sucks! Mom and Dad are gonna think I’m possessed!”
“We’ll figure something out, Sam and Tucker probably have backup sunglasses you can borrow if anything happens to these ones. Say you had an eye appointment.”
“Lame excuses are my specialty.” He gave a weak grin, slipping the offered sunglasses on. “All I need is blue skin and then I’m Plasmius’ creepy miniature reflection-” he froze. That was a joke but actually…
“It does seem like a Vlad thing to do, messing with how you look.”
“Creep just wants to harp on the ways we’re the same like that’s gonna make me not hate him.” Danny growled, cracking his knuckles.  “You wanna take the Peeler and see how it works on lonely fruitloops?”
“After school Danny. You can’t be late again.”
“I bet Sam and Tuck would skip with me-”
“Danny, it’s just a visual problem. You can wait to fix it.”
The half ghost sighed, but dropped his hands in defeat. “Well if I get caught with red eyes I am totally blaming you.”
(Also to all of those leaving lovely comments/screaming in the tags I love you all and would respond to them but Tumblr is not exactly great for that. I wasn’t planning on putting these on A03 till I was done >>)
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